PRE ME SIM . IT. OF catrEtts,.. -,., . rail. the Poetithßoriii roiailliii: 1 et las 1,1818. • , ' Mich 'al B Leiels . : T • Leqa P 'l,eveariin . M. g *nth ny Mar . dciw . Davi Medal.* , . Fran Mangirai Hen Minielion 4 64 , Hen Miiiij , Jaen Moth's:me F" John K Moyer John;lteetch • EMU Julian ...-r Abraham, bb . Charles tY David tow a -, George B • • as Geerga Br er . Henry Bre er ' James Br land Michel Ba • ' Peter Bach Solomon B Wm Ber . , !Wm Bicke Wm Barkli Wm Ben* Wm Barkil Wm Brum Aiidicia hicGOugh Wiwi McKim. Barnard McLaughlin John ; MeCarman John IMdCatfery Peter, McDaniel ' Robert lieLaughleh &rah liticPhanson Thomlas McGough Thozzias .M P cFardin inn i t/anther - Geor Penrciae John ;Pon Robert D Powell . Thoniaa Powell Q • 4tiari . ~ • • it Catheran Rice Christian Ruch . . ' Charles Richard' H Rice Michal flyaii Jacob D Rice • Muhl Roberti - Wm lthien Win Ramsey Wm Rear ley . • , S Bowmen Seyberi - Daniel Sullivan Henry Sittading , Henry Spangler . s ' leaacll Smith amen Smith !mph Saylor - lattice Smith 3 Streutimin Jano Shaw John Smith - • i. ' Michiiel Super' 'lffich f al Sampson I N R ISeitzinger .:,. Sainuel Shaffer Sarah Smith Thoniae Smith 'rhos Sande ley .Ilins Thomas Abraham John Coil. Jacob CM' Mich Curl Peter Cann Ruben Con Robert Car MEI George Du . J Davis- Joseph D inlay lad Thomas Jos Donnin Nicholas !ILI Pante! Fig , henry Fel . Henry Fr John K - Fe ;John Fiche Michal Fri• kaasec eye! uegki John - Gem; John Gin John (ree John Galin. Mary. Grah ratt-Galah Glisn • ebbe/ 1 aeon i uelton own ags Benjamin Daniel He Elelier Hu. Edward H Elizabeth •Ephraham John. Hilli John Halti y Mary Hirl , Philip Hoc Robert Hi Thomas H an k her Vert :son hi Wm M Jo Ily . Aron Toren! Omer • Benjnno Thomas ' hey Rich 4rd Thom!. •obeyer Thonnui H Thomas ' W neither George Wo Hert , Edward K thriatian Colren C I Henry He John KeL• Jeremiah John Kane Lewis Kra Philip Kiel kiehard K John p Woonoon s ohnfWhatkida. kham John T Wonkier John M Wood ensimeider Michael White 'ery Samuel Wameher Six Smith Williams Adam Lei Edwarn L. :John Lyon James Ltd SHIP LETTERS. ray &marl Roasenthal Samuel Rodger, los - Thomas Canan Limy Thomas Magaman wd ling for letters in the above list, ay they are Advertised. E. CHIcHESTER, P.H. libraham sDavid Ow ,1! 1 avid Wa Thomas Mathew I Persons will please Jan 1 letters remaining, in the Post Office qua January 1, 1838. oseas..Mathew Bern, C. Corchegan, 1 itz, William ClarU James Danlevy, 2 e, Petri& Davis, Patrick Evens, rge. Catherine Jayne, 3 John Lame -1 McManes, john Morjgan, William niel Shively, 3. . BENJ. HEILNER, P. M. 7 IST of L IST Tan Mniel Reuben Col Peter Devi William Cu "no; James Richard Di Jan 6 Public Salle. NT to an Order of the Orphans' f Schuylkill County, on Saturday the January, 1838, at 1 o'clock in the hristopher Boyer„ administrator of Somial C. Boyer,latti of East Bruns i d i will expose to sale by rublii Van te bodge of said deceased,• nswick, a certain tract of land,one elliirthouse, barn and saw mill t Brunswick township, Schuylkill irking fifty six acres or theivabontil, lands of Daniel Focht, Henry Sami, in & Samuel Leiset, and Henn & d also, all that certain tract of land, e same townihip and county, adjoin.; Samuel Koenig, David Boyer, Dan. and Keim & Jones, and containing res or thereabotits. And also, all ' tract of land, a;toate in the same county; adjoining lands_ot David y Sasseman, John Sasseman and g, and nontainining eight acres or ' late the estate o'said demised. of - the Court: 1 CRISTOPUER BO VER, PURSU Court • 27th day L. afternoon, thi , astate o wick, dece die at the =is East Br story log d hate -in a. bounty, co', bopnded h • Olan, Benj. Jones. A situate in ing lancia iel Andre auty two, that certat township, 1 Royer, He Henry . thereabou By °He.] Adniinietrator JOSEPH MORGAN, Clerk, O. C rg, Jen. 6. 1838. 6 7-4 Orwigi I.' Public; S NT to an order o hi . ylkill County, 4 :. nest; t 2 ioebae ! Hull,' adininist - I IV crud' a, late . of ' A es td isle b 1 l'. f -.Mil bath Mdrt ''- eerie diaellin set of band. ohne' i sbt , p, ), . Elreboylk ill 1 ' . and eightv-ni 1 1 , ded by land* of - .rge Kessler. .11 . I.- the sistate n Alf iil of the. Con. i 110 1:1 RSII of Se Februs William : Elisabeth teased, st , ' the house Pottsville; mill Audi "Barry lu. , one hor), bouts. boo Yuma!, t Reed—La By ord FIM . 6,1838! Orwip rtz Aetti here ALL • . wife 10-PsY my '.. , oaf, u debts other 'Moto SEI ME Rua --- 'f , . " `.. 'WILL — • 13 f IX . ... ... . - t '':' •,L . ',: t 4 1:;ai1 ,;1 1 44` Ira A t hi" a" .. ie •7 ) -Sias h i vi Rif:hi...will is r Oati,lttitifsittitim '• . ' skean in -th eliiiinierrof Malitteta •go and Cciiiilandi, Mr*, the lot le 30, 'feet from tik Orr •0011Pkeptl IitiPIMI io, to ?kr Ikinn4trent•tho'boilainitain WWI fintsbedati4go andeimmodiohe arid well ritleohO ed fir ii - pri te, residence or her a lioardielhoise •_ tr • ' * • ' 1 A 1 .1 .0* good two story h tuiClot of groilkld. situate on. Centre" not. , is 20 feet f .' 1. on Centre street, a d 230 ' • tideesc extindin to it 1 ' the Mount-Carbon ail k -.1-thir House is s b stantially built, an well - • ed kirAky kin of. public Wispiness.; , ill ',I -4 ; " 1 - I. _ ' ALS24 1. ; ,. I- Two _good two ethry Pr lioness and loth of ground, sinate iii Beate:a lEnw, Norwegian Street. Each tuner and - 4.20 feet front; the ,entrees are well finished' ! h ikftehens *ltched to each limn; ansit '4o i the unit best. nen part or toile ..,, All . ,Ilthe '!abcrie property re will be sold very c heap—f.. lie' .and partlei. lan apply to ' AN 1 . SW RUSSEL. Jan 6 7 '.• '1;1 ahasltango Street', - • For Silas, ; 1 ~ tilat I'INHE subs c riber" offers '`i.l'Printe Sale all ti! tat two Story Stolle Hou ' with Brach front "midi basement story back,)'ano . olgidund *White lOn , 1 the corner of Centre and iliet treet. in Motel addition to theboarthei ,•!;POteville. now Debit pied by Charles'Ellet, i l t .house ping tine 7 of the best finished ; and in ilip santemit of het borough, with ',good founteln a ld the door, and a good stable and carriage I#o back, rendennt a desirable property for thaw ; who wish to ptir chase. If not sold be . (sudsy. the 22d day of January, it will then be , ' - ed at Public Sale, at the house of - Henry Stage l i nrsaid borough, at one o'clock on saidlday, :iirellie terms will lbe made known by , ' - .:OJUS MOCIrE4 Dec ' - q• ; - 6-4 lir Read the F 'flowing. , . Interesting and Asiiiinijiting Facts. . MORE conclusive proo Ili oflthe extraordinary efficacy of DR. WhIV,EYAN'S celebrated, Camomile and Aperient Abtibilions Pills inial leviating afflicted [nankin i,..:' i To James Dickson, 36, hill, Boston, Agent for the sale of Dr. Wm. boirii,Camomilelilllts.• .• Lo ii.t.zi Nov. 15, 1836: ' t i Dear Sir—Knowing by "patience that every reference that the "Meted...lnactive of the benefi• cial results ormedieines, I'lieerftilly offer ming to the putillic in behalf of 4 WM. EVAN'S CAMOMILE PILLS. I hive been a ffl icted fur f lit the last ten yens. with d idnes in the head and rhea: o ft en so bad as Jo a risk. MC of sleep for three or fodr bights in ounce ston y bare never found relief by any of my tends' prescriptions, until my wife saw the adv ,ftanients in the paper, i p when she persuaded me to "hod ftir 'ode, which ldid, and obtained two bot 6ndhottles, which , resulted in almost com p ,. frt storing me to health, although I have netlycit entirely 'finished them. Should you consideti this shy benefit to yourself, or the piiblie,you ha my cheerful per mission to publish it. Yobi re ry respectfully, THOS. K. GOO HUE, Centralist; ',. --t— A i • - INTERESTINo CASE,' hied 'by Dr. Wm. It Burnet Camethile: Tear 4 1 4 Family Apdri ea Pine —Mr. BENJ A Mtlql SOWN, corner, of Shippen and Georges street*, Philadelphia, affect. ed for seven years with e4terne nervousness. !by • which he was not able. to ferrite his name—hilt symptoms were, erten tionSally spasmodic pains in the head. Ines of attpedie, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimnets br sight, utter ina bility of engaging in any i thilig .that demanded vigor or courage, Bicknell" liud weakness ex. teme debility, disturbed net,* sense of pressure and weight at the stomach after eating, great menta I despondency, see+ flying pains in the chest back and sine, cospvtiness. a dislike for society and conversation. ; it; ft has made trial of various medicibes noel ' fore the public, but to no effect, until . ebservi sg in A public paper I F , some cores performed lllo4 William Eirane's Camomile Tonic and Famio i, A l terient Pills,he was induced to gibe them *lO4 of which hiji is at any time happy to stattflhart they effectually cured' him of the above distnesing disease. . ilTPersons Who doubt i ii "hove cute, are meet respectfully directed to the ebbe) mentioned per- 1 son, at the north west )trir of Shippen ind Georges itreeti. B NJAMIN BOWN ; Philadelphia October 2613107:‘„ ___.),r, , ASTIIMA,THREE yrikpas fifilcaufrig 1 Mr; Robert Munroe. Sch Akin, afflicted with the above distressing male .; Symptoms—great languor, flatulency , distur g eit., Dotson' heed. ache, difficulty of breatki tightens and stoic tore across the breast, di heart nervous irrita bility and restlessness, c.ild not he in a heti zoutal position, without the,. sembition of impend ing suffocation, palpitatiot di the heart, diluted. ing cough, costiveness, pat : of the steynaah, drew. liness, great debility and 'ficiancy of the netv -3/4 ous energy. Mr. R. *M rite ly ; gave tip -every thought of recovery and •cl, e', demair sat on the countenance of every • : n (interested in his existence or happiness, till .irielbident he notiond in a public paper some cur Created by Qr. Win. EVllllB'll medicine, in his myleint. which India. T ced him to perde"e a pac ge ifthe Pills , which n 1 resulted in completely re wing every aymption of-his disease. „Jae wish say his motive 'for this declaration is, that t • ; afflicted with the same or any syniptOmstAseiiiir to there from which he is happily' , restored, nay likewise Mullet the same inestimable bent:flt. '' _ • - M 'a a .' ~. IMMOMI IEMZM =EIME =I Mrs . orninn phisMa Mon y --" t rt n : Simon Moyer Ann iiicLan'e Amcail McDaniel MI the Orphans' Court Friday the 2d day in the afternoon, tot of the estate of arry township, de. Public Vendoe at iner, innkeeper, in house, .stable, SUN' a on Desp Creek. county, containing 4 a acres Or theme , oh n Iti mine!, . John • a Dietrich and ---- 1. deceased. M.• H. HULL, Administrator.. H MCIRGAN. Clerk, 0. C. 7-4. fiirbid trading my I am determined not Ming alter this! ate. sTioriyoug. 74' El 11Via COlN s talf SIX TEARS . n P 46.4: M RS. SARAH - BRE llSEß.,,wife of Mr. I Amos Breishiser, co riefSewnd Street and Germantown Road, Ptilla IphiS; affected &Tithe last six years Wit-the IWO, Complaint. was completely restore 4 to: h th ti.i.. Dr. WM. iE. VANS'S Camomile TonitiSlid ti Family . Aperient Pills. tier symptonts We balite') coitiven* excrutiating pain ltitke it "Mich; deproolion of spirits, etfreine hih o t i t; disturbed sleep; ri p great pain in her ' aide; co ,4 n fie on her, left side without an 'Wahl tif 'ppm, dizenene in the twee. dimness nf sigh oirit other sympteins indicating great derange " tit ifl the Sanction* of the Liver. Mrs. Orenitise hat' wide trial olive. uj i rious medicines new bef ithe public. tint I iv. (wired no relief until she gjwaX;advieed to mike trial of Dr Evans' Pills, illwii(fah she i ts hippy t o state thauthetlectu ;relieved her of i the l i r above distreaaing t o ir', with Others, which are not essential In intim OfMr. Brenhiser,[(hub the above s Brenhiseti had ien , tw:"Jlea4 sainted '*itl a 1 distreased stale of . Pilei an CoOlvenese, of wlpich he *al effectually} cured ' i ~lip I. We do hately tipbscri ~001fillitatilre6 to' the truth of the' Shovel cures, • Ii tl.he statement is in every respell t true.! SA; ' 11 1 RENHIEEIt, JO 1 EIF, Baker., ti f _,_ Nu 1 7 nortli.Elith } trope. Philad Philaeitihia./94. 2„L,' l —7; • Dr. WhL.EVANS'S . ' sr.5 r. - • .6/Bee, for' the sale of his4*lleibM'ed i ' - i itslii N0.,32.! Eighttt sin*.Ptillidelph ' r • •!-- •, 80 /4 1 1V: ; [ i•• I I ' t.:WERN, - ''' ct Sole Agedt . } °Akin . -}- I r• •••1, • 1 - i '• ” ' l' " , ', Ldiekler I e 411* , 40,;4444.1-.?...1,:.titi11:t.1.Az. 4 ~~,~~ ~'~~ Fah k.,,,.....:: ,„,,_..,,, ~.., 7 , 4. ,_._,. 7 ,,,, ...,.....:, 4 .:,314 , - ; • ct - ,... - Yr'...7:7- I ' -- j , .. • 4 9_ 1 a4tiVieleieied . - -y..-Ik•ldercit.tee*illilB7- 1 1; - 1_ &r age T. Chlittries;: - i , Foreign - , Attatheiiiirt foipirfeeivitiridet the- Pas*. - ' " .•- ''. ~ .:.ti; I ru t °l llo Calilie e - :l - - lil 41404.` ' '..: IcbaillteriN . -' ._.,., ~ _,,,... . % . ~ 1 • N :...,..;1' .„- .Z. We ...• l! ' __ ... •,. ~.. Henry FrederickSoni . ; ..,, . ~-••• 'I , - -•• M" ycilt paOsiy;sa. 1 ‘,-. Th• Cannbanwealthof fe - is , --' To the Shorirofileid.oem#Y.Vreet ' .\. \ ' brit We comniUtl - tos that' yon •.• , • 'mach Henry' rroderickirti late of - : your county by all lad siagular his ..r - goods add easel*. Midi lett tate. 'amnia. in *loose heeds Or, prossesideit ioing„ the L semi, maybe, so that he lie and &plaid; kellire out' Court of Common Picas 10 Se holden at °eerie. bore in and .for said the blifaileY pro ceeding the list Monday,of March ;met, there to answer John Ml:Cables and Goats T. Mandril'''. copaitners under the firma, Met:solos dr.Dhaii. hers, cf . & plea of trespass on the Cane, &c And 'also, that you uummoh "the .hilanltlictutero and Mechanic* Bank of 'the Northern I.l6eitice: in the county of Phaladelphialraittill persons In whops • hind* or powriskin the said goods and .ohaztels,; Lends and teirementa,:or ihy of them, mit beliiiachedoicr that they and every of them may be ind'appear befote the said Court at the day end place above , mentioned, to answer what Shall be objected against thrOi, and abide the judgement of the Court therein: An‘the Hon. curable Calvm Blythe, President of our said Court at brwigsburg The twenty third day of Harem. her, A. D. Oils thousand - eight hundred and thirty metro.. LEWIS AUDENRIED. ,',' , Prothonotary. NOTICE is hereby given ; that in Obedience to the above I did, on thcsth day of December;lB37, attach all those contiguous lots .of gicaind in the Borough of Poltiiiille, situate on the North Easterly stile of Centre, street in.the .said 7 county of Schuylkill, marked in Benjamin Pottic additiunil plan of said Bornugh, number, 13 and 14, containing in front on centre street 120 feet, and in depth 230 feet t (conieyed to De.. fendknt Ili Thos. Ewing, by Deed recorded in Devi Wok No. 8, p 498 iks) Also all the mute. ty of Defendant in a certain tract of land situate party in Lausanne towoship in • Nortluiiiipton amity; end Rush township in Bclitivl• kill county aforesaid. as bounded and ifeieloibed in the conveyance therein* from Jscob Vier and wifii; and Cornelius Stephenscin and Wife, datbd March 23,.1830, and Recorded in Northampton county, in Deed Book F vol. 5, Page 345 &c. to detehdent, - and one Choice Egner in fee. ". • PETER F. LUDWIG, Sheriff. Dec 23 sfiur Private Sale; aHE iubscribt wiirsell at prints sale, a HOUSE AND LOT pleasantly situated in the most central andhusiness part of the bora* a Tamaqua. Said,propeity Is well worthy the attentilin of men orbusinisse. A particular de. scription is tconsidered unnecessary. as persons wishing to purchase will first view for themielves. It said property is not sold before the Lit of April next, it will then be rented Fp one or more years. For further particulars, apply to the sobicriber living it Tamaqua,'to Dr. Hunter qn the pre. miser. JOHN DENNISTON. deo 18 4tf Schuylkill Valley Navigaiion and Rail Road Company. ,CT an election held at the Pennsylvania Hall; ..cs• on 'Monday the 25th day of December find: therollowing percupa were elected @Beers ofthe Schuylkill Valler:?-Narigatiou and Rap Road Company for the ensoirig year wit;' President—BUßD PATTERSON. *wagers —Trauma S. Hublv,Abritham Pott, Amu ton; George Potts, lease Trirair, Didion G. Palmer; Secretary & Treasurer - - Andrew Rini - - eel.' Dec 30 6-3 • Mill Creek and Mine Hilt - Navigation and Rail; Road Company. ,t,T an .election he' hi at the Penusylirania Hall, on Monday the 25th day of December inst. the following persona were elebted officers of the Mill Creek and Mine Hitt Navigation and Rail Reid Company PreAdent--GEPRgE PATTERSO N. Man agers--Burd Patterson. Harvey Holkina. •BuO, Samuel Lining, Caleb Parker, Andrew Kis sel.. Secretary & Treasurer—Libber. Whitaty. Dec 30 ' BeligiouS Works. RANN4I has hist received the following u-IPlkreligiouvAirorks.LondOn and Anteribtn ditions, which,be offers for * iiile Cheep; Original Family Sermons" S yob': • Dwight's Sermons, 2 Yds. Masvillons' Sermons, Leland's view of Deistical rtes, . Siortevani's Prcaelter's *lentil. 2 vole; Drew on the Resurrection, , 4 Drew on the Soul, , . is Hridge's on the P.alhi 0X.1.71. Faber on infidelity, 4 , James' Christian Profeisnr, Prize'Essav on Religious Dismenisione, Christian Pat hei at Home, A Mother's Request-, &c. 29 • • stray COlll4 CAME to the stable al pie subseritieriAsidipg at the Tork "Fartib c a t rat two week ago, a White and Red Spotte d , W, about 7 yearn , old. The owner is requested to prrive property„ pay charges, and take her away, _otherwise We will be i sold, according to law; , G. & A. THOMPSON. )3ec 30 • 6-3*- . • Sir& ITAVS Pe(1.7,d10E.1 )flpcizEta Parsaceradostreceiv. Api..w e d fresh - front the propiietoi. Ustrifirra of Seiterityrive' Thinsand..Bottles of this valtiabbt ,gtinlicine. were tkdd last gest. iturthe demand is Increasing. For 'atoll the &ten, or single bottle. Prim S 2 per tittle, or three hOlui for IS by Scboylkill S. IIANNAN. Sole Agent for S Corinty. .41SO Swain's Vemifoge. • TIME' BOOKS.—.:A fen , Baia tiookrjoin ,re aaiveli and for rate by BANNAN. Dec . SO ickwieli Paper Complete. PICKWICK PAPERS, Complete in 06 Num •bete, with ilicetratitdie; just received and Sir sale ti 7 • S. bANNAN. Jan 6: 7 .. . .'1 LAniziuiltillbr 1838. , : . • A FEW Ansiudi for 138, at wh=o prices, -Air side &y ' B. NAPI,- Pottiiillle - Witei Coilnpany.' l rtilit; Board ciaManairera hive thii '&1;4. -.. dared a:diiidend - of three Per eimil,for'' ihe -bist six *ma., on the cub Stock - of said 'emu. piny, payable to the stockholders or-their logiil :i r epresentatives &Reeder :Nth inst..attbe ollee the Tri.taisiet - hr the borough of PoUiville; j , ..A. .4. , ANDREW Rt11111g14;-*: ..*--, . _ 3anuuy , I, 111311. - - 7-3 Preitaeiii:; •P• . . . • • . ••.: - •,: .. . " y'r . y 4! - "'"7- . 4 MI Ei4o7 '4IIO,IURTAI6, - - - - -1 - pi p x#ACATS;'''S 7 : ?-14-fiVulisc*.sast-Q • • -,--- ' :A . t --.._... .... • . Ipirivate: '- , 1108 E 3 idjolnieg Murat vomit!: with , t,BLI & - cesseri' Wes - r.. - trims aft! ii. ,_ Ikon. fs. , ..,.._...,.., late the, y m - i i one elm, wi5mk.v....,.._, b 4 r . . tote. Appleton; d 1,hwc .:11:177-4 "d i # 6 iltorl • fts - • -us 2) s4,d.- 48 tha• ta de4l;es t mlift 11) . e .;ee itg otecath.'eed ' argil a a iffwwwria-- -- —• i. apenja ill. well kwown.4 l' „r u n c r i P l l. 1 . -i: osilisserk• Far - 5 ibcp,ni7,... i.N.T„ k 3 .. di, . .._ , _..... A.... ie ill • - '-.- -' ''_ '7 ,i 4. f T. 8 .; - tp ,_ _ _ GMAT, . , :1 tia GI NEER 1 . . TSB, • r D '''' • 1 „,, ~ Op, nest to the PewargliWaili Hag N ' • wir 18 t, to 32 Pt • ; • .1 1 iiteTTOI AS Reopvet Ft dacir bel 0 sirk " - • . - .Ter. cusiniring . . 1 4ris . iri n f rJT /1 1.411 4 As removed -hie Oilloss is keeotse &reet,, l op. Iposite the Br Bnifding 'Of George M. den. nin , where he will attend to all business en. truSted to Mann the line of : kis profusion. ' Out 21' i - _,_ , , 48—if ;, • s of glen s that letters of Administration .mhisrre beet guipted to ,the subscriber, by the Retiater of Schuylkill county. Of the "irate of Ahhis Bettini.deVibued, late of Manheim township, Schiylkill county. Al: *mins indebted to said emits are therefore requesited to peke paynien to tlikeubscriberii between now lad the its , day °Mau, nein. and such Who may hive claims on Mid estate, are likewise requested to present them well authenticated. until said date. .10 - 11 N -BOWEN, ) Adi , BAM'I.. BOWEN, ! e ' • dee a a - - jEstette" of George Bebe?, deOedsed.; NOTICE hereby given, that letters tette. mentary have been granted by the 'Register ofSchnylkill tounty to the subscnberi, executors of he last will affd - testament of George Reber, Esq, late of Tuscarora, in Schuylkill .County,.de cealed, iberefore all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent are requested to' make known the saute to them or etthei of thug without delay„ and all persions indibted to the ei..ate of the said decedent:are requested ticpay the same to either of the subscri• berg. LEV/ REDEI4. 1 ' New Castle. WILLIAM AUDENRIED, Mclleansburg. dee 9 36 New Goods; , .4; general aakaitiment of fresh and salmonella 'ods, just received--consisting in part of Dry Gem* Groceries, 110.rdwigrei . Qlwesanwarei . • , . :Mackerel ) 4% • .;salt, Plaster ) &c. -4ke: which will: be sold low for cash. The higbist prii?e paid iS cash for all hinds of rotintry produce. JOSEPH( WHITE,* SUN. Vonnt Carhop, Dec 2 _ THE Annual Meeting of the Stoekhrilders . in the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Rail Road Company. will be held at the Conipany's• Ofßee. in the flail of the, Franklin institute on thetSth day ofJapirary. -1833, between the - hours of X 1) A. M. end 3 P. M. at which rime and place ao ' I will be held for choir* of a President and ~s n Mr nagrts. to conduct the affairs of the Company for the next year thereafter. JOHN H. CRESSON. t ° Treasurer. dee 16 4-4 -ptcourage How Manufactures. COlll6 ctionary Mannithe sobsuiber respectfully announces to!t •••4. poblih that he has commence the Bilanufac• tot* of ecinketionary _hi iarious branches, at his Store in Centre Street, nearly ppPoislte;the Pollintifie Haase, where bonfiintioners and Wi ens:ill always be supplied Whaltislii and retail, art lowest Philadelphia caab - prides. entry Merchants are respectfully solicited to call and examine hii Mita before pi/rebelling eleewhera. , • I JOHN t. C. NIARTIN. dot 4 sa-tr, Sixth Year of ff/al( lies ..i+rari Filltils popular periodical, which hie been re m. ceived with stieb clivittegiiiihed fafroitt irrall 1 ; . • . 1 . the pitlivhed c ir cles of the United Stites and Can. I i vil,, will enter um*, its sixth year an the Ist of. Ja uaty, 1838. Two volumeifire publiihed t an. 1 • II ly, and each being ,cconplete in itaell; the firm; of eery tear tv the proper time for new pa t . *la to Commence theii subscrtptio* ~ 2 ,‘ 4k,p an evidegme ante capacity of the Libil'ry . io!bonvey Intelligence at a chomp rate in the shape ofilooltamit may be mentioned that •during' the current. has contained five novels-00er blegraphies, fiie tt;tvele, numerous reviews.l(teen tales, and a great variety of Miscellaneducensiter of ; immediate loftiest to the literary reader.--` Anon; the Welts issued in lliall, have been the foLowing important ones: . . ,cMiss Perdoe's City of the finnan; ! Wotan' MiSMOirlf. ' . icemen' Letters' from the East, , ~ :Crichton; att, historical romance / i'he Saracen, a Crusade romances ; f Wraxell's Historical Memoirs, 1 Mbe Gurl Paq ad. . ~, the my Sunk in the thous, ; 1 1 41,712 Oliver mint, I, . rPietession,i a novel; bridles Eitickney, • The Adtentires eta French. &moot. I Family Intilifensce, a novel, frefi„gc. The cost of the Loudon basis, dean, published 4 0 intone yea g, i ,i 110 less dui roily dollar's ! By the - Maei - rthe sieriodical Pm* thistmount in iuppheo Alit Uktre. ano disseminated to eitivey town in the Union at littbli abeiiethe price ornewspeper tage. • . . Or eery few complete sets. intai 7a.thalla4 are ill foi sale. .Subscriptions for cum ipg You: iinmijmuned Ibt a remhtancetw tt he..prampui ttle_uil de to. Address At AMEItg; it 46 I' Carpentei,itrerit, Pitiladelph till* 2 i • i - 114xxi!I i ..,, 1 , Notict. 1, . 1 , :. ... N'QVICE li . hereby given t a the.!nbahttants A Of tilcbayittll county, that ptio, hit will .likrecolitilhy the Treasurer of said cri_Onty, foi the PnittOhki- Lairs of . the .IMlikt - , . % ctf th e ISierittrA;mbly„' frail 'the IsCo ..:Lteintinbar,' f. lllll7,ltitest lit !fax of An tall . - 4' - 0 ' - —4_ , ~,- JOBS It t m gr 4 itoton Atria ' Orripi ti, '' "ar. bort --.''' 41111 t, . tii li •F. i':- t ...., 1 -•' . . ' 1,9 4' 1i , . I - a - a...,1-i_2l-,'"'! ,r tt ., c oo l - .-k . ,-, .; Ail , tit' L 7t. --,' my AT I d AWif . : hie office to the moue beilciing the Petiosylvaohi Hell. - 34 , . ._— Pliotice. -r ' it--- ~'~~":9 ,i..; • - Gpt sto.• fa.Phi*.• loogi. • - ispi t iqor' 10001.- 4 01 16001. codfish'. .5 664. al:00 .30 bbki.,Nia.l Id link 40 , 3 bhi. atarip. 23 beta suppri. nov7 _ ; . 1 N NAM.' ANS 4 • splen t trini • olive, do Ikt _mitre! rioh biln s ' Gaits, it cimbk all (If wide being - --putt - delphia, in New Yoe per cent eh s per dine in this gh. :PiCkf A i r NOB ANS di i‘ • dies.of Pshsviß hove just received iii ab assorttob, of Pickle!! Walnoti. Gerkios. Maakoee; Weal ,• Btrii4erry, corrap. jelly, Fre Aochily,lobeter, rice 111111uffec • Mushroom and w ‘Alao—Fl6, mania. o _lowan?, _ . hoteittle LI I I - PpLccric 61. -WE ioottlif Won- to dui; DRY GOODS, Super Cloth, oup4rior fancy stinineus, and flans. tiv.i EngllSti and IHE Elobseribe my' lieb 4nd Welite Those pe ns wietde lions wilElplease leer - Miners' reuroal. Deo . 24 . Su for Bka 100 a galloni ed sperm M•IL Nov le Irish and $i VER* sperioT old do do I .do for isle bk _ MIL Noy Iti II (bar. lbs. tied Offer4l PA IMII Oheop 'Raiz TENT teceived by 1. ty 1000 R case Prunes—w ''per lb. y ' Dec_2,4 Cbeee 20 Cools -of prcrniu 20 Bo; Pine apple for silo by dee Si d W. A LT: ` .hand Sept tiSi 44 LAREO,I-40-Ke rr a ' ORK riot ging 1 , iliUl 1 / 1 . 601 mov2S iv Eltl v . B ei ) 20' Cy chola.' o.:ltar; Miners JciiiihaL Dec E4tra Family Flour, ocer4iti; Queeneteare • Dryl4 G ods, 441' made Cioating 40. for rate b • MAI. GRAHAM. N. B. few binches first quality .20 inch Joint Shi lee—all it the iowett rates. Dec 23 • ' 5-3 __ i atholic: ilbokii - 1111110US0GUIDE.' • • key * Paradise * ' . True !may. . • Ca thip 9 Piety. Doua Bibk, • •I'eor an'a Cateibisin aid Smal Cateebirni • ~_ _,_ knit receifed and for ;ale by B. BANNAM Dec 2.1# 1— Wanted. * ' • 8200(111AtAli ED on Bond & Mortiago on !teal eel. ~ on :Are Street, property. wOrtb double t ' money . 'Apply at this office. • Dee I 1 . , - 5•::71 Ql;ElB.BoiltHP.s cents pi..l2l ust re Mid and for sale . by " . 5 . • .B. BANN* 0 1 I 12i 1 each Cobb's g firth' American Reader - :51ad q 4eakei. ., . . . 10 COt I Elil_ of thealarrii nark fait FtWiTi ed and will be taressbed !ho i* the 'KIM ' I. Be rk lal distrieta t at less than ;I! 'ils, .... da t a . t sib". wish; the whqki seri of f n. LAI i r o , 001 bs. It EtAtflih . i Moak gin : cmjasklreceive4 mid fat wile by, . fiItANNAN.- ISAIINI) - Mete • TalfetAititf* • :trop,-tble best irtielf of tleit kiilt asst-ieoetild fo. ..!tit! • i. Y YV, L-151 - - 6makeiivy ;ttize I -1 fib II NE - ... t -- -,- - I 18=1 =I "I r I ,i ~,,,•:,,-;---- 1 Boat Aitentuiv, OriaCkaw77llo: must i . 8 1 14, Orel. do black[ l na ad teal . ill ilOOllll l l I ha ns now Send'al ut • • • greenisn'ti elarit yintsOititeres . ,.. ttineos; • 'li and _ . IreitOgy. Ike based nrinetion in Phil; ,weguarantee toss!! 10 kb. purchased elsewhere deog ;level ) & Ara aces- .; inform the La.; and vicinity, that' they freOi theManufa l ttory! -- • - cabbage, oiiied pi poking, :lobster, C. ; Ilia primary" irry and gooseberry ich mustard, fohlßOO,Readiu~ Ca Paul k4tehop. , • •s. ilmoods.. curtails. jtetail • VER base just reeeived -eaten the sssortment of BaFeiddi Ape 11114 Black loured do: new style' ego, Beferteens, miners fin. Feb 18 4- • Welsh BoolEs. import all kinds off Eng. .Ita. at the shortest notice. to obtain foreign publica a.list at the omen l'r'f the B. BANNAINT. hed Sperm Oil. :11 t bleached winter stint 11. for sale by ••••. R RAGGRR . 52-31Tio • tch Whiskey. sth proof Irish WhiAtey lerintosh Ep. lIAGGER7I. 52-3;4 - . eathersAyst ieceivedinit site by ' Alp) iTRALIC,4.. 41,16 ns and Prunes. „pubseelber, ieldhewSlsell at 6} mints aHY S. C. SIARTIIt,' Cheese!! cheese, do N.IIATHANA & Co. er, for sale by qt. At Gina quality Lard for rale by T. & 3. BEATTY. bed beef L-just received o airdffir sale by _ T. & J. BEATTY. - and•ihck tee—T. & J., • -ived offer. fi db - - L , ' ' - x P ~:j:; i _'f;.h. '-i L t . 4 . 3* - ---. -7------- itsiiiifiiithili 0 li AND C . ' • E"ti TH sti trtioPeel rit it l i" =' 7 j — i 'Afro Ma Itiaids,lind imad . bile i , gedersttliikttiMarmodolOf kis" ,:ta‘: - Ibtr . buil. mg, oast dcior M A.,4 . Giles store,. anti med mei,. opposito WO' ufil stindisoberelts race yid m addition Id hid forint 1 Idoekto aid eneral assortment Wreak Drop. M PliMa.oll;Gikss, &al Among rrittekire i '-: Wriest* i ArgeneraraPOrtaint 1 Midi ,Ij+o jtstrs. - -A geotlit t,'„ Cup*ing apoilairis ' wi,siir Citntotnerbi; --1- Itlipeo shells Midglaits Eritisk Itudii:Mot , O l ';•[*::, Nur in bailie ' tlifko lll lr ',: i s ', LW T M " 1 ' 711 P °th PPwde! -.'.1- ,, ,i fat' t room Percoolumr eq. , . °' , -,r , Pain brushes ' I Limiter arid Limiskilsi 1 Bur s al Insubments - lam; ~: , , ,1- , ilOra o i . anattes T PerkN 1 11 11 04!" - I r ! a do Vermifugs fruit's Sam*, , r be an Pills , - Emelt Seidfsti ind, Les til Atiti baboon : tia, peaders'- .• _ ~` `... - Pi . A , superior mild* t T , Indelible Ink = II aril Tor ' ,-; -1 . , Kick Ink l blear.. liditii, dle`filit . Red 1 do I - '44 Pwin; inY,wllithi 3 lr i Adhisiva•Piaster in , .red hair, a, _ beautifil, {V She; ' on oriettlabit-Witli*- Gib s Titter and ri g o t ataining.the akin' 'N',-, - siorm destroyer GI tins lidian,ollS,Cd‘ ~ perfumery Ala growth- iod ,pre m # mural assortment of eritartiort oftho lode 1 ~,,,,,` it medicines Shoe Blacking 4 , "- trnish 1 Pei Knress - It maps of the dif. Sillier Paw& states .',V , iFn Strings '`_. , .T. EPTING.I- rs ond Drsubst. A & Pate ' 8117 Pa laic ,c,.. !, 'e 1 • .--, HiZZARD & I t TRAgicIEPS:' ',. WHOLES4LE 4 D• RET4Th 11 • ,:-, - t - DrpGgOiti4. ;,ery , suit !Ai',.. 'rare, - t... ,-,, . • ~•:. -- -i - - .. _, : 4 ,irA mof ceeirl sad ligii:teg &" 01 ;_d 8 !. .., — - i • 4fi in a" I_4- ---, - i ;. , _• . - 18.4 '" e f[poelf EU , , bej I New Establishment, . _ i v. , 1 Cc', er of Centre cad Market. Sirfigs_ i*M .11 "1, 4 1 - - rrl E anbscribers reepeetfollYe . announce Y 1 ei r friends and tho public geriCK!thirlthilt '': they havo taken the store cormerlY ; neenbiejf by . . Jaco Ruh & Co, earner , 0 , Centre 41 Bhirkeit. - - stree s. where they are Doti provideifirith a tihoicis • I also, merit of . w [i 1 D,rY Gay -- .. . 1 OrocerieS, .• , Liquors Lt.,. • • , „,_ , ,it.t wh they are dear irniiied caul! itthiVery low. est ices. HAZZARD & STRA.Lieff, , A ril 1 t 26- 1 .. It N. B. All kinds of Country Prod °arta on al the I ighest market prices. ' ..' ' 1 , - . „ TIE SUJISCRIAER OFFERSAT ..1 .' PlilleWTE itrILE '---•' ~- • . •. ' • A HOUSE`3k."I.OT- , in Norwegian .. .''' Street, nearly. +Opposite the , resider:4 ; ; ; ! - of R. F. Pommy, now:ocenpleti by_ -7 - _ William-D. Leib. Thefiettse ii-Ilfr feet. rout by 30,feet in ilefitlr;Nrith a:kitcheri spit cella in the:balement ,striry,,:_two Wino otith • - -- first second and third ficors each; the - , Wholn, ,: said Ronde well idalfeftd and nitirried: Marta, .., t 4 . este lent Well of water at, ihe dark+- th e int is 201 feel font, by • 170 feet in 'depth, willf a .9 feel 44. 'i '' ley on the west end ofsaid house. `;-:-- .•" ' ' F' further particukul inquirn_or ' , ‘'--,•-, --- : - Tao% 'sit • ~,-.." 31 tint Carbon, Nov. 3;1837. • :•:;": , :' ,.- .'--! - *-1 i i For Salei. .• " - i it ',tamable Tract of CoarLondi .; A-Al 11%.*-ING and being In the township Of_Nrirwei.: pegian, on thil West Branch near be Walt i Branch ;Rail Road, about- /our miles trontSe .nyili kill Hiven=thero• is Jae or more cold.- tint Pas g , iii through this .and. For iorcirina •i, PIS t , 1 • JACOB REED -; . . . " • . at Polar' ' . 1 ~. . or Mr. EIDFFMAN. Esrl - . irch 2S 24- : atß V ' V -, • 1 V ludb . le Real , Proicrty . in Piatteige,: ' ''FOR. SA LE . : .,...j . .. TIM undersigned offers Ilii.sate - aii th at no* known three story ,BEICK STOLE , ND , DSVELLIN& HOUSE indAhe apporten nine, : situate in Centre street, -. Pottsv i lle . i the 'ißti s 1 : 1 "'i • of the ',undersigned, together With -nine , - dr' ''- tenements in the rear of 'said building, it 'thef m i ll lot, of ground whereon the-whole' stands. Pie brick building ! aforesaid, contains,tbirty ~--T et hit, I tifront—finished from the bascinent story. • the gartet in the best style otinerkminibip,an *di,' as a 'business stand end a -residence.- ism 11.-1 vourably ituated. "'The fiiregoing ,propert 'will " , be sold a Ime and accommodating: ! , s erfti Tiit i ; t. 1 of.the en chant rUiney mil , . remairiiiim.llll_,, iirovi °TV , for few, years; ii dished. TitiernMi paltiZ, Mei add e osscisibn, can be.gwtee - initrie:dis ly+k,f . apply - to ' ~=,.. G. M. JENNIN S.'r -, April* . , 32-tf ' ~ ,, ::;:lot , ilk' .; .Landing., or e',. , ,-. , ' . i - Siit'''''' ' ' ." LiOtt sile 61(its to suit potoho . iiii:l6B: lei it 'Landing. lying between the 'Menet 'hoia'.4 „ road and"ths Schuylkill Commencing . tai - i;,. s including the landing now openpied'hylpi t' hit.. uter i eri and Intending dOwn.tbe ricer:.:., le , Mi . Setst, 12,4, .43=5m0 ti., ...W.lPARelfe . • 1 '- : ,1 , I 'Dling Ana isa o illike - 11: - . : min? ,Efli t .Eit hat, ietunieji frau En.. _ 1 ,24 u '_T,' rope. an ipleyla to commence faii ' 'anal': elm. dytng. to SOks a`nd, 'el g_ol,4*. in Centre Street; Pottiellku; Also icifniiis 'inineX an d'paptaldoiii. .lle ie . ', greatfol -for pii"( e, S'Aii hopei by ittentk' oi and' pnietooliq.. a continual's! of his•forMer diatom.- -- ::'Dec 23 .- • .. - ;,, '' I S * 0 0 r T HE subscribe i has beersp ed, - A!'the site Of thafe:Efooka.*. -P tili Sc atria , sot. omen' SelPPlia 04 • P rnintion 4 4. Series of School Lnoo ksothb . to be din bid lb arkit4C4l;;.,-, • if. • • • 'A. • i otAe kwit Cobb'%6es of 161 Se. 11 14 :110 4k. '1 01 61 14 W iiilatic." l ": ll an 'real 4 a 23=t '3: ...._ 7 47;frg.7 4 : filikirs*lbtii6,l74. A -74 = II • El rX* 4 - -a , VI Y I 1111