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J! «* • V ■: t ■• .••• £7. .._,. ■:;.■?■,i&ZvJj.a •': ■ ■..•_•. •■■*'■■ **>.«■“ B-’h fwJiTU?'.. <s f- r i/MM". ** B tj. 1/ •■ * •.« . f r « ->* J ' '. -.- ' - ',V •* . 5 :»i C4.TJ 1 ; --* 7 -~ f . • » ; rr -‘W ( ' ' v'„vMM- - W --. J -M; '4,‘»v -."'2 "•■'■ ' -* I '' ■ ■■- ■ .•• ■- ■ «'•.*'>4 .*: ■:.-.. Z ( . ! . ry'ii'ltsmry '>i: •■ . -vtM*:: • 4 - . *.:' ■ .jVM .•> , , t , 1 - .- • . • 7 r i • j't r.. •, v •' ■ » r -C-. :• : • v^. i.'V.,. k_* ,y~»: >--/? ?tv* »^ vt. ~ v:> U », v > { DAILY MORNING TOST Printed and published tvcry morrdvg, ( f S}?idayt txccpUd,) BY 4'k^NTG'OllikßY, oh rax flar* l-R-SAfi?.-—Fire Dollars nyaar, payabla strictly In • Ariao®. Six Dollars will if not paid 49“ oopiM two certs—tor **le at tb? counter In tb* OBloa, ada by the KeW* Boys. THE SATURDAY SOfiRW POST PahUsbed from th« same offlco* <>n a at r<Bnaß •ITS OIHTB. . - • - • „ 49- No paper will be discontinued unless at thadlfCre* on of the Proprietors,) until all arrearages are Mid. qry- No attention will be paid tovxf «u« unless eccom nanied hi thejaoneyforaatfafiaotory reference In this dty. 43-. Oonmeted \citA tte-Jfsta&HthnQM q/JM Morning Pott it om of the largest Job vihqrtfiU k,ndt of wotKU oo&m Ou vteriat noSu } and moit reaion a bUlermt. -’v£. professiqnal^gards. (lobt< Gt G» tlpronlt Attorney Lkw-4Saoe, No. —. Fourth atrgeq-pUtshUtah; Vi. ' ' ' &icYthj_ ‘ litmrU, * ” •• A TTQRNfiyATiAWf-Qfflce, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smithfleld street and Cherry alley. [decll:ly JOHN BARTON» ATTORNEY AMD GOUNBRLDOB AT LAW, Office, corner Fifth and Grant ate,, _ja3: l_y3l grmßPEpi), pa. ~ Attorn by atTVw *a a IN OUANOERY. Othcej naxtdNnr tOAbb r Sttnhettlllei Ohio. my 4 . . . - - - • Si P. Rom, ATTORNEY AT law—No.lOtt Fourth street, Pittsburgh, I*a, fourth door below «Mri Body Patterfon’n Livery . I Jefß td.* 1- l ' ATTORNEY AT L„\}£—Offioo, Fourth street.abara Wood. iyiy “ ATTuRN Ri AT LAW —Office on .Feu rth street, between Cb«rry alley and Grant street. j«2y J„ .ML Bl’Clowry, Attorney and Counsellor at law—office in U«kewcll‘c Grant street, _j«2_ II. H t Ha7,nn , , ATTORNEY* At* LAW—No. Vjl Fourth street,aboTeand near Piulthneld: ' " ... . mar .jj.y ' T rtittlefe MoKeua&t rr^" ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. OFFICE edftfeF GtstH Pi Ah' fitfeits, bdeti'- pled by AMertQiU} where all bgtdnry-- pertain ing t.Y the office ot Alderman aud Justice of thu Peace will U* promptly otwnded'to. feblrdm N. Buckmtfiter, Alderman. (\FFICK, Onnii ftreet, b'dwpen Fourth,*;. and Diamond / alley. Coufeypncfag of allßblitoilonii ffdlb.the great est care nod legal accuracy. Title 3 th Real Retail* examin ed. Ar. ' joS.) OFFICE No 4-tf Street, t*-tsv»-en the i#nnl and O'Hara street, fifth Ward All Lat-incjs appertaining to the of an Alderjua® or Justice Pf the Pe&ce, KIU b«- protnpfly altonded to. 49* Bonds, Mortgagee and e-tlior documents, drawn wiU» jJj«jpdUßi. 11' M* > 111 *»i »i * ii i » fa«tft£tioi[_* I , uf, A tlLi, SUHOttUN WSN'I IM’. tmo fesa-r Lo Uiddlu.) Ni>. Ui-JiffißLtiold “OtUce honrH, from S Lo 1 o’eloeV. and rum 2 to i febli ly ■wwa J hOUrr, DENTIST, F(vnru/e-tfret’ CvTJoors treat ol rpfiV um<.s iiwfim From niuo A. 51. to HYe p. M. di'f&Xy ali can u. ct KLX3U LOW Mill UIIUJUUj £.. .i.UGKtTT L. klAtinatT. Curling, Itolicruou A Co., MANJJ FAC I’L RE tui OF -L‘U P, PRKSABb AND PLAIN FUST uLASSWAUR. warelwmw-Nv*. U Wood street, ol ds'rout atria*t T Pittsburgh. All other kitnU ol Ulnsea nr-! and \S vllßffi*, at low market pri.-en. _ 71. ■! J aisip 'Jt’C.ililf 5. i = /jf WIIOt?ESALNHnvfrAtHif Cig*Fmanufacturer, an fdi al er in all kind.- ol Tobacc •, Snulf, aud Cigars, N-* -•'• 1 .ithstreet, PjU«*tmr;fh.Pa. tf*)“ Keeps i-oustautly on band a large supply ol nil ilir Of jgi pyrbeliClgTeYs ; i i_ Vi ff' fc’if" .TErt) fit Cfrll. i F ‘ i t * rTnr.ESALt gßockk. and C'iMMlssuin mfr YY CU-ANT* foe tha sab; of pig Maul w»d. luamus, »i>d I’rc-luce genoralfy, No. 27 Wood street, PitM-mvii l apd* i niuii' j ASi'Shooa Reymir * Andera'on, v «tu' I.' Jo-hua KL.-d'- A Cn > AST H »L KS AL K dv&lors iu L>cel<B ■ bruit V Hub, ?pl<'.- YY 0 >ul'*ct)‘>D:uy, Sugars. 4c., No 29 W.M street, opi ate tb.' St Charles flotel, Ffttaburgb. Pa h l-- rtM T ' : tiTory 1 !!. Collin*, IXIHIWAHDINU AND COIIMIiSIUN MERCHANT, «t>4 Wholesale D-u'er in Chpefc'*, JtUlt'-r, S«ejs. i'idb v and Pri>luc<gph^raU^No. v ' e - T’IL ifionfan, BDCKSKLLk.it AND ST.\T;DNbit— on band h gr liuak Bovke, Printing, Post and Cap Paper. A.-.. e.h.d.-ale Ki.d re WU«)LKSA LK liui-Tter- y( \\ iu.- f and SegHrs —No*. «ud 17*, -orner of Irwin an l Liberty street, Hitt-hurgb Iron, Nail- I *, Cotlou Yarn-. A. cou.-tantly on h«ad. 4 J VV m* i’atr A t o 1 l \Vm. Carr. Utr <-f thahrmul J - i’*rh«r 1 CvD WIioLKS ALEGR jOKRS, and l,Valer»iu Foreign Wme nu.l ky, No. 82P CiMXim«»rr4ai Knw, Liberty etre.-t, l\Ui*l>.jnyb, Pa. >* mI.KR, NTju I‘UjJIH'CK, f i -ire'lt relrff’-t * -1 frit family it?*- *V'** t,f **vdrv rarely-and ,oh*t .©uryst ‘iptlicr. KTPdpi M > '••' Huam Mili*. Also, 0n«*l Fruits, Foreign ao-i l>pin.v»i‘ iaten‘\a evhnDev frt m^rr-hanil?*. F. IU D. ha» pn*rur*l a toU itiaoctmeat of Laniraib'* warranted ilacUeu Saeda, and Invites tbr fttteottao of nil la terwKUsi In rucftl affair.-*. _ j-* n J \T ti INUUJfM fc!tiglt«h *Jt UTchordaon, MKttOfTA77T3, atU l>enl«*r? in Fish, Bdo»o aul l'il,an'l Prbduc* generally. H dfettoaveTofrotTf?- r-*cuM*d \>y iQfbram, Ntr lie W»l«*r au«t 1W Ptr«4t btreof/rttirl-Ur^, IVUU». ' ' _ _ , f^i>’ * ’cmaminiou lioutc. riALIU {UlWcribff-* haro op**ti««.J a Iwuw for &U-t« pur X paw, at N". IT dtr«*el, four door-' above ibr m.>uouc»M» H*u«*l We *mpnr<jb>9«,p ini-iMoo. foVffali!, KlJtfr, iWctrO, Chwi 1 , <j,.ru. u*U, lUrley, Tlai fcniM, iUUsi H»j, Ao . UI«K1 p- Ulrto *v Will W*ll>sa-ivauiai>ian *Ub«b#flS niHtk-l r.-vt*-- I-t iia*b • . : . u ino*b t , A Ou I u\fvirr>/an^m^jY < KO?rrw; I Tr-.jtn i ft .OSu.y [ ) -ti -rtfr-fo 6n»ni*r#i»ifAfl»l4U«iJW«if*ttn<m Wtt.* t'ui'rfl*. Va ' <.. - . u,,vti . .. .•Cii'lfl U.MU3U~...»-»> , tiAS*v:i* L T. B. Vouufi A to. tfa 3S XnUtKJS SlrM, r>ppnil* lluA. MVNOHAOTBIIKU&OV GAUtff«T KOIINfTURR ANE> OUAUU t <*I r-Bt'.cy lieairipUnii. Mafamalu and work manship warrant*!, and sold tti r*tuc*-i j*rieM. Onr-tak*-n in parkin* M _*°<vL Ww-Ul^Pi-Jf. /UUXIUNO 4HR/TJWWIW (j PiVtphu /^T’ Ur <n>KV, ni good ntyl»*. and at auci' tl_ Wno&fnr& fl feAiu, ■jftssfctf For (.tfd Motx)Oc»bMa-UDd lU$ UflM Wbtoky, .}*& y Prr.T.'ii r • A .»^n»4*i«7'" k ISo; lOfl Wood *~‘ v J-.lirt 11. U'CV STfT. ?feTtor, T . W! (OLE? AJLE M»d UeLall ih'atot'la M jw\ca] Tartt rfajem-, PJfchflM, Music, febdC! feocfca abil Etstfanery, Hu. glre*u . I.V>K W A UD^NO 1 $ rMitaiiAM ■ ,6»tKi>rtM Worlw. i •; Vo 1 f\«V Wood ttrrrt, l‘>\rd dnor M<mr Vrrptn all’y. ToLiiux t*ulvU, and t-’U’ofcC «ly. * *W ofiiti-l ol Hardware, Tkolimiwl Plsliiu.r Tackle, all ol » bi.-U Wo cll.-r at Uir lfW«k'p'J?sii>tePdP' ! --'.ViMb purchaser*. -r I.»r , -. njttrl'' ,l JUAVK 'TOW-DAV ( •UthV-'uttCclilijd. * itli ®i» 3] ilfcun. H a'ia2Cfl J "•! both of whom' hhTebeeo formany yeaM iu -ray «LJUibla*b- \ m<*od,i*nd ; are already extoni*iih and favorably kuywD »<? •! mt c-natora-T* and the pobUfl &«ns»Hy as nuperiur ««r If- j by bslHoi? ot majorat* PJfc's, »m! »ffl(W»6U«rtv.n to busings, to efrffta tiT T '\ l, *v out (riobjj anH-tbtrt»ftfe’ it. kurw^ho-Tnuofcw.) ltuCnSM*t sSlfcKfi+rthe trsV firtnn -ctraWnmiw * of ■ dW ItSaySra. _ \V. \V. \V U.TON. • ~ KHM-muSArpHL4#*j <• - -..ti'-.. ....I. 1..:: ( Y ; ; i-o . ‘" -t?diitSto* i Okri'ia*f« 'Ipietoiyl ■" JQHSSIOIh £B<OTBEHfr * «0(,“ = I''lom-DiaKsp?ct(iiUy;|nfonil .tiift ttrat-LtoF S*** JhAfrted thfe* manuferture of Cacr^th'* I ''., BUiAasjpLpcAmm and; L'.-dnit in all their wpffcTftq Polea, and Wheel atuH, they fuel xfiniH will b 4 1: £ | : <f(WStv4'to » oditj befiwpuicba ;:r a ry-r:\ KU^Ula^tacxi«tt«ilf<ic<ary;,i, i -i uer of Kelit«waifcLJJtaUjU>4tiftewWiiAW e STB ap' hanft and are manufacturing a: ■m&4 h»4» I fe*if‘ J *ii AWUti' finish,fc*ia« in *i &Jh rfiAVfnm^rtfWAdtmF •4gMBß3@®S= ! Ol Ym;a it l-h Utel Oflii. l ii'•> : : • , • ' 4i EyOTEBBORS’tOJLmtIIWiiIA)W,to.-A, ™uß&B&&btttgbi*4kmed»{ >; . pie« and every deeorlptlon «Jfcfinw>t39™dJ< ',l iklrt t&fnsw; --iS eSitLi io a traitiki o» 1 1. odm passed . f ’ , tdtfUOtartn^-'bPAnaWTfeld>- : - • -»l-’**-g r *vie bulg'd *rJ ■•<*' - f R'V; AND SALE ■’fL-joi Comer DUmohitiireat MidUbenr *Uef -tAwpeiatrJTua w i _ pirrsßUHOt^i’A. |(WVIHT/. LKU'IN tI'VKUF, ~ I\ /V r ■><, •- lagKorted di> In store and lor sale by »ylt' 39 Wood «i H oppoah* the bt- Charles Hotol. '"V, •; *' v * ■» \ Orlabdo iLoamla, 11, B. Oaruftbau, Wlliisiu. Wtlaou, Alderman*. BUSINESS CARDS. .MyfiUAN HvKtSHTW.I. K li. Ur ay a, P-.. 1 ■t'ftli, IH-’rsl Pti PPBUSEED DAILY,iit CttMJffiwlt MONTGOMERY - ,’ AT THE’“POST BOILDINOjS/’/CdBBJEB OF FifyTff.AN't) #W?.BtattEK VOLUME XIII business cards.; - Josepu ; ' : fsuodciaoil >o u \mbox * co ] ’ • Z'lOaMEa MAKKKT BTRKET AND DLAUQltf>i ‘fcespa, \J oonsiantW 6n bated a fliH tfssdrtmetitOMJniSfl, Mejfc-: ctaU> Medicine Ob«flU r alf artrclFS^BTtak ing to bis business. • * 4S*- carefully cOTDpopqfeu Bl allihourfl. • ' • __ 1. * JOttM gt rumgn-::,r. z:~: —~ ...OOCBa&H k'LLUlittfc PUminf I 8 UCC iS softs TO i. a liU> fc.CO,] ■liradLESAUi DUQQIBIB, -*No. CO Wbofl strait* Pitts* W burvt. pa. PropriatOiaot Dr. M’Xftntftf CrtfebrsUm Vefrmlfago, LUer PllU, as. ~ •-• ■ Jftfo Jolm lufti { BBOflisaoa to JABta'uMtren^ WHOLESALE AND EATAib DitUtiUlHTt «»J dp%l«r Id Dai at*; DUS, DydlSmffa, Ad., Ml WQoJs*i«wWU»r«* '-Horn Virgin alley, PttU>mgfr«: ‘ *prkiwly • - " H. Kj. AUefr, r ~ rT ' AIfUOLHSALK IN FOHItIQN WINX&BRA'N* W DIKToiaAhX OLB XND 1 KYIB WUISBLY, Ac., al«o> Uectlfying tUitlUer/.No. SWCod street^ Brandies, Glue, Oordlalfl, Jsthalha Spirtfit. : Ojj.li nod New England ftumiCmrrtVChampalktfrjyYkaptcU. Afe, London Brown Btout, Irish, Scotch. Bourboti.'tild' luinongihela ftyo and TOfMfY* Apple" Pdftfitfi* Wild Cherry and Blackberty'BMrtfd’fia; imported tlartoim' uigalla, and'Prfncipe'Cigar*; tlalf-Bpanleh and Commtai Ctkasa* fJI M wah law, bwcc*h*Bt*9 sUaJjb qg9.ttty|ls9tt99*. rincj B*r Kegs and UteU«4 Bbttfa o/ewy D4»Uopon of alLsitei* ;I,respoctOjU/lpTl> *n wjniqn uJn of my stock, at No. 8 W<JQD W**. Nnna. , . , ■PtS-V.. • ! ~ -Jamti Aeillngiri MGNONOAHJtfoA j ly Inform his friend* and the pnplfauihad n» new ; Uhltehmen* is now In-ftril operation, tog. UM b wo*' ; pired to furnish Boat Cabins, aq<3 AH for PlaflCd Urraber, with promptness. and at Che lowest' rates, ] aioanl and Piaofc, piano j on onetpr hqCJitfde^cfcpatfbuy. °tia?,‘l)opns V»i! plovQfcrga of eyenf deicrljUap,'• liuilderp and Carpenters wooJJ flrijl theft adjutage' td K iTo him. a coll,as he Gan, no* fnrnHh‘ihem With plap&l edill suitable for ewi <Je»diptlou of wo.rk. ' wit a. ucKkoj {■iimimi; (lerrou tt Cr'iltWil* " li IELL AND BUAS3 FUBNtIARA idd MaOufMidtWs Of n »n kinds of Bra is Work, raoWMfte l&tftatr, Plumbers, Ac. Also,‘Cotton llatSh^MftflirthCturdrs'. T t'oundrT onUnbecca street," ABegh'eply city. * Office end StOni No. IS M.VkMWlfwt, PltUbttrgJi.'-- Old Brass dna Coppit uk»n' la arohenwittiT vors, ot rash pull. Orders left »t tfi> Koundr, or OChre, pjomptfy attended l«V • , /' M UUMiL— r-ra*. ’iU.Wjj'in Gruff, HeLlUtte* . WKdTKKN. WUNUKY, No. I'M Word street, tUU burgh, IM. SAjVTXCTOtaM*' Of Cooking * Plata *od faiiryewtc*" t\.*| ami Wo.O Stovall, Pltdti Arid PatJtry Vender* I'nrlt'r Sicvo?, Ha 3 »B 4 DYIM' DI S | Uoilmr Ware, Portable Purge*, : Sugar KaUk-a, TvaJUtlie*, . Si«*# KkUlm, Wngun ttoa<*s vf. u. rami *l« *••• gmttta, llltir A Hanler, M*te Stcrttb A SluMtlrJ \\T OROdCft*,' P»UH»UOM 4f*D OOAMII* VV MOW MKftCTTkNT!*. »U«1 brakra In all I tad- d Pittsburgh Mauutki lurca, 12*1 ServuJ »ud U>l kir»t pittKfnrrffh, Pk. • ■’ '#.*ba ! MevepT " t * iruE old piitnt)no KS'rADLißtnrßsT, (i4t***>ita J Mon A Ppxfciaji,) and Jtyink lJu»»fc anJ . fTaraboiu*, i« prepare*! to ex acute rteri fctyto 6f Q*-*nta*rclal. Canal and Steamboat Joh’ Prjiifio < Ktfd ( b>n 11d£,»Q4 ivery article In tb*UlaukTic/k.'f’Vpfrr and stationary line, al tL« abortr-e-t ridtlit* 4’b<rOn <h# ©Wt tenwuable term*. . . • Blank £ook and St*MvA*nr Warebo'o6*, prlpouj? tnnoa «d 1 jic.f>k Bindery, corner of Market jtatl PrportflVlg jTioQs * Noilb‘W«klern Police ABCU«Ka- NO. bU WAimiiWTuH hllltKl, tocArc.ot beafbotfu CHICAGO. LLUNO^i. iiLia riSEiatoK . . .. . ' Ti t' btonViT' tnsi* ATrcifrioxTo tus *e*i»*Ji-woS '*>• 4 aadju MSTBtfIIVH POLWR WWWIOte i In tb# of UkitiOM, Wtwxritttti, Ulrhig»o«*iil ifkimiu mh!9:dtJ ‘ ' WoileV. 1 riUIK Ute firm of JON KM 1 , Irftta* lw*ft 4i«cr>tT -1 rJ t»y UusdKilh of J->bq F oq the T. Ih lD»t . ll.» of PKUI ilrtn v.tl b« wttlwl by tf>« um]*rnljru*i, *• tt,m c.tftc-4, */ber of Ute* au4 Pfrit h»AAC JONB?, PurrfrU* P*rtD«r ntubarjh, TO, - 1 C ANIfFACTURKH rf 'tfnirßTtfurr tMAiatt UTi SJnb »tf*l lMoiiTr WJniP! Br«a ffut Tap", I*l r p»i«r, ■***#,* aa» md iifimtncrfej Iron wntwf Of Hess'tkOd Ft?* ««««», Pa. . <***‘•*7’ ,t»: u *ootA< I*AA C JOKEJ D.B.nocm fcTo., \ f 6T lt‘>«TßS , pAt*kt improtto Sttfwfc jjl. CvlUratcr corner HflWseJ P»rw. s;r»#t- ocXliljr i i PluitmrrA /v KOOUHT IT. t»A*TKBS*>N. P**rt»tnf, cadiFr ■ /yaw Diamond eflrj/ Tto nlb«rft*r I XjLZjLfeßpwtfuH f aniwnnewtorthe liadtas end tteofV 'lOeo of PttttbUTfh, b*4 »n*S*A« RU»IW BUUOOh, fo pdlftl tTf*i^P,tm^t3o<fibß?tio*»add»ar4* utioQ, umti'nlabtf rxr*>* toShoi UdliM W*w It* 'i# arpwtoblo (mta ai4<p*At®et ih* eltr. tUth aßdlrtry moßt**»<»weiMrelt »AP*< n<iliy BoUrtTo'tbvprotaotitfDOf iw*<itb,'l»rtS*tefcic»e>aicr«*> ‘nWßeserrtrt*. Tb*«<n*WW*abrthj*na>»«H;t**e«*, *ol: ii>t» proprtvlftr , MmMlftbto oa-u»-Qtp*nM; >• tu to make'tbH- <fc«J 6nt‘ to Abe of th* pabHty. • 1 * " aUliatit C. Bocklng, ' r 3 " ' MAN U * AC T U K All UV UILT. MLVIOL HTUTO, KRON'/.tf, POlITttAl* AND Mf‘ •ITK 7KAMKB, Plain wui 1 No. 34 fit Clajr htr4ol. All kltnl* Of <?6aipOnifk>AA>tAAu4MiDi4 iur .BUOSu • lrfjnU.'A*v Ail !(3tKiA*f o\KUtfj-4«»fc4lte%W»*<f *t> Dnln*. ! tiill MuuUiu.n k»r Kmai«i'wbeto**M [ »Od*rt»iUiiiV»»ctoh f.»f’Oil Palming, Rni,'ra*ttjge abdUtbcAtopb*, for e»to I tfipaifrd er<lH*c*>J Oil tvsta rod to kbo ' b*** t «Miuorr- 1 - •• ■ '*• 1 ’• "- * - • <i--t... All PfhixiPAaDd MAofcJlmp*infcii , uUBtttr«i-tortbiß. e«Ubi 11-hi Dent may b»cleaned utlhoAtUiJjArf. • Üb.Be*|».*od *sUr. '••'• > ' " 1 Jl •’ 4 •• *,i' Call and w, Nn.3l SC-.fllai*loibS^U - - -~ r '” j. 'wPnVfer ’ " ! Tr . I flbli TO UPfeTOItV.^Hi-'WWrt.trtlVMn; u* ari*> Tail Jrop», btaaeen W ood *dJ Bmltbft’eW-, 'frbflrr b»i has an assortment of iALA N trtnuaul v llhjiaii*. a o d wurnu«J and*»ilkAr4ain»ingAv tod 1 tnprßparrdb- ©1 at, 7 order ib hi*line, bath* msec t*4*mabbi.towns..,'tfu* work is wurraiiteJ to »beartitsrtktoAKmpznXftoOiW'. f*j>a»Ki: ■•■»• •* Ji ml give&lifla c*Hi aahaourt t» b*afclJi -.ffprA/ mactabip • ■•' : T * , -‘ !•»* .-i"" *oB* -4S I « — r - .rrr-TT* r bli 1 <;».T usd’ V\j~ "uTTTT- • f i Co ,'tn B: A l/rnj[, rti, tmw JpSW’l'BllwfWflwWAi. >l. Ih. oli al.oJ, No. ltoTtbotlaWtf’'r»)*ilkll¥K. rommonatte nAf BnA ft. ‘ Pltt»kuriUi,iWlyW''MM-' 1 ) , I !l,'»frtAEK> . * -'• . .. • l«f». I/I-' : *•, ;t--in h ; •• j. t. iiasxrrt e s. fora ' ' A. 1 l^lir« WtTEKfI, InrUtTk'rffetftftm* tb tTJflr «ock of OhiAdWfcft-M-fcrCnfc t-u, FeinUntA. and other fixtures. W«* bt U 6 <Afl« *od i&s&ai, n»afc«'linwa Qstrtbagft otsH' fclbdfitotndjrt. luroMi lUllread Itampi and I®»K.I , Attfltfod Metal i iIAT M’UTTWTTgT »U'llW. > i i* -o i. ■ 11JT UAtV'tt #TOCHi«e LMAtUJPAOtWitSM^.I vo iv rirtx #<«,■ •«*s* •<■•••* •' fmfiwMt* mbt’** -iti >•« -, -u WH«RB *m<itr Boilf flWl«!#W»«M *<«« of-Bbslfcßft r«rrxiofioi tuf-atwta xhl« «itj PBTott«eM WHu# If ti IWI# mlvvotm e>b lit imar* thffr.'Mfciw ’’’'■ " ■ . s;B.-RerffiaWtWOuflif'fWWKilmCamd*-''•«« ■ 1-efnV - P** ,;w l*:l‘iajo3 *rt.j CU-ttjJ .~ ».-TP -**• f*rrt* ■»:;nu«am , lTtiJ”3tttfP^nrTTSfimf of furunco uo tt lfrWljjTM w *a±« ;, d -*JLfci4jri®>A. lllam, ,Uit,.'rT !ouL fIiCX^ i^reB3orH UU ' Tall3f A t hexipo.corner ; ■.«■•. „i’f j .u j. MMil.aj.::> .MTITMVt T“ :r ' .•: ~,' IfcanXDftUkUoil «riJ In mu '1 /v I C 'IIIMSKN, Mißufacturcr of eTery.mCfltyjrt«l#4P i„ trerj Variety. Klt»aj>fit&, Pa. -__ yfofff 9 . ! -, -■■ ' .1 : ,!* laißK. Ufa JtiibO f ,[/ v DEAtJSiI t II? ijEuEOnrUdKY LEA? TOBAGO}. lUpi jutp PAT#R&9, l w*w d mfr^^¥iit >, fF‘ UAOfl. . ' M -1.1...- _ JOUR ATffKML ATWKLI AtvrclF, lititeUfei WIIOLISALK ! 'WrtWli«oSflatilOWamiB«io MerthanU, »nd lb PiUabu#g*rl4*«MfACturf: iip « Wood nLre«*t, b«’twet*u Water Flit btt*Cbv nj.idJilA fli'iM aplS : WMtoia»rFrol«( Hswe*!'JSMiff" bji aulual|caattioU,?iiA'b>nip»(if ul4l»,pra jl i f -be Bintio*inKb> J<wti4!*i\bi*W, JSHiWJ,£SijW» r I ivulptJocail <leUa Ilfiaj „„ L i<M#VA rWSffiflS March 27th, !#».■•: 4 •„• I , rfHH^WMpWi n„~ I'!h> uiulerduyKu ljaye'nnlTJHy lormM a P&rtna *'■'' '"’ L ; H£- jo retires rWHrthc€on©tftJonwT budneafl, l obe< r» ltf 3SB ''' *•- « **n« : > Wl>l r **‘ i~/f[l - o. 1 , T 1 l hiMJ A -_2l V* Iv/ 4 VITA \jß »*. IlArbaugU A rt i .t-iw to B. H»rbftu*h,) £*s»*„ (J°K.alora lu Wool and Piodno. B «oarally, No 206 Llbarty ,ueet. Phtstrorgb, Pa- v . 4 tnbU> 3, n niifiik Pinkerton k Co. ■ •- s;.-'V« ! ■ ■ ■■ ■ , , ’ V. 1 < *• ■ ' <X *V, • ' . ' P . iIS *»• £V f- * .Di-fvitN ’ .. . ■-: * BUSINESS-CARDS: I. Li jllariiiall^ .. y »j w»M9s *Q H. Vs<* )_ . _. \k7‘ooL DBAIKU AND 00MB£S310N W* No. 103' nWrty'nttoiC, fttfcftafgbrPa;' * ’ Jitf*rmc**~W: •SPUlUrtocte 4 Kramer A lU*iua; BrbwnA Kirhpatrlck; Murphy, Tleruan A Co. i'Litsburgb, May 24, laa.')—(my2l.3m*) ' - r *r.7CftiPi.' - Am- •• di**tKiiuion oux {rinndsAod. I'M tb * publifi_lQ_o ttpWhdJt- 1 tvwprtmenl or \I ATO &ud . which we are now opening for the Bummrr trWe, wWcB to t "Uisnty of nxctfatu aoytfilns>Tef of.- the city, op we*V©f 4b**aounUln«. • «* WI < “ elia » SOX, . „ “ * ' Ut Wcod etruet, Pittsburgh. nttiolatlon of Co-Pnrttttriiblp.' fgUffc PlrtM'OV MTfWOTWJCWXKIKI k 00- Proprle- I low-al tft« PiTX*WWI« ( U' H4)£*LTY WOJUU, WM ijiisoiTwiby ,tU« U*aib vf Mj.A of V« J. Buftu**, on the !lfn oflMn-ch fast. {H,* bustniisa of the NOVKLTV WORKS will becontinued fruatUt* bfaoob^*«*i*y-o»< , *Bi»«iriw} sarinors,. autlur-Oi» Muw puil aul* of UVIfifiSTQN, OOPEUND, 4 qo , wt>" • a St also eottli* pp til, affairs of tt.» laid flrn. L. B. IiVTOOBIOSt C}I.V:N AI.AMS, . rsta-Vw n:o9PRLAKi>.~ 7 Wi-Ll^KL*. a i Joltu Bl’Cloakny kL Co., Ittit liOLKfl*MJ* BSD* ItttTAf b«-CfcOTHiNU -*UER • > -CUA&.TB, .No. as -Wood *xtert,-PUlflb Utah. i‘V . . - • i«HI tbAfcj'ititYfe# t&tb* nboro tmaloem, under Ibe Ora of ATCUiSKAi kC*K 4fUry-w»i»ct£uUjr ttibciUa ab«« r^preTiooj n tffi*,..-if?fVmii' '3WV i»ttl«! t>T tb«n pej *' ..... ■' '* ■ n " T - -ißoiti 7 and 9lio*r»~ •• *- - - ..-f tti,,¥ounb ftin»aU^D«aili<.olo^ll?. J ~U>« JUyw J A*#^biAWS II HLV t r L VI I .-liboU, Low fihfOF, tifF sod butlnn*-d; andPbffott ; »4 Oirilflft,; '1 JUll.uf- fi.tr.t*,-' IfifTf-Dootn, J-erray 'Linds, RUp j-4re,-*nd,6%»B 'i>'LBtd>tof?.Uttiai«i. otei.uj a>ior andebabs i/eicy.U*4 and fcj»u& Ll »** R® i ChHJrrnS dn., 0/ .'vorr v-arb-ly. I op rMrt-fi«*uer>* **ul* ' Ooliltcrs’ Uoiiuiy l.autii mul ( lalw* a4paio»(, iU«v«rJ>mctt.L.. .. I\\ ILljipfOJtti- U-'iiuty Laud tVarr.uU r-r ‘■ftLlltn, thfir W*acnM Cbi ulren, aoJ Tu >-■'**&%»>&& s WOT Jif<!W*itJPtttVfe6!» 'tothtw OAfffilT* BIKDS"of tl>.-utv.*l l ln-ltuf wr> hu.r ly, »oJ Dt.« Btkl Si.wflo—<Uacr>', llircrp.-ttWbn.-lUjjfe ■mlima■ 1 u .11 iurniHb*UOAinpnwilimw licjef PJAtWKIL-.. »u l>ui }, UOUOUOW”, 1 !•), ,-rtf ixri }-< l*» I *r (’tinjfxn** u«»J Ij.-iti ulloifl M. r«* N> iJ'Vlfil* <d*, lifap V>POd.“ der.i) * i... . • ..= * ••fJtrttnrry LMKktitfr— >* rj vfl l*b4 VY*r 1. *" "■ b ;*r " r "" 1 S„ ««r.|n<vo3. !««• btdj* Ht* l*l *U»I I^UjicUvL.. 1 \IA TlUlKt- AOkl>' "* I \Nti.f itli‘.••rr-of C--'»l N »WhVl. anlVirUV UW-Arw»*bWiUfMH Itf OiT *«H t*ri?riT»meeii«l id criV-.* •t+'VT iDtt.-bufcftn *in*fc i> "Jib ?»;u» H -u-e U-'a.-r', I’r.-tir-J, cuJ nn m< «‘ii»*ot harf-r Th* MO of tw*t tttifik,*u4 nmntl (•<* ol luirctUtr i ih-riii«r.i«iXU'ij a TW^B, yr *»7 LtfM*r(V At*- 1 icrff illfTioW WWS Fi*tt TSVK.NTtnSA ASI> I’ATKNTH, And - *£Bnc7 4trr thjy-Purcbasfrsari fcaiaof Patent B»ghtE &b<S Pateate4 AjUc'.os r _ j\\ l*) y -a iVM'.i.-/ Xl® -Sfi fca a f*r.:>l«l*«l. < -!•: nblufrMlUltPfe "’‘- 1 ,u,, ‘ "* 111 '*"•■ " «3£uUo.ar, ' \V H !>■ li QY» ,' i . K ilfl|lil*l-ri. ! Pt'rilfc ■ • • '-HHliWk. • ; f tt’&vfi 31V*ui)e*l, Wra ? . JbV.fcfU.fi, .(\T i;<-tni«. Ai.iiicw I'uju-u ■ w<lfctflff ,OiUu^'• C.4lUf{s» rIMIK ofO.lrl{AU>tiii»iM/’ *®4 JfcClU>U>.» WlVUfliJ , £ t, wii! -gttU«ita»o|B»»luriM/ tfc*- BUUUUer u»l-r j\ir J l' Hi.lhd*, winirr t--*- ■■• - f -'-- ■'* (H" 1 \V f . IJZZ&AIO SO B i;; t••-* 11 t >1 f l"' inr “' k't l'«»npi KI »- t«*-J JtfttT fctlt tln-f* i‘iwil t fti j,* lb« DgßdhuSJri t**.» lik.hulir-n, :•£& l’nanj>x. i.. »• "' nur " U" roc fc W-l-#*>p>x»v out >J ki i*** if* r },' H U i»tUu!i n 100 a xrH^.cJlj >i. i.HvMueny- i UenUenxq. V V-liV n w ' WUJWu/ ao*joWJH /‘JV Fet i'pMK Mibvr'rrt bv» )n<t *n l NTKI.4 I‘JV!NOfe I 4' *m**D irtW**l»T>r'.fohn iW>crT«eMii ftfl.j* »o 4 */■ b« tiw Wn • KTtftfirto^Al?#!!f 6* lb*’ i ounw’sl<Hj'4*RUJUJS<'2i*i r«< flu*- *e\Tij t«- ' ■*»!•. I- f- t.u:i**-ii :i.i ha ’®£f|f rrt ** ,r 3 »>l >’ V rt *■*»*>? *tif I<J :n«nt ts> ft ivY^i’tff l " ><Si-i(rt • ?i-,is-- <»•>. »m iiiti tUi/i; l|> CM* 4*l>- n*J kktTftt* ifb ' A. M«HtV*n Co. Ur<« *f I Hitt* f *x^7'“man iK»f *t... *. Ihry.»a4fea2l Oil-’Oerf >. ■ 9 ... i:/..- ..• v «Jf - - U ii*.i StvVtlHmi' ootjunaw-te > M*..IHIWBf WJIKK^ *i v**ry o»aw|pUfi T *1 btt j 1,1,1). i, , Ufc»T<'ybi4 rtrfciu. **|l 104 >u uM it* Itjd Iw iu jrifc -i ij«*l . . •••: - J. .. ; * T.-4.t T rte^uULlUtutlt, •’' ' 4 L tSk ■■{. i' n : Qh#re>' UwC*Wf*RlW<tSi«« h-.arartttWto.4U;- |*-pr*t>4*-4 to <*(> nil Wv.rk in hu Bttw&o(kntt4 uuour-l |.r. mjaitu l- io rta sotic-it. ;!.-tiHraa^rl-taicrtA-cueWm*vta#w4 ceo*»rK.t ji:-. , * * »>%.**.■»A .♦?:. -IfcT: ' tasbr ecSSb^MSS srsKM'fii power, »od SSbtMf IU v-tau or *° 13 ( ** :11 11 * 1 v bSnpPwi .rfloA* ir4 ffftUUltft.'.il v II v | . HtiaaJr t>fcwS’j,>fcA. mi ;n-J* y • touch and •fV-.n {tv > k * • And i.ihi-rn, who >• in their < wn uf.*. bi>t^ii*rti»cU , »s«rttottil'inW’Bi»£l' »" ■** I «i t « ll f * ■■ - Alii*r dMvrit&J* tbMfW4?'XlB& WflJ*lwo .■( whhh bp, wSMlftfjttfl Ut*.9WifcßH!rff®lM£aod *nd w H.|uatc—ho 1 speak* a* follows of thru i> -I i<»<tt#jljittt*w.4lf4**h*os»,tii|o. irfaj myself, hare a |.'(K«l lnstruiu*n*|)Bhd*^» l *r*..fche.* l Ulj l.uii i...n.5 inwAcatromaiiia *nfcfiff«EEd jaocai Uw motfWtooudamoaaiinK' ♦ termftjii# ißuwtooiflqouA .ktomllhrtu J bftfcu. uotr th» i . „. - xi’i'.i.u ,n-» - “ IIiSKT Hunuocit, I’illalHHgih r*.Vj p.»r sal* by CIMKMJSV&aUirtMK. hi lhr“oW K*lab -11 shed I'lHOOilißpflUHlii&lTAi'l street, XJrtth. Also, sol* AgeaOtoni'iUNJtfixh and WrapeeiufeDDiitfAW l tor IlalUUiP*cta'AC*iA*iij3b'h I‘utns, (tyfatebMn Uw Kant* «ru U- cltjlM.CbtataiPft , » oc Niiudn Jt OUcli'*«a>TUmbiQirfa'i I* not exieptlstity.jfeuewn, a* the) hare buirlatolji.UaU) jalnJduceiilwDf;) AJjd-uthec New Yon end HidlfifoljibiA Tbinc-s, of thn:W*lrWiJ*vn», al {Aida* from s'&lfr.to£!>flU.fi ».v] -< ..n k -,.,ii u.hH» The CUr JluitJtm/ gitqOfttflmrni is now uenr completion, and (falfllS faMuli%n4uion(ftAdA«‘. 4&VtAilAita h nl be reedy fur drdlrery, by 1.-t of July. IV". Two or thf.'e. nop iTiurrl,i\t, lu KochrsU , r.„wdi be con- IrariMEilwwedWel}'. and munr uientf will dpjwmmfilcwJi requiring <i .Treat tfiijfjttifnil nod independent <d theAelAUTTshmeut, w •cniploy Imu* n, "‘ OORUritl ; » pTOmJuSalSfykraiikcr Irotu “tW jt&t pu • cknuw-a nvoeTar?*' & then forthwith 600,u00 &Wktf a TW'ftfllVp of hands comment ‘ttork-tM T iti«wta-f ynrfii ietotofoty \l *Vfetlrt)*«lNl W»«iwW'teJ«Wfb<wlv4“- * ‘ ••‘•*« 4.i i'»'•■< i ... • 1 ’ Oilr sfbw# > l?ibsh t rft J the road leading to tb*»ra lined with team*. .iffitfWPS « w Mi t K.TmI Bow hare G . lh A m ny M fiS^/WAsi''.? M p„ M i. ™,L last etiaaon, or preHent spring, rs □ and \ a iu u<oJy^i/- ; N " i-rtirriT 1 .mu. T. 0. (J^juuml - tloo, wh ; i| 5 .»SDIwJ/ 0 f .te f 9Wi.la VMj„ <1 -tet}™ *« ~ tr^ . .coin fwua.-ti.&lyal&K PSBJ!>IiWS5 nt vv?3)Si r ?i l il l| i r ' i i ,i t r '■ ; i«itooaM<»rt 469?‘iSlSBf fiiw ’ a 4ttlhe centre of the borough of Kochbqfe: ratuibp 'beau 1 f«n -20 acres,-building, orchard, Ao., Q\Y. Kano, cab w and Uie t »B*a%»oV<wjo.«6h6to»aii>BJsttWoa bumirr* , p. «»*.•'«! w»H*tloT/ «o y I Ijii l.i ..i. . ff m-f ' t- >.. . Rmhifeta:, and General Agency Ofllca 6 v«u«o Rfoa SV?i— Two Lo!» of 60 Irel tiy UO F PUtftbargh, it the lowest prices. Inquire c-t augl THOMAB WOUPB, 7& fourth eiraet. j %, r rxtJJSSJMi:>:rS*BrKefeMl r: mVHEKDEKSQN;.:: .. OCtfLIST -ANI>-A-U-RTSTV 1U TOSkifeia omA *r*-*t»D »4i’WiWcroT cwna<v I ■gnirrwn, Qft.TH>-HBAfIy.CAAQm- „ . t . _ O ?n O K.^,B^^X.OO I^IUrDBT, t iK I wVo £I K. i "I j>UUG H,‘ GBAtfOLATRD'iitDBi' fttflaßJtiiaUooi Am»t* or - ffVflhrtmioßlindness %Uh Hilmi, aai p^-jaArM&fscCita. *■ - •• i- ; , J * AUUb»vet«f Uio Em ttmted upon eai«nUfla principle, Artificial Eyw inserted without in oporatlon. All letters port-paid will secure prompt attention. . : • aahdaof Df; “KSTkj^.'Mw Hrt^hhr: J ' •' ’ ■ ’“•'•'>• * •- ' «J.4ood£p*Bd,6l«a*Jfoll*,H- r. ~.. i . rWm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. SMr*. A. U. U WUaoo. Now Yarfc Oily. NY. "'■• ‘ • B- - it Edward GJfeigcr, BritfOliConn* . ... : . . ejohn Seaman, Kogiheor, N- Y toaTidlAfttleiEOg&crtS.w'-*-' . ■ WBfc-fsßi'OUWfflfßoaOootJCl 'tJuaea.R. ». Cc’B?lLMfdttsrtttoK’Sf Nicholas Hotel 1 til M. Yerrtsa, Orcan Builder, Hnustoo Bt Mr* KniAfceTbodur, :2onketa, N. Y. Si.'P.CiollhL^TdafltorPenifiinahip.-TrnT;N &L.L.fto«s Aibangifi. lt>.. c r A. fiMeuWch, Sc£tfp*c&dy,N,Y, . . ~>HpLU .TLHanlaiid, Au>ena, N. Y: ofcn-W.ifackrtt, Wngtasripton,' N. t .MISCEtgItANIQUS/ uutk , plokiure. ’ ' ’' 1 * I * J ” ‘ * ' 1 '“ ** i»The»* cgm* cl AuLMUrosU ttafe roi ■Jt' slghi frfWS. \£*tui ca*#*a, by wriliotf to th«m. )i»ufc *- Pll««liwVgH 7 liMiiiir•▼ *»ffi" * • * •***• oP I I ..’... ~ . tf<U GA-it\tUXUi .fttrsi, >■•>» - j lUUU.JWW- »...,. ji)«pnt<fl9 ms2ttrtl*tJ! 'ftdl SSntKTTICT *kj * di* ii«nd*it<UW'prttaU £«ic4 » OustfVip cfrfissasi ,4 Ku»r»ntefl bond,-theatT wnnlip-w -dkpn&loCA • J < «.. «. i(• >»*—.’.? I. > .1 f ••>' • • ' ' - ‘ ' , Bj U?».Jf'l lillmi, lurtiljM ««A, <fl> ij.|jlflnltoV«t (tie i*.». , . , , itxnmqm j '■ .. -1 .< . -■ tVUUrta t. Joftaatotr, ' 1 0 •■ JuiMftV-JUiluuA* ... . • -tm>*nan‘- •»• Jot.nU.ilMkof.il, • .UswtJUrdewuj, I-- ■ , . Hill llur,«iD. Ji.hjl M.KIAMIvVJt,^^ AlUr; Colburt-on, John U. IrCara, : HAbert'Ch*****, ludwt Uorrtwr ‘:r 1 " J. W%U«L*VMjT«MUr -. = .* A}k>ptc A. CorrWr, , A_> W. T.'ht, * A»*r*%. 5 tf&rtu: - 3 A: onou, : BobmjHnib.-*-* »•••••'»• K. 4*9*s* . ' 1 > r »Qct#AVUa. . &T0.&&9&.,, , i ... .. , Jmo*i fl Bbr>n, -* Ueoctt»6i'B*l*n% >-• » * HOiiuu 8- ll*?en. A*f**U'l*ji < . • SrmiaT) jnJ TYm/ht'" —CHAJlffev t JylP^ity - V-jncWkAi^’WYfBFBIKOTHtWI’CS^*”" like: kike AmitfAETXi:: ItiMiraiuc 4!ompa«%y*' ' :U* I’Ull.AUSl.l'lllifcL »*■ ■ nV|ll3 OuMI‘ASY eOfVu Ingtipsco qd nDiUtag*, J u H, *e ! ! '■ lUrtnr Ta'tonififlt PtPVkrt?!» (' uv « luUiid lß«aiauc*h»QDaia|byl<lie». KmJkrs 4 ll *r r l*P J . <\U«, «poa uj>o& Lp« mf>at faroriil*' k»rtt* . * • • MBECTOIW. " M " “t }f-..Q UrVurt*©*, • !'••<> II Ariaftrooa. ? 04 !\ V Mptey* . - .« aror<« n*Tm*&U, I'ml CTlfri«mftl', YtK.cDCvM&udofhdd,-- • ' Jcaaoli*»«tu •<•- KiVsA? P- fltt-irßiUJ#, 1 f } . i# . , , pJTrsOtEfIJI • . • . ; 1100- f. M. Horf. srcpptK*. nrvo b OjI-B tv ' ‘ llon.J .If. ilutbri#, • AiJl iCGsJtaOlui Kf^v-• XWmjfiX K**o«o. Wpfr-niirC^^iieafeE Oci X (S'l-n F*m*r» U**n» /. a. «yr»hpfcil. n U R»JK •-. ~ -fft.y i i«. . Tti# (■( tin* i »»d -ofU* rnru-a»i uuVHWpI fifrillifttt f *♦»£** riU«»o4 losurufire. - arntfrtaed* cf vn<y«« lufcdta*•«*# *4sH?Ul<»3 fa ft* nlt w« ff atrtAftf, *nii ia>*rttrtrfl ufl^tWrtlA'M.. l jK ARTHIHPSIWfNT Self-sealing'Cans ,®| SBl | /'vr J’rrtrrrtrij; Ftcih fYuits, lj|| ||j j|j 111 nv ypS-ISq/ m)utr to tut* 1 I ® 4 ® «*»*** *** (Utui«< tfc^dwiSlTOW® .11 <n!iUr,'«*oaiiiur?itta».' i ==• t.-•j.-ii'iujia. j> « m PKicta-rJSine o.n».)tt 1 ‘ 1 !$ B fl rt *"# 6fl * 4*- u^-!niJ u6timie«J.‘ •■-'■ * •' - 1 -* i»oi&)e..c.'ui. *.• AjnWUft* itav 4v)vr« «v» {■s(!? ML tn^^piT-1> .u. it taiiatai£;l»J&tta>9,«Ktc«i*t»7tft» rthlpa.* ~ , * t tasnia* *S>l Jr<ittl!ii»a£lW7C&n9i ATOWjueflfiff .. rntlre fe Asiiy tie «v pm, ,*u!i(ilVdl:£i:inisllii.tj;taJ«i»mln!i oa&4tfed^aasirffeß' 'hßil P 0 ™ii%*WTj ig ; . , . jj\o *t Vietnam* too|»Mt4gdttx«l4j - - it -w**r o*^*4-fm? ,«« (jii’ v n.twr.jffiifc mo,! ■ i' l • i • “.('Ua tosaa£«ffr m**? 1 " €orpu of BzagitiatDiu:.u FITTSBV&Qt&IxSSAi;x > '.-ti •■■''<■ ;>• i• vrtiturrtrtuow i>av??iw ad'JT HcOpt}6bi>riUiait*s44xvj arnon u, ~, i i ,tSß' WMtHANTS "I- ■ i rr«* oi w ;»riJ i.j ooaHuo adJ s« ega*-; j ~. . j-;.-. ;i jAthab vd badiTonob oil caidn j •" - ■'• ■<■ ■ - -'iw'ifytf^Sftift»sw^r' , ' c •• I ; v.JiM WBiPiVii i ' iiii ' ”• ■ -< ‘’■rcomprr! »• Vi T AETHU'.ptMjul&ttA!Mi>*H®*9llia*r&ißhfaati>D<ib4 W *i W i-fcSSEUWS-SlffiSE! •, ««UiU*QU4O i 1 BKSUSAISKUiM. MiW B ofl(ftfiW l lwWM? VAflff' ram: rTi'S™“??»» iidi jfjeftFDt'f l '' l '"'''" ’ lui '*• enti'««>eliV-J tfl# «*••* 4# 3: . ,* iotiM NMK. > WHWto «S X “rI»S&SiSiSfS» : sa^MßegL WS Omal Stop, WitrilUNd t£3tf .»«, M1....* .wiiU-dl m j )/*..•*--*♦*♦.■ iM'-ngr. jr l fek-, jpw" ‘' “IV: ij in; mi.! de llri " 1 • f • or »*<Jiotb«xf»3«a»t » '■ ! a'm'J j ' ;V**» ‘^^.SSSTyh.' w&m. • •»• ~' tp.-,fc; *-- ‘f' i ; >•- --*4 * i. . , .v:^v' ~ • ' .:•■«■ • •! aJgjr a ** i\ l' ■*■ O -'. ‘B, -A»:!&G,0O-PE& ANNUM* OE WHEN PAID BTBIGTLT TO ADVANOE. ;T/"MmEer "resorts. _ '"VkItSY COUNTY WAHU BPEIHQ3. -J5 EMAIN^G^'tUK I *™** OF TILK ADAMB EX PRESS CO., 64 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, which, l f . Jr TbTTisi&rs on and after the PIFTn OF JUNE NHat. nC & et Pobilo Auotioa, b> B.Uy .Tbofartdeagbtftilly Sherman’s Ckeeh;»ntteeo -DAVIS. corner of Fifth and Wood streets, on tbo second thflen oonh-west of Dunoanoon, (thin place b> e i o flTtcen. rfay’cf o&o&er ruxt, tA pay charges,' SBTt"Ibr"OCWon t J of - tnileftrwnjr'lfamKbDrjf,oh‘th6'oehtHu'Kallr<*wt)7®*whom--inmayconceni: _ . , j. haao jffplltfuh rwhsjl §£ e L ?v *2if'°i B. D. Allen .’..“...Pittsburgh..’ 1 pKB©- j mirethan tire hundred met. Shernuns Creek affi>ras a Atteir d Hanghtoir.'.:..t-.n«..A- - •'< 3bdfsbagfl~ *Ap]ea<ltd.opj>anunUy tor those food-'of bathing, dishiug Vs. *ft.;4lbrlght. care Frank Falk.. , do lpltge. sailing; the eurrouadlng forests offer great attractions to TTftnwrßacim..7.'. do ■j'hoxes;-' ' ' . thb sportfiinmyWHDnr snmottrhntf SnodrTonda^hroagh-y :jy. l_ . da.. . a t<mnVy t uqstifpp§sed tor boUl.and, wal diversify th* oTtne place. J. Bmeh . !, iido *- - 1 --1 box.- *« ■ «• JIORSEfI, SADDLES and OAfUUAQESfianhe badataU Baskin., Y , Mercer. Pa......... 1 box. JUdira. Uoraes taken to Livery on reasonable terms. j l(£ IficfcofebU..............r..'..Pi£UVurgh..;.....U'pkge. ‘ pf the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of the BPIUNQS too g, ILUlar. .pAge* mprh can hardly be $414 hftW^ tfon analysed g.. Bond - Bust Liberty 1 pttge. by the best Chemists in the Urticra, and are pronounced un: Mlsa-•ft.-'Barns Mercer., - - •• ■ rfiipaseaQ’for l surin# dutaneeus-diaeßoeH «AA afftfcUonS** Qjp Buckingham Warrontou, Pa...l pkge. [ t 1b kidneys. There are some fire Springs in all, eTery -Rifat .?.V....Pit£Bbafgh‘ .;.r.:.l pkge: i*t>rte of wbTcfbl?br<lTfre>eat largest bSlOg 'p ;‘m jDnrry J' *' * .do • , . 1 bojt^ ;.63<iegrdea Eahiaidwiit,au<4it»K)ttiaA.euWW ,•& fj Chapman*** * do *' 1 phge [ t S*»ysn minutes. Ladles’ and Gentlemen's BATHS'have j * —do- - --> • ..topkge. t b®a*ecnitrtri»edj with aH*«hb modefa-*mprotein«nU,-to- 'Vj r . mho 3 do 1 pkge-. g< tbyr with L'LUNOK BATHS, A Pr , Ao . . " vr "'"' f K"~C.“ * tto J ' J 1 P*t*' ’‘’ '* Bach' say‘ a tfi>£fch TeaVdS* DUntanhoti foV tbs' BpMug«V kJ Campbell Aile/bopy 1 box. , ff euiho.aalialnf.aje.cwß.. ~. ~ , ... i- , 0 p¥g«:' ' Bowling Alleys, Billiard Rooms, and rarioub other facilb jThi-trirk J ‘‘ ..j 4 piwe- 'tlis to'ibundanca;' - The’ ftcoorainodatiOue- y Dye do 1 pbg® rte!^< , ri. , is^m^v'«.“d«w, I®' '' d«ri-*» -.n ...» ,« .. ... —.ao #i “ - do" , "‘apßgeV - tF*mlHc* • wlahlng to engage rooms, ehouid address the A J‘ .j.u]!"^rj*^ , ....'..CVnnTc tl * ,r<lt O P&H*‘ -... proprietor eerly. *’•*“' “ i| poster Mercer, Pa 1 pkge. •tidavea-tf .j .. . j. - * -Xhr\er Grelb“'** * "'/."'do “ n 1 DOS.'’ 1 - IAU eommuokatioDß Intended to reach the Perry Oountjr ... V “***’’ j 0 , lirunk. . Vam Upffnjf'f afcmM'W’Bddrfctwd tt Dao«»otKm f P.-c. • ****' "| 0 “* 9 1 basket^ .m n SmHent .. ,J\ UUtt-^r^^Zn^Batler , .iItfIUHIV UKTRKAT. . Jjßuflmau .. t ,| r*feVBITWK ll<MsLntbNTiiWooKC<J.. om tot* “a 0. Johnson..... Allegheny 1 pkge. I VgrfW-*wl jndw.&ul o/JfxastraA. <vid _j; Rhmir.A; 1 .:::. .:.;..r..j.;.i 1 ti/y sir hourt' rid? Ttiin lelUhtful rH«Wence »nd place ot it Rublm*...*.. do d l.pkga. . i»|U.n iu>ullui4V vf Cre V k. lpi dear spring, trout I>. Silieef ’do t ...; sAktfittftVVSMta, tliW W rijlngles its \V.n. Llpqcomb do 1 box. w^rh^*4f l » u * ttwy ruah.dywu..lbe. gorgrs of Uif t • ‘Mo- 1 ! ••* •’ Ipkge,' • fcV|,'UUtain* 1 p( T,. AapjJ.,..*.....F.iapfcllti, Pq v _j P^ge. wmtori p Tett-lon of this Hotel uulj&t-it adenirw' -Uj 0. Mosher . ..Pittsburgh'. ""t wix. ’l4*s j.hu;e oi tor a Jew wedi* or <h*yv, tor tn«n of Uv-Morris do . • • 1 luaAet. ... 'liiiM'd fr‘nd e®hryat«JwUtf Ofi H. Middaogh do 1 p. box. Ahc«K-U, hustle nud .the fntjr.., U.iMdt«ft<d on the. jlfr. Hbtßewe, fekfe ILO.Gray.;- do - ' ' * boi-. -- ■ iVno-'jlvahin Oentia! Railroad, where the great tutnplke 14 S. McFadden vV .... :r , ( Jo ; .Lpbge^ frnui Sus-judißiiua and coopgatraiß—" *j\ a. McDonald ..U... * tlo rpftgb. :linking m.ty aod iugrer.«, revofal Uines a day, by Mis# .••«....i.Biminghaiu-. 5 - t4»‘? «*»re &oJ to Altoona, Tyrone, Huntingdon and ri Nicholapn Pittsburgh 1 box. '.hrfMouaMiptt .jO -... .TT IJ. F6lldett ; .. ?ditr ,i 'd-v.^jr C i re ßt;'- * I The liousa is u nrw brl k one,.four stories high, spacious Ji K ihwTJUSMp P. : jlo . i r»kge. h&Vfy tafritaff and ‘ flirttlsfled -ticta "Misa'J. Pascall..'. ..V..do 1 pfigd*“" ' with all .tbjf and .lihaiss Jk ■ ; do • • 1 ••• InSge-u • of l otnd RaLhs, %c. li Is alsoTSnety Wnttlhif43. q. do ‘2 jboxes. i 'Ehis«ksr #Mptlrl»*»fe>r*Gf -e»yp-d*pi»rtia«niof«AtWiMoutw, ,i tUlkn .JvA1r.r.t0.!.«'....i.'.:... do * u ' T fpfcgft.- ‘ '- ' tmio ornery the “glorious inoantalnis'’ the “eternal X fteltA. Mf ,.. VT .do , .1 pkge. ( • MilU* T^ftnph-Office Trf th fti<> , d lUnebhU do *' 1 «u.l the proprietor ready to reJpUa_rijjtor| at modfr F 1 rn .rrn \ *' --i-iAn, |. 4 rhte charges. R. F. IIASLBTT, Proprietor." Mary fthodes Y .Franklin, Pa .1 box. '■ .« » -J* •. kaft&cftoip ta wtXSaßttaat..x. • , - .* A.'Bpyaoger.TrJ..':.....-.1.-.'...l..PTCtstn»^h'^.“.;R f p6R*J>-‘ 1 „ fiD-» ?Wh’bcrty atrpet. J. Bpaoryx dft. . • . n -- J<-hn IT Pboenbergir. 36tiU Anajrsou. J. fr'husfer 1 psgy. 4 SllChartSß notel*.' liyii - * • J, fsiguifth. - 4 u. +-~+ -m m — rr-r- J. Smith Independence . ..1 box. ftHODEf* - - US™ ta ;.and; agde , cure,. J.lioatm WUliiitiß'.i * j pig^ i ; . j , j « .VJ&'th* k*D»*entiofi and Qum itnxsirmsi* :ao4. U* .1 Jj. hitwt jfiFAK w»; awj, Oi«u* ifj f*™,; Basra .Afftri, QiimAL Djjbujtt. Nionr B¥U«, ana all other' ft>rth*n*t disrate trtHrti Haftf B*ciTMiaOD rfrifefo In Mataruxx>+ \ **i* Bi.«- • . ; •• :• ... •*: JwitiSp/fdMiMlhW/'lVeaJ rap duwawwhafcs •vrt/*T®uy injury Ervcs eouitisirtly inbWiag Malaria ftcj ■ cHocfc the Ague tn perfcrms who' h&?0 eif 1 1 fei&fE#'4n/to6tftH , of tefrtfl, frrttar>u»d*y to troity y*are, | th« 9 npaS nerefi tctrtHtngfluT c/aii, t>s conUoumflita, tt*a ift tipns. Sfec M once begins pc 1 tecQrrt ap&otlu jkt>a strength, and continues until a perma- «fc<Asi.‘ - On> artfe> hoiik>><«iJL answer tor ordinary ta*f ftMll* 1 .CifefUoiw print*! in Ger»ao, J?r»udh and ppinUh, accompany emih botfl*. ‘ trifle Qua iwHar - to tbtr-tfftdu. '•'' * ~ fi ' >. JAUR3-Ju KilOl’Efl, ProrSdeorty ft* I i,<M * •'ividAiftjk'oFgxpEfv.' • •*■ • notTftiw.auiirf-Uv'iaai.' • “ i hare made * .'heciicnt rUtolnMipfl of ** JUttrfW* Fete* bnd Ague Cure*" :-r •• AuUdcto to Malaria," and hare tested It t?r fttwnfcs SVnrurV, <t<Jialn«* anil Btrj*ltnhiß, hut bate n v t>ujad J AavMU.-Uu P .J r fi:h« ln,Ma»pr hajeJ topad *nj batetanc* 10 its ebrapOsTriMi thht-wrould preft# icjunbtnto Ihaco&ttitntiboi 1 • _ • - JAHE3 E. CnTLTuN, 51 D., Chemist.” , t KVLJ)£NCK Oil MEIUT. . f*- s* -« f.rVijiUT* ’, vtflAii Coatrtv'; Pa., May 2,1855.' • : .Jtr i'vfcf . Jsii» Shu awot tn«* we* duly on ih# Hth of April. I h*Te Isold *U'Ut i f It, *nd «.> l*r Ihe people whir hatti: us«-J it ar*t saiintb-d that it h&Srorei] them. It hna oerUlo* ■ 9WT*9 fcfWWWt* *P*ll ix of tti<> avt* trer.* of long standing. My Plttor, who ha* Md tt.’OJr"Ow& ot uti joarf feftcl. anti coo hi never; get-tt> Stopped, exr.*pt by »ud that only *B as *hn ‘would ui# u, u j;w, I Unth. entirely <un»fl fey ytart’VMh- 1 r* • O«.R. tyvtilNfcXiF | J ■"' J i BAWI6n p, K)'a«UB¥TO'TBJIKJIs. ■'• " evvyairf mnrwAf«ttac^M«wpry,oinnlntb.BttTAptoa < nr. i AWH.'*WO4K.»i <* jnfUljilowt f>( nus ; lo rugh rot<u'.giM< drug? The most tlier ! cwf S»** eriRW - thr% afeort time, Wtrilo tbey j cr* <+&->• iraogtlcdtiopil olaJidte® thafc ceade onlS i with life. R.-ia--uils r that the only Ferer and Agupieiaer. i dy that Is harming an well a* nire, in i fill odea* KeTirtnd Ague Care. nj.’ HKES& a&Jnboxgh; »'.. - ■, i ..; odwrbnthHJ* V pcinairtmSffl tp fissssMSsaaw AjrtelpeiiuniJi aumufacturar», lafessessfflw' -ijOsSutySlspoTOW *W»nl*J N«*. ms Woob'Stmfc! i 'yiWWßHiß'a.'bi/tti forthW TitfSlMtfitJ I H&ftt ’-' J SBUAK i m»«o ttfeif r<tthbtA*i K»rn»«r, M«vb •«*.-. M«n»b)M«feL lff I vijp4r}rß6»d.‘t>c><ih>'ri<i wUa*bt?n h*d)hUjsJn«# <pwtts> lnm'K*&T'*M4'kkh l^a4 St>T?rnl dTthe Tacuuy uw'Moihr.*of* llwfttK^itt^ 1 , ¥*• 1 ltßtt chaßßtfl >^f|£439ttDt : uucunreQCE Uiiu t tflal but - r-mp ltHfltJ snd iirwßjlATttiJitttjtlc, p imdbt?*#4Mp*#W;. *; The eucvnrta of thia Institution .•CUiMPP S pfc W|<ft Uiavfgocuii o 3 J,rn T 'l '/ VP PKBfcftiWroM sUUftWe Ifir -IWUHuHlfyOa l <l*l® KPn^jj u - filial* Cterfltdfl gbarpatwd corttjnk if (»&$n ttjfft) J»o • found satiatactory, cun be returnedjFiQmt.ctiargtL, . ; Factory at Lh« old Htnnil, aatublirfh'Af firr £oi • nur of Ninth and MelonUflhHJLa, Philadelphia. Prtf"irtffifr <*iSiDol£iM<r,'»V : }j Jjj u :.! !; 1 ;»; , AogHOal •,(■•s ~SHi pmoirH ib^wPl^ts til reft e 5 , \ _j b. io /u JiUQ V«4itati ml to r gate y , (! , > «■] [ ir. 1 TTrc t* , f{i¥mfHsf r^ tv if J<JB|>oB®tfl alt hit) ftfOrsiErtfcuun'adifcHajs ots ftmrti 1' Mtek _* r wl fiflrti^VjWW L-"i. ’ * COr ' £sa4s 6ri . i K\ fffelj&W Kfprtfi. order on the shortest notice, and in the I -#S~ AlLoatem Attended to, (a ugl 7:2ih f ~w*H*a i&SAaaaAU. joseeh a. uuuaaaJ , atMi— PPWAri**WJ»:o«Uir«"t< -: IytfIPORMSaB amt-ftealert in .iirpwih^aiidiAihjrtc^S^' >jiwS«MnaiWT»fco.,pstiitif“ a •■■ '•' t 1" Bi IPWWtoAlltfih4&H*boiriM te., fcj>l;.t*Atoe®3er»&>dofc> G ?t?WP’[°‘, SSJ'SSSSife^SSo' ?«jtinll(g>to Ktos«iMHiD9«iiß<ll}n(l9, fcktlj ots»f S 3 rwi» ! M s 7f )fi t<P<*’'» - r «< t 4fr, ffIJSMsTSfi 1* Tmitr store .of . .. TuHTriiATr; t o! ■rt.gjift "' 'I-.iti.!i*«i ~»ia tapgwfcoi tofe^. \. % No. 2Ql’Liberty itieet « H.'f’, t x." «■« MISCELLANEOUS. • iiiij Wolf”. 'do ■ I'lujo- J.=ir.'wnUamn.-.-i;.......!' «o“ ! •• J |*g«- r Sir*. ,„_HUid«li|!U— o ; ... f Hloomcr do 1 bug. r. Soinffti:. r ;i •' "do' 1 4okj W. M.jferry-..- ......f do .1 Ulle. froiiV If Ayer, cure W. Kuhn. (fn 1 t»figd. ft. B. Kll xf.-i • do 'l.-OP*- J. Blooie - dp l pkga. IrOflfcifr •■4O ' ■ ■* <MJ>. Mfc ! Ifiqr •::: il - -U&:' ,B. iMaetm-. '.J0,.. - -.1 4iPfcts*N., 1£ A? . • ; e*rp. .-bflg. . da l £run&.' ... do : ” ‘ jikfii?, .. do l F’ktf*- jj—.-tbo*. • W. B. BA.UROLL, " ' Xpvhfbf lb» Adilii5 i Co;' Plttftborjfrt Aaga>t , ~ —, •‘•.fl- fa?4**sr! 'lenrrJ T<»m Thumb.. i. WfctflQik—*. ?a.tfti>u A SlaoLcn ,i. tt&cts k.:.r. .v, C.HKVT DISCO ViSlil' l AMPLE, TJiSTS, both by able Practitioners and Chetnl ''cai' A'Dttiysiii/'l&Ve demonstrated! PRO*. DRQJUIH’B “K^O,, TRIC OIL,* for the relief and cure ofPaln. Btit thepeopW tisatubtrea mre •rohdeting their wardke inia.mfiamerJbo.tb i immlstakeabbi and satisfactory. Mpre than 20 t OOO bottles 6old in * very'short gteaf proportion-to» i&oss ,/broni vlhcft, rectHßinfiPd. lt» wbobadto«i »L . JThaf it U a splendid discovery is jtf'efjw'hcrt aifttnowredgpd;' £nd DoUring-like it *aa ernr Lefare prtjparoL., XVfcn for.. <bnu alone, it is worth tloo,ooo a year to the people, as it 'nftfCya coWjrthese ’pkittfdl tormentors fn tvenltr/our Aw*.. ; lioezuiy taking away ail tha tAift-in .fWtfuUrfour tov).; iJUioumatifiirf, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis, PH**, Womb Oomplalfife, Oramps, -Sprains, 6cm dr Swelled ': Ucraat, Malone* Wounds pf all binds, Ac. t Would $500, 00u : e±press Its Value tothe peeplet '\o ‘'fidfiiu&i sf man *ll^ lViUttbiftPU nfcilv*'tfi'afl f ■ •Certainly i/ will. Such men as we hare often named, non* jotatffe and hlsh-tainded merchants, ranyors; dobtcrffand! ioihpri have ao. wpd, after from ten to fifty y»l£- , They say ] tfca ir/Sra Vti Tfl\heDhi*nhofl!c4f coidWriatwri evwV pth* iptnO, T?rtthnri9f?«»ais«por. in. all, • the above and many other cases. Some honorable' aUJ j heavy l btUiasffl Urns fafen:U% tnl», sobb seine ofrUJanWr* ifturpeutlne, bituminous op .coal tar. Ac. Ac.) external ap;. 1 3Nations,- after I ** > UerWUh, Q»a r*WftTh that.” thqxemfidy wqtm { painyet eudh men have ncoer recovimendm nor given 1 chanUoanci to thpm.- iiut--saaeouj*i6f ofcr bcarjnarohaotor ordering more every ten days, and always# iving additional | teittmopy fcodhoValhe'6T i £^’*ohairfbl'iils«sWryi‘'?rhap atUptikpUs, bktdla ehorta time, you would scarcely credit it. It frequently 5 KtohoOrtrhisdOtos it InhaTfi tfti, they, woold- aor ex bedpduced. nleo-tyCi Hymh complaints or pains of any kind. ' Wf uoWlniwrl » h-W ru<cl>tl! ftefififimrj- WilfyO **• .EBDfc.l>qUh*ni,£fcH*-nl%aCBto WhealJii(t<fLh?»Afc>R my health, erupUonfs Ac,) I never expected to Wfttfd bgiffri rottptaibt' tfttsM booar HOE Cilobdcwaaldwo as I new do, for my complete restoration. O-JI 'cutid&iyuay.t.eldrd. Iftfi depaflffttfe ofthd stiamßiV'tfaab England, if in the world. I will write by next steamer*,, jj j u lV Tr hfr .thatdMFpjdisahdt^.frpui.^ l : toifigg been cured by this Oil. It cannot be untrue, nora decep- tthßrwi pnifa 4s tafiovap stf<md>PP«f Udleiusqn (f onmlL a, pnynfftty, by dropping a line to the office. Advice from a distance, malc that UinyTphyski&a caad answer* • triti be a Whtil'3 fSSS^SSS^S namotej) ••»*■• ••.•ft .liiiwfs(A'iMi-ttBATII.njJ) . ~ . Np. 39.50u1h Eighth street, phila. * ’TS. rtiheJtbertiWpdAc.' notlfy.weaf hour to three weeks, as I wDffi to cure all. - ! FcEHaIH liyJ)Bi.;imiydßU^ti-b) l AHoodtd- i u [aqggq V* a Wirt’A'tfrt irfiatJ i! feSini, ill »na for.gd« l>a.aailM,.q;ittEl,LUß. .,. ! • No Al Wood street, between Diamond aliovliralfeiriMSßßfl *tefid*W>Wth ; At^hiy froth ! ttra9sW?reTxsTn L> nffwanf < xlnAt l Uctaf* *S^V fltjle, with carvejJ cases, legs, lyie, music desk, Ac. Ac.; tin- front &11IM. noflsMewff Jh9 J^raifia im-as^-tsW t*>!fpaffiT«t:ttaai£Qfea OslptniPiaifes, wi.thic»r^k’*^ t ' lyre, new style of fiiitaflegii, Che lyre and ends of beautllul fUM tnui; Alia liotlti AlrtMUTrit* lBji4‘lfoi S l ,| ;ptki n tJridbre'toina wm»f» ilTOiiAiclW,-CSutiooJ-toptKlt tflKkj«fld iiptOlSfc'hAfl'l wltd Pabuii Iren Frame. Erie, fc«p each '> •fab Wiitleif'StSEdnttod 65rbMWi'K*ikp«tU>h^*«k5l> ffflW and frontnhto:♦ftfcUn '.•-rci !-fi<ow v; >->4 Three ulesant Hosewopd, plain double round corners, . loetaVka. nnfeiill'b.dk »M ttA>tttnkt^lna«(t>rplAl^in b '' > I^l^e\i^*wtS l iina , ®i^ ! \ValMr£a <)climiElime»i t,! I ißmdßiaasreil«pU»|tl>,t&!iFamucitre.aaUiefnfiFS l llMy' anus, aud with Onick'ring's Patent Iron Frame. I:*nI :v T ’;! 'VT;.fto-S(}ftsHsnXJßlAtsiJS. fffiut.oi One of Chickering A Sons’ New full Qcty s Grand Fianoe. of immense noWer, brillhafey, Atu wtreetiib a Of tone, with their NetfTTOtot Acttoh, whlchrenders ite A** ptijggtfvAy U" 1 JfHfflJeJajil -iJ! r,-. t.iMiitvj ‘‘el la - 1 "A iJa-Hb* 1 j- - ; isits Agani iMihiMafEinnß teBoaatfoWBßtei«toi J ,rng£SEa. p .a.., ealflfc id I **«*»< ;j ,iii^B ■ • jlAOlsert -CWfnaxid*- I !^k# ile#ifet¥le, B# St tr jfflH W dqhH j-ir.edadoodtß njriWfiS &ajra. ,aoe o Vataeise<TA*OifNUkto*Vf .ow'^-sd ; on MoNUAKj 1 ni i.j.. )l3Bujfi4rf&t^ientefc'»tpohyttiis^#n^LW ! jiroj roto until the end pf thp term, or till notice ofwlthdrawkl :'• 7 tfdil3\AtitA 6eH^^l6wW ® UiiobwiU kQO boo -a August 17, ISBA-tMgJfctlJ Klaa A BHODBS. ' ' V"*"' " - ■ i BSAfTES aArbud uroft Bt tan pittbbubqq fbmss Onb *jnare, one lm}W*lon.n;4..»M.w,.c* M 50 «.. - 4 “ each additional 25 4 'one 1 & f *' 'ffijrei **■ w V “ one montb...«.«—— .............. 500 f “ t 100 ■« -j 1 r lSnt&'C'.XP-i'n'D» jg i. fa 00 - * “ ona ]w&r^.. nw .» M « UU iu4uiu»M»v.'Tf*» 49 i GHAH3IABL* At fcjtSASdU! _ofle&qttsx«, perAnmxm, (eZ«lns?rtf'et Hid OO T>AILY /PGS- TUESDAY MORN l NO::::::;:: BEt?TEMB£R 18. jThe Brandon (Sdias.) ’'Begin ter, reports the 'fallowing onrioua sermon, preached' at thetoWu 6lj Waterproofs,, not far from/Brandon. Tha njdienoe ought to be'spirit proof:—" - I“ I may say tp you, breetharlng, that X an nit an edeoated man, ah’ X am hot oho' o’ them ai bleeves that edecation is necessary far n gos pil minister, fur I bleeve tho Lord edddateshis 'pioaohers jest as he wants, ’em to be edeoated, an', although I say it that onghtn't to say It, yitin the state of lodiapny, ithar I live, that’s no man ap gits a bigger congregation nor what I ghs iTb&r lany ba aonne hero to-day, my breetbcr qg, aa I doo't know wbat persuasion I am iiv. 'Sc IL .Lmay, jay _(A .you,, ; mv IjreethenDgj that IpnajjardeheU Baptist, some fslkir®r tlbn’t Jißfe (he |i?rdahell Baptists, tint'Fd rather hpv a bard saeli as ho'Bholl at all. ' Toadsa'tllo '' ,hbro to-day, mjt‘ 6reetherlnjs, : arest iipin flna -u oioae‘f-y<in bat-- am: I t. jptfilud in# 'jwpfelhiriog,- ani* »l&jnjjhT, Jt’*s inn preacher nr the y.'BTtfiobgh, jE’ffl feaSSpj^that^flat-KiatdiSSt is-at yupsUflnflinfe f /x-may b« fouodf-s'^d^it Ids of the Bible, an' yoU'ttr flop'll dween the tirsi*e!saj>ter of‘the Book of Genera* tjoDfl and,ijae last chapter of the BStfVOf* Eevo* litiofts, o.h! go an* &ai , Ch r fkB J SijffpsQTe3, bb ,1 have earoheif ike Scnptoree, yoti*tl dirt only* >t£nji my tex a great maky Other" (&tes as yoa goo'dla read, an , ‘tayier/iTh6tf i yoo * ‘ejiiil Snd It, you Bbill find Ittu tea'd'thns-*- [‘An’ ho played ou a harp n? a thousand strings—spirit* Junt men uudfe perfect.’* ’• ‘ ' '• Mj . tas, broathering,. (sails..m?. to speak o f Arrest njanj kindsof spar'* tbp^tyorid—rn fust p.laqo,' their'* the oPWM as sqm folk* oaff ghosts, anH thou that's itfio, fpirits of turpenjtms' anS tbon fhar’S the isborits as Buin jfdlke oall tlquor, ah’ I’ve got aB ,good r an uv sperits oh my tfat boat as over was fotohed downtho Mlssissip- 'jji river, but that*'a a gre&L maivy. other kind, of a ihpu-Bfwd, —9pirits.ef jaei men made .Berfecte\ v “ , " r s " ~ ‘ , "* ; Bat i Pli a teil*yon“tW-kibd ? of dperitß ftfi lament-» *ln • ■Siiatfst the* kind , : as,is.. *neuU»..lhe tejt.jny.jfereptjhsfiing-. thar’a a great many kin,da of fire In ,tho world, fa tile fust' place* tfiiH ; 's the obmnibri sort ill' Are yuu'lite-a’Mgnr-br -008“ then thob’9- J dam-lire,-Cep' bofpro. yurprreddy. modi /all .bank, „ and many other kinds nv lire, for tl)e ■ ter iiez , file on a harp, «» 4 thou sand string^— SpeVitfl uv jdj't then" mada'pct-feck!* 11 : 'Bdt i'Htell'yuu thbkind-ur firs Hb 1b most in - thpiteap-mj! brcelhering—lls keU jlre. ! an’ that's , (ht> JtWd. < ny,(it9 a,groftj mpnj.usjetj'U qpfljq*9.... tf you dop’t do hotter nor whpt yqu hare bin doin'—fir on uv a Motf sand itringsh-^erits'bf'jastiiren'made'peiftott.’' ” ireWythodiitoreuP. aorta, of! fire. imtho' world tnaybeiU)»efted.,mij l o:thed.ifferani,iJoranaBiens of . Christians in the world. In the fust plaoe we barb thb Piacapallbiie ; an* thejr nro a Efgii Bail-' inland Ahrghfalutrii' eSt, and they may be 1 ' likened.unto n ttukey buzzard, ; thatSlB3 up. into - the air, and he goes up and up, tijlhe look? no bigger than your finder nap!, and, the fast thing you inoV,' Kb oaths' down arid' down, i! Bnd d6wn and dofrri, arid ds a fillin'’ himself on tho k&bkiss nr a dead, boss, by -the side .ur.. the road—and ■ EedilftJ.ed on pharp.ur .a Ahoy sand ..strings— . kperits nr just men made partook.’ i And then thar’s tho Methe'dlS 1 , arid they may ~ be likeried unto the squirrel,-runn'in np into 'a tree, for.-therMethediat. blieres iu.gwinOrOn from.- pne degroo ur grace to anolhor, and finely,on to,, jierfeokßhun, and the squirrel goes np and up, nn,j up and upland he jumps from lim’ to Um' it iaha branch tooranefi,' and* foe fhsi'tlnng you * know, he falls' and dorm he outre kerflurnmni, nnd. that’s like tho Alethedis,.for they, isallers. jfidHp’drpqi.giftM.ah!. A n i—B l hJ e <l. <W.ft, harp of a thou strings—sperlts of just men imado pbifeck.’’ j ’ And HMUj ■my breefhriDg,'-that’s tho Baptat laid. ssd they her bra .likened mrito-a possnm qn , a 'aim Lonir.ee,.nfld- the tnay,.fol), pp4 s the. ear! !i may quake, but that possum clings ;ifiere stilfah !' And you ' may shake orie’fbof-' i aerie, ftrid tbc other’s ' thsr, r.odyou ’may shsks all feet loose, and he laps bis tail round the. Ujnja,,!M«i,)}p nljtoCT/#*«»)?>• for—Mle„played.,on :a harp ur a (Xou-sand strings—pperits Qf just iifa'etf tflitde ferferikd = "" •*'" V 60 halfl'Af ffo 'do ?50:-- ; OS'.a 1 cl d.? , I'tout: •' • ’'sd !: “MfekSMT; • •’*' - -r. • al *». fcu b» If Jo do do 1 do !’ •! *-li bldk Jfrlttinora Ifwrrtng/f ~ £fo '••* vrw t ■.. ft.. -„ JJX» I. H. CQLIjKfI. fpilK 11MK UuL'jKI.VJ ifuUlU doea not color or stain £ rihMktafta liie-leasl;'but in eyery easeit wilfcr&tohr the natural. color of the hair, where age ,or skfcnefia haa. twiffto* ffjtfty.' “AI trill ‘ifetn 1 thotowtaft ftWlki&OT U*fs»x to its natural color, with all the sltertguT and healthy growth of yo u,th.- 1 ! i*rke c niy I>o Pitt‘tur*h by, . ,3. L. CBTHBKRT. . ■'iW* ■ ■ 1 < •■* rßWttttrtSwed* S. CUTIIBKRT d SON. , , a 1 BT»BEAV 1 ' , Ci(slM?ffflFoN'-J[aEWiß '18?' ,f'u«Uw W»=>4oll,o f, Kp JEattowi log and Loaning Motfeys on liond* and Mortgßges;*wso, R**4B&ktai4*£ia£tts df£*rriuca*f Manufactured Article k&i for Panner.B, Mech*Dlc3 mui bihors. Office, No, 63 WhUtsi: BliUJbiilXA'iSilMf rutf- BUORUi-TR atn,M thlf .jos-raSnW- T | ISRPKTIC SOA.P-—for rumoring Tan, SttilottnoßS coil IXX Hii'Jtteaa Qf lb« l 12U conu.por cake. . .... t><'rar i.hif Vm<*, t wiiiV; r otf«a^ »W l«*.i Oil! !I<l vllt'-d iu;.a.tv<».- ifl*l»a =‘ u Host* Flefih Powder, jut beautifying WB com* fvlexicm.i 1 :inßul<fc=by •:••• •••• '•.m? »- fii t tyusl) , a. L., 63 HJarfcqt et. Ha DRAIiOLIisi—^a'wArlu l4lea.' tantsper M, t«V'J >«%»'• il ouly 7 5 c^uls. 1 <Old 4U«att>te,,<jl;nist»rl.»iilSliMdta!cif Wwtotnißmby SSI itfHt W e wat i bwi4ljid„wd,l{ i HjW-J^lftKft?!fW?% O tSWr„ I for rale, wuolußale and retail, ny- 1 J. B.‘»OTSQN,us-~ 65 Mar feet etrqst. near Joartb. '7 iWlb A* Qfeatly fitted up 8l&ce in iocirtwl ; f, &urai&iufra('Marehaui* ttou97;JniBt dSeefc-ißad ite'ulr "IACONOMY 01L>ER—Ponm pure Crab, in boles, “Tory tIMJi fttUMfrp Balo byi-fHS . iilii? * *?Tf5 ftU.dU L JUILLKR -A JUCKBTBON J 1 c£kv®aS b superior 'article, : *VIU irttiwcaJiad uu) for rnltby. /i; vis:. d Mid. • ' • . ~. SOWN. ATETU2Y., lfff Woo I gt-, V>KANOS, 1 Jt A'lft’S iftl) Vi’lSNOl U 4 cot to order, at -W^BdrtbbStt*, 1 *?-fi/i ‘ , ' v * tfOW29-&-W&LXiY4i « , |ff ■ »., . . •*?**♦*- T*iivH Ok TKN AilNUTl*:' 4 pu'mcrfl r&r afeiitJUg (to Uiuse itiartfi jLtpjp .M»BU.f"jWwrB until 934 P. U. . qsn®sS"-&fc&lB*reablK&fer*fceivtffcibs H ttiVzdoU £fcia,oiy jli o iU>r, eyVjtr. ,„1 j _ HENRY, IK CQ LLINB ' A; bjr* oi-.dl i -..A \ ■ h tonWV&Xk ■ j tf4wiLdatty;fcnbblhgJi mmin to fed rtctsof.ttaiK&riiiJt datUH&tA,*.. 5;) JlJ'i’.TM ojijnu i, I !£0 bx,a EdabhU A KoUlueou’d 6s aod Bfl Luinp l^p^ftcco, i .'v 4 bsutnrf'alliMt l»j«4;",.UaliBnlw'6ttei!f;«W<“ ljl PP . , OavendUh Tobacco; - J X'* l <•*» wfcmiWwiwgyHiii -fadj n;>tmantfcMgMTSWi :©’t, A« 1 UaS»bitsHJlWM.KM* r Hiia!»fia»«Bnß OMiiaoU XTKW AND VALUABLE DUOKS-^MiVftwfjWto'• EH 2rioU4*s&sSbi\-i-{H* 3 ~ 't»XtMs!}\ jiSW-vafurruos Bridge onl}9thPKlm; 1)4. onProverbs, Se.lc. ■s IKditjnumeHi! do^Jwr«*it>asjßaieaiUui)!i!itll*»narea «Efif upOTtoliora, reader.; with pUtea aod uumcrous cjsea; fi. '®BJAU»ro ( i^^yMft;^sw|»• Hn '•’■ !, touwJM I'WRJ'JM ane24 . ' . . _ ■«. ' can i ltai mole tieJs BCrUABBWUuJtitigtPW W l #* tut Ll.IrS itnuit, 01 Less A curio ussieitMOW.' «» n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers