The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 04, 1855, Image 2
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PATTBBSoN, jnfflta. : niirga SALISBUBY, Birmingham a MAG KB, Plttfihargh; SAMUEL SMITH, Allegheny ; gassier BODS PATTERSON, CXty. PROTEONOTAiT: JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio township. fEXA6CaU.: THOMAS BLAOKMORR, Upper Bt. Olalx. WILLIAM ALBXAUDBBj Qity cofifcisaiasEa JAOOB TOMER, Pittsbnrgb. atmimas: JOHN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh; A. B. M’FABLAND, North Fayette township DBtcroß oy poos : JOHN BOYLB, Indiana township, DEMOCRATIC MASS MEfiTIfiGB 1 j£Sss meetings of the Democracy will be hold in the fol lowing 'places: ALLEGHENY, Thursday, October 4th. TBUMSEANCBYILLE anJ BRADDOCK’B FIELD, Satnr day, October Oth. PITTSBURGH, Monday, October Bth. Some of the following gentlemen will be present and Jeiirer addresses ■ Hon. Win. Wilkins, H.-n. Chas- Shaler, 001. Wilson M’Candiess, Col. 8 W. 8.. t. P C. Shannon Dr J R. M’Cliniock, W. W. Irwin, Christopher Magee, Geo F OlUmore, Jamaa Bali»bnry The meetings wiU begin at 7 o’clock, IV M. AT rEHTION l DEMOCRACY OF ALLEGHENY CITY Ml the constitution and the union. The Democrats ef Allegheny City will toll bMlnees meetings in Ihe .mnl Wnnle, nt the piece, nemed below, on BATURDAY EVENINa. Ocloher <slb, at 7 o'clock, lo ,„.e. arrangemente relative lo the coming election on Tuesday next: H et Ward wiU meet at ADAM BEELER'S, corner ot Bearer and Ohio streets. Second Wenl at MRS. THOMPSON'S, corner cl lha Dla hjond and Ohio street Third Ward at GEO. UERST'S, East Lane Ft'urtb Ward at ALDREMAN NBILLIB d oth. e, corner c.f Robinson and Anderson etreeta. A general attendance of LLoee who intend to support the Wh Democratic ticket, is expected. By order of the Prv6»dent MORRISON FOSTER, Secretary City Biecntlre Committee. OUR CANDIDATBB. We would urge oooe more upon tho rotors of the oounty the propriety of examining the can didates upon the Democratic ticket. Their fit* Dess for tho offioea for which they are named oannot be denied. Of oonrse oar opponents will try to oiroalate repoTts to their injury. Rat suob electioneering slanders are too Well under stood to do mooh harm. We hone heard of some of these reports already, and prononnoe them vilo calumnies Most of pur candidates, however, are too well known to treed any do fenoe against snoh slanders. Moat of them, too, live in the oonntry, and are known to tho oonnfry poople as well as to the voters In the city. Every person in the county kuoWB Of has heard of JUDGE WILKINS. His great ability, bis ripe experience need no eulogy. Tho high pnblio stations he has filled with so much credit to himself and usefulness to the country, are well remembered. He Is ready to serve the peo ple once more, and ought to bo, and, wo believe, will be eleoted by a large majority. BODY PATTERSON every one admits, Is eve. ry way well qualified for the Sheriff’s effioo. His prudence, industry, and suoooaeful manage ment of bis own affairs prove his fltnoss for the responsible offioo for which he is nominated. He has not sought it to repair a fortune rained by eitravagaaoe, idleness and dissipation. Ho has been guilty of neither. Prom hie childhood he has been distinguished for industry and pru denoe. Can as muoh be said of his competi tor on the Know Nothing tioket? No. THOM A 8 BLACKMORE, our candidate for Treasurer, has boon equally a working man; and by Industry and prudence has succeeded iu busi ness and gained a good name and the good will of 'all who know him. That is the kind of man to fill offices of trust and responsibility. It should never be understood that our profitable public offloes shall be given to those who have not ca pacity, industry aDd prudence to suooecd in their own business. It is offariug a reward to idleness and improvidonoe. WM. ALEXANDER though he had tho mis fortune to loso both his bands many years ago, has still been an industrious and excellent oiti gen. He is well qualified to discharge tho du ties of Coroner. All who know him are anxions for his elootioD, aDd we hope the v..iorswiU give him a rousing majority this fall. JOHN BIRMING HA M, after years of aetive and Eneoessful steamboat life on the river, has turn ed farmer, and has never been an offioe seeker. But his party, appreciating his fitness for the office, and his many estimable qualities, has urged upon him a nomination for Prothonotary. And who is his oompelilor'' A yonog man 25 or 26 years of oge, whose nomination was obtained by the most questionable means, and who has neither claims, fitness, age nor respon sibility for suoh an offioe We oan hardly con sider it possible that tho people will make so great a mistake as to elect him over Capt. Bir- minghara. JACOB TOMER is well known to tbo people of this county. He is honest, and has abundant capacity and fitness for tbo offioe of Ccnnty Commissioner. We need one Democrat Id the Commissioner’s offioo, to beip take care the people’s money A Demo oral in that office would oortainly be usefnl, and Mr. Tomer is the right man. Ail onr candidates, with one or two excep tions, are middle-aged men, wbo bare have had experience in business, and by their success have proved their capacity and fitness for pub lic servioe. Buch a ticket ought to be triumph antly eleoted. On oar Assembly ticket we have L. B. PAT' TERSON, of Miffiin township, a gentioman about 48 years of age, a thriving farmer, and universally esteemed for his intclligenoo and honesty wher- ever known. Mr. FULTON is a merohant of Torentum, and has once before received, as be deserved, a flat tering vote from the people of this oounty. Wo hope to secure his services at Harrisburg next winter. JAMES SALISBURY, of Birmingham, waft oooe the Democratic oandldate for Congress, and is now a oandldate for the legislature. He is a working man—intelligent, honest, capable, and a general favorite with all who know him. He understands the interests of the people of this city and county, and there is no doubt of his fitness to represent and advocate them well at Harrisburg. CHBISTQPHER MAGEE is a talented young lawyer of our city. Pittsburgh needs his ser vices in our legislature, and he is welldesorvlng the trust and confidence of the people. Allegheny city presents the name cf SAMUEL SMITH, a working man, and well spoken of by ' '^p.. Ihoso who know him. Allegheny should have one member. : A. B. MoFARLAND and JOHN MURRAY, are nonqualified f or the duties of Auditors ; and JOHN BOYLE haa already serveljane term as Director of the Poor* and given universal sat isfnotion. |iet tfaiate his Services for another term, ..... % Bueh is the lioket We preeeQtfor the appro™ of the people ; and it can certainty be said that no better tioket was ever presented in this ooun ty. Nothing ill oan be said with truth against any manonlfY eho6tiragod by nr telligehoo from all parts. of the county that it will was ever oast be fore, for ouMiokets, ■ Tho-prospeoUs moat.flat toring. It overyiDemoorat will turn ant and do his whole duty this well Beleoted ticket oan be eleoted. i: DemboratS, nowis yoartimeto peoure a share of publlo hbnors. Turn Out m matte- Tote the whole tioket, and. bring nut ail your friends. The fteavy raaently have oaused great freshets id tho East. In the-vicinity of Balti more the destruotionof property was quite seri ous, and on the Schuylkill it was also felt to a considerable extent; The trial of the six radiated Nett York Alder men, and Counoilmtm la Bet down for to-day, in Iho Court of Oyer and Terminer, the causo hav ing been.-removed fo this Court from the Coart of Sessions.. Counsel for defendants have an nounced that motions -will be mads to quash the indiotments on the grounds of gross mismanage ment and abuse in the Grand Jury room. • A train from Harrisburg, on the Columbia ran off tho traok on Monday morning, near Parksburg, in oonsequeneo of the breaking of a rail. The engine remained on the traok, but the mail, express and one passenger oar ran off. Some trees along side the road saved them from being precipitated down an embankment, and four paesengera only were slightly injured. The train was detained four hours. The Atlanta Bank, of Georgia, has been pro tested. Last week a gentleman presented him self at the oonater with $30,000 in notes, for whloh he demanded speoifr, but so slowly did the cashier count the money that at 4,P.‘ M. nearly $6,000 remained uaconnted. The holder of the notes was ordered out of . the Bank-os it was the oloeing hoar, when he proooeded to pro test the institution. There has been a ran made upon this bank by the Chioago brokers, at which place a large quantity of Atlanta money is in emulation. CANDIDATES VOK CANAL COSIBIS- Tbe 'number of candidates for Canal Commis Bionor on part of the opponents of the Demoo racy looks quite encouraging to our friends. Kimber Cleaver is the old lino Native Amen can candidate. Passmore Willliamsou is the Republican can Peter Martin is tho regular Know Nothing candidate. Henderson, of Washington, is tho old lino Whig candidate. Tbomae Nicholson is the candidate of Simon Cameron, Tbaddeus Stevens, Jessup, Tod it Co. There is a sweet and formidable list for you ; and from present appearances the whole bevy of them Will not poll as many votes as Arnold Pla nter alone, who is tho Demooratlo candidate. The number of oar opponents, and the fraudu lent attempt to slaughter some of them, renders the election of Mr. Plumer a certainty. And that attempted fraud wiU have a serious effect on thp local elections, The people are tired of each barefaced frauds and tricks, and, while many doelare they will not vote at all, many oth era avow their determination to vote the Whole Domocratio ticket. Democrats are not parties to any ol these .tricks; and tho only parly that presents any prospect of permanen cy, reliability, nationality, and eaeceas. A Cosfidbhch Mis.—The editor of the Jew- j nal 10 tho moot perfeot specimen of a *• ooufi denoa mao ” no havo over bad la this common! ; ly. ilo makps statement! that no living man j can possibly believo. Ho profam to think that Thomas Nicholson Will stand somo obanoe of be ing oleoted Canal Commissioner. Nobody In tho world will believo him. Ho profosses to odvo vocito the election of tho K. N. tlokct on tho groiimd of opposition to tho Nebraskn bill. This advocate of the Fugitive Slavs Law asks people to believe him sinoere in this hambng. The Ne braska bill has no more to do with this election than has the fall of Sebastopol, it is a mere ham bng trick, worn oat, used op, and scouted as noaseneo by ovory sensible man. Our county 'election has nothing whatever to do with Kansas affairs, or tho national administration. It is a matter for the people of oar own county to de oide for themselves; and tbs pcoplo of the south, tho people of Kansas, the pcoplo at IT ash ington, have nothing to do with it.® Next year national questions will be In loans; bat thi* year they are not, 09 everybody knows Be not humbnggod by “ confidence men." All sorts or spurious tickets will be put Id circulation in order to trap tho unwary, and steal votes. Onr enemies are doeperate They oaoaot suoceed by fair means and are already resorting to all manner of trioks. Wo learn that tickets are printed and already in olronlatlon in which the noma of JAMES B. FULTON. is printed James B. Felton His name Is Jemco Blair Fallen, and no tioket is genuine in whieh his name is not printed James B. Examine your tlokets carefully There will be other attempts to mislead tho voters- See tbatell the names on U ere right. Another at tempt will bo to oond out tlokets with the namo of one or more of tho Know Nothing oandi dates on it See the trae tioket at the bead of our paper. We took a stroll through tho Fair grounds yesterday afternoon, ond found qnite a number of persons in attendance notwithstanding the nnpropitioos weather. The exposition is hard ly equal to former years—neither in agricul ture, manufactures and stock- Nevertheless, there are a number of things carious and ueo fai which are worthy of inspection, and for an extended Dotioe of wbioh we refer to our local Not Pbofhb.—We found yesterday no less than four of tho lets editorials of our paper re published in Ohio papers withont any oredit, and leaded up as original. One was an artiolo ot two oolumne entitled “ Democracy end Slave ry," another in relation to the Kansas Know Nothing outrages, So. Wo have no objections to having our srtioles read and republished, but the rule Is to give oredit to the paper la which they originally appear. Kahsas. —The pro-slavery party held their election for delegate to Congrese on the 1 st Inst. Gen. J. W. Whitfield was the only oandidate vo ted for, hlB fonnor opponent, Mr. G. W. Perkins, having withdrawn from tho canvass. The free State party will hold their eleetion on Monday, OotoberBtb,when ex-Governor Andrew H. Reed er, having no opponent, will also be elected, and both candidates Will appear in Washington in Deoember next as claimants for the seat. Pbbbt Coosty.— We are glad to see that the Democraoy of this gallant little county have put in nomination for the Assembly bo reliable a manes Wm. S. Mitchell. Ho will doubtless be eleoted and make one cf the'best representatives in the next Legislature. Hisnompetitor is Kirk Haines, the member ffom there last session. TUB NEW 8. SIONEB* LOOK OUT FOB FRAUDS THB OOUHTV FAIR. • i> -* • , * \ **. •' > t. 7 n * - v : -.i^ Th« October S' Five States will hold during the first part of Georgia Oot. 1 Ohio Oct. 9 Louisiana Oot. 6 Pennsylvania Oot. 9 Maryland Oat. •7_ Georgia, Maryland .and' Louisiana vitli. elect their delegations'|o tie ’Whioh will comjjjete. tSe llak of tnemtots of tni House of Representatives, except the five mem bers of Mississippi/vtm will bo ohosen on the 6th of November. In all the States holding their elections this month, (exoept Indiana) .Legisla tures are to be ohosen, and on that of Pennsyl vania will devolve the eleotion of a United States Senator in the place of James Cooper, whose term expired with the last Congress, the last Legislature having failed to perform that duty. The following are the candidates on the general tickets in the different States, together with the aspirants for seats in the national oonnoils at Washington: PENNSYLVANIA. The only offioor to be ohosen in Pennsylvania at the eleotion, on tbe general ticket, is Canal Commissioner, for whioh the Democrats have nominated Arnold Planter; the Whigs, Free Boilers and Enow Nothings having fixed on Thomas Henderson. In some oountles Passmore Williamson will still be ran by his frionds. In this Btate thero aro three State officers to be [ohosen. For Clerk of the Supremo Court the Democracy have nominated William Stew art ; for Auditor Austin H. Brown, and for Com missioner Abraham C. Logan. Tho names of the opposition candidates have not oome under our observation. A United States Benator is to bo chosen this winter, as there was a failure to eleot last winter, but we believe tho Legislature 'b ohosen for two years. In Georgia thero aro three candidates for Gov ernor, as follows. Herschel V. Johnson, Democrat, Garnett An drews, Know Nothing; and B H. Overby, Tem perance. There are eight Congressmen to eleot. Alex ander H Stephens (Whig) Is the anti-Know Nothing oandidate in the Eighth district, and Will reooive tho bulk of the Democratic vote. XVwtocrjf Kncn in] Governor 0. C. WKkIHTe, Cbarlew D«rbi*ny IJeuL GoTcrDor-Ctaurles H Mouion. Louis Tex»Ja. Secret yof Stst* ADdrow H. llenc-u, Koiwrt G Rralo Auditor.. Stuuuvd P Murk-. Wialtwr Uopzrafto. Treuurttr G. K. Unm-wux. J. V DanWi 1 Attorney Geooral.K. W Mol***, Rande i Hunt flup't Education.