The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 28, 1855, Image 1
? : 'y- —f' v‘s- -■: v 1 >■’N.*• v . '*■ *■ *.: viVr*vsV,* ; ( r / > ■ •• *•< o,':■ ■'4.-.-V V i-. 1 : -*>.‘l) ' i- ■■ ' -J'vY.-■ .* ’ ‘ r£svj : . *•■•/•• ’• *■ ,*:V" - DAILY MORNING POST: ,--v‘-> -■, y*- r y.» s ’}:. y?> J v ” l v ’ 1 -•* ‘JWnttiHm* published every morning (Sttmfcjft extepled,) 155 *- < BY.aitfcanmE at fIroMTQOMKKY, t**f t •»• v* I 4 ‘o'* *;« .* VT h' • yh» noeth-Wot ocnurea or wood and nm sntrtts. v'r-*,:-: .. -I ,* ’*'!•' - " k . a-—- . i ' * Is a. ‘ »•» . ‘ •..*'. 1 i:. “i ■ 1 *• ►•_.',•<'»•' t u . i»' > 4 ■*Jv’• -< \- y s,. ’’" ; - *.; y *i V:,! U; i-!. »'v I>f «..', ’■ ■ •;■•*'; ‘•'' -V I•]'.’:;«.;.-:• '***>..", <• - ■V'-1.'..,* ; » » . s_ .- ’ ■> t I *■ '• '1 r.’i !>'- ; ‘'l ' v J‘,'. *■ . '■<•> i N 'y* ywv'rj-'- >--s■»4 s »' t *’ , . . i- " ,u.'. ’ ■• i. 1 :* i ■ .*■« ,'Y ' '"■'*7, .*! ;‘t , ~J'* j * t! -< v!v?'’. I - ' ; &;■?*i r iv- *r v' '• --■ „■ / •;; i j ~•{■•.-j4., b'' %■* ?i %,>’*** *v ■*» r '. Vi*. ’♦ Ts *’ 4> * W*i 4 n v. ',• >ty -i •<* , ' v ' ’ v 4 s> V V> 1* ()\% C' ’ !l: v * 4 ,J ' • V •■•• n,i>(■■; &■," *r ,v“,.‘<■ vj*:• .-•- V t i - .■. •: >., : IS?A<&'.*\ 5 W4-:-:: <• v„--'.r;,;.' >t-^Vv• -,v. -:V' ZC.t'ft u'‘ >i, v ~ i t ,. 1 ' ■ f-rih'sS>i- V* V f«’• r' 'I ?5-V-V".V 1 - ! \- : \- ] -4 > * r r “ ‘5.-./'<?i- &*** f? 1 \ ®wWS i oSs&ssmbm.'*3idi •■ r {'^'- f i>* tl ‘*&‘/®‘£i}'f4it4'* < ’ ! wifh L ! ki\'<!r-.--'-:‘\ ‘ *- ft «■ W- r " „y< PiSEtef > 4. i. msssk*« ' x/JaX _ L « ■* iSS'&t'SiSv-i i t *-4 t '~’ u mil mui WiMpY ®MOX Wi**»o^ '■'jf-~X&' J *y-7h) 11 'E c -<„-iP--” f X.,x>i; >7>; -ti ,;■• r. a l it ’^ l *f, f}p far 6a Sh : r: r^- vc:;*,>c c ,-. -.->.'-.1 < :?t <f..vr-,.f-;.- J ;v.<-rr .* Z-i\ r \-- : rjr »>- k .- <* •’• : f > •' -r * • •• 1 A'luy’ji". '*2 \y' >- ■ ’ -*• 'f-‘ '*' - f/- *'- *’’■ ' . w ;' *"’ I **" ty\ ‘Vi ■i- S "'" 1 '" Vl "** "" "Hi*-' " '.•-v <-:-A. --':.4 ,:.- ■ f .-. _ fi. ••1 • . ,* > ' " _A' -j -' -* «»-• ’ • '•- *•' '■ ‘'- f* •• . . ./‘r.*v-' ■>:>. v. >c * «r«?- ~,d ■'. .- ■'-.. *... y*i■:t. ? • ‘' ' •* - V-V* T ; * , ."•• <■ t, *..!»!«- •*", -i r : • . . • • «■«•'•• . *:'•! .-> -.- • ■ v.. ' ',■ z> \v ?■ *' *■ J" ."'Ufa'?- {'"V * '*•. ■>}•.*\ v$ * - 1 -- ,•r,- , v /. > •'- f V■. V. • . . 4 .{'. * >• . ’ • lr .?£ ■ .*• r;■■ - •, ” : •-*•- v .1' - ' ■> • . - V >* *<• r b,- ! P ,-r •-* „- - /» ■’ i *•*’*•+}skP V u ■-.' /I -. *? f *-\ i -> * u 1 ’ •,' ; ": tpA t ' j -? > .«♦•/• f ~'V i -. L~ *■- \i::. fc:'-Vy>v.- ...... Kir'”"'"-'-''-"''' ) t£3 i. 1.-eir- . l£i2 Jtfli—flTa Dollars a-year, payable strictly in a Irane*. Six Dollars wIU invariably be required if not paid within the yea> •55“ Single copies TWe otir*ff-*tor nta at the counter In Ibe •0O8e> end oyths'Feinrißoyft ~ TSS BATimDAYHOBHnrG POST I PaUlahed frosithe cacao office* on a largo blanket Site flh*otf at TWO .DOLLARS a year, in advance. Single apples fiT*o*»TB. } : •63“ No paper will be'gleoontlnned unless at thediscra* o& of the Proprietor*,) until all arrearages ate paid. 1 No attention will be paid to any order unless pauled by the money , or satisfactory reference In-thin city. . of Ou Morning Boti . cfi, Ihtlarsat Job Printing QJJicti t& the city, where, all kitfi.<if-Wirkudaa&cnUuthcriaLiu>ticc, and\suut rt&foiy -flN«krw. ; - * 1 l" • 'N's • j n.o!>t« C. G. Sproul, i A rrORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office, No, J\ Fourth streeL Pittsbutgh, Pa. doclLlJ * Jktali A* Lowrltt ATTORNEY AT LA Wr-Qffice, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, bStw-»en.BinltltC*ild, street sod Cherry alley, [docility . -v dOUS BARTOM. T" ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office* corner Fifth anil Grant eta., _)aiU)j| PCTJSBOKOtt, PA. ; „„ ThODxaciltana, j A trORNRY AT LIW ANDBOIdCUTOH IN QfIANOfETtY. Al. OtHee, next door to the Fopt Dffloe, Steubenville, Dpio. -■ s.‘ .. K« P* Hoes, A TTORNEY AT LAW—No. 10d Fourth street, Pittsburgh, jt\. Pa., fourth doer below Mr. iLxiv livery O. urlando Loomli, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, shore wood. lyfcy ATTORNEY AT ob Fourth stmt, between Cherry alloy sad Grant street. . tUSX; * ;Ui street, above fend . -_<- ■( Pyllfofleu ~ _ . r - -j cl 'j-niarjfcTjy Patrick MoKeaDa, | ALD E R M AN; OFT H I K D WAR©. Ok HCK cornet fttfedi odd ElWx.*stre<*U, (formerly o£cu pil' Alderman where all btuuieoe pertain* lag to Alderman tfnd Juslioo Of the Peace {will be promptly attended!?. f<*M:Sin O.FFICE, Qrimt strati botwo«n Fourth at. and Diamond Alley. OopTeyancJugsfaltkinda done,with the great est eire arid legal aecfcraiy:' Titles to Kuhl 'Rritiite examin ed, Ac. ja3:J William Wilson, Alderman* ; OFFICE No. 447 PENN street*, between the canaljand O’Heca street, Fifth Ward. All bu«intiH? appertaining ta the o!R6o of an Alderman or Justice of the Pence, fwili be promptly attended,to. ’ Honda,■ Mortgages, anti other document*, Jrawn trith neatness and despatch. • 1 • feblditf «S_ ' ' n, AHL) SURGEON DENTIST, Sue- C t. to fl^ W-Biddle, 1 No. 144 SmiUi&elJ T.T r- hours, from B‘to Vn’clnoV.incd rom 2 to 6 o’clock. fr-’.lody -ZSSaL' 3 ’.SCOTT, DENTIST, fourth «.u w t, nv- <jcirf> fffiSgggghsrfefit of Marbet. JTiTr OrFtcs liocus From uino .A. M. to f.T« P. M. dec'^o:y atrßto n ccauso Edward pmiatnoz,.,.. Curling, Hobirtson & Co., MANUFACTURERS' OF CUT, PRESSED AhD PLAIN FLINT G LASSW ARE, Srarehoase No. MWodJ t.£r«***i, corner of Front street, Pitta bury h. &3T AU other ktuJd of li Usd ware and Window Class, at low market prices. nplh.llv WHOLESALE and retail Cigar manufacturer, and tW tv In all kluda of Tobacco, Snuff, nnd Cigarr, NV. 2;» Fifth ct reel, Pittsburgh. Pa. US* Keeps constantly on hand a Urgr ••■upj I r .1 nl) various brands of Imperial Cigars ji John MoorU©ml, ~ WHOLESALE QUOCBR, AND COMMISSION KKH UiIANT, tor the sale of Pig Metal an 1 lU*-mu ;: , ai*-l ProduceKetxerally, No. Z 7 Wood 6treeU Plttaborcb |»p- * pmur HSTMta iwuenT j. Ani'ctvr^ Uefmer A Anderson, (Successors to. Josh os. Rhc-lea A Co.) WHOLESALE dealers In fc>r>-L'u Fruit**. Nuts.Spi <-• , Confectionary, Sugars, Ac., No’ it) Wo,fJ t,;:t.*i, t*H eitd the St. Ctrortea Hotel, Pittsburgh, “a ij 'i Henry U« Doiiiiu, Forwarding and commission mkrchant, am Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Uulter. iVh, »r*-i Produce generally,No.*£> Wot/d bUvrt, Fitiabur.'b. [v.:*i*< BiXiK 4KLLKR AND STATION' EK —has al w .n. •« Land u g<*ueral assortment School, MisceP.iio>-»u-* n:i B*aoS Books, Printing, Po«tand Cap Paper, Ac.. *tw'e<».i **B I r»* tail. No. 104 Wood street, below Fifth, E©*t Mdr, Pi'-L-lq: .-*h CdT Wanted, Rage ao l Tanners" Scrap* «*i lil* wiLUAUMLLua.PhtU mUh. ricutma, I'.'.L-t.o—i Miller ft illcUelnon, WHOLESALE 0 RdCKRS, Importers of brand w W iq,-< and Segars—Nua. 172 aad 174, cornrr of ltrO and Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, fVuttm k'arul, A • cunftantlyrOn : liaoA.;> -U * Witt/CnPr A T7r> , (Wro. Ourr, late of tho Cm of .1 I*ark*v A O ) WHGLKaAiiiIGHXJRttS, and Dealrraic ff ojid Brandies,Old and l;«* *. Bv— kr, No. ;l-d Oommerriai Rntr, Llt-«rty mn**-r, PiM *!iu-gh. P* jv y Dealer in (xhjntry produce, f r * choice stock wJe:*«* 1 for family u*- ?p.-»' ! or every variety ami the pnr**t quality, g;uuiH »i I »• Stwim Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreiga nnd Di.iaeAiir. Product* taken is exchange lor merchandise. F. It. D. h&< procured a lull assortment of Ijuj-ir*•* Warranted Garden Seeds, and iuTiiej the aUeultvo :a. i . terested in r u rai allai rs. ) *r . i W. D. EKOLlaii Z. RICUAttD«OV J. i Dumn Kngllsti A tilcliardsou, COMMISSION AND FORWARD! VO MERCHANTS, *nJ / Wholesale Dealer* l« k'tnb. K»<-oo not t 'll, an-1 !'rt>J oc feDorally. Warehouse formerly <xvu. i**.J ly A oghram, No. Ilt3 Water &dJ 1W Firs: rtree'., •-.ii, Pena*.. .. •, . . _ ”* 1 com tolevfon Hoaie. FIIUB 6ub.-tcribtr.< bare op-oei a h.>u*<; f -r II s »• a bn* pu: X ai No. 1? Bmithfl*;J etrest. four 'i «*r- »ivvi« ib; LlouAts. We *ill purchase, or rrceire, -o c-iu mlanon*. for («U«sj coasfensientiof Flour, B*coc, Uhevs :'Co*n, Oaic fiftriey. plax SfecJ. BeeX BUcJ HO. A ’tipba VWrfl'w.- will TrfkJcv'i-tvsaXC or ptir-h?r<- tit ih- i.. ZP&rhct rates for cash |tiou>; Al-UK*) A CM Jaiuti Pl'Laugitllii, DEALER IN GROCERIES PRUI-UOE. YU'YK. v ACv\ Ac.. No. 10, oorner SraithflaU and First Plreet.-. Pit:.. burrh. Pa. dm (i jous u. o. tuuh<j...~. T. U. Yoang ft Co iVo. 38 Bmtihjitld rirf'L, • />/><-n£<* <\.'y II.; MAN-UrACTCRKRfI Of’ CAIIINKT fUKMTUIiW AND OdAlitU, of every description. Material* and »■>»•*• •maasbip warranted, arid sold »t rwtuetri pri<r«*9. Cbm Ut n la fracking roclatidapd gat*r ran-jay. aoe-l ?~T' Wm L>lKby, Jr M C'lLOTIIIN" AND KURNIaUING a I‘OKK, >U*oMe Hai< r J JJlftivatnj*!, Pittsburgh. Clothing iqiule u> < r<J**r, Ui good style, an-Tat moderate rates. aapi* :f , u. 4 a. C. Daucout ' - OROOKR3,and DwUefaio Pnxlue-, For l : i s|fS( s eirtj Wioea uo4JJqacrM3!d MocpngahKl* and H— ' * ’ lifted Woiirtryf No’ UorUborty'rt.rl*ftt«barirfe, V» Jjy’.'T r A A. T indie, fetasEgßL WIIOLRSALK anl IL-tatl R.uMl«*, Ilarntv, Valla© and Qarpet Bag nmuufuctur*-•, b fi0.106 Wood St_ FitUburtfb. pH. JVW r J H. Mcllor, lir HOLK3A LB and Retail Dealer in M osteal Instrument-. yf Pianos, Music, School Books and Stationery, No. 1— Wood fltrwt. jsnl John W. Butler A C FORWARDiNU AND COMMUNION MBIUJIIANTS Dealers In all kiods of Pittsburgh manufactures, Lead Pipe and Bb*»t Lead, 6T Proot street. aep2b Enterprise vyorks. 