The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 31, 1855, Image 2

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Wa would cell the attention of lIIERCRA.NT:i AND
FALSIJN EaIRN to the fact that we have just received
from .I.i.ladelphia a number of fonts of new Job Type, nod
.ra now prepared to 1111 onion; for Cards, Circulars, 811 l
needs, Paper Books, Posters, and Programmes for exhild
tiocte. All ortlitre will be promptly tiled.
Aga— B. If. rwrmaru, k CO., Netospaper Advertising
Agett#,aritho Agents for the Pittsburgh Daily and Weekly
Part, and are authorised to receive ADVICBTISTXIN?3 end
Sonsompriores for us at the Fame rates es required et this
Marie. Their receipts are regarded as payments. Their
oCi assure at New Yeas, 122 Nesaur srairr,
BOLITO3, 10 Sl4rs imam.
git 3- We are prepared to print paper books,
for use in the Supreme Court, in good style, and
on short notice, and invite the legal profession
to give us a call
mum NEWS
Hon. Eiward Everett has consented to de
liver an oration before tho'Boston Mercantile
Library'Assoolation upon the next anniversary
of the birth of Washington.
From a oomparative table of the price of pro
visions, &m, in New York, in Ootober '54 and
55, published by the Herald, it appeara quota
tions are slightly higher now than at that time.
Last year, however, at this date, prices com
menced going up and continued so to do for six
months, this year there is no prospect .f any
such starvation figures ruling.
Governor Pollock delivered the opening !ce
tera before the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion, of Lancaster, on Thursday evening last.
Hie subject was the " Known and the Unknown
in their relations to each other, and to Mon as a
physical, intellectual, and moral being." The
Inland Daily says of the lecture, that it was
one of those beautifully complete extempore
efforts, to which the abstract reporter can rarely
do justice."
We noticed yesterday a perverse attempt of
the Gazette cf this city to get up an impression
that wo have a short supply of food this year .
We wondered where it got its one for so extraor
dinary a feat at price raising. It has at length
kindly informed us. The New York n-tbune said
so. Tho malign influence of the Tribune is
again at work against American interests, nod
the Gazette re-echoes its mischievous humbugs
Now, observe the effect of such falsehoods in
the Tribune and other papers. We have surplus
food in this country this year to supply the err
lire English and French demand. Let the im
pression go abroad, and to Europe, that we have
not, and they will look for a large portion of
their supplies elsewhere. We lose, to some er
tent, a market. In the meantime a false alarm
is raised in this country, and priest go up to the
famine rates; and the whole elan of consumers
must be robbed beeanee the Tribune and its sa
tellites desire to allow their superior wisdom by
telling . what everybody knows to be false
Farmers know best how much grain they have
raised ; and from all parte of the country the
reports come direct from the farmers that they
have never produoml such crops before But we
shall not attempt to disprove the falsehood. Re
liable reports from all parts of the country
have been published again and again that must
satisfy every ono that it is a year of great abut
dance. This new move of the Tribune and its
frieude is either a purchased humbug to get up
famine prices for the bout fit of speculators, or
else it is ono of those malign idioaynoracies of
Greeley that would de infinite mischief if not
counteracted by a wholesome public amatiment .
lua,grOst-mart like New York an editor vile
enough can make money by getting up Snot an
alarm. Speculators there could afford to pay
him bountifully for raising prices ; but that an
inland paper should feel bound to spread the
alarm in this vicinity passes our patience, and
our comprehension.
THE CORN SHELLER —We have learned some
facts in regard to this invention since we penned
our article of yesterday morning. We are in
formed upon good authority that a man can in
ten hours shell out a hundred bushels of core
with it. It would keep him very busy ; but It is
said it can be done. It is, therefore, a matter of
mush more value titan wa had supposed, and for
all but the largest producers of corn ll , fronld be a
very useful. It is not its design to be " power
machine to shell out large quantities per day
like the machine driven by horses; but is de•
signed for the use of those who raise but mode.
rate crops. To them it would be cheap and use
ful. It does its work neatly, too, and does not
bruise the corn or break the ooh up with it.
We still think a ad.! feeding sheller is the great
desideratum; but others must be used for the
phia papers announce the advent in their midst
of an African Prince, a eon of the King of Nu
bia. Royal stock, particularly of the African
sort, is below par in this country ; for, if we re•
collect, it is scarcely a twelvemonth since a New
York Judge sent a couple of Madingo Princes
down South to boo corn on a plantation and even
now Rev. Mr. Pennington (another of the Ma
dingo family) is refused admission in the Broad
way omnibuses along with " white trash." The
claims of the Lost Bourbon, too, have met with
so little favor that 110 has hotaken himself to his
former vocation and is now preaching to tiro Bt.
Regis Indians.
HARPER (or November ie a capital number.
The illustrations are ahead of any thing we hate
yet seen and the reading matter is fully lip to
any of its predecessors. Samuel 13. Leafier ;
No. 30 Fifth street, has it for sale. Price, 20
W A. Gildonfenney, opposite the Theatre, and
H Miner, 32 Smithfield street, alr, have eta.-
per for this month.
Morallme Powers
Wo frequently road elaborate disquisitions on
the strength of certain European nations as
mitratimo powers. It does not seem to occur to
the authors of these plausible essays that the
commercial marine is the only true gunge of a
nation's - capabilities, Bs the seamen to man a
navy must be reared up in commercial naviga
tion. Bearing in mind, the following table,
showing the comparative strength of the com•
mercial marine of the principal nations of the
world in the year 1854, is pregnant with mean
ing :
Llo:ted Stares Versele Tonnage.
40.500 6.661;410
Brest Britain and Colonies 4J,9e41 0,043,270
Franca 14.354 716,130
Spain 7.931, 379,421
Sardinia - , Tuscany, Naples, Simly
and Papal Stales 17,( on 546,021
Austria 7.r 0 3 324 447
lireeoe .1. 8,970 264,1031
Turkey.... 2 22U 182,00
Holland - 2,091) - 456,462 0
Haranurg. -... ..... . ......... .I._ ....... 369 • 119,664
tiremen 000 160,000
Prussia '' 1;99.) 368,729
D.nmark ' '' 4,709 '.635,109
Norway 532 388,632
A weden ...... ...... .............. - .......... . 580 147,5'29
Mexico and the :Staler,. of South
America 1,530 101,736
-. 105,500
Our own country occupies a prodd position in
this array. • But it is not alone in veeftels and
tonnage that our superiority is undeniable. The
seamen who man our vessels are unequalled for
skill, quickness, daring and courage. In fact,
these have contributed very largely to the in
crease of our commerce, for without them' it 'iii
hardly probable that we could titive gone ahead
so remarkably. Here we have at hand all the
requisite materials for to navy of great magni
tude whenever Congress deems it necessary.
The protection of our commercial interests will
no doubt gradually force no into the building of
a large navy.
The editor f the Philadelphia Morning limes
titnin - artioteW the eb - cire inbjeot;
itliquity of far greater magaitudo than grows
out of all the fora banks in the country. The
4 hears" and "balls" of Wall street aro doing
tore injerr, to the public than the aggregate
.! black lege!' of seven cities ;
for, while the
tither only caiise.theman who fights the tiger to
Stiffer', the 'former,, in !their efforts to destroy
railroad or ether sgolt-affeet outside and inno
cent parties.. Here is the modes operandi of
the stook gainblers:
We spoke on Saturday of a panio in Wall
street, which had been running all the week,
and bad depressed the prices of all sorts of
" fancy " stocks, some fifteen or twenty per
cent., during the week. This " panic " common
med the_previous Saturday, and was allowed to
do its work through the week, up to Thursday
afternoon: Daring hundredrof thou
sanas„probably severalinillions,nf dollera-were
lost,,and, a large number of men were ruined—
While the aCtaal valtio,of the stooks,fupon which
all this sudden panic, had taken place, remained
precisely the same as It-was before !" For in
stance, the public are gravely informed in the
"money article" of the mornin.t papers, (for it
is an understood thing, now, among the finan
cial reporters, that all tell the sane story, and
share the .plunder,) that the,etook of the Erie
railroad wont dowel; that morning, per cent.;
Reading deolitmd I';' Central bonds,
Cumberland, '2; Chicago and Rook Island, 3i;
alena and Chicago, 6i to 6 ; and that there
was a general depression of all stooks and
money securities.
"Now what, in reality, does this mean 4 Why,
of course it means that the Erie railroad, the
Reading railroad, !ho Chicago and Rock Island,
Eikl Li the Galena and Chicago railroads, are fall
ing off in their - bbsiness, and that consequently
their stock la depreciated. Not a bit of it 1 This
has nothing to do whatever with the real value
of the public improvements represented by these
stookit—it is only au " operation " of the stock
gamblers, who, having agreed to deliver certain
quantities of stooks, at certain times and prices,
have forced large quantities of them into the
market, frightened off the timid, driven off the
weak, and created a general panic and eta impede,
so that they could buy up the particular stocks
they wante.l at their own prices, and thus realise
thousands and millions of dollars on their con
tracts. This done, the time for the " reaction "
comes round ; and we aro acoordingiy told, (as
we actually are told, in the New York papers of
Saturday morning,) that "a reaction of a de
cided character took place this morning, which
was well sustained throughout the day. Erie
improvvi I ; Illinois Central Bonds, I ; Read
ing, 2i ; Cumberland, l ; Chicago and Rock
[stand, 2. Galena and Chicago, " la a word,
all three stocks have got back agvtn pretty much
to their old value—and all this " panto " and
-reacti.n" in the ceuree of a week, and without
the least actual change in value or business in
any of the public improvements represented by
these steeks
"Would you know bow and why the press lends
itself to this game, and thus makes itself the
mere marker cf a gambling match between a
parcel of unprincl led opeculators? We will
explain it to you The -mmoretial reporters"
of the daily preee are, of course, in daily and
howdy communicatione with the magnates of
Wall street ; and when one of the operations wo
have described, is to come off, these parties are
promised a certain number of shares in some
specified stock, at the lowest prioe to which It
can, through their articles in the papers, be driv•
en down—and then, when the panic has been
achieved, and the " reaction " is worked up,
they sell their stock at the highest price to
which the market can be forood by their favora
ble and glowing reports—they pocketing the
diff,-renee, without having been obliged to lay
out a dollar for their brief nominal possession of
the stock."
Modern Dictionary
Author—A dealer in words, who gets paid in
his own coin
Bargain—A ludicrous transaction, in whioh
eaob party thinks he has cheated the other
Bellc—A beautiful but useless insect without
wings, whose col,,re fade on being removed from
the sunshine.
Critic— A large dog, that goes unchained and
barks at everything he does not comprehend.
Distant relation—People who imagine they
have a claim to rob you if you are rich, and to
insu!t you if you are poor.
Doctor—A man who kills you to day to BEM
you from dying to morrow.
Editor—A poor follow, who every day ie empty
leg hie brain, in order that he may fill hie atom
,Pear—The shadow of hope.
0/iend—A person who will not assist you be
canoe be knows your lova wilkextuse him.
• Grave—An ugly hole in the ground, which lov
ers and poets wish they were in, but take uncom
mon pains to keep out of.
Heart—A rare article sometimes found in hu•
man beings. It is soon, however destroyed by
commerce with the world,or else becomes - Waite
its poesesser.
Honor—Strooting a 'friend whom you love
through the head, in order to gain the praise of
a few others whom you despise.
Housewifery—Au aneieut art, said to have
been fashionable among girls and wives ; now
entirely out of use, or practised only by the
lower orders.
Lowy cr—A learned gentleman, who rcaoues
your °elate from your enemy and keeps it him
Modeely—A beautiful flower that flourishes
only in secret planes.
My Dear—An expreesion eakt to be used by
man and wife at the commeneemesq, of
Polioomen—A men employed by the corpora
tion to sleep in engine houses at three dollars
per night.
Pcditical Honesty—Previous lexicographers
have not noticed this word, treating it, we pro
sume, altogether as (abalone—for deiuition see
self Interest.
Public Abner—The mod with which every
reveler ill spattered on bin road to distinction.
Rural Felicity—Potatoes, turnips and cab
Sensibility—A quality by which the possessor
in attempting to promote the happiness of other
people loses bie own.
Btate's Evidenco—A wretch who is pardoned
or being baser than his comrades
Tonguo—A little horse which is oontinually
running away.
Wealth—The most respectable quality of roan
Rueslan Loes at the Storming of Se
;From the New York Sersl4.]
We publish this morning a translation &of the
report made by Prince Gortsohakoff to his gov
ernment, on the events of the September, when
the French forece, carried the Malakoff by ae
sault, and when, consequently, the southern
Bide of Sebastopol was evacuated by the Rue•
sinus and fell into the hands of the allies. The
Prinee'e account of the proceedings of that
dreadful day it; full, intelligible and satisfactory,
and its perusal will satisfy any one that the
allies had little cause for j übilation. Oat of the
six points against which attacks were directed,
the allies were repulsed on five, over and over
again ; and the Prince says that the taking of
the Mala.toff was due eo!ely to the immense net
wriest, force of tho attacking party, which
numbered nearly thirty thousand moo. The
evacuation of the south side had entered, he
says, into his views, and when he took into con
sideration the immense cost of retaking the
Korniloff, ho determined rather to abandon the
oily, which he did in good order, and with but
little loss. The number of Russians killed,
wounded and missing on the Bth—oxelusive of
the artillery, of which be had not reoeiand full
returns—the Prince reports to be 39 staff offi
cers, 323 officers, and 11,328 soldiers.
Corros.—Wo find the following in the New
York Herald:
"On Saturday several telegraphic reports
were,reoeived from various sections of:the cot
ton region, of a killing frostrhaving occurred
very l extonsively over the country, the market
became diccited, and the Bales embraced between
4,000 and 6,000 bales. The market-recovered
nearly all i tho previous decline. Flour.opentid
firm, afthe previous day's prices with free sales,'
but was less buoyant at the close. Wheat was
in good demand' for export, and good red was
firmer, while other descriptions were without
important change in prices. Corn closed at 96
®97 c. ; the chief sales, however, were made at
the inside figure. Pork was rather active, but
prices were without material change. Freights
were firm, with felt engagements. To Liver
pool, about 30,000 to 40,000 bushels grain were
engaged, in bulk and bags, at 11@llic.
I Prom the New York Timm., October 29..1
Another Dissevered Church.
jt has been seen by our reports of the pro
ceedings in the Synod of the Dutch Reformed
Ctiureh, whioh has been in session during the
past week, that the question of admitting the
olassie of Nokia Carolina into the Synod was de
cided in the negative, in a resolution offered by
Rev. Dr. Bethune, of Brooklyn, by a vote of 56
to 84. The oaune of exclusion was slavery,
which has now agitated and divided the churches
—North and Bouth--of the Presbyterians, Me
thodists and Dutch Reformed,
Believing, gentlemen Directors, that the course
I have adopted, if steadily pursued, will tend,
ultimately, towards elevating the Teacher's pro
fession to that dignity worthy of his name and
vocation—believing, that so long as I endeavor
to do rwht—to discharge faithfully my duties,
without fear, favor or prejudioe, I shall be Ellie
taiDed, not only by you, but by a healthy public
sentiment; and believing also that the cause of
common school education, will continuo to ad
vance from one degree of perfection to another,
so that ere long our common schools will he
known by the more appropriate name of the
People's Colleges"-,
I remain yours, &o ,
M. Rena, County Supeet.
Pittsburgh, October, 1856.
AT TIM TIMATBS the houses have been crowd
ed to repletion for the last eight nights. Mr
and Mrs. W. J. Florence have proved attractive
cards, nu 1 hare served to replenish the treasury
Mr. Florence made his first appearance in this
city, in the fall of 1853. lie then played a very
successful engagement, and since that time ho
has played very successful engagements in the
South and West. Mrs. Florence was Miss Mal
vine Pray, and is a sister of Mrs. Barney Wil
liam& Mr. and Mrs. F , in their respective
roles—that of irieh boy and Yankee gal—
we -think, are uttellent. He ids none of those
low, vulgar expressions, peculiar io motet Mb/ -
in his line of business. He is also an author o
considerable talent, and writes many othia own'
pieces. Ills performance of " Ragged Pat," in'
freiand As 11 Is, was capital, as was his "Shan-.
dy Maguire," in the drama of that name. Mew ,
Florence is one of the most promising young
actresses of the present age. She possesses a
versatility of talent which is very seldom met
with; and the remarkable versatility of talent
displayed by bcr in the Protean farces of er,
‘• Lesson for Husbands," or " Misoldevous
pie," written by Mr. Florence, Is truly wonder
ful. As a vocalist, Mrs Florence Is ono of the
best we ever heard. Mrs. Florence is also a
beautiful dancer. We make no hesitation in
placing these young artistes in the front rank of I
the actors in their lines. The; will remain one
week more, and we would say to a those who
wish to see two young " stars ' re likely
to make a great stir in the , to wit
ness their performances.
CoHN SEMLER STOCK hie seems to put
into the shade all other stooks, not only in
availability, but also in divisibility and practi
cal value. A scale of $8,640 was made on Sat
urday night, and counties are changing hands
at a large advance upon the original purchase.
It would not be policy to quote the rapid ad
vance, as but few would credit the facts. Suffice
it to say, the intrinsic merits of this moat re
markable machine are beginning to be properly
appreciated, and its value as an article of trade
better understood, and just In the same propos+
tion is the stook sought. Persons are daily
coming from a distance to obtain counties, and
find them already taken. It is in fact one of
those inventions whkph appear only once or
twice in a oentory, and literally astound men
by the simplicity of their structure, and the
efficiency of their work.
There Is no mistake in this epeanlation. It is
a fixed fact, beyond all controversy and all
doubt. A large and certain fortune is In Ilß
oole alone, which is etill in market, and it is
offered under five distinct propositions. Michi
gan and other localities offer moat tempting In
ducements to those who fish in their own ponds,
and paddle their own canoes. An examina
tion at Masonic Hall will sot skepticism at de
fiance, and make a man put his hand in his
PARORAMA or New YORK CITY —We refer to
the advertisement in this paper of the exhibl.
time of this work to be given here. The Balti
more Arqua in speaking of the rvorkehys : "Not
less than twenty-thousand of our citizens will
have seen it while hero, and the press and the
people here all speak of the life-like 'WEI and
astonishing popularity and liberal patronage ex
tended to this beautiful and truthful painting,
and the great amount of valuable knowledge
that could be derived from seeing the commer
cial metropolis of the United, which cost
the self eduoated Bullard four years' incessant
labor, and was attended with sls,oott expenee.
Thousands of our citizens who are Amgen) In
the city of New York, and have visited Bullard's
Empire City Panorama, are not only delighted
with the splendid view presented, bat generally
exolaim, 0! don't omit so favorable an oppor
tunity of seeing in two abort hours, for the
trifling sum of twenty.five cents, more real
worth than can easily be obtained for twenty five
dollars in any other amusement, and those who
have the most correct knowledge of that great
city appear the most anxious others „should do
as they have done—see the Pat:tempi% of New
FOUND DROWNED --Yesterday morning, about
eight o'olook, the body of a man, in an advanced
state of decomposition, was found in the Macon
gahela river, lodged in the wheel of the steamer
Buckeye Sate. The deceased was apparently
an Irishman, about forty years of age. He had
on a hickory shirt, bleak cassinet vest, grey
cotton pants, Kentucky jean pea-jacket, and
brogan shoes. Hie lace was also covered with
heavy whiskers. Two pocket-knivesirere found
in his pockets. Coroner Alexander held an in
quest, but did not succeed in ascertaining bin
name or residence.
A New HALL /2i ALLZGIMY. —The Bulletin
says that another. public Hall, similar in con
struction to Excelsior Hall, will be erected in
Allegheny next spring. The site chosen is on
Water street,' apposite the Post Mee. The
third story of:the new Hall will probably be oc
cupied by the Masonic fraternity.
ROBBRIIY.—A gentleman named Weloskey,
residing in Cincinnati, Who oame-up a passen
ger in the express train, on Monday night, Wall
robbed of a fine gold watch, either at the Rail
road depot or on his way to this side of the
[~ ~ i
't1, 0 ,1,f ,, t!
COUNTY : —Gentlemen—Copies of the now edi
tion of the School Law and Decisions, have
been received from the Department for distribu
tion. to order to save the postage, packages
directed to the Secretary, have been left at A.
H. En& h and Co.'s Book Store t No. 79 Wood.
Street. •
The blanks for ‘f Teacher's Monthlrßepolis
to their respective Boards of DirboterS,
hied some time eines, have net been leceivia--,
as soon as they name to hand due notice will be'
Some time in April last, you were informed
through the press, that blank forms for " An
nual Reports," could be obtained at Mr. Eng
lish's—with tho request that they should be
returned (by direction of the department) to the
County Superintendent, on or before the first
Monday of Tune, 1855, or as soon after as' ooni
It is to be regretted that in some nine dis
tricts, no attention has as yet been given to this
request and even from those dletriete reported,
but very few were received at the specified time.
Thie necessarily delayed the Annual Report of
the undeieigned to the Department. It is to be
hoped that hereafter Directors will be prompt'
in attending to all reasonable requests. -
It is the design of the County Superintendent
to commanoo visiting schools the first of No
vember next—consequently no more time can
be specially devoted to the examination of ap•
plioante. As cases of emergency, however, may
arise, the undersigned will attend as usual at
the Fourth Ward Public School House, every
first and third Saturday of each month, at 10
o'clock, A. M.
The Allegheny County Association of Teach
ers, Directors and Friends of Education, meets
the last Saturday of each mouth. Those who
have not identified themselves with this Associa
tion are oordially invited to become members and
the teachers of each township are earnestly ad
vised to form township associations, auxiliary to
the county association, to meet, say second Sat
urday of each month.
A decision hoe just emanated from the Da•
partment entitled "No School on Saturdays."
Teachers should not be required to make up the
time. If they labor faithfslly and diligently five
days in the week, they will need Saturdays for
•recreation"—attendance at township and coun
ty associations, &cc.
Directors should examine each " provisional
certificate " oarefully, as the undersigned has
endeavored to be fair in hie examinations—boa
eat and impartial in awarding and grading certi
ficates. That he may have erred frequently,
perhaps, in granting certificates, he will not pre-
tend to deny.
Nothing will afford the Superintendent more
pleasure, than to change a certificate from a low- ,
ar to a higher grade, whenever the holder gives
evidence of possessing a corresponding degree
of genlifiestion.
With regard to the "newspaper controversies,"
the undersigned deems it proper to state that tio
has taken no part in them, and so long as he
holds his office, will not give publicity to any
communication without his signature.
lie has quite enough tabor to perform, of
much more importance, than turning aside to
answer, even if be had the inelination or ability
—the many objections and exceptions, that have
been (honestly, it is hoped,) urged against, and
taken to, his course.
Nt!' • P. , 015 - 4 -
•Pt * ' - i - 1 1,- .3 1 "
EloPas= COURT. —Court met; present: Chief
Justice Lewie, and jtlige__Leyr#l4,,ljtpx,,atkvi
Oa motion of Edgar Cowan, Eaq , N. N. Mar
kle, of Westmoreland county, was admitted to
practice as an attorney in this-court. Oa 'no
tion of David Todd, t 64 , H SF. Wlqt of Indiana
county,„was Omitted to practice mina attorney
irt;thii„oottsf. -
Sttkfart Ws. Siewart. Eirdr to 'the Court of
Comnn6 Pleas:-Of Itidianat , -,4anuty ',I L argued by
Drundor prAintlif iteirorMM by Banks for de
lent:EMl in error.
Colins vs. Schell. Error to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Somerset county ; argued by Ger
ther for the plaintiff in error and submitted on
printed argument by Edict for defendant in er
Patterson vs. M'Caffroy. Error to Common
Pleas of Westmoreland County ; argued tiy
an for ilaintiff in error and Poster forklefeildatit
in,error. , ~,
Chambers vs. Markle. Error to the Court of
Common Pleas of Westmoreland oonntyl; 4 argued
by Todd for plaintiff in error and Foster for de
fondant in error. /
Filey vs. Moyers. Error to the Court of Com-
Mon Pleas of Cambria.oonnty; argued by Wiles
for plaintiff in error and Judge White for de
fendant in error.
The Court adjourned until nine o'clock this
DISTIUCT COTIIIT.—IIon. H. W. Williams on
the Bench.
Mary' Taylor vs. M. Kunz. Cochran for
plaintiff; Hepburn for defendant. Aotion of
tresspass. Plaintiff had possession of a dwel
ling house belonging to the defendant, who, after
one month's notice, tjeoted her. She alleges
that ehe held possession by leave. Verdict for
plaintiff for SIM.
Ramer vs. Werlsenhaueen. Brady for plain
tiff ; Hampton and Whltesell for defendant.
Action to reoover,pcinalty of -£5O old Poonoyl
yenta currency) for marrying a minor. Verdict
for plaintiff for $133,331.
John Doan re. Alio& Blakely a al. Marshall
and Brown for plaintiff ; Mellon for defendants.
Action of , ejectment fur a lot of ground in
Manchester. On trial.
Ahl, John Roussel; Win. V; 'Etienne,' JaMes
Cris/Tell, C. 'W. Carroll, S. - Duff, Dablea,
Matthew Day, Phillip Graff, James Hillman,
Stephen Jarvis, John South, Joseph Ludwick,
Thomai Nelson, Harrison 'Parry, Joseph Roes,
R. M. Riddle, Robert Spoors, Henry Shively,
Bruce Tracy and Moore J. Wilson, announced
as jurors in the District Court, were each fined
$2O, yesterday, by Judge Williams, for not being
in attendance when called. Attachments wore
also issued to compel their attendance.
M'Clure, Preenient Judge ; llon. Gabriel Adams
and Hon. Win. Bogge, Aceociate Judges, on the
Tussuvc, October 31.
Commonwealth as. Clement and Augustus
Hoosier; indictment, nuisance in maintaining a
glue factory near Est Liberty., on oath of John
Cartwright Several respectable gentleman tes
tified to the stanch arising from the factory
during warm weather.
terday to hoar the arguments on, tho motion to
grant Henry Cummins a now trial; but owing
to the abeenoe of Col. Black, adjourned' until
Friday morning next, at ten o'clock.
Suwon —A young Postothoo clerk in Alle
gheny, Pa., being detected in-eteating money
from a letter, last week, purchased and drank
two ounces of laudanum —OM. Columbian,
There is nothing like inquiring abroad to fled
out what's going on in orte'e own neighborhood.
The above ie a piece of intelligence that will be
considered entirely now hero Wo dare say the
clerks in the Pestoffiee of our slater oily were
not aware of the oircumstanoe.
FREE Lacroun.—Wm. E. Steveneon, Eeq. , Rill
deliver a free lecture, on the importance of a
practical education, this evening, nt Harry's
College, Wylie street.
The Great Sheller.
lhight Ceres, Godless of the andn,
With sniffler plenty filled her hots
And t.'er ttr bill sides:aid the plait.
Scattered the crops of yellow corn
Thin Stollt •ruin! barabandro en r rn t tor IL
And the ripe bar - veil gather.,l
And Ohm of golden oars aro.
In every granary and Lino.
Kind natural thus had done her part,
And crowed tiro year with bounteous hard
Than tnan stepped to with ahlllful art
To all the titter et Qui land.
A estialasynacblzartraa Made.
411011' the earn with . ironderam, cpcod
vorrotie who 'nor I said
lf jut eteetty what tre need
acat,io ample and so chest+,
It toolralurllncy of the nation.
Attd•hondlede wentio tato a pap,
AD3 b.:meta a Melt on !Innen intim:
Towns, conntleeptates were pornoued oft
And said etfortwte making price,
And weeri-lyel. wimted mere,
Por thAceah pronto were so nice
Nn'nnOcelli it Masonic Mill
War dtavi Stich cmwde as now are cren,
Ana if ynn wtati ■ rigbt, Jost call
Ara fine this wonderful machtn.
litave . yosivek. 13Lensed Liver I--The mute.
non, though startling, le sufficiently suggestive, when the
feet le taken Lalo coneider►Hon that diseases of the Liver
'Lave become rind alarmingly frequent in the United /States
Indeed, there are fir formidable dine/met that are not in
come way tradeable to a deranged stete cf that important
organ. ?deny of thiremnPlaihte usually oilfired under the
head of Ceittrappllorti, have their Origin in the Liver. "Any
remedy that Would itemre regularity and healthful action
in the Liver, Would 'be a blessing to manklutll"' bat beel
the exclamation othhousauds. That eel:doily' has been
found; it to fare and aura'. When a fair trial has been
tanned it, 11 has never twee known to fall.
Reader, hoe you 'nay disease of the Liver, or disease
which yon, !Saltine *seeds frato hepatic derangement?
Loss not ti moment, but purchase a box of Dr. Dl'Lene'n
PlllB, and Om will:restore you to health. It is thaonly
retnedy yohdheoverettin whint.implicit mundane° may be
- Patchastirdwfll ppetee be careful to ask tor, and take none
but Dr. IrLtuae'a War tills. All others In comparison,
are wortblea.
sar Ths above valuable remedy, also Dr. erLane's cele
brated Veal:Otago, can now be bed at all respectable Drug
Storm in this city.
Also, for title by the eo'e proprietors,
Inhalation for Diseased Lungs.
The mode or Inhalation, in cases of diseased lunge and
threat, recommended by Dr. Curtis in his advertisement,
strata Olathe trillions. It le now generally admitted by
out haat ptiyeiclatta, that /coal difficulties can oily be
mealy treated by local applications. This practice has
beeztitrraund from the Hist with respect to external Intlem
nuttlonitst corrosions, and we Bee nut why diseases of the
throat aterintigs may not be treated in the same manner;
ye believe they may. In this variable climate of core,
where I* and throat complaints bare become to preva•
lent and ON we earnestly recommend to the public, cod
to tho °dialed stpecadtty, to avail themeol Veci if Dr. Curtis
remedy.--tans who hes tried It) tine site trtiseineot to
this paper;
01:1111i UPI NANA la the original and only
rrenulna article. eapi:➢wdew
Ad* Argue and Airever of Three Years'
Standing pured.-11e. John Longdon, now living at
Bearer Damillanover comity, near Richmond, had Ague
and Birver' i lbt three yearn; most of the time be but chills
twice dayoind rarely less than once: he was parched
with flyers RI asop as the chill left biro and idler trying
phyabilana, quinine, most of the looks advertised, and
everything rectenmesded holill4 lineation t to give sp in
dasp4, yithilsa Clailea Spanish Mixture was spoken of: he
got tido leitllm‘brit before he had used more than a single
one, ha was PtFfectly cured, and has not bad a chill or
f ever sinew. .
Mr. •Lanniemils only one out of thousands who have
been tionefitedhy this peat teak, alterative and blood pu.
rifler. Sae advertisement- sepitlm
4;4 iitookings and Hosiery for Winter.
—lf rlin-don't want your feet pinched with bad and abort
Stockim you will take our advice and go to 0. DALY'S,
corneroif Market, alley and Fifth street, and buy some of
t Fine Stocicrigir, that make your feet feel nice
and e astable. DALY ales makes and soils every vari
ety o Apsiery that you can mention, at wholeaslo and
retell.: y
Itemilber the place, earlier of Market alley aril Fifth
streot4 • °obi
ilfirraitst Received, at tirlbble , a, a splendid
atoort4t of Pall and Winter Goode, of every description,
ooresistWitif Plush, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Satin
VoStitittlii iDoeShirriltid 'Fano Caaeltaerea, Clothe, Overcoat
logs,ilo. ,Also,..oents' Forniahlog Goode to great vari
ety, wattUaltle odd low for cash. No. 240 Liberty street.
eepll - Z. .
-,ball at Nov 104 Wood Stroat t and ex.
suidneof stock of SOFT HATS and WINTER QAPS. Just
rebate , I ,a large' lot of Shanghai, Celestial, and other atyles
of Q a Iwhich we will sell low r cash.
odd i MORGAN A 00.,161 Wood street.
A g o 06
1 8 4 ,
c i T H I — 16 7
A w e it a ji e w r ili ei bl e iou o nl, L A it
lion> ou tr s sedc article.
,3m A good list fora,
and 4 = tra 1
MORGAN 00., No. 164 Wood et.,
Neatiniruse to the new Presbyterian Ohnrob.
• etP B One door from Birth street.
Alm - of Thousand Flowers, for beauti•
CordP/alion, and (medicating all TAN, PUMPII9 and
from the fate. Bold at Dr. KEYSER'S, 140 Wood
TIJSErDAT, October 30
Booms/tors to J. Witt b Om,
1 L
ig , ./loot-Allmuy,4*._sgt,SVgdox_xdoYAorelainic-OotOlo , i,
- 2dth, WlCLtif IA PLUME% of the firm of Plume? &Bob.
nen, In the 66th veer of him age.
lint. BBOBTESP,. QtlitribTkellittAPAtit AND:ONLY
itoOmpri by, illicit, Paraiengers siiihsve aB Bt lliOnd to
Time to St. Louis, 217 hours, from Pittsburgh.
The Six Feet Gauge of this Road accommodates wide care
—eleven feet inside—with roomy seats, utuittainahle on
narrow gunge roads
By the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad from Pittsburgh
to Oresllins, passengers oonnect, with Railroads for kaftan-,
apalls—connecting there with Terre Haute and Richt:brut'
Railroad for Vincennes. No change of cars at Terre Haute.
Baggage checked to indianapolia,thence to St. Louis.
Trains leave Pittsburgh as follows:
The Fast Train leaves at 2 A. AL
leavesat 846 hi. . ,
Express Train leaves at 3 P.M.
Passengers make close eminent:haul at Crest This fie In.
dlanapoils, and there make close carroeotions'lrith rail
road for Vincennes. without a change of cars, and at Vin
cennes take the Ohio and Bitsaissippi Railroad direct for St.
Louie—through In 21 hours; connecting at Sandoval with
the Illinois Central Railroad for Cairo, where first clam
Steamers can at all times be had for Memphis, Vicksburg,
New Orleans, and all points on the lower Mississippi river:
Passengers can always and at St. Lords, steamers for the .
Upper Mississippi, Illinois and Missouri rivers.
To St. Louis via Bellefbntaine and Union. 418 80
To " " Columbtia, Xenia and Dayton 18 30
To " " Columbus, Ctlarinnatt and Lawrence.
burg 19 80
Passengers and Baggage transferred from depot to depot
free of charge.
For tbro ugh tickets or farther Information please apply
to J. O. CURRY, Ticket Agent, o.d P. Railroad tbmpany,
corner office, Monongahela Rouse, Pittsburgh, or to ORO.
PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Federal Street Station, Allegheny
Superintendent 0. A N. Railroad.
F. E.NOWLAIsiD, Passenger Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa.
the spectator over six miles through the Streets
I of New Yore city, faithfully showing the BEINIIIVII,
sums and °oarsmen of city life. He has a "law of over
seven hundred Home and Carriages, and upwards of
_ .
,krocerisions, Military Companies, Bands of Music, Shipping
',Steamboat.., eta.
-' At each arta Won an Explanatory Lecture will be given
by Mr. Doer, one of the proprietont, or Albert Norton, or IL
M. Spaulding, giving much valuable knowledge of
01 great importance to a stranger, and of general and in
etructive hatormation to everybody. Will exhibit at Fitts.
burgh, to Maaonla Flail, THURSDAY EVENING,
November 1, at 7 o'clock, anti each evening to November
14, inclusive. also, each Wedneeday and Saturday after
neon, from November 1 to November 14, at 3 o'clock.
ffir Admission, 26 cents; children lb cents. Parties of
fivo portions, $l. 0ct31,4t.
Y e youog man of ability and experience, a altuatiOn
as Book-keerer or Salesman to any kind of wholesale
or manufacturing lewdness. Also, a good retail hones to
not rejected. Best city references can be given. Address
M.." Box 725, Post °face. oet3lsta
TBOSE perfume haring claims against the steamer TWIN
CITY will present them Immediately, properly anthem.
treated, at the office of JOHN A. OdOCIIIISY, Reg, where
they will be paid. (oct3l3t) Y. X. RENO.
rill ViCK NO. 8, on ?dacha pies' Dank of Pittsburgh,
Vi drawn by P. Ballard & Co., for live hundred dollar.,
(f6)O,)dnt 30th,18615. diPpersons BTO cautioned
'agaloat receiving !aid check, as payment has been etoppe,L
.50. 38 Fifth street.
OVEItINCiII Double Relined, Orustaist and Pulverised
jj &WARR, at 11 cents TS lb. Prima Rio Coffee at 12%
rents Ts lb. [octal 8. JAYNEB.
YttiV tNa—One of As mires, at Woods' Hun,
firwly Improved, with fruits and buildings, sad front
ing on the Ohio river. it is offered at much less than Ito
One 1,4 of halt an nem. on the Allegheny river, In Du
nu-sne Borough, on whkh h erected a superior house. It
mill be given In eichanp, for good Western land.
Twenty eight acres at Jack's Bun, three miles below the
T w ocly t h res. act ae nap . sing Temporaneeville.
Alt thews are off red low enough to tempt you out of
) oar money ; sad if these do not snit yen, just tall and get
my printed Register of Lobs and Lauds for vela On it there
are bargains offered. ThiCtidAB WOODS,
cam3l 75 Fourth street.
.BW Buthirl—lilz Days of Creation;
Clouds and Sunshine, or the Life of a Village Pastor;
ticetem in the Practice of a New York Burgeon;
A Volt to the Clamp befo o Sebastopol ;
'the Proverbs of all Nations;
My Bondage and Freedom, by Vied. Dougleall;
Mary Lyndon: an autobiography;
umar Pasha, or the Vizier's Daughter, by O. W. M.
hey a olds;
Japan as it is and was;
The Mayflower ' by H. Beecher Stowet
Sunshine on Daily Pattie, by IL Beecher Stowe ;
The Slave of the Lamp;
Life and Tituee of James Gordon Bennett;
Women ot the Punch Revolution.
For sale by loct3ll D. T(1 MORO AN, 104 Wood et.
ANl rd ar L k L ., A t
e i r V . ll .4, A
~,P o P . I r N r uG . P r A t : Et L 9--J
jus o t air r.c t iv D e t i v . uton . , 65
supply of Manilla Wrapping Papers, of cap, medium, large
end extra large sir s—light and boavy—aultable for Dry
Owls, Shoe and Trimming Stores. Issmmercial Note,(a
I,andianae ankle at;sl,6o-per reatajelreular,Lis;tat,
tap and Sartain! Paper,-Illank Books, InkTific
bawd at Emmet low prim.l-r.SintlT-8p2117150
orlat 65 Market street hearPourith
LIAGAZINES, eo.—tiarpor's New Monthly Magma°
IT for November;
Putnam's Monthly for November;
Prank Leslie's Gazette do
Just rt.colvel and for sale by
Fifth at., opposite the Theatre.
otterand il oold n :: "I:l "ce ce lir n 'l te ; per cop l'i y l
eycopting Blackwood. It you grata to Bare 25 per cent-,
coots to LA I; YEWS Bookauiro, tio. 50 firth et °LIU
I j PUTNAM'S, and all the Magazines for
11. November, for mile by H. HINER a CO,
act3l No. 32 Sinithßeiti street.
AT Auctios—Ort Wednesday evening, October 81st, at
8;, o'clock, at the Commercial Hales Booms, corner of Wood
col Pif,l4 streets, will be sold—A number of second-hand ,
tio:d sud Silver Watches, Gold Plum Hinge. Plated Vest
.ad Fob Cbsios, Double barrel Guns, superior Violins; one
surorior second-hand Guitar; also, 8003 Havana Beams.
cl3l P. H. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
dny evening, November let, at 7 o'clock, at the Ver•
chants' tilebange, will be sold-31 shares Old Allegheny
Bt Woe Company Stock.
u !Taloa nhoWN elloAll AT AUCTION-0u /friday
.0 morning, November 'A at 11 o'clock, at the Oommer
rihf Sales Room', corner of Wood and Fifth stresterwill be
sold-20 bbl, prime &inn Sugar.
n 01.31 P. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer.
OK-100 barrels lot gala by
corner of First and Wood eta.
L UP .C4EB. SODA-150 kegs for sale by
0 ocl3l B. A. v&linatrocac & clo.
Et. LOU WOOD-200 cases for Ws by
FINE elioTium-1 hare on band s large assortment of
tine Spouse. Those wanting a good !wade can always
procure It at JO& WIAALLNCPS,
octal corner Dlsmon4 aid ItArbA ert.
0 etiXIDAhl tsOIINaPPE-12 dozen of thls celebrated ar.
1.7) tale lost received by toot3l J JOEL FLEMING.
N DI A 0110IA1101.1Uti—The beat article now in use for
j codes fever and Aguo, end other bilious dimmest.
Those augering from the above complaints should cell end
try a bottle. Twelve dozen just tee-sired by__
VpiteNoll BLAOKING—Buperka toanythingcdthelded
now lu naa. Twelve dozen jest received by
ort3l 308. PLBRINO.
CLOVE ANODYNE—Au factual oars for Toothache.
Twelve di lien jeer received by
"ASSN'S TKIO . OPLILSOOs-24 damn of this celebrated
Hear Tcntojuslmeeiteat b JOB. PLOWING,
FOB mud' Farm contending 03 acres, situate
in Robinson Township, Allegheny county, Pa., three
miles from the city, and near the Steubenville Pike; 46
acres clear.' and under cultivation, tbo balluese well tin
-11(4 scree of good coal, and an abundance of lime
stone well watered, de. This farm will be oild at • great
bargain. Ai ply to BLAKKLY a 11,111118 i
0c,3 t corner Seventh and Smithfield eta.
psoltliouse,a and
Horace and Lot on Pennsylvania
. A tenue, near the corner of nigh street. Lot 3ft feet
front en the Avenue, and 117 feet back: on which there to
erected live brick and two frame houses, rents*? about
IMO a year. Will be sold very cheep. Apply to
corner Seventh and thnithEeld sts.
GitPLUS NON SY ll—invested Ina good Watch, • fp,.
I Razor, or a good Gold Pau. (indispensable articles Gfr
every aecurate, truthful, intelligent person) will return
much pleasure and satisfaction. WILSON, on the corner
of Market and Fourth streets is generally reported to bare
the threat assortment In the o ty, and to tall the cheapest
o y considered.
Does your 'Watch need repairing or cleaning ? WILSON
has the boat Watch Repairing Shop In the State, at t Mar
ket street, corner of Fourth. octal
White•FiSh! Fish! Fish!
RIKER & nususuo,
HAVE FOR SALK and keep constantly
on hand, a lull supply of
Fresh and Salt W Mite Fish,
And all other varieties of LAKE FISH. loceStam Is
*titters 1
TULIN OMAN A CO., Bottlers, No 187 Virst street,
el would reepoolfally Inform the public 1161 they base
constoitly on hand a lane supply of SARSAPARILLA.
MIN ERA L 'NAM!, AL) and MUNN, of the best qual
The attention of homilies Is particularly directed to the
fact that they bottle WAINRICiBrii ALB In Its purest
',tete. Physicians recomittend ft to famines on account of
its wholesome and strengthening qualities. IdedBoly
lifourning and Hons. 11Ptuftatittlnif Mink%
No. 75 Market Sired.
.E give our entire attention to this kind of stock, to
t ha exclusion of Gunn goon, Inoonsequarme of which
our assortment la both branches Is most complete. We
nave just received our
And coo guarantee persons wanting fooda in our line, to
be pleased both in quality and price. Call and see net
aiir• Please note the location, No 75 Market street.
0430 BROOKS k 000PRIL
Oy I
( —4 \ 100,000 SIIIILL OlrfiTlOlB Just mired;
54 /IA 8,000 Egg Harbor Salta and 0,000 Delaware
..., , , Bays. Also 200 ga ll ons superior TOMATO
CATSUP. ill will be sold wholesale and .
retail. We invite the citizens of Pittsburgh to oame ral
try them.
realities supplied with Bh-11 Oyatera at 60 cents, tkienta
and $1 per hnectred, at the earner of Eland and Libels) ,
L 9 [Oet3o sq oaaa. Emma a tax
N THURSDAY, the '2sth instant, r biONPED GOLD
BREAST PIN, without set. The tiedeW will be Sight.
bly rewarded by Leaviog It at the PEKIN TEA STOIII4No.
39 Fifth street. 0e121,-7,
GLOVEB AND GADDTDETS—New styles reediriaLdaily
in cloth, eta and ft*, at
. ,
ROAD is now open front West Newton to Comud Wale, ,
fifty-eight miles from Pittaburgh, on the Toughlogheny
Thin new Bret clue Boa le now
open for the transporta
t on of pamengereand freight, to connection with th e t i ne
steamer EOLIAI, from entebtugh toConnelleville, daily,
ea fellows:
The 'tamper ROMAN will leave her wharf, above tie
Monongahela , Bridge, every afternoon, at half past three
o'clock, the Waet Newton, connecting th ere with the morn.
log train leaving at Ina for Connellsville, and teething
there at 990 &. At ~ In time for the Stage for Uniontown.,
Ware MOonneilevtlle. $1 75
Pere to Uniontown...—
A train will leave Oonnellaville in the morning at 6.15
o'clock, for West Newton, and connect there with the
attain:tier Ronan at 720, in time to noel Pittsburgh at I
f. hi.
Fare from CononHaynie to $1 75
Pare from Uniontown to Pittaburgh. 2 25
The local Prelsla and Passenger Train will leaveiCon.
nellsvUle at 10.30 A. SL,.and returning win leave West
Newton at 3.30 P. M., stopping at all way stations for
freight ant passengers.
Or Saturday the usual afternoon train will lie over until
the following morning at 8 30 o'clock.
Passengers by the Saturday afternoon-boat from Pitts
burgh tan by this arrangement ga forward without delay.
For farther information, apply to the oaken on board
=he steamiXattiganati r ti? die Ar u taist -Weir NOWLW. CAIBW&Lry P 0,..
.ocl3l Assistant Superintendent.
FranieLealles Gazette of fraablon for November.
Frank Loathes Journal do
Ombra Lady's Book do
Graham'a Magazine -do
Peterson's Magazine do
Household Words do
Yankee Notions do
Thampaon'e Detector ' .do
- Blackwood's Magazine for -October. - ....
Set Journal ' do ,
Illustrated News, October 13th. .
- The Old Hoineatead,44 - Mar Stephens,. =thong "Wash.
lon and /famine' - ''
Twice Married: ii Story EdVontreetteut• Life.
Marriage I-Lottery; by ifiralltray: .
_Somata theTritMo a otalLesrl'ork' &imam; by Edw.
H. Dixon, IL Mr tlittetratett— --, -.-*
- Betchcsoft by the author of " ileir_otaedellitt.
AB the new Books for audit SS soon aspnalishial. Sub
scriptions received for .any periodical puhfisliektbd sent
regularly to the residence of subscriber% dr sently mail
to any address, by H.. LUBER - CO.,
oct3o . No. S 2 Smithfield street
BW BOOM—Jost received dry the Adams lizpresa
Blackwood for October contains several good articles on
the Mimes War.
m's d Magazine for November ;20 cents.
o do do
Halloo's do do (bind supply,) tO cit.
Gedey'e Lady's Book do do
Yankee NotlOne de (second supply, 12 do'
Leslie% N. Y. Journal do (fourth supply, ) 18 do
The OlovUn-loob—a new work._
Harper's 'Masada-8, Hoick°. backer and Lmlle's Gazette
of Yasbion expected Ws. day, and will all be sold at Wets.
per copy only. In future we will sell all Magazines and
Papers for cub only.
AU who ward new and good Books as soon turpubllshed,
will call at LAUPYRIBB Bookstore, No. 80 Fifth street
P. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
S UNDRIES -100 bags Rio Voffee;
25 pockets Java agree;
60 hide N. 0. Sugar;
25 bbls Refined Sugars;
100 bbls prima N. O. Molasaes •
75 half chests Green and Blank Teas;
75 boxesTalamo, alTarite brands;
,25 boxes Pepper ;
'25 boxes Pimento;
25 boxes Extra, Coffee;
100. boxes Mould and. Dipped Candles;
25 boxes Star Candles; •
100Boxsa Bolin Beam
25 boxes Partegated Bcap;
.25 dozen Bnolc•ts;
1041suurPnba ;
220 reams Wrapping Paper;
20 deem half tow Bags.
Boreal°. by (oet3o) JOHN MOORHEAD
MAGAZIN-118, 40.—Putusm'8 Monthly fur November.
Graham's American Monthly' ; do
Petenenes Ladles' National . - do
IR=s Lady'a Dook " do
leatte's Casette of Yeablon do
Illustrated Loudon News, latest number.
Loud= 4 nurh, do
Yankee Notions .for November.
Just received aad for rale by
Fifth et-opposite the Theatre.
Malt CLENULLIN 1041,14410 Ekkap—Tbis valuate° amp
ig tuuracknowledged bythonevatte to be the hest zem-
Amy for the cure of chaPPS heads. UM outeughtutte a /ha
skin. It .4,11 r Junior to CoM Cream, Atnandine, or any
of those compounds heretofore , In: ate for preserving the
akin soft and erosoth dox . ing the cold windy weather of the
Rioter ameon. Price, 123 i aunts per cake: eat by:
octal ll6 In CUTHBERT, G 3 Market
IivERSOnB. who.nant a lIKVOLVINOOiLENOnit, 1.11 -
please call or be dleamminted. Them metal artieleat
are- rapidly becoming Wolter with all who nee m
They are the most convenienrAfinatnein nee and last for
all catalog time. Only Eft" m1)141 , 0111 ttoon. Sokl; whole.
Bale and rota% by g, L. CUTUDEnT,
• • 63 Sitketstreet.
INDELIBLN INS APP.& ItATUß ht —:Pitilete,Type, key far
stamping linen with Indelibleerke, for esti by
8. B...IIAVEN, pietioner,
• c• • ; 411 • taw • e .4 Jost rec •
4 at W. 8. HBVIWB Btattotiery Warttboitie; ittatket et,
.rnor of Second.
.. .
neTLUDIA3IOAL INSTBUDIENTB 4 finostoek of lzr
strumente, In boxes and 111 coparide pieces , just reed
. S. lIAVEN's Stationery Warehouse r blorket street,
Coma of second. ' 4 salad
.__. ..... _
,ItAwrsG mourrao 011htlert—•A fresh trap
L./ ply remised at W. P. HAVEN'S Stationery Warehouse,
Mark et sit ea. - con:Or of Second. or=
Lowslivs saw'AG -HOW'S U. '-
108 wooDkaßarr. .‘ .
jr".7 please call and judge for themselves. Always
on hand, the beet of, Qyaters.lteaso. Oa*,
Tea, /tome mazuk, Bread, .No 4 ClierilttiarVEr
Corn Bread, Stualiwand Wage Ruck'
wheat Oaks% 4a. The rtrokilig will - ha sushi's will wary
Familles supplied with O9aleie at 'velMotishle Mite&
To will him , AND mop BOOBS jest opened at DAVI
giON'd, 85 biarketinesr , Pourth street— - "- •
The Task, by Cawpar—llarkitt Poster's
,ciNmtly /Hue ,
trated and printed editLun i , -Edinburg: . '
The Plum= of How bg Chuapbell; 'auk Long&l.lew'il
Works, in same style, 41. 8.-21 ore Manful books for preti• •
cute caring helmet,. •
Prie.t, Puritan and Preacher.
Drutemond on thrt.Parables.
gamily Prayent..ft new cheap'and popular work.
Thornton's and Wainwright's Family Prayers
The Christ of History.
.tioodrieh's MOB Qeography:
W Allboni, Or
130 Wing and :Heaping, by' author f
.e Mortfacra, .
Nalle Help ; Jahn's Arehreokity ; Smart's Holum
tliziwitian of - Hoorah of Christ,s. supplement to " Had
of ClonlapTeray ControTerted."
Da Toczusville'e Democia4—new :edition', enlarge&
titer& Prentiss. oct29
i.IANI4B-14:httutdoinno-assottmfmt,ot Stlirpr rad Gotd
‘,./ MOW Como, • t‘t
. , 7 s.
-.~.rF r .
.. ~ _ :1 . SY , iI'AL~~-1.~-< -h 'lwn;:~' t `~~" .
. for Iverybody
Po rtabi.e
To which waa awarded tha trite Medal of the Ohio
51. , ehardca'.Inatitute Ma* 1856. •
, , •
:Warranted to Cbok with tat faa t4,.2l:ardr othes Petah; rita;
THIS INVIaNTION, the resaltorMactlial experience, is
I now confidently pretreated-Ur-the public, as. superior in
:Ivint of economidtadY, darubligh wale or - management,
cenvandenCe. unrivalled :manner in
which It does Its workcoa.anyptheriinvention of the kind:
now in
his a perfect Gaavideing erarything rignired of It In the
:most superior mauler It Wilk Mat at tlareafune time, 111
Many different kindtrof meatslui the Oven can contain, and
each place will be perfectly satet,and 'free from gases aris
ing from the different varieties, as these gam am let off
through an escape . plpe at the top.
For baking breed and lastry,_ this 'Oven Is without a
rival, wale heat _is regulated by dampers at the bottom.
=bibs under Perfect control of the operator. It is not ex
celled in point of economy. as the heatrequired Is generated
within the Oven. The material el which it Is manufectural
being a non.condrictor.iind 'cutistruded with air chambere,
there Is no radiation or Intati'and a email quantity of feet
will beep itirolng.forberars._ The.maleriaLvidil itatiherrnah.
her burreanciind , thetWen will last fir years.
SEFSIF SrmtiN - ; •
Suitable for theilanallest privet/ fatnitWe'r‘ for - Steamers
and Hotels of the largest class, manuetctured by G. it.
BLODGETT k CO., college street, Burlington, Vt.
t ft, theme:ems, „-
Prom More whOltmee thenrin meld the present time:
City HoteLL`ittaburgb.4.G.,E. Glass, Proprietor;
Weddell House de
Johnsonilouse,, do. ,
Pisgah k Knights, do •
L. M.latidn, do
_ do
Steamer Norjh Ste do; ,
Dudley , A Btal;Britielo, . •
Wielescurth Hiinee,,, - do
enactor flonse • • do
filddoott, Pang A.Co.,llochsaler
St. Medea Hotel,,Synitnito ; Globe Hotel, do
Cook e'&nr, Ocdfee Muse, Bytnetise; •
Syracuse Moues, - do
gagenkliotel; 'Utica •
American Hotel; Utic4L, ,
New England Hotel, Utica;.
Utica Seminary ; •
Given's Hotel, Soliegeoiedl
r ran d re th noue e , New York ;
D. D. Liowtnd, late of Irving House, N.Y.-;.
O. J Bayington s how York;
Steams, Phillips A Co, Newark, N. J.; •
J. Fenno, Philadelphia;
Masonic Hall, do
Ohio literherdes' Institut Cincinnati;
J. IL liarrocks A Co. do
Steamer U.S. A, Lake Champlain;
Steamer Canada, do
Stammer White Hall, do
Steamer Ethan Alien, do
B. G. Cole, Burlington, Vt. ;
George P. Marsh, do
American Hotel, do
Exchange Hotel, do
Howard Hotel, do
Homes Loomis, do
John Peck, do
J. N. Pomroy, do
A. O. Spears, de.
Sir The Agent and *emu le of the Oven may he seen at
The auk Hetet: oeiZii dee is
Mutual Insurance Company,
No. 80 Trained surd, tern id door from liburp
Authorized $500,000
Capital $200,000 the I,figletature or Pewee, April 2,1853.
fr lITS COMPANY Is now prepared to Issue Policies In
Fh'et Ulric% Havjgation and Railroad ebbe,
at the curt rates of premium; and baying the ge 2 illitY
of a cash pi ts l, it also affords the insured an annual par.
ticipation th them:Nits, without nnyMatilUty whatever.
. ' Durucrrcias.
Henry L. Stevenson, Stephen Tinton,
John W. Tilford, 'JobtraL Onmmey,
David B. Taylor, Alexander Murphy,
Thome D. Smith, . • IL IL Richardson,
William Y. Boone, . John N. Genie,
William /Jerrie, . Jas. W. Weston, N. Y.
IL IL Rataaanson, Secretary. , . .
TRO..'J. HUNTER, Agent, ,
octXo No: *Water at.: beD,arberi WoOd and MarkeL
Our Zuteanor G to
A. A. QAUias '~ e e q **l
1 • - `•- it dr. fit • isir -r A ' ''• '
- : - Mtillt.7. , < ,<, _:. ~._ „
At01i 4,1 41„-XANllMOiatmuidi
Q.E: E*,,Attkp
.olprriz::..- • ..., . - sof° 000
. 7 Cbr i i` ic 'l 7 : 3 7 D , ' ,
7 , 4 -::- i f : " ( J
E lR lN ATi stra tt7 A , 4 0 7, k i. ... i• -. : 351 7_ ,
Ft `
1 os- rusz.s.t.-az-tintA. - -_- , --,, r
1 ceraar, ' - f .1304r,0ct0. ' -
. ..
OP . ZEE - VAL-LEli OF , V 111,4111 1 4, -
f , + - willetisersii; , 7 - A .
1 CAPITAL ,„........300.000. .
AM274111), coisrar.,
ma' CAMIII, AND A55Z17....41245364139:-
,E1:113111CA LISrStriGUICE - COld1 ) .411r1r
• I
JOHN H. SHONNBEHGEltilliisozkr.''
ROBINIT Brcatrawr. • -
BATOHKGOI4 Gruarx. APaPf: ••• WILL -• iIYSUBII +: 4DAINS : ALL -•
J. IL Shoeuberger, 'W.tet o
0. W. Batchelor V 7
. 4 - 11:10
- Zama N. Pennock, • 'l`.ltitiSita. •
W. W. Hartle,D.Cbehres,.
R. T. Leach, John 6.. - Ceogliei,'
' George B. Belden, ' Bryan,
David hicHandieso.
.110.1d1 /onto imatainpd Dy putteit kteurod nndar. p oll. '
dee lamed by /lila Company wilt be liberally adjaetad ansi '
prqmptly paid at Its Oltier, 0.99 N WATER Jill
Life Fire , and Merino Tnaaranee Company'
coiriVms OF W.. 4 TAW 'AND 'UMW 8772.1Wff,9„-
Jas. D. Brant, litsoratary. .
This Company makes etarytemeticeeipettaininG to et
roonnectni with LUC DIM," - -
4150, 4 iteinsttlell &mileage, GiaketMititi ChittetalMa•
elasippirivers and tributaries, and idarinsitiaks - getently.
And against Loan end Damage' lig itite, and . against the
DerlioetthetleatunilnlandNaligatiOriend Transpertettom
Polioles hunted at the teed ratesconaistent ieith 'safety -
to all partite.
Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley,'
/antes& loon, ' . JO= Fullerton;
John Samuel ld'Olaskan,
Wllliat Phillips; James W. Ihdlroan,
John Ektottr • ,••• •• - - Chas. ArtintWt,
Joseph P. Ousam, M. David
James BAtrahall, John - H 42 114
noratlo N. lae,lClttansdirK..,
qi J. HUNTER, AOIENT Bt. Charles Dui No. la
I Third elreet,.Plttahnigh., .
, omens:
P. A...IILISCRSOId, Prinident„;
I.AKEd Vim/President
LEVI MARTIN, Secretary and Tre4mtker. ,
errranmran asrltsOcza: •
,Jamon W. Woodwell, Joseph Plmxttocr,
+jamas Wood, Ill..lllddls,
J. V. 'Urbana; . Dr.Jncr. Pak,
1.81 Wm. Shrum, Birmingham, Dawson, Newureier& 00
ow. urrizioNs , Inextrien Clow ts 'o Akt •
Plttsburgh.--W3l. EIGAIRT, P mitt
-SAMUEL RSEIRLb Reet42_,_te2ti.•
,Offiga: Water Strtekbdwanliarketand
Insures HULL and CURCIO Wake, on the Ohio andllftel*
et Rteereand trlbutarlea.
Lower Damage by Ere:
klßO—Agidnetthe Peelle or the ftqattO ichltigeaki"
Roamed Transportation.: • _ • •
Regaley, Richard Sloyd,
Jaques M. Cooper, Baxanel.BL. /Tier
Samuel Rea, WillhinaingbaL,
RobertDunlap,jr., John B. Dilvostlic
Isaac 11. Pennock, Prettolatiellare,
• 8. Rerbangb, J. Bettocancteiger.
liValtateryant Walk= R. Hap,
• John Shlpton.
Pennsylvania usuranee Company
Corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets.
AuTiIoRIZED CAPITAL, $ 30 0• 0 0 0 . ,
fWlsranal Buildings and other Property against Loss
er Damage by Fire, and' the Perils of tbstea and
inland Naription and Transportation.
Wm. E. Johnston, Body Pattereon, Jamb Painter,
A. A. Carder, W. IPOlintocic, Kennedy T.Tfriend,
James 8. Nagler, W. B. Haven, D. 11.Parh, '
1. Grier Bprpul, Wade Hampton, D. AL LOnili
A. J. Jones, J. IL Jones, Li. It. Coggshalir
President— Hon. WM. F. JOHNSTON,
nee President_-. "
See'y and TreastrrerA A. CARRIER.
Azad= Scardary-S. B. IjAßlillat. May
British and. Coiithieltal giihangl4
ON 4 + ER UNION BANK,. 1,9ND0N,-f,:.k
:Is Suits or. Ll Juin thrlifiatAV
triIESE DRAFTS .are available at altillte principal
We also draw Siatoultettis on
N. A. Grunaltreirazia f. Satl~p
Which serve eur Remittanto ba - all parbionagiblellf.
Persons interatin4ifo trafelabroad marin:4 - 11i; through
us, Letters of Credit, on which Money can-be bbtalnikaa
needed, in limy part of Europe.
Contsortoai of Sills, Notes, d other warlike In Rm.
Tope, will receive opt:apt attention.
rob2l Wood,cornerr . TidtelaCtbalt,
steurraoruilaS er' •
Chilson ,
Far Warming and Vaiii/ation
lia'"W. AA. will contract for Warr/111m andlir
by steam or lot Water, Pipes or Cibilson's mace,
Churches, Schools, M ale, Frotox:4o,,' Cfrettk 'Maim
Courtliouses, Jain, LIOWN orDwarlings.
street. Pittsburgh. •: •
a. J. cammas...J. a. 130111216.V...II; 0. TU IL. . W wa*riarsam ,
A Al'Eltl CA N--
P A RI tlg. .
NA 7 tifECOND • STIZriaW - Prfll4Bl.ll
Azunkoramms oil PAPJMEt MAMMA` MMNAlliklik
Citatrchaa,..linoms, -Staarib*, - -kek Bibree Jac
Picture Irranins, - Wlndow and Door Meads, Rra.*.st. to. Ilistiaiesis
Cornices, Ventilators and 'Conlin Heed for' ,, Mellittfa•
settee and Mouldings of every desciiption, Siz and"
num* and .terninbal toore Wilde OW enyuliterM 10 now In•nee.
sige. Orders executed on the ehoitnit noidefa_
N. 14 —Attention of Alcauttnit Builders brfery.
reefs t o tub aitiMicon pacountOf ligUattight. - ,. • • •
• - CO.,
aro. 18 Second st;tsetween.Woodiunillarket eta,:
• =Pitlaburglti
ipLMA'-' , -
No. 299 Liberty Pittibliths
17.033TXRLT BXBT BBA.ZiDff,el-`.
OEIO Virl :4.01 . 411. slut'
, ir, , ,X3II,ACIPLOVIt e
WWII will alms besold at Mir L6mist,Clab,
WM. B. HAYS it-Vack:
A large stock alarm's On hand at
10•'.5197 Liberty Street, -
'+•‘ l'irsavene4 parea.
Windolat Shutter.,, yrtnow . ° mos, fitc. , ,
WOOD 'AAR* *Aix air,) • -
r n rJAIR 6 Tri - PA.;
Ilan on bond a'variety •of noifpattotnn On*
Plain, aNtyble Cot alti4rpooes.' . bstivaltir attentkui _Vida. •
to enclosing aura Lot& Jobblngdonost short =tree. fiat.''
iimgignma Os _ •
WI N '
&ttrai Doable .Etrangth,lmitation Crown
.. and - . 407:'
Inasko, P!Oltleanerisioiio Sari; • r
- - Wine,- Porter and Mineral zatthav" , •
Telegritilbia444ALSCalg4oa /i1M104 , 11:
- i lm qolV; IiSTWFJOi *Mr & /taigPriC
6 But a ahori i
• 'MIL_
aa" If t° I3 a,IDEIPIF4 ) Pt'. . ,
Use two eines.
o t i atua
way be le a a them% a Inuit) ifthe norm cit
LOGAN WILBON:A"CO47SI Wodtleifelt.``'
Banda REITER; oorAer ilbertY Snit EL CAllt
BC,BWALIT4 krrtig44-APsken,T.''
• Lu g s ; 416n,__0z_13214191111*, • ": -
A. W. *Oster
0 042m be b - 1
43i htitte 8t 'off
Win :o4algaz,;fle. , VabetrantA,-
uuno Okkellno l ,i s4 - 02 N .!:- Ot aiit ioTans ' 11 - 11 113 11:11ekEt Isi ti tir in : "6."." .140 .
" 12 1-1ng 42 4 4 8.=
attlibli l l l 4 - Buth - RB,IBSCHata- 4. 4 41 0 - •
-- ,:v.v . .!`:.;-:!.'47 .
,„ •,...