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V\v Aiy'p c i»' I.x {» \ : «. c ' <! i?<H . r r- ■■ *' fc- t '°*s K r in r . 1 t r ;' ’■;;>,] 'A' Ji'i ( -'f ,:•■,- r ‘^v * J 'Tr ' I y>f 1 U’! ■ S B'4MirAA\rr <^ : ?'* ? ‘ '•'-% rjWij ’ r '' '1 felSfelgSjffe:: 1 7s ,» I wMMmomm utesip i : A a A! : - ■ - ra^Mi :1 c V?‘- r -«; ‘ £ %£ ?;:-,. -I. t*-.. fj 1 ' v.-r'.i.i*.*-' i. tf*> '• V-' - i ~ V_ %,X) t y -i-’ Sf'* ,’ I •=> 4 '.K- “ri-tv . "S' '■«. - ;: :\ k< >^n^vrs*vir^.Wvrv;.TCAn*C- ;•.>*.•' ? 'i''r \’'?\ -v' '; : "•’_■•■ 4 't ; " a r " '•' f r^.- r -4;r.-^rv}- X-» ’<»-t -t: Z-~ ' *- ' '• ?■.*'',-*• .’•■ ri- •-' ,; -' L ’ : rj «(,,-* -■'!> ••:■ ■" *; : v: { ’•->•'/■ «t : /i vj;.:..','/ v-JiJ_,• ’J-'.- .. 'i ' f V. *■’'■ •• '.'■-•• "’■ 1 '- r . '*'V'" ' f'' r ' - s' V ‘V. ’-■ .’-I - -'- -A '.;V - o - , io&C^Nt .‘ O*C C £-' ’--. /. . ~ r?..-■;. 4? w- !-.>V *■ ■--„ - - y! _ V * . 4-' w < , 4 " 4 -y,* r'\ -m '••'•^A - *>.V> - A'*-?- "-.s -• vr'v';">. * t^?-, *r’ •;■ *fr v** v 5..**, a* o ; /< • J fr , 1 h - .'■* , ft; , -r/y.-'.f'^'fr.^.rjr.'4t:.f'/ ( (1> V -.: 'C\ v- i f ’- -‘s, ',i; , t“ i‘ fr •; • ‘ , ' ' i-' ■ l ‘i"'--1 w ~’,'( ' l' S „. o' 0 -' h-; w , /- T»*- ‘v g. f - -J lu -,, 4 . ,*J I i'n .T '•' ‘f f, 1 - [r • -• "• • - '■•* .. i ?■ ‘.*.5 *- DAILY MORNING POST: Priatataml fabUthti aav momtao (Stadast exiptid,) by aaiißoaii a boswobbbt, OS TQI HOIIH-WI3T COISH 01 WOOP AKB HTTB SMB*- Martin Doiim • linn, 61xDoiur«YflllBT»ii*Wjb. nqilwl If not p»M within.th* nik , »v A®? Single eoptee m aoTO—tor «tle at thtoounter to the officsrnnd nytheNsWß.Eoja» . <ti , . ' THE BAnrBMTMOBHIirfI MBI PahUihei from th.«B. oOro, on •J£ g *J£SIE2!!SSL ■OwV** TWO BOLLAKB • jar, In oilTdeo. nlngUooplM " will bo tooonUnnnl anlmnt tbtdlnr* onortooPrOTTlotnn,)anil) »U urounm »rt>P»M. Sgr Ho .turnttm »m b. J" "2. onl,r ?“i5 s *£"* ■ankaij'hT tho money, o7 aetMictorj referents in this dtr« *i ®* Cwmatei wua 0* StiobiUhmoii OmMorntog it onto/ IhtlaruutM frinUnn Q&cttin (hi cUy, vhtn aU 1- ananioif reaion* a MtltnM. - . . .. ’ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt. C. CL. SptOOli Attorney and counsellor at law—office, No. Foqrlh street, Pittsburgh, Pa. declldy ~ ir ' r Junei A* Lowil«f ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, . betweca aTnlthflold streetand Cherry alley. [dadldy JOHN BARTON, _ AXXORNET AND COUNSELLOR AX LAW, "Office, corner Fifth end Great vtf«, 1*3:1/31 pmsEtmoa, pi. ' ThonkM Aeent, Attorney at law and bouqitob in ohanchby. Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. myi B* P. Rou, ~ t ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, , Pa., fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson's Liter/ B table, O. Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Offioe, Fourth street, above Wood. 1/4-7 R. B« Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Cb<rry alley and Grant street. . Jefcy J. R. SlUlowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—office in Bakewell’s Buildings, on Grant street, je2 D* a* Huen, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 127 Fourth street above and near Bmlthfleld. mar27:y Patrick MoKeuna, ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD. OFFIUE oomer Grunt and Fifth streets, (former)/ occu pied by Aldem&n Lewis,} where all business pertain lug to the office of Alderman and Job lice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. febl:Sm IB* Buekuaiter, Aldvrmfm. OFFICE, Grant street, between Fourth st. and Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examin ed, A<i j* 3l ? William Wilson, Alderman. OFFIOB No. 447 PENN street, between the canal and O'Hara street. Fifth Ward. AU business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended to. Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with oeataoaaandAes patch. feblitr_ „ , B« AHh, BURGEON DENTIST, <*uc cessor to G. W. Biddle,) Mo. 144 Smith.tiebl hoars, from S to 1 o’clock, and rom 2 to 6 o’clock. feblfoly J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, fire door west of Market. VZjfrWF Office tiooia From nine A. M. to Art p. M_ dggfry BUSINESS cards. suftio b ctjnuxa— _...nonoAW uontstsoa edwa&d nrrnEibai mraat l. busctwalt. Curling, ftoberuon * Co., MANUFACTURERS OF CUT, PRESSED AND PLAIN FLINT GLASSWARE, ware ho use No. 14 Wood street, corner of Front sweet, Pittsburgh. ah other kinds o! Glassware and Window Glass, st lew market prices. _ _ _ apli:dly Jacob flt’Oollister, IXrHOLESALK and ratal! Cigar manufacturer, and deal- VY er In all *~inds Q | Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 26 Fifthstreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. , lV j®- Keeps constantly on hand » large supply of all tiw v arious brands of Imperial Cigars . _ . _ John Moorhead, -wTT~nOLE3ALK GROCER, AND CO4LM.I&SION MEU- W CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metal and Blooms, and Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittabnrgh. !*£** piuTarnum..-..' - —*«»*** j.aabsasoN. Reymsr A Andersoni (Successors to doshua Rhodes A Co.) WHOLESALE dealers In foreign Fruits, Nate, Spice*, Confectionary, Sugars,An, No. 39 Wood street, oppo site tne'St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. &p 2 —— Henry H. Collin*, Forwarding and commission merchant, and Wholialo Dialer in Cheese, Butter. -Seeds, Fish, and Prodace generally, No. 25 Wood street. Pittsburgh tmarH “—" " : B. T. C. Morgan, BOOKSELLER ANB STATION ER—has always on hand a generat agsortment achool, Mlscellaneans and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac., tail No. 104 Wood strest, below Fifth, East aide, Pittsburgh 43- Wanted, Rags and Tanners* Scraps. *_P. v _ - *W - wcArrso.t, IMtsburgh. r ; v : Miller A. YUcteUlhn, _ -riTHOLE&ALE GROCERS, Importers of Bandies, Winee W and Begara—Nos. 172 and corner of Irwin and Lilwrty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nafis, Cotton Yarns, Ac., constantly on hand. ** Wm. Oarr A Oo i , fWm. Carr, late of the arm of J. Parker A Co.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in Foreign W ines and Brandies, Old MoaongaheU and Ilectibed Whis ky, No. 329 Commercial Row, Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. j i —p, R. Oravo, . diamond, JPitUimrgk. rh- DRALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, oHerfi f-*r sale a choice stockofG roceries, solecte i for family bpice® of every variety and the purest quality, ground at Li* Bteam MlUa. Also, Dried Fruite, Foreign and Domestic, produce taken in exchange lor merchandise. . p R. D. has procured a fall assortment of Landretb s warranted Garden Seeds, and invites the attention of all in terested in rural affaire. W B K3OU3U —i. AICEAJLDSOH J. 1. JMHin. BaelUta A aicbtrdaoni COil MISSION AND FOBWABDISG * Qti Wholesale Dealers in Pish, Bacon and J^ nd v^? duc f Kenerally. Warahoas© tonnerly ownpled by Barbridge A KgWn, No. 116 Water and 1W Jflrat street, BUtebargb, Penoa. ■ ■ OoxntnUaioa Hoai#« THB subscribers hare opened a boose tor the above pur- BOX, at No. IT SmlUmald street, roar doors abors Uui Moaonmhola Houre. WoiriU pdrehjao, or rmelvo, on »m -million, lor role, consignments ol Flour, ®*°5 a t r ® b *f““’ Oorn, Data, Barley, flax deed. Grnmßeed, Baled Hoy, Ai . upon whloL «• WUI mako adrancas. or lbeb.«l market rates for cash (aof6) . ALGBQ » _ "7 James Bri*ftP!r&.lftn»~ __ v . DBALBa IN GttOCfiaiiiE, PBOuOCB, FLOOR, DAOON , and First streets, Pitts bornb. P». -B?! 6 jobs a. imran—-—.anoa. n. xaxata raascia u socao. T. B. Fcnnff -A Co. li ANT, 4n packing far land and »ater carriage. ' aORSI Clothing and furnishing store, Uwonio h*u. Fifth Btre*t, Pittsburgh, Clothing made to * Q good etyle, and at moderate taiga, M^ u 11. « A C. Drnietu, xrrHOLESAtB OEOOHBa, and Dealer* In Prodoe*. *or- W sign wines and Lhjoor*, Old ilonongahela and Rh* tldi Wbt»>T. No. 291 ÜbartyaU Wtt»bgrgh.Pa. |J?^7 A. TlndU, ~ _ Ggjj&fS WHOLESALE and Betafl Saddle, Harness WBRTnink, Valise and Carpet Bag manufacturer, Tr * No. 106 Wood St,, Pittsburgh, Pa- J. 11. Mallor, ’ ITT HOLES ALEand &«Uil Dealer In Murical lnatromenU, VV Pianos, Music, School Books and Btatfamary, No. 12a Wood etreet. John W. Butler * Co., AND COMMISSION MKM HANTS— r Dealer* in all kind* of Pittsburgh maoofeotum, Uad Pipe and Sheet Lead, 67 groat street. i _ Bnterprtia W arks. Vo. 136 Wood ttr&L, third door below VirptnalUy. BOWN A TETLEY would call the attention or Sporting men to their large asaortment of Guna, Bill** and Re volving Pistols, the largest and best selected stock ever opened Id this market, together with a general assortment oHlanlware, Cutlery, Tools and Pishing Tackle, all of which ve offer at the lowest possible prloee to cash purchasers, or for good approved paper. ”*** Copartnership Biotlee. f u.uu THIS DAT (April nth) associated with me I m££. bAMU a OLANKV both of whom bar. been tor many year, to my establish, ment, nod are already extanatrely and fnyornbly known to Sr (Stomas'nod the public generally a) iraperiot work men, and of enrrect business habile. We hope thleunlon of oanerience and artifiUo skill--especinlly to the watch de partmcnt; by keeping a larga and well selected stock of £oods; by selling et moderate prices, and by eloea attonUon StmslnMi, to merit aliberal ehare of T “ Si frlenSand the cnbllo In general, who here tor many year, past eo liberally patronised my business, I return my tbankeTand solicit tor the new tnn a eontlnnance of siml tor favors. , W. W.WU.tWO. Pittsburgh, April U, 1866. KWELK afknd BILV KRSMITIIS, 67 Marketsireet*corner Fourth. filear Cosoh and Carriage Factory 1 JOHUBTOU, BBOTHEBB & CO., Ctrncr Jltbew* miji Bdmont ttrtcU, Allegheny Oity. ■ . m WOULD respectfully inform tbelr friends the public generally, that theybave commenced the manufacture of Carriages, Ror.lt&gava. Buggies, Sleighs end fiharlnta- taali their various styles of 'finish and proportion. All orders vill be executed with strict regard to durabili ty mdhesnty of finish. Repair* will also be attended to on thamost reasonable terms. Using in all their work the beet Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will be oerfectiy satisfied on trial of Ihtdrwork. *purchAae& Are requested to give os a eall, before purcha sing elsewhere. , I JoHKBTOB j>. T. JOJUOtOT «- mun ElceUtor Carrlug* Factory. v-ohhotos, bkotheb a oa, pbactioal coach ofisheccaand Belmont street^ ahmvtail,~p£ib*™ aa »« mmatotoring »o SSnriirt eSortmant or Oarriagoa. Bnckawaya, Bukrlm, vra fjnirrn Bnio ■ It" mado 1q alt thalr rarloafl rtylrft, with S&'SSdlodirablUtyandbountyofflniah, using In *» IS? iIK (ha besUaniata Iron and eastern hlokory. Re allwho mss law* Uwm wltnUwtt patron- M .ni OB trial o( their work. ‘rbJrttoiwh !&.sttKste» Omnlbn*. fif teen mlnntea daring tha dny. ° eLai,lJ PITTBBUOOB COAOH FAC T?®-^„ il bzqklov Klims L- Otoaoi /auiat. B>aa ro^EBBoßaToK.wf.BiaEloW f No <6 Diamond alley, Mir Wood street, litts- W»t to ordar, and finished In a manner nnanrpWße o tor beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of tror*iu»n«“'P» and durability of materials All work warranted. WHf H. PaTTKRSOS’B « livery and bale STABLE, dTO&T mond street end Ctierry alley. apr!4.-tf PrrTSBPBGH. PA. lAADOI LJSMON BYlU)i\ JUI" 80 *' (assorted do la stow end for sale by 1719 89 Wood Eh, oppciJW tha Bt Gh*de« Bot«L ->•, & v -j . i »» i~ >c *> , - frr *i * .X *1 r.‘ , f. - “ PUBLISHED DAILY. BY GILL MORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE ‘‘POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF FIFTH WOOD STREETS, AT VOLUME XIY. BUSINESS CARDS. JoaepH Fleming, Cfeoociaaoa to l. witoox*e col ORNER MARKET STREET AND .DIAMOND, keeps consumtlv.cn hand a fu U assortment of Drags, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles.pertain ing to his basin ess. - - .~s . Phyridans 1 Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. ; jobs nmnta..... * oooerah Fleming Brothers, (BCOCIBSOBB *o J», tli>D * 00,J WHOLESALE DCGUIBTB, No. 60 Wood street, Pitta* burgh, Pa. .Proprietor# of Dr. U'Laoe’a ‘Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ao. John llaftt Jr.i | SUOCKSSOa TO JAMS H'dAFFSt.I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer in Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff*, Ac-, Ml Wood street, three doom b*low Virgin »il«y. Pltt.borgh. »pr4rm*«ly _ ' R. Jj.Allon, WHOLESALE DEALER IN VOKttIGNVVniEB, BRAN DIES, OIGAJiB, OLD MONONGABKLA AND HI E WHISKY, Ac., also, Rectifying DUtiiler, No. 8 Wood street, Pl w“tn°sf l ßranaioa. Gin,, Cordials, Jamaica Spirit., Bt. Croix and NV»England Rom, Olarsta, Champalgnoa,Bcotoh Ale. London Brown Stool, Irlrh, Scotch, Bourbon, O d Bommgahola Rya and RecUßad Whißky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry «nd Blackberry Ert miles ; imported Haven*, Regalia* and Principe Cigarft; UaU-Spaniah and. Common CHgftrt, all at such low prices os to challonga competition. floor Bar Kegs and labelled Bottles of every style, anti Demijohns of all sines, I respectfully invite u uuiih* ttoTol my stock, a* No. 8 WOOD Btreat, PUtcborgh, Penna. apr^iy Jkoei Melliugar* MOHONQAHKLA PLANING MILL.-Would respectful-: ly Infirm bis friends and the public,.that his new « ; tabltabment 1b now In lull operation, and that he is pro tared to furnish BoatCabine, add fill all orders for Planed, .lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and plant, planed on ofae or both Bides, constantly on band. . . gash, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, madeto or &Uldera anACarpenterswould find Ittotbelr advantage to give him a call,*® he can now furnish them with planed stuff suitable for every description of work- wn a. ;•••«*« csewau. Herron * CrUwell, , BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS. end M.nufictuTerß of »ll kinds of Bra« Work, Locomotive Steam lingioe, Plumber®, Ac. Abo, Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. 4EJ“ Old Brass and Copper taken Iti exchange fir work, or cash pall. Orders left at the foundry or Ofoce, will be promptly attended to. _ _ fftbO Iy_ nfoalyf ...........n. axnuausa *• j. uiurv. Graff, Relslnger * Graff, WESTERN POCNDBY, No. 124 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Cooking Stove* Plain and Fancy Orate®, Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Stoves Sid and Dog Irons, Hollow Ware, Portable Forges, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Stove Kettftw, Wagon Boxes, irohlfi w u kuivu.... vr w. auta- j . u. uCUTER. Smith, fflair ft Hunter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMIS* SION MKRCIitNTk, and Dealers in all Hods of }*lttebnrgh Manufacture*, 122 Second and 161 First xtreet, Plttuburgb, Pa. i*' I !'*. _ rpilE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (lale J ;■ 1 . 0-1 1 sum A Stockton,) and Blank Book and Statumerj Warehouse, is prepared to execute every style of Legal, Commercial. CanaJ and Steamboat Job Prtutin.' and Book Bid Hug, aud (urulsh *i *>rv article i u the Blank Bock , r*p«*t and Stationery line, at the ebertest notice and on the inunt ‘amenable term*. Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, Printing (.►dice od Book Biodery, corner of Market and Srrond »ts , r»«-» (6 NortU-Waataru Police Agency, NO 89 WASHINGTON STREET, corner of Dearborn, CHIQAUO, ILLINOS. ILLIA PIKKIRTOK. DKVOfI TUMB ATTDmOH TO TH* TRAjtKACTCOS Of 1 URSULA! DETEOTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In the States of Illinoi*, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana, mhlfhdtf fiotloe. riMIE l.tc firm of JONES A UUIGG, baring K«>n dissolf- J_ ed by death of John - ?. Qnfgg, on the 27 tb fast, tbs business of gaiiltirm will be settled by th® uodorsigued, at their office, eorner of Rose aud First streets. ISAAC JONES, Surviving Partoer. rittobargh, September *j, l«i51— L oct2ry Manufacturer of spring and im*tar steel, plough Blab steel, steal Plough WiugE; Oo»cb and EllpUr Springs, Br»» Nut Taper, naif patent, Scr«*. Mail, and Hammered Iron Arles,— comer ot Roes and Fir*t etrast*, Pittsburgh, Pa. oci-i fy ■ ISAAC joaxs „ P. u. Roger* A Co., Manufacturers of users' paujt improved st«ei Cultirator Tentt. corner Ross and First gtr^ei. octSdy . . _ ... 4-- - - pTttaberffU Hiding School. a BOBBRT H. PATTKHSuN, Proprietor, corner Waf Diamond street sod Cherry alley. The subscriber respectfully announces to the end‘ men of Pittsburgh, that he has recently erected • Rl DUitl BOUOOL, which tn point oralze, commodtoueneas end ada;>- tntion, undeniably excels any similar estnbiishmentiauhe Onited Btales. Its Locution ia seeesaiblfl from all pertt cf the dty, while its high end airy situation renders lt«pt etaliv salted to the promodon of health, by thh* meet »gren able exerel». The horses are docile end well trained, frn J the proprietor pledges himself that no or. txpqu* will be spared to this establishment lha first toibe confidence of tbepnhHc- octX^i tllohard v. Becking* * ■ MANE FACTU R K R OV UILT, SILVRR. BRASS, bronze, lass, portrait anb Jjc -I?rR FRAMES, Plain and. Ornamented, No. S\ Bt CSa'r «tr«*C All kinds of Composition Ornament* Xor boat#,* Ac. Ail kinds of Gilding and fto giiding, lo ord*-r OiltMouldisca for Frames, wkoicsalaaad retail jarOtan Oil Paintings, £ngraring» end lithograph*, for eaid lmpaired or ddiced.OU Painting* restored ml be best manner. , . ,vi 1 u Ail Frame* and Mouldings manofaetored in IhU lUbmeot may be cleaned without injury, with eoap And * OaH and we. No. 21 St. Clair at,, IHtfrbonh- [mhjfrtf jTwuitb. ! XTSSVHAV BLIND MAUD PAOTTOKB, hts motW V bin health sc a* to resume bis old bail naan, end .ha* PMtiad hi« BUND M AND FACTORY f at No. «5 Fifth Stfret. over the Poet office, between Wood end Bmltbflald, where h e hw an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain hod fancy worsted and Mlk trimmings, and in prepare td Ml any Order In hlf lihe, on tbe moet reasonable »m*. -UU work is warranted to give satleiactioo or monryrefuodttl. .tn.pehlp'" r '' -' ' ’ ' ~ '? y • notice. ' . :;V I HATH sold my Interesting bustoMsoe A-Co,toß. A.itmg,.irSo, wltoiobn unue .ftoeold stand, Ktf.'W ihbnt Btreet. 1 ™fd,atl» re commend toe new arm to toe patrtmeg. of my Mends. Pittsburgh, July 59,1864. P. a. MILLHI. aA. um - - jao. rmrirre. So A. loOiag A Co. t ' BEtLAND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND OA9 PJTTKUS, InTite attention to their stock of Chamieß*™, Bt<a<-k* pte, Pendents. »nd other Bxturea. We at up Qas and Steam, make BTa&« Cartings of all tooda to ofder, i farolsh Railroad Pomps and Tank Fitting*, and keep Anti- Attrition Metal constantly on hand. notice. DALV'B STOCKING MANUFACTORY.; v„ 20 Fifth strut, first corner abox* Market ttreq, ' PITTSBURGH, I’A-, f , WHERE will b« fonnd the largest and best aMqrtea Btock or EOSIEBV erer offered for sate in thU pity Purchasers wiU find It to their advantage to call at; thtj establishment and examine for themselre*, Stteail I bred to Insure their custom. . O.Dih*- N B jtejnambsr the OheaC'Stocknto Coawea. fabi.-y - D lP' Consume the Smoke. THE subscriber hating the exclusive fight to mannfan tuwondeell SWEENEY’S HOT AIR AND CONSUMING PORNACE, Is prepared to receive contract tor beating buildings with the moat (connßb Furuaca now in o»e. v De attention of those V* solicited. Any information can be * ’ Wm 2 and 4 Wood streamer of J. BA RNDOLiiAII, deemfj ‘lron City Stove Werehoos*. No. 131 WoodjßL J4MIS 1. 11DU» • Itcdllt & ViSDlf (Successor# to Mulrany * Cedlle.) . f MANtTTAOTOKHIIS Of Oat, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers Jn all kinds or Window Blais, flask*, Viola end Bottles. W»r» house corner ot Market and Water streets, Plctebur B b. mh3uily Removal. ‘ Ci IUHSEN, Manufacturer of every variety rf ylals, Bottles and Window Glass, Black Porter, V iup and Clarei Bottles; DemOohna and Carboys; also, Pilot‘Ulmb iu every variety. Warehouse, Noa. 104 Becond, and !•« First street, Plttßbnrgb. Pa. 1, W# CJbadwlokf ' 1 Dgai.gß IS KENTUCKY L BAS TOBACCO, BAGS AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below flixtbJPitta bigheet market price, In CASH, pa«l for RAGS. . apgQfly*-, jobs ATvrm Arwollf L«e A Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and OomnlisslOD Merchants and. Dealera In Pittsburgh .Manufacture®, No 8 Wood street, between Water and Front sLrwjurfPittfr buieb. .... *P I8 _ DlMOlutlon of Co-Pftrtoeralilp'. 3-MIK CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore drifting between JOSHUA EBOOKS and PHILIP RETMER, to the feolesale Fruit *ad Confectionary Bufllntsa, Ifl tins Jay JlflsOlTed by mutual consent. The bostoes* of the flxau will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, wbo lfl autt>or*r«lito re cetot for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA. BUOUE&, March 21th, 1866. PHILIP RKYMBB. u»<<«rgigned bare this day formed a Partner ship under the name, firm and style of BJ!YM*R £ AN* DBttSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Prult and Ooofeotionarj boaioaoa, No. 39 W “ < j{,‘ L t I r “^ KyMKl [ BOUT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1865. JB&- In re tiring from the Confectionary business, I cheer fnllr recommend Messrs. Reymer * Andarvon to my friends and custom«ra. -WBHUA W10W» Pittsburgh,March 271 h, 1866. a P* Removal. SPRINGER HARBAUGU A CO. hare removal to No. 286 Überty BtreeU SPUME* BAESMCffI gpriwgarllarhaugh A Co., /SnceeSßOt* to 8. Harhaugh,) /-'.nmnsalON A*D SOBWABDINO MERCHANTS; f j°Dealen In Wool anil Prodnos ganoially, Wo 2»6 Übertj aw*, piiaburgb. P*- * P ® ”v. * _• *•>-L * «. , -.y? J A, •-, < V X'• •• V' •'*V' £. *!' '.*7V -~*T. , rV' V * t ' - ' ’ ,v •*. W'* * * . *• ■ „ '?■ , * *1 T . - ’ * , \• W V* ' 'f ■ •O:J* "sV 1 ! c «*v>Vi»V* ■ KAKUFACmJIBMP OF S, tinven .n b aor».ih3. Ptnbtrton A Co. laaae Jouti, ,d. b acx.ria PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. PITTSBURGH* THURSDAY; OCTOBER 4, 1555. BUSINESS CARDS 1. L. Maraliull, . nfccesaor to 11. Los.) WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MEEOHANT, No. 130 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. R<jtrtnct— W. M'OHntock h Bros.; Kramer A Rahmi Brown A Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tii-man.* Co. Pittsburgh. May 24, 1866-^oy24:3m*) 'll&ti and Capa rsst, WK woold Invitethe ottomiou of oar frlendaand / a the public to a splendid assortment of HATS and wh*ch we are cow opening for the Bummer trade, which for-beaut/ of style, exceeds anything ever of fered in the city, or wustof the mountains. Wfi- Call and examine for yourwdtea. ** J. WILSON A 80N, ap6 91 Wood street, mtabargh. nli.oluUon of Co-t>»rtn«r*lrtp. riUIK nusl UP .tmWQSTO.N/.aOQOES-A CO, Pro»rl«- I tors oftb« PITTBtIDRQH NOVEI.TY ‘WOIIKB, «u jwcUml by Ibe'dentb of Mr. Joira J. Homes, on tbo lltn of Ma*chlast. The business of theNOVEWW WORK 8 will be con tinned in alt Its branches by the rfurvivlog partners, U»der the name and style of LIVINGSTON, OUPKLAND A 00., who will also settle up Lhe aflalreoftho Ute hr a. I, R. MVINGfITON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. K. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh, 4, 1866.} W._D- juua sa'cuisaii ... coansuos k'cu>sxxy. jbhn fl'Oloakey * Co. f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING MER CHANTS, Nb. 88" Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pe. The subscribers respectfully inform their old customers ant lhe public lu goaoral r tbat they hare this day associa ted themwrtve" In the above business, under the firm of JOHN ITCLObKKV A 00. They rtrspectlUHj sollcil a share oi public patronage. jt .... Th* previous businocscf -each will be settled by them wives respectively. _ Hoots end Shot*. JM’LAUGUMN, Nb/06 opposite , the Mayor's office, Is raonufacturtiig Gentlemen's first Bc-U.-Low Shoes, tlcsaudbuttohtd*, CofcgteßS aoUßuttnn ed Gatiers; Ludirn’ Boots, Half Boots, Jenny Llndfl, Slip pers. nud Freocb I.ashlng GaltPrP, ot every color and shade; taucy Kid and Satin tlHlters, o! materials; Mi«aes and Children's do., of *v*ry variety , ■ > H All kinds made to on short noting Soldier*’ - Mounty Land* anil Claims agaimi Uovirnmeut. IV, 1 LI, procurr Bounty Laud Warrant*, for Soldiers,their Widows and Minor Oblldren, and attend to business In the “ Court or Claims,** recently established by Oo Ofllre. No. 148 Third street, on* door above SmUbueld at. March 19 1855—(uihW) OBAftLKB NAYLOR. Navr Reed Store. JAVfES WARDUOP otr**re far sale CANARY BIRDS of th»* mont improved brwd, being very hardy, and fine siueer.-t. Bird Semis—Canary,Hemp, Millet, Hope and mix* h.l Se«*.l Bouquets a iil to furnished composed or the finest K LOWERS, viz. Oamella*, Hose Buds, Heliotropes, Ac. Evergreen* (In pots) for Christmas Trees, torn the Seed find norii.-ultural _ ®!?*L Bounty Land*. undersigned continues to obtain Bounty Land War -1 r» U L«. The present bill gives to alt who bars served in »nv war ainoe 1720,1 Cu arreft. Term* moderate. J LUKE COCKBHOOT, 37 Diamond alley, m v between Wood st. and Diamond. ( okl Work* lor #»!«• cy IXT? TUBKK ACRtiSOF LAND, with 250 B-arw off Coal uttflPliwJ) and ftll 'lh« lmpro*«m*ut*tbt»raoo to *occ6ft*- lul oi»~r»i»»u Said Farci UsUuaird on tb« M noDgnb»<U ritff mile* above FiHfburgb, aod U auppLod elth ft Vsuin Hi.uh«, Barn, Tenant lions**. Orchard, Railroad, ftod an e*i‘«*llet»l harbor Tbu veto Of Cnal is five feet Uilcfc,and cannol be ear pass cJ i-M»r No. 235 Liberty street. KitnuiTioN koujt Foil INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agency for iho Purchase and Bale of Paten Eights and Patented Articles MOSES F. KAr<'\ .Vo 6U /hurt'i tlrrrl r IMIK suUcriUrs hat>» tjug been acquainted with Mr. | i. MuaiiH F. and Uvr- op habitation iu recom- j mending hun, to all who m-y *»i-h u» employ but eerrict*, i Mb gentleman of undmibwa Integrity and indefatigable in tfustTT in whose exertions rTery nrllanco may bo placed. berHle » Cr*ig, W. Eobinaou, Jr., W li Penny, John Orabam, Jainen Wood, H. Childa 4 Oo , P. ft, Friend, N. Holmes 4 Sons, Koap * U nlit, Kamar.4 R&hm, Urn rbiJl'|«s L. it. UTlnsston, WiU»n M’CandleiW, Vm Y. Johnston, A W I/>otnij*. Andrew Pulton Pittsburgh, hoT«mber2Tth,lbsd. noy27;dtf VV riling ClMSttMUaff'a Coliegi* IAHI6 lleniloineo and Ladies’ Day and Kventng Writing ClMsen will continue open during the «atnmor under Mr J, D. Williams, whoso rarioua styiefl of Ueotlemen and Ladles’ Writing are «o universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are exhibited at the door bat those executed br the Teacher in the Institution. The Principal claims no *• monopoly " nor pater,t ” for bis business, nor did he get L»« fnutitullon chartered to Bell ouL, a* baa been repeatedly thiscily. A > , , .. aod LadW Visiting Cards written In Mr. Williams’ style. All kind* of Ornamental Pen manship pxecoledjo order. mytSAdaw flew Offlcf. THE enbeoricmr b*> opened an INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, at No 410 .LiUru.v street* tilths wail- known oflict of John Thompson, £hip Ai^ot; and as be has been Exploring Agent Tor the Young ll»*o‘.mbh><?©ctet/of PRts burgh for oaarly two year*, Ufttt*r* himself that bis knowledge of thv city and its tf»«s bt*i gnatfacilT tUfl li* furnisUiog.houseke«wrs wltn help, and &*o in find ing place tor tw vs,'girls an fall others seeking employment. The patronage of the public Is pollened. Term* easy, asuj eranr etlort used In gtra general satisfaction. jell.tf GABRIEL RARE. ' ' Ai AUllkco A. Co. HAVK OX HAND, et thfir esirfUßlr® CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No « SmUhAold ntreet, 6 l*r<* assortment of Fancy and Plain Farnltare, which will HI 15 per oeui. below customary rates. Term*—cash only dec37 ly 'WuiTk* SttTcitson cootiuu«s to maoul*e «l ture CABINET WARE of d*scrlpUou, at hi» tatejoU ptftDd, corner of Libcnj and Seventh streets. /*| I UXDERTAKLNC attended to, In all tti branches. Mjll Charles DarotCt, nORSB BHOEB AND BLACKSMITH, has erected a nev and commodious Brick Shop on Ohetry alley, between Third and Konrth Streets, where he t* prepared to ro all work In bis line with tbe ntmoft promptitude. Having bad long experience In thebosinees, be respectfully solicit* the patronage of hit old customer* and the public generally. _ GRAND PIANO. MADE BY NUNNS & CLARK, NEW YORK. TUIE PUBLIC o ! Pitlaburgb and Allegheny U respect- I fully invited to call ei the Manic pf the eubacribew, No. 63 FIFTH ST., IToilOrAnd PI«VOf pri oa #10.00,? ® 0 ® from the Factory of NUNNB A M«W I elegant instroxaent Is «»de in SlYLtf,” the ornaments, front piece* end ings being «Uw>- lately cam* not ol SOUD HOSUWOOD. It la fail eereo oaUtes, of the Urguatdimenebruvond, la pointed toluma, power, and liquid sweetness of tone, is pronounced alto gether unsaxp arnable* . _ The Buhfcnburs will he happy to receive lha fisiU of their friends »ud the public In general, and show them Ihruuith their elnniut new etitablluhroent. iL K.LKCta A BKO, Sign ot the Gulden Uarp, No. S 3 Fifth street. gDrtpc Btoctt of Hamburg Pi&noi. ll ttHAIILOTTE BLUMti, No. Hs Wood sole Agent. Tbe ; HambdTtf Pianos are undoubtedly | | W ( J*>nperlor to all othcrf, both In elasticity of fptjcft and superiority of lent. Thoy have not only received the highest mark! ot appro bation from the beot European Pianists, gnch as MHT, THALBEEa. And others, who bav<* them constantly In their own nse, but alt»> from onr resident Professors. The following le an extract from a latter of _ PftOFKSSOB. UKNBY HOHBOCK. After describing the particular style, two of wbfeb he wantM for his own u»ie—one Grand and one Square— be apeak* aa follows of their excellent qnaUtlsa: ‘•Wy little daughter, who plays very well, mast, with myself, haven good instrument, and yonrs are the only ones which caD satisfy me. •• luf-trumenw are offeredmeon the most accommodating terms. 1, however, do Dot ilka thßm; they hare not the elastic touih and the tone of yours. “I remain, yours, respectfully, 4 ‘ ilasat Bounocs, Pittsburgh, Pa.” For sale by OfIAKLOTTK BLUWJ4, at the “Old Estab lished Plano Depot,” 118 Wood street, 2d door above Fifth. Aim), sok Agent lor PiU.-i.urub and Western Pennsylvania tor Uailft. Davit d Vo't Motion llanos, (which in the East ern cities are roQuidered superior to either Ghickerlng’s or Nunns t Clark's, out which tact is not extensively known, aa they have but lately been introduced here.) and oiher New Yori and Philadelphia Pianos, of the best makers, at prieea from $226 to $BOO. mhlO Notice to Whom It May Concern* The public spuing sales of b**i Estate »t Rc cheater arti now cloned, and the Building Seaton has fairly cmnmeocrtL Brery citizen ofßocbenterifl bapily em ploy Kren 30 or 40-new families who'have become citl z«d« the present Spring, Cud constant employment; and In * tew days a hundred families more will bo r«auired to car ry ou the work of the prewntseawn. The Cfcr Building lUtaUiihmenl Ls now uear completion, and will be in foil operation in .1 one. Soveral Oare wlllba SSy S.V delivery, by rf.ntT.et. tin. Ist or July, M». ' Two or three new churches, in Rochester, will be con tracted for Immediately, end nmneroos other improTeraents will be commenced, rdMjulring a great »moudtof mechanical and other labor independent of the Car Establishment, which ir\ H protubly employ from one to two hundred. A. prominent brickmaker from PitUborgb. baa juat pnr ebaaed nine large lota, and contracted to make up6h them forthwith 600,(X)0 bricks. Two gangs of band* commence work the prewot week, besides the other yards heretofore established In the neighborhood. Gar Slone (Juumci are already ailre with workmen, and the road leading to them lined with teams. ,1 Lumber is becoming abundant and cheap, and tenements' will noon soring up to relieve R>me of onr houses, which bow bare 6 families, 4 families, 3 families, and dozens of fham ‘i families each Any who d il not boy cheap lots at the four public pales last MS, or the fcor public ala the Pfeaent .spring, can «au secure good bargains ot pnvdU i aU by calling on the subscriber In Itocbealer. Tenns-’/i down In one y«r i [/ u two years. 1 . U. UvObu. n -?_A few lots cao yet be had at {OO to $lOO each; If enniled for before the 20ih May. These lota are twice ae ISSa. usual dty 'OW Ti.: “d the price ...i, from to $2,60 per foot front. The present reserv el hemeated and tnagniScent profit of Ovid Plnney, 4 acrea ta Srereotreof the borough of Kodnatar:.also, the beaufl fnl 20 acres, building, orchard, dc., o( P. Eeno, cn be houirht through theaubscriber at groat bargains, and there So “not STrS bargain, within a hnndred miles. O myd .OOAS. ATWIIA. Kemovtl. . Srnil'HBEET 4 SON ta*l* Real Estate .anjQ.n.ilAgeocj Office to So. M MARKET ST., near Third. T'lO&TTaLk—Two Lota of W trot by no each, in East |< Pittaburab at the lowest prices. Inquire of angl THOMAS WOODS, W fourth street. OCULIST AND AURIST. SUT9 «* nraiASra o»tbi «t« as» *»b wnrop, ouppnia, mirrm nLUrtrama. OU TUI 031 0» OAUJK.L. OFFIQB 468.B1w1aDWAY, COB- QBANB SI., NSW YORK. Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. U. TbOtlGH, GRANULATED MBS, InflimmaUon, Aoatoop K, ChroSlo Blindness wits films, Iritis, Amouiosis and Oitairotficrofnloua, Weeping M the diseases or the eye which ere treated by Dr. H. with Ear tree tod upon eri?nrtOo principle,. Artificial Eyes Inserted Without an ciMiatlop. All letters poabosid will easnre prompt attention. Wo eeisctthn Mowing references ftm wrong.th.bhon- Banda of oases which hate Iwm successfully treated by Dr. H 826-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Bduthwtok, Printer, “ •Mrs. A. M. L New Yorß Olty, N. y talirn Mary Bellows, N. B. Station, DuohMaoo, N. I. •Edward u. Solgor.RristoU Coon. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. David IdtQU, Engineer, N. Y. ' Wm. P. B: Giles, office Courier and Kn<t, N. Y. tjamoa W. Kirby, BrooUynV U l Operator, Stl-Nloholafl Hotel. R. M. Ferries, Organ Builder, Houston St. R, B.Doolittle, fif D,Hudson, N. Y . Mrs. Knickerbocker, Yon Sere, N Y . M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, «. Y. a L Boas, Albany, N. Y. A. Pillenbach, Bchanoctady, N. X. Oapt. D. B. IlarUand, Athena, N- T: John W. Haokett, Blnghampton, N. V. patients were hUnd, and had to he led to the office. At the expiration of two weeks theyeoaW go about the ehy of Acuarosis wero nwtorrd to sight after -' ther were given up m Incurable by the faculty, and can ye referred £o by any person who wishes to learn the faota lb, (hes» cases, oy writing to them. _ _ . 'Pitttbarsh boUar Barlagi InilUnUou, jVo. 08 JVurlA i BBXr DOOB TO TUB riTTSDUttOU BANK, 18 NOW OP&N daily from Q to 2 o'clock; also, naday and Saturday efouinjp*. from 7 to 0 o'clock. Depoeito rscvtrod of all stima not lain than One Hollar, and aSrldend of the pfoflts declared twice a year, in Jun* and December. The Trustee*. tor the purpose of furthering the benevolent objucta of the Wltatlmv have entered Into a guarantee bond, thereby gif tag additional security to containing the Charier, DylAwi'i Buie* and Itegn lationa, ftuoißhad gmila, nn application at the c.fflee, fttndtnl—Q KOUOW AI-DIUiK. Hopewell Uepborn, George B. Whit*, William F. Johueton, LIFE, FIEE AND MAE IN E : Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Oanital., - ®300,000 Amount securely Invested..— $300,000 SBIB COMPANY effects Fire Insurance on Buildings, Goods, Furniture, *e. Marine Inearaooe on go and'Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, by Rivera, Lakes, Canale, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally. Aifi, Insurance upon Lives, upon tL« moM fsYorablr terns. B. St Riddle, The character of the above Company Is of the first class, and combines the rare and unusual privileges of Fire, MA rlne and Life Insurance. > Gentlemen of elevated standing are associated in Us management, and Interested as Stockholders. THOMAS J. HUNTER, Agent, , jjT7 St. Oharies Building, No IQS Third «t., '>'*\- . i «. ’ * ... »,,«(• ’ ‘ + * * « ” - * % r ' ;v*V MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HENDERSON,"' VIC* fHISIPCSTB i John U. Phf>otib*'t fc .!, OhurUrf Knapp, N. Uraltao Unrphy, Theobald UinbetacUerj It.o#n M. Puntiock, William J. Anderw-n rto«T*ra! James W. Hallman, Alexander Btadtoy, WUliem Phillip*. Jobn Q. Backofen, James Uerdraan, Uill Burgwin, Juhn M. Kirkpatrick Albert OulberUwa, J«ho U bTCord, Robert Chester, Robert Morrow, j. Gardiner Oofiln, Walter P. Marshall, Alonso A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John B. Oostfra-VB, H*ory L. RlogwaK. Charles A. Colton, Robert Robb. E. G Edridgton, George U. Riddle, Francis Felix, James RbOada, Georgs F. Onimefa, James Shidle, James B. Boon, Georg* 8. Belden. WUUam 8. Haven, Alexander Tindlc Secretary and Treasurer— CHAßLES A. OOLTOH. frlttdly 1 FAROKhii 1 ASIO MECHANIOS* DIBECTOBH. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, J«um £. Neall, George IL Armstrong, Charles Diog*«. Bd P Middleton, E. R. Helmbold, George lletmbold, Fred. O Bn»<rri«r, Thoms Manderfieid, Isaac Uwli* THOMAS B. FLORENCE, PT.<dd«ut. Enwixc R. HrunjoLD, Becretary. PITTSBURGH BKTRBEHCEB. Hon. T. M. Howe, Hon. J R. M’CUntort, Htm P. 0. Shannon, OnL 8. W. Black, Hon. J. B. Guthrie, A. B. M’Caimont, Kao, Thomas J. Keenan, Bed, Wilson al Oandless, hsq. Ocl. J. Heron Poster, Gen. J K. Mor*he*d. ARTHUR’S PATENT' Self-sealing Cans I 1 For Preserving Fresh Fruits t If j Ira Tomatoes, B I SB BY HEBM&TICAL BEAUSG. rrUIESB CANS, which aro acaUd by the I without the aid of a tinner, and opened easily witbopt Injury to the can. are rapidly coming into general nte Full directions for putting up fruit accompany the earn . and the work la so easily performed, that by their u« eTeiy family may have fresh Fruit and Tomatoes on their * all winter, at summer prices. PRIOER Pint Can* $2; Quart, $2,1.0 ; Half Gallon, $3,60; Three Quarts, Gailon, $6 per doz*n. IV different etoea nest, In order to secure economy in trans portation. , ARTHUR’S CAN, which to closed with a Hd covering the wbolo top, so that when open It may be cleansed like ahv other vessel, baa been fully approved by the Farmers’ Club of the American Institute, New York. It took a first diploma over all other self sealing cans at the laie PairjJn Cincinnati, and was awarded a medal at tbe Me.baufr*’ Fair held this spring at the Bmlthsoulao Institute, Waito- Itrgton City, D- C. It to claimed to bo the best Can In the market. _[ ah orders accompanied by tbe cash will be promptly for warded* - For sale, wholesale and retail, at the China and Qaeahs ware Store of HENRY UlflßY, 122 Wood street, Pittsburgh! Bargains In Watcbea, Clocks 4b Jewiiijy. ROBERTS & BROTHER- 1 arr now selling their Urge end caxetullv scire- Cftk ted stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, andrich UoM £/«a| Jewelry at greatly reduced prices, to make roAm QfenWor an entire new stock, which will be received hi red from the Eastern manufactories In • few weeks, or the Fall trade. Purchasers dashing to hoy good goods at low prims, gfrn n H call immediately and examine onr stock, as we ire determined to close it out without regard to cost or torn er prices. Don't fdrget the place. ROBERTS A BROTHER, j 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood! Jtfr- Watches, Clocks sod Jewelry repaired In the wet manner, and warranted. jy’ilTy J. Wilson A Ron, W BOLES AX H AND RETAIL HAT AND CAP MA?fU PACTURBES, No. 91 Wood street, put-burgh, ire prepared to furnish all articles in fbHr line on the mpni reasonable terms. Particular atLmtion Ip invited to our assortment of LADIES’ RIDING HATS and GIXJVHH, <deo our $* SILK HATS, which cannot be surpassed iu iho city. _ _____ • _ JJM'I LAS ■RANTED- 40, ! HU, 160 ACRB WARRANTS, by; AUSTIN Looms, ; D**ler lo W*rr*nU, Btnck«, I»»• ’» _ .. . Co-P»itnenhlp. : WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, onith* 2d day of July, JOS. It. HDOBKB, In the tfall rap«buetn-, * oi_ FOR SALE VERY CHE A Pi A BUILDING LOT IH ALLKGHBNV CITY, at feet' by 100. A good bargain can bo had by applying «oon al the office of the MOBdiISQ POHT. Lot fOr Sal*. j A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24. Cut front on Carson «UfMt by 100 f««t in depth, in Birmingham, will b* sold - '. Enquire °r GKO. V. GiLIMOEE, . jyfg ’ at offire of the Moraine Post BEIUANNTIAL DIVIDEND, 8 PKR CENT., JULY 1, ll KTNA UTSURANCE COHPAHY, Or HARTFORD, COWW. Ohabteeed PAID UP. CABb July X* 1856, $835,630 $3. CONTINUE to nuke insurance on all t.es«ipuond of property at equitable rated. Thi« Company hpv« a position for honorable dealing for 36 yepm, and Is unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality, by an? other similar Institution in Ibe United States. S*jni annual statement of tbe condition of this Company ooiiie in this office, tor the examination of the public.. , ,a U. B. TEN-KYCK, Agent Office North-west corner Fifth and YYr*>4 streets, burgh.* _ _ ... >%. jb M, Lemon * Co,’» Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA THB tioderBlgD«l haring purchased ,«SSBa nart of D Leech k Oo.’a Canal Stick, prepared to do a WAY FKttHJRT ROfilHEflS-hfitween (hfeplMfl ftnd Colombia, All buNiaesfi cafeTrilTbo promptly attendod to- byW at the W.rehoOM toMtlj ocouplsd by D. I-eech i Co., Canal Basin. LLOYD A LKMON. jyafcdlm* 1 JUST WHAT 'YOU ALL WANT THIS WAKM W&A -rpßKß,—The Magazines for Augoat: * Peterson's MagaMoe for August; 5 BaUuo’s <1“ , N«w York Journal OO ptckenfl' Household Words for August; ■ Tbe Heiress of Uaaghton, or tbe Mother's Secret; \ Mary Lyndon, or Heyeiations of a Life; i Peggy Woffington. Far ail the Dew Books or Magazines, call or send to-the fihaao Bootatoro of W. A. QLLDKNPJBNNBY A CO-,} Plfth sL, opposite the Thea _ /SoAL PLAT—Lying at the foot of liberty street, Mopoo ( j rahela riyer, for Bftle . i J- W. BUTLER A OQ. Superior Balmon for sale by • nttwtv n noi.i.iNP _ t kONNETS —A. A. MAHON A 00. bay* this mominfre* 15 ceired by Bxpaeaa, eome new and ?ery elegant styles ofgilk Bonnets. o ALMON—No. i n ". .■■ ■ • *»• • - - *W • . ■ i,OO PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID SUMMER RESORTS. PEEKS COUNTY WABM BPEINQB. THE ohon, Ml»br»tBd WATERING for vigiton* on kDd Alter tIieFtETH-OP JUNB.NBJtT. The; are dallßktfully located on flherman'e Creek, RmrteeD miles north-nest of Duneunnon, (this place w>M Ul ® " mile* west of LinrriFburgf an. Ulfl Central Railroad,) at tne base Of Plsgah Mountain, which reaches an eletfttton oi more than five bandied fceL Sherman** CroOk affords a splendid opportunity for those fond of bathing, fiahinf or Balling; the surrounding forests offir great aitraotions 10 the sportsman; and tour smooth and shady roads through a country unsurpassed for bold and magnificent scenery, will dieersliy the amusements of the place. 4 HORSES, SADDLES and CARRIAGES can he had at all times. Horses taken to livery on reason ft bio term a. Of the MEDICINAL QUAiilTlfciS of the SPRINGS top much can hardly be said. Their waters hove been analysed by the best Chemists In the Union, and are pronounced un: eurpaseed fur curing outanpous disease;) and affections of t* e kidneys. There oni come five Springs In ail, eTery one-of vrhiah la of different temperature—too largest being 63 degrees Fahrenheit, and throwing out 03 gallons every seven minutes- Ladles' -and Gtmtlemon’u HATHA have been constructed, with all the modern improvements, to gether iritff PLUNGE BATHS, Ac., Ac Each day a Coach lepreq Duncanoon for tbs Springs, after the arrival of the cars. Bowling Alleys, Billiard llootnn, and various other facili ties for amusement, in abundance. The accommodations will be tbtfbest, and the charges low. Tuuts-—-Kigbt dollars pur week, or ous dollar aad fifty cents per day.l Fanil lies wishing to engage rooms, should address the proprietor early; Every attention will bs paid to visitor®, the proprietor having engaged the best of servants- Music always in At tendance. All oommankatioDfl Intended tn reach the Perry County Warm Bprinaa should be addressed to Duneannon P. U. They will be immediately forwarded. U. H. KTTER, Proprietor Warm Springs fiUttMKR. ItKTRBAT. Keystone hotel, uctrrisubon co.. ptssa.. one Au»- dr*d tirui thirty■iri'sn miU* if.ll/ or Pitttbiifffh, and sly fix hours' ndr. Thu delightful residence and placa of public report w located »n tbe banks of the •• Blue J uoiata," at the continence of Sprnoa Creek. Its clear spring, trout OunUtnicg waters, her* discharges Itself, and mingles Its murmur* in •••oncert, a- they rush down the gorges of the Mountalna The very central position of this Hotel makes It a desira ble place of erjoum for a few weeks or day*, for men of business and Ihe.ir families—jmled Hn*l enervated with the turmoil, bustle anil heat of the city It is Kllunted on the I’ennsylVanin Central Railroad, where lb* great turnpike from the huaqucbuuna and other roads concentrate— making easy egre*9 >iDd Ingress, several Umes a day, by the earn and stages, to Altoona, Tyrone, Eontingdon aqd '.be Mountains. The House U a new brick one, four stories high, Spacious aud roomy, uewly papered, puinLid and furnished from basement to attic, with all the modern Improvements aod appliances of Cold Baths, Ac. It is also finely v«ntilal.-1 There are superb Tiows of every department of the Moun tain ftronory the “glorious mountains,'* the ** eternal hills.'’ Telegraph Ufflew U In tbe Hoose, always ready for work—and the proprietor ready to receive visitor* at mode rate charge. R. V II AS LETT, l*roprieti-r. tcrißi.vc*a in piVTSßoaou: William Oarr A Co., 3'J£> Liberty street John n Shoeoberw'tir. John Aoderaon. Williams Oainphell, SL Cliarlea Hotel. [ jj l » RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE, I VJR the PrwvsCtt.n and Con* of InVMJfTrrrsr laJßi jp mittest Fiviaa, Frvca and Aooa, OttU-LS and Favalt, Dc«» Agc*. Gwolu Deeoitt, Niout Swaars, and all other forms of which have a common Origin In Jfabxrin or Miasma. This ri a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will, entirely protect any resident or traveler, even in the most sickly or awumpf localities, fr.-m any A>:au or Bilious disease what ever, or auy Injury ronrttbolly InhuUug Malaria or Miasms. U will Instantly cheek the Ague in persons who have suf ferod for any length ef time* from one day to twenty yearn, so that they need never another ch\U t by continuing its use according to dJrwtioiflL The patient at once begins to rvcOTer appetite and strength, and continue* until a perron cent aud t mil cal cure b tdlecL-d. onuor two bottles will answer for ..rdinary eases; some may re-qulrAcore printM In German, French and rpamab, aeoonipany each bottle. l“n«e one Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. JACKS A. UIIODES, Providence, R. I, EVIDENCE T»F SAFETY. ] Hsw Yobk., Jan® U, 196&, “ 1 b*T« road" a cLetnlcal examination of u Rhodes' Perer and Ago* Cura," or u Antidote to and bam. tested U fui Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine and Strychnine, but hare not found a particle o( either In it, nor hare I found any substance in that uould pro?® ii-jorioUAt© tbe constitution JAME 3 R. CHILTON, IL. D-, Chemist.* EVIDENCE Or MERIT. “ Lfwisbubo, L'nion County. Pa., May 2. Ilis. jfr. /. A. Rhode J— Dear Sir: Tho tx>x of XMdkira yon Bunt me *u iluly revived on the 11th of April. I bar* soU about oua-half of It, and bo Car tbs people who tor© u»*ed it are aulafied that it haseured them. It ba* cerulo* ly mopped the Ago* in every one who baa n«d it, and rix of the caaea were of Jong standing. My eliter, Who has had it for Ove or aix year# back, and could n*T*T get It stopped,except byAJuinloe, *od that only a# -tong a# tin would it, a now, 1 think, entirely cured by tour rea- C. K. Mc6r>Li CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS. Take no mom Ar-eui.-, Mercury, Quinine, Strychnine, ot Anti-Periodic*. or medicines of any kitd, the virtue of which is owing to mch poisonoiiH drags. The most they can do if to •• break the chills " fur a short lime, While Ibey am sure to collet* constitutional maladies that cease only with Hfr. lUmrmW that the only Fever and Ague reme dy that is harm lees as well as rare, is Uhodei’ Fevar and Ague Care* For Bile by JOHN MITCHELL, and Druggists ran orally. _ CHARLOTTE BLUME, NO lie WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH, Is Just re ceiving a targe rtook of PIANOS, of the latest styles, Irom the Factories of . BAUMGARDTEN A HEINS, Hamburgh; FI At.LET, DAVIS A CO , Rostoo; HAINES, BROS. 4 CUMMINGS, New York; A. B. RKICH-BNBACU, Philadelphia; Together with those of other makers, at prices from $285 to $1,000.; including every variety and style, from the plain bat substantial iron frame Plano, to Lbu most elegantly carrel Louis XIT. style, Square and Grand Pianos. Arrangements hare been made with the manufacturers, by which their instruments are sold lower by their exclu bltq ageqU here than in the Eu*t, and without the addi tional cost and risk of transportation. Every Plauo sold by the subscriber is warranted perfect iu B>ery respect, and a written guarantee will begiven if required. OillilLOTCfi BLUiIK, No. 118 Wood street. IRON CITY COMMKKCIAh COLhKGE. An Institution for the Business Han. CHARTERED. ORGANIZED and In vary succewfbl operation, with a Boon! ol Trustee*, aud taught by an efficient Faculty. Two hundred stodents and upwards have matriculated at this College The combined and urgent demand of the Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant and Professional man, for an InfUliuUoD oi a high standard. In which various arta with their Bvoc-utic'u* could be nbi»in-d, and that they should he inHlructed by experienced u-u-hers, who bare bad busimit>a practice in the subjects taught, has caused the organization of the People's College ol Practical Teachers. Several of th*< Faculty are authors of Hook Keeping, who provide, as re quired, w*L* of *• form looks,” that conform to all the changes and improvements ot frequent occurrence in actual busi ness. Daily Lectures are delivered by persons of known ability. Subject? : Book Keeping, its tbworv aud laws; Arithmetic, and its apdHcation; The Art of Writing; Commercial Law; Political Economy; Commercial Geography ; History; and Busioeea Ethics. The success of this Institution is now certain. Cltlr-oa of the first circles in society and business show their confi dence by entering their ?on» for a business education. *ug27 ■ ’ Platform Sc&laa OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable for Railroads, Ca nals, *o. M for weighing Hay, o*l, Ore, and Merchan dise generally. Purchasers may feel assured tbal they can be supplied with a superior and reliable article, and run n° ritk. Earh .'Valeif guaranteed correct, and IT (after trial) not mod suUufactory, can b« returned without charge. Factory *t the old stand, established for thirty years, cor •>r of Ninth and Meh.u etrruts, Philadelphia. ABBOTT * CO. Sncressors to EtUc'oTT & A»>u< tt • u*23 13m Klectlon Opm.s of “ Ths I'itTaßonoa Gap Contain, u I August IT, 1865. J I'IIR Stockholder? of "The Pittsburgh flu? Company” uro hereby notified that an election, for thn purport. of electing two persons to serve as Trustees of the mud flas Company for the term of three years, will bo held at the office of the Company, at th« Worts, on Iho FIRST MON DAY (3d day) OF SEPTEMBER, 1865, between the hours of 2 and 6 o’clock P. M. aag!B:dtd JAMES M. CHRISTY, Treaaurer. Valuable Farm for Rale, Situate in a dam p townbihp. butler cottnty, containing 141 arrea: 115 aoree of which are under cul tlratlOQ. The proprietor, about to deoline farming, will dfonoae of all hie Stock, Grain and Uay on band, if desired. Enquire of JAMES BLAKELY, BU gIV comer of S«r»*uth and Pmlthfleld ats. M. ARNOLD A SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IH FASHIONABLE CLOTHING And Gentlemen's Furnishing Gopdß, NO 06 MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on band, s large stock of Cloths, Oassimerea and Vestings. Carmen te made to order on the shortest notice, and in the latest style*. 11 orders promptly attended to. [augli An WALTtd P. UARaBALL VV. P. n&rBU&II A CO., 1M PORTKRS and Dealers In French and American PA PER RANQINGB, 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh, sy- Hole Agents for the celebrated manufactures of Messrs. Delioonrt A Co., Pariß. _____ aD^~ IMPORTANT. —At this season of tie year, when dlseafen of the stomach and bowels are so frequent, and, If ne glected. are so apt to degenerate into cholera morbus, or even Asiatic cholera, no family should bo without a bottle of tbe Concentrated Essence of .lomaicaQtnger.and a bottle of Wlckey’s celebrated Diarrhoea Medicine, which, If used according to accompanying directions, will prove a speedy, safe and efficacious remedy. They can be had only at the Drug Store of JOHN BATE, Jit*. »ogls 136 Wood street _ RASPBERRY BRANDY—O dot paw Raspbmy Brandy a very stipericrr home-made article. For sale by JNO. LITTLE, Jr., Agent, No. 301 Liberty street. axaiciDT in advanoe. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT DISCOVERYI AMPLE tests, hQtb byable PractMo l cal Analyst, have .demonstrated the great vtfue of PROB. DE QBATB'B bwatltal combination fXallcdM ELh.O TRIO OIL,” for the relief and cure of Pain. But the "■ themselves are rendering their verdict In a manner wtb unmUtakeabUand eatla&CtCty'. More than 20,000 bottles have been sold In aVdrjfrshfirt tifßW groat proportion to those who it, r who. baa tn» »t. Thatlt lift ftplandiddiscoverylrovarywharuachtloWiedged, and nothing ato^ltwag.svftcnefora.pyewied^ Omu alone, It 16 worth *IOOXOO a year to tha paipWafl it always euSa thete'palirfantbrcitotOTato ttoaity-fovr war* oihen.hATO MjaS7afVlKm tbi BUttrtt Ott I, tha fl nrti mnlle*!wmblil>tlonercrTTfr pindb matter offimßttonor lnJo*tOTMmt the a bore and m,nj oUw »m»““ heavy bnalneM firmi hits.fttttflWrjtolAJimmtteiW (turpentine,bltuminoasrorcoal tar, do, Aw eEtemaian plications, until thslf etutomarr tie, with the »marh pain ;" yet each men hate never rtsoaitoeiidcAint fljl n cotmteaahce to than! aierchanlfl ordering non every ten days, and oJw«yi testimony to thd value of tb£i wimdsrful jafifoviny. Tb« a great many lodise are naingitaaw. medicinal toltftartWw ; !„fthaW7«.\S lh B lrTh& r «0,l. *.ll Known. aU pimples, blotches and eruptions .CDtbaXacO aftft wdk to*o short a time, you would scarcely.credit It. «jrt>anenigr reduces a p&infiA nuelUtitf iv Wo tiowdi has ddneitin half an hoars cured mtoy wKtswlj to iU’ bcow* , knew the toothing, ttrcnathenlny and fieMirlg iUiotn fti this OU, they would never h# induced to nw anything else for womb wmplaime or pains of any kind. . We now ineeft a Irtler Just fwjtrfv*! frMB tfoOff Wiley, **»- who ..at to Et.hb.na rix poor* Dn QUfib fir* When 1 ftft homo for my btaUh, (Acrof utoas arnettoue* *o-l I never exweted to rotnrii fcgdi?, briUVlffj? that’ifty to&pfefct ■wbuTS s&6h .ravrr;me off. WbeniyotfcgaM me three bottles of your Electric Oil to take imh me, as merely d T dvl sot think I would to&vnt yon, ae I now do, for.my ootaptrtorestorstion. . I can only say, teftfrrtha depiHdfe 61 iffr rteHtaer. that tqu have only io ®mdihfrro wlib jour OIL to make a for tune ip on» year. There Is not another Fittdiar meaudne in England, If in ‘ I «Bl write by matt ate*® «r. Yours, most truly, . Us* if It cannot m thair imaginations, who state that old com, that have discharged from et* moathe to five jeare, bate breo our«d t>y this OH. U cannot be untrue, nor a deoep* tion, where pain 1* rclfoved to ono dav, often In half an hrmr. No' common senee dictates no/—and 600 written Utters say no 1 Gome and see them. A regular Doctor In; attendance; and l adles can consult a Lady, privately, by ilToplfatf a Itna to the office. Advice frota’a distance, mak ing inquiries that any physician can answer, will be promptly attended to. Always endow a stamp, a# our ser vice# are nr«*ly given, and we are drawn opou too often la U,,e wny All caara treated liberally, with or without tbo r*il as 1 have two Phyt-ldans associated for thlf exptwa , urpose. Prof, a DK XIRATU, No. SO Sooth Kljjbtb street, Pbila. N. B —The largest bottles tea limes the cheapest Please notify m« ot auy case or failure to cure in from half an boor to tbnw wwjka, aa I wish to cure all. j& For seto by DB. HBYhfiß. liQ WQf>d «t (augHO PITTSBURGH AHD CONHEI.I.SVILLE mmmm BAIL ROAD. rpUK PtTTriBUkUU AND CONNKLWVJLLB RAIL- X ROAD id now open from Went Newton to Conoefl*Tflb», fifty-eight mile* from Pittsburgh, on the YtraghJogb*ny River. Thin oew first c 1433 Road ia now open for li»e transports* t on of passengers and freight, in connection with the find Meaner KOLIAN, from Pict«b rgb to CojmellsTllle, daily, aa follows: The steamer EOUAN wlii lt?*Ye h«T wharf, a the ; Monongehela Uridgo, every afternoon, At halfpast o'clock, for W»et Newton, connecting there with lb* morn* iug iruin leaving at B 30 for 'Cboneltoffl*, and fwwfitluj there at 9AO A . M-, In lime to* ibwStagwfct Bnlootown. Pare to Cojmellffvllle... —— Fere to A train will leaf* Jn U» morning,*? o’clock, for West Newton, anrf ctcmiet HWre- wiw v w eteamer fidiatr-** iSVtS'tftSw l£:Teae!vplfafiHJ3-3h dt V p.ji Fi?wfr«aOon«eEfws3»fe T& Pare XrooJZaiSttSWineto PlEaJltft’gßK***..—--' The Lual 7vA&A eat PnmanipMr'SWiitf *flP lrtsi**'t3<rt#' sglffriSw j» SL* WesT Sewtra *i £2® ?- !£.» «3pul‘mt en. itit *«y itatteoa for fcwSrfca wa *. ' ' ' " " TretaMca Ax. atf ikminws' an pI«3SSi» find-A trt? If T' r t fj *, 'lrani U^ll'anA 1 l4rtUw?ffcft»y?of- i 1 l-l* ta 12a »*«ceE3*flannCe2. tShn ijeswry oT‘tfcwvattey sa «s* Wsrp»=®*tf to fishing dtrgitiiiatanv Byveny-inUfcJ', frrf |p»rtfl .CHm ■Uih afi few«f 2t» -:3sr anr ikpbsJie^ mli»Tto--w'WtJh r , ia ritiM shassSß3£bm>ff eapitfciiaß; -ean it£etlTsrficnr«i&'B ; every itr ptS-..*, iflnmiasni. and' aercrlkilicg water ptrw*r‘- tir anj «£ spite and' mociilnazy, The fisccaiik .rfT thir gjwitflt si! d**eeedte?: tevaria wilfceuante thin Gftioßauy tn*raamprt freight at the bveg rsa-ST dhia odbnUngiarhtsp, uxdfcwia and reliable onitet Bar m&imateamfl totter htaasjciiitisiewtii appjy to D-1? CILRwELR, SwiEttint ifapet* tatendcat, cs t»-tbecflc*C3.m terartt. gteatraunKPSQUam OLiTiR. W. Pwwfeftmfr'amgSnTptonlirggfitait: MANUFACTURED BY CHICKEHING £ aud’fdr tale b r JOHN l ho. SI Wood fltrwl, betyeea Diamond - god Fourth street Just received ftbci Cberj s Hnn manufoctDiy ofChickertnßA Bobs* Rostra,*; U » : a.cd for sale imxmofcty ai Bo*L<rn tsvcra — _ Two of thelrflrst class Berea Ociarw Plano*. IoaSrZIT. i stile, with cArvedcaaea, legs, lyte> music desk* te.*e.; na- Itched back and front alike: This to consslered by pwrw;*» | ol taste to the most beautiful paltmrnow made. fkto* $5OO each. Two first cta*» Ber«n Octave Pianos, tmh-carved cmk, Lyra, new stylo of fluted less, the lyre and ends ©£ beautiful caret d tracery work; finished hark and front ahka. Frfcw $l6O. oath. •. Three elegant Rosewood, plain doable round earner*, gevcin Octave Ptonfca, finished back and: trout aSte. aid with Chickeriog’s Patent Iren Frame. Price S«Q each. Two carreeF Rosewood 6}£oetave Planes, with caw-atjle fluted legs, caryed cash muslade&k,and the,usual openings ailed with beautifully carved tracery work; finished hack and front ailkp. Price $425 each*’ - Three elegant Eosewood,. plalfl doable round corners, octaves, fintehtd bftdk and front alike,'anJwithOhiekfring** Patent JnmFrpm®* Price s376each. ■ • _ . ' SeTcn Eosewood and Black Walnut Six Octave PUnna, all knadaas well snd with the ul&e cars «s (flair first class Pi* anna, and withCblcX*rtDg , 8 Patent Iron Frame. ' GRAND msos.* • One of Chtekering A Bona*. Now Scale, full -Seven Octave Grand Pianos, of brilliancy, and sweetness of tope, with.thek New JP^tentAction- renders the touch so &at it j»h jw’iwted on by the most delicate hand. Price $760. the new parlor grand pianos. * Also, one of their new Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely new Inventian.'and particularly adapted-for Parlor uifc, *' k ** ■ 1 -pIANd srobts;' ' Aneydot of Piano - Yor sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood at., , between Diamondalley and Ycurtii street, ; Solo Agent foe OHICKKRtNfI.A BGNB, JorpiWsbarghidid Western Pgnpßylvania. *ug2B APRIL, 1865. To Wholesale Groearti litqnor Dsaten and fljwntifnotttwera. rpUB SUBSCRIBER la now Importing a superior quality X of OIL op COGNAC, of whichoX an ounce with.co gallous pure Spirit will produce a floe Cognac Brandy. His ESSENCES OP ROCHELLE and OTARD’B BRANDY; of JAMAICA and ST. CROIX HUM, ARAC. CIDER and PKAUH BRANDY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS au«l SCOTTISH WHISKY, are acknowledged by the New York m&nutacturers by the great demand after them. Di rections for use will invariably be eivenby DR. LEWIS IBUCHIW ANQEE, 141 MaldenLaria, New York. P. A—lmporter of Daguerreotype Chemicals, Platifla, Bismuth, Manganese; Thom*fl Ext. CopaWa, Sulphate Ain* mania, Ac. ; r, ;deaflldatf OAWPRTINGS. Delaware oodnty carpet MANCEAOTCRiKa ASSOCIATION, on the Chester Plonk Bead, two n>Qes below the city line, offer to buyers this season, AXMINIS TER,TAPE3TRY,BRTJBSEtS,R*PtYINGRAIN, DAMASK and VENETIAN CARPETING, atyery reduced pribee for cash or'city acceptance, (interest added.) The stofcfc, comprising also IMPORTED FABRICS of every variety, e»n he examined at the Factory Warehouses, Darby, ot at tboStores, Noa. 16 and 20 N.SECOND st, PHILADELPHIA. Wool bought, SpuQ, Dyed or exchanged for Carpets. ■ . Jel4-Su:ls 3. SIDNEY JOKER. ’ New Bottling fc«tmbl>Bbm«nt. BOYD a MOETuH hare entered Into co-partnerehJp to transact tbs business of BOTTLING, in all Us branch* oa, at 6 8 Liberty street, Neville UaU. They hate constantly on hand a superior article fof INDIA ALE, put up in pint bottles. Dealers and tadlUee will fled It to their advantage to give us a call, and exam ine for themselves. We also bottle a superior article of PORTER, SARSAPARILLA and MINERAL WATER. T«rme as favorable as any other house In the city. All orders put up at short notice. BOYD A MORjcON, Jelfcdm No 68 Liberty st., Neville Hall. WE have arrangements with gentleman of expert* ecu In the different Western Staten, by which choice-' lands cad bo located at Government price. Personsdeslrous of locating lands, either for speculation or for actual settle naem, will find It to th*-lr advantage to give us a call. One of oar correspondents in lowa has spent the last six weeks in critically miaininiog th« lands in that Stale subject to entry, and writes us that he has selected over 20,000 acres of choice lands. BLAKELY A RICHKY, (T' 11 * IU Introduce the New Etjle 'for Hats °n SATURDAY, August 2Bih. 0. B. PAULSON, 73 Wood street, „ . next door to corner of Fourfh Soft lists end Caps of every desfcripUen sug2ftAljr _ PBNN rSSTmJTE, comer of Penn and Hancoclt streeta. Theenaulng Session of thla InatUntion wSuSSSS on MONDAY, the 3d of September commence TBRMB. Tuition and Stationery, per Boreion of Twenty-two Wsstctuo 44M A 0 PapU. mjy enter at any time, ana pro rata until the end of the tem, or Hit notice of withdrawal: a deduatlon bdng allowed for absence on account of aro '"*£££&» M - BM,Tn ’ PrlMi^- i.isuPH ft. UQiiSIS. QUTB HEX**— WIS. r. unnitw ' Co-Partnership Sotloe. “° w rrtHß omierslgnea haro this day entered Into 00-oartner- Addreffl," Rochester, Beaver Conn ty, Pa.” August 17,1856.— {aug24ttf 1 KIRK A RHODES. .*rJ NUMBER 4. ruun»i fIASOS- IVcittra Lands. Fall stylo for Halo. BATES OP iDTEBTISIKO ? m una Kmum, o> liras ' ,Ona sqiuc^4)nft.bU9rtloflM. M «riM M ....^ r *.. Mr .<..*M...*.>.S M « ' '** «acfc iddlUofittl JX.a».*....« 26 « •« 176 « “ 8 00 M ••««•: ■Wb«4~nHi»»»y«y> »««»'.»»w .4 0P “ f . tit o ijioirtha«-*‘»»•*»*»"• r,, '*”r'*7‘**’'*r < “ three montha.,,»«._.•”* 0 0® « *« four -..«••• “ • “ fto# " QhS yfflj ~T° Standing Card, rixllnM or less,. £*r ®° mgnußM it giMsma: One equate, pitWnttifi, 3® 00 NEW AND Di&ECfr RQffJCE, Uninrpasted foi BpooSS frt’Cofclbrt FROM PITTSBURGH TO - • ' Columbus, Indianapolis, - Chicago,:, . , Cincinnati, Terre. Haute, Rock Island, Louisville, Vincennes. lowa <Rtj, 8t Lot.is, 1 Evansville,' 1 DuboquO, Payton, Calm,., Dubuque, Xenia, Memphis,* Galena, Zanesville, TTckßbutgtt,' Pebria, Newark, New Otieane, fern, asd tns rMKdiPAfc cirna- iH'Traa ydst aim wcm, Via the STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA KABLKOAD! 3 , Which U now completed and in auccessfol operation be tween StoubenTiUe and Newark, O. . Fail Arrangement*^' On and after Monday, September ‘lOlh, 1865, a daily morning and evening line of elegant end ewlft rnnnlng steamers, commanded by expef leucadahd accommodating officers, Will leave Pittsburgh as follows! • • The fjfle.bompMfedbf steamBI^EORgSTCITY, and, DIURNAL, Oapt. SbMles.,leave.Jpitta* burnt^TerydoyrKßnnlays excepted, d ta3sT?^‘T , 6#K&ng« rent lo e on boordr irmoftt-61 , . M ,laiiklng an Immediate £sm&ttQs;frlt£ toe EVENING ESiljEbS XftAIN of the S. STjuL-Kbich SjSS direct connection at Newark for theahoveatleJU The Evening Line, comporod of Ktesmers VENTURE, Capt. Oordon, and OtARA FISHER, Capt-GonJcm, Have Pittsburgh every day s , at & o’clock, P. Ju,. sleep on board, and reach Steubenville at 7 next mornlntf- In time for the Sfdil Train, which tettw makes direct connection tor tho above cftle?—*b]M awwlng night l*avtUry railroad. «.«•«■ t&- Pare as Cheapo* bygoyotbstTallreHifflitto. • ; Bos Through and Local Tickets, and farther information, Jphi, JA3, ordir.vs a eo.;*muh Nos. lHamJ Hi Water st., between Wood , aryl gmtllifieU. PrtteWrgh- E W. WOOT>WART> r Btf(. , t ■ rep 10 L. PBVBfiNV. Gan. Agent. , /TUST AtUUVAt. OP FALL DRY 00OM At LOVE RttOTHEttSy US- JVo 7* HARKKT SVRUJST, PTT7SBVSGB, T» *row ok. Tirr osKHwat mubtv*. OC?Rr PRB&* GOODS DEPARTMENT is unusually nil 1 , adtf cohtalrfs «*fid Af-thrf richest aud most desirafct* Goods ever been able to as Rxtvft'au&Ffi fits; Preh«frifatfoo¥l Oaahmerea; Moua dßtATdtf; plaids; Strip"*; Cdb«i»: *r. ' NEktLR-WoKa—Thabe?da**otttieut in tty city* . Collars, Chemisettes, Sleeves; Plounctngs, and Innertlnga; flbawlft, Cloaks, Talmas and Sccrt*; Hew styl* Bttr.be, Maid, CasianureMoire Ant. Velvet. Btellas, Crape SUX, Ac. Together with a large assortment of MOURNING GOODS of alt description*. , Our DOMESTIC and HOUSE FURNISHING I’RPART UKNT i« well Mirpllcd, and we feel eonfileut th»f we can offer greater inducements now than we have ever t»»u able To offer before. We solicit an 'examination oi our stock twfore purchasing eleaehere, as all will .find u to their edrentegq to do eo- Wo will also be ilntost dally faYeAtyt of üb* an l desira ble 0«?da lbfotitfbout lbeMEtß»n,< l.OVfi BHPTHKRB, (Formerly Young, Stevenson k LoV%) wpd No'TSXfarket street Ptffobfrrgb. P* a. cvfnßsßt ...... - *• c - ctJfQpaaT. g, CrpTFTBERT dfc SOW, - GENERAL COMMISSION; AGENTS tor lb* Sale and Pare base of Real Eatarte»ooll*ction of Rents, Borrow ing and Loaning.. Bonds apd.,£!ortgagea; also, for making Sales of Pr.-dute. Maiiuffif'fUfwd Articles. Jo, tor FamSersy 2tfeohat£lra'andM>lhere. Gfflce, No. hB Market atreet. aU s7 CfUitiUC NKIV VVOHK--- Uy- W. t>; aruotd ; Henry Vlll-, and hla Six Wives; Bell Smith* Abroad 1 ; •' •' ' A Long iawik-AbemL by A. SL: Ro«; News Book; • MvMlfi'by'Ttnnysotv./r iirth My Bondage and my Freedom, ■Eseapad Nxiti ;* HlddFu Hartand; [ lowts as it’is in 18&6; • > • , Star Papers, }£ Ward Reecl^r; ’ • 1 •’ - • v: tafSf* (j«saerflef<»kߣh*stoof?l -liftoff EUftrirey, by fi. SJcKwtltte . : f« H^St>lSWfalsir T &r'Dri-B3?atft‘ hito of'J, Gordon •*-'' ; i . of fl. Wucd Ra«ch«v * iV.^T-vrl-i; Life of Skm Ilatretem; , - N'oto BoolC'nf huvarriJa&Osfcnn Bhter, by Ds LtaCrxrjty; J " hft •* <3us«tfdi»r <>f ’’ J ■" •: stncfcof Boots and Etattouffry; ult?o,A:3rrect Sebastopol.Ac. ' TJiJiitoraber'rtlii'Tl^f ■' ~ LAU^ra^Ri)OKSTGR2, T . ? *iat ' itt: r?o-i«ttirsttBae.' "Vnt-W 'MTisrO—PteAr. Jji* U-l thinEof-them. - . , fi , I Bat t 3? likitC upon n tlwfr—Aii& SAVtb&TQ^ My cart? .-"!)> tfettilisag. ,L Tbe-lavect cob ,.. • c Tt& IJ alar. HiitjXjratw^xißTWrfmcrtns TLere's-ntoaioio tfco vote* we love; ?3 iy- Sreßilti— atnr-&s»*t to V: WiilMff:’ £2ttriisasvyiiL i£BfrfiaCTtsJuhie). la-it fcamnres- k fitragtijraVanny sOTgeS-frtaaßsg'. • —4'-. **•*••» ». ) flfcCTaniqtm, gar H. 2H (RltseKalT?r.- - ~ ~ ‘ ffiwy ScboUtßC ' .'WsllSi^i«^5 r March-. Gtoaj gttfetek. fi«2crt grtttCH Poifea. Aagi»c : W&Ubeok. Qro*» cf Bsw»—sraaO. *aiix . . , A .. ...... lfc»Angei'Wito; tMfttiafthCatV * • * ob ALsa * cttbcc£»ifc4< os* tiuiitjß S.-asiC M jaEti»^irat-bT 'ExpnfSß>e«lB*s«l«*Vr CKAIiMXfi EECStB. 1 tejas ■. g^iia^tanfcswSfrto ttxi&trAjii vii? :iu' ‘ k b* E*. Dveaft. - « M«aci» uMasud Socioa a Btar CaEM*** ptfi jfiaic . ‘■The Kkcaced Nuzu ce BtsAakihis <a CkhTCßt lift. *H»a&tna c£h» Bawsst* “»* Ufa.of Sara \ , *4 Da&i3eks*-trha£ hfr'fcijs;-* tj *• “IfeogetiAttalterk;'' u Heart* die tbe’BrodwrV tola. M Off-band Takings, or the UCiSseat&s SLes dt.-oarAge;" by George W. Bungay, .-., -. ,* VI ♦* Hy B&bdaga and my Freedom?* hyFrtdfDoaglba. “ Battle* of the X^rJvdea’*—with two superb tail& * ThfrTciOpe ranee P lodge Violated by thfiC&iitaittgk5 n —uU cents. • u rrsah Emits and Vegetables xU the Yeaf'at'Stifiaoex Prices 12}4 cents. v “ p« . The above received thin dav by Kxptosu, and Ibr-.we at . . BAT>fl -LA.PgFKB‘3 BOUKSTJRK- SQ-FjffiMh ri'Ufi msnou&UbCs -nr luausaasr, . . .^l3 X H. WINER &CO No. 32 SmUbQeld Btreet, Ram .‘ :'u ; *:.*=*. The Neycomre.—Memoirs pf a Most Bcspoctabls Family. Edited by AVthur Fenbeuhl*; Esq;* 2 volsi * •'^•• > , Hidden-Path i by the author Sstant^.-pp p,k» rsonVUagazina for October;- -.' -- ••; Leslie's Jotirnal do Ballou's Magazine d* • ' • • - Yankee . . do .. . : , All the new Books received as soon aspuMUbw r~- sepaa ... * \ •., .■■■jg ? oi«- IpWA Au.AT Ih IN- 186 >—A Gazetteer lor,iStiMns,»nd a Hana-Book for Immigrants—by N. If. F&xkef. Japaneu iMTuicmi /*—hy iMebar4 ; R*^ r^th f :Bflt l ; *'**“ > a map. • . = Pea King—irTile of the-BeS * by Captl bits of Blarney; by ?3;* ;>■.& (lay Rivers—a Tale of Georgia;’ bj Vjf. Gilmore Sims. ThSHtdden Path; by Marionilarlabdfa^Uforh&lftna. Habits of Men; by Doran. . . Harper's Biory Root, Nrt. 10. " 2 "' i "'"“ ,tw ** ' Harper's Picture Book. No. 1. &#£ Memoirs of Bydney Smith—’l voJs. , The Escaped Nan. * ,' l - AU the MagatiQes k>r September, and all other.:N#w Books. - H. MINER A <*X; ‘ »gpb - ;;. *. . , ~32^mIthflebist CltusuilJS— Baukoi rweborghi • t ~ Merchants and Manbfactniertf "Bank; Exchanger s ! ' . : r ' Farmers* Deposit Bonk; 1 Pittsburgh Trust Company; Citizen** Deposit-Back r MeobahW 1 Ka'bk. * Many varieties of Checks on the above Bjtn)M<B^«* n ' Checks printed to order In any style dxt-irad. W. 8. OAVRW,-Priri*wa«hr-«atl66M. Market "treat, corner 0* Second. BLACK Mi>iKtl 2ud yarOf Cl ectraquality Black BlolreAntique. - sepS , . A. A.MABON PUBB UQOOKti Of every Jbr,9^#^ iD * , purposes, <*au always be urociirw! at V .FOS. FDKHINa I^ sap 4 Corner Market at. and Diamond- BA'tM BUPKRIOtt WHITB atiSAUX. i*.t,«>{"••,• Wazoofl, Oorts, smliOnnltuOTcs. for gale by [ougßl] , HKNifV ff- . T.IOR PHBBKIIVINU PulieriieJ Sun" • K„T°°' pQ " ren “' i ’ m^o'St u»S™L-- Y LKK'zJ CUULKKA HUMBJJ£ so well known for Its ma * y MARKET ST. aug29~ i . ■ Bold bT the dcsan oi JRI \J at Cincinnati, sow j REISERS, Cornw of Wood fl and Virgin ftUey. PAPERS—VeIvet, ttatm *Dd Cmntnou W&ll Pa Wp-mo «-»W for ! «.Wcod stn+t. C- HJiAl* WAJLL PAPKUS, AT IVfr OBfj.T—A oew as sottment lost received and for sale by i£ * W. -P.-MABSHAEL *=CO COKTaIKS—OIB»d yrwin, Plain Green and Fijnred Corlalnu, wholesale and W. P. MAKSIUIX * CO. rmoHX QBKBN-2.6U6 bT '-^ ep2o ; corner Fb« fmUTMdj««- _ 'T''-«r A unN A'colnni'UßW their first ejxbitailou of day, September 20.pm* *»»«■ ,; U«... ■ Bonnets, Head Diasae% .P -e..H.nmwu. 'Xi'wL -sJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers