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Puritan and Ilugenot, by Kyle; Trench's Works, complete; Beget's Testament; English Past as 1 Precast, by Trench; Goodricles Bible Geocraphy; Footsteps of Bt. Pauli Work ; .. or Plenty to Do and Bow to 1)0 It ; Peones In the Practice of a New York Physician, Plus. crated. BrOKBl MXIEBII— Napoleon, in 9 vole' Bayard Taylor's great work on Japan, Ca., fifth supply ; Physical Geography of the Sea, by Lieut. Maury; Cosmos, by Humboldt, in 4 volt; Feliclta: a metrical romance, by Elisabeth C. Finney ; A Homer's Life in Africa, by IL 0. Cumming; Walkna, or Adventures on the Mosorito Shore, by S. A. Bard. Genius of Italy, by Rev. Robert Turnbull; Life of Chevalier Bayard: Miss Bee heel: Receipt Book; Travels in Europe and the Bast, by IL 3. Prime; Cora and the Doetor Hidden Path, by author of "Alone:" Japan as It was and la, by R. Hildreth ; Doesticka; Star Papers, by 11. Ward Beecher; History of Hen Fever, by Burnham ; Bits et Blarney Mrs. Bliss' Gook Book ; The Match Girl; The Planter's Victim; lowa as it is in 1855; &coped Nun; Harpera' Story Book, neatly bound in 10 vole—the beat bake for children extant; Oakfteld, by W. 1). Arnold ; Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World. Also, a large assortment of School Books, Stationery, km, which will be sold 1D per cent. lower then can be bad else. Where. Remember to call at oetll L A lIFF ER'S Borkstere, No. 30 Fifth st. Pita 11wN-200 uno fun. 1 and 2 Anita, ; 100 •• Juntata ; 200 Allegbony ; Coke; for sale by °et 12 JOUN momut PAD NDERSH HITS AND DIU .—Ju WERSst mod yrd art U fißCOrtment of Ca.bmere, Brotah Wool, Shaker Mutt, Lamb's Wool Merino, Ohemoie, 12 Thread Bilk nod Stoat Silk; and American Wool Viroopers, .t the STUNT 4 RINO HOUSE: of L, HIKSHFIRLD & SON, octl2 N 0.70 Wood street. rrItAVELThEi SHAWLS, bIUFFLYIIII, AAD BOA 111 1 .— .1 J oat rccsl cod, o floc assortment of &pick nod Yav Etate Shawls; clad Ellk., Cb-11111e, Oachrnerc and Ye:Yet 11duttlerc, at L ELLRERFIELD & BON, octl2 No. 70 Wood street. 011INd TP.A STORE chests of Dim o n Duo of tha kJ fined qustitie.s : cheata Young Dyson, Ring Chop and &Wynne, vitt other parks, jam received by Y. R DRAVO, No.l Diamond. COaß—'L6 bbla Lo' ring's °mailed, Pulverized, Coarse 0 Pulverized and (Mari Eel Fumy • 6 hbds iLoverlag's syrup, unequalled for ffneness of Severe just received by oath F 611 AV (111E85E.-200 boxes" prime W E. Cheese Just receiTed d for sale by [octi2j F. R. DRAVO. F ISII-SDO lbe Drum Dodder; 5 tibia. No. 1 Mackerel; 2 dr do Salmon; Drat received by P. It DRILVO. FLA v 9 LEI NLIAW I I—A... MASON ft OJ. are now CI receiving the largest and mast &minable aamyrtmeat of She wiz ever offered to this market, comprising the nerw•st end meet fashionable atl lei In Long and ;Iguana Bay t tate, Empire state, Sootch, llalbet. Stella, Cashmere, to.; also. a very elegant assortment of Long and Fqnare Brorhe oet6 M/nTi'll ES, JISW ELli —J ust returned from the V 11' Magi., and now °coma< a large and aolendid a=sorb meat of gcnde In my line, which be sold at :ow price.... 447.. Ketches repaired in the beat manner. Jewelry retitle to o.der and repainaL ann.!. Ware mannfeetured, do W. W. WILSON, cot?. G 7 Market etre.% corner of PPUrth C . 7 . 1X AO114:3 01 , eLlOlUtt LAND roil BALI4--Wati e 0 go.el Dwe ii. 01.14,, Opting House, Garden, An.; ell land, p.od f•oc.+, and is cultivation: aitualc about eight mile. from the city. Price $7OO. Terme easy. 8. curit BERT 2t SON, 53 Mulct et. lIALL4 AND DINING 1100.113-4..nk. WA.theastivio Itnd. CYDing. MArb ,o * I ' ~e r) For by W. P Xtelt , qtALl. & CX) ASU littAWEriz.—June recrirect, an as• a, e, . and 12 threads Bilk Fhlrts and Drawara, of ad shoe, by AVIEn' T A mittSVNI n CU j have just opened acme 3)0 more Cloaks nad Ts). es. of .he nod moot elegant cavigue in Cloth, Velvet. Metre An•iqu.. Ac_ oetl2 )VV more of the. fnshinne4te styles and c - I rs of k, •tio and Velvet Bonnets, of their own end Baatern mannfexture, f_r exhibltton. _ - A. A. MASON A CO, ectl2 :5 V fth F:re..t. 1 3 h OTV/'.'S r.S.SEN.E O u l . N A ti s E y rV , ez E o.: . s forT OCKretek c , , oc:9 ,oriarr Woc4l and root st, I I - . M :s 0. , - 2( Loxes fresh ; pm:h. J0.1.t roe el v=.l .11/ f, , ,‘ .ale tv REV:dint et ANDVISON, r,-.1 No. 3f Woc...lstr.t. neSAlCgtillt..—R•o I b.s rerniTai abd b.r hale by lF n_l FI.EM!Ni BROS. Pica Lik[(A..% SUOAn AT A VC710:1-l)..4 TIJEouaY MOIi.NTNO, October 16:1i, lu o'cloct, at tho War, bouso of Meoars. Pairitil h hichiu - dzion, No. 118 Water Ftrooi. between Wood and Smithfield stroodr, be &old, 60 hbite Crime Cuba Sugar. Term" 'Cagle nett:, P M. D AVTF, Auctirmoor. m AT . ELE r .114.11C i ! o a r L which v wlfr be e P al,l at greatly rex:lyard rates, by W. 8 HAVEN, St&iooor, M•rket street corner of Ferand. Oath SIONNAII3II, CANE:, AND V ALISEC—Jubt nr °rived, a full supply of the atelve goods by BIItaIIYINLD & SON, No. 70 tilool. teL HANDSO.kIitST assortment of thane and Parley Shoes eau be bought at No. 107 Market street, cheap or mak. louse; W. M. SCTIMMWI7 UN L] $1,200 fore two story Dwelling. Hoagie. with store room in front, and five other rooms and a hall; also a back building of two moms. The lot Ls 17 feet front on Robinson street, Allegheny, by 77 deep, to an alley. This property la in good order and will rota on easy terms. S. CUTHBERT k SON, ortl2 63 ?dulcet strset. VARIETIES--The ;rocket Onenciar. or Revolving Alms rile; Pocket Mementoes, Fancy Emery Bags, Snow's School Pen Pistol Pencils for boys, !lair Brushes, Pearl Powder, Herpetle Soap, Rosemary for the hair, tts" alw iTe 011 hands and for sale by 8. L. CUTHBERT, octl2 63 Market street NO. BVGAR-70 htdo pnmo for role by N. octb MITTEL MAUI & HUNTER. ELMS Gay - WI—A. A. kIddON a CO. Invite attentiou IP to the large and elegant stock or Dress Goode they bay., rre•ised, comprising the most fashionable shades of French Meting', Paramettaa, Plain and Fignred Wool De Woe', Wool Plaids.. &c, tc ATOTICE TU Moore's Patent Improved .1.1 Drill, for anarlog Wheat, (late, Rye, Barley and Grass Beede, for sale at the deed and Agricultural Store, 47 Firth sheet, by L u ,(72,3 t• JAMES WMIDROP IraOUBLE DAILREL TWINT AND PATF.NT IDIETECEI 1.1 GUNS, from $lO and uposule. Call at Um Enterprise OUP Rorke, 1.313 Wood street_ attar D'ITN h TETLEY. "Lp LIEU klaTicAl.—Dr Brown'e newly discovered remedy 1 - 11, tbr Rheumatism is • speedy and certain remedy fot that parduf trouble. It never tale. Office and Private Consultation Rooms, No. 41 Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor Is always a home. nnefede.l9 PrLISTON'S DICTIONARY of Machines, Mechanics, Engine Work, and Engineering Illustrated with four thousand engratings on wood. In 2 role. For sale by B. T. C. MORGAN, oct2 No. 104 Wood street, near Fifth. VINE: RADIUS 11A1 , 101NO..i—ravel Decoradons. in Gold and Velvet, fer Parlors; and oilier new designs, just received and for sale by W. P. /MARSHALL et CO.. oct4 87 Wood street. m n U MOLASeaI-21 bble new N. 0. ?dolmens zeoelved per creamer Ells, for sale by oet.ll ATWEILL, LEE A CO. Ly litters ANL OOLLABS—Jort rscetvetl from the Facto ry, a tine lot a Ehirts, (Punch wriits,) with or witbout the new style Byron Collars, by 0 , 1 L. IITIISLIFIBLD A 8)N. MANILLA .&.'sl) CrTitbit W11.201'00 Pagit and large. light aril beery, for Newspapers, Dry Ooodv, Shoe,. Oonfactionery, ac., now receiving and for sale, wholesale and retail, at former low prior's, by J. 8. DAVISON, 65 Market., near Fourth areal. P. B.—Dry Goode Merchants Invited to try them. forte LIQUID HAIR. DY changes almost instant ly red or grey hair to black or bravo. This Dye hen been used In thousands of ceinst, and Ls a moat excellent article $1 per box. HERPETI I SOAP is need for removing ten, sallowness, and redness of the skin. It aim cures all chaps, chafes and roust:op., ot the skin, and renders It soft and white. 12,4 cent. per mike. Sold by S. L. OUTIIBELT, Doti) 63 Market ettret rvilE CONSTANT UHF,of the ItHeEMARY .111 keep the 1 hair raft and luxuriant to the niter al vaneed age. It evadicat, dandruff 611 d keeps the scalp healthy and roan It • so prevents the hair from fallirg eff EMI promoter Its growth; and then It is only 25 rert s per bottle. Sold by 0008 8. L CUTHBERT. 63 Market et. LANKETs-2 0 pairs 104, 11.4 nod 124 r•wies. Whitney and other lasses of 91ankete just received by act' A. A. MASON h CO. LIAV ANA - - F - 0 A 1;1 4 -1 nave just received anOtier P upply r.l gems toe Havana Sevin, Those wishing an excellent article Segars cat, at way a amen) e thsra et oct2 JOF. FLEMING'S. ItitsSi—No 1, La liaiirOad Cars, heary_Machinery. T Ac; No. 2, for Coat Cara, Wagons, Carriages, Carts, Drays, Oinnibusses, Ar.; ior sale by oct4 111 , :NRY H. COLLINS. W IMJ iiLA y. hJ. Swearer's brand: 60 boxes Sol 0; - 21 do 10a12; 26 do 10x14; with other sisse, for sale by oath SMITH, MATH & HUNTER. picY- /EEO TEA BTOhlf, No 38 FuTFH—rsmari--jun—re ceived, a large stock of GREEN end BLACK TEAK oonsditing of all the different flavor; sod gredet, parcheeKl direct from the importers, for cash, end will be Fold whole- Fele sod retail at the lowest ;Moen. B. JAYNES. fiTki - MAiMiti—A very large assortment (rile...l7.—nd Clenk Trirconiyge, of the most fasbionstble styles, Just received by A. A. MASON .4 CO. LANN ELt5—A. A. MASON .* CO. hive received e very J. loge eceortment of White, Red and Yellow Vermeil', of,very grade ; Ict of 104 Skirling Flannel. p2a KaY CLOAKING CLo2 net me Ted, an aturt. 'Of meet of fraperior shadee of Grey Clothe for Ladles t.praj A. A. MASON A CO. IRt asoN a Oil Mire just opened 2 cares of the beat makes of Irish Linens, of every grade. STELLA BRAN I.B—An ezeortment of very rid' and feetkionable colon of Stella Shawls just opened. arp24 A A. MAfiloN & co., 26 Fifth et. Hits 111111/10 P 11—,t tematttul story, by Harlon Harland, author of “Alone,* for sabot sepl2 DAVISON'fI,4IS Market at TELLA SHAWLS—An excelrent rtyle of the above, with 1,71 Broche Border, just received. octl If w,uUntc )W-I.r not today—gat your phis at Oetitited, 76 Four th atreet—tan Lafayette HALL oct6 OT ABll-10 cub, e puck artebs, for rale by sepl6 EMMY N. COLLINS. .; ~. ', THREE DAILY TRAINS EACH WAY, (SUNDAYS EX. CECT ED.) ON and after Monday, Tune 18th,18 3 6, Trains will run as follows .83arreas Mail Night Leave. Train. Train. Train. Columbus ..............10:00 A. 11. £1 . 30 P M. 11:30 P. M Newark ........ -......11.10 " 4:45 " 12:80 A. II Zanesville ..-.-.....1120 P M. 6:00 " 11/ " Concord 1 . 258 " 6:44 " &01 Cambridge PM " 7:08 " 3:26 " Barnesville 2:23 " 81.6 " 4:46 Belmont 2:44 " 8.61 " 6:14 " Arrive Bellair Igo " err 0:45 " arr. 6:16 " Es-preat Mail Nighl Lean. Train. Train. Train. 8e11air...... 9:46 A. M. 5-.16 A. M. 6:00 P. M Belmont 10:81 " 6:18 " 7:08 " BarnesTlll6-.....-...10:62 " 6:13 " 7.40 " Oamb:ridge ............11:68 " ftll4 " 9.00 " . . . ... Corieard. 12.17 P. M. 8:30 0 9.26 2aneesllle ..__...... 1:10 " 9.10 0 10:30 Newark - 208 " 1237 " 11:60 " Arrive Columbus... 820- " 1215 P. M. 120 A. 61 . . The Express Traln going East will atop to take up or leave passengers,at Taylor's, Newark, Zaneeville, Concord, irlanlbrr Oampbell'e,' Barnesville, and Belmont only. Golan SST will stop only at the above named etations. The Mail Train will stop at all the Stations where the Mall is to be Meived, or delivered, and at all other Stations on notice being given. The Night Train will stop at all Bu ttons on proper notice being given. GOING EMIT. Thar 1000 A. M. Express Train, connects at Columbus with the Express Train which leaves Cincinnati at 8 A. M. and with the Train tram the West on the Columbus Pions and Indiana Railroad; at Newark with morning Trains to and from Bandualy, klunstield and Mt. Vernon, and with Trains on the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad; at Wheeling with Exprese Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and East. err. Cities The &3,0 P M. Train will connect at Columbus with the seeona Train from Cincinnati; at Newark with Beurinsky. hlansfleld and Newark Railroad; and at Wheeling with Night Try • Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Paseengors lea Ile and points below c_3osionsti, and taking th • • on Little Miami Railroad, will connect Columbus. Passengers teasing Indians 10.1 • • • ". • . by morning Train on Indiana Central It. • —.. connect with this Train at Columbus, an • • at Plb P. hiand !care by 1020 P. H. Train timore and Ohio Ra ilroad, arriring in Bid more 111BW . P. M., next day. The 11:30 P. M. Train connects at Oolombua with the !daft Truitt whichleaves Cincinnati at 6c30 P. M., and arrive.. at Delimit at &lb A. M.: contorting with the Accommoda tion Train on the Baltimore end Ohio Railroad. Passau• gem leaving Chicago by the Beanbag 'Brains can, by thin route, via Michigan City, Lafayette, indianapolh and Day. ton, reach Columbna la crayon to take thin train; and at Wheeling will take the Accommodation Train for Cumber land, sleep there, and resume by Express Train to Balti more and &astern Cities- The 5;15 A. M. Mall Train connects at Beßair with mat Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; at Newark with trains to and tram lianditeky, Mangteld and MC Vernon. and Chicago via Monroeville; at Columbine with the train• for ancinnati, and with tralu for Intik, Dayton, Indiana polio. and Chicago, via Dayton and eta Urbana. The 0:45 A. M. 'Sayre.. Train connects with the Brpress Train Ram Baltimore, nod arrives in Columbus at 3:20 P. M., and connects with trains going Rout. and West attic• trig in Cincinnati at 7 P. M. The 15:00 M. Train cononcts with the A , commodation Train from Cambarland, and at Columbus with Mail Train at 2.'16 A. M., dir-nct for Cincinnati, Xnnia, Liaytein, Indiana polis, Lafayette, Terre Haut, Saint Louis nod Chirac,. ISAAC IL SOUTHWICK, Sap! Zartecrille, Joon lA, STEAMERS ECLIPSE AND ROSALIE, VIA WELLSVILLE., AND Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, VIA ALLIANCr.. 1 . ahorteet q t att.l rrdia‘lie route to Toledo, I Chimp, Rock Oslenn, and st. \ tILEVELAND. This route le One Handled miles shorter and about nine hours quicker than the circuitous one Oa I ndianapolla. Thrre Daily Tr►lae from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. Three Daily Trzior, from Cleveland to Chicni:o Tine to Cllrreland etix boarr, Citi,sgn Lvreo hour, nod St. 4 ole tLirty-,ron h^ury. On and et-r Mends., Brld•mber 31, 1555, the trains on thlt , road will run on •ot to YR The Trains of the Oho end Pra oa. italln-,d laarbaKPitts burgh at 2. 00, A. M ao4 810, A. M., nod 300 P M., coo. moot at Alliance it 8 00 A. M., II 60 A. M , and 8 30 P. SI., as follow, L HIRSIIPIELD d SON 2Tatnsfor Cleve_lard bare AI S nO A.M.. 11 Si.. A. M., sad 692 P. M , c.)un.eting e.t. with flyr &begs tails and Akron, sod trrlving in Cleveland at A. M., 2 10 P M , and S Si P Purnengiir. St. Lank, Ilrek !shin& galena, and tho Northwest, who wish to gn through with out detention, will tak+ the train leaving Pittsburgh at 00 A. M., and arriving it Ci/iviiland et 2.20 P M., o that ie the only train by which close connections are and through the above points. Paiiiiiengere thin troth rrw. ti Chicago at T 39 1/.7t morning. end .It. Lout, at midnight The etesnnere F.llpee n 1 &Joe he al.' .rave the MOM,. T., h•:a wharf every mcrumg. (BuLtia, •zropt-1. , at 10 oclec:, for We; itrvills, connecting ‘r the train leaving ITelL.vilke at 410 P, NI. An Acroataiodati. - na Trak: IEIII leave 'Wellevllle :: ,, uodays excepted,) at 6to P d , n une , 7tlng nt Bayard nibExpre-8 Train, arriving io Mel - elan lat 10 trom lVellaville connecting . at Ilayarll for Cerro:l - Waynesburg, It Ter and Ige. Yhilad•lphia. -19 .- Tl7artA for Cleveland, Chicago and the North Weat yin Welig - nle, are cold at $1 lean than rift A 113SOCe. Th. Tryon.. (mai Cloy.laud to Toledo and Chit-a4v, run as funny,:—hove Cte,hsud it 010 A M., 20.5 M. , 705 Y. M. Arrly, Chtcxgo 930 P. M,740 A. )1.. S 31) I' M. le4 , e Chicazo for R I.•land and fq I outs •s I,lk, s.—Fr Rook Island al 900 A M. and 11 00 P. M. 9 lb A. Al and 11.46 P. M. oi......engers for St. Loos go over Rasa island Railroad to ',let, and thence over the Chicago and Mississippi itai lroad to Alton, and thence by steamboat (13 miles) to St. Louts. Passengers by the 016 A. 51. 'Train arrive at C. Louis 11 ZD same evening, and by the 10.06 P. 61. Train at noon next day. Baggage checked through to Cleveland, and there re• checked for Chicago and Bt.. Look, . /ft doss. 2d ea. Ist class 4 cr, To Alllarica-....52 50 To L Sille-416 00 $l3 60 " Chretand - 400 . Rock bid, 13 00 14 26 " Toledo -....- 660 " Galena ..... 18 16 14 CO . Chicago .... $l3 00 $lO 60 Apringteld 18 70 10 " Blooming-L..16 00 14 60 " Burlington 19 00 . Ai. L0u1a...-21 00 10 60 Passengers are request.] to procure their tickets at the office of this Company, in the Monongahela House, third door below the corner. Great American and U. H. Express & Mail Route 721 IMES OP DISTANCE SAVED, And Two C hanges of Casa and Baggage Avoided. AIR LINE ROUTE BrTlriE3 CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS: Formerly C Menge it flllaalasippl. CHICAGO TO IT. LOUIS UV nointn.—Trains V." leave the llllnoLr Central Depot, foot of Water street— St. Louie Day Esprera daily, Sundave excepted, 7 la A M. Bt. Louis Night Express daily, Saturdays az 9:30 P Si. St. Louie Freight d Emigrant dolly, Sand. exc. 6:80 A M. Bagpipe checked through to St Louts. Trains run direct through to Alton, (2:a milfa,) with out change of core or baggage, and connect with the Company's splendid steamer, Winchester and Edo-leer, running in exclusive connection with Pasienrer Trains from Alton to St. L0G1a,(23 mules.) without landing. These boats, for speed, convenience and elegance, are unsurpaseed en the We-tern water?, ',log fitted up with Bettis and spa cious Womb-rooms, affording to prufaerigere Ole opportunity of removing the duet unavoidable ID summer rat:road [ - girding, and reaching bt. Lank, rehashed from the effects of a long ride. To Kondar and Nebrarko tido le the moot direct route, and peneengero destined fur Itiootnincton, Springfield, Jacksonville, Noble', and all point.on the Illnsieslppi, his s •url, SALMIS, Cumborlan f and Te nneware rivers, will note the important oaring in dlotunce, being seventy-two 12111119 loam tc bt. Loult4, ti irty-screzi 1111.0.4 Irea to Bloomington, and fifty-eight miles lees to Springfield than by any other route. Through Tickels over Oslo route can bo promurei at the cartoon IL IL Ticket Offices in iter York, Boston, Philaded Mita, Baltimore, Albany, Buffalo, AA, and at all Through Ticket Offices throughout the Mates, and in Chicago at the Compi.ny's Offlea, No. 48 Dearboro street, opposite the Tr, caout LlOUBo—and at the Depot of the Illinois' Central Ball road, foot of Water street. litesporiaible Baggage Men will always be at the Depots of the various /loads guing into Chicago, to Check Baggage thron e s/ to any point desired on the line. IL P. AN Jr., SucerintendenL IL J. D. tiOIIERMEHLI /DV, sep7 Gen'l Pt/Ranger Ager.t. NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE OPENI THROVOU northern Illinois to the Mississippi River, lOWA, 31ISSOtTRI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA Chicago, Barlinglon and Quincy RAIL rlfittrif, ROAD 70131LILLT VII CHICAGO AND AC RO .. A A CENT. MILITARY TRACY R. It. de now couturrnn, And Trains run the entire distance from CHICAGO TO BURLLNOTON, lows, without change of Care. The Only Direct Route to BURLINUTON, QUINCY, ILEOHLIK, MUSCATINE, OQUAiYEA, iII'APELL-0, FORT DES MOLNES, COUNCIL lILUKF, Ac., and the ONLY A LL RA I L ROAD Route , from CHICAGO TO ET. LOTUS, BLOOM- INOTON, OLLsPTON, Lik.tiATUR, JAIItO, SPRINGFIELD, JACKSONVILLE, NAPLES, and intermediate Stations on the Ilanoia Central, Great Western, and Ohio and Misalei et pi Itallroada. Trains on the above Line leave Chicago on the arrival of I'mitis from the East—avoiding all laying over at any of the point. Sages suave Burlington dully for Southern and Central Lowe and Northern Missouri—making the quickest and most reliable route to reach all the important points west f o o f r t . he ia M: . :lAnippi as far as Council Bluff, with from forty to tfty m iles lean staging than by any other route. The Road, portion of the way, in laid with the Oosinirtrolia Rut, the nao.thent riding and beet Railroad In the West— well cooked with the most modern Locomotives and elegant new Cars. Sir By this route passengers are sure of making connate tiOnfi, and arriving at St. Louis on advertised time, avoiding the vexatious delay of fogs and lee, and dangers of naviga tion, an on the route by Alton. ~Ihi tg age checked direct through from Chicago, and no aerie kr handling at any point. THROUGH 'IVU.ETB by this route can be purchased at all the _Railroad orate the East; at the Office of the Company, COrCer of Clark and Lake streets, In the Granite Billlihng; at the Depot of the Galena R. B, and at the Mich. Cent B. B. Wee, corder of Lake and Dearborn eta., oppoeite Tremont Mount, Mktg°. It. lft deiv eiG itch MT . consigned by 0. B. FOLLETT, Ticket Ag't, Chicago. this 0. o " . u fight te will 2dO recei ND:B e tt i p lu 'r 4i. -Timm Can be procured at the principal Railroad Offices of the country. White A. A. MASON & CO RAIL,. ROADS CENTRAL : ptiIIQ ., RAILROAC 1 1:- f.1‘,17) l ei. jsys%Sia Summer Arrangement--Change 'of Time, And but on• Cho of Cnr• bolero= Columbus and Baltimore. aorNG RAM GOING WMT GOING W /SST CLEVHLAND AND P/TT3BUNDS RAILROAD • '• , N) *"."."." IM=l PARE VIA ALLIANCE AND CLIIVELAND BAND, Puy't, Cleveisbd. OAUGLIEP,Aet, Pittsburgh Orin CHICAGO, ALTO ...Y ct ST. LOUIS ,~ .. RAILROAD, CENTRAL, ROUTE All Railroad to the dileslsalppi, J' 44. r ..'• NR W AIVD DIRECT ROUTE, 9p•t1.'."Fg272 E. .0^ • Unsurpassed for spa & Unrivalled for Comfort PROM PITTSBIIIIGIEI TO Columbus, Indliumpolia, Chicago, Cincinnati, Torre Haute, Dock bland, Loutfrvillo, Vincennes. lowa City, Et. Lo is, Evansville, Dubuque, Dayton, Cairo, Dubuque, . Xenia., eletunhD, Galena, Zanwrille, Vicksburgh, ree:ia, News! lc Lim,. Orleans, Peru, AND THE PRINCIPM,CIIIEB IN TOO iSZEIT AND 6013 TN, Vl4 the STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA Wbieb is now erimplet•o and in Lu..ersaful operation be tween Steubenville and Newark, 0. On and after Monday, September 10th, 1555, a daily morning and evening line of elegant and swift running steamers, enmm,tnd.'d ty esperlenced and accommodating °Mons, c hi leave Pittvbargb as follows: The Morning Line, composed of nteautere FOREST CITY, Capt. Moore, and DIURNAL, Cate ShoalaY ' leave Pitts -I,u-gb every day, (Sundays excepted, ) at 10 oclock, A. M., precisely. ratsengers dine on board, end reach Steubere stile at . 15 P. M . , making an Immediate connection with toe EVENING E.XPRESS TRAIN of the S. et I R. 11—which makes direct connection at Newark for the above cities. The Evening .Line, composed of steamers VENTURE, Capt. Octaion, and CLARA FISHER, Cogs Gordon, leave Pittsburgh every day, at 6 o'clock, P. 61. Jar Passengers sleep on board, and reach Steubenville at T nett morning— in timo for the Matt vin, leave" immediately, and makes direct conflation for the above el:ie.—thus avoiding night impel by railrood. air Fare as Cheap as by any other railroad route. For Through and Loeat Tickets, and further Information, apply to JAR. COLLINS A CO., Agents, Nos. 114 and lllii Water at., between Wood and Smithfield. iltteiburgh. E. W. WOODWARD, Supt L. DEVENIY, anent. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAII ROAD: rAtA, Carrying the Great U. States Nail and Express TWO PASSENGER TRAINS RUN DAILY on Ite entire length from DUBUQUE to . CALIi , ), ETD CIIIOAGu to CAIRO. This Road, in cortjunotlOn with Trams of the Ohio and Stlegigelppl It. R. and Chicago au-1 Galena Railroad, tonne the moot direct and only continnoun It. R. route from CIIICACO to St. LOUIS, CIIICAO9 to CAIRO, CLIICAOO to DUBUQUE, Trains leave Cl,leago es follow.: 10 A. M. and 10.20 I'. 51 —Sr. Loma AND CLuso Parlumat Pagsengere for At. Louis by this trots take the ears of the Ohio and Wee. B. 11. at Saudoral, and are carried direct to tIL LOula 935 A. M. and 4.10 P. 51.—Dmitique AND Clitana Lx. PRAM, Aortnertirair at Dunhoth (opp.eite Dubuque) with a Daily Line of Steam Packets for At. Paul sad the Upper Missigaippi river aft lea Train. leave Cairo fur Cbionato sod Dubuque at 7.30 A. M. and 7.00 P. AL Pasivertireev from 'tee Ragt and pieces on the Ohio river declined for At. Louie, wi/ I gave 100 miler of ted,oue and um certain river navigation fr...m Catro to ttt. Louis, and arrive Otters hoar. in advance of the re ver route, by taking the rare at Ti,let, to ,Ft Louie, eels), Doha tae, S.. Paul, cud All f...,:tnrAt places hp tAte rviut.e, can be bat at the r.tricei r.l the t. tt P. cud I' Railroad:, La Pi...alturgb., an I Michigan Oe.,t.ral Rol:nand in Chicago j ed THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. rrIJE GILHAT CKNTRAL agloecting the At. lan,tc dtioo ith Nortia-u,st,rn and south. woatern Stain, lq a onn'ainuoun Railway J:Le<t_ This rota: ab° C(P1)111CL1 of ritL-I , tlMt% with S.ilp line of to all parts VII the O ntoro ki , en, and at Clove:and ac.l elan. du,ky with .Isamers to all ports on the Nurthsareatern Lakes; masts; th.. , moat dared, clanfrort and rehab!, mutt by vh!oh Fltlio tIUT can bLo torwanteal to and from the Orem Irazt. WHZJ IiSTWEEN PHILADR.LPHIA A PITTSBUROCI. niter Dry Goods, I 7,, per On be tin. , FLU, les•h-rs, A. 8 L.Ct iND au I Stsuourry, Dry Gor i ,tin bwles,)lrani, Les 80r: per 100/be. ther, itiopl, dr. . . TU lICU CLAA44—Absit.. F.414.4‘404• yer iourb, sod Perk. km bulk.) Ueiup, F0U.1.111 LLA Oweru, 411 d Or 4 . per yrsked,) Lard En/ GB' tbipp:og th.ths l'rom euy point kart of phi, be parlifUlkr stark pe.r. , ..sse • rus Prnntyieurma Roilrocui.." All ( N ronst..inel io t6o A3writs of thin How] et: ilt.ohoirlphla or 11:L.burjla, Irtll be forwsrdwd without deteoDAn. Yr...Z:6117 Aaer.3 pc!:cr.7, Elliott, Y.: E. .1 1313.,11,-, Vt)ll,lr!phla: Megraw k Roor”, Bald Lll• ; Shrtmznaar, k Bravo ob.g.: J. S.. NetrlPS 1 CA J IS II 110L1T'JN, G..ner4l Frmight II .1 LONIRAERT, my') 4u r.e -.ter:went. Alt.,u.s. N. I . Ie.NNSYLVAN IA it.A.II..IiOA D. ripIIRKE DAILY 1 7 111tAlt: TRA Si. Shit* el. stt,t II h 11911N1N:i 5.11.11, TRAIN '2el, amt burgh for , 7 A V. 11111 PA9f LI:CE 1.-errr Phila.balptv, - f. ..I,(trzh a 1 I'. SI . ~rl.l tAil IntriL f, Phi had, I ~L I•. M. THE NIO HT K.C• TRAIN ' pbta fur PittAhurgh at 11, P. , and !.11. Plrthvi•!i'htet nt 92.1. P. td. Bird 1-erne Pluett , it rghdaily, -x.opt wr oday. Brinton's Acbmmr n Tram i.SVI. Pitt..l.ttrgh do ly st 11 c l rlock A. M., P )1, can WA) P. M. Thr 151 en ?Lure ron nor: et Pittaborgh with the naitroela c-ei from St Louie, M , • Alton, t.airtu ea 4 Chimp:, lII_ Vrenkt,t, L,elc.t.,r, Lroil Terre Medi, u, I,efeyette nal Ir.dlas.leiell, Ind.. Cincinnati, Day. Fandusr‘y, Tol•elo, Cleve- Ca . ,:urrabtle, lanelilon end iVooeter, cihin alAo, xith the Oteam Perk.: Boat, from aud to Nsw OaLuos, SI. LoMS, LOCTISTILIJ 3/3(1 Through Tkket..l MI be had to or hum either of the above plaosa. For further particular:, Ress handballs at the Ildereut atarthal, pain tatxPassenfers teem the West sr!!! find Ude the ahortret and =MR expeditious route to Philadelphia, Cal ti mere, New York, or Boatori- TI 1013. hlO 011 E, ON TRY.ii 1 - r rEeTlVilttErt ,wo ere deli eared si the ',(floe of the American Eapress Com• pane, to Dab.,lll•, lows, by a castman from the United 13,•tes Depository. Bald hoitee, on their arri , al .t the Bub-Treasury In New York, note found it ~ n buck sh - 4 or the sire of 140 to tb• pound, and re, tells of the sire of 100 t, the pound, to the amount of 174 pound, to weight, and 215 pound, of sheet lead. No. 4. The boles were made of white pio•, one loch lltrek, ovetailed at the rorcerv, about 10% inches long, 8% Inch, wide, ant 4 o Incuce deep, inside a:manure ro..o . he bottom of one or the boxes was of hemlock. They we, atreppei once arund the middle with one inch ,roa, it b, r;aimad by the Depositary at Dubuque, that the t , o.tee each contained gold coin to the amount of ("5,000. They er.• marked with cards a +dressed to the "Analetant Treasurer U. H , New York," which ramie are ad mitted by the Depleitary at Dubuque to be genuine. Now, therefore, for the purpona of dlacovering how thie fraud was committed, and bringing to Justice the perpetra tore thereof, the Americ•n Express Company will pay $lO,- 000 for the recovery of the money, or In that proportion for any part of it, and $5 000 f.r the armed and conviction of the ortunderp; and they will pay li horsily for I formation relative to the making of said boxes, the furniehing of /mob lead balls, allot. Ae., &0., be. All communication., Phould Iveaddriosed to the subscri ber,. WKL.LB, BUTTRItYIBLD A CO., New York, LI Y 1 VUSTON, PAltrlo • CO., Buffalo, Pro,irietore of the American Express Co. oetB.lmd Alexander W. Fold•r, ATTORNEY AND COUNAIti.LOtt AT LAW, men Bougi roa n 1 One:rosar. Agent for procuring Bounty Lauda and Pensions, and for thr Collection of Claims In Great Britain and Ireland. Wit-Collection. 61C. Ir lo :hie and adjoining Counties; fis. tate, of deeedente set, led; Raul rotate bought, Fold or Imsed and rents collected. Moneys Invested on Mortgage ..tberse.curity. Titles examined and title paper, drawn. Ulan° on YOUR CLI street, a few door. &bore Amitlateld. Putebtuxh, March 23, 18.5.5--{wh29,nwl EI R O a L B EB re,, A.V. toy AZ 9 r il i . E I' AIL LrE d i u l. o E u R p ZU ware, Tinuere' Machines and Trele, Tin Piste, Sbset Iron, Wire Rivets, Ac 4c 24 I\ oral Second street. (opposite Ruehier's Hotel.) HARRISBURG. eep29:d3m rxanui TKANSPORTATMN L: NEC. A NTICIPATING thn want of facilities, for transporting it. Freights to and from the Eastern Cities, via. Penally!. vaula Canal and itallioads, we have Increased our stock of Boetd, Ac, on alms+, to a DOUBLE DAILY LINE, which go es tui a capacity of over load tone per month each way. We assure our friends, and those disposed to patronise the State improvements, there will be nothing spared on oar pert to render general satisfaction in forwarding East ern and Western Freigt.ts with promptitude and despatch. K I Elt fr !ITTIMELL. augliq Canal Basin, Pittsibur,h Pa. 1 17 that BELIEVE ITl—Coless you can satisfy ', ourself 17 that the statements concerning the propertiya of C Ileitustreet A Cc's Inimitable Hale Coloring, own he bully substantiated by facts • and [bat a trial in every ca , e w1:1 satisfy those using It of a most curious and singular phenomenon—chat is , grey hair res;ored to Its natural cour, with all the streng . h nod healthy growth of youth. It is compcmed tt oil and .timulatingspidcs, so compounded that it can by used as freely is water, and with as much sn sty, not coloring or staining the skin In the leant; and it also mparts to the hair a Aloss and beauty unlike that given by RI, other preparation; and in every cars it will rectors the natural "al, t f ths i tor, whets age or sickness has turned It gre . Pd . !) . Cool, per bottle 5,111 by os tl r. L. CUTHBERT, 63 Market st. t 1 toot,'}i!: i thin; e then u rear t, t,ot :emte the l ls itrrrc hooch arovnla, soli and unite. It also removes tan and .alloir nrrs of the skin. I'ITSCII.3 who hare the care of children should not lo without It As a uunary Soup, it is steed loot. One trial will CO nvince you !ha it is Just what we Claim ter IL It bins been use/ by thous loos tines first in. [reduced here, (In I 150,) led never fails to give ratiefaetio-. It is 6/,0 very cheap as well aa g(.4 - .1-12‘,4 coats per cake. Beware of imit Man.; none genuine unites you Bad en closed in each wrapper a" N eather Table " 6old, *hole. sale and retail, by f. L. CUTER/MT, oett."2 53 Market street. A TEXT BOOK OF GE 111 ETRICAL DRAWING, for the /1„ use of Mechaiicy toi school., with illustrations f.r drawing plans, aceticns and tlavatkas for buildings end machinely ; an introduction on leamstrlcal Drawing, and au assay Lit:tuella Perspective and Shadows. The whole illustrated with fifty iis stvei plates, containing two hum dyed diagrams. By Wm. 31Inifie, Architect., Professor of Drawing in he School of Design of the Maryland Institute. Fourth edition. For sale by B T. Cl. MORO A h", oculo No. 104 Wood st. 18'56RILL'S ALMANACS.—Sanford 0. Hill's Pitts . burgh Almanac, Magazine Almanac, and Amer. lean Farmer's Almanac, No. 27, f0r1826, published and now ready for sale by the quantity, by . . JOIN 11. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street. For sale, also, by all BookeeLlen3 in Pittsburgh end Alle gbeny City. sep29 PICTURE, MIRROR AND FANCY FRAMES OF THE most complete and finished style may be found at BOMBING'S, on St Clair street, near the Allegheny Bridge. This gentleman has also on hand a splendid lot of Mirrors, some of which we see encased in Unique and beautiful frames. Give him a toll. Benin "The Best Hazer In the World" I 8 TUS "AIkIRRIOAN RAZOR," made in Philadelptda by Gilchrist, and sold during the lest five ye' to thew.. sands of our oitizerui, by the only authorised Agent for Western Pennsylvania. W. W. WILSON, sep2.s Market street. 1 ,- " ~.' 1. RAILROADS R AU L ROAD ! Fall Arrangement .•4 1 1 • 5."11."2 tr 4.4,41., g 614 • E=2 _ - PaasenKor Lines, l'htlnainlytlls. J. MERKINIEN, Agent, Pansoraer Llnns, PittpLargh. REWARD EINZIECGI .eir . .1•• 14, • 4 , 1 .1-'l' F" ; , •••; i •1• • ~.;; INSURANCE k'](3.MPAZ. 1 .E.-; Inorease of Cash Capital TO HALF A MILLION DOLLARS! ETNA INSIIRANCIC COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN.-CHARTERED 1819 Cash Capital, 8400,000. riiHE THIRTY-81.11'H 'ANNUAL Err:kTEMENT of the Meets cif the LETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hart ford, as furnished this agency on the lat of January, 1.856, under oath. Rend Estate, nninenmbered. $ 16,67] 06 Seventy-two Mortgage Bonds, C and 7 cont., pay able semi-annually 72,000 00 Debts doe the Company, secured by mortgage... 7,313 17 Bills Receivable ' well secured , payable at Bank ... 1.26,3::7 35 Railroad Stocks in Connecticut 07.616 00 Bank Stocks In the city of Llartford ..- 142,096 00 Bank Stocks in New York city 98,060 00 Cash on hand, in Bank, and In hands of Agents and °there '21.2,506 06 $773,278 03 The amount of liabilities doe or not due to Banal, or other creditors,—nothing. Losses adjusted and due,—bone. Lomas adjusted and not due, $140,61.3 22. Losses unadjusted and lo uniting for further proof, 161,267 60 All other club - nil against the Company are small, such only se printing, ttc. Agents instructed to take no risk over $lO,OOO. The amount insured In any city, town or village, depends upon the chirracter, material and mmstruction of building 4 .• the width of streets, the atipply, of water and condition of the ere department, and other circumstances. The amount Insured in blocks of buildings varies: the design Is to limit the loss by any one Ore to $lO,OOO, or less. THO. A. ALI3X.ANDIiIt, B...wretary. 87A.71 or ComrscTlM?, l Hartford, Jan. Ist, 1885. Hartford county. f Perot nally appeared Thomas A. Alekander. Secretary of the 2Htna Insurance Company, and abide oath that the fore• going statement by him subscribed, is true, according to his best knowledge and belief . . HhINItY POWLXR, Justice of the Pence. Loans paid by this Lompany for the year 1854 exceed $750,000, while the premiums received for the same time far exceed any other year, nines the organisation of the Company. Policies, coveting nearly all defied ptiona of property, le aned at thhi agency, at remunerative rates, Sir Olittni, No. 87 Water street, PittaburAb Pe, Janll 11. U. TEN kiCK, Agent. FARIPIECKSI AND MECHANWS , LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, OP PIiILCDELeIIIA Capital Amount etecorely Invaded rteLlIS COMPANY el:Texts Fire Insurance on Buildings, Q 004.18, F 111'Di ure, &c. Marine Inectraore on Veseels, Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goode, by Rivers, Lakes, Canal., Railroads, and Land Carriage generally. Also, Insurance upon Lives, upon the most favorable terms. Ron. Thomas B. Flortoce, Samna K. Nen.] Grams H. Armstrong, Churl,. Ding., Ed. F. MiddletOn,, E. IL. Hekolx,ll, George Ilelmboli, Fre,..l. C Brewetter, Thomas Harderßeld, loasc beoth. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Pre,11.1.0 . EI)W•ill) R. HMLYBOLD, Secretory. PITT/313E1108 SEEKER:ICES. Ron. T. M. Howe, Hon. J R. M'Clintnrk, Lino. F 0. Shannon, Col 8. W. Black, Roo J B. Guthrie, A. B .il'Coiro.,nt. Rog . Thomop J. Ea , .12f1.11, Keg, Wil,,on M'CJiudir.,., 1,..; C.l. J. He oo Foster, 0ce,...1. K. Morehead. It. B. Baddle, The character of the above Cora to.ny la of the nr.! and aambines the rare and unusual or!, lieges of lee, Y.s ribs and Life Insurance. tie:alien:ten of elevated ataodlug are aea.olal,l to its taaaaz,Plaeot, and Interested ae nt ot ha o ld,, TLIONIAR .1. 111.1tiTICIt. JOT Pt- Charlps Building, No 1..5T1..rd Pittsburgh Dollar Savings Institution, No. RS FbOrth ttre../, NEXT DOOR TO THU PITTSBURGH lIANIt, 8 'NOW OPRN daily from 9 to 2 o!,. on Wed needsay and Saturday evening . r, fromt, 9 v't Depcsibi received of all anminot Ives than One D lar, and a divi4eni of Lb. profits tieelartal !wire ),t3r. In June and December. The Trostfts. f,r the puri,ose ”I furthering the benevolent objectse the Institution, have enterad Ink aguarantee bond, thereby giving additional resturity to epositor& li.oke containing the Charter, By-Laer, Rules and Regn latious, furnished grails, on applies:l,n at the °Bice. President-43 EO ft 1 .1 E AT. II k; E. WIC! PtilattDCNTS : Hopeseoll Hepburn, Joh u H. Fheenberger, Ge.,rge R. White, Churl, Knapp, William F. Johnston, N. / I reb. t/ M urphy, Jamas W. Hallman, 111....be1l Um bat a -ttar, Alexander itrad:ey, lan, 'A 1b,,, A, William Phillips, IVllhnm J. An .I..rynn. TTICtrTIr.: T , bn G. Itsekotan, Jam, Herlm,b, Hal Burgwin. J.,h4 11. liu..patrlck Albert Culbettarra, .70111.1 H. WC....r..1, liob,rt Cheater, 11.ot,rt }lorrt.w, J tiardiner Colin, Wq:•., P. Marvta:l, Alec,. A. Carrier, A. NI. P..11‘.e.k, J-lin 8. Cusgrare, ii,ury L. ilku,ou'.l., Charles A_ 0,4t....45, 1'....1 , -r : 1!.. - ., bh. K. ti Edrlngton, U-orre il 1i.T.:..... ire:v . :is lb.ltx, Ji../Ilt, Itk/Onrio, G,mn Y. Gil I=,nre,, . 4 1,1, J3tzi«,,, 8. Born, G.,-,- 5 • S 1•-mirri, William A. Haven, A , -,,ter Thad!, Secertary and Treantrer--Cli A ItLEti A. C(`LTON. jylibily SEMI ANNUAL DIVIUMD, i FUR CENT, J1:LY1,1,.. /ETNA 1.51/SIJILAIN L: b.: , ' , O"/ PAN Y , OF HARTFORD, CU:\ _N. CEIARTralip Cash Assets, July 1, 1 1 153,—5535,530 £l3. ['NUE to make Waunakee on all ea,npnor, t•f proverty at Nuitable rataa f.'”uknauy alutalned a position for honersHe dealing yea.ra, and 14 unsnapsas:l for rosp,naV.llltv arrS puo , :na.ry 1 . 1 any other II .miler ItlfithUtioo :n tolke.l mates, atalual ataterneut cf tta., conJiLiou rf thn. Compsoy on 61e In this olten, for the eistalnation of th, public 11. 11 TEN EYCK, .44ent. Office, North-arc:A corner Fifth and Wood ,trorts, /Ina burgh ji.24 FM3MNNMDM 111JTUAL SAFETY INSURANC3 COMPLITY. \MC:IZ io tbo Nor:b Ilcom of the Ex. - lange, cu Third etrect, PHLLADELPIIIA. MARINE. INBIIRANCEtI. o. Vassal, CARGO, To all party of the , World ValutErts I IsILA N INSURANCES Oa rods by rivers, eanals, lakes and decd carriage!, to all parts of the Onion. FIRE INSUP.ANC3.I7 On merchandise, generidly. On stores, dwelling houses, Ito. ASSETS OP TLIE CX33IPANY, Norember T. 18b3. Bongs and ................ Ott State of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia city, erring rden, Southwark, and other I..sus 181,663 43 Stocks in banks, railroads and bin:issue, ,tati. ponies . 8i115.... -.......-. ...... ....... . ...... Cash on h00d. .._ Balances in hands of Agents and. preminttu, on Marine Policies recently Issued 121,707 87 Babecrlptiontiotes 100,000 00 ortiewsks: Wm. Martin ' . Dr. B. M Licston, Joseph H. Seal, ' Hugh Craig, Edmund A Solider, ' Spencer Mlirain, John C. Darts, Charles Kelly, Robert Burton, ' Samuel K. Stokes, John R. Penrose, Fleury Sloan, George G. Leiper, James Traq natl., Edward Darlington, i Win. gyre, Jr., II Jones Brooke, Joshua L. Price, . J. G. Johnson, . JIUTION Tennant, James C. Hand, John B. Semple, Theopllus Paulding, , Charles Schaffer, James B. M'Parland, . .1. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, W. C. Ludwig, B. T. O. Morgan, do. WM. MARTO, President. TIJOB. O. HAND, Vice President JO:MPH W. Conte, Ssey. P. A. MADKRIA, Agent, marl 6 No. 96 Water street, Pittsburgh. _____. The ',rant:Ulu Fire Insurances Company, Of Philadelphia, .Penorylocam. ILIIPATORS—OharIes W. !Smoker, Thomas Hart, Tobim LI Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. Rich. aria, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph] H. Borie, David B. Browne, Morris Patterson. On- N. tinnalsia, Prukkr...•. Ones. G. Brannan, Secretary. Continue to make imainuica, perpetual or limited, on every description of property , in town and country , at roteli OA low $O are ooneistent gith seOurity. The tiortrpszyluive .resrved a large Contingent rand, which, with their capital and premiums, safely Wrested, at ford ample protection to the assured. The Junta of the Oompany' on January let, 1831, an pub- Milled agreeably to an Act of Assembiy, were ae follows, vis: Mortgage $818,128 68 84,377 78 Temporary Loan 83,066 17 Stroke E 1,571.8 00 Oath, eta 64.1140 81 Total $1,212,708 44 /31nce their inoorporation, a period of twenty-one year!, they hare paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou sand Dollen, losses by are, thereby &fronting "rid r nee , rf 0,4 .dvantagee of Insurance, as well as the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptusees all liabilities. J. GAILDINER COFFIN, Agent, ;4124 Office, north-east cot. Wood and Third eta. TEE UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE , ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, P 101 IL ADELP MLA. OHAJITERM APRIL 28TH, 1850, CHART= PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,000. °glee, 8. E. C omes of Third and Chatnta Streets, Philadelphia. Ofileeri of the Homo Board at Phsladelphio DLLICTORS• Stephen B. Crawford, Panl B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrense Johnson, Benjamin W. Tingley, Geo. SPHeriry, Jacob L. Florence, James Deverr us, William M. Godwin, William M'see. President—Stephen R. Crawford. Vice President—Ambrose IT. Thompson. Medical &nominee, Pittsburgh—Jamee.R.Willeon, M D Allegheny City—R. B. Mowry, M. D. ORO. E. ARNOLD, Agent, marl 77 No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. PENNSYLVANIA INSITEABCS CORIPANY OF PITTSBURG 111, CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS. Atithoriaed Capital, 8300,000. INSURE BUILDINGS and other property against loss or damage by Pits, and the perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIZZOTOII9. Wm. F. Johnston, Rody Patterson, W. M'Clintock, Kennedy T. Friend, D. M. Long, 1. Grier Sproul, A. J. Jones, George It. White, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, lames 8- Negley, W. S. Haven, Wade Hampton, D. E.Park, H. R. Co I. llon. P. JOHNSTON, President BODY PATTERSON, Vice President. A. A. Canals; Secretary and Treasurer. S. &Quatro, Assistailt Beczetery: dec2:sm DRY fIOOD - S- Waouui ze i AXED Rirran—PALL TRADE, 1855. A. A. MASON a CO, Fifth street, Are now receiving their Pall stock of Goods, embracing some Twenty .five Hundred Paokages, which har&been pur chased at the large Auction Sales, from Impartere and Mkrlalecturers, and will be sold at as low rates as can be purchased of the New York or Philadelphia Jobbers. .604 DWELLING lit/OBE TO LET—One two-story Dwe contairdzig.elteren rooms, (well calculated for a Board 'situated near the bat of Vine arm. for rent, by MILLER BICKSTSON, sep2B 2s. stud 228 LTherty et. . . •, pi, - PAID UP 9300,000 8;400,000 DIESOTOII6 MIZE 2J,01. 2.0 150 52.5 04 14,0'1 30 {877,3"6 5, '445. Fiffni==WlA DANK D BROKE Rb A trSTIN LOOIti2S6 STOCK AND BILL BROKER, (dice No. 92 Parra rt., above Wood. MOTES, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on collo- IN totals, negotiated. Stocks bought and sold on com mission. Land Warpants bought and sold. Particular attentilm paid to the purchase and sale of Copper Stocks. All commuuleatione sheared to promptly. tanl9 Wit H WILL-1.H9 • rea a. iever Wm. H. & BANKER? AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, .:S7 E. Corror Wood and Third streets. ell transactions madr on liberal [orate. Collections 01 Itllls. Noteß, am., promptly attended to. ARTHURS, RODGERS & CO., 13A.NKERS AM) BROKERS, cuRNA:ii OF FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS, m PI tesburg4, tCaino yid PATRICKS B PRISED, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BIIOEXEI3, rflCl Reogoreci Mar Office to tfie thrner of Pifthand Wood oh. . . PITTSBIJnOII, PA. I_I) ATP:WKS h FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, talc] Dealers In Notes. DrPf j , Acceptances, Bold, Silver and Bank Notre. lachengee on the Eastern and Western ClLirs ~ntsuintly for sale. Ilecti-ne made la all the cities throughout the United Liiiiceite received in par Nada or current paper, at the carrier of Fifth and Wood Etreeta. ffeb3 N. HOLM ES b SONS, BANILERB AND EXCHIANOE BROSIZSII, • rAwT l . smalmmilMWl'eVi'MlPMMl 07 KARS .V.T 513.[1T TOLOI D 00135 BILOW OLD BUDD. LICILIMS SONG, Bankers and Exchange Evokers, and Deniers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, O ver and limo Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for Bale. Collections mule In all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received In par funds or current paper, No. di Market street, between Third and Fourth eta. [ JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, /MAIM IN Ea - change, Commercial and Bank Rota. (LITOCIS bought and sold on commission.. Collections IJ cu,felly attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. thA Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. hi. death HILL Cc CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, 0062111111 Or WOOD MID TUTU smucint. HT EXCHANGE on the Eastern CAIN constantly for S.) sale. rime Itilln of Eichange sod Notes discounted.— silver arid Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections made io all the principal cities of the United States. De posita received of Ear and Current Funds. fnusenly A LLIZI MIX TX, LDW MAD 7/1313C11 PLUJILIL IC BAKU, nA,Tvr, RANEE/LS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, UY AND SELL Gold, Itilyer, and Bank Notes; negotiate 131 Loans on lira! Estate or Stock Socaritieo; purchase P:unileary Notes and Time Bile, on Fact and West; buy anl sc;ltitocks on Commission. Collection,. made on all palate in the Union. f m7l O. LBSOLD & CO., BANKERS AND EXCILANGE BRO. I,E.AI,Kit3 in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Bight and .17 Time Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proeds renaitted to any part of the Union. dtecke bought and aold on 00111110aStliOn. 50...N0. 74 fourth et., next door to Bank of PftraVg. [RIB THOMAS WOODS, ~.-C ONIISIERCIAL BROKER, ' AND DRALLI 761 Notoa, Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, C.C., No. 76 Fourth sL, Pxl.2.lburgh, Fa. [i.ei Ciunnalott.l , s Loan Office, iv - ( 1. 100 S2•IITIIPIELD STREET, NEAR ffLYTii.— 01 Money loaned on Gold rind Silver Watches, SRT.:runts othl other valuable articles. sultdly CLOTHING CLOTHING STORE! JOHN M'CLOSKEY & CO., I:RN MALY of the celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty street, which he won an unbounded popularity under he name of the TiIIIEE 1119 D00E.13, hare, for the par po, or acquiring more spas& for their imniense boldness, ems ed to the spacious building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STBE.ET, Where they have now the most SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS! AND READY MADE CLOTHING, That boo over been orered to the public. Their yrindpal object tar thie removal, le to give them for the WHOLESALE TRADE. They are prepared to yell Goode at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICER! bad they will werrent them to be ne good an any menu a-tu:•d lo the Cuboa. CUSTOM WORK, NT V. !I tiTTLI, AND UPON THE HISOILIMSS NOTTOD Thy have on bend a full and beautiful assortment 01 I. , Yr , for Fiz_OCKS, DRESS, WAIKLNG AND BILISI- NEBB COATS Oar luieraida ere identical with tboae of our caritomere, .rd we Erasure the public that our fidelity will not fall In 9: ling all orders we rune be favored,. with. PLACP.-- i - il 49e Wc..11 street, (ZAAT RIPE,) CORNER 07 DLAIIOND ALLEY N. dr.ire to undnatand that we have rt•-, i.o,ter nay . - t..unrotton with Le C:lt:thing D113111E5.9 on attontion ie tlavut..l ezcluaively to the al, re desig-nate.l JOIIN M'CLOSSET a CO. FI ,z3C Alta! ic AL OF ! FALL DRY GOODS AT LOVE IittOTUERS, .O;Er- SU. 71 31.1 Er ST PIT 761117 - 11G11, "U.* 51.:, OF Tlll ORIGISAL Bit HIV/ FRE, 60)D.1 DErASTAIINT in nowt:telly ful . , k contains !oats cf the richest and moat dui:table tint we bare -Ter been able to offer, such a 3 Ext.a euver ; French Melton.; Guiana -I , i; Lednes; Plaids; Stripes; Cobnrgs N Wulle:—The assortment fu tte city. .:Leco.zettes, Bletvee; ROD ncinga, Edginis and Insertinge; Shea ls, CiOnklt, Talmas and Scarf.; New wy to Bro,•ne, l-ladd, Cashmere Slobs Ant. Velvet. SLeden, . rape euk, SO To, - ;ethrr wiqa a large assortment of J.ELIINING GOODS of at I deecliodone. our DONIEnTId and ROUSE FiThNISGING LEPAIIT- M hr T is wri: ,u plied, and we feel confident that we can offer greater indacements now than we hare can been ah:e to oder before. We relict: an examl,ation o our 'duel before purchneing eta, here, es all will ft. d it to their advanteip, to do so. will nigo Le alineet dilly In reodpt anew an hie Uocds throughout th• ge1.013. LOVE BROTHERS, (Formerty Young, Stevenson & Lovo,l No 03 Market otreet, Pittsburgh Pa. 66 AI. A tt A"OLU 2r, 150315, WIIOLDBALK AND fIETAIL DEALERS IN FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, - o C 6 ARK KIRKE - a, between Third and Fourth. I'll Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on hand, a large stock or Clotho, CasAmeres and Vemtings. Garments made to order ou the ellorteet ontloe, and lu the latest styles. 'All promptly attended to. [augli.2m Fall mad W liat•r Goode I ED3IOND WATTS. vi KIX T TAILOR, NO. 186 LIBERTY STREET.— AL I hare now on hands large stock of Pall and Winter Goods thermatiogs, of entirely new designs; Plush Vest. logs, of the most beautiful petternS; French and English Cassirunres, of every style and shade in the market, all of which I will make to order on the most reasonable terms, and warranted to snit. 0(14 Now Clothing Store, NO. 4, SIXTH STE.E.ET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY. r m eubseriber has just opened thin new establishment, I where he has always on hand a large and choice assort ment of all articles of CLOTHING, which he warrants equal to any in the city, and will sell at the most reasonable pri ces. The public are requested to give him a call. iuskrAl y li . OPPENHEDIER. Westorn Insurance Company, Pittsburgh. R. MILLER, Jr., President. I P. M. GORDON, &crotary CAPITAL, $300,000,, lir ILL 'canna against all kinde of risks "FIBS and MA V RINE. AU leases will be liberally adjusted and preroptly paid. A Lionte Institution, managed by lhaticeone who are well known in tie community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, tut calming the best protetton-hathase who desire to be insured. Darecters.—rft. Jr.,o. W. alckettion, .1. W. Butler, N. Ho] meg, Tr., W. 11. Sinlth, C. Ihmien, George W.Jsckson, Wm. Al. Lyon,' emus Lippeticott, George Maxie, James 310. A uley , Alexander Nimluk, Thomas Scott. uu„.. Office, N 0.92 Water street, ( Warehouse of Bpang Or . ui c tetra.) Pituburgh noeldtly CIIOICH PARA'S FOR ALE—We offer for tale a choice Form of 38 acres, sPuste 1n Nom Township, about 16 miles from Pittsburgh, on the Frankatown Road. It in in a high state of'9lll.ivntlen, with a tine young orchard of bearing apple and peach trees, all of choice grafted fruit. It Is Welt watered, and near the house 1a a neWer"failling erring of water. The improvements are a frame and leg dwelling house and kitchen, large barn, spring house., gran sties, ac., suitable and accessary on a farm. It would cult e 11 a:S.:alai or Wagon maker, as there is an excellent chap each of shoes trades on the place, well established. Title unexceptionable. Price low, and payments' reasona ble. Also, a Form in Patton Township, of 110 acres, all limier feces; 70 a:res of which are tinter culdi Minn, and 14 in meadow; water in every field but one; a }ming orchard of at.ou: 1 acres. ImprAremence consist of a frame dwelling house of six [COMA, large bank bare, stabling, granaries, &c.; also, a tine stone Title unexceptionahla. Pr. ant payment reasonable. farm 4 ore to the time neighborhood, and the onn-ri batng tisstrous of moving West, sill (Wpm of them eutlefuctory terms. Apply to . BLAKELY Sr RIOIItY, ,orner Novenlit and :3mitblield rte MEI 010 Lk. 7.-2100 tout N.,e. 1 and Authracke, Marl " Cameron" and "Cerdella" furnacee; 100 tone "Bock 11111,"Juntata; 100 "Monroe," do; 00 " "Mill Creek," do; 76 " "Shade," Somerset county; for rale by (urt.l9) JOHN 51001111.EAD B LulLtib—leo tong Juniata illoOtrus anti Lumpy; lOU '• Lakin Champlain; for sale by iteplo JOHN MOORHEAD UT.,.11 FLOWER 1:00V—Our annual importation of 1J fiolland Elyadaths, Tulip+, a c., for tall planting has arrived. Catalogues Win be ready In a few days. Ovtl3 JAMES WA.B.DROP. i_bl RD CAGES-1n dozen of Cana y, Robin and Mocking A) Bird Cages, of various sizes, just. received and for sale by loot , 31 JA NIBS WARDROP. RAILWAY tiontiti POWIMS—One and Two Horse Pewers, with Saws, Threshing Machines, do —or the Powers tarnished without maetinet- 6 4tdapted tor manufac turing purrosea. Call and examilidS/fitein, Fif th et. #l4lpb mama WAILDIVR. (2Tit.A.WIRSit.oY PLANTS of the nicrat reliable bested va kJ Holies for this locality can be supplied in large guan uss-47 Fifth st seer- °reef", Ja hi HA WARDROP. I\TOW IS THE TIME to secure a good HOME near pail .131 Schools. It is within a quarter of a mile of the court !Letitia in Washington. Pa_, fronting the Pittsburgh rati. There are eight stores of ground Improved, with about ISS Fruit Trees, and a good Cottage House of eight 2001318, neatly furnished in the latest et le. It is near the real. dente of John Marshall, Esq. Price S7OOO. Enquire of eepB THOMAS WOODS, 75 Fourth st A FARM, near New Brighton, Beaver County. containing 11. 108 acres, well improved, and under a fine state Of cultivation, la offered for rale low. • - THOS WOODS, 75 Fourth et vir KITING INfirl—Arnold'o, flibberre,Orth's,Warren's, V Harrison% and Maynard a Noyes' /aka, for Ws try :war W. WYNN. t • HOTELS. CITY HO J (deis mitovii%) . Corner of Smithfield "ii'd'lrikird stseeter JOHN P, 0 1, /. o9 ,,Piropietisr, Pl r. atu.sos, PA. rpens large and commodloac Rouse haying undergone J. thorough repair end funnaluntretth-rum equipments throughout, broom open for the:reception or the truireliue 1/"JtE SILAS PER PAY, Jai ANSJONAIOUSE, GEORGE A ultEri TZ ' Pamuirou,. ‘TO. 814 LIBERTY STREET, just beside the . Passenger 1.1 Depot of the Pennsylvania RailahnT; which rushee It the most convenient house In • the city . for passengaiterri• ring by that road.- The Proprietor having, at cozuriderable expense, fitted u p, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would' respect fully eolicit a thereof public patronage. Thereisatinched a splendid STABLES and extensive la AGOZI 'YARD, afoul lug ample accommodation to travelers end- teamsters. Dia Larder and Bar sill - be tarnished nittithe can afford. • • • t f-..feb/7 ST. CL ilk IIL HOICK,. Corner of Penn and 84 Glair streets, Pittsburgh, THE undersigned, formerly of "Brown's Hotel," having taken thin large and commodious HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. *fa med, with the convenience of the house and hie longex parlance in the huainess, he, can give entire catiafaction, and lii charges moderate. feb2l WM. 0. CONNALLY. GOOD INTEINT HOUSE, nouNaa - OF LLIIKRTY AND GRANT STRIS2I3, near C the Railroad Depot. jarttllp JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor. OWSTOIVIS. AVEILLEY nousr, 60 South Slghth street, between Obeetunt end Walnut, Plal [eu.My • pub/ILL .LI 0 VIESEri, .: maxis or MAIN AND 8001 H ,sr.s, w:Azuirx. d. rrux Proprietor takes pleasure hi announcing to the public that ttdsnew and elegant noted has been opened as shame of entertainment. }Mug commodious and roomy, end adjoining the office of the Ohio littageooreptiny,it offers. Inducements unsurpassed In Warren for the acconunoder Lion of the traveling community. A share of public patronage le respectfully solicited. aul7 Di. GASKILL. REbTAU RAN Tb. WILIS.IIIEI HALL, W. C. GALLAGHER, PROPRIETOR. Jburth stew, between Wood and Smith fi eld. THlSepaulette establishment has been leased by the sub scriber, and completely renovated. He is at all hours prepared to furnish every luxury that can be found in the best regulated, restaurants in the States. Ws orations Bar will always be supplied with the very best Liquors. Genie of every de scription, in its season, can always be found at Wilkins Hall. ap7J W. 0. GALLROILEWL CORAUCOPIA arOYSTEI3. AND COFFEE HOIII3LiEs D. BARNARD. Po. 40, fifth 6 vcd, between Wood and Market. jan1.0:111 niTannaan. I==MCZI WD. EffiGLIBB, Bole Bottler of MUMS celebrated and gKennett Ale and Brown &tont. Also,Conamon Ale rter, In quart and pint bottles. The attention of families, and the trade, it respectfolli solicited. aal Ly Allneral Water auct,Saresparala. • WILL D BNOLD3II. Pitt street, below Penn, In now manufacturing and hot:tieing the above beverages ext, an extensive wale. fits artirJesare of the beat onality,sid neutered Isom the purest/materials. octild,y GREAT DISCOVERY ! g MPLE TEBTS, both by able Practitioners andthenil pi cal Analysts. have demonatrated the. great value of PROB. DE GRATH% beautiful combination, called ..ELEO TRIO OIL,^ for the relief and owe of Pain. .But the people theumetvw are sande:tog their verdict in a manner-both unmistakeable and satisfactory. Moretban 2u,000 bottles have been sold in a eery short time-,a great privet - ion to Game who heard others recommend It, who had tried it That it is a splendid discovery is everywhere acknoiledgedi. end nothing like it was ever afore prey area. Why, for Chests alone, It is worth 4100,000 a year to the people, as it alw ys cures these painful tormentorain twentgfola hours. But what Is it not worth to the • people If it cures kelt. Rheum. Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcers, Spree of all kinds; (Iret . quently taking away all the pain In lwenty.fonr hours,l Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, BrOachilds," Piles, Womb Complaints, Cramps. Sprains, Sore or Steeped Beefed, Felons , Wounds of all kinda, Afal Would 5500,000 express Its value to the people ? Becattse aMan will give freely for relief from pain. Will this Oil relieve paid ! Certainly tL wilt. Bach men as we have tibia named, horn orable and high.minded merchants, mayori, doctors and others have so said, alter from ten to fifty Wale,' They say the Efrotrie Of is the finest medical combination veer pre, pared, neither offensive nor injurious, but effectual in alt the above and many other cages. Some honorable and heavy business firms have, it is true, sold some of the old (turpentine, bittamineus, or coal tar. de. lie.) external ap plications. until their cep temera returned bottle after bot tle with the remark thet °the remedy was worse than the pain ;^ yet such men have never recommended nor given countenance to them. But see some of our best merchants ordering more every ten days, and always giving additional testimony to the value of this wonderful discovery. That a great many ladles are ustug it as a medicinal tAlet article for themselves and their children, is well known. It mires ail pimples, blotches and ermstimor on the Nee and neck in co abort a time, you would scarcely crenit It. It frequently I redoces a painful swelling in two bents; has done It In ha f en hour; cured many 02'er - toady In Six hours. If ladies knew the soothing, strengthening and healing virtues in this Ott, they would never ho induced to sae anything else for womb complain's or pains of any kind. We now lormrt a letter lust received tom Henry Wiley, Esq., who went to England six weche since, (to die ) 11: - .1U)S, Joly 12, 1855. Poor. Ds Gamu, Phila.—Dear Sir : When I left home for my health, (scrofulous eruptions, &o,) I never exported to return again, believing that my complaint would coon carry me off. When you gate ate three bottles of your Electric Oil to take with rue, as merely a pa/halite, I did Sot think I would so very soon be called upon to thank you, es I now do, fur my complete rmtamtion. I can only say, tefOre the departure of the strainer, that you have only to come here with your Oil, to makea for in one year. There is not another similar medicine in England, if In the world. I will write by next steamer. Yours, most trely, RUM It cannot be - thalr imaginations, who state that old sores, that have discharged front six months to five years, have been cured by this OIL It cannot be untrue, nor a decep tion, where pain is relieved in one due, often in half an hour. NoI common sense dictates not—and 600 written Dieters say not Come and me them. A regular Doctor in attendance; and I tidies can consult a Lady, privately, by dropping a line to the office. Adeipe from a distance, mak ing Inquiries that any physician can answer, will be promptly attended to. Always enclose a stamp, as our ser vice, are freely given. and we era drawn upon too often in this way All cases treated liberally, with or without the Oil, as 'I have two Phytdciane associated for this expresio purpose. Prot O. DE GRATH, No. S 9 South Eighth Streit, Philp. N. B.—The largest bottle, ten times the cheeped. Please notify me of any ease or failure to core in from half an hour to three weeks, to I wish to cure all. 04- For ealarby DR- fLEVCIER....I4O Woodet. ranaBo ISPIITA.TION IN NNW lINCII.,A.NI3 Hamm, N. li., June 9th. 1853. 8. A. .FahnesLock t Gs.—Chntlemen: For Bye years past have used B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge for an an theta:antic in my practice; my attention yes Bret called to It in a case where I bad fated to dislodge worms with calo mel, pink and cowbage. A bottle was obtained and used with desirable effeat; eine. then I have prescribed It for hundreds of patients, and in a large majority of cases vitt' complete succem In one ease a single bottle of the medi• clue brought away from one patient timely eigh! worms. I have never known it to do harm, and 1 am Induced to make this statement from an honest conviction that it Is the most valuable Vermihige yot known. Buell is my con fidence in its "worm killing powers, that I recommerut It to other physicians in this sectimi, and furnish them wits the article. M. Q SAVAGE, Al. D. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by B. A. PATIN . 88T05.111 A CO., corner of Wood and First streets, Ph ts. burgh. Low Books. dM authotizoi to sell low some rah:table Law Book& I 10 vole. Pa. Repor t s, by Barr; BCOPAte glnstitutes; ()revolters Evidenos • Wharton's Ingest, laid ed.; And other Reports, Elementary Works, Ar. OEO. F. GILLMORE. sepM at the Mee of Moratne Poet BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. ALOT 24 feet front on WYLLS. street, and extending liana 109 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Lot is in a desirable location for a residence; and will be sold low, and on favorable terms. Titre go o d and clear from lbeinxtbrance. Enquire of Oito. F. 0111.31011 E, Ivl.l AL 00kw. of Mornine Peet. Boarding School O , ,R TINMERBOARDING 110 ERE.—The LEN.ROTEL EI and Grounds are offered for RENT for either the above purposes. The size and arrangement of the house, the beauty, extent and Turley of the grounds, and the singular advantage of the position, secluded from every thing objectionable, render this a moat desirable , location for either a Male or Female Saminary. For tennsi - Apply to mb24ll* J. W. BUTE Mir Piontstreet. Irving's Greet Work. lib LIFE OF GEORGE WAR/IV:0 t'ON.—The first vol. umo of the above work is trowtreedy for delivery—the second volume win be ready shortly. It is no.tly gotten up—pd line printed onne paper, with three or more portraits and pions. Pries $2 4 00 per volume. This edition is published exclusively by subscription, and payable on the delivery of each volume T J. RI3N MA CO. are sole Agents for th e above work. No. 30 Fifth. street; 1.1 Leuffer r e Beokrdere, where tho hooks will be open hn,subscaibees mines. oar All orders addvased to 4, J. K. A ON 141 be at rlctly att ,,, nded to. /GT Canvassers wanted. tate2•te..3in Vir It IN V l'l' • au elainuistiali or our superior aflaOri; meat of Silks— Bill Striped Moire Antique; • Satin Striped sed Plaid bilks; • Black Satin Plaid Silks, (one yard wide;) Sploudid Black Figured alike ; eery Plain Black dike. octi A. A. MASON a CO, 2 Firth at VOlt aliNT—That large three story Brisk Building r n Third street, next to Duff's College. This property has been thoionghly rope red, painted and papered, irntl would be a good stand for a Confectlosary or millinery Stone, or untild it for d r extectstre Book or hinting se., tablishment, the rooms all being xell lighted and cense,. silently arranged. apply to sep2B 8. CLITIIBRItT a SON, 53 Market st. . . 1 bletiFiTANT.—At this mount" of e e year, when dimares of the stomach and bowels are an 'rep:mato:tad, if no. elected, are ea apt to degenerate into cholera morbos, or even Allatio cbolera,'no family should be without a bottle of the Concentrated Essence of JamaicaOloger, and a bottle of Wickey'a celebrated Illarrbma Medicine, which, If used according to accompanying directions, will prove a epeedyi, safe and efficacious remedy. They can be had only at the Drug Store of JOHN HAFT, Jo, augl6 irais Wood street. - • jHO HbB NOT REAM" of THS IiSHPJITHI 80AP T T —Used for removing ten, sallowoesa, and redness of the skin. For curing acre, rough hands, and rendering them smooth, soft and white; it Cannot be equalled. So cheap and so good, Its popularity is no yonder. blethers use it In the nursery, gentlemen net it for shaving, and all are satisfied of its excellence. Only 1234 vend per cake. Each cake of Soap is accompanied by a•• Weather Table," of great use to every one, and its predieHona of their eather thus far have been true to the day. Sold, ishalessie and retallt_by 8. L CDTIIHERT, sepia '63-Market street. TilE POOKET REVOLVING CALEG.Dalt—This fancy 1. Instrument Is about the alze of a tea dollar gold piece, beautifully ornamented. Bud richly gilt, to resemble gold. It is to contracted that by adjusting on the flrst'day of the month, .you can tell at a glance the day of the month and week. It answers fite not tnly a year, but for eon:deg tine. Thoueanda are Sold.. tie Making beautiful and ttma ble gifts for Mende. It to valued as A pocket piece, while , its' practical utility hew made It a universal favorite. Ouly 60;centa each. Bold by 8. L. OUTIIVERX, /58 Efarket street A LPAOAA, DE LA.II.IEB, 0.--4 apening,„" Bplnndid ZS. assortment of block And colored At ;teas; wool nut Pension De Win, Cashmeres, An. Also, Aame yery elegant otples of Milord floods. acre 4 . A. MAEOfi,A ' P 8 there • men vi • soul eo d' tithe will hot gm 14 7ams fifty ma ute Ihr Pith:vest the ' MairenUerh t " 0 0 1$11 i. - ' - : -- '''• . ' - - , .,7. - P. 7 ,i.--4 , :'4.1 . ' ESSE= , ,_N;^:. • ,:0,-;....,5,dir5-0-4'4,;:•5.* °MEDICAL. 115/"11E071161L 9 Pik 4 • w AioNSISEIS •,,t eats at i biliOf • - CastiienrsAii indhsWon. /ales, Drripay;lineow loziout,„aumpro, JurycinaThiu sbidtsri , -Inftdlhiti66SP, , 141 W, -.FTiretif4 '4411. • ii Lisobs,PposhiCloopisiat Indred,_Vertiet`ire;f', in'utdetrtiPuritstiriliutsli- Lot inorolorhosogoitsdistid - *tight , bo. POTerit9 l /41 a ‘iTrii7l eil's — brit.74l 7 ;aa biib o frar9lnore'fretifddld. N 6 person 'feel 4911 trhilica eidetbilisibil todf vailstAssidos;„ it soon. generate_ soridUkstd'ilteir diseases,.which might hem been ol'ohildAY‘ th e thud/ old judioloos use of a good purgstit* 'VAS Uoldu; Ferirr.h" sym}itrims, and filliMfe :!yhey ell- taut' to become orproduce:Abe drePiita... t *Mind ArmldehLe distempers - which load, the . learsee-at,o laud. Illenes; a reliable tarailyphysle 'Grad lirstpuf lantana! to the public bealtti;- and this -21:114tins.bOntiXT. fectell with consummate Una sdintisuld.ft Ai extensive,trill otit t virnice by.Phosiotans,-Prolnockmand Patients, has shown resulteirtirpasslng anything talked° known of any medicine. Cntuatiarebeen effected and belief, were they not eubstantis ed bY persone9l99:ll_92_. shod positions and elmrector so to tothid SMSPICURIW untruth. Among the eminent - getdiernetiiirtustlmys' histliketlet favor of these Pills, we may mention-. - - Doct. A. A. BA YEB, Analolcaltlemlst ofltoeto_ _n and State Assam of Massachuettte, Witmer higbi Sprogicqua character Is endorsed-by - the • ' Hon. EDWARD BYERETT,Bmator of the Baited Water, ROBERT C. WINTHROP i.Ex Speaker N .-he Houma d Representative& ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Ellaleteir ki Edema.' oci MEIN B. PITZPATRICE, Calm* ,BishoPtor. DmaMti Dr. J. It EHLlETON,Yrsicideld 1:0, Ha! York City, Son. W. 7,. MARCY; Betrehteff Of-Slatel';dic WM. B. ASTOII , the richest men In Aut'erica•,. B.ERIAND k CO., Proprietors of the Haregnlitaligoltel, _Del spare permit, we could : ems manYlinViiMd 'Ontif. cam from,where the rille lace been ea. deice even - more convincing thentheexperienteofeentnisnt public then, 12 found In their armlet PCs Hesse • Pills, the r-ArtatiatJang-favairtfpdatuittd!StYstra are offered to the public as the best and mod =Plato which the present. Elate of medical science 'can They are compounded not of thi - drugsithertselvvi,ibut of the niedleinal•virtuee only o f llegetabletßeidetHee emtrellted by Chemical process in a ante of pnrity,and combined-An gether In such a manner es , !mare' the,' beet Meats. The eyetem of composition for medirtnea has beentintd In Cherry Pectoral and Pipe--Goth, Mort:duce Anaefeeelildena remedy then had hitherto been obtained •by any ,pr The reason is perfectly obvious. White by the old Mode of composition, every medicine Is burdened with wormer Iwo of actimonbius and i injuritratrunaltiles, , bytidgliich vldual virtue only .that in Resizeti,for the el:dative OW is present All the inert MA, ohne:dins Analitles.of each substance innYloyed are left `lthinff,lhir Plaratiftelronea anly being retained. Hence Ms self evideiddhattheleflicts should:vont-ea theiteirrelißmodc more purely =WA and the Pills& more,gorarfutautidote to disease than any ' other medicine known to tbelftea. As It ti frequently expedient that tarty tudierusaehould be taken.under the counsel Of as ettanding./Vaitlaumfad ao he cpuld not pipperlyjudge of a remedy_imittrutkomr. Ing ite composition, 1 hare - sutplied thp'acenrate by which both my ;Federal' and aff:thade, Isv4tb• whole body of Practitirmera in the UnibcdfatatettatatHvititak American Province& if,„boicatar r i.beleahoubi beanymus Who basnotreceived them, they arDrteforwintad - t/Mail to Ma request. • . , Of all, the Patent ,biedichres Amt. anscoffereditiaw fbv maid be taken if that, pnWealtitotetne,khoef4 It 2341 ' life minarets In thelimystery. havAnffniyaterleit ' ; • The. compbeition- of any. preparatiMie OtanAM all men, and all who are competent to Judge co Atittlitibject ; freely acknowledge their..corraction,s of. their, mamas merits. The Cherry Pectoral' was pinnottisiedlirecientille men to be a Wonderful medicine- beibire Itif-V.Weti4ere t. known; Batty eminent Phivietette deo** an d•, thing of my Pills, and even atom cutilderlßfe„onCare willing to certify that their antlapetiorie Were marr than realised by their effects upon ,trvett ;• • They operate by their,powerrol inkuence tnl %ft Internal , viscera to purity the blued and litimulate it :into healthy 'ftetionntaove the olietriictioittr of = the steciach,'''boirsle, liver, and other:organs Of ttie maturing IMP 'Mager '- •lar action to health. AWL 'atm - map& pheremmthey ex. : fat, such derangements erMES ( e t th e it tirsr,?rigin of .disetul a. 10• • Weit i gt,- I ! T iowelli Afais * . aiil4, " 1141 / boa. ;Waba..7.earcirta•••,•---i • Bold by /3. A. ,FA llNBSlToos , ..4,cct;vgirlsolesalwand Detail, by every Drttagiktlif!ittsbnifat, itaiir by in - Palen F• everprbaTe. • by LN HA.LATION CUBIV42 - : - ASTHMA: ANDIEJIBUMPTEIN • NEW AND' VERY WONDERFUIi;_ ' . 2 1111000/IT HOME TO ifs Jr, DOOR 07 - TIM A:AWN AINOGDER#OI. DISOOVRRY hen' recently:been made try Dr. Curtis, of i.da city, in the treatment at Goa sumptlon, Aathmo.4llld . ell disease. of the Lunge,. ,We it. ‘ ; fer to " niGEAM4 I IXILLLING iIIrOWSI I,O4 4 eat °num Sum." : With this new ittetW; Dr:V:tob re stored man yaillieted Owl to healthots anteldenre Of which be has innumerable .certltlcatea . Speaking of,lholgeate men: a physician remarks, " It to -evident thatlnhalhisp— constantly breathing en thtims dielnal pr.:merges must come in direct. mast lettli. the whole tonal cavities of the lungs, and thin escnpathamany end varied changes produced, upon them whin Introthkeed into the stomach, and subject tithe pieces& 'or lidgelitita." • The fir getters is for sale stall the Druggists throughout the wintry.—boa Erik Dufehnunt of Juntezrylik: , The Inhaler is were on the htemet, uttettrittelitten.llititt t the least titectitettfenee—the heat 'of the being to exert:rote; the fluid. 'Hundred* et ems ot curls., like the following, nigh , be named: • One package of the Rygeans hoe curolme of of ale years atanding. . P.ll.'et I em cured of the Aathina of tan years' standingAry Dr.l Ourthes. Ernesto_ Plasta.sanr Yerto.t r iltooktypai. Y. Au- 3 , ' , Au!, or No. 5 lissamoraketreet, NL I was ca,appd a severe me of Bronchitie by theElygeans. . • 'My sister his been cured of &distressing dougliciterveni. pears' standing, and decided , to be incuratdec by therAty& visas. She wag' . ;tired In one month, by the anemia. - "J. it Illehmatt4itic • - 'The Rey. Dr. eltevier;• of NewToitt,:nalthleiof *UV tie& tine In the following language:, :.:: •--..,' ; ..,.:, ' nt • New YoF4 Nor. 0e Dealt Sot-I th.nk highly of Dr. Citrhe'ti Eljgetuts snarly in diseases of the throat and thTtaliebilK. name opportunity to testify Ite...ettlestew Lottp - cetitOmed... that it In a ;tun eatcellent medicine,..both Itileiypip and the inhaling applinatiod to the &est. N. B.—Dr. Curtis's tlygeatm-Is thiSDRIGENAT.andOLY GEN UINE ARTICLE; all others are tress imitations, or - • The sad INJURIOUS eatuatetteita.:". Shutt them'aa yaw would POISON. /Jar- For sale by Dr. Gee. 11. it Steer, 140 lii • ced - U. Bisliete A Co.; Les A. - Beckham', Allegheny , City; Johti , Sargent: New Brighton; C. L. Baines, itachestet. . rtaYl4-4,lFem Carter's Spanish lilliture. THE GREAT FURIFIER OF 'I I IIE 3 I3EOOD 1 Not a =Particle of HOrettt7 f ET TUE APNLICTED .READ.4IILD-SNOISDABAk-At L t infant 4..gictedy for•Ficrolula,fritngi t Evil„, Rhin= Demi, Obstinate Cutaneous - RroptiOus; amPles or Windt on the Pacer Blatiliss,'Boilt, Avis and • Ferrer, Chrortlirllnn Eyes, Ring Worm nr Tette; Ecald.Usad, Enlarge:n*4 ant Pain of the Bones and. Johats,,NDibbom Ulcarvidyplttlitb Disorders, Lumbago, Spiral °amiable; int alt - D/Reass arising frvirin [Wodictous rise Ofltercury,lnatinsdatice Life, or Impurity& the Blood.; • • - ear this great &Banana medicine arul•POrifier m lf ~ • Is now sized t .n 10-A sandi of WED patio:ditto:do all of the United States, who tesUtrdially 'to •tbkr ' 1 awes performed by the greatest:of aUittedichterl,„l,C . All TER'S SPANISH MIXTUED.r INSursigia, Rheumaturen Scrofula, Eruptions on the - Sktn,'Llver Disesse,'Nervere Ulcers, Old Sores, /elections of.the Itidneys4F-seses tb Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and Anktrieof the Bone and Joints, &rasps's& ly put to flight by - using - thirgrnit an , Inestimable ramedy. . • - ••• • Nor all din:amen of the 1 31Oirmad113 hue yet heallihun to commie It cleanses the system of alr invit ees, anti geritir and 'etfleieztlyori the. Lleedehitollttlneyi etrentbems .the: Digitstiory„rdlwootelo itteraggol. ek makesthetkin.elear end healthy, and restortitholloast ninon, enfeebled by ditLmisedr•broluindintnbrtft. of youth; in its lids - hird" , ll - gorettd etretgthll •,1 - 4 For the litlinvit b Atintiliblriletter,t4frinTl4,423l eo notice ever need., &his dew of tit kranishhijztur will remove all eat atotpleklon, bring the roar mantling-to Ihecheek,giver elasticlff to-tiniiiteMbil In prove the general health in sinnuutriblethignsa bq.'o4 a the medletneastrer h*rd,of,_ • The tulle tannbetarcertlfiniiiiewideb tee from persons travail' parts oft the United Skite4lstha let evidence that there la-no humbug klank it The prier 'hotel keepetre;iciegistratekploiletensilindMVea known to the.commomiturs , add Unk• . •tn tt wonderful effects, of ttds OREAT-BLOOD• PURI Cali on 'the Agentird get a", Circaliir Wad •Abnidan, go read thrywOrideiful ert , dstbletttiy greretestof his perfcamixt.L. - • • - • -1 , None ,gettnina =gem sign' MINNArr.• Proprietors, lio-B Pearl streer,ltichmond; ya.:lonktocs orders for supplies rinitiiredeles nrustle addrelised.- , And for sale by B. A. FAR NESTOCIC, JOSI.III BIM IfO, yi.mtrlNG IBM, soul b,y - Pritgitists ' 5 '• • TATE3rENT FROM •iJANADA •••••• • • • • • , - - ---111 m=“ettvuorYtth, Zeters-it Jrahnertock .0.-.-1/Ve. hia, the pleasure receiving, this morning; the. tvglatt,bartificitto of your Va attune, which will be very kivitrying=to Gat yam voluntinly. We are, fientlenenjours, reg r tril, -- • - • '7.: A CO. Gestleagn—My little defer, ionr yeirt.oti,luid a son, older, ' 31,1111) fore co Stable - jraCerltigr wane.Vpurchased two tficti of`pur Vertatinga, which I ore them three dont. Ancortting. to Altnedog nod •ctruncre to ear talus then area helm Ottyparpal lean than FIVE IMISTDRICD - WOASIB, intrercli" Thn'extrat ahliallepstkkg 49 11 LAR:fixa oitutteD„toßbeikri Miring experienced to much 6f the Itcensl effects your 4"etitlitite,l cihtyle , tretrearietid tete t: public, air o itt atyopinlon,lantraf =fit .tfacs6lo4 rep <llea 'spinet worms,pirmogered to the ptcylkcis t hri,,l.: : , ilsotivmen,bellete mete In • "•• Tom trictell olill3etl N *TB ABM L Prepared owl told PAIMESTUCK * Cc corner orqrtret sod Wood ElteetAc' lc -.l".!,jlfEV;iniif _AU - 1 / I .TELE tlODltrit Cottage Itou, a. of sir ,somne enl Antak (*list wP frame 'barn end atahle",'«drlage'bole;arioltellouss cater bmildlnsaoeitkleakra et. welthurVed Alta, 'Finite of every Vaileti;end - Garden, alai fitrite; , ll6stere, grapairill*a&AVlVlOD pieta order. Immediate, staMeadtmoran, her iiiym quired. Sitne.ted in a healthy erd agreeable three miles from the 'Paint tetry,ranhtlarli Wanton rel, Prtar $2.,200, terma -espy'. 'aids iteloatentilenttllttr persona Irturare demixont of Vorstring f tmentrraellt the city. . . 11..CUTHStattA4linlq, sea_ - faS.Market et a _ - - - VBIGEITtO MEDIlea KATaeakteelf*a. he , TVud ieutorei all bite-idctrh .. Are Doter iiableto &upstroke. a s x • -7-.....,...- ,WItte.Mt..I3.PAYAIUMAIATIFARICIW.' , re theintettleluable ieOteition to the toilet, retaining L Lietritt way Tegitirid farm. -I -For .ssla la Alf,Witt - 4 / 1 .-44/00 1 . 44 1 4 A...34Ru R'j, &CO., 045. mate perbqr.ue- • • _attqr; OarstdAilli , AND 43r ding. One , millioz - bottle& of this; delightful. artii for the buds hate been sold, asutsahor aescallitilue l e a d% iszs beataltylogiPreserriturarresbothig iha. this oaratiosresswot exalted. - The. tow - prieff , 42s eetX" brings it silbitrAhe reach di. Try ix Untie, will find It gong! Sold, wholesela end Mall. at .L riepLl bar. PC' iy AtiAZlNES,OOßß;ta=tbeelte's NeyitYork4ourE', for October; Bellaire -Megezirio, IhrOdobort = ichatabcry - 7.llhaties _TriaLtutd Tua4,l 0:6 , T sirthnr • ' , R4relred end tala"ati ' - ; W. 4.a 00.'8, muln r7vX 14; 13;.'415114 ' ‘.4 ' c.lfttbi • 'I4IOW - - # 4, - P-4i44 ll°linta" 10 CatOiliro4 Ara -. 1 . .• 1 ',`'..• ., 1 3 .;: . ,:,.t::. , , , ::!. , ..:• .1 ,":.. -,••=/:,;.i.:•:,',1.i:J..-.. b, , l N %
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