- Sumutd Bard. O l). SlUlman Ci-NJREiS fall 1 Albert l»bro, Ufiorge.Kuatl*, Jr. 2 . MUrt Taylor, Thfiodore Q Hunt. a f. G:u»*n I'urhl<«>a, Proatoa Pood, Jr. 4 John M.Sandlg*, William U. Lewis. Devu-crai. Xttlhtng Coaptrulier Walter W. Bowl*, William U. I'urnw Loiter) Or romia’r .U*orgo Okie, Lanltd H. McPball »/ l . .... ■> j»cub fibouet. Jau>>’«< B a Jothua Van Sant, J Mertb*oo Hams 4 - Henry May, Uuory W. Dana. 6 iWory W. Uoffmtn, 0 Lamcl J.juk-i, W W Watkina. /Vjn'v-ral Puavn. UoTvmor - WUhain H. MshHii, Salmon V Lhafo lieut Ut'rroi'f latnve M v.-r«, Tbt-mtis H lord. Auditor -William L» Umiraa, Fr»oct« M Wright pf Htato .William Trvtilt, J- H. Baker. Treasurer J.'bn B. Brvalin. William U. UlhK>o Attorney General G W. McCook, J l> binsl-all. Public Wurfcs James B. bleadnitn A. U (.Vnnorar. Putvrwme Jod?e William Kennyu, Jacob Biickerbf U Do abort U U. W ardeo, Charlca U. Outer*. Allen Tremble is tho Know Nothing nominee for Governor. Tns pKKRavLtASiA ASi> Ohio House Exmiti* now, whioh takes place at Salem next wook, commencing on Wednesday, will bo a grand af* fair. Among tho thorough bred horses which yiH bo thero aro Grey Kogte, recently purchased by an Ohio gentleman fs*s2,OOUi and Monarch, the English racer, who, we believe, waa now beaten In any oontest The premiums range from $5O down to $5. Cbmbtopiieb Maobs —This gentleman id a oaodidate on our ticket for Assembly We would state that It Is not C L. Magee, tho Whig —bnt a young man who is a Democrat all tho time. fibooktng Cate of Incestuous flaps—At tempt to Slob a Pernicious Vllllon-- Poot dace to Jail. [Prom lb«? MsyniNs Eagl<-. tt» ; James Griffin, a man about thirty eight years of age, a resident for many years, of the neigh borhood of Lowisbnrg, in ibis connty, bat moro recently of the neighborhood of Washington, was arrested on Thursday, on a cbargo of rape upon hlo own daughter, a Tory pretty young wo man, of eighteen years The daughter was pre maturely deliTcrcd of a child (which lived only a few minutes) on tbo 27th of July last, and then disotosod its paternity , bnt the awfol Da tum of tho outrage was oonocaled, perhaps, oat of n not improper sympathy for the danghter, until a few days since. Tbo father was tried on yesterday, before Fsqniros Sodden and Artus; tbo Examining Conrt—at tbo inslouco of tbo nceused, and In compliance with a special provision of t>-; Tiaed Statutes—sitting with closed About 6 o'clock, P. U , tbo Court adjourned to this morning, to hoar the remaining witnesses. It was evident from the large crowd that had eon tinned around the Conrt all day, and other cir onmstanoos, that a popular outbreak was expect ed. Before the posso of officers, w'/j, jj a y or Dobyns at their hood, had preceded fifty yards with tb? BPCused on fib way to jail, tbo officers | wore Belied, and a dosperato effort made to take I the prisonor from them—it having boon deter- I mined to drag him to some private placo and | emasoulate him. Tbo offieers maintained thoir | ground firmly, and although pistols and knives I wore drawn and violence foared, they succeeded i in making a foot r&oo of il and beat the crowd I to the Jail, whore thoy lodged the prisoner safe ■ly The exoltemcnt continued high during the night, although the crowd retired immediately from the jail; end thla morning, wo believe, the publlo generally In their sober second thought, arc satisfied that the prisoner was kept out of their reaob, end are willing for the law to take Us coutsq. The impression is general that tho prisoner is guilty. The Examining Court, this mittod him to the jail, In default of $3,000 bail His trial at tho Circuit Court will come off, pro bably, In two weoks. greosh and kngltsh Loim. The Globe, referring to a atatemont of tb e Morning Post, that the total English loss in ►jll ed aod wounded at tbs attack of tho Redar, was 2,000, sayß that of that nnmbor botwven five and aix hundred were killed Wo learn from Ihe lost offioial despatch reoeived by Lord Pan more, that tho number of officers killed is 20, wounded 11-1, and missing I; total 141. It has boon estimated, in Ihe nb'seD'jo of offioial rotnrns, that the number of men killed would be about 220, and wounded 1,590; total 1,817. Aeoording to this oalonlation the total of men and offieers killed and wounded would be 1,967. Posts, Sept. I.—Tbo Moniteur, of this morn ing, announeos that Marshal! Polissier, in a tel egraphic despatch, dated Sept. 11, informs the Minister of War that about 4,600 wounded, of wbioh number 240 are offioera, have gono to the ambulanoea. As regards the numbor killed on the field of battlo, it hns not boon possible to get an exact return ; but it is the opinion of tbo Commander-In-Chief that it does net exoced the ordinary proportion, that is to say, about one third of tho nnmber wounded. The Times' Paris correspondent writes “ The number of Gonerals now said to be killed in the assault on Sebastopol is Gve, besides ten superior offieers. It is also affirmed that Gens. M’Mahon and Trooherhave died of their wounds, and that Gen. Bosquet is kiUed. Tho same correspondent writOß: It appears that no less than 1200 guns of large' oalibre havo beon found by the Allies at Sebasto pol. It Is thought that tho Russians will have made an attempt to redeem their defeat by again attacking nB, and it is rumored to-day that the government was in expectation of the news of a groat battlo. During the assault the Russian ar tillerymen wero killed at their guns, but it is af firmed that with that exception a pauia took com plete poasession of the army at the appearanoe of the Allies in the Malakboff Tower. Their hasty retreat was occasioned by the fear that we should fire on the bridge and take them prisoners. Teat desirable business stand, No. 183 Lib erty street, and a variety of Stookß, are to be sold this evening, at 7} o'olook, at the Mer chants’ Exohange, by P. M. Davis, Auotioneer. Sdmmaey Convictions. —There were one hun dred and sixty-nine oases of summary oonvieiions made by Mayor Voh during the month if Sep tember. * r.-** ■* v ■■ -n- \H' v 'i* - * .<7 v-4‘ ,% ’. ; *n; : £« ■i*.'*,:** *' ' » , • n. *j * 7 - «; , • 4 >- »£-■-?■ '?- *6. 0'';!- » '. ** \-'l) * * VJ* H 5 V „ \ . ~ * * *» •xJ w V k itate Election*. their general elections the present month, viz: INDIANA. GEORGIA. LOtUSIANA. MARYLAND ~ r . ITEMS OF IISTERKST, There ie no positive evidence that this earth was ever in a molten state, or that its oentral part is now a mass of. fire. . The granito rooks do not exhibit the m&tks of this earth bad been once a motion mass, they ..would be a bfinlOgenQtir filagi fcotnposed of all the known metde an&mioferal&j Btdiinsh&i being built for wUl when com pleted; the largest kind mOBt magnificent vessel aflat. She will measure five thousand six hundred tons; her length will be three hun dred and forty-five feet on tho broad line depth of hold thirty-three feet; breadth of fifty feet A new plan of keeping dust out of oars bas been invented by Mr. 4300rg0 Nelson, of Boston. ; It' obnsfsts of having three ventilators at the topp running-’from aide windows, te sombliog the old fashioned . bow*wU?dow for shops. The ventilator Ik wo oonstruofed that the air is forood Into and through water , before en tering the bar, making six' entire revolutions, ; eaoh tlme tbrough the water, and finally through throe oourses of saturated sponges, all of whioh would naturally have a tendency to render it pure and soft The windows blbo old In the general ventilation, slides presenting a slanting surfooe, and tbe outer air being thus turned off, creates a auction whioh draws out the inner air, and with it any dust whioh might, by possibility, be in the vicinity. A horseshoe has been invented by Mr. 8. Short, of New London, Connecticut, the pecu liar feature of whioh is, that the new shoe has not a nail or nail hole in it 1 Otherwise, Uis made in the oommon form, and is to the foot by an iron cap, Botneting in the' shape of a low out vamp of a man’s leather shoe, or tho leather peak of a boy’s cloth oap. The iron cop on tho hoof Is about two inches wide at the too, but narrower*on eaoh side-towards the heel- It is so thin as to be a .little flexible,'and is fastened to tbe foot by a screw passing through the two ends bohind the heel. The lower edge of this cap fits into a groove cut into the outer edge of tho Bhoe, which holds them together, aod tho eorew fastens them both to the hoof. This oap does not oome to much wear, and will last out many shoes. In this mammon-worshipping Age, it is rare to find a man plaoe his usefulness to the public, be fore his interest During a lato visit to the ‘City of Spindles,* we were presented by a professional friend, to tho celebrated Chemist, Dr. J- C. Aver, whose name is now perhaps, more familiar than any other, at tbe bedside of eiokness. in this oouotry Knowing tbe unprecedented popular ity of his medicines, and the immense sale of them, we had expeoted to find him a millionore, and rolling In wealth. Bat do, we found him In hi j laboratory, busy with bio laborers, among his oruoibics, alembics, and retorts—giving his best personal care to tho compounds, on the vir tues of whioh, thousands hang for health. We learned, that notwithatanlng his vast business, sod its prompt returns In cash, the Doctor Is not rich. Tbe reason assigned Is, that the material is oostly, and ho persists in making his prepara tions so expensively, that tho nett profit is small. —American Parmer, Phil a. The English Hauvbst.— Tbe London corres pondent of tho Philadelphia American, writing on the 14th alt., says : “ The harvest has been excellent, and no mat ter what Is said, considerably beyond tbe aver age ; it has been got in by the aid of splendid weather, in tbo finest possible condition. The intctlgonco that tbe harvest in tbe United States bas boon unprecedentedly great has not beeo thrown away ; and shortly largo arrivals of for eign wheat maybe expected, and tbe price will go down with a hop, skip and jump. Millers and bakers are alive to this, and the supporters of prices do not gain muob by their move, for pur chases are of a very limited kind." Pbicb op Flour —Societies and combinations aro being formed to import floor from tho West. It soemfl that by Bonding to Chicago and buying it there, flour can be laid down here at $7 £O, instead of $l2 and $l3, which wo pay. We ro* oommend the idea to consumers. If men will combine, they may break down the foolish Win* bioatio- of flour dealers in tbo sea-board 61 ties ia leio than a fortnight, and rednao ; the price of flour one fourth.— New VoTk lferaldi. imU va Urw l*cn wiitWh, *xplstrflnff tfio origin of, aud .riAaaifjin* It* WOXCIS gCOrrttcd In tfifl hOCOAD FysUCp aay topic of cusiic&l wime® h» mot® anne ofcaorration and profound research i and yet pbyst ri»n» or® r«7 crab in opinion on tha It moat bo admitted,horarcr, that,fitter aHjatiaJo Cl er wanoA a* l * l purifying th* body li of T3OT*T|doo iban tho wtoeat distittiatlonj ts t.» fhulr origin Boefc on cxpoUrag- d£eat bos lengd* baa foand- Uc M'Leno'e VmulfogO piiTn tobotto moehsnbSlU .poriße- Its emracJJJstoji unl'retwUl .cki>o<rl*l>te>J by tb” rll t!re medial Ibtoßj. is lof%r trad llio Wk>*- log (rota t Udf--atwcfcte<«*o>*t»>aq*«‘ fr • ;■ A ~-v H*w Y«*9, October Jfc ItsftJ. Tbb U to I'wM wore » year. } was adViss* an »>Wn», tod Yerznlfagtv l fc»k 000 tottle, wfatafc brnujUt I**' gboot fifty wanna* ! caracaaaesvi Unproring *V <**" am bow porfwtly well. The ppMlo e«* Jiu* uml forthor particular?. hj WV" Manhattan Ptac*, or to & I* Thr'' Bother tod llcorofl*trwt3' Ur.r PUU, oa QOV * *‘“l teU , ~ „ „ , od had at ail noeotibio Drag Bums in the UnUel 9* , . 8 -atsaand Canada. >r* •’HI please be careful te ask for, and take oone _/f. kl'Latw’s-VcnaUog*. All others, to comparison* p -ro worthless. AUo, tor saltbjrtha*o:eproprtetcra. VLSMINO BRO&, Soseasrora to J. Rhhl A Oft, $O. CO Word street,comer<rf Fourth. IfitulailQA for DlseaMd LhAgi* The mode of Inhale lion, in e**»» of diseaagd’tUQg* ap.d throat, recommended by Dr. Cartis to his advertlsemalfit* strikes at u the true one. Ii U now generally admltt/*! by our best phyttoiana, that tocol difficult i 53 ran oalj.'he sue coaafully treated %y local applications. This ptkctke bfe beao pursued Dost the first with' rasped toextoruAl inflanf mation ami corrotStthe, tod we see not why dtyaipgipf th© throat and tuns’ t&«y hot ho trusted in thqojoje taimaer; vo baliere they Bay. in this variable oo ra, where lung and throat complaints bav»j become so prtrra lent and rUo, wsearnssU/ tx> tbo p" h|le , and 1 to l-Ke aJflicUi especially, to avail D.emsalvee of Dr. CarUa who has trW # * g M aJvarttsemsnt In this paper. Cbufto*»—D*. Opms* U r .<jBANA th« original and only genuine article. eopi'ivdav 6S* Ague .Wj 9«yer ot Three Yeara 1 Standing John tow Dying at Bearer Dam, Uej&orej county, neat Richmond, bad Aguo and PoTcr (hr three years; moat of tho time.he had chills twlee a da» > and rarely less than once? he was parched with fbre'.j u sdoa as the chill left him ; aod after trying pby»ic^ fcofl| qufhlno, most 0/ thy tonics advertised, and " Twrr thing recommended tb'feW.Vas abodt to giro up In dw' pair, when Carter'* Spanish Mixture was spoken Of: he got two bottles, but before ho had used more than e single one, be was perfectly cured, and has not bad & chill or forer sloee. Mr Lougden*!* only one out ot thousands Who have boon benefited faVibis great tonic, aDeralive and blood pu rifier. See advertisement. sepd 1m OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA HAILBOAD THE ONLY RAILROAD KUBEVIBU WEST FROD FITTSBDROH Tui Fast Taste leaves at 2 A. M~ through to Cincinnati In 12 hours roiMQ minutes. Mail Team ucavss at 8 A M. KxpexmTbaih “ AT 3- P. M. These Trains all rn»h» close connections at OresUine, and the first two connect at Alliance. The direct route to 8t Louis U now Open, via. OrasUlne and Indianapolis, 100 miles shorter Oban via. Cleveland. Connections are made at Mansfield with the Newark and BanduHky City road » and at Crestline with the three roads concentrating there - For partisufecs gee handbills. No trojha run, oh Sunday. Through Tickets sold 10 Cincinnati, -Louisville St. Ihuis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Hock Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the principal Towns and Cities in Die West The NEW BBICIUTON ACOOMMODAUON TRAIN will loave.Pittsburgh at 10 A.M. and b.lfi P. M., and New Brigh. ton at 7 A. li. and 1 P. M. For Tickets and further information, apply to J. <3. OUBHY, At the corner office, under the Monoogahela Uoure- Or, at the Federal Street Station, to 'AKOBQE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh, July 23, 486 b. (4*24) OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD, BBIHQ THU Continuation of the Ohio and Ponna. B, B, TO TORT WAYNE, , rsau HUKDEin arrc mmtmi situs ibom Tmaunhoa. Trains co onect at Orestline, without detention,.with ah the Trains ot t the Ohio and Road, and also at Forest wtth Treins going North and South, on the Mad River and Lakh Brie Railroad. For Tickets, 1 ipphr at the Railroad Offices of the .Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Pittsburgh, Alle gheny City; ore d any of the following points : Fort Wayne,* Bellefontaine, Olodno Ml, Urbane Da)»ton, Springfield, Indianapolis, Richmond,. Tiffin, Findlay. Persons desiring Tickets will be particular to ask for e Tio'get bv this Offiio and Indiana Railroad. ' ie6 J. R. BTRAUOHAN, Sap't. Sttwrlflalty.—OEOKGE R. BIDDLE, of the City of : a AUegheny, will be e candidate fbr tbs office lof Sharif! of .Allegheny County, at the ensuing elec tion. jj2:lrwtc ITS} B*tcfa*lor*s Hair Dy«.—The ORIGINAL, RELIABLE, TRUE and NATURAL—beyond All question the BEST—never fades, or fails to dye brown or black, true to nature, without the least Injury, to skin or hair. Made and sold, or applied, (in nine private lOQtßfc) OHBLOR’B old fiStabliflbed Wig Factory, 233 Broadway, New wliolefialohnd retail, bytr. GBO.H. Wood-Btreat; £ % £i s*p2B:ditf__ GftJati RtOelVfldi at Gribbie’i, a splendid asßortinetit of of everydescripH oll * insisting of Plush, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Satin Vestings, Doeskin and Fancy Cassimerefl, Cloths, Overcoat ings, Ac., Ac. Also, Gents' Famishing Goods In great vari ety, which will be Bold low for cash; No. 240 Liberty street. sgp!7 - Life, Fira and Marine Insurance Company; CORNER 09 WATER AND MARKET STREETS, Jas. D. ftTGiU, Secretary. - i , , 4 This Company makes every insmfehce appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. , Also, against Hall ahdCatgo Risks on the Ohio and Mis eissippl rivers and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally. Ana against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perfla of the Soa and Inland Navigation and Transpertaaon. Polfeies Issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to ail parties. Robert Galway, Alexanderßradley, James 8. Hoon, John Fullerton, John STAlpin. Basmel M’Clurkan, William Pniuipß, James W- Hallman, John Scott, Ghos- Arbuthnot, Joseph P. Oarnn, M. D., David Richey, James Marshall, John &T6UI, Horatio N. Lea, Kittanning. Pennsylvania insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH, Corner of Fourth and Smith field streets. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 0300,000. rr-==» Insum Baildlngs acd other Property against Loss or Damage by Fire, and the Perils of the Sea and Iniwntl Navigation and Transportation. diehotobb: Wm. F. Johnston, Body Patterson, Jacob Painter. A. A. (terrier, W. M’Olintock, Kennedy T. Friend, James 8. Negley* W. 8- Haven. D. B. Park, I.Orierßproul, Wade Hampton, D. M. Long, A. J. Jones, J. H. Jones, H- R. Coggshall, OFFIO BBS: President ...... ..Hon. WM. F. JOHNBTON. Ptcs President -ROD* PATTERSON. So? v and Treasurer .A. A. CARRIER. Assistant Bccreiar}/~&- 8. OAR 8188. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN H. BHQENBBRGEB, PasSIBSKT. ROBERT FINNEY, SxcsßAaT. a w. batohrlor, arasstt Aomz. WtliL lascufi AOAIHBT ALL KlfißS MARINE AND FIRE RISKS DIBSOTOB8: J. H. Sboenberges, G. W. Casa, 0. W. Batchelor, W. R. NUnfck, Isaac M. Pennock, T.B. Updike, W. W. Martin, R.D. Cochran, B. T. Leech, Jr., John A. Caoghey, George 8. Selden, 8. ft. Bryan, David HoOandiesa. ly AU Loeaaa sustained by parties Insured under poli cies issued by this Company will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid at Its Offlet, No. W W ATKB giwtt 1 jyll WILLIAMS & ALLEN, navuracmaxas or Chiison Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY, for Warming and Ventilation of Building!. 43r*W. A A. will contract for Warming and Ventilating by Bteam or Hot Water, Pipes or Chilean’s Furnace, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Green Houses, Coot iHoasea, Jails, Hotels, or Dwellings. No. 26 MARKET street, Pittsburgh. PEARL STEAM MILL, AI:LKOH E N Y. 4Qr“FLOOR DELIVERED TO FAMILIES ;in either of ;be two Cities. Oansss may be left at the Mill, or in boxes at the sioree of LOGAN, WILSON A CO., 62 Wood street ÜBAI/N A BKITBR, corner Liberty and Bt Clair sta 11. p. SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. riBUB: CASP, o*9 DX Ll 71 ft T. i} & BliVAg, HBSBfEPY A CO. .JI II ATBI U ATS. —We bare rderived our FA id. -Agl ST VI.K OF BILK HATS, which will be found, on in- » neat ami good article. A good Hat for $2, sol Hu film one for $4. Cali and set). MORGAN A CO., No 164 Wood at., Next home to the new Presbyterian Church, One door from.Bitth street. fi We have just reeslvedt Afprsisi a large lot of PLANTER’S. HUNGARIAN and otb*r BorT HATS. ot latest style, which we wQI sell as low for cash ss any house In the city. Call and ace MORGAN A CO., 104 Wood street, ang2& next boose to the now Presbyterian Chnreh. CUUsnaOnd strangers visiting Ch? Pair, in yant of a UAT or CAP eftho latoet style, would iowell to call and examine our stock, es we are determined not to te undersold. Quick sales and small profits. < MORGAN A CO, No. 164 Wood stafL octs One door frtan-Sixth. lSoard of regular Monthly (Ky meeting of the AEsodaHoa vIU he:hdd In their Booms, oh FRIDAY. the 6th Instant, at Vft o’doeh P. H PunctuM attendance is requested, as importanttaraa** wm be transacted. JAS. p. fyMiw OoTee&Uj taorfitag, joun k. ix>&&ikqxo3 «»» fiebt. ilsstep, B**.; &U of * you don’t want your feet pinched with bad end! short Slocking*, you will Uke our advice and go to C. DALY’S, corner of Market alley and Fifth street, and buy some of those elegant Fine Stockings, that make your toot tool ntw anJ eomtoxtabte. DALY also makes and Bella every vari ety of Hosiery that you can mention, at wholssslo and retail. - my n mao. ~n. Qtr&Sj fio.S «*!, Drog?i*J, comer or Remember the place, corner of Market alley anl Fifth at™*!. _ pot 4 Adjourned Orphans* Coart Salk. BY vtrrn* of sn orderof tha Orphans'Court of Allegheny County, 1 will expos* for sale, at public vendue, upon tt>« premises, on W&DNE3DAY, the 10th day of October, ifib&, at 10 o'clock A. &L, the following desorited Per l Ba tata, late the property of Robert M*Zlroy, to wit: All that certain tract of land situated in Patton tovnihip, Allegheny county, adjoining land* of May Olugaton, J. Young, Johnston, Ztsunacmaa and o theta, bounded and as follova, ill: Beginning ai a white tb<yn«e running along lands of Mary Clogs ton noth G2fa degrees, vest 95 perenee to a past; tbosce north ftrijpeou. east 42 perehttto a post 'thence north ddjmwa, west 11 8-10 perches to a hlekory tree; thence north 9 degrees, east At perdue to a hickory tree; thanoe south {9U degrees, fty - 114 oarobea to a atone; thnnra south 39}£ aagroes, eat 140 psrdtca to n atone; thence north 73 degrees, iTOat 127 perche* to a dogwood; and tbenco aouth 31 degrees, wot wjrche» to the white oak, the piece of beginning; rotttafefng 99 acre? and 18 perchea, strict tneastire; about COecres eleared* the balance timber; on which la erected a DtreUipg House. property Is beautifully located, fourteen ml|(W from the city of Pittsburgh, and three milet from the Turtle Creek Btadozi, on 'the Pennsylvania Railroad, and In the immediate neighborhood of churches, schools and «!»■_ The soil Is excellent, and In a good ctnte of cnttlration, with a large number of fruit trees of various kinds; an abaodtnt supply of spring water; the be& quality of ttme stone j and Is particularly valuable on account cu Its eoal, which underlies the entire eurlkee. Tnusa—One-third cub, the balance Id two equal fwytoeat*, with Interest, to bo secured bj recognizance. The present fell crop will be reserved. JAB. U. STWiROY, octt-dswlC Administrator ofßobt. IFEhroj, (he’d j. j. oiuam^..