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J YLv. 1 -VK*J i A' v ,*'x, *:" r *,'.?' a KSVvStK-'Jylf”- fr'!«g“» «• •- v | :'.v’w' !| ' \ v fV'*'V *S ' ■’- ■»''••,-> , '!'” Y» frr. ■ - 1 >;- ; : :- ■;'. r^' . !4« '»•*?* f>-. .•••/•.•■'£l • •"'ti - t*' <«>: i v>y TV ,; ‘f C.«;'» 'J 1 .t" '»*:•• i ' ... , »■ ;> •’ •<• ’ •:/».*». * u . —» *. ?• ’> * H * c * r , ' . , , . .. . ' - 1 • »** • < T-, ’ ■»• r r ► v,) |V i •jk.'4#".'/v< Ci J.«,’." j/i l >»-T’-j.' V- ,». <-• *; 4j>Jv f 7? Ai. Jx* ,*IH -J5 i'l- t« - * 1.7 . j[*” £* 1 ?/i- . t "~” *1 t I V’'S*o —'/»•■ »*-,. _». • ’ ‘ ~ '•. ?* ; c k ~ -’ fj > " ' '• ' ' ■. . .0 t ’ . ‘ -’ ' «■'. *, •. Jjsfc K <*> • r ■i % x ' * -r r f : r , 4 , c ' ■' * - 1 ■ O* - , '‘ . -- • . *-o%^ • x-?'by!■■■■'/$ rcfV^"<';•'.- "•:; / '' ' :^ r - 4 • .•i B h to go through with out detention. will take the train lasting HiUsburgb at t g 00 A M., and nrriting In Cirrrland at 2.20 P. M., as that . is the only train by which . lors roonoction* are mode \ through llio a bore pr.in»«. by this train reach Chirac© at 7 3d oe*r rooming, and Pi. Louis at midnight. : VIA \HiLL*YJLLK ! Tbs steamers Kllpse noi K .suin*will irate the Mooting*- . h»ia wharf rterv morn-ng. {-uodayp excepted,) at 10 ' ©'clock, for WeluVille, ron —ting with the train leaving WelLrille at 4 30 P. M. An Accommodation Tr»l > will Lave Wellsvllle daily. (Suudays exoeptod,) at 6*o I* M., connecting at Bayard i with BiprwfS Train, arrivit/ io Cleveland at 210 P. M ; Trains from WellsTille connoting at Uavard for Carroll ton, Waynosburg, Dcver and New Philadelphia. 4^**Tickets for Cleveland, Chicago and tho North Wcat, j ria WellsrlUe, are sold at $1 less thou rla AUSaocc The Trains from Cleveland to Toledo anJ Chicago, run is followsLeavo Cleveland at G.IQ A il, 2.46 P. M., 7.06 p. j M. A rrive at Chicago 830 P. M , 7.40 A. M., 830 P. M Trains leave Chicago for Rock Island aud t*t. Louis as follows:—P<-r Rock Island at y 00 A. M. and 11 W P. M. Por St Louie. 9 15 A. M. and 11.46 P. M. Puascugcr* f:>r rt Louie go over Rock Island Railroad to Joliet, and Übeuceovar the Chicago ami Mississippi Railroad to Alton, and thence by steamboat (23 miles; to St. Louis. Passengers by the 9 16 A. M. Train arrive at St. Louis 11 20 same evening, aod by the 10.06 P. M. Train at noon next day. Baggage checked through to Cleveland, and there re* checked for Chicago andtEt. Ix-uis. PARR VIA ALLIANCE AND CLEVELAND. Ist c/Y e n\r <, ’' LD ° ; rir “ l Tr » l “. 830 A. M. . 8«»nd Train, 6:15 P. M. «“ Fare from Pittsburgh to Davldson’e Mill *1 76. in eluding Meal on Steamer. mii ’ m for Unlontownand ConneU ßT m o wilt connect wlin the Trainß at Davidson’s Mill. connect For freight or passage, enquire ef the Agents at the Wharf Boats at West Newton and Pittsburgh. ’ „ tt 0. W. BARNBB, acp6:U President and Bupwriotand eui. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, THREE DAILY THROUGH TRAINS, between Philadel phia and Pittsburgh. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 7U, A. BL, and Pitts burgh for Philadelphia at 7, A. M. THE FAST LINK leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh ai l P. M., and Pitts burgh for Philadelphia at 2:30, P. M. THB NIGHT EX PRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 11, P. M., and Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 9r20, P. M. Blairsville Accommodation Train leaves Pittsburgh daily, except Sunday, at 4:30 o’clock, P. M. Brintou’s Accommo dation Train leaves Pittsburgh daily at 11 o’clock A. M., R3O o’clock P. M 1 and &20 P. M. Tha above lines connect at Pittsburgh with the RaQroads to and from St Louis, Mo.; Alton, Galena and Chicago, IIU Frankfort, and Louisville, Terre Haute, Madison* Lafayette and Indianapolis, Cincinuati, Day ton Springfield, Bellefontoine, Haudusky, Toledo, Cleve land Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster, Ohio ; also,’with the Steam Packet Boats from and to N iw Oklsahs, Ht. Louis, Lomsvou and OwaintAfi. Through Tickets can be had to or from either of the above nieces. * Por farther particulars, see handbills at the different Rfartinx DOints. Passengers from the West will find this the IZ JL* tad moat expeditions mate to more. New Yort, or Boston. THOB. MOORE, Ajrent, Pussnger PhUedriphlx , T n Agent, Peesongsr Ltoej, Plttebor^i. RAIL ROAD Fo&UIBLY THE CIUC.OO A-''L! ADBOhA A OkST. MiUtABT TBaCT a. K. 15 WW OOHPLH-m, And Trains run the entire distance from CHICAGO TO “ Wrao“ iKEumSS; QUINOT. KEOKUK, MUSCATINE, OQDAVVKA, WAPELIA f fiKS MfiiNKA COUNCIL BLU> K, Ao., and tie OSLI ALL RAILROAD Route from CHICAGO TO BT.IOUIS, BLOOM INGTON, CUN TON, DECATUR, CAIRO, SPRINGFIELD, J aOKBONVILLB, NAPLES, and Intermediate Station* on the Illinois Central, Great Western, and Ohio and Missis sippi Railroads. Trains on Uxa above Lino leave Chicago on the arrival of Trains from the East—avoiding all laying over at any of tbej>oints. Stages leave Burlington daily for Southern and Central lowa and Northern Missouri—making the quickest and most reliable route to reach all the Important points west of the Mississippi,** far as jDonnail Bluff, with from forty to fifty miles lets staging than by 4ny other route. The Road, for a large portion of the way, is laid with the oortutooob Rail, the smoothest riding and best Railroad in tho W eat— well stocked with the most modern Locomotives and elegant new Cars. 49» By this route passengers are sure of making connec tions, and arriving at 8L Louis on advertised time, avoiding the vexatious delay of fog* and Ice, and danger* of naviga tion, as on the route by Alton. Baggage eheekert direct through from Chicago, and no charge for handling at any point. THROUGH TICKETS by this route can be purchased at all the Railroad Office* In the Bast; at the Office of the Company, corner of Clark and Lake streets, in the Granite Building; at tha, Depot of the Galena R-R-, and at the Mich. Cent. B. R. Office* corner of Lake and Dearborn sta., opposite Tremont House, Chicago. FREIGHT consigned by this route will r«»ive immedi ate desnatoh. C. G. HAMMOND, Bup’L ate aespatc Q FOLLKrr> Gen-1 Ticket Ag’t, Chicago. 49“ TICKETS can be procured at the principal Railroad Office* of the country. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD: Carrying the Great U. States Mail and. Express TWO PASSENGER TRAINS RUN DAILY on It* entire length from DUBUQUE to CAIRO, This Road; In conjunction with Trains of the Ohio and Mississippi R R. and Chicago and- Galea*HiUroad, forma the most dlreot and only eontinnottS.lt' It; route from CHICAGO to St.: LOWfik- v.; * CHICAGO to OAIRO, :A: CHICAGO to DOBOQUBL-; a • Train* leave Ohicago as follows: '' - ; ' 10 A. M. and 10.20 P. M.—St. JiOCO ASP CABO EXttuas. Pasarugwra for 8t- Louis by this train taka the ears of the Ohio and Mis*. R. R. at Baodoral, and are carried direct to Sl Louis. _ 9 36 A. M. and 4-10 P. M DODOQOI AMP GAWHA Ex pbkxh, conneedag at Dunbeth (opposite Dubnquo) with a Dally Une of Steam Packets for Bt_ Paul and the Upper MUtdsaippi river cities. . „ . . .. Trains leave Cairo tor Chicago and Dubuque at 7.30 A. M. and 7-00 P.M. , 4W ... . from the East and places on the Ohio nver destined for 8u Louis, will s.ve 100 miles oI tedious and un certain river navigation fi -u. Cairo to 8t- Louis, and arrive fifteen hours in advance ol ih* nver route, by taking the C *Ticketa to St Louis, Cairo, Dubuque, 8L Paul, and all im portant places by this route, can be had at the office of the o. a p. and C.U Railroads In Pittsburgh, and IHchigac Oeuuai Railroad in Chicago. R. B. MASON, Bap L THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lantic cities with Western, North-wester* ar.d South western Bute*, by a continuous Railway direct. This road *l sc. connect* at Pittsburgh with dally lln* o! steamers to all parts on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Bau d us fey with steamers to all porta on the North-western Lakes, making the most direct, cheapest and reliable raids by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the G RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA A PITTSBURGH. FIRST CLASS*—Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, ) 76c _ loott*. (in boxes,' Furs, Feathers. Ac - 1 SECOND CLASS—Books and Stationery,) Dry Goods. (In bales,) Hardware, Lea- per lOOffw THIRD CLAS3- Anvil*. B.ggin«, Bacon I loolba. and Porfc, {in bulM Homp, io I FOURTH CLABH—Coflee, Finh.Baconand I 10c 100tts Pork, (packed,) Lard and Lard Oil j r . in shipping Good? from any point East c>t Philadel phia, be particular lo mark package *• cm kennsytnanui Railroad -Ail Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road ‘ at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without PanooT Aarrrrs —Moses Potter, Boston; J L. EUiott,N. : Y; K- J. Sueodar, FaUadelphin; Magmw A Koous, Bald* ! ro o W i}-.. (' Pmu-is-'UR, Piltsbuxgh; Shrlngrnan 4 Brvwn, Cinelnnit' otr ; J fi. Moorhnad, LouWlll*, Ky„ u G. ' ileldruiD, Madison, Hatciiff A Co., Pt. Loui«, J 8 Miteho!) a ?>on, KvansvUle, Indiana. IL B- HOUSTON, G*n a ral Freight Agent, Philadelphia. : H. J. LOMDAKRT, ; m y 9 Superintendent, Altoona, !*». UVFVS nEKOatiTILE COLLKUE, rITTSBVROH, PA. I NCOKPORATKD BY TUB LEOISLA'nJRE of rmnaj-' 1. ranla, with Perpetual Charter. P DUFF, President, (aothot of the "North Ameilc*n Accountant,") Professor of Book-Keeping and Commercial T. HOWDEN, AesUtaut Profeiuor of Cook CHARLES DUST, Assistant Professor of Book-Keeping and Penmanship. J. b. WILLIAMS, (the best offhand Penman !o tl»- United State*,! Professor of Commercial and orn*tn-nui Penmanship. _ , N. B. HATCH, Erq , of the Pittsburgh Bar, Prc-i-ftsor c! Mercantile Law and Political Economy P. HAYDEN, Principal of the Mathematical Department, Professor of Mathematics, Ac. F. L. APfcL, Professor or ibe French and German Lau Kuage-f. . . , The Commercial department of this Insulation has had I the unremitting attention of pie Principal for the last flf I t«n years. Upward* of 8000 student* hare been prepared , by him for business. Hi* "young men” assistants hare ! all been trained for badness by himself, and are expert ! «DCed Teachers and practical Accountant*; being frequent- I ly employed by badness men In adjusting deranged books. | There are no teachers In this Institution who were In this 1 city dismissed Emm their situations as book-keepers; none I who made twenty blunders on a single page of a bill-book. i Our writing teacher (Mr. Williams) has had somethin* l more than a few lessons from a Philadelphia teacher to I prepare him for his business. No runners are employed • by this institution. When our citizens are importuned bv | those of another, they should refer to some of our dty Bank officers or merchants—persons wbow opinion can be relied opon—and not be decoyed into oae cf those ooncerus which are being sold out every few months, an! their pupils left to seek instruction where they can End H- » ng ‘” _ i procure their tickets at the ie Mouongebeia House, third IRAND, Sup’t, Cleveland. OAUfI II BY, Ag*t, Plttsborgfa. ' Joewph White's Carriage UeposUory. JOSEPH WHITE, now carrying on busi- gygftjg ueaa in his spacious premises, (ncrwQAgpgfrgW'' lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh andHßqs?lfi9 p ‘ tttvensburg turnpike, near the Two Mile JmtKm Uun, between Pitteburgh aod I«awr«ncevlHe, respecUnUy invites the public to inspect his stock of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, Ac. And he particularly informs gentlemen pvrchaxtri, that one price only is male. Fourteen years' experience in the busioesa, enables him to place before hi* patrons the choice ooilection of Carriages whirh, so many years past it has been bis particular department to select from the various and most talented Eastern manu facturers. The success of bis new system is complete—the economy of bis arrangements will supply ib« beat and most fashionable manufactures at moderate prica. Unencumbered by those heavy expenses, which th» mama tor decorating houses of business has heaped upon the price of good*, (owing to largo rente.) JOSEPH WHITE will sell, on ready money oaly,-al xnnbh lest than the usual profits. {mhtfcdaw) jpy» Carriage*repaired in the best manner. with deapai ** h t, : i» T " v.’. ’ ■' » i■* \«> * - f O-* *tf ' * L »•? 1,- ' * i i * i'J * 6 * ’ I,' •? *** *• fi' - ;f '- ' ’ -. 1 * t n\• *. - . *.V« :*j.*4* -* > . ‘ T «r • .• J *,VavJ * *•* •'.*^* i * • • * - •, •%' • ; .-*y ': • ■ • , % v: ».•»'•> • •'%y»VT*> - n t ' •" ** “t* i '■■ • ~rw tf r l • • -• ’ •% *.: •. • A*: ~ “ ••> J *v • ; ' *,C ■’-.... . • t ..«* , • ' - ' •#■.> - , "'' 1: M m* *= l RAILROADS CENTRAL ROUTE. OHIOAGO to CAIRO. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. FACULTY. WIG MANUFACTORY. MBS. RENTER, Six deort from the Aqueduct, oppoeite the MUctor'l Office, Aixxaaxrr oitt, IS PREPARED TO PILL ORDERS FOU WIQS, »Dd .11 kinds of - Ornamental Hair Work. The bast quality of material is famished, and entire satisfaction guaranteed. mylfcdawly Alexander W. Foster. Attorney and counsellor at law, am> Souci ton Cf Obanocbt, Agent for procuring Bounty Lands ati Penrionfl,; a»d for the Collection of Claim* tn Great Britiin and Ireland. 49“ Collection* mate in this and adjoining Counties; Es teles of de>:vdent* settled; Real Estate bought, sold or leased, and rente oollocted. Moneys invested on Mortgage or other security. Titles examined and title papers drawu. Office on FOURTH street, a few doors above Bmlthfleld. Pittsburgh, March 28,1856—jmh28:d*w) A. \V. Foster, NOTARY PUBLIC, and Commissioner for the States of Tennessee, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Wisconsin, New York, Michigan, lowa, California and Virginia. 49*Deeds drawn, and acknowledgments and proofs taken for record or use In any of the above named States, Illinois, Mississippi and Rhode Island. Pi tts burgh, March 28.1855 —[ mh2B.-d*w 1 FUL.TON CAR WORKS. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP EANDUSK7, OUIO. mOE subscriber having moved into his nsw Works, re- X oeutiy erected, corner of WateT, MeDonough and Bhelby streets, is prepared to contract tor and execute all orders for pkBBENGER, BAGGAGE, PoBT*omoß, HOUSE FREIGHT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, HAND, and all other descriptions of CABS. Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all sires, GBARTNO, RAILROAD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. Tbd Foremen of the different departments are scientific and practical men—mostly rrom Eastern manufactories— who keep themselves informed and adopt all valuable mod ern improvements. W. W. WETHERELL. aug2auf ; OXOaOI ALBERT —•••*• L. BTEPHIIIB. BIGKI.OW 4a. CO., (SUCCBBaoBS TO £• M. BIOHLOW,) i\o 46 Dtommvi Alley, near Wood tired., PITTSBURGH. W COACHES, CAIUUAQKS, PJLffiTONfr, BPQQTK&. and etery description of Fancy built to order, and finished In a iWii uianner unsurpassed for beauty of design, Bieganca of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials. _ All work, warranted. K KV "' » KVuLVtKsI itKVoLVKKaiI —Jnat rccoiTed, by hi AV press, direct from the tn&oalao- jiSUSSSBUEBb tore™,a splendid a&fortmsnt of Coif's RK ? K t T i? e four, fltVtoS bbi inch barrels, oil of which we wtnßW sell for cash at an low price* as they coo be bought In the city of Hew YorA. Persona trolnir to Aurt»ll» Md CalUomin will Bnd that the, can do b»tur by pprobadog their equipage at home, than the, eu amon c stranger*—as we gtTO pereona a chance to tr, any ol tht ahoya Pistols betbro leaving the clt,, and In caeTof a fail, are we refund the money. DOWN a TKTLfcy, aepl 136 Wood street, Pittabunrh. NOW IS THIS THUS to secure u good HOME near good Schools. It iswithinuqnirtar o) a mile of the Court House in Washington, Plh, fronting the Pittsburgh road. There are eight acres of gronitd improred, with about 100 Fruit Trees, and a good Cottage House of eight rooma, neatly furnished in the latest style. It is mk the resi dence of John Marshall £gq. Price gSQOO. Rngulre of se P B THOMAS WOODS, 76 Fourth et. , a pure HOTELS CITY HOTEL. (un BUOWR’S, ) Ooratr of Smlthfleld and Third itr««ti, JOHS P. GLABB, Proprietor. PITTSBURGH, PA rpniS large and commodious House haring undergone .1 thorough repair and furnished with new equipment* throughout, is now open for the reception of the traveling public. FAKE 91,45 PEE DAY. MANSION HOUSE. GEORGE AUKENTZ, Proprietor. NO. 34-1 LIBERTY STKEKT, just besidti Lht* Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroni, which mak.es it the most convenient in the city fur passengers arri* ▼Sag by that road. The Proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, in excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would reepect fully solicit a ahareof public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive W AGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar will be furnhhed with the beat the market can afford. * febl:y fcj T . L L A 1U H U T E h , Cbrrwr of Ann and 8L Glair street*, Pittsburgh, Pa, Tune undersigned, formerly “Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and commodious HOTEL, and having retitu*l it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends aDd the traveling public to give him a call. As sured,-with the convenience of the house and his long ex perience in the business, he. can give entire satisfaction, and bis charges moderate. feb2*i WM 0. CONNELLY. oood Intent house, C CORNER OF LIBERTY AND GRANT STREETS, near j the Railroad Depot. janl3:ly JAMES SHANNON. Proprietor. OWSTON’S, WAVKRLRT HOUSE, 60 South Eighth street. between Uhestnat and Walnut, Philadelphia. [au29:y OASKILL HOIJSK, CORNER OF MAIN AND SOUUI WARREN, O rpliE Proprietor takas pleasure in announcing to the public that this new and elegant Hotel has been opened as a house of entertainment. Being commodious and roomy, and adjoining tbs office of the Ohio Stage Company, it offer* inducement* unsurpassed in Warren for tho accommoda tion of the traveling community. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. 4ixl7 61. GABKILL. FRANKIjIN house. OHEBTNUT STREET, ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. PARKER A LAIRD, Proprietor*. Jyl9;3m| TKKMS JLW FEU DAY. aiVBiiLLASi HOi'sic, JOHNSTOWN, PENNA. THE undersigned baring taken charge of the above named House, and refitted It n a large expense, in a oomfortablo as well as elegant style, L now prepared to re ceive guests, and gite ample satisfaction to •£! *“? pa rnnise the Douse. lauh.tt ; JAMES DOWNEY. FRANKLIN UOL'SE, Cleveland, Ohio. Cl PATRICK A 80N, l*aoriusTOas —This House has un- y # dergone thorough and extensive repairs, alterations, aud large additions of new furniture, etc., and the proprie tors pledge themselves that nothing shall be wanting on their part to render the Prabkub a place where all the oom* forts of a first class hotel can be found. 0 PATRICK A BON. RENTAL: RANT.- WILKINS HALL., W. 0. GALLAGHER, Fbopribtor. PVurth street, between and Smxlhjwld riTUIS spacious establishment has b.v« leased by the tub- J. erriber, and completely n-novated He is at all boors prepared to tarnish every luxury that can be tr»uud in the b»-»t legalated restaurants In the States Hi- spadooe Bar wUI always be rupplied with tbs very best Lhjufra. Game of wary d.. rtcnotlon, in Its season, can always be found at Wilkins Hall. |ap7j 0- GAI.LAUIIKK- CORMCUIHA Y 8 T E R AN U COFFEE HOUSE- D. BARNARD. J*?o. 40, Fifth Street, between Wood and Market. janlfcly] pitwmimii. K«nn*tt Alt' WD ENGLISH, Sole Bottler of SMITH'S oriebraUd , Renneil Ale aud Brown btoot- Also,Commou Ale and Porter, In quart and plot bottles. The attention of families, and the trade, t* respectfully solicit™!. gitnu-al Water and Bar»apartll» WM 1> ENGLISH, Hit street, below Penn, Is now manufacturing and N U>ing the above beverages on an extensive scale. Hi- article.-! nr** of the befit quality, and nufarturwd Irom the purtul materials octllily HOPPKRS PATKNT i’LANE rj’vUE undersigned i* prepared u supply CARPENTERS, X CABIN BT-M.AK.KUB, and Worker* iu Wood generally, with hi» PateuteU an-i-Taluabie PLANES. All who hate tn-*l i:. pronoun.’* a uioei valuable in vention, that muK eov.u rowo neral u*s. The h-1- lowing letters from practical w.'.rkmeu are but two among many letters th- Pat*. ,u*e lias rec. tved re.ommc&d.ng this Plane above ail others in u.-e ptTTiova.in Cabiwjt Factobt, ) fet.'uary '£L laoi { We Lerebv c* rUTr. : !.sl J .mu.: the last twelve uiontb* «-* have used Hopper's Pat- at Pun-, and dr. not hesitate tn recommend It to Cabinet-Maker* and Oarp-nter* a* so parlor omy other Plane in us- W-consider U peculiarly adapted to planing on*. cherry, walnut, »uJ all sorts ol hard wood, and 1.. j i-*ue-:». ii •* far superior tt< the old n<4* I !•«•>. Ir- a great saving H time. One m-r, b; u.-:ag t:.i J *m I hn« m'*r* veneers than fi** m-n 'an do V - »□ , :-tber plane or melhoJ In uaa. U H A Co. To Most* F. Ratos, K«; Pear ibr l have examine l llvy-per'# Patent B»n'h Plane, and believe it to t-r a uu*t ei-*-lirn? ankle fur th us*: tor which H I- Intruded, as a ~ inbiusnon i : plane and scraper. It Is particularly adapted t.< planing vme«rs. anJ II does not require one-fourth the time cr Isb.-c <•! the .-Id metturi; and 1 have no dr u*••*., »h"o pr ';--Ttlo3 Nwim« geurrally ID, VD. bu’. lh«»: .1 oil' -utile.J uj-«--ede ths b-riner to liiuus aud lalK’fK'U* ru*l cn I mt>*t cli«*rtully r-c..touion.l It to all persons engagvl In the Cabinet bustn.-*s. !.'"ni uit fenowiadge i f It, there U ticti. OK -» «-ii r. ied U- gi’.- * -mouth and beautiful finish to Veneer* a* the il.'H"' l Faimt ben-b Plana JiKU W Wu-bwiLL, Furultuie vv arer.. «on. VT , tr.» Thi*d «t., Httsburgh P\l!ti>uryh, i’rln-ua'i 1 iJ t« .tr, U tnv «-• I? Affot f«»r the ■ ■s ii. imou'.fluf* and sell them wm. o. hopper. Mo.'*Eh v EATON >;« of Plane*, or of ngf PilUburgh, Maich IH, —imh2l Jf ) « VJKLU BU*JK FOB ENutb KKittv—O*ot*»n -r formulw lor laying out curve-. •U'frjamiur rrt>g »u -gln4, l.v«.lLna, caJculaana earth-work. ot*', togelhet vruh in hi re »f radii, ordinal***, long .horda. H lU, ,4...J.'C- . “I “ * magnetic vorUUon, logarathlme aud natural eign* tan gents, etc. stc., by John B. Hanct, Civil Enginoer. Pocket book form. 11,76. ,*,Thr object ot the present work Is to supply a want ; very general y lelt by Anneiant Engineers on Railroads ika>k« of conveuienl fi-rm i t u*e u* '.be held, -votalning i the ordinary logrartthmaiic tables are common enough; bat | a book combining with Uiepc tables others peculiar to the Railroad work, aud especially the neceaeury lormui* for laying out curves, turnout*, crooelnKis Ac.,l* a d«*ideratum which this work Is designed to supply. 1). F. Miutoxt Aca»*MT, W«»l Point. April 14, 1364. 1 hare lookod over •• Henck's Field Book for Railroad Engineers,*' and think it well adapted lo the ob ject lla author propone*, and liave no quedtiou but It will be found a very usotul and practical volume both lur office and flaW ourk. D- «• Uiilu,. Trot, April il, 1364. I am much pleased with Mr Ilenck's little manual, the M Field Book of Railroad Engineers." With the presenta tion of some of the most practical an-1 useful of rocognixed procesae* among railway engineers, be has given others which, new at least In th*-irpnj»ent form., appear to poaaeas a mint of higher valu« than that of more novelty—that of being in general susceptible of available, not to say desira ble prucuca! u*e. In conclusion, while I think the Jwdgn c.f Mr. Henck's book L- such as to adapt It excellently well to professional needs, 1 have pleasure in expressing my cordial satUsctlon with its execution, alike with the per spicuity of arrangement effected by the author, and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by hi* publisher*. IS PaankUß U&kxaa, C E. and Director of RenfiKelaer Polytechnic Institute. For sale by WILLIAM 8. UAYEN, Dealer In Stationery, _ n j Markt-i -fei-t.-i.rner of Bei'ond. UNDIiIEb —lot) hags Itiw Colfe*-, *6 po keta Java Coflee . 60 i.hd* N O. eugax, 1 hi- Refined Sugar*; 100 bbifi prime N . O Molaases; 76 half chests Urtun and Black Teas; 76 boxes Tobacco, favorite brand*, 25 boxes Pepper; 26 boxes Pimento; 26 boxes Extra Coffee; 100 boxes Mould and Dipped Candles ; 26 boxes Btar Candles; 100 boxes Korin Soap; 26 boxes Yariega’ed Soap; 25 dozen Backet*; 10 doxon Tabs: 2uu reams Wrapping Paper ; 20 d.'ieo half tow Bag*. For sale by (sepll*) JOUN MOORHEAD. IU TruN-200 tons Nos. 1 and 2 Anthracite, “ Mari etta,” ” Cameron" and “ Cordelia” furnaces . 100 tons “ Rock Hill," Juniata; IUO •* " Monroe,” do; 60 “ “ Mill Creek,” do; 76 u “ Hhade," Somerset county; for sale by (sepiuj JOHN MOORHEAD. i ) LOOMB—IOO tons J uulaU Blooms and Lumps ; I) 100 “ Lake Champlain ; for sale by eep l9 JOHN MOORHEAD. 11 HE SCHOOL-BOY, and other Stories by the OtarGtmas Fire; by Charles Dickons. Price cents, onlv. Seven Poor Travelers; in eight chapters; by Charles Dickens. Price 12% cents. Lizzie Lei*.h. and the Miner's Daughters; by Charles Dickens. Price 12% cents. Yellow Mask; in twelve chapters , from Dickens’ House hold Words, PTice 12% cent*. Sister Rose; in seven chapters, by Charles Dickens. Price 12% cents. Mother and Btep-Mothor; in twelve chapters; trom Dick ens' Household Word.#. Price 12% cent*. Ballou's Magazine, tdr iictoher. price 10 cunt*. Leslie’s Journal, do do la do. For sale by H. MINKR A CO., aeplg NfO'2 Smithtleld street. \ tU\ BOXES SGALEU UISKIUNU . J_UU 260 boxes No. 1 lluiring ; 600 half boxes Galloux Sardines, 200 boxes do do 300 qauUr bxp d<> >L -6 dozen Anchovies; 6 dozen Gapers; 6 dozen Olives; 6 dozen Lobsters. Just received and for sale by KBYMKR A ANDERSON, Be p7 No. 39 Wood street. MILLINKKY UtAiDS—a complete assortment of Milli nery UoCkle, comprising— Fine French Flowers, Ostrich Plumes and Tips, Mo-s, Plushes, fnlk Kucbes, Velvet PictjueU, Buds, Tinsel Flowers, Batin Flowers, Valture Feathers, Plain and < ol'd Straw Gimps, Chenille Trimmings, Bonnet Frames, Boonei Ribbons, Ribbon Ruches, Col'd, Straw and Bilk Laoei. Just receirod. A. A. MASON A CO., »hdl7 516 Fifth street. IANULiSU BKKAKVAtsr TKA—IO cheats or this superior ili Tea, at tO cent*, i uat recel?«d at Oblna Tea 8 ore. V. R. PHAYO, No. 1 Diamond., ij AVINU f6unD~TBNANTS ~for all tbe P w «‘ liQ * XL Houses put under our care, w« are now prepared to procure leuants for others. Owuersof vacant houses «*•» And it to tbetr interest to give us a call, a a we hBVfl ,uJtr applications for bouses. Also, ooUection of rents, oea and repairs attended to. Charges moderate. 8. CUTH.BKRT * -C>. sepl 63 Market street. NKW NOVJSL, bt author OB “Aiom. —Hlddeu Path, by Marion HarUnd; juat received and by (aujr*' DAVISON. 66 Marfctit if\ Havana hgUAßtt I haTejost received ft splendid lot of pcnmn« Havana Jsegarz Tboee wishing ft pco-i Segar can alway ß obtain it at JOS. FLEMING'S* : Bcpi Corner of Market at. and Diamond. OIL— 80 bbla N b Whale ami Tanner’s Oii for sale by aug£> nMITU, WALK A HUNTER- - j- ** '* •>-> - ' 'S' INSURANCE COMPANIES. Inorease of Cash Capital TO HALF A MILLION DOLLARS! JBTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN.— CHARTERED 1819. PAID UP. Cash Capital, ------- *500,000. The thtrty-sixth annual statement of the Assets ofthe-ffiTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hart ford, as furnished this agency on the Ist of January, 1866, under oath. Real Estate, unincumbered. $ 16,6*2 05 SeTenty-two Mortgage Bonds, 6 and < cenU, pay able setni-aunually .’I?? ?» I>ebla due the Oompany, secured by mortgage... i,3U 1. Bills UeoeiT&ble, well secured, payable at Bank... 126,327 35 Railroad Stocks In Connecticut Wfilb 00 Bank Stocks in the city of Hartfori 1 i?»5?S S Bank Stocks in N»*v York .city 08,060 00 Cash on hand, in Bank, and in hauds of Agents and others. $773,27 8 63 The amount of Uabimtesdae or not due to Banltsor other creditors, —nothing. Losses adjusted and due,-—aon«. Losses adjusted »nd not (lne, $148,618 Losses unadjusted and in suspense, waiting for farther proof, $61,257 60. Ail other claims against the Company are small, such only as printing, Ac. Agents Instructed to take no risk over $lO,OOO. The amount insured in aoy city, town or Tillage, depends upon the character, material and construction of buildings, the width of streets, the supply of water and condition of the fire department, and other circumstances. The amount insured in blocks of buildings varies; the design is to limit the loss by any one fire to $lO,OOO, or less. THO. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. Stats rt Oohnbctccut, 1 gfl Hartford, Jan. Ist, 1886. Hartford county. j . ~ . « * , P«rsc nally appeared Thomas A. Alexander, Secretary of the Attn a Insurance Oompany, and made oath that the fore going statement by him subscribed, is true, according to hia best knowledge and belief HKNRT FOWLER, Justice of the Peace. Loss* paid by this Company for the rear 18M exceed $760,000, while the premiums received for the same time far exceed any other year, since the organisation of the Company. Policies, covering nearly all descriptions of property, Is sued at this agency, at remunerative rates. »• Ofire, No. 87 Water street, Pittsburgh, Po. "li H. B. TEN EYCK, Agant. NOETH'WTKaTKEHIIISURAIICE COMPASS, OFFICE, MBBCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA CHARIER PERPETUAL. Authorised Capital, #300,000, ABBKTS LIABLE FOB THE LOSSES OF TUB 00M PANY. I n chock Notes, (negotiable form,) secured by Mort* gages and Judgments $lOO,OOO in dills Receivable, Mortgages and Judgment*, Bonds, Ac - - 106,000 In Cash, Cash Assets and Oash Itoms 47,000 Total..- - $263,000 H OADWRLL, President. J. U. BARR, Secretary, jcy- Fire, Marine and inland Transport*Clot -Isfcs, taken at current rates. RSrKBSNCSS. PITTSBURGH- James M’Cully k Co., W. A D. Rinehart, M. L. Uollowell A 00., Cbarlefl B. Writfht, D«tW H. Brown A Go., C. 11. A Oeo. Abbott, Barns, Rale A 00., Evans A Watson. Hon. Wm. D. Keller, Cbas. Megargee k 00., Caleb Cope A Oo- QKORGK BINGHAM, Agent, I*4 C 6 Water street, Pittsburgh A. A. OA&IL12& A. A. CARfUtttt a. BRO., Corner fourth and BmUhfi*ld itrsrti, Vh, AGENTS BTATE MUTUAL FIRE AHD MARJITE IHSITUASCB CO or CAPITAL - -0350.000 GIRARt? FIRE AHD MARIHK INBURAKOL cwirAlTY Ot FQIIADDLPHI4. CAPTIXL $300,000 INBURANCE COMPANY OP THE VALLEY OP VIRGINIA, WIHCHBBTBR, VA . CATTTAL $300,000. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LITE INSURANCE COMPAH T nAETroBB, COXN. ml: CAPITAL AXD ASSETS. 5*4,15 4,480. JSTIA IHBUUANCIS COMPANY, Of HARTFORD, VOSS OILLSnaXTS PAID UP Cub Ctplul Caih iurplu*, m I*t Jiidabt, !*»s& |*473|^T3 nulls OaplUl Slock anJ rtorplue t» *.vure!y ioT«*.u J for X Ike benefit of all policy holder*. Ad id evidence ol lh<* rjatma We have lo palili'* confidence, on 1 of its nUiUjr ! to p*y looses promptly* we at&te a lac!, that Its fcctdpLs > vary from $146.W00 to SIW),OOD per mouth lu bnrinesSia j UrK- and well Jistribul-d. and in Kir <'f ioi'-n m« Cumpauj i tu the Unite-i States atlords better indemnity u> P»-4a y | ti.dJeri Ilian the .-Etna. The* .-.*o .t<- to m*tr insurance , q propertT In town and rountrv, at rater as low as u con- j MMieot with safety to the poluy hoi lor. 11. U. TEN KYCE, Agent. Oflh-a, North west corner fifth and Wood attests* i Puu»bur*T ?, 1863. Benda and Mortal#**... $21,200 00 gUleof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia „ity, Bpnug Garden, Southwark, and other loan a,. ISI,M>3 <2 Stock* In hanks, railroad* and insurances com • f&alar - - Is r-c*lrable —- Caak on hand Balances m the band* or Aijeots and premiums on Marine Poltciea rwcmiljr leaned 121,707 G 7 Babacrtptk>nNot©« - loo.wo tw MktCVoas: M.ritn, Dr. B. M. Huston, Joseph U Beal, Hugh Craig, Edmond A ftouder, Spencer M'llvaln, John C. Dari*, Charles Kelly, Robert Uurum, Bsmul E. Btofc.es, John K- Peorose, ' HonrySloan, George 0. Leiper, Junes Traqualr, Edvard Darlington, ! Wm. Bjre,JT M IL Jones Brooke, 1 Joehna L. Price, J.O. Johnson, j JamesTennent, James 0. Hand, John B. Semple, TheopHua Paulding. 1 Charles Schaffer, James li. McFarland, 1 J. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, W. 0. Ludwig, I R. T. C. Morgan, do. WM MARTIN, President THOB.O HAND, Vlee President. Joswa W. Cow w, Sec’y. P A.MAPERIA, Agent, m«rlw No. 96 Wuer str»*n, Pittsburgh. Vh t Franfclla Flra Insurance Company, 0/ Philadelphia, iVrmjyiooma. TYIRBOTORS—CharIes W. Bancfcer, Thomas Hart, Tobias I / Wagner. Samuel Grant, Jaoob li. Smith, Geo. w. Rich* ards, Mosdecai D. Lewie, Adolph! R. Boris, David 8. Browne, Morris Patterson. CiUS- N. Bawnsta, PnUdenL Ooas. G. Riwcxm, Secretary. Continue to insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, In town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company hare reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their capital and premiums, safely Invested, af ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company* on January Ist, 1861, as pub lished arreeablv to an Act of Assembly, were a*- follows, vis: Mortgage-..- M RealKstaU «. 84,377 78 Temporary Loans..—.. —— 83,W6 17 Stocks..... - - - 61,888 00 (W>, Jk, .... 04,346 81 Total - il.ai2,ToS 44 Bieee their Incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, (hey have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou sand Dollars, losses by Are, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, tp34 Qffiaa, north-east cor. Wood ana Third sts. THE SUITED STATES LIF E„IN S U R ANCE, annuity and trust company, PHIIADELPIIIA. CHABTBRKD APRIL 26TH, 18S0. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,000. Office, 8. E. Comer of Third and Chettnui Streets, Philadelphia . ! outers of the Bamt Board at Philadelphia: MUCTOBB. „ . , Stephen &. Orawford, F*bl b - Goddard, Ambroee W. Thompson, Lawrenae Johnson, Benjamin W. Tingley, Geo. M’Henry, Jacob L. Florence, James DeTereui, William M. Godwin, William M Rea. President— “ Stephen B. Orawford. Vice President— Ambrose W. Thompson. Medical Examiner, PitUburffh—' James H. Willson, M. D. AlUeheuy Wy-B. B. Afr.nt, nmljrr No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. PENH 8 YLV ASIA INBIISAUCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, CORNER OF FOURTH AND S # f rr ( J r /’®; L 5. I a J' RtKTS ‘ Authorised Capital. #300,000. TNBURE BUILDINGS eod other pm*rtj' °' 1 damage hj Fire, and the perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. dirxotobs. Wm. F. Johneton, Itody PM'rtnn, W. ITOUntooh, Kennedy T. Friend, D. M. Long, A. J. Jones, ’ Jacob Palntor, A. Carrier, lames 8. Neglty, Tt vptrl ' Wade Hampton, D. K.FarE, n R. Ooggahall. Hon. WM. F. JOHNSTON, President BODY PATTERSON, Vice President A. A. Oanam, Secretary and Treasurer. 8. S. Oenaisn, Assistant Secretary. dee2.om _ ~ Wei tern InmrAnco Company. Pittaburgh. R MILLER, jTlPresidmt. | GORDON, Secretary CAPITAL, #300,000. tiriLLlnsure egetast all Find, of risks, FIRE and Mi Yy RLN'K. AU losses will be liberally adjusted and Pr A C^'ome^nstltutiOn, managed by Dinioroas who Are woU knoern In the community, and who ara determlned. bT promptneaaandllbemUty, to maintain the character which they nave aeaumed, ns offering the best protection to those who desire to be Insured. Directors.—R.Miller, Jr.,O.W. Rlcketeon, J_W. Bntler, N. Holme* Jr., W. H. Smith, 0. Ihmsen, George W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, JamesLippeneott, George Darsie, JamesMc- Auley, Alexander Nimicfr, Thorn** Scott. a . «A. Office, No.M Water street, (Werehonseof Spang A 00., ups tain,) Pittsburgh. . _jnoT>e.iy JUftW Booksi I AM authorised to sell low some valuable Books. 10 vola. Pa. Reports, by Barr; BoarierV Institutes; Grantors Evidenoe; Wharton’s Digest, last ed.; And other Reports, Elementary Works, so. * geo. F gillmorh, »ep2l at the offloe ol Morning Post. BANKERS AND BROKERb AUSTIN LOOMIS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Office, No, 02 FovrVi tL, above Wood. NOTES, Drafts, Bonds,Mortgagee, and Loans on colla terals, negotiated. Stocks bought and eold on com mission. Land Warrants bought and eold. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of Copper Stocks. All communications atiented to promptly. WM. 11. WILLIAMS. Wm. H. Williams fe Co.. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, y. K. Corner Wood and Third street*. jjCf- All transaclions mads on liberal terms. Collections of Bills, Notes, 4c., promptly janfrfclw ARTHURS, RODGERS & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS. CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMJTHFIKLD STREETS, aufcflm Plttsburgii) Pa. Removal. PATRICKS ft FRIEND, bankers and exohangb brokers, 212,505 06 g/*>* Removed their Office tothe Comer of Fifth and Wood its. potsoteob, pa. PATRICKS A PRLKND, Bankers and Exchange Broken, and Dealers In Notes, Drafta, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made In all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. [fob3 HATS MMOVID TUXIB BASKHTO AJfD IXGHASGI OFTIOI 90 80. 67 ma&xxt strut. roua doobs bxlow ou> stamp. N HOLMES A SONS, Bankers and Exchange Broken, • and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, 81l- T rr and B&k Notes. Exohangeon me Eastern and Western Olties constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United Btates. Deposits received In par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth ate. (jaSOriy JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, DiALia m Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. STOCK bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. 4^-No. bi% Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M. Bank. declC OORMIB or WOOD AMD TUTU STRUTS. SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for sale. Time Bills oi Exchange and Notes discounted.— Gold, Silver and Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections made in all the principal cities of the United Btates. De posits reoeived of Far and Current Funds. [mariZTly .MW ga.mra, OWAAD KAUM, FLORINCS RRAUB KRAMER A RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUY AND SELL Gold, 811 ver, and Bank Notes; negotiate on Real Estate or Stock Securities; purchase PTomlssary Notes and Time Bills, on East and West; buy and ee£Btocks on Oommleslan. Collections made on all points in the Union. [myl G. E. ARNOLD ft CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE IIROKERB, DEALERS In Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and Time Drafts, Ac. Collections .-arefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. Btocks bought and sold on commission. ®a„No. 74 Pourth 6L, next door to Bank of PlttaVg. [selS Graft, Bennett 3 Ox, Zag, LlndjMjy 3 Co. AND DSALSB 15 Botes, Bondi) Stock*, Real EiUti, A*., JVo. 76 fourth ft., PitUbvrph, i'o. [ J*6j rt. 0. OAEdIKi Clmuiloltl’a Loan Office. VfO. 100 BMITEFIULD STREET, NEAR PUTT 3.— Money loaned on Gold and Silver Watches, Silverware a ryi other valuable article*. eultrdly CLOTH I NG STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO., INORMHRLY of the celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty ' street, which baa won an unbounded popularity under be name of ihe TUBES DIG DOORS, have, for the pur pose of acquiring more apace for their Immense business, removed to the spacious building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD BTREEI, When they have now the most BPLENDID STOCK OP CLOTHS! HEADY MADE CLOTHING, That hss ever been offered to the public. Their principal object for this removal, Is to give them more facilities forth* WHOLESALE TRADE. They are prepared to sell Goode at the L 0 WEST EASTERN PRICES! And they will warrant them to be as good as any menu factored in Lb* Onion. C ISTOfI WORK, IB TUB BIST STTia.AWO CPOS PHI BHOBVI3T HOTIOI. ~*»oo v ooo Onr interests are Identical with ihos* of our customers, and we assure the public that our fidelity all! not fail in fllltna aU orders we may he favored with. DON’T FORGET THE FLACK— Nio. 88 Wood street, (capt bide,) ooiuniß or diakobd alley. N. b—Wo desireour patrons to understand the tire have no lonirsr any connection with the Clothing Business on Liberty street. Our attention Is devoted exclusively to the House above designated.. Ciar'23 EDMOND WATTS. MERCHANT T All-0 R, NO. ISi LIBERTY STREET I bar. now oo baod a large stock of Fall anil Winter G'X’d* overcoatings, of entirely new designs , Plush Vest ings, of the moat beautiful patterns: French and EngllKb O-asum-ree, of every atyl* and shade la the market, all of which l will make u> order on the most reasonable terms, and warranted to suit. ocU JO ST REORI VKIi AT JOHN iIcCLOSKKY A Co’B Whole sale Clothing Warehouse, No 88 W'xxl street, and corner r-f Diamond alley, the largest nad most varied stock of goivdfl that this celebrated tone* has eveT had the pleasure I of inviting the attention nf the potMc to. Tbasagoodflhave been purchased from firxt bands, and, consequently, no ( second profit an them, which leave* as able to say that we 1 can and do sell at as small profits as any house In the east* tm cities. Therefore, we respectfully Invite the attention of wholesale dealers and country merchants, In general, to . give us a call, and rviuuine our exlentilvo assortment Of : READY MADE Cb’iHlNQ. It Is almost Impossible to I enumerate the quanl \cf Immense piles of garments that ; Ik li> be seen at thin li i • establishment ; it Is sufficient to 1 say that It has never l • tn equalled by the bouse Itself. . tnarldr’.f JOHN McCLOSKEY A CO. . 2O .169-325 W . 10.071 SO |637T4TfI 60 N. HOLMES ft SONS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, HILL ft CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, THOMAS WOODS, ABF’ COMMERCIAL BROKER, CLOTHING. They bar* on hand a full and beautiful assortment of LOTiid and COATINGS, l(tf FROCKS, DREBS, WALKING AND BUBI- NESS COATS JOHN M’OLOSKXY A 00. Vail anil Winter Goodl t NEW Sf»hlN(> tiOOL)S» Saw Clothing Store, NO. 4. SIXTH STREET, OPPOBITB LIBERTY. f I'UIE subacriber has just opened this new establishment, |_ where he has always on band a large and choice assort* meat of all articles of CLOTHING, which he warrants equal to any In the dty, and will eell at the most reasonable pri ces. Tbe public are requested to give him a call. marfely B. OFPRNHSIMER. SUPERIOR. Douglas County, Wisconsin. T'HIB PLACE L situated ou the Bay of Buperior and li«ft Hand River, at the head of Lafce Superior, and pi****.** A li NITER BITE, A BETTER HARBOR, AND GKEATLK ADVANTAGES FOR A COMMERCIAL CITY, than any other point in the North-west; and is equalled in prospective Importance by Chicago only. The Proprietors have a clear, undisputed and unincum bered title to the land upon which SUPERIOR is laid out, and all purchasers of lots receive warrantee deeds for the name. Buperior wee laid out during the past season, and already contains several hundred inhabitants, a Large Hotel, a numbnr of Stores * Commodious Pier, with Warehouses, and is in all reepocts the MOST FLOURISHING NEW TOWN io the West, The County Beat, the United States Land Office and Post Office are located here. The Mississippi and Lafce Buperior UNITED STATES MILITARY ROAD, now In course of construction, connecting with Bt. Paul, terminates at this place. It Is also the Lake termini of all the projected railroads to the head of Lake Buperior. The i4 8oo" canal will be opened in June; after which, fonr lines of Lake Steamers will run to Superior—-one from Chi cago. two from Cleveland, and one from Buffalo; all fine teasels, having been built expressly for this trade. One Steam flaw Mill is now in operation, and the machi nery for a second is now on the way to Buperior, which will be set to work Immediately on its arrival. One-half of the lots have been appropriated by the pro prietors to be sold by the undersigned to actual settlers on easy terms, to provide a fund for extensive public improve ments. Liberal appropriations have been made for public purposes; parks, churches, railroads, Ac. Ac. in order to correct the misapprehension arising from similarity of names, it is proper to state that “ Superior City," about the title of whiem a legal controversy exists, is another and different place, and In a different township (rom Supx&iob. AF* Maps of Superior are signed by Tbos. Clark, sur veyor. and William H. Newton, agent and attorney for proprietors, and may be seen in the prioclpal hotels of St Paul, Galena, Qhicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, Buffalo, and other cities. Ail persons who wish to purchase lots, or obtain informa tion, are requested to apply to Wsl H. Nswros, Superior, Douglas county, Wisconsin WILLIAM H. NEWTON, Agent and Attorney for Proprietors of Superior jy2l£m Board of Health Nolle*. INFORMATION has been made to the Board of Health that cases of cholera occurring outside of tbs dty have been brought within Its limits for relief. No doubt the friends of the rick ore prompted by motives of humanity, yet It Is proper they should be informed that they subject themselves to a severe penalty by so doing. The Legislature passed laws regulating this matter, in cases where the disease is malignant or contagious, in order that the densely populated city may be protected from any UDnecessarv scourge, which, when it has gained a footing, scarcely rests so long as there remains a subject for its re morseless attack. The Board of Health are determined to enforce the law. If patients seised with cholera, or any malignant or conta gious disease, outside the city, must be removed to any of the Hospitals, persons conveying them thither must have a permit from the Board of Health. The attention of all persons interested la called to the following sections of an act approved April 8,1852 : Btc. 6. That any master, commander, or other person having charge of any vessel or steamboat, violating any of the rules or regulations prescribed by the said Board of Health, under the provisions of this act, shall, upon convic tion thereof, by indictment or prosecution In any court having jurisdiction, pay a fine not exceeding live hundred dollars, to be recovered and paid into the treasury of said Board of Health. „ . Bxo. T. That whenever the Board of Health shall receive information that any malignant or contagions disease (measles excepted) prevails within any port or place within the United States, they shall make diligent inquiry concern ing the same; and if It shall appear that the disease prevails as aforesaid, all communication with such Infected port or place Bball be subject to such control and regulations as the Board of Health may from time to time direct, and publish In one or more newspapers published in the city of Pitts burgh , and thereupon every person or persons, and all goods, wares and merchandise, bedding and clothing from such Infected port or place, and having entered and been brought Into the city of Pittsburgh contrary to such regu lations, shall be subject to the same penalties as Is provided for in the preceding section. The penalties of the whole act will be strletly enforced. By order. A. a MURDOCH, Physician to the Board of Health. GEORGE FORTUNE, j y 23 Health Office. KAILWAY HORAE POWBBB —One and Two Horse Powers, with Baws, Threshing Machines, Ac —or the Powers furnished without machines—adapted for manufac turing: purposes. Call and examine them, at 47 Fifth st. g ep 6 JAMEB WARDS tp. O TRAWBHRIiY PLANTS of the most reliable tested va- O duties for ihis locality can be supplied in large qoan ties—47 Fifth street (e«ps) JAMES WARDRoP. V S&fA MISCELLANEOUS WHEREAS, in and by the 18th section of the Act of the General Awsmbly of Pennsylvania,passed July 2d, lbS9, entitled “An AcUrelating to the Elections of this Commonwealth,” it ia enjoined on the Sheriff of every County to give notice of eucb elections to be held, and enu merate in secb notice what officerß are to be elected. In pursuance thereof, 1, WM; MaOILL, Sheriff of tha County• uf Allegheny, do therefore mate known and gjy e thin pub*' lie notice to the electors of said County of Allegheny, that a GEN KRAL ELECTION will be held In said County, on the SECOND TUESDAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, at the several Election Districts tbervln; The electoru of the First Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the bouae of : Mrs. Jane little, at the corner of Fourth and Ferry streets, in said Ward. The electors of the Second Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School Houaeia said Ward. The elector* of the Third Ward ortbe city of Pittsburgh to meet at the houra of Andrew McMsetns, Esq. The electors of the Fourth Ward of the cllyof Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said Ward. The electoral the Fifth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Pennsylvania House, occupied by Ootlaib Seidel, late Ale*. Steward, in said Ward. "he electors of the Sixth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said Ward. The electors of the Beventb Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said Ward. The electors of the Eighth Ward of ihe city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public Bchcol House In said Ward. The elector* of the Ninth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said Ward. The'lectors of the First Ward of the city of Allegheny to meet at the house of J. Woodhouse, in Robinson street. The electors of tho Second Ward of the city of Allegheny to meet at the house of widow Thompson, north-west corner of Ohio street and pubUo square. The electors of the Third Ward of the city of Allegheny to meet at the Public School House in said Ward. The electors ef the Fourth Ward of the city of Allegheny to meet at the house of T. Smith, at the corner of Robinson and Anderson streets. The electors of the borough of Birmingham to meet at the Town Hall on Wilkins street in said borough. The electors of the borough of East Birmingham to meet at the Railroad Office of Oliver H. Ormsby, in said borough. The electors of Puquesne berough to meet at the Public School Ilouce of said borough. The electors of the borough of LawrenceviUe to meet at the Public School House in raid borough. The electors of the borough of Bharpsburgh to meet at the house of John Sharp, in said borough. The electors of the borough of McKeesport to meet at the Town Hall In said borough. The electors of the borough ofSonth Elizabeth to meet at the house formerly occupied by E. McAninch, at the end of the Monoogahela Bridge, hi said Borough. The electo: b of the borough of West Pittsburgh 10 meet at the house of Rogers. The elector* of the borough of West Elizabeth to meet ai the Public School House hi said borough. The electors of the borough of Tarentum to meet at the Public School House In said borough. The electors of tbeborough of Manchester to meet at the Public Bcbool House. The electors of the borough of Elizabeth to meet at the houne of Graham, formerly occupied by John Walker, in raid borough. , „ _ , 4 . . .. The electors of the borough of Sewtckly to meet at tbe School House In said borough. a The electors of Pitt township to meet at tne house of Jo seph Gtndrod, on the Mechanics’ and Farmers* Turnpike Road, in said township, except the qualified voter* residing in sections No. 4, 7 and 14, of the said district, who shall vote at aU general elections in the Ninth Ward Of tbe city I of Pittsburgh. Tbe electors of Peebles township to meet at the house of John Beltier,in the village of East Liberty. The electors of Collins township to meet at tbe bouse of William McCall, jr.,to the village of East Liberty. The elector* of WUkins township to meet at the house of John Shaffer, on ihe Greensburg Turnpike lioad, in said township. , , Tbe electors of Plum township to meet at the houae of John Summerville, in aahl town hip. The «le< tors «*f Patton township to meet at the boose of Abraham Taylor, on the Northern Turnpike, in said town i ship. Tho elector* of Penn township to meet at the house of Robert Donaldson ,on the Leechburg Road, in said township. The electors of Versaillea township to meet at the Public School House, on th« farm of David Shew, near the white bouse formerly occupied by Thomas Neal, now by We. A. Bl The electors of Elizabeth township to meet at the home of George Webster, formerly occupied by John. Walker, in Elizabeth borough. The electors of Jefferson township to meet at the house of Michael Snee, formerly occupied by John King, in said township. The electors of Mifflin township to meet at the house cl Bamuel Wilson, formerly occupied by James H. Neel, in eSld township. The electors of Upper St Clair township to meet at the house of Jas. Conner, in raid township. Tbe electors of Lower St Clair township to meet at the house lately kept by F. Halle, at the junction of the Bir mingham an 4 Coal UIU said township Tbe electors of Chartiers tOWnPhlp to meet at the boose of William Obey, on the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Turn* pika. The electors of Robinson township to meet at the house of Barah McFarlaud, formerly Audley McFarland, in said township. The elector* of 'Findley township to meet at the bouse ol McClelland A. Armer, formerly occupied by J. Charles in - the villa-e of Clinton, in paid township. Tbe electors of Moon townahip to meet at School House No. 4 tn t-aid township. Tbe electors of Ohio township to meet at the house of Henry V. Tnompeoo, in fuid township. Tbr elector* of Franklin township U meet at the house orvupied by Jos. Holeman, in paid township. The electees of Reserve township to meet at the School House No. 3, in raid township. The elector* of Baldwin towmhip to meet at the house of John Cowan, in paid township. Tbe electors of Snowden township to meet at tho bouse of Peter Boyer, in said township. The electors of South F»y«tie township to meet at tbe home of U. Hays, op the farm of G. Y. Coulter, in said township. The electors of North Fayette township to meet at the bouse now occupied by Francis Jamison, ut Rodgers’ 11111. in said township. ~ The electors of ltnaa township to meet at tbe house of Jacob Oolbaugh, on tho Fronfclia Road, in fiaid township- The electors of Pine township to meet at the house of Hugh Crummy, In said townahip. The electors of M’C&ndless township to meet at the house of Daniel Shoup, In said township. The electors of West Deer townahip to meet at the house of Nathan Conley,in said township- Tbe elector* of Baal Deer townahipjto meet at the Publi School House, in the borough of Tarentum. The electors of Neville townahip to meet at School Hour* No. I, (hereafer to be called Chaplin ) The e:»c*.orB of flewickley township to meet at the house of Samuel Ritchie, in paid townahip. The electors of Indiana township to meet at the house formerly occupied by Alex. Turner, in said township. The ejector* of Shaler township to meet at John Shaw’s Mill, in said township. Tbe qualified voter* of that part of Indiana township, in Allegheny county, residing within tha following described boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a point on the Allegheny river, a* thO'ttpper tine of tbe farm of John Cable,andrun nlng’a northerly course, between the forms of said Cable and John Boyd to the north-east corner ol Cable's farm— thence running a westerly course.to the Shaler township line, In such a manner as to etahraco. ali farms or loto situated in Cunningham's district, and known as the Myer tracts, within *»ld boundaries, shall hereafter vote at the general election tn tbe borough of Bbarpsburg, at the election poll of raid borofigb. At which time and place the qualified electors as afore said will by ballot vote for One person for State Senator, Five pereona for members of Assembly of Pennsylvania, One pen-on for 'Sheriff, One person for Canal Commissioner, One person for Protbonotary, One person for Treasurer, One person for County Commissioner, One persou for Coroner. One person for Director of Poor, One persou fer Auditor for fi years. One person for Auditor for 2 years. k Qiven under my hand and seal at Pittsburgh, this 3d day of September, A. D. 1866. and of the Independence of the United States the eightieth. WILLIAM MAOILL, sep6:d*wta * Sheriff. .JAfl. C. M*VAT. ivM. STEAMBOAT DISASTERS ON . LsJEIM)TUK WESTERN WATERS, AND afeficftft rifiaattsTßAMßOAT DlRECTORY.—TheaMnfissa u , i - igned have‘now In course of preparation a new . A MBOAT DIRECTORY, which will be issued in October next; the book will contain over two hundred pages, illus trated in the best style, and neatly bound in a durable manner. IT WILL BB ONE OF THE MOST INTEREST ING BOOKB EVER PUBLISHED, and wlll-be a book that will be interesting to all classes of people. The STEAM BOAT DIRECTORY will contain a complete list and d eeriptiOQ of all the Steamboats now afloat on the Western a&d Southern waters. The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of each boat, where arid by whom built, the name of the boat, with the trade she is in. Also, the names of Captains and officers, her age, Ac., Ac. The Directory will contain a history of Steamboats and Steamboating on the Western waters since the application of eteam: also, a sketch of the first boat built for the Ohio River, with the name of the builder, commander and owner. The RIVER DIRECTORY will contain a list and descrip tion of ail the STEAMBOAT DISASTERS that have occur red on the WESTERN and SOUTHERN WATERS, beauti fully illustrated, with a LIST OF ALL THOSE WHO HAVE PERISH KD BY THEIR BURNING.-SINKING AND EXPLODING, on the Western and Southern waters. The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi,! Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, While, Red, Ouachita, Yazoo,; and other Rivera, with the Tow ns and Cities laid down, with correct distances; *foo many other River and Commercial items of interest to the people at large. The book will contain the cards of the various U. 8. Mail Boats, wlthlbe trade they are In, Ac., Ac, The Directory will also contain, a complete list of all the responsible Steamboat Licensed Officers, their places of residence, Ac, Ac.; the new Steam boat Law, its requirements, wilb comments, showing wherein it benefit* the Incompetent officer, and uuwa the competent officer, Ac,, Ao., and. all thk important U. JJ. Su preme Court Steamboat Derisions op to dn.te;_ the Bates ■nrt important Commercial Privileges, Bills of. Lading, im portant Decisions of the various V. 8. Qourtsln regard to Freights Lost and Damaged, Acu, Ac 4 with many other things of interest The Directory will be Illustrated in the best style and printed In the best manner. The author has for Six years oeeu gathering together all the facts and items In regard to tite numerous steamboat disasters on the Western and Southern waters, and now Intends publishing them In book form. The price of the work will be put at the low snm of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be leaned for the boatmen; all others desirous of subscribing will have to do so at once, as none will be printed unless ordered in mU*>n. This work is destined to have a circulation 6f over EIGHTY THOUSAND copies as the publishers are receiving large numbers of subscribers, per mall, from all parts of the country, daily. Some of the oldest boatmen, as well as most scientific men of the times, ore contributors to the Steamboat Directory. The Directory wiD be issued In October, and,will, be an ornament to the parlor as well as steamboat. By remitting One Dollar (post paid) you trill receive a copy of the above work. All coxnnmnicsUanfl and letters should be addressed to JAMES T. LLOYD * CO, Portoffice Bnfldlng, Qpclonaii, Ohio, je2Sfcd*wtf HAS JUST REOKIVKD the tollovrtog tery choice ertl tides BRANDIES. i Hock i Genie Brandy, (Tery fine,) i Lisbon. Otard Dupuy A Co. (super.) ’ M&rreti A Oo Bazerac, WINES. , ! Sard*] Madeira, Howard. March h Co., Mad'ra East India Madeira, , Table do Amontillado Sherry, l Manzanillo do l Table do Cooking do Beeswing Port, Pore Joit» do Ordinary do St. Julien Claret, Malaga Dry, Do Sweet, Champagnes, Anchor, various brands, Verxeney, i Old Monongahela Whisky j or Ueideseek, I all grades, , Together .with all other articles connected with tie business. my2fcd*w mHAT LAND KKQihTBB Issued by Thomas Woods, and X given away to all at 76 Fourth street, describes * great variety of Farms, Ho uses aud Lots. Thoeewanting homes A^^m" 60 ™ 8 Hssiuaoo™ PROOLAUATIOR. 100.000 COPIES I JOUH LITTLtti «IFm Agent, No. 901 Libultt Btuit, Jamaica, Sants Crus. GIN. Bo gust, London Cordial, Schnapps. SUNDRIES | RttCherford’a Scotch A 1«, Barclay’s London Porter, ( Wild Cherry Brandy, I Absinthe, Anlsethe, ! Cnracoa, | Sardines, ! Mocha and Java, Yoang Hys.«ndßlack Teas, Rngilwh Bronson Cheese, Imported Havana Cigars, of - r , '*? v”' ’** A . , -v ■ TBf JHS- EH9L. 9 iSS PlLjuv. / A *«W S*^» \ @S?Li J ' 0 *i/ ftn ;4C|» 4i Ait Bfilers W IBafaelk a, -tfottifeurn, indigestion, J Dropsy* Ehflamstismf Jfe* / jBSHEJ| vers. Gout, llnmors, Nervorisnees, L Irritability, foflSniwatlbiig HUA ache, Pains in the .Breaa., oidi^ ■ Back and Limbs, Female Coinplalnls , lndeed. verjr few ire l&s diseases-In which a Purgative Medl- ~ dee is not inoreor less-required,and mucfi sickness arid suffering might be pfeveotetfc IT* • harmless but effectual Cathartic .yere more freelv-USak .- , No person can feel ireU Aquatic, habit Tidfe; besides, it soon gime.rateß-certoua and m*h total . diseases, which might hare been avoided by the timely and Judicious use of a good purgative. This ia alike tr.CS -pi v Colds, FeterUh symptoms# and. Bilious , They iH tend to become or produce the (IWp feated WiJ formidable distempers which load the hearsea all orar th#’ ' land. Hence a reliable family-physic is oT lheuTM i®*-' I portance to the public heaUh#and this PJJl.has beeper* ( . i footed with consummate skill, to meet that? demand. An ea tensive trial of itv virtues by Physicians, Professors, and •• 1 Patients, has shown results surpassing anything hitherto , known, of any medicine. Cores have been effected beyond: belief were they not Bubetafatia’ed by persons of such elf* alted positions ond character** to forbid the snapicibnof - nntruth. Among -the eminent gentlemen who have tea lifted In . fatof of these Pills, we may mention— ‘ ; Doct. A. A. HAYEB, Analytical Chemist of-Boston, and * gtate Assayer of Massachusetts, whose hlgh profesaionad character to endorsed by the Hon. EDWARD EVERETT, Senator of the Halted States. ROBERT 0. WINTHROP, Ex Speaker of the Hons* of Representatives. > - - ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Minister Plen. to England* fJOHN B. FITZPATRICK, Catholic Bishop of TJoatOn also. v ? Dr. J. R. CHILTON, Practical Chemist of New Fork (Sty, endorsed by - _ . Hon. W. L. MARCJV, Secretary of State; Wtf. B. ABTOR, the richest man in America; - p j.gT.AMT) A Of)., Propria toraof the Metropolitan Hotel, . and others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certifi cates from all parts where the Fills have been used j hut evt» denes-even morecanvincing tbhU-the usperieureofemlnent public men, is found in their effects, upon trial. . . . These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered 10 the public as the best and 'most complete which the present state of medical, edence can aflbnL; They are compounded not of the drugs themeelvea, but of, . the medicinal viftuesohlyof Vegetable Remedies extracted by Chemical process in a Slate of purity, and combined to gather in such a, manner as to Insure the host results. The system of composition for medicines has been found In Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce 1 a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been obtained by any process. The reason Is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine ia burdenedwlthmors or less, of; acrimonious and Injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that Is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qualities of each nubatance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it ia self evident that the effects should prove as they have proved, more purely remedial, ahd th» Fills a more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. ; As It is frequently expedient that many meilciues should < be taken under the counsel of anaUeoding Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without know ing its composition, I have supplied tlw» accomte Formula) by which both my Pectoral and Pills ar* mad*-, to .the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British American Provinces. If, however, there should be anyone who has not received them, they will be forwarded by mall tohis request. Uf ail the Patent Medicines that are how fow would be taken if their composition was known! Thdr c Ufc consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries, The composition of my preparations Is laid open'tO all m£n,. and ail who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge, their convictions of their Intricate merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many eminent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and axe willing to certify that their anticipations were more than realised by their effects open trial. ' * They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and atimulaio it Into healthy a^ion—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of tho bbdy, restoring their irregu lar action to health.and by correcting, wherever.they ex ist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. Prepared by Dr. JAMS? 0. AYER, Practical and Ana* lyticaiOherMst. Lowell, Mass. Price -& cents per box. Fite boxes for f 3. Bold by fi. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., at wholesale and retail, by every Druggist In Pittsburgh, and by all Dealers everywhere. " ~ je&4ro:d»w ISHALATIO roa in cunf op ASTHMA AID CGIUMPTIH SKIVASD VK U 1 (*OSI)KBKUI 1 EfS’l am convinced that it is a.most excellent medicine, both the Sjntp and the inhaling application to thecheat . . ■ N. u.—Dr. Curtfs’a Hygeana Is the ORIGINAL and ONLY QENGINE ARTICLE; all others are'base imitations* <* INJURIOUS counterfeits, fihunrthem asynd wouId'POISON. _ . . M&Vor sale by Df. Geo. H. Keyser, 140 Wood street J B. t£. Sellers ft Oog Lee A. Beckham, Allegheny City; John Sargent. New Brighton; 0. L. Kaiser, Bochester. j [myl-UdswCm Carter’s Spauisb Slixture. . THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! Hot a Particle of Horoory In iti - LET THE AFELICTKD HEAD AND Infalil e Ksmedy for Scrofula, Kingt r k\U,dlhJnma*. _ H-m, Obstinate Cutaneous Erup.ttonswPlxaples or Puatnl> 00 the Face, Blotches* 1 Boils, Agna and Feror,-Chronic 8or« ! Byes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, BnfftrgmnentAnd { Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, SyphlUtip . ( Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal OomplaUits, and ill Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence hi Life, or Impurity of the Blood. * 1 4SF* Tbia great alterative medicine and Purlflet of Blood > fe now used byt .'nsands of grateful patients from an part - j of the United States, who testify daliy-to the iemarkabl' ; pares performed by Hie greater of roil medicines, “CAB- 1 i TEE’S SPANISH MIXTURE." Neuralgia Rhenmatfnrn,, -j icrofula, Eruptions oh the Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers, • Ulcara, Old Borw, Affections of the Kidneys, DiaeaseßOf the ; Throat, Female Complaints, Painsand Aching of thoßcnf 1 and Joints, are speedily putto Sight by using this great and i Inestimable remedy. ‘ ' . i For aU diseases Of tha Blood, nothing has yet been found f to compare with it It cleanra-the; System of all ixnpwV d ties, acts gently and efficiently on thO Liver and -Kidneys* | strengthens the Digestion, gives tone tooths Stomach, ; the skin clearund heAlthy* and ‘rcstoreatbisCbniti* j tnUon, enfeebled bydlaeascr or broken demn tayrthoexcMSM | of youth, to its pristine vigor amUtrpngtb. For the LAdles, it is invariably.better than all the ttd* ‘ meticB ever used. A few d&esof Carteria Bpanish will remove all eallownesa oi complexion, brinS'thn-*xoßß> ‘ mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the sten, and im* ■ prove the ceneral health inaMHnsxkabledegrMbejonaall i the medicines ever heard of. ’ ‘ ■' : The large number of certificawawhlch we have nemved > from from all parts of the Uni led States, is the kt*f . evidence that there ls ho ’ humbug7 about The PT«V ; hotel public known to the cammnnitv,- all add- tneir tMlbwby: to. the - wondcrfnl effects of this uRBAT iiLOOD £U^FIB& Call on the Aftent and get a fhzchlar and AlmanW, «ul read thewondemil cures this trnly greatest Of aQ 'Med&SsMw hMperformed. 1 - 7 r j'- ! None genalna. unless, glgneduby BKNNA'i'T.ft Proprietors, No. 3 Pearl street, Bfehmomlj tO wt om AQ orders for supplies and agettcfes mustl>4 addressed.' ** l J ‘ And for sale by B. a7»AHNKSTOCS>, JOSBDH SUfe : NG, FLEMING HBOS., and by DxuggisfigenaraUl ocblaUwiy ’ 1 ■\ . STATEMENT FKOM CANADA—' ; Qoibxc. FebruaryTth, XBSU ' Messrs. B. A. Fahnestock <0 Cb.—we bad tbo pleasureof receiving, this morning* tbo within certificate o£ sou Ver* . mifngft, which will gratifying to yon, as It was , voluntarily.' Weßre,'Gentleinen,yoar3. vejytrUly,"" MUBfiOK ACO. Gcnfierocn—My little daughter, font years old, and raj son, older, were for & -coniddeteble''time sufffliin|f-{rtlii 1 worms. 1 purchased two. bottles &f youtVermlfOge,!.©*; which 1 gave' them three doses, according to directions, : and strange to say l , inless thanthreehoure thpy paasedno less than FIVE UUSDBED WORMS, seise ofdbe OtfrOt* : dlnary length of ftomtwelve ferfifteext Inches*. -r •• flaring experienced so much ortho beneficial .effects Di ? your Vermifuge,Tfealltinydntytorkdminencrit tothe . public, as, In xny opinion, one of vm> ; dies against worms everoffered tothe public*. ; . f .. s Gentleman, belieyemeto be ... r . Your much oblig«l : and humble'sarv*t; ’ >■ ■ Nathanikl xeatkbb. ; Prepared and Bold by B. A. A. PAHJUISIOCK AiCOe: corner of First and Wood streets, *yaylO> ■ X HOME IN THECOUNTRY I—(For Bale: a;ebmfiMttUe| J\ Cottage Houre of'Bii'rooina end' frame bam and eUble,cairiage;huttße > other bull dings, with Twelve Acres of well-improved i^nd-t. Also, Fruits or every’rfedety and cbdlw a'goodf Garden, with fruits, flowers, grape Hiteenfr.- plete order. . Immediate' possession can .ba given, i quired. Situated lu a healthy .and, three miles from the Point fairy,'on the Washingtonroad-* Price $2,200; ternißeasy. This'te a Wtfe opportunity persona who are desirous otprocuring a country seatnewj EIGHT'S PREMIUM HATHAEIUPf coOM Ui* sDdrenidTßS all uyinptbniiOf hoadecbe. j Pereons oßing a- «»>.*» ; HEIGHT# fcATHABION , . ; Are nererltfklefoBah-stwfcA_* tr«mirAi>rnu ‘ • WRIGHT’S KATHABJON • Ib the most valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining***;: H por^a“e l by e S“. lr <3io^-'EBTSKS md B.E. SELISBE * CO-, at 26 egpta pechpEtje. . .... . ■ CQglO R~O3EMAEI AHD OASIOtt vlt—Prepared fa J.SmJj diM one BUlion tottka Qfthiadefalu&l artfclu to toe&B«Bl"fcri'»da;aii4 saWare amt IhcreujtogJ For beantfaln?>P re£crvilie orrratorlng the heir, thie pro oamtioa cannot :bo cical led. . The low. price:. <25.-cental K « witU the reach or, all. .W-IryitbotUe. j.iprf Bill and It good! Bold, wholesale and retail, at ’ -fi ipia -_• - •'CT-mKggMfe-g - - New York Journal ijX for October; BuUon’tf Magazine,for October; : The Schoolboy* by .Charles Dickens; Trial and Triumph, byT- 8. Arthur; > £. & and B, by B&muel Borer. - Beoelred and for sale at. : . . £ W. A. GILDENFEUHE* 4 GQgL r t. Ylfth *W opposite thoThßatre. " 4 ‘LANK’tf PILLS Aim YERMirtmir for'BUft W* •. —i. JPb* ‘ ££¥&£&?&•; "•' aep? Comer Woodstreat and Virgin alley. ■ OLLOWAY’B PIULB AMD UINTMKHT lor aalo it J '' Ds, 'KKYa&H’Si eepT pornerWttd Btnet mad Virgin «XUj} .4 V v... .? V .. S.-Nfek »'-yV X«t.^ ' 1 \- j%■