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'.I ''" J*'-| '; -can ezpeet to find in that famous locality. r ■ ■■: •. . ■.. - : • • - *- •'*• -• *\ /-■'n .. ' • V. - * ?• ~ • *jr. *> c - ' f - Z* , ' ■ • ■-: -• ■ ' o*V ■■*"*? y i <,t '«- i ',■. - !»>£<• • V' '■ ,’ i, f ’ •*. :*»-: 14 ' * ,%-f ■ f e - \/X *s' „f, V . i'A' , ;: v . ,V , ‘■" ! -ffldS , t' ,^:'!,<, :; ;! j- ~\. -faK-m# .-» *■ ;??*.-•&■ > 'u*s?h #k-*'.. <? ■_ *■ / 1 ' : ri (■ v-> tv.V'- - Among other things wo ore now determined to give special attention to ootnmeroial matters and news, and make the Post, if we are able, the bestooin m ercioipa pe rin the West* it wili at* tend to polities and general news : bhtileffim tnerolal oolomn will bo mnoh morn full, and re* oeiro a far larger share of oat attention than it has in the midst of the excitement of >tbe late pollfiea! aamphlgn. The growing and 1 rest in terests of Pittsburgh require fall and accurate commercial intelligence, and we shall him to giro ,**•«£’,** i laihj doming OFFICIAL PAPER OF TEE CITY. PITTBBVBGH: FRIDAY MORNING MUIISISIO POST JOB OKFICB. Wa would call tbe attention of MKBOHANTS AND to the fact that we here Just recelred from Philadelphia a number cf fonts of new Job Type, and an now prepared to fill orders for Oarde, Circulars, mil HeaiK Paper Hooka, Posters, and Programmes for oihlbi. tlona. All ordere wlll be pronfpUy Ailed. TBE VBWB. We bare no reason yet to donbt that Flamer Is eleoted Canal Commissioner. Ex-Governor Neill S. Brown, Know-Nothing, has been eleoted Speaker of tbe Tennessee Housoof Delegates. John-M.'Meek has been eonviotedat Staun < ‘ tOB, 'y«4 0l fobbing (bo mail, and sentenced to , • 41m penitentiary for ton years. • • fl '' iSVMbi- Samiiol the In diana lndiOnapoUs, andifor many years treasurer of tho State, dledreoeutly athla residence in Indianapolis. . in PhiladOTphla city and connty togothor the Democrataharo elected 13 ont of IS mbmbera of . .the Assemblymen. Magee, Democrat, ieelcoted -,i Bheriff ; ‘Cirrigan is also:eleoted. On /Saturday morning last, a man named \ /Ximotlpr Wilds, while driring along the Eail . •tfoadtraoki’-in Troy, U.T., in a stagonj met with * t-i, 'an '.necidont, by wbreh he was Instantly hilled. .LTT&o loenfnotire etrnok his wagon, throw him ' - twenty feet - into th* air, and in descending he fell under tbe engine. Ahorribla fracture ,of the Bknl! was produced, the wound extend ’-Ipg around tho. back of the head from ear .to -ear- OTHEft HATTERS. Tbo election is over, and we are glad of it. We liki b gallant obntest in a politiaal Campaign. A fair fight with n resolute foo, especially if it ends in a fiotory, is a ploaßant thing enough for b month or two. Bat we are elwayß glad when it Is orer, and wo can turn to other matters of pnblia interest- It is too soon to begin to talk about a candi date for United States Senator; or candidates for tbe various officers at oor municipal election of January next. Tho election of & State Treas urer, Speaker oT the House, Speaker of tho Ben* ate, and nnmorons other officers will take place is January Canal Commissioners make their appointments is Notember. Bat in tho moantimo there are other matters claiming attention. By a judicious and earnest effort on part of ail tha States interested a lib erol appropriation can be obtained from tbo next Congress to aid in the improrement of the Ohio riser. A portion of tho money that has been looked np in tho national treasnry for yeirs could not bo applied to n better use, or ono more beneficial in a truly national eense. Booh an appropriation can bo obtained; and no State would be bonefitUd by it moro than Penn sylvania. To Pittsburgh it is of vast importance, and our city should bo the first to more in the matter. We shall certainly do what wo can for it. It is in rain to talk about tbo impractibility of the nndertaking. It can be done, and it wilt be done some day, and tho eooner the.better. Oar paper ia to be improved in man j respects, and In its commercial oharaettr it will be espe cially improved. Kahsas —ln soother part of oor paper to day will be found an account of murders com mitted in Kansas by armed ruffians from Mis aourt. Whitfield was eleoted as delegate to Congress on the Ist inst On the 9th inst. the free state men would eleot Reeder as dolegate. Both delegates will appear at Washington at the next session of Congress, and demand seats. Whioh sbaU be admitted os the right one? That Is a jqaeation for tho House of Bepresen Natives to dooido. It will bring op the wbolo subject of Missouri frauds, and we hope Rood* or will be admitted to a seat We presumo that will bo the result We are giad to find that the free State men of Kansas have at length got to using cold load. XhtO sudden death of a few of the border ruffians would have a very salutary effcot in Chat territory. The freo state men are largely in the mojority according to all accounts, and they should appeal to the only arguments that have weight By their long delay to do so they have already placed themselves in the position of revolutionists. The pro-slavery men, by getting the legislature, have brought themselves tinder the color of Itw, and may bo sustained. But Kansas should never be admitted as a State trail! there is a full, fair and free expression of the popular will on the subject of slavery. That ■rill decide the question right. Ohio. —We eh all probably hare to giro it np that Chase is elected in Chin. .The oonteat bos boon a warm one there, and trends ware resort ed to that disgrace an; party. She itcry was circulated that Wilson Bhannon, lately appoint ed Governor of Kansas, has in his first speech in the territory declared himself in’favoT of slave ry in Kansaß. It was not true, but it doubtless produced on impression ogainßt the Demooracy in Ohio. It is the pride and boast of onr party this year that, although unusually successful, it has no whero resorted to suoh trioks and false hoods- It has stood upon its merits and its principles, proved-ita honesty by Ub aotions, and has won general approval. D»tT*r County Throagh Mr. M’Gregar, editor Beaver Star, we loam that the entire Democratic ticket is elected in that county, by majorities ranging from one to two hundred. The Demooracy had a hard battle to fight there ; but from this, it will he seen, came out with flying colors. The Republican vote in the oonnty was about fi.o hundred. fiSBATOB.— CoI. MeCandless istnuch talkod of as the United States Senator. Two successive De- mocratic County Conventions have strongly re . nemmended him for that oflioo, and his oloims - must not be overlooked this time. More anon, on tbia subject. j Sfiaksb or thb Sbhatb. —Our fellow-citizen, Hon. J. B. M'ClintWjk is spekeo of at the oast for Speaker of the Senate next winter. It is rather early to make a nomination, but we sec ond it most cordially. He is onr candidate. OHIO BIiECTIOp: We havo return from forty-nine counties in Ohio. They give Chase 11,691 majority; the remaining counties gave Swan, Fasionj in 1554, 20,910 majority, so that Chase’s election by abont 16,000 majority is beyond doubt. W&~ We acknowledge the reoelpt of New Or leans papers from J. Kerr, Jr., clerk of the " Crystal Palace ” steamboat, in,advanoe of the enaiL Mr. KetT is a good fellow, and we ere obliged to him. • t •. t ' r Oar nelghbor-of tho -Journal t»oare -p under tho lato defeat of bis party bravely and magna nimously. Ho intimates that bo rather likes the Democrats now, since he has had * fight with them. That is perfectly natural. Tho nearer you get to Demoorats tho better you liko them While standing at a diataooc and bawling ‘‘loco fooos,” dongh faces,” “ proelaveryites ” and other dreadful names, some people actually con vinoo thorn:elves that Democrats aro bloody vil lains. But a near acquaintance, evon in a fight, dispels the illusion, and they discover that wo aro as truly American, as warmly patriotic, and as eager for tho promotion of every groat pub* lio interest as any other men over wero or can be. Tbe editor of the Journal seems to be find* log it put, pud discovered it in the midst of & fight besides. Wo aro glad to hear bhn say he rather Ukefi us* Next January we will make him Uke us still better, when the oily elections oomo off. iOCIOBEE 12 Foreign Demand for Breadstuff** ('Prom the Cincinnati Prieo Current, 10th lost] Our advices from Europe, by tho last two .Stcameru, leave no doubt whatever, that tbe crops in France, are below an average ; also, In ttfost of the Western German States; and, that those countries, Instead of being exporters, must, as a matter of necessity, be importers of bread* stuffs. Tbe Paris MoniUur t contains an official declaration from tbo Freueh Government, that therbis a deficit in the harvest of the Empire this year, equal to 17,000,000 bushels, to make up which the nation will have to drawn oyon foreign sources. Tbo harvest in England had been gathered in good condition, and ibe yield id believed to b.s a fair averago, though not equal to the one of 1854. There does not Beem to bo muoh disposition on tbo part of Eoglish dealers to pnroh&so breadstuff*, but the orders from Franco, brought to this oountry by the Pacific are Urge. The leading commercial men of France. Eng land and Germany, aro looking to the Dated States, as tbe chief point from whenoe supplies of hreadstoffd can be drawn, to mako up the deficit, oaused by the partial failure of tho crops in France and Germany, and by tbo absence of any supplies of consequence from Russia; and there oau bo no doubt whatever, but that this oountry will find a market in Earope, for every pound of broadstuife she can spare, the present season, and at prices, too, considerably abovo an average. This places these United States in a position, commercially and financially, she has uever occupied before ; specie will be ex ported from Korop© to thin oonplry, to pay for oar fbur, wheat, oorn rd?l poTk, io larger quan Uties thftu ever known before, within the com ing nine months; the balance of trade will be largely in our favor: Stirling Exchange will bo far below par, the agricultural ioterestfl of the Union will be promoted, by being enriched in au unusual and remarkable degree; and all kinds of business w K he stimulated, and the general prosperity of tho country will receive an impetus, which will not only entirely relieve all classes of the embarrassments of the last two years, but will advance their interests as far ahead in oiir year, as tbe ordinary pr.'pnv.G uf three years; Tho had tho consequence rhiob wo refer to, are, as W© have before stated, in our opinion, inevitable; and we do cow look for morn rapid/general, and eubstantUl prosperity in tbo agricultural, commercial, and . cebanical interests of the country, during tbe coming two years, than has been experienced nt an) time, since the formation of the KopuMto. There >6 but one oonlingeocy whirb can pos sibly iffcci the foreign demand for our tread 6tuffa . namely, the of a peace with in the next six months, between Rii««ia. and the allied powors , but thifi in only hart possible, and even if it should take place, it c-mm-t be consummated w thin loos lhao six months, and then we ©hull hnvo s«.»hi the greater portion of our orpins brea’stuffs aod provisions The Lohuoh Qbaia Mabket— Tbo l.?uinn Mark Lino ExpreSi says of Kiglinh crop pros pentads —r*-, “ With another we*k of the Hoe harvest weather in tho uouth of Ragland, we rogr.t to say that wo tore not breo equally fa? ore J in North Britain ; while, in Ireland, especially tu the West, operations have beoa seriously ob et rue ted by henry value, and somo darnago to the crops by loyiog has been the coostqueoce ; though we hope not to guch a serious ox lent as some reports would hove us to believe Ia the latter country also, there are certain localities where the potatoes ore nnroistakeably bad, with a more general account as to injury in tho leaved and sterna, which in the case evou at Dublin, though the mischief as in aomo foiraer seasons, seems to be confined to tho growth above ground. *• Small deliveries of wheat have almost uni vorsally o taiuoJ, and though the country mar ketfl have, for th- reasons last Hated, respond ed to the metropolis in the advance noted on Monday, there was evidently a difficulty to plaoc balks in quantity at the enh&noemcnt, there be ing no threatening weather in England to giro a : farther impulse to prices, while the probability of a similar improvement in Germany anu Franco may lesson tho urg noy of Continental claims. The new simples, however, come very various : and many maintain that we are nof reapiog an average crop of wheat, complaints being louder, especially in the Fen oouatrios, as the sicklo progres es and samples appear Bat in spring corn we believe tho oft6o Is ro* vorßed; and thus America, with its reported abundance in tho Sooth, is pretty euro of an ex tensive European demand.” A oorreapodent of the Cleveland lender writ iog from Loavenwortli, Kansas, gives an ao oount of continued outrages by Missourians up. on the free state mon of Kansas. His Utter is dated on tho 2d of October. Oa tho first of Oo tober, tho oleotion of delegate to Congress took plftco the day previous under au aol of the bogus Legislature. The frpp otate in on took uo part In it. The writer says: On the day of election the motley crowd of voters, oompossd of Miesouriaus, recently nr arrived Virginians and drunken Indians, were addressed by pro slavery speakers from the steps of the hotel in this place. They perc told that slavery was right for JCsnsafl, and that Whitfield was tho true representative of Squatter Sove reignty, They went and voted, almost before the Missouri mud was dry upon their boots.— With rifles io their hands, knives in tboir belts, bottles in their pockets, and whLUey in their bellies, they swaggered around (bo polio, drink iog, swearing and shouting in devilish gleo and fiendish exultation over their fancied triumph. As the day advanced and night approachod they becftDiQ more noisy, turbulent and over bearing/ They marched through the streets, bespattered with mud, snoaring, yelling, swing ing their hats, and asking, ‘’where aro tho d--d abolitionists ?” “Lot’s cut the 0— d d—d whilo livered Yankees’ throats!” At that time one of our citizens—Mr James Fcirnom—wes pausing through tho streets. As ho passed iho hotel, ono of tho Missourians, who wore a white slouched bat, a grey ooat and a pair <-f greasy corduroy pants tucked into tho top of bis mud covered, cowhide boots, hailed him and asked him to come in and vote. Mr Furn&m do olined. Tbo man then asked him to “oomo and drink.” Ho deoliood that invitation also. One of the Missourians then asked httn “ why ka did not vote?” Mr. F. said “ bocauso Ido not consider the election legal.” “He is one of the O'—d d—d freo state men,” said tho crowd. Mr. F at this time seeing ho bad got into had oompany Started to go. But be was too late The crowd gathered around him, and began to ory out ** Hang him!” “Lynch him!” “Tar and feather tbo d—d yimkoe !" (Joe of the mob thon seized bold pf him Mr. Furnam being a tjuioU, powerful man, turned round and knocked hie assailant down, and fled. They gave cb&se, but could not over* take him. One of the desperadoes shot at him with & rifle. The ball pierced his hat, bat did not hart him, and striking a house, wont thro’ tho clapboards and killed a child which was playing on * the floor! Tho mother ran oat shrieking “murder!" “help!" The neighbors eame to hev assistance. The news spread. Toe free state men armed themselves. In the meantime another oitixen bad been in sulted in tho street, knocked down and stabbed. Thu was young Thomas Newman. He died this morning. The marauders began now to be alarm ed fit : their own aots. Abont a hundred free State men, veil armed, formed into a body and fpftyobed towards the hotel; but the Missourians had decamped- The free slate men pursued then to the ri very aßdono of tho bloody villains baa felt cold lead. ***** Thb Rock Island Bbidoh.— The bridge over the Mississippi at Rook Island, 111., is rapidly progressing. Four of tee piers are now built, and the fifth and last will be ready for the super structure in ail this month. It is thought that trains will Gross it in January and February. ■ -\.f • f'j V- .- v»„ THK JOURNAL KASSAS MUIIDBRS* -V , r i* * • . •:#.: - r- , ♦- ft. i. * -♦ V ~ *•— • ■'■ a ***! *" < £ >/ i? Jtr J FOREIGN NEWS, BY TUB STEiBBB CAHADA the War. Aotivo operations havo been resnmea in tbo Crimea. Prince Gortschakoff telegraphs, under date tho S 3 t September, that tho allies had landed 20,000 men at Eupatoria, and had 20,000 on the Russian flank. On the 22d, tho ailios attacked tho Russian infantry, and tho latter retreated to tho holghts over Rasta. Another doßpatoh from 'Gortschakoff, dated tho 26ib, statos that on the previous day 83, - 000 of tbo ailios had dobonobod from Eupatoria, and oconpied tho neighboring villages on the loft flank. • Tho Cossaoks had taken 26 prlsonors while foraging at Kertsoh. Despatches from Sebastopol of . the 10tb, an nonnoo that tho Rasalans were fortifying thom- Bolves in.the north part, and wore constructing new batteries; and that tho French wero ad* yanoing cavalry and a colnmh! of Infantry towards Baokshi-Serai by tho Balder road. ,A fearful tempest had ooonrrcd at Sebastopol, with Very heavy rains. Gortsohakoff reported on the 17th that the allies hod attempted nothing np to that data on tho north sido, but were ooncentrating their foroeß botween Balahlsva nod the Tohernaya, and constantly reconnoitering tho loft wing of the Russians from the Baldaf Valley. Letters from the camp mention that the allies were actively preparing for a campaign. Tbo oorreepondont of tbo Darla PaVric, under date September 2G, says: Ever sinoo tboir re treat, tho Russians have continued to fire oholle at us, and it would bo a mistake to suppose that oar armies in Sebastopol aro beyond tho range ol tho enemy’s batteries on tho northern shore and on the plateau. The balls from Fort Con stantino reach beyond Htrelitzka Bay, and they can very easily throw their projectiles into the town. As to the batteries of tho otbor forts, some of tbo gnns in them aro so powerful that they oan carry shot right over the town, and da execution in the advanced siego works; bat al though tho Russian fire dors not oeaso, it is not very aotivo. Tho artillery and engineers in So baetopol aro everywhere at work. Fort 8t Nioholas, wbioh was left almost intact, has been fortified, and its oannon already repllos to the enemy. Any attempt of tho Russians to return to tho place ic wholly oat of the question. Tbo Grand Bubo Conetantinc arrived at Ni coialcff od the 20ib, and it was eaid that tho Czar himself would shortly visit that place, to superintend tbo w<otor Crimean campaign. A loiter from Berlin, dated 231, says: 14 Various circumstances at St. Petersburg scorn to indicato that Prince Gortoohaboff will soou evacuato tho forts to the north of Sebasto pol, these forte being only strategical points, bat great preparations are making by the Russians for a winter campaign. Letters ffom Athens state that tbo nows of tho fall of Sebastopl had produced the greatest consternation among tho partisans of Russia, who were always boasting of the impossibility of tbo allies succeeding. Tbe Ministers waited on the French and English ambassadors, to offer their wannest congratulation*. Tbe Auairiau government has caused tbe pub lication of tho following announcement in its ao knowlfdged official organ, the Austrian Cor respondence : *' The now state of things may givo occasion to a diplomatic contest or a sanguinary strife i’Ctwreo Rus«ia and tbo Western Potrirs, bat It will in no way affect tho mediatory attitude of Anfdria From tho BlairtrlUe Ap*i*cliian noaaiQLti affaib. A Woman Murdered, and ktr body burned to «A -t» : -Her Husband charged with the Cttme. One c>f ibc most horrible and atrocious affairs it has ever bt«a our lot to record, occurred last week in r>errj township, Westmoreland connfy. On Sunday morning of last week, Mrs. Cor rigan, wifo of Hugh Corrigan, a farmer, who lives near tbc turnpike, about four miles vest of thin place, disappeared Her husband stated that she had left him 'hnd gene to Philadelphia,. They had been married about two years, and it wit* koowo that they frequently qaarrvlcd This circumstance, together wub a report that blood bad been seen abont tho bouse, led to saspioions that she had been murdered. On Thursday morning, smoko was seen aris ing frfim an old quarry on Corrigan's premises, Gome disUooo from the road. In a rather retired situation, which aroused tho horrid sospleion that the woman’s body might have boon taken thoro to bo consumeJ, *ud thus destroy the ovi donce of hot havtog boon murdered J (J Alter, who resides a short distanoo from Ibo place, vent down to tho spot, and found a largo firo, made of logs, brush, &o , and emit* ting a strong smell. On raking among the ash* os, bo drew out what eoemed to bo a portion of a btiraao shall. He mode thisd scovrry known, and afterwards aovoral otbor persons wont to tho firo. They found Corrigan there working at 1L He asked them what they wanted. They told him tbelr suspicions. He said tboy might search, but again ordored them off, nod said they wero trespassing on bis premises. Ho picked up a stone, and threatened to hit one of the persons, who approaohed; but tbo latter also drew a Btouo, whereupon Corrigan desisted, and short ly went away. They examined the fire, and ob tained more bones. lu the meantime, Corrigan was arrested, and in an examination before a magistrate at Bairds* town, the following facts were elicited : Tho persons who woot to make the arrost, state that thoy found tracks of a slod from the house to the quarry, and spots of blood along tbo way, also blood marks pq tbo sled On entering a room a little separated from tho otb* or part of iho boose, in one corner under the carpet was found a large stain of what appeared to bo blood, washed up—the spot still wot. On other parts of the floor and upon the door cheek woru (\leo spots of blood. Corrigan obieoted to their onteilng this room, saying It was his pri vate room. More bones were foond In the fire ; the bones of tho face wero found almost entire i —three or four teeth still adhering to tbo jaw. Tho remaips wero examiped by several phyel oisDs, and pronounced to bo thoso of a human being Mrs. Corrigan was in town on Saturday, and returned borne In the evening, slnoe whioh time she has not been soon. He himself stated that sho left oq Sunday morning to go to Philadelphia —that be gave her $2B, and they separated In good humor—and be h&s not seen her sinoo. It appears that on Sunday, he wont to a woman, named Mary Callahan, who formerly lived with him as his wife, and bae borne him ohildren, ono of whom was living with him, and told hor that his wife had left, and ho wanted her to toko charge of tho house an 4 attend to tho ohild, whioh was sioU- She wept accordingly, and alaid there, whilo Corrigan went to Pittsburgh. He started on Sunday evening and returned on Tuesday night. Before leaving, ho looked the room above mentioned, taking the key with him. In Ibis room, some provisions wero kept. Ho gave her somo moal previous to starting. $o bis return ho went into tbo room with bor, to get more. Sbo says abo did not observe any thing suspicious in the room; though she did uut examino particularly, merely going to tho barrel to got what sho wanted, and then going out again. When they went out, he again look ed the door. On Thursday morning ho pretendod to believe that his wifo was with some of tbo neighbors, and threatened to prosecute any ono who would barber her. When asked about her murder, he said it was all moonshine—some of tho neigh bors bad got up tho would be all right in a few days. After the bearing, tbo accused was committed to answer tho charge of murder, and was taken to the Allegheny oounty jail, to awaithis trial. There o&n be no doobt that a most horrible murdor has been oommitted. The woman was probably killed on Saturday night, aad her body locked up until Wednesday night or Thursday morning, and then taken to the fire and con sumed. Tho circumstanpcs even exoeed in atrocity those of tbo celebrated Webster case a| Boston somo j oars ago. Corrigan is troll known in this oommnnity, and has not homo a good oharnoter for many years. Ho is about fifty or sixty years of age. Farther examinations hare since boon made of the premises, and in tbo oorncr of the room where the a; poaranoe of blood was, it has boon found that a considerable quantity of blood ran down an opening botwoen the flooring and logs, staining the lattor, and lying in a olotted mass on tbo ground. A pair of Corrigan's pantaloons, stained with blood, wore also found. Some bed olothes, wot, as though rooonlly washed, but still showing statna of blood, wore soon on Mon day morning hanging on n tattoo Hoar the bonso. There is mnoh oxoltemonl In the neighborhood in regard to tho awful affair, and a groat many persons hare visited the premises. Hast week, betwoon tho (into the murder is supposed to hare boon oommlttod, and the burn ing of tho body, Corrigan was In this city, In at tendance on the District Court as a witness. He then manifested no eigus that snob a horrible orime was weighing upon his oonsolene. " 1 * * ’ *fc' V GREECE. AUSTRIA. : * ; *•* r. + * * 0 \ r W . _'r ' w * + • Life in California. [From the National Intelligencer j h&vo bceu favored with tho following ex tract of a totter from a resident at San Franois oo to bis friend in Washington : ‘ san Francisco, Sept. 4, 1866. crops aroj-fio far beyond our own wants that shipments oontinue to go forward in largo quantities. Gao bouso bore, owns a very largo steam Souring mill, has shipped 9,000 barrels to Liverpool and 7,000 to Australia, whither they aro now preparing to send 10,000 barrels moro. Tho orop there last season was very short, al most an entire faiture; nod do you know they hsvo two and a half millions of inhabitants? Only think what a foundation for a future empire! From natural increase and from immigration our children now living will at tho oloee of the present centur/see them number fifteen to twen ty millions, nod at the oloso of another oentary there wIH be eighty or one hundred millions, whUst&t the same period there will be within the present limits of the United States three bnndred millions of pooplo 1 But to return from this digression. I am of opinion that flour and grain wilt not be very low this season; for I see but little prospect of peace luEarope, and war,*basideB being a sad waster of food, withdraws a targe number of producer* from their usual employment. Still, howevor, the heavy orop wbioh has been sooured in the Uhltod States may keep prioos at moderato rates, pOftloularly if they have anything like an aver age orop In Europe. In reply to your question as to the prospects for a young mao to come out bore, 1 would say 1 should hesitate to recommend any one to aban don the civilization, so to speak of the Atlantic for the barbarism of the Pacifio, and particular ly a very young man, to whom tbo temptations for evil would be so etroog here. Health and cli mate alone reoommend this place. It Is almost impossible to oonoeive how one is rejovinated and invigorated by this truly delightful olimate. The thermometer one day went up (by aooideot, I suppose) to 90; the next highest was 80, but it ranges in summer from 68 to 68. For tho past six weeks it has not variod from that range, and no rain for six months, wbioh gives a secur ity for the ripening and ingathering of tho orops possessed by no other country. Fevers are al most unkuown, epidemics entirely so. No Spread of the cholera when the steamers arrive on board of which there may havo boon groat mortality whilst oh their possago up the Psoifio. Our markets aro abundantly supplied—beef 2&<and mutton 19 cents; vegetables very plenty, and snob vegetables! melons and grapes very abundant and cheap; other fruits dear. You can Uvo here at preaoot as to comfort better than In New York. Bat os to the moral etato of tbo country, it is horrible! One of the papers gives ns a monthly ohroniclo of deaths by vloleoce, principally by murder or lynching. From the Ist of January to the let of August this year there were 322 in tho Slate, looloding two law fully hanged. U not this awful? Upwards of twenty were recently lynched in one plaoo for being concerned (or tutpecled) in some whalesalo robberies. Street encounters are so common boro that no one is surprised at their announce ment in tho morning papers. Two years since any man oould make money in Califonia; now it is the reverse, and the scramble for office from the first to the lowost is truly terrific. Tbo Sheriff's office, even at the reduced foes, is worth at least $50,000 per an num, Recorder of Mortgages $20,000, and so of other?. Think of tho numerous aspirants and tho dosperate means thoy are willing to employ io order to lueuro success. To-morrow is the grand doy for tho shoulder strikers, the ballot staffers, tbo rowdies, and tho bullios, and thoy will all be let loose and hounded upon each otbor anjf the community by their respective em ployers. Both Steamers leave in tho morning ; go you must await the next mail far the rosult. Pray Heaven it may not bo as generally antici pated l L An Adventure A few weeks sinco, a young lady, says tbc Liverpool Courier, about twenty years of age, a resident in Birmingham, came to Liverpool on a visit to a relative. After tupper on Saturday, •bo retired to rest, accompanied by ber cooaio, a girl about Boveoteen years of ago. Tbo bed room door was not looked, but barred . and the front door locked, barred and chained About threoo'clock on Sunday morning, tho last men tinned and was surprised that she was tho sole oceopont of tho bed Sho koocked against the partition that separated her bedroom from that of Lor mother, and shortly tbo inmates of tho establishment were up, and tho greatest consternation prevailed. Every room was searched and rcsesrohed, and cupboards exami ned, but in vain ; tho joang lady was no where to be found. Tbo head of the family is at Boa, anJ tho only male persons in tho bouse wore two lads. Thoy dressed thcmsolves, and on going to the front door found that the abain bad been unhooked, tho bar drawn, and tbo Joor unlock ed, whilo on tbo doorstep, outside, they discov ered a silk neckerchief whioh they knew to bo long to their cousin. Two of the party proceed ed op and two down Upper Parliament street, but could see nothing of their relativo, neither could they learn any thing from the police. As tho day dawned, and objects became more visible a figure was dceoried moving aorosß the field. Tho aunt, nieoe, aad a domestic servant hasten ed to overtako the person, and bad tho melan choly satisfaction of finding the young lady un harmed, but in a state of Bomai>mbaUsm, walking with slow and measured steps, and only partially dressed. With a want of judgment oxousable ander tho oiroamstances, the aunt instantly caught ber neioe In her embrace, tbe othors following ber example, and using loud terms of endoarment to arouse ber. But her restoration to consciousness was fearful, and the scone al together, If fully described, woald read more like a romance than reality. Tbo unfortunate young lady was assisted back, and, on arriving hamo it was found Bho had no stockings on, and bad loot ono of hor slippers ; in foot, that sho was ol -d in very little more than hor night dross. Sho can give no explanation how she left tbo boose, got over a etilo, and Into the field, or anything else in referenfio to tho affair. Sho wept long and bitterly after her return, and In deed became very ill and still remains so. OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA BAJXBOAD THE ONLY RAILRQAP IIUHBISti WJfiS-? KBOH" PITTSBURGH. Tbs Vast Tsajes leaves at 3 A. M.. through to Cincinnati In boon and 40 minutes. Mail Thais lzavb av 8 A. M. Bx*ss3»Toaqi « aj aP. M. Those Trains all make close connections at Crestline, and the first two connect at AlUancs. Tbc direct route to Bt. Louis Is now open, via. Orestiino and Indiana polls, 100 milofl shorter than via. Cleveland. Connections are made at Mansfield with the Newark and Sandusky City road. and atOrestUno with three roads concentrating there. For particulars see handbills. No trains run on Sunday. Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Louisville Bt. Louis, Inhlauapolla, Chicago, Hock Island, Port Wayse, Olprelaod, shd tho principal Towns and GUiea In the West. ■The NEW BRIGHTON ACOOMMoDATION TRAIN wUI leave Pittsburgh at 4.46 P. M., and Ncn at 7.30 A.M. For Tickets and further information, apply to J. G. CURRY, At tho corner office, uodor the ilouonguhola Qouse- Or, at the Federal Street Station, to * GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent Pittsburgh, July 23,1855. (jy'J4) OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD, BBINO TUB Continuation of the Ohio and Penna. R. a, TQ PQBT WAYNE, tnaxi amfnat]} aiu> xxonvsci anus reou rnnmoßae. 89* Trains connect at CreetUno, without detention, with all tAe Trains on the Ohio and Patna. Road , and also at Forest with Trains going North and South, on the Mad RlVer and Lake Erie Railroad. For Tickets, apply at the Railroad Offices of the Ohio and Petmsjlvnpt* l(&iJroqd Company In Pittsburgh, Alle gheny City, or at any of the following points: > Fort Wayne, BellefOOtaine, Cincinnati, Urbana. Dayton, Springfield, Indianapolis, Richmond, i Tiffin, , Findlay. Feraoos desiring Tickets will be particular to ask for a Ticket by the Ohio and Indiana Railroad. J«U_ J. 11- BTIiAUGIIAN, Bap’t. JOHN COCHKAIV & BROS. MANUPAOTUREES OV IRON raiding, iron vaults VAULT DOOftB, Window Shutters, Window Guards, &c, Sloe, Bl Beoond street ud 66 Third si (asTWfI»M Wood 4ia kunr.) PITTSBURGH, fJL, Uati od hand a variety of new patterns ancy an. Pikin, roitrtUe for all purpose*. Particular attention paid toendoaiag Grave Lota. Jobbing done at short notice- | m!B S. M’KEE St CO-. Bfl’KEE'9 PptytySYLV ANIA GLASS Aft BIfSS 9? ; WINDOW GLASS, Extra, Double Strength, Imitation Crown and Ruby Vlala, Flasks, Pickle and Preserve Jar*; Wine, Porter and Mineral Botflee; ■Telegraphic & Lightning-Rod Insulators. BBOOND, BSTWKEN WOOD A MAUK.KT BTB., rmoDoauH, ruin*. ** ol * anort distance from the Steamboat landing, and from MonoDgaheialioußa,Bt,Charlefl,and Oily Hotel, [arfli J. H. J0ff85......... g. D. DBNUT _ JONES & DENNY, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, aplSj 61 WATBH BTBSLT, PITTSBURGH. ■'.-hi r. *’ * • - ’ ..»V ! * - r » , «•*;s* - 49* Woraiil Worm® l—A great many learned treatise* have been written, explaining tbe -orlgiu Of, and classifying the worms generated In tie human' system. Scarcely any topic of medical science'has elicited more acme observation and profound research; and yetphysi* olana are very much divided in opinion on the. Subject It must he admitted, however, that, after all, a mode of ex pelling these worms, and purifying the body from their presence, is rf more value thatfthe wisest disquisitions as to their origin. Such an expelling agont has at length been found. Dr. M'Lane’s Vermifuge proves to be the ranch sought after specific—lts efficacy being universally^acknowledged by the entire medical locally. As further proof, Tead the follow-* lag from a Udy— odo of oar own citizens s Nrw Yoke, October 16,1862. This Is to certify that I wss troubled for more than a year, i was advised to ase &PLafie'Aceldhsa. ted Vermifuge. I took one bottle* which brought 4W»y about fifty worms; I commenced Improving at am now perfectly wall. The public can learn tny name, and further particulars, by applying to ttn. Hardir, No.'s Manhattan Place, or to B. L. Tbeall, Druggist, epxner of Entger and Monroe streets. ; ’' 49* Du M’Laoe?* caiebrated Vermifuge, also his genuine Liver Pills, can now behtd aft all respectable Drug Stores In the United States andU&nede. Also, for sale by the so e proprietors, , niStiN a to J, EbJd A Om, octlaiew No. 60 Word street, corner of fourth. inhalation for Diseased Litogil The mode of Inhalation, In cased of diseased longs and throat, recommended by Dr. Our Us in hie advertisement, strikes us as the troe one. It Is now generally admitted by. our best phytiolana, that local difficulties can oalybe snc* cesafully treated by local applications. This practice has been pursued from the first with respect to external Inflam mation and corrosions, and we eee not why dlseasea of the, throat and lungs may not be treated in the same manner; we believe they may. In this variable climate of oars, where lung and throat complaints have become so preva lent and rife, we earnestly recommend to the public, andf to Ote ajjticled especially, to avail themselves of Dr. Curtis remedy.—{Ono who has tried, it.J See advertisement in this paper. Ctmfton—Do. Crons’ HYGBANA is the original and, only genuine article. ssp&Swdaw • 49** Ague and Fever of Three Tears 1 Standing Cnrcdt—Mr. John Longdtn, now living at Beaver Dam, Usnover county, near Richmond, had Ague and Fever for three years; most of the time he had chills twice a day, and rarely leas than once: he was parched with fevers as Boon os tho chill left him; and after trying physicians, quinine, most of the tonics advertised, and everything recommended to him, was about to give up In despair, when Carter's Spanish Mixluro was spoken Of: ha got two bottles, but before be bad used more than a single out, he was perfectly cured, and has not bad a chill or *erer elnoe. Mr. Lon;deo Is only one out of thousand* who have been benefited by this great tonic, alterative and blood pu rifier. See advertisement aepA-lm 43“ Stocking* and Hosiery for Winter* —lf you don't went your feet pinched with-had and short Stockings, yon will take our advice and go to. & DALY'S/ corner of Market alley and Fifth street, and buy ebmnof (bos* elegant Fine Stockings, that make your feet feel nice and comfortable. DALY also makes and sella every vari ety of Hosiery that you can mention, at wholesale and retail. Remember tho place, corner of Market alley anl Fifth street. ' oet4 esr Batokelor , a Bair Dye.— Fifteen medals and diplomas, EIGHTY THOUSAND APPLICATIONS 09 THE I' IIiITABLB, attest tho public appreciation black bair, os troo to tutor* os nature's self, is ppaduced INSTANTLY, vltboat a chance of falling Or.to akin or heir. Made and sold, or applied, nibs!private roams,) at BATCHELOR'S old established tvig X'S Broadway, New York. £o!d, wholesale and retail, by 1 r. GEO. H. KEYBKB,T4Q Wood street. cdlidaw ' FOR THE FAIR OarCiticcDs and Blraogers visiting the Fair, In want of a IIAT or CAP of tho latest stylo, would do well to call and examine oar stock, as we are determined not to be uuii-ntuid. QuLk talcs and small profits. MORGAN A 00., No. 164 Wood etraet, ocßl One door from Sixth. Received, at Grlbble’a, a splendid uw."rim«it of Fail and Winter Ooodfl, of every description, enniMtag of Plush, Grenadine, Valent la and Figured Vestings, Doeskin and Fancy Oasalmeres, Cloths, Overcoat* iogs, Ac., Ac. AUa, Gent*' Furnishing Hoods in great ymxh rty. which will ha sold low for cash. No. £4O Liberty street. wp!7 X» El ATS, HATS.—Webave received our FALL -jamui oF BILK HATS, wbfrbArilL be found, on In* * mat and gW article. A good Hat for 13, and an extra one for (4, CAH'knd sbo* 1: _ .Ir- ? MORGAN A C0nN0.164 Weodtat, Next house to the new Presbyterian Church, ... . Ooodoorfrom.Sixthstreet. . IT5 8 We have Jmt rieilvcilf hr Exprekir Ut£T a large lot of PLANTER'S, HUNGARIAN and Other; SOFT HATH, oi latest style, which we vRI sail 0* low Rtf cash as any hotuo in the city. Call and see MORGAN A 00 n 164 Wood street, aag2s next boose to the new Presbyterian Church. 1 PITTSBUaGH Life, Firo and Marins Insurance Company; CO as SR OF WATER A&’D MARKET STREETS, prTTSBUuon, pa. ROBERT GALWAY, President . Jas. D. M’Giu, Secretary. This Company makes every Insurance appertaining to <s> oomwted with LIFE RISKS. Also, against Hull and Cargo Risks on tba Ohio and Ml#* «l»ippl overs and tributaries, and Marina Risks generally. And against Loss and Damage hy Fire, and against iho Perils or the Boa and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies Issues! at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. DiesoToas: Robert Oaiway, Alexander Bradley, JamesB. Hood, John Fullerton, John M’Alpln, Samuel M’Clurkan, William Phillips, James W. Hallman, John Scott, Chaa. ArbutbUfit, Joseph P. Gaxsam,M. D., David Richey, James Marshall, John 1 Horatio N. Lea, Klttannlng. feblT Pennsylvania Insurance Company OP PITTSBURGH, * # Comer of Fourth and Smithfleld streets. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $300,000. lsatJki Buildings and otbor Property against Lois IrvSr or Damage by Fire, and the Perils pf the Baa and Inland Navigation and Transportation. D(RB0T0B8: Wn. F. Johnston, Body Patterson, Jacob Printer, A. A. Carrier, W. M’CUntock, Kennedy T. Friend, James 8. Negtey, W. 8. Haven, D. R. park, 1. Grier Sproul, Wade Hampton, D. M. Long, A. J. Jonas, J.H. Jones, H. 1L Ooggfchail, OFFI0BB8: President ~..U0n. WM. F. JOHNSTON. Vice President BODY PATTERSON. Sep]/ and Trtastsrtr.k. A. CARRIER. Assistant Secretary Ji. 8. CARRIER. fje^ily EUREE4 QOMPANY QE PITTSBURGH. JOHN H. BHQHNBERQER, PwsmiHT, ROBERT FINNEY. BmttAET. a W. BATCHELOR, GswKiLkL AOBtV. WILL IKBURB AGAINBT ALL KISDS MARINE ANd'fißE RISKS. DIRECTORS: J. U. ShoeoWger, G. W. Chco, 0. W. Batchelor, VZ.JL Sfflck, laaa? M. Pencoclj, T. BvUpdike, W. W- R. D. Ooobran, R. T. Lewih, Jk, John A. Canghey, Goorge 8. Selden, 8.8. Bryan, David McCan^leas. AU leases Bustained by partiee Insured, under polk ciea issued by this Company wifi be Übenlly and promptly paid at Its Qfflg«, No. Ufl WATER street, fjyll JONES. TIERNAN & CO.. (SDOOBSSO&8 TO MURPHY, TIB&NAS 6? 00.,) Have in Bto re and fob bale, a hancLsoms issovt ment of seasonable DRY GOO US, To which thyr invite the attention of puroliseen. sgp29.-d2wawlm ! PEARL STEAM MILL, Allegheny. FLOOR DELIVERED TO FAMILIES ;in either of the two Cities. Orders may be left at tbe Mill, or In boxes at the stored of LOGAN, WILSON A CO., 62 Wood btreat. BRAUN A RBITBR, corner Liberty ami Bt. Clair fits U. P. SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. tiaqs: oasn, oji rillvibt. . iy29 BRYAN, KENNEDY A CO. A CARD. t I HAVE Just received from tho Eastern Cities, a stock of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, embracing the most complete variety of OLOTUS. OABBIMBIUSB and TEST* INUS that I have ever hitherto c Carol to the public. Besides a large number of BLACK CLOTHS, of which I have always kept a good assortment, I have been at con siderable pains to select (tome choice Fancy Colore, among which are DAHLIA, SYLPBIDE, ROYAL PURPLE; DOTTLE, MEADOW and INVISIBLE GREENS; with' several shades of BROWN and BLUB. Also, of f ANOY CASSIMEBKB an elegant variety of tho highest grades, Qwinprising many handsome PLAIN DUAL and grounds, as well as tho latest Flgarod styles.. And of CASHMERE, VELVET and PLUSH VESTINGS an. un usually large selection —tho latter embracing several deli cate patterns not readfly obtained. I have procured the services of Mr. JNO. OABPEKTfSB : as Foreman, familiar to the trade in the West as the in*. renter of “ Carpenter's Bale.” Having made all the hlce ties of cutting, the chief study of his life, and being endowed with a large fond of experience from a practice of seventeen years, there la little donbt of his ability to please all whole custom he may attract. My stock of BOYS* GLOTHINO is much larger than ai any former period, exhibiting all the variety of styles com mon to the season* and at very low rotes. SOLOMON BTONEB, CTpgfctlawlm Me. HO Wood street. A BARGAIN OFFERED. THE nnderslgood offers for .sole BIX LOTS of ground fronting upon and adjoining the Depot Of (La Pitts burgh and Connellsvilfe BaihracL in the growing and thriving Borough of M KBgPOBT. Four of tho Lotaaro 37)4 feet la Width by abon«l»'ixr depth, fronting at one end on the Depot, and at theotte on Sinclair street s and two of them fronting for, ..theirahold length on other Also —TWO LOTS, 87 feet in width, jfrontlng the other' side of the Depot, and in depth 121—one of tho Lots bor dering length on Jerome Btreet. No better property can be found, and it will be sold low Part of the payment taken In stock of the Oonnellsvilla Railroad, If desired. GEO F. (JILLMO&K, Office of the Morning Poet Pittsburgh, August 31,1866.—[dswtf •.»xW'V s r - - . rt****'' Oo Thursday, Ociober 11. by Rev. Ur Brjsn, Mr. AL FRED P. WALL and SARAHE. QABB, both of Allfgheny. NEW, ABTPBTISEMENTS 49- I«nport*nt-tb F«rat(i-.i«w Dlicov •rI POWDIB.—The e Pow< den are fcond ppund picltii aixd aM riaHy a good article, not only for th&dlSttab incident'to Wars, cowt , twine , and other anlmsliltbut'they are likewise an excel* lent article to improve the condition of the animal. ' For MUch Cbw*, they not-only Improve the condition o f •milch eowe, but they increase the quantity as well a» im prove this quality of milk and butter. The proprietors say that It Increases the quantity of butter from half a pouid to a pound a Weth 'to each end, while those persons who J»va .tried jl asy a pound and a half to twd psunds W week, wlth thVftiiaV'klhd cffeedlng one yrlUuseltaU the time, and WrVmohey ty thb operaUoh hi Well as improve the appearance ofithels ktock. Price 25cta. a paper; 6 pa* pen for fiL GIEO- H. KEYfiEB, Corner Wood si rest and Virgin alley, . oct!2 ' Wholfßaleaudßetalldgflnt OEOOND HAND PIANQ&—One CJ£ OCUvePISDO forte P In elegant Rosewood case, withcarved moulding and Iron freme; warranted to be in perfect order. $226.:, One 7% octave Plano Forte, fa Mahoganycaro. ,1176. . One 0 n One e « * “ . . « ; a giop. One 0 u *♦. .«. r j.7s' For sal# by OHARLOTTE BLUUE, nct!2No. US Wood street, 3d flooraboTQ Fifth. " LADIES' CLQAfiS^TiLMAS,4c.—A. A. MASON ACO. hare J flat opened some 300-more dotks and Teltjtav ofifae newest and-most elegant designs toCloth.-Velvet, Uolpb AnUqn^Ac, TjON NETS—IOO moreoftbeuftvt >fhahlonable styles and 15,colors of Satin«nd Velvet Bonnets, of thalrdwhand Easton manufecture-ready far exhibition. . A. A. MASON AW, *ctl2 • 26,Ffth street. HOUSEKEEPING GOODK-rA very large and varied as sortmentof every description of Housekeeping Hoods |Mt received fey . [octlgj u 8 A« A; MASON A CO. TWO HORSE W AGQN AT. AUOTIb iNttOu SATURDAY ftl OBNING, October 13ih> at llcfclocih atthe 06nun»- clal Salesßcoins, earner of wood and-Fifth will be sold one substantial- well finished, new TWO HOBSS FABUSES' WAGON, which cost 163. ocH2 : : ■ - P. M. PAYia/Auctloueer. TTIOKQK'S HEW MILL AND WINE PBESS-A co* ii stint supply 3rlithaJtept,on hand from this date, price $SS,at the Seed and Agricultural Btore, 47 Fifth etwt,by ; (octtfc2tw«l JAMEBWABDBOP. IkLOOME—IOO tons Like Champlain: \<s MJ 75 « Juniata; {ot sale by ccm • > JOHN MOORHEAD. PIQ IRON—2OO tons Nee. 1 and 2 Anthracite; 100 * Juniata; 200 « Allegheny; 60 “ Coke; for sale by oct!2 JOHN MOORHEAD, / vNLY $1)200 foratwo story Dwelling Hoaea, with attire room In front, and five other rooms and a hall; also a back building of t»o .rooms. Thelol ls!7 foot front on Robinson street, Allegheny, by 77 deep, to an alley.’ This property to In good order and will ha sold on easy terms. . B. CUTHHRBT A BON, oitl2 - 63M*rket street. YABIKTrKB— The Pocket Calendar, or Revolving Aims* nee; Pocket Mementoes, Fancy Emery Bags, Suow’a Bchool Pen, Pistol Pencils for boys, Bair Broshes, Pearl Ponder, Herpeilo Soap, Rosemary for the hair, 4o„ always On hands and for sale bj 8. L. CDtHBERT, octtg. -■ > S 3 Market street. UNDE&BUXBS&ANDDRAWER&— Just received an assortment of Caahmera, Bcoicb Wool, Shaker l ftnit Lamb's Wool; Merixfo, flhamoto, IS Thread 811 k and Stout Bilk; and'American Wool Wrapper*,*! thaPPBMjgINQ HOUSE Of ":- ■ L. HiasnmLß A 80N, odlS Ho.7oWood street. POUTE HOSNAIE3, CANES A!*D VALlSES—Justre ceived, a full supply of tha abcHre goodrbr L. MBSfIFIBLDABON, oetlS . Na TOWood-streefc- I'itAVEUJta SHAWLS, MUFfLFBS AflD BCAR|K-~ Just received, a fine assortment of ficoleh aM Bay State Shawls; and BUb, Gusllle. G*ahmeraAb<i=VelTet Muffler®, ai.. L. BIfiSHPIEU>#fiOK. «U 2 . ~ Hd.TOWbbdalmt, tIHINA TBA JSTORE.—SO chests of Black Teas of the /.finest qualities; SO cheats Young Hyson, King Chop and Aloyane, other grades, just receivedby Ifc DRAVC, octl3 No. 1 Diamond, O UGAR—2& bbta.Lordrtag'S Crushed, I'ulTerited; Coarse O Pulverized and Clarified Sugars* A hbda.jLoveriog'e Syrup, unequalled for fineness of StTor, just received by octM P. B. BRAVO. CHEESE—2DO boxes prime W. &. Cheese Just received J‘ and for Sato by (oct!2] , . , P. XL DRAVO. i,'llU-&(Wtta. Drum Cod can; . Jj 5 bhla. 80. 1 Mackerel; 2 do do Salmon; lost received by octia , f. b. bravo. BOOEA HECBIVfiD Tt>l>AY, AS Datisos’s Ghiaf Boosbtom, 65 ilaxket, roar Fourth it Taylor*# India, China and Japan; UUdroth’a Japsnos it wu and is; Bakst** BsrivU Sermons, both series; Harpers’ Btorj 80. ks, with numercuaaad beaniifnl en gravings; First Principles oi Chemistry, llimtrated by a series of tbs most recently discovered and brilliant experiments known to ecisnco; Sidney Smitb*a life; Sidney Smith 1 * Moral Science; .f|^ r by Baogener; IJamj'fllt&storioof Conversation; Tfaelindof brooby Keith vAgnewcntbaßebbath; LamtrUne’flUUfitm^oftboQlronJlsta; Humboldt's Cosmos; Coleriil£&> Complete Works, 7 vote; Bencrott’s Utanxyaml Historic*! Miscellanies, plain end half calf; Prime's Snivels fa tbs last; Abbott's History ofNapoleott Bonaparte; Hawn's Letter* to JUibop Hughes jKyenlugj at Homs; My Jlolbaria BIhle; from BugiUh History; Franconia Stories; Evening? wlth-ihnPropfcstt; Henry** OogUßggttiy, new end: elegant edition, large tlpar Laaiia*s Sermons: Adventures of Amyasld«h Efamilsy;. filiiiLiod &t!f Bu^ Btodtaione;. Abtbotfs Classics; - Ijqodls* Astronomy anil ■ ,: ; e,. Kew Bookatecdvid almost dally. A new supply ef elegant end plain EsgUah Ighl<w,aoT7ie gtJl, wltb ilaap aodpsalms, da 60 cents.. octlt Booksi • Abbott 1 * Napoleon, in 2 vole: Bayard Taylor# great work oa Japan, fifth supply; Pbyrieal Geography of the Bc*, by hleat. Maury ; „ Cosmos, by Humboldt, In 4 vw* > i'dlcUat .ft metrical ramanne, by Elizabeth 0. Klnneyr A Hnufart Ufa In Africa, by R. q., Omnmlng; Walkss, or Adnmtoreabxt the llosqcito Shore, by S. A. Bard*. 1 Qanlnjof lUiy,by fter.EobertTambull; life of Chsvauev Beyard; Alta Bee he;Vßacclptßook; Travel* In Europe and the East, by 8. J. Primo; Cora and the Doctor: Bidden Path, by author of “Alone;” Japan aa it iru and 1* by B. Hildreth ; Doeaticka;. , Star Paper*,by H. Ward Beecher; History of Hen Fever, by Burnham: Bit* ot Blarney: *" Mrs. BUs£jDo<st Qppk; Tho MatchOW: * The Victim; lova as life in 1855; Escaped Nun ; ! Btoy Book, neatly betod in 10 tola—the best books to ehQdten extant; ' Oakfield, by W.D. Arnold; r Llpplncou** Gazetteer of the World. Also, a large assortoentof School Book* Stationery, Ac., which will be Bold 10 per cent, loser than can be bad eDo where. Uamombm to call at octll LAPEFm'3 Bookstore. No. SO fifth »*_ NKVTPUflblOitlOtiS- ' ’ Itolu. Ohlni and Japan; Tbs Deserted Wlla; ' 1 , Xowaaaltli; ' *°b U j ha B ' ' * me9 ‘ The Ydlow Maak,byCharies Blchent; She Bcboolboy, - do ■ BsrenPoor Trawlero, do LUxlslelgh, , : do , Calderon, the iConrtiec! by Bli H. L. Bnlwer. Jut teceiTed and <br aale at W. A. aiLDESFENNEY A ca’fl, OC-Ul . ... fifth Bt, opposite the Theatre. FIPULAR BOOKS AT 12U; oknts— SevunPoor PcaTßllera, by Charles Dickens; Llrzis Leigh, and the Miner’* Daughter*, by DSoken&; The Schoolboy, and other Stories by the Christmas Fire, by Charles {tokens; The Yellcnr Mask, by Oharlealtokens; BUter Uo-fl, do Mother anil Step-Mother, do For solo by H. MINKS * CO., w‘n No. 32 Smlthfleld street. _ IJB. A. TUBJf BUlali, ACCUSE AND AC HI ST, from Inodonrhas taken Booms Vf at ihaMONasakHELAHOTSBIn thlseUy, where he *lll remain lor aFSW WBEKS, ana may bo soon by thoso eho may haTe occasion to require hlseerv Ices. oel&Iwd ■ ' . .’ j. "'' * sTV *O,OOO BHBLLOYSTEBSJust received aWI I ajfendfor sale at the comer of HAND and LIB mHr BRTY street*. We larlte the olthansor Pitts- Wi burgh to come and try them. Wa also keep constantly onihand CAN OYSTERS, sold wholesale and retail. nmUles supplied With Shell Oysters at filly and seventy-are rants per handled, by . - peta . ' - : CHAB. KIMBLB. - Klectlon notice. TtQB Stookholders Of the Pennsylvania Insurance Com pany. of, Pittsburgh, aro hereby notified that the An-- nnal Mention for Directors for said Company will be hot it at the oOoe, corner,of Fourth and Bmlthfiold streets, on MONDAY, the 6th day of-NoTambbr, 1866, at 10 o’clock A. M. foctfttd] A. A. OaltniKa, Bec’y. riuiK RNOYOIfiPEDIA OF QHRMIfITBY, Practhalsnd 1 Theoretical: era bracing Its-application to the Arts; Metallurgy .’Mineralogy, 0 oology, Medicine and Pharmacy. By James C. Booth, A. M.,M. A.P.&, Metier and Bsfinar In the United States Mint, Professor or Applied Chemistry In the Fnnklln Instltnte; assisted by Campbell MorfitC author of “ Applied Chemistry “ and-“Uhemlcal Manhmla dons ” Second edition; For eels by * octfi ... . B. T. C. MOBQtN, lot Wood st SBAWLSISUAWLSII-A. A. MASON A CO. are now receiving the largest and most desirable assortment of Shawls over offered In this market, comprising tbs newest and most faahlonabto stjlesin Long end Sunare Bay Stats. Kmptre State, Scotch, Thibet, Stella, Cashmere, An; also, O vary elegant assortment of Long and Square Brocfas oct6 WATCHES, JBWBDIIY, AO —dost returned from the But, and now opening a large and;splendid assort bjgbbde In Oy line, which wIU he sold at low prices. AB~ Watches repaired in the beat manner. Jewelry made to order end repaired. Silver Ware manufactured. *»• W. W. WILSON, “e* 3 P Market street, corner of Fourth. SIX AOUKS OF CaOKHI LAND FOB BALE—With' e good Dwelling House, BprlngHouse, Carden, As.; all under good fence, and In cultivation; situate about eight miles from the city. Price A7OO. Terms easy; eett a CPTHBEBT A BON, & Msrk.t .1 FOB HALLS AND DININQ BOOMS—Oak Weln'scotlnm and Gelling* of SUsabethlan style; Mar bits io every variety, ybrsaleby W. P, MARSHALL ACO SILK fIUIBTS AND BBAWEBS—Just received, an *s- BOrtmsnt or 3,8, 9 and 13 threads Silk Shirts and Drawers, of ell cites: by octl , L, HIRBHFIKLD A SON. FLBMINQ’B BOOK-HERPINO—New erJltionofFlejitogß Book-Keeping, Just pabllshsd asd fit sals by W. RHAVEN, Bookseller, octs ~ Vf.rVflt street, coroer of Second. 'rtNVELOPEB-Blus laid, white laid, white wore, cream Ur laid; 1 buff !wotci DuffJeH; amber lald,dama«k tail, enameled, end every variety of ootsi, letter and tenDEnvc lopea, for sals by . foctdl i-. l-r. W. 8. HAVkN. PIQ METAL SOALBt—TWO'eaCondihaud'Plg JlbtAl Scales In vtofe and (by sale' by’ 1 petit ATWBLL, leb A 00. DTTKB—7 keg* fresh for sale by octll SMITH, MAIB A HUNTEB. , rV '■ MARRIED, ctiicr nulla. =BE * - HOST BXTBAOBJOTABY HAOHISK, . (Whlch-uok tbe Diploma atu» New Ydtfc State Tatr.lßM. ■■■■'■'--ni4nT»nt«QM,AIMJ, i FOR HEMOVXjGr.CK. , CORN FROM THE COB ! aaTE OUALLENQE any Machine fa to'ap' Ff-proachltlu om and *. RAPIDITY OP HAND WORKING t u f-r ; - ; :It .laft& eptirs new. principle, : NEVER BEFORE DISCOVERED! ” AHD A GREAT CUniOSITVJ A boy lEyoare old wlll shell from seventy (o eighty bu*h eleof Oorn-lq a day, (without fatigue) oT*ithcrdry, tfainp lt .from the. Cub.. thocom require!, Kveiy karual ia^empvcd-front afiySlrtr destroying tven tto husk in-which the corncrowp. Instead of ctmhlog .the Cc rn oil the fob, It is aa a child would do with his fingers. It picks off the fair ■'Every, farmer knows no muchinehas; 100,000 of.thtie Machines AKB UttDBR CONTRACT, MAKING AT DIFFERENT POINTS! *n» autiro .‘-.A FOR TBBSB REMARKABLE MACHINES, .Kxeeede : rbrTmlhsr description, eea , “HSW YOBK. TBIBVKE EXTJty end deny papers. ® le le.no Citeh«penny Humbug: THEBE 13 A PILE OP MONEY In tbit Monopoly! . /> Welnrtto those who want to.make the “ Rccke, 1 ’ tdeall at M JfASONIG HALL. WOOD WELL’S - FURNITURE ■ .AND ' . . CHAIR*.’ - ' “i W.HQIiES A L® AND B E X AIL, - ’ JSiIBBAOINQ KVEItIT SrStß Of’"! t »muni>Di(K, s E0&EI00D, pOOMtjV'ANB WAES& BditAble rou , PARLORS, “ ■■ - <> l i a <\ CHAMBERS, ‘ i ' ■ AND DININO moSIS. EQUAL TO AN* IN ■ • . i NEW YORK OR‘PHILADELPHIA, AND' AT. LOWER PRICES. 1 ' • •? ~’ 4BT Every article m.Jo byhacd, anj warranted/ " V*: , Cabinet Maker* r/r ' fioppllea wlttX‘«QT<i«ntlty t( FURNITURE at*l CBAmx > ' . jOD reaflonaLleierms. ; 1I - 1 ,•. Jloielji anil S(ekmbo&ta [ ' FURNISHED AT THE SHORTEST XUTfCZ f ._ J Warerooala, Ho*. and-TO Third stoot, »«& - - PITTSUUUGJK i'Ji. WEBIBBB FABHBBSIJtsiJBANCB COMPANY NEW LISBON, OHIO. TJ. HDNTBBj AoraV;;fit;-Charles Baililcg,.No. lo| • Third street, Pittsburgh. -■ - - ' : "orpictasr- ’ j. F. A. BLOCKBOi!, President.' b JAMES BBBDICK.Yice Prtsidaht.' J i JJSVI MAUTINj BtKTßtjby and Treftr-oier. | • .* ’*’7""' f Jsuaea W. Wtxxlwell; Joseph Plummer, ; i James Wood, U M. Biddle, ! Jno. V. Itarbangh, Dr. Jno. R Parfc • 1 JIOJ Wm.. Simms, Birmingham, Dawson, NSwranjor Acl British and Continental Exchanger* SIGHT BILLS DBAWN BT , j BBSCAIi, snßttßtAW * CO.‘ I ; ON TBE UNION BANS, LONDON J, - - i-Ty'Btms-or^l. and Cpwaurg- - THEBBvl>BAlTa.?are available/at; all. tb® TownacT ENfILANB, SCOTLAND amUHBbA.NI), a V§ the CONTINENT. ~< • ’ $ WaalsodrSwSjaw Euzaon * JH« A. Grtznebsam A f FBANKFORT A MAIN, ? Which senre a* aßemittanca to all nartaof dCHMAN'C BWII ZEELAND and HOLLAND. < > ' i Person* Intending fb travel abroad may throng 03, tetters of Credit, on. whJch Money can be obtained needed,' inanypartof JCocope. * . J ' Oouxonoai of iJiUo, Noted, ard other oacurltieo In Ex rope, will roetlve prompt alien lion. <1 :.WM. U,,W3LLIAMBi* CO.. - - Wood,corner Thir^ftreot.e WILLIAMS & ALLEN, 1 . ? ARNOLD.& WILLIAMS. ‘ \ : KiKOPAcnisitßS'-Or-, ( .j Chilson Poraaces, Wrought Iron Tubin^i AtiD fITTINO OKNEBAU.V, S For Warming'anti YentSation of Bnildingt.p AA- triH contract for Wanning and by Bteam or-Hot 'Watery Pipcfl or Chilson 1 * Pomnr? Churches, Schools, Hospital*, Factories; Green Hon*': Hotels, or No. 25 MAEKJi stoat,.piltsbnrcb. * . ; . . . .. . ap!6 : . WILLIAM HDHTER, { DKALEB EXOLDBLVELT IN I' FLOUR ANOfillAlS; Ho. 299 Liborty street, Pittshßigl, Pa. | r~r, .’ t f’" nictmiio.the BEST BBAKBsT PENNSYLVANIA, ? , OHIO INDIANA and - ' , , S MIB80UBI; SDPEBJTOB snd l. ' ■ . , ,• BJCTKA.D’L.OdI; Which will alcays bs told atttt'Loareat Cash prices, [a* WM. E HATS «ml - DEALEitS tH n&coit. LABD, LABb OIL, j DBIED BEES, BOOAIUJD'' üßJ ,ii ■ ) Atoga«todtriwi3r#ojiha' > , 4l f 4inf f B . 8 ® 6 nAM • , . Ho. a»7 liberty atreet, -—=—- • i ■- • ■ j. PiSTSsuiiqn, Pisw* u ’■ oD * uuail “*. '*otnbtnt3„n.:«. Jhaosiw: a wsw^ AMERICAN, 1 PA PIE n MAC H i HAHtTFACTDEISG COMPANY, > NO. 78. SECOND BTB3ZBT, PITTSSISOB, JV: Churches, ITcuecr, BhunnhootcU &r.\ Mirror! Picture gnana, window and Door neidik’Uracfco tfl. Ire: Cornices, :YenlU»tor3end Contra Piecta for Cellincai aettet ul Mouldings of erery description, elrn and del I! «. B« »Att«nlicn of’Steamboat Builders Ib especialu net** oihiflarticle,on tcc»mitof itfll]ehfffei(?ht. ? CUHMIN B( TUHKB CO.,* no. T 8 Second gt, between Woo<l ifotl tf arint atr iegt - < ?tttsbur£ *• *' fllUiKitUU |pg) J* J« QUlesple & Com 1 T OOKINQ,ar.AB3;MAIiDFACTDBEEe;ina Deale U looXlnff.OlEttJplate?,,' «a» Gloss' Engravings, Qj and Fancy, Hb. 7C 37ocd attd&ty nttsbuigb. i Onlunaaiulinade fa and Blantle Qla ? : Walnut imaGlltyrainoa. or U infMJf aTeiTiiaaaSnjlori: •: 4 * . fiTBASIBQAjgABXWfI DeeOrafeAata GiH. • [o, ffmE OUKSTAitt Dflfl ctth«;BUSKa|AILy will lue X tudr aDfbfnddQXQTiant to tbs :rQOi<t;adTincßd age eradicates duidraffand k«epathߣcalpbealtby abd c I* «*ao prerento thehair ftpia-DtfUD£Wl nnd growth*, and tbcn ceniaW;bottT»; gbld : yea / 8a GOODS.—A, Ai MASOif 'a X/ to too large and elogaat etocfc- of Dress .Gobds l haTß.jDst rroriTedi comprising tbo moatfashiosnhle a} of lTerincny Paramettas, Plain usd fkored Datain^WOoVPiaidN io t Ae* * > /^LOTaa > fIAB.^IMEKEH t ae.~A iargfl and well eel \j atoek of Broad. Cloths* and Jfancy received by - 0.-ocis..: „ . a. a: mason a i ji PPLBR)M*B DIQgIOJfARY Wirbi Jt%’ Kngina-Work, And EDginoertog.,: lUnstrated font ttumsand engraringa on'wood. 1n.2T01». To 1 M moegas 10* Wood street, neat TJINB DecoraUona*-W X BDuTslnt) hf. Puloni kiiid dcslsuv received and for Pale by 1 W. P. MARSHALL A CO' mti . < Siwoodetri' -aS ®- -AIOLASSEjKsi bbls;asw N. 0. Molasses rec i.l-a per steamer Ella, for sets by “HI ATWELL, 188 A TJ IpTUttES taken at OARQo’S OALDKUY may be 1, -»- be called for. ra. Prices to eultell, at 76 Join oota- TO TOD PAY MONEY for Worthies* Mctni 1 Trythe BNTBBPBIBB GAIiLBIIY, 74 Foorth r‘ octb;;. ■ ■ * r 1 r'AIBBS daily can be attasded to with ei lM\l CABUO’S twoßkylbhtflaJleriea. 7G Foorth e Priceonodarate-. .. c bbls Kys I’lnarrecriyedon condgnmen' ' fcraaloby foct4) - -ATWBfcL. ItKB A : f|UMOTHY BlSiil>r~9 bags Timothy Qscd reeeirod o> v i' and for ealo iijF ~ OCt4 V .ATWKLLy LEB A - NO. 80QAB-20 tobdß Btikltf frimfl K. 0. So? • storoesdfdr saldby' octi * • priffl* NerrYorit Byrnp in etore r foeMI . ATWELL, LKH A yxiiup—so bbift P Bale by , ' 1 ETrALL PAPEBS-A UrKocolloctloa or n«w sty TT oil pries*, Ibrsolo by ■ f ccl4 W. P.MAK3HALL A SEOOHD BAND PAOKIBO BOXBB, of Tarloua S which IwUlseUot oboattbacostKrf rastarUl. ■ «Ii .. .GKO. n. KEVSEIt, 140 Wood *tr uliUiU—lOcoakaprime foreolahy } octt c.,'?!.. ~' HEMKt n. COLLI BoGHB—lSQdoi ConTttroomMor so!* by f ‘ .. •”»" - - ! ' BBNBY H-COLLI-V’ rc* :A. A. MASOK, 00_2SF»U ewe! of Lancustet w’d other Glng - -aTA.MASOS* jLJLIjK PILL—IOO Jbd T riple by - ■ ' B. AISAHNESTOOK A Ct, . oe| q . .eoraor.ofHatona Wooft tag, tfUMIXL—& bUla jirwnc rfictiTed *od forMta fcy ocU >• - . / yLEMlflfl'fßl ('^IHALK— 1 cart received ana for aide by lt?7. ,y ccQ FLKMIXMI /~'IBEO3OTB—IO lbs received and fat aale by ; octl FLEIHNQ B 1 ivf:.'--i'W • ' . . . .. ~ , ',., . 4.., . .qi-'•••- . .. 4i,,::..:.,_7',.'".-.-.1.,•.-...,". ATWELL. LEE A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers