The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 27, 1855, Image 1
v % ■- t . , V. :\V• .. g 1 ■ S DAILY MORNING -*•1 * »t* £•••» J pv - o /OBTD ; t BBM \<. ' Six-) k \» v Utea ’ t ,' • <ingle < **•■ r«* t vnoby ) THE * * * *'J dkfred ■ - - J ,etrw» IV" «v -'I OUTO. jv " ,i’ *) *rNop» l ,n lottivß ‘ . T t J a-Ha-»| ■ J t,iMtoti - M&uoru '■*****} icacofthi u*&qfv< * M« terms, PI J v V ' : 'v a™ .?*>••. ', *• I %v- / . a rro \Xf V -r. s A bat Y&-. atto; 1 aw . . ' ] A 0 "-“I- A %/■ ■( ' > if. ■.} ! ?/((!„« -.*»“;;»•;•«•• .'I A ’ “..j a 4 if?*) , -I . v*- *■ •> A ©"j .i .» f,r i»< l* O' . AT o, , p» M 4 >rnar ( j Aider t ~4K* dice of i “is. ‘ Y atteoi ' .. J w. a« Grant \t »Uey. Coor ~*1 wt care and legal v’ ; >| ed, Ar, vvTnr * OFFICE No. 4 ‘V : * O’HBrtstre* be office of t is‘ *omptlf atte ; V ** Bondfl, Mi * ‘M and del ¥ o’clc J 6w. Wt of MB» k . Oppios iiotma p * M _ BUSINESS CARDri ''-1.-.''' 1 ■ „ ft k „ ..ZS / .> • ,- , - L s, Js . -.m\» , * v , i . - , a \ *» \ J m gA .•'” Jr ,K> - -sr '• -> '*" *: v v.!. w >/. .r■i , >■ \y-; v <^■ •’ ’ ” .V;-*. • N«/ i •C 4 *’ ’>■ “-’V \.<w'V.J.! r ’ ‘“p'' v >; ‘‘* :-'i:•: ■/.'•• i»* C. 3 4 rr, ** T . ‘. .ft»* ■. .ij -v, .ft- 4‘ h-.ft,*; 4-> '. Hi ft* ■ it.,. - -,. .. . * .ft . ■ •>*• 4-. ~»'> »-* - ’1 ~ „ , 4 r: ni- •-»! Vj&j 1. 1. y a ». ■. ’•',, v.,». 0» . •,• •, c Vv».': ’ ”.■•'.r"';?,V ', *•’ •v-V • - '■ -'• ■' .t;■;'*-* * ‘ «.■■» ’*» ■■.-<■ •. i l . !'■ (.■'►(■- - ' ■1 . 4 ,-v , ' ~*,f, ; f ; ‘,4*4. ■ 'ft i* ,r ; , ft* r>'ft.-‘ ft C - h'> '<:r, V*- ‘« <■ ‘ J &X*!'i\4}: v>, ;v '^4 .' :V ; ■ * l,l v ’ ,rv S;4 •-.* ->■•; jj £• v,'4 S '1 t/.-r «* “ ft. .'•ft* s *’.’ ft- , ’.^;^.v:r4<**v;V r .‘-v •^>'. r - , .» 1‘ |- •» . Ai u V ■*». 1,1 ■ . H»*Tl v’.f ''JiHh' .:%% *. « V;** Ti1 «• >** >'* •* s : • •> C ; '" • iu*:•**» w^ 1 <** *■* A ‘ •. ♦.' ' a .y . • ■>. .4 t‘ *l* •<». .« *. *v * r-* *... *• u K _ . u. *>.; •>• *...*,\ 4 .1 j*. ,{• .Ji *Ts »J* *i 4 j »■'-« »H ■*>' »■ n *♦« * ;• r,eft. .4,. • .' . » -■* ‘ i,. < *r " » Vft • : ;: ■<*': ri* v *‘' -4' ■;■ - *•• •' “<.• >.v Vi - V‘ ***■ ,A »'. *.*' •;:, -, l.®! !•_•»» •rjfv-*a. . V - %» >-' *■' <' vrt*' ' - i' :,1' ;■ .i '3faSSß@WCtt\<?:W< , 4 ; t-’-ft-ft,» ft-i’J ' I, < ‘ < ■ ’" ■ • f 1 -ft > l v * . dVAp/ify fotv-S - -;i/4p<ir3'A :':> V '-; ft .Vfr ft <. ft ,‘ft x ,'.' IU/ r .fr'ft-X- ',- -X fr-X- 'ft ’ ft’ 'ft ' - 1 .a - e ' ' 'ip* -Vvr. •sc^’ , g a, o.»y f,/ •!>. •"• Y ‘ *,■/. ;:h< Is - <7 ? V.vbft^-V-V’ SiplSSp^M^ jeaaKB^s?s£>^ 1 : X7,4i 5! 'iSjas-ft. ■-, J* rf ,4t IPiPffliii m Slf®«y v - *' J \ J £t's v “/V*V*V 11 .%t. 4 ; Cr- i !~' y *;. «. .•’(-•-.'A iiv ~':’f,v.‘j., « r ' j ■■■ r ,•; , / > yr-‘ , ''*-^Vv’ yv':;..- . • ;-’• sp ' t *»-\T f ‘-, •'j-i', -Vi/i". I. ; ,'>. «J v, ’/.'•// «*' lf -ft's, v" '•’*■. •s>^X»■ •>,:- 4* '■'■ • ■'; •■'•' • ,ri - ; f r /'- ■- r j..-*-*;'' %■'■*'•' ft. f ,-’ v ::t*? '•*-<> .'■. » , --». • Vf > ,*t". .• , v*v,.“; .. ~ », •. 1 / ,r * •<■ ft. ft £ ;> £%}:■? ' '■v..r,sr', l,r ; 4- „x , - r , '* - -v ft, c ’--‘W." i ft *•■’-• 1 v'_-';..‘,1 - • - - . ~ .• . ; - -'•' , ; ~- ~u;n&Bi'k --.i, • , - JW / A '»V - . - f . . *■**>? r‘ ‘1 V —ff '''J;'': -< f , •* • ** : rvWV;'/.'/ *■ -V 4 11 ' ■ '-^v v -,l , I f -■ «\y i- v / : -•- r-v! - V-' 'y' f\ • ■, :Kn>- -. Ji ’^'yzps'z-■* ;Vf i?£>■*' *■■ ■■■ , t?:* **■.,*»■*&*&*£&*• --*s■ * »,«\> &!k+t ? * f . PKnMd and pxMUhed may morning (Sunday, excepted,) Blf QIIIIIIIOB.BI * nORTSOBBUr, os tm iroßTu-wssT (nuixa or wood ahd nrta iiT&irra. • I ST-* 1 ®° Usr< » year, payable etjfctly In •-IffiMST*" * m <* rexjalrerf If nbt paid o^. B Sfe"£. s ££ o_for ** U ““* "“*>• XHB SATURDAY HOBHIHO POST ali«'t. b i!fTOn r ?SrV 1 J^ 11 ' offlc *> on » l»rs» bUiatot blm wVJwto™ WUJ ‘ AM * T m > ln nlT»nc<>. Blnglejcoples jj*/ 5? t*pw»tU bs JiaccnOnntKl anlaca at tbi iUkk. Sbnttentton wflj b« piU to any order mJttTiccom. J 7 tha money, or eattafactory reference In thlgSr* 11 Connected with the KtiablWunait of the it me of tkt laroat Job PrintinffOMcu % ftJ ™ PROMSIONALCARDS; A A nggft .tart, ft.Sb«jg ,v AT LAW -j?^,f°- attorney sra AT «&»!_!_ ° rn "^™an a “ d Qr ‘ nt ANC MWOTTOH IN OHANOBBT. m T 4 ' n "‘ jDOt *° “» PMI Office StouWaieJohio. t*W-No.lOO Fourth fltroet, Ptttshhrgh, SUM, ’ fourUl J °° r b ' lo ’ M '- Putteraon’a Svl# |.3S . Q« Orlando K 1 ** AT w ~ Offlo8 > ft,arUl Bta>«, «bOT« A fcirth «t r M t,»boTp«nd /'\moE RM „ 0 ”°*BTr dWa B D FwwS&SKr**”* '“““ °< **» *m - -- r-bl:8m Anm n MUitnun, ~ o^!°y E ' Fourth at. and Diamond Ml care id or all kind, dune with th„ So« Wcarr and legal accurae,. T.Uej u,.tt,al JSatah, exSTln ~ }**&! OPm« V » lll 1 ?T“ n o'y il " ,n ' O'Hara ittrf*? Jiohra brt.wn the camU ana to the oIDm of in «M h AU buriiuoas appertaining t. «tZ*u" m,kn or J u ' ;i “ ° f ‘“--v wni *££&£2Kr oth " doCUm ' nta ' H'AHL, SIJttUBON DBNTIiiT [mi: °- "" DU4I ”-' No - IWBtolJufleld romsito 6 o'clockf** 0 ®" 1 hoors ’ from 8 10 1 » Dj ®^K;r rtsT ' Oppio* Houaa —Prom nine a. M. to fir** “• d*e2o:y ALraiu a curling ‘ * _ PUUN «r u >vo “ j °' U ““’ l ‘ r » « 1 0I««. »t — ! anllnllv Jncob fl’Uotiiater k? “ nJ '■'•tall Cigar m»naf«’.-tur«r, and i,»< ritth <££ ?a °' No il oJ^ K aarTOa & ->« W JoUn JUoorhtad,* ?w ROC f tt ' ANI) COMMISSION MKH OKAST, for the mle or Pt* Maul 00. l Bloom., .od . rouuo.. gepegilly, No. 27 Wood .treat, Pittubur*!- rmu, aurnta ~ :JZsS£k*-J. ak<.*j77,, Keymsr * Anderson, W., ,S^ c ff l*” 10 Jo »ktts Khod** A Oo.) HOLK3ALE dealers in foreign Fruita, Nutt, Bpiw °c? f «i l(> ? Bry ; Su Bara.ic., No. 3-J Wood orw BUB me bt. Oharle* Hotel, Pittaborgh, Fa. »p-] F Henry H. Collins', wX.taSi’S? t ND . ““ MIiSION MSROIIANT, en.l Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Buiter, Seeds, Fish and 1-ro.liica generally, No.2a Wood gUvgl. riu.bnrch ’men. ii. T. C. Jilorsan, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONKIi-he-.alw.yi on torn! a general assortmant School, MUcelluo*..u3auJ Blank P , ri °S lg - I Po , st ““iCap Paper,Ac, eholw.l. and ro- UUa No.lWWoolatwat, below Fifth, East side, Pitw.ur.ih Wanted, Raga and Teunera* Scraps. ap 1 6: 1 y wiLUaki MiLLsa, *eWM. aicKrrsos, iMtsburch Miller U Klcketsoo. WHOLESALE QRuCKrtS, Importers of Brandies, Wine* and Sogaw—Nos. 172 and 171, corner of Irwiu and woertjr street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns. Ac eonsUntly on hand. ' Wm. Carr A doT ' (Wm. Carr, late of the firm of J. Parker A Co.) 'GaOCKaS, and Dealers in Foreign fflnw . * T Old Moaongakela and llectiflied WJ.U. ky, No. 329 Commercial Row, Liberty street, i'ituburch, JatKY S'. iV Uravo, diamond, /U. Dealer rx country produce, offer. r.. r .* „ chotcu stocfc ofUrocories, polecle 1 for family u«a. SWrs or ovary voriaty and iho por-iit quality, -iouoJ „ M SUam Milia. Alaj, Dried Fratto, Koroinu mid Dam.iO Produce taken in exchange for merchandize IMI. X). hai procored a full assortment of Landr.dh's Warranted Garden Seed*, and inriies the attention of all in tereated in rural affairs. jinli B. B. MULISH... Jl. MCtMOMOIt ~J. I. t C. ®A itlcbardion. OMinsSION AND TOKWAUDINO MBItOHANTS, , n j Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Uacoo ami Oil, ami Produtv generally. Warehouse formerly oceusio-l by Bur bridge A Inghram, No. 110 Water aoJ 160 First street, Pittubufirb ™° n i: febii ’ T . ComoiUiioa lioiMt. U« eubsmbfl* ha** opened a booso Tor the abort Dur P 06 * ** flmlthfleld street, four doors above the moooagahela Hons*. We will purchase, or receive, on com mlssioa, for sale, consignments of Flour, Bacon, Cher-.- C«'n t .p»te.Bßrley, Fto Ueed, Grass Baled huy, Ac.. mark. ratee for cash - Joovflf ALUEO a CO James li’haaebiTti! ~ DEALER IN QROCERIEB, PROuUJK. FLOUR. BACON Ac., No. 10, BmlthD«ld and First strwUi Pitta* barifh. Pa. JOUS U. YOUSKi. . ~..TU03. **• TOL'XG *B_ir»ClH L. YOU* T. B. YoJAB * Co. A 0.38 Southfield street. 'TP OSI te City ll,id. Manufacturers of cabi. v st furniture and OtIAIHS, of every description. Materials and work* mauohlp warranted, and said at reduced Cricea. Caretakrn in packing for land and water carriage. uutc3l Cl i. Wm..Digby, Jr., LOTHrNfJ AND PURNrSHINO STOKE, Ma-Onic Hall, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing mode to fitter, in good style, And at moderate rates. aug9:tf . . . A A. C. Duuoau, ' •' -QRQORRB, and Dealers to Produce, For .y Liquors, Old MpLonguhel&aud Jtec* ‘ i Jfq 291 fjy?T y A. Tlndle, WHOLESALE and Retail Saddle, HarocM an< * Carpal Bag mauufai turer, No. 106 Wood su, Pittsburgh. Ta. j V 2P.y J H. Mellor, TXTHOLE&ALEantI Retail Dealer in Musical Instrument* ▼ T Pianos, Moslc, School Books aod Stattonerr. No ldi: Wood street j anl J°h» W. Butter Sfc Co., ORWARDLNQ AND OoMAUSSfON MKRCI3ANTB— of Pltubargh manufactures, I>3ud P>pe and Sheet Lead, 07 Front Street. sep'dS Entcrprln Work*. B No. 138 Wood tttrei, third door below nrowaUrv. OWN A TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting mehtodbelr large assortment ot GW RMs* and Rr rolTlng Pistols, the largest and bast selected stock ewr opened in this market, together with a general assortment of Hardware, Qoilery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, nil of which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cosh purchasers, or for good approved paper. mar in Copartnership Notice JUAYB TITfS DAY (April nth) associated with mo Messrs. F. STEEL TUftBJflT and SAML. 0. OLANEY th of whom have been for maoy years In my establish ment, AUdArt already extensively and favorably known to my customera-and the puhlic generally as superior work men, and Of correct business habits. We hope by this union of o*perfsnee and artistic skill—especially in the watch partmeat; by keeping a large end well selected stock ft goods;. bysaUing at moderate prices, and by close attention nw ’ a liberal share of pahonage. To my old friends and the public- in general, who have for many ywans past so HberaUy pbironJtad my business, I return mv thane, and solicit for the new firm * continuance of simi- April 11, MM. W.W. WILSON. 'Wilson, Turbott A Clanev. W A T°“ MAJtUBS. JEWELERS and BELVEHSMITIIII, _ 67 Market street.coruar Fourth. m ,& Wew Coacb and Carrlag, Faetorv I JOHHSIOH, B BOTHER 8 i m , ttTKr JUUccymt Wmm, itnaz, AlUglimy ouy. . JCTI W ■ TO°°» PgWtfaUy Inlbrm Ihsir friemla pabllj that the, bat. ? >mme P ce ~ t “ e manufacture of Carr la 17»^. trtUdSSJrf «n 55? ca ? d ' , . lth r "« ,n * *" durablll.' ty and bekuty of finish. Repairs will also be atteniieJ ti. on ttomostiMßOnabla tarml U.h,,, thoWork th t®‘.S? S ? t s ß^? a ;’ PolBS ’ * ad atofl, tooy teal LJti dentthat all who Ihyor them With their will 1 perfectly aatbfied on trial of their work * UI U * n - ■ J. T. iORRhiOJIaUa M .^ M ». .«..a. uiukx. KlceUtor Oarrlaffe Faetorv JOHNSTON, BROTHER A 00., PRAOTIOAL OOAOII MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Alle gheny city, Fa., have on hand and are mannfacturiug an eitvrudrh efiadftnl6Qt of Oarriagea, Rockaways, Buggi-n-. Baggage (Sarq Aft, ©ftdein oU thfr Various styles, with •tnct refeafd to dorabllßy and beauty of finish, using io * 11 ite- PaiM attended to on the most reasonable terms. They fwl tkat «U who may favor them withttieir patron- Bstlsand on trial of thpll work, r.*... . ur^k andMacche-tCrOtohlbapc? every Of teen mlnulea during U|e dhy. oct2My COACH FACTORY *JU*TIHL.BT*VIRB-..-. QJtOBQI AXJiKET. . J» , er«loW a Co., “ttSSBSSORS TO E. M. BIGELOW, No. 40 ■MK h l^ w near Wood street, Pitts- Carriages, Pbeatons, Bog- Built to order, and fISJvI? 1 ? description of fancy yehlctfo twenty of design, s t P“ nDer unsurpassed fyr and durability of «kUl of wortmansblp, ■aa- AU work warranted. ' fijPU’ iIVBBY AND SALE «<» WbJL STABLE, KID uoz. XJUIOK aniup; mi , i 0 tn&LOTe and for b . '' 3»iW«oa »!, oppojll, tbl 8L Obm-tM HnUl • v U-.l\ ' ■ ~ - • {. u 'f »•: r ’ J * • -H- Hir-t .8* j.,. , , Vn „ f*'( “ »•«**** £.-u4&Blmf r „. POST Joseph Fleming, Cfsocccsaoa to l. witcos t ro 1 OBNEB MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps ' T £ n a fall assortment of Droits Mmii- M a h^UT b / S ' CUm ’ I‘rtMrll,Uo 1 ‘ rtMrl l ,Uoi >» carefully compouo leel at _ jerflv Joan rtaiimu.... ' • — l — CUCHRAtI t-t-RJimr}. Fleming Urotllem, , >, S “ C . C *, a ;° K “ TO J. 5 IDO a 00.1 “ poo3B™'8 ™' No. *> Wood «tre»t, I'ittn ng" cf » r John Haft, Jr., W_„ r „ [ BUCCXRSO* TO JVilib jTatFPiT. I lIOLEBALE AMD RETAIL DHUOULJT, and doalar In lainm OltaiDyaatulli., An., 11l Wood aUwt, lli, ea tMl ' og v ino° ailaj. Piltaborgh. apr-LmAalj W*iSw? A £ E DKALBK IN yORKIQN WINKS URAN JBVk»,° ? All |s’ lb 11 . MON ONQAnELA AND RYE Wtttbursh, Pa. ’ H " U,i ' lnß Ul *" n ". No. 8 Wood street, Wine*, Brandioa, Oins, Cordials; Jamaica SDirlfa Bt Tv,Z.n ® Mtt *ga*nU Labelled Bottles of every etvle SrS^^r J res P ect f«Hy fQTite iln^LiiPa. | my stack, M No. 8 WOOD atreet, mtsborgh, ' _ _ aprliy Jam** Meliiaser. PLANING IUI DL.-Would respectful ly Inform his friends and the public, that his new e*. woiishment la now Id lull operation, and that he i« ore- L^L 10 fU m. Ul ' Uo * t »>id Oil all ordere for planed Dumber, with promptness, and at Ihe lowest rates onu£d.“ n<i ’ 1 ° r koll ‘ "idea, constantly or d£ h ’ ‘ >o<>r *’ * DJ M ‘ >olJln f" "< -'erj- description, mads to Builders and Carpenters wcnld Bnd It totbeir ad ra Mura “° W fan ' i ' l ‘ Uten, with planed stulf suitable/or every deeorlpUom-f work. * j WM A. UKtljtOS. BL.IT .V, ,J ' rr »“ * • IlklnJn ol Urn.n Wort, UcomotiTß ol,.uui Kuo.ut r ‘rS.tii n lil’’ ““““R MskuUciukt.. foundry f>o Rebecca street. Alleghany ritv or^HF **< w „ k *" fl *“ ““ »■««->*» *»■ ■»' QRiTI. D. RLWSoCR T j frMSi’lj ~ „ KAM-fiiTLlfik** oy u£l in*! w’"?., * nJ Or.l„, IM 1 w ' a ' J *”■* ll >V Inin., in r >T’ J>„, w Ju<»r Kntu.,, X., S(llltt BUi»n Ke(tJ™, M „i Uox»« w. U ►iUTU " w. HAIR.... J „ ST fiinltti, nmr A. llimtcr, ci»ir ) Hi'r M k’pnr V^AND OoilMlS unJl‘»| MkR f C ANT * lnJ in all lioj* u / SSt K.l Hr„ Jtreijt, • - ... i^h« 'I'WE OLD PRINTING KM'A UI.T SHMENT (lata Joht. «iasr' *• ,u - -- a nJ , n n^b E m k l aDd W»r«»j°u»e. Pnntine Oftt.-,. and Book Bindery, rc-rn.T ot Mark.-t -nd *;* loovlfi N , NO »L tl, " VV ** lcrn ~^,U e Affncr, ° By UAdlilNJluN rtTUKFT. or Ivarhorn, CWOAU.i. ILUSOf- Alt-** I’tKKIRTOK I*l ub erf on 4 (o S 1 ,K£ll |,lT '’ T< T.iuß JrrrKtK.x t«. i„r tka.^a.Vk.n DETKCTI VK POUCB UUsUkKa* _ _Notice, llttaborsh, .Vptem'lit m, 'l s/l -^. ! 'i“” ’’ ‘““ l '‘ r, ‘ J,r M A »'f7^ C T Uil>;11 ° f f >uJ liluier si»«|, ISAAC JOHtb i"■» K » ,, <e*a. U• U. lioffcrtf JX Co UMMMMBUi.r K AiKKS'p,!.., iU j£i r T “ orT '" th ' l>m - v v ' r »'’•■»■•« >-in,»itVJTtl **>tt»Uorg»i kltiinV ScltoolT KOKKM ! * l A ’ ri I‘r-pnrUir, c^rnr? /Fft WemcoJ etr-et enj Cl. -rrr-ii-v. Tfc, , u WIUr X,l .Xj, tvfipectfail.T »nnr>ouc •« in n,* f.Mim. *„ 1 Orinlr. Sjuoo. ; U H Sh ' ted » IUU.M Ul in iIT nf ,!“ U , l "■■nm,.iiournrM sn.i .0.,,, r ‘ -imls .l,y >tuiil.r ,■ In ,lT_ fh , its u *> from *ll 0 1 wbiir ito bi.-n ntiil Hirj HU.Mh-n rrmirm U“ ,1 {•iiillv united u> tho promotion of h~„lth. hv thi<m-t vrL uUo The H Ws err 4 n-J i.. 15 , th# proprietor hliusWf that no p h mt ~r will be spari ej to makl , thl , f*<t6t<li-hinect the Cl*t \l tt.o CQpflden<-f (•' (hr put.tie t. M iuitn HlelUMl’c. U.xriUiis, ANli F ACT l' H iU oh' ii ]i_ T '■lLVtll iiii kl V*■ .KAML3 1 lain ami 'jninD't.l': .No ■'] h , .tr«t All kind. fl Co«,p M Ui,.n hit M ff, „ ‘ iß J' Cf «*"« »W ft. iuhm, u. „rd r * . I’’ **n«l IW m.l -" 1 * 011 II m.ddfii*-tuf.y nUb WKI“ 1 J bcr: "' n ” J Klthaul iLjurj-, vlll. ami CallAodMe. No aJ V l Si.T A ,?H BLIND ha. T blp health nr a.< in resume his r.l ] l m »lop-< an i 1... ci- bed hi . BLIJf»MANUKAUTOKI\.t No °5 f, nl,ut‘ ?' ar .ho Post oIIW, Mw-on ,*n.l SniiihfM I « hrr« hr ha, ao or BUND*, trlmiurd nUL I.UIo .ud I"iivnrH° r 'i l *J“°r «nj i> Krp»r«l lo 111 »n) order in hit liqe, on ll,r m wt ream, liable t, rm , m, :ki '- —•' Ca ” C,r " ‘“ m * >" «rk- _L _ _ mtT ly Nottc«. ” ' ; I HAVE sold mr Interest In the I.ualnaaa v.liar * A Lnn|< ' ' ,ho - ' l;h J-bn I-tiUli,.*. I'm ueue ht the nil stand, No 10« F ruDl i!r(v , I '„r Ila'l V-e cfinmend the or* firm to the l alrvna,;-, , t iiv friend. ««^, g b, Jn ) y s»., iM . riJSSa, I a. a. loso. S. A. Long tL Co., L)KLL AND BKAHF F'JUNDeP.H, ANIi (»AS FlTTKl’?* ) invite Kitfutlun to iLm,- tu., U i t f: p r *„.* k ' Km, Pr-minota. »nd other Qitim** \\ - u » r *’ (ll tJtfl And Steam, make Brims CaMm.:* ul s.ll Hind ■ j„ furnihh lUilruil I*amp« anj Tnak Kitin.- nr i .. \„,i' Attrition Metal iioDAtnufly on bund. y i SUTICK, DALY’S STOCKING WaNI’F.VCTORY. A'u. 20 fifth tlrrrt, first ,<ru>r Mn’.ri a,?. WDERE will be found the Upland b«*t utock of UOtiIKRY ever offer*! lor k*l b m thin < k v Pur.Ji&Burß will OnJ ii to ihrir iJvuntii?o u call At tLN pbUbUflbmem and examine lor thrnitelxm. U U all l ne^d to Insure their custom. C. PALY N. B.—Remember the Ctuar grocKmo Oantu f *“ bl T _ 0. D. rpIIK enbsrrlW harlux tbo axcluplts rhtht to mantif*-. .1 tureaod sell KWKXNKY’ti II(>T AIK AND KAioKK t.>jNfiUMING PURNACE, Is prepared h- rn-.dTe orders, auJ contract for boating LuUdlng* with the moit economical furnace now In use. ho atteoiloo of those interacted Ip solicited. Any Information chu be had of A. BRADI.KY Nos. Hand 4 Wood street, tr of J. BARNDOLLAiL _ J«c24:tf| Iron City BtoTe Warehouse. No. 131 Wood at JAMtH 1. LBI>UB. Ledlte A (ilam, M(Bueoss*or9 to Mulraoy A L*d!i».) ANTTFACTUIUJItfi of Cut, Moulded and I'lulo F!in and Fancy Cnlnrnd WLA.SBWAKK, and aealera’iii al kiudttof Window tilaofi, Kiaf-kf, \ Jala and Jiottlaa Wan houfli* corn nr 6f Marfcet und Water stroetf). PftthLurith mh3:dly * ' Cl HIMSKN, MamjfKctur-r of every variety of Vials, '• Bottles and Window Ola**, Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Ulac* U every Tartetr.Warebonse, N ob . ICM Second, and 1.':3 Flret street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mb'2B !• VV. Chadwick. T \RALER IN KBNTUOKV LKAK TOBACCO RAGS Ha KU>Ettf N °- U 9 WOOJ b*tow Sixth, nfJS Tba h| s he,jt market price, in CASH, paid f,, r rr_ apßOtlj* JOUM A TWILL. Atwell, Lee & Co.. OHOOKM. Trodare And Comm Mon J * 1 ® Dd ,n Pittsburgh ilunuTuctureji, £° r 8 Wood street, botweon Wbter and Front Blr**U, aplS DlaaolnUon of Co-PArtuerihln rpilK CO PARTNERSHIP harutofor* exi-iiuj bcl.n.n X JOSHUA RHODES aod PHILIP REYMER in it YVholcrrale Fruit aud Ooufcctlouary Buries b’ihla day dieaolrad by mutual oonrenL Th« buMncm of th« m 1» aelUed up by Joahua Rb«X», who b. i" cclpt for all dobbt due said firm. JOSHUA RHODES March 27th, ISS6. PIIIUP Sfg PARTNBBSniP NOTICK **- Tb .’ ™lerelgm*l have thl.i day (ormed „ p. rtn , r . ship, under the name, (Irni ami «iyle of UKTMEII » .I DBBSON.for the traction of the Wholelle , Oonleetlonsry business, No. 31 Wood street J I HILIP RKYIIEit, BODT. J. ANDEBSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 18t6. retiring from thoConfectlonarybusinees 1 o h em folljr recommend Messrs. Reymer t Anderson to my friends and customers. JOSHUA RHODKB Pittsburgh. March 27th, 18A6. Bp <2 itcmoval. ' • HARBAUQH A CO. have remorsd to No O 296 Liberty street. BEUBOX2 niBHAPQg -- .ALtXAtfDEB POESTTO. gprlng«r Barbangb <fc, Co., iO. & EUfbfcQgh.) AVD FOJaWAKOINO MKUCHANTS ; Vj Dealers in Wool audjfroduve ynuerßlly N.' 2U& LD*rty street, Pittsburgh, P» tpfc PUBLISHED DAILY, BY OILLMOM & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “ POST BUILDING- .. , . i-OST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STUPKTH iTttrmu.n ' - - ...... ' T8 ' AT i6 ’ oo PtE ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS _Cl»ir k! . J'lt'.Fburch- 'iriiiiW-tf NTTSBURUU. J'A Coßsume tli t Smoke JoSri-H i . i um, Removal • CUA3. ATWILL. ; / ; V* r : ' ■*>** BUSINESS CARDS, f. L. JSarahali, , o» « c e«ior to 11. Lee ) 4 ,Ui “- Pittsburgh, May 24, °°- Wat# and Caps* ' ~ /19. U u,? uM lnrlUj attention of our friends ami ®®OAi-d ab which " Bpl<!ndU “"Ortmen: or HATH nod wh eh we are now for th*> c Mrr .—, tnuo, which for beauty of fttrle, exceede anything ever of femi m the city, or west of tho mountains. k * Asr Oall and examine for yourwrtrrß. J - WILSON St BON, 01 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Dlsaolation of Co-Partntnhin fItUE fXKM Of LIVINGSTON,-EOQQBN A 00 *PrODrie X tore of tbe PITTBBORGII NOVELTY Wi>h** P 2 Z!*siT£ Zf d ” th ° f Mr BS»TSf"’.TS In WORM will berentlnued in all iU branches by the surviving partners. uii.tnr rh» namt .ml style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND AOO who will also settle op th. affair, of th, l.feflrir ’ U B. UVTNGBTON. OALVJN ADAMS, ». i. « w. j. K. MOOBHEAD I ittflburgb, Pic,May 4, 1866.) W. B. COPELAND. JOT, CO.«U TO ' rcLo'dMT. John M'Oioakey A Co* hsta/l clothing mer M B, N 88 Pittsburgh, Pa. .rilk reepectfuily inform their oVd customers “, d die public in general, that they hare thia day nssocin UDj ' r Br “ cf ot pub" peonage ■»“=“ * »»*” s .i?e^;a“.'i"“'“ Mor, '“ ch W,U b *'<" ll <' d Jlioota and SUo«a. th^t U l n . LI m N °. S 6 F ° UCtll Btrett > Dearl l’ opposite «n. o"' 5 'hanufarturlng Gentlemen’.!am Roots Lew nhocs, tloa and buttoned; Congress andllutton Ualtare; Ladies 11-lte, Half Boots, J.Sny Linds, Slip. Lnrv Kid an?* U,lt,-r “' 11 "'O' color and shade; ttDij children d do., of every Variety. N. II All kluda made to order, on short notice, |,ul9 soldier.' Bounty Laad, end t lsliii, I liorimmenl. H TU, procure Bounty Land Warrants fcr FolJler», the " cw"t 7m ' l ' bl ' <i " n ' ond iU * nd ,0 husineas In Ollli Vo mrl r™ I ')' ““tolKhed by Onn.ress , 1 Thiri -.trret, cue Joir above Smithdeld St March IP ('IIARLEH NAVLOR New seed Store. |AMKS WARDROP offers ro. e«l« CANARY IHItl>? or Jne m fi‘l‘sf r 'i' r ' !d n l,r '*' J '‘“’'“l ~ h “ rJ ''. and One t S t n d S "" d, -“ l Canary, Ilemp, Millet, Rope aud roll- PLOWf llfl ” 1 . , . N ‘ r “ i rh‘»h«l coujpnrel of the finest » LOWERS, rlr, : Lamellae, Rose Bud,, Hsllotropee, An. hr*r<nwnr (iu f„ r Cbri-Umn Tn*n, from the BtvdaoJ Hortrultuml .Store. No 49 Fifth «t . u.-nr Wood. •3 ill Li. caii* ILL iiountf Lrikli, r |'lU> ii0.1.-r-ditnad to obtain ttountj I.acd W» 1 "lb Tim vrenaM bill ultw to ail »ho luoaurri-J i any »»r -iocv liWu, 1 00 »<'r«*A. Twrma cui>J«rnte I-UKK LXX’KSIIOOT, 2~ t Di.mouJ aIU-y, Uiwwn Wood at at,,| DUnunJ. S for Hale. IMV TiiKKK ACKLSIIf LAN 11, will, jm „. r „ OI L .„, n'toclml. end ell ihr lminx.Tpm.mtfl thereon in „u -. He‘fl r : r .*"‘., D - '* til. M nonretipli m u “’'"l * bu ” W"">""X:h, r.nd I. iuh , iWm Hoom, Hern. Hm», Orohar.l, ll.ilroad, en.l an «xcvil«Dt harkx.r ( ' r9 tiilck, toi cuinot he nirr.M» J »n iUiinj hor further particular* apply to NICHOLSON A PAYNK, _ No. Liberty |M KXHitttiioNi iioufli H>R IN\ KNTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agency for the Purchase and Bale of Patent HO-ES f *:A hL ; “ nJ PiUnled ArUck ’ iVo PJ /'.-a rc.i itrr.t. war,**-* U u,,T ' J»t.u Oraham. JamrcMcad, 11-lbUd.AOo, .. «. r, aV' ' N a Sa-u* '' Rramirr »,, U rn. Ihi I,pc |, R UtlD u , n W,1~,n 41 uaadlca,, Wm F. J»b u , t .. B n. lr '’ ~, Shih'W” 8 “V*'— D “ <r- * Uoil.‘ I u" ~T° *? I, *>' Btrum^tVrltiuy Ll 1 Hcum-m™ „„i L-,1... Wrilluu arc *. uulrarwlljr adrnurl. 4o I * r * cit,H„u,l ,i the door but tb. „ „| ••m c", T T"'' ‘“"‘“““ou- Tt>« Principal „„ , puly nor patent |,. r |,u bu.lo™., n,,, d.d be Jvi .lb innitntton chartered t. *.l cur, .• ha, ten rc|-ai-ii, luD** to thl* t-itjr • “ 1 o. and LwW Ibitlo, Car), written in Mr n..Ulp“r ! „.'u‘,tj , tocX' A “ an ‘“;“s*j > 1^ »<* Initlllgruc, un„ I "uf/iup 1 ' r ’!*Z '‘iV J , n f t 'P' M " l *“ intellmkscb I.ffl U r | k ' T N '"“ u Libert,, In il,, aril knc.n r,rr 1 *<"«• *O4 - be b„ Etplcrlnr A I’rti ,IT the Ycumt Mcu-c lliblc -ra.ct, . f P, U , bnrah n.r rear!, |»o Scare. |,. ,|„ U , r . btm.air ,b,t n, 1.0..w1«1 < -nl Uia .It, and ite cuta.u. ama h,m <rcat la ,1, * w •**? -** TU. patron.*,. „( the public l, ...llrltcT Tcrm“‘r lw * ,T,, aaU«Uclnn. ~i - UAUUIKL UAUIt H.... A. MUuken A. Co. A 1. ON HAM), at th •1 r »itd»o.|r» l’ Alfl \ KT >ni CHAIR MANUFACTORY. Nn r,l .'bct%7rTr°' ■ na »b.:‘ i-erc •*"> «7 r " a ’- t ~‘-' odADMuury rat™. T-^um—‘•nsh rnly j Wiu. K, Bl«ven,ou ca.oU.4u-- L i n , llu L CAUIVKT WAUK „ery ! „ ml utH ‘ rls ' at,J *«' oQih BJTII L/NDKIa AKIN,J lu, la ail IU Lra: hr* UCharlca Uarnatt, DUSK AND BLACKSMITH, hat, arcrtM . Uarinr.. bad ,„„ c u,.ta rt "iSrL.‘ , « ,^Si7, ™uVu * m4rwU,l ‘ : " ° f htn blti auj th. public ' 7 -- «RANI) PIANO, mai.k by NUNNS it CLARK, NEW YORK mu* puuuu of rnt,i, ur|( i 1 tnd Au, ghTO r , i. full, mv,u.j t„ Mil „! ,r,„ s „|, » u *„ * |r '‘ r.l tlie mWcnbers, .No U fiJTU BT ... Sagaa Riauilnn a nup«<rti ljF I |PHMfWHB Pull Orautl Plano, prlo« 91 ooo.U •* Buff irtmi Uu Biciory ol NL'.NnU t CLAttK, N„. y Qr b Thi. Ai"ylV “f ,ram ”" 1 “a 4" 1" Uie V KLIZA BKTHI AN Bn LB, I lie orauueau, IroDt plm» »„J 1,,.. u,, Q „ „|,bo- Ift tel y r.rted OQI ~f SO Lib RoSKWuub. I k fun s?££nr ••7''' ;i - »«• »<■ '■Lit iul. U*eir H-vmt 1,.» *“ d " hL ‘" lt "‘ UI It K t.KHKK <| jilt.i <•! ih.- Oul(l«D Ji.rr Nu W jru.h ntrrU. Hprlog Stock of Htidlt u r k Plano. L-LIAKLuTTIS HLUMti, .No MS VV t - j igSß*g|?fi|«Str<rtt, Holt- A*.Mit. IB £J iff ’ l ’ h, ‘ Hamburg Pihnf..- art- undoubti-dlv , V * 1 to fill others, N-th t 0 mid tujKrx-truy <»/ i vn t. v ' t. lbc b ‘‘ h '’ 1 <* appro I from the heal European Pianino. aucb a* PP , , , LIST, TUALBEKO, U°l Kli t '“ m renstantly In their cwn use, PItOFKaSOR fIENRY ROHROCK ..‘Sr.S 1 i ‘ DC lh ” l-f' l -* l *' «ylo. two of ,bM he MaDLr. r r hi« own hh*—one Urand and one biuarw "‘lb,u rxeMrat r«»u«" 1 remain, vour«, respectfully, prices from $226 to $S(00 0 “ “***/*• at m n i h Wotlee to Whom It n.v rillljt PUBLIC BPKIMU RALES of Lai £ta* R „. I cheater are now closed, and the flufldinp .Wn has fairly raaufmrri. Every dUian of llodfartmi, y ployed Even 30 or 40 new families who have bwMn l' y T nn« ttw present Spring. tail constant employment; and in a few days a bund red lamlllee more will be reuuliid i ljr ., r . ry ou Llie woTkof the pfr-Hv-ut st-uson. J **Mu*tf AtaOUihment is now ukit completion and will Le In full operation In June. Several Okra will \ ' ready for delivery, by contract, thy Ist of July IHbb Two or three new churches, iu Rochester, will be c<) n. trucicd fur Immed ately. aud norawous other improvements will bo commenced, requiring a greatemoan t of mechanical mid other labor independent of the Uar KaUbllshmeut which Will probably employ fromoue to two hundred ’ A prominent brtekmaher from Pittsburgh has just nUr thasod nine large lots, and contracted to make orim them forthwith 600,000 bricks. Two gangs of hunds Sin work tbo prew'nt week, besides the other yards heretof™-* established in the neighborhood. * heretofore Our Stone Quarritt are already alive with workman „„ i th» road leafing to them lined with toama ’ 3 “ d ‘ i °“ b '“’ f Any who d d not bay cheap lota ni the four public sales las reason, orthe four pnbllo Bales tli„ preeont spring can *,‘i l ,0 ?,' ,r9 , g0 ?f l b “B alnfl ‘lprivate tale by calling on the hTtw noch ' Mt ' r - down Uln one year p'h ,‘7 7 f“. rB ' mA. 0. GOULD. . ‘ 9 -~ A fa * ‘“tsoan yet be had at {6O to $lOO each ;If applied for before the 20. h May. These lots ore twice as large oa usual city lots, yli: 40 feet by 126, and the price e 1 i s i ° “? p " r foot front ' Tho present resarv -11 homestead and magnificent prollt of Orld Plnney,4 acres Hi vo “ ntri ‘ ° r th ” herengb of Kochestor; also, the beautl builii “B. orchard, Ac., of F. Reno, can be bought through the subscriber at great bargains, and there are not ftw tuchbargains within a htnjdi'wjrmllea n myG Ramftval, ft OUTiraRRT 4 SON have removed their Jlea] Estate n«ir Thlrti * tal AfieDC ? offl{ * 10 No ' w AtARKET BT., «K? f?°.M,?i LB 7 Two 01 60 f «* l b y 140 r 1 Ittiiburjfh, at Lt»e lowest priced. iDijuire of * UKI Thomas woods. it> jourui • .755*^=s. - ..=.. ~ :^-^ r - ' ? > C<» **'»*• •• « Sr.-» t t=+*...;■ J ’ ' * PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY," SEPTEMBER 27 1 V" bUm1 ' * n ' l had t 0 *W U th#or.le. At the expiration of two weeks they could go about th- 'lm ai pleasaro. n J •These cases of Amaurosis were restored to night aiUi they irere g.ven ap .m incurable by the faculty, ami ,an U referred to by any person who alah-s to 1.-«ru the far Ul these ra>**, by writing to them. j M . ri Pittsburgh Dollar Baring, loTtituruTiT: ♦Vo. as /httrfA strrrt, SKIT DOOR TO THE PITTSBUROH BANK T 8 N >J W Ul ' ‘ittily rn.ra 9to 2oVb,ek; on Wed J nesday and Saturday eyenlmr-, from 7to y | r „ k w rßC r'V“i a " I-- then Oue Kular, •nd l)fc.m e. rhe Tru»t«es,fur the purpose el lurtherinr the beueToleut ohjreteof Ibo Institution, her- -tu-r-I io-e dep?l”tow' , ' bjUd ’ lh "” bsr H’ lln s edditi.mel ereurilj lo 11c..k« rontelnlnd the Cherter, 11, U»», Rule, nod R-; j. letloue, rurnlehed i-ralls, on nppll.- H n.’o at the (-It! -,- JVwuh-nI—UEORUE ALBUKE. Amoud securrlj InYr^tr-J. tlroi'n U * U, “ C ‘ “»~" IJ '-' -T-- It- m'„: V,."u. Hod Thomu, B Fl<.r*o. », j. Dn i K N,„n „' or " H Aruwtn-0.-, iWI... Li,,,..,.' u J 1 k II ™ v? ’ ''' Jl ff't C hr,.-.., lu< tn&s alfcuUrrOpj.l, !*»*■- | .(j pirrsui nun RErcnK*jcr.f> !l;;° T.'!■'! j k M-nim », » n.l ‘.° r “' n ' w. m„v. It J 'l' 1 --""-- AII MCVIu.-ot. IS*,, I'.l' ?*?, K*|. «-U»nJI«iTL. U 1 J Hr oa ( lt ~ i t- m » . 1 ‘ K M Uittiu, ’ l,Pn - J K Mor,.h,»a. n.r <*h«ra>*t»r rf thr *U.r. »« * tS . f ,„. , aoa n»r»«uj uniwunt k„, \i. rlnr »nd ltiPor,.nr« * * '“ •••* G-nHrui-i. ~l J „ , »Ovi »► ?*t<v K h.*|.|,-r. ’ , TU«>MA.-i J. lILNTKft. A.-nt, 1 *' ? ‘ l Cl.tvri,., ItuUJiii*, \<, lus Third -t ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans MffH /ur l'rtscrvinij F:,,h Fran, $;I IS T-wuof, , ' gji |i j|J| Ul UkUHLTICAL <UAU»U. |jf iMlllllllllil T'lw* T‘“ h * r * ‘•j’ «•- J. Ul( Ul l.l«* HIJ I * Ulln-T, hO.l *, , u[ ‘ ts ' T' r,p|.|!y r . u ,.^ * J b. wurt U «. ««,iv IW by tli-ir ijT», r: " h ~Mt , “ J T " lu “ u H-lr L 1,.. wl »mlrr, nt •‘umnt-r » 0 '“- —‘- AKTU L’R'H UA N. *hi. b 1.-s -kw o.i wi; h a |j>J .r**rlo, I Kip. •(. lb«l »l,rd ,( m „, I^“', , ML., L„ 1..,.„ lull, ~,p,|.y tin- Kr„„„' f( l» A«.nn,. I n«tttntr>, Srm Y-ri Hi,. ».n, .1 ..i.,. diploma m.r all Rolf Hailing '.da al 11*. lal. Par In F IrWu •< Me hanl.v Fair h»IJ Ihl. -pi,..* at Ui- f uilll,. jn la D w mSk” W '’' b C “ L " 11 '* l "'" fan'll, ib. '•> Ul - «ll- l* f,i)m,.[lT for «»lr, »!,(.],,»lr anj rriail, ,t u„, Chin. nnJ o„ ...ration, of HKNKY HIUBY ... IB IVi»U„, h M.Nk Bargnlua In YVMclica, clocks * Jewel, } ROBERTS & BROTHER, tSL , * IU: “'Ho* 'hrtr l»rn» anti C.r-'liii:, ,-l-r Erl'." 1 "!"* Kln " Watrhe..Ckvlta, emlrf'li 11. IJ 0 » make m m 7rT" for * u Wl{,r,: n ** Mook., h will !»■ M IT. wTJ!irc E “ , " n ‘ in«i»* .«>*. d<,s ! rln * >*J ennj s-wi. iTEr'W; ;T" t t ;r ut r ,tliout rv^rj u • 1 1 •o tl r r '«t '.he pi or* KObBKTS .1 IUUfTIIEK. •»* rw kVirtJSE; '» ";i -*ud varrunte-l * ' n •“** iVJI | r W .nt^ NM hill mo ACBB WABBANTP. be AUSTIN LOOMIS, lain D«kr It, W.rr.nle, A*. 93 Poortb ■ W ...... . Uo-p«rin«riiilp. I’ ■ MARSHALL aaßorlateti with him. on the il Jay of July, JOA It. HUUHKB, in u , W .,' rapar bunloetifl, ufldur tbe ums 0 f jy “ ' v r MARSH AM. <3fc>. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY 21 feet be 100. A good bargain ran be La.] by an.,lying *,.j„ Ji the olll.'a of tile MUUNING I‘OST. ' ' Vl-’ l AOOoD BUILDING LOT, 21 real front on Canton .treel by 100 feat In Jepth, In Birmingham, will be aold cne.p Enquire of CEO. P. OILLMoBB. . ITlo al omreor the Morning IVat. SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 I‘EK CENT., JULY l'isbn JKTSIA insurance; company’ OF HARTFORD, Coy A. ’ CIIARTBBBD - - . . ' . joi,i PAID UP. Ca«h Aueu, July 1, 1K56, Ss3s.fino « /■'IUNTINUK to mite Ineuronon on nil description,! V nt equitable mini. This ContZy hlvn maintained ft position r„r honoralila dealing for 3tJ vmm. and ia uneurpassed for reepooeiblMy and punrtuetitT l.v anjr other similar institution In the United Motel Hem? annual statement ot the rendition of thle Oompanr on nil Ln thin offlcn, tor the examination of the public J U. li. TKaN-KTCK. Auei.i Office, North-treat corner Fifth and Wood eirmUt Pitta . jy24 il. n. Lemon A. Co.’a Way Line. BETWEEN I'ITTSBURUH AND COLUMBIA fFftn n TIIK uDderslirn.ftl harlDß purchased |jPjfcagggjai' l ‘ rt ° r u *f' wh * Cn-'n Canal stock BaSa&jaSfcillUW prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BDSINKfiB between this place and Columbia. All huaine»« entrusted to oar care will be promptly attends at the Warehouse formerly occupied by b. Loonh *n„ ' LUJVO * hSMON? 0, JUST WIIAT YOU ALL WANT Tills THHK—The Magazines for August; Peterson’s Magazine for AtlguPt; Ballou’s do do N*w York Journal do biohens' Household Words for August; The Heiress Of ifaughton, or the Mother’s Secret • Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life j ’ Peggy Woffington. For all the uew Books or Magazlnea. call or c,.„ i . cheap Bookstore of W. A. aiCUENFfINNKY h “ JyM> Kitlh et-, oppoeltß the ThLTtL, C°g A .he^«. L « >J foot ° f j?* o J- W. BUTLER A 00. SALMON— No. 1 Lake Superior Salmon w n*Nnv h mr*y, Ns BONNKTtt— A.A. MAHON A 00. havelHrWSSr^. celved by Express, some new and very elegant styles of Silk Bonnets. sepl J V SMfar*?' . . ■A. * V \ “ \ . - '"* ' , ' k :Ml ,* '*•'*>• • /'>“"► •► . - • » <•«; *■*>»■ 4 , r J V • ’ MISCELLANEOUS DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST, aaxta axl maxAaxa or ms its ajid car without cuitinq /kn»»«^ SSCUINQ I BLIST2AINO, OR TUB USE OT CALOMEL ’ OPPIOE 468 BROADWAY, 00R. GRAND BT., NEW FORK Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. PUUGU, GRANULATED LIDS, Intlammatlon, AcuUor JLV Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Serofulouo, Weoplug or Watery Eyes, are anjoug the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. 1! with perfect satisfaction. , tha r ltd*ted upon eolentlllo principle. Artificial Hyos inserted without an operation. AJI letters poeLpald will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thou- Handeraon** 8 Wlllcb btton euccaiafuU y treated by Dr. Wm. J. Fryer, 826-8 Broadwuy, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Bouthwick, Printer, fJ. Goodspeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. 4L L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y M Bellows, N. K. Station, Duchess co., N V Kdward G. Bolger, Bristol, Conn. •John Seamen, Kngin*»er, N. Y. Dsvid Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B. Giles, office Courier and £u<|. N Y. t James W. Kirby, Brooklyn', L I. Jarris Rodgers, « .. A. R. fienvim. Telegraph Operator, St. Nichole Hotel R. M. Ferrias urgan builder, llourtnu t>L R. B. Doolittle, M. D., Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanahlu. Ttct N F R. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. EHlleohach, Bchenoctadj, N. V. Oapt. B. 11. UaTiland, Athens, N. Y: John W. liackett, Binghampton, N. Y. vict rßESiDirrrru John H. Koupp, N. Orattan Morphy, T!j<xil«llu Umbßtii»u«r I-|aa' M I'snuofjt, WiUjftin J AnJprr-'D rj rfrttJ: inn n n Q K^ kofrfD ' .Uia-s Hantmau, L i J ''‘“ «• K.rkpnlrj^ Alb«ri Culbprtw- n, John D MV--M KoU*rt Ch*dt*-r. IJMw* Mi i ir tr J U.rkllo.rtt.mi..' M.rrhi.ll A1..01,. A CrrlMt, A M. IM,„ck jQt.Q S Uorer.r., 11-orr |. ln ' „ IJl * rlrt A- C-.1u.0, Hr.lVrl [u.1,1, p 'i “P?-' I™' 1 ™' ‘1 min,, Pr.D.;U Fr.u. J.m., R|K .^ u«ir f . If. Uillni,.r., J.rin-,. yhhll. Uwrr. P p,1.i,0, " 8 U *”"' Al-J.mttr T.aJl,. l.lMlT 1 ' Ir " , « r "-tUiRLto A C.LTO.N. riopoweil Li«pburu, Omrtft* H. WTiit-n, William Y. JobriNjon, W. Hjulmun, Al-xandrr Hra<]>i, WMUxxa Phlll! ( ><i, ’ KAtljn mil' 4»ll MKCIMIIH »■ JFE, FIHK AND MARINE liiMir.iiH c (oiiin.-mv. i* I'DILADKM-JIIA Lot for Sale. t • 4 . VI - ** * *? c&* •» ( % *: . - «* £«' * SUMMER RESORTS. „ COUNTY WARM SPBIKBS. 1 r,7 ' “""’"“‘ehratcd WATKIUNU PLACK Kill bo open Ther n t i.7*H D, i ll "" r tlw ,I ‘TU OF JUNK NKXT. w!l/s north V” 1 * 1 Blwr ‘ ulln,|i Crp»k, fourteen mllMlJt of ,lnc "" non ’ P l * lo >»l»d Ursa of . a J rlflb urK, 00 the Central Kallroad,) at the 11 Mouutuo, which reaches an elevation ot «(luj,jooL;r‘- o™* w-fords a t»Ulo, !; oa)tonJ “florin*, Oshing or the sportsman ■ lurotltH oif er great uliruotiuns to a “ hady ■**«««> h ill .liveilfy scenery, ur— t e kidneys. Thera um V* “'’S'""' “ nd aJfec tione 01 one of whilhla of .uV™„w * t, ''° Bprln ? a Ib °™7 a degrees Fahrenheit a„a throwt atar<V 7Si' ! ‘“f*” 1 lmin S ..... minutes. L<^jT; 3 “ «„??) i?,* oa ‘. M been constructed, with all "he *mSd~?"i a “ BATHS h “ re gather with FLUNG* iIATUa tot? Improvements, to 'or the Springs, tlas'‘ro! l lmtsema’nt' 1 |n a ab^ l^d ma, & “ , !j l ‘ rioa “ oth " faolli- ‘“ C '' °« >i<>ll»r l«4 Ofiy propCetoTcarry* llB *” room> . should address the CT p r* < ,wT 1 i r i ,'f to "Mb the Parry County ‘hey “ » *■ 0- uj>;ji >t n. IL ETTIIR, ... . Proprietor Warm Springs I>■ n-miv!iV.®,™ Kl t It KTIIK AT, ~ lv :l'JTr* ■'nr} liL ' 11 Pnxi.,«nchun -410UW;,l tT","! «r fUUburvh, and .iui.t«lalD tf * 4ler , Us d-ar spring, trout 1 m u?£l r z?f: ,bi - «*» ••.. d*™. U... >.fr mil ,t *V > " 1 wr-ml times a day, by -.he Mountains * U ' oa *» Tyrune, Huntingdon and so^rv” " bri “ fDnr » torl « high, spacious h.»«nrnt ll a'U • > «i‘f,"ilu J ’l Pllnt, | l an . d ,ornta, «' turn tpidia&r.* «.f (Vij | J.V “** *“« mclern improreaientfl and »<- haths, 4q ]t aJ»o flawly renlilatud i,: I '.'-', the Slunii hiMa" ri J l k mountain*. n Ujh “eternal S K-Ji7f rft{ ' h in *"■*>< ready cv-huV- l ' rc ' l ' t "' u ' r 10 »> nu»t '* „ K- f UABLETT, Proprietor axmvevt.q ix mrsoofluß : , •• >*“ <>« * I’" • »» 1. !i.rty rlrrrt -11 Wx-nturz-r John Anderson VUlhaci A Cam . Ch» t le» Uot-I FEVER AND AGUE CURE c ' ,rrot lafißiuTTiirr »nJ iJ iL. “■“ 1 ■*“>'*• Cmus .DJ Pzvn d “‘ ut t. Nwirr Hwmts, md .11 „tbu ' JI • l “-' h h”*' » origin In Malaria or r. .. . NAURU. ANTIDjTK, »hKh <rUI entlrrlr ‘"- v r '7' l -" <" tr»T.|-r. *r* a m th, moAl rick), w Uj,,f - V f, ‘ m Miilarin or tJln'l ***>• 10 p™-at who «oi , n! ,"fi ‘ 1 u m >’“»il«r to twroty yrar« vtiAt tii-') „•—) e-i Lj.7o o>wVi£rc\iL, 1. , -x-uLlnuiuir It# u«. ..-oorJlM 10 Un-l,™ n.« patiom at „„co J“ ta» to TriLrrrr 1 ■ ,r '‘^ h - ,nj ™“ u - u " “-“i . n-ut HDd radical rjjrr w offectej. K 93 00,DUO 3 400,000 “""rfc.rorJ.BMTTCMMj aom. .. t **, ’ . '" "*’ • :v ’ Q;< iii Ofiioan, French a r'„ ----b bold,. ft* „n. Doj|„ ijß.--.-uDU u-tbr trad*. EVIDENCE t>K HAPKTV. •• I*a * I , N»W VoiU, Jl| D * n_ iKcf, ' ‘ JttTc '“ » -lamination c-t - Kh<<W FfT-r t li, '" " A ‘ ,lhl '' 1 ' *•■ Molom,- . 0 d b .,„ b-Mrd 'r *,7 M r'“" ' Strychnin., but h.v. ~,i,u ' “ 't. or.r b,T, I :h. . ooMilutl-n *“ llJ P n " to M IDP.Ni K i.y >1 Kit If. ''••““'P- >'» . »»I 2. 18W. rout m . vt»r V"| * " ttt ‘ lr Th- !r tof tnrdtcine you " “ u , „'' V'TT 1 l ’"' »«> «•: Atwa I li». ut-ouii-V a a"" 1 y U h *“ “ ,r " J 11 bM wrtolh , ,', 1 1 ' l “" *.„■ la rJ rD , wh<l | IIL . „.,,| i, Uu r.:; ":z . "»«•» »•« r.'?• *»• ti-t'.oty . f io’« r „7 l ,i“ , O-rl ‘r - - . I tbllik, .-DtltolT rurro] by Ot-ur r--IO ’ C K. MiaIINLY " CAt'Tl.iN r-J Mil It MIfKKKUJ Autl IVo ,T r " ,r *T M ''' ,,r T Htryi hbior, or *m‘ 7. .7,7 *•< ti,j. ,1„ „ rtu ; , v unit A K ue rule. «T< WukxM, iret.- augU.d** Nf'IIAHI-OTTE BLI'NE, U IIK 1-TItKKT. I’ITTSIIURIiII. lr just , B ,V-Tor.' K , T ’ TKN 4 n>iN ' ? ' «»»burgh; lIAoi-ltT, I)AM.« A (SI. Ibanoa llUNta, llltub. * CUAIMINAJb, Now York A U KKlrUßNllAt’ll. I'h.l.d.lbhi.. uTTr , r lh |“ f r ;tl " r «' pr)' »a from f 220 to sol ,»,, " n, ; tv ,rcm ib » pW" .rvo \ V ‘ l S" u ; IU “OM •’leg.ouy 7-r!o ’ 'r- Nuiir- m„i |-| aIKM . by wMoh",?? i' ' l,h lh “ n>»onr*rtur«^ by wbloh tholr loAlrmronto ar. 0.1. l l u „ r bv „,, lr txr | ! r r v» . tirrr than to tbo B*-t, »ud mtlwul thu addl tl.'i.ol so l n-k i f tr»nA|., ruiloii. Krrry Plane ~,11 |,, iho .übwiilw-i 1, wurrantoj bsrfect hi t-y rry roapool, „ad . writ ton b-,i»r«nto- will b,, K f Ten y* .'“il', ClUßlAnr* BLjniE, uiom rrry cuiijikkciad uohuta«, «nm’/Tp ltIItl0 “ for ths Ba3iooss ( vtyyyr 1 ' ».-&'.h : t t.e boo l, ‘ “r l ‘'' N “* J ' l UU ‘ thl ''P nn I'bolout Pacnlly ?bl '..-“'‘"“‘tr,'; 1 I'.ro rno-rb-matM^ Korm.r, Mrob.a ', M,” 17,7, I “I. «'*,ll, . i -“V “r- 1 «wui-i i,. praoil,.. la ~, "• * llo *>aJ btnlQ« ( „ of It..' l'i-o,,|,'M.|, .7„r IT 1 tl> ' or * H “ l “‘b>n K..-..MV » - au'7, , 7 |L7, k“ , ™ T' e "” r A'cf*llo 'inlrvj; , T!* I '*?’ " ho I™ l ''', «» r,- atid ..| | n J u ,,' T '’ rCl to . a J tbe ‘'k“ u Kerf UHM. t r '-qu-Lt in muaM.^i yyyir " by per»o n6 ofknowu Ability gfe^RESSsS^S () F „5™ V n»n^,ri nc ri»k 1 1 r8llAk,l « arUrl#, and run urr « - „ ABBOPT A CO, Buowreon. ti> KiucnTT A Audmi Ruu'il j.'Jm Umct t.f “Tn« I’lTTaiftKoH Gin Compuit " , UAV »* Of \i un,i 5 /cUvfc { . M betwocn Ole hours JAMKS M. CHRISTY, TWurer. s=i,:Sd Ku.iaire 01 ’ BaJ !./. on hand, II desired, ““dll JAHE.d ItI.AKKI.Y, Cnrn r «f Wmh and Srolihlleld „l» 0B SI. AIMOL.U A BOMS. IT 4 ShTATiZ aKTA,L USAiBR » w *CLOTHING. ■»Tiwn d «. G ° ntl6ln6n ' 8 iFurili 9l>ing: Goods N i‘‘lOibuf l n, Kl Kj™oD*ta n l ’t'i t ' rW ' , h Thlril , ‘°' l ro «rt'>. of Cloths, c«l™„r“ p s ra SL 00 anJ ’ “ ‘“S* ««* WALtaa p. MARSfuV |noglf-2m_ I MP()RTKK5 V B n^ fl ? il ' r^; ' ir * < Co" “* " U,ilUW * I PKR HANaiNaa"^7 B w n f r<tllcb nnd Am-rican PA -1 of t; - e >' pßr . "hoi gleets, axa no «r»t #?\i aw *° and, 1/ no* eroo Aniatli* ch, F ° Ihlo cholera uiorhuo, ot or U wUho„, „ util V’SS :,»ai« ani g p, OO^ 0 ® Paying Uirocihms, will proTeftsnaedv DngSte nmi *- ool^i _auglfi JOHN If APT, Ja^ JNO LITTLIi, j r . ( AgUJt, No 'iul Liberty Mtrert \ . Is*?, ■5K&+l RHODES’ JASIKS A. RIk.DKS, PrulJ.D..., R. I JAMKA It CNIUVN. M V , Kieetion \f.' - ■ ' MISCELLANEOUS, Unciftlmed Fackageii IN Tllfc: OF THE ADAMri JcX UCESS CO., W Fourth street, Pittsburgh, which, if n1 l vro Ued for ’ Mii bo Bold 8t Public Auction, by I*. A 1 WAVIM, corner of Fifth and Wood street*, oa the second day <y October mxC, to pay charges, and lor ncoouut cf whom it may concern S\p* Allen-™ Pittsburgh 1 pkge. H A? Jo 3 b'ild tWlgB. IL Albright, care Frank Falk.. Jo 1 pKge M. Banereachs Jo 2 boa as J. W. Buber do 1 box. Mrs. K. Bretlnger do l box J- Beoeh Jo 1 box Q. W. Baskin Mercer, Pa I box J. G. Backofan Pittsburgh 1 pkzs W. B. B?yd Batler 1 pkg«. It. Bond Liberty..—.! pkge. Miss E. Burns Mercer.. I pkge. 0. P. Buckingham WarrontOQ,Pa...l pkge. Q. XL Barst Pittsburgh J pkge. D.M. Curry do 1 box. W. H. Chapman do 1 pkge. J. A. Oaflerday do 1 pkgs A. Combs— do I pkge. Jobn Ooyle do i pkge. ~ Alleghany 1 box. t' Manchester X pkge. J. Dietrfck .. Pittsburgh 1 pkge. T. Wick... d 0 i A. 1. Fisher Conneautrille....l pkge. nh iOB m T Z' - Mercer, Pa 1 pkge. Ghu. Fischer Pittsburgh 1 pk s <). do 1 banket. Vn?! 1 " Butler, Pa Ipkge. Pittsburgh tjkge. , n>3r a ** do k barrt-ifl d.-K^’ 00 muTr“b }!?<" M.Kuhime...::;.::... B Klnzer t’ 1 *?*"• W.U.LI,, KI)mb do i L. Underman , , b j'o'mT I plan w. n. Mtitsugb a r 8 U &“ r .”.“ £ ‘t" J. 3. McDonald ..'. i'" j° £*»• F^lebuf 0 '” 00 Birmingham. 1 pkge. r £ nftsuz*? 00 ::v: % i <» i M^^s::.::::;;:::::::;;:;;;; A Pprang-r ttUsburgh 1 pkge. i: £ {££ 1 L^" h Franklin, Pa 1 pkge. A 'fSIo.V.V -Independence ....l bor. Vt tV, 8 " UwreucrTllle ...1 pkge. i ,"* * -Jamestown. 1 pkge. JtR J. n. Williams jo p okM Mr"' « SS™ Birmingham. .._1 plige! ? ,Z 2 nitma Vla &*•,-£! t W. M- Berry j., 1 bdl^. *r»nk care W. Kuhu- <io 1 nkze b ., J « “*«'■> do { Jo / >Pkge. i. 1 bag; to J 1 trunk.* do l pk ic . New Ca6tle, Pa...l pkg*. to 1 pkge. Latrobe 1 box. W. B. BAftROLL, r>.., . . , Agent of the Ad«nas Express Go. Pittshorgh. August 31. IkA5. (;!{■ ’ - D. PembrWtre.. .... . .. A. U. Rj-gi«tnr General Tom Thumb. M. Watson Watson A Stanton.. J. Watts >RE AT DISCOVERY! * MPLE TKdW, both by able I'rectllioners and Chemi J,\ _ cal Analysis, hare JemonatrmaJ the erebi TRU-n??" ? AT a' S h ’”‘ atirul combination, railed •' ELKC TRIC OIL, for the relief and care of fain, hut tha people nnTl« l” ,*1” rr " d ' rl “ c th ' ir In » manner both unmiitakeable and aatlafactory. More than 20,100 bottles * , teri ' Isr<‘at proportion to Th.Tn u r “ oom meod It, who had trial U. nothino l 'u'T' l n ” OT,-n ' l,l everywhere acknowbyjged, and nothing like It wa» «Ter I efore prepared. Why, for Omni alone it h. worth *lOO,OOO . year to the people, u it n c ' lr f a th “» l>ainfui tormenlora tn ttoenlyfJur hours But what is U not worth to the people if it cure* Suit Rheum, Krytrfpclaa, Canker, Ulo*ri>, Soivs of all kindis (ire- Rlmnllf if kl °w * W *7 all lbe P** o iu twenty-four hour* ) Palpitation, Headache, Broncbltk, ot> S pUi, ! tA » Cram pa, Sprains, Bore or Swelfod Breast, Felons, Wotrads of all kind*. 4c. ? Would tf>oo oon rte“eT 'f J* lu ",‘V h “ P~H* > -Ve llLlLn a man S &rLta”r h fr !! m , ’ a "‘ lhls 011 n,ller ' y !f, , B , Uch m ** l Mw « tare often namedVhon orahle and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and mh«, haee «, -aid, after from ton to iltty trial* n,er “»r the -Electric uu la the linen medical combination ever url “ fri ' n,,iTo n « r Injurious, but effect the above and many other eaaes. Some honorable flnn " t * ro ' 11 b truo - “°‘ J "°me of theTld (tnrpenllne, bltnmlnona, or coal tar, 4c. Ac.) eiteraal an -1”"1 lh '.' ir ““itomrrß returned bottle after bob lain •' e 1 ' T''''' 1 '*L 4t “ ,fc « »*» «■ than the rounton ZutrZ ,‘ut *7ZJ?7™7£? t mZ£nZ sBSP- WSB >“ - l»e « ' ! a ’ xd rrujitioni on the face and neck in co short a time, yon wonlu anarcely credit it. It freonentUs tvxlUng in two home; has b)Jt knew it.' rU iT d m ”” r effectn&‘ly In alt hours. If Udtoe o°i Tn lh strengthening and healing virtues In this wicb r T J b *’to anything s else fbr womb complalolc or paloa of any kind J 1 lW^*r my health, (scrofulous eruptions, 4c J I oarer exooebai tn Whin V,D * CompiaiDt o!7tn Fu &* TO mP thrw of your to *f£ e witil w mertly o waßioltce. I did .■ l i i dlbi lr Very noon bo called opJata th.nk you as i now do, fjr my compiet» restoration. 3 1 can only \ efure the (lopsrturv of i ho th.i you hare only to eojDe hero with youruil to make** f r 1 ours, luirnt truly, Hmr tCn» thlt ? Un °!^. lht,ir who «uto thot old sores, that hare dbcUarged from t-is. mouth* to Ova vests h? 5 «o^£i hy l hi * t m \ 11 Canilot hnnr P^D fa ******* In onedar,ofuut iu btdf *u Utrii a . N L< )®® Ptl dictates no .'-uud 000 wrlttfh' ” nJ ,rt th ™- A '•tkutor ntSSr \i ing lnquiri*-rt that any phyKfarfan can answer will >« vlaw to ' Al,, “j'“ a stamp, ua oiu ser lUs JT fr r >- K ' Wn ' * DU ** 'l™''" upon I “rfmn in till ae \ b^< U e YlT“pr’ ,l |'f l Iberolly, with or wllliout the purple Physicians a-e.vlated f.„ IblketproK. P P „ I*r»t 0. 1)K OBATH, lthto M iu lL ' M ” «#- for a,l»J,y IllL KRYKItU, 14.) Wissl , L f. ORSU °‘ cw ? s “'*« * CtltTagfu TwLrM '?™ r ' atl y Bntonprica- • “ WfW Louis XIV. iahcU hack anti froot ’ ratiric desk, Ao. Ac.; fla- h lbe most ly^Lwct, W , PiaMS ' wUh ««. c«r?-a tracery work • b** a 5'J endB of 1 $460 each. J *' fin “ h,ri bac * a»d float aIUDi yrice fl^ , Oct, e ri'aoo o faS,eS'b n k dM “ e f rcuDi with CWcknrlnf, I-nt™, I»?l4rm e .“p ri « fluM /SS* Pi “^ 3 ' wilh n«« rtjle titled with beautifnll* Urw*!* d ® 3 *’ and nanal opening* «£■ ff ° rki ocSS e fltej wr°°?V pUin double TOaad eon*™. & 1 i «'* 1 »“‘ «* Oct.",, ,u “*■ aoJ ££*■' d ‘*‘ '■'■ QmSd Pl. a ni Ck 7,' DB 1 Son ‘’ N »’ r full Foven (Wo ' i tane X t ' rU “»W. «* sweetness teach kUM miJZP J ' ot * OT t which Jrtodsre th, ? K JV PAKLOR GRAND PIANOS, net l.’. f th, lr new p “r!sr Grand Pisans, «n entirely ■ I'rlcs JGS0 Oti ° n ’ l'* c Goalixly utUftad Jor Parlor us,. . , PIANO STOOLS. A new lot of Piano Stools just received. Por sale by JOAN H. MELLOR, 61 Wood st., a n , t , , between Diamond allay and Fourth street, S°l« Apnt for ctiICKERING 4 BOSS, for Pittoburjh »nd --”J^ t,r _ n PammyWania. outfM Fall Style for Haln. CU. PAULSON will introduce the New Stole fir u*.« .on BATUHDAY, August 25ih. St * ie H * tfl 0. H. PAULSON, 73 Wood street, ‘ ‘ on MONDAY,tba-Sdof Bepicmbtr. l w commooru Bte Ul” ,r^.* er *'“X>“ of Tn-onty-wo raL n S u ooftoX^r.ui^rha;^” a dwlnoHoUbf-.f °f term, or till notice of withdraw al i -tntPtMi allowed for absence on account of fro m • J - M. Silim, PrfnclpaL aog26;d2w(cbJ) y OUVK UEiu ; E. auooW • Co-Psrtnerahip Notioe, 'I'UB anaerslgned hare this day entered into co-partner* X ship, and haring leased for a term of years the !**»,* FACTORY recently erected at ROCHESTER £* a 4?L County, Pa., are now prepared to contract for the ture ot RAILROAD OAKS of every description. Address, “Rocheeter.Bearer Oounty Pa” August 17, ISs6.—(aug34:t/| KIRK A RHODE*. ' ’ *• " 1 HATES OF AUTEKTISIiVCI ‘OSud vmx nr rne pitrsnvson rums TSR UIVZd XOHTAHCIL, OS LASS: .taa sqasre, onaJnaartlon ~ '* “ **ch EddUlonaliiujartlcTj " “ cm# woofe j. 5 " ■' ..:...;.ZZZ boo " " Uime w«k* 4oq “ one moath ..... 5 w two m0nth5............ T o# throe montha..« 9 00 M ton* months , M| - , , u 10 00 M six montbp, ISO® fltinl. " « 0118 00 n 3 o*rd, tix linesor legg, per annnm JQ QQ OQAHQIAfIU AT PLXASUKt* — * «m», pm annnm. taicln.i. T M 00 NEW ’>IUKCT ItOUTt:, Unsurpassed for *VWnH V j^t mSoH HIUM HimUURQa TO Oolumitufl, Indianapolis f-n.j -aSSSSk u^i-, s :^a Xenia, Memphis, Galena.’ ZaneeTillo, Viukuburgh, p eo r|n Now Orleans, Peru rn * rurecim cim* w th & west and Bourn * Via tic * STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA RAILROAD! morntog^ W M 6 M > D 8 J “fi„^ 1 Wii, J® 56 ’ “ iin J .otrooiorti, by eiwrwJe^*'! 4 BBllt runniog I * l sS?V an *“ T ‘ ‘‘““‘turghMffiS 4 l.urgh .vary .lay, (Sundays «?CTHed,Ui io^“,! e dtil. 0D board, viile at 6P. 31, making ao Immediate Connooh ” EVENING EXPRESS TRAIN of tb „8. 4r R n mnkM direct connection nt Ntfrark fortht abSeeui!', The fcrcnlng Lies, ccimpoeed of atqnmera VENTnno Oapt Gordon, and CLARA FISHER, Ccpt. <JnWBnl ’ PitGbnrgh ee.ry duy, at 6 o'clock, I*. M. «i-Jw!’ Te sleep on hoard, and reach StedVimllo at T nekt'SK" in time fur the J fail Ttvin, whirh leare* immediately an a ??XZ U "" * b Far*) as Cheap us by anyothor railroad rbnte. K. r Through »„i 1,Mr,1 Ti.-l.vLi. and further ialdrtuoUon ■fP'X !<■ JAS COLLINoaUO., AgehtT ' Nor I*4 sod Lib H ater Bt-, Lptweeri Wood' end Smith field. Nltaburah E 'V- WttoDWAllLufioo't 1 'S’.™ _> LhVKNNY, Uou.Tgont rill ST Alt RIVAL lip ■ FALI. DKF GOODS At LuVE 11110 I'll Etta, , «i-.vo. T 4 MABKitr sruKi:i , i-jrraobaca ■» HHJN «.•? TilK OCtifl.fAL U<l niv* 7 / \UK DIIBS3 (JuuDS DEi'aitl'MKMT | s , ~ "'."J contains urn, < f the rich,-at and most 'mLo J Goods that wo hare oror baonnble 10 oiler, inch as Ph Kxtra super gjlfe-j; French Merinoe; Oa.-hmert's; riAjdH; atrtpec; Coburg; 4c. NEKDLK Wußk—The Uwt ucAortiumt in tiTitt? CoHoth, Flouncing, Kdtfhit/s acd Jm.urtingd, Shuwla, (Jlonkfl, T-tlma.« «0d &cmu UAnt. Volrrf. '“ tS ‘ GOODS •ttSESSM KSMsr;;- avrSlP"^ "tocK before parcmndna el»e»faar« °* OGr lh«.|railT»ni*s« todcTw W *‘ fll “* »lo JssssjStsss: •'■■■ »■«» i£ff,KS, No. 73 »I«rfcrtrtrj«t. Pilfatorgh f',. EJ. COTHBtET ■ „,,-t „ S. CVVHBRRTAT^nm 1 CDmeBI /'IENJ2RAL AQKNTR?®?!.' V U Purchase of °/n tb ? 8418 and 'O4 and Loaning Moneys on street. Mechanics and others. Oflkef atifc7 ClilOlu*. H*W WOKfijt— / Oakfiefd. by w. U. AmoiU, SSiS' a,ffins *7 Tenn J«>n, Ifjunh Mipply ) My BoniUg, and my p 1 •' Escaped Nun; IIWJm P»tb, by M„ion Ilailand lows aa tt fe in 1655 : blanche bearwood; T’ 1 ? 13 ’ by H - WlTd Beocher; OiJe, by L. M. N.; Vim to the o*mr» Before S-bastopol; nSi? t'?,' 1 - h y l! - si>ito n irf-Lmh, Habits and Man, by Dr. Doran; Life of J. Gordon Bennett; lVm>|, Lire among the Momme u w lJfe of Bam Houston; ofan English Opinm Pater, by D, Qgincey - llyUDl.-Mime-theKto,,- c .f „ Woman's Life; 7 ’ Evening with the Prophets, bv Her A JL Brown • Lippinoott a Oar-tteer of the World ' U ’ ssaSs^SSa=»^ IAIIPFER'S BOOKBTOitfi No. 30 Pifth street. “ÜBlU—uit 03 ddwy sTfoins falto—Jno.j. , u,k IQd if I fhlok Of Ch.V r *w“rt “PO" «fl '*-r-Allcc Hawthorne. My .-arly homo—A. f. Alarthona. The love o t on* fond h««art. tbe Ktai Hover—Qeo. Liriey. Had I ner«r m>T*r known thee. There h inu*lc in tfei? voire we Icm- < Aiy early Gre*ide-Ali.-r LI aw ihoruc How to roaui *!*« of \ u . r Unfon—W. V. Wallace rh.Saw.MUl, (Wo Sag. Muhlo). U it any body'* baitnfwi. Swi»Uy o'er my sam-ce ttealliii. My soul is dark. llama; Osaianiqua, par 1,. M. Uoltwlialk WelLmgton’s taroh. Gipsy Polka. Bailor Prince Polka. Angler’* Polkk—W V. Wallace. ' ’ (-Town of Koeor—grand v aitz. TbeAng«l centiin- otal _ ' 11S r - i door above fifth at. N mij£!h l£S ~‘' J ‘ PaU " 11 I*. 'by KtobarJ •• ( Habtlaanil Men,” by Dr, ix.ran. “ < iurJ ° 1 ; BcnncU and hii Thaos.” -Th« iSIT ,'« b 7 UMlry "*"■ “ P’,™ m t i? 'hy°™ ?’ nTelltllf '•” • : - «- nnna^.r^W-:,„ “KansSlnxh,. f) , r o - «. -•' !W, Si! i rJ- \ L " ’? !o ;' f '"Wjiij and pri&tasft. by-acors. W. Hung*,. Mo, of oar •*«;” *. •• ‘ b'bilrd by the Careoulrfsagav,' Pri^H”— r% l ctiu ' *U tbo Spmp«r ' ll pw > d| X>¥e ICgei I V Anrl l ?'P^ f *’' V K M***».,(TOillfor*rt at LApIil Kn .t 3U filth pt T'"' MhWtOMKiV BY IluflirfeAV ' TlSr.. just * •*>*■**- WBmilillMdstrrft,;: kjT.m STEEp'"*** “ * ,Mt K.»p*rt»H*fcMiir. 111,1 I' n 'r Ur 1 t-ll'icmir, t_-,l ;■' p,” 141 '” P " th - ‘• -aSpJS. sap- PetM-AV* M«kkli„ f,. i^slid'HJournal U BttlloU’t, j ,js, - B*l-22 **’ W Lw^-'1 >i-9 f». ‘nn ut< -publithpA'-; iat * SS, A , - i »seu.-*r tor CltiieDs/iiiJ anrtip. ‘ 1 ** ~ l, y Bic.intd UildretlijEf^^ffith wt. r & |; * 1 HAblUof M« n; U ls<i-^“ V " U ” rUn .-.l^ipiA- Hkrtor's Sior? Book, «o. io. litep-rtmiiM ifcos, rc«> i ■" ■ 1 ■ - “ Memoirs of K;i4„rj !>„,(, a _ a Tols _ i ho hscnpcd Nun. Bovkl tila Sejatwubet, and all other New « H MOiKIt * CO., ' SjiSmithfldld ft /. lUi£ciU—uaa* of l*»ti«burgh; > \J i-ercbante and Mfcunu-rtuM’rs' funk-'" 5 J Exchange Bunk: ' • Fannerb’D-poMl IhnX; PHtshargh Cbmfaiirt 'CIUzi-qV DepofJt, Uauk{ .. «• ltiin'r ChiLT/"?'? rf ol }“*’ ° n <t4 h,n<\ printed to or<{i*r In aoj |« d fire-1 * —s^2 A. A. MASON A CO.,SiHfUl«t. P t n^?T,i I<JUOBS | 0r oreis, 4 far mrdjdnat X. purpose#, ran always bo procured at “ JOS. TOSHIRO*, J Corner Market aL and JHamooil* lfr fnp nuU B ? B »^ al tfl,Dr 56 aoi Ojt , Dibup=pJ. r* ; tp i'V (’'n j ferj.je_bj, mm 3! I HiMav.,ll>P).;t.■- ft Q—Lt?TßriDi{'(j jMihertaud »■ X. "pulverized, nnd of - 7 -'■' -'•' _ au g s - . ¥. R. {HifOPHil- MYLhK’a CIIuLKHA KJSJLEDY—Ttiia vaiU'H.‘e urdci-, BJ w*l| known for its jnnB7 cure#, cant** ohriineO at ...aup29 t UAiIKEX S3'. LAWN (JHAaa iSKiiU. upUanJe lor jaU sowing—making mnootb, permanent tail; *i Ow r F#fitl' i sPat*- hojißa|.'47. glftfr atreei. ; JAAUfy WAttDROP- / IATAVV #>A tUiAftDV, roaile out pj.tlm UaUwbrtUrujir-ii KJ at OntdtomU, sbM by at . . , ... n , sop? '' ' Corner of Wood*pt ana vlrglrfolloy. WALt Will n. ..ports, Id c'Ytry.j’&iLily, with appxoprjikto for *Met>r w/p-Tviausdat. a ra," _i£l£2L__. • •• * .{• • -- W:WeodafcKrtf. / lUidAr PAFnJtS, 41 12k UK*! .rrA.,flu« ca sorttnent jn?t receired and f>r salt) by'' W. P. MaILSIIAUa Window ouiitainw—uiapfii orem, dialed b«u»s, . IMain Qltitu. ap.j Figured Cartwbo, and retail. Cut gale ly “P2O • v W. P. MARSHALS A 00- / IUILuMK OafcKN-^.ooD^Tb7*inrVao<ria<>il, by H. A. PAUNESTOCK A 00., • corner First Ami Wood rtfl- A A. MACON A UU. nunwunoo tbnir £r.-t • J * Cloaks, of tho now Fa‘l stylus, on Thursday *nc( Brl day, Heft'ember 20 and j] . _ _e*|iCci A A. MaSON-a mj. iriJlo(M<u on Th-jmsay end Fraley. • the 2dth ami lllrit Juel , a choice fteUvlhu r-i' f,n Bonnets, Htsud Ac a«.*piU