The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 28, 1855, Image 4
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MP ’lipis^a '*&*£:» <re»f« «p , I w<| /?;<’ ZzfpW, &£'^B .>'^Vvl<-. vV* -!r*'* i s ’t ia ■ <•••-> a«2I -• -;.-tt-, f ?-T. : r^; 1 • :> •:«- '.. f'.’ .‘ji'l-i .' 't't' .'■'- ■ ’! .:■ r „ " ’•-' '. - '.';' ; <■;■.'V '' 4 ‘ r ‘‘, : - "1" - - ,v\ r -• •• ,v<-> c; : .-> ,^.l : ~,r ■ ■-- -, / r -« - -' .. ?*„■ ? fn't'-i--- .«•■ /..'■■ . • (-’vt, -f \y*s?.l'i.Tl&Jz/j'*-'Z ; : .Kr'.' C' •' A '* -£*■ %S ?.£. ip *• ■ - '«'*■•» _.VB*iw-v<. - -- ‘ • • h ■; „;- -.— -. ' ' r '<' ( ",V vJ I*''' 1 *''' ''■ ■■ t : aV-N 1; •‘■ ■- • .\t• :. - ,v 1 > J', v. •: y-r' . /.*.: . •.£• -.'. '.. r - '“ > • , v/'t .•■ v ---.•• i ■ -f; • ,'■ if v« !i -- .'"jT-tf i j' f ' , J I ■_ ,'j ", .'. "} “ J l -'V ‘ r :/l ti. > >r’V ■ r ■ -V nj f 1,//** - . ' «•’ , ' 1 /.Hi ;o iRAIUS^DS. 1 / I OH 10> B A I LfiO * Ul Bssa Baa ' -■ Bummer Arrangement*— Change of Time. ** Three datlytrains teach way, (Bxjudays ex * OKPTEIK) And bat one CUmgc of Colambat and Baltimore* 0N Mid Xr Monday. Ju»e 180>; 1855, Train. *UI ran a? follows GOING EAST. Ecpna Umk IpoM bST'm. ll^Th. este=d»/«;' gi IT B»mnsrtile~ “ 835 “ Balmont ....„ “ BAI K; „ SrftH BelUir .~.... BSO y _ arr.Mfi GOING WEST. Expra, Maii fiV* -Tt0Wrtr0t...1.....‘. 11 ....'1031 “ «* “ ’2 .. Uxrmavlil, -.1022 " &« “ .. Cambridge ....~U:50 w 8.04 s !m t S O “S53m-" ? "“" ! " 1 mo F; ‘ M ' bo “ wwo " N«Mk 208 “ JS-UP M. IS A. M. z atop ‘ t,n 6t4 ‘ tioason proper « u “ Thi. TO-OO A. M. Express Train,, counsels at Oolmalms with tK° Express Train which leaveß Otoclnnatlat Si. M. ana wnh the Train tan the Weston the Oolnmfcns, Ttyoa anJ Indiana Ballroad; at Newnrh With monllng Trains to and from JJandoshy, Mansfield and Mt. Vernon, and' with Trains on the Btouhenrille and " Indiana Ballroad; at •Wheeling with Express Traltl on the Balttoora and" Ohio RaQroad for Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and East erodtietf. The 3:80 P. M. Train wtiidoanect at Columbus with the second Train froni Cincinnati; at Newark with Sandusky, HanaiUltt and Newark Railroad? and at Whittling with ' 81rfht35ln s jm Baltimore and Ohio Railroads Passengers 1 eaiihtsTsjQlsvine and points below Cincinnati, and taking thBPA.-M. Train on Little Miami Ratiroad, will connect Wtb this Train at Col umbos. Passengers leaving Indiana pofls aadCßichmond by on Ihdlana Central RaHroadwill abo connect with this Train at Columbus, a nd reach Wheeling at B;lfi P. M., and leave by 10&0 P. M. T rain on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, arriving in Balti more at 6P. M., next day. _ . . ... .. The 11:30 P. il- Train connects at Columbus with the M ail Train which leaves Qndutteti at D:3o P. M., and arrives at BeUairat 0:15 A. iU connecting with the Accommoda tion Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Passen gers leaving Chicago by tho Evening Trains can, by this loute.via Michigan City, Lafayette, IndianapoUa and Day. t on, reachOolumbn® la season to take this train; and et WheellTjg wtil take the Accommodation Train for Cumber land, sleep there, and resume by Express Train to Balti •morifl and Eastern Cities. „ GOING WEST. The*s:l6 A. M.Mall Train connects at Bollalr with NLjht Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ; at Newark with trains in and (rum Sandusky, Mnusfleld and 5Tt. Vernon, and Chicago via Mnor™»villa; at Cohunbu* with the trains for-Cincinnati' and with train* for Xenia, Dayton, Indiana noli*, Bod-Cbtaiso, viA Dayton and via Ilrbano. The 046 A. M. Repress Train connect* with, the Kxpr«*“* Train from Baltimore, and arrives In OolumbUa at 8:29 l*. M., and connects with train* going Sonth and West art W -1 off Id Cincinnati at 7 P. M. The fcOO V. M. Train connects with tbs Accommodation Train from Cumberland, and at Columbus with Mall Train • at &18 A.. M n direct for Cincinnati, Xenia, Dayton, Tnd’ana oolis. LAfavett*, T.*rra Haute. Saint Louis and Chicago • ISAAC H. SOOTH WICK, Supt. i gjnaßvUleyJane 18, 1856—(je21) STKAMEOS ECLIPSE AND ROSALIE, VIA WELLS VII.LK, AND Ohio and Penmylvanla Railroad, VIA ALLIANCE. r pHßAhortesl, quickest and moat reliable route to Toledo. 1 Chicago, Rock Island, Galena, and St. Louis, Is VIA CLEVELAND. This route U One Handled mll« shorter and about nine hour* quicker than the circuitous one via Indianapolis, Three Daily Trains from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. Three Dally Trains from Cleveland to Chicago. TMn* to, Cleveland six hours, Chicago twenty-three hours, i bdJ'BL Louis thirty-seven hours. On «p‘t after Monday, September 3J, 1856, the trains on -tb&ro&J wUI ran as follows: VTA ALLIANCE.- The Trains of the Ohio and Penna. Railroad leaving Pi tte burgh at iQO, A. M. and 8.00, A. M., and S.QO *». M., con nect fit Alliance at BDO A. M., 11.60 A. il , ftDd C P. M., aa follows: Trains for Cleveland leave Alliance S.QQ, A.M., 11.60 A.M., and 6 36 P. M-, connoting at Hudson with Trains rot Cuy ahoga Falls and Akron, and »rrMng In Cleveland al 10 ‘26 A. M n "i 10 P. M , and S6BP. M. Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, Bt. Louis, Rock Island. Galena, and the North-west, *no wish to go through with out detention, will Uke the train leafing Pittsburgh at 8 i>o A. SL, and arriving In Cleveland at SL!O P. M., as that the only train by which clcwa connoctions ar* made through the above poiutti. PasseDgurn by this train reach Chicago si 7 30 next morning, and St. Ixrnis at mid eight. The steamer* EHp?e an 1 It-.KalU* will leave the ; hela wharf every morning, (Sundays excepted,) at 10 o'clock, fur WelUviile, connecting with the train leaviug WelhviUe at 4 30 P. M. An Accommodation Tralo will leave W*-llflvi)l« daily, ; Sundays excepted,) at 6 40 P. M., connecting at Bayard ] with Kxpreee Train, arriving io Cleveland at 2 10 P. M Truiue from VelLville connecting at Bayard for Carroll ton, Waynesboro, D.<ver and New Philadelphia. Ticket* for Cleveland, Chicago and the North West, via Welleville, are sold at $1 lea* than Tia Alliance. The Trains from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago, run ee - follows:—Leave Cleveland at fl 10 A- M-, 243 P. M., iO3 P. M. Arrive at Chicago 830 P. M , 7 40 A. SL, 830 P. M. Trains leave Chicago for Rock Island and St. Louis a* follows; Pur Rock Island at 9 00 A.M. und 1100 P. M. Por St. Louis, 9.13 A. M. and 11.45 P. M. Passengers fur at. Louis go ovt«r Rock Island Railroad to Joliet, and Ihtinoe over the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad to Alton, and thence by steamboat (23 mile*) to &L Loui*. Passenger* by the 9 15 A. il. Train arrive at SL Louis 11.2 U aame evening, and by the 10.06 P. M. Train at noon next day. Baggage checked through to Cleveland, and there re* checked for Chicago and St. Louis. PARK VIA ALLIANCE AND CLEVELAND. Utdau. “id cCs. Ut clou. 2dd'i. To Alliance $2 30 To La 5a1!c...416 00 |l3 60 “ Cleveland ... 400 - Hook Isi’d, HOO 14 25 “ Toledo.. 660 “ Galena 18 16 14 00 « Chicago ....$l3 00 $lO 60 “ Springfield 18 70 10 20 *• Bloomh»gt-..16 90 14 50 “ Burlington 19 00 « Bt. Louis 21 00 16 &U Passengers are requested to procure their tickets at the office of this Company, In the Honongabela House, third door below the eorner. J. DUBAND, Sup’t, Cleveland. wp l J. A. OAUU U BY. Ag’t, Pittsburgh Great American and IT. 8. Expre»« A Mail Eoute. And Two Changes of Cars and Baggage Avoided. CHICAGO AND ST- LOUIS: jHa CBTCAOO, ALTON rf ST. LOUIB Formerly Chicago At- &I laalastppl. CHICAGO TO BT. LOCI 3 IN HOURS.—Trains leave the Illinois Central Depot, foot of Water street— Si. Louis Day Express daily, Satulays excepted, 716 A M. St. Louis Night Express daily, Saturdays exce’d.ihSO PM. St. Louis Freight d Emigrant daily, Bund. exc. sd>3 A M. Baggage checked through to St Loutt. Trains run direct through to Alton, (260 miles,) with out change of cars or baggage, and connect with the Company's splendid steamers Winchester and Meindeer, running in exclusive connection with P&sfenger Trains from Alton to St. Louis, (23 miles.) without landing. These boats, for speed, convenience and elegance, are unsurpassed on the Western waters, briog fitted up with baths and spa cir-Qs Wash-rooms, affording to passengers the opportunity of removing the dust unavoidable in summer railroad t-aveling, and reaching til. Louis refroabed from the effects of a long ride. To Kansas and Nebraska thi> is the moat direct route, and passengers destined for H oomington, Bpringfleld, Jacksonville, Naples, and all po'nt on the Mississippi, Mie soorl, Kansas, Cumberland and To mease* rivers, will note the important saving in distance, being peventy-two miles less to Bt. Louie, tbirtv-aeven miles less to Bloomington, and fifty-eight miles leas ta Springfield than by any other route. Through Ticket over this route can be procured at the various K B. Ticket offices in New York, Boston, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Albany, Buffalo, Ac., and at all Through Ticket Office throughout the States, and in Chicago ut the Company's Office, No. 48 Dearborn street, opposite the Tre* moat House—and at the Depot o! the Illinois Central Rail road, foot of Water streat. Responsible Baggage Mod will always be at the Depots of the various Roads going into Chicago, to Check Baggage throuen to aDy point desired on the line. K P MuRG AN, Jr., Sooarlntendent. U. J. D. BCHEBMKJIHOBN, ge p- Gen’l Passenger Agent. THE FITTBBUBGH AHD COHHEU.BVILLK MS SI 1 HUB. RAILROAD COMPANY -fTAVISO mad* an arrangement with the new and XX beautiful steamer “ EOLLAN " to ran In connectto i With their Rood between West Newton and Gonnellaville. announce the following change of Schedule on and atur Wednesday, the fifth of September: The steamer BOLIAN will leave the Pittsburgh and OonnellariUe Railroad Company’s Wharf Boat, Bc-ove Mo nongahela Bridge, for West Newton, every afternoon at half past 3 o’clock, precisely; returning, will leave West Newton it quarter before a, a. M., arriving at Pittsburgh at uoon. The trains will run as follows- P aT i d f on ’/ Mm - “o« mil*, below Connellsvllle: First Train, 6 A. M.; heeond Train 12 M. Leave Wen Newton; first Train, 8 ::o A. M.: Second Train, 6:16 P. M. from Pittsburgh to DivUsi.n*. MiP il Tf> In eluding Meal on Steamer. ’ ’ ’ -OS- Stages for Unionlown and ConnellsvlUe will connect wltn the Trains at Davidson's MilL For freight or passage, enquire *f the Agents, at the Wharf Boats at West Newton and Pittsburgh. 