The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 24, 1855, Image 2

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Drain Jttnmiiig
WILLIAM WILKINB. Peebles tcwnabip
•*“ SAMUEL SMITH; Alleghany ;
JAMES SALIfBUEY, Birmingham';
-rtl .i’iUflburgh;
Mifflin. .
taxsxn: ’ *
JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio townihlp.
JACOB TOMER, Httibnrgh.
JOHN MURRAY, South Httaburgh;
« A. B. M’FARLAND, North Kayotte towiublp.
JOHN BOYLE, Indiana township.
Democratic County Committee of Correspondence.
(Judex a resolution of the late Democratic CenreDtlru,
the following -gentlemen have been appointed the Oounty
Committee of Oorreapondenca for one year:
Hon. Charles Staler, Pittsburgh; Col. W. G. Hawkins,
Wilkin* Township J D. R. Miller, fiewiohley; Jamee Salis
bury, Birmingham; Tbomaa 8. Hart, Indiana Townabip ;
WiiUim Johnston, Lawrencerllle; Jacob L. Xlsesaor, Btew
artgtowsi B. -B. Roberts, Pittsburgh; James Qerdxnan,
Ptttshnrgh; Michael Soee, Jefferson Township; John H.
Phillips, Robinson Township; John Sill, Versailles Town
pbin; John N. McOiowrjr. Pittsburgh ; Col. James Scott,
Elisabeth; John Roth, Pittsburgh; Col. Andrew Scott,
‘Pittsburgh ; A. Hartje, Esq, Alleghany ; Morrison Foster.
Allegheny; Samuel Kirk, Plum Township; A. B. Merer-
Uod. North Fsyette Town-ship.
BAML. W. BLACK, Chairman.
Wo would call the of MERCHANTS ANT'
BUSINESS MEN to the fact that we hate just rrcetred
from Philadelphia & number or fonts of new Job Tyj*s and
a« now prepared to fill orders for Cards, Circulars, Bill
Hrads, Paper Boot*, Poster*, and Programmes for exhibT
tloas. AH orders will be'promptly Oiled.
M. PBTTINGILL A CO-, Htvnpaper Advertising
AjciLt.&re the Agents for tho Pittsburgh Daily and Weekly
Port, and are authorised to receive AnvmvistitfEna and
BOSBOUPTHJ3B for us at the came rates as required at this
office. Tb«*ir receipts are regarded as payments. Their
odcHitrtn: Nnr Yozz, 122 Nasaao srarrr,
Let every Demoorat, and every mao who Is
Unending to vote the Democratic ticket, attend
at odoo to being assesetrJ. Your vote depends
upon it. The election occurs od the 9th of Oc
tober. You most be assessed at least tbs dats
bofore the election or loso your vote- See tho
assessor nod then the collector of taxos at odc*.
and have tho thing done right. Don’t wait till
the laßt day, for tho assessor may not then be
-We give the able and dignified opinion of
Judge Lrwrie in fub this morning, and oom
mejid it to the direful perusal of all, as maoh
better law on the subjvet than the senseless rav
ings cf Abolition editors and etump orators.
Wanted—- Back A ’umbers of the Morning Pot*.
—We are in need of the following copies of the
Pittsburgh J/orn»np Post to complete flies:
Tuesday, April 3, 3866, and Wednesday, Jane
18, 1866. Aay of our subscribers having these
numbers will confer a favor and rcoeive our
thanks by bending them to cur counting-rocm.
Half the business portion of Carbondalo, Lu
zerne oounty, Pa , was destroyed by fire on But-
day last.
Toe Rev. George Hobert Doane, an
clergymen, a eon of Bishop Doano, of New Jar*
soy, has joined the Roman Catholic Church. He
hoi been deposed by his own father.
On Wednesday evening tho freight trains on
the Pennsylvania Railroad, eamo in collision
near Altoona. A fireman, named Wilhelm, j u coped
from the engine of one iraioe, and was killed.
No other person was hart. The damage to the
trains was slight.
A serious acoident occurred on the New York
Central 1 Railroad, on Wednesday night. The
freight and paßsengcr train came in collision,
smashing tho engines and instantly killing an
engineer and fireman. William Giffing, of BuN
falo, an express messenger, vtas fatally injured,
and one or two others very severely,
At Memphis, Mary Mori arty stabbed and kill*
ed Sbeeban, who had injured her irreparably,
and was trying to persuade her to evil. Mary
is In prison; and after hearing her story, the
editor of tho Eagle says "no other court than
that at the Almighty oan pass eentenoe upon
£b&dast foreign news announces the death of
Mr. FeaTgus O’Connor, who made himself some*
what famous by his connection with the Char
tist demonstration of 1848, as well as "sedi
tious" speeches against the British government
on sundry other occasions. Ho had been in an
unsound state of mind for several years, and in
one of his wanderings, it will be Teeolleoted,
oame to New York in 1862, where he was sc
oured and taken home by hie friends.
Hon. H. W. Caehman, of Massachusetts, hue
written a book giving the genealogy of the de
scendants of Robert CushmaD, who came over
in tyc May Flower. They number nearly thirty
four hundred persons, amt the writer with hon
est pride remorkß be baa uever yet '‘found
among tho defendants of Robert Cushman, the
Paritau, a einglo pauper, or person of adult age
who ponld not read or writeand after " inqui
ry for the good deeds as well as the bad," that
not more than two were senteocod to the peni
tentiary and throe eonviotod of any felonious
violation of the law.
Wilson's Case.—The Executive Council of
tho Know Nothiogs decided on Saturday that
Mr. Wilson must run for Prothoaotary, al
though "Irregularly” nominated. Did a ihrd&t
of rotmiog "independent" settle the question
in that afstqaisMcg way?
Mr. Wilffou is a young of twenty live or
twenty-six; unknown to the people;
innocent of any qualifications for ths office, the
second 4a value in the ccuuty; and obtained! his
nomination by an "irregularity” 4hat In any
other political party would bo denounced as
muoh more than an irregularity.
Many staid, substantial citizens went into the
K. N. party to fiud something more honest than
in tho old parties. Have they found it! Oer*
CpaiPABATiTE —B- L. Smith, of Allegheny |
City, is a candidate for the Legislature on the !
Know ‘Nothing ticket. Now let us see how ’
compares.white men with the negroes. ns
ing to the principles pf his order ' Aeoord
clude white men from the * - would ex
they may have been in aal,ot b “- th<ra K h
infancy ; and at th- ~ ‘ W * °™»«W - from
right Of anfff. -* Balne Ume vWytmr*. tie
consume 0D -'** to 4 Mance of the;
him wha.t, ‘ ’ ra D 0 ion B #r #. qaeatifin trli£
he •
hut -haw tn^ A « lor tt ae^r ° for omue :
nyl ffi”? ,‘ f ° h V °' e ft* a Whlio-i
That ia tne kind of * h “«"" 10 W
M&i ioT a legislator. f a m4n B «leoted
Oh Dit—That Oram fir. —-
liaaean entire new edition os
bound in—linen. FilgricQ t M
»- , .
v‘? ii~ ■ -
•,4 A '
Bosroa, 10 Srxn st»ju».
■*C fl-i.4!*
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—*l. ?w ». -.». > -‘^
Wp hrve rcufoo to 11!Ink that our Know Noth
ing nHgrbors understand the game of brag os
well &b any other political party we have ever
had among*’ us. During tbo canvas in Virgioia,
:r. the mouth of May last, the whole oouutry tv as
that Wise would bo beaten by from ten
to twenty thousand; anti the predio'ion was re
presented as ndr-xuoro prediction, but as &□ as
certained fact. All know the result. Wise’s
majority wac nearly eleven thousand, la Texas, was s'aid to bo a suro tkiog that the K.
N.’s would sweep the State by an overwhelming
m»joriiy. It whs knoicn to bo so, and could not
fail The result was as in Virginia—& glorious
triumph for the democricy. But a few weeks
agi wo were told that Chafe’s majority 1q Ohio
would be forty thousand. Hardly any one now
gopj vjea that there U a possibility of his elec
tion ot all. Many other cases, both north and
eoutb, oould be named where their predictions
or boasts hove utterly failed; and wo derive
from them this conclusion : They are either in
the habit oj misr contenting their real itrength, or
else they do not know what if is.
Take this county for instance : We have beard
estimates of the number of their votes, varying
all the way from fifty-five hundred to eight thou
sand. Somo say that they will poll *even thou
sand; some, five thousand votes; othors, six
thousand, and one pred’etiou is that they will
bo defeated this fall. We have heard these dif
ferent estimates honestly made, ond which shall
wo believe? We can at ! east believe that the
strength of their vote is unknown to themselves,
and is as uooertain as that cf any other party.
That party has no longer the charm of novelty.
That attraction is gone. It has no longer the
prestige of success. It h&s mot with repeated
defeats in all parts of the oouotry, this year.
It has to longor a natioral character. The
whole scu'h. Is lost to them. It has no looger
the hope of stability and permanency. The soal
of eccresy is to be removed, and then it becomes
an open, mere northern or sectional party, split
intojtwo or three factions, as in already the onso
in New York, Ohio aud Maesechusetlj ; and
will bo tbo case next year in PeDnaylaania.
We have then do cause lo bo alarmed at their
confident predictions of auco°ss in this coud't
next moDth. They hare no late victories to
paint to as evidence cf anything hut their waning
strength. They have no fatore to Inspire them
with hope and 10a! They have no fixed
principles open which they can continue to raily
They havo given the people no evidence of that
purity of purpose which they once profecSfd.
“ Office c» ks the man’ was cue of their mottoes.
Y. t in this county ever eighty men were seeking
the fourteen efficic I • fi led, and such a oorum.
bio for the loaves and fi-hea was never seen be
fore in the good oil oouoty cf Allegheny; and
one of the Dcmioatjocs, i: is admitted, was tb‘
tftined bv an " irregular i i)" that requires correo
ti-'n. There Is nothing theo 10 the wbolo histo
ry, present condition, or prospects cf this pnr'y
that o&n enc;aruge its friends, or he cause cf
apprehension to the Democracy The Democra
tic party alcne now stands firm and faithful to
Its orgati:r\tica—upon national grounds r.nd
upon principles well tried, repeatedly approved
by the people cf this country, and ever success
ful in practice It is the Democratic principles
and policy that has brought the Republic to its
product cjnditi-.n <f hafp> prosperity; sod
th ere is every reason far hope and confidence
that those principles will continue to prevail,
and the parry continue to triarrph Occasional
defeats it can casiiy er.Jurs. They la*t but for
brief time, and purify and arouse the par*y .
and then il up again slrooger than ever.
We judge tfco future by the pa*!, and lock f. r
ward with hope and oonfiJocoe
Wants a Qcap.b»l.—The miserable weathir
oock who pretends to edit the Journal of this
city, and rclLo ink) every party he thinks the
strongest, has bocn trying to get into a quarrel
with the Poet for u long time, and we have for
borne to give it much notioo, because we did not
believe its representations could havo any influ
ence upon the public here, who know dim But
when he charges us with dealing io personal
abase wo must simply Inform him of what he
well knows, that he utters a falsehood intention
ally. We never deal in peraoool abuse of can
didates, nor do we descend to such a low level
In any inetacco, aolil raoothg of unprovoked as
sault demands a stern retort in self dsfenoe.
This paper Is conducted on higher principles.
We leato libelling and personal &bu*e to Buch as
may delight in such an occupation. Wt have
higher aims in view.
It well beoomee tbe Journal man to tlWiSf the
41 oobesivo power of plunder,” after giving ns an
example of it by supporting the fugliivo slave
law while receiving “pep" from a Whig admin
istration, and then turning round and counsel
ling reristence to if, and rejoicing at tho murder
of a public officer, when money was to be made
on that tack.
And, now, Mr. Journal, t you can lot us alcne
we will you. Is wide enough for us
both, as Unde Toby said to the fly. We are re
sponsible for what no paper pays bat oar own;
and it will be io vain for you to attempt to foist
upon ns anything b .t our own sentiments.
Now, wo have said some harder things than
we desired to say; but wo have waited for
weeks to ace if tho Journal would be content to
mind its own business. Bat It continues to
ootrt our notice, and it has it for this time,
with tho promise of but very liltlo moro here
Clad ton, Jxrre&aon and Armstuono.—*Tbe
Democrats of this Assembly district, have nomi
nated John M. Fleming, Michael K. Boyor and
deorge Rodgera. Tbo •• Americans" Philip Clo
ver, Darsia Phftpa oed James N. Gillespie.
Hon. George R. Birrett, of ClcarfielJ, has
been nominated by,th« Democrats of the Tenth
Judloinl District for Pre-idtct Jndgo and will
dcobtiees be dccted. Jndgo B. preeidc-d thoro
a few njobtly lb 1868, by .ppointmeut, and
seems to have won tbe favor of the people to a
.remarkable degree. At tho Wayue county con
vention, cu the 2d icetaur, the vote stood: For
.Barrett £9, fir Bui (*h« prisent incumbent) 9
£©"* Mr. Flauegin la mum. Sileuoe la oon
Teeeion io ouoh a case.
I ♦ —i
| Another S; !f. Slander.
[ (Frcru tho blneicmati of the Zlet lost.]
I Archbishop Parooll oppeared before Mayor
|! Faran yesterday, ted made affidavit that the
j statement, alleged by the Gazette of yesterday
morning, to have been made in a Know Nothing
! Council by Major Johnson to tho tffeot that he
' (the Major) had once been ono of a Democratic
Committee to wait upon the Bishop to see 1
1 many votes he oouli oontrol, and that th
took a book from, bio desk and » “GW
this book aro written the nam- ®*'hop
two hundred voters of ,T “ il hin
thofle rotes I nan oo- - of Eu tboaBlud
foundation. Tb» aad
when the »4» . " amand . 18 totally without
him or ' **?!?• whether told by Johnson
-nates of Know Nothingism was upon
. not, is utterly incredible, and that a lie
in* ou, ' waa P al P £ » !j ie to every one at firßt sight
| we do not think that the editor of the limes,
though he affects to do so, is such a downright
ftol as to credit (he preposterous falsehood.
. We understand that Major Johnson denies har
mado tbfl statement merged upon him.
, Ye Bee soon how the harden of proof will rest
upon that point.
| T Accibxht.-Wo are pained to announoe that
Joseph Morrow, well known to nur citizens as
'.Old Joe,” was kicked by a horse at Cross’ ter
ero, a short distanco this aide of Phillipsburgh,
oa Tuesday last, and died from the effects, the
next day. Mr. Morrow had been engaged for
ever twenty years wagoning on tho Snsquehau
.'noh pike, and in early timee wagoned goods from
. Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. As the iron horse
advanced, his route was shot tened, and for sev
eral years had not gone further east than Spruce
Creek. He waa naturally -aft-art of horses but
continued to work with thtim until finally his
greatest fearß were realised i.— BrookviU* Jefrr~
■ / 7 /’• w * ••
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The Case of Passmore Wil-
lpremk CuCßT —Paismott Wdhamtoil' 1 C<U€.
Opinion of Lowne , J —After the argument of
tin * motion for a habeas oorpus, I wrote an opln-.
ion which I expected to deliver; but, on further
coDbuliation wit* my brethren, and fuller reflec
tion ou the BUbjeot, I became convinced that it
was partly erroneous. This prevented m© from
delivering toy vio fb when the ceae was deoided,
aud I do it now, avoiding as much as possible
any unnecessary repetition of what has already
bceu said by others.
