The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 25, 1855, Image 2

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liriltj Bailing |W.
WILKINS. Peebles township.
JAMES B. FULTON, Tarentom ;
SAMUEL SMITH, Allegheny ;
JAMES SALISBURY, mnuioghsini j
Q.MAGEE, Plttabiirgh;
" £ B. PATTERSON, Mifflin.
'' . raareoSoiAßT:
JOHN hIKII U-.UIIAM, Ohio tomohlp.
JACOB TOMER, Pittsburgh.
JOHN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh,
A B. MY AIiLAND. North Yayfttte township.
dotctob or pooh:
JOHN BOYLE, Indiana township.
Lei over; Democrat, and ever; man who is
i mending to vote the Demooratio tioket, attend
atonoe to being assessed. Yonr vote depends
upon It. The eleotion ooonrs on the 9th of Oo
tobor, Ton most be assessed at least tbs days
before the eleotion or lose yonr rote. See the
assessor and then the collector of taxes at onoe,
and have the thing done right Don’t wait till
the last day, for the assessor may not then bo
Race Ndmbkbs oy the Post Wasted. —We
want the following numbers of the Daily Hom
ing Port to complete out files:
Friday, April 21, 1854 Thursday, Oot 6, ’64
Tuesday, April 3, 1855 Friday, Oot 6, 1864
Monday, Jane 19, 1864 Thursday, Oot 12, ’64
Monday, Oot. 2, 1854 Friday, Got. 13, 1864
Tuesday, Oot 8, 1854 Saturday, Oot. 14, ’54
Any person sending qb the above wilt receive
a dime for each oopy.
Ex-Governor Pillsbury, of Maiao, has been
appointed Consul to Halifax, vice R N. Frazer
Goveraor Gorman, of Minnesota, is now on a
visit to Washington. He reports General James
Shields as having retired beyond the limits of
oivilliation, and as living in a portion of Minne
sota “ where no foot Bave the red man’s ever
pressed the grass.”
Six oars on the La Crosse and Mllwankie Rail
road were thrown off the track and smashed op
on the 17th lost, oaneed by running over a cow.
A brakeman, named John Fern, was almost In
stantly killed, and five or six other persons were
•erionaly injured.
Governor Bragg, of North Carolina, has re
oommended Thursday, the 26th of October,
“ as a day of solemn and pnbUethanksgiving to
Almighty God for past blessings, and of enppU
o ition for his oontinual kindness and bare over
ns as a State and as a nation.
A writer in she New York Evening Post esti
mates the expenses of a gentleman and lady
boarding at one of the hotelß at Newport for
ten weeks, with the extra charges for washing,
bathing, rides, oonoerta, at the most economical
rale, at two thousand dollars l Hundreds spend
that amount in half the time.
The Philadelphia Times, of iate date, contains
the fo lowing pungent paragraph : “Wo saw
two hogs lying sido by side yesterday, In the
gutter, with a remarkable resomblance to each
other. One had a ring In his nose, and the oth
er hadaring on his huger; one was a boaßt
by nature, the other was a beast from inclina
The Camden and Amboy Railroad Company
Trill be deeply involved in law for some time to
oome, several parties having commenced actions
for damages arising out of the deaths and ioja•
ries occasioned by the late lamontable catastro
phe at Burlington. The directors, in view of
their involvements, have already retained the
legal services of Messrs. George Wood, Charles
O’Oonor and James T. Brady, to defend the
various suits against them.
Fifty thousand dollars in gold ooin was stolen
while on its way from Datuque, lowa, to the
Sub-Troasury in New York. The treasure was
in the custody of the American Express Com
pany, and it appears that, while on the route,
the gold was abstracted from the boxes in which
it was packed, and layers of bullets alternated
with sheets of lead were substituted in its stead.
Up to a late hour on Saturday night do trace
had been discovered of the perpetrators of this
bold and snooessfnl robbery.
As we before stated, Hon. Andrew H. Reeder
has been nominated for delegate to Congress by
the free State people in Kansas. After the Con
vention had seleoted him by acclamation he was
oalled upon for a speech, with whlob he com
plied amidst the most extravagant cheers. The
free State people have selcctod a different day
for election from that appointed by the soi di
jan/ Legislature, so there will probably be
two delegates applying for scats—Reeder and
Whitfield. Congress will then settle the mat
The United States mall steamship Arago, Cap
tain Lines, left New York on Saturday, about
half-past twelve o'clock, for Southampton and
Havre, with a full freight, one hondred and
twenty-three passengers, aod $863,506 in speoie
on freight. The steamship Ariel, Captain Lefo
vre, of the Vanderbilt line, also left at the same
hoar, for the same destination, with forty-eix
passengers, and $78,808 in specie on froigbt.
An anxious orowd of spectators watohed the
progress of thesi rival ships as they stemmed
down the bay. & both started almost at the
the same moment, no little interest will be manl*
Tested by the friends of each to hear of their
arrival out.
Re Opening or the Western University.—
By an advertisement in this morning's Post, it
will be observed that this institution, after be
ing dosed for & considerable length of time, is
again to be opened on the 2d proximo. TMb
announcement, we know, will be hailed with
pleasure by every friend of learning in Western
Pennsylvania. The necessity of a collegiate in
stitution in this portion of the State has long
been felt—the former reputation of the Western
University and the able and learned corps of
Professors selected is a sure guarantee that the
void so long felt will be supplied to the sat
isfaction of the community. x he oholQo of
Rev. John F. M’Laren, as principal, ig one, we
have every reason to believe, will show the wis
dom of the Board of Trustees.
Withdrawals.—We have heard of many with
drawals from the K. N. lodges or oouncils with-
in a few days ; and from all we can learn they
are very frequent and numerous. Amongst oth
ers, a member of the Connty Execative.Commlt
tee has withdrawn on aeoonnt of the wonderful
decision In the Wilson o&se. There was a pret
ty little bit of a row &t the meeting of that Com
mittee, and a general fight was very narrowly
avoided. Snob is our information.
By an acoident, that could not bo reme
died titbit was too late, no account of the
American meeting of Saturday night appeared
in our p&per&f yesterday. The number present
is estimated at 800.
| Last year, Uis well knows, the elections re
i turns for this county did not indio&te the real
■ strength of the American There were
| many Demoorats dissatisfied with Gov. Bigler ;
many dissatisfied with the manner in which the
■ affairs of tho party were managed ; and many
who are continually imagining that there must
f al waya-flqmewgood oomeoat of a change. These
j nQt.belonging to theß&cret order,
! Vot ®d with it, anddlthuhvgava it itfl triumph,
j Their votes BWelledtbe andwere all net
! down ar]K. N|i The pa&y.fcad thxw thpfhtrtr
i of far more strofigth than it actually posseflßed.
Where iathis outside vote this year? Has
any good the change ? Where Is it ?
What is it ? We oannot see. Are oar county
affairs better inanaged ? Was the legislation of
last winter at ‘ffakrisbure less oorrupt, or more
beneficial ? The general impression is quite to
-t A third of the session waswpent
!□ making a U. 8. Senator, andno one waseleot
ed after all. So our State is only half repre
sented in the XT. 8. Rebate. The “jug law"
was enacted, whioh seems now to be almost uni
versaUy disapproved. An aot or resolution was
passed providing for the removal of tho seat
of government to Philadelphia, because the Har
risburg landlords did not feed well enough. The
conservative Senate, however, took oare that
that aot should require the concurrence of an
other legislature. Was our last legislature more
pure in morals than usual ? If so it was great
ly belied ; for never before were charges of im
morality, fraud, bribery and corruption bandied
about so boldly and continually. That legisla
ture certainly did not win tho confidence of the
people; and it passed no note of a general na
ture to benefit the interests of the publio. It
did, however, Increase the pay of members from
about three hundred to five hundred dollars per
What good then has oome of the ohange ? We
see none whatever; and oh&Uenge any one
to show ns any good of it. What, then, will be
come of “ that outside vote " this year. The
causes of dissatisfaction last year do not
exist now. Oar party in this ooooty Is now
under the management of unexceptionable men.
Our ticket is undoubtedly a good one—the best
ever presented for tho suffrages of the people.
We have but one State officer to eleot —a Canal
Commissioner. Arnold Plainer is presented for
that. Has any ono heard ougit against him ?
We have net. What cabso thon has any Demo
crat, or any voter to give outside help t$ a party
that, with & fair ohance, and "a full swing 1 ’ b&s
failed to “ show os any good." Is their unex
ampled scramble for offioe—their *' wlldhunt ”
for it, any more meritorious than our calm selec
tion of an excellent ticket? Indeed, it is not.
Our only desire is to awaken calm reflection by
oalm wordsaod known facts, and then ask why
an “ outside vote" ehould aid a party that, with
a fair opportunity, has done nothing to win pub
lic ooofldence ?
We have only to add that we challenge com
parison between the candidates on the Democrat
la ticket, and those on any other ticket before
the people. And we appeod to our tioket oar
political motto ; and onr rule of action in politi
cal affairs, equal justice to all , ipfctal favor* to
Tho Demoorats had a glorious time of it at
hTKeosport on Saturday last. It was a very
lirge gathering, and the meeting was addressed
by Judge Wilkins, Col. Black, Rev. Nathaniel
West aad Hon. W. W. Irwin. Judge Wilkins
spoke both In tbc afternoon and in the evening.
The Speeches, it is said, were excellent, and
were enthusiastically tncoived. Rev Doctor
West spoke strongly and eloquently against all
parties uho aimed to mix up religion with po-i
tioe. The Democracy appears to be thoroughly
aroused wherever meetings are held. Good
omens cheer us. Mr. J. C. Jehle also addressed
the G rmiu citizens at M’Keeoport with exotl
lent effeot. Mr J. is doing mucb good ia qu-
Judge Wilkins’ appoaranco thio year as an
active and earnest advoeatOof the Democratic
oause and candidate for an office, has produced
a marked impression. The old voters, as well
as the youog, see in it,an evidence that politics
are with us no ohild’s play, oo heedless pursuit
of novelties, no “wild Jmat for office,” hot an
earnest solicitude for the public welfare, and for
the maintainaneo of the truo principles of popu
lar self government. Tbo Jadge’a speeches at
M’Kecsport were of tic good old fashioned
stamp of Jeffersonian Demooraoy, and we are
moch mistaken if he does not _reoeive one of
those old fashioned rousing majorities whloh are
well remembered in his earlier career.
All the speakers did well at M'Keesport, as is
their custom, and they were enthusiastically ro
Another SI Dorado.
The New York Times has Information that the
territory acqoired by the United States nnder
the Gadsden treaty, is rich in mineral wealth,
containing both gold and silver in great abund
ance. Other authorities confirm this statement,
and altogether it bears an air of truthfulness
that inclines us to believe It, at least for the
present When the administration was nego
tiating for the purchase of this territory, the
opposition press made themselves exceedingly
merry at times, aod again were virtuously indig
uant, at tho government at Washington paying
seven millions for a “tract of barren and in
hospitablo rooks.” Bat wo remembered that
the same outcry was raised against President
Polk when he purchase 1 California and New
Mexico, and were therefore not surpr sed at the
opposition of those gentlemen. It seems to be
a settled portion of their policy to rldioule and
resist everything done by a Demooratio Admin
istration—whether it be the purohase of the
richest agricultural region on the face of the
globe, as was the oase when Mr. Jefferson se
cured tho territory of Louisiana against the de
termined opposition of the Federal party, or
when we Bflpured tbe most prolific gold region
known, as was theoaso when Mr. Polk seoared
the territory of California in opposition to the
entire Whig party, the Federalists with another
The State Fair
Commences to-day in Harrisburg, and will
continue until Friday, when the judges make
their report on premiums. Oa that day the
Plowing Match will also take place, and in the
afternoon Jadge Watts, of Carlisle, late Presi
dent of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Sooiety |
will deliver an address. President Pieroo and
family, Lieutenant-General Scott and other dig
nitaries, are expected to arrive on Wednesday.
We expoot to have a reporter prosent who will
poet our readers on things going on-there.
Mr. Flanegin declines to nnßwer inter,
rogatories on the liquor and water question, and
the public has entered judgment against him, by
Prisoners op a Foreign Ship or War.— The
U. 8. Attorney General had reoently reviewed
the o&se of the oomplaint made by the Governor
of California, against the ootnmander of a Brit
ish ship of war, for running off with some Rus
sian prisoners when a habeas corpus had been
issued under the authority of the State of Cali
fornia, to determine whether he had the legal
right to keep them as prisoners in a port of the
Unitod States. Mr. Cashing decides, that so
long aB the prisoners remained on board the
Bitka they were in tho territory and jurisdiction
of her sovereign. The neutral has no right to
meddle with them there. The Courts of Cali
'fonua, therefore, had no jurisdiction of the case.
It was not the duty of the oommander to obey
the writ. Mr. Cushing takes oco&sion to oensuce
the present praotice of Courts who issuo the
writ of habeas corpus ad svjftctendum, regardless
of the old and sound rule to refuse it when the
petition itself shows the absence of good cause,
or that the prisoner Is lawfully held by some
other jurisdiction.
' ■ 1. w
f •*. * *-~ * ~* •
Wo happoned lo be traveling on the BiairrvlUe
accommodation train on Saturday last, on the j
Benna, Central Railroad, tmtf'being brought
np rather suddenly at the station, we were led j
to enquire the reason. Col. Thomas A. Soott, |
one of the officers of the road, soon satisfied our j
cariosity by inviting us to a seat with the en
gineer, where he met Mr. William Bougbridge,
of Weverton, Washington county, Md. t Patentee
of a Railroad Brake, which is not only the great
| want, but wonder of the age. The admirable
invention is pTaoed Where it ought to be, in'lhe
hands and under the oontrol of the engineer of
the train, where it ia applied by means of o '
lever to every wheel in the train with equal
Bud wonderfol power. It requires to be seen to
be fully appreciated, and to understand how a
train driving at the rate of thirty miles an hour,
is oheoked without sensible jar, ia from sis to
twelve seconds. Of this we had ooular demon
stration on Sstarday. The usual time with tho<
ordinary brake, with the brakeman at his post,;
Is from forty to seventy seconds. When we ;
oonslder the time consumed ordinarily in in
clement weather, or late at night when the
brakeman seeks a comfortable seat Inside the
car, or perhaps indulges in a quiet enooae, to
reaoh the brakes, from the Bignal by the en
gineer, a train will run perhaps four times its
length, or double the timo we have stated, with
the apparatus now in use. But with this won
derful appliance, brakemon are an unnecessary
appendage, and the engineer, who firstdlscovers
the danger and is always aware of the neces
sity, is complete master of the train, and 1b ca
pablo of oheoking it almost Instantly. Mr.
Loughridge informed qs he ooold apply extra
brakes for the locomotive to be used in emer
gencies, to check the heaviest train in half the
time wo have mentioned. We look upon this in-*
vention as a great desideratum on railways, for
saving of life and property, and have no doubt
railroad companies will generally avail them
selves of it, when it Is fairly presented to their
The following extraordinary results on a wet
track must oon vines every unprejudiced mind
that this Is “ the brake" of the world.
On Friday last, In ooming from Blairevitle to
Pittsburgh, the train was stopped at twenty-one
stations, two of them to wood and water. The
average time was thirteen seoonds for eaoh atop,
requiring only 4 minutes and 50 seconds for the
twenty-one Stations. The time was oounted
from the moment the engineer laid his hand on
the lever to brake, until the train came to a dead
halt. In several cases it only required from
eight to ten seconds. This is five times os quick
as the hand brakes. Indeed, with this brake a
train oao be stopped before the brakemen in
most oases oan get to the brakes. The principles
are very simple, and not likely, to get out of
order, cheap of construction, and reliable in Us
Mr. Loughridge informs us that after four
months’ praotloal experience, the following re
sults havo been accomplished:
1. The engineer oan at any speed apply or
relieve all tho brakes In the train lb twelve feet
run on the track.
Every wheel in tho train receives an exact
equal pressure.
H. The brakes are applied to the hindmost oar
in the train first, whioh stretches out the train
and keeps the bumpers apart until tho engine
4. The power applied to tho brakes can be
graduated from one pound up to looking the
6 The machine can be set to tbrow off the
motive power at acy desired point, preventing
tbo possibility of locking wheels unless desired.
0 Tho baud brakes work in combination with
iLo new brake, or separate, if desired.
< The care can bs drilled or turned as usua l
The following is tbe nearest technical descrip
tloo we oouU gather from the patentee
A chain ham! fjur feet long hangs behind the
driving wheels cf the engine ; the left end has a
permanent bearing—the right end hangs In a
swinging lever, whioh passes up in front of the
engineer. Oa the right end of tbo chain barrel
there is constructed a friction wheel, fourteen
inohes in diameter, with a groove in it to fit the
dioge of tho driving wheel. Oa tbe left end of
the chain haml thero is constructed a double
ratobet wheel, with two pawls, one for the for
ward and the other for the backward motion.
From the chain barrel a chain passes back
through tho train, acting oo all the brakes in a
new and novel manner. When the brakes ore
to be applied, tho engineer pulls back tho lever,
which forces the friction against the
driving wheel, and sets the oh&ln barrel to re
volving : this folds up the brake ohaio, which is
held by a pawl and ratchet. When the brakes
are to be relieved, the pawl is pulled out of the
ratobet, when the tension of the chain unfolds
the chain barrel, and tho brakes are rolievod.
A model of the above maehtuo may be Been at
the Maryland InsMtute, Baltimore, commencing
the seoond day of Ooiober.
PurchMe* In the British Army.
The following etartling statements appear in
a Bpeeoh reoeutly mado by Lord Arthur Paget
in the British House of Commons:
la tbe Life Guards a lieutenant colonel's
commission and outfit cost $BB 260, whloh would
purohaoe on annuity of $2,476 for his life. His
pay is $2,816, A captain's commission and out
fit oost $19,600, which would purchase an an
nuity of $1,046, while his pay is $1,186. In
other oavatry regiments a lieutenant oolonel’s
commission and outfit oost $82,876, which would
buy_ an annuity of $2,100, and his pay is but
$1,726. In tbe Foot Guards a commission and
outfit for tbe same grade oost $46,000, and
equivalent to an annuity of $3,000, and the pay
is $2,440. And those are said to bo fair exam
ples of the operation of the system In all arms
of the Berrios. The sum total of the annuities
which might be purchased by the amount given
for the commissions and outfits of eight offioers
of various grades and ages, indiscriminately
taken, is stated to be »12.800;'Whlle the amount
of their pay is only $12,800. In these instaneos
oflioere not only tervo for nothing, but they pay
something for tbe privilege.
" It is stated that la 1868, out of 80 lieuten
ant oolonels, 18 wero promoted without purchase;
of 61 majors, 22; of 266 oaptains, 120. In
1864, after the wor began, of 796 original com
missions granted, only 868, lees than half, were
"The enormous money oost of abolishing the
praotioe of selling commissions is indicated by
ihe following return lately made pabllo :
216 oommlulcms of lleut. colonel, rained at £1,028,025
261 *• major, -' 91T.225
1 "63 captain, " 3.068,300
2,5!0 " lieutenants, “ 1,601,995
903 ensign and cornet, ** 561,090
"There is an implied proporty in military
commissions rained at about $40,090,000, whloh,
though based upon a moat peruioious regula
tion, it is assumed the gorernment must pur
chase before they can correct the abuse of whieh
it Is the cause."
Cool Impotence.— The Chicago Tribune has
tbe following account of a game played by one
of the President's former law ollents, which. iB
about the ooolest specimen of impudence extant-
It says:
“Some years ago, a fellow by the name of
Brown was arrested for forgery In New Hamp
shire, and retained 'Frank Pierce' to defend
him. After a full Investigation of the affair, it
was ascertained pretty definitely that it would
go hard with Brown, and that with all the ability
of his advocate, a trial would pretty surely end
In a oouriotion. In this dilemma, he emigrated
to the West, leaving his bail to foot tbe bonds,
and his lawyer to whistle for his pay. A while
ago, a man by the name of Walker, being abont
to visit Washington in oonneotlon with some
railroad projeot in Minnesota, Brown, on tbe
strength of claiming an aeqnaintanoe with the
President, volunteered a letter of Introduction,
to the bottom of whloh he added, ae a P. 8.,
1 Give me a fat office and I will pay np the old
Boore.’ The letter was banded to the President,
who, after reading it, and remarking upon the
peonii&r coolness of the request for an offioe,
explained to Walker his aeqnaintanoe with
w V
iifrcmtho Churchman (Epiwopa!) Sept.
The following sentence of deposition from the
ministry has been prooounoed by tho Bishop of
this diocese upon bis son, George Hobart Doane,
a deacon in the church Having alluded to this
painful circumstance elsewhere, we refrain from
making any remark upon it here, further than
tq repeat our earnest-hope and trust, that the
Blahop’wUt be supported c-y tbe graoe of God
tinder so groat a talamity.
smtrasoE oif;DEpQsmoss>BOM thbjiisistrt, in
M D., DBAOOff.
To all, everywhere, who are in communion with the
One, Uoly, Catholic and Apoatolic CViureA :
Be It knowuj that George Hobartßoane, M. 0.,
Beacon, of this Biooese, having declared to me,
in writing, his renanoiation of the ministry,
whioh he reoeived at my bands fro.m the Lord
Jesuß Christ, and his design hot^to'cffioiat(T in
future in any of tbe offioes thereof,
submit himself to the scbismatipal. Roman intru
sion, is deposed from the ministryY and 1 here
by pronounce and declare, him to be deposed
from the.ministry: and I hereby prbhounce and
declare him to be deposed, in the ; name ; of the
Father, and of the Son, and of tho Holy Ghost.
Given at Riverside, this fifteenth day of Sep
tember, In the year of our Lord, 1865, and in
tweoty-third year of my consecration.
G. W. DOANE, D. D. t LL.D.,
Bishop of New Jersey,
In the preseaoe of
MILO MAHAN, 'D. D., Presbyter.
MARCUS. F. HTDE, A. M., Presbyter.
This sentonoe Waß cot exeouted until the pro
vision of the. canon, 11 shore the party has acted
unadvisedly and hastily,” which is pre eminent
ly the present caee, bad been offered, urged and
refused. It aely remains for me humbly to ask
the prayers of the falthfnl in Christ Jeans, that
my erring ohild may bo brought book, to the way
of truth and peaee ; and, for myself, that I may
have grace to bear and do the holy will of Qod.
A olethas line !n yonder garden
Goes wandering among tbe trees.
And on It two Teryloujr storings
Are kleklng the svanlng-tneeka;
Aod a lot of fhney dry goods,
Whose nature 1 cannot define,
Are wildly and merrily flopping
About that came ola line.
And a very fly young lady
At tbe parlor window getrs;
And I rather conclude if yon tried It,
Xou find she'd fit into them hospf
She’s only a hoi/ length picture,
Foreshortened below the breast.
But the dry goods which danse on the tight rope
Out yonder, Jtut make ap the rest.
Bo dreamlike, she seems so gentle,
Ton’d think her too good for earth ;
And I foel that a holier spirit
Ti banishing vulgar mirth
To Its worldly home—by Jingo I
What a flourish that muslin throws.
And how uncommonly taper
Those stockings go off at the U>-i.
0, eyesi like the sky when its bluest:
0, hair ' like tbe night without star!
0, muslin and hose’ I can't help Ut
Ye still draw my thoughts ov«*r '■ tharP’
The lady alone U substantial,
The clothes bat a fancy ideal.
Yet somahow or other— coo/oudJ It—
I’ve mixed op tbs sham and the real
0, liove' you’re the same old el ipance
With the poet, tbe mod. or the brick;
You go up with axush like a r -cket,
Bat comadownat lasi lifen a Btlok.
And Ist lorodhooghts he lofty cr lowly,
f latente, cr flash, 1 opine.
That they all, like newdrv goola -r ftockinga,
Belong to the vary same /in.*'
Be sore that no better a card sc
Was ewry*t wanting Tn hou.
And tfdster Bari thinks that a ballad
Looks well when It euda wlih a close'
:• KiiSTra Kuu
Life is not all barren—all its fljwere ore not
blasted and withered in the bud; and among the
few that are allowed to come to perfection, none
Is more beautiful than the sight of ft fresh and
rosy mother, her fgs still Hashing with the light
of youth, and her step still elastic with those
bowildering undulations which only health ond
happiness impart, attended by her son, just ns
i tall as herself, aod as proad and happy of hiu
rnothor, as she io of him. Wo saw such a pair
in Tenth Btreet, yesterday morning, a 3 we rude
by in oor " people's carriage." The mother tra
I charming, with the beauty of sincerity and re
| ality. Bbo was simply and unostentatiously
I dressed—far below the standard of displny which
the habits of onr country have established for
the costume of the street. But the magnetic and
beaming radienoe of her loving glances, as they
rested upon the handsome, slender, and saucy
yooag gentleman by her sido, made up far all.
It was upon htm that her womanly cc-inotry had
boon expended, liow ex<juißltcly_fitted was his
dark blue middles' jacket to. his lithe young
form I —how unscrupulously Aten partita were
those delicate, taper hands, of whoso graceful
proportions so many women Trould be pread
how audaciously jannty was the little fatigue cep,
inclined just a Blaglo hair over tho right eye’
And then with what fondness did he gain iota
his happy mother's handsome faool— how dain
tily and tenderly did he assist her as she crossed
the gutter, wat king lest tbs slightest stain of
mnd should be sprinkled or evon so much as the
hem of her garment I There was in the group,
as thoy thus walked onward, something more
tender, more holy, more precious still, than love'
Ah, happy youth 1 No fear of deception, and
disappointment, and treachery, there! Bho up
on whose heart thou now so fondly leanest, will
never fail thee, never betray theo 1 Till tbe
hoar of death that bosom, with all Its wealth of
love will be thine. No shadow will ever darken
the sunlight of affeotlon that streams upon thee
from those deep and Crusting eyes. Cling to
that heart, oh young dreamer of the gloriea of
life 1 Give thy bark to tho stream, which must
bear thee ou whither thou art to go ; but never
lot thy soul unloose tho silken cords of love and
tender worship that blad theo to thy mother’s
side. Beware how thou exohengeet her love in
thy heart for another's 1 'Tis to extinguish the
lamp Id tbe dust, and wait idly for the falling of
a star 1 —Phila. Times.
Advance In saltpetre and Leed-What
The immense consumption of gunpowder,
which has boon for some time going on between
the belligorents in the Eastern war, has begun
to tell upon the prices of lead and saltpetro.
Since the arrival of the Baltio, lead has advanoed
to 6s@6so. per lb., with free solos, on specula
tion, of both foreign and domestic. Three thou
sand two hundred pigs of Galena changed hands
yesterday at the above quotations. At last ac
counts the stock In England was very materially
rednoed, while prioes ruled at higher figures.
The etoek of saltpetre in the United States has
beooma very small, and prioes have undergone a
grout advance. Crude, whloh before the war
sold at about 7@7Jo , is now very firm at 160.
There oan be no destruotive wars without "vil
lainous saltpetre.” It must be had in large
supplies, or the system of war must go back to
the use of hand to hand implements; Our gov
ernment, having experienced great difficulties
for the want of it during the Revolution, ns well
as in the war of 1812, has since been,more pro
vident tor future contingencies, and ConirsEs
has for some twenty or thirty yean past appro
priated about $20,000 per annum for the pur
chase and storage of saltpetre, so that wo might
now probably stand a five or ten yeafs’.Jwar even
without entirely exhausting oar supplies. This
precaution was the more neooseary, as the most
prolifio mines In the world, on the tributaries of
the Ganges, in India, were ander the control of
England. As great as tho rosouroes of this
oonntry are known to be, yet so far they are
found to be deficient in supplies of saltpetre and
tin. In ease of whr, we Can get oji\w ; ltho a t tbe
latter, but not without the former. .To bo eqnal
with other nations we mast have ample stores of
saltpetre, tbe ohief element in the composition
of gunpowder —New Turk Herald, iid.
Kansas Movements—Dancees Ahead. —Tho
first movement towards revolution in Kansas
has already been taken. A Convention of the
People met on the 6th inst, resolved to repudi
ate utterly the action of the late Legislature,
and to resist every attempt to enforoe its enact
ments or laws, and determined to- take mo part
In the eleotlon for Delegate to Congress; ordered
by that body, bat to hold an eleotlon qu their
own authority. They also nominated gx-Gov
ernor Reeder as their candidate, and bn dooepted
tbe nomination. It seems certain, therefore,
that the oltisens of 1 Kansas will refuse
to tho laws enacted by tho late Legislature;—
that they will refuse to pay tbe taxes it haa
levied, and will resist forcibly any-Attempt to
oolleot them or to ponlsh offenders against their
enaotmepts. This will bring about a direct col
lision betweon tho peoplo and tho Government —
for Governor Shannon has declared his determi
nation to enforoo obodtonoo to those laws; and
there Is every reosuii to apprehend a civil rmr in
Kansas, as tbe result of the conflict.— N. T.
r ®-
Bother and Bon.
Causes lls
The Reion or Abt.—ln this wonderful age, KhkkkA IHSTfSANCB iCOMPAUY
Art lays her master touches on almost evory- nn pITT^RITWriH
thing,., The jieiUnge a A»sr 3 oft^n*d^tlim si j ‘i ; g''?A;-~-
we tread'on are hallowed by Art Art winds bob Set
the railway through the mountains ana the a w. Batchelor, Gesebal aoist.
mud: makes her machines of wood and iron, to will ihsckb auaisbt all kinds
aot ae If with knowledge and annihilates space
with lightning tinned down to thnlKttetedgQ.of a MARINE AND FIRE ,RfBK9j
boy. Nothing is too lofty for''her touch' and . Dißnotoas: : ’
nothing toehnmble. A. new proof or this old oiw.SST'- W
ccnviotlou.haßjustfattennhder tmr notioo, in iraaoMoDannoch, ' 1 ■ -■ IMS'
t£e shape <Jf a CathattloPill, from the ItAbora-, w. w Martini •' KadSßrn,
#y $ thatjwort rengwned OhfiWst; Dr; J. C. j > ' •
Ayer. : : - ... MsUanAlesa. : .
If we understand the subject, he-this carried j All Louies sustained by parties lmijii an 4 6r ,*,O.
that artiole to the farthest perfection of which ; ci “ 1 ““ d •“*
it is capable. Instead of employing Drugs in | g™*»»*»,? it. WMBamt [ly ti
its composition, ns we hare always thought the
neoesssry and only way, he has with consum
mate skill extracted the virtiui Of the medioine
to be employed, and oombined them alone in
their parity together. The composition is then
mixed and rolled by machinery and steam power
into a.aperoid tdi!,nbloß ie wrapped io an en»
velope of gelatine, for protection from the
effects of weather or time, 1 add then thickly
ooated with engar, to sene as }ta passport over
the palate. Notwithstanding allthis labored per
feotion they are offered to the Poblioat less'than
onoe cent eaoh. Howeter humble the depart
ment, we think this may boeafely oharaoterixed
as the consummation of Art in its tine.—Hom
ing Newt, Bali.
m'Lane'a Celthrated V«nniftig«
and Liver singular eqmhlpfttlon, bat very
effectual, as the following will show:
Ntw You, November 20,1852.
Knowing, from experience, the valaable qualities of i)r.
IT Lane's Vermifuge anti Urer PlflSj I hsveQTßcaaa time
beak considered It my doty, sod m&de ft my bpdiiaasrto
make (hose articles known wherever I. west among my
friend*. A short time ago I H*****n A acquainted withthe
cose of a young girl, who seemed tq be troubled with worms
and Uver complaint at the same time* and had
ing for some two months. Through my-psMuaaion eh#
purchased one bottle of Dr. M’Lane's 'Vermifuge, one
box of Lhrer FftU, which obe took aeoording to directions.
The result was, she passed a large quantity of worms* and
thinks that one box more of the PHis will restore her to
perfect health. frf iwarrr««d by
calling 0&-E L Theati, Bruggisi, corner dT Rutger f"*
Monroe'streets. . .
.49* Dr* if Lane's genuine LirerPUls,also Ms celebrated
Vermifoge, can now be bad at allfespeptobfo Drug store#
in the United States and Qraada.
Purchasers will please he careful to oak fat, end *»►«» nO&e
but Dr. M 1 Lane's Vermifuge. All others In MimpaTjapu,
are worthless. ' " c '
.Also, tor eats by the ao'e proprietors.
Ssecees&Zß to J. ESdd A Ofr,
sepShdsw No. 60 YVocd streetvcarser of Jfrnrtb*
«w“ Affuc and Fever ot Three Yean’
Blinding C a«.d»--sjr. Johu Loogdea, cow living at
Deaver Dam, Hanover ctnatj f just& RtwhTnnT|d, Ague
and Favor tat three years; most of the ttoe ha tad dills'
twice a day, and rarely less than, once; he was parched"
with fevers as soon as t her, bill left him; and after trying
physicians, quinine, most of the tunica advertised, and
everything recommended to him, was about to give up in.
despair, when Carter's Spanish Mixture wasepoksacf: he
got two bottles, but beforehe had used more th&na single- :
on*, he was perfectly cured, and 'has not had adtili or
fever since. •
air. Lon {den to only one oat 0 1 thousands who have
been benefited by this graafrtonio, Alterative and blood pa*
ri&er. Bee advertisement. ‘ " aephlm
lnbalatloa for Diseased Litogt.
The mode of cases of lungs and
throat, recommended Dr, Oortia In hlaadvertlsement,
strikes ns as the true one. Itli na» by
enr best physicians, that local dHHcaltiw can Only be fine
•floafully treated by fpsd -applications,. Tfrt« prastica byr
been pnraoedfrom the first with respect toextemaUltiiafa*
ejatton and cornaions, and we see not why diseases hf the
Unroot and lungs may treated in, the same manner;
»o believe they may. la this variable climate of ours,
where lung and throat complaints have so prvva-
Umt end rife, we earnestly reeomtoend to Ojb public, end
ta the aflicietl especially, to avail themselves of Dr. Oortia
rtrarfy.—fon. who has trtea UJ Seo iKj.artlsamtnt Yo
thlj paper.
Otu&cnt —Da. (Joans' HYQSANA to the original only
reniiins article. se|KL3wdaw
Tux Fist Train leaves at 2 A. M- through to Cincinnati
o 1- h,~-cr* and 40 minutes.
Mail Thais liavxs at B A. M.
Exr&CHal&AlH “ A 7 SP. M.
Tbrvi Trains all make close connections at Crestline, and
vhe first two connect at Alliance. The direct route to fit
in now open, via. Crestline and Indianapolis, 100
tuiUa shorter then via. Cleveland. Connections are made
Ht Mansfield with the Newark and Sandusky (Sty road
sol at CrestUaa with the three roads concentrating there'*
For particular* eee handbills. No trains run on Sunday.
Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Louisville fit. Louie,
1 uJidoapolis, Chicago, Rock Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland,
and the principal Towns and Cities In the West.
!<•*»« Pittsburgh at IQ A. M and 6 16 P. M„end New Brigh.
ton ut 7 A- il. and 1 P. Al.
fvr Tickets and further Information, apply to
Al tbe corner office, under the Monongabeto House*
Or, at the Federal Street Station, to
Pittsburgh, duly 28, 1856. (Jy24)
Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Company;
cosysr or water aud market streets,
D. B^uT“ T Q ™' PrakUD ‘-
Also, against Hull andOargo MaWa on tbe Ohio and Ml*
slssipoi rivers and tributaries, and Mai-in* atoka gensraßv.
And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the
Penis of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation.
Policies issued it the lowest rates consistent with safetv
to ail parties. J
Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley
Jamesfl. Boon, John Fullerton,
John M’Alpizn Samuel BTQlurkan.
William Phillips, James W.
John Scott. Ohaa. Arbuthnot,
Joseph P. Qaxtam, M. D., David Richey,
James Marshall, John M^lll,
Horatio N. Lee, tebll
Continuation of the Ohio nod Penan. B. B.
taais aowDßip aao naaraa mm from mrszimm.
4©"* Trains connect st Crestline, wUhcid
all the Trainj on the Ohio and Pinna. .&oadaxuLalr.o st
forest with Trains going North end South,' on. the Mad
RiVer end LaXe Erie Railroad. *
For Tickets, apply »t the Railroad OOam of the Ohio
and Pennsylvania Railroad Company \ u Pittatmrsh Alla,
ghenr City, or at any of the &U6wXg points• W
Fort Wayne, BeiLefontalna.
Cincinnati, Urbanj^
Tiffin, Findlsv
Persons dedring Tiokots will be particular fn .Ya ,
Ticket by tbe Ohio and Indiana Railroad. “* ID? 1
_ !?. ... j. B. BTBAPQHAN. Bap'L
IT??” T .° —“THE KEEPS A KB," an lm-
Ut§> > porlant litUe book that every female should read
K'S., u ,he '“ytied.orthtaie contemplating marriage!
It will bo eent by mail, free, to any address, by inolostog
two postage atampe. OT eia-penoe, to O. L. OHREBISMAX
kh NcalSl Broadway, New York. sepSkwlm*
StaerllEalty.~aEOßBß It. KIBBLE, of the
°, f wffi b® a candidate fortbe office
oi Sheriff of Allegheny County, at tbe ensuing eieo
u<£:— JySfcdawto
@3 „^ T*S, HATffi—We hwa onr ><l.l.
<5§L STYLE Of SILK HATS, which will be f&uod, on In
spection, a nest and good article. A good Hat forts,
and an extra one for $4. Call and see.' S'** 4
-41? One door ftonCßlxth street
SOST HAW o. latest style, wsch ». StoV'fcr
oaJi as any house in the city. Oall and me
.v “OMAN A 00. 161 Wood street,
augia nest house to the new Presbyterian rw.h
Pennsylvania Insurance Company
Comer at fourth and Bmithflold streets
lnsuaa BoUdlngs nnd other Property against Loss
N ** th ” P®™ l °< tSoßea and
inland Navigation and Transportation.
wm. F. Johnston, Body Patterson. Jaoob Painter.
f-jPSktock, HennedyT.Prfend,
James a.Negley, W. B. Haven, B-E-Park.
V , - r bP® Olll . Wade Hampton, D. M. Loam
A. J. Jones, J.H. Jones, H. R. Coggshaii,
Praidatf .Hon. WH. S. JOHNSTON.
Vice Prertdmt ROBY PAWEBBON.
teCyand Treasurer A. A. OABBIEB.
AsHxtant fiarriary-fl. 8. CARRIER. [ jeffidy
the two Cities.
O&DERa may bo left at the Mill, or is boxes at theatone of
DOQAN, WILBON A 00., M Wood street
REITER, coraer-Liberty and Bt Clair its
H. P. SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Alleghany.
ly» BRYAS, KBBfrSlfipy A co .
Soot and Shoe •Wdaiufactoru.
i 4 ™ ol O’DOHHSLL ft 880- . awl
Would reapacifuUy inlbrm tho riHwisiMWß
At Ho. 70 SmltbOetd a treat,
In WmiArt BmuinißS, where ihoywißba prepare] to All
SertStMUcA™ 7 <lera)l ' Uon 01 and ffiOßfrttt»
In, order to accommodate all claim of customere tho.
Term Itndtv cash: goodt ai tpcuK n *'
A than of the publie pammagv U icUcl tvd. (mjlhto
tjAsorActuuUjOr f - - ,
Chilson Furnaceaf -Wroilgiit Iron Tubing,
For Wanting and Ventilation of- Jlutidmgt.
JS&-W. (t/L >wUl contract farWiiriaihz 4nd VentUaiiag'
by Steam of Hot Water, Pipes or GEilsonfe Pomace, 1
Churches, Schools, iHtiSStalg. : Factorisa, Greco Houses,!
Oour tttcosas, Jails, wailings. No. 26 MARKET:
afreet, PiKabargh. ;
On Sunday evening last, andrrw piTvmrß ; ’
The funeral will take place this dat, at ten
the residence of his brother, corner nf Pond n«wy ntwfft find
Bank Lane, Allegheny City. s -•
oftbe Western Vnlveruty.
rpHIB INfiTiTUTION wfti be'ft to&ecL.on TOESDAY,
1 thqSdof Oqtohet 1 ' . V , - . /
students are requested to ln attendaheo at d.o'cMk
A. M. : orffiat day, st ; the coxnerrf
Ro&Fnnd iHamoalAtrvete.
Information, as to-tetibS, m&y to obtained from Iha
Principal,or from Prof’MbDbnald. '• — r^
ByarderoftheTrustosa.- ' r • '* *\
eep2aaw: . I JOHN Vi McLABBN, Prlnctoat
Wanted. 300 AsUre.XomffJH«Dr i
.».* - - t,
’ SAtAkr .,-.. .
M4QA&INKB~£r&nfe; Idwlttfg ‘Gagette 'of
W.Jrashtop of the Beso SSo&d&eo&taixdog «B’the ftir
Styles and latest Fashionable Intelligence, New HuCcV
Patterns far Needle,. 4c. r
Qoday'a Ltflrf B£uc'fb>October. 4 . * >•<, r. . ? r
-••'‘PeteohVM^esltis’,'4s ' j- * ■ if,
” Ealum’s VegßZl&b , dn ,
:tdSlW»;Jbi»ilial' . ' do “ . v; *;• * -
• 'YantteraOtfoos ,d 0..,,.. •.:*.*«-j
for «» W ' ,fc MtNgß ACO*. •:
tepgS ' No. 82“ Smithheld street •
JL Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion, and the Bean Mottdfsf"
for Octoher, U now ready, end .ftr aato- TSiis-ls the town
Important omobßr-gTeiy toned. It ccntaicsaTeryelAho
tate article on the MllilncreVOpeiilngsi Wlth a dfScrlpCoii
of the most beantifar tn eaoh fashionable establishment in?
Newport". £l%. esgraflngs of all the
latest Parisian, styles 'received i&ti&tfm.gtxUhaJ.Jßte
Unihon, DtsfiS Makers and viy,Goods Merchants. ■ Jnst
received and'&iraal&’at .
■; w. a. «oMjmnua&* saw-*
wpat . Rfth eL, opposite thaghcntra.i-
• “Ihe BMtflaiiir Hi aim, WiiAm - •
IB IHA “ AMERICAS RAZOR ” made iirphlladelptaa
by Gilchrist. and sold doxl&A&e last Ore years to thou
s“d> of dnr clUsens, by tbo only anthtßteed’Agent for
western Pennsylvania-. W. W; WILBOK i
Matlafcntttet/ r
On TtaMd«yaMiilng,-Bs£fember 27th;*t 8 o’clock, at
tha Herclusttf Brcbange, Fourth street, wflT be soldJbi
order of Robert Robb, Asatjneeof Jia. A Negtev,tlt»tyari
beaotifal country centv-of abbot bo acres, In-tSllnnil town
ship, edj doing laudanf Jas. BcOully, Wm. HHEempreAnd
Catharine A Negloy ;cn which err erected a lirgeand ela
ont brisk ramslcn, two tenant bouse, brick etabtScgreeo
boose, end oOmrAttUnjOdlnga. iHMEroondaere In a high
• ate of culUTation, nnd IteroOTed biLtbabost manner.
Also, about,clgHucreacf land contlgucus tblhoaborel
,«ttWte<mfltertTteJd>*4 tafllng ftolttA»stfcttenj l totlie ;
Ategheny Octeebay ondLswrenceTllle.: .otaasS Jv
Tbe above will be sold entire or In enUabioeobdlrlejcos
of £romthrB»toten«crea,tomii pnrebaßarsrßilo noaiilve
Setms at sale. Plana and farther lsfbrmattoa can boots
tained at tSo Aortibn Blore. ,
««1® P.M.DATiajAsettemb'.
- W»a»H> Taloett^
W^B®B^ A #n4;PICIOBB I FRAIIER Alsbi'-isSl
s#to dealers tn Imported and Domestic f ANOYtJOODB,
, Wehavajust r«s«irod
cor Use, and invite tha attention Cff dealerratuburatcatL.
Ktsta g. . *ea wbop BT. comm ciir Panrth/ . J
Pansy and Varltly Goods. TT*'.'—
/"MdXIKS—A doe enertment; Willow Trans, Per’ w™
Vv nalee, Bmahea of mll : kinds, Carpet laga,
Olavev Oombs, Ac, Ain, all at loaiestbrtees: at&.
•epSfclw WM H*. tSoQ^^4
h«lt| ' —-T
CHBCK NO. IA, dated September 22d v.
tie Flttsborgb Trust Company, Tot a 7 “JiS
and Forty dkdlera. Tbs payment ot paid Ch«dr\.
aodju paeons JStq Vorrhte^t^,’SS^l
The finda will be rewarded by ratnrnlnc it to ns.
RAIL BY. RftmwM * pn
_«ip’>l;d3t _____ So lfq. Beami and Water suits.
KMU) ua ? El * 9 CLEAN prime bye, for which
the highest market price in cash win be paid,
sai.4:Jla.wll No. 299 Libert?V
K° H UUTOBKR—I-eleroon'. xor
October, » th colo/ed farblona 1
Leolie’j Not York Jojrnol for October
Godey « lady's Book do
Ballon’* Magazine do j
Yankee Notions do
vX B .' ” Hanran Comedy; by ib« author or “The
> irgifiU OomeJlans,"
Iba Ixoqois: an Indian story.
Maud ; by Tennyson.
MSfeSSlurF^Siy? The New “ m ' 5 ' ° r Me “° lra °« »
Just received and for sale at
W - A. atLDENFEjrNrr k CO.’S,
WKb at., opposite the Theatre.
"Vf AGAZtNES, Ac.—
11l Qod«y for October, 20 cents
Ballon do 10 do
leaUe’s Journal for October* 18 cents
Peterfioo‘6 Uagaztne do 17 do
Yankee Notions do 1° do
!^ Te by expreta. Also, have received
tts tort ana best assortment of Fancy andSUplo StaGon
ary, Booka, to arm brought to this city, lames’ fine Beth
Paper and Envelopes. Bemember the place, at
D- m|>M SOffthSt.
Wsousau Attn Bxuib—FALL TKADK,
A. A. MASON ft 00, Fifth street,
n °» trceWn* thdr Sail stock of Goode, embracing
Hundred Packages, which have bean pur
chased at the large Auction Sales, from Importers end
Manufacturers, and will he sold at as low rates as can be
'"eepM 6 * 1 ° { **“ NBW y ° rlt “ Philadelphia Jobbers, •
S T *“!k! A BHAIVIB—An tosornnent or Terr rich end
fashionable colon cf Stella Shawls just opened.
“T* 24 _ A. A. BIASOfI A QO, 25 Kith at.
T 'UEPhUTJJjiB—6O bblsjost received and for sale by
i Beggj FLBMIHq SEO3;
EPSOM BALTS—IOOO Iba joat received end fay g»>» Mr
BAT BUM—I caak just received end for tale by
REFINED CAMPHOR—4OO Iba jast rac'd and for sale by
mUBPKNTIUB VABNISH, No. I—Bo galls just rectlrod
X and for axle by [sep24j FLEMIKOBHOR
AP AM VABNISH—BO gallons just rooM nod for Bale by
MOOSE'S OUKDIAL—I grcEj just rec'doud fjr Gale by
aepa . plkminq naps.
for gale by [sepMJ FLBSUNO 8803.
GHBABB—S 5 bbls fbr heavy Machinery, Beilroad Cara,
Carriages, Drays, Wagons, Aa, for sale by
CHEESK —240 boxes this day reoelfed and for sals by
INKGAK—iS bblV forsuio by
APPLES— 60 bbls &r sale by
«*P3d HKNBY H. 00LLIN8.
B BOOMS—76 dos will be sold low to oloseconslgninertt by
OTASH—IO oashairara fbr sals by ""
fin 118. n. «. BOOT,
Ho. 28 Diam6naallet/ t r&lsB&S
49* County Merchants and Mfllt
new roppHedwith Patton Bonnaia aKt*aVJ|
>t wholesale price#. fgBp22alXw * ,f t" *'
A CARD. —'—
IHAVEJort received fcom tba Eastern (Hths.a stock r><
PANOV AND STAPLE GOODS, embracing thimoSt
.complete variety of CLOTHS, OASSUtERJEa and vest.
ISOS that 1 have ever hitherto offend to the nabUc.
Besides » lsrge number of BLACK CLOTHS, cf vrhfch t
hm always kept » good assortment, I have been at con
giaeratte pains to select some eboios Fancy Colors emon?
several shades of .BROWN and BLUE. Also, or PANCrp
CASBIMKRRS an elegant variety of the £34ast grades,
comprising many handsome. PLAIN DRAB and PURPLE
ertniada, as wag as the latest figured etyiss. And of
nsndly large selection—the letter embracing soyeraldeii.
cate patterns net reedily obtained. •oveisraeu.
I have procured theverrlohs of Mr. JNO. CARPENTER
aa Foreman, familiar to the trade in the West ea the wf
venter of “Carpenter-e Rule." Having made aUtlJni£
ttoof catting,“‘°dyof his lift, and betogendonS
nllha luge find orexperlenee from a practice of saventeS
years, there lsßttteAoobt of his Ability to, please all wSS
custom be may attract. wooes
Hyatock rfßOyß' CLOTHINQ is much Unger than at
any fermer period, exhibiting all thevartav
man to the tesson, and at very low rates. 3 * 5t,1 “ com '
1 --^auon-gpulS^
S^&l* D4 *W‘
Jaiy Tth, 1885.
4iroaaßg-&af ifc, * M *
A h^!w c^ ai 5 l 5 lln ** a Vigorous HnJih mio'ti
Hottrni BUtw,. a »TifS JgT ,
■ -t»l
»lpat«acua and Bargiaai Oparations
olenv—their apmigg dtUjr to tho
elgbtreetoied blits .original pgwer, Omaa.«Qiir«frilii,i%
yefpUloaopilcaLjnisyaianaaiwttboat |»lnor the least
danger :oftniary,i;Beloir»nifieaSliSMvWafimjScates
wbicb ttt&ttfffiVffltUFtiiti? *’*• s '77
.. IFrmttoito»,XorkannEeß|tj,a:*
u A vtar rimo’e Vet jMloM]jitr.b hftSaaiSrf Vi-s-asU.
Invented by J. Ball A
whlrb the corpeaprthaoya te gredbtllyjteUeato tto orbd
birsiaiod gltaasS'fcryaCT
dispense with them. ~ ~ . '
,;: .0l tS OVstsO tlTliOu CO J.O V,> ', '?
The Aditor of.tbd-Petlbi9fvkaU'D<imb<:rat f Ate. m lot
.:v'> i-mws-ii ,y» <l,iwvsMiSlinriiLHSlii£ui%wK,k
--BdngrieU nojaateteA irftiJMrticdcsteSx'kSnr/tlut
fafim Btornod I’BAUV Ptont ~U ifa* ! lmML s
aOCCatO DPTCnAgßyngyiWotWwyfirt^
oriog tbo woo in
fh™«^??w.>Sa l ffletta test
>ztota lemporary SM DcnnaMiitcnrw.
•<'>j it
,„o(ths ttanntfindlA Bsotbers.
ra-By remlltlng flrt dbElLisi wmboeent, psst
pald,wiafnU.dlra«^%^j^Su We nm ttTj , aj.
Virgin alley, Htfabargh, tte. eeplßAiw
J« not »
? 6 9WW4iPl^twla4Uytli«'ptDptlelerlnwaiaA!jt»
isa tbls tie Hilr.Dyo ln.existence- It dyes black er
brown tahalror aUn,
Made and gold; or appUed7 (tn nine private nxnasd'*t
BAKJHEILOII’B Wlg lfew Vork.'
Wooa.B&eet, jy^g-n.wtttsn’ veltaaaiafeWT.
Aire, Qenb’
ety. which will ba entdlOwfarCtsbr- TlnrULti vn^n.^—.
; tipplf l ;! k.’. ii iii ‘i U f* i-i i-fteia%f»- ■••
; „.. •** •\naftiyw^j«TOjwaw>» g -'« ,i '^ i f' i
! »<«.»>»«* iw*-<raßi s h® "* V
|, >!),./ ..<.*-s , i tsd: *-j'6*,^u^iy cr: i”Tj£ si: i
Pdkioss,. . t ..... j , S j ■'■ ■"
i .•»
■ arttela myda«frrr»nti*x y
- -r Otfblnit
1 e w »
warewoms, aad
::- ’ e ‘f ?
A, rQatEfiF’p .
riu I i , UALFt2BftSDB^ BTHS : Isal f a^Beßc jj
'; vr ■
c 6i r ffiladpi
ihsuk&ncb, company - --- * /
Of THE SAtOEY**3? !!«{9U, '<'
va\ '
CAJ*iTAI* ••<■"■•> ■*»■.!>/. 030 OjQ 00 » _ ,
OOHNEOTICOT:,; : • : "
CAirtAZ a •-'
new liseon; 6bio. ; .
T J 4n£FE£hs?iPM£ «*•*» " Hhw 108
Third streot,Pittsburgh. ... .. ~ '
Octio'kbs;. .... -j
F. A- BIOQKBOfIt Pneldant
-3AMEB BUSDIOK) Tics Ftujdfisb
LfiTl MAflTlfy Secretary
patssniuia ££ftacross:
-James W. TFoodWßll, Joseph Plniataer.
-lames Wood, Eil. Riddle,
UarbaOKh, Dr. Jno.iLfiari,
[ jit] >l*3l. Blmms, Birmingham, Dawson, Newmayer Jk Oo
British and Continental Exchange.
dvscas, sn&BnuH a co.
ln Sons o? £1 im UpTrjaie.
WHESB DHAPTB are BTallaMo at all the nrfncinal
ff n also ifcraw Bight Bills on
fit. A. OruneVtaa 4 Ballik,
Wfelcn serve as a Bemlttance to all parts of QURMANF
fwMns Intsadlng fo travel abroad may procure, through
(&»l*>tters of Crodit,on which Honey can b$ obtained, as
needed, In any part of Europe.' ' • ’
Couktiosi of Bills, Notes, ard other securities In Bo*
Tope, will receive prompt attention.
WBL-IL williamsi oa,
mhai Wood, comer 13ilrd street.
Ho. 299. Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
. kxvba flouil
WhlahnUlalTayabalaMatt&ilCTTOtCMhMlcaa. f.pU
WM. B. HAYS & C 0. ,;
SUaA&CUHKD«nd ..
a ** B
Ho, 887 LllMrty itrteti
a. i. flDioaaa..4. o. cgggrra...H.a «rau...w. AiWmfaa.'- .
aattaa «i 4 Mopldlng, of
**• iTJeraexßcotel'onthaifioftastnollca. - "
rectel othlf-artlele, to fccoohtbf IteJlghtwmfc^^
fill WXtyWfl yrijjitS Jfc •OA
je2l Na W rt, bstron Wood and ' '
OF • - ~ 1
iron ra.unq, iron vaults.
VA#JME. DOOBB, -•■■■ ’ * »••
Window Shutter*, Windqiw; Guardi! &di'
ao», »i second etreet fcn‘i 8® r*iurd at ...
(ostwaiH wood aac ~, - r. : r
- Pn'tSBVBQn, Ft-
Hra on haliit t tsrlety of niha . . r T," : * r'~ 7
Wain, aoltahle for aHpupoae*. ’ ? Jobtlngdon, ;
S. 'M’REEI: &. CO „
_ ,_wi N DO.W: LASS,
TO* no*, - • • ! -/.
L .. , Wlayjftnrtar «ad MlcgnHBoa> -
telegraphic <5 Idghtninff-Bod *h
C«uaJuoacngahetfcHc«ge t ' 4rDlio&tsdi
Forwarding and ■Cow®*'"- r L .
WATBB_W ■ -SlOll'«fclCllftObj^ v '
ftragHmuit *'!'X‘&
w. , M a, HB -V ;
jOSSOM, PjftoPßtEToa;“
. jaEAgKg comti, ex '■ •
r 1 Bcmovak . w
J. ElfiftfiKACO. h»re remoTodtheJxoffloo tpNo.£tf; -
< X • Fifth fitseet,, oppoeit© & fi u»^
' usuibOcffiw. vaßndttui»«iU find me books open to
' TON, v\i atbet Ute publication*. i}H