The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 13, 1855, Image 1

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‘ \ A^ rnki rkcHAxoßa,.
>• i V '.-,•] A ? a «, n „,* MWUwPon o a . w , UtovbeirrtUsObi*.
“' i -. fi tji i" 4* ‘ ' r'* i A AT LAW—N'o.i'jy Fourth PlHdbnrgb,
Ifjv F%. •.< * , -:fe^a. , - I '' • - , .'-1 f.h f 1 '’ fnjr '' !l J;or bslcw «»• *** P»««t»b , » Ur£y
V-. V ,J A I T ,RNKY At LAW-OdK* on Fotirtlt rtrtA, Mnm
‘ , >>t'.^ . ’ > c : * ■ i J <* :
'^J^VTsfi^is-.ri.wsf* f. fff,'*? s’lh^<A r |? : r «•»’• •-. : ' i A v oasKT . ANII eoL - s ' 3liLl at law-obm io
't.h'i'i. ■ I . IUk.«,L » BiuldlDg*. OE .Irani, j^o
1 J'-.,-,,'- * 4 ;.>( -• •-.u.-niis. L
<;■%' l- ' - A TMHNKV AT L».W-No. Itt-fourU. Bb.«»od
■ V- L ' *■:.«*->i+* v , r {■■'- r*■ > , • . Patrick lUcKeUQtt,
f' r”* 1 t «jA L D E K M AJS U P l' iL 1R D WABD.
S. -!j( ) t S 1 ?rn i r arttnt 1 aDd ntl Blcwl4 - ( fDr oi®-ly oeca-
V l ' , •*' •* ,■t >,*• \Y * t b) AHermau «U bti-inss.-' partotn-
? * , £"* tJ tbe , oftl vof A 1 Marais atu J.HILv Of Uie Pe*CH will
' ’■ •]. . P _, *»«J»UIW, Alderman.
Cyt r ' -. v , - ~" / : *- \1 PILK, u r.iut street, hainrrtyn F'mrfh b; and Diamond
f' *< ! *' i; - t(4, . •*. , i • .*"• .r , H ' '"?■ '-''-'D v^yaDclr; K - ot all Cio-lrf doue wi'.h thf gruat*
Vi™ Tii:wln ii< " l Bs:w -«^
,jg v 0 {^ ra '‘treat, FifJi Ward. AM business ap^e.rtaininij
& t ° aie offi, ; e oixm AMarmaaox the i'eac.., will
a t'O ~. ta $,v 4 ‘fl- V -W ,r ' P r ‘ ,l “ptlv attended to.
M rt '^ ’t' 1 fV-inds, M6rT(?a?«s. an 1 other dooutTrtnu.drawn with
Ov t.‘\ ,<«S5Sak U. Alt L, iLKUg.f.N i'EM'ld'f, (fUI--
10 “• “' lt,J ' u^Nt " lM So,,M ' u
*' t-5- > ‘ .<. '*! '
1 Viff Vr O’ t K““' 2to
ra J SCO-.T. DEM!o r,>V.arTi;;r.„o .
VjßuK«&ij^'js i _ •* v lr-'x h. f L-m .s fi ,!*bs Fr?m r.ino A. M. to fit-.
W- - r> - — V ‘•■-> "-"’• « Curling, llobartaon £l to.,
AM’fACTCttKiW (jV cur. HU .KitfKU A.ND PkJtUN
FI.I.NT 0 W9SWARK . .rAnao Ke. Utt voj .mM,
e * -Jmer <-f Ka*nt ftret-t, lMtlnbur^h.
f> timsswaro and Window CU*>. at
[•-j-*, Va'S tf & f< r \ < •"! Jacob .>1 'Col line r,
! j- v-i r ‘'- *<■'.• A L>. an 1 rr La. I manufacturer, and dea 1 -
?-,t V- -if T •* r i n felndi a.j Tobacco, Snuff, and CStrars, No ‘d6
C f .*? i - iy - r.b h «reeu Pa.
I joun"Mo«ru«»d,
cSffSv&fe-«»SOjTOS ?.>*£ J-A** , *' •> ORu JfcMt, AM) C-J.WMISMi).\ WKR
*!^«il-n^^’B Refill?i£li '■' ' I,' -f * CIJ AN r. t»r the -nai,* of i*is Aleut an l Blooms, and
CC;.; , -, v j_ i««r,«d w t, jo-bu, l'.bod-, A c, )
4 V**' *’)' ,'/,. ; •.* <- -ftITM JL KS *. 1 K J-rt.ors In Jfr-xiiLH. Nut*, SpW*.
V tu ;i ;fV Sugar,, *-,. No >, Wood W k?«pp,.
rs.t;r!3& —«-
r * L r V 1 11 1 C. itior«a.n t
f^i* 5 «d* >jh; >-'f %0 J K kCL L t U ANy :*T A T 1: i*r E; •. b a.» 4<>n Uo.i
•.•'f*“ B ‘ V -" '• '‘“'■•‘S' 1 “ B ?r - :i r * 1 '::
fX's C'M‘- N %i * f
iMM.' : ; h -T^ fc
£"*'r " ,r ' wr - b “ • r *
, t > -r-'J, .-;b £ r*.i-» i 'Jr-»au 1 tlird-o Se**«S
4/ |,ted ;* rural iHatk.
-■ c t ) r‘i s { 3 , ‘ Eagllall & Rlc li it rc! so n ,
\SU r>KWARDi\-i) M M RCH A NTS, and
wtW ,).gx Cs /^£/US ; C *' "t” - * Wholesale Dchlits In flab . Ms..' :n aa i uu, and Pr-.'-j u^~
v W-. i *eO-«u, e rnrmerlr«.-;:-ied bj A
' •:*' ,:u :* -4ir*m ( No. UQ Water and IsO F:r-: ureot. Pirt^bu-rh.
- ?i- ?;•
— i Ai^ r T. , i ■’* i A » *+r .. Conuaitsiou Haute.
i^i*»lQ v ’i? iT f. r 'T' l,^’^, ‘'^^^/ {i^"* s j' , VVTi''V 4 * , '''’ip.-»i;\ r - -» '-IS eubscrtben h:ir« op-imt a h.'uof f.-r the HboTcpu--
N??‘ .'Jt—, u N,. K SmtaWd ,* l wt. b.ur «, r. iln,ib»
26i*^»t , {».'C**' >, \ -’ i n, i"- uip.iUnbivßtaFßtioirhnn, Bmou, Ctu^«K.
•t' .- ‘ V 1 db T 1 " 1 ’ r ' “''■ l n | ‘k.- al.-.n-.-.. c.. | -I.t
*** «; 1, >. v y f ‘ ’C *• * n ,r a Janies M'Lnughlla,
>';rKALKrb IN uH'Xfc-rtib-, fKUi/l J>l, i’LuUH, DACOn.
s^ s CT®KMmSSlW»'jpSf'!,*•.'• •: , .f« »>' • *:..X- 10. . ,r0,.-nm,.1.1..;d .u.l F.r.l fCr-l-, IV,
*» 3 -«* ■-: 'v“-'"' uu> °
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P ,:r t»u*^'.)n^9 :^^5l X.*^n^L' t 6iV , i*''r <- t,'.*'*’" N •*-- - OH A l it?, ot ©t«»t7 MiUriat* and worA •
tJ"t r ' < ' ,L .•■•*! ihlp warranted, and sold at redurei pricra Car? taken
.*>. ,fv -1 > t** r ./h *»\ • T"s”. t v"* i*., 4 ’’* -ticking f>r land and water car: iaifc. h nc- 1
-wa sr*b?, Jr..:- - -•
I*' r i''sV'-"'i‘ lT ' llN,; AN ' l) F*-'RSISUUiO Mviu:. Mmobl.i Ui.l.
rtr..t, Fitt,burgh. Clotbin- m.j. u crj»f. 1.,
*' r V“l % «ud u( moderate rates. nugflif
Wiwkimtfei'i ‘A r
v J . r ''-i'- r f ■ ‘. -■'?(*. v .--x.
t V^fe f -A.’^’j^^ , 4® si c3^r* t *i*' ,^: S-fT-TT’i''- i ‘ (V* f ?'~, v - -ji ►*’ e C-J- - ( r. I 1
rr #'4fe‘^v<4«~- _.
&''•* “V 'V s^^v >ygs;% f ; coach pactoht.
/x £ ‘- 1w M fatra t. MWJtt ....oroßc* AtsntT.
-* r ?• - •'• > Billow A Co.,
i {.v?«.v s', s i ££> **' %:•*■ ‘ £ « successors to e.m. bigelow, Nn 46
"d-jV'Vj* 1* A ' .*■‘l ’ .<i f * •'■»c^4** j * *2t l '> v*' ? |fiwSr'Dlataond. alley, near Wood street, Pitts
”V «* burich-cQoache?, Carriages, Pheatona, Bug*
!e.;. , Mk' P fc 4': ’«v &<* ,: v i' .tj'.Vf . t 3 * giea, and bferr deac*iption of fancy rebiclea
4' , *V > -. V 4aV v CCl 1 •? *<v- - and ftnishfed in a manner unaurpMsed for
' ‘^-« design, elegance 6f finlih, eklif of worsmantl p,
.Qtftgrj W^’-% * o*\££sS feTa 4 * f? Ability of maUriaU.
?^^>>7f^n^ pa i lptki£§oS t 3
?J?.* f,■>? VskVa%in^kfhTTA^ • jag- liveey and sale 4
\ ,}-. STABLE;
y -«. t ‘ v" .i* £> f e , a’ * • i^tTT - -4aS«£2-U.
r- '•'■*■' . r . ; «ii*» ,V> •*' *s - >•— r: 'N /.*. .'v* r* *y^ % J) •’ ?*4 TuP Ulamoatl street ami Cherry alley,
k'!’-by,■',,.£»* .»■'A£'“ -. .'r -,: _ .- ,'.„i;17~,-%.v' P PlTTSßUliail. PA.
'.' >A''"A \ ■ - ‘M.-'"i.emos Rssrj
iv , yj ? 4" *>' ? ) **, :J P ’ : a r * ~ . : . " aaserted do in atore and for a&if by
• ' * f ~r/j L i s'•}'••' •?* >■ - •'■ ?*"■• yj' .."*■ ■' av| *'' "!* ‘.< ,J 3v Wo<*j u n oppoßit* tb* Bt. Obaries Uf U:
jl -< a y’A 'PP. - •■"A:.'''• 'A Mb-XV:,; ' .
•*'* ' V‘."- •• r- a, r
* r'" «< -i; - - ' r ■' *<V✓ "j'X-^
1 r v~r« *,**■•?- ■■'- <? +. *' r 7V ° >-. *• -4- ~i
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■’ ’ 4-
* 'j K
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l>a i 4X" mobning post
Printed and .§fcbtithed every morning (jh&ydayi, eaoepUd ,)
on mi jfOßTfl-w*BT cassia op yood ahd nrrs gnats.
esr i Jill MS.—Fire Dollars a year, payableatrictty In
Alranca. Six Dollars will lnnn»b\y b® required if not paid
within the rear. V
Single eoplos *w s Mtj—fer **i* at to* oeuauf ifc the
O'See. ftn'J by the Kews Boya
PablLihed from the same office, on n Urge blanket fil&e
■U *et, *t TWO DOLLARS % je ar, In adrance. Single copies
£3“ No paper vrii; be anlesaol She dlsore
on cf the until n!i wreeragea are paid.
No attention ttU4 be Ui any onloi umeps a£BMa««
p»ii*i by tbe Or rewtVn’ce !B this e)ty.'
4jf~ Ctmnezitd wtih >h' SxUMtihmeni of lha Morning Pott
U r m' cf t\e larg/st Jot rrxrdxng Ofßctt in Ou city, where aU
k ndt c/ work it done on Ihe thorUtt notice, and mojt
a We termt.
Uobi« C* 0» Spronl,
-. f.urtn : QacHfly
JAtn«4 S ; » Lowfie,
A TJOKNr.? A 7 L IW-Office, Fourth K{r^t,Pittsburgh,,
jtx betreen&mßbßeld wtttafeaoaOhorryTiiiqy. ra«tmy
\ johm barton,
j ATTORNEY a no., counsellor at law,
j omce, cornet FUftU find Grunt «t».,
I . riTTauCRQU, PA
hour**, 1.-uti b (o 1 o’clock. aui
*- frblS-lv
uu W *. <ir-. ■*, i‘. 1161a..h KI c k b in o i),
T 110 K r A L K <>K X" K :l •?, I ra ; i k;ii, i,,.-. « io'
mJ ff,'ur' —Nm I‘JkuJ h-*. <U l*tr;n in.;
iv-.bargh. Iron, Xuil.i. Varuv i.-
<- n !■ i:i i. ;Tt\«
W:a, twr A r 'o..
I Vr'ra. Carr 1 c fJpig l.r&j of J . bulker -i Cu i
f i and He'VlIV ■ VV^l-r
N-v 3-rf Oiu-.a.jr:' v :: n, LiV-r;, ‘ ■ ' ■ h »
. u.» c' I.‘iQJr*;L’s
aui i.irl.H* lb- artealif.u cf a 1! la-
i '*■ : •
‘IIOLERALK GROCERS, and Dealers In Produce, Fur
n/n WlDesand Liquors, Obi Mnnonc:ah'*la and I\-. ■
WLwk v. N->. !St Llbertr «tPttißburKh Pr. jy.’T /
A Tlndie,
WHOLESALE and K-uU Saddle. Hume**
SggcTrutill, en 1 Carpel muuaftcturrr
No. luG Wood Pittsburgh, Pa. j»2i* v
J U.dUUor,
LIOI.E3A I.F and Retail Dealer in Musical !n.«trnm-tt*
Piami.s Music, School Books anJ Stationery, No. I -'.
. slre*-l janl
John W, Hu tier A tJo.,
>r*HIen<in all kinds of Pittsburgh menti&rrure*, L®a,.l
ind Sh»»<?I Lead, €».Front street. .tfrpiM
Knierprlit Works.
N’o. 1 .".G 1 ViYrti s’.r<-fX, V.irU d->oi Orbuv Virgin .
VN 4 TETLEV wottli call the &t:ptjt!»n of bp r*lr.;
ihd lo their large of (Jana, Kifler and H*“
if PirtoU, the "largest and be£t stock
in this market, f'gethor with a general assortment
i Hire, Coilery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of whl-h
; h t the lowest possible prions to cash purcbasen?. < r
j u j, nroved paper. maria
Copartnership Notice.
iM.* (April lUh; wjtb ma
uir-i. 2- b'TERI. TUItBKTT kati BAML. 0.-CtAKkr.'
whom have been for maDy yearj in my establivh
ind are Already extensively and favorably known ta
tomans a»'d the public generally as superior wotk-
Qd of eorro.'t bnsiness habits. We hope by this uni« v n
■rience and artistic skill—esperloUy in the
ot; by keeping a large and well 'selected stock of
by seUlng at moderate prines, and by close atleoti-m
ness, to merit a liberal share of pationage. To my
ods and the public in general, who hare fcr many
aj»t ho liberally patronized my business, I returp my
and solicit fpj tbfl n«w firm a continuants of simi
;rß. W. TV. WILSQN.
bnrgb, April 11, 1855.
Wilaoii, Turbett A Cla.nev,
* 37 Market » reel, corner Fourth. mvs
,vr Conch snd Carriage PaetoryS
tn-r K(l~coa au4.fkl*u>z±k£rett&‘jAU*(itetty.oity-
S 3 'VOCLD r-Pi>ectfuily inform their Lien U
Uj** pub'ic generally, that fhevbs> a
enmmelired the manufanturv ol
—Uarouches. Rockaways. Baggies. Slrtgbsand
m all their various styles ol ilnixh and prnporli. n.
rder? will Ik* with strict r«gnrd to duruhi’i
boiUty Ol lioinh Repairs w ill rI be attendr 1 •■•>
nost reasonable terms. in all their u w rk l/i**
stern ShafU. * oles, and Wheel rtufr/fbey -m
it all who favor th«tn with tb*slr patronage, will : »
7 satiafiei on trial of their work,
lasers are requested to give us a call, beLwe purcbv
ewhere. octdiLy
KlceUlor Ctttrlmg'e Factory
KER.S, corner of Rebecca and Belmont strata, Ai--
ity, Pa, have on bund and art. manufasturm* un
r«* asaor"rnent of Carriages, Roekawßy*,
‘CAra, A.-, made in flit thoir faiiouu i»tyl«<«, w»th
4 *rJ to durability aDd beaaly of ftnUb, uaing lo II
»rlc the tif«t Juniftta Iron and eastern hickory
I ended to on Uja most reasonable term* They t»e|
that all who may favor them tvith tne!r pitr n
b* perfectly Botlfffied on trial of their work,
tmbi/fih andMencheater Omnibuses pa/w C»-
Qtc(* a 'uiug the day. Oct2buy
•' n- "'V
Joseph Fleming,
faocotsao* so l. tm.coz .a co.l
coo*i*ntlv on bend a full assortment of Drugs, Medi
does, Medicine Chests, Perfumery ,*nd ail articles pertain
ing to hlo bcsisosa.
Physicians' Preecrlptlciuj earefuUy compounded at
all hppre. j--Sy
Joh« mututu oocaaia KLiwino.
Fleming Brothers,
[ »OCOI8«Ott» tO J. CDS * CO'
WII-'LEB4LE DUGGIStS, No. 60 Woou stri ct. Pitts
burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. Al’Lsny'a Celebrated
Termlfoge. Liver Pills. Ac. .... pjo
John H&fi, Jr.,
l_ Bccctssoa to jauu m'g. h it 1
In Paints,Oils, Dye RttUfej Ac..ljLl.WpoU.AUe<-L Lhlue
doors below Virgin alley, Pltfßburgfi. apr4m«ely
H. Ij. Allen, *
WBIBKY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street,
Pittsburgh. Pa.
Wld**, Brandios, Glos,
Croix and Ntm r 'Kn^atiffTtfl^TTlaHGrCfirimfalgnen, Scotch
Ale, lioodoQ Brown Hteut, Triitf,
Uonoogahela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Teach,
Wild Gharry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana.
Kegalia, aud Prlndpe jagurtr'ff&rfSpaftfefc an<r Coinjhbti
all ateueh low prices as to bhstltenga competition,
fsoey Bar Kegs and Labelled B)ttl«* r»f every style, and
Demijohn* of all slrea, i respectfully inritu ud etainira
t;ou of mv stock, at No. 8 WOOD street, plttnburgh,
P«>ua aprDly
James Sfellinger,
ly Inform hie friends and the public,.that his new «-
is new in full operation, arid Gist he it. pre
pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fit! all orders for FluurU
Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest tatea.
Hoard and Plank, piuoo-J on one ar.’botbBldßS,constanUv
On hand
SA-ih, Doors, and Mouldings 6f every Jegrrlplloo, made !o
Builders and Carpenters would find It tothulr advantage
to give him ac4lL,twb*oan now-fuvnish them-with planed
Stuff fluitabl" for every description Of work.
WX a. arar.oJ.
llerron dt Criavrell,
BELL AND brass FOUNDERS, and iltnnttcuifers of
bli kinds pi Work, Locomotive fctetua Kcgino,
Plumbers, a.-. Abo, Cotion Batting Jianufiicturerj
Foundry <m Rebecca street. city.
Utßc* and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh.
*ar Oid Brans end Copper taken In exchange for work,
or.pail. Orders left at the Foundry or Offlca. wilt be
promptly attended to. fetifcly
k. osar? o. »jxaiaotk_...„ 1L..,r, j. <.ua»r.
Hraff, KeUlnger A Graff, .
\I/ESTISU!f VuCXU&y, 2fo. V« Wood Mr**, Pitt*
? V burgh, Pa.
Cooking Sb>rea; Piaio and Fancy Grates,
t >ihl and W<x>d Store**, Plain and Fancy londbca,
Parlor Stoves. Sad ami Dog hone,
U*Mkw Ware. Portable Forges.
Fugar KottUs, T*» Kettles,
Store Kottlee, Wagon Boxes, . mt
&miLU, Muir A UuD(cr<
(Late-fimith A tiinclntr.)
f 7 SK)M MKitC4IA.NTd, and Dealers tn all tlnds of
Manu£»ctnr«, litt ttocond and iM Kiret rtrea:, ;
Pitt*»bur<h, !’*. j r bW
\V. B, HavolT
J p <°n « atcckton,) and Blank Book and Stationery
Wurahotj-w, i» prepared to ex*«ite every style of
CommercUJ, Caoal and SteamUoai Job Printlu.* »nl Book ]
BlDllojr, and rurubb every article in tb«* Blank Book. Paper i
and Stationary li u«j at the shortest notica cu »re 11*0*1 i
t©rnu. }
ITankßook nod Stationary Worrliousa. Printing Office
knJ 8.-okßindery, corner of Market and Serond n:t ] oov!6
North-\V««tcrti Police Agency,
TV* 0 53 WASHINGTON STREET. comer ox Dearborn.
allih pwroros
Pinkerton & Co,
io tbe States cl Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana,
mb!9 drf
'HE late firm of J % t'i K.'i A >' x• J<.', ; aving bean diShol;
L by th* >*• bof Joou F on tb« 27 f h ln«t . tb*
of taid nnr. wjil sett.-u by tLa ucJi-rrijn**'!, at
th«-»r office, aoriier of ani First sirrett.
ISAAC JH.s KP, Surtj?ltts Partner
September 20, H;.i~ ;o* tiy
liftac Jones,
MANUFACTURER of Spring and Blister Ste**l, Fi.mgh
81aL Plough Ouach and EUpdr
£p:iDf9, Prn*» Nut Taper, half patent, Bortw, .Mail and
5'..-.2c,e-tJ 1.--C Ai!p«,— 'ornar oJ H >»s ml Eire! strr»U.
ivtjburgi;, l-a. c..-.:tLij
I). B. liOQcri ACo.,
MASUF ACTX' HERS cf K jfi It its' put* jC improved P '.**el
CnldTaior Ttr.-:h. WStjeeeruer floss acd Pir*n
Piusbnrgii Riding School
r/fi K'JbERT li. f'ATTsiftiij.S, Proprietor, rorntT
fYj&A. Diuuji-od *.; H*t and Chi'JTjt *lie?. Tlie »Q tJ*cri
l r~*pT*r. iia.iy annoy nc»-B to the Lftdt** and U* nlit
nirß ul t'x:rgb, that La has recently creeled a RIDt J
M'aLOL, wki'-fx id point r>j eUe, commodionanra* and *dap-
U.i«tu, ind- oUb.> cxcuin ao> frimJlar **!-LdbiLhment ;u iLr
l Stn.ce luiocatJv-o J.* iwmsibla from ail part 6 «?
U.n city, wbtu» it*> ami tury nUuatl->n r*ind*m It •**}-»
n».:;/ puitei to the promotion ut health, by tM* id vt agr«-»-
kt.le exrrcisr Ttiu Jlorsea ere docile and *><ll tr*in*l, »:,1
the pio; rfetnr plodgea h:mte»lf that do pnln« or nuinc
»iil ir upm-ed tu rn.ii.fl '.Li-j etlabL-hiosat the tint iu lae
rooadrcofl o' itif public 1...U&-I
HUhanl O. Booking,
\f Ah* V S ACT U H fc K Ob GILT. riiLVKK. BRAS?,
CT. tf FRAMS3, Plain *i.d Urnmneuir'd, I>u Ul Bt Clair
I treat; • All KlnJs U ConipoßitH-n (.'rnameni.«. Ijt Strata
l- !»:•, A-- AU kiudtf of GLidloj and lie gilding, to orJ»r.
Gilt M-JCJUia 6 for Framea, wb.j.H'ixh» ami retail. Varnish
1. r Oil Pa hr In,*«, Fn.*: itiita nn-i LubugrapliM. for na!>*.
tj*r- I mpHirrd or luta.-vd Oil Paiutltv* >red :n :L«*
1~-i u.uL.:
ai. K/huinjand M.-aMlng* manufactured io this
in>hjueal may LerlflunM without ir.jarv, wlili aoop nod
CnJi an 1 /ee. No ‘2l Ft flair at., k mh2Atf
j. W IUTE,
\ bln Lr&tih n,> ttj to rofiuoie hie old bualnsHs, and Las
< 1-dkl hi. ULINI> MANUFACTOIIV.M h 0.64 PUthßtr«-«t,
r -»c .ho i’oat ofßrfl, batweeo Wood uod hmichttald, whrre
!,<• bai fra aHPortmeut of BidfiLDS, trimmed with plain and
faa'7 wo:.~ted and eUi. triminiogv, and u prepared In AH
no}- order Id hi* line, on lb* most reaflODablo t«rm* Hi,,
w-nrlt is warranted to (flTe satisfaction or noon- refunded
Blinds repaired.
35“ Please give him a call, as fcj can't U in w irk
mamdiip layTOy
lIIAVK wIJ my *ntb*< biieloeesoc Miller
A Cn., tnß A. Lon<, who, with John Phillips,'wiU con*
liDu* at tbeold Bland, N.) lift) front street, i cordiallyre-
th€ n**w firm t< ihe palronagu of my friend*,
i'ittsburgh,J uly ':v, Wbi I’, li. MILLBR.
S. A. Lo»r da Co.,
Bki.l and mum Founders, and oas fitters,
invite attention to their stock of Chandelier*, Brack
ei*, BonJantS. and other fixtures. We fit up houteo whh
U»s and Strain, make Brass Castings of all kinds to order,
turcMi Railroad Pnmpe undTank Fittings, and keep Anti-
Attrition ilet&l constantly on hand. jj'il
JSV-. If) 2r"l, l rst ,;>rr,'r Marl rt UrreL,
WHERE will tw fonni the largest and best assorted
stock of LiOBI ERV ever otfered for sale In
I’or-haaers will find it to their advantage to «»eM at this
establishment and examine for themselves; it is all 1 noal
to Insure their custom. C. DkLY.
N. B Remember Uw Ofliir Stockiko Coekxe.
Fehliy C. D.
Consume the Smoke.
' pHE enbeerfher having the exclusive right to minufac
-1 tureand sell BWEKNIY'B HOT AIB AND BMOiUJ
LuN’fIUMJNO FURNACE, isprupared to recelTe orders,and
contract for beutirg buildings with the most economical
Furuace non in ue*% ho attention of those lnteresu»d is
elicited. Anv Information can be had of A. BRADLEY,
Nes. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. B ADOLLAR,
dec24‘tf I Iron City Btove Warehouse, No. 1 ’.i Wood sL
Jii fia 1. LEDUI
Ledlle ft Clam,
(Successors to Muivany ft Ledlle.;
MAHUFAUTURERB of Cut, Moulded and Plain, Flint
ami Fancy Oolored GLASBWARR, and dealers ie all
kinds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware*
house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh,
CIHMSHN, Manufacturer of every variety cf Vials,
, Rjttles and Window Class, Blaok Porter, Wine and
O.lnrr’, pottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Qlaks
m every variety. Warobouno, Nos. 104 Fecond, and ICS
Fitstrtre* l :, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2S
1. W, Chadwick,
Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobacco, jiaqs
AND PATER, No. HO Wood street,below 3ixtb,Pitta
burgh. Pa.
highest market price, In CASH, paid for
RAGS ap2ti:ly
Atwell, Lee ft Co.,
WHOLESALE GROCERS. Produce and Commiasion
Merchants, and Ddalers Ln Pittsburgh ZdanoUctui**?,
No c Wood strvtt, between Water and Front 3treeta, Pitts
burgh. aplf
Dlasointlou of Co-Partaerablp.
CO PARTNERSHII' b-retofore eiLting between
Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Bustness, Is this day
dissolved by mutual cod sent The business of the firm wiU
be settled up by Jopbua Rbode«, wh n is author’jed to re
ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA 11H0DR8
andersigned bare this day formed a Partner
ship, under the name, firm and style of RKYMSR A AN
DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and
Confectionary buslnew, No. Wood street
Pittsburgh, March 27th, 18bi.
yy- In retirteg from the Confectionary business, 1 eheer
fnlly reopnunend Mesare. Rhymer A Anderson to my friends
fcpd chstomars ‘ JOSHUA RHODES.
Pittsbargh, March 27th, 1b66. »p 2
“ J Removal.
PRJNGBB HAKBAUQU A CO. haw removal to No.
ft. 290 Liberty street.
Spriimer HarbAUgb A Co.,
(Successors to 8. Harbsogh,)
j Dealers in Wool and Produee genersßy, No. 295 Liberty
itxeet, Pittsburgh, P». -aps 1
V ■
'V ■ •
,’.-V'.iVeV h V<‘-
?*rV v 1; •;; * «?\
y®.'. .- *•* r. r
I. L. iaarsUnJi,
WCK iL LEAIKP. AND fvii.ML-.i-.'*'
Nu 11 j Uhr*rty Pitlrt.iir/b I'
iltJercnc'—Yi. M'CimX\,k .1 iiwj Kn,ij;-r h Uuhtir
Brc-wtt * Kir'-f-i:.--. i: ii urj.l.; , iV■jcuu * „
May 24. 1 sT>T—; t:: vC! lim 1
ftj* nK wiM lorlt-* th«* '’four !r! >vi« and
JGg'b* piiV.w u> ft -V.ouavi asscrtm-rtt of IfATR &M
tvh'-;: t7a nr.> now ! j.-m 1 - the Summer
vn'.i.ll l : . •anty : I ntv is, r v -wi*- err thin/ 1 -sr of
In ••• *••-? of U'-.-mc/nnfv'Qe.
C~i. a:..: ■•j.uUiine U r jcj retires
•L VViLouN A SO'f, f'ittxi.urjrh.
Dlfiaolulion of Co*t. , « r< titrnlilp.
'Pllt ilivll Ofc Li \i NudiToN, iiiFW G.N A Ot/., Froprla
-1 •(,- of lae PrrtKOJjtefl NfA'Bfr?* WOSKa, was
< li-•«• <I»•.••! hr :h- Lath or fis. Joa.t 3, itac>.j\ no the liu
of Ma-cii i*-t
The of iU'fUWsrtll becontloaod
in «I; 1 C-s braru b ■ s ly ’h-.- roirviMr-rf ( u ,dur Lhu
Q«nw snO stf h? of LIVINGSTON, CuPKLAMi A Co , who
.Aik iioJisefU-.- u;- tl > alUirr .<! th- hitr hr
f.. U. 1..\ IN’OST "N,
I'M V. N r AT* IMS.
J K. MOOilllKAl),
. l'a.Mjiy I, ls.i;. 4 W. B. Uuf*KLAM>
'.’lfl M\.l<F>R IT •’.•KKISUCR 4l\ f ‘'if.CT
John .Al'CloaWay & Co*.
\r~!I<»UUAMt ANP RETAIL Cr.*»TfflN»l M*.U
? V CHANTS, ho M Woaf ]‘it!*!-ur/h, »*a.
Tin* eut'acrlU-rs r.-spertloliy lulona tbrir 01-l rurdCMOHru
«"•< it« pnl.;a: in thut ;t*o- h.ivr th-.- daj m
t«J lb'Mi>ent\r • in rf s bu nns.T'j. tin h*r tbr r.r:;t cf
Ji/UN M’Ci.' f KKi X IV. Thsy rn-jv. tfn :,- s»>li -it a ■‘ban
of J Ui/ii • ,
1 t.o biiTjcr-s - f rath hi . b- .~rti;<\l by Liiriu
re* :ci»;'?<-t.Jr«!r-. ?*hy
iioot* Aii't
JM’LAW'JHLIN, No. 95 Fourth
• the Mkjt'T'i v2icj, niacuia- curii g Ural
W-ct/, ii-.-. uti 1 I: t'-n^r.-.
tft] UAiitfTf. \ I is';; i: -. i.iuK Slip
})«! • . &r, I Frt>s ;• l.a-hitj/Waiter*. . f *v«#vv .v»h->r nrvi «haie;
■ lanry Bidan-4 W»lr*i>, i : u. -.r-< >d' -. X).—*
-r-'-- l MIJ tJfcllijT'-’.'i; J".. ■ I Mt-r/ \ ..rir’y.
►...JIAICS cm&w [ N.II Aii ki -d* m* h»ln <m!rr. rs sb. r! v: rr la;;!'}
Soldier*’ m otsiity iJwmt a ntirl t'liimg
agatust. liovirmneui.
INTEL pro-'Ui- tijuck.v I.h:>; \Wr:-w.: f.-r
Wiik>*i#ani Usu-.t On- l-m, uqJ ixfi.-nt tv uu»Lx.t-j... lu
Uif» *• Oi-virtt: jCle uji, rr>sa!iy i<y Cutjjjrr
' uVi.v, No ii- t IjH l j-trt*et, UII6 4tOT*f .Smithes 1 «,
Wur-h i < M 1»?V.V»- • rn Ht
JAMW UARLK-'l’ Ofl-r- f*r • CANARY Jiii.K-. , '
;h«3 DlOft i tmb, art l '‘.Ur
siugrrii. Rlr.i Canary.U-affiji, MiiVt, h, *o j m>\.
e>J Uou>]ui-La «jil Lr c..iuii-i.-xsl t/I tUr hn- sl
(in ix-k, fjr LLn.«ttn.u* 'i'uu-. in-m ihr br.-dHu-4
Llort;-julUi;iG Fu'-ro. S:< 43 Fifth »■ . u.*r
Kounly Landi.
fl'llll UThiW'i/’i- 1 -' ii* laL ,u;:r Ihti-1 War
Jl rant', 'ill" |>rir.out till >;iTt»str all aho I.tV9 m
eojf war iiiif,- ITlmi ai-irK. UVau-me»lsr»tt-
81 XTY Til ILIK ChL'.ip I.ANO.wi.:. . : C’-a:
annrhaj, un,l in ,iis iuipromo -nt- : 1.--. mu in
fa! crpwkkon. t!ii, J ixm i 4 r;;i , r.] intiru.Nl
ftTK, 34 nllen aK.«w* a:rf l- t -:; 11 1 wi-h a
Fiwrm Hours, liurn, k-ajut Orchar i lUilmi-l, an I
an wroltro* hnrh .r
ITj** t«1o of C'-al 15 fTru iMrV.aiil .-juin •! W i»ur:>ais
od In For j-urtirulnr# af pfj t-'
Nk’JKH'OX & l'l'M;,
No ►•"rj Utwrty -ir.-et
bTxTsiar i’iuN uouii”
And Agoncy Ur tno f'urciia&a nni Sul? of Pa^or.’.
Kigfc;* uc*i Pa ten*&d Arnolds
MOftiU y k.u *v
.Vi ?•« y -r '
ri’IIE fulwrrd <tp b » 1•t; * t- ■:i h ; u*; u 1
X } f 1 v ~ »v. fitr! L , - .«
v < v. b :h .•.wriK-*-*.
ai * gCL-JeU.-o: : . -.. i ... « A : *; *\ 11:-.,. f. W- ■ i,.
lo f.^atin a. l.*j. & .
\r. Li' n’-.‘ “ jJu r.~L’L'"
•’*»*> l. h V „
v a r. • j
U 1...1 \ .•
W'yi rru
Wi' o>s ~,lj -
A V Wr.».
Piusburrs '.. v-r.. . r
VVrlltnK i uiir -
'T'HR r.-,n J.-ra- . •
Vr J b U..:.
r 1 c : a:v
(1 }-enj3%i.ȣ.
by thi T. i
.D. a. xotHiox
11 - 3 i
man.- fny t • • c -
1 (»fP!jr.. ,
cCici- of J i.
kv e l ruic V;--
lug piac.fl i ■>-
V*vry .tIT- Urr
Havf ov H \\J. .
CU AIK Ma.M'J'A a'» . N
lar;e o<*.i rtm* n ■ ' \ . ‘
it*;.- »L: irfs'l 1' :
Terms—< ash a.
Wm. M« v cumin n-, , . .
UA turo I’M 1•« i.i' W AUK .-f r . -r, <l,* ■ ■ l y.
ROT’liUm* . „rtu- ■>/ i,ifrr:vKi,l
• 1 * hUr;. !.| ... , * •
H •»!(.**B A5tD Jii.AC! Hr U ITH, b.t n er' • *
•new mi 1 :..mln 'i. iu> Hrv k -p < n Cn-r-\ '.. *
between Third aii-l 1- urit. .i.r-etr., win-in ft. t-epauj
t<> **o nil work in M- iluf- with th-> ulirr-fl pn.mpMudc
Having had long ei p*nrir.'t‘ hi tl.p tu dm t -•,!.•• i v r u j,,
*d ; r.t- ilia pul i.iirge *-f Me cd.l ami ff,„ |mb;.
prTwnallV. n _[
fIUIE PUUtIC i : and A .. gu. ny i« rvppr. t
J. fully in»it**l .•*;! *•. fli- ,-v in-i T
ot the No t' MPTQ ,-T , anJfcffifffijypfeS
c*xtvia hn* a sup- r u fi(T San H
®*nli <4 rtlhl PI ano, price 51 00 0,« * Sc \7 U
Ft- tins Factory <-t MN.'.' A CL \nK, Ne>r York. This
el»*«fii)t instrument i» m»Je m tbv ~ Kl.l/.ABRnUAN
AiVLE.” the *■■ raamonts, trout pi-cr* nnd In:* twins:
raiflTcnrvfd oy; < f SoLIB ROSKW < nji* !:i> to;; xrvea
(vrtaran, of the largest duoruiiwtu!. and r JO point ol voUim*,
powor.and tl;ud hWeetri.*.- of LwQe, j« pronounn-U h.lC>>
pother unnarpH •»nble. »-
Tb* Hubecrll-:» will I-* happy lo reci-Ire he i,,ts of
their frt-oi- uuj the publM So gfji-rnt, ami rdi-jw them
throng'. tbrtr rd-gant t»r>r «{*Ni«hroeut.
Bprlng filork of Hamburg Pianos.
'fb«* Hamburg BiAtir* nr.* undoubtedly
Lomh and Su/HTuiniy »/ !->«-•
Tbej hare not only th* highest ma; kjj <t &ppr.
ballon from the be*t hQ-CDpedii Plmii-tH, flQch an
Aad others, who bar** tbeui ooiiMiautly In their own neo
bui also trom our resident I'roleasors. Tbe kdlov. mg Is an
extract from a uHt*«r ot
After describing the particular Ptvlt* two of uhl. h be
wanta Mr his own use—one Uni nil end cno S-^uare—he
spcaAn us follows aJ their ty.cOient qimMtif
“My little daughter, who plays <rerv well. tun*;, with
myset!, have u gj<w instrum, ut, and >.iur D me th- only
onus which con satisfy me
“ iDstrumeo-j tt j> offered mecn the ni-'-i ao.-. Qiui-'.UUoj
km 1.b..,MJ.„ l 1.1- f- ;i ,. tttvc m.. tbu
elastic touch Hn j .p nr , f Vuu;-
“ I remain, yours, respo- U'ully,
'’lla.fur ItottEoca, l’iUsburah I’a ”
.. I'* « le 'L™**'™* the “Old Kaub.
Utbed Plano l ll U *; : —t. “1 doer hbove yiftl;
Also, sole Agent Ir.r I'i'tsourgb j.tnl l>e«D«v! v ßuia
for JUalUt, DttMUliVi K . m.-.iwbi h m th« Kugt
ern cities are considered su;‘ C r„.r to i-rher Chh-kerlnß’s or
Hunns h Ofurh’a, nut wh; l :vt i* r;y hoowtl
88 they hare but lately been introduce h**re ) an I o h-r
New Vorx and I’hiladetpbia PlanoH, of the bcti Linker*, at
prices from *‘2*s to SBCo. mhi-
.josmt j. pun.
ZVotlee to VVliom It ilUy Coucfrii
PUBLIC ai'KI.NU fALKd ot ; .-rr } f H . ;■ ..
1_ cheater are now i*: >e J. h;, 1 :tie &uuj .*idwn !.«
fairly commenrpd. Kvi-ry ■:itueu of ItOubAStur is bu->j r
ployed. »en 30 of 40 n-’vr lauillli-c who have br< -
aena the present I‘jmn;: tlui , .-mitHut tr.J in
a few days a hundred hiu.uis- more will ne nmttirs-l ;r.
ry on the work r.f the j.rv-.ujt .-*u*Oii.
The Car Biuidirg lU’aL-1. .■. ri.-r.: i-, ot-w o*-ar focpleti-'n.
and wHlbe In full f ’pei h'vnin .1 uj.»•. Hevn «i Cars ki, ; bt
ready for delirary, ly t *... i u <.f July. ISii.
Twoor three new rhurchis, la lUxb-eb-r. will lo c.-.c
trfir'.f>j for ImnjKlißiely.and numerouso:iw»r lmprorwaontP
w 111 be cnmnieuot i, repairing a ,t- s t uiuo jd t ol m-vbsnicol
and other labor ludept r.Jent the t'ar L'n-itdichmeot,
which will pro'ably eai;.ii v :. <m . ti- 1 - wv |;unJri*u
A promiDfct hr i'^-uih*. r irr.i„ Im* .di bta idsi tar
chased nine In: i's loin, and m; iru-tiiiiii uu'.u' upou ’.b< ;n
lortbwUh .'<o*j.o«/0 tirici- Ta, .-.i;.* ,: L»udc ■- m.oei ..o
work the pre-wit Lessee he v;uh b.r-r.-l re
established in the ik';/':.! . v
Uur Sloti' e r - Klrtidy «hv»- '.-ith «I ritucr. • :;1
tlie leading :*.• tb' as *iU.
I.urdvr ia b-e« uiiug -um L - ’iy, mu-1 b n-ice .*►
will Rc»cn s.a'.Mg up in reh-Yr .■»ouy- v/ 'ur h'.aeee. v.b
now hhie 0 NtliilUfl. i fnradieft, 3 fRiMi i«*r, .e-s-n-Ol
ttinci 'ii families
Any who d d tut buy ilvuap lon «: thv ! at pab>» -H -e
last Beacon, or the four public salee Un* pre-Mr. rpnii.*. • an
fl'.iil secure good lmrg'.i:* < si j rircfr r ilr by ciiiung ou the
subscriber in Hi . T-.rta-j- ; Juwd. 1 in > rie year
an 1‘ . it) two yenrs. “ M. TO. GUI'LD.
H- o—A few lute rnn y--i lw» had at $BO to $lOO etch ; if
appiied for b»-i >r»- :bv JO h May. Tbefiw lots nre twice as
large Its ufrua; -ry In'-, vie: 40 feet by lib, and tin* price
oni> trom tIJAi: » [,<> per f>o» fipuL* ; Thc presentreisrr*
pi homestead h:s i iaa,;ui2 *ent prcßt of OvU lTnney,4 acre*,
in la<> cf litre of < of Kccb afrr ; aluc, the teauti
fal 00 arn-, bubiinj. . ramnl. Ac, of F. fteno, can bu
bought through llie.-ahr-Tlt’er at great borgiiup, aoti thert;
»r« not <»«•.. jm harp n within a bundred mllM. O
my 6
Iteiuo val.
SIUTIIBKRT A SON bav« removed tbMr fical Estate
. aud General Agency Offliw to N*n. 5.1 MARKET 6T.,
near Third. nug'J
FOR BALE—Two Lots of f.o fret "by'llo (rarhTjn East
Plttabargh, at the lowest prices, loquire of
• THOitAfl nOODb, "5 Fourth street.
: i; > 5
~ f' v«» ■*
J :e. { y\.‘ ■
- • p. ju i ' *
V -
A--.:- s-
IlfttH Hlltl «'«)!>»
Secti Store.
I I'KI. C'.K. K •‘HuOT, '5? Diamond h’Vv.
** :».-.-n Wood et nod l'i - m - 1 j !.
Co til U >) rk a for Stic
• ‘>u IF ■ i ollpi’f.
i-.i» an Vi., Sr.*
r S*r Utw<aii;cii*'<
»• v- !c-: ■ ■ . j .\- r,
.V. .HllllUeo S.
t .w-rsr.r m.
:.V J -n, i
l.' r e ru i.l if V r.-ktel.
1 linrUk M«r n ell,
!f R l.bir/Tt \ l!p. ' ,
t'ign .lip- U„id,-. t Us:,
No. 1 ifh «'n
»•• \ » *
atiTd all pisi.a'jss oy tqi etb asd car wmiot7T ccprrKo,
.ufti.CflAM i, austciiK.’j, on !wr« or CA;o«ri.
omcE 4os brj/lOWay, cuJt at, new'York
Hours from OA.M. to 4 P. M .
ROUGH. GRANULATED LIDS, inflammation, Anjt« o r
Chronic* Blinduens with Iritis. Amauroata &nd
CatATH-t Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery are mnoug
the diseases oj the eye which ar* treated bvPr IT with
perfect aati-fttction.
All dinwmes of the Par treated upon r'ientiiic principles.
Artificial Even hn:;»rts*l aaopi'ratico.
All letters post-paid wlil tiecure prompt attentfbn.
We select the following references from among the thou
sands of cooes which have been hu.-comi'ully treated ;,y Hr.
Wm. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Alhanr, N Y
•Alfred Sonthwiefc, Printer, **
IJ.Goodepwd, Qians Ph)U, tf Y.
•Wm. W Smith. Detroit, Mich.
r Mr«. A. H. L. Wilson, Now York Citv, N* Y
t-Mi-j Mary Bellows, N. E. Station. bn.-here .-(• , :{ Y
•Edward U. Solger, Brintol, Conn.
•Jehu Saamun, Engineer, N Y
Dktl.i Little, KQgiueer, N. Y,
W in. If. 11. Giles, office Courier WiJ £ihj , N. Y.
i J«mee W. Kirby, Brooklyu, L. I.
j arris Kofigera. “ “
A. 1L Retires, Telegraph Operator, St. Ni«h.■!*..«
it. 51. Perrins, Organ Builder, Houston b;.
K 15. Doolittle, Ji. D., Hudson, N\ V.
Mr* Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.V
M. I’. CoUitt;;, Teacher Penmanshio, Trov N V
ii L IW, Albany. N. Y.
A IfrillruLftCh, Bcheneotady, hi. Y
Oh j't. H. n. lluvil&nd, Athens, N. Y:
Jjbu W. HacktfU, Ulogluunptou, N. Y
•Tbeee patient* were blind, and bad in halod to the office.
At the expiration of two weeks ihtr> could go ab«ni: th- <i:v
at pleasure.
•These c*sefl of Amaurosis were renter's! to eight aU*r
thf>T were given up as Incurable by the faculty, tud oau be
n-vrrv-i to by any person who wish** to learn tb- fi -ti in
these rj».-*ep. by writing to tb*UL. Jan'.
Pliidburgh Dollar fiavlnp ItutituilonT
-Vo. lib Fourth street,
I B NOW OPEN daily from P t . -JoVlocr; k!.io. on Wed
-1 Ufsday aud Saturday ••vening*. from V t-> v o'clock.
Deposits r«v?W*d w all Hums not ieaa than On.- Do'lar,
and & dirideud of the profits det'dared & year, iu June
and December. The Trustees for |b«r purpose of furthering
the benevolent objects oftb* Institution, have iu\
a guarantee bond, thereby -giTiag addlti-mal ormnty to
P-ork# containing the Charter, By Laws, Rules and llegu
letb'ne, fumisLrd gratis, t-ti application at the nthoi l
Tli k I litsJblN7ii ;
Hopewell Hepburn, John H. Bhoenher^xr
H White, Charles Knapp,
William 7. Johnston, N. Grattan Mnrpby,
James W. lijiilnißii, Th*ab»td UmbatAettr:
AJt-x&nder Bne.Her, 1 saar M Peonock,
William Phillips, WUUnni J Anierson
John 0 Jam** Hardman,
Hill Horgwin, M. Kiri,put:'. k
Albert Culber John I> M'O.rd.
Robert Chester. Robert Morrow,
.) Gardiner CbCln. Waiter P. Marsdiaii,
Alouto A. Carrier, A M.l\»litwk,
John 8. Coi*grn*e, Hi*m t l. RingnV'
Charlei A. Gi*Lt»<a t Robert !iol>b,
K. G. EdringUu, George ft. It.alt-,
Francis Felix, Jain at Uho v
George V. Uiltmore, James £h -
James S. LLooo, Geor •* rr i-n,
W illUm 3. Uaren. Aim ln.Jle.
Hfcrrlary asui lr<avcrn-— CHARLES A. COLTON.
Insurant ? Uoiiipanv,
op fuimiikl; hia
Capital..... . .
Amount aecureiv iovl
IMIIB COMPANY effec'r lire iuf-irao-'e - n BniMio;:
Goods. Purnl uro, a>: Marius 10-nracco on Vo-w*-.*
Oirg«> uod Krelght 1 ulaud lii*..r i 3 'I.OU, 05 i..». : -
Lskes, Canole, - ..Vniji giuerahv
A‘*o Inenratcj opoo IjTe«, ur--n *r.« ;nc-.
rbn. Thr cute B i.<
0* .rje II A
Kd P XllddletJn,
• llr.cah.nd,
‘h. Qjh.l 51 indcr&eij
Errtr T i 71 Hovj 3~rvUry
ii-.'ti r Vf H'-n J R M'Ol x
linn P Hbanr> >n. P. I * V.' Bu i.
l ,: 'n -• M flur> -.r. a P >1 CV'aK'nt. Jv«: ,
tr,r fß , s .1 Kta’.i- i ’.V, V •_ ir-4 L-, ,
*■••'! H>* -on (»cq II Mw •
'• M HUH-.
T>-<» -hirK. t-r ■■( Hjr »hcT,* i'omp-* nt *« c.f f:n>: clair* 1
k '.:t\ '- i a
■ 1 'P -I' tcd
b»i ' '..i. :srr hi : u..
[«l)« »lil Li fn T nr >• .r, ~
i»ooLen:.*u if -.-vh' J «!wi;r k » r,r>* ar-v m i .
mauA»r«m»tii, and if..-to- kho'd-T-c
Til niAi ; HL.NTKH, Ac,at,
Self-sealing Cans fe Rjlfi
bir Pfftfrv ifit 1 Firth bruits, U'!l ! ' .;(! 1
Twuilun, .1 ■: , Bfl 1 !' 1 ! ; |jj||
Hji.vtnrAL,i WHiil.iillßiy
r pHf-r. cA NF. u?.i,» M- *-h>’ l)- til. 11.
1 »: \. ut ti'*- &j ir{ H trnt.»*r, n>i ! --p- t.r * f a.-ilv u*
i:.;urs to the kd. »rr rajjrilv o.vnia* Int: ?»oerHl n«*
► u;i i t ; uiliiiv- iv ii.vr.mpaM thei-MW. tuny hare ir"*h iu:d T. .t> ih-.r
nl- lit -UTUtUer Jirl'VH.
PUUKd - Pn»: C%d-., SJ. v'l'.ri, 11*. ,f • >*; -,n
?’>•!»• 1 . Tt.r.o vaAr: , j %% ;,~t 5 -a. IN.
• -»ris ■>' «« ■ r-t**r t ■i-vurf <•. ;H.f*ni) -.ilrati
t«ti I!
A!: 1'! 11' H S CAN, wlii li id .•).» rsj w itfj a!. l m«?
«top. no thni w bi-n It turn 1 ii.v- »n>
. Miff t , fiat ln: ‘ y api'n-Ti -; I \ ibr Farm.*; d* v't ut
t'.e I. -»t! In-tltu!*, New Yoftt It tm-k a
■ lij'li‘ina <>»«*r i»il c-i ft»-r mtu h t tli** .a:** Fair in
Cniinti*!;. ojjJ v> ~r aa'nrJcil a Un'ial h. i!i- M<- .'iuiu-a
Fuir b. : t thi < «pt :air at tb* Fruit hnnuiun Imrl! uf.-, V/-t h
tni-’ Ci’ I’ ( ll i eiainml t - CaH itj it..-
r.1.-rx u.. aupkDiAj by U.c os-b v !!'. 1«* pompU » i*»r
w B r Jtri.
For «*l-, « and tb«*Cluno and y
warr :v.i.r-of JIKNRY HlullY,
au*4 122 Wood Htrovi, Pittsburgh,
Bargains la WMohm, tlocki & Jeuolry
AiLK now ►tilling tb«dr and car.-tuli* »rdr
gftrov tM ntock of Fine Watcht*i, Clerks, (mdrich 0 -1.1
Jyffwlrv »t greatly rodu»t»d price*. to make room
SQMwIor aa entire new stock, which »rIH bo roc-iTed di
rect from tbe Eastern manulactoriw In n tew weeks* for
the "Pal! trade.
Puirh&wrs desiring to troy stood good* at low price*,
(•hould .-ail Immediately and examine our stork, as we are
determined to rinse Si oat without regard to cost or former
pi »•:*:>. IV»u’l ferret Ibe place.
•11 Filth utruet, next Jour let Wood.
Watuhes, Clock.* and Jewelry repaired id the beat
Hi ait Hr.', and warranted. jv - *l Iv
(UII brown’s, )
Corair of Smltlifield and Third streets.
JOHN P. GLA.BB, Proprietor.
'Pill;! large and commodious House baring undergone
X thorough repair end furnished with new equipments
throughout. Is now open for the rsoeption of the traveling
public. CUAROte NOOttATI.
ALSTIM I.t>’ 118,
Ulf* Dealer In Warrants Ptoofc*. A*. 07 Toouh «
WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on the
2d day of July, JOS. R. UUOUK3, in tbs Wall
Paprr business, ufider the name of
100. A good bargain can be had by applying eoon at
the ofare of the MORNING POST. jvlJu
A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 21 feet front on Oirson street
by 100 feet In depth, in lilrroiogham, will t* e-qj
ch-ap. Enquire r-f GKO. ¥. GiLLMOUE,
jwlB at offlee of the HJorntn j Post.
SBUfANSruir dTv sTTc¥nt.,"j ulyT/TO
of Hartford, conn.
Cash Assets, July 1, 1 B»5, •• $835,530 *3.
/ VJNTINCE to make Insurance cm ail .eirortphons of
* J ptoperty hi equltobi* rates. Thl* Companv haTe
maintahied a potion for honorable dealing lor id years,
and l- unaur;csr-M for responsibility and punctuality by
nny ; tb»*r s.m.lur institution In the United crates. 3etn(
atiDuai staUment c.l tbo condition of this Oc-mpaoy ou bis
la this office, lor tbe eiAraicat.on cf the public
H. 11. YKN-EYCK, Agent
Lidice, North-weit cornur Fifth ted Wood etree'a Pit-*
b r' I L h j..»
H. 01. Lemon A Co.'s Way JLlne,
cj-.-w. .j TliE haring purchased
haaiilj "jl nart of D Leech ACo ‘a Canal Btr>ck
are prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT
BUSINESS between this plaoe and Columbia. All business
entriiisd to our care will be promptly attended to by ua,
at the Warehpud* formerly occupied by D. Leech A Co
Cankl Baslu. LLOYD & LEMON. ’
j ,£6:dlm*
THEIt—The Magazines lbr August:
Peterson’s Magazine for August;
Ballou's do do
New York Journal do
Dickens’ Household Words for August;
Tbe Heiress of ilaughton, or tbe £oc2>t;
Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of s Life;
I'eggy Woffington.
For all Lba new Boobs or Magazines, rail or send to thfl
cbMp ’Bookstore of W. A. GILDBNFKNNEY A CO
jy*o Fifth fIL, opposite the Thw&Ue.
COAL FLAT—Lying at tbe foot of Liberty street, Motion
gmbela rivsr, for sale by
Jr-d _ _ J. W. BUTLER A O’),
—o 1 t>a¥e Superior Salmon formal* by
* •'Vv.
aV- *
93 0 0.000
i tascroßA
•• r.*e, -UtnM ht.
t: ic Ilsimi.
Fred. » Kr*w«ier
isaa • l.a b.
.L:\JK, PfMtdvnt
4 0,
Lot for Sale,
* *p- *
TEMBKK 13, 1855.
»b..r* wJ*br«t*i WATERING PLACE will be r-pn
f X TlMcore on and alter the iriFTfi JUNE NEXT,
'lhey ort» delightfully loeitouoa Sherman’s Creek, fourteen
mllM nnvih-Tf.’st ay DuMCnnaoQ. fihis place being fifteen
cuilas »o»: .I on the Central Killma-l,) at the
bitae cf Ptfgali rua'Awt an eleTatlon of
more than 1)?h huedrej tuet, Sherman's Crack afTufda a
ppleniiJ fvr those fond of bathing, fishing or
Hailirii;, the curtoundiag forest3offnr great aura.-Mons lo
the sportsman; and touremooih ad shady roadfi through
a Tunti y nnsurpasssd for bold atrl laugnlbcent sceuexy,
will Jjrerfiify the tV place
!fO':CSE3, BADDLKB and CARRIAGBB can he hAd at all :
limen Iloraes taken to Lirary on rrmmnhble t«ruut.
ciKoh :an hardly b.? paid. Their w&iern lure becu analyzed
by too best (Jliwtniets In the Union, nn-l nw yronoun'ed u a:
flucpaniied t->r :uriog di;te&At>d aod mfe>:Lione of
t » judatry*. Ther« are some rtee Springs la ail, erery
uri- oi which is r*f different trttnporatui ■{•—the ln*ing
t»t dH,/rcaa Fahrenheit, and th-owiag out W gallons evrry
wTdti mioutwj. LadhV nod Genrioaiea’a BATHS baVe |
t-vn‘.l. with all the rnod-rn ItnprovumeoU*, to
gether with PLUNGE BATHS, ±.\, &,•
E«.-h day a LViauh bates Duneatmon for ths flprlo/s,
aft-r ih» arrival jf tbeojufl.
l‘ Alleys, Billiard Booms, aaJ v»rious oUim
:i<-i f r amus-mont, 1n abundan:*. TL* *■
vrid »- the be-t, &n<i the charges low.
I'erms.—Kignt dollars per week, or Oo« dollar nod fifty
.-eui-i i -r Jay.'
FiiuuiieH wishing to engag* rooms, should address the
pn>pr»et».r early:
Ete.y ut;i‘.K». n will he paid L» vialtora, the j)roprirtor
hiivin< '*‘*aeg«s.l the I.o*l .■( aoi'vatils. Music always in &l
All 'V>Eiuati‘’aiioijii lutMuio.l U) raadh lh» Perry Oounly
VV/irm tvlk.uUl ht> jiJdrtff-neU tO iMnii’a.nuou i‘. O
1 Lisv *»ill be »CiUjeJittlf!y i>rwar<led.
KKYSTiJSi t HjJI’KL, UuNTisaooN Go., PlNita* <mt hun
um! a.*.i ''iiV'y «':•»•.•« JSiis! cf Ptiliburgh, and
ci/-V :... >. n {■• I'hisUHlghtful re3lJen<*« and place ot
ptn>ii.> ree»rt ]«location tin* baokaof th» “ Q!n« Juniata
ni the couJlui-Dce oi spruo* Creek. Its clear spring, trout
ffsler, hero discharg**# IteeLf, and mingles iu
murmur.- In - (vert, as they ni*u J,-wu the of ih.*
ftio rcry e> nira! puniiion of this Hoti-1 mtKen l: a desire
)/!<• pia*.v K ifljojm f.»r h few w*-ii or days, ior men <u
Iju-'l'is-’h r.nJ their fakiiHee— judsa and I'cerr&ted with the
UiruirMl, Rnd heat of the «nty. It is situated on th*
I'etiDejlfcaiu Central ilailroad. wher^the great turnpi!:i»
Imia liu jui tjUehatiua anl other road* cuucentrale—
making ea j y ex*-»*-s ak 1 iugruiw, FPTefft! times a day, by
Um furs nud Mage?, to Altoona, Tyrone, Hontin/don and
iho ilonutains
J hr Uoud* iii u new bri;* one, four stories spacious
aruj ro'inj, npnly papered, painted ind furnished fr'>tn
tUuc, %ttii all Lhe modern Improvements ami
*H''unisa of CIU BkLU.% Ao. 1( b *4so finely ventilate.
1 Lpfw art <.uperl) vU-w* of t-vury dsp&rtmsiit oi iba Moud
tatn tr. n »-r)' — lb* mountain'," the u Mterual
biib." Ciftie is In alsPAy.i ready for
w«Tk—an*J the p;vpn«lor ready to receive visitors a: mode
rate cL*r.;ra. R. ¥. 11ASLKTT, Pr.-pn^r
WUliHm Carr A Co , :;2y Liberty street.
J«>lu II r» Julm AudorbOo
WiLiam C»mpb*-!1, Charles II ’tel
the Prevention nnd Com of lnysMHTTurr and Ri
Mimorf >171*3, Firm and Ac cl, Coauj and Fivhii,
Dcxu Adca, GmcsLU Dcaun, Niqbt Swbats, and ail ocher
t>TtiH of di»kvL»o hur* a »uni(>b la Malaria or
Tbit? h h NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely
prmeet any resident or traveler, oven in the mo«: siofcly or
<■* atopy I-nhC— *, fr-’Qi any or Bili-xjf discus nh&t
it run- fr~m 'y hihtUh.g Malaria or
It win m/tantly chts-lt the Ajjae in peraonn who bate 6«f
ror any len-ytb of tltn- 4 , fiotn on© day to twenty yaars,
•o that they nw»-! never ar\r.i W c\ul[ by cor.UnufnK it»
use jurcordinst ic diro-ticas. The patient at oi.c© to
tvcvfcr appetite and itreujrth, and cotulooea until a perm*-
aunt cr.i rudi.:*l *ure \? effected.
* '3(* *"*r t 'f'l r iJ*« win i-.r nnlmarr ca*w; wm«
*•*-'? inrectum* priotHj in Uorm&n, Frrnrt.
'ojnj-'vnf ri»cn tx>:tlo. F’rwe One l>o!l*r
unis rjfc jn u li..- trade.
.MMK'* \ r.noC'KP, PrsrUvU.-*, R. I
cdov r»,a!r* p,
L: vtv; j
' 1 LIT* mid-a c/jeoii<".! uxauUo -Uk-n c{ “ Kh;-Jcfl' er
*uJ Ague Cur-,' or ~ AntUo:- to Al««iorla.'' and hare textrd
U !' -r Ars*m.~, M-r 'Ur>, \ukulu end Strychnine, but h«7«
*’j Anri's In ;; ;
. rr.i.-.r in ii, nor Level found any
.-iv»on pr-7-. ':-;urlou-
J.vjiA j it. CiiiL'luN, M. L*.,CLenmi.
KnPFvnr o wiry.iT !
“ I x t:s l li.-u Count}-, Pa . M.iy ?. 1866
•b r .> -i -n‘-» .*. — L'vnf a.r ib** t-Oi »•! medicine you
*■“’• '‘fc? Ju’v ’■•-.• sv,vj .q tto I'tb o! April. I hoTn
’• *‘‘ "•il oti LU. .fv. »a \ far the pcrij.J- 1 av o
i>*ni that it has i urea tbtm. It b« curtain
i> \b.» Agar in cry oi.o aho Lli U"**d it, find sit
of LT>* iki.'s . r ; i.* •ni.iitg. My sister, who has
h-.t '-f r.Tf cr fT ye-rs ta'k.ard (-o;ili never irri it
-teppuU, nr^v ; 'youirire, ani that only as long aa eh*
wvmiH take it. is u-. i-, 1, outii .-I v '•ured by tout rem
\ U. McGINLY ’
:» i<» no uicr.- .M».-c irv, u> iluin<*. Biryohoiots or
Ai. ’ i I'-: nt u.s.ij-U.t-j .( any ki-1, the vifu»-
»h: hs« ovir,.; i> ‘.i »i Hotjcu' urn;? Th* men' tl.t-y
'-•10 d - IX to •• hrviii tlie -hliix " 5.r a short dims while thr?
arc xnre .0 cuus- 1 oniUtiili.-aft: ruftAdira th*; c-niy
« kL 11-uiiunb.T lu«t tL *uijly Kever aud Ague tca»-
U t\af i 1 tsrmlrß.? a.X »11 »tiry,
Rhodca' Fever and Ague t'uro.
hy* l\-r naif O'. J jilS and LrujnrTslP sen
'*••• su.-U
N>‘ 11 i W.K>l» r'I'RKKT. PJTT.iiM’RGH, 1* ju.-l r,
•v'vlr.g a Inrre i-10-'k ,u PIANOS, of the Ut--t -TT>:
Jn,oj Ui« L/ici.-nt-J 11
UAUMiIARDTKN A UKI.V3, liamourgh
11 A i.I.KT, J'AVTF A CO, B-.wtcn-
A. It. RKICHKNh U'il, f‘«d-ljdua :
T.-g« '.her u'vth thoiv o! , umk-rj, at j.ri from to
{l.'Kv. hi. ] uJlti.{ prery variety ac.l Ktylo, from the plain
hut eubMuntiHl iron Piano, to tliw most elegantly
arreJ i.*< ui.q \IV nt>l«, tquare and Gland Piano-t.
Ariangt-njen:? h:ir«* Itreu mad*- with the tnanuf.ictur«r«,
l y witirb their irvtni :l ftita ara h■ • 1 1 1 lower by their nuu
’icreut- here ttun lu the Hast, an>i without the addi
tional oo«t knd ri?’t» ot rmusportation.
Krury Pian*' sold by the iuh*‘riber b warmnttsl perfect
in **verv reejxct, rir l a written guaranty will be gW«m it
augD- No. I is Wool street.
An Inotiluilon for the Busineds Han.
ClUKT&il&l) APRIL,
<\ RGANIZfcID and id very eirrcwful operation, w irb t
./ Board of Truetee.-** and taught by an efficient Parulty.
Two hundred ‘•nulenta and upwards bare matriculated at
thia College. Tbe combined and urgent demand of the
Fanner. Mrrhani-\ Morrtiunt and Professional man, for an
Institution >d a standard, in which various arts whb
their a vocation* > < idd be obtained, and that they thould be
instructed by e\|'Orienr»\i teucher*, wlio hare bad basine.-h
practice lu the subjects taught, bus ,'aused tbo organization
of the People's College of Praatical Tencbeuw. Bovaral of the
Faculty urn authors of Book-Keapiue, who provide, as re
quired, sets of “ fi'rm books," that conform to ail Uie changes
and improvements of frequent ocearreni'e in actual busi
Daily Lectures are delivered by persons of known ability.
Subjects; liook Keeping, its theory and laws; Arithmetic,
and its apdlicatiou; Tbe Art of Writing; Commercial Law ;
Political Commercial Geography; History; and
Business Ethics.
Tluj suocesa ot this Institution is notr certain. Citizens
of the first (“rciea in society and business show thslr rent!-
Je’ire by entering their sons fur a business education.
Platform Scales
OF RVKRY DKBCKU v rit).'l. sullablu for Railroads. Ca
nuhj, Ac., for weighing Uay.Coal, Ore, and Mwrcnau
diao generally, l urchawirs may feel aksured that they caa
be fiupi>n<?d vith a superior and reliable article, and run
Rach S-’ale Is guaranteed correct, and if (aflar trial) not
found aatisiHutory, cun be returned without charge.
Factory at tbe old stand, established B-r thirty year*, cor
ner c-f Ninth and Melon streets, Philadelphia.
iug2:l iBm Successors to Rluoott A Ar>sorr.
On,ci ci “Taa Pmistmfin Gas CoatrakT.' )
August IT. 1866. )
TUB Ptt«:khoMers of "The Plttaburgb Gas Company”
are heretiy riotirtsd tliat an election, for the pun.- ’*« of
• leciicg two perfor.i to serve as Trustees of the «=il Gas
Cot:,puny for tbe term ci three years, will be held at the
e-flic* of the Compan’-, at the Works, on the FtRBT MON
DAY (83 day) OP fUSPTfiMBEii, 1365, between Uw hours
of 2 and b o’clock P- M.
aagifirftd JAUK3 M. CHRISTY, Treasurer.
Vainnbfe Ferra for aaie,
containing 14J artr«; lift rctb? of which are under ci»!*
tivaticcL The p;, prietor, about to decline farming, will
dispose of all bis Stock, ursift and Ilayon hand, Ifds&irM.
aagll cr-rnar of Seventh and SmltbQeld ota.
66 w. ARNOLD & SONS, 06
And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
XTO ea MARKET gnUET, betweao Third and Fourih,
ll Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on hand, a large ptoch
ui Cloths, Ca&dmcrea and Veatinga, Garments mad? to
ord«r on the shortest notice, and in tha Jdtt-it sty Isa.
49*A1l orders promptly attended to. fiauglT^m
W. P. Marshall A Co.,
JMPORTKBB and D«al*rs iu French’and American PA
PER HANGINGS, 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
49“ Sole Agents for the celebrated manufactures of
liwara. Delieotm A Go., Paris. aug?
I MPoRTANT.—At this seaxmof t- e year, when olsen/es
X of the ptomach and bowels are so frequent, and, If ne
glected, are so apt to degenerate Into cholera morbus, or
even Asiatic cholera, no family should bo without a bottle
of the Concentrated Essence of JamaicaGloger, and a bottle
of Wirksy s celebrated Diarrhtta Medicine, which, IT used
according to accompanying dirscUons, will prove a spoedy*
safe and efficacious remedy. can be had only at the
Drag Store of JOHN HAfT, Ja n
angls 136 Wood street.
RASPBERRY B^aWd?—6 aoz pure Raspberry Brandy,
a v«-ry superior home-made article. For sale by
JNO. LITTLE, Jr., Agent,
augikdlw N 0.201 Liberty street.
SJS. <■
. <•
■\*n: ■
-* —■ - c ~ *’
j Ltet of t-ncJaimeil Packages
PhKSc CO., 0-j Pi>urtb street, Pittsbxjrgh, which, if
not c&Ued for. Kill W sou &i Public Auction, by P.AJ.
DAVIP, comer ot Eirth and Wood streets, oo tba. seconJ
rfoy 0/ Octz&T nezt, to pay charges, and for account of
whom it may confirm :
B D Alien Pittsburgh i p!tg«-
Alh'U A ..» iio fl bd iff bags
R. Albright,care frank tali . io 1 pkge.
M. lianersachs . .1- 2 boxes
J. W. Baker.- do 1 boa.
Mrt E. Bretinger it<> 1 box.
J. Beach do 1 box.
G.W. Baskin.... ..... ... ...Mercer. Pa I box.
J. 0. JUrkoftM}. Pittsburgh .. . .1 pkg*.
W, 8 Ti.iyd Batier 1 pkg«.
K. Bond ... Ewt Liberty 1 pkgn.
Mum K. Born* Mercer 1 pkge.
C. P Buckingham Warrenion, Pa ..l pk^;«.
G.H. Barst Pittsburgh ....1 pkge.
D. M.Carry. _ .. . do 1 box.
W. 11. Chapman I pkge.
J. A. Calferday .... du 1 pkge..
A. Combs iU. 1 pkge.
JohnCoyle Jo l pfcgu»o
Ik Campbell Alldgheuf. . ~1 box. '*
C. C. Cooley .Mnnchrefer . 1 pkge.
J. Dietrich Pittsburgh I pkg*.
W. V. Bya Ju i pkge.
T. Kmerick do 1 pkga.
H Frye . . .. ,J.» 1 pkge.
W. K. PerrUson J.i 1 pkge.
A. P >'i»her ConaH*ut?iJle....i pkge.
U. Filter Mercer, Pa ... lpkge.
Clide Fischer Httebargbi...... 1 pkga.
J A. Ky-ter J.*> 1 pkge.
Xavier (JrelU Jo I box.
A. 11-H4 j,-, l trunk..
C. Ileitiold <J,. 1 banket.
J Hot? Butler, Pa .1 pkge.
J.U. Harta . Pittsburgh .1 pkge.
A. Hess do 2 barrels.
J. Huffman Birmingham I pkg®.
A. 0. Johnson Allegheny 1 pkge.
J.Rintnr Pittsburgh.. .Ibox.
M. Kuhltne. do I ofcffo.
P. Kane dr. 1 p& s „.
D Kinier do 1 pkg*.
W.C. Lipseorab do l box.
C. LindermaQ do 1 pkge.
D. T. Lane , Franklin, Pa. ..1 pig*.
J. 0. Moshet , . Pittsburgh . . ~.l box.
I>. U. Morris.. do 1 bucket.
W. 11. Midilaogh do 1 p tn-x.
Dr. Mathews, care ii. C. Cray.. do \ l»ox,
0. 8. MrPaddun do I pkge. •
J. 8. McDonald Jj 1 pkge.
Mi*a SL Nelson Birmingham I pkgu.
F. Nicholson ..... Pittsburgh- I box.
K. Pollock Jo 1 chest.
J. 8. Perry, care P. Morris Jo 1 pkge.
Miaa J. Paacall d.> 1 pkge.
Rhodes & Nelson do \ pkge.
C. Rrlxer do botf-e
J. Helm h> l pkge.
J. iUitz do 1 pkg*.
f\ Hint-hull do I pkge.
F. Loth do i pkge.
Mary Bhodcs . FrsDliin, l'» ...Ibox.
A. Spranger PiUabUTgb I pkge.
.1. Bpenrrr du 1 box.
.1 fk-hotter do 1 pkge.
J. P. Bmitii —.....Franklin, Pu 1 pkge.
J. Smith Independence .. .1 box.
A. ScbVanke ...Allegheny 1 pkge.
Troojh A IlcrJ LawrCDceyills ...1 pkge.
W. A. Torrey - Jamestown 1 pkye.
Johnson Williams Pittsburgh I pkge,
KHi* Wolf do 1 pkge.
J. H. Williams do 1 pkge.
W. 0. WaU do 1 pkge.
Mrs. It. WiHlatnj Birmingham I pkge.
Mrs 8. Wlliiatufl.- Pittsburgh 1 pkge.
P Bloomer do l bag.
B. Burnett. do 1 box.
W. M. Derry do 1 bdle.
Frank Msyer, enre W. Kuhn.. do 1 pkge.
H. B. Kllwy do 1 box.
J. Bkmlg . do 1 pkge.
Iron City Hotel do l carp, bag,
ti. Thompson ... do 1 pkge.
11. Gillespie jo l pkge.
J. B Martin . .. Jc- 1 pkgo.
Jo » 1
i 1 orp. tag.
Js 1 trunk,
do 1 pkce.
New Castle, Pa... 1 pkge.
Jo 1 ckgo.
Latrobe box.
Ag°nt of the Ainas Express Co.
Pltuburrh. August 31. laftA.
11. IL ETTfilt,
Proprietor Warm 'Springs
D. Pembridge ....
A. H. Register..
Oeni«ral Tom Thuaih
M. Watßon
Watson A Slautrn .
J Watts . . .
■i.b* 11, Hi/.
AMPLE TEATS, both by able Practitioners end Chemi
cal Analyse. bav* Jfiaoiijßratvd the great value of
PROP. DH G RATH'S beautiful combination, called ‘‘ ELEC
TRIC OIL,' tor the relief and cure of Pain. Rot the people
themselves are rendering their verdict In a manner both
unmistak-abl* and satisfactory. More than 30,000 bottle*
b&ve be*n srfd lu a very short time—r jjreat proportion to
those who A-.anf c-Uter; rtK-iommeud it, who had Iritd U.
That »t is a spUn-lld discovery Is everywhere acknowledged,
m:d nothing USte it was e v e r U-fore prepared. Whv, for
t trr i alone, it b w:rth pIOu.OOO a y«ar to the people’as it
alw y* cores these painful tormetilorwiw twenty-fair\trjrs
Bui what is it not worth to thu poople If It carei Salt
Rheum, Erysipelas, Ccnker, Ulcers, Sores of all kinds,
quently taking away all tbs pain in twenty-four Lours,)
lihetnni'i.<m, Nnuraigla, Palpitation, Headackev Bronchitis,
Piles, W. mb ComplaiDta, Cramps, Sprahu, Bore or Swelled
Br«*aat, tfalon*, Wounda of al! kinds, Ac. f Wou-d &50Q,00Q
express it«i value to the people f iVb Because a man will
yive tra*ly for relief from pain. Will this Oil reileTe pain t
Certainly c Such man as we have oftoQ named, hon*
orable and hi/.h-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and
others have so R*jd. after from ten to fifty cttalfl. They 6ay
the 7/ufric ini U the Cne*i medical combination ever pro
ta red. neither offensive nor injorioui, but effectual in oil
ti.e abeve and many other eases. Some honorable ami.
heavy bn>io«M<s firms hare, It Is true, sold some of the old
(turpentine, tltuminoos, or coal tar, Ac. Ac.) external a>
pUcutlons, unit! th*lr customers returned bottle after bob
'.le, w Ith the rvrunrk ih»t “ the remedy was worse than the
pain;*' yet such m.*a have never recoinmended nor given
ixmntenanc* to them. But see some of our best merchant?
ordering nn*rc every ten days, and giving additional
testimony tj the valuo of this wonderful discovery. That
a great many ladies are using It as a medicinal toilet article
Jor themselves and their children, is well known. It cores
uu jtur.jiies, bhtchfs aiul. ruptwns on the lace and neoh in so
short u timi*, yon would a-nreely credit it. Tt frequently
reduces a pair,/til twcihnn in two boors; has done it in ha f
an hour; eur*i many effectually in idx hours. If ladles
fcncw the Mrt/iffibcruv# and in this
<MI, they would neTer he Induced to use anything else for
womb rotnplHinie or pains of any kind.
We now ineer’, a letter just received from Henry Wiley,
who went to England six weeks since, (to die)
London, July 12,1856.
Put r. Dt Oaita, PbUa Pear Sir: When I left home for
my health, (scrofulous eruptions, 4e,j I oarer expected to
return Ktf>uu, bettering that my complaint would -soon
i-arrv tae t'{T. When you pare me three bottles of your
A'Lx tric Oil to take with me, as Merely a j-nWahee, I did
act »blok 1 wouM so very soon be called upon to thank you,
ns I now do, Cor my complete restoration.
1 can emir say, before the departure of the steamer, that
you have only t > onma herewith your OH, to make a for
tune m one year, 'there is not another similar medicine In.
Kngland, If id the world, i will write by next steamer.
Yours, moat truly, llinhy Wilet.
It cannot be their imagination*, who state that old Bores,
Uiat hare discharged from six months to five years, hare
been cured by this OiL It cannot be untrue, nor a decep
tion, where pain is relieved in one da*, often in half an
hour. No' common sense dictates no/—and GOO written
*** no >nw *nd see them. A regular Doctor in
attendance; and l adies can consult a Lady, privately, by
dropping a line to the office. Advice from a distance, mak
ing inquiries that any physician ran answer, wOl be
promptly attended to. Always encioee a stamp, as our ear
v ices are freely given, and we are drawn upon too o/ten in
Vii Wft . v Ail rases treated liberally, with or without the
Ihi, os I have two. Physicians associated for this express
purpose. _ Prof. 0. DJ3 0-RATH,
No. 39 South Eighth street, Phils.
V. R Tb*» fartsHi bottles ten times the cheapest. Please
notify me 01 aoy eaae or failure to cure in from half an
hour to three weeks, as I wish to cure all.
_ Palo by DR. KBY.sBR, 140 Wood et faqgao
Manufactured by chickering a sons, Boston,
and tor sale by JOHN H. HELLO TL '
No. 81 Wood, street, between Diamond
and Four®street. Just received from thtfff , T9 B THfTiti
manufactory of Chickering A Sons, Boston,*/ 8 ff V U
and for sale mruridWy at Boston prices —
Two of their first claps Seven Octave Pianos, Louts XT Y
style, with carved casus, legs,_lne, music desk, Ac. Ac.: fin
ished back and front alike. This is considered by persons
of taste to be the mo«t beautiful pattern now made. Price
£5OO each.
Two first class Boven Octave Pianos, with earvel care,
lyre, new style of fluted legs, the lyre and ends of beautiful
carv.d tracery work ; finished back and front alike. Price
$460 each.
Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners,
Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and
with Ohlckering’s Patent Iren Frame. Price S4oQ each.
Two carved Rosewood &*< octave Pianos, with new style
flatpd legs, carved oaso, mushdesk, and the usual openioga
tilled with beautifully carved tracery work; finished back
and front alike. s4£6 each.
Three elegant Rosewood, pUin double rannd comers,
octaves, finished back and front alike, and with Ohlckerimr’a
Patent Iron Frame. Price $375 each.
Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Six Octave Wanes, all
made s« well and with the same care as their first claw Pi
anos, and with Chick-ring's Patent Iron Frame.
One of Chickwing A Sons' New Scale, full Beven Octave
Grand Pianos, of Immense power, brilliancy, and sweetnen
of tone, with their New Patent Action, which renders >ha
toneh so light and elastic that it can oe played on by the
mast delicate hand. Price $760.
Also, one of tbt-lr new Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely
new invention, and particularly adaited for Parlor use.
Price $O6O.
A n?w U t c I Piano Stools just received.
Fvr sale by JOHN 11. MEL LOR 81 Wood st.,
between EHacmad all«y and Fourth strut,
Sole Agent for CHICKERING A SONS, ibr Pittsburgh mid
Western Pennsylvania. aug2S
CJpf Fall Sty]* for Hath
ILL PAULSON will introduce ihe N«vr Style tbr Bats
/, on SATURDAY, August 26tb.
O. H. PAULSON, 73 Wood street,
next door to corner of Fourth.
Soft Hats and Caps of every descriptten.
PENN INBTITUT B, corner of Peon and Hancock streets.
The ensuing Session of this Institution will commence
on MONDAY, the 3d of September.
Tuition and Stationery, par cession of Twenty-two
Weeks. -$2200
Pupils may enter at any time, and will be charged pro
roto until the end of the term, or till notiqa of withdrawal;
a ded nation balng allowed for absence on occdunt of pro
tracted sickness. J. hi. SMITH, Principal.
on?*! Eias.. .m a. aaouks.
THE undersigned have thlsday entered intoco-par taer
ship*, and having leaked for a term of yoart the 'Um
CaR FACTORY recently erected, at Beaver
County, Pa., are now prepared to eontrap{ j£c the manufac
ture of RAILROAD CARE'of every description.
Address, “ Rochester, Beaver County, r&.”
August IT, H66,—[aog?4:U J KIRK A RHODES,
ii UMBER 3005.
«.-*• f 'V
7 . ]■ .'t- <-
'■, ■ « *'■ .' Liii
" “ two
" “ three-weeks
M “ tbo mouth
*' “ t we. rQootti .
“ " fcor nov.w,.
u '• tIT monU-;..
Maa-litsi; Oil j •!f lid?i &r:w;j, j>»r mania-.
Oii.\a‘ii A uLsar e-uasuui
Oflefl-TQftr» p«r anaum, (exslustTs 01 tha 2s 09
Vff7~HBR'KA.S, in acd by tho lith section of tfea AaX ca
y f Urn (.tenoral Assjmbly of Pennsylvania, pswfd July
21,1;39, .tniitred “An Aoi bating to the Election* of this
it i 1 enjeinecl oq the Sheriff of imy
Oouuty tojjiva uoii;j of buc'j ol otioos to bp held, and gnu*
aerate insuch norire nharoffleern a/e to be elected. J&
pursuance thereof, I, Wil. M?tHLL, Sheriff of thePotyaty
of Allegheny, do therefore make known and give this pub
lic notice to the r-Uctors nf xaM County of Allegheny, chat
a G hN tUAL. ELECTION will be hold in said County, on the
Elect iou Districts thereiu.
Tb» e!e,-ore o; the first Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to;ia*!et at the h.-o?aof Mrs. Jane IJt Je, at the comer of
Fourth und Ferry street?, lo paid Ward.
%-iut (il«irtorp (if the trecoud War l of the city of Pittsburgh
to mv-ti at Public £*hool Ujus-j in Bald Ward.
'i hr elfCtors of the Tbi:d Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to U>**l &; the of Aodraw Mcilastera, Brq.
TL * i‘,v*.tnr,;o. r th« Fourth Word of the city of Pittsburgh
vo Uf.-rt at :h;> iTO'llc richo.l Uocu>q In sudd Ward.
xl. rir- -tore of the lifeh Werdol the city of Pittsburgh
t.. Tuecv at tb.i i f>uiisylvauia Uouse, Ovcutrfed br Octl«lb
f*r.:l, law AUx. Httriini*- to said Ward. * ■
T>..? the Sixth Ward of iba city of Piitabnrch
to m-ct at the Public School House in Bald Ward. *
T>. - ele*- tors of tbo Surentb Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to wee; at the Public School liouaein eaid Ward, *
Tue electors of the Eighth Wurdof Ihe city of Kttsbnreh
to ui-?et at the Public School House in said Ward- 6
ihc electors of tbo Ninth Ward ofthe city of Pittsburgh
t.- r.-. A-t at H,., Public School House in said. Ward.
Tna«rlc.-tovrfof the Find Word of the city of Alleghany
to :a-at lift house of J. Wbodliouse, In itobineoa street.
The etochv-s of the Second Ward of city of Allegheny
to hi at Lhn house of widow Thompson, north-vest corner
of \ 'hijiftrcct and public square.
The ei-.stwa of the Third Ward of the city of Allegheny
t' - ' meat at tu« public ichord House la said Ward. '
The electors of the Fourth Ward of the dty or Allegheny
L' meet at the homujot T. btcith, at the corner of Hoblnsca
md Audenton ctrApfs.
Ike «l«ctora of the borough of Birmingham to meet at
'.L ■> Town Unit on Wilkins street in said borough.
Tn« elector.* of the borough of East Birmingham to meet
atiha RailroKU Gflicaof Oliver H. Ojrmßby,in said borough.
Thy rleutori uf I’mtucs&e borough to meet at the Public
S- Hoai-4 ci said burough.
The electors of the borough of Lawrenceytile to meet at
;ha I’uUii'* Scliooi liuus« borouga.
The eleotornoi ths borough of Sharpeburgh to meet at
lh-‘ ti John Sharp, in said borough.
Ths elaciorfl tlii borough of McKeesport to meet at the
IWu Hall in nan! b-irougb.
Tl.i- the of S»uth Eliiabotb to meet at
thA hi.o=a formerly occupied by E. MrAninch, at the end of
the Moucugubria said Borough.
T h.' olccto.'s of the borough of West Pittsburgh to meet
at the tf —— Eogers.
The elector-of the borvugh of West Elisabeth to meet
et Publi 4 ! School liount- io suld borough.
Tbo oluctora ui ths of Toreulam t« meet at tbs
Puh!> School IlousaiauaU t">fOUgh.-
The electors of the borough ol Mau’ehcfiler to meat at the
PuhilcSchool House.
The eUctors of the borough of Elizabeth to meet at the
house or Graham, formerly occupied by John Walker
io sntd borough. '
Th« doctors or' Pitt township to meet at the bouee of Jo
seph HindroJ, on the Mechanics’ and Parmer** Turnpike
JUxkl, la said ownship, except the q.oeUfledTOte« residliur
ia sections No. 4. ? end 14, of- the Aid'tUstrfct/who shall
rote at all general eleotlone in the Ninth Ward cf the dt?
of Pittsburgh. 1
Tub electoM of Peebles township to meet at the house of
Juhn Belt!er,Jn the village of East Üborty.
The electors of ColiJns township to meet at the hoar* of
Willioitt MoCali, ja. hi the TtUags of Bust Llbar^r.
Tho electors ol Wilkins township to meet at the house of
John Shaff.-r, cm the Qreeasburg Turnpike said
The electors of Plum township lo meet at the house of
John StnamerTille, in said town <tdp.
The -ole-tors ef Patton townphip to meet at th* house of
Aaraham Taylor, on tho Northern Turnpike, in add tom.*
The editors of Ponn toKosbip to uioat at the boas* of
Bobert Donald lon.oa the Leschbnrg said township.
Ths ele tore of Tsrsoillw t.-,0-nahlp to meet at the Public
do bool House, on the r a nn of Dsrid Sbaw, near the white
bonne formerly occupied by Thaaas Neal, now by Wm. A
Shaw. 7
The electors c-f Blteibeth township to meet at the honi*
-rf George Webstar, formerly occopled by John Walker. In
Elisabeth bothugb.
ih*i eiActori ot tovnahlp to moot at tb« house
f ad Snoe. fo: marly occupied by John King, in Bald
rut- e.cctotij of i'laio tcwashlp to meet at the bouse of
Simoel Wilson. Ibrmeriy occapiai by Jimee EL Neel, Ln
said township.
The electors of Upper Bi. Clair township tc meet at the
bouse ot Jaa Con Dkr, in said township.
• Tb* electors of lx>» er St Clair tfwnshio to meat at the
hou«e lately kept by F. Q«m, «t the )un«i->n of the Btf»
mingbam and Coal Hill ro^ds,io said
Tb« elßctoreof Ohariie-B township to - Art at the hmue
ot William Obey, on tho Pirtab argb and BtonoenTilie Turn
ihe elector* of Eobinoon totm-h r p to meet at tb* house
of gamh McFarhiad, luitaorly Aodley Mcfariand, in e&ld
i nr Oirctoro of Findlay township to taeot at the house of
McClelland A. Armor, formerly occupied by J. Charles, in
the villa o of Clinton, in said towtHhip.
Tha electors of Moon towcalup uj meet at School Howe
No. 4 iu t-ald iowm.bip.
The elvotrrs of Ohio towuahlp to meet at the house of
Henry V.Tucmptcu, iu s-dd lownehlp.
The electors tf Franklin township t> meet at the house
occupied by Jo?. lu-ieman, In said township,
Tbo electors cf Reserve township to meet at the School
House No. 3,iu naid township.
The elector* of Baldwin township to meefat the boos* of
John Obwan, in said townsb'p.
The elector* of Saowdsu towcchlp to meet at tha house
of Petsr Boyer, in n-i.i tow uah ip.
The elector* of Fayet-.e township to meet at the
hoars of 11. Hays, on the farm of G. V. Coulter, In said
The electors of North Eayetta township to meet at tha
house now occupied by frauds JomPoa, at Rodgora’ HUI,
in said townchiy.
The electors cf Rosa to®nsh\p to meet at the house of
'Ja-'ob Coibaugb, ou the-Franklin Road, la said township.
The electors of Pine township to meet at the house of
Hugh Crummy,!U to?'!>‘hip.
The electors of M’Cardies* township to meet at the house
ctf Daniel Fhoup, in uud township.
The elector# of West Deer township to meet at the house
of Nathan said towiwhip.
The electors of Ea*t Dec- township toraeot a! the Public
School House,io the borough cf Tarentum.
The electors of Nevilie township to meet at School House
No. l,(b««rpftf er u> bo i*s Ned Cliaptio )
The elector? cf Sewiokley township to meet at tha bouse
of Samuel lUtchie, in said township.
The electors of Indiana JownaMp to meet at the house
formerly occupied by Alta. Turner, in said township.
The doctor* of Shaler township :o meet at John Shaw’s
• Mill, iu said township.
The qualified voters of that part of Indiana township, in
Allegheny county, reeling within the following described
boundaries, tjo Fit: Beginning at a point on the Allegheny
river, a' the upper line of the farm of John Cable, and run
ning a northerly courte, between the farms of raid Cable
and John Boyd to the north-ea?t corner cl Cable'# form—
thence running aw<wt*rlj course to the Shaler township
Una, iu eu:h a manner as to exbrace all fannfl or lota
situated In Cunningham's district, and known as the Mj er
tracts, within said boundaries, shall hereafter vote at the
georrid -election in the borough of Sharpsburg, at the
election poll of t>aid borough/'
At which time and place the qualified electors aa afore*
BBfdwill by ballot vote for
Ooe person for State Senator,
five pscaona for member? of Assembly of Pennsylvania.
One portoa for Sheriff,
000 person for Cnuai Ocinmi.-viom.r,
. One person for Pruthonotary,
One person for Treasurer,
One person Dr County Coaimisdoner,
One pcrfno for Coroner,
One person for Director of Poor,
One person fer Auditor for S years,
i -ua person for Anditox for 2 years.
Given under my hand and seal at Pittsburgh, this 3d day of
September, A. D. 185*, and of tbe Independence of the
United fitatoathe eightieth. william MAGILL,
peps:da®t*» Sheriff.
BJlBti*—6u bbls Laße superior Balmon ;
J/ COhalfbbU do do
70 do Wlilts Fish;
HI do Trout;
40 do Pickerel;
30 bbin No. S large Mackerel, new;
60 half do do do do
16 bbls Baltimore Herring, :da
For fltie by 1 JylO: HwNRY H. OOLIJMO,
' | 'Ua llAlii uuWtU.Mi FlUId uoei not color or suJa
X the akin in tbr iesat, but in every case it will restore
the nainral color of tbe ha’i*, where agv or sicks eys baa
turned it gray. A trlul will satisfy those using it of a most
curio j and rinfiUdr phiftonicnon. ti. at U,jgrny hair restored
to its natural color, wltu oil tbe strength and healthy
growth of youth. Price only 60 cents par bottle. Boldin
Pittsburgh by 0. LCUTHBERT,
aug7 63 Market ■ treat,
a. ~ « o cumuKt.
General commission agents for tho Bale and
Purcfaaso of Real Karate, Colleotinn of Rents, Borrow*
log and Loaning Moneys on Bond* and Mortgagee; nlf>v
for making Buis* of rr.-due*, Manufactured Ardcfes. Ao..
for Farmer*, Mechanic.' ar.d others. Office, No. 03 Market
street. &aR y
FLUID hXTkAdf of BUOidiD— U doe of
i excellent msdlcice received by
Ji-18 JOS. FLBfTN’Q.
Hfiapsric SOA?—For r-moting T«n, B*Uo\m«sa un i
Kedu«« of ibo ; 12>$ c«d* p« coke?
Sajwrior i-Uf Wblt->, or I'etn I’o-xdiir ; and ctl.
2r kwsom £v o ' ,der ’ f - r watif > »«*• wm .
_t u I? 3 CUTHBERT, 68 Murker „l.
aDHAUOLUM—A Ceri*jacuro Inr k*i»« ~k T '
bo*. SOU at 55 aM^TsT
w “*“» *»*»
tal rvcordft; bv Jo M ph sLkb D U l",“l,““' “5
65 M&rk-t Eire
avorj, (ronl,r.f Warehousa s,. »7 Fir,t'n le ,t.‘”it e at
lfttigAjj J. W. KUTtmt a CO
Ki^rhnP 11 ' , CIUi!K --' 0 “» m buX«7‘ , tt y
JIJ choice, just roceivwd an a lor sale by 7
40 9 urv * L “'.'ib Otu.Nußi-u.NKa_A superior nrtlcU
recvivM enj for Bale by ‘ Brtlc!p *
H HANDS, Uliiifj x.-,u oinTTTri - ?, ,
_ u £ 6rtDotiCo ' ly ■ »™ i'-rmS? “
. 13tJ Wood atrs*fc.
F h V » «Uu uB (U tnosa
MV ° B| M f ’ OQrt, ‘ «tr«t. Tto Dlcturo
toeo bo csilea for. Upon to vtitcon until S>X P. M.
bHJ t'Ccoh ligga receded bv Hair road tula Sbf
abdforaatoby tang?! H. CO LLI.Vg
COKN MBaL—6o buaheli Com Meal
*>y I auj:3)
\\J -hlnK ».li. QkuW KK iierema** is a p«*i/«»cC w£itaft«r
TT grower. lurco the b*ani auU whiskers to groxf,
me It daily, rubblo* it well Into the roota oi the beard- It
al«o ourl. and tbfcienx tbe twtr Price 2$ eetifa per bottle,
with full directions. i?old at NU. 60 MABKST B_'.
4 M
r M
* 9 oft
.. 10 ot»
lB 0*
... 10 00
t Fourth.
ertluud tbj»tlay»