The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 15, 1855, Image 1

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‘i'v w ' M »>:* " Bigelow d& Co «
*s^r‘- < '^^' il ' ii «s# va e JJgL%U« TO E. M. BIGELOW, Nn 4u
_• > 3 * :•». V , i , .~‘ J. -v’ *;. -t, *<» U'flpvfn 1 ftjßgTßaarDlamoud aiiev, u**nr Wood street, I'itts*
"S*' burgh—Coaches. Uarrlajes, PhOfttODß, Bug
?v ll r? 4 : - > -.M k '' ri ' V v -'fl j 4 • ** t v : •• ?;, «, , ~1 . " , % w ' &nJ •* , r«*ry dr.-. -iptlon of fancy v«-h •<?!<?«
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«■ ‘>i i . v .': V C . tf - v " ' O.T*'' "f 1■« ''■' beauty ol design, ol fim.;h, skill ot workmftt.fhip,
► 4 IV.V-'V.Ov 4,I** 1 ** , V B-; T »1 «»'■*. aud JurubUity of materials.
.ruCg^^Yvr 1 1 «: AUw:,rk ? arr “htM. r , t9
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<; ®3iE STAULE, 1^
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Printed and published every morning [Sundays exoepted,)
ftT I B R M S,—Fire Dollars • year, payable strictly lo
idranoe. Plx Dollars wtU iNTsrUhly b« rwairal if not paid
within the y«a«v
89* SingleCopiftsrwa C2ff78~*or «uU*ttbecounter In ib*
Office, and by the Vows Boya.
Published from the »ame office, on a large blanket else
ah*et. at TWO DOLLARS a jesr, In adraneo. Single copies
pi tb orns.
AiT~ No paper vQI be discontinued anieas at the ditcre
on of the Proprietors,) until all arrearages are paid.
£9* No attention will be paid to any order unlessaccom
panied by the money, or satisfactory reference In fchli caty.
Connected with the Establishment of iht Homing Post
U mi/ nf (w largest Job Printing Offices in the city, vshert ail
Artndi of work if done on the shortest notice , and moil reason*
a bit terms.
Kobt. O. G. Sprout,
fourth * treaty Pittsburgh, Pa. drclhly
James A. Lowrle,
ATTORN KY at LAW—Office, Fourth street. Pittsburgh,
SmithfieldetrwetaodCh-rrraUrr. idecll:ly
corner Klfth and Grant sta., rrrrsiiCßOu, pa.
Thomai Ricans,
Attorney at law ant solicitor in chancery.
('See, next ilcor to the Post Otice, KteatanvUle, Ohio,
t*. P. Roes,
ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 10? Fourth street, Filtabnrgh,
Pa, fourth -loor below Mr. Rody Pattereoo’s tjrery
C, Orlkudo Loodilb,
A 1 r*it\N b i AT LAW—ctßoe, Fourth meet, above Wood,
11. B. Carnahaa,
ATT»iRNK\ AT LAW—Office on Kcuith street, between
t hurry alley un 1 tlraut Mr»vt j-*.’ v
J N. M’Clowry,
liaLvwell s Buildings, on (Iran; ►tr.vt, }~'l
U. ii. Hazen,
Attorney at law—no. iu7 Fourth str'-et.Rbov.-aud
near smkhtMd. uiaiYT y
l*atrleit RleKenna,
Of PICK Oraot alii Filth htt erts, (fonnei! y oc.-u
i*i>*J by Alderman l-om.-.,) wLvfe all bu,dn<‘i.* p.«rt*ln
in< t i the Aid-Tijaa au.l Ju-.uv o! thelVa. .• will
br prunplly attend.*! t>. RH.'Jui
l\. Uuctinißiter, Alilcrnum.
(V FF!>. K, <. rvmt i.trvi'l. betwr* itj Fi-urth st. au.l Diaru'.nd
/ bite. t'i■ H T >'V aUi M.g iu; kind., -1 -CiC With Ul- glOat
e.«t care and u--urft-«\ Titles to U«*al Letale examln
ea. & ■ i, t n
Witilam Wllioa, Alderman
OIHCb No. 417 J’KN.V stfret, L«-’wi*«*n the .-anal and
OTlara stro.:, FitUi Ward. All hUAim*&, appertaining
to toe ot an A!J.*rui*Q J U'lr'e ot the i’ea-v. v* ill
be j ro::i;»Uy attended to.
f?®“ Honda, Mortgage*. in ! Jo •indents, drawn with
n"HLn-"< «n.l t-MJ If
11. AUL, I‘UO
I r. r hour*. f.o:u a to 1 .block. uni
h-IU 2 to 5 <• o.oc a. |r"! 1 1 V
.1 a Jo T i', DK N TI S'J', Kurtb street, lio d :>
U;T,ihlD..i hLNAY L. tUN
Curling, Li o her (son ft. Co.,
FLINT uLASoWAHK. war. No U \V»J Mreet,
c-irn-ril i ron:-tree:, Ihlt-burgh
ties' A.. ..h •' nl. • • U Ibsp w are nil 1 \V i:i low i.i ;ags. ac
low luarUet prj. RflV.dlv
J at oh in ’Col Holer,
W uuJ r- Oigar i,,l u r-r, an I 1-u'
er in all kluds ot Toha- soutr, bo J Cigars, No d;
FiUh stnvt, Pittsburg!}, l“a.
Re-’pa c(,uitautly on hand a large b ui ply rl all .!
> -.n ‘U* bran is uf Itaperial Clears i-.
,)ohu Moorhead,
WIT i I.F.A A LK IIHOOKII, AND C* >M lr*r 1< iN MHt
CHANT. t-T lli-Mloi Ihg Mrti.l aud and
Pridure cetierall'«, N>> '.T W-» J •‘ 4 . rr.'t. Pltt.*hurdh. ; nptl l
Refiner £, Amlcrbon,
t*» J.ntnm \ 0- )
Wr 51 HJS U.ll .l-:i!.*rc in L.r-l-n Vrui>,
\ y C f'-'t.ooA-y. stugurs, *■ ~ N • 1' •W k d Mrret. .'l i
sa- lh. M Oh tri'-s lintel. Pittsburgh. Pa k». -
llenry ii. Uolliuk,
■j f iitw m;!»;n«} and cuumupion merchant, am
W I) nbr it. Cli-vbo. Hu 11. r. o- r fi.-h, aiit
I'u- r-nc all-.-. No fN W.i*,| s:r>--t. I if sbur-rh n-.«r-
15 T C. Itt o rgu n
"1 >,) H\r?KLLKR AND HTATI'>N KK —ba a nTwa \ a v n : a-1
[ > a g 'n-ral as.-.-rtm -lit SohoM, Mi ~--!lan.'• u- ant Hlurk
il i’l l nl au’. |V"* and Cap Paper. A -., w 1.-iln-iule ao-J r«-
t»a, N-v Lvg *.V >1 Mr •«*». KiP.h. Ka : ' ,Je, Put .
u o* l\ m- - 1. K » c •- n 1 T.uiaer.-' .N :»io. if, '. 1 >
v.' I.i \ M iI,U.£R. W«. »>l*'Krr-5. V. r •!' - 1 • M ».
.'lli'cr Kh ktl-oii,
WIiCLK’AI.K JK CK;C.lm;»_ v r -« I Bran H—. "in. «
aud Ik tM r -< NoB. 17 ikn i 17 4, r»r <■( Irwin mi l
Libjrtr BU-Otrt, lron. Naile, u ) ini-., 1-
c & n«lant3 V on h an 1 ,\ t.)
VV m. Ccr; efi Co,
. W.,, c-r
\lfii i ».■» I
i V ... I H-I*. ;i • . i H
kv. N l’-.- 0- •: !: x. 1 *'• - v :
)■' K Wravo,
IN C't'T'.V I'kJDt r K
r ~r.! ;h.» ’ i»!'v. j'-i::.
A! * ■ Fru:l-, K* !
cf Hv-r.' v.tri
.M iJ".
l'r.-l * :ukr*n m
KJ. L). }i* ; pr '-u t•• ! ii l h'-- -l iu-*« t r t I 'l >l’
u-r r t -j*- 1 < 1 .tUmh Hlli Kir h*-« U;- iilti'Ut u>n ■ I it 11 >
lHr.--.~l mi r-irrtl afftir- ,w.ll
A lit cha rd son •
(10'IMlSSIiJ.S A ' i> F- *iCVVA 'A U 1 \i t M KilCil A SW, RO-J
j VV!jt>ii-.iiU! l>ca|cr?iu Fish. liaom hl 1 i.»i!,aoJ
geatTAlly. M.i r.irmffly l-y Hurhrl lg*’ A
luvrUmm, No 11 - Hil- r mil Ijo Fir>. *tr*e:, FiU*>l'ur.;h.
i’enua. f'-'vi
K v ill mi : sl o n tluujr.
MMlii m:'i- :.Vr- Imre u«-! i h -us-- f ,-r the nt- re jui
1. k; N ■ 17 Hiulthr. <i i “t r-rjl, t.. ,»r Jc-'r* it
M..;. \V.- w:;! • r r
iiiia i..n, !■.r rn 1 -. <• -a
V- r:i, .)*•*. !Url-v. Klht t
ii;-'n «•’!’ h Wf i. i
,i •- l. 1l«le 1 Tl.iv, A
f* a; vu Ci-'c'.'. or • ■ ur- :.:i '*• ut . 1 •*-
. n i'j A l.iilS 1 A U>
tries f>l • h n it £» ki 11 u .
Ot'.l KR IS UK * ' ik-tl K *'. I’ll'>. IJK. 1 L«JI. 11. HAOa
h .. .No. l‘j. :• rn f r Mniihurltl and kir-t >lr--i.f, i-j:
! .ir_’b. I’-. *•
I «, oimg 6l Co
A<> Cry /?■*;<•:
CJ‘.i k.-.. «-i frv jwr.pUrii. Materia.* hi. Jw. i »
iuai..*hifi *hrrau*. %* 1. un i sold M t»»lucej pric--* 0-r- i;t k• n
In ( .r l-in-l anJ vr« • r-r'-nr-in.*.- * uu.-.:
W 111 IMtliy, Jr,,
CTIkTIUNU AM) FJItS Lr»U i Mi MVkK. Masonic 11k/.
) Filth -In*-'.. eh. Clutl.iQ!’ made t.- i r.l«-r, m
g>».J s\\ *•. mil ut m • ier»ie raid.
11. A A A.;. Uuuciu,
WIMLKSAM' OROOUILA, n.od Dealers iq Produoft, V■•r
-♦ V in'*!* and l.i.juorH. <);j Munongabela ui.J K
t.u** 1 N , --''‘l l.i: .rtv : Pittsburgh. Pa j» - •
« S\ A . I liidic,
Wim.EFAU: ar. i Retail Saddle. Ilnrn.--
i r unti. A nil-- Htrl larpet lUc man u f*et
<* .V. K-b \V,..kl ft.. PiUcburirb. Pa j,-*y *
.1 ll Me 11 or,
\kj UOLhcALkan-j lu*uil Dealer la Mu«i -it. lurlicnu-i;'
Vy I’laon*. Marti.’ y--hc».'l Ixokfl aOvl MaD.'Urtiy. Nr, 1
H '<(.j Ktrwl.
John \V . Uutl«r At t.u,
t/ Dealers ill ftll kind-->f I'ltusouryh manafueiutrs. le h 1
}•.. e HU I Lt'ii 1. 67 I rv.ot -:re-t. s-p-'
Enterprise Works.
V. ;..•> M./oii ifrei'i. ('■v J llm r h.),,w Viryin
B'IWN A ij-.11.M V.VUIJ cull lb- aUcr.lKiD .>( t*porlin.’
men to their Urge a-vvirtmen: .-f duns, Rifle* and k»-
▼ :■!»'.ug I’l-t-1.-. tins isr.'-.-t uuj U«'t eolecte.l stork n-r
i,i. r ji.-.i lu this market. t'cvihcr with n /-aeral He-.nni. ;it
i'! llsrd ware. Cuilor >. i ixdc «uu 11-hitig Tackle, all •>; *l.: h
w.< nt the l-->we~t pound..e price- t>. -ash pureha:.*-.'*. < :
T-.r />•..! appr.v-J paper. marl-
Coparluernlilp Notice
TIJWI. TUI.-' DA\ A pril 1 1th > uhukl&Uhl with m-
Meesra- V ?TKKh TUHBKTT an l SAML. C. CLANi.V.
1... th of n bom hate Ikhjo for innuv vnr.< iu my eHlabli-h
io-iiL. bud areulreailr *-xt«uMVi-ly uud larorsblv known io
my'‘Uatoiu-rn aoJ tbu puhln-ipenerHily an superior u ik
m<*n. un i of-orrert basmess hnbiu. He hope by thisum >□
t f eiperiem - >iuJ artistic sklll~e.:p<vi«.liy lu the le
partmeot: bv krepiOsT » Urge »qJ well selected ulocl <!
bv seiliuK at uicderste prices, and by close atten: i-.;.
t , Suslneaa. to merit a liberal tbare ot paaonaj;e To mv
idl fnood-- au-1 tbe public in tenaral. who have for m-.nv
past ho lllnTally pairuOUM my :n:<ln«uUi, I return m>
tlinnks. aud solli-lt f.>r tbe new t:rni « continuance of n-n.
Inr lav.if- W. W. WILbo:-
April 11. ltw.i.
Wilson, I'urbell A C lancy,
t, Marb*-i » reel. corner F’lur.h ut' -
New l oach and Carriage Kseiory 1
Q>rn<rr h' r -i’-Cca au.d Mmont strrrli Jtlriihrny 'S.’y
—W DL LD re-fitfully iolorui their
th» pub.ic generally. Chat tln-v t.nw
'•r-mtnencud th»« intiU.ifHcture ol C»mu.>-.
_ tig — B*roU"he*. R/v'kan-Hvv Hungiea. nidi'll Mi l
Chariot# in ah their various drier u tmirfh aD<l rropor;i"ti
AH or.l.'M Will HieCU'.e 1 with mm lto a urn' ul
?y•• dJ L“iiutv ri bniflli. Repair-»il i r,]e heall-nD! t.
••o the mod renm-nablt* term- L>:o.t in ail their wort ih«
bust Ka.stern Poles, and Wheel «iufl. ibev t..*l - um
•leut that all aho faror them with th.*lr patrona**. a : l**
parfactly satisfied on trial ol ihe:r wi-rk.
Purchapere are requeetoJ to pvh u? \ call, before pri--ba
aing ehwwherc. '
j T jnnNHTorr P T. JOUIOTOK i- H- oi.
Klcelalor Carriage Kaclory
M AKERS, corner of Rebecca md-.I Helaonl streets. \;l •
ghenv Mty, Fa. hare on hand ani ate .-
eitenslre aHaortmem of Carrlaffi-s. IloAawajs, UUk «.•«>.
Bagcace Cars, Ac. made in alt thei: v anoas sty len,
strict regard to dorabiiity anu b-auly nf finish, iwmg ..i a.I
tbelr w-.t k the beet Juniata Iron and eastern Lk-kcry. Rf
pairs attend.Hi toon the most reasonable terms. Tb-> t.ei
confident that ail who msv favor them their p- • -i
-age will l>- perfectly satisfied on trial of their work.
The Pittshunpb and Manchaster Omnibuses pass evrrv o
t**en minutes during the day. cat-, ly
. '^n
** -s
ft’ ,.. _...
Jaflepto Fleming,
conatantiv on bend a fall assortment of Drugs, Medi
cines, Medicine Cheats, Perfumery, and ail articles pertain
ing to his bnsinew.
Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully oompounded at
all hours. Je:9y
Fleming Brother*,
WHuLK&ALK DUGGIBTS, No. 60 Wood street. Pitts
burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lane’H Celebrated
Vermifuge, Liver Pills. Ac. )a!0
John Haft, Jr.,
I buccsssou ?o James spot rnr ]
in Paints, Oils, Dye Studs, Ac., 11l Wood e'xeet, three
briosr Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. >pr4:mAely
W UifcKY, Ac , uleo, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood Btreet,
Pitlbt-urgh, Pa.
Win**, Brandies. Gin*, Cordials, Jamaica Spirit*, St.
Croti anj New England Rum,Clarets, Champalgues.Scotch
Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Sootoh, Bourbon, Old
Monoogabel* Kye and lloctlQed Whisky, Apple, Peach,
Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies j imported Havana,
lUgulia, and Prlnclpo Cigars; tiatf-Spanlah and Common
Cigars, all at such low prices as to challenge competition.
F*ui-7 Bar Kegs and of every style, and
Demijohn* of all cues, I respectfully Invito &□ exatnlra
t‘«.n of my stock, ae No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh,
Pemia. eprB:ly
Jaiacs Alcllltiger,
MONuNUAUKLA PLANiNO MlLL—Would respectful
ly inform his friends and the put.lit:,.that hid low «?*•
tablifthm-nt le uc-w m lull Operation, and that he is prs
pan*! to furnish BoatCabiua, aud tl.l all orders tor Planed
Lumber, with promptness, and tt the lowest rate?.
B .erd and Plan , », plane Jcu one Ot both sides, constantly
c.n hand.
St-:h, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to
Builders and Car foolers would find it to their tulva Dtage
to give him a cull, a* be can now famish them with planed
Btutl suitable for every description c-f w,«rk.
Herron A Criswell,
BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, and Manufacturers of
nil kind* oi Bran* Work, Locomotive Mourn hngine,
Plumbers, Ac. Afao, Cotton Hatties Manufacturer.
Foundry on IU-becca street, Allegheny city.
Office and More No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh.
CaT Old Brass and t opper taken iu exchange Tor work,
cr :-*.th pai 1. Ordeni left ut the Fcuudry or Othce, will be
promptly attenjei to
m u. kimuicul t. j. --Earr.
Uraff, Hcliluger A GralT,
\\T LSTfcKN iuU.NDUY, No. 124 MVd street, Pitt-
T> burgh, Pa
C.'Okiug Stoves Plain aud Fancy Grat«a,
i.Vnl and Wood Mores, Plain tod Fancy Fender.-
1 nr’.cr Move-., Rid and D g Irons,
L.i.Dw \\ are.
.-ugar Kelt!**,
More Kettles,
B . J. : M ITb
Smith, fit air A Hunter,
(Late Smith A Mcclllr.)
W MON MERCHANT*, aud Dealers in a'l ilnds of
Pittsburgh Manufactures, 122 Second aud 1 £>t hirst jtreet,
Pittsburgh, Pa. fabu
\V. 8. Haven.
1 idea A Mccxton,) und Blank lk>ok and Stationery
Warehouse, is prepared to execute every etyio of Legal,
lA'iuiu--roial. Canal auJ tftrouih ci Jib Priutiu - and Bi*ok
Liu iiujf, anJ lurnfah av. i y article in tho Blank Lot k, pup*r
uu i Meliune rv line, at the »bf rte.-t noth'* aud on the most
: . -u»bfa t.irui'
Ufank i»o* k and Stationery Warehouse. Printing idh
nod b >ok biuilery, corner of Market and Second ►;« ; nov lo
North-Waiteru Police Agency,
V!U WASHINGTON STREET, coruer or Dfwrhcrn.
iii the States oi lUinoii, Wir-vi'nsin, Michigan and Indian*
uib 1 w dtl
r I MI K late firm of J< >N F.S A vjt I lij-l, b aving >*een di«*olr
1 by tbe death id J K '.*« »*g. on the 27th Inst , th»
| uui»««il f*U t:. m wil 1 he celt leu }.y • he u nderoir ue d, a',
i b-ir ec-rner of K<»-<s and First streets.
IS \ AC .K)N kR. SurrlTiag Pertuer
Pit'-bn rgh. cil« r 1 '-'-1 - ; **.V y
MA Nl‘ FACTt' Itr.K i 1 spring aud Blietar Steel, Plough
Slab ate*?. M»«el Plough Wing?; C'-n-b and Eliptic
Hrars Nut Taper, ball paieot, w. Mall ktui
i 1 .tninert-J Ir. u A Ur.- - *■ ri.-r cIK. nan.l iiret alreete.
1 ; Tburgh, !‘u. i eld 'y
Ji f AN U FAGTU KEKS -.-I i; h< t i'.s' pair jt ito proved trrl
CoiiiraU>r Ttrtb. i.'th:r r> ruT Kcu auJ Firrt Btrwl.
c-:t2.1 y
ffT* f r »
PltlHburgti Hiding School
/Wy KoUEKT 11. PATTERS *N, Proprirtar, cerneT
Diamond «trre: and cb-rry alley. ‘I lie sabarrlt*:
l \ II respect! .uly anooutx-H* to the Ladies and U»-o tie
im-n of Pillahu f gb, l hat I • hit* re<*euUy ere-ted a KI l) l N(i
iCLIL'OL, wLl' b in point :ii mis. cvromoJiouatiww and adap
tation, uoilrnlaM/ M''cln ai!v pdmllar e-tablDhmant Id Uir
l uited Bta.cs. Its loost* n ip s/NvaaibU from all parts cl
■ ! c city, wbiij* its Mg!i an i airy Htuntlon renders it e*p*-
i-ully putted to ihe itroiDCdioii .-I health, by this most * a rve
t r*i*r.-j«e. The Horaea are Jocilo and well trained, and
[>• proprietor pledges himself that no pain* or expense
» i;i 1 e f.pan-1 to malt- tbi- ept*bu-bment the flrit la the
- litiji-urp ot I)m* publii n.-122'1f
i IK FRAMES, Plain ami Ornamented, No 21 St Clair
-trret All kind* <>( Composition Ornament*, for strum
.i!». Ac. All of Uildlng uni He gilding, to order
wi it Wouid in » 1.-r Frnmep, wholesale and retail Varnish
: i ‘ M pa iu; iuic <, Fugra* uu l LUbcgrupba, fur a«
ZjT I mpaired i. r dcfa'i-l Oil Painting* r o«-tor{*.i in the
■ 1 inn i: tj> r
A.; F mra-j an.; Mjul lm l r< ruanufiwtured In thin estub
;; mtu.-nt uu»y Le.lraucJ without Injury, with soap and
« liter.
Chi: an 1 see. No 21m fluir at.. Pittsburgh- ;mbWt?
bis health k-i n~ to resume hip old bunlnnis, and h««
•• pened Ll i BLIND MAN U FACTOR V. nt No. 64 Fifth street.
l. ar ibe Cost oflio*. b*twa»m Wood acid StimhfialJ, where
i - has uu assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and
:nti. y woroled nod hiik Uimmiugi, and Is prepared to fill
?.uj crJer in Lia aor, uu the ui ‘9t reasonable terms. 116
work is warranted to give satisfaction or moury refunded.
■O.O’-Ohl Blinds ri-paired. give him a call, as he can’t le beat in work
•nandiip my 7 ly
iii AA b K)ld iny interest in tbe business os Long, MUler
A Co., to B. A. Long, who, with John Phillip*, will con
tinue u? tb* olj stand. No. 109 Front street. 1 cordially re
••'UimeDd the new firm to (hr patronage of mV friend*.
I itteburgh.July id), li>s4 P. 11. MILLER.
Bell and brass founders, and gas fitters,
lurite attention to their Block of Ciian«lelb’ra, Brack-
• •;?. Poudinta. and other fixtures. We fit op bouees with
Onw and Steam, make liras?) CantingP of all kinds to order,
•.jr..i.-b Kitiin-ul Duinpi and Tauk Fittings, and keep Anti
Atirlti'/ti Metal conetantly on band. jj3l
M U T 1 u
Ac. 'JJ fifth rrt't, first oirntr uAor< Mirl.ri strtet,
WIIKUfc will be tonnd the largest and lent assorted
Bti-:k cl UObIKRV erer otTerw-i for Bale In this city.
!’j r -hnsem will find it to tbeir sdv antsge t"> call at Ibis
eptablinbuient and examine lor themselves , it is all I need
to Inßun* their custom. C. DALY.
N B—Remember tbe UaiAi* Btocein ; ; Coeneb
leM y C. D.
I MIL subscriber haviog the exclusive right to manufac
ture and Pell SWKKNfcY'B HOT AIR AND «MOKE
cu.NfiUMINU 1 LUN ACK, is prepared to receive order*,and
contract lor heating buildings with (be moat economical
Juiuh'**) now in uee. he attention of those interested is
- .licite-a. Auv luf- rmatlon can be bad of A. BRADLEY
Nos. 2 and 4 \Vo>d ctreet, or of J. BARN DOLLAR,
decu l tf l I ron City Ktove Warehouse, No. 134 Wood «L
Ledile A I'larn,
(Sntveason* to Mulvany A Ledli-»)
MANUFACTURERS ot Cut. Moulded and Plain, Flint
and Kaocv Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers in all
kmde of Window Glima, Flank*. Vials and Bottles. Ware
house corner of Mai Ret and W’ater streets, Pittsburgh,
robudly _
(\ IIIMSKN. Manufacturer of every variety of Vials,
j. Bottle* and Window Glaaß, Black Borler, Wine and
t iart-i Bottles: Demijohns auJ Carboys; also, Flint Glass
id r-very variety. Warehouse, Noa. 104 Beoond, and 133
First street. Pittsburgh, Pa. mb2B
I. W. Chadwick.
l I AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street,below Sixth,Pitt*-
turgh, P».
highent markei price, in CASH, paid for
UAGti. ap2o:ly‘
Atwell, Lee & Co.,
WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Commission
Merchants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manul'actotes,
No 1 Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitta
burgh. aplS
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
r CX) I'AUTN ERBIIIP heretofore existing between
\\ bolesale Fruit and Confectionary Busloean, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. The ousioeaa of tbe firm will
be settled up by josbua who is autbor'ied to re
ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA RIIODKB,
March 2Tth. 1556. PHILIP EEYMKR.
undersigned have this day formed a Partner
-hip. under the name, firm and style of REYMKR A AN
DERNON. for tbe transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and
Confectionary bua>nt*6S, No. 39 Wood street
Pittsburgh. March 27th, 1855.
UST In retiring from the Confectionary business, l chear
to'ly recommend Messrs. Reymer A Anderson to my friends
and customers JOSHUA RHODES.
Pittsburgh. March 271 b, 1865. tp2
HARBAUQH A CO. have removed to No.
296 Liberty street.
Springer Harbaugh A Co.,
(Buccesnors to S. Harbaugh,)
in Wool and Produce generally, No 295 Liberty
• r--rt. P*
'*■ ' a ' wo. 4,.fc*-o- lfc r ■*».«* „
.cocu&aa najumo
R. L. Allen,
Portable Forces,
T»-a Ki ttles,
Wagon Boxes,
Pinkerton At Co.
111 TKARtai'TloN Of A OiatRJU
Isaac Joueii
»>. a. Hogei a A Co.,
Richard Bucking,
S. A. Long A Co.,
Consume the Smoke-
?3 mlt).
I. L. iaarshall,
r' cceffdf to 11. Lee )
No 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pn.
Hfjrrrnc* —W. M’Clintock h Bmsg Krauiwr A Rahm;
Brown 4 Rirbpatrick; Murphy, Tlrrnan A Uu.
Pittsburgh, May '24, 14,'.5—(0n 24 3m*)
Hate and Caps.
y-osj VV E would levity tbe attendee of our friends and
/»Btbe pnbiic to a wplendid assortment cf HATS and
uldchwe ure now opeuirg ic; the Summer
trad**, which for hrauty of style, eioewda anything evor of
ler-~l In tb- city, or w.*«t of ibe m.'untaln«.
4^-Call and examiue f.>r yourselvcK.
r.pG 91 WcoJ street. Pittsburgh.
Dltsolutioa of Co-Pirintrship,
-1 ura of the PITTSBURGH NUYEI.IY WollßS, was
uia-n.lvcJ by Uio death i t Mr. Jons J. Ruousm, uu the 1 ito
of M.i-Cb last.
The burdnew of tbe NOVELTY WORKS will be continued
in ail its branches by tin- surviving partners, tirJer tbe
Uiviue and style of Ll\ INGSTuN, COPELAND A CO , who
w ill His.- M.-Ulf up Ih« lillair* i.l tb> Isle lira.
J K Mot) ftH KA D,
l'itt .burgh, Pa , May 1. la6f. J W U. CoPKLAND
John Clou Ley & Co.,
CHANTS, No. hri Wood i-inert, I'lU-burgb, Fa.
The sutv»»-rite: ■. rebpectlull) mi -'iu ilirir - id
an i . be j.ubti-' in gmere I, Ihtl th.-y In,-. >• tb.e Jay Ss-i)- i<v
te-J thejn-elyaK ia tl.>- 10-ov-- hu-inej", un!--r tbv Drm c(
.1* GIN M'ULurR L\ A >. < i L- j i •--;•• Dull; i«'.idt a miars
ut | atlt-: puln-cugr.
T!i- j-rr t K'U- t-ui ii.e :•i !- e : I- • --t; I--1 by th» m
selvee re^H-cUre 1 ) f*»ho
liout* anil
JM’I.AUGIILI V, No. 95 Fourth street, nearly o pposite
• Uu- il ai ui'f iiflii-i-, l- lusiiula ’l ui Gig Geniirmeu’d tir»l
Luw Mines, i ieu and but tun* d ; COogrt-s- an 1 Bu t ;od
edUaiSfie; Udu-s'Bo-L‘, Hall Jenny l.liuU, Slip
|«-:\ id 1 rrn b L».-lui: o Gr.itei, I v ,-r , • iOr an J nhuiu;
IttiiC)’ Kid an 1 'nliii ll 1111 - H, » I tbr br:-- unlem-e: Wlisen
and Ohil lr-i.G Jo., i,; -'.-r,
B All ki Made i r ler. .-n ehor’. I’-'t'e.* ! e.ilti
Soulier*’ County baiuU aiul Hulun
against Government,
I" 1 LL procui e iDuut / Lm-J W»n >a;> l.»r .'.•i.j.e-r-., then
WiJj\*n tiu.l kl.u-.>r Chrd'L'U, uu I ain-iiJ buhineii* lu
the” Court cf Claim?,*' ttxvn'.ly '•s:abi>htal by Con^rer- 1
tubiw, N.i, 1 it Th r J -ireet, i-J»- io*>r a } K?ve Smlthhuld at
Mm,-h Id laj3— tmh.uj t;LL \ ttl.Krt N AM.GK
Aew Seed Store.
JAVK3 WARDLCP i.ff-r* i.-- rai- CANARY BIRDS of
the most impr-'T.-l br.-rd, b-ing x -rv L.r I>. nc l fine
tugers. Bird Swde—Cuuary. Hemp. Mi.i« t, Hope and mix
h-1 Seal ILiU jucV wjii tv luruUbed n ::ip->?eJ u' tiie hlie?t
FI.UMKUS. ru Caaßlm, IR-'e 11. ib, UeliOlr-pes Aj.
Eversre*ne 'ln {’■'-t-) for Tre-.*, to. ai tin- rie*-J and
H. r'.i ix!tr..r&l Scue, No 4i) Firth at . u-a: VS' - l l-odj
Bounty L*H«li.
r 1 UIH unde; t- ill uj uv* ta ;■ titsi ;i 1 -un'.> liicd M nr
1 ran;- 'Hie ► .1: g;a -- n'l Vb - I,at * .-vTVi-'J !L
•my war cin> ITv'i. D- m •1-rnt-'
LUKE LlH.h.St Dj-.>f, "7 I-.ano : d uliey,
n. 1.1 A.y !r' » .-ii W.. • i t an I Di»u;t-n i
( ual Work.* lor Sale.
O 1 XTY TIIRFF. ACi.Lo »»F I. VN D, u ill. .•: r : : C.-n.
O hibi h«‘-|, nn-J n.i :l.e iiiipi' vei;.-i)iii thrre--!- in 0,->-
'ul <«[.er«U(.u Fsid Fjrni i.- aiiuttied -I. M ii.-n.-ib- U
nv>r, 31 Uivur- Pi.'-:, t n>. J t- *u; ;n •• i » ,\h o
Farm Hou-«e, lUrn, 1*. i I 1 um.--.>* !, au !
an “I'-eneul harl-. i
The vein i-f C‘»xl i- ' k ''' LlxL-k, a'. 1 iuiiiiG tv purpse?
.-d iu -jualitv. 1.-r sur’LiT particular* aj-piv t.
M.Il.iU"'N a I* .5 NK.
j-l . :' N'- - • - l.i'-f..
%>: AIIIHIT to .\ ROOM
'll INVi..S i i 11N .3 ANl> i* ATT NTr ,
Atul Agency lor '.ho Putclduo aiul &ulo of Pa Lon l
Hr h 'UtM ut.i i J atvti , .o.l A: lie
y. <~t> f k\
'l'iih *■)»!»... •!' vr* b.» . 11.- I--.. .. 1 Hi.!. Mr
1 .M OKS V K\ I- ‘.u n r. m
ui'ti lin; him.: i-.Rwh- »i.*h i t ha -mi
N h c- \s ii. im. - n
U li U-' m . . ‘ a . • ui,M
.Ui> *w. •• h ; I I t.i mI. ,
R ft Fuel *• 11 : r.i-V. X N
K ii-.’ b \\ . 1.-. ;• r .r.-f ± K-.‘ • .
" u hi.- t R li>•r .* •'
MV -i, C.hMV, u l R - n.
A W 1. - 'H i.-, Anin-n F...-..r,
N <-i -i-w-'i ,7tb. D.d m v I'l
Writing! * * X olir^c.
K i*.-niJec:.-i) arm , I*.t. Lie 1 , l.i-ii" ■ Wrut-.-
Mr DV\ ~iu,r.* *r -e v-M.>. **• ' - -G-- • -i--r, , :
1.Kd..-,' Wn:in.- a:- -‘ >. r. ■v -. :-, N -j
f P.-OnHlirlli| if" -O : I I.- -
by theT.**.-}.-: . ». .. n V. -.m* n •
• im-unp'd; nor j. • i ;- i i r..-. . nihe,- • i
1,..-iu4H»u i. er.-l • - ; —u a -i ,s
done id : l.i*
•!i. i u
\V> dam-' uu-
maruhi p- \• j
New Itil. i I I ri) ( r t i fit r r
I'll E HUbi* d er ll W i -l -
onr:i: l : n t \ < i :
r» 1 *- ’ !.• b-
Kx; I'-rini Aii-ut l-r i‘-.- i' -.a j *-*.'► Kit...- -.•.■•..•is r . k ‘ut
Hi:,;!. 1./ '.m wir- !- ir.zn •. f i*: l-
1;- «' ■ i * . i
li. « !t> furm-'t
:i • i' 1 * r-.- li.O) l r-*t Irt 111
h;;1 f.- 1 ;, si'l vf u 1
The 1-hT
» v«-r i > ii.*rv ii '*<' i i<’ j i»>• MUf i » i .-4
,-11 If
A. mtllketi 6L ' r
Oil A 1 H MAM r A \
isr:» tua-n: ■: «;» 1 l 'a-.: ‘
th»*v wi.l *eli lo j—: ivii: U. v
r.TLi--MO. .-nly
al m-tr CAhIM-T nn 1
l • H
Im n
V\ m. IC, Mivciiiuii .Tiion.i-c l<> anuulr
turf API NETW AH K I f h . r ,. M t.n.
yl! r.-ru-r >*! 1..1- r. . *t.d --v., !. mi•
• i I L'NDKLiALiNu htiHuJ.-j id, 'a mi it* Mau,h.'f
( tinrlfi llarncti,
Ui'lL-K SM'»KK AM' LI. UNcM! Tit. U- Me.tsl a
nrw and .-..itna-it. it.- Hn k rh r t‘•: } nU.-v,
b- {W*»k*n Third -111 1 “iT'-t' ub • h-- 14 ;r, •.1 • •
to r> *;l w irk in Li- I'iir *.h th» utu-.M
Having had 1 .»u*r eipm-n m :I j- ! . !i,. m , p- fa")
nnlt’-H- !b<* put r. .DUf- f 1..- t: 1 - j-• ,i ;L • j..,‘ |,,
' I MIK PL’Ulk' . ? Pi'.t«fu.v.b au 1 Allegheny u rrsp-. :
1. tally invited 1-’ Oil! a.; the Mime fl.-rt.
i! the 6ub*--rlb«r-., No. t-d ST ,
examine a eupert. ff^THTiTn
KullUraud Plano , |irJoc Si UUO« w u 5 y U
>r>m the Factory ut NL'NNti A (. L Vr.k, hew York. This
elegant tnjrtruuicnt R tuuJe in tlx “ MX’.A BET lIIAN
ti L V Lfci,” lLn (TDtmfCtf, rri►»,t i ie/.-. kii J being elabo
rate! v carved out of SOLID KOsfc\Vi_Hil». If is full wvrn
octaves, of lho idimemd'.iur-, Mjd, lu poi nt <d »ul iMlo,
power, and J *werlne*,. ul tone, »e pn-u. u:n*ed alto
gelher ijliPurpaiisaLl*'
Tin* pubtrribir- will be happy to r,h«* i i-.te of
their frlr*lj«l -• mi l the public in genen.l, to 1 aL.'w them
through tbelr ch-ganl Lew e-!nLlut.uieDt.
li K I.KIJ» U A JiUn . I lf <* U i '.-u !!«:; ,
.V' i-0 1 ii i. -.r-trl.
Hprl o g StocL. of Hamburg I’lanoa.
rand rvjrrt'frt.'y <>/ to\>\
They hHTe net ouij r.ueiittl Lhi* high.Tt mark* i f appro
baliou from the best Kurop»«uu PiaulMr, Hurl. a..
And others, who bavu them coTMttuj'.lv in thoirewn use,
but also from our resident Professors The I. 'kwing le id
iltract a etter of
AHrr describing the particular (dyl*.. two of which be
wimii" h.r ilia own use—one Omni ho<l oih* , y ;
a*- |uti„w* of thetr 'iceilmt .jiiHiiti***.
“My little daughter, irh" pU>> i tv wrll, munt, wi'h
uiyeeif, have a good liir-ti timedt, uul yours are tbe wily
i ut*H which can Balt-fv in*-
“ lri'tru:nen;» are ctlrr-J nwen th» m-wt uc'vauuMKling
term-.. 1, h.-weter, do nut IDte them, they ha>e not the
elusti-’ L u 'li unj tlie tiine o! your l '
“1 remain, vchth, r.tHpiTtfuily,
••Hinkv pittjdmrgb. I‘it ”
Kor eale t > CIIABkITTK HI.UME. at Un**‘OM Kelnh
lifh-1 lTadf Dep.-t.” U‘ \\ck-\ r:nxt. Jl •!..< r above filth
A Im, Hoir A gem tor Pi:tnmirgh and WssUtrn IVom-v I vania
for HalUt, /‘ot ‘i .f s. (which in th- Km-t
elll are CU.Ml.lfre,! etipettor 1., eith-.r Chi. or
NuUOd A Clai Ke, out wtm h Uct i.. i ( .*xt soeivel V kUvW u,
fcM they have h„; 1 S T tee,, here I Mid O bet
New Yon and Philadelphia Plano,u K - tc-t uiak- r-* u 1
prlree from J-Jb t" fk-o. mhiv
Notice to Whom It ni n y t;.»nc«ru
r IMI K PUBLIC SPHINiI SAI.XIA Kalut.. h ;’ 1,
X cheater are D.iw I ! ee 1, an.l h>o,
tmrly .•ouiineured. Every ■ itiren .■! Koeh-rtei i s biu|:vein
ployed. liToti ituor 40 uew Umi'.iei. wh,. have Pei Min,. n .,
lene the pn;6eut Sprioit. had constant employment; an l m
a few days u huiKlrrd fninihep more will be tr-jmred tocar
ry on the W'-rk I preßeUt season.
The Qir Bui'Jiny Lit lUnhm'nl is now near completion,
ad.l will he in lu! 1 operation In .1 utie. Severn I Cht-k will he
reaJy tor delivery, by cntrrKct, the 1m ul Juiv, l-..'..-.
Two or tbr.-e n»>w ihirchet, in H.-chesiei. will b»* con
tnn\ed for imm.-dlttt.dy. at.J num.-rnus other tmpr. veuiente
will he coin me n e-i, r. •{ nil mg ugien I nt a- an . 1 ine-iianii al
nu-l othea lah r i n,1.-p. nd< n t t tiu Cm Hat nldiMhiueL •.
w hicli w ill pm aid» ernph>r from 1 n- Iwoh un i r-1
A prominent bri'-kinhkvr ;rini Pit*d. ha- ju-t pur-
I'hatxJ nine Ihicm kh*. an.) cctiiru-'led !■< maßt* upon Iheru
lurthwith 1,000 bricke Two gauev of hands •.■nmietn'e
work the pn.sent w«*,•!., h* Mid/- ;he >.thei yut .1- er^i, u
estatdiahe.l hi tin* ncighl-orb.--1
ihir Vwurrir.. ht- already aliv.- with w.-rkmen. an !
the road leadiDtf to tlieni liued with team*
Lumber is becoming ali’ nnd •."I'- 'p, an I tcnenipniu
will soon Bf-riog up to relie' <• *ooh» r; our ImiiT;:, w!.., h
now hare b famille*.*, 4 tumiliee, ■ t-iniilic- and d. reus
them » fnmtlies each
Any who d d net hoy choap lots a; the four public phL-s
last wim»n, or the tour | übli- suite the present «pnng. ran
still secure good burgain.- ht /• r ‘* ra.v safe hv ''ailing on the
subscriber in H* c-b«»ter. Terms-' d-wo. 1 4 in on.- year
and C, iu two year - . DuCI.U.
P. b. A few lole can y w t he had Rt ftX) to $lOO each ; 11
applied fur beforu tile'do b May. These lots are twice rm
large aa usual city lota, viz: 40 le“t by and the price
only from sl,bO tn $2,00 per foot front. The present
tt 1 homestead anJ magniftctinl profit of Ond Pinoey.4 ucr.-s
in the csnLre of the borough of Rochester; also. tho-Leauli
ful 120 acres, building, orchard, Ac, <>t F Reno, cun be
lought through the subscriber at irr--at bHrgajos, and thei e
are not lu.'j juiA within a hundred miles. U.
SCUTHBRRT A SON hare removed their Real Estate
. and Oeneral /Ygeucy Ofllco tc Nc. 60 MARKET tT,
near Third. augd
I NOR ti ALE—-Tw.. Ltd- of bo teat by UO each, iu bast
' Pittsburgh, at the lowest pn'CM Inquire of
ftugl THOMAS W-RMH *c F-'iirtb stre-t
Ck > '*
' * ! >v •
* ' 'a *»*!** -*
■ ■., , y a« • j
• • •" > J n. ‘ •
Hoars from 9 A. M. to 4 l\ M.
ROUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or
Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis end
Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among
the disease of the eye which are treated by Dr. li. with
perfect satisfaction.
Ail diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principlea.
Artificial Eyes Inserted without an operation.
All letters post-paid will secure prompt attenciOQ,
We select the following references from among the thou
sands of rasea.whloh hare been successfully treated by Dr.
Henderson :
Win. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.
•Alfred Southwiek, Printer, “
tJ. Goodspeed, Glens Falla, N. Y.
•Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich.
•Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson, New Yoik City, N. Y,
tMiHfl Mott Bellows, N. H. Station, Ducheb3 co , N. Y.
•Edward 0. Boleer, Bristol, Conn.
•Jv>hn Seamen, Engineer, N. Y.
David Little, Engineer, N. Y.
Win. fc\ B. Giles, office Courier and Entj , N. V.
{James W. Kirby, Brooklyn; L. I.
Jarvis Rodgers, M **
A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Ht. Nicholas Hotel.
11. M. Ferries, Organ Builder, Houston £!.
K. 15. Doolittle, M. D., Uudson, N. Y.
Mrs. Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y.
M. I‘. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy. N f
it. L. Roes, Albany, N. Y.
A. t’iilunbach, Schenectady, N. Y.
Onpt. B. n. liavUaad, Athens, N. Y:
Jubu VV'. Uackott, Blnghampton, N. Y.
OOBUtMl':' M'Cr.'»L.iY
•Those patients were blind, and had to be led to the office.
At the expiration of two weeks they could go about the city
at pleasure.
•These coses of Amaurosis wore restored to eight after
they were given op as incurable by the faculty, and can be
retemvl to by any person who wishes to learn the facts Id
these cases, by writing to them. jtoa
Pittsburgh Dollar Savings iasdtntftou,
*Yu. 6a fbnrth street,
IB NOW OPKN dally frein 9 to 2 o’clock ; ol*n, on Wed
mwduy and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o’clock.
Deponltd r«c*Wt*l of all sums uot lesi than One Dollar,
and h dividend of the profits declared twice a year, In June
and Deceml«er. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering
Lb-; benevolent objects of the Institution, nave entered Into
a guarantee bond, thoreby giving additional security to
Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regu
lation*, furnished gratis, on application at tbe office.
Hopewell Uepburo, John 11. Bhoenberger,
George R. White, Charles Knapp,
W ilham V. Johuston, N. Grattan Murphy,
IV Hallman, Theobald Umbst&etler,
Alexander |(ra<iley, Isaac M Tennock,
William Phillips, William J. Anderson.
.l.'lm'J Bsckofvn, Jam«fl TT-rdmaU,
ilill Hurgwlo, John M. Klrkpaftlci
Ait*ert Culbertson, Jobu D. M’Oord,
R<»l~-rt Cheater, Robert Morrow,
J (Jurdluer Goftlo, Walter 1* Marshall,
Alouzo A Carrl«- r , A N 1 P.-ll.^k, Ji.GwgfaVa, Henry I it ogwalt,
Charlra A. Colt, n. Hob, ' !.
K G KJHngt-.'ii, Uei.g* ,'L u.-lJle,
i ranrlfl Yt-lix, Jam«a Khond*,
ticr>rg-* F. GiUzuore, Jauir* pbi-ile,
Jatues b. Hood, Georg.* 8. Seldeo,
Will mm 8 H»v*n, Alexander TlnJl«v
i iisin-anrt- (oinpan y,
01' l lllUMU'lll*
Cap.Ul 9300,(100
Amount securely tureste-I.
• pillA Cv’MPANY etfwtj Kiro losuraocs ou Building*,
I. U»>i-d«. Furni ure, A.r. Marius Insuruni-e uo >-iy,
Cargo and Freight. Inland I Qfur an--e C.O UiX'ds, I f 1U
Lake*, Ctnals, Rallr’-jd*, and Land
A, Insurance upon l.lvr*, uj»c.u tbo rav^-rab!.-
lloD. Thomas B H<»f*nce, Jarne* K.
UKirif* II Arm*tfoi»g. Oharlne Diog-e,
K.l l* Middleton, B. U HelmU.ld,
».»«>rge Frej 0 Bru«n*r,
i b -rua# MaadertJxl'l, lnaa.- !.«■« n
{.:«r*&D 11 Hrtatc li>, A-cretaiy
il -n T M Howe. n."n. J R M'Cliul- h,
IDn P C Sh-ucon, Col. H. W Ula^S,
H< u J It iluthrtr, A B M'Gtlmnct, E* , ,
Tli'.mw J kc-mn, Ke-j. W ilm>q M CaQdle&e,
C-jI J Lle-on Fr-eier, lien. J K UorrhevL
K M Riddle,
The character of the above Company t* t-f the fire! claja.
r.n l v>tnbln«s the rate ami unusual privilege* of F'.re, Ms
noe and Life Insurance.
x r:*.~n Ui M
ueutlemen of elevated staodlug are a.*s. , y*»alevJ in i
and loUrrateJ as r'irw;kh‘.iUer*.
p-t;. .on ! S i ELi 111 KNv-K
Self-sealing Cans
For Prew'tintf Fresh Fruits, Ka |H
Tomatofs, ,j'f , Hg [6^
I'HtfiK OtNP, which are rraled by the Hoiiwk'*i>+':
v i. Ii- .it the al 1 of a tinner, and r>p*uej ea.-tly wLbon'
lo;iirv t-' the .an. are rapidly aiming Into u.*e
Full lire, lion* f.-r t-uttlng up fruit tbe cane
and tli« work Is M> ooaily performed, that by their use ever t
family may have irreh Fruit and Toasties oo their t»l>!<
all winter, at summer prices.
PIHCKA Blot Can-, I-, Ceart, , Half Gallon
JAY-; Three Muarta, $t,»A; Ualiou, fA per dozen Tt<
Jiilnrent sum neat, In order to secure economy in trao
\ I ■ !l! h'• II \ it V.
ARTHUR’S CAN. wbi'b is elosod with a )U covering the
« hole top, so that a Uon open It may 1-e rleanee l I Ik* any
other h»« barn fully appto*<»i t<y the Fnruiera' Clu ! >
; ( theAuieri ao luetltule. New 1 Ojk- It took a tirel ria -
■ itpioCia over a,l f-lber self scaling cans at the Ittie Fair lo
Cinrlnnslt. and os? awarded a medal at tb*« Me hanlc-
Fair held this eptlng at the Smithsonian Institute, Wi*h
lugioo City, l) c It 1- claimed lu be the b»-Jt Can la the
AH orler* B'r-otnpamed by tho issh will be ptomptly for
For Bale, wholesale and retail, at the China and yueens
ware Store cf HENRY HIGIIY,
aug4 122 Wood rtrwt, Pltbtburgb.
Bargain! In Watohci, Clooks * Jewelry
/d ARK now (ielllog their large and ctrvtuHv wire
ted stock of Fioe Walehe*, Clocka, andrich Gold
Jewelry at greatly roJnced prices, to make room
QinlSfor aa entire new stock, which will be tvcrlvixl di
rect from the Eastern maoufsctohiHi iu a few wroks, Lr
Lh- Fall trade.
Purchasers desiring to bay good goods at low price*,
should call Immediately and examine our stock, as «« arc
determined to dose If out without regard to cost or former
price.-. Dou’t f.Tget tbe place.
41 Fifth street, neat door to Wood.
Qjr Wat- has, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in ih« bent
monitor, and warranted. jy2l:lr
( LATI DttOWW’3, )
Coruar of Hmlthfleld and Third streets,
large and oommodioua House having undergone
thorough repair and funzlahed with new etiuipmHCUi
throughout, Is now opeu for the reception of the traveling
public. Cuaaaas Mona&ara. jol
Iy Ift Dealer lo Warrant*. Rtnnkl, 4c.. 02 Fourth *
WALTER P- MARSHALL associated with him, on the
2.1 day of July, JOS. K. UUGUKS, In the M’aU
I'uptr business, ufidar the name of
jy9 W. P. MARSHALL A 00.
lot). A good bargain cun be had by applying soon at
the office of (hit MORNING POST. Jylfct
AG‘X)D BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street
by 100 lent la depth, In Birmingham, will be sold
cheap. Kuyulre of GEO. F. UILLMGRK,
j Tl 3 at office of the Morning Dost
t’Rßh Assets, July l, 1 85 5,--9»:J3,5J0 533.
/tONTINUIi to make Insurance on all ejcripliona of
' ' property at equitable rates, l'hl-i Company hare
maintained h position tor honorable dealing for 3d years,
and Is unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by
»dj olb«r Himllar institution In the United htatw. Semi
annua! statement of Che condition c l this Company on file
in this office, for the examination of the public.
11. B. TNN-KYCK, Agent.
Office, Northwest corner Fifth and Wood streets Pitts
-1,u'•?!>; . _ j v2l
It. m. Lemon A Co.'i Way Line
TTHSI, - -i»Jk undersigned buying purchased
part of D Wh A Co.'s Canal Stock,
SaaaflSaSSßß »r« prepared to do a WAY KHKIOUT
BUSINESS between this place and Columbia. All business
rntruHUd to our care will be promptly utteuJed to by us
at the Warehouse formerly occupied by I). Lo«ch 4 Qy ’
Canal liasln. LLOYD A LEMON ’
j v‘Js:dlm* 4 '
Peterson's Magaiiue tor August ;
Ballou's do do
Nsw York Journal do
Dickens’ Household Words for August;
The Heiress of llsughloa, or the Mother's Secret
Mary LyodoQ, or Kerel&tioos of a Life*
Peggy Woffington.
For all Ida new Hooka or Maaarlnes, call or emd to the
cheap Bookrtore of WA. OILDKNFKNNKY 4Cu
Fifth at., opposite the Theatre.
CIOAL FLAT—Lying at the Toot of Liberty street Mo non
j gabels river, for sale by ’
SALsk'K— Nc \ Lit* Superior Salmon for sale by
I*4*o * a* ' V* ~
« tl V <E .« * '*?■?» .
I'ruulcnt— UßUltOK ALbIiEE.
VICt rtt£JUD£5T3 :
9‘A 1)0,000
Ht Charts UnlUins, No. lun Third -t.
JOHN P. QLABB, Proprietor.
Co-Par tuerftliip.
Lot for Sale.
t O'
' ’V:
lUifi above celebrated WATERING PLACE will be open
. for visitors an and after the FIKXU o lf JUNK NEXT.
They are delightfully located on Sherman's Creek, fourteen
miles nonh-weflt of Duncannon, (this place belug fifteen
miles weet of Harrisburg, on the Oeutral Railroad,) at the
b*»e of Pisgah Mountain, which reaches an elevation of
more than Oy.j hundred lest. Sherman’s Creek affords a
splendid opportunity for those food cf bathiug, fishing or
sailing; the surrounding foreets offer great attractions :o
the sportsman ; and tour smooth ejs-i ahady roads through
a country unsurpassed fur hold and magnificent scenery,
will diversify the amusements of the place.
UUKSES, SADDLES and OAKUIAUBS can be bad at all
tioie« Horses tak-a to Livery ou reasonable terms.
much wn hardly be acid. Their waters hare been analyzed
by the beat Chemists in the Union, and are pronounced u n:
surpassed for curing cutaneous dlsoaaeo and- affections of
t e ki-lnoys. There are some five Springs In all, every
one of which is of different temperoturtr—the largeat being
63 degrees Puhreoheit, und throwing out «3 gallons overy
so-en minutes. Ladle*' and Oentlemo.-.’s lUTHB hare
teen JuiistrucLxi, with all the modem improvements, to
gether with PLUNGE IUTUS, Ac.. Ac
Ea- h day a Coach leaves Duncannon for ths Springs,
after tho arrival of tho cars.
U >a ling A Beys, billiard Rooms, and various other facili
ties L>r u m utKJine ul, ia abundance. The accommodations
will be tlie best, and the charges tow.
Tuans.—Eight dollars per week, or one dollar and fifty
cunts per day.i
families wishing to .-ngaja rooms, bhculd adireas the
proprietor early;
Kvery attention will be paid to visitors, the proprietor
having engaged the beet r A servants. Music always In at
All ccmmonications IctenJod to reach the Perry Oounty
Warm Spring* should be addressed to Dunvannon P. 0
They will L-j immediately forwarded.
raySl.U Proprietor Warm Spring
s iVm m uai — itKxkk/i'X^
f/ RYSTONK IPVTEL, IlyxriJfODON Co.. Pevns., one hun-
IV d-fd auJ I'ttr.'y-trz/n milts £.is.‘ of Pittsburgh, and
util’, th -j 'i reiwideuce and place of
putilli- r<*.fi»rl U L-v*:*.) on the ban ka o! the “ Blue J uulatu,"
at the routi'iouce cf Spruce Creek. Unclear spring, trout
uußtaiuiD,; waters, here Ji-v-hargeS itacll, and mingles 1U
murmurs In c.u.eert. as t!w rush dov/n the gorges of the
The r»ry central position of this Hotel makes it a deaira
hie place rd sojourn for a few weeks or days, for men of
hueiDtt** utid their iwuiiiicn—joded and enervated with the
turmoil, bustle an.! heat of the rtty. U !-» situated on the
I'euueylvanla Central Railroad, where the great turnpike
from the Susquehanna and other road* concentrate—
making vajy t-gre*s and Imrreas, several times a day, by
the cars and etage-, t<- A!lc».oa, Tyrone, liuntingden and
■ be Mountains.
The Llou-v is a n«'» brl k one., four stories high, spacious
an-.l roomy, newly pat>er*J, painted and rurnjshed trout
b&setueut to attic, witn all the modem improvements and
appliances of Uuld Bath?, Ac. it la also finely ventilated.
There are superb viewiuf every department of the Moun
tain flCHoery —the “ glorious mountain*, r the “eternal
Telegraph Office Is lu lh«i House, always ready for
work —and tbs proprietor ready tc> receive vleltori at mode
rate charge. R P. lIaSLKTT, Proprietor
Ktrtnrtcts is mTHHcaau :
William Carr A Co., dIW L-berty *lr«-ot.
J ho U shoonlH*r t p' , r. Jl-lid Anderson.
Wiliam 9. Campbell, , J t. Charles Hotel. [jj 11
IAOK the Prevention and Cure Of IWTIRMITTIUTT »n ! Kj
mittlwt FtvaEd, Ftvtß and Aouz, Crntui and Favaa,
Done Aquc, Guic&ai. Dkkiutt, Niout Swuts, and all other
fortua ef disease which have a common origin in Malaria or
Mtasm r.
This Li a NATURAL ANTI D >TK, which will entirely
protect any roaidml or traveler, croa in the most sickly or
swnmpy livable**, from utiy Ague ( .r Bilious disoa*o what
-ver, or any Injury trom v»n.»;aotty Inhaling Malaria or
It will instantly di.vS the Ague la port;.-na who have set
feri»l fiir any l*-n < Ili • l from one day to tweuty yours,
so that they nood never hs re another chill, by continuing ll#
use aoctjrdiiig to The i aticr.i at odco begins to
re>*o»er appetite and > tr*-ug»h. and continues unUl a pernia
cent an-.! r» li.*ul cure Is Affected.
(,h.« or two will aa.-wer for ordinary ca««i; somr
may re-juire to L'iructK'ns priote 1 In ueruiau, French
and .-'p-vui-h, a.-.ompauy rr -h bo'tU Prlee One Dollar
Id 1 -' :i 1 1o .ouiiU in*d- to *he trad-'
•• 1 have made a rheuih'al ei tail its tioo of “ Kb«nl«e’ Fever
uu 1 A gue Cur*.’ i-r " Ao' ».»«•! e t-> ,\J si ana,' and have tested
11 ! r Arseui- , Merc u r •-, c r,Ji,» an 1 . w lry- hnine, hut hare
nof f uti 1 h parti ■ 1 »i!lu r iti i!, nor have 1 muo-l nuy
FjKtnc'« in that w niil p rove injurious to
th • iv, ►r.tutifu
l.r» lam . Uui.’O i>utit v, Pn , .May U. i'sis.
M' 'AA 1 i - D-ur p‘,r Th- Lu i>f medicine you
eeoi m«wneduiy mmsl in the llth of April. I have
K>il at-out i-ue-half ol it, and sc far the people who have
iceil it sre 1 ttiat il hoe red them. 11 has certain
Iv s.op>p»ed th.' Ague 10 m 1 ry one sh,. h*-* u»ed It, und *lx
c-f the v-aaee w-rr -f i, •'tandiug. My cisler, who has
hud it fr !iv>- rr «n IA-k.aod o. u’.J never g-t It
sL-pptxl, except l > cunir.e, an | that only hs Loug os rb*
wi uIJ take ii i, -t ,1t Li k.. e«!i:••! v cure Ityn ur r-m
fdy C H MoUINLY"
Take c.' id. -re Arr«-ul M»r ury. ig-dolne, Strychnine, or
Anttl’e-i r m-di .in 1 mir ki’d, the virtue of
whieh le ini: i- , u h | -!-.-n u* -lrtig« The mo«t they
can d>i« to “ t-'-sV t t.e . l ib-, j.r u Bh<irt time, while they
ar** ei:" :o sue- c 'U-iiluticns l maiadlsv thsl c**are only
with life. R.-nium)«*r lhat the only Fever and Ague feme
Jr that i* barmhe»B as well o» pure, Is
Rhode a' Kev*r nud Ague Cure
NO. llh WOOD pTREKf, i‘ just r«
e*‘ivlng n large stock of PIANO?, of th“ lute-l •':> lea,
irom the Factories ot
UAI-LKT, DAVIS A Cu., Boston,
A. B. KKICHKNHAOU, rhiUdrJphla:
T.'gether with thorn" of ether maker*, at prices from f.’db to
(1,1)00; Including every variety and etvle. Iram the plain
but pub.-ianttsl iron Iratue I’ikuo, to the most elegantly
carTei Louis MV ntyle, Square and Oiacd Piano*.
Arrangements huve bueu tnado with the mannfjoturecd,
by which their io-trua ente are will lower by their exclu
sive agents her- than in the and without the addi
tional cost and ri; k of traue(e<rtatu>n.
BTery Plano trold by the •utevtlber Lh warranted perfect
lu every respect, auJ h written iruoranteo will lai givoa If
re-ittiml. CU A & LOTTS BLUMK,
augl6 No. 11S Wood stnvt.
iKon city cosiniiiuriAi. (ullror,
An Institution for tha Business Man
OUUANI7.KD and in very ru.”e6; tul operation, a ith a
Bonn! of Trustees, and taught by an efllcUut faculty.
Two hundred «t udeuLs and npwurb have matriculated »L
thlii College The com Mu-d und urgent demand of the
Farmer, hum.-, 'ler' l.uut an,! Frofewional man, for an
lu.ittiu'iot) ct K huh litanJarJ, in which various art? whb
Iheir »r.- n'i i ,* • . n!J 1,,- -htiJn.'d, uu l that they should be
lostructed by exp-rience\l lonelier*, wtir> hare had
prm'l |oe ia th.' ; uhjeo;.- tiUlqht, l.;lf OKUie-l the orgsnlxntioo
of th« iVoplr'* College of l'rmMiral Teachers. Several of the
Faculty are author* ol Book Keopmv, who provide, us re
quired, ret* of •* form hook?," '.hut e.inform to all the changes
und tmprv rruientu rd frequent oc\ urr*>Dce in ai tunl hual
Dally Lectures nr« delivered by persona of known ability.
Subject:.; Ihxik Keeping, it* theory and lawa; Arithmetic,
und it 9 apdllc.utiou ; The Art of Writing; Commercial Law;
Political Economy; Commercial Urography; History; and
llustne** Elblc*.
The puc-swa of thi* Institution 1* uow curtain. Citizens
of the tint circles in (society and buslnesa show their conii
dunce by entering their pods for a busiue** education.
OK KVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable for Railroads-, Ca
nals, Ac,., f-.r weighing Hay, Coul, On*, and Merchan
dise generally, rurchueers may teel aesurod that they cud
ho supplied with a superior and reliable article, and run
n» rLk.
Kacdi Scale b guaranteed correct, and If (after trial) not
found eatlafactory, can be returned witheut charge.
Kunlory ut the old etaud, established for thirty years, cor
ner of Ninth und Melon streelo, Philadelphia.
aug-J.J Suocoesors to Klucott A Anwrr.
OfFiC* Ci “Tus PITTtfUUKOU tJA9 CoMI'ANV,” (
August IT. IBL6. )
ri'IIK Stockholders cf “Tho Pittsburgh Gas Company"
X are hereby uotitied that an election, for the purpose of
elect)eg two persons to serve as Trustees of the «nIJ Oaa
Compauy lor the term > f three jours, will be heM at the
office of the Company, at th- Works, oa the Klßs*T MON
DAY G‘-i day) OK 9KPTK.M BKll, 13t»6, between the hours
of 'l und 6 o'clock 1\ M.
auglSrdtd JAMES M. CHRISTY. Truaaurer.
Valuable Farm for 6&le t
O containing 14 l ftcr*p ; 115 scr*s of which are under on!
tlv&iion. The about to decline farming, will
dispose of all his Stock, Grain and Hay on hand, ifdesLred.
augl l corner of Seventh and Stnlthfleld stq.
66 El. ARNOLD A SONS, 60
And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
XTO CO MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth.
Xv Pittsburgh Keep . .melautly c-ti hand, a large etoefe
ut Cloth*. Caeeimerr* and VeHtln.gv. Qarments made to
order on the abort**; noth'e, and in the latest fitylefi.
*«“All orders promptly uUemled to. J«ngl7.2m
W. P. MarkUall A Co.,
LM PORTER.? and D-aler- In French and American PA
.PER HANGING?, b 7 Wool street, Pittsburgh.
*dr Sole A g-oiH lor the celebrated manufactures of
Messrs. Delicourt 4 Co,, pari* aug7
1M I'GKI AN 1 - a; thii* ul l y car, w heu disease*
of the su-uiach uud b. ««!* are so frequent, &ud. If ne
glected, Krt so aj-t to Jri’fnoruU- iuto cholera morbus, or
even Antatic cholera, no tduiily .-bcuU le without & bottle
11 '[ £*-*(,<> ( ,| an d « bottle
if Wrke) fl celebrate l DUrrh.ia M*~lioln*b which, It used
according U> iioc.>uipau> lug, u», will | T o V r a Pp-edy,
-aJo and emca.icud remedy They <„n be luid ootj at thr
Drug Blore of JOHN HAFT Ja,
am!l6 136 W««l'strM.t.
RAil' B K,UO- I'.KANDi-o l „, l .„ re K H „, b^ r) .
a Twy supplier bOme-muJc artiol* For *ai« by
„ „ JXO LITTLK, Jr., Agent,
BUg&dlw Nr. iu) Liberty street.
* fAs*
* j*-®.'*
*/» • „
JAMKH A. UUoi'EA, l’n;\iJrure. U I
N vw j iuk . J un« 11. li.
JAVILS R. CiiilTii.N, M I> , Ctiemlcl
Platform Scales
Llhi of Unclaimed Packages
Xv PRK3B 00., W Fourth tstreet, Piltsbnrgh, wbloh, if
not efclled for, will be sold at Public Auction, by p. M.
DAY’!*, corner of Pißb and Wood streets, on the second
day oj October next, to pay charges, and for ai'cnuoi of
whom it may concern:
3 D. Alien - Pittsburgh 1 pkge.
Allen A liaughton do £ bdls bags.
H. Albright,care Frank Falk do 1 pkge.
M. Banerssehs do 2 boxes.
J. W. Baker dj I box.
Mrs. E. Bretinger do 1 box.
J. Beach do 1 box.
Q. W. Baskin Mercer, Pa 1 box.
J. Q. Backofen Pittsburgh 1 pkge.
W. 8. Boyd Butler 1 pkge.
IL Bond East Liberty 1 pkge.'.
Miss K. Burns Mercer I pkge.
O F Buckingham Warrenton, Pa...l pkge.
0. 11. Ilarst Pittsburgh I t>hge.
D. M.Cnrry do 1 box.
W. 11. Chapman do 1 pkgd.
.7. A. Catferday do 1 pkge.
A. Combs do 1 pkge
Join Coyle do l pkge.
R. Campbell Allegheny... .....1 bos.
C. Cooley. Manchester 1 pkge
J. Dietrich .. Pittsburgh I pkge.
W. V. Dye do 1 pkge.
T. Emeriok....... do 1 pkge.
R Frye do 1 pkge.
VV. E. Ferguson do 1 pkge.
A. P. Planer ConneautriHe....l pkge.
n. Foster Mercer, Pa 1 pkgs.
Üb&i. Fischer Pittsburgh 1 pkge.
J.A. Fo-ter do l pkge.
Xavier lirelb do 1 box.
A. He 55...... do l trunk.
0. Uelnold do 1 basket
J Huts Botler, Pa I pkge
J.U.Elartz Pittsburgh 1 pkga.
A. ll**sa.~. do 2 barrels.
J. Huffman Birmingham 1 pkge.
A. 0 Johnson Allegheny 1 pkge.
J. Kinzvr Pittsburgh. . 1 box.
M. Kuhlme Jo 1 pkge.
P- Kene do 1 pkge.
D Kinzar do 1 pkge.
W. C. Lfpsromb do 1 box.
0. Linder man do 1 pkge.
D. T. Lane Franklin, Pa 1 pkge.
J. 0. Monbcr Pittsburgh 1 box.
D. B Morris.... do 1 bucket.
W. U. MMdaugh do 1 p. box.
Dr. Mathews, care Li. 0. Gray.. do I box.
0. S. McFadden do 1 pkge.
J. 3. McDonald Jo 1 pkge.
Mies M. Nelson Birmingham 1 pkge.
F. Nicholson Pittsburgh 1 box.
R. Pollock - do 1 chest
J. 9. Perry, care P. Morris do 1 pkge
Mi« J. Peacall do 1 phae.
Rhodes A Nelson do 1 pkge.
U. Keizer j.i - J boxes.
J. Helm Jo l pkge.
J. Reitz . do 1 pkge.
C Rinthall do 1 pkge.
F Roth ... Jo 1 pkge.
Mary Rhodes Franklin, Pa 1 lx>x.
A. Apraoger Pittsburgh I pkge.
Spencer .
J. Schuster.
J. P. Smith Franklin, Pa 1 pkge.
J Smith*. independence ....1 box.
A. guhwanke Allegheny 1 pkge.
Troujh A IlerJ Lawrunceville ...I pkge.
W. A. T&rrey Jamestown I p&ge.
Johnson Williams Pittsburgh I pkge.
Kills Wolf do 1 pkge.
.1. H. Williams do 1 pkge.
W. G. Wall do 1 pkge.
Mrs. R. Williams Birmingham 1 pkge.
Mrs. a. Williams Pittsburgh I pkge.
P Bloomer Jo 1 bag.
K. Burnett do 1 box.
W. M. Derry do l fcdle.
Frank Mayer, care W. Kuhn. d.< 1 pkge.
11. B. Kilet-y J • 1 box.
J Blo:i:tr do l p-Uge.
Iron City Hotel do l carp. bag.
G. Thompson Jo l pk,;e.
It. Oill«-r> [• i*; do 1 pfcge.
J B Martin do 1 pkge.
D. I’embrU.y ... Jo J J .
\ 1 r-rp. tag.
A. II Regular do 1 trunk '
General Tom Thumb do 1 pkge.
M. Watson ... New Cast!e. Pa... 1 pkge.
VVataro A r Union do 1 pkg-*.
J Walls ... lAt rot*** 1 box.
Agent of the Adame .Express Co.
Fut-burgh, August 31. 1556.
A MPLK TK9T3, botu by able PractiilonerH and Cb» uu
t\ ral Analyst*, have Jemonstretul the great rulue ot
PROF. DU UKATti’B beautiful combination, culled “ ELEC
TRIC OIL," for the relief and cure of I'aiu Hut the people
themselves are rendering their verdict in a manner both
unmistakable and satlafartory. Mere than Sd.WK) bottle?-
have hem sold In a very short time—a great proportion to #bj I,'artf others re'ommend it, who had tried it.
That it 1* a epi«n IM discovery is everywhere acknowledged,
and nothing like It was eTer l efore prepared. Why, for
Cbrru aloae, It la worth $lOO,OOO a year to the people, as it
alw-ys cure? these painful tormentor? in twenty-four
But what Is it not worth to the people l! It cures Balt
Rheum. Erysipelas, Canker, Clears, Sores of all kinds,
quently taking away all the pain in twentv-four hours.)
Kbeumalift-in, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis
Hie-, Womb Complaints Orampa, Sprainn, Bore or Swelled
Breast, Felons, f ounds of all kiude, Ac. ! Would $600,00Q
rXptuns Its value to the people ’ .Vo Because a man wtl l
give freely for relief from /-urn Will this Oil relieve jvun t
Certainly it unit, Such men as we have often named, hon
orable and higb-mlnJed merchants, mayors, doctors ami
other* have so said, alter from ten to filly trials. They say
the ALrrtnc OU is the finest medical combination ever pre
fared, neither offensive nor Injurious, but effectual in all
the above and mauy other coses. Some honorable and
heavy bu-doess firm* have. It Is true, sold some of the old
(turpentine, lilumiuous, or coal tar, Ac. Ac.) external ap
plication*. until th-ir customers returned bottle after bob
tie. with the remark that “ the remedy was worse than the
pain;" yet .-U'h never recommended ncr alien
cotiovoaixv t. But m some of our l>eet merchant*
ordering m»r< erory ten days, aod always giving additional
tevtinouy t > the vniueol thio wonderful discovery. That
a great many ladie • n re usinp It as a medicinal toilet article
lor themselves and thi-ir cblldreo, is well known, it cures
all pim/ifej, blotches at:tl eru}>tums on tbe face ai»J neck in *c
«bort a time, you woul i scarcely cjfdit it. It fraiuuni.y
replaces e painful siceHiny in two hoU'S; bav done it in bn l
an hour; cur,-j many etlr tua-ly in hi boon*. If Indies
knew ihe j.ojdiing, and healing vlriues In tSu
Gil, they would never be Induced to use anything elee i.«r
wo tub comptainiu or pains of any kiDd.
We now insert a lutter just received from Henry WiLy,
Esq., who went to England til weeks since, (to die )
London, July 12, 1b55.
Tfior. Dc OiAtu, ThUa,—Dear Sir - When 1 left borne for
my health, (scrofulous eruptions, Ac ,) I never expected to
return ogam, WlieTtng that my complaint would soon
carry me off. When you gave me three bottle* of your
hlrctric Oil to take with me, M aiertly a paliiati ne, 1 did
not think I would eo very noon be called upon to thank you,
a* 1 now do, for my complete restoration.
I can only mv, lefoie the of the steamer, that
yen have only to come here with your Oil, to make a f-r
-tuue In one year- There lanol another similar medicine Id
England, if in the world. 1 will write by nest steamer.
Your*, rot-et truly, HttihV WtLfiT
It cannot be llieir imaginations, who state that old eoies,
that have discharged from six months to five years, hare
been curvd by thin OH. It cannot be untrue, nor a decep
tion, where pain is relieved in one dut, often in half an
hour. No! common sensn dictates no/—and GOO written
lottery say no/ Come and see them. A regular Doctor In
uttendanco; and I ►idle* can consult a Lady, privately, by
dropping a line to the ollke. Advice from a di-dance, mak
ing iuquirlrti thut auy physician can answer, will be
promptly attended to. Atwuyd enclose a stamp, as our f-er
vices nre freely given, aod wo are drawn upou too often Is
this way All case* treated liberally, with or without the
Oil, as 1 have twn Physicians a*so<"Ut«-J f.»r tlii? express
purpose. Prof. 0. DE UKATH.
No. 39 South Eighth street, Phil*.
N 1! —7’hr* largest bottles ten limes the cheapest. Please
□otlly tue of any case or (allure to cure in from half an
hour n> three weeks, an 1 wbh to cure nil.
Q&- for Bale bv DR. KKVSKK. 1-40 Wool at- laogffl)
PIANOS 1 PlANtis 1
and for sale by JOUN 11. MKLLOR. -yy—]
No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond nlky
and Fourth street. Just received from theNTf™ljjrTw
manufactory ot Chickering A Sons, Boston,* * Sc U **
and for sale invariably at Boston priers—
Two of their first class Seven Octave Pianos, Louis XIV.
style, with carved cases, legs, lyre, music desk, Ac. Ac.; fin
ished back and front alike. This is considered by persona
of taste to be the most beautiful pattern now made. Price
$6OO each.
Two first class Seven Octave Plunoa, with carvei esse,
lyre, new style of fiuted lege, the lyre and ends of beautiful
carv- d tracery work; finished baea and front alike. Price
$460 each.
Three elegant Rosewood, p'aln doable round comers,
Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and
with Chickering's Patent Iren Frame. Price $4OO each
Two curved Koeewood octave Pianos, with new style
dated legs, carved case, musk desk, and the usual openings
tilled with beautifully carved tracery work ; finished bock
and frout alike. Pri*e $426 each.
Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corner*. 6Vi
octaves, rtnhtud back and front alike, and with Ohlckerlng’s
Patent Iron Frame. Price $376 each.
Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Six Octave Pianos, all
made as well and with the same care as their first class Pl
auos. and with Chickling’s Patent Iron Frame.
Odc of Ohiclcering A Sons' New Scale, full Seven Octave
Uraud rianos, of Immense power, brilliancy, and sweetnes»
of tone, with their New Patent Action, which renders th*
touch so light and elastic that it can be played on by the
most delicate hand. Price $760.
Also, one of their new Pailor Graud Phinos, an eolirely
new invention, and particularly adapted fo* Parlor use.
Price $O6O
A new lot of Plano Stools just received.
For sale by JOHN H. MKLLQR. 81 Wood et.,
Imlvmd Diamond alley and Fourth street,
Sole Agent for CUICKEBING A SONS, for Pittsburgh and
Western Pennsylvania.
C/jl Full Styl« for Hats.
IT PACLSON will introduce ihe New Style fr.r Hats
* on SATURDAY, August 261 b.
0. 11. PAULSON, 73 Wood str«M.
next door to eora-r of Four h.
tM't lUts and Cape of every descriptien.
aug23:dlw _ ,
1> KN N INSTITUTE, coiner ot Penn and Hancock strata.
The ensuing Session of this Institution will commence
on MONDAY, the 3d of ftopiember.
Tuition and Stationery, per cession of Twenty-two
Weeks : --$22 CO
Pupils may enter at any time, and will be charged pro
rata until the eud of the term, or till notice of withdrawal;
a deduction being allowed for absence on acconnt or l ro
tmclnl rcknem. J. H. BMITU, Prlncip.l.
aug2sui2w(cbJ) ___ .
Co-Partnership Motlee.
rrtUK noderalgue'J h»ve this day entered into co-partner-
X ship, and having leased for a tennof years the tar^-e
C.iit FACTORY r<*cently erected it ROCHESTER, P-ajer
County, Pa, are now prepared to contract for the mauufic*
lure 01 RAILROAD CARS of every description.
Address, Rochester, Beaver County, t*a”
Auifost 17, lai>6 —{aug24*tf J KIRK A RHODES
V { " V' l - v .
'• . V
Una iqoaro, one insertion
** “ each additional Insertion.
“ one week.
•• two weeks...
** three weeks
" “ one month.
" four mouths.
*• “ tlx months
** “ one year ~»—*
standing Oari, vir lines or less, per annum——.
One a.-juAr#, per annum, (sxolneive ot the paper)—
WHKREAS, in and hy the 18th flfctioo of the &ct cf
the Uenwral AoMtably of Pennsylvania, poored July
•«i i, 1£39, entitled *‘An Act relating to the Elections of this
CoiDinoQVcaHb," It >* enjoined on the Sheriff of every
County to give notice of such eltcliona lobe held,and enu
merate In hudi what officers are to ha elected. In
pareuunce thereof, 1, WSL AIaGILL, Sheriff of the County
<-.f Allegheny, do therefore make known and give this pub
Me notice to the electors of raid Couhty of Allegheny, that
a GKNKRAL ELECTION will be held tneald County, on the
Election Districts therein. *
The electors of the First Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to meet at the house of Airs. Jane Utile, at the corner of
Fourth and Ferry streets, in said Ward.
The electors of the Second Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to m»tt at the PuMic Sehool House in said Ward.
The eleotore of Li.e Tnird Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to me-t a' the houee of Andrew Alcilast-rs, Erq.
The elsctordof the Fourth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
.o tuert at the Public :>chool House In said Ward.
The etc tor rf a I the Fifth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to ro"d ut the Pennsylvania House, occupied byQotUJb
rvllel, Utn Alex. Seward, in said Ward.
T! e elei toni of the 81xth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
lc* ro—u at the Public School House in raid Ward.
' The electors of the Seventh Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to mvotot the Public School House In said Ward.
The electors of tho Eighth Ward of Ihe city of Pittsburgh
t j meet at the Public School Houee In said Wahd.
The electors of the Ninth Ward of the elty ol Pittsburgh
to meet at tho Public School House in said Wart.
The ejectors of the First Ward of fhe dty of Allegheny
to meet at the house of J. Woodhouse, in Boblnsou street.
The electors of the Second Ward of the city of Allegheny
to meet at the house of widow Thompson, north-w63teomar
of Ohio street and public *quaro.
7 he electors of tho Third Ward of the city of Allegheny
to inert at tho Public School House In said Ward.
The electors of the Fourth Ward of the city of Allegheny
to meet at the house of T. Smith, at the corner of Robhuca
unit Anderson streets.
The electors of the borough cf Birmingham to meet at
h* Town Hull ou Wilkins street in raid borough.
Tb« electors or the borough ot East Birmingham to meet
it the Railroad Office oj Oliver IF. Ormsby, fn said borough.
The electors of Dtujuranc bvrough to meet at the Public
Bcho >1 Houce ot raid iK.rough.
The elrctors of the borough of LuwroDccvlUe to meat at
the Public School House In said borough.
The electors of the borough of Sharpeburgb to meet at
the houKv tf John Sharp, iu said borough.
The electors of the borough of McKeesport to meet at the
Town Hall In said borough.
The electors of tho borough ofHouth Elizabeth to meet at
the boose formerly occupied by E. McAniuch, at the end of
the Monongobela bri >ge, iu said Boro jgb.
Ti»e eltcto e of the borough of West Pittsburgh to meet
at the house of Rogers.
The elector* of the borough of Weft Elizabeth to meet
at the Pubil; School House in eald borough.
The electors of tho borouch of T&rentum to meet at the
Public School Houro iu said borough.
The electors cf theborougb of Manch-rter to moat at the
Public School House.
The electors of the through of Elisabeth to meet at the
bouoe of Graham, formerly occupied by John Walker,
in said borough.
Tbe electors of Pitt township to meat at the house of Jo*
*«*ph Glndrol, ou the Mechanics’ and Fannera* Turnpike
Road,in raid township, except the qoalided voters resJnU&g
iu Rections No. 4, 7 and 14, of the said
role at all general elections in the Ninth Wert cf the dty
i<f Pittsburgh.
The electors of Peebles township to meet at the boose of
John Beitier, in tberillageof Fur Liberty.
The electors of Collins township to meet at the bouse of
William McCall, j f.. In tbe village of East Liberty. '
The elqctonscf Wilkins township to meat at tbe house of
John on the Ureeosborg Turnpike Road, In raid
Tao electors ot Plum township to meet at the house of
John Hummarvillr', in raid town -hip.
Tbe elo-’torn hi Patton township to meet at the house of
Abraham Taylor, on the Northern Turnpike, in said town*
The electors of Penn township to meet at the house of
Robert Dnm. lb-on,on tbe Leechburg Road,ln said township.
The ele.-Lirfl of Versuiilos township to moot at the Public
School House. on the farm of David Show, near the white
houm* formerly occupied l<; Thomas Neal, now by Wm /1
The electors of Kii. ibith township to meet at the houie
of Georg* Webster, lorui-rly occupied by John Walker, in
Elizabeth borough.
The electors of Jefferson township to meat at the houee
•>f Michael Snec, formerly occupied by John King, in said
The electors of Mifflin township to meet at the house ct
.4«muel Wilson, formerly reenpiei by James 11. Neel, In
said township.
The elector* of Upper St. Clair township to.meat at tbe
house ol Jas Conner,in said township.
The electors id Lo—r Si Clair township to meet at the
house lately hy K. 11-P-. n r ih<* junction rtf ihe Blr*
mingham and Coal Hid ronds, in raid township
Tbe electors of CUajlier* towo»hip to meet at the house
of William Obey, nntbe Pituburgh and Steubenville Turn*
The elei tors cf Robinson township to meet at the house
of Sarah McFarlaad. foimerly Aadley McFarland, tu sold
The electors of Fiudley trtw<i,hip to meet at the house of
McClelland A. Armer, tbrm s erly occupied by J. Charles, In
the villa e ol Clinton, in said lownehip.
The electors of Moon towrahlp to meet at School House
No. 4 iu haVd >ownrhip.
Tht* <*l*rtors i>f Ohio township to meet at the house of
Henry V. Tnompion, in said township.
Tbe electors ot Franklin township t ft meet at ihe hooea
occupl**d by Jos. H"letnac. in raid township.
The electors cf Het l -. rve towrmbip to meet at the School
House No. 3, In raid township. *
The electors of Baldwin township to meet at the houee of
John Cowan, iu Ci »id township.
The elector? of Bnowdca township to meet at the house
>f Pefur Borer, in paid township.
Thu elecror* of So'itb F»y*»t?e township to meet at the
home oi II II »> on rh<* larm of GL Y Cou'tor, fas said
The electors of Vor»r. Fayrtte township to meet at the
hous»- now occupied hy Franris Jamison, jit Rodgers’ Hill,
in said township.
Tha electors ot Rosa township to meet at the house of
Jacob Colbaogh, on ttie Fraok’iu Kosd, lu said township.
The electors tf Flue township to meet at the boos* of
Hugh said township
The elector? of to'Camllcsa township o moot at the Lonse
of Ihmiel Shmip, in Laid township.
The elector* oi - VVe-*t I>«*er township to meet at the hour®
of Nathan Conley.hi tuid towmhip
The electors of Deer township to meet at the Pnfctfe
House, in itf borough rf Tarentuo,
The elector? f>i a <*Tijl» !'-wn»htp m mei-t s » p P hool Hou«
No. I, (hereafer ;<-■ I** called C haplin )
The electors of Pewicbii.c’tcwuehip to meet at the hotm
ofS:-»muel Ritchie, in anil tinnahip.
Tb- ele.-ror? of Indiana lorrußllp to meet at thw hooae
formerly occupied by Alex. Turner, In said township.
The elector? t f Shaler L-vn-hlp to meet at John Hhaw’a
MH!, in said township.
The rjaalilied voters uf that part of Indiana township, in
Allegheny county. reiillng within lb* following describe*!
boundaries, to witßeginning at a point on the Allegheny
riTer, a' the upywn line of the farm ot John Oable, and run
ning a northerly course, betwnro the farms of said Cable
and John Boyd to the north east corner Of Cable’s farm—*
thence running a westerly course to the Staler township
line, in euth a manner as to embrace all farms or lots
situated in Cunningham* district, anil known as the Myer
tracts, within said boundaries, shall hereafter Tote at the
general election in the borough of Sharpaburg, at {he
election poll of »al-l borough.
At which time and place the r ( uaUn«d elector* as afore
said will by ballot vote for
One person for State Senator,
Five persons for members r.f Assembly af Pennsylvania,
Cue perron for Sheriff,
One person for Canal Commissioner,
One person for Prothonotary,
One person for Treasurer,
One person for County Commissioner.
One person for Corooer,
One person for Director of Toor,
On** jtTfOo f>*r Auditor for 3 yearn.
One* person for Auditor for Li jeers.
ii.»«u uuder my hanu aud seal at IMuburgb, Ibis 3d day of
SeptemWr, A. I>. and rf-tbe Independence of the
Uuitud Kates the eightieth. WILLIA3I HAQTLL,
«eiv.V.U«fe Sheriff.
FSI1 — M) bbls Lake superior Salmon ;
tiO haif bbl? dO ilo
TJ do WniteFwh;
ol do Trout;
40 do Pickerel;
30 bbls No. 3 large Mackerel, new ;
50 hall do do do do
16 bbls Baltimore Herring, dn
- For “. l JjjWl IIKNRY U. COLMNS.
'IUUS iIAtK COLORING FLUID uoe* not rr.lm- n4'
Jl the skin in the least, but in every case It will restore
the tiatuml color of the hai r , where age or sickness him
turned It gray. A trial will Batiafy those using It of amnafc
cuno sand singular phenomenon, that la, gray hair restored
to its natural color, with all the strength and healthy
growtn of youth, only 50 cents per bottle. Bold la
Pittsburgh by 8. L CUTHBERT,
au *-7 53 Market street-
8. CDTHBIBT <t. L mmyrflT
C'tENERAL COMMIddIoN AGENTS for tha Sale and
X Purchase of Real Collection of Renta, borrow*
ioy and Loaning Moneys on Bouds aud Mortgaged; alao
for maKtßg 8al»w of I r.*JinN\ Manufactured Articles Ac.*
for Farmers, Mechanics and other*. imice, No. 63 Market
street. aug7
i'LLIS' I.OID KXI; uF DUOillD—6 am nf rsfa
i excellent sJlKlt. iD“ by
jy. l9 JOS. FLEMING.
HfiKPfiriO r-movicKTan, PuUotow and
Hedutvuof the Skin ; \2' i 2 pent! per cake.
perms' 01 " ' Vblt9 ’ 0T iV,m ; «nd eta.
liow BJr.nsom Flesh Bonier, f 3T beantirytDC the com
plexion. Sold by
d. L- CUTLIBEBT, S 3 Market it.
HADiIABOLU M —A certain euro lor I'llw*. ‘jJ> cents per
box. bold at 53 MARKET ET. augO
JUSI itKJKn KD—OLD cheap edition —
only 75 cent*. r
Old Kedstooc, or Historical steirLee or Western Presto
temnism, its etirlj* toiQi«i"tv, its put Lous rimes, and its
firi’t records; by J«.H?pb Fra lib, D 1). It Is the cheapest
boofe we ever handled, atd Is now wDhin the reach of aJL
For sale, whnluf&le and rcuil, by
KOH hh> i— A u*?tily up Ottc« ia »ocoad
story, imnt, of Wartlioosp No, y? First afreet. bent
low. J. W. BUTLBR A CO.
ClbKH—com*' puie Crab, la boaed, ••Yery
dfiScß," juat it*r<i*e4 aiid for Rale by
li \ CLhTIULAN l> ukiMjsTvjNKß—-A eui>erior article.
‘IU just r*"*eiTM and for fb!h by
_ "lL*i n" >VN A TETLBT.ISC Woo I st.
am n-itauiLh cm t„ »,
> a i Ul ' I<T BOWH 4 TKTLKY,
l3fl Wooil *ir*et-
may thee be called fjr. open to visitors until 9U F.tL
feaag4 ™
jQr! it ocla rreah received by Railroad iris day
Hud for wile by iaugTl HttNUT il. CO UJM
tuUN MFAL— oO bushvLa Coro ideal, ground tbu»day,
-> °y iau*3] V. K. DU A VO.
WllijKwK Otiunftii'—itoeemury ia a p:uf-s<i woieaer
grower. To ii*r<?« the beard and wbbkera to grow,
uee it daily, nibble it wri! ieio the roots of ’-he beard. It
also curl-; aad tbickeu* the hair Pr.-** 25 cents per bottla,
with full lire.-tlrnj ««i.j at !M v' MARKET Bf
p ,‘» ■& r «c- v •
■ i r 9 \
.J, v ~
** J S 4::
ran un»s nonrunt, o> lk.
t wo month.'*
three monthJ.
1 oL* IN J 0 o.
fib Market near Fourth.
f t ,
—.-...4 M)
... ITS
... 8 00
... 4 00
... 600
... T 00
... 0 00
... 10 0«
... U oo
... 10 00