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W ‘ *T: n Vft >. j a»^#ogsii%g| S^^SHSIISSKi iSmMs !§sfess-i llhM^i suiCiM^<f y|? ■"'■'* •'• ■'s'' a.'-?'4‘“ ,^S*W'& tc!*’.®^*.'S?f®«' 0 sJ3 j4^s'3>'br^-M?l“ri.- it .j n a-',?;\^L pL^S 4%tfV'>^^. , 'M-<V »|, i v/- 1 ' Tfi aS ‘4^ j:*.- ?S}4^" •Ji.V*:.tt'V : '.'•"=" fytkS •• / •’ 1 ; : 1 -;;r^ *■* *•*■<*• •> ■; C ..T. *'. ■ %?’*=4 /: - -'.:*C •> ; :-•«■ .*v r «,‘ •>.',. <»-> : » «* f-;-* 134 ■ -■■''K+ :^ ,:p; : x-.i -^ <■■;•- /A 1 ;.. n~.<. V -I'r.:-/'' "!«'■.. ,- : ' >,- -‘j ',•; c : '"K 1 1'<’■ ‘ V-Vt 4 -, r k :-^:s; : ' vr. r ;-p;^ - -'W^^sv ■■ •' •'“ 9 .rrer-2^c , 5.r.?“- -’. ■' ‘ -*- - •' v *±ig&%kts t j ,v.-4h.‘. ■* t ' - * - S.'v V •••-r-'." .• A’; V i\.i j . ( &xh \i .id-4?-* ■« v^? ; * r ***• '«_... . v : , ■ • * t .' 1 6t' > a ‘ S i*} * \>\V V *..■'• ' "'■'4: • t -, •■•. ■ .•;■•■/. * V" j • , •» •, .“v i . .■ • U-. s ll * ? Aj."* 1 'Av'giftes on 'president Pl«oe. ' The well known Archbishop Ilnghea, of New •:)iT:.'i- : '. ttw ‘i *, V- {Jr* \ ork, waa recently proseut at the consecration Trrr ~ ■ ~ -~- :- * |r~ a new Cathedral at Si. in tboßritish Q&FIQI4L; 4 fffig OF TEE ClfT. i>reyinoe of Newfoundland; -among the dinner by thoJJencvolont Irish Society. responded to topgts, viz: tho Pope, the Ptcsidepl of tho Fhitod; States, andfcbo Aroh ' ' pit Ts tr cn SnV T WEDNESDAY MORNING noainuro post job o^pjcd. We would cal! the attention of MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to tho tact that are have dost received froin Philadelphia a number of fonts of new Job and are now prepared to fill orders for Qaida, Gircui&re, Dili Heads, Paper Books, Posters, and Programmes far exfaikt' tiooa- AU orders will be promptly flUed, , o’clock itt4ho e»ealßB:Twat downto wntoabout the election. We b&ve first to J soy ttot tto Weotlon pMße'a tiff quietly. r 'XJp to this titUQWofaavft heard Ofno disturbance. Thanks -Slh' the good sense of t!i& people.and the good hrrangeaents df the magistrates and police. The votes in some of tho districts is not large, bat ,we think tho foiling off is mainly of Whigs and Republicans. Wo belters tho returns, when in,-will show that the Democrats tamed oat ptetty well, and that, old line Whigs in goodly numbers rated with them. At &ia hour, eight o’cloak, oar office is ear': ‘rphnij&d bj.fi jleMO crowd aUeagertohearAho result Aud It isnot Democrats alone constitute that waring mass of voters and . citizens. It is composed of Democrats, Whigs, Frco Sdilora ODd K- N.'B;‘-for they'know that the returnsnre ' brought >y ,fli>pl moseengorato the: to si. j It is L pretty erijontfrotn rejiorls already reooivefl that thfl anlhentio returns, two or three hoars 1 later, .Will -be ..of in nature to satisfy onr nnuirrouß Irletids. • TeS O’onocfer—At this hoar we bavo reports from 27 districts, which gives Patterson ah ag gregate majority of 1044. I £ this is oorreot, Patterson is elected. If As is eleoted we may predict that the whole Democratic tioketloolectej. But wo must Wait' for moro,returns. > , Eleveb -O’ceock —3d distriats hoard from, And Patterson’s majority 1,161. ;ThOj Assembly ticket so; fat As gcard from’ leads Patterson! - Os* O'clock, A. M-, Wednesday.—A few ad ditiojKti diatHdts bays been beard from, wtlob raduoo Patterson’s vote slightly, bat be is nn dquhtedly elected by five bnndred majority. Tho Democratic Assembly ticket funs folly ’as. woll as the Sheriff, and we have without doubt elected our entire ticket. Glory enough for. one day. anybody soon Sam f See telegraph Done for Ohio, &o. TBE UKTUKHS. At sino o'clock, evening, wo havo, reported, the following returns. Tho two Birmingbams give 160 for Patterson —a very largo gaigover last year Fifth IPard, oity : 203 fur I’attereon, Shoritf— . a large, gain. Fourth Ward, only 6 against Patterson, where ; wo have.pomotimes been beaten nearly 200. Stcond Ward , 42 for Patterson, where former ly 150 against os was not at all alarming. We predicted 40 majority in the Second Word It ts 42. Lawrcncevilte, 23 tor Patterson, last year more than that against us. Indiana township, 14 for Patterson—a change of 49 in ear favor. First H'ard, city: 4y majority for Jonos, where ho oxpeoted eomo 200. Fourth Ward —a Whigalrong hold—Jonos has 9 of a majority. This is ono of tho groatosi gains yet hoard of. Eighth Ward—os for Patterson! A"gain Sixth Ward —Patterson’S majority 2, which ;is j» very large gain over last year. Rturvi township: Patterson's majority 13 A gain. Baldwin township: 19 majority—a gain. Kiddie’s vote so far verv email. ! Jones beats Pattersou in tbe four -Wards of Allegheny 120 votes—anbjeot to correction/ Kora township gives a majority of G 3 /or Pal tcreon. One of the best gains board from last year. Judge Biaok had in Pittsburgh 863 mo jority over Baird. Patterson' has 520. BrnyseT vote not oo on tod. I We give these few returns ns Indicative of tfal remit Allegheny Connty—Ve><eT.*«MXL»: Wo give tho vote lo ouroouaiy last year, at follows: Governor Pollock, Bitflor, Biailfbrd, ASSEDBtT, | Whig, Democrats. Native*. | gtawaaa. «m Kirkp, trick, 9616 Ejrster, 0120 ilatr, , 8501 ilsmtlton, 5197 Bniilb. OUT] Ooj. 9053 Moot head, 4991 lltji 458' °*vn»h*i>, 4287 Stewart, 4891 Appleton, 1613|i Pollock, 4701 Carrol, 4087 M'libeny, 202!] Hegbfer. Eecorder, dark, 1 Woods, 5510 Msgill, 4239 Hltanda, 4671: Bobb, 8718 Keanrdy, 4702 Phillips, 443.8 Looials, out Holder, .0261 The heavy increase of buetncaj over this road i« alill a gratifying feature of it In August, 1864, the tonnage, iraa 21,623, and dining the eame month this year 87,314, an increase of 16,791 tons. In SopUmbor, tho business yrhs as follows: 1855. 1854. Inc Through tonnage, efifil, 10,860 2.228 8,033 “ “ west, 8,672 2,999 1^073 tooal “ .east, . 12,604 8,785 3"IS “ v west, 7,017 32104 3,104 The Increase Is nine months of tbiayonf, la 66,903 tons orer the same period of last yeaV. The reoeipts of floor last month were 02,420 barrels, and 91,111 bnebels of grain.' In An gus*, 30,839 barrets of'floor ai d 19,821 bnebels { of grain were received. ' 1; Qovoraor Shannon, of Kansas, has published a letter in the Ohio- papers, donying in toto the assertion that in a spoooh at Westport he de clared himsolf in favor of slavery. Tbua per iahea another falsehood of an uneoropnlons op * position. It hag anatrorod very probably tho purposes of ooif enemies, viz : to iojaro thecanse of Demooraoy in onr State. - ■ P. 8. Retarns from Ohio show the effect it has had there. - ■ Buck Bobbsbs of the Post Wasted.—We want the following numbers of the Daily Dorn mg Post to compleie our fiie3: Friday; 'April 21, 1864 Thursday, Oet. 6, ’64- Tnesitsy, April 3, 1855 Friday, OoL 6.4864 Monday, June 19,1854 ThurßdayrOet. 12, ’64 Monday,' Oet. 2,' 1864> Friday, OoL 13, 1864 Tuesday, 3, 1864 j flaturday.Oct. 14, '64! Any persett sending ns the above will receive a dime for.cadfc oopy. ■ TH IS POST We have bean 1 blaintd far opposing fusion. What say our friends, and toes now t Wilhoat olaimln^thirentirely as a Demoorat io viotory, WO claim iitat- the Demooraoy oro etill "onlerrifiedi II” is tho i’oj/enStaipod ? ... • . HXIBBAB VOIL GEORGIA ■ J The majority for the Democrat oandidale in the Empire Bute of the Boathis from sovon to ten thousand I All the candidates of the Do mocraay dor Congress are* surely eleoted except ouo—UUd he'ls )n doubt Georgia wlll do, ,* : i AUfou> Fiitmuß's majority in the fllato tntifff be verf Urge,* judging #em prpaeui Jq^ioatidns.l Wherols Mr, "Fgeiouf” : i. .’ \f.■ '■ •ttr •“ 1 1 _ . i 186* AMD 1666.—1<»at y»»r (ie oleotionß in Ohio, Indtana andPennfljlvanla all went K. N -iWs^eSJf ibey *rt,o. K. ",* gfjp* Evmmain intakes this tponipg- Wo'lfill «ry <oJbWo it on right to-morroW - ' *4* «**.* „•} , ' •*#*«?,»>•* T.C- V* h‘ K ’ ‘ * J , . * • J \ 4, * i, . ‘ TaanKsoLT. C«Btl Comraissionei. fiapr. JakJgej 10.476 Dbtslo, 4,627 Em/ser. 441 4.118 Mott, 10,203 Btaek. 6,321 Bilra, 6,703 PfiiDJiylvanU Oiilrotd. £9;163 17,916 21,128 Gov, Sba&aon. J * • IOCTOBfeR 10. bishops antJ'STßbops present. He toitihis audi tors that “ the -oomplimont to the President of the Doited States, was not diminished, by tho fact that it was given in elose connection frith that to hbr Majesty the Qacen of England, and head of this gnat and almost universal Empire,” a sontimont 'nbioh pas reoeivod with vooiforons obeeriog. He then advertod to the blessings of pesos, espeoiafly, between snob nations as Eng land tied America. Next be procooded to spoak of. President Pieroj),:—» » “lie bad tho honor of knowing him, and he was proud to say that there was no ground of reproach against him. ’ Hoi hdheres to tho gene ral, universal, impartial prinoiplo of freedom upon whioh tho constitution of the nation pro fesses lobe based. ’After remarking that * the distinguished individual who now occupies tho position of Chief Magistrate of the Anrerioan nation is worthy of tho office ho fills,’ ho decla red again that ‘there was no gronnd for reproaoh against him, or against the party with whom he aots.Vadding: . “ He, (the Archbishop) was well aware that parchment eonstitntlons are of littlo avail, an loss tho principles of them are written in the human heart ;amd in tho United States the prin oiplesn/tho constitution ore in the hearts of the people. ’ [Cheers ] Class legislation—oreod log dtdatibn, will not bo tolerated there, [tong and prolonged cboerlag, and if any attempt shonld bo made to carry out 6uoh legislation—if oven a law should bo oarriad in Congrose with euoh an object, bo hail confidence in tho President that ho woitid reftvto his signature to it" The Archbishop concluded as follows: “ Hut it should bo observed that, whatevor faults tho Americans may have, it would not bo right to take the conduot and proccediuge of oortaia olassee or parties as indicating the tono of pnblio feeling in the nation. Oao might bo led to believe from tbe tone and writings of some of tbe newspapers, that tbore was a revulsion in tho feelings of the people, the großt balk of tho people, and that they would rrjoioo to aeo ail of os Catfiolios walking ont from among them. That, however, would bo a great mistake—they wohld bo sprry to see us go. [bond cheers. ] They are not so forgetful or regardless of the national Interests as to desire such an event; for they havo wjso and able statesmen among them; besides, they do not forgot that they themselves arc tho offspring of emigration. Their anoes tors wero not of the aboriginal tribes who sway ed it over the soil ere emigration began ; bat they were emigrants. So they do not wish for separation, they would be sorry to see naleavo them. And 1 tell you this, we havo not tbs least notion of going. [Daughter and alieere. ] And 1 farther toll yon that if they have any wish for a separation Id them pack up as qaiokly as they can, and go. [Roars of laughter end lm mouse cheering, which continued for eevorol inmates, and in the midst of which he resumed his sent ’’J fProm ibe Nikitonal lotAiUgoocttr f Honor to an American Officer We team that tbo Huesian Minister yesterday Waited o& Lieat Manry, at the Natioual Obser-. vatory, to deliver, by oomtnaod of fcifc Upvera meat, an autograph letter from tbo Oraod Doko Constantino, who, it will be remembered, is the Commander-In-Chief of the Roasi&n N&vy. Thia letter is written So Frenpb, but under tbo belief that many of our readers will derive aa much pleasure from its perusal as wo have dose, we give publicity to a translation of it: BT.PsTftaBBOB.GH, December 10, (22,) 1864. To Lirutenant Maury: Btb ; ft ia now a long time siooe the eminent I scientific works, for which the navigators of ev- I ery nation are indebted to your teal and talent, I attracted my atteolioii Recently ;**in the Im- I porlal Delegates to tho Brussels Conference have | rendered mo a complete report, io which J have j taken the most lively interest. 1 should rejoice, I sir, to present you with a testimonial of my os’ I teem ; but, knowing tbo laws of your country, J which do up t ppVmit you to occopt pny thing from I foreign princes,-! a sst oonfiae myself to tha or I pressiou of my sentimonts. They ore os oraltcd jas your own merits, and, iamyoSiaial capacity, J.l may say to you that you do honor to tho prof i foasiou to Whioh you belong aa Well os tho groat I nation whioh you have Ibo honor to serve. I Receive, sir, the assurance of my good will I and esteem. CONSTANTINE. I This Is a high but deserved oomplimrnt to I Lieut. Maury, who, we feel well convinced, has been reliovcd front active duty in tho Navy that I bo may bo pormsjontij retained in his present [ exalted and and responsible position as Chief of the National Observatory, where his services in the cause of scieooo end nautical improvement will bo much more important and valuable to bis country and the world than thoy would probably prove, howbVSr eminent they might be, in any other .position. folygniay not to t>e Starve,! Out. f -By’tho latest Balt Lake mail we are reformed I. that notwithstanding the ravages of tho grass- I hopperssome timoago, tho grain yioldwil! be im I moose. We have by tbo same arrival, tho I Deseret News, a correspondent of whioh gives I tho following acconnt of the diaoovery of e‘new | kind of sugar at Provo city: | i 4 Last week a swoet eubstanoe was disoovered lan the loaves of tho trees, A few began to I gather it by stripping off tbo leaves and soaking them ip water; in thie way Hr. A. Daniels made eleven pounds of sugar in one day; It looks and tastes like maplo 6ugar. Many aoorcs; of men, women and children are now engaged in gather ing it. -When it was first discovered some said that it wae honey dew, others said that it pro ceeded from tho ootton-wood leaves, but it is found on nit kinds of leaves and op tho roots. My children havo gathered and brought in a quantity o.f it, whioh they had tekon from tho leaves, as it is deposited; many of lbs leaves havo soaies-of this sweet eubstaneo os thiok ae window glasa, aud some a groat doal thiokor. Br. .Daniels tells me-that his prooeea is (o out the twigs from tbo trees, and after soaking in water, strain and boil, simitar to making maplo sugar I have taetod some exoellent methogln made from tho same substance.’’ | PosvOmoa Chasoes The Postmaster Gen- I oral has orderod tKe-fonowlpg changes : Ralph I Pqstm&tei*, President's Furnace, Vonan [go ooiJnty,. Pa., vioe E. E Clapp, moved away; [Wm. Kotahutn, Postmaster, at Bethany, Way no county. Pa., vico R: D. Lancaster, resigned; Jo [ sbph .Hendrickson, Postmaster at Addison, Som erset county, Pa., vice Ephraim White, resigned; J ames Laird, Postmaster, Haghsvillo, Lycoming oonnty, bo., vico John P. MoLaiu, resigned; Bamnet N. Uronbon, Postmaster, Orwell, Brad ford county Pp., vice C. F. Gridley j Daniel M. Wood, Postmaster, at Elk Crook, Erie county, pa. vico Hiram Hill, resigned; Jae. MoCounell, Postmaster, Erie, Allegheny oonnty, l*o., vico Christian Hiober, resigned; Seth 8. Roberts Poslsdahter,.GOnpseo Fork, Potter oonnty, Pa.j. vice D. :Gcntlpg, resigned. I Wnr is irl—Not one kofd has boon said by fehoOeet telegraphic operators about ibe cold blooded assassination of young Bnrke in the De ptnoordtio probosaion on Thursday night. Why is this ? Had a Know Nothing been thus obot down, by “a foreigner,” we should have had the " horriblo outrage ’’ sent upon the wiroe from oho end of the oonntry to the other, and the Whole Knots jNolhreg army would havo boon in ,commotion. But when bigoted Know Nothings : shoot down a.peao. able Amorioan citizen bocaneo ho is si. Democrat, ibe waiohman Bay it is all [right— (Act/ ought alt to be that— and the honoßt telegraph agonls never bint that ouch a thing has taken place.— Bali. Republican. I Babt Bhowjb Busvalo—Tho “local ”of tbo Republic, speaking of the baby Bhow in that plaoe, laysa: "To N 0.61 flro iovite the attention of every j body. If there Has a prize offered for ‘eitreme- this child woald assuredly obt&in it, so [ Fowler’s phrenology, and acoording GaJI, Sporsheim and others; the ehapo of the , head is that of a parricide. The ohild may out (pow thoßa til looks, bat we certainly woald not be wining to iaearo its life if the 1 ugly ’ should strike in.” j’ OdP el the most daring robberies recently was by two feltowe in New York who mole 20,000 Havana Sugars and bad them ship [ .onfteleanjer, before deteotion. Just before [ tbp Baillng of tbo steamer the thieves were ar rented fmdrtbpprojpejty reoovered. t j A frait dealer named Btoomn, who arrived in [Cleveland on Bight,* tad .to pocket I book cut , out of his paQtalooaSj- 'WbUe fao [took a nap in the pare. It eeata{ahd-'4iooo in j flash, and ho dtdpot diaoover halqai tiU ’ho.ar ! rived at the Commereial House Cleveland; ' •„ s rY' • ~ -t i tV', • ;: ’^r ■**•>s** * v-wV ’WV £ 1 ‘ * >-- » tV"“ * . t «r.l.Wyfe “% **? * !*£& * e ' v -*<VV4Wr££».>y. . «V'S- ■■» *- - -":?-■ -s * n > r v ? .. , '■ ‘ J- ** *i< *». * • iC <sy . : <! .! •:>‘T - i ' ' ■*_y y, vi < ,-.t ----- ALLEGHENY Dt3tti3ts. Kiwi' ............ . Sncond M aril Third Ward. g Fourth Ward a Fifth Ward 2 Blxth Ward £ Seventh Ward Eighth Wart 1 Moth Ward jj {First Ward... \c Second Ward A 1 Third Word < { Fourth Ward Birmingham. Bawrcncevlile Elizabeth Bo rough Manchester .. Fharpebarg South Pittsburgh.. U’Kccfiport West l Euaa both Duquoflno East Birmingham . Tareotum ffe#t Pittsburgh.... Bewlckley Boroagh Pitt PeobicH Mifflin Wilkin* Plum Versailles Elizabeth. Upper St Hlair l<ower Ht Olalr Buidwiu Kobiasmi .... North Fttyrtt. l South Payette Findley Mood . Neville .. ohi.. ... .... | Fronkiin Reserve Roe* Pin** y w«.t Hf«*r/:.... East I>ee»<..... Indiana/..., Snowden CollinaL .. Peno...L „ Patton M’OaadlwSa Obartiers..\. f Ist W*rJ . | til do li p-i j- g I 4th do - jlli .in f jWh do - Z Tih do [ nth do t yih do . ... > . M Ward V ! SU % ,5 Id do ( 4th do lUrum»tftmin . Law rvui’cTtllc . .. .. K}iawb(>lh iKiru .... Uwiiohfftt«r . Hbarpsborg. South Pittsburgh.. M h^sPort. .. We*t KhiUwtb l>Qi|U»**lH? Raat Uinalnffham. Tarantula Wral Pittsburgh Bewick ley Pit PwUi-ii .. mmw. Wlltltte. - Pima - VwimUta. JelTaraou. WU*both Uppor fit u»»jr Lowor SL Clair Ballwin .. rioUnpon North Fayait* South Kajrtto Moon. Nctillp Ohio . ...... PraukUn • -~- R«*«rrte Rosa I'ioa West Doer . . East Deer Indiana Bhaler.., . . Snowden. - Collin*- Penn _ PftttOD - M'Candlraa- Chartin'* Sewlehloy GUO OOP OOuj 1 (XW ow ouO onolj ouo . » GOO QM ooolj 000 , . 00!) 000 000 H oofl . 000 OOP duo?' 000 i &5 W 17 '« OOU .. .. -I’ooco 0000 0000 nooooooo'oooo og» ouoo (woo oaooloooo woo ooooooaj noog Moi Aithaiiicd of Ridicule. ’ 1 shall noser forgot a lesson wblob 1 rcooivod when qaito a young lad, at an academy In B . Among my schoolfellows wore Bartley and Jem son. They were somewhat older than mysolf, and to the latter 1 looked op as a sort of lead er in matters of opinion os well os of sport Be was not at heart malicious, bat he had a foolish ambition of being thought witty and sar oastio, and he mode himself mated' by a besot ting habit of turning things into ridicule, eo that ho seemed continually on the lookout for mattor of derision. Hartley was a new soholar, and llttlo was known of him among tbo boys. Ono morning, os wo wore on onr way to school, he was soon driving a oow nloDg tho road towards a nojgh borlog Bold. A group of boys, among whom was JomaoD, mot him os he was passing. The opportunity was not to ho lost by Jeraßoa, “ Halloa !" bo cxolaimcd, 41 what's the price of milk ? I; say, Jonathan,! what do yon fodder on ? What will you take for all tho gold on hor horns ? Boye, if you want to boo tho latest Paris styles, look at Hu so boots I” Hartley, waving hia hood at as with a plons aat smile, and driving the oow to the Bold, took down tbo bars of a rail fonoe.eatr hor safely In tbo enolosure, and then, putting np the bars, oatno and entered eohool with Ibe rest of os. After eohool in the afternoon, he lot oot the oow, and drove hor elf, aone of ob knew where. And ev ery day, for two or ibreo woobs, be went through the same task. The boye of B Academy woro nearly all the bods of wealthy parentand eomo of them, I among whom was Jemson, were dances onongh. | to look with a sort of disdain npon o scholar who had to drlvo a oow. The snoera had jeers of Jemson wore aooordingly often renewed. He ones, on tho plea that ho did not liko tho odor of tbo barn, refused to sit noxt to Hartley. Oc casionally ho waald inqairo after the Dow's health, pronoanoing tho word “ke-ow,” after tho manner of some of the ooantry pooplo. With admirable good nataro did Hartley boar all these silly ottompta to wound and annoy him. 1 do not romembor that ho was even betrayed into a look or word of angry rotnliatiou. 44 1 snppoße, Uartly, 4 ’ said Jomson, ono day, “ your daddy means to mako a milkman of you." 44 Why not ?" ask oil Hartley. “0, aolbing; only don't leave muoh water in the cans after you rinoo thorn—that’s all." The boys laughed, and Uartley, not in the least mortified, roplied, " Never fear; if over l should rise to be a milkman, I’ll givo good measure and good milk." Tbo day aftor this conversation, ihoro was a publio exhibition, at which a number of ladlee and gentlemen from neighboring oilioe were prosent. Prizes wore awarded by the principal of onr ooadomy, and both Hartley and Jomson received a creditable number; for, in roapeot to scholarship, these two wero abont equal. After the ceremony of distribution, the principal re marked that there was one price, consisting of a gold modal, whjiob was rarely awarded, not bo mooh on oceonnt of its great cost, as htmaoso the instances were rare whioh rendered its be stowal proper. The last boy who reoeivod ono was yonng Manners, who, t roe years ago, res oued (he blind girl from drowning The principal then said that, with tbo peripia eion of the oompany, be would relate a story. “ Not long sinoe, aoino scholars were dying a kite in the street, jast us a poor boy on horso baok rode by on his way to the mill. Tho horse took fright and throw the boy, injuring him so badly that he was oarrled home and oonfined some weeks to his bed. Of tho eoholare who bad unintentionally oaused tho disaster, none followed to learn the fate of the wounded boy. there was one sobolar, however, who had wit nessed the aocidont from the distanoe, who not only went to make inquiries, bat staid to render services. “ This soholar soon learned that the wounded boy was tho grandson of a poor widow, whose sole means of snpport consisted in selling the milk of a fine oow of which she was the owner. Alas, what aould she' now do 1 Bho was old 6nd lame, and ber-grandson, on whom she de pended to drive the oow to pasture, was uow on 'lusjbaok helpless. 'Never mind, good woman,’ said the.eoholar, ‘I eandrlve tbo oow.’ With bios f’sings andthanketheotd womanaccepted his offer ■ % - . -V BOUNTY ELECTION RETURN; AND COUNTY OFFICERS I-ASAL COVUISS’B. > £ 3 | § E I ■ | *v 55 5 I S ’:3 I 1 | i « -* g ; : !» § awe 1 * I £ E I a « | 0 5 : g H - W •22222222222 1222 8222 2222:2222 2222 2222!: Vote for [ember* of the QeneraJ 3 !*“ H j? p %\ !:£g?r«£ 'J ? w Z ? P !|5 3 f § 3PB h 2 - » s •: " n 3 ? 51 E S p l ' 2 S K J* a P ► P;! O im SI Jl» 179 171 200“ an asi 'iiu* as' ai no j," 'i. 6M 60S Ml 53? (Sill ° 69 , 888 00,1 Ui - LL 999 099 K'J 009 Ui Sil it 1 g 7 624 *2O 217 219 214 71 103 t»; 71 in MO IKW Si S 2l ° 203 102 m 188 18! ' M 04 6J 87 OS 00(1 Omi ooii oS 688, 608 0,16 060 111 iii 66:1 009 099 999 UL 102 ,* SK rn B ffl "8 "B “* ? !o n1?1? ‘a 114 I*7 111 to u l ' 94 05 85 03 93 17 18 18 18 18 i, 4 IS iU .L 1 170 182 171 171 41 41 42 41 41 g? (« (WO oao iii 224 212 114 125 115 121 joj OM 000 iS ! 888 r 4O 237 “ 80 M M OUO 000 min Ih., tifiC ! f> ‘ G 868 790 Ui - L - "7 099 OlfO yOO l'> US US SI SI Z 808 ?» 2M 2:;v £»« >“ ww (mu ouu (km t9W .' *-• ILL wa \m uoo 000 uuu oud JS- ***** 9 ' , ' t iii 000 (hhj iwu ht fJjb 006 fii lii iii; ?S\) u.m y‘»j '’ t 000 Iwo ww oS £** 0,10 lhl lm ,Wi : 10 11 10 u 000 000 Olki 0,,<5 iii iii i-li. ftS VfrfO J*SK> 000 000 (H*l •**> 14 li 000 000 000 ' r *u **' ***> iii IM 9ft 009 **i 000 000 000 '■*” <N >? ’»■« Ui 000 000 mm f t <AI . ■** 0410 1,1 n - hJ i- 11 II li u W 1 OW IW I" 'Si 888 411 111 «9 099 994 !>.» Ui «» «C» OUO Sa SSB i “1 l ;i l 4M -w MU 9M Ui UOU 000 OUO 5® U 8 -ft Ift, 2ft 1 794 UUU 990 999 iSi OUO 000 ow SS 70 ,U '■'■'• 22 22 21 19 50 000 000 000 Si SS MU Si! 104 I'ju li- W M) " W 099 Hi SSSJS^^r 21 ™ "S "S ss 000 000 000 SSi rS' fi 2 Ul 1U ,rl 8W 059 w* Ui 1100 000 000 So OW So fS fff u: 598 09 - > w,u MO i’i 001) uuu OUO <W *‘ iAi iii IU ft 14 } 909 iw>» W) /I r S S S : “S r f “ frr S 1 1U 998 S. ul 000 000 000 L, ‘2; ft; ff- Illj 5W uuu o» 990 ii: 000 ow wo Lf' SI ; Si; fr; i:t ILL i SS9 m 699 in •- MO - Si Si S? r? 7 ff: ff? 999 wu «» U9U iii nno LL 880 Hi 999 099 U.ty uuu m UUU »u» oau 600' 000 not ii: i:i :::; m 099 .« H M) SS SS 888 lW * <WI 000 iii iii iii, 949 909 ..TO 0*44 Lit rSn rcw UA w { l ' i4i iii iii- ft*v Wfi mm VX> LLL SS *“ £s® 0013 iii iii u:; uw v » Utf) iii mS So 888 S 8 “- g 8 111 ‘111! «W W 9 UJU 949 2U OOO So S? Sd ill Si S?,! 998 '‘ WJ 959 iU LL SI! n; 5 718 5“ ui ui m 999 mo w-j u*> lu tai SS “S 888 888 888 Ui iii iii 454 999 999 899 IU Si mo 5iS C 0S ' 888 888 Uf Ul Ul’ 9» OUjl UUU iii g? go COO CM COO 000 02 Ul Ou, 19 -J9 li, 20 10 (5n AW. 888 8881 O* lo 0 80 Ul Hi 9 ™ U 99 999 999 9»l i" MM So SS 888 888 Ul Ui 95*1 0J(. U)9 1*99 991 iii MM MM 888 888 888 888 Ui iii 555! 9*ll UUI 999 999 IU MM MM 888 088 888 Ui iii C 55. 9*99 U<« 999 999 Ul So So 888 Ul Ui 595 999 *Ol9 999 999 iii flrtl MM 881 888 888 888 Ul 111 559 9*19 999 9119 099 111 g 8 M® CM 00l 600 (EO Ul IX) DO !» 29 30 2S 2C S) MM SS S'' m IU IU OW 099 *499 999 Ul MM **** 00° MO iii iii fii UUU 999 099 999 iii 000 000 So SS 000 fi; fif 5S * WJ U9B •** 9*9 iii „„ “S 500. MO 000 4-1 lj 123 goo 99y 99*1 999 Ul 088 060 COS; 000 COO Ui iii 457 j 999 999 999 999 Ui 17 .t 2UO S'* 227 A7t! WW IWO OOOj! ‘2OO 204 :ai; IDWI rv<nl <uvt! wu uuv vw*| OUO 000 00£j 107 UH 1&I‘| 177 '.Hi mii U‘i lCf> tV. thri) 00) OUO 1 UiW 000 oou;| !*«*> I*4 8o;j Ouo utA) 00»*ti OUO UUU 000| i*x» 000 uoof; OUO OW (hXt:: «« Iry i.V j uo»* ouo uuu’ ; imu iM*u uOu { UOU IA)0 out);.) j 00U OA) uOO:| UUU OUO 000{> 77 U Ssj j OUO ouu 000)1 , utto 000 uuoil • , UA) OUO UuGi i t be -24 44 ‘ j OUO 000 OOUi- <W 000 OOtr- 000 00Q ooo' 0 00 OOP OOO:! ■ 000 000 500- 1 000 i ton 000 uooi 000 000 UOO OW; 000 j 000 OOP oofij 000 000 000 uoo‘ GOO 000 000 000* 000 goo 000 000; 000 uou 000 000 jj 000 1 noo ntti 000. (Wo . 000 OOJ ooof 000 ; 3'j u: 4 e, mw i oou 000 000- 000 ; ow oou 000. coo j 000 000 ooo:| 000 * 000 000 ooo; 000 >OOOO 9000 000O 1 I “Bat hlJiMqcos did not st6p boro. Monov WAS wanted to cot articles from tho apothecary. I navo tnemoy that my mother soat mo to hoy o pair of boots with, bat can do witbont thorn for a wbilo. ■ Oh, no,’ said the old woman: < I oan t consent to that j bat boro is a pair of cow hide boots that I boqght for Henry, who can’t wear them. If you would only buy these, eif “g M , ?£at th By eost, we would got along nlooly. Tho ooholar bought tho boots, clumsy as .to * OT0 ' haa worn them op to this time. Well, whhn it was discovered by other boys of uo academy that oar soholar was in tho habit of ?- r l T r. R . a ao Y‘ , be »<“ assaulted every day with .iuguie'r ana ildloulc. His oowhido boots in particular were matter of mirth. Bnt ho htm{ on choerfnlly and bravely doy after Say' never shnnning observation, and driving the widow’s oow and wearing his thick boots, oonfonted with the thought that he was doing right; oaring not for all the (moors and jeers that could be uttered. Ije never undertook to explain why ho drovotho ! oow, for ho was not Ino lined to make a vaunt of his oharitable motives, and furthermore, in hie boart ho bad no sympathy with the false pride that coaid look with ridicule on any useful em ployment. It was by mere accident that his course of kindness and self-denial was yester day discovered by bis teacher. “ And now ladies and gentlemen, I appeal to yon, was there not tree heroism in this boy’s conduot T Hay, Master Hartley, do not Blink out of sight behind the biaak-board! kou are not afraid of rldionlo; you must not bo afeild of praise. Come forth, come forth, Master Bdward James Hartley, and let ns see your honest faea t” As Hartley, with blushing cheeks, made his appearance, a round of applause, In wbioh tho whole company jolnod, spoke the general appro bation of his condnoL Tho ladies stood upon the benohes and waved their handkerchiefs. The old men wiped the gathering moisture from the corners of their eyes, and olapped their! hands. Thoso olumsy boots on Hartley’s feet' seemed a prouder ornament than a orown would have beep on bis head. Tho medal was bestow ed on him amid gonoral acclamation. Let mo tell a good thing of Jomson, before 1 oonolade. He wob hoartily ashamed of hip ill, ualurcd raiiery, and after he yes dismissed, ho wont, with tears of manly eelf rebake in his eyes, and tendered his hand to Hartley, making a handsamo apology for his past ill-manners. “Think no more of it, old fellow,” said Hart ley, witiadellghtfOl cordiality; “ lot us go and have a ramble in the woods before we break up for vaeation." The boys, one and all, followed Jomson’s example; and than wo Bet forth, with buijas Into the woods. What a happy day it was A loiter from Florence gives very terrible ao oounts of tho ravages of the cholera. No less than persons have, if Is stated, bppn car ried off In t)zo month of Aqgust. she popula tion of t|io city, which is on an average 100,000, is now rednoed to 60,000 by death and flight, Tho Grand Duke, it most bo said to his credit, haa sot a noblo example. Although his family has left, ho remains himself, and, clad in the block veil of the Fraternity of Mercy, be some* times asßests in the burial of the dead. It is positively affirmed In thiß letter that ten persons vrero lately borled alive. The horriblb foot was brought to tight in this wayAn Italian ware ,honso keeper In Palaxzuolo (a faubourg of Flor ence) was buried for dead in the Trespiates oemetory, with many other supposed oorpses, in a common grave. Ho awoko to a eonse of ooth eoiousness, and so thin was the covering of Ban dy earth above him that ho mado his way out to tnq enrtaoo. Still weak, he lived for three days forest whloh surrounds tho grave ynrd. At lost ho rcoovcrod strength sufficient house, whore bo startled flis family, flfno were in mourning for him. He assured that ho 4taMnot|y felt tho bodies of numer ous people interred with him moving about. ■Tho gravo was consequently opened, and It was found that many (ton In number, as 1 have said) tad stirred, and several of them had bitten their ln agony, and otherwise injured them jftftes. They were alt dead when the iuvestiga 4iod w&B made. Tbo utmost exoltoment prevail ed 6n the subject among tho population *«*;£X• ' • -; •.* & j>V 4 <? % r .1 t.{ ■ piio«io»oTjibr. S 3 C pr ' t- i*3 ' >3 fill i I i' 5-.; I ■■■§ -I g S -i I I =3 f sfs e b ? s»e ? s g 105 199 37 244 211 60 888 888 61 222 186 00 460 222 7a 888 888 88 102 91 18 182 04 1 4 106 166 47 100 213 144 124 226 64 888 888 88 BSS 888 88 888 888 88 688 888 80 BSB 883 88 89 150 13 883 888 8* 174 127 72 888 688 88 888 888 88 888 888 6S 888 KBB 68 688 888 88 888 889 88 10 01 28 889 888 88 888 BK6 68 147 104 41 886 BSB 68 888 688 88 888 888 88. 888 668 88 ; 688 888 88 888 688 83 868 683 89 OSS B*tB 88 888 688 68 888 663 68 888 338 86 688 868 88 688 838 83 l 34 2 688 868 63 SyH 888 68 886 868 88 BXS 688 83 868 888 88 B3S SBB 88 888 6H9 68 888 888 88 BS6 BKB 88 888 KSS HH 833 883 88 686 688 88 888 88« 63 103 72 68 SS6 883 62 2222 2222 222% 2222 2222 2222 J: it Assembly. pi h p w p| B 5 K «*j w t» a, 5 -aW? p g g 2 8 Big • * o g K jjj 3 3! S 2 S? 5 2 £(.»->> S2S”w ■!:» 5 ' ■ ► : I ; I Filghlfnl Ravages of the Cholera lu Florencei d®* Worm 11 Wornii nuioy learned treatise bare been written, explaining origin ot/and elaiflUjring tho worms generate! ny*tem. 3(-arw)ly-any' fopic of more acme observation andj)iofoau]f*eaeaioh ;‘land yet physi. clan? mco jjfrrnpfnfifti l£inna&bo efte* of ex* pEplnaihese parising ike bqdy from their of'jaortUYpluo jlhan’tiie wisest disquisitions as trithelrdilgltl. Soch an expelling agent Hm at length beofc found. Dr. M’Lane’e Vermifuge proves to bo the much Sought after specific—lts efficacy being universally acknowledged by the entire medical t acuity. At further proof, read the follow log from a lady—-oneof our U diiU if'-. . Nrw Yobs, October 16,1852. TfIEABUKEa. COMM l»ttioNKH «? s ? ? S' & s S X S S $ P> C 5 ore g g E a Z, “ £ I ® Ik r B f S 777 7/7 7 This Is to oertifj that I was troubled with worms for more than a year. I was adyised to nse M’Lane’s celebra ted Vermifuge. I took one bottty whU& about ‘fifty worms ;t commenced improving at once] and am now perfectly well. Tha. pabllo learn my name, and farther particulars, by applying to Mrs. Uardle, No. 3 Manhattan Place, or to EL- L.TheaU, Druggist, comer of Kutget and Montop Streets. JX«~Dr. fiPLaae’s celebrated V«naifage,alsofcl9 genttinA U rer Pills, can now be bad at si) respectable Drug Storey iu tbo United Btates and Oantdal . ' Parchasere will please be careful to ask for, and take none but Dr. M’Lauo’e Vermifuge. All others, la.pomparißoxu are worthless. "ci* r . 777 777 77 184 184 :92 777 777 •77 777 777 77 115 * 89 16 187 U 13 105 IC3 47 10U 213 128 126 210 50 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 •84 160 m 777 711 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 7J7 TV 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 39 81 76 140 105 78 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 Tho mode of Inhalation, in cases of throat, recommended by Dr. Curtis In his advertisement, (■trikes os as the true ono. It is now generally car best physicians, that local difficulties can only be cud cnMfully treated by focal applications. This practice'has been pursued from the first with respect to externalinflam lootioa and corrosions, and we sej not why dlseasee af*thU throat and lungs may not be treated In the seme manner; we believe they may. in this variable climate of om,. where lung and throat complaints have become eo bmt and rife, we earnest!/ recommend to the public, khd lo Ou aJflxcUd espcciaUt, to avail themselves of remedy^—{One who has tried it ] 800 QdvertUehtefifc •lU' : thU paper. 777 777 77 777 777 77 l 33 2 444 414 41 444 444 44 414 444 4-1 444 414 44 444 441 44 444 444 44 441 444 41 444 4(1 41 444 444 44 044 4 14 44 l-C IK) 30 444 444 44 444 414 44 444 444 44 444 444 44 444 444 44 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 777 777 77 Omlfon—Da. Ocbtu* UYQRANA is theoriglmll andcnly. eenaiaa artfohi . ’ A6* Ague and Fewer of Three" Yetifit Standing Cared.—Mr. John Loogden,nowlivlegat U«aver Dam-, Hanover county, near Btcbmond, had 4gue and Peter for three years; most of the tlmß hD chflla twice a day, and rarely less than osee: he vras parched with fevers as «xm as the chill left him; and fryffT £ physicians, quinine, moat of the lonics advertised, amf everything recommended to blm,waS about to give up In. despair, when Cartert Bpanlsh Bflrtnre waj spoken of ;hs got two bottles, bat before he bail u»dinora ’timn a siti&fe; on*, bo was perfectly cured, and has nat had a chilj.or since. . r.i i'.i 77 777 777 77 7?7 777 77 777 777 77 120 120 77 77T 777 77 2222 2222 2222 Mr. Lempira Is only one out of thousands who haTo Lera bcnallted by this great tonic, Blterstlreaild .blood pu rifier. Bee adiertiemneut. eep4Jm , »■ Btmklogi and nailery for Winter. —lf you don’t want yoorfeot pinched with b«l «ul Btocklnga, yon will take onr sdtica and go to O. D ALT'S, corner o( Market alley and Fifth street, and buy some cf there elegant Fine Stocking!, that media your feet feel nice and oomfortabl*. DALY oleo makee and ealle oTery rati ety of Hosiery that yon can mention, at wholesale and retail. i J Remember the place, corner of Market alley an) Fifth _ ort4: &*i~ B«teh«IOK»i iiatr RELIABLE, TRUE and NATURAL—beyond *D qaeetfon the BEST—never fades, or Cells to dye brown or blsck, trtoe ■ to uetare, Hilhoat the least Injary tonkin or haic -&l%Ss and soli, or applied, (In nine private rooms,) at BAT-' OHBLOK’B cld established Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, New fork. . r ] toM, wholesale and retail, by I t. QEO. H. RPrggft, 140. f-M street ' ‘ J aepfflaUwj - &B Citizens and strangers visiting the Fair, in want of a LIAT or CAP of the latest etyla, would do veil to call an<l eramlno oar fUoefc, as we are determined not to be ondorsoU. sales and email profits. A LX)., No. tW Woodstr.ee, **?[_ , One door from 81x1b. J aat Received, at ttri bbia’e, » splendid aanortment of Fall and Winter Goods, of every description, consisting of Plash, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Batin \cnlogs, Doeskin and Fancy Oaralmsros, dolhs,Overcoat* logo, Ac., Ac. Also, Gents’ Furnishing Goods In gnat vari ety. » bUsb will be Bold low for cash. No.SMO Liberty street. **p!7 &B ** ATS, fl ATS.—We haro received oar FALL STYLE OF BILK UATB, which will be found* on Iq> a ncafcaud Kaod'artfcle. ‘ A good Hat for 13.. and an extra one fbcsA GaUandee* - • : fttftytyttf *"GOrt& leilWood *h, - l I ffeat hoosoto tbo new msbyftmnTCaiqnbi J ; One door from girth street. I O 6 We have Jaitreetlvtdi by KxnreUi sow II iS°T,°5 HUNUAUIAHnnamhc RATS, 01 latest style, which we will Mil as low £xr db u »uy hone, in the city. Ceil end see „„ „ WOMAN A CO, ISt Woodetrart, jrag2s next hoaso to the tune Presbyterian Church. OHIO & FESHSYIV4NIA HAILBOAD THIS ONLY RAILROAD Bvasue vvkst nton hittsbuugh. Tm Pas* Taia lean, eta A. M. throngh to in |3 boors ami 40 minutes, mv© as ft a. M. RxpuaaTs&ni ** &t 3 I^, These Trains all make close oequeettpos etCrestiina*-#nd the first two connect at iUHgpcty Tho,iilrcet roots tn fit, Louis is now open, via. Crostliga and, qq rnUes shorter than via. Cl<rrelao£ ~ k 4p» 1 ot Mansflold with the Newark AQtl Sandusky GUy- road? ‘ snd at Orostilne with the three roojta oofcceatr%tiag there For pariitolan seehaniiblUA Ho trtinaTunoaßondaj.? Through Tickets sold to CtoMnPfcU, fib fj6uk Indianapolis, Chicago, Rock Island,Fort and the principal Towns and CUto In the West. Tbs NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN vm leave Pittsburgh at 4.4 C P. and New Brighton at£.£o For Tickets andforthn Information, apply to J.IMfIJBBT,: li At comer oQoe, under the HoAongiboik Haas*. Or, at the Federal Street Station* 1 Hr Pittsburgh, July S 3, OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD, Continuation 0 f the Ohio and Penn*. B. B. TO FOBF WSTHH', 5 ' ‘ ww mmoaro ass iiaumg Koto nnst pr **Q u *wn, Trains eonnect at Crestline, mOovi rieftntton, tsilh ail the IVaint on the Ohio and /tend. Sodden nd alio ai Vox Betou eppjy *t the BjUlrrad <aU*s.'of lfe b& ; “J 3 PcnneylTunU ItnUroaJ Ooinckny ln aii^ ghenyfflfaN Of Fort Wayne, BeUMbhUIK/'' CladutiaU, Crtaju, BprWald, IndlamyoUs, Richmond, l Wffln | Bwaiiy- Peraene OeslHng BeketevUl be Mrtionll* teAMt'fS* • Ticket by the Ohio uul Ihdi»n»Balft««4. , -*■ -t* J. B. BIBAPOgAK, Ba^t Lifo, Fire and Hayioo | CORNER OF WATER AND MARKET BT&RBT&S PITVSBCftOXXt tA. (u 0.3, D. M-Qul, B0OT t£" ..j co^^b'hTMßSS: ‘ MOTnc “ to* j a lso, eraimrt 801 l mulOmso Biekaos theOhlo nto elMippf nVoa rad tribntarks, end Mutno Biske gnnsraUy.i PerH’ Lofie rad Dexhage by Fire, radegainstvthk! Pclicleetesnedat the toWeet to eii pnrtiM. ™^T.r*'“^r?d 61UCTQB& , rtobert ailway, JamesB. Hood, John?qllaxtMk: , .\ * John U’AJpin, Baxaual AFClnrkan. william p{,niip fl , , Jolm&ott. ®w. ArtnSKtTT ,”‘1 . •,1 James Marshall, John iTGiiL Potatto N.l<ea,lflUaasioa. Pennsylvania Insurance PombanT op pirTgßUßau, •* J Corn ?L. ot and taiUffiaU' fltWti. ®^ Inft BB by lire, and the Perusal-unfiee and Inland Navigation end TranaporSutS! ™. PiAßoioaa; ", < .; Wm. r. Jataatoe, £?<»» Patterson, Juab Muter, W.M'OUntock, Konnody 1\ Friend, Jamra S.Nefley, W. 8. Haven, 0. & Perk. • ' l V l i r oproul, Wade-Hampton, D. ALIjonV, A.J.Jonea, J.H. Jones, . , U.BjOdggshall, J 0FPI08B8: “ • ' F rai * n ‘— -..1i0n. Wtt V. JOtofßtON. Pice Praidmt BODY PATtBBBON. Sx't/amt TnatartrA, 4. 04SBIKS. < * *• ■ Aniitant &crftory,3, 8. OdBRIKB. V '(JeSS^/'. EP&BKA INSURANCE CQMPAffV ; OF PITTSBURGH. J OH ? *}• BHOBHBKBQBB, ftaamrar. ■ -■ ' ROBERT FINNKY, SxoßnLlTi * . w - «««««■ Aden. : ' W,LI ‘ I*B URB AUAfHBT ALL KIHDg MARINS ANDERS RISKS. DIBBOTOB8: ; , J JL ShocDbergmr, Q. W. Ous*- C. W. Batcholor, W, K.KinaW 00 ** T.B, Updike, ' ■* IL D-Cbetoan, * SwblmSi. Dn*id MaUandleaa. v OB BoaUinai by parties tassred undercoU* PEAK L STEAM BILL, Allegheny. ■ W»IiODK DBUVKttHD TO ;iq 0 | the two CUta. ■ Oasma may be t«H at tfe, utU, eats betas at nS’ 1^ L S2, N * Wm M Weed a trout il U 4 uri.X®? I *®' oarnefUbwty and Bt Olatref. U P BOUtyd-BXZ, DreggtrtaAHa^ttowj, Tlkaei OAHU, salt via i. u® BtlVAta , MUNNItUt a 00. \ V Also, for sole by the so e proprietors, VLEUINQ BBO&, ! Successors to J. Kidd A No. 00 Word street, corner of .fourth. lubalattoA for Dispasedhungs, FOR THE FAIR. BSXNO TUB PITTSBURGH MNIM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, j < R T ’| r ‘“ th' ' tatnSl: Cott F‘ for tlWWMteW 'lateral r. iT.A!“!j?sP' U, ®“* Streets. iO tfeft fin MONlSj'jpje SOTerbfccr tiext at lQetfctDefe- S§SSJF^ S AUJhifplece.Or land It Down to too ienontl Pj“ of In «n 4 onHmwirtba town of Erie, ae outldtW 407, It being now In the city of Erie, ccaxunenclnff OT4K& south-east corner of Feaeh end Twelfth streets. In eafd ci>? - thence sonUrwardly byeaßt linear Peach street, alsiftm* thenoe by wort lino of Btata erect northwardly eljt hun*’ “ r *d end sixty fe«t to Moth-west , corner, of ritakf end' Twelfth streets; thence Mr south Uni' & TMlfihletinet' three hunflfedhnd thlrtyfeettoplHCo'of beginning. getxful lrvine, i orTC&Mn county, Pa, at the SOU of Wooa » Dnnjapjbf AliSbUllifthai certain-lot, plciSio’r parcel of land situate I Ip the dtyof Erie, Erie county, Pa., anil known as lot Mo, ISSO. b<rand®l:on-lha nortbowdsi by Sixth street, «n tho north-east byiot.No. 1958,0n;th0 south-east by ldt-So. ,1906, nodi on-the southweef byftbt No.lOSf-ieeoitinluir wot Qaeihlni irf an acre !; Also—Allthat PlKOifr parcel of lauleltuate ip said dty of Kri3,-kuownas fot-NofISSO, bounded on the north-east by Holland Btreelion lbs sonth e,st by the-south-west d>y lot-No: 1967, ■ mid on the north-wsst by lot No. 1059, Also—All th*t P .. Df 1 ! n ? Gitn )*°i n f!a ld city of-brio, known eg lot No. lll!p7,hOUUdod ou thesouth-east hy Seventh street,- S? thenonh-westM lot Ko. 1958, anion the north-east by lot-NO.IW»-H»n Wnlng >bodtoje-.ihWor«i-acre. Also—That pleceorparcidrrf. b“ a flWato In said city of Erie-, knownaalot N0.M30, bounded on tho soutboaet by Seventh street, on tho south west by lot 2W.lo63,'ehthSu6rtlf weet by Jot No. lS&Eand land situate adjacent td thbcltyofgrlo.'ln tbotowusblpof Mincrcek, Krfecounly, Pumberedln the general plan of In and.unh lots. No.'-271, bounded on thoweit bv Aeh tane.sndcontalnlng obout fire bereft that W Ufa niece or: parcel of, land (hoard adjacent tofha city of Erie, la tbotawnahipofldUl Creek, Erlocountylpalimd numbered In the general plan of In sad out 10t5N0.212, containing Atencres.bolng bfmodftlonfbewcst byAtib Lane. or paredof lends! £nntelnsuld : -townsWp. and numbered inlhe general planof In and ont loteNo.39Uhoundod. on tho-north-bydot No, 392, ™ the went by lot No. 3»,and oirtho east by BeSeh lane, Anil on Ift 1 * 0 270—containing ebont flreacres. Also «JmriSfi^™?.i Pla ?;. OT optai > a ‘atdate Inteatd . -fa* hrwnHhlpjelnt ntmtbered Inlhe generitTpianof In and out lots No. 270, buundedi n till. (-nst fcy Beach Icinp, on the north bylotNo. 691, on tho treat bylctNo 2n. anii on the sooth by lot No. 269—containing about flve' acres. 1 of land sltuafeln said MSI numberea-toiUid geiioral' PJ?* 1 !® 8 offallcltvof Erie; No. 2E9,'booijded op the cast by BSaat lane, on the-aouth by-Bullalo hoed, 9“ the •host Aw acre • .Setoditnd taken lb exo, PP“°“ M ; . I P»-,PWl>srty of William,A. Irvlne. of AVsrren bounty. Fa, at the suit of George Milno A Co.; of Ohio.’ ttwtof .donation land shoato ln Aiilty ■ township, Brio tonnty, Pa, In tho tenOi district,and bound. PR“ irihowß; Beginning at n cucumber sturap. tha eouth.- west corner of trect Nu 11.0; -thence-- north-finr doorl-oa’ w«at bycentre.of the road, two hundred add eighty tScbra toaataiet thence north elghtyelx and a bell degreoa. dost by trKtNo.'m.tbreeanudred and eighty-four perchei to, -“ tl< 'Wa,rastby tod 189, IWhM toastakes thence a)ptlr®i!tW-Bw-»tiiMOdegrpeß,;irßst by Ho. 167, three' AlSOaeAnigit tttctbr laid.(ituhtelto Hew yerin township, He«er eunnty, 6, aha- S 1^ ,e 4 eighty-two, contilhlnff fire nundied thth-eertaln lot No.Slß;■(itßjda In't^lobi^ , ongh of WarTtm,Pa.i«MtS!nlugl3bH'moarer»iit ' " that cerlata tot.N°. 310,situato In the bdr origh of lyarren.P*, adntalnlilg I8;614 T 6(iuare Teet. i. ith»|<MrUdi>Tlnt NnA26,aKnate la thobX -13.614 (qp(ref e £.“ .1 .landißhuitolnPliuißant (own- wordy, EA,npposlt» IhutownofWarreh, and lUalxotl John IPbdd and h Folranor, sonth by-ILlraleoner Allegheny river; containing four hnn (hdwventy-fourac;ea and flfty ; five psrphes, more or And trie* of land situate lh Pleasant town ship; Pteren eoemty. Pa, opposite the month of Broken straw Creek, boundod north and west py the AUeghsnv tlwr. east by other lands of -Km. A. Irvine, end south bv oator lands; containing four hundred and eavantytbrei “»> “ud rdnety perches, more.or lcss.: -Ahont 1-fei acres r„^s3r 4 « U ii U if t bw’d prplfw of land situate In thd Warrencounly, pa, Mowb i Beglntilblr ffia poston the bank er tho’Allirehfn r 1 |s"®“* OI IPA p S e kPd^’hSfpercbwi lblUy perches^ to. the' Brokenstrew-croek; tbri,co uKiSH ct,ci : twentyrorenanda, bams, together with the varioua and the waterinrlvllmeliiAgdat'kiMSinttriSn^rr Bl '’ tEu.plaroor t«*0l of land'ln''Bcotenstnn> )°,T„ l^^w^ nc ? tnt yf PA » rWnn4f,I s>> a » stoneonthirtAfii efWu Am ghimyviwrAhe soauweat cirnettif tKelbovo d^tfbS SSS^^^saSaffl!' aa»»&gwBBSBg totuufred and thlrty-two'perolieaAi»'ffit-WS,mJvi,rX |wo fcaß'M,andthiml^iiS-pSEfcS ’atontag.. About puefcurthantoCTmrattohrccnfkMio»~ .four-hundred andttrw acres and one’ hundred ohd tbStf [ala perchca and aUo»attqe.juoro or lees. Oneald, y£r barni'Glii uppnrtpmnri^ BggmMmssm. ?cat ruxtoop, perches toenash; Ahenco wnst'-kfx hundred An ntpetyf lgnt permeate « chestnut Oak; thence north ast tortyono and threo-tshths perrhi.-s to 7 ‘' iPl“t btfepoo, senth’ H degree, oasttwenty-fdr «cto toanir-h sropd;thcncern>rth 89)4 deoTOattst three hundredand ntneteenperches to ofhegin nlug.iPpntalnlng pn>r hrtnt&ed and fbrty-Sva eerwSnd tweniy-toarForebes and allowanco more or lessj on' WTiich ttrojnoryfltoM dweUlcgjnnd ticro are oboift tnlm! Mies or tract improved. Also—All that piece 05 japipjt of land situate In the townsbip <rf whlchda orectod a togo two Story atone balldlnir hundred And twdntpdwo dSferttKtttejrtea; «ad filldwaxtO? oboot seventy acres ofwfreb are ; toprcrredftM tho baQit W6ff§n county, bounded.north bv jpwb Hudmanjrenth-by Arop Tor In iErekr^ 1^I %iS n ? 1 acres mow «r lesj,half ofUlmproiod;hnlJdlngß,onodoobleeaw milt With water prtvUiSfhitßPititey. ftnmn dwemnpi end h^ „ eoulh by. 146 mna .nn, the - 15^^iAJWWSWioUalogtam;AXtBridlngaiiftth.tai4s gsffi&SfBBSSB tt^ !1 ■g f which sralip, tuvedobont’ ALSO—-All"ifrlrtiW-liiiUiliirl.mliiliniiI] hi I ” t ?iy? s K; t * d * two frame dwelling ni^Sr^*?stg^ r in Spring SaSlf?Schi£ U^^ I i d ol B h *y thrft > .art!. »nd fermlT- wews-oflr-ipltt and.® tii ’ of"lan3 altriatnlo Kldrcd A,^nS twct Containing: ‘ S(^, LS!?^ tl s?»2fJ^* l ? BU, ' to B?*S<W Creek No. T2j containing four l thirteen aerMt mote pr lm/ ; ithatplacaor parcel of land situate lnLlroe- MW OfPij being pari of tracVNe. 6250, fcUewVYtJh Nskmmg-ot'Wm. QtUVr'lahd, • rtrer hy~aatuwl conra one hundred and ; *hr«»tentb tMothoe, thesee east bj.landa'Of hundred and twonty-eeron perch tort 6 a post^. tndral and fbrtyoue porches to * post, thence adrtxj perches to the place of beginning, to gethot with two Islands In Allegheny river, opposite to said U * *•' ' * *“»» tltoatedin Urns- Stolen* 1 “ B, °S-t>4rMft«ctm,627B,«SS at%S%?%! ?F < i!”i> Ea 4->to W;ii;*2BTteiiija jf"E? f"’- L“ t b'ins tTO-t4B22,cunlflln!og nine ■^?rfTi* Snll m^l t 255S I ’' Olrw bli!h M cjfcuil # a tons saw omlpUitiKjEnj, two rrilrio anil uypoft^aaatjjaild 'g**®'"®l porcol or Jdoilottgiw Jn Iha* - X??!;.! f ' Stirrtn , TO > ?°,V Wig tract fi2M, containing eldT ‘jt 'jfrtepiiHdiT eo.tho promt? of Wm. aowhoL- tw«irtß« SISiJM^? I^ 8 ’ wiiu “ “» tat' •ill scll^amJsSl™ 001 ‘'“S' 1 * prjcop, and whrdi U 167 y.511. 511 J t»n&k9«D warn . ~ , r r //j l-' • »A 80tt'49135,C50» tlrown-few \v‘‘vf : - »j ■» ty?M&SSSft* BMimMAIB^iroOTTO. ** rule by E - i-,. (niurm - j h3tl ° : nßSßYir.ooimra. “ s3,iaj _^^^HSP#RW<#g'lKpiiwS«it..t»tt.^»«iMM. V! 1 “(“>«>'«! rilrfwjii cWcstS "J2u?® r fc ®°*i* *t . ~r,!";jc if wntrama^* -i22 .- t; <-■ .SSJWitlHitetnVt grates gPdMB^i^iiMwi^SSSi^ISSSSSS By tmlor of thS®ata.’ /„';;*.! tA vjs'itJKEr ’ - ■^UBTXNr v XOQHi9^TreaEX^r6r. for sala by J),A. PAHNMoca-Jb:c6. •... mag wdod-ma^reirtß. ji-'og net!) ..„ 4>,iA.;gAUMESIOQK'* CO. I *'■>& ounces foraale byr - „,,,. „,,,. . .B^AT-gfori OIL— 2u LLilaNo lianiH£H?ani W?» W-Ji- Cliww.rocwiVobi?:- ta _j;. HKNiIV U; COtitTNfi. POTASU— 10 caahe priojelo> fiiTOl/y~ - 0019 KllltNßY m COLLIES. |>ROQ3larr-iaodoz Com Broom* tbr by"' ? O- °° lo courts. Ia c ScSSSs» I,, dnir,, ‘ .. Cctß .... , < , A A, MASOH Jt t CO.gj,Hftfrrt.' l{ Which took the Diploma at thettewYorkStateFair.lßK4 lww*«—— - •- Perm!otbttrJ?air^) ‘? ■* I ummovUsq [COM FBOMTHECOB! rW™uF n N^r a *;!«*>? W l EAPipiTI.OF HAND WORKING!-*- I ,k as€DUro hew,principle, > *-;V * VER BEFORE Dl3OO PJtREPt J A GREAT. Cirmos*TY I ! 00,000; of ttiese- Machine* ABB ONDiR a r MAKING At DIFFEBENTFOINTS tf’- L ■iU't'va&&7co' "'' l' J ' Jj : ■■ : - ’ Folt THESE RBStARKi&EIE MACIiIEES, Kxec*d«Credibility J- - ' ■'. ’; jrForFartherAiaripUanj ßOT ,J _i ."" >”■'£:;£&*• ~ S ~ “ NBW>ta r BK-?t7fißi-A : i‘tXTK | and daily-papers. - ■ *• ■ - Tii i« ** “? CaUh-peaßjp.aamhiii! • THERE 18- A PILE OF AIONEr;V.,;- 1 ■ :- ‘ l’ TF«lnvite lho*a*hoKtmtXvroakeftti)Becks.” to.cutlet — •- - --. . • , WOOBWELMS . mp. trijfeiEfr ciiAi*rs.v w AW i EUBK4CINO EVERY BTYEtf OY i-V ■ ’’ ■ puujsituhb. 1 "" . , t . '■'nr- *'" s -“ l *'■ ■ u ‘* i - r - *" '• ~, psEivoaflj Mmmi mb.waVpt; j . .TsQtJAL *TO AN£ 12f‘ li *- •■■ * NJBW £Otti£ OH PHILADELPHIA/ ' i: - A y D AT 1-OWRJi PXICXS. ' WEvery utlclo mails by hand, an d nxnntail. t '“"’ l ' -OPgeafloptttlklgrmn,. „-, ~ FOBNiajiur assapsi'-i «*> .?;^-|MCKBDJI^ , rBBIiI«III.; i;«-V,- ,’iVi {,<f • • ■ i*sS®;¥ Ufllll£lK t 'ra».rm!ai!nt r * £*i I-EYX AIAHXIN, Becroiary aiulTnmnlrfr. ' ' ■ . ?*s*s!* '■ - • f '■* >■ ItapSttaßn. „ - lid) irm.Bjmma, lUraikghasy ', PaTO%l|aa?ia«y a t'CO ■ ~ British wtiWnUaeataFExcbaagei i ■ BIQHMntLS SSAVflt.Mv’'^' 1 , ' CO."' ~-- K * 99- !S»#WWRSiSaKtefe ' *«• saw Bt&aa ,V' " w t ■' 'if ; -FtersoaSjntenaing fc> 6ay?l abroadfcii? dibeniKLitirrm**:*'' * -SS3RS J wiLtiMMS .-. j " snoctasoiß*#*'-4~ ABNOLD-&’-WIMiESKa^...... - ' S-kV U*? t 1 ■., ;.; asp .**7 ?: !» i&sdsi^::-?- -orfpßasotfg 1 Green: Ifcfaeev .; ■ ; S TO22alFhithTPl3 ! iff DSAIiSREXOLUSm^XW wiiiw . IHo>1 Ho> „J, * , ‘if > -jJlj-- V% y ‘ BBA'Si&ijfV. EENKSyt.VAHIA r T,..,i,/r-.-- .* S. - 3* 4S&,?'' :i : • OniO JUDIAHA soi r* , ; -.• i'^t I 'Mi^lnt I BDSBiams«a*T'; a - IfAllf Sj & |Mbp,xjum>oo,1 —“ —c •«. * ■>•., , * ■• ■■ dbied gmcr, • - i —* 's.j* : OTQAB-CtlßEDanil' • > CAD VASSEP'ri AtBA. ‘.’,~' e,: '" 1 bandit -‘ ' " ~*- * A large stocfe sin] t So* *97- liflwrt- J %*. <maaaa;.j. o: cmanoJo. &**ina9w.?C 3. wpossriin;-*;, M ,i •*?•< " ' • 'AltifVUMlfcfi**. P A. P ...j : . gAmraacrggiso cohEaityv no. sm>oo jstjisbt, fjg- r - '* > -' Y »^^lJlnS r ot‘u»^ f< '- wr 1 ! • attnwnn. -’ > 10 ‘‘ a *eM oi' Laucufllur BUiioihrrtiixurh&xoff, eh U rely new stylee, J« P t r«r«l'«L OCU A. * MASON A 00. \ > i.. Av, i; \* US "-V ;•' *>.***§ r fBS-gfiM- VMMI IJ^bcKAJp, fnr.RAteby:- 'PSTOCK ytco. CUAMSSSB, ’ PitfSßusa d, v nraV . '••t '1 V i j . . t- » « y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers