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T i gpi|n? \Vr&tf Oct ztwZ&j h* K* r ' . I 4 trsfsJT«n'!; •»".! s'aven'! 1 -y .• r ' /st'T* ■ r ?>•**>: ir~s ‘ V L>'4-' ; i: Vv‘-k.'>' v |/> t a ~ r J r ♦* ■• rC-y *p -''^r^fH'''> 4 - ‘ r»'? f c y c - I *s ■ -'o ', ‘ ! ‘ <•:- •• ,V , 1 -,''i?>.i y-- -rf-?. '; '=4'-- i -i 7-' I '’--‘r -" • r i" ’ •'•; "■.; i ~ -* . W£aX^txPX- :::^'A *r ; - X:- • X-X v-‘i 'Sxpp'jk-p. -!- V'f 1 ‘: J -r v ’. “ >.Li- ! ' v’-’ i^si. i'i%' l i i t'. ' ( :”'V :;~ J /-C~ *3; '” c " s XK<X : a' J-vp"-Pi • "■■'c' ' :•?''', -•• ■ • f-i“S';. ■■ v” (,'- r '''-i - . i '■ ■ r I ■/ ■-- l n.'W-,''---V«c,"v. > •/ ‘ ■-«■- - 1 ': ■ •■ - -■ //■'*' ; s, -’ A l -'.%'• '';;;’ i 3“.. .-• ••'•, ■.. .... »-•-. w 4,* prX •- -!■ • -•- ■• f ,, V“ t u fflWf M -; „ fjp l . , % .• '/lirilfi r \\i'(\ui\ - f ~ ‘ 1 *% *?* .* ■■ ” > 1 '- ',, i '■j, 1 ' f/** J; ‘** *, > i\_ l ''.*■ - :>•;■ , • ...>^.-:'^-v; : -v-- : ■;? *2 > . V .vV^^ ■ DAILY MORNING POST Printed and pvMthed every morning (Sundayt excepted,] BT OILLHORB A IttONTGOaiBRV r 0j» Tin NOBTU-WlffT 00&Hla OF WOOD AWD FIFTH BIUBS. M S.—irtTe Dollars t y*ar, payable Ptrictly In * iTance. Six Dollar* will Invariably be required if not paid within the yeftN Slagle eopiM rw9 ccrrs—for e »le at the counter In the OtSca, and by the Neve Boys. TSB SATDBrfAY MOEHIJJO POST Paldkhed from the woe office, on a large blanhet else sh'et, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in adroncs. Single ooples Fi T 8 cum. fiRT No paper will be discontinued nnl»<ra & t the diaere oo of the Proprietors,) until aU arrearages axe paid, hj* No attention wifi be paid to any order unleu accom panied by the monev. or eatiafectoiy reference in this dty S&* uanneeted with (ha KiiobUihinent of the Morning Post is in/ of (ht largest Job Printing Often in the city , where all k nds of work U done on the shortest notice, and oojf reason* d Metersu. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt« C« O. Sproul, A TroANEY AilD COBNSKLWII AT LAW-Offlcs, No. j* —fourth street, Pittfiburgh, Pa. declltly A Jttntf A. Lowrlr. TIQKNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Scjithfleld street and Cherry alley. [decll:ly , JOHS BAKTOS, AND COUNSELLOB AT LAW. , , ,“ co - corner Fifth and Grant at*,, jgafclytij prrrsDDiiaH. n. . Thomas Meant. A AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CfIANOERY. £\. Office, next door to the Post Odoe, Steubenville, my 4 ’ O. P. H.obe, A 'J'I'OILNEY AT LAW—No. 100 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, .f >. rft., fourth door below Mr. Rody Patterson’s Livery Jo3B O. Orlando Loomli, ATTOIiNfiY AT LAW—-Office, Fourth street, Above Wood. ifi-7 <,■ H-« B. Carnahnu, A at LAW—Office on Fiurth street,between J \ Übyrry alley and Grant Atri*«t. ietky J. H. Sl’Clowrr, A U rC |. KNB , X . ANU BUUNSELLOII AT LAW—Offlco in u y e Biiildinge. on Grant stroot, Jg 2 __ O. H. Uaren, A T .!?!s li li l A 7ii AW " !i0 ' 127 Puttrthstreet,above and .TV near Fmlthfield. mar2T:y . t rv p n Patrick McKeoua, ALDERMAN OF X II I R D WARD OFFICE coruer Grant aod Firth atrevta. (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) where all business portaia- ! n * I ‘ U»e pdfoe of Alderman auJ Janice ol the pence wiil bo promptly attended to. t , bl: 3 m vuf. n , N,auci »Mte' r i Arderinaii.' J Urauc street, Im;*,.-., Fourth st aud Diamond / »'.-v uVuveynucirig of all kluds duut* withthe great * V ;* ireaJ,d accuracy. T,U-» to Heal Ksuie cxEmlu “a -' tr - ja.J:) I! 11 ntn \V litfou, Alder mats. ( fo 0, **' FK.VN' street, between th« canal and G ilara street, Kitih Wii.nl. All bublnt-KN appertaining i - the office of an Alderman or Justice of tho Peace, will be promptly attended to Bonds, and other documents, drawn with l.“utwe.vj Mi l d-'s;,jt -b foM 3 ;tf U.AiiL,, aUuUA'N DKN‘I liT, v r Vv«yilLT ? ° r tJ Ql Nu ' ux Snmhfleid , ..... hour-, f-,iru fe to 1 u\d 'ck, udJ r »in 2 to ;> c-V’vck. .VUAIy s.‘ -ryl?-, J iJO DP, DENTlal', Fourlb rtrert. live Uoor> c,f Mp - rk - 1 - i .li t UirioE li.’i rs —Fn to tune A. M, to five l- M - dariiUry BUSINESS CARDS. almud h cv r.L:-v, , 0 ~o iaK ‘ Tj , .* A.’iwian oitmi.ii-ie nsst\ I ki.SiiHut Curling, li.ob« rtao 11 A Co,, A S AM'FACTL'HKttS oV CL P. I*u KS.- Ko \ND Pi.AIN jAJL J‘Ll>T Ui.A.-oWAKIi. wurt U.u-<- N>- U M r( Front su-.-t-;, UiU-buivl, AH 'dh 'r Kinds ut and Window at *"* mirketjim-r.- R D U:dly Jacob illH olliiur, WH-.i1.h8 \ I.h au.l r-'tud Cijcir la&nulnrt ur-r. and d.-a 1 • cr iu *li kind- of T.-ha-vo, Snuff. and C,»>rs No iff. 1 ,(■ !t street, PRUburgh. Pa. £tf~ K“-pa n-nfiuvutly on hand a large supply o! alt the v.in :. •• l-rnal- of Imi-eriat Cigar* J 10 John Jnoorhcad,' WII»LK''ALK GRO'JEIi, AND UMIML'.-luN MKK CHANT, for the -ml- of Pig Meul end Litmus, and Produc-zenera'.lr. No ‘27 Wood Blret-t, Piu-Pur>.h ..lyZi UV.MKU RMbKhT } AM’fKsON Iteymer &. Anderson, tn Joshua Kbod-< A ) WH )I.Kt*\LE dealers in F.-uiCs, Nucs, Sj.icn (.V-.nf»*etionary. ?u^ars, A • . No Z'J \\\r.-d street, u; f-.f Uie ot. Charles kotel, PIU-hurzh, i‘a npU Henry H. Colliua, 7 AND CUHMLiHI'J.N M F.KCII A NT, at,: P Whnl-dHtc l)-u!er in Chteae, Butler. FL-b. an.t produce cvne-uli v. No 2;'. sir- t. Pit: rd>ur<h . :n H ir. 11 'l* C. MoiL'au, BGOlif ELDER AND FT A T KIt hni a' *sv»onl , n u l A t’euorui tuicnt Mlt»r-ur"nud BIalK Pri ntlnz, i\>*l und Cap Paper, Ac.., '> holr-itr nr:d ri- U.t. No 101 Wo 1 1 ptr-vt, 1.-:c>w Fitlh. -idr, pjitanunrh Zf*r* W Hiite-i, an I Tanners' Scraps npi ' l v WIILIVM iiILLEK, I’lnls Via UlcEtTaj.X, pKI/:>ur.h Hlllier di lilcketnon, UiUCKKA, Imj*- uf Urao U in»- hjjJ —No< ITJhud 174, i-troer of Irwin and Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Iron, Nail?, Cotton Yarn.*, Ac.. coc..-Untly on haul. \V m. Carr dt i. o , (Wm. Oarr, late of the Grin of J. Parker ICO WHOLESALE OR >CEiIS. and Dealers In Wiuo. .i n 1 Br.wj iiek, Old Mouooitaheia and U Ui» ky, No. 329 Commercial Udw, Liberty Htri*et, PittsLurzb f ‘ a )-*! F K_ Uraro, Lhatn'Hi'L ihluburgh. ]‘d. I vEALKII IN OjUNTHY PRODUCE, tdl„r? fr s;.b- » 'XjJ ch'uce sty ;t uf or> heiucte 1 for famiiy ui>- .'•[' •■<- uf rv-ry Tari-'ty and the pur.-st qualify, cl 1.;- Btuara rfdilD. Ab»o, Drie-J FrulL-i, Foreign and ivui '.l i*n>iliifib tadten in ci.-hanpe fnr merrhandt2-«. k U D tia*. pr-.*ur-1 u tu.l Hsy"rtin-nt of Landr. ;!<‘j w arrant**-! Garden St'? N, and Invite th- at tent ion < f a! I il l- re-:<-l m : j:«! Ktrair?. ju. 11 *. c rautt.-m ....% iTt Kngllth A ILlchardson, ANDEJUTTAKDINti MERCHANTS, and Wb.ne.Hil- Dealers ia Fi*h. B.cou and Oil, an J g-*n.-ra!ly fnrujerly i.-.'u i~i l y harbridgn 4 lndhr«ai No. 1 16 Wat-r and Isu Firr; Ntrr?;, I'itulurch, 1 __ _ . _ feU coimnlitlou House. f | "^11 fe» subiK-ribi-rn huve open-J a house fnr the abvVe pur- L p-’-e, n: S .. 17 ?mithtteld street, {..ur drx.r- al-iTe t.h- Monoag-hsiu House. We cril I ;>urch%-e, or r>*oi«i re, r-n rn niH-b.n, for ehl-, r..ri»uuaj>-nts ot Fluor, Ba-on. C3i-u»e. Onrn, Oats, Burley. Fias j>end. Grass Sm-,1, Ralc-i Hay, hr.. Up\*u wbi.'h we will make adYBD'-eS, cr purchase at '.belevst mark-t raUre Ji.r cHih niotti; A LORO 4 l>» Jnuieu UTLauglillu, “INKILER IN GRtJCERIE:', KROI.UCK, FLuUU, BACON i I ) 4: , No. lu, corner SmULfield nod F.rel btreet-, pit: . ! _ novo JollN 11. YvL’.VU.. Tllun U. ruCSU PkA2*.Jia L. lutNu. T. Hi Young A Go. No. SS Set ithfidd street, rppotiu City IhAd. MANUFAOTURURS OF CABINET rDUNfTURE AND ClfAlftS, of every description. Maturials and work ruausbip w:irnviittf»i. and aold at red uced pneea. Oar-te.V..n in perkiut: f-.T Und aud water ranlua'e. augdl Wm lilgbf, Jr,, /'II 'THING AND FURNIFiM.NG ilV‘:tK, Mapoufo Halt. Fitlh eUeKt, Pittpi.u'gh. Clothing made to order, in good fltvle. hud at mixlerato ralea. a U gy U K. A A. (J. Dancau, Wlf'TT (JR'K)KRS, and lUalere in Produce, For eun Winee and Idquors, IJ.d Mooongahela and R-- Uhe-1 tryl IdUrtyM.. PltUburgb, Pa. jy27 y ■ A A Tludle, WIWLK.-ALK end K-tail Fiddle, lUror-r linnk, \aliss an 1 Carpet Bkk znanufM.-turi ' * N'l 1 06 W.Mj rt.. Pitthburgh, P« j ,-ju v j Vi - MeVlor, WIMLEsALKund RcUil Dealer Id Musical Inutroment-, I'janoe, Mueic, School Bcokd aud iitatfouery, No ltd Hi reel. janl John W. Bailor a. to., ” AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS- Dealers iu all kiuda of Piunburgb maDufociureH. 1,.-,, l J'lfH* and Sheet Lead. 67 Front Htnwt. septfs Enterprise Worki. ,V.j 13i) Wood street, third door below VirginalUy. BO VV N 4 ThTLEA would call the attention nf Spurtii./ men to th«lr larj,*e mwortraent of Guns, R.fle* and K.- volring Pistols, the largest aud best wdecUxl stre-k ev-r opvne'i in this market. C’gvther with u genera] assortment of Hurdware. Cutlery, Tools and FUhing Tackle, ail of whi. li We offer ut the lowest jobs.hie prices tu cash purchasers, > r goo-1 approved paper. uinrln Cop&r(oer»bip Notice | !IWl\ Tin.' s DAY (April 11th) asx'viated wlih ru -1 .Me K , r s. F. KTKBL TUKnKTT and BAML C. CI.ANKY, bulb of whom h*ve b**»n for many years in my establish ment, and are already extensively und lavombly known to my customers and the public generally as superior work men, and of correct business habits. We hope by this uni. u < t - a pei i-m». e and artistic skill—especially in the wat- h d-- partuu-nt; by keeping a large and well selected stock -d good*; by soiling nt moderate prices, auJ by cloaeattHnti u to business, to merit a liberal share of pationage Tu iuy uIJ friends and tn« public iu general, who bare for many yean past so morally patronized my business, I return my tha-iks, and isoli.-R lur the new Crm a continuant* of simi larfAVorH. \V. W. IVILBON. ihiioburgb, April )1, 18L6. Wlliou, Turbett 4t Clancy, WATCH MAKERS, JEWELERS anil SILVERSMITHS, 67 Market * re«*t, corner Fourth. mvt- «evr Conch and Carriage Factory! JOHHSXOtf, BROTHERS St CO., COmcr RiUcca aud Belmont ttrtsU, AUe.gheny City. •ga , WOULD respectfully Inform theirfriecds r>XtsJ~ the public generally, that they have commenced the manofacture of Barouches, Rockaways, Huggins, Sleigh.® und ChariotAjn all their various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beauty of finish. Repair* *W nlj|o be Ht tended «... on the most reasonable terms. Using in‘all tlmlr work the IxHt Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel suit!, U.rv fori ip deut that *ll who favor them with their pationKg*, will he perfectly satifified on trial of tbelr work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before purcha sing elseaffieri). octuiv j T. MUNSTOIt. Klcelalor Carriage Factory. JOHNSTON, BKOTHKR £ CU., PRACTICAL COAdl M A FT ERA, corner of Rebecca and Belmont Htreets, All.- gheny city, Pa., have on hand an.l are manufficturtng an extensive assortment of Oarriagua, Kockaways, Bugci-s, Baggage (Jure, Ac., made in all their various styles, w.th strict regard to durohility and beauty of finish, using In *! 1 their work the best Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. R-.> pairs attended to on the mo6t reasonable terms. They foul confident that all who may favor them with their pati n age will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every flf t***o minutes daring the day. oct2s:ly PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. u. btciKLow KAfirm l. steviks....— qeoboi albeht. Blgolow & Co., _ BUCUJSSSOES TO Jfi. M. BIGELOW, No AH OHjffiSg Diamond alley, near Wood street, PHls aShr —Oonohea, Carriages, Pbeatons, Bag k~,7. and every description of fancy vehicles unsnrpaaped to flal * h - 6tlU ° f tSf All aork warranted. „ o ,<, ttOßßa:t a P ATt EILSON' 8 qJPIIJL’ livery and sale «&__ Corner Diamond etreet and Ch.r^S; .API MTTSBOB|^ , pA r fl/IDOZ. LEMON SYRUP; wl 'So “ do in store and for tuUe by /yUi 30 Wood at., oppoeit® (h« Bt. Oharles Hr>t*| -D. t. JOUKtrTOJf PUBLISHED DAILY, BY QILLMOBE & MONTOOMEBY, AT THE “POST BUIL»INGS : - r: ------- - - • ' ■ •• . ; ° NER 0F FIF-H AJI) .VO'JD S.i.EETS, AT $6,00 PEB ANNUM, OB *6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. •Joseph Fleming, fsucoxssoa to l. Wilcox a co.l CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, k«pa oonstitnGv on hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to his business. > '®3y" Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. jonfy JOBS FLXMIWU. Fleming Brother*, W ( SDCCIBBORS TO J . KIDD a 00.1 HuLESALK DUGGIBTS, No. 60 WooJ street, Pitts burgh. Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lane’s Oclebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills. Ac. jalO Jo tin Haft, Jr., [scccxssoa to iauzs s'qcffst.] WHOLESALE AND RF.TAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer In Paints, Oils. Dye Stutk, Ac., 141 Wood street, three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr4anAoly JEL» L. Alien. TETIIOLESALEDEALKU IN FOREIGN WINES,BRAN- Ty DIKi, GIGAUS, OLD MONUNQAHKLA AND RYE WLISK.Y, Ac., also, RecUfying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, rittaburgh, Pa. YRues, Brandies. Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Bpirita, St. Crcix and New England Rum, Clarets, Ohampaignes Scotch Ale, London Brown 8:out, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon. Old Mononffahela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peaoh, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Ulgnr4, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Lubelled Bottles of every style, and Dwnijohns of all sixes, I respectfully invite an eiamloa t!on of my .tick, at No. 8 WOOD rtreai, i-!tt,burgh, aprSily James Dlellluger, MONONGAUKLA PLANING MILL —Would re*ip«ctful ly inform his ftiendfl and thopublic,;that his new es tabilshmrDt is jj.w in lull operation, and* that he is pre pared to furnish Boat Cnidus, auJ Oil ai! orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board und Plauk, planoj on one or both rides, constantly on hand. Sash, Doors, and Mooldlngaof every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters woulJ Ond It to their a to him a call, as he cun now furnish them with plau.-d stuff suitable for every descriptlou of work. ® M A - HXOCO.V JAJOXi CaiSWtLL Herron A Criswell, HELL AND BRASS FOUANDiJId, and JiltnufiCturorj ol •11 kinds of Brins Work. Locomotive Steam Kugine. Plumbers, Ac. A,i-o, Cotton Battiog Manufacturers. Foundry on P..*becca rtreet, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. £B“Old Bra-is and Copper taken in exchange fer work, or cash pail. Orders left at the Foundry ox will be promptly attended t v j e^t, a. oairs u. nxisihuea t. j. uaasp. Graff, Uelsluger & Graff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, Nu. 121 Hoed Btroet, Pa. HAiaSACTrtKJtUfI or Cook lug Stot**h. Piaiu and Fancy Grttt^, Coa I and ucsj r tov ks, l’tai n ai>d Fancy F eQdt , r.' 3 l I ur.ur Movc.-i, S-id hnd I*,-g la-ns, Ilt'lb w Warn, PortAtde Forge-, Sugar KeUUs, Tt-a ReUlea, St-»re K-lUm, Wagon Boxiv., ;cnb! u- ‘WITH .....Vi J n. I! I STIR. tiwltb, filalr 4s Hunter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) YLMIOLEBALE GUCKJKRB, PRODUCE AND OuMMIS T ? SION Jud Dealers iu all ilul.i of PilDburgh Munufactures, 122 Second and it»l First PitDt.urgl., Pa. , W. 8. Klaven OLD PRINTiNO ESTABLISHMENT, (Ut? J:-bn 1 mod 4 Stock ton,) and Blank li:«>k and Statinuerv wurehouf*, is prep«re.i to ex*-cu‘i» every etvli i.f Legal. G'tnmercial, Caua! and rtteamboai Job PriotiD.* an 1 B<x>a Bmling, aud »»ery article iu lh» Blank Boi k, Ti.p«-r and StatKmeiy lm«, at Iht uliorL'ht notice and r n tto tuoet rvanonable termr. lUauk biv.k and Stalicu-rv U Hiebouiv*, l'tH aud Rook Bindery, corner c{ Mark-t «ttd nd >-.* h^tlo NorlluWeileru I*ol ice Agency, NO. i* WASUI N'.i'fuN rtTREKT, corner of Drarl*,rn. CHICAGO, ILUNuS. 14.1 ’ Pinkerton A Co. rTiTi thii* mun....t tv tiu lUA.I; iin.'i.a «.>■ * i.K.vtJui DUTKCMVE Puj.lCK RL’alNEr^ :i the Stella id ItUu«.i». VV m t Michigan and 1 udiacm. mhlC <3if r TMIK late Crm of JONES 4 yUl.ld, l aviug born A i*d by t be Jeath of J foe F. on the 27 tb tc.«t, the bua. ness of «uid tirgj will be «ei tled uv tho under-iglied, at their olHca, aorner of Roj? and Ftr-! -'.rvoU. IS * AC Jon i;s, burvlviuir Purtner Fitu-borgh, September ju, 1301--.<-';2;y Isaac Jones, \f AN L’FACTURLR < f Hprlos aud IRUUr Steel, I iongb I'A Slab fitoel, Kleel Ploujh Hlnk.'. 1 '; Ooach aud Kupt!.* B|-nugrt, Rnma Nut Taper, half patent, Scr-w, Mall aud lUrumorwl Irnn Alien,-corner cd aud First eln'-t*, I'ittiburgh, Pa. oc;2:ly ISAAC Jyats D. a L). IS. flowers A Co., Man U¥ACTUREUS of K xiKP.S’ patent Improved Steel Cuitivalor Teeth. OflW '-'-rner He?# and Firvt Btreet. oetlly Pittsburgh Hid tug School. KOUKRT 11. PATTERSON’, ProprieU.r, corner Diamond -tr-et audCh-rr> alley. The vuhscrUHw • V Xil reppeotluily L> the Lo<)iea an-i o*uUe- ot PiiDburijh, that b« haj r.-cvnt!y ere'-te-i a RILING scMIOOL. whl<-h In p>4nt c : n ‘;ie, u cuajdioixsu»*u sod *Jup L-tUon, undriiDhly . uv! a rrj umUir e-tabliduoeui in the Unllwd t'taies It- lomU'n i- a.'.-.'**•!l,le from al) parO-ol tf.** its Lig-j no 1 airy MtuaU-.u ret.dei? rUIIy Baited to ihv promotion of b«altb . by tht* cm pt agri- Hi.), l nxeri-iee. The liorKee are docile and w«)l .xalu.-tl. ana the propr.etor pledges himself that do pnin* rr rijeoae * id U rparwl to iuu« this estab:i-hui-*nt the tlr-t in t?.<- couhdenc* of the public if itleUarri V. UockinK, MANUFACTURER 0/ GILT. SILVUL RIH.SS, BRONZE, U»OKING-GLABS, PORTRAIT AND PIC* Tih FRAMES, Plain ard OrnaineuU-J, No. 21 St L'ltui All kinds of Composition Ornac.<rtT.«, fur ni,um l-oats, Ac. All kind* of Gilding and Renildjug, U- irl-r Gilt Mouldim a for Framer, vh'i!e-ta> tod retail Vo.-cisO fur Oil Paloilng«, and LiLhograpln, for »-jiie Impaired or defaced Oil Palntir.jp restored ,n '! r heit mtinner. An Peamett and Mouldings manufactured la this oetnb 11.-bmeut may b* rloaned without injury, with soap and w ater. _ Call and see. No 21 ft t Clnir at . PilUburrh- I' j'. \villt" k, 1 \/"KNXTIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, has r*-e-).er«l f lilt* health v. us to resume bM ol 1 buth.oW. and ho* • r-»*i His BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No ti Fifth r* r . , ; t ruin- the IVitotScu, between Wood and SinkhCali, s»b»n* In- has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain an-’ IkUcv uocEted aud eilk trimming*, and is prepared t/; f:U uu> order in bis line, on the moat reasonable term* IIl « .-rk lx warroiiied tn give satisfaction cr men y refunded Blinds repaired. Please give him a call, as he can’t l-e Wat In work miuirhlp_ tuyTir 111 A ViJ sold my Interest In the bOHinwc-s Long, Miller 4 Uo„ to B. A Lon?:, who, with John I'b.lbps wili tinu- at the old uland, No. 11/.i Front :itr©«-t. I cor«i‘u>ly re '■••temend the new firm to the puii-ouege of qjj friend*. I i!t-Lurgh, July XV. l&W. r u MH.i.kk S. A. L.otaf' A. Co., TiELLAND IiIIABS FOUNDERS, ANl> GAP FITTKRH. X) inrite attention to their stock of Ctmudelhro, u rfc . Ha, Pendants, and other (ixtuma. We fit up bouses wPh Gas itnd iJbam, make Brass Oaalingx nf all kinds to orJ. r. lun.Wi Railrr-al Pnmpj and Tauk Fittings, and kee; A tut- Attrition Metal constantly on baud. jtLI NOTICU. DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. .Yj. 20 Fifth sin-' t, nnl c.irnsr al«,v< Market ib rtl, PITTSOUKQU, PA., WHERE will ho founi the largest au l tost assort'd stock of UOSIEKI ever offered ior sale in this city. Porubaeers will find It to their edvanteg© to call at this eetublishment and examine for UiumseUud; it is all I need to insure their custom. c. DALY. »*»• B—Remember tbe Chaai* Bto< m.vj Coukku. fetly o. D Consume the Bmok.e ' PfIK 6ubs~rib--r having the excludo right to int*nufft<- X tare and sell gIVKKNKY'B UoT AUt AND HMOK-K UGNSUMJ NG FU RN ACK, Is prepared to receive orders, and contract for beatiog buildings with the most economical Furuacu uow in use. ne attention of those interested io siiliciled. Any information can be hud of A. BRADLEY, Nca. 2 aod 4 Wood atroet, or of J, BA KND'JLLAR, _jlec24:U‘| Iron GUyHtove Warehouse, No. KM Wood st. JLedlte & Ulam, (Suoocsaorw to Mulvuny k Belli© ) MANUFACTURKKH of Cut, &luulJ«d au.l Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLABSWARK, and dealers <h all kinds of Wlndowyiarts, Planks, Villa and liottles, Ware house corner of jjkrkel and Water streets, Pittsburgh mh3:dly Removal, (I lIIMfiRN, Mauafacturer of evary variety of Vials, j, B.utles and W'ludow Gloaa, Black Porter, Wino aud Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Glass in every variety. WareUouoe, Nos. 104 Second, and IR3 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2B 1. W, Chadwick, DKAJ.KR IN KENTUCKY LEAF TUBAOCO, RAOB AND PAPER,No. 149 Wood streot,below Blxth,Pitts burgh.Pa. d3r-The higheet market prire, iu CASH, paid f..r ap2o:l) * Atwell, Lee A Co., WHOLESALE GKIXJKIU, Erodneo and Commlfifdon Merchants, and Usulura in Manufactures, No S Wood street, between Water and Front streets Pitta hmih - Lpis Dissolution Of Co-Partners It In. rpUE 00 1-ARTNiiMUIP heretofore e"Sn, bet.«,n I JOSHUA RHODES uud PHILIP RKVMEIi To the tyholMals Emit and OoafectlDnsrv Bumuw*, Is’thS day dlaaolssd by mutual coeeeuL TheUluee, of’tbe orm b. BBiUed up by Juahua who la author'. «l to re celpt for all debts due said tlrm. JOSHUA RHODES March 3Cb, IBP6. PHILIP UKYMER PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. undersigned have thia day formed s Psrtuar *h!p, under the name, firm and eiyle of RHTMKR A av DERBON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Oonfectionary business, No. 3$ Wood street J rULIP REYMKI? ROBT. J. ANDERSOaV Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1855. In retiring from tb« Oonfectionary business, 1 cheer fully recommend Messrs. Iteymer A Anderson to my friends and customers. JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1866. *p2 Removi HA It BA UGH A 00. hare remoTsd to No. 295 Liberty street. bPfunats 5ibhaugh............ alcukseb forss-tq. sprlng«r Harbaugh A Co., ' (Successors to 8. Hartmngb.) /'IOMMIBSION ATO fOR WARDING MERCHANTS ; Dealers In Wool and Produce generally. No TS9C Liberty street, Ps ap6 I. L. Unnhali, \«-1 ccoepor to 11. Li-p.) WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 109 Liberty utreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. ’ Rtfercncfy— W. M’Clintock A Bros.; Kramer A R&hm- Brown A Klrltpatrlck; Murphy, Tiernan A Co Pittsburgh, May 24. 1855—(m > , Hat* and Caps. ’ UJg /WE would invite the attcn;ion of our friend* and /£f the public to a splendid assortment of HATS and •fcS&CAPS Which .. ac, now oponh.g for the Summ.? trade, which for beauty of style, excevda anything ever of fared in the city, or west of the mountains, dfea- Cal: and examine for youraelvea J. WILBON A SON, H' c 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. .OOCUBAH PLUmta. UUiolutlon of Co-PartneraUlD. THE PfrlM OP LIVINGSTON, lIOGOKN 4 00, l-roprle tora of the FITTSBUMU NOVELTY WO)IKS ni araaolvad bj the death or Mr. Joint J. Booara, on the Uto of Mn-ch last. Th-bnslnees of the NOVELTY WORKS will be rontlnoed in all it* branches by the surviving partners, under the natuw and style of LIVINGSTON, OOPKLAND A CO, who will also settle np the edTairauf the late fir e. L. K. LIVINGSTON, OALViN ADAMS, „„ J. K. MOOIUUSAD, T.t taburgh. Pa., May 4,1565. j W. B. COPELAND. JoU-N M‘UU>Sii»T. COIsSBUDS ii'CLOAKST. John M'Ulniker A Co., TIMIOLRyAI.E AND RETAIL CLOTHING MER IT CHANTS, No. S 3 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ttc eo'.iscritfrs re*prcu'utly iiitmm their old customers au-J the public in georral, that they bare this Jay i**>rU. tnl themeelye 3 Ju the hPotp business. under the firm tf JOHN M'CLgSKKV A Cu. They rep|»rtfu'l/ -ti'iioit » ah»rw of public patrouoge. The preUi>us busiaoib A-f euoh will be bottled b?them eel re* rvepectirefy. Boots and Shoes. JAI LAI GIILIX, No. y.» Fourth efrret, nearly opposit« « the atii e, i.i raanut'anurlug U-Jutlnmen’a firal lh>o.n. Low f 5 !.-j«f.. ti.»* and buitop* u; O’UgreM anJ but ino fd Oaiiers; Ud.e*’ lUlf ju-.u, J- nn y Uni.*. *:> }«*re, and French Lashln:* Galltrr*. i t e\.-rr color and aha-le; laocy hid an-1 thuiu U.ilnr*, i.| ibe best materials. Mt.sc® and CbiiJreii’i do., u 1 rrery Variety. . N l K ~ A,li;i j- in»Je tonrd-r. on t-hr.rt nothv. |aul9 Soldiers’ Uouiny Lands unif Claims I MILL procure Bounty Land Warrants for hoi Hers, their Widows nud Minor Children, and a/mud to tmuiness iu th*> '‘Court of Claim*," recently established by Uou^reAH. No. 141 rh>rj street, one door anore Smlthheld st. March 1H la 66 iiuhlJUj CUAKLKB N.\ VI.OU J AMEi WAUl>kOi’ ull-rn ft.*- -a lv CANARY. UIKWof lb«* Ciuit itoj.r-.'rrd t-rcrJ, b**iug Tery hardy, nod Uno filDCwrfi. fttrd Onnarr. Hump. Millet, Rope nud cjti tU bouquet* wiii t v lurobihrd o-uipo!*' 1 of the fme^t KI.OWUR.-i, vu {-aiu-'U,, ltuij, Ik-liolrupeH, Ac. K ;in pd-i f.-r GhrM’aiHs Trtvs, f;,,: a :he tWI ,dJ UonLullur&l More. No 4i) Fifth *( . o-nr \V\od. !-. jj Hoonly Laudi, '’l Mi K in. i •wiin.'to to oM«hi bounty I.ai.-i \\ «r .1. rr.nlA. 1 !»• I'rrNM,l Li;l ail «lh Lmn,. rrri in 1 !'•’ •* "!•• T-nu-. ui-»Jcr.ilr iA UK f-XJK'Mkx/r. "7 L’Utuon.l *!)<•>•, 1 . •*>»... n \\ nn I Dnuioi.d auv w :<r r Jc; rr.M'i v Coal Works for hale. 81 vr\ TIIRKK U*R» ■ »T UMi.si'h o f (\.H, «tf H.. J hi i : >j«* :m)ir..vKinru:.. : Ifi •*. >n iu -u<- •-*— iul opw.r>tU.n >*ru-i Kurin -r.iih-..•■j , n Ui<- M . rtVer, ru IUo iUh’Tc u’i i)• Mtji'ii-l -,.itb a Karin 11->Q5r, Hum, Uuiwr*, dr'Karl. Rail?* -.J, nu] au stccUKiit bar U-r TLo *'* , ui o( Coa! Lr* thtfk, urv.l l>« «ui :•*;<»• rj la •j.ia.il; Ft r furlL*r {.!irtu-ul*r:i np|ii) la NK'Hi'LM'N A F VS'K, Nr. £.5 *t r-i-l. KXIUMITIOIV kodm KnH lN VKN T!()NA ANL> I‘A I'KN Tl\ And Agency far the ruuhaso and Sale of P.itont Rights and PatouLod Articles MU? Hi 4 ? t. \ i’lU; :.,t. .. , : . r *nhMr 1 t-'!"'-’. m. I {.•»>•- ii'- rj in rr*-. niMi.Hf.s- M-n r.i », », fr ILn »l . rCI 1. I J i; , cl)trW T I! '• U ..-1 li-f 3 •. .4 Wr- Hi Ju.-lr). IU »:».«-.11.. ~.rr t -:u l ,> mnv I.* !•! li C’.. W U-t U... U.J; . w H. t’-nr.f. .1 |, n (j ral.Kui . Jwnw WuhJ, H i/hlUltfAO. H N. 11.-im,-. A jk r..« Kc.a;. A K i nc:ur t lULiu, Vm!> J'hi li'jv-, I, u n, \V >-.n V.\Und <-■>-, Win K J.-LDit.-u. A V. . L • mi.<, Aiivirn* i u)U.u Pliti*' Nr\>niH-r -Tlh. I.s'.i -i< b. aox*.Jti.3 Writing f J ilbi e UutT'a College. 'i-u.1.-w-n aolLfllJut’ Dij *o.i fc f i'll; u H'm'.ii!* A C las-tvi «.i, 'jU;. iu- rijrli Uu/lil(’ 111* fjUHL»T I'D.l'f Mr J I> Wi'lUir..'. w 1,. fi* Ti?j.-U4 yf t»rril -mru u ;. 1 Lrnjleu' VVrlMn/ ar«- .-t> uulYcrßullj julii.ir.-!, Sn r vt PcotUAtMl.'|. sr«* «vl.ib.t-M at bn: Lhu:-r «i.vu'r\t b) Ibe Jo rhf. i ii-.iiuUwii I'Ov I'rloctpsil rl*j fUj i r ,,> *• cd.>l.u;<l_. " i...r •• j i..>r iij bi> <--t M.i inr.l; cl o '•bar:-:.- M' *-:!.■ ut, u* )m- 1 r- .!<'o** in t*..: •< Uy -4.1,1 LaJio» Cm I.j !n Mr. William* ur.,‘ k jelV-i * r'.o A., kml. uf uruame-.:*; IVu man.lhjp **3i*"U' r»l t*- •" r Iff u;y‘J4 u r |UIK b-- Jum fcn I s'TK Ll.Hl KNCK J. UlFl'Jh. al Nil 41 j Liliortj Kr»M. iu ih* well kiirwn of?'-*..-! J \n l ;u ; !,- ha* i*.-n Rxpl'rln? I -r u: v- >!• n', *. tv . ; i it:*, burgh lor iUi> >••’111. ).« h'.in-*-;: },,* t;.- t- r!rii»-‘:.r c . XU* p*trou» f 'n th" I'ul‘U • ! i i i‘L. Ur*., j*/l If HA V K <J N II A ;.!v ... U. : « i- l.( t - I.A! Oil AIK ,\IAM t iv.n. c» .» -..a . , , . u*A-jTl£i“n\ xa.ccy m*J r.«iu t'jro.lur: lh.*y wn s- 1 : I.'. ;-r ??is. t...:, « u.t'uiry fB : ( IVrra-—'■nsc ■u\~ Win. tel. Slevciliun :or,liuu-n U n;ni a, lUtire W A *’ >' ,-f ro-j |» - k ■ t«. • v Kpl ‘>t < 1 1 'ii >. r>'-r:>-r <■! v stiJ S#t«ct |. »: * I * L A h i l.T.\ K I .*•« i rvf.-udrU *.t>, mail !’• i rui' h<"« Uj) 11 lUriJc* llnrucit, .AM :.l \a.Kr V, i rn. »?.<•> l a u**w na-1 ••►nMij.-'h-'tM K.'i'l p t ,,i Mi<r-v r . l-v, UiHtxia TbUil uu-J tear a t-tr-w*. Trb*rr a.. L-. J lw ■«> b.i *rk ID Ij.- ; 1 1i»* witli Uj» utta&rl pripcipiitUu"' ll«»T;atf !l»l-t !ot'£ lb ■li (• hn-lt.-MV. h„ u < Jw.’tl l|l! y w>J»citi thn patrons* oj Ma t.ld ras'r.Qcrj at.J ih- i.uHir KM^ih.O- j MI 2 rut-'l 10 <>( mvl Alirghrnv Li r **** j>»-c t • X hiilj' in'" Hr J -r-i... k. U*<* Niu-'i - a’.on; LIU rand 1' la no, price SIUOO S UU Fryia lLtt< f*''i -ry < t M s , ? a wJ,, .5..4 V.j, k. Tiii* **l*rn»L i< m-i* ,u tL- • i Ll/.AHETHI AN I Y Lfc," fL«* f*rn«nj'*ntji, front nod ulftbo ralM? fbr>r-i om M ri«jbJ l) ROi'hV.i* !■ Iti- | oll ‘>'tkVct, I'l thf 1 •;! j£on*. UL 3. In Of Ti'.hlW**, pJKrr.bnJ :1 iu I ’.r,-.-r i.< l. d-j, i» r.;i nuuur.-.J » un- j:-,M,> J3-> PLiLiil' Tb- iu»)-«Ti:**rM *il. bo U;.;> 1., r-virc ;1,0 » i»iln cf tbelr Irir*ud-t hi• 1 thr pul-lit' In ([Miurnl, out blm'W (L>«-lu thraui-Ji Ui<*ir • i.vaM Itvt .•«tul. ; i - hrri»*nt II K '.I U;« K A I.!' . ! t f •• », l.j, j|«; No k:i nr:h gprlug Stork of Hamburg Plano*. L'HAHI.HTTK BLUMK, N... 11-> The Hamburg l’iao<.«, ar* unJ<»ubt.-dl v ■ " B 1 1 pa?<*ri'>r to Ul other/, both in ,tai:uity .if (vw h and sujvTV’riii/ •>/ tori/. They hove not only it-Mved the uiaikj of balloc from lhe beet ituropean Pianists curh a* LIST, Til ALUKKU, An-1 others, who hsvw Lh»m .TineUiuily In thrir ..wn ttf but front nur reeid. nt P:c Iwor*. The 101 l -m mg i? B „' extra. t fr. ui a .otvr ot AlVr describing ;h.< particular style t«r- if -U-h h* wantH for his own use— one Grand unj one he Hp«akrf as follows of their rir.Jlect qualities *• My little daughter, who plays verv well, muft with mywir, h.Tt o Rood instrument, auj yours »r« il,» oolj on op whsch cau eetisfy me. “ luatruinrDiH *rr ofbred me on the ao-t iicr<>aiiuod»iini< t«rme. I, however, do net )ik* thorn ; U,«y have not the elastic lou’ h end the t .j y OUr „ ‘•1 remain. \.,urs, respectfully, „ , “ 11 xnav IlottQoctt, Pittsburgh, Pa " F t ealf by Oil ARLOTTK UI.UMK. at lb* ‘-old Keiab lifhod Plano Depot," 11H Woe] street, 11l door abov- Fi 'th Alw-h «*>»•’ Ageut for Pit tsuurgh und Western fVnD>Y : v»m« lor liaUrU Dans rf C>r m , s t., n piatu-s, (whl h ;a lhe urn ritled ars cor.i.lJcred Mi;..-ri,.r to , Ch-kenr -V or Nutma A OlarfH. t ut which f*.-t t* not est-nelYe'y known as they hav* but lately been Introduced her 1 „i>.| o her New Yori and Philadelphia Piano*, uf th., Le*t mak-n- at prices from SVJS to $BOO. mh)'/ -JWJtFIi J. L'LAJtI. Notice to Whom U May Concern. rrUK PUBLIC SPRING BALBS ol Ural Ratal* H t It,- X Chester are now rlosed, und the Budding Stasim Liu ;fwly<W® H »eedi JSvery cltiaun of Rochester Is busily «m ployed. Kven 30 or 40 new famlllen who buy* become i iti zeoa the present Spring. Cud ronstaotemploymeot; imd lo a few days ft hundred families more will ho required temr ry on ibe work of the present scufon. The Car Building Etlat-luhvimt la now uenr completion, (Old will lx* in full operation in June. Several Cara win r-ady for delivery, by ponfmc*. the 1-t of July. 1833. Two or three naw churches, In Rochester, will Lu con traded fur immediately, and aumrnmo other improvement* will beiionimenee l, requiring u ftreu t aaioun t o| mechanical uod other labor indepimdent of tb-> Car Kstablbhmeot, which will pro3»ldy employ from on . to two hundred -CUAS. ATWELL. A prominent brit-kniuker from l'ntebur i 'h hue just pur chase.] nine larre l.>bs, and euuLracted t.« make u|>oo them forthwith 600,000 Lrlcke Two of hands c. muienre work the proflent Week, besides ihe other yards heretofore established in tho n^lgbiM>rhood. Our Slant QuarrUi are already alire with « orknieu, and the road lending to them lined with team*. LtimWr » becoming a6«n<lun/ nud cheap, and iHnementfi will noon ooriiq; up to relieve some of our hou?w, vhi«(h now have & families, 4 familitni, J families, and Jotene ol them ‘2 families each Any who d.d not buy cheap lota at the f. ur public aalos laat ceaaou, or the four public sales the present spring, can still secure good bargains at saU by calling on the subdcriber in Uccbester. Toms—i-j, down, y u in “one year and y A in two yearn. M.T. 0. GOULD. !'• S-—A few lota cao yet be bad at $6O to $lOO each; if applied rbr before the 20 h May. These lota are twioe w Urge as osaal city lota, viz: 40 feet by 123, and Lhe price fr®® $1.60 to $2,50 per foot lront. The present resarv el homestead anl magnificunt proUt of Uvid nib- centre of the borough of Rochester; aloo, the beeuti ul JO acres, building, orchard, Ac., of F. Reno, can be taught through the subscriber at jrruat bargains, and there aru not two tuch txirgains within a hundred rnUea. G myO Removal. UTTIBKIIT 1 SON have removed their Heal Relate nea'r ThM* ™ As “ uc ->' v® l * 10 No. M MARKET 8T„ aou2 LE T T " O O' w liol by Ud 0,,'!,, lu Uaat Plttatm,- S h, at tbe lowest nri,'«,. lucuir., cl TtlOMArt WthjD.-i. Ta Ir'curUi strtet. *> ■ .*i i - ■■ ,?_*-• " S s ' 1. ■ " . . .f k < -f V, - ‘r -i ..<».*? & . *■ i BUSINESS CARDS ngaliiKt Government flaw freed Store New Intelligence OOli.e .i-u« Una -.a 1-j * ;- n - '► r ;T, ill ;,I,J —‘■Xifu* PL.j \ uj«-yl w t M’UKI hlk It A. iUlllikcu l o UK A!*!> PIANO MA'.'K U V NUNNS A CURK, NKW YORK ii kn kv non Buck * V* **• V *V*\* VU x . . ,; r - v U.-'' n*nV4 t',-1 . - r * ~ * vNj f ’ N PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1855 DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST, &lA*3 ALL 013XASXS 07 THJ ICI AND lAA WftUOOT QCPPISO uzcHuta, ousTXUcro, on tab us* of caloucl. ' 1 OiFIOB 458 BROADWAY, OOR. GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Hour* from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. THOUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or Xt Chronic Blindness with Pilma, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among the diseases of the eye which aw treated by Dr. U. with perfect satisfaction. All diseases of the Bar treated upon scientific prin-'ijd*?. Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation. All letters i»oBt*paid will secare prompt attention. We select the following references from among tbc thou sands of cases which have been successfully treat«d by I>- Henderson: Wm J. Pryer, 826-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Southwick, Printer, “ *• iJ. Goodspeed, Glens Palls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Bmlth, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y. fMlss Mary Bellows, N. K. Station, Durhoas co., N Y. •Edward G. Bolger, Bristol. Conn. •John Seaman, Engineer, N.Y. Darid LiUle, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. P. B. Giles, office Courier and Knq.. N. 7. f James W. Kirby, L. I. Jarvis Rodgers. “ “ A. 1L Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Bt. Nicholas Hotel. IL M. Perriss, Organ Builder, Houston St. R. it. Doolittle, M. D., Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. 5L P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. Y R. L. Rom, Albany, N. Y. A. Sillenbach, Schonoctady, N. Y. Oapt. B. IL Haviland, Athens, N. Y: John W. Hackett, Blnghampton, N. Y. »n»M paamto wort blind, and had to ba Wlo lha offl-a. At the expiration of two weoka they could go aboul the el'r at pleasure. •Those cases of Amaurosis were restored to sight alter they were given op as incurable by the faculty, and c*u be referred to bv any person who wishes to learn the facts in these cases, by writiug to them. PltUburgb Dollar Savings ln«(Ui»Uuu, aYo. 68 Fourth ttrett, NEXT DOOR TO TBE PITTSBURGU BAXK, T S NOW OPEN daily from 9 to 2 o’clock; also, on WM _L nesday and Saturday evening-, from 7 to 9 n’ciock. Deposits received of all suras not less than uov Do lar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and Ikeember. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering the benevolent objects of the Institution, hare entered iuto a guarantee bond, thereby givlug additional security to depositors. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and lU;b -latioaa, furni*h#d gratia, on application ut tho 011 l 0 . Hopewell Hepburn, John 11. SbocnKrj'er llitirgij U White, Charles Knapp, Wifllain Y. Johnson, N. Gr&tLiu Morphy, JW liailmaii. TbiubaJd l : tnb*'n«u.T Alexander Bradley, I sun.- M. IVnno. a, W illiam I'Uilhpa, William J. Audf-r-on Tau<7i.Ka: John U Rarkcdsn, James H»»r.lma a Uill Burgwin, ,l.»hn M. Kirtpatn 5 Ali»«ri Culbertf-on, Joho D M’ti.rd, UoUrt Clitwier, Rct»-rl Mr-rrow,’ J UarJtner Cb ftlu, Waiter P Man ila;; Alonzo A. Canler, A M. Pollock, J'.hn a. Coegraw, Henry 1.. Klngwal:, Charie* A. CvlU-u, itoUwt K*/bU, K O EJring',-11, George U. RjJdlo, Fra new Felix. Uhoad-, George F. Uillmore, Jam-e ShWlr, jeroe* a Iloon, George 6. Seldro, William ft. UaTtin, Alnander Tlndle. tVcrttnry and TYeaxrsrrr—CHAßLES A Ct'l.TON ivld-Jly A»D fllfcCll ASK »’ LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE BiiMUranre Couipanv. Of I'MIL.IIICLI'IIIA. Capital 8300,00(1 Aiocunt swcurelj . 9*AOO,OOU 'ft Ift COMPANY effect* Fire In.otiraoce <n Rnllir.e- I U'-oda, Furni urv, 4c. Marine Insurant, wi Cargo and Preigbt. Inland Inf.urau.-« on by llnrrr Lake*, Canals, Rallrt-nds, and l-aoi Carriag- ger»-r«lh AL«o. lojurance upon Lives, th» nr.-: it,/-.rati terms. L*l RECTORS. il<m Thomas B Fiotuuce, Jarnea K. N..%n, Ueurge II Armstrong, rhnj-J.*e Dlr>c-*f,' Ed p. MUidiaton, K. U. lieltuboid*. G-orge IleluiboU, Frod. C Brvwstir, I bomus Uandfrfield, IfSLw* l,e*ch THOMAS B PL.»ItE3iCK, Pfr-sivn Knw.t&p R. II sLirnoLi), ftecnjtarv. PITTSBURGH REPKELNCES Hon. T. M. Howe, Hpu. J R >rClbnt> V, M >n. P. C. ShauQOn, Col ft \Y Bla.-t, H>ui .1 B Guthrie, A. U M’OaluionL. K.- i . Th-'icae J Ee.j . WU«on M’Caudle*.*, C'.LJ He on Foiier, Oen. J S Murehea-i K M. Riddle, Th- rUr«ci;r - f th«t Compiny la cT the Or«t rLars, end r,T:Mn« th» rare and unu*ual privileges of Fir-, ht’ r;n«- and Life insurance. U-ntletuen of elevated ctandlog aro asj.'iciatp.i la ii, management, and uilerwstaj aj fttoekholdernc THOMAS J. HUNTER. Agent, __ _ Pt Chaelag Building. N<v loft Tblr l «t_ ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans For Preserving Fresh FruxU, 7Vmofo«, £c., B l fi) lj[^ DY IIKRMETIUAL S EALING. ESt i 111 |j? ljg| fpHFftK CANft, which are waled by tb» Hnaset*v\--r X wulnut the aid ol 0 Lnc«r, and openaJ easily without injury to the r*u, are rapidly coming into c-menu oar Full dlrt-ctjona for i uttiog up fruit accompaiij tbveane. and the Work b» ft> easilv f*crfonDad, that by thidr u«- er. family tuay have froh Fruit and Tomatoes on their table all wiuler, at summer prices. PUJCF.S—Pint Cao*. >2; Qoart, ; Half Gai;<- 0 , 1, Three Quart*, Oslloo, J 5 per d 2"n. Tbe Jidi-rmi six** nest, in order to ses-arv economy in iran/+- jKjrtation. A ItTUUU’B CAN, which L c!o.*<d with a Hd covering tb whole tsvp, a*> that wbim open It may be rt*an»*d like any other vwel, has beeu fully approvod by the Fnrro»r*' t'lub tl Ihc American Institute, New York It tu<<k a tlrct «-.ia-«* dlpl-'ina over all Mb-r wlf sealing t-*n* at thv late Fair lu (hnclDoatl, aud wm awarded a mesial at the Me battle-' Fair field .bis apt lug at llm SmUhaoolan ln*tiiut>-, Wash lugii-n CHy, D. C it l- ciaime-l to l*e thu Wr.t Can in tb mark*-: All orders acoomp«nl*>l by (he eanh will be promptly for wardv-1. Fur flali-, wiioiesale and rvlail, at tho China aoJ yuesa*- warn fttor« cf HKNHY UlubY, aug4 122 Wood strwt. PitT^hurcb Uargalns In Watokea, Clooba a Jewriry ROBERTS & BROTHER. >say ARE now Milling their and careiully seipc ted stock of Fine WatehtH, Clocks, andrl- n G-dd Jewelry at grratlj miucvd prices, to make m-m SaU®for as entire new stork, which w>U be recoivud dl reel from tho Eastern manufactories in a few weeks, fi.t th* Fail trade. i’urcha.-wrs desiring to buy good goods at low prices, f-hi'Uiii cull luime-dlaUly and examine cur r-tivk, a.-* w<- arc ‘lefermined U■ flilW il OUt without regard to COflt (T IOTUHr pri-tm Ixjti't forgot the plane. ROBERTS A BROTHER. 41 Fifth ntreet, next door to Wm-J. 9a~ Wnti h-s, deck* and Jewelry repaired lu .bo b**i manner. ho<l warranted jy’il.ly CITY HOTEL. ( latb naowa’s,) Cormar of Smlthaald aud Third atraeta, JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. riTT&iiUR QU t FA niUTri large and commodious Houw having uuderguifr X. thorough repair and furuiehed with i»«*w w]ulpmruts Ibroughout, I* uuw open fer Uie reception of the iruvellni public CHAUnaft UODCKATI. ,„l LAN I> VV Alt KANTS -yyANTEi>- 40, 80, 100 ACRE WARRANTS, by- AUSTIfI LOOM IS, l«U Jn W*rr»nU, Bu>nk*. *n w Pnortli * Co-Partnership. WALTER P. MARSHALL aMSOcial*d with him. on the 2d day of July, JOii. 11. UUGUKiJ, iu thu Wuli l‘ap>r business, uQdar the name of Jy® W. P. MARBUALI. A CO. FOR SAFE VERY CHEil*. A BUILDING IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 2-1 u-*t h T 100. A good bargain can bo had by arrlylne wn .u the pfllci* of Lhw AIQIINIMI PQtiT. jv»2:l Lot for Bale, A BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Oarpoc street -{*- lw > fe,,t ,Q in Birmingham, will U told eh*Mp. of GEO. T. GILLMOIiK, it office of the Morning Post. BK4H ANNUAL DITIUKNB, 8 I'EH CENT., JULY 1 15,i *T»J ISHIRANCE COMPANY. OF HARTFORD, COXN. CIIAUTREKU - - . . . iliii PAID UP. " ' ‘ J l ,y . *■ l “5S|--8835,a30 S 3. ( AON! I NUK (o mafca insurance on ail .eacriptions of V property at equitable rates. This Company hare maintained a position for honorable dealinß for 38 years, and i. unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by any other similar institution in the United 6tut-« K,. m f Miiual statement of the condition of this Company on ai. in this oflice, lor the cram illation of the pubjlu J Office, North west corner Fifth enVwooJ auwtf'PiT's bur ? h : jfU U. n. Lemon A Co/* Wav Line BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. ffiaSL. TUB undersigned having purchas'd part o( D Leeofa A Oo.’s Canal HL-.ck*, or© prepared to do a WAY PRKIG 111' BUSINESS between this place and Colombia. All business entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to by us, at Lb© Warehouse tormoriy occupied by D. Leerh 4 Oc. ?“ ln * LLOYD A LEMON. jvSfcdlm* JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT TQLB WARM WHA TIIKK—The Magazines for August: Peterson's Magazine for August; Ballou's do Jo New York Journal do Diekena’ Household Words for August; Tbs Heiress of Haugbton, or tbo Mother's Secret; Wary Lyndon, or Kerel&Uons of a Life; Peggy Woffington. For all tbe new Books or Magazines, call or send to tbe cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDiiNFICNNKY A CO., jy2o Fifth sh, opposite the Tbeatro. C'IOAL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Monon j gaheia rlyor, for sale by Jy‘2o J. W. TTUTLKR A 00. SXVMon'— No. 1 Lake Superior Salmon for Bale by )«W .iiMNEV H UOLLINB. t ■ MISCELLANEOUS. I'rtsuUnl UEuKtfiJ ALBRJSE. vie* rajcsifls.YTa : „ « *• s OX? “ -. " ■' t 'Vi V s ■ - ■ 4 \ SUMMER RESORTS, PEES? COUNTY WASH SPRINGS ' jIHJi above celebrate WATERING PLAOB will bo opon JL for vidi-ora on and after the FIFTH OB JUNE NEXT. ln«y are delightfully located on Sharman’a Greek, fourteen miire uorth-wfMt of Dunrennon, Obis place being fifteen mi.c 3 west of Harrisburg, on the Central Railroad,) at the ba.ie of Pfagah Mountaia, which reaches an elevation of more than flr« hundred feet. Sherman's Creek affords a epleodld opportunity for those fond of bathing, fishing or the surrounding forests offer great attractions to tbe sportsman; and four smooth ftud shady roads through t,n » l,ry ,rr: ,r,,>WM fo ' I,oU * ai mzguifiMut ecunory, "' 1 75 r ,ir y U- of the ot»S. tim Ka » 3 ’ SAL,tILKS "O'* CARRIAGES can be had at ell Um**s. Horses taken to Livery on reasonable terms. , h : n r D ,i c l NAl ; o{tha swawas too bv the r y be aa ‘h T^p ‘r watere hare been analyzed . t r ,a the are pronounced nn: I 7h Ir.™ m n “ s cut a a “aua dlaeasea and affections of t e Iddrieys There are Home flye Springe In all, every one of whxh la of different temperature—the largest being 113 degrees Faiireaheit. end throning out S 3 gal.ona every Sien , c,Trroo-, l^' S '„ BATIS Z,l gather” i,^-l.« l jls n ‘ B ArH8 e t*™ Caaaaaaaa *» «- Bprtogs, .1 “•» other fadll. Ipi ? ant ; W a i und The accommodations wlal js the bes., and tk»* charges low. Tsnus.—-Fagnt dollars per west, or one dollar and fifty cents day.* J Families wishing to engogo rooms, should address the proprietor early. Every attention wiil be paid to visltore, the proprietor DRTing •'Ugaged the bv:U of servants. Music always In at tendance. A i, cocmuairationfl intended to reach the Perry County , '* Cl »'d-r.ngi «hrtjM U» addressed to Dunsau&on p. 0. 1 n-y will immediet-dy forwarded. K,.r-,rrh sum'niicu itkxittfiat. LT. »O.Nh lIdTEL, UuteriynuoN Co., Psiwa-, ont hun t/r- / a*rj thirty-.rwn milts Eiut of Pittsburgh, and inuyuz :'>uri mde.. This Jriightful residence and place of r-uuu- r-* .ll is locatol en the banks of the “ Blue JanlaU,” * . l '(, C i <JQt °t nprure Creek. Its clear spring, trout u ir. ih>< v.here du-barites Itself, and mingles Its s"inumH D “ ,CrrU U " th< * s ru * h dw,rn tho gorges of the _ ' r ’ • j ( 0.. a. f'O;i.lrn of ibis Hotel makes it a desira* bir.inr!^.-e^-' , ' aru f ?. r , H f K" Weekß or days, for men of taioiiics—jaded nod enervated with the Urmoil bunm unJ heat of the city. It is situated on the . a,^!sltral Railroad, where the groat turnpike \ :1 . fi • <-syu* ti‘irj:iA nn I other roads concentrate— rea..tn£ .♦?.«>• ~nd ingress, several times a day, by hw M-uV^n^^’ 10 AlU:On, ‘’ Tyrone, Huntingdon and Tb* iiout-/ is a &-w bri k one, four stories high, spacious and roomy, dmlj paper-d, painted and famished from as* toon: u> aui?, v. ith ail the modern Improvements and appiiHUi'e*of Colii UoUif*. dc. It fo also firmly ventiluted. There v’ *w v f t . v ,. ry department of the Moun- Un pceh«ry —th- ••cforiou* m.->ur»tniny,” the “eternal bU.n- ; irlugriipb Olb e irt inth.* llou>e, always Tvrujy for Wv-rk ai. 1 tb- prop; irU-r r-azly to rf .elve rUitors at ruovle n»t« It. F UA3LKTT, Proprietor. in : •l i• 1 1**in t-irr -t p\. . :\£j L-b,.i-ty „trr**L J‘l.:. :J. si.. .!„Ud Anderstm. Wi..: n rj J* r, Pt.a, ttr iHa U.it-i ( JjU RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE, the Pr«renti/in end Curt* of Inthemittevt and It* 1. MitTZJfT Favaiiy, Frvra and Aook, OuiLta and Fxvnn, Dims Acgs, GtxrrLtL DtcajTi, N'hjxit and all other forms erdl-eu*. which h*r* a c-maon origin in ifaforwor AfMXTTUZ. Tito, is a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will enUrely pfltvi Hty revj lc*it vt travel- r, evon in the rnos: nickly or swarrpr ‘"*’2-' t v*. frr-m ftr-y A /•'- or Bilfous »hnt- M w'.a" UU> ’ l ° Jufv ffAm inhaling MalaxJ* or I'' nt-j i_ ;i r \gu** in pA r „ ona have saf f ;-;v f : , r K anv r froKl or ' e ,n >' 10 twenty years, cast thy n- r*r-rKr.. .•swflfA.tr cfai/, by c«nUt»ttfng it* mx: aoef-ruim? «ijrr-u:.cs. 'ifo. peffotit at once begins fo rw-cr- aj• iu and and coabinuec uotii a perm*' tv o! -.- * Is f«rf*rptd. * D.:t- r two ttfo- will aosw-r for onlinary coses; some ra t> :r, r j t > M . U..'rcJ....ns printed io Uoramn, French 9U.1 , ..JiA.:, ft trompeny »arh lottlA Price One Dollar I.R--Tl. j,-n i’Qb ruade to lh«) tra*l»*. JAMK.'* A. RUODE?-, Piu»K!PTIPr f ».i E’< lUENCE OK SAFETY Nsw Volk, Jane 11, ISI6. “ I hare mad»* a > !].vmiftal examination of “ Rhodes' Pe7*r t*ni At»un Cure,” t.r •* Antidote to Malaria,” nml have tasted it f r Ar-t*iu'.j. >lrp u: v. Ouiiiiue and Btrychnina, but have n-f * ui.fiz ; ;ir;i t i:I;«r !ti It, tn-r hare I found any •■a nKTanof lu tin cuapojkion that would prove injurious to Ui'; OULflltUllOU . JAMEj R. CUtLTvN, il. IX, Chemist.’’ EVFUL'XCK Or MKRIT, t.ra L*:iLi j. I oioa County. Pa., May 2, lbis. J ’ -■! AA-d. j—Du*.: L’ir The lox ( f niCAlidne you t-f-iit ui" «Tis l-.ji-- riv«dTid .i) tic lltb of AprlL I have tif.-ot oif-Lrlf of it, and fur the p*v>pl.i *ho have it nn* that It has currd lt has curlain- Ij s.opf.d tb • Acu* m «*rory one who has Ofied It, and six « f t..c- out* tfe.'v of ion** Htanding. My sister, who. has hs-.l P for five < : kli y.-ars hack, ned cculd never get U f‘.opp**.J, • rri-ot ty and tliwf only »d long as she a uid ‘.jiao .•.. it u.’-f, 1 thick, entirely curod by vour rem- C. It. McaiNLY.” 1 K ITTTON TO AO U E SO FFKHERS. T** l ' n -’ n. -r-.. Ar.-*-mr. Mercury, guinino. Strydinioe, or Ah- 1 ' rM.dPr :u-.ij •li.r.n of uoy kiifl, the vlrtoe of wh nti fir 1 , c f -u b p-.1-.-n-Mi- Jrugi The ma«t they o»n d:t3 to • lirrik the -bi!l P - f ? . r K t v ort whi)u th< , y nr ' ,Jr “ ''aum- 0.-fifitituUi-Dal uialaJltns that cease only wiLh . ll in. .... uuly Fever and Ague feme- J) that rj w-11 r.* vuo. !* ItHwdea- btvr n>»d Cure. X3P Fur fu.w J JI»N AHTCULLL. .ud I’rujQpsts gen* ‘ ,J ,v - kuicl4 daw iipiiiiiiir CIIMILUTTE 11LI.HK, NO Ilf WOOD .-TKKKT. PITTSBURUII, i.i Ju.-t r« clrlmf u Ury. cl.-ek I’IANOS, of the Uteju »lyUz, Irv'ia tho Fact'wlefl of PAUMGARDTHN A lII* IN A, lUmburah; II k i.l.hT, DA VIA A Oj. Itr-u-n MAINKB. .t CUMMINGS, York: 4- « KMGMUNBACU. Philadelphia: Tt.tf- l?.rr *> ith tho.**- rf u(h**r makers, at pric*u from lo ft/-* 1 .'*,ry vnri-ty ati.l *t)j*\ from Orn plain but *u .stautißl Iron Iraroo Piuno, to the most elegantly -'nrr v i Lvui* \IV . nt yl»>. t«j uj»rr nnvl Giand IhaDo**. ArrMi^fni'itiis huvi- I»*«vd lanjf with the manufacturer?, br wbl'h th«*lr lc-:ruu ent> aY« ffilJ by their exclu sive ai»'n;s hY-r*- than in th" K»»t, and without the oddi* tiotial >H«it and rs* R * f transpiurtaMuu. Every Piauz' r-vU by the nubiicriber Is warranted perfect In (*v*rY n*s;*rct, ati.l a written guarantee will be given 1/ rvqult-d. CIIAItLUTTB BLUMB. N«». 1 la Wood BtT**«‘t IRON CITY COUHKRCUL COLLEGE An Institution for tho Business Mon. CHARTKIiKI> lbii. OUOANI'/.KD nod ic very operation, -mi:b a Hoard nf Tr and taught by uD efficient Faculty. T#o hundred giudcntp and upwards have matrloolaU-d at tbl< Ctdiep Tho cornbitted and ur<«ul demand of tbti Parmer, >1 «*.-hu ni<•, Merchaut nod Pr.t-wiontil man, for an JoftHiuioo ot h hUh utandanl, in which various arta with th*ir nro-.'biiouit could lw obtained, uml that they should U* instructed Ly t-xp'-rieored teachers, whu havo hod bu&in«*£ practice In the subject* taught, hi* caused the nf the Pwopte’s College of ITactieal Teachers Several of the F - 'acuity on.* bu thorn of Book-Keeping, who provide, as re quired, n-*1? of " I.<rui bouWp,'' that conform to all U>p change und lmpror.*m**i]ts of Irequent ixeurronc* in actual bual b**h. l>iuly Lectures nr« delivered by persona of fenown ability, t'ul'jrc'-'. P«iofc lts theory anil lawn; ArilhiDolic, ami Us ap-Uii'iiti" u ; The Art of Writing, Commercial Law; lYditical Economy; Cnwmerriu! Ucograjby; History; nod UamcMb Kiliics Th** puo'hkj. of lUii Institution U now certain. t-l th* tiis: olr-ir' hi nooiety and bu*iD*fN show tbulr ounfi dt*n.*>* by entering thei* pons for a business education. Platform Scales / \ 1 fcIVKUY OKBCKII'TIO.\, pui'abh* for R&llrondP. t’a * / uals, i-0., i.r lJay, Coal, Or**, mul MercLao dis«* general. y. hinthopi*r« any (eel a*i>urod that they can t*« supplied a ejj'x'rtor an I reliable article, and ran ua rb K. Kfir-h i- I’iiMrat.twJ rorrcct. nD<i if (after trial) not foun<i fn'isluri 'r., run L‘* rvturiifd with.-ut ibargv. Vti-Mi.ry a: tli«* i ; I -'ai'. l, f. r thirty y«an», cor ner l'l N ; ath atiJ Mfl' n ntr«.’i}t.s, l'htlti(J**l|'bia. ABBOTT A 00, Suc*cf>*.«or:< lD Eiucott A Ai>R(>TT. fuwi3.<i3m Election (’Fl'.cn OF " Thu t‘ITT;UUROn Ojjl CONPAJfT,” ) August 17. ISto. ) Hj'llß Fto^kboM-r■ r>r “The PitlsLurgh Gue Company” 1 era h-n-by uotiti-*d th*t uu eb'ctlc-n, for the pnrjkMo of electing tjo p.-rscns lo serve ns Trustesp cf the pull Goa Company lor th* term of three years, will ba held at the ofllce cf the Company. at the Works, on the FIRST MON DAY day) OP S'KITKMBKII, la/>5, between the hours ct U and 6 o'clock P. M. auglSrdnl JAMES M. CHRISTY. Treasurer. Valuable farm for aalc, QITI'ATK IN ADAMS TOWNSHIP. BUTLER COUNTY, O containing HI nrrcs : 115 acres of which ore under cul Oration. The prrpri-tor, oboat to decline farming, will dispose of all Lis Stock, Grain and Hay on hand, if desired. Enquire of JAMES BLAKELY, au*tl corner of Soventh and Sraitbfleld Bts. 00 23. AItNOLU A SONS, OG WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IH FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. And Gentlemeu’fi Funiiahing Goods, NO 6(J MARKET STREET, between Third aud Fourth, Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on liaml, a large stock of Cloths, Cnsslmpree and Vestings. Garments made to order on the shortest notice, and in the latest styles. ■flg-AIl orders promptly attended to. [aogl7^oi WALTKa r. HAhSUALL .. -KWJItPM ft, HOattJW. W. P. Marshall A Co., IMPORTERS and D<al«rs la French and American PA PER HANGINGE, 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh. £S“ Sole Agents for the celebrated manufactures ok: Messrs. Dcllroart A o>., Paris, ang7 i.MPORTANT —At this of tae year, when diseases of the stomach and bowels are so frequent, and. If ne glected, ar« so apt to dpgcQcrnta into cholera raorDoe, Of tirun Asiatic cholera, no family should be without a-botile of the Concentrated Essenoe of JamaicaGlnger, and a bottle of Wickey’s celebrated Diarrhoea Medicine, which, If nsfed. according to accompanying directions, vill prove a speedy, safe and efficacious remedy. They can be had only at the- Drug Store of suglfc RASPBERJiS^URaNDY —6 doz pure Raspberry Brandy, a very superior home made article. For sale by JNO. L3TTLK, Jr., Ageut, No. 201 Liberty street. '> -r*- <*,V. ■’•” MISCELLANEOUS. E nw ***•* of Unclaimed Ptieiiagea 1N TaK OFFICE OP TUB ADAMS EX i Fourth street, Pittsburgh, which, if E7v^ led for » wiU be floW BC Public AucUon, by P. M. -i-VS 1 ? 8 * ai »ti Wood streets, oq tho second aoy / October next, to pay charges, and for account of whom U may concern:— albln^a*!? — Pittßlmrgh 1 pkga. £ U “ * ?;“ ghto S- <l° 8 Mis bags. B. Albright, oare Prank Palk.. do 1 pkiro do 2 bos«s. Mrs. E. Bretlngar do 1 b.ix J. Beach do , £,*' G. W. Baskin Mercer, Pa 1 box. J. G. 8ack0fen........ Pittsburgh I pk<e W. 8. Boyd duller I pkge! R. Bond Bast Liberty 1 j»k*e. Mlaa £. Burns Mercer- I pkge. C. P Buckingham Warrenton, Pa~.l pkge. G. H. Baret Pittsburgh I pßga. D. M.Curry - do 1 box. W. EE. Chapman - do l pkge. J. A. Cafferday do I pkge. A. Combs do 1 pkge-. John Coyle —— do 1 pkge. I>. Oampbell Allegheny. —,l box. 0.Ci0001ey....... Manchester 1 pkge. J. DUrtrick Pittsburgh 1 pkge. % 110 1 pfcfi®* T. Emerick - do 1 pkge. “ *£y« do 1 pkge. W. E. torguson do l pkge. « S' ™“ er Conneautville....l pkge. U. Mercer, Pa I pkge. Chaa-Fischer Pittsburgh l pkge, J. A. Peter do lpkre. XarJer Qreib do 1 bo*. ?■ "alaotd do 1 beeiet. J. tl. Uartx Pittsburgh 1 ~kP e . A. O. Johnson Allegbrnr 1 pkge. ij i£K*- - Pittsburgh 1 to*. l-'ir- - l'pkg-: £ igr- U Lmderman do 1 bkir«» J. C- Mosher Pittsburgh 1 box. W. n. Middaugb do ip. box. Dr. Mathews, care iI.C. Gray.. do 1 box 0. 8. McFadden- do 1 ukra J. 8. McDonald do Ls!‘ Nelson Birmingham. pkg.«. F. Nicholson - .. Pittsburgh 1 Ux. i o P i» lDCl1 L--: tl ° 1 chet-L J. B. I eiry. care P. Morris do 1 Dkir** Mias J. Pascal! do 1 pk«e! Rhodes & Nelson d<> 1 nkzu 9* Brfxer »!n " box-'n. J. Kulm do 1 pfepo J Beitr- do 1 pkg*. C. Kln*h»ll do 1 pktr° y ■ Both do 1 pk Je ' Mary Khode* Fmoklin. Pa 1 box. A. Bprang-r IMiltburgh 1 pkru. J bpeno.-r ...... do 1 box. J. Scbuster do 1 pkee. J - £• Franklin, Pa 1 pkge. -• o , Independence....! box. Allegheny 1 pkge. ji ou i" * HerJ LnuTPtireTille ...! pkge. W. A-,-Torrey,.. -Jamestown .......1 pkge. FHt t urib }s£ ?■ -.Birmingham 1 pktru. Mra 8. Williams Pittsburgh 1 pkgH P Bloomor do 1 bag. W. M. tVrry i« 1 bdl-. irank Mayer, care W. Kuhn- rij 1 pkge. n il. Hilary d> 1 la,*. MS!!:::::::::"::::::::: frsS£r--::::::::::::-: :!! D. Peobrtdge do f 1 pkge. A. IT. RegT-tsr 1 trouk^* General Tcm Thumb do 1 pk«*> £• N'a» Ctatlr, ra...l pkgu. : Watson A sta»t«_,_ do 1 ukc '' w "*“ 1 Lf: Agent of the Pittsburgh. August 81. 18A5. rs*pro.a on. GUKA.T DISCOVERY! U. H. UTTER, Proprietor Warm Springs A&H'LB TEbTS, boin by able Practitioners and Cbcjni cal Analysis, have ilem"nt , the great v&Jur of PRUF. DB URATIVB beautiful combination, called *• KLK'J TUIO OIL,* for the relief and-eure of Palo. But the people tbruise’ves are rendering their verdict In a manner both unmistakeable and satisfactory. More than 2e,000 boUio* hare be-n sold in a very abort time—a gnat proportion to those who heard other* recommend it, who had tried it. That It la a splendid discoTery is everywhere acknowledged, and nothing like It was ever tvfore prepared. Why, for Cbm* alone, it la worth $lOO,OOO a year to the people, aa it alwy* cores those painful tormentors in twenty-four hours. Bat what U it not worth to tbo people if It curaa Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcers, Sores of all kinds, (fre quently taking away all the pain in twenty-four hours,} Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis, PUes, Womb Complaints, Ciomp9, Sprains, Bore or Swelled Breast, Felons, Wounds of all kinds, Ac. r Would $600,000 express ita value to the peaple l ,Yo Because a man will give freely for relief from pain. Will this Oil relieve pain/ Certainly tf tciii. Such m«n as we have often named, hon orable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and othere have so said, after from ten to-flfty trials. Wjey soy the Elective Oil la the finest medical combination ever pre pared, neither offensive nor Injurious, bat ftffectual in ail the above and many other cases. Some honorable and heavy business Anna hare, it is true, sold pome or the old (turpentine, bituminous, or coal tar, Ac. An.) external ap plications, umil tbeir customers returned bottle after hot lA *’ reumrk that “ the remedy was were* titan tbe peln;" jet such men have never recommended nor given countenance to them. But see rom* of our best merchants ordering more every ten days, and uiinapr giving additional testimony to tbe value of tnia wonderful discovery. That a great many ladies are using It *9 a medicinal toilet article lor tbomselves and their children, Is well known. It cures all pimples, blotches and eruptions on tbe face and neck in aborts time, yon woulo scarcely credit it. It frequency reduces a twdUnff to two hours; has done 1 1 in ha f an hour; cured many effectuady in pii boar*. If ladles knew Lha soothing, tirenytAannf and healing vinucs In this Oil, tboy would never be induced to usu anything also for womb complaints or pains of any kind. We now insert a letter Just received from Honry Wiley, Eeq., who went to England six wtH*fes since, (to dio.) Lotooh, July 12, 1658. Pbop De Obatu, rhila.— Dear Sir : When 1 left home for my health, (.tcrorulooa eruptions, fie .) I never expected to return again, believing that my compliant would soon carry ms off. When you gave me three botttes of your Jllerfruj Od to take wfjh me, as merely a j>altiativ< t 1 did aot think I would so vary soon be called upon to thank you, as 1 now do, for my complete net©ration. I can only any, before the departure ol the eteamer, that you have ody to corns here with yoor Oil, to mahea {. r tuno in one year. There Is i>ot another similar medicine In England, If In the world, I will write by next steamer. Yours, moat truly, H&N*t Wocv It cannot be their Imaginations, who etato that old sores, that have discharged from six months to fire years, hare been cured by this Oil. It cannot be untrue, nor a decep tion, where pain Is relieved in onedhr t ofU)Q in half an hour. No! common reuse dictate* no.'—and COO written letters say no ! Come and see them. A regular Doctor in attendance; and ladles cau consult a Lady,privately, hy dropping a line to the ( {flee. Advice from h distance, mak ing Inquiries that any physician can answer, will be prompUy attended to. Always enclose a stamp, as our ser vices are frrely given, and we are drawn upon 100 iften io this way All cases treated liberally, with or without the Oil, os i have two I‘bysiciana associated for this express purpose. Prof. C. DE URATU, No. 3y South fcleblh street, PhJla. Jf. B —The largfpt bottles tea times toe rheaoeat. Plough notify me of any case or failure to cure in from half an hour to three weeks, ns I wbh to cure aIL £&* For Bale by UR. KBYSglt. HO Wood rL raqeSO MANUFACTURED BY CniCKKRIXQ A £ON9, Boston, and for sale by JOIIN 11. MEL LOR, nX*zrr~i No. ft! Wood street, botweoh Diamond and Fourth street. Just rewived from thefjflryfTjrf# manufactory of Chlekeiing A Sons, Boston,* ■ 2 \| U and for sale invariably at Boston prices— Two of their first class Peven Octave rianos, Louis XIV. style, with carved au»s, lege, lyie, music desk, Ac. Ac.; fin ished bach and front alike. This is considered by perFcns of t&6te to be the most hc&utilul pattern now made. Price $6OO each. ' Two first class Seven Octave Plano?, with carvel ca*a, lyre, new style of fluted logs, the lyre aml ends of beautiful carv-d tracery wort ; finished back and front alLks. Price $460 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners, Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and with OhJekerlng’B Patent Iron Frame. Price $4OO each Two carted Rosewood octato Pianos, with now style fluted leau, carred case, mutd:desk, and the usual opeuii-gs filled with beanttfuliy caned tracery work; finifllnsi back and front alike. s-i26 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corooro, octaves, finishsd back and front alike, and with Ohiekering’u Patent Iron Frame. Price $375 each. Beven Rosewood and Black Walnut SJi Octave Pianos, all made as well and with the same care a? their first class Pi* nuoa, aud with Chick*ring’s Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. One of Ohlckerlng A Sons’ New Bcale, lull Seven Octave Grand PUnos, of immense power, brilliancy, nnd sweetness of tone, with tbeir New Patent Action, which renders th** touch so light and elastic that It cun be played ou by the most delicate band. Price $760 TUB NEW PAIL LOR GRAND PlANOtf. Also, one of thtlr new Parlor Grand llanos, an entirely new invention, and particularly adapted tor Parlor use. Price $650. PIANO STOOLS. A new lot of Piano Stools juat received. For sale by JOIIN U. MRLLOR. 81 Wood at., between Dlamcmd alldy and Fourth street. Sole Ageut for CHiCKKIiING A SONS, lor Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. auc2S Fall Style for Hats. di|| IT PAULSON wUI introduce ihe New Style fut Uata . on SATURDAY, August 25th. 3 “ C. H. PAULSON, 78 Wood street, o„ „ . , _ “•** do °f t«> oorn.r of Fourth. £3“ Soft Uiita end Caps of every deecrtotlou aug23:dlw BDPOA'JPIOSAT.. WBTITCT ft corner of Penn and Hancock street*. 1 ®*?lon of thlß rnstltntion will commence on MONDAY, the 3d of September, TRRMR. Tnitfon and Stationery, per seealon of Twenty-two Weeks__.. . .; $22 00 3 1 " en^r *t any time, and will bo charged pro nwa until the end of the term, or till node* of withdrawal; adednotlon being allowed for absence oo account of j io tracted sickness. J. M. BSITII, Princlool augafrd2w( c HJ) r OUTK I»»* WM. R . aaOLl* Co-Partnership Notion* rnHB-anflordsnad li,TO thi. day entered Into co-partner- having leased for® term of ydare "the lanro OA* PAOTQSY recently erected at ROCHESTER, Beaver County, Pa. are now prepared to contract for the mamif r ture of RAILROAD 6als of every description manut,c Address, “ Roche,tor, Beaver County Pa ” August 17,1865. [augddrtl | KIRK A RHODES. JOHN I£AW\ 135 Wood street M.MBER 312 PIAMOSI PIANOS 1 ' ■■C&Z&G-& *<*'’*. • »*>« . -» u ' f +. * RATEB OP ADVERTISING iOMJBD UPON JIT Taj PITTSBVBGB PM MSS rm Lnrsa aonpAjim, 01 Lisa; One on# Insertion. “ “ each additional lnaartlon *' ** one ar#ek .. “ l> tro Wftaks ** thrw week#.-.,. I T* 8 00 ... « QO — 600 '* t«o months- - jo® throe months - ——•••••••«• 00® “ four months. 10 0® M " atjc , 1® “ one yew , ffl QO e»t(l, tinea or 1«m, p.t annum MOO CIIANQIABL* AT Hiimi' o°* *‘ l ° >r ‘- P” tmindve o) th. p.p«r)- is 00 N F.W AS D DIRECT ROUTE, Unsurpassed for Bpoe'd & Unrivalled for Comfort FROM PITTSBURGH TO Columbus, Indianapolis. Chicago Cincinnati, Torre Dupje, Hock Island Louiprille, Vincennes. low* (Sty/ SL Louis, iSvansriUe, Dnbaque, Dnv ton r Cairo, , Dabaqua, Xenia, Memphis, Galen*, ZaoeiTiUe, Vickabargh, Peoria, Newark, New Orleans, Pern, and tub raisciPAi cjTtrs ra thb west an© bouib, Vtaßu ..... STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA BMLROiD! W hich Is now completed and ia sueces3fal operation be tn wu Steubenville and Newark, 9, Kail Arrenaement* u f nda l ¥» SeptenrfeTlOib, 1866, a daily inornlng and evening line of elegant and swift rnnniwt S”^ , r wd ul by and m|S£SS ctncors, will leave Pittsburgh as follows • , u^ The Morning Lino, »mpr.s«l of atepmars fOBEAT CITY Capt. Moore, and DIORNAL, Cap tßboalasTleava Pitt* burgh every day, (Sundays excepied,) at 10 o'clock, A M SSw'Sp w Bg l7 l dlne . on b °f rd ' “ Da «“>> dtenben yi’SH® PM, making an immediate commotion whh ton EVSNIRG EXCESS XKAIN of tbe 8. * J R. makes direct connection at Newark for the Above cities. The Evening Line, compared of steamers;VENTURIS. Capt Gordon, and CLARA EiSHEB, C»nL Gordon, lean Pittsburgh everyday, at 6 o'clock"?! M.l«£ Pawnee" Sleep on board, and reach Sienbenvllle at " neit morning— in time for the Mail Tiain, which loann immediately, and makes direct connection for the above cities—thus tumdim night travel ly railroad. Pare an Cheap as byaoyothor railroad route. Por Through a*jd Local Ticket®, and farther information. a PP J y JA.&. COLLI SIS A ca,agenta. Nod. 114 and 116 Water at. between Wood and Smfthfield, Pittsburgh. E. W. WOODWARD, Bnp’t. L. DJBVENNY, Can. Agent Fi UST AKRI V Ai» OF FALL DRY GOODS at love brothers, ,Vo. 7 * MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, Osias of to* original iiji-mv*. UR TKES? OtjODS DEPARTMENT is unusually ful', an<i contains soma of the richest aftd most desirable Uuods that we have eror boon able to offer, such os Extra super Silks; French Merinos; Gafhmerps; Mous da Lhtons; Plaids; t*tf'pek; Cobures; 4c. NEEDLE Woßtl—The best assortment In tte city. Collars, Chemisettes, UteiTfs; ' Fleunclugs, Edgings and Insertiogs; f'bawlß, Cloaks, Talmas and Scirfs ; New style Brocbe, Plaid, Cashmere MolrrAnt VelreL stelle.H. Crape hilk, 4c. Together with alarge assortment of MGUttNING GOODS of all descriptions. w MKMM-w 1 n STIC !i n ? H '' U3K roSNISHISQ CEPAUT MK.NT L well eunplled, nod ire fee) confident tint wo can t'jlyr Kroater inducements now than we hare *Ter been able to offer before W B colidt an examination 01 our M,^r,/r/° rO , P UI ? h “ ln S rJscahere, as all win. And M to tiit’fr adtantage to do fo. t Jn,ri" daily in receipt of new an ' desira b]« Good? throughout the season. LOVE BROTHEttS, (Formerly Young, Stereneon A Lov-,) *»<b ilarhet street, Pittsburgh. *Pa. A ( 'i. R j^ AT — Tho by the author of RlJhmoid™';.- U ' dJen PaUl: SWiaD “f Two Rditiooe sold! Third edition printing. The extra ordinary Pucre»soi Karland’s “Alone,” running tbrongh «btton after edition with-great rapidity-repot? *w«^h DS rf a 1 W ‘ tb a . 6tlil *ale—tranalated into trie french and German languages with marked success— If . bailt «* the originality and popular- Uy of her ld the Itinguageof an eminent critic, ohe nniy bcßeafurtb take rank among the most Baccaaaful of the United S ate d •’ GnslSmovoL Price $1 26* for *U« by H. MINER A Cot * 1 __ __ No. 32 Smith field street. KW BuO&H AND CHOiOK bO<jKS— Thd Hidden PKth, by the author of “Atone •” Due, or the Old West Kooin ; Chemistry of Com j-.on Life; j ' lowa m it Is in ; Memoirs of Bennett atd his Times: Bell Smith Abroad; Cone Cnt Corners; Botsstick*’ Book; Cham be re* J ourcfti for (September; fctTdtefattxr* £o*-oepTßlsTier; £>, 8. and u , „ The Sea Kibg, oy C*pr.'iaiariySi * Now Tort Weeklies for this week; Philadelphia do do Boston do do Just recoiTed and for *»jn at W. A. QILDISNFENNEY A <XX>B, Flßh st-, opposite the Theatre. TjIBJSjiUU A. A. iUfiON 4 CO. wiU open in X a day or two, some very rich and durable shades of * reneh Mohiioa. 6©plQ hLACKINU-I have received an article of X rrench Blactlng superior to any liCiT lq use. It S*?? “ 'V?! *° f“ t *' Dt and without any trouble, Those elehlng a flrat-ralo oroide of the fclni should cell and try a not. JOS. FLEUINQ, "l* l Corner o' Market st and Diamond. r PoILhT USB.—Rosemary * tor the huir; Turkish Balm, A tor promoting the growth of the hair; Herpetic Soap, fvt remonhg tau, sallownei* and redness of the akin * i earl Powder, Rose B.OMom Powder, Ac,. Ac.—add by **P B g- L. CDTITBRRT. &3 Market at J AVa CuPfiiiS—3o ba«s, prime,tbr able by 3 SMITH, MAIR A HUNTER. |jU3H—&CbWs Lake Superior Satrnou : ' X? GO ualf bbls do do To do WoitoPiah: do Trout; 40 do Pickerel; 30 bbls No. 3 large Mackerel. new ; 60 half do do do do 15 bbls Baltimore Ucrrirg, • do For wale by UylOl HKNTtY H. COLLINS. r V B * u WUJKINU PLUIL ooea not color or stain A the akin in Lhu !e vat, Lut in erery | t wiU reßtore the natural color or the Lei'-, where age or Biokueae has Ji££TiiL5 ray ‘ tri r 1 * ill BaLit ’ f * r those using ft of a most euno x and n icuLir pTun ummon. ti at is, gray huir restored , color » wUh all the strength ana healthy £ h cf .'» u,h ’ I,rlco t lll J cents per bottle. Sold la Mt -burgh by s. tT CUTHBKKT, —? 53 Market street. *■ <>«*««« t COmiCAT _ 8. OUTiIBBU'T &, SON. ri BNERAL CUUMiasWS AQKNT3 for the Bala and VX Purchase c.f Heal Haute, Collection of Rente, Borrow log and Loaning Moneys on Bonds nnd MorteagM; also Sr £! U ° B «”1 ° f , Pr “ J °P'' Manufactured Articles. Ac., lor farmers, Mechanics aod others. Office, No. 63 Market 8 rB6t ’ »og7 FLUID KXTIIALT OF IiUOUID—<J uoo of t£Ts JLJ excellent medicine received bv _iyiy_ removing Tun, BaWoess and Htxludjs of the Sk!fc ; centj per cake, buperlor Uly Wblt-s, or Pean Powder; 6W tDd 12U ida per box. * /1 plMlTO ßlMiola ;tow' t [, Ut '’““Ufjtng the com _™£ 8 S. 1,. CUTHBEHT, M Market at. HANitABObLiAi— A censlo cure Jot rileo. kfreenta oer trJT. cola at 03 MARK KT CT. aua £ T UtlT KK^KlVEtJ—ui.D~tt2ticXoiirß ) cheap edition— O ouiy <5 cents. * ' . “f itches of Western Pm by t rUntem. ita early nrhiMcrp.lUi portions times, and Us Jrst records; by Joseph tfmith, I). D. It la the cheapest boot we ever handled, aad Is now within the reach of all ior sale, wholesale and retail, by _ J. B. DAVISON, aUt *° <l5 Martcnt street, pear fourth. Oktat-A *UK. KEOir-A-ueatl, OueJ up Cu.co l a lowm4 elorj, froul, of Warehouse No. 97 i'irat £ treat. Rent log - [auggoj J. W. BUTtHB. jt CO. II'UUNoMY L'iUKlfc— tome puro Ur&b, In j cbuioe,” Juki recvi'vod uud for salo by MfLLBH i IUCKBTBON 40 9 L *f vlii ' A - N 1 u (illirvlwlv,NE3_ aTuparlor arueTr, a v/j.ost ie«ireU am} far ftile by BOVVN t TSTI.EY, 136 Wool at. j (KANLii, sr AMI'S ASU cat u ojderTTt 1 1 abort notice, by BOWN <k TETLBY 136 Wood alrrfit. Xi 1 !' TBN sfi*\ Humcea tor a.g{t~f)pjr l to IhoAn X* iu ha-te)at CAKUO'B, 70 Poarth street. Theolctare may tbeu bo called for. up«n to Ti&itora until 0W p m BOtf'l ' 17'Utdfr—ifbObj ittveh Kgss received by Kailro'iil' tlitg 3*7 _2J >ip»l for sal» by fiuig? j H£ti£LY U. CO LUMhI CIOKN MEAL—M) Coin ileal, KTOU lid-tills llnv ’_ h l I ang3| y. R- PICA VO. ’ WUIsKtSH UituWJSK „ grower. To force tLe benrd and wliiakera tn'wmw use it duly, rubbing it well into the roots aiiio curl'* end tfclcfcens the hair. Price 25 cents with full direction*. Sold at No W MAKKrVb** ’ /IujHACCo— -1 “ 'it “r Il‘. u™ £ aoj 8J l “.“P Tol^oco; £ aoaBa £ i 2 hair i-^p 1 ra*« •* Yankee Dorxl\* ” do do ; la "£l for'S’C I> ' rr ' :,:UOn POan ' , I,,m '’ Tobjco0 ' ftojfl6 * putASU—lt! CMI« 1-omah In nore null for sals by gl ° MILLKa i BICKEISON —lua ahole and bail boxes Cincinnati KJ otar Dandles, 4s, 6b ar.d Bb, In store and for sale by » u B l6 • MILLKA &, RIC&ETSON. TVpJW AND VALUABLE BOOKS—Just received at X v DAVISON’S, t>6 Market street, near Fourth : <>Uucus, or Lbe Wonders of liia Shore, by Kingsley; 60c. Memoir of Her. Sydney Smith; 2 rols.; $2. Which? the Eight or the Li'ft; $1.25. My Bondage and Freedom, by Fred. Douglass; $1 26. Weyiand’a Intellcctaai Philosophy; $1,25. Bridge on 110th Pealm; Do. on ProTerba, 4e. 4c. Bodenhaoier’a Great Work (sreond, edition) on the Disea ses of the Rectum, Aim?, and O utiguous Textures, glvlntr their nature, seat, cause?, symptoms, consaqnaticca. and prevention; especially addru'sed to the non-nrofearionli reader; with plates and numerous cases •*> P^WSHOnal hodT ; |t“ -om KjUskJ, byte. M«. Old Eedstene; cheap edition; 75cent'*. forwarded by mail at a moderate expense. W A Gardener, a CarrUge Driver ltolUn S- MIU, > Jlsllroad Contractors,4oi*oan treet bs rbBP at intelligence Office, ilO liberty aogSl PK4 .ROifr-25 bags African tea a superior l arti cle,Jost received and for sale bj __?gP\ 4 D.KYMKR ft XfTDEEstifc. RIOB— 10 tierces prime just received eudSTeSTE? Mpll JOHN MOORHEAD. EAULiSH hi sale by -Pl2 fKe—A large invoice j JiJt Rbd for J 8. Davison, bo WRiket street, near Fourth. JOS. FLEMING. it*, ** Tcry MILLER k RICKETSON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers