The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 17, 1855, Image 2

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Sttikjliiflraing f ©t- !
FOB CANAL commissioner
WILLIAII WILKINS. Peebles township
«AMCBL SMITH, Allegheny .
U MAGEE. Piltaburgh;
L B. PATTERSON, Mifflin.
JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio township.
JAOOB TOMER, Pittsburgh.
10HN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh;
A B. M'FARLAND, North Fayette towmshtp.
DiExcrofi oy poob :
JOHN BOYLE, Indian* township.
Democratic County Committee of Correspondence.
Under a resolution of the late Democratic Convention,
,h.. fbllmrtug geutlemen here boeu eppoluted the Oounty
Onmuititoe of Correspondence for one year :
Hon. O.
bu“'BlnutaS>™'; Th°ffl»* A
William JotaslOD. Uer j m . n ,
arulown; B- B. Hoberts, Township; John H.
pitt«bnrgh; Michael Sow. J* Varsallle* Town
-I*l,UMps. Robinson Township. B in, ^«
►hip: John «• “f'r ry fiSS Ar4r.» Snort,
tlirabeth; John Bo- • Allegheny ; Morrison Foster,
1 *• B-
Uod, North Fayette Townahlju BLACK, CTlutrmtm.
We would call the attention of MERCHANTS A
BUSINESS MEN to the fart that we have '“*]L
from Philadelphia a number of fonts of new Job Type, and
an now prepared to fill order, for Carla, Otrculara, Bi
U.ids, Paper Boohs, Posters, and Programmes tor eihlbi
tuns. AH orders will ba promptly filled.
are the Agents for the Pittsburgh Dally and Weekly
Pu: and “e Authorised to roeetre AovrrmscKJorr, and
■e. sauadPrioss for us at the same ratesies reqn .r* a
I n e.
o‘S c « are It K«w Yow, 122 Nmc stbxit,
.faces are *t Boston. 10 Stats btbe*t.
Frecsoil nni K. N. papcre throughout the I
N jrth have been busy for a long time in charg
ing upon Gen. Pieroo and hia udminiatration, a
dtaigu to aid and encourage the establishment |
oj slavery in Kansaa. It was a groundlees ,
oiargo, and the refutation and rebuko are
now coming out with startling effoot. It is now
proved beyond a donbt that Atohison, 'tringfel
low Whitfield A Co., whose gang the new Gov
ernor has joined, are opposed to the national ad
ministration, and bid it drfiincc. A writer in
Kansas, who is a correspondent of the St. Louis
Democrat, gives us the following account of a -
fairs in that territory.
r. Ktvm all that I burn aid. to Irarn or obeerve
t.ere, Gan. StringfelloW baa btau abueed far beyond hla de
white Atchison baa not been denounced enough. Ha
~ ,a, and not fctringfcllow, who «.i the author and roul ot
;Lo election outrages. But General Slringfellow endorses
ad the art. of the Kansas Legislature, and always speaks
~r Atebiaju in the warmest te ms of friendship. Of Reed
er lie never (peaks,eirept in the moat rootemplnons pbra
A','hi-on and Stringfeliow bolb endorse fully the
Celehrated Kansas law. iu regard to Slavery, -blob tb.
ha. made for, ,-er n'H rati, as the Black Laws
Tb. -e law, are now understool to 1 e the platform upon
which the Atchison Know-Nothioga »Und, and upon which
they meal: to resist th. administration, and all other par
i ,es. They ignore the Democratic party. Benton. Preeldcnt
1-ierce, the Cabinet and every one else, and intend to rarry
toe territory and General Whitfield with them, llor he has
recently cared into their Know-Nothing dodge,, upon a
purely AlchLrou and StringfelloW programme, and by
mean, of the secret working- of the machinery of the Or
J,r. Br. you may eipect to see the Democratic party, ae
well a, the admlnta.ration, Ignored by Kansaa iu the neat
From ibis extract it will be seen bow totally
unrounded is the obnrge that has been so indus-'
triousiy circulated against the administration,
it is the opponent! of the administration who are
thus forolng slavery upon Kansas. It is the
Know Nothings that are engaged in the work of
extending the area of slavery If Kama! be
cjma a slave Stall it mil be the knot* nothing!
that havi madi it so. Let that fact bo remem
bered. And th tit is a fact and the truth is
now abundantly proven, in the Cincinnati En
quirer we find the following, which came as a
telegraphic despatch from Chicago ., Kanns Lntwlalur.. on th.i 'il»t lust., the son
, urr,Dt leß.'lutlonw denunciatory of President Pierce tor
reunrvins J uiigs Elmore, were ilebutvd. Mr. McMeekln
lliougbt the President rhouM be tsugbt 10 know bis place
Blfir said that Heeler was removed only to prapare the way
for Elmore's removal. Mr. Wbillook thought the President
should have lent a battalliou ot K.UI.H to .laughter the
whole crowd of Freesoilers. An amendment was llnallj
adopted, leaving the resolution about the aame as the
It ia well known that every member of the
Legislature of Kansas was of tbo Atchison Btripe.
The vote was unanimous in regard to slavery,
anil the samo Legislature passed a strong reso
lution censuring the President. How now will
the Freeeoil and K. N. papere exouse their fraud
in having charged upon General Pieroe a com
plicity with Atchison and his friends
The Bame writer, from whom we last above
quoted, adds:
II Indlcataa an unufiual de/ree of hardihood for the
Know Nothing Fusiocists of the North, to to make
t-aplul out of the acts cl their allied In Missouri. Th*
L-rruaKNow Nothing m'bdcrats to deft the President
, , „| S BFMJVAt ul J lift I ELMORE, AM- THtIS ABUSE Of UU
We told the Democrats last fall that they
would get nothing by going into the Know No
thing party. It was a Whig concern, got np to
beat the Democracy, and put Whigs and Free-
Boilers into offico.
Look at the result of tbs ballotings on Satur
day, and see if they do not prove what we said
to be true. There will be only two D.moorats
on the K. N. ticket probably, and those for offi-
cos of no proG t.
Jones, for Sheriff, Whig.
Vankirk, for Treasurer, Whig.
Woods, for Prothonotary, Whig.
Flannigan, for Senato, Whig.
Crouch, for Commissioner, Whig.
Glass, for Auditor, years, Whig.
Carlisle, for Auditor, 2 years, Whig,
backhouse, for Assembly, Whig.
Leslie (probably), for Assembly, Whig
Poster, for Assembly, Free9oil.
Hays, Ward, Beeson, Craft, Kirkpatrick and
& host of others, originally Democrats, are
thrown overboard. Don’t you see it now, neigh
bors v How do yon like it
How many more Demoorats are going to join
them for the mere purpose of helping to put
Whigs Into office, and to overthrow the Demo
craoy ?
But the Demooraoy is safe.
There was a splendid turn ont of the Demoo
raoy in Birmingham on Saturday evening. Bha
ler Shannon and others addressed tho meeting.
A larger or more enthusiastic gathering was per
haps never seen in that Democratic stronghold
The Demooraoy are thoroughly aroused, and
hundreds of Whigs will join ns heart and hand
in a good oanse. And why ehoold they not
There is very little difference of opinion between
u 3, and it is wrong to throw away any votes
th.i year
Something Rotten.
Tbe State of Camden and Amboy are retort
ing to all sorts of expedients for the purpose of
withdrawing attention from their delinquency at
the recent Burlington massaore. One way is to
seonre a press to defend their case. We noticed,
shortly after the catastrophe, and remarked at
the time, that the Philadelphia Ledger was silent
upon the subject, but attributed it to a fear of
being mulcted for libel, as ft had suffered shortly
before to the amount of $2,000 for being too
: free in its remarks on a railroad aocident. Not
: satisfied with silenoe, however, that paper and
the Bulletin of the same oity, attributes the out
i ory of tho New York press to a selfish desire of
! seouring an air Une road through New Jersey
i which will leave Philadelphia out of its way as a
1 mere '‘village.” This might be plausible if the
New York press were the only ones who spoak
out against the outrage ; but unfortunately for
I the validness of such an argument, the majority
! of Philadelphia newspapers take the same view,
1 ag well as all others in different parts of the
oountry. The Ledger, to oonfirm the suspioion
i that it is in the pay of the Camden and Amboy
monopoly, has another artiole, entitled: "Double
tracks not a guarantee against aocident, which
shows that a number of aocidents have ooourred
on railroads with double traoks, thus:
An express train for Edinburg, drawn by n
large engine used tor the royal train, ran off the
rails when about three miles from Berwiok, and
the carriages were alt precipitated down an em
bankment. Beveral of the passengers wore tn
iurod, among the a an Amenoan lady. In tho
second acoident, the engin of a looal train on
tho Eastern Counties railroad gave way, when
another train approaching in tho same direotion
ran into it. Sixteen persons were more or less
injured from contusions. In the third accident
a beary excursion train, conveying about 1000
persons, on its return journey trom Blackpool
to Bowery bridge, Yorkshire, was overtaken and
run into by a goods train. None of tho car
riages were broken, but several passengers were
severely bruised.
This is the worst thing that oould bo published
against the New Jersey railroad , for it shows
that in threo acoidents t > trains, in one of which
were over a thousand passengers, not a Bingle
life was lost. Yet, if there had been, it would
not palliate tho guilt of the Camden and Amboy
Co. at Burlington, as every ono agreed that that
disaster would have been avoided had there been
a double track. But the Ledgrr is not willing
to be considered as arguing that a single is as
froe from danger as a double track, so it winds
up its article by saying that, “notwithstanding
theso facts, we think double-track railroads are
safer than sirgle tracks, for the lattor are liable
to collision both in front and rear. When the
business of a road will pay for a double track
the interests of the stockholders will compel
them to lay doublo tracks ; any other compul
sion, it is manifest, would put an end to any
further building of even single-track railroads "
The Camden and Ambby company pays a divi
dend of more than twenty per cent , nnd the
slock is held at a premium of forty per cent
sufficiently great, we should suppose, to author
ize Buoh a measure. Such small attempts to
shield a great crmiminal from justico is unworn
thy the I.rdiirr or any other paper that pretends
to defend the right and ooudemn the wrong,
whether in an individual or an overgrown nnd
wealthy monopoly.
Thirty Protestant Episcopal churches of Phil
adolphia contributed 875 Ilast Babbath to
the fund for the relief of the Norfolk sufferers
Ei Governor Reeder has published a renew
Of the opinion of Chief Justico Lecompte upon
the validity of the laws passed by the Kansas
Legislature while sitting at Shawnee Mission
it presents no now aspect of the case.
The Democracy of Hamilton oounty, Ohio,
were in convention on Wednesday and Thursday,
and proceeded to nominate oounty offioers. A
strong ticket was put in the field The resolu
tions were sound to the oore
Tho Louisville Courier says: Tho sister of his j
Serene Highness, Sffnta Anna, late President of
Mexico, and his brothcr-ln law, arrived hero on
Monday night on tho steamer Sultana, from New
Orleans, and yesterday morning took lhcir de
parture for New York by 'ho Jcfferjon Railroad
Santa Anna himself is expected this way shortly
A telegraphic despatch from Washington gives
BOtne of the results of the lab rs of the board of
naval officers appointed under tbe aot to promote
theeffioienoyofthenavy. Two hundred undone
officers have been removed from active service,
| and of this number forty nine have been dropped
; from the rolls entirely
Gen. Joseph Henderson, of Washington Co ,
the Whig candidate for Canal Commissioner,
was a candidate for Burgess of the borough of
Washington last spring nnd defeated. He was
also the Whig nominoe for Surveyor General in
ISSO, and elected to slay at home by twelve
thousand major ty.
Madame Anna La Grange, who was adver
tised to give a morning concert in Cincinnati on
Thursday last, refused to ling bccauso of the
paucity of the crowd. She declared she would
not open her dps short of a thousand ; as this
number was not forthcoming, her precious
mouth remained a Bealcd bcok.
Old Esolanu.— John Bali is evidently in a bad
way at present. With a short supply of soldiers
for the European war, a grout rebellion has bro
ken out in British India which it may be diffioult
to suppress. Not long ago a large portion of
the British army in the Indies was ordered to the
Crimea. After a long voyage over tho Indian
Ocean, the Red Sea, aorosß Egypt and the Med
iterranean, tho Bosphorus and tho Black Sea,
thoeo regiments hove but lately arrivod before
Sebastopol ; and almost simultaneously with
their arrival comes the news of a roholliou in
Ladia that will require a large army to quell.
The British forces now in tbe Indios are mainly
oomposod of nativo soldiers offioored by English
and Irißb. Should the rebellion nssome a for
midable appearanoe the fidelity of those native
troops oan hardly be relied on ; and there is no
doubt thot Russian gold and Russian diplomacy
are busily at work in those distant realms. It
is England’s vulnerable point, and the far sooing
rulers of the Russian empire will not fail to as
sail it. Some European writer prediots that
early next Bpring a strong Russian army will be
on their way to India.
Maine Elections.— Tbe Advertiser, a Whig
and Maine law paper published at Portland,
Msine, in speaking of therooent Democratic vio
tory in that State, says that dissatisfaction with
the Maine law is one of the oauses ; and that the
oondoot of Noal Dow in ordering the military to
fire on the oitixens of Portland is another cause
of this result Tbe people of Maine, then, have
oondemned Neal Dow. At the time of the oo
ourrenoo we said he had ordered the military to
fire too soon, and destroyed life unnecessarily.
The people of Maine have said the same. Be
it remembered too that tho Advertiser is a Maine
law paper, friendly to Dow and his party. And
when it iB recolleoted that tho Whigs, K. N. s,
Republicans and all other faotions had oombined
againßt the Demoorats tbe great triumph of our
party will appear the more surprising. There
must have been a Btrong feeling of indignation
abroad to aooomplish Bucb a result.
And now, what booomes of all the predictions
about the destruction of the Democratic party ?
So large a Democratic vote was never before
polled in Maine. Is that destruction ? Are both
the old parties destroyed ? All admit that the
Whig party is broken up ; but, judging from the
news from Maine, we should say that the Demo
cratic party ia merely waked np.
Gks. Gauabaldi, the Roman patriot, has en
tered the Sardinian navy as a captain, and is
said to be a great favorite at Court.
• J-. J v, •
~c - j ,er.v****«,
.» , J. ■ x I -w
Dleatlag of the Democratic County Com-
The Democratic Committee of Correspondence
met pursuant to adjournment, Saturday, Sept,
16th iost.
.Present, Col. S. W. Blaok, Chairman; Hon.
0 Shaler, P. 8. Hart, Jae. Herdman, John N.
M’Clowry, J. H. Phillips, M. Snee, John Silt, D.
R. Miller, M. Foster, CoL A- Soott.
A letter was road by the Chairman from A.
W. Pentland, Esq., resigning hiß position on the
tioket as a candidate for Auditor ; on motion
resignation sooepted. A. B. MoFarland, of
North Fayette township, was seleoted as a can
didate for Auditor instead of A. W. Pentland,
resigned. John Boyle, of Indiana township, was
chdhen as the candidate for Direotor of the Poor
instead of Wm. Beltihoover, who hod not signed
the Pledge against “Know Nothlngism.” It was
ordered that the pledge with the signatures of
the candidates be published.
An address to the voters of Allegheny county
was adopted, and ordered to be published.
Adjourned to meet on Saturday, Sept. 29th inst.
8. W. BLACK, Chairman.
Jso. N. M'Clowb.y, Seoretary.
In compliance with a resolution of the
Democratic County Convention, the following
pledge is Bignod :
We, the nnderslgned, candidates nominated
by the Demoorntio Convention of Allegheny coun
ty, do hereby declare on our honor as men, and
Demoorats, that we are not now, never have been
and never intend to be members of the seoret or
der commonly designated " Know Nothings,”
and styled by themselves the “ American ” par
ty ! That we are opposed to the prosorlptive
principles of said party and hold them in abhor
rence and and oontempt.
For Senator —William Wilkins.
For Assembly—Christ. Magee, Samuel Smith,
James B. Fulton, 8. B. Patterson, James Salis
For Sheriff—Rody Patterson.
Prothonotary—John Birmingham.
For Treasurer —Thomas Blaokmore.
For Coroner—Wm. Alexander.
For Commissioner —Jaoob Tomer.
For Auditor—John Murray, 2 years, A. B
McFarland, 2 years.
Director of the Poor—Joo. Boyle.
Homicide hi Washington CouNtt, Pa. On
Monday last an inquest was hold by the ooroner
of Washington oounty on toe body of Mrs. Jano
Bedillicn, of Buffalo township. It appears
from the testimony whioh was taken before tho
jury that the deoeased and her husband, David
BediUion, quarrelled on the 25ih of August last,
and that he knooked or pushed her sgainet a
cupboard, oausing a nail to penetrate her eye.
From the effects oT this wound she died on the
10th inst. There appears to havo been a bad
state of feoling between the husband and wife
for some time, and violenco had been used on
several oocasicna. The Jury returned a verdict
of manslaughter against EodlUion, and he was
arrested and committed to jail.
North British Review -The ourrenl num
ber of this valuable British quarterly contains
the following artioles : 1. Sir David
Life of Newton; 2. Sir E Bulwer Lytton a
Novels; 2 Alexandrian C i ristianity ; 4 The
Political Reformation in Holland ; 6. Mohom
etauism in the East and West; t. Dr. Peacook s
Life of Dr. Thus 1 oung ; 7. The System of
Purohase in tbo Army ; b. Tho Nou-eiislenoe of
Women, 9 Forriet's Syßlem of Knowing and
W A llildenfeny, opposite tho Theatre, and
Miner A Co., 12 Smithfield street, aro the author
ity agents in Pittsburgh.
Lawrence Democtatio Convention —The
Lawrence County Domocrooy mot in Convention
on Wednesday, 12th inst., and nominated tho
following ticket, besides passing throughgoing
Assembly—D&rid M. Courtney, Sbeoaogo.
Protbonotary -Dutid 8. Morris, New Gaelic.
Sheriff—John Long, Shenango
Treasurer Aodrew Lewie. New Coatlo-
Register and Recorder —J übn L Hays, N
Dealer ~
Commissioner —William Carlin, Washington
Auditor—John M. Hannon, 2 years, Wayne;
John Cooyer, 1 year, Mahoning
Coroner—Dr. Frederick Taylor, N. Beaver.
The Veby Latest Weiiikep. is the propostlion
of a captain in the British nary to out a canal
from ibo Mediterranean and dead Boas to fill up
the Great Nsdejed, or Desert of Arabia. He
stye those seas are thirteen hundred feet below
the Desert's lord, and behoves the oanal prac
ticable. We are decidedly in favor of the note
meet, for then travellers would not bo troubled
with thirst in orossing that immense waste, here
tofore a groat annoyonoe. Lot the Nodsjed
Desert bo made navigable immediately.
CottaßEsaiGHAL Globe— Wo are indebted to
lion Thomas M. Howo for tho Congressional
Qlobo and Appendix for tho Ssoond Seßsion of
the 33dCongress Mr Howe will please accept
oar thanks.
Kotal Ktsaiso —Louis Napoleon and Prince
Albert seem to have had quite a pleasant time of
kissing each other's vrows, on the oooasion of
Victoria’s late viait to Paris. Upon Hor Ma
jesty landing from the boat, It is reoorded
His Imperial Majesty kiesod her upon both
chooka, and he did ihe agreeable iu the same
*ay when sho waa about to st£p into the boat
on her retorn. A correspondent of a London
paper who was present at the leave-taking at
the Imperial palaoo, describes it as “ quite
touching.” We suppose ho means about tho
lips. He says
Tho beautiful Eagonio followed her royal
guest not only to the foot of the stairs, but to
the very threshold of the Imperial palaoe, kiss
ing her with tho tenderness and graoe of an
uDgel, and wo are quite euro with not a whit less
sincerity. Prince Albert was about to do os be
fore, kiss her Majesty’s hand, when she, with
all the beautiful coquotry of old Spain, put her
lips to the spot and kissed the kiss away; but
on this occasion the fair Eugenio, with tears in
her eyes, bent her oheek to the Prinoe oonsort,
and a very prety ooupie they looked while the
farewell was thus being coniumated ; for it
must not be forgotten that all the French damos
are oharmed with Prinoe Albert, and declare
him to be the handsomest and most oourtly oava
lier that has visited their shores for oentu-
The Black Baby Snow.—Tho Black Baby
Show is goiDg on iu Boston at the same time
with Phioeas T. Barnum’s, and is a decide i suo
ooBB. We extraot an account from the Atlas.
Blacks —The oolcred baby show is well pa
tronized today; the speotators, ranging from
100 to 200 persons present at a time in a small
hall, make a respectable attendance. Tho num
ber of babies on exhibition to-day roaohes to
nearly sixty, tho majority of which are really
good looking. A perfectly unmixed African
there, some ten months old, attraots consider
able attention—also a very large and splendid
babe of tho same age, child of a mute. The lit
tle ereature not only bears, but is brimful of
fan and intelligence. Another peonliar feature
is the presenoe of an actually white mothor with
aer, not mulatto, but quadroon babe. She is an
Englishwoman, and married her husband, a sea
man, in that oountry. Another lady present, with
a child darker than herself, has been mistaken
by the uninitiated in oolor for a white woman.
She is a quinteroon or mestizo, or probably a
very fair quadroon. Bhe resides ia Charlestown,
jpjgr We olip the following 000 l speoim n from
the Milwaukee (Wis.) Sentinol. We like it:
A Fcnny Fellow.— An enterprising genius in
Albany, N. Y., sends us a long advertisement of
some quack nostrum, which he would like to
have us publish for a year, and send him a oopy
of the paper, so that he may be reminded of the
publication, and 11 prepare to meet the bill at the
end of the quarter.” We affectionately invite
him to oall every day at the Albany Post Offioe
for the paper containing the first insertion.
Hard Shhuls and Soft Shku-s.—J. D. On
derkirk, of Auburn, has a hen that ought to be
purchased at onoe by the Yan Borens and Coch
ranes of our 3oft Convention, ghe laid, daring
the week oommenoing on tho 12th of August,
eleven eggs. Bat what waa particularly curious
about these eggs was, that only Jour of them
were hard shdh, while the remaining seven were
toft shells—Lockport {N Y.) Journal, 3ept. 12.
■ v- - ‘
Hon. Horace Greeley bus been visiting the Brit
ish Parliament, and gives bis impressions there
of in the Tribune, as follows:
X gave Monday evenlog to the House of Com
mons, whore I listened to the
rather renewed) debate on the joint gnaran.y by
France and England of the new Turkish loan of
£6,000,000, on which the Ministry bo narrowly
essaped defeat on its first introduction last weet j
The principal debaters on this oooasion were ,
Messrs. John Bright and R. U. al . ad £°“®’ i
position, and Mr. Serceaut Bhee in favor of the
measure. Mr. Bright is not an influential
speaker, but is a man of personal “onled weight
—earnest, sensible and practical. He dealt the
joint guaranty hard blows, which were cleverly
parried rather than stopped or returned by - lr
Shea. Gladstone spoke admirably, so far as
manner and expression are regarded, and he is
undoubtedly the moßt forcible and faultless ora
tor now in Parliament. He ahowed by citatione
of undeniable point and cogency that the Whigs
out of power had olways claimed and cxeroised
the right of opposing just suoh moasuree as this,
though they now treat nnoh opposition as virtual
repudiation and as a perilous encroaohment on
the prerogatives of the Crown, He forcibly u -
ged that no single momber of P" l ““ ent , ou . t '
Bido tho Ministry had ventured to defend the
polloy of this joint guaranty, though so many
had deolared that, sinoe the bargain was made,
It must be fulfilled. Beveral minor members on
either side of the House made speeches for and
against the measure, which, however threw It -
tie or to additional light upon it. Averments
that the Mlnietery had contracted this joint
guaranty—that Turkey must have the money
that to reject tho guaranty would be to break
faith with Louis Napoloou, and mour his resent
ment—these and many like them formed the sta
ple of the argument for ratifying, which the
other sido answered as well os they oould ; but
under the embarrassment of not being able to j
say what they really meant— ‘‘ We loathe alike
the war and Palmerston, and would gladly be
rid of them both.” Hence their arguments
seemed like spent arrows, serving to prove that
the joint guaranty was moat improvident and an
wiso, but not that it could now be set aside In
i consistency with the requirements of good faith
1 and sound polioy. It early beoameevident that
the motly opposition did not venture to turn out
the Ministry on this question, and tbe House
would not again be divided upon it. Tho deba
ters were addressing the British publio—not try
ing to gain votes in the House.
Disraeli sat on tho front benoh of the Tory
s’-de dark-featured and hawk-eyed, watching
the course of debate intently, but Baying noth
ing Lord Palmerston and John Russell were
visible on tho Ministerial benches, but likewise
silent through the evening. Ninovah Layard
spoke in favor of the guaranty, windily and not
cool This man has more reputation than ho
can maintain. On the whole, 1 judged that tho
better order of speaking in tho House of Com
mons surpasses that whioh may bo heard m our
House of Representatives —is more direct, sub
stantial and to the point ; while tho average
ability evinced in the speaking here is quite be
low that manifested in Congress. I had beon
misled into the noli:n that decided bores are
regularly coughed down when they undertake
to enlighten the House ; but I saw and heard
half a dozen of them try it ; and tho remedy
was never onco applied. Vet 1 cannot real.zo
that the provocation could well bo greater.
The Hall of the House of Commons is bardiy
so largo as that of our House at Washington,
though tho members are nearly twice as numer
ous—s6B against 234 Uis nowise circular in
form, as onr hall is, but an oblong square, with
tho ridionlously wigged Speaker oi a raised chair
at ono end and tho equally carri-at red clerk at
a desk before him. Tho ministerial members
sit generally on tho Speaker’s right; the oppo
sition ou his left. The members sit on loug
benches instead of ohairs, with no desks before
thorn : and yot the hall would scarcely sent a
full House, so the side galleries are reserved fir
momfcers’ use, whllo that over the speaker is
oonseorated to tho reporters, while that at the
other cud is divided by rail iuto two —the front
or lower termod the Speaker's, the higher the
spectators gallery ; though both of these arc de
voted to auditors. No ono id admitted but upon
an order, signed by the Speaker or seme mem
bsr. and the number of orders is neeossarily
li mi tied, as the entire space devoted to tbe pub j ~,,, n,, sorav t.K tb- jndew of tbs Court of Qaar
lic will hardly contain fire hundred persons I t lrr -nr - r th» County of Allegheny :
The Parliament Hooso is new and hardly 'it : iti<.o PHILIP tiOhITKL, Merchant, doing
complete, the old having been destroyed by tire j :h« trough rf Birmingham, respectfully rep
80EQO down years BinOQ. ThO DOW cdifioo said j J io {<, fl of the United States, and of the Bt»W
tfl have cost an Immonao earn— itd vonilation i vf pron.-rivanla: that he is dcriroua to beep for sale, and
T. . „ K „ I » Am o*hinr like ha'f a raUliou ! t.- within the said Borough, vinous, spirituous, and
abeorbod something • : rrs't or browed liquor*, bjnnuasure not less than oneqaari,
dollar*. Tho air of the House at t ommoos ib , to t he provisions cf th« Act of 14th April, A. i>.
now unite pare The architecture is not re ; Year petitioner. tbaraforo, prays your Honors to
a* A»h*rwip(‘ hut the hsht is ad- S k -rsnt him license eo m do, on being satisfied that your pe
mariably good or Otherwifit, out tu.ugui i I f rs . u-r UaclßUC( f temperate habits. and of good rennta
tnlttcd through 6 stained glass ceiling. „i that h<» ha* giTen bonl with approved *e
rendera It soft admirable. I never before saw 1 ~j r: rv. and paid tt* Hcvnaa f*s, according to the several
fir aptifiotiil light S ' tlCO'lcDt ' t-rvrt.-i--n« of the Ac*. c*< Aseumbir above referred to. And
an arrangement for artificial ugtu s. • } jH - ;)l praJ>4{c . PlllUP UOET7EL.
as this. M»pt? ;u
" riv Ti!U Ho.v*U* HLis th* Juugr* ot tb« Court ot wu*r*
Pnli'imlnc by Stryolenln*--K xtrnorilliia- [ i,-r fc-selno. of the County of Alleghany
ro *® B # • tj... of I. STERN, Merchant, dolcg business In
ry Ca»e. t „ euv of Pittsburgh, respectfully represents—
Mr Richard of Louisiana, euiTcriog under tv. At h- b *oUUf'n of ih* United states, and of the State
’ .. . . , _ na cl pannHylv&nia; that he la desirous to keep for sale, and
intermittent fever, oombvoed with an acuie gaa a ..- w ;^i n i b<> f»W city, tlooua, spirituous, and malt or
a HI afuM-eJ out i.:«*w*d liquors, by moaaare not less than one quart, accord*
trio disturbance. feeling quae in, supi eu out pror^Daa of the Ael of 14tb ApriU A D lg£5 _
ytmiested a friend to give him Borne qui- \ ... ur prtitiou*r. therefore, prays your Honors to grant him
anu . i v,. v* j H -.-ns* *-> to do, oo boiog eatisflcd that your petitioner Is a
nine. Boveral tnootha previously no nau pur- m4n , f t,. m p # rat»» b»bit«, and of good repute for honesty.
V 4 „hin « llUfln! i|y of whiob, «M Hut be ban given bond with approved security, and
chaaod at a small Bbop q J> , lic*qim fee, according to the feveral provisions of
howover, he had never used, and proceeded to A ,- ( AsBemb j T above referred to. ♦And he win pray,
rot U for him. Mr. Richards thrust the point ' { «pi::3f; L. STERN.
of a penknife into it and took twice from it as (Joun..i copy. and eh.r». this
much an ho supposed would bo about thr» _ 'J
grains. The petition of E. H. MEYERS, Merchant, <101-*g businesr
This ho oomblned with a Bm&U quantity of r . u riJrri4 , r of Elm and Wylie street, Bisth Ward, in the city
Doror’o Powder , this was at 1 •'«>•« J- A «" ' I S of'OTEWu. and of tbs Bu*
a little time ho folt relloved by the Dovers, nut . f p enuj?y iTftDia; that he is desirous to keep for sale, and
in an boar found that ho was unable to sit still. t 0 w uhin the s-id city, Tinous, spirituous, and maitoi
Ho soou woe. out and set -»«» »P«“ ‘ h «
and at 21 o’clock ho found himsoif una UR to Yuur petiiloner, iherefore, prays your Hon rs to grant him
rise and could scaroely Utter or articulate a y^ Dtltt u> do so, on being satisfied that your petitioner Is a
_ 'i u e however managed to make his con- , umu< t temperate habits andof good repute for!honesty, and
word, ne, nowever, uia k , > t >, to * b ,. n&s given bond with approved security, and paid |
dition known, and sent for medical • f we , aoeordltg to the several provisions of the
Dr A K Gardner being furtunatciy in tho 1 A ,.. 0 Assembly obovo referred to. And be will pray, Ac. !
neighborhood wa. immediate!; r rreen, I . K. H. M.V E^_
GTo him »o stated that ho foit r -, y r.d and ']
that ho feared ho had taken by m.a -* Tho petition of JOUN TSNDAN, Merchant, doing buei
' nwi on liberty street, Fifth Ward, onposlte Wood’s Brew-
The labelled bottle wa. soon obtameJ and ;
being spoodlly analyiod, when, horrible onor go, f ivnnsylvanla : thut h« is desirous to heeo for sale, ami
his foars werofoond to be too true, ft dho had lo Within tbe said city, rlnoua, spirituous, and m£tor
taken enough to kill oereral meu ' TSL' t^!
Powerful emetics wore given, ana Drs. J m y.-,,- Miitiooer, therefore, prey* your Honors to groat him
Reeao and Doromn. being added to tho medioal h „, n „ , 0 t 0 , 10 , „ u Mug tUt yoor peilUoner 1. .
23T". K a.raulo wa. need, and |ho
oontonto of tho otomaoh wore soon ejeotcu. ror (hl , | lfens „ f „, .ccordlng io th« teter.l prorirfom of
many hour. Mr. Rlobarde’ state wa. most onti- Itl „ A ct of A «embly jbor. 'referred to. Aodhewillpray,
oal and at midnight tho spasmodic symptoms ■ :« P _i7Jt(chD)l JOHN TENDAN._
’ vloihle I to THU IIONUKABUK the JodgM oftn« Oourt orQoar
wore Still slightly VIStDIO. I, r sessions of the County of Allegheny i
The reason for this mistake la the great ro- . r pi , tlUon o( rudolph honkqgkb, of the Third
.emhlftoe between stryohnine and tho powdered w<rJ of lh( . OUy 0 f Pltwtmrgh, rMpectfolly represeuto
*l . Mr R was accustomed to use. That he is ft cJUien of the United Btatea and of the State
quinine, which Mr. tl was noouniui I’.nnsrlranta, and that he la deatrona to beep for Bale,
Nothing but a ehemioel test can diatinguiao on , re f, wUblo m. said city, Tinoue.eplrituoue.aiul malt
,i r browoJ liquo.'s, by measare not less than one quart, ae
-ILT DieUflo fiwfla hia life Drobably to the lotbeprovisionaoftheActofUth April, A. D. 1565.
Mr. Rloharda owes his l “® P r ® oa * , V ur f t.Utione r , therefore, preys your Honors to grant him
foot that an hour before swallowing this drug po to jo> on bei- K satisfied that your peiiOoner is a
hfl had drank freely of green tea—tbe tonnio maD P f temperet© rood repute forhonerty,
L e id ha of w d b“ k bad undoubtedly precipitated a ■ ~d that
1 I ortion of tho poison, thus forming an insoluble I abova referred to. And h. will pray
lud oomparatively inert eubstanoe.-»« IV* £* Art ltuonLPn HONKOOBR.
How at Princeton.
t Correspondence of the Journal ot Commerce., j
Peikceton, N. J., September 12,1 j.—There
well nigh oftmo to be n riot here last night; the
more strange, beoauflo of the remarkably qeier I
u4e of College affairs up to this time. As Iw# ;
about to disrobo for bed, a sudden clangor of tiu .
horns burst upon my oar, as if the town was in- '
vadod by somo seoret host, moving amid t
darkness of bight. A pretty liberal J' 140 *!” 6 " 1 :
of the students had turned out to amuse them .
selves, saluting the while the Present of U ;
College and Professor Atwator. All this was
harmless, If imprudent. I doubt whether since
the creation, the capacity of un was ever so un- ,
folded or the power of the lungs as a pair of.
bellows, so aetolhingly tested The merry .m
-donta would soon have exhausted themselves but
the over-vigilant Mayor rather \
terfered, and a oonßtable undertaking i
one of the performers on the horn, was Moore- i
monionsly knooked down by a stalwart studo ,
the orowd and a general melee !
ensued, heightened by the well-known war cry of ,
the students — “Nattau, "No,,an, -wh'ck rc ,
sounded on every side, and which ne e ,
rally the members of the Oollege int M „„ i
solidated and Invincible band Preaident Ma -
lean went among them, and did what he .lit. ,
pour oil on the troubled waters, but no . i
to prevent one of the oonstables from be g ,
bed dangerously in the side and faoe ? '
known hand. Ho lies in a critical oonditmm
At length the pugilistic stndent
held to bail, when things were qme ed down for
a night. To-day the snbjeot will be in ™ >t ‘*'* t i ® d 8
As usual, a feeling of embittered hosti y
between the towns people and the
no further disturbance is anticipated. M
for onoe, is not supposed to have had anyth! g
do with the fray, and the emeale itself mu
ewer for this session.
Jjgg" A girl was.talking of the loss' I *® r ,
had reoently sustained In ths death of her -
band, “ Poor Mary !” Baid ebe, “ though Geo' 8
has been dead nearly, if not quite six mon ,
yet she grite her teeth even now, whenever a
thinks of him "
. .Vi 1 ' •' !•' ,*■
Worms I--AB Ibis la the season of the year when - L
» .rnusre most for “ W ““ e of w/VILLIN BRY GOODsIa complete assortment of Mllll
of M’Lane s Vermifuge b*g ‘‘ fßTe „„«,!«<, IVi nary Goods, comprising—
parents in Its virtues for the expelling of theso annoying, French Flowers, Ostrich Plumes and Tips,
, , f ~| „,n,ln of children. Itwsa invented by a Hoe, Plushes, Velvets, rilk Ruches,
sod Cf on total enemies ol cn in V «lv« Ptcqueta, Buds, Tinsel Flowers,
physician of great experience in V irgmla, who, after gntin Blowers, Vulture Feathera,
used it for several yeers in his own practice, and found lte plaln ant t col'd Straw Qimps, Chenille Trimmings,
furores so uuiverssl, was induced at last to offer It to tba Bonn* Frame* £rSS2s!’Sf«llt Laces,
public as a cheap, but certain and excellent ““H' 1 ” 8 “ j ' A. A. MASON A 00.,
has store become juatly popnlar throogbout the United 6eDIJ n M Fifth street
Sutes as the most efficient Vermifuge over known, and the p--. U[T Y OUK BPBEEINU, and become a sober man, by
! demand ha, been ete.dily on the Increase eince lte Brat in' Qutdug J™* 8 wSfaU
: troduction to the public. , . for os.“ 7t No. M MARKET ST.
! p. S.— The above valuable remedy, also Dr. M Lane e cel
celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all the respectable
Drug Btores In this city. i
Purchase will please be careful U ask for, and take none
but Dr. M’Lane’e Vermifuge. All others, In comparison,
ore worthies*
Aleo, for sal* by the bo e proprietors,
Baocessora to J. Kidd 4 o°m
No. 60 Wocd street, corner of Fourth
JS&- Just Received, at Grttobla’Bi a splendid
assortment of F« 11 and Winter Goods, of every description,
consisting of Plash, Grenadine, Valencia and Figured Batin
Vestings, Doeefcin and Fancy Oassimeres, Clo.ha, Overcoat-
Inga, Ac., Ac. Also, Gents’ Furnishing Goods In great vari
ety, which will be Bold low for cash. No. 210 Liberty street.
On Saturday, September 16, cf billons fever, JAMES
OASBILLT, aged 63 years
I ROAD la now open from West Newton to Oonnellsvllle, 1
fifty-eight miles from Pittsburgh, on the Yoaghiogheny
R Ttds new first class Road is now open for the transporta
t on of passengers and freight, In connection with the floe
«teamer EOLIAN, from Pittab rgh to Connellavllle, daily,
bj follow*: . . , . ..
The steamer EOLTAN will lea re her wharf, abovethe
Monongahela Bridge, every afternoon, at half past tbreo
o'clock, for W- st Newton, connecting there with the morn
ing train leaving at 830 for ConnellsviUe, and reaching
there at 0.50 A. M., In time for the Stage for Unlontown.
Fare tr ConnellsviUe If
A truln will l*ave Oonnellsvllle In the morning, at six
o’clock, for West Newton, and connect there with the
Rtenmer Eolian at 7.30, in time to reach Pittsburgh at 1
Fare from ronoellsvllle to Pittabu'gh $1 76
Fare from Unlontown to Pittsburgh 2 25
Tne Local Freight Bml Passenger Train will leave Con
nellsvillu at 12 20 P. M., and returning will leave West
Newton at 530 P. M., stopping at all way stations for
freight an i passengers
Travelers In search of business or pleasure will find a
trip by thi* route, along the beautilul and fertile vaUey of
the Youghlogbeny, one of the most interesting and profita
ble In the western country. The scenery of the valley is
not surpassed In beauty or grandeur by any in this .'late,
ao>l the A*dd for enterprise and business is unbounded. On
RAh pld*« of the r ver are vast deposits of mineral wealth.
Inviting the attention of capitalists; and the river furnishes,
,Tt<ry few miles, abundant and never falling water power 1
Ur -.nv amount of mills and machinery.
Th«* favorable character of the grade*, all descending
towards Pittsburgh, will ena le this Company to transport
freights si the lowest rates; thus affording acheap, uniform
.ml reliable outlet for minerals and other heavy articles at
uli t mes.
Por terms apply to D. W. CALDWELL, Assistant Super
intendent or to the officers on board the steamer Eolian.
President and Superintendent.
locu&t grove semis ary,
T'LIK h’h.XT TERM of this School will begin on WEB
NE3BA.V, the lyth Inst., and continue twenty*one
The chargu per term Or Day Puplla la~
Ijr KnglLh branches alone OO
linglifib and Piano 00
Ku,c i*h, Piano, and French or German 00 00
Utunlbm hire M
-n,v ploasant 'idee to and from wnool, which young 'adies
fr- m tiwn enjoy, are found so prnmotiveof cheerfulness
HiiJ health, aa fully to compensate the increased expense.
riv TUK HONORABLE the Judges of the Court of Quor-
I ter Sessions of the County of Allegheny :
The petition of PHILIP ULRIOU, Merchant, doing busi
ng*,, ia the Borough of Birmingham, respectfully repro-
Thai he id a cit U-m ot the United States, and of the State
of Pennsylvania; that he is desirous to beep for sale, and
t.. -r\\ wi:hio thu said Borough, vioooa, spirituous, and
ma't- nr hrew-d lit} nor*, by measure not less than one quart,
u r-.rdir.g to the previsions i f the Act of 14th April, A. D.
laftfi. Your petitioner, therefore, prays your Honors to
gr.\;jt him license so to do, on b»ing satisfied that your pe
t tinner i« a nan of temperate habits, and of good repute for
bonesiv, am) that h- has given bond with approved securi
ty hiii paid the 11 tmse fee, according to the several pro-
TiM-int- iT ihe Vet of Assembly above referred to. And he
w 1 pray. Ac. PHILIP ULRICH.
rpu TUK HONORABLE the Judges of the Court of Qaar-
I ter ge*atonfl of tbe County of Alleghany :
The petition of JOHN LITTLE, Ja. f of the City of Pltto
tiu ifh, respectfully represeuts —
TUut he in a citizen of thr United States and of the State
nf iVun'\lvnnla ; that he Is desirous to keep for sale, and
! . --il within the C ty of Pittsburgh. vinous, spirituous,
ana malt or brewed liquors, by measure not less than one
■ niuiL, ao onllng to the provisions of the Aot of 14th April,
A U ISj6, eudtieu. ":n Act to restra n the sale of Intoxi
cating Liquors." Your petitioner, therefore, prays your
Honors to grant him license so to do, on being satisfied that
>. ur petitioner is a man of temperate habits, and of good
;>>pute for honesty, and that he has given bond with ap
proved security, and paid the Uoense fee, according to the
several provisions of the Act of Assembly above referred to
And h* will ever pray, Ac. JOHN LITTLE, Jo.
rj'O TUK*HONORABLK the Judges ef tt e Court of Quar-
X lor Sessions of the County of Allegheny :
and P. McOULLOUGH, Merchants, doiug business in the
rlty of Pittsburgh, under the firm name of Henry McCul
lough A Co., respectfully represents—
That they are citizens of the United States and of the
Stale of (‘ennsylvanla; that they are desirous to keep for
Mile, and to sell within the said city, vinous, spirituous,
and malt or brewed liquors, by measure not less than One
quart, according to the provision’ of the Act of 14th April,
A. D. 1866. Your petitioners, therefore, pray you* Houors
grant them license so to do, on being satisfied that your
petitioners are men of temperate habits, and of good repute
for honesty, end that they have given bond with approved
security, and paid the license fee, according to the several
provisions of the Act of Assembly above referred to. And
they will pray. Ac. HENBY MeCULLOVQH A 00.
ripo THE HONORABLE the Judges of tbe Court of Quar-
X ter Boasions of the County of Allegheny :
The Petition of ARCHIBALD DEBRY, of the City of Pitts
burgh, in the Coanty aforesaid, respectfully represents—
That your petitioner is a citizen of the United States, of
temperate habits, and good repate for honesty, and that be
i.-» desirous to sell and keep for sale within the Fourth
Ward of said city .vinous, spirituous,malt or brewed liquors,
by measure not less than one quart, subject and according
to tbe proviflionfi of the Act °f Assembly passed the 14th
day oi April, A. *j. 1866 That your petitioner Intends doing
business antler the style of Samuel McCrickart ft Co, and
prays your Honors to grant him a license under saldn&me
and stvle so to do. ARCHIBALD BEERY,
sap 17:31( chU) __
TO THE HONORABLE the Judges of the Court of Quar
ter Sessioos of the County of Allegheny:
The petition of JAMBS LYNOH.ofthe city of Pittsburgh,
in the county aforesaid, respectfully represents—
That your petitioner Is a citisen of the United states, of
temperate habits, and good repute for honesty, and that he
i is desirous to sell and keep for sale within the Fourth
Ward of said city, vinous,spirituous, malt or brewed liquors
by measure not less than one quart-—subject and according
to the provisions of the Act of Assembly passed the 14th
day of April, A. D. 1866. That vour petitioner intends
doing business under the style and name of James Donnell,
and prays your Honors to grant him a Uoense under said
uame and style eo to do. JAMES LYNCH.
"« ppRTITisL Cheerfulness and Vigorous Health restored
A bVwTof tSnollMd Bitters. $1 per bottle. Botdl at
53 MABKET BT. . "P”—
Da A YMKN—SOO cans Baye's celebrated Grease fordrays,
*4 u«d ezolmiveljbyPhU.j’el
pbla and New York COLLINR.
wp »-«• thia dar "waamoSSX
have Just received a splendid assortment of
Black and colored Moire Antique Trimmings,
Plaid Bibbou _
Plain and figured Bilk Plush . do
Ualoon, Moss and Tufted do
Plain, figured and plaid Velvet do
Marabout do
Guipute Lace
Moire Antique Belts.
IrTing’i Great Work.
( nme of the shore work la now ready for delivery—the
uSond volume wUI be ready shortly. It Is neatly gotten
op—printed on fine paper, with tbreeor more portraits and
n iVnc_ Price S2eoo per Tolome.
P Thia edition la published exclusively by subscription, and
Payable on the delivery ol each vol UIOT
P T J KISNEB * CO. are sole Agents for the above work.
Office, No. 30 Fifth street, in LaufTer’s Bookstore, where
the books will he open for subscriber's names.
to T. J. S. A Co. vltt be, rtnctly
attended to. «- Canvassers wanted. angjbdtwSm
"" Hortloult”***! Notice*
hold their Annual Exhibition F1 I ?. w ‘
era and Vegetables, In the MARKET HALL, la the Dia
mond, on TUESDAY, the 17th, 18 th, 19th and 20th
AH cultivators are respectfully Invited to exhibit all
articles of merit The Premiums are open tor all. A 1
articles for competition to be to the Managers, at
the Hall, on Tuesday, by 2 o’clock F. jI.
LplfcSt* K. McKNIGHT, President.
" Barley Wanted.
The nudendgwed will W the highest market price, In
Pis FCSM, for good merchantable BAULKY, delivered
et the PBffINIX BREWERY, fifth Wort, Plttabnrgh, Pa.;
and If delivered Inside of two weeks from date, will nay a
nremiom of five Cents per bushel for extra good Barley.
- r _iii -ign h„ VIJ KEW ALE ready for market in a few
~.17* ,lß ° r»Dlfattw*l A. WOOD, Agent.
ri THE HONORABLE the Judges of the Court of Gene
ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, In and for Allegheny
of ROBERT BELL, of the ?oyth Ward ol
the city of Pittsburgh, In the conntyaforesaid, Wholesale
Merchant, respeotfnUy represents—That your petitioner
“ho Is a citizen of the United States, praye your Honors to
grant him a license to sell spirituous, vinous, malt and
brewed liquors, in quantities not less than onequart, agree
ablv to the provisions of ihe Act of Assembly, passed the
Uth day of April, A. D. 1856. ROBERT BELL.
|\ TbeeHldden Path, by the author of “Alone :
Olle, or the Old West Boom;
Chemistry of Com you Life;
lowa as it is in 1666 ;
Memoirs of Benoett acd Ms Times;
Bell Smith Abroad;
Cone Cut Corners;
Doeaticka' Book;
Chambers' Journal for September;
Panorama of Life and Literature for September ,
£, S. and D., by Lover;
The Sea Klog, by Capt. Marryatt;
New York Weeklies for this week ;
Philadelphia do do
Boston do do
Just received and for sale at tci
M pls Fifth at-, opposite the Theatre.
a largt Manufacturing Establishment. —On Thursday
afternoon, September 20th, at 3 o’clock, on the premises, on
Fifth street, will be sold, by order of Wm P. Baum, Assignee
of Uugh D. King, all the right, title, Interest and claim of
the said U D. King, as an eiioal co.partner of, In and to the
firm and real Bnd personal estate, property, effects and as
sets of the Arm and partnership ofH. H. Byao A 00.
The above Manufacturing Establishment is one of th
lanrest and most complete of Us kind in the West, com
prising Immense manufacturing buildings and machinery,
with steam power to use and to rent; warehouses, materi
als, Urge stock of manufactured furniture, tools, imple
ments, Ac. Ac. ....
The value of this Interest can be ascertained by an in
spection of tbe properly, books, Aa., for which every facility
will be offered. Terms at sato.
agplg V-. M. DAYI9, Auctioneer.
FROM WANT OF EXERCISE, and many other cau*es,
a Urge number of persons are afflicted with Dyspepsia
and other complaints proceeding from Indigestion, and
there la no preparation so successful in curing this com
plaint as Dr. Ralph's Vegetable Pills. They are a safe,
certain and pleasant remedy, as numbers can testily. Price
»%£ Krb °" °°' 7 “ 63 MARKET BT.
JN Parlors, Halls, Chambers, Dining Rooma New styles
—new patterns. For sale by ». m
sepl6 W. P. MARSHALL A CO.
sale by jwplftjj
S W .^ ir_on h °“ J * Dd FLEMING BEOS.
u a SORLLAC—a rases just receirrf indto **l* by
OIL —SOO gallons on band »n<ltor S jlebJ
1 B»plS FLBMIaU dovq.
m RRAHK— Bay« 3 Urease, for maciilnery.carrißges,
\Jf Ac., for sale by [eepls] HENRY g. COLLINS.
APP'LES— 60 bbis Green Apples for sal* by
kOTASQ—IO casks, a pure article, for Rale by
B ROOMS-100 doa Corn Brooms for sale by
him NICY TOPS—3:O. of rarlopfl pattern*, for sale by
THA iypießßY TOOTH WASH —A pewTnd excellent
article fbr elapsing the teeth and purifying tbe breath.
A large supplywceived by JOSEPH FLEMING,
* corhpt Market and Diamond.
FNE SOAP—I have received a verUarg* and fine as
sortment of Toilet Soaps, among which are Lnbln s
genuine Benzoin, Nymph, Loos Brown Windsor, Honey,
ponelne, and tbe celebrated Mdk of Lettuce Soap.- These
vtshlng anything In this line should call and examine mine
before purchasing. fsepl4] JOS. FLEMING.
I"\AC LUBTRALE —I hare just received assurlyp r ly Of
Jj Hanoi's and Bazin’s Ean Lustrales —excellent articles
for beautifying and promoting the g rowth of the hair.
a ROMATIO VINEGAR—An excellent article for sick
A headache. Sold by (sepl4] JOS- FLEMING.
Fine extracts fob the handkerchief— l
have just received a large assortment of fine Extracts.
Those wishing anything in inis line should call and exam
hie mine before purchasing. JOB. FLEMING,
ggni4 corner Market and Diamond.
QTRIPBD BLACK SILKS—Just received, a variety ol
& tbe above, of excellent quality. .
* pl 4 A. A- MASON A CO ♦ 25 Fifth st.
iTf'OIRB ANTIQUE'TRIMMINGS— Every description of
M new colored and black Moire Antique and Plush
Trimmings J art redyed. A - A - MA^ J F^
W.ton.. .lid Watch Repairing.
WW WILSON, Market street, corner of Fourth.
. Gold and Silver Watches from $lO to $5OO. Sole
agency for Bale of Charles Frodsham’s unrivalled Time
keepers. Watch Repairing attended to promptly, »nd done
in a superior manner
Jewelry, Silver Ware and Military Goods at Eastern
IfiDEIABLE INK—6 gross Kidder a Pays-n's for sale b;
a. a. Sahnkstock a co.,
corner Firsi and Wood sl&
CnITIUC AOID—76 lbs for pale by
; seplS B. A. FAHNBBTOOK_A^X).
OLLBBJ lbs for sale by
00. will rceelte on the 14th of September, a splendid
variety of new Trimmings, comprising—
All wid’-hs of Plush ami Moire Antique Trimmlogp
Figure i, Valvet, Moss and Tufted do
Narrow Galoon Trimmings;
Ribbon do
Black Velvet Ribbon Trimmings
MILLINERY GOODS—We trill rrcelve in a few data
complete assortment of the above
pi: A. A. MASON A CO.
lost received of tbe above.
,epl3 A. A. MASON k CO., 25 Fifth pL
mo THE HONORABLE the Judges of the Conxt of Quar-
I Ur Sessions of tbe County of Allegheny:
The potition of WM. MILLER and CHARLES W. RICK
ETSON, Merchants, doing business in the city oi Pittsburgh,
undw the firm name of Miller A Rloketsoo, respectfully
represent—That.tney are citizens of tbe United States and
of the State of Pennsylvania; that they are desirous to
keep for sale, and to sell ulihin the said city, vinous,
splntuo js, and malt or brewed liquors, hr measure not
less than one quart, according to the provisions of tbe Act
of 14th April. A.D. 18S&.
Your petitioners therefore pray yeur Honors to grant
»h.>m license so to do, on being satisfied that your petition'
ere are men of temperate habits, and of good repute for
honesty, and that they have given bond, with approved se
curity, and paid the license fee, according to the several
provisions of the Aot of Assembly above referred to. And
they will pray, Ac. MILLER A RICKKTSON.
PUBLIC NOTICE la hereby given, that the undersigned
will apply by petition (as published beloa') to tfie
Court of Quarter Sessions ot Allegheny County, at October
term, 1865, fbr license to sell liquors under the Act of As
sembly, entitled, “An Act tQ restrain the sale of intoxica
ting Liquors,” improved April 14th, 1856.
Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
To the Hone rable the Judges of the Coart of Quarter Ses-
sions of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania;
The petition of JACOB KSILBB, of said county, respect
fully ahoweth—That your petitioner is a citizen of tbe
United States, of temperate habits, and goed repute for
honesty, and a resident of tbe Fifih Ward, in the city of
Pittsburgh; that be is not the keeper of any hotel, ion,
tavern, restaurant, eating-house, oyster-house or cellar,
theatre, or other place o{ entertainment, amassment or re
fre-hmenL He therefore prays your Honors to grant him
a license to sell vinous, spirituous, malt and brewed liquors,
according to the Act of Assembly, entitled, “An Act to Re
strain the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors,” approved April
14th, 1855; your petitioner having complied v» ith the re
quirements of said act in relation to public advertisement.
And he will ever pray. JACOB kkt.t.rr
Stray Cow*
A LABQB RED COW, with white forehead
and white back, and & short tail, has been for tbs
22E35L* last few days about the premises of BENJAMIN
CKAWrORD, on the bank ot the Allegheny rlvdr, ‘Pirst
W*rd, Allegheny City, where she may now be found bY the
owner, who can hare ner on paying charges, [aeplfcdat*
NATIVE WINEB—A very superior article of IrabnlV
and Catawba Wine and Brandy fox sale at *
priwß, by Jones a o©-’' „ ■ aaU
pM HUrS-25 Ugß African Fe* j.
X ole, Just received and for Bata y
RICE— 10 tleiera prtoojljst 'nKdrnl and for Hole by
NQLISU lanes Inialc. just recairwl anti for
tils by ' j. 8- DAVISON,
c>6 Market street, near Fourth.
• .■ .a i*Yv •
M style av BVUL HA’ta.Mkk+lllhi
C9 *'*ogpeoUoa, a neat and gcoa article.. A good Bailor s3*
and an extra one for $4. Call aiTd'eae. , ~ . .
MORGAN ft CO^No.lMtPoodat,
Next house to tfce nawTresbjtetfafitfc&Tcbr
B?p8 Ooedoox from Sixth atraeL
WHO I - y A ,Vi K \ L it
49“ Every article made by hand, and warranted.
Supplied with any quantity of FURNITURE and OHAIRi,
on reasonably terms.
Hotels and Steamboats
Wareraoms, Noa. 77 and 79 third a treat,
A. A. CA2UUKR A 800.,
Cbmer fourth and SmtthfUld lireett, Pittiburgh, Pa,
or Oa abi s m«.
CAPITAL #350,000.
CAPITAL #300,000,
CAPITAL .... ....3300,000.
ml 7 1 CAPJTAL-A&p A3SETS...J9%ti'Z* t **V.
TJ. HUNTER, Aoxav, St. Charles Buililng, No. IQS >
• Third street, Pittsburgh.
F. A. BLOOKSOM, Preeident
JAMES BURDICK, Vice President.
LEVI MARTIN, Secretary and Treasurer.
piTTßßcaaa BinaKvots:
James W. Woodwell, Joseph Plumper.
James Wood, K U. Riddle,
Joo. V. Uarbaagh, Dr. Jno. E. Parfc,
jig) vr-m. Kimms, Birmingham, Dawßon, Newmeyer ACo
British and Continental Exchange.
In Sum or £1 13D CfW4kdb.
THESE DRAFTS are available at all the principal
We also draw Sight Bills on '
M« A. Granebanm A Baltin,
Which serve as a Uemlttance to all parte of GERMANY,
Persona Intending fb travel abroad may procure, through
us, Letters of Credit, on which .Money can he obtained, a)
leaded, Id any part of Europe.
Coluctionj of Bills, Notes, ard other securities in Ea
■ope, will rective prompt attention. '
Wood, comer Third street
Ho. 299 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
49"CosstAOTiT axcuviSQ, the BBSS BRANDS Of
Which will always beeold at.the Lowest Cash prices, faplt
WM. B. HAYS & CO.,
lupt r**ceiv«l and u
A large stock always on hand sit
Ho. 397 Liberty street,
jed] Pnrrßßucoa
&. j. ctdiMcrg—J. o. a tones...w. s. woodward-
Manufacturers of papier mache ornaments
for Churches, Houses, Steamboats, Aeq Mirror and
Picture Frames, Window and Door Heads, Brackets, Trusses,
Cornices, Ventilators and Centre Pieces for CeiUsgß, Ro
settes aod Mouldings of every description, sire and design,
OffßAPzaacd warranted more durable than any other article
now in use.
4ST Orders executed on the shortest notice.
N.B. -Attention of Steamboat Builders is espedaDy di
rect* 1 o this article, on account of its light weight.
No. 78 Second st, between Wood and Market sta*
jcil , Pittsburgh.
Window Shutters, t Window Guardi, Ao.
.lot, OL Second street and 80 Third it,
Hava on hand a variety of new patterns BnCj an-
Plain, suitable for all purposes. Particular attention paid
to enclosing Grave Lots. Jobbing dope at afcart notice. |m2\
uAncFAcrcaxßS or
Extra, Doable Strength, Imitation Grown* and Ruby
Ylals, Flasks, Piokla and Preserve Jars; ‘ " -
Wine, Porter and Mineral Bottlee;
Telegraphic & Lightning-Rod Insulators.
pirrsßuaau, pshha-
But a abort distance from the Steamboat landing, and
from Monongahela House, Bt. Charles, and City Hotel. [tp2fi
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
*V. A. BLOSSOM, Proprietor.
'll J. EISNER A CO. have removed their office to No. S 3
X « tilth street, opposite Mason’s, Id Dr. G. ’A Siaw’o
OoulLt) ofllce. where citizens will find the bCoks opt n- to
rvelva A'l i*r iptiens for IRVING’S LIVE OFWASIIiN3>
TN. «-t! '»»>-r Uto ->ubHratfonj». ‘ If'-tl
\t kw GOODS.—A. A. MASON * CO. have Just opened 10
In cif ea Merrimack, Sprague and other makes of Prints,
new styles.
■t oases good fast colored Ginghams;
10 “ best brands of Bleached Muslins;
bales “ Brown “
Also, a large assortment of Checks,Drills, Jeans, Tweeds,-,
Ac., Ac. ' Beplft
Monday, September.lOth. & large and well selected as-
Hortaieiit of Millinery Goods, Blonde Edgings, fine French
Flowers, Floes Ruches, fine French. Frnitß, Strew Braids*
Moss Buds and Leaves, Ribbons, Feathers and Velvet
Piquets, Tinsel Ornaments, Sprigs and Bunches, Ao. (sapid
' SPHALTUM 1200 lbs 7
APPLE FARKBS—Z4 dozen mens action golf"
adjusting Parers, suitable for any sized fruit} fat sale tjy
seplO JAMES WABPROP, 43 «ftb,it.
ri'Wo BRICK HOUSES, now occupied by good'tenants,.
JL situate In Allegheny City, at short dlstanoebelow
Federal street, are offered for sale on easy terms.* Prion
sepB 63 Market street*
Barr’s Intelligence OlQfre.
HOTELS, House-keepers, Mauu&cturoii* Merchants and
Mecbaoics are invited. and solicited to call and obtain
their Holp and their Apprentice*, Also, (he vox kiss
classes, both male and ferial*, shall be attended to, «v
bosiaess found for tbeffl on short notice, at BABE’S r
TKLLIQENCE OFFICE, No. 410 Liberty stmt
No answer returned to applications by oaU, v
corapaaled by a postage stamp * sep^T 0 *
The new southern noyeXc-Ts» r „ Pi ;„'.
Marlon Harland, authpy of “Ah?** P^SlJ 3y
price $1,25. The endorsement of tir* ’. (^ne P eat 12ao»
“It will every way sustain the ‘ ,^f t sf rn ress: ,.
won by the author's C«t sfr • o *** l **l* 1 *
healthful sentiment and h*»' :£*; , ,v‘“ , EBme
ful rimpUcity and yef 4> [deling, the same truth
and Is most aptly •* P** B ?® of «>cial “d domestto Ufe,
and fyiquirgu * -*<* gracefully wrought. —li. Y. Cburfer
fcMT .» P'U'Jf “ * ork , an 4 gmJoa,
ful *lu{ thoughts, beautiful descriptions and grace*
.er»tion» and just interesting enough as a story to
j the reader through a volume, frem the perusal of
,nlch one rises better at heart, and with a more genial.
| friendly feeling towaids humanity In general*—lfeSon
| Daily Journal.
u We take the liberty of confidently commending It to
I our readers, as oae of those gentle, earnest boohsTwhich
will be found acceptable to all pure hearts, and baoune, we
sincerely trust, an especial &Torit» with the women readers
of America.”—PWL Emrfno Bulletin. aWa
For sale by W. A. QILDENTENNST ft 00..
“P* a Fifth »t, opposite the Theatre.
6*Woua £. H. Lytle's Juniata Lumps - t
60 tons Juniata Blooms; fbr sale by
j- w. UUTUSB * 00.
Cabinet Makers
S. M’KJEE & CO-,
B. D. DKHffY,
- for sale by
1 5+ *N: J j