The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 03, 1855, Image 2
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A-ti . r 9 h -• “ - *y\* V- • • • ' -.•'•■ . # * 4> .•• * , p|.-..-*v «* -*• - v .. - • ■ "■ ■' ■ :y;: ,\- V t :. • -;%4. • ••;. . • '-;, .y l' : •.- • \' r .'. • -!," f ■ ' ■ t- .\ • - ■ - ' ■, ■* 4,' •■■ . ■ '• ->' : . '• • „ >;>:). 4'-.. ' - V 4 'S--’\'*'pJ,*Xi' <■ , fr 1.0-.. . 1. .... ' ' ” - I ''. ••'■ms : *'.*“»'* p-. / - - :< r:j *, . ~ , . Umlq Biorurag OFFICIAL PAPER OF TBE CITY. PITTSBURGH: WEDNESDAY MORNING; STATE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, ARNOLD PLUMER, OF VESANGO COUNTY. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC NOHIFATIOHB. WILLIAM WILKINS, Peebles township ASStKBM: JAMES B. PULTON, Tareotum ; SAMUEL SMITH, Allegheny ; JAMES BALISBURY, Birmingham O. MAGEE, Pittsburgh; L. B. PATTERSON, Mifflin 6BXRXTT: BODY PATTERSON, City. PBOTiiUItOTAEr: JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio township. fgti<n»n : THOMAS BLACKMORE, Uppor St. Clair oosoaia : WILLIAM ALEXANDER, City. JACOB TOMER, Pittsburgh. AUXUTO&M: JOHN MURRAY, Bouth Pittsburgh; A. B. M'FARLAND, North Fayette township, Datcroa or pooa: JOHN BOYLE, Indiana township. DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETINGS Mau meetings of the Democracy will be held la th< loving places EAST LIBERTY, Wednesday, October 3J ALLEGHENY, Thursday, October 4th. TBMPEHANCEYILLE and BRADDOCK'S FIELD, Satur day. October 6IL PITTSBURGH, Monday, October Bth Some of the following gentlemen will be prveent and dellrer addresses Flon Wo. Wilkins, Hod. Cha*. Shaler, Col. Wilson M'Candleas, Col S W. Black, P C. Shannon, Dr J K. M’Clinioek, W. W. I rwin, Christopher Magee, Get F. QUlmore, James Salisbury The meetihgN will begin a* T o'clock, P. M. AT I ENTION : DEMOCRACY OF ALLEGHENY CITY THE CONSTITUTION AHD THE UHION. The Democrats of Allegheny City will hold bnalneas meetings In the several Wards, at the places named below, on SATURDAY BYKNING, October 6th, at 7 o’clock, to make arrangements relative to the coming election on Tuesday next: Fi st Ward will meet at ADAM DEPI.ER'B, comer of Bearer and Ohio streets. Second Ward at Mllß. THOMPSON'S, comer cl ihe Dia mond and Ohio street. Third Ward at GKO. UERST’S, Bast Lons Fourth Ward at ALDRRMAN NKILLIK’d corner cf Robinson and Anderson streets. A general attendance of those who intend to sapport the I'.Wc Demccnitio ticket, U expected. By order of the MORRISON FOSTER, Secretary City Kiecutlre Committee Prrtide&t THE NEWS Major Conrad, of Philadelphia, has published the new liqoor law, and calls upon ail consta bles, police magistrates, &c , to aid him in its execution Rev George* H. Donne, of New Jersey, who has reoentlj gone over to the Roman Catholio Church, is said to bo a married man, and there fore cannot act as a priest in that denomination. Which will be give up—hia wife or his clerical robes ’ A free trade treaty has been concluded bo tween our government and the Sandwich Islands, list Yo‘toi fOTßtanuug<ry; The Express train on the Mad River and Lako Erie Railroad, going north, on Saturday, ran orer a German woman who wae walking on the traok, between Carey and Green Spring, and killed her instantly. Bbe wae not observod by the engineer until too late to avert tho oonse quoncee. Tbe naval promotions, caused by the retiring of a large nnmbor of officers is published. Thirty-Bix oommandere are promoted to be cap tains, among whom are George N. Hollins (Grey town) and Dunoan N. Ingraham (KosztaJ; seventy-six-lieutenants to be commanders; two masters to be lieutenants; one hundred and sixty passod midshipmen to be lieutenants, and eighteen passed midshipmen to be masters. A STOHn OF ISDIQNATIOS, The rascal game lately attempted at Harris burg by Simon Cameron, ThaJdous Stevens & Co., has aroused snob a storm of indignation as we never witnessed before. Know Nothing oau - didates, it is said, a're nominated by a diroot vote of the whole party in their several lodges. Peter Martin was so nominated by a voto of all the lodges throughout the State. The people of the order had thus expressed their will and pre ference. < Yet Simon Cameron and Thaddons Stevens have resolved that they shall vote for somebody else—for a mao nino-tenths of them never before hoard of. The Republican parly had a Btate Convention at Pittabnrgb, and eleoled Judge Jeaaup, Presi dent. Why did they eleot him President of that Convention" Because they thought he was de voted to their oauee. Ii now turns out that he was a traitor to them. He was a member of the eeoret order, and sought that high position in the Repoblioan party in order to betray and destroy It The Repoblioan candidate is also slaughter ed. The Whig candidate is also thrown over board by those precious rougoe. Thus the I voioe of tho people of three parties is set at naught by Simon Cameron, Thaddeos Stevens and Jodge Jessup; and that defrauded people are peremtoriiy ordered to vote for a man se lected by the three oouspiratora ! ! It is no wonder the people who have thus been defrauded are resolving to punish the traitors. And yet those knaves pretend to do all their dirty work to punish •• the Nebraska outrage ” Alohison, and Whitfield have com mitted no greater outrage in Kansas than Cam eron, Stevens and Jessup have attempted to oommit In Pennsylvania. It is Know Nothing ism in both instances, and if tho people of this Btate tamely submit to the fraud here, then ought tho Atohison fraud to bo legalized in Kan sas. There is but one way of repudiating and punishing it here—and that is by oleoting Ar nold Plnmer Canal Commissioner by an over whelming majority 168 DEPUTIES. Therovc, 6G election Strict, in this county worth bribing ; and it i a said that Ephraim Jones ha, promised an average of three men in each of those district, an appointment ae deputy sheriff if he is eleoted Sheriff. Now which shall we believe ? Are wo to ha „ 168 deputy sheriffs if Ephraim is eleoted ; or is he making promises that he never intende to ful fil ? Let his deluded friends answer. It a des perate game be is playing. It is his last ohance and he knows it, and is resolved to win, pocket the profits and endure the onrses of the friends he has deceived. How beautiful are the virtues of Know Noth Dgi,m 1 How pure is that new party 1 Cohs Oct. Thirteon members of the Know Nothing order in Snowden township oame outin utter disgust on Friday last, giving as their rea son a fraud committed by the County Committee L ofthT P r Dg Belllh0 °™ lo nomina tion. Oh, they keep coming out-and fraud, the oause alleged. y Lib^rrv k Rem r emb#r the meetiogat Liberty te-night. Judge Wilkins is to speak and several others. Let there be a full turn out! 1 i. -a. -it U< f. > -✓ OCTOBER 3 mfactured gooda COTTAGE HILL ACADEMV, Below will be found a oard, signed by a num ber of our distinguished and estimable citizens commending h ghly the above named Academy’ Mr. Caton’s experience and sucoess as a teaoher will entitle him to such a testimonial His eohool offers exoellent advantages for the educe tion of the boys of our eity. In another column will be found bis oard. | for the Pittsburgh Po«t j of M cXg B e E Hm TO A“7e T m h ;, Jufitioe to the worthy Principal Mr L C t ? express publioly their satisfaction wUh the”™ 0 cent examination of the nuoile of hi. . I , " I j io . h . w “ l ondao,ed " ith fai?oesa andUll oal' ““an tb °£ r T el ‘ 0f tho olaM<,s nnd we ore pleaecd to add that in general t h. sustained themselves atremelyKaW We cannot speak too highly of the exhibition of the oven thnniro onri a •. We lbcn expressed our tD&n&s, and we do it again, to Mr r . intelleotnal and moral advantaged 8 within our knowledge; anStfide,l o°Sd te one of the moat healthful in the laudTo b phyetoal and moral, situated in the beautifil ,al ley of Turtle Creek, within 12 miles of ih;„ •, The Central Railroad paesee in sight eohool. Signed, Hos. Thomab Ibwih Hoh. J. R. M-Clistoci D- W. Millee, Esq., Solouon Stoheu, 1 ‘ Riohaed Kellt, “ W. C. Babb, “ , J. Scott, M. D., , J. Millbb, , PI,, . , „ J - BeHOOHMAK«B, Eso ( Pittsburgh, Ootober, 1866 , New'rork IhraU STRAN ? B Bed The bmiou It ?Z U rZ:Z IDS thC FaS e ,.^ ra hono, the of C t edfttl ° f aohievements of the rilled armies in the Tart Theflags of tho allies were inlertwined, and in thts aomu Crihol.o Cathedral the standards of Mabomedan Turkey and Protostant England were displayed aide by side with the eagles of Franoe—a nation vhioh remains faithful to the Romish Church, for the present. Think of a aooialpartymade np of the Pope, Martin Lather and Mahomet, and you oan have some idea of the ohangeo whioh a few years make in war, re gion, politios, creeds and diplomacy. V'V, Coal versus Gold — lt may not h&vo oooun sd to the reader when perusing the magnifioent gold stories of California—the Kern River discoveries, for instanoe—that we have a mineral in Penn sylvania which is more valuable than the mines of our Paoifio sister. Besides this, the fields of Pennsylvania are each season becoming more productive, Which is not tho oase with the rivers and gulohes of California. The quantity of anthracite coal that will have arrived at Phil adelphia for the year ending with 1865 will foot up 6,000,000 tons, valued at nearly $26,000,- 000. This does not include what is oonsumed In the vioinity of the mines, and in the interior towns of our oommonwealth, whiob is doubtless one fifth more. The bituminous coal arriving at Philadelphia la also worthy of consideration, but we have do figures of the amount, and Bequently any attempt to estimate it would be mere guess work. Of the coal trade of Western Pennsylvania we have some statistics, bnd they will show more than 30,000,000 of bußhels mined in this neighborhood during the present year- This trade, too, is in its infancy. The su periority of our bituminous over the ooal found further Wert will give it a deoided preference. Of that superiority we have an instance in point. A gentleman living in Springfield, Ohio, inform ed ns a short time ago that he paid thirty five cents per bushel for Pittsburgh ooal during the wlntor of 1864-6. We asked him if he oould nor get a oheaper fuel nearer hom:. He re plied, “Yea, 1 oould purchase Ohio ooal at that time in Spriogfield for sixteen cents per bushel, but preferred yours at thirty five.” We venture to say that in less than ton years tbs ooal mined in Penneylvania will double the product of tho gold mines of California—and this is but oneo tho staples of the Keystone State. Elkotiohs —During tho first half of tho pre sent month elections oconr in five States The eleotion in Georgia came off on Monday, the Ist instant; and by to morrow wo shall probably learn something of the result. There can be no denbt of a Democratic triumph. On the 6th in stant the eleotion takes plaoe in Louisiana. The Know Nothings say it will go for them. Wo donbt it. Oa the Bth, next Monday, tho Mary land eleotion takes plaoe. On tho 9th Penneyl vania and Ohio eleot. In Ohio, it is believed Medill wilt be elooted Governor. He i» the Dem ooratio candidate. We expeot to hear that he is eleoted by a large majority And what will be tho result in Pennsylvania ' We oan pretty safely prediot a Democratic legis lature, on whioh will devolve the duty of elect Ing a United States Senator. As to the Canal Commissioner we cannot donbt tbe election of Arnold Plomer. The attempted fusion, got up by frand, produces only confusion so far, and we believe tho ohanoes of our candidates are im proved by this wholesale fraud. Sxrious Accident at Danville, Pa —At about 6 o’clock, on Saturday morning, the lar gest of sii boilere in tho Rough and Ready roll ing mill exploded —tho west ond flyiog out some three feet, and ‘.ho boiler (twonty-four feet long) torn from its plaoo, oarrying off bricks, pipes, and tearing out tbe east end of the mill The boiler struok the ground and turned a complete somersault in its course, knocked down the out kitchen and went into the dining-room of n Mr John Coker’s boose, one hundred and thirty fire yards from the plaoo of starting A boy, a eon of a Mr, Jesse Sholes, had hia arm broken ; one man bad a leg brokon ; two other boys slightly wounded by flying brioks Mr Coker and fam ily were sleeping in tbe room, and although tbe wing of tbo house is a perfeot wreck, lo ono in tho house was hurt. The loss is about threo dollars The workmco say tb*-™- -»•- explosion and they oannot tberofore aeoonot for was a flaw in tbe iron" ' " Idiotot— Of all tho foolish thiogs ever at tempted, wo deem the present effort to induce Catholics to help eleot the whole or any part of tbo Know Nothing tiokot tbe most Ineffably idiotic. Lioa about our oandidato for Shoriff for such a purpoeo are a useless wear of ooneclenco, and betray a degreo of senseless folly Dover sur passed, it snppoees the Catholios aro fools, and that they oan be misled by adveriurmmi, in a paper that professes to be a Know Nothing organ. The Prospect.-Somo of the shrewdost ob servers of politioal movements in our county deolaro to us their belief that Rody Patterson will bo elected Shoriff. donee has quite a bevy of personal friends among the young bloods ; but in a population of 180,000 personal friends cannot mako a Sheriff. Besides the sober and thoughtful portion of the voters recognize the foot that Jones has neither tho olatms nor the qualifications that all oonoede to Patterson. The Khickebbockeb —Tbo Ootober number 0/ thie well known and entertaining monthly is reoeived, and its oontents aro nationally inter esting. Few periodicals have enjoyed a wider or more enduriog popularity ; and a more do eerved snooeee. Miner & Co. and Qildenfonooy A Co. have it for sale at their depots. Judob Wilkihs —Our opponents are circula ting tho report that Judge Wilkins is sick and nnablo to take part in the canvass. It is false He is out, and at work, as is his oustom, in 0 political campaign. He is going to bo eleoted too. EIGHTEEN DAYS LATEE FEOM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL u y TIIK STAR OF TUE WEST. OVKR A MILLION IN GOLD The Bteamehip Star of (ho West, with Cali fornia dates to the 6th of September, arrived at New 1 ork on Sunday lost. She oonneoted at San Ji an with the Sierra Nevada, which left San Franoisoo on the sth nit., and brines 660 passengers and $1,160,000 in gold. Among her oonsignooe aro the following Drexel & Co $220,000 Metropolitan Bank 160,000 Wells, Fargo & Co 100]000 Thomas Wattaon & Sons 20,000 Newhouse & Spats 20|000 Stern £ Brothers 6,000 . The steamship Oregon Bailed from San Fran ce Boo for Panama on the 6th hast. Tne steam* ship John L. Stephens arrived at San Franoisoo on ihe let inst. The steamship Paoifio arrived up on the 3d inst. The dipper ships Game Cook, Golden Eagle, St3r King and Robin Hood from New York, and tho Starlight, Kit Carson] Meteor and Corunna, from Boston, had arrived at San Franoisoo. The trado with the interior was dull, but the goods arriving were taken readily. The market for provisions has improved, and rates have advanoed. Pork : mess Is kaoted at $2B; clear $3O ; Hams, in brine, $lB 60* Ba °on extra dear $24. Lard, in kegs, 180 ’ and in tin oasos 20c. Cheese 320. Hams 240 Crushed Bugar has deolined to 12*0. Dhmestio Liquors. Flojir and Coffoe aro drooping. Bmall r°n^ 0 /o oof all anJ Gllle S° Flour sold at $12,- 60@13.62J Brown Drills are quoted ut 101 The Wheat orop of CUiforniais said to be short in quantity, and inferior iu qaality. The Stale and oounfy eleotiona were pro gressing when the steumer left. The result was doubtful, and tho politioal excitement that pre vailed was D tense. The Know Nothing party, it was assorted, had bought up the Mormon vote in Han Bernardino oounty for $38,000, pay able after the election. The Mormons there have 800 votes 7ho Whigs of San Franoisoo have reorganized, and nominated atioket, which would reduoe tbo Kaow Nothing vote in that oitj. A riot occurred ai the primary eleolion in the Sixth Ward, on the '-'lst of August. Over twenty pistol 6bots were fired, and several per sons were severely wnnndod. P. B Manchester, formerly a Banker of Cin cinnati, bad been arrested on a requisition from tbo Governor of Ohio, on a charge of forgery. The Board of Examiners, appointed to pass on tho City of San Francisco's Comptroller’s war rants, had rejeoted nearly $*2,000,000, many of them being forgeries, but the moet were illegal issues The F 8 steamer Massachusetts had sailed for the Mexioan coast, to inquiro into the reoent injuries to the persons and property of Amorioan citizens The shock of an earthquake was felt along tho California ooast, on the 21st of Augast At San Francisco it was very so vere. P.faculties had occurred on the Roque river, between the lodims and the U. 8. troops, tiat accompanied General Palmef, tho Superinten. tendent of Indinos Affairs ia Oregon. Three whitos and two Indians were killed in the diffi tfutty. Great excitement prevailed, and troops wero ordered from Fort Oxford. Tho dates from Orofon are to the 2< th of August, but there is nothing of importance in tho papers The Brit ish frigate Amphytrito had arrived at San Fran oisoo from Fetropaulowski and the Russian fort at tho river Auioor 1 hoy fuund tho place near ly destroyed, and the frigato lay there five days taking surveys of tbs rver. Tbo Russian iron man of war found there had been blown op The brig Levereit, fro-u Momlulu, had arrived at Fetropaulowski previously, with tbo forgers Swan and Clifford oa boarj Clifford afterwards left in tho Lovrrett, and Swan took passage on tho whale ship George FROM THE SANDWICH ISLANDS The dates ftum Tahiti are to tho 22J of July The French frigate Adventure was wrecked near New Caledonia, ou the 2Mb of April Tbo U 8 sloop of-war St Mary's was to end the next day for tbo Society Islands niu.M china Dates from China have boon received to the ..>ih of Joly A proclamation bad f»eon maned by the Chinese Superintendent of Cutrtoms of Keang Nan, forbi Idiog the export of rioe and other grains FR(>M MEXICO k [ fic coast of Mciito “ f !. bl ' ln,ur < :oat * oo Ibe Paoi. ten 7,»Dati»— “t - 'focral I’omoofort hail ta od, andthc officers and soljftWS * 1^? w”rco<lor ! “—J joined the K.volutiomsis. Uenera! Com onrort had subsequently marcbed SOOU troors to he attack of Uua.HUxara. Tho oily of /.ana oomrTo?| ri 'T Dllj i 81Ck0li * ficr ito ®nd completely demolished. Tho fight lasted two hours during which Joo were killed and many wounded on both si.lea A force of 1.000 men under Cobollos had marched for the city of Mex 100 Ihe flight of Santa Anna had reached the coast, and had already caused much contention among the military loaders at UuaJalaxara. Oooerals Marquise and Gamboa were fighting the former being in favor of Oeneral Uraga for President, and the latter for Cebollos FROM CENTRAL AMERICA. The Star of tho West brings a number of Col kinocy. new r aper, the •■Central American." Tho Colonel has been oleoted Governor of San Juan and the territory, and toe paper contains an inaugural pr0c1aim,,,.,,, Ho intimates that the difficulties with the Accessory Transit Com pany arfgabout to be settled by amicable negoti ations, 4jAd holJe out tho prospect that the next session of Congress will make reparation for tho damages sustained by the bombardment of Orov town. 1 Ul. Walker, with 160 men, had landed at Virgin Bay, on the SJ of September, and waa thero attacked by a parly of 400 troops, from Rirae, under Don. EtudioU, who was defeated with a loss of 60 men Walker's loss was only fire. It is reported that Col. Walker was to attack Kiva« id a few days. The government had demanded tho arme and ammunition lately received by the Transit Com pany, and now at Castillo. ,wv , Superior. We clip tho following from the /If,ntr, a now paper established at Ontanogan, Lake Snporior rooenlly by Messrs. Emerson & Bliss. From wha we have been able to gaiher. we aro of tho °al| n p°Ll h ' 8 tOWn ° f 3uperl<>r ia bt>anJ be a We have made two Hying trips to tho head of the lake, and eojoyod tho opportunity to witness “° f lt “ U OBlor P ri eing company whioh is now engaged in building up a oity in the wil lerness of Fond du Lac. Everything a bom bears evidenoe of the energy and activity which has been brought to boar tpon this point, and trn.y their efforts are worthy of all praiso The bay upon whioh tho town is laid out, now called the Bay of Superior, is perhaps, some thing less than ono mile in width, and six hi length, lying in a northeasterly direction, to the north of the ontranoe or month, and is Tormed and completely protected from Lake storms by a sand bar about WO feet in width and six miles in length called Minnesota Point, at the head of tho Lake, whioh Is thinly covered by a fringe of small pines. ° N * * « The western ehore of the bay affords a beauti ful site for a oily with a Blrait coast lino at least six miles in length, and banka of a convenient yet commanding height. ’ The streets ran parallel to the shore of tho tbe« a ’ enaoS "" I&id ° ff ia rl * h ‘ ‘0 The prlnoipal etroot ia out out for the distanoe of nearly two miles, aud many buildings of a very respectable character are erected upon ,t on e°f ar n- I l aW? liiU - -or M 0 b««eos aFraadv up, of whioh eomo 40 or M may bo seen fro J the steamer in entering the bay Many explorora and persons ■ “ re T »! a »ble, say that the surface indioatFons°of P o nd e ! gh l bonD M, h -' 11 " ar ° good for ooppor. The Fond dn Lao Mining Co. baa boon ia existent for eome time and has made considerable progress in preliminary improvements progress Sevoral Saw Mills are in course of creolion and tome are at work w« are fine pineries on the St. Louis aad^rnh^M ° on the Nemadji or Left Hand Ei’rer P b “ b 7 from , « h hV ? he n ad 0f of lb , e h 0 0 TX UO ,o o th°e f of oommeroe. By taking the rallro n 4 e r mpori m m veler to the narthara 5 °I tra oral hundred miles of travel will find 86T ' healthy summer climate on thTglobe and “/ill avoid the pestilential miasmas of ?he more slmTh era routos. The link wanting at nre.e-f, road to Mississippi. Bat the line 1. S lB 0 and the final looatlon will be speedily nX'hi a railroad down the Bt. Croix rive/ wUh !h, grant probability that it will soon be ’vigoronslF oommenoed. And the result of lte oomni«?i 7 no one oan predict. completion We offer, therefore, to our wentnw, . youngest child of the' "Father t?: hearty welcome to the oirole of our/' family, and exult with her in anspioioue future whioh is rising bXe a , * The Te Veum, the hymn of thanksgiving for the triumph of the allied armies in the Crimea and the fall of Sebastopol, was celebraiel with duo pomp this day in the church of Notre Dame. Twelve o’olock was the hour at whioh the re ligious oeremony was to oommenoe, but at 9 oolooktho population was in movement, and thronging the streets through whioh it was known the Imperial oortego was to pass on Its way to the anoisnt oathodral of Notro Dame. At 10 o’olook the troops, comprising the army of Paris and the battalions of the National Q-ard, arrived on the points which had been as signed to them to form a double line. The Rue de Rivoli from the Rue Bt. Martin, the bridge of Notre Dame, the Rue de la Cite to the Rue de Constantine, the Rue Constantine, the Rue d’Aroole, and the open space in front of Notre Dame, were oooupied by troops and National Guards, and tho ground it oooupied by them was filled with a oompact multitude. The houses along the passage were dressed out with tho flags of tho allied nations ; and the windows, from the basement story to tho roof, wore alive with spectators. The time honored cathedral itself contained only within its sanotuary the ornaments required for a fete whioh partook at the same time of a religious and military ohar aotor. On tho four oolumns whioh support tho first gallery of the portioo were displayed the shields of Franoe, England, Turkey, and Peid mont, and a row of flags, with the oolours of the four nations, extended along the base of the two towers, on each of whioh floated four green banners, embroidered with gold beet. Again, on the summit of thoyowers floated two large flags. The squaro in front of.the oathodral, the streets of Aroole, Constantine, and the Cite, as well as the bridge of Notro Dame, were cov ered with a fine sand, presenting tho appear anoe of a oarpet, for the cortege to pass over. An immense orowd filled the approaobes to the Tuileries and the Pinoo du Carrousel, whore the troops who were to esoort tho Emperor were drawn up. At 12 o’olook prooisoly the Emperor and Prince Jerome entered the State oarriege in the oourt of tho Tuileries. The prooession passed under tho triumphal aroh of tho Carrousl nearly in the following order General Korto, who oommands the cavalry of tho army of Paris • the regiment of the Guides, preceded by the Bappcrs and the band ; the im; crial household 1 on horseback ; three oourt oarriagee, drawn by six horses, and containing the dignitaries of the orown and the grand officers of the empire and of the Allied Powers. Each of these carriages was attended by the equerries of the Im perial household. The grand equerries of the Emperor preoedod tho Imperial carriage. Then onmo tho Stato oarriago of tho Emperor, drawn by eight horses, mßgnifioently oaparison ed, and lod by running footmen in State liveries. The Emperor oeoopicd tho right of tho oarrioge and at his side was seated his unole, Prinoe Je rome. His Majesty, as was the Prince Jerome, wore the uniform of lieutenant general, and the grand oordon of the Legion of Honor. The mag. nificent squadron of the Cent Gardes followed close to tho Imperial oarriago, and tho cortege was closed by a squadron of Cuirassiers of the Imperial Guard. The Emporor's departure from the Tuilleries was anoouooed by a salute of a hundred guns, the trumpets Boundod, the drums beat to arms, the flags were lowered as Napoleon passed, and acclamations burst from tho multi tude, whioh flew along the lino. Tho groat bell of Notro Dame’pealod out its notes of triumph, and announced tho tidings of a groat solemnity to tho population of Par's From overy window hats and handkerchiefs were waving, as the cor tege advanced slowly, and it approached tho on tbc-iral of Notro Dame amid a storm of acclama tions from the multitude The weather was beautiful, the heavens were without oloud, and a warm, though not sultry eky, and a britliaut sun looked down upon the scene, to which it added life and spirit. The Emperor and Prinoe Jerome, with hood uooovcred, returned the sa lutes of tho people, and it could easily bo seen how happy they appeared at this manifestation of national spirit. The Emperor was received at tbo entrance of Notre Dame by the Archbishop and bis clergy and conducted to ikopne Diea prepared for him id front o: tho high altar. The interior of tbo Cathedral was decorated nearly in the Bamo style as on the marriage of tho Emperor. Tho pillars wore covered with crimson velvet embroidered with gold, and drapery of the same matorial ran along the upper galleries, which were adorned s' vvftnlar intervals with golden eagles with ex tended wings. Clusters of Bags or tbo allied nation' wore suspended at each i , to the loft, was covered over with the orifltmmcs of France fcogland, Piedmont and Turkey, and glittered in tho eunbeams whioh passed through the Gothic windows The altar in the middle of the transept acto ally appeared like a mass of carved gold, enoir oled by hundreds of candelabra. The aisle and transept were furnished with benches covered »ah velvet for the oflioore of the Crown the venous constituted oorps, and the representa tives of foreign governments. Among the most prominent, as also Iho most remarked wore the Prussian and Austrian Ambassadors. The dip lomatic corps and the minister of the Crown *l™u° r l*V °[ l ho Em P° ror - on the left the Marshals of France, the Grand Crosoos or the Legion of Honor, the Members of the In stitute and othor dignitaries and high funotion arics. A oertoin number of ladies, who had been specially Invited were also present. The side atoles, which wore separated from the cen tral one by wooden barriors, were left for tbo occupation of the pnbllo, who filled them at an early hoar. ~ '' °' cl<)o , k tho oharoh was nearly filled At half past 11 the Archbishop of Paris, with orosier and mitre, and followed by the ohsp ter proceeded to tbe ontranoe, where a oanopy had been oroofod, and under which ho awaited the Emperor s approach. The greatest inter eat prevailed as tbe Ambassadors arrived Tbe pereonage however, whose presence was hailed witt marked welcome was Abd el Kader, who portaps was the least astonished at finding him self la n Christian temple thanking heaven for the triumphs of Prance. At half past 12 tho drttms boating to arms and the sbouto of tho orowd gave note of the Lmperor s approaoh. Within tho oburoh everv one rose the orohestra struck a triumphal maroh, and tho troops presented armj. • he Emperor alighted from tho carriage, and 7 l " a * aw moments’ oonvorsation with the Arohhishop, entered tho building. Tho Episeo pal cross was borne at tho head of the prooes sion The tmporor advanoed to tho allar alono bont on bis knee, and remained in that position for some mlnutoß at the foot of the steps leading to it He then drow book, and bowing right and left seated hlmeelf In the fauttuU, before whioh a praying desk oovored with orimson vel vet waa plaood. Tha Tt Drum was then ohnuntoJ In the midst of the deepest silenco ; the Don,,, ta lvum fac Impfratorem WftB repeated threo times by tho vocal andinstrumental performers. Tho Aroh- Inshop then pronounced in tho most solemn mauoer the pastoral benediotion, whilo all knelt and nono more humbly than Abd el-Ksder and tie Arab ohiefs by whom he was attended. The Emir appeared quito emneialed, and still In a state of suffering from his lato malady lho oeromony was over at ten minutes to one o olook ; the Emperor loft the ohuroh with the same stato as ho ontorod it, and returned to tho tho same aoolamations. Tho Empress was not present at the coro rnony, but her ladies of honor attended, and [ were seated near the Emperor. It appears that the vestments worn by the Arohbishop and the 01 orgy on the present oooasion, are tho identi cal robos that were presented by the Emperor Napoleon 1. to tho olergy of the oathedral at the baptism of the King of Rome. The Belgium Minister did not attend tho Te Dtum, and the ministers of some of the Btnoller States of Ger were also absent. Fukebal Poetrt.— Those who do not road the poet,' corner of the Philadelphia Uiger, ~ the obituary oolumn—miss some raro goms t of oarious sotting. I D a reoent number of that pa. per we found some stanzas appended to the obit uary notloe of Mies Sarah Elizabeth Link, who eparted this lifo in her eighteenth year. We append theta as one of the trays of oommemo- I rat ng her virtues in a form more enduring than brass or monumental marble : |,< P^roL l !V hr el,wit alma her, Thm. S! Ul * Hra»e>n low, A^d f *to oyroUo ™«S" r lmi " la,m J “ r °With T meet you yet, With God, who reigns over all. F thoK > h «PPy hour., But th °y Pa” 80 fio°u w.J“, th i^ u open rose. Was plucked when j uat In bloom °Tw , to ,"?P-<*Me to mouro— blade to her lather is rone- Uone to Heareu, that place of rest, When bar Sariour thought it b**»r. * • « • « Ttr- „ J! «c " w IZ.**'*' thk tk ofiuja m fakis, [From Pari* Letter, Sept. 14 ) \ N, \ • sSc - ffkSW 4QJ- Wor ait I Worms J-»A great many learned treatise* hare been written, explaining the origin of, and classifying the worms generated in the human system, Scarcely any topic of medical science has elicited more acute observation and profound research; and yet physi cians are rery much divided in opinion on the subject. It must be admitted, however, that, after all, a mode of ex pelling these worms, and purifying the body from their preseuca, te of more value than the wisest disquisitions as to their origin. Such an expelling agent has at length been found. Dr. M'Lane’s Vermifuge proves to be the much sought afte, specific—its efficacy being universally acknowledged by the entire medical iaoolty. A. further proof, read the lollow hig from a lady—one of our own citizens : This is to certify that I was troubled with worms for more than a year. I was advised to nse M’Lane’s cclebra ted Vermifuge. I took one bottle, which brought away about fifty worms; I commenced improving at once, and um now perfectly well. The public can learn my name and further particulars, by applying to Mre. Ilanlle, No. 3 Manhattan Place, or to E. L. Theail, Druggist, corner of Rutger and Monroe streets. Dr. M'Laoe’s celebrated Vermifuge, also bis genuine Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Canada. Purchasers will please be careful to ask for, and take none but Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge. All others, In comparison- are worthless AUo, for salt by the bo e proprietors, FLEMING BROS., Boccfeaors to J. Kidd A Oo- n No. 60 Word rtraet, corner cf fourth Inhalation for Dlaeaaed Lunge. Th» mods of Inhalation, In cases of diseased lunge and throat, recommended by Dr. OorUe in hie advertisement, strikes ub as the true one It is now generally admitted by our beet physicians, that local difficulties can only be suc cessfully treated by local applications. This practice has been pursued from the first with respect to eitemai inflam mation and .-orroeions, and we see not why diseases of the throat and lungs may not be treated In the same manner; we believe they may. In this variable climate of cure, where lung and throat complaints have become so preva lent and rife, we earnestly recommend to the public, and to fflr afflicted etpeciaHj/, to avail themselves of Dr. Curtis remedy.—{One who has tried lt.J See advertisement in this paper. (fcuWon-Da. OußTifl' HYGEANA is theoriginal and only gennloe article. eep4:3w<Uw 49-Ague and F«ver of Three Year*’ Standing Cared««-Mr. Jobs Longdan, now living at Bearer Dam, EUoover coanty, near Richmond, had Ague and Fever for three years; most of the Umo he had chills twice a Jay, and rarely leas than once: he. was parched with fevers as soon as the chill Urt him; and after trying physicians, quinine, most of the tonics advertised, and everything recommended to him, was aboat to glvo up In despair, when Carter’s Spanish Mixture was spoken of: he got two bottles, but before he had used more than a single on#, be was perfectly cared, and has not had a chill or fever since. Mr Lon :den Is only on* out of thousand* who have boon benefited by this great tonic, alterative and blood pu rifier. See advertisement sep4.lm Batchelor’. Hair Dy —Tb„ ORIGINAL, RELIABLE, TRUK and NATURAL—beyond all qu«tlou lha hßiT—never fades, or fails to dye brown or black, true to nature, without the least injury to ekin or hair. Made and soli, or applied, (In nine private rooms,) at BAT CHELOR’S old established Wig Factory, 233 Broadway New York. ’ ‘old, tibidesfcle and retail, by tt. GEO. n. KEYBRR, 140 >2B:d*w Wood street «*- Juit Received, at Grtbbla'a, a splendid assortment of Pell snd Winter Oooda, of every description, consisting of Plush, Grenadine, Video la and Floured Satin Vestings, Doeakln and Fancy Cas3lmeroa, Clolhs, Overcoat lugs, Ac., Ae. Also, Gents’ Furnishing Goods in great yarl oty. which Will be sold low for cash. No. 2JO Liberty street. ftopl7 OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THE ONLY RAILROAD IU'SHUMU WEST PHOn PITTSBURGH. fin Pm Tails leavee .t s A. M. through to Cluclnnal 12 bourn ami 40 minute* MAU TRaIK LtAVH AT 8 A. AI. Kiriß3dTaij?i M at 3F. &I. The** Train* all make close connections at CrMtline acj tbr first two rollout at Alliance The direct route to 8t loale b DOW open, ria Orostllna auil Indianapolis, lot) miloa .honor than .la Gloeeland. Oonnwtlona am mad. at Man.fleld with the Newark and Sandnaky City road ant at Crealllne with the thro, roada concentrating there' For particulars see bandbUle. No traina run on Bauday. ' Through Tickets eold 10 Cincinnati, LunLarUle St. Louts, Indianapolis, Chicago, Book Island, Sort Wayne, Cle.eland, and thn principal Towns and Cttiia In the Went. The NKW BitIQIITON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN wUI a.. Ptltahurgh at 10 A. M. and i 16 P. M, and New Brtgh. >n et T A. M. and IP.M. il the corner offlee, under the MonongaheUUouse ttr, at the Federal Street Station, to Httaburgh. Jol. a, .‘’gS? 1 ™ PARKIN, rick.t^.nh IHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD Continuation of the Ohio and Penna. B. B TO FORT WAVNE, tdm. hoitoud mb naHtim «,le teosi pirranoßaa. s^2sSS««ffl: ' IWm. Jaainn* Tick.s will b« partisulr" I “ ll ‘ r TVk«t by tha Ohio *n<i Indian* Jrd -._. J. K- fITRAUQIIAN. Bap’t PITTOUUH4JU bifo, Firo and Marino Insnranca Company: tvaysji of water aad markst streets PITTSBURGH, PA. J”. D. MUiia, Secr.t^ BEBI ° ALWAY ’ P™dd«nt JuroS m .7m7S«TtIBI7. lm,Urell= ’ to or jssr^gassss .Hsar"—Sfissi!assKx . DutacToaa: Robert Oalway, Alexander Bradley John Fullaitm, 7 ’ Bamnel JTClurkan. jK£.«‘“P*- J »“ea W. Il.ll".. Chas. ArbuthnoL &n Joaeph P. (Jaiaatu, U. D, Derld Richer ’ James Marshall, j„h n M 'Q|" Horatio N, Loe. glttanolnl. Pennsylvania Insurance fompanr OF PITTSBUBU U, r * Cornar of Foarth and Smithflald strnnta oinaoToßS: Body Pattern*, J&oob Pain tar SrffiT 8 "* i^r 1 ' £rfe:^:SKfe.ffi STON &C y and TrtasurcrA. a. CARKTBR ■/trnjianf &creiary.&. 8. CARRIfiR. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPawv OF PITTSBURGH. i°? N . - SHOBNBKKUKII, Pekhimt. KoBKRT YJNNMY, BccMTur. C W. HATOHKLOk. Qctsiul A« B r. WILL IlSCas AGAINST ALL KINDS MARINE ANDVIRE RISKS. ! duleotobs: t w iw„°? l r g * r ’ w - om», *-• r. D&teoelor. w ir will %. laa«o M. r.nnock, T L ' 'V. W. Martin, II D (ES,™ H. T. Lrtech, Jr., j nh „ “ > “ r ‘ n - U™r B 8 S. Bild.i, B » B„^ Ug ey ' DaTMMcOanJle^ 8 - 8^11 ’ pol i promptly paid at Ua Offlw, No. 90 W ft??* WILLIAMS ITALLEN, | SUCCESSORS TO ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, KAfrorAcrußMßs or Chiiaon Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, r. m AND rivrim qknkballt, irarm,t ‘f and Ventilation of Buildingt. h '"z’ „ A - ,'f 111 ““Iraot for Warming and Ventilating ly Steam or Hot Water, Pipes or Chilson'a Pornaoe, Boboota > Uosnltala, Paotorlea, Groan Hma J * lls i Hotels, or Dwellings. No. 26 MAngE? aplO PEARL STEAM HILL, ALLEGHENY. aS-WOOB DJSLIYJ2BJBD TO FAMILIES In dm,, oi the two Cities. OttDias may be left at the Mill, or In boxes at the stores of LOGAN, WILSON A 00., 62 Wood street. corner Liberty and 8t Clair st a U. P. SCHWAitTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. T1BUB: CASS, OjH PlllVI&r. BRYAN, KENNEDY A CO. ga HATS, HATS.—We haro received our FALL STYLE OF SILK HATS, which will be found, on In- a neat and good article. A good Hat for 13, aod au extra one for $4. Call and see. MORGAN A 00., No. 164 Wood at, Next house to the new Presbyterian Church. • One door street. Wo hRTe Jut re«alr«(l, hy Kzpreti, ® lanro lot of PLANTER'S, HUNGARIAN and other 80KT HATS, o/ latest style, which we will sail as low for cash as any house in the city. Cali and see £ MORGAN A 00., 104 Wood street, aug26 boose to the new Presbyterian Chnn’K r V?K S!i 7 of Allegheny, will be a candidate forthe iioq^ Allegheny County, at the ensoing ele> jyfcdawte j Canal Boat for Stale. 1H AS b< *o lo use about two rears—now In goo#condi I bb/an ’ ■■ • -• NEW advertisements" fouTthe b-aih: ~ - : SS-Cltlzeiu and strangers visiting tie, i„ “ UAT or CAP thB latest style, would do We it to »nd exam toe oar stock, as we ore determined not to to undersold. Qcrick sales and small profits MORGAN A CO., No. 164 Wood street. _ cctJ One door from Sixth. N*w Yoax, October 16, 1862. bbiko rna iar to isk for a £“** *° Orfor nEi SU7,r wJI mlvudZtj OCt2 67 1'“ B aiSVOI-VXNO UALKNDAit—ThiTf instrument is about the size fecc 7 beautifully ornamented, and K°ld piece, I* la w ~S«trnci«J month, too on toll »t . glance tha day 9? It answers fcr not cnW STtmJ 7 iPJw- «ia time. Thousands are sold ble gifts Tor Mends. It ta ™i^7;“ g «* toi It. practical ntU^lti\? a "»**£» »*U» Eoldhy ° do “ a TrS/a T^ Market street. Jtpm u It Waiaad Is;‘mflhSf* 11 &ylot a 2^SS^ES ; i££SC E - Ccob ' AJone, by Marlon llaria nd. ThfLltSl^* 0 ?? 8 ’ or th ® fiiwJow of Pato. I *>J Thacket^ 165 1 Memolrs<lf 0 >tat BeapecUMe family ; n. , ilAfiAZDffifl POR QOTORKr SSjJsgjJpS SSKtoSSaSiSSSftJSs i SSS^w^jssS Together with an other new Books as fast as published. Jfor sale by H MIN£K a CO., ocu Ho. 33 Smithfield street. agrf m”™ “ ,ornin S.»l » o'nlock, Mr,. JAtlB DIOKSON, °/ Trad*.—The "regular Month* meeting of the Association will be held j n thpfr Booms, on PBIDAY. the 6th instant, at 7U o’clock P M Pnnctnia attendance is requested, as Important will be transacted. JAB. P. BABB 0013 - Secretary. COTTAGE! BILL ACADEMY^ A Classical and Collegiate Boarding School, FOR BOYS. T nE TWBLPTH SESSION of this Inriltntion will com" X monco on TUESDAY, the 10th of October. •J? -Kf 1 18 i'iSJS* ln tiie plesrsnt, boantlful ami , ° f CREEK, distant twelve miles by railroad B * l ’ SI " 1 Uof aa!ess i several times a day, Those who bare children to educate, are inWted to call ““ tho arran »«mentB made for the accommoda tion of scholars. r hatav Turtle Creek Allegheny Co., October, 1866 * P ’ d M^-raTa at i M 8 ' StfKirtffSS? Rttßbargh: “ W'J to *"• Prtecl. P Propoaaln for Coal. “applying Cool to the Boats of the •PITTSBUHGII Alii) OIJtOINNATI DAILY PACKET “ r the waring season, will be recelred up to (he 16th instant, at noon, at the otßca of WM. HOLMES A CO Market street. The Co»l Is to bo lieliyeml in tho Bins of ths Bonis in by"°o Q> B ptal“ 1,000 4,000 buahdB ’ “ may be required Tbs contract to conunsuco on tbs opening of Packet Navigation this Pall anil to extend to ths Ist of July, 1856. Address, “ PROPOSALS FOB COAL.” oetfrdtd T„„ "Proposals tor coal. SS? 1 °f Dirrctors of tbs FIRST WARD PUBLIC >Srs™ L .!r U 1 J W 0 np to SATURDAY, Ctb th ® furnishing of 8 000 busbals Coal, to bo plaoed In the cellars of said School. ’ octS-d?» r ""’ a . , J - A- CALDWELL, octsdltr Secretary of Board, No. 88 Water si Who Wants lo Buy 1' T“ LADIES may always And UNDER GARMENTS for “ nd fOT rbildren, with the best assortment of CORSETS in the city; anl CHILDREN'S CLOTHING of all kinds, for boys or girls—Jackets, Pants, Sacks, Dresses, Ac.—at MRS. M. R. HENDERSON’S No. 63 St. Clair street. VALUABLE BOOK&—On Thursday evening, October 4 commencing at 7 o’clock, at the Commercial Sales itocms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold, a verr large collection of valuable Books. Headers of &U varieties of taste and proteselon will find it to contain many works of internet end importance, some of which can now only be obtained at sales of private .Ibrariea. A large number of the books ore magnificently illustrated, and all In good condition. The followiog are embraced in the stock:— Scott’s and Clarke’s Commentaries on the Testament* Mod ern Pyßtem of Farriery; Knapp’s Chemical Technology: Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Manufactures: Museum of Animated Nature; Gallery of Fine and Useful Arts; Nn. ttonal and Scripture Galleries of Kngravings; Hogarth’s Works; Bradfords Wonder of the Heavens; Selections from the London Illustrated News; large sets of Centres sional Documents; Hazard’s Register of Pennsylvania; complete ; Congressional alobe and Index, 11 vola.* 1c 4c Liw BOOKS-Peters’ Reports,lB vols; Barr’s Pennsylvania Reports; Wendell’s Reports; Chi tty’s Pleading, 4c. iL w uh ao extensive selection of favorite authors in poetry, historv travel, biography and miscellaneous literature. * 0013 . P. M. DA VIP, Auctioneer. OUPU4.NB’ OOUItT SALE OP RKAL KjTATE tv TH, 6KVKNTH WARD—By virtue order cf POEDS p°Brt of Allegheny (Jonnty, on Tuesday, October to 0 clo £j; P ' ™*• promlaee, will be cold, by order of WUltam Wilson, Administrator of Semoel Wlleon, deceased! the fol owlog property, belonging to that estate, vii:—Lot No. 12 in third plan or lota lail out by Wm. Arthurs, bar *°S a front of twenty feet on Centre avenae, near the N W oorner of said avenue and Artbnrs street, and ostondlmr bacli (preserving the name width) one hundred feet- oi which is erected a two story frame dwelling honeo and sta ble, Bubject to a claim of $1,200 for purchase money there on. A re, the undivided equal half part or portion of all two certain lots of ground, being Noe. 26 and 2Bln A Miller's plan of lota, haring eaob a front on DevUlier street of twenty-four feet, and erteadiug bach one hundred and four Said lot No. 28 being aubjoct to claim for pur chaw money unoantlng to $167 7-100. r Terms cash, par money. oc'3 Qbpi/ans ; >ap' „ °°JJ RT , B *i-E OF VALUABLE BEAL KB - IATl AT earning, October 11th, at 7u o clock, at the Merchants El change, Fourth street tvlll Q bom, agreeable to adjournment, by order of the Adm'nf*. TSTn o '?T™ a ""‘th“ folfortogyah uablc Real Estate, Yii: That very dc IraWe lot or ground situate at the corner of Penn amt Marbnry streetS, bavin* f f r*w° f birty ./'* ot toohw on Penn street, and extend log back along Marbory street one hundred and ten feet to Brewery alley, on which in erected a b’ick bunding „ w Builtflog Lots hi the kigbth Ward, finely located 2. S™" 16 * Mn P*» Forbes, Locust, Vickery and Bluff streets The last mentioned Lots are in a rapidly Improving neighborhood, and will be offered i n a A fording a rare inducement to capitalists for Investment If not sold entire, they wUI be subdivided to anit purchasers. Terms—Ono-third cneh; residue in one and two years, with interest. Title indisputable. 01:13 P Jjl- UAVIS, Auctioneer. illGUTll WAKO REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION—On J Saturday afternoon, Oolobor Gth, at 4 o'clock, on the Jl ,rlll , bfl »»U-Tbo«o tires handsomely situated Lota of Ground, near the National Foundry, beine Noa 'T 27 and 28 In the plan of lota laid out by J g oJ rer?tl^PffiaS l tliiuF a £l^*' orbeß BtrgBt ‘ 01111 bkloadingback .Ith lu’ercst. |sj :! >CT prM^~Blviir^sSSr SO shares Ohio and PenM. Bailroad Co. • 10 Jo GUicns Insurance (Jo. —. —r. - - **• LAVIB, Auctioneer. A LLTUU MAGAZINES FOR OCTOBER— Harper's Magaatoa for October • Putnam's do do Knickerbocker Jo Poteraon’e do do Graham’s do j 0 Ballon’s do do fjS, 1 !,' 8 °‘”«o of Fashion, do ; Frank Leslie’s New York Journal, do • Uarper’s Btory Book, do. ' Books and -weired a. soon as published W. A- gildenfbnney a ca’s, Fifth opposite the Theatre, AND QU)VISa~A. A. MABQS & UO. are a°Mmnf(*f TeT n a Y od assortment of the nUrfi*T mpriafag Ladles' sal Children's Winter Hosiery, in e?ary rartoty for winter wnr oet3 lu rn -' ,u) Pf lj«nc«aier onarely new style,, ja, t received. 00 A. A. MAHON 4 CO. T>AJOUB KU> GLOVKB— An assortment of the •Sove OriT«JT 1 “ ° f Ql ° Tea oet3 mason a co., 25 Fifth street ° f th6^’"iwltatepiSSo’nnatehSi Mt 3 8. CDTHBERT A BON, 63 JtarteUt LUB lbs for cote by B. A. FAHSEBTOOK A CO., comer of tint and Wand uta. "DAUUADOiS TAB—4O gwiona for sale by OOl3 FAHNESTOCK A CO. !OPr.gKA£—<s3 bbla Inr m>ln fry OC ‘ 3 B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. S£S*t,«:;ife£aE.“ Kwt train on Tuesday morning. * p m D iTl n leave Button daily at 8 o’clock A M and s and LawrencortlU Depot at 11 a m \Ltk t»' m 8 wlu ,to P ** »>l Intermediate points. “U WII. V. JOHNSTON, Preat A. V. B. R. Nieatagna, by fi G. Squfcr; Bwi and Bear Hunting; The Aracaniaus; A Trip to the Panama Railroad • ?™Du.? ; ° o£ ‘ cludell ~" Wh ° » ’°rry Mit n Firet and Last Lcye ; Oor Rooks and Authors. A Day Dream; Tbo Little Chorister; Doctoring Begins at Home Cora lie; Rachel; Monthly RecoM „f Currant Errols • Literary Notices; Editor's Table; Editor’s Rasy Chair: Editor’s Drawer; Piscatorial Experlonce; J«P _I, * I,rd Tas l0r, “ "“k on Chinn, India and besl in the world—tor sale at 20 cental*, copy, at LAOFFBR’a Bobl&TORE, _ No. 80 Fifth street. mmmmm °“ 2 B. T. C. MQItG A N,IQ4 Wood st. Mt 2 eTORK * Ka 38 firm Knurr— Just re‘ r-« 0 « ® tock of ORRBN and BLACK TEAS* ft^°M? U | the d i flßreDt flavors &Dt l ft™d PS , purchased toe “® h - 11111 wl » *»W trbSS #tue and retail at the lowp&t ptfoee. a JAYNES cctl I Oazsrtta anil Diwpalch cony.] N ) 3 - 20 1,0108 Lflmcnß jnsK received and for *“ le b * BSYMBR 4 ANDEBSOtr: No. 39 Wood stroot- 0011 I<- niIiSHFrKI.D A SON. OILS 3UIKTS AND DiiAWKnS-Jmt rwaivod, iFiu,. £, Z£T*fi&X 9 md 12 thrraaa K,k ShlM oca O GARFS AND TUaj-rJostreeriFed, a Qua assortment of Do - 1 No. 70 Wood street. F/JUm 011 '" 0 prtma and for-ralo by _ FLBSITNG UROB. I *T :SaAFa:rll, A—^sou Iba rcceWi ar.d ter (ale by IXKMWO BflO.S. K ll^| ,LiVJS uIL — I2 Jos restivuj «nd lor sale t.y - _FiEiITNa BUO9 P. M. DAVI3, Aocttonepr. VI U^f GS — 200 ,ba rt<?clT «l “il lor sal» hr - U FLUSH SO BROS ft *5^ 4-IUS—J 5 bolts pate Saleratos for aa)e Uy y (K . l L_ HKNiIY 11. COM. I b.w-aW; all s ? pcrlor «'> leß of Ladles' Cloaks, In aad m „^”“c!f,7™cr”o^! ,llUe ' BC “ T8r ’ B1 “ Ck > *■*“ S'LS'K* M«W« LAND Pul! HALE—With '* Ull!r Ho , a ?®' 8 P House, Qajdan.ic.i alt “I? cultivation; cltuale about eight mbM from the aty. Price $7OO. Terms 1 coot. B. CXITHHKRT I SON, 63 Market St. JON Eh. TIEKNAK & CO.. (strcoEsaoßs to mdephy, tieenah a oo.,) Il A mm ™f STOBB AND F 01! SALB . • handsomernswt BHT GOOBS ISPsTS?*® 1 " J.l The Nee comes, by W. u Thackeray ■ Ibo Iroquois, by Minnie Myrtle^'* An3i,n = i Poems, by John 0. Saxe; ’ ’ The * Charles Peren Poor Travelers, d Q Household Words, for October. Jnet received end for solo >c eep27 W - £%™ S¥Kmi . SY .* Co.'3. e.l . * ULh Bt -. opposite the Theatre. 50 4 £WOAN PEA NUTS: ■- tJ\J iso i aes Tennessee do 5 bnles Soft Shelled Almonds ■ “00 Oocoa Nuts, fresh. ' Just recidved and for solo by RHYMER A ANDERSON, Ho. 39 Wood street. W" HOLES ALB WtfAILDBALRR ra PORN ACER. *&SiSHSS'fS 4 A. A. MASON A 00. Lot is a Cellar Wall bnllt for ?»,» ,£? ack part of the ««suaiS'??=s^“a •***•« ' aA^nwSS^ At Office of Morntaa Voet. (VJST™ f O -^W‘' f GLEN HOTEL V' Grounds ere offered for rvvt »*iT U3 r£" wmimm A TTKKTIOH, LADIK9I— o“?S’ a " zetle »««* £. gj? Nc-w York Journal do la do Mogorfne do 17 io Yankee Notions ii “> MaUAZIKKS— J Putnam'aMftgailne for October. Graham's- - do do Peterson's do j 0 Goday’a Lady's Book do Lcalio’a Fashion Book do Jost received and for sale at • W. A. GILDENFESNUY A CO.’S Itfifa opposite the Theatre. 1856 bM»hAta' aAXI M Ua '~ S ® nlbnl Hlll’a Pltte fegr,* aarsaß s A »<»nt 800 varda ijf .l£fw TheSSi Ss^SS®SSr^|§- lj “ l ““ al one, tiro and thri, year? * ' * a ’ o in b “ a '. B. OUTHBHBy A 80N. 6ft Mw»w» rirar; hrelng OO ohto EK>M “ ents ’ A sooi aMto’bflES ““ 804 —■'■' J - _• 8 -. WQOD3,7S Fourth Pt. cttltiwtion, is offered torSlaJo “* nder a fln ® ***** °f —WQQD9 t 7fi Foorth gt. at one rear. ctms—ffajQ Id pAiij,- remaloder sepSG & CtTraUBOB 4 SON, ' 53 rtreei. Cloaks. S,nf b ara of e ,"y Cloths for ladlss- -18ep 2°1 A. A. MASON & CO. 4- M&bON * co. bare inrt-cpema grade. * >est ffinies of Irish Linens, pr every ‘ • ;' cgp2B A A. MACqM A CO-.25 im St. 1 °f flatters ami y«Boy mouL bought Bt No. 107Marketetreet. <*«S f»ag«| W. g. SCOmAtz. R**??!??"" 7^*o ***** baeold i-> —Bep24 jmrE^Br JMBHMM. -f.MMn’l Patent ImSSJSi Sad. 1 *! 11 * $* »»*» WjM»fc Pats>Kre, Barlaj andQraiai Gr sa,f! at the Seed and Agricultural store, 47 sieS et'eet, by lam22--w3t»l JAMBS WAEPKnp I> BFBTATION IN XEW : : ~ " „ Bmsm,W.TL Juno ath lew B. A. Fahntittxk <t CV—Gentlemen: For ai. , ' post I hare need aA. Fahnestock's Vermlln JSI® Jesra thelmintlc In my practice; my attention*^ It in a car* where I had tolled tn dUlodce w^JSS.SJ:? 4 .* 0 mel, pink and cowbago. A hottTa waa ohto < £S? w,l £ n * 0 ' with deaimble r efreet; since then I have Ufl C'd hundreds or patients, and in a large maLKre* V 6 * 1 lt complete succere. In one ease a SmtoKen S BB81 *U» dne brought away from one lll6 “«»- hare neyer known It to Ha w iSv toomu. I make ibis statement from aa “dated to I the moafrTelaable Vonntfabb ricaon that It is »3V6 ,•v fc. V t'VtVTV'v--,? m OIST9 lUUS.^i H^fw i i2 < i, O 0 ? n3 ‘ “ n<l SDIRT H4KWAOTU rt*uranm,'°t, Jhuttfi elreet And DU- SrJ,. “J[7’. t ‘“'''' '*£«i*rd their etcck of Full and Winter o<M*, »hfeh they rtlj wi ~ calefactory prices, 7mtm- Shirts, Hosiery, FearTs, ulOTe "’, _ Orarats, Mufflers, Stockß, Tier, Pocket IJdkfa, HTi.a , ' uarellag's Shawls, Itu!, Lor Otids. lug busfuw.™ a?3or^meQ lof gdodß adapted to the PurfflS A„_„, P«ttrliyn 9iaa(«) a , durable and beautiful ni? * rte ? Mwitola will bo op-nml frr Infection, fcr KAIII OJIOUNDS. Alter tel Ilowniiof wn^?il« n l thoy w,l! b 0 fouQd ftt lb ® Mao- Market streak? 11 * 111^1 ® 4 ALLBN, eorntjr of Second end oc£l:tf ? w^. on * ** oe assortment AoBeT*?^innSw?dß^^‘ ft i T tocaic »lf t i al P^™ B * corner Diamond and Market et. _ JOS. FLEMING. ! JOB. FLEMIjQ. JOSiBIKUTNO. HAVANA c£QAiiS—i navojtist reccircil X? supply ofganuliM Havana fiegare. ThoB« , »?^S?? ,ef .xreUent Brtlcfe cf Begun cun “ JOB. FtKMIMG'B: ° f ““ senuino Mmmmt b apromot »M a ° f <*>» “ CI corner DUmenil nni) Marketed. I ,yon caoT,us.y7oSiolf L/ that the atatMnenk tnida concerning the properties of * Vi * Inimitable Hair S 7 .aH^ h ?K U ' ,tcd s^ ra f ti; * ni ltat » ,rl «l 1» « “mSS Mil entiely those-asing it af a uio-t corlons and slngnlar «ta? Mth'Tliuf**.S hair restored tn Its nS *^ e M tro! i and"h*nlthy groats of yonth. thit 7t n ofo i and a *hnuleting spirits, so compounded UMd “/ r r*. ly '‘" ““d »Hh aa much raißty, not coloring or staining tho skin In tba leiat: and 'i • m P“ rt " ,n ‘he hair a gloss and beauty nnli&otbat {HTen by an 7 other preparation; anil in every case it will restore the natural color tof the hair. Where aw “ dttoeaa hoa turned It gre.r. Fifty coats por bottle gold by octl x. L OTITfIBKIIT. S 3 Mortat st. W™?"aul-““'”' , “ on 01 out ‘ a^r »==«■ Birh Btriped Moire Antique; Satin Striped an<LPj&ld ttilka; Heavy plain Black Silks. A. A. MASON & COh 25 Fifth at. octl F522* ■’octl L. HIHannELD * SON. KtLAO-4 eatenjual receive! amUar. M |„ by 0011 M.BMINU BROS. 1 cask rerehed anil for «ui<? by octl FLESIIiCQ BROS. i K SSi Wl,,Wolto f 7i sale br J • 0011 TMMiTNG BRi BMABONABLE lACFFEE’B BOOKBTO2B, No 30 Finh Rtreot. v: I'- v ' -i - ,V.» a. A. MASON ft CO. A. A. MASON ft ij , v .■*' ‘V ’’ fa c v r' ** 1. *