54' 23~~c~~ El FIZI Vin; . 0 - AND PUBLIS JAMIN BA Z-TR/1311 ; -PRIN BY RE &ND FIFTY Cr. 'tally in advance. ILbe charge.ii to ai i , ofpotange. To not paid within. th' .o price of subsoil p I Tautkit- Do payable•aetni-au in the year. $4 w ettiye the paper r $3 per annum I will be idded to .WEEKLY, per annum, payabl, paid w/tbirt the 7WO DOLLA in advance. If n be ch4rgeti not exceeding twe ee insertoon4—and . MEW in*OPArtia nth will be insert eforwhi:htheyar `ill be charged. acco 'yrs will be chart; tion to the paper vertisement not ex, e year, and the tit pt r : for 4 tpree suce ease.] toihe ofitnr ntion will be paid r meetings, dr.c. a ofore been insert each, except Merril ,advertisement, charged $1 fort insertion. UM' ad,vertis t out, unless the tit is specified tand Yelrlya4verii ludiug subtari of keepingzone a.: standing during er one meach p 111 letters add ottierwise no att All 'entices f which ha'►e he charged 25 cen Marc! * hers, Forei .r the I Case, les& John McCall!. George T. Ch Copartners on. firm of McCa Chambers. i No. 1 EN -Henry Frede Schuglk U County, he Corn (non I Vera!, (1 ?-. • ' ( 5 o the Sheriff ot su : We ()outman tech Henry Fro. our county, by Ail oods end chattels se hinds. or tiro-is; ssion soeser the ,so that he be and .ppear belbre our non Pleas to be It Wen at pirwigs. ,r said county, on the Monday prc st Monday of Ma ch next, there to ' • cantles and Gra rge er.'Clut Thera, ,er the fins at McCanles & Cho in.. /' Of trespass ern the Case, &c. And summon ntf4. Manufacturers and tank of the? Northilrn Liberties," in Ir.(' Philadelphia, tole all . persons in 1 or possession tl* said goods and , iids and tenementsi, or any of them, I ! ed, so that they and every of them rppear before the [said Court at the above,reentione4 - to answer what . ed against therh, and abldt- the l : the Court thereM. And the,Hon- IBlythe, Presideqi of our saniCourt g . ere twenty,third day of Novem. ne thousand etiht hundred and LEWIS AI.W.NRIED, ; . . - I Pxothonotary. -. . manta, in wh , ! same may be Court of Com, burg, in and ceeding the I answer John i copartners u bets, of a pie, also, that yo Mechanics the county whose hand, • chattels, Ls may be atla.! l may be and li day and shall be judgement mirable Cala at Orwigsb.: bar,. A. D. thirty seven..l herebygiven, tat in Obedience hove did,, on the sth dayof , tittach all thoke contikuotra lota -the Borough of ottsville, - iiituaie • usterly aide d .Ce.ntre street in the 1 ' of Schuylkill, exited in Benjamin ( ;'tial plan of saidßorough, nanbers i...ntaining in front on, centre street in depth 230 feet, (conveyed to De -IThos. Ewing, by Deed recorded in p 498 ditz.) Also all the moie ' ant in a certain tract of land situate husanne townallo in Northampton partly in Rush t wnship in Schuvl aforesaid, as bounded and described Jritece thereof from Jacob Alter and .rnelius Stephenson and wife, dated 1830, and Recorded in Northampton .11 end Book • F vol. '5, Page 343 &c to - nd one Charles Egner in fee. PETER F. LUDWIG, Sheriff. 5-6 w . XOTICE to the December, of groped the bicuth said count Pott's adds 13 and 14, 120 feet, an fendant Deed atiok ty of Defen partly in county, an , county, in the cony, wife, and March 20, county, In deteudent, Dec 23 I NOTICE ii , given, that letter's or Admirtiatration , n granted to kite 'aitbscriber, by- the 1 Sehpylkill county, of the estate of -, , deceased, late of Manheim township, .unty, . AI; pers4na indebted lei satd herein* requested to make payment rtbers,i bettiveen now 'and the Igth day next, rind such who may have claims te, are lik - evvise requested to present ut hentiented, until .said date. hero; nave • Register o John no estate are to the loth' ofJanuari on said es them well )01 - 1N BOWEN', 111:5W EN, t Ad m 'rs 36 dee 9. George Relber, deceased. E is hereby give 4 that 'letters testa ry haheeo graXited by the Register Countyill to the sbscribers, executors will and testame nt of George Reber, If TOsogrora, In Schuylkill County, de. erefore all person having claims or gainst the estate Of the said decedent. ted tb make knoWn the same to them f them without:day, and ail r...rtionir . the estate of t h e said decedeut are 6 pay the same toleithei of OM silbscri t iLEVIItERERe New Castle. WILLIAM AUCENIIIED, 3 6 MeKranstierg. t I Eltta N in a - 1 - 11 men ofSchuyl . of the la- , .E.q. late ceased, U, demands are requ. or either • indebted reitneated' hers. ZARD - & 014,,A LE A. °Ode, Gre quor I St) Centre and Mar EGO Cornrr o April . Lum t Joint Shingles,: I Lap do 0 Lathes, soitabe for paling or shin• or gale by A. A. G ILE. 44 jamin 5 . 