The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 13, 1838, Image 4

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liretaw iilre I"llll6;`atitt The;
1 ' '''''' ''' Ilitleis - '
t.. 4-4,iiii
sii Irmo tbe r reakee.
web , have , ships. bet Columbus only Mend;
" 103'. 19 -Per9lln. Before the ene of Ibe ,
te ysle ise traablartukukinde • wgre only enabled' to
iststeitetheisfitires.' Suit - bowl* theThrefileff:.
Min It is but two viten years aesseto Brit mi
ta - OperiVenrinaknown ocean, and I ei discovered
the mecums *ltem 1 Walt in f-4HEA LT4I.
V . witticism were indeed-known *Niel con •.
me ced.ray. eiterilee. but their use was nbt. fli; the
use of Mem, I hive not oaly passed from Medi-jet:le r
Inv lid;te thc hale hearty ants active min bf business.
hut ebitipa minty speaking, I bare renewed my
yo th. I essrasistehtfi conldeneei6 n 4. main ezpie- 1
we cm advise with my lately citizens. Does the
v ,er want preofthat ther EGETA BLELI FE MEAN.
/ NI S are stumble to histiwn easel =f have tinfile
at • y offload 546 Broadway. hundreds bf lettere from
. oithelmest.respectablecitize4 ,
ofthre ea.
tin 'land, voluntarily offered el - mammon :GM* vie
of A GOOD VI. GETABLE ME.1,4 liiiii= .
. 1
emus wlioaeconstitutions have be • cearly /I 3•
in , by the §-all infallible" mineral preparations oP.
th 'daye'iSHl. bear the wens" lIIM the life Meth
chit*, end" such-only. astatine wee canse to permanent 1
soled health. . ' ,lOHN 51OFFAT. -.
These uied Manes have been kno and appre
ciated e for their extraordinary Bird nine gee powers
oftrestering petfect Itealth,to persons se ring wider 1
Minty every kind of Disease, to wine , the human;
frame billable.
In Many hundreds of eartificater lentil', they
heye Dyer , reecu;ed sufferers from the ve verge of an
uotimely grave, after all the decepti;k nostrums of
the day had utterly failed; and to many Mousands they ~
have permeeently secured that uniform enjut,nent ul
health, without which life itseris but a partial bless.'
imp So great, tailed, has their efficacy invarrehle'
and infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely;
less than seiraculcins to those who were umtexplainted
yrith the beamed philosophical yeplex epom
w i hiettibey are e.troM,Jounded. and upo n-which 'the
veremiftrently act.. It was to their mini add aeltBl4
big &Aloe in purifying the springs an chatarele 04
lire, and enduing Mem with renewed to a end vigord
that thiy were' trilphteid for their panel, which ecarrl
bestowed upon them ,at the sponetneedi regurist of
several individual* whose-live! they had rabinsaelyi
The pr,prietoreireloice in the oppo nity affordi
by the universal diffusion of the dai revere fumpla e
log his VEGETABLE LIFE •II LS within rhii,
knowledge and Mach of every individual inthe cor n;
minim Uptike the haat of perntmouli quackeriesi
Which boast of vegetable Inge-Ample. the Life Pillif,
nee purely end adratlar V ezerAntx, Cud contain nev
thor Mercury, :Antimony, Arsenic, nor any 01. 4
Mineral, 41 ,any farm whatever. 4They are entirels
composed of extracts from rare and polverful plaids;
the vines' Oh whin!), though long knoWn to severs!
Indian tribes. and recent,' to some eininenmiharrure
centical chemists-ail re alt egether ie. know e td - thn ignoi
rant pretenders id medical sciepc and were i nev n l
before administered in so ha pits ecacioue a co
&nation. ... . ,
. •
Their fifer °peril ion is to loosen from the come ni
the stomach si..d bowels, the various impurities and
muchoes constantly setting around Ehnen and tot+
move the'hardened fees which .el net in the 'cote
volutions of the email intestines Other nu:Meads
only partially cleanse these, and leave such collects*
masses behied, as to produce habitual vostivonerat.
x eth all its ttain of evils, or siulden diarist:a, with its
I m m in ent dangers. This fact is 'oll,k:town to all
regu l ar anatolnist". who examine the human bow eh.
after death: and helm the piejudice of lilt ye well In
formedinen igainsi the quack used 'cites of-the age i
The amoral - effect of the VEt.ETIIIILE Likk '
FILLS is to cicamse the 1i.d....1,,z; and the bladder, an I
by this means,the liver ant the lunge, the health(' i
action of which entirely depends upon the regiularit 1
of the urinary organs. The bloo n, which taker a
• Ted color from the agency of the liver and the lungs
before it panes into the hemi, being th..s purified to
therm and nourished by food coming from a idea)]
stomach, courses 'freely through the veins. renevis
eves part of the system and triumphantly mounts die
' , -hner of health in the blooming cheek.
' Tfie following arc among the distressing variety di
human diseases, to which the Vegetable Life Fills
are well known to be infallible-- :
DYSPEPSI A, by tbroughly cleansing the first and
'Ormond stomachs, and creating a flow of pure hea Idly
bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind i—Rotereety,
IP9lgnartian of the !kart, Lass of Appetite. Hoare bop
and Head -achy Restlessness. la -temper, Aar sty, Lai,
gitor.and -Melancholy which are tie general symutot4s
of Dyspeps.s. wit vanish, as a nun, a I consequence of
vita cure. qusliieares, by eleanzoig the whole length
iiiit the intestines with a solvent process, and whier(
;violence; all violent purger leave the bowels cocotte
within two days. =4 - herr/Ken and Chasda. by reran*
i ing t h e sharp acrid dusts by which These cum,: nuns
:arc occasioned, and by promoting the luhricale
i 'secretion of the ea rums membrane Fevers of ail km .f.
I by restoring the blood to a regular cirmilition,throuth
the preeess of perspiration in some cases, and t e
through solution ofall intestinal obstructions in others
I The LIVE PILLS have been known Ito cure Web
'realism permanently in three weeks, and Gout to hill'
that', !IMO, by removing local Inflammation from the
muscles and ligaments of the joints. Drop/riesiotol
ktuds. by freeing anti strengthening the kidneys ;Ad
bladder, they operate bloat delightlidly on these 4,-
1 gans.end hence have ever bees found a cerain re;
Idy for thi worst cases of Gravel ttlatel WOap,
dislodging from the-turning' of' the hewirels the tip
matter to which these creatures adheie; Asthma
1 Cunsumptian, by relieving the air serails of the hinge
from the mucus, which even slight colds if not reinfv-
I al becomes hadettimi. and produces those arena.'
Auseases. &v, , [Biters and boneterruc Joni, by di,
pekfect purity alich these Life Pills give to Übe bland
' and all hmitoreq Scarbalic Eruptiobs. and Bed (An
p• mon& by their alterative effect upon the nada that
morbid state of which occasions'-all Eruptice Mitt
plaints. bailout. Cloudy, and Isher drogreeuble Cam
p/canna The bee of these Mlle for a very erten titie.
wilt effect an entire cure of Salt rheum, Er
arida striking improvement in the Claruest if The
elan Common Cads, and Influenza. ot 11 always he
cured by one dose, or bytwcieven in the worst ca 4...
ram:—infra rimedy for this most distress rag and ilb
senate malady, the Vegetable life Pills deserve* a
distinct and emphatic recommendation. tt m J
e vOcll
known -to hundreds in this city, that the Proprior
of these invaluable. Fills, was himself aMicted With
this eemplMet for upwards of thirty five years, aud Mat
he tried ID rain every remedy
_prescribed witien Die '
whole compass of the &coterie Medtva. He however,'
at length. meld the medune which he now offerivito
the Fluidic; afill he was cured -in a gory sheep t , ne.
after his recovery had been pronounced mit ably
-improbable, but absolutely impossible, by 'any lonian
means. ~ -3 . ,
DIRECTIONS FOR USE... I -The proprieto'rsofthe
VzorrsaLs. Lire PILL* does not folfew the bales .3'
mercenary practice of the quacks of die day. in,ad is.
ing persons to take his Tills is large !quantities. o
gelid medicine can possibly be so reqpired., T ' se
rills are to be taken at bed. time every night. f r a
week ur fortnight. to the obstinacy of •
• discus . The usual dose is from 2to 5, acceadin to
thee tution of the person. • Very delicate pe rei.
oj II
&bold set a with but tw o ,. a nd increase as the tut re
ef th may require those mere rdbust, or of'-aery
eastern baba. may begin with 3, and increase to,. ro
' , even 3 Pillcand they still effect a eadficiently h a b,,
change to g p ide the patient in their Further die.
Tbesej'ills sometimes occasion sickness and ve 4
qg. hough vary seldom, unless the momactris pie
foul; this ., however. may he considers) a fawn " . be ite dip"patient will find hunself at op At.
leered, and by - perseve r ance will soouTimoves.
usually operate witttingo of Itt bank, and never: ve
run, unless the bowels are Teo , much encumbefed.
Fhe'y may be taken by-the intAt.deltopte lemaleion. '
der any eueumetrinees—ft is. hOweves, reirbmtuoger.
ed,stuit filament later periods tifyregnailey simulating - , -- 7. i . I , , --- =----7,_-
but one at it time, and theireentiene to keep the ball' FROM- the, VfOrAD ir . H enry lt fiend _ 'S cott, end
eptenandweeti IWO may be taken where"the hakanil , a"hrivy,nne.buttOr_e#.. o th er writers. hobnailed
. i s soy*sllve.'Nprie mirintiksenlutiOnsiftwo tple in lonian b Ylbe....lliettittel...tiael 84) 9,, . 1e 5 , 5 t .74",.,_, 1° '
spoons fistioDwater.. may be.given map 0444 ritaibc 'ed artillikidged to lw ~,,,,`. num;
is maps - WM l i
"f e lb i wi t N l44 e a— etea 1 P'"'"" fel/ ere twe 'omit* till Engenders:4e' , "-,,... Dritw sok published lo
iteious . tbr a child from one to Brevears onge. '. - " IDlorC'
*sem . and (lore five 1,, en , one p ill.' '''' • tr - . - 1 /111.61 '" 2 A 1r ,- - I-: eve Per t ° ete . a l r eady .
NIX BITTERS, a r e , so ca w . w i t completetiii enge, , , titned at thenabscribera,
. - apoYeet. of restoring the isa. 113 0904V1-iii 11 1rek 11 ' et:lingerie yrinblee- be ec. ,
orci S tiL i
l lileri,,vsf health, to s glowlar s ugar tbrilDElaill i labgy 'e/Pri
.‘'%,;, 1.7:c i ' IL- bA ftINAA
o)ankhition, as the Phcrais is said to be terror to 1 - juste:o4 4. " - L jti
*, . •
. 4 '
). ti fitruilliennit tiortithWri.. • '.lotion. , Peg # hie
14,11ntii 0 ' -1 - :I: , aidivresetlid•tolfdlt
ndynly in cer.aitt
,litartd-o the . western aWallgt,
• clrindOltallskrlydropo-kk.VER*ANIII -AGU
'oi 4 l( Ansdros WAIL neva - , l' - ._irretcste entire 4 .
e wirff,t f fiterenry .Anltott, Or
. 10:aljtct than tbe tntatt
•' ` difutirreparatithur ' - Be nod will innoo
fWateir s trejhe determiner:NO, BLOOD TO , Tile
RA 4:s..fneee&firil in the andtatelar .taciatia to rang
V;eoB4.(deliiiiilinill be frilatid.,:fi r = rem nsly in
imam Of nervous atilt
. : 1 ,,..., °!KM .
, j. , red rconst.i=hiltdla= 4 :7 s r e E ir tm -m.
I,,,,dem o iwa. . by gte sore Wit single
*)it tile. ,The,uausl dose-of t , ae,ottefir is hake nine
lass ' full, tit water of wines' this owiltdity.may be
alien ewe ot titres ' tome a Iday. - about *Wan hour
ore meats. - or a less quaidity may be taken of all
iiines....To-Shovit who are 'afflicted 11VIth lit&
I ,at.
• qer meals, theme Bitters Will prove tura' leo*
y very greatly ulcerate the =llOll of the principal
1 .,
' . help them to+e,rfortittlieirfunctionadmil en
the stomach to Idischarge'inro Ali howela -what
eifer is .ottensive. !Ohl Indignities' 11 easily and nit
tspeedly removed, sMiattite destmed, and thottiout '
li t riltheaLsorbent.vessels be
4 t cleansed. nutrition lii
', totted, ituristreiigth of
a' the „haopy ri ms. Far .itirtitet • paAticulars 1
I MOWAT'S LIP MIN, snit valENtx 111 . 1-
TEM. apply at Mi l hioffat'd otfiCe.llio. 516 - Bredway,
New York: where 'the Pink ten 1w obtained f0r . 25
cents, 50 - eerie, or $1 per tall k and the Bihera for $l
of $2 per bath. Nutoereus certificates of the
Wonderful efficacy of both, may tie there inspected. '
•to some obstitistentnd consplrear cases of chronic
Mal inditotnaturvißbeunnitian Liver Complinow.
!lever and AvirrN.Dyaßetanni Palsy . Piles. ihriuryjrcin
The use 4i ! mertury, pumnie. land other divegses or
mnding. it may ho necem*ry to Mke 68th - the i llle
thins aod the ?harms Bitters, ip the dose before re.
N. IL—Theen Pills and Ithe Bitters, will get the
mercury ouzel the system inemaely lamer their the beit
preparations of Sarsaparilla: and a certain remedy for
the rushing of the hired (auk heart: or at molest head
.o.4esotic*ntkureux, dm.— .11l poisons w h.. are predia-
Phmtidd. twapapiery,prday, arc h should never be without
the Life Pills or rim Raters', for (Medusa in-time r ill
i sieve life. They ripaliev the circulation of the blood,
a draw all pressure Worn tile, head:.preatfiration, and
Abrow off every impurity byl the pores of the skin.
fie* sale by MILLER ar I LIGGLJIT Y.
• .liskin 1 4
irortfir. brii - Flygeinn Universal VegehAle
Metticirye, prepared 4 W. MIST IN, Esti.,
Member of the !loyal Coßege of Set Tams, Licen
tiate at Apothecaries CO.epany, Fellow of Rol.
Courvessiety, Surgeon to Royal Er;tkt Pflt
Associirtiou. I,a4aster place, Waterloo
and, Perpetdal , pepil of Gully's acid St.
!l'howas' fltispitale, Loam_
These pills . having gahied peclebrity enteral
lelcd in every sertion.of Abe &ion, are now. con•
snlered by all flare whoiiiluesond,healtlt, Miler
pensable as a flintily medietne—patreinsol by
:1111 , 11CTOUS body 7,r the Most entillcatiPhysiciaus
,both in Mit, country
is presumed, to stainti l theircharatier nth
'ttmation of ev. thinking--martt, and it is tweed,
a far letter rectimendation than the COUT4Ie, re
sorted to by ignorant and onprlncipled pretenders.
, who to mislead and (14eive the public. publish
, ; what they cull practical !proofs and certificates' o
Cures, that exceed all hdoods of ret!tonaLeeedkhil.
.Ity, and most of which, If not all, are •either gross
'fabrications, or proeureci t bYfraudand connivance.
The editor of the Long Island Farmer, says —•
'"This medicine has obtained an unprecedenta/
egt ee of well preaervedlaspnlerity. Havingtak•
.ce these pills ourselves to advatitagerand witness
ed their beneficial effects on others, .we have no
hesitation ir, recommen/log them to the enbllc
a Safe. salutary stud use f ul family Medicine."
• *None arc genoineiwithout the signature of
the General Agent on the label, by 4 whom Atte a_
hove medicine is itnilotfed into this country:
JNO. H0t,8PAN,..129 Waverly Mace,
Aerntfor U. b.
A PupplyaFthe shove Medicine just received
Ind for eatlegiy B. BANNAN,
Jody, 16
MERC:ERS dp. 7 . 4.11.0115,
. (hrinerly PgrPfr . iie inialifi,)
Kg AV Eiginoveti oe thookinsiteinide of Ce . otn
0 -.l . Stt eel, a titiv doors , above Norwegian Street,
share they offer itile a select assortment or
Spp rfine Broad (loth ii and ,Cassimeres of the
most rash iiinahle zrilore, with an elegant - armor t.,
mein or Su in tuerk.."..linits; . Vest ing*, Ln,en and Cot.
ton Shirts, l Collars, %spms, Stocks. Gloves;• Sus:*
penders,lnien and cottlin Hose, end all kinds of
Gentiemen's wearing iipoarrel, -which will bd
made to order in the mien approved style as-to the
Workinsioship, and; warranted to fit equal to any
in the City or elsewhere.
P. S. P Co keep on.hanii,iin l gic t ellgut as
sortment or ready..matre Clothing. pt
which will - be sold ,at rery tow rotes, #
Pine 17 • 30.
G rocekles •
AT the store of the i.uhact iticr, in Norris' nd
dition to Pottsville wht. re Ina v btlnut whole.
sale and retail, on, the, most moderite tomtit--
,bros n, lump-.lnd loaf lingers, black, greet. and
young hyson tearymuiripses. fish, cheese, Foal;
rice, collie, chpcolate, "pirits, hrandy t , Port,
Lisbon, 'Tenerife auto then' wines; rum whiskey
and cordials, halt Spatlish and common. segirsk
pepper, aispice,gingertieratus, cloves , nutmegs,
tail Tell, mustard, pilot;. read:crateltere, aUgatir
cuits,tSst +eh, or exchange lbr court.
try produce. • _ m.
jUne 10 ,29—tf firPARY. , aiNtD:
WILLIAMV . PAt 4•. -
. C O. .
. N'tiF II
T,O. 27 tor* ittrae.47. Philadelphia, back ,
Rl' the Mrchaiiteoo'o l -devoted ottelusitifly
Ito We e Mutineer: _ • • .- =
Zountti: . are euiptied et matinfae.
totem' prtees;`atfr th ir,Glaasee . lnauied from
. breakage to any part o the Union; withritilertni'
~• Thii*e who ordeti for ilitger Glattrea,
mmititirlo lo toforM ,aa- by loticr,-• prelipus to.
Weir miming op, of Uri ode of, the plait, and the
kind' cif frame. Any . May
~,,tearst, that . the betide'
inkf rOfiriatiatintli la y
Merchattts ghouid their 'ardor for Look.
tngkgjiteti7a thYfib t ',Aire on their °lnitial, to in
.••_. - • 4..
• • -: 4 ! •-•
. ,
i- , - - -
Sisk Agent lot Satiy in enlist);
T • 2_
:,~. ~ ~ .
, u
--r amit
. .
trEttibr.c,,,,h,-- *awe
GropfuriStolle r be
a prune ilitinee4or 1737 . 7
l'ker JaviiHkee,lAguitco
st. Mad*, and
ti.PO ll
Orieuc'SL_ _
white4rinnakisu P
DgeirliW_ .elk , fm c d a
indikand sugar house .-1 e.•
....., . uysau ea
lasperhil. ep Gho whm Poar taw der Young
' -- tio. SfIPcbOPLAPd „ .. •-,
I Ba i kal& ChwAr ' " Rehm:id 1
•. & laniand ' t. s ird ' 1
to 4 n ra
.. Ritaidurvearicm 1 rr 4 , • • . • •
Johd Bollia.dikter'A clicr4 ' St.
Cantor , * sod Carrie •.• 1
.:. . . J
Gher !mono, pep . .
,fielizerT,. ion. M. Flicklts ;
rAMCM sad French • '
- Ofiver,ckenea, A nchotes • kr .. •
'Cayenne pepper, allap ce and •Gin .
Glares, Mae/4' Nulin s and ein
Rice. flour ol:sice. sta b . ; --
Crwraati:Figs:Raisin . Prunes I -' ,
. Sweet and bitter alm adir,cttron d i
Olive Oil. 'acitulrbine*emon sy p
Preserved vier. c codfish ,
- - Herrimfi Mackerel,- !mon 1 I
White and colored nttlut t sperq ~_
.... MOulded sod, ddit tallow ."'"°.
Paltu, varinio .W.bro a and yel a - 'Dap
Old Madeira, old
~ • claret
Brown and palt. .chatori e Wines
Old rock , Ltallian.dry, ra ilaga in wood
Sweet* Bane. muscdtel & bottle
s Malmsey, =medics & Bicilylia xi • .
Scut : 4.l6Bh, manon(hehltlie c whiskey
' ~. Annisette, anniacied papperm . cordials
' Costram•chamParene, T.- panish 4- om brandy
Holland di com.tao4N. E. Ru -
Jiunsica spirits i n
Extra sup. span; infe ior do
Ha liSpanurb and .cu mon cigats
Cut & plain and mend ed giA " i
Chins and crockery
a General assortment of pry Goods, .
which Ihny are disposed toped on the
Weeierma. Heads oVrarnilies and
are particularly urvitedto 449.
1147,ethierilll , Bre
Ari He of.D . SMN
BAST ,SID .e,' - t
THR Er Hood* F1L0.% met Cniaan it.n; ARCH,AT.
~..,, Pllll4 t) %Ir. PlitiVl.,i •
111AnUFACtUltERS' 6 .OF
White Leedliriand i —alotnel, !
ground in Cll. $. t erl heeepF,„
Red Lead ' - ''' ;• , !-liite - do ;
Latnrage., Wurtol AIN
Cronick Yellow, ilielp. quini e v , '
do Green .. . ;Tart. Emet c „,
do Red 16:ther Sulp .
Patent Yellow at ! do Nan -
Sugar Lead ' i do Acct.*,
Copenta ! !Lunar Camitte
! ,,,i t e
OL, Vitriol; ! -!Gnm. dro ''`. A
Aq. Fittnis - %Med.:Morphia -
Muraitlc Acid, ISiliA. dol
Rpsous Salts . ! Lac. Null •her •
. P
Tart' Acid! •- - - :Opt. t o Na cot.
Sup Cart'. Soda ! !liormes Mineral
Carets, Sob. Mere. !F:ttnops dn.
Refiters naltainprmr, Melt Nitre,Bramstmig, Rem.
&e. Offer /opiate the alitwe menten ed ordain. to
gether with a general its ortment o Paints. Drug.
and Dye Stalffs.wnd every; ther lintel in the Chem'.
catund Medicinal line.
Being manufacturers oflall the '!!! aFtitiles enomertned
tinder the above head, the* pledge themselves to ;sup
ply their friends and the !whittler! the most ressona
tile terms.
Wirldow and Picture Glass, from q 8, to 214 .
Oct 21 1847 . • ! -
For,_ , Sale
DR.. JOS. LA PI ER a tE'S - liympathick hot die
A-Irt safest, speediest, d perfect cure of every
i kind of wounds, ulcers,l. caneerond Mil cutaneous
diseases, arising from lotting, sqiieezing, born
boiling or the. impurity of thElblomi, *rid also
gir coring Dyspepsia, hear . l burn; asthma, liver
complaint,costiveneseftioliels, convulsions, diary.
tuneald rbeiima4iek pains, tooth arlitand wire
eyes. 'The general agimi, Prof. G. Xay.Wa g oe z ,
Reading, Berks comity), Pa. offeils gratis to any,
person affect* with ilther of the said diseases,
a crriatn quantity of thh gympnthick to be tried
and - appreciatetibefort Malting anr6spense; now
ever, the application minictie „inside free of post
age. L -
N. B. This article Mmnot he
any drogi store nr aprilieeary
necessary to talk mile about it
will remit - mend itself rn an etiligl
SUE 19
Never-and Elegant
NNATHAN S & 4. have ju
IT.totfel For sale: i
6-4 English mei most from 50 to_
Soper - Fronclv do al $1 51.1 pe
•ITartan, merino, worstO,silk an
• Red, white, yellow. grim and se '1
Blgathed and unbleae CAM°
25 eta er y .
Wslsted4wasZcornfortii caps, chi l l
Wimerpritatii, gloves4bre &c
Cotton bet/tau& wadillOg at 6i ,
dec 3 . • •
4 , Dr... ; rher 1
litSubseribespit7 for ya
■ XI
_,. Barber's !lo e Powder
recommended ih •thw following
Horses Foundered Dilating •
ing cold spinet, wis to
. 9ranv symivtointio nods. the 41. ,
pod Yellow wool. of ,are est
.by being otherf hersch. : *;
cdmpiaints, and. 011 cases
poptigosoidgegishoise. bps
pression Ortlscir apiritll. For
rvfitEitilietiber raibectrdilY 4
. ' -:
- , ptifir ! atihat le Fill al tenth
ofaceblinta in thisburPugh and
. 9
very reraiohablo rates 4 A'ecouni
to collect in this lieigfibtit
attended wand -soriaractfre
reipirr .6 d. i3o ri c.
Aprils 7 . t,, ,t
v i r
. .
"area.7aied re.
Prirp..iu ' cHbers wbuld t'ite I* 3 itnnoimer
—to th oldie, iiiiiilhe Iffiall to tile Su tuei
stock. )714 Bnd War4icbr)...coni Wm iii part or
American and Erifillob Barirpn, ifooperand Nod,
Iran, Round lroo, ocaorteccal `, e 441. CriWAYI and ptglia B later an 4A. M.
Steel• Vices, anv 1e... mitten Bellows.,
Cast Steel band, cho log 8 d • road area nails
and @plies. kiother ba g end aosorLient
of `lron tiongery, all 'of wbi h 1/ be aOld at ry
dtmed prick*, by f Jti CLAYTON.
Arlit. 22 " • 1 I • 192
--, : i
Illtf t it tili4eatel Spiel), dicr . -
•.- •,‘ iiiik-iatipeeiai m edal
•t 50 xiiPhilaikilphia , ' •
' -;!- . iVid . ..leidi4t meal,fo sal* by
..‘:, ii liAti - • l -, 52—aiso
V. 9 1/ t : - 1
. , ,•
4 1'.' I • 54-
....;;,, . ...: ,
•'.' • 4014 ,*ilrer t ' : nil
rrialaPiteaqks 'ln tuturtni th e. .pplllto
~..„...11r , ncliltio.frintrds, ti eat:obi* pi nine In. ar .
Octila r; that he Conti u - his REF; 'tOFll4, an.
`jilktlin Pennlylvaiti Bari, in - P ° ltiville.ti
titles thitt - Ws - - reputation 'ltecpi - lel
vespectable Adabl . . t, acqui Allatink the:
elFerter(ce,alfgre,y rit to thiutittilli4l l 4l
-ttess, ; atitklix. desire please and Pidiesti' n
ittits; to merit a 'tinnatiee " YouP .
i 'patiataige. 7 • ' - .' - rAr 4: i •• ! 1
L t Families : oz tkmd . uto the Per+franiajllall.
I RatiedionY•sW *inters of a .superior iitialiii
I ty, - served up in,the katyle. vol e•u-y .othre
I delictscY that thetsville nititltit can affand in'
season. ,- . 4.-: -.. t• 1 -) •4 :
- - ' '''_ 81 , OF , FARE. -I• t . . 9 I lit
, . , . ... ! ' Per , Piale.
Roast- Reef, cold i . n
*Corn Cd do ips . ' 4s , .; ipt -
.., 3 ,
},0 4 k,,,„,„„,,1.," • Rs t B,f i
'!Rattan Chops . t
Senison Stetltilf: " - I - 71
Pork,Chop• ' itv.. g . l . . 8 1
Pigs' Feet. il i - 2 1
Mock I>rtio Sip ''' ) : tak
• :, i
• -.._ , . per Ara.
Oysters Fried 'I . '
.Do Steared ; .1 • 1 • ' . 0 5t 1P.
Do SCollOped • 1 57
Do Roasted ~ a° ail
-Te Chafing dsh i
.4, P .
flw iltet
its. 0801
• "'
. - pir. bade.
Old ItfaderistiVine - , , II SO
Old pale Sherry - " 1 504- ,
• -. Old Brown - • 150
- . Old Lisbon is , ' • 4.l°° ' •
. cla Port 1 514
- Champagnn: - 150
Smillis X X and l'eppers Me alwilyson draught:
Apartments in readiness err supp e r parties, &e.
Oct? • 4e--6mo
c. &c. an or
Est rettscva.
i vern Keepers
M A“___ - .... . ,
iffi Brick, StOne or Frame'Buildingll, Stores,
Lime's, Mills,-Barns, Stables, 11 rdpandize, Furni
ture and I'mperty yield/by desc ption, against loss
it damage by FIRS.
lite Delstarc County Incur circomPany will
Also insure agailhst lute on an ki d s of matine risks
`and agaatiletillk daknage or loss tige transporta
tion of goods. ware!. and we watervor by
i way. upon-Arms as favoum as any othev r ia- ,
ammonia. .
For any further infortnatioit wig the subject of in
surance, either*mint Fire, marine or iaLand risks.
A Esply .to FIE*RY G.•110B14VIION , Ai-Pnt. •
July 3 84—tr '' a t tioilkill Naga.
• Firre• Insurance ilsmioany.
MI AKE both limited and perpittmal Insuiinces on
/AA Stick, Stone or Frame Iluiktlngs,St . ores.Hotels
Milts, Warns, Stables, MircbanOw Furtipure,and.
boperty of description, aglattl oss Tor damage
,The subscriber has been appointed Aomm . for the
above ineNtioned Institrition sndAs now prepared to
make Irtsgaa:vcas upon every de - 4,rtptinn df property
at the low7est num. fitiNJAA.I4.'SI BANNAN.
at Podpille. Feb. 27: InG. 15
.. •
The Philadelphia Fire
,` AND
%A XKUroth limiteillund perpinual Tiunsrances no
kVA t4rieleStoneloOFratne Buildints:Stores, Hotels,
Mil Rains. Stabler. Merchandise, Forkture. and
P ' rty of every descrjption, against lossNar damage.
_,RE. • • s,
Tlis'• sobsctibet bits been apps 05
ed (MKT for the
above mentioned Anstitution ants now Bared to
make Hlsuaiduttza upon ever ) a Rcriptio roperty
at* lowesPtated.-- - BEZIJ Mllsi NA.PI.I
' Pni4ville..keb 1.*541837 ' .-
*r .
: 4A- A.
Vi . holesalt,pita4eltaill- 'lard
, ware St drevi
. AP" -
PO4LOCK & WEA-V ERha just receittod in ad
lion (o their former atm mi . Hardware •'"
• IVleeltole anvils, springkey' paienteolish'd
'screw plat... warranted cast se axes, :hroia axes,
Hann do. liatchira,kammers, De tys‘pdallins adzes.
socket and firtn . kr chisels, draw kursesTblicksmith
bellovs.*it do wrol nsils,4, 4i, d% to 4ceat spik:
( g
singlz.4and double plane ir and plahes. assortOd
loclisAat'ehes, lodges a. 1 sec , foetid! atipsquair
b itltfk, sthel, 'plated a ndle••it Ffill., .if
All of which are o ff ered on. "most adcommodat—
leg term • . Feb M.
ad genuine in
hop. It is WA
tip it certainly
itenest publick.
t received .and
15 cts i_es yard
mum shawls.
Klct flunnele,
flannels, from
ER. • •
- •
.It is AT - him
PAPS, -vins t For
eelt , , or drink.
anch as dimtni
d to Infection
T •
,tfrof4 ' Ageglandi
.frelard, &At
' lahiritnerllres."
P ER § O-ISIS ' , Wishing tiliFtgogje: singe for
their titendii, in first „sat ships, oni the a
bove placeti, may now do so' by app_ -`g Its' - -
- .., Cen , &pent. -1.
lor the accommodation of-thost. petsonsaitiga..
ilii 4 Pastilafo their fringdi; ?May wish to
send the*. on4e, tainable the
,o provitc fin
the voila ' • distils w il l be patio n thti following
tinfiAt4an phanis, vii.
P. W. tnrs. Nei; 3 , Wale; tiiiit . . El ' ver,= l .
wail; Dani W right, J e, Co:No. , ob Ilan 54 eel,
Glaskow; - Wig*" Mile y. No. . Eilen'tactay4
Dablin. i 1 "nay 6 36-
ted by these
&id With ifresli
,PPPetilth or di
.1 1
: . 4 43—if
moose to the
.the ecifitesipg
44phi:ed. it
- [toll etiroad.
tiVbe promptly
renbee given II
, .
, R41LW411 7 11194V4:467D IR ;il PIA &PAL
-' .SCREENS. ..
1 L 2*
•21 -8 inches - RailwayFlat r Iron., •
2.4i1 do ! do do Idn !At •• ~,. .....
ILL Sr 1., /. do Suitable - for Sit n liDia - 1. 4
-- - kp the
,ton has ettontefaunk ; tireu a iireq
it an any of •U dokr* at the kidel -:spknit
Kites an :Fpike . a
to suit tfie a. , ti t ; ',,,;,,., -,-
..I • - , . 4. &G. RALE.'I sl4 J d0.c0 ..
• 1 • ' N. 4 tionth rrant Street, Philittelphild -•
. ' hilad i pki a.llll 516'16.1636, -* , i 1.2 i
..i• l t!*- ,
•• I .Ti N W GOO S.l-1- 4 -, ''''
ALit GE a d-complete ti meitt . cirfreili
i and, asonible Goode. just ecetied .liy
t he
th l e
~ mintertirig of , . • f - • ' ",-
• ; *yOoods, t , ".'
• ' .
..QCqleit, ,
,p ' .. .s
. ..: . ' eeii!nocli . . - 4 . kc. 1_ .0
g&hicliii +acre, for Bale at A:deer:4 , eei1i.3. 1 ',.-17110
iligeniet. t iee paid 63r all kind nretele fy,rAtie.
, ~ ..----_,, ! 441).-G
rep! ,„ ,
...,. 4 .
~cr : 4 . ..... 14 , ~:44
- 1 i -14 .. #r
I• Constabli
r - 1! ---
4 .
106-Jl. to'llie,6l6lEs
'''' '...:-':.:.'''S-^
- 111 . ....... ...... •
DJEL. , ,, 1.31 E ft?
1 . 0.40 - 10AffireE - ' /* Wt.& ~'
etAtiSE AND E a ft7o44-When a siii b ill and tit
1 ‘-' eotigletelnedY .; - 'Autitereti hibiledg in keno
•t'eluge'l 3 Tlfie.Plltaileibelal.Wittfilteisints,finilreceiv- ,-
tig pkte,titts scareekilittra power of sco p ticismita
I doubt " vinare. arta toy to deny them. .„ -•• , .
When it baited:ley:4in ascepdaut career. °fuser.
fultit4 whi c h 'idialancea the , ehisPetill, 14 lief*
,preusiiiii„,'sied hat secured a. Vent9„letteeP
'titian In univenieftitor.ty intrinaientliNulone,
itatentriotor may point our thir txtittireslits eispetf.
oily; ithoutiiiicorring the, suspicion - of invldittra.
zees, in instituting the eouipansoaro- 1 1 ^
PlLLS ,, manefactel'ldAY Dr. Winkel Evans, at WU
(limit' owes/. ditim i t. re quire his explanation of
timer • nowleclikhd c eacy— to r the meat mMinent
physicians. thedugliduethe' United States - willTreety,
if appalled to,6rate the reasons which 14ie inductri
them o recommend them strextenisively find warmly
as i dolt And those - reasons are that thesepide
Moos tines never iejure even-lhe most delicate
eons' ' dik and ham, Ofir''ultnest ,every individual,
S/Er which they are prescribed, areiarkrel. au gm ;
. ..1 14111 Y haPPYand'permanient efficacy. Physi
c; a. moreover, see that Abej , are not offered to the
publid upon any quack thelity of purifying the bleed,
to th utter destruttion Attie stumach and, bowels.
Peril the blood from all disemad humor', they node
nia do; tot not by: deattnyinethose viecera by
w ' alone the-Mood , can lie sustained . They are
111 4
compeunded upontheerimuhich supposes a atomach
mite 6 very eases al agreiEto health; and food. well
igested. to be irvti uable 'friend tolleeh 80E141100d.—
Itey db not purif men tolhosts, and make them
look Like beings t refined to rettoidlong in this,
world; but they make them es human as fossible.erid
fit to encounter the Mudships, and tidfil thetas:cups
Lions of a sublunary life. They do not make reilklo,
lent purgatory of this life, co u p uten.iks faster
forsnug:ter. „They proceed Won he supposition that
ri i
the blood. telie.
mu4,perves, ow . excretory and Se
cretoiy gland mu aus arid tegt entary,naembratiesi
bon and brains, of every Etonian being require :Ito
be atilidiedswith nourishment 'front as healthful a et&
reach as can be made and kept; and upon the doctrine
that unless the stomach and bowels are in good nide,.
the blood and every otbtfr part of the system will be in
dison'er. - .•
Aed bow is ifenyeeted that they Will u i r ec . ere health
to - the au.imac - hand bo, vv wets/ 'Why fly e 'tiling the one
to digeff fixed , and tbkothegio carry o what is left
alley the, in connection 'with
the-surplus of Vile, and the Ibul Agouti@ at the plow,
mucous membraces, and sumac - h. And they steam.
plish these great feats of inedicifiltin the tnust simple
way imaginable. The API.RIEATt. AMILY PILLS. ,
if the stomach be affected with wind, bile, or coated
collections, clear it out, by a natural but a most in
sensible solvenrection, and cleanse, the Whole alt
rdemary canalowithout griping, and leaving it as free' ,
without debility. as nature ever destgned it to be.—
They do not take the skin off thirstenutit4 and bowels, 1
and leave tligni like a piece of red ',shim, as all play-
simians know the strong drastic pills do„but 1 hey_
take nature kindly lily the hand without crushing her
fingers. They cleanse every thing, without itripaing
or injuring any thing.
Hhen ibis is effected, as it ustraPyief by the use Af . a
few of ibe FAMILY APERIENT PILLS. themeoMe„„
the celehrated cAhlObil LE or TONIC PILLS, to
strengthen a sumach and bowels which before. per
hapik weitk and foul bedeuse they were weak. mid
endows them with strength to perform their imperr
tankfbuctions, without the aid of physic. The CA
MOMILE HAM ER, when its valuable principles
aid - chemically extracted, is acknowledged by all pi t y-
minus. in every age, to be the best vegetable tonic
known in the science of medicine —There is nothing
k-owu In the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal' it;
nothing that is 21 rice so harmless and vigorous) ,
healthful, and in proof of this-the pra)arietor of thy
rectowned pills that are made from its purest particles,
might quote aluitst innumerable authors, bothiincient
and modern, if his aged practice had not proved into
tens of thoulands.
The effects of these pills are not only perceived in
tiar increase of-appetite and general strength, but in
a rellgrallol3 oldie body,to that awe mat vigor in alj,
its fianctions, itclt itnallifatertioNflurn•hoesfretly
sound heal th.—The thee * and general complexion,
speak volumes in their favor. and thousands of fe
males can testify how much they have contributed to
their careen, their complexion, and their stringrh,
when every otherremedy bad proved wrirse than use
less. In nervous diseases, of rill kinds, they are n-w
knowledged to be .preeminent; gradually restoring
rimless of body and mud. without those atmoyance
and changes which other nervous remedies i erasion
Ifinppy would at linve been for many young.personsi
of bosh sexes who ate now in the silent grave„ itthey
had learned to check the morbid tendencies of their
suumich mid bowels by these purr tonics nod apen-
entihnotout reverting to quack remedies., the names
I of, winch, are ooncened, and of which' they know .
nothing. That dreadful scourge COSI AIPTION.
might have been effecktid in 'ts commencement and
disappointed of its prey. alkoveei he land, if the first
venoms of nervous debility had been counteracted
by OA MOMILE chemici.oy i rena red ; and those
towel complaints which lead to a host of 4 atal mien
dies, might have been obvtatedsby ihat-fLie Madura
extract of Hu barb; which is a leading in - n*44o4k in.
the APE I RIENT FAMILY Plink e S. Ben re brilhAkf
these medicines*, which atte,adapted to a majority of
the mutes" t - gr which% hundred ethers are renteces
sag& urell ei graillhes,bilious ditiorders, headaches,
led : matte decline. indigestion , and tivne
.coinplailit, rrelehave entirely disappeared, W'Sre
%any of thims l inve proved fatal.
Butbe it Madarctly anderatoodthat thiesenhedirinre
are not offered instead ofthesetaturarsirgrins of the
body which other mediciOs disj•ensetyith. in icvery
summary) Manner. Thef . are IbuViditlumetnedical
nowledgeoinotturot quackery, and do pet lake.. all the
nad Artie* ouK of the human la:;,od under RIB pre--
tepee of pojafying it. In proof oi which different:et:if
`elteCt let - lhe tudib and forms oh fixtrenti . beat testi
mony. Taw equittitutq.a useful. effectual. and gene
rally applicable.chiss sT Ord icinesifor everrfamily,
6nd teft* betli tonic anitapenentikandrofEthe best
preparations known. nq Arson el,..famitrijmuld ° be .
.sFut tßem. li'llgy c,an be, obtanisq 'lv oleti l aleiandl,
r dile propriblerPr. 17 EvANS. Ni' r rot); '1
ad of his agents in town a i ouniry , with direc
tions fdtarise.They tre.rapi y sn-pereesktig all ether
remedies advertised in the ,puline r .its because they
arc fist id to beinng to ti very sal :ler Class of peplum. '
Inedicind. A single trial usually places them high mph..
vaut:retirnationi, at they ore k,uown ad... 10 in public
pkterende, anAsn tilt opinion of physicians.
tEIGLIT ST. fiIILAU LIIIIHItiI.te whe his medicine'
may be ha l r. Wei Eleanor Office,ltiO Chatliam
street. Nev ' rk, where the Dotbor maybe controlled'
es asuaL IL I. .t. -_.
..i -,..t.
~., . i
, i. ,
X-lelatereating pole.—Mr.% illiam SalmOn.Green at.
above Third at.... Philadelphia; afllktsl, for stimuli
years` With the followinedistresaiiii rimpton a : Sick.4 . '
secant theMo ch. headachitOliazinOar. palpjuttiens•
Yr„ _Or Ilan= i pBited aPpetkO., soPeurtMe dei4,und
, suer-rem e tattoos, coidnesettul we.ikness nt - the •
eall•Mdities. dildfon 'untgeneral delfility:illsinebed
filisi'Z'a "neat) realm, .ahdtwOlght at Awl:mach,
aller.. - ealtrig Alma ! reVimat Mental dettpendency,
"ge.i.'ere ilvingo Maim the Atit. Week Audible', coati ve-.1
oftfieu dislike osibUle.' tyti:botioritraniliin f involunthry
. „gil . arlaulreirlmaibraitude urn the
irif t r e t " ifZin titid 4 4nlie l d'ttithe Y moii 4 : Mnin en toll; si
: Ivelio en qlezeikli'beyedd .the power °caned:-
~,bl e
,e tti reastitehnia 46 liesitb ; toarever. as bit afllic-
Itop,ihaa redu . eil• filio - friit very deplokable condition;
and iiiring i recommended
.4 by a relative ofbia to.
.11ke.tlial of 111 r. Wm. EVANS''Mtidicine,...he with :faculty repelled tO-lbe office and procured a package,.
- ttNifilch. he Myth bale indebted for his restoratien to
'lira. :health miti'friends. He is now enjoying all the
:blOminga of perfect health - Persona desirous of
Amber infoimation, w ill be satisfied with ever; parti
"eniarbfbiailtonishing core at Dr. Wm. k;cans Medi- ,
;Cattlffices.loo Chatham at.. New York ; and* Phil-1
*delft's. N 0.19 NORTH EIGHTH St. -., ;- 1
. Sold by • - iOFIN T. WERNER,'
. Sole Agent ter Schnylltill County. ;
unille. Nov. 25 • ;, ' •, . , • 1-711 - -
Refined :1171iale 1 '
sa k EFlNF.iyiniuire oil. inliorcca i4bblp t . for:
aBle, by Alt i pEßeitt lIAGGEWI'Ir..
:Nov Ig - 4 , • • gik . '
,Rln - die ~.qmcifii,.ll,ll ,Oelief an , •
' • .....Pitnin . ,orc ilapitt,rt,
n ri . ENdogviNduEsT t..8.,b a a
'rifitielkitkiiil.. aP4:Nrilii
has rciiivekiliclan,i,tiOti,ritil p..toi
I Surg/oirsVpl4 , aichipaof th i ., , , c11
a radii:ll cutielhid dhiels'ari,. a el
haitliellhcon hbandoned,i; ,Fu
conipliA ; kith , Oriist:sabitiht 1 .
wititporXdtratfki, Alpwarrts Cti
t 4 ti!edwiti.,:iiii;? 4 tigi,ji I..Mli•ip i t:
«y,. i re itturwrip be porinanen y
palientitgati poW dispense
ini(tirintod. ; 'A anicesi liiith !,';
in (he annals•OtlargetYt /hi i-i
. {'Uf perteetitilitayli I
are now ofirredito those atter ~.
blesonke muplarnt. '• . l'
He proitoses it with donfid ni
went of this disease, and &slut
Catiotton, eiWit tit stiNgiea) pri el
eel 'cirri. :The trusseilieretor. N
ly palliate The ,ItYlnklietni or i
rarely ever effeet a radictil en
.• ,
be contintrally worn by 'the pi i
to•his.annoyittice. After ttue e
a ppartiturt fa ciliated, 'all instru
TrintrOrith iti append
at any age ; ,;iiriVe , ey both Fes_
Lion of htititt!eti.
Gentleiten Av.. referred to ti si
hers of the . prefessioir t rehitit , c, , n
and its , clan:nit i n . effecting rad el
WILLIAM GlSSON;Professor f
Dnivcrsity of Pei:may've is
atortiY , in the ,Jeffererintd d
Ssidunt. Jamison, Profesior o f
Medieine• in the Dniverri Y
• Glionon M'CLltt.tsti. Profe s o
thtefferson Medical Co lq
HiNRY BOND:Secretary 0 A
t- College of Physicians. 1
Eitwtli A. A.rupt. s M. D. ' I
•,..„ raiwrir P. Arms, M. D".
' Lc:nitre to the above narnedgr
free of eirperee.
Oipy ore letter Croon .Samuel •
qtrof the Institti les o f Medicinir
of PennsYliati,pt.
Dolmas Boo*"
, Deai Sir.--:Ftom the tin fa
the trusses Riete seen, - and f
pilled for hernia in prnciiriri
safe means, I had nfieridone
seeing this desirable object
f&s,, thapyour apparatus end n .
• ernia, has, I believe, actin', lip
; Slum, and the disease is'ren up
egeable, but in the greater tti
'ble by. the•prucesses of art.
The principle of yoniirea nu
&ration of your apparatlis is al
ogy . of the tissue's, and is on r
" them eticai and practical our lei
. .
Their is nothing empiripa, it.
or wour insirtu,,ents. They an
of a e ell established principle of
pteduction of a specific effeer
and Irk are kr.
with certainty. The instill , en
appropriate management an tte
action toThe individual nee° din
tional and otherpccoliaritiell of
prove of little utility, or might e
teution of the In atment.
t i
From the remarkable au est
sd your treatment, and the sea
that have c9me ander my n 1
ing the sanction of facts in s i lo*
fic iiinciple, I, have no hesitalit
your apparatturiuti method (if trt
fished in medical science. 1 Wi
andrespect,leuly'yours, ' 1
Vire• harein oar possessin a I
catea orthe first reSpectubill - re
performed by this instnime ,wl
to. any person desirous of satisfy
rcga rd .to the efliedey of the ins l
Perkins desirous of being en
rupture,: will do well to .call 'cl
before the. extreme hot weathe
disease can - ' be more,. rcadilly
than in housretither. I
Physician desirous of- fro
of using the above inventintU dit
tiou or. the anti - eel or uprchase I
Stibscribei; win, is authorized t
patentee. • 'ENOS tH14211
may 16 - Tlr !
• .... Books! ye y
ipop I , BANN.AN tiara r •
!.1-** - standard worki at_ 4 0 s.
itelted. •
lame. Rooltett and Mindy's .
...".. 4* vols. sheep, with !Rites -
Cleric's Cyntnentary, 4 Scils.).;
Wesley's Works, 10 vole. ehmpl
Ruck' 4
_tel'heologieal works,,6 v.,
Sentivir*Bible 'and Coruntcntar
sheep, • rt• . ..,t , f
I 1
Ely'ron-'s.ntorks, DesrbortOsiE .1
Rollin's Aniiint ;J - listory,.lt. v'
. • liteatborne'rt!Edition. With
.pht4ns.. -
... • !tik '
..j.osephual vol. with jilate*' • .
. ~ arrys!V complete ,' , orks..
litoore's * orbs;Litrary Editt:;
Burns synrkt, -.' •,' • f ' : l'
Cowper- . and 'Thotrtpairres Waif(
Paley*worits. . ?!.,,. i
Br t4crr* village Scr.fnontir''
- Dtxtrltylil's !amity 'F:ttpciito
',Etpsyclopcdia'of Geogriphy; V
4200. cotaloriAl 100 , 14411 k, I
Nes' Book oflitrtyie, wittip .
litilEentit's 5000:2Reeeipts! •
Iligither!with a varietyloio .
liotrrateroWouit tho time's. •
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1 ,, , .4,1-J, • coNstimPTio i L , c CREDO- :: - -).
4:, .., -7,` , , j“ i? ... SPE CIFIC . - •
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_ . • 0 ' 54 1.4., \ of 0 I,Coldialetlffiar f
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Ilt....i t f;:i• .1. .0' . pered. l bolDi.CLAllßSVltt f .
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''., ' FREEI ‘ IIIA•N, of the City
. . . ,,.• of • ittit:ter., •!. - ,-..-
.• t ' , • . - DI Ecintm,''' • ' "
i f ,
Accompsnying each lie of the Spccifick.
pointing out -in 'a rensm on, manner a .oll Abe
symptoms in "they &aerial ate elthese- &Kiva. • "_
slim' disensea—iiivilfasti nine directions folipect
tine-diet and regnimni'a & h w patientir.are to
candela through every take until health j re. • •
oterect-t- - - - for Chiffon& use ess • . .01&-hii'.tlin:pfe- _
•seript*inf -of the ablest p yids ona t
acicimparned .
I . with thir rribit pcnverful . d u.. ful medicines, if
thedirections are nerfai.l4B,. adhered to:
The public are inform. , Rh'. t the deposition. of . ; ', .
1 -287 'Pennine- have i been. ~ ken before proper ae-
thitritico hi - the 414 of L. ne . :ter, all -completely
eicredin 'the moiitid.eispe aui ages' of* consifinp.
-tirm Sense-of which are ..etail d hill* blilioe vt ....,;
1 -
`4'.' - ' t
titimpaisjing eadh . bottle. ' :. -_ .. , - i ti,,,,,,.... , ,,
„a? 1,. ...A..itipp1y Ofthe a • fl . .eill,e:k.:taissylizi:
received elf is for sale a this . ffice; ''''' .-' ' • , 4 . ...4.".?:44
' - March 12 •
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3netstanent •
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i cataticreiation,
live tape cores -
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TER, M:"D.
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