— „4, naxsun. J* j« GtUeiplfl 6-COii T OOKING GLASS MANOFACTBKEBS, end Dealers hi .1 J Looking Glass Pl&iea,.Plate Glasa,KugraTiog», Combs and Fancy Goods, No. 76 Wood etreet, Pittsburgh On band and nude to order, GUt Plot and Mantle Glasses; Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut and GUt Frames, or Mould* log, or every description. STKAMUOAT CABINS Decorated aod 01U. (oct4 XTKW PUBMOATIONd—BajArd Taylor's great work on _Li India, China and Japan; Tha Match Girl, or Ufa Scenes as thoy ar«; lsora'e Child; Cora aod tho Doctor, or the Revelations of a Physician's Wife; The I taster's Victim, or Incidents of American Slavery;' Jealous Wife, by Mrt Purdoe; 1 Mich Coatlgan, or the Ladder of Qofci; t Newcomea, by Thackeray; Vale Ootlage Scrapes i Count of Morion, by-llamas; Quintto Malays, or the Blacksmith of Antwerp, Dickens' Stories—^ellow Mask, Sister Rose, The School Boy, Berea Poor Travelers; Escaped Non; DoeaLUks; Periscopes, by Dr. Elder; $1; N. P. Willis* OotDpiete Works. The above jost received by express, together with a large assortment of Books and Stationery, and for sale cheap for cash, at LAUVPBR’S .&00K8T0&EL oct4 No. 80 Fifth ftraet. FLOUR —6 bblsßye Floor received anoonaigntasni and for salo by [oct4j ATWELL. LEE A C*>. riUHOTHY SEED—9 hags Timothy fieed reoeived on con* A aignmant and for sale by ocU ATWELL, LEE A (XL NO. BUGAU-2Q hhds strictly prime N. a Bng»C in • store and for sale by _ oct4 ATWELL, LEE A CO? SYRUP— 30 this prime New York Byrop in store and far sale by [oct4] ATWELL, LEE A PQ. » I JUNE PAPER HANGINGS—PaneI Decorations, in Gobi and VclTet, for Parlors; andother nswdesigns, Just teodved and for sale by W. P. MARSHALL 4 00., oct4 87 Wood street. FOR HALLS AND DINING ROOMN—Oak Wainscoting* and Ceilings of Ellx&bethian style; Marbles In every variety. For sale by W. P. MARSHALL A CO. . W all PAPERS—a large collection of new style*/** all prices, for sale bv ' OCt4 * jy, P. MAttSTTALL A 00* / CREASE—No.| 1, for IhaliroadOars, VJ No. 2, for Ooai Cara. Wagons, Carriages, Carta, Drays, Omnibosses, Ao.: lor sale by ocU HENRY H, COLLINS. SIX HUNDRED more oases and packages of Now fail Goods now opening by A, A. MASON 400., comprising Silks, Shawls, Mantillas. Bonnets, Dress Goods, Domestics* Ac. ocU gPLENDU) BAROUCHE AT AUCTION—This, Thursday * morning, October 4th, at 11 o'clock, at the Commercial lea Rooms, will be sold—One handsome, well finished B&roucho, which post $276. ooU p. M. DAY 18, Anctionaer. SECOND HAND PACKING BOXES-, of various rises, which I will sell at about the cost «f material. oct4 GEO. H. KEYBER, .140 Wood stmt. Proposals for Coal* THE Board of Directors of the FIRST WARD PCBUO SCHOOL will receive proposals up to S ATURDAY, 6tb October, fox the furnishing of S»000 tm&ela Coal, to be placed in ihe cellars of Said BchoOL Address oct3.“dlw PBAOHKfr— W bbh prime Ohio Peaches, bi Railroad, ami for solo by aep27 HENRY H, COLLINS. nf-r-'-- ,;1 - -• ■ ! PITTSBURGH PVrXSBUfIGH»PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. DißSoroos: ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, PUB TUK PAIR- ■ br B*r. M*. Fif*, Mr. „ LiZZIS IL, daogbtsr of aitgfcooy City. ADV EKTISEMENTB. -.tocktngi and Hosiery fbr Winter* W. A. CA& DWELL, Secretary of Board, Kg Water at i .'. t \ COTTAGE DILL ACADEMY. A Classical and Collegiate Boarding School, FOR BOYS. \ v-;.- . The twelfth session ottijis iii&jfa&hT?iiVeom mence on TUESDAY, the 16Hi of October. v. This School itf-located in- thfcpleasant,-healthful end 'romantic villageof SURTLECBEKK, distant twelvomiles from Pittsburgh/au£fo of.easy access, severs) timeaatUy, by railroad. jf?- i# & f -•o V Those who bare colldrea to oaueatd, ere invited'Co call otia examine ths-.BmngetQfintaniadelordhffattDmmoda tlon of scholars. V* " 3? L.rOATQN£Prlncipai. Turtle Creek. Allegheny Co., October, 1865. Circalars, containing terms, and other Information, may be had at J. H. Mellor’a, B. T. 0. Morgan's and J. 8; Davison's Boohs tores, Pittsburgh; or apply to the Princi pal, at Turtle Creek. Proposal* fbr - 1 PROPOSALS for supplying Coal to the Boats of the PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI DAILY PACKET LINE, for the will hßTecelve&np tcrthe lflth instant, at noon, at the offlcqbf Wftl* HDLMESA QO-, quantities from 1,000 to 4*ooo. bushels,.aa,majt he required by the Captains.' * 1 • J { „ The contract to commence on the opening of Packet Navigation this Pall and to the, Ist of July, 1850. Addwgs, “ P'ROPOSALS 808 COAL?*, oct3:dtd Who Wants *o Buy •*£ ■ t LADIES may always find UNDER GARMENTS for themselves and fbrnblldren, with thtfhest assortment of CORSETS In the city; and GHILDBBKB.GLOTHXNG: of all kinds* for boys or girls—Jacksts,Panta*. Sacks, Dresses, Ac.—at MRS. M. K. HENDERSON'S,.: oct&Mi No. 63 St. Clair, street. TOCKB AT AUCTION—On Thursday evening, October 4th, at T% o'clock* at the Merchants? Exchange, will be sold— • . -v.>, -y.i- SO shares Ohio and Penna. BaDraad Co.; v < -10 do Citizens* Insurance 00. ; oct3 , r . mi% g, M. DAY IS, Auctioneer. All the magazines for October— Harper's Magazine for October; > A, / Putnam's -do do ? ? Knickerbocker do Peterson's do . .-• do Graham's ;do do Ballou's <do «do ■ If PrankLcstie'aLadles’ Gazette of Fashion, do; . k . „ Frank Leslie's New York Journal, do; . Harper’s Story Book, do. /,.* V - * Ail Books and Magazines recetveiaSAOOU BBpODlUhea* at W-A QILDENFENNEY A WO, , . octS Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. < Hosiery and gloves—a. a. mason ago.are opening a very large and complete assortment of the above, comprising Gents’, Ladles’ end- Children’s Winter Hosiery, In every variety for winter wear. - oct3- LPAOAS, DB LAINES, Ac.—Jost-openlng, a splendid 'assortment of black and colored Alpacas, an-wool and Persian He Cashmeres, Ac. Also, some very elegant styles of Figured Goods. * • ■"** •• „„ *O6X3 . . A. JUMASON.& Ofor INGRAMS—IO easefrofLancaster anddfherGinghamß, entirely new ’stylefi, just Tecelvcd. 1 ’ 1 " od3 U; MASON A CO,- BAJOU’S KID GLOVES—An assortment offhe, above superior moke of Gloves (mostly targe sixes) Just re ceived/ A. A. MASON A DO., oc!3 25 Flflh street RARE CHANCE—For sale, the Stock and Utensils, com plete, of a DAIRY, in full operation, within two miles of Allegbeuy City, having a first rate custom. Also,* forge quantity of well saved HAY, and other cropl and the an expired term of the lease. Immediate possession can bo had. <Sct3 8. CUTHBERT A SON, 68 Market aU BLUE PILL—IOO lbs for sale by • I B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., oci3 comer of First and Wood etc. BARBADOEB TAR—4O gallops for sale by ocl3 B. A. A CO. tor sale by : b. a. Fahnestock, a co. I Atiegbeay Valley RMUroad. Allegheny county pair.—to ancommodate.ciu-; zons desirous of attending the County. Fair, trains frill? be run oq the Allegheny. Valley Railroad from Lawrence*’ vlile Depot to Holton, opposite Deer Creek. - '■ Fn*t train on Tuesday morning. 1 Trains will leave Hulton daily at 8 o'clock A. M> and 3- P. M., and LawrencoviUe Depot at 11 A. M, and 6P. M« j Excursion Tickets to be bed of the Agents at the Station- House, at LawrenoevlUe and Ualton, and from the Con*| doctor. 1 Trains will stop at all Intermediate points. • octl WM. F.'JOHNSTON, PreVt A. V K. R_| Harpkb. fob (xnx)aKii—CQETEST3 Nicaragua, by & G. Squint; Bears and Bear Hunting; Tbe Arac&nlans; A Trip to the farina Railroad; Nerpcqmes Coiicl wwl—“ Who u eoTryjvf .it K Tbe Duel: First add Last Lcto ; Oar Hooks and Authors; A Bey Bream; Tbe LUUe Chorister; . Doctoring Begins at ffoma ; Coralie; Eachel; Hoathiy Record o( Current Brents. Literary Notices; Editor’s Table; Editor's Easy Chair; EdUoi’e Drawer; ..... Mr. Slim’s Piscatorial Experience; Faajd°b®* i T - • ;•. * i| Also—Bayard Taylor’s great vofb-op China, India a&f J ‘iuVs H*g&zine—the host in ibo wWid—ltith) ! Mnt»pOTeopT,»» LAUFFBU'd BOaKKEO' ocs3 . ; ■ • . Ho. 83 f‘- J -t-it _ - - * “I fpUB Ki(t!T»ICUI'JSUIA. ,aOurtfeetf JL XhaitUal: mtbrt&>z lift W>‘, ..Praett-Jiliind ffitiJlurgj, Uto6«)ogir,<lootapp.» , eallon am-Arts, * .i*-di'inn and Ptarmsry. In the Onl taj aiatM >11b»- P. R, Blotter 7 anil Kfcfiier . i-ro&isor of Applied Chemistry amtbor 0 f dppji&* - ate*. sgiddted by Catnobell MorflU, aec«». . chemistry "anil “CMnlleil Msnlrijla -1 v- * . edition; For ante by - ’ °' "■ ~ » j 1 A SB*’, B. T. Q BlOßfi 6 i “ aJSTON S DICTIONAUY of Machines, Mechanics, Engina Work, anti Engineering Iflostraied wiift’ tour tbcosand engrarinzs on wood. In 2 rols. Jot fiaie by . .. ?C. HOMAN, 1 octSS No. 104 attest,,neaeJiftq. TirATCUia*, JBWJSLKY, do,—Just retained &oln fhe YY Bast, and now opening a large and splendid assort ment of goods Is my line, which,will bo ; fl£d nt low prises. Watches retired In tho beat manner.. made to order and. repaired. fiUycni Ware'mnshfeetered, Ac. W. ’W. WIEBOai, | , octg ~ 67 street, coCTercfy&atth. ; POCKET ÜBVOLViftOCALENDAR— Thll-fancy I instrument teaboutthe eizaof a textdollargold.plf ce, beautifully ornamented, acd-rieidygilt, torcßonhl&RpldL- It is cd constructed that by adjusting oaths first day oftthe month, toucan tell at aglancetbeday at the. month week. It answers ftr not only a year, but forallcDmlng- Hm> Thousands ate coo, as making beantifoiand-dfira* bis gifts tbrCrtenda. ItlaTalueftas a its practical utility has made U a pnlvergaHavorlte. Only 50 cents : £oU hy . .+• cj OUYHBRRT,. cct2- . . '63 Markobetreet. ■ A YARD TAYLOiTtt NEW-BOOK—lnOtorChlfla, (Jhoo and Japan, In thsy*a*lSs3; by Bayard Taylor. Japan as It Waa and &; to'Blelari lowa as it is In 1845; by H. Howe Parker. u . . - ) Kllio, or tha Human Comedy t by Cook. TbeHMdaa Path ; by Marion HarhnwL Atone; by Marten uarland. -< • • ■ Light and Darkness, or the Shadow of Fat& ( The Neveomes: Mem airs of a Hostßespect&bl&Paxdlly; by Thackeray. [ Memoir of the Bar. Sydney Boith. ; Isom’s Child a Novel. MAGAZINES. FOB OCTOBER. Godey’a Lady's &sok, Peiarsoo’i Bailout flag*, ezine, Journal, LeiUe’p Gazette^ HhUsdjohVWqnis, Yankee Notions, Putnam’s Magfilne > J3arpert' Knickerbocker* Art Journal. for September, Blackwood’s. Magazine for September. Together with oU other new Boqkaaafast as puUlahed. Bor sate by . . «,H. MINER A.tS).; ocU . , , " No.’ 32 Sadthßeld-sbraet Moot ana &hoe Manufactory. r rti- JAMES O’DOHHEEL & BSO.. Sgajf Would TespeetfOtlyintbrm the-citizens®®"! frs ?-* , At HO. 79 Bixa«Mlela »tre«t} j . In Wwvuaft houmsos, where thay .will be yre pared to flu all orders of cilery dsßaipUqn.&f Booto;ttnd' Blio6a at the shortest notice. „ " r: = In order to aeoommoaate all clasps of customers they will also keep oh sa| tt a apartment of the best eastern' work. fchttdron’awear. . , , * ; .*>£: - A share of Iha.pnNle patrottagbisrelleUed. Jmv2tfm * BAYARD TAYLOR'S NEW; BOOK JUST RECEIVED-- A Ytrit to India, China and Japan, in. the year 1853, by Bayard Taylor, bora’s Child. Ella, or the Human Comedy, (now supply.) Just recetrad and (ar sahrat. 11- - • i . W. A. GILDEtfSBNNEY 4.00. 8, eep2S gifth sU Opposite the Theatre. IjibANNEUS— A. A. MASON A GCLfcaveraaiiTed afrery: * large assortment of White, Red* and Yellow. F-iaoincia, • of every grade; also, a let of 20-4 SkirtingYlannela. ssp2B ,/••-■. c.;. -. Biaseiy * Bfoheyi REAL ESTATE BROKERS, comer of Seven* h apd Bmlthflald, streets, Pittsburgh, fa Farms, Houses, Lota. MiUa.Furnacea, Ac., "bought and. sold on coptml&don. lAcd Warrants, Bills. Bonds and' Holes Rape rial attention gVrcn to subdividing; Farms and flbpfcwmg of ibeo. Terms reasonable. '' ; ~v . ‘fep2Q; . . Wanted) ftnOO BUSHELS CLEAN PRIME RYRfor which tJUUU the highest market; price fa cash wlltbepald, by -r WILLtAMGUN^ER, Mt£4:dlw*vlt Ho. 299 Liberty st. Dlaaolutton qf Partnership. TUB Partnership formed by the ondersigned and Jakes O’Ncal, in carrying on ‘‘iho Camden Coal Wrirke,” under the name and style of JONES,O’NEAL ft MILLER, la now dissolved. . , *SAAO JONES,. July 7th, 185$. JOHN D. MILLER. DU £38 AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS.—A. A. MAsQN A 00. will receive on the ,14th of Beptembar, a splendid variety of new TrhamiogS, cdioprifiiDg— AU widths of Ploab ami Mrira Antique Trimmings; Figured, VelTeLfiloKs aDdTufted do Narrow Qaloon Trimmluga; Ribbon So Black Velvet Ribbon Ttlrpmingß- • • ' s^p!3 rriBIMMINQB—A larg6 assortment cf Dross and X Cloak Trimmings, of the most faahionabieatyles, Just reoelred by fsapl2| A. Su MASOS A 00. PICTURE, MIRROR AND FANCY ?itAttfc& OF THE most oomplete and finished style may bb'found at BQBCKIHQ’fI, on 8L Clair street, near the' Alleghany Bridge. This gentleman has also on band a splendid lot of Mirrors, somc of which in unique and beautifulfroaes. QlTehlinftcaH. r ~, 3 , F sgpl9 Wateheh Jewelry; Sliver'Wiire I A VERY BOPERIDg A»£OMMBNT or Cold and Silver t\. Watches now in store, from $lO to $275. We are the exclusive Agent for the sale of the celebrated 0. Prodaham f s Improved Chfindmeter Time4xepth Mso,' Y. R. Adams i Bon, BUddart, Cooper, Taylor, Johnson and oth&spproved Watches kept for sale at Ur* Oum SasUrn y7j*tej-iowing to lighter And a desire to retsln our home trade as mnoh as jioarible. Special kUantlon la devoted toLhe tspalring of Watches and docks, Jewelry, Ac. Silver Bpobus and otber goods manufactured In my own. shop. Tea Ware, Jewriry, Military and Fancy Goods in large variety. W. W. WILSON, aug2B , corner MaflUt and Fourth eta. Dry goods—wbqusaue asp Rmo—fall trade, 1855. A. A. MASON A 00 , Fifth street, 4 Are now receiving their Fail stock of Goods, embracing some Twenty-five Hundred Paekages, which have been chasAl at the large Auction Sales, from Importers and Manufacturers, and will bo sold at as low rates as be* purchased of the New York or Philadelphia Jobbers.. sep24 Fresh fbuits -200 boxes Raisins; , 10 mats Dates; 200 drums Figs; 6 cases Prunes; 2 cares Preserved Ginger; 6 casks Currants; r- ?. 20 kegs Beedles Bairins; Vy boxes Lemons; . - J ost reoeired and for sale by RBYMSS. A ANDERSON aep7 No - 30 Wood xe ’ e{ . ;r** mrß&xv/i#fAiutmA.zß&a M agst& jyV TOS«t9niNa ODOSB,wMtIT HIOTMCro* , BKits, No, "0 WoQd-ttrc»vlj»t?ireMiFonrtb etrart and Dl* | «ntf» i f n ®S»u, -waaaß? ******* *■-■■ « ; QUrree, finnti« —Mtaßora, - ; « - Stocks, i t JUsKI. .'ffSPajitt BdHfc;-™ ' i ***»• i> E“«»7}«? With a genetal assortment of good) Adapted lotba FdnileV” I 10-tmslper?, % ■* :c •- / cirv " '■■■-. - o-tl:3ra- p en rhyn (tlKnteli. ‘- —--. JL3 ; l FISK ASaoU.TMKNfoMheMduraWo #O4 Lean Ufa! , Imported MaatalsWiil'be cponwt fortnepeclloa, for the first tlnro 1q this city, at tbs FAitKIHOUSDS, After thadoaaoflhaExUb|tlon,lhey-'»l!tt»fi!B»lJit,th«MaiK,. 10l Kooms'bf WILLIAMS A aLLKM, corner ofSscßadknArt MwtqUtWWg.-.-yto, iwmagwawdb .«• fr>BliJs LIQUOIt3*-Ihave oa htrod.iiVeryfliieaaortmeirt JT'orpnroWlimßiinailrtjidli/.fUrffliiUWßßlpiirpMM. ThosowbhJii^iiiartldothdySlnrcryofjMßiilhjrgohnlfio.'o cm alwaykyurcbue It«t ~-t:•>■'■* M<!B; i FfiEsJu)a'B, t o-®; Oct? ’' ■ •- 1- ; ■ ; artier nnjmrtrul aod Market gt. :isbown'b KasKSCK OF JAMAlCAaraaßß—Another, IATOIIKLOIi’fi. ’&* K*i>, i beat Hair Dye la the worttL Twelve down received &' toetai ~: ;. v ; ,jpg. gLEmsg. -Is, [*WSSH BKDS JJK3—Ayejy Du gaand fine SBPPltmjflliof.' i Pla&XLßrashes, embtacingeTeryvarietyWafitTecM bji : OCM S m PIBMIKa. * FINJB HAVANA aSQABB~r > mflthOP . ropply Qf g9QciimHaT&nafBegagfc‘ .TboM<»Tflhtng . ;exeeUentsrttriebfBegߣec&n always nrecarerthns at " *' i 99 12. r t;SVSS:S . " 1 \/fl* tile genuin e U scasux : ixl Oil, for beautifying andprometibg thegrbwth of the ihalrjastrecelvedby *U)B, FLEMING, '■•* i o«t2 , • gorneMHl tirOod and M arket it IkQri'X : |7 that’ the slatcraantfl made concerning IhoproperUaSOf :C. Heixostieet A Hide- Cotorlcg r cui'ha : folly substandatetl byficttf a trial «*s» t viir soriKfy thflseriilog- c drlbus'oml ringolar : all the strength and hfalthy growthof yemth.' : It ia composed otoflamlatlmnltttlDgeplrits)«?cciapoohdgl - thatJfe.oaib optlwitb’wuHich ! safety, not coloring or staining the skin In UteldffltS.Ahl. it also .mpartß to tbrhair a.gtosrand"beBnt3mnll!re that • given by anv other snd ; lh ? crcry cage it will restore the naturalcolbrof tha balf,-*whare ake 6r slehixgaa k haSTnmed it gre?. > ortl ,v a ,s&jE;6lH?ai*gßT, C 3 Market st WB INVITfi set exomlnation^rbur's ment of BUEe- i -'' Sr -' J -* i? •* •" *r ,iTj “ 1 -' v ' * Bich BtxipedHairO'AcUqaa;. -3 •BaUnetripodan4:PltLidhllta; ! ;.-rr -;Black Batin Plaid Silks, (one yard wblcj) . j. v Splendid Black.Pl gored, Bilke ; r+ „. - Heavy PlainßltocSittß. £ : , ~ . ... , ocfl - -t *' l A; A.~MABON n *&» ilfth’at»V O TELLABHAWLS—Ac ettollent etjla O, BrodjaßorderJcfitroedvei, ‘ "| .7 , Mfl : ' : ,■'. .A. A. MASQH OKKIS.TKA : JXOBB,. Ko.BS,Firra X Mired, s largo stock of QREEM and BLACK TB4S>- eons'Bting of all Iha (Moront flavors anilgiaifisfponh»sea>. direoi from lEe heportert, for cash, «cd wllUffl said ttSol* - i kale and retail fttine.lowest.prie»» u *•.*» JaYBES,? \ cell- •• . IQaiette aaj g^ ja tth. m ,y.i , ,l-. „u ... t | LK.MU.vti —20 boxes ?reab Lemofla iU-'jo rrC]'ittxt;ullA lot* ealahy BEYJIEB-S-AMBBBSON? °° ll - • IHo.^WoMatwl-/- U81.5T8 AMD reeaved fttmrUlo FwtO' » ry,* find lotbfßhlrts; (PronchsfchotVlCh<*hC the new style Byron Collars, by j,i« 3 octl i iA. -HmSHPmp-A SILK SQIU.TA AND DnAWEtUMnst received r aixs9’ • Bortuhsnt of 3, B,- 9 and: 12- threi'da Bilk Drawers, of all sites, by • ! 1 ? • A .7VK-fi oca f - 1 L.HtgSHPlBL^yl^OSr Ot CARPS EB—J.o3t_received, a Dno assortment of biack^^Joinvllle''gcam,'Bnd ; "Oper«a2id Oxford TiaSybyT 5 .• '< BIBSHWELD;* BON, octl . >x. ; street Ci HELLAQ-irCaseiJaßi receivedkind lor. sale by. o.roca, v ;?LBMiNG:-giios, Lakd . octl » • . ; . iIHAIsK—I cask vscciyed and for Bala by i f V j octl t , - \ ; -- -FLKHINff BHOS. received and far"sale by, _ . fc "“' j octl /Veil 4iiM^EiDA--WDll^.ra v filVe4 acd for. Rale bx .q"oc!i - oj^SHTNorßftoa: Finn ulivk uil—l2 002 rwaißed-owimr sale ® -octl: f ... -. a,. ~, , r< , PLmKQBKOB NUTMEGS —200 ibs received-andfor sale "by octl , 4..., - i* t , s JfLKUINQ V 1 * . O octl : - -‘ V‘ J ’ . -irENIIV " v_ (AbnCS* CLUAKS—i-'A.-toASUN ' & COLIiISS. j-rarlety of Cftftr out} superior •*" x ,Cor tuve-ft'largo; all materials—'Mriru r &\ißque? > '~ J ' Cloaks* m and othdrcolora ofdoUi.* ■ t: ' pwwn OIX AOmiajuii?t,.., -w , wiMiu*g«jth' s| aada; gout frr - .Uourar tota2 Htmfl®, all! allej Tl-iVE;tH STOBE&NH tooOaomsssJsrt, JjL mentor - ’ *"" - v - ■' -- - >'- ■ -',«.■ SEASONABLE -. •->’srsietiiiJß^ : “^afhfclia^ey^ltef^'yffe^n'OflittinbsietS. ■ '" " .~ • 1 ■:-> Pjv. . t NKW l— —' ... i- W,ll-Thockerey;. ~... . Tb» hy Wmnlollyrtlo;' .-P ’ ■„ E&rtolV; _ /~' ,t p MemolrefEer Sydney Smith, by St«; Austint? The oiii Iron, bjJoseph Barnee, Br.; ' Poems, Jbj'JohtllKSolb; * . , M»ud,Sndb£hitj?<i#t%*it*lrf?d Tennyson; The Bcn'Etnir.brCnpt.'lltryitt-; -Ui f * 'FimnyrtliibCl'.fle Milliner; of.'tte Web endPdbr; The Yellow Hast, by Charles Oiehens; The fchoolbor,' »' ««- ' WetfPdßt'ftnwtejV *d T ‘ ■ • ■Bsmatirmtß! , , W.j^aitDSSKmßliA 1 C9.% Sep27 , l ao, u> * roureb.-pppaslte the Theatre. j. • : : •Stafca Sotteiifllea Aliaonau; *'' mma*) ! ■ ’■■■ 2000CocoaTJilLr,fresh." ! -- 1 "• ■. . . ait i-.naywiait.* *NiiMHans r »“6811 g.’-. -4 J.. .iga.3 ■: .y. A. Z TTfTTIOES3A.XB : AJra ttETAIL DHiCKSIit rDESAOES, tW'^^ '^ag«sSloirc^SßfiTrtSlStaJ^-H<nttetoW«ttf‘Jlat4- SlachiceaobQ Teals, Tin Pl&te, Hlifiet Iron. Wire 'Ae- -24'Norlli; Beccn3 Street, ■ (opposite Biuhlar'alloteU IIARBIgD.IIBg.;- ‘- 1 wtafcißm JSVUJIISf JUW-WB ' Lot Is. CoUsr WaU.bnmfor WB.einaU HottßeCllMaliO# Is In location far . rasldtmtxi; ftpd «HI be 801 l lov.uxd onlaTGtabla tnmlS. .ICUlff'gao'Lutt clear from InOTtohrsoics. Hntmirsd 11 HHO, P.' CIULMOIIH,. jy!3 S-. , .At Offlcs Ct ..Monilci! jMt. ■ Bneuraing geßooli'- m 0B StTHHEB BOABDIKOnOIIBB>-TBOOLKS,HOTEL and flrQanSa 'to bEaM'l&f HtOT fbr eilte tha shore parpoeea.;.Thß;h)rhan4 aaMgemeiit of tha hooao, tho bokhtjriitmh Ujil .Tsrlats: of,the ,gKmnlfl,'ahd the singular-sdrantinta orthe pcsjtlon. eccludod froni thlna obJoctionaMe.-reutlsr this a most.4«iixaWi. location ArrjamoJMiADißiU—. ..,v- . K -t. - fcgafcT<rtlltf«ftnfltffi? flaiftuotag.OctoEc l , gObcgnte; • do -,.' 20. do . >, P«toym , |»llSpM.wift.- ’ .. ,dO tedfis JmjCp £;~ 3® P«tsr6oo%wagaalno -’-" '• --- ‘ do;-.— Tjmkeft JfSfidntf*- l > do 13 do to- vU! 2O-pef any #tore in thtocUy. Bemember, tie place la at « a f *,*.-.45 ml- -v r '- -Jfcr^Wßx^Btreflt. 30TOBKB lIAQAZINBSf-/‘ ' JPntaamt Cfiff«fn*forOctober. Grahfl&fc '& dna «•« * s llii • \c-da- - T do testißVTßafcionHook * '•.fdOn-. Jostreeeltedandfiireatost.;! .. ■; O. IOtJU, bnrgh Almantc, MagftzblftAlmanac,-*nd Amef" lean Farae^9Atnransc,No;27,fir 1859, published end now ready forftufl'bfr tfjetpiantityVbyH ,: * f “ ;} ' JOHN B: feeet. Tor €al6,Blfi6,by , BU Alls* -febeny'Oityv'":' -- >----s6p2& Jjabxs-c. mean*. day bjj&aUxoad, Tnj for gala fey/ j ; (gapggj:* HESSY; fc COXiONfli '* UfcimtOOXTAtf £ nOHSß^«UnAt<tjaboaS:Solfc wHa it*. from bouse coatsios Jourlarjarwaasaiui ceti&ft&B&iaaairoandal 't?ilitchnlca4rtUttrOT r phtsMb.pestbes, Ac.; i lofchaaafniutsotSQ feet on ih e- Tamplfeo,iy PWeep.’ jprica* $760 ;sssa 4ft band, h&lanco at baa, Ago and three Uu> . ■ • 'Bsp+&> r> a OUTHBEET ASON.ia aifttkßtst. F" (OR BALE —A good yarm r edntidnlc^lo7-acte^eighteen.* aj miles belo*, the~clt£, mile-south of iha-Dhto’ clyat ; Tfeffogoa ° > aep2a lliro<< ’ ljl ° <t. t ABU, egar Nwr.Bri£bttitt, Baxnr CotmSJ&coatalning A aos fine atatft of .celUyßUon 1 19oa«redfKS»l«Iow. iL ~_,-, BepZS ... ... THO3. : WOOt>a,7S Foorth et. OBLV @4ot> f:r Lot ' . ground, 20rfe8t Geantnn i of 60 deep; 52i8 honfifrcontilnatwo roCaa&&3tdi&&ftnd *- ,ty A hydrantfotlie yi»fc at ofcB*«ar. "'••• A'-*" jalnder • 68p26 • • ♦ * ■'*»■:-<‘i .s',:■** r. «£3*bdpe*¥*,soNi / j RhY OLOAKIHQ OL&THS-jßat ncOn*- 1 * 4 gttwl. AJT mess '<x_kaMaor'eia4^ot':^urr:SSo^;: , d,'an inwrt- OlsaKs. ' * ■!• ; J ■' Isepjffi V. 1 ’ ~ ‘£?A?f*Z&t to Udl of. ,. ' ' IBIBU UHEBB-J.. A. MAWM . 2 casta of tbs best rn»Vi-B of Iri< bare jufit opened grade. - • - - jh Unms, tJerenr ' rrr=s. *'feted yoi -stpM/ STjatLA aHAWI.«_»n uainf f ~ fttahicirithle wtotßcfßtelUg',',' gent rfcli ami -moat. «MOlMwl»l^Bet/cteip T> JUfEMfrip 1 4 fk HKB!.iEJQIi4W>r-< ■2k.». A » v i N;H.„Jnn« 9th, 1863. SSsf^^s^s&srss •SJS&SS^sssssasgM tty S^jSSP???!ft°°? '*«>'hJhtetftwlcUoß that it la B /*?0% S \- r £ a £^ a Veimifagfe.yot hwsttn?gach;la mj ran* awgiftatSßoaiia^iMmi iMBMaa-J-gmi!, gj®[}pK Jk C3O-, corner of Wood and lira? itxeeta, P^£ta» ; ~ .-"'' $ i ( - M' aai& TJOJilpfiT Very largo antL elegant Bpyrrt -3J tnout cf Bonn*! Ribbons* of tbe newest styles. Inst receded per Exprem. (aepJSj a. a. MASON * r ~ AiXVfI, t Jiflh BtyCppoailo ttal3matr&. \ %. \ V \ \L-,