25.1 20. I k sling,. sops Be ..11 Ir.. AS . nitsgs. trusted (pct w 0 RXE removed hi& Utile feihiii Briar, Bniid here ihe still item hire in the line limb and Subscriber will i 'lnd Welsh Book .oe wishitig to rplease !eine a roornitl: En rim ' - 0 - 111,tower, 1 •• - ' , • I ' .. fr : i '. .4.....• , - .•••••••=---- 1 • _ ' .' ,t : - -.: t" .:9.4 . 1.3-0:: .71 • 47:1 t. 3.11 T , ? 1 •' . r‘ , l . •-• 0 0 .,..9 . .•;' , ..e . :., , , , i':: ~. ••• ..- : ILL, •',.: : 3- “ , •.; fif • V "',,„, •I-:1 k. i Pri : y'' cp.- -; 4 1 / 1 .. , 11 , ,!.-:..r ;1r...? 'l I I . -1 .. -... ' . , , _ - a --_ . ... ~-.... --,..-.........,---!---__l-'-.. ~.: !..-1 0 . • , ~ •+1•, - :. ' ll l “ w , ~ i ' ' 'V; ' • '.... : 4 '' '. .... 3 - :, t.ilt ,1 1'.• ~ • , 0.:••• -/ ‘ ..', i 1 . ' 4, ) ,44.NDIN)IL I TSVILLIO GIENINILIit Ak - DVP.arr RI ••- • • -......._ —WEL, ' - ‘.. -, - 4: , ''r i!: 1, r. •: ' - 7 - '- . 1 , 4 . ' t .. 1 ' .' - ' .1:,-LL- ' ..aL r; '' - ' '' ' ,.: 4'. '' ' ' ,_--2- ' .• -, it' .1% '''.'"i! ;:T irrzi. -.:,., -4,1% 1 , -. - 11, : -. t.,•'t, .cL, ;•41 - ' '-..„.,• •--- •• ~, A ~., 'k •-••••• —.4 :411rid - A 1 . 4- A l 1 24 I WILL TEACH YOU TO PIERCE aocalitalaaiwc gain Lica SWIG 4)l* • Croa t. Six•th Annual., ReporS, aut e byt . the Board af ,Tr 4 tol/0 • te , Misting Aser:ll , w4:on - o chirylkill'egunty. Javi‘ary VAS. 1 ' . The Board of Trade nt pefierit to.the Coal alliting-Assecia tioe their sixth annual re' ort,iin which they'have 4ndeavored ter embody a retrostiect.;,•thoith isiapeefeet, of the 'past year's ope. rations. ' - - . '. l' 1 • it iti the ' ' • t Theaspect of business l wit n past I welveolonths has va. vied from one extreme 10 this other. In the he inning of the year, every part of-our btVirtilit 'its gang on rep dll. awl wt 44 a full-determiaatibn-on our phrt, if possible, to. out a supply of coal equal to the demlo. • Difficulties in monetar,,. affairs, which had heed gradually in creasing in the . suuthern and some other seelionlifiTtheePuritry, came upoaus suddenly ihithe hitter part-of and pro duced almoit an' entire ciss,satitm'ef business; which, however, was partially resumed in Ole efair*e i,?rq,:few dayii. , Such, was the situation in which we are pleced,,that all iiiiiteditit a call for'a r meeting of thoseJengaged ,in mining coal; believing that by a full' ex pressioe . end compariso of our ,sentiments on liusffiels gene rally, and iifrtictilarly ottr own, we Could'ailopt looms general ' pleb that might prove adlentageous to ug o all? 1 . Whatever reliance we l ay place upon eur'indiyidual, mental, and efivsica! enrgies, in :ordinary times, yet, in times of danger 1 and difficulty, in the hourof Severe triah men is tilways disposed I, to-call upon his fellow man far advice and assistance. Such was the course putsued by !hill tridieg o community in edery section of the country, and such wtcs the course pursued by.us: 'We held a meeting that was numerotisly attended; and slier a free inter--' , change of oon find to4terli deliberation, vie retelved to adopt the coarse that appeared to hs „most prudent; undgi the elisting circumstances, and, tadiact# silliest the only-coinse we could , pursue. * k '1 ''' 1 - 41 - ' i • , In consequence of imfbreeeen diffiautties, the seal merchants in the cities were under 'Abe t pecnitsity,,,ot countermanding their orders fOr coal; they dir cted their, shipments tolbe diminished, i ci and, in mitny instances, ', be -stopped altogether l'or a time; and others absolutely refused' tolulfill theircontracss,iallegine in ex• tenuation the pressure ofithi times, and their tOtel inability Ow meet any draftsrlthat might be drawn on theta. Residers, it was impossible to get drafts disceunted at the customary time, how. ever unesteptiortable thetmig,ht he in °the' respe s ..ats;and, coolie quently, it was tomessibliii for the colliers to pay •their men, and they were therefore cotapelled to discharge them.! In this posi tion of affiiiri, we, publis ed the„proceedings of oir specling, in which worstated,,to the . Odic our situation,lind vifws. We stated, that when the