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PAPBR -OF afTY, -.__...TUESDAY.IMORNII I O••••• -------- OCTO4ER 80. --IttOOSLIUSO _POST Jou Airvirictia. • - mould call the,Attantica2.ef MEE6HAVTB AND . SIISMKES MEN theaaet• that we , have 314 st received from Plalailelphiaa.flumbarctlehte of nairJot! Typt and are-Dow ;unwed evdcra4or Carde,•Civecie , e, . Seadaillaperßools; Pbateckemd• Programmes Tor Sone. : itrYdeßA Vll.joepplaptti fined. .„:0# Tan Orr Brpi,—.The:TiltebrShi (415!f f 4----."'"" tieetue determlind to:be. on tie - "`eit 'elde!!, o , every question - that aria, and every'', p4rjia, that is started. It apiHiartt to ins- goyerned . by the rule dtaontrAlleil land aims tectilier with every.bodtille.phulliinbjeots. If its present editorehould get drowned we should certainly, Took *etre= for him, satisfied that he would . " ''''' z — i'efusitia flontlin any other dirootioo. - .., - ... 1 .2 -Whew . the . whole country Is rejoioitig in:ett, '‘:.--:.itittaidtinCliariest, and calculating its gains from expertationa, the Gazette amide+ comes out with itilagnment based on imagin*y faere,' to provelhat the country this year hat hardly raised food enough to enbeist its people.. : .-It detail, in the face of overwhelming pro4f to, the contrary, that " in none of the old Stetes was it (the crop) above the—average, taking into amount the probable growthof the'poptilation." Now, Pennsylvania..is one of the ol d States, and it will be naive . to our people to learn that this year the erop Wag only an average one in this State. We have traveled in seven of the old States since the first of July, and heard iind . saw everywhere evidence- of extraordinary crops; and we have the same reports from the prase in all parts of the country. Whether .the Gazette wishes to raise .the price of Hour, or merely to be contrary, we cannot say ; tont cer tainly DO one wiltbe persuaded to belitvo tint the crops this year were not remarkably ohne -ditit.. ' i I Again, there is no subject upon wlfich the American people are more univoreall agreed than upon the project of a railroad f/ om the Mississippi river to the Pacific coast. i Nearly everybody thinks it practicable and depirable ; yet the Glazetie-was out a few days agoi i with a long article aiming to show that it was wholly impracticable—a mere chimera that it las folly to talk about. Now, that anoh a roads will be . built is SS certain as any other fatal event ; . and the sooner it is done the better', for the whole country. It is only a question of time, and the arguments of our neighbor wilt not de• lay it much. We are at a loss to cojecture i) what crotchet will appear in the Gaze to next. It would be no surprise if it is an aignment against the improvement of tbo Ohio river. If it seems to be generally desirable, and ',entirely practicable, our neighbor will oppose it, (Is a matter of 'course. THE FRENCH NATION HAP i• . The interesting situation of the Env Bs En lti o ran at length annoniced i by th e &Lind Organ ; and all Franco is called on to be joyful at the auspicious event. Tho fourth month is passed In safety, and therd is good hope of an - heir to the throne, and an tindimpn ted succession. The Napoleonic dynasty has promise now of permanency; and the Bonatar fists of France will breathe more freely. But there is one Bonaparte who will hardly partake of the general gratification. lie was heir pre• *supplies to the throne. An heir apparent will dash his hopes not only of a crown, bat of a marriage with Victoria's royal daughter. The ' l llllf43 , l:69dailghter must marry a King, or an heir apparent at locust, and the prince Napolion be neither now. This whole thing of royalty is a humbug ; and enseh'annotineements as the one above referred to would be considered in bad taste among oom• mon folks. It is hardly better among crowned heads. Democratic ideas aro becoming too firm ly rooted in Europe to make the prospeo.ive birth of a prince a matter of much consequence. Within the last ten years a King of France, an Emperor of Austria, a Pope of Rome and a Queen of Spain have fled before the wrath of the common people. The French King died in exile, the Austrian Emperor resigned his crown ; the Spanish Queen submitted to all the demands of her people and gained a temporary reprieve The progress of free principles in Europe is steady and sure—far more sore than the birth „and life of princes. As free principles and gen eral intelligence advance, ability and not•royalty must rule the nations of Europe. Asa WE RIGHT.—We have seen nothing extrebd - the suttee's of the ' , Corn Sheller " in Pittsburgh ; and ID our humble opinion the thing is of very little value to western farmers. The man who raises but twenty, fifty, or oven a hundred bushels of corn might find it of use, so long as it would last; but westerntarmers might as well undertake to carry on theirlarms with a -hand tied, as to thresh oat their corn with this Corn Sheller. We do not believe a man could shell twenty bushels of. corn In a day with it ; and ha would probably find his left band all blistered at night with shoving in the ears. Then the complication of the machinery renders it liable to get out of order or broken frequently. Nothing but:a self-feeding Corn Sheller will ever answer any velnahle purpose ; and then, to be prOfitable:it must work much faster than this does. We understand there will be one out soon that will be very apt to take the wind out of this speculation in no time. TEE CONTINENTAL VOCALISTS. Tbis celebrated band of vocalints gave one of heir excellent concerts, last evening, to "a good house'," at Masonic Mill. They have ao quired a high reputation in their art, nod those :710p - heard them last night appeared to bo very pleased with the performance. They give ' another concert to-night, at the same Hall, and we advise all lovers of goo I mei° to go and hear :them. This is no humbug concern, de pending on puffs for snocess, and we shall give them no other notice now, but simply to say that we have heard no vocalists to excel them— not even the Hutchisims. A CONTENIIIIIT CALENDAtte—We have received from 8. L. Cuthbert, 63 Market street, a Pocket Revolving Calendar, which - is •theamoat eon venlimt, form of an almanaecire•b.ave yet come across. It ie about the size of a !Myer dollar, made of braes, and en arranged you San tell at a glance the day of the monthlryen are once aware of the day of the week. It will be equally gook-for the next or any year. Forma for November is out and for sale by W. A. Gildentenney and R. !diner, at their peri. odiosl and book stores. It is ono of the best numbers issued. Among other articles, the fol lowing will. be found exceedingly interesting: The 11. S. Coast Survey ; About Trees ; the Use and Abuse of ,Eltimulante.. The Attorney's Re venge is a very pleasant story. igetf: We find the following notice of 11. B. Migraw, Esq., in the Lancaster hateldigencer. It expresses our mind exactly : "HEM B. bLioaew, Esti —This gentleman, formerly of Pittsburgh, but at present a resi dent of this city, is favorably spoke!" of in several quarters as a candidate for State Tien surer. Mr. M. is a thorough-going Democrat, a gentleman•of undoubted intelligence, business habitstind qualifications for the office—and we know of man whose election to that im -pedant office would be more acceptable to the Democracy of Litioatifer county, nor one, -we think, who would fill the office •with more credit to himself and advantageously to the Commonwealth. We sincerely hope ho may be selected for the post. g' rot , t PITTSBUitGIi: ",,f 1 ,44r, TUE NEWS. Governor Mark- has appointed Thursday, the 29th day of November next,. to bo : observed throughout the State of-Nuxii;Yinkhi a day of Aitajtuc l thattir,sgiviug,,and prayer. Tray, has recovered sB,sooitt*Ahe tticiscii Mier Railroad Comps by, two trains running AiigetiSiy-fotiveen Albany and Voy, in the sam mer of 1854. - The house of Mr. Charles C. Ellis was burned in New Orleans on the 18th instant. When the firenten , reached therrinitid 'the nriier'Part'il -theArturtfaVall all-in a same and Mrs. Ellis run ning. r4titt — ft "gin thel . wildest agony, exclaiming tha er ohild was in the attic and begging popteltehlo save him. The attempt was made 7—the titairituicended—uand em`tioe Aral flame out ,off !111 uppppfh to ,theA001:11, and after the fire was put ,down -the charred romaine of the poor ilitioNfibiewere foillit amid the ruins. ' t,Tkt!'pltizone of ,Theinpsonville, Connecticut, yecontli, united in purohasing two hundred and firtrfiva harrels'of flour from the manufacturers At'R?oll,filttlf!,;tiild'jt Was delivered at their doors for $9,33 per barrel. This woe a saying oftwO dfilltra-anfi„,itialf Or three.dollars on a barrel. "Piti "bread league" in Charlestown, Mass., has -been organized, and five hundred barrels of .fiour have been subscribed for. When eight hundred , barrels have been taken up, the agent will proceed to the West to purchase flour. stii" A writer in yesterday's Dispatch, who signs himself " C," finds an argument against Judge- Bane's imprisonment of Paasinore _Wil liamson in the refusal of a Milwaukie Sheriff to to burn the dead body o his-Wyer , tkafttnerot pyre. This is the latest abolition agony. - The :individual who found "bools in itinhing brooks, and sermons in atones," was .not half so sharp as he who sympa thisas with 6. poor, unfortunate, unhappy Pfeil." Love's Dome —Recently a respectable young man, a law student, became desperately enamor red of a beautiful young lady of the Second Dis trict, who occasionally gleamed upon his vision in the streets. But he was not acquainted with her—did not dare to approach her—and so wor shipped her at a distance, as he would apy other heavenly body. 00 numerous occasions he fol lowed her, but at a respectful and devotional distance ; and in this seemed to find all the en chantment that lured Alcipbron after his Alethe amid the Egyptian mysteries. One day ho followed her to hor home—a man sion of opulence oppoeite a public equere. With that he seemed tote saliefied. No touch or knock of his profaned the door through which his dl vinty glided ; nor did he °verb:l(Mo notes of im pertinence filled with moonstruck ravings, as many another gallant would have done. He expressed hie devotion in a higher an I more practical manner Ahem that. He went away, re turned at night, and, seating himself against the railing of the square, across the street from the mansion, with bit °lb° we on hie knees and his chin in his hands, -fixed his eyes in a rapt gaze upon the third story windows of the said man sion, and, though they disclosed oven less, if possible, than the eyes of death, ho remained there, fixed like n statue, sitting and gazing through the whole length of the night, nor showed any sign of life until the east became rosy. Then going to the neighboring market, and swallowing a philosophic cup of coffee with few anchorite biscuits, he betook himself to his home. The next night he underwent the ordeal agaiu ; and on the next night, and the next; un til the Watohmran of the beat having noticed him and managed to discover what ailed Wm, urged him in a respectful mannerto gohome. Theyoung man argued his right to remain there—being on the sideaalk of a public square, and not molest ing or rffsriog to molest any human being—so ably. (being in the legal line,) that the watchman concluded not to interfere with him. The family of the young lady were aware of. all this, and treated it as a rather good joke; hut a gentleman who waited upon the young lady with "a sort of a notior," in the apposed human fashion, was awfully bothered about it; so much so that be treat across the street one night and, without the formality of an introduction, went at his en thuaiaatic rival and gave him a regular whaling Next day the said rival had him arrested by duo process of law, and l'ound over to keep the peace, and then at night renewed hie lonely vigil in front of the temple of his goddess. Last week however, from some ounce at present unknown —probably to an expiration of the fit, or to the frosty weather—the young man voluntarily eea=ed his adoration, or at least showed himself no mare is the spot he made so famous ; this, too, After having sot both watchman and gallant at defiance. just to think of it I Bitting night after night, in the chilly street, gazing at a brick wall, behind which, peibmps, an invisible lady Le sno ring ! Ugh! We confess to a full share of ad oration for the sea. and that we could be induced to sit up a whole. night for love of one or more of them ; hat not in the boots of that young lawyer. We would have to be in the same room with the divinity, and on the same note, if there wan no chairs about. The divinity would have to have soul in her eye, dew on her lips, and a peachy down on her cheek; to say nothing of en ear fearless of soft whispers, and a neck not averse to periodical contact with n oJat sleeve. Under such ciroutnatances, we think, we could encrifico a night's rest for a lady ; but under no others The young lawyer's pole knocks away all our persimmona in that line, and we sobtnit his case to a sympathetic community.—N. O. Crescent. TEE DEATH .OF TILE FLOWERS The tnelanehtly diva are came, The saddegoef the year, Of wailing winds, and naked woods, And meadows brown end o-ar. [reaped in the hollow of the grove, The withered leaves-He dead, They rustleto the (tidying gnat, And to the rabbit's tretd. The mantas end the wrens. ere down And Mom the ahrubs the Jay, And from the wood-top calls the rron, Through all the gl®my day. Where ere the tiowerS, the Or young dowers, Thet lately Aprrusgrnad Stood, In brighter light sad sotternir, A. beauteous sisterhood 1 • - Alas, they all.arulzi thalr'graiesi The gentle race of flowers • Are lying fn their lowly bale, With the fele and goal of env: The rein In falling where they lie, But the cold November rain Galls not from out the gloomy earth The lovely ones again. The wild-flower and the violet, They perkked long ago, And tbo briar me and the orchls du-d, Aniiddhe summer glow. But on the bill the gulden n:gl, And the-ester lathe wood, Aod the yellow sucellower by the brook, In Anton, beauty stool, Till fell the frost hem the tear, cold heareu Ae falls tho ylegue en men, Anc' the brightness of their smile was gone. From upland, glade and glen. And noir when comes the calm, mild day, As still days will come, To cell the squirrel ant the Tres, From out their winter home; When the sound of dropping null le heard Though ell the trees are still ; And twinkle in the Blocky light The water- of the rill The south wind searches for the flowers Whose fragrance late he bore, And sighs to find them iu the word And by the stream no more. _ And when I think of ono who in tier youthful beauty died, The fair, meek blossom that grow up And laded by her ride; In the cold, moist earth we laid her, When the forest cast the leaf, And we wept that one no lovely, Should have a life so brief; Xet not 11011:10,3t it was that one, , Like ttult young friend of ()urn, So ge'ntle and so beautiful. Bhcfuld perish witif the floaters. A LAW Slow .—A few years ago, a couple of Dutchmen, Von Vampt and Von Bones, lived on friendly terms on tho . high hills of Limestone. At last they fell out over a dog. Von Vampt killed Von Bones' canine companion. Bones, ohooeing to assume the killing to be intentional, sued Vampt for damages. They were called in due time into court, when the defendant in the case woe asked by the judge, whether he killed the dog. Pe sure I kit him, " said Vampt, saot isfactory, o a let answer the e : p f p l e r t a wh o i n e v q t e j i . ff u i e t is . 00 a t n h T ts e,hwinhasnadbdtt amount potion m il m g oo w u g n a n u g s t i t oh c e t a eh s l e l e a e sr t d s : iim he w ared as t k he ed d b a y mages. He did not well under sroolottlgheeingu question, ired andwh what he thoughttobeali he ttl t epl d a o in g e t r o , t Bones, ‘ the dog him." rf e be wo r th . Pe sure,' a r y ep d li c ed fu ß il valueen of was worth nothing, but since ho was so mean as to o d k w many ill suite have hoithallp' oeecipied_the attention of courts—bow many contests have engaged the time of the public, and have been waged with virulence and invective, having no more worthy difference than that of Von Vampt and Von Bones! .off^ "..Z"^:: , `~ T: r ~;-:,c::-...o_ , .:. ,!^~t~...:~.4-. EffifflZl FOREIGN NEWS. From the Loudon Bhtyreig q0 1 tIt.1„ , Aacturrtots or mak:sOurt,n - The following is a trutt4tielfrif 4,11010 Oat by the Danish Ministar taihoildMister of , tlito Uoitectlitatim resident inDenraArk, itreferenae to the reptidiatiOn of the' Sound Ottes Cabinet .at , ,Washington, after the termination of the Treaty at-present existing between the two countries :-- "In reply,to the desire with which you . Were -kind enough to express to me on the 34th inst., I have the honor to inform you that on thesame day I received your oommunitiation, coutalul the intelligence that the President of the'lltdieit - States-declared the expiration of the Treaty , .of. Friendship. Commerce and Navigation, conclud ed on the 25th of April, 1825, between Denmark and the United States, for th e term of tenyears and twelve months after the day of thepeclara tion of the same, " No one can participate Mortiiiiiicerely than myself in your regret at seeing the termination of a Treaty which for so long a period has been favorable to the interests both of, th e citizens of the United States and- of those et my august master; but -I am directed to inform you that m,y Government cannot recognise the.relation which the Government of the United States es tablishes between the suppression of the Sound Duties and the above mentioned Treaty, "This Treaty, it Is true, regulates the tariff for the payment to be -levied on American ves sels • but this very fact shows that the existence of 't he Treaty and the right to levy the Sound Duties are independent of each other. " Although the Government of the United Sates has taken the initiative in derrounolng the Treaty, the government of the King, my august matter, cannot give np the hope that proposi tions villl be made to it to open the way to the conclusion of a new Treaty of such a nature as will preserve Intact the Commercial relations which have existed until now so happily between the two nations, and as will at the same time obviate the deplorable but neeeesary consequence of the expiration of tho present Treaty. This consequence would be that vessels of the United . States, in the passage through the Sound .and the Bolt, would be put on the footing of non favored nations." It will bo seen that the Danish Government re fuse to recognise " the relation ishich the Gov ernment of the Baited States establishes be- tween the suppression of the Bound Dace and the existing Treaty," contending that such Trea ty, insteattof disproving the right of Denmark to levy the-Sound Daos, in foot establishes the existence of such right, by regulating a tariff according to the terms of which it is to be en forced. This argument is an ingenious though not a novel one, ainae it does little more than raise the point upon which every ono acquainted with the dispute has long since felt satisfied the whole question must depend. If Denmark has the prescriptive right she is entitled to a fair and honorable compromise; if not, she is entitled to nothing. The manner in which these Passing Tolls have been forced, and the serious impediments they have always been to the commerce of the B.ltio, can scarcely bo adduced in favor of any plea ad misericordium. The Berlin correspondent of the Times, In re ferring to the Sound Dues, and the steps which the Cabinet of Denmark had thought prudent to take, writes as follows : " The Danish government, which till lately with so much success opposed an invincible cis inertor to all expostulations on the subject of the Sound Duos, recogr.ises the present moment as one which demands instant steps to be taken with a view to saving some portion of thaw, and is endeavoring to procure a congress of deputies from the different States interested in the Baltic trade. The proximate cause of this step being taken seems to be, not so much the into demon stmtion made against them by be United States, as the evidence of very little inclination on the part of our Government to uphold them. Possibly our rulers perceive at last that in the course they have eo long pursued of helping to keep a look on the entrance to the Baltic they were, as in so many other instances, playing into the hands of Russia. Manor° has for a long time past boon the porter's lodge to the Russian maritime possessions (in future) of the Baltic and the Gulfs of Bothints and Finland. What lieleingfors and Bomarsund had commenced the acquisition by book or by crook of Gothland and Bornholm was to have accomplished, while the most complete surveillance could be exereined over all intruders into those waters by the Rus sian outposts stationed in that friendly porter's lodge." The question of these Does has now assumed more of a general European obilMeter, and the matter, which Maritime and Commercial nations require to ere settled, is not eo mulch the dispute between Denmark and the Coital States, as the grievances complained of by all other Maritime States. France, it is said, will take an active part to seoure some final settlement of the ques tion, and has advised that a Congress of Nations should ho convoked, to effect primarily a provi• sional arrangement as to the collection of Dues, and a mediat+on between the Gaited States and Denmark—and, eventually, to decide Drop and dispose of the whole question. In the meantime, Denmark le reported to be making the most of any opportunities that arise in order to effectuate local arrangements, and hoc expressed her readiness to accept from the States bordering on the Baltic shores a sound sum to forego the Does altogether ; each KM' to be borne jointly, and subscribed for in relative proportion by the neighboring States, according to the interest which they have in the abolition of the Tolls. Pains, Thursday Evening —The following are the memo in which the Moniteur announces the health of the Empress " France will learn with as much joy as grati tude to Providence that the Empress le preg nant. This happy event, which promises to the Emperor the only satisfaction which was want lug to his domestic happiness, is a new guaran tee of the stability of our institutions. Every ono will address thanksgivings to Heaven and prayers for the preservation of the health of the Empress and for the fulfilment of the hopes of the nation." The Royal Prunian Qazette states that Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are to stand godfath er and godmother to the Prince or Princess which is shortly expected to increase plc Imperial family of France. A letter from Calais, of the Bth, states that, on the occasion of the taking of Sebastopol, the English residing in the village of St. Pierre took the initiative of a fete, which took place on that day under the patronage of the municipal ad• ministration. In the old English fashion, an ox was roasted whole, and afforded a banquet to 800 guests, and the simple apparatus which was erected for the cooking operation exalted the general admiration. The Paris correspondent of the London Times saps: Among the rumors which Lave cironlated— rather mysteriously, it is true—in two or throe political circles, is ono which I have refrained from ,oticing hitherto. lie revival in a more general, if not a more consistent form than be fore makes toe now allude to it. This rumor re fers to an alleged matrimonial alliance between Prince Napoleon and a Princess of the Royal family of England. Whether there be any foun dation for it I am unable to any, and only relate it as it is reported. The friends of the Imperial dynasty reason, It appears, in this manner: " The old prejudices which seperated Franco and England have dis appeared, like the smoke from the field of battle. The glory won in common, the dangers shared by brothers in arms, the sentiments of esteem and affection cemented by the generous blood which both have shed in combating the same .enemy, the resistance they have shown together for two years not only to Russia, in arms against them, but to the intrigues of Germany, which looks on and waits—all concur in uniting and linking each day stronger and closer the two greatest nations of the earth, and it would be rather with France that England should seek a matrimonial alliance than with Prussia, whose sympathies and whose wishe s are well known to be for Russia, and Russia alone." . They add, that Prince Napoleon is also of. Royal race, and is even connected with the Royal family of England by hie mother, the Princess Catharine of Wurtemberg, who herself was a daughter of a Princess of Brunswiok. But, In dependently of that relationship, they look upon an alliance of Vie kind as a combination for more suitable, more useful, more politic than the other, and one which would be more in conformi ty with the aotual relations of the two countries. I repeat that I oannot say whether the sumor is ill or well founded, but this is the second or third time it has been in circulation, and with the oomments to which I have alluded. car Batchelor's "lair Dys.—Do not let the evil effects of other Dyes eater you from relying on the great original, WARILARTED safe, cure and satisfactory- Made and sold, or applied, (in nine private rooms,) at BATCLIELOR'I3 Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. 'old, Tr hole.soile and retell, by Ire GEO. H. EC.BYSEB, 140 oct2erlaw Wow otrvt. BY TRES AFRICA. PRINCE NAPOLEO2 , eS tdialllAGlß =ll=l NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Reported E4pressly for the Daily Morning Post liftein:livasttitngton City. 19aattnemic:Cres, October 29.—A hostile .jneeib i g hating been -contemplated between:'Mr. - , Vaulltnerttem tl'!ir of Congress elect from Vin- '• 04 atniXr.7Betder, alto was hie opponent in thaltitiiiiitiVaintialwogiarrel. was eatiefeotorily adjusted by the Interference of mutual i triends.` In the Court'of Claims, on Saturday, it was decided That the performance of extra mail ser vice by . a government contractor in oases when rendered neoesearyhy the increase of mail mat tor debstituttalan implied contract with govern , ment, whlchilne valid. In-the case of Air. .0.. Emery, who claimed linderinagredment with termer Superintendents "erthileapitaTateriaien; it woe deoldtid that tho petition irinstatate the name of the superinten dent as 'wolf rialliftitithority to act in the mat ter. ; 4 The docket* tbo Court is increasing rapid ly. 'Tito 'Genoa' Armstrong ease Seas postponed ler a week'. • It is stated, on the authority of reliable ad vices •by the: Africa, that Mr. Buchanan has probable lett London for Paris. He will visit Italy before returning home. A circular letter from the Government of Den mark, ralatlva to the aottlement of sound dues question:. bas been reoeived by thin Government. The Pxottident has entirely recovered from hie recent attack of the chills and fever. The Court cf Claims today admitted the tes timony taken in the ease of Isaac Swain, thus deciding that the Government is liable for inju ries sustained by citizens, in consequence of the improper conduct of its agents. The argument in the Florida cases was con tinued.. Iffeor York Items NEW You October 29.—The steamship St. Louts nailed bt noon for Havre. She takes out nearly all Hid paaserigers that started in the Union, and about $40,000 additional specie. The Philadelphia arrived Ttl;day from Havana with dateixto the 221. • hir„ldorales, citizen of Now reoentli sebioneed to death for hay ing e»ditiona documents in his possession, had hia sentence Commuted to eight years in the chain gang. The. publio health at Havana is good. Business is active. Jas. L. Breese was arrested at Chrystle street to-day and about $lO,OOO counterfeit bills were found in his possession, and also a quantity of plates. Amongst the bills were tens and fives on the Bank of Jacksonville, Florid ,; s2'e on the Northern Indians Railroad Co.; sB's on the Exchange Bahk of Alexandria, I). C., and oth ers ; every appliance for cionnterfeiting was also disoovored. Latest - from Ruurope. Nuw Toni October 18 The steamship Ariel, from Havre, arrived lest evening. She brings the 'Esmond edition of tho London Times of Saturday. Consols had improved on Sat urday morning, and the elooing quotation was 87i No new movomente had transpired in the Crimea, It Is known that the alliod fleet is ialbofore Odeon, and has on board 10,000 French troops. A rumor prevailed in London that a popular outbreak bad occurred in Sicily. The cholera was prevalent at Rome and Madrid. The English gun boats left the Bald° on their way home. Stratton. In Texas lisurntunts, October 29.—Tho Southern rosil received list night brim New Orleans papers of Sunday, with Galveston dates to the 18th. Ward, Democrat, is elected to Congress la tho eastern district of Texas. Tbo Know Nothings have elected their candidate for Mayor in Austin. dissaaaba Liquor Law. Borten, October 29.—There has been another unsuccessful attempt made, in the Municipal Court, to procure a conviction under the pro hibitory law. the jury has been out, ten hours, but cannot agree upon the constitutionality of iho law. New York Weekly Dank Statement.. Nnw YORK, October 29 —The weekly stew went of the averages of the banks of this city, Eshowe the following decreases: $887,000 in loans , $1.298,,t Oin epeoie ; $5,900 in circnia gon, and 113177, t i i in dap/nate' La^ nave yen a Diseased Liver quem. Mon. though.startllng, Is sufficiently soggwetive, when the tact le taken 111:0 consideration that diernoon of the Liver h tee become most I\ larmingly frequent In the United Etatem. Indeed, there are fuer formidable disealea that are not in some way traceable to a deranged state of that Important organ. Many of the complaints usually classed under the hoed of Consumption, have their origin In the fiver. "Any remedy that would Insure regularity and healthful action In the Liver, would be s bletalng to mankind" has been the szelaumUon of thou/Lands. That remedy hue been found; It is safe and etre. When a fair trial btu been afforded It, It has never boon known to tail. Reader, hare you any disease of the Live., or dimeese which you believe palmate !rem hepatic derangement! Lase not a moment, but purchase a box of Dr. M'Laoe's KM, and they will restore you to health. It is the only remedy yet discovered, In whkh implicit confidence may he place!. Purchasers will plows be careful to .4 fur, and take none but Dr. 21PLancts Liver Pllls All others, in rucupartsan. are worthless. OW" The above valuable remedy, also Dr. M . Lane's elle tmated Venalfuge, eta DOW be bad at all respectable Drug Btoree lti this city. Also, ter sale by the bole proprlctora, 11.12,11710 DADA., Buocessors to J. 0,41,1 octS9Atis No. GO Word street, carver of Fourth. Air Important to Pstrasterateeklese Marlow - ertes,eVEGIETLIILIt CATTLE POWDZIIar-These Pow dery are pat up in one pound packs, and are realty a goon article, not only for the diseases incident to Aorta, cows, swine, and other animals, but they are likewise an excel lent article to improve the condition of the animal. ibr Mitch awe, they not only improve the condition of mulch cows, but they increase the quantity as well as im prove the quality of milk and butter. The proprietors say that It Increases the quantity of butter from half a pound to a pound a week to each cow, while thee° para.:ta who have tried it Bay a pound and a half to two pounds per week, with the same kind cf feeding as before. Of one thing we are certain, all who use it once will nee It all the time, and save money by the operation as well as !moms, the appearance of their itock. Price 2s eta. a paper; 6 pa per. for $l. OHO. 11. ILEYSEII, Carver Wood street and Virgin alley, octl2 Wholesale and Retell Agent Inhalation for Diseased Lungs. The mods of Inhalation, In cases of diseased lunge and throat, recommended by Dr. Curtis In his advertisement, strikes us as the true one. It to now generally admitted by our best phyalol.na, that /cool difficulties can only be ens. owatfally treated by Moat application/. This practice has been pursued from the first with respect to external inflam mation and corrosion, and we see not why diseases of the throat and lungs may not be treated in the frame manner; we believe they may. In this variable climate of ours, where lung and throat complaints have become so preva lent and rife, we earnestly recommend to the publio, and to the afflicted especially, to avail themselves of Dr. Curtis remedy.—{One who bas tried It J gee advertisement In • this paper. Chation—Da. Cane HTOELNA Is the original and only genuine article. sep4.3vnlaar .Qty' Ague and Fever of Three Years , Standing Oured...-11r. John Longden, now living at Beaver Dam, Hanover county, near Richmond, had Ague and Fever for three years; Most of the time be had chills twice a day, and rarely leas than once: be was parched with fevers as soon as the chill left him; and after trying physicians, quinine, moat of the tonics advertised, and everything recommended to him, was about to give up in despair, when Carter'e Spanish Mixture was spoken of : he got two bottles, but before he bad used more than a single one, he was perfectly cared, and has not had a chill or fever since. Mr. Lonsden la only one out of thousands who have been benefited by this great tonic, alterative and blood an. rifler. See advertisement sepLim Sd- Stockings and Mallory for Winter. —lf you don't want your feet pinched with beei and short Stockings, you will take our advice and go to U. DALY'S, corner of Market alley and Fifth street, and bay some of those elegant Fine Stockings, that make your feet feel nice and comfortable. DALY also makes And sells every vari ety of Hosiery that you can mention, at wholesale and retail. Remember the plate, earner of Market alley an Fifth street. oet4 "a-Julia Received, at lartbblairti splendid assortment of Nall and Winter Goods, of every description, consisting of Plueb, Grenadine, Valencia.atid Nlitkred Satin Veslings, Doeskin and Fancy OasEdmereestlethsi Overcast ings, do., dn. Also, Gente'Parnlslilng Goods in 'peat varl et', which will be sold low for cash. No. 240 Liberty street. sepl7 tar Osill eat no. 164 Wood Street, and ex. amine our stook of 201T - HATfi and mann Or him . received, a large lotg Shanghai, Celestial, and o er styles of Caps, which we ill] sell low r cash. • MORGAN & 00., 164 Woad stmt. 4 HALTS, lEULTB.—We here received our FALL STYLE OP EILLII HATS , o which will be found, on in spection, a neat and article. A good Hat for $9, and en extra one for $4. Call and see. MORGAN & CO., No. 164 Wood SL, Next holm to the new Presbyterian Church, sepB One door from Sixth street. dr Balm of Thousand Flowera.ior t.canti. rYing the Clomplesion, and eradicating all Tan, Ilxrdas and PRICKIXII from the tace. Bold at Dr. KEYSER'S, 140 Wood street. jam% NEW ADVERTISEMENTS something for Everybody. _.BLODGETT & :"/ PATENT GA , LVANiZ , Poertabl Oven, . - . Tcrwhidiwarairardild thtt prise/MAO orthis Ohio Mechanic' Ituitt4tte, - 4170:*cnted itt Cook Via kit Aie2 than any afficr Own in ws, ars max zcorrirt' result of pratfficainzparlence,la now celaddently presented tathe public, asi superior In T-- point of economy, safety, durability, ease of management, convenience, and, above all, In the unrivalled manner In which It dote Ito work, to any other invention of the kind now in use. R is ape/rot Oven, doing everything required of it In the moat superior manner. It will - -roast, at the at= time, as many different kinds of meats lc the Oven can contain, and each piece will be perfectly sweet, and free from gases aria• ing from the different varieties, as these gases are lot off through an escape pipe at the top. For baking bread and, this Oven le without a -rival as the heat^ls regulated •by datirparent.thebottom i and s under perfect control of the operator. It Is not ex• celled In point of economy, an the heat required is generated within the Oven. The ntaterial of which It is manufactured being a nonconductor, and constructed with air chambers, there is no radiation of heat, and a small quantity of fuel will keep it going fathoms The material will neither rust nor burn out, and the Oren will last for seam BEVER BUM . Boilable for tbo smallest private family, or for Steamer* and Gaels of the largest dam, romonfacturad by G. B. BLODGETT & CO., College street, Burllogton, Vt. REFEMIN prom those who have CIES, them in nse at the present time City Hotel, Pittsburgh—S. P. Glidts, Proprietor; Angier House, Cleveland ; Weddell Hoare, do Johnson Howe do at P Ish4 Eldgi:le, do L. ZS. Firkin, do Marine Hospital, do Stamm North Star, do Dudley & Bull, Buffalo, N. Y.; Wadsworth [louse, do Courter House, do Siddo.e. Perry I Co., Rochester; St. Charles Hotel, Syraguee ; Globe Hotel, do J. L. Cook A Son, Coffee Howie, Syracuse; Syracuse Hones,. do Bane Hotel, U tica; . American Hotel, Utica; New England Hotel, Utica; Utica Seminary; Given's Hotel, Schenectady; Brandreth House, New York D. D. Howard, late of Irving House, N. Y.; C. y Baying-mu, New York; Steana, Phillipe A Co , Newark, N. J.; J. Fenno, Philadelphia; klaeonlo Hall, do Ohio Matharfte Leatituktiancinnari; J. R. 'Torrent; JI Co, do Steamer U.S. A., Lake Champlain; Steamer Canada, do Steamer AMayies, do Steamer White Hall, do • Steamer Ethan Allen, do ft. O Cole, Burlington, Vt. George P. Marsh, do American Hotel, do Exchange Hotel, do Howard Hotel, do Horace Loomis, do John Peck, do J. N. Pomroy, do A. C. Spears, do DIEROFIANTS AND IIEODANLOS. Mutual Insuranc,e Company, No. 110 Rama greet, mond door from sborlh, PTIRLADELPIILA. Authorized Capital- —....-------- $5OO 000 ers pital rida In Chartered by the Ugh&slurs of Penn% April a, VW. Tins COMPANY b; now Prenatal to 188110 Policies In Fire, Marine, inland, Navigation and Ballread risks, at the current rates of premium; and having thb security of a rash capital, it also affords the Insured en annual par ticipation in the profits, 'without any liability whatever. DITIECITOII.9. Henry L. Stevenson, Stephen Totem, John W. Tilford, John M. Clummey, David B. Taylor, Alexander klundly, Thorn's D. Smith, EL K. Blahardeon, William F. Boone, John N. Gimln, N. Y.. William Morris, Jas. W. Weston,. N. Y. LIENRY L. STkTENSOIif, President. B. If. RICIIMIDSOII, Secretary. THOS. J. BUNTER, Agent, ooleo No. 00 Water et, between Wood and Market. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD.. 'Fla PITTSBURG 11 WM CONNELLSVU.O9 RAIL. I ROAD if DOW Orell from West Newton to Ponnellorille, Bill-eight miles from rittebargb, on the Yongtiogheoy River. This new tint•elasa noel la now open for the traneporta t on of passengprs and (rat In cots nectinn with the fine dearer? EVLIAN, from l'aigburgh to Connellevillo, daily, as follows: The steamer NOLIS N will leave her wharf, ebnoelbe Monongahela Bridge. every allantoon, at half past three o'clock, fer West Newton, connecting there with the morn log train Mitring at 8.30 for Oonnallsellle, and; reaching there at SW A. to time for the Stage for Uniontown. Fore te $1 75 Rare to Uniontown-- 2 25 Wlll Pave Canoellatilte In the morning, et 8.16 o'clock, for West Newton, sod connect tlowe hrith the t.eamer &flan et 7.3 J, In tines to mach /ittatturgh at / P. H. Pere from Canoe'twilit° 6 Plttobtrgb.. /a 76... Vary from-Uoiootraro to Pittsburgh. -- 2 25 Tte Local.Preight. and Pareenger Train mall leave Clen nellevllle ea 10.30 A. M., and,retursalielegl WCit NDWiOn at 3.30 P. GL, stopping at all way otitlone for freight an , pastongore satunlay tho ueaal afternoon train will lie over until the lulfoxing morning ate 30 lock. mooongere by the Saturday afternoon boat from attn. burgh own by this arrangement go termini without delay. Por (archer information, apply to the talkers on board tho olcumlaud Rattan, or to the Agents at Wan Newton and CalMellBVilla. D. W. OALDWEI,L, Ambient Superintendent _ Boasters I JOIPN CaIDEN A CO., Healers, No IST /Int street, would respectfully Inform rho public that Om have mast inns on hand a las s o supply of sausA.e.tunza,. ?al ti MILAL WATER, ALM and 1911Thlit, et:the lest qual• y. The attention of families is particularly directed fettle fad that they bottle WAINItIGIIT'S ALB In Ma purest state. Pity:lmam recommend It to families onamanita of its Var 01.1.1610 and strengthening qualities. /octSlitly Mourning and House Furnishing Store, No. 75 Narkd Sired. WV Os., our anat.* attention to this kind 4 dock, to the ex 11111.1012 of fancy gaols, In consegliensis or which nur unmet:moot In both branches Is most complete. ' Wa bevy juet revolved our SECOND SUPPLY OP GOODS, Aud ran guarantee pCIIIOI2B wanting goods In our itrie,lo Gn fliero ed both in qruallty and price. (Al l ard ffipB Y7/4" Plow. note th e location, No. 75 aka% street, - oot,Bo BROOKS k 000PEIL. °niters I i 1 0 0,000 - 60llitLL OYSTERS ja2lt artireal Ei:i 8,000 Fgg Harbor Salta, and 6,0011; Delaware - 'tlt , Boy. Also, 200 gallons inwatrkmiTOlLVTO CATSUP. AU will be sold trhobssle and retail. Wb Invite the elthens of Pittsburgh tdoome slut try therm. Families supplied wills Bh-11 Oysters at 60 ceni'Mastite mod $1 per baadred, at the eornei`of. Mimi as Liberty strsota,_ by [0 4, 130,4i OaAll. Knimm as CO. . lIUTN MAO VI 'EI YOU NOV/Wank Fmk, Leslie's Gazette of Birbion for Novemixr. Fronk LeelireaJourruil do Galey's Lady's Utak do ; Graham's Magazine do Petersen's Magazine do ; Household Words do Yankee Notions do Thompson's Detector do Blackwood's Magazine for October. Art Journal do Illustrated Nears, October lath. NEW BOOttli NEW BOOESI The Old Homestead, by Miss Stephens, author iof " Fash ion and Famine." Twice Married : • story of Onnnecticut Life. Marriage a Lottery; by Mrs. Grey: Brenes in the Practice of a Now York Burgeon; by Edw. 11. Dixon, St. D.; illustrated. Peneheroft, by the author of " noir of Ratcliffe.' All the new Books for sale es soon as puolished. - Sub scriptions received for any periodical published, and sent regularly 'to the residents of eubseribers, or emit by mall to any address, by . H. MINER 00. can No. 82 Eimithee • street. N SW BOONS—Just received by the Adamo Express Company : Blackwood for October contains several good 'artlelas on too Crimea War. Putnam's Maga/duo for November ; 20 cents. Graham's do do 20 do Ballou'e do do (third supply,) 20 eta. Gedey's Lady'e Book do 20 do Yankee Notions do (second supply,) 12 do Leslie's N. Y. Journal do (fburth supitlyj 18 do The Cloven Foot—a new work. tiarper's ?degas:toe, Knicks booker and Lealliht Gazette of Fashion expected this day, and will all be sold at 20 eta. per copy only. In future we Till sell all hiagturines and Papers for cash only. . MI who want new and good !looks as won assoablshed, will call at LAUFFEIR'B Bookstore, No. 80 Fifth street. (v(3O Li UN DRI ES-100 begs Rio Coffee; 25 pooketa Java Coffee; 60 tibds N. 0. Sugar; • 25 bbls Refined Sugars 100 bbl prime N. O. Molasses; 75 ball ebestsGreen and Black 'ea.s; 75 boxes Tobacco, favorite branas; 26 boxes Pepper; 26 boxes Pimento; 25 boxes Extra Coffee; 100 boxes Mould and Dipped Candles; 26 boxes Star Candles; 100 boats Rosin Soap; 26 tames Variegated Soap; 25 dozen BualcAs; 10 dozen Tabs; 200 reams Wrapping Paper; 20 dozen half tow Bags. For sale by (oct.10) 30fIN MOOPREAD MAGAZINKt, de.—Putnam'e Monthly for November. Graham's American Monthly do Peterson's Ladies' National do Godey's Lady's Book do Frank.Lealle'e Gazette of Fashion do Illustrated London Newt, latest number.' London Lunch, . do Yankee Notions for November.. Just received and for sale by • W. A. GILDENTNNNBY A 00., ocl3o Fifth at, °poodle the Theatre. TLai CiBNDINB itEmpula, BOAR—This valuable Soap is new acknowledged by thotmands tole the best asap, ody for the mama chapped hands, Ilpe, or nengbaces of the skin. It is far euperior teCold Oream,..ignandhie, ofenz of those compounds heretofore la, nee for pawning the skin sof; rind smooth during the cold wind yweather of, the winter seteon. Price, 12% cents per cake. ; Sold by oct3o b. L. ouvisour, 63 Motet AL losasokts who ;want a REVOLVINO OALENDAR, will please call or -he disappointed. These useful Articles' are rapidly becoming favorites with all Mu) use them. They are the most convenient Alma= fa nee, And barer all corning time. Only fifty cents. Cell soon. Bold,whole sale and retail, by & L CUTHBERT, oct3o 61 Market street. NDSLIBLS INK APPARATUS—Sedate s Type, &0., for stamping linen with indelible marks, ibr sale by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer, oet3o Market street, corner of Second. T RITES DAL A.NOES—Several torn rariettea recd L at W. 8. HAVEN'S Stationery Warehouse, gdarkst et. corner crf Second. 4 F Oct O AIfATRBMATIOAL INSTIMIIENTS—A fine ate* strumenth, in boxes and In separate pieces, Juat reed at W. S. ITAVSN'S Stationary Warehouse, Market street, corner of Second- oot.lo UIIAWILNG PaSkil, illotarrao on,Ctsavam—A fresh insp. ply received at W. O. HAVXN'S Stationery Warehouse, Market. street, corner of Second. oct.E.o GLOVER AND OAIINTLIITS—New styles receiving daily In cloth, silk and fur, at acidi L 1 1 / 1 1.8111MiLLD & ~~ ~ f `_ a~.,;9i;,~, s • • 4.= MEM White Fish!' Fish! Fish! RULES d-111111116.11.131. SANDUArk; ItAVJ FOR SALE, abillteep ciorto4 , ittex llaleab on bands n tlainpply, of • Fresh, ai4l nett *hue And &1 Warr *khaki of<tilltkPlEit'; OttnINEVII'MUYDOIIwIIIVES lut.openednt EON'S, esMarkA nesi Porirth sttes-- . . The Task, III" - -Alowtiss--43urkfttl BoAces elegantly Was tringAnti IrtintedAli.ton, Edinburg: Tho-' Pleastms'of eope, try' Oantobilt; sag Longfellow's; Works, In came 'atlks. .I(.l3.—Mots tasteful books riff prea. ants cannot be found.- . _ Pzioat, Puritan and Preacher Drummond on tha Parables. Family Prayeze—a new theap and poptdar aorli.* • Trorriton's arra Walttwilght'a Family ?ropers. • - The Christ of atotory. Goodeeh'e Bible Geography. Kate =born ' or Splrhpl -8 4 ,1 Realen,Repy author c't "Jeagghlerrison." - N Ile' Help .Tahit'a Arc - laology; Smart's flarlit - k= -110beltlaft'of ; iltltiata'agliplatattat4o "" End . of Controrgrey Controverted." • Vomo adz °Winged. of eatles. oet29 ityrEiaticts , PARLAIIMVAII, AO.—A. A. Masco Lox 1,3%. hoe slowing Lamt.the most eNtenatve ard taxied so =toot pr.:Dress Gado _gx, be foetid; xompr4dog 'Emrich. end itaglisttlderinosiPmametfas,Alpecao,plaMtmdfterect Re Imbue, -Dm. Zags; ke.,of every grade, imd jthe swot faslilimabla styles , - _ - • 6et2) O I ; slot I' t t Phis . IFIJA b&TH 111 ceived anogtor lot of Linen a nd Itodeskseplag_CloodS. Pwad. h 5 Milt& * fian-meolmiyat at every attichlbs his Karr, • • oct29.• ID HUMBLY B9IIAX-1,000 lbe Jest reo'd and fey vale by . - act2o ILKIOSCH Int 08: LAO bbl Ju4.recebrettimaiwaN IVIIISTAKIVz-Engll44ltity4--just reel and ,•rzalci.by 499E3-60a-lbajeSt rtOOO4.I",,MPOSID by 1 L) octTa ' , 114MEN4!fig* CINNAMON -15(111m . received and fot solo try — FLIMINGLIMAS, [))BEAST PUMPS—Just serdved-ab fbrstrle .b 13 oec26 IMMO; BOOS UM'S KaTfLaIRON-6 polio-loot rOodool aod for We by toot29l - FLEILUNCIOMOS:,— ELLTINCI bbb3 for sale by -- 7 1 - B. A.. PAIINiSTOCi - li, Vat 9) . corner Eat and WcOctsti: .VIENITIAN 1 1Y IS WOODS-800 bblo tor mile by 11 oct Our Endeavor is to Please. LOWRIE'S ,arkii IpCo itcrtrs 108 WOOD Bittltilt.' S - ' Ah, ALL PIGISONG food of GOOD pvitril win F-. 7 please call eral,ladte-for themeeires.!. lcv aya on. and, the beat of Oystam, Nee - Caber Toe, home Male Bread, Flo, 'waist dont Bread, Mash and Wilk, Fried EVWNWereth Bong= wheat Gekes, de. The eoektog will be each we w a ll gratify epicures. ilks. Families supplied with °paters at tmuMnalite rates. oetTl:tf • • boaCI THURSDAY, , the 25th ittetent,A * Gott, BIISAFT - PlNoittliciet tie& The fituier will be mita bly rewarded by leievliwit ittlbe MEIN TEL& SFOR.I9; 196. 29 Fifth etreet. , eat2T [oat*, dfitrle 1111-0111 if VALUAJAE , Boolll3—Dobinson'a .Eng Ssh lint -101 many of the Goapel& • - Baggier's Analytical Hebrew arid flhaidee Leitrim. Bkonstield's Greek Testament; 2 vole. The Episcopate of the Protestant 'Episcopal Church In the United States of America—an essay by H. D. Erma!, D. D. Dr. Watt's Pleb:sand -Earif Catechism , The. Chnsch Catecjidern brokelnto Short QuesSons and AnsWera., Mks lidelntoeh's new Juveniles—Grace and Pans,. Mind ilkeeress &matt, and Jessie Graham. For rale at DAVISON'S Theological Bookie:mei ea Mar. ket, near Youth street.. . A:4.27 .1. WILSON a 80N, No 91 'Woed street, would Invite attention to their large andelegant awortmen • filloth, Cloth and Plush trimmedomd PlnaliCAPß, of al the new and desirable patterns Or the Fall sales. Atm.'s* large aacalmnut of B)sek, and Brown HATS, new stjlea, together with a great variety of WOOL SATS , LWI of which will •be wild low for um. . y 0e125.- , TM DEA BHIIITB AIM Dli&W/IftS-ou-• •• • • a good ertock of Bilk, Shaker Woolrillerluoilillhed &deb Wool, Chamois, dc., de, of all colors-and sires,. at the olabing Store tf L. lIIIISSITELS 130 N, oet27 _ No. 70.WooctattroV lANISS--Oto hand, a dna assortment'oNGlaorland Gold %,_,/ Bawled Canis / al • ' z cans - • - 4- ' L.' lILIGIEIFIBLD &030811. LIAM, 1101311c-A.tloo Ossortment ofalteoloro of Medico, JUL Scotch lamb'a Wool' itnd haid at oct27 L 111101111T2LD dtSON'B. LIIIITS—Just receiving Ivan the factory, another lot of 110 ne Preach Wrista, Elitrts an& Oollara,st _ • octid7 L. Ulf/L13.118 AND 811AWLS—C9emillo t Oaabmere and 171 Bilk, of awry desatipttan, at wen L. HIRVEDTIECLD C*31:4113. 11DATillIT DIKI.IIOIItES—MI the .papulas /Patent. Medi C 1111V3 nt the day escp.be had at. 0c127 - ,aos. iruktnicra. ur.Als'l3 01L—A genuine artielep_bighly perfantedilfor U sate by . fact'Z' I JOB. PLESIDIG. rtlfrallaVt-A new and valuable preparathin tor_ the frocarvatlon of .ho.too handgnme; ooktby .* 0ce.17 • 308:.'FLEMINVf-, ORJOIA LOMOZEI- , -.l47Nrrtatli alsritiOcey lrir'kedsedsi fo! toUglyo. - coldNioffl?estrii. sore thromdic.• Sold ti* toct2/1 - • ?• X0.1'814MR401;;;; filletßsy .J.JO Bum jtistieMsed and far aide by oct27. JOS: :immix°. 10.11.11 emir —Aid received, a trot' supply of genuine Palm Soap, made of pure Palm OIL ma/ JOS. YISMING. IthiNA, or goo Beart crease, tar the growth 11.) beauryaml presertattpn'of the hair; sold by ocW JOE. FIRSITIV). IVltiat VLF. V.4I,LRY RAILROAD—A Wan Pi= of LI 38 sem for Bale, with good Improvements, situate miles from.the Allegheny Vallt7ltsgrowl, mid 8 miles from Virentfam. A dwelling haulm oflntltatal eight tooma, troll arvitiged; stable, etalago. Lamm, {o., Pike, Market - Tonna easy. 10ct271 - 'B. 1818=111.T..SIDN, at. ripo OMR (11.1SR.PKI). LIANDB,I;ise and -Rough &Ju— -1 Waeb with tho IltCliPisTlQ SOAP nod. wpm water, afterwards In cold ester, and wiltepolleollYvh7Wil-Watioll towel; used in this tantrum It never felletocare, ad many een testify who have used I 6 Only 113 :coats per calm Sold only aa Market Street. by - L..CUTRBKRT, °et= et. r TOO 6 lETAtc—ao taus Jazdato, (Monroe furnace;) 10D de No. 2 Anthracite; Ca do Coke- •- QS do Mr.,4 hot blast, 'longing Bock, tor foundry ; fur sale by act= . • - JOHN hiOOlLllll6. DUX/MS-46 tons Juniata..: um do Lao Champlain; foraale by oct27 JOHN MOOhUIEhD y EMONS-25 bozos leirrestfilaga Lemma just received j.. 4 lad for sato by . ttlfrlllat h 411DE8205t; oet27 39 'Weed street. irkBANOES-6 bbl mad, last received awl FA. sale, by 0ct.27 -' BUSIER d ANDERSON; R OOK CIAND7-20 bases 25- do . JOlnbe Piet: Jost received and for sale by toen7 . l & ANDRABON. R. SPRING'S LAST WORK !.-LJust - published,' The L.F Contrast - betareenOood Mad Bad Men, illustrated by the Biography and Trifitte or the 'Bible; ' 4 2 vole For ante by, JOUNI3. DAVISON, • ter 27 4 : ' 62 MatketAreet, near Fourth. VdOOL PLAIDS-140 more pieces of those splendid styles of Wool Plaids, in eight yard pattorne , opened th ay by 4. A. MASON oct27 • 25 Fifth street NI KW MUBlo—Jast received, per express, by MIAMI. of LOrrie =UDR, No. 118 Wood street— Hasel,Dell ; Bennie Bitty ; Old Bob Ridley ; ea/mil hisititifft; Dave you aeon Banat Champagne Sehottlzch 4 Snew-Flake Polka; Newport Waltzes; Palk, Schottisch; Schnapps Polka; • Bye and Bye—Wunsei; onus America Schottisch ; 'rrees of the Forest--companion to . Shells at the Ocean;" A Mother'e Prayer; • .. Say you2ave tae--ittimenza; My O 1 Virginia Home—new song; La Tyrol, with variations--W. V. Wallace • What shall be my Thamet—Q. W. Warre n; Moonlight on the Ocean ' • Oh, fare thee well, my own love ; My Bark ia Galls Dancing; . Village Malden—a. a. 'Foster ; Come where My Lave lies Dreaming; "Game 'Pm Guitar Ebtri=24—ei.colloctlan of twelve beau tiful noslodlesfor the gaiter, by F. Kruger ; • 44 Poster's Efebidlts;" arranged for guitar i . . " Boquet of Melodies," do. do by Edw. Piqua, A NEW Errocul OF PIANOS Will arrive and be openlir itispectlan Me Week. OrIABLOWE BLUME, - bra. us Wood at, -- tette Second - door above Fifth. Dissonstlon of Co-Partnershlp. 9111 E Partnership heretofore existing between the tinder 1. signed under the name and style of SPHINGIat HAW BAUD CO.; is dbootted blEintall consent The bad- uovrot tlio firms/Übe settled by either of tho undersigned, at their 00 stand, Liberty,ifess.f. -'The business will be coathand Be forinerly by Springerflarbaugh. • PUSEIMAIMUIIiMII, ALEX: FORSITI3.• Pittsburgh, Octobor 24, 185E6 Springer Ilarbaugh e (10515118810 N 151211.13HANT, Dealer In Wool, Nov Wane and. Produce generally, No. 295 Liberty street, Pitts burgh, Pa. oct29 QOMEITILING NEW, MEWL AND ORNAMENTAL— ► liestor'e Pocket Calendar, or Iteriviog Calendar., Tbh useful article about the rho of a Ten Lollar Gold Place, beautifully ornamented. By tuijostiug Won the brat day 01 the month, you can toll at a glance tbeday of the month and week. It answers for not only a Tear, but for all com ing time. It is now In great demand. It is valued as a, .Packel Ptece, while ite:ipractital ufiliti has made It a uni versal favorite with both ladles and gentlemen. Thousands are sold, as snaking beautllbl and durable gifts for friends. Fold, wholesale and retail, by " I, L. °EMMERT, oct26 II Market at. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. A A. MASON 100. have now od hand probably 'the • largest and most complete dock of Goods to Li found In the country, to which they invite the attentioni of cash and - short time buyerw--meraring than that ‘rlccathe facility of communication established by the Pennsylvania Baliroad, no goods Anne been or can ba Bold at Teas 1114 e. thannosameari belmmished at here. Nerthaale from all ferte - of the momtry ere earneetty, Battelle& to tell and test the truth of the elate statement . oet24 A NEWLY INVENTAD PEN, of an entirety new Find- Pia and umfal qualittoo. • The adVatitageo of this pen 811) lat. Ws pen will hold ink enough to write a whole page Of letter paper. 24.. Thb pen Is eo constructed es to hare a good spring near the point, similar to a 31.. The points cannot lap, and the pen-will always write Smoothly. 4th. It is gold, and consequently cannot corrode. '- A trial of these penawillinvve their superiority orer any Etuntaikpon made. /or eale•by W.,E. HAVEN, -rxt26 . ilhalletatreet, corner of Second. rtAILPET PdPsslL.Paper ftrrolLs for coming !kora be• '4,) fore pntttng-down oaranta Far eale by ffu) yard it W. 2. RAM's paper Warehonee, Market street, corner of .Second. ocf2(l SPEDOES*-200,003 Torpedoes ; 2004.0xes Fire °rackets• ' Just received tali fot ealAbyy ' REVUE A' ANDERSON. otit2l3 NO. 39 Wood carnet. ILIERIUNG-200 boxes extra treated new Herring, Just AA, remised lira for sale by aide' R73YSi&Ii d 411!TDEIISON. DATES -16 MOM!' trash Dates; 10 dozen Capers; just received and for sale by 0ct2,3 REIVER t ANDERSON. COTCH EiNII/1--Garrettl--3 casks just received end for sale b 100t221 FLEMING BROS. TLAHD OlL—Winter Eitralried—b bbla ;Art roe° veil and forsale by toctX3l FLEMING nod }. ~C~ _, .. ~1. .. .. MOZEEM MEM ell 0 4 11 .01 1 14 1 141*Yikap , :kri•-q•e" , A. C 4 ' 011 •0•0 ,0TAW*014,4034,44405410104; gittealik ft* • i 7 • 111711FAI;FIRSAND plopni INSITAid*VO'I .01,.-14 it0,7.610 - .111, ;•; t - ip9o. • . :CFEBAuIi;4 FIRE mat .MAiligllll3l7l6[l67l custraNy giritatinl4.4ll , „.• , OOMPANYINSURANCE TAi l ThttA N OP 490 . -114:13vallt-Es •--- r " - - 1 o 42;41' MUTUAL. CAPIT 'II3IBICA . o j 7 P EntrE" lTT.Sßo 9 ll l{r"'e° ll. llPAlit l' '' 3011 IT effor,,fintatozn,pa RABBET , FINNEY, Szotstuir. Am% WILL In Inrsl7/10. Nt A riz a . „ _1511129T9114..4- - V T A t iL aiwa tillale , k, Jam IL Palinode; 0„-ratt, W. W4ddlrtin*-'' ": :-I-JobfA.Nallithe7r "AtiriteecbiJr; a salmi & George B. flatten v .- a - lia • ma ) andioN7.„ under vs, Ida . red '-t pivta e94ls?'fallued p: a 9prill ibl et r li ts ° ol/19: 4 . 119 FM 11154- A ltheta Xga treaustft4illart, XITTOUVROki TAW Prz4-abi Naha 2 1 tunicanco , Co.taPanY; daram dr id= jib , Li afAnk:NrASTREAMU PA. PITTSI4I7IIOI4 110 te 7 444WAY-1 Prolial" , zu. D. tit, Sem #z, ~ -, .. .. o i l This Com** , niattee ev . „lnnuzabco-appOrtslithig zo eonnerted wart WE itl6BB. , ,_,..____ ~._ .„,_ „ _ ___ 1 , .„,,,,,.. Cllr WO u Al so biraltua tit:Ur-lad GOV DlO Gm Jun . ifinalptif rivers and,trilicftliee,, asorMlL*2 o lMilagff. r a . And egaingt. Loft andatamag=e, and agmet ta m u, Rails of the Boa and InlardNa azalThluvar ga ttt t„ Policies lasmaiat tha lowest, ratottootadalatlttlth to all rates; Anosayaks: ItabsitGalitory, . AliiilltdorprOler k Jan:tie/S. tradtq, • -'447litirurlittotit: John ' ' 'AuxiittitlgrOluni k ty, ....:41111114/3 - t John Scott, - ' Josyphl:l2lizziket,•4; Bletten,.. . Jaweg - .49lin"kPOill ttleelli Kitten:4 . g: 3 ' 3-.3 ' 3. wErrEatzt FABMBBS vistauurct7c*PE.NY' QHjO. Aaairii - Bt.:.(lbailearßilllp*, lot Third street, klaabattl.' . ~. orinrsza: F. a % - =!' ,4 - is F..A.;•131.00103031, , P . rabin . JA1129 BITEDICK,- - . lillefteetiltol LEVI pysl, 41Xiiikersirat.Treanntr - 4•. - . James W. Wood,well, • Jakop. Plummer. .1 • James . .h - Jao. V. llarbangb, _ Jito24 • 1 1 0-13 YR; alFinu7 l l....2. l *.nobOiAittOtti.qt_ elm*: a Or" °MIZE DM ,- Iturtuenneollsm rO4 Plttftrargh..4lll,l3l4Al4ll4 dent: t Etectotaty.4 43ffittr,r9:4 , Wat&ifiattek lbelietoOrArkellted Trdod~e. ,ItuntreeL end eithoO4thltsefithe 0W*1411124 dpaLlveiestaltribitterles. agsdust - Lose or Deinage by Ittle: ALSO—,Agehtettbe Perils of the Bea, an 4 Inland thtetsl tionendlon. - . William BaPieli 1-• Bicheltl> ~ James al. Cooper; -. • fistattiit M. To. Stmnelltes, - Bingham, EobartDuitlitlyji., Job's B.Dpiriarth, bane notk„ .Inutela Sallatek , 8. Herbal:tip, • 11741.011:7ant,„ 4 0 bn_ Sblpton. - aseM fennsylvAnitlni4aranco topipan Corner 'at l'tolltb: anir Smithflehl ;streets. AVITCIII.IZI/IY:cerrtaoo,9oe. rrz,. tom Dall4lOgs othot Putay'rtgalail ti.,.)* or Damage lot.:Plio and thei..Porllo of , tlialsa ay 'Ward Novlirotioonrol.frlorportotlorrV- • ' 11:111 , 13$134".11 , 418 WmAK.roktolon,lloo - atttito bbi';44 , :ol ,7 Palriten• A.A. Carriar, ,X o6 searr•ithaV - iattmo rritvri, I).E. U. Yaer, Lefler Sproul, Wade UstrolotrEq -: D: 11 /4 , 011g, ,Co j. . •0 t a Vaid6d.;: i we lltgicre . Z.:4lloPY-PAT7IIIIIXII,.. confrPrognit , kk. - 13611 , 11n31:,. AssistrotArrotary..ls:l. -o,latitlßZ 11 only, British " luidAtciiitine Exe anger Iltpittr.NALT t3rekiirt4N - ;&_* 4 15 . . Tllgm - UNI.OIrZANEVIftqfPON,', wawa - Duns , AtioiiiiiiribiavrAttiliatiidp X Towns of ENO-LAND i'BOMdtiDni;id , We aim' dean Wt tt;;Jii:td'Oit • • GreetiO:bpoutiCits••Aliatin' - • rzAzurPiasr42lAtlir r ` sertre'idr s Itemlttenee to lilt' pests ofVapturf FIWITZEBLAND end HOLLAND. _ Personeintendlogto/nitel abroadina7 procure, Huron( us, Letters of Credit; un - -Vali Money en Urnt.toDZed# needed, In any part of , Narspel COUSMONT orllMailTotes, IA rd Wet , steefirltles to El ropey, will twelve prompt atteattoti. , 917:41. Witaaliga CO., mtal • - Woad eanierTltltd street,. WILIJA=-A ALLKN, 7, Anliturrvintaume .„ rffAragrlizzai - I' 01.113011 • FIIIIItiCeEs - Wroggitircar (10114#144Y E. For. Warming and 'Vogue :Um ot Bergangs, ala contaialin Wlsraant !ad Trni.lbair by Steam or 'l2(ot Wiaori t 3co l eblle4o Puma Ohardinr„. &hook', Mgt -Vaotorkl, 'G m reen Roue Cour tilouset,Jollo, li ot44 or wellinp.El4 MAME' Amer. Pittaborati. Mastin..4Orittita r 4:4l. -- xtdmm..Vif.::stocarri - Olt A:l4 - P• - "la'.'rr . lkA,',OT4 , ll„ itAitwittilitig ontivitdtV • Blec- 2' „Reg/MY:Bl*kb', ,irrit*g 0.14' PA. Alarvicrarnakfor iimunittatsvamairai for ettinz - b . ea,ll#l3ser.Btotitaliciatp, Avg,Alirrar Picture yriuttev;Visdaw tnid.tiornitilt,33nicket, Taut Coralcee,• VentllONl Rion trr - CctlirtA &tees and Mouldin#lsPertaylacrijptionitlicrand ddl am= taktimilastidprOlnUflikt ter sTtl Dom In 2 . • . esotatecton Itte MortateladtleACF: N.B. ~Attention or OteambDiit atiltdea mete 1 o this arttcla, ou atcountatitt_Nghtlr CUMMINS, maw co kat ivil:fB,l3,tcondst i 801.,:epW914424S N lit arice bbtt „ ,„,, Ina Uff ,IMPIP Dn'm MMVBMI'Int2 FLOUR AND .A No. 299 LOor . 4r,atrea,pittabiligb, Pa. Wit-Corsumny sisa=lo,;thet-BEBT iiitANDE PENNSYLVANLS, - ORMI INDLOA: ig#o.t tSgMt V , IEXWEILAOTWIT WhlctOrill au,:ays boa* ttthey,?areitt . o?iiailms. [a WX. B. HAYS '4 7 ZO • DEAtoßp_lazoozr, HAMSIMESt 811010 ff LARD, LARD, 45.4;::' DR= , DEEP, DRPAR.LIOUgDiiia . . , 51.014132,ELG11 A Li t A 'Argo etopit obraylOn band No. 297 Liberty, otteOlit Jeal " ' " ' 'Rtestraubtr, Pi JOHN , eOb,ILEUUN - /L&NTIPAMCIIIKEtS 07 IRO N RAIL fto tiC i ci/ AULT • V A ti fr .00,0 i Window Bhutto*, WilidOw-Onardii, :lon, 91 Second" Itreet_,9-94:17.!144`,hi1td .( nit wz Aro .3 4ciii st:irAtz Yds) - PrrTSBURAIPt4"-' A 7 - : nor on itsind'a'siiriely74l em , + sub! I :Main, suitable for till porpinivo Pirtkadarattention 1 to endivlng GraviyUta.,36l7lo.oneo Oat pate, S. :11 9 8EN . - liAamintacza NV KEE , S PENNSYLVASIAI'GLAS WI DOW VIA s, Wm, Warp Strength, Imit#lOC4 6 p1:: !Fend at nub; ItOt,PreaMO-ZiFIF: Winer KozlaT,laroX•w n WA Bonk' TelegraPhie itlAgtitn4lo:ingraato: =ion; zettßEN'woo_D - 4, 24 40 1 X 1 47 BM, lint Abort pits= recTirMa -- T 3 EZ4o4-iitzulltig fronauzu*sli.o4lo44l74t-qui4e9o32llQlty Mut. PEAI - . 41:4T4.7.4a13 :in :etches; the till:. Antes. . - ; ORDERS moyifirleit the start; pert W/ 1 . 13 b 14- kVO4-52.;WW' BRAUN a`ltllEntai-eornir 14krtizin1.4 Char era"' U. P. SOIEWA.II.TZs Druggiat t ApagAny, 21111118:. 134111.14 , 011 1729 AIWA' & NOTARY PUBLIO t and Comullettorizqine the nue , Tenneseae; New Hampshire. Coi 3l3l Ettotit't 11762 " 4 new Tact, Miablow, lowa,Wawa. Deab drawn, and acknowledrzettf4' and fr` taken fur record or nee ik any of the etuTa nutted Kai Illinoleddleelealpal and ktit`de Wand. - Pittotrurgh, March les6—itnitaSNier • EMIESE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers