»-'•;, v.->V v u *u.*it»’ T( v v^‘V^' T,; ' v ' :f ’ r *^^\ : '> ••». T‘ t v ?'< & Su , *s} tkf ’f >*••! ‘ ‘- }- 4'V-'* ! •> i‘ • .■■* •. . • . y <-.' -- :■*. • K-r {.'•' '*l L': *» -- amillmouk l ''*fi9&‘i'.',y >: • ■'■ '-i V; •.: s;7 ■:;’.;:. • 7 ■.! X^v^v/.. , if',. 1 - 5;■ . r . •. \’*'U . r:„ & • y. jN ;;v *.•■ > p ,0; § .77 v. 1 s / > ■*'. v •’Y i."< i 7,7- r,v, ;f;ii-c-'.t***.* *: r -V v; v** .: • &£>*** % i* Vi* n- t l ' g V J ** 4. -i ** T ,i.j%J 7 *?. *,n: 1 4 A ~ -,. l ; jt : &&>v*?■• ■ ■-. 4 *SW m»•>n.l ** Ji. *. ,,M ■ * «.* i- ft..*■• * .». j.; .. 0 . . - ■*» * ./«}•. &, S .*>« *M*‘ ’« * / ' J *• W v ' * , r *■ j. \ ' V>. " • - ' 1 «•■•■ ■■■ % ..•>. 1^ r ‘^ v "" ‘ ■ ‘ • j : * f ’- v^ ; ’TrV-' I S '4 T u-V ' ‘ . w J ‘l. * 8 v t>> y v i hv. C, w“ • ■ .■. .■ i ?■; -v * -rr -: ? 5 ;-v \ ■»:. j = h<."!Y;:\r:.~f-:! i'/y 1 :*::-[' - -*'■ ■' ••-: , Ere ■'~< , '~ i ''■'’•■■’’'l''-'S'- ■ 3 11 ♦ »f.‘•'•u\ s ’± ■* ■• ■ - I a : y~y: Vv..‘ - ! s vv^n^Vv?^-’iV.P«Tv' w ■, ;. -K\ l J Vl^vNV’:: 1 "; S' .r. C- ; : f • --‘'■i •->; .-’■y . ' '■ ' ,; ° o‘i' ■• f y*is r-/ j * «««iiia rvr -•',<■‘ -s'"-! ; ,; v; h ! , s’■ ■ - i ■ s mmmm&i : ' r 4-4v, /./' 1 ; u\ty ,,r,: O';;! 4 s- • i 2 y. I S' if SSi|#i:|ra mwM 1 f T • ■l "SSMolffl* I tilJ^VSli-’-*r3LW«.<'V; J j ; m i >.r* s Ti i 0-M& st; a, ,y4?y\-S' < hzXkJiZ'lv^ fepV^.-l>-'-j^ .-^.^>>_■ ■;%£.«*?<* i*-ii«s»i» 5 »,:7i. • - “4V>j« 3 t a: r/i *- a-- - ■' ,o s«j A'r.'tH ; l-V ,"> ; ,Y V y-X-f? S-,' ,>--Y 1 JOHHSIOB, BSOIHBBS & CO., • ?& , iro > W?®®SS3 i * |' 'S*’-\ ' s rf"»’ ,a T 1 Ooriia-Rebecca vud Bdmtpil tlr<4% Al<9 i *ny*C ! l t y t a-V* j ,„, jpa. m 1 ■; WOULDrwpeotfaUy lmorm / » *’* l ,ab l fc that \h*y h&rc • r',:'‘-’ if ; ; V 1 <••• commenced Uie manalbotnr©of Oarriagi's Wvi'N tT v »C - =C■ ' < yff 7E ~ l —^-— filtrnnches - Hockawsya,liugglea, SlelghaanJ Ki*:«. v S. lnftil Uielr yailooastyles of finish and proportion. ► tf-VI All ordcrt.'wlHbp Bxpcatod withetrtetregard to duraMH 'VUsjint&kzfin%*l:i f?l unci nA*;.t| the mfiatjeaWtfUfle terms.. Ualn«la*ll Uwdr work the 0 Polen, otmf i-I\«!?iV* , ? < |o\ thet all who CavqrtfiMh with will *« ***** UliKi:** £* saUefied on trial of theirworfc • s » } f # <»~* »f purchasers ere roiuestedtagtroM a call* before purel a* -•*.',}’ " , TEK.u»« c«43T’SCti*jf “‘ v **-roaNsroN, nnorSEft A co,, PHAoriOAi/- coacu ai3««?£-••**s--r;-'a *-fl oftteWcca moil Wo«?l etrerte, AUj**-- OA ' 1 ,^ f * %. nv cfirtplTbaTe on handeUtT rfri» mftmiroetnring kq wfesSSfcSSS^l *'? 4' ra etteodeiMaon the most N&^wsv^3h. , Vf /^{^/ 1 r t V l tf.ltz Aifident that-all vhomay faTDr -^J u Ps,tw^Sj? aU/ ,% P+ J * / tr -T *3 ” s -i£ f -She PJttsimtgh-aftd Manchester Omnibuses P <%r .‘:#s?vY'W *& >/d "-SfnHf' a VCT3 ,-£'.'v?r-?^-*'»i{V l i''. >,J% V- WA'i 1 yj'O& P l. . + -0 1 lA_ J E/_>, ,T.n!.r> 'lO-J th --*■ " I 7X ‘ ,*S V-a 5 .> ‘.s ' V-t „,- *.-,-.Yi...0' -‘:V’ *t ' B ''i ; f • v 4. : ;«-.iA r.‘ .i \ ’>_• s.vtjfc- n", H e ’««*-'’»•“ V-'' , '> i* •■« ,'> w. ~ % _ - C.r '.*', fi" ’^■ J V -E r.•■.*, *»' »»•' t - ■S'iJYs'yY\ ->’••/; . , ft. L 4'C> » .* * f' *-£-' X !,■■ f .- - "«* i.'fc .V. ' It, • «•••* l.X'b‘r^. s -. v ;V' ,fc YVy*V:l;A*m--' * - fc > ■->: s V‘ - •-%.i~\ 'y '- y '•— '*-' ■ '*•- t':. : 1 ' r_i - -J. ->•; •■•• • ‘ . . >•. -’• V -' ■ '.., t, ■ •■>_, -r-. * < . -a” i-.s ■.*■»■ t #• ,: T . *•■• j-., f ' s 1 .t* „.,*.*.. f. \ * .- v ‘f~. • •- - r ‘-'» 4 t V C t -A ,-Y r YYf -,Y\ Y- " M rY <« y y fJ'/iyyycy . .'i-.i.^'-cX-A,.,' r-*„ r,. .■' . - ■*. .»■ ■ ■*t .»•‘" 1r - •*;-•>. i-v .-. .! / - ‘ r ' 1.5 s " ■ r .;« co* ♦ ,*■"...* . I J . ■ O A !'a' ttV'* -- *-.. ; i •- : .<■' Yi 1 “ ( y ? ; i-. yr-> yi " 'S 4 i ! »<- / >. y -,- A , r ' s_ >* -0 ’-,4 ,' ,‘ „ l ' ’ 6b /£ :r: ‘ - f r.- *r,;k,TV •"• .■*■ -r r ' <•* *•• ; N*,. «* S* \' ' j- , - •• , • - * ,* ‘■•• l A ? '> r .£.‘- *y-^ i r'ii '•■'■ tv-* *■-*> •*:■ y• •« .•" ■ , •••*./•)' V f ti *.' ■ jyr «-r f *■ T *•• .• *. ; t r ; ••* - •. ■ ; > , . V- %.; v w-yrM: ■ -■'----■■ •>• :•: t • v;.sc ,• ~*• 'yy:\ ,•«'*•' -. k. - jS _; - -i-fr .. . -'.. . ' ‘ “'• > ' ••’ • 'T,-, v'r 11. < . w v,. •* •*> +£%'*&*# a,,* t't* .f&r.fff »/ * * * f K&SLiVk tfVfcA &Jb&:h &8 i «*♦&•-<»*-•. *•«“' - •- v J ...- . . ’•; ; .is s , iT _ £t fwtir£'*r-g . ,feS*-»-- 1 *■• > tfr?._■?•;? .1 > ' - • .j» .. -!>..? •n.ifi.trr;*' 8?* ‘ ‘ ' k ooMtis fcir%to' £ irfjßSSQ^jfc : v W j ns j< a.jtnrs'PoUK*-*.!**!, *n "iiTiiite. Bar BolKr» wfll toTwUblyhwrMoiiSrt If ontjaia within the Teaiw ‘ " ' • ' e&- slnglaegpt»«.«it»c«aiii''fci»»l»»tth«WiOntc ijp th» ffifcaßg*rinr, tn-Ktrarntt. Btagw^W syHopaperwill b« dlaocntlnual nnlamat thaditcw; pn th»P-.rtt«W fV itttMSirSmltMSTcHffea iTTOgJJEI^.Sf p COTOSEIJX3a Al LAW, r pl%i «Um J»g-lygl , ' *A* -.- j f hi>DU4 - r.- Ht £&. Dfflda, ntttdoor do tta SteuEahvHle.Ohlo. «wi rl jp/-.-.-v,- •■ * TTORNBY fouftbxiqcr bale Mr~ Rody'P.ttarron'a Lft«7 1" - :: :: > ■ 1 -TMiarßY Fourth street »bojo Woo* ■iajr **'• ~ A XTLA wh—tlihce on Fourth'klreet, bdbre«a grlk jBtWTTy alley and Qr.pt Htregt. Jrffcy ' a'mfOESHt' itffi SjDOTEtSoBfAT °LA W—OfflaT In J\ hßatoieipgßoHaitisfr6nTytkht f sjjreot,',.., " , joW >•-* i>«H«EtfcXon, " ' . " .' „ 127 -Sbttftoft A flearJlinitbCieVU tnart7ff> VJ A-t T D I BTlirx^ ,o^p I ' < T^ , i“ , D ‘wabj)'. O y F T PR n: pied by pertai n-1 ng to the offioe (ft^MaferaUn _oj! the Peace. will be promptly ntjtende£t4r£~ jj Xj- frfebl&n OFrluk, Grant street, between Fourth et. aud Diamond alley. dqne with the great est care and legal ecensi4& IfcGte&hJldal Estate examin ed, Ac. .. . r, , . „ ; ■ ■■ja3»i , JWilH«trt*\VlTlibnf AtaermanV OFFICE No«4&.FENK&£ml»ibitariOT-tbe canal and O’Hara street, HAh ti4UHtSSineas appertaining to the office of on AWennanor Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended do, V’i rt #9~ RPVQBi Uoftiigcfc, ffid^Q{eF^b’ptu^&iira, f dratmSrlth peatneta and deepatch.:-* 1 i .Vi 5.-Vic? , Jpbl&tt .; U. AUL, BURGEON DENTIST;'(Wo* ceasor to (L W«2ttddtaf) tio*-14-4 Bmlthlleld ‘^HDfficebon?*, fcoath to 1 o’clock, and rom 2to 6 o'clock,.,;/, V, r ,-w* >'«. .feblfrly $ tire door* sr>, v ... . - ~r%r- ’dldtras—lfrOEV nine A. 51. to fire p - m - 7**a* - **'*■* TJUSIi^ESS’ noExaTsoif. rowagb pirnßipqt ..JUx..~am*T«i. eafktrAit. 1 M' AKlfSffiOttKßS OF -CUT, PRESSED AND PLAIN . FLINT GLASSWARE, »arehou»e No. li'WbAlflrMt, er orTroot Btreet;*Fitt4boJS^j.i > Gg- All Qlagans apd Wlndow Glv®, at low market priced ; ... r -. ' CpllJTy Jacob H*Oolllit«r/ ■\XrnOLESALB lfnd re tail man ulactarer, and dea'- Yy cr in all kinds of Urge’ .Sp>l; oi .U U» Tarioas brands p(.tctfcrlal Cfgaw 4 John ttoorheail, ■\¥rnOLE3ALB QEOCRIt tA2SI>-COiIMiaBIOH MKB YY CHANT, for and Blhmn.s and- I* ruiLXi' —..ROBERT J r agPigaoO■ •-SrTyjiiar A Amtcraon, (duccesson to . Hhodps 4 Co.) WHOLES *r.tt-vtwftUA Jrt Corelhi f Fruits/ Nuta, AS, 8& SFbbd Btreoi, oppo* cite g>» ;ii _ »p 2 _ Aenrjr H« Col Una, FORWARDTNG Ain> COMMISSION MERCHANT, and Wholesale Cheaaff/ SeedA ilsh, ami Produce generally, No t '2lWQH&Upei, EiUsborgh. (mayti - 1 ‘- B T.’C. Mor«nn» TT>OOKSELLER AN"D St ATIOJi BK—iaa always on .hand O a geoerabaesdrtnifi'nt SdtbbljllUceHimcaas'and Blank Book*, Printing,Post and Cap Paper, Ac., wholesale and r« tall, I*o 104 ffcwl below: Pittsburgh Wanted, Ragktod Tannera* Sctapa;- epl&:ly WIUJAM MILLEE, Khlla W«. aiCJLETSUJ*, PiUalmrth. atller A Ritketson, WHOLE 3 ALE ORCCEB.S, Importers of Brandis*, Wlnr and Segars—Nos. 172 and 174, cornrr of Irwio and Liberty street, Pittsbargh. troa, Nftila»Cotton Yarns. Ac., coastaotly on hand. • J>’ Wm, Carr A Co (Wm Carr, late of fr he firm of 3. Parker A Co.) WUiiLKSALK GKOOBRB, and Dealers Tu Eoreigu and Braodlea,old Monongahela and Rectified TThD ky, No 329 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Piueburgh, Pa • i* 6 7 P. R Dravo, , Diam-irvi,. PUtsbutgh, . Hi. - - TV COUNTRY PRODUOB, oflirre f r a choice stock ofOrocorica, iwleftol.for family -u*-®. Sp' rt * w of every variety and the purest quality, ground at bt- Steam Mills, Also, Dried rmita, Porvlgn and Dorn* produce taken !u exchange for merchandise, F U D. hai procured a full assortment of Laii-ireth’B warranted Gardsn Heeds, and invites the attention of all in terested In rural affairs. J an 1 W b 2 ninaatu>.