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All orders will be promptly filled. FOREIGN NEWS By the telegraph news it will be seen that the English people are awfully alarmed at the thoughts of a war with this republic. There may be no danger of a war, but it is evident that the English people think it possible, and are indignant at their government for the pro voking and insulting menace that has given rise to the alarm. And all this bother it seems is about a lousy, half-naked Indian, who claims to be the ruler of a strip of the coast of Central America. If England becomes Involved in a war with this country, whore will she find food, or 'cotton for her looms, or a market for her manufactures! There is no danger of a war it our government will sternly rebuke the bully INCREASE OF THE NAVY The last Congress appropriated three million dollars to construct six additional war steamers. It will probably require as much more to com plete them, and equip them for service on the element where they may soon be Decided. The one contracted for at Boston is already launch ed, and when completed will bo one of the larg est and most formidable war vessels that was ever put afloat by any nation. The other five will to about equal to it. Every modern ap pliance for strength and efficiency is secured, and the six together will exceed any six war steamers of the English, French, or any other navy. Great credit is i'ue to Mr. Dobbin, Bee. retary of the Navy for the energy with which he has urged forward the work on these ships, and for the successful effort he has made to se cure for them the bent skill in the art of ship building, and every improvement that can make them unsurpassed in efficiency as vessels of war, But while Congress did well and wisely in thus providing for an increase of our navy, It did not go far enough. The public mind of this country has become thor:ughly convinced that the best security for continued peace, and for exemption from insult and aggression is in a strong naval force. It ie the cheapest means cf preserving the peace, of defence in war, and of vindicating cur rieits wherever assailed. The millions spent in fortifying our harbors and uoneta would build up a navy that would render all fortifications needless. With twenty more steamers and line of battle ships added to our pa.; no hostile fleet would ever be seen from our shores again, and the smoke of no enemy's camp ever rise within our borders. There is money looked up in our national tree earl, and Low useless, that if properly applied would place our Davy upon a footing that would defy all assaults in future, and render very Im probable the occurrence of war with any foreign nation. Oar seaboard cities, our wide spread commerce, our national honor and safety de mand such protection, and recent occurrences indicate that it may soon bo needed. Such a navy would establish the Monroe doctrine be yond doubt or future dispute, and would put an end forever to European interference in Ameri. can affairs. It would settle these questions, too, without a hostile blow being struck ; and it is the only way in which they ever will be set tled. The money expended in building ships of war is expended in the country, and not lost. It is taken from vaults where it lies onetime, and thrown into the channels of business, giving employment to thousands of mechanics and la borers, and giving us 'reticle that in times of pesos could be usefully employed in various ways. Probably et no time will this nation bo as well prepared to supply this national want ; and tie oat will be leas, probably, than the expense of a single campaign in actual war with a foreign nation. With such a navy afloat, or ready fcr service upon any emergency, we need apprehend no assaults from abroad, and the country may enjoy the fruits of peace for a century to come A strong navy is undoubtedly the beat economy, and the beet security for continued pease. The money, the materials, the skill and labor are all at hand, and the sailors to man a large navy can readily be found. Longer delay in this matter is unwise and hazardous, and eut'jeote us to in sults, annually repeated, that no strong nation should endure for an hoar. ;" We are not advocating war, btitpreparation for it, which is the best security for continciLd peace. lOWA AS rr IS Is 1855; by N. Howe Parker . This book will be of vast utility to any person who wishes to inform himself of the agricul tural, mineral and other resources of one of the most flourishing young &steel in the Union. More interest is now fftt in lowa than in any other of the "promised lands" of the West; and as an illustration we may mention the num ber of acres of public lands sold within her borders trebled last year that of any of her sister States. Mr. Parker writes smoothly, and being brim full of facts he has made a book in valuable to the person inclined to try his for tunes in the country where fevers and ague are just now prevailing to eo alarming an extent that it is feared the etook of quinine and wild cherry bark will be entirely exhausted. Miner & Co and Gildenfenney Sr. Co. have the Westminster Review for October. It has another very able article on the prevailing temperance question, entitled " Drunkenness not Curable by Legislation." It treats the subject dispassion. ately, and is equal in reasoning to the one in a former number under the caption " Alcohol Is ood." Another article of great interest is on " The London Daily Press " Allis Heron It will be remembered by our play-going eitt sene, and admirers of superior acting generally, that the complimentary bent fit to Mies Heron will take place this evening. The now play of Camille, ae translated and adapted by the bene ficiary, will be performed, Miss Heron acting the character of the heroine, in which she has oertainly no equal. We Cruet the theatre may be crowded from parquette to dome, ae the bene ficiary is eminently deserving. LARGE GRAIN PURCHASEEL—One of the most extensive grain operators (says the Chicago Times) has bean purchasing wheat for the past six days at the rote of about 100,000 bushels per day. The purchases are made at about $1,48®1,60 19 bushel. It is supposed the par. chases are made for Messrs. Grinnell, Minturn & Co., New York, who are buying on foreign account. Toe magnitude of these operations by a single firm will give some idea of the extent and value of the movements in produce in that pity. JOHN H. Fusza, Esq., late of Bedford, Pa., is hereafter to be oonneoted with the Journal, as assistant editor. Mr. F. has been connected with various presses in this State, and wields a vigorous and ready pen. We woloome him to the ranks in this city. . CUTE= RAILROAD.-It is authoritively an nounced by the Penna. Central Railroad that on and after Monday 26th November, instant, the winter rates eastward by the Pennsylvania Rail road will go into effect. Now Book "* Ni '.` r !‘!`'St MISSIEW THE NEWS, Hon. Jobn P. Kennedy is spoken of as likely to be-the-sucoessor-of fion.---fittamas - ii. Pratt as United States Senator for Maryland. Mad. Jenny Lind Goldschmidt, it is said, has been attacked with some terrible disown) in tho face, without the slightest hopes of recovering from it. The United States frigate Niagara, building at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, is in a forward state for launching, which event is expected to come off about Christmas. The Louisville Courier states that Hon. Hum phrey Marshall is aspiring to the Speakership of the next House of Congress. A meeting of the Know Nothing delegation from Kentucky is called, which it is expected will put him forward for that poet. Louisiana has wheeled into the Democratic column. Robert' C.' Wickliffe, Democrat, is chosen Governor of Louisiana, and the whole Democratic State ticket is also elected. The Congressional delegation will amid three Dem ocrats and one American. A prominent merchant of Louisville, who spent the summer in Europe, upon his return home through Liverpool, made a happy hit in the way of a speculation. He found in that city a large lot of gunny bags which he bought up and shipped to this country, there being no foreign demand for them. The tremendous orops in the United States has caused a great ad vance in this article, and he finds that the profits on his gunny bags will more than pay the ex penises of his foreign tour. A correspondent of the New York Times says the Chinese are leaving California by hundreds, in consequence of ill-treatment by the Ameri cans. When a rowdy getntt of money there it is customary to make a raiesl,l„-eolleating the foreign miner's tax off the first pig tail he meets, and if resisted to knock him , down. This they are getting tired of. There is 'at the present time over two millions of dollars capital invested in the trade between California and China by Chinamen alone. There are also several China firms in San Francisco that use over $500,000 in their business. A New York correspondent says: "The trial of Judge Stuart was continued in the Oyer and Terminer to day, the court room, seminal, being densely crowded. The day was occupied by the lengthy examination of the two principal wit nesses for the prosecution, the District Attorney, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Yandevoort, Clerk of the City Court. Both these geroiemou corroborate Mr. Cutting's view of the prisonet l e guilt. The question is asked, however, why the District Attorney, who know all about Stuart's conduct. from the start, did not divulge the facts before 9 Hints at possible complicity are plenty among the 'awyers—but those, at the present btsge of the proceedings, arc Impertinent and out of place." UNITED STATES SENATOIi The Clarion Democrat thus speaks of our dis tinguished toweeman, Col. "M'Candless, in con• neotion with the U. S. Senatorship. The Col. has hosts of friends, and his claime to a favor able ooneidcration by the Democracy are no where denied : "Now that the election is over and the po• Racal elements having calmly settled down, we may profitably reason together as to w.o should be elected to the 11. S Senate. Fortunately for the people and the country, the enemies of our free institutions were foiled In their attempts to elevate by bribery or otherwise, either of the aspirants that aimed to arrive at that high place during the last session of the legislature. It justly belongs to the Democratic party, through its representatives to make choice of a man who is known to be honest, competent and energetic. We have smell a man In the person of Col. Wil son hl'Candless. Theoretically and practically he ie die man. Since he voted the first time he has stood firm in the Democratic ranks. Al though hie home has been in a county that fed cruller's carried in triumph year after year, he never faltered from duty. In the darkest hours of the Democratic party ho was most cheerfn', most aotive and meet liberal. Hie time end money have been freely given, when that of others less potent wee withheld. As the east has been rewarded with more than her share of the offices she should generously lend a helping band In behalf of the West, which most liberally contributes when victory perches upon the Demooratic banner If the party now In power In Pennsylvania acts upon principle alone as has been Its prao tics, and atm to secure the services of one in the U. S. Senate, who le familiar with her dear est institutions and interests, it will not pass by that eloquent and °comment defender of our rights as a State and as Individuals, Col. Wilscu rti'Candless. While we disclaim selfishness we demand justice, and we know that Col kl'Cand less will not in the slightest degree forget his State and his people. Prom Kansas --A New WIIIMMISIaI Scheme From the Nev York Time, ; Our Kansas correspondence brings us informa tion of a new financial scheme into winch some of the enterprising settlers of that territory bare embarked. A lack of money is always coo of the drawbacks of a now country ; and It is not at all surprising that a section so rapidly set• tied, so remote from the commercial centres of the country, and where all movements, civil and social, have been pushed forward with so much baste, as Kansas, should feel this want in a very great degree. There aro strong temptations for every new State to rush into crude and rash ex pedients for the purpose of supplying this want; —and the history of most of our new States contains instances of such proceedings. In Kansas, however, the prrject seems to have been ptehcd with unusual boldness and disre gard of the forma of law. Col. Lane, the Pres ident of the Free State Convention, noting in his capacity as Chairman of the Executsve Commiuce ef the Territory,—has issued scrip redeemable out of the "Treasury of the Commonwealth," and pledging the , faith of the State " for its payment As Kansas is not yet a State :—as it has no treasury but that of the general govern ment and the authority recognized by it;—as the Executive Committee is simply a body of men existing for political purposes, not recog nized by, nor responsible to, the law in any way, and having no more authority to speak for the Territory than any other persons - within its lim its ;—and as the people of the State of Kansas when Kansas shall become a State, will alone have the power to pledge lie faith,—the proceed mg is remarkable for its coolness and audacity. Our correspondent states that an Agent has been sent to the Eastern States to negotiate this scrip, —we presume at a very considerable discount. There ie not one chance in ten that it will ever be worth a single cent on the dollar. Our correspondence and exchanges from Kan sas contain a variety of intelligence of consid erable interest from that region. It is clear that events are hastening forward towards a crisis in that country with great rapidity. GEN. SCOTT'S BACK PAY.—The Washington Union estimates preoieely how much General Scott gains pecuniarily by the °nutmeat of the Lieutenant General Bill. We give a synopsis of that estimate ae follows :—The General's allow. once in time of war was, per month, $604 80. In time of peace, prior to the aot of 1854, the pay of a Major General was, per month, $472. The pay of a Lieutenant• General for a month of thirty days is $640. If the ratline be doubled for commanding the army as provided by the act of 1842, there will be added, per month, s24o—making a total, per month of thirty days, $7BO By the aot of July 6th, 1838, au ad ditional ration in allowed for every five years service, would be, per month, $52. The ar rears to be paid Lieutenant General Scott from the date of hie present rank, foot up $31,804 92. In other quarters, however, we see it stated that the amount allowed General Scott by the Government is much less than he claims and in really entitled to. SHOWING THEIR CAPACITY —A number of the officers recently put on the reserved and retired lists in the navy, are loud in their complaints against the Naval Board and the Government for depriving them of. their living. Some, how ever, are determined to show the Government that they have the energy and ability to take care of themselves, and are seeking in private employment the active service the Government withholds. Lieut. Avery, we see it annonoed, has obtained the command of one of the best slipper ships sailing oat of the port of New York. He receives a salary of $4,000, in stead of $1,500, which he got from the Gov ernment. This is better than complaints against a law which probably will not be altered, how. ever loud the clamor. In some individual in stances the decision of the Naval Board doubt less operates severely and unjustly, bat these are Just the instances which will be able to take care of themselves. • , , r' , No. Interesting from Rio tie Janeiro. From the Ileltimore Pun.) VVe.bare-the follorrteg - eXtrtiaT freim'anio let- ter of t - e 15:h September, 1855, from a moat reliable and intelligent source: I am afraid the appearance of the cholera will do more harm in this country than we can foresee at present. It takes off the slaves in numbers, and if it should ravage arw.nget the coffee estates as it did at Dakea on the sugar plantations, it would cause a deat of mischief. The trade are very low spirited, : and fear the planters may be ruined and outatandings leer. The commission merchants-in the coffee trade are very' reluctant in paying drafts from the in terior, and alit receipts of coffee aro less this month than last. This may be owing to the short crops also; but thle month generally is abundant in suppliee, on account of the email planters sending their first coffee to market, which generally acoumulatee about 30,000 to 50,000 bags moro upon the market. Of the crop of 1854 '55 we have now exported Prom the Ist cf August, 1851, to 81st of August 1855, ( 1,9 .6") 2,691,841 Stocks in deniers' hands on the 81st of August 120,000 In shippers' hands.. 40,000-160,000-2,751,884 Less shipment of crop of 1855 2 68 before 81st of August 1855 160,000 Total number rtoelvel from the interior,lBs4-'56 2,1301,884 Oue tenth upon the agates ...... ...... „. ..... 162,188 Total crop of 1854.'65 2 862,072 Of whiett we have to export— Stocka of crops of 1864 and of 18545 on the Co tales. 200,000 Stock of do. at Rio de Janeiro 160,000 Crop of 1666.'60 (estimated) 1,040,000-1,420,000 Lest portion crop of 1606'60 already Mapped-- 160,000 Total stock in the country Anr. 30,1855 1,M,000 The first blooming of the trees in the low countries took place on the 16th of Anguat, and we may look for the growing crop to be ready for sLipment in July next, therefore the above number of bags must be economised with dur ing ten months. Of the 1,000,000 bags stated as the present Drop, there have as yet only really been gather ed from 600,000 to 700,000 bags, and planters have oetteed picking. The rest is to be made up by an of er•orop, which is still upon the trees, and will have to be gathered in Ootober . The quality will be imperfect, and is called "Oafs dam Agoas" Iu my opinion It is dif fie.sit ti) estimate what this after crop may yield, as it requiree great care on the part of the negroes to pick it, if the flower bit oulJ ap pear upon the tree before they gather it, and also dry wcat.hir to co the work at till. Since the departure of the packet cur deal ers are firmer. indiscriminate Almsgiving We have spoken of the unfortunate encourage mset tit pauperism which grows out cf the re lief given by societies and ergouirations. An other aggravatt in of the evil—perhaps a greater —exists in the facility with which beggars by profession can procure alms cf individuals for the asking. We know that it is ungracious to refuse a pittance of our abundance to a we be• gone object; cad we know that the easiest way of diepoeiog of on unfortunate calve, is to give a trifle and he rid rf it—for the presen , . But the relief obtained to only mometitary, while evil is perpetuated by the indiroreet readiness with whioh too many of cur citer.ens encourit,ee both mendacity and mredicity by giving trifles to im postors. " Many a little mikes a tn , ctlr," is a wise proverb. He who cake for "a few pennies" a hundred times a day and averages one penny from each application, does not a bad dare work. We know the charitable character of our peo ple, and far from abating it, would be glad to in crease it. But as time is counted money, we would hate time given to toe p:cr, inbreed of money, or with money In other words, no one should ho regularly et:roiled as emoted rec'pient of charity, whose cave had net been investigated by a competent person. There are many instan ces of disttess which arise from the inveterate bad habits of one or both the beads of the house bold. While their hcil'ies se.beiet on alms, there are many worthless men who will not work When they have the opportun'ty, or if they average a daily shilling or two f.r odd jobs, devote what ever they earn to drink. and eubsist on what It given to their fornil'es in charity Now the wife and children of rush a pereen should not starve Neither ebouLl lie. Bat be ahead be mantaleed at the public expenee under his true character, and the warrant for hie admission to winter quar• ter, should proceed from a committing mugis trate, and no , for the cause of poverty, but for causeug poverty. Habitual Intemperance should bo puneetied and the mildest form of punishment is that which enables Lim who will not support himself to live on prteen fare. Aside from the action cf societies, consolidated or distinct, It is In the power of the humane to do much real and permanent good by becornlrg personally acquainted with the character and condition of the peer Let each who would do service, without waiting for the action of aosocia tione, attend tot le department cf true charity The effect ~f auca a coureo in ben fittiog the de serving we have heretofore shown. And 013 the other hand. no false dis'ica - y eliould prevent the punishmeet of loose who produce sufferiog by their vices, 414 who impoverish those whom they should misfile. A disttnotion between toe de ferrying and undeserving is one cf the main dc• siderato of our phi:anthropio generations. A ROMANTIC INCIDENT AT B.I.BAOTOToL —A soldier who was present at the capture cf Se bastopol, relates in a letter to hie fr.ende the following romantic etery A party of our men bed:aging to d ticrent regimente, were patroliog from hence to house, In search of plunder In one of the houses they came across a beautiful young female about 17 or IS yvare of age. (If cecina some 1g norance 1109 shown amongst the party who com menced to drag her about, end would have used violence to her, bad not a young moo belong ing to the 18th taken a entaeket and threatened to blow the first man's braille out that laid a finger en her , whereupon the young woman flew to thin man, and clung to him for protection. Bhe followed him all the way back to the camp ; when coming in eight of hie camp, be beckoned her to return—hut no, she you'd not leave him Whether abo had fallen in love with him at fleet eight I know. But rho came with him. As soon as he got there be was Latently oon fined for being .besot when the regiment wee under arm•. She followed him to the guard tent, and cried after Lim The Colonel of hie regiment tseetcg the affection she bore him, ro leased him, and soot them both to Gen Barris, where en totrrprrter wee gat and she related the whole affair to shim. It terned out that silo was tho General's daughter, with some thoueenits She Tlll.B beautifully attired, and oarried a gold watoh, and wore a set of brace- Leta of immense value. The young man is now about to be married to her. Bhe will not leave him on any account whatever; and if he le not a lucky dog, I don't know who le " IRON BUSINESS AT CUICAGO —A Company has been formed with a capitol of $500,000, at Chi cage, uuder the name of the Lake Superior Min ing and Maeufaeturing Company, for the pur pose of vorklog Iron Mines, rcointly secured in b. ball of the Company, on the shore of Lake Superior. The ore of these mines ie said to be perfectly exhaustless for half a dozen genera tions, and the quality of it is so good that it has been hammered cut into wrought iron without smelting. The railroad now in operation from Marquette to the Sharon Alines, rune within some six miles of the property belonging to the Company. Arrangements aro making to put up eight smelting furnaces durirg the winter, and have them ready for business on the opening of navigation. A large rolling mill is also to be put under contract within o few weeks. It is in tended also to have it ready for business at the earliest moment possible. Parties from the East aro making arrangements to intellect with the establishment the manufacture of hardware of various skids. WOOL AND ITS NinstorAerunn —The oonsump• Con of wool in this country for the years 1853 and 1864, was about three hundred millions of pounds. Of this amount sixty millions of pounds were raised h.re, twenty one rriAlions were imported in the raw state, and one hundred and nineteen millions in manufactured pods In it not apparent that by thin system we are driving the products of our own (wintry from the market, and inviting those of other noun tries'. Just as good wool cm be produced and just as fine cloth made in the United Staten as in any part of the world. PR/VATE LIBRARI2S —Tito Rev. Luther Farn ham read a paper before the New England His. tone Genealogical Society the other evening, on the private libraries of Boston. He estimates that there are 800,000 volumes in private libra ries within ten miles of the State House in that city, each of which contains 1000 volumes or upwards. Twelve of them contain 100,000 vol umes, and ten 92,000. Some of these libraries are of great value from the character as well as number of books contained in them. Just Received, at Gribble , a, a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, of every description, consisting of Plush, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Baths Vessings, Doeskin and Fancy Omsk:wires, Clothe, Overcoat logs, de., dc. Also, Gents' Furnishing Goods in great vari ety, which will be sold low for cash, No. 240 Liberty street sepl7 C ... ., ... , b , 00--' 'to hs • • .‘, oe '''. EMI NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Riported Expressly for the Daily :Horning Poxt ONE WEEK LATER PROM EUROPE ARRIVAL 93/ 'nig PACIFIC. New Thai; November 15.—The steamer Pa oifio, arrived at Sandy Rook at half past six o'eleck l this morning. She brings seven dayti later gates. An extraorainary Cul tement prevailed through outAtigiand,, amonnting almost to a panic on the eilbjeot of war with the United States. Tho London Times, in a series of editorials started the subject, which, exaggerated by the provin cial preen, speedily obtained such dimensione that extras were issued announcing that the American Minister had demanded his passports. General astonishment and regret was exalted by the ann ouncement, and energetio protests were made dgainet the government forcing the.oonn try-lab:Pa. 'Oar Liverpool agent telegraphed to Mr. Buchanan, win promptly and courteously sent him the following explicit contradiotion LOBDON, Friday night, Nov. 2d, 1865 --It is not true that the American Minister has de manded hie passports from the British govern ment. and there Is no foundation for such a re• port." Notwithstanding this denial, an uneasy feeling remains upon the publio mind. Intelligence from the Crimea brings no stir. ring events. The Allies have returned from their advance to their previous positions, and were In expectation of an attack from the Bos sier:ie. It is, nevertheless, very unlikely that any further operations will take place this sea son ; both armies are preparing for the winter. Some trifling successes have been gained by the fleets, which have now tailed towarde the Gaff of Porekop. General Codrington has boon appointed to the command of this British troops in the Crimea. The difficulty between Fcanoc and Naplee has been settled. Lorrnmv, Saturday, Nov. 9.—The following additional intelligence was received yesterday: Gee. Canrobert has embarked from Lubec (or Stockholm in a French steamer. A despatch from Dant:,le etates C.,a the bulk or the allied fleet was about to proceed to Kiel. A despatch received at St. Petersburgh atatts all the hues of the fleet of Kinburn had pre needed seaward, and that the Allies had attempt ed nothiog new. Prince Oortsettakoff telegraphed to St. Peters burgh, cu Thursday, that there was no new movement in the Crimea. A correspondent of the Cologne Gazette, wri ting from Berlin, alludes to peace, but in the diplomatic circles they are looked upon as un founded, not only merely because 'inertia bus resorted to a fresh levy of conscripts, but be canes every communication from that empire discountenances the belief that Russia will make concessions to the demands of the western pow ers. Os the other band, all the letters from Vienna allude to rumors of peace. The oorreepondenoe of the Daily News declares that Roselle has positively intimated, at both the Courts cf the great Germ.n powers, her willing ness to negotiate alone upon the basis of the four points and that of the allies of Decembor The latter aro disinclined to resume the diplo matic conference, although the western powers have, at the same time, declared that they can only consent to euish a step when there is a sure prospect of attaining a satisfactory result. It is added that Austria le very far from declining the 00-operation of Prussia. The Prussian Gazette cf Go'ober 30th affirms that at this very moment the French govern ment Intimates at Vienna is readiness to nego ttate with nuerta on the htseis of the four points, aiding that it was resolved to continue the war, and re commence military operations next spring with redoubled energy, should a peace not be concluded. In the interim, tho British govern• mont has prohibited the exportation to all for eign countries of saltpetre, nitrate of soda, eul photo of potash, muriate of potash and chlorate of potash. Toe Lmdon Times states that the money mar. ket opened thin morning t.t the clreing quota. tens of Wednesday, tut substiluently expert etto ti.l en advance. The mercantile letters from NH!: lidtcate an increased cottilence. The Loierpool Journal, of Saturday morning, in a econd edition, dated 2 o'clock, h. M., sap.: We have received a telegraphic message from London conveying the most serious intelligence which we can vouch for, no the information °wiles from a source which excludes the poesi bulky of doubt. The country is on the eve of a war with the United States, unless public opin ion is brought to operate immediately on Her Majesty's ministers. An interchange of dipio tuitie notes has taken plane this week between Earl Ciarenden and the American minister. The native assigned by our ministers for the appear ance f our ships at Bermuda was the report that RCleaten privateers were fitting out In the port of New York, but the fact is denied, and It ti well known that this is a mere pretext, for the real cause refers to affairs In the Mosquito territory, and the existing busintas never gave a moment's uneasiness ; never occasioned an an • gry word from the government at Washington, and never caused a solitary complaint against Mr. Crampton. The Mosquito question is the coo which impert.s the peaoeful relations be tween Great Britato and the Uaitod States. It has been for soma time, the source of diplomatic ditqamt between the tin countries, and nor !Coda to provoke an open rupture; to quarrel about it would be madness. From Wataiington City (Wasuirterost Crrr, November 15 --Commodore Pant:Lug has not yet received any instructions whatever regarding his visit to San J uan do Ni caragua, nor will they be such as to excite ap prehension of another Oreytown affair. Gen. Cullom, a prominent American candidate for Clerk of the lions, of Representatives, has arrived, creating much excitement in the politi cal circles. Senators Crittenden and Gain have also arrived. - Adjournment of the Ceuta Board Hantuanueu, November lo.—The Canal Beard adjourned yesterday, and Messrs. Mott and Hop kins left last evening ; Mr. Forsyth left this af ternoon It is underetcol that several subordi nate appointments were made, but it was re solved not to make them public of present. Gen. C.llabso, Superintendent of Allegheny Portage itattrood, bas appointed John C. Osterloh and Mr. L olon hie assietants. Thanksgiving In Baltimore. Bal. - I'l..llone, November 16 —Thanksgiving Day hike been universally observed as a holiday, and the streets were thronged with pedvarlans. The Winn:flat' were also well (mewled. Asp- Sale of Dr. lll`Larte's Vermin: le. Among the hundreds of lottcrr, certificate, .o orders by the proprietors bf this medicine, ibo wing ore sr orted to show Its character, and the efrt t of Ito use to a 11 tent part of the West. ROTIMION, Btwor. Co , May 10, 1850 MESSES J. Kim & 00.—Oenffemen-1 w rit e to you to soli_ ell ao agency for the invaluable Vermituce you prepare Some time / larx, I purchased one dozen ♦lair of Sir. C. Sty, and prescribed It In my predict; and It proved so effectual in the (14411/1611 of mortar, that no other preparatron sorsrfy the nluens elf Mir offlage and rictnsty. Please send me our Erma; of the Vermifugo Immediately. Youre, ho., SAMUEL ROSS. Now Peovininez, Tenn., July 1, 1851 Ni/Bean. J. Bum (to.—Fleatae.end the Vertnifugo for us MOB u powdble, as we are nearly out, and the demand for it ta.rery great. We beltere a to be the best Vertrafage erer tmvnle J. PORTER et DYCIJIL Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. At 'Lane's Cdebrated Vcrmijuge.„ an.: take none else. All other Vermi rutty', In oomparteon, ere worthies,. Dr. brLane's genuine Vermlfuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be lied at all respectable Drug Stores In the United States and Canada. Also, for Bala by the so e proprietors, PLEMINO BROS., Suocensors to 3. Kidd A Co:, noyl2 day No. 60 Woe d street, corner of Fourth Agne and Fever of Three Years' Standing Cured...-Mr. John Longdsn, now living at Beaver Dam, Hanover county, near Richmond, had Ague and Fever for three years; most of the time be had chills twice a day, and rarely less than once: he was parched with fevers as soon as the chill left him ; and after trying physicians, quinine, moat of the tomes advertised, end everything recommended to him, was about to giro up In despair, when Carter's Spanish Mixture was spoken of: ha got two bottles, but before he bad used more than a single one, he was perfectly cured, and has not had a chill or fever since. Mr. Lon:deli In only one out of thousands who hare been benefited by this great tonic, alterative and blood pu rifier. See adrertlaement. • HATS, HATS.—We have received our BALL • STYLE OF BILK FIATS, which will be found, on in spection, a neat and good article. A good Hector $B, and an extra one for $4. Call and see. MOROAN & CO., No. 16.3 Wood et., Next home to the new Presbyterian Church, sepB One door from Sixth street gir Call at.. No, 164 Wood Street, and ei. amine our stook of BOPP FIATS and WINTER CAPS. Just received, a large lot of Shanghai, Celestial, and other etylew of Caps, which we will eel low r cash. octlo 3101 WAN 161 Wood street. e - t. 151 :41: .01,1 Inholo.tion for ntreasod Lunges .:..tta:mudell&lnhaistion,inesrr threat, recommended by Dr. Curtis in his advertitleteent, ,trik-s us as the true one. It is now generally admitted by our best physicians, that local difficulties can only be ewe cessfelly treated by local applications. This practice has been pursued from the are with reePtiltrkeetternal indent. metiorairal corrosions, and we sew not why diseases of the throat and lungs may. Act be trffiffied In the gibe manner: die believe they may, In this;riatiable ciirareir'tif ours, Where Intlg and throat snmpinittliii have becsrh e so preva lent and rife, ire eartistlyreco*and to thepublic, and Lsith tp:nirsii - theniselveli SY Dr. Curtis remedy.--f One whcrhae . iried It] Dee advertisement In this paper. Churion—Da. Coarse' IlYll DANA le the original end only genuine article. eep4,Bwdanr :rot- Stockings and Hosiery for Wlikter: , , —lf you don't want your feet pinched with bad and abort Stockings, you will take our advice and go to 0. DALY'S, corner of Afarket alley and" Fifthstreet, and buy some of those elegant. Fina Stockings, that mato your feet feel•nles , and comfortable. DALY also makes and sells every vari. oty of Hosiery that you can mention, at wholesale and I retail. Remember the place, Corner of Market alley an I Fifth etreet. oct4 A. A. GARBLER.. sum., Cornm Ftrurdi and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. AL, AGENTS STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE Mandl CR CO OP 11‘21 PHIS Pitt 40. CA PITA L -- -.A1350,000. GIRARb FIRE AND MARINE INIMTRANOI txratrANSl OP PIIILADDLPHIA. CA PI2AL $2OO ,000. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VALLEY OF VIROINIA, WINCHESTER., VA. CAPITAL ............ . _9300,000 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANI HARTFORD, 0023 H. ml 7 CA F ITAL AND 4,83178......881,18 4.4 8 9 EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY 01? PITTSBURGH. JOAN IL 8110ENBERONE, Ptcsmt T. 11.011KRT YINNECY, EICaSTAB.Y. C._ W. BATOIIELOR, Grlcam. AaVr,. WILL INSUKS AGAINSV ALL KINDS cr MARINE AND FIRE RISKS. BISECTORS: J H. Phoenbertter, O. W. CMS, C W Batchelor, W.& Nlmick, !Assn M. Pennock, T. 13.13pdIke, NV W. Martin, H. D Cochran, It. T. Leech, Jr., John A. Caughey, George, 6. Belden, 6.13. Bryan, David McCandless. lier All bosses tinstained by parties Insured under polt• clew issued by this Company will be liberally adjusted and prnmatlr paid at fa °Met. N 0.99 WATKII street. I jyll MWMWM Life, sire and itarine Insurance Company; CTJR,V ER OF WATER AsY D ALCIUCLEr STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. HOBERT GALWAY, PreoldenL JIB. D. WI:DLL, Secretary. Thle Company makes es ery Insurance appertaining to or connr•te! with LIPS DISKS. Alan against Mull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis sissippi there and tributarina, and Marine Risks generally. And against Lose and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies Issued at the lowest rates consistent with eafety to all parties. 111111070a8: Robert Gal way, Alexander Bradley, James & lioon, John Fullerton, John WA/pin, Sattmei ld'elurkan, William Phlllips, James W. Hallman, John Scott, Chu. Arbuthnot, Jcostal P. °sumo, M. D, David Richey, James Marshall, John Al'illill, Horatio N. Lee, Hittanning. !MT WESTERN FARIERRS INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW LISBON, OHIO. J. lIGNTKR, Aa=tt„ St. Charles Bail ling, No. 1011" . Third street, Pittabarsh. Orr/CLED: F. A. BLOCK-SUM, President. JAMES BURDICK, irkel LEVI MARTIN, Secretary and Treasurer. ILIFULLIfCLI: Itune." W. Woodwell, \•, Joseph Plummer, James Wood, • R M. Riddle, Joe. V. Herbst:Wt, Dr Jno. E. Park, Jl6) Wm. Simms, Birmingham, Dawson, Newmeyer &Co CITtZlid&K , Insurance VompaSly of - Plitabiargh.—WM. RAGA LEY, President; SAMUEL L. NlAB.SHRL . L ). flacretary. Office: 04 Misr S.treet,&.taceessJiarketand wowatresta Inanres ROLL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohlownd klitsfite elppi Elea:wand tributaries. Insures against Lena or Damage by Wire- A.1.80.--Airalnstthe Pettier! the Sea, and Inland tisVige• Mon and Trensporta Con. DOUICITOILD3 Bosaley, Richard iloyd, James !I. Cooper, San nel M.. Idler, Hammel Rea, WlRiant Bingham • Robert Danlep,jr., John S. Dilworth: ',sae M. Pennock, Primate/Sellars, B. ILartaugh, J. Sdeol.mr-lr , p r , Walter Bryant, William B. liays. John Shlpton. deal Pennsylvania Insurance Company 0r PITTSBURGH, Comer of Fourth and Smithfield 'streets. AUTLPIRIZIID CA.PI CAL, 9300,000. Buildings and other Property against Le. or Damara by Fire. and Oar Perils of the Sea and mend Narrgattoo aol Tranepor tation DI0ECT011.8: Johnston, Body Patterson, Jacob Painter, a. A. Carrier, W. SPClintrolL • Jas. P. Tanner, (lee W Smith, W.,9_ Haven, D. E. Park, I Grier Sproul, Wade Hampton, 0. M. Long, A. J Jones, J ft. Jones, U. It. Coggsthall, 0111000 a: rrueina Lion. WM. P. JOHNSTON. raw /hindratoo....lloDl PATTERSON. Ser.f.errnd Tresurer.A. A. CARRIE& Ja2S,Ty British and Continental Exchange. SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, BELEILINAN & CO. ON THE UNION BANK, bONDON, to Sow on LI awn Cruz/li b rpilEsx DRAFTS or, available at all the prinelprl Tollllll of ENOLAND, SCOTLAND an.l IRELAND, at / tho CUNTIN ENT. We also brow &our BILLS no AI. A.. Grumebaum Q. Oatale r FRANKFORT A MAIN, Which serve as • Itendttanee to all parts of =MANY, SWITZERLAND and HOLLAND. Persons intending to travel abrotti may prone% through tie Lettcre of Cr. tit, on witch Money ran be obtained, se rte Bed. to any port of Europa. Caturnon of hiller, Note., ,-d other securities In Rd rope, will receive prompt attention. WM. U. WILLIAMS A CO, mhTI Wood, corner Third .trreL . _ _ WK. B. HAYS & CO., DP.A LERS IN BACON, 11D18, SKS £ SHOULDERS LARD, LARD OIL, DRIED HUM 8170AR-ODRED and CANVASSED R A M 8 . A lat-ke stock always on hand At DI a. SA tr 7 Liberty street, Jecil PITTS3I7IOII, Puttee. MARINE IthISIJKANCE. FIRE RISES. Alfinnfircturers' Insurance Company oF PHI LA DEL PHIA. PIIIPSITIAL--011.621,11D Bt THI BT/SS OP PIRMILII6IIIII.. Ursa d Capital, $500,000. FIRE MARINE AND INLAND TRANSPOhT.ATION. AARON 8 LIPPINCOTT, President. ORRIN EWERS, Secretary. GEOEGE YOUNG, Treasurer. DULGCTOES. Aaron S. Lipplorett, Win. ft Thomas, Mahlon Gillingham, William Nea , Silcholes U. Tsylcr, Alfred Weeks, Orrin Rogers, Edward E. Jones, Joseph Dimly, James P. Smyth. _ . - . //Or Thi. Company has been orgataxed wtth a Cash Capi• tat, rod the Director-4 hare detetmined to t‘dapbthe hardness to Its a valable resources. To obparre prudenco In conduct• tog Its affairs with a prompt adjustment of losses. PITTr , EUROEI OFFICE, to b Water street. J. NEWTON JONES, dont RZZAMANCIS. The following well known and respons ble firma to Pitts burgh have authorized reference to them, w.th. regard to the stability and zouridness of the ?JazureeTottatis' LANCE COMPANY. Kramer & Rahn, Minn. Childs ct Co., Geo P. Butlth a Co., Tlampion a Campbell, Jones, Tiernan & Co., If. Chiba & Co. novl FAWNERS , AND MECHANICS , LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital $300,000 Amount securely Invested 0200,000 THIS COMPANY erects Fire Insurance on Buildings, Goods, Furol tire, Au Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo and Freight. Inland . Insurance on Goodsday Myers, Lakes, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally. Also, Insurance upon Lives, upon the moat favorable terms. DIRECTORS Hon. Thomas B. Florence, James B. Nea George IL Armstrong, (Merles Mope, mi. P. Middleton, E. B. Helmhold, °surge Ilehnbold, Fred. O. Brewster, Thomas Ilandert3eld, Isaac Leech. THOMAS B. FLOBBNCB, President EDNeLaD B. Haute°la, Secretary. pirrsnutam ItUURBNOEB. Hon. T. M. Howe, lion. P. 0. Shannon, lion. J. B. Guthrie, Ron. J. R. lit'Olintock, Col. 8. W. Black, A. B M'Calmont, Esq., , Thomas J. Keenan, Esq, Wilson lll'Candless, Ccl. J. Re - on Foster, Gen. JK. Morehead. R. N. Riddle, The character of the above Company Is of the Brat data, and combines the rare and unusual privileges of lire, Ma rine and Life Insurance. . . . Gentlemen of elevated standing ere aaeociated In its management, and Interested as Stockholders. TIIONIAS J. MINTER, Agent, No. 90 Water street, RLODGETT & SWEET'S NEC PORTABLE GALVANIZED IRON OVEN IA undoubtedly the greatest improvement of the present day on ,the list of new patent inventions, both for ltd utility and for the protit.to the rassufscruren3. For Ter: itorial Righte, apply to M. F. EA • ON, at his Exhibition Rooms of Patents, No. SO Fourth street, Pitts burgh, Pa. n0v04.12145 _~4.« a _.... ~..i..~ `'~ -. `. - 4Y . . OEM & PENNOTIVANILUMAtai ONLY - funs°An RUNNING WEST PRODS prrissuriati. Tux Pus TAMA leaves at 2 ♦. M.. through to Ott It to 12 hours end 40 minutes: . AIAil. TRAIN LLtiL9 AT 8 A 40- EiPar3B Tam's a p These:TrAns alinialre close connections at Oreattlue, and the at tea cortiiat The MLitt route . to Bt. Lords is OW oppi Wtaymp o th s lu b milett„eht* thl4vitt.:clevehm4.:Conh4tion I are made at Mangleld aritiijitte' s NewArk attil Sandusky City road ; and at CrestUuee with the three roads concentrating time' For particulars see handbills. No trains run on Einculai:'' Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Louis, Indianapolis, Chkatgo, Rock Island,Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the principal Toans'and Cities In the West. The NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave Pittsburgh at. 4.45 P s It, And New 13rigitpn at 120 A.M. ' • ' Jor-Trclustsundlurther trdbrination; J. O. MARY, At the corner Mice, nuder the Atoriongaheds boost Or, et the redsral Blnient. Station, to oEattalt poket , AnenL Pittsburgh, July It, 1:855. (J 921) OHIO. AND INDIANA RAILROAD, VIII Continuation of the Ohio and Penna. R. R TO FORT WAYNE, L.41'401.44 1AIA,B4:1":414,,,:oli”.1111 Nierrains:conueot at Castling, without detention, with all the Train* on the Ohio and-Ficruta. Road, and also at Rarest with Trains going North and South, on the Mad River and Lake Tide Railroad. Far 'Tickets, apply at the Railroad Offices of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad - Company In Pittsburgh, Alla. glieny City, or at any of the following points: Port Wayne, Bellefontaino, Cincinnati, Urbana, Dayton, Springfeld, Indianapolis, Richmond, Findley. Persons desiring Tickets' n, wilt be' patients,. to twit for • Ticket by the Ohio and Indiana Railroad. Jed . 3..11. BTELAuandlg.lool.. PEKIN TEA STORE. $B, Fifth Street.. .tXirG ten Red Black Teas, narratted to give eatlsfse tion. BEP4IL PfIICEIL ULM XS. GLUM. Oolong-56; 62,16, aid finest 'Poling /Tyson-40,0,7a, and. qualltY finest guilty $1 '5 02 English Breakfast-50, 75x Imperial and Gitapowden— and gl lb. ' 60, GI, 75 end $I @i lb. Green and Black Teas a all grades put up in metallic, packages expressly for the trade, and VIII be sold at the ioweat prices. OOPPEE—Prime Java and Rio Coffee, green and roasted BIIOAIIS--Loverring's 'Crushed and Pulverized Sugars prime N. 0. Sugar. Bakers' Brotas, Cocoa and Cho:elate: novoal2ro HUNTER, DEALSR IMOLIIB1 1 7XLY TN FLOUR AND GRAIN. No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa Sir 001413 TARTLY mplemaa, the BEST BRANDS Of PENNSYLVANIA, 01110 INDIANA and MISSOURI, SUPRIIPETE dad , EXTRA FLOUR, Which will always besold at the Lowest-Cash prices. [mill PEARL STEAM MILL I , ALLEGHENY. Ear FLOOR DELIVERED TO P.Ab111.1112 :either ct the two Cities. Oanztei maybe left at - the hill, or In taxes at thestoree of LOQAN. WILSON k 00, Ed Wood etreet BRAUN A REITER, corner Liberty end ft. Clair eta 8. P..BollWARTZ,Drtiggtst, Allegheny. 1111 - 14117 CASH, OP ti2s? & co. Balm. oeThouumil „Flowers, for Leant:: tying the Complexion, and oral:Beath:lg all MI, itICPLEI and Monza from the' face. Sold at BrilgYfigfl'S, 140 Wood ofiroot. lanßo NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bat elt el.; • ems Hair Dre.-e.trAdr — ..burned es injured by other dyes, faded or - es timated ludr, all restored and made beatttifolly brown or black, witbeut a ebenee of Wary, by BRIO/it:LOB'S, at -the Wig Factory, 23',1 Bread way, New York, where it is made, sold, or strplinl, (in nine Frivate , *.M l ) Eold„ Wholesale and retell, by Dr. GEO. 11.1034111111, 140 Wood street, . ' T Tag CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB ITSITRO STATES, for the Wtell2 Distriottl Pennirylventt Gin. Strive it' 03. • rs No. 10 of November Team, 1854 WI!. A. .TAVAL WOOD AND Dtrel..te rl No. 11 of November Term, 18.54. liVet. A Isvms. TLC& emosee vs. }Ea 1. of Slay Term, 1855. Wax. A. fart= November 16, 16.55, , WH5ti11Y :FROST, Marshal, tisfidir: made return of defendant's property in the city of Erie, and to the county of Er.e . Pentisyltatit., sold to J. B. Alexan der; and of defendant?' property In the city of Cris, sold to Dr. Bterphen Duncan; alto, of defendant's property In the county of Warren, Pennsylvania, add to Dr. Stephen Dun can ; alto, of defendant's other propertyin , said - county r sokl to Routine Brown; oleo, of defendants prover*, in the. county of Mercer, Pennsylean a, gold to Dr. Pdentten Dun can; sod BEADE WASHINGTON, Ecq, Auditor: hall,__og reported UpollillViletlit according to their orderer prbrity, it is ordered that the several deeds be prpented by the Marshal foe loknowledgment, on MONDAY. the 2ent day. of tvorember, 18135,10,10 o'clock A.M.. at *rich time the Auditor's reports Mill he =tanned and the deeds 'Sokolov ted,red,tinlerestausehe Elwin Shy they should not. , Prom the Iteeord- • Ef.' SPROUL, Clerk. imo.lecdFilWavrlt - Orprialan' Conurt. Sale. ON SATURDAY; the Thai day of December, 18&, by order OVA Orphans' Court of Allegheny connty, will be ex - pawl to sale, on the preudeer, in Noblestown, in said county, tbet one undivided hall ,D 4 ground. adioirr log Lands of the helm of ngton Roffman, teceared, Robert Galbraith and Valliant Sinith; being four rods and eleven f. et front bn the Stan road, and extending back eight rods, preserving tlminUne width. On which is erect ed a two-story Mick DUelling Norma Being the interest of Margaret BleGreigni, deceased. ID raid lot. Terms made known on daY sale. . . novl&w9t+ ?nil BURGE! AND Ca ZOILLUTILIJI RAILSIO4I , COELPABT Anon Coes'3 HIMS. who are ae . In the Court of Common follows: David (Awn, Ann Plesa of Allegheny loon C (late Alin Coon) , Adam Cl3OO, 3i., 'Jame* J. 00- 103, December Coon, (or Iltitni;) John B. " rm, 1855- Coon, (or Kuhn,) Adam Coon, (or Huhn,) Sr., and Adam C. I eampsen• pHE above named deNnJants, non.reshients of the coun tyt of Allegheny, will take notice that the said Court bare axed the oth day of December next for the. Viewers erPoloted In this can, to meet on the prim:Sees, for the por• pose t f aseteaing any damage or Injury tbs. may be done (by reaextrof entry, occupation and Ina by tail Company f,r their itnad,) to land situate In Veraallha Toarn.,hip, in the county cf Allegheny, and which they are intimated in. J. H. SEWELL, Attorney for P. A C-R. It Co. novl6 w2t Pi_____ rresuaan en. Commuzpratt) I 1i.111.2.0aD COXPLIST es. In the Court of Common flnnr Pouncire Anse, who p ing of Aupghe c min- r. ors as fellows : William Pal- te, y No. 104, De. ember licit, Mary Power, (late MarY erm, t Isa r ). Pollock,) uartha Pollock, end Lewis Diehl, who is tenant Li posmstort. , lig above named defendants, nonresidents of the coun tyt of Allegheny, will take 'notice that the said Court have flied the 6th day of December next for the Viewers appointed in this case - to meet on the premises, for the pur ee e of assessing any damage or injury that may be done (by reason of entry. occupstfeas - end use by said Company for their Road,) to land situate In 'Versailles Township, In the county of Allegheny, end which they are Intended la. li. BISWNLL, Aherne, fos P. 0. Et. IL Cr. FIMBCFROU LID CoRitILLOULIII novlB vvf2t Itin,aoAD OCMPA3 WILTIAM J .11011.LigaS,JOILN MCI CLO9Kt7 and Jane ItleClud KAI, reputed tenants Ff Wu.. it tw 4 Sirup. rjtH E above named defendante,non•reetdente of the coon. ty of Allegheny, will take notice that the Bold Court h tve fined the 6th day of December next for the Viewers appointed In Chia ca e to meet on the premien, for the put , Eypo9a of assessing a damage or Injury that may be done reason of entry, occupation and nee by sold Company Of their Road,) to land eitnate In Versailles Township, in the county of Allegheny, and which they are intereaten J. H. BEWHIAL, Attorney for P. A C. IL R. Co. nov 1 fl *lt Proposals [l] ILL be received for the Repairing and Renovating of TV the old Glass Works, as advertised, until TUESDAY morning next, and the bids declared Wednesday morning. at SiA150:00 HALL, when it Is expected every one receiv ing the Job will drive ahead on the fast line. n0v16:31. WARWICK, ATTERBURY A CO. Notice to Stooktiolders. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Pitteborgh and Connelleville Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Company at NEVILLE HALL, in the city of Pittsburgh, on the FIRST MONDAY (third day) of December neat, at 10 o'clock A. M , for the purpose f electing twelve Directors for the ensuing year. novlo:wtd A. L. RUSSELL, Secretary. Pittsburgh Trust COuipaisiy, November 'lb, 1,955. AN SUCTION PON NINE DINSMORE for this Com puny will be held at the Nanking Home, on MON DA Y, the 26th inst., between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. 211. A general meeting of the Stoothelders of the Pittsburgh Tenet Company will be held at the same time and place. noviktd JOUN D. SCULLY, Cashier. I=l== FRIDAY ICVENZEI, at 8 o'clock, at " College. Sill" opposite the Post (Ace, by .143. H. HOPKINS,' Esq. Eublect—mmarcial Law. Rooms large and elegantly ItualshuL Ladies and gen. tlecien are halted to hear the Lecture, and see the work. logs of the Iron cav College. novl6 ....n. TAND&RD WOlllO3, in elegant Bindings, at J.B. DA -13 Vilinbl'B Bookstore, tti Market street. • Coleridge& complete Works, 7 role., half tail; Dryden's do 2 do do Johnson'fr do 2 do do • Burke's' do 4 do do Goodnib's British.. Eloquence. 1 do do Primes Travels. _ 2do do Hore'e Travels in Chita, 2 do no Borrel'a Johnsort, 2 do . do Allison's History of BoroPoe 2 d0. .d0 ~ • Liars of the British Historians, Ous published,) cloth. My Father's Hone, or the Hanen of the Bible—new sup ply; and anions other new standard works. (novld ' Winter Bonnets. tieMRS. R. DAVIDSON, No. 88 St. Clair street,_ will own a large assortment of French Bonnets, Capri, Mantles, and Needleirorkail Goode, on TDDIVIDAY, November 8,1866. turd - 43 tr .e 8. JAYNES PACILEL A. McGIREGOR. Admiastratttx. In the Conrt of Common Pleas of Altedheny Coun ty, Na 185, December Term, 1865. ~ Y, ,-.~,~~_ _ .:.. _. VINEM NEW-ADVERIISEMMt OEM V'RV Bool4P gieW VIM TIT Widow,Aritutt-Paprtr, by Fangs Whlchaq The Pops of iiimr,ogus r _by Attnrym.lol46lk,* estrtdietelAMl:CAFavli,er,pol,4,limprimopas Mew 14:ny ee rpf• Aarintry, or sobirritl Irodiirlsl % Veribe rba“eicia o -cantsrPs,rj °tap Afitsgairj_• .I'sh? 1 0 166 '4 f:: PrifstO,Mi.otau Easton. Bur: Pdfrbarier of the Coart of Shuns, by 19:13:Mitsuorth; 4yeteilespf buttkilitrigaus 80 4; 2 V 6 / 1 1- $ :1, Just' tereivet and or rone.by- • • A. OILDENFENNSY i CO., rnth rt. apposito the 'Matti. feu Ifiiiiinfiliragiblne kir 'palember , jun, rreqlved ehu lar,s •••-• • ncrrl6 A..B'BlAllBl2Hlt'd hlfttguttloNd*Orotehnts and QuavatA, or flevelatfoon or an :opera Manager Amerind: br 3fit'3lfirfitalc• The Hl4reftedottPapenl: try Frauds at. Whltabor, irtth . aul otrOneflOll2o:4lllena..Hialt with night aFddtai inn* ' fina - Helen Leenon4-ii Etiejkat Near 20:it Yoder,: The Song of Ifianithat hy:Henry.W.inngfelloar: Winn!, and 1:-4" new tort' of great interest' Glenwood, or the Pariah poi , „ Ifloate.rhelni;Or thellinpe: iiThornatt Pe - (Writ/. AU;-the neer . f.lteletttnEtT,-,tha.dtlyritiffalorit the chap gookitore of onion & co,. noolo - No. 82 Smithfield street. jUST FLECUSIVI4D--A. splendid assortment, of TABLE KRINDEI ADD 11141103,.fultible tor finillydie, at - meld . 15;` ) WD , e , ll-24211 - 11.130 Waist at. 1 ,,, v parka land °tura talebtated =helot PEN TV and POCKET .Fl,9,74l343,,wezratttad bottom:din the eye, for sale at BOWN =MI% 1:41 tievalt or Mau gPiendld RUMPS lett, thet=tbere b simnel/ excitement - about.' War ranted all perfect forsl.o..at BOWN 41r-VITUST% novlB ' 136 Woad wheel. b F 4 ONNET'SATIN'ka —A large eivertmeat Bonnet D Patina, Velveta, If latmees, /to, of every qtalify, atult the most fashionable colors. Also, a superb lot of new nen. net 'Ribbon/I.lllkt received. - d. A. MASON novl6 , 25 Fifth street., Nof IHls ANItiQUES--.1. et: terestri& AM' Moo rammed I.lrl another lot el new and odegautityles cif Endiontripad and Plaid Mono Antique.; In blank and cobra:: tnoTIS OIL BERGAIdOr--100.rar.zirtrarsToa., aothei Plist and Wood sts fIASZILS BOAZ—J.OO boxes far Es ••••••• notrl6 —B. FA c ' • QUILLS-4500 lba for tale . : • • . . :t: ' WO HOME EACH AT AIIOTIDv—TbP, pfdsy morn / log, November 16'b. at li orilotic; at Abe Ikinuriarcial Sales Rooms, coro•v of Wood and /Mb Istteirtr, wine sold aubstantlal Tao-horse hack. mirky - now; cr4l6 . P. ht DAVIE, Awstlonear. IiMEUM?IEViMi A VALUABLE HOUSE - AND LOT , Pri Efsrey,etteet, Pm , A rorrly o:anpled lathe Ent Walt Patine fthwlDamee. The house is subst..ntfally built; with t etenibseenient— Due stories brick, and gravel roof; The baliAleue 40 feet fronting on Bert y street, by 62 deep, ipd la suitable ihr • Boarding Howe, Cavern, or Marratacturing purposes, This pH:Tarty will be told cheap, and'on . ratry Whoa, by opplying to H. It ItYAN, 31 Plilhatreet. That valuable AVARMIOU6II AND LOT, eltaitta on the comer of Wood and Front streets, being 26 feel front on Wood street, and extruding along IP rent street 0e feat—now occupied by William U. Buttore , us a throeery-and Liquor Store. Apply as above. -ALSCI A desirable DWELIJNO ROUSE AND LOT, where the muLerriber resides, No. 6 Penosylvanta Avenue. - vritliin .q r.ds of the Court noose. The lot is 63 feet frobting on P.nneylvvnia Avenue, and extends back 106 tat to a 20 feet Ailey. The house to nearly-new, eontatolng - tan ropros, with all modern Improvements:. 'Tins prOperty needs Daly t , be seen to be admired, and will be sold on mom:node. Ling terms. IL 11. RUN, 110115:2w - No. 31 .Ilifthetrveh SHINGLE MACHINE. AENDALL'S Patent Double Acting Elver and Bhaver.• THET. . attention of Rib' pie and Lumberdaalere,apeenhw WM and others, is diercted to this invaittaide Arisen. non, ii bleb Is now presented to the public Id the first and only practical machine extant, for -Riving acid Shaving Shingles, ~ .. _ . Various cuffing and sawing machines have been invented for making Shingles, but It to a well known fact that Shin gles cut or sawed across the grain, are quite too filmy for roofing purposes. Numerous Inventions have nrcentl,y ap peared for riling and shaving. and them bare all bean condemned as worthless, from their imperfect method of which consists of Vplittiocfrem the. side of the block but one shingle, which alittost invariably runs off. This difficulty is entirely obviated by KENDALL'S MACHINA Which 'first Splits ftoMthe Side of thb bitek a thee thick enough for two shingles. wh'cbis separated fa the centre, and by means of elastic, guides each part 'is ,conSucted through lair of approlimating knives, which norupletss the operation; thus producing two at fogies at erfe37 WM. lotion. This machine will rice and there froio the bleak three thotraud annsgles per hour,nr,nnifonn ,ThICk72QUIJICed tll. per, Rupert r In 10 bilty and detraldty to these actitds by hand or any other prodess. - • " ' • , Its ep -rations's:whim mean meaonfinetto Tlni.sird. other tad vo,d,Lbut works Wt.:fuel advantage, oak; nralnrihand every other de eceipticti Cr thither that can bc'etin The wolltingecf thernichltie can he exitutined af,lL H. Ryan's Furniture Buldinge, Fifth street, Tittsbttrgh. to Hurter owriera,shlagle Centers, and rah of enterprise, this opens a new fild eneertatlen, there: l l:o than Invention extent. ' . „ The ran - chine occupier - brit - dentin apard.ls of - 4*bl° construction, atulcosts but idiont MO hundred dollars, and a man and two-boys cart ru.slw train 2 b . .. 00 0 Itt amKoh. glee per dal. For right • af territry. - or reeehinee„ Ir4ittr is • No. 31 Fifth street, or at the (10' Hotel; • Atce- all needed inthituation will be forwarded . lettor,. wham desired. O 11: Oft 4.11.31111141f, - .lgeht. noeltolif- ROL LAND Vial Wloll.ls.ooTa. 600 PACKAGNB of choice iraportzi .Dutehltystiott4 Ta Ipn, Li les. 4.,•rcona, do, will bosold:omPelday morning the .1.8. h, at 10 o'clock, by calalagur, at 'the at:a Goo rcoms of [Orafel 831DATIS,,,annt.. K. - hOSTBRtIE LM, or the Masque, a historical novel, by the author of Confostarna of r Opium:Water. AS IS literary composition it, is written lul/6 Quinors test ety:e The defective poltre in his suiritquanpireitinyw are ab - ent from thivetory. It wee written itilttiaan.mswity fDe Quir cy's mind, at toe age of brtyaix. It eminently deserves the datnatirn of a ertmosity of litersturO. alo3. terheisa istanda among. De .QcOngy's num•rane wrltlttgry as the only complete and extensive effort of hie !'imagination all compact."—Da Saliton Mogen:Ex Bar title by. nolfi • J. 8 DAVISON, 65 Markotat . MO LlBitAltY, Public or Pthnite, cau , be completelrith• out having in it is emplete•ent 'tf Mating likknits' . %mkt. • r.t.TERSON'S is the on'y complete and janitor= %Illicit' aces pub.tabed in the world, and is - now the only clitkra, whatever. publi,bed to the country. FINE I LiZtoTILATED EDITION, in 12 vide. tactorol• -urns vontalturti novetcomplete, and may be had in complete seta beautifully bound in cloth, far $lB, or tarn:dais° be sold separately, price $l5O. The following are their names.: Bieak Boom, Pickwick Aspire, Old Carioalt7 Ehep,Oliver Twist, Sketches by "Boa," .11arnsby Ruda. Nicholas Pack. leby, Martin Churalewit. David .-Coppeitield, Danbey , and Feu, Christmas Staci.e and pieta: ea from itely, Dic;teixe New States, containing all his latewritingm •s , • ~ also have tditivne bound in tadf cart antique, brats& .azid gilt edge., eta., at varioaa prices. Call and lacik at them. CHEAP EDITION of Dickens` Works, In twelve volumes.. Paper corer, price ho cents each; or flea dollars far a Dote, plate fret- All the new hocks published in the country, for'nolit the cheap book store of MlNYiltaliX4" , No. 31 Smithfield street.' ry body is Invited to call and look: =told Blacking. • ALL LOOK AT-TSIBI • . •••. A PTIR years of experimendna to attain. tilkarraVne beaunti log, polishing, and at the sametimecfcßlog and softening the leather,..f...ll hi:bards bay dietinfered rompositicna which is truly vitrizalled In-Allis or any other. country for shining quality and ha nutritious elatuents to the leathor Now, all who "go In" „for .0. splendid', quick, yet black polish, and soh and pliable *la, will use AMU/LIMB' NEW I:NOLAND BLACHING. , • . • Sold In Pittsburgh by J. Mills, N0„.28, weatelda DierminiT; James Black, corner Third and Bnilthilaid stmets, , P. 13. Drava, Diamond ; I. Haworth, Diamond:. J. Q &Young, corner Second d Rosa tareetsoind others. twAlleghesh D by 8. Dyer. Wm. France,.l. Craig, nail LogeELY- Nealy, /1: Jarman & Co., Borgia, Bc..tt &ICto *Brusly. & MIMS an H. P. Schwartz. A Desideratum. tviJACOBS' AMAIDUIit PENS' will be fond on trial superior to Grid or r teal, resembling the Quill Ewe thou the former, and ecalszting noneatbeeedbnentibodt them which steel perm do They will be found unrivalled for Records, Deeds, de they do not ...Se steel Fmcwill— change the color of the ink after a few years... Ono tiist will prove them to be TEE PEN that has been so . ninch wanted. Bold exclusively in Pittsburgh. • t LOIIOIIRIEGE d . No. 126 Wood street.above-fifth.., P/ALNOSI Ik4 - , A • 13FACTUIIF.D BY crackaltlNG a SON& Buskin, and for sole by JOAN U. MELLOR, No 81 Wocd < street, between Lbunand alley and Fourth street. JOLT H. MELLOR- is now receiving • • an eta/mired' stook of new Ftuen•Feares f:om toe mannfactory of 01110HERING SONS, Boston. consisting of all-the earions ; • apt., of 6,6% and 7 actor.% to which thaattention of pair , etwers Is respectfully Invited. All the PlanO4lortes tram the factory of Oblckering & Sonis are waznartrn, and sold at Boston prime. JOHN IL MILLOR, sole Agent for Or & Son for Pittotargh Western Pennsylvania. . n os ALLICGRZNY vaLLEne imut...soAD ORANGE OF' .TIPLIE I Pittsburgh to Kielcun' . tnetas River. in itrinetr9 g County, Pa., a distance of SI miles: • /AN AND err= MONDAY, Nov. 12, Freight and pee k) &engem Trains will leave Lawrenceville, (upper aide of Arsenal wall,) every evening, (Bandar's excepted,) at 230 o clock, and atop at the following etations: nharpebnrg, Ireland's, Sandy Creek, vetoer,. Helton. Lo. qua's Eddy, Logan's Ferry, Parnassus, Arnold's, Tatentom, Chartists. BleHain'a, Frikport, add Itieltiminettof Returning, wilt leave iliskitain etas dtatten at 8 20 o'clock A. 11., and stop at all the above intermediate stations. The &meander Otatiltme Line will convey passengers to and front tteir depot, corner Fifth and Margot streets, at charges oat eetelng twelve cent,. Tickets can be had at the Omnibus Office, from the Asset. of the Company, or from the Conductors. ta , vl4 A J. HOPPER, Superintendent Iron _City Collows. Day and Evening:Mamma ia - Book-Iteepin,g. N ell its departments, including many new and hignly valuable improvents, whichare not elsewhere brought. ugh Large ciaa-ea em pp:zings only to reeeive a thoro mercantile education. _lectures upon all.thestudiesdeliv ered to Evening Classes. Juittunotto (new. ayshan).angita application to business. Also, roiling included In tin Mercantile Course, or taught separately. Call for a Circular for Cull partlouhrrs at College Hall, opposite the Post Office. novl4 New Goods Blear Goods II IrrßOldloAl.l4 AND ItETAlls—A. A. GABON Ji CO_ TV ham received and are now 'opening Ons Thousand more Cases and Packages of New-Pall Goodsi comprishig every style . of Dram Einar, Moira Maims, , Velvets; Bonnet: Satins, ke.. A very large and fashionable lattw;m u i o y: Dress Goo de. :Shawls, Cloaks and Bonnets every Tart. sty. Millinery Goods, Embroideries, ItEbbsais,,Trlituningict limitary ancttlloves, : Variety G:Oods, Liturn azifitlonsakesp lug Goods, Domestics of every dem:apnea together with a. - large Tar i ety of other rods, which wilt be sold :to Mar chants or Retail Purchasers at as law, or lower ratea than the largest eastern houses. 1 cotip White Fish! Pls ,h" Fish' . 'RIKER VIITSBAILO• sArtiim,r; bzuo, 11.4.17 E FOR MLR. sal asap conatshilr' on hand, a lull "apply of •' ' -'• • •' Fresh awl Salt - Whine Fish, And all other varieties of [ixt2£43nrls • ra*, for sale in iota. Catalogues, :lirootiono, 4t 47 Milt JAMES %WHIM ,„ ..',.:'':,;..:;':.::!:' -' '' '. 7.l- ' - ? i J; 4:i- •~~ ~'i'l ~''. ..~... IMg3 vt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers