The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 17, 1838, Image 4

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7 '4IOII O FATII ,' - • ,i
"I*' ' Pills , etableiltre Pi at#'Plie-,..;
k_ . Aix. aters
.. , E.
. - WCONTRAn.--Ali suttlep,'frOn'tbo reol
• t o ges, hare hailtadmi„ but Cob:tabus only ftfund .
"out tbs ..w . n;:vto 4merics. Bifforel the Bitne,:nribe.
• $' tSPelluthnarligiturgienplewer.s.ontrablid to
,i II - tout the shame. -ha suwnh ,Lifelifed
te..,, s Lt is but two -ho) since' 'first' 'lten•
tst . • • pon an tutheorilicean, and 1 havil.
I licovered
'the precious istgpci I was is smirch of EALTIL
V" .idertrofitienses were iudeed Imowie e . n.l coin
vst. - '•'n 4 intercii. but their. use 'Was' eta. Itv the
use of them, I have not.only pawed from the dejected '
-in hd,twthelalettenkty and seuvetit4n ofb . uviness,
to cosnorattrelvlmenking, I ,have, renewed my
-yo *th.t 'resit thes,Atab- confidence in Vilty'-orrn expe
me co. advise , Withlsty iellow mum's. Does the
- res. er want ptobrchat they EGE'fATELE LIFF.::IIF.D.
IC NES are suitable twirls ea-Nesse I have on file
•st •.y ofEce,s46 Broadway, hundreds of letters, front
. , of the most 'respectable citizens of this in na.
', land, voluntarily offered in matunonv, orthe vit
• tigt
'ereons whose constitutions have been • : cearly to.
by the all infaltibti" Mineral pwrottristious of
dayosift 'bear me witness, that the Lite Medi
es. end such only, ate the true cause to permanent
d health.. 'JOHN MOFFAT. •
'base medicines have long been know and apple
ted, - for thetr extraordinary and immediate powe;s
dring perfect health.lo ;:erscma suffering nailer
rip every kind - of oisease, to which the human
.e is liable.
n. many hundreds of certificated instances. they
even rescued sufferers from the very verge ni au
imely grave, afte: all the deceptive nostrums 0!
day had utterly failed; and to many thousand,. they
re permanently secured that uniform ea joymein at
ilth„wahout which life itself is but a partial tiles&
. So great. :need. has their efficacy -invariable
infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely,
than.huraculous to thtise who were unacquainted,
th the beautiful philoi.ophical principles upon,
they are corryounded.ana, upon which the)
Iseque,mly act. It was to their ma oifest and sena
' action in purtfyull the springs and channels of
, and enduing them with renewed tone and vigor,
it they were indebted for their name, winch was
stowed upon them at the spontaneous request of
retal individuals whose lair, they had obvtously
Ihe proprietors rejoice in the opportunity are riled.,
the universal dnfusem of the daily press' for plie..
his VEGEFABLE LIFE PI 141,,5 . within Jilt'
nwledge and reach of every individual in the coin ,
tiny. Unlike the host pi pernicioes quackeries,
tich bowed* vegetede ingredients. :he Life Pile, .
t purely and sOL6t V ViGt:ri. au:, and contain me/
it Mercury, Antimony, Arsenic. nor ;ay ether
leneral. in, any ltrin whatever They are entirely
rridoseil ufestracts from rare and powerful plaids,
viruses of whit h. though long known to eeverid
diem %hes. and recently' to some eminent pharma
mica' chemists. are altnget her a - know ii to ih , lune
sit pretenders to medical science; and were sieve. •
fore tulaunistered in so happily eiricacieve a cum.
Their first operaitoir is to loosen from the coats of
e stomach a d bowels. the various under-Liles anu
eiditie.s Court:miry acting around them; and to re •
eve the burdened ftect-s which col., ct in the con
Idut.ons of the small intestines Other nests,„ ,
tly partially cleanse these. and leave such ro.let it:
ia.:es behind, ns to proilace hab mai enar.v.:11,...
fish all its tiain of evils. or sudden (harder:. e ,th ir. l
minent dangers. This fact is well kaiiivn to al
gelar anatomista, who examine (lir hutnan bo we l
ter death: and hence the piejudiee of ilit ie well le
irruedmen against the quadk mei:cities of the ago
!be second effect of the irk:GET t BLE. Eli i
ILLS is to eleatise thekichtersarte i be lite:Men am
' this means.the liver an i the Mugs, the healthfu
tion-of which entirely depends upon the regillarie
'the urinary organs. The W 00... which takes it,
1 color from the agency of the liver and the lobed
foreat passes into'the heart, being this purified le •
tem. and nowriebed by form coming from a clan
varaeh, courses freely through the veins. - renews'
ay part of the system and triumphantly mounts the"
kinnertifhealth tri the blooming cheek.
The following are among the distressing variety et
tMan diseases, to which the Vegetable Life Pill: -
fe well known to be infallible—
DYSPEPSIA. by throughly cleansing the first and ±'
and stomachs, and creating a fluw of pure 'motile
i le, instead of the stale and acrid kind i—eltreleere.,,
.. • Wiliam of the Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart burn ;
, Headache, Restlessness, 111-teatier, An.r , ety. Lao '
1 .actsei,,lffeksitcholy which are the general symptom, I
• . Oppepsta will vanish. as a natanttoorrequence oil
i care,Goillitieness, by cleansing the [thole - length.
• uheintestmes with a solvent process,: anti without,.
elefiett; all violent purges leave the bowels eostivei
ithinitwo days. Iharrls , and Cholera, by remove
i g the sharp acrid thrids by which these comp niMy •
oecasioned, and by promoting .the lubricative
- retion oft he mucus membrane Fevers of all kinds: 1
• 1 restoring the bloat° a regular circulation, through
t process of perspiration in some eases, and the
t rougirsolution oral; intestinal obstructions in others
he LIVE PILLS have been known to tyre Rhea ;
•." permanently in three weeks. and (icier in halls
t at time, by removing local inflammation from the'
iuscies and ligaments of the joints. Dmpaies of all
ads, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and
• adder they operate most delightfully on these or.
ns,and bencp have ever been found a certain resne
-4.y for the worst caves of Grayed, Also Irorms. by
i ustodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy'
ii atter to which these creatures adiee et Asthma and
4 , ptivw. by relieving the air vessels of the lungs.
• na thelliocus, which even slight colds tf not remov ,'
.. becomes hardened, and produces chose dreadful , '
iiiettees.....S'curne• tatters and limetera'e Sores, by lb,
i rfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood
Lid all humors; Seorbatis.• Eruptions, and Ilan' Coat
!mons. by then. alterative 0 - cc' upon the theds that
• bid state of which oceaeinne all Emptie s mi n .
• infs. Sallow, Cloudy, and other dusagresabl e Conn
Thence of tibeve Pills for a very short-time.
ill an eopre cure or Salt rheum; Erysipetos,
. a striking improvement in the Clea .71C1411 , of the;
' a Common Colds. and infbiense. w.ll always h e . by one deltic or by two oven in the worst cases
ites,—as a remedy for this most distresiving anti ob '
Mate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserves a,
iistinct and emphatic receminei.dation. It is well
•sown to hundreds in this city.' that tica Proprietor
i f these invaluable Pills, was himeeff tfilictier . with'
is compla of for upwards of thirty fi re yea's. and that)
etried in vain every remedy preset., bed within the;
hole eotnpass of the Matens Medico. lie however,'
t length;triedthe medtine which he neh offer, to
e public. and he was cured in a "very idiot.' time.'
after his recovery had - been pronounced not only .
lanprobable. but absolutely imposathle, by any human•
DIRECTIONS FOR T15E....--Tte propnetorlefthe'i
11:0XTAIII.F. UPI. Pit.t.a does not follow the hue and
ercenary practice of the quackeofthe day. in adzes
i g peewee; to take his Pills in large quantities. No
,:oil medicine col*.famelily be en requifed. Th ese
ill* are to. be taken at bed. Lime every night, for a i
- ra 4r fortnight. according to the obstinacy of the '
iti . The wand dose is front 2. to 5. according to
i °constitution of the person. Very delicate, personal
ioold begin with but two. and increarie as the nature
fair cage may require: these more robust, or of very
• i dire habit, may irgin with 3. mil tnerease to 4, or
en 5 Pills, and they will efilixta sufficiently happy
.hange to guide the patient iii- their further use.
here Pills sometimes occasion sickness tind•voniry
though very seldom, unless the stomach is v..kv
I; thus, &owever, may be considered a favorabe '
i tnietam. as the patient will find himself at once rat
-1 eyed, and by perseverance will soon recover. They
sually operate-within 10 of 12 hours, anti never give
: in, =leer tilg bowels Ile Very much °neuter/bred.
hey May be liken:by the most delicate .females on.,
,er any circumstances—lt is. howeter, rteermwnendi
• . that those Mutter beriodeof pregnancy elteuld tope
t oats at a 'time, a rid thus continue to keep the bowels
pens-aid even two Mal be taken wherc4the patheit 1 ,
etertiesteee Chin' 081 in',,t &Minton eftwe table
. .. ine full of waver , may be geMiete an iefam p lto the.'
, Widgdoses—a tea spoon lulrevery titto hells-tall
operates; foia child from one to five years of age,
Ir a pill-,and from five to ren,,one,pilliii. • '
THE plioievx arrrcits.are‘ocai4ed,beenute..
Ir s " ooBl( 4rPower or restoring:ol4w' leg sip,
,or litiallh, top glowing vigor Ahreeighout the
.?ividtaLiciA;l#ltispi/gtir is stud-to beiliesteridle
1 . .'
,fe from the ashettiod.tiMW MereUde. The flab-.
' ` . I ' . . 'tilt 1 ' 'l
e lcra
l o is Bittesare finitely:7 .
f tle• .i.irieragedoillt
aundenly utttermin pa .0 ,the"westerr Unit ;
E hie* vittir intlillibly - cure VIiVERS'ANEF MBE*
litif Mt kindel-will never f tote erirdleiTe•metredylikl
Vtholeffectrof itlleicury.l a ttoonerthiso theerress
g a
. Werfirtpreperauonsef la.and wilt Immo.
• rile' egret be determin ,io of BLOyIkTO: r T.W.I
42 ; 'levee - tell .in sidkame swathed €O4*M.• -,
• r and t 'FBI
_btk - f 'd 4 eertaici remedy re mr
mattes ofnerno a debility Vellattarorthemott it.
c ol
1 , • coma Bons. As • aiemedffir Claortfemul
'Rhea:haat" )e. , .iLt of 111e_,,T.-h 4 " 11 _,, -
)ili eta eh .be demonstr i bribe use or e sin gle
bt.tttle.. The Oval dose dfthese hitters Mira . * wine
b ias
' full. in vtater urwine:atid this-quantity may be
:tab n two or three timM a day. -about . half an hoer.
se wealth" or a less ghantiq may be taken at all
06 s. Te dime - who" s -- sffiacted - with indigestien
eft r - meals. these Bitted, will prove invaluable. ai
they verygreatlytncreuse thdattion of the pencipal
metro. bile them to per ormaheu functions.aed en
able, the stonatieli to dischargei in to.the bowels what
,ever is tidennive. Thuic t mdkesboii Is' easily - and
I spehdly ;moved. apnet e r e butted; wed the mouths
of the atsorbent vessels bein cleansed, nutrition is
'iodinated, and strength Of ~oily 'and energy of mind
ale . the haniy results. i For:farther paructdant of
rt.:RS, apply at Mr. MOM% dice. No. 5-16 Bmdway,
New Yoga. where the pins can be obtained for 25
cents. sCfccnis, or $1 e' boa; and the Balers for $1
or 2 , 12-per bottle. ]ii - Numel.oas cert . cotes of the
wonderful efficaey of both. rut b re inspected.
In some obsthiate and zrimpli tod rases of chronic i
and infilmmiwory fthesmatitm Liver' Ciunplaints. l
Fever and Ague, Dyspet.sta, Oa! Pace injury/rem
the use of mercury, quinine. tied of cheroots of kaki
goading, it may he iiet.c.nary, to truth the Life
has arid the rhcenia Bitters/ in .the dose before
th -re
tomendi d. ,
. . _
.. .
N. B.—These Ville atid die Bitters, will get the
mercury, wit of tho s)sterti Infinitely taster than the best
preps.notir. ut S.ll,lpartila. Mid n CM torn remedy F.
tlie.rustitng it flu blood to the head. or aU tiotent Mod.
uches,ticduuts. , rees.&c.—Ali r e rt dis
posed to apopleij, .i.alFy, Litre., Should nese: be is it ho u t
the Life Pia or the Raters, ar /me dose in time's, ill
save life. 'Prey t qualiz.l. the cumulation of the blood.
draw all masbuie irom the Jtenu, Irresturation, and
hrdw off every impurity by the perot of the •kot.
- or sate by JIILLEK S 11.%6GE.1.TV,
e gems for the Proprimor.
4101-AVROIiiiEGE,,ZDE - ic ,
V : 4OV4GEIjYt&e, 4 I;O./V - POAT I
'\"-ztxacr,..:.k;•*--je5P.; 4.
HE Original fiygteian !linircr, al Vezeta
.• preotr4 d by! W. NI I 1 IN.
Mfernber of the Royal Colle,kte of SurEcons. bout!.
.:lute of Anwheearu.s Co.ornr , y, Felbo.v of Ha
I 'Dort Socudy, Surgeon to he Ii it Uniol Pen
A*Noeiatuln, I,Lne.ittor Waterlun
Bridge; arid' Peqntull Pi 4,11 of uuay'b mit] St.
These pills liaitng gatiieg aceleibritt unpnral
leled In evety section of the Ul,lOll, ore ow con
. .idereii by till those who v.tluegood health, icicles.
I.e.nsuble al a family titertieinc— paernnratil by a
numerous body of the mail entinent Physicians
Loth in Ihls emitdry aid iii4'.urope,--lis sufficient,
it is ',cesium d, to stamp their character in the es.
tun:ohm of everrthinhifig man, rind Os hoped,
furl,etter ricoirimemintinti I him the course're.
sorted to by i_notnnt nod unprlnclitled pretenders,
who to 4nd di Cl tie the pit blie.. puNish
thrs cell perfeli:rnl prtfs and certificates-of
Cures, that exceed all hourkoa of rational ceedibil.
tty, and most ul which, if ntd all. are 'cithergeoss
fa brickt ions, or proctired by fraud and connivance.
The editor of the l o ong. !Wand Par utter; says . —
"This medmme eiblniried nn unprecedented
degree of well preserved popularity. [laving tak•
en these.' pills ouraelvev to advni.t age and
rr their'beneficim effect,* tit, betters. ate have no
hesitation+, reeommendirti them to the paibiie 0
a safe. salittitry avid useful thmily medicine."
• • *None are geniiine tetlhout the-signature of
the General Agent nn the fatal. by whom t I a-
tout medicine is imported into thIA country.
JNO. H0L81..1N.!1 29 Waverly Place,
Genl Agent for U.
sujepry of the above bledn me just received
and ler tittle by B. BANNAN,
July 16
I'ARKE4 ilk. Co.
111TRuERs or
. 7 A I S,
(,Formerly rgrker illtenu,)
IIA V E temoved on the npionsite side of Centro.
Street, a few doors above Norwegitth Street,
where they offer for sale u select assortment n
sup. r fine , Broad Cloths ind Cassimeres of the
most Ittainonable colors, with an elegant aisort•
ment 01 Suinmorkiloths, V4stines, Luern and Cot.
ton Shirts, Collars, Bosom_ i Stocks. (lbw s, Sus
prnders,, linen and cotton- o se, and all,, Inds of
Gentlemen's weatmg aKiiirrel, whit will be
made to order in the most approved style as to the
.wor kmatiithip. and .warranted to fit r equal to any
in the Cliy or elsewhere. ,
P. S. &. Ca. keep on hand an excellent as
-in-tines:A of ready-made Clothing of kind!,
vitoe.h will-be -old at very low rates,
Jane . • • 30
i-T the .tore of the aulifter, Liter, in Morris' ad
acik dittos t to Puttsvfllei w,h . .t re may b. bud , wholor
sale and retail, on the mast moderate terms—,
brown, hoop and lAuf sugars, black, greet. and
young hcson tens, molasses. fisii, cheese. soap,
rice, coif; r, chocolate', Norm., Maoris. gin:Port,
Listsm, Toter tie and other wines ; rum, Whiskey
and eurdiwls„ halt Spanish, aptl common agars
pepper, advice, ging ci ,sulqut us, cloves, nut Meg*.
starch, inastarM gam blear!, crackers, sugar bis
cuits, &c. Are. &c. for cash, or exchange for coun.
' WILLIA4NA:At 4. Co.
'cooking - Glasses,
icro. 27:North Fifth sirevt, Philadelphia. tonek
0 1 pf i het Mei:el:ante 110 d—devoted CXCIUSIV ely
to:this Voidness. ; i .
Country Nierchants lire! supplied arrpasanfae•
turers' prices, arm their Gla- SCA inflated Alibi
breakage to any part of. the Litton, without extra
chnrec. r . . .
' trim.° who may have orders for Is rge Glarves,
.gold do tell to inf9rrii 104 by ictier.‘prisiona An
th.or. emitulg on, of the emir of the plate, and the
hipd at triune they May iwant, that the article
may' he t4nutlietored exprets7.l, , for the neen,imi:
litierChapts plinuld glve their eirders for Look.
:int L rlasseli the firta thing ton their arrival, to in.'
Isui-c lasses
pill up.
Oct 2l
,t 4 - J 48-6 mo
rhe IPamity • Cerrnmentarm--
ON i '' i•• 1
THE 1101.11 BIBI.r:
110Rom': the works of lenry and 'Scott, situ
- above one hundred o her writers, published
in ;London( by the Religino Tract Society, ri.trts.:
illiani3 ab:idged in two v..itries, with Mops and
Engravin H. This'yalua-work is published in
tiputts, al . Cents each. 'w eave pave are eready '
eninpletedi and ' 6ll be °burned at the suliscribers
Ehrt Shad wirers lubseriptions will also be - ro
ta red. fi . t 3 , ,... .'. R. IS - ANNAN:
lope q 4 I
' . 1 4,4 R, 7
Iniskin's rills.
sole Agent fair Sc county
nii7kafts" at theitisligessie an&
gUr iy,i2rtpeu 0axe..10.40 - 414*bet
tptrirt,! ., 4 pragiettoft)leshGriAt
st.Dowri g atnatjalid vc°P'
etiti,'S - Otots, btOthi, kt,
white kla*scillmn7
Ntror Otilirest'ii
bdia atidiNllPtubo4 4 l
I air*); t Fifolider. rem
. .. H i lb o n .c.h a r l At e X ec :
toAme DIL Bsitalti
Wee* CErsie".,':pi!tiiiy;olscht
. %Reading. Ctivice.fiarveyii - "f".
{Ow Pribster,,ADainty,
Cantonsoy and Currie
•• Ghistkin,'Foinstg.pepl
Mixed.Onlop:Aringoi, *Pi
Olives, caprevi,Ancholiien
Cayenne peptercellspiee
Cloves. Mace.. NRmm
. . Rice. floor ol i tice,ginfth, •
Cun ants. Fins, gamine. Pro
Sweet and bitter
Cgiveoi. Wine tfittenillemon Yi
Wesel ved gingekehefse;Ciad
Herringt.lndeecadjlttnyt . n
White anilvxdoren *qt. s
, Moulded and dint minor 4
Palm; variegated brown and y
Cgd Madera, old psul, claret
}frown and pale sberry ,
Old hock. tishon, drill:0(1gs .
Sweet timings. muscatel 1
filalmsev.maineillea& Sicily Mad
Sc ot ch. rish mono ti g helm & con
aun weed &peppermin
Cocotte. champauce. Spanish i c
Holland & cote. (Uiti.A. E. Rum
Jamaica vptrii s
Extra sop. span. inferior do
Half Spanish and conitoon ciga
Cot & plum and moulded glush
Chins and crockery
I...env:Lai a OLtr•ent of Dry Goode.
h -eh They are disposed to , telFon the
hle terms. I leads of Families antITA,
t l are particularly 'to Call.
• I
• -Weihirill Pito
AT 7-BE ovr STAN
No. 6.5. NORTH FRONT S •
runts Doorts ?nom 'Mr.
31 A N 44' ACT U E I
I%hneLt'addtyandt Calomel; •
ground to Gil, S G,d Precept
Ilea Lead. V hue cilr
1,11 hrage. Vdriol AIL
Croinek Yellow, Snip. Qom.
do Green , t.
do Ited Ether SAO
Patent Yellow do Nitri
r Lead do Aim:
Lear Cale?.
01. Vitriol Com. d •
Ay. Fortis Aeit Mary-
Mor.alic Acid ido
Epsom Salta Lae !-Iriplin
Tart Aced • Opi.gde at
Sop Carl. Soda hormeq Mit
Corms, Sub. Mere. Et hiorg
Refiners ofChanirrinr, Salt Nitro.Brii
&c. Ofkr for sole the above mention:
gether with n general monument „of
and Dye Snits. and every other artiel
cal and Medicinal line.
• Rettig inanothetorrrii,of all ttie 4rtiel
tinder the above htnd, they, pledge ahe .
I,ly their Inemitt and t h e public ort at,
, hie terarn. .•
111 willow and Picture Class. f/dm 6
Oct 21 1837
For . Salle
1)R. JOS. LAVIET2 E'S Sy m
isales6 speediest, and. pc.ribet
kind of wounds, ulcers, cancer an
diseases, arising from cutting '
bnilinp or theimpuiity of the
for curinp,Dytipcpsin, beast bon,
complaint, costiveness, colicky, Fon
lice,' and rbeematick paiyg, tooth
es.ct The pattern' ogalit.i Prbi.
(tending, Herbs county, Pa. Mier
person' affected with tither of the,
o certain quantity pi the Svitioath
and.apprec'eted'before 'unhurt zany
ever, the application must be mad
N. B, 'This article Cannot lbe
any dug store or uppoibecayy si
necca.ary to talk much abcril it,
will recommend itae.lf to an 4ligh
New and Elegant
NATuANA navniu .
1 - 11 • offer for salt.,
6-4 English merinos, from 50 to 7
Super French do at 81 SO per
Tartan, merino,'woreted,ealk end
Red, white, yellow. green and emir!
Bleached and unbleached. Guidon
10 to 2.5 cis per yd. •
Worsted Kati's, tom forts:du p., third
Winter prints, gloves. &c &c
Cotton bats and »adding at 6,1 pet
Dr. Barber's
TfiVintmenter ofTers for Sale tl
Pr. Barber's dflorFe Powder.
reeommeneed in the following ea
Borges. Foundered by eating to exc.
ing eniti water, when warrtn,.' to foi l
er any symptoms olGlaniis, the'Difdd
and Yellow water, or 'are exposet
by being with other horses affee
complainla, and all eases alle nde
yeoptinns, sloggisbnesi. lota of a
pressien of their spirits., gor;ta e I
wag 6
rirtfiE aubFeriber respectfully ann
publicohat he Rill, attend 10
of account, in this borough and net.,
very rennonplde rate... , AccoiinfNl
10 collect to this neiglihni hood will
Dill nth d to, and saiii.fuetnry refert
requiter'. JOLIS-C-C
A'pril 5 27
.I%* W IRO
f , & Iffardvirare .S 1
IF. so bscribota would reapnciful
to the put4ic, thadta hat. fqlclotl
stock, kon and JAI! !fieffre, cApipit
Americas' anti Engitple Oaf! roll, lib
lron, Ruund Iron, swotted sta.-
Sto ar. ci:, man, anti:4l%llor 'node!
Steal Yleoatt, alppsc 'VAL an
ea f L. Ilgorfontd eh i an
and nii.hg vier
(314.ron * :110ngery,411 . 4Cotoe
dfifed !olefin; ' . JOll .• 01
AprO 22 ,
Medal• Cheese' oa
40 chtikA .uperihil tni , dit "thee
50 hiikesiPhilWelVliiii tip,
I hit. Irish bet egg, r ail
.`) •;-- ' MILLF I g A i VA e
C.: awl
4 , -- . e.
r '
- taut
'fil i .
lE si
e mw n o eit od
.dt bottle
whisk ey
m randy
ic..te. all or
ern Keepers
r Anon ST
ne. Boni.
Paints. I
in the Llittnt-
selves to - sur
most reasons'
, to 24 20.
• thick for the
ore of every
. all cutaneous.
I I eezing, burn
.loosi, arid alats
ulvions., diarr.
(.ho, and vurr
Xati. W ag ner,
gratis to any
said diveasts,
ek to be tried
incrust.; now
frets orpost.
nd genuine in
op. It is 001
a At- certain ly
tcceivtd and_
cts yard
Won she who,
t fla 'meta,
anneln. from
en'v hose.
e celebrated
t ielte him
!see, For
r, ur drib k
-I, lir tiincov
iniperroirg hs
to infcriion
led by these
id with fresh
,petile, or &L
nacos to the
ie collecting
ilxnheoll, at
ram abroad.
be pro.rptly
ra given if
I 'otodable. •
;~ ,r
k snow:tart
kibill:d fin3n or
n te l
a s , C rawly;
and A. M.
1 14 ( 11 1
cs,snuiAt re.
A tTOV• tr
. •
• Is)
'' - 4iii-itiaitot44 . 1)4
T. - i1! , .z.c.,,a - .l ii kti,i_eilm brit w•
I . '
,Itell:i-,4 , -
'll4ll4fAsetti_ s _.
ri gert An* itISA
A# 11 401 4. 0 *id algio l .4k Pliquil
Gaularplitit he gent4cueiktsie; FPWI
desAfreit4 lll ll4otWitlolol o 4. , TOM
; higtft : ~ " ..4i 1, 11 4 M14 4 184 1 . 01 4fiute 1
n i, ~ iti l kiApr o t . AL -gutted 4:!1
e IPA..- 1 -I 142 I 42 Mi t k°lool /
p t is
I l 'W.%! • . :49 ..4.5 d e1 i11 ',.. !. i!5,1.F44. 1
bg9kn „VY * Co9Tf,PikrefAi‘ 3 1
sed44l o;• , - z.1VA 1 r.p.i. 1 . 14 / ,-4, , i i , , , i
epotripL, . 7
• litv . , t .,_,ly.e ,
.4.00;, i, • r e k7.-ar Z v i'
del t ,il . 3 ,' 1 , 4 14, 1 40, 1 ,104k: 1 rkn
ac o mm. - liii t i;btVitlt •
Rosevaoirio t iC o
...:!.' ' '':
1 '
Csiined:Zerso I. °
Fricif liim, #o,"Pilei
Wad Cilio)ie` .
t viglWthli ' ‘4 l(
.e,i'ilecilipe '.
:Pigs feet
Mat Turtle Seep
;dieters Frielit
: Do . Stewed.,
'Do 861k:wed •
Po Roimed
Do Chafing Alit&
Terie fit es • ' 62'i
‘VcrfilE AND LIOC*S.
per brit 1..
Old ifoOrtlll Wide 'sl 50 F '
Ofd palo Slic;fy: ' 1 .1. so'
Old Brsitiiii . ' 1 SO'
ad LiFindi I 171'
Old twit ' t 50 !
Cho m oariits i
SrOilM, X X laid Pepper% Ate otwelyFon draw ?1 t
Apa rtme'ras in 'icadincss for sulTrr • pe rile.. &
Oct 7 ' 46-61 a
_ Ito
%..11 AK E both brattosl - god peipetunl insuruicOs.
on firrek. Slone or Frame. Btuhlia7,B, Star - is,
Ilatels. Milts. !Unfit'. Stables; Metal:m(l.7.e, Ftirbi
to. e tl Prarrrt v °revery (.I.scription,n,gain3!:!lfAs
-or Oainago by Fi It E.
The 'Delaware County insulanee eninranv 'will
also insure aa•ainst loss on all k ',nig tnarine mks
and auatost titestatonge or 1011 E, upon thniitranspnrtp
of grands.urnrosrand mere.aultse by rater. lir by
ra'l way, upon terms AS farournble as arty other ist•
stitutton. . I
. For any ' further information on the :swhject of!p
suraliCe, eilircr nEatost Fire. marine-or (bland 'risks".
Apply to II 1..1% WI G. 120BINSON.,'A , ent.
ply 15 3411 rt.sStifniykin l'Hnv4h.
Fire InNurance CotOpanyf
tnithllimited and derpelool lindurances on
/".• Brick:Stone or Frame lloildings.Stdres.l-Ibtels
Mills. Barns. Stables. illderr.handize. Furtmure,ataa.
Properly of every desenTdion.against.larts or dam*
by PLRF.,
' The subscriber has been appointed Aiiskffirr for tie
above mentioned Instantion and is no K prepared to
make Irrseestcr•Fil upon every description :of properly
at the lowest limes. BENJAMIN RA NDINNI
Pottsville, Feb. 27. 1 .836. 45
The Philadelphia Eire
**ARE boalimited and perpekal insurane s
0.11. „Wick, Stone or Frain Rai !dings. So/res. I - I relit:
Suden; Merchandise, Fiainiture nod
r •
sfrty ofeSetr deiniptide, against roll or danange
RP.. .
he subseribe'r has been appoinied Armlet for .tbe
above mentioned institution and is now prepared to
make INS - we,/uccEa upon every description of property
at the.lhawent rates. 4 BENJAMIIi N
Pottsville, Feir 25 1.834( , ' 15-
holeinie and Rehar d.
OLLOCK & W Vt.R have jest teeistved ad.
dition to their former stock oil Ho qii *tire
Mousehnle dils, spring key'd vices, patent poi ish'd
screw Ostia_ warranted cast steel •axesi broad axe's,
nano do. hatche:s. hammers. &sups& Ad itna adze+
socket and firmer chisels. drawn.% ItoiSett.blueksmoll
bellows. Cut& wr9't nrkits,4. 4,_5, 4...6 In t ist Nam..
single. cut ofileddiife(yiNtisi ,44itirted
locks, latches. hinges a . screws, rotje4 dsiluare
bolts, sire!, plated and n n squares, • .
• .
All of which Are onbred on the thosOtecommodnt-7
log t.ettos. 'Feb le 14
Dry Goods,Grocery, 114) 7 ,s• 44 . 0ciiIttorIe
( Next door
THEIR con nye lonNit ith e del ph i a
enabled them to licgr op.jam4,p i , try exten
sive assortment-of goodx, sell eX
Pltiladelollia' priers. Story Abel:Ewer . % keeper's
ebd 40%u1d do *ell to call an 4
judke for theinsitives.
oprii Ig 1 (' 3A
ft' kk
i tu,Mktf.
2i* S-8 itoviip Flat Bdr-Itidiu -
2 .11 Y do,; -do do
15v 4. do t Suitable for SernicHal.n Coal.
MI the Itoir.bita tountereunk affitia cut
t Ant ling. - foto' 4-degnetra pt..thetadiki ;Splicing
Plains au4 Spilteiwto s ell tbc,.abo a j, I
. G. RAbST N 4i Co.
No. 4 SoultiTruni Street, Philadelphia..l
G 100116). i‘ . l.• 7 '4
LAROE utfA ciadVpittiel
1 1ipitaocaffinailvin Gnnthipjulaqteicenlial , , brthe
olaberiber, atindijiirqr
DrYo. 4l)(l 4' ' •
• 1•• •
. .
' •I i .
tfe. •
which he ereztli, reAtiCefiltf,ll.. Thgi
pOi for all kind Ar.cfnlTlV/-
" 1 04 1 , 1 7 i 414 on • 0 - J
lie 84 .I",J.
• • , i ii i ii ,.o .tt
; • :''
ir. i -:,• , /77. •-• , ..;.;.L..4'..* lII S ''. ' 4 ,- ....:.4, ..) ill
-"- I ' - 4, "WM? VSY
; "
C ?‘ 1 BE 4
'ND •EFIFEC,T.:* • tiiii:alloilkidWirei
••' ti ' medyililiitsa: • liii Itil ' Veen in aenii.
.•• liftheiotia, , biitowT --- br — ortiaiaeff.
e i
in'o2l9,e;ll is' palfrbin 'Tiro - , icepiciited to
dohM it; ofeti;fili hdtli vii:: • ''''.--- •
What it haih t elkieved'aioi
,Oiltdiiii -itt - Peermtitse-.
fratieth" , •Whin g listitheits Ili' ‘ ' litin of mere
imistfiti prelMnidow(thifetthili '' ' ' t'ciiiiiiaiiiinar
•itatiori in nliversallatai, by
. 1400* lirotilt alone;
ha pitipOite nifty irotttsiiiii 0 . - ta OfintOrpkiiz::
erityll Witter t inctlYrtAis ;he' apicio 'of littpagriito
Inuits - 3n Inetnutialftlevonator n. I ' '
: 11LLSiouniufacturedty• -1)rt: lirillaiiii,l et 100
'Chatham street, dtrnot ice *i. Ina ' initabeir of
;ilea itichliqwleidged' (-ilk for the Mtist einiiitht
physicitor'thrtNalbout the lied Stoics wilt freely,
if appealed Ito:Kate there; ' no which haviiinelpced
them tto reponiiiind 'them miStensively mid warmly
a; *itditi And thoair:rtaltre are. that theireludo
page, Medicines ' heifer injure even •thiiktroit dilichte
corimitittit no. and hare. in (most overylindividaal
cave Mr whichither,eptesciibid, it i Ttirked: in eii-.
iient,a• troiy happylid perinbinent - g r„acy. Physil•
camel' Moteoves, seeihat the atr no offered to thie
publitupon any quack theory .40turifiin g 'the:blood.
to the otter, destruction of t estqmatih and bisSreht.
urify the blood from alPilis ed butrihrs.they unde;
• lady do ; hut not byr . deist ng :thee rricera •by
which olivine the§lood can be sustai . They ate
compounded uponli theciry'Whith sup sew a stomach
io be n very essential agent th health; m! fixed...,
dig... to be a vahnibie Wendt& Iles Midi:de-45d.
They do not purey men to k hosts. and make'them
look like biniggpo"Tefinelt to' remain long in this
world; tun they =c then, as human as possible, and
hi to encounter the hnodshirs', and ridai the oceopa.•
3 V I
ring t
I ° fo lk
! I I!'/4
for q,ua
I „tr ati
S'er . l 4 '
'lBl y
• let
31 I
• .31 8
l.f doze
,µ '
hots of a sublunary 010. Tiwy do not make d vio
lent tit i
put of this life, tp preptre men the faster
for ot.roWcr. They preOire cl 01 on •the simapaition that
the blocuk Mitstiles, nerves. drgatte. extrej and se
cretory Eland. 1141COOUS and regumentary membranes,
bones and brains. of every! human being -Terliirre to
be supplied with tiourishmeT i ftem as healthful a sto
mach as an ho made and ke • ; and upon tilt doctrine
that miler* the stomach and Cia4relliarelin pried .ceder.
the blood and every other ;hut of the system will be it
distie'er. .1
And how is it expected that they will secure health
to the lIIOIMIC/1 and bowels? :Why bl erlatAing-the one
to digest Food, lind the otherllce carry off what is left
niter the nutriment is extracted. In cOnnectioa with
the 'surplus-of bile,and , the fool how* of the blood,
mucous thedibraies.Und inaMach. AOd they secom-
jiltsit these great featii or rimilictne in the most simple
w..y 'imaginable. The A "'Flak:l\3' FAMILY PILL&
if the stomach be affected With wittd.;bile. Or coatcd
collections, clear it out. byla natural; bur a must in-
' sensible solvent action, and cleanse, the' whole ali
mentary canal, without gliping, and leaving it as free
without debility. as natuie ever 'designed it to he.—
They do not take the skin offthe stpantehand bowels.
and leave them like a meteor red velvet, as ail phy
sicians know the strong dfasttc tills do, but they
take nature-kindly by the hand without crushing her
fingers. They cleanse ever thing, withoutimparing
or tuna ng any thing.
tis -
11 hen this is effected , nail usually imby . the use of a
few ot the FAMILY APERIENT PILLS. then cpme
• the teleltuatcd CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS. to
ra rent lien &stomach and bowels which before. per
haps, weak and lout -beestuse they were weak, and
endows them with. steength toperlbrni thoif impor
tant functions. without ' the put of physic. The tA
MOMILE FLOII ER, when its valuable princ:plel
are chemically extracted. Hi ticknoaletked by all phy
sicians, in every age, to be the hest Vegetable tonic
known in the science of medicate —1 sere is nothing
k-ow in the 'vegetable kinritlotn'orna are to equal it;
nothing that is at Ltkee re harmless anti so vigorous' ,
healthlul, and in proof of this the priaprietok„of thy
rer.owned pills that are made from its
P urest panicles,
might quote almost innunble authors,bothapicient
and mcglern. if hisown practice prod it to
tens of I hm.sands.
The effect:) of these pills lire not only perceived in
un increase of aPl•ente asill general strength, but in -
a restort man of the body to that universal vigor in till
its functions, which iriilicat!es the return to perfectly'
sound healt h—The face,
,'and general complexiod,'
speak volumes in their Astir, aid thousands of le:-
mules can testify how inuch!they havocontributed to
their comfort, their complizion, and their strength,
when every other remedy had proved werselliati use
less- In nervous disci/sestet - all kinds, they are mew
acknowledged preenfinent ; gradually restoring
firmness of body and mind !without thole annoyance
out' changes winch other nervous remedies occasion
Happy would it have been for many young persons
of both sexes who toe nosy in the silent grave.ff they
had learndd to check the morbid tendencies of their
stomach al,d bowels by these lilac tonics acid ripen
ents, wuhout resorting to quack remedies, the names
of which are concealed, stud of which they knew
nothing. 'That dreadful seourge COKSIUMPTION,
might have been checked in its cominencetneqt'and
dtsappiainted of its prey, all over the land. if the first
sy ironing of nervous debady had been counteracted ,
by CAMOMILE chemi prepared; and these
bowel comptvuttlowhich le4d ity,a hog ed foal Mala
dies, might have been' otyptcd by that fine alcalme
extract' ot rhrbarb; which ;is a leading ingredient iv , :
the APERIENT EAMILY PILLS. Bernie both of
these medicines, which ant adapted no a majority of
the purposes for which a hundred others armignneces
sarily used, fevers, agues„bihoua disorders, klkadaches.
terode debility, onto decline. incligeitton, and liver
complaint, would have entirely disappeared, wilt re
nittny of them have provedYatal. •
Hat be it disdirctly understuod that these triediehies
ate not offered instead of these natordl-organs of the
bay which other medicines dispense with, in a very
summary spanner. They are fOhded upon medical
knowledge, and not quackeiy, AO, notake all the
red ',articles out of the human blend nuclei the pre
tence ofpurifyingtit. • ,In prottf of which'difference of
effect let the Tacei and forms ofpatients bear testi
mony. 'I hey cohstitute a useful, effectual. and gene
rally applicuble class of medicines for every family,
and being both topic anti aherient, and of the best
preparations *metro no peison or family should be
without them. They Can be obtamed wholesale and
retail oldie proprietor, Dr. YYM ,EVAiNS.New York.
and of his agent in town•and„ country, with duree
nons for use.—They are rapi dly superecl• rig all other
remedies advertised in the public prinii, because they
are Coundiri belong to a vet) , Otheriorelvssiof peppier
medicine. A singlefrial usually places - them high in pri
vate estimation, as they are known to bean -public
preference. and to the ortinittNefPliyivicians.
Dr- M.,. EVAtifSly OFFICE,- .Not 18 C PIORTII
FIGHT ST. PHI LA DEL - PHI X.Evtiek , Kip hitihcine
- may be had. Dr. Wm , Evans' Cllied.lol2 Chaffinni
street:as:cry York,wlette the Doctor may bit consuha
as usual. a - .•
i i 4 t eiwir,s; btitg
lil.'infereatingitase—hlr.AVilliam Itvalrnoti,Green st.
above Third.• ""., Philadelphia, alit te.d for several
years with the following auttesaungvymptorial 'Nick- ,
new at the stomach, headache. attunes", palpitations:
of the heart. impaired •appeute„ ircaetanes actd and,
putressent enietat ions, coldness and Weakneas of the
ex I rem i t i Pi. e ma C.lation a iid,,-e n era I a ebili ty. dititurbcd
rest, sense of Oretirtire and Weight 'at the st4mse6.l
after eating, nightmare. great inent4 de..ftrAtney:
severe Ovine fiatiiiiiiitreaitTicLieliciliiiides
ness. a dislike forsociitt; of VortQehAlliiiii. fireeindtary an . weeping langeor,end latitude upon the ,
l'eart i ptereise -• , ;.-4 - ~, , „.-., - -. .
r. • Itit &Anon ht4liipiiirtio tie%riikiliatiike;ftfriiiisi= i
cinn s. who Considered is fbeweed :the power„of criedfl: restore himbe heailh ; ',hi:meta-Nes his allbc
lions bad.redneed blip toll L sery lip pl ora li le co nth 1 ton.
and having been reca,teniended by a relattv,e of his to
trotiletrist nr Dr.' Win. kV - WINS' Ithdieine, he with
dfierdtv'repaited in triedlifb and Orden rt>d a package,
a whicii heasaye..kfisindillacd for hirrestortfuen to
life, health and frtentitri , leis new +enjoying MI the
terstkigeoor perfecolleakb!... Persons desirous poi
Rinker . informetioNssilikeisatisfied with worry Patti
: ,cular nullsastnnishinecureat Dr, %knit Evansi!,Nedi-r
ealOtripea.ll.os Chathar- N5.: . , N ,-- N 0 4 , :
ndelphin.: Mx ,ir _.
•• keldki - L
Pottsville; N'
- 1 ---- sx--.—, - -7. ---.,
'• ;;.. , j 'Ref
4,4 4 1 sole by_,,eigßlirk
Nov-18, .sex , A ~ t 7 .-.:9,j.. faeanse
4.- .1-- .. , -ra 4 - It .1. , ,:: ...,---.1 t• a, 7.1 ,
. 1 !
Per- theziiiiiisiliate vkilliiifilestß *ewe
,v - ri . .:.;,,.t, fierier, srl'Mtptaret: ,"•-'
ink R: ONOSC OWYESVE111114 1 ! lira isidthe
u'rigla,relian'diheend , liilliit . --Dr. J. Tk.
HotsfeTrustrinAnfibelliii I minty. ThlsTrrita
Imuireeentaftlie Motetion tf i thi - _ :leimectable
*agnate it: 041k/iota 4064, ii.iblwilicV o ,
e ;
iaradiatatcloreitribiattliseneeiiit 07 Akin that.:
'hatiiittatlylitell nbeideriect Mil less, • is se. )
•econiCileibeitieith .ehnoost ~i ltwohiti I ' hay talc i
'ilithietrifitimitetipwards eta- tinitteinito i
ireitaidivithiwithOrt thittlis this e ty and. virin: I
ityanraliMalittaint;zeiMaidingly eared and ttsi-
,patimste eiMp
tnceiliepea l te.-withi the aienr anti •
.tustrataent. -4.saehitiliktithis4stmarninpley ..
in theiiiiialli aftigivegetptl, ;I;ithAistr,uilileht, and •
theme:tin:4 of•perfeetingerediol.lFqefickathis:
'are nowfoffered *those affilietef*tit ti lion
blesomecomplitnt.- ,- q[ t v.' ~. , . t _ ,
1 Ile-iiroponesit with IMinfiticiee ffir the treat
,Meitt of !bis flisesee,:andl , ea meeting every incli
cation:On stiormet surgiet t printipleit Cdr its radi
cal eure:.• ghtvlitiaseellercleforeempleyeit mete.
ly pallnitmilm:ilytontami of tips disease, they
'n111 1 ; 44151 effect a flidic4heatekitrdiveneis must ,
teconlinually,worit by lipe , patiiiint . _ n 'greatly ;:
•to his antioyanceil , Atterltbe care. 'thitpresent
,apperatim laeffeeted, allitestruaten ..tra diatin
ilia I
tianetiv.r , -,., '. • . - -, - '..• l' - '''' 3
1,,,, l'inalTinstioviiivite etiPeniages„F be worit 'i
All'hnyrigef and , by both eenesi with 1 intenup.l
lion of.bMittelia.c. , .1 il ;.. . . • , ..
Gentlemen are referied lo the. renewing mem , •:
here of theirofesiien, lenitive to this instrument ~.
and. its claims in effieeptigEadical cares. , '... 't
' wim,ml4 ? p,Bmti;V4o€ so! of Surgery in : t 1,,
Dargeraity_ .- of,Penri ylvaila., ~ ~ • . :,
GaisvutzAiffir -PA mart, Professor of An_
homy TO, the lefre, st n !itchiest College. . 1,
§AIRTEL JA OISO N. PrO eager of thd /Institutes of 1 ,
Itledie.iiiein the Un versity •of Pennsylvania.
,- I .
ettigne'lllTLetaeir : ,pirhessor of, Surgery in •,.
''" the Jefferson &Win College. .
Heaßyjtorin. See tr y of the - Philithelpga .
, ' College of Phyoiein s; , . .. .
EDWIN A. ATir..*, MO). - *
EDWIN P.„.ATLSF.. M, D. -,„ .
_. .',. , , , 1,.
_Letters to the above - Minted gentlemen malaise
firel .r ol experee., ' ''.. • ''‘
Copy of a `letter 'framiliiinifier Jacksoir,:Trkikti.
see of, the Institutes ofhtedicine iir'ibe tiniersity
'of PennsYlilmie. ~ i.
Docros Mani- - -- ....
,„ ~ . • •, • .
tpear,Sir:-.-From the uniffirni raffia,. of all
the trusses I have seen,„and of the treatment end_.
ployed for hernia in,promilince radical cure by
sale means, Il t iad * abealinne4,ell.exreetation-ol
seeing this de lAA object *IAA. T r itium rou
tes!, that your apparatuir and method irr I *Ambit .
hernia, has, I believe, accionplisbed this !deluder
atria, and the disease ii rendered not cfiViikig
ageeble, but in , the greater-portion tif eitirei:etirit4
ble by the-processes °fart; , .. • ,-.. ~'
The principle ofyeur i ttyttiinent - iitid of the tiii..4-
oration ofyonr.apparat s* -based to therphysiol. •
ogy of the nevem, and Sheofeheamindest in.
theoretical and practice eargery. .
tii iip
Tketthisepthiqg snip neat in yourptoecedinge
or your instrne.ents. J 'hey are the - epplicatiow.
of a well established 'pri eiple ofo,ur science to the
proditetion of.n specifila erect,. rtefesSetokyal in
stiff:nen, 'shill and tiitlaire ncliesaary to attain it ~
.wilhcertainty; The insttaMente slene.„ - Wahout
appropriate management andtheadaptionqf their
actliat to the individuLiroiding to the constitu .
clonal' and ether peen aiesof each cam; would
prove 'oflitile taility;pt ;might even defeat, the in,
Motion of the trealment. ,--., . •
Frcim.the,remalhable , an 'ltem that has attend
ed yOur t:eatoient, and the eases„pfneaded cures
that have gotne - under.iny. .own. °Joe-motion, giv.
ing the enaction of facie in suppbrt of the ecienti.
6s prAcipte4l. hare n I hesitation. in regirdiog
3;oitc_apparanti and m rid of treatment as estab.
!lolled in medical skit; ea. With qmaideration
and respect., tfuly yourra'.• • ~ i• '.
`' ' •
I ' '- • • ' '
.' . - SAVuEL. lAcK,sor.
'We have in our possession h numbs .;neilify , •
glee ef flintiest tespec Sbility'relativetcl ' -
perfoimedify thisinhtrameiltorhieh we'ittlieTitrir
to any pertiomdesiltititlof sitisfying hinieeltrivith
regard to-the efficacy dl the invention.
Persons des i rous of being cored of hernia or
rmStnre„, Will •dn Well 'lib Fait on the subscriber
before the , extrente holl weether sets in, -as the'
disease can ••be more readily cured in 11;otierate .
than in hot weather. V
,• . ,
• • Physicians desirou s Dr....procuring the ri
of using the above invention, can reeeiveinfm ma
thin on the subjector 'purchase the right e the
- subscriber o who is-authorized to 'act as ay nil of.
patentee. ENOS CHIC/IEBI'ER. M. D. '
wnv,lC . ' 2G-e
.._ .
, . -:. Books .!.iverV" low
D 11AN - :.`flAN offers for -sale the &Bimini
Jul . !, standard *rigs Jet: the Very :leis 'prices at
taaliedi,i• . .. r• - r ., f • .
.... 3 .
'Hume, Sineilett. a nd Miliaria England -'• ,-1
4- vtdit iheepilii* ;Artois: =' ' .ii = - 11110 00
Elaike's tcimmenteryi 4 ftels--ebcepi 12 01;1.
Wesley's -works,lo vol.. complete, - 11- 05 ~.
Hoek's Theoloxiegilyiliks. 6 1 v01i.• sheep, . 4 00 - 'i
Seirtl'islllble and4C4 nimentery. 3 vols.
sheep,, 6 ~
' . cd
Bylen's worker, bps . rbiirne‘ 's EditlOn; sheep, 4,
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~,, ' V'E" , ... t t l ' t hud, Diseases
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„I/ A...
.. tared by Dr.C,LARKSOR
, — •::.____ — 'l__ , . Vakiaster4. '- •
i te
• - 'MR. . l , -
Accompanyrne eac Ilottle Oilia Spe,cifidgt
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Symptoms is thetlifrerlmt stages4theipe Abases. • '
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The pu blic ere inforined that thedepoSitiona of '
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tired Is the moseltesp6rate cases of consiship
ton, some of whiclia.riS detailedlirthe bills ac.
impany ing each tottl.
R e * A amply ofthe abovaSpecifick lies bap's' :
'received and is for salelat thisofficis. ..:!•; ;. . A. ,
. i .
'March - 111 f' " - •.;` i' - " ilit i %;t:
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