The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 17, 1838, Image 3

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    NfilitT AIWEION
Themndenlignea. men a
'ough of Northampto, in the County u
in whtcb the North* :pioi Bank i s f or
this method to awns the public. Matti
which bare lately circulated. eel
'injure the credit of t ‘e NOrthamptriet
without foundation. In ordinary tim
Bank. pay speeie, t • • best test of the
'of a Bank sad the c • ildenceth *bleb
is, that, at all .el ready to Meet
when Ohtd ihr) to. o, in Specie, and
them at pari.n the • mmerciall Emposi
state; but .during • neral suspension
Payments. the only eana of testing , th
and standing of an , diriduel Bank
able to draw on She principle Comme
of the Stake:for n presented for p
the Counter of the ' nk and keep its
par in .such City, w ich hiis been
Northampton Bank or the last few
and done at this ti ,and we hive
rance. that there i ho liiifictrltyin
'continuing so to The MAINt.
pained, to observe a Steternent in
paper. this ritorniw.'published in this
:'respecting the No thampton Bank.
know to be tinfoun , ed and we there'
the Public 'agamst such nr similar
. newspapers upon t e raid Bank, as
collated to injore t Public as well es
. without benefit to a y. unless those,
be willing to spec 'ate upon the
others. •
January W. 183 ,
ohn. U. Fichte
no. Wilson.,
"Lteicr. Keck & C.
Benjamin LaPrig
Daniel Keiper.
Peter Reward...
Peter Huber.
John DI. Eisentit.
Saud. G minden.
A. & W. Blume.
Abraham Gangetic_
John Eckert,, Jr.
Kraus & Spinner
Chs. A. Rohe.
Solomon Fatzinge
Jacob More.
George Keiper.
& Reimbaeli.
Pram Saege
Selfridge &
G. H abuse
Boas. & Ste
Isare Erdm
Tobias Hoff ;
.u., John 'D. AS ,
Joel Kramer.
Joseph ti
re Jr:Jonathan R
- George:Mei'
Joseph 13r.
. Peter Bear, I
James . Jam.
S. Wanner.
J. D. Bois.
Charles Rh
.b Wurman.
Jan 13
. rivate sill
two story fratno
ti with a cellar un
on the corner or
.urtlandt street,
eel deep-, estendi
ildings are well El
Ind well &titbit
boarding house.
at II
A got,
oil Otusti
- and Q
lout tom( by 244
gian street., the ba
and commodious
ream:lanai:to' for a,
A good two s
situate on Cents
on Centre street,
the Mount Car• •
it/wittily built,
public busibess.
ry house and I.
• street. The lot
nd 230 feet dee.
Rail Rotd—the
nd well ■ituatad
l'atOry_ fr ame boos
io n
..,eitty's Ro
use Bud tot is 20
Jailed with kit ,
dat situated ih
Two grind fsob
ground,. situate
Street. Each h.
houses are well
to. each house, a
ness part of to
will be sold eery
lars.apply to
. All a the a
hcap--for terms
V HE Commonwealth of Penney'
:a l to all the heirs rid lerd rep
, ntatives of Ludw g
. Bilger, late&
Wayne township,' in Schuylkill
nty.—Gainermix: I •
n inquest Air the i purpbse dbly
. Orphans' l. mitt :11 Schuylkill . ,
ithe said Ilmdwig ilger, was sal
r 1; and whereas, u ne of the heirs
/ sad appeared in Uri on,the re
inquest to take' the premises
I d, at the !Twilit/4a* value there
' y of you are therefore hereby ci-
. pear at the next staled Orphans'
• 'den at Orwigsburg, in and for
Schuylkill, on thle 19th day of
'accept or refuse In' take the said
id at the appraise f
r price thereof.
e Orphan v' Cour of Schuylkill
, lth day of Dece;ber, 1537.
3 sEPH MORGA , Clerk 0. C.
1 . ' 1-4 w
A.:, L a
;-; • C°
Whereas, by
awarded by th•
the real estate o
ued and apprai.
of the said deCe
turn of the sal.
therein mentio
of• you and ere
ted, to be'and
Court, to be ,11 ,
said County
:March nest, to
premises a Fr) hes
By Order of t
counil; on the
• Jan
Vinton FOndry
01; SA L l..
d it private sale, the rottndry
ly situated at Putt lainton, &hey
lo eery remind& terms. This
I the commencement of the Little
Susquehanna , ,Rail Road, now
will in a short time be one of the
in the country- to d 6 a large Imai
ms,&c. apply to
Iron Founderni rhlledelPhie•
' Port Clinton.
I pleasan
kill county. .]
Foundty is a
Schuylkill an
making ( and:
best situation
Inas. Pin to I
inly 99
rivate Sa e.
I . at private Sale, a certain two stary
we and lot of owed, situate on
of Market etree , in the heretlell .
I contniclog in fru t twenty feet, cod
hundred and nin ty feet., to a fdtty
I reet; it being the northeasterlyputt
ch marked in eau & rattetrann'a
id borough, No. 1. Persons dew
ing ,the said prulpierty,iwill please
;Oliver Dobson. lit:Pottsville, and for
Ic to the subscribers.4Should said
bdsold before thd lit day of t'cbrn
will then be jet.
9110 be so
' IL frame
the north ai
of Pottsville
in depth on'
feet wide at
of tbe lot w
sdeition of
roue 'of vie
apply to Mr
terms of
property n.
ary next. i
• fan I 3
andCllr p Goods.
-criber is now opening at his Stereo
nd general assortrnent of Dry Gaga,
Jfierdware, iron, ilye. w hich will be
r than any that hes bean offered in the
A large
sold chea
B o rough.
rott,vil '
heal • r has now! on hand at hi. Stove
-.torch se on Centre and Rail Stied
ll as • talent of ({'roods, suitable for the
z L
Iron rof assorted lima,
and `-Htsop do do
and li &ke Rods di) do
-Rona Square do I do
and iketi do do
Shovels do I do
ware, a general aseeortment.
bleb be is selling at reduced pries..
Fuer% ■
cos: mi.
All of
Tao 1
. .
1 " - 011dkavras , esais, War , 1 1
Vegetable' Vithreisall IPllta.
liv A. 1.1 as-eva e. -DISEAXE hiflit'ithet talp,i
el. an. itripdrit'Y 4f thy binoa, which. hi apt .. ing at
jrcialation.hringsen,path aridetatigektfleoriwalsetbr
pn or part where anchiusiitrity-Of the Itokidd elutes.
lit is tide. &Oaten . Of - crania rosibrigg slant die
walk of the blotia—siteh Is a violent lePhiredr. fall,
'demp feet. indigestion, pain in the otigigre.kc...itie
although - ft limy be said alit their 4rleas hide hos
their origin in ifikprity tifthe bloc. ilere 'erect is
the Sims. tlfey all edd is an inadrity f itt. blood:
and our Only objdbt to &Matti the tart ting jots
entire be koMep„ in Oilier irotdache„adqlsoadotia r a.
moiiet,ii on to perils Podliif3eateatt7
untdealdirksymptiiips remain. with Drk dein - meth a
Yk.GT:TABL I k: uNivERSNL PlUdetrhich. if per- ,
severed with to eutScient gonna* to reduce copi
ousevactatigke, will assist Stature to. tore every.
organ to a aide of health. This is -on ' principle
9 r draining: we drain a marshy, piece, cif ha& liell
h i t
'from a state of sterility soon produce Pion atten
dant fertility; and so , it is with the he* wiien
any dime is the metier with it . we bane oiteilipb
to draft it by purgation—and 'experied . i to 'mug&
t re
those who hanuplepted his reatonablei ' - bac
cause cmaistent with Our mike, tbat have ;ma
rightly, the result having been,igniind th. it - is
net move &au 18 months lance •thAti ! I ts were ie.
aced into the United States, but their, satei bye
1 altogether tapreelsented, Vier. 4. sing been sold
1 o thaw in New York ist diet time, &ork sa ll ies
re lambed th osisoad bozo. And ali O 10:000 p!ir
. no can tie refereed to in New York, city, and tap*
1, .0 satiate Philactelp'hia. who 'hive lte r li weed when
ewe" edger useaoshad becoded altofe r unavailing.
of dem:keel which eprieated of the most Ratite char
acter, and in many cases whelre the dreallif Salvages
of ulceration, had laid bare ligienvest Ond btan'e, end
whereto ail appearance no beaten gpebnieould save
life. have 'Sagest., by -the use t:f thesc 4 lPfils. teen re.
stoma to good tteaftb , the deeturiet lease having
been completely eradicate!.
Dr. Wm. Etrandre,th was ad .fully e ' trinet.d by the
truthdf the akieVe ideate theft., tha Ihe "pent 30
years in expinMent and laborikres , h ice. , the
medicalproperties of the !anemone giants Comet's
teg theNegetable Kingdom; his objectlherng to cm.
pose a nedicine which would al once pailtfy, anti r...
duce by specific action. a removal ot,•sl by hinnori
!from the blood by• the atoftach and Isrrels, as by toe
continuation of the use of such a medibine. such hu
more are sure to be carried off, and the blood i
sume a state of purity: and whoever t hes these Pills.
andperseveres with them, wilt be ' tisfied Odd Dr.
Wilhite drredireth fully attained hi philanthropic
object. It moo* an absolute and known fact, that
every disease, whether it be in the hail or feet, in the
brain or meanest member; whether it be an oetward
iilcer.or int in*ard abess, are a 11.., though arising
from many eenara. eddecible to this grand Went.
namely impurity of blood.
No rlci....—As Drug and CheriticedStorkeere liter
ally /leaded with counterfeit Brandreth's !'ills, It bb
acmes those who want the genuine article a purchase
only ofthe eccreddisi agents or those who arc knowii
to lib above such dishonest practices:
hit. S Thompson # Co. Pottsville are the only a
grids at preset'. for Schttylkillcoene:.
Dr. Brandre Its "Ace for the sale sif the above Pills
wholesale and ristaillt at 169 Race Street, first doer
above filth at. north aide. Philadelphilt.
Always remenher that Drug Stores never have the
• genuine Brandreth Pills for sale; therefore all For.
chases of them aresure to be counterfeit
., I
Dec 3 42-Iy.
he Sot-
;read, like
olsted iv
nk, ,wile ar n e
1 t imittds,
Is Notes.
I to keep
i m of the
of Specie
I that it is
cial 6st 7
!y Meet at
Matta it
•by the
r year
1 thejaasu
he Bank
be were
ne of the
witiieir we
re caution
necks in
ey are cal-,
'the Bank:,
ho. would
& do.
W aunt
House and
r the whole.
he tot is 30
R to Norore
aished, large
for I ptioatt•
I of ground
20 feet front
extending to
nose is sub
it any kind of
A .
S the temperance and luau of - the age are
I t
hastening ges of see tic com the ravages
and rendering the blood more Imp ; and Kb thute
sands have destroyed their constituthms by neglecting
to apply the proper remedies—to such, Swaim's Pan
acea Idiot be, and has been, more than doubly voice
ble as* certain and effectual means or restor,ng them
to perfect health and Vier: Fe* families are whol
ly exempt from ircorbuttc affections, avhich exhibit vs.
rtous symptoms, as eruptions. Ulcerations. debility.
loss of appetite and,dejection, all arising from impure
blood, and if not properly attended to, produce the.
greatest Utility to the constitutution: a id may be im
parted to their darning. Swaim 'a Panacea is rectum
mended at this season of the year, ail a valuable resto
rative of the system, thereby invigorating the constitu.
lion. and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects o'
the summer seaabn. It is conveyed by the etreula. '
ting fluids, and colreets their tendency to All those
diseases weigh originate to tritiated blood, diseased
liver, depraved appetite:kir pindiiiipdsiion to Wei:none
of the lunge, Etc. Nu one, hoWe'ver, isiadvised to use
it without contenting theinitelvel brthe truth of label
is here stated-
This medicine is bole ttietririth ;niecess in all pdrts
of the world, and it gaining greatlipetation in Ex' ig
.and. -
A fresh supplj of the Medicine j(lt received and
for sale by L BANIVAN. '
Sole Agent for Schisylkill county.
Who can sUpply the *belie medthe Whotestde td
them who Wishea again. at P hiladelphia prices.
May 14 f 26-
is and lota of
, Norwegian
eet Irani; the
~ ens attached
he most IFust
..en property
ngo Street.
Sating 10.1iiid Society , .
T 9 E Port Carbon Sating tend Society; ie
now open every day from 0 to 3 o'clock at
the Office ot Diacount and Deposit, for the pur
pose of receiving deposits to any amount not ex
ceeding $900; from shy one person, upon which
an interest, of 4 per cent *lll be paid on every sfi
and uperards,btit no interest will be allbwed bb
any fractional parts Of The Wlit.le or any
part may be drawn out on gititig notice, two to
fivir weals, at the office On Mendays. The bie
sines ot the Social* . will bet , conducted by the
following officers and rnaziagars, until the first
Monday in May
P„resident—AQUlLA BOLTON. .
. Managers:
Joseph Carroll Saintiel J. Potts
Edward Hughes E. S. Warne •
Jacob Bull Jesse Turner
L. Whitney, Setretaky and Treatbrer.
Article 3d of the Charter, “Ncr emolument
whatsoever shall be reCeivefi by the President
or Managers for their services, nor shttl soy
Manager beccime a borrowec.from the instill'.
ion." ' oct 3 46tf
RtSPECTFULLY infotina the ciiilens of
Pottsville& vieinity,that corrinently keeps
oh hand t sa the Corner of Centre and Cullowhill
streets, treat cloth above th'e National Hotel, ■ '
large and elegant assortment of Ste ple and Fancy
Dry Doods,Wlth a choitreaeletriort of Wines, Li
quors and Crockery wire, all of which have been
Mirehased al the . Very lOweirt cash prices in the
Philadelphia Market, and 14111 be sold at 12i pet
cent adirtnte.
AU nd of country prodnce With in exchange
for Ro os. sag 19 ' 39—tf
4C013 LONG,
Confectionary Manufactory.
g subscriber respectfully announces to the
public that he has Commenced the Minutia.
titre of CUrifetticmary in Ili its various brenCheii
at hls Store in Centre Street, nearly opposite the
Puttsaille Weise, where ennfectioners and uth•
era can always be supplied wholesale and retail,
at the lowest Philadelphie cash prices.,
Country dierchanta Ire; respectfully solicited
to call and ezamine his itrick beidre purehasitig
elyeartiere: • .
F OR sale in lots to soft . purchasers, 618 feet itif
Landing. lying betisdon the MonntCat bon.
road and the Schuylkill, Commencing with, and
including the landing no* occupied by Dr. Pal
mer. and extending down the river. . Enquired
Sept 16 43-sino G. W. FARQURAR
19 *alike. PlinOteti.
NEW 04)0Ds.
Encourage Home anufactures.
• 50-IC
nov 4
L*l[l4llllo Itbr Side,
*4lllo . lwilig.
friaeresti . 4 jadonofiiir Etietfg"
MFORE aim:lo4m ptdlifs‘ill'aiti ottraortlillki.T
iv 4ll, Awe, art*. Wag. EVANlPMfiebiited
CsniMmlel Mtiricnt Pillsia4l;
ists'isting iitdd Mankied."' • = -
To3mitti "Avon. CiWohltk can DusVt
fur tie sale:of Dr. Wm. &awes a hi:
LOAM thlti .
Dear Siiritottising byAm,iiralfcit- ;Wary
reference shit the aglhet<d linen
eial results Of metdreiti*l-e
to the publk
CAMOMME PILLS.' It *eke's: Wed fur
the list fe'n'yetis Wit'k x a tg airitOlfe - head in&
chest': oflet e, tha4laiiiTtir
Otte tor rota "eels nit i.taVe
fctund feller by any !fro, kipods%Pressription..
until my tiri4, saw The athrertfiniantslo chttpaper.
robin she *matted tie to *Ltd dlor voile, phich
iud obtaiasid two tamail'anst &Mim i !each
resultia itn! stnipst man-phials' reforine nie to
health, ittlwfogb I have Dot yet entire, ilhlblhfd
them. Shultdd yds ambhier to
yourself, or the public, Vie hate my
missive to Palish it. 'Yours. respecalmh
K. GOODHU Calfribiu,
iNitikdOTINIS t'AsE rem!, SW Or.
EiscieliCssiemife Tonle *Mr Firesift OSA
cal AN Mr. BENJAMIN SOWN. oc.itnetof
Shippen affil George; streets. Philadelphia; affect-'
ed for molten yea.* With eztbetrus nervommete, by
whifib belies Vint able fo Write - his name—his
aymptatitsilvens,thiscatiort, daily efaismodie pains
in the limit hisitof fipPelife, *palpitation 'of the
heart, hidAkess Ind VllMbieire 'Of sight, otter Intl
bilky Of civet& In ny Mug tidnitifired
vigor or euittage, Wiriest lAid tircaknekii
teme debility, disturbed Mime of PC:Mum
and vreight at the stomach after eating, great
mental dtipcmdeivry, be'vere flying pain! to the
chest hicli and 'side, nostiveneva, a dislike for
stuciety and itonbersitiOn.. Mr. 11." has rustle
of various; medicines now before the public, but
to no elfec4. +until, obserbing in, a publis:paper
some cures perfet itA,by Dr. William &fables
Cementite tonic and FaVnily Aperient Pills, he
was inchiced to gibe tbe'm t Irish of which he is
at any time happy, rib Mee IMit they efibettially
wirer* kiln of the tbnVe Elskreasihg Awai%
fili+eriains litho dank*" above cure. ate intikt
respectfkilly directed to the above mentioned prr
son, et the Mirth west corner of Shinprn and
Georges irtreets. BENJAMIN SOWN:
Philadelphia adobes No, 18.17.
Asrrnia,illittE YkkiiViirriNnitOur.
Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill, 'filleted With
the above distressing malady. Symptum.--great
languor.lflaittlency, disturbed rest, nervous head.
lithe, difficulty of breathing. tightness and attic.
tura ahrciss the blast; dittiness, nervous itrits.
bait) , anti resties, lAtuld nbl lit in a heti
*mutat Ormition; withoid the Sensatibn Of impend
ing stication, palpitation of the heart, distrei
itig cough, costiveness. pain of the Stomach, drow
siness. great debildt And deficiency of the tien
,us energy. Mr. It.. Mohrbe gave up every
thought nt reCovety and dike despair sat on the
counteitahel every Misch illit.tested in his
etistento of happihtirs, till by iicnident b 6 noticed
in a poblie .per %Abe Clites'effccied by Dr. *Yin.
Evans's,metlicimr. in tiii eithitplaitit;„ Which
ced hint to putchise a Other) Otitis! vrhilsh
resulted in completely reitibiring every at mptom
of Ins disease. He Isabel; to env his Motive fbr
this declaration is, that those afflicted with the
same or any symptoms similar to those front
which he is happily restored, may likewise receive
the same inestitnable bentit.
-- •
tomPhAirit MIL
/Am Akins Brenhieet; corbbt df Sebald %treet and
Germaittnah itbad; Philatielphla affected fur the
lasi obi tears with the Liter ' Complaint. Wits
compllely reatered lei heal* by Dr. WM. E
V ArillStS Twit. Did Parody' Aperient
Pills. 'Der sytitplums *ere habitual War/Mies.;
excruciating paid ill the sinthabh; depicatititi of
spirits: languo}, extreme debility. disturbed sitep,
greatin in her side, could not lie on her left
side w ithout an aggravation of pain, dizziness in
the heti?, dimness (Ogden. with other Symptoms
indicating great derangement in the Medians of
the Liver. Mrs. flrenhisier his Made lAD bf fa.
ribus inedicines now before the r"-
ceiveri no relief until she irai advised to make
trial elf Dr of tihieh•iihe. is Instill
10 elate 1091 they effeettlahy relieved het of the
aboter distressing aythritnetts, with other/, which
de not essential to ilttimete.
Mrf. Drenhiser. (husbanit of the Mane Mrs
&cellist:l, had been two yea' allitied with
d'istfeitseil state of piles and Cdritieettess; di wb
he *as effectually Mired.
Wit, de hereby sUbseribe ntlt dishilitates to the
truth Of the abort cures, that the 'detente nt is in
tieti reaped trda. BAR Ali BR EN HlStit,
IgH or ST El lid lief..
No. it north Eight street; Phillida.
Philadelphia. Oct. 21st. 1831.
pr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Ciflke. for the
**lwo!' his eitellent Medicine, is at N 0.19, north
Eighth street, Philadelphia.
Sold by
Sole Arent for *kinkylkill Cooney
Styr Establishmentl
bet t& bf Centre aid Market Streets, Pbthroille
•11.41 E sobscribere respectfully antioonce
their friends end the publit genetaily. that
they have taken the store formerly occupied by
Jacob Buil & Co., corner of Centre and` Market
streets, where they are now provided witha choice
awtortnwpt of
Dry Goodly
Liquors, Ike:,
which they Ire detettnined i,aeii at the eery !ow
e* prices. hi ANARD &
N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at
the highett - mafkct
! Apr,ll -1 2-6
DIU'S and scohfint.
UOUSTUS EIMER has returned from Es.
rope. and intends to tammenee fancy and
r sin dying. to Silks and Merinos, at Nis oil stand
to Centre - Bmm, Pottsville. Also sectoring coats
and pantaloons. He gleatful for pilot favors.
and hopes by attention Ind multurality to merit
a continuant* df bb &met cusierdt.
Dec 23 541
!. • PiriSti •
subseliblit ea' at private sale,
AL HOUSE APO DOT pieweily situated in,
the Most central and bdidottes part of the borough
Of Tamagni'. Said plopefly is well - worthy the
lifts:4loh of Hen of Muffles*. A .partteular de
"tcfirstion is ;considered nimeereasrs. as parson.
lyishitig to poftliase Will Ent view for themselves.
;ft saidpmpOrty to not sold befit* 'holster April
nest, it yiTI then be mud for one or inoreyears.
!For farther particulars, applyte the subscriber
Ilivmg at Tamaqua, or to Dr. flouter on the pi*
• • ... -•,,,
i - .Steg• 1 ar of 1 :p 4 , :a .Labrterv't
- ....... . ~
- .
IS • ••• r per"; ;- I which heirlifett:*
eelired leith each dianekubdied favour in all
llsi Med Oral,' of itieVfitied • States and Qin:
44, , triltenteir 'Apr"- (is sixth . Ref on the tit it
ihrindry,ll33o.- Tektfi r alnineefee Rubruilied an.
nhally, asd if efle bit Onllptete:4ll, itself, dee _
first of ilreiy your 4.! ' phiperliale 'DX AIM pet.
-*nil° eentrabeel , 7matiSereptiOnei:.;:.. • ~";
. As ateseridielifee • ~. eapeavityintilietibrary
to - eonVey Intr.ll . - • - i'• ieflfiettirateut the shape
of boas. itlelay bii 1i ; Aiii that durineille
Current year itiuyi •!! •laThq rive Drivels, four
birfraphleiC4Nie ti ascii, half trona feria Ws, Aimee)
tale" eitd a tirearsar oCiiiiseeillanenirit matter
of innnidiatii late :"
.. ; Alm liticrier ) ,readee.--
'Jaime the !leeks ' di 1834.1ia'yetiteri klie
tillki . wineim non( c
„Alia Par •ii City ftheStelters, - .
theterie` ~ erred* 1 ... I s
%_ At; ' ,
t, Elia' Lettert:arthii Eta,
Crichiosnori4b ' •
.; roftetiert, •
The Stracitie,%- • 'de , romance,
111 4.
' e )r,PlePlif, !
- 'eery. thoTitnibr ifink in 'lb's:Thiene,
The Life 1151iiier ol4iiiittei
1 •
Pre/ens . .1 flirt L 62,411142 Eitiehiliriir,
The Adseittierei-te iinetielt i. Sorceant.
Fiuntly . tate& '4e, II liihe a=c. Ste.
' The - east fc b the den tfeenbi , dant, thiblished
in one yeari(iira radii Ma than (buy dollars l—
IBy the Meeletof ihe rioolleil pre this +Himont
is inp i itedikirdise ,h, and disseauf sued to
eifery . toirflu the 1.3 'kin at huicabove tbe.price
ornewspeiSer posts ~ /
A very ljew domplOte sets, lit fen vartinierit,..are.
still for gala: Silleieriptianis tier the coming feat,
aeccaliained bir a itniittaner, Will be re_IAPOY
attended to. Adili A. WALDII.
46 Ca enter Street, Philadelphia.
Vaintiblp Real Property in Puussille,
THt undersignedi offers for. sale all that
known . three 14ry ,RROCIK STORE, OD
DWELLING IMO SE and the aPpOrtretiances.
'home in ektiire unreel, Pottsville . ; the property
of the nnifersigneo, together With Ai other
tenements in the rear of laid hYrifainjl , ini4 the
nil ot.grintnd whereoii the whole Stands. The
hitch building tontaibit thilni feet in
tiont—Britshed ll'e% the hiseinelit glory . for the the be a t cyle workmanihipoind both
ais a bitstriess Rimini and a residence, is magi fs.
iontatily rillusied. ; the foregoing property; will
be - Wild oh to* and ilecardnitidating trims. tort
of the purchase iiidney May reihajn do the prop
any for a few yesis, it cleaved. Titre indisputa
ble, and possession can be given immediately—
apply to G. :11, JENNINGS.
April 2:2 e 42—tf • Pot ville.
Piollie *file:
nitirtsbAlt rto an ordni of tile Orpfiiits' hurt
la of gehoyikill bounty. on Prtd,ay the 211 day
of Februipy next, Wt 2 o'clock in the alleVnton.
William 8.. Hull, administrator of the erudite of
bisakth Minds's. late of Barry townslitp,l de
cleated, will enswie to 'lle by Puhlie endue at
the braise of William's 'Mortimer; innkeePet, in
Pottsville, a itertaln dwelling imuse..stablip,
mill sod 'ttact of l land, situate on beep Creek.
Barry township. ISehtivlkill county. containing
dim undred and eighty nine acres or tilers's
bY lands ollohn Kimmel; John
Yarnell, George, Ressler. John Diet nth snit
Reed—Late the estate uf skid decieaseil.
By order of Ott Court.
WM. R. HULL, '
Clerk, 121,, C.
Orikitaldirg, 4a-n..'t. 183 k 74.
T 4 'V
For thi ihmarktanenas cure of
tittivo'rit ACME;
Olsetnered and lirnu,eht to it)ll6ll"(lit_Perreetiph
BT 519ioisiFtia chAtiFIT., 4
This is to certify that I have tried vouriTapuy•
art Elinor in several eases of Thoth Ache, lit which
I have k.ertainly• found it of 'try great aervice.
Member oft,* Royal College of Surgeon.
Lkindon, Sept; 10, 1830.
A friend steppeiJ Chit he had visiteu
the Fitt King thin morning, ihd witheised
makirellous cure of the Tooth Ache. One little
boy in particular, rho lookee crusts enough to bite
a ten pentcy nairelbtti or, in ten minutai smiled
at the decityttlooth obd defied Iti ptIKA— U. S.
Sainte.; d .
A fresh supitly of the tibtrie Elixir , just reedy ;
ed and for sal ,by •
Ernie Agent for Schuylkill county
inly 13 1-1 y
IRE sulysevibers era at Private Sale all that
two Story t one house (wit h RtiCk font and
basement (iota back,tand kit of grdund iittiiite nn 1
the corner of ,Centre and Marko street, in ildnfris
addition to the borough of Pottsville, now,neeu
pied by CheriEllet, E.q. The house being one
ofthe slit Eli ished and in a pleasant part of the
boinugh.pi I rod funtitain,de the dent, and a
il ls
Retie 'Riffle' and iiirriage house bask, renders it
I desirable Mkopert . t far tirse who wish Lever
t:haw. If noi gold before Monday, the 22d day cd.
Janne,ry. it Will thee be offered at Public Sele, at
the hiAuse of Henry Stager in said borough. at
one n'Elock do Mid day, where the terms will be
made know by GAIUA MOOR E.
Dee 30* 6-4
NOTiCE.I la hereby given to the inhabitants
of Schuylkill county. that subscriptions will
be received try the Treasurer of !raid county, for
the fiatriphlit Uses of the next Sessioli of the
General Assembly, frorii the lit of Heeember,
1837. unc.l the let day Of April, 18*. '
JOHN M. illCk EL,
Tneastiver l s Mei Cirwigs. Treasurer.
burg, the 30. 1837.. 6=-4 .
Net Sale,
A ixtitnalblk Trott of Coal Land,
LYING pod wink In the township at Rory/e
-x./ wegiatl. on the iVest Match near this West
Rratich I: v a i ptesed, about.amt miles trOn Sehuyl.
kill Ds there it me or, Montt Coal Veins
planing thrpoth this Amid.. For information ap.
Pi/ to_ I /AMID REED.
• at flottstille.
4 ..
24. Mr. notrmAii.
at Reading , .
►eel.Cl Jest cioths!!!
riIANS&Co. bile now OD handirq
aig apiorimusi of •
black. °Hie: green end Claret cloths,
do and fancycasslineres. , -'
Ind figured esttinetts
ti pilot cloths and other eeaunp
hair cambhge.testingt, Aro
b being-purchased at auction in Phila.
• New York. we guarantee foetal 19
par than, can bit purchased elsewhere
A le ° 2
o Goo
ilf of wit
per esnt
is this
For ale.
bligi '-''.
• ,
1 „ At ,__ ,
5 i • z• i Ott In an - . 01 0. 1 1',Iiif 1110 ‘Preninl
i- ' : ; t OfftelnaylkiliC t Oimisy on Sariiid4,ilie
117411 .ay utianuary, 1838. at Iti l l'eTock in the
ittlenhoon. Christopher. Boyer. adthinisisator or
- skate Of &m ad C. Boger,litte of Einit:Sfuns•
tadeceastid, frill etpune . to Sale . % Politil Ven
' "kit the late dwelling Aiii:iie of +SW dimwit.'
is t itrunsiOck, a militia tract of igid, ono
'UST 14,;:t0lIng house. barn and saw IMII,Sii .
M4lO in 'Reit Iletniiivick tountihip, f3ebuy:kil
coins, m boritatininu tiny six acres or thereabouts.'
by lands of Daniel Fucht4 Henry Sainte
minj Benjainin & &toilet Unser. Ind Krim &
Juno. And tilsivill 'au yeiriain tract of tandsi
situate in the mime township and 'outlay, adjoin-1
in lands of &moat Koenig. Dairy Boyar. Dan
iell.ndreirs and Kelm & Junes , arid communing
'tit two screw ur theieabouts. ..krtd also,. all I
thist eertani tractaof land, situate kn. it, same
township and'eounty, adjoining 4 t David
Mier, Henry tosuoternan. Julia 1 1 ,11 . 'ad and
Herny Lung. and rxintain'itilog J eight acres or'
theiremuts—late the Cllt.le of Oild deceased.
Order of the t 10.14.
CR liß I'OP HER 1 lito YER.
i Adminlstrittor.
Clerk, 0. C.
6 7-4 '
drsig•buig, - 71 k. 6 I FA&
.4, g ene 141 assorlinerii- of fresh and seasonable
Goadd, jam received—eapalitin g in part of
. • Dry_Viebek
pardstam. .
-Salt ) Plaster, &v.: Are.
nn will be .old low for carp. Tim lig:best
price paid in cul o nt s tl } l . t i t i uti ‘ o v iif i z i ltrz , pi. O .;(l;ce
j •Mount Carbon, Dec 2 2
.. : i A HOUSE Sr. LOT in Norwegian
. I Strbet,, nearly •tippirsifc thq !evident'
• III: a • . of B. P. Pomr6y, new occupied lit
William D. trib. 'The house is It
feet nom by 30 feet in depth; with a kitchen and!
cellar in the basement story, two riionnr on the I
first, seemed and third H a ire en'eli; the s hole of
said HOUsie well plastered and painted. Ah.o at
excellent well of water at the door—the lot is 211 i l
feet font, by 170 feet in depth, with a 9 feet al l
ley on the west end of said house.' ,
ra further particulars Inquire of
Mount Carbon, Nov. 3, 11937, '
F3 BANNAN.has just recd v ed the (f ollowing. • religious waits, Londowanci„ Ainerieaa e
d thins,
which he offers Mr sale cheap.; 1
tiriginall Family Sertinine, 5 Tula. ,
MataiiiloWs' Sermons.
Leland's view of Deistical Writer.
Sfurttyant's Preaelreee Manual, 2 vol.,
• Drew on the Resurrectiort,
Drew on the Seel. , . i
- .tiridge's on the Psahn CX#X. ,
• Faber on infidels:l: 1 .
James Christian Pmfesert
_ Prize Essay oll'Religioui tbsensione,
• Christian Faibeq at linine,
•:"„ A Miither'i Iteis- • .Tyr
OS desks dairy ehetts,i.
• 2U•bines pine apple.idb
10130.1b1. sUpeildr swooked
1000 lbs. do (.rd, •
16021 lbs. co' dfish,
5 bbl.. superior slid;
2Qbhls. - No. 1 Macitlid;
ha tr do do
3 stirclt. r
25 boxes superior given and black iess.
now 25
Private! Sale
firtliCiSE 3 adjoiein4 Wirthigruond, with a log
House. &c do Centre ,ritteet. lying between
the three story bktck buildrigi 'tie emptily
of Mr. pplenietriind the ale - owned 1.3 r Mr. Geo
ientiince this kits sielfl :eel in front and 230
deep. extbodini to the Anil Ruud. As these lots
are in a hdrinesktrirt of the ilo , ouzn, and are
well known,s farther desertption ie deemed un
necessary. For terms inquire
, JOllti C. FAINgT.
..dec 16
Eiriersonle Sithool Books,
111‘11E subscriber has ,twien appointed Agent for
the Isle of the- Illt in t:ounty.
Directors of the Pub School'', Drstrici., awl
others supplied by the oantity st the.publishers
Emereho's Series of Sehithll Books are eonsid
ered to be'lhe best . in Use, and is cheap as any
other.' ..
• Moth. C lib's lieries of Scholl' Books; wholesale
and. react at Philadelphin price , . Inr sale hi?'
Dec V.A 5 ii RANNAN.-
Pickles, PrespfrVea l & Sauces.
mig NATioNs sooi, w.tile iiiforin
111 *dies or Posenlie lend vicinity, that they
have just received diicat frtim the Manufactory
an sakirtinent of i
I'ickled Wrilncitrq eltutillower.piekolilt.
Gera ins, red cabbage, milted pickles,
' Maiigunii, onions, kthster, &c.
East and West 14dia preserves,
1 ,
Strawberry. risky, rry and gooseberry , jams.
Currant jelly, Frei bh mustard.
Anetroy,:lobstt9, oho Bull, Residing & Ca.
nee imam!,
Myphroo r ii . 'and ikelnut ketchup, '
Alan—Fie, ' mins, Citrons. almonds. currants,
lemons. e. . ! !
poLccict & w
in ittlelition to the
DR i" GOODS. Supe
Cloth, superior &mei'
simeresoutttitietts a '
thins, 443.
IS beiehf
have beiM gran e
Register Of •Sitiuythi
Riehitg Bidlea, dEM
Schuylkill Miunty..-
estaus ireiformfisrel.
to the ioisiltriber i
may hive Minn mitl
quested to prevent, t;
seamen*. ;
ha It
nd lletilifilry •
AVER have jast igeiired
it extensive assortment or
Sufdior . Blue snd Black'
inloured do. neer style Cu.
Beterteens v 'einem' Cue
Ebb 18 'l4-
hat letterir Testementary
to the subsefifier.: by the.
CouOty, oo tire estate of
sett Late op,
. 11 PC*!kine.lodehted to said
nested to mallo pelotas
niediately. and midi Who
id. estate are likewise re
well autheilleate4. for
rt ..`
. t
hssd*o 4 eivi it*7 , *
Pd g•
i ltheildies thhtrtual*itot. ' •
May, beeskractii withitult tot i ng any °tits niedieinai •
Tlais medieine is prepetesltr.tdletil re4'. l ,
lidettical Cottage, a receipt
the Faculty its the beit Ibrenufri .rof 'tai p
tion of„tbe fluid;esirstit of Sarsaparilla. _ . 3 % 7 . `,,
Witrs Extract 'may belts:in with perfect
Of Geo, anthticetiseimmotally idritietrtd thirpailla7:l; '
I tidriairorthe blood. Which in allesiseliWirldelbct;
ly aillevlate andlininany enttiely,•cuits the feßnWitiki
Obstinate eruptions of the skin,
1i npks or pAistoles on the tam ,
Riles whi*arirtil Trona mittnpure*hit Of body;._
Scaly eruptitins. '
Palos in the limits, '
Chronic rhatmatunn.
Totter. •
Scrogda. or King's evil. • 1 , ••••••.
White :interline,
Svphilitic ntroms, -
And all era wising friim,an Impire stab Lari
the 6lood,eilter by lona residence in a•hot and Us t i
healthy cheinte. or the injudrcious use of mercury: ,„
• I „hose thought it necessary tonnticb a few amp=
cares elite beneficial effects, from persons
in the couutyonereferettees:
• , • Readingoltds 13.1837.
Wie. the undersigned. having used the 'Comftonal
F t,
RO Extract of Sarsapatilla. (prepared by.„Gettn,
W. Oakiatev in our families. most cheerfully mom .
Metal it to the/milk; ass4hete, saltine& elSkien
tnedieme, in diseases. aruufront 4nipurttiets-of
Wood. , •
%VIII. Fl. MILLER.' N. •
S. sictiAsns, •
WM. itiicobs. 1
This is to certify that was for two years'afflict4
with en obsnnirite tmperigontous affection 'testae of,
legs, w hich broke into numerous ofterii, fur which f t
tried various. remedies, which but increased the dia.
ease, whs.!' 1 was recommenued to try ter . Oskeley*-
preparation of Sarkapanlla. 1 dad so.rnrot afterusiaff
several bottles 1 am happy to state that the Wars ,oit,
entirely re mewed and my leg healed Withinis
nand - t h is nay of.Angust, 1t37.
JOll N R COLUR Reading;
This certifies ihat my little son, a.bOut Slime old: :
11,4 suffered fur along lime from 'extensive sores on
lilt right knee and leg. (.41111050d to,tilvt e *been white
swelling.) winch I tumid impossible heal, by even
the aid tif the , most respectable medical advice, until
1 was recominenued to use Mr. George W.Oakeley'it
CompolindSyrup of Same:milt, eight bottles Of %Ouch
not only healed he sores but I erfectly restored ;t •
chairshealtli which had 'Allred nt9eli in consequenstf
of this affection., CA'l'llA L RINGEMATC
7th above Peon at. Rent*.
The obortense was presented to me. bottr barons
and alter 'he Ilse or 11 , 1.:. Oakeky's syrup ISM - Min..;
Ilia, and I Mire no Ktt
a,taou lh believing
hat it tvi.a .
'lke agent 01:1),11 lest uratinn. ,
_ .
Rea;3+lo.efit. I. 1637.
Wilmindan. Aov 2%41837.
Mr. OakeJey.
Sir.-1 consider it my duty to let you knoks &gibe
Ilse of the half dozen bottles . ofyour valuable Samaras'
-111 a tnat." got aro iti June last. has entirely healet
my leg. the Doctor told me it was of a strapless nhara
neter. and Ihell3P of your medicine would -probably
bencgt ir. The flee bottles were not taken before , itti
was healed; but I took the stzlh to malt; the , cu - e
eaten.; it is now better I ban two months since I lair;
An y, ,nd there is no appearance ut a return, my Apt::
ciao thiliks' the cure perfect.
kille [thrive ralaable medicine may be had k
the stibscriber's wholesale and retail .. Drugg - sto!e, a
North Fifth street, Reading. arid at must of the pkpb•
cipal drugistore.r. Fresh Drugs and MediciPesi at
their's! est cash prices. also kept for sale by the stk. , '
scriber • , W. KELKY..
Also, to.he had at the Stores of - Heiedenreictr &
Kutz "Ku - stmitt ; Wen Mintzer ord Dr. Pord. Pour.; ".
town; Water Re:0.4).01.y; and The store ofnazzatat -
& Strauch. Pottsville.
Jan IS BAno .
N to,preveni iorrooititre, ray signatbresisilr
accompany the label of each hortti._
Tlie Penny Magazine arm - ej
Knowledge l ,
IS decidedly one Of the 4:heave-I and most
miler periodica4 now,eittantr—tliere..dill 2oD..
ono copiip void every month in Englatitt,:erlif l 63i.
000 in Arneriea:
The Parts of vol. 6 (for the, year 1837) star_
as received. can he h4d ut this office. Pries:At-I
per part, or $2 00 per annum.
This Magazine is published in. tannthly.n l itrio.:
containing 9ti larr. pages; the present tiorumuis: •
much eniurgrd nr.d impriired. The ititrirtrationte.
pf Wood cuts arc executed in a superior manner:
There is an advantage in taking this virork over, *
all others, 11 person can discontinue it whenever .
he sees prriper, fur each part is always completes
Complete I , Cis of this work from the t i orr imence. ,
elect ce be procured o he subscriber, it Si per
land and Wa/ea. . •
PERSONS wishing h engage pasinia •tot
ihtir friends, in first rate ships. Crop the a
bove places, way now do IRO by applying in •
.Cerise Street-
Foy 'the accommodation of those-pereone amt.;
tirigiteseaue for their friends. trite Ivey with, to'
feud them money. 1., enahte them tfi . firovitiillte
the voyage, drafts win be given on the ti floviini
nerrieti Merchants, vit
W. Mita"Vb. 9. -Waterloo Road. Liver ! .
moll, !Janie; W 4 Co. No. 3, Robinson rd. eat
Glasa4; Wl'Jilin' Miley, No. 25, 'Eden "Q,nagi
Dablin. may 6 36 ; .
To let.
pH F. hatemant mory (d a le atone building rani
II in the anthill aintilee AcklitiOri ' lO Paulo .
ville„(being calCulateirfor • GROCERY or.
FLGFJR Si FEED wrott E. will be tel for tha t '
purpose to n good tenant, at a reasonable rent.'
Poiw t t i tision given on Hie of,April next., Ap.
len 1-3‘'
ill 8. Raid proiierty in.for sale—apply as above
• li'`. r.+ll: s I:lllAttleied: •
1' I)(SZKN .Scrairn'a Psnatea, just reeeiv.
,7 ed fresah ruins the proprietor. -Upwards of
Seventy.Pive Thousand . Bottles of this valuable
medicine were in-ad:last year, and the - .leinentl is
itiertaidng. For sale by the tiozen,.or single - tottlb:
Pri ce $2 per bottleor three. bot.tlea.fur lir
-B, BAN Pi
Sole Agent for Sab - dyfkili County. - • •
Mato Swaim's Vcrmilligt. • r-
Ccibles 11orth Aulerican Reader end
110 COPIES 6f ilitietiiriikeritifiet
ed end ; • - ~whOlefele to - 1
ih# different Sch4ol . Phila."
de phis prides; z i4 ftties of
Ctibb's Behoitl liodkii: - FA 4 kLs l • •*- OltiaiN;
• imm 23, • 4 ,
CALL -to the subscriber residiait iiieed 1 mile) ,
fro m - ahopt- iti9i4Tigi"..ltt
13RINDLf COW. selitiihied*blrii*CliffiSj
(4a. Ths. talis.;l remoote:d*ool.-fc
prove PrileS:r. ebirialteido4o
Ithwidia stiew4ll.,,bit