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A - Cc: - . • J „ .r. , '`q" s .'tr 4 •••Or e, . • • R, ":" • r •••.. • . ^•• ♦_ , Lt. , e"" , - I :4 ‘ f „ Zvi 4 " •.• « • ~, 4., . :" • _ty . .._. ... ~~ I=E 13611 Riming VA. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. PITTSBIIRGB: 1 1 1313BDAY - 140 EWING • 1310ELNING POST JOB OPPleffi• We would call the ettentiOn of MREORANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to the fact that we- hare }rust received front Philadelphia a number of fonts of new Job Type, eie4. •re now prepared.to BD orders for Cards, Ullonlars, Bill floodli t - Paper Boots, Polders, and Programmes for i ll _,,,,tions.--eillmders will be promptly filled.- • - . jam- We are pripired to print paper booke' for use in the Supreme Court, in good 1471%0A Cu short notice, and invite the legal profession. to give cm a call Non. titepheu A...tonglae has been aerioualy inillaposed atlerike- Haute, but is now much tatter.,: ' .13tanqO6ic ele, late Secretary of Legation at St. James, has been elected to the State Senate from the city of New York. Wisconsin has probably elected Basitford, Black Republicap, Governor, over the Demo critics candidate, by a small majority. It le a matter of congratulation that Mr. Flap, the upright Comptroller of the pity of New York for three years pest has been re elected. lie is one of the few pure men among the officials of Gotham. A curious suit has been instituted in Balti more by a man claiming the custody of the cel ebrated so called bear-woman, who is entirely overgrown with hair. One man claimed her as his wife. Two men—one her husband—abduct ed her from another party, who held her by contract, and who brings suit for her recovery. The New York Herald publishes an account of the presentation of the " great gold medal for Science" to Prof. Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, by the Emperor of Austria. The geld medal is a massive and beautiful specimen of art. Oa one side is a medallion head of the young Emperor, crowned with laurel, with the inscription, " Franciecue Josephus 1., D. 0., Austr're Im-erator; " and on tie obverse, a wreath of laurel surrounding the imperial crown, with the inscription, " Literis of Arti bits. " This is the fourth token of acknowledg ment from European sovereigns accorded to and received by Professor Morse. TEE NETT PRESIDE!" T. The result of the New York election discloses some facts that will teach the parties there a lesson. The needless quarrels of the Democra cy in that state accomp.ishes nothing but tits aster and defeat to themselves. The returns of the late election show that had the party been united, it would have swept the state by large majority. But divided as they arc on fanciful and useless issues, they have been utterly de feated, as they deserved to be. There can be little doubt that this will prove a profitable les son to the New York Democracy ; and that next year, as in 1862 t, they will all unite upon the presidential question. United they can carry that state for the democratic candidate. They laid aside their domestic) feels in 1862, and united for a national purpose. It is only rea sonable to repeat that the result of the late election will induce them to do the same thing again in 1866. Already there are signs of such a movement ; and, that accomplished, New York is safe for the democracy. The Know Nothings and Republicans cannot combine in that State. The friends of Wm. H. Seward will never abandon him; and in New York there is a large party, headed by the Her ald, that are resolved to run George Law for the presidency. Neither of these parties will yield to the other for the sake of fusion, and fusion cannot be accomplished. It seem certain, then, that there will be three parties in the field next year, in the Empire State ; and if the Demo crate unite as in 1852, it secures the state for the Democratic candidate. In Massaohusette the feud between the Know Nothings and Republicans and Abolitionists is irreconcilable. The long threatened scheme of uniting every element of opposition to our par• ty against us in 1868 is evidently impracticable, and must fail. There is no prominent issue up on which to rally snob en organixttlon, and no common purpose among our opponents strong enough to combine elements so diverse, and as yet so hostile. The position of Pennsylvania is not doublfal in the next campaign. Its late vote indicates beyond doubt that it will be Democratic, and that its large electoral vote will decide the ques tion of the presidency. With such good grounds for encouragement and hope, It becomes our party to select the best possible candidate—one who can combine all oar strength, and unite all sections of o the Union. And the selection must soots be made. La one year from this date the people of this country will be adding up election returns to ascertain who is to be president from 1867 to 1881. The contest is coming soon, and to win we must be prepared. The next Presidential term will be very likely to be an eventful ono. Our foreign relations ate liable to sudden intorruption at almost any Ono. England, in the midet of a contest in which she has shown nothing but courage and inoapacity, seems disposed t force either a quarrel or an insult on this country ; and her faithful! ally of France, and old Spain, stand ready to back her insolence. Bending a strong fleet to the West Indies with the avowed design of watching and thwarting the movements of this country, is an insult. It may lead to no immediate rupture, bat within the next five years the question of llaropean interference in American affairs will have to be settled. Oar next President, if not the present one, sill have to meet this question. It must be settled, and settled soon and forever. And we want a man selected for the next presidential term with reference to this and other Important questions, and not to give place and plunder to hungry politicians. If there are such in our party let the people resolve that not to them will be oom mitted the selection of the next candidate for the presidency. HEATERS AND VEHTILLITOII.B -Mr. Ea on has received at hie exhibition room, No. 30, 4th et., the models of the newly patented Heaters, Ven tilators and Chimniee invented by Mr. Joseph Leeds, of Philadelphia, and now considered far better than any others in use in the Eastern cities. We have given some account of them heretofore, and would advise all horse builders, steamboat men, manufacturers, &c., to examine the models. One glance at them will discover their pre-eminent advantages. For steamboats to , and manufactories, and for beating churches and dwellings and school-houses they must soon be generally adopted in this city. Practical men have pronounced them a most valuable im provement, and just the Thing wanted on our rivers. A - 6Talmisey of This kind 40 feet high on a steamboat will give a stronger dratight, than one of 100 feet on the old plan. All who want to be rid of smoking houses ; all who want rooms heated with an even, moist, cheap and uniform heat, with good ventilation and power erfal draught, should give Mr. Eaton a ctn.— They will be cure to adopt them when under stood. One gentleman of this city has already ordered them for his dwelling house. DEPEATED.—Brandreth, the famous pill man, was defeated in the Seventh Senatorial Diatrict, New York. The vote stood J. W. Ferdon, Am., 4,064 ; Benj. Brandreth, Deter, 8,946. Majori ty for Ferdon 119. Braodreth'e pills have lost their power, it seems. The time has been when they would work through any man. „ ••• ; •{ • . ej.l , 0 41 . 3:4.9 . - _ *, . • ; al 1 tt.12.1,'” ' , • Il b m s ~..t.144, • ft . : *l r cfr •n:c."l ••,• tt t •.- y • e , , A • ,t7.4 , t :7' ' •"" f•t 7 • • Ol5. •••• 4- • • - _ b ~ ~ NOVEMBER 13 NIXIE - NEWS " :"4 5. . •.4% ..,% - I. 4 , . **4?,, . • •_ " HON. JOHN L. DAWSON The Uniontown Geniva of Liborly speak! in the .ellowip&litrong and well deserved terms of r. tiawsoii; elf , o n candidate for the United 8 tatelftertatti Among the whole number of distinguished gentletnen who-have been j r4mated for the eon eideration of the legiel.&ture and the people, there is none whom wo would more gladly see eleotod to the station than the Ron John L. Dawson, of this coutiry •, and we believe we are not disparaging the claims of the other gentle mep_whosenames have been mentioned in eon ;motion with the office, when we say that we be lieve he would be more acceptable to the Dem ooracy of , both Eastern and Western Eenusylva niii, than any other man who has been or can be euggestek. Mr. Dawson's career as one of the reprosenta- tivee of the State in the National Congress, was marked by ability of the highest order, which, when combined with unswerving integrity to hie constituents, the State wbioh he in part repre sented, and the Union, has deservedly won for him the reputation Of an able legislator and an honorable and manly Statesman. As the author and eloquent advocate Of the celebrated, though much abased llotiestead Bill, he has endeared himself to the people of his native State, and in •fsot to every friend of a liberal and enlightened public palely in regard to the public lands, their speedy settlement and cultivation throughout tkoUnion. If it is conceded, as we belleVe it will be in the end, that Western renneylrattia is entitle' to tho United States Senator, wo be lieve we apes{ the sentiments of two-thirds of the Democracy of the Wotan part of the State, when we any that he is their choice against all competitors—because he is popular, has all the requisite qualifications, and as a national Dem ocrat is without suspicion or fault, and unstain ed by a single dereliction, from the straight for ward,"` ionest and ti right line of his duty to his constituents, is State, the Democracy, and the Union. [From the Philadelphia Ledger.) FLoun mum Pirresuacia.—The Pittsburgh Chronicle says : The agent of the Baltimore Railroad is send ing forward flour at $1,30 to Baltimore $1,65 to New York, and $1,75 to Beaton. The flour in spector, 61r."8 D. Forte - , for this port, makes return that, for the month of Ootober, 11,687 barrels and half barrels were inspected-427 barrels of whioh were found deficient in weight from twelve to fifteen pounds to the barrel. A great deal comes in as branded extra from the country, which upon inspection Is found to be only superfine or scratched, or even sometimes middlings. We don't see what „ the agent of the Balti• more Railroad" moans by narging $l,BO, when our Pennsylvania Central only asks $l,OO to Philadelphia. Perhaps the Chronicle is speak ing for one of Wheeling papers, without giving its authority. The quantity inspeeted here, too, is twenty thousand barrels, or nearly twice the amount stated; and who is Mr. Fatter The f33ar inspector's name at this point is Culp. Our Philadelphia Wel:operatics should be care ful of the Chronicle's soissors. Like the white man, they are mighty ruattartain. Tus Dascosu - s CODS IN VESMONT —A bill has been introduced into the Vermont House of Re presentatives, by Mr. Robinson, of Beareburgh, to prevent the traffic: in intoxicating liquors, • nisAteg the chard offence wah DSATII. It was referred to the committee on the liquor law. A great deal of virtuous Indignation was expressed by Abolition prints at the Kansas Legislature (or proposing an equally bloody oode ; but, then it was attributed entirely to the bratalle ng ef fects of slavery. Now we find Vermont—Aboll tion Vermont—almost the only State in the Union that has thrown off her allegiance to the Federal Constitution—proposing an equally Ban gainary law on the subject of temperance. When men make any one thing the sole princi ple in their creed—whsther slavery, tot:operant:is, or abolitionism—they become fanatios and run into extremes. Bat we will see whether the Black Republican prints have as much horror to express of the Draconian Code when it is at tempted to be introduced into Vermont as when proposed In Kansas. S IMATOIL &MN BR'S Fa MIMS —When Hon . Charles Sumner was in Kentucky last summer, he acknowledged that his previous impressions of the peculiar institution were incorrect. It was his first visit to the Bouthoiod he oonfessed how disappointed he was to fled everywhere so much happiness and contentment among the slave population. This, the Louisville Courier declares, was hie uniform expression when asked for his opinion ln the South. Rocehtly, how ever, on tue eve of the election in Massachusetts, he delivered himself of the following :—" No words were too strong to depict the enormity of slavery. He had seen a human being knocked off at emotion as if ho had been a horse, and other horrors, including personal injuries to the slave." Mr. Sumner is a demagogue, and can not see any " good come out of Nazareth " if It would interfere with the prospeots of northern Abolitionists. He lives on the agitation of the slavery question, and he will do It, right or wrong. MASBACIII7I3SITO ELBOTION.-I0 three hundred and nineteen towns in Massachusetts the vote stood as follows for Governor, compared with 18 , 54 : November, 1864. Henry Wilson, RepnbHain H.. J. Gardner, Know Nothing..... E. Washbnrne, Whig H. W. Bishop, Wmoorse Tot vote November, 1865 Julius Rockwell, Republican .. H. J. Gardner, Know Nothing. B. H. Willey, Whig - E. D. Beach, Democrat Total vote MARYLAND ELscrrtos.—Ttris state seems to have gone against the Damocraoy. To Congress J. A. Stewart, Dem., is elected from the let District; 24 Distriot, J. B. Rioaud, A ; 81 Die trict, J. Morrison Harris, A.; 4th District, 11. Winter Davie, A ; sth District, 11. W. Hoffman, A ; Gth Distriot, T. J. Bowie, Ind. Whig. The Americans elected their State offioers and the county officere for the pity and oounty of Balti more. That party has also a lav;e majority in the Legislature. CONOILEBBIONAL AND DAILY GLoBB.—John C. Rives will commence the publ cation of the Daily Globe with the opening of the session, and fur nish it for the mission at s6—for the whole year at $lO. The Congressional and Appendix for, the session will be furnished at s6—or two oopiee each for $lO. The Weekly Globe for the session ie sl—or $2 per annum. The Globe reporte are invaluable. New York lineation. (Prom the Sunday Hereld.l The Know Noteing vote continues to pile up, as the returns come in, a , d there in now no rea son to doubt the complete success of the entire American ticket, with the exception of one of the Judges of the Court of Appeals. According to our latest returns they have upwards of eleven thousand purality over the fusionists, and nearly three times that namber over the soft shell candidates. The following is the ag gregate vote as far as received : Gocarnor, 1884. &c. q/ Slate, 1886. Clark, Whig 160,804 King, fusion..... ....... 74,796 Ullmann, K. N 122,282 Headley, K. N 89.417 Elaymour, soft- 168,4961 Hatoh, soft- 53,186 Bronson, hard.. 43,860 i Wards herd 34,638 -470,05 Total— [From the Reading Gazette) Hon: J. Glancy Jones& It - is gratifying to know, that Berke county, in the person of her able representative, Hon. J. Glancy Jones, is thought of and named with honor, by the exponents of Demooratio senti ment abroad, itvionneetion with two high offices in the national•councils. The Pittsburgh PM, the leading Detneoratio orgao Western Penn sylvania, names Mr. Jones for. the Speakership of the House of Representatives, in very com plimentary terms. Naw YORK and Philadelphia papers Will be furnished to persons in this city desiring them, on the morning after publication, by Master Richard Shannon. 1.0710 a•,r4.: FRO II WASHINGTON- , TICIE sxca.teraniPia' REPORTS—THE NEXT SPRAWL b.TEWS-1 3 Y. TEt.,EGRA-Pil• A . A. CA.lllll}lll 5O. 0A.0.121111. —O.--- _ - / OF THE HOUSE—PROPOSITION FROM THE BOMB- irt,,,, .4"A - --- A. A. CARRIER 41k BRO., ERN KNOW, NOTIIINOS, _ ' . I ":' ';. , :i., .: , ,t•nplbAyt.. Expieplylgthefially Morning Post Rana nurtit and Smithfield street', ' PlUsburgh, ra.. . .. ~ - ~, ~6 . , ___-- . -_.t....—.. - —,----- - A G__ENTS vi aI3MMITON, N ov . io Luso. • ~- - - -' : - ii . • There is s he greactvit in all the departtnents, '- - 1'"73EUIT ' ir1111111 CILLIF°RNIA' I STATE in preparing ta n report, tai - Coo - eetar., I; , Najv VatielioveMber lta, T ,The steamship LIIITIIA.L FIRE AND HARTN2 ItUntAll aCO which are now tn an advanced iitatiaf ferward.' NertifettaightarriVed this - Alit:Wiling with Cali- - OW tit A 6 818 attaa. nesenese. It is_expeoted that these documents brats dates to the 20th ult. She brings no CAPITAL ......6350,0 00 . will pr„ve untianally interesting to the politician specie, the troubles on the Isthmus having ear and financier. They will embrace discursive ducted shippers to select the Aspinwall route. which - left San Franoie and elaborate views of subjects heretofore but ' The mail Steamship slightly noticed. The report from the Depart- oo on the 20th nit., had two millions of gold on board. meet of the Interior is autioidated with pecu liar interest. It will contain foots andireconli- All was quiet on the Isthmus; Walker and the menedations touching the condition and future Cliansafist party have agthed upon terms of prospects of the Indian tribes within _oar, terri- .o . eatie,,,nnti„,Gen.,,Riva has_litten ap_pointed Pres' tories, as cannot fall to enlist the feelings and ideal, - titter the declinatten of the latter, who interest the philanthropic. The Agricultural has been appointed Commander in-Chief of the Bureau of that Department is receiving, Nioaragua forces . Parker-H. French, formerly yearly, greater attention, and the forthoom- of the Sacramento Tribune, has been appointed coming communioatiou will present a ,more en - CommissarY of War. The people of Nicaragua •.Itirged report—eMbratting a detail of improve- appear to be pleased with the new state of at meets and successful experiments on that branch fairs, and no more trouble appeared. Colonel of our national industry—gleaned from an ex- Kinney remained at cireytown, and Gen. Walker tensivo correspondence with enlightened and is reported to be dispostpVto drive him out of the country. , i,..- enterprising farmers and planters throughout the country. This state paper will reflect muoh The steamship Sierra ads from San Juan honor upon the Secretary, Governor McClelland, arrived at San Francisc the fith ult.; during who Is a Pennsylvanian Bey birth. the trip she lost 45 pae ere from cholera ; e meeting of Congress will be fruitful in 1 only three of them ware cabin passengers. The lodian troubles continue in Oregon, and fre events. The preponderating number of . i t w em b ere‘ un k nown to taw, makes it ex . are growing quite scrim. Maj. Haller and his forces were surrounded 'by hostile Indians at a t e e gly di ffi cult for oar emid riunes to guess, with any likelihood of certainty, who wilt take point above Dallas, and were without food or the lead. Moreover, the Houste_avill present a water for 48 boars. Lien& Day in command of strange array of various intehlits, designated 160 men had been sent to,, relief. by quaint names, of He and Setts of New f !The steamship 061dert„Gate arrived at San York, Know Nothings, Republicans, Free Soil- Francisco oifithe 16th ult. ere, Democrats, and a slight admixture of old The steamship Cortex had not arrived on the line Whigs, which increases the puzzle to divine 20kb, when the steamship sailed. who will be uppermost. You may know, how- The_ U. 8. steamship Jeho Bauoock arrived at ever, for a certainty, that a abort time since, a Ben 'francitsoo from Petropanlowski, bringing deputation of Southern Know. Nothings were in news that the Russians Were at Amoor in great this oily, and- tendered a proposition to vote for force btltb _On sea and laMl,,an3 were anxious to Speaker and other officers from the Demooratio onset the allied fleet whidli was probably io the side of the House. They protested against any gulf of TarMry.. alliance with the Republicane or Free Boilers of ' The British steamer Baraeonta had been at the North, belonging to that organization or out I Alan and feud the Place deserted, but diseov of it. These gentlemen did not profess to be °red seoreted there goods belonging to the Ras authorized specially by any constituency at borne slistayttrosoMpany, Which were taken posscssinu to make such a proposit.on, but it was made, of. 'iPlesteamehip then proceeded to retropae and the party to whom it was made rejected lt, lowstki4tito which port she is reported to have alleging that their political faith would not entertirtith the Ameriee.n flag flying, and hav countenance one compromise —Phila. Ledger. log fire the town, she then left. When cli Eiizabeth island the Baracouta encountered at Bremen a brig having oil hoard 140 Russian of ficers and soldiers who were taken prisoners an I carried to Hong Kong Four hundred men under Capt. Fry, of Sacra mento, have left to join Walker on the 9th nit The Indiana on Roque River massacred over 60 whites. Major Fitzgerald pursued the Ind- ans. and overtaking them had a battle in which 30 Indians were killed, losing ten of Ilia own troops, Seven clippers froth the Atlant c ports ho I arrived at San Francisco, and their cargoes sal I readily. Business bad improved, and most ar doles of eastern merchandise wore paying fair profits. Domestic Flour was veiling at $9 l+O(o,. $10; Wheat $2,76. Clear Pork $42. Maas $28.50. The balance of tho treasure soak on board the steamship Yankee Wade =Quoting to $60,- 000 has been recovered. The 11. 8. District Court has decided the ease of State vs. Leectesilorff estate in fever of the mother and Anna Maria Sparks, who is a eitii• jeet of Denmark. The estate is immensely .al uable. Some of the " Baby Shows" in England seem to have teen attended with conaderablo fuss. Punch says they had their origin in the vulgar brain of a greedy American quack, and that, " A.e no decent woman of any class would take her infant into a crowd to be examined, handled, and pinched, as if it were an animal for sale, to have it weighed, and its little bones and muecles commented upon, its fat _wizened, and the gen eral process gone through with which farmers and butchers buy and eon their live stock, Air. Punch has no hesitation in neing rseguage upon the subject, which be would amnia° from em ploying,' were ho merely remonstrating with thoughtless persons." lie then copies an recount of the Withernsea show : After describing the orowd and the confusion which prefaced the examination of the candi dates, the reporter says— At half-past three the judges entered the building, and the previous quiet of the scene was changed into bustle and excitement. Nurses and mothers, with babies in their arms• fought their way through the crowd, and Meshed not beneath the fire of jokes. How all were safely settled without accident we know not. Those who know what it is to carry a child through a crowd may appreciate the ecette. li,timately the competi tore, on the laps of their mothers and name, were arranged all round, audio the centre of the building " That such ' °there and such nurses should no: ,' blush " be eath " the fire" of moil " jokes" as were likely to e launched on the occasion, we can well believe those who did not blush to be there at all had little to fear for their modes ty. The '•judges" proceeded to their Imamate non, and during this, Great 11016 C and confusion prevailed, and at tempts were frequently made to force open the front door. At about five o'clock the anxious duties J the judges were completed, and the children were placed in the orchestra, just in time, as the door was then foreod open, the Im patient crowd rushed in, and all order woe at no end." The bones and the fat and the weight of the poor little creatures having been duly tested, the decision as to the quarter in which Providence had acted most k ndly (the profanity of the af fair being another of Its amiable features) had to be announced. " Then iho uproar reached its height. The time for sweet eimporing to the judges was past. Tender lumbers expanded into viragoes, frantic protestations arose on all sides; unsuccessful to bus were held screaming up at arm'. length by the excited parents, and 0 jury was demanded. The uproar BOWSTET, became so Intense that the pro reo•er of the display, after handing over the Tierce to the parents of the enceessfed compou• tore, left Bull without delay, fearing that aoy longer stay might perchance prove personally disagreeable." (We heartily wieb that the " frantic" women had fielehed the display by dragging the fel low through the foulest borne pond in the neigh borhood, but this par parenthere.) Such is the treatment to which the babies are exposed—a hot crowd, a frightful noise and riot, and personal ill treatment. These are the boons proffered to babies by baby shows. We gave Borne verses from Punch the other day commemorative of the Westin event.— My Lord Ernest V,ne, in consideration of the gross outrage ties fined five pounds by the ma gistrate : Lord Ernest Vane Tempest likes to enjoy him• self. He loves, like other young gentlemen, to go behind the suttee of the Windsor Theatre, and chat with the ballet girls, and twirl his moustache to the admiration of poor actors, who behold in him the reality of the titled parts they play. Presently, however, my Lord Er nest gets tired of talking to Jenny and Katy and astonishing poor Busk, the third walking gen tleman, so he takes to a more phyeloal style of recreation. He kinks the first carpenter he meets ; he blanks the eyes of the call boy.— Presently up comes the Manager, Mr. Albert Nash, and, to his utter oaten:ailment, the first intimation be reoeives of Lord Ernest's pres senee is from that young nobleman breaking hie stick across his back. The manager, poor fellow, acoustomed to have loads on his should ers, does not wish to disturb the audience, so he puts up with the blow. The manager is then dressing for the last piece, when he bears that our splendid young nobleman is toning his way into the ladies' dressing-room. He sends his stage manager to remonstrate, but without ef fect He then ventures himself to beard this beardless young life-guardsman. He was told in succinct language to depart for realms not usually mentioned la good society. Mr. Mana ger Nash, reluctantly, sends for a policeman, and when that worthy arrives, oar ohivalrie young nobleman marohos quietly out. He steals back again, however, and once more meets Mr. Manager Nash. The scene takes place at the top of a steep stairs leading down in those gloomy vaults beneath the stage, whence the demons of melodrama ascend, and the °robes tra refreshes itself with intermittent mugs of beer. " You dared to send a policeman to me," says Lord Ernest to Mr. Manager Naeh. "Now I will break your infernal neck for you ; I'll kill you!" He then holds the manager over the edge of the dark gulf. Poor Mr. Naeh while trying to escape implores for mercy and cries, " For God's sake, don't kill me in oold blood !" But the ire of the Tempests is up, and the young ruffian hurls the manager with all his force down tht trap, where, fortunately, he is saved from death by a young man below, who breaks his fall. Seeing that he has not killed the poor manager, this cowardly youttheoun drel follows down the stairs, and pummels Nash in the face while he lies stunned on the ground. Eventually, our manly young nobleman is drag ged away from the helpless body of the man ager, whom he has not Allied this time. He was then given into custody, because the sol diers of his regiment, heering that their officer Mos being insulted, were forcing their way on the stage, and the manager feared a collision between the military and civilians. These are the plain details of an occurrence that took place at the Windsor Theatre on Friday, the 29th of September, between Lord Ernest Vane Tempest, a son of the Marquis of Londonderry, and an officer in the 2nd Life-guards, and Mr. Albert Nash, the manager of that establishment. 6,463 81.608 27,279 13,642 . .88,789 -61,787 _18,470 ...86,018 Parton on Baby Snows Au English Lord's Prlrlt•ge Ttuairsatvisa.—Thie appointment has now been made in the following Statue : Virginia. Nov. lb Massachusetts. Nov. 29 NI aryl.. nd. " 16 Connecticut.-- ..... .. " 29 Florida " 22 Rhode Inland 111 29 Pennsylvania " 22 New York • ~, 29 Ohio " 22 Missouri_ if 29 Illinois " 22 Wisconsin " 29 lowa-. •• 22' Michigan Maine-- " 72 Texas Delaware. " 22 Indiana.. New Hampabir: "29 WM= William 13a,galey, itichard Floyd. 3 mates M. Cooper, Snatml M. Kier, tinmnel Kea, Wilibitra Bioiham, Robert Doolnp,jr., J,,,L0 S. Dilworth, I,astr SI. Prooc. , :k, Fran,AAS, , Ddr3, N. Ilarbanch. J. Achn,mmoser, Walter Bryant, William B. Maya. J,.bo. Shibv , l3. M I ssissippi Klestil:in. _ WASEILMITON CITT, Nov. 12. —it i 3 rep:4MP, I , Pennsylvania Insurance Company here on thy authority cf dispctches from Jack ok , PITTe.I3I:ItOH, eon that all the Democratic members of Can Corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets. grass in Miesippi are elected. Tee L^gi.latu.ie AVTIIORIZKD Cll'lrAL. 8300.000. id Democratio by 30 majority. Too Democratic ...1P r.--i' I ..-*N I B.ii'll°,:' I'n' , r i"r Pr9-Trti II;III.IA 1 . 4 " "Ftl-,--:/ or DAMS., by }of, and the Dv:fir of the Ben nod state ticket hae a majority of . .101)(). i n:mrtid baligutio,, and rtill,poreliti , Cl DlttheTelte: OW - Bale of Dr. WLartets Vern:alto ge.-- Among the huoirsda of lettere, rrillex.tee end ~ r11•Ica milted by the proprietor. of thtr ft,llPartuz, ara aatecte.4 to allow its character, and th. rtrir ct s•a ',a a distant part of the West. t.LOO•i, lkeette Co , t. , NI ay 10,1.1.00 Moen. J gl DA 430.--Ocniternen—l ertle )..“ .( ron . cit .0 mg -nary for Um Ifi•alomble Fern[: ug« yell Net are Some time tlors, I purchatell one [tow:. 'Jar. of Mr. C. proscribed it In my pr.ctice ; aad It Pruved w tar turd to O. orpsartab+of yorma, that o rthrr 1.r.7.a.r..t . u50 soutfy pas mtisercif iti this rslictgr and vlciatty. Piro.* seni ma one gross of theNtamtfuge imme4ta lee, lours, dr , N! PEOV.DLIVeII, Tenn., Jotc 1, la 51,15214. J. Ku 4 Ca—rleat.e•eurf the. Vernufug.• f r 11. MIMM se patMble, tte Ye an. Ural'lf cu:. and r?, ftr is u rely great.. Wr 144,14 1.1 :4. :41 "44. t.... 1 crtutru,,, eZIE=T Purcbasers wlu be careful tc auk for Ur. ..I.''/-ane's Ceeleveed Perentjuge, [eke cc - ue else. AU :lte, Tcivi lu in coreparist ts, are worthlea;. Dr !Plane's genuine Vennifuge, care Pill,, can now be be I at ell reope,tat, Drug Vtoree the United /Rate, end t anode.. Alto, (or eel. by the Ito ri • tor", r Baer •ittore to J. noel:taste No. 60 Wood etroet. oorter of Feurth Inhalation for Dtaeased Lungs. The mode of Inhale Lion, to ca., of Onoese.l longs and throat, recommended by Dr. Curtis in his advertist ment, strike! us as the true one. It is now .conerally admitted 17 oar best pLyeicians, that 4.11 difticul. , ” can only be too- easefully treated by loco/ applirations. This prsetke hoe been pursual from the first with respect to external In gem. matinen and corrosions, and we see not why diseasesot the throat and lungs may not be treated In the same manner: we believe they may. In this variable climate of our?, when lung and throat complaints hare bex.rao ro preva. lent and rife, coo earnestly recommenl to the public, and to the afflicted arpecial/p, to avail themselves of Dr. Curthi renedy.—(One who has tried itj Bee advertisement In this paper. Oxutzon—Da. Costuf HYG KA N A la the original and only genuine arttria. sopl2wdbor 02 - /lose and Fever of Three V•are Standing Cared...slr. J OLIO Longdeu, now living at Beater Dam, Hanover county, near Richmond, bed Ague and Fever for three yearn; mos: at LI, tine he had chills twice • day, and rarely lees than coca. be was parched with fevers GA soon as the chill lett him , end after trying physicians, quinine, most of the tonics adratised, and evorythins recommended to him, was abut to give up In despair, when Oartar'e Spanish Allx,ure was spoken of in. got two bottles, but before he had need more than a single o ne, he eat perfectly cured, and has not had a chill or / evar nines. Ur. Lontden is only one out of thousand, who have been banented by this great tonic., alterative kad blood pa' Bee advertisement sep4:llu Stir !Stockings and Hosiery for Winter. —lf you don't vent your feet pinched with bad and short Stockings, you will take our advice and go to C. DALY'S, corner of Market alley and Fifth street, and boy eorne cf those elegant Fine Stockings, that make your feet feel nice and comfortable. DALY also makes and sells every vari ety of goelory that you can mention, al wholesale act retail Remember the place, corner of Market alloy an I Fifth street. oct,t Xi' Batchelor's Flair Dyc.,—. No bah fa to) red, Dona tco frowey, gray or ruety, to be made teauttf oily black or brown Instantly, without the lout Injury to hair or MOIL. WANBANTBD. Made and troll, or applied, (In mine private rooms,) at BATOHELOIt'd Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. . . . . Fold, wholesale and retell, by rr. ZO. B. KEYBER, 140 Wood street. noyB:dee Received, at Grlbble 9 e, a splendid antortment of Pall and Winter Goode, of every description, conflating of Pinsk, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Galin Vestings, Doeskin and Nancy Cassimeres, Cloths, Overcoat. ings, &a, &a Also, Gents' Furnishing Goole in great vari ety, which will be sold low for cash. No. 240 Liberty street. eepl7 OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD T HE ONLY RAILROAD RUBBING WEST PROM PITTSBURGH. Tat lest Tteta 11951 , 038 it 2 A. M.. through to Cinclonati In 12 bourn and 40 minutes. Men Tnegt LLLVIS et 8 A. 81 Waits TRAIN " AT BP. Ed These Trains all make close connections at Crestline, and the first two connect at Alliance. Tbc direct route to St. Louis is now open, vie. Crestline and Indianapiclie, 100 miles' shorter than via. Cleveland. Connections AM made at Manaela with the Newark and Sandusky City road ; and at Crestline with the three roads concentrating there For particulars see handbills. No trains run on Sunday. Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Louisville St. Louts, lndfanepoßq Chicago, Back Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the principal Towns and Cities in the West. The NEW BRIGIITON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave Pittsburgh at 4.46 P. M., and New Brighton at 7.30 A. M. For Tickets and further information, apply to J. 6. CURRY, At the oorner office, under the Alanongahela [Jones- Or, at the Federal Street Station, to GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh, July 23, 1866. 0924) HATS, HATS.—We have received our FALL STYLE OF SILK HATS, which will be found, on in repetition, a neat and good article. A good at for is, and an extra one for $4. Call and see. MORGAN & CO., No. 184 Wood st., Next home to the new Presbyterian Church, espB One door from Sixth street. &reap. at NO. 104 Wood Street,* and ex araineinir stook of SOFT HATS and WINTER CAPS. Just received, a large lot of Shanghai, Celestial, and other styles of Caps, which we will sell low r cash. °die MORGAN A 00., Itld Wood street. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURARCI. UvairAlSini OF PHILADDLPIIIA. CAPITAL $300,000 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA, WISCHEBTELL, VA. CAPITAL • -...:5300,000 CONNECTICUT IAUILIAL LIFE INBURANCE COMPANI HARTFORD, CORN. c 11.7 CAPITAL AND ASSETS $2,154,4131:0 EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOIIN 3. B.3OENRERGER,Pmmtntr. ROBERT FINNEY, BWILIITAXI7. C. W. BATCHELOR, 0Z:166.AL Amor. WILL INSURE: AGAINST' ALL KINDS 0r MARINE AND FIRE RISKS. DIRECTORS: J. IL Ehoenberger, 0. W. Cass, C. W. Batchelor, W. K. Nimick, Isaac M. Pennock, T. B.l3pdlke, W. W. Martin, R. D. Cochran, 11. T. Leech, Jr., John A. Caughey, George E. 6elien. 6. S. Bryan, David McCandless. . . ...... _ ..83/' All Losses SUFLltirlf'd by parties insured under poli cies Issatud by this Company will be liberally adjusted and promroY raid at Its 081., N 0.99 WATER street. I Jyii PITTSBUH.43II Lit°, Yire and Marine Insurance Company; CORNER OF WATER A\D MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. J/3. itecrrtary-. 5. his (:...mpany makes every insurance appertaining to or eoenected with LIFE RISKS. A ino, against Hull and Cargo Rieke on the Ohio and 111e eissippl rivers and tributaries, and Sistine Rieke generally. dud araluat Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. eeli , iet , hunted at the lowest retro consistent with safety to u.:l parties. DIAICT01:8: Robert Galway, Aleiander Bradley, JemesB.l.lc , oo, John Fullerton, ho Samuel id'Clntkan, l'hilllps, James W. Hallman, John Sort. Chao. Arbuthuot, Joseph P. (Jamem, NI. D., David Richey, James Ba7ahe I, John Bora N. in., iiittr.ntung. febl7 WESTEiiN FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY NEW LISBON, 01110. 91 J. lIUNTER, Aorzet, Bt. Charles Bull ling, No. 10' Third street, Pittsburgh. orricsas: F. A. BLOCH-110M, President. JAMES BURDICK, Vice Preeldeu'. LEVI MARTIN, Secretary and Tres, arer. PITTe6O6OII BIirs&ZIMIS: James W. Woodwall, Jr ? ?lumm,r, James Icood, K .11iddle, Juo. V. ilarhaugh, Dr Yu°. K. Park, Wm. Mana, Birmingham, Dawson, Nowmryer ACo h f. t t t ' a r b l u Z lrg rt h S : a li 2u ß r .il n .t c L a llY U , ° P m Fl:nnt): o! ?AMU V.L L ?I A ItSIS YLL, Secretary. Offlu: 94 1H.:1.7 ~ ,<!tre, n e! r t i Wood.d.rtaa. Irourro HULL and CARGO Risks, en the , Ohlo and Mbiais• elppl ittrerr and I ribatarira. Insurer. egainet Lora or Untnagr by Fire. ALSO—Against the PerUr of the Sea, and Inland Nartga• Hon and Transportation. W Johniaton, Ito,/ J aoob Painter, A. A Carrier, W. 11t1 nLuck, J P. Tannar, Eltn*lh. 'N D. F. Park, I 4.,r1., Wll.l- Elaruptun, U. NL Long, A J J. It. Coggahall, OFFICERS: Pr•sv.f.-rd F. J,I.:II.titITON. Vico Pf.n.d,nt. ItODY FATTLKi , ON. See c and 75-en.rur, A A. CA ILRI j . _ British and Continental Exchange. SMUT El DR AWN BY DUNCAN, 1511ERM AN 6i. CO. ON THE UNION BASK, LONDON In Prms or It AND UPRAIIDS. rillirdiE DEA YTA r.“1,11.1:1A nt a!I tb« prbaciprl Tor no or ENG LAN D, .SOOT LAN D an 1 lI:ELAND, arJ the KIN f We nano draw atunT BILLS on M. A. Ormaebarana @ BAWD, FR ANK FO /IT A MAIN, Which eerre It.‘ > RAMittll.l3, to all parta of GERMANY, SWVIZERI.AND end U . I.L.,alat). Fermi, intending to Ira, el abraa,l may procure, througb ue, Letters of Cre it. 11,iney can be obtained, xe no•-thal. to mar part of Eurole. Coi.terrioit . t III;lr, N. - ‘ter, x .1 e. her aeedritien in Ito rope, vein ree. ire prom - ,t ettenli(lo W3l. it. W l ,l_l,lA'ilfi 03, Wr,i.e.arorr 1 Llr 1 .treet. El= Will. B. HAYS & CO., HAMS, SIDES & MOULDERS LARD, LARD !qt., DRIED BEET, SUti AR-CORED and CANVASSED II A J.l. S A large etc,: %heap , oil hand at 297 Liberty street, PEARL STEAM MILL, A L E. ti II EN Y. AD`PLOQ It DELI V KIIED Y A h :either of tio tyro Ci tie?, 0.DL.1 1, may be left at the Mill, or In boxes at the attires of I kOAN, XVI LEON A CO.. 62 Wcod street. Hitt UN .t IttlTltt, ner Lilwrty a rhi Et. Clair ete It. P. r , "CtlftAllll., Druggist, Allegheny. mate, CASIt, on 1)1[1.1V:ft:T. BRYAN, KENNEDY /V CO. 111. , 111 - rlllee C;)lnpalty CB %TUB rearrruAL—UAANTII , La 11l bIAT/i or PlNlftrLveme Chartered Capital, $500,000. FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND TRAIN - Se° uTATION AARON B. LIPPINCOTT, President. ORRIN MORELS, Pueretary. GEORGE YOUNG, Treasurer. DMA:3OIM Aaron 8. Llppinco:t, Win. B. Thomas, Mahlon Gillingham, William Nea', Nicholas! ii. Teylor, Adred Weeks, Orrin hogers, Ei ...rod E. Jones, Joseph Healy, James V. Smyth. Ali — This Company has been orisoulsed with a Cash Capi tal, and the Directors hove de.taz tinned to adapt the business to its •valtable resource=_. To observe prudence in conduct log its ntraire. with a prompt adjustment of losses. l'ilToill; IOU! oFFIOE, No Oa Water street. .1. NEWTON JONES, Agent. The I,llowing woil k DM' II ant respona hie firma in Pitts burgh hare authorized reference to them, with regard to the stability and soundueLs of the hiermrsortihatte' looLF LIANCC eIbIIPANT. drainer & itahrn, Geo. P. Smith & Co., Joneit, Tiernan & Co., ruins OOM P ANY effects Fire Insurance on Buildings, GOOKJA, PUrni ure, Ic. Marine insurance on Vessels, Oargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, by Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally. Also, Insurance upon Lives, upon the most favorable The character of the above Company is of the brat class, and combines the rare and unusual privileges of Fire, Ma rine and Life Insurance. Gentlemen of elevated standing are associated In its management, and interested as Stockholders- THOMAS .1. HUNTER, Agent, 1)27 it Charles Building, No 108 Third et. BEING TUE Continuation of the Ohio and Penna. R. R TO FORT WAYNE, xi- Truing connect at Coastline, without detention, with the Trams on the Ohio and Perna. Road, and also at Forest with Trains going North and South, on the Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad. _ For Tickets, apply at the Railroad Offices of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Pittsburgh, 2,j1, gbeny City, or at any of the following points: Fort Wayne, Beliefontaine, Cincinnati, Urbana, Dayton, Springfield, Indianemoila, Richmond, Tiffin, Findlay. Persona desiring Tickets will be particular to aak . for a Ticket by the Ohio and Indiana Railroad. led J R. STRAUfiIIAN, Supt. Boarding W anted. A YOUNG MARRIED MAN wishes to find Boarding fn /1 himself 111:111 wife in a private family, or where thate are very few boarders. All communications should be addr.sed to "A. 8.," through the Post Office. norliklw , , DEALERS IN BACON, Ptrrsucscn, Plum's. MARINE INSURANCE FIRE. RISKS. Wilson. Childs & 00., Ilumro on Campbell, 11. Chiles 4, Co. FARMERS' ANL) ➢MECHANICS' LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE insurance Company, OF PLULAUNLVIIIA. Cuplt'd Amouut Bdcuroly invested DIILECTOILB Hon. Thomas B. Florence, James E. Noell, George IL Armstrong, Charles Dinßes, FA. P. 7+llddleton, E. R. llelmbold, Cleorge Fiolmtwld, Fred. C. Brewster, Thomas Manderfield, loan' Leeeh THOMAS B. PLORItZiCkI, President EIMULD R. lIISLIIIIOLD, Secretary. PITTSBURGH 1111PERENO&S. Hon. T. M. Howe, Hon. J R. M'Cllntoek, Hon. P. O. Shannon, Col. B. W. Black, lion. J. B. Guthrie, A. B M'Calmont. Thom,. J. Keenan, Seq., M'Candless, Beg., Col. J. Heron Foster, Gen..). K. ]forehead. R. M. Riddle, OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD, ~ : NEW ADVERTLSEMENTB GRAND VOCAL AND LNSTRUMENTAI4 C Vo N . 'V ER T I On Frids7 I v entng, . : Nov. 1611 t, 1855. AVlrKgr:LAitearirrE,Hau.. „ TBE undersigned 'beg leave to announce that they will give a grand FOOtals AND INBTRII/dICNTAL CON CERT, w h.re the Bassone, an instrument never beard be. fore In this city, and which resembles too human voice in a perfect manner, will be Introduced. lickele at .60 cents can be had at the Muaio Store of Messrs. 11. • Kleber & Bro., Fifth etreet Poore open ot 7 o'olook ; Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. For programme, see emelt hills Signor G. PAGNONCELL I/treat/F-1 p.lussuetoar, moist: .j!..C. puroarolamotte s .-Pupil at the calf. [brated Taxabarini. 1111311 WEER IN PITTEMBOR ! EXCURSION TO 1411cW., YORK CITY 1 DULLARD'S. PANORAMA OF NEW YORK VITY rwass the spectator over six miles through the Streets cf New York city, faithfully showing the ; lIIIHMESB, num, and 4:10N1178103 of city life. He has a view of over seven hundred Home and Carriages, and ttpleards of TAN THOUSAND OF ITS PEOPLE! ProcessionS, Military Campatdas, Bands of Mimic, Shipping, fileamboata, etc. At each exhi , on an Explanatory Lecture will be W given by 51r. Doer, ace of the proprietors, et-Albert Norton, or H. M. Spautding..giving much trainable knowledge of -NEW YOLK.ANDITS PEOPLE, Of great Importance to a stranger, and of general : and in ttructive information to everybody. Will exhibit at litasonic Ball, Pittsburgh, Every evening to, and including Saturday, November 21, end each Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon curing. Mae:time, at 3 o'clock. On Thursday, November THAIIe4GIVING Ma, the Panorama will he exhinttaa raau TIXLICS-100 / 6 o'clock In the farVII001:11, S in the after• noon, and m the evening. TLe Evening Exhibitions commence at 7% o'clock. . Air Admission, 25 count; children 15 cents. Partied of fire persons, $L ninl3.l24tbo NEW A.ND DIRECT ROUTE, .~, FROM PITTSBURGH TO Oolembue, Indianapolis, Chicago Cincinnati, %Yew Barite, Rack Island, Louisville, Vinesmnee. lowa City, St. Lo Romantik, Dubuque, Dayton; Cairo, Galena, Xenia, Memphis,' Peoria, Zanesville, Vieksburgh, Peru, Newark, New Oriente, AIM Till I , 6IIICIPAI Cl7llB IN VA VMS AND SOUTH, STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA RAILROAD Which is now completed and in sucteseful operation be tween Steubenville and Newark, 0. Combining Railroad and Steamboat facilities, this route Wan to the traveler a degree of comfort unrivalled by any mad running west from Pittsburgh. Fall Arrangement. On and after MONDAY, November 6th, 1855, A DAILY LINE Ot elegant and swift running steamers, commanded by ex perienced and accommodating officers, will leave Pittsburgh every day at 6 P. M. VENTURE —.---.... Captain Oordon. CLARA do Gordon. agit- Pssaangera sleep on board, and reach . Steubenville at t 7 o'clock the following morning--.Nunecting with the Lest troth at 7:11. A. at, making direct connection with trains for all the above cities—thee obtaining a comforts. tie night's rest, and avoiding the fatignos of nigh! trarelty rcircad. .CI? Pare se Cheap se by any other railroad route. For Through and Local Tickets,' and further information agoire of JOHN J. HOUSTON, Na 116 Water street, Pittsburgh. GEO. W. FULTON, Superintandeut L. DEVENNY. General Agent. novl3 TO MEN OF THE GO-AHEAD STRIPE! -r) ROPOSITIONS will be received Pr the following work, which must be put through on the lightning civets line, and those who do not travel in this train ars requested not to notice this advertisement: TO CiL AZI OEM All the window each regaled, and glass put In, of the WADY budding known as the old glass works of 14.1tanen. Pears d Co. A good and substantial !ends put around the yard, eight feet nigh, and poste well secured In the ground; all the doors repaired, (locks furl:Ostia:lo the roof secured by shingles Ac.; sky Lights and door repaired, and other items done. AU the brick, rubbish and dirt rennoTed ; cupola taken &Aro ; brick floor taken up on Bret story, and all brick a..: led and piled up in the yard ; the whole building and yard thoroughly aleanted. TO WHITEWASHZES. The whole Inside whitewashed; the cundde painted with staczo wash. (Recipe given.) La ge, nest, tasty and handsome lettrzing done on end wad eldee of the beliding. A good, felthfril,srusty and careful night watch by the psi,. No one will le acceptable who usealiquor, beer or rider, or smokes tobacco in any form. The toupui Olds, and footeat and best men will take preces deuce. and when agreed, it moat bo put through with light ning speed. The slow coach system won't suit In this job on any condition's, and those who move in that line will please bestow their patronage upon the old fogy system. 43 - Tome rf payment cash. end the work must be done ojeeopig, thoroughly, or:iciest/sly and promptly, and right rtra!ght along. knquire at Masonic Hall. noel ii.dt WARWICK. ATTERBURY A CO Wanted immediately. SiOrT DIISILIABLE SITUATION is now obtainable for a man of the pc-ahead stock—one who does not travel in the old each line. A man of business ability, nervo, energy, good sound Judgment, experience, talent, tart, unquestioned and unquestionable integrity, and rood cannon sense, 1. waisted to take charge of a most ex irnsive buidnesa. Finanelering, boot-keeping, buying. selling. and other inidiental and collateral matters, will afford ample scope and a large area for the full de -el opulent of his mental and business resources. To one of rite right stamp, a most liberal Falai' and permanent situ. stion is subject to the orderforthwit h. Enquire of n0v1.1.3t GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AT L. EILRSIFIFI6I.II & SON'S, No. 70 Wood street. IT AvING just returned from New York, and received all IT new styles of grods that arrived by the last steamer, we offer the folioNring for inspection : Gloves, Gauntlets, Cravats, Surfs, Opera and Oxford Ties, Cambric and Si:k Eiandkerthiefa, Undershirts and Drawers, Illulibirs and Shawls, Traveling Shawls. Shirts made to order; alro, every style on hand. To. golber with a full assortment of goods in our line. New styles of goods received by each steamer from En ror.e. L. IlillSidnisLD at SON, N 0.70 Wood at., novl3 between Fourth U. and I lamend alley. TM & citizens or Pittsburgh and Allegheny county will hereby take notice that my wife, MARY LIGUTNItit, hes left my bed and board without any jail canoe or provo cation, and that after this date I will not pay any debts contracted by hsr. MICHAEL n0v13:31. 85.10 N idE'S SALE OF LOT IN THN CTIR or ALLIVEINNT. —On Thurs lay evening, Nov. 15th, at 8 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, will be sold by order of 0. W. Kobb, Assignee of N. M. Eandford, all that certain lot of ground, No. 19 in plan of lots laid out by Robert Ilarlep, situate in the Third Ward of said city, baring a front cf 25 feet on Fairmount street, anti extending back WO feet n rlB P. 51. DAVIS, hanit'r. VALUABLE STOOBB AT ,AUCT10N......0u Thursday efening, Nov.lsth, at 1% o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, will be Gold 12 abases Ohio and Penna. Railroad Co.; 1.5 do Hand street Bridge 00. noTI3 I'. 51. DAVIS. Auctioneer. g_j OLLASID PLOWER HOOTS AT Anotton.—On Friday rt morning, Nov. 113ttt, at 10 o'clock, sttho Commercial S.les Rooms, cot nee of Wood and Fifth streets, will Deltoid 000 packages of the choloeat Ilyacinths, Tulips, Lilies, Cns ous, 30 , suitable for fall planting. Catakigno+ can be had on day of tale, Inov12) P. Al DAVIS, Anct'r. JOLL BLit CER-2 bbla prima tidy day recaved ane for IL Rale by rno , rlBl HENRY 11. COLLINS. INSICED OlL—This day receired and for 821 e by A nyvl3 HENRY _IL COLLINS. ERCHANT TAILOR, Third street. next door to Die- LV patch Buildloin thankful for the very liberal pa t:conga heretofore bestowed upon him, begs leave to ask a continuance of the reale, as he is now better prepared than eTer to furnish his friends and customers with garments Which will insure entire satisfaction. lie always keeps on handa largo amiortmentof the latest et 3 les of VESTINGS, CAB3lldßltEd, CLOTHE, do, which Nria bn rands to order on the nhorteat notice, upon reason able terms. trg— A perfect fit always warranted. [novleetf Fashionable Flats lucid Caps, AT LOW PECCIES. WILSON & BON, Ne. 91 Wood street, respectfully in r) . torm the imblie that they have a large assortment of ills latest styles 0f fiats and Oaps, which they will sell at low prices for Cann. N. B.—Just received, a new style of Ladies' Riding nate and Caps. [novlol J. WILSON et SON. .5300,000 .8200,000 BilLB EXTRA AND FAMILY FLOUR; 1,./ kJ 1000 bushels Rye; 50 bbls Rye Flour; 50 Ws prime Leal Lard ; In store and for sale by WALLACE & I¢IAIIDINEIt, novlo.dl2t 286 'Liberty street. • PEKIN TEA STORE, No. 38 /Via street. T OVERING'S WHITE MIMI at 10 coats lb. Prime Rio (Mee at 13ii coats 18 lb. B. !AYRES. skorB DR. H. J. BO ttILEIT TD, No. 18 Fourth street, Palibtrrgh, OFFIOI.B bis valuable FI3.F.NOR 11.101.11 DY, welch is unfailing in the cute of all these painful and danger ous disorders to which the Female constitution fe subject. It moderates alt excess, and remove all obstructions—in. rigorates the debilitated and delimits, by regulating and strengthening the system, and fortifies the constitution for the duties of life. TO MARIUED LADIES It is peculiarly suluxi, as it will in b short time remove obstructions ! We are not of the number who believe and act in accord ance with the belief that long and elaborate detail gives weight and dignity to objects of either momentous or trivial import; we incline to the contrary opinion, and hold that simplicity and truth invest each as are worthy of any attention, in decidedly the most-rich and comely colors. In the present instance, our great desire is to be understood by those who may loot to no for information, all else being considered of minor importance. Bee circulars. rat-Mice hours, from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. friov9:3lll. Splendid Harm for Sale, rkl? 170 ACRES, within one and • half miles of the 1,/ village of Bruceton, Preston county, Va. The im provements are about 130 acres newly cleared, and under good fence; a new two-story Dewed-log home and frame barn; well watered by never-failing springs. A good Coal Bank open, out of which the yearly playmenr can be made without taking anything false off the farm. Bitty of - the beat grafted fruit, and ten old trees of the common sort. There are sixty acres of the very bast bottom or meadow law I, and plenty of-timber. T 111111.—51,600 for the whole tract. $5lO in hand .the balance, $llO per year without interest. Por further partic ulars, enquire of JAB. 18/1,19, 78 Diamond, Pittsburgh. noviklOt IrSTERN LANDS--30,000 Amu 'or WM aid=wo Lmess.—We are authorized to offer for mho' the above lands in the middle and northern comities of lows, in Farms of 40, 80, or 180 acres each. Apply to BLAKELY & RICHEY, corner of Seventh end Smithfield sta. 4 Lend Warrants wanted. (nOlB -, ~ . e•,..,. .- .'7., ..,i,'... ENZM TO CARPENTERS. TO JOBBERS. SIGN PAINTEIM TO WATCHMEN' A. P. nit., Counsellor at Law, 4th street,Pittsbargh Second_ Arrival of EIME= U. P. Shope, I F !~ ~' f ~e. . • h~ PEI - Ott' tek:.;:ilit44l.,E A0..38,. Fltth 9 its • gar Gar reen and' Black Ttnek eirralgiul to ~ ..". gam. i , =rem Pawns.: - 4 '. , . ~. i Oolong-50 8 62, 75, and hetet Yaiitiguysit=lo_,el,, t4 l!, and 1 fame a meaty gl vi ge1k1itY1 1 ... .......,... jm ‘l lb ' 76 0 iii,wi s r and Gunpowder -- -,... - .'s ' !made'? et_.....••••.• - • - -._ , , . ort, 6 - 4 Ni aritl..s l lexm and $l.. il w.-. • .a. all grail' put lip la•matallie I Green Inl '' BliciCTeas ' bade , ' and will be sold'A the packages expiessly for the . . ~, ,_ ~..,; ... 2 k"v Clol2 P & ri t— c.93. Priate Jevi r' std- a C 4o 7 . ifirei._ 504 . - 6 ".... bad ma tias—Loveritg'e Str fdAnit affer ~.!!!!!a rg ; priale N. O. Suva. -.. ~ - "-`, , 1itip...:, , ,,, , . .7 ,, Rakers' Broma t cametett Mere ~ 4 , : ,, ~. , s. ikt tua, „ DRALBR,Exciunivimr IN FLOUR. AND _ . No. 299 Liberty Ps. Oar 002 1 3Wira BZOKTMIO., the 432 ST, it NUS Cl OHIO INDIANA and BTIBBOVB481:1PKRIffIWZ !Ltd ' Xiitiklin.ool4 . .• - WbSch alwaya Da ;old at thelowest easb Demi farn White Fish! rUhlish! Jaw -pad. • -7-- " ____, - "4 , 0 1 2m74•Ps :efcm.N. • • HAVE Wilt E4E.7find,l*Reonatintly , on hand, a Inn aFpply,q . _ 'Ficiti and da1t..:917-hltetrElld4-1.1. And all other verlitles of Lam onal 01 , 106w:t8m tr., . Jorepta /oangilese/Repoesgory. TOSEPH WHITS, now carrying on brali.'„ Q. nese in his spectacle - premise/kV:Stir lately enlarged,) on - lhe'rittelnOth" Oreensbnrg turnpike,. near the Tweldile ""'"" ' 'Run; between Pittsbuigh'ainFLl*enCetille, - Ineiliatintlp invites the public to inepectlie ,stior orefIARRIAGO BIM MX% Fe. And he _particularly inf . orina .-genuesnem parchasen, that one price only is , made;!.;parroarayeare experience in the business, enables hinfto Vim before hbr p O,LrC2B the same choice collection of Carriagetaehich, so. minx years past It has been hb3 particular dap/whim/A to select from the various and most - Mier/tat astern 3AIIIIII. factaxerlf. The success of hist/car vete:ohs complennr3thie economy of his arrangemenuseilli supply th4 , l)l* - rind Volt fashionable nutnotantares sainaderateprico. Unencumbered by .thoer he , jajob the mania for - dsciirating 'honeacot -businees— the price.of goods.. (owing bola* renta)'JOllltelt W=l6 10 P will sell; on ready money only , at rolibh lase then the uonal fits. .%111//340..1, SCir earrtageerepaired In the best menn , r. ewith.deepat RbODGETT i.9wEwa s . . _ NEW PORTABLE GALVANIZED IRON . OVEN l Si undoubtedly the vented tinpnriardetlt ottlialunaant I . day on the list of new patent inventlana;,butlifar its utility and fur Ihe profit to the mminfaettirete.,_Z _,- • For Teri itorial Exhibition Rooms of Patents; No: &IFonith street, Pitt* t burgh, Pe. nossic cLosinOpt:-, '•i I GENTLEILEN reqtdrlng 'brae Clothing will taol a l a rge assortment at 01.11768.11. No.. 4 414-4114ir Aced._ Munt,4l4, Tb cents and upwards. Itedirond:WrsPperwand, Blelahlng Itotes,..!te. .• nod Gormopollt.in Art AssoclattOn.. , A ItßAlßlFarmive, for-the- Eeecald Anna* l Collection of this new am] popular heat - 1810n for Hie diffusion of , Literature and Art, have been made coithe_most extensive 1. s -ale. Among the works already angaged,:isibe far!huned G aNOA 0111.1011 , 1*,"*W12 oitlnally.e9o4.l* - tbaliiard do ln farming the new col:tams, the tUlinsidand`weika of American art r and the oncost agementof Americalrendna. . have not been overlooked.- Commissions have been bitted to many of the most distiaga%tied Ameriern - Artlrfiqwbo rut contribute some of their Brent prodnetlonr. , Azgong them are three marble Busts; Audited by the greatest HT- ing sculptor Main PoWles.' GEnsl3l3 WasaniaroDr, the "tithe; ethic cetititin BISSJAki N FRANKLIN,. the .fhtlarogter; DANIEL WRllbnit. the Statesman. i• A se eclat agent. Loa sisiord Europe and mule careftd and judicious selectiocaof foreign woks of art, both in bronze and marble; Bran:Lary and Chcice Paintings The whole 'forming a largo and valuable collection of Paintings and Statuary, to be distributed free among the numbers of the Association tbr the ercond year. TERMS OF 111 attIBMR:II.I.P. The payment of Three Dol.ra constitutes ginyonea teem ter of this As addict:, and entitles him to either one of the Niagesines for one Icor, and also a ticket in the dlebributiota of the Statuary and Paintings. The Literature Lcrn..d e.subseribens tourists arthelbhen• log Monthly hiagaaru.s Harpers, Putnallie bucker, Blackwood's, Household Words, qtatutnes.ardile dey's Lady's Book. Persons taking Ave member:3l4a ere entitled tat any five of the Magazines for one year, and - to si.irlfdaMr.hillikdir tribution. The net proceeds derived frcon the Bala oflatetn harelips are devoted to the purchase of wcrkanfaxt for-the ensuing year. The Advantages &cured by Incoming a member of , this amtmetton. are— . Ist All persons receive awful value O'fbrirsubarto ton at :At siert, in the shape of sterling Magazine Liter:dare. 21. Each member is contributing towards _pm% haring choice Worts of Art. which ern to - 143 dhtilbutedamong themselves, andare at the same tlintleieourag s g-th• AD' ti4ts of the country, dials:us:og thoutiaedsOpin throne' its agency. .„ Pepons in remitting funds for naembt3raldn,Whi 'gage give their pad office addre s in fide,, stating the month they wish the Magazine to commence, and have the letter tees- tared at the "Poster:nee to prevent lcus; on its receipt niter t ince to of memberettlp, together with the Dimino delayed. will be forwarded to any part of the county. - _ Those who porchace me gatines at Bookstores, ea a xle that by joining this &emetic°, they rendre the,Jraggsine end free ticket in the annual digratatort allat The crime price they now pay for the 'Magazine gone.' , For Memberships, address . lU. DIMS% Actuary 0. L. A, At either of the orinetpal (mete—" HtdekerlxwittrAtign- ZinC vodka, 348 Broadway, New York; at 17osterultiDee, 166 Water street, Bandtwky, Ohio. 4ii—Bubseriptieras recetred - by Dr. OEOROO"SWIDER, No. 140 Wood street, Hodorary Becretwly, Tor Pittebargh, Penna. nov7 • Sealed Proposals • F"31,000,000 COUPOS BONDS OP Tits' terriP.- RURAL( AND CONNSLISVILLN NAll2OAD,Cintf PANY, guaranteed by the Afayor and Citret;indf oft Baltimore, by virtue of an Ordinance of Paid . Iffayma and they Council, entitled "An trdinance 'to C,,,OlApbee‘ibe • Bonds of the Pittsburgh and Ccutnellsvill.,444,44l-e - oup•-• pony; approved June 24,1859, will be - ,WarehmtuntirMmn • of THURSDAY, the 19th day of Ib.,ltunber, 1855, for the • purchase of the above Bonds, =Candor to One Winton of Dollars, redeemable on the firetoley.op January, 1583 -aad hearing Interest at the rata of adz per-amt. per annum,_ payable half yearly, on the flr t daytrof Annan eid t4 =v• on the presentation of the paper coupons at am s • 02ce is the city of Baltimore, or other place dadettated hereallsr by sakl Register. The &MO vrlli be sums at $l,OOO and $6OB each, ands are secured, In addition to the guarantee of the city ot)3 ab timers?, by a first mortgage on the road or roads; toile and, revenue of the Pittsburgh and Connellivilleßattload•Orm— party. executed to Trueteee in the city of Bellhop)* ` The • said Baitroad Company have now 28 miles of their road ire operation, and during the next winter end .rpring; store. than one-third of the whole line, which will be.land:lie fm length, will be finished, by means supplied by stock -Sub scription to the amount of s2,BooffiKtiAnd remainder can be completed in two years, tefta donnection with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at '-Outulteriani, 128 0 ml:tee from Baltimore; and will form, with: the latter .resds by many miles the abortest Line between the Ohie.r4ter at Piastotrrgh, and the scaboard at &admen. The tharintet• wits of the llite are oleo more favorable than any other, nearly one third of the whole being a dead level, and the remainder of easy grades, arranged with a duo regend . to the advantage of cheap transportation' in the direettori of the bexelest tOACOge- Tberele hrit•nner rummit on the whole mate, and the curvatures of. le IL letedf- I mated th at forty C 121163 of.. the 'road t4..each.sind,:lasging through vast coalfields, can be supported-bythe .caul tan nage alone. Trans.—No bid will be reedited for Pees then par,iind any premium Is to be paid over by - the perch-star lathe Register of the city of Baltimore, for the towendbeneffit or mid city. loonthly instalments of 2% per rentumut ,ths' par value of the Bonds will be requhed., to begun tothe Pittsburgh and Connellaville Baleroad Company, at their office In the city of Baltimore, on the Bust day of eschutonth after the award Is made, until the whole: amount herald. The right la hereby reserved bY.thr Undersigned Ike - decline the - acceptance of al or any of the proposals." .They Am to be addressed "To the Regis or: of thethlY•Or and endorsed "Offer for Pittsburgh and 001111BUSTWO ttailroad Company Bonds guaranteed hy.thir city of BOW more." Any further information can be hied by tidal:44 the, undersigned, at Pittsburgh. . • OLPITIIRIV...BARMI; President nwel'Allith Pittsburgh and Caneelhoitfieliallsoed wititer sonnets. MRS. E. DAVIDSON; Et. Olatist reet cen r e rg i :r: BUir janteMd ge ri33zru UßiD NomanteiB.lBss. -4048 'flail IfItaPSTIO fitthiP is wad fort Tendering. -the• skin smooth, aoft, and delicately white; aemoviag Fallow. ness, ten, and tednese of the skin; allthaps,chafelfotneca the hands are healed by It. Yoe the tare of =l4'ring hands hls unrivalled. It has been stadia this city fox past five years, and has always given satiettotion.' 4t3 a nursery soap, mothers and all Mims having. theatre of children wit? find It an excellent article. = Peesotawaibhig she face and hands wlthltdszospeveryday, wlll end nvion. gelees Mee from chaps, chafes and roughness of tha akin. It In also good shaving soap. Pries 1134 ants yes sake. or g.1;15 car dozen. Sold wholesale nveltl 8. L. IlllnMielirr, No, 63 Oarkstafe. rIFOLD aoszsTßA”—The /ant 'mar Amaricanthrel 4 ,.enoceEet The Old Homestead, by. 3k& Ant for Stephens. author of Fashion acd Famine, is rapidly saddlissa on tea positian in popular estimation cgtialtuthut inicsjud by Its predeceseurr. It is au interesting ItooZ. Instatral pictures are the moat delightful we era read. Walanddb• erriptions equal anything teams ever penned;! , Onervats 12mo ; Price, 51,25. Bar eels be W. A. GILDEINVENNICL* Fifth street, opposite the Theatre. 4 A. MASON CO. are at 11 daily recolelmmul AMur 2t wts teeming then. Mock full and complete In ernizoskect.. - ; novl2 CLOTELS, 0/0381.1111.1128,.&e —A. A. BlABONtl:9.ltaye on hand a splendid assortment of -Broad Clotted, 11105).. mares, Beaver Uloths, Satinetts, Tirseda,•sh4 oqiertotde for men's wear. ifflß REESILNG LiN CLAY-100 boxes on banderol for sae by Doell ABM QtlltaalL Ba-80 Ibirjuat, recettad Wit= eishr by novl2 ' mama BMW LdliPHLACß—Germantotim-80 bbleJust rw'i"da lo4 for eale by fnovl2l .YLBNIZIG BEDS. A LIIM-10 bliL3 juei received malaria' , rt. Govl2 YMSING uItPtNTINK— . .I) bbta jape - recadted and !Casale by natl 2 FLEMIBQ EtlY DAVIW PAIN ELLMII—ry gross JustrecelTed sad. for We by [novl2 IVIIMG BaCie. BORAX -1000 anima received and for ads try • novl9 ruanzfritasoa I sruipvies §Olll3-44 JOB. • &Mk( exadLatartlaloNureadvaa 01 • novl2 3' tIoBAND'S BIetINKSIA—Tbe beet trttolost Blagnseds. DIL now 10 UBO. 12 &nen rectived by acia. runmairs, corner - Dino= and Market it. AMAN DIN g—An excellent glide led otespVektkelnix. as 14 dozen received by Joe. FUXIN& EttNs SOAPS—I have jast — t;xelved a supply of .lAsw.• r old &own Windsor Soap; also a supply, cif-141'a Honey Soap. 1 nifel2 i JOS: BLEMn G. s k aCBXt.ol"B BEA WSW TONIC. AtiD PUlati BYRUP—/ heye Jnet tow-Weds supply d the shove celebrated articles- [nc412,1 - JOB. ria=sl3. EIDLITZ POWDERS—I have on band al ern of Seidlits Powders. norl2l JOB. P ff COLD CRIL&M-1 Lave on band • supplyOS. of irrevg7 r V.) pared Cold Cream. cloil2l J VLEMIN INlONti—an baabals Onions In atom and for gals oO 1 ,J 9 ronallynnent by (norfiq ATWIML. LYS A 00, V,:*,,,.L.. - .7 . -.,- \,,,..1---_.-,-,,;:,-.!:_f MEM 4 1 E 41f. r ...:3i ,. ..!'" - - - ::: ,, : ~, ,,- 'Z -i•ii - ,: , ..jf '::::'-',-.:•:.-•.'l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers