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Ts'•: ; •■ r -.'. :: v7 .-' ’s/*>■ v,.._ . . t ..r. .. . < ' ' l - - ''j£jth*A& #/*•■ rfa * U J* ' -■. *• .*- . ' .:k 1 daily morning post Printed and published every morning (Sundays excepted,) BY QILLHOOB A MONTQOMSEttY, os to« {ro&Tii*VKST oorreb or wood i*d nrra btbeets. tnr iSR M DoIUtb » y*at, payable strictly In alranco. Six Dollars wU|.inratiably be requited If not palu within the year- - !: 23~ Single eoptee tw« obto—for £ »le at the counter In toe Offiw, and by the Neve Boys. tES BATTTEDAY HOEJTIHB POST Pabllched from tbe tun« office, on a large blanket riae ah eu at TWO DOLLARS • year, In advane* Single copies C ff- No paper will D« dlaoonUnnwl onleM at tb, alficro on of th« Proprlotora.) until all arrearas”' P*“- tB- No attention MU b. paid to anr order nnloxs «oom penled by the money, or satisfactory ™ferenoe In thin city. Sir Cemncelnl with At Eslabhthmml of the Uorrtlll Pori u one of I.V largttl Job Profiling Qficu m the dig, token nil t ndi of work ii done on 1A; tborisst noltif-, and moil reason a bie terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Kobt« C. Q* Sprout, ArrOICNKF AND OOBNSHLLOK AT LAW—Offlce, No. —. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. declhly Jaiao A. ATTOKN EY AT LAW—Offloa, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between SoiithDeld street and Cherry alley. I Jecllily JOHN BAaa'Ofi; attorney and counsellor at law, Office, corutr Fifth and Grant ate,, jc: ty3| rrTTsnmwH, ri. Thomas Meant, Attorney at law and soucitor in oiunorby. Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. □ y-l 8. P. Ron, A TTORNEY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth door beluw Mr. Body Patteraou’s Livery f'L.vl.l't, jttliS C. Orlando Loomlc, ATTOKN BY AT LAW—Offioe, Fourth street, above Wood. jjLy ... tl. B. Carnahan, A TTURSKY AT LAW—office oq Fourth ptreel, between J\ Cherry alley .ind Grant street. }«?2:y J. N. M'Cinwry, A I‘TORNBY AND COLM&KLLOIt AT LAW—Office in Bnkew«iirn Building*, on Grant street, jr'i U. 11. U&ien, ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. ITT Fourth street, above and uear Rmithtield. mar*7:j Patricia Moßeaua, ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant tad Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman L»wisO where all bosiueas pertaiu litg to the offline of Alderman and Justice of the Peace wjtl l-y promptly attended to. fcbl:3m N. Buckmaiier, Alderman. (\FFIOK, Gcaut street, between Fourth si and Diamond / alley. Con reyanclng of all kind* done with Ibe gr«ot r>l <-are and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate eaumln* t-J.Ac. j William VVtisoUi Alderman OFFICE No. 417 PU.NX street, between the canal an l O'Hara street, FI Kb Ward All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice ol the Peace, will t- promptly attended to. Jbjg- bonds, Mortgages, and rther Jci'iimmu, dravm with B'MtneSS and d*SD*t*-h. frbldttf^ 11. AIIL, SL'KIIK-.'N DENTIST, (sin r'**e‘or lu " UidJle,; No. HI KoiitLtielJ XLc~OUIc« hours, Loci b to l I'.'.Ti-cfe. and rom 2 to 6 oV'.cc a. feblo ly 'y SCOTT, DENTl'cT,Fourth street, live Joor:. went of Market. *JjTYTfY OvriOE licttas From uiu« A. M. tv) five p M. decTO:y BUSINESS CARDS now.itin Curling, Robn lioa & Co., MANLFACILREkS OF Cl r, TKE>rED AID PLAIN FLINT GLASSWARE, uarrhour* No. U Wood street. c,'rn-*r ( f Front Pittsburgh. All oth -r kiudii of Glassware and Window Glass, et l.iw tmr krt t)I l<:rS _ _ ttplLdlv Jacob M'Uolliiter, \ I/ r IIDLr.jU.LK and rrtail Cigur raiinuNcturer. and dea'- W t'T in all Kinds of Tobacco Snuff, and N- Vo Fil.hbdreet, Pittsburgh. Pa. btr coiuvUntly on band a Urge supply of n» >he ><n .ii • bran H of Imp-rtul J •• John flloorki«K(l< tLK-.AI.K <i R' >CKK, AM) U'UMISiMuN MKK Yy CQA-Si’, fjr tha "ale of f*ig auJ UUoms fctul I'rrvJof'o generally, No. Wool Hrwt. Pmsburßb } U.UV KHUEK Keyui«r Anrieraou, tn Jn-'hua Uluxl-r A C='' WHH.t'ALK dealer? io lord :u Fruil.i. N ju, s? > •*• , O-’nfwtiuOary. Sudani, A.'., Nn 3v Wood street. >TT“* - K!'f ill- S' 01i.itl>-p PilMuir/h. I‘* "l’* Henry H. <Joil»ns, I AuItVVAKPIN'I AND COiIMIiSION M KKCIIA NT, ar> l t* Wholesale P-ul«*r in Chee.-*, Hu iter, Seed*. Fitdi. m l 1-roaucM v’en«.ally. N0.2.'. WuOti nlr.*rt. Hi’?t»ur.r*i aiM- H T C. Morgan, U-OKsKLLKII ASP STATIONKK —lms l! k *r. on ban i a it-oerul asaorUusnl School, V 1 »!••*» u- »n\l DlauU h PrioUa i, Po*t mid Cap A . wh-..e-nlr mj 1 r»- t*,i. \ , M 4 \V>i l Pln-at. te-| iw Filth. Ka< r>.de, PiL*l- n r ki l. Zts' AN anle 1, K.i<i* and Tanaer-.* Scrap*. apl! I s K l .1 U! “I I UM.H. I'll l lll •"« Rl-'n t l' Ujl'iir.li miller A RltUpuon, WHOLESALE QROCBfcH. Urtif'iert.U'tD-* aad Sejsrn -Has. IT2 aaJ 171, corner cf Irwin hd i Lllvirtv BCrtvt. Pittsburgh lr->o. NsiK CoUon Yarn* A,- C >/D.' C iD 11 V ‘>U UH 11 1 * ' " iJ W in. Cfirr A. I'o , . Wtu Cnrr, la*.- i>f ’ll- Qriuot .1 I’afh-r * iA. ' GILJCKRe, auJ L><u»l<?r? lu V* mi :■ u j Brsn.iira, 01J Mr-30C<!iL«Irt nul 1- 1 ■ Jy OxinnuerriHl IL'vr, Lib*rlj i-'.r-K, )’i.;A/Uftb V It llravo, /WiMey’i. /‘j a iHtI.KK IN CObNTKY KKUDCCK. dl-rs f i *«'.• « I ) ~,-p Sl.s-R n; <i na*««rle<, WiV* te 1 for rar-j’lv list- >(• -.-J c.f every variety and ;L-‘ purest .jnalily, gt< uuJ ot t. - SUatu 'Mills. A 1 »•'. Dri-sl Fruits, Foreign ai.l I’- m---.! Produce taken In nekanc* t<.r mer-handne. F R U. lint prv.'drei a full as.aorUueut ul Lanlreti. 8 waireaUl * i ArX*n Se*<ls, au 1 in rite* tbs att>-ull >n of n.. 1 u ;u rural affair*. _ jau^ll 'A. U t-NULlnll Kngllili A HlcUartlaon, COMMISSION AND PoUWAHDINO M KRCU ANTS, aol Wholesale Dealer* in Piah, iUoou and Uil,acJ Pruduo generally. Warm.. use larmerly occu-ied by Burbridge A 1 ughram No. Ilu V\ oler uni Pirel atreet, Pittsburgh. I'eotia frU'! Commiivlon Home. subscriber* hare opeo«l a bouw lor the *b<‘»6 pur 1 p )*t. at No. IT Hmitbrl-l.Utreet, four d™r* ab-ve U.h M.>u.)QC»b-'!a llou*e. We will punrbflj**, or recite, on r» cu lui-telon, for >al«, cnnii^otnrD , . < of Flour, Chefs-.*, Coro. Bariev. Fiai Seel. ur*«= :W i. Bald lUy. Ac . u ;o:i w bi>* 'i v» »• Will make advance*, or purchase kl; be b-*; market rates fur caah uoroi AMJKO A CO J nine a M’ljaughlln, DKALtR IN GKJCKIUK*. PilOuL’JK, FLOUK. BACON. Ac., No. lb, corner Smuhftelil anJ Firni fireet-, IV.-- hur/h. I’d _ _ _ Jou> D. TOI'XO T. B. Young A Co. Yi». S-nit\fifld urrsl, i up,.tui Oty llil'l. MANUFACTURERS OF CABINET FURNITURE AND C:l\ IK-3, o: every description. Material* and work manship warranted, and Bold ai reduce i prices. Our- tnk-u Ui pe--iiog far laud and water carriage. _“ug..l Win Ulgby , Jr., (ILOTLIIKO AND FURNISHING *T<»Kfc. Masonic j Fifth street. Pittsburgh. doming made to order, iu style. and at moderate rotes. >u 11 11. A A t.\ Duncan, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers m Produce. For <i>r Wines nod Liijuor*. Old Monongahela bIJ K-- •Hied Whitikv. No 2ul LiUrlv at : Pittsburgh. Pn-_ _0> >' fc, jf\ A TlUtlle, WHOLESALE an 1 Retail Saddle. HirtiMH fggs3»BrS>y Trunk. \ ali-e aud Carpet Bag manufacturer, 3T No Hid Wood at.. Fitteburgh. po. v J 11. Mel lor, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer Id Mum.'hl loMromeut- I’mno*. Music School Books aud Stationery, No. 1. Wood street. J JoliH \V (Sutler 4l to, 1 FORWARDING AND OoMMldslUN MERCHANTS < D-*le"fiin all Mods of Pllleburgh manufacture, le-nd «n 1 Sh«et Lead. HT Front street. nrp'iH Enterprlit Works. Vo l"r‘. \V,~«I x!r*'-t. M’.rd door M<.>w l ir'jinatlsy. BOWS A TKTI.KY would call the attention of Bportirg uien to their large assortment of UQns, R:fies and in volving Pistol*. the largest and bent selected stock ev<-r opei.Hd in thin market, tether with a general aiiaorinieut of 1 i nr ' a are. Cuilory.Toolh and Fishing Tackle, nil of which we oiler ut the lowest possible prices tu rash purchasers, i r for good approved paper. luarln Coji&rlnersHlp Notice 111 ay l' THIS DAY (April IUM associated with n.e Mwara F STEEL TURUETT and BAM L C. CLANK., both of whom bare been for many years In my establUL Auenl nod are already extensively and favorably fcuown to my customers and the public generally as supsrfor wuk men and uf-mrreet bosinesß habits. We hope by this unbm of experience and artistic skill—especially m the wateh .1 - partment* by keeping a large and well selected block « f goo-da' by selling at moderate prices, and by close atteull u to business. to merit a liberal share of pationage. do my old friend* and trie public in general, who hare for rnaov year- past lib.-rally patrouited my bualneaa, I return u-. thanks and eoli.-U for the new firm a continuance el mu: tar favors. W. W. WILBOS Pittsburgh. April 11. 1556. Wilson, Torbett * Claney, WATCH MAKKKH. JEWELERS and SlL\ KKBMITII3, t>. Market* reek, corner Fourth. 1 Mew Concti and Carriage Factory l JOHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., Cyxrnrr 11tbecca duel Belmont itrtrh. Jilleghmy (My mg WOULD respectfully inform their friends the public generally, that they have cotumenced the manufacture of Carriages, Barouches. Rockaways. Boggier. Sleighs aud Chariot? in nil ih**ir various styles of finish and proportion. All orders wilt be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beantf of finish. Repairs will also be attended tu on the moat reasonable terms. Using in all their work tin* heat Eastern Shaft*. Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will be rfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are re-iueeled to give ub a call, before purebi -Blng elsewhere. . r JOHNSTON T>. T. JOUN97ON E. m.U KlceUtor Carrlftg* Fnotory. IOnNSTON EUOTHKR 4 CO. PRACTICAL COACH • I MAKEItH corner of Rebecca and Belmout struts, A-! •• ffheov city, Pa, have on ban 1 and are manufacturing *n ein»nrivH assortment of Oarriagtw, Rockaways, Buggi-s, Uawwaim Oars, Ac. made in all their various styles, with fitrictregard to durability and beauty of flolfh, using In »ll th«lr work the bentJuniuta Iron and eastern hickory. Ke Tended to on the most reasonable terms They 1. -1 Snfldent that nil who may favor them with their pair- u age will be perfectly satisned on trial vt their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every nt teen minutes during the day. _ - - 4Nfr-The onJerrtgued ha?* tbu day formed a Partner- PITTSBURG II CO AC II FACTORY . ship, under tbo name, firm and My If of KKYMKK A AN u UIOILOW mirtis L. STivww GKoaQ* aluikt fur the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit auJ BlffelOTV A Co , Confectiouar j buMoaaa, No. :$9 Wood street « SUCCESSORS TO K.M. liIQKLOW, N«> A 6 PHILIP RKYMRR. Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pi Me- Rl)BT. J. ANDERSON, burgh—CoarheM Carriage*, Pheatooa, Uug- - jfies and every description of fancy rehi. If* built to order, and finished in a manner unsurpassed U>r be»Oty of design, elegance oi flmah, skill ul worim&Uftii'p*, and durability of materials. All work warranted. pot - 1 AOBKRT H PaTTEHSON’S LIVERY AND SALE WBSibF stable, JK Vlorner Diamond »tr»el »nd Charry alley iprlltf PITTSBURGH. PA. IYwVDOZ lemon in hup, 11)0 ■*> •' ..Mortal do ln * lot * ,or ' h J 1 T iu 'jy Wood eln oppoalw Lbi bl Lbfcrua Uc-ui. ' *>-N - ’* c .'- Joiipb. KUmlug, [tfIICXJKSdOa TO l. WUUOX * CO.J CIOBWttR MARKET BTRKET AND DIAMOND, keep* j constantly on band a lull assortment of Drugs, Medi cine*, Mediciue Chests, Perfumery,and all article* pertain Inf to his business. Physicians* Prescriptions carefully compounled at ail hour*. LoiVVtc, j,.a« PL Mil.ld WHOLESALE DUOGIBTB, No. 60 Wood street, Httn burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M'Laoo's Celebrated Vermifuge, Liter Pills, 4c. jalO - I soccxssoa to j&Mts n’oteriTj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRCUGIBT, nod dealer In Paints, Oils, Dye Stufb, 40.,Ul Wood B’reet. three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. api4mAely__ V 1 T HOLKSAI.K DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN- V\ DIE-l, CIGARS, OLD MONONQAHELA AND RYE WHISKY. Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, littsburgh, Pa. Wines, Brandies, Gins, Oonlials, Jamaica Spirit*, St. Croix and New England Rom, Clarets, Champalgnes, Scotch Ale, London Browu Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monotigahela Rye and Rectified Whiahy, Apple, Pooch, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; Imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Clgarn; lialf-Bpanlsh and Common Cigar*, all at Huoh low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Reg* and Labelled Bottles of every style, and Demijohns of all siaes, l respectfully Invite an examina tion of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD street, tittaburgh, Penna. apr3:ly Jsmti filelllnsar. MONONGAIIEI.A PLANING MlLL—Woaldrespectful ly inform his friends ood the public, that his new «• tubliahmant is now In lull operation, and that he is pre pared to lurnlsh Boot Cabin*, oud till all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and st the lowest rates. Board and Plan*, pland-1 on one or both sides, constantly on band. Fash, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to ortlor. Builders nod Carpenters would find It to their advantage to him a call, a* be can now furnish them with pUueJ stuff suitable f"r every daacriptlou of work. Herrou A Criswell) BEI.L AND BRASS FOUNDERS, anJ Manufacturers <d ►!l kinds ot lsra<* Work, Locomotive Steam Engine, Biumbers, Ac. Abo. Cot'on Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on llobo'oa i-treet, Allegheny city. X»WOM Bran* and Copper taken in exchange for work, or ca.-h pai 1. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will b« promptly attended to. febtl ly MxHUAN K.-KKhTv'S .MXHRt L. KIN-WAIT. W. u . hUITU .Bii'jEHT A^l*iArv*> j. i sinc'itn PUBLIBHED DAILY, BY QILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “ t’OET EUILDINUB," CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD 8 TICK VOLUME XIII BUSINESS CARDS Fleming Brothers* isocciseons to j. iibo a oo ] John Haft, Jr., üßov and Store No. Id Market street, Pittsburgh. UralT, Relainger A Ora O, \l, r E3TKRN FOUNDRY, No. li-4 Wood Street, Pitta burgh, Pa. MiSlUiTUtßlhe or t‘ coking Strv<»< Plain and Fancy Gratca, O 3!and W o->J St-t cn, Plain and Fancy P«odn>, Parlor Siorw, bad and l>cg Irons, Uolkw War®, Portable Forces, Sugar Kelli**, T»a Kettles, Hutu Kettles, W&goo Boxes, mhl*- V tt MAXI i « IH STtH. SmltU, flail 4 HuuUr, i Lair Smith 4 Sloelalr ) W'IiOLKSALK QOOCKUS, PRODUCE AND COMMIS SION and Dealers In all linJs of Pittsburgh Manufactures, 122 Bucond and 161 First itraot, Pittsburgh, Pa. _ VV. Haven. IHIK OLD PUNTING KSTAULISHMICNT, (Ute Juhii t-ton A PU-cktoo,) and Blank book und Stationery Warehouse, lit prepared to execute every style of l.egal. Commercial. Canal and .Stears boat Job Priotiu.* and Book Hinlirtf, and furnish eiery allude lu the Blank Book, Paper mi l Stationery Hoe, at the shortcut nock l * and ou the most rrrfi'U&ttc trt in«. Blank book and Stationery Warehouse, Prlatiug Ofilci* an I Book bindery, corner of Market and SerouJ at# i oovlt. Korih-Wulern Police Agency, NO s) WASHINGTON fcTRKBT. corner of Dearborn CHICAGO, ILLISOS a;it* riKXuton Pinkerton A t'o I'IVOTI Tllllß 4TTI>T'.u.I To TUI TRANhAi.TIUH l » i tSlXtl DKTRCI IVK Pol.loB BUSIN Ki? 3 In the suit* ol l Ihuou, W)r< odMd, Michigan and Indiana, tubltfdll ri t [J K late firm rd .1 JNKS A OL'IOU, l uring been dhwo'v 1 .-J by the death of John P. Ouiirc. on the i'. Lh lost , lh* 1.,i Qe<e ot raid Urui will be pettk-d by the uuderßlgued, at ll -ir oßlce, aoruer of K'w ao-1 First street* ISAAC JuNkd, Surviving Paituer Pittsburgh, September Uo, [o«.t- y Isaac Jonti, MANUFACTURER 1.1 Spnug aud H.lster steel, Plough Mnb steel, steel plough Wings, Coach and Hhptle iings, Brafin Nut Taper, l.nll paieul, Sor-w. Mall and Hammered Iran A ilw, - .a r m*r ul Bus* and Hr&t ntrovU, [il'.eburgh, Pa. ocri:ly ISAAC j osts D. B. Kogeri A. Co., MANLF.4CTUKKU.rf of fUMjEnj’ pateut Improved i-U~\ Cultivator Twlh. Kew at.J First street. . . . __ pittsnurgli iiiding School /TK ROBERT U. I’ATTfcKrf'J.N, Proprietor, corner Diamond street and Cl.-rrv el ley. The subscriber rt II resuf-etlullv announces U< the LaJlad and Qelill* toru l»t Pittsburgh, that h<* h«« recently orect«d a RIDING rfCUOOL, whi.-h in pMut ot si t \ and odup tiUuu, undeniably excel* any him liar eetablishiUflOt lu lb* l .Hied Staled lt£ )o-att« n h! accessible from &U part." of the city, while lu high and airy rituaiim randarr It espe , uliy gulled to tii« promotion of health, by thir meat afr*-“ a'.ir exercise. Tho Horses are and well train*!. ic 1 th<* piopnelor pledge* b impelf that no palm or expense wi.l le spared to make this establishment the fiivt in t>«* C nSJeDce of t‘ f public OMltlMf Kleb&rd C. ilocklng, \ f A N U VAC T U H K U OF GILT. eJLVKR. BRAbrf, J 1 BRONZE, LOOKING-GLASS, PORTJL4 IT AND PIC TIU FRAMES, Plaiu bIJ Ornament*-.!. No. ill Bl Clair rtr»et. All Kinds tl Comporition Ornaments, for Steam U.ate, A<\ All kinds <>l Gliding *nJ Re gliding, to order tiilt Mouldlu- s lur Fm-mw*. wht>l<?*a)»i ami retail. artilsL i- r (nl Pa in . mg*. Kitgra'log* and Lithographs, for "ale I mpbired or Jel»-'ed Oil Pointings restored lu the best nmu o**r. A 1 i Friuit-*-' and Mv-nldinc* mnnuf&etured in thii eetab ! inbment may be denned without injury, with 6o*p and wnter. Call and see. No 21 rft Clair st , Pittsburgh “ J, VVlilTKi \ T "KNKTI AN BUND MANUFACTURE?., haa recovered his health f*o as to resume hie old bualnew, and ha? .pmed hl< BUND MANUFACTORY, at No hi Fifthstreet, ii-or the Post office, between Wood and BtaUbfi-ld, where he has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain ami Unry worsted aud silk trimmings, oud is prepared to GU any order in his line, on Ibe most rwutonable tirnu. Ills work is warranted to give BeUalactlon or money refunded. 33F“0.d Blinds repairal. JZjsT Please give him a call, as he can’t to beat in work mnnahip m t ■ l y LI!AVK sold my iniereat is the business o* Long, Miller A Co., to U. A Long, who, with John Phillip*, will con tinue at the old stand, No. 109 Front street. I cordially re ri-om-tiJ the new croi to the patronage of my friend*. Pittsburgh, July .9, IbW. P. Li. Ml LLEJL S. A. I.oag A Co., BK.LLAND Bit ASH FOUNDERS, AND UAtf FITTERS, luvlte attention Li their stock •<( Chandeliers, llmrlt *•;*, pendauts and other Qituruc. We fit up h«.u-ea»i'h 11 an aud rfteaoi, make Bras* Oafltinge ol all kioda hi rrder. lur .i-ih Rui'.rOHi Pumps aod l ank Fitiloga, and keep Anti- Attrition Metal conatantly od hand. JT- 1 NOTICK. DALY’B STOCKING MANUFACTORY. Fifth sv.ul. first comer abvrt Market strtr.t , PITTSBURGH, PA., \irHRRB bo found the largestand best assorted W stix k of UOrfISRY ever offerwd for sale in this cdty. Pur. hasers will find it to their advantage to call at IbU «diabUsbm« , ot and examioe for themselvea; it 1* all l need to Insure their custom C. DALd . N. U —Remember the Caiap StociiNO Coansa. fetil :y _ CD. Comumc the Smoka r I>tIK subecriber baflog the exclusive light to manufao I lure and sell SWKKNEY’B UOT AIR AND BMOKK v '.iNriUMINU FURNACE, is prepared to rereire orders, and ronimot for heating t'Uildingv with the mo«t economical Furoace now in use. ho attention of those IntorestwJ is si lietted. Anv information can bo had of A. BRADLEY, Nos. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAR, JeL‘J4 tf I I ron City Slovu Warehouse, No. UH Woo-1 et. .1 IML.H l LSDUI. Ledlie dfc l'l am, (Successor* to Mulvany A LedHe ) Manufacturers of cut. Moulded and puid, Piint hDd Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and Joalers La all kiu 1r of Window Gift**, Flaaka, Vials and Bottle*. Ware house coroer of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh, rnh&dly Removal (>1 IHMRIfN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vial*, B>ttlee and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine sod Claret Bottles; Demijohns sod Carboys; also, Flint Gi»* in every variety Warehouse, Non. 104 Second, and 133 First street, Plttsbnrgh. Ps. tnhlffl I. W. Chadwick, Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobacco, hags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth .Pitts burgh, Pa. 4J*The highest market price, in CASH, paid 'or RAGS. aptfO-ly* JOUB ATWiLL. Atwell, liee A Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Bmduce and Commleirion Merchants, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No 8 Wood street, betweeu WuUr and Frout streets, Pitts burgh. aplb Ulaaolutloa or Co-Partnership. fI>DE CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between JL JORIIUA RHODEB and PUILIP REYMfiR, to the W holes&le Fruit aod Oonfeclionarv i* this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who Is authorised to re ceipt for all debt* due said firm. Joshua Rhodes, March iTtb, 1866. PHILIP HKYMKB. PARTNBRMIIiP NOTICE. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1866. retiring from theOonfectionary business, 1 cheer fully rwcommend Messrs. Reymer k Anderson to my friends and customers Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1565. Removal. CtPRINGKR HAKBAUGH A CO. have removed to No. O 296 Liberty street. sp&ineu HAUAUQU. Springer Uarbaugh A. Go., (Saectm.«ors to 8. Uarbaugh,) / COMMISSION A*D FORWARDING MEROHANTH \j Doalen lu W.x>l and ProJuue generally. 'h)6 Libert itteet, Pitubargh. P». »pb S' u , I. L.. Me rshall, IIfOOR DfcALfcK AND MKItCHANT, Vf No ny I.iliTty stivvt, PUD burgh. I'n Hfftrenc* —W- M‘Oiiulo«xk A Bcok., Kruumt A Rahm; B.*i'WnA KtrLpalri. k, M -jrj.hy , ’! i-tn;>u' A C< Pittsburgh Mav ;i, ] v.:.-(invj-l r.ui') £lMa aiiii Caps. a WE vrouM invite the utteminu t .f our Irlen.i* and the public to a ri|.lxuJiJ artwjrtaieni it HATS and CAPrf. aldchwe are now openirg for th« Hummer irate, which t.-r beauty t.i style, ncnal.-! anything ever of- R.red in tin- city, or weat <-f the mountulos. Aii - * Call uud examine fi-r yourselves. J. WILSON A BON, . h r,a yL Wood street, Ptttaburgh. _ .oooaaaa flhuko. rpilfc FIRM OF LlVlNGrf*i\)N. RuGGKN A 00- Profile -1 nr* nl Uie PIETrfBURGH NOVELTY WOUKB, Was oieK-lved t>y thv death ot Mr. Jons J. KuGuhc. ou the iltn of Ma ch last. The Umwim of the NOVELTY WORKS will be continued iu ail ih branch«'B by the surviving partners, under the u*m«- huJ style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A CO , ffU will 01.-. i f-vttld up ihd »ilaK»ot the l&io fir u. L. H LIViNGBTON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. K. MOORHEAD, P.ttrbUTgh.Pa .May t, 1^66.W B. COPELAND .t-'HV >1 .'LOVSIT John Sl’Gloakiy A Co., WHOLESALE ANI» RETAIL CU/L'HING MER CHANTS, No xi Wad street, PiftHburgU, Pa. The Kubsrriben* respeoUully inform their oT.I customers and ibe public in geoerel, that tti<*y have fbl* day associa ted themMilven in the above businoiiß, under lb* firm <f JOHN M'CLtjrfKkV AOn They rceprrttully sf.Uclt s share i-t public patronage. Tb<- previous bur-iue.-s ut ea-rb »ul l«* rattled by them m»lre* rwpertively. f**b9 Boots and Shoes. JM’LAUGIILIN, No 95 Fourth ptroel. nearly opposite , the Uuvnr's i-ffice, i- manufa.'turi g ui-atlemeu’* tirnt boU.*, ly>.u rfl.i-r-.,. ;ir? i.ud button J; C« aud Button wdtia:'*ra. l.hd>-' Ikvjte, Half lk-Rn, Jenny Linda, SUp pciuud Kretii b Ltwkhlu*; Cm'rr-'. > l every col?r and shale, tuncy Kid an 1 Satin (isßVr*, of the be*; uutctials. Mi.sed aud Childreti’s d-.', .-f et.iry variety N R All ki- d* made 'n ~r 1.-t. - n eLort n-rlc-.* !sul‘.i .JASIIC9 I’KiOVt U.L. boldlera* Uuumy Leudi and C ia.tum egnljoal Government. IW ILL proaur- bouuty Laud Warrant* lor t'oLUer*, Iboir W.jjwti *oJ Uiaoi Uiu.J-en. arul aUhuJ to m Uit* •• Ci urti f Claim*, - ' leoeoliy ec.ialM.-'Ued by Congren*. ultLv, No. 14? Vh ri street, uur door übiitv 3wUh*>«»l<i si. March lb lebi —i.iuLiU) CUAKLE3 NA^Ll)ll_ Sew Seed Store. JAMES WAKIMIUP oiler* lor ? als CANAHY UIHUSoI Ihe moat improT—l breed, being rery burly, u.ud has Bingers Hird Seed* —Canary. Hemp, Millet, Hope ami mix el iWad. Bouqueta will t«• luraisbed ccnipnaeJ of th«i fioeflt H.OWEHS. rlx: Cnratli**, Hmaa limit, Heliotrope*, Ac. fclTerrrwen* (la put*i for l*bri «t mas Tiw*-, tn>tu the Sre-J na-J lli.rti -ullurai No l.'Kirii ‘Mk«' «■--! Uouuty I,unilt. rplIS undersign*;! i-r.iitiDf.ee :e ohUlu UniMT Land War 1 !».,:« The } ,r->- .t * ill ;ii." I.' Hii * li'- Loi n nmel m nov v» r • iDve ITVO. I'e a::r«. I.riD< moderate LI K Y. CvK K-HtKfT, C Lhnmot.il alley. between Wood «t *n 1 Hum. n 1 SIXTY THRFK ACKK:* "K wi’i. 2.V) *rr*i ft niUrtii'l.&nJ nil ■ ti.» smrr<'<’^tucn , “ lh»*rvoQ tu *u* -:•* ful .-{-rati- n -ml -nih-M n.-o.'dM-. rn *t .Al «!-•>•• 1".: •-1 an l i-> Hupj-l-p-l wllh a Ka.rm Hou««*. Harr., 'lVoan' Or-banl, Ji&ilr"a*i t anJ iji fi liarN : Tbf v.-;o :■!' C'-al H f'T- Uiii'n, »oJ >'»nn -t V- -'jri M in >f 4*li»v [■ ; r .jr :L».-r j.-i &H-*? 1,1 n i rnoi.N'N * y • \ nk. No iSvS L»Nt»rtT Htn-fi. h.nmimu.v uoom FOU INVENTIONS anl> patents, And Agency fjr the Puichaso and Sale of Patent KigLu acd Patou'.eJ Articles UO.-t- F t. m .v t» -u ri'HK I > K.\ . 11 rO bun I > ft • I t> u. aoUiiL- Jußln « :,r< wi- U Lu:: VV. n b L'.V, .Un.-- VV. . .1. I*. K » b f;n )> A \Vt>, Wu. i hi'.: i- W|l-’!1 M C* A W U. mi*. l u:»; nr;:., . W rliloK t i »**eo—lio rr'* College. ri 'll t • i••!;.i-'in-Ti m."I !.■»■!!•’• V »n.l Kr-nm; Wri'.in. 1 L |VH- >* .• -oa-.u.- ■ }.-n Juiims :u* uui,: Mr J l>. W, ll.aU. V “ !'• -*• 'Ol .• 'll" ‘ i«v .•! »U 1 |.*4;c»' Wamu nu'*.rNi..v ulum-i N. ■ - t ..vlui.-i.« t f I'eom Ain't. Ip Bf .• v Ik’, t!." .i —’l I'll l r k-\ u !«• 1 l y U..J T.’u- in -t.- ! ■: I'b- l*r isj-mp-: ’■” •' in.iU''[Muv ii«-r •• l l. . Li- ‘■ .j'lti t> b d t lie- iu ; Li* .'i.' OitUUaiiU a-*J \ ;.-i i* r.- (ml- Mi Wvlhuui •’ U&-, f* c Alik.ii. i .r u: ujuK-i:l n. i’ftj rpHK * u ■ ri• -1 j •i- ii<- i uLJ IMKUMLNIK X om r .*K. u* N» 11 '.!wio:r-‘l.iu -hf »<;; ku- wa f.l«C4* of .1 .ho i u M.ip A/-ut . m. I li- v s* I:.*' '-•■••u hxpM.u*- 1 • 1 -ut.i •urJ.'. .** -ci-tr l-urwh i t'«r;v .far*. he ’‘.iUti 1. iu.i.-.r <h»t Mr kilo* <>f lh'. ' J >*» ' i»“ >'• • " !l ' • Uvt. iu furuULtu.’ b .u-- n L>- lc,{ pUiva •< i bi■ ya, i *i ; » i ii• • ' The p«it rot.**■* of tL' i i.'j.i - L- • t-Torv i-n.-rt u'w-i i- <„>»«• ‘J 1 ’■• ~ii -.r RA \ K ur> HAM». »t U 1 ir aUii.',v CAlltM*T »t>J CIUIK MAM:f'A-:r-»KV. N. t.l > -,r.*rt. a i,r/« m*u'. of K»tuy bu-J I’laiti Foruilur'', ©hull they niU Kfll 1 o ;•<# -rti- l-ri. w mU.- Torms —'»3h 'i,ly .I'-.. W «-!. Wiu. K, St*ven»o»i -.mi; tti u-*© t<- iur-hj u•• YU. tur© CABINET WAKK .1 -'wry Utc. I puon, ut hid fwR I ccn.'T ’'f l. h.-ro fco.l :•••«-u!h / I uM>tt.i.TA E l .VI bUoudt.i lu n. i :t.i Lr*.u.hf.«. Ill) 11 SH•»KK AND HI.ACKr'WI Hi, hid a nrw Bud ootnniMiOu* llrvK oh •{> on *'!?>, botw©«n Third and fourth strreij*, v li'-tv hr i* j-jvpur-J lo (*(• Hil work la hi* Hoe will) tb« utrno.t pn-.mpti'od*. UaT , .tj>' bed lontf csp©i in lb© bn- ni.*BH, h© rn-pi-vlfuli Y rt»t«cit-* the pttlri.iOiy! of hi* i*!d .'vi*’oturr* mii th- puMic i ) MA!'B tsv NUNNS & CLARK, NKW YoRK. fpUE PUBLIC i.r Pittsburgh aiol Allegheny U r*jp*cl X fully invited to rail Hi the Munir ot th" hubm'rihers, No bL FIFTH Sl’, examine a superb rf H lij H H Full Grand Pi mo, prl c« 9 1OOO,« E U • Front the Factory of NUN>rt A N»w This eleeant iuetrtuneot is maJ** iu ih<- •• Kl.l'/.AItETUIAN SI YLK," ft.* ornament/, froot atti ie*< N-inw; elabo rately carved out of wIJU lluMvWimu It u full aeven octBTHB, of lbo Jitu-TMOti-, rinJ, lo l>'int M volume, power, and lijUtvl hweetuem c| toil'*, 18 alto tfwlher uaearpnrkablr The nub‘<vil*»f/ wnl be happy to r«*r«ire the Ti.u'.a ol their fn.'U-.h and tl.*- t-uU).- iu (jeimral, mil theui through then el.-oMit ir't -ntablishmenl 11 KI.KIIV It A till'J , Mon ■ f li e (b I l*n Urn c, S ' P 3 Mill, stieel !.vo. paiuips. Spring Stork or lUmburg Flauoi. j , jrn CHARLOTTE iiLI'MK, No. Us W\« I : slfeet, I'ltUburgh, Kile Agent. Bn n»DD The Hamburg Piaoi* are uu J.»ubt*dlv || d | ft Auperior to uli otL«?r% both iu tlasit&iiy ■■/ touch aud guptn-zrUy uj Loh>. They have not omy receded the highest murks of af prc bslioti from the boat Ruropoan I’leniiUM, such aa LldT, TtiALUKKU, Aud others, who bare thorn r.imtnuUy in their cwd us-, but also froui our ruMdent Professors. Tin* ioll.-wiiig la au extract from n latter ot PKOFJWBOR HENRY IiOHBOCK. Aft «*r dcaoribing the particular style twu of wbb-h ho waots for hie own u»*» —one Grand hD'I one b'jutre—he apeake aa follow* o( their excellent .{UKiilic* “My little daughter, wh" plays very well, taunt, with myself, hare a good in«irutuent, and yours are the only onwn which can eatUfy tin' “ 10.-trumen;* rr*< < If- red meonth* most arrnnjniodaUng lenn-c 1, howpTpr, Jo net hk- them, they have n> t the eland; U'U h and tb~ torn’ t f yours “1 niuaiti, y- r*-, rcejiei-tfully, “il in av lloHnnOK. Pittsburgh. Ta " Pit hblp by C'IARU'TTK ULLMK. at the“uU KnUh liahid Piano Depot," lls Word street. J 1 door abort* Filth Also, (H>ie Agent |..r Pi' t.-ftirgh and Wp*u»rn P*nti«yivania for IJuHrt, l>jns d Ib-s' .*j pnnos. (whi h In the K»6t ern cllieii are i-ou-i-h*:-'i *'.i|cn. r t- •: Chi- herlng's or Noons A Clnrs's, out win 'b f,*.'t 1* n-'t eXtenelvely known, ad they hare bat lately Keen lutt odu*e.i here ) anj .. h-r New Yort and rLlludelyhiH Pwnc*, of the bent makers, n' prices from $225 to mbt‘‘ .j-jst.ru J. YUM. rtiUK PUBLIC Hl'HlNd SAhh.fl of Real Eat ate at Ho ch*tf't«r'arv now iloseJ, i*uj the fittilditiy .Vajxrt has fajriy eommeured. Krery illuen of Rochester is busily etu ployed. Kveo 30 or -10 new fain 11 lea who have become nil reus the present Fpring. fiuJ constant employment; and In u lew duyfl ft hundred families more will be required to car ry on the work ot the present seaiou. The Clir Buikkvg falablahmeril is uow och:- completion, and will be in full operation iu June, beven.l Cars w 111 be ready fur delivery, by contract, the Ist of July. 156.. Two or three new church.*, iu Rochester, will be cod traded for immediately. Hud mimerous ot her improvement* Will be commenced, requiring ft great amount ut mechanical aod other labor independent of the tar Kstublishm-ut, which will prooobly employ from vue h- two hundred. A prominent brlrkniaker Iroiu Pittsburgh hasjuat pur rbaaed uine Urge lots, and contracted to make upou them forthwith 500,0u0 bricks T«.. «i hands oomuien.e work the present week, bsskl.* the olhrr yard? hen*l.dor»* esUblWiM In the neighborhood. , t»ur Slant Vuamcs are already ahrr w ith workman, au.l the rood leadhig to them lined ulth teams. Lumber is becoming abunddni and cheap, and tenement will booo soring up M rell-re some . i c-nr houses, whi.-h bow have b fomillua, 4 families, d tamilie- 15 , and dosens o! them 'L familieß each . , Any who d d not buy cheap lota ai the four public- sales last season, or the four public sales the present sprinß. can Still secure good bargftius at prvoai' by calling on the subscriber iu Rochester. Tenu»-* A do " n > ‘ ? ear inJ */« lu two yeara. M-1 p t B, a few lota can yet he hu'i Rt $3O tn $H>O each; if appiled for before the 2o h May. Th«*e lota are twice *» large as usual city lota, vli: 40 feflt by 123, aud the price only from sl,6uto $2,50 per foot front. The preaeut reaerv el homestead and maguiUcent profit of Ovid Piuney, 4 acres in the centre of the borough <»f Rochester ; aUo, the beauti ful 20 acr««, building, orchard, 4o , of F. Keuo, am be Lought through the eubecrllMr at bargalua, nud there are not lioo tuch Ini ryumj witblu a huuJrtKi ujllt-s. U. myB _ . - . .CHAS. ATWOLL. JOSHUA RHODKB. SOUTHBKRT A PON have removed their Real Kstate , and General Agency Ofih’« to Nu. bd MARKET 8T , near Third. wug ‘ j .ALOXAM>Ka VOBBYTB. * 1 . . * r .?r .*■ ! • ■' j f '%T » ' J-' ■ r: . fcrat 1 4 <•. ■ _<g. . . <c ; £■• I’ITTSBUUGH. MONDAY, SEPTI BUSINESS CARDS Dlaaolution of Co-P«rtn«r»ltlp AVdKSUCS M'OLoaktl ( okl Wiirki tor ?• a!® [,,ir |,[4 1.-rii a j Jail, ’.r-1 With Vl' , \\. a:i.l till- ii.' h.-silutl ii iu r«\'Ui 11 • i 1 r.lrl illd- I ili/hhl- l u .J liii ur^ljaui II < hi.ds A N 11 diu— X S ui. I', t hi.-: fc Kuhn:. ; It l.inr. V. m P .' tiu-t u At .1 r i-« Y - tin [Wav* lulolllgrucr Office A. l*l 111 1 *t e u Co, ( liariec Barn*ll, GUAM) PIANO Notice to Whom l( May Concert! Removal FOB SALK—Two Lots of 30 feet hr 140 each, iu Rant IHtU-trursh, al the lowo«t prioer Inquire vt THOUAO woods. .5 Fi urth itreet. •w*-*'*- ?• '• - *" 'V - ' - • ~ - • - k >“ ‘U-* N'.' _ 'Hf .W*"* Cj- - ' ~ **s * .'aV', MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST- BlATti ill DMtJUJU 07 TRI IF* AND Biß WITHOUT OumNi), luouiho, bUßTsatna, ou tux vm or u&lumcu OFFICE 4b9 BROADWAY, OCR. GRAND ST., NKW YORK Hours from 0 A. M. to 4 l*. M. HOUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Afuuuroiilo aul Cataract Scrofulous, Weepiog or Watery lSy«s, are among tne lUdeaeea of the eye which are treated t.y Dr. 11. iriib perfect satisfaction. All diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principle*. Artificial Ryes inserted without an operation. All Letters post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thou sands of eases which hare been successfully treated by Dr. Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 820-S Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfredßoathwlck, Printer, M u fJ. Ooodspeed, Glens Fails, N. Y. •Wm- W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson. New York City, N. Y tillflu Mary Bellows, N. B. Station, Ducbete co., N Y ♦Bdward G. Bolger, Bristol, Oonu. •John Beamon, Engineer. N. Y. Darid Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B: Giles, office Courier aod Bnq., N Y. ♦James W. Kirby, Brooklyn; L. I. Jarvis Rodgers. “ “ A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Bt. Nicholas Hotel. R. M. Fefries, Organ Builder, Houston Bt. R. B. Doolittle, M. Hudson, N. Y. A, Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.Y. M. P. Collina, Teaober Penmanship, Trey, N Y. It. L. Boas, Albaoy, N. Y. A. Dlllenbach, Bcbunectady, N. Y. Capt. B U. Havtland, Athens, N. Y: John W. Ilackett, Bloghompton, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and bad to bn led to ibeofllce. At the expiration of two woek#tbey'f'uldgoabou; thri chj at pleasure. •These eases of Amaurosis w«-s reeUfed to eight alter they were jriveu up as Incurable oj the faculty, and can be referred to by any person who wished to loam the f»cu io th**eo aunt, by writing __ _ j*o& Pttiaburgh UoTlir Savings Institution, xVb. 08 FburUi strrrt, HBIT DOOR TO THE PITTSBURGO BASK, J 8 NOW OPEN dally Imm 0 to ‘i o'clock; klho, oo Wed nesday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9 o'clock. Deposits rucoived of all huuw not I*BB than On* bo'lar, an I a dlrHend of the profits declared twice a year. In June an.l December. The Tru*U»e,lor ths purpose of rurUieriug ibo benevolent objects of the Institution. bate entered Into u guarantee bond, thereby glring additional wcnrity to depoßiton. Hook* containing the Charter, By-Laws, Roles and Eegu latumA, faiulehod gratia, on applhiiioo at the office. Frrsidsn:-^ OBOKQB ALBKKK. VICB PKWJDKfTS : Hope veil Hepburn, John IL flhoonberger, liMorge It- White, Charles Knapp, William P. Johneton, N. Urattan Murphy, Jam*M> W. Hallman, Theobald Umbataetler, Alexander Bradley, M. Penoock, WUllam Phillips, William J. Anderson. TkCSTSt* • J,-hoO Baok 'f*o, Jama Uenlinan, John M. Kirkpatrick Alb*t CulberL-ou, John I>. M'Oord, Robert Chester. Robert Morrow. J Uardiner Ootfln, Walter P. Marshall, Abmi-i A. Carrier, A. M Pollock, JohoS Co»cr«T«. lUury i. Klng*alt, Charlrt A. CVil- □, Hubert lUbh, K 0 Kdnugu-n, Ueorg«l IL Riddle, Francis Felix, James Rhoads, Georg" F. Gillmore, James Bbwil", J*mcs S. Uoon, Uourg* 8. SeldeO, William 8. Haven, Alexander Tlndle. XsiTfUtTg <3Jui 7Y<'UfU7> , r—CHARLES A. OuLTOh jilMly _ _ ... FARAIbUa’ ASD MEUiAfHt U'' LIKE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance* C ompany, OP PH 11.4 DELPHI A Capital Amount securely invested. riltll.M OOMPANV etleeta Fire inauranco on Building", J_ Famf-.ur*, Ac Marine lunurane* cm Vr*»-K Cargo and Freight. Inland lururaoee <>n Good*, ht Rirrrp, Canal*. Rallruad*, and l-aud I'arrUa* generallv A,«o, lojurance upuu Uvea, upoo lb* fLTr.tnbJ.- terms. .. . may lx- p ..v ’•l WttKCTOttfl. Hon Thomas B Flomucr, Jira« K Neall, Oewrge 11 ArtnaLrimg, Charles Dingle, K.l p Middletoo. K R lieliubulJ, lMmbold, Fred C ItreuHer, Th.-uia- MandertirlJ. l«aae Lfr 1. THOMAS B. FLuHdlNUfc, President. hoW4r.l> R UcLMdoin, Secretary. (1,.0 T M 11«.»w a, Uou. J R. M'CUntotk, II .o P C Shsnuoo, C*>l S W Black, ik.o J U Oulhrte, A. B M’Calmont, Ka«i., Thorax" J Keenan. Kr*{, Wilson M'Oandl"*-*. Etaf Col .1 tlo'on Foeirr, UeD J & Morehaa.l. K M. Riddle, u. r J: 1 Th,. ,-hartt<u*r of the above Company 1< of the first clan, ar».l ootuMuws the rare and unusual privilege- ot Fire, Ufc nos and LUe Insurance Ueiilieinen of elevated Standing are a-naxMatej ill l: management, and luU»r«**ted a." Stockholders. THOMAS J. HUNTER. Agent, J,-*- Ht Obarltui Ruildiug. No I>)3Thml»t. ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans l|f i For Preserving Fresh fruits, j||s ||j | Tumatoes, sc. t || j | BY HERMKTICAL SEALING. jpetiLPllllillfelJi iMUMLt. i.tilß IIM1K?K CANS, whUh are sealed by the £ wi.hnul the aid of a ttuner, and opened easily without injury to the ran, we rapidly coming into general aw. Full directions for putting up fruit accompany the cans: and the work in so easily performed, that by their uw every family may hare fresh Fruit and Tumatoes ou their tabte ail winter, at summer prices. PRICKS -Pint Cans, $2 i Quart, f2,W ; Half Gallon. J.IW; Three Quarts, $4,26; Gallon, $6 pet d.-teo The dillereot sizes nest, in i>rder to teeuro eoouoiny in tram portntlon. ARTHUR'S CAN, which U closed with a Md covermg tb<- whole top. SO that wbcu open it may be cleansed like anv other rea.-el, has been fully approved by the Farmers' Club cf the American Institute, New York. It lock a tlret aaa* diploma over all other self sealing cans at the late Fair In OinHonUi, and was awarded a medal at the Me hanlre’ Fair held thin spring at the Smithsonian Institute, Wash ington City, D C. ft is claimed to be the best Can in the All ordem accompanied by the cißh will be-piomptly for warded. „ , , . For sale, wholesale and retail, at the China and Queeus ware Store of HENRY HIGBY, au< 4 122 Wood etr--\ Pittsburgh.^ Bargaliiß In Watohe»» Clocks A Jewelry ROBERTS & BROTHER. JZQ ARK now selling their large and oaretullv seNr- Cfea ted stock of Fine Watcher, Clocks, aodriah Odd Jewelry at greatly reduced prices, to make room C»aiS3fr>r BQ enGre new stock, which will bo received di rect from the Eastern manufactories In a few weeks, ft.r the Kali trade. Purchasers desiring to buy good goods at low prices, should call Immediately and examine our stock, as we are determtuod to vdosu li out Without regard to cost or loaner races. l>oo’t forget the place. ROBERTS A BROTHER. 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. WairhM, Clocks and Jewelry repaired In the best manner, and warranted. jySl'lv Corner of Smithfleld ami Third itrssti) ntHlfl large and commodious House haring undergone X thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, le now open for the reception of the traveling public. Chakum bodsrat*. j»»l_ I,ANI> WARRANTS \\r ANTED— V? «d, hU, IttO ACRE WARRANTS, by; AUSTItf Looms, I*lB Dealer In Warrants, Ptoote. fte . OT Fourth * Co-Ps»rtt»eralilp. WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on the 2d day of July, JOi K. HUGHES, iu the Wall Pap* r business, utidvr the oame of /vy W. P. MARSHALL A CO. FOR SAiTk V FRY CHE AP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CiTY, 24 leot Ly 100. A good bargain cun t>e hud by applying soon at the office of the MORNING POST. jy_l* :t Lot for S&1«. A GOOD IHJILDTNO LOT, 24 feet front ©n Carson street by 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will bo sold cheap. Enquire of UKO. F. UILLMORR, jyl3 at office of the Morning Posh SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 PER CENT., JULY 1, 181.6 JK. TS A INSURANCE COMPANY » vy Hartford, coxy. Chabtkrkd (ißib AiieUt July If 1 855, •• 8833,61iU JB3. { CONTINUE to make Insurance on all ceacriptions of i property at equitable rates. TWj Oompauy hare maintained a position for honorable dealing for 86 years, auvl Is unsurpassed for responsibility end punctuality by any ulher similar inolltution in the United States. Semi auuuai statement of the condition of this Company on bio in this office, tor the examination of the public 11. B. TEN-BYOK, Agent. Office, North west corner Filth and Wood streets, Pitts burgh. Jy^ M. Lemon A Co,’a Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. THE undersigned having purchased r fk nart of D Leeon k Go ’s Canal Stock, are prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between thia place and Columbia. All business entrusted to out care will be promptly attended to by us, at the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech A Co., Canal Basin. LLCYD A LEMON, j y 25;d 1 tn* JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA THER—The Hagostues for August Peterson's Magaxiue for August Ballou’s do do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August; The Uelrees of Haughton, or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; Peggy Woffington. . Ik For all the new Books or Magaslnea, call or send to the cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDENFBNNKY * Iv-jn Fifth at.. oppQKlte the Theatre. / 10AL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Monoo riT*r ' fur bJ J ; W. BDTLEH & 00. jTfLMofi-No TuT. Ba,»no, »,^b£ u(a 53u0,00«> .5400,000 PITTtfB IRQ H BBf K&EBUKd. CITY HOTEL. ( LATI BEOWlPB,) JOHN P. GLABS, Proprietor. PITTSBURGH , PA PAID UP. - -%^'V v * p 1 fpty 4 GXa, AT SU,OO PER ANNUM, OR *6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. SMBEIt 17, I^ss* SUMMER RESORTS. PERRY COUNTY WARM SPRINGS. 'l'llß »bo,» .-.1.hr01.-J WATKBINU I>LAOB will 1 lot mi anj nllot iho k'iFTH 01/ JUNECiKXT. fl.-y hr, JoliiihUullj tooatfloiJ Shnnusn'ii Creak, fourteen mil-*- norlß ..j Ihiutunuou, (this place beiug nli»un miie- 'tr-t ,;i lUi n.'l'urg, on the Central Railroad,) nt the base of Priguh MjuuLiiiu, which reaches nn elevation of more lhaii me hundred ie*t. Sherman's Creek affords a Kj.i. ndid *>p;ir>nnuitY f..r those fond of bathing, fishing- or sailing; tbs sunuuudiiig ioreshi offer greet attractions lo the sport-unao; and lour smooth aul shady roads tbroogb a -gantry un.~nrpa.-sed fur held aod magnificent scenery, nil) diversity tL> amusements of the place. liolißEB, BADDLWS nod CARRIAGES can be had at all tiioprt Uoreea taken Co Livery on reasonable terms. Of the MEDICINAL yUAUTIKS of the SPRINGS too aitS'b cad hardly bo said. Their waters have been analyzed by the beet Chomints in the Union, and are pronounced un: mirpaseed for curing cutaneous diseases and affections of L e kidneys. There are some tire Springs In all, every one f which is or different temperature—the largest bring lid jrgmw Vahrroheit, and throwing out 93 galtons evury (VYim minute a. Ladies’ and Gentlemen's RATUS have breD constructed. with oil Lho modern improvements, to gether with PLUNGE BATHS, Ac., Ac Each day a Coach leaves Puocannon for ths Springs, after tils arrival ol (be cart*. bowling Alleys, Billiard Rooms, and various other facili ties for ainuarment, in abundanre. The accommodations will be the bent, and the charges low. Tcnua.—Eight duliats per week, or coe dollar and fifty cents per day i Families wishing to eogngv rooms, should address tbs proprietor early. Every nU-ntioo will be paid to visitors, the proprietor having engaged tbu best (ft servants. Music always In at tendance All communications liiteodod to reach the Perry County Warm apriugi should be addressed to Duncannon p. U. They will be ImmeJiaUdv forwarded. 11. 0. OTTER, Proprietor Warm Springe sr-auuuK uktheatT KEVsTuNR ditWKL, llcsrirtuiwa Co, wit /iun •irt-i a.;d fifrty-.seiv.-i nitet Past of and only run hours' ruin. Tide delightful residence and place of public resort Is located no the banks of the “ Blue Juniata,” at the conflu»ur«» nr Bpru:a Creek. Its clear spring, trout eostaining waters, here dis-harges Itself, aod mingles Us murmurs in c.ooivrt, as they rush down the gorges of ihe MounUlnn. The very central j«j.iitli'u of this Hotel makes it a desira ble place of sojourn for s few weeks or days, tor men of buMnets and their fetnllle*—jaded nod enervated with the turmoil. hustV an 1 heat bf the city. !t Is situated on the IVnusylvanitt Oeutrd Railroad, where the great turnpike from the an and other reads concentrate— making easy egresv and ingress, aaveral times & day, by the cars »nd stftgen, to Tyrone, Huntingdon and :be Mountains. The House Is a new brick one, four stories high, spacious and roomy, newly pac-ered, painted and furnished from basement to attic, wltnkll the modern improvements and applunoesj)f Cold Baths, Ac. It is also finely ventilated. There are superb vieWA of every department of the Moun tain scenery—the “gloiPvus mountains,” the “eternal hlLs.” Telegraph Utiles is iu the House, alwaya ready for work—and the proprietor ready to receive visitors at mode rate jhaig-A. K. F UABLKTT, Proprietor. RIfKUBNv'S.S IS PITTSBCROU : WiilUm Carr A Co.. 329 T/beity street. John U. SbornbergHT. John Andervoa. W liliarn B. Campbell, tt. Charles Hotel. RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE, Iti.'K tha I'r-vention anl Cure ol iKTSkuiTTttrr aud Ri HirviMT IfxvocA, ifEVKU aod Auos, Quuxs and fern, Dvmn AuuK, Canaoii Dkuiuti, Niukt Swsats, and all other fL-rm> ol disease vrijriirhave u ts'inmnn origin lo Jdaiarta or Utcunrux. ThJ- 11 a NATURAL’ ANTTDrrK, which will entirely protect auy resWe.Dt or ttAfelnr. even in the most sickly or •wiunp)' rt*, in m any Ago? i-r lli!l.>us disease what ewr, or odv Injury Jrr-m kxmstnDtly inhaling Malaria or MiAem q - Ii will Instant ! v --heck the Ague iu persona wbo have suf fervi lor any length of tune, from one day to tweotyvears, jo that they ne.vj never have unubV-r chill, by continuing its use fun-oniing to appeut» RuJ t'lrt-ugth, and until a permu- Lieut slid rit.l-< *i CUT.' in eCfi-Otdd. iitj-.-rta.. le.uiev will aaswtir for i-nliuary oasas; some tuay r--iu>r« mote Dirr- tu-u* prlntoi tn Oermau, Ateoch and apsntsh. ea-h tolTlr.. Viue Oue Dollar Liberal dt~coaoM mode to Lbo trade. JAMK4 A KHOrJEt*, ProvUeDce, R I H.\ IDKNCtS OF dAFkrrY. -- l Lnre made b . tieUn. al rikiulnatir-n 0( “ Khodes’ Fever au i Ague Cur-. . r •* A m idotv l"' Malaria/' and have t-sted it Arseui'-, M-r.-urY, cumins wod Strychoine, bnt have not l -uud a partible ol etiher Iu it, nor have 1 touod any s-jbsUo. e in iri compoaittou that would prove lojurioua to the I'j^BlitlitloU JAMES R CHILTiJN, M D , Chemist V.\ 11-KNJ’K »*F MERIT Mr J a H\od-s— l%ar Bir- The box of you >~<iit me w»e Julj r-.r:vM on the 11th Ot April. 1 have rriJ at• iut liH.ll uf il, an-d so far the p-opla who have a »re *niedit-1 that it has cured them. It has i-vrtain h nx-i-jT-'l tl.r ld .'y-tv oci* who has it. and six uf the i'hk-h were or ion/ standing. My sister, who has ),*.! ,i tor five ~[ t x yr-hrs hack, nod could never get It atopjei, «pt : \ voinit-''. »nd that only pp long os rtit* would take it. i« now, l lliioi, enurcly cured by yonr rem „j, C. R. MAINLY.” Cll HON TO Aiil'K M'Fi’KRKR? TaKi* n.. i.:oiv Arn-m.-, Mrrrury. Quinine, rttrybnltie, or Act! ret iodic*. c>r i»««.ti.-»ne* of any kitd, the virtue of which ir io ->i !i poisonous drug* The meet they ran J > is to “ break the riiilN " for a short time, while they ure sure ~i cause iv.uri'dtulkvuAl maladies thal cease only w:'h Hf<* Itnut-ajl-r - ‘ivt the only Pever and Ague reme dy that u hnriii'.i**? aa Well «• sure, !t> Rhodes' Kfvir and Ague Cure. AW For sale t>y JOHN MITCHELL, aui Druggists gen erally. n u 14 .H* «" ]N i.. mu i* . . from tho Factories of KAUMG \BI>TKN 4 IlKIN?, Hamburgh; UAILKT, DA\I.« 4 CO.. Boston ; UAINBJS UROt*. & CI’MMINUB, New York; A. )t KEICUEN’IIACII, Philadelphia: Together with those of other makers, at prices from to % I,UUO; deluding every variety aud style, trom the plain bat substantial iron fratna Plano, to the most elegantly carvel Louis \lY.«yU\ Square and Grand Pianos. arrnniymoiiN have tx-cn made with tba m&DUftcturar*, by whioh their histrmreuta are sold lower by their exclu sive agents here thou iu tbs Had, ami without the addi tional cost and rhk id transportation. Every Plano sold by tbe subscriber la warranted perfect in everv respect, nud a written guarantee will be given II required. OIIARLOTTIS bLUMB, fc Q K lt, No. 118 Wood street. IKON CITY COL.LK.tiEI Aq Institution for the Business Man, CIIAKTEHm » ORiiANIZKD and in very sncce«-lul operation, % Jlh a Board of Trustees, and taught by au efficient i!*aculty. Two hundred students and upwards hare matriculated Bt tbU Colley The combined and demand of the Farmer, Mrchsolr, Merchant and Professional man, for aD Institution o! a high standard, lo which various arts whh their avocation* cvuld bt* oLulued, and that they should Instructed by experienced teachers, wbo have had business prartice In the subjects taught, has caused the organisation of tbu People’s D'ilegtJ of Practical Teachers. Several of the Faculty are authors of Book-Keeplnr,, who provide, as re quired, sets of M form hook*,” that conform to all thnehauff*** and ImproveiueDts of Irequent occurrence in actual bush ntw*. Daily Lectures are delivered by persons of known ability. Subjects: Book Keeping, lie theory and Arthmetio, and its apdlioathm ; The Art of Writing; Commercial Law; [‘uUticai Keonoiny; Commercial Ueogrnphy , Lilatory; and UusluePfl Kihioa. The Puc-edfl of this Innutrition is now certain. of the tirat .-livlee lu society aud buduesa show their cooti deuce by eutei mg their sons for a buelueee edu at ion. OK hVKKY DESCRIPTION, suitable for Railroads. Ca tiuis, Ac., lor weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and MercbaU dine generally. Purchasers may f«l assured that they can be eupphed with a superior auJ reliable artlclo, and run □ ~ risk Kacli Scale Is guaranteed correct, and If (after trial) not found Hatle!»rti>n , can be returned without charge. Factory at the old stand, established frr thirty years, ror net at Ninth auJ Melon streets, Philadelphia. aug - 0 Ini Oirrce or "Ths I‘itt*!bcbqh On Compint,"|_ Auvust 17, 13ft5. 1 fl'llK Stockholders .-l “The rittsburgh Uas Company" J. are liHttiby uuU&«’-) lhat :m olaoilou, for tbe p'Jfp 'Se of Q ne 0 f Qhlckerlng 4 Sods’ Now Scale, fall Seven Octave olerticg two i>-r«OQH iu nerve as Trustees of the nm-i Uaa Grand Pianos, of Immense power, brilliancy, and sweetness for the tt«rm of thren years, will be bald at the of tongj wWh thelr New AcUon, which renders the ofiice of the Company, at the Work?, on the FIRST MON- M jj bt auxl that it can be played on by the DAY ,21 Jay) ur SEPTEMBER, 1825, WlKorn th« hours most b aD J. Prices76o.. 01 2 duil 6 oVlcvfc p. M THE NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. t»ug!B:dt4 .JAMES M. CHRISTY, Treaflurwr. .. ... ... -- 1819. Valuable *'»rm for dale, SITUATE IN ADAMS TOWNSHIP. DUTLKB COUNTY, containing 111 B'Tfß, lli* acres id' which are under cul tivation. The proprietor, about to decline farming, will dispone of nil bis Stock., Umlu and Hay on hand, lfdeslrvd. Enquire ot augll fll. AKNULU A SONS, WHOLESALE ASH RETAIL DEALERS IN FASHIONABLK CLOTHING And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO. 6b MARKET S7KKKT, Wtweeo Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. Krt*p 'V.af-tnntly ou hand, a large stock of Clothe, Caaslmeres and Votings. Garment* made to order on the shortest notice, and in the luteal style*.. fy-All orders promptly stteudedjo. ffUTsa r, MiasuuL J w. P. Earaball A Co., IMPORTERS and Dealers In French and American PA PKH HANGINGS, 87 Wood street, PitUburgb. Agents for lha celebrated manufactures o Messrs. Delieouri A Co., Paris \ MPoRTANT —At this season of ti e year, when diseases 1 of the stomach and bowels are s*> frequent, and. U ne glected, are ho apt to degenerate Into cholera morbus, or even Asiatic cholera, no family should be without a bottle of the Concentrated Essence of JaraalcaGlogsr, anda bottle of Wtcfcey's celebrated Diarrhoea Medicine, which, It uaed according to accompanying directions, will prove a speedy, safe and efficacious remedy. They can be nail only at the Drug Store of JOHN HAFT, Jr,, auglfi _ 136 Wood street KABI'ttERHV BRANDY— O uoa pure Baapberry Rfmni? a vrry superior bome-wade article. For sale by JNO, Limß, Jr., Agent, No.fift Liberty street. V v ■ -1 -L N»w Yoas, June 11, 14Sh L UI-IQ t'ouutv, Fa., May 2, APRIL, 1865. Platform Sralea ABBorr a 00, BUCx'eMorS tn KILK'OTT 1 At.brTT. Uleetlou. JAMES BLAKELY, c.pfDor <>( Sov«utb end Biuithfield eta. [ ftUgl7:2m JOSEPH R. UUdEIIH. NLMBEU 308. MISCELLANEOUS. Llat of I'uclalmod Packages Remaining in the omeu of the adamb fx* PRESS CO., e 4 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, which, u not called for, will be sold at Public Axienrm, by V. Al. DAVIB, corner of Fifth and Wood etreuts, on the second day c>j Odubtr n't!, to pay and for eceount of whom it may ooucurn : . 8. D. Allen Pittsburgh I pkge. Allen A Haughton do 3 bdls bag". R. Albright, onre Frank Falk . do l pkgo. M. Banerfiachs ... do 2 boxes. J. W. Baker do 1 box. Mrs, E. Rretioger do 1 box. .Mercer, Pa....-... 1 bos. G W. Baskin. .PiUaburgU. J. G. fiackofen. ....Bailer I pkge. ....Ka£t Liberty I pkge. ....Mercer- 1 pkge. ....Werrentoa,Pa...l pkge. ...Pittsburgh 1 pkge. JO l box. do 1 Pkg*». da. 1 pkge. do 1 pkge. do 1 pkg«- ....AJlegheay I box. ....Manchester 1 pkge ...Pittsburgh 1 pkge. do 1 Pkge do 1 pkge. do 1 Pkge do 1 pkge. ....ConnoaatrUl&.. l pkge. ....Mercer, Pa pkge- pkge. do 1 pkge. W. fl.. Boyd R. Bond Miss E. Burns 0 F Buckingham... G. H. Barst D. M. Curry W. 11. Chapman J. A. Oa&rdey A. Combs John Ooyle R. Campbell O.U.Oooley J. Dletrfck W. V. By«s T. Kmerick R.Frye \V. K. Farguaou A. P. Fisher 11. Foster...—..— Obaa. Fischer J. A. Fo'-ter Xavier Greib. A. Mess C. Ueinold .Butler, Pa .Pittsburgh J.G. Uartz A. Hess.—. Birmingham 1 phge. J. Huffman. .Allegheny -.I phirs. Pittsburgh 1 box. A. 0. Johnson J. Klnzer M. Kahlme. D. K Inzer W.C. Lipscomb. C. Llnderman . ...Kcaoklio, Pn I pkge. D. T. Lane. J. 0. Mosher - riusburgh w , D. B. Morris do W. 11. Midilaagh do Dr. Mathews, care U.C.Uray.. do (L fl. McFadden ' do J. 3. McDonald do .Birmingham 1 pkge. .Pittsburgh \ bo*. Miss M. Nelson P. Nicholson ... R. Pollock -.... J. 8. Perry, care P. Morris. Mite J. Pascal 1 Rhodes A Nelson. C. Rlnahall. Jo 1 pkge. .Franklin, Pa 1 box. .PUlftburgb -1 pkge. do l box. do 1 pkge. .franklin, Pr 1 pkge. independence ....1 box. ..Allegheny I pkge. . .Lawreocevilb) ...1 pkge. .Jamestown 1 pkge. ..Pittsburgh ...l pkge. do 1 pkgo. do 1 pkge. F. Roth' Mary- Rhodes A. Bpraogvr J. Hpenrer J. RcliusUr J. P. Smith J. Smith A. Bciiwunk** Troujb A W. A. Torrey Y Johnson Williams.. KM* Wolf J. U. Williams do 1 pkge. ....Birmingham 1 pkge. .Pittsburgh 1 pfcge. do lJbag. do 1 box. ilo 1 bdlu. do 1 pkge. do 1 box. do 1 pkge. do 1 carp, bag do 1 pkge. do 1 pkg*. . do 1 pkge. ■ *> slo 1 Irani ' do 1 pkce. New Castle, Pa .I phge. do 1 pfcg*». .Latroto 1 box. W. B. BAKBOLI-, Agent of Ibe Adam# Express Co. PitUbor/h, 3l. ISW W. 0. WnU Mrs. R. Williams Mre y. Williams F Rlnomcr K. SurneU W. M. Derry Praok Mayer, care W. KuUn - U. B. K.lli*y J. Bloolg Iroo City llolel J. Tbooifwou. R. *J i lit*? J>lrt .. J b. Martin b. Pumbridge A. U. Register General Tom Thumb. M. Watson Watson A Stanton ... J. Watte GREAT discovery: A MPLS TESTE, both by able Practitioners and Chemi cal Analyst*, bare demonstrated the great value of PROP. DK GRATH'S beautiful combination, called u ELEC TKIC 01L," for the relief aDil cure of Pain. But the people themselves are rendering I heir verdict in a manner both unmldUkeable and satisfactory. More than 2t>,Utk> bottle have been sold hi a very short timfr—a great propoitloo to loose who heard others recommend It. who bod tried ii. That It U a splendid discovery is everywhere aeknowledgM, and nothiog like it was ever l efore prepared. Wliy, for Cbrnj alone, it Is worth $lOO,OOO a year to the people, ss it atw ys cares these painful tormentors fn twenty-fmr hewn Bat wbat is U not worth to the -people If it cores Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcers, Sores of all kinds, (fre qaently taking away all the pain In twenty-four boors,) Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis, Piles, Womb Complaints, Cramps, Sprains, Bote or Bwelled Breast, Felons, Wounds of all kinds, Ac. ; Would s&ou,uoo express Its value to the people t „V« Because a man oil 1 , give freely for relief from jtain. Will this Oil relieve patn f Certainly \i will Such men as we have often named, hon orable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and others have so said, after from ten to fifty trials. They say the Electric Oil is the finest medical combination ever pre paied, neither offensive nor injortoua, bot effectual In all the above and many other cases, home honorable and heavy business firms have. It Is true, eold-some of the old (larpenUoe, bituminous, or coal tar, Ac. Ao.) external ap plications, until their customers returned bottle after bot tle, with the remark that *• the remedy was worse than the pain yet such men have never rtcvmmended nor given countenance to them. But see some of our beet merchants ordering more every ten days, and always giving additional testimony to the value of this wonderful discovery. That a great many ladies are usiDg it as a medicinal toilet article tor th«mmdve9 and their children. Is well known. It cutes all blotches and eruptions on the face and neck In so short a time, you would aaircely credit it. It frequently reduces a painful swelling In two hours: has done it in ba f an hour; cured many effectually in six hours. If ladies knew the soolhing , strengthening and herding virtues In this Oil, they would never be induced to use anything else for womb complaints or pains of any kind. We now insert a letter jost received from Henry Wilry, E*]., who went to England fix wt*.ks since, (to die.) Lormotv, July 12,1555. Prop. Dh Obatu. Phlla.—Dear Sir: When 1 left home for my health, eruptious, Ac ,) I never expected to return again, befieTtng that my complaint would eoon carry me off. When yon gave me three bottles of jour iCUdnc Oil to take with me, as nurtly a paUsativfj 1 did aot think 1 would bo very soon be called upon to thank you, aa I now do, Or my complete restoration. 1 can only say. before the departure of the steamer, that you have only to come heie with your OiL to make a for tune in one year. There is not another similar medicine in England, if In the world. 1 will write by next steamer.. Yours, moat truly, Hxnbt WiLtr It cannot be their imaginations, who state that old sores, that hare discharged from six months to fiT6 years, bare been cured by this Oil. It cannot be untrue, nor a decep tion, where pain is relieved In one da*, often in half an hour. No! common sense dictates no : —and 600 written letters say not Come and see them. A regular Doctor in attendance; and Ladies can consult a Lady, privately, by dropping a line to the office. Advice from a distance, mak ing inquiries that any physician can answer, will lw promptly attended to. Always enclose a stamp, as our ser vices are freely given, and we are drawn upon too often in this way. Ati cases treated liberally, with or without the Oil, as I have two Physicians associated for this express purpose. Prof. 0. DIS URATU, No; 39 South Kighth street, Phila. JJ. 1) —The largest bottles ten limes the cheapest. Please notify me of any ease or failure to curt in from half un hour to three weeks, os 1 wish to cure all. For sale by DIL KBYriffß, 140 Wood at. f»ng3i) I’IANOS l PI AMOS I Manufactured by cuickkrinq a eons, Boston, and for sale by JOHN U. M-BLLOR, No. 61 Wood street, between Diamond and Fourth street. Just received from ffTw manufactory of Chlckering A Sons, Boston,** * * V * and for sale tnrariaWy at Boston jrriers— Two of their tlrst olass Seven Octave Pianos, Louis XIV. style, with carved cases, legs, lyie, music desk, Ac. Ac.; fla shed back and front alike. N This is considered by persons of taste to be the most beautUul pattern now made. Price (500 each. Two first class Seven Ool&ve Pianos, with carve 1 cafe, lyre, new style of Anted legs, the,lyre and ends of beautiful carv.d tracery work; finianed back and front alike. Price $450 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain doable round corners, Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and with Chlckeriug’a Patent-Ireo Frame. Price s4uo each Two carved Rosewood f% octave Pianos, with new style fluted coso, mu?!- desk, and the usual openings Ailed with beautifully carved tracery work; finished back aod front alike. Pri'** $426 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain doable round corners, octaves, fioinhid back and front alike, and with Chickering’s Pateni Iron Frame. Price $375 each, Beven Rosewood and Black Walnut Six Octave Pianos, all made an well and with the same care a a their first class Pi anos, *-ud with Chick'ring’s Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOB. Abo, otto of tbeir new Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely new invention, and particularly adttj ted lor Parlor übi Price $650, PIANO STOOLS. A new lot of Plano Stoole just received. For eale by JOHN U. MKLLOR, 81 Wood At., between Diamond alley and Fourth street, Sole Agent for OUICKERING A SONS, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. aug2B tfj Fall Style tor ilats. tlr PAULSON will Introduce iho New Style far Hats /» od ‘‘ATURDAY, August *26ib. C. U. PAULSON, 73 Wood strewt, aest door to corner of Fourth. £**■ Soft Hats and Cape of every description. itu^^dlw educational PENN INSTITUTE, comer of Penn and Hancock streets The ensiling Session of Oils Institution will commence ou MoNDA\, the 3d of September. TERMS. Tuition and Stationery, per session of Twenty-two Weeks „ j«3 oo Pupils may enter at any time, and will be charged pro rata until the end of the term, or till notice of withdrawal; adednotlon being allowed for absence oo account of pro tracted sickness. J. M. SMITH, Principal. aug2s:d2w(obJ) ______ GLTVXt Idas- .. *“• R - Raonts - Co-Partnership Notloe. THE underalgnod h»ve thl. day mtmd Into co-p.rtnar .hip, and having I wad “b™ 8 ! (JaR FACTORY recently aw 4 " l •* B«»ver OountT Pa are nn» prepared to contract for the mauul.c tore of RAJRROA D & ♦♦Rochester, Beaver oouncy, ra Aa/u/tT, 'SIM * RHODES. - -/*-«*• *• " t t* t* ! i- y- Vv-V'v. RATES OF ADVERTISING i (lit BID UPON St TUB PITTBIitIUaD PBMB3 TSB un>B ffORFAUU, 01 LOOS: Ons «.|i3*re, cas Insertion " • • each additional inaarttou „ “ oua wc-ek. two W6ftk3. " '* three weeks. “ ons month “ •' two months. • “ three months. four uioulhe. 11 rtrracntb*. " *' one ftzr - fiundtugOard,elxlin*PLr )**.*>, pir annum-.. On# eqnar*, per annum, Cesnluatve ot tba paper)........ 86 00 IU.-AJ-Lb^NwolLj, LAHATIUM "IS 7 tiKRKAr*-, In tui<l by the 13th section of Uw Act o i yV It,r ' O-u'-rni APs*:t.biy of Pennsylvania, passed July 21, !.>•! -An Aa reULing to the Elections of Cninmo&wc».-iii." n enjoined on the Sheriff of every County to give notice of fucli elections to be held,and eno m.Tßte In accli DOti.v *vhut oflleera are to be elected, la puraasuro thereof, l, WM. .\I/UILL t .Bhodflof the County fi Allegheny,do therefore make known and give this pub* lie noticn to the electors of said County of Allegheny, that n GENERAL ELECTION wUI be held In Bald County, on the SECOND TUESDAY,UF OCTOBER NEXT, at the several Election Districts therein. The elector* of (he First Ward of flierlty bf Pittsburgh to meet at the bunco of Mrs.Uane LiUje, at the eoibs? of Fourth and Per: y streets, in said Wnjjl. ' . The electors ol theSpCJEd Ward Ofthe cltvoi PitUboigb to meet at the Pnbtrc Svfiro! House In flald Ward. J The electors of the Third Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the house of Andrew McMastera, Erq. . The elector? of the Fourth Word ortho diy of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said Ward. . The electors of ih* Fifth Ward of tbd city of Pittsburgh to meet at#;the. Pennsylvania lions*) occupied by GotlJb late Alnx. Steward, in aaM Ward. T» e electors of the BLstb'TV«ra of ihetfltyof Pittsburgh to meet at the Publlc.Bc{RH)PHonseiiviald fiord. K Tbeeltr-toreof the Seventh Ward of tbeclty of Pittsburgh • to meet at the Public School Houseiueold Ward. - The electors of the Eighth Httsbargh to meet at the Public School Hohseln said Ward. The electors of the Ninth Ward of tbe city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said Word. Ttier lectors of the First Ward of the city of• Allegheny to meet at the bouse of J. Woodhouse, in Koblnaoustreet. Tbe electors of tbe Becon 1 Ward of the city of to meet at the hocsoof widow Thompeon, no*lh-wasiearner of Ohio street anil publio cqoare. Tbe electoifl of the Third Ward of tbe city of Allegheny to meet at tbe Public School House in said Ward. The electors ef the Fourth Ward of the city of Allegheny to meet at tbe boose of TVSmith, at the corner of Robinson and Anderson streets. Tbe debtors of tbe borough of Birmingham to meet at iho Town Hull on Wilkins street in said borough. Tbe elector j of the borough of East Birmingham to meet nt the'Railroad'Offlce of Oliver H. Ormeby, in said borough. The electors of Duquesne birough to meet at tbe Publio School Houce of said borough. Tbe electors of the borough of Lawrencerille to meet at the Public School House io said borough. Tbe electors of tbe borough of Eharpsburgb to meet at the house c-f John Sharp, io said borough. The electors of the borough of McKeeaport to meet at the Town Hull In said borough. Tbe elector, of the borough of South Elizabeth to meet at {tbe hooee formerly occupied by E. McAninch, at the end of -the Monongahela Bridge, in sold Boroigh. The electo.-P of the borough of West Pittsburgh to meet ai ffiehouec of Rogers. ThS debtor* of the borough of West Elizabeth to meet el the Public School House In said borough. Tbe electors ciftbe borough of Tarentum to meet at tbe Public School Soose io;sald borough. .1 box. 1 bucket. 1 p. bo*. 1 box. 1 rkga. 1 - ■> The'electors of the borough of Manchester to meat at tbe Public School House. Tbe electors of the borough c-f-Blizibeth to meet at the bonve of - Graham, formerly occUpted by John Welker, in said borough. The electors of Pitt township to meot'it the house of Jo- Qinrirod, on Iho Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Turnpike lloa.l, In said :own»bip. except the qualified voters residing io Ructions No. 4, 7 and 14, of tbe said district, *bo shall < ,te at all general elections In the Ninth Ward cf the city .>f Pittaburgh. ' 1 Tbe elector? of Peebles township, to meet at the house of . John Beitier, In tbe village or Fasc.Liberfy. ■ Tbe* electors of ColUns township to ‘meet at thw hqure of » jr., in tbe village of East Liberty. The electors of Wilkins township to meet it the boon of * John Shafler, on ibe Grvecsburg Turnpike Road, in said township. >-4 Tbo electors of Plum township to meet at tbe bouse of John Bummerrille, in said town -hip. Tbe electors ef Patton township to meet at tbs bona of Abraham Tay lot, on the Northern Turnpike, in «at»l town ship. Tbe electors of Penn township to meet at tbe house of Robert Donaldson, on tbe Leechbuig Road, in said township. The tor.-; nf township to meet at tbe Pnbßo School Itous**, oo ib<» farm of David .Shaw, near tbe white bouse oniupie-.l by Thomas Neal, no,w by Wm /i Rbaw. - Tbe electors of Elizabeth township to meet at tbe house of George WeWtsr, formerly occupied by John WaikeT, in EUiabtjtn borough. The elector- ol Jefferson township to meat at tbe boose nf M> v arl Sixer, (urmetly occupied by John &ing, in said township. Tn« elector? c.f Miftlln township (o meet at tbe boose cf 3*muel Wilson, formerly by James H. Neel, in said townehlp. The electors of Upper Si. Clulr tc-wnublp to meet at the bouse of Jas Onnncr.in s»U township. Th 1 etretor* of St Clair township to meet at tbe bnuse lately kept by F. U-lie, at lha junction of the Bir mingham and Coal iiili toad:', in sai l tc «nahip. The elci-tors of township to meet at tbe bouse of William Obey, ou the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Turn pike. The electors of Robinson towneb'p to meet at the house of Sarah iicFerUud, loimetly Aodlcy McFarland, in e*dd townahip. The electors nt Findley townfhlp to meet at the house of McClelland A. Armer, Ibnuerly iKvupied by J. Cbarlee, in the villa e of Chntcn, in said township. The electors of Moon township to at School House No. 4 in labl 'ownebip. The elrcture uf (.‘too tt>rrnfhip to meet at the house of Henry V.Tncnij-M'u, in township. Tbe elector? or Franklin township to meet at the bouse occupied by UuVmnn, tn ?aid township. Tbe elector.- cf Rcatrvo toa'Utibip to meet at the School House No. 3, in sold towprtdp. The olectors ot Baldwin town»liip ia meet at the hoase of John Cowan, io paid lovrn>h:p. The electors of Snowden township to meet at tbe hoaoe of Peter Buyer, In said township. The elector* of South Payette townablp to meet at tbe borne of H. ilays.oa the farm of G. Y. Ooulter, In said township. The electors of North Fayette township to meet at the house now occupied by Franchi Jotui.-oa, at Hodgerfl’ Hill, In Said towu.-b'p. Tbe eleolPW o! Boss township to meet at the bouse of Jacob Colbaugh.ou the Franklin Road, in said township. The electors of Pine township to meet at tbe bouse of Hugh Crummy, in said township. The electors of M'Cundlese township to meet at tbe Louse of Daniel fehoup, In said township. Tbe electors of We&t Beer township to meet at the bouse of Nathan Goal ey. in Raid tow nf hip. Tbo electors c.f Bail Beet township to meet al the Public fichwl House, in tbe borough of Tarentum. The electors of Neville township to meet at Reboot House No. I,(het«af er io be relied Chaplin.) The elector* of Sewickley township to meet at tbe bouse of Samuel Ritchie, In eaid towoshlp. Tbaulectorß of Indiana township to matt at the boose formerly occupied by Alex. Turner, iu said township. The electors of Shaler township io meet at John Shaw’s Mill, In said township. The qualiiied voters of that part of Indiana township. is Allegheny county, resiling within the following described boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a point on the Allegheny river, a* the upper line of the form of John Cable, and run* ning a northerly course, between the faros of said Cable and John Boyd to the north-east corner of Cable’s farm— thence running a westerly course to the' Bhaler township line, in esu-h a manner as to embrace all forma or lots situated in Cunningham's district, and known as the Myer tracts, within said boundaries, shall hereafter vote at the general election in the borough of Sbarpsburg, at the election poll of *ald borough. At which time and place the qualified electors as afore* said will by ba.lot vote for One person for State Benator, Vive persons for members cf Assembly of Pennsylvania, One person for Sheritf, One person for Canal Commissioner, Oue person for Prothonotary, One person for Treasurer, One person for County Commissioner, One person tor Coroner, . One p-ison for Director of Poor, One person for Auditor for 3 years. One person for Auditor for 2 years. Given.under my band and seal at Pittsburgh, this 3d day of September, A. D. ISs*>, uud oi'the independence cf the United elates the u'gbtleUi. WILLIAM MAtHLL, <l* " t- Hberiff. fAJLSii —60 bbl» La&e Superior Salmon ; r OObilfbbls do Jo 70 do Waite Pish; bl do Trout; 40 do Pickerel; 30 f-b!a No. 3 large Mackerel, new ; 60 halt do do do do 16 bbfo Baltimore Herring, do For b«lh bv _ i jv!9l HENRY 11. COLLINS. 'I'UK ll.Mti coLGiiiNti fci.Uiu aoes not color or stain JL lh« skin In ihe least, but iu every case it will restore the natural color of tLo Lai.-, where age or sickness h** turned it gray. A trial will natiufy those using it of amoaV curio s and si'igular phenomenon, tb&t Is, gray hair restored to its natural color, with all the strength and healthy growth of youth. Price only 60 cents per botUe. Bold io Pittsburgh by 8. L CUTJLBERT, 63 Market street. 9. CUTUBXST - v j, frtyynTtlLT. S. CUT II BRUT A, SON, G 1 ENERAL COMMISSION AUBNTS for the Bale and T Purchase of Heal Brtate, C«.ll«cUim of Rents, Borrow ing and Lornilng Moneys on Bonds and Mortgagee; also, for making bales oi Produce, Manufactured Articles. Ac., for Farmers, Mt-chaui- s and others. Office, No. 63 Market street. BQg7 E — i.Lia’ fTui i> KYTii.vjf ur BUOUYd—S ilo* of tbu excellent m>-di; ;ne received by . jyl« . JOB. FLEMING. HKKPKTIC SOAP—For removing Tan, BaUownesa and Heduei-» of ibe Skin ; 12 l <j cents per cake. Superior Lily White, or Pean Powder; 6b£ and ets. per box. Hose Blossom Ffo«h Po«der, fjr beautifying the com plexion. bold by bur 9 HADKAJjOLUM —A curtain cure tor rtlea. i 5 cents par _ bos _ Soid U.I 53 MARK KT fiT. augs__ JL'eT LlEok'i VKL)—ULI) edition— _ only 75 catila. Old Kedatoiie, or UisLoric.hl Sketches of Western Prefby teriiiilsm, its «arly mimainv, u» perilous times, and Us first records; by Joseph Btuiib, DU. It la the cheapest book we ever handled, and la now within the reach of oil. For sale, wholesale an*l rotntl, by J. 8. DAVISON, Market street, near Fourth. Ob’fiUK fc\»k KhN I—A neatly up OiDce Id second 'story, front, ot Warehouse No. 97 First flteeet. Beat low. ** |aon-Mi J. V. BUTLER * CO. lACUNoMY CiPKit —jome pure Crab, iB boxes, “Tcry ll choice," just received i.t.J for sale bv a J«IU MILLER k BTUttt»rBoN /\l\ OLKVKLANP uit 1 M'-TuNKS— A superior article, just received mid for stvie-by aujti _ HifWN A- TBTT.EV, 136 Wool st. HKANPd, aI’AMPd AM) Cl'kiNdLa cut to order, at Abort notice, by DOWN & TKTLKY, ani>2 136 Wood afreet. IjMVfc! OK TKiN Min UTK- pulbceji lor a BUUOg (to tluwe 1 in ha«t*)at OARUO'B, 76 Fourth street. The picture may then be called for. opvn to visitors until 9)4 **• M. st&ag4 iTOQS-3 M.U ,reeli Kg S » retired by lullrofiJ and for sale by faue7l UKNRY !?♦ COLLINS C" iuKH AIISAL—bO bushels Coro Altai, ground tills Sjfy, J by ia U< 3l F, U. DRAVO WbIUKKH UhOWKK! —Kohetnary is a perfect whiteer grower. To force tbe beard and grow, use it daily, rubbing it well into tbe roofs of tbe b«w. u also curl * and tbickeh* Ibe balr. Price 25 ceotoper with fall directions, dold at - -NO. JIAJI&B* Hi. I 7* 3 00 4 W - 4UO T 9% .....» 06 lO oo la o° U o° lO 00 9. L CUTHBKRT, 6.H MArkot st.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers