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MilfMlgfel sSMstMill ? iKVf & f*s-S$ J - ,i ra ■K# ej ~*s. ? 4 IiMW €^^»«SSf-S6'»s'4.f<-i. f '3 3'^§^Pk*?; s r. , 'i -,r /*' '\> */„*/, . *"' /■’■>■•'''* f*' ’■ ''''' +Afr' :t A '>.^i t - r [^': fi . \y':. ,: r •-• rc, '•'* \. ■'■> t^-: •''’fv.VVt* ‘ - v-.',-.' f '-,i ►' ' s--'• • w l *- »►;>«=•'•-.-'„•=:, v s ;n'-^^-.•,' v -,-' ■ ■ '!»*"?*> '■■■' ■'■•' '*. : J' ■ ■ *, V r»^?rf*V-J*'--*'l-i» ,*»*• ’’" *' ; ‘>j^*-. ’*-' r .• - • ; •.• *. • < • . -v'^> - - - . -- .. 4>£/' . ' • ,- * ‘ . . - *i -i i .»„■**«»**• - •- » . •_.— '' , ■’ « * * X~ H .''« *4*- *■<*•■>■ S* 1 ’ !S • ‘ '•’ >* “7*. •.' 1 : •■: ‘ A.’: ■■.■-■ r ~jH •■ : t ?'- ’ vf;‘t>vi..4 ■, -.v.' -.....’> i.+unX: •■>, ;..«V.- \ .' -‘ - ■ 1 •■ ' ry.‘ j.’-j’ «.S* V. v :•'. i. !' --At ±MirjQ »*.*•* ±-J- ■ »i- ! ; '<• 'i. Jv, t " rf ” tl ' * L_v A ' f r & v^** * » v , l-» -», >■ * ? 'V:,' • •- ‘ -> »&V ' Y ; 1 »£■'<- .• * fc l - * ihd? v* vvi'" 1 ' ' - •i &\*\c «.* • ■ '•* 'hr*' ' ' '■• * , • . f.*»j ' ’* K'r^- , ..- • ■"• *. $ > \.:^ ;v . fail]} Bkuing I|M OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. PITTSBURGH F RID AY ~ MORNING:: STATE DEMOCRATIC HOMIHATION. for canal commissioner, ARNOLD PLUMER, OF VENANGO COUNTY. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. BKUTOR: WILLIAM WJLK.INB, Peebles township A*smni_i: JAMEB B. FULTON, Tarontum ; SAMUEL BMITH, Allegheny ; JAMES SALISBURY, Birmingham C. M.AGEK, Pittsburgh; i. B. PATTERSON, Mifflin. BODY I*ATTEBBON, City JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio township. TRKASVUr- THOMAS BLACKMORE, Upper Bt. Clair. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, City JACOB TOMER, Pluaburgh. JOHN MURRAY, Bourn Pittsburgh; A. B. M’FARLAND, North Fayette township. ristcron or poor : JOHN BOYLE, ‘lndiana township. Democratic County Committee of Correspondence. Uodef a resolution oi the late DiiinocratK Couvenliun, tb« following gentlemen have been appoint*! the County Committee of Correspondence for one ve&r : Hon. Charles ShaleT, Pittsburgh; Col. W. G. Hawkins, Wilkins Township; D 11. Miller, Bewlckley; James Salis bury, Birmingham; Thomas B. Hart, Indiana Township . William Johnston, Lawrcncenlle; Jacob L. KlseNscr, Stew* artatown; R. B. Ri»b?rts, Pittsburgh; James Uerdman, HttSbunrh; Michael Bnee. Jefferson Township ; John H. PbiUins, Robinson Township; John Sill, Versailles Town shin; John N. McClowty. Pittsburgh; Col. James Scott, Elisabeth; John Roth, Pittsburgh; Col A-drew Scott, Pittsburgh : A. Hartje, Esq . Foster, Allegheny ; Samuel Kirk, Plum Township; A. B. McXar land North Farette Township. ianu. norui x . gAS f L . w. BLACK. Chairman. HUKfiiIAG POST JOB OFFICE We would cal! the attention ot MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to the tact that we hare just reoetTed from Philadelphia n number of foots of new Job Typ«, * n <* are now prepared .to till orders for Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Paper Books, Posters, and Programmes lor eihibf lions. All orders will be promptly tilled. *®-8. M. PETTIN’GII.L A CO., .Vt« 'Sj>*i«r Advrtinn# are the Agents for the Pittsburgh Dally hnd Weakly Poif, and ate authorised t<> recoiTe At>vxamxXKtrM and SlliacmiTlONS for us at the same rates as required at thw office. Their receipt# are regarded as paymrmts. Their oUoesarea' Nsw Yoat, 122 Naosao merr, AUK TfOV ASSESSED ! Lei every Democrat, and every man who is intending to vote the Democratic tloket, attond at once to being assessed. Your vote depends upon it. The election occurs on the l .*th of Oo tooer. You mast be assessed at least ten day< before the eleotion or lose your volo. See ihe assessor and tbeo the oolleclor of taxes at once, and have the thing dono right. Don't wait till the last day, for tho a-seesor may not then be found. THE ADDRESS We publish this morning the address uf the State Central Committee. It is an important document, containing somo wholesome political truths dearly and fully set forth, and should re oelve, as we have no doubt it will, the careful perusal of every man who rejoices In the name of Demoorat. ora WEEKLY Is published this afternoon, and is unusually full of good reading matter. Here are some of the principal articles : Poem —The Diepnte of the KatjJidd Talk —Tbe Murderer. XNimtical—The mitlVo to_jb1 ''"V.,,.' •v, Nimi of the Vtotntty. Ou Wednesday, of last week, the barn of Mr. Adam Horn, of North Hantiogdon township, Westmoreland county, was strack by lightning, and the building, together with its contents, to tally destroyed. The barn was large, and filled with the present year’s crop The house of fWr. Adam Sbubriob, in Blairsvilte, was entered by burglars on "Sunday last, whilst tbo family were all absent at ohurcb, and robbed of abou 1 $250 in gold, eiiver and bank notes, together with prommissory notes for about $5O, some other papers, and a small box of homoeopathic medioine. A youn; man named Christy was ar rested and committed to jail, on suspioion of be ing the robber A boy named Cole, residing in the vicioity of Conneautville, Crawford coun ty, was bitten several weeks ago by a mad d.g> and Is now suffering with hydrophobia, and no hopes are entertained of his reoovery. Me. Flaneqin.