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''■‘Jvi'.'ri-^-.yi-:-'■••..,\:,A;'“-■/< ,"y 1 7'.- , '.-' ! '-^.-' tji nrr-' r '#„ - v: *>.: -•wi: •• . ' ‘•■^r 7... . v-.-rfyt-/.;. f,4'V'-vV4&-!7 ' ■ „__ •• . . • _,'. ,\.',v«: >. •• ‘M : =7: iT^*.V- H ,V ; ' ,-V.: • - ■ .': t'- I\ '■• •■> . : \ ' >v V t' ’ * * liriltj JUnraing |W. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. PITTSBURGH WEDNESDAY MORNING::::SEPTEMBER 26. STATE DEMOCRATIC NOMIN ATION FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, ARNOLD PLUMER, OF VENANQO COL’XTT. COUKTY DEMOCRATIC NOHINATIOHS. WILLIAM WILKINS, Peebles township AS3IMBLT : JAMES B. FULTON, Tareutum ; SAMUBL SMITH, Allegheny ; JAMES BALIBBURY, Birmingham 0. MAGKK, Pittsburgh; L B. PATTERSON, Mifflin. RODY PATTERSON, City PROTBONOTiRY : JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio cowo.liip T&XASU&it- ' THOMAS BLAOKMORE, Upper 8t Olai: CORONER • WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Citr COWtaJSSIorfER: JACOB TOMER, Pittsburgh. ACDrTOFJ): JOHN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh; A B. M’FARLAND, North Fayette township MRKTOR OP POOR : JOITN BDYLK> Indiana township. DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETINGS! Mass meeting* of Ihe Democracy will be held iu tti e lul lowing places MANCHESTER, Wednesday, 2?ept.*=3^ r 20th THIRD WARD, ALLEGHENY, Thursday, September T. FIFTH WARD, PITTSBURGH, aud Pryor’* ?:and. {Suow den and Baldwin,) Friday, September '£a DEER CREEK and LA WRKNCTIVILLK, Saturday, Sep tetuber £9 JOHN* LITTLE’S T\' KKN.Ohh> 0.-bip. il-. n.Uy. ivu BRYBC N S STORK, BAKKKBTUWN and PKRRYeYII.LK Tu wday, Oetober 2d. RAFT LIBERTY. Wednesday, October ’M ALLEGHENY, Thursday. October 4th, '1 EMPKRANCKVJLLE and BRADDOCK'3 FIELD. Sstu: day. October Utb. PITTSBURGH, Monday. October Sth. Seme of the following gentlemen will be present and deliver addros.*** Hon. Wm Wilkin?, Hon Cba* Shsler, tjol Wilson M'Candlesa, Col S. W. Black, P C r'hauo-.n L»r J R. M’Clinlock, W. W. Irwln,Cbrlatopber Magee, tief> P Gillmore, Jamas Salisbury. The meetings will begin at 7 iVlook, P. M Democratic County Committee of Correspondence. UuJar a resolution of the late Democratic GouYeution, the following gentlemen bare been appoluted the County Committee of for one year Uon. Charles Sbaler, Pittsburgh, Col. W G llutinf. Wilkins Yowuahlp; D R. Milter. Sewicßley , James SalU bury, Birmingham; Thomas S. Uart, Indiana Township . Wlillani JohnaUm, LawrenoeTilJe. Jacob I. ElseeKT. Stew artatown; K. B Roberts, Pittsburgh; Jaxn-n U«*rdm&o, Pittsburgh; Michael 8 nee. Jefferron Township; John U. Phillips, RchiDson Township ; John Sill, Versailles Town nblp; John N. McClowry. Pittsburgh; Col James hcott, Elizabeth; John Roth, Pittsburgh, 0/1. Andrew Pott. Pittsburgh ; A. Hartje, Esq , Allegheny ; Morrlnon Foeter, Allegheny, Samuel Kirk, Plum Township ; A. H M.-Kar land. North Fayette Township. SAiiL. W. BLACK.. O^urm-m JHOKNISU POST JOB OFFICE -o_!j wall lb" all* uUon of MKKCHANTa AND S MKN lo lh*? fact tbal *e bats ;Qrl rec*iT*i 80.-iNEr ftom Philadelphia a number of lonia of new Job T> }*e, *a«l ars now prepared to nil orders for Carda, Circulars, Bl»i Heads, Paper Ihxikft, Posters, and Programmes for oxhibt linos All orders will be promptly filled. M M. PKTTINUILL A CU , .Veuxymper Aj'i'f, ~n: thr AgrtiL* the IV. Li burgh Daily iind W» «*k!y ,;r- nut In: ir<--.1 ti. rt*'«*iv* A DYaKTlsiMifTi «od hi ti-,' r.U-TKi-lr. f-.-r Ue nt tL" i-aCL? rated as required a! ihl: •i: ar»* Tlj«:tr N«w I-M Nasbac srnirT, Ik’rfTCn, 1j ?74T1 PTBtCT J 'B ce* are a 1 AUK YOU ABBKHSKL)! Let every Democrat, and every man who is intending to vote the Demooratic tioket, attend at once to being assessed. Your vote depends upon it. The election occurs on the 9th of Oc- tober. You must bo assessed at least tin imvs before the election cr I ose your vote. Seethe assessor and then the collector of taxes at once, and have the thing Jono right. Dou’t wait till the last day, for the assessor may not then bo fouu 1 Back Numbers of the Rost Wanted —We want the following numbers of the Daily Morn in»ugut baJ uol heard of the ad vance, and for aught we are yet iu Miss ful ignorance We utay aJ-J, '} the Huy, that very lew meu have been known to profit fr.-m a newspaper for which they subscribe but tail to pay lor If you w»tu m be ao wise as yuur neighbor, vub ectibe. au-d, if you desire to profit by yyurwis dom, be sure to pay tnc printer We are happy to 6ay4hat ou uur somewhat ex.onsite net .{ Bubscnbers, there are few wtu aro dish .r..>v. enough, c-r c-irt-i-.es eav.igj, m t? e inie 1.».i wih the I .is t vet mere urr a f:w wh • : and wo have ever noticed that they arc, a.m .s*. without ex rent.on. m i-tiMc -.1 f vi! h bom m character and pur-e, and who n.'Vt-r w- . a along in tho w;-r!.i, *: i.-ng as they oboa of our just Jut?. OUR UASVDIUATK? Every one of the calJ: Jates on c-ur tick* worthy of the of v ur culire pariy, an i : Tb;ef rot a of every good ei dulgo old grudges. .( a*'T such exist, or to aw.'.y votes for pvraoua; preferences Tbe ouu test is between the Democrats and tbe K N and every vole withheld on 000 s.Je is a much help lo the other Our opponent* ire .o state of confusion. No enthusiasm exists amongst them;while on our aide such e»tbu9 : a«ni an 1 zeal ou.i efforts may secure a victory Wo may hare a triumph now if we will, hot we must work for it. h is worth an effort to place our party this year, if any disflatisf&oDon ex.Ms m auy quarter let it be laid aside this time " L-.*t by gones bo by gonc-B ” till this battle ie over : and wo arc happy to say that such is the spirit that animates the ranks of our party. It is a good omoo, and we hail it as tbe fjreriiDDcr of sue- We have not lime to speak of each candidate on our ticket. But the Address of tbe Uoramit tee, which we bavo laid before our readers. J.»ea them full jaatico, aDd no more Suubury aud Krle tiallroad Another seotion of eleven miles on the Bun bury aud Erie Railroad, betwoen Milton and Northumberland, was opened up on Friday last, making, if wc mistake not, forty-three miles of this great highway finished since the first let ting, three years ago This is email progress, indeed, upon a work of such oonoccded ira portaoce to the commercial supremacy of Ftiil adelpbia, and even it had to be accomplished against tbe bickering of * multitude of her counsellors, and through a war of words that oau only find its counterpart in the “rival of New York." There are 229 miles yet to finish ; in faot, nineteen twentieths has yet to have tho benefit of tbe first Bbovel of upturned earth When the Banbury and Eric is tioisbed wo will let our readers know. It can only fie completed ia tho present decade by some miraculous in terposition, which is uot at all likely to super vene. More Depart, ek-' ieom Lui isvi u.t Tho Louisville papers continue to notice the depar ture of citizens of that place The Times says that Mr. Henry Bauer, a man who has had sev eral thousand dollars invested in business there, has purohaeed property in Hamilton, C. W , and is about to remove there. Another business man, a German, has sold out, uoJ & few days ago shipped by express to New York his money, amounting to $27,000, and has Btarted with his family to New York, thence to Germany, bis ua tive land, where, as be declared belore leaving Louisville, his children would Dot bo insulted, and looked upon as iulruJers aDd cnomies to tbe country ho bad vowed eternal allegiance Tub Red Republicans of New York, celebra ted the anniversary of tho Frcnoh Republic of 1792, the first experiment of the kind in la bell p . France by a dinner, &c., on Saturday. Geo. N Saunders was present and delivoreJ a speech of which the following is a condensation . He eaid that although he did not understand by tho vQioe oce word that had been said, but to tbe Bentimeuts expressed, a 3 interpreted to him by the action of tho speakers, and tho response of their auditors, he gave entire and hearty ap probation, He uext lauded tho Chairman, Mr. Spitthoora, aud expressed the fear that S.every hod had something to do with the meagrenesa of the meeting. He (Mr. 8.) Lad no intention to have introduoed such a question, and bo was sure the presiding officer had not. This was a meeting for white men, and not for niggers in Eurbpe, and wherever else he had been, he had borne the front of Red Republicanism. Though he was the friend of Victor Hugo aud Louis Blanc, still he waß the friend of the Ledru Rollin eohool. Ho was for death to tyrants He was for the guillotine, and he would work it by eteiun, ty G—d. [Applause.] He concluded by a senti ment, that “ The Red Republicans of Amerioa must work and wait until the 4th of March, 1867 ” Cuba and the Elsinore tax will be their uppurtuiuty . +» . -• • • , ' « • ‘ - r- n iiOUSEHOU' V.dE.-'i- tb La ujoaf ugre.-abic monthly 1- before ua. We have not bad lime to peruse ii, but from the tab e cf contents we can safely pronounce it worth four times its cost. It ia tbe commenc ing number of volamo twelve. GUdenfenney, opposite the Theatre, has it for Bale. Blackwood —The September number of this reprint of the moßt valuablo English periodical published h&a beeu received from H. Miner, 'l2 Bmittfi“ld street. The most extravagant praise we can render it ia to say that it is in no way inferior to the numbers which preoede it. Oestr u clive Con ft« 3 rat I on—. Over Twenty Buildings Burned—The best part ofour City In Ashes— Loss $50,000. Carbondale ia agai:i the scene of a destructive and desolating fire. At about two o'clook on Sunday morning the flames were discovered bursting from the fourth story of the large and oommodious hotel on the corner of Main and Dundtff streets, known as the Bronson House, which, with a portico of tho furniture, stables aud outbuildings attaohed, wero speedily a mass of ruins. From tho hotel the fire spread south, to the store owned and occupied by Almond Crocker, grocer; this aud the adjoining stores, owned by Gillespie & Love, occupied respectively by Miss P. P. Perham, millinery and fancy goods, Joseph Alexander, merchant tailor, and H L Freeman & Co., merchants, were con sumed. At this point, through the most strenu ous exertions, the fire was arrested at the store of Wm. R Baker & Co., though tbe store was somewhat damaged. Tho Standard printing office, in the upper part of Baker's store, was removed, and m cb of the lypo *' pi'd though we beiievo not much of the typo will be lost. Tho fire crossing Main street, uextoaught the Urge building owned by Messrs Harrison, Sour ry and } Watt, known as Temperance Hall, the first floor oocupiod by D K Morse, merebaot, and tho uppor story by the Olive Leaf Lodge of Odd Fellows and tbe Good Templars, both Lodges loaiug their furniture and regalia. The bonding owned and occupied by John Kase, cabinet tnak er, immediately south and adjoining, was also ooDflumed. Extending north, the building of N. Farnhara, first floor occupied by W Barr, jew eler, and the upper part by Mr. Farnham as a saddlery the store cf G L Dickson & Co., sod the largo store building on tbe corner of Main and Dur.datl streets, beioug ug to the estate of Peter Campbell, deceased, occupied by Andrew Watt, merchant, (.1 Li Crocker, grocer, and A 1 frod Dart’s law c-fßoe. were in flames and reduced toaehes; thecoe the rWmea spread north on Dundaff street, burning -omc intervening buiij ings of little value. to the More »nd the adjoin iug dwelling cf Stephen S Clark, which were burnoJ . hero, agaio, by great the pro gresa of theft e was stave 1 by saving the dwo! ling louse ,-f Mr C art, wh.jii, bowevr-, is very much dainay 1 Tho fire crr«MUj T D.irdMl *■ trc r t f. jin t b.tup hell's building. ncil caught :n tho store of Wm Richmond, which, w.ih the row of threo build ings adjoining ou Duudutl' street, shoe shop of M B tMrby. and 1 L»• liw Mho of L*Ur

y Peter 8 Lb.-sur, where the tlimos were final.y urres: I The tiro must have or-ginated from the Bin j-dity. car*’ tcPi o tc o a-t . r of some of Washburn's Circus C.xpauy who per farmed Vi ere rn Haturiav u.gbt. ::..v u.’cupytog the whole of t e upp-r f. ry ■■■ < \he li. tr 1 where the fire was first dn.evert-1 The Bfous-.-u ! i.. 11 w«- cwncd l-v Samuel B MereJ.'.h, E-j . t<< ii-ivi,* r;oct.lly purchased t 1 1 !« imp i'•f:ini :i : • <• burry of I ho tno merjf ■'> actu;’ am mat of the loss :.'us by Uus cuaan'.j £0 S t -v. L, V J w v '. lUEEUPTION IK THE CITY COUNCILS I ii l l t«tut t u l nf A liUniiMi uni ( outu 11 tu rit "i bo f,!' *• a ' ' r o U •\ bi.. . •. r>,'’k f I bt* S i ot?* *ra: b wur ;. f r o >. t* r ; -- ■ fro"i ! iiu i vv, r f r v .»i, ri *r t • 1 f v • f_ r u ;. i j • r 1 r-,-V: f-r r r i j in •ri h: m :v i Hip lb? ri'4!'.;vl!» -n or A t -' :l bftd c f ■ ‘1 ,«. '.r in I up : u tbo .f'o aj j.r.; r.a;,. uof '.O.i’Ou i j extend Canal ftrcrt. A bill br»3 bt'ru f. and aca i*#*i i :r.rnu« R CuOjstr. O-'lHiOniriMi •; fllxe T vr r rr. y th, r J L l is tr. , for proposing to receive from Peter Primer $6OO, as a bribe, to aid in releasing him from a contraot to clean the streets of tbs Eleventh Ward. A bill bus been found against Bartholomew Healey, Ooi nciiman of th» s.xth District, fir proposing to rec-uve from H?trry J. Lott sl.uoO, as a bribe, to aii a resolution in favor of giving to farmers and gsr.ietiers the use for market pur poses of a p'ot of grcuud on West struct, oppo site Washington Market. A hi!! has been found ngaioßt Samuel li Mo ser, alderman of the Third Ward, for proposing to Walter K. Jones to receive from him $l,U‘>U, as a bribe, for aiding to defeat tho resolutions to remove the Joseph Walker The above persons were all arrested this morniog, and have each given bail before Re cordcr Smith in the sum of $-,nOU to appear at the October term of the court. The Washington correspondent of the Tune speaks of a sharp o rrMpoodenee goiug on tie tween Uen. Scot', and the Secretary of War-net as to hia pay, which it is understood, the admin istration withholds aa yet—but “ It seems that some months aince, Uen. Soott gave Qan. Hitchcock, who has long beeu an in timate personal friend, leave of abseooe for six months. Tho Seoret&ry of War immediately wrote to Uen. Soott, demanding his reasons for this act of favoritism to Uen Hitohoook. and at the same time count'rmimdf i the General's order, grautiug leave of fihaeuce. Uen Soott replied that he had granted the leave of absence because ho had the right to do it, and wae convinced of itn propriety—that bo was not re-ponsihlu to the Secretary of War for hif? action m such caaes . aud that ho would tie obliged to Kim if he would hereafter, in any official communications ne might have occasion to address him, write in tho uatno of the Presi dent of tho United States—as he was the only otficral superior whom he acknowleged. Tho General’s letter was quite as sharp as the Secre tary’s. Secretary Davis, in reply, entered into a very elaborate and detailed exposition i.f all tho al leged breaohea if order uu.l violations of pro priet. committed by Gcoi*r--.i Soott during his whole military career His letter id very loDg, and with the severest cn; ; - -*rn -f the Ueneral’a ocnduct. ” Sl’kidb b\ a Boy.— TheMenasha, Wisconsin, Advocate, of the 13th inst , gives the following ; acoouut of the commission of suioide by a boy ' only twelve or fifteen years of age ; Young Kelsey imagined himself to be whipped i j and abused too much by tho village boys, and on : Monday evening he told hia mother he would ! stand it no longer—that ho would hang himself. No attention was paid to the threat, and on Thursday morning be wag whipped by his moth er for eome trivial olFeeo*, after which eho sent ! him to tho woods to procure dome good switch- | es, to he hereafter used on him forbad beba- 1 vior. He was accompanied by a younger broth- i or. After going into the woods a short distance, ! he sent the brother back home for a rope, in or der, as be said, to bring a large bundle. Oa his brother’s return, voting Kelsey wad stiff in j death. In tho absi-nce of bid brother, he placed ; some blocks on the ground, placed one of his , Bnsprndcrg around his neck, and tied one end to the limb of a tree, kicked the blocks away, and huog in that position uuil found deed This is indeed a 6ad off-iir for one so young to take his life by his own haucs. Tho?e who have Been the corpse, say that even in death, his oounte- , nanoe exhibits the picture of determination and j courage. Half the business portion of Carbondale, La- 1 zerne county. Pa . was destroyed by fire on Sun day last . Magazines The October number of From ih° Carboodaie Transcript | HI Jl : li i ’! ta-’a! iic\;os: TOf tu »»•. r*‘ brought :rxto Lin: l J .r\ .-n i: u r U v :k!;rrooou i • :u »raiu,.’ n 1 it -x,: s { A JormiD 1 1 rr r 11 a -(reo W, *.r K J !., roor;t 13 - C 1 \ . ".S H ! .p. I r Jf l fp 'll r -,. - r ■h •> f ~ij \ i.ai :-i ;'. | irAke. n « -.r J, • : »r ) i *V’i-r R J .tu'B ir'a.'iticg iLd J. cjh W j’.k rr rcriCi’ut j.-u Auother " lint) I’lnir of Soup Quality of tiie Wheat Crop If the following, from L;u s iJemjc-a!. is a criterion to go by we are uf-ui t it.- pros pect for light bread is si! iodoe.l .iijs mis It is confidently s'&ted, that mo wheat crop of Michigan, which State usually raises the best wheat of the Union, is in a Urge measure de stroyed, the present year, by the exoessive wet weather we have had, the past two months. Millers complain of the quality of tho wheat ar riving here, —it is dampness, and some of them have told us, that it is diffiou’t to grind it into good flour It in very doubtful, in our opinion, whether the quantity of good, sound merchantable wheat, this year, will be greater than the crop of last year, although, the yield this year, exceeds that of last, probably, one fourth. A New Feature in an Episcopalian Church. —AUaohed to one of the Episcopalian churches : up town, there is an establishment some of whose peculiarities are unusual in Protestant in- \ stitutions. A number of single ladies reside in ; a house near the church, at which prayers are ; read twice a day ; those they attend regularly, ; and in addition to this, the religious services arB j held in the house, at which they are a so pres - ] ent. The remainder of their time is occupied in the instruction of poor children, visiting lhe sick, making garments for the needy, and other ! good works. While they remain In the house, ' they of course comply with ito regulations, I which are few and simple, but they take no ; vows, and are at liberty at any time to leave the j establishment. They do not mingle in general i society, but are not restricted from doing so if i their tastes so incline them. They are at liber ty to reoeive visits, though we believe they actually see but little, if any company. Those who resort to the house, are probably disposed, when they go thore, to retirement. No peculiar drees is worn, and they are not aniiou? in ucy way to become conspicuoue Among the in mates of the house are ladies entitled by tbetr j family and position to move in the nio.°’ distin i guiahed society of this country.—A'. />jy Bouk Air l>r. RTLaue 1 ! Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Ptll».--A Mn/ul*r ••oujbinnliot;, bill »r:Y "rteotuttl, *e tile folk-wiri!? witi nlu'S Knowing, from eif-h-ii--. the Tamable ..un'i.l-i: of Dr M’Lane'rt Vermifuge ana Liver iMHe, I hat* Ujt m'Ui.* lliii l ack rounidered It u»v duty, and made It my tm-iuess, to make ttii>*ie arti* known wheretor I went amotijr my friends A »bort time 1 l>-ounp to .tUaintci vrdL :1,.- case cl a young girl, who to be troubi*-*! with worms aud liver ivtnpiaiot at th- lime, and bad Miffer- in< for •‘-'.me two a».1 i u<* b-ottle of Dr M'ianon Vermifuge, c.u J uue t»i of Llv-r Pilli*. »bi b “be to --ire-'i'-nfi The result was, ah* pmued a Ur,:.- of wnrin- and thinks that ou<* t*-v u,. re of ili« IM'U will r —lore her U> perfect h»a.tb. Liar name at,a r»««*M*n<-»- c»o he leur:.. Jby calling on E L. Tli-oli, I'riu'.-Let. vl ,ri,-r t' KuU>-r and QtT Dr. M'Laue*i> l-itri I'mU, kw l,t- ir...rated Yennlfa/e, .-ita now u tm i «t aii o.'tabl.- In r*j in the UuiteJ Pt:vt«'*« »•] \ L'iiikl.i Pur. Ua-virs wil. hut Dr M l-aur * V u. Also, lo; r.*i» I'j th daw > a&rf, Oi »T*rythloj rfn*taiD««i»J Jm/ftir, « h-ti o*rir*r'». **;• *iri i -!i Vt x s - ■' : «p I ' to’. r • !i • ha ii*. b“ wit* perfr ii* si/J tu- 1 n>-l 1 » M. r 1> n -Jro i* "iiljr •n- u 1 I;t tm* rf-i: u-t.>• . * i•»c *c? uao •r Saa a4»«*rtj-«cn»n Inhalation for IMif tied l.un^s Ttl* mr.Jt> ~f 1 obs 1 ' i c, .i. ~a- - - c / > i r. 5-» un a> U.>' tr Ji 1 ■'•TJf I c.ii: '.tint .o-o. .uul'-al- •u :rum :>!•.• . » i* pi; r -l ft: 'l • rf~- •-•rj.- ly 'up wAi • tr.-j O 1-3 Cuari«' IJ'i> ;»i* origins k Icrniin i i er- OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA KAILEOAD THE ONLY RAILROAD Itl HSIfliU WEaT KttDM IMT'ISIIi IIUII. tl I Fast Tfc-iIS IrtTrn el 'J A S| Th r* u li hour* sod Vo mina'e? Mau Train iuvu «r r. \ M Kspues?. Trait These Train.* *di make ••lose r. s' u.r and ■he Unit lw* .Tnue-l at A!.Uu< Louis ii Ci'‘w c pen, v.a I'n-sUiD- uti.l Indiana^ ss'.l<*« shorter that) tiu Cleveland O^r.d**c'.kq ar made a! MamflnL! with the Newark *ud i-au JuaKr l.lty r a.J and at Crwitlint} with the three ruajo coQeenlrntin.s For par.lrulam fee handbill* N>' trains run La -. Through Ticket* svld to C.U’ianaU, Loujtui* L-uM, I DdiAonpulix, Chicago, Hock Island. Fort Warn**, „v^t»»• ,-l, bdJ the principal Town* au.S Cities In the W-*t The NEW BRIGHTON ACOOMMoD ATION TStA IN nil leave Pittsburgh at Id A M and o 1 j P M and N Si AHA AT .S' TR tA' fS, PITTSBI KCIII, PA. ROBERT QaLWaY, President. J D. M’Gith, Becretary. This Company make* every loeurahce appertaining to or oonoected with LIFE RISKS. Al«u>, against Hull and Cargo Risk* on the uMv au-1 M!*• • l*.-*ippi rltfni and tributaries, and Marine Risk* g-o-ra’ly Aud agalu»t Lc.'rte and by Fire, «nj against h* I‘arll* of the S*',ToivS Robert Galway. Alexander Bradley . James 8. Uoou, John Fullerton, John M’AJpin, Samuel Jirciurksn William Phillips, James W. llallom. John Bcott, Choa. Arbuthuot, Joseph P. Qast&m, M. l>., Dnvid Richev, James Marshall, John M’Glll, Horatio N. Ixiu, Kittanmoi; fe\.iT ohio andlndiana railroad, IX. That any Ordinance or Ordinances, or any por linn* lbfrv»>} which arc hereby altered or supplied, he and ih<* aojne aro hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this, the J{:h day i‘f Septombar, A. D iB6O. JOHN 8. KKNNKDY, l*resid«nt pro tem. of Common Council. At : M. W. hrWLs, ruata uunaaio amd *iuut**s bu.bj raua riTrguUßou. | Ui-r* ui Common Council Continuation of the Ohio and Poona. R. U TO FORT WAYNE, 4s“Tr»iu« oontwt r: Cr«4*tlin*«, wtih.’ui J-'-fuion, with ii't th< /Vain; im !hr k .. \ teat with Train* guiug North anJ • -.t; kivor and Lnkr Erie Railroad For apply at lhe Kailn>u.l .>fll<... ( r i» J( . |,j iw end Pennsylvania Railroad UVinpuuy r h \:ir gbeny City, Or at any of the following p.-inis Fort Wayuu, Urllnfoulaiuc, Cincinnati, Ur buna, Dayton, Springfield, Indianapolis, Rkhmoud. Tiffin, Find lay Persona desiring Tickets will be particular to ask tor a Ticket by the Ohio nml ludiaun Railroad. J‘ Sheriffalty,—GKUßGK R. KIDDLE, of the tFiar City of Allegheny, wiU be a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Allegheny County, at the ensuing ,»i l>°n. jy'idAwte «§ HAT B,IiA TB. —We hare received our FALL STYLE UP SILK HATS, which will be found, , M i iu- a neat and good artiole. A Rood Uatfor aud ku extra one for $4. Cull and see. MORGAN A CO.. No. 164 Wood at., Next house to the new Presbyterian Chu.ch, “’'k 1 ' _ One door from’Silth street. p’ij 13 V? e have Juat received, by Klxpren, a large lot of PLANTER’S, HUNGARIAN and otb-n HATS, of latest style, which we will sell as lew ic. r ca-»h as any boose in the city. Call and &e,, PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY. DELIVERED TO FAMILIES .In either oi the tiro Cities, OttOKßa may be left at the Mill, or in boxes at the 6:ort»? of LOGAN, WILSON A CO., 52 Wood street. BRAUN A REITER, ooroer Liberty and St. Clair ste U. P. SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. TIBUe: CASH, o,n DILIVIHJ. IV'-IM _ BRYAN. KENNEDY & CO. Moot and. Shoe »? Banufadoru. JAMES O’DONNELL & BRO., »h{| Would respectfully inform the citizens 7 SO of Pittsburgh, that they haveopenuda manufactory MKN’3 AND WOMEN’S BOOTS AND SUoES At No. 79 Smlthfleld street. In WarMAß’a Bdiuhxgh, where they will be prepared to fill all orders of every description of Boots and Shoes at the shortest notice. Id order b) accommodate classes of customers they will also keep on sale a good assortment of the best eastern work. Aleoj all descriptions of children’s wear Ternu strictly cash ; (foods at cash yncti A share of the public patronage i« solicited. [rny'irfm ■" X • s- 4r J-i N'kv Y-.ht N- Tf»njb>'T 1 vV.J An Ordinance, f-b< />,'■ t»!trr R-'.juUitum uf :h' Diamtmtl Market, . 1:. ]>K it ordained and r a noted' by th« tiz -ns of Pittsburgh, t J u> Siicj Otiomnu CouD'dls assembh-d, and it ts hereby ooUined ami malted by authority of the same. ?s- i. That from and ol;*r tn»* passage of this Ordinance u -hull iMi b« lawfal for any Butcber or o her perst n or I w-sons to hate or keep within the Diamond Market Ilou I-'*, an > Hides, Peiis, tik ins, spoiled Meat, or other ctfc&rife imlul. after sunrise; anil tiny person or persons who shall hare or within said Market Houses any such articles af er nuonw, or who shall at any time place or cause to be placed in or around tha said Market House, on the pare in-uL* or elKewb*» e.ntiy decayed Kruit or Vegetables, Melon >. tub*. listen Fgg-', or Other olTal, shill for each offence 1 rfrtl and pay, ur the use of tin city, a tine of not less ibati t-i»e T-linr, nor more than tire dollars, to be recovered at ou-< it r t.reuche** of Oily Ordinances ure now by law rt fcruble A Lid it .o Lerabv ‘•uj>lord upon auJ made the duty uf the Market Constable to see that thu penalties for hnv b 1 tbi* ee-'tioa :ite properly entbrred >t !> ! i:up to- t.il l,hM tin li That the J •in*. llui.Jiug Committee, in coujunc tf" with the Sup*riD;«-t>J..u? of tb- Diamond Market !i u-es, tve and th-y iirr ber.br author z-d to hare portable 'laud- -re :-t, bo.! plsco-t within the wails of the lower - 'T'ep tto* . laaifui-J Market li usrs m su< h a mauner as •ai i C-muiittev may irem expedient; said stands, wh-n i i iie plsi-ed ho as t»ol l>> intertrro with the doors .■ idiag into- suid bui'dingy T;..' •.M ; s.ands maybe rented !• • i he .'•uperintend, up ut d-r the dir.v.li.-u uf the Commit tie u Markets, by the we- k, m-Tth or te«r, to «uoh Katzu -f»»* nnv wi*h to procure a i-e-insuvct l ra.ti.n . but all -i b*txi U w hi-.*b taty nr-l Ui m, .cuieJ m- y t~ • .• -u j : .,>d !i ee -1 by any person Jis;«."ung ;-i the light proinots • ‘-.j r » i;-‘ i t ti!!e t by H.l b pen* i.e, (’ h • Commit Its ■• : 'i'.'i-i.* • U- ;i.- _ .ugrs iu . i any diSttu r»e«a>eut b-• w een the ou . erin on >n: an J the -viler, « • to ll»- kind 1 •; • .i- ies to t-e offered i. u said stands, here d -*M,J till ted hs " :.bt arto-ie*,") but in ti-.. *4jS«* shio 1 eland* ha routed to or • e;; - r w-.t by bu k-’.e's ut Sf.x3nd l.Htid dealers: und all rents sri'tog f tin : u di -.’and* i-hi.il t- ecd!f*ted by the ruperln nt-'D! of the Dunn-nd Marie: lions*—, and shall bn paid Inyi to the Tref4.sii: ,-r of the l Market House As ttLlinn. ur«■ f u: it> |<>r, uul 'i>. t auaf iI.RUIN'* |!K •* I . K l-JJ & >..0 . V u • .}». S' -V., W • i u-.»t.l* t,-,t ■\j l«. l'i lr-! lIS.I I. AT I 1 M PITTfIBIRUII XIIftJNU TUB MORGAN A CO., 164 Wood etreet, next house to the new Presbvterisu Church V . , ji -.. *->■>.* > ./-• lnsurance Company UK PITTSBURGH. Corner of Fourth and Smithdeld streets. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $300,000. . Insnai Buildings and other Property against Loss or Damage by Firs, and the Perils of the Ben find Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIRECTORS: Wm F. Johnston, Rody Patterson, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, W. M’Olintock, Kennedy T. Friend, James 8. Negley, W. 8. Haven, D. K. Park, I. Grier Sproul, Wade Hampton, D M. Long, A J Jones, J H. Jones. U K. Ooggshell OPFICKHB: Frfsulsnt Hon. WM. F JOHNSTON Vie*. IYttuient BODY PATTERSON Sfc'y and A. CARRIER. Aifistani ,s'rr'dury. S. 8. CARRIER EUREKA INSURANCE .COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JoIIN H. SLIOBNIIERGER, Prejidsnt. ROBERT FINNEY. Bice*taeT. C. W. BATCHELOR, Uskx&al Aqxht. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS MARINE AND FIRE RISKS DIRECTORS: .1 H. Ehoenberger, U. W. Cass, C. W. Batchelor, W. K. N'imicfc, lsaa-t M. PwcDOck, T. B. Updifce, W. W. Martin, R. D. Cochran, R. T. Leech, Jr., Je-hn A. Caaghey, George S. Beliiau. 8. ». Bryan, David MeOandless. All Lofl-> V K RTIB KM K X TB. NEW STORE. MOURNING it HOUSEKEEPING DRYGOODS. BROOKS & COOPER WOULD respectfully Inform the public that they bare taken the Store Room, NO. 75 MARKET BTKKIST, etrJ bare now open a most uomplcte assortment of the a bora good*. Dy giTinc our whole attention to there branches cf the butine s, to the ex.-lmdon of fancy goods, we think we cun oiler advantages, both iu assortment, quality and price, not to be found iu stores k-eping ihe usual variety. The HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT embraces all f-ta ptw articles in Dry Uocdd used in furnishing and kerpiog l»t>u*e «ep26 d3m A CARO HAVING TAKEN THE STAND lately cccupied by my Father, (1 Hi Liberty street,) for the purpose ot con* tinuing the CLOTHING ami TAILORING business,l would respectfully inform the friends und customers of the old tirm tbut I am now receiving an entire new stock of CLOTH?, CABCIVIRRES. VBBTINGS, etc,etc., which will i— * u r«d at the Lowest earth prices. Gid-r- Ur rualcm work promptly attended to, nnd i-xe •iited n the and most fashionable style. JAME 3 DIUBY si*.. 111 That all -Oil:, "r stands in the find .'.r !•>*(•: ? ••nr* K-i ■be I’tnuionJ Market Llow-ea. (»■ .vc-pt *,j far as t' Mr • •*•!? r-i iij utr-t by farmers l~ p'ovided for in the pre-edin,: • . i n '-f tb.* ' ‘rdi. an- -beL l-e r-i>t—J by ihe Super in ..'•lent- f ;/>** Diamond Market 11 >um*s, un-ler the direction •: ;bi* (tntuiib-e i u Variirts, the rent* to be collected *s -rat jfua-. i>v ‘sit ** u|n-r n let* Imt, udd paid t l lie Trea >u r.*r cf lb- Maroon 1 .Va*ke ! 11 u.**- A. fetation ; and it shall ‘•»* •be J j(y »<: the said to keep, or cause to l>- kept. h!I ’.he entrar.'-*-H into aqd passages throegh the b-ver *t- n*-s if :a d Market Hou.Res open ard fret* Ur the !i-- < f !-*r".ni‘ bavn.g bu lines? then-in, except so far a* l tbe nrvun l th- »‘»lk roar be obstructed by the stand* j: i ilei t;: iu '.i.** *»■(•-.ui M-c:nn of this Ordinance. li ■: ki! : t- hi« .! u» v ' •- !»•■•• Unit the pro vision ; of the first fee i*n of thii Ordln.'iocc ar ■ c mpD-.i with ; and whenever • « lit a y J*'in ii iw-.ffj*.: \. b*‘ m»y .ail upon the .Market Con .*■ n i .i- u> iuiterr*e the prerj- P>n* o: th- raiJ ten, tr pre r'e orier, ‘*r to enforce tfce ru.efi and regulation? of the in h- lower 4 t< ri-.i of th- Disiuond Market IV That it ‘h.il I b a tb*u u< vof :b« Clark of tba Mfcr- Buf'Tv Uif i>r*-vi>icn« of (!»*• tirpt wjctk uof this Or hh *■«•!! s* I'?' nil <:!bt*r Ordin(mot»9 which ar»> oot tv y >up)>!iol ur rapralvd. in th«* second story of Market House on lilt* west f!J» of the Diamond, rqU in i.. occupied ntfliidti iu the Lkamond Market ••• -»u the x'*u‘siJr* of the walls of iho Market Mou- »-* and th ‘ Market Constable, when 'allod upon. shall metier him *nrh assistance as may be r»q aired in preserv ing i.rj-r and ;ii eufr n tug tbe rules and regulaiong of the in ir!ir(*. i V Thai tht* >nperinU’nJi'tit of the Diamond Market i* and lhr Clink "I the Market* shall pay to tbe Trea* lfit* L'iniiii (iJ Maik-t Ht'u.w Association no Wfd- n- !•• -Ut ned Saturday .f nnch and every week, all the money by them in and around the Diamond Market*, and th-* Clerk of thi* Market* fhall pay to the City Treasu i.uri* in -«e.h and every w-ek ail the money which he •in!! L«v*-‘ollerlM iu the Fifth Ward and ikvuh Hill Mar kote. r;> VI That IVotn au.i after th*> expiration of tbe time I.t » htrli the present Clerk of t hr Market* wap ulfloted, the »#tnry of Ihr Clerk of the Market* sht.il be Six Hundred Dollars per year, payah.e by the Market House Association. That all monies collected by theCierk of the Markets in tbe Diamond Markets shult be paid by him to tbe Treasurer of l!:e PUaiouJ Martlet House Association, according to the p ..visions rd thi preceding Hw'ion of this OrJluance, and other moneys collected by him. whether iu the Scotch Hi l r Fifth Wnfd Markets, or f.>r measuring wool, bark, itun, >an i. or weighing bread, rhali be paid to tbe City Tr-aj-urer without any deduction whatever, and all butter ■» keu a-< nominal pounds, or lor being t.f light weight, by the laid Cleik cf the Markets, aha 1 be given to the Guar dian? < ! ti e poor of the City of Pittsburgh, for the benefit of the poor, nod the said Clerk of tbe Markets shall keep a co rnet account in a book to be provided for the purpose.of all moueys by him mvi ved, showing the date of the receipt of each ite n, the name of each person from whom received, keeping hi account of amount’ received for measuring u-o-Ai. t-s rk. lim**, sand, and weighing of bread, separate and vlMiii.-d from money* received a* Clerk of the Markets, aud ib.* money ho received ahall be paid to tbe City Treasurer ~n m.'h and every Wednesday and Saturday *»«.. VII. That the Clerk of the Markets eoaU give hoods, * th g-*od and Holllcicnt security, in the sum of oue tbou fnitd uollars, for t!m faithful performance of hieduties,eaid i*oud to be upproved by the Committee on Markutn. Stc. VIII. That the provisions of this Ordinance Khali take effect from and after the date of its passage, exespt po inu.-h of sect on sixth as relates to the ohange in the salary of t he Clerk of the Markets, hut the said Clerk shall be r*- .juired to keep an account book as provided for in said unc tion from and after the passage of ibis Ordinance, a hich book shall be at an aud all proper times open to the exam ination of the Committee on Markets. JAMES McAULEY, President ol' Select Council. Jv,l\ T Whittss, CUtr of Select Council. sep2&Btd d \ K I'li A NS* OOUKT SALK <»K HKAL ESTATE tu Allr “ f p^nylVv—On Thursday *Teuing, September 27th, at > o ■••('ck, ut the Exchange, Fourth street, will : '' hy order 0! Robert kobb. Administrator of Rev. •I. bu Tmshv, deemed, that Very valuable lot on Second lUuk, in Allegheny, having u front of 211 feet on Washing ton street, extending back au average depth of 200 feet to tho Pennsylvania ( anal; on which are erected n superior double two rtory Brick Mansion House, with outbuildings, and one two storv frame dwelling. The above will be sold outire, or fubdivided Into four parcels. Also, live three story Brick Stores and Dwellings on An uarson street, near the Canal, each lot having a front of 22 !e«t on Anii«-r?on street, extending back PO feet to a 4 feet alloy. Also. f*r whom it may concern, m Lots, having eu.-h a ( l 20 feet on Anderson street, extruding lack 8l «ug the South Common tfO feet to a 4 fee alley. Terms—Oue-thlrd cash; residue m ou* and two years wuhlMeresL p. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. I MBRu l D Kill KB—A. A. MASON A CO.' have opened a I i very large and well selected stock of Embroideries Fine French worked Collars, Sb-erea and Seta; Book Banded Oollars: Jaconet do Crotchet do Itoom Thread Banded Collars; Swiss &Dd Jaconet Puff Sleeves ; do do Qaantlet Sleeves: Embroidered Handkerchiefs; bwlsa a-d Jaconet Fiouncinca; Edging*, Insartiaga, Infanta* Waists ; Crape Cojlara, Monrning Se’s, Ao Ac. [aep26 A BRICK OOTTAGE HOUSE, situate about 300 yards \ from the Ratlrcad Station at East Liberty. Thehouse i " H . tOUr l8r « e room* and cellur. and is surrounded ’ c bon:e fruit trees, apples, pears, plume, peaches, Ac ; atso an abundance 0 f grapes. The lot has a frrnt of 30 feet the lurnpiku, by I*4 deep. Price, $750; $260 in hand, balance at one, two and three years -'_ 3 _ . S. COTIIBKKT A SON, bi\ Market st. LCR SALE—A good Farm.cootAiniDg 107 acres, eighteen riv»r m K 8 thtt Cltj- ’ antJ one mile BoUtt of the Ohio 1 r h HVIOR b 0 &cres andpr cu i UTftt | cnt B j houfie aQd other improvements. A good bargain is offered. -.^P* e TIIOB. WOODS. 76 Fourth st A P i‘ri« UHHr NbW Kr *Shton, Beaver County, containing -,,w. , well improved, a*;J under a Tld« elate of ‘•ultlvatioa. is offered Tor eule low TUOS. WOODS. 75 Fourth st. $lOO t r a two str.ry tframe liounn and Lot of ground, 2(j front on Webstar street, Allegheny, by t | u ' ie 'jP- The house contains two rooms, kitchen and cellar. A hydrant hj the y»rU. Term?—s'2oo hi hand, remainder al unu *»r. S. CUTUBERT & SON /*?*’ strroi. (_J.KLV CLOAKING CLOTUS-Jupt received, an n, meD{ of superior shades of Grey Olotha for Ladistj’ jjtepM] Aj A- MASON A OO I bisn UNKNB-A a: M ASON t do. taiTelSfolSSS 1 *■ c»b«e ul the best Ula&ea ot Irish Linens, of etury brpl'd ■***• ■-■ T- !* i- m.'** Lh» 1 itteburgh Tniat Company, for FifUen Hundred and Forty i'oll&rv Th* payment of said Check la stopped, and ail persons arw notified not to parch&asor negotiate the same. The finder will be rewarded by returning it to ns. rtJ Jn BAIIEY, BROWN A 00 , rep24:d3t No. 120. Second and Water streets. R '*°p* nln 9 °* the'Western University. INSTITUTION will tie reopened on TUESDAY, J_ the 24 of October. Students are requested io be In attendance at 9 o’clock A. M- of that diy, at the Uoireraity Buildings, corner of Hoes and Diamond streets. Information, as to terms, may be obtained from the Principal, or from Prof McDonald. By order of the Trustees. P*p2s:lw JOHN P. McLAREN, Principal. OOTuBEK MAGAZINES Frank L—lln , n of Fashion of the Beau Monde, containing all the Fall Styles and latert Fashionable Intelligence, New Murid, Patterns for Needle Work, Ac. Godey’s Lady’s B*ok for October. Peterson’s. Ma'gazine do Ballou’s Magazine do Leslie’s Journal do Yankee Notions do For-eale by H. MINER A CO., nep2s No. 82 Smitbfleld street. rpRE URbAT BOOK OF FASHION FoR OOTOBEK— X Frank Leslie’s Gazette of Fashion, and the Beau Monde, for October, is now ready, and for sale. This is the most important number every issued. It contains a very elabo rate article on tbe Milliners’ Openings, with a description of the most beautifal in each fashionable establishment in New York. Also, descriptions and engravings of all the latest Parisian styles received by the last steamer. This □ timber is invaluable to every lady, and particularly to Milliners, Makers and Dry Goods Merchants. Just received and for 6ale at W. A, GILDENFENNEY * I have procured the services of Mr. JNO. CARPENTER as Foreman, familiar to the trade in the West an the in veator of “ Carpenter’s Rule.” Having made all the nice ties of cutting, tbe chief study of his life, and being endowed withe large fund of experience from a practice of seventeen years, there is little doubt of bis ability to please ail whose custom be may attract. My stock of BOYS’ CLOTHING Is much larger than at any former period, exhibiting all the variety of styles com mon to the season, and at very low rates. SOLOMON STONER, No. 80 Wood street. s»p22«i*wlm Dissolution of Partnership. rpUE Partnership formed by the undersigned and Janes 1 o‘Nlal, in carrying on “the Camden Coal Works,” under the name and style of JONES, O’NEAL A MILLER, Is now dissolved. ISAAC JONES, July Tth, 1866. JOHN D. MILLER. Barr's Intelligence Office, HOTELS, House-keepers, Manufacturers, Mejvhantsand Mechanics are invited and solicited to call and obtain |h*ir Help and their Apprentices. Also, the working cius6ee, both male and female, shall be attended to, ancL business found for tbem on short notice, at BARR'S IN TELLIGENCE OPUCE, No. 410 Liberty street. No answer returned to applications by mail, unless ac companied by a postage stamp acplO Barley Wanted. 'pHK undersigned will lay the highest market price, In 1 pai ronns. for good merchantable BARLEY, delivered at th- PHtENIX BREWERY, Fifth Ward, PiUsoorgh, Pa.; and if delivered inside of two weeks from dale, will pay a premium of Fire Cents per bushel for extra good Barley. I will also have NSW ALE ready for market in a few J*.vs. _ (6epls:d2w*| A. WOOD, Agent. MAGAZINES FOR OCTOBER—Peteraou’a Magazine for October, w th colored fashions. L-~dle’K New York Journal for October. Oodey'a Iruij’s Book do Ballou’-* Magazine do Yankee Notions do BOOKS. El!ie. or the Ilumau Ucmcdy; by the author of “The Virginia Comeiiaue." 1 he Iroquis. an Indian story. Maud; by Tennyson. Tbaekeni)’n new book—Tbe Newccm-s, or Memoirs of a Ml'-' Ker pei-tabic Family. doKt rc«Mv»d aud for Rule at W. A. GILDENFKNNRY A CO.’S, eeptM Fifth bl, opposite tbe Theatre. Magazines, ac ‘ Ood«?y for October. 20 cents; B&llou do 10 do Frank Le.*4Jlw*un No. 299 Liberty Et. PIANOS! PIANOS! MAMUFAOTURRD BY NUNNS & CLARK. NiW TOBS, AXD l>oa BT 1 H. KLEBER & BRO, iYo. 53 Fifth stnei, a f&o doers from, ffte Fosi Office. J cut Rxctiyin, the firet few of a large invoice of Nunns A Clark's unrivalled Pianos. This - ipffnni, ■■ choice lot will comprise— iBSBSgSBfI 6 Octave square corners, rosewood, cver4r»»kts« strings, Ac. \J « g \J U Octave, do do do C.'-a Octave, round coroere, rosewood, carved, muslin nek and lyre. i*/ ~ Octave, double round corners, finished all around, do do carved legs, Rlizabethian *tyl •. do Semi-serpentine, very elegant. 7 do do do 6/ ' do Full Serpentine, eplendid pattern. 7 do do do Th» above will positively be sola at New YotS Fc.-tvry priest, without addition for freight tfc _ _ ; U. KLEBER Sc BRO, Sole Agents for Nunns A Clark, for Pittaburgh and Western Pennsylvania, S3 Fltth street, near the Post Ofiico. Watohti and Watch Kepalnna. WW. WILSON, Market street, corner of Fourth. • Gold and 811ver Watches from $lO to $3OO. Sole agency for sale of Charles ProdshanTs unrivalled Time keepers. Watch Repairing attended to promptly,»nd done in a superior manner Jewelry, Silver Ware and Military Goods at Eastern P eepu >i, V. BROTT_ CORltfl. Brott A Curtis, Dealers in real estate, st. ahvoowt falls, Aftnneiota rrrifery. Land bought and sold through out the Territory. Money loaned, Investments made to the best advantage, and Land Warrants located. Also, Agents tor the Pale of Lots In the town oT ST. CLOUD. AS miles trorn Si. Anthony, and head of navigation above the Fulls The purvey of the great Pacific Railroad crosses the Missis, sippl at thU point, and the numerous advantages It pos sesses as & plaoe of business, will make it one of the largest cities in the Northwest. Fx-Gavernor Ramsey, Minnesota. M«-n. Wui. 11. Welsh, Chief Justice of Minnesota, lion J. Mteker. llou. U. m. Rice, Delegate to Congress. Klee, Uollingabead A Becker, Attorneys at Law. Messrs. Borup A Oaks, Bankers. Rev. T. M. Fullerton, Register of U. S. Land Office. sep2U Western Lands, WE have arrangements with gentlemen of experience in the different Western States, by whloh choice inn-in can be located at Government price. persons desirous of locating lands, either for speculation or for actual settle ment, will find it to their advantage to give us a call. One ot our correspondents In lowa has spent the last six weeks in critically examining the lands in that Btate subject to entry, and writes us that he has selected over 20,000 acres of Choice lands. BLAKELY A RICHEY, _ »»pai:d*w corner Seventh and fimithfleld sts. Land War rants* IUIE highest market prioepaid for4o, 80 and 130 acre Land Warrants, of the late issue. Also, for 80 and 1 60 acre Warrants, issued under the law ot 1860. A PPIy to BLAKELY A RIOHEY, sep2l;daw corner of Seventh and Smlthfieid sts. APPETITE, Cheerfulness and Vigorous Health restored Holland Bitters. $1 per bottle. Bold at os AlAKnJfr BT. «■ . gapi7 STELLA SHAWLS—An assortment or very rich and fashionable colors of Stella Shawls just opened. A. A. MASON A CO., 25 Fifth st. 'I 'URPbNTINK—6O bbls lust received aqd for sale by 1 * e P M FLEMING BROS: SALTS—IOOO Ibsjuat reoelved and for sale by* JLi. ..“P 24 FLEMING BROS. BAY RUM—I cask just received and fbr sale by ac P 24 FLEMING BROS. REPINED CAMPHOR—4OO lbsjustVecM and for sale by 24 FLEMING BROS. rpURPENTINK Varnish, No. l-80 galls just received J. and for sale by [«ep24j FLEMING BROS. JAPAN VARNISH—BO gallons just rac'd and for sale b; »*p24 _ FLEMING BROS. MOUSE’S CORDIAL— 1 gross just rac’d sod for sale by __®ep_2j FLEMING BROS. AIER’S PECTORAL AND PILLS—Jnet received and for sale by [sep24j FLEMING BROS. G"i KEaSK—26 bbis for heavy Machinery, Railroad Care, r Carriages, Drays, Wagons, Ac., for sale by * g pS4 HENRY H. COLLINS. (iHEESE —240 boxes this day received and for sale by > sep2l HENRY H. COLLINS INKGAR—I6 bbls for sale by sep24 HENRY H. COLLINS APPLES— 60 bbls for sale by sep24 HENRY H. OOLUNS. BROOM 4—76 dox will be sold low to closeconrigument by HENRY H UOLLINB. «3- Spectacles and Surgical Optratli ’ ’ Useless—TbV Blind Umy S««»—ltlagn og hr ua- to bewbls' lo anrioance .(or tils public that utfflty of BAtli' PAT£NT £YE CtiP3 It novnoei; r: ment,—their wonderful offsets are coming daily to - knowledge of tbe proprietor*. strange aslttaayeesr is true,-that Bpeetao-ea m’sy fcedijpshsed *i(ti # nijrely sight restored to its original power. These cups are shr yet phiioEopbical. They are need without pain or tha I danger of Injury. Below, will bo found eerarai oertlffc' ‘ which spfiak highly is their favor: I From the NewYorkEnugelHU A vibt Blmp'a vet p hUdsophlcal Itutrument, has I invented by J. Ball ft 0o n of this city, by tbe •pjdicotio' which the cornea of thee?©isgriioally ralsedtoitso nal convetity, causing the focus to impinge on therw without the «i<2 of convex lenses, Tha* fcytatwrptt persons who here used glasses for years are \ dispense with them. - - The editor of the Pennsylvania Deinocrat wiritea at care of Alr ®‘ Gowteiul, of Unfontn, _ . „ Uhiostowe, Pb* August 1, 185 Being well acquainted with Mrs. Oarstead, I krar • before ehe ured “BaU’s Pntent EyeGaps,** it wirlmpi wadwithoutite use of spectacles, asdi the use of theOups, so t she now reads print.with ber nakßd eye without uZfßcu Joan FaßsAZm, Ed. Democrmj n,_ cl- „ t . BmcHinTowa-June!, 18fe Ar-lUvlng lort.my alght by old age, I wasi d “, CIKI .I O purelmae yonr wontofnl Inatrunmto, ami I S?S?SS?. Id S B . t ? yoor ihoocttona, I anaeodal restoring my sight so that loan read by night or day v ont spectaoles. r bays not used my speotuh* fcr tha threoor four months, which shows that tha reetoratlcn not a temporary one, but a yalnablsr snd permanent ot Of the firm of Bnsll t Brother «a.By rsmltUng flye dollars, a pair will bs sent, i paid, with full dlreethms, to an; part of the country, dress DK. QEO. U. KKYSER, corner of Wood 4 street Virgin alley, Httabnrgh, Pa. sepl9-Jai M- Butcnelor’a Hair Dpe.^Twentyyears’ periment and ocpllcatlon justify tho proprietor inwiaai ; this ths best HilrDyo in existence. ltd,cabled brown Instantly, without the least Injury to halt or ei . blade and sold, or, applied, (Its nlhe priTato rooms,! BATOHBBOE’g WlgPcrtcry, 223 Broadway, Now York. Sold, wholesale and Dr. QKO. U. KEYBKB, 1 Wood street. ■ r eepahdaf «- Jaat Received, at GrlbbU>i, * epion! eesortment of Pall and Wlnter Qoods,of every deocriptf , consisting of Ptnah, Grenadine, Yalentla and Hgnred gel 1 Vestings, Doeskin and Fancy Oosslmeres, (Botha, Oreresf ■ Inge, Ac., Ac. Also, Gents' Fhrnlshlhg Goods In great ye . ety. which wUI be sold low fcr cash.-: No. fttO Llbertystri. sep!7 .'J \ . v . wooDwiiiL’s FURNITURE - CHAIKS. r^__^ WHOLESALE AND. RE TAJ L , ' , , EaBRAOXNQ EVHBY STYLE OJ- j .1 * \\ FUJUTTOUBB, , j ROSEWOOD, MAHOUANY AKD WALNUT, | , ’ SUITABLE YOB ; PARLORS, CHAMBERS, AND DINING ROOM EQUAL TO ANT IN X . ' NEW YORK OR-PHILADELPHIA, , v V AND AT LOWER PRICES. article made byhand, and warranted. ‘ • Cabinet Maker* Supplied with any quantity of FUBNITURB and CHAII on reasonable terms. Hotel* and Steamboats FURNISHED AT THU SHORTEST NOTICE. ‘ i Wararooms, Hoi. 77 and 79 Third street, ; °ag2 PITTSBURGH, Pa: A. A. 0AR8181t.................. ........a. a. OAHEIX: - ; A. A. CAHBIEB * DRO., jj!^ Owner AburiA and SmUkfidd streets, Pittsburgh, Pu% » AGENTS 3 - STATE MUTUAL FIBE AHD MABTHE IHSUBABCE CC ' or HAABianuna. OAPITAL -8350,0(10. ev QIBABb r FIBE AHD MARISE INSURANCE cvatrAtfi ' 0? PUILAD dlp-hia. 5 C'APIIAL . —; 9300,000. i INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA,; WIHOHEBTBB, VA. CA/’/rAA....„.......„..„._^i__^300 J OOO. CONNECTICUT HUJfIAL' LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN v HAaiJOED, OOSB.“ mlTl CAPITAL AND A55ET5..,.* a,154,488. WESTERS FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANV NEW LISBON, OHIO. ' TJ. HUNTER, Aurar, St. Oharlee Boil Unit. No. 1(< . Third street, Pittsburgh. f, orooraa: P. A. BLOCKBOSL President. i JAMB 3 BUII DICK, Vice PresidenL 1 LEVI MARTIN, SKretary and Treasurer. } PITTS 2 OEQII BKFERIHGXa: James W. Woodwell, Joseph Plummer. James Wood, E M. Riddle, ■ i3°‘ X.'. Uarb tS flh ’. . Dr. Jno. E. nrk, f jlO] Wm. Rimma, Birmingham, Dawson, Newmeyer A British and Continental Exchanged SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY ° ; DUNCAN, SHKBJHAN * CO. ‘ ON TUB ONION BANK, LONDON, I Is Sums or £1 ahd Upwahbs.. ■ ? TH£S£ DRAPES are available at all the prtndoH 4 ' Towns of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND and IRELAND, ar* - Uie CONTINENT. *»«*«»*, ar . We also draw Sight Bills on s IS* A. Granebatun A Ballla, FRANKFORT A MAW, l flwre as a Remittance to all parts of GERMANY?*- mWi’iZß&t.and and HOLLAND -- needed; in any part of Europe. < - of Bills, Notes, aid other securitiesis Ea* rope, will receive prompt attention. WM. H. WILLIAMS ? Wood, street - WILLIAM HUNTER, ! 9 '1 DEALER EXCLUSIVELY IN j FLOUR AND fiRAUY Ho. 299 Liberty stroot, Pittebargh, Pa. W-Okbiuht ascnvnra, the BUST BRANDS o PENNSYLVANIA, S OHIO INDIANA end j! MISSOURI, SUPERFINE arid it BZTHA PLOCR, : Which will alwayH be gold at the Lovert Cash ptlcaa. f.pilt WM. B. HAYS & CO., | DEALERS IN BACON. ? HAl.lll&jiiip LARD, LARD OH. ' ' r' X ‘ DRIED BEEF, SUGAR-CURED end v , CANVASSED HAMS. A large .toci always on band at So. »»7 Liberty street, PmamiiuiH, Pnfi J. ooKuras.-j. c. cua&aYi...a. 0- TU5X3...W. o. woonwun* i AME RICAN PAPI E K 91 AC ! HAITDFACtUHIHQ COMPAHY, ... NO. 78 SECOND STREET, PITTBBIBQB, PJ. I \T ANUFAOTUBBBS or PAPIER MACHEORNAMENTS i IU. for Churches, Houses, Steamboats, Ar.; Mirr*r and \ Picture Era fljes, Window and Door Heads, • Cornices, Ventilators and Cen tre Tlecea for CelUafes« 80-! settea and Mouldings of ererydsscription, siManidesign, ; oqxapkb and warranted more durable any other article i now in u&a. _ .. - 49“ ciders executed on the shortest notice. “' -> N. B. -Attention of Steamboat Builders la «MTu^ f iiy dj. ‘ recte 1 othla article, on account of itellght weight V , OUHMINS, TUNKsXoO. je2l N '‘ B 8600114 eL > twteeea Wood and Market sta^ JOHN COCHRAN & BROS. MANUPACTURERSOF IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS. VAULT. DOO&&, . Window Shutters, Window Guards, So. Mo», #1 Second street end 8S Third,l, (eatwiiß wood asa saatiT,) - PITTSBVRQB, PA, Htva on hand a varies, o t new pattenui'.sncyVii. Plain, anltable fin all purposes. Partleolar attention paid to enoloalng Grave lota. Jobbing done at ebon notice.'(m2! S. M’KEE & CO-, HAFtOTAonnnaa or M’KEE’S PENNSYLVANIA GLASS Att ATTOf WINDOW GLASS, Rxtra, Double Strength# Imitation Grown and Ruby Vials, Flasks, Pickle and Preserve Jars; Wine, Porter and Mineral,Botttoa; ■ Telegraphic & Lightning-Rod Insulators. L SECOND, BETWEEN WOOD A MARKED wra 6 BRSBUMHe FkaSA. But a short distance from the Steamboat landing'and £ from Mouougsbgl" House, 8L Charlca, and City Hotßir|apgg £ J. H. JOffES.ee i.B. P. DWUpY | JONES & DENNY, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, f °’ apifll 01 WATER STREET, pnrannpqn MERRICK. HOUSE. 'V. A. BLOSSOM, Propbietos. *KW BRiQHTOa, - PEA PEN COUNTT, PA. J 'imwS. 4 °°- I “™'»raOT»i thali offloe to No. SO • opposite Mason's, In Dr. G. B. Staw’o 'Aiuiat) office where citizens will And the books ow n tu v Te3il ,ec l P t,ooa for IKViNG'd ufs OF Washing «nl atn r l*t« publications x r .tv \ r '; ’’•wwHwej