-«s. J »• bt-IMsrr Kngiwu A *LlCtoar«Uon» ClOMiliaSlOS AND FOUWARDINU JiT.lU'inNTd. auJ ) Wholoaal* Dfulcr* in'Tteb, Ilicoo auJ Oil, and IVtuluc g«*nt*rally. Waifboose formerly occupied by Barbcidga & 1 Qgbram, No. 116 Water aud 160 First afreet, Plttoffiutfli, I'nuaa. commlntflou iloaae. rpUE oubarrib*rs hare opened a house for the aboie pur po«», ai No. IT SmithQeU atre*; M*Lau g u 11 n, > f\KALKn IN UfcUXJBttIBS, PBOi/808, FLOOR, ItAO'N, ’ 1 / A*, No. 10, eorrier Smlthflekl and Firei street*, Pltu \ burgh. Pa- __ 'i ** I * jfiy 3$ Smith field tired, trrpogite City ILAeL { Ti ra N U FACTU R£RB .Of 0 AJUNET FjniNITURR AND i M OU.AITIS, of"eTery description. Materials and work -1 tuauablp warranted, and sold at reduce! prices. Cafetakea \ In packing, for land ami water rarrU***. ftOgSL VV m L)l gby , Jr,, CUOTHINO AND FURNISHING ATOKB, Masonic Hall. j Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in good etyle, end at modaflafri rated. tuj&tf ' R. AA. C. Duncan* WUGLESALtt OkOOHJIS/ttßiltoaleMin Produce, For eign Wlbefi'ttntTLicjuQE^i) Mogooffabcla ao&-Ki'e > U6«i WhUKfejSjb. Wyfergi-^Fittstmrg^Pa. ug, < ■ J Tlndle, Qggjf&iL WOQLESAUi ; ftod Betail Saddle, Harney had t BT No. 100 ~Wood eU Plttßtmrgh. Pa. j >‘£).y ''' 4 i'"’" "'Jolla XV. (Sutler A Uo., I FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MHRCBANTS— -1 Dealers In all kinds of Pittsburgh man u fact urea, Ua j Pipe »idJ Sheet Lead, AT-Front street. W* Enterprise Wariu. tfo. 13G sFood street, Vdrd doer bdoto Virgin aasootated wUb'mo I Messrs. ?.BTBRh TuRBIfTT and SAMI* O..ObANEY, ,oth of .whim taTDtx&B for many years Hi myestablisU nent, atd-atm already aitsmalveiy and ftyafAhJyjaown to a JaSS^^£SS^!^m;SSX roods: by selling at moderate prlcss, and by done attention o baslnia, to merit * liberal Bhare of pationage, £0 my .id trienda and tho dßany ears past so Hberily-potrOnßoi nty;bu«ltl«!i,Ttdnrn my hanks, and solicit Aaihit new -6*l irwnan nance of eta. 1- arfavors. .. - It. r "Sf. W. WILSON . Pittsburgh, April 11, 1556. WtUon.lO'ttrbelt.Ofc Cliney, A TOU MAKERS, JitWELKManiBII.VBRSiI!TH3, 07 Market greet, cnrjier fflpyth. c ■ J ■ injyO PITTBBCRGII Cl/ACH-FACTOttY. no clow IHMIIW - aotSSamßß MiSji'. BIHKWV?, aUey., near J¥ood 'Btreeti .EKtf-. WK&BB? tojttSl*—Coaches, Carriages, PbeatOnSi Br i—TTB.. glee* and every description of fancy vehicles lit to order, and finished 40* manner tonsorpaased for luty of design, elegance of finish, slrill of workmanship, d dorahmty -of pyiterlals. - r tty AIT wort warranted ROBERT R, P&TXBRaOH'g. LIVERY AND 'SALE 4 _ WW STABLE,; irner DlaQ%o9d.street. aAd ChnTv aUtvi pr!4:tf ;- 7 ;; ■ . ■ PITEaBPaQH-, PA. : \(\ DO4. IdfiUON 'SYRUP; 1 *V ‘ 'AI m assorted do Id storeend fbr sate by 89 Wood rt, opposite the Bt. Charlt* Hotel - • >•*.%. •« V > . * &**■ 'j'-x Wl.rv , J J] i '.'t! 1 '.a? &Z'L ,*ewnS ‘- f - - JOieJph a (BUOCISBOH *o *yitfoax * l poJ J /rtORNKR MARKET BTRBjfgjAND DIAMOND, keep* coiiflt*DtiT«n tW3trftJMll‘imHmEnixf Drugs, Medt dues, Modldne‘Chests, Pegamffy.and ill srtlcles pertain ing to his business. r , compounded at aU boars, . ... . : - :jm^kair?aiTay.-{Lisnaa ..v...r.v.....cocujua Fleming Hfdi&evffj TKf UUUiHAMi jUUWHSTB, fla so* Wopfl Pitt*- W butgb/'ftii stored t>rr A*L#ne*B o&lebr»ted Tetmifgge, Utct PUlfl, *O. , , ~ JalO ■t •• ■ * *l ' - ' r Bocdssaoa to Oalira o’Gtft'iV. ] ■ - i WHOLESALE ANP 11EIAIL BEtJaaiST, anl rtlfrfer Iti Pahils, ; OHB,J!»Btu®,io..Ul.WoaJafo.■- Jamca MeUtUgetw. MONONGAUSLA PLAOTNa )y inform his friend* pad that hkUew cs iUbUehm-nt U now In iuir'bppraUott* Jlhat.l&l9 pre- Wred to fornlsb Boat Cabins, uud fill pH oriloUiiXC.Planed [Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest i Board and Plank* planed on one or both skub, dbhifcanUj ton bantl-' " r -^s-. [/Sash/HooS, irulilouXdingaPfererpAeacri^tion^taa^et^ and C&rpeatera-voalii' flodittottotf aJjftffitag® to aU t aajmqp row ttrentwltlrplfch*T StnggnltaMe-foie?cry description a&siatiU “• *■ **"'• *-* [-.- - ’ • -BerroATfc- "j;. _;.; ■ ... hriELL j 15*11 feitalsol Bra^wort tdcrimoilTcSwsam 'Koglflei,. >A3k»rtsott(m««ta»ffttantrttstttpJr?‘ ..,> ! Foundry on Rebecca street, AfUeghenjr'city. ! Office and Btor*No. la-Market etiheet} Pittsburgh. nfadCcpper taken in exchange (or work, at b? Mooted 10.-- ■•/ ;:> .; ■ 'Tebg.ly; '■ i. , r. a Grnffy . ;;:;1 PITfBSEKBIf- rouSDRY, No. 134 Wbbd 'etreet, #&■ W 3>ux& t 2tu' . KUTCUCTQIUtas Of .4* - 2- 1 CooklMStoTwi •• 1. ffUjnanaPapey flrata, * • X j Coalana WaodlStOTea, .) Halp azni Facnoy Renders, '■ j Parloy Storey Bwi-eud-Dofrlrcna,' J ' 1 ~ ‘ v ~ - - •• - itseBt . 4 xT.u /iwc'pbiisnfc jTF BKMMaBOBimW, To;*fhai.ot Iftteburgh M*n ufact area.• r l22Beeoß(l SlidftreeL i """ W* 8, Hityea. . . Z-, , T. r i rjlilBOLD PRIfmNO 1 eton A BtocktoGj »nfl Blank Book'kba S&rtogafK | to ttTexncute ofLegnt* CbauneftKi, TJansi kndStekmbOttPilfituu and Book ntri fQrrflwh «yfery aKf&kfatfceßlkpfc kbdfitntfofifin UnowAtthaafiOitaat nbdcyaoq'Ou tbaTborft r«aiwiiiM».swmf.*- *- r ':' K *V^: tßlaOfcdlook. ao& Stationery Wax‘kh(ragO«''PHbting Office pftj flfoli ftfkTfekt kCoBOPOPd fllk^CpTlti j , Police AgetoojrV ~ TLTO. W WASHINGTON fiiajaßT. corner of l&irbcra, IN • • fmiOAOO, ILUNGS. 4lUs m . .......a^annntaiv. PlnliftriOA - Orton turn vffunpi ipjch taAa*Acno:» *v- a qxsibai. i_ i OETOtEIVK POUOE MJBINRB3 r-riv». ife the fitftef ef Uliiioli, WifiooeelfirUtfibigeQ *od Indian*, rafclfrdtf r[£ late firm of JOKES’* QUXQU, b«Tia* boeo dtfflol*- i eJ by ttodasth of /oboE,tt.uigi{,on th«-2« thing!-, th» i botneaa of said bp *eul«d by the andprsigued, *t-i tbrir (••Bto*, eorticr of Ko<*a and First atraeta. 1 ISAAC JONfcS, farming Partner Vlttabargb, September M, tßst-—t<>ct2 r Is&ae Jontii MANUfACI'UBBKof Spring and BUftor Steal, Plosab Btsb steal, steel Woosh Wings; Ooarb and Eftplic n|irmps, Brass Not Taper, half patent, Screw. Mall and Hammered Iron Aiioe,— rortier ol Boca and Fust Btrusta, Pittsburgh, Pa, c»ct2ily t&&AC JOHL3 1). B. Rogem A. Co.« ANtJPAOTURERS of IWG K RJT pnt** .it improved Steal iXi. Cultivator Teeth. Office corner Uosj andiftrßtstreet. oetS-l j ROBERT 17. PATTMiriuN, PropHetor-ccraer Diamond boJ Cherry nUey. Tfae woßcrfbur t-* the Ladlesend Gentle* iOD«£j oi Pittsburgh, that be has recentl j erected-ft MW NO' '‘SUJIOOL, wbirh In point otßii-<.e‘'iunjodioasO«i!»ft- Udon, undeniably vicelfl »o> f-itmJ&r establishment IB tho L'uilol Stales lie iocataea le acceittiWn from all parts r.f t« eitjr, trhlla Its high and airy Htuail-n renders It espe cially sultoJ tc the promotion oi health, by ihle moat »stee able The Uors-** are d<» lie and w«*U trained,.no A the proprietor himself that no palm or expense *lO L«- rparsd to in»fc" tbu i-ittU J:hment the hr*t io ir.e cnqtiJrr.