/,. :* -; ••: : ? »*! gy •>.a " " ..•••’ jv vV* J, ~:T t i > * |»* *• x •;. . • * ; r*”i .V’-:'? - ; '. 1 '•**»'’•" • > ■ ■. - •■' ‘iviw v' v:.’-.; N ■ •". MOBNING POST : ‘i< ‘A ’*t >:,■* tfyTv- ;ti s -- -,,, . - rT ■ '»■•*-, and puXuhtd mry mminMftmtiayt accepted,) .’ \ ■ k .r» ' * ' ,s <- ,r> ,v.,. ' P v OllkifflOttK « nojNOIIBKY, V. ) i i’.-f, o>V 5 7,l ■ ► ' °" tß * Mta -™ rmn btrzxts, «T tSp«»w«fK« r fl Tx |a a j>l :;"• cv' • : ° ’* u “ th ‘°° unt " ln “" lL IJg| Sr :"j,‘-’*l ■- !* a’-% V . '•- THK SATURDAY MOBKIH6 POST M.sß JeL/ X;■. *’ *» ' J*i «*’ at : i.*vV'•' -• ' '*• W. VV Publish*! from th»B*me oQc*. on a latm hlanb-t D t.* j» x ' V / VfA f A Vt/Vf ■’ * .To°fl,r° DOL^M • r~>r, In Single conies • —O'; v 7i ,4V * ****♦■ ►' r l -’^-J No paper will b« 4iacontiau«a u*.. ‘-'J \r/\ rm ir T-i • ---- nOa VOLUME XIII. ’ “ ISUSINKSS CARDS. 'A > ’v‘’'V'‘ : '''l rJ:'-'l ; " *. A TnmtfEV *Am obPNMSr.Unt’ATLiW-Om N Josepl! Fleming, " *1 * ‘ c . '.>.■*> /V —, Ponrth street Pii»«K»Uvn- LA W-Offlce, No. ... . si’ccnson ml. wucox i ■’;'r%V,y -N . /’tOBtHSH MakKKT bTIIKET iSo DIAMOND teen, V V ■• i#A* *‘£% C x,; ' *■ ' *'■ A “n'OIUIRY AT-LAwIALf*SJ rr !*» cli/°M* n D | UT Tm hand a tull of tiru K »’ AjtJl- P f J^| r [ 3 y ’ inj to his busln^M^ Per^ um<,r ' T ’ an< * articlrf i^ertain ■ "!S“ "®‘*™s&rTi“l l w ■■'•■■'.?,“ ; '.H -■ • ■•., ; ~,jg^“--aaR-sj ■*••• :: = f*l\.\ *ii' * ;, ' *."r :f . _ f. Orlando Loomii ‘ • - - _ _aprJ:mAt*l '* • •{ A A . : cfe - Ht <;/ fc ,»■ *!>-'«irnk«in K 9;ln»poriodlUTftne [§4iW%kvM : } A™r i,u^i AW - ti utri'et,aboniauj ' XnV^SZ I ALDij |j M P A N IO n * l ®j>‘«“»*r ‘'■ y 'iV.'ii'!' J‘l T f ( )V.M k bribr Urlnt u;^ W^h^r > r " 1 ' “aprJ-lT ** % '» in oillo-j oi >wis >^ wilur,} all Ludaess pcrUin- ® r » sr—sarawarjstsaK „r K - —~™a I spK5-s?.=Stfa:— ia »^«»g“ # «ar ,0J °^ wr lAocomente, Jriwn wl.h , U err« a 'i' cV„^ c „'; J 1 ! .ggsaT-ininn:. 8U B 1 o\’ s “M-; k^ NTisT^urui .«i M °da , s. teft “ tofo “ a^w offlc riw.iy b ’ - itiii®!-® ' -- = r—- to \ l*uln and K*ucr QraU-A. -‘j, it + .■*[ ALHtti. u ciru xu .... ' <-JoalanU UcoJ Stcrivs, Plain ar,l l-'i.n -l i- , • ..*•-»■••.'■ •■ p- A iuvyaiii) niTHaiiHig uoiitathAis Parlor StoTtse, n l .| Bt ,|‘i l *' tA.u: ~ k> ikC f ;il , g , uob.v t .„rs T co R,M ' i ' itT M ANIIPACTUKISttij OF cur, PRKSMSO AND PLAIN SiISYk mV*** K^ulea, a L r roe/Vi 1 U . LAbsVVAKK - war-hott.-e No U VWx-j „ lm t u ’ —~ -’ . " Rose-, 'tnhlft N- r'nJ . B. Roger, li Co'l. " " ,w ' t3 • pssßtesass rfSSS;^ ‘iiti!(;«ll. , >il^ , 4 ! 1 ‘ J-. -| , , lu , K “K‘ l, >' ■*• Illcl.ard.ou, ‘ I olte-J Ptalrß It, 10.-„a ~ ~. a,- lr ~„ u, i ', * ( WuT»? •'■Mf'VARDUro MKRUIUtrtH, on.l ,‘ U /- "® U « *“ »*''• .U 0.„.» ‘u *^l>lsB^S^3 , * ?”«•" lersl ? *“*• l ’* cm ' *»a on,««i Proaoc. S, ' 10 ' h ' rn'iDonoii 0 ,1^,1,h. 1.,u>i,0,. f , , 1 i'C>‘' i.g, j*' &J.J 1 *-."■? A, K1 ’ u !• timithli.-JJ Hlreut, luur-loor.H above Ihr \T AL r K U oif Uii.r, .S|L\'f:R HKA^s *LH ll-uee. We will pnrcha.,e, or u« c . ... UIURN/.K, RooKINU-GLas-, I'OllTKArr am. i-r Utr Oat' W U?i 1 "’ vr"2?r Ut * Pi FioUr - CW„, A» ff* l l,U ‘ U >OruameulnJ, No ill & aI un - R»riey, Ha\ Set*J, Oraau Seed. Halo.l Hav A.- tn! * L - Ail Uods c l OonipoaU.dn Ornament f., r Hienio ijurl- 'J r*'| h ** ** ll } Uak « °f pur«-b**,. at ibeK '' a t u J*. ic * AHkmdMcf UHJio« en 1 ReciiJili-, to onj.T ipMßajPga»a "y:.i. !3s»assssKK»»!s** •>* ft«s«aasa«a."» -tS"* T» “” “** ■ *»* Pk uoarirdt street?. Pitt*-.. AU *r.nics and Moulding rntbUe-lah r -iTv “— -• --- •*“'— --- »**£wsuJZ%*££tv ll I{M * nJ «- »«•-«.. ..... 2 c „ UpliiailJ \VTiiOLErfALSi GROCKIta, and Dealers Id Produce, For tflr< Liuj 0 e,lll » *» be can't to brat l n vork- V XT-3 » “ f-U'n ines and Liquors, Old MonontraiiHl* .nil! . m*n*hip , rR t P '■* M w A. Tlndie, -7 UA VB soM my intare.it In tbo busine?? cs Lcn* Hiller U |r o ?i- LK and Beufi Saddle, U.rneee m,t ?iV t 0 ?; A , Lo l n ?; wtm * wItI) Jobo PM/lipe, wilh urj ir£? .-57 $!l . Truuk. \ftliee “ - J - i - ] D.Tl 5 MILLER. <4 W , i^ LfcdA . l : Is -® , * d *¥ u “ MMleal Ln«tr U m.o r.. aa. lono wclla B .sr’ ■ 60,1001 BcBIaDAND BRASS POUNDERS, AND UAP FITTERS (Sms/iSSION %?a’ROHANTS- V . Enterprlio WorKiT Attrition U.UI eoo«laoUp onbtwL ~m c cW''.T'.>; C-.-i .Vo. lPoxt r/rrW, third door Mow rirginaUsy ~ ' T»OHN A TETLEY lv..uU cnlllbu attention 01 ijjL-tina WUlltpt. I li mon to tMr 1.. M mnartmait ot Oai», b.Rm £d R, BALY 8 STOCKING MANUFACTORY .olking P.FWIB, th«l l»rp«t anJ best aoleetej atock „„ -Vo. 20 fifth strr.t, first corner n/ro, W „ J ZI.., t&Sf^fiIS^LwSwVJEM?«'K *i.r»bicb UrURRB will be foong Iba laßrroi,„d , , S«s«W“’*—3* , I1A „ I £3s?c*olift• boll, of whom have been for many years Id jay estabilFb’ ” ' - C ~ u ■■ munt, an.l are already extonslrely and TaTOrably tnown to , nm . . Conaume the Sinok*. my customers and the pobllo generally.os soparior'-work- | w f lZ i u‘ , 7. tt ' #, - eTduf!iTfi riT A]ll ASU ° r an.l artistic skill—especially in tbe watch d~ F V I{NACK * is P rv P ar «G to recalye orders,and *»43 partment; by keeping a large and well selected stock , I ' (,Dtract for beating bulldlngH with the mo*t economical moderate prIMR, and by clone atUnUon J ‘l™* 6 ? no A w m l u !- altcnthnu Hr-iotererted U b) mom a liberal dhare of pationago. Ib mr [j'UHled. Any infuraation cube had of A. BRADLEY oU frtend.R and the public in general, who have for muin ! ‘ 4 , Woo< },' ,tl l f,t ’ ° r ° r J. BAUNDoLLAH. J ?* r \ IMU,t Nberally paironleal my bnsioess, ! return niv Jer r7f r l .l£? n City Store Warehooee, No, i;n Wood et. • Jbßokn, aud M>Ueit for the new firm a continuance of elim mmir a lodub , U ' P %Zr (K April U 18M W ‘ WILSJN - ...Aaw, , ,b,„. ’ J * (SncreßMorß to Molvanv A Lillie.) iml Wow toacli and G&rrlaffo factory t ah&dly j JOHKSTOH, BEOTHEES &CO * Removal arner Mffhrnl City. n lUMBHN, Manufacturnr of every variety cf rials, fa* g i-n. l ?n! JI

?&*A sHtSS'S! " " ! I ss|fc©«>f ty * p j “ f flnUb“ a rS‘ P S l rj, h »"S n ' I ;' i!^ 1 MtoM 1 !!, D E AN^AM/N^' D ° 6 "’ i?<,L^^,^OBACt:O ' BAGS »^3£s —•«•• RA^’ ■“*•• priM ' ■» OABH -%V iSitlt* f-S Purchaaarfl are ra>lQast«J to gira as a call, bafore purcb. joh« atwu, ~~ I MMr Atw.l'oL«*Uo;,'' a, “ AT, ' IL '- ■A,'«*u'.i r.? i r. JOQI.STOA. ..D. i. joußstp. AM.Au,,. TyiIOLMAU! QROOKRB, Pexlora an.l Comm lesion Klcel.ior Carriage Factory Jf »tmb*nts,anh twelera In Pitubergh Manafartuin s IOnNSTON, BIWTUER t 00., PRACTICAL COACH ?,° •> »«>8 Mwet, betwwn. Wctn aaj Front .tracts, PRtl' d MAKERS, corner of Rebecca anil Belmont slrecls. All apis W glwoy city, Pa, here on band anj ar« manufacturing , a ~: p S?'lX- ,e tVSr;-N***'>g rxb-nsiruiaaunrtmen. of Carriagea, Rnckawsys, Bnggi-s, ® f „ ‘/“-Partnerallli,. Hl>i~Wa4'J!'V¥ii.*a| b *** , F> °“ r “. A<= . mado ln all tbalr rariona styles, wilb ’l Hncmi» A »riiln2« UIP A h9r,! b>for<. sxbtlng *t»tw«sn afrlct rrganl to durability sod beauty of finish, using in all a , nd , rUILIP RBI'MBR, In tbo ''..y- ; V. ¥ : 1 tbalr work tho bast J nnlata Iron ami eastern blokory. It- o ?nll,^? D , J oonrwtlo,l * r 7 RnelDees, la thin dar » w-N^Ss;? J< ». .who la anthor'redtor" ...'.l “*Jt' rlB ba perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. . M.S!,?lr,ih°^ U “ “ J Brm - lUIODM, 1 C'^lo“ r, . 1 ' l!'-. ■ I 4 ‘."' ■ , TllL Pittsburgh and Manchester OxUAlboseapass erery Of- rebZ7th, 1864. I'UILIP RKFMER if Iran mlnutea during the day. oct24:ly „ A^?«sS©!S^-W?««i^’ s »‘V’» t — 8 rvT_ pabtnkrpiup notwe. ’i> ?4‘¥-'V 1‘ '■ ,-‘.c-. Vf k •-' - PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. .f^~ T 1“ ooJersignea bare thTa day forinisl a Partner '*• Bta,low mutat. mm. onuu audit. jKfc^2 1, 5,®® “ me> fi ™ a® l "'Tie of BKTHKR A AN. Blffalew &, Re . UKItSON, for the transaction of the Wholpfi»i„ Pr„f. 7^i 'iZ’Zr-'t I '}— l ' n iSTffllff TO If si BIGELOW. No 49 OonfecUonary bnelness, No. 39\Tood street •. l ,v‘V{jp< , 'V*jf T A‘?P?Avf,’r Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pi Up- I TULIP REVMHR. ssSss&sstjsw SMasma-swa^sa—«. Jfsssssmggtsux&ss sale > r s NG ,SJ't M t AuoH to N , 1 W3$T, STABLE, jmt* 206 Überty street. _ 4 V r.*>N «*®«ona street «« orwyS -«*.» ..anartnoaß ronsuo. .A £4rf*w*-..-tV;.'‘ .%, n S.-Va Vtt w,—i Plttsbursh P. y Springer Barbangh A Co,, r«fc‘sftp»»V;*">>.'a()-*;soetj'-: i . _,,,J'*rtivaia. II If) JJIW..UUIOU AYRU/; (SooeMMn te A Ihrtaugh,) riVtt^Lf a pl*" 'VIV ”?fS, Cto i 40 Instore and for aale by /10MMI8B10N AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS; iv.'..,'f.fi 1,19 8P Wood at, oppoatts tbs dt Obarlaa UnLi v Dealers In Wool and ITodnee gaoerally, No. 295 Übortv • -treat, Pntsborgh, P. ,p» ' I -.'Ci-./w y jrf v; *:tvL.V' *■'• a-7v*J— t:? 4 ..-.; .-, ?;•,- r •[ *}&■&?< f-iL ! ’ -,-v*v.-*- ,> - - - - - VT V,f-'.^.pr » .«• e. .--.; P.V. r . tV S_« . v . V ’ ■.■■*■.-:■ -»...e - ,-..••• .. •.•.''•■''•• .• • " "'- • • ' ' ‘ - * "'■T*' •- - ' ■-. • * A. Vjr.v.fa’.i, -7 y*\ : : : ."v ' ’:v r4^r-^r ( - - y * ‘ * a • 'v-V-- a " r>-'C* <\*;.-'- A - . .v. J- -/ . - ' ••---• o , ■ - Lj,. '• AvA- ”■ -=" • -r, * i -1 - ■ - - , - , ‘' F i »» w r \j c.r :- > > - • * . . : , • . !*■■■* A'v , , . . - ; B- ;■•.■’■■ ■•../, 'P»Vi TOSS'S’ ** w ’ , .' v -k ■''. VV'-' ‘ ,’ v 1 '' .' .’• -' .’ ' ■ .. ~ ' -4,-1 .;*< i > , s£A%VtS " '" v> a " - • ,v' - r ■?!' •: *y£3'p&*7. ! ' .^V } i.\ . V “t-i .• .. ’ - -*• ' J|l?. , •« -.1 - V, V.-'r; {i ' r ' -•H ; * , . , *,■ . CiT ,. . ”"'* :- '*' L -""~ 1 ' '-it’ii^i'i 1 *r ' l r- S jE?St? .„, _ ■- ,«, PUBLISHED DAILY, BY OILLMORE & MONTUOMERY, AT THE “POST PUlLm™* ~ • _ - LUILDINGB, CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD Si'll f’FTH at Wilipko Aumm 7 - - *-■. 0-PER ANNUM, OK .*6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE V !•'»'« COCtIRAH »*LfcWlK<3 Fleming Urotherit, vaLiWAr o! ur - M ' L * ue- “ Joliii litifi, Jr~ Wii »J bU ’ Ol ' vS(>K TO JiMih U'OOt- . t uolwalk and kktaii, miumasT, »oa u-.i„ . .. . , 1 Dye .stuns, Ac., U 1 Wooj.Tra, iLro,. u<««olullou of Co-I'urt Ucr*lllo —r- >'«“»' Pittsburgh. uprJtmiely i I' 1 K mi) > ** I-IVI NORTON, KOOORH AOO 'p'rootle Sri sots^ssr y jr, h . , l ' nc ''’ M 10 üballeagscomp.titlon | B S ," l! ” “ nd Üb «"<'U Bottlns or ov-rr style' Demijohns or Bll»l»™, I r«p«otrall, io.ll- P. BD. my ,Wck) “ Ko “ »’>A>b street, HtUburgb, - . - . aprlkl y M,., k J*nu« M*iil»fi*«r. ONONU AII ALA PLANI N.l Al llt. - Wm.i.l r--|.-Uu! ly luform hbirrlen.hi anil U>« public, lbi.l hi, ,„- isunehm. ut is u tfiuuili cprratinu, anU that ~, parp-1 lo lurpisli post Gatlins, iukJ fill H || or-icrß lor I‘laneil with prompt ness, an ,| at the l,„ ""Vi". 1 1,0 OD '-' OT 1,0111 »Wes,constantly Doors, and Moulding, „( eyery description, male to BUSINESS CARDS I. 1.. ia«nlmU, wool, rMc'A'uiV and' cojimi'k-'k) n' meuchant V - N " Übvrly.,lre.r, I'ilUbunrb, k I,UIANI ' Jirtnrnce—W. M Uintork A Ifroa ■ Krarunr A [Ur, flrown.-. Kirkpatrick ; M tlrphy, Tirriinti A Co" Hat* ami Crum, rS,i K n al, f iDTIU tbf * aUe ou UQ of oar friends nnd H “ B "'"" di ‘ urVuTs iSj irar,., w bich for l»aul y of atylc, cL*J,\ D ,,bL .“Tof 77,'. n' c '7’ " r v, -“‘ “ r lh6 brurrotuluß. • ' uuj Ciaminf ii.r yoarpolve? M ,; «: J * WIUiUN A *jN, . Ui Wood street, I’Utibur^ii. JuflX iiVIO®KIV J Oil'll rri’t.lookey * MVu * iil:v W^nivrs KRTA,L clotihnq mek 1m No. ha Woo l ctrwft, Pitut.ajyh, Pd ILf lnform Ihrir i-I,J cur«*»• T .... . "“‘t 5110i.7" " .1 M LA L 0111.1 N. :: 0 Hi K.atm fired, nrarly oupoailr M I'' *%" T ‘ "*»*. «-n»no«.-torli. it UmitlemeKim aij.li'hiiir • i . 11 r ~' Uißttftmla. Ali;n«'t» au J Uujldrtsii d do., ol t-vory vuroily. '. ll —AU ki ..l- ina.Ji* to order, oa Abort uotlra. |tul9 soldier.’ Bounty t.nd. oialu,, “ 1. ng.lit.t Uovcrnmeul. proou , r V, 'h’ un 'y Warrant. r..r Soldi.™,their lao ■■ ciun '“ l ‘‘ Utoor „ chl ‘‘> , '«'>. and attend to baainriw la Om~Nn IJiTi bm : , rmat ‘y "’tal’lWiol byurpu-- J K;-r lur’li'-r ~HrtiruUrH M .|.i > l( . P M.ffOLh'UN A r*\S AM) I’ATKNTS, And Agency far (ho Purchase and Sale of Paled M a-t.- i *'?■!!“ flD t.f i, }, r’j'-M'yV r>v*> Wlv:sS£ ju-im, it, ,b,... ," u .'7 !."'7’ r i''’ » , ' ■“ ’ ■ ~ hnll ml nr... ; i! ct.iii.4ito, L'W N , ‘ * Kriwn»*r k Hulun, ; 1 !-• I- K. Lirinttlnn Mm. „u.n, ..... A..Jrr» ruln.u n.|ik7 r ‘V‘' S cl ** ,, ”"' L ’" tr '* ~ i, :,ur ''l--it*.- I_ K •.. j, “* '■** '“1 ''‘Hi* •( l Of tifyl IfilltMl ftu ( « v .«, •. |.- nft , , 1 IU " *... t N ; r nl ' 1 M * uj • |..ur,-e fir b- t- . iri- ttt , i„n i.-r. ...... , '* '!!».« I'HlMn.o- i t| t , i cl,|» e u r“-^-W"Jr U " l '\ *-’■■7 >lu.~.!|. *,,, , J !'" ..UIKIKI U„H A. nillilktu A. \ o. 11't-.um »uNutAC7!K;: N ''. , :T , ;: i ';7' 1 , I ' , , T bdi l,r ' 1 ' of Kunr? mu I pui„ F llrn ,,. ir 'l'V “ 'Vim 4 *r "“*• *»•-» " J I*llll,l- Cast, ouJ y J Jf? OM U N^F‘’r J iK'l\ C ’j l ' ,Wny -t ’ J f '- rr ‘ l! '' 1 1 KI Ml ulUuJrl to, in rH ,c« XU) 1 l Ul'tiarlet ÜBrum. 1.’11.-K iMkiKIl AM) itI.ACKMII ill. tiiui »r.vkl » --vfi STtt 'Z'i UanDE U.I 10,:,'“^ r ,1'";,) u! U. "t‘." : - - • J)-i (iII AM) IMAIVO. jiai.k in r.UNN.-J !i CLARK, NKW VOHK ri'ilß rUELIC of mtabunrh nod Allegheny Is rrs t ..rt 1 lolly lovmo 10 r„|j lh , Mu . k Sl „' ) » rrsp.i-i or Itjo hub.se rib* in, No. U UPTU trr , . -iwagrrgiiAn. rmaibe a eaperi, ISKasBIn , ' ,an “ , i* r,o ' ! sio««.“ ® SOS Proa the Pan lory or NUN to* A Cl.r , " rtuu..,. ur *. uIJuuIUJIi . *. J • fup*-rinr 1 o all othm. belli lu , / kwh and w/vrvrrtfy of urn, ,r ib«- particular *(y]« two i f wlu b ho .laalif l. u. l, «„J . , v?. ur ; ■ ,hß> h "' "« It' I I'-iumu, yi'nt', rt*np*»ctfullj «jssi Alsu, fol- A.-00l for I'libo!,?. , Tu-“' ,dOOT “ b<,ro I ' i ' ,h “ ' h 7 *“"• •>« b-»n 1.. t ndu'rt h' « ) *»» lon ana rhiladelpU* Plano, of Ih. vl. . k ' T prices frouj to f&OO. ’ f njftkpr^m pIoKJ. Ktoo 30 or 40 now famillea who have become* cin , * n * t * ie Pro»nlßnrin e , find constant employment; ™d fi' “ 1 Z ft** “ “<*« will L 4, u !^“ d ai “ r ?® n J he workof Uio pruaent Thn Otr Building KtiabUshmait i* new U( >ar com M-it™ auil Will be in full operation Id June, tM-rnral Cum win i * ready for delivery, by contract, tbe lat of July mos * Two or three now churches, In Kocb<*tiT win iL numi ' roQfl other I'mprorementrt and otbfrf lubnr Independent of tliu Cm KM..hii . **«»«' P r '”’“ b| y employ from ran to two hundrod " ’ AVtnroinent brickmalter from Pittsburgh has i u -t rmr chape,) nine lot", and contracted to make uoon in “I fantntilb 600,000 brlckn Two ganga 0 f hands no, work [hr.pm.wnt week, besides tSeMher “ established in the neighborhood. J borclo/bre (.luHaYito Qaarria are already alive w nh , nknra „„ , the rcpd.bmding to them lined with teams “ n ’ anJ ££ rn,ffl 6 U» 4ta ' I,ba ' 3 - d ”~ Anjj who d d not buy cheap lota nl tlw four public ~iM las ajeon, or the lonr public ealea the present apri™ ca„ H/T?”. 60 !? bar « ol ‘“ “> <“* by calling anbscflher In ItochoatUr. Terms—down U m L“, “ koJ ‘ Jin two years. M l(o nomn™ »’■ hr—A few lota can yet he had at £OO to *lOO enrif tr applied for hofore the So'-b May. That! Ir& arc ,w * 1 “ largo aa usualcity lota, ate: 40 (bat by 126, „„j th * nri “ only Iroru £1,60 to £2,61) per fool front. The present roLrr ol frou.Mt.arl an,l magnifient profit of Ovid Plnnoy ‘•antra of the borough ol fiocheator: alao, tho boM,T ful 40 aoroa, building, orchard, Ac, of t. n e ' n „ bought through theoabanritKJx at great bargain*, and thor*. Ur ° tuc hTiargatni wltbln a hundred rnlku a Kemovai. ■ SOS hfl7e romovaJ thMr Real KsUt* uuur Agency offlcs to No * 63 MARKET ST., 1x515 ° r w f" 1 »> no e»<-.ii,~nnb»~t ' rr r l ? tot,ur s ll i *1 IIM lowest pclpya. Inquire o( ,»Ml; TBQM4B WOOD 3, 76 rourtti lira,, T ~ AiE-V '* % % - • ** ’ r ' n - b * ■ ' M r Jk J *t. * - ~r jf- t>' A. * * * ■c -. i: •■ kiv; <■? ’ *. ’ rX' , ; t!- (f. l-f '-f .. PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY. SEPTRMRKb' 22. 1855 •TtWM patients Irene blind, and had to bo W to uwom™ fiV£L«r p . tl ° n ' , ' 0 W ” lu lI ">' C ‘ H “ J *° •ThosjciiMa or Amaurosis were restored to Rt e ht after S ”'7 7 r, ' n np “ Incurable by the realty, mid t>nh, rafarroj to l,y any parson uho n-isbos to learn tba facta th«»» rn<*rn, by »miD|( to them. jaus* D Pittsburgh Dollar;Yuyi.Tg. luetltullou, MBIT DOOB TO TUB riTTSBt.'BOU BASIC I 9 N(^' V oP ' £ ™ u> „‘ u AW] llO,l , Slt , urJ “ r uvonln ft, from 7Co 9 o'clock. Drpraltj n-tvlrfd Of >ll lums Dot l™* than Oo« Dollar »nd a dirldunj of the proutu dacluroj twto, » y Mr , In Juo arnl Daoombor. Tha Trontaaa for tho t orpo,, ol furtiarrimt the banerolaut objrcla of tbalnatltull,.„, ouu , r >j Dd ' th ' ,r “ , ' ) ' JlTlDg fourlty Jo th ° Chartar, UyUwH, liulaa and ll« u . lationa, furnished cracls, on application >t ih> > /Vrrfrfonl—ußOßAlK ALBHEB Vies F&KaII)CNT!I Joba 11. Shtftsabartccf, Cbarln« Knapp, N. UrnttaD Morphy, Thixibaltl UmbeU»ar M. IVnuo< x, VViliiara J. AuJtTff-u T t l'9T*R» . n.‘m 0 u U - Ba ? IltrJmiD, M 1 J.l.n AIU-rl t,ullwt,.nn, j,.| iU [i MVVra h-oUi-t Oiwlft. JUibrrt Slorr„«, J lUrJlurr &.|>l„. Wull.r 1> Alonzo A. Carrier, M ivi'ru-k llr ” ,T I Ul,, ' u ' Robert kuM., Pr.ndjJ.lix. J.ma* Rhn«|. P. UrnmotJ, Jainra HhIJU ' »,Tr„ ... w ;„„, - 11.,,n Al.x.nJ.r T.njl,. itTl' V ”” d rrrjrur-r-IMUKLKA A MJIJI KAtUU Kits’ AND fll KCII AMt.V LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE liiMtirau A 1 ’• Imurwue Upon Uv.«a, ujv.u If* IDBOTOIIS. M.-n Thf.m« R n0r.,,. --, Jn11 ,,, K N „„ 1; JT'V*”. 11 - Uli.rlM KJ K MiddMoo, K K. H.dmbUl I'r.-J Hr,„ J ii. rims Mmdnrbcl.l, „ THuMAr' R Fl.' »K K.Nt_K Fr.-i,,,. H Htufß-iLJ», fUcrwUry I'IrTHOtKOII ItEPEttEKOES. i“d I' r Sh°*"' “ vu j k wci.iit.-. k, H r rh.,u,„ j iwm, MtCJit, 1:, Uuu j k «-**-•■ *J , '‘' l S r * C,^ 0< lt ».- .tx.v. Company Is .-I Itw „ r .. kivl .nmblnc, h. tarn ana unuaual ~| i,,,' vj.' rrn.<*nj I.lk- lusurnoo. ' ia iiUrtu7 * t Chari J | ARTHUR’S PATENT A ! Self-sealing Cans m |}l|l tor Vrcirrvinj S'rtsh fru,: t , Mi IS Turnaloes, „jc , || j j [|| GY lIERMETICAL AEALIKO. _ H | j j|j T'alri! 5 Vm"' 7 h ! rh ar ' b T «>>a nou*kp.-|w-i innirr U b!"l! b ' “ h'"”'' “° J n <‘' n “ l ■ «aUy eiiboul EuiTw, n “7.. r "‘ ,ull J ,V “ IU « ‘“1“ trneral uaa. Eu I Jlmlb.na far ruttii,* n(. fruit ar.-ompant 11,,, can. and tba work i» ro easily perfonna.l, that by tbrir no- .Ten-' ramUy tnay bay# tn-h Eruil anj Tomatoes on their labia all winter, at aummer [.rieea t - U>: U * lr fallen E3..a1. Tbrrr Ifuarts. U.llon. (-•. far Unj.n TV pitUl" “ Urarr ‘"“'a '“'bbuty lu Iran, -ifa T u» UU B,hA,NV',, 8 ,h A , N V' ,,l ' b U « ,lb »IU 1-i'r.TlnE llv »lK.lr tup. n that Oban „|.sn it may ba daatousl |ik„ au. n| h |b,'«“" ' lullr “Pl‘b..al by tiw Pennon' Club n Iha Ann.man institute, N,. York It |,, k a brat ,'b., J plan,, v, all other aolf-anliu,, r .n. at tho late "Hr ,n i-ilr bni ““ """ ,M * nolal °l tha sir hauls. „ . , '*! ,lt lh - bnutbr.unan ln.tltula, Wa.-b b,uan uty, D k. It la du.mnj tu V tin, Led Can In tba j w arcompanlivl b, tba rash aril) l, promptly l„r i . , f raVtu™ */“ ““ J rrt *“' “““ Übl -* «»J Queen* I .u,a . HENRY HWBV. | - I £, ALTER P MiltgHXtLimsocUtil »Ub blra, ob the JJ day of July, JOS. K. UOQaKS, lb tb« Wall i"ap»r bonlneas, ufltlar tba nuuia of >r> - . W. J*. MAltSllAl.l. A 00. FOR SALE VERY CHE IP. A OOIUIINU LOT IN ALLEUUJiNy CITY, 114 fc.t hy ti m oo ' A P 0 b “ r '!“ lD °»» s » had by •uplylnjr xla tbeofßcn of the MORNING POST. 1 7 jy\o“ ' A Lot far Sola. GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on CarMn stroM by 100 foot In depth, In Uirmlnjham, nil I be fl olJ cneop Entire of G ISO J!Tll^onL J - Jrl3 _ . *t offli-e nr the MornlnK Poet SEMI ANNUAL PEB OENT.,'juLl' 1 18W, 'K'J’NA ISSURASCK COMPANY ’ OF HARTFORD, CO A'A’. ’ CIMBTEBfiD „ PAID UP. V** h Assets, July I, 1855, ASH', ina «, /10NT1NUK to make insurance on nil oworinHnna property at equitable rate*. Thl- maintained n position Car honarabiu j ea U D g umi is unsurpassed for responsibility and punetu.iitv ht any other similar Institution in the United P «tatL JAW, «o„h.™« between pittsb?rq h *aniT^coluMßl V *£&~ “"’’ ““ “« tn^-- J AL S WANT THIS WAItM IVEA V IUEK—The Msgarinea for August. Magailae for August: Ballou's Jo Jo Vork Journal Jo Wriions' HooMhoU Words Tor Anguat- Tho IMrera of lluughton or th, Mother's jjecr.t Mary Lyndon, or Itorcl.tions of a Llfc- ' R«gy Wofflngton. ’ „°, r , al ! new Hooka or Magazines, call or send to the cheap Bookalore of w. A. GIdDENFENNEy iCO Fiah »t„ opposite thu Theatre. C^eU L »“K i, h ; foct of M — Btm,KB A 00. S A V^,? N—No ' * Llke Hllyenur Balloon for aafo hv ° ~i 0 .UKNBi u UOLUttB. * Kjc-\ • * t >&'Z7* +-/V - * > r - - ** . % ** • • t- 'i ** 1 MISCELLANEOUS, DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AUKIST. a*Afd AU DIMAStS or TUB XT* AND tAU WITUOUT fUPmo , L4 * Ot HNO. BUBTHRINO, OH TUI USB OF OALOMIL ' OfFI-JiS 458 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST., N«W YORK Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. pOUGn, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acuteor JLV Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis «n i Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyas, are among tilB ®y° are treated by Dr. ii with perfect satUfection. 9 • '"‘ Wl Al+i ( a <5 i e TtL or , tha liaf treat(vl a P° n nrlentfCc principle,.- afii »* ln9er£ ** without an operation. AU letters poet*n*id will secure prompt attention. We select the following references Trom among th* thou Bands of eases which hare been succesdfully treated by £>r 82A-8 Broadway, Albany, N v •AlfredSoutbwick, Printer, •• ’ “ fJ. UoodMpeeJ, Glens Palls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Midi. !M, rs ‘ WUsou, New York UUy, N. V Itflas Mary Bellows, N. K. Station, Du-.-haa.-jS v •Mwanl G. Solger, Bristol, Oonn. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y j Dnrld Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. P. B. Giles, office Coo-fer ani En.i . N \ { James W. Kirby, Brooklyn,’L. I. Jarvis Rodgers. “ •• A. R. Reuvee, Telegraph Operator, St. lL.td R. M. PerrisH, Organ Buildor, Hooston St R. B. Doolittle, M. D., Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y M. I-. Oollina, Twudiar f-snwauahlp, Troy. c y It L. Roan, Albany, N. Y. ‘ A.Ahllenbnch, Schenectady, N Y Onpt. B U. liaTiUud, Athens, N. Y. John W. liackett, Dingluimpton, N. Y. Ao. tJtt hburUi sired, Hopewell llepburu, R While, William >' Johontno, JumrtM W. liailujan, Al«xuD*Jer lirfc.ll**>-, W Ilham Phillij^, CITY HOTEL, ri,n/? BBT CODHr * WABM SPRINGS. I SLACK will be open tL, „,y; ait,,r t,,e rifTu junk mIS »* h^ ul J Jr , lo “ l " d Creek, fourteen ol \ Suncannnn, (thin place beloi, tlfteen Sul.'of iLJJ, 011 lh “ Ceutrul iUilroon,) at tbo wore Umn ? »r * lo uptain, which reochw «n elovstlou of fp””dSlJ D f-p. bl feet. Sherman's Cwk affords B t^ OU,, fonJ of bathln G. lldtiln< or Lhx* unortinnan • [l U u ins forest# offer groat ottrnctlond to a rnuntry nnmtS^ U J[,r‘ifS 1 , 1 ' nn . l * haJ J’ roaJ " ‘Lroufib »m J |,.ii,y l b- rr a “, V n'aSwltlcent rrenary, be ha, at all Of Gie MKDIOINai nu'fP’.S 11 rtJaJt, uable tonne. n.ac-l„.:.nh,na!y ,^,| y Th l ; 15 ? P 1 ™ 08 Uw by the l.e"l ir **” analyzoj -irpaeee.l r.. r “r £„ “ J *” no: t e kitiuwya. Thera £r- uoJ of mi.« of wluohiaof aiflnr^at Bpr T \ U ft,l » l * v ‘' r >' t»‘J !oFahrenheit n, i m P H^ atur «—Ao largont being I ecWHtrut'tpd, with all th- rr ,eUK 1,l iiATtia ha?o *»l ; W wuh PLUNGK liATUs', im P roVMmt,nLfl . t*- Kk. !i Jay a < loach 1,...!,,,. i!,.. .* afl.-r [be urr.val ~[ tlie -ai.a '" r >•“ Spring, u ~ -» a*- -a will lei til* bent, an 1 tb- „„ * T -““ lB '‘“Caue ( «lSl , “ *•"*" »-*• •'■ Jullar ant titty t&SSJSI?'" ‘ J '"*** *—* wljreaa the Kr-ey a„ent,„„ will be ya.j to vl,ltor,, tb. proprietor K, * & “ ol «“»« aleay. in at 'Varra"‘s^,“" 1,: “, , '" n ,“ i '“'’ nJ "- 1 tore,!,:!. the Perry County ili . nT'' ’ h «"\ *> « Luimannun P u itby wot t„. mim.ai.itelyiorwarrlaj. U 11. KTTJSII, Projifintor VV’urm Hprio^g « » l.x l M /II feiit UJCTHkAT.' ' " K arc'll 00 . Fbim, mt bun ;*> •'T, TV. tt „j put.’lf rr-*. -t I. I • * I “ LH rifui.ienstt »o«i pliiaj of MjualJm. “ l " , ' U 4 y ru,!l Jo ' ,n SOntMof Uw uJpU"m' f-V'ul.kH'oi “ les!r % Si ta* , *j l rt'^" 1, ‘ l ~QJ -uTti'u, nnUjo* uuav .in,- - ‘ ? 0,1 ntb *’ r rort,jH '••oncentrail*—- the ra? B »dJ “.“ Vi‘ W ''“*’ »01-r*l Umn a J«y, hr :l>* Mouoteior " AlL "' ai i rjruo», Uuotlngilon unj tla!i l Vo. 1 y™ r j]l J|y *LKf r r s,orl, “> I'llth. »P*cioua beeMiirnt u, J VjT a ,TV ““ d ■'“■■ui.htU from »ppli.u«w of (>nl I » Vt 1 . th “ , moJ " r “ Improvements «oJ Tlii, urTiiuiirrh i ' 1 ‘ <' “**> “““/ «ntll.lM. t.lii .T'i r ”” r7,l ' , “ rt ' B ™ t of lh " Monn bin*" Telirell". V," 0 ' 1 ' lb. “ eternnl .'■rk-atu lh. n»jT, ‘ “V ‘l'’* 1 " fur n'.r cluritM 1 U ’,r. o". lr ” r, "‘ U ' r < » ‘UOJi- K- HASLBTT, Umprielnr. BsuiuNois i>( firwr-cmm; , lUu ‘ n Uir * •* laiUrly ,tr.-iL w!m i b °" tJ ' >, ' r ‘' Vr J '' hu And«wnn. WmUmS.Oamf.Ml.iit UharkwlloM |jvlt RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CUKE Fmo! 1 !'"""".™ 1 Ou/.1-I Imumm uni it,’ *™nJ ” hk > ‘ “ a '“ mno " ri f'n In Malaria „ r rtrh Bill rntin-ly ‘ uy “‘■' ur ' ,r • “* «u,Miy n.hßhii/ „ r '•Ter. n*oi »ctl rfttlifHl .-urvUeliEcLa. ,ll ‘a-* • luiul a j^njin mVT.'.n^V^ l^:; 11 “ Tl ‘' kfr ' r . , " r ‘-fiH.Bry ear*.*; Roto* au-i Munii-*! * Uuti- >.not.*>l in Ueriaan, »pd. h “V HtiHll.nL, K. OQlj.Mijr ,H,,. h , rtUJo ~ “ 11 UU-rai di4.-s.uoi6 u,*.J« t > u.e trade flr JAMK.s a. UHOJ.KH J» r . rUem- K i •• I »,vr n I , • , NkW ' *’*«. JJOM 11. I- -. ,0,1 Hl ' >Vi,- r; f r;." ALUIi! " to an.i h*y, u-t. '.."7 '•"‘ ir ’ h v i.u, b,», ,' ;i r ha " l i ‘- unj •«, n.-*i;ot,.T:.t u t),, rj * ‘ *'' ulvl Itijurjous i 0 tv ii'KNi.j: *:>■ MMUT 1/ u,;. tl r m - “ ji s " J !»&.■' u,,si it, nnj fix i,h i „ l, 1,."". .Mf \n„> ‘ ■ 1 y ■•urr.l by n>ur r-m K Mi\Jl SLY ’• , I-.j A,,l i: M.tfEiiKii.l. AiiLtlVri-J,- ? r "T' '' lr,r lir '\ 'i'.iiDlD-'. suj. hnir,.-, , r * nv 41 ih * *•«»- .1 ,,:y )v 11,.1 », * uJ A ‘'"' ■ l,, ° <, «»' ••'ever Bii ,1 ,»Rur < ure. I « <»l,- >-y AMIN MITCIIKLir 1 HU* I 1 .tj»w- Ni.iuri,ottk hi.l MS-:., 1‘ 11" tt'lA.i) M'lll.KT, PIITSIILKIiIJ, ... ■ nnu,< , Kr.:.-.t,,K ~[ l*iAN'.'S, .1 ib, . yh .^ ,i.>m Ih** y of 5 ’• I;AU»I.IAHDTKN A lIKINH, lUmt urJ. liAi.LKr, lIAM.i A 1'.,. H.W.C.O 1 IUINE.H, lltilW A CUMMI.Nois'n,. V. IS A. II HKl('l|R\n.u-||, |-I,iuj,!,,t lU n “*»’'"*•»« ,™ tm to b« .ub TB[ "J 1 ! aDtl *tylo,li lm lh„ p bu„ 1,01 fubMauu.ll mm ti-Mu* I'mnii, t.i rh- iu;»M Ikrr.i l.oui. \iv .1,1,. ,nd (hand 11.n0.. * I “ r ' l " D “ iU ‘ lh “ ** i.i'tur.r#, I . wh " h ll>,, I lr ‘“••'"'i ■ n'» *ro ~,IJ io»,r b, thi-ir .■t.-lu. , or,-u:. 1,,,.. tt,..n m tb„ tb„t, Z'fVS Ununl not .ml rbk of tr.nuportn'lon a r“ , bT , "r Ul ’ Wr,b ' r i? »*mntnl Krllvt KmZl ’ b " , ' rUU! “ Kumuitm vill b» „ CIIAIU.OTTK BLUMK, f._ Mu 111 \VOO.I ,t r n.|. iuok cm comniciiuAb C//AAre#"l‘ tnU ® n .. ft, . r ..‘^ 9 “»»• f„„ I™; I '?' '“ U( un »“i-<"»i tv-mi,. U.L CWI..T i'h V!'' ll “ t ' n»tilit.l.t.H »t Pm,- Zb " nJ >"■«"< J,mand cl lb, I n.i hun ! ‘“' l ProlkMlonnl m.n. for »n I tb,lr Wb, l C |‘. V “^ JUS *«» "HA ! lu»tr o ,-t„l by “>-J' »lb'Uld I, 'SS&HS r!"V pr ° ’ : ■ - 1- c l n r v;:; r js j” 7.^^ 1.r.-tu:-.! urc tlMir.-rr I t,s» .... HubH'i'iß in»‘ory au«l kws; ArUhtnMi. VM TboArl < ’l Wri!„...;,v,n;,.,rr1.| U-' BoiuJll.K'.bU.T'’ '■cu.u.yrco. Umdr.pl.,: 111.,.,r, ; T h*i fliMVHi* t>f tliirt luHi.iulloa ii L*» r t« in i'ih "111 U’l'v"' 1 h ,' Hr ' cirt >' “ nJ it,Ar iM“' »“ r ”' « b»rtn vluallol .. iMatform ScMea o',"™' r.f.iir 1 '’?; rur '‘-I-, is c, Olrh MunUy' t tirr'hai" 0 * Uh ?* c **l. <*r.\ nml M*n4nr.- be our.i.ii. jun, m *\ fo<*l Ibßt thev n.n Z r!T ‘" “ eU| * rnor ~UJ -irlicl-.tJ run Km'h Scab* U L,'naraiiUril i '“’iv, ?•'! »i'L|' ,r> l r I,< ' r " tDrnW “lllifm i-h.i f,. ' mi ra ' »'ll.f •’!•! »l»D.l, MtibllKliwJ r. T lhirt» r..„ .... 0< Mut,i ““ J »•+•» -ir,,..,, ew,SJ v {!! s y ■ ' A lilt. ITT 1 CO. ln Uluoott 4 Außutr. felleudnti. ( ( ,i >• tub J’nrsuuuoti Ua« C-ojipam," > rr UK u? Anm»t.t 17, lato. j «l<-no” 'r* iu * l **■ DAV . ‘, H t f ra f’ an . v - tho Uorkß. on thf FIRST MON -MMK? „ diltlarv, Tr,.«,„r..r 1819. Valtinble far O lUIATK 1 N AIMMM TOW.NsniP. IMITI Kli C>o\ ] 1 livatnn Hip nIK-ut t.. a.n-lin,. i„nniu B „ MI mspcy ,-f ell 1.1- Slt.k, Urdu „, v „„ U J fcmiulr-of JAMKS iq.AKKI.V 1111211 «lrn.irnfil«r.olh »t..| Hn.ii1,(1..1.1 ,|. M ARNOLD ft BONN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FASHIONABLE CLOTHIiIVI.'. And Gontlemon’s Furaishins Goods Tyro W SIO'iKKT UTIIKKT. Move, Third and rll, 1 m Keep constantly on hand, a larire slock o, Cloths, Cniwmror,-. and Vesting, Unrmanla mads 1,, order on tbc shortest nelnv, nnj hr u„. 1a11 ,,. t . , W-All orders promptly allot,do,l_l„ | 4n< i ; . Jm tvsltbh r ajawdiau ».»uW W. l». Klnruhnll'A Co.. ln Frt ' l, '' h Rn-I Am*rl. Hii PA *■ f is ** Wwoi i!tritit. l'ittHbar»'b. Maxnru. DwHeourt A Co., Puri* - | Mi’ORTANT—At this Season c| t:.e y ta r, whou diseu>>s loi the Ktomnrh and W-w-ls are m-iucat, anJ if ne glected, are so apt to a*-,Teu.*rat** inu. cholera morbus, or cTrn Asiatic cholera, uo Umiiy should bo without a tottlo of the Concentrated Kssence of JamalcaUinger, and bottJe of Wiokey’n celebrated Diarrha-a Medicine, which, If usej acmrdlog to accompanying dJreodooH, will prove a ppe-dy safe and eQh acious remedy. They ran l*e had only at the Drug Store oi JOHN HAFT, Ja b 136 Wpo*L*treeL OUANUy—O «ios pure lUapberry lir&bjv * very superior home mtule article. pnr Bale by JNO LIITLE, Jr:, Agent, No. 301 Liberty street. , < \'r' SUMMER RESORTS. K\ IDKN’CK cl' PAFET \ JAMK'm It ('ll I I.TUN, M l).n„. mut *3»V . MISCELLANEOUS. -1 *EV*n!i l ,w. of ll “ c, «lun>l PEekigca RpilKS-liY? ,U ™ E OMIOB OP TUIS ADAMS K\ l “ uTn ” , , r 'sSr it,l ' orßh - , '* l,oh - lf J>AVIB cornpr of rmi *° J ftt I‘ublle AucUun, by P. M day , ! fT/ F to U tf°' l ? ,U ° J * tr “ ,ta ’ on the sramd «Z/ It con«rn “ J f " r >-•'»»« »• Aihin** 1 uaugmoB':!.!!;;!;;;; ••* {’“<•*• R. Albright, earn Prank Falk o t»ll» bugs. M. Bsneranchs do » |' k «-- J. Dench Z . 0. P Bockioghatn W»rie»t»i>,l*»...l pki.' i.'ii'.?*" 1 Pittsburgh 1 pw„ - • >g» v Allegheny 1 L J Hetrick JUnchMter 1 pkge. W v b,„ Pittsburgh .... lpk*,. t K-eriik. 2? ' "»<«• H Prye 10 P, k e"- w. k. Ferguenn:::::;::::::; * j iV. Foctam" OnnneautTillA ..1 Pisch»*r Wf?V* r ’ I pkge; v . J. A. Po-W HU* pkge,**.. A^, * ' ISt* t: Ueioold"".'. ' ° 1 tfUf*- U";!-: Y?/ 1 - a.'u'L*" 1 Plt, r rsh ; J HuDm.o , . 2 burr, h A. 0. John™.'."'" Birmingham ...1 pkgo. M.Knhlme.... t Itteburgb .1 hex I*. Kane 11 ‘ Ptge. b Klnzer , 1 »*» W.d. Lipsronib J C. I.inJnrmaD.... , w | D T laiui J 0 1 pk/p. J- 0. Mosher"':..., ' 1 {**»<• D. 11. Morris I It-rburgh > kx. W. H. MhUeogh bnofcrt Dr. Mathews cere U. o Oray u„ i J. 8. McDonald £ **»•• - 1 It. Pollock lltteburgh. ll**. jP B. IVrry, car. P.'MontoH. do J clef' Ml»s J. Pascal! T? ? Bhodes A Nelson ,t„ i F k *'- 0. Itelzer , ‘ P<>wn J. Helm ■ ' J. Iteilz. 1 pkge. o Klneh.ll , : ijxe p. Both r 5 P‘K*. ■"■'.'."""'"TPranklin. P.....!^*' J.'PtSnref -Htt.bur*h 1 |.kg„. j b,buner i" j j Sm!U,‘“‘ Franklin. Pa 1 Dili* Wolr i rtlnburgb 1 pkgo. j. ii. wiiiiams.:::: Z f p^- Mr” if - wlmX 3 - ...DirmiDghoiD 1 fkg’: »• M. Derry kr !?' Fr.„ k Mayer, care W. Kuhn. .b, J blonie.. . .. ..... a 1 box Iron Oily llo.vi ... " j" J I’kgo- i <1 PlK.tuitson ,° 1 r f r P- t'Og. H li.ile., ie. . ' Pk-’" J II Mrrll,, .: P k «“- _ 1 pkut*. P ivmbridgn. ... A. U. !Wi,:t, r Centra! ;Vn Thumb M. Wklkoq Walton .1 MmoUui... IVattd. . ( l pkj:r. I 1 .• .rp. baj. ,0 I trunk/ ' lo 1 pkar. New Castle, p 5 ...l • J<) 1 pWv. ...Utrobe i bos. , W. It. BAKIUILL, P.ml.-rv).. Auyua, Sk Z"l° r ' A4 *“- Kxf,r,M r ° great discovery : A PrecllUniwra and Churn- PRO*' the tf rrat rains of TKli'Vd l J^T. 11 '"•“‘Iful combination, called “JjLKU KKIIL, fur 11.-e KjiJ ourt* of I’AiD. But the wonlu r S, mu wb n „Tii^r n p r ln,u ', u ' rm t ni, ’ r ‘ ,n '•‘"■-{/.i.rUv,. u., T . u.*ASS!Trf.u s; ( r duecur t.kln* ««., all the parn In twruly'Lur Pbl U 1 w l p “ I P't‘ , Uon, Headache, Bronchial • 1 • " OB, b CumpliJoU, Cramps, Sprain* Snre or Swvti? Ilreas t, Felons, Wound* of .11 ktadafS? ' WouU efiSo S ..m' k 'r™!' 1 '" «'» U.u Oil roller, uniWi''in */ * ! X I*** * w we b* l ' 6 named, bon o£} ; h “ J . mayors, and [h „ f 1“ ", :“ J -" ft " r ~ m I'O to fifty trials. Thor ray ;;e''n!thV D;i ~tVn^ 4 ta,S l "nj‘r 1 W t : sms As? “ r, * ln r a /uinM nwlltag In two houra bM aVu^lt^rK 113 ! HQ hour; cutvU many rffectoady in aithour* If Ld\ l kni-w üba *«/W m-fWjtfA,.•,»**, ami A.u/n* T »rtui in thn UJ. they would ne T «- t, B induced lo u?e auythlnj elj J r wnmb complaiDM or j.alus of auy Uod. S ttf now insert tt letter just received from Unorr fVilev ,w bo ueut to Kurland .-lx. w**.fcg ninr«, ( l 0 Jto^ «■“» X‘ ‘•'XU.-W fi.r U Wh"e'n , I Ul |^'tn my hmiih, twrufuloiu eruptioua, Ac,) l never wxm»ct«t to i raturti njfniD, Mleriu,? that my complaint would nocn “• 'l‘t« or >Tur * t , . c , V lO t ? ko W,lJl mu > as Mtrdy a palliative* I did I l nli k » ! W r° UM rury , RPOD l *e to thank as I now do, for my complete rytoratlou. * ' vou 1 * clure ,!: he of ibe steamer, that you hare only to come heio with ,your uil. to make a i r c ’"SSrF' rii ‘” r lourik moet trulv. iy aun ,. It wnnot b« Oißlr imaginatioiuL, teho eute thatoU sores, ttui bays dibcharged from eU months to tiye year-* been cured by this Oil. It cannot be untrue nVr ad^ hour W n O /T 19 KlleTed ln one dar, often In half in hour. No. common tenae dictate* mil—and GCO written letter- nj no/ Come and *«,* them. A regular bZdv Z attendance, and I mlies can consult a LaSy, privntelv l*v dru|.pi„ g . line to the cUL-e. Adylco from u duUnci Lh tDf, Inquinrs that any physiclaii can answer will h« P"™ 1 ;: 1 / to. ri,r,»v V t ' iT " ,, ' “ , " 1 T are JrHwn «Pon 100 often lo this Way All cases treated liberally, with or without th« por “ 1 bBV “ os-flow r-r .his ™pr l^ v .s,e o. BE UUATII poor th,ee s re "a; 10 rrom h “ f « «•: »» l: !„ Dll KK\-ytj t ._i4oWood.L ..0.30 Ml* I A NOS 1 PiANuVI -- ANUI'AOTI'K.KU UY CIIICKEIUNC A RONH n » nod tor sale by JOHN H. MELIajR D ‘ no. dl Wood street, betwwm Diamond .nd .osrth Street. Just reoelred from mano(»ctory 01 Chickering i Sons, tloston,™ ■ g If tf and lor sale i.m,r.jhlj, al aulon /Ttrrj- U etyb w| , C ‘“ M . Se *™ Octave Pianos, Louis \[\ lah 1 1 ..i 7? I hlmdc deak, 4r 4c .. of us ,*“? I rrcnl T** lB l “ c °n*ldered by r^r'«m s «fk)o eiu-b U ‘“ U ' Bnli,ul PeUerh now made. • ITjre SlWl'e./k 410 W ° rk: ,lni6hßj »“'l froul alike. Price Ro ‘ l ‘' w <>ril. Plain double round corners (‘■’““"•‘’"J..l ‘“u double round corners P »“fi Blwk Welnut Sir Octave Pianos. .11 raid, as wall and with the same care as their first class pi unos. and with ChirkM-lDK's r.trnt Iron Prim° ORANU PIANOS. lira,ld ? ®o!r‘‘/ r , lnS 4 *°n* New Beale, full Perch Or,are It", 1 m S“' ns S > ,ow " r ! '»rilltancjr, and sweetnrr. tone .L « l h , h "i r f 1 '!; Action Which renders th mwti n R . a” d ?' f lhal 11 """ f' pleyed on by the nioM d« lira to haud. Priro s7to. r 3 3 TUN NSW F.UtLOII 01UND PIANOS. , . on '. , ’ f ,b,,|r U'‘" Parlor Oraud Pianos, an entirelr * 1 ” 1 rarilrulsrl) adavle.l lor Parlor use PIANO SrOOLtf. A n*-n l*"'! < f I'iaun Stonla iu.«t tt-rnO-br JOHN II MKM.UR, 81 Wood et., Mweru Diamond allny and fourth dlrwit, H«l« A.. nl lot L’li lOKKRINU 1 HO.NB. for i'.tklmtvh aoJ ,iga Fall Style for Ilkli ( H. will mtroducu the New jjtvle thr w.> \J. ■ u SATURDAY August 25|b. * * UftU 0. H. PAULBOV, n Wood Hlr«*st . next door to corner nf UDd CapS 0f ® Tary d « sc rlption f „ h fcOUUATIONAL I )KNN INSTITUTE corner of P o n nan i ito J. The ensuing Ben*/on of tblfl rDfitUuMon^'i° Ck '‘ lr '' tn ' MONDAY, the 3d of September 1 commence 01 Twenty two a f DJ °n thti tbrßi » 0r liil wUc * uf Withdrawal - aa g l&:d:a»(cl,.l) “ SS “ Tn ’ PriMl P*l- UUVIT K . _ ri\HE , c “- ll «'-<-nerB>tlp‘ai'otVceT inu> OAK PACTOUV recently meted et KOCIIKSTER 1 B County, Pa., are now prepared to contrast f^T^T 5 ' Bvav^r Saks of nw ?^S^ mux^ Address, Beaver Qountv Po." •WWIUMMiHtt, K&&.BH0DI& JTfft rj I( _ * • ' l t NUMBER 313 K l3W ~£! h b !; k " ■■’“P'’ l -''' aainisr 00 half bbl* do do TO do WlMtoPwS; ‘l do Ttcui, M Jo Pickerel ; i» j' b l; 3 l “ r *« MiUikerol, new •■0 hell no do Jo . Per e»lo 1 | 5 o bbl8 Herrin?, do 'Vnir“n :lu~ .. I - COUJNB. -I the«6ln In C ;r,o,Tl.n t b r' b U °‘ “ lor or “ t,un tho natural color oi tho t ir *'* Ty '’ aße 11 8,11 destine turned It gray. A {„„“ *£ f* U limn S and Stno-ulnr tmfy tboftr Urging Jt of a a»u»>t to its giowth 01 vcufh lil, ‘inlu rt be sU * l, * lh and healthy ntt'f.ui K L t:y ■><>•» nOwnu per hnttl*. Hold li uukT S - l UUmHEKT, 63 Market fitreef. ,tre*. ’ ”*-l*M>kJ and others. OUlc, No. 63 Markot iiSft^rySa Llly Whlt ’' w '^ f «™£?S?S* ife « s , A KM ' m Z£ t \J t '' i "’ fjr (ka mn -" U< - 9 -. 8. I, CUTIIBEBT, 63 Market at tJ ***iify t ' l> ~ VLb 'S;t^ hes ? f *-* lir: ! 1,-tcnlc; by bini| ;, V""" 0 * ttae«, « E tl IL. au*B Office. Kyn - i 'uu.Ny,M\ J^y22^±«t- CK!ri '' Kl * MI ‘-IHK A BIOgETBOM JA OUSVgUMrMKIxIiSruKFs-.. .. —7 -tU just reclred and for „l» bj lU!,orlc,r , .JIO'VN_*jrRTI.KV, 138 Wood rt. 1 lltANOr, KTAWPS AND Sl'KNi'iTs~r.'.t ~ nolkfo, by DO IVN a'tktLk'v^’ - 138 Wood strrot. I,'lvk uil TO MfKUrr^huniS^rrSuSiT., r, * Id b»-.U)«t (IASUi/S, 71'. Fourth alront Tho m^^ ea e&lied f-r. UF 20 do K. Robinnoo a Co.’* &„ „ od R do - cuxb “ dwarf boxfti ” ? V* 0 40 CoTODdisU Tobac •<. • knlf pooud lamp 1 coho Yanfc,.* Doodu. ”dodo • In store and lwrret:Uon P u und lump Tobaoro; aU < l6 j. | K ■ . nuTA S a- lu^;k „ T ;; B . r - M i^-*i! 0 . K B™o^ X lioplft *“ l ; l f o , re for sai« by V'U'Vb ■tAlvTir77- T7 r- :n A'I , J£!LI.K.ICKET3nN. O Ktar Candles 4- ' k !°,!'* ? ud bfl,r boxes Cincinnati r. ' ‘ ’ * na v*' * u »lon) uud for tale by k ~ MIIJ.KK a iiicketsov M-.cr st» ; "'• si *u b 1 > Lh,i lti «htor th* Urt; sl,as. ,*•*’ ®° n «*K« “°«1 Freedom, by K.,-,1. Dr-uglae* {] 25 M wy laud a lutelboUai i't.Hosophy ; ' Bridge on U9tli J‘«aim ; D .. on t'rotorb*, A*. Jt c Uodenbamert Great Work (Afcnnd oditJon) on th^i gM Htia or lb* Koctum, Auu», and XwiturM^l tboir nature, seat, rau-<*. r, m F i stTlo S j'revpniion; especial!/ to ihe #D reader; »* ith j.lßfec a i,d numerous cash* • fit > a ’P To^tooat J"? K, f l * iu " J K*’f«U, ijVt. Ma. Old KedrUme; cheat edition ?/, Ktr Books forwarded by mail «» WDti *i’ ua «*J4 K du.il at tk moderate ftXpenß©. 'pm,'WatcluaUUDß buJib^a. 0 2 Boy Wanta t 0 And their tu dp Contrartorfl, Ao., e&n treat. H AKK H tiitHifigeuce UQioe, 410 Liberty If N ' ui " • “I=^® i 1T0K3T,.7T UKV.M KJI A ANDKKSON. K ™ S PHU*. juM " - * PU JOUN HOOBUEAB. E^fi 1 HUWliS—i Urijo lUV..ICO jum mauttMi >ml (i;i -y „ X 8. J)A UsoTi, Market (treat, near Fourth. i 1 "-* • " < p * - ■ - KATES OP AOVEKTISHVO * p„ lO 00 aaAaaaAtLi at kiasobi: P " r C««l.d T . ft. tiapurl j, 00 NK w A N ROUTE, Unsurpassed for Bpeod for Comfort FROM i'ITTaBORQII TO Colami.us, lodianopollß, Chicago Ciu.-inrn.fi, Turru Haute, Rod ieland l.oulsvllle, Tincennes. lowa Oily St Loi-ia, Evansville, Dubnono. Da y lon, Cairo, Doboone, i-nia, Memphis, dolana, Zaoeeyillo, 'l Jcksborgh, Peom Newark, New Orleans, PenL AND TUB I JUNCIPAI CITHS m TBC WEST AND SOOTH, t’la the * STEIT BEN V7LLE & INDIANA RAILROAD! op “ Mti » n wSSS 1 ? - ■«. «.* our, Capt Dordoo.und CI/AIIA FISRKB. Cnni t*® 1 nil, burgh cveryday.at So'tocifp g* l P '■"'l' <*» to.nl, and reach Sfoubonvilfo “7 hUTSSS in tun, for the iM Ttain, which le„£ fiS'L '$K2£?»£SE2* for ,he “ bOTe cUlo^u, “ B "ft»w C}l,! ,"C “ fl byanrcther railread rente. a PI ., y u^ o^1 Nos, 1 1-1 ami 115 Wafer !,t., botweenWood’ and Smith field, Wtuburah renl.) E W WOODWARD, Bpp’t rapid L DRVKNNI, lira. Cent n«a akuivaiToS DRY Goon<3 At LOVE BUOTII£BB" I,S "" A “ 71 UAHKET XTHKKI, PUTSJIUBCH -SB Ocj. ~. ■*'** thb ottimsAL i!ii Hire »V ! r , UOI,DS Is unosntUr f oU Kr**och Merino#; Oabhmervfl* K^Dt K , lv?,Kic P TL J 3; Str 'P“ ; 4c. in J oiceycs: f'loanrtnKS, EJ^o Se and Inserting r.haw!o* UJfafc*. Talmas and Scarf? ' A.t Velvet. of T X‘«rip!foJ! <* MOUSING GOODS ,- *f O .V« BROTHERS, (Formerly ioung, Sterenson 4 Lo f , l N" - 3 'larket street, Pittsburgh, Pa lASrfssffia-sissgs ■; ssS£“^~x "abed in Eo,™ D r»i l ff uiTTanlfL“, t “, PltUlj - r,! >’ t * 1 " tb» lb-snob and l»to ■• Ih* may bancrfoTlh °JJ J‘H**’** t,f “ ™)<»St irlUr, Zl^X ,he Unite ' J i "““" «fpl- v ™ £* NBR *'°o*> T i?nT7; — * tn ' 3 2 Smitbfield Btn>«r \ OUOiUK : ?!? e UidUen Pmh, by tb© Rutbor of w Alon-*-’' <>be, or the old .West Hoorn • ' LbemiFtry of Cornu-on Lift ■ lowa m it h in 1865 ; x}*?#-™ of B «nnettaDd,liiB Times*/ BeJI Smith Abroad; ■ PMMCot Conors; Doesticfc*’ Book; Chamber*' Jonrosl for iVpfetnber* Z'X'ZX. i!v''L“ J r U,Bru,ure *<* **»»«; ’£ a ** a by t-npL* Rlarryott; rhn } Vcekhe * for Lbia.veek; l hiladelphla do jj 0 Boston do d 0 Jnat recenred and for Rale at . W. A. OILDENPrnnET 4 a ? d “ lu >oul any cll.ua teapot. ' , , ~ wn«r ft* Market »t and Diamond i skSSsS^aseKS EP^rsfittKßir J prime,i»>r e^lTby V _??? ______ _ PM/TH, hair /hunter. ». IUTHUUIT r v. w . J ’ a D AVISOS, A ** r **t alrwH. near fourth. IORJvMIk.AL-M, nj.hj.l, Com »i„l, KroundTHlTdij, - y - ' ,iU ‘-’ 3 l t. R. DttATO ’ Vi V ?, U N»i