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V--^ ), r r **; ■* ’ *'' yyy^' :: yX j /fy' : y X ‘ l ' *v, ■ *.r- 7. f ; x , A”' 4." j tillr J >t’i‘ -tr'4.% v*”^x/»; X ’v* "'■ <■ l y-”^ '- ’ ,■ -. „ •„ .;■;■ ■■ ' '^V^’^cir-;. 1 .* -tt* :**■*:• A (JkJ*-* ■*' t i.^ l •* ««. *4/ ■* *?L't * -A- . ;j A “i f - r- ■» ;.£*!“*■ e «^ s *' < ' r' ' Vi «n v> / r ' *7* .• V 4 \ * ,/ . ~ ’ » I ** v V 4. _ ,I : ''«“*•*•.Wv(. • .. - ■/,..•^••»r < .t ? sjv T V'.v-i'> - 5«.N-.'.--- - • ■'K::r;;!:: t v ; . :•/., Ji . I, /• . *r . ■ ■*- * -». •» .x , y.-v» . . 4 . . t- t. . * * * ».♦ -• • yi' *> •’• ± «*' • 7 V'. •'. .'.'< ..:»* . •••;•.•*>. «'• X ' *j. <» Lt' ' •* i : •** , . - <■.*'>■. ■\ s ■ :-yy •■ ■ ‘>.,-,v v,' ' : ' • * ' -i - • - . .._.rniiip Pat itcnccf the larstit M FrinOnt Office! m the city, where all knit of work U done m the thartetl nolux, anSmazt rcaton a bit tern*. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt* C« G« Spronl, Attorney and counsellor at LAW-offlc»,'No. —. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. decllily Jamea A* Lowrle, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Bmlthfleid street and Cherry allay, fdeolluy JOHN BARTON* attorney and counsellor at law, Office) eornar Fifth and Grant ata«* jaS.ly3l rfraspusqn, rs. _ Tbomu Sleana, l A TTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANOERY. I /V Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. P my 4 5 8. F. Robs, | A TTOR.NEY AT LA W—No. 100 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, J pa_ fourth door below Mr. Rody Pattawon’B Livery < Ptable. l^ B c, Orlando Loomi» t ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth stmt, above Wood —-lliiZ - R, B. Uarnahaa, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Qrant street. Je^y J. N. M’Clovrry, TTOENEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW-OfflCQ in BakewelTs Bulldioga, on Grant Btregt, )*2_ U. Kl. Haxen, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. IST Fourth street, above and pearSmlthfleEb mar27:y Pfttrlek NfiGLonna, ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) whore all business pertain ing to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. _ N. Huckmuteri Alderman. / \FFICE, Qrant street, between Fourth si. end Diamond \ / alley. Oonreyauclugof all kinds dona with the great ti»t cart- sod legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examin ed, Ac. __ WllUAm Wllaon, Alderman. OFFICE No. 447 PENN street, between the caoal and O’Hara street, Fifth Ward- All business appertaining to the Sfflce of an Alderman or Justice of the Peaca, will he promptly attended to. 49> Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. feblSztf _ , j. irT ., H. AHL, BURGEON DENTIST, (sue f§jSjS||||gi eessor to G. W. Biddle,) N 0 .144 Smlthfiald l.? ryyOffiga hours, from Bto 1 o'clock, and rom 2 to 5 o’clock. frblo:ly ,V - i J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, five doors /Vv?j3S§sSS. weat of Market. rr*fy Office Horaa From nine A. M. to Qve p. M. decaoty BUSINESS CARDS. ALTRan'o Joßttraox SDWABD DITHttIOOB HtUBT L. KEJOWAtT. Carling, Robertson A Co., Manufacturers of cut, pressed and plain FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wood street, eoroer ef Front street, Pittsburgh. All other kinds or Glassware and Window Glass, at low market prices. apUidly Jacob flt»ColUat«r f WHOLESALE and retail Cigar manufacturer, and deal er in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. lb Fifthßtreet, Pittsburgh,Pa. , . «9* Keeps constantly on hand a large supply of Taru.ns braoda of Imperial Cigars _ ,tphn Aloorßead, WIIOLE3ALE QKOOEII, AND COMMISSION MKR CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metal and Bloom*, ond Produce generally, No. 27 Wood strrel. Plmburnh [ »td-l remTSSSr • J - *»«■»« Uefuir & Anderson, (Buoc*wors to Joshua ltbodes A Co.) WHOLESALE deaters tn forelro Fruits, Nuts, Soiree, Confectionary, Sugars,Ac.. No. Si’ Wood street, opts, th. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Henry U< Collins, tnouwardinq and COMMISSION MKHCHANT and jS Wholesale Dealer In Cheese, Butter, Seeda Fish, and Produce generally. No. jg Wood street, Pmsburi£h_ j mart, B. T. C. Morgan, Bookseller anb station Kit-has aiwaj.on beni a general assortment School, Miscellaneane end Buck Rookß Printing, Post and Oap Paper, Ac., srhoiegle and re toll. No. 101 Wwl street, below Fifth, East side, Pittoburgh. aa- Wantwl, Rage and Tanner*' Scraps. apio.ly ei,,-?,.wiwi7i£;.Phlla Eicarrsos, Pittsburgh Sillier A. HlektUon, WHOLK3ALE QftOCKB.9, Importers of Brandies Wines imi Seiara —Nos. IT 1 end ll*, corner of lr»ln end Liberty stree * Pittsburgh. Iron, Neils, Cotton , constantly on hand. -L wm. Ca.rr » Flab, Biron °l , s n iS^“ C 4 ■renerally. Warehouse formerly oecuoied by B Sf ßr “ g " y Kgu™m, NO. 116 Water and 140 Find street, P>tt»burgh, 'commission House. It HE rabeeribors bare opened a bouae for the abore pur ooee. ai No 17 SmlthSald street, four doors above tbe Mooongahelo Borne. We will porcbaw, or rocelTe, OB com mUeltm, for eale, conslsnmenU of Floor, Oorn, Oita, Barley, Flak Heed, Grass Seed, Baled Hay, 4c., Sjon' whkh we will made adrance. or market rates for cask loorCl ALOUO 4 qo_ Jatncs Ql’liAugtiilD> -rvBAtER IN GROCERIES, FROuUCK, FLOUiI, BACON, X) Ac, No. 10, corner SmUhflold and Firai bargh, Pa Joan 11- YOUNG... -..TUfrarjth, P>. J— J_ _ Wood gtr<*t» pipe nod Bbnet Lead, 67 Front street. H Rnterprlaa Work*- T 5° WN * tmlnt or Guns, Rifl« .nd R*' J 3 mB “ fVSf *£TK m> ftßd w iect*i stock ever TolTlog Pistols, thei U ** .. B assortment opened In tbia all of which for good approved paper. T iuye oM ment, end are alrea y . _ e £ erfc ny u superior work mv costoroars end the p , v. ODa v,v this union thank., and solicit for the new drm a ““"Wilson. lar favors. Pittsburgh, April U, 1865. Wilson, Torbett A cl Jt?vEnaurrHP ’ATCH MAKERS, JEWELERS and BILVE&SMITKP, 07 Market street, oornar Poarth. ro __ «. v coaoli ana Carriage Factory 1 JOHJTSTOH, BBOTHBBS & CO., rfcmfr jta*cea miUP RBYMEH. lui-aaq SO(WKSBORS TOK.M. BIQELU '» M i ROUT. J. ANDERSON rMWm\ alley, near Wood WBEBp burgh—Coaches, Carriage*, Pheatooa, » g 9S3E glee, and every description of’faMT, f or built to order, and finished In a manner obsurpa®® I beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanfiuip, and durability of materials, ay- All work warranted- ROBERT H. PaTTRRSON’B •-Mi- “^Z B “ M Comer Diamond street end Cherry alley aprlfctf PITTBBPRQH, PA. TUVDOZTIKMON SYR DP; VjV# 9) “ (assorted do In store and for sale by jj!9 69 Wood «t, oppoills tbs 8V Charles Hotel T ' • -V •' " • * -**- fl f U'U >.i ‘ ' ' 5 ; if*' •• : « * * , - 3 • ’Ji '* Ai r * - " • ••• r> *l4'" " J’ F. R. Draro, PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILL MOKE & MONTGOMERY, AT TilE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $B.OO PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY VOLUME XIII BUSINESS CARDS Joseph Fleming, fSUCCtSSOK TO L. WItOOX 4 CO.l COHNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, kwp« conelantlv on hand a full aeKJrtment of Drugs, Modi cine*, Medicine Cheets, Perfumery, and bll articles pertain- Intr to his Imslnes**. ~ , , nf JOB- Physician*’ Prescriptions carefully oompouo-ied at all hours. josh rLtutno. Fleming Brothers, [BCOCJBBOBS TO J. KIDD • * 0 0.1 WHOLESALE DUQQIBTB, No. 60 W ood meet. PitU burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M Lant- h Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pillfy Ac. j? John U&ftf Jr., Wf 80CC«S8oa TO JAMLH W'aiFViT-1 HOLEBALK AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer In Paints, Oita, Dye Stufls, 4c.. 141 Wood 6*xeot, three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apitanAoll y _ 'ITTUOLESALE DEALER IN POKKIGR WINKS, BRAN- W DIB 1 ?, CIGARS, OLD MONONUAHKLA AND HI K WHISKY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No.B Wood street, Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Spirit*, St. Croix and New England Rum,Clarets, Champaignes, Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon* Old Mommgahela Rye and Rcotlfled Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Pancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, and Damliohns of allsites, I respectfully Invite an examina tion of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, P.tma. ,pr3.ly_ Jnmea Mullingar* MOHONGAHKLd PLANING MILL.-Would rwp^tlul. ly Inform his friend* &Dd the public, that hia new es tablishment is no* in lull operation, and that he in pre pared to furnish BoatCabiu*. and fid all order* for Pi&ned Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board urnl Plank, planed on one or both sides, roneUol.y and Moulding of eTery description, made to or Builders and Oarpenters woald find It to their advantage to pire Mm a call, as he can now furnish them with planed stuff suitable fur every description of sror*. _ WM A. UXKE.O3 .'KU>WtLL- HtrroD A CrUwcM, BELL AND MIAB3 FOUNDERS, and Manufacturers of • Ilkiudn of Braw Work, Locotnolire Steam Bugtae, Plumbera, Ac. Al*o, Cotton Batting Manufacturer.. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. 43“ Old Brass and Copper taken in exchange tor work, or caab pail. Order* left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. lv M OEAff h. tUlrtlWHSk —— draff, Kctitnger & Graff, WB3TEHN FOUNDKY, No. lit Wood 1U» burgh, Pa. JIAKCriCTCIUIBIt OF Cooking Stores; Plain and Fancy Graffs, Coal and Wood Stores, Plain and Fancy tenders Parlor Store#, Hud and Dog Iren#, Hollow Ware, Portable Forges, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Boxes. V. u. sMITtf. Smith, fflalr A Hunter, (LaU< Smith A Sinclair.) „„ 4lta WUOLESALE GROCERS, riLODUCK AND BION MERCIIAKTS, *n»i D*aler* in all tinil* uf Pittsburgh Manufactures, 122 Second and 151 First Pittsburgh, Pa. \V. S. IlftTen T>HK OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late dobo ,l eton h StocSton,) and Blank Book and Stationer) War*hon««. is prepared to execute fTery style of L<*£al, Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Triatiu/ and Boc k Dtnllng, and furaUb etery article ia tbe BlaDk Do*.k, Taper and Stationery line, at ttie ah.'rtot't notice and on tbe mo«! reasonable term*. Blank Book and Stationery War«bouw, 1 tiuice and Book Bindery, comer of nil ooviC North - W « % ( eruPoli c e Agency, X T O b 9 WASUINQWN STUIiET, corner of lH*-arborn, CHICAGO, ILLINUS. iLIAR nSHHTOK. Pinkerton k Co. PCTCTI TUtIB ATT MW) Of* To THI TRANSACTION CT A Gtßl7.il DETECTIVE POUOK BUSINESS In the State* of Illinois, Wisconsin. Michigan and Indiana _ . _ late firm rf JONES A yCIGG. baring been ed by the death of John F.Qaigg. on the T. th last . lh" biutoesa of Bald tlrm will b« Milled t-y i he unJerclgued, ai iheir office, aornar of Ro-'-p and First sweat*. ISAAC JONKE. PurrlTlßg Partner. Pittsburgh, September 30, IK61 — Isiitc Jon«ii Manufacturer or spring and Bii*i«r swei, pivu^b Blab steal. steel Plough Wings; Coach and Kliptle springs, Brass Nnl Taper, half patent, Bcr-v, Mall an- men of Pittsburgh, that b« has recently erected a KI DI M« SCHOOL, which in point otaU*, eomtaodiousness and adap tation. andenlabiy excels any similar *-t»biiehni*ot to ih«* United Stales It* location t» accrwubl* from all parts of the city,-while its high and airv dtuati-'n render* it espe cially suited to th« promotion of health, by th.‘ o<-*' ■p r * , ‘'- able exercise. The Horses are doolie and well train*,, und the proprietor pledges himaeif that no pstn* < will be spared to make thin eetsb’.HhinoQt lb** flr» n confidence of the public. L tllctaard U Boeklna, .. MANUFACTURER of oili. R - Rp ‘ ~;;v BRON/.8, LoOKINQ-OLASS, POHTILAH AND } lo TXB FRAMES, Plain and Onum»n>J, N°- -I bt CiMr ttrwt. AH kinds of Composition urnimriH*, for rlro boat*. Ac. All fetnda of Gildiag and IU gliding, to orJ« r Uilt Monidin.s lor Frames, wholesale and retail. >arnl*n for OU Paintings, Engravings and Lithograph*, for sale gg- Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings restored in best manner. , . . ... , • All Frames and MooUliogs manufactured m this tiahment may be cleaned without injury- * OR P aLj " C»n in'! w«. No. H St. Ol&ir at - Pituburrh ~j.warrK, TTKNBTIAK BLIND MANUFACTURER. has recovered V hl« healLh no as to resume Ids old buslnrM. and baa coined hi. BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No l- Fifth near the Poet office, between Wood and Bmllbti.lJ, where h. has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain end Liner worsted and silk trimming., and I* prepared to C l any order in hie line, on the moat reasonable terms. Uia work Is warranted to gire satisfaction or mou.y refunded. ira-Old Blinds repaired. . w gj- pjeaM give him a call, as he can t be beat in wo.k m&nrbip ——- jjf otlc«* InAVE sold my interest In the business os Cong, Miller A Co., toB. A Long. irho, with John Phillips, will con- Unne at the old stand, No. 109 Front afreet. I iwrd.ellyre commend the new «rm to the patronage of my friends Pittsburgh, Jnly 29,15 M >•“ MILLKB. 0. i. LOSO _ _ 8t A. Long A Co., Bell and brass plunders, and has fitters, inrlte attention to their etock of Chandeliers, *l* Pendants, and other fixture*. We fit up Louse* with Oas and Steam, make Draw Casting of ail kindo to order famish Railroad Pump* and TankYitilng*, and keep Aon- Attrition Metal constantly on hand. fSOTICK. w DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. v 0 '&) FiM ftreri, first corner abo»* Market street, * ' ' PITTBBUROH, PA.. , . WHERE will be found the largest and best Msorted Stock of HOSIERY ever offered for Bale In this city. Pa chaser# will find it cn their advantage to call at thlj establishmentand examine for themselves, it * “ eed to insure their custom. _ UU4LI, N B.—Remember the Ohxap Btocxi*o Coweta. febl:y - Comsuiue the SmoUe. T^ssassaifeTiSf'.'W.jS Foroaco no» to üßa. n. allanUM oflhoM .olldtod. Any Information cao b ' , . h^ i . o 'nioti IJ.R’ Nor. 2 and 4 Wood Btroat, or of J. BARNDOLWR, dec24:tf 1 Iron CitT Store Warehouse, No. 184 Wood at. _ *.iM*3 I. LSMJI Ledlle dfc Ulam, (Successors to Mulnny & U** l *?) . . Manufacturers of cot. Moulded »nd Plain, Flint „d Fancy Colored QLABSWAIIE, and dealers 1» all kinds of Window OlaM, Flaaka, Vials and Bottles. Ware house comer of Market and Water etreete, Pittsburgh. mh2:• v, I. L. Marshall, . r» r ccensor to 11. Lee.) WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Htfcrtnce— W. M'CUntock ft Bros.; Rromar A Rahm; Brcwnft Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tl*roan A Co. Pittsburgh. May 24, I%6—(my24:3m*) Hats aud Caps. pg WE would lotlUj the attention of our friends and / H the public to a splendid assortment of HATS and ®2§£CAPS, which™ are now openi> g lor the Summer tro l«, which for beauty of style, exceeds anything ever of fered in the city, or west of the mountains. AS-Call and examine fur yourselves. J. WILSON A 80V, er o 91 Word street, Pittsburgh. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. 'inis FIRM OF LIVINGSTON, ROGUE# A 00.. PrOpria -1 nrs of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was unsolved by the death M Mr. Jons J. Roduxs, on the llta of the NoVELTY WORKS will be continued in til its biaueb-e by the surviving partners, u >der the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A CO , who BUI .!»*«.. .P IS* affairs u I th.*r- f j, O4TUNi CALVjN ADAMS, 5. K. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 4, lH&fi. ] W. B. COPELAND JOB* la'CLQtf «T M’CLOSIITT. John M’Closkey dfc Co., \ ITIIOLESALE AND RETAIL CLtJTHING MER Y\ CHANTS, No SB Wood street, Pittabureh, Pa Tee aubflcrilxr? respectfully Inform their old customers ant «lu- public in general. that they hare thla day t.d in the above business, under the hrm u JOHN M'CLOSKfcf ACO They respvotruily solicit u flhar* t-r public patron***- ... 'ph* previous butlcesflof each will U* settled by them *lv*a r«*p*ctiva!y_ _ !>“_ Boots aud Shoes. JM’LA UGHI.IN, No. 95 Fourth street, nearly opposite , th« Major's office, is manufacturing Gentlemen's first Boon, Lew Shoes, tl«sand buttoned; Congress and Button ed Gallon*; Ladten'B-wUs Half Boots, Jouny Linda, Slip* rwra. and French Lashing Gaiters, of every color and shale; fane? Kid and Satin Gaiters, of the best materials Ml«w and Children’s do„ ol every variety. N It —All hi 'ds mad** to order, on abort notice, laun* sold ter •’ UouiTty Lauda and Claims ngalnsl tiovernmsnl. I WILL procure Bounty Land Warrant* for SoUlwmtbeir Widows :mi Minor Children, and attend to buMtew In t hr “ C'*r I r*ul*. TUtiprewot tillgWwtoall «ho b»T«a©rr*J In WIT w»r«»oc*i:yO, lfiofttut.s. 'JVrtn* rarxlTul*. LUKE OOCKf'LIOUT, f>7 Lnudoud allay. Wnod «x *r. 1 DUmi'o-l j. h. hi avia. Coat Work* for kale. O I \TY TIIKKK ACHES OK I \ND,«I:h of (.'•»! o touched. and ail ihn Imj-rovemm:-. :b«won Jo fji oi~r»»k.n. S*»4 F-rn> sUunuxi « u Oh* M o»o*»lM* rtT*»r. M ciln* fcbi>r«* FiUi*:»ii. *!., »»1 >' l ' l ‘ : ’K‘ 'V* ! Kirm liou*»*, Uaru, Truufct lluuwa*, arrharl. Ua.iU-a.l. »oo BD hur>*-r , . 0> 11,, t-1d o! Co*l l- nr- ft-'. U.Wk,.ui -annoi t« eJ I'-VNE. »Vo *tff**i li. i u i a ill uN’ ~koom FOR 1N YKN T l 1 >N •> ASI> PATLSTt*. And Agency Ur the Pnrthase and Sale of Patent Rights and Patented Articles MOStk f KMu-J .Y, S.O I rpUK •uVvril'-n' hav* I b-’vn a*■; aAttHfl wilhWr. I \io-£. a f b.\T')N’ nod ha** ik hc/Koa.'O in reborn bm«. «<• """ =»».v —K '“Fi-'J b* h *.-n'lrui*ti c! i.i.Jou. ’*•! integrity to 1 it-defttncat':* tu- Juilrt, in *U(,v r\.'T'i . ■ m»; tot ; ,u» 1 S-tiiU 1 U fn.u. W. •>’■ , \v II u-rnv, '* J hnGm.hß.ui, Jtoi't, W U Child.. * <’•*' • }• U J. N Hclui«** A N-us, Knti' A Rt-imar k lUhn-, U m I’hi.'.ij*. 1 R W-.iaun Yfra ? Johi:«*l'U. A W Uv-mli*. Anlr-a K-SU*n I'UM'Utvh. N> ’.’'M __ n^r.-.n. o kon-ixas firm vvrliiiij; Ciai»e»-Uuff ■ pollen** /pHR ticD.lfOfO »u 1 USi«‘ l’"*T *» iks R»-*olQti VVrKiui I cWill 'X.um.u.. duru* the returner under >j7 r D MTl.am*, »hw vtrk-in Mvl*f <’( G«ut «nd 1 a Writing are no anneri-iUy admired. No Mpeclmen* . , Penmanship are eib»b.t«J but itow exwuted by the Tfju-her lu the Institution The Principal cUima no monopoly " oar “ pal- t ” lor LL« bu,in-e-. nor aid h- Ret bU institute n -bartered b Ml .ui, as 1;m becu r*p*au*4ly ‘uuJ Ud.e*’ Vi*Uio< Car Is written In Mr. William*' ud-nui!lh «:v.r. All U-d* of ornamental Pea maDsbip executed U urder. _ d * w _ ,r.. u Ke,v [nnlll*fi>c* U»'«' fI'HE • üburm-r li«. )■*-'• ‘T’""" 1 no I S TSLUdESCK 1 OFFICE »! So up«rt» _ , fW1 _ H Jf B fjy S'nll Grand Finn®, price 81 000,« * “ From tb. Factory of NDNMJ * CLA tth, «« Tort ™ ! t-lecaot instrument in made in the UIZABJS T IiIA>< 8 IYLE,” the ornaments, front pieces and legs being elabo rately ireed cal of BOlld ROSEWOOD. It la foil ..ran oetam, Of tbfl largest dlmenalooa, and,in point of TOluine, power, and liquid tfweetnees of tone, tfl pronounced alto sTbscrfurs wlli be bappy to recelte ihe Tbits of their friend* aod the public iu general, and show them Obiongb than elegant «. 4 BItO , Bign I the U.lden Limp, No. 63 Fifth street. Bxirtnc StorU of Hamburg Planoi. 1 b CUARLOTTK BLUMK, No. 113 Wool, Pittsburgh, sr>l« Agvnt. Tbe Hamburg Plano* are uDdoubtvdlj 9| ston Pianos, (which In the East ern oities ore considered superior to either Chickuringa or Nunns & Clark's, out which fact is uot extensively known, os they have but lately been introduced here.) and oilier New Yon and Philadelphia Pianos, cf the best makers, at prices from $’J26 to $BOO. ® Notice to Whom It Way Concern. - TIIK PUBUQ SPRING SALES ot Keal Estate at Ro chester are now closed, and the Building S>'Qson has f.tr!y commenced: Every citizen of Rochester is busily em ; nloved Even 30 or 40 now families who bavo become c.lti Los the present Spring, find conaUnt employment; and in a «°w days a hundred families more will bo required to car ry on the workof thnpreaent season. The Car Building Establishment U now near completion, „nd will be in full operation in June. Several Cars will bo ready for delivery, by cootrac', the Ist of July, 1866. Two or three Dew churches, in Rochester, will be con traded for immediately, and numerous other improvements will be commenced, requiring a great amount of mwhanlcal and other labor independent of the Car Establishment, which will pro-ably employ from one to two.hundred. A prominent brickmakor Irom Pittsburgh has just por chawed nine large lou, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 600.000 bricks. Two gangs of hands commence work the present week, bvstdeß the other yards heretofore established in the neighborhood. Our Stone Quarries are already alive wnh workmen, and the road lea ling to them lined with teams. Lumber la becoming a&ufidanf aDd cheap , and tenemen’e will soon soring up to rtUcTe some of our houses, which now have b families, 4 families, 3 families, and dozens of them - families each. ... . Anv who d d not boy oheap lota at the four public sales last season, or the four public Bales the present spring, can siUl secure good bargain, at petrols rule by calling ou tbs subecrlber In Rochester. Terms-ld, d °H n, ,£ 3 0 iII G S” L 5 ) “ r an S 'can yet be had at $6O to $lOO each ; If applied for before the 20 h May. These lots are twice .as lores as usual city lota, riz: 40 feet by 120, and the price onYv from $1 60 to $2,50 per foot front. The present reserr ■ a 1 homestead and magnificent profit of Orid Pinney, 4 acres ’ in the thfXugh of Rochester; tdeo the be.nth ful so acres, building, orehard, Ac , of F. Reno, can be - bought through the subscriber at great bargains, and there are not two rtfcA torpainr trllhlo . hundred miles G. l ' myO .... . Removal. O CUTUBKRT A SON bare removed their Real Eatate J 5. and General Agency Office to No. 6J MARKET ST., near Third. «ugj_ IjtUR BALk—Two hot. of 60 feet by 140 each, in K 1 Pittsburgh, at the lowest prices. Inquire of »ugl THOMAS WOODS. 76 fourth itreel < i\vt.?? »-sy~ ■ < ' • > S . * * r : r i 3 K- . 4 MISCELLANEOUS DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. BlATfl ALL DLSIA3M OP TBI STS AND SAB WITHOUT OUPPISO, LXECUISQ, BLIBT SEIKO, 08 TH» VAU IT OFTCCK 468 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ®J > NEW YORK. Uourß from 9 A. M. to 4 1 • M. ROUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acuteor Chronic BUndneM with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Ry**i the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. U. with perfect satisfaction. . , , . . All diseases of the Ear treated upon ecientiflo principles. Artificial Kyes inserted without an operation Ail letters poet-paid will Becure prompt attention. We select the following references fr °® Banda of cases which have been successfully treated by I • Henderson: ... „„ * v Wm. J. Fryer, 828-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y •Alfred Bouthwich, Printer, tJ. Goodspeod, Glens Falla, N. Y• •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs A. M. L Wilson. New York Ciry.N Y t Mitts Mait Bellows, N. R. Station. Duchess =n., N x •Edward G. Solger, Bristol, Conn. •John Seamen, Engineer, N Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B. Giles, office Courier and Rn-i , N. x tJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L.^l. JarvU Rodgera, “ “ ~ . , , a . , A- R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Bl Nicholas Hotel R M. Ferris*, Organ Builder, Houston Bt 11 B. Doolittle, M. D , Hudson, N. Y Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N \ M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship. Troy. N Y K. L. Roes, Albany, N. Y. A. Mlleubach, BebeavcUdy, N. Y Oapt. B. 11. UarilAnd, Athens, N. Y John W. Hacked, Biughampton, N Y •These patients were blind, and bad to be l«d u- the office At the expiration of two weeks they could go abou. ih« cl.y a; pleasure. . _ •These cases of Amaurosis wc*re restoreJ to sight alter they were given up as Incurable by the faculty, and can be referred to by any person who wlsh«t to learn the faots In lhAA* cases, by writing to them. J anft Plltiburgli 'Doll»r Saving, Institution, fr r d, Q~'re* *. WillUßi H Uaten. Al*\*u-*f u ‘ , &i* rt&y and Tr-i'xr- CLIAIU.tB A OuI.TON _ PAUillbßH’ ASU MKCHASIi S LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Inttiirnnrt' Company, of ruu.u>i:u iiia Capital Amount securely OcMPANY Fire Insurance on BnlMmgn, O.xxla Purnl urr, Ac Marine Insurance on Cargo and Vrrigbt- Inland Insurant un uooda, by W *•***. Ukea Canal#, Railroad#, aoi U-ul Carnage general!*. Ai», Iniuranr* uj-.'n U*>*, the iuom rarorafcj* li-naa. DIRECTORS. Hon. Tbiima# B. Florence. JasnoflE Q*orge H Armstrong, Charles Pir»K«-«, Kd P. MicMlftjn, K H. iMnnol., George Helrabold. Fred 0 B" w * : * r * Thomas Mandert-W. , TlkiHAn U YLvUiNi. E. PrraU#nt Eptiud R. nc.st»vLi>, Secretary PITTS BCRQB REPSRESCES. lion. T M llrwf, Hod J K M'CUniocX, Hi-o P 0. SUaonou, Col S M BUeW, Hon. J. B dttihrw, A. B M'Calmont. &«i, Thomas J. Kwnan. E*i, VVU-«n U CacdloM, Col J Uron Koai-r, Gm.-I h . Mon-head. The cbaraoiT of the abor« Company l.i of th* first claw, and »mhmi» the rare and unueutxl pnrueges of Fire, Ma rios and Ufe Insurance. Gentlemen of slanted standing are m>*ocUt*4 m U» management, an«l Interested as SU.k-V holder*. 5 THOMAS J. HUXTKR, Agent, j ? -27 Pt Charle# BoUdlng, No 108 Thlld^t- ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans If) I For Ftrirmn.] Fin! l Frutls, Sj ; I j l BY ItRTIMBTICAL BEAUKG. . rpHRSE CAX. a . which are seated by tbo Housekeeper I wl'hoir the aid of a Uuuer, and opened easily without Injury m tir. CUD. «rc rwpidly rourins Into grnerul »n Full direction. for ratlin* up fruit acoompuny tbo owns. auJ tha work Is so ensily perform*!, that by their _»» "far) family may h.ro fn-,h Fruit anil Tomatoea ou thalr table all winter, at rummer pricaa li.l, n.ilon PRICKS —Pint Cane. »'!; Quart. s2.eo , Halt 0a |s“’ U.W; Three Quarts, $!,25; U»Uon. *4 per doren Ibe different auaj nest, In unler to eeeure economy ro traoe ! CAN. which la closed with a lid coverinß the 1 whole top, eo that when open It may he ‘ e T±„ r-TSt ! other reel, hae been fully approved by the 'el the American In.tltute, New lock. It took e. fi:ret ell»» I diploma orer all other pelf settling cans at the lale Fa.r in | Cincinnati, and was awardrat a medal a. ,~ n C 1 Fair held tide spring at th- Smithsonian lnadtute. Wash | inifino City. B. C. It is claimed to be the heel Can in the j 111 All orders accompanied by tha cash will 1* promptly l"r - “ " #t “ stir* ! ' 122 utreet. Pittsburgh^ Bargain# In Watchei, Clocks fit Jewelry. ROBERTS & BROTHER. ARK now Mil ling thfir larg* and ramully aideo fcSw t«l BUrh of Fins Watobe«, Clocks, andricb Gold S-jTSU J*w,jlry at grrallj reduced price*, to moke room EaanStor sb *otlr« now stock, which will be received di rect from the Eastern manufactories in a few week*, for tbo Fall trade- , , Purchasers desiring to buy good goods at low prl.es, should call immediately and examine our as we : are determined to close il out without regard t ■ • :t or former prices. Don’t furgwl the P l.aa. onßßTa ± •il Piab utrewt, next door to Wood. «-Wstch-s, decks and Jewelry repaired iu Ihe best manner. and warranted. - CITY HOTEL. ( LATI BUOWH'O, ) Cornel of Smllhneld end Third atreele. JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. rr\RlB large and oommodloua Houm baring undergone I thorough repair and furnlebed with new equipments throughout, Is now open for the reception of the mvyling public. OSA&Q£3 MOPt&ATS. __ , i7ani> warrants yf anted- 40, HO, 160 ACUB WAIUUN'TS, by. AUSTIN LOOJIUIi }| D« t Ur In W'trmnK Ptnnk*. Ao.. P'3 y ° orth * ~ Co-Partner* hip. WALT KB P. MARSHALL awocUted with wm, on t il day of July, JO9. R. HUGHES, in the Will l-.p.r fcud.au, ufld.r tfc. MA?gnALL * m . FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. i, BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHKNY CITY, U Iwt by A 100 A good bargain can be had by app.ying soon at lha office of the MORNING POST. JllrJL- Lot for Sale. t n/vm ntITLDINQ LOT, 24 feet front on Car*on street A * 100£U- **». in Blmingham^b^eoid Aean. Enquire of offlcB of th . Morning root. SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 PER CENT., JULY 1, ISM, SCTNA IKSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, COSH CIIABTEBED PAID TJP. gssss^gs s^sss&isEir Ofiloe, North-west comer Fifth end Wood streets, PUts burgh. _ ‘ BETWEEN HTTOBUEGH AND THE undersigned haring P o * 6 * 1 * 6 ** mg byua, Canal Basin jy26:dlm^ TUBT WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WAKM WBA »l TIIBB—Tho Magazines for August : Peterson’s Magazine tor August; Ballou’s do , Nftvr York Journal no SiPkens’ Household Words for August; The Heiress of Haughton, or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or ilevelationa of a Life; *U°theSw Boots or Magazines, call or send to the . of W. A. GILDENFBNNKY A 00., C Fifth su. opposite the Theaere. /"'tOAL FLAT Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Modod gabels rlT«r, for sale by _ . ... O'ltSoiK—Bo.’l U»« Supei O 1«M • *H. * * ► i 4 s~ * • 5300,000 ,9'400 ( 000 PITTBBUH Gtt , J. W. BUTLER * CO lor Salmon for sale by .EKMBT H. OOLLLNB. » L'.* • ' ‘ T-’ ««• SUMMER RESORTS FEHHY COUNTY WABM SPRINGS rpHK ftbOTe celebrated WATERING PLAOEsIU b« opop I for visitor*, on ml after the TEETH OK JUNK NEXT. They are doubtfully located on Sherman a Creek, fonrteen miles nonh-rreat of Dnncannon, (this place bdl« oneen miles west of Ilarrieburg, on the Central Railroad,) at the base of Plsgah Mountain, which reaches an e« ra^ lo ° 01 more than fire hundred feet. Sherman’s Creek afford* a splendid opportunity for those fond of bathing, fishing or sailing; the sarrouoding forests offer great attractions to the sporteainH; and tour smooth and shady roads through a coantry unsurpassed for bold and magnificent scenery, trill diversify the amusements of tbe place. HORSES, SADDLES and OAKBLAGES can be had at all times Horses taken to Livery on reasonoble terms. Of the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of the BPIUNQB too much can hardly be paid. Their waters hare been analysed by the best Chemists in the Union,and are pronounced um surpassed for curing cutaneous diseases and affections of t a kidney*. There are some fire Springs in all, every one of which is of different temperature—the largest being 63 degrees Fahrenheit, and throwing out ®3 gallons every seven minutes. Ladles’ und Gentlemen's BATHS have been construct*!, with all the modern Improvements, to* gather with PLUNGE BATHS, Ac., do Each day a Coach leaves Duncaunon for the Springe, after the arrival of the care. Bowling Alleys, BlUlard Rooms, and various other XaclU tie* for amusement, in abundance. The accommodations will be the best, and the charges low. Tirms.—Bight dollars per week, or one dollar and fifty cents per day i v ~ .. . Families wishing to engage rooms, should address the proprietor early: Every attention will be paid to visitors, the proprietor I having engaged tbe beat of servaots. Music always In at I tendance I Ail cmamunkatlonK Intended to reach the Perry County I Warm Spring* should b* addressed to Dunsannon P 0. 1 They will be immediately forwarded. & g, ETTEE, j myULtt proprietor Warn Bpringfl bUfilAlKil RBTKBAT. 1/JETSTONE “aOTfiL, Hqhtisqdom Co., |\ dr*d and thirty-uteri nil/.t ScLii of JHiitOUryh, And. only jte hours rid>. This delightful residence and place of public resort is located on the banhj of the “ Blue J uuUU, at tbt* confluence of flprune Creek Its clear spring, trout suntaluing waters, here discharges itself, and mingles its murmurs In concert, as they ruab down tbe gorges of the Mouutoinrl. The rerj central position of this Hotel makes U a desira ble place of p<')oura for a f«w weeks or days, *® r ®*° business and their families—Jaded and enervated with the turmoil, bustle and heat of the city. It Is situated on the Penni>jlr*n’a Central Railroad, where the great turnpike from the Busquehanna and other roads maklug easy egress and Ingress, several times a day, by the cars and stages, to Altoona, Tyrone, Huntingdon and b« Hnbntains. , . The Hou*« Is fc new brfck one, four stories high* spaooas and roomy, newly papered, painted and Tarnished from basement to attic, with all the modern improvement* and appliances of Cold Baths, Ac. It is also finely veotilaled. There are superb view* of every department of the Moun tain scenery— th* “ glorious mountains," the eternal hills.” Telegraph Crfß-e U In the House, always ready for work —aod the proprietor ready to receive visitors at mode rate chargee. R. P. HA9LKTT, Proprietor. w/xxncu is pittsmsgm : William Carr * 00, 3£* Liberty ntxeet. John H. Shoeoberger. John Andersoa. William 8. Campbell, at. Charles Hotel. UJH RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE, FOR the Prevention and Cure of IsmaaOTverr and Rk* Hirtasv Ifwiad, Fits* and Aoua, Cam* and Fitnm, Dckb Aaoa, Gsaaaai Dcuutt, Niont SwiiTß, and all other ferrms ef disease which have a common origin In Malaria or a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, eveo In the most sickly or iwumpv icoallite*, from any Ague or RiUous disease wbat erer, r*r any luxury from constantly Inhaling Malaria or Ui&emu- . , , It will Instantly check the Ague In persona who have Buf fered fer any length of time, from one day to twenty Tears, so that they need never have another d oil, by continuing Its use according to directions. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a perma nent aod radical cure Is effected. Ou« - r two bottles wiU answer for onilnary caass; some may require more Directions printed in German, French r.o-1 rip&nl'h, accompany each bottle. Trice One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. JAMES A. RHODES, ProvidcDcs, R. I. EVIDENCE UK SAFETY. Yott. Jun® 11, 1855. •* I hars made a riiemical examination of “ Rhodes’ Fever and A*u« Cure.” cr M Antidote to Malaria, u and have tested U for Arsenic, Mercury. Quinine and Strychnine, but have not fbund a partl:)e of either In It, nor have I found any substance in ft* composition that would prove injurious to the cosabtutian. JAMES ft. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist. EVIDENCE OF MERIT. « I.twtSBCRO, L’oAon County, Pa., May 2. 1666. Mr. J. A. Sir: The t»ox of medicine you sent mu ww duly received on the 11th of April. I hare sold about one-half of It, and eo far tbe people who haw used It are wtiisStd that It has cured them. It has certain ly Slopped the Ague in every one who has used it,jmu «* of tbe coses were of long standing. My MStef, Wbb h had It for five or kix years back, and could never get it -topped. except bv Quinine, and that only -s long as she wniti*! take it, 1. now, 1 think, eaUrely^ured^^urrem- CAUTION TO AGt'K SUFFKREK3. | T*ke no more Awnlf, Mercury. Quinine, Strychnine, or Antl-Perlodics, or mullein** of &uy kitd, the virtue of which is owiug to such poisonous drugs The fflcrt they can do L« to ** break iho chills " for a short time, while they are sure to cause coußtltuUonal malddlos that cease only with life. Remember that the only Fever and Ague reme dy that ii bonnle** *•* well as sure, la Kiiodei’ Fever anti Ague Core. CHARLOTTE BLIMKf NO 118 WuOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, Id just w giving * largo atock of PIANOS, or the lote»t Mjloa, rrum the Factories cf „ „ , . n\UMOABDTKS A HEINS, Hamburgh; HAMLET, DAVIB 4 Cu., Boston; HAINES, BROS. A CUMIIINUS, New York; 1 A* B* RKICirKNBACU, Philadelphia: Together with those of other makers, at prices from to jl 000; including every variety und j.tyle, from the plain but substantial iron trams Plano, to the most elegantly carvel Looid XIV. style, H'taare and Grand Pianos. Arrangements have been made with tbs manufacturers, by which their instruments are sold lower by their excU sirs agents here than fn the East, and without the addi tlOK«ry°ri’“o b/u» >» J^'f, ia :dr ‘ wri,t “fir Sttlcvs No. 118 Wood «trot. IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. An Institution foT the Business Man. CBAKTEIt&D • loon. ORGANIZED 'a'od 'in very successful * Board of Trustees, and taught by on effldsnt Faculty. Two hundred students and upwards have “ atri ““ l6t " d “‘ Ibis College Th« combined and argent demand or tna Farmer Mechanic, Uorch.nl and Professional man, for an lustlmlloo ol a high standard, In which various arts with their avocation? could be oblalncd, and that they sNonld be inatructod by experienced teachers, who have had business practice in the euhlects tangbt, has caused the organization nr the People's Oollege or Practical Teachers, geyaral of the Faoutty are authors of Booh-Kaeping. who provide, as re* n Hired, sets ol form books," that conform to all the changes and lmprovemeuta ol frequent occurraooe In actual busl- Daily Lectures are delivered by persons of known ability. Subjects: Book Keeping, Its theory and laws; Arithmetic, and Its apdllcation ; The Art of Writing; Commercial Low; Poll Gcal Economy; Commercial Geography; History; aod Boainess Ethics. 04*1, The meswt of this Institution 1« now certain. Citizens of the first circles to eociaty and butineaa show tbelr conb d«aco by entering tbelr sons for a bualneis education. I Platform Scales OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable for Railroad*. Ca nals, *«., far weighing Day, Coal, Ore, and Merchan dise genorally. Purchasers may feel assured that they can be supplied with a superior and reliable article, and ran Kach Scale is guaranteed correct, and if (after trial) not found Patiafactorv, can be returned without charge. Factory at the old stand, established for thirty year*, cor ner of Ninth end Melon streets, PhUa 4 Q 0 Successors to Elucott 4 Abbott aug£l.d“m Ornci of “Ths Pkwbitmii Oas Compact," t Angust 17. 1856. > T'lIE Stockholders of “ The Pittsburgh Gas Company’’ tt re hereby notified that an election, for the purp '<* of electing two persons to serve as Trustees of the salJ Gaa Company for the term of three years, -win be held at the office of the Company, at the Works. oa the FIRST MON DAY (31 day) OF SKI’TKMBER, 1855, between the hours of 2 and clock P. M CHRISTY. Treasurer. 'Valuable Farm for stale, SITUATE IN ADAMS TOWNBFUP. BUTLER OOUNTT, containing 141 acres; 116 acres of which are coder cu • tiratlon. The proprietor, aboot to decline farming, wlli dispose of all his Stocfe, Grain aod Hay on hand, tJ?Sr **“' Knnnira of JAMES BLAivKLi, aogU eorner of Seventh and Bmltbfieldrta._ M. AaHOLD a. SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEHB Ilf FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. And Gentlemen'* Furnishing Goods, ■VTO 66 MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth, N Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on hand, s Urge stock nr Cloths. Casslmeres snd Vestings. Garments modo to , •,,n shortest notice, and io the latest styles. ot^. Attended to. [eu»l7:lim Wmh p. MAbsaAU.- • vyospa *• Et,aUlB - P. fil&rtb&U A Com Ixt PfYRTKM and Dealers Id French and American PA PER HANGINGS, 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh. for th. celebrated o, Usßßni. Deliconrl A Qo., Paris. • IMPORTANT.—At this season of tLe year, whan di&wawe I nf the fuomach and- bowels are so frequent, and, if no-1 ° ! f m^v-ro” 8 blS M Dto&e4icil.afwW t K used eafesud efflcsctou. remedy. They jqHN HAW, 5*., Drug Store of Wood street. rur!6 Tj ABpTTerkY pure K • t«T -up.,tor Y?WLB,^r:T^St, No.#U.UboityitiMt. . ' ...... , Jb '2- a ZT r "* LUi of fincifcimert R y Remaining in the office op the adams ev PRESS CO., to Fourth Httsbnrgh, which, U not called for, will be Bold at pablio Auction, by • * DAVIS, corner of Fifth aod Wood streets, on lh« i ucoind day of October nrxi, to pay charges, and for ac-oatu o -whom It may concern 8. D. Allen- .Pittsburgh 1 rtf*’ ba „ Allen A Hanghton .... Jo 3 bdla bags. R. Albright, ears Frank Falk . Jo J MraE-Bretlnger Jo | i a«r«r, pa t *«■ J.' O.' Baokofen Pittsburgh } P^' w fl Hiivd Butler * P®£ ■ 1L Bond ** Uteri, » PgJ. . £ £ I B. Campbell £ llß *S BD , y S e n n Qoolev Manchester I Pkg®- f°oSSiS::zzz:: ***«# jj*?- u ppv« do l P*B°* A P Plater OonneantTtlla .. . J pkge. B. Poster Mercar, Pa J P*f“' Ohaa. Fischer Pittsburgh 1 pkge. J. A. Po.ter Jo P?S“- HerM0ralb:::.':::::"".r.:::::"e r M 0ralb :::.':::::"".r.:::::" j° i t™*. 0 lleinDlJ . Jo J G.Hartr Pittsburgh J P**«- A. Hess. Jo S barrels J. Huffman Birmingham 1 page. A. 0. Johnson Alleghany J MS- J. Itlnzer - - Pittsburgh 1 box M. Kuhlme —. Jo 1 page P. Kane Jo J PJO-. , D. Klnzer Jo JW- • W. C. Lipscomb - Jo J P? 1 - 0. Llnderman Jo J Page. V T Lane Franklin, Pa 1 pkge, J. 0. Mosher - Pittsburgh 1 bol D. B. Morris - - Jo 1 bneket. W. H. MldJaugh Jo 1 P_Po«- Dr. Matharra, care H.O.Gruy.. Jo ‘ oOX. O. B. McFaJden - do" ' } P?H“ J. 8. McDonald - J° J Ji®*- Miss M. Neleon Birmingham 1 pkga. F. Nicholson Pittsburgh... •1 MA IL Pollock J° 1 chaet. J. B. Parry, eara P. Morris Jo l.p*go. Miss J. Pascal! Jo '}**»• Rhodes A Nelson J° *r*a e ' 0. Baiter Jo J poles. J. Bella J° - ? P{|“ C. Bluebell.. J° J jl®!' Mary Bhodes Franklin, Pa I A. Sprangar Pittsburgh 1 pkge- J. Spenrrr .. - - do \ fe*; J. Pchoster.. d “ 1 jit®! J. P. Smith FTanklln, Pa I pkge. j arolth Independence —1 box. A. Schtranke .A11ecbeny.........1 pkge. Troulb A Ilerl tawronoertlW ...1 pkge. W. A Torrey Jameatnun - 1 pkgß. Johnson Williams Pittaburgh- .1 P“go- J. H. WHllama Jo J P*®*- W G Wa11... do * Mrs. R. Williams Birmingham.—l pj«o - B. Williams - Pittsburgh .1 pkge, P. JUoomer do } bag. • E. Sumett do } J®*' W. M. Deirr do . J bow,. Frank Mayer, care W. Kuhn- do 1 pkge. n. B. iUleey do 1 “*■ J. Blon‘g Jo ‘ •*»*•. Iron City Ilotel J° j carp. bag. G. Thompson J° 1 page. . IL Gillespie. Jo . J Pje* J. B. Martin Jo , JPJgB. * J pkge. D. ao \\ e«rp.‘ bag: A. H. Register d° Gen«r»l Tom Thumb do 1 pkao. M. Wstoon New Castle, Pa~4 pkge. Watson & Stanton do 'lpkge. 7 Watts I*atrobe I box. J - >V6I “ W. D- BARROLI-. Agent of the Adaxus Express Co. Pitttbarch. August SI. 1856. _ GREAT discovery! » afPLE TESTS, both by able Practitioner* and Chemi* A cal Analysis, hare demonstrated the great of PROP. DK GRATA'S beautiful combination, called KLxaJ TRIO OIL, 1 ' for the relief and core of Pain. But the P*op‘» themselves are rendering their verdict In a manner lj>tb uomiaUkcable and satisfactory. More thab .20,000 tot tips have bem sold tn a very abort time—a great proportion to those who heard others recommend it, who had tried it. That it is a splendid discovery is everywhere acknowledged, and nothing like it was ever \ efore prepared, why, for Cbrtii alone, it is worth $lOO,OOO a yetr to the people, as it alw-ya cares these painful tormentors tn twenty-four hours. But what is it not worth to the people if it cores Kail Rheum, Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcere, BoreS of alil kinds, (fre quently taking away all the pain in ’ twenty-fonr hours,) Rheumatism, Neuralgia, palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis. Piles, Womb Complaints, Cramps. Sprains, Sore or Swelled Breast, Felons, Wounds of all kinds, 4c. 1 Would $500,000 express its value to the people 1 -Vo Because a man will give freely for relief from pain. Will this Oil relieve pain t Certainly ti un2l Such men as we have often named, hon orable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and oihera have so said, after from ten to fifty trials. They say the Electric Od Is the finest medical combination ever pre pared, neither offensive not Injurious. bot effectual in aU the above and many other cases. Some honorable and heavy business firms have, it Is true, sold some of the old i (turpentine, bituminous, or coal tar, Ac. 4a.) external ap plications, uniil their customers returned bottle after bot tle, with the remark that “ the remedy was worse than the Daioyet such men have never recommended nor pv*u raa.tm.Dc. to them. Bat bm ram. of oar brat mjKJMte ordering mort every ton day., and ai.rays gWiog “dittonßl tentimoDy to the valae of thw wonderful discovery. That e Croat many ladlra ere using It ea a medicinal toilet article for thomaolvea and their children, la well known. It eurea all vimila, blotcha and rnrptimi on the fare anil neck In ao short a time, you would scarcely credit'lt. It frequently reduces a painful swelling in two hours; has done It In ba f an hour; cun-d many effectually in six houra. If ladWa knew the toothing . strengthening and healing virtues In this Oil, they would never be induced to use anything else for womb complaints or pains of any kind. “ \y 6 now insert a letter just received from Henry Wiley, Esq. who went to England six weeks since, (to die ) H London, July 12,1855. Pbof. Dx Guam, Phila.—Dear Sir : When 1 left home for mv health, (scrofulous eruptions, Ac,) I never expected to return again, believing that my compluint would Boon wirrv me off. When you gate me three bottle* of your Electric OH to take with me, as merely a jwwianre, I did aot think 1 would so very soon be called upon to thank yon, as I now do, for my complete restoration. 1 can only say, t t-fore the departure of the steamer, that you have only to come here with your Oil, to make a for tune in one year There is not another similar medicine in England, if in the world. I will write by next steamer. Yours, most truly, Wil-ET. It cannot 1/e th«*lr imaginations, who elate that old sores, that have dVcbargud from six months to five years, have been cured by this OIL It cannot be untrue, nor a decep tion, where pain is relieved In one dav, often in half an hoar. No! common sense dictates nol—and COO written letters say no! Come and tee them. A regular Doctor in attendance; and ladies can consult a Lady, privately,by dropping a line to the office. Advice from a distance, mak ing inquiries that any physician can answer, will be promptly attended to. Always enclose a stamp, a* our ser vices are freely given, and we are drawn upon ioo often in this way All cases treated liberally, with or without the OIL as 1 have two Physicians associated for this express purpose. Prof. 0. HE GRATH, No. 09 South Eighth street, Pbila. y. B —The largest bottles tan limes the cheapest. Please notify me of any ease or failure to cure In from half ao hour to three weekß, as I wish to cure all. •ea* For sale by DR. KBVSER, HO Wood »L (augSO Klectloa, 1TOMBE& 316. MISCELLANEOUS, PIANOS! PIANOS! MANUFACTURED BY CHICKERINQ A SONS, Boston, and for sal® by JOELN H. No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond all®yglg£jjBgffi|jEi and Fourth street. Just received from tbeH jWfl #1 manufactory or Cblckering A Sons, Boston,* * SC If • and for sale vnvariably at Boston prices— Two of their first claps Seven Octave Pianos, Louis XIY, style, with carved cases. legs, lyie, music desk, Ac. Ac.; fla iph«l bach and front alike. This is considered by persons of taste to be the mc>3t toaulilul pattern i*ow made. Price $6OO each. Two first clasp Octavo Pihqos, with carvel case, lyre, n*»w style of flutM •-•.a lyr* and code of beautiful carv>d tracerv work ; lininh-d h*>3fc and front alike. Price 1 6460 each. Three elegant Rosewood, p'atn double round corners, Seven Octave rtanca, finished back and front alike, and with Chickering’a Patent Iron Frame. Price $4OO each. Two carved ttoeowood 6% octave Piano?, with new style fluted legs, carved case,mim: desk,arid the usnal openings filled with beautifully carved tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price $426 each. Three ulegant Rosewood, plain double ronnd corners, octaves, finished back and front alike, and with Chlckertng’a Patent Iron Frame. Price $376 each. Seven Rosewood and Blaok Walnut Six Octave Planoa, all made as wall and with the same care as their first class Pl* anoa, os-d with Chick-ring’s Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. One of Chiokerlng A Sana’ New Scale, full Seven Octave Grand Pianos, of immense power, brilliancy, and sweetness of tone, with their New Patent Action, which readers the touch so light and elastic that it can be played on by the most delicate hand. Price $760. THE NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. Also, one of their new Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely new Invention, and particularly adarted for Parlor use. Price $660. PIANO STOOLB. A new lot of Plano Stools lust received. For sale by JOHN H. MKLLOB, 81 Wood at* between Diamond alley and Fourth street, Sole Agent for CUICKKRING A SONS, for PittsburghaM Western Pennsylvania. aug2B Fall Style for Hitt CiT PAULSON Will introduce the Now Stylo lor H»t» • oo SATURDAY, August 25th. 0. H. PAULSON, 73 Wood street, next door to corner of Fourth. •#?“ Soft U.nla and Caps of every description* aag23:tllw EDCCATIOSAL. PENN INSTITUTE!, comer of Penn and Hancock street/!. The ensuing Bbkblod of thlfi Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 3d of September. Tuition end Stationary, per session of Twenty-two Weeks 423 00 Pupils may enter at any time, and will be ebarged p«> rota until the end of the term, or till notice of withdrawal i a deduction being allowed for absence on account of pro tracted aickneas. j. M. BMITH, Principal \_aug26:d2w(chj) Suym ..ww. *• aHouw. Co>Partnenblp jotloe* THE undersigned haye this 4a y enter®! into co-partner ship, and haring leased fbr a term of the large CAR FACTORY recently erected at BOOHfiSTBB. Bearer County, are now prepared to contract for the manufac ture of TIAILHO AD CARS of erery description. I Address, “ Rochester, Bearer County, P»*” Aoaust 17, !BM.-{tas2fctf j KBS * RHODES. y.'f. ' - "V •'j; BATES OP ADVE*tTIBIS« ioaaan bpon nr tag phi-navaga paua ria usM ffosmnt, on lissi Joa ftjttaro, one lnasrtjon....**. •• addlttonmi inaeniott. " 11 ti ttit»ubanvllle and Newark O. Fall Arrangement. On and after Monday, September 10th, 18&6, a dally morning and craning line of elogont and swift running nteamors, commanded by experienced'and accommodating offleew, will leave Pittsburgh aa follnws t ’ The Morning Line, composed of steamere FOREST Cil y, txasaisgsaamsS^ nremsely Passengers dine on board, and reach Stanban iilia at 6 P. M , malting an Immediate connection with tna EVENING EXPRESS TRAIN of the B. 4 I Bjß—which mabos direct* unection at Newark for tha above cltlea. The Kveuing Lina, compered of steamers VENTURE, Cant Gordon, and KI cHKiI, Qapt. Ooidon, leave Pittsburgh everyday, at f'o'clock, F. M. sleep on board, and reach Steubenville at 7 nextinoining-- in time for tho J/uf? Train, which and makeo direct connection for tha alore cities—thus.tmotatep night travel ly railroad. ~ , 1®- Fare as Cheap as by anyotbaT tell teed route. For Through and Local Tickets, sod further lnmnnotlaa, aoply'tr. ■ JAS. CoiUNB 4 CO., Agents, tV ’ Nor lit end Ui Water «*'> *»>weenWood , and Bmithflald, Pittsburgh. E W. WOODWARD, Sup’t L. DEVENJJY. Pan. Agent. FIRST ARRIVAL Off _v ■w .Vo. 74. MARKET STREET, PIFTSBUSaB, *®» sras of tuj oitauii aisoiv*. OCR BRESB GOODS DERARTSIRNT la nntuiuUy tul‘. aod contains some of the richest and most ,desiraui» Goods tbßt we have over boon able ;o offer, fitich as Extra super Bilks; French Merinos; Cashmeres; r iloasdeUlnes; Plaids; Stripes; Cobttrgs; Ac. NESBLE WORK—The beat aosortment in thorny. Collars, Chemisettes, Slaves; Flouncing!, Edgings and Inaertinga; Shawls, Cloaks, Talmas and Scarfs; ; , . New style Broche, Vlaid, Caahmere Moire Ant. velfeU Together large assortment of MOURNING GOODS "'out MMfSg and HOUSE FURNISHING DEPART ft! ent Is well supplied, end we feel confident tbatwe cau offer greater Inducements now than we hare ever been able to offer before. We solicit an examination cn our before purchasing elsewhere, &a all will find il to their advantage to do so. . , , , We wilt also be almost dally In reoeipt of naw on I dfalia bi« Goods throughout the season. LOVE BROTHERS. (Formerly Young, Stevenson & Lore,) No. 73 Market street Pittsburgh. Pa. B. *• V 09ZHECAT. 8. CBTHBERT A SOS, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS tor the Sals and Parch aw of Real Estate, Collection of Rente, Borrow ing and Loaning Mooeyß on 'Bond? and Mortgages; also, for malting Sales of Produce, Manufactured Articles, dr-, for Partners, Mechanics and others. Office, N 0.63 Market direst. CtHuiUS rtJSW MOilive — / Oakfiold, by W. D. Arnold ; Henry VIII. and his Sir Wives: B«U Smith Abroad; A Long Look Ahead, by A. B. Roe; News Book; Hand, by Tennyson, (Tjurth supply;! My Bondage and my freedom; Escaped Nat*; , Hidden Path, by Marion Harlan 1; lowa as It'is in 1855; Blanche Dearwood; Star Papers, by H. Waid Becober; Olle, by L. M. N.: Visit to the Oam o Before Sebastopol; Bits of Blarney, by IL Shelton McKenzie ; Habits and Man, by Dr. Doran; i.ff? of J. Gordon Bennett; Pomale Llfo among the Mormons; Fen ricitma or the B!bl«, bj H. Wnr'd Bercher : Heart's Esso. in 2 vole; Life of Sam Houston; * . Note Eook Of an English Opium hater, by De Qalccoy ; My Confessions—the Story of a Woman's Lifer; Evenings with the Prop cats, l»v liev. A. M. Brown ; Lippiacott’s Gazetteer of the World. - the above ju3t received, together wittf* large etock of Books and Stationery; also, o lrrect Maps of Sebastopol, Ac. Remember, the place to get cheap Books * LAUFFER’S BOUKSTORE, No. 30 Fifth street. uW ftlUolU —OUas"dowy overling tdUir-Jno. J. Frmier. They a»k me If I think of theo. I set my heart upon a flower—Alice Hawthorne, My early home—A. F. MartheQs. The love of one fond, heart. The Red Rover-Geo. Linley- T?Ail I never, never known thee. There’s mueic In the voice we lore. My early Seaside—Alice n*»ihorue. How sweet to roam. Flag of our Union—W. V. Walleoe. The Saw-Mil), (Die Sega Mnhle). la It any body's business- Sweetiy o’er tny soneM stealing. My soul la dark. (Danse Osßlanique, par L. M.Goitwhalk. “ Partontpour la Byrle”— performed at Jullieu a Concerts. Game Ring Schottisch—F. li. Brown. Wellington's March. fcj&or Prince Polka. Angler’s Polka—W. V. Wallar e. Crown of Roses—grand wait-. The Angel Waltz; sentimental. Algo a collection of new Guitar Muelcjufit revived by Express, and for Rale by CHARLOTTE BLUME, B epfl No. 118 Wood st, 2d door above Fifth st. NEW BOOKS—” Japau as It was uud la;” by Richard Hildreth. «• The Hidden Path;- by Marion Ilarlani. u BabUs and Menbv Dr. Doran. “ Memoirs of J ames Gordon Bennett and his Times. “Star Papers;” by Henry Ward Beecher. «• The EBcopod Nuo, or Disclosures of Oonvent Lif* “ Maud and other Poems;” by Alfred Tennyson. •' The Llf* of Sam Houston”—lllustrated, “ Doe-tickfl—wbat be says;” by Q EL B. DoeatlcfcS, r. B- Danger in the Dark;” a talo or intrigue and priestcraft. “ Heart’d lSaae, or the Brother's Wife”—2 vols. “Off-hand Takings, or the noticeable Men of our age;” by George W. Bungay. *» My Bondage and my Freedomby Fred. Douglas#. “ Olle, or the Old West Room;” by 1.. M. M. “Battles of the Crimea”—with-two superb maps. “ The Temperance Pledge Violated by tneCaison league* —WVfcenta. “ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables all the Year at Bummer Prices;”— cents. The above received this day by Express, and for sale at wpB LAUFFKB'3 BOOKSTORE, 30 Fifth st. rpHE NK W(X)M.KB, Bt Thacmbay. i H MINER A 00 , No. 'tt Stnithfißld street, Have just r*c«lv«l— _ lt i J The N;vwcomc&—Memoirs or ft Mcfit Beipeotable Family. Udited by Arthur Pnndeonls, Esq. i 2 to 1». Hidden Path; by the author 1 1 “Alone." Seventh sop «. eteraou’s Magazine for October; leslin't Journal Jo Ballou's Magazine Jo Yankee Notions Jo ... . . All the Obw Books received as soon as published. MpZJ l. ■ —. Tn'mi IT 18 i« IS!)} —A Gazetteer for Citizens, end * Kln«-» Tala of the Soa; byCapt. Mtttyatt. f.TT. „r lllarney; by B. fibelton Muckomie. ouv JU»«S^»®S«f :flio, e’ a: by w minora wm. = The Hidden Path ; by Marion Harlaol, author of Hone. Habita of Ken; by Horan. Harper’a 8 wry Boob, &o. Sf STBSSSU- for Boptember, Jlgr K« BMtaL . . 33 BmlthflelJ at. Exehaogo Bank; itmm’ ttepoult Ba, " c: r)ttabulgh Tract Companr; CUhenV Deposit Bank; , Mechanics’ Bank. •- „ri,UM 0( Check* on the nbovo Banks on han<-. Market utreft. corner ot Be'.ODd pep3 - VTIAOK'SoIkB ANTIQD g—Ttut rc-JSlveJ, 200 yiMa na»litT Blacfc Moire Antique. X> ' ia “ J A .A MAS ON A CO., 25 Filth at, mp 3 ■ ... j| LlQtroiiß of every dccriptlon, for medlcloi P Vf* “» *•"»* b ° Pt °“7os St pi.™-8, . Corner Market Bt. and JHimonil B- —ivss sui'tauoii wmi'a ukka«, i=r WmoM. Carta, Dr js and Onratbusaes, rewil fd -od Jab? {n*x{\ n BNH » 'I- CO " ' -poll t BBBBBVING—Loverinx’s Buirerlied Sngar; p coarse, pulverized, crusfird aud clarified, at mi 3 y n. wuiw No i, numona. TTYLKK'BOUOLEHA KBMHHV—This toJuU-.e-ri) M ® for ita < MSWBT. «TXg<® • QR**" SKISu, ButLfcola ror tail ijowtng—fflitkiog fmooli, permanent ««I; «t tofcWfd W*Tfr AVTI,) JA jj 3 WAKPanp w BA faaae ll “ C«u,wi«i Writ pea rSnSnnS. Bold l>y tie d «° n or d,, S ta bottle i *t ) »t ÜBClßMiii «” ’ Du. KEYiKI’S, Comer of Wood rt and Vftgln alley. Baon aad Common Wall ra- W nrrs lD every variety, with appropriate bolder?, for VuJ w. i*. marsiia i- 4 ca, O, .Wood tfiwt —HEAP WALL fAftRA/AT UK N -£. scrtioeat jiiaL revived ejultor fi*u by > jSo W- P> MA&BIIALL * CO. W"“ INDUV?~^ODRTaLN S—Htiaed limn, Glased illo". Plain Green and FljurSdT-Curtalne; wholesale end retell, tot sale l y /j} , eepiO W.V! MARSHALL » I •Jhbum* aura-urn ero 2o ' corner Firm rod Wot>d *t* A A. HAfiON a CO. annouocu ffoeltf’tirat «x*nofUen A. fflSkVct tb»».« F..l»tito.oaWmr,d^«4 : T.« day, flep*emier 20 and 21. ■■- - ~A A. MABUN * CO. *lll op«i on Thuraaaj «B*fr'd»v| A . th. 20th and 2151 iMt , * <-hol» Bonnet*. Head Drosses 4c, * ‘ l7# 8 00 4 00 6 00 ! 7 00 i—a out? as- Si®