question of the reduction of duty on foteign coal wa s agitate iin Congress, we had pledged our most strenuous effortelo make the home production ehual to the de mand, and that we had, h,Y unusual perseverance a jid toil through a severe and ,itiblementi+inter, accomplished mach, and stood ready to go on to redeetiniog our pledge'. That Othough-wages. had been high, we had gene on working and pavi our men re gularly; and then 00arge amount of coal tocked at the, _, r mines ready for,t nspottittion. That the minin „and stocking _ of this coal had absorbed all the capital of the others, and we were not able to transl'4 the coal into-the market for retail. M iti eisointed.outitht opts' snediubVthroutsh ix hieh ruf . r"eukt" eri ii, toted:reach thri algae; I at; the canal, and flail could be, uses, only about eight monthiln the year; and the Oesequence that would result frpm per - ittine this timeato ela Pse in inactivity, would be -an insufficient 'meet; of coal in the market at theclose of the navigatn. TO avoid this truly deplorable event, that : bears so heavil yon the' Poorer classes of the community, wo inc;' vited those who had mdtieymen of capital-or tbose who could command it—to come forward and perchase,l•either l'or cash, or such paper as we email 'make use of 'through 14 medium of the banks. In such titneoa was experierked whets the foregoing statements were laid before the pubfic, could rulyiset of men who" ' were not capitalists, wiiii never possessed a largit amount of mo- v ney, Riddled Estima t e!l flFey did possess; we ask, i could it be sup- posed that they could (ri d oeopolise any busieess 'lithe magnitude of the coal tinge arPes#venial Yes, certairqeditors of news papers—gentlomeri wllom we are satisfied posses much- general knowledge—did suppose it; or else they ,baveea'd whet they di Itl i t ) not the mselves'believeiit i or they did, without hesi ion, pronounce, it an attempt tb, monog tise; a ruse to keep up he price of coal. by gulling theptitlic ti o thesbeltef that coal lrould be scarce, li, unless something was nef t , z , I. -. We would sespectlid I, s u ggest to- those- gent oi, men the necw it ityy of acquiring more ', i Rte•kriowlece, before they ifimottn4e anY set of megju i l ... reoil o tv,ers,_ seemdatrirs, 4r.e. J. ' r R unnin g , ;) what iNiry ilefietitiabel' m 1 - prudent course in theirsbuinness, of the rarnigeatiBns:uf which they certainly possess the test ...infor mation. • : 1 : - ' 4, - _, a,; ,c. We have just cause for,coeratulation, in e fact that men who possessed the attilikto purcbare, held t he same views of thesatuatioa of our besineSs that we did, and !tirade investments in anthracite-coal. • Facilities stirpassingieur heist sailituine•ex-,. pectationas 4 ere offered, * antl , iiiiile many other branches of business were hingui*ing ours was going fortehriprospen?esly; and the small towns and 'Alleges, aril wellas the large and-,4topu , 1 . bus cities, have generally: 4 been-fully wiggled. , Heretofore, when elterripts have been made to abolishithe duty' ' on foreign coal, the liablie -were induced to lielievathat a' large supply could be obteintdi from the - Nova Scotia mines.. And here we may k retriarlc, th4t vessels have lately been obliged to return from ,therh‘4lCo t cargoes, as neither the Pictou nor Sidney mines were iti ope tiun. - . The fellowiri grAb,'e 'bite the. quantity of anthrazite coal (1 ; a sent 10 market during tit ,pas4ear:, . . - A?ril 1, 1837 : - Old 444 remaining, Seat from Schuylkill! mines, Lehie 1 , • " l , '• Laclmwartna 'Beivitr-oitfr - -.• ". ,irlitinegrovill3:: 31 - 4' t - - " Willenabatra coal' basin?' . 'f x 1 .. -- . i '• ii* , - Total-In market; 890,933 ...-j . • • , We thinhilt •pmp4-herls to r emark, that none of the coalmen .tiuned'in theitprededMeld le, frifiii,,the Williesbarre basin, reach. ed Philatlelphitienq of he 17,0fillt. i tonit mined at Pmegrove, about 1006 'iOns..arrived at .the city; and 28,775 tons of what was entered on the eanallin this region, stoptitalshort of Philadelphiisf making a ,tatal pf glinutisixty thousand tons :from . this') .. three place§ that 'li d not reelti tide water. And the amount disposed of in the sante:manner, frem•the Lehigh and Lackawanna mines, we have ate'clgiarttinity[of knowing, butlhelieve it so be very considerablel, - Thunlit at*ears, that net mate than 834,9 p. tons reached thelAtlentie matlket. The who nilinuiit of nth racite coal sent from the coal mines in Pounayliiiinta, aitinea 'as can be asceroined, since' the cern mencement ipfithte It . on the I.Attigh id Tir,D;up to"the pre sent tithe , in 4,o94 'thns. It appears, by the preceding table, In NAN. EZI !TS per annum, Pr not paid with• those who re ad subscribers jear, 5U coals ion. I sem-annually ear, $2 50 will ve lines wtillfile cents Tor one until ordered to be continued, Sli Per 4tiliteum: dlfill the privilege. eeding 2 squares l ertion of a aniali kive times. ast be post paid n them. d other notices ewe.. will be gee and Deaths. Tenn, 1838. ' n Altachment,, il $l4OO 123 in Pe lnyylvanin county —Greet I. you that yoil .erirkson fate of, land singular hin hinds and term TRAUCH'S TD RET AIL and Li et Streets,.potitrioille. .28- Cnrimming, .IT.La6n to Centre Street, op. mg of• George M. Jeu. Aid to nil business en. of his profession, EMII Clllll BOOkS. :port all kinds of Eng. , at the shortest notice. ~btain foreign publics. • 'at theofficit of the ' B. I.•; • 5 EN • 1 ~ • . , . • _. . __. P TysritlLLE.'PA,. - sir .. ixEsumc mon 3 _,•4.) ..„ ~., • , • .„..2 . 1 „ ;......... 1 t..,, , r,, . . . -..... E-, '. - .1 , 1" , .- • maxims OAQLtIIY or Tim . none. Tons 253,152 192,595 115,367 ;1,307 17,900 17,492 l!il PAINN 'that thalitaituty,. • a,ott,l A ppltell: '1837, les all.thate ,4, Itts, ie .Bflf3,lllo37iniut,tiatliwheihar 'Ouch • ALI will remaitlta-:.72.auted on ahe-Ist of'Aprjtoeixt,,soll dept i4l itt, some ltioatiere tapsta l i • fie Olifilmisatrsever yof ffie r tiqfek. .. : 'Ail ilitjfAttes tit the 'taperer ''• • . resign tit '' bustnees, during li s teittait. year, a ooh lei ,amou : of cod _wee-waited, than it ..,-. " e • , -wasetippposed.wopld :be ratptired • • meeltit he del - band. if , redo `not recollect, thet , .therethes• been,. ithin the flame peripd,Aincet our first ,roort, such a eoPtinuat e , nging in the pticeer minerel labour, as- within,the poet .twelv • months. About the I,sit of January last, wageriAlirliAliigh, a d, ware brought ,dcrien by the I letitral. depressioi in besitiessabo I the Ist-of May, tindes.busie tress resumed its activ f l, }they g *ally rose again, and so cone tinu'ed until the • elosing-of the ca al, arid are now down agajn; "effecting two entire rAtiphitio in the last twelve months.. owever desirable lit spay be bring oar tinge and all kik', come:sic/as into airegulat. and ste dy progressive course, yet it is, atimust continue to be aulijec t o the causes that teed:win terrupothe regularity /l ofthe trade and commerce of the country' generally. To this stibjlt, the 'cation of the aslociation may perhaps be devoted with onie ad wage; and etthougit serum, sten events may arise to frustra e the object in vie*, yet * by ; utiite-of action ' nd perseverance, ugh may, be accomplished. ,- ,Until lately, - tins coal fields of ennsylvania , have not been. the subject - of much inquiry among ologists, though they areno* eliciting More ailention; and, du ing the past summer, the able geologist, prolisorAoge T is, who s engaged fur the state,lipeut some time in this and other coal egions; and we feel much its. terest in the accirmplishment oft is geological survey,,tettpirjeg ditit, from the repoTt of ohe so ab e as he'Vrho is now engaged iii it, we shall derive mtich"yaluable ififutmatittaf i l , .i. The new wei block e r ect edA Mount Uarbon,within the past year, by the nevi at ion coinpany , nd under the s'periptepllence of the able architec , Mr. Gele t aifill• urd greatly inteattsad faith isA for the coal shiamailik ciP,this viei itv. .Iflis it . ,teau_tiNl. place Of workmanship, highirereditable Clb lb the.,saperiarendeitt and' the navigation.comparliiiind we 'ew.witli inuchsatlsfiictien the progress this company are:paid g in impriefing the grbitt work under their charge, - .. . ..: "; ' ii - - !' From the era rchante*ho pnenhaW our coal, we bear almost one unanimous voice et:Complain , a . geinstAhe heavy losses Otos , hive sustained by the cargoes of oal not toldiug out the weight I 'taken and registered at Our yveib-locli; tor which amount they pay the collier Red pay inn and reightoon. We think they do 1 . not complain without just cause as many instances have come to our knowledge in : which the astrgo has fallen, short from. two to three tons, and ev en „ , More.. We are not aware t hatAt hese cora plaints are directed ag,airist any articular persona, pi a netted, oc duty or coiling at deeeptio ,•but there is error somewhere, which they w is, to remedy; we feel it our duty', aed will cheerfully unite m the alloptiou f any feasible plan Co tat air.. -* rectigt of those Priors. t . . ~. gi ... .f Fm information lately obtai ed,. we feel confident theta are some bows on thecanakthat haie got been weighed,fempty, Air' more than a. year; this being, title case, the registered: weight is` not likely to be aorrectjar.d, eot seivently, it.mould be impossi * to'obtOn tieJ, .weighs of coal n the boats. 'W e believe it• is i r iirtlie - weight o! beats turrying om um register, telonne tow. crepeney betweewthe weigh-loch register of cord and4be weight on the waves in thecity has arisen. We would,thieefore, sug gest the propriety of endeavoring to have some tegitlatioreadAp 7 ”, ted, making it tbligatory on captains to have their hoithe weighed more freqfientli;pethaps as oftn as every two motets. .. , It is customary for, a, weigh • aster, when be issues to ti• cap taip. ti certi fi cate of thereight o his boat or cargo, tdl charge for such certificate; and af - hough this may appear a nail affair to men of business, it is ofsome imortancelo a class of mess whose earnings are so 'small i ns s that f boatmen; and-ohould they be t i obliged to weigh . more freque tly, it will. be a source of still greater dissatis,faceen to thetg.i Another item of charge which the boatmen have always felt/ as clipping .their hard earned Lance, and which engaged, the .attention, oiefhis board some '"years since, is the . toll ma ii•npty, boats, returning from Philadelphia ~ and elsewhere After having discharged their cargoes. . , . As the article of coal dirt is ef much less value than coal, it• is found by-thica „ l who Gave used!' it for time burningok.c.,thet to pay the orctty costs, aed charges on it, they cannot used in eompetitioa with wgod; and, we think, the • riavigation comfsaity oughtto be solicited to reduce the toll on this article. -. : ...• Three new steam engines, manufactured by Hay Wood de Boy , der, hive been erected within the past year for hoitt i tint out coal; and other improvements, as rail roads, wharves, &. are in pre-,1 grass; there has also jest beep, completed, by B. F. Pomroy, t 1 new film foundry and phop, for !the nianutacture of steamatn,riest, , l rail road cafe,..&c„. The number of operators engaged in mining coal, thatiathans. ported on the Schuylkill canal} , is at present about sixty. If the -coal trade shouldeconlinue, to receivasuch able and. unwavering sepArt; ati-it has since May Wet, we feel entire confidence itxthe liability of the incorporated coniptinies, and individuals envied in working the aril mioes ofennsylvenia, tit send out Vsproply rally equal to all the demanda -P rtheire maybe for anthracite!coal. Iron is an article mitering It'll* into use, in the•censtrtiction of mil „roads and canals, and the arts and manufacteres•gritterally; and exists in great abundanceiT the mountains of \ r own atete; asis conclusively illustrated b he numerous familia sand fezzes.' i that give life and etfietty,tee.mauy a nariow glel , that, must otherwise hjive remained in die dark and solemn sit 4 ence of the forest. . i. ~ .• • - .' k • , . 4 , Smelting ot iron martin* ite coal, has for' a loft; time en• gaged .tite s, re or less.iiiteetio ,f though withotit Any #tisfactory results cntil recebtljr. At escort!, in •Wales, irhas Peen manufactured with complete uecess, without any o f er kind of fuel than anthracite coal. nd the developments mde in this satisfied all who witne , county, by -Dr. Geisenheime ,eethe ex- ,1,• periment of its entire succe , although. tint , a sma ll malty of iron was made, in , consequen eof the machinery breaking. Be fore the expiration of another year, we shall, doubtless, flee Res thricite coal advantageouslY used in smelting iron; * the ~.. amount of coat consumedeisued inftfte production . of -this Poe prtiele, will, in the c.oursit•of a few, ears . be immense. ,If Yee - fl y . he . permitted to use the!,past in forming our judgment otethe. cetera, We feel but littlelinaitation in predicting, that the iAttlind enat. ! midi of Permsyttran i ia will, Very shortly, far eurp* 01! most sanguine expectatimis of , the r, adroceles. , . ~, , • 1 .• Respectfully eubmittail,s _, , 1 ~, G. G. P,lkEMEß,Prissiifent. Pcrrrevuxe, Jan uary 9tbi 1899., - • -At an electron f or of fice r ii. the ,Coal, a • tiniog c Ateric4tinn - of r l i i , Schuylkill County , At tlte - ettraylvaniailaltiload titres, the following perique A - efecteed: odiebrrpfbitibiONiaitattirig - ' ' year. .t V . ...*- . to ii: .." ; - ...-...-.1•10, , , " , rr . • s'.7k k ' SASUREL LEWIS. = ING, JANTIAIIIIrm 1888: ' •,- • "?.? vi,l Frksile4, trPV :Oki VOL Se:kregaries: , ° z . f k - : • - t , i-G . ,:,i , Hit -P;pril,- w-- ~. jio4gi • ii :4 1 , : e-,'l l ''''''ff '' a " - Ca - Tat o Ls.tiTtiii, -4 7 SA UE$ BROOKE, .litili a()BR,,_. l. • ~. ..A LION, SA C. . G N,,K OOP, 4IF4NRi , J.. WILDE. AN _ R 9 ..A The halo 'rig a?rit, iti information of iron :. menufactur hi i ales in 1836.-cntnes.to psi from - I emir ' that enders the it inn• taimvvaleab irtin itecontit of its incortici. Wii 1 ibould ste t. ach t*ratl6 . ed to remit!. similar I statements,milt Timmy Imo work* in Bestir i P7ivasis, Xe '. ys:reqbeesate.llliesouti,, M iAr,l ryliiiid an lntl• , he Iron Trade . will; e. ventually, Oorre o, e oftheino4 ' imporfini in.& silo a tile ofty of u elitplei lit the United Statue. Peensylvan in ,Partieuhirentost rdepeno siWm : her Coil as Iran to render her - not only tlia Key 'eqae, but t e Empire State of this great confed eracy,' ' 4 , • ,_'' • ... 5..., ' . -...r. , ' rpm tbe WslesVamtklan . - 1 f.r.."' •' • ' ' -.-- •' •. -'.. ;41,° . s , • THE 110141 wpm' oF,svAL E5,....i. - . ' . '4( ' Hafieg ersfelt le. caukhrien, O f,FeW. i t ,a statemen tkr the qtra bites cr botsent4rearn the G tirtmcjrganshi re aniMeinthotit ' ilifnktiiiipahl. l . in the yearatingDetetrilier. 1836; W** Indrsz:' ced to tpake same pep tries iii-tiritiftleticiipitoir f of lyon, an also - 40 he pinipactirlir the bade -gectellfilly;. ! id, its 'eve ?totting .conoected 'With( that - most ;north t o , out the iit i ,,,skT,. -such :vital mpor flee tti thev peePte of tltia.vtertid the adjolhi genii %psi' tiMitlitattlii 'filtkVt.fie i otutertratto e(the tt elf-my enquiries)-roby not be' almget r uni heating, to your viteiltereo,i •., r 11 appea s that, . a ahem:tient polkilibetifumish• , etilbut ver ,lione festAl t itta,wheiniby tolodgit of, the qua,nt iiii:ot - tit madelii-eachestablialicnseh, brlcatise„ e. of e made Miustcrittten , d.ii co9tt.: 1 er , ;rl p ar iort k o heir m i alieto the' port in 4 ther sit of SI , whievealsotbe . rs sentillitlifor o figllript, but . copiidstrilble quaint ititorfin i..h. ed rails, al d.I , 'eve 'it requires 27 cart.'of Fig loon to q like a' on of rails.. . I have, however, beeit'fort 'ate e bug li!to obtain an exact acco;pnt . k t . •f The 104titien of Pig lrcio made in alithe prin cipal' Wthb Ira works, during the yetii'lB36, „together vilith t - .state .in winch it turf been chis4.eitt to n Ant}, and it it as tollownr,,,, Pigs *de. -ln toarkatate seat to market. , Doa.fi t ie,, . "4 450 Rails;bata and nail kids. Itint;y4 ii„ / 1,273. -do do 'do " 6" Beaufort; - . 7,723 Foundry pigs. .• ' , Cyfarthfis. i " .800 1 Rails, bars and nail reds. . Hirwain 6 7..983, Ditto and pigs. F 17100114.: . RM.. Itails. bare and nail slide. - 1 rettegqa, ' r sow, Dars„onlo. FSiriniviy,, 1 8108 Forge pigs. 1 Ebber:V le, ,‘. iti6ol 'Rails sot /lire* Vatteg, • v. 6,623: 4 115i1s , bars and pigs. Blattner , 5, 468 ,Foundry pigs. . • Aberssin a n, 5,127 Rails, bars and pigs.. • Penyda n, 4,941 RAN, bars and pigs. Abarde 3.644 dare and • pigs. , " Clydach 1002 Bars and. pigs. Rhym , 9,51 e Fiiitdry ,ritgs. I Blaine, I 8,1[7 Casting's and pigs. Peritary+ . 8.857 1.4 :: do • Porktjp, -1 ; 112 Bars for tin Plates, dui. Coalbroek Vale, 4.014 Castings and pigs. Cwmav n, 3.975 -1 14 rs Tor tin plates. !Ithisbeg 3,626 FoundrY pigs. . Neatit Abbey. 3,269 • palings and pigs. Pentylc b, 1,790... Pars RI do plates. Gasily fv,549 Foundry pigs. Tot ' qu F ani m i t o h f e l a rt s was 456 Bailey 47,99 to m 'et by cordin to th of the Ins for b , he,Do 22, tom; Alt inigh wrou tin I from very prom say duce ontil I tity 0 Pig I 000 taw.' ry un it 174 rapid trid dopt . of coal 4t mad t my, d scover writ of th yet eh w *OP . at ti *tray 'and therwere , prod eed 1 'time-t he qui riod have,' 88 In l i 5 9 0 6 ; 1 ‘ I i 4 19 tons. re statement, it appears that the in -made by the Dowlaps Iron Co. id' diet made by 'Messrs. .1 Ir. C. tons. althopgh 'hero:Jauntily sent the latter exceeded the . former (sc. 'account published in your • paper i .) by 5.426 tone: this ni ace° anted i leis. Ce. haying made OpWardl of finished rails. • r.‘ . , r4n Mines are known to have been; e•Forest of Dien. and other places, erg period; these not be en abielo Josef the' nointityr f. lron pro. til o year 11214- W*43. the tota l q" a '''' n _made in Greit Brits was 10 1 ' ; - trade reinained ilea liatationS, , albert which period i madd most in. consrsquencept ths ; general a , -,, d' tnrdley's,, proems Mr, using , pit of chiiicoal. and ,lthough few, if a., - Uri enistributed more to the, pres e min tribes that of Lord'Dualcy,' a th at tnesitable gnnraticevof 'hes t pt: ; that tt# works_ were dp •hiptelf, nearlyz rained. In ,1740. oro ' for G reet tiriiiiii: which .000 i*Js-oflPig '1r0n...'1,81 - nee dna eiiriniOosaiciur,d stli%Vitilt lo4s: pip, aifonowsi-r1••-• - , 1••'' ' - s ' 10,Qq0 tpna:llEt.2o . 400,000 i Gal i i i ~, ~ 1824 M41;367, IM I I - - 11326 611;236 . . 12I.00), 4 itet •y•tgea,9 95 - f ' OW- 1 182 8 • Z 02.624 '• t ^Oda , - O 11a 0 4. ai't 7 7,4l7` ' arifrei ,_ , n*itaflhi, griltatlaanmty, iir Iron I made lapse yeit„Preiiikins it; 1 1830,1raii.)ti: ~ani n thithfge.winite Attiring ;tisalktiMts ' - Grpat elo ßriiiin,-279.512. toil teetafprodo retn_thattoOluirlisoffeuttkWalei..=so thin eke of: tionfritAWldesi has ihsteise.43s3lo' J" • 1836 4 - s'i'MP l 4 l 4 l c r i k IV' S " '...&• .-, - ever `in beeirthein illse,ohihe in iikli, MittleoeN4 totanplitstrieb". tbe bleinine in F , 4 4, We , Mob • itihTtiii4okAß I *- / it'l*L lB29, '', .• , .37400,4iiftritrittli 183filtino. fed In• ,* l iiklhinkiA,!.. llo lt*lfinigrAt t . ties or 41" . 414 1 40.hlircsgeni 1 WITit • . infoiniitliia arti ,13 6:•1 6 140 1 4(a - lk-Fortg r ' ' ..ii lei Fritictr,;.iiniFikeetstif • trittalited I ;phi 11.1 h by Lady ehathithitkimit.K. ~ i f - Nr , t 1 ,4 iis afalifif4AinVitlntleW, iitlMln. i-firkinnt" hstinomgl'hejintittosOintatt„. ifir.c4l J iliGo(K.F.wifine intti,tiinsuiliera v - sha ds; Ittiiit4ol, lilted' lefoimillio:friioeli Ail'ot , btibaiWritticing oEiriiit:#l)* irOtell€ teinmA 'l :10 1 .1911 fitttla4,4.ltlMr• "IM-Z4R'llitillit: 1_ : -;414,409 1 pg:: ~ . .1 . 1 141... --"'... •mn.Attf... **INV ' ': • •-- . • 1 01 h *Etat . ' 4 ''' . ' . 44.4 - 9 11 04 the 0110. ,• • tqadlikeritill': `* -7--- " t ' ----- :-- ,v..-' „. Bi El ME ffEMI REM 1111 Ml==l t Kii • 1! , 4 • ' V.. • i 1" . • • : - - .•i - • .S ~• ' { al444ibilt . :U ' CM 4 , it) ke.2741:#1 'I,AS? REM EINE MEI echoed illi;tituisof therciviliindtintddi ottlaPAtia4COMlkalroottOodillit4il4o 6 lo4b ll 4 et present hanging over the iron Irak iejanieseii tiny tlupf • *O li o to that' bla the tierengemebt tot the uilgel ii protein almost' pataliseesverribtaitilltitiOetiate. facti,m.and committal& stills* Ow 11 ". 00114111111 . have fid the last three =Om, itery•witift nen: ci4l Abair. mete. Ind flintier Altnefee t eattiatatiosivet4atta rellida to hoPeabfit theittlctinkfttentailth tti in mike. fair tettni(tAtit for o-Atrt_tiaK embarked iu &in and sisb.• M a " toasters to intetinne to their aoilaiteo Aram* t stie . of wee% wide!): nith .6toitteffittaidtOnitill not beentriedoced ifitrinditte4reiat • • . • t•ttr MEI : . ^i , , ~, , ',•: Fromtfil!(.l4oston Traltifa.M, ... ,:.„. 4 1 .tre.cLUEkN't visiT - ToIIANDOti. 1 Loszios, Nov.. 10. --185'47.1 , The , :-10011 1 4- . - paleent, has. passed. JirsnythCilieit of,tlely ', =- 1 Qtteee to the city, t of London; tO•411111,withl thot,,ord - Mayor --alt4 .thtt , piiiptation lot z, Guildbial. . 1-FOl Anuftike,:erAtAlis 411PeciIn - Cie has hien-kinked - for by 110 ‘ greakinatei of title monstrima cornalllehti•-•OWt 1 -' 6 1 . 1 - • , itaya.prece,dingthet showi the nelie - jlt; PM' .' lier*ionsthaT sosietmleti , inc. •„, null 0;1114, rfiCti w bigh lap in she-line.,•• :Wer t ' tile": I r9ft4kiethiesiloy, ~140 fl • 111011111, - A ' , : riatOtttdttKeetfrotit 140 ot4_oo.oilguLttos: .ptitewnipt i tlikco no hilM-P,: 111 '.144 .- itiliT Inellik, '0C44,90 2 • 1 ''The , .0 01 e - P9P.141094 , seeined to be abroad, as itiA.lo l, :liPtrii, :'day in Sunt net. Jhofrontkof-,thitAinlltli.