I have cut bean able to doubt that this Court
is, In many oases, bound to exeroiao itsjadgment
as to t.u propriety of granting the writ before
allowing it to issue Notwithstanding the words
of toe uct whicQ impose a penalty for refusing
the writ, we are tnt forbidden tj interpret tho
law ; und iue neoe«-s»ty of presenting a potiticn
io t fio Court or to a Judge thereof, of. stating
therein whether the prisoner was detained on
oriminal or oq oivil preocss, or neither, of pro
ducing the warrant of oommittal or accounting
for not doing so, and the fact that traitors and
murderers, and fugitives from thejustioe of oth
er States aro excluded from the benefit of tho
net, and that the writ was not intended for the
relief of convict criminals, (Cro. Car. 168, 1
Balk 84b.) and was ..ot extended to them by our
aot; all taeso m item show plainly enough that
the judge or court ie not eieroiaing a mere min
isterial function in granting the yftlt. On any
other supposition, there is no reason at all for
applying to the oourt, for the prothonotary could
grant it as well.
And no one can examine tbeproviaion of mag
us obarta, the petition of right, 8 Charles 1, the
statute repealing the dtarohamber Court, 2b
Ch 1, c 10 ; tbo habeas oorpus aot of 31 Oh. 1,
and ours of 1785, aud the numerous kindred
statutes, to which that investigation will lead
him, without peroelving that a free and open
court, and a full aud open trial before the supe
rior judges by due coarse of law, have always
been regarded ns the best guaranty of the li or- s
ty of tbo citiieu. He will see, moreover, very
plainly, that the habeas corpus is only a means
by whi h this end lo to bo scoured, so that no
ignorance or tyranny of king, or king’s council
or minister, or of mere local andj Inferior courts,
dependent ou nod governed by looal customs, or
of justices of the peaco sh 11 imprisoo a man
without a chanoe of bail, or a hope of obtaining
a speedy trial by the law of tho land.
Tho habeas oorpus was not intended and
couid not he intended, to anthome the superior
judges, bpir-g substantially those of the higher
courts uf rco -rd, to interfere with tbo jurisdiction
of each other Tbo ; urpose of tho writ was
satisfied when tho jurisdiction of the supe
rior courts attached, for tbo State could out
iniir any better means of iectrriog & fair and
irap;irt':v. trial. If that, with tha ordinary pro
ris-os* fjr the correction of errors, was not rof
fiolent, tbea humanity has only to aokcowl
ojgc i s incapacity to provjJo euliraly ngaiuat
cm*r and injustice. Certainly tbo habeas corpus
was not intended to provide a remedy against Lhe
unjust judgments or sontcooea of the higher
ooarte, and when it is asked f..r, for each a pur
pose, it ought to be refused ; unless, possibly,
when it is asked from a cjurt that may officially
revise and correct the proceedings. 7 Pet 572
Cro >ar 175 l Mod 119 MQaeen’flß 556.
5 Com. Li. 418. 1 B &C. 655.
Put eTeti if nnT Habeas corpus act of 1 diJ
mean to e«y that (he writ shill alnaye t»c graut
cu woeu prayed for, it oouii not be obeyed so
far a* to confl'ct with the now order of things
introdoord in 1 737 by tho Constitution of the
Cnitcd ritati'fl 11 1 nee originated other and in
depend: ct jurss-i jur-ns, wuh which our habeas
corpus net was act inteD led lo interfere, for
when it was passed it could have no reference to
them. How far it can bo used in pamljring
those jurisdictions, or subjootieg them to those of
ils Suktco, is proper matter lo be decided on the
pteseniahon of the pennon, or on the return of
the writ, as the court may think proper. We
saw such difficulties as led ue to hoar an arau
tcpot from the petitioner’s counsel on tho pre
sentation of the petition, and still our difficul
ties have n.-t been removed.
Hut I have a v-ry string impression, that no
c-urt ;• jusrifleJ in is.-uing a habeas corpus for
(nr f urpx-sse . f n stoimg a slaTp to Lis master ;
aod that is v.ry plainly the purposo for Wbioh’
the writ wk ii.-.uod out of the Distrio: Court.- J
do not thihk that our writ has any suoh purpose,
or ever ha 1 It was intended to seeuro the lib
er’, j of the su l j au l not to try rights of pro
perty. Uis bouii*times used to obtain the cus
tod; of chiidrcc ; but then it proceeds upeo the
itolplu that oUldrcn »re restrained of their lib
erty who arc n a oust »dy that ia disapproved of
hy their lawful guardians. Arrived at years of
dtserttion. the writ is not used to retain them in
an unwilling bul jccticn. It is not usually aliow
td iu order to r oovrr the possession of an ap
prentice, a« ruch ; 5 B inf, 88 ; 6 Term K , 4d7 .
7 li. 741 ; 11 Macs , 63
Tr,o common law of Ki gUnJ, as it was when
PcPns)lT , ii*.a was settled, .ould ujt have allow
ed u hbbeafi corpus for tho purposo of enforcing
slavery, for it did not rcoogniio suob an lostitu
h«u Tho common law remedy, for tiyitg the
title to & feud .l villem, was tho writ rf* homing
repUyxatido, and Lh&t was tho writ used by n 3 in
slave caeca; 2 T>a 11., 66 ; S Dina., 101; 3 8 &
R, 890 ;7 11 , 299. And this application of the
;abeos oof pus is to my mind Bcrioasly slanting.
I bare, moreover, a very strong impression
that there U do way In which the obsc before tho
Distriot Judge can be regarded, that would en
il *lo tho federal jadioi&ry to tak-- cognizance of
it: bat I will not trouble any one with my re&
sons for this.
Regarding the matter thaa, it seemed to mo
that thore was real merit in the claim that tho
petitioner should be discharged; aod I did not
see any very satisfactory reason in opposition to
our he&riog and deciding the oase; and there
fore 1 was willing to grant tho writ and hear the
other side I was very stroDgly impressed by
the argument that tho District Jndge exooedod
Mb authority in entertaining the oase; and that
tho Supreme ( ourt of the dtato has power, on a
habeas corpus, to disoharge tbo prisoner; espe
cially coi e'drriog that this Court is one of gene
ral Jurisdiction, and a part of a government of
general powers ; whereas, the District Court bo
lon a to a government of limited powers, and
occoesnrily partakes of tho same ohoraoter. But
this proposition involves oonscqnenoes so grave,
in theory at least, and principles so essential to
political utdor, that it ought not to be readily
Wc may first Btt aelJo tho consideration that
the Federal Courts aro of limited jurisdiotion ;
fur even outccaing that they are, it does not
follow that we may review and restrain them in
the ctoroioo of il. To use this as a reason for
treat mg their aots as void, when vre Iblnfc, them
unauthorizad is to apply an English reason to
an Amorioan institution, without any resem
blances soffiolent to make the application legiti
mate. The English superior Courts might have
had very good reasons for treating a'l the un
authorised aots of their inferior tribunals as
void, in ordor to keep them within their proper
limits. Bu we oannot so treat the United
States Courts; for, in the English seneo, they,
to l , are snperior Courts, and espeoially they
are Dot subordinate to üb.
Too proposition then remains that, whenevor
any of the public tribunals of the United States
eio-cd the jurisdiction, vthiob, undor the Con- j
etituticn, can be given to them, ami, in doin'
80, a citiieu is arrested or imprisonod.
oar habeas oorpu-is a proper and , “
remedy. ■ “ ,
If this is 80, then certain' ' effectaal
where the Courtß of tb- ‘ .. ,
hot little power fo- ‘I thOTB are P lao,sB
rested or ime-' - CdUo<l SUUs oan haTO
or Beote- .. any purpose. Any man, nr-
C 0,,. by warrant, or execution,
-ce from District, Oironit, or Supreme
-rt, or either Houso of Congress, may have re
relief from auy friendly countyjndge wielding the
power cf the habeas corpus. A judge tmpeaoh
ed, oonvicted and sentenced, a traitor tried and
condemned, may still havo hopes from tho ha
beas oorpus, if a Judge can be found, ignorant,
or insubordinate or degraded enough to declare
that hie superiors acted without jurUdiolion.
And sinco tho force of the argument uoes not
at ai! depond upon any peouiiar virtue in the
habeas corpus, but simply on ibG supposed want
of jurisdiction in th« foderai tribunals, we may
apply it to all cases. Thou wo may have sum
mary replevins and ejeotmenta, and prohibitions
and lLjunoLions, aod attachments to support
tbom, heard and decided by emgle jadges, or
07to commissioners or justices of the pease,
everywhere and without review, for the purpose
of testing Ibo validity of the judgments of the
United Stales tribunal*, and the constitution
ality of fodoral tax laws and tariffs, and the
frustration of disagreeable laws, beoome per
fectly simple and regular.
&ud &.we should do this io any honest belief
in its political rightness, we should, of course,
be 'willing to have the same principle applied In
reference to our own official system. Then ba
be vs corpus would stand as a writ designed to
set aside all official order, and to plaoe single
jud,ges above the very tribunals, of whloh they
are, members.
1 Do one occasion the laws of th’UfUoited States
we xe attempted io be thus summarily set aside,
&o d to prevent it the force bill, 2 Mar., 1888, s
-7, P. Laws, p. b 4, declared that habeas corpus
out of the U. 3 Court- :• bi rciteve any. per* ia
confined by .any aulbeflly. To r acts dT*- . n p r
BUince of any order or decree of a U 3. Court.
This is net a strange way of \ roirctiog one
court aga'ost tho <'jicn-'.eota M hLotner; 1
ftolle, 816, 2 Chit. Q Pc. 317. 1 Mai. Ch. IV.,
186. And it is certainly most effectual, for it
•would protect tho Marshal lu disobeymg an or
der by us to disobarge the prisoner; acd thus it.
very plainly forbids ttfl to discharge him. If, in"
this law, there is any encroachment upon State
rights, it is no more than might have been ex
pected at the time, for the cause of freedom
always suffers from the restrictions tbr.t become
neoessary ia order to suppress disorder, whether
that disorder arises frera mero vice or from an
ovtr zealous urging cf prino ple? and institutions
that are supposod to be goal.
If it be meant that the Supreme Court has a
peculiar authority to interfere La Buch oases, I
have failed to duaoverwboTce it arises. The
habeas oorpus aot makes no uldliuoiioa between
fhe different courts and judges who may oxer
ci«e the powers given,. sod 1 do no f rec how we
oan mako any, except that which i*
involved in the pyiooiplo of subordination
All tho institutioru of the satno government,
however complex, svo intended to be inh&rmcny
with each other, und unltcdley to aid in the pre
servation of order. I', is therefore the duty of
all public officers to avoid, if possible, all con
diet of functions in the execution of their offices,
and to follow the principles that provide fur
this result.. The most obvious of these is, that
00-ordinato TriboDals cannot interfere with each
other, nor inferior with superior ones. Without
this rule, government would be a mob of officials,
wanting an essential element of unity, and would
soon fall to pleoes. Without th : B, habeas
corpus law would set asido all order, by allow
ing the lowost of all ssbordinMejuJgee tv anon!,
ou constitutional grounds, tho judgments of every
oourt in the State, even the very highest , and
suob apparently gross insubordination would bo
a mere error in jadgment, and not an impeacha
ble offenoe
Tho Bupreme Court of the ytate is ia no sense
the offioial superior of any of the Uoltod States
Courts, but co ordinate with them all. We aro
oot set &s checks upon each other, and cannot
Uteeotly review oaoh other’s decisions in any
matter. Each of us ocoupiee a different position
iu our compound sy&tern of government, aod
oaoh uf uo must answer to our official or politi
cal superiors. This Court is not set to watoh
ovor tho Federal Courts and suspect them of ex
-0699 of jurisdiction ; and wo should be ourselves
disorderly, if we should assume any onotrol
over them, set as co ordinate tribunals upoa an
entirely separate foundation. No one will pro
tend that our writ of prohibition would be of
any valuo (hero, and hence it is plain that wo
oannot interfere without disorder
Like most other writs, VVbcsa corpus must be
more efficacious io Ltic hands of a suporior court
than of any subordinate one; Tot tbo lavrof or
der requires that those who are officially oquid
shall not sit in roview of each other's act. The
oases that illustrate this are very numerous ; de
claring that tho BUjerior oourts of Uw t>ud
equity cannot interfero with e&ah other; that
the reguUr oourta cannot interfere with tho Ben
teooea for contempt and breach of privilege, by
the Senate or House of representatives, Houso
of Lords or House of Commons. Where the duty
of final decision, and the whelo,control of any
matter Is given to one set of officers, the interfe
rence of others is mero usurpation Aud here
I may remark that a sentence for contempt is
not eseoalisily diUerent from any other judg
ment, doorce or sentence It is a matter adju
dicated, and it belongs to the very essence of
governmental order that it cjonot be-roviowed,
except by the court that pronounced it, or by its
official superiors; and, therefore, in this in
stanoo, not by os.
It is insisted that this sentence, being in ex
cess cf authority, Is void, and v?c aro nsktd to
Jectare It so. Without stopj log (o notice tho
habitual misapplication of this word void, to all
aota of pubiio authority whioh are made the oub
j sot of an opposing criticism. 1 may e-ty that it
is a plain solecism thus to qualify any net tnat
is bo efficient of results A sentence, by which
i man Is committed to prison and bald there,
cannot bo veld. If we wi hto treat tho subject
profitably, we must speak of it more aconrotely.
la it meant to Bay that wo matt, on habeas
corpus, inquire whether a court, legitimately
established bos rightly d:-oideJ the question of
it* jurisdiction * Substantially this is the samix.
objection that wn havi' alreviy ooordered. If
I ft is well founded, tbea it ap:d"i:a to all Aorta of
; for ihdtjQcvtioo •: f jurisdiction is involv'd
ia them all, overy judgment rtcdcrci Is p:t
sTtion of the jurisdiction of lhe Court tb.»t re:i
d-’rs it If the ailcgo’ioa Li want of He’-. n
entities us to review it, fhe:: thao ure but K*w
in tho federal o. ur:-r fvre beyond the
lutorferonoe of tbe State „• an?, if a dvf:r laiit
deßtres to have it.
The superior *•vurta in may treat nr
void tho aDßotborizsd acts of Mnr inferiors, and
be justified by the peculiarities tf their system
aud the fact of their superiority; tat they-con'd
not, with propriety, so treat each other. Their
practice relative to each other uovt. r chained
such an element of UtsorcUr. A parly a irutnon
od to answer Is bound to. obey, or give a good
reason for not doing so. Ue oaoao.l uoat public
authority with ojDtotnpL If be thicks that its
Coart lacks jurisdiction, a decoct respect fi r
public order requires a-a to appear auJ
the question, so that it may Le decided iu an or
derly way. Ho need not miso it in erdar to iu
sure his right to tho objection in r« court of errer;
bat it may be necessary lu order to tha an
nathorized process Judges cannot keep all the
law in their minds, and parties are heard in
order that they may insist upon every principle
that is in their favor. It woo'd bo very disor
derly for defendants to bold back aa objection
to tho jurisdiction of the Court, and then raise
It by rebellion against tho public authorities
when tho writ of the Commonwealth comes to
be executed ; and habeas corpus would bo n most
aisorderly writ, if it coaid be thus used iu oon
tempt of authority.
Government consists of fallible men, who do
not always know their duty; and parties may
lose some of their rghts, if th*y Jo net aid the
poblio officers, by notifying them of thrir views,
and urging toem; and questions of jurisdiction
are very often ap diffioult to decido as any othor.
It is an essential element of government-that It
must be the jndge of its own jarlFdlotion; i
do not know that this rule is peonlijvfy applioa
ble to tbo higher oaurts. Tae lowest mast ftot
upon it, stibjeot to the higher sooial law that is
Involved In offioiat subordination. Often tho
question may be erroneonsly decided. Often
suoh dedeioßS may result in groat injury to the
oitlzeu; but it is tho lot of government to err,
because it Is human; and a man of well-trained
mind will think it ntr great hardship to anbmit
to authority even in error, irntb© name of or
der, the oountry domoude, and. has & right to
demand it. i
It Is usual to say, even of foreign judgments, i
that, if pronoQOoed by a competent tribunal and ,
carried into effeot without our assistance,- they
aro conclusive of tho question decidod. And
bore “ competent tribunal” means one of th
regularly established Courts of the country *
iu it. If its government could, accordion .
law of nations, have jarisdiation of p" *» **
wc oonoedo to tboCourt itself t' ' «*ch a c\so,
own juriediotion ; 4 Cr&nob - decide npott Its
for we aro not interest ~ ;47£ ; 1 ;
other States di°* In the manner in which
nmong their * -their civil fimoiiuna
Apo»- different departments.
* , lDr this principle bore,-cur lutcrfereqoo
certainly excluded. Not that the Uaitpd
Plates is a foreign oonntry, but Us Courts belong
la a different system from the State Courts, ana
thus tbeße respective authorities are, as author
ities, foreign to oaoh other. Each must respond
to its own superiors ; neither dan nail the other
officially to aooount. I speak nei here of the
aotion for damages for exoess of authority.
True enough, vre do thus leave the Federal gov*
eminent at liberty to make continual encroach
ments upon State rights, without bemg reepon
stble thorefor to any organized power ; but this
cannot be avoided. There can be no organized
authority superior to government itself. How
ever we may define ita fnnotions, itself most in
terpret them, enbjeot only to the right of the
people to give new instructions. It rnnkt bo so
with every government. Manufacture and ro
pair constitutions and bills of rights as wn may;
multiply checks aod restrictions upon official
fnnotions as we may, wo oannot Bhnt out human
orror and its oonsequences, wbioh aro sometimes
distressing—while we may oarry our suspicions
of government so far as to take, away its real
offiolenoy, as a means of preserving social or
der; and then we shall rrjeotit as totally worth*
less, and the oiri umstaaocs of its rejection must
givo the form to Its successor. .. f v
In civil matters there can be no inoraiprinciple
of higher importance than the one that is most
deeply involved in tbisoase, the principle of so
aial order. It is a principle of action that jaaa
binding on the consciences as any other. It is
the great moral principle of social man. With
out it we must endanger and retard nor sooial.
progress. Without it we confou d all official
subordination, and infect with disease the very
Organs of social life. This principle expressea
itself, as beet it oan, in oar olv l institutions,
and thus originating, they are morally entitled
to our reaped and obedience, imperfect as we
may suppose them to be. ite that rtjecta this
prinoiplo from his moral code, or gives it a low
place there, oan hardly be an orderly oitlsen ;
but must be dangerous to the public peace and
• iS *
progress, io proportion as ho is otherwise in
iM'igeiit, iufluetjiiftl and active. If tho Su
preme Court, a 3 the highest impersonation of
tbo judicial order of tho Biate, should set aside
this principle, there oan be no guaranty for the
healthy administration of our system. In the
name of the order whioh en *
force, I deoline any and every usurpation of
piwer of control over the United States judi
ciaty ; if be log a system collateral to ours, as
complete and efficient in its organisation, and ae
legitimate and final authority as any other. I
concur io refusing the writ.
Olli&ne'o Celebrated Vermifuge
and Llrer Pill#.—A singular combination, but very
effectual, as the following will ahow :
Niw York, November 20,1852.
Knowing, (Tom experience, the valuable qualities of Dr
M'Lona’s Vermifuge and Liver Plllft, I have for some time
bac'i considered it m j duty, and it my business, to
mako tbore articles known wherever I went among jny
frit-n'U A .iiort time ego I became acquainted with the
r.aif of a young girl, who seemed to be troubled with worms
and hrrr r-mplaint at che earn? time, and had been Buffer
ing f-.r some two months. Through my persuasion she
purchased one bottle of Dr. MThoe’s Vermifuge, and one
box cf Liver PlUs, which she took according to directions.
The reeult was, she p&&*s! a large quantity of worms, and
think* that one box more of the Pills wfli restore her to
perfect health. lier name and residence can be learned by
calling on E. L. TheaJl, Druggist, corner of Botgar and
Slcnroe streets.
«ir Dr. W Lane's genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated
Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable Drug BtoH9
In the United States and Canada.
Purchasers will please be careful ts ask for, and take none
but Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge, Ail others, in comparison,
arv worthless.
Also, for sal* by the so e proprietors,
Bocerasors to J. Kidd A Ooq
eep'i* dsw No. 60 Word street, oorner of Fourth.
Sir Ague and Fewer of Three Yearn*
Standing Cured.—Mr. John Loogden, now Bring at
Beaver Dam, Haoover county, near Hiohmond, had Ague
and Fever for three years; most of the time he had chills
twice a day, and rarely less than oncer be was parched
with fevers as soon oj the chill left him; and after trying
physicians, quinine, most of the toolos advertised, and
everything recommended to him, was about to give up in
despair, when Carter’s Spanish Mixture was spoken of: he
got two bottles, but before he had used more lhan a single
on*, he was perfectly cured, and has not had a chill or
forer kinee.
Mr. Lon fdeo is only one out of thousands who have
been benefited by this great tonic, alterative and blood pu
rifier. Bee advertisement. eepAfa
inhalation for Diseased LuDga.
Th» mods of Inhal«don, tn eases of dlaeaayd longs and
throat, recotnmended by I>r. Oortia In his advertisement,
strikes us as the true one. It is now generally admitted by
our best phy&kiana, that focal diificnltisfl can only be suc
■v-ufully treated by focal applications. This practice has
been pursued from the first with respect tn extemaUnfiam
mation and corrosions, and we see not why of the
throat and lungs may not be treated in the same manner;
ire believe they may. Ip this -variable climate of ours,
where lung and throat complaints have become so preva
leot aod rife, we earnestl; recommend to tbe public, and
to the ofjl ieted espe&aUf, to avail themselves of Dr. Curtis
who h&a trie-1 It] See advertisement in
this paper.
Caulwn —Db. Coras’ HYQRAHA ia theoriglnal and only
genuine artiole sepdAwdaw
Batetialor** Hair years l-«x
peiiment and arplimtion jastify the proprietor tn Winaaor
iso this lh« best llilr Dye in existence, it dyes black or
brown Instantly, without the least Injury to or skin.
Mido and .told, or applied, (In nine private rooms,) at
BATOHELOTra Wig Factory, 253 Broadway, New York.
Sold, v holessle and retell, by Dr. GEO. H. KBYBBB, 140
Weal street. sep2l^sw
9'&~ Jnst lieeeiwed, at Grlbbls’st a splendid
&-9<Ttci*Qt o( Pail and Winter Qoods, of every description,
nslstlng oi Plush, Grenadine, Valenda and Figured Satin
Ycxiiuga, Doe&kiu ami Fancy Oasslmarea, Cloths, Orercoat
in Ac., Ac. Also, Gaute’ Furnishing Goods in great vari
i-ijr. which will be sold low for cash. No. 240 liberty street.
HusaiNU west raoa pittsdpboh.
Tqs Fasr Tails leaves at 2 A. M~ through to Cincinnati
in 12 hours and 40 minutes.
, Mam. T&Am leavis At 8 A. M.
kxrasssroAis " a* 3 P. M.
TV:-f~e IVains all make close connections at aod
th- firot two. connect at Aillanc*. The direct route to Bt.
L.uid u now open, via. Crestline and Indianapolis; 100
than via Cleveland. Connections are made
l'. M&muvld with the Newark sod SandUßfcy City road
tci a! Crostiine with the three roads concentrating there*
F\>r panltalars see handbills. No trains run On Sunday.
Through Tickets sold to Cincinnati, LottisvEle 8b Louis,
It-iiAnapriii;, Chicago, Rock Island, Fort Wayne, Qtereland,
aa. the principal Towns and 01 ties In the Wert.
l. Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. and 6 16 P. M, and New Brigh.
ton nt 7 A. M. and 1 P. il.
For Tickets »n 4 further Information, apply to
A; tbe corner oEca, under the' Monougahela House-
Or, at the Federal Street Station, to
'GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent.
Pittsburgh, July 28, 186&. (Jy24)
UW, Fire and Marine Insnranca Company;
J.vt. D. &TQU.L, Secretary.
Thitj tN>mp«tty makes every iesurahee appertaining to or
connected with LIFE RISKS.
a !r,o. againat Hull and Cargo Rieka on the Ohio and Mte
ein ippi rlvera and tributaries, and M&rlnvltisite gehsroUy.
\nj against Loss aud Damage by lire, and against the
Pertis or the Sea and Inland liarigationnod Ttanspertetioxi.
Policies issued at U>« lowest rates consistent with safety
to ail parties.
Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley,
.1 auies j l . Llovn, John Fnlletton, •
John M’Alpin, Samuel STdurkan,
William Phillips, James W.' Hallman
John Scott, Chan. Arththnoh
Jueuph P. Gasxam, M. D., David Eftahej.
James Marshaik, John M’GUh
Horatio N. L»»7mttannip»
— .. fabiy
Continuant of tho Ohio and Penna. H. a
taan aosi»ap> aud uaaTtia hzlzs non nrrr .ma«
Train# connect at Crestline, vjWumt Mf x
a!l the Train* on the Ohio and ftmo. 800 S*SR"S
forest with Trains going Worth end £&' ,<?’™ »h - M«<l
River and Lake Brie flalUcad. ,th, qn the Had
For Tickets, apply at the Railrow* . ,%
arrt reunayl?ania Kail road Oompar v* PS 50
gbeny City, or at any or the folio- Jln Piwabarghj A* I **
Fort Wayne, Bel' _£*®B polnta:
OlndnnatL ,
Layton, , Urbane
.alfiA, Findlay,
rickets will be particular to ask for a
Pereoaa desiring '
Ticket by the 01*1
pgi.eri* little book that every itaateebomdjfead,
Ic w> uiy tbo TngrHwjL of those oosttaxoplatifiLg t&afTisjje.
t w j! bi sant by mail, free, to ftcy oddce*B» br InnkiSliiß
j poetage atampe, £TBix«p*Ooe» to O. L. QHBKftfMA S,
A. D , No. 193 Bfo»qpay T New York- ggjga.trim*
shcrtflfclty>—<QEOßG£ K. KIDDLE, of lh&
v>sr city of Allegheny, will be * candidfts tor the office
of Hircriff of Allegheny Ooanty, il the ensuipg eleo
ckn. JygaHiwta
+£, HATS* HATS*—W* bar® receiTpd oar PALL
STYXK 07 BCCS HATS, whlcbwfll be found, an in*
i- paction, a neat and rood article, A good Hat for $8»
and au extra one Ibfc $4. Call and eee. ,
MOBGAN A 00-. No. 164 WocxUt,
Next boose to the new Presbyterian Ghoich,
p*ps . One door frqgffiUth. Afreet.
Wo liave iut reeflred. bvlikprlfh
a large lot of PLANTER’S. HONGARIAR and Other’
SuKf IIATS, ot latest style, which we will sell hs low tor
ca-h as any boose in tha city. Cali and sea
MORGAN * CO, 164 Wood street,
aug£s next boosa to tbenav Presbyterian Church.
Pennsylvania Insurance Company
op pittsbukhh,
earner of Fourth anti SmithflelA stxaots.
BoHdings and other Property against Loaa
or Damage by Fire, and the Periled the Sea and
luland Navigation and TraqpportatiQQ.
Vrm. ? t Johns ton,. Body Patterson, Jaoob Painter,
A. A. Carrier, . W. M’UUntock, Kennedy T< Friend,
James 8. Negley, W-B.Haren, D. R Park,
1- Qrior Sproul, Wade Hampton, D. Si. Long,
A.J.Jones, J. fi.Jonee, H; R. Goggahall,
President... Hoo.' WHiF. JOHNSTON.
Ftce President BODY PATTBBBON.
Sec’y ojut Treasurer A.. A. CARRIER.
Assistant Secretary's. B. OABRIKB. (Jeffiriy
the two Cities.
Ordseb may be left at the HOI, or In boxes at the stores of
I/X3AN, WILSON A 00., 62 Wood street.
BP. AUN A BETTER, corner Liberty and St. Glair ete
H. I*. SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny.
TI&M8: CASH, Ofß X> JLI 71BT.
Moot and Shoe Jllanufactory.
_db, JAMES O’DOHHELL ft BRO., lrft t==-.
&l|tt Would numeotfollv in&nn lie llw
Hi of thrf they taw openadaiMuftctoiy
At No. TO SmltUldd'lttwti
In ffmmr’i Bommtas, vhere thsy will Do pitted to fill
nil’ orders of ersry description of Boots ana Shoos at Übs
Kbortert notice.
In order to accommodate all classes of customer! they
wit! also keep on sale a good assortment of the host eastern
work. Also, all descriptions of children's wear.
Terms strictly carft: good* at cajA price*.
A share of the public patronage is allotted, ftnyifim
Dissolution of Partnership.
r T"UUS Partnership formed by the undersigned Jim
1 O’Nm, In carrying on “the Cwodsn Goal Worts.**
under the name and style of JONES, O’NELAI. 4 MILMgS
le now dissolved. ISAAC JONM,
Jaly 7th, 1866.
C. W. BATUHKLuR, GaagaAi. AoanT.
J. IHShoenberger, w Qgftg,
C. W. Batehelor, 1. W. K. Nlmick,
laaae U. Btnnock, T. D. Undlke.
W. \Y. Martin, ’ K- DvOochran,
B. T. j ' Jobit A. Caughey,
George'S. Seldeh* 8. 8. Bryan,
David McC endless.
49" All Loams sustained by parties Insured under poll*
cies issued by this Company will be liberally adjusted and
promptly paid at Its OQet, No. 90 WATER street. | jyll
MAicrnfAimruetta Of
Chilson Furnapes, Wrought Iron Tubing,
For Warming and Ventilation of Building r,
49-W. A A. wmrjbntract for'fVarmlng and Ventilating,
by Steam or EffitaßriXer, Pipes or oEilpoc’e Fnraace,
Churches, SchoolspßdBbiials, Factories, Gieen Hqnflea,
-OourtHouses, Jails, Hoteli, or Dwellings. No. 26 MARKET
street. Pittsburgh. aplO
Wmi Hi Toltott A Co.,
sale deal ere in Imported and Domestic FANCY GOODS.
• have just received a f j!1 assortment of all articles in
Dnr line, and invite the attention of. dealers to oar stock—
being confident we cm offer them inducements both auto
prices and quality of goods.
aep24d3w 83 WOOD BT., corner of FdhrtHs ,
/BLOCKS—A fine assortment; Willow Ware, Port Mon-
O naiea, Broahee of all kinds, Carpet Bags, Hosiery,
Gloves, Combe, Ac., all at lowest price?, at 62 Wood At.
wp2£lw_ WM H. TALCOTT A 00.
” , Loa«,
CHECK NO. 18, dated St-pumber 22d, drawn by ns oo
the Httsbargh Trust Company, fur Fifteen Hundred
aud Forty Dollars. The payment of raid Chock Is stopped,
and all persons are notified not to purchase or negotiate, the
The finder will be rewarded by returning It to ns.
SBp24ai3t No. 120, Second and Water streets.
UvuU the highest market price in cash will hwpaid,
eao24:dlw>wlt Ncr. 299 i
MAGAZINE FOR OCTOBER—Peterson's Magaxino for
October, w th colored fashions.
Leslie’s New York Journal for October.
Godey*s Lady’s Book do
Ballou's Mags sine do
Yankee Notions do
ElUe. or the Uaman Comedy; by the author of ** Thn
Virginia Cornelians."
The Iroqulaan story.
Maud; by Teabynoe.
Thackeray’s new book—The Newcomee, of Memoirs of a
Most Respectable Family. '
Just received and for sale at
Fifth gL, opposite the Theatre.
Magazines, Ac.— •
Godey for October, 20 cants;
Ballon do 10 do
Trank Leslie’s Journal for October, IS cents;
Peterson’s Magaeine do 17 do
Yankee Notions do 13 do
The above Just -received by express. AleoVhav© received
the finest ana best assortment of Fancy and Staple Station*
ery, Book*, 4c., ever brought to this city. Ladles* fine Bath
Paper and Envelopes. Remember the place, at
3Q.ymh street.
DRY GOODS — Waousau asd Retail-—PALL TRADiL
1555. 1
A. A. MASON 4 CO, Fifth street,
Am now receiving their Pell stock of Goods, embracing
some Twenty five Hundred Packages,.which have ins pur
chased at the large Auction BateA,'from Importers and
Manufacturers, and will be sold at as low rates as ca&fca
purchase of the New fork or Philadelphia Jobbers. -
sep24 ' \
STELLA BHAIILH—An assortment of Very rich and
fashionable colors of Btalla Shawls Just opened.
«gp?4 A: A, MASON A CO., £5 Fifth «t
T' URPfiNTINK— 6O bbls just recalved and foe-sale by Y
fiPSO&I SALTS—2OOO ibsjust received and for sale by
BAY BUM—I cask Just received and for sale by
REFINED CAMPHOR—4OO lbe justrec’dand for sale by
T’CRPENTINK VAKNIfiH, No. 1-80galla lost Kcelved
and for sale by [i»ep24] FLEMING BEOS.
MOHAN’S UUiiDLAL—I gross just rac’d and-foreale by
for sale by , Qep24j FLEMING BEOS.
G HE ASK—2S bblfl for fceevy Machinery, Railroad Cars,
Oarriages, Drays, Wagons, Ac., for sale by ;
(iHBISfIB— 240 boxes this day rt cel-red and for «*t« by
VINEGAR —15 bbls foreala by
APPLES— 60 bbls for sale by
BROOM'* —75 doi will be told low to close consignment by
POTASH— 10 casks pure for Bale by
Wmmm illinr k r , Jy
kflSPSjp No. 28 Diamond alley,
traV MS* Country Merchants and Milli* •vjiuSrdr
/Agf cere supplied with Pattern Bonnets 'nrj.VA
y at wholesale prices. fsep22:dlw i ,f *V
CHARTERED...... , r - rfirill lBlo*
Paid up Cash Capital, $300,000 I
With large surplus securely invested
Dividend of 8 pgr ot, July!, 18&
THIS OOMPAN Y h%ve been doing an insurance b v
nearly a haU century—have paid out for pro'
stroved by are under ita policies, more than Flftw „erty do*
of Dollars sines they commenced business. V -nfiniJiona
oelpte and present assets (which are belo* v * annual rv
to each poucy holder of more than tvro - give Indemnity
A policy oOnsuranse * - 0 better mUHonrof dollars.
L that will pay * Wn paper, unless
nwessary. case of loss. It becomes
*nd solvency cT the fsrfK something of the char*
icy. Its age, experience ' you take a pol
saeceas for thirty-sU y* *»sb <apßal-iis nnlnUrrupted
ble dealing—places «► -w-dts uniform course of honota
the first most r* ■*Zmubdm Oanpany among
mmtJL ue w institutions of the eoua try. Its
No pTeolum notes taken—no assess
polhLhpldexs—butaUisOAßH. If you meet
-ake up your p roofs, nnd la sixty dayß call and
This is. the way we have done business
for nearly I s j r ty y ears.
to make Insurance on Country Stores,
MID 8! * actorlas, Dwellings, Bams, and all descriptions of
projwr’.y in town or country, at fair rates. Your attention
Is invited to the following ldWrates on Co,untry Dwellings,
for .he whole term of one, three, or five years.
_ . 1 year. 3 years. 6-y«ai3»
Built 6f hdok or stouey; metal ■
roc£ SOteetfrom elm liar risk* 46 VA
Built tfTbrick or etone, shingle
r00f......~,. r 60 1 IU
FttUne dw«ningB r^.w ..„« i4 ;.i75 IX 2
Q*fihln hand, and in Pbcenix - ——■s ns/
Otthiu lundflof Agmtfl , ~ ._ f .. rT , TTT 187,137 31
. —: . 1(3,67% (ft
72 Mortgage Bonds, 0 and J per cenh: interest, •
payable earnl-annua11y........... 72,000 00
20 6 per cent. Btate of 'Vtzgtnlft Bonds, Interest
.80,200 00
6 0 per cent State of North Carolina Bonds,
interest pftyehiawCTnt.aTinnAlljr.-L... 6,000 00
10 6 per cent. Jersey City Water Bonds, interest
wabionomUnnually ,—. l&soCvofl
6 10 tar csct. City Of Muwaukie Bonds, inter*
- eatpayable semJ-annuaUy... . fyISQ 00
0 t'j»r eeni-Inoemo Bonds, Interest'payable ••"". '
son J-auhua11j........ — -i-' 8,100 ,00
due tits Company, secured by mortgage... 6,200 00
iliUia'jTtmiTabla, amply secured, and payable at
Bank 116,412 12
600 share* Hartford and. New Haven. Railroad •.
lps, do Hartford and Prqvldence R-RvlO per' '. u r .
preferred aodguaran teed--- . 0,
107 do Boston, and Worcester -Railroad; 10,068 00
2&0 do, Cpanecticnt Hirer-Rai1r0ad.....—.... 14,000 00
60 do Connecticut Elver • L 250.00
100 do . Stafford Bank»3tnstalinsnts¥*id to, OO
30 do Eagle Bank, Providence, R. 1 1,030 00
BOfL - do- Pbceoix Bank* Hartford,Corm. 33,600 00
806 do Exchange BSBk; -do - 1 dd ' 17,656 00
200 do Farm ere £ Mechanics' ft-ipfr, Hart
ford, Contis %C. 600 <OO
160 do Connecticut Biver Bank; Hartford-. 0,760 00'
200 do Hartford Bank, do ... 26,400 00
118 do Btateßank, do ... 15,104 00
76 do Hartford County Bank, do ' 7,875 00
100 do Ci f y Bank, do ... 11600 00
200 do Union Bank, New York.- 12,200 00
480 do Broadway Bank, do 14,160 0G
160 do People’s Bank, do .... 4400 ffi>
100 , J , do Hanover Bank; do ... 10,000 00
400 •do Mechanics'Bank, do .......... IL9QQ 00
100 do Bank of North America, New York... 10.600 00
120 do Bank of America, do ... 13,920 00
150 do Bank of the Republic, do ... 18,760 00
60 do Bank of the Common wealth, do -. 5,000 00
100 do New York Life Insurance and Trust
Oompany. 10,000'00
100 do United Btates Trust Company 11,200 00
$836,630 23
Losses equitably adjusted, and promytly paid.
Policies issued and adjustments made by
. S* B. TEN-SYCE* Agents
Offlrt, N. W.corner Wood and Fifth streetsTpittabuigh.
4ST For further Information enquire at the couattna
room of the .Saturday Morning Post. . . ; • eep22jw2m
A CARD. :: v ’ -
tho Eastern (3 tics, * stock o*
VaNQY AND STAPLE GOODS, embracing tho dt?£t
„ ?f “**■ * hay® ever hitherto offered to the public.
*_?Wp number, of BLACK CLOTHB, of trMoh £
h»T® always kept a good assortment, I have boon at con
aUerable pains i reme. choke Fancy Oolora, arnoxrjr
of BKOWN and BLOB. Also, of 't'A'NCY
OABHMBRSg an elegant variety of mad«,
comprising many handsome PLAIN DBAB and PTjRPLB
EfcoQ'AN ea yell as the latest Figured styles. And of
nsnally large selection—the latter embracing sey*iml deli
cate patterns net readily obtained.
X have procured the eerrices of Ur. JNO. OABPENTfiB
as Foreman, Ikmflfer to the trade in the West as the in*
▼enter of “ Carpenter's Bole.” Haying oU the niee*
tfes of cutting, the chief study of his life, and endowed
witha large fund of experience froth a practice of wytoteco
years, there is little doubt of his ability to pleaso ail whose ’
custom he may attract.
Uy stock of BOYS' CLOTHING is much larger than at
any former period, exhibiting all the variety of styles com
mon to tbs season, and at Tery low rates. *
No. 80 Wood steel.
Fancy sund Variety Goods.
just ree’d and for sale by
• . F.j'V.-'ii*
t r - ' o;- :
«t-r* - '■
Wt+iUMtaxtr- :
IO(t lor ifa to be.h&to announc* to th* pabUo that the •
otuiry of BAlXfc’ PAMiSI 878 CUP 3 1* now nottpol.
m&Q t> —their >onJerrul era coming dally to th*
knowledge onbjprpprfiooC .Btrang* „ U stay tta, tt ,
is true, that Spectacles pxay, be dispensed withentirely ud fc
eight restored to Us original powei.-TheiieeojiarSaliiiH*
y«t philosophical Itwyare nredwtthoafpaln Sr th*ieaet
danger of injury. Below will bo found mera! certificate* .
which speak highly In their favor; : - i - \ .
[Prom the New JorkEiangellit]
A vsby alrap'e ret pbHoiophlcai Inurnment. has »
mventcdljj J..l!aI140o, ofthladty.hytho application ot
-which tbs cornea of theejal. graddally raUad to ttsartgl
nal convexity, censing the fueas to Impingt mi-tha rtfs*
without ibe aid of convex Iriwa. Thus by so wytrocw
persons who bare used glassesfdr yeara ire’ffttahbd wy
dlsptnpewiihthsijj. .......
The edltor.;of Ddmoerititijniasibi >
lows, reap acting, the eafent Mu.florgtcad, of.PbtoaWlte-
PennsylvKhlkj .; s M ;. f
' „ " " 'Umbitiows,
'Sf® *'*» o(e4»BtfF»:?atent Eyo<Japs,’’Jt .waolapOM:
blafor her to re.d^rnhohttho-tijotjfSffiitarlaL andtitt -
tar eight has been tc.-itore-i by tho use of (he Cups, aothgt'
the now reada prlntwlth hec nakolelo sithootdlacnlty^
I*: ~ Penp. Ilaaocrat. -
_ „ , i; ':’ ' Brnimt,Tofe'Jgn»i.iBdd. .
Dtar Sir Having lost old «ga, I walln
three or fcnr toontß.
not a temporary
imid, wi th fait dlroctlanfl,'to‘any put of the county,
dress DR. GEO. H- fiSYfIER, ppwek tffWood end
, Y ftlloy, Pitte6crghyEu— \» ‘
caAußEkk, ■' ;
also mmm moks
*B9" Efery article «atde by ( j
... Cabln*t a*lt«r>v
fioppllft] with «njr qaanUty of FUEBITOaB and CHhtiS,
, ,cn tejaoMil»;termii!ii -it
. -Hot»l. and SWUnbodta 111 ' 1 ' I 'f )
Warerooms, Nta iT ' "i
• *• a. oAJaHXKtt A into,, - f .
Cteur Jburth and BmiOt/Uld itKett, ftMaasaiJ/li,
. . STATEi i' ■: .
" ** wua *‘'
.1! €AFnAL ---=*—.• .—vago.poQ._.
MSB a?5 j
°/ PH I iADDLt.HIi. i «!■ -»
aiivj4i_„ „i.e»o»;oo of
» i> .cQjiixxfaMjl .pailT«3S’
of chs
cuhtal ——■....■.taoo.oooij ■- i
HABTjoß.jy'i' CiSiii'.'- ’ ; •'*
TX.BTOMB, Aoot.i BL Ctaria ialiJng,
. Thlrt nwet, PitWbwgh. ■ X
_ .... - , i ..firZJGXKS3*m
f• A. BLQgKBOM. 'Preaidant. : '
JAMEa BUBDIOH, ?ltePitoUeat. ! '
BBTJ MABTlM,,Secretary «nd TnuxiitijJ
„ omih r - n
V r
Uaib.oftY -o £
jib] vria. Bunina, Biripinghan,.- BBrtta^Jlera^ssfeAJßa^
ritlsh audCoutinental E&chamrfo
ox the vmox B&im, : iosiioii:
TTIgSB DRAMS al'itp- U»» Bilneliml
St. A. Oriuuluiua A jjwtttn*'"
iitvi fsjnktobt a JUA>k .
□ceded, lo any part of Boroae. .ed, u
OoiißCTidsi of Bills, Notes,' atdkufcw seen**'’
rope, will receive prompt attention. .dee In Ea
, „ - WO. H. WU3J’ . i i
m»2l ■ Wood, apt- AMBAOO., ■
DfiAliffl B*r ‘■-i - ••*• -•'
Ho. 895> . „
- Liharty »lroot, EHfUlmignt fa.
PET JossTi.ttLi uicsmua, tho DBfiT BRA NDB o|
■ ■.
‘ Which will' tlyaya bg eoU at the 'Lpgfst Cash price*, (»pu
DRESD ’ v ; ;
, - Vr, ;i ■> 'i
A IkTgottook aivfBTBOQ handoi ,
atreeX, ■,*?;
jeg) ... - ■ ■■••*.■:• > ■ -•- ,
ft. i: c. ouKsgß~*fb4 whks...w. arwooetfifiD.
p a r EUssStii : 3^A^^clb3^
m^t^&rsacmsASX, ; , r
I •VrAßCYifcitjStlitfoiPAPlEß MAcakOEHAMERTB
JSfc-Ar-OhurohWi Hcnag,. «nJ
gal&na wKI uiyotlierarlltSß
oov In use. ..jiiof; v
N. B
reet»l oihisAntdflrCOAODoantor^toDrtt’Votriiti" •''*
CUMMINS, Cte'*’ 1 * i 7
Newts fienapfl tral Mirtetrti;'"
l«a- - ■ ...■■: r.^piHjßmShi.l;
. j
VA V I.T DOOR#, •- 1 1
Soil Hi 4wost Jltml uul «» (CMrd «r, ia '
.... woo*-tMt msxnj
, ■ .; LLL.:;
Ukli.m, b*a& »i., cait»!ii»ror all : ’
i" ..jftmaur & : Cidfer
! KureiMTOMMlafi .iv:.'. > »
.... . ; .WiiiiS MV .O Si '
wrnnow glass;- ? 1 -
pitta. Poobla. BtrourtH.l ImitaEtnft; ‘ ' tmh,
Wa, naakij HoiteiiPftJftnf Jaril f-
..v ....
.Telegrapliic & >
Bat * Bftort
*pM7 BX WAT Eli - STREET. PITT Bit CSQH. "" ;
~ MKRRIC& HO>PSE»: ; . .
lv. A, BLOSSQAIr ;P;E;o?BirETOE;
...- : • BXArXB 'CQOSTT.'.eA.
rt> J. graven * |
j.. niUl Bart,
'Oculist)offlm.ttvbook* i
r* EelTe ItlVlrtQ’d .EAVtv OJ? WAbEIJS2“
■CON. -n t r l.t. .Bblliatlonfc If ll 5.
- Barr>« lattingoti* Ofllia'; ' '• -
BUectooto aj«.totte(lji>4jjUatMjtt call anl obtata ?
Help eoa- their apptmaiesr-, Afit,, th^ .4
ciumv aji ftanie, «h»lr •;
WKLLIQBSCEOSnoIi, No. 41Q Ulior^?rMir ? C y< ' W '
;No anflwtr rctui’iail •to'qpplfojLtfaniwWtwani' l
(fompeolefl-by*T°»taii* gfaempr.-'' l t
L B B < A"nx y ~ .
<md if daUreredlnaldeof two ve.W.from<ißvatit|ete
1 Jlro Oenta poi bajhtlfbr eatia ewß '
1 1 WiE alpo har» NEW ALS (tadp HMjoSSJIf tpuaf,®
A PPCfIM, OhrarAilsna anu TtxorwaUsallJl'tMtotri
iaKta^tv'ypOT 1 ’ HoU * na U W^a«