The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 08, 1855, Image 2
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COUNTY DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS, BKNATOB: WILLIAM WILKINS, Peebles township. AfIStMRt.T JA.MKB B. FULTON, Tarentuin ; L. B. PATTERSON, Mifflin JAMBS SALISBURY, Birmingham 0. MAGEE, Pittsburgh; SAMUEL SMITH, Allegheny ; anrlurp BODY PATTERSON, City. PBOTHOHOT ART: JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio township. TEIASTJBI& THOMAS BLAOKMORE, Upper Bt. Clair WILLIAM ALEXANDER, City, COMixISSIOfiZB JACOB TOMER, Pittsburgh, AUWToas: JOHN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh ; A. B. M'PARLAND, North Fayette township. MREOTOQ or POOL : JOHN BOYLE, Indiana township. DEMOCRATIC MASS Maw meetings of the Democracy trill he held In the tel lovtoiz places PITTSBURGH, Monday, Ociober Bth. -Sofae of th. following g.ntl.m.u -111 boprownt and delirar addresses . Uon. Wm. Wilkin,, Hon: Chaa Sbalor, 001. Wilson M’Candless, Co]. S. W. Blaob, P. C Shannon Dr J. R. M'Cliulock, W. W. Ir<rln,Chrtatoph.rM«6«. GrO Jt. Qlllmore, Janes Salisbury. The meeting* will begin a'- 7 oVirvk, P. M A GRAND RALLY THE DEMOCRACY And alt othar Cltlxena opposed to the relgh ot Secret Political Soc.eUes Will be held at tbe CITY HALL, in the Dia mond. Pittsburgh, on MONDAY EVENING, Ootobor Bth, at half-past six o’olock, P. M. Hon. Jodgo Wilkins, Hon. Charles Shaler, Col. 8. W. Black, Thomas M. Marshall, Esq , And. Bnrko, Esq , D. Brace, Esq , Judge Shannon, P. Sawyer, Esq., Thos. B. Umbsaetes, Esq., A. B. McCalmont and others will bo present and ad drese the meeting- The Hall will hold throe or four thoasand peo ple, and it should be filled. We invite all who would support the Constitu tion and the law to turn out Bnd hear pnblio questions fairly discussed. Rally. Freemen, Rally. By order of the Committee, J. H. PHILLIPS, Chairman. TO THE VOTERS. To morrow tho question is to bo decided who tber this county is to bo ruled by saorct political clubs, or by open parties whose principles are clearly announced, and whose measures and polioy have been again and again approveJ by a majority of the American people, it ib not the Democracy alone that is interested in this ques tion. All who oppooe Know Noti.ingism can help defeat their desperate < fleets for a tempo rary sucoess. A good ticket is presented by the Democracy, and by eleoliog it Know Nothingism is at an end in this county. The Democratic party occupies n proud posi tion in this State and nation. For nearly all the time for half a century it has bad control of the government, and under its polioy and meas ures this oountry has prospered and grown as no nation ever did before. AH its measures havo been approved by the people again and again. It is tbe party of the pooplc, of the Union, and of tho Constitution-—and is .cow the only party having a national organization, or a obanoe of suocess upon national issues. It is not pro- Bl&vory ; it is not abolitionist; but, whilo depre cating the evils of slavery, it knows the vast value of the Odlod, and alone oooupies the posi- tion to preserve it. The very assaults mado upon our party by reokleas opponents, and tho desperate cflorts to oombine all factions agaiust ns, is an evidence of the strength aod stability of our parjy. It has withstood suoh r.Bsaults many a timehefore, and come out of the oonflict unsoalhed anil tri umphant. it bravoly defies its opponents, and does battle year after year with unflinching re solution. it has triumphed heretofore; it can not fail now. It has presented this year an unexceptionable tioket, and hundreds of those who do not belong to our party have pledged themselves to support that tioket They say we are parties to no sebemes and frauds; that we aot openly and fairly—announcing our principles—opposing all seerst combinations —declaring for oivil and re ligious freedom—and proclaiming equal rights to all oreods, and nil sections of the oountry ; and they rosolvo to voto with us for this time. Nothing is wanting, then, this year, but that Demoorats should be true to themselves, and turn oat ono and all to the polls on Tuesday next. Sacoess is within our reaoh ; shall we throw it away, or Leglect it under the stupid apprehension that we oannot succeed ? Turn out, turn out; we can suooeed if wo try. Tho oontest, as every odo knows, lies entirely between the Democrats and tho Know Nothings. Erery vote oast for any other ticket is thrown away. No man on any other ticket has a shadow of a chanoe for an election. Last winter Democrats helped to elect a Whig Mayor of our city. We can expect a liberal return for that aot of liberality ; and we are as sured that tho Whigß in great numbers will vote for our tioket. Meantime, tho lodges of the se cret order are exploding —largo numbers are seoeeding. Every day, almost, wo have in formation of that kind that can he relied on. Disorder and oonfnsion reign in the dissolving ranks of onr foes, whilo our party is united and harmonious. Good omens cheer us on every hand, and we never had tetter encouragement to labor and hope for suooess. If all those who aro opposed to scoret organi sations for politioal pnfpoßes help us to eloot our tioket it will not be, and oannot be, olaimed as a party triumph ; but as a triumph of reason, justioe and freedom over proscription and Know Nothingism. Let no one stay away from tho polls this year, or be deluded into throwing away his vote. Be not deoelved by any frauds or misrepresenta tions. Onr tioket is a good one, and we enn eleot it if wo will. aODT PATTERSON Rody Patterson was born in the State or New York, was brought to this city when three years old, and has lived hero forty-wen yean. Any assertion to the oontrary is a lie of a dosperate party. Mr. Patterson has had dealings with our oitixens to the amount, probably, of half a mil lion dollars, and has never hod a law-Bmt in re lotion to them. In printing the tiokots a mistake oc curred in the name of Judge Wilkins. Those tiokets were not printed at the office of the Horning Poet. We are told, however, that it was corroded in time to avoid all harm. The Mkbtino To-biuht.—The meeting for this evening, be it remembored is at the Citt Hall, and not at the American House. SP^-' TO THE NATURALIZED CITIZENS OE ALLE- j GHENT COUNTY. j Tbfl Pitt-barch Pispafch ha* published b repute-1 decision of two Judgus of the Court ot Common Plea* in Philadel phia, »o the following purport: ‘ That no per*on, unless ho ha* been naturalized ten days previous to the election can be properly assessed, and, consequently* that he cannot be entitled to rote.” If such a decision had been made. It wcu ! d hare boou directly in violation of the law, and a judicial outrage. But no such decision eT« was made, and the publication | is false from beginning to oud. Jadgcs AlUfoo biJ Thomp j rcn never bad the question judicially before them, and never could havo made an/ decision on the fubjp.t. By (he Act of Affcembly of 16th April. ISM. the assessors Of the wards, townships and districts are bound to take an account of “ the nuues and lurtauw all tho tiiablc inhabitant! within their w|wUn 4'*tritU;' nothing u gliTubout titt-m Many perrons are tar :.We mhabiUnt Who are net citireus in the reuse that the word Is owl when applied to an election. ' In the same Act (section 11th) It is made a misdemeanor In the aseewor to “ knowingly and intsntionally omit, neg lect, or refuse to assess and return any property, pirbox or thing made taxable by law.” Person is the word used, not ;OCTOBER 8. In the election law (Act July 2, 1839) the language i* : “No pmon *hall be permitted to vote at any election’ unless be has, “within two years, paid a State or County tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the election.” Now Uit .not plain that, so far as taxation is concerned* any person (not citizen) who has paid a State or County tax, duly assessed, is entitled to vote! What els" then I* necessary I Either that he shall be a native of the United States, Ac., or that he shall be naturalised under tbe act o Oongress. If he obtains hie naturalization papers only one hour before the polls close, be 1b entitled to vote. He Is then a citizen ; and if he If a perwn who has paid a tax under the law, as above staled, his right to vote is unquestionable. Any one whose vote is refused on the ground that he was not naturalized tBD days before the election, is requested to call on the Committee of Correspondence. They aru tWr mined to prosecute every judgs or ins; ector who denies to qualified voter? their just rights, on the pretence that Philadelphia Judges, or any others, have decided the ques tlon adversely to tho naturalized ritlreo * hose paper* are not ten days o'd. THE NEWS. The Governor of lowa has isauefl his procla motion, appointing Thursday, (ho 22d day ol November, to bo observe# as fl Thanksgiving Day in that State. Gov. Gardiner, having boon repudiated by the Worcester (Fusion) Convention, and Julius Book- well nominated in his stead, the K. N.’fl of Mas sachusctts met in Convention at Boston, and unanimously agreed to pat him in the field for re-election. Ho accepts. The candidates ore now: Erasmus D. Beach, Democrat; Julius Roakwell, Free Soil Wbg; and Henry J. Gardi- aer, American. kins, of Virginia, Chief Justice of the U. S. Gir onit Court for the District of Colombia, to fil 1 the vaoancy occasioned by tbo death of the late Hon. Wm. Cranoh. Mr. Hopkins, who now holds the offioo of Jadgo in Virginia, was for- icU" v-'.