The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 30, 1855, Image 1
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Y..< r 7'., LY MORNING POST c ',Winled and - pvlailtel may vionsinp.(Thintlaps acePiefil ar GlLlittattlit A.-ITIONTOOMERY• "rill son.T2MgrComa of seam AID 'rpm osiers Sat it.s2ls.—fire Dollars a year, Palabia atniattr lA p trend:' ; Six nip brattishty be regtanat /r bat PIO -) within the ymot. Air Single wpm Menem—for +ale at the °punter In the 02104 4 and bri he Fa" EDP :iIit:SSIOBOAT ISozzarre POST rettiTirald from Out Rams afar*, on t lam blanket else elver., at TWO DOLLARSa year, to adranea. Single copier . . AO" rtoSoyer disoontlninxt. wasp or dm diger*- . 'on of the PrOPlieteinra until all &freemen are per. .arirto tuareolt ifiu-be paid to any order nnlete mom by the =envy ' or telleitotex7 reference in tide <3ll. Aar armada! with the l!Z mentol Me lforbirm Pent item of the twat Jar Printsns/ Office:in the city,'Wherr - ic in* pf *4.40_1110M frrftsUrlat no see, and ineti reciasil .f.ActmgON4I,—QA.RDS. , . ' • 131 , . ',Sprout, ji pr' 'ltHAß AND ,0013N8F,DL5R Aa. LAW--Office, —, Fourth street, Fittahtirsh, Pit. • ' d eal:l9 , James A. Lowrie, TTOTINEY - W-0111ce; Iknith , fftimA Pittebm'gti, on. between Smithfield street and Cherry alley. filecrkly 4 .3011/143AnTONt - ATTORNEY -. AND COUNSELLOR, A? LAW Mlles, corner Fifth and Orint 363:101 PrITSBI7I43I; rt. Thome.' 11milaut, I A ITONNEY AT LAW AND BOWL= IN 0 - • 08Ice, next door to the PostOilee, 8 it, hie. Earl 8. P.-Roast ' • , li A IMMIINZY AT LAW—No.IO9 Fourth street, Przbargh, fa. Pa, fourth door below Mr. Rod,' Tatters° 'a Livery Stable. O. Orlando Loomla,. • Tto lIITECT AT LAW--:Ofilee,Fottrth street, Za. - 174.7 . . . " R. B. Carnahan ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Feui th street! Cherry alley and Grant street. . J. N. ,Dl. , vlovrrs*,,, A TTORM AND . doussmore AT LAW--k 3 Ince hi /I ilikeyrell's Buildings. on (rant street, - I Re 2 D. 11. flaxen, . A TTORNEY AT LAW—No. EN fourth street, Oboes Mull _Jak. near Smithfield. utar27:y Patrick 151.clicaka l , ALDERM . A•N OF THIRD WARD rtnitim conger Grant and Fifth - streets, (ferm4ly wea k/ plel by Alderman Lewis,) where all businesa pertain- Ingtothe Cho" of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be pnimptly attended to. " feblam Bucknaireiter, Alderman. i n Grant street, between Fourth st. and Oisuirona ej alloy. Conveyancing or all kinds done with the great. eet eare . ind legal mourner. Titles to "teal listate exernin• ed, art. : • W Ultima Wlleora". Attlermart, arlk FLUOR N0:447 PENN street, between thefa , l. and II.J (Mars otreetiFifth Wat. All business ap rang to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the P ea, viU be promptly attended to. } A®` Bonds, Mortgages, and otherdocoments, drain with neatness and despatch. tebl3:tf _-_-__ Hs AUL', ti Itt) EON DISN'LOST, (4414 7 . _c.eksor to G. VV. Diddlo,) No. 144 Slitithfleld streot. hours t frota S to 1 o'clock. and tom to 6 °tole° k. feblb:ly J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, five doors nkt or Market. i firaa.. orrice liotms - "ECM nine 4• •• D'L ta. five 0ee20:3, BUSINESS CARDS. 41111111) e. CUSSING gisartioa. XX.W.LHD DrtIIBIDGI ....... .L. 17.11GWALt. Curling, Robertson £ Co., ANANUFA.CTUIIIItiII OF CUT, PRESSED Anp PLAIN AM FLINT LASSIVAILE, warehouse No. 14 IVca‘l stivet,„ corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. Atait-All other kinds of Glassware and Whadowkalasa, ate low market prices. iti) I 1 ally Jacob M'Coflbtar r WHOLESALE and mod einr trumnfacturer,pnd deal er in 101 kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 28 Pittlsar - reef, Pittabargh, Pa. - . •41Eir• Keeps constantly on hand a largo avippiy of sit dm 'Various brands of Imperial Cigars je,ll John dlonrixend, LP..94E 1:18.001.:11., AND commrk n slcm )Ili- W i rtIANT, for the aide or Pig Bleat and Blooms and Produce generally, N 0.27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. I arV.l4 PHILIP ..... 411DC11.103. Reywar & Anderson (Succemrs to Joshua litusles k Co.): WEOLICSALE dealers lo }breLpi Fruits., Nuts, Spices, Eunisctiouaty, Sugars, kr., No. Se Wood striutt„ °pro eta th, St. Charles Eotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. npb lilenry H. Collins, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION ROGANT, and Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Rutter, Saran, hat., and Prodnee generally, N 0.25 Wood street, Pitt shurgli. imarC B. T. C. DI orgisal; -- BOOF.BELLETI, AND STATIO.NEIt—bas always on hand a general assortment &hoot, 9Uscellano-u. and Blank Books, Printing, Pont and Cap Paper, k.e.. whelreale and. re tail, N 0.1434 Wool strtest, below Fifth, East site, Pittsburgh. .04— Wanted, Bags and Tanners' Semi, hplkiy . IFittame gnus, ILIOEkrAeI, Pittsburgh. niftier Rickftson, WITOLE3ALB GROOERS,Im porters of Brandies, Wines and &gam—Nos. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin and Marty spet, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns. Ac., 00wtatitay on hand. Win. Carr Co., (Wm. Carr, late of the firm of J. Parker .1 Ca.) • WIiOLESALE GRUCEaS, and: Dealgre in Foreign Wine • anti Brandies, 014 Sionougahels and I.l,etitied Wija ky, No. 32j) Commercial Row, Liberty area:, ilttsburgit Pa }orgy F. S. Usiraisro, Diamond, /111.sbisrph, Pz DEALER DI COUNTRY PRODUCE, offers f r sole a choice stock of Gri.,"eries, selected for family nye. Spices of every variety and the purest quality, ground at his Steam Mills . Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Poinesii.. Produce token in exchange for oxen-hand:ie. IL IL D. hai procured a fall assortment of Landreth's warranted Garden Seeds, and invites the of Lon t ion of all In terested in rural affairs.' jonll W. B. MIL/WI ItIO6ULD.IO7I J. I. 6611351 T. • Flnglish & iLlohardaosd, CO3I3IISSION AND POTLIVARDING 3IKItCI7 ANTS, arid Wholesale Dealers In IHsh, Flacon and Oil , and Produce , ItY• WorellOtlre formerly poeurtied hyllurbridge , No. 116 'Water Awl 100 Fire; street, l'ittabu rqh, Penna. feb.3 Om colas Inn II owe, 1711.1Z - satateribeia have opened a house for'the above par 12 pose, at N 0.17 Smithfield etrta,t, roar doors above the Diononzahola Rouse. •We Gill parehale, or receive, 00 corn thistion; for tale, con.lmneat4 of flour, flacon, Cheese, Cant, Oata, Barley, Flax deed, Grass Seed. - Baled Hay, dc. which we will make advance, or purchase at the heal Market ratet for cash looved A fAlito A CO. Janne* 111 , 1.,aug In 1 In ultucr.tuEe, ritobpo.N o LOUR, BACON, ae., No, 10, corner mkhflrll and Firm 'ktroets, Pitts Ltirgli„ I. • - tune rOdgil..---TBANvis • L. roUNG. T. B. Young lt• Co. . • No. 38 Soii/Ajwld erre; orile at./ Rau- AirANIJFACTUREILS OP LIABLIIET FuuNITORE AND GLIATIPS, of every description. MiLerialf Um 3 work manship warranted, and goblet reduced prices- Clare talon in packing . fOr landand water carriage. aue3l Wm Digt, , CLOTTIINO AND FURSESULNO ',STORE,ldasonie Ball, • Binh street,-Pittsburgb. Clothing made to order, iu gocaretylo, and at moderate rates. aueltt IL. £ A. C. Dammam, WIIOLIC:IALIrohoomm, and - Dealers in Produce, For rig, Mina and Liquors, Old Monongahela nod It tided Viliksby, No. 291./41:arty rittgOargh, Pa. 113,-7•y' • WHOLESALE: and Retell Saddle, Harness "V .??=" Trunk, Valise and Carpet Bag muriursetaxer, N 0.106 Wood Qt., Pittsburgh, Ps. :W291 S. U. Mellor, • WHOLESALEand Retail Dtalo[ftl !auAlc o l Tnttrumon t, Phmog; Maude, &hoof Books' and Bfiationory, No. 17' Wood trtreet. Jan! John W. Butter & Co., FORWARDLING AND CO‘IMISSION MEROJIANTS— Doders in kit kinds of Pittsburgh instudeoturek Leed Pipe and Sheet heed, 67 Front street. sete2S Enterprise Works. No. 13G Wood 'drat, third door oo Tiepin alley. 1011110WN . A 'l' ISTLEIS would call the attention of Sporting _ll,ll loon lotlaeir large a...ortment of Gana Mies and ite• Tolling pietals, the largest ant beat selected stack ever *ward_ ItttbLetuarket, together with a general apeortinent Liardwace.patlery.Toole and Fashing!Unekle, all of 'we otter at the lovre.stpossiblepriees tercatkpurobaKere. or • for good approved - paper. marlh . . , , - - Copartnership notice. 4 lIAVE TlllB DAY (April 11th) immolated with me ~, ~ s fttiraersr,,Y4TEElennwri ..a., BA3II. D. °LANKY, - + th filltiony have been Or tozny . years to my eaLablish ; t: ..,:lltertltali ,tti)l7o 4 ettread.fieztatiOfyOly glid. favpraly known te l - lay c4stddieferstid the- pitbildAclcraf reporter work men, and of correct bash:max habits. We hope by this unfelt of experience and artistic skill—especially in the watch de partment; by keeping a large and well selected stock of goods; by rolling at moderate priers, and by close attention to business, to merit a liberal share of patronage. To my old friends and the public in general, who have for met, ' i yeare past PO liberally patronized my buriness, I return my thanks, and &Molt for the new firm a continuance of that laefavors-. . " - - , W. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11, 1855. Wilson. Turbett Q, planep. WATER MAKERS, JEWELERS and OILY ERSMITII3, 67 Market Ivrea, corner Fourth. mph - Coach , ward Carel ags Factory 1 JOHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., ,OissitrAnte4sa .4414140 U routs, 41/ephzny wotrui respecifally inform their friends And the public' generally,'"thrit they have d 47& commenced the manufacture of' Carriegre, Retouches, Rockaway!, lingies, Sleighs and Chariots in all their various styles of finish and proportion: All orders will be executed with strict ragard to durebill• ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using in all their work the hag Eastern Shafts, Polio, and Wheel stuff, they feel confi• dent,that of who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly satlefied'ontrial Or their work. purchasers are requested to give us a call, before IMlTchs• slog elpewhore., „ octaqy J. T. JOLIMITON _ Elect skor Carr tag! Factory. "T r OTINSTO..II, BROTELIat a CO.,' PRICTIekI, COACiI 0 e, corner of Rebecca acil Belmont etriiote„ Al te. gfieny eity,Tn.,.ttave on hand and are manufacturing ao extenAre assortment of _Carriages Itockaways, Buggi -o, Binagellirs; kC, made in all their vitriol:le styles, with .o.Wa i resqind-roidurablliti and heitintyfiffittleh, using in ell L thelr work thiv . hestJtinista hop and eastern hickory. It.. Wes attended - tn on ate most reasonable terius. They feel coulldentlhatall - who'vtuty favor them with their patron age,' Will be Patfectirsatisfred on Wet of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Odinlbuses pass every Of. teen ratrptes'duripgAo , pitt)usUnGil cO.i&l4Actottv n • afORLCGr-.....—.xaarm L.827117:43..-....-.OEOIIOI ALIMILT. Ellge/bsir ar. Co., _ r W I O SVOOKSSGEBTO E. 111. BIGELOW, No 16 Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pitts , burgh—Coaches, Carriages, rheatone, 1i0,.;- , gies, and every description of fancy vehicles . tto order, and finished in a manner unsurpassed 1 , ,r beauty otilealgn, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, and - durability of materials. air ted- All work warn .., n . . tovg ...ROBERT . H. PaTTERSOIII 9 B - Q. LIVERY AND SALE yes . .STABLE, Corner Diamond end Cherry alley aprikti PITIIiIIURGLI, PA. (InDOZ. LIIftION SYRUP; " lamoortewl do In star. , and fnr sal. by 1719 Wnnd wt., nvpnwito th. At Marl,. Hot, ff=ll • 3 • _ . PUBLISHED DAILY, BY - GIDLMOBB & MoNTuDlusT, AT TsH..rosT BUTLDINOS." CORNEA. or ;Unit VOODIPTHRHTS;AT I '56,00 PER ANNUM, OR $5,00 WHEN PAID STRIOT4 /MAMMA VOLtTWE XIY. BUSINESS 0/aUDS Joseph E'lornlng, letrosimon eo - mum a MI nottwEn mui.KET STREET AND-DIAMOND, keeps conmantir on hand.° full assortment of Drags, Medi. eines, 'Medicine Cheat% Perrfumery, and all articles pertain• toil to his business. ll:ift,Ehydelana Prescriptions carefUlly compounded At all hours, , je:cy - sows. .... mama. m Fle - big lirotbera, U 0 13 1 46 034 as J. KIDD a co.) . 1 1NritOLESALE DU GISTS, No. 60 Wood street, Pate 1, bargb, Pn. Propriatorn of Dr..Bilesne'e Delebrated l'entilfuge, Liver Pille,4o. . , falo Jobn Hait i Jr., A-succamsos To :um Iraurpirt.l - r.leget.v AND NISTALL Dittmoier, end defter Ptinte, OD, Dye Ettuftt, Ac.,14.1 Wood atteet, three dooribelow Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apt+,*hely KROLEBALB DEALER IN FOREIGN WINO, BRAN. DIBB,4BOARS, OLD AIONONGAIIIiihA AND BYE W Ac., abc, Rectifyin g Distiller, No.B WOod street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • 'Moe.% Brandies, Ginn,' Cordials, Jet:Mika; Spirits, St. Croix and New Ragland Rum Clarets,Champaignse, Scotch I Ale, London Brown Stout , rish, -13Obtch, - Itourbon, Old Monongahela 'Rye and Rectitled Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Plrefry-antl Blackberry Brandies; Imported Ravens, Regalia, aritl,Prlncipe. 011gare7,, lialfspanish and! C.llllllOll Cigars. W161E11;1 low prices as to ettaileago. oo llaPotitioo. gamy Mir Rep ins* Labelled Realm of every Style, and DegdjohneOlall sites, 1 respeetfullihav Ito an exami oe. - Cori of my 'static, at No. 8 WOOD street, - Pittsburgh, Penna. • . • apr3:ly between • • J amiss Neill sge itIiONONGAIIIMA PLA,I , I4NO MlLL.—Would eeepeetfm 11:1 iy Inform his friends and the public, that hie new es tablishment le now in full operation, and that be Is pre. pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and flikoll orders far Nailed Lumber, with promptness, and st the Joisestrates. • Board and Plan% plane 4 on one Or botli shies,constuntly otcbtrid. 8011;'arl'Efoaldings of everydnvelptlon, made order. 'Builders - and Cant:enters Would and it tothair ears n tsar to give him s call, as he can now furnish them with planed 'Stud suitable formeary description of work. WII. 1.12.61L0N • —J47418 museata_ Herron ' 13ELL AND BRASS POUNDERS, and Illanateetarere 'of it kinds of Breit; Work, LoCOECIOtire '6011133 Engine,' Plumbers, Ac. Also, Cotton Batting klanufacritrers.,; Youndry on Rebecca street, d3legkeltY ctitE. OlUeo and Store No, 12 Market street,Plttidiurgh. $ Old Elms and-Copper taken In:exchange Yor work, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry. or OlTice,ediT promptly attended to. febgtly • J. OILAP7. Graff, Reisinger &Graff, lATESTRIIN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood street, Pitts. Y, burgh, Po. • laitturacnrcsezas'or Cooking - Storm Plain and Panay Orates. Coal and Wood Stovea, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Stoves, Bad and lrnua, llollow Ware, Portable, Farges, Sugar Kettles, Tea Het - flee, Store Kettles, Wagon.Boxes, I mbIL W. H. IMMO- W W SIAM . J anarga. Smith, Blair It Heater, (Late Smith & Sinclair.) UTUOLESALE GROCERS, PROMOS AND COMMIS yr srom:-.3LERCILINDL, and Dealers in all Inds of Pittsburgh Manatartures,ll22 Second and 161.1riret street,. PiNsbargh, Pa. . fehg virtu R OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John / e ton h Stockton,) and Blank Book and Eltatiorrery Warehouse, is prepared to execute every Mlle of Legal, Commercial, Gianni and Eiteomlevat Job Prtntinir and Book Binding, and furnish every article In the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at the iihertir,t notloo anion the moat renconablo terms. lIIInk Book and Staticnnry Warrlions.% Printing °thee and Snot ilimiary, oornernf Alnrkat and Bertini4 aln notl6 riorthsWesteru Police Agency, 1 - o. 89 WASIIINGTON STIMIST, mrnor of Dmrborn, CHICAGO, ILLINOR. ALLAN U. DODDCDFL Pinkerton & Co. Drvoril TIMM irrnarrlo7t TO VII 111.241PACTION OP /4 UMW DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS thn States of Wisconsin,Slichtgan and Indiana. uthlaxitf ft - um late firm of JONES QUifle, baying Wein dfesoh• nt by the death of Jobo 1/.4.taigg, on the.ilitti Inst., the burin°sn of maid firm will be settled by the underingued, at their oflcn, corner of flogs and First Dtreetn. ISAAC J Etl, Su rriying Partner. Pittsburgh, September 'JO, ISSI--{ entity !saes Jones, AZI74IO,,Ate.CTURI, steel o i t: lo B u p ,, rlog yv a i o n d o Nll, e st . er a Fte . t i Plough Sorroga, Bra. Nut Taper, half patent, Perev, Mel land Hammered Iron A.slee , ,—corrier of flora end First streets, tit teburgti, Fn. oer.rly taiec JoNcs..—. D. U. Rogers & Co., 11'0,,f,"`sc'rop,..,"1.0Rrtrt;:;`:.,i - dPAV, B 'lt nct2:l y Pittsburgh Ittiling School. PATTEIISoN, - Proprietor, corner Diamond 6 trnet and Cherry alley. Tho subscriber ASA respectfully finoonucee to the Ladles and Gentle men of Nth:burgh' that be hen recently erected • RI DINO SCUOUL, which in point orates, commodiousness and adap tation, undeniably excels-any similar establishment In the United Btates It.. location Is accessible from ell parts of the city, whke Its Iddli and airy situation renders It espe cially suited to the promotion of health, by this most agree able exercise. The House; ore docile and well trained, and the prbyrietor pledges blopialf that no paint or expense will be spared to make this establishment thetlrst In the 7onddenoe of the public, ceattf 411.1eIreted O. uocki.g, r A NUFACTU It XII OF GILT. SILVBIL. BRASS, BRONZB, WOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT AND PIC- T! 3 FRAMES, Plain arid Ornamented, No. 21 St Clair .treat. AU kinds ,of Oomposliron Ornaments, for Steam bunts, he. All kinds of Gilding end Re gildin4, to order. Gilt Mouldlo lot Frames, wholorsie and retail Varnish for Oil Pairtangs; Engyerings and Lithozmilth, fOT FRAC. WI , Impaired or defarei OIL Paintings reel.rxi In the bast manner. All Fnloses and Mouldings taanufsotattsl lo this et - fta. , lisharont nosy be clouted without ittjui7, with soar atid water. Call and sae. Sin. 21 Et. Clair et., Pitt.buntit- Lmh26:tl J. WII ITIC, VKNIMIAN ALLND MAITUFAOTWIETi. has recovered his health so as to rescinde Ida old boitu.s., and h. opened hie BLIND lifeibilliVACEOßT, at Igo. 68 Fifth street, tiger the Post oftle.e, beteieen Wood and Smith.field, where Mr has an assortmenl of BLINDit, trimmed with plain and fence .orated and silk trimmings, e 13.1 is prepared to ell any Older in hislins, 00 the most 'reasonable terms. ills 'work is Warranted to give iathdaction'or money refunded. .OV-Oht Blinds repaired. . . Pleafre giro him a call, Lo be can't be boat In work. womehip :my7:l 7 HAVE sold My interest In the tresinem es Leng, Miller I a Go., to B. A. Long, who, - With John Phillips, will c 0,,• thme at the old stand, No,' 108 Front street. I cordially re commend the new Sno to the patronage of Toy Mends. littaburgh.,July 29, 1814. P. IL MI LLER. S. A. Long ft Co., --- ELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GAS FITTERS, J Invite attention to their stook at Chandeliers, Brat. Pendente. and other fiatttree. We fit tip bowing with Jan and Steam, make Brass Coatings of nil kinds to order, furnish Rellroad Pumps and Tank Fittinga, end keep Anth Attrition Meted constantly' on hand. ,1331 • xofitcE, DALY'S STOCKING I'CIANCTFACTOIIy. !.'.9 F(17,14 Oral, fire' corner abort blarket erre!, PITTSBURI3Ir, 'VATURRE win be rostra the largest' n od beet escorted yv stock of uosaay ever Offered for rale In tbis city. Purchasers vrin find It to their advantage to rail at thi' east:4l4=sta gni, etiraitto for thenceelvas; it le ell I need in insure their custom. O. DA LY. I , l,ll.—lietnembertheihm&P grow= Coax's 501)17_ Cooinme the Smoke. IlEfE,subserriber haying Mc arch:wire right to manors).- I turn and sell SWEENEY'S HOT Ant ANL) SMOKE CuNSUKING FURNACE, laprerared to receive orders, and contract for limiting buildings with tho moot economical Furnace pow in Pee. he attention of thofte interested In solbitsd. Any Informatiou can ho had of A. HEADLEY, Nos. 2 and 4 Wood elrest, nr of J. DA RN DLLLA SeAr24:tfl ,P 34.13 City)347 , 4l)Warnhouse, No. 131 Wood st. JAMS 1 cahLte_ 409000 J. 01.101. Ledl la itf. ream, Olneeessors to Elulrany & ANUVACTURERO of Cut, Monided and Plain, Flint 111. and Raney Colored °LAU:MAIM, and dealers Ili Ali tilde of Window °lass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Mare house corner of Market and Mater streets, Pittsburgh. mita:dip . C11411511N, Blarroractoror of every variety of vials, . ll. , ttles and Window glow., Black Porter, Wino and Claret Bottles: DeznijohniatatarboYs; also, Flint Gla.a In every variety. Waretionse ; Nos. 104 Second, and 133 Flog attret, Plttsbargh, Pal"" mb2o . .It W. CAAdvirlok, t !ALM 121 NENTIICIRD-LEAP TOBACCO, Rka9 Li AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, HUB burgh. Pa. Arr. The bigheet market mice, CA 8 , paid for RAGS. ap20:17• JOlld LTWILL Atwell, Lien & WBOLESALS 01.1.00Eltd, Produce mid Commission - Merchants, and Dealers In Pittsburg' Manufacture*, No. S Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Patti. bu !MEE • Dissolution of Co.Partnerahilik rODE CO PARTNEKMI? lieretolare ellatfng between JOSEIDA RELODIa.and PHILIP 11.EYMblit, hi the holsaale Fruit and Confectionary Stuilneas, is thin day dissolved by mnttial consent. The business at the Arm will be Fettled up by Joshua Rhodee, wbo le anthoOzed to re eelpt-for all debt/ due cold firm. JOSR - Olt 1t110A732., bloreb 27th, 1865. PHILIP REYDIER.* • PAIVITtEItindIP NOTTOB. • 4W - The nndeatigned bare thie day foram' a Partner ehip, ender the name, firm and style of ItLIMAS & AN DEILSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Prnlt and Confectionary business, No.Zil Wood street. f RILIP REIM Bh.. 1101rr. J. ANDXIII3ON. Pittetrargh, 51. arch 27th, 1855 ' retiringfroiit tbc ConfectLonnry Mathias; I cheer fully recommend u Messrs. Ileymer k Anderson to my Mends IMO customers • JOSHUA .12110 DES. _Plttsburgh,ALorob 27th, 1865. - - 'ap2 . Removal. • , PRINCIKB ILAILItAtrGIT & CO. hero remorsl to No. 0 2851Sbeity street. Fparrtats -dAr.nauan Atxxinixa r 011671.11; • Springer /Ler benign & CO, (Sucoearara In & Harbangh„) nOMMIBSION AND FORWARDING IWNROGANTS Dealers In Hoot and Prodoce generally, No. Vfi Lll.erty Pittabargh, Pa. 1.4.5 . • . n .3.0 rs w. S. Haven. aural E=l Removal - 'i• '•;-")-. • • . . • ft; 1: • • • VjTSBURGH. TVESDAt_ :OCTOBER 36, - 1855 BUSINESS CARDS 1. L. Marshall, to Lee WOOL DiALBB essor AND 00kt1112M .) ON bIBROLLANT, No. 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. lWeyence.-W . , BPLlinteck •& Bros.; Kramer a Bohm; Browne... Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tiernan et Co. Pittsburgh, Map 24, 1895—(nty-24:3m9 Diegolotion of Co.Partn•ratalp. MILE FIRM . OP LIVINGSTON:ROGGEN k Co. Proprie tors of the PITT - at/lOU ROVEILTY WORKS, was dissolved by the death of Mr. Jonst T. Iteeens, on the ilto of Match last. The hash:less of the NOVELTY WORKS Will be continued In all its branclfre by the snrwlying partners, under the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND & CO., who will aleo settle up the affair, of the late five. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ma roils peanantr..—.— Dect.osarr. J'ohrt ElNClouirep 'dr. Co., 117 HOLISSALN AND RETAIL CLOTHING MEIt• TV C!IANTB, No. 88 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The subscribers respectfully inform their old customers fuel the public In general, that they have this dey /ISSOCill tod themselvea in the above business, under ths firm of JOHN III'CLOSKELY et CO. They respectfully solicit usher, of public , patronage. The previous business of each will be settled by them. selves respectively. fel9 Boot• awl ?Moss. JT SPLAI9.IIILIN, N. 95 Fourth street, nearly opposite . the -olayor's office., is manufacturing Gantlemen'a first .13...ta, Low Shoes, ties and buttoned; Congress; and Button. .1 Gaiters; Ladies' Boots, Ifilf.Boots, Jenny Linda, Clip pers, and French Lashing Gaiters, of every color and ebear; fanny Kid and Fenn Gaiters, of the best materials, plisses and Children's dn., of every variety. ii.—All ki. do made naurder, on short notice. soldiers , docility Lands and Lialm• ftgainat Govarnment. WILL procure Bounty Land Werranto for Soldlsne, their I WIIoMA and M trtor Children, and attend to buelnues in the Court of Claims," recently established by Congress. 011iee, No. 148 Thir4 meted., ono door above Sadt.hheld et. Mereh 1P 15;6—(elh::0) CLIAILLIte NAYLOR. aced Stars. T AmES IVAHDROP offers for Bode CANAIIX BIRDS of tr, the moot improved brwel, being very hardy, and fine dugout. .Birti Beetle—Canary, clamp, Millet, hope and mix: - 61 dead, Boughtte will he furnished comporcal atilt, flutist 31WiT.F.$13, vui ilamelias, 'Mont Heliotropes, de. /Irergreette (in.pote) fur Christmas Trees, from the Seed end Horticultural Store, No. 49 fifth or., near Wood. dertiM Bounty Lands. rrTILLE undersigned onntleum to obtain Bounty Land War j rams, The present hill Myee to MI who have scrved In any war since 1790. 1.00 acres. Term, moderate. LIME COCKMOOT, 37 Diamond allay, mhlxy between Wood et. and 1.4.c00nd. Lew Haitiluig Eatableatement. DOYD d MOUTON harp entered Into cu-partnership to transact the buelneFe o 1 BOTTLING, in ail its branch ert_al. Liberty ettimit, Neville Dail. They have ei;rietantly on hand e, superior article of INDIA ALE, put up In pint bottles. Dealer+ and families will Dud It to their a.ive utage to give us a rail, and t. 1.5111• lee for thexneel,..4. Re aka bottle a superior article of PORTER, RAW:APAR! LLA and SIINMEAL WATER. Tema as favorable ua any ether house In the city. All orders put up at short notice. BOYD A. No FE Liberty Ft.. Neville _ _ I lIITION Itoolll FOR INVENTIOI.sIB ANL) PATENTS, And Agency for the Purchase and Salo of ?stout Rights and Patentod Articles. BIOSEH ,P. - ...Agent. No. to 4ir,,,,th With.ron. Iriihrn-V•erN here long' been acqoalotni with Mr. I MOSEN F.. EATON. end hare no heritstlem in recom .l,Mllll.4 him, to all who tney wish to employ his au-ricers aw a rentlernan of undo° ht..l I..ter,r. it c and imiefatigehle iu duetry, In who.• i r re , .;en.-e was 6,, pinned. ttevlile Li Craig. W. Itotemon. , W. U. Denny, debn Grnhscn, damns Wrod., 11. Uldlds d ("41 I'. R. Friend, N Bohner & Homy a Wade, Kramer 6 Itahr.l, Iv tn. Phillipa, L It. Li ., 1941eori 1 3 3'1;andi,A, Wm F. Joinudon, A W. Irani', Andrew Fulton ratsbnrirh. November 21t.h, nirY7.%4 t Writing Cln --Uuti~ rf , IIE thrzatktuen nod Ladieg' Day and Evening Writing Clnxsrs will continue open during the Pllll2lla, muter J. 1). Williams, whom tartan atl lee of tleutlemcn nn(t Ltolled• W'ritina are no unirermlly admiral. No arealmene or Year-tanehip art 02111t.,24,1 at the door but those rxozuted by the Teacher in IL, I talon The Principal claims no monopoly" nor ^ polo t " for hie buairicar, n, did he hie institution chartered to ea; out, ILI 11, be t , rec....atom, dune In ad.+ city. fiontionion and Ladioo Vi‘itioG Carlo rrithln in Mr. Wit osme ' unequalled klacto of Ornamental Pon. nuinohip exc.:owed to ordor inyauisar New lutalligtnce Vince. riIIIE onbocriner has just oporod INTEI.I3-3ENCZ Z OFTWX. at io flu Lihorty etroot, in the melt known ofEco of I.lin thomroon. Ship A guilt ; and as ho hap been Exploring Arent f, the 1 MIT,' Mon'. 6ibin nociety of Pitt,- burgh for r.arly i+o year, hr flatt..., hnn4o.if thet htu knovrioolip• of tho oi,y riot It eiurn. ci•ev him ...mta L l larll. Ll.a in furuixbiniz tiott,ltoor - ro Irina hoin, and ate, in nod. In.. placoit for boyo,cirio an-'. nit o:hero Koo•ingempio9l33ent. Thn pstrona.., of the {,u1.4i0 I. , nitritod. lona • fond evory effort noel to giro general ostiefacti.ln. I:t.f nAllltttfi, BARI: A. Milliken & Go lI.AXE ON RAND, at tbdr eatewire CAIIINtST and CHAIR MANUFACT.ALT, No t rk.abil.l4 gar...a. • Inr,lo nasortmant of Fancy and rtain luznitur,, allt:b they will .11 15 per cant. below co.dontary rat*, Tvrat*--rukati aot.y. ,1,,.27.11,5ki Wm. -- IC. Ts livjig oia 11. tr 1.11.. m. C.rtai.nrifet.. turn CAIIINET WARE, of elm.) , .I..riralfag, nt ht nil atnn,l, corrxr of I.lborly nod :44Neoth etre..te LINDERTAIKINII attended to, in aj Ito Itranclea myll Charles Harnett, HORHE 8 006 R AND 111. .1 CK6MITII, h v ereetod o neer and commotion+ Dri^o tlhop on Creary between Tbtrd and FOUrlb 15t1,Ntri, where he In prepe t znti to eo all work la Ain line with the ounoet promputude. noting bad long eiparlance la thn ho.tion,ns h o ~,,,ra , tfa i la oolltdta dar patronage of h 1 old custoraera and the public gemorally. GRAND PIANO. NIAUX IjY NIINNS & CLARK, NEW YORK. I'UULIC or Pittsburgh and Allegheny respect• filly invited to tans [b., Monk Store of the unhocribers, No.'it3Prl ETH ST, and ifet.7.sM - 14147.1 orarnins 'Alpert' Noll Qrsnd sup, prior 191000, ;'r Fnoo the Seclory & OLSKR, New VOrk. TIAi• elegent instrument iF wade In the " ELIZABETH! itt: the or nentente, front pierm and leg. being elate. nitric eerve4 Gni et SOLID RWEIVIXOh. It o toll seem nctares, of the lergeat du...mince, and, in poi nt V/ volume, power, and Ulu.] eweetnncla of tone, to pronounced eltn gether unsorpascsbh.. Th. go inerlborn will he hoppy to he visit. of thatr trinntio end tile public in g.tiorol, 101 dhow them through their elegant new witoblialan.ut. iitetturt & BRO, tligp •,f Golden Elarp, No. 53 Fifth arnot. I • - ..'-' , 5- ; , , , ; - ...:•••-r•-c - , , ,,.. ' - 4::4'",,..: , - , l' '''t , YAtif t '4_f -,- k•V.:; - :, / .:;'-'7461 - I,_ , raiMr"Za 4:::* - 1•7, -- .114, .tV?:... - ; : ac.: 15;: : : : tIMEINt CfIAII.I.OTTE 1.11.1)111E, TO. 118 WtIOD STIV,KT, PITTSBU RO 11, la junt ceiling a largo stook of PIANOS, of the latost etyles, from the B“etories of PAUMGARDTEN R HEINS, liamburgh DAVIS A CO., Boynton; lIAINtL9, TIROS. A OUNIMINGS Nev York: A. IL ISNIOIIISNIt AGII, Philadelphia: Together witb those of other makers, at prises from $125 to $1,000; including every variety nod style, from the plain but ouvhstantlet iron frame Plano, to the tern( utegantly carved Lords XtV. style, Moan, and Grand Manes. Arrangements have been made with the manufarturern, by which their instrusents are sold lower by their exclu sive agents here than In the East, and without the addi tional c,,at and risk of transportation. Every Piano kohl by the sube.riher In arraranted perfeot In every respect, and a Written iziirowilti, will bijiVulill req ulrel.L kItI.OI•TE BL IE, angle, 11l Wool street. PIANOS! PIANOS! MA NUFACTUItED B Y ClllCti6:ltiNd a 60148, Boston, and for sale by JOUN 11. Al No. Si Wood street, between Diamond i ley .147-Irftlii,: reached Fourth street. troot recosd from the' e tt. manufactory of Chickering h lone , Boston,' 't V and for sale invariably ad flosion Two of their flret class Soren t)-t ate Pianos, Louie XIV, style ' with carved ewes. lyt !untie desk, &e.; lobed back and front alike. Thlx to condattre i by pennon of taste to be the moat beautiful pattern tow made. Pries $5OO each. TWO Drat clime Eleven Octave Pianos, with rarrai care, lyre, new style of fluted legs, the lyre and ends of beautiful cared tracerYoufark; finished back and front alike. Pica $460 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round content, Bevan Octave Pianos, finished bark and Trent alike, and with Chickering's Patent Iran Frame. Pries pRIO ea ch. Two carved Rosewood 6-y, octave Planes, with new style fluted legs, carved MUM, tonsiodesk, and the usual openings fillethwith beautifully reiTt•li tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price $425 each. " Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners, f 3 4 octaves, fiertshad back and front alike, and with Ohickering's Patent Iron Frame. Price $375 each. Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Biz Octave Plana, all mode as well and with the same core as their first class Pl• anon, and with Chickning's Patent Trott Prams. . . 011AiiD PIANOS. One Of °bickering k Sons' New Scale, fall Seven Octavo Grand Pianos, Of immense power, Mil henry. and tlwoetnexa of tone, with their Nev Patent Action, which renders the tench soliight. and elastio that It can be played on hp the most delicate hand. Price $760. 'RE NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. Also, one of their now Parlor Ornnd Pianos, an - entirely new Invention, and particularly adat Cod for Parlor nee. Prise $630, PIANO STOOLS. A DM lot of Piano Stools )rtst received. For sale by JOHN 11. MELLOR, 91 Wood st., between Diamond alley and Fourth street, Sole Agent for 011I0KERING A SONS, for Pittaburgh and Western Pennsylvania. ane2.B Platform Scales ByERy Duta"LOTION, eultablo for Hatlroada, Ca mils, de., for velg,idog Hay, Coal, Ore, and Morahan &se generally. rttrchatiers may teellursured that they can bo mantled with a 'superior and reliable article, and run on Eacb"Seate 113 guiitartteed correct, and If (after trial) not found satlefactory, can be returned without charge, Factory at the old stand, oatablibbed for thirty years, cur. nor of Ninth and Melon streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT k CO., Snere.atorT to ELLICOTT k A ssort. stig:M3:Ma •t. \ L. R. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN A DAMS, J. K. MOORHEAD, W. B. COPELAND. IV/NEA, gamier Madeira. lto ward. Mardi A Co., Atad'ral It.od lo.ila El... Mira, Told," do Amontillado Sherry, tdasnamillo do 'Pablo do Cooking do liontwitm Port. run Joh-0 do Ordinary do tit. Julien Claret, Dry, lk. 8 co , Cliampaptita, Anchor, Vorsooay, Iliddaarck, 'Together with all ottOrito bud urea. naerptt W hittea ii — Tifiliref Ateposltorys I °SEM WTTITIi, now mkgghog . onittt,ll. 4 ,_ 111 , 1‘.1 tn his aptelonts pretalame, - (how • lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh and Oreensburg turnpike, near the Twollile Bun. between Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, respectlaily Incites the public to Inspect his steel, of An Ith„l2,olelie fitleCaßS, Aa Aud he particularly intorms gentlemen purtheners, that one price truly is made. Poartemn yearn' experience In the business, enables him In place before ilia patrons the same choice nellection or Carriages which, so many yeses past It ban been his partaculor department to select from the earluus alai most talented Eastern manu facturers. The soaves Or his new cycled U emu/do e —th e economy of his 1117116Vtlafttll• will supply the beet and most tech Icruabie tnancifacturee at moderate pews. Unencumbered by thus heavy expetwes, which the etude tor denwatlng !muses of business has heaped upon tine prime of cowls, (oaring I, large vet -col JORISPII IV El !TN will sell, on ready money 0 .41 at mubb lens emu the ttgua I &profit, Imbiblair f.6^ Carriegesropalred In the beet manner , with dees; MRS. RENTER, from the Aquatuct, oppulte Vic aiteeor's oode, ALLWIIitST arT, . . . Ifl PREPARED TO FILL ORDE! FOR WIGS, A 13,1 [fad,. of MI be-Pt gustily of material is funkirbeil, sad entire G>tir6'•t}nn I usrantr.A. ll.Javr ly FULTON CAR WORKS, vouspav AND lIIACIIINE 911110 P, SANDUSK 01110. _ . . -- • . MEM Fubseriber haTil4 meeed lute Ida DPW Worts, re f cattily erected, earner of Water, MeDaunugh and ellelby 6trotti, is prepared to mutract. for and oiccuto all orders fee rAsslmouit, vAGICIAMI, VOST , OI 7 I , ICK, LIOUSEI FIIIIII3IIT, PLATPOILM, 11RAVIM, VIAND, end all other deserlpfaoaa of CABS. Abe, for STEA.I.I ENO 151ii3 or oil elsoa, GEARING, RAILROAD CASTINOB of ail ileacriptiona, and all other tmerk Appertaining to s ffourairy end Machine Shop. The Foremen of the difforent departments am ardent/ In and practical men—ind..ily rrttlrl zamtvin marmfactorica— who keop themselrce tnfimmeil and adopt all va I oahle =A rra Imiirovercents. W. W. wrrtnotnt. Biomiow a. co., (8110008801t8 TO IL M. DIAULOW,) No. 46 rhamorat Alley, wow wood tired, 1117817VIZOIL •*r . nuooeornts, d anitiAuk es s, pEurroNE, an every dcription Of Paney %tickles built to order, and finial:lM in sr ...manors nicurrpaaped for beauty at dodge, elegance of f:11A, rani of workmanship, and durability of matortaln. air All work warranted. TiV61:17"7- EVoLVNItSI ttEYoLV he'i=Just race/red. by Ktt pro, direct (rein 1 / 1 0 Inannfee torir-v,m a splendid escort:tacit ornatra , itgPISATINO PISTOLS, four, five•nd 'am eta inch barrel., all of which we will -0 Bell for cash at as low, prices as they can be bought In the city of blew York. Persons going to Australia and Ca!Miele will and that they can do better by purchasing their ognipago at home, than they can *mein; strangers--as we give ',towns a ohnnee to try any of the above Pistol. belhra leaving the city, and in cage of a fa.ll - we refund the money. MOWN h TL - TLItY, anpl RIO Wood street. Pittsburgh. WALT= P. 111All8114111. 'JillrEPll a. 1111t.11124. W. P. dleetab.eal b 1 MPORTEIL9 and Dealers in French and American - PA- L PHU ILANOINOS, 8? Weed street, Pittsburgh. sir- Solo heat, for the celebrated manufactures of Messrs. Doi 'court 01 Co., Paris. su . _ B. CITLIV L. LI.I S. CUTIIII.IEIIT & SON, lINNBAL 0011131TBSION AORNTB for the Bide and k_T Burnham of Roal Notate, °attention of Rents, Borrow lug and Loaning Monafa at Ronda. and Mortgages; also, far making Sales of Prodrice, braneactured Articlew , ac., for Farmers, biedianiesand others. OlTten, No. 1,3 Market !trod- Brott R. Curtis, - 11 - \ 'SALEM IN REAL ESTATE, Ns. Atrraorrr Bette, Minnesota Territory. bend bought nod sold through out the Territory. Money loaned, investments matde to the bast advantage, and Land Warrants located. Also, Agents for the sato of Lots in the town of 13T. CLOUD, dG miles from M. Anthony, rind head of navigation above the Falls, The survey of the great-Praatia Railroad 01 . 08Sua the Missis sippi at this point, and the numerous advantages it pos sesses as a place of business, will make it one of the largest cities in the NorthweeL aiSPERVICL9. Ex-Governor Ramsey, Minnesota. Hon. Wm. H. Weigh, Chief Justlon of Minnesota. Hon. J. Meeker. Uon. /L.N, fllce, Delegate, to Congress. Ttlee,llolflngsbesul alaellar;Kttorneys at Law. Messrs. Dorup & Oaks, Bankers. her. T. M. Fullerton, Regtster of U. 8. Land Office. sep2o 123 1A2,11. JLIL C.. SJOLLST. Blakely & Richey, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, corner of Seventh, and Swatlitleld streets, Pittsburgh, Pa Farms, Ltouses, Lois, Mills, Furnaces, &c., bought and sold on commission. Laud Warrants, Bills, Bonds and Notes negotiated. Esse. chit attention gtven to onbdtviding Parins'and disposing of them. Terms reasonehle. ya3p2t) Boot and Shoeti?danntactory. JAMES &DONNELL & BRO., owfqPrtdtpbrruileclffluslitYthWpey ha4athoPlon°l.4ll4'arnatinfictory of MEN'S AND WOILKN'S BOOTS AND EIIIOES, • At No. 4.9 streets In Wmterea BUILOING4 where they.wal be pr e p,,,,d to fill all orders of every description of Boots and Shoes at the shortest notioe. ' In orally' to accininiodata ail classeA of customers they Ida also keep on rale a good assortment of the best eastern work. Also, all descriptions of ohildren'a wear. Terms strictly cosh; goods at rash 6 cheroot" the public-mamma° talehtleitoci. I my2fito Western Lauda; (ATE have atrangeinents With.gentlinnun of expert. nee q" in the different Western fitaterie hp which choice lands can be located at Government price. Persons desirous of locating lends, eitherlor epeculation or for actual settle. meat, will lied it to their ad,antege to give us a call. One of our correspondentein lowa has spent the last six weeks in critically examining the lands in that State subject to entri, and writes tip that he ,hasfietected over 20,00 acres of choke Untie: ' 'I3E2LARLY sep2hdaw corner Seventh and Smithfield eta. • • _ 4 #4,7 . , s, • ~`: MLSCEI4I O ANgOUS. WOODWELL'S,i FURNITI-IRE GASP. HOLEI3 - ALE AND RE TAIL, ES BEACINE Ev.att STYLE OP IrtEMNITITILS2, ROSEWOOD, MAIOGANPILND WALNUT, ' SIETABLE BCE PARLORB, - CHAMBERS, • -. AND DINING ROOMS. EQUAL TO ANY N. NEW YORK OR PRILAI)ELPH/A, ARD Ar Loma "%slam SW` %My article macle.b,Y 4ad, a nd vierented. Cabinet liakerir Supplied with anyquantlty of FURNITURE and OHAIRS, • ' • - orailasoluible forma. FURNISHED AT •Stealnitoate FURNISHED AT THE ,SHORTEST NOTrar4 Wareroome, Fos. 77 'tint 70 Third street,, aug2 ARTHUR'S 'FATE r - , • .._ . ' , 4• Il p l , iiiiii lla i , self-sealing Cans A V• For Prmeroing FttalTruits, " i gt Tomatoes, to:; '-- • ' 1110 IT HEIMETIOAL HEALING. - " 111 g AIIESIC CANB, which' are ended klry the Eioneekeeper without the aid ofd tinti - a openefil.eatily without 'blurs , to the m 64400 WI& . .Astrllt. into gslsssul Doe. Full directions for putting u p, t accompany the cane; and the work lino easily pert. that by their use every cannily may have fresh- Fruit.' - ' =We on their table all-winter, at et:lamer prices,. . ••,...,, • • • MO/a—Pint Can5..524... 4 2C240 i• nail. Gallon, e ro P, b 0 : Three Quetta,. $41,6`;:; 0 , 11.5" per dozen. The different aloes nest, in ordetik .economy In trans portation. : . - 1 11 1 .,_,.,, - . .. , A Ittritomll CAN, which is stew,. id covering the whole top, so thatAllen'nPesktttitsretteleittlied like any other vessel, han bet — tittully apprpied by the Fateiasetub of the iltnerricittiliiititate; ligiaqint. It took a first-class diploma over ail othdreettivengtOgOlm itt,the late Fair in Cincinnati, and wan awarded tidal at the Illedulnies' Fair held this opting at the 'Enitthisonlan Institute, Wash ington City, IT, C. It is dainted' - to be the best Can in the market. All online acconwardea by the cub will be ptotepgy for For sale, wholeemle sad retail, at the Chita tratQueens ware Store of 114111 X, augi 1221 X. oti etrret Pittsburgh. Cool Work* for Solo. 0 I XTY MARE ACille3 - 071IN'IVTIth 250 arm of Coal 1:1 attached, and all the improvetnentatheireoriln /tuners* fat operation. Bald Pa= Is sltusted•on thin M. nonirobria river, 34 miles above, Pittsburgh,Vita IS supplied with a Farm nova, Barn, Tenant litouikW Orchard. Railroad, and' an excellent harbor. ' The vein of Goal le five feet thlek v antl cannot be eurpatut al In quality. For Nailer partbrillara apply to NIOTIOLSON a r !LYN it, Liberty etireL JOlllll I. I 'Nr., Agent, . grwrt Srus.T, tho kell.owing very cboiml arti• No. 201 112 LT AB JIM MCKIM> (1 BILANDIES. Gantt Brandy, (Tory fine ' ) Otani Danny n OD. (upar.) Marreta et Co. Baserac. Back, thbon. RUA!. Pants Cruz. Baguet, Liaudetx Cordial, , 8 1P.1.• , fIUNDIII et , ittalierford'a Prictolv Ale, dhirclare London Porter, VII" Cheri - ) Brandy. Ahrintha, Anise-the. Cancun,,, , n . . Pardinen, I , locha and Java, Voting figs. avoi Bleak Tedo,' Exigltal Brewton Cliarse, traportoti ['ataxia Llgarr„,ol varlout brands. old Monongahela iiiiiiiky, of 1 all owlet. articles connected with the trittitati WIG It A S r LMA et() lUvrokainoutollAir Work ANABY BEED—t bble just received nod for cote by 0(422 FLEMING BROS. ~,....R. r ~~ -, six' S. .~ • < .1 % MISCELLANEOUS RHODES , FEVER AND AGUE CURE, F" .the Prevention and C of flare ivrviestrerriv and Its liftterit - PNVELI, Fj,sa and /WM CLOIL9 and Imam; Donn done, 13111Mtl, Minium Maar litelers,and all other forms of disease which have a common origin In Malaria or Manna. This 18 0 NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, event fa ttw, moot Biddy or swampy localities, from- any Agno or Bilious disease, what ever, or any injury from constantly Inhaling Malaria or Ifiasma. It will instantly cheek the Ague in persona who have set fond for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have soothe:re/1214 by continuing Its use according to directions. The patient' at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a porno' . nent and radical cure la effected. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary eases/ some Latly require more • Directions printed in German, French. and Epeeist', accompany each bottle. Mee Oue Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. JAMES A. EIIOf).ES, Providence, P. L EVIDENCE OF SAFETY Ulm Toax,Jutte 11,1855. • . " 1 have made a chemical examination of " Rhode? 'Fever *MI &quieter," or " Antidote to Malaria," end have tested lux 14 lasertic,lderoury. Quinine and. Strychnine, hut bare mat founds particle of either in 14nor have„l found any. snivittinse in Its comporition thet,woul4 prove injurious to - the eonetthittan. • JAMES R. OJIILTON, M. D., Oh mist IiVIDENON OF' MERIT LE9/141111f1.9, Union County, Pa., May 2,1825. Mr. J. A. Rhodes -Dear Sir: The 'box of medicine you rant me was duly received on the 11th aprit. I,have sold about one-halt of it, and 60 far the people who haVe need it are satisfied that it has cured them. It has certain ly slopped Cie Ague In every one who has used It, and six of the cases were of long standing. My sister, Who has had it for five or six years back, and mold never get it stopped, except by Quinine, and that only an long sus oho would take it, is now, 1 thank, entirely - cured by your rem edy /MAINLY." CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS. Take no more Arsenic, blereury,Quinizie, Stryelanine x or Anti-Periodina, or medicines. of,any kind, the. Tibiae of which le owing to such poistobtana 'drags. The most they CAU do is to " break the chillia"T abort time, while they aro sure* to cause conatittitloziat =Usti les that cease only with Ills. lianiembtr thet,the only Pewee end, fignaleme- Lly that Itbaisole!taaawellnletlie i ls__ _ Utidtteo Fever - ezikrAfore 'Cafe. ARP Poe Bale by JOAN MlTCLlRl,l4'lualalnikOrta orally. atV,l4.4lfrir SUPERIOR ? . Dangles.* Cants tyr itealaillit. PLACE Is situated on the , Bayeat Super* wrid I Left nand River ' at the head of Lake Bnpeiibr, and possessea A BETTER ME, A BETTER HARBOR, 4151) tIREATER ADVANTAGES FORA COMMIDICIALcUITYi than any other point in the North.wost; and is equalled in prospective Importance by Chicago only. The Proprietors have a clear, undisputed and unlnctitn. bored title to the land upon which SUPERIOR' is held out, and all purrtuo.ra of lots remive wannatewdeeds far the Bann.. superior was laid oat during the peat season,and already contains several hundred Intusbitents, a Large Hotel, number of Stores, a Commodious Pier, with Warehouses, and le in all respects the bIOST 11011EUSUDIO NEW TOWN in the Weil. The County Seat, the United States .Land taller and Post Of aro located here. 'The Mississippi and Lake Superior UNITED STATES MILITARY ItOdb, now in course of aonstnietion crendecting with St. Pauli terminates at thtsplace. It bads° the Inka termlotof all the projected railroads to the head of Lake Superior. The "Soo^ canal will be opened in Jane; after which, lour liner of Lake Steamer, will run to Superior—one trom Chi cago, two train Cleveland, and ono from 'lnflate; all fine remota, haring been built expressly for this trade. One Steam Saw Mill Is now in operation, end the machi nery for a 'Second be now on the wily to Superior, which will bo net to work immediately on its arriraL One-half of the lots hare been appropriated by The pre prietore to be mad by the undersigned to actual settlers on ens); terms, to - provide a fund for esti/wire public inirrOTl. manta. Liberal appropriations bare been made tbr public purposes; parks, churrbea, relltooda, dc. Jr. Or In order to correct the misapprehension arising from similarity Of names., It In proper to state that "Superior Lath" aboutAho title cd=whirti a legal controversy =late, .iewtaitheratal different place!, end in a different township frptaTtlivuos.. Zap-Slaps of Soprano are signet by Thee. Clark, ens" - rem and IL Newton, agent and attorney (or propristorr,and may be Wen iu the principal betels of St Paul, Galena, Chicago, Detroit, Merrland, Toledo, Buffalo, end other cities. Ail persiona.rthoerinti to purchase 10U3,02 obtain tonna:la. tloy, ose Tx:gunned to apply to AYR. 11. Nr.urrox, Superior, Denglos county, lirlinoteio. WILLIAM NEWTON, A gat end Attorney forTrcprlaltrzipt,4lAMlßE_ F24:3m Notice to Whom It Map Concern. 911 I E PUBLIC &PILLING SALES of !teal Estate at Bre edietter are now elered, and the Building Season has fairly iieulmencedt Er.u7 citizen of Rochester ie busily em. ployed, liven 30 or 40 new families who hose boonme dill sena the present epriug, find oonstantemployment and in a few days a hundred families more will be reyuiriel toner ry en the work of the present canon. The Car littalilitg Beablialimenf is now near completion, and will be to fell operation in June, &rend CM* will be ready for delivery., by contract, the lot of July, 1855. Two or three new chemise., In Rothe:der. will be con tracted for immedlately, and numerous other improvements w 111 be commenced, my tilling a great amount of mechanical end other labor independent of the 'ear rot.4.ll9htliterlt, which will provably employ from on.. to two hundred. .n prominent Printmaker from Pittsburgh has just pup Oland nine lar7,e lota, and contracted to molee upon them forthwith 500,000 bricks. Two gang of hands commence work the pretreat wetir, beetdeo the other yards heretofore eatablishedln the neightterbotel. Uur Stone Qua - ones are already alive with workmen, and the road lea ling to them lined with teems. - • • . Lumber LA beComina. abundant and cheap. find tenements will eoon et-ring up to relieve mime of our bousea, which now have 5 futalLies, 4 hunibea, 3 families, and dozens of them 3 families each Any who dst not boy cheap lota at the four public AaJee last season, or the four publi, mast the present spring, tan &till Nettie good bargains at private. raiz by calling Oa the t.utworiber in Itoebester. Tertua—M down 1 4 hi one year and Vhi two y,eara . . 31."1'.17. (louts). . . . I'. n".—A few lots ran yet be had at $6O to $lOO each; if applied for before the Al la May. These loth are twice as large as usual city lota, vic: 40 feet by 125, and the price only from st,so to $2,50 per foot front, Thevesent ressr, at florae-stew! end magnificent ' , roll of Qvid ilnary,4 norm in the Lien hen of the borough of Rochester; also, the besuti• tul 20 erre., building, orchard, Itc , of Y. Reno, can be bought through the subscriber at greet bargains, end there are not Iwo such lutrynuus within a hurnlmsl railisa. G. mya HOPPER'S PATENT PLANE fIIRE undenagned is prepared to supply CARPENTERS, CABINET-MAKERS, and Workers in Wood generally, with his Patentda and valuable PI4ANBS. All who have tried It, pronounce 11 a moat valuable in vention, that must soon come Into gtheral use. The fol lowing lettere from practical workmen are bob two among many Ikteri the Patentee has reoclved recoralhendmg this Plane above all others In use: Prrnimatran Elmus Centsn Peoma7,l February T.l, 1 1 325. We hereby certify, that during the Mat twelve months we have used hopper's Pat, tel PMhe, and do not hesitate to recommend It to Cabinet-Makers and earpantore as im porter lo any other Plane In nee We consider it peculiarly adapted to planing oak, cherry, walnut, and all carte of hard wood, and for planing vane-re, it , s far enperior to the old tn , lie aeraplng, beahlea helm; a great paring of time. One man, by tieing this Plane, will plane mere veneer. than bye men can do b any other plane or method in nee. li. It . Arca h Co. To Moen F. EATON, Fell! - . Dear Sir —I hove examined 'topper's Patent Bench Plane, end believe It to be A most excellent article for the use for nbleb It It intended, as a combination of plane and scraper. It is particularly Adapted to planing veneers, and It dace not reu uh e one-fourth the time or labsw of the old methrsl; and I hare no doubt, when its properties become generally kupwn, but that it will entirely , upersede the former te dious and ialswious 'custom. lmost cheerfully recommend It Mall parsons engaged In the Cabinet business, as from my knowledge of It, there is nothing as well fitted to give a smooth and beautiful finish to veneers as the Flapper Patunt Bench Plane. Jelin W. Woonwatt, furniture Warerooma, 07, OD Third et., Pittsburgh. Pilleburgh, February 1,1866.. 13109108 Y. XATON, of tble city, is my sole Agent for the sale of Planes, or of rights to manufacture and sell them WM. 0. 1101•Pli[t. Pitteburgh,Atatch 2L 18.55--(mh21.1() J. J. Gillestple & Co., y GORING GLANS MANTIIrACITIRER9, and Dealers iu Lookting Glasa Plates, nat. Glaes, Engravings, Combs and Falun tiooda, No 70 Wool street, Pittsburgh. Oa band and made to order, Gilt Pier and Mantle G hu.. Mahogany, Rosewood, '• Gnat and Gilt Prnmes or Mould. ing of ovary descrippc OITA-MIR/AT C.S.RlN3,Decorate.l and Oflt. Valuable Oa rot for SITUATE IN ADAMS TOWNSHIP, ItUTLEIt COUNTY, mintaining 141 acres; llb acres of which are under cul tivation. The proprietor, about to . decline fariniou, aOl diatom, of all hia Stock, Grain and Halton hand. If devired. Enquire of JAttIES BLSEELY, 'urn earner of Sovonth and Smithfield on. LAND WARRANTS WANTHD- 40, 00. 160 ACRE WAIMANTB, by AUSTIN Loom is, blB Dente in IC6rranut. Brooks . km... P 9 Pnorth . Co... Partnership. VITALTEII P. V AILSE7ALL am , ociated with him, on the VT 2,1 day of July, JOS. R. 1111011 ES, in the Wall baoineoe, under the name of 15 9 W. P. 111.A.P.SilALL @ CO; FOR SA.LIE VERY CHEIP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLECTIENY CITY, 24 feet. by 100. A goal bargain can be had by applying soon at the &Ilea of the MORNING POST. jyl2.:t Lot for Solo. A GOOD BUILDENO LOT, 21 feet front on Corson Areal XI by 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham will be sold cheap. Enquire of aso. 8. oriaxoßE, J 713 at office of the Morning Post. Watches! Watches I I Watched I I Tlargest, finest and cheapest stock of WATOITEfi ever opened in Pittsburgh is now tieing sold by tie undersigned, whose long espertence, close attention to the basiness and superior facilities have given hlm an estab• lobed reputation in this branch of trade. A beautiful aa ,ortment nl ',dies' Gold Watches from $2O to $lOO. Rail rnad•Watches, Sc. ." - -Only agency in the State for the sale Of the celebrated and unrivalled Charles FrOdaham's Improved 'Series ChronomAere. Watch repairing done in the best manner. W. W. WILSON, 6i Market street, corner Fourth fLemovaLl. CUTHBERT a SON have removed their Real Estate S and General Agency ialßoe to No. 68 MARKET ST., near Third. aug2 4 4. 01 14* ' FOR GOVERNMENT. IProjposala fOr•liidlactiGOOdSp Dxsawnearr or rag Ilerrianal, 'OMM Indian Aaalr§• September 2i, 1866. 8 BALED PROPOSAL% endorie . d “Propoltais for Indian 9100a,',' 'will be received at the 06ige of Indian Affairs, Washington City, until 10 o'clock Inf., on W ednesday, ifho3lst day of October next, for Tarnishing for the Indian .Department. for fulfilling treaty riaaitlioons with vatlons Indian tribes, and Other Indian 'purposes, as fol lows: Wes No.l. Blarikett androry Goods: 2,700 palm alroltiklehlte Mackinac blankets, to measure COby 72 imhes, and weigh 8 pounds 2,900 paire 254 Point white Efackinac blanketaito maw, sure 64 by 68 inches, and weigh 8 pounds 1,000 pairs2point white Paridnitti blankets, to Measure' 42 by 66 Inchas,,and.weigh W 4, P 0111146 • 1,000 pairs 154 point white 'Mackinac blankets, to men sure'..Tel by 60 inehas. and weigh 43ponnele - 760 pairs I , polnt white Mackinac blankets, to measure 82 by 46 inches, and weigh 3 1 / 1 . pounds '3OO pairs 3•point scarlet Alackiruic blankets, to mentrenr . 60 by 72 Inches, and Weigh '8 pounds 'BOO pairsl.s4point scarlet Mac .11nsc blanket% to men sure 04 by 66 inches, end -weigh Operands 100 palm 854perint green Misokinno blwnkete, to UM' mire 600 y 84 inches, aud•Weigh 10,p0tinds 300 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets, to measure6o by 72 inches. and weigliVpounde . 050 pairs 254 point green .Ilisticiptio llanketor to Mfa gime 64 by 66 Inches, and'weigh 0 penade -• 100 pairs 856 point Gentlnello blue Mackinea blankets, • to measure 66 by 84 inchm.:, and weigh 10 pounds 400 retro 3 point Elentlitella bins Mieldnaelianketsi to measttre.6o by 72 Inahes,aud weigh 8 pounds . 300 Pairs 236-point Uentlnella blue Mackinac bliaiketi, to measure ill by 66 Inches, and weigh 0 pimnda„ , 8,000 yards fancy list blue cloth 260 do do green do 4,600 do gray list blue do 3AOO ;do Saved list do. do .2,600 lido do scarlet do -• 160 do- do green do ' - .1100 pounds worsted yeraz3folds 250 dozen cottontlag,litmaprchiria do Marne handlowchlefe 60 do =black ells do 00 dis3B-3-nottatt.aherla 'l5 dal - ' CO do' ' '3O 'do. - woolen do 1,060 poundslinen thread . • 200 .11 16 0 9 0. Aando - lb rowisforabhir 80 pleas allitlitaulkei gir thleetring fa • - . 35 1 000 , 0 r 00 004 00 ,,,, , 7 , 20,000 :do .11errititifta calico 6,000 / do bine drilling ' • -'0.0355 :do Georghtf stripes • ,-2,000 do blue deanina -2,000 'do cotteinitde 10000' do ' bed ticking 1,000 do lieraucky leans• • .1,000 do sattineta 8,000 do plaid limey 6,00 do bleached shirting 21,000> do domesticlldning,rutbbisched 16,005 do . do-sheetAng , do ' 6,000 do cheekketripitkand p i ling'p i ling' loo dozen woolen meld - ' '2,000 yantrtimactWasibirfedi -- 600 - outsla mildcwe thread aOO dozen spool colion . 00'portuds ml3llO Maier° .60 do • bashiChinese 1,000 do, brown.gillint'atilter 1,000 flanneletirts- • • • •'` CustfNe. 2. 360 Moe cloth frock:Coate ' 360 do pantaloons. 350 do ' rem- Cues No. B. , 41Serdutire and .4grient . taral Implement!. 6,000 gandslwast kettles ildriestejapenned do, 8 in sz.nest: • :20dozeri 10Kplart tin pans -40 "do - Squirt • 46 do • ' 4quart ' 85 do Vcquart --. • do butcher. knives 200 do 'scalping hxdves ''-'lOll gun tints , , lOgrom pinworms „ ' fia do squaw aerie_ 100 do fish Imola, assorted " •406liozen do llnea do •400.1taissneedies .4110,4ozezi combs • 110 ' do' scissors 6 do bush Scythes •10 do' granacythes 6 do grain. scrims 3 'do adzes T . 'l6 'do grubb'mghoes 74tat 4 do: weedinghom 60 pairs homes 105 do trace chains 200 log chains 180 droving knives, 10 and 12 inches In length 200 augers, in equal proportions of 14,1, rust 34 lash /50 band rave 1.6 =recut saws, 1 feet in length V, do do 6 do do 60 dozen hand saw tiles 6 do crosscut saw files 5 do wood rasps • 200 quarters socket chtorls, 56, 1, and Much 60 pieties, fore and jack 10 Soren shovels • 20 do spates WO camp kettles 2,000 ebortchendled frying pans 40 dozen basting spoons 250 do iron table spoons 40 do tin caps 16 do scythe enathe do cow bells Cuss No. 4. Atm B dozen sass, to weigh from 4,3. i to 5% pounds BO do ball axes, to weigh 354 pounds 30 ' hatchets, to weigh 113 i pound do broad axes, ordinary . Bald goods to be furnished at Ro4on, New York, Rills. delphio, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Cineleinall, St. Louis, De troit, di Chicago, es may be specified in the accepted bids; end the deliveries thereof to be madame or before the Ist day of April next,or at such time or timee thereafter during the year 1856 as may be ordered by the CoMmissirmer of Indian Affairs The right will be centered to require a grantee or lea, quantity of any of the articles funned than that specified In the, abolre schedule; and also aux Others of the same dare, but of et different description; that turbo needed, at the lowest market prices Goode of Anunimn manufethre, of the required styles and quallt:, utilise preferred; but ae the samples of blank s p t434 o lciotha are foreign fabrics, It will be necessary, In tig ta domestic article' of-ri rOf these' kinditithat a wimple thereof shall accompany the bid. The articles to be furnished must in all respects cede:iris to, and be equal with, the samples recently selected, whith. may be awn et this - offins;Or such samples of Awash= manufacture as may be furnished andepproved. TLeywiU be rigidly Inspected and Soraparfd With: the samples,by an agent or agents appointed i i: i tr v that =pose. Such as may be unequal thereto 'ln any will be rejected; 'ln • filch ease the contractor botind to furnish others at the required kind or-qeslity Within three days; or, if that be not dene, they VIII be ptirthased at his eipmee. Payment will bemede 'for the , seedeieceived on invoices them. thereof, certified bythe agent 9regettteeppointedto Inspect liondervin be retitiliedin the wooing of the bid for the faithful perfOrmatoe of the contract, with two sr more sureties, wlliikes ettfitcien6y Must be certified by a United States judge or diettiot attoraby. The proposals rataiLtentbrace the articles, with the gums titles thereof, as they are arranged in the foregoing schedule, with the' prices annexed - to each in dollars magenta at which they will be furnished, and the amounts must b: carried out and footed up :ter each clam They should be submitted with the fallowing heading': "I [or we] hereby propree to furnish for fho service of the Indian Dertmetet, and according to the tame of lts advertisement therefor, dated September 2t,1855, the fel lowing articles, at the prizes thereto affixed, [here Insert the listaecordingtotheclaaeorclassespmmppoeedfpr, deliv erable in thoelty of plostoO;Nowlerk;Philadelphis, Bal. thnore, Pittsburgh, Linclitutti. St. India, Detroit, or Wee go, JIB t3lO ewe may beden . btatbre The first day, of April next, or at suchltment:thneaturing the year UN as may 1,0 ordered by the . Continkeitenehof Indian AiLdre; and I [or wel will alsefarnish,tit thotame,prioes, such additional piantitlea Of the same ffinka and nu/rattan of gobds, and at the lowest market Oleos; I'l=loU:ter articles Of the same SUSS, butotediftrentdescriptionii is May be required fin' the service of the hulharDepertment during the year 3858, deliverable as above stated. , Arid irthLeproposal be accept ed, [here Insert the words in - whole or in part, if mare than one close beproposed for, I [or we] will, within twenty daye thereafter execute a contract icebrdingly, and giro security, sailer:elm to the Commissioner of Indian Aligarh for the faithful performance of the Each proposal must also be aceampaidal by a guarantel,, In the following form, to bo signed by two or more reopen. Bible persona, whose sufliciency mtistbe certified by one or note persons personal* or offleitilly known to the Depart ment e I l or we J hereby guaranty that the above bidder, [or bidders,J if a contract shall - be awarded to him, [or them;] occonling to hit [or their] foregoing bld or propowd, execute a contract and g va Seerwity for the 'performance thereof, am prescribed in the advertisement for proposalsfor Indian geode, dated September 24,1866; and I or we] agr ee to pay any and aD darnagea or Imam which the United States or the Indium , mity author resion of failure so to do on the part of the said Weldor , ' Or bidders.) No proposal will be considered that drew not etrictly eon., form to the terms and direetiona of this advertisement. 0110.. W. MaNYPENNY, Commissioner. E4ap 21.--d34atawtOct3l jeoor..) • y nopsls of the Prenide nits Proc lam salon, BY. 54 ' triz PROOLAMATION No uF 6. THE PRESIDENT 07 THE UNITED STATES, No. 545, bearing date the 22d day of Beptember,lBsb, pottparclog in part the wales heretofore direatal to be held . in BUNNRSOUL TERRI TORY, lby Proclamation No. 5/2—the following state bum bben ordered, yis : °MCC AT COMILCNCINCI oa JUINDAI. o.oBt. HI L OWN B V I LLE.-..........0ct08er 22d; 1855--....—.284,370 WINONA-- .October Mao, " 205,289 RED ------.october " ..... 147,219 hrumtepoLia-..........0ct0ber 22d, " ---11022. SAVE EAPIDS------.November sth," -........277,759 STILLWATER.-- ..... —.Notember 12, . ..._.161,374 Total ..... 1,178,00 S Lands apprmiated by law for &booby Military, and other purposes, mill be extruded from the tales. The sales will each be kept open two weeks, if requisite. Private win not. bapertaltoluntilafter the expirs, ilea of the two weeks; end claimants are re.. ouired to establish their el. I , e. by the proper proofs, and' m m e - payment therefor, 210 20012 20 practicable, or Wire aya appointed tar the commentement. of the mks respectw otherwise their elainta forkited. Given unde my hand, at the City of Washington, this 24th day of September, A. D. 1555. TUGS. A. lIENDRIIJK S Commissioner of the General Lend Office. sep29:lawew ttezzzoval. T.l-KIHNER .t. 00. have removed their office to No. 20 • .111fth street, opposite Mason's, is Dr. G. E. Slaw's ( Qcolist) oo oce..where citizens will find ale books op.') to reCeive subscriPtione for lit ViNG'B LIFE OF WSEIt IN 3- TON, and other late publications. ' iY it IMEMI ~ :8; - 4. " ‘ . k =ME 11=2E=I At' te NUMBER 26. lIMIMMII szAtetr - WitiVEMEfintva *MUM 11, 4k*Z -1 40 gargiVpii Mao I' 4114 . ' r A _ , . trwintatsowwwwt, wo tam puoAtunicistioOnneit444-4, Lb/k4Vti€4 —4 go etchrittittonalumentm_____...."... fl;c1 44two . 00 II f 41 ' Vitto 4140411:4 '4. ........• 400 blittlear..eigiTtio....•• $OO three trunithsa.s..4 - Cit 3:00:00:147.4•44..44.4.• 40,,0 0.' " " - 441[14021UX yo 4 " u on* /SOO. Btandingetrdolz llama 104 ketualittaos obit One equerettler 1600 —11001411311151i6a et ItOCERIES-611 - bhdsZi. 0. SPOUT:: gOltittra. -“ gall) bags vo *an • ' - zo Oocketti ZavA CO.II . lln e il k n + l r 80 ,1114" ",,I.slls:Therty4i.P saecos le4 VilEsal2r2tisl;"!l4l94 - 40 boses u Lits *nil Ritirestdies. 11.111Elt auncersomi 6V d 6, pprO : Caeeial. • leo b 0 tloien IS cane da;' IO do aleicr;. dnr," IttWitt pap, multi) the attentkei of Isholenled Who above. Jsepll BRAVO, No.l Munoz& 1 1C121/1 Ed talk lioldiertw , 1 11 5 1 LIS '6O b ap Bordeaux aiteek,Alareule._, 1.0 baroLorias; 26 base SiefiyAlinerdt;' , ' l g g 4 artire i r e rohli: l l3aturi und l t;l t "' 3 1000dolvalinta; 15 boxes' Shelled ildleiiruie. Just received and for -tab, by lIEYM & ANDRIII3On sep7 • t 86 Wood met. • 50BAGS AFRICA ' 150 rip Terinesset . „ - • . • 5 bates' Soft 55/1114 dam'oulls;' WOO Cocoa nuts, greshi:, , , • .Just melted and for sale by ttErslll3l4 ANIXSBSb2I, sep2T Na..Blol79octirtivet. TT l* !!..t i • 141,rb0 • , loinataDfitep;., , „ dfrutitiligs; - - , •5 frprtust'si,' . e m s- P R iSr , srved Ginger ;, - - tasks Chuvlints; • gkt e lg ix i M e gr lui4 -:" ittstraceStedartd far aulit a bi r , Ws, agWlDlOiretreek -•-~~ ..., .. v~ aiV p do amidAordtho.i.vu_ ~' :. l: FOr T s.lyci li ta i t r t idr- P4l , 11 /"' h ow, .90912 14 , ,,, z , tNat.48.14.004 Streak 1 i1t334,1f1i WIZ?, -2 Oa/ esrafitraWbetrtiV l • s • 3 do bottleiTaxdtiin: • - ' • • 2 dol. ;4134,03ai51Z . • 2do do Munn.; ob. do Assorted Vltiu . g¢ritr; - . .10,do 3310r134.rry0;tmt17.; - idshvi'elved'and Tor, , • 00.2. . •111211Mlic•&••411.PEILSON. " gateao, sAnxitivril 1.• 15 dozen ittlartedillasrollis all; 1 , 20 boxeveitzsm; Janfiviiehild and fo'reire'by upl2 MWERSON F.. CUBES e Thome " imperil= Mewing Tobacoo, In 3 lb IL/ boxea; St - gran .- Bira.4.ll.lltio.i' 27 lhn4 Intliffeid.og Tobacco; do "Ao9d , aln'ef? .40dmr, do 2 bbla Bcotcb Baca; Ind ieoelvedficod ki sale by . . street. (11,011 Ditoll3-800 won, In!ft ib bates ' -300 da - • 80b do )1,1-114i 2 GRA.9 likoinlet6t# Just eecalyed and jar salfdlY, 2 f.i3pli • irmaisza AravianzON _ UNDHIES-411,birtgalleTritik . . pickled Herring; No.t Mackerel- akbbbrzogar-harusa Molassos,for kale by 820.2E4 Male 1.1111172 M . 10)11fir1 kb-7 keverreshlcir gale by • aCtil• 831 : 121 4. RAIZ IkAPSIVER. _ - [tick ItUSTAL-125 tomb .pegbeny tor nale • - &Oar ' 4: • ' :tit‘PC4t iiijABBMßb' 0110-10 bhIS , No.I Banicintftraite by 1, _ode ' sumr, {Wit TINT= 4.141 , 201.) boxes' No. 1 Itorru 13os foe saie b • 'A, 0 1 L-1263avt;ditiatilexc.litlebY • 81108. A181:0--25 bouli Habits lar gala by o c b 3 S>ttlT~r./Wart 11-111INTIER. $llll.lllO-50, Notes spited, for sale : by ode astheEr; mAlgik iravrEca. . . IiTyIiALE OIL-10 bble beet Wlntek Bleichaler sale by P oda -; M . 07. 49 5P1 4 ,-44 bbio,Nedr,prlesno, do 'Sugar Iforu3o; For We by [cab) . : BM % aturk . o- MINTZ& td..S--100 tons Lake Ohamplain;. 1 .7 75 " Juniata; for salt iry • Jolol.lslolnalLiD. 11410 BISTAL BCALE4- 7 -Twn nalnd,bgnal . sll; Metal E &alas In store and l'pr sale by octU ATWELL', LIE CO. MINED 0.11-3 bbla for e9le 4•01•••••••■••ii IL (ours& neu9 DIOTIIII.EB Worn at wateres'eAttEllYmily be left to I be tailed for. 03. Piltec to eultotl A et_7(l &meth et oets • • I : 2 ;v_ ; e . • • S VICATPB-45 bbLo bouldiorty ?Moods' ;-•' 20 do. •IlArdson fc Newbold'N fas oale by cold 8511TH, HAIR b BUNTER. FLOUIL—b Mtn Bye Flour iv:aired cintatatipment for We by Coati] ATWELL, LEE a CO. (14.ttP.01 1 .411001, AT Mo:C4LLITIII*8: TUT RECtfEtVniti'AND DAILY Calbrif r .2 ,' o,UAtilk a efi -large and choice assortment of Qoods Intkmdavellne t including Vibiet and Tapestry firtinelaterrpe4".l Tbree•ply, Baperftne bletrutm sitd Medallion and TaiudrY, ° th rpe erna,) B2l2BBolll,lfilikß and yenltiiin Itell and LW Atis.lo—.-Iletostiftd patterns *MI Clotitaarationa quill. ties end wldtbs,) 'Woolen andititen'ertiob Mitts; Bann, Cocoa Matting, List.costrituollarpeisarotiet' 45:,0mssid and Victoria Piano and Table einem liefirtle)lugs and Door. Plats (a greaurariety). otb6verilaltiagullyibund in 4rpt,ittores countantly. on tutudot PAWN 82'REn near Wood. "V.:llr. hICOIRNING ILOUSEMPI,LaDRIC: QOM . . Blar QOll.B, it .0 C1t0.1 7 ,1111W , --- - WOULD respecifullY Int4ifin•the , Pail:Obit theihave: taken the Btarelledni,,NO.:7B WV= liTß=, and have now open arnestcomplete aiwirtinentof Meshes . * geode. By &Minns. 'Sheila - attention tothisetiranebed thehtteinesc , ,,to the each:mica of fancys:ocrolsove 'think We Can otter edvantages, both inassortnicapinallty and price, not to be found In storm keepingthenstuit variety. The LIOUSEHREPINU DtPART3II3I , IT embraces all sta ple articles In Dry GOodatused'in keeping house. _ . PIANOS PIANOSI • „ N U N N' S- LA RK mrtonic-Artiiwitatirsr H. KLEBER.4-;,,BIL0-", PiflA stroa, a fee g,ciqiers,„front OW: Sir Mast mum,' the - first few or's latish - Invoke of Nuor44. Cark's •xintivolled Piaaon. This choice lot will comprise— is Octave spate, eornersi'rogeviood: over etrjnge, £c. Om - octave, ' ; 6 A:lotinwroo o d-cornors,Toseiropd E qdra t Eusilm rat sad lyre. Ostase, double rontalAdinersyllifidust all monad. (1Y 94 do do Parnektfga.Zim?be. 6.'A do Beint-ibipintine„ very elegent•-' tidan etYit 4 7 do • do • - 'do • 074 do Pull Serpentine, splendid patter?. 7 do do • ,4 • , .••!- The above will positively be, spit,. ut,,F..kst: . y4 Freon, pricer, without adWion forfreiphe,' de. - 11. ISLIIREIL , • Solo Agents rot.lintamisOletyMl'itteburgli • and Syt - ,Ponseylvtaile, sera , -'s3lllftlf atria ear atoPogt Oaks Bargains-ft watates, cioclut ot,faeweiry ROBERTS -& -BROTHER, • ela* ifrgo cart = BBle°. ted stook of Pitts 'Watebei- CloCkp r — Mi ' OO / 4 ; JownitY•st great A;reduceetpricauktuysnake roam •• • for an entire new stock, wbieb will he Setlited di riot - from iho - &stern ananntactotierin , stifelf weeks, for PCitibstoto detdring to tiny good gi4l7 - alioir *We, &odd cell immediate,' and scounitto .onvahick, sot we me determined to close it out without , regard Ingot or former prices. Don't forget the piaci. • • , •.4 k~SEDTffEit , . . •dl Ptah etrestoutstotoon to Wood. Clocks and Jewelry 'repaint:lln the beat Imuitlert , and warranted, Jy2tly • -- . Aplarz TAIFOnsa OF''BBANVIAS, GIN WiltEs;an—Dealor IL: id= flue Old. -2donongshelo• Foirbßrantlyi &a. Also, Atocafflng Dlsdller, corner_ of Fadgliold-And Front fcrtiebt, Plitaburgh.. .tiarel late ingetiee'olllei; OTELEl,llonst4troPenli 3 htnattift:tainsAbirdiantsanct JLJL Bleattsoica are invited'and solicited ta'call and obtain Help and their Appienticia. Aldo, tbe Narking .cipm l / 2. 1, 01 b saga and fetottlic,ehall beiligarided,ta, and toothiest' found for them on ehort.notice;itt YLADVEI =U16111103 OFFLOIS, No.; 41 0 tLiberly ab et:: No answer returned to. applications litypart, moats cc eompattied by a postage stamp. aryl° Wanted; A PICILSON'COMPETENT KEEP EOM, and lobo 41. can make. lilmaelt generally nada in -a =maw turing bpablesti• .rersone applying will &lack/ aloe re, etaleaislary;and address Yost 'Lo= art , Pitts- Tlkomas.oliver, ADDLE, HARMS AND TaONEJLANIMOYMIXII, 0 Na. 4 (Oak attest. PlLebirgh• ta.llorse Ritirg: /to Yenrlipa oisintele. A FIND ASSOWYMENEOf dame durablelied beautiful A Ittiported Mante be opened for 'attraction, tor the first time In this city, at the RAM GROUNDS. Altar the , losa of the Exhibition, they will bo Anted at the Man. tet Rotate of WILLIAMS A ALLEN, comer of Second and Market streets. octldf ~,.:<. +Y• '' .. 4 4 :t .- .: ' ~;''' ti.:e I ~ : ;;:e. .. :".. .... 1 ` ~w~_