The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 03, 1855, Image 1

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    'V- - ■ ttr;- .'• ' ...•••
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■ {’■ v* : r , -y’ it V* 4 '".. '-* r r ,n Oj Printed and pubUthed eoay momtty {Qundayt excepted,) i \
4 BY GlLLnoaB *• ffIOHTGOJHEKY , rfiTTnftnai n if
’sjH ■*• ?1 * ■*■*•! S JY-S fire Dollar* • y«ar, payable Jtrlotlj In f fif f| JK yA
- f * v **■■' ! ** '•..S G ilraoca. 81x Dollars will invariably b# rwqutrad If not paid H M \ B
. i ; : a*; r lUvU u '•■•*•£ - '■’ v ' within the yu> H M 1 6 k| fil
t.r, \4 s 7 Single oopiM rw« onx»—for *«l* *t th* ooanter In the » B J E m
J 0Bc», »nd by th« »•»« /I B /
1! ' l ' ’’'"‘J K', '*' ' ; Pabilched from th« emme offiotf on ft lugs blanket die
»* '. *■ 'V- J sh et, ai TWO DOLLARS a year, in adTanee. Single copies
Vsftf'?L iy * f t»f -'-n‘-v •-V ' l -+ ■* & : FITI oom.
7 £■*:■ # * *v ’f 4 * \y [*'•**.-».. •♦> •• ,•.: * •-■ ! ffjr No paper will be lieoon tinned onleee at the <U#oie- -=•_. ;
t*U 4t « r s ‘ 1 on of the Proprietor*,) until all arrearages are paid. n nATr r nv m
,n *■ \ ‘*l No attention will be paid to any order nm»a noooxa* * DAIL D\ Glu-
»’ :* t - > ' 4 *%j pinledbTtbe money, or saUfifactorr reference in this city. -
AaStJ'^L *t •. * ''l . ’ \ *sr CcnneeUd udd Ou SiUddUhmeritof Ou Morning Port
'i <J orv or the largest Job P+intiy CtfU&Jn ihe dig, token aU VOT TTM V Y] V
- 1 fc nd«o/work wd<w on tte lAorteii no«a, and moil rea»». V ULU MJi Ai V .
■ c ;‘ h ; ! ’-'V^* s ’ aUetermt. -_--- _- --
M. : *r « xf'\7 !v'. 1 Ron. O. a. Sprout, JooepU Fl«mln S ,
'•« «> >»» 0» “17 „ pjt. ■l.'-i A TrORNKY AND OOVHBELUBI AT LAW—Office, No. [uoootssoß to l. wncox t CO.) I
"■ Kt •«»•.» ' .‘ , L ,'„ . ! A—. Fourth street, PllMrareh, Pe. decll-lY r ,OBKKR MARKW BTRKBT AND DIAMOND, k«p
-&<*£s&*■<!• +i' 1 -tC“. ~ "„ 1 ■ ooomobUt on bend • full uMrtmont of Drugs, Modi
A TTORNKY AT Ptttsbargh, t ».r»rfam«r3r,«..» «» Article, horu,. •
“ A_brtgeen Bmithfield street .pd Cberr? all.?. Idedlily PrescrlpUone carrfullj compounlrd et
i«V ! .SV> V* W 4 ' A-- ■■ JBH» SARTOS, sll hours. Je:Vv
;-‘iPiSi'K l ' tvl.A'ki » tf*' y*',. :, I (.■•■ . p® c ®> corner Fifth and Grant ole., Fleming Brothers, .
Ss&*r!Sf *Vi?v v ”P %.*•*« *9J! & • «■ J»3:ly2| mtaiWMß, pa. Ihcciiioii to j. im i to.|
i**Xi &%*#** “4.i t * "* Thomas Moans. -IXrHoUWALE DOOQIBTB, No. 60 Wood .trret. P.ltt
* » •6 C V > ; b *. >■'.? ' ' A TTORNKY AT LAW AND BOLK3ITOR IN OHANGEBY. _YY burgh, Pn. Proprietors of Dr. M* Lone's C,lebrelnl
IrW;,'u-U-- -t ' r *'u , ‘ , [ l\. Office, unit door to the Post Offioe, SteubeurtUe, Ohio. Yermltago, Liver Pills, Ar- ■7"
fiu< “ vV:b'‘7 J j»t4_ jssn Han, j r „ ,
U 0 'V 4I ) '1 ' S. P. Boss, ) sooosssos TO JUtss n'ot-rrir j
«?dS *C‘ M(| fc‘S’ A ITORNBY AT LAW-NO. 109 Fourthstreet, Pittsburgh, TITHOLESALK AND RKTAIL DROOOIST, eod dealer
(’Ylle.-A 1 ir> 'SrV-JAIt? ,4 fr.<vJ( e ; * v *•. J\ foorUi door bolov Mr. Body Patterson's lAserr Win Paints,Oils.DjroSUßi, Ac ,111 Wools'reet, three •
V i L V ‘t-C-. <*C4 l> . cuUa, I*2B doom below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr-LmAely
'A‘ G. Orlando Loomis, B. L,. Allen, ,
4% l® •a®'i,' • h- • Clio-, A JjLt H VV DlKd, OIfIARA OLD MONONGAHEI.A AND HYE
tf — WHISKY, 4c., also, Rectifying Distiller, No 8 Wood street. I
" »• »• Carnahan, Pittsburgh, Pa.
t.* -L± Cherry alley and Grant street. jc2:y CrcixandNew Englandßuxa,ClaroU,Champaigneß.Sooti^i
•» J- S. M’dowry. Ale, London Brown Btout, Irh-h, Scotch, liyurbon, old I
* A TTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office in Monongahala Rye and Rectified Whiaky, Peach. I
-/V. Bakewell’e Boildinae, on Grant street, ie2 Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies ; imported Havana, ,
„ = 1 —- Regalia, and Principe Oigare; llalf-Spanirh and Oomm.«
P- i,' 'I * TT.invrv jtubvo ivb .. . . . . Cigard, all at such low prices as to cballeug-«.mj»**mioo !
t s - J A n..rShfi T n W_N mFo “ tb6treet ’ abo^ and fancy Bor Sega and Labelled Bottles of „ery n\w, nml
4 A_near HmithfleUL mar27:y of SlI sire*, I reep.rtrully ioTite an exauiiiM. i
8 Patrick MoKenna, tton of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD ftre-c, !Itt«ln.rgh, 1
<i »“.•.••> ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. Pe°°»- : __*K B U. ,
e*t- ► PICK corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly oceu- Janes Mielllnger, ,
5 /** pied by Alderman IsawU,) where all business pertain- \,T ONONGAHKLA PLANING MILL —Would respectful- 1
"■'* '& «■’ a S| lug to ihe offic-of Alderman uud Justice of the Peace will IYjl ly Inform bis friends and the public, that hie new k$- I
7»T *l ?■* $• £i] he promptly attended to. ffbl:3m tabUshment is now In full operation, anJ that be ispre- j
i 1 « 4 ’ liuckmaiter, ATdVrmatT! pared to furnieh Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for l’lkued .
q t f ;l i\f PICK, Grant street, between Fourth at. and Diamond Lo ® b « , » w,lh P«»mptnees, and at the lowest rates.
\?&£@ ?<i V.' ttlD»r Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great- Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, constantly I
fcpl s est rare and legal a.-ciimcy. Titles to Heal Estate examln- on band. I
ed. A.\ j a S-j Rash, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to j
,‘V i \PF]rK^Nn*i?- m pF^N iB t on t* A' lt, * rn **“* Bnilders and Carpenters wontd find it to thrir advi \
I t’’ ** i r ()mf n * mf/r°i.u t,MD the canal and to give him a call, as he can tarnish th-m with plam-d I
f•/ Si*’ rVfh l « Vi , Ward - f astn #tntf raiUbie for every description of work.
t'r r, LHjf}'X>hi v t^^’C*«V;,r <p< ■Rl>Jtl v k.i*.. (■-, to the office of an Alierman or Justice of the Peace, will * --- -- I
££ vN. be P rO “P U y *“'">** W “- A - J AMIS iwut j
%•« d.*. tji G H '.£'r- vf tfirv r »: ti ** u* ' Ifoods, Mortgages, and other docatuonU, drawn with Ilcrrou A Crliwcll, ,
H neatue.Hn and despatch. I >ELL AND BRABB POUNDERS, und Muiufifiurem ai i
fp/^Y^‘vhlV*<J n—r^T-r,V-V -i» •» fclndfl Br»‘« Work, Locomotive fuam Kogiun. |
r "t r !• H. AllL, BUHOKON DKN 118 T, (sue- plombers, Ac. Ab-o, Cotton Baltirg Manafaclu:«i. ,
&i\ « *v» Bfi££&BsL C^ w> s 10 G * " U,Jdle *> No 144 bmitblleld Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city.
V. A c A.. w . Office aid store No. 12 Market street, ritUurgb.
1- r->m 2to S llourf i» D"® 111 Bto 1 0 c f l^, , aDj d®“old Brass snd Copper taken in exchange tor werk.
r om.2tpsoc^k : ____ bblbAj or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, a i.l I* j
J BCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, five door* promptly attended to. M'.'lv j
-..-..... i -= s
P - >h Vn-ESTERN FOUNDRY, No. lit WoM Kr«t. I I: *!
Rn<?TVir<?C! PA RTW ** ’ ntnortcmnixM or ]
id, v t: <’ Kb'S” *2 oA.tvi/O. Cooking Stoves Plain anJ Fan-) Orates.
1 ‘ '": - —--- - Ooaland Wood 3tovea, Plain and F&n-y Feci. r-.
3 ' i£Valfrid u curum Morgan RotitßTsow, Parlor StoveE, Pad and lr>. ns, I
V^' : *'e t S £t>WARo mruaiMU utitar l. w*uwai.t. Dolkw Ware, Portable For gee,
S*f»*.^• Curling, ilobartion * Co., Bugar Kettles, Tea K-,tiles, ,
SX H I \yf ANUFACTURKtId OF CUP, PRESSED AND PLAIN Stove Ksttlus, Wagon BOXe.*, 1 •: hi'. 1
IVi warehouse No. 14 Wood streH, w.'iiiV' . a'mi.Tau.l
r °?” *;n F ?n n ,WI , <1( t Smith, filalr A. Hauler, i
- i . *** A “ ° lh V kmas of «d Window Glass, at (Uto Smith A niucHlr )
I ’.‘ c ?* r il?L p li£?:*-. . AplPdly \Tf QOLES.VLK GROCERS, PRODUCE AND OoMVIIS- |
r 'v? A * y 'V; t 3 Jacob Al’Collleter, ff SION MERCHANTS, And Dealers in » i uud*. <•( 1
~?[ vV,‘. «./•; $ \I7" HOLES tLE and retail Cigar manufacturer, and deal- Pittsburgh .Manufactures, lid Seouod and lot it reel, !
f V eT * n kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No L’O Pittsburgh, Pa. if ? '*
*»S'>N t'vV;. Fifth Mrret. Pittsburgh. !*». '
s' ' 1 K ,-' ps . co, ‘;'f“ t 'T r “ , h »°S * I»ns> °< .pUK OLD PRINTING KSTABLIFIIMPNT. 0»- I-* ... 1
T,r..u. __ J'S - 1 .tun ft Ftorkt..D,| »u,l Ulnuk U..,k ~,.1 5UM,,,.-,
John Moorhead, Warehouse, is prepared to -xmi e . ,m i.- ,t i.-.-.i,
•.'.- “i AJ r 110LE3ALB QROCKR, AND COMMISSION MRU- Commercial, Canal and Btoamboa- Jvb l-nnUa: and P-h k
j 7 ; 3 IT CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metal and Blooms, kdJ Bindiog, and furnLsh every mticle iu the blank lu-h k. Pup* r
■K- ■ • I I’nnlu.-e generally. No. 27 Wood street. Pitubnrgh. | ap2-t and Station* ry line, at the nhorteHt noth'auU tut Le m•-•<-! ,
i nmur kavmeet:.” ■.;.:..;w5r" J '****'>* w % ,
-I H«ym*r A Anderson, Blank Book and hUUcnerv Wambmice. uni -•
-1 ’'-rti J (Successor* to Joshua Rhode* A Co.) and Book BlnJery, corner of M.rket Ni.jM,m,i.;s
dealers in foreign Fruits, Nuts, Bpic«s, Nortb-W eater n i*ollce Agency,
j >r. ?-$}- it *■'£?>''■ 1 VY Sugars, Ac., No. 39 Wood street, oppt.- ATO. B 9 WASH INGTGN STREET, rt-rner n .,
Y rsh* th- St. Oharles Hotel, PiUflburgh, Pa. ap2_ 11 CUICAG.), 11-UNon
Sid » rlon i »“ - ...» ,
-1“ Wholwal. Drtitar ItgwN, Botlrr, Smhl*. Fish, ho I urror, Totm ittiktius to iui TtUM.-rus < i t .ouui
k“Q.rally. N 0.25 WooG HtrrTt. Htlwbar/h |E .,O DKTKGTIYK POUCK BUhIN Kas
•'sV' K }yp B. T. C. Morgan, In the Statrt of ltlmoi*, Witionein, Michigan and lndi*.^*.
r -K^ V« f 4 DOOttiBLLKR AND STATIONER—ban alwaye on han 1 mblßaltf
j (3 » gr-nernl assortment Bchool, Miacellaneau* and Blauh fiotlc*. -
Df>okP. Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac., wholesale and re rpilß late firm of J )NKS A yUI.hl. } avlng • •
u, ‘. Nu. lOtWuol »lru«t. brlov Fifth, B«t MJa, PltGborgU | b,thfO«th of J„b« F I|J «..» Ihr -.T tl. i..-t . ;:..
na *i-W«lt«l. >Lu!s in.l_T.noor«; 8cr»l>». bm.noMcl Mid Orm mill f» mltM hy .hr uo i.thlk j, J. ~l
'! witnan Mlu.tß, Phils. -wm. Ricarraoa, l*iUHl.uri.'h their office, eorner c l Rons and Fir>-1 ur-vt-s
Miller A HdckeUon, ISAAC JONES, Survlritg la, leer. '
vt AirriOLKSALK GRiXJKttS, Importers of Brandloa.Wine-* Pittsburgh, September 30, IWI-'-ix-fiy
*T vlv b * K'Z *-i & *i>\s VV and Begarw-Noa. 17i nnl ILL /apntaf Ir-i- -j- 1
vt't f". # 'lJ I.ti>;,nv PttstTbaign. tarns, Ac., liMtJff***-
■<s^^ r 3 W iind Brsndiea, Old Monongabela and liectifivd VV his- Db i
kv, N.i. d-J Commercial Row, Libvrty street, Pittsburgh, A 0 , OHt3 i u ■
P?d, V *. tf- f* _. ... . J i~ y iuVi. Hoß.r. ft. Co.,
*- f ’ ’il F. R. Bravo, if ANU FACT URKUB of Ib.KiERK* patent improved t
J-W , a.’T-S7»{*tr!tjA J ’.7 r 4K‘»;>tN^9"'‘S . Duimorui, FUUburpk, Pi. jY|_ Cultirator T««*th. t.ffl.v c-TDvr lies.- ~t. l Firp-a?n r .
1 ri w w i \F.AI.KR IN COUNTRY PRODUOK, offers f.»r sale « octilv
*Cfi**Vfc>fl,2 , £ i , , /a-> *£< i ) C1,.0f ,iro»ries.Mloctel for family u.e f|^.. - plTi.burgl. Riding School.
•c> C or'* r.f every variety »n<l ilw P ur^ 1 quality, ground at bin ROBERT 11. PATTERIN’, Propri-tor, r -ti r
' at*** W* ’*'3 Steam Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Forvign and UoineN.i. Diamond street and Ch-rrv alley. The sn\* :.* ■
. tiss i ♦* } C£ Produce taken in exchange for merchandiw. /TT\ annonncHs to'th- Ull-nrUI-c
“* V FRU La l procured a fu'l a-aortmeo of Landre . d 0 7t, tu-bu rch, that b* h.a r—mly s KIl-tNG
o j ut ols:z.-, cwmtaMu.uvn.-,.- ho I a ,
v . .Vm, i * I t,«r>*strj io Ution, UDdeniobly •-xeel* ant similar *»*tnb!i-bnicnt ;n :‘ •
if T '"V fj w. u t.iuuaH i wcuaaosos o. i. utstrsn UnltM Ftatos Ito loc»r*c.n 1-
Kugllih A lilchardion, ihe city, while its bigli and airy r*r.d-T» ■ - i
/10M MISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and c huiy sailed to th# promotion of health, by G.»- nv « r err-■
fyh’ ! * 4'^i* 4a v»i ,4 \y Wh->ie«ale l).i;iit-rs io Flab. Bacon and Oil, and Produce L MeexerrW‘. The Horw»H are docile and »tVthiik!. »n }
.jrf-Tf Gf >*. N*? ! a*ijrv,^,*cf. i A rf .Rt, jSJ^^rt?i<SJl# y generally. Wat formerly occucled by Burbrldge A proprietor pledges himseif that i.o p»in' or 'ijmi®
lnghram.Ne. 110 Water and 160 Viral street, Pittsburgh, will be spared to make this ihe 6r-t iu U*
ivin. M£_ c.nflilepcf of Ih. pul.IL-
oominUalon Home. ‘ Aitebard O. Docking,
I Sr* kS±Vit: tir :, rV- rpHK subscribers hHTe Opened a house for the above pur- \f AN U MOTU liKll OF Gll.T, HiLVKR. PRAhS.
1 pone, ai Nt. IT Bmithfield street, four doors above the IYI. BRONZE, la)OKISU-GI.ABS, PORTRAIT AN l> PIC
VT’ HT-it- ivoi 'lo:vmg!iheia House. We wiU purchase, or receive, on cm Tilt FRAMED, Plain and Ornamented. No 'tl fct Oia;r ,
'i* ,: 'S mi-don. lor sale, consignments of Flour, Bacon, Cheev, „( W i, All kind" of Composition Ornaments, lor M< am !
i Ojrn, OaU, Barley, Fla\ Feed, Uraas Seed. Baled Hay, Ac., boats, Ac. All kiDdn *>f Gliding and Regildiog, V- or i-«
PjTjrte ; . upou whl.-h we will make advance, or purchase at the W,l lUlt Mculdio.s for Frame.-, wbolesaV auJ retuil Varui 1.
lor cash |do,6] AI.GKO * CO. | i.r Oil ,nd 1,1 Li.f^y-af h-, rr 'n':-
;5 Jmmnl'bugklla,' *»-ImpmteM or Jrf*Md Oil PmlnUnj, wtorvl Io .h“ ,
•iriS-J 1 bTr 4 <*l I\R iLF.B IS OUOCBalta, FKOI/UOK, FLOOB, BACON, U-t mmohw.
ib i-^° 101 cor ° erSreUhtela “* yirel ,L?L F o7r/^rar^hr t^;: J.:u.'ir
?^|-|£^V£ ü bhuZ^..^:. o J«««-. T »»«o» *“ «"»<■• “cdl.nJ.M, No. 21 St Clair -t. IMt-b,.,c1,
fjA, j A*f) 3S S'nilhMd t’rteL npp-wU City Hotel. J• WHITK,
IYI CHAIRS of every description. Matoriab and work- V bin hwaith I*o as to wtuna Lw rdd business, anl ha- j
ilufthtp waSnUd, «d Rotdatwducfrl pricea. Caretak.n opened hi, BUND MANUFACTORY, at No fiMrwtb su. -t. ,
r^/Mu!st. r «-vl ! 5 4 'jS It. A A. O. Dnncan, AJ-Pleaae give him a call, as be can't U beat in wotk
AIfHOLEaALK OROOBRB, and Dealers in Produce, For- roßnh hi p mvT-lv
ftfes-L VSLlritt'i’-l VV fi?n Winen nnil Liquor*. O‘J MoDODgahela mml R-<-- Itotlcm.
fitted Whisky, No. 291 Ldiurty Pittsbnrgh. I*o. U> ? y HAVE w*M my Interest In Ihe business os Ixmg. Millar i
V r /- -effS A Tindle, 1 A Co., to B. A. Long, who, wltb John Phillip-, will roc
£stegfjL WHOLESALE aui Retail Baddle, Harness tinu«* at tbeold aland, No. 109 Front street, lcor ha.lvr
kV Valise an! Carpet Bag manufacturv, C4 »n,iranod the Dew firm to the patronage « t my friends.
IM WoM st., Pittoburch. Pa. jy29y Plueburgh. July 29. 1»M. P.U.MILLEK
-• J TF: BfeTTor"] !
«/>•«?' -d-»y *- l Kb \ 4rHOl,KSAT.EandßetaUDeal«rlnMaiiicallnßtrqmentH, a. a. toso J’™ ran-LU'.H .
,V rianjM. Made. Bchool BooU «d SUUoomy. Na 1« an|) ,*i AB FIT TFK*.
r^a?i r |4-\ s l‘ , ~ w ,« .... maW 15 lortt. mlUalloo to their «L» hat l-r. K
Joha v? , y'rJ S »«Mia«!^ 4 a?RitniTANT>l— eta, Peudsutu. and other flitore*-. W« 6t up hiuMnvi I.
v i 2 • TAORWARDINU AND COMMISSION Gas and Steam, make Brass OftßliagH of all lan's t . crJ^r.
X Deuierain all kinds of I ittobnrgh manufaciuree, furulah pumps an 1 I ante Fitnngs and .e. pAnu
Vt a I’M- and Shwt le*ad. 07 Front street. Attrition Metal conatoutly on hand. jyttl
: "- Bhlerprlu Work*. •
f '.\,rN Sfit'liaO' .Y.. 12« IFooti street, third door bdow VirfflnaUeii. SOTICB.
'v-i-;.;i y >•.wn i tktlky wouuc*ii thu mtcntiouorsportiiid daly’s STOCKING manufactory .
D j J;. I ) ni-n u. their large a&*ortm.-nt of Guns, RIHm and He- y u 20 Fiflh strret, first corner above Market stm t.
* 4i *i v.Uuig the largest and best selected stock pirrSBURGII, FA.,
open.l in tins tog*ther with a general assortment \I rUKRR will l.e found the largest and best os.ort.-d
ol lUrdware, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of whkU yV stock of 11G8IEKY ever offer*--l for Bale io thj.-'it).
w « fjflt,r fct u,e powihle price* to ca«h purebasera, or p » bailjrfl wl u fln j | t m tbeir sd' entag-i to mil at tin <
iiiS3 f.l approved paper. mar *° sstabllshment and examine lor Ihemselve*; it ia nil 1 net-]
s* 4 *’«s*X' xitPjl . m "j . to Insure their custom. C. DALV.
• S».f-^ CopartneriUlp N. B —Remember the Oqiap Stocuno Ooemr.
-frr&ittiWi •* iuVK TUTS DAY (April Tith) associated with me c h
1 iLri. F. STKISL Tu BBKTT hod BAML. a OLANEY. .. - -
i'i* both of whom have been for many years In my establish- Consume the smoke.
'■mcot, and are already extensively and favorably known to
77*^4.1 my customers and tLe public generally as soperior work
m«n, and of correct businww habit,. Wa hopa by thin unlun
of oiporionco and artlatlo fklll-onpeclallj In th, watch do
r'Si'fpartment; by keapins > largo and well solKtod stock of
goods; by selling at moderata prtcoa, and by olowattanUnn
;« to bualnnu, to merit a llboral share of To my
€ old friends and tbs publio in gensral, who hove for maoy
wSWWSh&VA year, past so liberally palronired my busmsaa. I return my JM „ O , ~L tM
?l*a«ks, and solicit for th, nsw 6rm a J ““ *““ a,"
lur favors. W. W.WXIoUN. L©(ilie 1
Pittsburgh, April 11, 1855. .ouldwl and IMair
r - .. . r ,._._ IV .hWARK, and dea'
1 W '' TCII *^ 8 ’ •’EW’ELEaa and HILVKRSMITUS, i?ate?st’«“?>•
W er Market, rest, corns! Fourth. ait ,d W ater streets,
Now Loach sand Carriage Factory I n.moval
1. Cbrnrr lieUcca and Belmont ttreeU, Allegheny CMy. mdowGU'
V3 WOULD respectfully inform their friends ilohna b l '
la'-tb tbs', - tbs public generally, that they bars /arobc
“> (;, src,’i f' f ; •» ■ VmSS&fr- commenced the manufacinre of Carriages,
««S^ *W
.S 1 1 < Chariots in ail their rarious stylos of finish and preportir o. I. YV. Chadwick,
"J* 1 All orders will be eiecntcd with Btrict regard to durabill- iN K.ENTU.
fr.A, !• £“ ij ■f.V-41?t ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to FAPEK, No. 149
, “ ‘I -'w.'V'Aa-. -*' on the most reasonable terms. Using in all their work the a
:t .‘s best Eastern Shalte, Poles, and Wheel etna, they feel confi- The hlghoat market ,
Hirclwtl -nDW.Vrr.n c 3 dent that all who fa.or them with their patronage, will be
,VfcS,Vtto oK, 1 perfeefly satisfied on trial of their work.
rirf!ss*sW!j4MSil!.&S I ?»sir’‘. Va - -! ,N - J 1 Purchasers arc requested to gire us a call, bolore pureba- joun iiwtu.
t6?iltlV, 1 "Ingohwwhere. . octMy _
SjitfV i Ji. JoinrsTon o. t. joansrott a Haaee.
, Y ,; f“' l f' a'.M'4-lL.d- ,1 -oat Klcelalor Carriage Factory.
<-?-p }<■; .fl vr ■% ."■'•‘■tr ’sJ J W AKKRA ooroer of Rebecca and Belmont street., AU
;L-itll^;,i’e''rW -.„ v ~l,v Pa.. hBTe On hand and are mannfactnring ao
S?St Of Carriages, Baggie,
SI SwSSeOars. *c, mtde in aU Oub wions styles, with
n dnrabllity and beauty of finUh, using in all
.ist2t r ?iKf r V > jT.i.’- :.-Vir j: iCyX Sr iheVtSnnlata Iron and'eastern hickory. Ra
yT’S’PKf—■ -?-X'}r 74 fro* p£l->i k »’>Fi?' ->“ c t,e>y pi!„ attended to on the most reasonable terms. They reel
i>M£rJ<rx- t R -Jt *iX?Vc?% 1- r ZZTi “tSS an who ( r or ,^ZXt^tV
W<SSX;3-»v€§pV! *<;• £3 l »-va t*. will be perfectly satisfied on Wal of their work- ,
v.'.- i The Pittubnnrh and Manehestot Omnibuses pass every tir ,
)rr'-^k I X'J ths day. i PAMNKIUniP NOTICE.
id fvljtv-ss* U treats, re, J n. uoiuw„_ Haarui t. sttvgKß atoaaj tu> iol»
•-LT.S .„q'iffiVu, s y.vx-iy';-,' *.;. uhl • bi b „iow * co., y
S fl r-/rv?‘ i v'‘ I JS«. : :A , '--i-‘7?h:'i* r- ■!; >v'.t“.lntSa.-} bdcSessobstok.m.» P 1
■itpffir&lDit rifyitU Mt n -'XS, w ‘MvC I ragw-saflip* bnrgb—Oos-'
Ss» N bait to order, and finished fnTmanner ananrpafised for ay in retiring from the Oonfi bo
‘d-WM fciFfti-yt S.V-? -VT:?’?;;.'’ “ Leant? of dMlgn slagance of finish, skill of workmanship, , ul | y recommend Messra.Reyme reo
and durability of materials. „ and cuetomers. lit
oFoaifA- ’' J l ft#- All work warranted. n 0.9 Pittsburgh, March 271 b, lfitb.
i ;K^ycty 3^t.|,'r , t j. f j ; ,.v;,ROBERT iTPATTitHSoST ' ’RemoVi
, j l '-/,'’-7'■■'■,: ■■ '.V- ' Corner Diamond and Cherry alloy. « plln,o,, l ii'arbnii '
v‘,;y &<■ s * e c ; y-y ?r ’~f mwi tir _ _ fitwhuuSh. PA. y Sp (S u s.», ~i
’:• ■ ,:-U’7\-£' y ’-J 1 -’ ' v.’U.' -' j / W\OOZ. I.KMON BYltur i " • COMMISSION AUD fobwab N
e.:. (•*; y-.*r .• g. - ‘ 1 V/V **» “ do in stow Bad for ul« bv n«alara in wool and Produce g« ,f
-V, 1 - l_.y. ,y-., ( y 19 39 Wood et, opposite the fit Oharlea Uotrl Plitsborgb, P».
■i -;,7 * j*V '"■■
*,•- V"" L J. - t t a-. ,- f >to .1
t-r r.; v t (<-. .•. r - r.' i.% >y- f--v '• *t. V M' Vg !
:, V i -r ■ l_. -„ ... y-s,, « 1
s'l r 4, -.^.' v . --v 1 '
t',. : ’’ i,- . ■
a ifcprjw. \V:,PyeltZifjr. 1- X»J.V' #%*'S *■■
4: Titf'-i vV-T. '.■~~*-*'~s.rr rr i; r .r,.' *'**“' * ’ ~ : ;~-~"zr' r - "■' r . *
',} t’^n, £ - ‘ ■•-Ty" ' '-’'V‘>'oV-n3‘ fi ' *
Yi ‘S£ I'J ?'tr .. ••;;; • - .
fw A-f iV|iMs v >6* 1+ V'* : •* v•• * •* ;r . .• *• ••
■- ■■
•. O. .. - -• -o • - y M / -At ?d- , * *, **» a ‘ r r j-. ♦ <*« f S
s-,:.4 a . »**. » w • ••* ‘ YJ <y s.y,
w* ' •. ' -'4v
■■ •' - : -.V-. ■•■ : n*
,„ t"" • t -
rplIK pubf*orib«r haring thn exclusive right to manut®-'-
1 tore and eell HWKKNEVS lIOX AIK ANl> bMuKK
CONBUMINO FURNACE, to receive or Jcr». an 1
contract for boating bonding* with The moht eron f 'iiti.’*l
Furnace now in one. no attention of thoee luUireet*-! Ip
nollrited. Any information ran be bad of A. BKADI.KN
Non. 2 and 4 Wood* street, cr of J. BAKNDOLLAK,
deciirtf | lrou City Btore Warehouse. No. 131 Wood
Ledlte dir Ham,
M(Snocft3Borß to Mulyany * Lodli* )
ANUrAOTUREKSof Cat, Moulded and riuin, Flint
and Fancy Colored QLABFWARK, and dealer* in all
tlndfl of Window Qiaas. Flank* Vials Bod Bottiea. Ware
house corner of Market and Water streets, Fitthburgb
f'l lUMSBN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials,
lj • Bottles and Window Qlasu, Black Porter, Wine find
Claret Bottles; Demijohns Bod Carboys; aleo, Filet Glass
Id every variety. Warehouse,Noa. 10-4 Second, »ud 133
First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2B
AND PAPEK.No. 149 Wmxl Btreel, Wlo* Sixth, I’ittß
jfel*Tb6 hlgbo»t market price, io C Aft 11, pnul lor
RAUS. »P? frl >*
JVUfI A 1 W **«.,.•**»*•••*•• •••■•*• - • ■■
Atwell* Lee & Co.,
Xir HOLEBAUi GROCKIIB. Produr* and Commlgßino
W Merchants, and Dealer* In Pittsbu-;;h Mnnol«'-'.ii'M,
No. 8 Wood fltreet, between Water bud J-‘r"iii ctr- t-’, Pitt*-
borgh. ap!B
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
rpHB CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore l-t«.wrn
Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business, in this day
dipgotyed by mutual consent. ThebuEines* of Ll.- firm will
be Rattled up by Joshua Ehodea, who la authored to r*-
celpt for all debts due said Arm. JOH lit) A RHODES,
March UTtb, 1855. mrUP BEVM Lit.
uodarelgnad have this day formed a P»rtw»i l *
ship, andaT the name, firm and rtyle of REYMKR * AN
DERSON, for tha tranractiOD of the Wholeeale Proit aDd
Confectionary business, No. 8d Wood street
Pittsburgh, March 27th, 18&6.
in retiring from the Oonfectionary businw, I cheer
fully recommend Messra. Keymer & Andwreon to my friends
and customerfl. JOSHUA RHODE?.
Pittsburgh, March 27th, IS6&.
'■'TFRINGEB HABBAUGH 4 CO. bare removed to No.
5 295 Liberty street.
outran Bnntraß •••••• rowm.
Springer Ilnrbaiigb & f ..o M
/gacceflsors to S. lUrbon/l;,)
C Driers Wool abd Produce S .D.r*U 7 , No. M Idler,y
.treat, Ptitaburgl, P». ,pt
f. li. Rln rah all,
c< mscr to II . l.<
1 Liberty -tr.'ft, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wtfrrmt'* —W, M’l.'liutook S Bros.; Kr&ui«r A Rahm;
Brown,t KirhpaLriik; Slurphy, Tleruau A Co.
PitDburch. May *4, 1 vj.'» (inv-4 3m' )
Hata and Capa.
/~g, W E would invite the attention of our friends and
IJM the ytibU- to a spU*n>li 1 asw-rtment cl HATS and
<SS«aOAPs, wh<c h w# are now op*ui- g lor the Summer
trade, which for beauty of style, exceed* anything ever of
fjred in the uity, or weel of the mountain*.
and eXHXruu«i tor vour*«lv«-s.
■ p 6 ‘.M Wood s'reet, Pittsburgh.
Dissolution of Co^Partnerahlp.
oinsvlTed by the death 01 Mr. JOUM J. IiCKIGtN, On the I ltn
»•! M» oh ia?t.
The busine** of the NOA RLTV WORK 9 will be continued
lu ail it* branch-* bv the surviving partners, u -dor the
uatue and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A 00., who
nil! n!ki hulUb up the atT&irs uf the late tiro.
IVE-buigd. I'*., May 4, j W. B. COPELAND.
John fU'Cloekey At Co.,
\V UHANTS. No XV Wool street. PitUhurgh, Pa
Tin- Bulwnt-:.- r ,i.: i m;. rm Gieir old cuetomera
and i be pub.i.- IU itef,rral, i'.a: they have (hi* day SMSorta
led ibe:n«eivi;s in the nht>v«< under tbt» firm of
•JOHN Al'CLo.- Kk\ Auu 'lie) iciipivtiullj eoUcilafihars
oi j. (t’i- p«.r- nai.-
*1 h<* previouii bunue»fi i«f each will be settled by them
*ely e* n-.-t-e- tiTelr. febtt
Boon anti sho«i.
JM'IAIGHI.IN, N\-.y5 Knurtii etr*—t, nearly oppoaite
• the '.Tu j. inmjur't’t uri. g Ueutlrmen’tf Gmt
P-H.r*, M ,-*•«. *i.- • rn ! hutt-'-n- l . CV>t- £re*s and Hutton
■'dlijuier-; Ladies' li-nn. Halt Hoot*. Jenny Linda, Slip
|"ii. auJ Ei«i,.-L La.-htn«: o iiiAtk, if i-t ury color aud tihade,
lane- F l I an r ihebie; uiilerials. MDse*
and Oull'hw-*- *ic
-Ail :nn lr l
1 uau u i y bkiuti nutl Clainia
ngalnit l» <> v « rnmeul,
T'- 1 . T 1 : ;-r • --ir-- It u:.’ v l,n:il Warrant..- for Soldier*,tbelr
vvid itFi* mi | M ir«T ChiM r en, an-! a* teud tn banlnes* in
Lii* ” Otiu ' : t recenCy established by Cunicree*.
i dh. N... lii Tb r i -t > -*et, J“-,r »'•"*<■ Smith s«ld at.
March le 1 sfii—trahiui I.H UILKM NA YLOK
A«-w Seed 8tor«.
)A vjii V> A Kl’ U-' l' oIT-rn U-- sii!<> CAN AKY lllllUdof
:h" n.i •>-: !:u ! I. Terv hardy, »d<l fine
aißii-’h. 1 :1 r-1 ('nuarv, H<*oip. 'filial, Kup** and mix
t? 1 1 llt.u.j .1 o .».ii • V
Y I \>W ti!o, .... H'ldAr,
f - r ('Vri 'csifi Trp* «. fr-'Ui tb-- S?#-d and
,\ 4 * Ki! *>i>* . tir« rW. <hl. Jw2U
H ' i.-ii ': ur *. M
H«unt y
: ii I'liS.-iin Houuty La ad War
IS- : i>;it »• iti*- t.< all wh l ' bava 5«rTwJ io
mu’ lThr-io-t* I7VO. I<*i «>--*•». T-tni« m''>l*Tat<*
L l r. h T, S' Diiioi nii ailey,
l-.-lw Wcv.-l aoJ L'laiaoDil
coal Vt orki lor .sal*
yM\Tr tiuikk Acr.i:.--'? i.\np h mcw
li (iuai'likl »n-l *ll rTD«>n[» fh<TH»Ti m tucc •*£-•*■
iul «•)—r» hnij t- urin l« to* <?■! rut bn M Doocrtb*!*
• -, . : ..< r.<; • ■.’-•■ I •: 1 •> i . :.i> i i- • u ;•{•!•<- 1 t* Uh ft
l -: 1:1 11. u—. |.«rii. H ><.- ImM, i’.ulroftj, nu-1
’ • v.-'m f C kl i- £' r , tin 1 -\DU- ! 'tr rfur[>MO«
u<, j. lor lur: b»' ; .irlioujarr »| {>l jto
• t ;}{ a r .VNi,
v. '’/• I j»«Tlr str-nl.
b \ lilul 1 / • i KOU Ji
F' l U !N V i \ i ] ll n" ** am* I’ATKKT^,
A:,.1 Ai.*f-r:cy f. : '.:.u PurvL.iiu and Salo of Palont
b.l vhi* And PiiUn'.od Ariiclos
•1 K- ? i. \•
,v. * • h^r-. t
1 M-'.-K'* I'
i- o - m- ui«v « t- h etii;- l.’V h».« eervii-ws,
ui l u'-evl andtndefatigttble in
- : • i iiiiu.-e UlttV be placed
W R.-.hlnsAU.'.lr ,
J- bn Urahmu,
it. Lhud> A Co .
> iU-,m~ i
Krumor X ltahui,
1. li. l.iringßton.
• uui f . j<>bc«n<ii,
Ai. F ii.: u
'.-T* \\ KT
W . H l»> ir4-
J W . V-;,
!' F' - !i 1.
K nn; A W# 1.
< > . i
f w i
Pt"i»>«rrh. n-'T«-.'-h. i
i \ uiL«7*« *'*•"*! ~ i. ' 'Uni./ »umm»r uu>it*r
\|[ j L>. W i.dju.j. * ixr *- vari< tv.« m \ t»*« <>{ * Jodi i«»iD“n *n-l
L* Wnuui sirr - urn* tulinir.-!. N" isd*-u*
; IVHJTitib-ti'j' hfc rv! I'-Urd at t>J- : --r ! V. .-it-.rulM
’ . | *,,, j- . • . Ii: u d Tl<- l'nod pal claims it*>
) .t Juj.tiiali'o U i»'-H c ot,
i, D..h, IhUH'v
a u;jO fxi-u:. : i». oi u
j *.'.m t
\cvt Intel licence otllcc.
. ),» ill', Mi INIKLI.iIiK.NO:
' I.w. h-wfii kr,.-wn
« u:.- . ! J :.u 1- is; -i., .M.*., A
1- M:.
tar f-
A. jltllllktu A, to
I I \VK jN UA•• 1 1 «• '.h-ir •iu-n m> ■* I’AWNfcT hd-J
II CUAIK ". AmH :■ ' :.V, .No - I h ! 1 ft
a.—~-rm«ui ft F*c y fttiJ Plain F'tirnit ur**, whi b
■j erm- —cnali only
f~K Wilt. K. SUVfliilOU 11--’ umiwl-i
tg:- . All'Ki W.U.r. nr'f Jr- • i ptio n, at hM
■r. ! - 'Te-t?
J\ I u:-. liir. -• uoi. ed to. m : j. p.-- buineb*-*.
T.i \ l l
t i»ar lew Uarnei (,
nO!LM*. .Ui A*'!' PLAcKSMITU, h*s eroded b
u«r« nu l ! •'iaui-.Jious line* ctr-p tm Olmrry fttl»-y,
b.-H, rei; T!.:U ii ‘ h ■.•'!. -dreet.-.. «Th»‘ r t> he H prepared
to <t h.i w.-rs hi l;.- I.n<* with tli* nun'cl prumputad* Ln-1 «\ prt *ti t !i.' l:«-i j.rutt, le n-*i»'Ctfuliy
•Ai.’Cil- .b<* ,’OU. -..i-jr- :».- eid fusii-. irr« ui.J Ihe put Ho
gr I? «l
(;ii.YM) PIANO
Mi.NNtf & CLARK. N I;\\ YORK.
•[■!IF PI LUC of PUt-bury'. «i.I A.-«-*heny id r«*peit
1 tdliy invite! I.' vk.ll a’. U-- 'd.*-. janSSrm—i
,tt K* mb'i"ri K er-, St'. f>C FliTi! ..nJß*«fr|.J|»yMl
Full Gr» mi, price 31000,u ■ KV •
From il.f t-H-'ii ry of NUNSH A. ci.AtvK, K-w York. Thin
f'f'jßUt lli;'t! uuient ii made in tin* “ K LIZABKTHI AN
vS. VLB." the orueawnta, trout pipe"-* and leg* being elftbo
ruMT PSTTP-J nu; 't SOLID ItOSBWUTD It If full seven
~ „v.-.i, i ! i!,» i »rR*-*t JuDMisiarjii, un J, i□ point ot volume,
1- *«*r, and ij 4UIU of lone, fr pronounced aim
.-- i ii-: ummrpo stable-
The nalrfiTibiMd l happy tu revive ihe t irfito of
lh-.jr iii-i.d- a ii th- put-lie lu general, au.l show them
I- ; c.:. • •• • .:.t i.«w rtf.ubli-timmi t
iL »\ Lhll* U A I It- ' . 1 U • lUrp,
lajlb N i-. 0 . Fifth Btr-*ot.
j. print fetn. k. of Hamburg Planot,
__ ('1 i AI.OTTK IiUUIK, N■. lib Wood
‘i'U 1 * Piftn.-i* nii• undoubtedly
t 1 a B g » Mip»*nnr nit cth-TF, lx>tb lu I'lcLsUaly f/
und i'ip*rii->Tittj c/
Ihey h»ie tint only tb»- highest m&rkp. of Rppro
-1-111100 fr<;ui ili* - iwrit Ktmipi'iiti PmiUth, duch aa
* n-f rrth»*r-*. vrho hnvi» them rmPtivritly in their own u»c,
i-ot nl-•< 111 •1 o our Pr'-f-Miparn. The ft-lkwlng la an
i-strn- t l1:1 i» ett.-r of
Aft--: .!<* '•':•.in/ partlmitar style twr> of which he
«,!,!• |. r lii.i own «r»—one Drwtid and one P<jnnro—be
dl« - uk.'bxf Sow? o' tbeir doellen: jQKlltiHfi:
"Mv ilnujl.ti-t. who pUNe very w.*||, must, with
iiiy—liHve a gr- I iaflauu.i-nt, aud your 6 ivre Ibe only
9 h'<*h ''•lh Pht I- f - me
l ij-tnmn-ti . hr • - tl r-ii iflFti'h* iir>-l ucouxumoilivtiDg
t.-riii- I, d n t '.w- tln-in; they h*T« not Lbo
“i rmiiftin. \- r•. r: fnlly,
*• lUn.,» K...slMUnbargh, Pa"
K-r snie by CIIAUI,'nTK ItUUIK. ftt the “old KsLab-
I i-oio L'l’p-d," 11' Wi.ol ! :rw*‘t, 'i 1 door above PI Itti.
A :->, i--> 1: t :• : Pt’lHuurgh and Wei tern lvanift
t.-r lf&llft, Davit i£ tb. i Distun tiutws, (whi- h in the £ju>t
e:n ntion urv .-oiibluerei Mipunur to either Chu'kurtDit’a or
Sunn? Si Clara’.-, t ut v> hi-:b tact i? not eitftimirely known,
i.f tbi«y haw but IftU-ir t-«*«n introduced hem.) and o her
,S--w Y r> l.nd PUiUdei \ l.ia, of the butt raokerp.&t
pn es ir< 1:1 tt- s'ii'j. lublW
Yotlcr to Whom It May Concern
rjMIK I'l.'lU.lC SPUiSU 6A LKH of 11-nl at Ro
1 1 Jir.“ti.-r nr»* now i i, nuj the ISu\ldiiig .Searon baa
burly commencod; Krery citizen of Itocbeßterln busily em
i. Kvcti iUJ or 4-J new laaiiiiea who have l-wumii <-Iti
-7.-I.r the pre.’-entSpring, find «'>ostanlemployment; and in
a tew Jays n hundred families more will be reijuiri'd toceu
ry on the w rk of tbe present pennon.
The Chr Building Asf«WiViffierrf h now near roraplrtlon,
and will hi* 1 11 full npi-TRtiou in June. Severn! Curs will be
ready for iMlverv, by con»rne*. the I*d of .July, 1555.
Two or throe t;ew i loit'l”-. in Ko'-hester. will bu con
tr'iQh-d J'or immediately, nud nomerour o’her improy«mentfl
will be rdpmopi'fi. requiring a great amount of inaobamical
an-T o?h-r lal- r 1.1 l-d ci d ’nt c-f itiv Tur K-tabliehmeut,
V t )'-ii mtt pr:> -abl v e nnloy frr.m one b, two hundred.
A pruuimeiit bnekmakc-r fri-m Pittpburgh line just pur
■d.i: •*-! n::.- i*;i.i- h r.t. ! to make upon them
]. rtl.witb ;»>j,ouO Two gaiic' of banda commence
work the pr.-«ent w--.-k. ii-!*- e < tb*-r )urd.s heretofore
r.-lubii-in-i in till- ueighlK rbotil
iiur Siam are almadv alive with workmen, and
the r- st 1 leu img to them iin«*d with lenro«.
l.umi-n- fr tmex-rning abundant aud c'<rap, and tenementfl
will sen p- rlnj up to relieve some ol our hou*ea, whioh
now Imre J, fffmf.iw, 4 fumlUtia. 2 fa.mnie.s, and .lozhds of
them 'i lumiliee enoh
Any who d d noi buy cheap lota ut the four public sales
last ucaaon. or tb-' f-utr public sale# th** present spring, can
still /s.-<-ure it l "--! bargains nt jaHvai' t-Dt by culling on the
nubscriber In Htolwetor. Teri Du— \/\ down, * iu one year
un i l A in two yeare. W- T. 0. GOULD.
p. (5, a few lots can jn*t be had ut S6D to $lOO each; if
applied lor before Thd2o hMay. ’Du** lolA uro twice ne
as usual city iota, vi/.: 4u fret by 126, and ths price
ualy from sl,bOto p«r l«*>t front. Thu present reserv
e l homestead and magnificent protit of Ovid i*inney,4 acres
in ihn centre of thp borough of Rochester; also, the beauti
iui acres, buildinn, orchard. An., of K. Rrno, can be
U>upht through o^subscriber nt rn*at bargaina, aod there
are not .‘ion rueft ban^ui nj within a hundred miles. 0.
n OUTHBKRT 4 >N h*-re rexnf'viKl their U-nil Rstati
O, ..ri 1 (i-n-ra! Offlca to' S '. IZ M \ ItK.LT tsT
umr Th'r-I
iioH bALK—Two i-r bo }»•*-; by 14j m t&.«t
Pittsburgh, at the lowest pn. - ee ln-]uire ot
*dgl TUOMAb WCK)M.36 Fourth street.
1 v > v '
r*" ""t-
K \^+JT.
-V.VJV'v '■
.-is- *'»-'*>■ d. J " ;
*f .-v--, v.irfrty
d**r, "ii Bi-art notice. (anlil
.. ■..£ ’—-o n.-.j.jMutrJ with Mr.
m. ! t n - n-- *•.!■ n in rm'm
»»->r .lid b** *fft
■i.- h:*» l «'-u repeatedly
• «ri-;rn tn Mr.
u‘r tin tal Pvu
my24 <l*w
I , alii n-s li«* bn.-. b***-u
,<* i -uu fc - I »i l l i r f>f PlU*
*. bim-rlf ihiwl bis
u* mic'iiiai crust t»rti»
1j•• 1, *n.l olr<o in f.n 1
••'fiifull ic>ypjHQt.
'i efUl- « n-y, »liJ
- • s . * '
~.. . i.,, ...
sa V
( 69 t •
1 , - • r f •
Ali. 4-
.... ,
.4.,. i
v ,
---.. fiS
-, _.,
Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 l’. M.
KOUQH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, lent? or
Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis arid
Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Wahsry Byes, are among
tbs diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. 11. with
perfect satisfaction.
All of the Ear treated upon ecdentlflc principles.
Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation.
All letters post-paid will secure prompt atteutlon.
We seleot the following references from among th* thou
sands of cues which have been successfully treated by Dr
Wm. J. Fryer, 836-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.
•Alfred Boothwlck, Printer,
tJ. Goodspeed, Glens Falls, N. Y.
•Wm. W. Smith, Detroit. Mich.
•Mm. A. M. L. Wilson, New York City, N Y.
tMlaa Mary Bellows, N. B. Station, l>uehe«* co , N Y
•Edward G. Bolger, Bristol, Conn.
•John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y.
David Little, Engineer, N. Y.
Wm. F. B. Giles, office Charier and Enq , N Y.
tJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn; L. 1.
Jarrlf Rodgere. “ “
A. R. Reevee, Telegraph Operator, Bt. Nlcholv; Hot*!
R. M. PerrUs, Organ Builder, Uoastou Bt.
R. B. Doolittle, M. D., Hudson, N. Y.
Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y.
M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N Y
B. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y.
A. Dilionbach, Schenectady, N. Y.
Oapt. B. 1L Havllknd, Athens, N. Y
John W. Hackett, Binghampton, N. Y.
•Theee patients were blind, and had to be led to the office.
At the expiration of two weeks they could go about the city
at pleasure.
•These cases of Amaurosis were tn sight afteT
lh**y were given up ee incurable by the faculty, and can be
referred to by any person who wishes to learn the f*.-u in
th**e canes, by writing to them. jmu. 1 .
Pittsburgh Dollar Bavinga Institution,
A'o. 68 Fourth tireri,
18 NOW OPEN dally from 9 to 2 o'clock; aleo, on Wed
nesday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9 o'clock.
Deposits received of all sums not leu thnn One Do Ur,
and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in Jane
and December. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering
the benevolent olyects of the Institution, nave entered into
a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to
Books containing the Ohnrter, By-Laws, Kale* and Regu
lations, furnished grails, on application at the offi.-e.
John li. Bhn«nb«rjfer,
Chwlea Knapp,
N. Grattan Morphy,
Tbtobalii Umbptiuttfr
Uaar M. i'enoocfc,
Willi&tn J. AaitTK n.
til I'ifritH:
Hopewell Hepburn,
George R. White,
William F. Johnston
Jamee W. □ oilman,
Alexander Bradley,
William Phillips,
John G. Backofwn, Jntu*e Hervlman,
Hill Burgwin, John H. KlrkpHtrick
Albert OulberUun. Johu D M'Cord,
Robert CbestMr, Robert Morrow,
J. Gardiner Coffin. Walter I*. Man-hsli.
Alonzo A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock,
J«>hn 8. CoegraTe, Henry I*. Kiug*a!r,
Charles A. Oolton. Robert Robb,
E. Q Edriogton, George R. Riddle,
Francis Felix. June* Rhoads,
George F. Glllmore, James Bhidia,
James 8. Hood, Georg* 8. {Md*n,
William 8. Haven, Alexander Tlndie
Sicrtlary and Trfavtrrr —CHAßLES A. Ct/LTON.
ills lly
liixura ntr Company,
Capital 3300,000
Amount securely ~..5£00,000
rftHIH COMPANY efforts Fin? Insurance on
Goods, Port)! ure, Ac Marine Insurance on
Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, by Riv*r*,
Lakes, Canale, Railroad*, aod Land Carriage generally,
Also. loiuraoro upou Lir-s, uj-ou thr mor-i fun-rabid
Hem. Thomas B. Florence, James R. Neal I,
George II- Armstrong, diaries Dto/**,
Kd. P. Middleton, K. R. Helcifuld.
George Helmbold, Frfid. C tu'e^ler,
ThomaA Manuometa, Isaac T.e*ch.
THOMAS B. OruiOUrut.
Hon. T. M. Howe, Hon. J. K. M’ClJtiUxk,
linn P 0. Shannon, Col 8, W. Black.
Hod. J. B. Guthrie, A B M'CaJnioat, Keq ~
Thomas J. Keenan, Rf-}, Wilson M'Candless, kwj.
Col J Ile-on Foster, Gen J K Mon-bead.
R M Riddle,
The character of the above Comp*ny Is i f Lb* first rln->,
and combines the rare and uuurual i f Fire, Mt
rlneaDtl Life InsuraDc*
GeuUcmen of elevated standing are associated in its
management, and interested as Stockholders. ■■
j»37 Ft Chari*** Building, No 108 Third «t.
Self-sealing Cans Ilf In
For Prtierving Fruh Fruiti, pi | | 3
7\>maiosj, £c., jgj i ffl
THKSR CANB, which ar* sealed by the llouiw>ke*f|>er
without tbe aid of a Unner, and opened easily without
injury U> tha can, are rapidly onmlog inUi geueral uae.
Full direction* for cutting up fruit accompany lb«oao*.
and the work Is K) easily performwl. that by tbdr qm- rr«-ry
family may have frwb Fruit aoil Tomatoes ou th*ir tab!-
ail winter, at Rummer price*
PRICES—Pint Cans, $3; Quart, $3.60; Half Gallon,
$8.50; Three Quarts, $4,34. Gallon, $5 per doien. Tlie
difTereot aizM neat, 1q order to secure economy tn trans
ARTHUR’S CAN, which Is closed with a lid enverm# the
whole top, ro that when open H may b* cleaosed like anv
other twwsl, has been fully approved by the Farmers’ Club
of lb# American inatitulo. New York. It took a firvt
diploma or«r all other eelf pealing cans at the late Fair in
Cinrinnati. aod wa* awarded a medal ft! tb* Me:hanW
Fair held this spring ut th«> Smithsonian Inirtltotc, Wa*b
lugion City, D. C. It is clnim**d to bo the host Uan to the
All order* accompanied by the cash will be promptly for
For sale, wholee&le and retail, at the China and Qurrop
war* Store of HKNRVUUIUY,
Bargains In Watoheij Clock.* A Jewslry
ARE now nelling their largo and carolully aelec
tod stock of Fine Watches, Clock*, audrich Gold
Jfdjb Jewelry ut greatly reduced prices, to make room
uQkSßfor an entire new stock, wbicit will be received di
rect from the Eastern manufactories In a few weeks, for
the Fail trad a
Purchasers desiring to buy good goods at low prices,
should call Immediately and examine our stock, m »« are
determined to close It out without regard to coat or former
prices. Don’t forget the place.
41 Fifth street, next door to Wood.
89* Watches, Clock* aod Jewelry repaired In ihe beat
manner, and warranted. jy2l:ty
J, Wilson dt Mon,
FACTURERS, No .01 Wood utrwt, Pittsburgh, »rw
prepared to furnish all article* in their lino on the most
reaHOOable term*. Particular attention la invited Incur
assortment nf LADIES’ RIDING HATS and GLOVES, alen
our Sk SILK HATS, which caonot be purpftwm.l in the
city eepft
|*l* Dealer In Warrants Stock*. An.. 03 Fcorth •
WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on th*
3d day of July, JOS. R. HUGHES, iu the Wall
Pap< r buslutisfl, ufidwr the name of
jyO W. P. MARSHALL k 00.
foTsalevery che a p.
100. A good bargain can be had by applying poon at
the office of the MORNING POST. Jyl3:t
Lot for Sale.
A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Oareon frtreM
bv 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will be eold
cheap. Kcuulre of GKO. F. GILI.MoUK,
jyljj at office r>f tb* Morning Poet
cm July 1. 1855,-*835,630 a 3
C-10NT1NUB to mate iDaurancw on all -ieacriptionn of
i property at eqult.Ua ratoa. Thl? Company have
maintained a poaltion for honorable dealing lor 38 year.-,
and la tmaurpaaaed for reapomdbllity and punrtnallty by
anv other aimllar Inatlttttion In the United States. Bern!
annual atatament of the condition nr this Company cm Ole
In this office, for the examination of the public.
in mis unite, n.ll. TEN-JJYCK, Agent.
Office, North-west corner Fifth and Wood streets, Pitts
burgh. ’ j> '~‘
as. M. Lemon dk. Co.'a W»y Line,
TUB undesigned haring purchased
.ffjSSßft port of D Leech A Co.’s Canal Stock,
US nranared to do a WAY FA RIGHT
lirVaT N RSS between title place and Columbia. All business
BUSIN BBS between n promptly attended to by us,
e ? t , r h a . B Wa™hoL. formerly D. Leech » Co..
at the Warehouse tormer y r L £^ YD A LKUON
Canal Basin.
, I THElt—The Magarinee for Augaat:
Peterson's Magaiine for Augnst;
Ballou's do “b
w'ckena'llonMhold Words forAuenst;
Tbs Heiress of llaughton, or the Mother’s Secret,
Mary Lyndon, or Berelatlone of a Life -.
P “I H »u o tte new Books or Magaxlnea, mil or send to the
rhe.o BMksWrc of W. A. QILDENFKNNKY ACO ,
jy'io B °° Fifth st_, opposite the Thea tre.
/'IOAL FLAT— Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Mooou
(_/g»beUi rlT»r, for Bile by
t ALMorT—No. I Lak« Boperior
A. MABON & 00. bare this morning ro
£> wived by Kxpwes, some new and Tory elegant eiylefi
of Bilk oonnsW. wpl2
• <V‘s
r pin< ahOY-onlebrat.-d WATERING PLACE will bsopon
i f>r vtalturs on and aftor the FIFTH OP JUNE NEXT.
They are delightfully located on Sl-ertnan's Credit, fourteeu
uiiltp* north-west of Duncannou, uhis place being fifteen
mile* weet „f Harrisburg, on the Central Railroad,) at the
t'wc of I’lujjiih Mountain. wLi;h reaches an deration of
more than five hundred t**et. Bhurtnao’a Creefe affords A
splendid opportunity l'..r those food of batting, bailing or
mailing; the ‘.irrouidlng forests offer great attraction* to
tbc sportsman; and lour smooth an 1 shady mads through
a country unsurpassed fur b-dd ami magnificent aconery.
will diversify the am u.<emeDta r.f the place.
HOUSES, SADDLES and CA.KRIAGES can be had at ail
timuM Horses taken to Liv-*rvon rea-*oDHb]p term ft.
vaui b hardly be smd. Their « liters hare been analysed
by tb" Chemist -1 iu the Unii n.anJ -tr» prouoanceii uni
vur|.ft«*nd for curing and afft*rtionKof
t e kiduey-i. Th«r«* ar>- ftiroe fivr Springs in all, «*very
enr 'M whL-b i.- o! different tamper.iture—the lari{ being
A'i •iegTees Frthrenh-it. and thrf.whr” <-ut 9d gal oas every
rev-n minute*. La-tßs' and (ivntkm-n’s BATHS hare
lH*eo conMtruct»*ii, wiih aLJ the mo-iern improvrinentß. to
gether with PLUNGE BATHS, A C .. Ac
Each day a C-Ja-'h leaves Dua-'auncn f.>r the Spring*,
after the arrival of the c**r-*.
Bowling Alleys, Billiard R-oma, &ud varlonn other facill
ti**H for umusement. in abundance. The accointnixlation.-'
will lx* tbe hvs't, and the charges luW.
Terms.—Eight dollers per week, or one dollar tad fifty
cents per day j
families* wishing to enga.-o rooms, should address the
proprietor early.
Every attention will b* paid to visitors, the proprietor
baring eugagvd tbs ot serTanbt Mu.-ic always in gt
All common!, ations intendr;! to reach the Perry County
Warm HpnG;r-i should bt* tu Duneanoon P 0.
They will b* luiui.-dnUdylorwardel.
KKYc'T'tNK HitTKb. Uu>rt!«or>-i?t Co . Prsxv.. mu Awn
dr-’U and Du r :y-\.rv n miles JCast c/ Pittsburgh, and
nrJg fur hours' Tin-
public resort Is rtn tb- bank* -jt' the •' Blue JunlaU,”
ut the enntiueu~c nr Hp;ur» Crv-!; |*i.-u H c «pring, treqt
eustaiolrig w-iterb*re dis.Jjitrues iLnell, Kill miDgles its
mnrinur* in ccncvrt, as tio-y ru*h d -vt: tho gorges c-f iht-
Th<* r-ry central position of ‘his Uot-l nisk**s it a desira
ble place of sojourn for a t-w wcek~ or days, for m*»o Of
buKiness and llirir laßJiues — and euervaled with thr
turmoil, bust'* and h-at of the city I, j- tjtuabaJ on tne
Pennsy Ivania Ontrsl Kailroud. where the grvat turnpike
from tlie Bu*-jueh»iuDa an i other road-* concentrate —
maltiag easy egres-* an l several times a dfty. by
tbs cars and KUg»<*», to Altoona, Tyrone, Huntingdon and
the Mountains.
Th*t lloojw U a u«w bri b one, four stories high, flpaeuv.r
and roomy, nealy j*apervJ, painted hd I formabed irvn
bailment to afti--, a'irh ail th- rn.>if*rn im j.n.'TeCJ»Dts n? d
opplluD<**Mi of Cold Ac !t N finely r**utilnt**d
Tbore ar* superb Ti.*w of .-rerj department of the Moun
tain p<r«*n**ry th» “j;l-rinu« mountains,” tb« ** eternal
bills.” Offl-e I* In rb>- If'u-o, always ready tor
worit—and thn proprietor r»n«!v to mniitj
r*t« charged. 1L iI._UAdH.KTT, Proprietor
RiPiatsctn tti i-iTTsnc&ou
Wlliiam Owrr A Cn , 'V_*M I. b-r'.y street.
John li Sho»*ti‘r« ri'*T ,l hn Anderson.
Wiiiiatn 8. C-nipt«*dl, Bt. ilharK-s Hotel.
¥X">R the Urovention and Cur” o? I.wrisjjirrcrr and
i tfrrrrfcr Firow;Frrru and A f re, Cuiii.f nod FtrilL
Domu Aflcm, flnttu Deoiutt, Nkot Swum, and ell r-tficj
furnu* of dutoiaao wt-tdi have e c -minon rrl rto iu Malaria of
Miasma. i
Thl* \* » NATURAL ANTIU'T". •-< h wj'i
prof.--; any n-si lent ■• ■ nwi] in ih- mos* sickly of
n*ua>py lir*l»t*e«, fn;m any A tru«* «.r Dili -us uU6
cV*-r, or iov iujury ft v -Dr \ n>•it'!/' inhaling .Yaiuru or
It will instantly chock th* Altai- ir p«rr?n.«* who have «jf
fnr»-l t-.r any length cl th-.w, fr> -.a ci.* day to twenty yearn,
SO that the; nr--1 p- ver bav- utu 'Jut J.iL, by r.-ntmuir:.; 11l
ur*- areer ling to df'—.tion.-* Th»- patiop; .tt c-noe begins to
nv'orer and strength. and continue! cntll ft pernio
nent and radical -ural*> effected.
Ootf or two hot!>. w),, Mi'Wi-: ff.r nrdi ri :vry ''uaer , k
may require nnr* Direction-* ;r'o*.M :;i ij-rmau, French
and Spanish. Hi-.’-Dpany *•**. h r*|- j- : , C /i ivn. DoiUr
Liberal ui* i» to th*r !:;h!o
Yen a, J ur- 11,
‘.km ZZ'T
tt for ArF-ntr, W.-r-a-^A^rn:o.'i ? dJ^- R^vTT found
ur-t 1-und n parU-V .1 mU-”' • ■* u ,j liri „ Ut to
rul-etao--- f—
•autK'n . rnil.T>*\. M n . t h« n ,,
Mr J. .1 A'A-wW— Ijr S;r Th- tv-i of n»*-<l‘r;ne y-u
seDt inowas-iuly r»*c*-ivcl c n (tv Ulb r.r AiTll. !
84.1 l hUu! .-nebal - 1 II.*"!' j-* ‘be p.--pl- ft IID L.kVrt
u»*i-l It nr» *a:iffl*-t ’K»r i 1 '.u- • ;t»- I !L.-tu 1 f l.n- r.•
ly stopped the Aeu- m • v.-y Mu- -a b- hn.« u »-l i:.sod‘l't
of (I.h ra-e- w.-rv -! - *v M % M,U*r. wti- has
bid it s'-r t- - cr /'V '■* ‘
ntnpt*il. *»v“-vt wuu;'r-. . »n! :li
would lttk° i’. l»» u- k. I tti.f!' -
Tako d> rrw'r.- At-mji'-. M«r.-u-v S'.rr-*hrv n <-, or
AnUPrrt-'.i*. *, ir cti'll'ii-r- •! unv R»;.d. U.-f v«r'u- of
whi>-h «« ■ « r.-.* l- u •: j- :* O' u- dra.--= T!.- m-~ : . U,tv
R--V -ar- :o .-hum
with lit-*- Rnm<-nil>-r it'
dy ihnt )•* hiirtiiic-i'’ ’v. J T-t'i '. t , * u
Rhotlfe’ Prvir nu-l Apu* Cure
F'-r **!e by J- -HN MITt’U Fb
er*J 1 v.
I VI Wood utrwi, Pittsburgh.
J. W. BUTLER * 00
Salmon for Bale by
ffKNRY n 001.i.1N8
'■* • ?>*"
Proprietor Warm Ppringn
srnt.nKK kktueat,
.'AMFC A, UIKOEa, Pr-iuiw, K. 1
y.\ IPKNYK - V "\YI TV
EVIDENCE >‘F Mri’.ir
Ltwn-BCP-.. I’n-'r, *,’■ • ut.!■ ,pa , M tl y C.ISLS
■ fc'v => f*- ■ li**
>*n! .--iv br w i;r t
V K. MctiINLY -
Ctn-'N T- - ' k'-.V'- -MTFr.UKii?
•i! ■ )*»"•; i *id A_u t‘
V[ O. I 1 H W'X.'U ST It If KT. IMTTSBI'IUIU. L« just rr
ll remng a lar/c‘•lock <d i'i AN'J.'i, ol the Utr-' -t>!ee the Pacinrb-- 1 '
p.AL.MO A KI’TKN ± HKINA, lUno-nrirh :
IiAi.LKT, I’A \ IS A CO., iios'otj .
HAINES, PROS A OUMMIMi.-„ New \.■. k ;
Together with t)■,-••«’ i : • (her maker*, at price® fmni to
jl.uou; in 'lu'linr: rv. rv variety nnd -tytej-.n) the plain
Put euU-on nt iul (■ '•n from* ihonc. t<> 11-.* tti* * t elegßutly
cart-i l/<>ui.t XI V. at) So, ami Giand Pianos.
ArraDg«n*ou< b:ive beou made with tba mauuf icturi'r?,
by which their in-trurrentß nr* ►oM lower by their escla•
Mva agents bon* than In th» Kit'd, and without the addi
tional coat unit ri»k of tranuportatmo.
Every Piano aoi l hv the sub*rrib--: u warranted perfect
io •‘▼ory repport. iso 1 a written guarantee will le gtvvn It
required. CIIARL -TTF M.UMF,
RU2UI No. US Wood street
An Institution for the Business Kan.
ORGANIZED aud iu very Fuece«?ful operation, •RiLh a
Board of Trustees, and taught by an efficient Enmity.
Two hundred atudenta and xipwanl? hare matriculated at
Ibid College The ('(tuMned at) i urgent demand of the
Parmer. Mcchiub \ Merchant and rrolVsGonnl man. lor nu
Institution Of H high standard. in which v«tri->u:< nr’..® with
their avocation? could bo obtained, am) that they should > »•
Instructed by experienced teachers, who hare had basin*:*
practice in the subject? taught, hs* '*Hii-ed Lb- organisation
of the People'- College of Pr-icGca’. T>‘n h n r- bVr.'rnl of the
Faculty are author* of Book-Ke-’pinr. wh- provi le. a? t»*.
(juiredi ?et« of “ form book?,” that conform t 'ail the changes
and improvement? of tronuriit (•.•currcnc* in a.tuul
Daily Lectures are delivered bv person® of known Mdlhy
Subjects: ltook Keeping, it* theory and taws; A.r-thm<?ir,
and it? apdlloation; The Art of Writing. Coram-Tclal Law,
Political Hrnymmy: Commercial History; and
Business Ethic*.
The success of tl»i-* Inrtituti'-n i* n"v , *«*rtnin liti.t‘r
of the first circles io society and budne-s fh-ow Lheir conti
deuce by enteriu; their eon* for a butum-ts education.
Platform Bcales
OK f.VKUY PKSCIUPTION. suitable for llailm&df, Ca
naU, Ac., for weighing U»y. CW, Ore, ami Merchan
dise generally. Purchasers may teal assured that they can
be supplied with n superior and p-HaH- article, and ran
ne rbh. . ...
Kacb Scale if guaranteed c<->rr-d. and if (after trial) r.ct
found satisfactory, can be returned without charge
factory at tb* old stand, established f r thirty years, cor
ner of Ninth and Melon atn-efa, Philadelphia.
8uocB«a-rs to HLUCort x A t*r« rr.
Ofpici op “Ths Pirreßtißcn Has Owrw," 1
August 17, 1865, f
ri'UK Stockholders of - The Pittsburgh (las Company’’
1 are her»bv notified that an el-ction, for the purpose of
elprtiotf two por«on« to k«ttp n? Trustees cf tbo nut Han
Company for the terra of three years. will bo held at the
office of the Company, at the Works, on the FLKtif MON*
DAY (3d day) OF SEPTEMBER, l» tseco the hours
of 2 and 6 t-Yh--k P M
auclS:«it■ 1 JAMES* M CHRISTY. Treasurer.^
Valuable P»rm for Sale,
O ■•.•.ntnininj 111 arr-t- .115 ecr*> of which ate* under rul
tiratioii. Tb** s'r' , j-ri'*tnr. about to d-Wln'* farmlnil, will
dispose of all btfl Stork. (Iran, and Hav n:i hand. IfeWshvd.
Kn.julre rd JAMES ULAKELS,
migll corner < f Sr*T»*ntb and Smilhfield J>td.
And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
NO. 66 MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth,
Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on hand, a large stock
of Cloths, CasMmeres and Vestings. Garments tnadw to
order on the shortest notice, and in the latest stylos
4E#~AU orders promptly attended to. [angle.2m
W. P. A Co.,
IMPORTER? and Dealers in French and American TA
PER HANGINGS, 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
«-Bole Agents for the celebrated m&nofneture* of
Messrs. Delicourt A Co., Pari* au*7^
IMPORTANT.— At this pearon id the year, when dlwwPeS
of the stomach and bowel* are sc- frequent, and, il D»*
iglected, are so apt to degenerate into cbol**ra morbus, or
ieven Asiatic cholera, no family should b* without a bottle
•of the Concentrated Essence of .inmoicaUtager.ftnd o bottla
:of Wlchey’s celebrated Diarrbtca Medicine, whioh, il U£ed
according to accompanying direction.", will prove a speedy,
safe and efficacious remedy. They can be had only ht the
Drug Btore of
RABPBKKRY BRANDY 6 cot pure Raspberry Broody,
a tptv superior home-made article. For shlv by
JNO. LITTLE, Jr., Agent,
*ogB;<ilw No. 201 .Liberty street.
%;■ «, .
AMPLE TESTS, both by able Practitioners and Chemi
cal Analyst*, bave demonstrated the great valhe’of
V&OB. LE ORATU’B beautiful combination, called “ BLBO
TRIG OIL," for the relief and cure of Pain. But the people
themselves are rendering their verdict in a manner both
unmist ok eablfi and satisfactory. More than 20,000 bottles
have been sold In a very abort Ume—a great proportion to
those who heard othert recommend- ItiwbO bad tried iL
That It is a splendid discover; is everywhere acknowledged,
and nothing like It was ever \ efore prepared'. Why, for
Cbrm alone, it is worth $lOO,OOO a year to the people, »* ,it
alw* y« cares these painful tormentors »n twenty-four hours.
But what is It not Forth to the people if it cnp«s bait
Khenm. Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcere, Sorea of all klnda, (fre
quently taking away all the pain in twenty-four hours.)
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis,
Piles, Womb Complaints, Cramps,’Sprains, Bore or 9wellW
Breast, Felons, Wounds of all Mpds, An. ? / Would $600,000
express its value to the people? No Because a man wilt
give freely for relief from patru Will this Oil relieve ptn'n t
Certainly it wiU. Buch men as we have often named, hon
orable and high-minded merchant?, mayors, doctors and
oihsrs have so said, after froth ton to fifty.trials. •• They edy
the Electric Oil is the finest medical combination ever pin*
pared, neither offensive nor injurious* but -'effectual in all
the above and many other case§u Some honorable and,
heavy business firms have, ft irtrue, sold' some of the ofd
(turpentine, bitumjnqus, or coal tor. Jtc.) extornal ap
j-Mch lions, dnliltheir cufitom«r3 returned bottle'after bot
tle, with the remarKtbat 11 the x6mody WaawOtße than the
painyet such men have never recommended nor glvrin
countenance to them. But see some of onr best merchants
ordering more every ten days, and always gfrlng additional
testimony to the value of this wonderful discovery. Xhdt
>{ many ladies are using it ais a medicinal toilet article
for themselves and their children, Is well &nonu. It carts
oil pimples, blotches and eruptions on the face and neck In Bt>
abort a time, you would scarcely credit it. It Frequently
reduces a painful swelling Lo two hours; has done U In half
an hour; cured many effectually in six hours. If ladies
knew the vootfany, strengthening and teafc'Psrvirtaea in this
Oil, they would never be inducted to use anything else for
womb complaints or paln&of'aby''kiOd. : ~ ’
We now insert a letyer just received from Henur,
Esq., who went to England six wfeSks since, (toUir)
i Loiropa) July 11^1866.
Pros Be Orato, Pbila.—Dear Sir: When I left home far
my he&Hb, (kcrofolotrt eruptions, Ac.,) I never depleted tfc
return again, believing that my complaint would. £QOfi
carry tne off. When yon gave ine three bottles of y6ut
Electric Oil to take with me, as merely a palliative,,
sot think I would so very soon be coiled upon to thank yod,
os I now do, for my compute restoration.
1 can only say, l efore the departure of the steamer, that
yon have only to come here with yourOfl, to make a for
tune in one year. There is not another aimilar, medicine is
England, if fn tbe world. I will write by next steamer.
Yours, moat truly, Hjdtbt Whet.
It caonot be their imaginations, who state that old sores,
that have discharged from six months to five years, here
beeQ cured by this OIL It .cannot be untrue, nor a decep
tion, where pain Is relieved In one dar, often In half aa
boar. No I common sense dictates no /—and COO written
letters say no! Come and see them. A regular Doctor to
attendance; and I-adies can consult a Lady, privately,'by
IroppiuL' a line to the office. Adrlce from a distance, mat
h'tf inquiries that any physician can answer, will be
I > imptly attended to. Always enclose a stamp, as cmraen
'i ep nn? fr«ely given, and we are drawn upon 100 often in
;m9 wbv All cases treated liberally, with or without the
<‘>U a* I hare two Physician* associated for this express
purjx>Mj ~ ~ ‘ r ~"
UJ 11
No. , couth Eighth street,.. la. ,
>■'. B.—The largest bottles leu times the cheapest.. JPleas4
notify mu of aoj ease or^ failure to cure in from half ah
boor to three vcekSf as iWIRh to ctife iIL " j '
For aale by DB- KSTCJUt. 140 Wood at {ang3o
The Pittsburgh and connells ville rail;
HOAD Is no* open from Went Newton to Cbmwllsvllle,
-eight miles from I'ittaburgh, on the Xoughiogheoy
.tThis new first class Read is now open for the trausporta
t f n t f passengers and freight, in connection with the fina
steamer Pittsb rgh to ConnellsviUe, daily,
The Ptenmrr ’EM,TAN will leave her whatt: abotfe the
Munongahela lkKjge, eyery afterooqn, at
eNilock, for W st Newton, connecting there with the morn*
Ing train tearing at fc:3o lor Oonnellsville, nfid reaching
there at y to A. M., }n time for the Stage for Uniontown.
Pare toConnelisvilla ....... $1 76
Parc to Union to wn„ 2 25
A tralo will Dave ConnoOFrille in the morning, at six
o'clock, Newton, and connect then) with (he
Fare from Uniontown to Pittsburgh '1 25 1
The Local Freight and Passenger* Train will leave Cno
n**!lsviH« at 12 20 p. 61., and returning will leave West
Trailers in pearrh ( f business or pleasure will find a
trip by this route, along the beautilul and fertile valley of
th»* Youghiogheny, one of the most interesting end profita
id- In the western country. The scenery ol tbs valley is
nor surpsssrd in beanty or grandeur by any in this Mate,
mid the h'-U ter enterprise and business is unbounded. On
Udb nf tb« : ver are vast deposits of mineral wealth,
inviting the attention ot capitalists; and the river furnishes,
.•rer.’i )«<w istir«, abundant and never (jelling water power
fir any amount of mills and machinery.
The favorable character of the grades, all descending
trirnrk Pittsburgh, will ena-le this Company to transport
ireUrhtfi at the lowest rates; thus affording a cheap, uniform
11 n 1 r-liub!f c utlet fur minerals an i other heavy articles at
uti t mes.
r'i r terms apply to D. W CALDWELL, Assistant Baper*
or t • the offlc«rs= on b ianl the steamer Roli&n.
».»t. " President and Superintendent.
piAsibsf pTaSosT ‘
and fur eni*» b/ JOHN H. SIELLOR,
N- . M \\ L'Od street, betweua LUtnond alleT|ggh|KSjßggfl
Knd Fourth street. Just received from therl jj AM W W
manufactory o: Cbickering A Sons, Boston,* ® VI *
:ird )<'r ml* ■.r.mrxaU'j *t Boston pnoa-
Tw'of their tir«t rises £evcm Octave Pianos, Louis XTV.
style, wi h carved ciuws, leg*, lyre, mu&ic dealt, 40. Ac.; fin-
t-fti-ir arid front aliße This is considered by persona
of tapte to be tbe moat beautiful pattern now mode. Price
$6OO each.
«r t I'ma’i*'« r-n
MJ.tJ J.ili."
Two first class Pevnn Ociav» Pianofi, with carvel cape,
lyrf, new Ktjle o? fiuled less, the Lyre and ends of beautiful
ratT i tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price
$460 each.
Thn*«* elegant Rosewood, p’aln double round corners.
Seven Ootnve Pianos, finished bark snd front alike, and
with Chiokering’e Patent Iren Frame. Price $4OO each
Two carved Rosewood 6% octave Pianos, with new style
fluted legs, carved case, tnusi * desk, and the usual opening*
filled with beautifully carved tracery work; finished back
and front alike. Pri*e $425 each.
Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners,
od»tr<, ttuDhtd back and front alike, and with UhlckeringV
pAt**n; Iron Frame. IMre SSTS each.
bovun llr***wood nod-Black Walnut Six Octave Pianos, ail
made as well snd with the same care as their first class Pi
anos, and with.Ohlck-ring’a Patent Iron Prame.
One ot Odckerlng A Sons’ New Scale, foil Seven OctaVe
Grand PUnos, of Immense power, brilliancy, and sweatees*
of tone, with their $U»w Patent Action, which' render? th«
touch so light and elastic that L can ue played on by th«
most delicate hand. Price £7 60«
Alpn, one of their new Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely
now iuveution, and particularly adapted ter Parlor use,
Prica $650.
A new lot of Piano Stools just received.
For sale by JOHN H-.MKLI.OII, 81 Wood et.,
between IHwtnond-ailey snd Fourth street,
Pole A<ont ft>r OH ICKEHINGiA ; SONS, to* Pittsburgh ami
Western Pennsylvania. ang2B
.»ArKU*, 1850.
To Wholesale Grocaca, Liquor Ptaitri
rpHB SUBSCIUBEUIs now importing a superior quality
J[ of 01 f. OP COGNAC, of which. %of an ounce with 6t>
gallons pur© Spirit will produce a flnoCognac brandy. Hli
and SCOTTISH WIITSKY, are acknowledged by Lho New
York manufacturers by the great demand after them. Dt>
rKti**r>« jot u*» will invariably be given by
U 1 Maiden Lane. New York.
T. S —lmporter of Daguerreotype Chemicals, Plattna.
Bismuth, Manganese; Thom’s Ext. Copaira, Btflphate Am
monia. Ao. ; dccSldatf
Delaware county oarpet manufacturing
ASSOCIATION, on the Chester Plank Road, two miles
below tbo city Hoe. offer to buyers this season, AX MINIS
and VENETIAN CARPETING, ot very reduced prices
for caab or city acceptance, (Interest added ) The .stock,
comprising also IMPORTED FABRICS of every variety,
oau at the Factory, Warehouses, Darby. or ax
the Stores, Nos. 18 andUGN-SEGQNDst
Wool bought, Spun, Dy,pd or exch&ng^for^ije ta
N«w Bottling EitaMiahintnt,
BOYD A MORTON have entered Into co-partnership to
transact the business of BOTTLING, In all its branch*
&i 08 Liberty street, Neville HalL
They have constantly on hand 0 superior article r of
INDIA A I/E, put up in pint bottles. Dealers and families
will flDd it to their advantage to give us a call, and exam
ine for themselves. We also bottle a superior article of
T#rms an favorable aa any other house In the city. All
orders put up at short notice. BOYD A MORION,
jel2:4m No. 68 Liberty Bt„ KerHl© llall.
\\J K hftre arrnngements with gentlemen of experience
¥ * iu the dilferent Western States, by which choice
lands can be located at Government price.
of l asting lands, either for speculation or for actual settle
ment, will find it to their advantage to give us a call. One
of oar correspondents in low* has spent the last eix weeks
in cri inally ezarolriUg the lands iii that Blate sulyect to
rutry, nnd writes os that he has selected over 20.000 acres
of chc-lc” lands. BI4AKELY & RICIIE^,
fio | p **P‘^ l diw cornor Seventh and Smithfleld sts.
I'M Foil Style Tor Hata.
/ 1 a* 1 PACL3ON will introduce the New Style for Hale
V op SATURDAY, August ‘2sth.
U. H. PAULSON, 73 Wood street,
next door to corner of Fourth.
Soft Hats and Caps of every description.
aug2T>:dtw '
PENN INSTITUTE, corner of Pena and "Hancock streets.
The ensuing Session of this Institution trill commence
on MUh'DAY, the 3d of September.
Tuition and Stationery, per session of Twenty-two.
Weeks *22 qq
Pupils may enter at ony time, and will be charred pro
rata until the end of the term, or till notice of withdrawal *
a deduction being allowed for absence on account of vra
tracted richness. J. M. SMITH, Princin&l
Co-Partnership Notice.
THE underrighed have this day entered Into co-partner*
ehip, and haring leased for a term of years the larire
CAR FACTORY recently eroded at ROCHESTER, B«av*r
' Couoty, Pu., are now prepared to contract for the manuftc*
ture <>l' RAILROAD GARS of every description.
Address, “ Rochester, Beaver County, Pa.”
August 17, 1866.—{augj&tf] KISS A RHODES.
IJI6 Wood ptrfht.
:J \;^Mv-r
S 9 Botttb Eighth ' ' PhD:
&ud Manufacturtri
Weatcrn Lands.
.v : •
tra uai9 aormuo,» uw
One egonre, one InserttoxiL.'.^...^^.—.
“ u 6»ch Additions}
“ . “ one - ~ - 176
“ “ two 800
11 ** throe weeks - ................... 400
M *' one 600
M “ two months 7Ot
“ three 0 0®
M " tour montfta- .._ L __ 10 00
“ “ ilx months.. 18 0°
** “ one year ....... 18 00
dtandlog Oard, clx Unecor leas, per *nmw
aunaiActi at pleastjm:
Ooa sqnare, pgr moucj, (otaluelTe ot the paper).. U DO
Unsurpassed for Speed.& Unrivalled for Comfort
Columbus, ' Indianapolis,- Chicago,
Ciodnnati, Terre.Haute, Rock Island,
Louisville, Vincennes. lowa t3ty,
St. Lo'.ls, ’ EvansVillp, Dubuque,
i)ay ton, Cairo, 'Ddhoque,
Xenia, Memphis, Galena,
Zanesville, Vicksburgb,, , , Peoria,
Newark, New Orleans’," Peru,
ASD rnr p&incipazi cities is the west and sooth,
Vt<x . -i ...
Which la now completed and in taicccajfal operation be
tween Steubenville and Newark, 0.
Fnll Arrangement*
«0n and after Monday# September daily
morning amUeveoiog line of elegant.aad jwift rnnntog
by experleoceffintd BccomiCGXlktice
ctfflCB?»v)siltl£«VPib’Etltßbargh as
composed of stewngfjr
CapC Moore, and DIURNAL, Onpt fcboaleaT leave Pitts
burgh every day, (Bundays-*sCepieiL) atlO o'clock, A. BJ.,
precisely. Passengers on board, and reach Steuben
ville at 5 P. M , making an immediate connection with toe
EVKNING BXPRBBB mi&pmcS.*-!. dl. B'r-which
makes direct connection at Newark for the abgve.citiefl.
The Evening Line, composedof
Capt. Gordon, and CLARA. PISRERt-Capt, Gofdon, leave
Pittsburgh every day, at 5 O’clock,TP. M. ft?*Passengers
sleep on board, and reach Steabenviiie at f next aioniiajp—
in time for the Mail Train, which le&ve-i .immediately, and
makeo direct conneefioh for thoaboVe cirthdedrrTstiwp
night travrl Vy railroad. , .
4®““ Pare as Cheap as by anyotber raliread ronfce.
Jtor Through and LocaL Tickets, and farther In&nnatioa,
apply to _ JAS. COLLINS A, CO., Agents,
Nos. H 4 'imd 116 Water Bti between Wood
end Smltb&eld, Pittsburgh.
Jj. DSVENNY. Qen. Agent.
At LOVB.-BHOriifiHS,
' ' sias j 0?-Ttt* OBIGITAt Dtl-HIVt, 1 '
OUR DEPARTMENT- ual l y ful 1 ,
some of the richest desirable
Goods that Wfthave ever been ab!etooff9r»BUCh>s
Extra-fnipSr Silks;
FrenchMednos; Ooshmeree;
Mous de Laities; Plaids; Stripes; Coburgs; Ac.
NKBDLE WORK —The best ln tte city.
Got lore, Gbemizettea, Sleeves;
Financings, Kdginge and Inaertings;
Shawls, Glo&ka 4 Talmas and Scarfs^
Sew 1 stylfe Brocfte, Plaid, Cashmere Moire Ant. Tel ret.
fitelUs, Crepe Silk, Ac.
Together with a Large assortment of MOURNING GOODS
of alt descriptions.
1 WENT U well supplied, and we feel confident tbit wo ran
offer greater Inducements now than wa hare ever teen
able to offer before. . Wa solicit an eximioation o; our
stock bofore porcbaalng else*here, as all wUJ find it to
their advantage to do eo.
We will alee be almost daily in receipt of new an » de.«drß
hle Goods throughout the season, *
(Formerly Young, Stevenson A Lov<o
sepB No. 73 Market street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
B. dHtnfllßT a. L COTUi EBT.
Purchase of Real Estate, Collection of Reals, Borrow
ing and Loaning Moneys on and Mortgage*; also,
for making Hales of Produce, Manufactured Articles. Ac.,
for Farmers, Mechanics and others. Ofllcu,' No. 63 Market
street. aug7
/ Oakfleld, by W, D. Arnold ;
Henry VllF;at»d hts Six Wltrc« ;
Bell fcxoith Ahrc&4; ,
A Long XodkAhead, by Ai'fl. Roe ;
Maui, by Tennyson, (fiarth supply;)
My Bondage end my Freedom ;
Escaped Nun;
Hidden Patb, by Mariou Harland ;
lowa as it is in 38oo;
Blanche Dearwood;
Star Papers, by 11. Ward Beecher;
Olle, by L. M. N.;
- -
Life of J. Gordon Bennett; *
Female life among the Mormons;
Pen Flctnrep of tt. Blbl.. by U. W.rri 1wt.,..
Nota Book of ah English Opium Rater, by
My Confessions—the Story of a Woman’s Lite;
Evenings with the Prophets, br Rev. A. M. Brown ;
Llppincott’s Gazetteer of the World.
Tbe abote just receired, together with a large stock of
Books and Stationery', also, correct Maps of Sebastopol, 4c.
Remember. the place to get cheap Books is at
No. 30 Fifth street.
NrtW MU3IU —Uti as dewy evening fails—Jno.J. Frazer.
They a»k me if I think of thee.
I set my heart upon a flower—Alice Hawthorne.
My early borne—A. F. Marlhens.
The lore of one foml heart.
The Red Revet—Gw. Linley.
Had T never uever known thee.
There's mutdein the voice we love.
My early fi redds—Alice Hawthorne.
How sweet to roam.
Flag of our Onion—W. V. Wallace.
The Saw-Mill, (Die Sage Muhlw).
la It any body’s buriueaa-
Sweetly o'er my fisnEea stealing.
My soul is dark.
Danse Oasianique, par L, 81. Goitschalk.
•* partantpour la Syrie”*—performed at Jullien’a Concerts.
Game Kite BehpUisch—F. H. Brown.
. Gipsy Polka,
bailor Frince Polka.
Angler's Polke—W. T. Wallare.
Crown of Rotes—-grand waltz.
Thu Angel Waltz; sentimental.
Also a collection of new Guitar Mnple. jost received-by
Express, and for sale by CHARLOTTE BLGME,
ttepfl No. 113 Wood Ft., ‘2d door above Fifth et.
NEW BOOKS —“Japan a? tc was and is ?’ by Richard
“ The Hidden Pathby Marion Harland.
“Habits and Menby Hr. Doran.
“Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett aDd his Times.”
“Btar Papers;” by Henry Ward Beecher.
‘•The Escaped Nun, or DisclosuresofConvent Ufq,"
“ Maud and other Poemfiby Alfred Tennyson.
“ The Life of fiam Houston”—illustrated.
“ Doeoticke—what he says;” by Q. K. B. DoesUcks, P. B.
“ Hanger in the Darka ta!o of intrigue and priestcraft.
“ HeartVEaaa, or the Brother's Wife”—2 toI». - ; , .
“Off band Takings, or the noticeable Men of our sge; n
by George W. Bungay. . - r
“My Bondage and my Freedom;” by Fred. Douglass.
“Oil*. or tho Old West Room f by L.M. M.
“ Battles of the Crimea”—with two superb maps.
u The Temperance Pledge Violated by the Carson League;”
cents. ■.
“Frovh Fruits and Vegetables all the Year at Summer
Pric«3l2*4 cents.
The above roceivrd thU day by Expresa. and for sale at
geoB IiAWFW? BOOKHTGRB, 80 Fifth Ft
!|UX£ bantX)OiJ!.D, tv trxcsk&at. 1 ' ’
X H MINER A CO* No. 32 fimithfiold street,
U'lve just received—
The Newcomes—Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family.
Edited by Arthur I'endenois, Esq ; 2 rols.
- Hidden Path; by the author i f “Alone.” Seventh sup*
&wreun*s Magazine for October;
Leslie's Journal do
Ballou’s Magazine do
Yankee Notions do
All the new hooks received as soon as published.
lOWA Ah IT 18 IN lH6.i—A Gazetteer for Citizens, rnd
a Hand-Book for Immigrants—by N. H. Porker.
Japan at it Wat an i />—by Richard Hildreth, Esq; with
a map.
Sea King—a Tale of the Sea; by Capt. MarryatL
Bits of .Blarney*; by R. Shelton'Macftonzte.
Guy Rivers—a Tale of Georgia; by W. OUmoro Sims.
The Hidden Path; by Marion Harland, author of Alone.
Habits of Horan.
Harper’s Btory Book, No. 10.
Harper's Picture Book', No . 1. •
Memoirs pf Sydney Smith—‘2 vols. ,
The'Kseuped Nun.
All the Magazines &r September, and -all-other New
Books. 11. MINER A CO.,
Bsps 1 83 Fnnthflftld st.
CIUEURB —Bank of Pittsburgh; i
) Merchants and MaDufflcturera’ Banb;
Exchange Bank; • ■
Farmers’ Deposit Bank;
Pittsburgh Tru°t Company;
Citizen’? Deposit Rank {
Many varieties of Checks on the above Bonks bn'Udiii*?
Checks printed to order in any atyled-ipired...;
W. S. lIAVEN, Printer and :tatloner.
Be p3 Market street, cornet Of-Second.- r;
BLAOK adOiRK ANTIQUE—Just receiveJ, 2uo yards of
e lira quality Black-Molr* Antique
M P3 A. A. MABON A CO-,2sFifthrt.
PURE LIQUORS of every description, for medicinal
purposes, can always be procured at
BP P** Corner Market at. and Diamond.
1 > Wagons, Curtn, Dr-ys and Omnitussea, recei* fJ 'oJ
for sale by | small UKNKY U. pftt * ■ ■
PRKBERVI N U—Lovering's .Pulverized Sugar"[
coarse, pulverized, crushed and clarified, at
aug3 g . R. DRA VO’S. Mo- LlRtmondw u
MYLRK’B CHOLERA RE MED f—This raJuau.e erticley
so well known fbr its many cures, can b's obtained at
aug29 NO, 63 MAHKff& BTV r s
AWN GRAflfl SEED, «muule for fall upwing—
a close, smooth, permanent sod; at the Seed Wa
house, 47 Hftb street. ( swp6) «JAMftR'WARDRQP;;j~
/ tATAVV da BIIANDV, made out of the Catawoa Graphs.
VJ at Cincinnati, sold by the dozon or single bottle, at
Dr. KKY&G&3,;:
B®p2 Corner of Wood et and Virgin alley.
WALL PAPERS—VeIvet,, Batin and Cominon Wall Pa
pers, In every variety,‘vfith appropriate hotdnrp, for
aalo by W, P. MARSHA L A CCL,
eep‘2o i . S 7: Wood&treeL
j sortment just received and for sale by ' .r '
sep2o W. P. MARSHALL A QO,
Window curtain «• <jr«*en, gus«j Bia®,
Plains Greta aodr Figured Curtain? 1 , wholesale end
retaiU.for tale Yy
C'IUBUMK GRKKN-2,000 lb 'try, mi<l io ml, ftir_ rolu 1
ee p2Q cocyer girst and, .ffcodit*.
A A. MAtfON A CO. anmutoc** th*ir ttrtt tsbityUcii *£
. Cloaks, of tl#s k Ti6W Fa‘f stylv, co TBurtlsy J»n4 Yti
day, September_2Q tusdjU- •
A A. MAttuN A GO. Will open on Thursday and Friday*
A t the 20th and 21st Inst-, a choice selection of Fall
Bonnet®, Head Dresses, Ac. eepffl)
S'*'* '•
4 60