The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 16, 1855, Image 2

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#5: . JS— TR'\~ lAtt.yl Col. Roba Fbazer.-A Lancaster oorreopon-; ALLEGHENY COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS
t'- nfiiTl!Tl tT /.1 il iH ll ri - //IlijjL dent of the Pbiladolphia com* __ , . -.—.,
Rnd ohoariecl for os-! "fO FPTO IA £]
■v ■; • ~ V,J; iT/2r m :r!' fmaah}thG *»» C ou aTY WFIMM .
: ., i ' ?■- ~ -y ,^-«•?*•■ a. ...^-4.^^^-. Tbe charges of that paper are to the effoot that —rr ; t_
,',; ' PITTfHBI RWII: ' ‘ho Colonel is n Know Nothing, and tried in the - ,- . COBo.,<m
«. lO. lftt ? defeat the Demooretto-jparty.— I||afsi| g §
MiMMijiiMm This, theootyesjiondont says, is ontircty untrue; g g I |. J £ ;§ fc , | B S *' I ’1 I | 8 n ?
"*“!r . '-'•' nouniNCi Ii>OBT joif bpri vju. and adds no oitoiabored nioro falthfall; for tho _.L» 3?®g3 ?, f W I F* "Pa k 8 I “
'■‘•',.’l '■ Sve would cell tSTattrotlon of MHiiSIAJITg AND triumphjof Domoofi|io this fall than Martins.p ||f| '| ' | , M | | ‘t? f s*. P | | c " S S
' huntress «> tho fact thst>Vhoj;o Just recall did 001, J , raiei On tho-night of tto oleotlou rBl i • '!|lif■§l S 5 I M ? '(• s
■'. ff Mr i r»'? f? ? ;t r >! 1 E
/..'j |f ®‘ : U-'a.lfl'Pap«r Books, roHtera, amt. for exbiby zons w ®*‘® Celebrating the recent tlOtory, * ! pa t : j F \ j
j .•,“>* 5- . An ord«Tß vill be promptly and upon being oalled upon made a epeeoh.— rirst ward 1&7 213 ~lie oo"“ieo Ififir - 3t 175 ii3"'s3 Tee "iW~37“i78 iBa 37 Toy sul at
" This, to say the .east, shows the Demooraoy of A S !oi £jSS S S 5 * no ,1 SgjSSJ IS S
J* p ‘ ni.* V i *'a* r * kancaeteß have not lost confidence in the Old » JfJ 'JJ ®J 101 st 217 162 85 210 ise 90 223 14a or 188 is& *>2
.. ..Xaraeo Lewie, a eon of Chief Jqßtice.Lems, m „ l> k «n Bft A o Aft<i .wi f n ». -iS f % v S? JSS l Jg ip 72 4uo 217 m 484 meo 471 203 70 478 108 76 476 105 cn
' * ,• - '•i- . . ,«* ' / ' War Horae, wbioh ought to go a good uoai Tar ~ tiixth Wurd 206 233 Wi 4 284 284 64 319 250 to 299 2r»6 64 2**9 243 70 tm *25,4 ?i
has boen commissioned.a pepond nontenant » th)lr anysflatMtoMdp the « m S S } IS « 1! fif « 18 91 19 «» » “ 4
K .hs Marine corps by i President fierce. ‘S t 2 S,l m g a # ggJ**SlS£il IS ,g g % S
left Nsw Tokk:'*-*Wo arelnTited to be present and a 21 st ? r S d *T ; ??5 S 2 'S , 7 109 227 M 6 w lei 100 su wo 120 192125 100 213129
Eric 1 for Cleveland, on Thursday bight w.s address a ineoUng-htthb National Dfimocraoy in 11 TbS Ward.:*. "'";: ssft us ill J 9-270 wt ns Sr! SS2S m 93 mwS 1 m w
'\ thro^^ff t tbcjtt|Ofe near Kings.Ulo in oonse- New York city on tho 22d tort. Wo presume *W 04 S“ w g ’m gg‘ggg'gg g >“ S' g
of Three thori Will lie Ear bufficieot number of bettor : J® JJ 134 11 m 115 7 icg 124 14 172 iu it 100 119 11
throwo off, and three or four persons speakers nearer at hand; and wo must stay at Manchester ~~Z“T so 11c 15 42 ie IJ9 \t Sm U Slll }S £m2 12 mm la
V" badW hurt homo. Tho New York Domooratio party will SJtPptSaiwh ,IS J? ™ 7B so 79 37 78 si 33 79 82 37 79 79 as
uaujy uuri. r * pootn t*ittatmrgD...w 169 109 24 16 163 109 ij, 182 122 9 174 127 2 186 125 9 188 134 14
;Vt The powder mill at Gorham, Ma , took fire on come all right yot for the uoxt preoidontial oleo• 1 25 *} in ice 31 117 lor 28 IC3 no 39 106 mas 105 ies 37
'\.-S a. Friday, moxtudg at .10 o’olook, auid blew up, lion; and iris hoped they may win a triumph in Dnqncsn* 3.:::::::: 65 si nSo S ss w «i gs 11 It uis It ll 12 w Si«
kiUingJeoyen men and wounding several others, their State election next month. They seem to l g w 8 g w 6 l « « g g g g g g 777 777 77
o» The firodook place in tho proas mill, which was entertain hopos of suoh o result; and it is by no 1 ® “ « H 11 S 55 Si S » m so S 5 « S 00 I 39 60 00 I
V' .' V Mono to atoms. Tho mill was formerly owned means impossible. With New York right, along rut m m M 2 M m 32 M S SS }l JJS w "1“ So m=J
,tV :■ hv-oiivOr' WWdblo. of Lswoll, Moss , "whoso side the old Keystone B 'ate near, wo oan eleot —• }?J 2 > 03 >to 19 n tot is 73 lot 19 71 193 20 39 si n
..T';' brother»nod eon are. among tho killed., Tho a Pccaident by an overwhelming majority. The Wilkins t 3 117 2s 00 *72 lie a o i!' 0 *O5 no su *oi 120 z ’O2 m m
F' 4 ?' #• present ownotOiOro A QE.Q. & Co. Tho Empire' State , and the Keystone Stole must es m»o?mS!Smmmbhs S is si m St “
- I? iS %SS £ g £ge?iS g g «g L* S.S
of Windhaoriloorgo Whipple, sylvania has ddw |>romieed to do her share, upper st. Clair— 86 cc 33 00 es e 7 23 to as ai 92 65 39 94 49 43 & 70 *]&,
..? Jas Whipple, .SomoeiPlinaoi, and John Sweet. Wo wait for the voice of New York. K!!=i: gSSSS “! S«gSUg ?S g g Ji g S 11,
-.-r Tho mill-has boeu ; very oativoly employed for „ „ ~ , _ S°E, !^T n " ,; -•■ I JJ >®S 6 107 110 6 1,2 113 4 109 116 2 111 108 “ 112 112 3
•> 1. ? ,t- r ■;: ..- Jr .- • r i OtJB MIWIBTBB AT St. OloCD.—The Wash- ? r S i* 70 ! 1 " 73 69 26 00 71 01 30 75 Mlt 73 M 26 7* «J 20 Jl 00 2'i
loome time, running night and day. i togtop ZTnion has an article oondomning Hen. SSSSSSS.SSgfJLSS SJoS,S S t,
JohnY. Mason for attending tho Tt Dcum at KStr:.."'™..™ SSISS 1 S 1 *| 5] % • g*J 37 g l9 “ .!" 7 J
Notro Dame Cburoh upon the occasion of the £b*° w 6S w oo m to u a* 6i 21 41 48 10 35 62 19 :*a at j:
• t lll 71 1 00 111 1 111 76 On 111 74 2 111 "ft 1 lin 7r 1
allied victory at Sebastopol—if Mr. Mason war Krourre 114 21 26 a ei c? 23 m 29 S 113 si 29 m ifl 20 no 2s 21
preaont. But that journal cays It cannot bo- mZ:\:Z::ZZ:ZZ::. m *! w oo « u u w m u *2 S» a g S w m m Is
l'J lievo ho was in attendance, when the Miaisterß - *5 178 w oo sj wi 34 os 123 33 66 126 34 31 126 cfl 67 124 .11
; I of all tho neutral powers absented ibemaclTos. iodu u » !T... 140130 ■&> °i iS lao 21 iw Ifn m 144 }?J gj 143 11-’ laj «»
T ®>« «»•» pwbably speaks by authority, ?^; n : 2««2222222 « 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
I I and its articlo is intended as o rebuke by the b ' L msioom kik u isn 64 90 aoi w w so 40 7<j i\
1 I ti - 1 a r\ *<t ■ . a• 1 . > 35 7 0 41 00 3S 07 42 42 CO 40 37 65 48 84 60 32 06 i‘»
I Prosidoot Our Minuter certainly acted a Patton 60 02 13 00 &c w 12 sa 02 is 57 59 m | so j 13 •!> o » u
1 a,range part. Tho Sebaotopoi Fe D<» m ..... .V. ’ ,2,2 ‘J 2g,2‘1 ,2 ,2 ,*? ,2 2 15! ,2 22,5,2 ’5
<J none cf our fanera!;'* ho thereforo ehould l. 00 11 w l° 10 wlO 7 &o i«i io 64 loi iu mto
not havo been there in tho oapacity of monrnor rotai. <*779 5786 2357 239 0954 ccn 1959 7 346 6iw two tooi 0205 209117218 6932 *i2yit>923 0235 2078
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VTiaa. haa detlinod an ToJvlUiieu gW
OQOifl& q( lee tore aoq Slavery lo that city. The
Speakers Veto expected to express their ojp
views on the question, bat Mr. Wise did not ears
about, boing found in the same company with
Charles Sumner, yarn Houston, Salmon P. Chase,
Seoatop'Batlcr, of Bontb Carolina,’ Honry Ward
Beecher, HorAoc Greeley and others who are
among those engaged. His letter of declination
wiodsup thus: “ Inshort, gentlemen, 1 will not
deliver 000 of the ieoiorcs of the course on sla
very: at' ibe Tremont Temple, in Boatou, on
Thursday .evening, January 10th, ISSG; and
there will ho no Thursday evening between the
middle of Oecfcmber and the middle of March
next, or between-that and doomsday, which will
bast,accommodate mo for that purpose. I giro
yon an <mmediafe answer; and, at my jcarllest con
venience, iudicato lo yon that Mho particular
phase of the subject* that I will present, Jo d -
libcratcly : to fight if WS MUST.*’
Allaacoanta from Europe for (he last month
or mure have reprtieeated (he cropaia England,
ProLoe and Oermaoy, and, in fact, |n nearly all
tho countries of Karope as of about middling
qirdity and quantity this year. But still there
Is a largo deficiency of food in somo of those
countries-.every year that baa to bo supplied
from abroad. Before the commencement of the
present war a great portion of that deficiency was
supplied from Russia and northern Turkey and
Egypt. Even lost year, notwithstanding tbo
block ado, It is supposed that eome twenty five
million dollars worth of provisions was drawn
from Ropgia to help supply the English market
Bat this year tbo blockade is strict and com
plete, and the regulations of the Western Paw
ers aim to cat off entirely the lucrative trado of
Russia, ami each will doubtless be (he result
All the surplus prodaots of Egypt and Turkey
and the countries bordering on the Black Sea
will he required to feed tbo vast armies and
tlcdfl of the allies, and little or nono oati bo ox
pectcd from tbo.»o couotrie&A? supply England
and Franco. This tfiaat supply
almost their entire demon demand
will perhaps amount to e&venty-fiklt and per
haps a hundred million dollars worth, if not
more. It is evident that they look to th&>coQO~
try alone for this supply. *
This dptna a splendid prospect for ithe farm
ing and commercial interests of this country
Already English and Frenoh agents arc in our
sofvports. A late London paper says: “ All eyes
“ arc now turned to America. Twelve Frenoh
“ buyers wont out by last week’s steamer, and
“ largo orders bavo gono from England for
“ breadstuff's, eo tbat we shall soon know wbeib
-11 er the boasting aoooants of tbelr crops can bo
The writor, it soems, doubts whetber onr crops
are as good as tboy bavo been represented, and
whether we oan spare all they will need. Els
doubts on tbat subject will soon be dispelled.
This country has a surplus this year snffioiont
to feed half the nations of Europo. ,Aad pro
bably ono half of that surplus will find no mar
ket for a twelvemonth.
But the sudden demand at Mow York has run
up prices considerably, aud they will probably
remain high for somo woeks t'conie. It will
take a long time to forward the vast e fores from
the West to lbe seaboard ; and our steamers and
railroads for the next two months wIH bo loaded
down with freights as they never ba?B been be
fore. y in prices can bo ex
pooled in.thc fflbo ol each a vast demond, oven
though it bo poll ascertained that (he supply
doubly exceeds it. ; - <
Gao European writer says that the ilefioionoy
of wheal in France for homo oooaumplion will
be st least 16,000,000 bushels.: Some millions
moro-VfilV bo wauted for tbo armios and navies.
The Engtißfa defielonoy will exceed twenty mil
lion basb'ols for ibohomo consumption, aside
fromtho.tratrtff of tbeurmy and navy. At pre
sent priops in_Now York these deficienoios alone
will amount to near sovooty million dollars.
When we take in oonneoltop with ttjOBO facts
the farther foot tbat the imports Into this ooao
try this year Of foreign goods Is mil
lion dollars worth less than in tbo same time
lost year, it seems certain that Urge, amount s
of gold and eilver must oomo from, Europe to
this oountry, a°d be scattered all over the farm
ing regions. Last year we had to consolo our
selves with thepropbeoy tbat there was “a good
time coming " We may now rejoioo and be
thankful for “a good timo come ” This coun-
try was never more prosperous than how, and
never had a brighter future la prospoot. Tbo
most independent and prosperous nation in the
world is tbat which has tbo most abundant
supply of cheap food, and (hat feedo other na
tions. That ifl the position of this country
now, and (hero is a fair prospect of its con
Betirbd to Private Live.—David jL. Smith
announces his withdrawal, from (ho newspaper
business, in tbo Allegheny Evening Bulletin of
yesterday. In another column, (his inorning,
will be olbo tho official announcement of
his withdrawal from the hallo of legislation,
whioh be so adorned last winter. Tho ooinci
denoe ja .flot. R litllo remarkable, and tbo one
may perhaps nootmnt for the other. Thoso who
will 1080 moSt. by Mr* Smith's are bis
oolored byqthrettf for fear there is not an-,
other por?f>n in tho Commonwealth, certainly
not in tho next Assembly, yfcti 'jiriU abla to
enfranchise them by legislative Bnaotm^nt.^
THAjiKgQiyno ts Vieomia. —For tbo first
time in the history of Virginia tho GoveWtir hS9
appointed a day to be religiously devoted to
thanksgiving and prayer. Governor Johnson,
in his proclamation, says ho expressly disclaims
any authority to require or oontrol, bat ho
earnestly recommends and suggests that the
fifteenth of November be set apart as a day of
thanksgiving and devotional axoroisos. The
Governor of Maryland has also oppointod the
same day.
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Pennsylvania Uatlroad,
Tun rooeipta of Iho Pennsylvania Railroad,
for tbo month of September, show a marked in
oroaso ovor tbo oorrespondiog month last yoar
Tho inoreaso is equal to 60 per cent. Annexed
is the statement -
Rooeipta for tbo month coding
Sept. 30 $440,182 86
Same month last year 294,476 08
Reooipla from Jannary 1, to Got
1, 1865
Same period Ust year
Ogf“ Baby shows arc certainly ol bud ten
deooy if tboy can elicit each iodocent commu
nications as appeared id a ccriaiu oity paper
jester Jay Havo wo a*' Jakoy ”in town '
'MI 16 SUiThlCGtlthATbtiK.
Wo have reason to believe tbat tho State Sen
ate, at the coming session, will stand as follows.
Thodo Senators marked with an asterisk are
newly elected :
Ist Diet—Philadelphia Oity—Eli K Prioe,
W , aod Wm. A. Crabb, A.
2od—Philadelphia County -Henry C Pratt,
A . N. B. Browne. D , and Harlan Ingram, D *
Montgomery County—Thomas P. Knox,
D *
Ith—Chester and Delaware—J J Lowis, A
6th —Berks Con ty—John C Evans, D *
tith—Bucks Coanty—Jonathon Ely, D *
7lb—Lancaster and Lebaoon—J W Killinger,
A , and J G. Shumau, A
—Northumberland and Dauphin—D Tag
gart, A.
9th—Northampton and Lehigh—Joseph Laa
booh, D.*
10th—Carbon, Monroe, Piko and Wayne J
H. Walton, D.
llth—Adams and Franklin—D MeUiogcr, A
12th—Vork—William H. Welsh, D *
13th—Cumberland and Perry—Samuel Whor
ry, D.
14th—Centre, Lycoming, Clinton andSullmn
—A J Dietrich, D.*
15lh —Blair. Cambria and Huntingdon—J
Croswell, Jr. D.
10th—Lnzerno, Montour and Colombia- C. R
17«h—Bradford, Bapqoehaooa and Wyoming
—W M. Platt, D
18th—Tioga, Putter, MoKoan. Elk, Clearfield,
aad Jefferson—B. D. Hamlin, D *
19th—Mercer, Venango and Warren—Thomas
Hoge, IX
20th—Brio find Crawford—D. A Finney, A. *
21st—Butler, Beaver and Lawrenoe—John
Forguson, A.
22d—Allegheny—J. R. MoCUotook, D , and
William Wilklas, D *
23d—Washington and Greene—J C Flonni
ken. A*
Bedford and Fnltoo—F. Jor
dan. A.
26th—Armstsoog, Indiana and Clarion— B. 6.
Jamison, D.
20th —Juniata, Mifftin and Union—Jas. W.
Belters, A.
27th—Westmoreland and Fayctto—W E Fra
zor, A.
2dth—Schuylkill—C. M. Straub, D *
Domoorats Opposition |4-
Adams.—laaao Robiusoo, Dem.
Allegheny.—James B. Fulton, Samaoi Smith,
James Salisbury, C. Magee, L B. Patterson,
Armstrong, Clarion and JcfforsoD —Goo Rod
gers, Miohaol K. Boyor and JobnW Fleming,
Beaver, Butler and Lawrenoe—D L Imbrio,
A. W. Crawford, Amorioan, R B McCombs,
Bedford, Fulton and Cambria.—G. Nelson
Smith, Joseph Bernhard, Dem.
Berks*—J. Lawrenoe GoU, Geo. Shook, Wm
Hines, Bonj. Nnnbomaoher, Dem
Blair and Huntington.—John M Gibbony, Dr.
John E. Wintrode, Amor.
Bradford.—Messrs. L&portc and Holoomb, A.
Bucks. —John Mangle, Alox. B Johnson, Joo
H Lovett, Dam.
Carbon and Lehigh.—Joshua Fry, Dom.
Centre.—Jaoob Strubie, Amor.
Chester.—Androw Baohanan, Robert Irwin,
Joseph Dowdoll, Dom.
Clearfield, MoKoan and Elk Both A Baok-
üb, Dem.
Clinton, Lycoming and Potter —H. L Ditfen
bnugb, John B. Beck, Dom
Colombia and Montour. - John G. Montgome
ry, Dom.
Crawford —One Democrat.
Cumberland.—James Anderson, Wm. Harper,
Dauphin.—David Momma, Jr., Dr J Wright,
Delaware.—Charles D. Manly, Dem.
Erie.—G. J. Ball, Amor., M. Whallon, Dem.
Fayette and Westmoreland.—Henry D. Fos
ter, Samuel Hill, J. Fausold, P. A. Johns, Dem.
Franklin.—r James B. Orr, James Boyd, Dem.
Greeoo.—Rufus K. Campbell, Dem.
Indiana.- —Robert B. Moorhead, Fusion.
Lancaster.—Three Americans and two Dam.
Lebanon.—Wm. A. Barry, Amer.
Luzerne.—H. Wright, W. Merrifield, Dom.
Mercer, Venango and Warren.—Three Amer.
Mifiiin.—John Purcell, Amer.
Monroe and Pike.—Abraham Edingor, Dem.
Montgomery.—Josiah Hillegos, Geo. Hamill,
A. B. Longaker, Dem.
■Northampton.—John A. Jones, Jesse Pearson.
Northumberland.—B. H. Zimmerman, J)em.
Perry,—Kirk Haines, Amor.
Philadelphia City.—E. Joy Morris, J. Dook,
Amerioan; Aaron Coburn, Qeorge Smith, Dem.
County —Charles M. Leisenring, J'no. M’Carthy,
John Thompson, Joseph Hnnneker, John Han
oook, Townsead V eareloy, Chas. Carty, Freder
iok J. Walter, Samuel A. Hibbs, John Roberts,
iJ.iL. Wright, Dem.
SohnylkilL—R. Diokßon, Jacob Friok, Dem.
..Sofflerset —Jonas Augustine, Amer.
' , Snsqaebanna, Snlliran and Wyoming —Two
Dema. . ‘ •
Tioga. —T.'li. Baldwin, Republioan.
Onion and Juniata. —One American.
Washington.—Goo. W. Millor, D. Rldldo, Dem
Wayne.—Nathtfidei W. Va'il, Dem.
York.—lsaao Black, Samuel Maneer, James
Ramsey, Dem. ■ - !
Making 7() Democrats and 30 Opposition.
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Tar Biuta -
Uj'j-r St OUlr
U>viff W. OUtr
North Faya*!"
H»otb Fajetl*
N«nn«» ..
We’d lte«r
Kavt I>«wr
Skater -
SDrtW<l«U- -
M*OaodW . -
....$146,706 74
.$2,995,789 06
2,726 493,29
$270/.!% 37
Vole for Atadlton
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Kliuboth fi
3. Piitaburg
W. KlJubeti.
K Ulrming
Tarvotum ...
W PlUabury
hcvi<-kioy i)
06 Bft 12
146 62 2V
37 2W 22
:w oo
10 07 22
73 47 37
, e:i 100 2ft
: 147 100 86
04 118 28
82 17 66
89 01 :u
84 GO 14
000 000 00
Kliubeth ....
Up. St Clair
tow. •*
RoMosob ....
N. Fayette...
8 Fayette ...
81 ;a 61
102 60 34
3ft 06 14
1 34 2
36 64 If
111 76 1
110 28 2ft
126 04 18
6;i 67 13
60 I3U 20
74 Klft 60
137 137 26
71 83 12
;i8 6h 4i<
(•0 00 20
36 48 48
66 62 13
74 47 16
131 132 7
Kb>L D«t>r
Ind Una... .
Honwdeu „
Hewlckley .
<68956389 1994
Melancholy Accident—Wo aro pained to an
nounoo the sodden and horrible doath of Ur.
Aohosoo—miller at Brown & Moßgrovo’o Mill at
Pine Creek Purnaoo. It ooenrredon Wednes
day abont noon, and the moment before it hap
pened, tbo deceased was in oonrersatlon with
soreral gentlemen who wero in the mUL The
maohinery of the miil is driven by tbs engine tbat
operates the Furnaoe—a large ahsft connecting
—on tho end of which is a large driving whool
that revolvea horizontally and upon it runs a
Bmalier perpondionlar cogged wbeeL Ur. Aoho
son having gone noar those wheels for somo pur
pose, was oanght, drawn between them and
crashed almost to atoms. Tho persons who wore
in the mill observed a chock in tho veiooity of
the maohinery, which drew their attention to the
place immediately, where they found the nnfor
tnnato man, mangled, disembpweied anihtsen
trails twisted abont hie lifeless body. r Ah eve
witness informs ns that the horrible eight' mi
nerved every beholder, me deoesied wee the
father-in-law of Thomas MoMastorS, Esqr.—onr
county Treasurer. Wo sympathize with thoaf
flioted relatives. Verity, "In the midst of life
we ore in death.” —hrvutnng Democrat.
Dbath or a Pwhibb.—Mr. Henry K-fiamsay,
0 printer, formerly of Boston, died of yellow
fever, in New Orleans, on the 9th of September',
lie served as Lieutenant in the Unlied States
army daring the Mexican War, and was a brother
of Alexander C. Bamsay, ex-Govemor of Min
Chabob or Tub.—The Theatre will
be opened at a quarter before 7 o’olook, and the
curtain ripe at a quarter after 7
for Benati
rad fileiobi
3 *’3 £ *r <» r
* O aj I K C 5
uEb ? 3
’«■ 2 6 h J P
f ‘ o j
o ► r o ■
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172 204 :?7f: 17S 176 ITT
. 237 227 217 223 2TO
. 613 246 71] 624 60S 624
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4flB 191 72i 489 478 483
2s 2 274 f.yj 287 282 286
! 100 96 K, tgs 108 l&)
! m W I9t 180 181 140
113 10ft 43 114 1,3 114
( 117 2.K) llOj 108 100 lt/j
1 12t 532 122 117 lly
i 294 186 XU JVI 206
j 338 24ft 13uP J47
\ tJi 211 2?| 203 290 293
1 16fl m 101 ICO IC9
i 32 09 10: 32 30 31
’ «y 140 13 88 H 6 4*
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-| 171 \M lft< 173 172 174
j UC. |7l 34 U>2 102 IWJ
t 26 16 ]J sa m Srt
03 82 ll{( Cf. GO 06
41 07 isif 160 150 IftO
42 31 23(j 83 41 41
41 64 000 40 40 40
40 71 IS;. 10 )0 10
77 66 40.’! 87 86 H?
7ft 104 17if 72 & TO
147 no 32p 162 IWi
80 103 26/ 83 62 63
SO 24 444 66 K 0 66
66 4W 2H. ; 67 M 86
I yri tC 12 Vi 4 93 0(
93 |77 TV- 07 08
yu 63 27 : Wl 94 01
I 241 eo 12. 244 242 246
60 vl IT: to 113
|o*i lift 2; Uo 100 110
77 ul 2fljj 7* 77 7 8
S 3 63H W TBi S 3
100 hi 3ft 4 100 too 100
31 Oft 124 3ft Qft sft
3 32 Rj{ » 2 2
aft M 17! £0 86 36
112 Tft OOu’i 111 111 U 1
. no sa vc 114 in \u
118 00 10 119 118 110
63 67 13-. 63 63 53
t?J 120 344 T 2 CO 70
74 is; 64f{ in 73 73
14ft 134 2ft|! 140 M 3 14ft
7ft 60 lOfj 74 73 74
41 09 SSj! Kf 89 89
00 93 23‘i 67 (7 M
. 3ft CT 4C5 32 29 30
69 O) ll|} CO 00 CO
40 72 16| 43 48 49
[133 J>9 011 134 133 134
j 10 ftft Oj; 10 10 10
17102 6479 1847 vTISft 7040 7170 7
•r of Poor,
and Dir act <
I Aturtoa 2 y
AUBiTom S r
161 196 26
232 208 ltd
610 214 r.
191 1»2 ‘•K’.
461 |>.f?
2T6 30H C 7
106 93 16
170 03 16
100 162 4U
101 196 80
232 2UB 50 j
610 100 214
I'JO 181 oOi
472 107 09
307 270 i' l
10ft 03 16
179 06 14
lOC 162 50
ICM 213 m
117 227 62
277 Ifl* U
324 lgb 138
■2W 20« 22
100 121 14
ai :o r
K 7 164 II
70 H 2 36
174 m 14
10T> 16S S 6
17 21 8
103 213 129
117 227 68
277 186 03
0 0 00
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160 120 16
28 70 17
B 6 143 II
80 82 36
lco m is
106 108 36
17 21 3
62 82 10
145 01 20
19 2f) 26
:w 4b ol
m 121 14
27 70 17
67 134 11
70 82 36
173 134 14
>O6 169 3ft
17 21 8
65 85 12
147 tV2 29
00 00 00
39 M 00
00 00 00
73 66 30
04 106 21
140 104 40
07 118 25
M 10 63
89 88 84
84 61 U
97 160 89
86 69 37
230 77 10
103 42 32
111 UO 6
39 U (?)
74 62 26
36 Oft 14
100 60 85
111 Tfi 1
30 61 10
82 17 66
89 01 83
84 60 14
79 163 80
89 64 31
239 7\ 12
94 62 22
104 131 2
80 64 30
241 71 U
01 82 22
37 SI 62
87 67 »
Sft 96 14
101 50 34
111 76 1
H 0 64 10
1 84 2
1 34 2
106 22 21
117 69 20
63 63 17
U 8 122 33
76 130 49
140 137 23
00 82 10
34 44 60
61 80 30
33 07 47
66 62 18
44 68 19
121 106 23
10 63 11
110 28 26
118 64 19
53 57 13
00 129 29
74 13ft 60
137 137 25
71 82 1?
J 9 68 41)
60 90 20
Sft 04 49
56 02 18
47 T 2 18
121 132 7
6ft 10 10
10 66 10
6906 6369 1901
68368687 1161
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«2 ,72! 2.9 2DO 202 207
290 291; 282 201 2«, a;2 2S«
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Hi 11,| .<» 170 164 >7l Ilv!
IDS 112! 23 . 234 229 22J 2Ui
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291 291! .99 .93 190 ISO 18t I
344 349 262 265 247 251 232
an an, 215 21s 2.0 n,-,
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«« S 1 XU .i IUI ,u 3 100 tos
48 86 21 21 Jo 21 29
83 87 93 9C 93 97 o-,
93 04 62 62 53 £3 02
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78 7 * 62 63 05 93 irj
3» S.- 31 35 34 34 , K j
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2 21 32 22 32 32 3l!
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T 1 74 7G 7ft 7& - r> ;
3JJ V3> 68 Cl M (.y 6;
60 M I*3 91 91 90 CM,-
31 <ii 63 &4 I>J Cl (lit |
69 eo.' 69 f.y Lb 69 6SJ
(ft 4k 74 74 73 74 74;
1371 124| 123 1© 123 123 123 i
10 lO 6ft &5 U 6ft wJ
PO 72B$jMS7 6510 OtDO GI4I G 57111.853 294.1 MCI low |^o
. foUortn * P°"». II.) .snlc' ;. W|J | U
• now Ha-, rue thin* nos* j.,. _
I lent my io.e . iKXili one d.v,
ambronght It wi, I i»ld It by ,
'T»ullui..ltlnr hul to ray
®» nu no alrango .0.1 1 n ,!jy
Sr * j?
§ f> 5
S t i*
t 2 r
p §
; e - c
i ► r»
Bu» ygt w* loved Ualiffdreat
HhßjproaUDg LoOa, Ohi birds tom-.
wrefclhed l.u «inira
rosy links fn>tu Jane to Jauo.
Fw her slut task to darw or do (
„ tempt, vkst bardikip bVsr
Rat with her, ah! sb« ovvarknow
My heart, and what was bidden ibor-
0 0 00
0 0 00
0 0 00
0 0 00
0 0 00
0 0 00
0 0 00
0 0 00
0 0 00
Aod tha with mo, eo cold and coy,
Beamed lika a maid bereft of bo nee
Dot Id a <*rowd. oil lift* ooj j oy
And fall of blasbfal imnadpan*.
Bbe married I Well, a woman neiwls
, r life aod love to than—.
And tittle can* sprang up ilka w**L
And played around hor elbow chair
0 0 09
0 0 00
A^?7 otw tilled by, bot 1 content,
■lrtmmed my own lamp ami kept ti brtetif
U * ay kair bmprvnt
With raya sml gloAmsof sUrar light
Itchaimad I took the book
Vrcich (?u had read In days rone by.
m “ 1 pwsion shook
My Bonl, I noeda most cowb ot cry
Fbr haroodtharDtuir love was writ
In old, half fkdod pencil stiniit,
A* If sho yielded bit by hit
liar heart to dots and under 11 dd-
Abl allTeml fool r too late you look 1
I know It. l«t me hero record
TbU maxim—“ Lend no maid a bo»A
l r nteu yatt read it afterward r
0 0 00
0 08 21
“ Cah't.” *• Bab I ‘lia perfoetly absnrd to
.say you can’t for yen know woll that “ where
thereto a will there ie a way." The Irishman
who was asked to play tho fiddle didn’t say, “ I
nant; no ho had morespiril; he said, "i don't
toaw till I try," Canft never helped ono
tbroagb life, it neither dieooverod Qeorglam
Bidne, nor peeled an orange. Can’t 1b first cons
la to Despair. It has poshed many a man down
the hill, but never holped him up ono inch. It
is a beggarly companion who will eiiok to you
till yon havu'e a single slivor of resolution tort.
Faitare is no reason why yon should say yon
can’t, for didn’t yon rend in your primer a nloo
ffloral story tolling yon to “try again /” Don't
think that what your prlmorsald was nonsense;
yon josl follow its many advioes and instructions
and oan’t will never cross your mind. Take
courage ; it is a oheerlesa thing to any or think
yon can't do anything. Sot yoarsoif resolnteiy
to work and unless tho thing be altogether su
perhuman, yon will undoubtedly snooeed. Many
In tbo last Stage of. despair have plooked up
spirit and Mghtened away tho doubts and diffi
culties bosetting them. Van may do'so also
knowing that “ that what man has done man may
Ten £atb JEUj, SroEM, on tho 80th nit., rais
ed Brandywine Owok higher than It has been for
10 years before. Horses, and sheep-wero swept
off from near Ghadd’s Ford, Pa., and much
datnftgo done. The dam an 4 couuiing-houso of
Messrs. Psrke, on fijg Elk Crook, wore tiarried
away with the books, &0.,0f theireitoneivo iron
_Ddbious MAHiraarAnos or Patbiotism
Within six hours after the news of the foil of Bo
hMtopol had been received, tho Mayor of Fred
ericks a, Now Brnnswlok, liberated evory pris
oner confined in the jail, ovor. whom he-had any
l n*porttatta Varacira-HewDlscOT-
dvr# are pot up Ihtenopoond packs, and arc really a good
arUcle, sot only for :the diseases Incident to horses, ccioti
•urine,and other animals, feiiit they are likewise an excel,
fast article to Improve the condition of the animal.
7r r&kh theynot only, Improve the conditioiLOf
milcb cows, bat they Increase the quantity os well as to*
P&W I*® quality of milk and butter. The proprietors say
tljat ttj Increases the quantity of batter from half a pound
to a pound a week to eaih cow, while those persona who
W*®* I* **7 » pound and a half to two pounds per
wees, '.with the same .kind oj feeding as beftre. Of one
thing we are certain, all wha nfic It once will use It all the
ttos, and tare money by the operation as well as Improve
,the appearance of their fetoefc. PKice42sctA.apaper;6pa*
Q£o. H. KEYftKB,
Owner Wood street and' Virgin alley,
Wholesale and Betail Ageot j
x i, ,? t
Abandonment of tbe Ad vanQeiftntfae 100
luimeme lcebergß-An Artitle Winter—
Sew Discoveries, Ac% Stc.JV--'
The {telegraph announced a few days ago the :
arrival at Nek York propeller Arotio and
tho barque Release, sdhi tqjthe Arctip .region in
search of Dr. Kane, btingmg baokthnt gentle
man and bis long missing companions, with (be.
exception of throe, who had died. Dr. Kano
eaiiod from New York in tho brigantine Advance
on (he 31at of May, 1863, for tho Polar Seas, in
search of Sir John Franklin and hiß companions;!
taking with him a variety of instruments for
scientific purposes, and a supply of provisions,
sufficient for a throe years’oruise His entire
ship’s company consisted pf seventeen persona.*
Tbo following came homo in the Release:
Dr. Kano, United StatcsNavy; JohriftL Wilson,.
Amos Boosoil, Dr. I. i. Hayes, Augustas Sontag,
Henry (JoodfelloW, George SCepbonson, Wm.
Morton and Thomas Hiokey. In the Arotio: —
Henry Brooks, boatswain U. S. N. ; Jas. McGat
ry, George Riley, Wm. Godfrey, Charles Blake
and Qeo. Wbittlo.
Lieutenant Qartetono oommanded the expo*
dition fitted out for giQ relief of Dr. Kane, pur*
soQDt to an aot of Congress, which Batlod from
Now York on the 4th of Jane last. The expo
pition consisted of two vessels, Jhte propeller
Arotic, and tho barque Release, wSTBh were offi
cered as follows:
Officers of the Release.— Henry J. Harstene,
liout. commanding; Wm. L. Lolell, noting mas- :
tor; Joseph P. Fyffo, passed midshipman ; Eli
-ha R. Kaoe, assistant surgeon; Van Rennsse
lear Hale, boatswain.
Officers of the Arctic— Cbas. C. Semmd, lieuL
oommanding; Watson Bmitb, aoting master;;
Harman Newell, engineer; Samuel Whiting,
aoting boatswain.
Too arrival of tho expedition at Now York on
Thursday created intense excitement, and hun
dreds Booked down to the wharf. l>r. Kane, as
soon as possible, jumped into a carriage and pro
ceeded to tho residence ef Heory Grinnoll, Egq.,
through whose munificence his expedition was
fitted out. He met with a most hoarty reception
from Mr. G.
" I have oo Advance with me,” said Dr. Kane,
alladiop to the loss of his vessel, which, as wo,
bavo elated, he was obliged to abandon in the
ioo. 11 Never mind that,” replied Mr. Grinnoll;
"oo long no you are safe, that is all we care!
about. Como into tho parlor,” ho added, “ and:
let us hear the whole etory.” And Dr. Kaon
proceeded at once to relate the story of bis seo*'
cod voyage to tho Arctic regions, the perils and
dangers to which be was exposed, his wonderful
adventures, and etill more wonderful escape.
Jle was obliged, be said, to abnndon the Advance|
in latitude 78.10, after having penetrated as far.-
as 82.30. which was further than any other navi
gator bad gone, with the exception of Captain
Parry, who reached the latitude of 83 16. While,
hero he saw tho Folynva or opon sea, stretching!
away off to the north farther than the eye could
E V «- o
K - Z >
5 “d f sr » t-
C * <
vi v ps jj.
b"l ] '
.12 .-ri Tl
SI 59 .'.ft
in 76 77
04 gv s:
'A'l *>■ S 7
VJ 74 71
16 17 U
m ir. ic
4i i: ti
W'l 60 iu
k.; Kft
UO 12f. 12ft
2» r. !>•
17 U 10
1«. 17 17
1! 10 10
•lo :ki ,x.
13 in n
47 :;s :;v
2 2 ■:
The expedition succeeded in crossing Melville
Day reaching the headlands of Smith Sound as
early as the Dtb of August, 1863. Finding tho
ice to the north completely impenetrable, they
were forced to nltempt a temporary postage
along the coast, where the rapid
at the raio of four knots an hour, with a rise
and fall of sixteen feet —had worn a temporary
opening Previous to lakiog this step, which >
involved great responsibility, and which was, in
fact, equivalent to sacrificing tho vessel, a
French racUilUe boat, nilhac&noo of provisions, •
was concealed as a moans of retreat.
The penetration of tho pack ico was attended
by many obstacles. The vessel grounded with
every tide, and but far her extromo strength
would not bavo been able to sustain tho shocks
of the ice. She was twice on her beam code;
and coco on firo from the upsetting of tho stoves.
Some idea of this navigation may bo formod
rrorn the Tact of her losing bor jibboom, best
bower anchor and balwarks, besides about COO
fathoms of warping line. They wero choorod,
however, by a small daily progress; and by tho
10th of September, 1863, had suooeoded in gain
tug the northern face of Greenland—at a point
never reached before. Boro the young ice froso
around the veesel, and compelled them to seek a
winter asylum.
Tho winter gave them a degroo of cold rnnoh
below any previous registration on record.
Whisky froza in November, and for fonr months
in tho year mercury wa? solid daily. The mean
animal temperature vras fivo degrees below zero,
summer and winter included. This, without
doubt, was tho greatest Cold over experienced by
man, as the seat of thefr winter quarters was
nearest tho pole. Tho scurvy was readily con
trolled, but tho most novel feature of this win
ter was a teUnuy, or loik jaw, which defied all
treatment. It carried away fifty seven of their
beat sledge dogs, and wad altogether a frightful:
u it u r_>
10 27 ’J*> I*l
15 23 ‘Jo vi
H) 1 CU 00
R 22 21 10
IT, 31 27 2ft
19 21 21 21
U 37 M X,
ti ‘IS 21 21
U 4* 47 to
ti 01 M 33
IU 12 14 12
>1 K» «7 SO
17 Vi> IT sr,
10 12 10 11
Z 23 24 Z\
14 1* 1h
1 1 <1
-'o m I;
2) \S 20
15 IS U
31 Ml ;s
52 lv 40
•jo l'v> -_>o
1- u u
40 40 M'S
29 VS
56 f-4 C.s
ia is i 2
14 U 14
0 K
10 10 iu
Tho operations of search commenced as early
hr March. The first parties, under the personal
Obttrgo of Dr. Kane, crossing the ice at tempo
raturca of minus 67 bolpw soro. The loss of
their dogs obliged tbcm.jas an only alternative,
to adopt this early travel. Many of the party
wore frost bitten and underwent amputation of
tho toes. It was by moans of these efforts that
the expedition succeeded In bringing b&ok their
important results. The parties wero in the field
as lato as tho 10th of July, only ceasing from
labor when the winter d&tkaoes.m&ds it impossi
ble to travel. i
Greenland haß been followed and Enrveyedhy
Dr. Kano towards the Atlantic, with a coast lino
fronting dno north, until n stupendous glacier
absolutely cheeked their! progress. This mass
of ice rose in a lofty precipice, 500 foot high,
abutting into tho sea. it undoubtedly is the.
only barrier betweon Greenland and tho Atlan
tic—it is an effectual bah lor against at! fataro
1. This giaoler, in njille of the difficulty of
failing bergs, was followed out to sea by moans
of sledges, tho parly rafted themselves across
open water space on masses of ioo, la thi i way
they succeeded in travelling eighty miles along
its base, and traced It info a now Northern land.
This glacier is, we beliote, the largest ever dis
covered by any previous navigator.
2 This now land thus;comented to Greenland
by protruding ico, waa named “Washington.”
The largo bay which intervenes bhtwoonlt'hnd
Greenland bearß, wo boliovo, tho namo of Mr.
Peabody, of Baltimore, o>no of the projectors of
tho expedition. Tho lojf conntfotloo of the old
and the new woridfl seamb to as a feature of pe
culiar interest
3, Tho rango of tho alodgo jburnoys may be
understood from the foot that, the'entire iirouit
of Smiih’sßound has boon effeotod and itsshoros
ooniplotoiy charted.
4. Bot tbo roal disooycry of tho expedition is
M»® opon Polar Sea. Tho ohanbol loading to
these waters was entirely free from loe, and this
mysterious feature was rimdorod more remarka
ble by tbo esistonoe of n belt of solid iao extou
ding ono hundred and twontyfivo miles to tho
southward. This sea verifies the vlewo of Dr.
Kano, as expressed to tbo Geographical Booiety,
before bis departure. Tito lashing of tho surf
against this frozen boaoh of ioo was impreßSivo
boyond description. Bflvotal gentlemen with
whom wo have obnversodlspoak of this as ono of
tho most remarkable sights whiob thoy observed
during tho expedition'.- An area qf three thoue
■ and square miles has been seen entirely free
from ioo, and was named ofterlho Hon. J P
Kennedy, lato Secretary of thO Navy, under
nh »w auspices ttjo expedition was undertaken.
The land to, the north nhd west, of this channel
has been charted as high ho 82 80. This is tho
nearest land to the Pole yet known. It bears the
namb of Mr. ilonry Grinnoll, the foundor of tbo
enterprise. • * ,
The oxtremo sovorlty of tho previous season
made it evident that tho b'rig could net be liber
ated! before tho winter set in. She was fast im
pounded in tho oontro of \ a largo field of 100.
The provisions, although abundant, were not
ooloulated to resist sonrvy j and the fuel, owing
to the omorgonoy of the 1 previous winter, was
deficientjn qttimtlfy, Under thosociroumßtan
ces Dootor Kano, with a party of volnnteors—on
an attempt-to reach the- month of Lanoastor
Soaudy in -hopea qf meeting tho English expedi
tiou, and thus giving relief to his associates— :
passed ittan open boat ovtr the track of Baffin’s ;
trayol, riding out (V hoavy,galo. Thoy found an
4uuiitorraptea barrier oif ioo, extending in ono
groat horseshoe from Jones’ to Mnrehison’s
Sound, and wore forced alter various escapes to
-retard"to tho brig.
Doping the winter which ensued thoy adopted
tho hahita of the Esquimaux, living upon raw
walrus meat and surrounding themselves by
walla of moss. In spite of theso precautions the
sqnrvy advanced with steady progress; but by
the aid of a single team of dogs Dr. Kane quo
ceedod in effecting a commonicatiou with a set
tlement of Esquimaux seventy mileß to tho sonth
ward, and by organizing a hunt relieved the
party. At ono time every inan of tho expedition
except Dr. Kano and Mr. Bonsai were confined
to their banks with sonrvy ; but. by a providen
tial interposition the party esoaped without a
xnnwiNTßn or 1854-65.
i '[l^
. . .. '
•v,ii W great bSJroffefriiißaCft'aMFtliat no m
lief expeditions from the Sooth coaid tench the
party in time to prevent tho imprisonment of a
third winter, whioh, with their (iefiflienoy of fool,
would have proved most disastrous, If not fatal.
Undor these circumstance? Dr. Kane wisely do
termiued to nbaudon hist) rig, and attempt toes
oapo to tho South by a oombination of boats and
sledges. tt;»d&prdamfe£itb this Mew they loft
the brig on the! 17thi Mfty, tho. temperature at
that tima bBlng;-five dogreaßd)olow4oro. . Tbey
orossed a belt Of ioo.eigbty-onamilca fy diamo
tor, dragging the'bosts behind them,- and carry
iog four of their elokoomrades by means of a
dog sledge. After an aotnal travel of 361 miles,
tboy reached Cape Alexander and embarkod-in I
open water. Tbolr guns supplied tliem with an
imal food, no food being earned'in the boats,
oxoopting breads tnttaand tallow:
From Capo Alexander they, travelled: to dho
Southward, sometimes dvef'ico," ‘somSlimes
leoting enongh eggs j toikeap XlKkjsarty in good
oondtiion." Af'Capo f'orh'they barnod np thoir
Bparo boots and eledßOS far, .fuel, and loft the
coast, striking oat into the opoßeoaof Melville
Bay, steering for the North British JotHemontS
of QrcenlamL Hera .they,'wore providentially
landed on the 6th August, in vigorena -health,:
after thoir'traveP'of 1;300 miles and 81 days-of.
oonstant oxposure. From Dpernivik, thejargest
of (hose settlements, .they,.took poesago lu a'
Danish trading seißol br England.
By great good fortnne they touched at Disco,
where they were met by Capf.Naristem’s expe
dition. Tnie searching expedition having found
the ioe of Smith Sound still unbroken, but
having commhnioated with the Esquimaux, had
heard of the departure of Dr. 1 Kano, and re
traced their ntepß,.. i,, t ~ x
Tho expedition has to monrn tho loss of three
of its comrades, twoofwhom pertshed by-lock-,
jaw, and one fromiibsoees following' a/cozsn ex
tremity. They may be saidto bam fallen in the
direct discharge of their duly. Their names
are, actiugcarponter Christian Ohlsen, Jeffeison
Baker and Deter Shnbert, voluntoers.
appearab.cb of tubhavmatobb.
A northern latitude is eminently conducive to
the development .efi hair and faV At least! the
samples of its effects in the persona of the re
tnrnod Arotic navigators yesterday would una
voidably lead ns to this conclusion. Every one
wob stout and rosy, and as ho razor-bad marred
(ho boards of thomarmors sines thoir departure
from theso Bhores, every face waS' cavorcd with
a sturdy growth of hair that was pbrfdciiy ror
freshing to behold. Dr. Eons himself wore a
board of patriarchal proportions, in the corners
of whioh stilt lingered the silver traces of-his
residence within the frigid zone..
©•On sactiStitojtetatheTPettlinauy of
IVoinaxs should be Conclusive.
Njew Yo&s; Cetober 2,1852.
Mrs. Club, of No. 272 Second street; behoving her ehL’d #
About three years old, to be troubled with worms, purcha
sed ouo botUe of Dlt. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED YKIUJI
JFUGE, and gave it two tea dpoonfulls, which bud the effect
of causing tho child to discharge o large number, of Worms
The child is nsw'enjoying.good boalth. "We would advise’
all parents who may suspect their children to bo troubled
with worms to lose no bur Immediately purchase and
(ulmiuist t Dr. IPLane’s Celehratfd Yennifage. It will
cure. • The money will be refunded in all exsrs where if dm
nt'l give sc tisfitclion.
4QF* The above valuable remejy, also Dr. M’Lane’a cele*
bra ted Liver Pills, can now bo had at all respectable Drug
Stores In this city. ... -
Purchasers will please bctefir-afol to ask for, and take none
but Di. M’Lane’fl Vermilbge. All others, In comparison*,
ore worthless.
Also, for salt by theeo e proprietors,
-- - FZiBMINQ PBOfl„
: Bacc«*oro to Kidd £ .€&,'
octlbilsw No. flo Word street, oorner of ; Fourth.
Inhalatiou for Diseased Langsi
The mode of Inhalation, Incase? of diseased locga and
throat, rocommonded by’ Dr. Curtis In hie advertisement,
strikes na as thetras one. It la now generally admitted by
our l<crt phyticUns, that focal ififflculties can only be sue
cissfully treated hy foch? ’applications.’ '• This - practice has
been pursued from the Oral with respect to external inflam
mation and corrosions, ami we see cot why diseases ortho
throat and lungs may not,he treated IntboßsmA manner;
wo hoUeTO they may. In this variable clinuuo or onr*,
where lung and throat complaints h&Tobeepme so preva*
lent and rife, we earnestly recommend to the public, anil
Urthe aJHtcted especially, to pyallthem'folves of Dr. Curtis
ramrdy.—Joae who has tried It] B*d advertisement in
this paper. •
Oiutfon—Pa, Cuatja’ HYGKANA Is the original and only
ttanuine article, sep4£wcDw
ftf* Ague and Fever of Three Years’
Standing Cnrcd«*«3lr.-J6hu Loogjen, powUvlngat
Beaver Dam, Hanover county, near- Richmond, had Ague
and Parer for three years; most of the time he bod chills
twice a Jay, and rarely less than once: he was perched"
with fever* as soon as the cblll left him; and after trying
physicians, quinine, most of the tonics advertised, and
everything recommended to him, was about to giro up in
dcap&lr, when Carter’s Spanish Mixture was spoken of: he'
got two bottles, but before he bad need more than a single
oun ho was perfectly cured, and has not hod ‘a chill or
fevwr sines.
Mr. Lonrden la only one out of thousands who bate.:
been benefited by tills great tonic, alterative mid blood pu
rlfier. 6ee-advertisement ecpi:lxn
49- StocfcJnga and Hosiery for Winter,
—lf yon don't want your feet pinched with hadand short
Stockings, yon will take ©or advice and go to a D Alt'S,
corner of Market alley and Fifth, street, and- buy tome of
thaso elegant Fine Stockings, that make your feet feel nice
and comfortable. DALY, .also Aakea •ndseils-overy vari
ety of Hosiery that yon can wholesale and
retail. :
Remember the place, corner cfAiarket alley on!
etrwt - ; ' cctt .
Batctoalor’aHair Dy*,~Fifteen medals and
INIMITABLE, attest the public appreciation Brown or.
black heir, as true to nature*® natureVertf* Is produced
INSTANTLY, without a chance of failing or Injury to
skin or hair. Mads and sold, or ’ applied,{ln-nio&priTate
rooms,) at BATCHELOR'S"' bKL; Sjtoabiisliea. ffjg Fqctory»
233 Broadway, New Yqrk. „ , .< ’
Sold, wholesale and retail, by Fr. GEO. It KRYBKR.Uo
Wood ftroet '.. ; " octlidivr
end strangers vktting the Fair, in.want of
a UAT or CAP of the latest style, would do well to eaJl
and examine oar stock, as we ore determined not to be
undersold. Quick sales and small profits.
MORGAN A Co.,.NcCi&l Wood.fitrcet,. .
. .-- f Ono door from Sixth.
as- Juit Kteitvcdg Kt I
aranttmanlof Wlland Winter Odonf, of eTerrfleßcrlftfoni
TOa«l«tlo^9fBlusb, Grenadine, Vajeuda andPgnresi&iijn;
Ventings, Doeibin and. Fancy Overcoat
iogs, 4c., *6/: Also, Q*nt»'Parnlch!ngaoodolngro»tTH'l- ;
which Trill bo Boia towiijr cash. Tioliio .n%Vy&ref£;
Tin Past Thau* leaves at 2 A. M. through to Cincinnati
in 12 hours and 40 minutes.
Mitt TEAB* LSAVS3 At 8 A. M.
ExrßKBsToAia ** At3P. M.
Thiut Tialnu all make close connections at Crestline, and
tho flrut two coanect at Alliance. The direct route to St.
Looia la now open, via. Crestline and Indianapolis, 100
miles shorter than vlat Cleveland.' Connection*' are made
st Mansfield with the Newark and Sandusky City road '•
and at Qrestlino with the three roads concentrating • there
Pot particulars see handbills. No tralasron on Sunday.
Through Tickets'atfld io Cincinnati, Lottjsrilleßt. Louis,'
Indianapolis, Chicago, Bock Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland,
and tho principal Towns and Cltlca fntbe West.
leave Pittsburgh at 4.45 P it, a'hd'Nevr Bfrghiou at 7AO
For Ticketa. and farther InfrTtnMldlh apply to f
At the cornerttfflce,under thfelloncmgahela House-
Or, at the Federal Street Station, to
ntMV , , . QKOBOK'PABKEN, Ticket Agent
Pittsburgh, July 23,185 ft. liy24)
Pennsylvania Insurance Company
: o» pirT'Bßtr'Bon,, ' '
Comer of Fourth and Bmithfleld street!.
lttap&t Buildings and other Property against Lon;
iff fire.Md tho Perils ot tho-Eea and
Inland Navigation and Transportation.
• DIBBOTOSSt' ' : i- ■
I Win, f Johnston, Body Patterson, Jaoob Painter,
f*■ O»rrior, W. aPCUntoek,*, KranodjT.PrW,:
Jameas.Negfo, W. a HaVenH D.E.P«k,
I.arierSprorU, W^e'Haiijpton;'
A.J.Jonoi ' J.H. Jones, ~ H.B.Cos|!ib»ll,
' 08810888;. .
Praidad... .Hon. WSL 8. JOHNSTON.
O«*»WJBnT^„Ai.fI4KBEB3t.-! «id «u- ~*u;
Mmmt&xtttarfrß. aAaEiEK'..«:^tjWaar;i
Continuation of thO OMo And Ponna. a. a;
man uctomd ssd sranms mas riba troraßomm.
«nKimt .at Oresthne, taWwuS detention, with
f itfiVmmemthe.OMoani ftnna. i2Md,anjSs^af
livTr^nitaS^e^rrSf SO “ th ’ ,!n ,lwlM
for I'lcbtf&v apply at the Kail road Offices of the Ohio
and Pennsylvania Unilroad Company inPlttaburgif Alle*
gheny City, or at any of the following points- 8 ’ "
ro|rt ,W»Jno, ... noliothnufae,- 1 . -
Cincinnati, . , . Orbsna, -
BwOm,, Bpringfield,
' teU SSi l> ° ,lB > Wchmond,
~ PlndlfiT
Pereons desiring Tickets will be nartionlar to ««k fn. .
Ticket by the Ohio andlndiana Batfread to ask for a -
i° e ; ■>• B. BXBAUaHAN, gap't. '
, , ME)y jyayESKSEMENIS.
arntnobOr atodk of SOFT HATS and TVIKEEB flora. Jut
f®l T^b a
hro^wb^ws-Mtfittfibßi^rsiihiA^i: & /-<
pftig " ,»oiw*N a.oA. iot.wor.i turn
iaaOiifUf,) fOaubram street and the Biter '
; : : •MTxsBCMn. rA.. • . , ’ ;
y\OCTOIt BAElZraradaßto and PrurtllioUrr (n thoflld
■ JhAAchOplS’: of-Aledleine r -Allopathic - sod -JtoßfunstUsk
But for the pant ion yrars a roocoitfal Ilylronalhfo. h«a
open In WATER COMB in tho above location r
The porfoptlysardjdlrretand.tamiiliatooffOTt thla syn. ’
tern tmn on nil Povcrjo find nll diFMs.o Rent!) and chronic
whnoftteTnlSd.pratnfal and,lnvigorating to tho Wrahand :
dthilttattd, r-nderff It preallarly'tlcslrahlo In famfllas, who :
sill be treatoi »t thvlr homes,:. .- , . ■. .
"Allo.athianh'llfonid'opatMc treatment wtllfce admin!,,
’“'■od whore (io-ori-d; Tort, niter long ami tborouchexperl-
S-'vco B dec Lit. I prefnrem-.) to UTdropa
ftaß,,thronghoat;tlie:old and’ new world, proven : '
e l“‘?«“futlnaymLfirin ofaUaaaae.lndndinr'
1 t'y'Topila. Inaammii
tibßmnottim, Antbina, Cntancona, REr. -'
oe “'f «T»rei!ttito In lho Union, can
■ Warm water being naed in Uici eonunencement, and ollen \
througnnnt dio irratm«nt, lt ln tt lprery inatead of npplca- !
a “?,^^ aD ,r ,n,ll^ lm, Bht8 ht ' ra rposo. “ “ ? “
i-’ n m «?* B-ATjUlnnwi Thompaon Boll,J. R. Wol- (
I- Morgan, Wm.-B.Hotofa, Hn. BDgliahi Bi ;
! « Poctor' R acla'a”lnailtu- I
; tlon. and wrtnpgEed hla antcegflfol troatment, Cliferftillv
:P^Sda L n- J | h a -- l! “ th “ rll J , B, H y elncMvd,anVaMUfS[
Charlea T. Rnssall, J«ft M’Coniioll. DavU (| John O.
S? r .i s ’i lobort ralr iclr, John D, HVlogeton, Johii Wrlcht
:'W- Mcejb P. Raton, 0.-Omßbj gr\*gf.: -
| N. G. MUEPHY & BRO~~
so. sf- wods sTßießip,- s '
Haro now lo stow a boadtlfui assortment cf' '
BOUO HT wlihin tha laat two wcoba Bt the very lowest
olodng prions, and which they will 601 l at a mall ad
vance on K-ifitrrn .coat ror CAsn; or-to good prompt aii
jXaontbs pnrehasers. i- ; ■ ■ ■■ - nv >l ■ - ■
AlfporchaPera arc InvilolanddOElred io nialso on exam
lnatlon of their t-t-efe y, octlOdtwlm
„ - I•’ notice. • ‘O -“Vr-ri.’4
rpnE Btochholdera to .«»•■Allegheny hnSSfew Brighton*
A Plans Road Company villimoat *t tholhonro of M.
Rartmon, Woods’ Bun, on MOSPAV. Sth Novisibor cast,
between tho honr« of one and Sva o’clock P.Ma for tho
purpose of olocttos ono Vresldont, Rvo'ManngCrsond ono
Xieasuror, to aerTvlor cnoyear, -v .
'Byiordon ,< '' JAMES'COOrER,. : "
0008 ;. ’ ■■■ -'■ ■- Sfcrthiry-' ;
Ucrpetlo Nollce* m
UorroUogoap ts vc» known in thla conamnniViipka
KxcelJcnt article fot bealinffnoro cbaiYp(Hlhauili»»
Removing tan, callottnttj3 &tidredbeefi of tfre£kh>/
- firewrrtng tho complexion, ana nmiJertng 'the ffljinr' > (
JSscerdingly Boft, pmontb and'whUd. :v *"
( lho Ladiei vrho ass it n?o mnch pit»nrdt! wiih
; I tNgood efffctA. It to cold, whoiepulfl Qui rutail. bv '
O PTBBERT, KQ-b3 Jlnckotiptreet; ... ■;£octl,Q
i . -v- • Plank Road EiecfloM, - : L ; • - “ £
jfcTOXICRU hereby Riveo, thibnn Ktwfeiri will it’/,
of ~* l nra PWWa&fi, ? ,
OD MONDAY, the filh day of .N'C'T'-ntbrr. ]: t'll, tor the cuf- 1
poMof.lectlnsofflceraoftheLntrtenceylHeiiDafhortishnSt .
| lank Itoad for the ensuing year, arcordindlo law.- .
. octlfcd2t , JAMES BLAKELY, President,
Plank Road % 1 ■*-
NOTICE is hereby given, that tho Annual Rleijllon'fiJr
officers of the Allegheny and Perry svilloTumr ikeaml
Plank Road Company will bo held nt. the hour* of nuab
Dalzell, In Reas Township, on MONDAY, tho Cth-darof
November, A. D. 1855. JAMES A.-GIBSON. -
«»OMewtd . • ■ . - . -• •
50,00Q.jnst arrived galft, nt
SagNLfAyconJorofnand.and Liberty streets. :We InTito
the citterns of Itilßbtirgfr to come'and try
• them Weairo keep censlanUyonbaod.CAN
OYSTERS, wholt ale. and retail- Fsrmlles-suppHod.wltK
Shell Oyatorsot fifty o&d ceventy-ttrecentspor hundred, bv
.octlO . r. v i-.-i.-;' ‘ ■•CHA3;‘RI.MRLIg.
j street; *
FRESH TgAS—A choice ara Block Teas
’ received-dlrwfc firohrfhirlarfoftcjfl. which will be sold
wholesale or reiail, ot prices lowvr than usuaL ‘
• octlO i+ ■.*?, a ■S. JAYNES.
j •r fGasntioacthlH.gpnkUcopy'.] /'■ •- v
GIIIB PfjPIiLAII STuKI?, whtJ c you cun phtulo. htwv*
1 Ibipg you want in the Beok line, bat No. 22' Smlth-
• Rag Picker, •-'r Round ond Pre#: $1 25.
A lifiKkot o! <;hifa,!by John Broui»hnnv; 4.1.25; - *
Tho Planter’s Koulbotn YinUtn; 25.
Tho Match Glxl, or lhe PoTTMt Divorce CMe‘ t 25
■ .Tho Elder Sinter, by. Marian James i 75c. ' *. ;
Rthel, or the DoubioError, by Marian Jameki 7r»c
.niddt-n rath, by Marion Uarland, autixor of wAlono-'’
’. , r-.* f
■liiaia.Xhmaand Joran, by Bijard Taj lot; Sl.tO. V';
Cleve Halt; by Miss a*woll; $1«
The Dusmtei Wifrt,by Mis. BouthwortU; 31.
/. Tho Missing Bride,bj-Mrc.Southwbftbi r
Dekfiold;or Fellowship In llto East, by Aj Di Ariwild *if " l "~ *
the Old West Room, by L. MrKTfiUsT ! *
Ugbt and Dft'rlmcss; \ ‘ 1
Isora’s Child: a uoT»l;-$ljXL• • :;
Pictures of fir,rope, by O. A.B«f‘l; «l«5. - - ' c
Bam Sliaklh Search of -
Life of James Gordon B(mnett,'»lhtirntcd: Slii: .
Mary Lyndoni anaafobbßrapby; st. > '
Kllie, or thoHman Coardy j i sl,2s-.' *>
Cali in and. look over our counters «ud Fholres # '6r-fitfndv v v '
for whatever you want in.ihc, Book line, *
™W , .. H. MINER & CO, 82 Smitf-fiold st. ,
osb of Mechanias and wlth iiltffltrjitioDfl ftr
vorawlng; plans, sections and elevations for buildlhtt aml' '
machinery; an Introaacticmnm&metricAlTJfawlng. and
an essay on Shsdawe;v:T&«fwli6lft
illustrated with. Kteelfplatcs, ; contalnlogtso lltnit >
dml diagrams.. By Wm. Mlnifie,.ArohUoctjsProfessor of*'
Drawing in the School of .Design of tb& Morylandlnstlttitß.
Fourth edition. Forsitloby B T. CJ. MORGAN
00110 . - ; ■ No. 104 Wood et.
Lleot. Ri S. Smith, U.S.Anny, Asi-ljtaijt frofesorof ,-‘
urawlng in tho U.,3. MilUary'-Acfideiny, \Y«fc Poluti N. Y.'
ior Baloby .. :B.T.O;MQRGAN,
. ocLC • --- ' et
rpUREE BRICK nOUfcKS FOR BALE, Wl'lh alot of 47
;i feet front on Walnut Btroet, Alleghany, by 10Q deep oh
an alloy, with three brick houses; one br tufett stories and.
good cuJlbt, dialog room and kitchen, halt and two partors,
five cod rooms,, nil .well fiobhrd.-Alsu, n doable brick
noose of two stQrlav with twelve room,s. ; a brick
poußoof three rooms and cellaTi Bake^ovens, cfwtl honws,
hydrants, all Ja gcod oider. Priae for -All/21,600.
Terms easy. & CDTBBERT ASONi'.
63Market fltrest*
POT OLAY—A article lor sale by ~
ocno • -UENIWILXI. )LLIN 9.
TaLANKKTS—6 more casef of the bost'ttftkes of.ell wool
,IJ Blankets, Inciudiogsoine eklta large eisep, justbnehed-.
by ; foctioi- N . , a; a, mason a.S>:
FURNISH DIG /G OQ.Dtf—A.large nsaorfmentof
asblduAble styles of ..Gents’ Tics; Bilk
and Linen Gloves, Hosiery. Un dev Shirts. -
Drpwsra, Att, received by, [octlGj .A> A t; MASON A CO,
hava oa hand avery desirable lot of heavy WooUen
Shawls, for traveliog. . oetlfi
/COUNTRY STORK AT At(CTION-i>n Wednesday aiid:* -
V/ Thursday, Ocfobor:i7ih ; an(L 18th, commencing at la
o'clock A. at tbe Sales Booing corherWeed
ami Fifth statists, will Se entire stoctofhEasa o
and: fihpw,Jftata and Caps, Ap, naong^-which aro a -general?
variety of laaiesl’ dress goods,, cloths, casrimeres, salinsta,
fine:wool and Canton flannels; Unsey, bknkets, bleached
and. brown muslins, drills, checks, tickings, gfeghamiu
prints, IrishHhma,.taMe cloths,,feilk, ; d; BlimerB & cbtfon* ’
0030 gloves, Fldrenoe silks, embrolderiea, width
goods, cravats andßca.ia, shawls, silk and linen hdfc&., Ac.
Mens’, boys* and youths’ flno and thick kodls, Brogans and
ehooa; L wocien’oatid iDlsOT3’ booteeaand sllppera; black sRs ' '
&nd woclhata; cloth, ptashand glszcd eapa« r v
M)lrtaand ooluufs; bucLmltto '
and glovesfJknfvesand fQrksSiptMJkHriad butcher knives;
stickp, looks, hinges, screws, augers, files, handsaws, draw
log knives, ahd medlclheß, and w >tnU ■assortment of
other stock usually kept Inn-targe wuntrysters.
Aggi Q... , . -'-IP.:SR;PAVIB,AncUoDeor; ; .: -?•
AT AUCTION—On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ’■> •
Oetobbr 16tlv 17 Ibwgd j 8Ui f aUh& store x>f P. M.
DayU, corner'of twill be-'sold—’
largest and nfost'Vftla'ablS conecUon of Bookfl# in evcjy d«" v
et-:meniitre l ;
auctiiijn In this city, all ot whlchraru of tbalatestVnd best'
editions, and warranted aer-awf porieet; tir the^
maybe foomHlia complete Works ofDaniel r
WasWngten*a TOls^JFwnUrm^WorkvlOTolsr
Irving** Works, ISyolai Cboport Wbfl»,33-v6w7Eo'isyelo--’ •
11 Warerly,lfove!k,42
blnaihgi British Kaaayifltfl/ B^Te^s^Chalal»rB , Works, r? sd''' i
Wt>rks>ltolat'a6lJsmith r a Worla. A vol£ *' •
half calf; Bacon,
uoaary ofMtchanirs, 2 rolfl, IDOQ places; Un?sf.Dlctibter; : '' : ’
2 toIs; Webster*® DictWaaries, the Boston edition ©f Sbak'
spearo, tooo, Mooroydlurnsrßcetfc, Miltoh, OowpCT.'Mont- ].,
gomery, tihelley, Ac.; superb Famllyand, PockeMtiblwanirM
rrayer Books. Also, seteral hundred reams'Qf fine Letter % ‘ ,
wp Paper, 3Snvelopcs, PQrtfono», superior Diamoaa^ v : "
Pointed Bald ppslflro, anil Without rdßorvo. '
Books at pjlvate:calaTlurlDetboiaayrat TBry Jow prices. *
J. n. ' ’ r DAVIS, AuctV. ’
KPHANS* UOUUT; Bim-of. TUfotbfe,Warehouse* on -*
IFootl fi'/rerf—-Ob Thur£diy fe?enlac> October, ISlh. at
80’cloek, at the MetPhahtsf Exchange, Fourth afreet, will ■
be sold, t f order ofDiavlil Esg, Administrator of
Jameaß. Irwin.daceaied, fhaiyaluabfefotofArround'attba -
corner of Wbod' B!lqy, having:alfcont-af -
twenty feetbn oxtehtniigback'Kisty feet, su£ *
ject tor*n annual gnJand rent of s24o v oniWhloh hTwected
an exofllant three story brick fitore^orpre&nt occupied bv ’
Dr. Kojppt. y >->-t f- . . 5
;the libow. having oath » i t ?
front of 16 feat on CO feet, aub»'
ject loan annual ground rent orsCOi 'dn:whlch are erected
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ocQB ‘ ZL 'V I. ; Attgßoneiiii
ISffISSSK?S;' c,mp :
Bayou's Cairfetiantlfr, Social no! Uni vena];
, _Qggapel po;ibutioypgl^ ( a valuable CcuiQiiutary for Fans-'
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tlfoiffllßsnoooßof pr.Bpenfor; '*■' >• .
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' £iinl “ ™ Sl»very; -i = ■
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oiTtAXf?® plainßlMex^lifor a!V
priced English editions; also VamUy at r*d»cS L -
fyioteroftheFandlyj-Petwlliffmaler; '
Maurice on Lord’s Prayer*? - 1- - *’■•' * - - ‘ f - -
ira & To^ff ? cheapedition i .
Tn&ltoa, by Cnminlngfl; The ChriGt of n&toTT;,
.; Woita,«aspl6tff: HogoWxestamont';
u «08»™» PastanttPresoht, by Twncir;' •* . v . \
1 Wdrich’a Uiblo OaifOTipliy iTootateps of St Paul;
work : nr Plenty to 1 Do Wflov to Do It;
• Pcenca In the l’rsctfcenf a f tTewTTerk
■tratotL -•<■•; -*■-.* -"• '•' v>, - > '■ l^:;- c '.'. octi&
cliolpo aascrtmcnt ctQotxlsia the abOTelSne
Velvet andTopratrjlirMtoUCorpoC
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