ME 1 1 , El . • 5 , 1 AND PUBL4SHP.D, .NJA*II4 114. NS AN• )11111-VITErMILTAT, LARLAND kIIPTY OENTS per annum. 'actually in, advandU ,IT not paid with will be charged id ail those who re free of postage. 'Po mail subscribers Kam paid with* the year, 50 cents the price of subsisiription. WEEKLY. r , . PRI BY B Tanen Do payable semi dal the year, $ ceive the pa $3 per annum will be added par innuni, payOlelemi-anntrill, not paid within the year, $2 - JO will Two'DoLL advance, I be charged Ad vertisern charged $1 fo. insemon. 1 • All adverts , out. runlets the is specified .an Yearly at - lir , . including subs • of keeping on. funding durin er one in tac • All letters a otherwise no a All notices which have hr charged 25 ce4 not exceeding twelve lines will be three insertions‘-and 50 cents for 6ne ger ones in proriorliod. ments will be inserted until ordered imefor whi h I hey are to be continued charged accordingly. .tisera will be charged $l2 per annum; pt ion to the paper—with the privilege advertisement not exceeding 2 squares the year. and the insertion of a small apr r for three successive times. dressed to the editor must be post paid. tenuon will be paid to them. for- meetings, .kc. and other notices retefore been inserted gnAtis, N if{ be to each, except Marriages and Deaths. es, and IMarch Term, 1838. ambers, Foreign Attachment der the Case. • nles St , . Bail $1,400. No. 1. John NleCa George T. Cl Cope aters u' firm of Met Chambers. ricksqn. J Henry Fred SC/WYE Ott County, ss. .I"..e..Comi . nontvealth of Fe In sirlyania Tot& Sheriff of said county--Greet., ing : We cdinmand you that you ttach Henry Frederickson tate, of ~your county, by all and singular his i.goods and chattels, lands and tene. rose hands. or proasession soever the so that he be and appear before our I mon Fleas to he holden at Orivigs. Ffor said emnty, on the Monday pre last Monday of starch nest, there to McCanles and George T. Chambers, 11der the tit in of MeCanles &Chain. la of trespass on life Case, &c. And 1. summon "the Manufacturers and Lank ofthe Northern Liberties," an 11. f Philadelphia, and all 'persons an ~.. or possess ton t4e said goods and . ds and tenements, or any of them, [ lied, so that they and every of them appear before the. said Court at the abolve mentioned, to answer what • ted against theta, and abide the f the Court therenti. And the Hun / n Blythe,.Fresident °four said Court g the 'twenty third day of Norem. One thousand eight hundred and r . LEWIS AFDENRIED, Pi othonotary. manta, in lA' 1 same may b Ccturt of Co burg, in and! ccediug the answer Joh copartners .1 bets, of a pl also, that yo. ; Mechanics the county !; vibbse han L may be atta may be . an i• 1 day and • shitti be obj •; °arable Galt; at Orwirb • her, A. D.' thirty 4iesela P tat .4..LYTIC REIEUMATISIR. .4 prrfect curl (Pried by the treatment of Di . William .Etans. Mr. John Gibson, of N. 4th street, Williams--' burg, afflicted with the above complaint ror three years and nine months, during whieh.,time he had to usie 'crutches. His chief symptotris were excruciating pain in all his joints, but eepecially ~ • ,in the hips, shoulder, knees and anklesi an az s 'hereby given, .that in Obedience i gravation of the pains towards night.; and for the I 'hove writ. I did, on the sth day a 1 most pert sit ri,reee. fricrna c.ttclikAT neat, .-an trail- - "MI vs - ainuvs - ..- (sm.__ 537, attach alt thesis contiguous lots'; one thickening of the fascia and ligamelts, with S the intemperance. and luxury of tbe age are the Borough pf Pettstaille, situate on I a complete loam . of muscular power. . For the - ben- A hastening the „ mag i s of aced:att i c comp l a i nt . :asterly side of Cr-ntre street in the , efit or those afflicted in a similar manner; Mt. and rendering the blood more impure; and as thou. of Schuylkill, m rked in Benjamin . Gibson conceives it meet to say that the pains sands have destroyed their constitutions by neglectieg oral plan of said Borough, numbers have entirely , e.kPd, and that his. joints have to apply the proper remetes--to such, Sienna's Pan containing in front. on centre street ' completely recovered their natural tone. and he ace* must be. and halo been, more than doubly =tea on depth :230 feet, ( red r conveyed to Pe- i feels able to resume his ordinary business. t Welts a certam and effectual means of restoring them Thos. Ewitig, by ' Decd in I . 1- to perfect health and vigor. Few families are vebol o. 8, p 498 .\e.) Also all the moie, . ASEI TM AYEARSN ;THREE STADING. ty exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit va. .. noes symptoms , as eralitions, ulcerations. debility. ant in a certain- tract of land situate , Mr, R o bert Munroe, Schuylkill, afinteted with I loss ofapperite and dejection. ill arising from impure lausanne townshi in Northampton i the above distressing malady. Symptoms—great blood • a= if riot property attended to. produce the it - partly in Rush t owaship in &hull languor. flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous bead- "water' urjury to the conslitu a , and ° may be irn aforetaid. as bounded and dia , cribed ac h e , di ffi culty of breathing. tightnesa end atri attic - parted to their offsenzg- w nit s is Tem yance thereof frona Jacob, Alter and lure across the breast, dizziness, nervous irrita- mend . ed at this season of the year, as a valuable restee naive of the system. thereby invigorating the constitu arnelites Stephenson and wife, dated i Witty and restlessness, could not lie ip a lice- saes, and enabling it to bear the athijita „, e f r ect . o f 630, and Record in Northampton ' zontal position, without the sensation of impend- the summer season. It is conveyed by die =Tula reed Book F vol. -, Page 34.5 &c. to ' ing suffimation, palpitation of the heart, &titres. :b ug fl o w s , an d corne rs their tendency to all those nd one Charles F n et an fee. i ing -cough, costiveness, pain of the stomach, drew- diseases which ongutate an vitiated blood , diseased PETER F. L DW IG, Sheriff. 1 wows, great debility and deficieoey offthe nerv- liver. depraved appeute. or pren...apositon toaffectiores -S-frw , cus energy. -M r. R... Monroe gave up every of the langs. A.c- No one. howevel, issadvioodlo w n hi s: k thought of recovery an dire despair sat on tl'e ,t_ without convincing themselves el - Tab of . countena"nce of every 'person interest:id in his '!"" stated. is pied w ith • all ii of Administration Phis m ed ic i ne now , In tern ID pil rts existence or happiness , till by accident be noticed of the world, and is gaiming great reputation in Leg. kubscriber, by the in a public paper some cures effected tisk Dr. Wm. food, t, of the estate o t 1 Evans's medicine, in his oonaplaint, which ipdu- A fresh supply of the Medicine justreceived and anheim township, ) s indebted to said to make I cod him to purchase a package of the PRIs, which for sale by ,' resulted in completely removing eterricymptorn PaYment ' of his disease. 'He washes to say his motive for w and the 6th d ay • may have claims uested toh h RI ed : 'th h this declaration, ts, tat t ose a ict ,wi t e L same or any symptoms similar to those from Present t which he is happily restored, may likewise receive - B. BANNAN. Sole Agent for Schuylkill county. Who can eupply.the above metheimii wholesale to them who wish to sell again. at Philadelphia - poem May 14 isaid date. the same inestimable benefit. 'EN' Adin'rs- I WEN, %JOTIC E to the December, of ground it' the Not ; said , count:, Pottle addi 1.3'and . 14, 12tileet, an i Pendant by Deed Book tyDefeo part y in county, an. kill county in the cons wife, and March 23, county, in detendent, • Dec 23 NOT IC given, that letter. granted to the Schuylkill count, , deceased, late of aunty. perso ierefore rog nested , ribers. between n eat, and such w!i te, are theorise thenticated, until 30tIN BO SAM'L. :hi Is hereby have Register of . John Bowe Schuylkill estate are t /TO the sub . . of January ,on said. ea . them well dec 9 of George Re,l is hereby given, y have been grek , ', II County to the s will and testame Tuscarora, in Sc.! refore all person. •tnst tLe estate u d to make kno• them without del I . thcoestate of th pay the same to Esta t IVOTIC went of.Schey lk 1 of the las Esq. late • ceased. t demands are reques, or either indebted requested hero. WILLIAM ARA) & I LES ALE 4.1- ds, Gro quor Si Centre and Mar Dry ror s er 0 April Linn I .Joiut ShOlg Lap do Lot beg, soludd :ale by 50.0 25. I 20. gling sept. jamin W. BA% I' reared his U e the Brick But d ere he will atte ; him in the line .; 3T r irg 4s " Pm. tangs. w trusted t Oct 2 ish and . , beeriber a nd Welsh &NA M! -mom r Time t /160. 1 ." . , Dee wishing to I please lease a I , carnal. .0 • _ I WILL 114cH YOU TO risads Talc 110WILLA ' OrTILZ ILA • Avid Ai* Pella . , Interisting atta e Aitonislang ra • • 1 1 MORE conclust proofs of thelestr AT-al• efficticy of DO. WM—EITAPI'S cc Camomile and AOerient AnObilfous Tr leviating afflicted mankind. „si ! l. i To James Dickson, 36, Corltill.i Beate Agent for the wile of Dr..W . in. Etta lei PRMOM lc Pills.' . . •',. Lows. 4, Nov.. 15.1 836. Dear...Sir—Rom:Ong by'exper . ientss th every t reference that the ilß hefted .rtiocnie of tb benefi. chit results of inedleinesr elitferfully o r ,mine to the public in' behalf of DR. WM. ANS'S CAMOMILE .P1.L.1.5. I s hatie been afflic ted fok esc i a the last tee yenta with distr . ' - in the b d -and chest: often-so bed OS to-deprive me of , eep for three or four nights in succession , but ha a newer. found relief by any of my Trikids * pr iptions, until my wife saw the advert+ents in t paper, when she persuaded me to send:few:mei erbia . I did. and obt.itned two boxesian4 bottles& which resulted in almost comple4efyre, wring; Me to health:althoughl have not yet ehtirely finished them. Should you considei this any t+nefit to your felt; or the public, you have My cheerful per- mission to publish it. Tours. respectfultr, 1 TLIOS:. K..GOODRU, tent stmt. • -INTERESTING CASE Citre4 by Dr. Wm. Eease's Camomile Tonic aildttFamily Aperi ene BENJAMIN 130 ?W cpmer of' Sid ppen and Georges streets, Plaladelpina, affect; ed for seven years with extra* nervousness, by winch he was not able to write 13:s narne—his ..yinvtomb were, ernscation,dally spasmo4ic pains in the Lead; Ines 'of appetite., palpitatmh .ot the heart, goldin'ess and dittutess of sight, utter ina bility of engaging in any thing that *landed vigor or courage, sickness and. Weakqess ex tcme debility, disturbed rest, at sehseteit pressure and weight at the stomach arti eating, great i mental despondency, severe yittg paitts in the cheat back and side, costivencsa. a ditaike for society end conversation. Md R.jhas mpde trial ofsartous medicines now bef4tre ;the public, but to 'no effect, until. .observing publi paper, vine cures perfrnined by Br.; %Slattern Evans's Camomile Tonic and Family Apft_ricnt Fills, be wfis inducted to q3re thvat a' tri4Licif whielt he is at ant time happy to state that they etTectually cured him of the tastve t.diatressi nit diseasie. .J-r Persons who doubt the atiovfi erne, lire most respectfully directed to the ahove !mentinned per son, at the north west corner of Shiopen and lriorgegstreets. . BENJAMIN BOWS. Philadelphia October- 26, 1837. LIVER COUPLAINT SIX YEA RS i 3 6 ! . STANDING. ' ---- ---- er, deceased. il l MRS. SARAH BRENIRSER, wife of Mr. i 1 Amos Brenhiser, corner of Second street and l that letters testa- ' Germantown Road, Philadelphia. effected for the i red by the Register last six rears with the Liver Complaint, was bsci there, execittors ' completely restored" to health by ' Dr. WM. E t of George Reber, 0. ANS'SCarnomile Tonic arid' Family Aperient uvlkill County, de. Pills. Her symptoms were habitual costiveness, having claims or . excruciating pain in the stomach, depression of the said decedent. spirits, languor, extreme debility, disturbed sleep, n the same to them i great pain in her side, could not he on her left v, and all persons side without an aggravation of pain, dizziness in said decedent are- the head; dimness of sight, with other symptoms ither of the subscri• I..indicating great derangement in.the functions of LEVI REBER, , the Liver. Mrs. has made trial of va. New Castle. --rious medicines now before the public; bat re. AU DEN RI ED, ceived no relief until she was advised to make McKeansburg. ; trial of Dr Evans's Pills,'of which she is happy to state that they effectually relieved her of the IT R. AI: C it's 4 above distressing symptoms i with Acta, which D RETAIL are not essential to intimate. 1 eeryand Li- Mr. Brenhiser, (husband of the above Mrs ire, Breikhovx, had, Leen two years aflicted with a , }'distressed state of piles and Coetivems, of which I Streets, Poissuillt. he was effectually cured. ' 28- We do hereby subscribe. oor signatures to the 1 truth of the above cures, that the statement is in .----- . every respect true.' SARA El 'BR ENH ISM, ' - IN ! spuN STEW, Baker, . I No. I'l north Eighth street. Philada. i . Philadelphia. Oct. 21st. 11337. . . for paling or shin- ; Dr. WM.EVANS'S Medical Office,. for the A. A. GILE. , sale of his excellent Medicine, is at Nia.l9,,north 44 Eighth street, Philtidelptua. ! Sold by ' J. T. W.F:RNER. Sae. Agent for Seboylkill County. Cumming, ,«NT 1..1111 I Private Sale. , Centre Stress. 0 O- ' girtHE snliseriber will sell at private salca's g of George M * 3 ' 1 ' . HOUSE 'AND LOT pleasantly situated in d to all business en,. the rum , eenti t r a and business part of the bonwih his profession. l of Tamaqua: , Said propetty is well worthy t h e o ti. 48- __ k attention of Men of business. A particular tio• scrirticai is cons idered onnecewarv. es persons elsh Bp wishing to purchase will first view for triernselvwl. part all kinds of Eng. . It said property is not sold before the 14 of April r , at th e ' ,bertha notice. n-at, it will tfien be motet for one or more Years. obtain foreign publics.: For further particulars. apply to the subscriber list at the office of the - living at Tamaqua. or to Dr. Hunter an the pns. a HANNAN.' , miser.. •.: JOHN THONTS:7ON., 5..... der 16 . 4tf ••• - • • 7 1 AN y i POTTSVILLE - Vi 'ERAL , / 1 • AND . ,IIIING . 0 TlOl4 SUF cavFit t ra OP 110. SOWITAUfkIigTALEI WHI PMTSAYILLE, PA.SATETBDAY MO °-* 1111 • ; BRAN DIEET/EINV . • Vegetable littiiverril Pilbh . ` Ira A Lfftsl—ONE '''DISEA &Utast thou cobs—. .31) impurity of thy blood. which. by impeding the cirenladon, brings on pain or . derangement in the dr pn or part where such impurity of the blood settles. It is trite, a vasuicmt of CLIMES Only biting about the mate of the, blood—finch as a violent bruise or fall. damp feet, indigestion. pain in the head, rtra. /ke...„anci althoug lit may be said that these diseases have nor their origin in Impurity of tbe bloc i.yet the effect is the same, they all end ih the impurity of the bloak and oni only object to prevent the irritating infid emcee b kept up. in other words the acrimoniotuftz moura,la continually to pierviihrt body as lunges tulp untileasiumt symptoms remain 2 with Dr. Erentifeth • VLGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS, which, if per sev: with in sufficient quantities to produce copi ous. eval ations, will assist nature to re store every organ t a state of health. This is-on the principle of.drainhig: we &ally a marshy piece of land, and from a state of stern irs soon produce , a most abine. dant-fertility; and sidit is with the human •• . ; when any think¢ is the matter with it. we have on occasion to dreit by purgation—sad expellee • •as taught fl i those w o have adopted this reaso . ..;, : meztoo. cause c nsistent with our nature, Il t,:'. i ft r have acted I rightly, ithe result having been son • .. Ith ; It i s I not more than 18 months mace these Pills were in troduced into the United States. but their sale - has been althgether unprecedented, there having been sold of [herniae New York, in that tune, fully one- ituslidon fire him red thousand boxes. And above 10.000 per sons can be referred to in New York city, and nearly t h e e a * in Ph i ladelphia; who have been cured will& everyrqber means had become altogether unavailing. of diseates which appeared of the most opposite char acter. aqd in many cases where the dreadful ravages of ulcenon. bad laid harp ligament and bone, and where t all appearance tref human means could save life. ha patients, by the tree of these Pills been re stored i good health. the devouring ;disease having been corepleiely eradicated. Dr. Wm. Brandreth was so fully convinced of the troth of the above simple theory, that he spent 30 years in experiment and laborious research irate the medical properties of the numerous plants compos ing the Vegetable Kindom; his object beinglo com pose a nedicini which would at once ref-14, and pro duce by specific action, a removal of all by humors from the blood by the stomach and bowels, as by tne continuation oldie use of such a Medicine, such his; inert are sure to be carried off, and the blood as sume a state of purity: suit whoever takes these Pills. and pereeveres with thee. will be satisfied that Dr. William Brandreth fully attained his philanthropic object.' kis now en atisoiute and known fact. that every disease, whether it be in the head pr feet. In the brain or meanest membeg whether at bean outward , ulcer, or on toward absceis are all, though arising from many causes. reducible to this grand effect, namely. i m?may of blood. IN uric b..—As Drug and ChernicrOStoyes are liter allyjlooded with counterfeit Brandreth's Pills, it be comes those who want the genuine article to purclase I euly of the accredited agents or those who are known to be above such dishonest practices. , hlr t S ThOmpson it Co. Pottsville ate the only a gents pa present for Schuylkill Counts.. Dr. ttrandi!et ha Office-for the sale of the above Pills wholesale and retrials at 169 Race street, first door da. I - wary ,1 in al- above filth st north auk, Philadelphia. Always remember that .Drug Stores hetet have the I. genuine Brloareth Pills for male, therefore all per., I chases of them-are-sure to be counterfeit. Dec 3 FORT CARBON Saving Fund Society. THE Port Carbon Saving Pupa Society, is -AL now open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at the Office ot Discount and Deposit, for the por. pose of receiving depotiitko any amount not es. ceediug $5OO, from any one person, upon 'which 1 an interest of 4 per cent will be paid on every $5 and upwards, but no interest will be allowed onl any fractional parts of $5. 'The whole or any part may be drawn out on givicg. notice, two to foot weeks. at the office on Mondays. The bu tanes ot the Society will be conducted by the following officers and managers.,, until the 'first Monday in May nest. President—AQULLA BOLTON. Managers. Joseph Carroll Samuel J. Potts Edward fl °ghee E. S. Warne Jai:oh Bull . Jesse Turner L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. • Article 3d of the Charter. w'No'emolument whatsoever shall be received by the - President or Managers for their services, nor ahall any Manager become a borrower the tnstitti. ion." out 3 46tf fi EW GOODS.• JosErs C. KERN RSPECTFLI.LY informs the citizens of -Ain Pottsville& viciolty, that he constantli keeps on hand, at the cornet of Centre and Colloerhlll An:els, next door above the National Hotel, - • large god elegant assortment of Stapleiod Fancy Dry Goods, oitha choice selection of Wines, Li. goon and Crockery ware, all of which have been purchased at the very ; _lowest cash :prices in the Philadelphia market, and will be sold at 14 per cent advance. All kind of coeulltriPrimince take n in exchangefor goods. ~aug 14- • For Sale, A valanabk Tract of Coal Land, if _FIND and beinE in the tnwnsbip of Nome wegjan, to the West Branch near-the West Branch R a il Road. ahem war saw from Semi. kdl 'Haven—there is ma or more Coal Veins panting through this and. For information ap ply in • JACOB. REED, . at PothErille, •-ir Mr. HOF'FMALN.Esq. raeufm" March 25 24- • , • I 161 . . ..,_. ~.._ , V 0 0,. . ,:.•./- 5i1,417, , ,, ,,- ......... 1 . t 9 . :... „....,:....., . , ~ADVE~~i'FISER. WiIIgSGTE.TO.OOTIL EED SUSPECT ALL ifliiPSX Ire oisamis AND P •;• 1 1 WIL M;, JANUARY 20i; IS3S.' --I ; i' . lit bisciiiery. 'l 4 he sit. ' ' baad iacovered a which then rives bf t 4 rahiable root, -.. THE SARS2EPARILL4, 1 -. May bee set . efithoitt e 'Ming, any of its meff.cinal propertiesi. TV - medicine is - prepared eller a re ceipt of the bled CollegMa mempt reemittnendtll by thiffacelty the beat formith , for the prepare.. Ake of the t of SanMparUla. This Extract yhe given with perfect safety to children, &i d in nwientionsly offered to the public as s!_ - puriller olthe blood, which Mall cases lila greed ride t e and in many entirely vide-the following , azen Obstinata eruptions of the skin, frimplesor politales Olt the face. ilea which se from an impure habit of body, . ___ - • Sealy eruption's. Psingin file bones, Chic Irhem•atism. Tester. , 1 . . Strada or Kiiig's evil, White Swellings, . . Syphilitic symptom's, And all disord arising from an impure state 9f this blood. either y'a long residence in a hot and un healthy clinaste, l,r the imudictotss use of meieury. I bare thought 'ti necessary to auacb • few 4:eruct eaten of its beneficial effects, from persona well knowfi in the county, as YefereuCee ' Reeding, July 13, 1837. "Wentlre viodentigned. having used the Compound Fluid Extract of, SargiaParilla%(Prefgred by GeorgeW. Cnik..eleilin trur families. most cheerful l y recom mend it to the Dpititific, as a cheap. safe and efficient medicine. di diseases arming - from impurities of .ifie blood. JOHN MILLER, WM. H. MILLER . , M. S.' RI( 'HARDS, WM. RHOADS. This iiitocertify that I was for twoyeari a.Bl cted 1 1. With an obstmatetraperigantous affection in one fraylegs, legs, which broke into numerous miters, for win h. t teed various' remedtes, which Min incteased the dis ease, when 1 wasrecommended to try Mr. Oakeley's preparation 'of Sarsaparilla- I did so. and after using several bottles I am happy to state that the ulcers are entirely removed and my leg healed Wttoess my • nand this 16th day of August, 1837 1 For Sale. JOHN R. COLLER, Reading. . rIIHE stitiscribera offers at Private Sale all that This certifies that my little sou, about 8 years. old• a. two St9ry Slone House{w it li Brick front and had suffered lor a lung time from extensive sores on : basement slot , and lot of ground situate on the light knee and leg. (suppesed to base been white i the corner qt Cent r and Market street, in Alorris 1 addition toy the bor hof Pottsville, now Deco swelling.) which I found impessible m heal, by even the aid of the most respectable medical advice. until ~ pted by Charles:Elle aq. The Souse being,,ne c i o w t r pc ."`ll l3 :4 l : ru en p t ed f , ta to rs u a se in ! " 4 ll "; , t ' ei e g rg os , e ,, t r i ,: f k ::4 ' h e : ,i 1 the best ifinished and in a pleasant part of the not .only healed ,be sores but perfectly restored t. e borough, with a good finsotain at the dcior s and a cluld's health which !sal suffered much ILI consequence gond stabld and carriage - house back, renders it of tlus affection. ', .CATH ARIN F. BING EMAN• , a desirable, property7Tor those who wish to Fiur , - ith above Penn at. Reading. chase. I rnot sold before Monday, the...... ) d day. of The above case was presented to me. both before January, it with then be offered at Public Sale, at and alter the use.of Mr. Oakeley's Kirup of - Scusape- the house of Henry Stager in said borough, at firio• end I hale no 4 .filtattoo to behettof, that i t W 44 one o'clock on said dam, where the terms will be the agent of Its restoration. JNO. P. HITF.R, M. D. ma p, de , k 3o ma ! wo by GAIL'S AICK:IRE. Reading, Sept 12. 1837. 6=4 . , . Wilmington, Not. 20, 1837- Cloths! Cloths: ! Cloths!!! Mr. Oikeley, NATHANS do Ca have now on hand a Sic-1 consider it my duty to let you know that the N use of the half dozen bottles of your valuable Sarsapa- ••• • splindid assortment of rill matt got of you in June last, has banzely heated. i Bin blank, olive, green and claret clothe,. my leg.the Doctor told me it was of a scrofulous char- d do and fancy caseimeres, enter. and the use of your medicine would probably I Pla and figured sattinetta, - ,wrU r..... , , Tbe live b?tOtte: were not taken before it i Mo 'it !pilot cloths anti other coatings, certain; it renew better than two mciras sinet - 1 irR - all or w h twin_ purchased at ow l i r .wo i• i n ph& any, and there is noappearanec of a return , my physs ' . .. New 4 . to sell .. cian thinks itai cure perfect Voirs.&c. CHARLES BROVTN- d por elphia ; no York, we guarantee cent „beeper than can be purchased elsewhere IrrTbe above valuable Medicine may be had ar i• th is °Ugh' dcc 2. 2 the subscriber's wholesale and retail Drug store. ._,i - North Fifth street, Readin and at most of the prin- Pickles, Preserves; illic 4auces.. ctpal drug store+. Fresh g. Drugs and Medicines, at tkr NATRANS & Co. would inform the Lai- i thelowestcash prices, also kept for sale by the sub- aNII • scriber. -- GUI. W. OAKFI-Fiti. dies df Pottsville and vicinity, that they hov'd j ust received direct fro th th e manufactory ,Also. to be had at the stores of fleiedenteich & an assortment of Kurz .Konrowa ;Wm Mintzer and Dr. Furl. Potts town; Petit Enabb.Oley; and as the store ofllaniurd Pickled Walnuts, cauliflower, pickohly. & Strauctu Pottsville. Ge' ririns, red cabbage, mixed pickles. Jan 13 2-6 ma . kfaugoeti, onions, lobster, &c.,, N. B. 't o prevent imposition. my signature lirin. East atid*W est India preservmg , accompany the label 6f each bottle. • . . Strawberry, raspberry and gooseberry fame. Currant jelly, French mustard, Anchovy, lobster, John 8011, Reading & Ca- =I C4I.L AT THE - • New Establishment, Corner of Centre and Market Streets, Pauserille THE subscribers respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally, that they have taken formerly occupied by Jacob Bull & Co. corner of. Centre and , Market streeta, where they are now provided with& choice assortment of \ r; Dry Goods, . Groceries, Liquors, &c. • which they *redetermined vise, at the very low. est prices. IIAZZARD A. STRAUCB. N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at the highest market prices: April 1 22-6' • Dying and scouring. _ AUGUSIT T S. EHLER has returned from En. rope, and !intends to commence• fancy; and plain dying, in Silks and Merinos, at his oh'. stand in Centre Sttee,t, Pottsville. Also scouring coats and pantaloon:, He is greatfiil for kisst favors, and hopes by attention mid punctuality to Merit a castinuanite of his former custom. Dec . 23 S-tt TAPVYAS ELIXIR, For tbe instantaneous cure of Mk TOOTH ACHE; ' piseovered lindbmught to its greatest perfection BY 'MONSIEUR CHA BERT. , • This is toliertify that I have tried your Tapuy as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in Which hare certalray found it of very great service, J. B. HARVEY:, Mem,* of the Royal College of Surgeon s. London. pt-. 10, ' A friend stepped in to say that be had whitest the Fire King this morning, and witnessed his marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. One little boy in p a rticulate. drho looked cross enough to bite * ten penny,rtaillOsar off: in ten minntas whiled lathe decayed tioth and %lased its pain,- 4 1). S. Gazette. • , - A fresh snnof the above Elixir just teceis ed and 60 sale h BANIValif, I ' Agent for Schuylkalcounty 3nly 13 141 Einersoals School Kooks. rwtHE „bee/ibex hex been appointed Aitiator 1 - the ealo of these Books in bleb lkill Poway. •Direetors of! th e PARC Schenk ' „d others - aapplie' d by the quantity tithe' pnkrialers meth. • gmetson's Series of School Books are emend ated to be tae best in me. and an cheap nu; any Alaci atl .Ctts fieikts Sc hool. Boa., wiicarsau . . and wail PhileddiArta'Priells. l4l tl l7 Dee 43 5- k. MALIAN. 1 .. . „ :. 1 1 . • . ,;• , .. ^ 'I I • '. „I' k. ,z,-. ..., , ......4:-.. __l..----,... I . . .i GRZ4 DJ % ' AMU Pa(uable RII_ Proper(' to Pottimitie, •,1 911 SA LE. • , THE underalgued offers fair safe all that well known (kiree story ,iIRIO .0 f SW:M .AND DWELLING MOSE and ithe appurtenances, situate in Ciliate street, Pottsville, the property' of the undirsigned e togethee with nine other tenements i the rear of said building, and the lot of grunt@ whereon the whole !Winds. The hed hrick build*" g : aforesaid, 'contains thirty feet in front-4mi from ; the •basement.-story to the garret in t • i belt style of workmanship, and both as a busbies* stand aid a residence, hi most fee, yourably situated. The foregoing. property will be sold ont e nnd acconiniotingterMs. Part, of the'prire money may remain on the prop• erty for a fiw years, it desired. Title indisputa. ble, and peolsession can be given immediately—' , apply to ii G. M. JENNINGS. April 22w , 32-tf Pottsville. Public, ale. P ußsup r to an ceder of the Orphans' Court ofScheylkoll County,. on Friday the Bd day' of Febroar*next, at 2 o'elock in the afternoon, William BPull , adminiairator7Cof the estate of Elisabottb. Xfirrtoise, late of , Barry township, de ceased, wi expose to gate Y Public Vendee at. the house ' William XI imer, innkeeper, in Pottsville, ' certain dwelli house, stable, saw if mill loud let of land, situate on Deep Creek. Barry tow ship, Schuylkill county. .containing one hundred and eigbtymine acres or therea bouts, houi*Ded by lands of John Kimmel, John Yarnell., &gorge Kessler, John Dietrich and Reed—Lal4 the estate of said deceased. By order of the Cow.. - . - . A • WM. R. HULL, - Administrator. - 1 JOSEPH MORGAN, . i Clerk, 0. C. Orsvigsbyrg. Jan. 6, l 878:. ' . 7-4 • nee sauces, • • Mushroom and walnut ketchup: Also--Figss raisins, citrons, almonds, curries, lemons, ar.c. hol . MOLLOCit in addition DRY GOODS . Cloth, stIP 3 AV Indic -ma, saltine Liana, . HAVE just Capt.. Joh York. 3,5 flasks I 20 boxes 1000 lbs. se 1000 lbs. IWO lbs. .1 1 5 bbls. 30 bbls. • 20 loaf I 3 bbla. 25 boXes: Dos 2.5. rrcn — ,eirSCRIARR OFFERS AT Prfiate Sale 1•110§:E3 udjoiniog lase& ground, with a log Jo- Horese m ace„ on Centre street, lying' between the three sthr3thriek buildings late the propeirty at Par. Appleur, and the owe owned by Jennings. 'T lots are 20 rem in front and.23q deep ! , esteM l iimg to thellail Rorie_ As theaet are in i t . Ws-mem part at the - Eienouith,. and, well knewa,;prther description is deemed mei:email. terms inquire of . JOHN morge,. dee IL: .1 ,4s II The Pe 1 r'r'i ieint IFS dee d ilr. - Jll Pularl Peil ';', '' 000 copes 000 in Ames The Pasts es met.. I pei pas Thislhl i . - `eontaisse 3 1, 1 7 .: ....' ~. :. a ... -f . ' e4 meat' i r l N 1 4 Th ie :. ICI • le .and •Retap Dry 1 , Store. W SAVER have juin received to their extensive assortment vif BupeeSoFerior Blue r and Black ey coloured-do. new style elm ' and Beverteens, miners' fine Feb 18 14— If►. J. Beatty reed per I.;enat Boat Adventure. M. Crosland, direct from New dairy chyme, • e apple, do' • riot smooked beef, do Lard. Emh, • parlor shad, o. I Mackrel, do do • rah, . uperinr green and black teas. • • I r Ay idngazilie of tise- .. 1 Knowledge, • one of the " cheapest and moat pm. 'imls now extant—there met terry month in Fogland, and vol. 6"( for the year 1831) as fat. In be had" at this office. , Pricei.lB4 01 per - annum. iae is published in monthly Mitts. large pages; the present:l44l4oe tit I — and imorpt4.- The illestuklic,i , are exeeMelk mimics oasnner,: I iu*ntsge be yak ngthiswiiik over 'tenpin can iroszontlitne it ittienever t, (wench pars is "always constO.eie *otettiirocagranei/Se' un.4l aOw' Mew, st,i 2 Per tt. SO- MOE r - • ci 11-4,4444,. 1111111 t . , •.• t ' bliCi DURMAST . to an Ord** -iit..thilo4tataiii: C °i g t aSchalikilletcafirY , on frutatii. unit day i,f January, 1838, at iii, afternoon, Christopher the estate ofacnnel Boyer,bibil'isTEilititraii-: wick, deetwaed,,willexpose to aale due at the late, ;dwelling. bonatiiif -caldiOwiliaed s is East Brunsivick i it certain trait: AltaAdi . :ol/4 story log dwelling house, tiain and iw";iniq,ait., nate in -East county, containing fifty six werte'octberelcbottita. bounded by istwis of Daniel foeldJimigliitae• man, Benjamin & Samuel Leirr. as tyXitit& -& Jones. And also, all that c ertai n tract of land; 'halite - in the Cline townshipiiiid'oodiitYiadinfti; trig lands of Simnel Ronnie , David itoyer; Dan iel Andrews and Reim & imam - sprit containing sixty two acme or thereabo uts. jkad all that certout'tiact of Land, • situate in the sane - township and county, adjoining . bandit Boyer, Henry - Sasseabin, • John Snaaiittaati - ant Henry Long, aid aintainining eightiwia or thereabouts—late the estate ofaaid dicesietiL By order of the Cann. . • CRISTOPHER MOM ^ JOSEPH MORGAN; cierk4 , o. c. • i§- Ci7f Orwigqbargy Jan. 6. 1838. • New Goods. -. 11.sdlu general assortment :of --Ii aiul iesse -nah -ra Goods, just receiveding iq pertal • Dry Goodsi Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, s • Mackerel, %sit, Plaster l Acei... which will be Fold low for pew- The-Nebest price paid in cash for all kinds orcountry produce. JOSEPH WHIXE & SON. Mount Carbon, Dec 2 .1.•-• • , THE SUBSCRIEE.O.4IiffItB.AT . ; - I'llll l °4TE - ;.*il - ai ' - ' . "r. - A HOUSE & LOT •isf Nidiregrille •;*•.. • nearly• ... Street, opposite dip residence , iii ... of B. F. Pommy, now occupier! by • ___ - __:_ William B. Leib. Theihoiete..R•ii ; feet trout by 30 teet in depth, with a Ottietts aid cellar in the basement. story, rooms riwilfri c ii first, second and third ficorti each; the 'whale tif - 1: - '•• said House well plastered and padded. Also set t _,- ezceltent well of water at the door—the We 20i J• feet front, by 110 feet- in siepthorithze 9 feet ala. • ley on the west end of said house. - • ' For further particulars inctuirelif : -: ' tHO'fil. HAIM .. ,' Mount Carbon, Nos. 3, 1831. . , ' : • iteli#ious Works:. , 4 1 1 4, "BANNANIas just receimidthellowhig 'religious walks, London and Artterie.' an 5: ditiotis, which he offers fbr Original Family Sermons, 5 ids. = relatitts vie* or veiniest uitaffis - 7,..; St Grievant's Preacher's Manual, pm*. Drew on the Rosurreitioni - Drew ori the Soul. Bridge's an the Psalm CXIX, Faber on liifidelits, • Is -James' Christian Professor. Prize Essay on Religious Duaemiirs, Christian Father at Home, A Mother's Request, &c. dec 23 Passage from England, frekind, Scot, - land and ; Waks, PERSONS wishing tt eerie Vilding• their 'fiends. is first TsisuldtiM,PD,ok the bove places, may now *0 so by itifilititeto:, WM. MADDERE et j • Ce vire i For the accommodation of those persona en ging passage for their frienda r whe.rnity. with tri. send them money, Io enable them to prinfidp the voyage, drafts will be given oti , • named merchants; vta P. W. Byrne*, No. 3, Waterloo Roai4z pool; Daniel Wright, o f co. No. 3,Robingoo,, , Glasgow; William Miley, Mci..l.s,_Pkft,.. Dublin. . ma ys . 36. _ Encourage liqme lintsufaxitiMei k Confectionary M a n lil3l o Bl7 * THE subscriber respectfirits anneinMitild public that Ise haa commenced Abelliandeir `•• 5 tore of Confectionary io ail its sarimut.bamim, at his Store in Centre Street, nearly - oppepilelhas •1 , Pottsville House, where OMfeetioners 'and: tothi. era can always •be supplied irtadesale end' *tal i at the lowed P .hdagielPhia CIO Priers'* .* Country Merchants are' respectlirlly. aonmura to call and examine his stook before pl*hasint elsewhere. JOHN 8.6.41,41MH. SO-t€ DOT 1 • Laisdhigs foir i Sale.= • • _• FOR oak in less to mut phrehasem,, °C !w Landing': lying between th e 'Want daitfoloOM road and this Sehuitkill COMMimidite with, r:Wg including thedaudingrmw Occupied'by DrAl.„,-1,1, Me; and eilembrig_ doww the river. Eoguini• Sept 43-ama ' mutt/ars pem:Sairdi OA-DOZEN Swaim - % •Pa!itier,,,kaa!ret TA, ed fresh from therprePrtekte TOM& Seventy-Fire Thousand Bo oftbiLvalda medicine were sold Itist yeir, and, Op „demi* nt.For salqfifibe &Zak ot:Onlp brio, . • 1-, Pried 112 per bottle; Of Or* 114410{ fart -•• • - 11:-BANN .sole itgcut*lrekilliPgadro .• AlMi Swaim's VerinifCite' ,- -; • • Cobb's,..,o lll i • AlisOfigaßeagero And • SPeake7- 41-46 100 (xilwasoldwigamviiijoet s ea ina trill be Airnithediwaiirtiek to the &rarest •Scheel diitriete;at tea diair, Pb delphie-vrieee, *ether Kilkiaolll FOIMI SAWA `. -New and tiki4G•o4 l * --- -'zlii-t 1 rttE' naititaiii *4 bscriber is , ~, rgraruslist 4 " iilt bt 7-. ob i - -11Pielliscr-11°7:3„-Criak 4 ,.: • I Poils . :iiikt,. 04: -1.:1411:12114,,,71,7711.iiIIA61;t.1111:, ; ? ' 7 ; • + 7 f•n•-i'jj',; i•g4o-- . • .7 41^,4;10-?.."...4 • t, MMI3I Mill Mil S ;i4 ' I I I .~ ice; t ..- ~~ ~~:~-