` ing# for .inilif.4 Were. hpset,,witii,:k -i,•• • •:, , stagings, /or. netting up. the **Mettle!! • . • atrangeineeti, - and aceonimedattena r iAK: • seeing-the graoil,eshibilion of .41to k ttay..71.1 NOt kporner was o left unavailqc.L.4:wherst , a-,glimpae could behad. Some scent wet! . lulgur several guinhas, and first Fete,flirrit brought-fifty ,pounds at least. Yosterdah in.the house,.where:l Ain eitahliiiked, and ' .which is rosniall quiet place t trioxe344* hruntreik people were ; sotnekow. or, - hthet Tt — n - mialied, with. a sight. '' Stagings ! were. limit, in.tbree , tiers, in , the dirdnuptirlegri, , uK,eornatand all the windows.,The upper' , , stories were occupied. akdere ,c iy as this. 7 4t ,' -•.:' Some stood. mien in the-. eernices running -', 'ohm the, outside. of the bowie, .between , qp l ...two lower stories,. anti:atom' titers,* 'homitheforethe precession hernlornevii, The rooE+ in many cases Were covered,wo . svaiters„poriers,, and .!`ell , siorta of people,„l peering idAhick 'rows Dyer a . parapet et thip edge... In like manner. the-shops ..wars , cr a rned iout and fitted•up to , their _utmosi e acily. •N - AIM Bump yrs= ::•ti!ivi -al lull — * - , things along the whole-line of this..retite.r.-! The seats were moody _taken :itimededely after breakfast. I pre.lsed .. through spew. • or the street at That boor, 10 - e.ee the decor' ations, and the windows for mill wen! filled ei , en then. - So were the,,ocircheg - . oithe [churches, and every other spec! which could_ be used - for the purposer--4 - r filledin with transient tiers of seats, scar for their various prices. The vestal) ADC, southern sides of St. Nuts- were line 4 • -round at - the base, in,like manner, wide , huge byothi, erectd for different, schools or companies. Some of these" 'were moat gorgeously bespread with crimson and per,. pie linings, while multitude. of national:. , royal and heraldic flags and devices of every description, 'Mixed in with green - ' houghs, covered the upper front of the eore, and Lion , hung waving arid gaming out, owes the tinddie of thetratreet. : - One -of dies, booths alone accommodated about ftoo children of one„ ancient school- 7 yChrist'i ' Hospitel. This was at lie cast end of the Cathedral. looking 'down the tong - slope, at Ludgate Hill, •up 4tbieh came, the tteeett. • with . all her maglAcentiorray; and hero according to iminnininiar usage. a short stay -was Made, for., ••the oldist - -"Prectinl of 'the lola to addifss 'her majesty. thia;- Was perhaps the first . paint of the spge s hi: .. die. Here the decuraiinne, Were - mint gt: • - g e nus; and-here, ttif i peopleOinvingnapoct l ed most, bad congregated in vast iimititudisi t whose immensity, Was alniOst::ftightful t„ . behold. Seas . of iincovereCheily',n3 4 level together in 4111.01 e 5pe0,044044 0 . mighty igniater t fa r . and widir Aik'W„,W ' doves in- every story, 'WI - 4,0,4i''-f#,,ft einild rencht'were alive 'viitfi,llXtW4*, - . and feathers and fair fibei gusiftriiintkiii. , entinsiaein. Medi woinen t . iititf Chilftreig, —rich° and iinin•—nobln'atidiariotitexii. -• gar and„peer- 7 -all were nririfiled for ones by a snide 4eling—lnyalitf Which b+itgri to Englishmen, and the curiosity 10 thsi„ :1004' "which are thti)l.T4Ut""4* race,' . .., When, finally, presaing-Ihrengitthe Ate ..citcnient hosts that ThremigetrEedgate-1611: . 1 thei'firat'glinitelef: .. ef tiitt:rilereertige,eNt ilifirandetir is liiiOVgli*a,:iiijitaiimi, array - of atterlMKtii4 , to. , be ,had - * _ Idle erewd* oll t 4 Pe'Seth*li e kli f te r -iiiiitl . : 1 ing so ieany hours aittiol''l4di whit a 4ittion - "ind#ll it 11W:; . 1Wherte4iii* 1 4 1 - it :iilisitits - ,;i•Osefi liiit-*Oi ;.:4,'. h Otani: ti - evoWdeil,tilieeiliTe 10 - -ihiit• hdgeAPeect;', ls 4: thin the eieltitti. inous . musi,c, the.eingtft brAhrt 800-hogs, the - waiiiitOsiltlhisll9po l i k iliesireeiila - the •,h!: . kitatmf7Xeiqf;litlly, It 8 . ii, ,iiiif of the' :7 ta i r-lh . : -0 °, z 41 ; 15 '- enserred, thelaries, htqc ',.--iarK,•l,lo o ,,sogiate -40tWritt a - -' -' A - ,-‘vt'atlilik3ol,o l 04 .._, • •__..- . i , pichzki MinadtiClintioielifitT a 't . -.- .1.....me5.: ... - .1.1 ,- , . : , Aar --__,:lr.„ •.., . !.,' ..7 - :.":-, : _ woe, w:tiodv - -,' ...:-, - r; l i' 3 / 1 -.*- 12 , 4t- - ' , 4J7.- 7 --.,g; - . . .. ‘, !..-.,,,.--i----<•,-..-74v-4-4)-,:,.,. ~t E E :•14-*o4l.tsl . • „ • lo.:?!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers