The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 13, 1838, Image 1
1218 - TiCir l E. :41 1 011..S• • 'xi k kinztiolt6. in flit F 0 . i/* at POttnaltre: 3 1 1 9ua r its: 00 8 . ' 1i... . , MOtat H. Lt d . Juilme Muter ;; . TtOra polo - ii s ' B , Pc ' tetwentirig . - Abraham Flabli, ' ,- ' M Charter Eiciiky : , A hoop Mardow David Beiren !' " Id Medrukit . George Bruelgtie l t - F 'lt Matsirm • Gerrie Brewer; . tiff 11 4:iy .MinteltOn fleffil Ilreliter ' James Breast:4l Jatildi Monhtmer Aliclisl Buke ' ''Jolt`;;; K Mover Peter Bachmao ' . Jot Welch Solomon Breniati M , Manikin , Win Bei-beck Miltin Pilo:They • Wm Bickel Slit kin Mott Win Rarkla , - . I .dtiir MOIL* ' ~ Win Bennet. , - McDaniel Wlll tlarkly • ,iA Vilest McGdugh 'if k . Win Bristle ,_ Br lin C - I Ba,k r •oltrel MeLadOkiti • r Thomas Conley'', 4 Jolt : O M M'et:.3annan Abraham-Colima Jukta cCa fiery Juhri Colons • Peter McDaniel Jacob Christion iv -R4ticrt MoLaug t hkaa • alieh 'Curtly 1 Sa,* Mc-Phantom Octet. Cannon ; ThOmat McGough Ruben Couto . Thumaa Merarchn Robert t..-firosey, t! !. P 4 •D : Ahn Phantber ~ George Dunwarth tvehrgeNreorene ' J Davis • J4kt Pott Joseph D Watley ' Rert;f) Powsll Tuunraer Dolan; Trios Powell .Jos Denning ' I` Q • • Nicholas 'EtatoO A ' ',Quin • R Daniel-Fuger i. ' Cotharau Rita . Henry Feistehsutee . Clittatian Ruch Ilenr` - iFy rytneyler C . .h . orles Richards John K Felix/Rile , te t ftice f i }olio Pother Mt s lial Ryan Michal tricker, . "' JiiOig D Rice 41 • 4•I , Wok Roberts 4 John Gemmely , Mrlo Rhien John Grure . ' Wip Ramsey , John elmen . , Wo Reailey John Galkher, ' ;!. . S Mary Graham Worthen Seybert Pau Galaher D'Onie Sullivan • Win Glitne ' en Sittadmig 11 l ni. Spangler For Sal lignismin Hilibigt 41100 Smith ~titters offers atri vale Sale all that Darnel Henry , ; • llilitTiOSinith - y Stone noose (w• it' Brick fm'at and 'F,telier HtiehavOtj ' ltrivept4Sarlor .0. 6 re back.) and lot grOund situate nn Ed war d H ame b a " J,O ne ,, ' 's w ab • Centre and Mar t street, in Morris E1,..„4„, How p , JlStrottchnao .. the borough of P thorille; now occui • Ephr ohaiu Baia!, , Jitmes ?i,haw lea Eller. Eisrtm Tie Nouse being e John Ha gan ' •, J{,h o sfl a ill t p nishilond m a feasant part of the! ,I„h ai lj a ll igad : ~- Michadl Soifer a good fountain at the door. and a Mari Hultleherr V' iehal Sarntmon ad carnage h back. 'lenders it Ph i l i p Huebert ' t . ! 2'. K *imager , . -rty for ' who wish to pur- Roberti Hi or ;o o ki.' !Simone, Shaffer nt sold before Mo day, the ttild day of il Triennas Thighs l' Slush Smith ill then be otfere at Public Sale, at . 1 J , TAconaja Smith Henry Stager i said borough, at 1 Wrn AI Jones ' 1 Thos Banda i, .n said day, whet the terms will be I K , , 1' 1 , , T , by G tICS MO ORE. I - Edward fieltyllti r Tui. 1. 6-4 •Christian Kroduir lairtin Thomas PUYAS PIILIIIIR, Cotten C. KelseT. ijettaid Thomas . Henry flepcnbaer Ikomis H Thomas the instantarreolis cure Of John Etty • i I W . • E TOOTH I A CME; . Jeremiah Kaerptter Giiiorgi Welled ve • i and brought to its greatest perfection ' John Kane :. klbra ri Wells $ MONSIEUR (MA BERT. . Lewis Kraft ' 1 ; John cr, womi.on ceitify that I hate tried Tour Tapuy- , Philip . Eland ! Yob n Vetrateuns several cares of Tiouth Ache. in which 1 Richard KirkhaiO Min Weckter only found it of crr rival see ice. L • , ,ME.n 'Wood • 4 dr - kha t why J. 8. HARVEY. , Adam Leisteri-,lt ete .e rof the Roral C cge of Surgeons. Edw arn Ls wet,: , . , yorliWamsh . er of the Toot Attie. Onc little Abraham t. 19,1530. . . John Lyon ; SO "-ttiith tAditamitl ` i A ... t . stepped in to say that he had risiten James laden , ,ng this morning. and . Witnessed his ', -0 HIP LEtrEfis cure Cuam Gray . , 1 1 • - §4murti RoasentJhal - , I-, who look e?..1 toss enough to bite D a vid Owens, • Samull Rodgers nail clear c 4, is ten minutes smiled : p a r t e W a tkins:. 'humans Conan yeti tooth 'indite its pain —' L'. S. . ; Thomas Satikdy i 1 ,..., \* ' • ; Mathew Dowd - tholuissi .Magoenau .• .. 1 , t iitiir just receiv i _ Peruses calling for liOtterviin the: glory list ed B. HANNAN, I will plasma say, timy are r • Adeirtised. '':chuyt . ltill county i •- - ',. &s'Clllll - 11ZTER.,P. M. ~.7 - 1 -I,y I - 'TED AND 'PUB PE tNI 4 M 1 4 14 13 1 .41. N N A. If s . i 'on • -witeloar s i ' ,:-..,, . RA *au Furst. Carrie- per annum' innually in adva If aot paid with will be charge-I - ' . Two Dow. a per W i ll nn E u g in L . V pa . ble semi-annually in advance ; not paid within e year. $5l 50 will be charged , Adrertisem nts not exceeding erelve lils:ill be .tharged 01 fe th ree insertions— nd 50 centS for one insertinh. .,er Ones in Prop. , Pon. All advert manta will be i ed untili ordered out. tmlessth Imo for wh. Ai theyfare to be chn tweed is s?-wified .la I will be-charged a rdingiy.! Yearly acv biers will tie eh $l2 pet atightn.L , including subs •ption to the pa with Ihe privilege of keeping on idvertisemets not - ing tj squares standing Bu rin t he year, and the - • ton ot a smal l . et one in eac phlw r for three int einahie times. All letter s a dressed tot hO edit r must be post paid. otherwise no Petition will be pa to theta. All notices for meetings, itcland othetnntices Which base retofore been ousiirted gratia,•oill .be Taut. payable sem'. In the year, 4 ts (Inel. except Nla charged 2.5 ?-e Public T to an order of Ccionty. Vin' A. of schu of Februitti William B. .gti.'sabeth muted, will the house o Pottsville, a null and Barry town ane handrt bouts, boon.' Yarnell, Ge.' Reed—Late . By order at '2 admittist .."or, late of •, !pose to saki by . William Moyii -rtain dwelling mule, sable, saw t of tan& situate 'on Deep _Greek. hip, Schuylkill gouty, containing and eighty-nine acre* or therea •d by InndsJob:h Kimmel; John ge ketailer, John thetrich mud the estate of said deceased. rthe ; f•uo r WM. R HULL, Adrhinisiretur: JOSEPH MORGAN, ClCrk, 0. C. g, Jail. 6, 1538 Or w igsb A elite.; ALL pe • .ns arc hereby barbid trityting my ..asith on my accuunt„ as I am deter mined not terplayauy .•-tits of her c.intraci!ng after thi. date . SEBA,7TIAN YORE. , Jan 6 t . 111PHE i w I n t twoS y hasement st he , corner • . t • addition to thi pied by CII • I of the best borough, wl gooe. stable a desirable Phalle. If January. it' tb house uno'clock made : knot 9 ove . This is t itelEtkrtr 1 tare t. OM Lond the Fire ruarvellou I;i4 in par a ten pen at.the d Gazette. A fresh ed and Ent • :supply of the abo • sale by Suit Agent tor July 13 I TERY Beat SO boxes nor 25 chosce green and ' have Jul recd rysupersor green Reek Blitdery. • . titiAlti has msaitted the Rnok Binding ( nem; agars_ Perktos "whin! lonks please kale than at the office of - the oltraaL . . . bound. wi Miners J bee 2 tra Famil ociries. Q ready ma Dry * l' for rak- . N. EL Joint Sbi Dee 'x A few hunched gles—all at the , • 'lf• ' i . 11. ,1 - - . " ',..: . 4:` 0 . I. • , , . ... .;.i .. ' . - ii. 3.. . -, ',..,_ ;,. ',. ~,,, ..,:: - ..1`.;,,..i. 1 v l.r . i, '. - ... , :i 4 , r+ - ~,,-: i?, :, . -th • 11.1- -:',-, . . A l., ;•. _. •hte .1.41., 4 _,,,J- - : 4 44' •. - , . 4.1! ..---!: • , rf , , -,,,,,....- -, ..,-,,,.. ~ ~..,. ~, ..-„. . - .. ~ , -.-- (',..,...„.H 7 .. ,4,72: 4 ';',..:,- : 1 . J'' . • 2 21 ‘ . * 14 4,1 3 '4 . : f '" . v• - .:" - - . •i ., '4. ; . - 1 • - ....o*.-1 .:' ~ . .-t — - . 7 7, - 1 . ''''' 7 " -- .• ----7-t':'-'.- . , gt r- - 111100101:, - ji' - :7 --- : : ; -1 .1 ; ' , ' 7. i 4 --,.. .: ; - ;!:: "... 7'' " - ( '-':• '. .'-' l ' '' : * 1.3,.- 7 1- ' :-: ;I : • ..., -i••• .. -0 cril .•...., c. c.. - . :' i -...-, • -.,.. 1 4 4 1 . .- ' .... O. +- - .. 4 e a, , , 4 1 r icc i .ti . ,. ; -.. f, .: .. '-'. •.''. 4 A" , : N- ; ' .* - ' :1 - : - -1` rs . , : -,- f ~ 4 - - I E f .. .. • • ' *i '• - ' C I" . • 7 : \ i'. • , . • ' ....1 , ~,,. I • •-•" •. " .';-4 k . 4 _,- •• •-. ,- ;• k r.:' r ,:, 7r. '-'t.'• •' -: ' . 44;74' '' f, 7 - - ''' '''' p. ' .--: 2)* -of/.-c-F 1 , . . . . 1 •-, - 1.- _ .. . .. 1 4 .S; .._ ... ~,•r : ~,.0: :1 .f.. "" - ir i..7.- . f.:; . 1 4: ~,,..., ---- - 44-E• . ::-... , .:4 - 1 - 4; ,.-. . 11. ..„ , t , , ,p,-i., -; --, ~ -. , ...;-. 1 ,.,„ ~ „,., • . •• ' ';;: '‘..-: ! ^.17. • . % . 4. 0 . .. , .. y vf 1r .., ,:, . ..d t ~,,,.. ~, . . 7: I pelirrNitalUN It: .4, 7 lati., ; 0•• 'IA .AO A tiii , ..'-eqj .. .17..*: •. - 7T7- • 91! .. i.l•lf _A,7 -45 - 7k4 ' 5 . - ' :''' 1 - - ' - t i:4. '" , r I lii r.414; t :<1. •m : i., . : -!,, „:- , ,- , , , ,t to: , , , -} -,-:•-- - —4 ._ ~ —.4... -7.-- - • ;. - --il 4 : - ' , AV .". '' ; '... i . 14 *** la r / V9 ) BitC"' ' itzort 4 4._ , iirEiti ;,::" ' . - ALI Es - niziriitalkitiliiiistitilt - .]:. Aikittr aAgatitoiii-4tarpik..-4114161V1.... ~*,- ,1 , ' 4it ' 11 F '=.' '". I. ''' ii''''r, • ~., -1.0 , 41''.1-.....14,' , ., . .1;' , 14 4 . ‘ll7,,r. , c;Ar.Lt. , . . WILL TISA . CS voqTOPIVit ISIIF.D. satii,and' C. e Orplietee court rtday the 2ci day in the afternoon, rot the es=tate of y township, de -IPublie Venda', •t ,er, -innkeeper, in Jan • aST of nt 'Weill niel Bit , 0..., i ,.. 31 .., . . .., - en Cot itz., Allil g m filiarklJames' Males!, 2 Prier DayaneAratrtek ':Darla, Pat r)ak IFrceas. Wittaifitt Giarta4Cathert4 Jay EITI 3 ; John I.aate. oa, , tames 1141ataes. 40in !Moitaii i 'VKlllarn Rid:gird Danirkpiiii.ll. : l . b black tea—T. ofs. d. and offers ice sale nod black tea. t-- lia,6 MSC moiCIO a bets. 6or sale tol Jan i Flour, • C3etJ4ing -¢c: L . 'GRAB AN. quality 20 iwech • . t rates. sit a' FE' tik• fi3r sake b; 'dap 6 7!*!Tlrl rotts t til ' Wa t Or ClallY• lINHE Pia , - .', L. Atanalgt,F3 inns., iiiiy, l i elated a' , !riale9d op r , itk-,A lait gat m0D94100 .the 04.0 *cock mr Said 'innn , c h paw- ' . balder* 430 {heir, leol ptli in, efface the f.: P. BANNAN. r d & Mprtgagn" on pit:veiny. worth this office. ersita p• 100 to 163 r sale by it BADMAN. is &atter mad ===2 et tem elms Phila. cbe whole eerier:set IL HANNAN. awing Book Si) be and Bas oak by i a BANNA.N. Tablet yd Razor -• of the kind ip the facials by ' - a BAN)IAN . ' I I _t 414 i /79TTSV LLB, PA. EEL B. ,B.Mte*l.r. • ' . 411 - teatrtiie Folledoret.l laterestineand 4rioniski474; likt i OßE coiled' mote Proofs of the estrum .."• v ai afloat, of DR..WM. EVAAS, , ,Sede .Cambmdc and Aperient Antitillips gills ' levititincafflictcd mankted. To finnilk DickvorOff, Cornhift. iiiiitigh, for the sale ofDrt Wm. Eva3looll4mile ! 1 Loalter rt: Aiew. ' 15, - Wn; 3 Mar Sir—Knowing. , by.lit ,-ei ieltitnas to .ell I reference suet the afflicted -ve of the tknefl i; cial *mulls of medicines, I Cheerfully offer mine i to tho( public ici,bebilljef DR. WM. EVA.NS'S EA 1 0u...e Plum - 1 have been afflicted Air .the laiit lei yetis With distress in the headl and, - 3 .. - ti often so bad ini to deprive me of aledp for ihrenor four sights *succession. butthave netar , *found relief by tgy of illy friends preteriPtior, until iny wife saw the advartismetits 'lithe 4Pcr. When she perms./ ale to send for mine. stflich I didi and obtained taro bores and bottle -J. vitiieh l resulted in almost coriapletay refining " Me tot t health, although shavenot Let entirely finished; thetr,i Should you ;mo‘ddr'qhiCany benefit to yourtelf, or the public. you have my chestrfed per missihn to publish it. Your. respectfully., I i THOS.*. GOODHUE, Central 3N — ERESTING CASE Cored by Dr. Wet. a R" , na's Camomile. Tunic arid Family iiperl' eel Fills -Mr. r —Mr. BEINJ A MIN ,BOW N. corner of Shi open and Georges streets, Philadelphia„eff , - ed fur seven sears with extreme nerroosness, by which he mi tas nut able to write h.s name—his sy in ptotinWere, Cruses tion, 44 Ay spasmodic pains 1 in the hotel, loss of appall. Pelioltetteh of 1100, Iteart,.giddlihesa.aitd ditnnWs of sight. au*. inat lily ape engaging in any, thing that. 'demanded vigor or ontrage4pickness,aod weakness Na• ~, teme debility, distitrbedgat, a tense of pressure i '' and weight at the `stomach after timing, great mental dwirundentry, severe flying pains in the Mgr back and aide, costiveness, a dislike for suctlty and conversation. Mr. IL has made jiiar of various medicines now before the public, - but to nO effect, u,ntil, observing in a public paper some cum percentile/ by Dr, William Evans's Caulomde Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he wps: induceno g t o thenvi trial, of which he i 0 at shy time . Isappyla state that' they effectually eurteirki in of the above distressing &seam. v e rrPervons who idutibt the above cure, are moan respectfully dinecuigko the above mentioned pgl ' t son; at the nortbswest corner of Shgren an I Gear req streets. BENJ AM IN WN. t* Philadelphia Octobeto26, 1E37. nt ANTIIMA.TIIREE YEARS STANDING • - - Pbrf. Roberl uhrue. Schuy lkill r efflieted wit the tftirr 411.e-rutin& malady. Sxmpturus--4rel ran flatulency, disturbed rest, ngrvnensima • acne; difficulty of breathing, .4fightneg4 and atriC.. tree Semi." the breast, dimness, nervous irritai *Ply and usitli!csisneves, cnuld not he in a bort= zoutal prsiation, wahotatAme sensation of impend• tog hufrucattun, partpitation of eke heart, &Wei! sag 6ouch:gristireipain of thesturnach„ Aga. ainalia, great debill%and tk4ciancy otothe drat ins !energy. Me. ..„Montroallgaile up. every thought of recovery and ,dineeileaper sear t countenance Of - levery person intrtfttegrom, existence or hapta i ß bye vit:td he nonce to a:public paper cateseir •G by Di Wen!. Eildiv'v in is cumplailit, whit' ment. red him' to 'Oeiiktritieipadicage ape Pills. nitwit refrclited in coillpletely remotri-frlf-Zroof of his dimase. w.shes to sat hia olive rot, this d,claration ig,litat those ainicteri with the same or any} siingar to there froth which heivitioptly reetorecqi' ay like,* reeeist I the same ineviumaele benait. LIV EL COMPL.NAMT' T 'SIII_,YEARS r ' sal% NIMAG.. 1.- vn. Rs. S.ll 11, Bit ENHISER. wife of. Att L Atom Dreobkher, eoroWef Seemd et rrefind Gerimotoarri Road. Phtlatielplais. 'Fretted file the Nast six tears trite the - -Ulm. it.. - laint. ma. corOphiely retuned to health by Dr. KM. g VANS - SCamoinde Tonic and Family Aperient einin- lies,altptatr.ris weer habitual eostiveoesy, ezeimetatidit in to the strimseettimmrsation of 'pinta, languor, Itifrietne debritty.drstorbett!ktp. [ Vest Paitt,,,ta be, We. maid notiliektat /fat let 5.1 r 4:4 without an aggraratue Of pain., 4 litpriftaiitt . dial need, dimness tit stet% aiithatbir,,.._ ilinbilleno i todicating grmt di-11 Pi theTtinettoos of 1 tin Liver, !Wks. Breohiter has made trial of via nog. meMteine• no: before theme j i arOie.,,hat 1 .... eeried qp nrhef until a p be IrOSWISIM to stake triatikrDr Ptl s. of reh;ehl she is haOpL / to shoe that they.eScitrallirelieted her of 11l iatocke duLtreattinir ampttionr, salt Mier% at t bleh ,cot enxittio tinuttnte, . Mr. Brett .. tiolend44lo4 above: Mt* i t la,o4ohiser, bad trro. yet% aftieteiVeridt a i distressed - lute As and Coitoreness. cl wluch iße l i ra s effect cured. ,,- 4 iVfireki hereby bettneribere or eagmatut, to the trWth of the stove cokes. that the sta _t is id cep respectl true. 715.611.011 BR ISER. 1 4 'l - .JOIWNTEIF, Baker. No: n giorth. &Olt%i Phil a d a. stert.• .• Ns_ Philadelphia, Oct. 21st. Int FDr. W.M. EVANS'S Metile#lodioe. far the ,4 orhideleell‘tn Medici* Wit No. 19, north z Eaghth sine% Ihdaddidna- ... p r . sold by , . - 3. I‘. WERNFX. . :: P*Ag-ok..siatco—y .. , ',ikei*,l , orris. BBA. Afftwe r just .rite the Adgwinl or - - todike,lawedottAd tiOnerriSse e m . &to t w * °Sets forsalexisenp. : Oil ' .ily kaatonaMS36*.... , ,-...- i Ma • a I ~_. m" 4 l 3nnajdnit,rr. 1 , - mo( DowittA 4 lly. , ....- , a 011PreacWii Man 4voia.. ; - 4 4 tlie ' Vr, SSlntree2o lo r -: . . ' ll- } 7 1 . 4. ::tbl ie goot iidaha . f;‘ , 64..4 I . .:, 'I iiinfidehrr. I - -1 :- ---, ,r'i-T t r" " - pPrafellig. . Zt. -, t tar , 4,,lPAt at f." 4- - i - ianfatko,nt ,e 1 - ~a, X — l,7.evaina,olk.a.-4110, , &ikon •. - - 4 , 1".- 4 . -.''..*" . ' %:, 'd- . ia 1 , ,' ' ' ' 477 • Ifg.,)KiCWC - ,-. -4 • '. •• Auk ----.T. ?..E.A.-- - iiil g iaignial year laad - wir aesarrtir '..—F- - -- ir,iii i do,vbeaaara" .00faille , '' ~prittie lit:urittrigass- 1 9F 4.: ii4......iet ...." • A il , : W11,M5 1 1 ''- 44 " - !-4 ' , ' Ifilriaisar,;*•:a.. - ,-Deti234 - .3._ ft iSi4:4 'Gait, T. u 910*M , Is piri - 1 , 4_ IntldFit• r-. Aiii Al j3, titeitt. ider - the- . -Cac lat l• P 'MI ! (:,, odes ,: (k : ~, : - . Itii hßall oi l t lll4.4. orLti • , 1, -(:.. , ' 1 . 4 • Nvf * -•I I; ilirqf' ' e i nia .- i 41 • 1 4, ~ 4 , .„ , • 1 _, . T • .i_ 1- otrultonimaiohrifinxitiviironta qtiertff of Mad unty:4orierl fe commend - on that-Intl • Fleury Pbcde ..,,,... r . 0 ( 4 aunty, by an a si ti r hisi r l and *its, Node._ '4 4 I ng , lorro Nclasir pi session ' 'l if I hebe end endear figreMar leas to be holden at taryriga idapunty, go th e Mond* pre ta l i fA4) aicb next,ltheca to i . AL: Chiptibers, • fit •t t 'hies illic'hait arms* en C , 40 . • Arid mew "the , 31ansifactuters and ofthe Mprithern Letsitriies i r. to 'laelphil, and all peratift, to- . ;lea rhe said kenchotoi term tents, (litany iif them:, dim theitind everrofthirr beforethe said *Cuqt Ist he - di, and - pla a bout mentioned, to answer whit OMR be oh erl, against them. Jed . e i thle ... _tsi t sth I: !t d o lvb nirt ree r 'nti l i n e B t e t t"itsb to: t en r t te y ir t dee h i l fia r ; d 4 d Ap a ura y lli;l otl i N de,C , lll :Pni l ; i '' ‘ , i lB ltViiripsßa l Ear' r iki tiieti : 7 l ; 4 7.,1 1 . : ! ..;h2, ' : 8 . l: h i abrai isbern te ll hi bin A. D. One thousand litchi hun.vd and - cat ~ : th 44 .. g, ,, Li5 , favour. ”, a thirty beveii. LE)V, IS AUDEN fiIFD. • 1 the palliate circles Of. he United §lribrrs awl Cut , ti . • rtotheiti o•ary. 1 via, all en er u h . sixth year • on the let of' •-.- .• - ii-Jemsary: I . anitunee ate published aim: ilLr &TIC is hereby *lL4rilthattim thedicnce ! nually, anclieac :lein/ opmpletw,Mi itacif,4,be ibe l 1‘ 10- alxhe Wilt. Ii did. on 11 .0 ti 413 , h b 41 I first nt evert. yes is %hie flintier time fur neti-pltr Decgmber, 637, attaeh alrthree csintignekii lota , lons to coalmen thee! sobsiriptiona.' • - aground ih thq.Burougl i l of Potuville„Stitsate op 1. Aa an trenißsi' oft 7 : rip - deity of the ' Lftmary the Nei th Fmmoily side lot' cCentre street, in dm i to- mom/ inselhebnee t a cheap rime In the shape mid count Lif SklittOkill. . arked in *oration vp boa .. ha. et may fe resoitioned that.-doting the Palen I li, al plan of tLit . B•uotigh,49o(uherl* • curium yea. tt contained five novels, four lFi• and 4.4rontaining L , oil centre stie(-1. Mpg rapider., FR'e avekNkttrqerop t revielcs, fifteen i i, 120 met, a in depth 23 't, (wow ed to D Ishaoint• ere* V . ? I 4 niscellaneous mrotter . :cadent by(Thit.,Evrin , by Deed rersudk in •af inunediate iti 'gm , to the- literary rearer I Deed BookiNii. p 498 1 Also all the mote- Ammo* the b a nk .ia t! ,37. h ave b een al e ty of 'ofin a flirter') tract of famt vieintle• ler /lite Wbrciiillilli airs: .. ' . partly re usanue to mnidibi to lioniltiimple tir*l4Pardt4 t IfIll 4 41:41411., Ihtir i.„ (*ninth . partly in Ruph: frienship In f o Schuil I . Duieus' 'Mao t- I _ ''' - . I. /11 nfioresphe as . liodsided and rieWpibed ' Callu7lmete •frinitillite - Quit. '' v 1 th; ' yance thereo f firgiin Jacob 'Alter ate p i b tortealromainte, - . - - ie., and mhos - rid .pelfatoilateo The tunnel'', Cy to t ionnet..- - ltarch 23, 1830..a1id R - ...I%;,l**Flittfoio's ' Will"!!• 11.1.1 ! i ' l li l em°ll " 4 * -•' outli,iin lit kkEk Fivera, Fags 34.3 dec. to Tat teninetr . i Cy • ifeireuder* ildimerharles * OFer..n f0e."' .... • _ Reeru'Fryfit t ' T •tiretsunk In the:Thtitsh i•..___" PET/ ill . LIEDVVIG„ sheriff* •••Thliel.ite• (WO tree Goldsmith,- • Dec 25 ' ~. ''' ' 1 l'• I 11.-Tire trelealtitirt.,* • lec .by fliii(ls ISticknet, ~, ••.. 1. "Private I,'afe. 11 The„Adveour g o French Sergeant, 4 l a Ftrivtl# lota • • a' novel, "I- c.,4 It v , k . bstatilmr mat tell Itti pure Ale, • • .The'cust of , icon hooks, ahirM;p6brethedi AND 'COT pheasantlx aituattd inj n oe .4r. re T e .ta than flirty &Amy !—... ming and business oil orlth. homue h BAbe''.ll a ri -, . 4 • - I..p rega . this idagrarea Said properly II 14erwil . e r y• the ‘. iii i i miritePri tol l _ rii„,!,irna rinuMminiiked,pi 1....z 0aca men of (bailment, 4 part lax de e very town in t. tr lon a t * I A_ , ok b 9y , d e er*: ittioniidered unnoneesaarc, aft, . of neirapoper . ti Irchaserti firq 'vie* fora hemselves A ae•iii fesle . . e ado. jalteerriptenlibs„ a i iM"' (lity is na volvt•tiefirrei M t f.,..ilirApril ',maker Lae. ' ..:. .. ipitinalar,lor tie anoint ynar4 11- !ken be reedit forte+ or mere,ealle. atbompained 1 .• mittaire, Stift •Fie prerirptr. I iciria% apply to,the stabeentier , ! a tt en d e d ip. ~A•dr ,A, wm:40,„,. , ealrgua, lir to Dr, lithtar reel N. 46 ' 51 !rz ',..i.4 1 1 4 1 Plia"delPhi 4 -' VON DEDLNI O,N_.- ••• Di; 23 . ' 11' • -'' .•` ,•' 54" ir - ''' 4t.r - i - '-'----- . • !Mi.- led Phil. , Iffil • , S I 1 ` a 45. . • • I 010 kg, 1.. T nEb.' 110 II friptiiah ion , • _ plaid •' 161 , qt, n wit Iros,furthe brim at • r • . , I ' fly. ,-• 7 gtven to iva r antatouvats "``. 41iti ' I E 4 , - 1; - , 1 ,,,,.,1..r.., - . g7_. .:,....,,.. ill Niro ; that laws IMM uttAtitaHt4 a. cot Schur k I -‘ : 7 .0 11 1 621 H ----' '‘. , grashrd to the subscribe. bpi* t refs:ivied .t)r e'''' irisialtir 0 said toe:eq. gir --"-----r --huyliull county. if the . ware et F i he- Patiiiphiet Law or be Ilielt,"teorino 9fthe uil. Site y.lisatwipri lawaship. , Baer al A fi.'froixtiOrefisi of December. Ar4iiiieus la deittet riar4aleyiniforta2 Stat. - Jr at liktriidOßllll. dory reqxbrlbti toldmiel piffintlelit, . ..1. -"" .: ;.' - - rOpfc 11. ,ffica - g.. .: j .44 ,41 r etheir., Wires% vow thei ,6tia Airy . 4 TreeiVeiree's . - oSarige*l ITsr.44drer_ . . • ,Ireacarad ascii SI4So, 3 , _ , , elm. 1 bWris, Dee akitlatpe. l ' - I4L-11 li!",lL'ine Istegre" ', - , , preseoi ' iiplent kale& int iiii , -. 41 4 ked 0 1 1,, 1 ''''s - JOHN , 'WIC': E" 4 ' a 1..„,." --•- SAVL. BOW: ~ 4;t7-nrt is ipefeb wire ' Lam s Bp haylko rate anal q the . (N e m Oa s a ibel° I . .• • t • A - ‘ . t: .40 4 tti - , - - [Ejr..brie . ter - 1111 1 144 testa - Bey bare brim grant lbx ., ilios ;tis t emi lltogistez ill Albany to r r in a .tet.tanmeot ortuttriarorat, Seito 4.:1 1 . • or,, L - . 40 mutt; gf Itiod t tutho jthimien RhAinint rwittgloi 940 iogi•A Petit"' toftbi , 'elude of iit'd id lo pliy the sane Wert *ablieri • L I RR, ER. "Citedet. ` ti v ILLLIO A iTDENRIED.v -3 R; . 1233 t r l ll aTn Schee ft - the h PiPia* Pewit ER ma 4 6 , .171 SgeSCRIBiI? 1 7 1114 i AT ---, 1„ Prita e. . t l , . , 1 , • . _ . ! FUJI EttAilOdinitig bleu( itotyTi. ! itb a yos i !FUJI Hague' fredint Cenneiletrta. ly. between . )6r Itlit 40107 buck bal.cdPkio we PrnielrfiT , Air. Apc.le, !Mit the one trued:b . Alr.^Gey. ! c leaning'''. -IV knit are 541 fetit lie Wed 230 .deetp, zinentrtnir IS"the Rail Riied Astithese Imp 'are in 11 liaroilletal perl,ol . thetwoZLed ire . ;wet' krw iwn.a further destat p it; '•tut . Fez terms intinut JOBAN,C; . dee 'lf. . ' ' 4 i i • 1 4 .1 :a.itz-Dia ENGI. , . .I/ .; • :34 , Apar sess-iimert. lite P ‘ l/11160 Bal. ' '-'l, - 1 the dte U. iele Wither, , - . . :,40te *kw idler ' teseeli 1 t . thee -41 ..,•.,o'll . -. , • - , , N: . ,- 1 , 4 , „ • 1 - ''l 3 „ ' ', • -; i , Iv „, ' , , . , - ^ - ieli '•-' "' - - ' .- 7- r 7 , - #l, .* _-- . 0 1,--arm .1. • ilea' ".- li-thibetibP - ,-- • -.....ii i l itiii c: ..• -Air! ks. , ' . .-.Milisttr,,,_, ... • •.• •i- ..a*;.. alEak. ..aita wow- ;-- • I *ea ...;.. - ': • ita. ."-....--'''.: /Cif,• ::—: , 1 . 7. '- . - . . piatibtag . • ripiiiiik - iataat . 1 - at Itoi• .. . 11 0 1 AW 4 ' - '-i 'i! , .... i, 411. 1 4 4 ,10 1 ." 1, !,..-• -.- , ril • •LI -' • --. , •,,,,...1 4 •.,....‘,-$1, 1 0 , ,,:-.,,,J,:, f , ( ..,,.. , 7 - , -- -- ..- 41, , , „.... ~~. r -I A PIN 100 I=• - A OM! „,,: Is! lityl. 4 .-- --, .. '. .:fir ! •art - r -- rf ado' *,... whikiltill ; 6 47e , ' .- =Tu. ~._ IOW ' ptiea , paid m eipttkibtill An al Ca tkr i P le ir ” .i. - ' . - 2 .. , Ar• 4- t - w , r dta><tl fttt e: - Coneetiiimart !Illinvititchiry, ,I A ilt subweriber rEpittectfullti mencerticeihtittii .."-F, pe . hne that 134:4".ei;mar . oucedtbe:mitiora, woof Unalectio y - ea its !mortelmiltrmAt l i i,, I. bps Stone' in clietre ' oeltiN:01 1 1 4, NitemtllC Iloere,ifirt confecpisiner; Aga Ilii. i*-tilit i ,ti mityara cu p . dawholcsale and ietail; l ea, dkobt loatest Phtllmdelpttim earth prices. 4 • OinatVe 3lrtei4iiiits ire " iempeettepy , -,solicited 10 call aid commune In 4 mu tat bet ,eme Ferrikuraing, (duel tterei, 1.• - 31.., ' . -✓. se-- • •i . . WI, rioiliceJ ..' T. 1, 1 1 . , ; “ .1 1 itrAiEj , .i: #21 2 ; t n010“ /Li/gains*, -ot.• pt. JOh , M ' 4 ' dibtr....ftli ,4- . 20 baii*IPitoefairpk de ...4.-.0 0 9,34 eekierikkr sedced twat ' : . # ICll#9 1t1i..1 • do!' L.A. 110111iWatalt4t i • ''''' '"Stoti Wiperpor shad, ' , 4. 301.11dif..hi5.. , 1 &POEM. ' . it .,, 20.1WW,' do . de • , , 'SS leignaiezia..4reroandistioritees. " boy Or''' ' r i... ' i ', •' • _ --,...- ,_ Clotho . - C * nig!! Cloths n ! 41.. Ng', NAT 1,1 5 : 6... C*. haw molt ot hand a - 4 ,;'• . 0 - ' • at ' - loco! of ::''''' Diti;?, i)l4 k..... 01 ;recto an du:Ali:loth:6- . P ' ~,.. do 'if ' . - faittl a:A . 4watt* i . " :. - • ,!Bain! kitr ' ttilisliei't. ~... - Motwiti , lotrikod - othea . rt, . I Goes ' ca iilets4,:estingt&c dit . • ..iior.fiV - .4.2A1 at auction lit 'Philal 440104 Totll we guar:race iota !,2 -r a' -(tot bailor etoewher: its air - creel. 2 iiii Eil3 i2I 'oft i , ge IL its. testi )1488 . 14151e pnarepossos,- - ... , 1 I.' , ' - c.' — ` l l;". - J _.. 4 , 7 i IMMEMI resit ;1. ';!Tiviitp,rtml - e ..f4a & i,-,...) .. 4 ; • . ;.; 1 i ' . S2l azisiiii ,.,. ,. „ : „ 7 i-,,-,-,,,... ..~ {~ - : , r • 41 ' r4ri., ‘ , ' 41* ' - ' 7 t. • - ~ . . s',•art., "1.'.1. ~!{-; i i -.., 1 . t. I '1 .'". ", ..- '..4 - 4.1;-•%4J. 1 1 . zi' . :4Et.....A-•;1:•.. r.,. •1, • DIs F I K -A-- , It i .'t....- _..-- ~. 1111 . t - 1•!' •••••• - z • ••••! tr. ; r ;cf.. • 4.,: , :"?•"•.' .F . 14 4'..1 ign dw w a ALE , • , • : *44 3 y • , !-• _. . , a - m i • t. Gaiirr of, a Mailt factswili4" 4 aft II Lumber. • -151Uk000slaint song*. ..- l• 25.000talik},t,iik , 42%006 Ile; 40104* flaillt ' tle. `apt sa k. 1 A. .41i:._,iLE) t 23 ./". 0 4, - `,CALL 'NewEstallonsit l -'Varier tif eentre end Mart ; •rIIHE sobisiAhers rennet:AE*lli . * . •Al: their frielideN and the publicgetopisX. , oo,4, have taken - Ithh eta* formeTly oeckipted !rt., Jeceib•Bull & Co.. comer of Mitre' Ind -Met** lstreets, wherethiii , are now proridedieithiehcdni' Wtairtnieo of!--c• • '••• • ex • •••. Dodit, Girpeeries, - . which they atedStirmitsed Insellattheeery, to est prices. I:IA24ARDA:. STAAIXIC ,April $. B. All kinds of rAttintry • Prodneeitalien the highest toarket prices. , . . THE`SUBSCRIB'R 'OFl'lO3 .P.IIIIIMITE ' & LOTvin lierweglati II 11 '‘f nearly oppos ite the , • reirkslenee _ C 0 B. 1 7 .'; Poinroy, now cieenlifecrbt tub. 'Tbfrlbortae. .t trout by Oleet in depth; eith a_kite9ten eellar4n Ihe l / 4 - basement Mont, two maw en Os*, eceondlitia.tkiird Atone each:the whole: o f ffl _ Ktid oose w 'ell ;deafened and piintesty ;Abe ate excellent well or water at the W 991 flct . front. by 170- - fret tri, depth:with . a 9 feat of &y on the new , end of said Wiese. t " For fortherpartieulare inquire of TEITB. .9H4.14. : .:Vount Inaba), I\aiti.,9,-1837. • For ' • A volattalA Trocit of Coal Lenart . YING and being to -the toirttship af Norir‘: AA pegnin, op the weir Bruit& neat the frett: (trona Ra Road: aboOt noirmilert from sehoirlio. k4l Haven—there is '!orie or 'motet-tad Yrinir piitring through:this Aiitatt. For infonnation' apt' ply to • JAL 130 REED.' ••at Pattvitlei . • -a Mr. fIOFE'MAN. rod. • . J t - . March 2 24- ? .- i;GllZE•irri 114/MG.IICAIMS:I '.. ' piltatbk Real PrOpeffil itil Patsvglei . FORSALE: , _.. THE und er signed offers for sale all that L - e/1! knowethree story tSRIPS STQ/Li3 A Ali - DWELLDIO , LIOCISE and the appurtenarteep, witbete in Centre . street, Pottsville,the . property . ,of kbe undersigned, together, with "nine other• tenements in , the rear oif said-'building, and' the; lot; of ground whereon the selble stem* l'bei 'lsi;ek bedding aforesaid. contains tbirtj ket hi -(toot—finished from the basenxint story to the Mat trrtthe best style of workussiStipoutti,' i a tembriesestanet and a reside? is* ' ltaW bIY latuatl 4 - TbO sltru - 4. looloiittt od - be VW l on low lad aeiswomodifinglegtos:'Art 1 o(the ourehase money may-rensainaint/in grop.l fertyt.for a few years, it desued.Vide utdlsPOto 4 tile i and popmesson cap. - be pima inimediert apvir to G. 1ir.41121111N ,April :V .12-4 r - Potimilles • lauidingsi air 'stow aide* lbw to stud pirrebasere, 618 tekket LendWqb Wing between the Mount Cat boW i t mid nod the. SebnylkAl Coromenetng . with;and iaeloding -htntrutg now beittpled by Pr. Pak tWei.'ansfizitteding down thWriver. • Ettquiptai 0 8ipt 16' 43-snto Or W. FAR QuitAa Dying 'pa o"eouTiar e AUGUSTUS EHAVIL. O : has tettaled yom rape : sad intent iienuneaceitillaY tinfl •. t • plain fang. in aidlibiainee,ettiaele in twain Street. Pottsville-, 'Alas acciatingsmita Altai pliplakOall. greatful far past Ems* seed hems; by•atienticat and punctuality ta•taittit • bouiliaaauce ofb a firmer custom. • DO 22 541 lkisierstilthi School Woks. ; !row. itabeeriber h 1 bef n appointed-Ara the lade of these BoOtain bcho of the rum'. saihcai, - • others !applied the quantity at• Pt" - 4- , Eniwirsaaa-.Series of Scheel _ ma+ etiiiriesbe bestir use. sad as p other . ...11 Cobb's' reties Of School Ildaid. and, rigail atPhiladelphia pricesAr itahrby I Dea.23 , . ti41.112M1111-i liaNY cLQigotA,' - iat.*igirieiihrt P •-•6411. intim ialeeby • strt.l Int ale Mil Ls: N they /Ti, Ci. Na' 11 _ ekedtP .ls isait. Nk('• - LUST reatimedipietkoems.laaßOV4',,A- " 100 Evoses--*biebliiiisitifeiiitit anus% Dr 7 • royale. b,. . • akeesc. - caiita*orprc!*.n?n thaw 120. b 7, .shim ariacit 13 44 - latititso l4 i4jOsitier;.*Amk.fir _ •• .{' ~.i ,r i ' , 46tptil is-, • • ' O 4 C':•; • • .„ ,_ .r- ~" UM CM -V ' MI Ell its. &A Feataer* aftereit for sale by Y ot. • fiazz3llllo kignweell !FM lir= Ike* figa4/0414 14- kk s- t! I •• AI LSI E 0 • ~-~ ~, ~~~,