-'f of tb« poblle . onilEfrlf MA N U F'ACTU R K R UF CULT. BLLVKR. CRABS, BROR'/S, UXJKLNU-GLASS, PORTRAIT AND PIO; TiR FRAMES, Plain and'Ornamented* No. til Si Olatt rir*«-t. All Irtodi of CompiwUioa. Ornaments* for Btwun bead--. Ac- All kind* of Gilding M»4 He gliding, to ord.r. Uili Moyldln.a fOtV/atnetJ, whole-ialo aotv litar the Post oflics, bottreeirWoodand StnithGdli, where, he has an usaoetiPwiibof •ht.TWPß,'trfcuned with plain and uncy worsted and «Uk trimmings* and is prepared fill r-ny order in hlAiio©» PH lh© moat reasonable tsrnift. * HlfT w ork U warranted to gire satisfaction or monr y refunded. - air Old Blinds repaired. /yjy* PfeaStf : gtv& him a 1 call, as bo can’t Le beat In twb* jjiHDf-blp • ■ __ •w' • ; • A &V- '■ r> ' S y nAIi y, BY GILI.MOB?jS 4 J$ 1I(E .“POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OP FIFTH Als» WOOD^STRBETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, .OS $6,00 WHEN - PAID StiEUCTtY UTADVANOE XQIAJMI aXIXL.. BUSINESS CARDS; A»tlce« PUuburgta Hldilog School lilehard t, Unckingi IS otic*. IIIAVB sold my interest tnxb* bnslnew os Long. Miller Long, who, with John Phillips, will con tinue the old stand, No. 109 Front street. 1 cordlaflyr©> commend the new firm to the patronage of my ftiendo. • PULnLiirgb, July 28, 1&&4. I*. XI, MILLER. eIL lona _j»o. puaurs, s * S. A. Long A Co., Bell aold founders, and oas fitters, In rite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Brack -in, PendonLa,and,other fixtures Wo fit up bouses with U*a and Steam, make Erase Castings of all kinds to order, furnish Rail rc-od Pumps and Tank FUllugs, and k«*pAnlk AttrlUon Metal constantly on hand.' jJ*>l . NOTICE. DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. y n 20 Fifth street, frit corner abov* Market street, PITTSBURGH, PA., •\jrrHBRB win be foond the largest and best assorted YV stock of UOBISRY ever offered for sale In this eJfcr,- Parohasen win find U to their sdvanUge to call st this mUbUsbmthrftad examine fir themselves; it is all 1 nee# to Insure thfelrctiflfonl. ' * C. DALY, N. B.—Remember the On*** Bxockjko Corses. foblry ' ■ C. P- Conaud££'-'€ti>* Bmokti >" x TB 8 eubedibor haring tho-eSclasire yjtfht to tore and sell AIRAtfP BMORfi* OONBtJM ING J?U RNACK Li giapareij to, receive orders, aM* contract fot licatlng buliatngs with the most economicaL- Forttaco fiQ&&U5e. , he: attention Of those interrstod l&j cau.be-had of A. BRADLKYjj ' Noe. 2and d«e24:tfj * Inhi gltrßfoire Warehouse, NpOSAWood ah jAJuie i. -Joseph j. clam. Ledlle fc Uiato, (Successors to MoTYfcfiJ! * Lattft ) , r klada of WindowOlaak Flnske, Vlalg and 'WUK Warer boose corner of Market ahttWater atreeta, mhfiidly ' 1 '. n ’ - ■••••■ f< RtmoiraL IH SISKN, Mnaotectorsc «1 »»„, rarletTOf'ltelß," U. B..ttles wjJ Wlniinr Qnaa,l)lK* Porter, Wln« ini Olarwl Bottles; Ilemljatjua KidCarboya; Rllo. Vlfnt in ever; Variflty. First street,.P»tsT?orgti,Pa« . : ■ ' i. w. ciiatfwif•** j ‘ T vEALKn IN RfiNTOOKr LBA* SOBAOCO, JUflfc I 7 ASP PAPKB,HOv barijb.Pa. •■ ’■ 4&~Th* blgbeM urnrket prica, Id jrsti So r> rags. •_ ' ,*pgfci*y Atmll, Ln * Co., *. WHOLESALE Q!UX}KR9, Srodoco «nil CpiUiilffiloq Merchant!, and: Dealer*ln Pittsburgh Mafitfthohftes>, No. 8 Wood sLrcet, between Wntiir and frifput '6Utyett£Pl£ta;' lmrgb. t '/ _ t , ‘ J Dtasolutlon/of 00-Partnerablp. fP&B 00 existing bstneOT 1 X JOSHUA RHOOEB‘*«m TEOt|P EEpUSft,.Jputhtk Wholesale Fruit and Cok^dlbtijHr'.Business,,!* dissolved by motbaPeonßcnt. 'TKfI-Lttainepj be settled Up bf Toehtia Rhodes, \fb'o Is author’ied IQ'Xcj cdptfor all debts dbffßald' fifni. JOSHUA UHODKfI* - .• March 87tb,i86Bi r _ _ - PUJUP JUSYMBK.. parxnkbsuip- rotiOh. " Qg- The .tuidQisigned-hsve thle "Parttier l ' flhlPt ucjecttie nsma, firm Mai Ilyte nFItRYMIft 4 AN DERSON, (ft the trausscUaji nf the WtieTeeiiir PrUit'hcil ■Oonfatlonary bautnett, No.OT Wood rtwet ‘ " tmHP BBVMEtf, 800T 1 , J : AHtffl!fUsWV« i'-' *i" J 'C«fs> ?*4S£* i' ii-i&r* -* WSINEOS CARDS. ! I«L* 2TiinWU| *■ - . : fct oe’6obr *to %. l/ee.) lirOOt DKALES AfiD. Ot>Mfitf&slON MERCHANT, |J Liberty street, flttflburgb. Pa.. * Rffrrrnc£—'W. ■’irxJlmtook A Kramer A Hahm; A ® irtpatrfekr','THefil air A Co. hss 24. 18f&—{m ySLSrh*) W K would-lnjdtp4hfcatt*ottpa.-oLoor friends and I fi the pubfiß- fo « splendid assortment of HATS and «S%(!APBi. -opening' f6r thtrflutQtncr 'trade. whichfox beoutyof .style, excasda an jibing.* rar D j. ferad In tbb dtjr.’br ireaf of the mountains e»- Or!I and examine foryohfselvts. ■ . . J. WILSON A SON, apO : * 7 &lWoodfltreqtt ... BiuolaHoniof co.Partn»r«blp. OP UyaNQByON I :ROQ I GEN A Propria of the PITTSinmaH NOYBLTt WORKS, nu dlssatoadby’th* dcslhOfMr'. Jo'svJ. Hosoiß, on the llto of AlttTCtrtortw,>• - • " Tfiehueluese ot the NQVEhIX.WORKSwtU bo continued tn^lVirahrfttTcb^'by‘liw'surviving, partners, uudar the oiaAaWJ«t^dM i IYI«aSTON, ; COPELANO A 00., who will db*Ute fif*. - - ;h. Re LIVINGSTON, . '7 "* CALVIN ADAM#. - ‘ J7R."MOORHEAD, a8&& j W; R COPELAND. . ...OOBSHJCS tifCLOSkjT. Jobm il’OlosAfy A Oo.t WHOLESALE AND AKTAU*. CLOTHING MBA 'CfUNTfc, NO.BS WoM street, Pitteburgb^Pa. Tbe subscribers rospectfully Inform their cTJ customers uiA.ttto piGAid lft:gener&l t thft * tbls day assoela -tVd themselves in thq aboye business,. under the firm of ; JOHN- BTCLOSKBY A CO. They respectfully aoliciia share o! public patronage. H Tb l e previous bastasssof-baab vsSU be settled by them serves respectively. ..■ -'■' -. . fabO J&I’LAUOQLIN, No. 95 fourth street, nearly opposite , the Mayor's offlcS, fsmanafasturinß fifst Boots, Lptr bntton«d; Coo grew and Hatton, ed Gaitew,.Ladles’ Boots, jllaU Boote, Jenny Linds, Slip pers, afid jftebbtrLflAhlng Qaltera, oT every oolor and shade; tuncyKhtaafd Sfitliftfalten, uTthstxsr materials; Mifses and-GhlidrroVfim, of WBITTWWp 7 , - r • Soldier** Houaty Ltndi and CimliUs agd<dorernmeiit. TI7ILL procure Bounty Laud WarrantsiQrfiuhllers* their I'Wldoirsa'tiil Children, apd.aftozui io bustnessln (Sst! Ccurtcf Cluimfi, J?, tebeotiy r eatabUsbed by Ocmgress. Office H&ThirxiStirfet; Ohddodr above SmULQeid st. Mami 19 laiHnbiß)., . CHAALBB NAYLOR. Haw flood Store* -fAWES WALD BOP Offaw c>r sale CANAAY BXKDB of iJ Ahbvnnst Unprored breed, being Very Lardy, and fine Singeje. ■Oqpsyy>Utfap,MUlct. Bpp*bnd mix ed Bead. 7'Bouqacts yrtUbefarnlshelcomposedof the finest PLOWEttB? nt % . Camellia,' Rose Bods, Hellotrogea, Ae. Evergreens (In pots) for Christmas Trees, from the need and HorG?uUurnl £Jtoj9 > Ne- 49 PUlhsA, osar Wood. dec3) . * issusdia* nrvUH, undersigned oontlouos to obtain Bounty Land War i rant*. ' The present bill gives to all who have served in -any war Since HVO/IpO acres. , Sezmamoderate* 7 Ltmr OOCKHHOOT, 37 Diamond alley, I i-y ... ■ between Wood et. and Diamond. %ab\V-- **T' ; 7 r- - Cl IKTV TUAKfi ACBESOP LAND.vrith JSC acres of Coal 1 attached, and all the. improvements thereon la aucceu '-fuf ope fallen. Bald Form ps sitoaied on the M above Pittsburgh, and Is supplied \ri?b a Pann.ilom*,B*ni» XanantUdusax, Orchard, Ballnnd, and ?ap ezrellent harbor^ The veln of Ooal lB five feyt thick,and cannot be surpass ed to qaailtr. - For further partlcnlars apply to . NICHOLBQJf A PAYNE, jeiatf No. 256 Liberty gtreet BIHUUTION AQUA ■* FOR INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, Anil Agency for thd'Purch&fle and Bade of Patent Rights and Patonted Articles. -AIOSE3 F. fiATO.V Ag*nt* ATo. Co f&urth-itre/i, PilUbtiTQfk. THE subscribers hare long beua acqoaioLml with Mr. JSIO3E& F..KAION, and have- oo hositaUon 111 of iu doairy, In nhOsa atenlbfis Vvofyjrwimace tan be pfcced. Nefiilo B.HPndjv-: :\s. W.'BohltUfinVJr., W. H Donnr. John Graham, ’ James Wood, H. Childs A Co, P Tl Pri«*D juat opened an INTELLIGENCE X OFFICE, at No llu Liberty street, to the well fcnown ottice of Juhu 1 bOinpßdi, PDip Agent; nuJ >u. lie ba.* l-t-rn Exploring Agent for Cbo \ r>x*n< Uible cc-:l«;t) ui PIILI burgh fur rearly two years, he ttstler< himself that bis WnowL-dkte uf lb* clly and Ua ciluan* «i*e* him 4r*»t ta-**li tLs In furnishing boosefierfers alth fieil*. and aJ»,. iu 6ud toK placss for boya,Kiris and all otberi fieetio/ employ meal. The p»treoag**of lbe public In nolioitt'd. Terms easy, and tfVefy ettort used lo gira general satisfaction. j«l ltf ' GABRIEL lid UK A. jniiillteo & Co. HAVE-ON HAND, at tb ir OAIUNBT and cflAnrmanufactory, no. t.i ctreet. a lar;e asnoruaent of Fslk*f bod Pfalo'Purultarc, wbicb they will toll U> p-r ibmt. below customary raUn, .-Terms—CßSb only. decTf ly W m. hi fitsvenson eonitnues to mauofa:- \dA. lure CABINET WARE of evt*rr (hißcrlpUon, at fiia Wyinl I stand, corner of Liberty atrd Berentb streets. : f 1 *. CNDUiUiAUING attended to, to at) its br&ucbcs. mj U. .. r . ! , ‘-J £ ; .. -dharlu Durneit, TTOBSB SHGHH AND ULACITSMTTII, has eracted a --~*~'l new and commodious Brick filwp ou Cherry alley, between Third and Fourth Streets, where he la prepared to TO all work to bis line uitfi the utoiort prompliUlda. • Having had look eiperiifncfflh tbebu«lnets, he rcapcctfnlly •solicit* '.he patronage of hlk Plfl CUSlotnera and the public grperaHy. •'•*•• jytll GKANjP PIANO. MADE BY NUNN 3 it CLARK, HEW XORK. rpUB PffBJLiO Pf EUahuivh uui AUegijt«nj.:i3iresrK«t- J. fnllw b\ tne Kdirti «iiflWx« i prill* Hubdcribere, No. W I'iSTO ST., 4ridg§gS|wjaSHs|| iaamlop a superb !/0 Hn H Grand Pltno, prloe 91000.1/ “ » U « llie Factory of NUffNli A OLAEK, N«« York!: This elpgant Instrument le auUe la ih* .** iiLIZAiIETiIIAN theornaments,'front pieces and legs being olabo ' ratelf carved out of BuLID liOS&WuOl). It la full seven of the largest dimensions, and, ip politf of volume, poster, and liquid »weetnese of lone, la pronounced alto gether unsurpassable. - tTbe «ab«rrlberd will Le happy to receive the vUdta of {hrlr friend* and the public In general, and shop tbeiu through their elegant new establishment IL KLKBRIi A imo , Sign OT the (JldrQ Harp, No. 63 Fl£Ul etn-wh Spring Block'Of Hamburg JPl&xaos. -CfIAKUOTTE ULIiME, tfo. 1U Wood Pittsburgh, sole Agent, VllM*a®OT The Hamburg Planes are undoubtedly (f 7 6 f" superior iff ill others, both In elasticity of teach and superiority of Umc • - They Baven'ot Qnly.t&celved (be highest-marka of appro bation tfcst European Pianists, each as ~s ■«- itST, pJWBBQ. Andothfert/yfnn'Wve'meia conatantiyin theteewu use, OLfT rfeeHent Tba following is an extract frcaraTetHr i>f PBOffBSSOR HENS'? BOHBOCtt. 1 describing thn. particular style two of tsbicb ha j ffigtiyw for big, own. wga-ono Qrand and one Pqaxr©—he * iblloganf their excellent qualities: ilt(fe^ daughter, who pieye Tory ttoU, mast, with * hire q good laitrpp«nt, and yonrsjare the only ] S>pes wMfch pro igtlsty ine. \ v&l* I nstrttnetitifWtf ottered moon the most ueoataodaUng \ jxfctma. 1, however, dongt Uhfc them*. thay have not the touch and the .years.. . “ 1 remAb, ipac^'raßpecdfblly, ' RqdboßH* PUtebargb, W For eaiainr’GHilßliOllß'BEUUE, at ttte “Old Jtetatx f Ufibeß Piano-Depot, l4 f?ocs3 fftr6it l ‘2'l door above Fifth. * AlflorealeAffeni fbr 1 Pf ttsoArgh anil western Pennsylvania t WHaUtly Davit <£ Oo.'t i&Stort Pidi\Dt. firhicb in the East - are to ejthor ChlcXeTing’s or '-NtfU&s 6 dart’s ,otft"W hi eh fact u hot extensively known, f< afthwy have butlntel j*been_in(£nduc«h ittre ;> nod other £ mnb&,'of tWbeef makers, at « ss«9 frorif $226 xo $BOO. - - • • * - .nxbie • i " ‘ rA Notlcc to ,W4j4iiro;JH,Jllty .Concern. , rnHB rUBUC arfiUtQ ~&-yi«K9 of iis&b JSstiio at Ko- srtf now .Xfae SoxbUap Season has fcfljtflwfaeod: "~STery elUgen. wafflftbe present Spring, find consUaiemplQjniHnt; and in -frfetr days a hundred familipa mojb vjQ be required to car* •? "#fbn the wmtot- tlwpWjfciit seortiL. •*:/. ’* ■ '-ThVCbr Buildind>E(tc&lu}iintnl tajiog ahdtHli be in full'dptfrirtloh In Juhh,,"EeTeralCarB will bo II dell vary tbe Iflf hf July, 1865. r< i* Jjrffij'ax threw new churches, in ItjScneater, will be con ' ; tracied for immodl&tsly»and umnerousothprlmproyetnauU commenced, rnjiitlflffajffrhh’t amount of mechanical ■- '•dwTother labor independent Of EatablUhnifllit, whlebHrlll prooably employ-Abmohe to ttfo hundred.' A prominent brfcfcms&er frt»i9Pitta!?ui£& Uft* Just plir chased nine forthwith GOO.OOObrlrffS Tw# gangs of bands comment* worfctba present weefe, begldefi u» Other yards heretofore ; • established in the neighborhood. " ‘ 0u? Stone Quarries are already allre with workmen, and I : ,thb XPftd lealloß U> them lined with teams. j XifinbeT ie becoming abundant and eheagj and tenements ’ ndt aoon spring up to relieve-*omb of our houses, which ; now hare & fatuities, 4 (argljtea,, and doiens of each --- V l ’ "' : •Aay'who d d not buy cheppjol? at the four pubUotsates -last Reason, or the four public Sales the preeeptsptlng, can mrtterfber in K^heßtef; twoyfeftTflr • ■; <. * ij; PtP—A fewlota can .yisizha Did' fl&O e&bk; (f ’*|lpU« fot bsft*Bftlo 2totllay. »“'*« Urge u 4O/rar:bf lM, ; «n,d to'plta Ja the centre of the bppaßg&of liO(4flster»£*l6VHi* bwbtf* (XoliSO bj»l!dteg > qrchanif Ac* or 9, -prtb, can be fepoghtlh rough the subscriber at great bargains, and there raraued two such barpofns withlntahnndrwi mllea. Q. ' myfl .-•■u ;:<)•' >» x ~ * iWinoVitfr., u,. k-sj, ,* • ••' jCVCOTHBERT A BON Geuaral Affeooy OSleiPtb T7RIKI'BLaRKET 81., Dear Third. «mrt FOB BARS— Two Lots of 6U feel by 140 each, Id Rant Pittsburgh, at the lowest prices. loquire of ngl THOMAS WOODS, 76 Tourth itreet. , e .*■ »; * - 1 •" j ** ’ , ■, ■> V ■-\:‘v-Vtl^sS'*s :■• .' ;• J,- ;,t 2if ig,Z ! FXTTSBUJiGH, TUESDAY 7 WTEMBER"-1855, Hats and C*p*« Boot* and 8bo«> ■Work* for Bale. t jT' »-3. ? *s»%. . ■' ’ /v f. ■ jr.- MISCELLANEOUS. DR. IiEJ’DERSON, »•'.• OCULIST AND AU^ISTi BiAtt ALL pIfIEASXa Of tat £ll AWt> BAB VlfßOtfT TOY? ISO, LUOHISU, DUSTEJUNO. OB TBK 1)81 Of CALOMEL.. ■ ..4 OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, OQIL GRAND HT-, MKW YORK. Hours from-9 A. M' to IF. tt. * * ROUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Xn&ammatlon, Icutwor Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis.and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or VYatenr Ryea, are among the diseases of the >yd which' are treated by Dr. li. with perfect satisfaction.. All diseases of the Ear treated open eotcßtlflo principles. Artificial Eyes inserted vitbodt an opejraiioq.t; •/ All letters post-paid 'will Seetfre. srtoapt tfUeutfiml: We select tfii following references from Among tbb thou sands of cases which hare been successfully treats by. Dr Benddzcon t ffa. J. Fryer, S2S-8 Broadway, Albany, Tf, ?. •Alfred South wick. Printer, . « fJ. Goodspoed, Glens Falls, N. Y. ; *Wo. 37. Smith, Detroit, Mich. 1 ' *M«. A. fil. L. Wilson. Sew York City, N. V. ■ tMlss Mary Bellows, N. B. Station, Duchess co,, N. y. . talward G. Solgor, Bristol, Conk. •John Beaman, Engineer. N. Y. - Darld little, Engineer, K. V. Win. F. B; Giles, office Courier and Bnq., N- Y. tJ tones W. Kirby, Brootlytf, LI I. Jarvis Rodgers, " “ A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Bt Nicholas Bets!. R. M. Ferries, Organ Builder, Houston St. : R. B. Doolittle,-ftLth,- Hudson, N. Y. ‘ “ Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. Y. R. L. Robs, Albany, N.Y. , ;r - A. Dillenbaeh, Bch«nacUdy,jK. F. .^ Oapt B. U- Harlland, Athens, N* John W. Hackett, Binghrmptoa, N.Y. •These patients werebllmLaniihodtobeled to Iheofilce. At the expiration of two weeks they could go about the d ty at pleasure. •These «***« of Amaurosis were restored to sight after they were given up m Incurable by the faculty, and oau be referred to by any person jrho wishes to leamjhe-facu in these cases, by writing to them. . . janf» Pittsburgh Dollar Saving* lnadltUio n, No. 68 Fourth street, BBXT DOOE TO Tffß PWTBB.OitOII BA2fS ; 18 NOW*OPEN daily from! to 2 b i 'c!oclt; y ot^,.t»n ■Wed nesday and Bainrday from Tti'tf ©Vslofik. Deposits reoeivod of all sums not Isas than One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared trioe a JPMV in Jane and December. The Trustees, far tfcep0 f 60U flimß COMPANY effect* Fire Baililiugs, £ Goods, Parnl tore, le. Marine Insurance on Teasels, Cargo andrrelght. Inland Insurance as Go6d*> by Rivers, Caoal9» Railroad*, and land Carriage, gonvrailj, Also, Insurance upon Uvea, upon the toon favorable term*. Uon. Thomas B Florence, James B. Neoil. George U. Armstrong, ChorUw I)lng«e. Ed. P. Middleton, K. R. Helm bold, George IteJmboldL, Fred O. Brewster, Thom** Wouderfield, Isaac Leech THOMAS B. FLORENCE, PreehUiit Kt»woad R. HxuiooLn, Secretary PITTSBURGH RKPSKBSOftS.' Hon. T. M. Howe, Hon. J R. M’CllotccS, Hod. P. a Shannon, Col. 8. W Blued, Hon. J. U. Guthrie, A. B. H'Cahnont. Esq , Tbotaa.i J. Keenan, Esq, Wilson M’Caudlesn, Esq. Cel. J. He on Poster, Uon. J K Morehea-i. U M. Riddle, TUe character of the above Company b of the first class, and corabiuea the rare and unusual privileges oi fire, Ma rine aDd Idle Insurance. Gentlemen of elevated standing are associated In fl management, and Interested a» Block holders. TU.OMAB J. HUNTER, Agent, jVI? St- Charles Building, No. IPB Third el ARTHURS PATENT Self-sealing Cans If] I Far Preserving Fresh Fruit 3, |pj H jjg Tomatoes, sc., Hjjjfj II nr nsnuErrcAL sealing. m.IH.IIIIIIIIII^ riMIBSE CANS, which are sealed by the Housekevpex 1 without the old or a tinner, ami opened easily vriihoot Injury u> the coo, are rapidly coming Into vrebonll u»'. Full direction* tor putting.up Iralt accompany Lhboans; and the work b so easily performed,that by their hat every . family may have frt*h Fruit and Tomatoes on their table all winter, at summer price*. PRICES^-Pint Cana, i 2; Quart, |iW; Half Gallon, ■ $3.00; Three Quart*, $1,25; Gallon, si> per doteU, Tln different rises nest. In order to secure economy in tronr portalloo. ARTHUR’S CAN, which 1* closed with a lid covering the whole top, bo that when open It mar be cleansed, like any olh«r vwwel, ha* been Billy approved by the Fanners' Club of the American Institute, New York. Jt'took a first ciaas diploma over ell other self sealing cansat the late Pair In Clndaniti. and was awarded a medal at the Me.hauW Fair held this spring at the Smithsonian Institute, Wash ington Oily, 1). 0. It is claimed to be the boat Can Id the market. All orders accompanied by the cash will be promptly for warded. For Bale, wholesale and retail, at the China and Queen*- ware Store 0/ HENRY lUGUY, . , ®ug4 1W Wood ftreet, Pittsburgh- . Bargain* In Watches, clock* A jejr«l»y ROBERTS A BROTHER ARK now selling their large and carefully mI«- ted stock of Fine Watch*«, Clock*, atyirlcft Gold ffipMßl Jewelry at greatly reduced prices, to make room ClS&SSwfor ea entire now stock, which will be received di rect from tko Eastern manufactories in a few weeks, fur the Fail trade. Purchasers desiring to bay good goods at low prices, should call immediately and examine our stock, as we are determined to close it oat without regard to cost or former prices. Don't forget the place. ROBERTS A BROTHER; 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired In the Vest m*uo«r, and warranted. ’jy^lily CITY HOTEL. ( LATI aaowa’s,) Coraor of Smltbllald *ttd Third *lc«et*» JOHN F. GLASS, Pkoprietoiv THIS Urge and commodious Hohee having undergone thorough repair and furnished with hew equips) *htd throughout, Is now open for the reception of the traveling public. CoAXats MQtumATi. • >1 L,AN*> WARRANTS WANTED— «U, 80. 160 ACRB WARRANTS, by, ACBTIfI LOOMIS, li-lt Dealer to Warrant*. Stocks, Ac., M Vbnrth « 00-P«rtn«rßliip. WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, -00 the ‘Jd day of July, JOS. IL HUGHES, In. th« Wall Pap«r hustnoaa, ufldar'tfib name of ~, jyO W. FOR SALE VERY CHEAE^ A BUILDING LOT JH ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feot.by A 100. A good bargtffi can he hod by applying Koon at the office of the MORNING POST. ’ lytftl AQOOD BUILDING LOT, M-foetfoont on Oaf son street by 100 foot in depth, in Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. F. GU^MORE, jyjg at office of the Morning Poet, SEMI ANNUAL DIYIDEND, 8 PER CENT,, JULY X, iSTNA IRStRANCEI COMPANY* OP HARTFORD, COflN. Chartered 18TD. , PAID UP. •’ Cash Austi, July X* lsss»j>u.SSsB,fi3o 83. CIONTINUE to make'lnsurance on all .joacription* of / property at equitable rates. THf* Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing for 8b years* And is unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality bJ. Any other similar Institution In the United States. Semi annual statement of the condition of this Com pany c-fl’ file* •in thlyofflce, tbr the examination of the public. - H. B. TBN KYCU, AgtmL Office, North-west cortnsr Fifth and‘Wood streots, Fitts burgh. ■ ~ •' 7 Jyg*" tt, a. Lemoß A Ce. , i Way Lino, BETWEEN VITTHBUBGH AND COLUMBIA - XBHoDdereignedhayiog'pnrolmded oj fi LeeokA &>.’* ti&nal Stock, B§oß»sMiK23H*r* praparcato do & WAY BUBlNl&SS-between thU place srido6latnblft. ! ' All 'buiJneES entrusted to pnr-aarft-wlll 4» promptly -attended at the Warehouse formerly .occupied hy D M Canal Basin. ' • LU)YD 4 LKUON,., JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT TSIS WARM WBA- TheMagazluee for August: Bdonslnu for^August; ' - '’Biallou'B do do, >. New YorMimnial ' do Dlokene* QoSehold Words for'Angost; The Heiress Of Houghton, or the Mother's Secret-*, - -Uary Lvmdbn, or Rerelatlonfl of a Life; >. Peggy Woffltigton^' ' - • For ail the navr Booksor MagailtiES, caD or RfltiQ tdlhe cheap Bookstore of A 00^ . JyJIO Fifth at., opposite the Theatre. COAL FLAT —Lying at the foot of Litarty street, Monon gabela river, rot sale by jy«» J. W. BUTLER A 00. O Aliloif—No. 1 laike Superior "gtlxnon rot S« by p Je»a .HKJBI Q. OOLLLNB. ■J'.r *rf s'' . * *• • • •■ , * r * p.,*. • •• "^v£S& * ■ A + ■ DIRECTORS. PITTS&UB.QU, PA* Lot fbr 6ai«* s . ■ :2i2i5i3r«33‘^ J! 3S £ j* i SUMMER RESORTS. *. £gBBX*COOff?'T WAB3S OPBIUGB. T'lIK abor* celebrated WATBKINQJ k“>psu i-'-L forwMtore-dirahd oftor’fcbe VlFTti CF thay.aredßlightfnUy lacattedan Bharman‘s Greek, fourteen ffitleanorih-weat of Duncannoa, (this plac« being "Wop ynileiwestcf llapriaburg, ©U the Centra! Ttaittoadjol the base of PUgah Mountain, which reaches an election of inore than tivwhandral feet. Sbertnan*B Qreek affords a splendid opportunity for these fond nf bathings fishing -ot sailing: Che surrounding foreato offer great aliraettona in the sportsman; and four imoofch wh i ahaffy roails Through a country uQuurpaaifHl fop hohl and magnificent scenery, will dfvarsli'y-tbft aaroseiflßnUnsT the place. UOHiiISIJ, BADDLIfB sol OABWAQKS can be had at all limes. ‘tforßtfe taken to Uverj oo reasonable terms. Of the 51E DIGIN Ab M U ALITIB3 of the SPRINGS too much can hunlly be sold.. Thoir waters have been analyzed by the beat'Chemietff lotto Onion, and are prononneed uo: surpaaecd./br ou4og . cutaneous diseases and affections of t*-e kidneys. There are some five Springs In all, every one-of which Is.of jlifforent-temperataro—the largest being tss degreae Fahrenheit, opd throwing oat 93 gallons every estsn miatJtua. Ladles*'and (frntfctndu’s BATHS have been constructed, with all the modern .Improvements, to gather with PtTJBTGE BATUS, Ac., Ac Each dpy *» Coach leaves Duncannoa for ths Springs, after* the aflriral of the cars. _ Howling Alleys illlHard dooms, and various other facul ties for amosemaOU in abundance. The . accommodations wkl be the last, fcndlbe charges low. Tirmb.—Kiglit dollars -per week, or one dollar aad fifty cebts per day.! ..Families wishing to engage rooms, should address the ! proprietor early. Every attention wfl! be paid to visitors, tbe proprietor hating engaged the best of servants. Musie- always in at , tetnlAn'oe. All cominanlcAtiODfl Intended to reach tbe Perry County ! Warm fipring-i should be addressed to Dun«tannon P. 0. They will be Immediately lorworded. my3l:tf 1L IL ETTER, 1 Proprietor Warm Springa Sl'BiaKK UKTHEAT XEYSTONH UOTBU IfocrtsaoosCo.. P*i»r»i., bne hun dred and Uitrtj/’iuyn mties Emt of PiU&urgb* and only tialiourt ride: residence and place of public jeeort la located ou the beaks of ibe M Blue Juniata*” at the confluence of Spruce Creek. Its clear spring, trout bub tanning waters, here discharges itself, and mingles its in'uimurs io concert, as the/ rush down the gorged of the filonn tains. The Ter; central position of this Hotel jnakea Itft desira ble- place of sojourn for a few week# or days, for men bumotna and their families—Jaded and enervated with the? ttfrmoil, bustle and heat of the city. It U situated, on the PeuDSyiTania Central Railroad, where the great turnpike from the Buaquehaaoa and other roads concentrate—: making easy egress and Ingress, several times a day, by the..cars and stages, to Altoona, Tyrone, Huntingdon and the Mountain*.' Tho Haase Isa new brick one/fbnr stories and roOmy f newly papered, painted and furnished from basement to uttlc, with all the modern improvements and appliances of Cold Baths. Ac. It is OUO finely ventilated. There are superb flew* of every department of the Moun tain HctmoryT— th» “glorious mountains,*’ the 44 eternal bills. ’* Telegraph Office la in the House, always ready Jot work—and thuproprietor ready to receive visitor* at mode* raio charges. 1L F. HABLETT, Proprietor. •• acvEarvcxs nt rirrsßoaoa William Carr 4 Co., 329 Liberty street. John U. Bhoenbergar. John Anderson. William 8. Campbell, St. Charles Hotel. | jyU RHODES* FEVER AND AGUE CUBE; TTOS the tion and Cure of iHmktrrtsr'ahd Hi f toran Fima, Fives and Aoui, CiQjHA DExb Aura, Geuhai. Duuutx, Nioht gir*m,and all othe* forms of origin ffi BaJafux or Uiataia.' This is a NATO BA L ANTIDOTE, which wtiD entirely protect any resident or traveler,ovon in or swaffipyto«dlt>ej» l 'ft*om any Jgtfd-ur Bilious disease what; eicfp or any Injury from constantly lahaflUg Malaria or Miasma. It will tart&ntly check theAgne-ln persons who have saf fared for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, sQ that they neod never hare another chilL, by eontinmogltr,. use according indirections. The patiani at once begin* to 1 recover appetite aW strength, and continues until a perma nent and- radical Cure U effected.' One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cases; rotae tafcy require more Directions printed In German, French and bnanlah, each bottle. Frlpe One Dollar Liberal Jl.scuunta made to tbo trade. JAMES A RHODES, Provld-ore, K. T. HVIDENOE OF SAFETY “ I have raadr a chemical r-\%aiinatioo of *• Uhodee* Fever ami A« ue Cure," C*f ** Antiilute to Malaria,” and hare tested ]i f-r Arsen*-', Mercury, Quinine ami Strychnine, but bare found a parthle of either iu it, nor hovel found udj substance iu ita cOmpo*Uk>u that would prove injurious to the fOwrtitqtloD. JAMES It CUILTGN, M. D., Chemist EVIDENCE OF MERIT. Lrw«nicr.o, L'olon County, Pa., May 2. 1565. Hr J. .4. Rhodsy— Dear Sir. The hoi of medicine you fieut mewasduly received c.o the lUh of April. 1 bate eoid xhout uoc-half of It, und so tar tbo people who boro uf«l it are satisfied that It bu< cored them. U has certain ly stopped the Ague to every oo> who lias n«e«1 IQ end six of the c4.*.m were ot lor,; My sister, who has had It for five or sis years ba.fc. And could never get It stopped, eici-pl t Q‘ Quinine, aui that coty pa lung us the would U*ce it, le i o.v, I tbiulr, entirely cured by M*ur reiu Ifkga.-’- Xavier Greib - do ;c . . i.bax. _ A* Ht*** -, ' do' * ' *' 1 trtiiifc 0. Ueioold -d ty-. . j. HuU ...Butler, Fa 1 pkga. J.O. Hartz...~....~ - : A. Hew; .. .. do. . .% torcls. , i. A. 0. Johnson £«?• 1 J. Kluxer.. .../../Pittsburgh I box. M. Kahlme~. v . do 1 .-Ipkgo, p. Kflhe .1 do 1 pkgo. D. Klnzer .V' do * t tdrgu; W.G. Lipscomb.......—do > Inox- C. Linderaan ....... do 1 Pago- D. Ijflne Pa...~/L pkge. J. 0. "Mosher - Pittsburgh. ~1 box. . £). fio 1 bucket: W. H. Middangh«« do 10?**$. E>t. Mathews,-care SLO. Gray- do 1 box. 0.3. McFoddno-.,.- -.... do . ; Ipkg* J. B. McDonald..... do . 1 pkge- Mi/a M. Nel£on...~* -Birmingham......* pkge. 8. Nicholson .... Pittßbargh„,...~4. box. H. 4 do ' 1 chest J. 8, Perry, care-P. Morris...... do J pkga. • Miss J. Pftfldall...;. do 1 pkge. , Rhodes 4 .Nelson—do -1 page: O. Beiser r , . do J. Bolnr .......,.*r ....... do 1 pkge. J. Beils - do Lpkgn. aßlnshsU*”* .'...! do i.pkge. P. Both i..~. do I chge. Mary Rhodes.— ..Ernokiin, Pa .1 box. A. granger - .Pittsburgh...- v ...l pkge. J. Spencer do *1 hox>- J. Schuster do 1 pkge. . \ J. P.Smith. ../Piunklln, Pu-.:..a pkge: 3. Bmhh ...... .... ,~4 box-.: «e. A. Schwanke.'.;... //Allegheny. .1 pige. TtonjhA flerj.... _.-..>...»lfiwwocevmfi!..-Tpkgu. - W. A- Torrey.... pkge. Johnson :WlUiaraa^.—.-.<.-/.;Fftte6urgh.../.'....1 pkge;' - KlUfl WoB„.™ w - 4o : lpfcgfr. .. J.- H. ’ do .1 y W. 0. Walh^.— i .i>../..bj.. do : - ‘Tpkgtf ** ‘ Mrs. R. William# —Birmingham 1 pkge. 8 Mta. 8. Williams—.—...—Pittsburgh 1 pkga. P. Bloomer—- dp i d DS£ " E. Burnett./.—/..—'./..'—.. do . 1 box. W. tL Derry..— do lfcdla. Prank Mayer, care W. Kuhn. do 1 pkga. .H. H. RUspy/ 1 do 1 box. 1 X Btootg.„«._ do . Ijikge.- , 0. Thompson--.... do 1 pkge^ B. Gillespie. do ) pkge. J. 11. Martin do t pkga. .0. PeznbrJiSge do {{SS'bw: A. 11. Begiatsr- do 1 trunk,' General Tom Thumb do 1 pkge. M. Watson New Castle, Pa.-l pkge. Watson A Stanton - do I pkge. J. Watts Latrobe -I box. W. U. DARBOLI, Agent of the Adams Express Co. Pittabtirrh. 3T. 1855 New Yoso. June 11, IRSA 1 MPLB TESTS, both by able rind ChrmV Pi. cal Analysis, have demonstrated, the great value of PROP. DB GRATH’S beautirtllfiomblnatloh, caßed “ELEC TRIC OIW* for th» relief and cure of Pain. Bat the people ibenuelree are rendering thMr verdict In a manner both anmifltakeable and satisfactory. More than 120,000 bottle# hare be-n sold in a very abort time—a great proportion to tnoaa who heard oUien recotnmend it, who had tried ii. That it u a splendid discovery ia everywhere acknowledged, and nothlog Uke It Was ever i efpre prepared. Why, for Cbrnr alone, It is worth.sloO,oOO a year to the people, oa it alw )ii cores these painful tormentors fa tvoenty-fovr hours. Bat what is it not worth to iho people if it cure# Salt Rheoux, Erysipelas, Canker{ Ulcers, Sores of all kinds, (fre quently taking away all the pain in twenty-four hours,} Rbenmadsm, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis, Piles, Womb Complaints, Cramps, Sprains, Sore or Swelled breast, Felons, Wounds of oil Ac T Would rzprees its value to the-people ? -Vo Because a. man will give freely for relief from pain. Will this Oil relieve pain f Certainly 1 1 u'iiL Such men as we have often named, boo* orable and merchants* mayors, doctors and oihera have so paid, after from ten trials. They aay the Elatnn Oil is the finest medical combination ever pre pared, neither offensive nor Injorloug, but effectual.ln all the wbove and tnany other cases. Soma honorable and heavy business firms have, tt Is true, sold some of the old \lurpentlne, bituminous or no&l tar, Ac. Ac.) external ap- ' pllrations, until their cu»tom»ra returned bottle after bot tle, with the remark that “ the remedy was worse than tlio pain;” yet such men have never recommended nor given countenance to them. But see some of onr beat merchants ordering more every tan daya ( and always giving additional ; testimony to the vulue of this wonderful discovery. That a great many ladies are using it as a medicinal toilet article for tbemsetvea and their children, is well kuown. It cures all Irlolchej and eruptions ou tbe face and neck In so short a time, you wouhi snxroely credit it/' TtTrequently reduces & }Kiinful welling In two hoots; has dooeit (n ho f an hoar; cured many effectna»ly io viz hours. If lailtea knew the sooUung, str>heniTi&and healing virtues lu this UU, they would never be induced to use anything else for womb complainte or pains of any kind. We now insert a letter just received from Wiley, Kao., who went to Rngland tdx Weeks #lnce, (to die.) Lotvnoiv, July 12,3855. puor. Ds OiATH, Philn.—Dear 8lr: When I left home for my health, (scrofulous eruptions, 4c,) I never expeeted to return agaiu, believing that my complaint would soon. rArrv me otf. When too gave me three bottles of. your Electric oil to take with me, as merely a palliative. I did sot think 1 would bo very scon be called upon to thank you, as I uow do, par my complete restoration-. 1 cau only say, before the departure of the steamer, that you have only to come here with your Oil, to make a for tune in one year. Thera la not another similar medicine in England, If m tbo world. 1 will write by neat eteamor. Vours, most truly, HetbV Wltsr. It cannot be their imaginations, who state that old sores, that have discharged from eix months to five years; have been cured by this Oil. It cannot be untrue,nor ndecnp? tioo, where pain Is relieved In one dav, often In half an hour. No l common senes dictates no /—and COO written letters say no/ Come and see them. A regular Doctor In attendance; end Ladles can consult aLody, privately, by dropping a line to the office. Advice from a distance, mak ing Inquiries that any physician can answer, will bp promptly attended to. Always encloea a-stamp, as our s&r vtcos are freely given, and we are drawn upon too often In this way. All cases treated liberally, with or without the Oil. as 1 have two Physicians associated for this express purpose. Prof. C. DB ORATH, No. 119 South Eighth street, Pblla. V. B —The largest bottles t«o limes the cheapest. Please notify me of any ease or failure to cure io from half on hour to three weeks, as I wish to cure all, £&- For gale by PR. KEYS Ell. 140 Wood st fangSO MAN UF ACTURfiB BY CHICHBEIN 0 4 BONS, Boston,. and for flale by JOHN H. MELLOB. ' it Wood-fitrcet, between Diamond and Fourth street. Just received from thenT«' nfif Chickßttng 4 Sons, Boston,** * « « u ami.for sale meariaWy at Boston Two of their first class Seven Octayp Pianos, Louis KLY, Slej whli-carred cases. legs, lyre; music desk, Aoi 4c.j flu’-' ed back and front alike. This is considered by persona of taste to be the most beautiful pattern now made. Price $6OO each. ,_ _ _ 3 * .. «.,» Two first class Seven Octaf'e Pianos, with carved case, lyre, new style of fluted legs, the lyre and'ends of beautiful carved tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price $460 each. Three ologant Rosewood, plain double round corners, Bcvoo Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike. kpd with Ohlckering's Patent Iren Frame. Price $4OO each. Two carved Rosewood 6% octave Pianos, with new style doted legs, carved case, mailsdoak, and the osu&Vepenlngs tilled with beautifully carved tracery work; finlflhw back aod front alike. Pri •• $126 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners, octaves, finlabtd back and front alike, and withChlckurlog'B Patent Iron Frame. IMce $375 each. Seven Rosewood andDlaak Walnut Six Octave Eian©, all made na well and with the same care as their first olass Pi anos, and with Obick'xlng’s Patent Iron Frame. One of Chickerlng 4 Sons* New Bcole, foil Seven Octave Grand Pianos, of immense power, brtiflffney, and sweetness of tone, with their New Patent Action, which renders the touch so light and elastic that It cau m played on by the moet delicate hand. Price $760. v THE NRW PARLOR GRAND. PIANOS. Also, one of their new Parlor Grand Planes, an entirely new invention, and particularly adapted for Parlor use. Prico $B5O. A new lot of Piano Stools fust received. For sale'by JOHN u.JJfELLOB, 81 Wood st, » between. Diamond alley and Fourth Bole Agent 4 fiONB,fo.r Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, apg2b JNO. LITTLE. Jr-, Agent, No. 201 Liberty street. J far* V-L '* * w * MISOELTiANEORS. /r d.O ..." Jo GRB4T DISCOVERY! PIA.SOSt PIANOSI GRAND PIANOS. PIANO STOOLS* r Cfi§ Fall SfJ'ltt foi* flota. 4; PAULSON, will Introduce iha Nan Style for Bate • on SATURDAY, August 25th. tl. H. PAULSON, ?3 Wood street, i next doDrtocorn-rof Fourth: 49r,3cfl Uateand Caps of-evei? dt&cripnoni aug2S;dtw .. . . ..... . , , HPPOAyiQNAL, PKNN INSTITUTE, corner of Peon kfidJUncocßstreste, Tbft etrtolnft gofsibti «thl» Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 3d of Se^temitor. ’ TnlUon' and ‘Stationery, p«x. session of Twenty-two . Wt^ksj....v.. $22 00 PupUs may eater at anytime-, ntuf will be'eharged pro raid until the ond.of.the atwithiimudl; adeduction fylng allowed forAt^fi^ouAccount.of nro tractetf-‘kiikheBs. ;jC ’** " J'/M/SMITII, Principal, . ... ; AUgS&d2w(cbJ) ? •" V< 4 ' ir IJV ' • *UgW a. v Utfoida. . '■ .. ' Co-Partnership ISotloe. v rfftltf undersigned have this day entered Into co-partner- I ehlp, and having leased for a term of years the large OAR FACTORY recently erected st ROCHESTER, B»&vcr Oounty, Pa., are now prepared to contract for the manufac ture of RAILROAD CARS of every description. Address, “ Rochester, Beaver Oounty, Pa,” August 17, I&66,—(aagairtf} KIRK 4 RHODES. IQBBWD UFOS nr TUB PJT repo MOB PRIM osar “ <> »nob addiaonal UlMrtton.. 24 ■■ «- a sm —i r* V j l * rfcflPO tj{fBi!B«wV»««w* l *8 00 “ “ onfc 800 “ “ two 100 * nv - ‘ i •o® “ “ four mnwfhg. ~—--— —— 10 0® “ “ mi*— M *’ “ one vc*y ~;, .... M ....Tt 1® 0® OarJ, 10 0® OHAKQHABU UttlisttSMf'-" } ■* ** u OQtftiamr', pgrTrotitißi'.'Te&cltiitTwVit tom frffiyjfr. Tt> ;„ £0 QQ NR W A S D "tilß&Cf WO UTE, UnaurpaßßeJfbrS^jmea^tJtt^valleifofComfort Coiambus, Indianapolis,, Chicago, CiadonatL Bock.lsland, LoolstlUo, " ' lo*a CBty, St. Lot iB, .Baguglllc, Bubaqaa, Dayton, .• ■ -^Mro L • ftMttina, Xeula, ' HempaUi Galana, &ancsYiUe,‘~Vlekabiirgb t Paoria, ~ *- Na^-OriaanA'^Pera, and tin psiiciPAi/ crma ABDisanra, STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA RAILROAD! Which ia do* dbtipletta iif ba aloolwaTUlaand Hesm-^-O,^u. . U s .. -4- - ; pr?clEßly.i- PsEMTitftira dio&-on-board, ahd-reach Eteo prOle at 6P. M , making animmedl&te cormaetioQWfch to* EVENING HX?Sfe3B TRA!N-bf faake»4teect tfct'nbqtßjcitißA cj i l TheTEvetjiag Cfbo, composed of steamers VENTURE, fcapt. Gordon, nod CLARA FISHER, Capt Gordon, leafo' Pittsburgh «7«rj> day, at-6 Retook, P. M. Passengers Sleep-on board, and reach.gteqbenyfllo : a$ In* tune fttf the' Hail Tritin, which leaved immediately, and tUto-^hoa avoiding tight travel iy railroad. _ , 43» Pare as Cheap as by4tiybfcheVTa^»»iltotlter’ :, * 4^ UB - * N’oa/llAafitfllo '* t- PEVZNSY, Qua- Agent. , FIRST ARttCTTOf OP F A'lif I/-®;R¥;-6®©D8 S ‘’ ; At LOVE BKol&|£|l3*3x- cizJr, No. 74 XARKEHSItUi&XT ‘PITTSBURGH, -®* • aioa of BtA-iuvs. OUR DRB3S GOODS DEPARTMENTT is unusually foil, ..sml contains eotne of the richest cod •rhoat-' degrr&bSß Goods that wo have over been ahle.to offa?, such m : ; ’Exth* ratter SU&s; - ■*•*■•* -- - ' French Merinos; Cashmeres; • ' i Moos •, 2 ----r-fi 2* L-g* Together ..with a large assortment pf MO3PBNXH9COOOR ... £( oil descriptions;- - • • ' - 7 - - Our DOMESTIC and HOUBB FURNISHING JEBEABT* .. ME NT Is well surplled, and we feeVoonhiehithit we can . offer, 3xayfr‘*tey-heefr able to offer before. solicit an, examloatiQb -flijuir . ecbcs-''befow : smretmsiilg‘'elSo*heM r te’aH-irttl’flnfi'n fcf'' .jssi i;T? • iWffwUtalsbbbelmo&dftUyinreQeTptoxiißWanldesirfr' hie Qppde throughout thtteeasonio w jrOcxxa £r? ,=<.:•:< r. <’ ! s«s *2 feepQ No. 73 Market street, JSttgbdShijP***:' F™ G&BAX SUCCESS—The ney ©oveibjftie-antficr Cf; ’Hie Hidden Path ; fryftfhrTon wild r ' Icfiird edllloriprfnting., Thaextra or£l©*ry ;guccesa of rntmitig thkmzfi edition after edition,with great rapidity—rmrab* ~ ifhe greqchand Ctennao i&pgoqgpa gnnrfrrff-- : , bethaps tha'heot evidence of the originality and popular* jityof her writings. In the language ofan emiaent-crlUe/- L *' henceforth tafcey&nfc jntttaaeeeaaftu,- 7 OhelSrilDTtrt; ‘fttifefLS&r' »ofsalebj.. . „, - - , 00, = feplg -*• “' - • »• -y6.33 Smitbfleld street! IW; KW BUO4S BOOEiJ— JLi TbeHiddan Eatb, by the author of “Alone;’’ -Oils, orthsOld West Boom; Chemistry ■ofComaiOQ Lift; lowa os it Is to 1865 ;. Memoirs of Bennett sod his Times; lieir Smith Abroad; Cone Cot Comers; Doesticks’ Book; Chambers’ Journal for September; •Panorama of Life pod LiterfttureforPepicmb’ar; S. and D., by Lover; 'The Sea King, by Capt. Marryatt; New York Weeklies lor this week; Philadelphia do do Boston. do do Jost received and for sale at W. A. GILBEN'FENNEY A OO.’fl, Fifth sit opposite tha Thgatre. FRENCH MERINOS— A. A. MASON & 00. will open in .& da; or two, gome very rich and desirable shades of Prapab Merino*. . seplS 'IJiRENCH BLACKING—I have received an ax tide of r French Blacking superior to any now in use. It makßs a polish to patent leather* and without any trouble. Tbo?e wishing & first-rate arricle oT the hind* should call aod txy a pot. JOSL. FLEMING, e*p4 Comer o' Market at and Diamond, rivJlurr USE.—Rosemary, for the hair /Turkish Balm* J. for promoting the growth of the*hair; Herpetic Soap, for remoribg tan, eallowness and redness of the.skin* Pearl Powder, lioseß oasom Powder, Ac., Ac.—sold by aopB 3. L. CUTHBEBTjM Market Bt. i I'aYa COFFEE—3O basts, prime, lor tode by Q jaepS SMITH, MATH A HUNTER. Fltid— 60 bbU Lake Superior Salmon; 60 half bbla do do •' 70 do White Fish ; 61 do Trpnt; 40 do Pickerel; 80 bble No. 3 large Mackerel, new ; &Q.half do do do do lfibbla Baltimore Herring, do Foij Bale by l JylSl lIBNRY H, COLLINS. TIfHJS IIAXK COLOKLNUFMJiI) Uoes not color or stain _L theakiain the least, but In oTery case it wBl restore the Natural _color of the hair, whure agp or slokttess has turnal4t gray. A trial trill satisfy those using it of a most curios P BUOfcUl)—6 doz of fids li exceUent medicine received by • jylff JOB. FLEMING. TTKRPBTIO SOAP—For r»moTing Fan, Sslfownesa and -TL Beduesa of the Skin ; cantf per cake. Soperlor Lily Whits, orJ’can Powder; 0% and 12% eta. per - Blossom .Flesh Ponder, fjr beautifying the com* Sold by edg r APRABOLUM—A certain care for i*iles. cents per hpx. Bold at 63 MARKET BT. angtf JUST JtttQKlYfiD—OLb cheap-edition— only 75 cents. / ; OW oVHlstorlcsl fetetchEß'orWedtem.Prefhy lid early minbtew. Its perilous tlaeSr&fid tt* first records"; by Jot&pK| Smith, D. D. It U.tbe cheapest book we handled, aad lsvnow within the-reach of an . Ji'or sale, wholesale and retail, by " • J. S. c DAYISOH f 6& Market street* pßacFfcnrth. . bjsNT—A ucutlj luted-up tnticalajft!Gotisi ei<)ry,Jrct»J f of Warchcußa No. "9T "Firtt street. 'Rent low. , jaug&j J. BUTLEB. A CO. .-VCUNOMV CiijKK—-home sure On»br Urtoics, ** v«ry ohOicV' just received ana tor safe' by' euglQ „ • . JdUiLRH ft BIQKSTBQH v|A CLEVELAND tiJMMbSrONJSB—A Bupsrior arctoir. frv jnat-tefcfivedarid for sale by auga S . . . , BQWN A TETLEY, et. B'f AAIPa _AND auSWOIU cut to order, at J| short notice, by BOWN ft TETLEY, riutfl ; . , *' . 13p Wood street. IMVfI OB TEN ftIiNUTtS-' guffloes lor a Bitting (to three 1 InDuHteJat CARGO'B, 76 Fourth street. The picture may then be coiled for. open to visitors until 9}£ P. M. aOg* , ■ ■ • ;■ • ' EQGB*— 8 bbls fresh Eggs received by Railroad this day and frT eo*o"by fauffl HENRY H. CO LLINB IOHN fiiilAJj—6o bushels Corn Meal, ground this day. > by [6Ug3] E. R. BRAVO. WBIOKBB ls a perfect whU)ft. r ' grower.' To force the beard andwhiafeera to grow, use It daily) rubblng.it well into the toots of the beard. It also carls aridthicfeens the bair. Pi Ice 25 cents per bottle with full direction*. Sold at NO. 53 MARKET Bt\ * f|tOUAUA>— 7 A 20 hxs Hassell ft Roßlnsoo’d 5s nod 8a Lnmo Tohaftoo ♦ 10 do Wxa- H.. Grant's Or -do - > J' ■>>- '■ ' /’**'*'* :-j tv +* t t* t'-Vr.i .. • W 8. L. CUTHBERT, 63 Market Bt. MILLER & RICK BISON,