—Below will be found a com munication addressed to F. C. Flanegin, Esq., K. N. candidate for Senator, demanding of him to define his position on the liquor question at once, or be eleoted to stay at home by bis indig nant “ bruddren.” We vouch for it that it was written by one K. N. and anthoriied by otherß of the same fraternity. Our oolumns are open for all such interrogatories; and it won’t do for tho candidates to try to play possum in these days. Here is the letter: Francis C. Flane assume, aod arr»y them selves under, tho real and »oie issue will be the I same : it will be that party--a violated Consti j fition and Jisuuicu t.n tho ono bile, and th* Democratic party and tbo Constitution and Union as they are on tbo other side; chooso ye be tween thorn : Even if you would, ye* you can not now bat ohooee between these two While the Whig party existed, whatever may havo been its follies or its faults, yet neither Clay nor Webster, n.r us other great leaders, nor the trao men of Us rank and file, would have tolera ted a sentiment hostile to the Constitution or tho Union. |iut these great men and true pa triots have passed away, and tho old Whig party no longer exists. The weak, tho veoal and the eelfibh in its ranks have gone over and arrayed I themselves with Abolitionists, infidels and faua ! tic#, against their brethren of the South One p.irty alone remains firm and defiant. Over every foot of the soil of this Union, and wher ever its Constitution eilonds, there too extends the all protecting arm of the Democracy, bear ing aloft tho bread flag of Civil and Religious 1 Liberty, the Constitution, ao-d the Union, l Feilyw-Cutzene, our duty in the premises is plain. However much party leaders may hesi tate or haicp back, 'rarfu 1 uf losing their own position, .>r of to an old political op ponent, there ia but one oourae left, and that is a general rally of all patriotic ouizens upon the platform of the Democratic party. There is no mistaking the toco of the Democracy in this oriels. It unhesitatingly accepts tho issue ten dered to it by the uaveroariec of tho Federal Constitution, aud proclaims it a high purpose to siDk or swim, uurvivo or perish, with the Ameri can Union. Re-fusing to make terms with traitors of any shad©, it has not only without regret but with uudisscmblcd joy, seen them da sert its ranks for those, of aa unps inciplcd oonii ticn. and redeved from their baleful influences, and enabled to act unfettered in its highduty.it invites i-> its standird every pa triotic Pennsylvanian It h.t« no oono&almont of its principles, or secresy in its organization, but shielded, helmed and weaponed with the truth, il advances against the combined fanaticisms. U acoepts the whole responsibility of opposing those who oppose the Constitution. It fully outers into the contest against the Ab. litionista and their allies. Iu such a cause, even defeat would be honorable, hut victory is oertain to crowD our effort:- if uMy (hose uh-j art conscious (hat nr' right, mil act up to [heir honest con vtdion-i. We are no alarmists. It is not oar j urposo to exaggerate the dangerous tendencies of the politioal action of our opponents You can eeo for yourBolvee uoi alone the obliteration of a great party, but the bold and flagrant declara tion of those who have taken its place. There ia indeed no alternative left us but opposition, as there Is manifestly no party left to make that opposition but the Democratic party. The inoonoeivable evils of a dissolution of oar beloved Union, do not deter the arrogant faoiions which now makes headway against the rights of the States. The guilt ia not greater on the part of such fanatics au Garrison and Phillips, than on that of the demagogues here and eleewhero, who support them. They are all working to the same end, some of them with the consciousness —and others thoughtless or reokless—of the misery their success would entail upon the oountry. But how is it with you, people of Pennsylva nia f Are you willing to yield fo the mandates of those men ? Baa the Union lost its saored and inestimable value in your eyos ? Are you ready to rogard yonr countrymen of the South as so many alien enemies? Wo disdain appeal ing to your interests, we invoke your patriotism; we appeal to the glorious memories of the past and to the unparalleled blessings ever present; and we point in proof of tho peril that besets tbe Dear future, not merely to the overgrown Whig organization, nor to tho fanaticisms spring ing from its ruins and coalescing in our midst, but to the alarm and dismay that have spread over the South like a funeral pall, in view of the aggressive purposes of Northern Abolition ists. And mark the miserable delusion with which + ** * h * ■ t- \ J K+ * ' * Abolitionism tries to jJ>uso the ric-tio senti- i meat of thu Notftb K Affects indignation be- ' f cause the Missouri res:r»c:i-'n, ue?-*r approved, ! i aud for thirty-five ye- : 3 -.iiregarJed by the 1 i Abohtionis’fl, and apit up.u;; aci rovded lty them : > with every epithet of scorn and iudignalion, has 1 been repealed t It denounces the doctrine of i self government in the territories, the very prin ciple upon which the American colonics were j peopled, governed, and protected I It denounces j the Nebraska ntit, which declares “ It being the ; true intent and meaning of this not not to iegis- ! late slavery into any State or Territory, nor to , cxclade therefrom, bat to leave tho peopto there- | of perfectly free to form and regulate their Jo j mestic institutions in their oy?a way, suiject only ; to the Constitution of the United States.” These fanatics refuse, therefore, to allow tho people to regulate their domestic instita tions ; yet as early as Ootober, 1774, these l sited Colonies assem bled in Congress, solemnly Resolved, “That the foaodation of English liberty, and of all free government, is a right in the people to participate in their legislative Couaoil, * * * that the colonists arc entitled to the freo and exclusive power of legislation in their several provincial legislatures, where their right of representation ©an alone be preserved, in all cases of taxation and lhtbrbal politt !’”—and at the same lime they further declared that those rights existed “ by the immutable laws of nature, tho prinoiples of tho English Constitution, and the several oharters and compacts.” Tho Declaration of Independence charged it as an act of usurpation by tho King of Great Britain, that “he refused to pass laws for tho accommodation of large dis tricts of people unlosß those people would relin }uish the right of representation in the Legisla ture, * * * a right Inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only." Nor was our own Btato behind her sister States i in assorting this light ; for by the third artiole of tho declaration of the bill of rights, made in July, 1776, it 4 was declared “ that tho people of this State -have tho sole, exclusive and inherent right of governing and regula’ing tho internal polioy of tho same and when tbo deputies of the people of Pennsylvania assembled in foil Provinoial Conference, to suppress all authority of the King of Groat Britain, and fur establish ing a government upon tho authority of the peo ple only, they declared their willingness to con our iu a vote declaring the United Colonies free and independent States, “ Provided, the forming the government and the regulating the internal policy of this Colony b: always reserved to the people of the Colony." And yet, against these self-evident and immu table principles of American liberty and of all free governments, men have the audacity to ar ray themselves under the name of Republicans' maintaining, too, that their fellow countrymen, ’ who inhabit tho territories, must act otherwise than of their own free choice, ad that Congress | should compel them to elect between dic-ntul submission and threatened punishment I But, fellow citizen*, even while indulging io 3 these expressions, this party is scarcely attempt » iog to ooncenl tho fearful ultimatum cf disunion i whioh it is now seoriDg to precipitate by means j of an exclusive sectional Northern organization r —the first organization of the hind ever ko jwq ) iu this republic, aud the sucoess of which is cer tain to end la tbo perpetual clienatK-n of the Sooth from the North. And by political agitation, what cool can they ever pretend to accomplish? Wnat man, ia the free States of this Uuion, bo boae fitted by tbs success of the Abolitionism" Not one; nor eooi-1 they givo freedom to a sirglt? slave; they would but more firmly live: their fetters. A« early as 1828, the Uto Rev Win E. Chancing, of Boston, said : “ My fear in regard to our efforts against slavery .e, that we shall m&ko tho caBO worse by rousing sectional pride and passion for itj support, iioi that iiv shut! only break (he count'>'iio two gre.it parties, uh:ch may shake the foundation of otvcrnmiul So la'e as I*6o, Mr. Wc-b-ter sa.i in tho Sec ate: - “Then. Sir, there arc tho Abolition societies, of which 1 am unwilling to apeak, but in regard to which I hovo very clear cottons and cp:ai::.3. I do not think them n 3 c rl I think their •. [ e ratious for the last twenty years have produced r.othiog good or valuable. * * * •• 1 do not mean to inmate gross motives even to the leaders of those B*o'otica, but I a;,i r.:c blind to the consequences ul their procee lings. 1 cannot but see what mi-oh'i-f their intcife reno* with the South Ha pr. dnceJ And ia it not plain to overy man * ‘ ' They a: tempted to arouse, aud did arouse, r vsry firing feeling ; in other words, they ert-ate-d great agi tation in tt& North against Sou’Hru slavery. Well, what was the result? Tho bond* of the slaves vrero boand more firmly than before ; their riveta were more strong y fastened “ Public opinion, which in Virginia had Hguu to be exhibited against slavery, and was opening oat for the discussion of the question, drew back and shut itself up iu its castio. * ' Wo all know the fact, and v?s all know the cause : and everything that these agitating people have done, has been, uot to enlarge, bn< to restrain ; not to set free, but to bind faster the slave pop ulation of the South.” Tho whole effort of these agitators seems to be to make a sectional issue in every Oongrc fieional district of the thirty-one States of the Union, and turn the halls of Congress into an arena in which the delegates from the North may do douoco the domestic institutions of the South Not only does all reason forbid ui to counte nance sectional parties, but wo have the solemn lyr .corded opinion of JcffsßsoN, who on this very question said : “ But this momootous question, like a Are-ball in tbe night, awakened and Ailed mo with terror. 1 considered it at once as tho knoll of the Union. It is hushed, Indeod, for tho moment, mu inis is a reprieve only, not a Anal sentence A geo graphical lino coinciding with a marked princi ple, moral and political, once conceived and held up to tho angry passions of men, will never bo obliterated, and every now irritation wild mark it deeper and deeper." Lot the true Whigs, who have not coieeJ to treasure up the counsels of their great atotes mon, now app.y tho memorable warning of Heory Clay : “Tbe Abolitionists, let me suppose, succeed in tho prosont aim of uniting tho inhabitants of the free plates as one man againot tho inhabit ants of the slave Stales, union on the one side will beget union on tbe other. And this process of reoiprooal consolidation will he attended with all tbe violent prejudices, embittered passions and imploonble animosities which over degraded or deformed bumaa nature Goo section will eland in menacing and hostile array against tb' other. The collision of opinion will q tickiy bo followed by tho olash of arms 1 will not at tempt to desoribe scenes which now happily lie oonoeoled from our view." Let them weigh well the following words cf the conservative Webster: “ If we might regard our country as person ated in the spirit of Washington , if we might consider him as representing her, in her last renown, in her present prosperity oud her faturo career, and as in that oharacter demanding of qs all to aoooant for our ooaduot as politic-il men or as privato citizens, how should ho an swer him who has ventured to talk of disunion cr dismemberment * or how should ho aoswr him who dwells perpetually on local Interests, and fans every kindling flame of local prejudice * How should he answer him who would array Niato against State, interest against interest, and party against parly, careless of the contin uance of that unity of Government which consti tutes as ooe people." Aod finally, let all men within tbe bounds of this Stato, and no matter to wbat party they be long, lay to their hearts the farewell advice yf Washington: “ The unity of Government. whlob constitutes you cue people, la also now doar to you. It is justly so; for it is amain pillar in tho edl fioe of your real independence—tho support of your tranquility at homo ; your peace abroad ; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very liberty whioh you so highly prize. But as it is easy to foresee frpm different causes and froth different quarters, muoh pains will bo taken, many artifices cmployod, to weaken, in your minds, the oonviction of this truth ; as this is tho point in your political fortress against which the batteries of Internal and oxterual enemies will be most constantly and ootively— though often oovertly and insidiously—directed, it is of infinite moment that yon Bhould proper ly estimate the immense vaiuo of your Nation al Usion to your collective and individual hap piness ; and you should oheriflh a cordial, ha bitual and Immovable attachment to it; aoous toming ourselves ]to think and speak of it as of the palladium of your politioal safety and prosperity ; watohing for its preservation with jealous anxiety ; discountenancing whatever taay suggest even a suspicion that It &*n, in any event, bo abandoned; and iodignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alien ate any portion of our coantry from the rest, or to enfeeble the saored ties whioh now link to gether the various parts. “ For ibis you have every Inducement of sym- pathy and interest. Citizens bybibtb ob ohoiob, of a oommon oountry—that oountry has a right to oonoentrate your affeotions- The name of American whioh belongs to you in your national oapaoity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations. With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, man ners, habits, and politioal principles. You have, s V o''• ' ‘ in a common oaosi*, fought and triumphed to- j gelhcr; the independence and liberty you poa- ; sees are the work of joint counsel and joint i efforts, of common origins, snffer.ngs and sue cesses. “ This Government —the offspring of our own choice, uninflaenoed and unawed, adopted upon full investigation and mature deliberation, com pletely free in its principles, in the distribution of its powers, uniting security with energy, and containing within itself a provision for its own amendment —has a just claim to your confidence and your support. Respect for its authority, compliance with its laws, acqniesoenoe in its measures, are duties enjoined by the funda mental maxims cf true liberty. The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Qovemment : but tbo Constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, ie saoredly obligatory upon all. The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish Government, pre-supposes the duty of every individual to obey the estab lished Government.” If, in addition to these words, we need others more directly and solemnly applicable to the present times, they will be found in the follow ing from the same immortal production : “ In contemplating the osuses whioh may dis turb our Union, it ooonrs as a matter of serious coDcern, that any grounds Bhould have been fur nished for characterising parties by geograpical discrimination, Northern and Southern, Atlantic and Western, whenoe designing men may en deavor to exoite a belief that there Is a real dif ference of looal Interests and views. YOU CANNOT SHIELD YOURBELVES TOO MUCH AGAINST THE JEALOUSIEB AND HEART BURNINGS WHICH SPRING FROM THESE MISREPRESENTATIONS; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound to gether by fraternal affection Fellow citizens : We have thus submitted to you the present oonditioo and tendency of po litical parties, and the issue about to be made betwocn them, iu this State and Union. As the best and only safo guide for your conduct, we have reminded you of the oounsel and warnings of tho wisest and most patriotic of oar States men. Your choice must now be made between a sectional party under the black banner of Abolitionism and the National Democracy, bear ing aloft the gorgeous ensign of the Republic “ with that sentiment dear to overy true Ameri can heart—Liberty and Union now and forever, one and inseparable.” JAMEB B. JOHNSTON. H. A. Gildba, \ Chairman. Jacob Zieqi.ee, / Sept. 18,1856. gEg- worms I—As this is th« season of the year when worms are most formidable among children, the proprietors cf iF Lime's Vermifuge beg leave to call the attention of parent to its virtues for the expelling of these annoying, end c fi»D fatal enemies of children. It was invented by a physician of great experience In Virginia, who, after hav ng use! It for several years In bis own practice, and found its poccesii so universal, was Induced at last to offer it to the public as a cheap, but certain and excellent medicine. It has s'.d'-h become justly popular throughout the United Stat.'A, as tho moat efficient Vermifuge ever known, and the demand has be»n steadily on the increase since Its first in troduction to the public. P. i— The above valuable remedy, also Dr. iTLane’s eel* celebrated Liver Fids, can now be had at all the respectable Drug Stores Id this city. % i 4 • ■- \ _ V Purchaser* will please be careful to ask for, and take none but Dr. &TLane's Vermifuge. Ail others, in comparison. „r«* wurlLlwu Also, lor *aU by tbs so e proprietors, PUSHING BROS., Bucc-esors to J. Kidd A No. 60 Wov d street, corner of Fourth. iu.pi7ulsw Just Received, at GrlbbleUt a splendid a-tortmeut ot F;« 11 and Winter Goods, of every description, -' routing of Plu.-h, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Satin V*g .ing«, Doeskin and Fancy Oasslmeres, Cloths, Overcoat ings, Ac., Ac. Also, Gents’ Furnishing Goods in groat vari ••ty. wokb will be sold low for cash. No. 2*o Liberty streeL *»-p}7 _ ej-Ague and F#ver of Three Years’ Standing Cured.—Hr. John Longden, now living at Dim, Hanover county, naar Richmond, had Ague iiu*i Fever for tfcr<»e years; most o! the time he had chills a dav, ar.d rarely lean than once: he was parched with fevurs as eoca as the ohill left him; aud after trying phVartans, Tumit,*, most of the toolc* advertised, and fiery thing rtcommendsd to him, was abont to givo up in . van , when Carter's Spanish Mixture waa spoken of: ha K>,t two Lotties, but before hs bad used more than a single . n\ he nu perfectly curod, aud has not had a chill or Hr. Lontfen is only one oat of thousands who have tnvfQ benefited by this great tonic, alterative and blood pa* rifit-r. B*o a-l»ertissm»nt. aep4:lin Inhalation for Diseased Lungs* Tae mode of Inhalation, in cafes of diseased longs and ihroo!, recommended by Dr. Curtis in bis advertisement, itrikes qs as lie true one. It Is now generally admitted by cur that local difficultly ran only be euc osas/tilly treated by lo.al applications. This practice hao boeo pursued from the first with respect to external in Cam* tr.stion and '•‘•rroplon l *, aud we see not why diseases of the throat nod lungs may not be treated in the pi me manner; wo believe they m*y. In this variable climate of ours, where lung and throat complaints have become so preva lent and rife, we earnestly recommend to the publie, and [1 iu opli-xd especially, to avail themselves of Dr. Curtin r«uc-dj —-[One who has tried It] See advertisement in tM« paper. Cuutum— Da. Cirsn?' IIYQIMXA la the original and only s*p4:3wdew .*• i;in* »rti*T> OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THE ONLY RAILROAD UCNNING WEST PROH PITTSBURGH Tin PtnT Train leaves at 2 A. M.. through to Cincinnati in 12 hours end 40 minutes. Mail Traim tuvxs AT 8 A. M. BipaessTiAia “ at 3P. M. Thn*« Trains all make does connections at Crestline, and il,.‘ first two connect at Alliance. The direct route to Bt. ly.ula Ls now open, via. Crestline and Indianapolis, 100 in lie? shorter than via. Cleveland. Connections are made at Mansfield with the Newark and Sandusky City road; and at Creetilne with the three roads concentrating there. For parUtulars soe hand bills. No trains run on Sunday. Thrvtigh Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Loaisrllle 8L Louis, 1 o JinoafH lU, Chicago, Bock Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the principal Towns and Cities In the West. The NKW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN wijl ’.save Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. and 6 IS P. SL, and New Brigh ton at T A M. and 1 P. M. >\«r rVkuia and further Information, apply to J. Q. CURRY, A’, the .-orner office, under tha Moot»ngahela House* Ci, at the Federal Street Station, to GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh, July 23, 1866. (jy24) OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD, BBISiQ THE Continuation of the Ohio and Penna. B. B TO FORT WAYNE, tiiku nunc&&& amd caoTHUt sci-ts non mrsBOMH. Ajr Trains connect at Crestline, without detention, vrith edi t\e Praim on Uu Ohio and /Vino. Road, and also at P< r*M with Trains going North and South, on the Mad lUr-: and Lake Erie Railroad. Ft Ticket, apply at the Railroad Offices of the Ohio p.c l iVntHylvfvoi* Railroad Company In Pittsburgh, AUe k t.'rtti v City, or at any of the following points: Port WayDH, Bellefontalne, Cincinnati, Ur Sana. Payton, Springfield, 1 udi&sapolls, Richmond, Tiffin, Findlay. Persons desiring Tickets will he particular to ask for a y.i-fcet b; the Ohio and Indiana Railroad, jvd J. K. BTRAPQHAN, B«p>t Sheriffalty.—GEOßGK R. RIDpLRTof tEe (i^ r> City of Allegheny, wtii bo a candidate forthe office dhcrilT of Allegheny County, at the ensuing eleo ! • - jyfcdawta HATS, HATS. —We have received our FALL STYLE OF SILK HATS, which will be found, on in rpectkm, a Deal and good article. A good Hat for $3, and an extra one for |4. Call and see. MORGAN k CO., Np. 16* Wood at., Next house to the new Presbyterian Church, _____ One door fromJUxth street p We luv* Just reeeivcd,hy Express, Ux£/ a large lot of Pi.ANTER’B, HUNGARIAN and other r>jFT IIATS. oi latest style, which we will sell os low tor cu*h as any house In the city. Oall and see MORGAN A CO., 164 Wood street. _out2s next house to the pew Presbyterian Church. Pennsylvania Insurance Company OP PITTSBURGH, Corner of Fourth and Bmithflald street!. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, *300,000. Inhubi Buildings and other Property against Loss or Damage by Fire, and the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DißEOToaa: Win. f. Johnston, Itody Patterson, Jacob Painter. A. A. Carrier, W, M’Ollntock, KennedyT. Friend, James s Negley, W. B. HaY«h. 0.11 Park, i Ctrler Sproui, Wade Hampton, D. 51 Long, A J Jones, J.H. Jones, ll.B.Ooggshall, OfFIOEBS: Preside Hoo. WM. P. JOHNSTON. Via President RODY PATTERSON Sec'y and Treasurer.K. A. CAKRIKR- Assistant iSbcreTory.S. S. CARRIES, PITTSBURGH Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Comply; CORNER QF WATER AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President Jah. d. &I*Gill, Secretary. This Company makes every insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. Also, ©gainst Hull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis* slaatppi rlvyfe and tributaries, and Marine Bisks generally. And against Loss aod Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of tbe 8e» aod Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies Issued at tbe lowest ratofl consistent with to all parties. * n oiatosou: Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley, James 8. Hoon, John Fullerton, John K’Alpln, Bamoel MHRorkan, William Pnilllpe, James W. Hallman, John Scott, Chaa. Arbnttaaot, Joseph P. Gaxsam, M. D., David Richey, James Marshall, John iFQIII, Horatio N. Lea, Kittanning. feb!7 .... , ■ flir Batchelor’* Hair Dye.»**Twenly ex* pnriment and application justify the proprietor in warrant mo tUa the best H»lr Dye in existence. J t dyes block Of brown instantly, without the least Injury to hair or akin* Made and soil, or applied, (in nine private room 8,) at BATCHELOR'S Wig Factory, 223 Broadway, New York. gold, wholesale and retail, by L'r. QfcO. fcL KKYSKR, 140 Wood Street. tep2ljd*w THE FIRE OOMPaNIK3 of the Citv of Pius -3§m burgh will meet tor Parade and Inspection, on ffi»=riATimDAT, 22d September, 1865, oo Penn jggjfgg, street, at 10 o’cl ck A. M. The Fire Compan es cf Allegheny and the cu;rcundlng Boroughs are respectfully Invited to attend. ROUTE OP PROCESSION.—Penn street, risht resting ; on St Claii; move down Penn street to Water, along Water to Market, np Market to Liberty, up Liberty to Slxlh, along Sixth to Wood, d :wn Wood to Water, along Water to Grant, up Grant to Third, along Third to Ross, up Rote to Penn sylvania Avenue, along Pennsylvania Avenue to Logan street, op Logan to WyUe, down Wvllo-to Grant, down Grant to Fourth, down Fourth to Smlthfleld, up Smlthfleld td Seventh; and there rest for half an hour. Than.down Seventh to Liberty, along Liberty to Hand, down Hand to Penn, up Penn to O'Hara, down O’Hara io Pike, along Pike to Factory, up Factory to Penn, up Penn to Morton, along Morton to Liberty, along Liberty to Lumber, along Lumber to Penn, down Penn to O’Hara, along O'Hara to Liberty, down Liberty to Qrant, along Grant to Bixth. down Sixth to Smlthfleld, down Smlthfleld to Second, down Second to Ferry, aloog Ferry to Fourth, down Fourth to Hay, down Hay to Duquesne Way, along Duqueane Way to St. Clair street, and up 8L Clair to Pena, and therediomisa. Bep2Ltd(chP) GEORGE FONBTON, Chief Engineer. pS' To Femates.»“THE KEEPSAKE,’ 1 nn im- U«£r portant little hook that every female should read, especially the married, or those contemplating marriage. It will be Bent by mall, free, to any address, by inclosing two postage stamps, or six-pence, to Q. L. GHBBB&MA.S, M. D., No. 191 Broadway, New York. sep2l:wlm» A Card. I HAVE Just received froia the Eastern Cities, a stock of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, embracing the mo3t complete variety of Cloths, Casßlmeres and Vestings that I have ever hitherto effete J to the pabllc. Besides a large number of Black Clothe, of which I have always kept a good assortment, I have been at consider® '. le pains to select some choice fancy colors, among which are Dahlia, Sylph- Ide, Royal Purple; Bottle, Meadow and Invisible Greens; with several shades of Brown and Blue. Also, of Fancy Cass meres an elegant variety of the highest grades, com prising many handsome plain Drab and Purple grounds, tft well as the latest figured styles. And of Cashmere, Velvet and Plash Veßtingß an unusually targe selection, the latter embracing several delicate patterns not readily obtained. I have procured the services of Mr. JNO. CARPENTER as Foreman, familiar to the trade In the West as the in ventor of M Carpenter's Rale." Having made all the nice ties of outting, the chief study of his life, and being endowed with a large rand of experience from a practice of sarrnteen yean, there Is little doubt of his abi-lty to please all whose custom he may attract My stock of BOYS’ CLOTHING Is much larger than at any former period, exhibiting all the variety of styles com mon to tbs season, and at Very low rates. 4? SOLOMON STONER, sepSlrtf No. 80 Wood street. “ ITS MERITS STAND UNRIVALLED." THIS OLD, tried and invaluable remedy for all diseases of the Eyes, after having stood the test of over Fifty Years, and the demand for it stilt increasing, Is now, and has been tor the past two years, offered for sale in an entire new dress. Each bottle will have a 8lee! Plato Engraved Envelope, with a pot trait of the Inventor, Dr. Isaac Thomp son, New London, Oonn., and a rac bimilx of hla signature, together with a vac SUUL* of the signature of the present proprietor, John L. Thompson, No. 161 and 163 River et., Troy, New York, and none other caa be genuine. The proprietor has been compelled to make thle change In the style cf the wrapper, owing to the laige quantity ol conntenelt which for the past few ) ears has been p ilmed upon the community, and especially at the W*et. Purchasers are particularly requested to buy none but the above described, and as tne red label heretofore used has been called hi, any found in that form the proprietor does not h*6iiate to pronounce counterfeit. For Bale by all the respectable Druggists in the United States and Cao&da. tt&»8old, wholesale and retail, at Dr. GEO U. KEY SEE’S, No. 140, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley. sep2LwSm* r|X) THE HONORABLE the Juuges ol the Court otQuar- J. ter Sessions of the County of Allegheny : The pe'Uion of FREDERICK SCIIAAF, of the Borough of Birmingham, respectfully represents— That be Is a citizen of the United States and of the State of Pennsylvania; that be is desirous to keep tor sale, and to sell within the said Borough, vinous, spirituous, and malt or brewed liquors, by measure not le/e than one quart, wording to the provisions of the Act of 14th April. A D. 1566, en itied, "in Act to restra n the sale of Intoxi cating Liquors." Your pe’itione", therefore, prays y keep lor iale, and to sell within the said city, vinous, epirUnoos, and majt or brewed liquors, by measure not leas than one aoart, according to the provision of the Act of Uth April. A. D. 1856. Your petitioners, therefore, pray your to grant them license eo to do, on being satisfied your petitioners are men of temperate habits, and of g&od repute for honesty, tnd that they have given bond with approved security, and paid the license fee, acoordlnz to the several provisions of the Act of Assembly abovemerred to And they will pray, Ac. OHAS. THU JIM A CO wpjrjst* rjH> TUB HONO' X'O THE HONuHABLK theJudg-aof the Court of Vuer* ter Sessions of the County of Allegheny} The petition of JOHN H. ORTJIAN, of the Borough ot South Pittsburgh, respectfully represents— That he U a dtiaan of the United States, and of tho State of Pennsylvania; that he Is desirous to keep for sale, and to sell within the said borough, vinous, spirituous, and malt or trw wed liquors, by measure not less than one quart, accord ing to the provisions of the Act of 14th April, A. D. ISSS. Your petitioner, therefore, prays your Honors to grant him license so to do, on being satisfied that your petitioner is a man of temperate habits, and of good repute for honesty and that he has given bond with approved security, and paid ;he license fee, according to the eevsral provisions of the Act of Assembly above referred to. And he will pray [aep2o:3tj JOHN H ORTMAN. JAXI3 HLAXAT - - ~ JKHSS C. RICIIIt. Bl&helir 4 RlcUey, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, ccropr of Seven h and Smlthfield street*, Pittsburgh, Pa Farms, Houses, Lots, Mills, Furnaces, Ac., bought and sold on commission Land Warrants, Bills, Bonds and Notes negotiated. Ebd©.* clal attention given to snbdirtdiog Farms and disposing of them. Terms reasonable. st-irti) "*ONV r_ “ A CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, containing a ball, parlors with folding doors, two chamber*, dining room aDd kitchen, for sale; price fc2,QQO. The Loose ia well finished, and In good order. Immediate possesion can be bad. Terms of payment—ssoo In hand ; balance in one, two aad three years. 8. cCTUBERT A rON, 53 Market street. YALUABUi PEOPKRTY FOB SALK— CoDslrting of 321 feet front on Ohio Lane, Allen heoy City, by £7l feet deep on Bagaley'e Lane, (containing two acres,) with a large Brick Dwelling Honse, of hall and ten rooma, with a gocd c-llar, smoke and woah booses, wall of wtuer, hydrant, tVuit tre.4s. At. Ac. For price and terms call at the office of e r pao 8. CPTHBKRT A 80S, 53 Market st. WALL PAPKES—VeITet, Satin and Common Wall Pa pers, In every variety, with appropriate borders, for e* l ® V W. P. M4HSHA L A OC., £7 Wood street. CiHKAr WAJ.L -PAYERS, at law OBNTJ—A new u . j aortment just received and for sale by W. P. MAJL3IIAI.L A CO. WINDOW' CURT .vIN ft—Gla**l Green, Glased Bhw, Plain Gwen and Figured Curtains, wholesale and retail. Tor sale tv sep2o Tff- g. MARSHALL k CO. QREEJN —£,000 lb dry, and in oil, for sale' b J B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., _ ftpyitt coroer First snd Wood sts. Cano MIC V.KL LOW—I.OOO lbs dnLax e»p2o B. A. GUil ARABIC— 2,600 lbs for sale by M P2O B. A. 4 CO. A-,„‘ a^ BON * 00. annooßM their Drst exhibition of • CloaM, of the now Vft! 1 nlyloe, on Thortday end Frl a»y, Septetnher a> end ai. stp2o * CO. will open on Thursday and Friday, • th'a 2»)th and 21iit Inst, a choice selection of FaU Bonnets, Head Dresses, A«j. sep2o Hulei I BXtiie* 1 1 THE aubierlber offers for sa’e FORTY HEAD or MOLEB —well broken 10 aork, either for pits or teams. They J* seen »t the Yard adjacent to the RED LION HOTEL, Bt. Olalr street, to which ha invites the attention of all desirous of purchasing good,, Bound, animals, seplfcdlw JOHN WESTBROOK. ftUBHOS AND VANCY FBAMfcS OP THIS iu\wr2sJ£&^ 9t * and flnishttl style may be foand at S2j on 8t - olalT street, near the Allegheny Brldse. This gentleman has also on hand a splendid lot v some of whloh we see encased In unlnue ani beautiful frames. GWe blip a call. sep!9 uo , l ' E . N . Qo ® >a — J'Ut'recelYed a aerj targe aiuTwall eoleoted assortment of OluthH, Casslnetta, XTKwda.jMna.4o. (sepia) A. A. MABOHAOO W TaHI,K WVKHa—A Urge assortment of the b AJ_ f *** j.“ *J\ coIWA end sisea, and very elepant gccfelyeTby (a»plfl| a. A. BIABON *cS I Tpr y Ijch sod elegant stjlaa ol «. fignred M A £ A ££l? a ’ BC W ** -*»«*’» New York JSSSST, XTJ. *°r October; gallon's Magniue, for October; The Schoolboy, by Charles Dickens; Trial and Triumph, by T. 8. Arthur; i. 8. and D, by Bustul Layer. ’ Received and for sale at W* A. GILDRHFENNKY A CO.'S, Fifth bL, opposite the Theatre. FOB BALE—I patent platform Seal©— nearly new, aqd warrantee). 1 good Conn ter, with ten drawers. • of the abate will be sold very low, at LAUFPKR 8 Bookstore, No, SO Fifth street "P 18 ANTHD—A Comrrcno.ua. Steady employment will bogtran. afSTilßßa ANDBHSON, seplB Ho. 80 Wood street. CMnusSlfi— 400 boxes this day reeejTed and tor sals by ) «pir HJCNBY H. COIiISS. ■' ! ". " -" v * Vi V *: NEW ADVERTISEMENTSt Firemen** Parade. OR. ISAAC THUMPSON'O MUCH CELEBRATED WATER. EYE 'Western Lands. Land Warrants. - 9ajrgleaf Operation# UgrtUfff lag f(k J ijftu*W&mtoboaMttco fo lbs public tirt# thd utility of BABBS’ PATENT EYJS lfl 80Wft0«p*ti mentj—thelr wonderful eflfeoW oooJog to t&ft knowledge of the proprietor)!, strange a* it. may so«s» ft la true, that Bpectac'es may bedhpensed with entirely tod sight rue tore! to its original power. These cup* are rfmpla, yet philosophical. They are tired without pain or the least danger of injury. Below will be found several crrtlflcateS which speak highly in their favor: [From tpe New York Evangelist.] A v (Kt pimp «- et philosophical Instrument, has been invented by J. Ball & Co., of this dty, by the application Of which the comei of the eve i« gradually raised to its origi* Dal convexity, causing (he Leus to Impinge ijti the retina without the aid of convex lenses. Thus-by on ea«y process perrons who have used glasses for years are enabled to dispense with than. i __ - _ The editor of the Pennsylvania Democrat writes as foi« lows, respecting the cure of Airs* -Gttretead,of Union town, Pennsylvania: UfHosrow*, Pa, August 1,1864. Being well acquainted with Mrs. Cootead, I know that before she a. ed “Ball's Pateht Eyo-Cups,” it w*» Impotti ble for her to read without the'Tisa Of spectacles, ana that bar sight baa been restored by the me of fbe Gups, so that she now resda print with her naked eye without difficulty. dona F. Buzm, Ed. Penn. Democrat _ » - Bochimows, Jane 1,1864. Durr &r—Havtng,lost myright by old ege. I wakla. dneed to purchase your, wonderfulinstruments, andby using the same according ioyoue direction restoring my sight so tlut-1 ~ out spectacles. I haVB not usei mv’ three or four months, whieh ehowa la' not a temporary one, but a valuable and permanent cure. ..Murai* .Esau, Of the firm of Snell k Brothers, Plskdale, Mass. ff&»By remitting five dollars, a pair ytilJP be sent, post paid, with fall directions, to any country. Ad* dress DB. GEO. H. KEYSEB, ccrnerofWood street and Virgin alley, Pittsburgh, Fa. v - seplUalew FURNITURE ' cm a i»s. WHOLEBALE AND RETAIL, EMBRACING STEST STYLE OB' FVaSiTVBE. IN ROSEWOOD, MAHOIiiNY AND WALNUT, PARLORS, CHAMBERS, AND DINING ROOMS. EQUAL TO ANY IN NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA, AND AT LOWER PRICES. 4@“ E.ery article made by band, and warranted. Boppßed with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, on reasonable terma. Hotel, and Steamboat. FURNISHED AT TUB SHORTEST NOTICE. Wsrerooms, Nos. 77 and 79 Third street. aug2 PITTSBURGH, I j,. A- A. CAHRIBR A. A. CAHBIBft & DBO., Comer fourth and Smithfield street*, Pittsburgh, Fa* AGENTS STATE MUTUAL FIEEAHD HABTNKINSURANCE CO CAPITAL FIBE AND MARINE IHStTBAHCi CiiatfAHT OP PBlUBtlPaui . CAPITAL ~~..8300#00. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA, WIBCHPSIJKj VA. CAPITAL .-...8300,000, MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COHPAS* H A Elio ED, COBH. m!7 1 CAPITAL AND ASSETS... .93,154,489. WKSTE3N FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, I; NEW LISBON, OHIO. ' |! TJ. HUNTKR, Aoxrtr, St. Churlne 801 l iinz, No. 105 « Third atrvet, Pittsburgh. S<- ornctas: g>; P. A. BLOCRBOSI, President. g*. J A MRS lU3KDJCK, Vice President; g- LEVI MARTLN, Secretary and TfearGrer. | PITTEBCBSa BITXaXZtOXS: f' James W. WoodneU, Joseph Plummer, i James Wood, It U. Riddle. ? narba °K h * Dr. Jno,JtPsrk, \ jloj trm. Simm*, Birmingham, Dawson, Newmeyer <5 Cfc < British and Continental Exchange, t BIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY ° DCNCAK, SHKKSIAN * CO. OX TEE UNION BANK, LONDON, \ la Suss oy £1 ah» Urwsaia. rpiTEHE DRAFTS are available at all thfl urlurior 1 oable Strength, Imitation Crown and Huby Vials, Haaha, Ptckla and Preserve Jan? Wine, Porter and Mineral Bottles; Telegraphic & Lightning-Rod Insulator*. BECOSD, BETWEEN WOOD A SIABKKT BTSs O . ..... PtrrsBOEQK, nmis. not a short distance from the Steamboat landing, and from Monongahela Hnnsa, Bt. Char lee, and City UoteL lapa 1. U. JOKE*. ...B. D. DESHY. md Id oil, for eale~br INEBTOCK * CO. JONES & DENNY, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. tplO] 61 WATER BTBKET. PITT3EOTIGH. MERRICK HOUSE. W. a. BLOSSOM, Propbietob. SEW BRIGHTON, myll) BEATER COUNTY, PA. TJ. EISNER A 00. bare removed their office to No. 23 • fifth street, opposite Mason's, in Dr. G. E. Sinw'a OcutUt)office, whendlfaenswiil find the books op*n to riceireNti »pciipt3ons for IRVINQ'b LIFE QFWAfcfilNt^ i >♦* T Uf Barr’s intelligence Offle*, HOTELS, noose-keepers, MaotiSacturers, MerefcAntaanA Mechanics *»• *n BOUated to call and obtain thrir flalp and their Apprentices. Also, th© Trozkintr clew ***** amd female shall bo btfaioesa ibund lor them oo short notice, atTIARIiS tw TELUOENCKOIfJIOB, No. «0 Liberty street "* NO answer returnal to applications bj man, unless ao compacted by a postage stamp * &&& Barley Wanted. THE ondoraigned will pay tie tehee t market pries In pis roans, for nod marcbahUble BAKLEY. delliiVJS ** BKKWBBY, HfU. end If delirered IndSe of two weeks fromdate.willrav'i pwmlojo of Fire Centoper bnabel for extra mod B«fcy < I will also here NEW ALB ready for maflMt deye. [eeplfcdgw*! A, •WQOD.Ate* l A PpStiTJt Olttotfulneß* iod Vigorous tte*lU} restored the UolUutl Bitten. $1 par bottle. Sold et nr ' Pll aepYi WOODWELL’S SUITABLE FOE Cabinet Ualcers ...8. 8. CAESUBT or nu&itEtuiui. .9340,000. GIEAEU CONNECTICUT DEALEB EXCLUSIVELY IN ttenior*l< X * " V|