The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 24, 1855, Image 3

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“The" orra post.
F'BEMBB'a Pamix-The bleuuU P
the Fire Department came ° ff °“ f & tm# r
pllhdngh not eqnal to paradeß,.gl ® ““editable
occasions, was nevertheless a - ,er 7
affair. ~_-pe n D itreot,
The prooosßion was organised otyre
In the following order : three
Membere of the Ftre.pen.fl B b t >»
and twee, with red scarf.
Marshal, Geo. Fanston, on hombach .
■Next fonowed tbe y t
thirty-five men, dressed » white^Their
S SU'EA decorated, and drawn by
fomely dressed. This Company numbered forty
membors. and were dressed m black pante and
Koesnth hate, without coats *
Too Duauunt turned out with forty-five mem
bers. and worn preceded by Youog'e
Brass Band. The engine Was drawn b J horses.
Tho uniform of the Company was blaok ooata,
P “he“rfmwwx had forty men, lo nhito pants
and red Capes, drawing a hose carnage maolv
fully deoorated. Fear.horses wore attached to
the engine on which was a young man dressed
in the costume of a oavallor of the oldeu
Four boye. hedeoked with fanoy costume, acted
° B TheJV>p!«ne. Jr., a diminutive obglne, drawn
hy boys, next followed.
The Neptune was next in t»e procession. Ihi
hose carriage was drawn by forty foar “eO
- pants, and ronndabout com cosed of re,
white and bluo stripes. The engine was drawn
by six horses. The display made by this com
pany wbb exceedingly fine.
p The Niagara turned out with fifty-four men,
dressed In black pants, shirt sleeves, and Kos
suth hats. Eogine drawn by six horses.
Next cams the Good Intent, with forty men
The engloe was,drawn by six horses, with pos
tillions fancifully dressed. The miiform oi t
Company was blaok pantß and capes, with bats
of samo color. , ~
Thu Independence, with twenty-six men, fol
lowed Uniform, blaok pants and oapes.
The procession was dosed by the
from Allegheny, with fifteen men, in ordinary
° ll Many orthe boss carriages and engines were
finely decorated with flags, wreaths, _ etc, and
on several were yonog men dressed in fantastic
o °Tho > pro o ession marched through the prince
pal streets of the oily, nnd dispersed about five
1,1 nV KiW TvBA, A-ND r-3» SAU 6T
tSf~ J tiFT srcwrso, Um Onjt ftw t", ‘ 1 . Tin. .nd WBieUnf!
4 Olart’A umltilltj 1 “’’®£2§i§ga 1 FUt.tnirgh, Steubenj
choice lot Bill comprlr. , „,r i.ri iINAL. Contain J A. BaoLii, ind
0 CVIIT. *tn»re corn.w, rOManoa. JSg [J 0| | „fCgU& J“L, U Ji,>T CITY CrrpUta B. W»T, »1.l
tarings, Ac. | £?? L y PACKJfTS, OetwMt. PitL ' ba ,??'
Octarrb round corners, roar wood,Prurd, grorll. ■- j -■»
f.’ocUTA doable round, Bnhrb-l .U I DIORNAL wUI l»«
f’ t b—
j.; £ BuU^nrln^plrnd.dL.Kcn.
Th. .tr. .»U d f»rL «U ■*' NOW Vort /' '*
»Uv.t I n..r th.JPo I ( 01Hc. ““ la _ Tu«.<l»y B.ckil tor 'WKeellnßr
r'f'u'TiilTuu.YußAßLE th- Ju"gr».l n.Onurl ol yn»t 8 Marietta n PPP,! * 'Xs.rnsr CONVOY.
I t.r&«aeionßofth.Oonnt. of Altogb.ny. wmx-r* tin m» “f 1 Y p^! tn n . ci«i*.
Btreet, Berenth W.oMn th. rtty omtlrturjlt. rwpMtlnlly Xu „ JaVi „ t 4 o cluck. £ w '
”KT£;«r. «W.80.«f th.Cnltwl BUf« »od l ■* £. Q- BARNEB. Agent..
. «iußTlTat»i*; tb«t th«r are dtolroua LO JOT » K or Zane*vUl«.
tnd lo s«i» wUbln the »1J riir. timu*, •piriluou*. gu*m*r EMMA GRAHAM, C«|U«J
««! rfg.od «»«» or AH™’-* .
«£?&““ —»«• “ !sss
fpsiisjcrr: | •« ■-
ssssss S|gsfsiii| , “^:i;r:sr,-
l *r StSSE?"* p -- j i
sad begins at eight o'clock. third wb, m F M J I?AVIR. j AVaaCA bL AHAC HN APt Ti r»r ‘Pf’/ I
~„*. f<«»&«»gdg Tl . ri| .yi ST l a1J ,,,..!
I i**aLS?.£".3.*rdS;;:
-saar»S^.»-W; .FirSBSiS «B=sS3s&s=w&efa 1 -swss j— —«sarrtaß» «
OaA«D ESTSETAISMERT AT MaSOSIC H .^ Ll '.'_ for iwlalme»l. DA v IS. A ■ * ’ Fo'r tr*Ubl ot l>a«a<P *VV*7^ ! ,
SSC, .£Ss 1 h wssSb^s*«?»|
" <M “‘"Jitcli j
and testing the wisdom of 5eW. | -t3 , \ v „, .„,,,. vl'^n^”^ o .'
invited to be present. ; Thil t y DotWtn? tear ‘^ n »*bt-r twrw w» Uoipotown -••- , u vbo
mostoor. ■ h j Washbbrs, ic-.. i „ T ,„v ; ,.u ni» rm T..., .-•'■<'•■* " vv ' l h " o ,t X‘lJ' w..'<‘ n.»W «d
. * littlo boynftmed Dookf, alj f U : JL .ii.'o£ n«n. w “H to J rie<-w. rGff3 a naituUcturej la otro«“ siwam.*T k*iim lD nme u
BTOOWiCCIBMn:. on Saturday fell out cl -a.1.. « tB. .«>•« 'l'*** “ BI.AKKI.Y_I WCffKY .J^” , t J^s? , .’; i J.rr.'ry! SllJUrt ‘"Y wP-on!* ,run uPlttaM-g*
about Bine years og.- Carman G4tho i, o : _ rnonFSOS’s«H.>r- .cm.r M.r»c' >l " rt '‘ ‘ : * iv. wn fci»»n«» '* l ; il „ ,„i u„ to
the third story »»<« "« M ! »‘o! oblsbratkb
hat hU recovery U despaired of. P Y E WATER • ksnumos’ » icgun rl, Nh i 'il^'' D FP , “1- •* " J ' U ““ D ’ “' |
Amorloab Hotel, *ooident*ny « » ' > ( ■ tor th. rmn n-.- &,!t« u ‘-i ct hi. mm. 7«”™ cojrntry. J =v m ,u. .»■;•
fS OBder the wheels, one of wbteh pa , »■ '. K
mm. brnofelng hla I «^ n tondoD.CnDn., BUdarA^‘ , M oi t£« prtai-nt •- Notice. „ tu® mob- •».l» *? tb« [/*'}^. n lb« ritef futuj»br*,
Tatbst* -Among the l.tot of PEtwM g*«j£ ■ SSS r !£i V*« “ d J® Ww st 1 ; T HI te^Sfo ” a *•* «»•» " Bt «
. j MarolMr Hol«ng, (00»i I pirrr.hti*' , r« *re FurtkuUm tur® ^o l® piU/barcb. 3d. N. OUATtAE D A«W»ni Super
gas-si:areas’*; ’ ~SS. s%Hr «s»
Nbw counterfeit *2 notes on the Bank of
Oeanga.PaineaviHo, 0-, hare mado tbeir appear
«nce in thiß city. Ab part of the 6 «”“ “
dies arc evidently genuine eugravmgs the pnbho
must be on their guard, the centre »igne««
represents a male and female figure
cal of agrienltare, divided by a die with the
figure 2partially inrerted. The lower
of the note hae the figure of a young
=» v-rv well done and undoubtedly a genoiae
a . Zwe hare frequently eeen the eame figure
on genuine notes. The eignatnre °Mhe Pre*
dent, Daniel Kerr, 1b engraved ; Iho cashier, 8.
fl Osborne. Written with a pen The note pur
porta to be engraved by Hawdoo, Wnght a
Hatch. N. V.
. JAJ tB9 ; : n . h . v , . t 0 t&fc* from ta*i»!* UJl - J
_ - : *
p. I, ZnM«- ; u . Dd .: j;U^.v r iriU r .MT U ru J
! W^X’ssssrsr^.te> gx^.w.We 7“ -
sss«fe ssr®i KSs-s M ■ £iS.U=r«,; jp #
' w i Lz%™ r - - * °°-
law of 1860.
Apply to _ s
of peDO^yl™ l tb , n-rounb Tinou», rptritoouß, and
u, M H within the “‘ d A’Ti.Mure not U than »«
malt or brewed Of the Act of 14th April,
quart, ao ordlns to the P the Bale of lntt>*l
i D 1816. on lrioJ. n th( , r „ tor ,, prays your
rn'lug Liquors V neonse so to do, cn boms Bati-fW that
lloDorfl to gran.hlmJMe r ',« lllMru i l i hahita, and of good
your petitioner 1« a he has risen bond with ap-
Jeput. for h ““ M, y.“if‘be Ucr«e?«e,a.oo' d ‘”* to , t ? B
prosed security, an d pal Aw.embly hboro referred to.
sereial prorlßlons of the A t atI)KIUCK SOHAAIf.
And he will erer pray, Ac- *
cu Wednesday last.
. miterl ]
&mlly medicine
all «bo bA, ° Ui ?s^L m |j, Oo«llTanc«», » nJ » <"*■
“7 tlu , ■-«. fat the cor. of DjapepcWi They h»v« co
l S5T^
OD needed?. . Cowob 4 Cucl, No, S?
“ 1 * 0 WO ° d rtr “ li ““
generally- , Tr*~~nT[.Vii Stocking
ytcr. “dPcooßtroeto. 11. u coo.
la at fte corner or St. oi*ix Hosiery, w® ll
turning out®™ry 1 always obtain^
SSa^V 1 ® “ t 01 ““3
a» “ m^a DA %if,
Ho. *■
V. feet front oa nUl ’ nln g two acres,) w Ith a Urw«
jmP oa B*C alw 7£ l *?’if hall and ten rooms, with a
DnW f'SJh bowM, well of *»>«■ h yl rant > fr ‘
mil ottho office of
tOUZE. fc. SOI * BON. 63 Merkel H
tetftt __
~ —.4 Blu - i
wbotea " “ nd
wtall, tor e*le ty
—-nr'dSnn oil, for ad' W
G— OM ABABIO-*^oH»to«S«*y ill|STOoK * CO.
- • *
•"1 ——■« WAHON 4 CO. will open on Thursday o 'Tj
• 2lat lna£, a cholo. action *£»
-- :r '
•;. j BOKOKISQ B, on on bind • optendSd lot
- ■-t Blwo WO onoooed In wrt-io. »nd
2B3JSSi 4 «!Sa«—»■
1;::::gE?TKSlBER -*
y p, Marshall a go
jHBOM* YKI, LOW-1,000 lb« <
r' 1: B. Aj
fT MASON & 00. mnoance
. . OtaU», or t*» now J»« .tyleJ, on VautW 20
4 , «™t*nrt»<n , 3»< mdn - -
Reported Eipresaly 'for the DailyJorning Post
= ~£,' prom ChlotgOi
_ qo —The malijniMii cholera ha* br
ten mU°ID the Territory of Kausaa, at a poiot opposite Bi.
oii " nt,d '
n ,ar tlanltoe. Dl3Pitcn .j
The Bleamoi B»ltLor. rank
eengers were Ml Lived by ih further particulars.
h ’S™to?w£t , ,“* “o^ et ” eDt " hor °
“ttfe 11 ™ hS"i- to- *• "»*"'■ ll
Rnv »ge» of tbe Yellow Fewer.
rib r h -
>-We“e‘ Kor
elation, ns etlll very ill.
New Telegraph Liner
above former rate. ' oo id en
b. tiuilt b^r...
the two cities-
Knosv Nothing Ulfflcultlee.
Bern,*, September «■-»“JSXTa^^aSlmre?
Ind gnant at *• t '* ll i?g™we*re had l»'t nlgbl la Bos-
M “• t P-ed “" n ,™
Xlf-SM XflTomtaattcp.rda.jUe> to a arwight
cm Know Nothing CV'avonVoh.
LlbOl Suite
Ouahlng'e attorneys.
Brig Young America Sunk.
Blast, September teller
ToBDg America came in c ?j“f l^gJ 1II1<l ireui Ohimgo to
» unl a m> n 000 bushels ot teTD The
was ow pad ieOe-ego.
a • ™ k. r og The Btfa m *hip d riel galM fOX
Nr* \oat, September 2Z. B £s C ie. Tha Ara-
Mortality In FhllmlelpUla.
Unubursu. September numb., .1 death.
thfa city forthapoatweekU^^^**
auction sales.
i «**« -•
Di:a:«t Ac..
Booka, SUtioowr. »“«J, mS
P. H. D4.V18, iaouonoar.
G. r. BROW- "’lirntl A- Curt!*.
** r .vr w«TATIfi bT. AKTOONT FAtl«,
-r\BALKKB in HKAL through-
Minnesota r ' 1 V***' loaned, lov«*tmenU madu to the
out the Territory Money toft lac4tcd AlBO , Agentfl
w advantage, ffU t f gT. CLOUD, 65 mU«*
: for the °f * x>t,s r>f na*iiwUon above the Folia,
from &L. Anthony. lUilrcmd crosses the Mlwds-
Tbe eurvey of the ‘O advantage It poe>
dt le» In the North.
ol Sllnnetoti.
Hon. J- H«len,te to OongTOM.
Rto, HolUnphfU 4 Becltor, Attomoj. at U«.
a" 8 ?! ML ®t D ' 8 ' UnJ °®“
; b crfred.BomefPlendW paturni w M aboN>_C°*-
1 Antique. - AMTIQVF — loat *— |
cuDulatog « jpwLOUAD 4 CO.'S, P»“«; B « i
with folding (loots, two chwnbora, dining caked,»t A. A. MABU MP 22 .
»!•* pr*» 5 2 . 200 - The hD0 “, 18 of ‘ho •**"*• _____^*
one, two »d three Jena- Merkft nreet. one peril K g(IAWL s_ A .A-M“°"
WPSO _i_ * OOOTOH LONG A« U „ owortm ent of the net-rst
—m«n exeelleof article for ri
,. -«inrHkTl?OuTH WASH—A n*w and dcettent
=^ o -r T ms@^iSWiOT 8 e ---- or .» ,
I I™ thiMta'hkUlM should call an<» exuo- Shawl* Juatopoeed.- i C 0„ 25 Firth itre«. , VBEoB DAItB 1 HEYMKK A ANDERSON. A IISR Ml 7 corner Mer Set end Diamond ■
Those wishing JOS. FLUKING, ; m A.-A.MA»«Li_-i— 1’ No. 88 Wood jctmi.
1M wine beforo P corner Mertet tod Dlamonj. r"E ARTH - <*« «>» * 00.. ' ‘“H SI
F 11
I Jt J Mpl*
TBI RIVUL—LaIt er.ulug at du»k there were 4 feet I
pll'HBOUOlt OOAHD OF TRAUt A.BIO s inehM „ ter ln tha ebauu.l, tr the pier tuark, and
HttHeHAHTS* EXCHASOK rising slowly.
Prai&etii-l* WILMAKTU.
Hce PrtsuUnt— T S. CusAKE-
Second “ “ Oso. W. Ciia a . »• c aD t Wm. Haalett, le&fea
sV«uurcr N. Houtts, Jr. . Tn« ateamer “North Star, wp
fcSanf-Jmra IhIIARR 10-ilaj tor dt. Louis. Bhe Is well prorided with seer, thtog
3 °u«. :• : «h.l would couduee to the cornet of pua*"* aud her
p ; Jkd. P. Peaks, JAS. <PH. Sctjlli, R.T. Ltich, W. B. 1 o fg cera experienced and obliging,
j Tub •' Argonaut, ’’ Oapt. *.l ** »'•
Louis, with tbs intention of leering thj. A See
KIW York September 211-OnUnn dull, with declining beat, well officered and willjto_tbrcug n g
hlnf“iS?Wl:| b i£™ TO, U.MU. dr. feel sir
“f wmmc
wrXn^rad“S^ut. P woinch,.
PBOAOBtvaiA, September 22-Cotton loactire. Nothing -
new In Floor;standard brands held at *3. WJ*| -
l poor, Inferior and prime ,»°“ lh « n Arles’ and
sales in bbls at 41 @l2, end in hbda at 40@11.
SSIM Wheat at $1,38. Whisky steady end In good ,
3S.«a;■s“ 5T5 bbls at ««■“*“ 1
1 ms «|1 aa t Mqlcl II _ _
•‘'"'“'’"pianos: pianos: j
•s •* S
l : . ' f> , ** s
, . " w « if
v -< i *;'
f . J-« **■ t+t *
- - •■ t,..,- 1 ! <t T . >-> /
\ .'i / SJ, i. X kWO' .
i ‘.l „r A % ■■/.
. -TJ=~ T' : *" : M *SoN Vou. b»V* Ibis morning f*
I .oiJwWTo— A. A. M.w» * ulpj’ont «tyl*»
15 „l.«l by Kipr««, «om. D«« »nJ ypy Mp f>
of £»% Bonnot*. • —'
s w PKUITjj— 2 Joz cum Str*»b«rrlej,
*pILB»U raw jQ botLlws Ptacfaea;
•*■ -j Jo do Pobtb;
ido do Plan**;
& do ***orU*l PrOW*** '•
Ip do BUckborrj Bt*ndX‘
Ju>[ro.-c!T(»l unj Tor «»i« by yjlltll 4 ANU KRik)«
(W*pt2 - -
rjCSfAW - ttincui:*--* »■£..
it doten ftwrtod »t»«« OHt* ON"*,
ilO bo*«» Citron;
Juac recalled aod < ur « al ” b l r ngY M Kii_*_A.NP^HSnN
aT{ UO.<Ka MiOCAKoSTT --
H) 10 do Venn’w'H.
60 Iba French Klhs P*P or ». f le
W^:^"Tp'»t AA - MASON 4 00
00b TAbbiSCOVKHt! * 'JS’SjT'toj
\V BboT*. io »“ fT $ V 'A. MASOti A CO.
styles, jußt reeeU-cd J
fviSSrsnJts-bcßj wtj '
1) »trip.d, P»W »od «g°™> Dr T -j! m ason * 00-_ I
wpiy _ —' ■T’vwr r land fln« '
TTINK 80AF-1^ T « which are Lubln’B
g t u rr n^, T b-sstss
befoTej)arch«BiDß. [gLJ---- of
, t j iaU IiDffPRALB— I haro article*
K Haoel’anod tl^c the growth of the bail.
I fSrbeautifjlng and promoting the *ro jQg FLSMtyfl ,
TE. Earner “ Dim nol,” Capt. J- A. Shoals, 1. tb, ragnl.r
Wheeling packet this morning ; «ha Imtm at 10 o clvCt.
' Tri*r 8 mown
t • Woodward, BrownbfUU.
B, "“ 8r J L ' a ®'"ne.Benoott Bro.naville
i isslsSir
■■ k ”'°^P» Uu ;
:: sarssflgShr
~ Michigan
:: aa^her^rao^Snrllh,
i- Poe, LouifirtUe.
•• K»iry Qawn, Reno, CioclnpnU
- Rev CUV, Miller, St. lx>u»*.
.. St Clair. tuner, St. Unf.
A * to and from tb. Cltliw, tla
Uo&u, Ad , ° n *“™ a ' f 1600 ton* nor month each
R’”* •M.ndj, Attd the*. dljpcwd <0 pAttont»
\> « Astar* » thnr* vill bo nothing bdho3 no
„o and #»tm Ki<dlin« I KU; ,I 4 MITCHELL,
... Oaiial B«ln, VUtobnr*l> P»
•oguy ..
HtIIB UNITED fTATW 1 , No OU, Wlrimt H»l» >«
*v . t ini* »«t*f, Public LftQtl B»Jc* In tn* TKUKI
TORY 0? MINNBBOTA hnw bo*n ord«nji to b* h«H *t
E. *■talln, u.mnd Urn., ud H-* » «£,
Monday, add October, 18.6.
At ÜBU«rN»VU.UE sondAy.HhNoT.BbM, "
Ju Monday. ISthNoTamWr.
WINONA .."""MoSv. »*5 2 rte ‘"*» ~
WINONA... Monday, 12th Norrmbor,
nvn°WINU Monday, 29th October, "
moSnKATOUB Monday, 12W October,
?ISk RAPIBB ■ Monday, 6th NoT.mbor, "
If recite.
™’"Vr'“= lZ£ ."X^tCd— ° Irf.t
Uon of the t iheir clefmfta by the proper proofs, awl
paired to eoub■«* *»* practicable, or lUro
make P o *®*®! le( j f or ’ibe commencement of tho public
the <Uj> a PP‘J? I otherwise theit claims will be forfoited.
“>"? Oily of Wasbtnglon, thi.
own under my nano, aa JNO. UOOD, i
dint day of tho General Land OIBm.
| »ns4:Uw_6_w
3g Wood ulrwt.
lyuo*' .
do No. 1 While
J "‘pTr 1 '* 1 ,n ' l for *** ty H-KTMEr i _andkrson
nPOPi—Too WUmon, tn 6 n> boJM .
(' UH -joa do Raopberrj, do
200 do Vanilla, do
Just rtcol*ai and tor Ml« by RK YMEK 4 ANDRBPON
tS^CKLKOT»'-.“-r ;
A 10 do Oerkln*,q«wti;
26 do pint Pickles, assorted;
6 do Onions;
Jußt rcedrwi ini tor rale by RSYMSR 4 ANDERSON
BOpll _ ~ 1 —■ —
-^-»riTmk'paHTE—‘iO bo*® B L®® o0 '*
■I VJUBB raoixe Rom;
j v i 6 do Vanilla;
I J OBt recoir ed and Cor sale b^ EYMEK k
« % r u . ’
- »* .*’ w .
' V •
10 do Hod;
300 do Rom, do
200 do Liquorice, do
w Tßßffi=T5 sfs « , SijSlS^'
YY be giTea* tfo.
STia«STES6KBUS»-Ja.t » T.riS)
S ihe »b°TB, of «M» u ” t |"'m a ? BoN ACO■ 26 Fifth St.
„J-?~ rwirmUM THlSlMrNQ&—Brerv description cd
M ° IH, » Jsd MS!* Molr. AntJJu. M ,/piu.h
ill A. A. iIABON A CO ,
Trtmmtogß j** l r<CWT 2b Fifth streak
__ «e>-ik Pact worth; of Uecor-I au<» Atton- | DR- MORSE’S
rrnE ATBE--J. o.' POSTE-l, nb> Lessee «“> “ lion -WRWUT* TOXIC MIXTURE, a i/uxnatut and ■ “Jj y, CORDIAL,
T"r;Wx 11 Ran. Stage M»n»,or , Chaklcj I a . . ealain KSVEII AND AGUE. Thin preparation \ pKENOMBSOS 111 MSDICUfB.
Ar.'ng Manager. J. V. Bo • (or the treatment of the above disease, and perfect eradleo- Keotored and Llf« . Lengthened
%r '- ssi-I pSCS...^j- «.»>•! i»tn°" a,ih “
S '“&2£ oMue l Peons' v ... -••■*’ «“* Ins gases are instantaneous, and «U RE. a wUI replace weakness with .strength, tnrapadty wt.
g&- Certificate, securing ' ”* h !° lhe J£ o „ Nerroue and Mnecnlar Bystem, re- I eflW ency, Irregularity with nn.fcnn and natural aa-
JACK. CtDEimTS Kentish Rebellion j rtitußoo. , re3 rrt*d wfor Its treatment,' ln miud that all maladies whereier they begin, flnßteltb
JA “i, Mr. Neane; ham .hi* leave the system the nervousayetem, and that the pnraliratlnt,of thence
Clitrud, Dubois: Martanne, re ' h “ QalI “ I,8 ; dTi’t Sr»l the general health, !„f m „ ti „u and sensation la physical death. BearlU^nd,
hlSi i T r res it ‘ 1 . worse than they I S>uo the organs to a also, that far every hind of nervouo disease, the Hlxil Oor-
To conclude with the Farce tf , pttriseJ U,, blood, and Btlm ' dial ia the only reliable preparative known.
TUB ETON ?n?if M Otrii*. illy,' L. “w! regular and healthy Action; ol an CURE OF NERVOUS DI3EASHB.
° aTry ' M ° K P ™ PB ?f uniformity of alrailgth may always bo : Ko ,„u g uage can convey an arU-luate Idea ot thehnm..
' open at 7 ; performance."J.gin at T W .. _Xd ; diale and almost miruouloua change which it occadpna in
--erD op VttThVfr “HAT Aj. J?iShSJSb from eminent * lhfl teeM e4. debilitated and shattered narrow *»tam f
MASOML HA L, lv. taT , bs , n thoroughly * whether brokandowo by «c*s.,woakby nature, or topatf
,vr> A fV-TA /TIM (' V, ft T ’ ln^da P JoT”dO““»» u,r “ rin!<ro,I ‘ ed by slckness-the unatrang and relaxed organlratlon hi
(jr I V. AIS 1) 0U IS & • Pever and Ague, try il-unite 4OO , >t once braced, reTlvlfle-i and bnllt if. Itte meat* and
N j;;ssr-, - sis;3£^:s««d: ESS ESi“£.
N and Allegheny that b ? ffor ealo br GEO. H. KEYBBB, No. 140 and restore ItU its condition.
£Lo»Coo&t..t Mid a. B. Bhluata. Ktndmrgh. a P 27Marr3m la .hi res LOSE OF MBMORTT, '
-n TUKSDaY fiYEhINQ NhXT. September lath, w rti sh ofhlcM to. the ht»d,melan.
cu’t-bralod M 1 i v Headache ami Heuralgt® of Biucf conftifllon, giddiness, rns M lf
AhLEGHKNIAN th F AM ’ Btam.n.Q Ccaro nr OiKELY’E DEPURATIVE olyt acLUi ty ; hyatorla, ( Wrol " h^ e *
IXFANT BAPPHO ANNIE KNEArS, aYIIUP —Mr. WUllam Trimble, M’Kolvy’a Ron, Bayards dM tructlon— tear ol insanity, J7!PBP dlseeset
MAllitl, UTTbE OHABLLB KNEAS., pl ,th Ward, aay. he ra cured of Bleh Headache of IriUMUty, lnnWWyto
KNEAHB, rigm year, -Undlng, by thr« bett,. ol ,ncUBol M mnl., to,
Mil. M. 0. MAY, and Ur , B ,. rDp . Be had tiled vanoua physUana without a ter la, monomania, vngueUrr , P rising.
MR. NELSON KNI--AOB. D o» entirely well. OateleyM BepnratlveU mpot aney, constipation,etd-, Croawhatever ca ansrag
During ; Rh)jUtnuUim , gcrofela Tetter, and all aruptlv. dishes 1; u> i( them U any jcolianco to t» ,pla=»d on hamna teitl
Sit 6 D A Teßc’a»«m. r f. h thrir retail, M- meny, ahsolntely IbdalUhla .
*>»rr r J!tf!2 l X£'£&* ta ° f * pJ J « ctScta of this great redtOraßre
| M- » |
Bill Poster and, SHstributor,
35- WiU aUsad to ibe Posting and Distributing oJ til
411 .ommlinkatfoni-alther by mail, talagrapb, or
wlTc-iSS*! to the office cl th. Martins Pel, »«'«■
ceiva* prompt attention. _* P V._
, ir , IK nKAB In end by the lsth section of the Art o.
at, 1139, «nutw» f " .nlelned on thß SheilS of every
thereof, SILL, Sheriff
:S»Nli TCKSDAY UF OJTOBMI KBXX. 1 the «*»«*!
“fhi 1 ™ “on o’? t'be Plr“ t Ward of .he cltj nf Pittsburgh
tomeet .t the house of Mrs. J “« ” rEer
thereby of Fitt.batgh
B °TV .h£ton of the sStL Ward of the eltyi=l Pitteburgh j£ g Pect oral Syrup will cure Influenr.^
*s£& r K fe«rrr»
&,h^^m t Uhur B h » Tr £° t Mt.r from Mr. 9. W. Yentch, of Eoheby, Ohio,
““’iw.nt you .0 send “ »hJ^
et the Public «to«‘»»« Syrup the samr way, an'-l
hoi'. of°? Smith; et the cornet of HoUlnecu lUtileAl Core TrU.. will cur.
end Aodetr-.n botoUl(b ~( liirmlnghein to meet et “’■~ r ' y yrndoui prices always on hand.
JfcSuX on WWtln. ‘treet S fc ud*W»’« Tr»M«. efdilferan. forms and .trength
tomee, at the j
2SS^®“-“ tt iS3£“ {
' h ;“X.^o?- Wrft! ‘ l!!Jbcr£b 10m ~'i »
»->. 4
“!?• - ■«*•“*• i -"■*• -..-
1 CHAB7 f%I F uJ, E K°i%o.
l °i“e?°""for ritt township to meet et th. ton*, of J* i g 3 £•?*£“ BUS*FOR THE UISSES OF TUB COM
“■Tfil’io.-el .Ipetlnn. In tb- hath Ward rf tteaty Kecelwbla, Mortgages and Ju-.jmenU,
of Peebles township to meet et the hour, of '
Ulissi: iVbssbsssSZ
iJKrSS- «*. !< °* 1 ' to ““ !el Current rates. RErsEEXCE3 .
teeeneh.p. to Wn.t- P to Bert at the heuee of PITTSBCaSB.
J ti V meet at thereof i-mVOgg* fug. Un-iTy A Co. ’
- , *■ „„ A B. Wright.
,h Th, elector, =f rent, townrhlj,.<.meet at Oj hou» »<
f Klu-Ui'li Uv»n*Mp to meet at the bov 0 j
* ra.rTC.-c-pi-l tv J. bu W*fc«r,to ■
M U Aa-™ u ...up u. m«t - ib. b-‘«
W ?? ,WS> ‘ , f , r u>vro#Ji.p tu inert tt the hOlUa rl
1 *‘ t r t a ; u /,i U. See:, to
.<*auei •' u < *■» J
UI S>; C^ 1 <* * thu
b«4-*« U Co.Sr l t4-wOfbtp to meet
hna«« tttt* / rtii »*U totfwliip
BilnjbftvJ *;*' 1 u-an-Mp t,> tu*«-i at the baise
Ot«V. i?l* RUbif* ao< Turn-
P’V; , t* “" l 11
, .N.W., M-0 . ire,-,1, ~ld
.o.nablp u, meet * the honreof
mp-l et -.he hoo.e
«.wp 10 meet .! the honre <*
J lo met .1 It* t*-a..
0< «-*"!■ to meet at th.
„l h ; :h:".u S v-tb/ ( „rm *.,.. *. - -
ta»o«blp. .. ..v r»T#Uo towothlp to m**t at the
"•>* n,u ’
In mIH to w "'“s !’..«• to*n«btp to met at ths boura ol
•5®tfVJ5«rJS^ rsft
“” T t SSffi?'**» ■«* “ *• l -*-
G, i > I ‘t^r. a to moot .t A. bouae
■S&ASSJKgSgp-— , ““'
'to met at John Sh.V
Ml». In tatd tornishtp. Indiana township, lo
TO. <|u»llfl<-l ifjhln tho following deralbed
Atlrptieoj »t a point on tho Allegheny
boondnrtes, t'i wit llejtnoio* o p and run
.leer, . tbo optwll«® f S^fthef“ro.or sail Cable
tIPKH northerly four? . comer ot Cable’s fann—
end John Boyd t 0 to tho Bhalet township
throe running awsstwly Jl farm. 0. lota
lit*. I” noth a “***',, and known as the M; er
sitoatml lo Cunningham .hall boraallcr rote at the
»-?55r *•• ,h ’
7o- tboqualllled Mentors a, afore
said will by ballot rote fbr
ot'Aaembl, of
Bsjss;sss?6 T »ta*>»«.
One poreeu fhr prothoootarj»
r» fif perron tor Treasurer,
One person for County Commissioner.
On* pornon for Coroner,
One person for Director of Poor,
One perron for Auditor for 3 yqara.
One person for Auditor r “ t - ) '‘p, t , bur „h, tbl> Sd day of
September, A. I), iso;, "■“> WILLIAM MAalLl.,
United States tbe eightieth. «ILUAi sber'.lT.
(SmTvocu<*■»; ““4^, 1
, run .i-n r
lor use, at No. 63 MARKETJsT. .-
I prUe*. by w Water rt™ ot ;__
lig-HSSS1 ig-HSSS
! n, M. McKlnueT.
, 1TI« *1.60- K-r «>' A dILW!NW! NNKY 4CO ,
I , 0 Opposite the Tbea re
p*pl» .
I ' I ,BRk"bPIOK:--‘OO boxes put. Tapper i
I |J to rto Jilalabardo.
I *io do pure Cassia:
6") do pare Allspice i
| iuo pure Mustard;
i U3U do Mustard;
to do*«n l 4 lb onus do;
3 bhle pure Cayenne Pepper ;
! 10 do Ginger;
I 60 boxes do, In \/± tb papers.
j I l«\<J ““ ‘ t,9n ' lon °^mVolNuCS''
°” r
'ot The Schoolboy, l''•
7 Trial and Trlatnpb, by E. »• Artnor.
-L B. and D. by Samuel Loter.
[ cnj for «le « q IL BEJJPENNBT 4,
?lftb sL, opposite theTbeatre.
39 Wood street
39 Wood street.
, aa f e and aura remedy N °' o g
nt^:^'' g SSS££~-:
Pilt4. Fever ic/ all kXTylx, 1 _ ~h&Di:e Id the tfys*
l'tua medicine ie- lAtenaed P SeTWBI Infit^nwe
„m, and *f «"!!*« i ‘ , “ h °£4W \bfS^^}«g
”« :h 'i“^‘s e “ C Md . Wag Store of
DR* IS H ’i™. JlcT 140 ffnod street. «jg« *
Virgin alley, elgn of the QoUen Mortar. P
RHmtU’i Indian Llnlmcnti
ft, BhntmaUza, Briniti, «■ Ou Bock, Biio-Sorn of
'***’ all kinds*
[A certiorate from HSjjffi 1 18i5
Ma. H.O. O.Cami, ZnnMVlUe— Ump Sir: M“T
the I.Tor of you to sand u« twenty.roardoteoßAKßKl.Lb
INDIAN LINIMENT t PLraee rand It without "
S&Eu? m ?“, do* dot disappoint
Dial Btoro. No. 110 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley .
alwbyJOßL MOUI.BR, Liberty street.
£»»*.«.«»«»>■ »■ |
. rt ,a*SJ»nnrcted Tnuii „ rlinr ,„ s;
ken>lTi,»— full m-rcanttla «»;», timt* unbm*
1 lied,Volodin/ commend 1 calouUlm-i, all
I tures, end Practical Penmanship, vn\.u
I uuUmit«iL •
j>imw mar** for Ladies (hp-*rUaeul t*V* ') 4 kl g
P«otn*TJ«Wp, P*T motllil * . . • 4«lHl
1 d™rt?o E . mechanical, architectural and ornamental draw
thfJwinUjM cl Oil-day student le lectured and Inattu -
l “?i-Colle;e (new) entree nf W«d and Fourth-soon In
-Colled. U.IC opposltn Principal.
invi IR stmtU *rui extending ;
low, and on Tarorablo t*™'- GEO S fGILLMOBK,
Incumbrance. ISminll. of
| JTI3 '.
jowpb White’* tarring. IlopoiilttHrjr. j
JnfiEPU WUITB, no it carrying on basl*
ne 39 in his spacious praraLteiS
on tb. WtoMgS%L-
Oroensburs ; .nd-inwrenenrtil., respoctln 11 J
Run , between ,todl of &4RIUAOES
Invite. Lb. public lo imormfl gentlemen
BDOaiES, ic. Fourteen years'
rairoAureri, that on. price ™L aim to place before his
“ p **lSftr , wm ,, of cMagratwßicfcjo
patrons tbe same BM tieular department to
■« VS r. mocualcntcd KeStern manu;
select from toe Tan naw aYßtem is cemplolO"-**! 6
! * CtU ”Tof the boat and most
issas lh ‘
M 4.^tot°d'C^“* h ° u “ s l “^nn£)Jo3KPU l ’wH{Tß
tba price of g«jd* <Jonly mubh lesvthan the os«1
will tell, on ready money omy, w » [mh&daw]
S.WKARION U the gnu*
YY kathamon
«r s. l x u^^®' * oott Md sell^
•15 cents.
j »»p s
will and it lo BUpKior irdols of
orler, yat np »t iJmrt ; ,^ D , u Blft.
burgh and Coanelb'Ti b"' Four of the Lota are
thrtting Iforoufihof MRKKPIt fronting at om
37 y, feet In ' »lda> by abont 6trtlJl . and
ss“ «>* '' hoi ° l-401 oa olber
Bide of tbe bepot, a Jerome Btreet.
deriog for lu > to foaod, and H <rW be Bold lon.
No better pr°P ert l c ‘“.“ iu Btoc g of the Connellsrille
Part of the payment lafccn Qso , QI bIiIOSP,
lUUroad, If deeireo. 0 f the Morning Poet.
ontebunth. August SUg-ltot
Great Work* , A ,
I ume of th Q °~? v ® phnrtlv It Is ne tly gotten
—<— “
3S tv »»»*««“. -
1 mt.mled tr. *s-CativMSBra oontrf; _.
J. Wilson » CAP MAt>o- |
FACrrCftERS, No. O l WooA‘A»
St&m Js2f££Sfr“'£ ? r
l dty
lnoisoianta Mncoclal—aU I >a l£!!sS
specified in t-he Tftriona diseases and derangements to wluon
the delicate formation of ■woman reDder mn UaDlo.
Who suffers from weakness,
Jl™ pitas Id the task, or sd? other dtardor, whether
necnliar to her 9 ex, or common to both wxw—to g»T* the
Ugomting Cordial psasosß) .
nrntha-a will find thia Cordial alter they h*?e tifl«d » boi*
dlroctioßSirt trita for this artnordt
et,rtn?jLlf;io^r^ J Anditlfl equally potamfor the many die
oifj prop®SShiY fo iwtenraaa! Thousands of yonog
ahdsot to a **»*■
st» K ohsslt&aed^“«^oaPLEXtON ;
.ssl. flB{ » «ni melancholy effects prodn*
Thtss sresorae of the aaoLasStroitawßi of tho beet
cedby tarij , to^H >»Vi?a*d dimness ofelgbMoasof mo®'
“f ‘“S^SmuS.?of‘iff taSi. . nervoae
debility, T”!* 0 ?* Stad in much to b.
H ', n :, an7 ;,i' of dopreselon
dreaded. i?fUlv™dSi.7iTt'sfoa to society, eelf-dlstrost,
«•*■ AI iS J oMCOKIBMrbAT» ;<3 MABEIAQa '
« ?rt -t. mmd mind end bodj are the molt ne
ahonld reflect a ttconJ1 abiil bipptnras; Indeed,
oessiry muisltes «pn t hm „ bocatnes i weery
without tbtM, the ioanscy hoarlj dertons the tie* l the
pilgrimage—the P.MP« ‘ o/spilr, lad filled with the
th - t th * ot “ oth “”*•
oomea blighted with your^JuTlOH.
Dr.ilorso’e Invtsc. rating Cordial his boon ootmt.rf.ltad
bJ r* o ?'Lwr n . f eSSe’cordial will b*rt tha protirle-
Jo &£s£SHow« the cork of each bottta, .fifth,
following words blown In the glaae.
Dr. Klorae’fl .Imwlgoretlng Cordial,
C H. RING, Proprietor, N.flJ
Bold by Druggists throfighofit the.Dnltod, Caned
»ni the West Indies. AaKN ip g .
, TI U qxa H KKYaKEwSo. MOWo^dSl
P, T :;EraW^F Bt •
Altageny <"r-f J^^ t a uSSff>oot''.' ; ’
'“'dr. hoof LAND’S:
ramusD bt
DK. C. H. JACKEOH, Philadelphia! P»-.
aon,lnwd Piles,
f ainftas, or Blood to th®
Bead, Acidity or the Btoin*ob,
“i kiLfe- 1
i DanSln to the Heto, BeStfew*
Tellovrceie of ton fiitoMid EyM, gatoiß “•
8!J», BaoS, Cheat, Idtoba, Sodian
Vlanhos of Heat Bartons if iha
rtifls, Coaetstot laasto
i“n=S?u r r"Suo^toa l e&ntoto.taemaalbitrt**
It u raconuntndrf. ■ i tMv'tn*t onn'ttat.his'itMd
pnratrons Mtont Hiyaidins indSWdo
most prominent * u lmi a6nsn. Referring any
ton, in all wo‘ PracUctoßo^fi
££t“& -.0 be Into gratia, ofall to
W Atnh
, *e&sw to.
! » *et?ii P.'s-*Sini 3. !•- tbnntoß, Allegheny
{jecl&aifcwly ia
Store* In tbe Lnited Siul*.snntf a pittaburgb.
*r * and «. H. ,
'tteei /
Jagl Basalt t»
Private Disease** .
„ Dtt. BROWN, No. 41 Diamond AUsjl,"- esS
(fflcsg rote, hi» entire altentionto
fsflUe business la mostly conflnM tt-frgul*
Sssl trad rocb~ifoliJ^ffife c P O “P> r**T
UriSifttl piscbaree*, ImpurUyof tb© Blood,
practice (ten In this city) ««»»».,
BroatLto otteasirttc,ol a spaody cum to all ahoßUtf
Charges moderate. • .. ;. — •
'"* Orpbftnfl’ Court
i9 tb, Iraad, ooe-tMnl In baf
in bt'bonj ibd iQ<V6*
aoruiA. G&Bfift,
corner of • M ftr Knry street tP/tha
street M}4 r«t, *J* wn£* Ksw*a«P«*i
i boutldi *• “ *Wi»-^-?n'o'na Trtf. mtd
I •*L«^-o«Ud* IS inojt*
the residue In I ot tha
e iga>*i& Inleteit *<>».»• date g DSIOa i>aaEßfc, "
I sslw. ?r , . . . a SOPHIA. GRKBlii 1
Ihnlminttc In my P™ ct!t “' ’7 /J,gi fc |ndje wertmSfctthralo-.
It In » crae "her* I &" 1 tn . JvM obtainetl tdiLu**-,
mel, pint end cowbafte. Srtb*4' « «**
deSrabloeffitd | B,n ?“nmjoilly of.etiflK'KKc
I complete IWM. o S%t!ent «>^tV , ‘&!SBj!p£.>
cine brought »w«y worn o“P end HO Ihatribo to..
hate ueeer wo r i^
mete tW. «£““i e SS I L r«h
the « lll ?, b i^^, ll “> ) .M>wero, that X WfcimwnMJ ;
fldence to tut f 0 ”?!“!?!?€ ee f£ n . endfimUsli thsntjwp--
to other ohyeicUus to this e 84ViOE."*5^ n
fe lie amount of S»,MO rfmtjnro. ®
b-rahlp or «?»,*■>'S!2^JS^
All artialeslntended &*** h «iti recelf® P£6®Pt at *f l v
0. p!shli«, Eft vS,iS»ft^»t!!b.oD«i.aro.oml= ( 4«y
tion. A com pu tout l'ono”'
and night. ■ ■ n,.™ tilt*
c.. oTticnlaw.
WI or
t imbl» r “? r K ,mpialQta, It Is pscullaily tfflcsaouß,
‘•“‘‘/““iSvldSiaf Or traveler ihoiiH he whhook It
IS3 sore to get tha genuine hnei.ce, ht
°* rj?nr,U hv P I!5l8w", at his Iron oo4X
Ss?£ & wroer of M Ohm Chc.tout.tM^
Bhi"w for f-r
Doited States, aoJ In Pittsburgh by
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