^LE BH&P: • v WpvT • r, •*» '... f't * '• '■‘VShugr -* -'j * ’ Jr.S CHARLES BIIALKR, JuHN U- PUILLIPS, W. G. HAWRINB, JOHN PILL, D K MILLER, JOHN N. M’OLOWRV . JAUBB SALISBURY, JAMES POOTT. THOMAS 8. HART, JOHN ROTH, WILLIAM JOHNSTON, ANDREW SCOTT. JACOB L. ELSKSSOU. A. UARTJK, R. D. ROBERTS, MOKIUBON FOoTKH, JAMES HBRDMAN, HAMUKL KIRK, MIOHAKL BN EE, A. R. M’PARLAND, BAML. W. BLACK, Chairman. *2t Committee of Correspondence The President haß appointed George W. Hop merly a member of Congress, ond Charge d'Af faires to Portugal, under the administration o; Mr. Polk The oase of the Government vs. James 0 lier, formerly collector at San Francisco, to ro cover over $lOO,OOO, said to be due from the latter, was partially decided in the L\ S. Court for tbe Eastern District of New York on Wed nesday. The decision so reduced tbo various amounts under certain heads in favor of Mr Collier that the government claim will be nearly if not eutirely liquidated. Passmore Williamson, who is in jail in I’o U delpbia for contempt of oourt, seems very desi rous of beoamiog a martyr. Somo of his friends a few days ago got up a petition to Judge Kane for his reloaso. This seems to have greatly of fended Mr. W., who has relocated the Phila" delphia papers to say that the movement is en tiroly unauthorised by him, as he intends to re main in prison until released by law or public opinion. An article of agreement has been entered into between the Executive Committees of the De mocracy and Know Nothings of Cincinnati, by which the selection of JuJgoa and Clerks of Eioctioa for the various Wards, for next Tues day’s contest, is provided fur. It will there fore, require a most extraordinary and outrag eous ocourrcnoe to inaugurate riotous proceed ings, and wo may confidently hope for a quiet election. A very melancholy occurrence took placo in the Lehigh river, at Citasaqua, on Monday eve ning. A canal boat, oontainiDg two men, a wo man, and two children, went over the dam, and all wero drowned. Ihe very heavy ruin on Sun day last had raised the river to a great height, and the current where the acoident took place ;s so etroDg, that all efforts to save the unfortunate persons.were unavailing. Earlier in tbe doy a man wont ovfer at the same spot, and wai also drowned. As yet none of the bodies have been reooverfcd* ' - A Questtos. —Tbo editor of tho Journal asks If we intend to charge him with double-dealing on tho temperance question "■ We reply, 1 that on the part of some of the K. N. candidates there certainly is double dealing, and that It is well known and understood. They are, as a K N. charged Mr. Flannegin, trying to carry whis ky on one shoulder and water on the other. 2nd, tho Journal openly advocates the repeal o f tho anti-license law, anJ calls on hi* friends, tho Know Nothings, to help repool it, and yet wo are oalled tho “ whisky party ” and all hurts of lying names because we are of tho samo opinion. The Maine law not iu issue this year. The question of prohibition la not now before the peoplo. The only question now in issue is, shall tbe “Jug Law ” of tho last session be re pealed, and a more sensible substitute bo oaaot , od. Nearly all tbe papers in the State say, Yes. Tho friends of temperance don’t like this “.Jug Law and there is very little prospect of its do ing any good. It does not prevent the sale or uso of liqurs, but merely require, that it shall be bought by the quart instead of the glass. Shall folk* buy liquor by the quart or by th*. ylass * This is tho issue ; and it is a very small one to make votes on. VOTE THE TICKET We understand there are some who still hesi tate between the Demoeratio and Republican tioket, as most likely to defeat the K N.’s ; to all such we say with the most eDtire sincer- j ity, that we believe the Democratic ticket will | be olcctcd from first to last, and that the lead ers of the Republican party acknowledge it up on every corner. llow then any man, more particularly a naturalized citizen, can hesitate for one instant, we cannat understand. Surely, they do not wish to contribute to the sustenance of a reckless and unprincipled organization; they cannot feel that they have performed their whole duty to thoir oountry and themselves when they contribute to the success of those who have sworn to deprive all foreigners of the right to vote, and institute a reli gious! test for office. The Republican tioket has not even the shadow of a chance. Do not throw away your votes and thereby help to elect and build up the Know Nothing party. Gbobqia.— The Demoeratio majority in Geor gia is between five and six thousand. Maine, Illinois, Virginia, Tenno : soe, Texas North Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia have now spokon out in favor of the Democraoy this year. Both north and south the Democraoy are trium phant. Pennsylvania will go the same way to morrow. Hurra, for the only nationai party. PnOTHOSOTART.— 80 far as we can learn, Mr. Wilson’s ohanoe* of being elooted Prothonotary are growing small and beautifully less every day. The K. N.’s declare they will not stand a nomination thus obtained. 'IM 4 ■ *• S ( ' ~" ‘ - i THE FIKAIi BOKBARDMBKT A t nf ; tie London Timej gives a graph.e ‘lef.-rii :i-n »«f the bombardment pre vious 1.1 the las* ftKji.-iuit upon Sebastopol, and probably the greatest storm of ü bot and shell which ever fell upon a city : The French exploded three fougasses, to blow in tho oouuterecarp, and to serve as a feig : n&l to their men. Instantly, from the sea to the l dockyard creek, there eoems to run a stream of t fire, and fleecy, curling, rich white smoke, as though tho earth had suddenly beeu rent in the throes of au earthquake, and was vomiting forth the material of her volcanoes. The lines of French were at once covered as though the very clouds of Hen vug had settled down upon them, and were whirled about in spiral jets, in festoons, iu clustering bunohes, in ootumns and in sheets, all commingled, involved together by the vehement flames beuoatb. Tho crash of such a tremendous fire must have been appal- ling, but the wind and the peculiar condition of the atmosphere did not permit tho Bound to produce any great effect on our camp; in the city, for the same the roason, the noise must have been terrific and horrible. The iron storm tore over the Russian lineß, tossing up, as if in sport, jets of earth and dust, renders asunder gabions, and “squelching” the parapetß, or bounding over among the houses and ruins in tboir rear. The terrible files of iron, about four miles in front, rushed across the plain, carrying death and ruin with it, swept with its heavy and irresistible wings the Russian flanks, and searched the centre to the oore. A volley so startling, simultaneous and tremendously powerful, was probably never yet uttered since tho cannon found its voice. The Russians seemed for a while utterly paralyzed ; their bat tetieswere not manned with strength enongh to enable them to reply to such an overlapping nud crushing fire ; but tho French, leaping to their gus with astounding energy, rapidity and strength, kept on filling the vary air with tho hurtling etorni, and sent it in unbrokon fury against their enemies. Mere than two hundred pieces of artillery of large calibre, admirably served and well direct ed, plavod incessantly on the hostile lines. In a few moments a great veil of smoke —“a war cloud rolling dun '' -spread from the guns over un the left of Sebastopol ; but the roar of the shot did not cease, and the cannonade now peal ed forth in great irregular bursts, now died away into hoarse murmurs, again swelled up into tu mult, or rattled from end to end of the line like the tile fire of infantry. Stone walls went down before the guns at once, but the earthworks yawned to rcce veehoi and sho'l alike Howev er, so svnft imd incessant was tho paesaze of the«e missiles through the embrasures and aloDg the top of tne parapets, that the enemy had to lie close, and could scarcely show themselves in the front line of defences For a Tew minutes, then, the French h-d it all their own way, and appeared to be on the point of sweeping away the place without resistance; tint after they had fired a few rounds from each of their numerous guns, the Russian artillerymen got to work and began to return our allies' fire. They made good practice, and fired slowly nd with precision, as if they could not afford to throw away an qunce of powder. After two hours and a half of fu rious fire, the artillerymen of our allies sudden ly ceased, in order to let their guns cool and to rest themselves. The Russ'tane crept ont to re pair tho damagos to their works, and shook Bandbags full of earth from the pantuette over tho outside of their parapets. Their gunners also took advantage of this s. dden cessation to open on our sailors' batteries in the left attack, and caused us some little aonoyanoe from the " crow's nest." This fire was kept up all day, f only stopping at intervals to take rest. Tlu Kuropean Harvest The advices frnrn Paris respecting brcaJatuffs are very favorable to our morket. The French government have yublirhed on article in the Monileur, in which it ia stated that the French wheat harvest falls short of an average by seven millions hectolitres, the difference between 82 and To This deficiency is rather more than two million English quarters—about seventeen mil lion bußhels This measures the probable ex tent of the French wants for importation. The relief hel 1 out is not as two years ago, by eoll iog bread. below cost, at government’s expense, the impobcy of which toe article alluded to points out, but nostril in ail owing, fur ovor a year, free of duty, the impertat.on of foreign wheat, n measure which will speedily be taken by toe government. The London Times, also, of tbo 22J September, has an editorial on the state of the money and corn market, in which it points out the fact of u failure of the crops, which prove below an average in all the south of Europe, besides Franco, and that there will be largo outgoings fr'-m London of money and coin from England for wheat ; of which the English crop, is below the large oue of 1854—while stocks are much reduced The Times says : The American harvrst has been splendid : an unusually great breadth of land lias been under wheat this year, an-1 lb" crops have been sue oessfuily go"t in The available vurplns of wheat is estimated at about ;b,n.tu,Ui >'' quarters from the United Stairs or. 1 Panada—a quantity which is more than sufficient to cover twi-e tho alleged deficiency in France 'P this quantity it iB sta ted that about half will be shipped for Europe 'between the Ist of September and the Ist of May; aod we have reason to believe that very Urge orders have already been transmitted to the other side of the Atlantic for tho French market. 'There is no doubt that in France, and in most of the count! ic- -4 t cutrat and Southern Europe, the Into harvest has breu below the aver age, and that in this country it falls short of the extraordinary and bountiful harvest of 1854. The prices of corn and of almost all the first neces saries of life are, therefore, very high, and higher in proportion to moat parts of the conti nent than in this country. Although the block ade of tho southern ports of Russia, and especi ally of tho Sea of Aij!l , outs off the supplies from an extCDsive and fertile district, we sec no reason to doubt teat measures may still be taken to open the navigation of the Ltanubo and the oorn trade of the Principalities. No part of the world produces a greater abundance of the finest grain, and tho harvest of tho past summer was so abuudant as to compensate the inhabi tants for the sufferings and losses attending the invasion of the previous year. A Ualloou In a Th«intlrr»torm—Wonile fu I Kicapc from Poath It was announceJ a. nit* tiuys ago that Mods (Jodard, CM Lath am and Messrs lloal, Crippen and lielman ascended in a balloon at Cincinnati on Monday. It appears they encountered aviolent thunderstorm in the olouds, which drove the bal. loon on, it is stated, at the rate of 70 miles an hoar, and that they attained an altitodo of 17,- 460 feet. Mr. Holman thus deaoribos their de scent after dark and during tho Btorm : Suddenly wo felt our our rushing over the tops of trees, crashing and tearing the limbs ns the balloon was driven along. Mons. Q. gavo us the valve rope, and mounting the side of the oar, he ordered us to hold fast in another moment we landed in a cornfield, and by tho force of the wind we were dragg-d and bumped along tho ground a distance of half a mile ; now through a feuco ; then striking a Btump of a treo, or whirling through the corn stalks at a fearful ve locity : our heads rapped each olher, and not UDfrequcnlly we sa* stars all around. Up and d ;wn wc went, when the car ntruck a treo, and Mons. Godard was hurled to tho ground a dis tance of feet ; tho next moment wo wero crashing against a tall stump of a treo, when Col. Latham and Mr. lloal were thrown with groat violen.o front the basket, the former on tho I back of his neck and shoulders, and tho latter lon his breaet Mr. Crippen and myself were left alone in the car. Mr. Crippen obeying in structions to keep iu tbe bottom of tho oar, and 1 holding with all iny might to tho valve-rope, up we mounted. Fortunately wo dashed into the limbs of a tall d ad tree, and in an instant tree balloon, oar aud aeronauts wero flat on the ground. Mons. G. had his lip badly out, and tho flesh lacerated on one of his limbs; Col. La tham an anklo sprained, head, shoulders and body generally bruised ; Mr. Hoal his breast crushed in, three ribs broken and otherwise bad ly bruised ; Mr. Crippen his bead and nook *■ skewed,” nud generally Bcratohed and bruised. 1 was bruised somewhat, but not materially injur ed. jpy- The Know Nothings of Philadelphia are resolved to vote for Voter Martin. They repu diate the Nicholson fraud. See iheir notices in the Ledger for proof. Remember the name of the above gentleman is James B. Spurious tickets may be circulated with an R. instead cf the B. Examine them. g®- In naming the speakers for the GRAND RALLY meeting this evening, the namo of Col. M’Candless was accidentally omitted. He is expected to address the mooting. I’dcebus, what a Namk ! —Among tbo speakers at a meeting In New York, tho other day, was the Reverend Tiberius Gr&oehua Jones. ***”'" - ' \ i-.- -v 1 At", .'VJ'jy-' « n Jr* r | * - ,V -'• .w *’» <-. .. :■.- JAMKS B FULTON . - ri,tV * ' Thb Political PiLaara. —The New York Evening Exprese is very severe upon the Hon. Honry Wilson, the political pilgrim, who, like another •• Angel Gabriel,” is wandering over the country, preaohing treason to the Constitution. The Exprut says of him Henry Wilson has given out, that ho oannot remain with the American party on its old basis, because it toon’tpoy. He joined the party to be made U. 8. Benator, and has quit it for some thing else. Wise men never trust knavish poli ticians, like this Wilson. In the space of a year he has catered for all parties, and been false to all. Neither public faith, nor political honor seems to guide the consciences of such meu, and their presenoe and rupport is a ourse to any party. The Democracy of Coustt, in County Convention last week, nominated a legislative ticket, and appointed delegates to the next State .Convention. Patriotic and thoroughly Consti tutional resolutions were passed, denunciatory of Abolitionism and Know Nothingism, and ap proving of the prinoipleß of the Compromise. Among others was one instructing their State delegates to support the Hon. Goorgo M. Dallas for the Presidency. Inhalation for Diseased Dungs. The mode of Inhalation, in caaoe of diseased lungs snd throat, recommended by Dr. Ourtls in his advertisement, strikes u. as the true one. It is now generally admitted by our best physicians, that toeai can only bo suc ceasfully treated by local applications. This practice has been pursued from the first will! respect to erterus! lnlUm jnation and corrosions, and wo see not why diseaaos of the throat and lungs may not be treated in the manner; we believe they may. In this variable climate of ours, where lung and tbroet complaints have become eo preva lent and rife, wo earnest 1. recoinmond to the public, and 1,, fit especially, to arall themselves rf Dr Curtis remedy.—(One who haa tried il , See adverUsecent in thlrtpufwr. Oauhon —Du. Cmro' UTOEANA Is the original and only i ,;.i. m»i>4:Rwilaw B«ntilf>A arOf.i*. _ v Worms 1 Worms I--A treat many learned treatises havs been written, explaining the origin of, and claasifftng the worms genernied In the human syßtem. Scaree'y any topic of medical science has elicited more acme observation and profound research ; and yet phyal. clans are very much divided in opinion on the .object It must be admitted, however, that, alter all, a mode of el. polling these worm*, BDd purifying the body from their proeenee. Is of more value lhan the wlse-t dls-iulslllons as to their origin. Buch hd expelling agent ha* at length Wen found- L>r. M’Laue’M Vermifuge prov.-n to W the much *o.igltt after specific Its efficacy beinc universally acknowledged by the entire medleal lucully. As further proof, read the loliow lug from a lady—one or our own cltixens . Nii* York, OdoWr 15, IW2- This is to certify that I was troubled with worms for more than a year. I was advised to use M’Une's celebra. ted Vermifuge. I took one bottle, which brought away about fifty worms; 1 commenced improving at once, and am new perfectly well. The public to learn my name, and further particulars, by applylug to Mrs. Uardle. No. . Manhattan Place, or to E I. Theall, Druggist, corner ol IlQlger anil Monro* etr»*<ts- Dr. M’Lane’s celebrated Vermifuge, also his genuine Urer rills, can now be had at all nwpectablo Drug Stores in the Uuited States and Canada. Purchasers will please b« careful to, ask for, and take none bat Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge. All others, in comparison* are worthless. AUo, for ul« by the ao e proprietors, FLEMING 8808, Sac-'imorfl to J. 4 Co., No. 00 WO' J street, corner of Fourth. £ir Aguc and Fiver of Three Years’ Standing Cured.— Mr. Jrtlm Longdan, now livlDp at Bearer Dam, Hanover county, near Richmond, had Ague and Fever for three years; uiostot tho time he had chills rice a day, and rarely lew than once: be was parched with fevers as rood a* the chill Icit hiiu ; and after trying physicians, quinine, most of lbs tonics advertised, and everything recommended to him. wn* about to glvi up In despair, When Oerter’s Spanish Mixture was spoken cf: hi got two bottles, but before he had used more than a single on*, he waa perfectly our.-d, and his not had a chill or f«vir since. Mr Longden Is only one out of thousand* who hat been benefited by this great t<-nk. alterative and blood p< rifier. S** advertisement. Bu r'* OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD THE ONLY RAILROAD RUNNING WEST FROM IMTTSBCRUU. Tqs Fasti Train leaves at - A M through to Cincinnati In 13 hoars and 4Qgninute3. Vail Thaw cuvra it 8 A. M. Ripn.cs;TiutS “ at 3 I*. M. These Trains all make close connections at Crertline, and the first two connect at Alliance. The direct route to 8t Louis is now open, Tia. Crestline and Indianapolis, 100 miles shorter than via. Cleveland. Connection* are made at Munefield with the Newark end Sandusky City road and ot Crestline with the three roads concentrating there For par titulars eee handbills. No trains run on Sunday. Through Tickets sold to Cln-dcnuti, Louisville St. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Hock Island, Fort Wayne, OU-veland, and the principal Towns and in the Want. The NEW BKXOBTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will laave Pittsburgh at 4 45 I'- M-, »ud New Brighton at 7.311 A.M. For Tickets and further Information, At the comer office, under the MonongMieta How Or, at the Federal Street Button, to GEuIIUK PARKIN, Ticket Agen Pittsburgh, July 23, 1866. Uy w -' OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROA BEING THE Continuation of the Ohio and Penna. R. R TO FORT WA V N K , turns iurnnain and hooters uilcj from Pittsburgh. Trains connect at Crestline, u/itAouf ddmtion, with all Uu Train* on Ike Ohio and Pinna. Road, and also at Forest with Trains goiug North and South, on Iho Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad. For Tickets apply at the Railroad Offices o l the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Pittsburgh, Alle gheny City, or at any of the following points: Fort Wayne, Bellefontaine, C.itcinnatl, Urbana, Dayton, Springfield, Indianapolis, Richmond, Tiffin, Findlay. Persons dealring Tickets wilt be particular to ask for a Ticket bv the Ohio and Indiana Railroad. J J. It. BTRAUGH AN, Bap*L PITTSBURGH Life, Fire and Marine Inauranee Company; CORX&R OF WATER AA'D MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, resident. Jia. D. M’Qiu, Secretary. , . „„ Thifl Company make* every Insurance appertaining to or connected with LIPKRIBKB. AJho, against Hall and Cargo Risk* on the Ohio and Mis- Btfltippl rivers and trtbat&rlea, and Marine Risks generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, ami against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies Issuedat the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. MUOTOBB*. Bobert Galway, Alexander Bradley, James S. Hoon, John Fullerton, John M’Alplu, Samuel M’dlurtan, William Phillips, Jamas w. Hallman, John Scott, Chas. Arbuthnot, Joseph P.Oasiam, M. D., David lUchev, James Marshall, John M’Qlll, Horatio N. Le», KittHnnln*. Pennsylvania Insurance Company * OF PITTSBURGH, Corner of Fourth and Smithfleld stroeti. authorized CAPITAL, >300,000. lwsoai Buildings and other Property against Loss or Damage by Fire, and the Perils ol the Sen and Inland Navigation and Transportation directors: Wm. F. Johnston, Rody Patterson, Jacob Painter, AA. Carrier, W. M'OUntock, Kennedy T. Friend, James 8. Negley, W. 8. Haven, D. K. Park, i. Grier Sproul, Wade Hampton, D. kL Long, A. J. Jones, J- H. Jones, H. R. Coggahall, officers: Prtjideni lion. WM. F. JOHNSTON. Vice. President RODY PATTERSON. SrPyand Trauurer.A. A. CARRIER. Assistant Sccrtlary..S. S. CARRIER. _ (JalHLly ' EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTSBURGH. JOHN IL SHOBNBRRQKII, PaisinutT. ROBERT FINNEY. B*oh*tart. a W. BATCHELOR, OiNHUt AokOT. „ , „ _ _ WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL M.INUS MARINE ANd'fißE RISKS DIBEOTORB : J. n. ghoenbergar, 0- J. C. W. Batchelor, W. K.Nimick, Isaac M. Pennock, B- W. W. Martin, R- D. Oochran, . R. T. Leech, Jr., John A. Caughey, Qeorgo 8. Selden. 8. A Bryan, Dartd McOandless. «#- All Losses sustained by parties insured under poli cies issued by this Company will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid at its Office, No. 99 WATER street. } jyll WILLIAMS & ALLEN, BUCCXSBOBB TO ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, m a tnrrAGTT7Ri&B or Chilson Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing AND FITTING GENERALLY. For Warming and Ventilation of building*. «“W. AA. will contract for Warming and Ventilating by Steam or Hot Water, Pipes or Chilton a Pumace, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Cour tlloußca, Jails, Hotels, or Dwellings. No. 26 MABKJsT street. Pittsburgh. _P I PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY. a&~ FLOUR DELIVERED TO FAMILIES .In either of the two Cities. OnnlßS may be left at the Mill, or In boles at the Korea of LOGAN, WILSON A 00., 52 Wood street. BRAUN A REITER, corner Liberty and Bt. Clair nte H. P. BOHWARTE, Druggist, Allegheny. TBOMB: OAB H , O*H DI L 1 vIB t. jy29 RRYAO, KBWSISPT A OQ. ’ iffl- Bateßelor'i Hair Dye—The ORIGINAL, RELIABLE, TRUK and NATURAL —beyond ell question the bEbT-nu-rer fades, or fails to dye brown or black, true to nature, without tho least Injury to skin or hair. Made and sold, or applied, (In nine prlrate rooms,) at BAT CUELOR'3 old established Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. bold, wholesale and retail, by Tr.QEO. H. KEYBBR, Wood street. FOR THE FAIR 41®“ Citizens and strangers visiting the Pair, in want of a HAT or CAP of the latest style, would do well to call and examine our stock, os we are determined not to be undersold. Qui.'k sales and small profits. MORGAN A GO., No. 1M Wood street, One door from Sixth. -S*-Juit Received, at Grlbble’e, a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Oooda, of every description, conflating of Plush, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Batin Veatings, Doeskin and Fancy Caasimeres, Cloths, Overcoat ings, Ac., Ac. Also, Gents’ Furnishing Goods in great.Fari ety, which will be sold low for cash. No. 240 Liberty street. M*p Stoektngi and Hosiery for Winter. -If ycu don’t want your foot pinched with bad and abort Stockings, you wilt take oar advice and go to 0. DALY’S, corner of Market alley and fifth street, and bay «ome of those elegant fine Stockings, that make yoor feet feel nice and comfortable. DALY also makes and sells every vari ety of Hosiory that you can mention, at wholesale and retail. Remember the place, cornel of Market alley ani Fißh . . oct4 street. mb. HATS* HATS. —We bar® received onr FALL J&j STYLE OF BILK lIATB, which wRI be found, on in taction, a neat and good article. A good Hat for $3, and un extra one for $4. Call and see. MORGAN A CO., No. 164 Wood st., Next house to the new Presbyterian Chnrch, BeD a One door from,Sixth street. We hare Jast reoilved, by BxpreMi Ike/ R large lot of I‘I.ANTER’S, HUNGARIAN and other BUKT HATS, oi latest style, which we will sell as low for caxb as any bouse in the city. Call and see MORGAN A CO., 164 Wood street, aug26 next hoase to the new Presbyterian Church. NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. $15,000 EIWARD. ON TIIK 17th of BIS FT EMBER LAST, two boxos wore doilrered at the office of the American Expreea Com pany, in Duboqne, lowa, by a cartman from the United States Land Office. „ . _ , .. Said boxee, on tbelr arriTal at the Sob-Treasory in New York, were found to contain bock-shot of the size of 140 to the pound, and pressed balls of the size of 100 t* the pound, to the amount of 174 poundß In weight, and 26 pounds of sheet lead, No. 4. The boxes were made of white pin*, one loch thick, ■ oTetalled at the corners, aboat I<% inches long, inches wide, and Inch® deep, Inside measure men'. The bottom of one of the boxes wm of bemwek. They were strapped once around the middle with one Inch hoop Iron. It Is claimed by the Assistant Treasurer at Dubuque, that the boxes each contained gold coin to the amount of sti&,'Joo. They were marked with cards addressed lo the “ Assistant Treasurer U. B , New York,” which cards are admitted by the Deputy Assistant Treasurer to ho gen- ulnn. ‘ . ... | Not?, therefore, for the purpose of discovering now this fraud wo.l committed, and bringing to Justice the parpetrar tom thereof, the American Express Company will pay $10»* 000 for the recovery of the money, or in that proportion for auy part of it, and $5,000 for the arrest and conviction of the offender*; and they will pay liberatly for loformation relative to the making of said boxes, the furtdshlngof sneh l*ad ball*, shot, Ac., Ac., Ac. All communications should be addressed to the subacri bera. WKLLS, BUTTERFIELD A 00., New Yort, LIVINGSTON, FARGO A CO., Buffalo, Proprietors of the American Ixpress Co. octH.lwd Boys stud V outlie’ Cniton Slade Boots. Cl i.O. ALB REE, No. 71, comer of Wood and Fourth r streets, would invite the attention of families and ! others to the following named articles, which have been manufactured to his special order,and are—as regards ma terials, workmanship, strength and style—as perfect as cm bo found in any establishment, and superior to any he ban heretofore Introduced: Boys' heavy two soled Winter Boots; Youths’ “ “ “ Boys’P. Calf ' 44 “ Youths’ u “ 44 Childs’ u “ “ Noa. 8, 9 and 10. Also, Boys’ and Youths' superior two soled Brogans. Children’s soft Morocco sewed Bootees; Ladies' and Misses' Calf, Morocco and Qoat Boots; Gentlemen's superior water proof French Calf Boots. Also, all kinds of seasonable BOOTS and ; SIIOEB, made from tho best materials for durability. oc-8:10teod Executor’s Nfotioe* . WHEREAS Letters Testlmentary to Xihe Estate of George Nevergold, late of Indiana township, Alle gheny county, deceased, have been granted to EDWARD MoCORKLE, all persons knowing themselves indebted to A<iid Estate will make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims or demands against the same will present them without delay, duly authenticated, for settlement to ortS:6tw* EDWARD McCORKLR, Indiana To. AauMuiiuua volume—Quizzical, oatuuoal, mikth rirLanddranTLiMOl—Published thisday, “A BASKET OP CHIPS, by John Brougham ; Translated bv McLenan; I 1 volume, l2mo. Price $1,25 Ixtract from Prtfacz: “ A Uaj>bet of Chips” is a somewhat unpromising repast to ask any one to pirticip&te in, to be eure, and tb« unsavorlness ot the name will, no doubt, be eagerly laid bold of by 6ome of the critics. Pemaps it will be as well, in explanation of the title, to say that the random sketches contained in this volume are but the sawdust and shavings accumulated during inter * als of moi «* laborious carpentry.” DESKKTED WIPE—By Mrs. Southwortb. $l. All the cow books published are for sale at the cheap Boob Store of H. MINER A CO , oettt No. 32 Bmithflald street. ri'UE CONSTANT USE of the ROSEMARY will keep the JL hair soft ami luxuriant to the most advanced age. It eradicates dandruff and keeps the scalp healthy tm&'ftlesn. it a-so prevents tb« hah- from Calling off And promotes its 1 growth; and then it is only 25 cents per bottle. Bold by octB B. L. CUT B BERT, 63 Market rt. DRESS GooDb.—A. A. MABuN A Co. Invite attention to the large and elegant stock of Dress Goods they have just received, comprising the most fashionable shades of French Merinos, Paramctt&s, Plain and Figured Wool De Lslnce, Wool Plaids, Ac , Ac. ClLui’Htf, CA'SdIMEKKB, ac.—A large and well selected / stock of Broad Clctha, Blark and Fancy Qaesimeres, Ca*slnetL«, Tweeds, Jeans, Ac., just received by octS A. A. MASON A CO. 88. A. TURK BULL, OCULIST AND AURIST, from Loudon,has taken Rooms tu Ihe MONONG AHKLA HOUSE in this ciiy, where hr- will remain for a FEW WEEKS, and may be seen by those who may have occasion to require his servioes. octthlwd s' 40,000 SHELL OYSTERS just received MM/And for sale at the corner of HAND and LIB ERTY streets. We invite the eitizensof Pitts burgh to come and try them. We also keep constantly on hand CAN OYBTKRB, sold wholesale and rerail. Families supplied with Shell Oysters at fifty and r-eveoty-five cents per huudred, by odd CUAS. KIMBLE. r IMIE Stockholders ol the Pennsylvania Insurance Com 1 pany, <>f Pittsburgh, are hereby notified that the An nual Election for Directors for said Company will be held at ih< o51c«, corner of Fourth and Smlthfield streets, on MON DA Y, the sth day of November, 1856, at 10 o’clock A. M. joctfiitd] A. A. CARRIER, Bec'y. Books! books::'books! p Alone, by Marion Harland; The Hidden Path, by Marion Harland; The Deserted Wife, by Mrs. Emma D. N. geuthworth; India, China and Japan, by Bayard Taylor; A Basket of Chips, by John Brougham; Ethel, or the Double Error; by Marian James ; The Elder Sister, by Marian James; Cora and the Doctor, or Revelations of a Physician’s Wife; O&hfield, or Fellowship in the East; The Iroquois, or Bright Side of an Indian Gharact-ar, by Minnie Myrtle. Just receive 1 and for sale by W. A. UILDENFENNEY A CO., octti Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. Manilla and other wrapping papeub—email and large, light and heavy, for Newspapers, Dry Goods, Shoes, Confectionery, Ac., now receiving and for sale, wholesale and retail, at former low prices, by J. 6. DAVISON, 65 Market, near Fourth street. P. ,j._D r y Goods Merchants invited to try them. [octfi t \UKAP STATlONERY—Consisting of Blank Books. Led \j g*rs, Journals, Ac., of the various dies and styles; Writing Papers, Foolscap, Letter and Commercial Note, for school, family, store and office use; toe best qualities of Indies' Writing Papers; Ink, Writing and Copying Fluids; Steel Pens, Quills, Ac., at moderate ra’ea, by J. 8. DAVISON, oat 6 65 Market street, near Fourth. SHAWLS! BHAWLS! I —A. A. MASON A 00. are now receiving the largest an«l most desirable assortment of Shawls ever offered In this market, comprising the newest end most fashionable styles In Long and Square Bay State, Empire State, Scotch, Thibet, Stella, Cashmere, Ac.; a very elegant assortment of Long and Square Broche Shawls. <*l6 SYttUPB —15 bbls Dougherty A Woods’: 20 do Harrison A Newbold’a; for sale by -<*,o 8 MIT If, MAIB A HUNTER. W' IN DOW ULAKS —P. 4J. Swearer’s brand: 60 boxes sxlO; 20 do 10x12; 25 do 10x14; with other sixes, for sale by octd SMITH, MAIB A HUNTER. UAfblNS —25 boxes M. R. Raisins for sole by oct6 SMITH, MAIB k HUNTER. HBaKiNG— 60 boxes scaled, for sale by octtl _ SMITH, MAIB A HUNTER. WUaLk OIL—IO bbla best Winter Bleached for sale bj oct6 SMITH, MAIB k HUNTER. L'ANNKBc’ OIL—IO bbla No. 1 Bank Oil tor sale by octtl SMITH, MAIB k HPNTBB- OAP—2OO boxes No. 1 Boain Soap for sale by kN oct6 SMITH, MAIB k HUNTER. Allegheny Valley Railroad. ALLEGHENY COUNTY FAIR.—To accommodate citi zens desirous of attending the County Fair, trains will be run on the Allegheny Yalley Railroad from Lawrence* Tills Depot to Hniton, opposite Deer Creek. First train on Tuesday morning. Trains will leave Hutton dally at 8 o’clock A. M. and 8 P. M., and Lawrencevllie Depot at 11 A. M. and 6 P. M. Excursion Tickets to be had of the Agents, at the Station House, at Lawrencevllie and Hulton, and from the Con doctor. Trains will stop at all intermediate points, octl WM- P. JOHNBTON, Preset A. V. R. R. Thomas Oliver, SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, No. 4 Bt. Clair street, Pit sburgh. ftß- Horse Oiothtog, Whips, Spars, Ac. L. Gi Fox, 17ASUI0NABLE BOOT MAKER, No. 48 Diamond alley, ; second door from Wood street, keeps constantly on band a good assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, CONGRESS GAITERS. TYEB, Ac~ Ac. Makes to order to fit the feet. Keeps none bat the best workmen, cats the be«t stock, and manufactures all his work. He has no machinery. iron city college, Opening of the Now Hall. ON PRIDAk EVENING NEXT, October A, ft t 7 o’clock, Addresses will be delivered bv JUDQJ* WILKINB and Others, adapted to the occasion of the bpening of the new *’ College Hall,” which has been fitted np for the permanent location of the Iron City College, at the corner of Fifth and Bmitbfield streets, opposite the Post Office; entrance on Filth street. The public—to the ladles and gentlemen— are respectfully Invited to attend. oct6 P. W. JENKINS, Principal. LADIES may always Qpd UNDER GARMENTS for themselves and for children, with the beat assortment of CORSETS In the city; anl CHILDREN’S CLOTHING of all kinds, for boys or girls—Jackets, Pants, Bachs, Dresses, Ac.—at MRS. M. R. HENDERSON’S, octßul-lt No. 53 Bt. Clair street. C l * ACRES OP CHOICE LAND FOR BALE—WItE~a 0 good Dwelling House, Spring House, Garden, Ac.; all under good feooe, and in onHiTatkro.; situate about eight miles from the city Price $7OO. Terms easy, octl &. QUTHBKRX A SON, 58 Market et. \ .V pep2B;daw Election ftfottce. Who Wants, Buy 7 ' ftEW AI)VEftTTSi?MENTf3.‘" i MOST EXTBAOBDITTABY MACHINE, ! [Which took the Dlploms at tho S«* York Stlto Fair, 18M, j and never*! other Pairs,) FOR REMOVING COEN FROM THE COB! E CHALLENGE any Machine In the world to ap proach it in ease and RAPIDITY OF HAND WORKING ! It Is an entire new principle, never before discovered / AND A GREAT CURIOSITY I A boy 12 years old will shell from seventy to eighty bush els of Corn in a day, (without fatigue) of either dry, damp or irTeen Corn—separating It from the Cob. No cleaning tho corn required. Every kernal Is removed from any size cob not destroying evoa the husk in which the corn grows. Instead of crashing the Corn off tho cob, U is pickedoff, as a child would do with his fingers. It picks off the fair kernels for planting. Every farmer knowano machine has ever done this; 100,000 of theie Blaoliinea ABE UNDER CONTRACT, MAKIHG AT DIFFERENT P0INT8! mi DBMATO FOR THESE REMARKABLE MACHINES, Exeeedf Credibility I For Farther description, see “ NEW YORK TRIBUNE EXTRI and daily papers. This la no Oateh-ponny Humbug! THEBE 18 A PILE OP MONEY In this Monopoly! We Invite those who want to make the “ Rocks, M to call al MASONIC HALL. Polytechnic Department OF THE IRON CITY COLLEGE—Commencing Monday Evening, October 8, at 7 o’clock. A Bessiou of Twapty loswms. Students can attend every day and evening to practice, bnt are charged for only four lessons per week. C. UARTBERGKR, Teacher of Architecture. 1. Elementary Drawing and Shading. 2. Regular course in Descriptive Geometry. Part 1. Line and planum and intersections. Part 11. Cylinder, cone and sphere, with their Inter sections, with line, plannm, Ac. Part 111. Perspective. 3. Cons tractions in different building materials, stone, wood, brick and Iron, Ac. Foundations, trussing, roofing, arching and vaulting. Furnaces, ventilation and heating. Dams and locks, br 4 d8 D«dgmng of public and private buildings, in the dif ferent styles of architecture, w th lessons on their origin, Ac. K- MORG ENROTH, Teacher of Ornamental Drawing, adapted to the business of the marble cutter, cabinet maker, ornamental printer and carver, Ac. Mechanical Drawing, applied to machine building in all its branches. TtoL P. KOETHON, Teacher of Modern Languages. Instruction given day or evening, individually or in chrses. Boparate apartments for hadies. «a» por terms, Ac , call at ‘ 4 College Hall, opposite the pMtWe- (octs) F. W. JENKINS, Principal. I' Administrator’s Sotlco. Letters of Administration, de toms run VV cum testament/) annexe, to the Estate of THOMAS FLOOD, late of the Of y of Pittsburgh, deceased, hare been minted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to raid es tate aiu make immediate payment, and those hanug claims or demands against the same will present them rithout delay, duly authenticated* for^“ftlement. JOHN J. iBJtXUitr«U No. 87 Fifth strest. PlttobqTgh. octs:law6w Executor’s Notice. WHEREAS, Letters Testamentary to the Estate of WILLIAM PROCTOR, late of Allegheny City,doc d. hate been granted to the aabscribers, all persons indebted to paid estate will mafee immediate payment, and thorn hating claims or Atmatirtu against the same will present* them without delay, duly authentic tied* for settlement, at the office of Mitchoi A Palmer, Attorneys at Law, No. 87 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. CHERRY PROCTOR, Executrix, phiilipsrille. JOHN J. MITCHEL, Executor, No. 87 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. oet£:lawQw FLEMING’S BOOK-KEEPING—New edition ofFleming Bcok-KoepiDg, Just published and for sale by W. B. HAVEN, Bookseller, octS Market street, corner of Second. NVKLOPKB—BIue laid, white laid, white wore, cream laid, buff wove, buff laid, ember laid, damask laid, enameled, and every variety of note, letter and lopes, for sale by [octs] W. 8. HAVEN. TITKITING INKS —Arnold’s, Uibbert’a, Orth’s, Warren'e, W Harrison’s, and Mnynord A Noyes' Inks, octfi W, B. HAVEN. 0. SUGAB—7O hbds prime for sale by 7~T , oct6 SMITH, MAIK A HUNTEIt. RJSIINKD 81)GABS —20 bbls Crashed ; 20 do Loaf; 15 do A Coffee Sugar; SUITE!, MAlft A HUNTKTL for gala by foctS] OLAfiSKS—76 bblfl New" Orleans, oak; 30 do Boirar House; For eal. by loots I SMITH, MAIR * HUNTER. 10-MORltoW—lt not to-doy—got your phU at CARGO'S, 76 Fourth Btrent—not Lafayette Hall. TOTUBKa taken at OAIUUFS QALLKKY may be left to bo called for. fffi. Prices to puit all, at 76 Fourth sL octfi ILL YOU PAY MONEY for Worthless Pictures’— Try the ENTERPRISE GALLUItY, T 4 Fourth street. octs . 1 \ OUST. EKJS daily c*n be attended to Vltb ease at 10U CARGO’S two Skylight Galleries, 76 Fourth street. Price* moderate. 06 _ jJ. J. QlLiauriS- .-..-i. 4'IMKUj»X. J. J. GillespU dfc Co.* LOOKING QLABa MANUFACTURERS, and Dealers In looking Glass Plates, Piaw-GlaBS, Engravings, Combs Panov Goods, No. 76 Wood street, Htfsboigb. On hand and made to order, GUt Pier and Mantle Glassy, Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt Frames, or Mould ing. of every description. STEAMBOAT CABINS Decorated and GUt. NSW PUBLICATIONS —Bayard Taylo: India, China and Japan; The Match Girl, or Life Scenes as they are; lsora’g Child; Cora and the Doctor, or the Revelations of a Physician s Ilamer’a Victim, or Incidents of American Slavery; Jealous Wife, by Mrs. P&rdoe; Mick Costigan, or the Ladder of Gold; Newcomes, by Thackeray; Vale College Scrapes; Count of Morion, by Dumas ; • Quin tin Matsye, or the Blacksmith of Antwerp; ' Dickens’ Stories—Yellow Mask, Sister Rose, The School Boy, Beven Poor Travelers; Escaped Nun; Doesticks; Periscopes, by Dr. Elder; $1; N.P. Willis’Complete Works. . , iw , The above j tut received by express, together with ft large assortment of Books and Stationery, and for rale cheap for cash, at LAUPFER’3 BOOKSTORE, ock No. 30 Fifth etreeh FLoUK— 6 bbls Rye rioar received on consignment am -for aale by [oct4j ATWELL, LEE A t>o ri UMUXEY BKKI>—9 bags Timothy Seed received on «m* 1 sijrnment and for sale by . _ , ■^ et 4* ATWELL. LEE A CO. NO. SUGAR—2O hhds Strieily prime N. 0. fcogar l • store end for sale by oct4 oYu UP—3O bbla prime New Yorit Syrup In etore and for O pala by foctt] ATWEOh LKK & CO. FINK PAPER HANGINGS—PaneI Decoration*, in Gold and Velvet, for Parlors; and other new designs, juat received and for sale by W. P. MARSHALL A 00., oct4 pS7 Wood street. _ OR HALLS AND DININU ROOMS—ObU WnioeroTlDgn and Ceilings of Eliaabethian style; Marbles in et«y rariety. For sale by W. P. MARSHALL 4 CO. WAi.t. PAPKR8 —A large collection of new styles, al ■" Prl '"’ for sa'e by w p MARSHALL A CO. GREASE— NO4 1, for Railroad Cars, AO4 No. % for Coal Cara. Wagons, Carriages, Carts, Drays, Omnlbusses, Ac.; lor sale by _ ___ Mt 4 ■ HENRY H. COLLINS. SIX HUNDRED mow cases and packages of New Fall Goods now opening by A. A. MASON A CD., comprising Silks, Shawls, MantUlas, Bonnets, Dress Goods, Domestics, Ac. ' SECOND-HAND PACKING BOXES, of various sizes, which I will sell at abont the cost of material. oat 4 GEO. H. KEYSES, 140 Wood street. Proposals for Coal. THE Board of Directors of the FIRST WARD PUBLIC SCHOOL will receiTe proposals up to SATURDAY. 6th October, fbr the famishing of 3,000 bushels Coal, to be Disced in the cellars of said School. , Address W. A. CALDWELL, oot&dlw Secretary of Board, No. 88 Water st. PEACHES —40 bbls prim© Ohio Peaches, received b 3 Railroad, and Cot sale by „e P 27 ’ HENRY H. COLLINS. COTTAGE HILL ACADEMY, A Classical and Collegiate Boarding School THE TWELFTH SESSION of this Institution will com* meoce on TUESDAY, the 16th of October. This School is located In the pleasant, healthful and romantic Tillage of TURTLE GREEK, distant twelve miles from Plttßbnrgb, and is of easy access, several times a day, by railroad. Those who have children to educate, ard invited to call »ivi examine the arrangements made for the accommoda tion of scholars. L. OATON, Principal. Tuttle Creek. Allegheny Co, October, 1855. XI&. Circulars, containing terms, and other Information, may be had at J. H. Mellor’s, B. T. C. Morgan’s and J. 8. Davison's Bookstores, Pittsburgh; or apply to the Princi pal,at Turtle Creek. oc *3 Proposals for Qo&l* PROPOSALS for supplying Coal to the Boat# of the PITTSBURGH AMD CINCINNATI DAILY PACKET LINS) for the coming season, will be received np to the 16th instant, at noon, at the office of WIL HOLMES A 00., Market street. . , The Oo&l Is to be delivered In the Bins of the Boats in quantities from 1,000 to 4,000 bushels, as may be required by the Captains. The contract to commence on the opening of Packet Navigation this Pall, and to extend to the Ist of JpljilSbP Address, « PROPOSALS FOR COAL.” oet&d* - All thk magazines fob ootobek— Harper’s Magazine for October; Putnam's do do Knickerbocker do Peterson’s do do Graham’s do do Ballou’s do d' Prank Leslie’s tadlea* & •‘V vt , Frank Leslie’s New ? gazette ox Fashion, do; Harper's Story F *ork Journal, do; All Books and &' v °?*» . . .„ . , .» .Agazlmes received a&eoon as published, octS WTa. GILDENFENNEY ft CO,’S, Fifth eh, opposite the Theatre. f^ AMD GLOVES—A. A. MASON A CO. ora jfcr* opening a very large and complete assortment of the • •'**• comprising Gents’, Ladles’ and Children*? Winter I nosfory, in every variety for winter wear. oct3 ALP AC AH, DE LAINKB, Ac.—j ust opening, a splendid assortment of black ami colored Alpacas, all wool and Peiaian De Lalnes, Cashmeres, Ac. Also. aome:very elegant styles of Figured Goods. °ct3 A. A. MABON * CO. GIN GHAM&—IO cases of Lancaster wnd other Ginghams, entirely new styles, j ost received. A. A. MASON A CO. BAJOU'B KID GLOVES— An assortment of the above superior make of Gloves (mostly large sixes) just to* A. A. MASON A CO., oct3 25 Fifth street. KAKK CHANCE— Pot sale, the Stock and Utensils, com plete, of a DAISY, in full operation, within two mile a of Allegheny Olty, having a first rate custom. Also, a larp e quantity of well waved HAY, and other crops, and the tro eiplred term of the lease. Immediate possession can bo bud. octa fi. CCTHTtgRT A BQN. 53 Market Bt BL.UK PILL—IOO lha for sale by „ . B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., oct3 corner of First and Wood sts. CilT&lC AOli>—7t> / sepia V v. Vu. 1 • - 1 - :. *•' JL. HtrslUUld * Son, . KffiTAIL VJSMMA m GWXTff FtmNiJnma goods, ami sauii sianupaoto- REK3, No. 70 Wood streetsboWeen Fourth street and.lH*' jnond alley, have receiye&their etadf'Of t Fsn : hS&Whiter Goods, which they will selL .at; patislactofy prices, embn* 'clng— , . . , , , - Phirts, Hosiery, 1 Ecarfa, Gloves, ‘'CrflYUtfi, Mofflerc, Stocks, Ties, Pocket Hdk&., Bttrdling*s Shawls, Rubber GOods. With q general assortment of goods adapted tothfl Famish ing batuness. ' ; cctbOm * FINE ASSORTMENT of these durable and beautiful A. Imported Mflutelswin .be opened for Inspection, for the first time in this city, at the FAIR GROUNDS. After the dose of the Exhibition, they will be found at the Man* tut Rooms of WILLIAMS * aLLEN, corner of Becond'and Market streets. octlAi 3 ONES. TIERNAA & CO.. (BCCCEBBORB TO BfUBFBY, TIE UN AH .& 00.,) HAVE IN 8 TORE AND FOR SALE, a handsome assort ment of db y goods, To which they invite the attention of purchasers. mp29:d2w*wlm HI. A. Swilor, . WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALER m FURNACES, Ranges, Stores, Tin, Iron and Housekeepers* Hard ware, Tinners’ Machines and Tools, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire Rivets, Ac. Ac. 24 North Second street, (opposite Bushier** Hotel,) HARRISBURG. Bep29xi3in A LOT 24 foot front on WYLIE street, and extending back 109 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Lot U in a desirable location for a residence; and will be sold lour, and on favorable terms. Title good, and olearjfrom incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMOBE, jylS At Ofßce of Morning grot. Boarding School, OR SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE.-Tho GLEN HOTEL and Grounds are offered for RENT for either the above purposes. The site and arrangement -of tho house, the beauty, extent and Variety of the grounds, and the singular advantage of the position, secluded from : every* thing objectionable, render this a moat desirable .location for either a Male or Female Seminary. For terms, apply to mh24:tf * JT: W. BUT! EK, 97 Front stroeL Attention, ladiesi— Frank Leslie’s Ladles’ Gazette for October, 2a cehts; Gcdey'e laifly’s Book do 20 do Putnam s Mugaalne do 20 do Ballon's do do 10 do New York Journal do 18 do Peterson'* Magazine do IT -do Yankee Notions ‘ do 12 do Harper’s Magazine for October confidently expected to day, and «U 1 bn sold 20 per cent, lower than any store In Ihe city. Remember, the place la at LAUFFIiR’B BOOKSTORE, No. 80 Fifth street. ATWELL, LEE A CO. FOR BOYS. WATCHES, JBWBLUY, Ac.— Just returned from the * East, and now opening a largo and splendid assort* ?■. meat of goods in my line, which will bo sold at low prices. 4^*'Watches repaired In the best manner. Jewelr? v _ made to order and repaired. Silver Wars manufactured, •■•■■■ * CO. j * oct2 W Market street, comer of s v. -A- : ' : ‘ s penrhyn mantels. SEASONABLE BUILDING LOT FOU bALE. OOTOBKB MAGAZINES— Putnam's Magazine for October. Graham’s do do Peterson’s do do Godey’s Lady's Book do Leslie's Fashion Book do Just received and for sale at W. A. GILDENFENNEY A CO.’S, eep29 Fifth su, opposHo the Theatre. HILL’S ALMANACd.—Sanford C. HUl’s Pitts , iOt)U, burgh Almanac, Magaz ; neAlmknac, and Amer- } lean Farmer’s Almanac, No. 27, for ISSG, published and now | ready for sale by the quantity, by JOHN H. MEL LOB, No. 61 Wood street. For sale, also, by nil Bcoksollers in Pittsburgh and AUo» gheny City. j sep29 PEACHES— 30 b'-ls received this day by Kailroad, and for sale by [gep29] HENBYi XL OOLLINBi ABRIOK COTTAGE BOUSE, eituato about 300 yards \ from the Railroad Station at East liberty. Thehouse ; contains four large rooms and cellar, and is surrounded ! with choice fruit trees, apples, pears, plums, peaches, Ac.; t also, anabundance of grapes. The lot ha« a front of 30 feot ; on the Turnpike, by 04 deep. Price, $750; $350 ln ; fumd, ’ balance at ono, two and three years. • ) TO p2B - 8. OUTHBKRT A SON, S 3 Market at. ; FOR SALE—A good Farm,«mtaining 107 acres,eighteen \ miles below the city, and one mQe South of the Ohio i river; having 60 acres under cultivation, ia good house and if other improvements. A good bargain is offered. ; ftep26 THOB. WOODS, 76 Fourthst. • A FARM, near New Brighton, Beaver County, containing , lX 108 acres, well Improved, and tinder a fine- state of cultivation, is offered fbr sale lew. 1 ■ ii*' fle p26 , THQS. WOODS, 75 Fourth st. -j ONLY $4OO f.r a two story Frame House and Lot of ground, 20 feat front on Webster street, Allegheny, by CO deep. The house contains two rooms kitchen and cellar. ; A hydrant in Iho yard. Terms—s2oo in blind, roraalader atone iear. 8. CUTHBEKT A BON, fie p2fl . 63 Market street. / hut omAKiNG OLOTllß— .lust rtcclved, wn assnrt- ;. j \X ment of superior shades of Grey Cloths for Ladies* ! Cloaks. |ggp26) A. A. MASON A CO. ; RISE LINENS—A. A. MASON a CO. have just opened [ 2 cases of the best makes of Irish Linens, of every \ grnde. . P(, p2o , TELLA SHAWLS—An assortment oi Very rich an fashionable colors of Stella Bhawlsjust opened. ~eep24 A. A. MASON & CO., 25 Fifth Bt. rauiE HANDSOMEST assortment of Gaiters And Fancy I Shoes can be bonght at No. 107 SFarket street, cheap or cash. faug4l W.;E. SCHMERIZ. BROOMS —76 dor will be sold low to close consignment by se P 24 HENRY H. IQLUKB. Notice TO FARMERS. Mcortfsi Patent Improved , Drill, for sowing Wheat, Oafs, By?, Barley and Grass ( Seeds, for sale at the Seed and Agricultural Store, 47. Sllth street, by [ ang22n?3t*:}— JAMIES WARDBOP. Refutation in new England— Dais to L, N. I 2„ June 9th, 1853. To B. X Fahtusioek <C Cj.—Genttomen:For3Jye years » past L have need B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge lor an an thelmintic in my practice; my attention was first called to j it in a case where I had faded t n dislodge wormjswithcalo mel, pinkand eowhage. A bottle.waslobtained and need .i with desirable effect;" since then rhavopreecribed it for j hundreds of paiiknW'o» <wrx * n:3ar S»-? a t^. t3rt^?^o^; Yr / complete success. In one ease a single bottle of the Biedi- j dine brought away from one patient ninety eight worms, t have never known tt to do bat©, and 1 am Induced to make this statement from an honest conviction that it la j the most valuable Vermifuge yet known. Buch is my con- ; fldenco In its “worm killing’' powers, tiiat I recommend It ■ to other physicians’ in this section, and farnlshlhcai wlta. . the article. M. OJ SAVAGE* SL D. j Prepared and sold wholesale and retail -by B; 'A* FAHJF. > ESTOOK A CO., comer of Wood and Tirst PiF bnwb. ONNET RIBBONS—A very large and elegant assort- L ment of Bonnet Ribbons, of the newest stjries, just {••' received per Brprass. fgep2B| A. A. MASO $ a CO. *<* Wanted, BUSHELS CLEAN PRIME RTe, for which l- OUUU the highest market price will be paid, * ~- by WILLU’M HUNTER, r > eea24:dlwiwlt No. 239 Liberty st. : - Dissolution of Partnership! THE Partnership formed by the undersigned and Jams O’Neal, in carrying on “tb« Camden Coal Works,’* under the name and style of JQNES, O’NEAL A MILLER, is now dissolved. ISAAC JONES; July 7th, 1865. JOHN D. MILLER. Diuass AM) CLOAK TRIM MINOS.—A. A. MAsON ft CO. will receive on the 14th of September, a splendid variety of new Trimmings, comprising— All widths of Ploah and Moizo Antique Trimmings; Figure!, Velvet, Moss and Tufted do Narrow Qaloon Trimmings; Ribbon do Black Velvet Blbbon Trimmings. TRIMMINGS— A very large assortment cf Drees and Cloak Trimmings, of the most fashionable styles, just received by [sep!2j A. A. MASON ACO. COPPERAS— Oil obis lor ealo by oct3 B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. B" AYARD TAYLOR’S NEW BOOK JUST RECEIVED — A Visit to India, China and Japan, in the yot 1853, by Bayard Taylor. lsora’s Child. Ella, or the Human Comedy, (newsupply.) Just received and for sale at . W. A. GILDENFENNEY A CO.’S, sep2B Fifth et, opposite the Theatre. ipLANNELS—A. A. MABON A COt h&rir received a very j; large assortment of White, Red. and Yellow Flannels, of every grade; also, a let of 10*4 Skirting sep23 - . : - Blakely A Rloheyi Real ESTATE BROKERS, corner of Bevenlb and Smitbfleld ptreets, Pittsburgh,, Pa Farms,. Houses,- Lots, Mills, Furnaces, Ac., bought usd sold on commission. Land Warrants, Bills. Bonds and Notes negotiated. Espe cial attention giVeitfto subdividing Farms and disposing of them. Terms wagnabla.- • sepao PICTURE, MIRROR AND FANCY FRAMES OF THE most complete flui/food. style may bo foand at St. Clair street,; .near the Allegheny Bridge. This gentleman has, also,oh hand a splendid lot of Mirrors,, soma of which we see encased in unique and beautiful flranws. Give him a call.) sepld Dry GOODS—Wholtsau ahd Emu—FAfcL TttADK* 1855, A. A. MASON A CO, Filth streety Are sow receiving their Fall .stock-of Goods, embracing some TwentV'flve Hundred Packages, which have been pur chased at the large Auction- SalMj'from Importers, and Manufacturers, and.will be sold at las lowrates as can be purchased of the New Fork or Philadelphia Jobbers. sep24 ■' nnHB POCKET REVOLVING CALENOAK—This fancy JL Instrument is about the size of a ten dollar gold piece, beautifully ornamented, and richly gilt, to resemble gold. It is so constructed that by adjusting ontheHrstdayoftha month, yon can tell at a glance tha day ot the month and week. It answers for not only a year* but for all earnin'. time. Thousands are sold, as making Beautiful «nd ble gifts for Mends. It fs rained dij a pocket pices' _ hll . Its practical utility lies made it a uplrersal fat<k* J (C, v 60 cents each. ' gold by B. J ‘PJ'^UUERT, 01:12 —...... r darket street. Bayard taylok’s mkw book- rh .- it,, Choo and Japin, In Ibe year > r ...TaStS?• Japan aa it Waa abd la; byß> * Tom aa It la In 1855; by V „^^S ,dteUl - ■; £Uie, or the Human 0 r ‘ JjjJp rrnV The Hidden Pethi K E * Cc4 ** Alone; by Mark* „/ Marion Baf land t icrht Anri iw* j liar land. i TfoNaSir atness, or the Shadow of Pate. . : hv *nes: Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family t -raj. S- .olr of the Err. Sydney Smith. Child: a NoteL MAGAZINES FOE OCTOBER.. . Gcdey’a Lady's Bsok, Peterson’s Magazine, ~ Ballons Mag- . azlne, Leslie’s Journal, Leslies Gazette. Household Words, • Tanked Notions, Putwua’e Magazine, Barper’aMagazlne, * Knickerbocker, Art Journal for September, Blackwood s , Magazine far September. ; . - , 1 Itogether with all otheT new Books as faet as published, ; jfbr sale'by H. MINER 4 CO^ octi No. 32 Smlthfield street. : Boot and Shoe JlSanitfaxlory. : JAKES O’DONNEX.X. & 'BSO.i i f®ws i lBoTa^n> shoes, , At No. 70 Sm»tH«eW , In WrniinV BnOßiHoa, where they wIB hopiepired to mt • aU ontereof eyery description jcf Boots end Shoes at the 5 sUortostnotice. R ]i classesof enstomsrsthey .■ wifah^kUpo^Sle.good 3 tmyaflm , fiii'n kncYOMJPEMA ot ‘ ctusaaSlKY, Practical and ' I : embrsclng lte application to the Arts, and Pnarmacy. SS rimSo 800 til, A. U.,M. At, P. 8., Melter and Befloer JjJ thTnnltid States Mint, ProfesEor of Applied Chemistry j” '5?, prmAUn Instlrate; assisted by tiampbeUilorfltt, irlthorof “Applied Chemistry" and “Chemical Manlpula- Hr ms” Second edition; For sale by ut ™2 B. T. CJ MOBO IN, HU Wood at. ~v PPLETON’B DICTION ARY ot Machines, Mechanics, * Engine Work, and Engineering Illustrated with footr thousand engravings on'wood. In 2 tolb. For sale ;; L, ; IJ. T. O. MORGAN. •, W ,TctS No. IM Wood ntnat, lle« Piffle S V - •_r- .v .». mm ..Jasus c. biciixt.