The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 01, 1855, Image 2

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• State democratic nomihation.
for canal commissioner,
tyrt.f.TAM Trebles township.
J ; i.
,B^^.gsllMl, i Aii e ghe lw ;
a MAO KB, Pittsburgh ;
L. B. Mifflin.
JCfiSDiEMIMOBAhS,Ohio township.
TffOMXS BLADItMORE, Uppor 8t Clair
JACOB TOMER, Pltttborgh.
JOHN UOftRA V, Booth Pittsburgh;
A,B. M’FARLAND;North F&yrttc tolmslti^
-JOHN BOYLE* Indiana township.
Tue*A»y,-October 2J
KAST LIBERTY, Wednesday,October M.
ALLEGHENY, Thursday, October 4tb.
day, October 6th.
PITTSBURGH, Monday, October Bth, 1
Some of the following gentlemen will he preaeut end
dellrer addressee Hon. Wm. Wilkins, Hon. ChaA Sheler,
Gol. Wilson M’Oaadless, Oot fl. W. Black, P. C. Shan non,
Dr. J. R. M’OHmnck.'W.'W. Irwin,Christopher Magee, Gw
¥. Gillmore, dames Salisbury.
I he meetings will begin at 7 o’clock, P. M.
Back Numbers op
want tho foliomng numb
ing Post to.oomplete our I
Friday, April -1, 1854
Tuesday, April 3, 1855
Monday, Juae 19, 1354
Monday, Oct. *2, 1854
Tuesday, 0:t. 3, 1354
Any person Bending ns
a dime for eaob copy.
This man haa at length boon forced off the
traok aB a Candida to for Canal Commissioner.
The Republicans iiuve been sold. Tbo nomina
tion was a ridiculous one at tbo timo; but the
Republicans seemed in earnest about it, and
made a great ado about his imprisonment. But
he is now thrown overboard by the m Executive
Committee, and his party it ia supposed can be
whipped in to the support of the Know Noth
Ooe thing, however, is certain; a large por
tion of them have already resolved to vote the
Democratic ticket out and out. They say so.
They bare got tired of being bought and sold
like sheep iu the shamblos by mere mmpa of
oommitteee. Ours is the substantial party ; tho
party that faUers not ia its coarse , tho party
that has principles and abides by them. Such
a party in these times cannot fail to win tbooon
fideoce of all sober minded men, and triumph in
the end.
The sacrifice of Williamson, and tho bargain
with the K- N.’fl comes too late for any purpose
eioept to help tbo Demoor&ta.
But this job of hustling Passmore Williamson
off the traok is not over yet. It was only a
minority of the Republican Committee that did
it—those voting for it being K- N. a, and those,
who were not K. N.'s protesting against It. The
protests will be published, in which the whole
thing will be denounced as aninfamons fraud.
Tbo great aim of the K. N.’s now is to crush
the Republican party, and thus force them to
support the Know Nothing tickets. Here is the
first step in the game. They have got into the
Committoo in sufficicut uumbera to throw over
board their candidate for Canal Co umissioner.
The Journal of Saturday hau ah article on the
eobjeot of " doing a large baeiness on a email
oapital.” The editor of that paper iealltring
illustration of that text. For inetanoo: he ie
trying to me ho a 'big bluster and do a largo busi
ness on the basis hf Ephraim Jonee’ ppblio and
prirate Virtues. There is a " email capital” for
you, as every body knotrs. Tot tho Journal can
spin out 1 Whole Colnmhs upon it. That is one
way of doing a large business on a small oapital-
Again , tho Journal repeats again and again
the stale and Billy 110 that the Democratic party
is proelavery. Evory body laughe at bis folly
for 1L Yet he doubtless imagines that be Is
" doing a large business" on that “ small oapi
Again; every few days that remarkable editor
proolaims to tho world that the Post hae been
guilty of an 11 inoonsistenoy," and he rube hie
hands, and seises his pen and Bpine out half a
oolnmn of preolse and elaborate twaddle to con
vince himeelf, at least, that ho has made a point
against us ; and himself is the only ouo ho does
oonvioee. Yet he evidently thinke hie smartness
has settled' the election beyond question. An
other illustration of the text about a “targe
bueiaesa on a email capital.” He will never make
much out of oor'ineonstßtenoies, for the Blmple
reason that he can find none.
A oommunioation in our paper this morning
reoommends- tho consolidation of tho Beveral
railroads composing the direot line tonte be
tween Philadelphia and St. Loots. The pur
pose is to have that whole line under one man
agement ; identified in interest, and mado io faot
one corporation. Our correspondent is thor
oughly informed on suoh matters, and compe
tent to show the advantages of such a measure.
It is a measure of tnuoh importance, and its
disonseion at least oan do no harm.
The New York companies have taken this
oonrse, and hope by it to graep more than their
share of the western trade. Shall tho Penn
sylvania company do likewise - We invite a
perusal of the communication.
It Is said that Ephraim Jonee ie planning a
sale of the whole balance of tho Know Nothing
tleket in order to aeouro his own eleotion. The
offers are said”to be very liberal, bat we oannot
learn that any bargains are closed yet Mean
time the other_K. N. candidates are becoming
alarmed, and some of them, it is said, have
sworn they will sell out Eph. And the inquiry,
is heard on every corner, “Who was it that re
vealed the eeorete of the order last winter ?”
It is an interesting question at any rate; and
the answer will be found in time.
Puth Wabb Meetisq. —The Democratic meet
ing in the Fifth Ward, on Friday evening, was a
largo and good one. The Herman voters turned
ont in their strength, and gave unmistakable
signs of being in eaibcst this year, and prepar
ed to support the whole ticket.
[For the Pittsburgh Peat.]
Messrs. Editors Binoe the experiment of
consolidating the several railroad companies
composing tho line of the New York
Railroad haflJp|oTed bo advantageous audjprofita
ble by enhancing and tirOdU and redn
cing the expires .tooidtaitt or
ganizations fijjj
not be unprofithble to iook, around fo see wheth
er the Bame end may not he attained by
means in other sections.
Philadelphia apd St. Louis being both situated
near lha same,latitude, it' ia evident that t* l ®
ehortest. distanee.. between those points will be
found by the voute; lying for 'itt whole length
nearest that' 5 ' fstitutSe/ 5 A J glaneo at a map
"if the wmmw'tliSi tfie Penn^.
sylvania Railroad 6fid> Its, oouiteetibnßi Baßt and
west very nearjjr;htl&l .this, condition and te the
nearest praetloSbte rente to an air line that oan
be had betweenthoaa cities- The different links
composing this chain pf tfedr ontihousand miles
of. main trunk railroad leading direotly through
the oentral and most populous portion of the
four great States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois, are all now nearly completed, and,
except about tixty miles, all laid with a uniform
gauge of foujr foet oight and half inobes. They
are, starting ht PhUa4elph> a > as follows, viz:—
Philadelphia'Mid Colambia RoaJ, Harrisburg
and Lanoaster, Pennsylvania Central, Pittsburgh
and Stenbonville, Steubenville and Indiana, Co
lambue and Springfield, Springfield and Indian
apolis, and Indianapolis, Terre Hauto and St.
Looiß. Tbis lino is eontlnuone with the above
width of gauge, except between Newark and
Springfield,Ohio, which ie now four feet ten inch
os guage; but as under the general law of Ohio
any Company which will furnish the means can
build the link, and tho favorable character b*
the route requiring but little mare than the ex
penee of the traok and ditohery, it cannot long
voipoin unilosed. With this whole line closed
up with a uniform gu age, and under one efficient
management covering tho whole route, the, sa
ving in expense of operating It and keeping np
the separate organizations would enable tho con
solidated oompany to pay handsome dividends on
a stock fifty per oent larger than the whole
oost of all the work, and the outlay yet required
to perfeot the whole line will not be over $2,000
which ooulJ easily be obtained on the credit of
the consolidated oompany, or raised on a sale of
their Burplns etook.
To perfeot and oarry into offoot this desirable
result will only require the oonsent of the seve
ral parties interested, representing tho several
linkß, and the neoeasary legislation from the
four great tjutes named, and the evident advan
tage to bo derived by the stockholders from con
solidation, it la not doubted would eeoure the
former, and tbetr extensive and oombinod influ-
[e Post Wasted. —We
>era of tho Daily Mom
Thursday. Oot, 5, ’54
Friday, Oct. 6,1854
Thursday, Oot. 12, ’54
Friday, <>3t. l‘>. 1854
Saturday, Oot 14, ’54
the above will receive
ence oannot fail to secure the loltor.
The beet interest of the State or Pennsylvania
would also be promoted by putting in tho Co
lumbia road to Lanoaster ae etook Into the com
pany or surrendering it to tho company for its
equivalent of the State of Pennsylvania loan
to be oanodled—which latter oould easily bo got
in exchange for etock in the consolidat'd oom
pany in Lbis way and in no other will the
State realise from that road equivalent on
The city of Philadelphia would be largely tho
gaioer by this arrangement. It would plaoe her
beyond the roach of rivalry for the trade of the
central portions of the four great Stales lying
weet of her; and with the numeroui roads rami
fying tho wbolo west, whioh would pour Lheir
traffic into this great trunk Line, she would soon
expand her business and population onr hundrrd
per cent
Ab a preliminary step lei the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company take the initiative movement
and call a convention of delegates from the sev
eral interested to oomparo views and
agree upon the proper stopß necessary to bo to
ken to procuro ibo legislation required from tho
several Slates, and propose a hill for enactment
which would suit the object to be attained, and
if authorized, to agroe upon tho general prinoi -
pies of consolidation.
The objects to bo attained is oertainly worth
an effort, and if the oonvention proposed be a
failure, or if the delegates cannot agree, noth
ing oan be lost, and much may be gaiuod by a
movement at this titno OBSERVER.
; 'Vil . ■ _
He Acquiesces
We learn that Mr. Martin, the K. N. nominee,
has declared In favor of Mr. Thomas Nicholson,
the gentleman who has been nominated by the
State Central Committees of the Republicans
and Know Nothings. This was to be expected,
as the whole tbing Is a ouuning move of tbo se
cret order; made, too, in the face of the pro
test of the BSpuhlioon members who had not
seen Sam. Passmore Williamson, wo under
stand, was not nonsuited in the matter at all.
Wo will see whether the Simon pore Republi
cans are willing to be sold out by tho knights of
tho dork lantom. What does Mr. Daraio say *
Does he acquiesce!
Wheat is so abundant at the west as to serl
ricusly embarass the railroads In that region to
find adequate freight equipage for its oonvey
anoe. On tho Illinois Central road it has been
found necessary to order three hundred more
oars. This road has already transported a largo
amonnt of grain to Chicago from tbo Southern
division of tho line, and it is estimated that on®
Station, Soneebnrg, will give the road this yoar
no less than three hundred thousand bnshels of
A new tragedy, called Francesca da Rlmmi,
was produced at tho Broadway theatre, New
York city, on Wednesday evening, with markod
aucoess. it is by Qeorge H. Boker, of Phila
delphia; autllQt of “Calaynos,” and other plays.
Mr. E ‘L. JiaVenport, the eminent American ac
tor, sustained the prinolpal oharactor.
Tbo Sebastopol News at New York,
The nows that the Allies had at length taken
Sebastopol,'oaused almost as great a sensation
among the exoitable Gothamites as if a bomb
from the Malakoff Towor had fallen in their midst.
A correspondent, writing from there, says :
1 oan give you no adequate idea of the excite
ment in town, all the afternoon, created by the
foreign news announcing the fall of Sebastopol.
In business circles nothing olse was talked of;
the newsboys oonid hardly supply the demand
for “ extras," and almost every man—and wo
man, too —in the street were eagerly oanvassing
the partioolarsr The British residents are in
eostasies. .The British Consul has hoisted his
national ooiors, and there is talk already about
getting up a grand jollification dinner in honor
Of the event. The Frenoh, too, ehare the exul
tation. Their shipping in port display the tri
color, and So does the Napoleonic newspaper or
gan, It Courier dei Elate Cnie.
An Cohpasioh op .George Law —The
following paragraph, referring to Qeorge Law
and Joel Clongh, we find in the Sussex (N. J.)
In glanoing over the pamphlet “Life of George
Law,” we find that be is the same man with
whom wo bad a oasual aoqnalntanoe at Easton
during the winter of 1830-81. He had with him,
at that time, a yonng man named Clongh, who
eccmi',l to be oonneoted with him in business.
vGeorge was Bomewbat taoiturn, while Clough
was lively and affable. Both appeared to be
thriving young men, with an equally bright fa
tare to oheer them to exertion. Bat mark the
Bequel. , Two or three years afterwords Clongh
was hong.ah Mount Holly for the murder of
Mrs. fiamiiton, a young widow lady of Borden
town, who tefuaed to marry him—and George is
□ow a millionaire, with Presidential aspirations,
. Penshth Mahtelh.— MeaatS.~Williama (l Allen
will open an assortment of these articles at the
County Fair, to-morrow. ' ' .
Tho U. S. M. steamer “Washington,” from
Bremen via Southampton, arrived at New York
on Thorsday, bringing dates to the 12th of Sep-
By the Washington) wajiave the iirßt; account
of the fall of Seb%|&pp|§ On the 3th inet./tho
allied foroeB attacked tho defences of Sebastopol
and the Frenoh succeeded In gaining possession
of the Malakoff. The English, who attempted
the Redan wore not saooessfnl. Daring the night
the Russians, In the exacerbation of despair!
began to oink their ships, blow np their mago«
tines, and barn their oity, and on the following
morning Sebastopol was evacuated, and the com
munication between tbo north forts and the
town broken off.
[From the London Mercantile Gazette, 11th.]
The place was attaoked in four directions.
The British troops attempted tho storming "of
the Redan ; the Frenoh attaoked tho Malakoff;
tho extreme right of tho Frenoh made a diver
sion on the Little Redan ; and a united attack of
the English, Frenoh, and Sardinians waa made
on tho Central Battery. All these attacks ap
pear to have been made simultaneously with
groat spirit and energy, bat the one which was
eminently successful, and eventually decided the
fate of the day was that made by bur allies, led
by General Bosquot and General M’Mahon, on
the Malakoff.
Both the Redan and the Central Bastion were
at times in possession of our storming parties,
but so accurately did the guns of the enemy
cover these works, that as scon as wo had gain
ed possession of them, and the Russians had
retreated, tho fire whloh opened upon our men
was so murderous that it was feand impossible
to hold that position whioh we had so gloriously
won. "
Tub French Gagles onoe floating over the Mala
koff, the viotory was half gained, and the bom
bardment was continued with increased impetu
osity and fierceness. Having now the Southern
part of the town within range of our mortars,
an “infernal fire," as Prince Gortsohakoff oalls
it, was openod on the doomed city, the effeot of
Whioh was that, in a short time, the whoio place
Was in flames, and, owing to the Russians ex
ploding tbeir mine*, literally reduoed to ashes
[ From the London Times.i
The Park guns were fired in the presence of
an unusually Urge assemblage of spectators,
who watched the preparations and listened to the
firing of tho salute in profound silence. Scarce
ly had the last gun been fired, however, beforo
one general shout of exultatioo aroso from the
orowJ, whicc lasted for several minutes, and
was acoomp&nicd by the waving of handker
chiefs, and the throßiug up -m* hats. This oheer
ing demonstration of feeling Wad evidently spon
taneous, and oame otraight from the hearts of
the people acting on tbeir own impulse, and not
tutored and led by any leader or fuglemao.
Since the close of the l .at war, 40 years ago,
never was there witnessed siob genuine display
of Irish enthusiasm The streets were thronged
with denee crowds.
The intelligence was reoeived in Liverpool on
Mouday evening about half past 6 o'clock- At
first it was considered to be aatrae When,
however, the official nature of the communioa
tion was generally known, the marohants sent
op a hearty oheer ; the oburch bolls io town and
country were set ringing , digs wero hoisted on
the Exchange, Custom House, on tho shipping
in the port, &Dd on the varioaa public buildings,
as well as on a large number of private bouses.
Yesterday morning guns wore fired from tho
north batteries, more flags wero hoisted io the
town, and the bells of tho parish church rung
merry peals, whioh have boon continued without
intermission throughout the day.
A salute of twenty-ono guns was firod here at
threo o’clock, yesterday aftornoon, from all the
ships in commission, which were tastefully deco
rated with colors, tho tricolor boing at tho foro
topgallant mast head All the merchant vessels
in harbor, ioclnJing one Hannoverian, displayed
their flags on an occasion whioh bos been haded
with deep gratification by all ranks in the three
towns of Plymouth, Devonport and Stonchouse.
The intelligence bcc&mo the theme of discus
sion on tho Exchange, amon? a great assemblage
of manufacturers and merchants of all degrees
and many countries. Peals of bells were rung
from the eburohes, and a great number of ban
ners were hoisted from public and private build
ings in honor of the event whioh has led to so
muob congratulation
Tho bells from various oity aburohee sent out
merry peals ull after midnight Tho arrival of
telegraphic despatchos yesterday morning, and
tbo further particulars coutalced in tho Tims*,
Increased tho exoitemcut Flags wore hoisted at
the Council House, Guildhall, Exchange, Alhe-
Lcuum, and other pablic buildings , the shipping
in tbo port was gaily dressed out, and at inter
vals throughout the day there wero Jis.barges
of artillery and bell ringing.
At the Commercial newsroom the intelligence
was received with hearty cheers, and at a lator
hear tho belle of tho parish church and of 8t
John’s rang out merry peals, and small firearms
were fired In different parts of the town. Droops
of pooplo wero assembled where the news was
posted, and Lbo genoral feeling manifested was
that of satisfaction. The bells of the parish
ohoroh continued ringing until an early hoar
yosterd&y morning, anJ, as well as those of Bt.
John’s and some other churches, were ringing
at intervals during tho day.
Hand bills containing Lord Panmure's an
nouncement, issued from oqo of the newspaper
offices, wero road aloud amid crowds of pooplo,
who burst into tho most enthusiastic cheering as
the successive sentences fell upon their ears.
Bands of music struok up “The Red, White and
Blue,” and were followed about tho town by im
mense masßes, who toclferoosly joined in tho
chorus. This waa succeeded by the thumping of
tins and kettles, the lotting off of fire works,
and deafening hurrahs. Banners were displayed
from numerous windows. Indeed, the joy of all
classes was unbounded, and evory available
method of showing it was resorted to.
The Paris correspondent of tbo Tima, under
date of the 9th, gives the following aocount of
the attempt to assassinato Napoleon:—At the
moment the carriage in whioh were tho ladies
of honor of her Majesty the Empress, stopped
in front of tho theatre, an individual, standing
on tho foot pavement opposite, fireJ, without ta
ing aim, two small pooket pistols at the carriage.
No one was hit. This person, who appears to be
a m&niao rather than an assassin, was immedia
tely arrested. The name of tho individual ar
rested Is Bellemarre. Ho is about 22 years of
age, and was born at Rouen. When be was 16
he waa sentenced to two years' imprisonment
for swindling At the oxplration of two months
the Emperor, then President of the republic,
commuted tho sontenoo.
• He pretends to have afterwards taken an not*
ivo part in the events of tho 2d of December, to
have fought behind tho b&rrioades of the Rue
Rambatoau. At that time placards having in
large characters “ Motives for the Condemna
tion to Death of Louis Napoleon,” were seized
by the polioe. During the examination Bello
marre deolarod himself to be tho author of those
ptaoards. Ho was sentenced by default to two
years’ imprisonment, and was transferred to
Belle Isle. Since he left prison, in February
last, ho lived ot Paris under a false name, and
had acoepted an appointment as olerk to M
Je&one, constable.
He had taken up a position at the entrance of
the Rue Marsollier, on the foot pavement oppo
site to the entranoe of the theatre, and he fired
bis two pistols at the moment when the ories of
Vive l'Empefeur made him faDcy that the car
riage whioh contained the ladies of honor of
the Empress was that of His Majesty.
A oily polioeman on duty at this point instan
tly pulled down tho assassin’s arm, and oaptured
him at onoe. Bellemarro was first takes to the
police office of the Italian theatre, and at once
M. Pletrl, Prefeot of Police, presiding, a first
statement was drawn up by the Commissary of
Polioe of the district. Tho assassin is looked up
In a cell at the Conciergorio, where he Is under
going an examination.
His Majesty, the Emperor, on his entranoe
into the theotre, where the news of this criminal
attempt was immediately known, was greeted
with Bhouts of “Vive l’Empereur!” and by
rounds of applause, whioh were renewed at in
[From the London Times of the 12th Inst]
The first question whioh presents itself to our
consideration, after wo have given utteranoe to
those feelings of exultation and gratitude whioh
the gioriou j termination of the siege of Bebasto*
*ow ’-s
pol excites aUhis „
victory, and to tbe strategic ii measures beat cal
culated to bring the campaign and tbe war to a
speedy and triumphant termination. A tremen
dous blow has been struck at the/mUUury power
and fame of Russia, and ‘hersihvol£ioro6 In the
BUok Sea have.been aj&pibiUkted. The- courage,
the the mcesitent labors of the
rallied already disposed hf the argu
meats ofthop who contended thatSebastopol
was impifegiiableluntU ttshould be invested, and
that thb'Rusuaoi'aolcirefs were Invincible within
its redoubts. It now appears, from Admiral
Braat’s dospatch, that the mortar boats of both
squadrons took part in the attack, and threw
shells against the marine batteries, so that, from
tbe heights to InkermanQ to Streletzka bay, the
whole fortress was enoompased with a storm of i
fire, and an onormout number of men must havoJ
works* ’• <’ ’* /J’ / -1
Nevertheless, upon the. final establishment. of.
Gen. Bosquet’s division of tbe Preooh army in
the Malafcoff Towor,; ,-Pfinoe. .Gortflchakfiff in
stantly proceeded to execate a pre-arranged plan
■ for the destruction and evacuation of thedown.
All that night the harbor was’illuminated with
the lurid glare of ’burning Bhipß, and ffom time'
to time the explosion of the vast mogailnoß rent
asander enormous piles of masonry, while an all
devouring oonfUgratlon swept like the scourge
Heaven over the devastated city. Sebastopol
has perished, like Moscow, by the bands of her
defenders, while her successful assailants wit
nessed the awful spectacle, unscathed.
Means of retreat had been secured by a long
bridge of rafts across the great harbor, and for
many hours large masses of troops were removed
by this passage to the northern side; bQt<at
eight o’clock in tbe morning, the 9th, this com
munication was stopped, the whole of the works
and tbe town being then evacuated. If, os is
probable, any of tbe Russians remained on, the
south bank after that hoar, they mast either
have perished in the fire or fallen into the hands
of the besiegers. About 600 of the Wounded,
we know, remained io the Fort-SL Paul,.and for
them an armistice was asked ; but, with their
accustomed indlffereuoe to the preservation of
life and property, the Russians were determined
to destroy the city rather than to capitulate,
and they executed their design.
The position of Priuce GortechakofTfl army,
after the maiu body bad effected its retreat
across the harbor, was, therefore, as follows:
His extreme right, consisting of the corps most
actively engaged in the defence of the place,
rests upon the Severnaia work, or Star Fort, !
and bolds the stroogly Intrenched positions 40
the north shore, where, no doubt, considerable
preparations hare been made for the emergency,
ills centre ooveri the Belbet, and is protoctod
in front by the field works thrown up along the
ridge of lokermann. His left wing oonslsts of
Lipraadi's oorpa, occupying the ground from
Mackenzie's Farm to tho heights or Aitoder, on
the Bakshiserai road.
The mere occupation of tho north side of tbe
port is a barren advantage, for, although it
might cold a garrison, it canuot shelter a defeat
el army ; and it is obvious that, after the failure
of the main object, all the ability and general
ship of tho Russians will be require*! to save the
whole body of their forces in the Crimea from
destruction. We therefore infer that Uie north
ern forts will either be held for a time by a lim
ited garrison, or, more probably, altogether
abandoned, in the hope of saving the army.
pnoce Gortsohakoff’a plan of campaign has
long since been made ; jadging. iberofore, from
the accustomed tactics of the Hessian army, as
well as from tho extreme dUbcuity of hU present
position, we incline to tbe opinion that he wiii
adopt tbe course of a general aud immodiator°-
I treat. To hold the Crimea without Sebastopol,
I aod even after tbe harbor of Sebastopol itself
| has been transformed by conquest into tho base
I of operations of the invading armies, would be
a bootless and unpn titabic task, and the danger
is greatly aggravated by the fact that tbe whole
body of lbs allies, with unlimited means of na
val transport at their command, will shortly bo
at liberty to advance upon any part of tho
Peninsula which is accessible from the coast
These immediate consequences of their own
suocess in tho siege operations must have been
considered by the allied Generals, and the mo
ment is now arrived when they may prooecd to
open tbo campaign of which the reduction of Se
bistopol was the first preliminary. That field
operations of this nature have long beon con
templated by the allied Govirnmcotß,ls rbvious
from tbo large cavalry force they have continued
to send to the Crimea. Tbo British army alono
can briDg upwards of 3000 sabres and lanocs
into the field, and tbe French cavalry is eliU
more numerous, and impationt of Lho inaction
to which it has hitherto boon condemned.
Fighting, as they are, at closed fists, without
tho means of escape, the defeated Russian army
should be compelled to lay down its arms, or to
fight a goncral action, which would crown tbe
series of oar Bucceßses by a still more decisive
victory Tbe peaiusuU itself is besieged and
well nigh Invested by our fleets and armies, and
if the command of a single road be lost, the
whole lino by whioh supplies and communica
tions can reach the Russians, la gone; Suoh wo
take to bo the relative position of tho belliger
ents in tho Crimea, and with ifiq means,of no
tion at tho disposal of tbs French and English
Generals, WO have confident hopes of a glorious
f Prom tb» New \orß Time*. -
Beef Down. —As predicted last week, beef
went down three-fourths to one cent per pound
at Forty-fourth street, yesterday—sollors say
more than one oent Had the butchers been re
ally aware of the great number of oattio receiv
ed daring tbo week past, the prices would have
gone still lower. Oar report In another column
shows that there were brought to this market,
duriog tho week ending yesterday, more than
six thousand Bgsves and over sEVGHTtsn thou
sand Subep and Lambs, bes’des eoveral thou
sand Swine, with a filling in of Veals, Poultry,
These 0,173 Beeves, at au average of 650 lbs.
net weight, amount to more than four millions
uf pounds, which at an average quoted whole
sale prioe of 0 coots per pound, equals $361,-
120 The 17,110 Sheep and Lambs at an aver
age prioe of $3 per hood give us 51,340 more.
Add to the Veals, Bwine, Poultry and Game,
and toe City meat bill for one week—a-ide ftom
the Fish, Oysters* &o.—baa been oven, half a
million of dollars. A fall of one oent a' pound
on the prico of Boof, yesterday, saved to the.
oitiiens —or to the bntohers, perhaps—full twen
ty thousand dollars.
Hoops —We were permitted for tho first time
Id our life, to accompany a handsome young
lady a day or two slnoo, through our principal
ttreelfl, she being daiatily dressed, and wearing
hoops. Hoops—think of that you local editors .
who never oome in contao - with anything better
than ootton dnok skirts or grass ditto. Uoops 1
But there was a drawbaok to this flood of happi
ness. We could not get nearer than four foot of
her. and ooosequeotly tbo oonver&ation oonsisted
of uninteresting scraps of common places, con
ducted principally in screams and halloes. Du
riog our passage toward the young lady's domi
cil, a small dog, attached to a small tin pail, in
his fright ran against her, aud dlsaapearod un
der the volumnious folds of hooped silk There
ho was, and what to do she knew not. Finally
; the dog became quiet, owing to tbo consequent
darkness in the region where he had disappear
ed, and the hooped lady started with tremulous
and frightened steps towards her home, we re
flectively preceding her, to Inform the servants
of the catastrophe. She arrired there perfectly
safe, and after a few minutes, durlngwhloh time
shovels, tongs and a'firebrand were pushed un
der tho pavillion, the dog was ousted from his
place of refuge, and shot from his lair like a ball
from a musket The last seen of him, he was
executing some very interesting pirouettes with
tin pan aooompamments, around the oomer.
The lady was not at all embarassod by her un
expected oompanion, except that an occasional
sound of the tin pan would attract the attention
of passers by, who looked In vain for tho oause.
Bo much for hoops. —Buffalo Republican.
Whit are, the Sound Due* T
As these does may possibly give rise to a se
rious dispute between the United States and
Denmark, it will bo interesting to know what
they are. The u Sound ” is a narrow strait ly
ing between the island of Zetland, belonging to
the Danes, and (be Swedish ooast, and gives en
trance to the Baltic sea. The fortress of Cron
burg Castle commpndß the passage, and exacts
a payment from all vessels entering the Baltio;
the ships of Denmark herself havq to pay, as
well as foreign tonnage. England, Hol-t
land and Sweden pay a duty of one"‘pw3fienit»;oipr
, every cargo entering the Baluo. Other coun
tries, including the United States, pay one and:
a quarter per oent; even Danish ships are taxed
to this rate. In the year 1826 a treaty recog
nising this duty, was oouoluded between the
United States and Denmark. This treaty,'how
ever, aooording to one of its stipulations, may
be dissolved by either of the parties, provided
they give one year’s notioe of their intention.
This notioe baa been given by the United States,
and hence tho dispute.
JThb Dew Liquor Law will go into offeot to-day.
Prom all wo oaa learn, there will be a general
obaerfanoe of the statute ; a great number of the
retail liquor dealers have already closed their
establishments, and the rest will probably'soon
- •’"Ss*
r•* * '
« ..
■ V* v .
lnhalation Luoga.
of ltjhsi<iition, ln longs' and
throat, recommended by Dr. CarUi to bis advertisement*
atrikes us os tbs true one. It is now generally admitted by
our best phyticiane, that local difflouluts can only be suc
cessfully treated .by local applications. This pyactice.bas
been pursoed from tH&firstwlth respect to extotiaTtnflam*.-.
mation and corroatouff, and we see not why di&sases Of the
we belteye thsy may.- laithl* variable climate of
where Idfig throat become eo preva
lent amtiTlfe, eaflosst i/ rficoamend ,to tho:public,and
to the ajjiieleS&lepeeit&if, of
remedy,—{One ..who has tried it.] Bee adTertlsement in
this paper.
Oration—Da. Oubvm’ H YGRANA is the original and only
genuine article. sep4t3wdaw
Ague and Fiver of Three Yeare’
Standing Cured.—Mr. John Longdan, now living at
peaver Dam; Hanover county, near Richmond, had Ague
and Fever for threeyearst most of the time he bad chills
twice s d&yr«cd rarely less than oncer-he was parched
with fevers as soon as the chill left him; and after trying
physicians, quinine,’ mbst of advertised, and
everything recommended to him, was about to give up In
despair, when Carter’s Spanish Mixture was spoken of: he
£Qt two bottles, hot before be had u#ed more than a single
one, he was perfectly cured, and has not had a chill or
fever since.
Mr. Lon?den is only one- out of thousands who have
bean benefited by this great tonic, alterative and blood pa*
dfier. 'See advertisement sepLlm
Batcnelor’i Hair Dye.— The ORIGINAL,
RELIABLE, TRUE and NATURAL—beyond all question
the DEBT—never fades, or fails to dye brown or black, true
•to nature, without the least Injury to skin or hair. Made
apd sold, or applied, (in nine private rooms,} at BAT
CHELOR'S old 'established Wig Factory, 233 Broadway,
New York.
Fold, wholesale and retell, by l r. GEO. H. ECEYBBR, 140
Wood 6treet. sep2B:daw
Ag-Jait Rseslved, at Grabble**, a splendid
assortment of Pell and Winter Goods, of every description,
consisting of Plush, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Satin
Testings, Doeskin and Fancy Casalmeres, Clot ha, Overcoat
ings, A<\, Ac. Also, Gents’ Furnishing Goods in great vari
ety. which will be sold low for cash. No. 240 Liberty street.
HDSBtaa west faun pittsbdrgh.
Tbs Fast Train leaves at 2 A. M.. through to Oincinnati
iu 12 houTB and 40 minutes.
Mail Train lcavcs at 8 A. &1.
Rxp&assTßAia u at 3P. M.
These Trains all make close connections at Crestline, and
the first two connect at AiUanee. The direct route to St,
Louis is now open, via. Crestline and Indianapolis, 10U
miles shorter than via Cleveland. Oonnections are made
at Mansfield with ths Newark and Sandusky City road;
and at Crestline with the three roads concentrating there.
For pariitul&rs see handbills. No trains run on Sunday.
Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Lon Ist ills 8L Louis,
Indianapolis, Chicago, Rock Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland,
and the principal Towns and Cities in the West.
leave Pittsburgh at 10 A.M. and G.l£ P. M., and New Brigh
ton at 7 A. M. and I P &1.
For Tickets and further information, apply to
At the comer office, ander the Monongabela tiouse-
Or, at the Federal Street Station, to
GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent.
Pittsburgh, July 23, 185&. (jy24|
Continuation of ths Ohio and Fenna. B. B.
rsau auaaasD and jugotexn uilxs from piTrssuaau.
Sg» Trains connect at Crestline, without detention, with
oii the Traaa on the Ohio and Penna. Mood, and also at
Forest with Trains going North and South, on the Mad
River and Lake Erie Railroad.
For Ticket*, apply at the Railroad Offices of tfae Ohio
boI Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Pittsburgh, AUe
i heny Lhty. or at any of the following points:
Fort Wayne, Bcllefuntalne,
Oincioniati, Urhana,
Dayton, Springfield,
Indlanapoits, Richmond,
Tiffin, Findlay.
Persons desiring Tickets will be particular to a&k for a
Tu-kfli by tho Ohio end Indiana Railroad.
Life, Firo and Marine Insurance Company;
Jas. D M’Gill, Secretary.
This Company makes every insurance appertaining to or
oouoeoiod with LIPSS RISKS.
Also, agdlnst Hull acdO&rgo Risks on the Ohio and Mis
sissippi nrer« and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally.
And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the
Penis of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Traniuertatloa.
Policies issued at the lowest cates consistent with safety
to ail parties.
Robert Galway,
James 8. Boon,
John iTAlpln,
William Phillips,
Johnßcott, Chaa. Arbuthnot,
Joseph P. Gaxsam, U. D., David Richey,
James Marshall, John M’Gilf,
Horatio N.Lee.KitUnning.
Pennsylvania Insurance Company
Corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets.
Isaum Buildings and other Property against Loss
or Damage by Fire, and the Perils of the Bea ami
Inland Navigation and Transportation.
Win F. Johnston, Rod/ Patterson, Jacob Painter.
AA. Carrior, W. SrCUntocA, KennedyT.Friend;
J unes S. ley, W. S. Karen, D. E. Path,
1. Grior Sptpul, Wade Hampton, IX M. Long,
A J Jouis, J. H. Jones, 11. R. Coggshall,
OTJ 10 EB B :
Prtsulml. — Hod. WM. F. JOHNSTON.
I Sfcc'y and Treasurer A. CARRIER.
Assistant Sfcerefory..B. 8. CARRIER.
''"th lost ]
a w BATCHELOR, Qmm Aacn.
J. H-Bboenberger, G. W. Cass,
C W. Batchelor, W. K. Nlmick,
Isaac M. Pvnuock, T.B.Updike,
W W Martin, H- adodnin,
K. T. Leech, J r., John A. Gaughey,
UfOrp 8. tJelden, B. 8. Bryan,
David UcOaffdless.
49“ AU Loaaea sustained by parties Insured under poll*
dee Imuathy this will be liberally ediasled and
promptlypfcldhtlfarOfflct, No. 99 WATER street. {)yll
suoozssoaa to
BAffwracronxßa os
Chiison Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing,
For Warming and Ventilation of Building*.
49“ W. A A. will contract for Wanning and Ventilating
by Steam or Hot Water, Pipes or GhiUon’s Furnace,
Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Gi Men Houses,
CourtHousea, JaLia, Hotels, or Dwellings. No. 26 MARKET
•treMt. Pittsburgh. aplfi
the two Gities.
OaosEs may be left at the Mill, or In boxes at the stores of
LOGAN, WILSON A 00., 62 Wood street
UKAUN A REITER, corner Liberty and 8t Clair fits
U. P. BCUWARTfc, Druggist, Allegheny.
tubs: oaa o, ojn diliviat.
Boot and Shoe Jtlanwfactor y.
Would respectfully inform ihe eiHeene*dßni»M»wlrll
a Bljl of Pittsburgh, that they have opened a manufactory
At Ho. 79 StaUhfleld street.
In Wbykah’s Buildmus, where they will be prepared to fill
alt orders of every description of Boom and Shoes at the
in order to accommodate all classes of customers they
will also keep on salsa good assortment of the best eastern
work. Also, all descriptions of children's wear.
Term* itHctlg auh ; good* at cash prices.
\ share of the pabUo patronage la solicited. [my2dhn
ggfr UATS, nATS.—We have reoelved oar TALL
STYLE OS' SILK HATS, which will be found, on in*
epectlou, a neat and good article. A good Hat for $3,
and an extra one for (4. Call and.see.
MORGAN A CO., No. 164 Wood at.,
Nest house to the new Presbyterian Church,
p*p3 One door fromffixth street. .
We have last ree«iv«d| by Express,
.U'xSr a large tot of PLANTER’S, HUNGARIAN and other
SOtrT HATS, ot latest style, which we will sell as low for
cash as any house in the city. Call and see
MORGAN * CO, 164 Wood street,
aue26 next boose to the pew Presbyterian Church.
BniSTOL, N. H., Jane 9th, 1853.
To B. A. fhhnexlock t£ Co. —Gentlemen: Tor five years
past I have used B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge for an an*
tbelmlntto In my practice; myaitention was first called to
it in a case where l had failed to dislodge worms withcalo*
mul, ping and cow hags. A bottle was .obtained and osed
with desirable effect; since then I have prescribed It for
hundreds of patients, and in a large majority of cases with
complete snecera. In one ease a single bottle of the medl
brought away from one patient npnety tight worm*. I
fhave never known it to do nann, and I am induced to
make this statement from an honest conviction that . U is
thejucst valuable Vermifuge vet known. Bnsh Is my con
fidence in its “worm killing” powers, that trecommend it
: to other physicians In this section, and furnish lh«m wita
the.article. M. 0. BAVAQE. M. D.
~ And sold wholesale and retail by B, A. FAHN
ESTOCK 4 CO., corner of Wood and First streets, Pitts
burgh. , sap 6
I^MBROIDJ£ftD& —A. A. MASON A CO; have opened a
Very large and well selected stock of Embroideries,
i . Fin* French worked Collars, Sleeves and Sets;
| Book Banded Collars;
Jaconet do
i Crotch at do
1 Loom Thread Banded Collars;
Swiss and Jaconet Puff Sleeves;
- do do . - Gauntlet Sleeves ;
i Embroidered Handkerchiefs i
; Swiss and Jaoonet Ploundogs;
| Edgings, Inserttogfi, Infanta* Waists;
/ Crape Qpn»rs, Mourning Bets, Ac Ac. (eep2fl
F hhl< prime Ohio Peaches, received bv
Railroad, and for eale by
:• ' 'Z-- *”n
***& -v .f * , -wv *»r «* '**x * f * ' “' ’"
Alexander Bradley,
John Fullerton,
flannel M’Clurkao,
James W. flaiim**,
SST Wormi S Worms I—A preat many learned
treatises have been written, explaining the origin of, and
classifying the worms generated in the human system,
Scarcely any topic of medical science has elicited more
Acute observation and profound research't are very much divided in opinion on the suhjsot
ttmust be admitted, however, that, after alt;a m&de ofex-
these worm* and puitfying ; lhe body3fom th#r
presence, is of mote vaUuj tbafit: the Wisest
to tbeir origin. .A/ '/
Such an expelllhgagent bis at>lengiU :
Dr. M'Lane’s Vermifuge proves to be the much sought aftaj,
specific—its efficacy being universally acknowledged byth®
entire medical faculty. As further proof, read the follow
ing from a lady—one of our own dtleens:
Hsw YoRS* October 16,4852.
tkib ia to certify that I was troubled with worms for
more than a year. I was advised to jue iTL&aa’a calehra t
ted Vermifuge. I took/one bottle, r'^roajh^k^
about fifty worms; I commenced impjroying
am now perfectly welL The public can learn my
and further particular,; by epplyingtQ No. 3
Manhattan Place, or to B. L. Theall, Druggist, comer of
Rutger and Monroe streets* ’ *' . '*
43“ Dr. M’Lane'a palebrktfitl tenuifugW
Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable -Drugfitoxek.
in the United States and Oanadfl. ' ' *
Purchasers will please he careful t* ask for, aui tkke
but Dr. Vermifuge. All others, in comparlscn*
are worthless-
Also, for sals by the bo B proprietors, ;11
Socc.'ssore to J. Kidd A
ootluiaw No. 60 Woe d street, ep|iierof Fourth,
Daqanne Orey*#— The members.ef the Inf
IKy Corps DUQUESNE GREYS bzs hereby notified to
attend a Regular Quarterly Meeting at the corps THIS
EVENING, (Mouday,) at 7 o'clock, at the Armory.--: i *
By Order, [noil] BAML. C. CLANEFV fletfy/
Allegheny VAlley RalirOall«. L
ALLEGHENY FAIR .—To aecommodatedtiiaflSdrMrQUs
of attending -the Ooanty Bair, trains will d>e- ton nn i
the Allegheny Valley Railroad from Lawrencevillfi J)ppot
to Holton, opposite Deer Creek, i." - .
Flret train on Tuesday morniog. v ; - •
Trains will leave liulton daily at 7 o’etek and the
LaWrencavllln Depot at hP. each day. ”> &
Excursion Tickets to he had of the Agents, -at the Station
House, at Lawrcncaviilo and at Hutton,and.' fronrtheiJonv
doctor. . • ••
Trains will etop at all intermediate points. ,
oca WM. F. JOHNSIONy Pres’kA. V. &,IL .
L. UlrShfiAtd A Son,
jBjSttS, No. 70 Wood street, between llla?
mood Alley, have received-their steck af-Fall audWititer
Goole, which they Will cell at satisfactory pricey emhra*
clog— ' -
Shirts, Hosiery, Scarf*,
Gloves, Cravats, Mufflers, ■i ■ .
Stocks, Ties, Pocket HdkfeV''*
Baraling** Shawls, 'RubberG*bd&
With a general assortment of goods adapted to the Furnish*
log badness. .• * ©cti:3in
Peaihyn fltuiteU. ‘ ‘ .
A FINE ASSORTMENT of these durable and beiouired
Imported Mantels will be opened for iaßpectlon*ibr
the tirat time lo tbUcityi St tils FAIK'O&OURDS. Alter
the does of the Exhibition, they will b&fonßdtti Ihe-Mct'
tel Rooms of WILLIAMS & ALLEN, coiner af SeCond-and
Market streets. • octlrtf •
Canal Boat for Sale. ; '
HAS been in use about two years—now'tn gflMrcofcw-,
tion. BRYAN, KENNEDY *’ CO- .;
octl:d2w •. •
BAYARD TAYLOR'S NEW BuuK—lndia, owns, Loo
Choo and Japan, In ihe year 1863: by Bayard Taylor/
Japan a« it Was and Is; by Richard Hildreth. . . t
lowa as it Is in 1855; by N. tlowe Parker.
Elite, or the Homan Comedy j by John J 5, Cc-ob.
The Hidden Path; by Marlon H&rlamL
Aloce; by Marion HarUnd* \
Light and Darkness, or the Shadow of Fate.
The Newcomea : Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family ;
by Thackeray.
Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith.
I sora’s Child : a Novel.
Godej’n Lady’s B»ok, Peterson’s Megaiioe, "Ballcti'e Mag
ezine, Leslie's Jonrnal, Leslie*#Gazette, Household Words,
Yankee Notions, PatDam'e Magazine, Harper's Magazine,
Knickerbocker, Art Journal for September, Blackwood’*
Magazine for September. ''"V Wl T‘-
Together with all other new Books os fast as pubUflbear 1
For sale by XL MINER A CO.,
oetl No; 32. Smith field street.
DONT BkLLEVB IT!—Unless you eau-ssilsiy'ydnrßeif
that the statements madecotuwfnfflg (he properties oF
0. Hrtmatreot A Co.*s Inimitable Hair Coloring, can bw
tnlly substantiated by facts ; and that a trial fca everyone
will satisfy those using It of a most cartons end elngnlar
phenomenon—that is, grey hair restored to Its natural
color, with all the strength and healthy growth of youth;
It is composed of oil and stimulating spLits, so compounded
that It can be used as freely as WBter,?and.wlU*a&miich
safety, not coloring or Blaioiag tho elds in tbO IfiSSt; and
it also .mports to the hair a gloss and beauty unlike that
given by an? other preparation; and In every case It will
restore tha natural color of the tair, where ege’trf tffckneßiH
baa turned it grey. Fifty centaper bottle. Bold by
octl S.L CUTHBKRT, 63 Market gt
WE INVITE *o examination of-.our superior assort
ment of Silks— .»
Hi,b Striped Moiro Antique;
Satin Striped atd Plaid Silks; , h
Black Satin Plaid Silks, fone yard / *; "
Splendid Black Figured Silks;
Heavy Plain Black Slits.
octl A. A. MASON & CO . 25 Fifth st
yiIAWLS—An gtjleoUbeabQTe,Bfitb
O Brocbe Border, Just received,
F~ "mewnH miiNTCKfl—lOftptocca of gplondldgfrylßßDark
French Chintzes just received. - JW
octl A. A.
celled, & large stock of GREKN and BLAtfK YEAS,
.cons sting of all the different flavors and grades, purchased
.direct from the Importers, tor cash,.ep4 be sold wbolc
. sole and retail at the’ 16West prices.' A ' "‘ .
cctl j Gazette and Dispatch cony.] . ’;. ,
KMO.Nfl—2O boaes fresh Ltunosa just received and for
ocU ‘ NcfcSQ, K&dd.fctfeat--
SiILRTd AMD OOLhAßfi—Just rewired from the Facfe>
ry, a fine lot of Shirts, (French wrists,) withOrwithOQt.
the os# style Byron Collars, by 1 •
sortment of 3,6, 9 and IS threads FxXk .SUrts Arid
Drawers, of all sizes, by
SCARFS ASP TIES—J oatreceived, 8
fancy and black De Jolnvllie Beat!*, .aM '.Ppara.'..aa^,
Oxford Tics, by /' L. BIUS&I’IKLD.S BQSf>,
oeii yo.-70 r 'W<K>dsueeL-^-
j^HKLLdO— 4case# jusi received aod^c^Bafo^fisfoij/
LAUD yll—6 hbl* pnms recatved and fortolfir by' >
i 'tHALK—I cask received and for tele by ':V~ ' ’'• , “
l_, octi \ , ELgtota Baos.
\REGSQTIi—-JO lba received and for eale by. i.. -<;
J octl FLKillNa
f~\ UU 48SAKE LlDA—too lba received amllßr ala by ; •
1 J oct FLBMINO BKOa. - .
ijUNR oUVE oiL —12 do*, received and lor-aale by
1 octl gmgKOlßttQa:
' UTHttGS—2OO lbs received and . z
SALRRATUB— 2bboxespmettalaratua for eataby
octl HBN&YHaOOItbmSt;
IAD IKS’ CLOAKS—A. A- MASON A- COfe'ttaV** forge
4 variety of new and 'tfcperlor styles of Ladled OoakS, la
all materials—Metre Antique, Grey
and other colorsof qloth- ‘ • ■ -octl' -
aux AUKisa cyr caoius land
O good Dwelling House, Spring Bouse, Girded, £b.»alf
uoder good Cooes, u>J io cultivation; altnato-abont eight
from the city. Price $7OO.’ I Tferms easy.
octl • a PUTSBERT »gON; fr 3 gfcrketat/ \
morning) October 2d, ailOVclbck/aLtbq.Oomiaerclat"
gales Rooms, corner of Wood and wlll beipTdj
by order of W. B. Barroll, Kki, Aganf of ttfo'Adamir&xpress'
(K, about 100 boxes, chests and packages, various mork%
to besotl to pay chargeSf.ftnd r 7bomU may
oonporn. [octl\ , PTiL DAVlS,,AacOoneer.;<
’ fCOPT.) - . f
gynopiis oflbe
■ BO* &45« : ... •
By toe proclamation of the presidents of
THE UNITED STATES, No. 6*3, bearing-tfafe’ tha
22d day of September, 1865, postponing in part the sales
heretofore directed to bo held In MINNESOTA TERRI
TORY, by Proclamation No, M2—lhe following sales bar#
been ordered, via:
orricr at coaouacraa os mdkpat, ’ acsea
BROWNSVILLE. ..... October 22d, 1856~.....«...284R70
WINONA October 29th, ** :
RED WING. 29th, “
MINNEAPOLIS. .October 22d, « ,^«...J1L662.
SAUK RAPIDS —Nov«mber 6th, “...«..^.^27T,769.
STILLWATER, ....November 12, «
Total - 1*178,003
La odd ;laSr*©ri and
o{her vriU be czchtdtd firm Vuixalix. -- .
The sales will each be keptvpen Xvo weekSj/lf requisite:
Pi Irate entries will not bo permitted until aftefthe eapka*
tioo of the twoweeks; and pre-emption claimants nTe-re
qulred io estahlist* theircialms. by the propel proofs* and
make payment therefor, as soon u* practicable^ oi before
the days, appointed far the commencement of the pablk
sales raspectirely, otherwise their claims wlHbe forfaited.
Qiren under my band, at the City of TTaflHngtonj this;
24th day of SefoWmber. A. D,1855. 1 “
• ~ TUOS. ; i.‘ HtrftDIUOKS,
Commissioner pfthe Genq&land'Offlca. t
HAVE IN STORE ANDFOB SALE,-* handsome Assort
ment of : i; ’
DBT ■ O’<oo® Ail
To which they invite the attention tf purchasers.
eap29:d2wawlm •
Freih Shell and Can Oyitcra, l .
/gya» TBS undersigned wiahtoinfonnthacitiXflna
\Sh<\ |#x)of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity, that
they are now receiving, direct from PJlil&ael*
phia and Baltimore, P/tEgH OYEPERS, la air
shell and in oans: andthay receive,a Blip?,
ply everyday daring the season.' AH'orderr leftut rixslr.
Depot, No. 76 Tilth street,
wiU be prompt j attended to. Persons suitable
vessels can have Bivalves just out of the shell. *'
POULTRY, and BUTTER end EGGSfxecdyed-everyday,
and sold at the lowest marheVprices,wfio!efeleßiS retan. 1
sep2P.2t(cbU) B. &T'BBBEN A CO.
The Neiicomes, to W r .M Thackeray; .
The Iroquois, ty Minnie Myrtle;
Pictures of Epyope, try 0. A. Banol;
Cl eve Hall, by bub Sewell.; .
Memoir of Smith, byJ£ra. Austin;
The Old Iron, tTy Joseph Barnes, Sr.; '*,.
Poems, -by John Q. Saxe;
Maud, and other Poemfl, by Alfred Tennyson;
The Sea King, by Oapt. Meryatt; ,' f .
Fanny, the Idttla hairier; or, the Klctr and-Poor;
Trial and Triumph, by T. 6. Arthur;
The Yellow Mask, by Charles Dickens;
The Behoolboy, do
Seven Poor Travelers, do
Household Words, Br October.
Just received.and fia sale at
eepgy Fifth at, opporitfl the Theatre.
cH/150 rags Tennessee do
6 bales Soft Shelled Almonds;
2000 Cocoa Nuts, fresh.
Just received and ibr sale by .
lEBTOER A andebson,
No. S» Wood street.
<■' i, * v- ( 4* v
~, n ?* ■ h
-• .fV, ...,
s , w .AWEamEMESTS._ : _ ,
plylfcs BEl««(W»flistlwi»aiais~irai
' »ntf»gas... Jor. eight tamj,mmtli» Ijofferea.irit&ttifr -
-dtfflslfd(alaea«B. Ttettfiateyilrtsf thHOm*! trutrn*-
hie jto work, tpd flpollTCOTlßjirdftwdfeHfrtTordiflsMorw
Thrtf w«i#' .
HoUand Bitters, Beylngthat ft cure iOat.guarcmUeO. After fc |t "
havs been at wort 00155 re* 7 v
torn of the ofaffli ? w < -
i certify that iff* Into/ ***
> 'c. - : ;XgcatiLCopstgi^GouxisHau.
CftnTOWl-To preventimpofiilioa, bo careful to ; i
vßwfbwtfwMaai....^, v *>& %< '
Bold at $1 parl)otU& or fiiid>oJilesfbr $5, t>y.lJiopwttk'- ,
r v Jj* ■* tO
ao&CTitnnjMfr I'lttaborgfriAndittn&ttU. * t
gwrtaHfU'-: «*,.,•■•&■■ UvCT£ ,'u „ <3 'tsti&i %l-k.
? TeceotHlrcisioQofiie ptfr T '*
pUtaalmosi6«rYfitat»ltt.teftnttM-Wta»ajdocfa4lKff^^^ f -
jioerf not pretend to interfere with tnediciliaJt&ffipoUfidl* *■*■*■
!ty 6on!d npf.brf.
Taldable compounds coolclnottbQmiflwUliont ifcltor
inaUnce, Dr. j.
bratEd^ond : ißdispen|iHQ, ia:ttrrSmS\3*s,fi iMdldaftff A
cfpsrsopa enflerigr frmn^yßp.paT^^r^
■Jlorr, gffDefaltyepeaaTOlcupCTiQfiTqTOfltiipgreatcOTtiTW
agent. Bor **'•#►#?* 3
ft gejsfl-:>i ;>J r.;
D. f trad: 1 - *
®3i/jfcglfall? tnflurtnr to friebdi-aitiFiSSitrthr
fitted op-tbe.oliTfitßnai which win bft c
1 ? T«Wr bprted m&lfaX&l3frlbm c£BAl/miOBH-
\a- s.i rß*jMtmfc?v ix
1 TJournal copythreeiimeit. and charge Post.}
i ~arrA:jEwii«ri'.>'
■ *VY *■^
w4re, ' , l3nnflrs > Machines and Tools, Tin Plate, £
Wirt -filter rcppoalte^- 7
-Boahler’a -Hotel,) HAlratffitEßCfty^'. '^pi9a2a,. :? a.
, • i--*3 -g |
■MMTMMMdMitErSMi xffltiefs. -
Tfro YEARS have elapsed since tbs IhlmfOclipti HftHs'. I '
;tbl3 time It has gained a UTtfwml fccmedy' '
s fiy ‘ (•;• ••'■-•> r .4*
Many o/oWjnort worthy cltiiens testify tstawondfirfal ;I
eShacy In sU, affections stomach rang-liver. As ft
tonic, It never his been eqtLaUed,fbr tb-Btelieflfc-afforda la .
eh cases of .debility or weaknesaof ahj; kind is'ftUnaQt lQ>
stantaneons.- In Hervddff, rlumtoatic anft nentelgie affeo
tkin*. h hflflin numerous instance prove4blghiy‘twn«fidal,
Lil^i^^t^Wdeadefifnnre.^ -
When presmn*,atrd .their-patlenti
so Unhesitatingly reeofinbfehd, enrdy 1 wfi^ibiy'cease to
doont. and eagerly test Us vlrtaeaTbroufcelvea.'
r° : .-.FEVER AND AGUE, ~ -
j£ Cast of JSght^&cmfhJ'Slavding Cortd-TAj BterTtCMfs'- •
■Holland Bikers.—Sl&haM Smith
field strut, rays white itmnlngori ttariter, | /
on q cotton *- r '
I was taken with fever and agfifc-For-elght'lto& ! jxujsllur•*
I stfflfad-’wlih -dlffiafie.-l'fie gTeater fartof
•this timnl wistuxable towork, and rpeai at ISastflftydOl*-
Tkre:for different relist
:Three we9kaogo»on«Q£»yftig9dkifißlrte(ti)pa3uayt9ioff.. i
Bcerhavo’aHollandfiittejs,jroingJ&at acsre«uipit<tr»i* 's •?
teed; After taking it for one week, fcmnst,.state 1 .Was a
coandmaxu I ntjrcrk-BQW, for. iwoweeka, and r
&avfi had no raturn'of toe chills and -■.■ ?
y ; I Certify the above stsfretEentda .tme; v
•‘'/ , , .. .Tifcaj AwE3,'T)iftiaofd Houre,-- .- r
jatlt. OKestff^^adtblf.ffldL'
" EBADACETB Atm DRCajTY, ; •..
Mr. Silas Lltboab; of ’asya* -“rhavAfound ‘
\lh Boerbave’s Bltttts ***eoedy for headache and debility.' '
My wife has also astatic ttlttr the'greatest benefit®
‘ Mr. A. 8. Nicholson, of-PiUsbargb, also remarks that he
has ( exneriencedmaehreHefftomitacseforbeadicio.' ' ,r-j
j • , TIEAOTinSI - - -' ir
y A Hatoxndet , t
HpUandeetUement'o£BfcehoygW,.TCiscoiiaii},£»ys: “After
saOiring for some timatbamlfley aUendingaoutterpros«.. t
, tiadmof mimtimd body,X b are been .restoredrby nsing ! j
BcKtbavi'fl HtMandJßttteDhtopeifeet beaithi”;. -.
The feet cf thlvremedy belnginflncb bigbrepnteamacg
the Hollanders in York—in foot,
in every .Holland fiettlfimejirlitthe United B ates—arguif } .-j
1 muMffijJtßTeVdr.''. ■ i ' J.',■ .
i Ur. J6hnl!ailifcoiii Hving i
'- the u When !commenced taking
Bfilfonil BlUerA Z'Conld hardly '
! enjoy excellent bealtlt^ > - 5 > i? .
, j7w&tcr : Great (Sav iysttrt Vtf : JZoUsn&£itte* L 3+ S f
i —lie wlfoo/PetMlJo-Witt^dtftfigJhHSUindTwVt)V ; ®^r~ li
i.bbyEan 'bounty, Wisconsin, suffered
r fldin’s care for Uifi disea%eesawitftJ»@n
' even pnxnhased BornnHoKanAiUttasat ©nr;
hmee,.whlclihoa ElVQniicma -, >
and strength ara r
& anothergreatndro effected by yonrmealclno. .»
We bavesliilto record by
fhla remedy, but wwtlaifotherlcpcoTtanUy. One
thing yon can rely u pbhj Wa are }rma.
A. A, MASON & 00.
»Oi?ubUSUr*.—, ...
per»ofc9mochiteq>efciedin c^«*ini3iiimfc^anilicfe^t£rU- : 4 $
fy tree, '* ' ’ " \tAiCßi\V.,
v\ . ~ ” ~ ■ ~ ’" , ~
\A Case of. '
t 4 After BUfforidg tor AeaaiXiriOr-?<'PWt^....
of foe Afl.fa%fmnfinft meftnftffbftESXturn■
been «sfcrely cured by - ■»
Olive bid one ltiStaisUnecui
xdief to the aifflo'meiiklnei '’ Ifcfcc in nry \
■ Sii Jif v /
>r : - . - :
; ‘
..of ficknifis. _To persons troublotnlth nervous or rheum*- *'-■■ 1
rttcnSecikms, we Spited
Bitter*,. 7 j<
ofcnrtostQßEQte.awi'Bßg!UBb citizen**-?. .1
;; TEB. ff .ckbbb. * ■, ,
men* rncomv.. ri *.
'mend BoerbMfftiJlplUuia Bitter? asa rt&KJytbr,plies. , .
ere not itt-Utwg U* t ytfa&ij -
'Se laken—sey Aol/teaspoonfoVioornliigr noon-artditJght|^. ‘
one bonr-betaro^Ml:-
,\ w
The neat pppulsrt&^f;fl2s
duced -many sttstittsm&. wfclhJv t&fe jjo^b^wofid^.iftut'd
igrinat not;peafi¥toJvttfbty.
elso -pnBr tt6i a
4t*l» f/Tftll
■ tEh. field r- >
«oie ? ciii=i
- 1 • jk-ta
s And all Alfe^e^ElrmtoghatOr
JnL Uftck 109 feet to Widaaltej.' On thetiahk port ortho
jloih hi 49at»Bl«TBeatloR.f}r,:!i lietoottcaVhWFln.'fio'tel'H;'
■ j r.r, frTOr.ETrf-f .YTn.f Tlrt. from ....
locnmbranca. -’ *; :GEO. F."t3ILL3IORB,
i v.->sa • Afr'ctflo^ofMotnlar-Paiti'
and. QreondflTire «feMaf®O i ßßHl"fir;'athet the , .
above purposes.'- Tho sire endarrangsneilt of the house, •• v *
the bea-aty. ettent omi rertetyoftao gtoandei Aul the a
edventege of the eesstk>b, »eduiM from'«teT,. s< ■>.
thing objectionable, rondetthie omoet desirable location
for either .Mataor-genale Seminary. JTotienßaiOFplyto
«mafcW.-,-.i .ii W. BPXhEB.aT ftootetted. s . v r
ATTENTIONftADIEa!— ■ •!*-!' •sS;:*t;»aU.
Frank toltValaaieß* Qaretta for October, 20centl; >v. r
Gode^e leiaj'e ßook • .-• 40 -- v'2» ;; ao'
/ - PdttiimVMatarinb' ' - 7c '-'---do'.'-' i '’SSV’'do'* '- : ■•
• BaJiotrtM* l $ dd>- • -^--••do^^io^do
EesliS's New York Journal 'do-' J ' '"IS-^do i '
Peterson's Magazine ~~ " do 'rl7- do
Yankee Notldntfdo
day, end will beZ sohl'2o per l
tbecityi -Kemiinber,thetill^lsdt 1 ~' ' :
, . Buffer's bookstore;- --
| sepS> -* • ■ ■» 30Fifthatreet.' >‘
r,. :, v; ■,
U Patoain’aTWgitliij fot OptoMt.', .
Qreh»n> .. : asr-.. r..a0...t
' Paiersan’a ’ abV* ilo
Oodeysli^fMßOTS,44. .. . .......
telUo’fl ?«aUdn r BMk ' Jo .
JaatitiadMiiafcfcia* tt:.. . •"•,-• ■
Kfth st,opposite ttalliaitce. ‘
■I QFkR UILL'B ALMANACa*-Smlbrt 0. HiU'S jltS'
’IOJU, burait&linmtmaMmMlTO^lmattfjijnlAmCT
,lcm {toßei’B AtorawjKs-ZI.TOISMi pubUtbaiEßaasw ; r
odr by tbo quantity, by„ rf i-,, .33 - 11
- - JOHN Hi MeLloH, No. 81-Woodrtreet 1
For E>l«,*lß<ybyan
ghaayOity. ..CV3 £ (i.v.SU rvT-lilJ . n<^;:*'.tL&gp29
A BBI0E:CQIM<}B ni)HaiS,iUa4tO ttIHJUt atw;wd»:
•JL iftip ttfcßßlMitJ BtaHtfn atiMfijteiity, 'HaapuS^Si*,
swartM. hmnwwM-a-Me.
rttti cl^:,fwiteSfe*Mji i wPi«,"nSniaa, jieetot«&SS«3
also, snAna4wffigofg*ffiiS,‘4hßlotTia*tßmtofa)ftrt i.*
on t&e jfcpfPW ;42S(E!tfjJama; sww
Jalsaciat «me,'t*o m* > *->
; mpzff;;;..r ‘;B;.cpiHßgaTASQs t e3 Mpbtat. :j ~. t
TJHJB BALE—A goodEirovaratalnlDglo7icn!3 ( «lglrte»A' '-f '
A? miles, below the city, ad 4 OB& MS- smith or-th« Ohio - \
rim; baringoo tores ttader"cultlratlan,»goaMitras« , «i<l ‘
other improvtraimtß. "A-Rood btrgaln Is efTere-J.-;-.
■j «»»:■■» -> - ;SIIpCTOQD3.TS fonrtbit- -,.
i \CILV 9100 Br
V grmiruf, 20 foot front cn "Webster oy
' 60 dmp., Th«
ftttaoarifeK'*' \ ;* ; “* A ' ; ‘ 4 —
(j moat ,ff-4npartor_Biaae» of ;(Vst
Oioaia. - -. -~iegp2SL- • —n. -
tJHBH LISEnB*-i>"As fcKo:Jast rsftxsii
2 Oxsescftbee'best niiftoa cMrisH Litany of eTer?: :
;_gnuiJ »* 3 a Dtp2B
fll MU. Br uriinm^ BaS.Bye, Bul«sriisffl*ui'M
Heeaa, for tha eeed and Agricultural Store»4f nah
atieat,by T --1..«[ anaaagst.j ° *jAMsa WABDEOP.- ~ f
forettlaty >j OOMJNBj
A. jtettflS- ■•g
cnmTaUbaiaoffoedaa'salaicw. i i;' :f s! »»
ropM .:■ .tHQS, KOODB^T6Jfenrthst.
SIBLtA ; rtSt'imd'A, .
fiililrtaHo eokfjpf qph Shawls Jiiirt »MimSM&’Ss£S§
Btoc»aoj l» boaghtr at;Ko;;l97 llMtat strwt,iheoDr,-„ s
o;<Mi [»ng«l mjzrsmmsia^bia
/^ttJlTAKA^O^jl6o0 f lbafor&alBby Q,l, ‘ w ' x -'.V
U (»p2O —■ i’- i). A. JAUNSSIOOK *W.
•i 5 „ ....
\-..-.- ),.. . ....
i-15,: - •,.'i , , , -:•, P;::•-:•.:;.. - :.: , :•••'.,•'
\:. .... .
b~. * f. Ij -