The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 05, 1855, Image 1
\ v.’s y'-'-k* ; ~v-. I: S : ‘A- f ■•v’-: •>••:. - •> r:."'N':'':;' ‘ - ?;V W. *" '*j S' i ‘'S' ~ . *,> ’* ..>«j t u"'t s V-»>.; H \ s - j, ,«,*«. , i.‘tfs? w J.r';2j,-» v ’. vA - «*■'« ; !\ *1 -Vt ; ** , . N H t * W-. •*'“*' »•••* L*t - w * ,-• ■> •»- , »*,— * i * K* 1> . y'". V-A'S -■ V. i*- v ■» ■' •■ .fc«s.risfc« - n.f'/:-;'>••*.;■• ;. Si < rr 1 -.•■ ■’ m v': *" ■ i |iy^v’ ( »*,s r f - I’, v . .* » . „ I ~. V*. '* 4 c "•»’ ..‘t , v ~, »►, ■» *, * -, »*i», •* J 'VV'C^V-"* i*f LV-’C;»-■» J ' !, i -->?■ ‘S' r' i *. v *r »-v j j v.', j j ;sf»w h A'vCfi J 4; i-N•»'• '5 1 .....1 i V »f: <■, ,i. ■••' - I k'/5,' " ft*' \ v i. t ' i . *‘- '’•J ’s'-(ft-, S ';; f . r/I sir‘*wN ".: s ( *,.' t s ’ feiS^i®MSsj€ <- v ‘v< '- ! 1 •»•'. c, iT, '-•' ■ilfiSSiKS®'?®' MiiißafeiaßiahMagg^. a^B^S^SwNaiSßi^v & tifyd -tr r:\f’ r<r& i ft .. { *’ , irviX' V-C- -yS-l''.-' 1 t i K*'*'([’*£*-n suam Mills. . -^*^' «~ s c Frodaca takenL w^six d>* «*■{* t S' .> EAffU 1 '' *< commission ani %fTs5St * v tiifeH®, Sarass sgr""‘—-“ J J *• £?'sj'2? vT. tommU y -J.4 f-'.?:?*:■( . '"*'t J S*A'SiS - LV,S JL posa, n No. 17 SmlthA*! Ak t mjT ' l-±i''v Mononphal. Uoosa. W.wl. SJ * JrvJclf i’sS'' <)&■ ..'t mlaelon, for rals, conrtgnmr. vN PjA*< asj4 **»• ’•• i Corn, o.t», Bsrley, Piai 3«d, f 4^i^Jsfe!S£«S s (fiWhVb^i'*S4i^'tri(fdii-i, ’s* ,-;- s ! upon which we will make ahvwt S&§HSlf?fcrV fA-r:v® ’irt) *V mtrket ratig tor cweh hm - J James M’L,aw [ ?*■ -i -pvKiLEB. IN UROCKKIKS, PRO & -tfea* »a!ter!?® ; «a3 H 3.« t h- A l) ic. No. 10, comer SnithOdd t S,:~*-A bareh. Ps. t + T s;5 V’j M. a. To™... 0..T50». ». t005q.... S^-xrf*^'» «>« &A’§Xp i J>-> "x-vl T. B. Young *. 1 IVo. 38 SailhUdd Ifrcef, opporift TVTANUPAOTOaKKS OP CABINET 1 M,OUAIU9, of erery description, tit StS^jed^L*^^^ >? *"'(> * l <> k *‘ mauahlp warranted, and sold at ruJuced pr v/i j ‘<•’■ f;t >^P Jj L j? t $-.. Id packing for land and water carriage. f-MfL^AV/" 1 ’ niifftinsa and puenishinq store, ifijNtftAA- i~‘‘ V* i'J- L( nnh street, Pitteborgh. Clothing made , good style, and at m»derat« rates. A 'TTrHOLESAJUJ ÜBOUHBS, and Dealers m Pro S h ffKtirn £^“f ‘^ PL^* h, YY elgn Wlnea and Liquors, Old Monongahela tttiwUrtff, No. 291 Liberty Fittaburgh, Pa. ‘.W }^iCr' s^i.w4j^‘"*, £ , M i> *■ •« A Tlndle. '‘l’'--“' 1 WHOLESALE and Retail Saddle, Ht Valise and Carpet Bag manufact IW Wood at, Plttabn^h, pg, jytt o u “™ ’ J. H. Mallor, 7 i-l’*; \ XIT^OLEBALEand Retail Dealer In Musicallnatrumenv VV Pianos, Hade, Bebool Books and Stationery, No. It m Sss. ">r*V 1 tow and a> OUNSUMINQ FI contract for beab fciqt r <}*~4/?-' 3 &?'* O c*' i 4j l *g J Furnace now in ua solicited. Any Infb i '““ ‘““ iv;a , l^t 2.-1 (Bocceaa»Tfl i ITANUPAOTOBBUS o. M and Fancy Colored l kinds of Window Qla»«t PU house comer of Marks t ana - _55“» r> IKMSKN,. IbwAatiinr ofijo ■': ■» *'-' '*’'.A*- J -:~ ,' 1 i . : ; Ay. Dottle. eDd Winfoa Qlui Claret Bottles; Demijohns and C. io every variety. Warehouse, Not, Plr.t rtrrrt, pfttfibargh, Pa. rvium in kentdoky usa. tSjSffla^ass^^tpaivs^i#^,^''* ' U andpapeb,no.mb vom•«»• burgh, p«. v * : -'y’*-* ,^-!'e, r;/‘^-'•*■'!>- highest market price, in vlii' < f-A KAflg. Atwu, h»e a Co., 1* ,f U 4 ’-' WT HOLBfIALK GROCERS, Broduce am - - »«-~v — _iA—AT” VV Merchants, and Dialer* In Pittsburgh i fy'*£} > fjp No fl Wood street, betwoen Water and Front t t. 1 Dissolution of 00-PmrtncraU ’> T'HE CO-PARTNERSHIP harttofora exiting 1 JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP RKTMKR, Wholesale Fruit sfld Confectionary Basinet-, 1b t ?|fatt?®'E® fl *v. v ?dissolved by mntual consent The business of the fti ’'K ‘ I be settled up by Joshua Bhodee, who la autbor'ced ceipt for an debts dne said firm. JOSHUA RHODE v! ; J March 27th, 1855. PHILIP KEYMHh 1 1 A9* The undersigned nave this oay tormed a Partner ■:-. rf 'A v ALt , ’Vj 1 "hip, under the name, firm and style of RETMIR A AN- K«,X fc '^s^'^i'’'^"3^'''..'' l !; t c !•'■ v ’ f P<l DKRSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale FtuU and Confectionary business, No. 3d Wood atteet KBs-.. ?@ipsfe® s s, - as. s.® ? * t>v - j near Third. J:f r s : ; f-4M P PKKbur, *i ./• ‘.* T - * ; * " - c *' r C. .-\ '/■’"■ •■• - '/yV* “ -- V ■; ' '" ! ■'•: ;•'-V*; •' -.'.-> -; • -' •■- ' 'ri&lii’ert'X'tfX} *^.'<» i->;' ' * ? ' ■ ;•;- / , v r'«» ~ i'.Vr'A,. r. »r- -*• -. w. .■- * • •, + „ f h'wSf&fftev H' ,•> “ .£ (*J : (Vt^ ! i V",’'%;/ ' ,ii - ; . ■'. ,‘! .i ‘‘^.'- . .. J i L VS^Vr>. , V • .'-r.-l'y'-. fb-=!•" *? " ~'•, J ; l f • .■ • - , • •, h , V;-V f>^kk4:4v .' -'•'•■ .A- - V A V«v> - .. . • t .♦**.,♦ i -H'r V -il P r f*A -if, ■- - - - •• •■ .••: ■•; •vyy ,• ?*®'?-?-.'.‘:-r'''-:f,: *- «%y -j ,• » / <- 1 * ,v ; *n» ■' ■ • -V .» -‘"-•.u.-. r a.. 7- ■“V; V;.J - 1 fei,', IfV : , A ~,,... fcv iVI: „ '4* r>3 «*• *"*>•** JU *, *■ i_ ? . DAILY MORNING POST .Prtaedjmd puUiiAtd every morning {Sundays tooeptedj BrOIIiLIIOEB * nORTOOnERT) OB TSI frOSTZMTttT OOBSU 07 WOOD AJfTI FITTS STUITI 4®' ISB M B.—Ttr* Dollars • year, payable strictly In ■dvanos. filx Dollars will invariably be required if not paid within tbe.vea* 4®* Single ooples fwa *at# at the eounter In the Offioe, end by the Pews Boys. >7 * - f • ~IBE SATURDAY HOEHISS POST Published from the same office, on e Urge blanket else eh TWO DOLLARS e year, in adranoe. Single «opl» fITiODRS. . 4 4V 4®-No paper will be discontinued unless at thedlscre on of the Proprietor*,) until all arrearages are nald. 4®ri(Q attention will be paid to any order tnueseoooom pauledTby Che money, or satisfactory reference In this city. 49* tfanhccUd with the Kstdbliiknatt of the Morning Post is one o'f At largut Job Printing Offices tn the city, toSere all k nds of work U done on the shortest notice, and most reason* a bUtsrm. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt« Ci G. Bproni, Attorney and counsellor at law—office, No. — f fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. decllHy 1 . ,Jamei A* Lowrlc, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office. Fourth Stout, Pittsburgh, between Bmlthfleld street and Cherry alley, [dacllily JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ofllca, eorner Fifth and Grunt ate#, JaSilyg) pmsuDMO, pa. _ Thomas tteaus, Attorney at law and solicitor in ohanoery. Office, next door to the Post Offloe, Steubenville, Ohio. my< S. P. Rosa, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 100 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa- fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson’s Uvery Stable. j«3B C, Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. R. B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth Street, between Cherry alley and Grant street. j*!fcy J. K. fil’Utowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—office in Baheweire Buildings, on Grant street, Je3 U. H. Hasen, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. llff Fourth street, above and near Smith field. mar27:y Patrick flloKenna, ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth street*, {formerly occu pied by Alderman Levis,) where all business pertain ing to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. febl:3m S. Buck.znuater, Alderman. Grant street, between Fourth st. and Diamond \J alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Kstale examin ed, jaS^ William Wilson, Alderman. OFFICE No. 447 PENN street, between the canal and O’Hara street, Fifth Ward. AU business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, wil promptly attended to. 44“ Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. febl&tf H. AHL, SURGEON DENTLflT,'{suc- ceasor to U. W. Biddle,) No. 144 Smith field 45P*Offlce hours, from 8 to 1 o’clock, and torn 2 to 8 o’clock. foblSrlv -ga—aask J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, five doors /foggga west of Market. '*Jll y T” Orric* Hours From nine A. M- to five - P. M. • dec2o:y BUSINESS CARDS altrad b cueubq .. EDITAjLD DlTOaiDOa. Curling, ttobertson A Co., Manufacturers op cut, pressed and plain FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wood street, corner of FroDt itreet, Pittsburgh. ay- All other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass, at low market prices. apllxily^ 'ITTQOLESALE and retail Cigar manufacturer, and deal- YY Cfio *ll kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 26 Fifth street, Pittsbur b h, Pa. R-seps constantly on hand a large supply of all ibe various brands of Imperial Cigars J’-Sj WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metal and Blooma, and Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh- fap24 Reymir 4 Anderson, (Saecessore to Joshua Rhodes A Co.) WHOLESALE dealers In foreign Fruits, Nuta, Bpleas, OonfecrioDary, Sugars,4c., Na 39 Wood street, oppo site the 8L Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. *P‘-1 Henry Hi Collins, Forwarding and commission mercuant, and Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Fish, and Produce generally, No. 26 Wood street, Pittsburgh. jm»r6 B T. V. Iff organ, BOOKSELLER ANe STATIONER—has always on hand a general onaortment School, Mlsceilane#us and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, 4c., wholesale and re tail, No. 104 Wool street, below Fifth, East side, Pittsburgh. Wanted, Rags aod Tanners’ Scraps. apl6:ly ffiiiun'ffi EICC ET6OK, PitUburgh. fillller is, Rlcktison, E HOLESALU GItOCERS, Importers of Brandies, Wines and Begem—Nos. IT*J and 174, corner of Irwin ami ty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, 4c., constantly on hand. jy^ W(Wm. Oarr, late of the firm of J. Parker A Qo.) UOLEBALK QHOOKES, and Dealers in Foreign Wines •and Brandies, Old Monongabela and Rectified Wbla ky, No. 329 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, ' jaifcv F. R- liraroi PicPMmd t Pittsburgh* ft DEALER Qi COUNTRY PRODUCE, otters far sale B chok»stookofOrocaries, soloctel forfamity use. Bptcet* of every variety and the purest quality, ground at bis BUam Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken In exchange lor merchandize. F. R. D. hai procured a fall assortment of Lsndretb’s warranted Garden Seeds, and invites the attention of all in teres ted In rural affairs. w. a. &sauaa...~.. Engilili A Ulobardiony COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MKBCHANTB, and Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon and Oil, and Produce fenersllj. Warefcoose formerly occur>ied by Barfcridge A nghram, No. 116 Water and 160 Pirai street, Pittsburgh, Penna. *»*>& THE subscribers have opeoed a housa for the above pur pose, at No. 17 Smlthfleld street, four doors above the Monongahela Hoosa. We will purchase, or receive, on com mixtion, for sale, consignments of Floor, Baooo, Cheese Corn, Oats, Barley, Flax deed. Grass Seed, Baled Hay, Ac. upon which we will make advances, or purchase at ihebast market rates for cash |nov6| ALGKO A CO. James Bl’LsnghltDi Dealer in urocrriks, prouoob, floub, bacon Ac., No. 10, corner Snrithfleld aud Firai streets, PitL bargh, Pa. JOUB a. TOUVQ.~ A..TBOS. B. TOOKG.-.......T8JU1CU L. TOUSU, T. B, Young * Co. No. 38 S»iih/uld street, opposite City Hotel. MANUPAOTURKKS OP CADINBT FURNITURE AND OUAIR3, of every description. Materials and work manship warranted, and aoldatreJuced prices. Oare takt-n Id packing for land and water carriage. _ang3l Wm Ulffbjr, Jr., CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STOKE, Mneonic Hall, fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, iu good style, end at moderate ratea. aagfctf “rrrnOLESAiaS GBOCHBS, and Dealers in Produce, For yV elgn Wines and Liquors, Old Monongahela and lL*c tlflal Wtisfc?, So. 231 Liberty fttj Pittsburgh, Pa. f 7 A. Tlndle, Hg£du WHOLESALE and Retail Saddle, Harness Vallae and Carpet Bag manufactorer, g~ ~No.iOe Wood Bin PUtabargh, Pa. jy»:y ’ J. H. M«llor, 'T'rr'HOLEBALISand Retail Dealer In Musical Instrument?, W Pianos, Mode, School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street. J an * Jobs W. Bntler A Co^ Forwarding and commission merchants— Dealers in til Unis of Pittsburgh manufactures, Lead pipe god Sheet Lead, C 7 groat street. eepffl JECnierprU* Works. 270. 136 Wood ttrt&j third door Moto VirgindUty. BOWN A TETLEY woold c&U the attention of Bporting men to thair large assortment of Guns, Rifle* end Re volving Pistols, the largest and best selected stock ever opened In this market, together with a general assortment of Hardware, Culler?, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of which we offer at thelowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for goodapproted paper. marls Copartnership Notice. JQAVE THIS DAY (April 11th) associated with me Messrs. F.BTBHLTDRBETT and SAML. 0. CLANK?, th of whom have been for many years In my establish ment, and are already extensively and favorably known to my customer?and the public generally as superior work men, and of correct business habits. We hope by this union of experience and artistic skill—especially in the watch de partment; by keeping a large and well selected slock of goods; 'by Belling at moderate prices, and by elose attention to business, to merit a liberal share of patronage. To my old friends «*iA the public in general, who have for many years past so Übemlly patronised my bus in ess, 1 return my thanks, »ed solicit for the new firm a continuance of simi lar favors. W. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11,1836. Wilson, Torbett * Claney< WATCH MARKER JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS, 67 Market I'.reet, corner Fourth. mvfr I Hew Coach arid Carriage Factory I JOHHSTOH, BBOTEHEB ft C 0 QjrntT'Rcbcsca and Belmont street*, Allegheny Chty. Mon eg WOULD respectfully Inform their friends the public generally, that they bare commenced the manufacture of Carriages, SBT~p»Jffiri Buggies, Sleighs and Chariots iu-all their various styles or finish and proportion. AU orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to od the most reasonable terms. Using in all their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel staff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before purcha sing elsewhere. oct6:l y j «. : . J>. f. JOEHSTOJT. a. MiOSS. fileelilor Garfltfft Factory. JOHNSTON, BROTHER * Oft, PRACTICAL COACH MAHERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont atreeta, Alle gheny dfcy,-Pa« hare on hand and are manufacturing an extettfjfe assortment of Carriages, Roctnwayß, Baggies, BtmnCua, Ac- made In all their Tariona atjlea, with eSitregerdlo durability »nd beantr of finish, using In all their work the host Jonleta'faon and eastern hickory. Re pairs Attended to on the most reasonable term*. They reel confident that ell' who may favor them with their patron age. will be perfectly eatlefied on trlal of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omni bores pees erery fif teen mlnoter during the day. oct2S:ly PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. B. BTQCL(r»....„^_j (4Ani! t _QKOEQI ALBIBT. _____ Blg«io« A Co.* „ SUCCESSORS TOE.M. BIGELOW, No. 46 Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pitta- Poacher Carriages, Pboatonfl, Bog t.X. i.. .&”•> i l ® 4 "erj description of fancy ten icles flnlß hed “> * manner onsnrpassed for SSSmMu?fS Sgffi? an ' sh ' of 8&- Ail work warranted. ROBERT 11. F&TTEaSOS’S oJCTJL- livery and bade 4k STABLE, oornar Diamond Urut and ■prliitf PHTSBTOSuTpa. ' 1 1 »A DOZ. LEMON BYTIUP ; » 30 •• (Moortod do In ftoro and for sale b? Ijris 3» Wood n, oppoiU* th( 8i Obarlof HoM Mnß.n*lf &UUSKTSOX .HXUBT L. HUG WALT. J&eob M’Coillitcr, John ISoorhead, bobkrt j. Ajn>iaaoir Wm. Carr 4b l)o., i. i. aasajrrr. ......A. BJQ11A&&SOS CoamUfllon House* R. & A. C. Doncan, PUBLISHED DAILY, BY QILLMORE & MONTGOMERY. AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $15,00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS. Joisph Fleming, CfgtiOOSSBOB TO L. WILCOX * CO.j ORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps consiantlv on haßd a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and ail articles pertain ing to his business. Physicians* Prescriptions carefully oompoun led at all hours. _____ JOHN rLXMUSQfc..-. Fleming Brotbero, [«OOOia»OKS ,0 >. KIDD *oo.] TTrHoLSSALJS DOOQIBTB, No. 60 Wood otrost, Pitts- YW burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M'Lane’a Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. j*lo John Hurt, Jr., WISUCCtSSOd TO iiMIS Foafpit.l HOLEBALB AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer In Paints, Oils. Dye BtufES, Ac., 141 Wood streeL three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr-Lmaely R. h. Allen, TTTnOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES,BRAN- W DIES, OIGARB, OLD MONONGAHELA AND RYE WHISKY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wines, Brandies. Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. Croix and New England Rum, Clarets, Champaign es, Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongabela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Rvgailn, and Prindpe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, all at such low prices os to challenge competition. FaQcy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every stylo, and Demijohns of all sixes, I respectfully invite an examina tion of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Penns. apr&ly Jamas Mslllngsr, MONONGAHELA PLANING MlLL.—Would respectful ly inform bis friends and the public,.that his new es tablishment Is now in full operation, and that he Is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, aod fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, constantly on hand. Sash, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, modo to order. Builders and Carpenters would find It to their advantage to give him a call, a* be can now fornleh them with planed stuff suitable for every description of wort wit. A. B1&B0S..-. Herron 4b Crlawail, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, and Manufacturers of all kinds of Bra.n Work, Locomotive Steam Engine, Plumbers, Ac. AleO, Cotton Battiog ManoUcturcrs. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Btore No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. 44“*01d Brass and Copper taken In exchange ror work, or cash pai l. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. v H. GE*FF.._ i>. BBl&muia T. J. HAJIVT. Graff, Hettinger A Graff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. MABcrAcrrisiMH or Cooking Store* Plain and Paney Orates, .Coal and Wood Stores, Plain nod Fnnc j Fender*, Parlor Stores, Had and 1> g Irons, Hollow Ware, Portable Forger, Sugar Settles, T«*a Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Uox«*, f rahlft W W . MAla J LIUSTU. Smithy fllftlr Gl Hunter. (Late Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCEKA, PRODUCE AND COMMIS SION MERCniNT?, and ln bd alnd* of Pittsburgh Manufactures, 122 fct*coud and 1M Vint itrret, Pittsburgh, Pa- _ lrt>» W. u. SMITH. 8« Haven. rpUB OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMRNT, ilmte JobD _l ston A Stockton,) and Blank Book ami stationery Warehouse, is prepared to execute erery style of L»*gal, Ootnmerciai, Canal and Steamboat Job PrinLn: and ib>ok Binding, and furnish aeery article in tbe Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at the shortcut notice and tu the moat reasonable terms. Blank Book and Stationary Warehou?*. Printing Office and Book Bindery, corner of Market and Second *»ie j nor Id North-Western Police Agency, NO. 89 WASHINGTON BTfUiBT, corner of Dearborn, CHICAGO, ILLINuS. SU.tH PtSEftTOK. Pinkerton A Co. i*sror« Tana irroTios to rn» trarkactioh op a nnrtßAi DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In tbe States of UUnole, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. mhl9:dif TUB late firm of JONES A QUIGG, barfon Wen dlwsolT by the death of John P Qu:«. on the t!. !i ln*t , the bus'ne»« of paid tirm will be seuled Iv the u nd»-r“!fjued. at their office, eorner of ItoM and First street#. ISAAC JONES. Surriring Partner. Pittsburgh, September 30, l*f>l—loctk-y Isaac Jones, MANUFACTURER of Bpriug and Blister Steel, Plough fllab steal, eteel Ploagh Winze; Ooa''b end Kiiptic Borings, Brass Nat Taper, half parent, Screw, Mail and Hammered Iron Axles,—ooroor of Roa and First streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. oetkOy ISAAC JOSE D. B. Roger! A Co., Manufacturers of iwoers’patent improrej Cultir&tor Toetfc. Office eornrr Kosj and First street ocUily .... Pittsburgh Elding School. ROBERT U. PATTKKSuN, Proprietor, corner Diamond street tad Cherry alley. The *ubscriber announce* to lh« Ladies and G*nil«- men of Pittsburgh, that be has recently erected a RIDING &OUOOL, which In point oreits,eemmodlouines* ami adap tation. undeniably excels any similar o>*taMi*hment in liie United States. Its location is accessible from all part* of tba city, while lta high and airy situation renders It espe cially suited to the promotion of health, by this most agree able exercise. The Horses ere docile and well trained, And the proprietor pledges himself that no pain* or expanse wtU be spared to maite this establishment the Bret lu tbe confidence of the public. tf Ulehard C. Booking, MANUFACTURER OP GILI\ SiLVRP.. BEARS, BRONZE, LOOKING-GLASS. POBTEAIT AND PIC TTH FRAMES, Plaiu and Ornamented, No 2\ 8t Clair street. All kioda of Composition Ornaments, fnr Ktram boat*. Ac. All kinds of Gilding and Ra giUlmg, to ord-r. Oilt Mouldings lor Frames, wholesale and retail Varnish for Oil Painting a, Engravings ami Lithograph*!, for »1« Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings restored la the best manner. All Frames and Mouldings manufaetured in this estab lishment may be cleaned without lojary, with soap and water. Oall and see. No. 21 Bt. Clair st. Pttt«burth- j mh'iflrtf J. WUITK, TrBNETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, has recovered V his health so as to resume hie old business, uni bn* opened hi* BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No f»5 Fifth street, nrar the Post office, between Wood and SmiihtUU, "here h* has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and fanry worsted and silk trimmings, and i* prepared to 611 nay order In bis line, on ihe most reasonable terms. Ula work is warranted to gire satisfaction or inorny refunded. 49*01d Blinds repaired. 49* Please give him a call, as he can't be beat In work toansbip mv7 ly I HAVE sold my Interest In the business os Long, Miller A 00., to B. A. Long, who, with John Phillips, will con tinue at the old stand, No. 109 Front street. I cordially nr commend the new firm to the patrons&e of my friends. Pittsburgh,July 29,1864. P. 11. MILLKB. a. &. Loxo. 6* JL* Lobr A Co., Bell amd b&abs so undeks, and gas m-raua, turtle attention to their stock of Ol»anjleli*ra, Brack ets, Pendants, end other fixtures. We fit up Louses with (iu andßteam, matte Brass Oastinjcs of all kinds to order, faruiah Railroad Pomps and Tank Fltiintrs, and keep Anti- Attrition Metal constantly ou hand. JT"I NOTICE. DALY'S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. Ar<j 20 Fifth strnU. Jirst corner abov* Murk?! tlr??.t, PITTSBURGH, Wfliettß will be fonnJ the largest and beat assorted stock of HOSI&RY ever offered for sale In this city. Purchasers will find it to tlielr advantage to call at this «tabUshmentand examine for themselves; it Is all 1 need to insure their custom. 0. DALY. H B.— Remember the Ooxap Btookiso Co&nea. febfcy 0. D. Coainme tba SmaJc«* THE subscriber haring the exclusWe right to manafac taw and *eU SWEENEY'S HOT AIR AND SMOKE CONSUMING EC RNAOE, la prepared to receive orders, and contract for heatUS buildings with the moit economical furnace now In use. :He attention of those interested is solicited. Any information can he had of A-BRADLEY, Noe. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BAKNDOLLAR, dec24.-tf| Iron City Stove Warahooea, No. 184 Wood at. JULt* *. USUI - * J - rLAM * XiftdJl* & Ulam, M (Successor to Mulranj 4 LedUe.) ANUFAOTCB&US of Cat, Moulded and Plain, Flint nufl Fancy Colored QLABSWARK, and dealers in all kinds of Window Qlaas, Flask*, Vials and Bottles. Ware house comer of Marke t and Water streets, Pittsburgh, mhfcdly Removal* CT IRiiSENr Manufacturer of every variety of Vials. j, Bottles and "Window Glass, Porter, Win* end Claret Bottles; Demijohn* and Carboys; bl*o, Flint Ulnae io every variety. Warehouse, Noa. 104 Second, and IBS’ Firet street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2S- 1. W. Ohulwlek, Dialer in Kentucky lbai tobacco, rags AND PAPER, No. MB Wood attest, below SLf.h.PttU btlrgh, Pa. The highest market price, in OABU, paid for RAGS. ap2oily" JOUH ATWILU. Atwell, Lee A Co., WnOLBBALK GaoaEßB, oreduce and CommlA&ioo Merchants, and Dialers In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No A Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitts burgh. aplfl Dissolution of Co-Partnership. THE CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between JOSHUA RHODES end PHILIP RKTMEtI, la the Wholesale Fruit afld Confectionary Basinet, 1b this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbs business or the firm will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who la authorised to re ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA RHODES, March 27 th, 1855. PHI LI V KE Y M RR. PARI2fIBBBHIP BOTICB. 49* The undersigned here this day formed a Partner whip, under the name, firm and style of REYMIK A AN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary business, No. 3d Wood street i ffIUP RETMSH. ROBT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27 th, t&6. in tetirioff from the Ooa factionary business, 1 obeer« fully reoommend Messrs. Beynn 'r A Anderpon to my friends and customers. JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1856. »p 2 Removal • £PRINOBB HARBAUGH A 00. have removed to No. ft 295 Liberty street. ____ sranrun nABBACaa..~p-.'. — ~,.4U‘ XAm> * n TORaTTH- SprlagerßaTbaagli * Co«, (Sbcceasors to S. Harbftagh,)' _ nil . M „ n . riOMMIBSION AXD FOR WARDING H. ' V Dealers in Wool and ProdnctfKenal-aUy, No S'bLlwrty «tr*vt, Pittsburgh, Pa. BUSINESS CARDS f. L. Marshall, sr r ccegflor to U. Lee.) WOOL DKAL&K AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bf/crenct— W. M'OUntock A Pros.; Kramer A Rohm; Brown A Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tiernan ft Co. Pittsburgh, May 24, pfy WE would invite the attention of our friends and I m the public to s splendid assortment of HATS and wbteh we are now opening lor the Summer trade, which for beauty of style, exceeds anything eTer of fered la the city, or west of the mountains. .go-Call and examine for yourselres. J. WILSON k 80V, *pO 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. .COCHBAB FLXMiaQ. Dissolution of o<HP&rtn«rsblp< mUE FIRM OP LIVINGSTON. KOQOBN ft 00„ Proprie- JL tore of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was dissolved by the death of Ur. Jonn J. Roqqin, on the 1 ltn of March last. The business of theNOVELTY WORKS will be continued in all its branches by'the surviving partners, under the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND ft CO , who will also settle up the alTalrsof the late dm. L. IL LIVINGSTON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. K MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh, Pa., M&y 4,185&. ) W. B. (JOPHLAND. JOUM M’CLOSEtT dohu il'Cloakey ft Co.. WHOLKBALK AND RETAIL CLOTHING MER CHANTS, No. 88 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The subscribers respectfully inform their old custom era and ibe public in general, that tb«»y have this day aasocla ted themselves lo the above bunlu«*s, under the firm of JOHN M’CLOttKAY ft CO. They respectfully eolloUaehare of public patronage. The previous business of each will he nettled by them selves respectively. febfl Boot* and Shoe*. J MCLAUGHLIN, No. 96 Fourth street, nearly opposite • the Mayor's Office, is manufacturing o«utlemen f e first Boots, lifts and buttonFd; Congress and Button odGaiiers; Ladies'Boots, Half Bouts, Jenny Linds, Slip pers, and French Lashing Gaiters, of every color and shade; fancy Kid and Satin Gaiters, of the best materials; Misses and Children’s do., of every variety. N . b —All kiods made to order, ouebort notlee. (sulQ .—•Jamas camwgLL. Soldiers* Bounty Land* and Claim* against Government. 1W1 LL proourc Bounty Land Warrant for Soldiers,their Widows and Minor Children, and attend lo business In the •* Court cf Claims," recently established by Oongresa. OflW, Nr. US Tbirl street, one door obove smlthfleld st. March It* (mh'iO) CHARLEB NAYLOR JAMES WAKDROP offers for rale CANARY BIRDS of Iho most improved breed, being Tery hardy, and fine singers. Bird Seeds—Canary, Hemp, Millet, Rope and toll ed Seed. Boo'Uk'U will be rurnisheJ composed of the finest FLOWERS, tii . Camellaft, lUk* Buds, Heliotrope*, Ac. Kv«r*rwens (iu pc's) for Christmas Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store. No 40 Fifth st, Dear Wood. d*c2o JUounty Lands. rplIK continues to obtain Bounty lVa r\_ muU. The present bill given to ail wbo ha»*r<rTru in iinv war-More 1790, Iff) acres. Term* moderate. LURE COCKBIIOOT, 37 Diamond alley, between Wood fit. and Diamond. SIXTY TURKU ACHES OK LAND, with 250 acres of Ooal nttnrhnd, and »1I the lmproTemonta thereon In Boe«He fill operation. Paid Farm Is situated cu the M nongnbel* riTt*r. miles above Pittsburgh, and la supplied with » Kami Hoose. Ham. Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad, and an ••jcrtleul harbor Thf Ffin of Ccnil W Cv* fe«t thick, and cannot be «urpa»- e-1 lu iuali:v. for farther particulars fcpply to NI A PATNE, No. 234 Liberty utrweL K X hIUITION HOOM FOR INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agency for the Purchase and Sale of Patent Eights and Patentod Articles MOaHi f KA ro.v . - r PHK ♦ubscHWrf h»»> lout; U*«n acquainted with Ur. 1 MO£KS F. JLATON, and bare no hesitation In recoih nn.njint: him, to all who may wish to employ bh» aerricea, a gentleman of uudoubwd integrity and Indefatigable in dmtn . In who** exertion* rtpry reliance may he placed. Netiile H Craig. W. HoWdboO, Jt., \\ il. lieuQY, John Qraham, J Wood, 11. Childs 4 Co , p. h Krieud, N. Holmes A ftona, fc, A U Kramwr i. Kahtu, \S UJ I hiilij"*. L IL Ltrlngstou. Wi:j..n MOandl**-*, Wui. V. Johns to a, A W U-vutiK Andrew Fulton Noteinlxr‘JTth, ISM noT27;dtf Writing llAiiei-Uuff'l Collage. 1 1 i il K' *• n.lemon and laidte/ Day aod Evening Writing I_ Clawu** will condone op*n during the rammer under Mr -) I 1 VI whore various styles o( Gentlemen and Lftduu' Y> rtting an- eo universally admired. No specimens ( f Penmatithip ar>- »■ ihlbited at the door bat those executed t-y the Teacher to th« Institution. The Principal elalmaDo *• mnnupulv " nor “ pat.*' t " fur hi 9 tuutneSJ, nor did he gel bis institution chartered to sell out, a* has been repeatedly dour In thUrttv .D. u. aopGET-a ,r>. &. ftoosi * Gentlemen ;mi Ladies’ Visiting Carla written in Ur. Wll !>■ in*' un-j jailed style. All kinJfl of Ornamental Pec man ship executed to order. mylfcWaw Intelligence OfQca. r'l'llK sal>sonr«r ht* ju»t opened to INTKI.LIGENOB OJTICK. nt 410 Uhcrty btrvet, In ih«> well Known office of John rboapeoo. Snip Agmt: tod ta he ba* been Exploring Ag**ut f-r ;lm Ioub; M-o’b Blbli-Pocietj of Pitt*- t»oririi for nearly two yearn, he Hatter* himself that hie Know ied«v of the city and It-* citit-m* elves him great faclll tlvs m furnishing housekeepers witn help, and also in find ing places lor b«'y fc »RirUand all o;her« seeking employment. The patronage uf the public U K>Ufll«d. Ternu easy, and vTery rll -rt U5cJ to ii»e iC-u* ral e*Uil«cUou HAVK ON LIANL). nt U»-U ■st*D«jv« CABINET and CU AIR M.A N UFACTuHY, No Bu»itbft*ld street, a lar<« asaurtmpni of Feo'j and Plata Farm lorn, which lb«y will sail li) per cent. below customary r»tw». TVrm*—cash only. da*’*? ly Wm. IC, Nlivtuiou ruutmu*« to maaofac- Qi hut CABINET WAKK of ev*ry description, at btf wEfioM nUq.!, corner of LiNt.t aoJ Seventh streets UNDEIiTAJiINU attended to, iu all it* branches. UUItFIS BHOfcfl AND Ul/AOKSMITU. has erected a n«w and commodious Brick Shop oo Cherry alley, between Third and Fourth streets, where tie in prepared 10 ro all work In his line with the utmost promptitude. Having had lone eiperlenrr in the biMnraa, be r*v»p«*ctfully aoltritn the patttnage of hie old customers and the public generally. jy2i MAC'S ltY NCNNS & CLARK, NEW YORK. liHE PUBLIC of Pittsburgh and Allegheny la respect fully iu riled to call at tho JJualc Store emu i of the subscriber*!, No. 6d F'iFT 11 tJT., examine A *upert> fiTWjlTnf Full Grand Fliano, prlo* 81000,« " « U» From the Factory of NUNNS A CL-MiK, Nuw York* This «lejQiit instrument Is made In the •* ALiZAiIKTiIIAN Si VUi,” the ornaments, front pieces and I*£h being elabo rately carved out of BOUIB R08KWOOI). it is foil seven ociarea, of tbe largest dimension*, and. in point of volume, power, and liquid sweeloceß cf tone, 1* pronounced alto gether unsurpassable The «üb*cnt«*rß will be happy to receive tbe visits of their fneuds au-1 the public in general, and show them through their uew eataMubment. JSO. PHILLIPS. Spring Stock of Hamburg Pianos, * CllA KLOTTE IiLUMIi, No. US Wood gtgjjjjjgsSßggg} street, Pittsburgh, sole Agent. The Hamburg Pianos are undoubtedly II v I l ■ superior to all others, both in elasticity nj tcmrli and sujvriority n/ tone. They hav* not only received tbe highest marks of button from the best European Pianists, such as LIST. THALBKBG, And others, who have tnem constantly In their own use, but also from our resident Profeswora. The following la an extract from a loiter ot PROFESSOR HENRY ROITBOCK. After describing tbe particular style two of which he wants for hie own use—one Grand and one Square—be epenko a* follows of their excellent ijoalltlns : ‘•My little daughter, who ploys very well, moat, with myßelf, have a good Instrument, aud yours are the only ones which can satisfy me. “ Instruments are offered meontbe most accommodating terms. I, however, do not like theta; they have not tbe elastic touch aud tho tone of yours. “ ! remain, yours, respectfully, “iIsNBY itouaoca, Pittsburgh, Pa." For sale by CUARLOTTK BtUMK, at tbe “ Old Estab lished Plano Depot," 118 Wood street, 2d door above Fifth. Also, sole Agent for Plltsourgb and Western Pennsylvania for HalUt , Aim d? Co’t Rnton Pinnor, (which in the East ern cttiea are considered superior to either Chickorlng’s or Nunns k Clark’s, not wblob foot la not extensively known, as they have but lately, been introduced here.) and oilier New Yorz and Philadelphia Pianos, of tbe beat maker*, at prices from $226 to $BOO. mhlO Notice to Wliom It May Concern. rpHE PUBLKJ SPUING SALKS of Heal Katai« at Uo> J[ Chester ore now closed, and the Building Season has fbi.-ly commenced. Every citizen of Rochester Is busily em ployed. Even SO or 40 new families wb<> liavu become cill tens the present Spring, find poustaat employment; and In a few days a hundred iamiliea more will be required to car ry on lh« workot the presentseason. The Qtr Building EtiaOUxhmetd is now near completion, and will b« in full operation in Juno. Several Cara will be ready for delivery, by ooutract, the let of July, 1855. Two or three new churches, in Rochester, will be con traoiod for immediately,and numeronsother improvement* will be commenced, requiring a greatamoun t of mechanical and other labor independent of the Car Establishment, which will proeably employ from one to two hundred. A prominent brickmaker from Pittsburgh has just pur chased nine lar*** IoU, and contracted to make apoa them forthwith 600,000 brick*. Two gangs of bauds commence work the present week, besides tne other yards heretofore established in th« neighborhood. Our Stone Quarries are already alive with workmen, and the road leading to them lined with teams. laanbtr Is becoming abundant and cheap, and tenements will soon spring up to relieve some of oar houses, which f now have 5 families, 1 families, 8 families, and do re ns of them 2 families each. Any who d d not buy cheap lots M the four public sales; last season, or the four public sales the present spring, Still secure good bargains at privaU taU by railing on the subscriber in Rochester. Terms— % down, Uin one year and Vs in two years. M. T. O. GOULD. 1* B.—A few lots eau yet be had at $6O to $lOO etch; If applied for before the 20* h May. These lota are twice as Urge as usual city lots, vis: 40 feet by 125, and the price only from $1,60 to $4,60 per foot front. The present reserv ed homestead and magnificent profit of Ovid Plnney, 4 acres in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, the beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, 40., of ff. Reno, can bo bought through the subscriber at great bargains, and there are not two suchbargains within a hundred miles. G. my 6 .OUAS. ATWSLL- Raraoval. SOUTHBERT ft SON have removed their Beal Estate • and General Agency Office to No. 53 MARKET BT. near Third. BALK—Two Lot* of 50 feet by 140 each, In &ast Pittsburgh, tt fbe lowest price*. Inquire of »ugl wOOflfc. fourth, street. ,'• ... ! p ’ if* -tr t" » -o' .- PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1855 ila(« and Caps, .CORNELIUS M* CLOSE. IT. Mow Seed Store Coil Work* tor Hale. ,Y W SO fourth itrc't, QABRIEL BARR. A. .Hllllken 6l Co. Charlei Uarnttt, GRAND PIANO. H KLLHKR A BBU . Bigo > t Ibe Othlen Harp, No. i.n Pif'.L BlrraL MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. ALL DIB EASES OF TBS ETI AN® SAB WITHOUT CUPPING, jjuoanio, bubtsbuto, ob thb übi of oalombu OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, 00R. GRAND BT., NEW YORK. Honrs from 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. ROUGH* GRANULATED LIDS* Inflammation, Acuteor Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Uyes, are among the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. H. with perfect satisfaction. , , All dlwefxm of the Bar treated upon scientific principles. Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation. All letters post-paid will secure prompt attention. We seledt the following references from amoug the thou sands of cases which bare been successfully treated by Dr. Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y •Alfred South wish. Printer, “ " tJ. Goodspeed*Glens Fails, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mr*. A. M. L. Wilson. New York Oity, N. Y. fMlss Mary Bellows, N. R. Station, Duchess co, N. Y •Edward G. Bolger, Bristol, Conn. •John Seaman. Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y, Wm. F. B; Giles, office Courier and Bnq., N. Y. j James W. Kirby, BrooklynVL-J - Bt. Nicholas Hotel. R. M. Ferries, Organ Builder, Hoarton Bt. R. 1L Doolittle, M. D- lladeon, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P- Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy,-N. Y. B_ L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. Dll Urn bach, Schenectady, N. Y. Oapt. B. fl. Haviland, Athens, N. Y: John W. Hackett, Binghampton, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and bad to be led to the office. At the expiration of two weeks they could go about the city at pleasure. •These cam of Amaurosis were restored to sight after they ware given up as Incurable by the faculty, and can be referred to by any person who wishes to learn the facts in these cases, by writing to them. Jans_ Plltaburffh Dollar Savtagi Institution, Ho. 69 fbwth street, HBXT DOOB. TO TBS FFTTSBUBQH BANK, IB MOW Of BM daily from 9 to 2 o'clock , also, on Wed nesday sod Saturday eTenlogn, from 7 to 9 o’clock. Deposits rewired of all soma oot leas than Ooe Dollar, frtyl * dividend of the profits declared twice a year, io June sod December. The Trustees, for the purpose o( furthering the benevolent objects of the Institution, have entered into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to depositors. Books containing the Charter, By-laws, Boles and Regu lations, famished gratis, ou application at the vflUe. President —G BORO 8 ALB&EK. vtci poxstncrvs: John H. Shnooterger, Charles Knapp, N. QratUfl Saarphv, Theobald Umb*ta*»tt*r. Isaac M. Penoocfc, Wlllinm J. Auderpou. Hopewell Hepburn, George R. While, William V. JohDM.’a James W. Hallman, Alexander Bradley, William Phillips, John G. Backofen, James Hardman, Hill Burgwlo, John SI. lilrkpiUfK-i Albert Culbertson, John D M'Cord, Robert Chester. Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Oofflo, Walter P MaThbail, Alonso A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John B. Oosgrave, Henry 1.. Kiu^wh’’ Charles A. Oolton, Robert Robb. JS.G. Rdriogtou, Ororge R. UidJU, Francis Fella. James Rhoads, George V. Gillmore, James Shidlr, James 8. Hoon, Georgs 8. gulden, William & Haven, Alexander Tindla. Secretary and Treasurer—CHAßLES A. OoLTON. JjiMiy FARAERS’ ASB MKCKiAttlCg* LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA Agent* Capital - - - ..$300,000 Amount securely Inverted—s24oU,OUU THIS COMPANY effects Flrt: Insurance on Building*, Goods, FuraLure, Ac. Marine Insurant** <-n Vi-wlr., Oargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, by Rivers. i Canals, Railroads, a nd Land Oarrlage gmenillT. Also, Insurance upon Lives, upon the moei lavorabl* terms. DIRECTORS. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, James Ti. Nvait, George U. Armstrong, Charles Ding**«, Ed. P. Middleton. K. 0. Helmtiold, George Uelmbolu, Fr*vl. Q. br*«M*r, Thomas Mandsrffeld, !»anf* Lewb TIiuMAS U FLORENCE. Prelum. Knffmn ft. Fin r>, Becretiu'J. ’ prTTSQCBOU RRFERBSGSB. Hon. T. M. Uowe. Hon. J R. M'CUnlcck, lion. P. Q. Shannon, Col. S. W. Black, lion. J. B. Guthrie, A. B M'Calmont. Esq , Thomas J. Kienm, Ebj„ Wilson M‘Candl*?*, Ksq., Cd. J. He-on Foster, Gen. J. R. More head. R. M. Riddle, The character of the above Company In of the first claw, and combines the rare and unusual privilege* of Fire, Ma rine and Lift Insurance. Gentlemen of elrvated standing are aasoolatsd In lu management, and Interested as 9tock£old£rtt TIIOMAB J. HUNTER. AgeDt, jys7 St. Charles Building. No. luS Third «d. ARTHUR’S"PAtENT Self-sealing Cans i] H I For Preserving Fresh Fruits , ||| j |j Tomatoes, se., s|| |i BT nKRMETICAL SEALING. IffMiltiUlUllElsf rrtHESK CANS, which are scaled by the Ut>u»wlie*|*er 1 wlihoot the aid of a Unoer, and < pened easily wlihuut Injury to the can, are rapidly coming into general use Pull directions (or putting up fruit accompany the cans; and the work la so easily performed, that by their use every family may have fresh Fruit and Tomatoes on their table all winter, at summer prices. PRICES.—Pint Caw, *3; Quart, *2,60; Half Gallon, $3,60; Three Quarts, *4,26; Gallon, $6 per doten. Ih* different sites nest, In order to incurs economy la tram-- portatioo. ARTHUR'S CAN, which Is closed with a Hd pov«rlng the whole top, so that when open tt may be cleamed like any other vessel, has been fully approved by the Farmers' Club of the American Institute, New York. It hx-k a hrvt cla«3» diploma Aver all other self-ending cam at the late Fair In CtndnnetL and was awarded a medal at Lbe Mechanics' Fair held this spring at the Smithsonian Institute, Wash ington City, D. C It Is claimed to be the beat Can In the market. Ail orders accompanied by the cash wLI be ptomptly tor warded. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the China find Queens ware Store of HENRY UIGBY, Bargains In Wat«h«a» Ulocki A Jewelry ROBERTS & BROTHER. 4BS ARK now selling their large and carelully yflk ted stock of Fina Welch?*, Clocks, andrieh Gold J&Ao Jewelry at greatly reduced prices, to make room VBKjfiSfor an entire new stock, which will be received di rect from the Eastern manufactories In a few woofca, for the Fail trade. Purchasers desiring to buy good goods at low prices, should call immediately and examine our slock, u«c am determined to close it out without regard to coet or Termor prices. Don't forget the plane. ROBERTS A BROTH KB, 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. ESP" Watches, Clocks aod Jewelry repaired In the best m&nntr, ami warranted. jv2l:lr J* Wt laon A Son, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HAT AND GAP M ANU FACTURERS, No. 01 Wood street, Pittsburgh, »r« prepared to tarnish all articles in their Liao ou Un- men; reasonable terms. Particular attention Is inritt-d to onr assort meat of LADIES’ RIDING HATS ami GLOVES, aim aur 84 SILK HATS, which cunnot be surpasst-d In the dcy. __ _ LANO WARKANTM WANTED— -40, HO, 160 ACRE WARRANTS, bv; AUSTIN I.OOms, iaIB Dealer In Warrant*, Stock*, An , 02 Fourth • Co-Partnerihli). WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on th« 2d day of July. JOS, R- UUUItKR, Ui the Wall Paper business, uflder the name of jyO W. P. MARSH ALL A Co. FOR SALEVKRYCM E A I*. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 34 feel by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying »«>h al ths ofßoe of the MORNING POST hr IV I A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 34 feat fr«>ni n«t tUv*.,n »l»e«l by 100 feet iu depth, lu lUnoliirtbatn. will be *i>M cheap. Enquire of IMSH, k jylB at ofttive n( ||. u M.inOfiii SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, B PER URN l . ip| v J. mar, iKTNA UFSUUANUkU |f A ft V , OF HAltrrottl', tliAr.V -Chahtbekd I Ml'l Casti Asset*. July I. |t>t»,,fttio »m, CONTINUE to make itiemah*-* *‘i f t‘«i'»U>n»»n" property at nquluMo rMea Tbl j Imv maiDtainod a poslUnii tar buiir.t*i<ii» dsausc tup »d vear«, and Is unsurpassed ftp by any other similar luslUuUuh l** H*p biaiofi u-iu« anpoa! statement of (it** vi r uu In this otQco. for the et«»nDl*U”H v 1 X S"> W!bll» tj U iBI< blUtt, Aildlt. Office, North>V9*t FMHi \V»*«<4 riioeia, ruui burgh. Jlsi- IL, M. Lemoti ife ro,‘i W»F Line. BETWEEN nTTilfiOßyn AND COLUMBIA. . RHdeFftdbeit UitPtrtg purchased SfaaSSSattluarl (if U Lee»lt k Uo'a Oauat Htnok, MMl^aM.nTTirai;»«prepared to do a way vhkigut BUSINESS between Ihlfl place aud Uoluiubia, All hunlunan entrusted to our car* will bo promptly attend'd to by us, st ths Wsrshooss tormMlj ocoupleJ b» P. -.•MO. , Basin. LUIYD A LUMUN, jygfcdlm* rUOT WHAT YOU ALL WANT TUIB WARM WKA- I THEE—Tha Mogaxlues Ibr August. Peterson's Hagarine tor August; Ballon's do do New York Journal _ , do Biekens’ Household Words &r August; Tbe Heiress of Haughtou. or tbs Motheris Secret, Mary or Revelations of a Life; p. M » Woffington. £r all the turn Boolta ot MagailnM, call or send to the heaVßwlotoM of W. A. GILDKNPBNNEY A CO, hog, moo more nrth at., oppoalta the Theatre. COAL n*AT—Lying at the foot of Liberty itroet, Uonon Jf* r,T * rrfer *J. W. BOILER *OO bfss*-** 1 BapOTtor 110NNBT8—A. A. MAiJON * CO. boro thin morning r«- Jts coifed by Bipoeaa, «ime now end iery elegnnt aiyleo of enk Bannoto. Mpl ‘ .•\ * v - , t :-vO v 123 Wood Btrra«V, Pittsburßh. Lot for H*l«, I'AID ' V>‘ v Vv ■ SUMMER RESORTS. PXBKY COTOTTWABH SPRINGS THE celebrated WATERING Pt“ACE »H 1 be opoo 1 for vlcitnnt on »nd after tbe FIFTH OF JUNK NEXT. Tbny are delightfully located od Sherman's Owe** foorteen roUna north-west of Duncaunon, (ibis place being fifteen mllttfweflt nf Harrisburg, on the Central Railroad,) at tbe base of IMsgob Monotala, which reaches on of more than five hand red feet. Sherman’s Oreei aflbrde a splendid opportunity those fond of bathing, fiflbiag or Balling: the surrounding forests offer great attractlone to tbe aportomHß; and tour smooth and shady road 9 through a country unsurpassed for bold and magnificent scooery, will dirertiify the atnosementa of the place. HORSES, SADDLKB and CARRIAGES tan be had at all times. Hornes taken to Livery on reasonable terms. Of the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of tbo SPRINGS too machcaa hardly be said. Thetrwaterß hare been analysed by the beat Cbdrainta in the Union,and are pronenoced ud: surpafieed for caring cutaneous diseases and affections of t e kidneys. There ate some fire Springs in all, every one of which la of different temperature—the largest being 63 degreua Fahrenheit, and throwing oat 93 gallons erery SeTan ml antes. Ladles’ and Gentlemeo’s BATHS hare been constructed, with all the modern Improvements, to* gether with PLUNGE BATIIH, Ac.. Ac K.vh day a Couch louvca Duncannon for tha Springs, after the arrival of the cars. Bawling Alleys, Billiard Rooms, and various other faeill* ties for amaaement, la abundance. The accommodations will be tbe best, and the charges low. Turns.—Eight dollars per week, or one dollar and fifty rents per day.) Families wluhlng to engage rooms, ehould address the proprietor early.- Every attention will bo paid to visitors, the proprietor having engaged the best of servant*, Music alwayß in at tendance. All rornratiniraMonfl intended to reach tbe Perry County Warm Spring* should be addrresnd to P- G- They will be immediately forwarded. H tL ETTBR, mySPtf Proprietor Warm BpringS litritiliikß “IiKTRBAT, KEYSTONE TlOTifi!., Htnrnrpn>oNOo.. Pnsi,o«^ rt ; drt.i arui L'urty-itrm miles East of Pittsburgh-, and only six 'm -.iri rul Thb« delightful residenoe and place of public rejiurt !s located en th* banka of the “ Blue Juniata,” at the rontlueiiL*** of Spruce CreA. Its clear spring, troat sustaining ditreharges Itself, and mingles its mormun iu irjucertj a* they rush down the gorges of the Mountains Tbe v«-ry esntfal position of thin Hotel make* it a desira ble place of Sojourn for a few weeks or days, (or men of bnxlnefH and tbpif familiesI—-Jaded 1 —-Jaded and enervated with the turmoil, btJatle and heat of tbe city if i« filtuated on the Ptmnrylvenia Central Railroad, where the great turnpike (rom the Rusquehanua an! otnYr roads concentrate — making easy egress and uigr*"*-», several times a day, by the cars and ftago*, to AU.-ooa, Tyrone, Huntingdon and the Mountains. "'ll-* House Im a new bri.-k one, four stories high, spacious and luomy, newly paired, painted and furnished from baseuiHot t.> attic, with all the modern improvements and appliances of Cold Baths, Ac It is also finelywentllatei There are superb views of ••very lep&rtment of the Monn lain scenery th'* “gbin-m' mountains,” the u eternal" Tel-graph offlre is in th- House, always ready fo work abd tbe proprietor ready to revttjvc visitors at mode rate ebargve. K F HAsLKTT, Proprietor. Rirnnsi'is is riTTjuoßQn; WillUm C»rr A Co~ :riy Lib«r(r ► .1 l.ii 11 Hho»Tib«»r k '.»f. Ji-hn Aod*»rsoQ. William S St. CLarlt** Uolnl. RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE, the Pretention an i Care of lftfuufirriNT and Ri -1 MirvEav Piters, Fitter and Ados, CintAS and Pivsb, Dp an Acics, Gs»£&al Duuurv. Nmht Bwn?a,and all otbur furme of dbeoae which have u common origin In Malaria or Jfianta. This is a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, even in the most fiickiy or swampy luoafit'e-, from any Ague or Bilious disease what ever, or any tnjury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will instantly check tlu- Ague in persona who hare suf fsrod for any length of time, fr>>m one day to twenty years, ko that they ueeJ never have another chill, I>Y continuing it* use accortling indirections. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and until a perma nent and rado-td cure i» effected One or two bottlwi will ati a wer fr-r Tr-tinery cases: some njav require more Directions printed jq German, French an 1 Spanish, ac.-omj any each bottle. Prt*e One Dollar. Liberal ii-'cnunls mode to th*> trade. .TAifKS A. RHODE?, Prerklenc*, R. I EVIDKNOK oK SAFETY New Yoait, Juna 11, 1R55. I have made a chemical eiarainatfOu of** Rbod«?-Vever and Ague Cure,” «**r ** Antidote to Malaria,'* and LaVw-tested it tor Awlji-, Mercury, iq-iium** and Strychnine, bnt have not f.-und n ( I.'ti ■:.• .1 ►i:b--* In it. m r have I fouud any xul-etan. ein it< <-omj-oitio-i t! •• w.iuld prrere lojurioUH to tbe constitution. J A \IKd U. CUJLTOX, AL D., CLaiatetJ “ Lcbhhcro. Union County. f’a-, M*y 2.1855. Jfr. J. A Un>tdrs —Dear Sir: The lt>\ of mo-licine yon sent mv was duly rrt**iv**ii rn the lUb of April. 1 have *old obool one-half of It, and so far tbe p«*opl* who have Uf<**d It are cndstled that It ha* cured them. It has certain ly slopped the Ague lu o*ery out who has umi it, and all of the esse* wrr- of long filundiog. My sister, who has had it for fee or *»x years b*-'k, and could never get it Htoj»oed, except by v/ulnlti . an.l thut only afl long as she would Uke it. is new. I tLioh. entirely cured by \our rem- Kiv. C. K. McGINLY ” CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS Take no morj Arreuic, Meteor,. walnlne, Strychnino, or Anti-Periodic*, r-r i:i-*»h.-iues ( .f anv kltd, the vtrloft of whicb isuwlr-r t:> fvi'h prison -tiod ru gs The most they can do is to u break the chills ” f.>r a *bort time, whUu they are enre to cause cotisdtutinnAl maladies that c**ase only with life- Remember ibat the only FeTer and Ague reme dy th»t Is harmless a# w»dl as *ure. i* Rhoder Ktvir mid Ague Cara. AQr* For Bale by JOHN iIiTUUKLL, au-l DroggisDi gen erallr. s»sU- CHARLOTTE BLIIRIB. NO. 118 WuoO h I’llKK l*. ITITSBURUH, is junt re reiving a large stock nf PIANOS, of the latort styles, from the F»ru»ri**»* nl BAUSUIAiU/TKN A HEiNS, Uaml-urgh; HAMLET, DAVIS A Co., BoMton : HAINES. KRO?. A CUMMINGS, New ; A. B. REICHBNBACH, Philadelphia: Together with throe of other maker*, at prices from to fI.OW. iucludlug eT«ry variety and style, from the plain bnt substantial iron frame Piano, to the most elegantly carvel Lonls XIV. style, Square anti Gtood Planoa. Arrange in nnu have been made with the manufacturers, by which their instruircnts am sold lower by their excln drp agentp here than In the Hast, and without the addi tional cost and rink rf transportation. Every Piano cold by the subscriber is warranted perfect in every respect, and a written guarantee will begivan If required. CUARLOTTB BLUM®* aoelO No. 11H Wood street. IROK CITV COnMKROIAI. COLLEGE, An Institution for tbe Businoss Mdn. CUAItTKftJSD - APRIL, (ORGANIZED and in very successful operation, with a * B.%ard of nud taught by an ufilr.lent Faculty. 1 wo hundred Htndentp and upwards have matrlcula'twd at tlua Cr-lU-ga The '-ombined and urgunt demnnd of tho f irmer, Mccbnu'c, Merchuuc «uJ I‘rafes*ionai man, for an lofititutiou of a high atandanl, In which various arte with. thelV av«vivtir>ns enutd bo obtained, nnd that they should ha iustrocted by evparieoewd t.-n beti, win) have had basinesa prncUce in I he subjects Itiaqhl. hue cau*ed Uio organliatioa of the Ib-opli-V College o/ Practical Tenchera. Pevernl of the Facoky are nutb«ws of Book-Keeping, who provides as re quired, ffie of *«foTm bonks,” ihat conform to all thechaogPA and impruvemunta of iroqu«Dt occurrence in actual buai* neas. Dally torture* are delivered by person* or known ability. Subjects: Book Kneplog, Us thoorv and laws; Arithmetic, and it* apdiicntiuu ; The Art of Writing, Commercial Law; Political Economy, Commercial Ovu'*tkj h?; History; and Bvudnoes Kthioe. Thu of tilt* instltuliou la now certain. Citis»nfl of the first clrnteß in rocioty ami busintMa show their couth done by entering tlu-lr SfUfi for a buslnoos odncatlou. riAtn>rm Scalei OF EVERY DEBOUIkriON, attkable for RwHroad*. Ca nnla, Ac., for *.<lrfhln< IU v, i\.at. Ores and Mwronan-- Uleu jp’iiorolly l urediamM-s may fuel assured that they can ttui'plli’.l u eup- rtcr nttj rclldbla artlcla, and roo be rlrk lU.di ficede t* guaranteed «vrre,?t, and H (aftor trial) not fuviud ■aUalaclorv, emu ho n>iuni<tl without chaigo. Ptti lm y ot the i'H eland, ontAbllhlml f.-v iMrlj yearn, cor litir iU Nitilh ntui Mnl>Hi etreotfl, Phllndelphta. A UUOIT A CO. Siuvo?im'r* l.i KiLuvrt A Abbott. nuu».l .1 "ui Jhllecllou. Orrt, « or “Tm I'lTrsuintnii tits ChMrisv," ) AtU-tre: IT, IRfd. f fUdokholtiare ot “ Thn Pittsburgh Ohs Ci>nipttuy M 1 are hernhy u.'lin.- l that au «UvUon, for the purposed I'Uvtieg two peruotin tw n..rr«' os rriiH-oc* iff the ‘«il Oafl (‘tuupuuv fuv the term <»f three yeun«, will ho bold «t tb» ortlre of th« Cuinphtiy, at lh«* Works, on the FIRST MON* DAY |J-l .lui) »>F HKITKMUKiv, icio, bclwcou tiif houte i-t 2 and b oM,- h. P. M am?IS.-iIM JAMKS M. t'IIUIHTY. Treasurer. Valushlc Firm fi>t- «ialr, BITUATF IN ADAM,s TreWNRHIP. m.TLMU COUNTY, containing 1 11 a- r>-e, llf* more* id which aro under oul tlvatiou. The pivpn-lor, t<> declinu fanning, vIU dinposA of all his Btt>ek, Grain and Huy on hand, lfdodred. Enquire or JAMKH BLAKELY, augU corner of Seventh and Smhhfiold aU. M. ARNOLD Cl SONS, WUOLUBALH AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. And GonUomen'a Furnishing Goods, NO. 66 S! AUKKT HTKKRT, T>*twt*en Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. Keep ronHUntlj on himJ, a large elooh of Cloths, ami YosUngs. Garment* made to ordor ou th« shortest notice, nod In the latest styles All orders promptly Httomtml to. (aug!7:2m vraLTiu f u*eeiuLL W . P. Marshall 4 Co M IMPORTICim itml Di;&l«*rti In French and American PA PER FI ANGTNQS, B 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh. 40* Bole Ag»nta for the celebrated manufacture® of Uiun. Dellcoart A 00., Paris. aag7 IMPORTANT —At this season of ti.e vear, when disease® of the stomach and bowel® are an frequent, and, if n» glected, are bo apt to degmerate into cholera morbus, or ufen Asiatic cholera, no family should bn without a bottle of iho Concentrated K**«no«» of Jamaica Ginger, and a bcitUe of Wicfcey’s cclobratod Diarrhoea Medicine, which, if used according to accompanying directions, will prove & speedy, safe and efficacious remedy. They can be had only at the Drug Store of JOHN HAFT, Jtt., ‘ suglb __ 135 Wood street. RASPBERRY BRANDY—O doz pure Raspberry Brandy, ft very superior home-made article. 9or sale by JNO. LITTtE, Jr., Agent, No. 201 liberty street. •OgStdlTT " e v": S V ... MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT DISCOVERY! AMPLE TESTS, both by able Practitlonara. and.Chen* cal Analysis, bare demonstrated the great value of PROP. DB GRATH’B beatttifnl combination, called 1 “ BLEO TRU? OIL, 1 ' for the relief and cure of Pain. Bat tbs people themselves are rendering their' verdict in q manner both oDmlstakeaße and saUgfectnry. Store than 20,000 booties have been sold In a very short time—a great proportion to these who TbwrdT often recommend it, who bad tried H. That It Is a splendid discovery is everywhere acknowledged, and nothing Ilka It was ever't vfore'prepared.' Why, for Cbms alone, ft lsworth.glOO.BQa* year to Urn people, as It. alw-iys cares these painful tormentors in tventy-Jmer hours. ‘ Bat what la ft not worth to the people U Ic-cores Balt Rheum, .Erysipelas, Canker, .Ulcers, Sores of all Wads, (to qaebtly taking away all the pain in twenty-four boors,) Rheumatism, NeuralglaiPalpitalioni -Headache, Bronchitis. PUtfs Womb Complaints, Oram pa. Sprains, Bore or Swelled Breast* Petoni Wounds of all kinds, *©.? Wouldfsoo,ooo express ito valoe to the peeplel Afe- , B«ag» * smirfll give freely for relief from pain- Will this on relieve point- Certainly it W?i guah men as we have often named,-hon orable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and others have 8d said, after from ten* to fill? trials. They eay the Electric OfU*.the finest medical eyM pre pared, neither oftenalte nor injurious, but effectual 1n all Jha above and many other cases. Some noroffibie' anil - heavy business firms have, it Is true, sold ebme of the old (turpentine, bituminous, or coal tar, external plications, unll! their customers returned bottle after bot tle, with the remark that “ the remedy was worse than the painyet such men have never recommended oor given ; countenance to them. But see some of our beet merchants ordering more every ten days, and always givtngaddiuonal testimony to the valueof this wonderful discovery. .That a great many ladies are using It as a medicinal toflet article for themselves and their children, Is well known. It ernes - ati pimttits, blotches and eruptions on the fsce and neck in so Rbort a time, yon would scarcely credit' It. -It frequently reduces o-pa&r\ful rwdUnalSi&wo hours: has dons It In half , an hour;' cured many eDtectually In six hours. If ladles knew the soothing, strengthening and heeding virtues In this- Oil, they Would never be induced to use anything else for womb eoffip&dn(*oi*ptSas of any kind. We now insert a letter just received from Henry Wiley, Esq., who went toEngland six weeks since, (to die.) - i Losnas,Joly 12,1866. Poor. D* Goats, Phila.—Bear Sir: When I left ndme for my hehtthf ftmofahms eruptions, Aa,} I never expected ta return agatuj believing that my,.«omplaint would soon, carry me off.'; When yon gave me three bottles of your Electric Oil to take with me, as merely, a paUialiot, I did aot think I wbdld so very soon be called upon to thank you, as 1 now doj for my complete restoration. 1 can only say, before the departure of the steamer, that you have only to come here wllb your OH, to make a for tune In one year.‘ ahother idihilar medicine in England, If In the world. I will write: by next steamer. Yourt, most truly, Hxhfct Wnxr. It cannot be their Imaginations, who it&ta that old eores, that have discharged from six months to five years, bare beeo cured by this Oil. It cannot be untrue, hor a decep tion, where pain Is relieved in one dav, often in half an hour. Not common reuse dictates no!— and 600 written letters say no ! Gome end tee them. A regular- Doctor in attendance; sod ladies can consult a Lady, privately, by dropping a Hu* to the office. Advice from a distance, mak ing inqairiffl that any physician can answer, will be promptly attended to. Always eneloae s stamp, as our eer \ L ea are freely given, and we are drawn upon too often In t v ns way All cases treated liberally, with or without the v-ii, as 1 have two Phytriciana associated for this express , t,; ,-obp Prof. C. DE 1 1 RATH, No. 39 Booth Elghth street, Phila. jc. R —Tin* largest bottles van times the cheapest- Please notify me of uny ease or failure to enre io from half an hour to three weeks, as 1 wish to cure oIL for «ala by DR. KBYdKR, 140 Wood st faug3o PITTSBURGH AHD COHKKLLSVILLS RAILROAD. rriHE PITTSBURGH AND CONNRLLSVrtIE RAIL- X ROAD la now open from West Newton toOonnellsTills, fifty-right miles from Pittsburgh, oo the Vonghiogheny River. This new .fifst class Real is now open for the transport** t on of passengers and freight, In connection with the fine steamer EOI2AN, from! Plttsb rgh to OcggtalisvlHe, daily, ms follows: , The'steamer ROLTAN win leave her wharf, above the Uooongahei* Bridge, every afternoon? at half past three o'clock, Ibr W« st Newton, connecting there with the morn ing train teaming 1 *! SLSO lor Connellaville, and reaching there at 9AO A. M-. In time for the Btage for Uuloutawo. Pare tnOonnelirtriUe ........ _ ~sl 75 Fare to Uok»Dtowu~.~f»..... 2 25 A train will leave Oonnpllsville U the morning, at six o’clock, for West Newtrra, and concoct there with the steamer Eoll&n at 7.30, in time to reach Pittsburgh at 1 P. M. Faro from ConoeilsviUa to Pittal>U' <& Fare from Uniontown to Pittsburgh. 2 25 The Lt>cal J PrelghOßnfftPassengeT Trainwlil leave Con* nellsviU? at J 2 21) P. AL, and returning will leave West Newton at fii3t> P. lit all vay rtatlonß for freight ani passengers. Travelers in search cf business or pleasure will find a trip by this rente, along the beauiiiulnnd fertile valley of the Toughiogbeny, one of the most interesting and profita ble ifi the western country. The scenery or the valley is uot surpassed in beauty Of grandeur by any in this rtaie, and the field for enterprise and business Is unbounded. On both sides of the r.var are Test deposits of mineral wealth* inviting the attention of capitalists; and the river furnishes, every tew mil**, abundant and never-failing water power for any amount of mills and machinery. The favorable character of the grades, all descending towards Pittsburgh, will enatle this Company to transport freights at the lowest rates; thus affording a cheap, uniform itod reliable outlet for minerals and other heavy articles at all t m*-*. For terms apply to D. W CALDWELL, Assistant Super intended, or to the officers on board the slearner Kolian. OLIVER vr. BARNES, m-o 7 President and Superintendent. Manufactured by chickrbinq a sons, Boston, aQd for Bale by JOHN H. &IBLLOR. jsbwi No 81 Wood fttrrot, between Diamond aUayfi9gggMmB£&l ao<l Foorth street. Jast received from tbeff , W ,r M n J|TI manufactory of Chlckering A Sons, Boston,? • ” tf» and for Bale ittrunaNy of Boston prices^ Two of their first class Seven Octave Kanos, Louis XIV, style, with carved cases, legs, lyia, music desk, 4c. Ac.; fin bbed back end front alike. This Is considered by persons of taste to bo the. most beautiful pattern now made, Price $5OO each. Two first class fievea OctaTe Plant®, with carved case, lyre, new style of tiutcnl legs,the lyre and ends of beautiful cavrid tracery work; finished bats fcnd front «lik& Price $l5O each. . , Three elegant Rosewood; plain doable round etaneft, S«ven Octave Pianos, finished back and-front alike, and 1 with Ohickertng’a Patent Iren Frame. Price |4oo each. Two carved Rosewood 6% octave Pianos,-wnh'new style fluted lege, carad case.moslj desk, and the usual openings filled with beautifully carved tracery wotk; finished back and front alike. Prb'es42s each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners, 6 l i Octaves, finish «d back and frontal ike, rodvrtthOhlckering’s Pateni Iron. Frame. Price SS76 each Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Six Octavo Pianos, all made as well and with the same care os their first class Pi* anos, and with Chick -ring’s Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. One of Chickertng S Sons* New Scale,' fall Seven detsv* Grand Pianos, of immense power; brilliancy, and sweetness of tone, with their New, Patent Action, which renders the touch bo tight and elastic that It can be played on by tlie most delicate -hand. Price $760. - THE NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. Also, one of their now Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely new laTentien, and particularly adapted loi Parlor übb. Price s6io - PIANO STOOLS, A new lot of Piano stools just received. For «ate by JOHN H. MBLLOR. 81 Wood 'fit, between Diamond allay and Ponrth street, , Bole Agent Tor ORICKKHINQ A SONS, lor Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania- ' ~ »ug2B To Wkol*t*l«>Oroc»r«t'ljlqadrDealm . and Aumffteiumi* TUB SUBSCRIBES l 9 now Importing a superior quality of OIL 09 OOGNAO, of which ££of OBU>OBM with GO gallon* pure Spirit will produce a OneOognao Brandy. His KSSBNGRB OF ROCHSLLB and OTAttbS BRANDT; of- JAMAICA and ST. CROIX,-ROM. A RAO. CIDER and PEACH BRANDY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS and SCOTTISH WHISKY, ox* acknowledge&by: »h* NeW- York manafnotorara by the great damand after rations for use will invariably beglrarby "‘ ; ’ r J - : t - DR. LEWIS FEUOHTWANGER, 14L Malden Lanes New York. P. B.—lmporter ot Chemicals, Platlna, Bismuth, MttttgnnMß; monia A .A&: ;; ■*.} vdeeSldatf CAMPBTim ’ SELAWAttB COUNT? CiBPET MANOTAffIWUHO ASSOCIATION, oa the Chester Flank Road, two miles w the cltv lino, Offer 'to buyer* this geason, AXMINIB* - TUB, TAPESTRY, BBC3SELB,3-PLYINQRAIN,DAMASK and VENETIAN -QARPSTiNQ, at very reduced. Prices ihi cash oc city acceptance, (Internet added ) The stock, cctnnrtfllng Mm IMPORTED PABRICB ofnTety can b» examined ct the Factory Warehouses: Darby, or at the Stoma, NaUSaod CQ N.SEOQNDfIt,PHILADELPHIA. Wool bought, Spun, Dyad or exchanged for Carpets. )eU:Suula J. SIDNEY JONES New Uottllng EiUbltihoitiit BOYD A'MORTON baveentered Into-co-partnership to transact the business of BQTTLfNQ, la all its branch-. •5, at 6 8 Liberty street, Neville Hall. They have constantly cn hand a impsrtor'artiale ?of INDIA ALE, not op fn pint tattles. Dealers and famlute wilt flod it tn their advantage to- giro. os acaO, and exam* loe for thom/wlves. We also bottle a superior article of PORTER, SARSAPARILLA and MINERAL'WATER, Terms as favorable as any other house In the city, i orders put up at short notice. BOYD AMOBrON, jwbfclm j No 68 Liberty st, Neville Uall. Western Lands. WK have; arrangements with gentlemen of experience lu the different Western States, by which choice lands can b« located at-Oovernment prlca Parwn'ti desirous of locating-landn, either for speculation or for actual settle mem, will An,d it to their advantage to give us a call. . One of oar correspondents in lowa has spout the iafit six weeks in critically examining the lands In that State subject to entry, and writes us that he hoe selected over 20,000 acres of choice lands. BLAKELY A RICHEY, sep2laUw oorner Seventh and Bmllhfield sts. M C'l IIT JPAUL9ON will, introduce the New Style far Hats j. on SATURDAY, August 261 h, 0. If. PAULSON; T 3 Wood street, next door to corner of Fount*. Soft Hats and Oapa of every description. BtlgS&dlW jompH n. nouiitß. PBNN INBTITUTE, corner of Penn and Hancockstreet*. The eMulnd Session of this Institution will commence on MONDAY) theBd of September. TEEMS, Tuition end Stationary, per soesion of Twenty-two Week 5................. qq Pupils may enter at any time, and wm be charged, pro rata until the end of (he term, ox till notice of withdrawal; a deduotloh being- allowed for absence on aoopuht of pro tracted sickness. ' ;f J. M. BMITH, Prfnolnii. -i • - 1 a^BflOOEg. Co-Purtacr.hip Notlc.. THE nndgnlgned hiTethU day tutored, into co-partner fillip, and fcaTicglfififird for a term of-yoars tntf-lfirso Oaß FACTQBSuMMntIy meted at ttOCBJSBTHH,BraySr Address; “Eocheatar, Bearer County. w* August IT, & BHODEAr > ‘ ~ *’ ’ T.-/ sjfes*>&* *^;' a * —“L *• *-** ■ v ’:'i’ r ‘ ’’ ~y,y s ' ' NUMBER 6. rIANUS I PUNOS4 Fall Style for Hots. EDUCATIONAL. ' ***!*. ' ' • tastSD neon nr tub-pittbdvbob iraxM. tan unis ROff?&ai!&, ob uafr One sqaarfe-ono, h «< each adilltlonanneertten.... « “ one .••*? 1 “ “ two weikß-V...:.. aoo " thrsa weeks- »• 4 . " ' -. j OO “ « 1 c * “ three months - - ® ° M foar ***t"”'*r*‘«A'f* • “ riimoi,tt« v .... v ..-....: ** “ one ? Standing Oard, rfx lines or per auiinin.-".. «« 00 i at ruufirnii: One aquar#, par inunxb, {eielttsiteot tb»frfip*r)*>.*.«» -35 00 ■NEW AN 1) DMJIDCT R OUT f-\ mm filg Unsurpassed for Bpoed & Unrivalled for Comfort FROM PITTSBURGH TO' Colomi.nn, Indianapolis, = Ctitrftgo, Cincinnati, Te»r* Uaute, Rock Jaland, Louisville, Vincennes.' lowa City, St. Lot iti, Evansville, -Xtabuque, Payton, Cairo, Dubuque, Xunia, alpmphis, . Galana, Zane&ville, Vfcksbargh, l*e6ria, Newark, Near Orleans, Peru, AHD TH* PBISCIPAC cmttflS *2® #lSt AKDiBOUIH, Via the STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA BE.iSLSeOAD! . t "Which In now completed and ,ittiniccefljful operation l><* tween SteabenrHle and Newark,. O' ' P»U Are*ngameikt» On and after Monday, September lOlh, 1855, a dally morales and evening, lino of elegant adil swift running steamers, commanded by experftrncod'and accommodating plttcera, wlH4eave Pittsburgh aa follows: The Morning Line, composed of steamets EOBBSTCITV, Oapt. Ho?n* «nd JWRMAL, Capt. bboaliaudeaw Eltts bqrgh-^tetyday,<SuhdajB exeepieil,) at Av W:,, predselyv. Passengers dine on board, and'reiist fitQaben* TiOe at SP.TI-, making an immediate connedUbnwilh ton EVENING BXTBESB TRAIN qf,tbo ti, A l ILIL-whtch tfnikes direct connection at Newark for th»* above clUfea. The Evening Line, composed of steamers YENTCRE,,.. Copt. Gordon,and CLARA FISHER, Cert. Gordon, leav« Piltsbirrgb iverydayv at 6 o’clock, p. Passenger* . rtS«ip on board, »od reach Steubemilla at 7 next, morning— iajtime for the Mail T>ain, which loaves Immediately, and 1> mAfc'es direct connection;fbr the above , fua/tf travtl Vy railroad. je&’Vßr* as Cheap as by*n7©the* railroad rotxtt. ~j pt.r Through sod Local Eckel?, and further Information, apply to .7 A#. OOtXINS * CO., Acants.” Noe. 114 and 116 Water *L, between Wood. and Smlthßeld, Pittsburgh. E W. WOODWAKtV. gdp't > -i repio L. PSYBNNY, Qen, Agent “ " FltfST A hill VAL OP I FALL DRY GOODS ! At LOVE BKOTHER3, • Tfo, 1* JtABKEf STRKET, TItTSBURGU, -«S T • eta* o? tub. <raiGi(feL Ma-nivjL • :-* •> /AUR DRESS.GQGD3 DEPARTMENT la antmiaUy fui', \>/ and conatfitt'lJOino of the richest anditaoflt'deairablij Goods that wffhMfl’ererbeen able to offer', auchjdf • . Extra juperßUks;' - - ' Prench ifflrinoS; Cashmeres; • • , t . . Alons de talnea; Plaids; Stripes; Coburgs; 4c. NEEDLE WORK—The best assortment io the city. - v . , Dollars, Chemisettes, Sleeves; Flo un dugs, Edgings anil Insertings; , • Shawls, Oloafes, Talmas and Scarfs; r * New style Brwbe, Plaid, Oasbtaere Moire Ant; Velvet. . : Stellas, Crape BUk, 4c. x , Together with a Large assortment of Mi. U RNTNG GOODS of all description/." “ Our DOMESTIC and HOUSE FURNISHING DEPART MENT is w»U MUi<gU«d« and we feel confident ,ttut ?q cart, oiler greater Inducements now than we have ever been able to offer before. We solicit an erimkation oi onr stock before purchasing else*here, as all will find’it to their advantage to do so. - _ . We will also be almost daßjin receipt of new an ' desira ble Goods throughout thesearon. ! LOVE BROTHERS, (Formerly Young,Stevenson & Love,) Bep6 No. 73 Market street, Pittsburgh Fa. '■&. CLTHBIET... .......... ~R. L COCHfcMT. S. CTTTHBERT A SON, GENERAL COMMISSION AQENTB for tin Bale and Purchase GfiiealJistnta, Collection of BactSj.Rorrow lag and Loaning Moneys on Bonds and Mortgage** also, [at making Pales of Produce, Manufactured Articles, Ac., for Farmers, Mechanics and others. Office, No. 6& Market street. aag7 ClUurcK NKW WORKc— / Oakfleld, by W. I). Arnold ; Henry VIII. and hip Sis Wives: Bell Smith A bread; A Long Look Ahead, by A. S. Hoe; News Book; : Muod, by Tennyson, (iburth supply;) My Bondage and toy Freedom ; Escaped Nun; UMden Bath, by Marion liar land; Town as It is tn 1R55; Blanche Bearwood; . Star Papers, by H. Ward Beecher; Olie, by L. M. N.; 1 Visit to the Camn Before Sebastopol; Bits of Blarney,'"by It. Stelton MeKunrle; Habits and Man, byj)r. Boron; Life of J. Gordon Bennett; Pemtie Life among the Mormons; Pen Plqtnrcaot the Bible, by 11. WarJ Beecher ; ITetirfrfi Base; In ffyola; life of Sam Houston; Not* Book of an English Oplom Eater, by Be Quinrsy ! My Oonfeaaionß—the Story of a Woman’s Lite;, . Evenings with the Prophets, by Rev. A. M. Brown ; LippineottV Gazetteer of the World. ‘The above just received, together with.ft large ; stock of Books.and Stationery; also, correct Maps cf Sebastopol,'<Si*. Remember, the get cheap Booka Ib ot ' LAUFPEB’S BOOKSTORE, No. 30 fifth street TVfKVV MliaiU—Ult as dewy evening J.Frazer. They a?k roe if 1 think of thee. , I set my heart upon a flower —Alice Hawthorne. My early home—A. F. Marthena. The love of one fond heart. . The Bed Rover—Geo. Unity. Uad i never, .never known thee. There’s music In the voice we lovo. My early fireside—Ali« llaa thorn c. , How sweet to roam. Flagcf orir Colon—Wk V. Wallace.' The &aW;Mill, (Die Sage Muhle). la it anybody’s business- 1 Sweetly a’ermy senses stealing.. - My soul is dark. ; L» M-Gcttflchalk» “ Partant pour la Syria*’—performed at Jallien’s Concert?. Game Slug Schotttßch—F. If. Brown. - ! si . Wellington!? March. Gipsy Polka. ‘ ' Bailor Prince Polka. . v ••• : i-!> Angler’s Polka—W. V. Wallace. Ctown of waltz. ' TbaAngel Waitssentimental. •->.,• Also a collection of new Guitar Music, joat received ixr RxpresSj and for Bala hy CiIARIOTIB BLDMfI,- sep6 No. 118 Wood st, ‘idjloor abpTe Fifth eh NiSW BOOKS—“Japan as it wad and ia;”*i>y EiVhimi Hildratlu ... 1 , ’ ■■■:;'■ ;M. / ** The Hidden Fath fby Marion Harlaud. ... >v and Menby Dr.Coran. ' of James Gordon Bennett, apd’hU “Star Papers;” by Henry Ward Bccchcrl 1 ‘•The Escaped Nuri, or hi«riosuros»3f v t)o&vmjtXlfe, n ’■■■■*, ~ ;. “ Maud.and other Poems;** by Alfred Tepnygon. . ** The life uf Bam Houston”— IHnatrkfod. 1 “ he gays;" by Q,., K. BvDpffitSckf, P*. P.W/ : “ Danger in the Dark a tale of iotrlgue »c<f priesteipfL u Beart's-R&ae, or the Brother’s Wife” —2 vols. • S*- • “Gff'hnnd Takings, or. the noticeable Ilea,of outage;? by HeoUge W. Bungay: ' * • ■ c * -** •s My Bondage and my Freedom;? -by Fred..DoagLasfc, ,• 1 ** OUe, or the Olil West Room;” by D-M. Bi. “ Battles of the Crhnea”—with maps; : : “ TheTemperancePiedgeYiolated j. -• -* “Preah Fruits and Vegetables nil the Yeas s£.Stmnacn Prices;"—cents. . The above received this day by for sale'at" ' spuB . LA.PFFRR*3 BOOKSTORE.; 00 Fifth^ i a*ne j*& «towujkf, bt luAttwuv. . I H MINER * CO., No. 82-&aiifcfleU street;; r ‘ - UaTS Just received-*- ; . a THe Neweomes—Memoirs* ofa Moat Respectable Family. Edltedbjr ArthurPenoennis,Jiaq.; ‘.ltolb.. 'i ■ns.-iis t -Hidden Path ; by th« author „ i "Alone,” . : retersan’a Magazine (os October; . ,• j Leslie's Journal do ; Callout Magazine do - i -»«•; Yankee Notions do . . , - , All the new Books received as soon aspttbluhii.^ L ttp22 lOWA Ka IT 18 IN IS6j--A Gazetteer ioc Citizens, and a Hand-Book for Immigrant*—-by n. fl. Parker. ; Japmasit Wcu tfni 7i—by lUcferdlfildVetb, Eeq; with • map.-,: ; . .i * .. ;,&■'s*■& a^'l* i tea Kingr** Tale of the Sea; by Capt Marryatt. . ; Bit* of Blarney; byßlßbeitottHiokeaxta. Qoy RWera-*o Tate of Ueorgia; by .W.HUmcre Sims. : The HHdeiS Path; by Marion Harland, author cfAlOQ^ . Habit? qf r Men;?by JXrasnL-,i. l r ‘~i i Harper's Siory Bock, No. 10. 1 Harper's Piotnretßook;Ko. l. i ' ; V ' L -' : - 1 : filemoirs of Sydney Smith—l voi&. »- - , r . --, £ ~ , The Escaped Nub. * • AU.tbft Mogaxmesibr September, and aiUctber? Books. H. MINER A CO., . 3 , <gps • -. • .4 'UlECKi>—Uaoi ui rtttsburgh; . x. err ban U and Manulactxjjei*’ JJanK^ Exchange Bant; ■'■* Camera’Deposit £ank; . r ‘ ' , ’ Pittsburgh Trust Ccmpaoj; ‘ ' Ci tiscnV- Ih;posit 13 aak r ; Matiy varieties of Oftenk'ron the- Hbovo lianfe^Jn'lisTi’. ' Checks printed 10 order in any style d«eirail.-i, ,-?.*;•< -t.i | TT. S. UWK\, Printer arid ffatioOCT. . _eet>3 Martt-t roroer Ot Satfliilt"-* BLAUR AlOiitd ANl'iiJU.6— J u«t received, extra quality Blacjs Moire Antique SCP3 A. A. MASON k gi^gggiflhats*g PURB LIQUORB of every description, purpose*, can always by procured at . . ... 403. FLKMJNS^ sop* Corner Tfarket phiind'DlMPOPd. BACK’S SUPERIOR WIIITK UUKASK,' fcr L»n>Yf*r. Wagons, Carte, Lr-ya and Cmnibusse&orecriv til.end; for sale by laugSl) IIKNRY JI..CQM4*. P E BSKRTI N G—Lovering's Pulverised Sugar; . «>ar6o, crucbod aodolarlfledvot-' ' - »°gB y. K. bRAVO'S, No. I. Diamond...... MYLBR’H OBOLKKA likSki>V—-Xiib v*Uistie'*r;fcUs iso Brail .known ibr its mbny cures;jeaniuj obtaidedtAt' >ug29 , i NO. 53 MAKfiRT,ST»- d LAWN GRASS SEED, euttable for tail coWing-making a close, smooth, permanent sod; at-thcSeed-Wore* 1 hQttso, 47 fifth ettent. ( Mp 6) JAM*B WARPR 1 .??, , | IA?AW<iA UK AND t , made out Of the OaUW.rra Urapefl O At Cincinnati, sold by the dozon or'Slngla'bottle*'ft* Da- RKYSER’S,. , «ap3 Corner of Wood’ft icd-Virgin *H<T. ' WALL PAPERS—VeIvet, Batiu-und Oo«lHittttlVaD;l'«* pars, in every variety, with appropriate borders,/or sale by \y. *>. MARSHA L A CCy ' sep2o $7 Wrod street. WALL PAPERS, AT iietrias- «»tw« j&HAEfr*CO?f WIHDOWOUBIAIns— OUtaJ UJeen;l uiMed- Plain Green and figure* Curtain* 'rholfflalo. ana retail, fbrßale Oy ' /vi eepSQ. yg. f. rotao.,;. ■ .. '.>mwr Aay t &cpteafc«r.2ftand 2U, ~- ■ • -' —*■—-'—' Bonnets, Head losses, Ac ■I