0. W. BARN Kg, President and Bupontu-odaot. PBafßis yLvania uail.h.oad. mHKKB DAILY THROUGH TRAINS, between 1’M1.4.1 1 phi. and Pittsburg. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 7>4 A. M., and PUlh bu"h fcr PhlUlphi. at 7,1. M. PAST LINK l.sres Philadelphia for Pittaimgh al 1 and Pitta burgb for Philadelphia at 2:30, P. U. THE NIGHT KX PRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia &r Pittsburgh at 11, P M., and Pittsburgh tor Philadelphia at 0:20, P. M. BlairtvlUe Accommodation Train leaves Pittsburgh daily, except Sunday, at 4:80 o'clock, P. M. Brlntoa’s Accommo dation Train leaves Pittsburgh daily at 11 o’clock A. M., JfcSQ o'clock P. M., and &20 P. M. The abom linos connect at Pittsburgh with the Railroads to and front St. Louis, Mo.; Alton, Ualena and Chicago, 1114 Frankfort, Lexington nnd Lonisvillej Kj4 Terra Haute, Madison, Ledayett* and Indianapolis,ln<L; ClncdnpaajDay* ton. Bnringfleld, Bellefontaine, Sandusky, Toledo, Oleve land, Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster, Ohio ; gnth the Steam Packet Boats from and to NIW Oelxars, fir. Louis, Looisvilli and OurtnmuTL Through Tickets can be had to or from either of the above P *For further particulars, see handbills at the different starting points. Passengers from the will find the shortest and most expeditious route to J alti ’ more, New York,or Boston. THOB. MWBE, Agent. Passenger Lines, Philadelphia. J.MESKIMEN, • 21 Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh. CONNECTING TTITII VIA WKLLSVILLE 7» MLLK3 08 DISTANCE SAVED, air lire route urrwxra RAILROAD, N*, ■ : -s, i AOUiiiWi RAILROADS CENTRAL ROUTE HEW 4SD DIRECT ROCTEOPENI < .inutcan Horthem Hlinoi» to tho Mississippi River, lOWA, MISSOURI, KANSAS-AND NEBRASKA. , All EoUroact' to tb« MlMlMlpp** Chicago, Burlington and RAiL'fi9Bß’-R OAX * MI Chicago «n> Atmoss spia,. Mibusi And Train* 41*“'® f'™Jj HrOAGO iTO WAITSLLO, FORT nvR JMOLNBS GGUNCeS BLTJ#V> Ac., find ttlß ONLY ALL r u rimAivfeittTrera Chicago to st. loots, bIoOM INGTM?, am;TON7BISOATUR, CAIRO, SPBWaKUSLD, J iCKSOkvn.LE, KAPLKB, tad Intsmedlsto Btntton( on the lllinole Central, Great Western,and Ohio tad Mlssi.- ejnMßAllroadsj 1 -• '■ - , . Trains tm the above Lino tear* Chleagdon thearrlvdl o i Trains from tbe fiast—avoiding ail laying over at any of thepOl&tA. ' ! ' s ~' ,rl s** ’/• Sragwieaie Burlington Southerland Oonwal lowa and Korihern Slafeouri—making the quickest and most reliable route to'refttiJj alPtite ltaportadt points west of tbe illssiaalppi-as-iaris Oonnsii Blufl, with from forty to jftfVy milwA iftßAptAging ih*n by any.other jrpuui.. tor a large portions the way. 1b t&ld with tie oowfUjifoes Rail, t&nnnootheJt*rldiflg wwW*t UaHroaiHn the West-* - wellstock ed with-the moat modern LocomoUveaand elegant now Gars*. , i jVg** ftj fchU route passengers are sure of making conned tions: ihd arriving at 8t- Louis on advertised lime, avoiding tbs vexatiOus delay of toga and ine, ftQ d danger* of naviga tion, as ou the route by Alton. ' . . Baggage checked Afreet though from Chicago, and no 1 charge for bandlifrgAt hay polnl ’ . , THROUGH TICHISTS by this routwedn be purchased at all the Railroad Offlcefl.ln tbe'Bast; at-tbo Omee of the Company, corner Of Clark abdLake Streets, in the Granite Buildlns: at tbo Depot of thr Galons 1L ft-ftm) at the Mleh.wnt R.R, Office, cornet pf Lake and Dearborn »t»-, opposite’Eremont House, Chicago: •* . FREIGHT consigned by this rontewrlll receive Immedi ate Sateta. 5 nAtaMoSS; Bup t. ■ 0. 35.- FOLLKTT, GenH Ticket'Ag’t, Chicago. eab ba.proffnred at the principal Railroad Offleestlf the coo titty- ; ' ' ; ? ’’ mh!9 ILLINOIS, C KSTHAL, ,BAI I-IfO A D s Carrying H. States Hail and Express. TWO PASSENGER TRAINS RUN DAILY on its entire length from DUBUQUiI to CAIRO,; > i awn CHICAGO to CAIRO. This Road, Io conjunction, with Trains4>f the Ohio and fcTissiMippj U. R. and Chicago and Oaleaa Railroad, forma the most direct and only continuous IL R. rente from OHIO AGO. to fit. LOUIS, > CHICAGO to CAIRO, CHICAGO to DUBUQUE. t Tr-Ocs irer* Chicago fdlou*: lo A, AL and 10.20 F„M.— -til. Irfiois i.x n Citao ErrRBSS. I‘aes-iirecs for El Louis by this train take the *ar* cl the Ohio apd Miss. R. K. at Sandorol, and are carried direct to fit. Lorn 3. S 35 A- M. and 4.10 P. 11.—Dturoqcs ANJ> Gmru T.jt • mess, connecting at Dunbeth (opposite Dabuquej viilh a Dully Line of Steaip Packets for St. Paul and the Upper Mlwlislppi liver cities. Trulos leave Cairo fur Chicago and Dubuque at T. 30 A. M- andT.OO P. JL frum the Go«,t and places on the Ohio rlrrtr destln«l for 8L Louis. willsvYe of tedious and uo wruin river narTgaticc f-. m Cairo to 8L Loala, and arriie flffpen hoanTlt) odvan. c of th« rivet route, by taking the cor# etCairo. Tlckfeti to St. Louis, Cairo, Dubuque, SC Paul, and ail im portant planes by thD route, con he bad at the office of the 0. A T\ and C. A P. ltaUroads In Pittsburgh, and Michigan Central Railroad In Chicago. , I jeC '•'lt R MXSON. Bm-*L THE "PENNSYLVAN I A RAILROAD, rpHB ORRAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At- X lan tic ciGes with Weeteru, North-western and tfouth weatern States, by a conGnoons Railway UirecL Ibis road also cbnnecta at Pittsburgh with daily line at sleuuerf to all |-arU on tbe W«w>tero River*, anAat Cleveland anJ Sad duaky with etsamera to all ports on the Nortb-v ***»trm makinK the most citron, cheapat and reliable rmdt by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the Great JPaC RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA A PITTSBURGH. PIRST GLASS.—BooIe, Shoe*, Dry Good*, 1 : v l&otha. (in boxra.) Pure, Frethera, to f ,oc ' SECOND and BUtinnery,) Dry Good*, (In boles,) Hardware, Lea- VflOc: par lOOths. ther, Woot, Ac J TUlal) CLASS-ADTiU, lugging, Bacon 1 60c kjob*. . and Pork, (m bujiu) Hemp, Ac.—.— - i * For RTU CLASS -CoB~s, Fita. Bunn ana \ loom,. Pork, (pocked,) Lard and Lord Oil I * In shipping Goods from any point Has: <1 Philadel phia, be panimlar to mart package “ t>ia /Vnarj-’wims HeXOroad. All Goods eonnipned to tbe Agents of ihl.- U->ad at Philadelphia or Pitteburgh, will h* forwonled wi:b"Ut deb-nuon. FxnouT AncifTß—Mores Potter, Itoeton; J. I. Elliott, N. Y 4 K. J. Sne«d-r, Philadelphia; Magrew A Itoon*. itslti more ; Geo. C. Hlteburgh ; Shringmao A Brown, CiDf-innati, Ohio; J. S. M«»nrhead, L»ui*vtll*, Ky , R t' Meldrum, Mad Don, Ind.; Katelitf A Co, St. Uuis, Mo; J S. Miicbell A f*ou, Krauirille, InJlana. a. U. IMCSTuN, o«nrm! Prehjht Ajrvnt. Phllmlolf-hiu. 11. J. EOMHAKKT. Huperinieo-Jeot, Altoona. !*». L)l FK’S MKfICASTILK COLL Kd K, PiTTSBUHaIi. I*A. I NOORPOHATKD BY THK I.KOIi'LATUKP <>f PriiDi-y! i_ acia, with Perpetual Chart-r FACULTi P DUFF, President, (author of tbr “North Amr.imn Accountant,”) ProfosKr of Ikkk-Kecpiov *ud Oommer Ini txdeue*«*. ANDREW T. nOVVDEN, Assistant Pr*fe-—or cf Book Keripinv. CHARLES DUFF, Af&LUol Pmfwor o! lic-kK«fpio* and Penmanship. J. 1). WILLIAMS, (the Wt offhand P-cnun In ib* U ailed State*,) Professor of Commercial aud urnamsnial I'enmanfhlp. N. B HATCH, R*q ,of the Pllsburc'i Bur, Prof.*«.or M Mtuosnulr Law and IVlilirnl Economy. I*. H \ YDEN, Principal of lb® Mathematical Dcpartmcr. Professor of Mathematics, Ac, F !, APEI-, of’hr French and German Ihr £U*;p S. j o® Commercial deparLmont r f ibis Institution ha* Lad ibe unremitting attention cf the PriucipaJ tbr the la**' 0: teen years. Upward* of SOOO student? hate h-en prepared bv him for business. Ills “young men” assistant* bar® ail b®*n trained for business by bimr-oif, and are experi encrd Teachers and practical Accountants; being frequent ly employed by burtnnas men in adjusting deratigt*! Th*-rv arc no teachers In this Institution who were iu to;* city dismissed from their situation? as book-keepers; none who made twenty blunders on a single page of a bill book. Our writing teacher (Mr. Willlamß) ban had icmeth'.ng mcr* than a few lessons from a Philadelphia teacher t prepare him for his businw. No runners are employed by this Institnliou When our citizens are Importuuni br tboae of another, they should refer to some of our city Bsuk officers or merchants—persons who*® oolnlon >an be r-;lcd upon—asd not be decoyed Into one cftnose eoncrrus whirh are being sold c ut erery few mon’h*. an.l their pupils i-U to seek Instruction where ‘.hey can find it. au>,‘ 1 *> FUL.TON CAU WORKS. FOUHDftV AKp MACUINK aikOP, MynusKr, onto fJ'IIK subscriber baring moTed Into his new Works, re | cently erected, corner of Water, McDonough and Sb«*!by streets, Is prepared to contract for and execute all orders |..r PASSENGER. BAGGAGE, POST-OFFICB, HOUSE Fit EIGHT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, HAND, and all other descriptions of CARS. Alsu, for STEAM ENGINES of all sisea, GEARING, RAILROAD CASTINGS of all descripti ms. and all olb«r work appertaining to a Foundry and Mn<-biae Shop 'J be Foremen of the different departments nns n inntiCc id J practical men—mostly irom Eastern munnf&rtorias — who keep themselves informed and adopt all valuable mod ern improvements. W. Vf. WBTUKKKLL. nug2o:tf WANTS —Ct>oks and Girls to do housework are wanted in city and country, who can give good references; none elfw> need apply, Bituati'nß wanted for a Gardener, u Carriage Driver, a Clerk or SaU-sman, Mechanics of differ ent branoh*fl, a Dorter, a laborer, a boy to learn a trade, * boy to attend store. A middle-aged man, «xperien~ed m traveling South and West, wishes a situation as traveling agent or conductor of cars; can give good reference. Apply at BAttß’ri Intelligence Offlc*-, 410 Liberty st. aug<l9:tf BIGELOW A CO M (BUCCESSOHS TO B M. BIOBLOW,) aVo. 46 Diamond Alley, near Wood xlruL, FTTTsni'HQU. '-' r ’TE! 8 COACUJiS, CAiUiUUKS, PIIATuNSi, BUUQIEB, end erery description of Fanry MgS&gSSw Vehicles built to order, and finish'd lQ n Smim ■■JK—manner unsurpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, eod durablliiy of materials. J)&~ All work warranted Ij'KOIWHAiI WaTOU-EB— It it the universal testimony jT ol Railroad men, Bankers, and theme iu other pur- Buite requiring accurate time, that the “L'has. Frodtham" Watch, manufactured ai 84 Strand, London, i* th** most reliable, and unequalled by Any other maker. U&ny of those which have beea tested have been found to run with in a minute in the year. 1 bare obtained the agency for the sale of these Watchpfl in Pittsburgh and State of I’rno eylvaala. Also, the P. B. Adams A Son's, and other first cla.4fl Watches for sale. Watch Repairing done in the best manner. W. W. WILBUN. aagl r»7 Market Bt, corner <>f Fourth. INoH RALE—26 acres of Land lu the town of Newton .T Falls, Trumbull county, Ohio; on which is a magnifi cent dwelling. The outbuildings are of the best kind, and the ground is tastefully cultivated with shrubbery, grapes, apples and peaches. Tha improvements cost more than twenty thousand dollars It is offered for much less than cost, and part of the pay will he taken in western lands. It 18 a'Aoe place for a man to live at home. Inquire of ftoriO THOMAS WQODfI, 76 Fourth st. STORE DOUih, FARM, Ac.—For sale, lfl acres of good laud, all well fenced, with a garden paled in • plenty of small fruits, grapes, Ac.; an orchard of selected frui ; a Urge double Brick House, with eight rooms, kitchen and cellar: a brick Store House, with counter, Ac.; barn, sta ble and other out houses; well of good water. Tb« land ifl of a deep, good soil* and in excellent condition. About one acre in timber, and coal under the whole place, fiitaated two miles from the Ohio river, at Bmith’s Landing Price $1 400. Terms easy. 8. CUTHBERT A BON. ggpiy 65 Market street. N-KW BOOKS! NBW BOOKS!! —The IlirfdeD Path, t-: Marion U&rlaod, author of “Alone lowa &« it Is, by N. Howe Parker, Memoirs of James Q. Bennett; Japan as it Was and Is, by Jt. Hildreth; Ulie, or the Uld West Room; Star Papers, by Henry W. Beecher ; L)o»*eUekfl, what he nays; Bell Smith Abroad, illustrated ; Pounds, Shillings and pence, by Samuel Lover ; Six Years Later, by Lumas; Panorama of Life and Literature, for September. Ju-t receive! and for sale by W. A. OILDJSNFENNEY A CO., Firth st., nppotdte the Theatre gUGAKS >-iv As Kitru Fine Pow'd White Bur»r; 10 bbld D. R. Granulated do do 10 bblfl Powdered do do 20 bblfl Crushed do do Juat reoeircdand for gale by KETYMKR k ANDERBON, ,p 3 No. Wood utrwet. U&NITURB POLISH— To give yonr furniture * bril liant polish, use the Scotch Potish, sold by the eob-cri ber. Price 25 cents per bottle, with full direciionF for up*. Bold by [aug29] 3- L. CUTtIBERT, 53 Market m P«bin Tea store, NO. 3 8 FIiTH STREET, one door east of the Exchange B*»ok. LoTtring’e Refined and Clarified SUGARS for eel* by faaglfi] 8. JAYNES. HOTELS. QUO < E N A U H?n¥^iiKTOE, Na £44 LIBERTY STREET, jasl beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Eaiirord, trhlQh.make* U the most convenient house in ihe city fox paese'ngerfl arri ving by that road. The Proprietor hails?, at considerable expense, fitted np, in excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, wbMd'respeot fully solicit a share of -public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and te&mslera. Qi< and Bar will be (uraisbpd with the best the market cap agon! , , fubly si.- CLAItt U ua' K li , €b rncr of Pain and SL Clair ttrecU, Pa, TUB undersigned, fonnerly of ‘‘Brown’s Dole!;* haring .'taketithifl large and commodious HOT-Rh/and haring refitted it irf magnificent style, "would respectfhUy inrite ifialrianda and tEfttravellng-pnblta to gjvehiffl A&- sured, conreuieoce of the bouse andhia long ex* perienco in“the businesn, he, can gire entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. fsbs2' _ _ WH. C. CONNELLY r " GOOU lS'ffiST HOD6K, , (CORNER OP LIBERTY AND GRANT BTRBHTB, neat j the Railroad Depot. Janl&ly <• 'JAMES EIIANNON. Proprietor. WAYfiRLKY HOUSE, 60,South Eighth atreet, b«twwn Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia. jau^tfhj NO. 11l Aroh streaty Philadelphia. T. B.W£BB (latnof. the Eagle,) Proprietor. , (anyg;y GABKILL HOUSE, CORNER QF MJM* AND SOUTH STS., WAJIRKN, O TUUS lakuß pleasure In aohouaciag 6b ih« X public that this doit and elegant Hotel hoabeen opened as a house of entertainment Being commodious and roomy, &Dd adjoining the office of the Ohio Stage Company, ft offohs Inducements una'urpatsuwl in Warron for the acconuabda tlon of the traveling community. A share of public patronage is respectfully aollciUd. aul? M. QAHKnX. FRANKLIN HOUSE. CHiSTNUT STREET, ABO VB THIRD, PBILABKLPIII A PAHKBIt A LAlllDf Proprietor!, jy 19.3 m, TKIiMS_$l,6O PER DAY. HeMlLtAtt iIODPB. JOHNSTOWN, VENN A. fpHU uoderalgned baring taken charge of the n&ove J[ named Tlonee, and Trfttted if at a large expense, In r eomfortable os wsO as elegant strle, in now prepared tq re ceive guests, and give ample‘sattsfectlon to all-who nmj pa roulso the House. }»uB:tfj JAMI3S DOWNKV. H ARI'SToTEXT I Late Parmer’s Excbange.l XTO- ISO LrBKUTV STREET, foot of Ruth etreot, l*ltu i> burgh. SAMUEL HARR, Proprietor. Tblii Hotel is entlrriy having juBt been eotnplebtd ami opened for the arv'irnmrdurion of the public. Isepl3 FllAKiaiN UOUSK, Cleveland, Ohio. Cl PATRICK A SON', l’uw-Eixami—This House has ua y* dorgouu thorough and axtensne repairs,alteration.*, •ud large additions of u«w furniture, etc., and the proprie tors pledge Lbnt DOthlng shall be Wanting on their part to rondhr Uiw Pjujsim a place where ail the com. fort* o; a tirnt cite* hotel can he found, 0. PATRICK A BON. RESTAURANT.-., WILUIKS HALL., Vi. C. fl ALLA () HER, Piopiuetoil. FourlA tircci, Lclu>ceu HCod a/ui SmU\/l<l*i, fIUILS spacious eatdbiiekmimt has been leased 0/the »uK X briber, and completely renovated. Uo is at ail hours prepared to every luxury ibet cun he found iu the l>v»fc regulated restaurant? in the Stole*. JU* /-pucioua Bar will aiwayf be supplied wuh Cht- vwi y be»t (nquwra. Uamo of everYl de scription. In it* senpr-o, c*o aiWa/B be found at W* l * lo * Holt (&p*7 j W. C, CAI LAQllNlt UA.NIi KICIIANGE, Tillßl> STREET, 8.-TUKEN D AND MARKET. Babraribers beg teuve to Inform lh»dr friends ao.i X tne public generallv, that iney bar® Uased tho well known Restaurant, wbkh has just Wu thoroughly renovated, repaired and re furnished, and uow open. Thu proprietors have spared no expense to mala the Uank Kx change a cotnfortabt* re*ort,ma well for the -epicure os the hudnepa mttn. The lardar will at nil times be atocknd With Lbo delicacies of the season, and served up under the auspi r*3 of experienced cooks. Thay respectfully ask for the patronaee of s generous public. J., janl&ly _ th Ik FRANCIS. - CUUMICOPU m-OYSTER and COFFEE HOUSE.*** D. BAENARD. >*c. 41), Fxfih SirttL, ixixuetn H'ood and Harkii. }*nlV:l?| wrrsauaou. CRYSTAL PALACE, Ho. lb fllarket atraat. C. C. SEELY, —v RESPECTFULLY Informs hlsfrlendsandthe / in general, that hr h*s juht started his New York and Philadelphia modern Btvle oJ CVxIKIMI 0 and everything «ls* In the eating Hop. Oreierv In th-» M»«dl or tor 12>4 cents a doten. He will at so rurntah the best <1 urerything that the will ufforJ llouae alaars opeu until 3 o’rl«ck In the mornlnjr. raarlll-tf OYBTEiI'SALOOS AND IUSTAtiIAMT! 10S WOOD STREET*. Bubscr»twr hn-s now bis BA LOON AND 1 KATINO IiOUbK perfoctnl iu a meaner lhalc»ooot be exctdfvl by aov tfioiUr estubliahment in the city. MEALS WILL i/E SERVED CF AT ALL UOTRS Of THE DA V, from tbe Ouotceat fileals. Fowl*, Fl#b| Ac., Uis Bill oI Fare .-aunot Le sol (■n-.-Knl, and hn would, respect fully inriut in« a:L uii* u *-:i U.e public Vv iu CUAULK'- i'llt.L, ;a2O mini/ IdS WckO utxeet. Bt. flair Unger Ueer Br«wtrr. '’IMIK uoJerFbnsr-J infirros ib* public that be I le now fuMr prepared to serve private taollies anJ ! t.« nul 'i.’ generallv, with hi* celebrated I.AGKK UKKR. a. bnrtlea. All rrders left it hi? 0810-, NO 3tt Dl A MOM* Al.LiSY.fnvar W<w.; will- :*uortually at tended to. and ;be Beer leii'-red f-> any part of -be city or rtoimty. i.n.. rf F <l. FCHBNCK. Bcnltx' Lager liecr llall, No. 106 #»ixyt«;<4 tlrui. Vfjnnlt Uu OusUnx llouit. rixilK subscriber has )uet opened i»n«* of tho su 1 X iniHhr-J LagHrliwr tlhlla ta ibeeity. UuNtu led gad to be a rtUpniirr ar'.icie, aud every other ar eounc iati. D nW-ul h-» h.-u* cannot tw excelled. ro , J5.3;n SKNIT7.. \\" D. ENu Ll5ll, tbd- Bottler n| MilTirS YY • Keniict: Ale and Drown h'.-'UI A ir. ,Ci r-iru.'U Alo tnd !T>rter, In quart and pint bottlcu. The AtUiitlou olUutili-)‘, aud Die trade, m reepctfully solicited. •* ul l . ;y . Aliuer&l Water suit narsajiarl 1 1 a tlt >i. l) KNiil.lhll, Pitt riteei, below Tcun, is v-* Y i manufacturing *o-l bottleing th*i aU't e b^>eiagiw on an oXtetiSlve ecuio. idle articles are of tho bdnt quality, nud DnfacturM from the parent material*. o<*il. ly HOPPERS PATENT PLANE mu& undorslgDFsd l- prepared to supply CARI’KNTERh. X CABlNirr MAKKita, aud Workers in Wood generalh , with bis Patented and valuable PLANKS. Ail who h-ive trl«M It, prouoanre i n moot rateable iu- TenUon, that Liu?; Mn 'v>m- into g noral u«e. Tbe tol 1, wine letters from pnu'tl. ad woiLmen are but two among many letters the Patontee h-.s n*e-lre.l this Plane above all othvrs in use : PirriDcauu brxx* Oaiuscr Pactom, 1 February X 2, lSb6. J Wo hereby cerclfy, ’bat during the last twelve month* we have uiftd Hopper's Plane, and do not heMtai* to recommend U to Cabinr-t-Maters and Carp-nters iu. eo perfor o auy o:h«-r Plane In us*. Wecookider it upcullnrly adapted to pl&nim: oak, cherry', walnut, and all sorts of hard wood, and f >r planto? veoetrg, It -a tar euparlor to the old mode cf besides being a great oaring ot time. One man. by ii-on, 1 11,in Plane, will plane more v»m*erg than Lve meo ran do by any other plane or method in use. U. U. Utah A Co. To Mobxs F. Katoh, Kaq. : Dear Sir—l hare examined Hopper's Patent Bench Plane, and believe it to bv a most excellent anidp for th» use for which it h int*ndrd, as a combination of plaue and scrajer. It la pardcuiarly udapte-J to planiug renevra, and il does not require one-fourth t be ume or l»Lor of tho obi mt-thi**!; and I bav* uo doubt, when l.s pioperUos become gonerKllj known, but that it will »)DUrcly . upersodo the former te dioufl and htbonxis custom. i most cheerfully recommend it to aU peraona eogage«l lt» the Cabinet buelo«t*fl, aa fc\un my knowledge of it, ther»i i* DoLbiDg an well tilled to gire a amooth and beautiful fluiab to veneers as tho Hopper PuleUt Benoh Plane. Jit** W. Goodwill, Furniture Wnrerooms tfT, l>u Third bt., Pittsburgh. Nttsburgn, Fibruary 'i7, 1365. MOSES Y. EATON, of th>« city. is my sole Agent for the sale of rUnes, or oi right* to manufacture and sell thorn WM. 0. UGPi’KU. Pittsburgh, March *1,1366 —(mhiluf) _____ i~jMKLI> BOOK FUK RAILROAD ENGlNEER*.—Gootain ' ing formulw tor laying i-utcorves. determining frog an gles, levelling, calculating earth-work, etc., etc., together with tables of radii, ordinates, deflections, ioug chorda, may oetic yariatlon, logaralhims and natural sign* tau* geDts, etc. etc., by John B. llenok, Civil Engineer. Pocket book form. **» The object of the present work is to supply a want very reoorHlly felt by Assistant Engineers °n Itoilroade. Boo'.s of eouwulent. furrn for use in the Held, noutaiuing the ordinary logrurithmatie tables are common enough; but a book combining with these tables ethers peculiar U> the lUii road work, and especially the necessary formu lie for laving out curves, torn-outs,crossings, Ac.,is a desideratum wfn.-h this work m designed to supply. U. 8. Military Ac&DUiT, West Point, April IS, 1854. OcHUsnun: J have looked uVer “ Ueuck’s Field Rook far Railroad Engineers," and think It well adapted to the ob jeotlts author proposes, and have no question but It will be fomidavery u-Jelul and practical volume both forofilceand field work. _ R- Mauah. Trot, April 21, IBM. I am much pleaoed with Mr. il?nck’s little manual, the “ Field Book of Railroad Eugioeers.” With the praseuta tiou c.f some of the most practical aod useful of recugniied procoeea among railway engineers, be has given others which, new at least in their present form, appear to possess a mint ot higher value than that of mere uovelty—that of being iu general susceptible of available, not to say deslra* bis, practical use. la conclusion, while 1 think the design of Mr. Uenck'e book is such as to adapt It excellently well to professional needs, I have pleasure In expressing my oordlul satisfaction with its execution, alike with the per spicuity of arrangement effected by the author, and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by his publishers. B. Frankuh Qaxtvi, 0 K and Director of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Tor sale by WILLIAM 8. UAVKN, Dealer in Engineer*' stationery, %q 3 Market street, ’.-orner of Second. ,U L. BT*riililtt. i / »rv BOXES SCALED UKKKINO . JLUU 2&0 boxes No. 1 Herriog ; 600 half boxes Oalloux Sardines, 200 boxes do do 300 quarter has. do \.' n f> doasn Anchovies; & doien Capers; & dozen Olives; i doaen Lobsters. J upt niretved and lor sale by KEY MLR A ANDERSON, pan? No. 39 Wood street IT'NULISH BKKAH.PABT TEA—IO chests oi ibis superior Ti Tea, at 50 cents, just received at China Tea 8 e re. au g29 P. H. DIIAVO, No. 1 Diamood._ HA V 1 N<3 _ FOtJN D TKN A NTS for all the Dwelling Houses put under out care, wr are now prepared to procure tenants for others. Owners of vacant hour*? \ml find it to their interest to give us a call, as we have ! aily applications for houses. Also, collection of rents, in.~i.irau ces and repairs attended to. Charges moderate. 8. CUTHBERT & N B enl 63 Market navel. NEW NOVEL, by autuor o? “ALojrE."—The Hidden Path, by Marion Harland; just received and sor sale by (aug2B| JOHN 8. DAVISON, 65 Market at. HAVANA SEfIARS I have just received a splendid lot of genuine Havana £cpars. Those wishing a ffeeJ Pegar can always obtain it at JQB. FLBMING 8, t<«p4 Comer of Market at. and Diamond. b iLaCK SILKS—A. A. MASON A 00. have just rec’d > per rxprwwa eeverul pieces of Plaiu Black Silks, of very sup-nor lu~trv and quality. augiM OIL —30 ,N ii Wbaie aud Tanner’s Oil for sale by aug26 SMITH, MAIH A HUNTER. ; -• i } ff: £ OWSTOS’S Kcanttt Ale. - - ■'! *M* INSURANCE .COMPANIES. Increase of Cash Capital tO'IIALF a MILLION DOLLARS' JETS A ISSUH.ANCK COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN.— CHARTERED 1619 PAIR UP Ouli Capital, - - - - - - -**oo,ooo. The '■nrnin.-snTH annual stateatent of tb» Aasetpof the AETNA INSOBANOE COSIPANA ,of Hart font, aa furaiahed thifi agency ou the lr.t of January, lsoo, under oath. . A - Beal Batata, unincumbered....—.... 4 Uo SeyeoU-two Mortgage Bonds, 6 and 7 ceot., pay able somi-aimualty Debw due the Company, pecured by 7,dld ii BUUJfteoeiyable, well secured, payuLleaLßank-.- & Railroad Stocks In Connecticut....... J[J Bank Blocks in the city of Hartford 142,890 00 Bank Stocks in New. York ei.y 98,050 00 Cash on hand, In tlank, and in hands of Ajrents and others ~. $773,2:8 63 The ftmoant of HaMnUeeJue or net Jnetn BanV.j or oilier creditors, —nothing. Losses-adjusted and due, —tone. Losses adjusted and not due, sl-t5,618 22. Losses unadjusted and In suspense, waiting for further proof, $01,267 60. All other claims against the Company arc small, sucb only as printing. Ac. Agents instructed to take no risk orer $lO,OOO. T-’ne amonnt insured in uny city, town or Tillage, depend* upon the character, material and rvuatcuctioo of buildings, the truth of streets, the supply of water and condition ol the firo department, aud other circumstancefl. The amount insured in blocks ol buildings fari*' c ; the design Is to limit the losf hr any on»* fire to $lO,OOO, or leas. TWO.’A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. Brnrut CoAttScrjCTrr, \ cfl Hartford, Jan. Ist. ISBS. Hartford county. ) Perstnally appear*! Thomas A. Alexander, Penvtnry of the Insurance Company, and mode oath that the foro going statement by him subscribed, Is true, according to htß bast knowledge and belief HENRY FOWLKIt, Justice of th* I*en«*. Losses paid by this Company for the year lSr»4 erooed $760,000, while the premlamfl received (hr tbevam* tim>< far exr««vl any other year, since the organisation of the Company. Policies, covering nearly all descriptions of property, Is sued at this agency, at remunerative rates. 93“ Office, No. H 7 Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. janll 11. U. TK.N KYCK. A-reiit. jETHA IaSOILA&Cifi COiIPANV, OF HARTFORD, COX. Y CuAATSMD, ra i d i; p Cash Capital Cash Surplua, on Ist Jawaiit, 1350 $2 7 3 rfIMITS Capital Stock and Burpin' ij» securely luvr-ted tor JL the benefit of all policyholders. As au .-vilcace < I tbe claim* w« have to public confidence, n:i i of it* ability to pay losses promptly, »« state a fact, ilmt ii* r*o«»ipt< vary from $125,000 to'ftfO,QOQ per month. It* bufdneM ifl Urge aud well distributed, and In our opinion n<> Company hTtbeUftited Btates stfordirhetter iudenmity to polity holders than th« JKLno. Th«y continue to mak** ia-nr&u<--« on property In town and country, ut rate* tui l>.w &* i.- cot>- fdstant with safely to the potl«ry holler. 11. 1L TSN BXCft.AsauU Office, North-woflt corner Frith and Wood *:reetn, Pittsburgh. _ ~~ .ftp'ih-ly " ÜBL A W A HK MUTUAL SAFETY IKSURANCE COMPAKY. OmCEiu the Nffrth Koom of llio on Third Street, / ’IIILADKLt*UIA. MARINE fNHORAN’CK3. On TtssTLa, 1 Carqo, VTo all parts of the Wrjit FiUWHTS, J INLAND TNSCRANOE? Oh goods hr rivers, canals, lake*- and land rsnSg-*!, all parts of the Union. FIRS INStIRANGES On merchandlio generally. Oo stores, dwelling houses, kr. ASSISTS OP TIIK COMi*AN V, Nr.rember 7,1^3. tkmaffafld Mortgagee 00 State of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia city, Spring Harden,Southwark, and 6ther 10an5,.......—.....181,42 Blocks in bants, railroads and ineurencea-coffl* - pantes W,012 20 Bills rwritabla W Cash on hand - 7 10,0 l 30 Balances In the hands of Agents nod premiums on Marioa Policies rtveoUy iiaurd 121 .707 fl 7 SobscrlptlonNoles I W.uOO 00 Dj»*C7oas: Wm. Martin, Dr. it. M. Huston, Josopb D. Seal, II uch Craig, Edmund A SouJer, Saucer M'llvaln. John O. Davis, CtmrUfl Kelly, Robert Burton, Mamin*! K r t-■ x - . John R. Pwnrobe, • HvnryMluon, Ueorgv (l. U-iper, ' Jarne* Trarjuair, Edward Darlington, Wuj. Kyr*, Jr 'V U Jono* Broufee, 1 Joshua li. l*nre, J. G. Johnson, Jamej-Tenncnt, James C. Uacd, t H. ni«ovUi>4 l > »uldlu& : Cliarlw't .vLn'T-r. Jwtt«a B. M'Farlaod, j J . 'l*. J/'i’an, i’iLLtl-ar,- (3. VV. 0. Ludwig, . \i T. 0. HQrgaa, do. WM. &IAK'C I, Frosidjtnt.- TUvB. C. HAND, YicoProßidct*. JoMPU W. Or-WiJl, Bec’y. T A. SI&bRRU, As.-r.t, No. K» Water street, Pittsburgh Tb« Fraaliltß lnauranc« ( oni'.iany, Of Philadelphia iVmwyira/ua. 1 \IKBCTOKS —Charles W. Banckrr, Thomas Hort, Tobias 1 / \y*gaer, Samuel Grant, Jitrub H_ flmitb,G6o».W, Rich *rd». Mc-rdwai 1). Lewie. Adolphi K. Borle, David H. Browne, Mi rrt- haCterFOD. Ciua. li- BaSOXXH,, lYctidsrd Liu4-3. U. BattCXJn, SfcTfitri y5O--'Utinua to make iQ#crtta.t* r pcrpntr.*; or iimiled, on er. >ry d-tfcriplk*u of property, in town un-i .n-untry, at rut'-s *3 low •d ue with security. The Company hate a Contingent Fund, whl-h. with their .-.ApIUI an t pr-miens. raft-ly Inve-d'-d, af fvt J Ample protection L> the tu-Murvl The Asrwts of the Company* r.n .I&rMiary l?i, \?-l 1 a.> pub lished atcrwabl) t<> au Act nf Ad-emLty. w t i.* folio wf, \is • Mortgage ea lteal kLiLat* K 4 "5 Temporary Lt.-mfl - 83un--.1l Bt.vk.i ..dytjSt' i'o CaAh, ft? . <U,Sto Ml Since their incorporation, a pnic-J ( I tweoty-cu*- years, ihrj have paid upward of One ililli 'u F- ur Uuc lrv-i Tl. o Baud Dollar*. loeees by fire, thereby aflording ovideii-e of th* advant*>o*r -A insuranoe, as well as tbe ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities. J.GAKDINKR OOFi'IN, A£t>nt, ap24 Olßce, nurlii-** cof. Wood aod Third sin. THE BPiITEU STATES LIFE -INSURANCE, annuity ANL) trust company, PHILADELPHIA; r CHARTERED APRIL 2STH, 1853. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL §250,000. Office S. E. Comer of Third and Chntnvi Streets, Philadelphia.: . ■_ Qfleeri of the Him* Hoard at PhQadelpMar DISICTOR9- Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose \y.Thomnmn, Lfiwrenvu Johnson, Benjamin W.Tlngley, Goo. M’lleury, J aco bL. Florence, James Beverettx, William H. Godwin, William IPKcs. President —Stephen R.Orawford, Vice l*Tttulcni —Ambrose W. Thompson. Mtdicai Examiner, Pittsburgh— James H. Wiliam, H. D AlUghmy Cuy —R. B. Mowtj, M. D. <3XO. X. ARKOU), A^ent, marl Try No. 74 Fourth strnot* Pittsburgh. nPKNOTfLVAHIAIHSDBAKCK COMPAHTT OF PITTSBURGH , COLIN Ell OP FOURTH AND MIITHFrET.P PTTIKETS- Attthorlzed Capital, $300,000. INSURE BUI LDINGS and other property aguiaet )oi« or damage by Fire, and the perils of thu Sea nud Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIRECTOBS. lltxjy Pstterwn, IleDDetly T. Friend, T.Grier Sprvul, Ueortje R. Wliite, A. A. Carrier, W. H. IJaveo, I». JLP»ric, U. H. Oosgnhatl. Hon. WU. F. JOHNBTON. Pn*sid<jm RODY PATTERSON,"Vice Pm*W«nt A A Carkibu, Secretary and Treasurer 8. 8. Carbiih, AeMxtant BacreUry. Wo. F. Johnston, W. M’Ollntock, D. M. Long, A. J. Jouch, Jarob Painter, liimrA P. Neglvy Wad* Uiiiuplou, Western Insar&nee Company, Pittsburgh. B. Mll.i.gß, Jr., President, j f. M. GOIUX)N, Secretary CAPITAL, ©300,000, WILL Insure against &U kinds of risks, FIRE and HA RINE. All Josses will be liberally adjusted aud promptly paid. A Homeiostitation, managed by DisflOTOas v ho arr well known in the community, and who are determined, by ?>romptneas and liberality, to maintain the character which hey hare assumed, ae offering the beet protection to those who desirv to be insured. Dtrecter*.—R. Hiller, Jr.,O.W. Ricketaon, J.W Butler, N.Holmes, Jr., W. H. Bmltli.O Lhmsen, George W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, James Lippencott, George L&rsle, James Me- A iiley, Alexander Nim Irk, Thomas Scott. Office, No. 911 Water street, t tVarohouseof ?p*ng A Oo , opj talra.l Pittubonrh. noy'l4-1 ▼ WIG MANUFACTORY." MRS. RENTER, Six doerrt from the Aqueduct , oppotdc the CbUedor'i Office, AU.KOUSNI 01TT, IS PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS Pull WIGS, and al! kinds of Ornamental Hair Work* The best quality of material la furnished, and entire Satisfaction ruamnteod. mfyl&.tlavrly Alexander W» FoiUr. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Airn Pouri toa ut CuAHcaai, Agent for procuring Bounty Lands and Pensions, and for toe Collection of Claims In Ureal Britain and Ireland. _ „ v 4®-Collections made In this and adjoining Counties;. Es» tales of decedents settled; RepL-JSStatU, bought sold or leased,end rants collected. or other security. Titles examined’find title papers drawn. Office on FOURTIT street h fbw doors abote gmithfieU. Pittsburgh, March 28, 1856—[mh28al*w] A. W. Foatar, NOTARY PUBLIC, and Commissioner for the States of Tennessee, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Wisconsin, New York, Michigan, lowa, California and Virginia. 49*Deeds drawn, and acknowledgments and proofs taken fur record or use in any of the abore named States, Illinois, Mississippi and Kbcde Island. Pittsburgh, March 28. 1855 1 Rd¥^TtV"OOMMKRCI AL COLLEGE. An lf)sUtutiGn for the Rusinen Man. INSTRUCTION given day and evening Le<tur**6 each d«y. Writing, Book-Keeping, Mathematics, Kogincer ing, and all the varieties of Drawing, taught by._pnicti<-al Teachers, THE PEOPLE’S COLLEGE I« an institution to educate the Farmer, Mechanic, Mer chant and Professional man In various arts that are not taught in any other institution of the West. 4®- All persons who have al any time since the estab lishment of the institution made arrangements fer instruc tion la this College, are still entitled to attend, free of further charge. „ , . ... Reports heed not, but rail upon tha Principal, a. the PeopLs’s College, now corner of vVood and Fourth streets— uoon at College Hall, cppos'Crthk Port Offlc*. „ js*?pl KEVuLYXhMi RKTQLYKItSM —Just received, by Hq press, direct from the manufac turer?,a splendid assortment of CoLf*B REPEATING PISTOLS, Tour, five and Bsa V*-' six inch barrels, all of which we tfQl Baf sell for cash at as low pricai as they . can be bought in the city of New York. Persons going to Australia and California will find that they can do better by purchasing their equipage at home, than they can among strangers—as we give persons a chance to try any of the above Pistols before leaving the city, and in case of a fail ure we reflind the money. BOWN A TETLEY, sepl 130 Wood street, Pittsburgh. MOSQUITO BAR*—Just received-, another large supply of Mosqoito Bars, in all colors, and at very low prices. eep6 A. A. MASON A CO., 25 Fifth et. POWDERED BAYUERHY 2uo lbs for sale by i) A. FAAINKSTOCK A CO , sepl corner First and Wood eta. BANK EES AND BKOKErJ. AUSTIN LOimife.* 1 '*• STOCK AND BILL B BOXES,; Office, No. 02 Fourth IF oosU j NuTES, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on colla terals, negotiated. Stocks Sought and sold on com mission. Land Warrants bought and sold. > Particular attention paid to ,the purchase and b&l6 of Copper Stocks. J All communications attented to promptly. jsn!9 vm »r|- n. M'tar. Wm. H. Williams A Co., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS’, N. E. Corner Hood cpid Third streets. ' . IrS* All transactions made on literal terms. Ccllecttons of Bills, Notes, fte., promptly attended to. janSfcly U’OON N fii'lJli* WILLOCH, BANKEBB> ANI) Dealers In Exchange, Bank Notes, Gold and Silver Coin. Current and Far Funds received on deposit. BPxkJ bought and ?old on commission. Collections made at noy point in tbe United States, t-oii'h East corner of Market and Fifth streets, pvll PITTSBURGH, PA. 21*2,605 08 ARTHUfiS, RODGERS & C 0„ BANKERS AND BROKERS. CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMITHF/ELD STREETS , au&dm Pittsburgh, Piu _ lismoval. PATRICKS (t FRIEUTD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, flaw Removed Ihtir Office tothe Oomer of Fifth and Dfcod tti. pirrsßvnou, pa. PATRICKS ft FRIEND, Cankern and Exchange Brokers, widDealurain Nutoa, DralU, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Banlt NoUs. Exchangee on the Eastern and We3tem Cities constantly for sale. ‘ Collations made in nil the cities throughout the united States. Deposits received In par funds or current papsr, at ttn corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. N. HOLMES ft SOHS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, EA7B aiUOTXD TUCK QA9KI3G AKJ> XXCHASai OJFIOI.SQ HO. 6~ KABEXT BTRXXT. POPS DOOM UftLOW OU> BXAKDv N HOLMES ft BONB, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, • and in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver and Bank. Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cltloe throughout the United States. Deposits received In par funds or current papor. No. 57 Market street, between Third apd Fourth etfl. [jaSOUy TIKKNASi A (JO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. No. 96 Wood Street, comer of Diamond Alley, PITTSUUHfIn, PA^ BUV AND BELL Bank Notes and Coin; Discount lime exchange, and promissory notes; make collections in all the principal cities of the Union. Receive deposits on call and on interest, and give thulr prompt attention (o ail other mutter; appcrtainittgto aßrolter’S business. Eastern Ex.-haoge constantly on hand. mjr6 .„.oaoo,ooo BANKER AND-EXCUANGE BROKER, DfcLLBB 19 Exchange, Commercial and Bank Note!. STOCK bought and cold on commission. Collections nm-lchy atirmled to. Intnrest paid on Deposit. - &3~No. Voarth street, nearly opposite the U M. Bank. dedlO HiLL 6 CO., B ANKIiRB AND EXOHANUK BROKBRB, 00R9XU OP WOOD AAD VifTS STQUCnf. SIGHT KXCBANGEon the Eastern Cities constantly for sale. TimeßiUd ct Exchange and Notes discoaettd.— fii.M, Hiller *»nd Bauk Notes, bought and rold. CoUrctlons nisdji inall the principal cities of the United £tat«s.. Da* f<v,Us received of Far and Current FupUa [m&mlTly ALLIS tsaueß, gRASTER ft RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, J kUY AND BKI.L Gold, BUver, and Bank Note*; negotiate Jl) Loi>nrt on Keel K.-'tftte or Btock SecurlUes; purchase Frotnl<vai7 Notcn and Hob BlUc, on East and West; buy and -oil Stocks on Commission. Collectloca madf- on all poiiils In the Union. I*uyl BANKERS AND RXCIIANGE BROKERS. DEAT.filts in Bxchaage. Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and Time Drafts. Ac. Unlectione carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any pirt of the Union. Stocks bought and Bold on commission. %guh'o.74 Fourth gt, next doot to Bank of Httsb*g.[&el3 fiomesiu aid Foretan Ndvt, Gold aid Stiver Ikmght, Sold and hschanged t ai the SXCHAXGK AND BANKING HOUSE OF WILIIAH vA. HILL 6 CO., 64 vroon stbut, pirtaffoaaa. Interest allowed on time depwita. (janl2_ Til.iar t-‘h LSLL... ..’~TT~ ..~.T ISO. A. OAUdfIJIT. THOMPSON BELL ft CO., B A N K E R 8 AND BROKERS, <Y>m/r of Third nnd Wood streets, IHUsburfih, Pal TUUttAS WOODS* ~ <arCOMMERCIAL BROKEE, "®* Ann nxALca m ftotce, Monde, Stooka, Real ft-0., No. 75 Fourth it., Pittiburgh, Fa. *■ [ ja6g Ctunnlottra Loan Offlee, too SMITIIFIKI.D STREET, NEAR FlKTil.— H.i.-vta On Gold aud SIlTt-r WaUrhea, Silvrrvtare unJ valuable articles. aullidly CLOTHI 1M G STORE! JOHN & CO.. 1 of lh« celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty I"' street, which has won an nabounded popularity uudor became of the Ti LILLE DIG DOOItS, have, for tlin pur pose of acquiring more wpaoe for their Immensp buainesrt, removed to th* apadouabuilding on thecorner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where they hero now lho mo At BPLENL>U> STOCK OP CLOTHSI READY MADE CLOTHING, Ttmt lim ••vnr b**en offerfd to Republic. Their principal ( bird for this removal. Is to give them mi i e I.u-Uitir-j (\.t t WIKMEB.UE TRADE. They are prepared u-seil Good* at the T O WEST EASTER# PRICES! .SL2I2,Tob 4-i Ao.l tbey will warrant them to be as good efl any m*nu facturedin th<* Union. ClS'l’Offl WORK, in tiii ueut ertLa.AW> upon mt suohtcjv soviet They have on hami * lull and beautiful assortment ol LiTHB and COATINUri.Ior VROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BU&I- Cur iaieresU are identical with ihos« of our customers, *,ri'i wo assure lh« public that uur fidelity will not fail in C. I .ug all urdorß we mar bo favored with. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE— i%'o. 88 Wood Street, (EAST SIDE,) CORNER Of DIAMOND ALLEY. N. B.—We desire our pelronF to understand that we have Df> louder any connection with the Olothing Business on Libert? street. Our attention is devoted exclusively to the House abovedeflignated. ra»r*n WATTS. MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 186 LIBERTY STREET.— f. hare now on hand a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods. OvercoatitigB,of entirely new designs; Plash Vest ings, of the most beautiful patterns; French and English C<is*iw*-r«-.«, of every style and shade in the market, all of which l will make to order on the most reasonable terms, aud warranted to suit. oct4 NEW SPUISO GOODS* JUST RECEIVED AT JOHN McOLOSKKY A GO’S Whole sale Clothing Warehouse, No. 88 Wood street, and corner of Diamond alley, the largest and most varied stock of goods that this celebrated house has oTer had the pleasure of Inviting the attention of the public to. These goods have been purchased from first hands, and, consequently, no second profit on them, which leaves us able to Bay that we can and do sell at as small profits aa any house la the east ern ritte*. Therefore, we respectfully invite the attention i f w Uolesale dealers nudcouutry merchants, in general, to give ns a call, and examine our extensive assortment of HKADY MADE CL'.iHING. It Is almost Impossible to enumerate the quanf ; y t-f Immense piles of garments that 1.., to be seen at this h i * establishment; it is sufficient to say that it has never t *n equalled by tho house itself, marieuf JOHN McCLOSKEY 4 CO. Clothing! ClOttilng! THE undersigned respectfully Infoftnßjmsfriends and the pobliothat he is now receiving at his store, No. 177 Lib erty street, a choice assortment of Cloths, Caaaimerea and Vestings, of the latest und most desirable styles, which he Is prepared to make to order in the most fushionablo man ner, at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. We bovealso on handa large and well manufactured stock of readymade Clothing, to which we Invite the attention of buyers, either wholesale or retail. Persons who purchase goods for cash, wfll find it to their advantage to call at 177 Liberty street,before making their purchase*. fmar9j C. CONNER. New Clothing Store, NO. 4, SfXTH STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY, r I Ml K ho bseriber has just opened this new establishment, X where he has always on hand a large and choice assort ment of *ll articles of CLOTHING, which he warrants equal to any in the city, ami will sell at the most reasonable pri ces. Ttie public are requested to give him a call. mart)-. ly B. OPPENHEIMER. To Uouiekcepers. WE have now opened one of the largeat stocks of CHINA, GLASS and QUEENSWARK, su table for huuiekeeoerd in the city, and Jnteud selling atVskylow prices. We will sell a handsome set of White Tea Ware, consisting of forty-eight pieces, for the low price' of Four .Dollars, and ail other Goods In proportion. Our stock being leerge owing to the dull season Just passed, we are deter mined to work it off at low prices. We have just opened so beautiful shapes of Whits Stone Meat Dishes; Vege table do ; Covered Dishes for stewed chicken, etc.,otc. Also, some' very handsome uuw styles of Water Pitcher*. Our stock A»f White Stone Gold Baud, and assorted colors Toilet Ware, is large—all of which we have put down in price to salt the times. We have some twenty different styles of French Oblna Tea sets, aad some boautfal Gold Baud Dinner seta-all of which we are selling at least twenty-five per cent below former prices. Our stock of Knives and Forks, Spoons, Waiters, Britan nia Ware, Girandoles, Solar Lamps, etc,, is large, and we will sell them at very low prices. GLASS WARE. Ou band anil receiving, a large stock of Boston and Pitts burgh Ulus* Ware, which we will sell at manuCacturer’e pricaa. Our stoofc of common Teaa, Plates, Bowls, Dishes, Pitch er*, and every article suitable for country or city trade, ia large, to which we invite the attention of city and couutry ruerr-nants, aa we will sell them very low for cash. £te>u*«keti p«rs and others in wont of cuiar China and QuiH>u/>w&re' will do well b y calling at the . . CHINA HALL* - No. 6Q Market, between 3d and 4th stiu, »li* i K WKli* HO.UBKB, STOKI3-BOOMB, WAREHOUSES, Ac., TO IJ£T!— iAixurmtxville. —A comfortable Dwelling House of hall, parlor, diningroom, kitchen, fotrT bed rcomn, Ac.; garden and good water. Allegheny City— A Two Story Brick Ilou.v, newly painted and papered, cn ftobiocon street, near the canal. Heat $lO per month. ill. IKoj/itn^fon—A Dwelling House of three rooms, on High street, with large yard, well, Ac. Kent, (7-per month. fYWa&uryn—A large Three Story Hrlck, No. 516 Third rent $176 per year. F0a.31 and‘27 Duquesneetreut; each house is two stories, with basement, cellar, yard Ac. Two Warehouses on Water street. A large Store-room on .Fourth street. Together with others. Apply to 8. OUTHBBRT A SON, jelo HO Third street. JULY MAGAZINES— Godey*B Lady’s Booh, for July—3o cants; Ballou’s Magaiine, u *' 10 “ Yankee Notions, “ " 12 “ Frank Leslie's N.Y. Journal, 18 “ North British, for May. The abort* juHt received by Express. Also, a large lot of t SCHOOL, CLASSICAL and Miscllaneous BOOKS and BTA- J TIONKRY for t>al« at COST, and no Humtoa. Cail at . LA 11 fcTKK'S BOOK STOKE, B 7 Wood street, if yon waut to J C<*l s Cheap Library. ia2l ■fcOV.' \‘ - ■ 9SgKQ' JOHN WOODS, tloejwci r&Auaa. SL-WAXfi BAOV, O. E. ARNOLD ft CO., clothing' NESS COATS. JOHN M’OLOSKEY A CO. Fait and Winter Goods! FRENCH CHINA. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. COMMON WARE. .SCELLAN M)U S k ja _ _ _ i 5. j ir . H 3- H EAMBUA,i ' UISABTEUB (jN '’ IigSKIA u .‘i IgOed Haw now hi ft iew a Ml5O AT DIRKCTTORY, which will be issued in October . next* tbq book wiU.contain over.twp hundred pages, illus trated in the twit style, end neatly bound in a datable manner. IT WILL BE ONE OF THE MOST INTEREST ING BOOKS E3TEB DOBLISHitD, and .will be a book that Wi-’4UAfiBeSjcJEjßeiJlai?ttt6 STEAM BOAT DIRECTORY will contain a complete U*t and[d ncrinUon of ail the Steamboats now afloat on the Western and Eoythprn teifcett. 1 ,Th* ittgthi t&pclal. and tonnage of each boat, where and by whom bruit, jtbe name of the boot, with the trade abets In. Also, the nainaa of Captains And officers, her Ac. ThA 4 Directory will contain a history of : St«iamboats apd Steamboating: oh Ibd Western waters since the application of steam: also.a. sketch of the first boat bnilt for the Ohio River, with jtha' name of the builder, commander and owner. J Xho BiYRK DIRECTORY win contain a list Bxtd descrip tion of ill the BTEASIBOAT DISASTERS that have occur red on the WESTERN and SOUTHERN WATERS, beduti*. folly Illustrated, with a,LIST 03? ALL THOSE WHO UAYE. PERISHED BY TETRIR BURNING. SINKING AND EXPLODING, on the Western and.Sonthefh,waters. The Directory will contain Mips of UiQ Ohio, Miflsi&fppi, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Whlltij Red, Ouachita, Taboo, and other Rivers, with the Towns add Cities laid do\ra,with correct (lktancea; also many other River and Commercial items of Interest to the people at large. 'The book Will: contain the cards of the various U. 8. Mail Boats, with the trade they are in, Ac., Ac. The Directory will also Contain a complete list of all the responsible Steamboat Licensed Officers, their places of residence, Ac., Ac; tbe new Steam boat Law, its requirements, with comments. Shoeing wherein U benefit* the incompetent officer, and wtfaraj thw competent officer , Ac, Ac., and all the Important tL #U Ba-: pretne Court Steamboat Decisions np to date; tbis Rates and important Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading im portant Declstois of the various U. 8. Courtß !n regard to Freights Rost and Damaged, Ac, Ac.; with many other, things oflnterett. The Directory will be illustrated in the best sty printed in the best manner. The author has for put jsearA been gathering together alfthe facts 'and items in the numerous steamboat disasters on the Western: and j Southern waters, and now intends publishing them In ' book form. The price of the work will be put at the low Hum of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be issued far. the boatmen; all others desirous bf rnbscribing will base to do so at once, as none will be piinUsl unless orderod in odbance. This work Is destined to hare a drculutiaii bh over EIGHTY THOUSAND copiea, as the are receiving large numbers of subscribers, per moll, from ail ; parts of the country, daily. Some of tbe oldest tcaUnen,’ as well as most scientific men of the timet, ere contributors to the Steamboat Directory. The Directory 'trill be Issued In October, and will b* an ornament to the parlor as well as steamboat. By remitting One Dollar (post paid) you will receive a copy of the above work. . .. : ! Ail communications and'letters should b« addressed to . . JAMES X. LLOYD A CO., Popfcofflce Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Jeg9:<?»Wtf SUPERIOR. , Douglas County, Wisconsin. 0 rivHIB PLACE is situated on IheDoy of Jioperior. and 1 Left Hand River, at the bead of Labe Superior; and A BETTER SITE, A BETTER HARBOR, AND GREATER ADVANTAGES FOR A COMMERCIAL QTV, thon any other point In the North-west; am! la equalled in prospective importance by Chicago only. ' 1 The Propiletors have a clear, undisputed and unincum bered title to the land upon which SUPERIOR Is laid out, and all purchasers of lots receive warrantee deeds fofr the same. Superior was laid out during the past season, contains several hundred inhabitants, w Largo Hotel, a number of Steree, a Commodious Pier, with Warehouses, and is In all respects the • ’ ; MOST FLOURISHING NEW TOWN in the West. The County Seat, the United Btates Land Office and Post Office are located here. The 'Mississippi and Lake Superior . <; UNITED STATES MILITARY ROAD, now In coarse of construction, connecting with St Paul, terminates at this place. It ie also the Lake termini Of all the projected railroads to the head of Lake Superior. - The “Boo” canal will be opened in Jane; after which,'four lines of Lake Steamers will run to Superior—one from Chi cago. two from Cleveland, and one from Buffalo; all fine vessels, having been built expressly for Ibid trade. One Steam Saw Mill is now Irr operation, and the machi nery frtr a second Is now on the way to Superior, which will be set to work immediately on its arrival. One-half of the lots have been appropriated by the pro?, printers to be sold by the undersigned: to actual wttleis on easy terms, to provide a fund for extensive public Improve mente. Liberal appropriations have bean made for public purposes; parks, churches, railroads, Ao. ac. •OST* In order to correct the misapprehension arising from similarity of names, it is proper to state that “Superior City," about the title of which a legal controversy exists, Is another and different place, and in a different township from Supxuon. 49* Maps of SoPtaroa ere signed by Thos. Clark, sur veyor, and William U. Newton, agent and attorney for proprietor?, and may be seen in the principal hotels of Bl Paul, Galena, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, Buffalo, an&olher cities. AH persons who wish to purchase lots, or obtain informa tion, are reqaestfd to apply to Wm. 11. Ncwtoh, Hoagies couuiy, Wisconsin. WILLIAM H. NEWTON, Ageal wnd Attorney for Proprietor* pf Superior Board of Ileal til JKollce, INFORMATION ties been made to tbo Bnard of Health that ca>.eg of chclera occurring ooteide of the city have Wd brought within if* limits for relief. No doubt the friends of the elch arc prompted by motived of humanity, jet it is proper they should be informed that they subject themsolves to a severe penalty by bo doing. The Legislature passed laws regulating this matter, in cases whenftho disease la malignant or contagious, iu order that the densely populated c ty may W protected from any unnecessary scourge, which, when It has gained a footing, scarcely rests so loog as there remains a'iubjuct for its re moceeleto altacK. The Board of Health are determined to enforce the law. IT patients seized alth cholera, or cnj malignant or conta gions disease, outelJo the city, most be removed to any of Clio Hospitals, persons conveying them' thither mast hard a permit from the Board cf Health. The attention of all persons interested 13 eallel to Un> following sections of an act approved Aprils, 1b62: B*c. d. That any master, commander, or other person having charge of any vessel or steamboat, violating any oi the ruled or regulations prescribed by the said Board oi Ilialth, under the provisions ot this BOtjshall,npon convic tion thereof, by indictment or prosecution in any court haring Jurisdiction, pay a fine not exceeding five hundr«-d dollars, to be recovered and paid Into tho treasury of said Board of Health. Bcc. 7. That whenever the Board of Health shall receive information that uny malignant or contagious disease (meafcW excepted) prvVtftlfl within any’port or place within theUniied States, they shall tnakediiigent Inquiry concern ing tbeuame; and if it shall appear that the diseanu prevails as communication with such Infected port or place shall be subject to such control and regulations as ihe Board of Health may from time to time direct, and publish In one or more newspapers published ia the dt/ of Pitts burgh; and thereupon every person or persons, and all goods, wares and merchandise, bedding and clothing from such infected port or place, ond having eutered and been brought into the city of Pittsburgh contrary to such regu lations, shall be subject to the same penal tits as is provided for in the preceding section. The penalties wf the whole act will be strictly enforced. By order. A. 0. MURDOCH, Physician to the Board of Health. GEORGE FORTUM IS, jj23 Health Office. JOHN hITTb No. 201 Ur KA3 JU3T RECEIVED ti tides f BRANDIES. Oeute Brandy, (very fine,) Otard Dupuy A Co. (super.) Marret; 1 Co. Bazerac. •- WINES. Bardal Madeira, Howard, March A Co., Mad’ra East India Madeira, Table do Amontillado Sherry, Manzanillo do Table do Cooking do Beeswing Port, Pure «JuitM do Ordinary do St. Jttllen Claret, Malaga Dry, Do Sweet, Champagnes, Anchor, Verxeney, Ueideseck, Together (with all other business. ■ - • PRACTICAL. \VOiIK8FUR MECHANICS AN 1) OTHhKtJ, The American Miller, and Millwright’s Assistant; The Analytical Chemist's Ass slant; The Encyclopedia of Chemistry, practical and theoretical, by Brootb and Morflt; ** The Complete Practical Brewer; The Builder’s Pocket Companion; The Practical Metal Worker's Assistant, by Byrne; The Practical Model Calculator, by Byrne; The Cabinet Maker’s and Upholsterer s Companion; Chemistry Applied to-Dyeioß, by Jus. Napier; Oolbum on .Locomotive Engines; Norr s’ Iland-bcok of Locomotives, Engineers and Ma chinists; The Complete Practical DMUler, by Bjrne; The Dyer and Cotor Maker’s Companion, by Byrne ; The Dyer’s Instructor, by David Smyth; The Practical Dyer and Scourer; ' The PnflrUcel Assayed Minkrt'and Engineer's Com panion; The New and Improved'Table, by'Pat LyoD; Perfumery: its Manufacture and Use, by Morfit; The Arts of MorUi; Tb« Manual cf ElectroMeiallargy, by Napier ; The Palmer’*, Glider's and Companion; The Paper Banger’s Companion; The Practical Purveyor’s Guide, by Andrew Duncan; Overman omM&nubciure of Iron; Bund Chemistry, by Bplly; Templeton on Steam and Bteam Engines; The Turner’s Companion; A Treatise on Box of Instruments and Slide Bob ; Walker on Eieetrotyplng; And numerous others, fbr sale by B. T. 0. MORGAN, . No. 104 Wood street, near Filth. I AM authoriwd to cell low some valuable Law Boots, 10 Yola. I'aL. Reports, by Bon; BoDYier 1 B Institutes; KtUudou; Wbartou’s Digest, last <hl^ AmTother Reports, Klemeciary Works, Ac. GEO. F. OLLLMQRR, at lb© office of Morning Post. Rhbumatism AND NEURALGIA.— Dr. drown hereby infbnns-the afflicted that hla remedy for the above mentioned diseases Is one that will can*, lie will warrant a cure in any case of this kind. This remedy was never known to (ail when properly persevered with: Many suffer the tortureof this complaint for months and years, when a few months would procure a certain, safe and speedy remedy. Office and Private Consulting Booms, No. 41 DIAMOND alleyje46 1 vll. IiKOWN continues to be consulted for the care of / SECRET DIBEABES. Hia success iu long standing cases is unequalled. The afflicted invited to call with out delay. Persons afflicted with Venereal ’Diseases, Rheumatism, Hies,-or Seminal Debility, should not delay to get his advice. Letters containing a fee immediately answered. Offlca and Private Rooms, No. 41 Diamond alley,'Pitts burgh. je2o RAILWAY HUKUR POW£UB-woae and lwo Howe Powers, with Saw, Threshing Machines, 4c —or the Powers famished without moot lues—adapted for me nufae turing purposes. Call and examine them, at 47 Fi£b et. _jwpo JAMES WARDR3P. STHA WRttlt&Y PLANTS of the most reliable tested va rieties for this locality can be supplied in large yuan tics—47 Fifth street (seps) JAMBS WABDBuP. M 'LANK'S PILLS and V JBRBIIi'UdB “for sale low at Dr. KKYSKIt’S, pgp7 Comer Wood street and Virgin alley.. II OLLOWAY’S PILLB AND OINTMENT for sale at XX Da. BJSY&ER'S, •sep7 Oornor Wood street and Thgln alley. AY£KB* PILLS AND OHKBJiY, PECTORAL ior sale at DBk. HEYSBR’B, aepT Corner Wood street and Virgin alley. THAT land REGISTER issued by Thomas Woods, and given away to all at 76 Fourth street, describes a great variety ot Farms, Houses and Lota. Those wanting homes would do well to get a Register. On It Is described a few One Oountry Beats. tje9J THOMAS WOODS. • *• ' k. ", *- > ' -V *•> • *3 T• / 4 j• \ t id C'd \ /I iK, Jr., Agent, BXBTT BT&m, the lollowtug tery choice arti* Jamaica, Santa Cruz. GIN. Boguet, London Cordial,^ Schnapps. SUNDRIES. Rutherford’s Scotch Ale,, Barclay’s London Forter, Wild Cherry Brandy, Absinthe, Anisetbe, Curacoa, a Sardines, Mocha and Java, Young Elya, and Black Teas, English Bronson Cheese, Imported Havana Cigars, of various brauda. Old Monongahela Whisky, of ail grades. articles- connected with the mv2tbd*w Latv Books* v'- +-\ : \ h - , f i . , r ‘f"' 5 ' v+i' * / 1 1 ' J dUI i .. ~FlJLii?»::; >T . _ "„ 4 Hew /tuj <for»£*Jly ,iii t l, l dS&k >k«o«|; - c 'tffxft 4 .Jtt t, if •<{ BHJfir • -r’ - Bl«**esf i : J ; fe* ’ - * f ’• «SBGfi!'' .Veto, Gout, lim6*&. Nemuinesi, f V - • t lfTita^»tV/ f -inttiamktlotj ,! A., ad* * ’tT achOtfiPalns. lbs Biesai,ndt, ? 8 gßhp^irfair■ Back andldmb3r?e®ale Complaints, 1 - iutwr IfhTiiiffTPTn 4c* 4c. Indeed, ter j fyiritn tfie I disefcaeedQ’whleh a ItafgailtirMedi* oSSswbS"®®"™ B cjpulsnot motexg3tsgiffjgifw y aad | r might* bn'pzatohtod;: If • harmless hoi* ?Weli used. No perpoa ca& feel well vrhlltfa cafaßHo habit of-body pro- • - vaDs; Wdevdt-s&Q'&sißtstfe certonV and• fcftan;fatal diseases, whichmizhthaT* been, thntimely and judicious üßd of 'a good purgative.. Thlslsallkatrue of * 1 Colds, 7 Feverish* symptoufa, and 'EiUon3 ‘deraxigefiients, They ail tend to'becoffle crprodiice Lhft ddep*i»tffl|hand formidable distempers lottd hearaes.ali OTfT lha land. Henc6 v & reliable femfly; of Ihe'fiwt !ni« ,: portsftice to this - Pill has 4 been per fant»ri with wmmmrnnU frrmqfc -tfr*tAn • - ; extensive trial of its virtues by-,Pbyslcian& Profcssorf, and Patients, had flhotu results surpassing any things hitherto K'noma of dny medieinis,' Cutesiiave bwhM&atea beyond .belief, were ,thsy notmxbgt&ntlaied by roo» ox* .ailed positions .and .character arf to forbid the suspicion of "untruth. •Among the eminent gentlemen who' haVa teatiKbd In , favor of these Pills, we may mention— Doct. A. A. HAYES, AnalyttcaLCbemist of Boston, and State Aaaayer OfMsisachuflefts,'whose high professional dhstaoifiVisVndbrsWbytKii^ l ’ : '~™’■" r Hod. JEDWARDJSVEfIETTr Ben*tof of .ttotfaKteiL States. EOBEET 0. Vni\Tm,Q^, { tha .Howe of Minister Plan. tOEugLmd^ 4JOHN Onthplia Bishoprof>lh»ton **]&. J. tl cmLi?dl?, Pi* c tfc4l dhepils't of Sbw tdi City, -Wfdoreed'by • - : r <•! tinnt Hon.wa#.;ilAßCy,64cretaryof States:: WM. B. AfiTOB, the richest man.ln Aaeriq*;. i, ,; S. LELXND 4 CO., Prbpriotbrtrof Che M«trn{^lifan.llotel f and others. <’ 1 •• ' ! 'm '- v h Did epace permit; wa could: give many hundred, certifi cates from all parts where the Pills hay© jbeenused, but evi* ' donee even more convincing than ths experifinceof eminent public inen, IdfonniHti their -effecteupcn trlfi], ;,;; '• , These Pills, the resulfcof long infestf gaticiJinndLstudj, are offered to the. public as which the' present state of medical Science can^afTord. They are componhdea the modldnal virtues onlyxjfVesetableEeincdies extracted by Chemical process In a etata of purity, aud coipblned to. gather in shch'.o'manner ar to. Insure the beefreaulta. [ The system of eompdsitlon Cherry Pectoral andjpOls- toth, to produce ataoraeffleiant > remedy than bad hitherto, boon obtained; by any process. The’refison'is perfectly obvious. While by.theold mode of > composition, evbry niedMne 1s burdened' with' rnore tr less ; of scrlmcmioufl injurious qualities,by thiaikeh indi* ; vidual virtue only that is desired for the curaUvoeiTect Is h present; All the inert ana ‘obnoxious qualities qf each *•' substance employed ere Iclt-hehlcd, the curaiive riituea \ - only being-retained; Henceitis fcifqridsntthatthbaffects i should prove ns they have.proved* more.;purefy.remedial, § and the I'Qls a more powerful 'antidote' to any ! . other 1 ! -' ; . ABit-lafrequeotiyespeaicntthatiQCinrmfididnosEhould . bo taken under the counsel of anaUendingEhyEiclnD, and ! ' 'as ho could not properly judge Of tf remedy SsithOut Know- 1 ing Its composition,:! have sappHed the • by whicE boih my-Peotowl cnd-;PBl«%i».tnat!«i» ? to the ) whole body of Pi aciiOoners in the .United States and. British i, r . Amoricdh Prbviccia. If,however. therb-Bhould bofthyone j who has not tedeivfed-theniv they aallßbforwarded by mail { toblsrequest* N i* Of all .the, Patent Medicines that aro .ofleredjjhow fbw ■ wouliPbe ir thejf'compocilion'was Known T Their { life consists In their mystery. Ihave no mrstertcai' > The composition .of my.preparAtiong is ißid.' ccsni to all men, and all who are competentJnjudge on.tbe. subject freely acknowledge their'; CDqvlctitmS''of their lbmnsio merits. TheCht*rry Pectoral w6fr pronounced r by'scientific men to<be a.wjonderf«|:jnfid:cine ; befi>re its.seffcctB wero known. ManyeminentPhyciclanshavfrdeclaredtheeamo | •, thing of my PlllsTand even' Inbre confidentlyand art j ' billing to certify that *their anticipations were more than j . realized by. their effects upon ! They operate by their powerful infinencenn the internal I Viscera to purify the' blood and. kUzoulaie it into healthy | ; action~>rmove the obstnfctlohs of the stomach; bowels, ; . iiver, and other organs of the body, ftstorlng , lar action to health, and by they ex- ; Ist, each derangements as ore the first origin 'Of‘disease. Prepared by Dx. JAMBS C. AVER, Practical -and Ana* V lyticai CheinMt,' LoTreir ( M&sa. Price 26'cehfs.per box. ~ Pireboxesfor.fl. •: 1 '• v ’•' J } Sold by B. A. PidINESTOCEi A CO, at wholesale and % retail, by every Druggist-ln Plttobncgb,, audby all Dealers | every where. ■ «■ - • ' je&lmidsw IX/H'AJbA.TIOV I , Wft Ttt* Cflttß 0£ , ' teTHM ttsaapticti I flaw AMOV%v WOSJJKRFfIf | fj BY<JiSA.NA .; f BROUGHT HOME TO TUB POOB {JF . TEB Ji-AUOH t .DiBCOVKUT made i by Dr. of tl laclty, intha.txeatmjßfatcif Con* sumption, Asthma, ami nil tha Lungs* ,4Ve r*v ftr to “ XirL Curtins'llmiiti, oa Irmiuis'ti'HTawitTAPoa tin? Caißkr SmDP. u ■ Withrtws fletf’mettiod, Dr. : -o;litta re stored many afflicted ones to healtblaaiunJidebenoCwhicli ho hafl.ionaiuer&bta cerliflcateij.SpeafciDg -cf Ihe treat* trieot-a physician‘remarks," “TtiseVideht tbnt fnbaliDg— -? ■ constantly breathing ahhgree&ble, heSlfiig me* f dicina]l properties mtißt-.ctnniJ! in direct contact Uw j and varied changea’pr&ruccd.upon U)em''B : Een Introduced } Into ibo ; fltnmacb‘, niti sutyeetto the process oTjdTjefition." i 'the Hygeaba ia tor aateAt oUthaDruggistatbrDfigbgut the ; cQ*ot*y.~JYap.T<irJfJ}ttt(Jimiip..p£ January . fI , " ThoTnh&ler in sor'n on tlid hrcait, under thalloen, with -but tlie body* being [ sufficient to eruprnita the, fluid. Hundreds of-cases of 1 cnresi like the &Uo>¥jng, named; - ! Doe package orthellygesns liaicuredinfl oftha Asthma „» of si* years'standing'.'* '■ : ■ •JVP.dracaßtJSTy ;; ■■ , - ■ :IV M.of Doncanmnn Pa. ; I am ctir-d of the Asthma of ten years’ standing by Dr. ? Curtis's Hygeaoa. Maroaret EastoS, Brooklyn, N. ¥. Jdrs. fc*BUJl f :or No. feflatumoud street, K: JL r iras cured of a severe caso of Bronchitis by the Hygeana. ~ My sister has .been cured of a distressing Several' years’standing, and decided to 'be by the phyei* , ciana. Ebe was cured iuone monlh/by.the.lJjgeanai J.JL flADßKßT,Bicniaoii(l, Me. The Rfev.lfr. Of S’evf'Ybth,.teflU&B , 6fbot medi- : •tine fa the following language ♦ =• * u , :Nw.lfOM* Uvrsllt 18M. ’ Deab 9m—l think highly Of Dr. Cur tie’s jlirgeßina as ’ remedy in diseases of the throat and Ipngs.. fluting hail nome opportunity to te&ti/yMts Efficacy'. I am convinced’ Dial it is o pjest csrellent medicine, .both the Fjrop antlV the Inhaliug application to the chest. . , . ; N. IL—Dr. Curtis’s Hygeana Is the ORIGINAL ax>d ONLY, GENUINE ARTICLE; all others*-kra-base Imitations, or r rile and- INJURIOUS counterfeit* £hun ;thexu as you 'would POISON. .V w . salebv lh’/GW.'Tl.'KeySer,'l4oWoM street; R . B. Sellers A Lee.. A. Beckham, .Allegheny ,CUy; John Sargent, New Brighton; C. Li Kaiser, Rochester. 1 •.i ,- “i. h;.' 2-r ■ ■ fmyt4ulAw6m - Darter's Spanish Miitiire. •• THE QIU2A.T, PEULFIER OP "3;dE BLOOD: 'Noi’a iaitlcle of: Heronry in' it. LET TP E AFFLICTED READ AND PONDER I—Ai Infill! ♦ P.iineay forScrofulaVKiiig t Pill* Rheuma tiaro, Obstinate. Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples, ar Pustule on too Face, Blo;chas,_BoilB, Ague and.Faven Chronic Sor EvecL'RinhPTohft or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement anr Pain ortHe Bomb and-Joints, Stubborn Ulcera* Syphlliti Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaint*,, and. all Disease arising from an injudicious use of Mercury,lmprudence i: Ltfa,6>Rapurityotthe£!6od. *>..;• A Aar.Thie great alterative medidn? and Purifier of 8100 Is howusedbyt , hsahda’ofgratefdl pauentafrtru all pari -ofthe United States; who testay daily ttf the : Nsaarkabl rurea perfbrffiediy the greatot.of; all medidn?fl»i I, CAI . TER’S SPANISH MIXTURE.” Nfeuralgia, Rheumatisn a • Bcrofulk,'Eruptions 03 GiV'Skin, UVer Disease,'Terer « tJlcertjOld Sores. Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of tb TtonakFemalaCqmplaims, Pains And Acting of the Bone and Joints, speedily potto .flight by using this great an infcstiinable remedy. For all diseases of tha Blood, nothing ha£ yet been foun to it. ■ lUleanßea.the.systemcf dil impnr ties, acts gently and efficiently on the LIT#? and Kidney strengthens the Digestion, rives tone tcrth® 1 Stomac makes the sklasdearnnd healthy, and restores the Const tutioh, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the excess of youto. tb Itspristine vigor and etnngftt. For toe ladies, it Is invariably"better than aD toe ec Duties ever used# :AtjßWdosesaf'Carter , s‘RranishMixtn will remove ail tallownesa ofcompl exion, bring the roe mantling to the cheek, give-elasticity to the step, and ii prove the generalhealthln a remax&abladegree beyond c the medicines ever heard of. . • :: » The iargenumber of certificates which we nave reoeiv from persons from all parts of toe United States, 1s the be evidence that there Is nb huinbug abont lt The prei hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians. and public men, w« known to the community T au add -their testimony to t! wonderful effect*of this GREAT JJIiOQD PDBIFIRB- Call on the Agent and get a Circularand Almanac, a: readihs wonderful cures tola truly greatest of alMledkir has performed. • -None genuine unless signed by BENNETT A BEER, Proprietors, No. 3 pearl street, Richmond;'Ya« to whom t orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed. And for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK, JOSEPH FLE NO, FLEMING BROS., and by Druggists generally. oct3lri*wly Statement from Canada , .-. Qcsbxc, February 7th, 1354. Musrs. ZL A. Fahnestock <£ Cb.—We bad the pleasure receiving, this morning, the within certificate oi your V< mifnge, vtoichwillbe veragratifjing to yoa,asibwas se olunUrily. • We are* Geiufemen, yours, very truly, J. MUSSON A CO (knCsnira—HyUttle daughter, fonr: years old, and i son,,older, were for a considerable suffering fr> worms. I purchased two bottles of your Vermifuge, which I gave themthree do3es.'accbrding’tb directio and elrangtf to say, In less than turee hoursibiy passed less ihau FIVE HUNDRED WORMS, soma of toe extra dinary length of from twelve to flfteeo Inches. ' Haring experienced no much-of-.tha beneficial effect! your Vermifuge, I feel ItjXby duty to recomihend it to . ■public, aS, in my-opinion/one of IhVmost'efflekcibas re; dieo ngahiSt worms to lbe pablic. Gentlemen, believe me to bo Vbur much obliged aud.humbleeerv't, . NATHANIEL LKATKR Prepared and sold by B. JL A. FAHNESTOCK A i corner of First and Wood streets. * my* _•/_ Proclamation. • d* BV VIRTUE of a precept Tinder the handsof We McClare/ Presldeat of the Court of Common Plea; andfbr the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, Josticeof the Court Terminer, and Gee; Jail Delivery, in And forsaldDlstrfei/hnd William B: and Gabriel Adams, Associate Judges of the *: Courts, Inland fer the County of Allegheny, dated the ; day of July; hi toe yeariofour Lordbne-thousand v. hundred ntrifUly five, cud to mb'directed, ibr noldi; Court of Oyer'irad 'Terminer, and General Jail Deliver ; the Court House in toe City of Pittsburgh/on the Monday of OctoburnaxtratlOtfciockA.Jß.- vv *>. - tuhlic notice is hereby gfr? l * *° “D JustleeftDftbe P \ Coroner sind Constables of toe county cd Allegheny, •, they be then and there r in their proper, prisons, with 1 volts, records, inquisitions, examine tionaandotiusi reu branees, to do those things which to their mriecUveol - in their behalf appears to be done—andulao umso that -prosecute the prisonara that now are or may b&iri th/’ of said county of Allegheny, to be then and there to cute against toem as snail be just. . . Given under my band to PiUsbnigb.this fifteenth Cl’ Augast, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight tired and fifty-five, and of th.e Commonwealth, the* 8t : ? ft aglfi:td '• " r WM. MAGILIj, Ehev? ' ATTENTION! ' Bounty AGKI9CY/ Foirirtll AtiruAt» •. OFFICERS, Sbldierp;Aluriaahs, Wagbh v sters, Ac-■who wuru regularly mustered dbto thlj vice of thfl Umted Statoß, and every Officer/Bbaman^ sblun{eerai.or State Ttpops of any 8& Territory, are entitled, by the lata Act of Opuff*® ' Warrant tor 160 Acres of Land. , V J* ■ Those who have received 40 or 80 Acrts, aro Warrant -for such of Land aa.will cjak®» whole, 160 Acres. % Persona entrusting their claim* to mecanrelyV 00 2; ing them'attended to promptly. nirt . r All information free of charge, loiters prr:J, > swered. Address A ÜBTIN mhlb Bounty Land Ageai, 1 £ n, I \: . .