The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 13, 1838, Image 3

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    d of' surveying and plotting
veins and seauis,
Civil Engineer' g would include common, field;
road and town a r.eying ; the chvisqin of land
and topographic.; Surveying, all tayght as Mach
as pdssitile, by ac • al operations' in the, .held, •tand
requiring the at • ent 'to make habitual use ut the
compass, chain, I v 4 theodolite, sextant and tran
sit instrument. inute attention worild be given
to the calculatio s and draviings used in laying
out. rall4oads a d canals, and to the 'practical
details'of ,const ction as ;willed to rail-roads,
canals, bridges,
.„queducts, macadam and com
mon roads, .ge er with whatevel appertains to
locomotive poti• .
Agt bull tire
dude, betides t
many matters
mechanics; as t
Lion of agrictiq
In prerientin •
islature the for •
bind the arts, it
jects to which
est value, have
leak to an imp
cation of any
**tuitions of le:
,preparing you
.. have not felt t.
of education, a
'accurate dead
physical scien •
out in their ap•
practical lesso •
line in the w .
gaming to det
;tern of educati
t r 'institutions
and without
between it an ,
eruct pin
-Abe value of s
Pert inn of the
.• perious denia
In the early
and processes
' lade more •vu
than manual
of operation.
to science, an
to afford any
vanced condi ,
tamed, the ut
principles in
ted, This u
operations Ic
than in level
tie! knral 'Economy would tn.
e, details of general husbandry,
:connected with chemistry and
e arailjais of soils; the coristree:
ial,n &c.
to the consideration of the Leg-
• oing plan of an lnstitulion for
iistruction in practical science
proper to remark, that the ob
is direeicd, though of the high.
.not hitherto been embraced, at:
...i•tant extent, in the plans of edu
ou'r scho4la or colleges. Our in.
ning being chiefly employed in
• -men for the learned professions,
importance of adopting a system
6 ich, while it embraces a full and
pement of the principles of the
e, should carry those principles
licaiions to the arts, by detailed
• s, and especially by actual
kshop. Without, therefore, pre'
act from the usefulness of the spi
n generally pursued in our high.
is applicable to t he professions,
designing invidious coni2arisomi
the .clirectly practical plan of in
sed,'We feel called upon to-exhibit
h puietiles4-eeftiestion Ltha large
comanunity, and to shotk-thitim•
for It at the prinent time. •
stage pf the arts, when nutchincry
ere rude, simple-arid imperfect,
s nedessary fur . practising them,
ct, or a knowledge of the routine
The mechanic looked for no ; aid
indeed, science was not prepared
aluable assistance, But ii. the ad:
on to which the arta have now at.
ity of a knowledge of the scientific
dyed in them, lr generally
tiny is not less marked in the daily
..nnected with any of the arts,
ping improvements in its Kneee.
iing the sphere of its useful anplica
.iscoveries arid the deductions ok
e have been so liScrally imparted
nd have become to am
in every stage rif their improve.
be an enlightened mechanic, it is
Fes, or eaten ,
tions. The .
modern sae
to the arts:
•en with the
went, that t.
Os° necessa
ed with sMe
ledge of BORI
Yation of oci:
• , to a certain extent, to be acquaint
ce; nor is it leas true, that a know
of the arts is requisite to the culti-
a the mechanical end chemical arts,
-embraced all thati a rd Most valuable
the diversified times of the
physical scierica, St is; at once obvii
i.ose Who ale to delvote themselves to
numerous and ilnportant aubdivi.
.ugh knowledge dithe doctrines •of
bating a beading, upon them, is of
Wily, if it be null absolutely india-
regarded asathes , a singular fact,
emend so urgent for instruction in
fence, no coMPriehensive plan has
n organized fior tarnishing the me.
the knowledge he; requires. While
re every whdre stabliahed for in
fessirmal men in e principles and
'ed their several Hinge, where is
ofessing similar )eels in connection
ice! pursuits! Our high seminaries
instruction in pi steal science can
even were thsfy general accessible
mechanic, could not, from their a.,
F. other purposes, 14 part the kind of
li f which he chic,' y glands in need.
.lions of ger.era: aws or principieg,
uable in thetiscl .eg, in order io he
, , require to , - ft lowed up bya Pc
iled practical Z. ~ a s ; teaching not
vague form he pp:ication of those
the arts. but ‘ ctu Ily eeveloping each
he arts in all
as through lit
• is course or
him roaster
ientific prin
Idle has N.
e a portion o
doubtful ,whe
be obtained
his at udies
higher institn
he languagetri
ral and physii
whether am
egea derives!
tudies, when I
the farm, the
the workahm
illy in the mi
he intelligent
scientific knoi
from his
lahourg b'
"iing„ th.
tesaity o
Le a wee
be tiiugh
roust be
great va
ed to eel
di horde
of meeb
to redo
or to tak
of the c
for. et
anist, it is cn
by models, tte pr
is !towers, or hat
octrines of oti. w
made famili
a i
ety bf combittio
ate the adv 'Ate .
ions of thets,
regard to wer
To II is erid.
io the delindatio ,
' non, so as be
his plans _ an
accurate pies
ting. Is he be
cancel art - a 1
*Tit W not nue
M wl
e one be
i f
' arcoal or ke. '
crude metal and
, the` chart , I m
I converted! into
. (aught toistil
the various yi ds
to ascertain' tlie i
Instructed i ill
i f
d' the forge; ti
the proceses ;
polnions of tli
form and arl
blast- Is
not enoogi
'• mical effect
ntally•the pr
• ordPirita erni
b i
din all the L
in their ttp lice
. e an d the ight
. 'she to lllO
de acquai gted w
km and explprint
old beitrectiettll2
f mitten* _ id
tore and their
.... 'l .. ir - f-iii ---. I F - fiit:
taught where to oo -0 t . ein.p: .. "NJ' .--., net
how to obtain theinilitinilatitly . at...'at: east` ex
pense. In a word, Ito ihriold,boittiad, .. cticaL
ly, a mineralogist; and' as au ft,', , - inining
would lei directed try . surer Prined*S: . . Hitt, by
blind chance, or by a routine'crt ta
. e o . rti..inaP`•-
plieable than appropriate. Is be ,t'be careen-'
ter or ardhiteett he Must , b_tjaug i the .rinciplea.
!Audi regulate , the distribution 1 . .h . ties andr
supports; must .: know . leaw ( 4I .ea . late the.
tortes Operating in each I Fiordlit a' ot is frame .
i t
work 'or Other construction ; 'i : .....'T minutelyconve.rSant With . the lame grid re: Mate the
strength - 0f the ,yrai ides materials he employs,
in all the dit'ersifietitforms and atßludes in which
they are introcidne& and as the ground work of
true excellence 'in his' pnifessiqn, he must be
made expert in the delineation O :worka.Of car.
ifpentty and architeetureC In fin is he toc i ibe a
cultiyator of the soil? he must by instructed -in
the mechanics and chemistry of hie profession,
as well as in the various systemslaf Insbandty,.in.
successful oat': lie must be taught in the lecture,
room and warksholp. uis the peculiaix qualities and
the exact struct.of iill the ittriouil utensils ,
employed in ittrieulture: heint/st learn ih the.
labaratory how to ascertain the ingredients of
the soil upon which he operatesind of the marl
planter, lime, or other mineral t enure which he
i., to apply., i . . • ..
Such with many other, 4,ranchea of instruction,'
of a like character, are proposedtqo be einbreteif
in the plan of practical alMucatil'in acArscibmit.'
tedt'and who cab' doubeTtlist ,piths mechanical,
inn nufacturieg, and agricultnrar claSses of they
community word d derive the highest advantages
from the estabffehment of an inititution directed"!
by these views. With a miltd stored with a •
knowledge of the principles eel well as the de
tails orlais own & tithes asiCiciatPd branches of the
arts—disciplined tio careful enqba;vetninute ac
curacy of calculation, and justObopdes of reason,
tog upuo his
~,o perations—the ji3ung. mechanic.
artizan, or manufacturer' wouhlenteionpon 4. his
career with the sere prospect bra degree of use.
fulness to himself and to ociciely, and with, the
gratifying certaintrot secn - ringl the respect or his ,
Pillow citizens, by, the extent 'end value ot his,
practical knowledge, and the' high dignity of the
I studies to Which he has appliid himsell.*.
Thus trained at oncEimthelidetaila of science ,
and the practice of .the useful it rts.ithe ineolianic
would be placed on level in mint of profession
al education wiibllie lawyer aild the physician.—
r Proudly conscious that knowlfilge, may be the
companion of labor, he would lie but little likely
to Il el humiliated by a competition of his practi2
cal attainments; wilt the acquirements of the
pupils ot nee of our higher inituutems of learn
ing. Thup thorong illy prepared for practical
I..efolpegtt. as well as dignifilit respectability in
his profession, he would cominand that station
in ivviety, to whiefithe high ',rattle of his exer.
' tom.' give him So just' a Mains-,
in soliciting your aid in bi4ialf of the proposed •
Aeliool of Arts, your memorialists are pereuadet:
'hat the present condition of r ennltylvania. ren
ders this a per uliasty auspicipui period for car
rying their views into effet frith extensiveand
lasting benefits to the comnipuity. The active
exertions which are now maltlng :Revery quar
ter of the state, ;in the develetiment other resour.
ces by extensile mining larations, manufac
tures of variousltinde, and pl ns of internal im
provement, would seem obviedialy to call for the
Widest possible diffu..ion of that accurate and en
practical knowledgh for the want of
which labor and money are•so often fruitlessly
expended._ The succession cit :experiments, often
blindly undertaken, and perheps:ternlinating In
disaster, which has hitherto Merited the progress
of so many of the -enterprise), of our citizens -4
'their earlierpres, have, it is true, sometimes
secured Vie licit kgvißedge necessary in
ultimate sue . tit but at whi4 cost has it been
kocered, and how many have entirely failed
after all their oerseverauce,mierely through the
want of. Cie right infer mai Mi. to direct their et
forts. Under the situ isrj influence ad, act Minh
tut ionrsuch as that proposet. how different woolik
be the history of
_individual and state enter
prises of tne kind. Tlitt accurate practical
knowledge that Would he fit6islied to ever•Oor
tiini ot the state, through its numerous pupils
tranied in the principles, and skilful in the op
',serail-ons 'pertaining to their respective' callings
could not fail quickly ti, belseen in the increased
efficiency of 'individual exettim., and in the sure
and acteleratitd devolorticht of the vast resuur
cee of the state. , ' it
In conclusion, your memorialists ,would add,
that in making known their' views and wishes,
to the Legislaturtuat this utile they are encouraged
by-the consideration, that they make their appeal
ti, The liberal and-wise spirit of legislation, which
hai already originateitthe a l eurnmen school sys
temlif the state--ii . systent, Af whicl?likur me
misrialiote iegaNl the preptised bill alpass
tirlar„. delelopMent, foehided: upo'refi-, the same,
arid -directed by, he same views. VO'' .
AU laThich is respectfully sulirnitted - s t , .
By order of thellßoard of Managers-
11-44 i. i s .
The plan of Otis institution unique 9f
its kind r., it is designed for the thorough
„pra 4 clical instruction or the lap gir and tin
portant class of. the coinmenitY *gaged- in
the various ltrariebet (if the mechanic arts,
in, manufa+res and agricultttre,,, , i9„ be
conie„mie vast university for the cultivation
df p;actical.linowledgN.witcre eiety teteful
'art would receivelhe Ointillied illustration
of the lecture rot m lin its, prinelille, an • -
the workshop for its iruanual detail In
no school in our couutry can thitAktpd , ef
knowledge be at, present obtained.. ivxWe
have colleges and scridernies in abundance ) ,
scatteredi.thrriiigh 'llSur,vland, well adapt s
to the education of pip'sicians, livyerkaricki
cleigyinen, and men ,
of leisure, ..d therel
,fore well enough cittlieir kind—oteminariee
too that have felt the bounty of the legisla
lure again.eitil'itgain-*But. where is the
direct advantage thy have 4en ti? 14,
great 'mass of pribtital men whn,cetry, . •,
the shore mentitittee ibrailcheeOf ' Aptness, ,
Aye, where! They ileal'in dry andluirre '
gencralilies; . iii pipe arilf tutiaiisfOloff
applications. of scieik, to the luitinele!.di
life; but . 4 )? lite pr ac taL ap plicaton te l ..,
ence, and' particula • : of the_tiidern:idit
'eoveries in sciencetEthe real bit:Mean - 4
life, nothing can heilearriefin'tlient W - 0 . ?: i
what is worse, under their primiept:,orgit#
nation, there can bd no ex , reise'or4ratning
of those powers of the mind that inable•he 1
wpply the subliiiie amt abstruseidethit -
• ,I, i
tone of modern scibuceto the proceneso , t ,
, ats. , , i , .
, • i . ~ ;.i ~
the' tisithii
4#l'. whet mtdettlil assistance wduld'ciur
present system oflttuction be in ire t veldfp: l
ing thepeculiarja tits that (Fisting nislied a . ,
Bu " dle Y. a Watt;' ti Arli,wright, a Prat ii: -
I f l :
lie, or a Fultool .. ien .v. hose inlu;nrs have
placed them- amo g the greatTheuefactbrill
of mankind. rilapi,perluips'allitedestit ;
men regretted the' end of *it,' lves.
i inutire of practice.•
I be with the delalls
ought to be glech•
. t se details, as well
1. upon *hinh tWey .
l• , in this ',helical
system ofeducation,
any very valuable
e young mechanic
a practicit.l vie* in
and however well
i the general princi
cience, it may well
ng grading° of env
ich practical benefit
Totes himself to the
Mr y , the mine, the
, yoI
tic d
details of his cal-
. If he aims, to
ugh that he should
parties of the sever*
he should learn'the
n and forces. He
ill machinery in 'a
s must be accusVm
es of the minutest
nd must be perfectly
point in 'their eon-
l oreover, he Mild be
of the various .forme
, repared at any time
act form oh paper,
of the models' he is
a practitiorier efany
/. annfiteturer of iron,
, .. h that he shottici be
th, a. , Certain propor
and i aim will pro
ithat by a subsequent
i . y be removed, and
Malleable iron. • He
k 'pieta by appropriate
.r ..
if ores which are in
nEredienta of each; he
be detatbpsit the fur- ,
ust know in what way
nenced by the .. .nature
terials employed, and .
.I .
memo of the furnace '
be 11 dyer or calico prin •
he should be aware of
few viewing aubstan
-1 anonld be taught .ex•
es of all the dyr-muffs
d, and pracitcailly in
e, but important, par
ton, which extensive ex
of chemical - science can
e to
of a
ut h
er? it is not,enongh that
ith the genera (methods
.r mineral treasures.—
instructed in the know)•
gard to their external
.mpoeition; should •be
,TIIE miNvo.ptgo,_
Ince with science? But thia,:very deject IS
intended to be, aupplieckintiheproposerfin ,
istitutiOn; where every led Will be instructedi
in u!etly branch of Sciencp epplicable to thil,l
arts, and "further';'he, niade,Aageihitedi
with the exact state of knowledge and ais,l
c0r., 1 6, the particular branch liejs Study.*
-aOttlius - Will be saved the Libor and,
eapenae of inventions and experinterdi that
have been tried a hundred tunes befl4,
and rctjected as worthletat. It Isa. greii
,Advance in practical ktiowledie to have
o.ip‘ed dint tows what •is attainable, or
what is useless if h were. attained.
Vlro illustiate all the advantages to be
derived to the practical man from the pro
pined institution, would lead us fai l heyond
the litnits of a tiewspapfr essay.. We
Woolit merely call 'the attention of your
renOrito theproperbusitter; of this die
trict-- , -- Nil:NIP:01 And ask,iteliere is the man
thafjoicis to a scientiPe know ledge of the
geology and mineralogy of our ' , legion a
pracAlcal knowledge of tile details Of-mining,
including the sinking of pits, the erection
or the necessary machinery, and the gene--
sal 4ran g einent of a collier) on a large
tscalerancl where is the school in whidli.
any of our ynung mets, desirotts of obtain ,
ng this kind of knowledge . , could recive it?
1110 the possession 4 - thiikitill'of .know
edge would be of immense importance to
is —that we are annually wasting thousands
,trgollars for tli9 a ant of it. is just as evi
dent as the-light of noon dity
We trust t then,.that our citizens will
tine and all in an application to the
legislature, fiir such aid to the Fractkl , o
In>titute as will enable it io
Sr n 1 of Arts.on 'a scale 1111 l en=ul ate
wort the great resources and t rrowiii t t WantS
Our Slate. A'Frienck*
ti, the j pijrusicm of Knotaglge.
31 A 14 11.1 FA"
Qn the 11th inst. by thelgey. Thtmites
Sover4ign - , - Mr. DA,vin Gases, to. Miss
CATIARINEAtiiit, ill M nersvtlle.
lAlinersville, otl 'Tie 11th inst. by the
Rev. Thomas Soyereir, Mr.. ChArttEs
TAYLOR, of PottsvilleAllyb Miss SU3ANNA
CiitilST, of the former place.
k: Pu h-cr bur has now no hand at his Store
a; and Storehousg on Centre tilid Rail Road
streets, a full assortment of Grooda r suitabla Rif the
coal region vii:
,Barr Iron of
Band and [loop do ,do
Nails and. pike Pods do do
Steel. Round S Square do do WI
. Nails and Spikes do At. do.
. : Coal Shovels do .do* rb
7 I : . Hardware, a general as4ortment.
of which he is selling at reduced prices.
Jan 13 2 J CLAYTON.
imiltrtaist Discovery. ,
The audicriber ham discovered " a method) which
he litotes of that valuable root,
May be esiractot without losing any of its mAicinal
properties. This medicine is prepared after a re-I
ceipt of the Medical College, a receipt reetimmendedi
by the Faculty as the best formula for tboi prepare-
Lion of tbe'lluirdettract- of Sarsaparilla.
• This F. - stract may be given with perfect safety to
children, and is conscientiously offered to tlib.publict
4a a purifier of the blood. which in all cases will great
lailevinte and in many entirely cure tN6 follownit
Obstinate ertifitiOns of the skin.
, Pimples or postules on theface.
Riles which arise froat•n impure baba of body. p.
Scaly eruptions,
Pains in the bones.
Chronic rheumatism,
' Tetter, 0
. Scrofula, or King's evil, 'l. ,
White Swf dings, .
Syphilitic symptoms. . ilk . . e, ..
„ Ind all disorders arising from an iniftre state pl
the blooded her by a long residence in a hot andun
healthy climate, or the injudicudis use of mercury.l
• I have thooght it necessary te_attach a few covtift
fates of its hiineficial effect*. from penipas well-kno*u
in the county, as tecti . ;enema -:,..-
v. •
e WIT. 344 11.1874
It .
We the uriderigieikirt airlNg sed tlie Com And
1 Fluid"tatract of Sa.rsaparillitii repaired by aeons
W. 'Oakeleb in ourfarridies, Moat cfieeifully..recom-
Mend ii to Met public, as a cheap. safe and efficient
_medicine; in damages 'arising from impunties of the
Toed. aP
'Phi+ is to clertify that I was for]tgro years afflicted
ith an obstinate nspetigontousaffection in one ofm,y
lege, which broke intp numerous lacers, flgy 14mb - I
vied wsous remedies, which but increadd the dis
ease. *hen I was recommended to try Milthiltsles
preparation of Swipe rill,. ' 1 did so. sea after using
, veral bouleal am happy to state that the ulcers, t tre
entirely removed and my leg healed Niritzejul my
nand this 16thglay of hopper, 1837 .. .
pi. JOHN ir FOURS, Reading.
This certifies thatay little Washout 8 years old.
had suffered for ato time from 'extensive wipe on
the right knee and leir. (supposed to have been white
swelling.) which 1 found impossible to heal, by even
the aid of the moat respectable medical advice, until
I was recomuninisted to use Mr. George. W. Oakelen
Conpounatrup of Saiseparilla, eight bottles of which
ribt oply healed the. Eyes but perfectly restored t a
child's healthAshinli hid suffered much in conspquence
of this affection, „ !:7A,THARINE BINGEMAK,
7thnbove Penn st. Reading. ,
The • was prliseeted to me. hot before
and antler thenikof Mr. Oakeley's syrup of Sarsapa
rilla. and I have no htsiindepiq believing . : that it wet
the agent of hisielsomtion. , 4 . 4._ ,
__ : . -
4 zraiy: p...IIIESTER, M. D. '
Reading, Sept. 12, 1841.'"' - •
4, • . Wassiageca . Math; non
ey . • ''''* . ~t
, S ir.- , -I" Con i
sider it ary - detyyo let yoey know that t4e
u se of the kW amen bottles Ofyour.valuable Samar
rill's that„,Ja Oast.. has eptirely hit ed
ADY *Phi peeler told-me stis of a scrofulous Ober
acter, and cheese cif your : enema would probably
tiette6t it." Thlsfive ktottl were nottakiin befizieril
wits healed, hiel took thiik sixth -to makeths'cure
_tensor; it is diet bitterthait:eamontbs slaw I*
kny: pod there tivuo appearance 01 a 'return, my phial
clan think*. the tura . pent- Youre.&e.-
.- - • Cti.).RLI BROWN.
• - I*-The aboep' what* Medicine mak be had
The tlubsoriber's 'Wholesale „sad, retail 'Drug iit ,
berth fifth street:Reading. and at most or.thei ,. pri ,
eipal drag stoles: . Pleah T Drugs and Medicines. t
thelowestetah &ea. also. kept, for salelly Abe au I
I ,6 r iber. .. : - - 14E0. Wt. OMIELEY.iI
Mae. te k , be had at the stores.of Heidenreich 1
Ruts. ditlyttOwn ; Wm. Mintzer and Dr% Ford,,Pot
IstwniPetei. tioahh.Oley,; kedat the store DM
.gAtisiteitifotteyille. • • • • ,
'3Ar 111.: .- '.. , • •-• ' '-, '• - ' trz6in 0
N. IL , - , Pro perm imposition, my signature w-,
ccompany the Asistl of asoh libitios. • -
r , _A i • • • . .
• a - _
?1:411.11.e•6r „
, - • •••
" • • 1 •
1;14d Calor' y.
J 14 1
• cimi, !Mioagers hiver.thjsAy deeller.
dirideird of 8 par cent. epee; jhe cetpigal
.....copperty for the lastthelf Feu. which
et& tq th. etntkholdsrs on burl litter'
h inst. ; 4OHN- H. CRESSON. 1,
t, r 243t, - T 'surer,
electiod -
Vd I
/pock o$
will be
the 141thi
4 ;,..lan
4 T as election held :fannaty 8, POS. the l .4l-•
4 -l e , lo ng named stockAlciereakeielenintiona
.l, chow •tu!nagera nf THE - MINE 0 lAA AiN I )
rAN Y. tor therm mming yaw.. : I •,... . ,
MANAGERS.....,.. , - '
:Tames undo, 4 - Renianaininigter. '
Henrytufßeck, William . Ricliardson
'Adam vcrly, i Samuel Meaon;Jr. •
John Pi
. zey.; John Cresson,
Edward] Lowher Tfioinos Ridgway. •
•• Jan 1,,3 4 1 - • 2-3 t
straY OW.
, •
LAME to theisubsertber'reaiding about I mile
` l .- 1 from Lewellyu.about • month ago, a small
BRINPLP summed lo be 'about ten year*
old. 'llpe Owner
. isvreqqested to come fcrWard
prove property parehargas aid take ; her away
otherWike she will be disposed of aieardirikr to
law. cLousEit.
Jean .1' 2-30
H • New England Parrier, or Faimerd Re
pt 224 Edititn. rat met:lye4and
for spiglby B. 11. / INNAI O I.
Jan 13 24
'Notices . :
vr HP; part nefship heretofore existing under the
••• firma of D. Stall and John P. Qtil,rinsin; was
by mutual consent dissolved 'un the first inst.,
Jan 113
~ -4. -2.43 t
- • Private Sale.
• i
§t; sold at private Sale, a certain two 'Mora ,
4, frame honor and lot of ground, situate ofi
the neatli stdeot narket street,. Id the baronet .
of Pottsville., containing in front twenty feet,.and'
'in depth unelitindred and ninety feet, to a forty
,feet videtadreei; it being the nurtheesterly pari
°tithe whic tyma rked,m Putt & Pities tatti*e
&Mitten of basil burougho go. 7' Parra; ,liew
row. %fskricvt log the said pruperty . ,*„,wtll pleaapi.
amity l ito - Nlr. (liver t harem, at Pottsville, and for'
terma of gateau, the .subscriberS. —Should tuttd,
prorty not he sold before the Ist day of erbru•
ary ages, it will then be let.
• 110 N R Y FISTER,
Reining. ,
Jll O l3 . f . g"-3
osysz 41,1181=111LEEIS.
E. third A..etiibly will be !mid et the
. loytvatita lialt;von Thertkilay evmint the Mil
Jail 13 - 2—2 !
• 41 ------
KiStrbock 3 s Stores ir
ilyw 0 Kisterbock ; • Stoves and.Ovent.. hat re-
Iceived an for pile by B. BA NINAN.
Jelta 13
're uryJersigned, Business men of the Bon.
ougNef Non ha moo", in the Connty,..of Lehigh
to vehieh the Northampton Bank is located, take
this! method to assure the public, that-the 'reports
larhibh have lately been circulated, calcalated to
iii)rire the credit 1* the NorthamPton Flank, are
without foundation. In ordinary titne when
Batiks pay,, Specie , the beat test of the &ilvency
cif a Bank and the confidence in which iirtands,
is, that it iitat all times reedy to. meet jib Notes,
when required' PO tn. 40, iti,, :Specie, anct,.; fto kat)
than at parte the diminercial Eutaw WO of the
Ste* st during I general suppettektn of'S. perie
payments, the only means oftestink the Irene,'
and standing of an individual Bank is, t it it is
able to draw on the pyinciple Ciiiiimeie al City
of i the Slate, for note, presented for paihrent at
the Counter :of the Bank and keep its Votes at
par in much -City, which. has been don by the
Northampton Bank for the last fourteen years'
i to
and done at ibis time„and we ,havo the assu
rance. that there is no difficultyin te Bank
continuing so to do The "aubscri re were
paned, to Di's:terve A Statement in :o le of the
papers this morning, publnihed in this , ißorough.
tejpecting the Northampton Bank, , winch we
kilos% to be unfounded and we therefilre caution
the Public against such or similar 'Macke*,
newspapers upon the said Bank, asthey atiecal
coasted to injuretke Public as well as* Bank,
without benefit to ay. unless. those,- eihn *pad
be willing to speculate upon 'the cipedulity of
° l lers. lanosryii. le:Kr.
. ,...
Jabo t ". A. Hooter & Heimbach. ~ •• ,'
Jao: Wilson. , Preir.. Saererj& CO
1 7 , e aeger. Keck' & Co.. Selfridge it ,Wilis;ll.
!injmnin Ludwig. G. Haberaelr4r:
sniel Keiper. Boss. & Ste4h.
eier Newerd. . luare Erdmitt.
eter Huber. ', . T EL obias Hull' d.
oho DI. ,Eiserthrown, John - M r.
got Gambert. Joel Krauss ,
& W:Blunter. . Joseph •K libeger.,.
Ill:Shunt GsorrorereJr..lonathen R ithardl
' • ohn Eckert, Jr. %pro St ' .'
r'autt•& Bpittuer. iskeph G' .
, eo. Weiherhold. " Peter Bear 0 -
Cho. A. ,Ruti ff . - James Jamlheoo.
Soloo.- - ' --- 7 W -• 11
IJ 6
` ht. : la ,30
feet freet by . ..ei deep; ext....i f fe,Norite
gian falen, the buildings are well tahed; Isrge
and co modiour end wsll enculat for private
residen .br fors Ws : O l t Oitas.l
twit,efery. ;;;;;; Tt i* lot,. ground..
on Centre street., . hiatqtris 0 pect,front
ti-nyceand 2301beedeepi extetidirig to
nk.Difiiten Rail ljtoad—Ati pope is sub ,
I,7,byri, and Well ailuattid for aertind el
wines& ,
, ALSO; -,' k \
good two nor,- Nate housdeaid lots of
, situate in Re attf's
,Row \ brwegian
Each: tepee atal lot ta,,20 t - 'trent; thr
are well finished . _ h . lcitch thrasher.,
t lion4e, end are' At ted in ihiktitesi Ow'
. 4 .
rt "Of town. Air.. the .abodiii pjaperty
sold.tery cheap—for terns -a ' par4ca-- :
plyie -AN DREW R 0 , EL,
~ : t
6 .1 . :AtiligiOuvg: Street :
the M
tq eftc
mess .1
.I' ante
.+4 ,, • ItreCol*
1837. • • bit : . .
N'. 6. Teigalifice due ,Depositarr; 16,0.679,„25
, i • • t ..''4°1 6 04P 43
, intere4, tccr,t. , 46_ 44.
1837. • CR.
31ov 6. By eervonviScTurities, -• SOO' 00,
-• Sloe*-$18,417
• Expenve,*
.ACvskook - 11and. - • $,14.14'
Jan 6
Orinca or rue ljeraaraiticeoar. Co.
IEIRANECiuora have .his day declared a half .
yearly diaidend of film per teal. out of the
profita of`the Carsupana 4 orhiett will be , paid to
the . Otocklialdera at their legal representatives
afterthe 16th blatant . • ; •
Jan 10 SLC.retary.
aPhilada. nuar4i Is 1.1838.•
A.*E'7l Ng of Butch - holders of this Cum.
pan!, and an election for fiver Directors far
the ensuing yea!, aidh be held at the company's
office, 1 4 19. - 117 south ;Third street. on Saturday
the 3d February, at 4 ti'cloe'k, P. M.
Jai)lo ,1-4 e
Lots for Sale.
JILL he sold al 1 1 1 .eate Sle,' 2 twenty feet
161 s, retuatA lUt thlt south aide of Market
street, iti this borough. totarly.opposito the Pres
hytersatt Fite terms apply to
inn at 1-3* JEREMIAD REED. •
. .
it price $3 50, just re
/en 10 •
Tt/FF(3W rim uiat
Price $1 25,4u0t re
To . . ii(VAu sai
AND 10 . quire Da
" Wolves p alze, cheap,
jan 10
schu 111 , Cuun
• TH E
vanio, to all
= - remetitaOreo
of Wayne,.
a. Couney--C.
W hrrens, byraq luau
-awarded - by the Orphan
OA real tustatadthetratd
tted undlappraised. and.
of the raid depeased a p =
turn of the said hurled
therein mentioned, at th
of, you and every of you
led, to be and appear at
Court, to be holden at
said Counry of &toy!
March next, to toceept-q
premises afiiresaid at O
ily order of the Mph
county, on the 27th day
Jan 10
Moult' Carbon '
ivTOI ICE is hereby
111 the Stoelphe!dem
siaent, eight Managers.
of the. Mount pattern:4i
held al No. 117, Staab,
on Saturday the 34 da
'o'clock, A. - M.
leouary 10 I=le
IShereby gjv n •
have lisamgriithk.
Register of achuyiki
Riehasd brace. da •
Schuylkill, eat:inv.
I estate are therefore r •
40 the su'moeFther
may have y Maims on
quested to pre4eut
Jan 10
rflE Nisei:Denis
lizterPutitAP. l
Vine, being 70 , 08 nate
yorpcnielnt; n 00. to
Possession given on
ply to, • .
Jan tO
9aid pro Per
Mai Ciiek and
and nltit,
SHE Board
eared • died
heat jponlh•.,au
inny, ,
the Teesetliefr itt th ,
it airoittqb#:
January ~ l,lB3B
. . .
Conn of Fiehu
27th .146 , tiJanan
I n
elternonn, Pit r,to
pie tudiac of ..ta if
wick. ck&n,o - wi
due et he-lain i iin.
Ut ' ~.....wi tin*i
in .
'• 0 vi ng
"'late it • 314 8
.c,nyrity -iioninAkin
tpundol; ItOn
Oniw. .. Jae', ;It.
jonee4 &non
' 3 . pitintan in iiiii at' s ,
T o- lifpdo of *in
int AinfrAnn igni•
qictp c [r nett's
dint tineri‘Fne
town4op,n#l ...
It_nyiel. - '7 . 01 8
ttibileibinns 4 4 l n
i Ityliiiev bpt)i
, .
• s i i.,, - ;
i 1: Co — viiiribtlHii;
. iii ad of
y ,1
• _
; • . • i 5
L. W ITN KY, treasurer
wed and For sale by
,V6 l 9ir y, 5 vels._comj
tived and for gala by
and others.
linnka•and Ledgers,
•t received and fur sale
5, sr;
niunwealth of Permit)
thelicira and • legal rep
of Ludwig Bilker, late
in Schuylkill
11.1671 NO:
h. fur the purpose duly
I• I. Out of Schuylkill,
udwig Bilger, wee val.
, hermit', 110110 of the heirs
7 . red in Court on the re.
to take the- premises
appraise-De value there
are therefore hereby es
, d next mated Orphans'
6 wigsburg, in and tbr
ill, on the 19th day of
refuse to take the said
hppratse r it ' price thereof.
us' cowl of Schuylkill
of .December, 1837.
ORGAN, Clerk O. C.
1-4 w
it Road Company.
limo., that a meeting of
nd an" election. Par a Pre•
'Tetaspicr and Secretary
fflßiridlleoinpany will be
hird atrcp,t, Philadelphia,
of February next; at lit
Vi c e 1 ,
rit fetters testementary
to Ookuhacriber, by the
i• County. 'on the estate of
• lest lute of Minersville,
!Iliso4lons indebted to,wskd
uested,to. make payment
medietcyi. and such who
id , e 50,443 are ltkewise re
in welf4uthenticated, for
11ENR''!,: CII4I.ST,
jr of the snine,buliding next
Morrprii !Addition. to Potts-
Ivied for ik,dßOCEar or
4111 be ley fbe that
ant, at a reasonable rent.
I 4 of , April next. Ap.
. . ,
7 is lor 'ssie—appry as above
ine gut. -Napiption
• ,Company,
anagelrs hive this.dal de.
rid .of Six per cent. fill...the
he capttal stock of ihiaConk.
Stockholders, or their. legkl
Ors 12th.inst.atthe_offica of
Ake pc Discount & Depot:.
X3,itEryS 'W H ITN EY. •
Scei*ry 3e Treisnrer.
• I 7.3
au .008r.: , of the Oratiarie
litiJlCiiii,rita.l- I *tiFda.9 : 11 °
1 4 ..
y . , / DECI
. livt i o'clock hi the
har ' ifr,' id rniiiiitrattir- t er
i V. 'V
~ kite of Eisi Brt.liii-.
red ' foll,ile by'Pahhe Yen
:ll:slule et. sa id icitceased,
, a mart , tract ofl.a01; t one '
,i hare. avid iiiv4lll, alt.
navrAcial tolCuahip, : parjkill.,
1111, lix iipici:or tha *bouts.-
• Daglifl reetit; Delliftiavati
Siinsuct lAdve.P. litOiAihn'll:
alt that 'certain. triqi . ...ID? 1ind,..,,
sew rildiievixid•obti_ 04, adidn
el Koidliir: David 130er. Dan.,
jil e tionea, and .1504 . 1131101 r
r t taw's. JIM idiot'', all
of la „ ~atingle ini,the ail*
ts,*Ajoiniee liikda of Dial*
isen*: , John : Solteciati::ind.
. tainldaieioeletei
,acalfe or
ibis ea tirofiard tleceitied:.4...,-,
4oti . !U,:=.? . .;„:1-,• - -:3;54*4
CRI 4 , T,
I S' orste. : , i...-„:
.... 1:. -- " , " ,, , : iatifki,
~ 1111 l' - ' i , .. .
. A . - PI I M,1):. , 1
iiifs.s . '' t :-. ' '. ff "
..: 1. :, 41.,: : :p i . . •
*l i f i v--*esit Clinton
„v. „..u. ~.,..04,..,..t.:,_ .e...,0„,„",,..,,,
. , 7. .leasantly altuatedot Pot Catnit.Schory I.
k!1,1 county. op 'vary seiaotta. etiititio, - .,l`llis
;I.:loans:Orb§ - kettle catifinin -110-41V-tittle - -
fr3ooyikill and : Sutoluchanna Jil liiadi',iicoy -
tOakin . g, and atifT;in a shilit 11 elio0141(61:t1itO •
,SitA•aktoitifiEut ilk the *nits to diOtillitiiiliiisti
tits& Foe tatuss,l6lo. apply to ' ....."F ;,y...:, , - .4..e.,5: -
, '• . PARlPtrik.fritke v .
* !ton founder', l'lrdadatiphito r
i .. l . i‘ti•faintcati ' I
311411 t . ';'
jail, 29
waisu?s rasioce.a.
- 8 the intemperance and hoary of thwoge are
Ilk , hasteniqg the ruttier of seerbutie. codiplaitior I'
and tendering the blood more ilopire; and airthoit4
sands have destroyed their tuastitatittne7 ',Wetting
aorapply the proper reloodielt•-,-to luclirearadirre - Paa-
aeee must be. and has been, mined than.dotitii.milee ,
ble ae.sieertain and effectual meads of restormttheini
to ppefetitheielth and vigor. Few', familielere.wboh; •
ly exenapcfrosi scorbutic Redid*, which exhibit aa.•
nous eyneptonts, as' .eruptions, neerationill iebility.
loarefappetate and dejection. all QiiirlirrOlti illiptlts
'_blond. andif-not properly itteuded -
, tO. Abe -
greatest injury tothe conatitututioto, and may be,im '
perted - to their offripring. Swaim'e Paukcelifielieicoin
mended st tine seasoe of the year 'ati a. iraluabliniecto. •
retires& the System,, thereby invi ratipithe dienditu
lion. and enabling it to beimhe bilititinft,effects of
the summer season, It is eons' ed . hyeibe eirtarlk;
l e
dug fluids : and corrects their d eny te'itif ihoilt
dileases whiCh originate in viti ed *blooe'distiitiftl
liver, depraved appetite, or proW *don to ifffeaionis
• of the lungs, &c. No one,'hdive, ern isiativeedioyom
it withoutconirinetng theusaelvesiof the truth of what
• is here stated.. • ~.,.. v-
This medicine le now used it it b eiteceis in all parts'
of the World, and is gaining grea,4 reputation in Eng-
land. •
~.• • f - •
A fresh supply or the Medici justneceived and
for Baja by - , a BANNAN.
Sole Agent lorj Schuylkiltcolinty.
i Who can supply the Shove. tn . .. icine whole,,te.l
them who wish to, sell again, at ' hiladelpliii.liricts.t
. May 14 -.1.- , 26- ..
. .
... , .
1111 AN 1)R1'.7 I m f , .' . •-•• . - „ .
Vegetable tuiveliiat ,j
*Pills. .....
li MIYA LI I)!-ON E DISKA'SE haat - Amu- only-- , 4 .- .
tan impurity of thy blood. wl i tie h. by lmeedini e t he .
Circulation, bung" on pain or derangement in t . en
gineer part where such impurity! of theffilood s des. -
It is true, i'vante - ev of catieesimayMring about the , _ V.
mate of the blood—each. as a violent: truise or -fall..
damp feet, indigestion, pain in the bead, dm. &c.. stet
although It may. be said that thetee,ffiseasea have nut
their origin in impurity nfthe blbe•i.yet the effect i•
the same-they all end in the ilupurity?nf the blond;
and our only object. to prevent the irritaling fid...l:. .
Incas be kept dp i in other we'rdathe acrimonious I - a- .
mours,ise'bntinually tp purge the body, as lunges any
unpleallgt symptoms:l remain. With . Dr. Brandreth a
Ye:GP:TABLE U NI:VERSA L' PI LIZ. which, if'i-....
severed with in su ffi cient quantities te•produca c 'pt. - V . ,
oils evacuations, will moist nature to restore. e try ..,
organ to a state of health. This is - on the ; prino pie •
of draining: we drain a marshy piece of land, and
from I state of sterility soon produce a most alien- -
dant Fernley: and so it is with the humen. body: wben
any the matter with it. , We have only,oceasioe
to draft it by purgation—and experience hati taught
those who have adopted this reasonable practice; be
cause c-nsistent with our amine, that they have acted,
rightly, the result having been sound health. It is.
not more than 18 months piece theattyPilla were in
troduced into the United States, but 'their sille i .has
beet, altogether unprecedented; there having beeneold - •
of them in New•kork in that time, fully one esillitru.
fire hundred thonsenui .bcays. And above 10,000 per
sonspan be referred to in Nevi York city, and nearly
the same in Philadelphia. who have been cured when
every other means had become altogether unavailing. '
of diseases which .appeared of'theineet opposite phar- - .
acter, and in many...cases where the dreadful . ravages
of ulceration, had laid bare !mimeo( and bone, and
whereto all'appearadce no human Means could @eve
life, have patients, by the use of obese- Pills: been re-
stored to good health, the devouring disease having
been completely eradicated. • .. -
Dr. Wm. Brandreth was at. Wily convinced of the .
truth of the above- simple theory, that he trot 30
years in experiment and laborious research V mu , the
• medical properties of the 'numerous plants compel- ,
ing the Vegetable Kingdom; his object being to, coup- ,
pose a medicine which wouid at once pied:yogi:ll
pr , -
dune by specific action: a removal of all brheiners
From the blood by the stonhich and bowels, as'by tne .
continuation of the use of sueb a medicine. much hul
more are sure -to be canted Lon; and the bleirl as
sume a spite of purity: and whoever takeetese Pills,
and perseveretwith them, will. he satisfi ed.that . ,Dr.
William Bra ,dreth fully attained ;:liis philanthropic I
object. It is now an Absolute 'and known fact, that
every disease, whether if be In the head.or feet; in the .
brain or meanest member;lbether it bean outward
ulcer, or on inward abscess are all, though .4tnsing .
from many causes. reducible to -this, grand !effect •
namely. itilflll64 , of blood.' i ' • .
.myricr.„---,As Drug a nerChernical Stores areliter- '
allefieorled with counterfeit Brandredee Pill", it be,.
CORMS Melee who want the genuine article to-Purchaser.
our oldie accredited agents or those who are known
to be above such duiherest:practice'. . •• . ..- -
• Mr. S. Thompson tp. Cd.lPottairilleitre the only a '
gents at present fur Schnyiill comity. ... V
Dr. Brandret ha 9ffiee fel he sale of the abet% Pills
wholesale and metals at 1 9 Race. street, first door
aberre4llth st. north side.f iladelphia. .
Always remember that Wa Ettorestever -jive the
genuine Brandreth Pills fir. lam e .
, therefore . alli.pur-,
chases of them are sure to be eininterfeit. •
Dec 3 ., '
' -4 2 - 1 : - I
NEW tiroo 1• fl :
IopESPECTI.VieLIC informs the citizens of
au' Pottsville & vicinti3‘, that he constantly keeps.,
on hand, at the 'corner of Corntre arid Callowhilt
,iitreetk, next door abdv. the National Hotel, i i
large and elegant assort ant of Staple auttlancy,
Dry Goods, with a chOl iselebtirin of Wines. Li
quors and Crockery wa all of which have bedn
purchased at the v eat cash% prices in the
!Philadelphia markdt, • will be iolthat.l2i per
cent advance.
• .All kind of ei*litrrbduce taken in 'exchange
for epeds. , au
1 , P . i 2
icii F u nd Societ . .
T tiE rortCacoonSoyin runattr.e' "
t •
y,.- is
now opelieydly!toel,a
tb - Office of Biacourtti.and Deposit, co* per=
!of receivi n g depoeitato - any amount Itotti-,
Ateediness9o, nom any one persou; itiourz'whiclt.
in interest of. per cent will be paid oniettetitS
rid 'greenlet, but uo lideript will : Ile 'allowed, on
- any (recitalist +arts ie $5 , - TIN whole or any:..
pati. 'pay be drawn out on givir n it ettdie.i.Wertof
folr woolt‘,at the office on MOntlaya.ltie'bo.
l a,
stops ot, weeks at
Society wi l l bey; ibudtii . by Vie
%Bowing officers an .neatiagetglintil ibeTwit
, Mtrodaylin May nee .:. ..
__._,. 1 . , i , -,-
. IPresident.-4-AQIII BOTATON. „.-i ::
' angers. - 1 -' •:- 1:I ~
Joseph Carroll Sainliel e i. 'Pet* - :. •
Edwar&Hugbea 1.. •E. fitir Virneyi l ;I •
IJoeoli Buil F. ": .;•1 . '*ll4:Vctzter 1... , ..... • " ,
I,.'t- ' .b. , Whliney, - rettiO, lied Treataprer. j . ..
s t
*•Artiele.:3d , °IAD Chatter. "Igo 'OOO1 - went
itiliateoOW abalLbe received • by 'ilitrlfrealdene
tor Manage fii - ei eli:ietticei, mor oball any
r ,, ! .. r ir anageir
L.. 4 . bort:77: - : 7. ,,0rt - 10.0;:e1tii.,.74/64tiftet.
a cheap *hoods.
rioevr - - ,......, * .:hii Store. a.
lE#ubi l rl i k te e'r ' 1 .oartM7le; ° V I VI' t r ,' •
, ree , 1475. • " ae d i e._ 4c .
~.--',ll , w d l 't
tht 4-
Now 4 ,.,, Lithe.
,Akasbelet , 11 " P " ''
( , !ri l kiii Ilt.l Akv* :2 - , 4,- -
ll -e
-.;:,.,,2.1, 2t,,. ',-., -,
I .' W:".• ::, .4t,•g., m, f 4,
4 1
t it.
1 . -
-..? .