The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 10, 1838, Image 2

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'17): •
_ ..- - ,
- --- POONVI LEG 1 1 Pesi, 4 8,t . i1.-T -.1 itil' T orthe-vert",
VOSTAVAY .1*: 01 14NG 1 4 14- 4° • I calletlY pvi -the-11:13 tiateil,theAth
• ,u,.., ,
'` ' used le -eiciti - debaiii.
f;;---'1Krralev.441ci,,deses.Binrciazigh' mr.iimd um „ r ~i to a g .1
--rgattabiasciferepletovialeauyinild#aluplui- Mr.., . opposed i,, the g ntualtilst i
. t .1 - Al 4 44,
fjCv,efthefeTilifet4APnce*- : -_-.. • •i tiothu . eau be psi 'thy agitating 'the
, -
.__,__ _ ..\- sohj4l4lifiliolition. r i ,. - et ' s,orObichti
..,,- MINI RS ` JOURNAL -08 Emt - w e;EK "4 aiseti: ",-,-... it, in a 8 - Of cfiatiderebte
1' , We'faleyiessare in ottocurnelng te theitis ie.,*. , u, c . . l ia . , _ ._
I tengtl4l l'eVtollll to Ina emit% air. yres
-lint we-havireompleted our arrangement* for l;o- .. ~.. ,
- 4 - ' ton o retjihis resdu iorron the subject, of
....,ont t he ere Journal SensiMeeirly helve v. the hi:nation of outs to The United
, I
'f ,i rhe btialtiete part of th is conrmunity riquire soch stale '
which y am he ,„t n di e emet h er , ett .
- '',v publicaboniand they shall have it so long as, of , ___-__ I'he ci e . c . • con was .
1 - i.he publiethink proper to •place- the meana'rn i , t i nt , p • jilt the ey mp g o t the t th tem.
_ inn bands:to sustain the publication. - - whe , ,Senate adjourned over to Mon.
' • -'
. - Tora4, 63 Sr per annum, payable semi tuna. d ay , :ith e i t t, h a t i ng I t .vott, 'upon t ht, me _
-rilly_ is advance, to all those who receive their Iv . t u s) o 4 , !
0 , ,
l'' e
,Res free 0 pottage. • 0 1 1 thei sth a message was received from
' 'Patronage from abroad 1411 also be nrcesitery t h e t ifr.sideat rely tivii to the Canada affair.
`tallest:an the publication, and in order to secure He, iiteommends a careful revision of all
such patronage, the terms*wfil bes 3 per Intim ' the fiisVs now in force, tind calls upon Cou
-3 f: 1
P.9"ifradv imattc " ) " o TeceivelbeilPa. 7 • for much adinyinord enactments as
• pers_by. oral _ V
• ma necessary to invest in the Execu
- Thes7ournal will also be Issued Weekly, Iwo- liver - l rit s wer t o present i njuries being
' anal, at 62 per annum. . infii4t d u n neighboring nations by the
V' The ,Semi-Weekly Journal will be sent to toilfulo , On ed and unlawful acts of citizens
all those who heir heretofore received ft onleas of tri . o tin ted States, or of ether persons
we receive orders to the 'contrary in 'Lire mom whit ay be within our jurisdiction and
\ subj' t to Ur COBtrOt.
No mail was received by yeste
'ruay's i l j i di siege, iSt4. having been read,
_ *
vifternoon stage. \ MT. :Aa .of Hent.Ocky. said - he rose to 'D ►
ere"! lie tisfimtion he felt at-this commouies.
licit/ No a 'mete, in p his opinion, could be more.
i i ,
,by free People p rofessing to act and TO
lib* their own Constitution and laws. than.
thidin oieeieg the nation etrace with a foreign
PoWeriand She People takin rout ,in bostdittles_
'ph* the, same power. Jet tire laws of the
comet& are net +efficient try prevent the exhibiu
liar( ofistrali a ppecurele, it harcemits the duty of
Code ( said hi r. C.) to Orel laws which may
be bu t y adequate to revent'a state of things so
inuih . toi deplored. - Ifany citizens of these V '
?foil! baed. chronic to renounce their cititenship
and ' ter into the coneerne effetely' Siam he
(Mi. '.) would not dispute *heir right to do so; -
but'ro long as they remain • cititensof this coun
try, th ey ought not to 'be ellinved to take pert in
afO gn war with which .titiit country her no
eyrie th Niir. en did not Intend to express, &t
-ibia t e, any opinion mein the cause of the
disturbances in Canada; it might be just—it might
be *ll *ll as Was calculated to enlist the syrups.
Intleofoui.eitieens--Ihe gave no opinion on that
inti,but,until the constituted authorities decide.
citizen ought to interfere, or be permitted to
interfere, and become a party in : t o a tilities au
galv.iit a Government with which we are at
rt. hoped that to Vohateeer committeethe Mes
eage4which 'lad just been read, might be referred.
that Committee would inquire hair this suhieet,
and,while it looked at one vide of the 'question
would not forget to direct its regards to the other
alao,tind would nicmirittfanyportion of theterritory
of 00 II States, or whether any disputed terri
tory had been used by the foreign power In ques.
turn fur the transportation of men, arms, or ntuni.
turns of war. It was a matter of indifference to
taint whether that Message were referred to the
iximtnittee on the Judie-try or to that on Foreign
Alrairs I he would be satisfied with either.
Sim Piasrgas. -t our Merchants
" unite in signing .a pa r, pledging them
-,selves that they wilt neither pay out
-nor receive any foreign to plasters; and
- we will-soon get rid of the "foreign trash
with vihiCh our borough ant region is now
Ideluged; and which have fo • , our own
Cotes almost out of circulation
pt- The subsi.ription price o ur iterni
~.weekly paper, amounts to about . VEN
CENTS PER WEEK; and there ro but
few persons cm oar subscription litit that
can say, with any degree of proprietyhttl
they can not afford to take it.
THE SnoP Tex.—We learn rrom Hal
risburgthat the Committee of Ways end
• Means have repotted a bill to inquire into
the expediency. of repealing the Shop Tax.
'this is an important measure, and ought
t i p by adopted. Le t
i the merchants ca ll
ineetings, and petition the iecislature upon
the subject, and it can be accomplished.
DIVID F. GSoaDON, Esq. has sold the
eatabliahment of the Berks and Schuylkill
Journal to HENRY. ROADS and JOUN S.
FItICHARDS, Esqica,' by whoiu it will here.
after be conducted.
The leading Whig papers in Missouri,
have hoisted the flag of Gen. W. H. HAR
RISON far the next Presidency.
The Deliivrare Coal Company has- de.
dared a #ami•annual dividend of five per
cent. ,
The glorious hard currency, Treasury
notes, were one per cent below par in New
York, on the 4th inst.
Goo. Marcy's Message to the Legisk.
.• tyre of Nese-Ifork.—This document is of
, great length, and unimportant. It approves
• of Van Buren's recommendations in his
special tmessage—and _the measures there
proposed have been rejected by the people.
• In the house of representatives, Luther
Bradis, (Whig) has been erected speaker.
The PEOPLE of New York aredeow repre
sented in the legislature, fur the first,time
in twelve years.
Gov. Marcy hag also sent a speeird mes
• sage to the legislature, on the subject of
, the Canadian affairs.-•
A New York paper says, that the Ex
ploring Expedition may now be termed
the Exploded E.rpedyion.
The Richmond Inquirer 18 01.11 in favor
of the Special Deposite system. Thie gym.
em will, upon trial, prove more odious
than the Sub-Treasury Scheme.
. The Philadelphia luquirer says, "The
Act of the Texas Congress, prohibiting the
re.ceipt of the notes of,the becks of the
United States, for any dues to the govern-
Meat of Texas.--Can not. but excite a uni.
:versa! sneer of contempt throughout this
The Anti -bank legiplature of Michigan
has recommended-the chartering of a state
blink, with "It capital of maze MULLIONS
-DOLLARS. It appears that thes‘anti
' men are friendly to banks at dome,
(+posed to es& banks abroad. This
"i -their creed; while the Whigs profess to
. be the friends of a judicious banking-AlN
'''. - ,irriltg.oughout the •whole_country.
~ • -
• - .bass o--A essrespondent of the Ilersficlrleans
:p ..
--.„.. in, nys . that emirants' copilot* to poor ,
, :t country from almost every guseter.—,
thiivriiter alb says, that the Tettians,"lo very
familiarly and positively of invadingtheih!esicao
- Reptiblic, and I.a:roving their seat of goirininentl
,taltie eitg, 0 Mexico."-
-- - ...-- , :-tbe_Refonn Convention ,is engaged irt r ft
f t, • ,-
: : • t :... xc il.-_-,:simtiveAdjfig of the amendments made ki.the Von
in committee orate Whole.
tiara bits Uhgeas, rum' Etiglancl4p l to Noy
. - I
faifiament Met ost tbeastii,ot 1191 re kr, An',
' - .
,_.• queen .bzr
Atte f4r4 . movialin4 °AU. ' ,
z° ` , x . 44: bcos
tteiguiestfPuliame •• • • •
. j
.4 41 1
, t
."` =
i'.:''-'. ,, :,•i,J --._..-.-,•::-.., •
.=, 1 '..::-._.i.i;l:::'-':,'
1 11
~l~'~~~ .
'agreeably to previous notice, on Thoraday' lasi,t
Preeton offered the following preamble anti'
resoluttun in the United Agates Senate i
to• Whereas. the jnat and true boundary of the
United States onderi the treaty of Louisiana ex
tended id the north-West; to the Rio Grande del
It!orte, which river be the true Wun
der" fine until the !territory west of the Sabine
ntal surrendered halSpairt by the treaty of ISIS,.
? and whereas such surrender of • portion of the
territory of the United States is of evil precedent
and orquestionable donetitutionatite,—.end where
,' many, weighty consilerattons of policy make
it expedient to establish the same true boundary,
and to annex to thei United Stela the territory
4i:copied, by the State of Texas, with the consent
of laid State,
Rego:lied, Thin Witb the Consent of the State
previously had, and Pr henever it can be effected
Ameisteenly with tine pirblie faith and treaty stip.
Mains of the United Suites, it is dc.riable 'and
iixpedient to annex the said territory to the United
--- I
' - g - We have nothing of imp taltee I}om
he Legislature of this ;State since re.asimin
!ding, except the following :
'I - Re.;Olutiona iii favour of the Right of
i'fititiohing.—ln t!ie, Senate, on the sth
OC/ Mr. Harrah, i.lrt red• the following
• .•,..,
iireahati!e and renoltitinns
, g iteaolitfiuna relative to: 'the resolutions Passed
)4; the House of 'Repre.sentatives, in Congress,
twenty , first Deeetnbei o one thousand eight
i litinelred and thirty-seven, taking away. the right
14r:r„ . ,„, t
~ be right "(the -people of the U. 'States to pe.
Is leg anterior to the Constitution of the Vol.
liltl ati, thbir reptesentateres is inherent in them; /
file ' States ; fully reixiersiged by that instrument
/pod necessary to the exl.teoceand perpetuity p 5
,sir liberties. The Declaration of lndepen•
`,ll - eh'm 'micros, as one of the impelling causes to
h 0 revolution which anute as a free people, that
inti tephated petition' *ere antriveted only by
etikted injury." ; The people of Pennsylvania
.: cob/rays. .regarded the free .nd unrestricted
iriiht of petition til a mein pilllr of. out tepobli. ,
ilieth institutions.- ga& as the channel - through
which the sovereign will can only be extnessed.
"et ate ardently! attached to and anxious to
lm 'ire n the principles of republican liberty, and
,Y, l
'. iltrie always niched with regret and een
!• 4Olv i niy attempt! to curtail or in any wise di
li SUI
n, 'lithe toyereign right of petitioning their
• giveseptatives o w all.subjeets. The House of
Rbriesinitifivesof the Congress -or the United
IlYitailis did, on of December,
1/9 p.eiighieen hundred • and thirty-seven, pass
it ittlinvine regulations vi 41
i eiolved, that all petitiobs, meuiorials and
.. piirslioaehing the abolition of slavery , . ache
b 3114,,.5e11ing, transferr n of slave' in any
i t
to ti,. : District, of Territory - the United Statits,
, • • lim:l6n the tablb without • ing debated, print.
tf g
...or referhed) and that no further action
tinkle' # be had there on." 1 He it therefore
/' ' ! '-... wed, by thh Henate s e ti tt i House of Repro,
' •' ' •*:* - of Hui gotimidnat • h tifPennsYlvaniet
i . " e ral Assembly . met. iyhat the resolution
.. 1 . - , by- the II use of Representative& in Con-
, • l ... ets, as atones ; l •'lll.ln skiplane,' of the Coned
! t! , • t, ' f thiffluit d States. aridalerogabity to the
I t t:', and the Mettles ul'tbe people.
' .. , hied,
.The lw_ IF)eriatiors in Congress-be
•. led.-to use It propee krone to preventlbe
& ' * • 'n of
.any eitnlution.'or the fsturetipent of
• Ilig which " ol d In any wise, retibiet or ru t .
d:th • people in •, OM their rennitieritattvettoti
•••; i#ll ter,,Flhat - - ay : bli Ote4objectoflightlatioti.
I .: •• '
wed, . nUr'-aepres ef en‘ h tl' id .Con=
•.' *•'• • ..- ligliniet *-- * to , 11Ai'atirly slid vigentius - o
• • .' -, , . • .7. bir; , i , iiiiiihatiOit - passed in Congress '
..• . . --• ,••• t 4.- • ..,;,, , ~-.. r,
ii., l , i— $,:',..t;',........ : ~ •_.., -, :i . ::._ , - . 7 , ,i..4, - ,,,t,4 , ...!,,,A,„:-.5 , ,, t ,= ! .....:-_ , ,,, -,..
. :''''.•.; - -.`-'24* — k,- - ' , , , z ,.. V1 -.45t4-44,2'4.4'eggelYIEt-4,-,:,4-f'-'44'
Newnd dayt r oftiecoitii,itat• • ',:iyhto7ll4
.- ,oo4icit*. 044 the'e'el . feat -- tuetida'., . ..
-ThisCitittictiat- th e unmeor - - requartealt
-hive a meter thisfiriiiMbitiesel t . `itrinsieho
ted L,toiviaeh Wain Seegers gad .qpresinit t
Ill'ceerem. ' - . •
. . -. .
Retaaioni is faeoin' , „‘ Seb Tree
war* Sete}l.—ln the Volt': on Friday
tait Kr. Ryan attired the 7 owing pre
amble and restrlntions : -
. WHEW." great incomren nee and en
beirassmetit 'hats been °lna! -need by dle"
General Government in . all I e Stites l af
the.Ainerican Union, by the i anged stele
oftlie currency.Whieli we halve has bean
brought about by the intlid ence of that
realest; spirit of speceltiti and °vertu'.
ding so common in this co , ry since the .
provision of,'"banking fat& ".form their
original and legitimate p/r i ptises : AO
whereas, late events have .hewn thatt e
State banks are not the proper deposit° es.
ri b
of the. public Triadic, and believing, II at
under a weft regulatedind prciperly guarded
Spit-Treasury system. the ithlic'treasines
may he more safely and fait iiilly kept thiin
lieretulfore under the sepanintendance 'of
, the State bankst Therefore,' I
Resolve& Thal - vre bigtity approve i of
the plan submitted by the president of the
Unite{l States, at the late wpecifil sessior.lof
Congress, believing it to belin strict acco}d- I
andc with the COnstitutioni and eminently
caletdated,if propeVly earridd out to simplify
the financial 'operations; of }he government,
to advance the public interim, to confine
the revenue to the purrises contemplated
by the Constitotion, and to bring about a
sound mai imiTorm currentY.
Resoved, That copies Or these resole
tion'bo fiprisatiled to each ,of our gentian's
and Representatives at Washington, end
also to the President of the United States.
Upper Canada.—The information frern
the Niagara frontier which we publish this
morning, is of serious import, and well cab
culated to excite the apprehension of all
who have at heart the peace and internists
of the country. A direct violation of Our
territory has taken place-, and the first
feeling of every American should be to
repel it; but while we thus-give vent to
our patriotic impulses, and exhibit a deter.
mination which btijqpgs to a great people,
never to pufferan aggression upon our soil,
it is due , tip justice and tuiour national cha
racter, to pause and refieet Upon the rouses
which have led to this violation of
ritory, and suffer reason, rather, than pas
sion to influence our opinions Ad actions.
Front the Sulfide Commercial Advertiser. Dec. 90.
Tirenty-itoo ifiOcs Lost.
8 A. M.
' Capt. Keeler. of the schooner Agnes
Barton, and F. Einimmi, of this city, have
just brought news by express from Schlos
ser; of an attack made this morning upon
the steamboat Caroline, lying at that place,
which resulted in the destruction of the. .
boat, and the' . Dimrn of TWENTY-TWO
of her crew—oniv twelie escaping I
It is .stated that the attack was Made
about 2 o'clock, by fire boats of armed
loyalists, containing froM 100 to 15Q men,
who guarded the gang Ways, and cried 'no
quarters!' . ; 1 i
Captain Applebee, of the Constittltion,
who went down as pilOt of the Car oline
yesterday, narrowly escaped with hilife.
fie received a flesh, woiind, abd wasi pur
-1 pupil. Mtn the storehouse adjoining. Al Mr.
1 13urfeetitetely belonging to the stage ffice
at the kfigle, In this city, lies on. the dock
with his brains blown ont,
The Caroline WAS then set on dr and
ffiludy drifted out into the current! and
wee, over the falls, ;
We give the above,: just as It leis re
ceived, without vouching for any or the
particulars. It may I v
Tie simper to add,4mw-
ever, that Capt. Knelerus we are In orm
ed, nadir the regalia of he scene abo e de
scribed. ' ;
i An express has been
fully the. facts.
Farther. .Fartieu/nrs I
• the Cara
. i ~. i •
The twelve o'clock e r tpress cone raps t h e
news of this morning. It is said that the
Caroline was filled wi h visitors, and not The present party in power has becon
soldiers. The word w ih % the loyalists-was desperate, Big,hteen states out of tweet
"Na prisoners!—No arterar t I six having decidedly taken ground; again
;Those who, attenip ed to escapel were Van Buren. lniltead of being humbled al
killed, with a few exce i ons — the boat was chastened by this e.tpression of publ
set on fire, and with t a,. remainder towed opinion s he is More daring, more Courage.
into the current on Me Canadian; side, ous, and more determined to put down hp
which soon carried he Oyer the falls.
-. 4 i.
posthon. lie lies by his Aespritism alc
The lbyalists gave i ree cheers for , Vic. corruption nearly destroyed us at honte
toria, and under core or the darkness, it and try' ttif folly and weakness alincet n
is stippoeed escaped II Irifire opened - upon volved us in a :star with England.l Whai
theOl from the eland. nee 06 bead the is to become of hjml All his hope; rest et
ttt slept the , bea, ithe public limes excitements wet br. revolution - a-a quer 8
wre full. , - I , its the smith about abolition, a ;divi 'or
FCapt: Hardi ,of th brig Inditia, es• a m o n g the Whigs about the ,nett
caped, with a evcre ir n !fie support of a r;
wily one man: as fou, on the shores the his reliance is on trouble, excitement, I • I
above' me tinned he rest reported dissensions, public patronage, andlpolit . ' I
m ssing; there s little übthut thes.went rnirigue.- r -N. Y. Stat. ' '
oer the rage ruing steatnboet,
°l ; e
1 r. , • il
• A Sash. The Wheeling Ta es ye,
ThePc.hios_ _-• s iOutrage. 1
' that there are/now seventeen , W hit a.:
FetinOthe .Netif York Stars vernors. in that United 'States, and4tut
.- i
i A greatlmrting,,sigried brErattit-Cor- nine Van Thirenitear , 'Four of- the - tes
i 2 and a large number of °diet liespec- having Van Buren_ governors, ha ve given
le citizens of Altian,, was• eel tor. Whig Majorities at' the last , e lects .
terdav afternoon , to like inte"men 'dere- Abroad there re' only root eletl y en • --
tit, e!iietraire at Sc kisser. attack the admin i stration , yli,'Ne 'Ha p.,
Navy Wand, A believed, V OULU, 'sh ire, liiissouti, Miehigen,c'end Arleen as.
'Aeon. Monday. evoiihst's works et Our next eliscps, however,- - iillikow h a t
ippewa are demoli' J.. again . , gib* .we 'aril not willing to be-ranked .with 'cb
full of troops ; of Gent hurt' sbrigade ', enii "silage. : ' e - 1 : I .l ' 1
- . •., 11 , _ ---,-, ,- , '•-• --',- -,',.--- 12 ,. .. , .- -- - m— •, ,- A - • -,-: 1 -
i.. :4 4 . --,1 . :--.--4)- - ,.‘. -'; -:-.„,*59- , - ItT,,- -- 4--t- - , - ::: . 't .---', :", :-; , -, . 1 :, ..-'i
- 41a,t-r -, •141?.3';,,4, ';;•!!*:.*, •/...-- ~., - v, ,, ',.--,-, , ,t5 . .-15ti•14.=1i..4., K. - . ,• . - - ..- •. i=- , .
.1,2„, t ,_ , ,-.. 0 ,.4.,.-.g..,... 1 ,,,,,, , z,,., -...,.„..-, ~1 , ,,,: a.- . 14, . ..*, ': I. * -k. 74 :::44. 1-4 ~ 4 _, !'', :-..i.e.1.---7. - z. ,14.- .i. 1.2. ,, • 1.- ,i ~ ,
- ' i .-,,-'; - - f:` -;
-, -' • '',- ',I . .'•,-,' '- - i -- '.. --' '‘ ' 4 ' . - SC.I - ' - . ` • 7 ''
•-• ' .? = 7 ri. ..`
'•• ' I I, - I - 1:‘ :'2' 4- -''•.• 1 /' .l ;...: - I
1 't:t.' l': - -'
':. ",•' t l''' .:4 -1 ~-, -, :-_. D. ? z - 4-1- - • .. -,,, i - _,
....-_:t. . - •.. 7 1,... ~ , ,, , -._::...;, 4 4'...---..-4., ' - 5t- --,-; i.--7 1 .-r , : ez" --,---
,--:' — , ---- ,,,, --- , f,"`„ ~t _ 7., ,; _L. ~,. -:.....,
' 1 i t,,,, ..-_.. ,
..,i , — ; _j.--.1, ,,- - - --_..,'" I f , '' -- L . ,' 44, - ` -... • - 4 ,- - ..
lIST-JOUrta. Ala. • - --. • :). '
ice •:„ p_ -.-,..,,,,, , 84--• , --4{...-: , -. , !-. ,-,- - i
"'-`-` ''--- ' r # 1. 2 ....• ~--— :- . ~ ~ . r ~..;......,,j_
- re,s i 1 ... 4 . linumt *it
started to asetrtain
bf the Captor' e of
• zne. • •
atitild• scar 4 cfly4
at-: of IVlondi
it.git m n Troth!! Aral
- Morane., --- , They; were!induced so to ti
the BrilidVedtrage. •
The' steamboat "Colistitation is bei4
saved out of the f iat*. Bifftaio. % There
were 400 men tinder arms it Lockpbrt
,111,1 Ware • geing to A e.
lines. The Demelcratasys: •
every te a siebettimen 'Stara° and thiss
city,. tinfritiom Inte n se leseitemer4 preset
At-an holu t anoti&e.,* 10,0(x) trite could ,
'marched to 'OM frontutf, to.defend honor,
property and life.""
Brigadieiteneial Fl. L.Stpvtmli at 'Filo
chester, bas called ah his brigade to held
themselves in readtdep to marcb at a few;
mum's warning. ,
Several dead Males, and a niniibeff of j l
tronks,ivrere !found brt Satnrdirmorning,
belowdm Falls—supposed to have belong
ed to the Caroline.
A letter in the Argus, anted tliagar'l
Falls, Pee.. SI, (SuPday,) states that the
'inhabitantii of the vii Cage had formed them
selves ;into, a company, for the detencent
the frontier. The tame Thing has been
done titlßuttaln, Rochesten LewistoWn;
and indeed all along the frontier,. It will
be well ifitiese coMpanies confine them
selves tolhe derente,of our bwn territory.
The same letter says that boats from the
Canada side appeared several times during!
the night of the Soth but were fired at
from the American sine, and quickly re
turned to-their ogre.
There Is. no truth in the reports that
troops have landed on Grand island from,
the Canada Shore. •
Extract of it Utter to the Edit" aro/ the Al-I
- batty BaertingVottrnai.
Gov. Head is at Lundy's Lana, end has
not far from four thousand men and 300
Indians; and has scoured both lakes and.
collected near 100 boat to attack the Is
land. As neer as We can get at theinim
hers on the Island, there are 1600 men and ,
2 pieces ol Artillery, with abundance of
aniutitiom It be a desperate fought
battle t for the mders in Canada ait to give
the rebels no quarters, , and the Islanders
know that it must he victory or death with
them. Yours in haste. E. G. L.
W*icoroi, Jan. 6, UM
readkr will discover , from thp pro
ceeings b4th Muses of Congress wester
day, that theitinhappy state of affairs on th
Canada frontier, arising from unauthorize d
and illegal ptioceetlings of our own citizen.
followed by lequally illegal retort on th
part of the Canadians. (in , the assault an
destruction 4f life in the COM of the steam
boat Caroline,) yesterday ocEiipled, for
Wier space, the attention of both Ifous
.of Congress the motions on el a subject
hating been preceded .by a message from
the i'slisidem of the ;United States, asking
Congress to give more effective power to
the Executive for preserving peace on our
It gives Us great satisfaction to be able
to state that the whole subject was treated,
in debate, with a gravity proportionate to itp
importance; that,no excitement was mao
ifirsted but such as became 'the occasion,
arid thitt no other feeling was exhibited on
the occasion thin , was purely national, pat
riotic, and, io the,main. pacific. It would
save been strange, indeed, under existing
circumstances, had it been otherwise.
Bib we memion the fact because of the ex•
citement on the subject whit h is known oi
exist away North,linit which is not felt
any great extent IP this meridian.—Natio
al Intelligeneet.
The dio - be of the 4tli hub in speaking of the
troubles in Cenade,keys:
It should be remembered that ito nation es , , r
insisted more stretinonaly on the rights aid la a
of neuttality than the United States: New-twit
menet may. be consicered en American prim i•
ple, which Eatope has been constrain"! to, •
prove r ugh It iris not been able airway' o
imitate the honest ' ekample set by out you g
'Republic. Oar people cannot abandon 'the at i
tude they have taken, without - beingdisgraced n
the eyes of the world, and saersficing. 'the , i •
manse interests which they will hereafter be a e
Id secure by invioladdy malntaihing It:
• .
1 - 0 /0/, - 4 / 4 .. :Wi1i i:47 ,' oa'oir 'il re main. ,
.f thie 7 :illieitirietts-' 44416i - Father and theil
, viewrli:?f , iiiii ciiii-litOst - iitlt_fbk
- -.
v in:lbe sarcophagus made )r Mr. iltni .. -
,here, of this city, Tram' *limp Wei learn'
lhat whthilho melt andielft Wire opened
;'it when they laid.bitn,, th Civil for.
of wAotisiriolewailhico .in alvot4,
ilerful Mate, of
,preservation. i The hie
pale bre*, More. alciatni an' fie eipx*
titbit; and the lips, presse d a lli together l t
had a grave and solemn emde, rob as they
doubtless when the First if . ..Ident
`gave up his blameless inOr 1 life Sr an
immortal exialance--:
‘ WI MS soft breith. with
• WO ieldedii the elements
The• impressive aspeet of ; he depalted;
tiverptiwered 'the man Whose lot it was, to
transfer the hallowed;ditst to its last tene
ment, and he was babble tm conceal his
emotions. He plaited = his hnd upon the
amp& forehead, once m gh in the ranks
i -1.
of bas le, or throbbing with I e cares or an
infant erriptre,and,he lam es ed, We doubt
hot, that the voice of fairie Mild - Got pco.,
yoke that silent clay to life gairr, or 'pder
its tones or revival into the d'll cold ear of
death-. 7he last ails or th • patriotic se
pultnre were lhes Consumnsted; and the
vfigure, which we can 'icareely assimittte
front the apoth sis,Consig,ned to its low,
dim m*doni t 4be seed• do more ;until ll
tportal shall p t on iintskortjality; iind . the
vesture or tleety-lle Changed to Ibb bright
garments of endless illeotrbption. , 4
I Phi/. G.
Hrtstaiver tiv Ctua4.—Yesterday
morning, (Christmas) as the Contribution
box was passing round the. f eatholic
ehurch. a man exceedingly, well dressed,
was observed in the generosity 9r his
heart to put in owe CENT, but in ekehange
Therefor removed from the box to his poc
ket a two dollar 'bill: He Was, however,
stopped, the money taken from him, and
lariat a severe reprimand wks permitted to
;depart: —Boston 'rniveller. - -
The Wit againat a:apt/stets has . been open
ed at Mobile hy the States Attorney. Be has
taken hat indiCtrhents agginati the govern, in.
dividnai inaorera,orthem in that city, ,tinid com
menced Ferciseenting them. Oa the 21 st hit.' brit
! if the tourers, named Georgel C. Barney, was
convidted and fined .150.
The Congress of Tens have'enaeted Chit here:.
after nothing but gold and
. silver, or government
antes, shit! l be received in payniedt of chilies.
Specie Payntents.—The extension law
of the State of New York:
. eXpires on the
first of May next. The New York corres
pondent of the National intelligences ex:.
presses the opinion AMU the hanks ofthat
.State will resume specie payments at that
A .Youno Merramt.--Coundils of the
Indians !nitre lately been ;held in Canada;
where it . was intiminced to them that, as
William• IV, is dead, they have no longerit
"Great Father," but a "Great Mother!"
Plorthampion . Bank.—A paragaaph pre.
judicial to the character cillthis Bank, lately
appeared in ad Allentonm paper. The
business men of that tce immediately
stepped forward arid vind icated the charac
ter ofihe Bank, Flom the Charges preferred
against tt, by sighing the following drcular,
which we have been requdated to publish:
The undersigned, Business meet of ; the. Bor
ough of NorthamPtcri. Jo the • County of Lehigh,
in which the Northampton Beek is located, take
this method to assure the public, that the reports
which have lately been circdlated, Calciilated to
injure the credit of the Northampton Bank, are
without fornidatidu. to ordinary tiaras, • *ben
Banks pay Specid, the hest isuit of thh Saliency
of a Batik and the confidence in whiCh it stands,
is, that It Is at all ready td meet its Notes,
when required an to. do. fll Specie, and td keep .
them at par id the Commercial Empor him; of the
State; but during a general suspension of Specie
payinents, the only means of testing the Solvency
and standing-of an individual Bank is, that ftlis
able to draw on the principle ComMerchil 'City
of the State, for nate* presented for payment at
the Counter of the Bank and' keep its Notes at
par in such City, Which. has been done by the
Northampton flank fot the lard fottrteet years
I and done at thie tlele,dad We have the
ranee. that there is no difficulty in 'the Bank
continuing so to do. The subscribers were
pained, ld ohserte a Statement in one Of the ,
papers this morning, published in this Itiirotigh„
re/peeling thri'lliorthainpton Bank, which we
know 10 be nnfoendid end we therefore "caution
the Public agemet such
.nr similar nttacka in
newspapers spun the said Sank, as tbeyare cal.
coasted to injure the Public As well ac the 84114
without benefit to any, Unice, those, who mould
tie willing to spectihtte 4 , upon - the etedulity df
lanoetty §d, 1838:
John. Y. R. Hunter & fleimbaoh.
ina; Prem Saeger &
Saeger. Keck &Co. Selfridge & V,Witstro:
_Benjamin Ludwig. Haberatker.
Dente! Keiper. - & times. •
Peter Newer& Isere Eldmaii.
Peter Huber. II Tobias Raiford: , '
"jo in DI . Eisenbrown.. John, *Mier-
Semi. Gumbert. i !oci Krauss.
A. & W. blunter. lone, ph K Seeter.
Abrittem GarrierretOrJanathaii Reichard:
John Eckert.' Jr. Ge n re. Stein.
Braes & Spinner; /armpit Ginto: '
Geo. Wetheyhold. • Peter Beery. •-, , •
Clre.. Ajtithe. • Janos, Jittnesoni 4 .
Stiomtirtiatzinter: , S. !Weiner; •
Jacob Moth. J. D. Boas.
George Ifiper: Charles'lthineimitb:
• ' Jiicob;'Waiman.
STATED' hteetttitig the Pottsville Fire
Engine taiapapiliolll}bi held at Martinter'S
Motel, gat Wednesday T eviiiinif oat the Igibinst.
air/ -AtLelectiokro offiteriiftlr theensit.
in year will be , lislai •
• Poectoil attsadapaeli requested.
', **. • -- • 7, ,i ELIAS DEIZE, ! •
Anus ry g; -Secretary;; ;'
• • -
"PtitideraiiitArxtikl .1.011 '••* 3 . 11 • Isl
•-_•• •
• , - •,)
,r • '
• :,‘• '• • •1` : ':g"3•7,qw."`
~,, , ....I , ll*l .'' '' ' , i .:zl .! :4 ` - t ' -.1-- t: '' .'s''''3 : , , ';''4f -' k- -. 't.'''. ; , -,,; =, t . '.'
WHEATIVIONR. by the reds drisidr,
~HILA i ) 35 1 4 i Pliblitli *IWO'
r' RYg UR 3 .00iper ext. in rkeisleid.'
1 BUCK 2HEAT V UR 2 50. pie•
RtE, by the,ll3o eels* .-- tr . ,
RYE P 95 eel!, per butte, Id dessandi
OATS -A 5 ceets—reidy se)e.- , - -,,, ~-
.VOTA,TOES:I3OdeIits ;Teri barbell id derbadd . , - .
(X)Re c-40 'tat' per Umbel ri.deiniked., ; 1 '"
CLOF:SIi.:ED;4S 50. ietboshel.1 . , ,
TIM HY SEED-42 100 per bps2M.,: ._ ,';
FLA BESIV=4I :12 kilielaiel tn-deosiamt. ,` 1
i t
'.IN EV-L42 , rieptialsl . lm. , '" . '
v 4 l
' ' BUT' R—A4 cemslerp , oWitalE'die,22 '
EGG 12 verde per dated. . .1 .. I . ~ .
LAR - 10 iSere,perpen„ .
_add.. 'I '1 ' _r___t.
TA W.L.,9 dots per ken&
- HAM 12'cents per pourfd. • '
C;OR CHOP, 90 Peng per barbel iditli * teriL
"'BA N-12 vans per pissed. . _
BE WXIC - -18 cents Per pound. ,
`PEA HERS*-22 cents k ,
r pound.
'COM ON , WOOL— pervaded.
40 cents pervad.
• MAC EREL.IIiy OA bbl.flVO 1.11290 N.- W. 1
.SAL -2 02) pe r HA; 87 per,,basitel.
PIA ER, is wilrth $7 00 per ton.
HA Sti VS per tor. c
Mitite •
Is hintbi, given, that letter. Teidenitintart
have big* vented to the mihseribini ths
Registt: or :Sehhylkill the.'estit`ts of
Risks', AVM,. &coati& Atte ! of .. diner
,hehoylkill °Sooty. All per so n iandebled. I
iambi threfiiee requested toi mike pit),
to attsseribor 1 . tintriedittely. led took
play !Mee claims'en; said estitil anti like
quests:Op tin:Sent - tlietn well intbentimitia; tor .
settlement - , • • ' 11 ;
fiCiftF t
Admitilite e,
). ' —6
lan l it
- , • :TO Let.
HIE basement :Wiry of thebtinie
to the knipinin, in More - 4,
vibe, being
purpose tai • gem! leoit.,
Possereion givennn the Lit of.
ply - to JOHN X
iv. proptrty Ss a4--epp)
Schuylkill Gounty,''....
THE CornntonWeah of
i' l .5..; , "." wait to di the bailie and
' , .-I,' resentacives Of Lida* - 1
s ly', of Wayne towniihip, to, —,,,
, Cotinty.—Gast*abc: . 1 :
Whereas, hy an inquest fin Ain' '.
, purpcip did
awardad hy thelOrphaue' (onil bf - Sc/trylki
the real, estate ef).he said Ludw)tHilger. Ms V
ued and apprataldi and Whereas.nornsof be
of the said debewied appeared inpatirtai ' he
turn of the saw! inquOt eft tele ite t
ni it
therein metitin cl. at thb eporaisets` Val eche
of, you and akar Of yOO are therefore h Eby
t'ed, to be and aPpear aL the ne tAtateit ' . h
Court, to be holden at Orwi shins:- in ed.!'
'wad County Or Schuytkilt, o the 1,91:7
March next , hi accept or ref' to like ' ea
preinives'aforesaid at the 'pp were prt '
By order bf the Orphans Alf ' ylk*
couwy,"ort the 27t1.1 day of camber, 1, . •
• . Jan 10 -4w
Mount Carbiin Rail •
NIYEICE is hereby given
the Stockholdsra, and
sinent, eight Matiageks, n Tr -
of the Modd ittbort Rail R.
held at Nee 117, SootheTbiril
on•Satordaf the 3d day of
o'clock, A. M.. J
January .107.1-• to •
Orsicz or -rite D sec Cbl Co. t
Philada. Jan oar is4-1838' i
/LIME Directors hen this a# declared a "
-a- . yearly - di v idend of 8* per cent cnrit L.
profits 6f-the Cdraparly. wh ch will be paid to
the StOckholderir of,4,beii. liol ftpilentativeat
alter the 18th instant.'
CHA4.4s4. wiLti,
Jao 10 :1-6'... •'I, ' I -
Otricatrs TEM 11)
Philids. ion
pary, and an election'.
the ensuing year, will be h
office; No. .11T south Thir
the 3d February; "
at 4 o'ci..
' • J
Jan lb
. • . Lots for
Will Ns sold at,Prisa ,
tote, ettisted On the
street, in this borough, nen
beterian Chni-eh. .Fpr ter
Jan 10 1-3* ' JE •
Price $ 3 50, jut reed
31'11.10 „
BUFFONS' Natural Eli
Price 25; just racer
jun _
- Me/c : ants
9 'AND 10 quire Day
fooltinsp size; cheap, jus
b -
y •
jun id •
Mill" Creek . ow! /Eine. Hill IVI
arid Rail Am anvil r.
, i llit. Belied of hlanag re Wore , aday
. 0 - clared i dividend o ti. per -• 't , for
last. six monifis on th e capital stock this
Patty. Ojai& to the Stockholder. o r hair
reprosbntatirea iflarthe 12th inet.att e olh
the: Treasurer at th. Office of Discot4tldc
it at PoitiCartion4 ... '
- -_ -.'''.' 1460 Ifi WHIpTISY
' . , ,•; ' tiry lc
Janttary 0838-1
- -
Stink:OF,' O r IZT
Sating. td; Soci
Nat 1, D
2 / 9 a. G.. TCk ; e due iloaftuft,
I I.
Interii,t a •
•, - •
183 i. .
Ngi 6:. b 9 tersonal Securteiiis.
• I
Club %m hank!,
Jim_ 6
\a _
.7 £ L Itfal
:oad 6)10 !PallY•
1. ithit ,a erring ilt
kileitida 'r a Pria.
1 ' ; - atid t .
m ;ar
diCom ' , ir4l bek
Akrdiiir 114 d at 11
1 LIN •WililTE,
, .... Ptiesideat.•
MWass Co 4 Co.'
bey lat,lB.
I holders oflthis!
I or five Direekas
Id at the liompati
arkOSII Salon
I 0 )IN
le:: IL
Sale. 2 errenttiMet i -
ih side of Mirket ;
ly opposit the Pie& 6
EMIAII apply t
ed and fo' I -"by
• B. -afirfiNAN.
!tory; 5 vo*
ed and I'o Ode by
p.' R. 04PINAN.
ntl aIA
Cmks andt, Led
received 4d far
• B. tirlqiN
• I
•la '