The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 13, 1838, Image 1

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    1218 - TiCir l E. :41 1 011..S• •
'xi k kinztiolt6. in flit F 0 . i/* at POttnaltre:
3 1 1 9ua r its: 00 8 . ' 1i...
. , MOtat H. Lt d .
Juilme Muter ;; . TtOra polo - ii
s ' B , Pc ' tetwentirig . -
Abraham Flabli, ' ,- ' M
Charter Eiciiky : , A hoop Mardow
David Beiren !' " Id Medrukit .
George Bruelgtie l t - F 'lt Matsirm •
Gerrie Brewer; . tiff 11 4:iy .MinteltOn
fleffil Ilreliter '
James Breast:4l Jatildi Monhtmer
Aliclisl Buke ' ''Jolt`;;; K Mover
Peter Bachmao ' . Jot Welch
Solomon Breniati M , Manikin ,
Win Bei-beck Miltin Pilo:They
• Wm Bickel Slit kin Mott
Win Rarkla , - . I .dtiir MOIL* ' ~
Win Bennet. , - McDaniel
Wlll tlarkly • ,iA Vilest McGdugh 'if
k . Win Bristle ,_ Br lin
C - I Ba,k r •oltrel MeLadOkiti •
r Thomas Conley'', 4 Jolt : O
M M'et:.3annan
Abraham-Colima Jukta cCa fiery
Juhri Colons • Peter McDaniel
Jacob Christion iv -R4ticrt MoLaug t hkaa •
alieh 'Curtly 1 Sa,* Mc-Phantom
Octet. Cannon ; ThOmat McGough
Ruben Couto . Thumaa Merarchn
Robert t..-firosey, t!
!. P 4
•D : Ahn Phantber
George Dunwarth tvehrgeNreorene '
J Davis • J4kt Pott
Joseph D Watley ' Rert;f) Powsll
Tuunraer Dolan; Trios Powell
.Jos Denning ' I` Q • •
Nicholas 'EtatoO A ' ',Quin •
Daniel-Fuger i. ' Cotharau Rita .
Henry Feistehsutee . Clittatian Ruch
Ilenr` - iFy rytneyler C . .h . orles Richards
John K Felix/Rile , te t ftice f
}olio Pother Mt s lial Ryan
Michal tricker, . "' JiiOig D Rice 41
• 4•I , Wok Roberts 4
John Gemmely , Mrlo Rhien
John Grure . ' Wip Ramsey ,
John elmen . , Wo Reailey
John Galkher, ' ;!. . S
Mary Graham Worthen Seybert
Pau Galaher D'Onie Sullivan
• Win Glitne ' en Sittadmig
11 l ni. Spangler
For Sal
lignismin Hilibigt 41100 Smith
~titters offers atri vale Sale all that Darnel Henry , ; • llilitTiOSinith -
y Stone noose (w• it' Brick fm'at and 'F,telier HtiehavOtj ' ltrivept4Sarlor
.0. 6
re back.) and lot grOund situate nn Ed war d H ame b a " J,O ne ,, ' 's w ab •
Centre and Mar t street, in Morris E1,..„4„, How p , JlStrottchnao
the borough of P thorille; now occui • Ephr ohaiu Baia!, , Jitmes ?i,haw
lea Eller. Eisrtm
Tie Nouse being e John Ha gan ' •, J{,h o sfl a ill t
nishilond m a feasant part of the! ,I„h ai lj a ll igad :
~- Michadl Soifer
a good fountain at the door. and a Mari Hultleherr V' iehal Sarntmon
ad carnage h back. 'lenders it Ph i l i p Huebert ' t . ! 2'. K *imager
, . -rty for ' who wish to pur- Roberti Hi or ;o o ki.' !Simone, Shaffer
nt sold before Mo day, the ttild day of il Triennas Thighs l' Slush Smith
ill then be otfere at Public Sale, at . 1 J , TAconaja Smith
Henry Stager i said borough, at 1 Wrn AI Jones ' 1 Thos Banda i,
.n said day, whet the terms will be I K , , 1' 1 , , T
, by G tICS MO ORE. I - Edward fieltyllti
r Tui.
1. 6-4 •Christian Kroduir lairtin Thomas
PUYAS PIILIIIIR, Cotten C. KelseT. ijettaid Thomas
. Henry flepcnbaer Ikomis H Thomas
the instantarreolis cure Of John Etty • i I W . •
E TOOTH I A CME; . Jeremiah Kaerptter Giiiorgi Welled ve •
and brought to its greatest perfection ' John Kane :. klbra ri Wells $
MONSIEUR (MA BERT. . Lewis Kraft ' 1 ; John cr, womi.on
ceitify that I hate tried Tour Tapuy- , Philip . Eland ! Yob n Vetrateuns
several cares of Tiouth Ache. in which 1 Richard KirkhaiO Min Weckter
only found it of crr rival see ice. L • , ,ME.n 'Wood
• 4
dr - kha t why
J. 8. HARVEY. , Adam Leisteri-,lt ete .e
rof the Roral C cge of Surgeons. Edw arn Ls wet,: , . , yorliWamsh . er
of the Toot Attie. Onc little Abraham t. 19,1530. . . John Lyon ; SO "-ttiith tAditamitl
` i A ...
t .
stepped in to say that he had risiten James laden ,
,ng this morning. and . Witnessed his ', -0 HIP LEtrEfis
Cuam Gray . ,
1 1
• -
§4murti RoasentJhal
- , I-, who look e?..1 toss enough to bite D a vid Owens, • Samull Rodgers
nail clear c 4, is ten minutes smiled : p a r t e W a tkins:. 'humans Conan
yeti tooth 'indite its pain —' L'. S. . ; Thomas Satikdy i
1 ,..., \* ' • ; Mathew Dowd - tholuissi .Magoenau .• ..
1 ,
iitiir just receiv i _ Peruses calling for liOtterviin the: glory list
B. HANNAN, I will plasma say, timy are r • Adeirtised.
'':chuyt . ltill county i •- - ',. &s'Clllll - 11ZTER.,P. M.
~.7 -
1 -I,y I -
tNI 4 M 1 4 14 13 1 .41. N N A. If s .
i 'on
• -witeloar s i ' ,:-..,, .
RA *au Furst. Carrie- per annum'
innually in adva If aot paid with
will be charge-I - ' .
Two Dow. a per W i ll nn E u g in L . V pa . ble semi-annually
in advance ; not paid within e year. $5l 50 will
be charged
Adrertisem nts not exceeding erelve lils:ill be
.tharged 01 fe th ree insertions— nd 50 centS for one
insertinh. .,er Ones in Prop. , Pon.
All advert manta will be i ed untili ordered
out. tmlessth Imo for wh. Ai theyfare to be chn tweed
is s?-wified .la I will be-charged a rdingiy.!
Yearly acv biers will tie eh $l2 pet atightn.L ,
including subs •ption to the pa with Ihe privilege
of keeping on idvertisemets not - ing tj squares
standing Bu rin t he year, and the - • ton ot a smal l .
et one in eac phlw r for three int einahie times.
All letter s a dressed tot hO edit r must be post paid.
otherwise no Petition will be pa to theta.
All notices for meetings, itcland othetnntices
Which base retofore been ousiirted gratia,•oill
payable sem'.
In the year, 4
ts (Inel. except Nla
charged 2.5 ?-e
T to an order of
Ccionty. Vin'
A. of schu
of Februitti
William B.
muted, will
the house o
Pottsville, a
null and
Barry town
ane handrt
bouts, boon.'
Yarnell, Ge.'
Reed—Late .
By order
at '2
.."or, late of •,
!pose to saki by
. William Moyii
-rtain dwelling mule, sable, saw
t of tan& situate 'on Deep _Greek.
hip, Schuylkill gouty, containing
and eighty-nine acre* or therea
•d by InndsJob:h Kimmel; John
ge ketailer, John thetrich mud
the estate of said deceased.
rthe ; f•uo r
ClCrk, 0. C.
g, Jail. 6, 1538
Or w igsb
A elite.;
ALL pe • .ns arc hereby barbid trityting my
..asith on my accuunt„ as I am deter mined not
terplayauy .•-tits of her c.intraci!ng after thi. date .
, Jan 6
t .
111PHE i
w I n t
twoS y
hasement st
he , corner • . t •
addition to thi
pied by CII • I
of the best
borough, wl
gooe. stable
a desirable
Phalle. If
January. it'
tb house
made : knot
9 ove .
This is t
1 tare t.
the Fire
I;i4 in par
a ten pen
at.the d
A fresh
ed and Ent •
:supply of the abo
• sale by
Suit Agent tor
July 13
SO boxes
nor 25
chosce green and
' have Jul recd
rysupersor green
Reek Blitdery. • .
titiAlti has msaitted the Rnok Binding
( nem; agars_ Perktos "whin! lonks
please kale than at the office of - the
oltraaL . .
bound. wi
Miners J
bee 2
tra Famil
ociries. Q
ready ma
Dry * l'
for rak- .
Joint Sbi
Dee 'x
A few hunched
gles—all at the
, •
'lf• ' i . 11. ,1 - - . " ',..: . 4:` 0 . I. • , , . ... .;.i .. ' .
- ii. 3.. . -, ',..,_ ;,. ',. ~,,, ..,:: - ..1`.;,,..i. 1 v l.r . i, '. - ... , :i 4 , r+ -
~,,-: i?, :, . -th • 11.1- -:',-, .
. A l., ;•. _. •hte .1.41., 4 _,,,J- - : 4 44' •. - ,
. 4.1! ..---!: • , rf , , -,,,,,....- -, ..,-,,,.. ~ ~..,. ~, ..-„. . -
.. ~ , -.-- (',..,...„.H 7
.. ,4,72: 4 ';',..:,- : 1 . J'' . • 2 21
‘ . * 14 4,1 3 '4 . : f '"
. v• - .:" - - . •i ., '4. ; . - 1 • - ....o*.-1
.:' ~ . .-t — - . 7 7, - 1 . ''''' 7 " -- .•
----7-t':'-'.- . ,
gt r- - 111100101:, - ji' - :7 --- : : ; -1 .1 ; ' , ' 7. i 4 --,.. .: ; - ;!:: "... 7'' " - ( '-':• '.
.'-' l ' '' : * 1.3,.- 7 1- ' :-: ;I :
• ..., -i••• .. -0 cril .•...., c. c.. - . :' i -...-, • -.,.. 1 4 4 1 . .- ' .... O. +- - .. 4 e a, , ,
4 1 r icc i
.ti . ,. ; -.. f, .: .. '-'.
•.''. 4 A" , : N- ; ' .* - ' :1 - : - -1`
rs . , : -,- f ~ 4 - - I
E f
.. .. • • ' *i '•
- ' C I" . • 7 : \ i'. •
, . • ' ....1 ,
~,,. I • •-•"
•. "
.';-4 k . 4 _,- •• •-. ,- ;• k r.:' r ,:, 7r. '-'t.'• •' -: ' . 44;74' '' f, 7 - - ''' '''' p. '
.--: 2)* -of/.-c-F 1 ,
. . . . 1 •-, - 1.- _ .. . .. 1 4 .S; .._ ... ~,•r : ~,.0: :1
.f.. "" - ir i..7.- . f.:; . 1 4: ~,,..., ---- - 44-E• . ::-... , .:4 - 1 - 4; ,.-. . 11. ..„ , t , , ,p,-i., -; --, ~ -. ,
...;-. 1 ,.,„ ~ „,., • .
•• ' ';;: '‘..-: ! ^.17. • . % . 4. 0 .
.. , .. y vf 1r ..,
,:, . ..d t ~,,,..
~, . . 7: I pelirrNitalUN It: .4, 7 lati., ; 0•• 'IA .AO A
tiii , ..'-eqj .. .17..*: •. - 7T7- • 91! .. i.l•lf
_A,7 -45 - 7k4 ' 5 . - ' :''' 1 - - ' - t i:4. '" , r I lii r.414; t :<1. •m : i., . : -!,, „:- , ,- , , , ,t to: ,
, ,
-} -,-:•-- - —4 ._ ~
—.4... -7.-- - • ;. - --il 4 : - ' , AV .". '' ; '...
. 14 *** la r / V9 ) BitC"' '
itzort 4 4._
, iirEiti ;,::" ' . - ALI Es - niziriitalkitiliiiistitilt - .]:. Aikittr aAgatitoiii-4tarpik..-4114161V1....
~*,- ,1 , ' 4it ' 11 F '=.' '". I. ''' ii''''r, • ~., -1.0 , 41''.1-.....14,' , ., . .1;' , 14 4 . ‘ll7,,r. , c;Ar.Lt.
, . .
e Orplietee court
rtday the 2ci day
in the afternoon,
rot the es=tate of
y township, de
-IPublie Venda', •t
,er, -innkeeper, in
Jan •
aST of
nt 'Weill
niel Bit , 0..., i ,.. 31 .., . .
.., -
en Cot itz., Allil g m filiarklJames' Males!, 2
Prier DayaneAratrtek ':Darla, Pat r)ak IFrceas.
Wittaifitt Giarta4Cathert4 Jay EITI 3 ; John I.aate.
oa, , tames 1141ataes. 40in !Moitaii i 'VKlllarn
Rid:gird Danirkpiiii.ll. : l . b
black tea—T. ofs. d.
and offers ice sale
nod black tea.
a bets.
6or sale tol
i Flour,
C3etJ4ing -¢c:
quality 20 iwech
• . t rates.
a' FE'
tik• fi3r sake b;
'dap 6
rotts t til ' Wa t Or ClallY•
lINHE Pia , - .', L. Atanalgt,F3 inns., iiiiy,
l i elated a' , !riale9d op r , itk-,A
lait gat m0D94100 .the 04.0 *cock mr Said 'innn ,
c h
paw- ' . balder* 430 {heir, leol
ptli in, efface
f.: P.
d & Mprtgagn" on
pit:veiny. worth
this office.
ersita p• 100 to
163 r sale by
is &atter mad
et tem elms Phila.
cbe whole eerier:set
awing Book Si) be
and Bas oak by
i a BANNA.N.
Tablet yd Razor
-• of the kind ip the
facials by ' -
_t 414 i
B. ,B.Mte*l.r.
• '
. 411 - teatrtiie Folledoret.l
laterestineand 4rioniski474;
likt i OßE coiled' mote Proofs of the estrum
.."• v ai afloat, of DR..WM. EVAAS, , ,Sede
.Cambmdc and Aperient Antitillips gills '
levititincafflictcd mankted.
To finnilk DickvorOff, Cornhift. iiiiitigh,
for the sale ofDrt Wm. Eva3looll4mile
! 1 Loalter rt: Aiew. ' 15, - Wn;
Mar Sir—Knowing. , by.lit
,-ei ieltitnas to .ell I
reference suet the afflicted -ve of the tknefl i;
cial *mulls of medicines, I Cheerfully offer mine i
to tho( public ici,bebilljef DR. WM. EVA.NS'S
EA 1 0u...e Plum - 1 have been afflicted Air
.the laiit lei yetis With distress in the headl and,
- 3 .. - ti often so bad ini to deprive me of aledp for
ihrenor four sights *succession. butthave netar ,
*found relief by tgy of illy friends preteriPtior,
until iny wife saw the advartismetits 'lithe 4Pcr.
When she perms./ ale to send for mine. stflich
I didi and obtained taro bores and bottle -J. vitiieh l
resulted in almost coriapletay refining " Me tot
t health, although shavenot Let entirely finished;
thetr,i Should you ;mo‘ddr'qhiCany benefit to
yourtelf, or the public. you have my chestrfed per
missihn to publish it. Your. respectfully., I
i THOS.*. GOODHUE, Central
3N — ERESTING CASE Cored by Dr. Wet.
a R" , na's Camomile. Tunic arid Family iiperl'
eel Fills -Mr. r —Mr. BEINJ A MIN ,BOW N. corner of
Shi open and Georges streets, Philadelphia„eff , -
ed fur seven sears with extreme nerroosness, by
which he mi tas nut able to write h.s name—his
sy in ptotinWere, Cruses tion, 44 Ay spasmodic pains
1 in the hotel, loss of appall. Pelioltetteh of 1100,
Iteart,.giddlihesa.aitd ditnnWs of sight. au*. inat
lily ape engaging in any, thing that. 'demanded
vigor or ontrage4pickness,aod weakness Na•
~, teme debility, distitrbedgat, a tense of pressure
i '' and weight at the `stomach after timing, great
mental dwirundentry, severe flying pains in the
Mgr back and aide, costiveness, a dislike for
suctlty and conversation. Mr. IL has made jiiar
of various medicines now before the public, - but
to nO effect, u,ntil, observing in a public paper
some cum percentile/ by Dr, William Evans's
Caulomde Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he
wps: induceno g t o thenvi trial, of which he i 0
at shy time . Isappyla state that' they effectually
eurteirki in of the above distressing &seam.
v e rrPervons who idutibt the above cure, are moan
respectfully dinecuigko the above mentioned pgl
' t son; at the nortbswest corner of Shgren an
I Gear req streets. BENJ AM IN WN. t*
Philadelphia Octobeto26, 1E37.
• - -
Pbrf. Roberl uhrue. Schuy lkill r efflieted wit
the tftirr 411.e-rutin& malady. Sxmpturus--4rel
ran flatulency, disturbed rest, ngrvnensima •
acne; difficulty of breathing, .4fightneg4 and atriC..
tree Semi." the breast, dimness, nervous irritai
*Ply and usitli!csisneves, cnuld not he in a bort=
zoutal prsiation, wahotatAme sensation of impend•
tog hufrucattun, partpitation of eke heart, &Wei!
sag 6ouch:gristireipain of thesturnach„ Aga.
ainalia, great debill%and tk4ciancy otothe drat
ins !energy. Me. ..„Montroallgaile up. every
thought of recovery and ,dineeileaper sear t
countenance Of - levery person intrtfttegrom,
existence or hapta i ß bye vit:td he nonce
to a:public paper cateseir •G by Di Wen!.
Eildiv'v in is cumplailit, whit' ment.
red him' to 'Oeiiktritieipadicage ape Pills. nitwit
refrclited in coillpletely remotri-frlf-Zroof
of his dimase. w.shes to sat hia olive rot,
this d,claration ig,litat those ainicteri with the
same or any} siingar to there froth
which heivitioptly reetorecqi' ay like,* reeeist
I the same ineviumaele benait.
r ' sal% NIMAG.. 1.-
vn. Rs. S.ll 11, Bit ENHISER. wife of. Att
L Atom Dreobkher, eoroWef Seemd et rrefind
Gerimotoarri Road. Phtlatielplais. 'Fretted file the
Nast six tears trite the - -Ulm. it.. - laint. ma.
corOphiely retuned to health by Dr. KM. g
VANS - SCamoinde Tonic and Family Aperient
einin- lies,altptatr.ris weer habitual eostiveoesy,
ezeimetatidit in to the strimseettimmrsation of
'pinta, languor, Itifrietne debritty.drstorbett!ktp.
[ Vest Paitt,,,ta be, We. maid notiliektat /fat let
r 4:4 without an aggraratue Of pain., 4 litpriftaiitt
. dial need, dimness tit stet% aiithatbir,,.._ ilinbilleno
i todicating grmt di-11 Pi theTtinettoos of
1 tin Liver, !Wks. Breohiter has made trial of via
nog. meMteine• no: before theme j i arOie.,,hat 1 ....
eeried qp nrhef until a p be IrOSWISIM to stake
triatikrDr Ptl s. of reh;ehl she is haOpL
/ to shoe that they.eScitrallirelieted her of 11l
iatocke duLtreattinir ampttionr, salt Mier% at t bleh
,cot enxittio tinuttnte, .
Mr. Brett .. tiolend44lo4 above: Mt*
i t
la,o4ohiser, bad trro. yet% aftieteiVeridt a
i distressed - lute As and Coitoreness. cl wluch
iße l i ra s effect cured. ,,- 4
iVfireki hereby bettneribere or eagmatut, to the
trWth of the stove cokes. that the sta _t is id
cep respectl true. 715.611.011 BR ISER.
1 4 'l - .JOIWNTEIF, Baker.
No: n giorth. &Olt%i Phil a d a.
.• Ns_
Philadelphia, Oct. 21st. Int
FDr. W.M. EVANS'S Metile#lodioe. far the
,4 orhideleell‘tn Medici* Wit No. 19, north
z Eaghth sine% Ihdaddidna- ...
p r . sold by , . - 3. I‘. WERNFX.
. ::
.. , ',ikei*,l , orris.
BBA. Afftwe r just .rite the Adgwinl
or - - todike,lawedottAd tiOnerriSse e
m .
t w * °Sets forsalexisenp.
: Oil ' .ily kaatonaMS36*.... ,
,-...- i Ma • a
I ~_. m" 4 l 3nnajdnit,rr. 1 , -
mo( DowittA 4
lly. , ....- ,
a 011PreacWii Man 4voia.. ;
- 4
4 tlie ' Vr, SSlntree2o lo r -:
. . ' ll-
} 7 1 . 4. ::tbl ie goot iidaha .
f;‘ , 64..4 I . .:,
'I iiinfidehrr. I - -1 :- ---, ,r'i-T
t r" " - pPrafellig. . Zt. -,
t tar ,
4,,lPAt at f." 4-
- i - ianfatko,nt
,e 1 - ~a, X — l,7.evaina,olk.a.-4110, ,
&ikon •. - - 4 , 1".- 4 . -.''..*" . ' %:, 'd- .
1 , ,' ' ' ' 477 • Ifg.,)KiCWC - ,-.
-4 • '.
•• Auk ----.T.
?..E.A.-- - iiil g iaignial year laad - wir aesarrtir
'..—F- - -- ir,iii i do,vbeaaara" .00faille , ''
~prittie lit:urittrigass- 1 9F 4.:
• A il , : W11,M5 1 1 ''- 44 " - !-4 ' , '
- ,-Deti234
- .3._
ft iSi4:4
'Gait, T.
, Is piri - 1 ,
IntldFit• r-. Aiii Al j3, titeitt.
ider - the- . -Cac lat l• P 'MI ! (:,,
odes ,: (k :
~, : - .
Itii hßall oi l t lll4.4. orLti • , 1, -(:.. , '
. 4
• Nvf * -•I I; ilirqf' '
e i nia .- i
41 •
1 4, ~ 4 ,
.„ , • 1 _,
. T •
.i_ 1-
qtiertff of Mad unty:4orierl
fe commend - on that-Intl •
Fleury Pbcde ..,,,... r . 0
( 4
aunty, by an a si ti r hisi r l
and *its, Node._ '4 4 I
ng , lorro
Nclasir pi session ' 'l if
I hebe end endear figreMar
leas to be holden at taryriga
idapunty, go th e Mond* pre
ta l i fA4) aicb next,ltheca to
i . AL: Chiptibers,
• fit •t t 'hies illic'hait
arms* en C , 40 . • Arid
mew "the
, 31ansifactuters and
ofthe Mprithern Letsitriies i r. to
'laelphil, and all peratift, to- .
;lea rhe said kenchotoi
term tents, (litany iif them:,
dim theitind everrofthirr
beforethe said *Cuqt Ist he
di, and - pla a bout mentioned, to answer whit
OMR be oh erl, against them. Jed . e i thle ... _tsi
t sth
I: !t d o lvb nirt ree r 'nti l i n e B t e t t"itsb to: t en r t te y ir t dee h i l fia r ; d 4 d Ap a ura y lli;l otl i N de,C , lll :Pni l ; i '' ‘ , i lB ltViiripsßa l Ear' r iki tiieti : 7 l ; 4 7.,1 1 . : ! ..;h2, ' : 8 . l: h i abrai isbern te ll
bin A. D. One thousand litchi hun.vd and - cat
~ : th 44 .. g, ,, Li5 , favour. ”, a
thirty beveii. LE)V, IS AUDEN fiIFD. • 1 the palliate circles Of. he United §lribrrs awl Cut ,
ti . •
rtotheiti o•ary. 1 via, all en er u h . sixth year • on the let of'
•-.- .• - ii-Jemsary: I . anitunee ate published aim:
ilLr &TIC is hereby *lL4rilthattim thedicnce ! nually, anclieac :lein/ opmpletw,Mi itacif,4,be
ibe l
1‘ 10- alxhe Wilt. Ii did. on 11 .0 ti 413 , h
b 41 I first nt evert. yes is %hie flintier time fur neti-pltr
Decgmber, 637, attaeh alrthree csintignekii lota , lons to coalmen thee! sobsiriptiona.' • -
aground ih thq.Burougl i l of Potuville„Stitsate op 1. Aa an trenißsi' oft 7 : rip - deity of the ' Lftmary
the Nei th Fmmoily side lot' cCentre street, in dm i to- mom/ inselhebnee t a cheap rime In the shape
mid count Lif SklittOkill. . arked in *oration vp boa .. ha. et may fe resoitioned that.-doting the
Palen I li, al plan of tLit . B•uotigh,49o(uherl* • curium yea. tt contained five novels, four
lFi• and 4.4rontaining L , oil centre stie(-1. Mpg rapider., FR'e avekNkttrqerop t revielcs, fifteen
i i,
120 met, a in depth 23 't, (wow ed to D Ishaoint• ere* V . ? I 4 niscellaneous mrotter .
:cadent by(Thit.,Evrin , by Deed rersudk in •af inunediate iti 'gm , to the- literary rearer
Deed BookiNii. p 498 1 Also all the mote- Ammo* the b a nk .ia t! ,37. h ave b een al e
ty of 'ofin a flirter') tract of famt vieintle• ler /lite Wbrciiillilli airs: .. ' .
partly re usanue to mnidibi to lioniltiimple tir*l4Pardt4 t IfIll 4 41:41411.,
Ihtir i.„
(*ninth . partly in Ruph: frienship In f o Schuil I . Duieus' 'Mao t- I _ ''' - . I.
/11 nfioresphe as . liodsided and rieWpibed ' Callu7lmete •frinitillite - Quit. '' v
1 th; ' yance thereo f firgiin Jacob 'Alter ate p i b tortealromainte, - . - -
ie., and mhos - rid .pelfatoilateo The tunnel'', Cy to t ionnet..- -
ltarch 23, 1830..a1id R -
...I%;,l**Flittfoio's ' Will"!!• 11.1.1 ! i ' l li l em°ll " 4 * -•'
outli,iin lit kkEk Fivera, Fags 34.3 dec. to Tat teninetr . i
ifeireuder* ildimerharles * OFer..n f0e."' .... • _ Reeru'Fryfit t ' T •tiretsunk In the:Thtitsh
i•..___" PET/ ill . LIEDVVIG„ sheriff* •••Thliel.ite• (WO tree Goldsmith,- •
Dec 25 ' ~. ''' ' 1 l'• I 11.-Tire trelealtitirt.,* • lec .by fliii(ls ISticknet, ~,
••.. 1. "Private I,'afe. 11 The„Adveour g o French Sergeant,
4 l a
Ftrivtl# lota • • a' novel, "I- c.,4
v , k .
bstatilmr mat tell Itti pure Ale, • • .The'cust of , icon hooks, ahirM;p6brethedi
AND 'COT pheasantlx aituattd inj n oe .4r. re T e .ta than flirty &Amy !—...
ming and business oil orlth. homue h BAbe''.ll a ri -, . 4 • - I..p rega . this idagrarea
Said properly II 14erwil . e r y• the ‘. iii i i miritePri tol l _ rii„,!,irna rinuMminiiked,pi
1....z 0aca
men of (bailment, 4 part lax de e very town in t. tr lon a t * I A_ , ok b 9y , d e er*:
ittioniidered unnoneesaarc, aft, . of neirapoper . ti
Irchaserti firq 'vie* fora hemselves A ae•iii fesle . . e ado. jalteerriptenlibs„ a i iM"'
(lity is na volvt•tiefirrei M t f.,..ilirApril ',maker Lae. ' ..:. .. ipitinalar,lor tie anoint ynar4
11- !ken be reedit forte+ or mere,ealle. atbompained 1 .• mittaire, Stift •Fie prerirptr.
iciria% apply to,the stabeentier , ! a tt en d e d ip.
~A•dr ,A, wm:40,„,. ,
ealrgua, lir to Dr, lithtar reel N. 46 ' 51 !rz ',..i.4 1 1 4 1 Plia"delPhi 4 -'
VON DEDLNI O,N_.- ••• Di; 23 . ' 11' • -'' .•`
,•' 54"
ir - ''' 4t.r - i - '-'-----
. •
Phil. ,
• , S
1 `
45. . •
• I
kg, 1..
T nEb.'
110 II
ion , • _
plaid •'
161 , qt, n wit
brim at • r
, I
7 gtven to iva r antatouvats
"``. 41iti ' I E 4 , - 1; - , 1 ,,,,.,1..r.., - . g7_. .:,....,,.. ill
Niro ; that laws IMM uttAtitaHt4 a. cot Schur k I
-‘ : 7 .0 11 1 621 H ----' '‘. ,
grashrd to the subscribe. bpi* t refs:ivied .t)r e'''' irisialtir 0 said toe:eq. gir
--huyliull county. if the . ware et F i he- Patiiiphiet Law or be Ilielt,"teorino 9fthe
uil. Site y.lisatwipri lawaship. , Baer al A fi.'froixtiOrefisi of December.
Ar4iiiieus la deittet riar4aleyiniforta2 Stat. - Jr at liktriidOßllll.
dory reqxbrlbti toldmiel piffintlelit, . ..1. -"" .: ;.' - - rOpfc 11. ,ffica - g.. .: j
.44 ,41
r etheir., Wires% vow thei ,6tia Airy . 4 TreeiVeiree's . - oSarige*l ITsr.44drer_ . . •
,Ireacarad ascii SI4So, 3 , _ , ,
elm. 1 bWris, Dee akitlatpe. l ' - I4L-11
li!",lL'ine Istegre" ', - , , preseoi '
iiplent kale& int iiii , -.
41 4 ked
0 1 1,,
1 ''''s - JOHN , 'WIC': E" 4 ' a 1..„,."
--•- SAVL. BOW: ~ 4;t7-nrt
is ipefeb
wire '
Lam s Bp
rate anal
q the .
(N e m
Oa s a
ibel° I
.• •
t • A
- ‘ . t: .40 4
, -
[Ejr..brie . ter - 1111 1 144 testa -
Bey bare brim grant lbx ., ilios ;tis t emi lltogistez
ill Albany to
r r in a
ortuttriarorat, Seito 4.:1
1 . • or,,
L - . 40 mutt; gf
Itiod t tutho jthimien RhAinint
rwittgloi 940 iogi•A Petit"'
toftbi , 'elude of iit'd id
lo pliy the sane Wert *ablieri
• L I RR, ER.
-3 R; .
t r l ll aTn
ft - the h
4 6
, .171 SgeSCRIBiI? 1 7 1114 i AT ---,
1„ Prita e. . t l , . , 1 , •
. _ .
! FUJI EttAilOdinitig bleu( itotyTi. ! itb a yos
Hague' fredint Cenneiletrta. ly. between .
)6r Itlit 40107 buck bal.cdPkio we PrnielrfiT
, Air. Apc.le, !Mit the one trued:b . Alr.^Gey.
! c leaning'''. -IV knit are 541 fetit lie Wed 230
.deetp, zinentrtnir IS"the Rail Riied Astithese Imp
'are in 11 liaroilletal perl,ol . thetwoZLed ire .
;wet' krw iwn.a further destat p it; '•tut
. Fez terms intinut
. dee 'lf. . ' ' 4 i i • 1 4
ENGI. , . .I/ .; •
:34 , Apar sess-iimert. lite P ‘ l/11160 Bal. '
- 1 the dte
iele Wither,
, - . . :,40te *kw idler ' teseeli
1 t
. thee -41 ..,•.,o'll . -. , • - , , N: . ,- 1 , 4 ,
„ • 1 - ''l 3
„ ' ', • -; i , Iv „, ' , , .
, -
^ - ieli '•-' "'
- - ' .-
7- r 7 , -
.* _-- . 0 1,--arm .1. • ilea' ".-
li-thibetibP -
,-- • -.....ii i l itiii c: ..• -Air! ks. , '
. .-.Milisttr,,,_, ... • •.• •i- ..a*;.. alEak.
..aita wow- ;-- • I *ea
...;.. - ': • ita.
."-....--'''.: /Cif,• ::—: , 1 . 7. '- . - . . piatibtag
. • ripiiiiik - iataat . 1 - at Itoi• ..
. 11 0 1 AW 4 ' - '-i 'i! , .... i, 411. 1 4 4 ,10 1 ." 1,
!,..-• -.- , ril • •LI
-' • --. , •,,,,...1 4 •.,....‘,-$1, 1 0 , ,,:-.,,,J,:, f , ( ..,,.. , 7 - , -- -- ..- 41, , ,
r -I
A PIN 100
I=• - A
„,,: Is! lityl. 4 .--
--, .. '.
.:fir !
•art - r --
whikiltill ; 6 47e , ' .- =Tu. ~._ IOW '
ptiea , paid m eipttkibtill
An al Ca tkr i P le ir ” .i. - ' . - 2
.. , Ar• 4-
t - w , r dta><tl fttt e:
- Coneetiiimart !Illinvititchiry,
,I A ilt subweriber rEpittectfullti mencerticeihtittii
.."-F, pe . hne that 134:4".ei;mar . oucedtbe:mitiora,
woof Unalectio y - ea its !mortelmiltrmAt
l i i,, I. bps Stone' in clietre ' oeltiN:01 1 1 4,
NitemtllC Iloere,ifirt confecpisiner; Aga Ilii.
i*-tilit i ,ti mityara cu p . dawholcsale and ietail;
l ea,
dkobt loatest Phtllmdelpttim earth prices.
4 • OinatVe 3lrtei4iiiits ire " iempeettepy , -,solicited
10 call aid commune In 4 mu tat bet
,eme Ferrikuraing,
(duel tterei, 1.• - 31.., '
. -✓. se-- •
•i . .
..' T. 1, 1 1 . , ; “ .1
itrAiEj , .i: #21 2 ; t n010“ /Li/gains*,
-ot.• pt. JOh , M
' 4 '
,4- . 20 baii*IPitoefairpk de
...4.-.0 0 9,34 eekierikkr sedced twat ' : .
# ICll#9 1t1i..1 • do!' L.A.
110111iWatalt4t i •
''''' '"Stoti Wiperpor shad,
' , 4. 301.11dif..hi5.. , 1 &POEM. ' .
it .,, 20.1WW,' do . de • ,
'SS leignaiezia..4reroandistioritees.
" boy Or''' ' r i... ' i ', •' •
Clotho . - C * nig!! Cloths n !
Ng', NAT 1,1 5 : 6... C*. haw molt ot hand a
- 4 ,;'• . 0 - ' •
at ' - loco!
::''''' Diti;?, i)l4 k..... 01 ;recto an du:Ali:loth:6- .
P ' ~,.. do 'if '
. - faittl a:A . 4watt* i . " :.
- • ,!Bain! kitr ' ttilisliei't. ~...
- Motwiti , lotrikod - othea . rt, . I
Goes ' ca iilets4,:estingt&c dit . •
..iior.fiV - .4.2A1 at auction lit 'Philal
440104 Totll we guar:race iota !,2
-r a' -(tot bailor etoewher:
its air - creel. 2
'oft i , ge IL its.
testi )1488 . 14151e
- ... , 1
I.' ,
' -
c.' — ` l l;".
J _..
4 , 7 i
;1. ';!Tiviitp,rtml
- e
; •
. ;.; 1
' .
azisiiii ,.,. ,. „ : „ 7 i-,,-,-,,,...
{~ -
, r • 41 ' r4ri., ‘ , ' 41* ' - ' 7 t. • -
~ . . s',•art., "1.'.1. ~!{-; i i -.., 1
. t.
I '1
.'". ", ..- '..4 - 4.1;-•%4J. 1 1 . zi' . :4Et.....A-•;1:•.. r.,. •1, •
DIs F I K -A-- , It i .'t....-
_..-- ~.
. t - 1•!' •••••• -
z • ••••!
tr. ;
r ;cf.. • 4.,: , :"?•"•.' .F . 14 4'..1
dw w a ALE , • , • : *44 3
y • , !-•
_. . ,
a -
m i • t.
Gaiirr of, a Mailt factswili4"
4 aft
Lumber. •
-151Uk000slaint song*. ..- l•
25.000talik},t,iik ,
42%006 Ile; 40104* flaillt ' tle.
sa k. 1 A. .41i:._,iLE)
t 23 ./". 0 4, -
'NewEstallonsit l
-'Varier tif eentre end Mart ;
•rIIHE sobisiAhers rennet:AE*lli . *
. •Al: their frielideN and the publicgetopisX. , oo,4,
have taken - Ithh eta* formeTly oeckipted !rt.,
Jeceib•Bull & Co.. comer of Mitre' Ind -Met**
lstreets, wherethiii , are now proridedieithiehcdni'
Wtairtnieo of!--c• • '••• • ex • •••.
Girpeeries, - .
which they atedStirmitsed Insellattheeery, to
est prices. I:IA24ARDA:. STAAIXIC
$. B. All kinds of rAttintry • Prodneeitalien
the highest toarket prices. , . .
' & LOTvin lierweglati
11 '‘f
nearly oppos ite the , • reirkslenee _
C 0 B. 1 7 .'; Poinroy, now cieenlifecrbt
tub. 'Tbfrlbortae.
.t trout by Oleet in depth; eith a_kite9ten
eellar4n Ihe l / 4 - basement Mont, two maw en
Os*, eceondlitia.tkiird Atone each:the whole: o f
ffl _
Ktid oose w
'ell ;deafened and piintesty ;Abe ate
excellent well or water at the W 991
flct . front. by 170- - fret tri, depth:with . a 9 feat of
&y on the new , end of said Wiese. t "
For fortherpartieulare inquire of
TEITB. .9H4.14. :
.:Vount Inaba), I\aiti.,9,-1837.
• For '
• A volattalA Trocit of Coal Lenart
. YING and being to -the toirttship af Norir‘:
AA pegnin, op the weir Bruit& neat the frett:
(trona Ra Road: aboOt noirmilert from sehoirlio.
k4l Haven—there is '!orie or 'motet-tad Yrinir
piitring through:this Aiitatt. For infonnation' apt'
ply to • JAL 130 REED.'
••at Pattvitlei . •
-a Mr. fIOFE'MAN. rod. •
J t - . March 2 24-
? .- i;GllZE•irri 114/MG.IICAIMS:I '..
' piltatbk Real PrOpeffil itil Patsvglei
, _..
THE und er signed offers for sale all that L - e/1!
knowethree story tSRIPS STQ/Li3 A Ali
- DWELLDIO , LIOCISE and the appurtenarteep,
witbete in Centre . street, Pottsville,the
. property .
,of kbe undersigned, together, with "nine other•
tenements in , the rear oif said-'building, and' the;
lot; of ground whereon the selble stem* l'bei
'lsi;ek bedding aforesaid. contains tbirtj ket hi
-(toot—finished from the basenxint story to the
Mat trrtthe best style of workussiStipoutti,' i
a tembriesestanet and a reside? is* ' ltaW
bIY latuatl 4 - TbO sltru - 4. looloiittt od
- be VW l on low lad aeiswomodifinglegtos:'Art
1 o(the ourehase money may-rensainaint/in grop.l
fertyt.for a few years, it desued.Vide utdlsPOto 4
tile i and popmesson cap. - be pima inimediert
apvir to G. 1ir.41121111N
,April :V .12-4 r - Potimilles
• lauidingsi air
'stow aide* lbw to stud pirrebasere, 618 tekket
LendWqb Wing between the Mount Cat boW i t
mid nod the. SebnylkAl Coromenetng
. with;and
iaeloding -htntrutg now beittpled by Pr. Pak
tWei.'ansfizitteding down thWriver. • Ettquiptai
0 8ipt 16' 43-snto Or W. FAR QuitAa
Dying 'pa o"eouTiar e
AUGUSTUS EHAVIL. O : has tettaled yom
rape : sad intent iienuneaceitillaY tinfl •. t •
plain fang. in aidlibiainee,ettiaele
in twain Street. Pottsville-, 'Alas acciatingsmita
Altai pliplakOall. greatful far past Ems*
seed hems; by•atienticat and punctuality ta•taittit •
bouiliaaauce ofb a firmer custom. •
DO 22 541
lkisierstilthi School Woks. ;
!row. itabeeriber h 1 bef n appointed-Ara
the lade of these BoOtain bcho
of the rum'. saihcai, - •
others !applied the quantity at•
Pt" - 4-
, Eniwirsaaa-.Series of Scheel _ ma+
etiiiriesbe bestir use. sad as p
other .
...11 Cobb's' reties Of School Ildaid.
and, rigail atPhiladelphia pricesAr itahrby
I Dea.23 , . ti41.112M1111-i
liaNY cLQigotA,' - iat.*igirieiihrt
P •-•6411.
intim ialeeby • strt.l
ale Mil Ls:
N they
Na' 11
_ ekedtP .ls isait. Nk('•
- LUST reatimedipietkoems.laaßOV4',,A- "
Dr 7 •
b,. . • akeesc.
- caiita*orprc!*.n?n thaw
b 7, .shim ariacit
44 -
latititso l4 i4jOsitier;.*Amk.fir
_ ••
' , 46tptil
is-, •
• ' O 4
• •
,_ .r- ~"
-V '
its. &A Feataer*
aftereit for sale by Y ot.
• fiazz3llllo kignweell
Ike* figa4/0414 14- kk
t! I
~-~ ~,