2fo. I3Q Wood sired, third door Mem Virgin alley. -jyOWN A TirrLKY would call th© attrition or Bportln* Xj to an to their Urge assortment of duns, Rifle/ apd In volving Pistols, the largest and best selected stock eve Opened In this market, together with a of Hardwar©, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of w hlch we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purcba.wrK, or fbrgood approved paper. marls JIIAVE THIS DAY (April 11th) associated with mo Messrs. F. BTEKL TURBBTT and SAML. CT CLANKY, th of whom hare been for many years In my establish meet, and are already extensively and favorably known to jay customers and the public generally as superior work men, and of correct baßlne** habits. Wo hope by this union of erperiencu and artistic skill— especially in the watch d-- partmeDt; by keeping a large and weilselocied stork of goods; - ’ byeelllftg fit moderate prices, and by clou* to business, to merit a liberal ©hare of pationage. To mv old friends and the public in general, who have Jbr many years past so liberally patronlaed my business, I return njy thanks, and solicit ft>r the new firm a continuance of shut* larfavors. W. W. WILBON. Pittsburgh, April 11, 1555- WATCII MAKERS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS, 07 Market s reet, corner Fourth. mv£* Ee« Coach and Carriage Factory 1 JOHNSTON, BEOTHEBB & CO., Comer Rebecca aui Belmont tired*. Allegheny Oily WOULD respectfully Inform their frirndn the public generally, that thuytifc'e VlspqvgSSS*- commenced the manufacture of Carriage, Barouches, Roekatraya, Buggies. Sleighs an-1 Chariots in all their Various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and .beauty of finish-' Repairs will abto be attended i« on the most reasonable terms. Using In all their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel dentthatall who favor them with their patronage, will h«» perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to giye us a oall, befure pnrchv glngTs foe where. octtliy 3. ». jouitsToa.^,.,...—.J). r. joustm)* s. suut*. ElceUlor OarrUge Factory. JOHNSTON, BROTHER A CO., PRACTICAL CO AC i l MANKftfl, corner of Rebecca and Belmont etreet*, All ' gheny city, Pa., hare on band and are manufacturing tn extensive assortment of Carriages. Rockaways, BuggW, Ac.,“ made In all' their" various styles, with Mrict, regard \o durability and beauty of finlih, using 1 WT;rlf'lbß best Jnnlata Iron and eastern hickory. R pdraattended to on the most reasonable terms. They f..-I confident that st) trho may favor thorn with their patron age.-WtU be perfectly sitiJfiM fid trial pf work. The Pittsburgh anAMnnchester Omnibuses pass every fif teen minutes during tfie day. oct2s:ly PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. H. PtOCLOW .utiptmt L. 6TXVXRB OSOBOI AUIXBT. Bigelow At Co., Bm« BUCCKSSORS TOK.M. BIGELOWj No. 46 Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pitts burgh—Coaches. Carriages, Pheatonß, Bug -4 J BIM, and every aescription of fancy viehichu in d finished In a manner unsurpassed for beauty of aefflgn, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials Warranted.' BO vy l i ' : ■ ftOBEBT HTPaTTERBOIV’S ' pJßjr LITEKY AND bale STABLE, Corner Diamond (treat end CUerSTTIiVv aprltrtf , RITrSBUBau. p*. y ' 1 ( JO DOZ - LKMON HYRUI' , ' - A \J\ t3U “ ieoaorted do in store and for sole by |yW 89 Wood opposite the ot, Charlei Hotel EBOFJBSSIONAL CARDS! N. RAottnmterf Alderman BUSINESS CARDS VotvoiN Ri-ncitTsocr .UUM L. Jacob A*Uolllater, T, 4). Morgan, P. it. liravo, Dianuind, rULsburg/i^J^L. Copartnership Notice Wilson, Tarhett 6 Clancy, • i. *i , - «•?<.. VOLUME XIII. Josepli Fleming-, fsrccrasAE to l. ttilcox a co] CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND 1 * keejs ennstantlr on band nfaH assortment ol Drugs, Medi cines, MoJicine Cheit’, Perfumery,and oil nrtlolfP pertain- In? to bin businere. ££&* Phyalclnns* Prescription* carefully compounded at all hours. jp;yy JoliN FLfclllSU...... <...... dpCUUAH FLIMIHQ. Fleming Brothem, [auCCs s e o u 3 to'j. KIDD * co.j WHOLESALE DOUGTfIYS, No. €0 Wood-street. Pitts burgh, A*u. Proprietors < f Dr. M’Lai.-’s C-lebr*Ud Vermifuge, Liver I’iiln, A.* jalo { SbCC£BSO4 TO> M'ULiFiY.J Wholesale and retail drCouist. aciui^pr In PainlK, uiU, l)yv Stuffs, Ac , 111 WcoJ tdredt, thieo d.)./r j bilovr Virgin tdley, M-r-Lmaely H. it. Alien, \ir UOLESAI*K DEALER IN iVR&IdN WINES, BRAN YV LIE’, CILIARS, OLB MONON’UAITELA AND BYB WHISKY. Ac.. dl.Ho, Rectifying DLlilUr, No S VYoodstreet, Pituburcb. P*. Wiiiis, Brandies, Um«, C.irJial.l, Jamaica Spirits, gt. Cuii and New EuglunU Rum,UlttrcLa. ChampnigueH,B<>otch Air, LonJou Brjwu hiout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old MfocogabeU Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, }Va:h, Wild Cherry and Blackberry IJrandiea; irapprled Havana, Rtgalia, and PriDclpo Cigar*;, lliilf-Bptmifcli and Common Clears, all atau-ih luw pric-s aa to challeag*i competition. Jtfaney BarKegaand iibellnf Bottles of ertry style, nod Demijohns of nil sieetj I respectfully juvits au e lamina t'on of my stoeX, »e No. 6 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Penoa. aprd'ly A.T. LAW—Offl-o i Q Jarnca MeUlngcr, MONONG AIIELA PLANING MILL-Wouldrespectful ly iofium bis IrieiidJ and the public, that Lie Lew os tHbl'.shni*-Dt is iie\v in lull operation, ani lhat he lepra pared lo furuiah iloalCabins, And fi 1 al l ordara for l’lanrd Lumber, with prompt anil at the lowu**; rates. Foard and Plank, planet orione or both side*, constantly on baud. Sa<b, DoOrs, and Mouldings of nrery description, made to order. Builders and Ciu-profor* would find it ty their adva utage to give him a call,aa he can now larnish them \rjth plane.l stuff eoiLibla fur every description of «<>rk. \\X A. HXIvhU.V. Herron A Crliwcll, I >iSLL ANI> BRASS FOUNDERS, aad M-'DufAclurcr* cf O all kindd ol Biaie Work, .Lucomouve {steam' Engine, Plumbers, Ac. Aim, CoUtm Halting Mauulncturcr*. Foundry on Rebecca street. Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 1-Market «dr»*rt, Pittsburgh. •Gar Old Uru-*.- Hiilbk-tpei taken lu t-xrbaoge tor work, or cash paid. Order 3 left ut the Poundr) or Other, will be promptly atUudrd L) W. UUAFf D atlMKOSfc.. WESTERN FOUNDRY, No 121 Wo-d rtrert, Pitts burgh, Pa. Cooktop Blr>v«(t IM&in nn i Fnii-'y Oratr*, Coulaml VVck\l Stor«yi, Plain ao-1 Pniu-y KtfOJrti Parlor Store*, H:«il uod D'p IrcitK, Holl-'W Watv, portniih* Fonre*, *ueur Kettle*, Th* Kettle*, M tc Kettle*, \> !•• i 1 * W. U. tJIITl!. WHOLKSAI.K -ttunCKHH, IMMDUC3 AM) COUMIS FION MKItCIUNT*, and I)«&l«r8 in nit tluj* ol IMttfburvh l*» ticcauil ami IM Ktiet rtT»**t, iMttshnnrb, ! J a. f*hv \V. ri, Ilftven 'I’UK OLD I'K.IM’IM; »*TAHLTF!!MENT. (W.p J.'ho I ator. A St:-rklrr.: nr. \ U ink Ho - fc »p-1 frlauoo^rr - i' !;■ - i-ou." nrri ctrlr rf Caasl anU cu 1 J-'b I‘rintin an t I'.nJh-.'. and fu:?.:- h .r*>rv ti j. ~ i( . i!, - lrtnnk k. P*p«-r uu>l f*tAUntn'jy 1 11**>, i: tli«» i.ijort-ft ci ami c-u l ru:. torui'. r.iAak U-. k and an ' I: . k 5 1 in 1 i n.T i l VChj in-: on., r, .:r.J »i« o. • . '■ IS or t h W«at r r n I'olUt Agency, N't- -j w m f rarn. -e™.- w i^ri.-rn nilCAt)', ..KM'- Mil'll TBIIR 1; ti.j C> t ,UU(i i* a:-‘K I u U»f rf Itl'irMi. 9r;«u-:. :r mhlV i US ?»oiif^ r J 'UK 1*!«* 3rw "t .5 >V ft <• »r i rjy *'*i*t) -Ilf o. i 1. t.jrthft.)«--n 4 vf j-.,* r the .7tii i n .|..... h is tie®a c[ ru t hro wi. i ; - imk i-t • l<* «ult'mr .>t • u tlorolil -, ttro-"' >t.< u’li F'.-it 1-4 I"* ft'.' " : S IN« I t t ' ! F:Lf*Vj'’, , :!3, -njitKaUi lii re J'l.if., MAJffi.T.tJTVRI'K '! ntv an' n ..<>» Vlib ftw. I. i**♦ ! «:?»?*; dcm-ft *»>•! C *s» L,Tv* \l‘ ('itif Mail »•• J 111 !: ~r ft i'-* —•-• m-*- ■*' K r i**. sir -t*. n***i*crrh IS s* J ■ , :\tc ... . r , k f i. ■l«'^ D. H. HogMl •<»., . »(l<- rfl : -- MAXtT4CTURI.i:ii*Hi -JER*'|»»«. ■at-n-'xl-'OTlf W : • , < , j y it I *• ) |U. A.i tT <ii --Ki I'*-!. ii l*A rt V, <:■ riv-r Dd.Wv.O'J r. .' . 41, J v.‘i. r-. >’ .r ; . Th*- *U L«rl' «r /*C 1 I rr'AjJVlll.f W »s.’ .. t.Cv- l •• 1 U_2l<’.' *!j I*L ••. - u-cum t ha: i •- \ • t • - • .--I « RIWaO FCUOGL. »b!-h <r. jv-i;:: . tiattOD, und- niat-i; • ’. ' r •*- U.I •- : l ..lUvtl M*iC4 lid U ■ all u t • i/+n t ■ " > .a: • ■ • W.c city, n) ue i;u l.i :u »»«.! air.i a iwnJrt/ d--; e .Uv t I 1.. t'.r ;-n u*»<‘v n l-t . I-J Li t ttK-*' iilii-n'cii- Vtid il^ lli« pr.-j n-;.>r , )-.-c y* 1 1 It* ■ ,iarfd i Uj ' ' f'.i Knee f' '.t.l* t ..l 1 ills hard . Uotkiug. \* AN C KAC r lit hR Of i.1i,1. RRiW. I:KO.WH, UK'Ki.W.LAJ*.-. l‘w:.iUA:T A?>D i- K i'UAMK.A, I’lt iti buJ i'Hu mx t C* Inrrt Ai» kia-la M • '-*»n -u >• t*»<a r.'. , |,-r * • !■<••».•, Ac. AUkloUo,' Ji lav? *a! t < r-j* r dll'. JluuUljrj a Joi * !*..-«-*».<r fclij r*ia'l. A>M :li I / ' v I 4I ;i lii»- . J :%• turf* k-l-j l !. f •* * Ctf 1 a {‘wr-'U t*r ijrl* r J uj i** »?1 in*** r~.{'»»•*.! lL *< l-v- l n.4Uorr. Al. *r-l M.'olJ'u *• 1 w IJ)U ’UtaitcC lanj K> leat.**"! »iLb'<>r. itijurj-, »i’li *•*; *-.-1 .rHASv'I3 L. iot>« 'js r bd 1 1*-*. v- :i «• r M- ct. \T KK KTIA N MA-NJi'ACM UFII rr.**»- \ t!s h<**i t h *’ a." i«* rvmin* hi* <•*•! i.-I,.>t-»—* i|.dm!,|. I’ll VP WANOFAITI'OftY. i. ti »j .!.<■ J’v.t iifilce, t*-:-T.-i-Ti «tnl F’O’*. i, » >.• ■• h- h*i- an fv»?nrtiu**r,! ..*f Itt! M l **, trlian>i*J *•: h }»Uin » »•] hD’-y uni :.iMi t: i .anli./f. n»J '* J :. : i,ny orjw In bi« Mn/, ••n f J.** r» '-t Uw 1 ■*. rk is *«ilr;u"lit uor m-. fi r.-rfm : . 13:1oJh r»pHir -J a ff- give h IX3 R '■VI M b* :n » * mnD>-hip m r“ i -■ T lIA VK polJ iut n t ti* * !"i *•. M.'lr 1 A C*>., to II A j <<i :i^. bKn, »i;fi J>'hr, i'Mi.ijjf » |!. oon tiou-nl oil p’Bftd. Ni> lu ,J > ront I •‘••r-J % !y ro fi-mia'-aJ n'-v frm '■> th<* <•( u:) l;lrn<l‘. '.‘J, IVM I* li MJU.KU 9 x. u>xa H, A.Tobb A «'o., BKLI. AND BUM** P.iVNIJr.IW. AN l» \9 F!TTKKt\ »lt%Ue ftltmtloo U) tb«lr jirv-k of C I‘r.. i; < Ls, Pwi-Jaati. «n'! «-?b*r Axtar*** W' fit np Ha-«» *l:b (Ins i»oJ Ji/iim, aiakr Casing > r«f r. :i k fo>}» U* <Td*»r. Ilni’rr (i} J’ampi *n J V«nk Kitting?, fc A«tv- Attrition UrtnJ enii»l»ntlr ->n h»is<l. Jy.Hj -NOT ICK. DALV’iS a KICKING MaNUFACTOUV. Zj y tflh Art l •'*err\'f afs*r* Mirk cl i WHERE will b** lounl thf* largest and best assort'd atock ».f UUSIEKY pv»*r ol&'r.j for u!e in thl* rl(/. l‘u r> l.itwr« will find it to their Bd* nil*#** l. all »t this ertAbliubment and rxaiuiDe for thrnuwdviM; Uia*U ] o<**i id io«ur** their custom. OvDiLY. N. I) — ll«memb«r tbs Coixe Hiocxreu Cuasta. f*bl:y CD. f I G'lK Pubw:rtb*r bavin# thu pj.-lijviv** »l#bl in matiufac -1 11<r«» and aw! 1 HWKKNHY’H »oT AIR AM' MH«»KK i - 'N.-UMiMJ FUKN AOK, i* prr{. tt rr.i '. irtcffJvuonl.Tf, uni ■ -mtract for 1 uildmg* Wltb 'he mott eCOuMnl-ral Furuar** new In u<”*. hw attention i.l those internet* 1 U aoli'-jtrj. Any Inf •rm«t:c>;i can !*■ ha.l OfAVfiUADLKY, Nna. y bn>] 4 Wood stror-l, < r of J. IJA ItBUDT.I.AK, <loc24.lf| lrt«u Citydtov.* W*rcboii«*. nbj,l3i Wc*>J *L JIMP I. LZDUB MANUFACTURERS of Cut. Mould*-! an-i Plain, Viiot and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, Mi i Icnlcra ia all kinds of Wiudow UlMfl, Fln«k». Mala and Potties. Ware* house enruxr ul Market and Water street ■>, Pittsburgh / 1 IIIUSKN, MaHufnctumr of every TarUdj rf Vialfl, \ /. U'ttlrA and Window Ulane, Ulnck Purler, vv'inu and t:;*■ r*-i UotlleK; Demijohns ami CarboTn; aloo, Flint Glass In every > ari-ty. Warehouse, Nos. lt>4 Recoud, to • I^3 Fir it Htreet, Pittsburgh' i'a. I. W. Chadwick, * DEALER IS KENTUCKY LEAF TOBACCO, , H4OB AND PAPER, No. 14'd Wwxl eireet, V* i low Sixth,Pltta- Lu*gh, Pa. «4rThe hlghcat market price, iu C AP 11, p!id h r RAGS. ap2Bl>* Alwell, Lee dfc Co., WHOLESALE OROCEUJ. Produce and Oomfnlfrdon Merchant* l , and Dwiteri In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No m Vt ood street, hetwttt'u Water and Front street!, Pitta* bui#h. aplS Dissolution of Co«P&rtnershlii« rpHK COPARTNERSHIP heretofore exi-ting between X JOMIUA RHODES and PHILIP IIKYMKR, In the W holesale Fruit and Confectionary DuMneKs, Is this duy (itrteolved by mutant consent. The business of the firm will ho eeltled up by Joshua Rhodes, wbo is authortrrd to re ceivl for all debts duo said firm. JOHIiUA HBODKB, March 2701, 1866. PIULIP UfiVMKR. 4S*The undersigned have this day formed n Partner whip, under the mime, firm and siyl« of RKYMKR A AN- DfiILSON, transaction of the Whnießalo Prait &uJ Coufectfonarybtulneft), No.S9 Wood street. » HILIP JtEYMKn. ROUT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1865. In retiring from tbcConfectionary budneim, I cheer fully recommend Mewra. Reymer k ADdereon to rny frienda and cuatonjerp JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1856, Removal. SPRINGER DARBAUGII k CO. have removed to No. 296 Liberty etroeL _ btbikois axanAtJOH ALMUwtjea Foßarrn. Springer lUrbaugh A Co., (SaccKWOre to S. lUrhanyh,! C COMMISSION A*D POEWAL.DING MKIK’IIANTS; / Healera In Wool and Produce #<rnort»lly, N -U6 Liberty street, PRtabor?h, pa. »pft PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMOKK Sl MONTGOMERY, AT THE “TOST BUILDINGS,' 1 CORNER. OF flYlil AND '.'.“oVd dTßatilS. AT .W UO PEP. AN Nil M, OR $5,00 WHEN, PAIDj-SiBiCTLY 111 ADVANCE. BUSINESS CARDS. John u&rt, Ji draff, Kcliluser £t draff, UiM;ricri;££itfi of Smith, Dlnlr A Hunter, (l.Mt* PtilUli & tfiu'. lair 1 IMukeriou & Co. f. 1-, *l. btid liiilluf' ftihoot -,1.« *ui « V ! ■vl U-. j». j< .: r«. ru*f .. , UlAfUl 11— iii : i.i r J. WHITE, a \ i pitthhuroh. pa Comume tbe Smoke ... JoSiSit J. uu«. JLedlie kt liam, V (Huereeaora to Muivauy A hndii-> ) Removal PARTNKRtftiiP NOTICE. / ; J 3, k ~ BUSINESS CARDS f. Xi. MaroUall, v rf ccesaoi to U. L *>e.) WOOL -DKAL&R .AMD COMMISSION. JtfBIICHASiT, No. 139 Liborty street, JPiit*ljurg£>, Pa. Reference —W. JTOlintoclc k Kramer h Rahm; Urown * Klrbpatrletr; Murphy, Tiernau A Co. Pittsburgh. May 24.1865—(rajlitaia*) I /"'SS WJS would invite the attention of our frleodsaiwi • /Jgfbe public to a splendid assortment of If ATB'end wS^CAPr 1 , wh‘eh we are now opening lor the Sananer trade, which for beauty of style, excoada anything ever of fute-4 in the tUy, or west of the monutatna. Cull and examlno for yourwlTrs. J. WILSON A BON, 91 Wood I'ltLhurgb. Dissolution of Co-I’&rinsrstitp* ' I 'pUK FliiAtOt' LIViNUdTON.ROIBJtiN A ©•)• Prodrlfl ! _L tord of Uj« PITTSBURGH ISOVSi/U WORKi./wa? : by the death of Ur. John J. Koddlff, on the Ilte I of Mu rh last. ; | The business of tho NOVELTY AQllliivriU hf* rootlauiHl : In all Ha braui'hcs by the surviving partners, under: the nam* and style of LTYfNQBTON, COBKLANB k CO , *ho ! wlft BbwfKjttltt op the affair* of the latvfirij. •• • < 1 L. IL-LLVINaETON,: j GALVIN ADAMd, ; - J.‘K MOORHSAT),. Pittflbnrgh, Pa., May 4,13&5.1 W II OOPKLAND. ■ joas w’close tr john n’Ofoebiy & Ccr.V II f HOLESAtE AKU fiETIIi. 01/KillfiG Jliislt \y GHANIh, No. 83 Wood street, Pittsburgh, i’u. j The subscribers respectfully intoim their old customers and ihe public In'getHjral, that they hare this day assbria tad tbr*mse.lvei io Lbu abovo business. under the Ona of JOHN U'GLGRiLhV A 00. They reapoctmily solWul a share i'f public patronage. , The previous budoeee of each will be settled by ttietb selves rn»p«*ctJ>ely. fet<9 Boots and ttUoss* j J M’LAUQiILIN, No. 1»5 Fourth a tree t, nearly opposite • the viator’* office, Is manufacturing Geotlemen'sfirst Boots, Low>boKS, ties and bnttoned; Congress-nTHißtitton ed 0a! 1 err ;“Ladles*Bobt«, Half Boots, Jenny Lina#', Blip peT8 f ‘atnj Vrpnch XiaShlng €uUerfi«of eTQTJ onlOt* and shade, Kid rinf Sdtln OsUohi,'6f the br&’niaLrt'lals; ■rniAHiMldr.m’ft do.i t»r eai'ty Variety. - • 1 .S . U —All ki uds made to order, on short nolle*. [ aid® Soldiers* liouiiiy Landt and”Claim# againil Uoverutnent, I" ILL j.recur.- bounty Land Warrant* for Holdlersthelr Widows uni Minor Children, and-attend to business In lb* •• Court > f Claim*, * recently iiStsbllßlied by CoD<re«". OflloA, No. 14S Thtru etroet, onedoar above BmtUi '»*dd <tl. March IU IS64—(mh2o) .t. j. bsarr. JA«K3 WARDIIOP offers for sale CANARY BIRD? of tin* moat Improved breed, belagwry hardy, and lino singers. Bird geuda—-Canary, Hemp, Millet, Hops ami tulx <•l s©#d. Bouquet? wIU t-«furnished cotapow>J of the finest rT,O'VVKTt&, via: Camillas, Rom* Buds Uyliotropeji, hr. KTf*r<rT»*ein»(ln pot?) f r ChrHnia* Tr**«, from the gred and Horticultural Bv»cn, N 0.49 Fifth near Wood. der'A) Uonnty Land*. : 'IMI h undersigned cunUouos U> obtain Bounty LaoJ War JL i-nts Tbr j r-e*' l bfll glvtu to all »ho have SersrJ 1u ' idt *sr store 17V0, ItJO acres. 'Terms moderate. LUKE UUC&aUUUT, 37 Diamond alUnr, N,tV' a cti Wood t>l and DUuwii l } a uißm. Coal Works lor Saiec ! O JXTV THREE ACIIE? **P LAND, with 2&0 acres t.J G-oi I alUcbed, and »11 :bo iuipruTi-UiruU ih«*rr>n la »oVre--w* ! lal uprratiju. Said Pann \t aUuaieJ (□ tbo M o- rlvs-r, 14 taflta above PUUbunfh, and l* r«.l with a Partn rrDa««, lUni, Ti*nan.t 0.-vbiixi, and an cifvLirut barber Tb.‘ Veto Ol Coal In Um (rel thick, SOd oannot b« turpaw- >o iuali’j. Tor fur'bar aartb-titan apj’ly lu 4 P-YNK, )el‘4if No. 2A Litnrrt* *t?e^t I laiiiuinua Kouu toil uWENrioNa &HV PAHiNTc*, ! A xni Atfoncy for Uio Parcbaao aaii Sale of P&lo&l Ktgbu acii F&Ua’.oJ Articles .Vi So ■ 'fMJK mr:-* ;»l Uvo '. »ilh M; ! A MuilCj t. KAT'JJR •&■! h»*» bC ki. rp-' Ui Liut, tu flu m«; itiU lu J.<i <!{;;!• ts l -** 1 lOj'll i*n ! \i:±r}*: l i In **t+rj r*-J4*nr» cj*t R~ 1. l h"-n,i*Li tV lwbUs» a. Jr„ " II b-un,. W vs_ TT n»fU> A O . i P Jl Hr N A R t!' I 4 V' * 1-, IwMßar A lifcijJJ.. . Hu> »Ui.., r . L 11 ' \r .•-*» ,♦«. Wu Y I A M L' <i.i i • A-ijr~» t'-eitru 1 >• r. W'rltlifj < ‘ l«« »»« ti trif •»•«. *>| |« u • 'l' iIB’ '■ ft kfi-l La-: Vp<?' I**j *Ebl rt’ri ) t f * fl; Pc'TjUnti •'.'rtft. i Li) Mi J l>. WUlisra* «t[»* **rsL>fc"* »:$l» * 1 ai-e. n i I>*4»<V VVn.rnt * f • ~ ,:,j »«•'•<’ l ’■• •• "• »i' >ilt>>• t Peors« *r* .•S. - ti»: t' 1 1.- }- • '. :‘. ■'>m , . ft *n * *>f ! ti»-.i: <j')< •« TS» Prl n~* • ■* 1 -4-. |i 1-9 tilt t>9»tßr«'h E - : J.* cal,*-' U-»-» b>- 't *vy-fc *• •>«w lui• 11 tj] • car * r I ' iJH • Ttc*»r bv* /\3*i «a l . : L [. I 1 it- V 1 i'FUCE, tf 410 LAI-«*r?T hi Lr- »• . 4: • yfiies vl i -i. a - b--^ci 4<u>n.. 3£U a - Acre! as> J «* !»» •.< '■*• ' - , l -r iii, A^«*vi■ : ! : ot»,- * >.». , iiia-M <•■«. *HJ i i ■• yr»r*. ts* ‘ t.-, -• a.i* 11. j Aoi lij otitea * f7i*e* t s. t> «;•* ;•*•: > » IUI ai 04 ki-*- & ' '»r<? «'J 1 »)l t.*r» •«•-*.< i,( ra.' • )« T fuif r«.»7 !Tt< pl«~* * t —1 • f-fr-r l.- f ui-* . i.- ,• 1 1* r» | TA\ t. • > ii A \l>. *1 U> '«• U‘bl•* >i * IJ. o*l,l ill YlANL*Avi\Jtt»\ Ji« »!,•• »• - r t«.««»» v’ a:»l Pu,. 1 , • c.H . fv, * L •.It*} ■ ■i |«vr ova*. b*4i • le-ritaiO lUn T-to-. f a*r«s 1- /x Was. K, SuTcDien U 1 tow t Uf Allß «.f «■**?* df-arnpttr.n *.l !*t» mb ; -li *t*t*d. cortu'T «f latwn f imj S*r*,nh $’ • » ' 1 • UMI’KUTA&IK i J 'A la \ 1 »• i . *a- b~» Ci » 11 Chsrtci fismsu, ANL> ULACKj'WJTU Ls-1 a new xml foiaoinclivaa Brfc'k f»R-f Oq a.t:' . IMwera Tl.frd aft.l Vfl'Urt.h (In*!*, <rTv»Tf> l» !,-> '( x.i »-rt 1U hi* l:&e with the pr^-ui |<(tt !1 »tnli*l lno{ eip«rl«»«* Id Uta (xuitoo, tv* ra-^r 'Jo't? ■ I « he p*tro&*S* c-f Lk« OiJ PH«ti rf *J: i tltv }U Uw <;UANI> PIANO MADE m NTSN3 & CLAHK. NKW V'IRK r |RiL I'UtlJO of I’ULjhuietj at 1A: ■< J,'!-i-h f»• rrapesL 1 f-!!) iurUe-i to aaO tF>- M.j»< ! > U f> - i >{ iU» »uO*erib*ra, ho. i-i i'iiTll prtaa 9iuoo,S“fiUU I'mu ihe K*e»wry *d NVNixB A CLVaK, Na» York, Tbi« ei«vant la mail# Id the “ fcLlZ4llKTll! AN Si YLfi," the ortt»taent». front ple*w* xml bring <-iaho rotel? c*re*i out c.f SOLID ftOytfWi*d> It fa roll te*«u r»-iDfe*, of lb* largest di»cnev»t>*, xo.i. its jvlut of rtlurae, fKt*i>r, and U g .llirr uoiurpae«abie. Tb* lalwnbrr* will be happy to rereita ;h* of their friend* ond Iba | abli<- lu *n I iL . w (h^iu their ele;ant new mtablWnu. nt }*" rwurrs. butinfi Stock of 11 icoburg I’lsuoi. _ jr CIUIOUTTS IILUUK. No. lift WWI atri’W, FlUrburuh, ao'.n A^eot. Ibe Hamburg Haote are uDcbMaMMiy VI * | | » inferior tc. ail others, loth la eltuttcitf o/ touch ami fuprruirilu of lout.. They haw o<-t oofy rerelTed the lil t r b<at coarta of apjiTX 1 - t)*tioil from the bojt Kuropexn xa LIST, TilALbtiUi, Ami oiherv. »h n btve theta eoustxntlj fa th«trcwn use, bat ol*u> from our resident Profrsanru. Tlw folL wltig Uan extrantfroiii * lottor of PHOPESSOB BENB7 ROHBOCR. After d*arrlbiofc lb« |>xrtleut«r otyfe two of which he want* for hln own one tlr*T»‘l and one ftjuaro— he Kjwnkit hf 6rli<'*a of thHr fxcall*iit quallllen : "Mr little daughtHr, who pluyn refj well, murt, with myhatu o gooU loatrameaL, ami yours ura the ooly one* which c&n c»U<ify mo. “ are offered me on the tuor-t eccomtualatlng inrms. I, hoirrpr, do not like them; they hate not the rlactic tou-'h enJ the tone of yours. *' I rrmaln, yoi-rr, reapfctfunr, “ llsaiit Rouboce. rUtshurtth, I*x ” Par ealo hr CUAfcLOTTK DLUMR. at the“uLl K*ub llAhivl Itano Depot, M 118 Wood Strort, 3-i door ahoto VUlh. ALbo, nole Ajrent for Plttßourijh and Western Pcnneylranla for MoOrt, Uavix tS Co't Itotion I'uiTUti, (whh'-li lb tho Kaet* era ciflei art* cr.QflMer*»<! nuporior tn «tther ClilcltHMng’D or Nunns 4 Clark’s, out whku f*c.t la 00l ciiecßlvoly kuowu, es lht*y hare but lately been Introduced here,) and o her Mew Yori and Philadelphia Pianos, oi ihe heat makers, at prices from s'.'26 loidOU. o>blU Notice to YVlaorn It Slay Cono«rn> ritllE ruuuo SVIUNO hALKB of UeoJ Kstaie at Uu- Jt cheKirr urn uovr rlutxi.l, and the 27uUdinp Xcaitrti hua fairly commooced. Ktery ciUxim of Rochcater la buiily cm ployetl. Hren 00or 40 now famuleu who have boenme Mtl i<*nß the present Spring, 6jul mnAtant emptoymeot; nod In a few day's a hundred Ismlltes more will ho re<iQitrd tocar iy on the the preaeiit srueon. The Chr Buddtny Kstabuthmenl is now uetvr rompleUon, ami will h*ln full operatlot) In Jon©. HoTeral Curs will bo n-ndy for dullrury, by eonlract, the Ist of July. Isbj. .CMAS. ATWUX. Two or three new churrhes, In Koclu-atcr, will b«« eoo tracted fbr immediately, and numerous other lmptovrinetiie will be commonoiwl,requiring a groat amoont of tui-chanlital and other labor iiulap«mdont of thu Cor EetaDlltdimout, which will pro ' ably employ from on* to two bundrol A prominent brlokmakwr fiom Pittsburgh has just pur chased nine large lota, aud ioulracted to make apoo them lurlhwltli 600,000 hriekH' Two gangs of hands cniameuc© work the present week, b-ejdw* ihu other yards hecetufore crUbllshed In the neighborhood Onr SUme (Quarries ar«» already aMre w ith workmen, and the road lea ling to them Hoed with teams. /.umber to becoming abundant uud c kray, and U*i«*in*n<n will Htiou st ring up to relieve eome of our biiueee, which qow have 6 famillea, 4 faialhes, 8 families, and dozens of them '1 families each. , Any who d.d not buy cheap lota at the four pubOc salea Ust seoeon, or the fuur public sales the present spring, can mill secure good bargains at prieab: $aU by railing on the subscriber in Kocheataj. Tenna— y a down, y n In ope year and '/■, In two years. M.T. 0. (JOULD. P. tir— A few lots can yet be -had at |OO to $lOO each ; If applied for before tbo 20'b May. These lots are twice as large as nsual city lots, via: 40 feet by 12S, and the price only from $1,60 to $2,60 per foot front. The present reserv h 1 bomeatead ani.magniflcent profit of Ovid Plnney, 4 acres in ih«* centre of the borough of Rochester; also, the beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ao., of P. He no, con be bought through the subscriber at great bargains, and there are not (wv tac/i bargains, within a hundred miles. 0. myfl Removal. SCUTHBERT A BON bava removed thoir Real EataLe , and Qensrul Agency Offlca to No. 63 MARKET NT , neur lnlrd. vvilt SALE—Two Lolf of 6U fbet by 140 each, lu Kaat r I'iUdburgh, at the lowest prices, inquire of augl THOMAS WOODS, 76 Fourth itreeU \« v- „ , * i * v-- -o' • ' - ■ , , ' V * ■-> -. ; ,‘j. J ‘MV; • : r : rV^v,, 2 ■■; FR]DAY) ‘ SEPTEMBER 2S, iS5n U«tn and Caps, .coaNtut-’V k’closKia. CUARLES NA 1/iH New Send S4ore« ‘ticsir! n vl A. Niliikcn A co II KLKDkU A UR,* , Sign . I IL* U lha D»ri , N.-. U *jf.h »ti^L c * *. . , - ’’.'4*... ' . . ■*.'*• W !•' • 'J? U ' :i •? t i ■-■ Ciiiz. MISCELLAN DR. HENDEi OCULIST AND" EZAfS ALL niSCASXS 0T TF.S ?TE iSD tISCBIIIQ, tiLtfiTX&mO, OS TOR OmOE 463BR0Ai)WAY, COR. OR, , Hours from 0 A .* - T> OtJaiT, QIUNTJLATBD LIDS, Triflsmw JL%» Chronic-Blindq«3 with Pilmfi, IrUl2»? QataractScrofulous, duping oi Watery Kjm,-ms. au,__ r Uie diseasesoi the eye which are Dr. H.' fctyh perfect BAtiafoctlon. ■ ' ‘ ' All diseases of the Ear trentod upon scientific prlfipi lair Artificial Byes Inserts without an operation. . t < ■ AU letters post-paid will secure prompt aUeulloQV . We toe fallowing references from dtir-mg tbV* mo nods of- cases which "hare been successfully treated b} Dr. Henderson:. - 1 : • Wa. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Allmry, Y. “ ; •Atfrod Skmtbwieh, printer, ** "*“ * - fJ- Qoodfipeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. ! •Wa. W,tlmitb, Detroit, Mich. | •Mrs. A. il. L. Wilson, Kew York City, X. Y: j tMlss"MttVr Bellows. N.Ti. Potion. co ,-N r& ! "Edward U, Bolger, Bristol, Conn. } •John &janwD, iSugiowr, N. Y. : D&rid Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. ?. B. Giles, ojflop Courier and Bfo-jYH. V. •-* fJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L. L -.'ls-. I J&rvii Rodgers, . “ “ _ . ! A. R, U©erea, Telegraph Operator. Bt Hl.riiolaa'tTMeli IL M. Ferrlfts, Organ Bulloer, Houston *Ht ** ' 6 '» j It. 8.-Doolittle, M. D* Unison, N. Y. tfe*. •’* | ' Mrs Knickerbocker, routers, N, X, . ; M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Trof, N'.JT’, ” ' j R. L. Rosa, Albany, N. Y. • * A. ItiUeftfrtth, Scheuwstady, N. Y. ■. | OapLß. H. UarHand, Athens,.ft, Y. . , , Jonh W. Ilackett, Biughamptoa, 2J. Y. i *Tha» patten te wen blind, and had to. he id tr> ihe At tho ospiratiou of two weeks they could go about the city, at pleasure. | •These cases (*r Amsnrosls rr*r« rrAtOTed to sight bft«*r they ware given op as iucorablo by tha.-faea|ty«ambc4u be referred to bv any purcon who wwjhc.- U> .i'arn in tmsM omea, by wThlcg U> th«m. ~ j.^is PUUburgh Dollar Savluge FTo, 69 rf rtft, ’ ' I HSlf DOOB WTHB TITTBBOBOIf BASE, } IS NOW OPEN dally from fr tn Wed nofday and &Ujrday ovenlngs, from * tn. UVctocm Deposit* of all Hums not thio'DuAUd'lkr, rad a divl4rad of the profits deelnrwj twlce‘4 yAw. vi Sdue and December. Th*Trusteoa,fbr thcirarpofiaolftliSivTiDS (he benevolunt objrcieof the instituUcm, haTaenwroil-inio a guarantee bond, thereby giving, additional sbedrity to depositors. •- - i lioofes eoiitalning (bo Charter, By - laws, Etnim and tations, furoWied grail*, on appUr-atlon the oGke, ! 1 Pr<sidcnt—G KOIIQ£ ALBK£& { vtct PKcaTPiurrs • I Hiippw«ll litspbom, John 11. Khonnbsrger, Ot*.irgr IL H'hlU, <JiiarJ«-i liixapp, j ; WUliam P JoboMtco, N. Uraltan SluroliT^ Jarara W Hallman, Tb*»ob*Ja Uenb«ta>Tt-: j Alvzander Bradley, liaar. M. I*isa»v«k r^ WUUain PhlUii-\ WlUuuu J. AaJ«y*>B. • Tftl'«r*Ka. i John G Padtofvn, Jaow IfaMman, ilill Bargain, J- lin &L Riel ftatxicl A!b«»r; CulbertKro, l> MX-fi), ilotxTl Ou'fftci, R/.Hrrt Morrow, J UarJlorT Oc.fita, Waller P AioasD A. Carrier, A. M. PaU^-t, Jobo & OoKKr&f« ( Llano L.*&D. CHarlra A- OuiU-ti, lUlwt HoMj, R 0 KAnngtra, rtr --fta ft RM-ll*, Frand* Mil, Rtmada, Ut<-rc» P. Uillmore, eLuii**, Jan..* A., U- !,;+ s . S'! !«-U, Wiiliain P. A yui'Hr Tint!!*. Etentary and JV^tuarrr-— UU A ELLC& A OC-WOW h AlL»lfcHi' A .ID 51 UC HAfVJI }/• LIKK, FIKK AND M A RINK Inmirnncc ( oini(Ali,r, »* 1 11. l. Ax/-; rri.'A ' ' ’ Acf’.iut «ccara)y la4>-*l«d_ r 1'11! CUM PA NY «<JWU Dstarau o n Li. •‘, 4. land Ufo. So \ Cvjj »&l FrHgLl lniaud Iwiiiift-'H <t i ; Canal*, V.b.R«**4l xbJ Ai*u> tusananeo Taj*<rt> lrre>, nj-<ur it* t«rma Mr.ft.'M. ii -a TVou II FV’---. , J*jp-‘V full «i*o*£* (i «r, Ch*' •• i-. m P. £ A. -• llaib-D- U, ii.M SI- -r. !!• >»*n-D-fT!*!'-l. f'ti - I*. h 7(wi«A.*i B RAlttt.k, £:.aa> EL 11 Hat it : c. r’rr*Rt-*mj mMiin »» H-->« i s , i t- r, iunj lit vt il j i ■ Ha .< 1' •< .i:Lr<*, & H ri-•**..> .1 Kf-ut-, r», 5 . tr v Co :• {J« • -fc fi>«W r. w Ut.ut. 1' t.d'-k -* J'tl* <1 (.Vn fi-- *) • t* < y t» f. t. ' <’if i.„y t, sr-. at, *a-£ Jiiij*••.■*9*4 »» » ' rw »'• a-* j n ARTHUR'S PATENT Self-sealing Cans M ;1§ t, r-.sjf f l -.-,* «V. p|' lil IKHatTlitL HUISi- r f’M i-p t CIW, «t.**t* *:* 1 *f 1. -a O v » *;J .' . •Jins-r ■«<•..i . ‘-.•/■’T t'b* f»t. *r* :t tf. ii. *»•«• u* «« i»j fvcOo* ay ft ..a •. fc«. l !!-• >ufi it 0 rwt. ♦ p(-t* -/'■'■ • c**t U<' I I ulj «t. 4 T ::i -nil (fiftl*!, »r rusaroef prV*. ■» I’lltCEA—Putt On*. %5 i . JU.. , TLrrt jw i --t Jtffft-irlj* *li»« &*►’.. 11. .rs.f t- •]•*■ r*-. ::- I* rt»Hot» AiiTii LA*9 CAN. » hiiii l» «i3«»A fe ili» ft tl4 ■*< t« w>g the • U;-<» t.-$, #*.* tf.ei »fc>* t.p**o lids.' ~k- »:;i f «*»!. li*> V**b fit j »»] t*' «• ■ \rf tK*** » •*’ »>l* <1 the 4*jr«Tt(**o N#» >'ofk It :,vA * Or»’ *«- *J>rio®» nttff all. tb«i tt |fc« »«? fm; U. Ctadac»ti, »i J **» ovor-letl i t: tl»«* NJr I'i'l"-' Fkir Iwl-J ifcli *! the frcjftfc *n,v*si Turft'UO. WMh tnjfioa City, D C It »* to t—tho l'-*t CVfi in ::i> DUtUi. Aii orJ»r» l>) U<« r k*h vlu t* ;j, Cl,{ For ««!-, nsj retail, s) (he O;lo* «o ! w»r* gtcro cf UliN ii I HlUii* l2i }'•• *-1 A'.-b Uftrgattii la WaceUey, i lock* A- Jetv«tr y ROBKRTS At BROTHKH, ARE new m(Uo/ their Urjroat*-! <*ar-*tul » »-l tol #:».«• k cf flx>» W»trJi«, OocA)>. tin.lrtji U«U Jytfjga »t frTßlly tok-**, u» rj»k* r«- «u l^-**■ *«a ooUr* ro« «l;. X. »l.i n tilt! rt-.jee*! <R fe*~t fpf?m lbt» Eastom tn*aaf«s*tmtej in • r*»r »«ev*. t,-/ &s PaU troßs. tloilrlrirf tc hay ?'*-J ppoA* ot U-» jciia*. fthi-ulj c<tll j »i>4 evomlnc enr tt .<A. o.« *c JetrrtnlnrO u> rl<-»o |« out refar-J to c<*at ’-r bmi. r prices. t'- D’l f TiT»t the plsco. uuiiEKTi a nti.yniß’v.. (1 Pi fib Cf\*. d<»"r fr \Vc«-i. rx*k• and Joarvlrt r» pairp-J Id N» Uvt t;ino«(. «Dd v«n«ntßftt. j v»l 1r J. WitiAß A non, WUUI.B9 AL»; ABD HaTAIL II AT AM' (* M* MIM, YACTI UKiIA, No 01 IV-a rltivl. 1, k> {urnDb a 1 ■ ortlcha hi lb.-lr m f'a- r*a*r>n«tile terra*. Partteolnr B»lro!>oo l* ln«l<e.| :. ut anortraeot of L lii Ktf' KIIdNU UATS ui-aiUll E our 84 BILK 11AXS, otdeb ' ■ajijoi bo • j in rlty _ -i' I-ANO WARRANTS -yy ANTKt.— to, *o t I 00 ACilfi WARRANTS >'T AUHTIfI LUUfiUN, J*)fl D»*l*r to Warrant*, Klonh* 4a., S>'i Fonr'b ■ Oo*>l*arLner»liij>. WALTER T MARSHALL esikvui.-j wUh him, on th* 2.1 day of July, JOB. R iTHUUKS, In the ]‘ap«T bn&inesa, uflder iba came of j Jii W. P. .\1 AILS! I ALL 4 I>L FOK SALK VKUV CHK.U*. A BUILDING LOT IN ALL«nnKNY CITY, :i by 100. A (food bargain ran t*» hud by applying k« t. at Ibfl offlraof th« AIUttNINU POriT. _ jt * '-M Lot for Hale. A GOOD .BUILDING LOT, 24 f»el front no Orson street by 100 feet In tJttpLh, lu ilirtniughHiu, suil I <• rvld cheap. Enquire of <M*L 9 OILI.VoRP.. at office of tha Mornlii/ ru*i. aSMI ANNUAL DITIDKNU, 8 I'fcH CENT.. JULY 1, itaA. JfcITNA IWHUBAWOia niMPANV, OF UARTFOKD, Co##. Guabtbbsd 13V-L I’UD UP. Cnah Aaaata, July 1, 1 853, .. 8*35,5.10 i:i. /’'CONTINUE to make lneorenct. on nil •!fr»'’rlj.t.ji>o« i f 4 / property at equitable rotes. Thh Company hivr maintained a position for honorat-Ja deaim,' for ;»d and la unsurpassed for responsibility m»J punctuali!? by sny other slmlfor Institution In the United p.tntea. f»-nu annual statement of the condition nf thus Company on tile in ibU office, for the examination id the public H. U. TKN-KYUK, Agent. Offioe, North-west corner Fifth and Wood streets, run burgh. __ j v '*4 R, M. Lemon * Co,’* Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA TUB undersigned bating purchas'd j&yye •Jtewaapjg port of D Leech A Uu.’h Cainil NiO'-k, are prepared to do a WAY YU RIGHT BUSINESS between this place anti Colurabi*. Ail entrusted to our cara will be promptly attended t«> by us, at tho Warehouse formally occupied by U. Leech A Go., Canal Basin. LLOYD A LE.UoN. ) ygStdlTO* U&r WHAT YOU ALL WANT TnrS WARM WEA THER—The Magatlnefl frr August • Fetereon’s Magtttiue tor August, Ballou's do do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August; The UeiMßfl of Uaughton, or the Mother’s Barret; Mary Lyndon, or lUrelatlous of a Life; JSjjgy Wofllugton. for all the new Books or Magaiines, call or send to the cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDKNFRNNBY k CO., jj‘2o _ _ Fifth sL, opposite tha Tb»*a tr»> C‘ OAL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty streat, Monon gabela rlvar, for sale by jyfib J.’W. SUTLER A CO, rj No. 1 Lake tiuperlor Salmon fur anl«fby TlKMwv tf mu LIN* I iUNNKTS —A. A. MASUN A Ou. have this tuorumg re- J 3 oelved by Express, some new ond rury elegant styles of Bilk BounetA seplil j r **> «, ’i ;es'<T.+ , • x «•:' y * 1*» 4 ■ ■ ~. \ , .■ , N r » ji • -■ • i‘^».|!^^viSJ!SKSP^'^C?2rww^-a - vrA\'?'ri3!s?.s l! «SW»fi 'UZr^z r •u ES2BY CQDBXY WABM BEBISOS., , MklmtaiLWAUKKliia PL.A(JS * ul be J>l»n I YoV vultbrfl on and aff,r tbi) PIFTH OP dUNK N s\T. m*r tire deilghtfalljr located oh Sherman’S Creek, fourteen milea north-west of Duncan non, (thi* oiacß«bfling'-.flfteea 4ardaUniK r JUUroajl.) M the case' ofTtWah' Mountain* which reaches an eTeY.aUcm of -mow fh&Vflvu 1 hundred-wetr' Sbertnan’r Greek o a(Toi|ds a pfrtoDdhl Opportunity tas thoaa fond -of bathing, fishing tot snilliigj tlja eoxrpuipting Ipreata offer great attractions to thb'pporWmkh'; nu 4 tour smooth and.suaiiy road® through » cduotrylaastfrpaimiKf for bold'and magnificent ecopory,, .witirftjfer&Uythe amusements of thaplaoa. ■ SADDLES and CAltiU AiiE3,c*h bo had i t a U tlm/Sr'* llotfliii taken to “Livery ou reasonable terms. i Oi fhw MKDIOINAL QUALITIES or tb<rBPRT?JG3 to»‘ jnadi can tuutllyheiivid. Thoic-waterahsvobeen anai} zed. by the beat fchtinirta In the L'ulon.and are pronounced utif >.virt-a3*ibd tof'dariDgcutaneous ilU.wsefl and'^ffectlobaof. t- ** kidney®. * There* ore emn« flvt* Springs In KH, ; dvnry vne i'f which lx of.different temperature—the largest bslng oil degrees Fahrenheit, und, thruxing out Oi-galions tjvery a?v.»a minutes. Ladles* aui Qinttame:i*s BATHS bpen f c<instilJbt(Kt, ■wttb'ftlV'lhe modern itoproveniflntp,:.tO' gather with PhUNdi)* DATlLs„£c.. Ac | a Coi.-h leases Doncaonon /or the Springs, (he kmral of ths dara. Itotfimg Alleys, Billiard Rooms, add various other CurfH tiesxfor amusement, iu abundance. The accommodations th” best, and the chargeiUow. TsKttd.— dollars per week, or one dollar aud Ufty eenta perdayd v. i . Families, tvisbiog to engage rooms, ohonid addresg tha proprietor early. Every attention will he paid to visitors; the proprietor hating-feftgigod ibo best of servants. Music always jn at tendance. I All communication* Intended to reach the Perry County Warm Fpriogi hbouM bs addressed (o Duurahnrm 0. They will tw imm**.iißtßly forwarded; ; ] u iia > mySldf Proprietor Warm f dpriqtrs l»l>nnihU UK'I’IUCAT. ',. .. I ir/rgL, IlCHTixabo* CO., FsswX, cmtfiQn- Ur.-i ;;ru/ Uar.'y-tevtn milts B/Ut <if Pilttbitrffh,\and I'&jL.tif'htrurt rule. Tbia delightful residence pad pMce-bf • public t-,«ort io legated on the banks ot the “ Blue J pu&tf,”., r.t the eotiflasncft cf Hpniof Cit*«-k. ltx clear 'ftj>ftu'g, trbot' .-nstalning waters, here discharges itself, and i.iuroHjrflui concert,oe the; rush dovu tbo gorges<4 the Mounlalus. I The very Central posltton of thin Ilofel makes It ndfesira- We place of enjoarn fop a f--wMeehs or days, for men of bu4ine»f' ab<l thrir families —jaded-and enervated with Ibe, tunauil, bustle heat <;f the cuv. Xi, ia altuahni ofc PenafYfrfi'tjta Central Rallreoff, wherothc greet tarftpike frbre ' tbo 'Susqueliscoa jmd other roads coocentcaie—. mpkiOg easy egnsss ,ebl ingress, several Um«a -a dub, by the core and etoges, to Aituona, Tyrone, Huntingdon and. *.be Mountbfns. • j . Tb->Uynse in * new brick one, four stories high, eod roomy, nen|j paner«J, painted and furnished : loom bAiseme/K tu nlth all tho modern Dnprt»vemeu& and M 1 Cold BithH, Ac I| Is al»> Study ventdated., TbemarHßuperh vlow-of every department of tba ajouu lam *-yrt«rj tbe ,Sglojrlou« ln^Juntalu i », ,, the •* eternal hii)a/' Tricv'raph Offlro Ij iu the Huiim-. always nnujj for ti-ork—end the proprietor ready t/> r>t,-Jre rlslrnreat mod*#- rateebaripsa. K. F 11AHL15TT, Pr>»prle(or. , Rjrtajacas ui Mt-roct-MiS; Kiilinoi Carr A Oj., 32P Libvrtj strrrL Jehu ff. Shn»»tib*»rg**r J.'bo AnderKm. Whliuu 8. Oampbulh --'t- Cbariea Hnlrl. ( jj 11 FEVER AND AGUE .CUBE, Fiji! thu I‘ietpnuoß apJ Cuf-ro/ inTxurrrTaaT and Ita PrTans, farm and AJt'i. Cttn.tA aud Favao, Dt-ira A‘ict, OtwtHAt. DesUlitt, Monrt»w*tT!t,afld (.irtue r 4 Ut»R>wa> which have a common arh*<n*ia i/hiafu or Tt.». |. . VATrP.AI, JIvrTDITK. .lib' *lll fnlir.l; l rr-ter* *nt r«**3 Ji-nf or iTnveW. **« *• i fn th«- i»»*x*«* op-gl , ~-r i.waxrj.'y lrpiu.uir.^£U.---r h i iu- Who* <-r iu,' liC’Jfy luhaltnk JUatafia or HUomt 1* w ill msi*iU’i.y il.' Aguo la a l.u b*rle rof fi.-r ant length -.f Usu«-, -3 thatfh-7 need c«> er |i» tv fjtoiAsrctatf, by CottUantUiffU a«-\xr ,i- Ln os The ui i »»ce L>ej)o4 to rererewr *pp»<iv efrtTsslh, and<ontiaue« nhtil t prnna aent .unj i/t ri!t<cn«i. 9300,000 OAOu.oOO ,'-j_ :v. T.(i; at,f-’T <'Mtb*ry ;: *o*ae mkt mn;# lUr» b»‘Us printed lobrnnsQ. French fct>d P|*u«. v . f **-\*^uij-ou/ s»'h battle l';.jp A»ut Ihllaf j »WRS A KTMI/ES, Pr titlonm. 1} l i.\ -.jr’ ,-av>.tv, ’ ' ! Sfo VW|,«,‘j ao< tt, l^M *■ \ t>n< - tm4- • pi »raiii«Ucra ftf *• R}u»t*»' K> rf»r 6-t ! A, vr " AtiSi >->lr• ap4 b*?r- ■ , *»•>: urj, ut-ii.** »ij.3 Lo| Lt» - i mtt • , *,•;< *I r : f 1 1 ?).■- ‘tf, r - r»;■« T uxxy r 5 * •«*<»**• tr tHai » noid {•• •re isjurli ci* ! > Oh* « »Hii • r -f r*. isAi r •»* im, - ' I >* ■- t. M os*» (•»'.( r 1 r 6»,1 rr- f\r !*• t-eopLi *KI {>»•<• ttjicu iJ *rj *o±i-r- i ih»! kl i*»4 c,-arnii i£«*a. i 1 J;«* r-trtiuo- •*- :. J b w -••■ t. *!,, v—. ' !- v rtij.l-r,.: Vf, t»t. !.* t»-.! K <»-• <■»*.» *•< j«tf- W»f® -4&.1 rraUJ •' 1-rJ'i i y ftuJ Lb»: y r * lut»s fc<* l. * tv. ’i, t 11.,t k , m: ,<vij i tii« Jb j '-nu -• sj f H ’ t'vl'Ui'v T-J Vlii, K frG) IKiilOU>. ’"*• l *- '• =• j. . jj.rj hide.. 0 i f ■ ‘ i, >• ■'tnt fci- : lb* Tttf...- »!i») V- • »»« 3 t • pM ■»>©.*« 'll** eaj.c -. L* »>■ i ■ ’'..v Uk ii-r t > b<l Inw.,'ii.-lv ;',• *-■ • '-v - »us-' D'UU •'(!«. 1.H.4J15- ;**\i "'.J» u t ■’< " - r '.:r.‘ -r 'h.; r rf r'r T tr.| A '■,< !ta ,, <}r *|l*J l-’ b.-.'••.rt* ■■• <l-* ®v!l a# nirr 1# UUi^lr* 1 Kt**t «ull Ague lat«. f • «** . i-’ J JU V 1: ITv,.: r»L.*-, »u ii : a/gi-i * « *'«' »«<M L rnahi.otte ni.ruß, N't) 111* Wool) SIHSKT. ti jjj't <k [»?•;■• *U»-» . J I'lAh v". • / U.- ».!; !T*i»n 0.. nf i■U MO vhl T».\ A It) !\-i. !1 a r:i u-*t. ! M . I KT. i* A 1 I'* 4 < '■ l Ik- ►-r.t. |U!MJ, * H VMJMJ'*. Nr» I •* A UXIGUKNBAI'U. I'bluM; j i!*iUf * 11.l 1 . '•)>'->*■«• if ill-r in.-A-r •, o' i-•• ! • m 1. Wat, u . rrr r Tnr->r-» r nmj 1 .-tn : »,r | U:ti Liu I »ulw:s<>* l»i ::oq tract# I'iam , lo !bo ok-*I «tl *; aul - J b-iM* Ml *M'r h V ,«'» UilOu'.l F-1.. X-. \rt » i«tn*oin !».»>«• ' -au Made with :b» inane ft -Jurcr •, !-i m t.r; L ; S: ijs.Jtuc. I. l' tr# *-id h» > r I \ t l»*-i fr A *1 a *»*« h#T* tl >n In th» Ra*t and without Uu- addr Imoil cw( »uJ n k ■ l Lr*Jt^p..rv«'U/n. ) i.-m I'Uik -n i 1 hr tb<* .tih»-rlHrr U p*rf«*rt la t-»* rt fv*j.rcU «.b J 4 writ guaranty will I* |l i. . . : jCIIAUL-aTK l i.I'MK. i«*i S • It* W«-oi atreri IRON CITY < OHIMICftCIAI. COUi&UU. An InsUtatiou for the Baaiaeaa Man. cuihTKHKn Arno* O!IOANI7.KD avid to v*rt MiiMMtiwrul e}*nvtl\ n. * uh a tUi*bl of Tru'l»*e% arui by ao rtvrultj. u.b nL* MiJ hft»a hiatrlrolatcvl at tbu Oaifrv < Tho rombtatsl axtvl vlamaad of tbe Ffcrsu':, N(,, h- Nlr-tibanl no l man, Ibr on In*:; iilmo nr n bt-h m*pr!*nl. In wti s rh rarbnM arts v\;ii UmJX afr-tt'l >ii»« 0.-u.d I'- - wtuauiJ, and that Ui-J fchO’j! 1 ln«f ru'-'-l !'i • v i wlu* h»m had »o'ln»*i) yrut'U-tj m itin tut.n't# lausht. ha# tiin oryinittil 'n ..I r-s I . i•n.<o of |‘r«v‘t)<»ml t.-t# rr»fl»l uf u.a K’arullr aro auiYK of iVoutt-Kiuoptm-, nh<> j-rov tv, an ic iijirr'd. “I •■ !■'• u« U- •i.M," ilijvi i-uniurra t-- 4:1 ;Jjf uf d ImprorrUKOt* of trt»jt?rot ti<o-urr«r,Of. In n.tttal bust n«««. Unl'j f ut«*u an? d»tiv*er-d by "f known ibiJtt r. HutOoct#! h ink K«»'i>jQ«r, Ita thsmr aud I»wb; Ar ihto#iu- f mi'! u* n}>dli.-ait.‘u . TLi* Art «f Wtiuug, ' t*'*iUi**al . Ofotfrap-hr • History | fto«J Kihtr~<. Tb* uf ibii h n-m c#rtain- (JlduT's of tb» 6rn( olroiflu In avlnff and huolni»v« Kho# their emli by eDtvr.prf Vhrir sou# (ur a Cu*iD<'is eUurjvUi-'b- OY KVKRY PKSCIUmOJ*. mitabio for KaUroad«, ( a unlit, A.-. lur U«y, Onl, Ore, ar.d Mervium* dine tfrnprally Purrbaw'rn may fo#! axunrod that tbov cjoi U« #ui*i>lied tv Ufa u BQ|»«rior &u 4 rwlUble article, and nio n~ ri.- k i.- jruainot«*d ■*am*ct, and If (after trial) not fotiu.J f/UintHclt’rr, can b<* ri*turin:-t wi:h ut >-harp« Kr*.-lorr nt tb** old Bland, oacabhfhfti f r thirty yrars, rcr nor of Ninth and Melon at reel 1, I'hUatbdpliU. ABBOrT k i>). riUit’A’l .!' l in Buortwenr# to Ellkmtt A A in-i Ti. Orvi'i or “Taa I‘irtmujaau .Uia OtttfvMT ”> August 17 . 166.'> f r | *ll K Stnokholdrrß of “The Plttsbunrh (Ift# Cotupstiy" L ant li»r«by uoUfl<-d that au election, for the purj>—of I'leolitaro jH*r-ou;' to n.-rtr a« Tntii!«<e# tf the **M t ‘Us Cou’jvany tor th« tarm of thre- yaa r -i. will be hei*i at the < Bleu t.f lb-) Coid|.uu}, at ibr Works, on lb- FIRST MON. PAY (M day) Of SKITKMBKR, the iK>nre i-i 2 Mii-l f> o’clock l*. ML a.iglAdt-l JAMKP M. Cn-Tim*. Trotuturar SITUATE IN ADAMS TOWNSHIP, BUlhKIt COUNTV, conthliiiug Ul a«T«s; 115 ncr*i> r.f which aro under nil livatiun The ;>r jui'tor, about to d-cline farming, will dlejKwn of till hirt Stock, Oral 11 hih! ITnv nn hand. Ifrtmired. Mn.julre.f JAMES DI.AKICI.Y, augll corner nl Seventh nod Suht.beli) ats. GO Tf. ARNOLD A. SONS, WHOLEftALU.AND EETAU. DEAI.KKH IN FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. Anti Gentlemen's Furnlsliiiiff Goodß, xrO €6 MABKbT HTRRRT, betww»u Third and Fourth, i.y Plttabargh Keep coofit&utly an baud, a large stock i>t Olutbs, Cufldnjcre# and Yeatinga. Uarnntuta mud*- to order oq the shortest notice, and la ("he latest .\tvh*j» 4®- All orrlern promptly aUendwl to. (augl7;*4m WilTlia J’ MA.sftALl JCSCPU b. BUuilla. W. P. Jltarahall A Co., IMPGUTEKH and Denlecu iu French and PA PER HANGINGS, B 7 Wood'street. PlttabuTub- H'it' Sole A£**otfl for the ctflehraled tmiouf&cair«n of Mesfirs. Belicourt A Co., Paris. ncgT JM PORT ANT —At this season of t! « year, who it flij***a/VH of ibo stomach and bowels ere so frequent, iusd, iJ ne glccled, am t*o apt to degenerate into cholera morbus, or ereu Asiatic cholera, no family should be wKhom p •'bottle Of the Concentrated kwenreot Jamaloa Ginger, and h bottle, cf Wicked's celebrated Diarrhoea Medicine, whiohjlt according to accompanying directions, will prove a)j*peedj, safe ami efficacious remedy. They ran be hfitf'onlfr at tfifl Dro* Store of * JOITN fIAPP, ORd i|rr aagl6 _ 186 (^reeL KASI’HBBRY BRANDY —tl iua pui« iuuipb-ny llraudy, a wry superior home made urude. For saie by JNO. LirrLK, Jr., Agent, tugScdlw No, Ml Liberty strv*t. ' ~ r -> i-jytl -VL: > ‘7Tti*. SUMMER RESORTS. RHODES' ■»' r ‘ - .-cL- >*»,.?*■ tr 'hf '’td'- R. 1 !L7</N. *•'«. i ; , w'Li‘tat"L' V U* 15> PM " .Tiit# i, i own t<ioD<». . b*> a. Ifs /. •» Ln • i 1 *- ffu ;i. i (A i^c-JoHr- : j-r'l jc. *«• ■) . u-* n h.- h*« <- -4 i l , a. I Platform Scales Kleotloii Valuable E«rm /or elate, Hi I U R* D/i .•? , Vh . U **-.? a e as t - -'n-MtT'M'K&R • 318. / MISCELLANEOUS. . l4laix>r UuiCi»imea.Pacltagea /7! t) e matninq isr THEroFrroß "OPTyfi [kc- J.vPBE&&_€GL, ■pittaltuxg&j.wbiah. If for. will be sold at Public Auction, by P. M. DAYiarqo*Tiw»WFifth and Wood %treettj*<ra 4i'e.a<pwuf toy. o / prober, J pesi j to pay charges, and for Bccoudt of wnotu it may concern': ~"‘ a ’ - j B p,'.4lltai.~di„." .i.BiUabnrgli..,.«v.l nkge.j Allen 4 H.nghjon do S Idle Sags. Valli. -jo ... . .Ijdtge.] ‘SJW* l *Tt —; do. gboaesi Mrx. £,.15.-etlUKer. —...... do . ibojc. J. Beach.., do 1 box; box. ; J*,G,.llapkqfen«..~ —Pittsburgh. I pkaaj ‘W. Butler-pile, .--.--. East Liberty.,,.«l pkge.: MUa IS. Bayne,- - Mercer *. 1 pkge., aVßtjekiaghktnA-.'.V.'...ii.WaTreDtbn,Pav,.l pkgfc.i I). tf. Curry........ ; ’ ao 1 box: StilL.Chapman,—..—;do 1 pkge. J. A. CafferOay do 1 pkgc. A*. Ootnbi M j.v. .‘ db *lpkge. doonUoyle—— do - , 1 pkge. R'Cadpben :...:....'.:.; , .....:.'AUegheny......:..Tb0x l . . O.O.ObolayiU— 4- Blanchetter " J Dietrlck - «. Pittsburgh 1 pkge. W. V. Bye « do ; •- J llrttgß. ..... do • . lpfcgs; r Prye:.fZ.^:.... ad " imf* W\ &ifergaiK>au».~»;4 M ...—>.« . -. lj>kg*< A. P-. Flaher pkgei tl. Fester....;, —j..;.; Mercer, Pa..'.U.^psge, Cbaa. Fischer-—..pkge. J. A Foster. flo lpkgo. -Xavier,Greib..i do 1 box. A. .... do 1 trunfc. C. Hetadd do .lbasfcet. J. Dutler^Pd. f .......lj>kge; J 0. Hafir.''. Pittsburgh. do. _ 2 barrels. J. Huffman Birmingham 1 pkge, A. O. 1 pkg*» J. ..........l’ittabargh 1 box. ;/.... do lpkg*. M- do 1 pfcg*. D Iftnier ’ do 1 pfeg3i ’ do 1 boj- C. .. do 1 pkg«, D. T. Lane.. ......Franklin, Pd .1 pkgs. i. 0- Mosher.,-, .^....^.Pituhucgii...——LJ>ox. D.'TT. Horrid ' do " 1 Docket. Y?~H. Mhtflftngh..w.w~. ,- do ~ Ip. box. Dr. Matbewg, do looi.r O; 8. McFidaraa..?....— do 1 pkgo. J. MeDpnqld—. do . 1 pkge; Mttw H? Nelson.'... - I.Blrmlngham 1 pkgo, ,jf. Nidmtoa ~Plttsburgb M bos. H. pollock do 1 chest JB. Perry, 1 Morris...... do l pkg& Mise J. ftsetU. —~ do. 1 pktffli KhcidM & Ke150n.....! do 1 pit go. J. kelm ... do 1 pbga. J: Itetf* .... do Vpkga do 1 pfcga. do 1 pfrge. \fclin, Pr .11)07 C. AfD*bsU..«. p. noih' Rjury . Rhrvtt»n l}OJ. A'. tiprangsr Pittaburgb 1 pkga. X Sprat** • Jo l box. J. tfchusler.,. do 1 pfega. J. P: Pmfth. PhmKlln, Pa 1 pkga. LodopeDdeoce -...11»*. .Allegheny .V. gchiraDke. Troujh k Herd'.' Lowretic*TUlei-~l phffd. W. A- JG?re f Jaaeatown.-.,...1 pfcga. Johnson Wffllains ...'. ..:..Pitt3fctirgh~...~-.T pfego. .JSUtv Wa>l/, do 1 pkeei J. 11. WIUjaJBu.. ' do I pfegi d» =. ipkge.'iiJixma ..^^BirokJogbsai..—l j»ttg* Mr*. fl. WlfluusiA. ;...\Tlttsb'argh........'.l pfrga. P Bloomer^.* 1 Jbag.' K. SmuMt do 1 box. W. 81.- D«ry....Ji ...... * do 1 Ldit*. ifrejik Mnrer, curts W- Kulut. to 1 pkra. Tl. B. d> 1 bot. J-ißeoig— — Iron City Hotel O. ThfUjfKuti - do 1 1'k.go. Oillcspir... do 1 pliif»v J. B H*rtln\ . do 1 pfegA B.'PWMM*gi™ «<» {l^bag. A. Ti. Register ... Oefi*ral Tom Thoab. U. Wataotx. ...... ...New Castle, Pa—l ptjrfl. iVntaon & Stanton do 1 pbga. J Watts Latrobe t box. W. a IiARROLE, Asrot of tbs Ad>m* Express-Co. tMtUtfeorehi Aorart 31. 1P55. «K«4T DISCOVEKY ! AMPLE both by ondCfcemb c*i Analysis. bare demonstrate! the valuj-o; P'LOP DEOfIATII’S be.QUrotaaabla»tU>a,called “ SLTSC TKIO uU-," for Lb* 1 relW and rare of Pain But the people ’hnuiwlrM ar* Tendering ihelr Verdlal-In a maimer both nnmislalioabl* and eulUJactory. More than *J,dOO bottle, h»?e tw*-o sold in a very abort tlbe—c great proportion to tho*- nh.i hrard alSm H* Who bed tried u*. That u u a splendid discovery la every where acltDowlft<l>j<-d, md nothing like it *w ever i More prepared. W for LWnj alone* Jt U worth 1100,090 a y«ar to the people, a? Ft ai* y# cure* these painful turarptors tn Iwcaly-Juur huurs Put »h*l Is It net worth to tile people if U citree Suit Ul.rotri. Kryslprla*, Canker; V Wtv, Bor>*a of all binds, t,fre <]urTi’iv taking iway all the pain in tweqtvCour ImuM,) Kh«.-amati*m, Neuxalgta. Palpitation, Headache, Brocfchitis. Pile., Womb Complaints, Cramps, Sprains, Sore or Swell*.! yuh.n*, Wound* of all Ac. 7 Would $500,000 » i r<r~e tu value to the pevpl* f .So Because a man *IK !.-,-«•!y for r*U*t (rexa/urn. Will this Oil relieve rain t Lnuioir i.' *-.*•» Sn«h men a* we bare eften named, bon* • n*.j minded merchabta, mayor*, doctors and '••h *ri have *o said, alter from lap to lifty trials. They ray it.r l pel is tho Onui medical combination ever pre t -i-j, ofTcortve nor !uJotleu>, but effectual In nil t<* »)>. w and many other easts, gome honorable and &*■»*> t>»<nurK9 brnu U true, wold atone of the old - recline, Utaa-tnoui, or ,coal tar, Ac. Ac.) es>rual ap . ius. until tbrlr cnatomsra *TetQrned battle after U*t -1 fl», with th* remark th*C “tbemaody was vrorte than the . pain yet iurb m<*u b«ve never rrcwimended nor given . 'Uo!<*c»bca t,. them. Bui »w> eem© of out beat merchants vxnrt »my ten days, and always riving additional ti ? id ib«* value of 1 tbiavondßrfm difeovery. Tlu>t a iTf*i mao; l»dj<w are using it as a medicinal toilet article tor tLeoMr** »od ihelr children, Is well known. It cures ai; bLJchn ard ervj>tu>ni on the face nnd neck In ?o • Lori a tuu*, t<-u would oearcvly-credit IL It frequently « ;-_nn/ui rtxUiag In iwq home; ha* dose It tn ba f »a hour, rui»d mooy rtfactus'iy in sU bourai If ladies bn«nr ih» t&iihinp, ttreagthemiti) and hfaUng virtues In tbta Oii, tbry would never be injured to use anything else for wotub complaint* or pains of any kind. We uo« Insert a latter J&»t received Henry Wiley, E*q.. who vrut to England tlx Week* since, (to die) X/3*TDo:t, July 12, 1555. Puor De Umra, Philo.—Dear Sir : When I left hope for or health, i,*erofulous eruptions, 4c,) f never expected to return ogain, believing that my complaint would eoon ra* erf. When you gave me three bottle* of your £Ui fr4c Oil ito Uke with me, it-ffrerriy a paUiatitf* I did aot ibiuk t would ao TWJSOoo be Called upi>u to thank you, as T now Jo, f.«r my complete rretoration. 1 can only aay. tefbre the departure of tbe steamer, lhat you hare only to come hero with your Oil, to make a fWr> t uc» In ou» } ear. There Is not another eimilar medicine in England, if fo the world, 1 will write by belt steeper. Voura, moat truly, Ussky Woit. 7( cannot Ih> their Imaginations, who state that old sores, that have d asbnrged from aix months to five years, have bwn cured by I Xilff Oil. It canoot be untrue, nor adreep tion, where pain Is ndtevod in one dav, often in half an hour. N©l common fenso dictates no.'—and COO written letter* ray w.' Come and see them. A regular Doctor iu attendance; and Indies can consult a Lady, privately, by ilrupplQg a line to the office. Advice from a distance mak ing Inquiries thai any physician can auiarcr, roll be promptly attended to. Always enclose a stamp, as cursor vlcks an* freely given, and we ace drawn upOu too tfton in this way All coses treated liberally, with c* without the oil, as I UftTe two Pbyriciana associated fir this oppress purpow. prof, a DB OBATHi No. 39 South hiabLh Btxeety Philo. N H —The largest bottle ten times toe cheapest. Please notify tne of any ease or failure to cure in from half an hour ir* ihrw weeks, as 1 »lt>h to cure all. «4T Kor «nt- by DR. l4O Wool F t PIAMOSt PlifiiUMl MANUFACTURED liY CHICRRIUNG A EONS, Boston, and for sale by JOHN H. MKLLOIL mcr>,m , No M Wood street, between Diamond ulleywdaUlßitfWsl ami Fourth street. Aoat received from theWT"W' VjrV 'll manufactory ot Cbkkerlng A Son#, EOAton,* ** 38 U • aod for Balo invariably at Ballon txricts— \ Two of their first class Seven Octave Pianos, Lnu6 XIV. atyle, with curved cases, legs, lyre, mada dusk* Ac. Ac.; flo hhed back and front alike. This is considered by perrons of taste to ty the most beautiful pattora now made. Price {5OO fnch. • Two find class Seven Octave Pianos,with carved esse, lyru, new style of fluted lega,tbo lyre and ends of beautiful . carv • d tracery work , finished back and front alike.' Price $.460 each. ! Three elegant Rosewood, plain -double round ebroers. Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and with Chleksriug’i Patent Iren Frame. Price 4400 eich Two carved Rosewood 6}* oclave Pianos, with new style tinted tegs, carved case, mush desk, and the usual open legs filled with beautifully carved tracery work; finished back and front alike. Pri<*« {425 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners, octnres, finish'd hack and front alike, and with Übickering's; {'Atom Iron Frame. Prices37s each. Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut 81x Octave Pisho9, all made a$ well and with the some care as their first Pi anos, and with Chick* ring’s Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. One of Chlckerlog 4 Sone’ New Scale, full Pevtu;Octave Grand Pianos, of Immense power, brilliancy, and swpetneßß of ton« f with tbelr New P&tu&t Aotion, which renders the lotir.h w light aud elastic that it cao bv pluyed on!by the most dellcett* hand. Price $760. NKW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. Alko, od« of their new Parlor Grand Piauos, nn entlrrly new invention, and particularly adaited for'Parlor use. Price $660. PIANO STOOLS. A n«w lot of PitDO Stools just received. For sale by JOHN U. MKLLOR, SI Wood yt., between Diamond alley and Fourth street, Sole Agont for OUIOE BRING A SONS, for Pittsburgh and WejUara PennsylvaDU. Fall Style for Hats. l lT PAI'I.SON will Introduce the New fityle fbr Hats /. oa SATURDAY, Aagnst2sih. ' 0. II PAULBON, 73 Wood street, neit door to corner of Fmirth. XU* Soft Hats aud Caps of every descriptieu. aoj23;<flw I EDUCATION A Li I>ENN INSTITUTE, corner of Peon and Hanoqqkstwie JL The ensuing Session of this Institution will aj3am B cr« on MONDAY, the 8d of Boptember. . r**'*“7 TERMS. Toiticn and Stationery, pgr sesston of Twonty-tw^) , w ,^ k * - ™.L$» 00 Pupils may enUs.aL any time, and will be charged pro rota, until the endpf tty or till notlcpof withfiraw&l; a dbdoutlon beh»^'ftUowed l ft»r'abBtffiW 6h 'account! of pro traoted sickness. 1 X. M-BMITU, Prlucipal. .| ; ; OUY4J kUUt,..„ A JiUOoEJ. i . Co-Partnership Notice. fpHK tmderaigned IUTO thli day entered Into co-bartner* X"Bhlp, and having leased fora term of years the lore* , Car FACTORY recently erected at B00UJBSTRB; Braver 1 County, Pa„ are now prepared to contract for the manufac ture df RAILROAD CARS of every description. Address, M Rochaater, Beaver County, Po.” August IT, ISs6.—l»ugiit;tf j KIRK A BHODB3, > b. ‘ v -• • • ' ' . : Uy.L.'rX ’■■' bates &y AbVEitTisiW© JURIED upon Bi THE PITTSBURGH PBUB CB!I U2TIS RQSfftßtfl, o* U3S) 3ne square,*’©* li£sertlbfr.«*...'..^.,J M ..i 60 ;■*"? ■ 4 1 j 26 - -iL , ...J.K-- 76 V . ‘I-, r 8 00 " “ three weeks—...,*... .......... 400 * ;‘-- s ©u» nonlh..~ ....... 800 t V . " , kwo months ...J............ T 04 ■j“*B ; f\ 000 “ “ fourmontha....—..—"...—-—.—••—•»*•♦« W 11 M eis months . .......... ISO® **' ** •• Bw ymf, w ..» l . w ,m.(»n.Mw.H»»w» ifi 0® •’tending Card, dx Unesor fees, per anntna~..—~«««» 10 00 On* squar*. par annum, (exclusive ol the paper)...-*, 85 00 NEW ABD DIRECT ROUTE, Unsurpassed for ?p£ed & TftnivaUod for Comfort. FROM PiITHBOEOS TO Oolambua, ■ Ihdianapoifa, Chicago, Cincinnati, . Terra flaute, , Hock Island, Louisville, Vincennes. lowa City, St LO’ I9J ErtnsyiUe, Dubuque, DsVton/ ■••-•' Cairo, Dubuque, Xenia,.,.,. Memphis, Galena, ZaneMrille, Yicksburgb, Peoria, •* Newark.' ; Nev'Oneana, Peru, jvso tbs patsciPit omu in tbs west ahd south, .-i.Vtj Kta -- STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA JKAILItOAD! Which la now completed.and. in successful operation bo twwrn SteubcnvtUe.aod Newark, 0> f ri r .. . , . Fall Arrangement! Od an* after; Monday; September lQdr, 18$5, a daily evening line of elegant and swift running ' snSS?Sni??* tx Perlflbce4‘ood BCCDinmodating hiOrCing Line, coapes-d S^fe^, a WD , RNil -- Cs PV"Slto»Tafl;''lwT« Pitts t.uryn ertrj iny, (SumtajaeTCTpteJ,) MlO o clock, A. 11., precisely. P»3»ngm uloo on boord, »n 4 msch Bteoben vtlle at 5 P. M , making an iennedtato coimeQtlon'Wnh tne EVENING EXPRESS TRAIN of the S.AI makes direct connection at Newark fbr the abovedUe*. The Kvenlbg Lina, composed of steamers. VENTURE Capt. Gordon, and CLARA FI3HKII, Capt. Gordon, leave Pittsburgh every day, nt S o'clock, Pi U. 4SF* Paaingare sleep on board, and reach Steubenville at 7 next morning in time for tbe Mail Train, which learbs immediately, «r>d makes direct connection for the above cities—-thus ovetdfaa night travsl ty railroad. <SSP* Pure as Cheap as by any other railroad route. < For Through and Local Hckota, and further information, upply to JAB. COLLINS A CO, Agents, Noe. 114 and 115 Water eL, between. T?ood and Smlthfiold, Pittsburgh. E W. WDODWARD/ fiup’t L. PKVKNNYtQen. Agent * <W m. 74 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, -fc4 sian or tßb owgisal oei mvt. OCR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is unusually full, and contains some of th£ richest and.most desirable Goods that we have ever been ablfe focffer/such da Extra auper Sllke; • • v c French Merinos; Cashmeres; MouadeLofne#; Plaids; Stripes; Cobnrgs; Ac. NKkDLE WORK —The best assortment in the city. Collars, Chemisettes, Sleeves; Plouncings, Edgings and Insartinga; : Shawls, 01oaks, Taiinas and Scarts; : CaahmtroMo3ra Act YelvoL . Stellas, j.'rape Silk, 4c. ' " ‘ A : with a large assortment of MOURNING GOODS ©TltfU-jlefipriptions. ‘ and HOUSE FURNTBHING DEPART* ITENTI* "well But plied, aud we feel canfilerlt thit we can offer ‘ grdaier inducemtjnts now than wo have tvnr been able to offer before. We solicit an examination oi our ptock before purchasing else* hers, as ail will find It to their advantage to do so. We will also be almost drily in reoeipt of new an I dura ble Goods throughout the season. LOVE BUOTniCRS, (Formerly Young, Btaven»n-A Love,) eepfl No. 73 Market street, Pittsburgh. Pa. 6. CDT2BSBT —— L. CUTUixaf. 8. CUTIIBKRT i.SOSi, GENERAL QO&IMISSIuN AGENTS for the Bale 4md Purchase of Rea) Estate, Collection of Reuli, Borrow* log ami X-oacing Moneys on Bonds and Mortgogeq; also, fr-r making .“ales of Manufactured Articles. Ao. t for Parmern, Mechanics and others. Office, No. 63 Market street. aug? ClttUll'K NKfIC VVOtUtff— / -Oakflefd, by-W.'D. Arnold ; Henry YULI., and bib Six Wires; 11-11 Smith Abroad; A Long Ahead, by A. 8. iloe; News Book; Maul/ by Tennyson, (fourth supply;) Mj Bondage and my Freedom ; Escaped Nun; Hidden Path, by Marion Ilarland; lowa as it U in 15&S; Blanche Dearwooi; Star Papery by H. Ward Beecher: (.die, by L *L N.; Visit to the Carar* Before 8< bastopol; Bits of Hlarnsy, by R. Shelton McKenzie; Udbits and Mao, by Dr- Doran; Life of J Gordon Bennett; Female Ll r e among tbo Mormons; Pen Pictures of tbo Bible, by 11. Ward Beecher; Heart s Ease, io 2 tols ; Life of Earn Houston; Not* Book of an JSngUah Opium Eater, by Da Qnincey; My Ccn/ettxiOEs—ibo Story cf a Woman’s Lite; Evening* with the Prophets, br Iter. A. M. Brown ; Lippincott's Uar-ttear of the World. The above jnst received. together with a large stock of Books and Stationary; also, correct Maps < f Sebastopol, Ac, 'member, the place to get cheap Books is at LAUms&’S BOOKSTORE, No. SO Fifth street. *lo 1 pkgd. do 1 carpi tag. NltW aiU3il>—<ttt as dewy evening fa lie—Jno. J. Fret ex. They ai-k. me if 1 think of thee. I sel my heart opon a flower—Alice Hawthorne. My early home—A. V. Martbens. The lore of one fond heart. The Red Rover—« Geo. Uttey. Had 1 never never known thee. There’s music In the voice wo love. Afyearly fireside-^-Alice Ha*thurne. Row swrel lo roum. Flag of our Union—W. V. Wallace. The daw-Mill, (Wo Sage M uhle). 1*» It *cy bodj’s ba-lnws. Sweetly oter my smses stealing. My soul is dark. banen Ossianiqae, par L. M OotUchalk. “ Variant laSyri*'’—performed it Julllcn's Concerts. Game King Schotttach—y. LI. Brown. Wellington's March. Gsoey Polka, tailor Ptlnee Polka. Angler** Polk*—W. Y. Wallace. Crown rf Roses—grand waltz. Tha Angel Waltz; Feotlm«*ut*L Also a collection of new Gußar Music, just Te*elred by Express, and for Mle by CHARLOTTE BMJME, sspfl No. 118 Wood st., '2l door above Fifth et. \Tfc\V BW'*' 1> B v BOOHS—"Japan ad it tv as ami is;” by Hicham Hildreth. M The Hidden Path;” by Marion Horland. “Habile and Wen;" by Dr. Doran. “ Memoirs of J amea Gordon Bennett and his Times." “ Star Papersby Uenry Ward Beecher. “The Escaped Non, or Disclosure* of ConTont life “ M&ad and other Poems;” by Alfred Tennyson. “ The Life t>f Sam Houston" —Illustrated. “ Doe ticka—wbatbe pays:” by Q. K.B. Does ticks, P. B. “ Danger in the.Darka talo of Intrigue and priestcraft. ** Heaifi Esse, or the Broiler’s Wife’ I —2 vola. “ Oil-hand Takiogs, or the noticeable Men of ocr age ; n by George W. Bungay. “ My Bondage and my Freedom;" by Fred. Daugtasa. “ OUe, or the Old Wet-t Rocm;" by L. M. M. “ Battles of tho Crimea"—'with two superb maps. “ The Temperance Pledge Violated by the Carson Lea gap;” —ISJs cent*. * Pirnh Fruits and Vegetables all tho Tear at Summer Prii-t!'l ceuts. The above received this day by Express, and for sale at p»p3 I.AUPPER’d BOOKSTORE. SO Fifth st 1 1 'U-h iibttOiajw, hv luAcatßAr. I II MfNBR * CO, No. S 2 Emlthfleld street, Ua*« Just nerved— Tbe NewtHimM - Memoirs of a Mcst Respectable Family. KJlUhi by Arthur I’endennia, Esq.; 2 Tola. llldden Path; by tho author ; f “Alone.” Seventh sup p!r. ' Peterson's Marxian for October; l-ealle's Jnjrnal do Ballou's Mncssine do Yankee Notions do All the new Books received an soon as publish ed- * ir U *\r A ?r} L 'J*t ''t lsb '—a Gasettear lor Cltiseoa, snd » H.nJ.Book for Immigrants— by N. H Parker, am” 11 na ‘ 1 ’~ by K,ch “ rJ Hildreth, Erq; with T' ' l" I/ l*" - 9 '" '■ h? C »P' Marryatt. BlUofßlarney; by B. Shaitan Mart to tie. The mdd™'l>otb' ll 'b“ f »i b - v w Gilmore Sims. UabS o t ?le n l,y lJ„;." HOn Uarl “ d ’ “thor of Alone. Harper’s Story Bock, N-j. 10 Harper’s Picture Bcokj No l. Memoirs of Sydney Smith— ’i tols. The Esexped Nun. AH the Mftgaelnea for September, s u c tim r u flW Books ' n minkk a co ,yp? -Ifmithfieid Bt. C'UiiSU&tt— bank of Pittsburgh; i v erchants and Manufacturers’ Baok, Exchange* Bank; Farmers’ Deposit Bank; Pittsburgh Trust Compaoj; CilizenV Deposit Bank ;* Mechanics’ Bank. Many Tarletiw of Checks on the obova Hanks on han' Chocks printed lo order in aoy styU d-*ired. * W. a. rUVKX, Prluteraml • tfttloner Market atreotreorner ot Second. Black moikb antique—j unfreceivei e.jO V »ni,nf e.lra quality lilac It Moira AntlqrnT ’ y A. A MASON A Co.,26PlfUiet. PURH UQUURB of every dwcrlptlon, for medicinal purpose*, can always be procured at UAVK-a SUPKUIOtt WIUTb t*KKAa& lor r»r «ti E K^ aa * Carts, Dr vs tni Omnibuses, rwi? tu *od by l&ag3\) 11KNIU n. CX)i t H'°^i !Jitl<l i K^'VINU ”" ljOVeri “B , « VulTertted bag»r; X eoarpe, pulverized, crushed and clarified, at — a V. It. DU A VO’S. No. 1. Diamond. MV Lttli’b CHOLKKA KKXIKDY—This Taiuvcie arucl*, so well known for ltd many cores, can r> - obtained at _-f™_ NO. 53 MARKET ST. LAWN CRASe bKKD, stnuol* for fall sowing—'Braking a close, smooth, permanent sod; »t tbeSeed Ware noftß»,47 fifthstifeet. (se P 6) JAMiB WARDR^P / VATAWdA KttAttlMf, made uui ol the Catawba Crapes Vy at Cincinnati, sold by the dozen or riogle bottle, at DiIKKYSER’H, a °p2 Comar of Wood Ft and Virgin alley. WALL PAPKltb—Velvet, tiatlu atrd Common Wall l a pore, la every variety, with appropriate borders, for » aio >V W. f. MARSHA L A CO, B7 Wood street. C'i'UKAf WALL A x USMS j— A new as j eortment jasl received and fjr sale by _“P2£ W. P. MARSHALL * CO- W I S, D y W WBTAUia-Gio*ed Green, Wim. PiaiD Green and Figured Curtain.*, wholesale and retail, for sale t y _eep2o /'IH&OM.K GKBEN-2.000 lb SrjTwi fn oil, forrole BA. FAHNESTOCKS CO , fO/ter yirat >nd Weed »t«, A. MAeON A Cu. aun->UEW their pabiMUflO;nf A . Cloaks, ef the new Pa'l ityi*. ™ end trl day, ifop'ptnfeer 20 nod 21. « A MA»o\ Acu will 0p,.. on Thorny find Friday, A. • the 2Jtb and 21a* iaat, a choice selection of Fall Bonnets, Head Dressee» 4c - sep2u Q&JJttmCLI AT PtlASCim: iIiST AUKiVAL Otf FALL DRY GOODS At LOVE BttOTHEHS, _ JOS. FLEMING’B, Corner Market at, and Diamond. W P. MARSHALL A CO.