The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 12, 1855, Image 4
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"'J \-■'■ • S ■ ,'; \ •w - '*' *7 O'* '■* *• ■♦' ■l| V ■■' * ,’^• •.* ! ? pV r ; H -V: { 1 ir n>VA'?i -tX J k'Ai- ./ x' a . ti*; * ?*iW < *a-«v*.4 r i? ! \. •. t |-~i tfc . -v. - ifi Truo irow -- iCo 4'-'. ,V‘ cr> V, 4 J VL, OUJ with tratua going South and Wat mi- |-- , dJ 110 P . h-ww , %Zr.h *./ < .K. , -yt,'r | ln^S, C p. M » M nnat. with th. Accommodation | ««. -nncctlng at (, Ihibudu.) .Ub .I fss- l i'' t : e' ‘ ;?■,■>' }- f i '^- 3 ' i ,c* gSgggv■>V* I<V 1 <V j- o>>J I.';' 1 .';' ' I l .' \ i r 'i * rt r - i -A r-, rife; hMI- 4*' 5 '**• /J\U- t* C*.? pi’.' '{j L #l#3StgS?!^:XP '7- ! -X -' •, t \ : r: ''t v rr v ; i:y.| SSWHp&fc?- •' ; , •sr. V *•«.;;. -’ i ’ T >X?- AZ>-<-'i " 'fe'-- ■aife^iw^4 Wic,*>7l ?< | r> V 'l-4 ‘.vV.‘ ■'"><l ■’■' —' > V-S'jVtTtX - ‘.'7,;X;-. ''l s&¥£& ■■»'. , ■'• ,' j - ‘i-o . oh- “.•, 441 lfi- T ite ; S-’ rfc?.-- ,1 Sf.d - vajg.: *n r ’ * - -olg! '-’a V >' 11" ; 7*S J-M/'J'C* - S *» <a>' a.-4C N |/ *.* 1 v' AH ’■„ v; t' '- ■ *-■> 'f'ir- risffl x;v: -;r: irt“- -c v \ . x-Jfl :'- ■* - - . . l-cX •>—;•••'. ■• •» . <* - ‘•‘t »••.•. • ... ,£<?i ••’^;l."’v- / .:>‘'--:'; -/ .-V.'S' *• • : : 4 . . ■ : , ; ; .:. w* \\\4 n &*&,■'■ -' ■ '■■:■• - r ■ , ■.-. T • •J *■. r " ' • '' : - V, *’■■> .-../'• - ~;.^- r l\Vf / , i '- ,i. ...: • . a- ' ..• V- • ,■ ■ ■ ; : . s;:„- „.... , t •*. " ~_ . ~ .--rr^ ;, v.;l X'-tV-' 1 ;,S: #v <4 v . w - -->--r ti r - 4 -v* :< v «r i? .V s ”.?-? ?•. v - ■ . ••••••■ - -.■*•• v, .4*p»Wv JHV _ ,** * *• * *- »*.• ? . ‘ *. 7 »,- ■ W'ri - •"'.£.* <t> 1 , * * . --.1.5/*,:• ■ - - v •••••' • i «.y i-w :■, ,--, >; ..-.; r\ 1 - ,1 .'•'X’.'-4 '.' •' • •'- »“ ; "JvX *- ■" •• ' '• r ' I s / i** '?'■ ■* ■■ Jr /- 'c r ,-t.r?,- ’'r» v■■ • v ,r ; ■* t > s . , - v . l&JeZ'- railroads. CENT Ra L OHIO HAILB.O AO. Summer Arrangement— Change XHEBB DAILY TllAIN? EACH WAY, (SUNDAY V»* on. r W ‘ CB n » an, «*.“»■ *"*“ " “ \_) fol'ow*: ****'££. £SL \sr*- iSLS: . pM. &uO “ “ .£«•• •=« :: *2 : 2ii M t :08 i 26 £23 “ 5:26 u *'■& M ;.4 “ 861 “ 6:11 " Klr SJU “ «IT 8:46 “ »rr. 6:16 “ Arr GOING WEST. Express Mail Nxphi Tram Train. Train I:<SA M. 6:16 A.. 61. 6:00 PM. 1.t.3i ■■ 6:16 “ 1:03 " lu:6i •• 6:43 •• T-40 ‘ 6. m n*« *« i®; , 0,, ~.,r 12:17 I' M. “ ' .. MO “ 10:80 “ niie i- ,u "~i ii-sn “ N-W k £OB “ 10--37 “ 4 Vf s; r ,v Uons od proper notice •* Th. lu:00 A. M. K ’” n ““ ‘A °°' U “ b S” _l, h ,u_ tt-ur*** Train which leaTes Cindunati at 6A. M. .nwfth th. P Train tram th. W«rt on the Oolnrohue, Piqun 111 Tnln. £Sra£! N—» with morning Train* to an.j T .m Minefield and Mt. \crnon, and with Triton n tb« jujubenritle and Indiana Railroad; at Wbeel'QK with Express Tiain on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for Baltimore, Washlngioa, Philadelphia and East ern Cities. , The 3:80 P M. Train will connect at Columbus with the eeeood Train from Cincinnati; at Newart with Sandasky, Mao.->fMd and Newark Railroad; and at Wheeling with Night Train on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Passengers l earing LK'uif'rille and points below Cincinnati, and taking the 9 A. M. Train on Little Miami Railroad, will oonneOt with this Train at Columbus. Passengers leaving Indiana polis and Richmond by morolngTrain on Indiana Central Railroad will also connect with this Train at Columbus, a nd reach Wheeliug at 9:16 P. M , and leave by 10:80 P. M. Train on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, arriving in Baltl* more at 6 P. M., next day. ... The 11:80 P. M. Train connect* at Oolambus with the Mail Train which leavesCiodunad at 6:3u P.M.,and m™ 6s at Beliair at 6:15 A. M- connecting with the Aeeommoda- Uon Train on th« Bxltimore »nd Ohio Bntlroxd. P“«°- g.rx ira.iog Ohicago by the Eranlnc Train. ran, h; thix font., cm illcblgno Citj, Licf.yettc, Indlxn.pollß xnd Day ton reach Columbae In season to take this train .and at Wheeling will take the Accommodation Train for Cumber -1 and, sleep there, and resume by Express Train to Balti more and Eastern Cities. GOING WEST. Tb« 6:16 A. M.Mail Train ooaneet* at Bellalr with Night Train on »be Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; at Newark with trains to and from Sandusky, Mansfield and Mt Vernon, and Chicago via Monroeville; at Columbia with the trains for Cincinnati, and with trains for Xenia, Dayton, Indiana pedis, and Chicago, oia Dayton and mn Urbana. The 9 46 A. M. Express Train connects with the Express Train from Baltimore, and arrives in Columbus at 3:20 P. hL, and comets with trains going SouthandWestarrir ine iu Cincinnati at 7 P. M. The 6.-00 P. M. Train connects with the Aecommoiation Train from Cumberland, and at Columbus with Mail Train at 2:16 A. M, direct for Cincinnati, Xenia, Dayton, Indlana polLs Lafayette, Terre Haute, Saint Louis »ud Chicago. 1 13 AAO H. SOUTH WIOK, Supt. Z*n«rvill«, June IS. 1866—{je21] C L XVELA.ITD AH 1> PITTBBUBOH RAILROAD CONNKOTtSG WITH BTKAMKHS ECLIPSE AMD ROSALIE* VIA WELLSVILLE, AND Ohio and PinmylTania Railroad, VIA ALLIANCE. fpiiE shortest, quickest and most reliable roots to Toloda, X Chicago, Bock Island, Galana, and St. Louis, Is VIA CLEVELAND. , . T v .i* rvu> L> One Bundled miles shorter and about nine Lou-'- OUJ. Ear than the circuitous one via Indianapolis. Three Daily Trains from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. Three L*aii v Trains from Cleveland to Chicago. Tim- u. Cleveland sii hours, Chicago twenty-three hours, ac-1 L-'uis thirty-seven hour*. |->n an.l *':e: Monday, September 3d, 1856, tho trains on t‘--i roud will rcn as rollows: VIA ALLIANCE. The I'raiDß the Ohio and Penna. Kailroad leaving Pitta* * ivt 'i-00. A M hu4 8.00, A M., and 3 OOP M., oon-I nect at Al.Lx.ce at 3 OJ A. 51-, 11.60 A. M , and 6 30 P. M., ' or Cleveland leave Alliance 8 00 A.M.,11 NO A.M., 533 P '1 , connoting at Hudson with Trains for Cny ab-.'t ► *■'.* sli Akron, and arriving in Cleveland at 10.2& AM 210 P , -u-J 85SP W. i*arlrutf«»v for Toledo. Chicago, Bt. Louis, Boch Island, • iju»- rto-w rv, who wish to go through with r-. d - j - -i Rni Lakr the train leaving Pittsburgh at U , A . ...a ,rr.viu.t :u Cleveland st X2B P. U., as that j. ■ ►.. train b> vtjcb close connections are made O.r .iir •> >iv- points. Passengers by this train reach C , - ",i itrj i ;D<-rn inn. at.-i i*t. Louis at midnight. VIA WELL-jVILI.K. r. -r- f iio 1 K #a!i« Will ieire tbf UoooDpa .r. • Q)• rti i-s. (“ucdaja exr«j>ti*a,) at 10 -a,. .c with the train leartng At \ , mul „ M n will laave W-L*Hll« daily, / rU j - : 6;0 P M. C' na«l D|{ at Dayard I wi:. fi r:i»io.a.T.»:ow'o Cl er eland at 2!OP. M j .. « -q.vt'l* o>>lD* - ctlog at Kavara for Carroll — L' *..•! New Philadelphia. j - t*c- •<■: i irT. iAo >, Chicago and the North West, j i.. ar* *.:• <j t f 1 I»m than tj* Alliance. ] , .. . ~.o- frv.ta Ci-t- rod to Te.ledo and fbk-ag*, ron aa . j- < t_re. r « laud at 610 A. M-, *2 46 P. M , 7.05 P. >1 \V" *■ i.n-cgoB 80 P. M , 7.40 A. 51.. 830 P. M. Tr . c i «•»**» h'-a-'O for laland and fit Louii a* r ‘. lVand at 9 0U A. M. and 11 00 P. M. 9 A *1 nod 11.45 P. M. t .• r i l.usijLi.vcr Rock Ixlaud Railroad to J. r «•*: -.’.r f- > a*-ts« CU'**tu and Miesiaaippi Railroad u, i • ; , * ~t tr.r on i y »ta=nit>oat (23 to St. Pi -»•:« ttv u.o 9I- A. « I'ralo arrtTe at &l. Louta 11.20 • "-M- .•» J' ..g and t)' me 10 u 6 P5l Train at noon n«*i day H zz'g' ri*rr?' to Clereiaud, and them re* 1 f.-r t !hJv;«go a«»d r-t Louifl lA.vl via’aLL: \sCb AND CLEVELAND •tf (t-i ri. 'id cTt. Lit ci‘it3 2dcTJ. ...$•2 30 I To U Salle... $lB 00 $l3 60 ijd I “ Rock lai’d, 18 00 14 25 " 660 | “ Galena .... 16 16 14 00 .. ...$.B 00 $lO 60 | “ Springbeld 18 70 16 20 B-u;. i v l• .16 ,J 0 .ibJ I ** UurliCft’tOD 19 00 ...21 00 loot'} [• »r* procure their tickets at the r?. » : thle Ccmpao *, In the Monongtbela Ujuee, third djcr 1 * •'« the corner J. DURAND. Bup't, Cleveland. J A. CALNiUKY.A^TUtrtorgb Oiem imeiioin xad U.B, Exprei» & Mall Boute. 73 MILES OF L'IiTANCB BATED, And Two Changes of Cart and Baggage Avoided. AI a LINE ROUTS BtTWEXW CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS: CHICAGO, ALTON d 3T. LOUIS RAILROAD, Formerly Cbloage 4 MUtUilppl. CHICAGO TO BT. LotXe IN 15J* HuC R*.—Train* l„aTe tb« 1 llioois Central Depot, foot of Water eiroet— Bt. Louis Day Express dally, Sundays excepted, 7 16 A M- Bl Louis Mgbt Express daily, Saturdays exce’d, fcSO P M. 8t Louis Freight d Emigrant dally, Bund. ext. 6UJO A M. &i/rpagt tArcupH to St Louie. Tram* ruo direct through to Alton, (2fcy mile*,) with out of cars or baggage, and connect with the Company’? splerniid steamers WxncKeeler and Reindeer, running in exclunire connection with Paaseniar Trains from Alton lo 8L LouK(2fi mile*J without landing. These boats for speed, convenience and elegance, are unsurpassed on the We*ura waters, being fitted up aith Bath* and spa cious Wash-room*, affording to passengers the opportunity of remoTing the dust unavoidable In summer railroad t-areUDg, and reaching Bt. Louis refreshed from the effects of s long ride. , „ . To Zantas aod JVeimufca this Is the most direct route, and passengers destined for Bloomington, Bprlngfirid, JaoisonTille, Naples, and ail points on the Mississippi, Mis s >uri, Kansas Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, will note tb« Important ssring In distance, being seventy-two mile* less to 8t Louis, ti.irty -seven miles Iras to Bloomington, and lifty-elght miles less t* Bpringfleld than by any other roQte. . 4 .. Ti.rough Ticke.? over this route can be procured at the Tnrir.o* \ R Ticket Office? In New York, Boston, Philalei thin. Albairy, Buffalo, Ac., and at all Through Tb k-t -ffl -c throughout the Bteie>, aDd In Chloago at the Oju.p*n\’- OlB« .V>. «8 Dearborn street, opponite the Tr»* mm- li' ■*s*■- and at the Depot Of th» Illinois Central Rail n»ad ro,t of W«ter street. . il.. pon-ltle ’ rl " b< < *' ** 01 * of the Vo t 1 u 1 Roads going Into Chicago, to Check Baggage thro a o to but point desired on the I'°*- , 3 w p MORGAN, Jr., BaoerintecdoaL IL J. D. BCHBRMERHOB.N, a .Gno’l Passenger Agent. THE PITTBBBBOH ABB COHHKILBVILLE jaggs asßpw RAILROAD COMPANY HaU.'U mad* an arrangement with the n«w and Rrau.if l r<-anj«r k * ,fc< 'LLAN n to run in coonectio . w. D b-ir b«t-tnjn West Neirton and OonnellßTiUe. &odouo''* iL6 change of fccboduJe on and uiler Wednesday, the flub of B»pt«mber: Tb« Btwatner KuLIAN »id Uare the Pittsburgh and iuiirotu Company’b Wharf Boat, a eve Mo* uougab*da Bridge, for Wwt Nawtun, ever? afternoon at half* pa*t 3 o'clock, ; returning, will leare West Nrwton Bl qaartar bufora b, A. M., ani-vlng at Pittsburgh at noon. Td>- train* will run as fbuowe: Le O T« Davidson's Mill, mRo b*low Oonnelisrliia: Tirst Tnia, C A. M-i Second Train, 12 M. W*»t First Iraib, 8.30 A. M . Seooad Tralo, ft!6 r. M. p-gp. g.> M oxnn Pittsburgh to DaTldson’s MR), sl,7ft, lo alnding Meal oa Steamer. atatrae jar Union town and Ootmellsrilie will connect wlu/LjM Trslnc sc JsrMcon'c MiU. Pnr frß.ant at taslaje, enjoins tf the Agents, et the ■Wherf jicaoe et \C Ntnrtro sod Pltteborgh. w “»riuooteei u. w. BARNKB, preuldfcnt and Bnp*rtnt«n&eni. PKiabiL'VAWU H-AiiaioAu. s > L v Til ROUGH lAAIN 8, between Phlledel- T u. h! THE MAOTRAIN val't TICAIS lea re. 4) Philadelphia for at 11, P. M aad for Philadelphia at 9:20, P.M. 81-iipnils Aorommoaauon Traiu !«*▼« Pitttborgbdally, "-odav.Vt 430 □clook, P. M. BrlntoDj. Accommo d&uoPn Tr»in l«wa • itL-burgb dally at 11 o’clock A. M. f tc arui/ram St. L 0,..», Mo. Alton, j_. n k-furt. Loxiogion and Louisville, hy-e Terr* liante, w «• ! r«T«tT« and Indianapolis, IniL; Cincinnati, Day- BoUßfeatoinc/ftondnisii,. Toledo, Clef* tolSbu£ ZooMTille, MmMUco end Wooat«,Obio; Bloom PwKot Boots from and to Nr» Oeluhb, I lS2kM^hW a »nCo“ I either of the obore 7 ‘ r * ”***!*—*" J 4n£g&&* Agent, Passenger lines, Pltteboigb. RAILROADS CENTRAL ROUTE. NEW AND DIRECT ROD TE OPENI THROUGH Northern Illinolß to the Mississippi River, lOWA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA A.U Railroad to the MUiU*ipF** Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RAIL ROAD FORMIRII XBI CUICAQO AlfD AURORA A CSST. MIUTAT.T Tract R. R.. u sow oompixt®. And Trains run the enttro distanoe CHICAGO lv 2 “SSKINOTOM, QOINCV KKOEDk/mCSCaTTNE, OQHAWKA, WAPELLO, PORT DRS MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFF, demand the oxlt ALL RAILROAD Route from CHICAGO TO BT.LOUIS, BLOOM- SfflTOK OUKTON, DECATUR, CAIRO, SPRINGFIELD, JACKSONVILLE, NAPLES, and Intermediate Stations on the Illinois Central, Great Western, and Ohio and Hlsel»- on°tbe abore Line leave Chicago on the arrival of Trains from the East—avoiding aU laying over at any of the points. ' Stages leave Burlington dally for Boathera and Central lowa and Northern Missouri—making the quickest and most raliablo route to reach all the Important points « - **rt of the Mississippi as far as Counall Bluff, with from forty to fifty miles lessstAging than by auyother route. Tbe Road, for a large portion of the way, is laid with the ootrriwvovs Rail, the smoothest riding and best Railroad in the \\ **rt well stocked with the moet modern Lo-jomotiresand elegant new Cars. 43* By this route passengers are sure of maklDg connec tions, and uniting at 8L Louis on advertised time, a*=ng the Texatious daisy of fog* and ice, and dangers of nangß tion, as on tbe route by Alton. Baggage checked direct through from Chicago, ana n«. eharge for handling at any point. . . -» THROOGS TICKETS by this route can be P?*™*?** 1 all tbe Railroad Offices to the East; at the of J™ ** Company, corner of Clark and Lake streets. In Building; at the Depot of the Galena it R, aud at the Mich. Oent. R. K. Office, corner of Lake and Dearborn eta , opposite Tremont Lion**, Chicago. ~ consigns b y “mMO™ L?? .t, dMp»tch. L. u. Qeo'l Ticket Ag*t, Chicago. 43-TICKETB can be procured at the principal Rftilrond Offices of the ooantry. ° h ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD: Carrying th fl Great U. States Mail and Kxprois TWO PASSENGER TRAINS RUN DAILY on its eutlr* length from DUBUQUE to CAIRO, XMD OUIOAGO to CAIRO. This Road, In conjunction with Trains of tbe Ohio ani Mississippi R- R- and Chicago and Galena Railroad, form* the most direct and only continuous R. K. route from GHICACO to £t. LOUIS, CHICAGO to CAIRO, CHICAGO to DUBUQUE. Trains leave Chicago as follows : 10 A. U. and 10.20 P. M —Si. hid Caibo EiriviPß- Puaaengen Tor St. Louie by this train take the tars uf th.> Ohio and MUs. R. R. at Sandora], and are carried dm-ct u* Bt- Louis. „ .. 9 3i A. M. and 4-10 P. M-— Duboqdi hid Lx pasas, connecting at Duuheth {opposite Dubuque) *Un & Dally Line of Steam Packets for St- Paul and the Lpp*t UUsifisippl river cities. . . Trains leave Cairo for Chicago and Dubuque at A. M. and 7.00 P. M. Passengers from the East and places on the Ohio rUer destined for St Louis, irill save 100 miles of tedious and uu certain rivor navigation from Cairo to 8L Louis, and arrive fifteen hours in advent the river route, by taking the can at Oairo. ~ Tickets to Bt. Louis, Cairo, Dubuque, St Paul, and a., lm r-tant plao»a by this routs, can be had at the office or the k P. and C. A P. Railroads In Pittsburgh, and Michigan Central Railroad In Chicago. 0 „ R. n. MASON , Sup t. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THB GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lanlie cities with Western, North-wsetern and South western Btttea, by a continuous Railway direct. This road *l»o connects at Pittsburgh with dally line of steamers to all parts on the Western Rivera, and at ClereUod and Han dusky with steamers to all ports on the North-western Lakes- making the most direct cheajxxt and rrixAtx* rou,f br which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from thr BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA A PITTSRCRGH FIRST CLASS.—Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, 1 :&0 100 tba. (in boxes,) Pure, Feather*, Ac i SECOND CLASS.—Books and Stationery,) Dry Good*, (in balw.) Hardwaru, Lea- p*r IOOIbs ther, Wool, Ae ) i THIRD CLASS—Annie, Begging. Bacon l ;>oc ioo3>o. | and Pork, (in bulk,) Hemp, Ac. J I PODRTH CLASS —Coffee, FUh, Bacon and » 10-Jlb*. 1 Pork, (packed,) Lard and Lard uil j : i n shipping Goods from any point Hast ot i ntiadei phia, be penlcolar to °* xrk -tw /Venrylwi»"» i Ruirfxitt” All Goode consigned to the Agent* of Uit< Ko*d 1 at Philadalphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded ut | detention. _ Fsjuanr Aaxaw-Mows potter. Host,-n; J L Ei.ifdt. N Y R J Sneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw A Kooha, BaU.- mcre , Geo. C. FraoHsrus, i*i:tsburgb . Si.r;nrmau A hr-'- u, ; Cincinnati, Ohio; JS. Moorhead. Ky .U «. ; ileidrum, Madlsm, iud.. Ratcliff A C*v, St. Louie. Mo , J ! 6. Mitchell A Son, SransTlUe, Indiana. Grn-ral Freight Agent. Philadelphia. I 13. J. U)MBAKKT. j my 9 1 PupenntrD.l*nL Altoona. Pa. I>UFK’S RERCANTILK UOLLKGE ( FiTTSB UUtHi. I’d r NCOKPORATKD BV THE LEGISLATURE Of Penary*- I Tania, with Perpetual • barter. FACULTY. P DUPF Pre.Ad«nt. (author of the •* North Ameiican A-.-ounUDl,“) Professor of B-rAtt~ping and Sciences. „ , ANDREW T. HOW DEN, Assistant ProfenKT cf B»>-k Re epiog. CHARLES DUFF, Assistant Prc-feasor of and Peumansbip. _ J „ . 1 J. D. WILLIAMS, (tbo b«t offhand Penman in tfc- Unitcd* stales,) Professor cf Commercial and urn»xn-nu.: Peumaneh p . , . ! N. U HATCH, K** , of the PLtsburgb Bar, Professor cf > Mercantile Law md Political Economy , p. IIAYDKN, Principal r.f the Mathematical Department j Profeaor of Mathematic*, Ac. F. L. APEL, Professor of the French and German Lan ® i be Commercial department cf this institution ha-* had the unremmtng attention of the Principal fur '.he last B. U*n years. Upward, of JOOO atadeots her* been prepare 1 by him for busineM. Hi* *• youn* men’ 1 auifeunt? hate a ll been traiaed for busing by fclmMtf. and ar* expert ©need Teachers and practical Accountant* , being fr~j ien: ly employed by business men in adjusting deraDpwd !*■•• s* There are no teachers in thl» instltatkiu who »rit m thi.* city dismissed from thetr situations as book kneperi*; none who made twenty blunders on a King's pegs of a hill bwk Our writing teacher (Mr Williams) Uoa had more than a few lessons from a Philadelphia teacher li prepare him for his business. No runners are employed by this institution. When our '-itUeos are Importuned by those Of another, they should refer L> some of our aty Bank ■ officers or merchants—person? whore opinion can b- rmd upon—and 00l be decoyed into one of those oonrems which are being acid out erery few months, an 1 thetr pupils Mi to seek Instruction where they can find it * U ‘ IH . FULTON CAR WORKS FOUHDaV AWD MACUIHK SHOP, SANDUSKY, OHIO. rpiTE subscriber haring moved into his new Works, re I cently erected, corner of Water, McDonough and Bbnby ■treats, la prepared to contract for and execute all ord-re for PASSENGER. BA 00 AGE, POST-OFFICK, HOUeE FREIGHT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, HAND, anl all other 8 ENOINIfiS of all Bites, GEARING, RAILROAD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and alt other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine fcbop. The Foremen of the different departments are and practical men—mostly from Eastern manufactories— who keep themselves Informed and adopt all valuable mod* ern Improvements. W. W. WKTHERKI.L aug2o:if Sotice to Contractors. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at the Post Office In Blalrerllle, until the 19th of September next, and at Marsha:Pa Hotel, In Saltsburg, on the A>th, for the Gradua tion and Masonry of BECTIUNB NO. 86 AND 87, North Western Railroad- situated at New OaSile. Plana and specifications can be seen at the Engineer’s Office, in Blalrrrllie, on and after the 10th of September. All Dionoaals to be marked as such on the outside. augHfclw MALONE, PAINTER A PONDER. WANTS —Cooks and Girls to do housework are wanted in city and oountry, who can giro good reference*; none else need applv. Situations wauted fc-r a Garduner, a Oarriage Driver, a Clerk or Salegmau, Mechanics of difivr ent branch-a, a Porter, a Laborer, a boy to learn a trad*-, a boy (o attend store- A middle-aged man, ex} eneu ed In traveliog South and West, wluhes o situation a.« traveling agent or conductor of cars ; can giTe good reference. Apply at BAKR’B Intelligence Offio*. 410 Liberty aug2ytf QtOttQS ALB IST BIUELOW A CO., (BUOOBfIaOB.B to b m. bioklcw.) Jio. 46 Diamond Alley, near Wood ttrttt, I'irTSill'HQll COACHES, CARRIAU K 6, PH.KTONK, and every description of Fancy Vehicle* built to order, ana Onu,b‘d In a w , i r m*ntmr unsurpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish, shill of workmanship, and durability of materials. £&* All work warranted NEW ALE rpHE aubecriber takes thin method to Id form hli friends JL and costomera that he commences Brewing for the aeaaoD on tho r»£>«atf«>i *njia»t, and 'will be prepared to fnrniah his superior ALBB. «ko , in any Quantity desired. The highest market price in cash paid for good, wound, cleau BAULKY. GRAINS and YEAST supplied on low terms. OKU. W. SMITH, Pitt street, Pittsburgh, P» &uglfclta(chJ) ■ WATOHK8 —It in tb« univerp&l tmumony _T of Railroad man, Bankart*, and those in other pur eaitfl requiring acourote time, that the “übafl. Frodahum " Watch, manufactured at B 4 Strand, I<ondoo, ia the must reliable, unequalled by any other maker. Many of thoae which have been tested hare been found to run al'.h- In a minute in the year. I hare obtained the agency for the sale of these Watches in Pittsburgh and State of Penn 67Aiw?*the P. B- Adams A Sou’* and other first ciasa Watches fir sale. Watch Repairing done in the best mAnner.^^^ mgl 67 Market st, corner of Ponrth. DK- OUMMING3' WORKS—A full supply just received at DAVIaON’S BOOKBTOIUS, Market street. Kamily prayers, - roLs.; $1,60. Minor Works, 3 tolp ; 76 cents each. Lectures on—Daniel—the Seven Churches—the Apoca lypse, It voU. —Parables and Miracles; 76 cents each. Scripture Readings, on Matthew, Mark, Lake, Genesis, Bxodue, and L-vicicua , 76 oenta each. The Church Before the Flood; Benedictions, or the Bless ed Life, The Tent and the Altar ; Voices of the Day, Dead, and Night; Signs of the Times, The Daily Li/**; 76 cents each. Lectures on Romanism , $l. The Communion Table , 38 cents. Inlant Saltation; 38 cents. rpWKNTY-ONJB YJSaRS A 8L a V K—Hi vkwtiw Yiae* a 1 Fbf« w » w1 — Mv Bondage and my Freedom; by Fred. Douglass. Part 1. Life as a Slate. Part 2. Life as a Free man. With au in reduction by Dr. James McCune Smith. Steel portrait of the author, and other illustrations. One B , f c MORGAN Fnfi RAT.R— 26 acres of Land in the town of Newton Falls. Trumbull county, Ohio; on which is a magnlfl cent dwelling. The ontbuMlnge »re of the belt kind, end the ground te tastefully enltiTkted with shrubbery, grapes, apples and peaches. The Improvements oost more than twenty thousand dollars. It is offered for much less than eostw and part of the pay will be taken In western land*. It is a fine place for a man to live at home. Inquire oi aoglO THOMAS TS Foufith it. -i * tJ* . 12* • HOTELS. I mansion house, GEORGE AORENTZ, Peophibtoh, NO M 4 LIBKRTY STUEBT, Juat beside the Paseeneer | Depot of the Pennsylvania llailroni, which makes it the meet convenient house in the oily for passengers a..i~ Ting by that road. gsaa_j The Proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up. In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would reapeote fully solicit a snore o! publio patronage. There U attached a spleodid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford* ing ampie accommodation to travelers and teamsters. Uls Larder and Bar wLii be furnished with the best the market can afford. tebl:y ST. CliAlfl HOTEL, Qrmrr of Penn and St. Clair struts, Pittsburgh, Pa, a'lfE undorsigned, formerly of ‘'Brown’s Hotel,” having Ukeu this lorvp and commodious HOTEL, and having refitted ic in maguific-nt style, would respectfully Invite his friends and tbe traveling public to give him a call. As sured, with the convenience t>f the houae and his long ex perieurw in th*» bu=inc«R, h? can giro entire Bati«laction, and hie charges moderate. V , VTT , T tv f e |,o-j WM 0. CONNELLY. GOOD INTBST IIOIISK, /'CORNER UP LIBERTY AND GRANT STREETS, near \7 the Railroad betn-l. _ , jluld lv JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor. OWSTOM'S. . WAYBRLKY HOUSE, 60 South Eighth street-between Chestnut bd 1 Walnut, Philadelphia. [au2o:y TilK UNION, „ rT ,„ TW , „ , X 7 0. HI Arch street, Philadelphia. T- S . WEBB (late Of IS IV Eiwl.,ll'r. pri-inr_ QASIUhL lIOLSIC, corskit of main a.vd s.,imi srs., warren, o '■put. i ropnvLor Laaca p.susure In announcing to ihe JL publio that thl J new ami tdr-gaut Hotel has been opened as &hou/«-d pDtctMLmsut. liaing commodious and roomy, and adjoining the r(l> of tbeOhio Stage Company, it offers inducement* unsurpassed in Warren for the accommoda tion c-t the traveling community. A «hare of public patronage is respectfully solicited. M. GASIvILL. FRAN&IHOUSE. CU»:-T>;."C M'ItKKT, ABOVE TIIIRD, PniLADKLI'HI A I'AliKaHfi LAIUD, Proprietors. TERMS *I,M I’EK DAY. jdcjnLL.iiA.ii' huusk, JOILX&TViVA', pjsyyj. rpHE undersigned harlm; taken charge of the above Lloueo, ana tentled U at a Urge expense, in a comfortable a? well as aUgiint ftyle, U now prepared to re mim jue.stjt. an-] give itninU saiistaitlou to all who may pa th« Uoiwo. UuSrtf; JAiLKB DoW'NKY._ HAKE’S HOTEL, ' c«h capital XI O 133 «... C«h surp»-...31«3« rei .t..83 6 IN burgh. r.AMUhI H Ailfc, Proprietor. ; rpUlfl Capital Stock and burpluM* securely invest*! ThU Motel 1, entirely new bating just been I btme£u Qf &n p< , lu , y llJl(icrH . a* an aviJaocs o( an., oj**-o1 irtU h. "tir- of the pobljc. [ V , w „ a 7„ lo pu bh- couhience, and of its a.ihU} VILA HKLIN HOl SEC, Cleveland, Ohio. ;to pay promptly. » fa-'t, 'hit 1 J receipt*- / 1 PATKiCH. AH* ‘N. I'B-.rfcisroaa.—Thie House has an* vary from $116,000 to JIW.OOO per month. It* nv ( ) denron* thorough and pxteastre repairs, alterations, • Urge and well distributed, and lu our opinion no Umpany n.«rurnii a «,-tJ«.( P rl*; in tb. Übltrt BUW. «■«*» Wlbjr m ■■ mm y tors rUd-e thorn**! vs td.a.l nothing shall be wonting on holders than the Aina. They condoue to m«k m • their partV render tL- Kiujilus a place where all the com- ' on property In tow u and country, at r»Un as lo ?» * h - ■-• <“ ! o '““oSaTIUCK 3 SON. ri * h "“ Wtt, ‘ “ btJ “ Ti m KYCK. A,-.. ———a ggf- Office, North-west corner fifth and Wood ! Pittsburgh. _‘*V. i 1) K L A W A It K i MUTUAL SAFETY IMBUBAHCE COMPANY. WILKINS HALL, / 1C:B ,»'.h;' Nor'.J Kw »l lh« Hzch-.w. « M ... ~ .. , I r \r ii !.• p \ J street, Fill LAD ELI HI A \S ( <j ALLAO li L U , r «^ r “*7/ 011 w MAP.INK INSURANCES. t'T" , ).''vr<"ti >i irui 3»Uf\)Wa. . v«*rxlr I fl 'HI - !<• -a.ii'hwvul L>:.« lea*»l bj ih" *ub- t ‘p ’ tTc t,i '• i i the W. t J ,i r„r;» ; ““l Jre.™*™*. “““• ss,£rA ess:: *£» s^ee;.— **»* * nl ! ., > CY i& K^^£^l2Kska*w. noprLn-d Wi:b tin' T.-TY 1. Uam« of *\r r \ 1 P yiRK INSURANCES I') l/oan a on lU*l HbUlb or Stock Seennti*p; purchase ,-f.l t.ou. m ,i* tl . -WU . «ay» b* loan atV* B<irf b4lhlix „ orally. Pr- mwary Not™ and Tine Bills, on East and Wert; buy Uk.'i Cu.ULAUHB.H_ Q n stores. dwelling bou*-s. Ac. : *,: . aril Stock* on Commission. UAftK. KICUAKUE, _ _ i ASSETS o¥ TllE COMPANY. NoTonb**’- T. \*l2 _i- ;,.fiu.nn ail potnt-d In the Untop. THIRD HTKKET, b: j■' KEN ' Vi ’D AND M .UvK Kl. i and .Mortgage ....<-4,. Ww . n V. ARWOI n& CO ri'UK SabA-ribers l~* .* .re to ii.D-na Dndr friends aud Sutrof ivonayiTHila, Philadelphia city, Spring • «• K * RROKERS I ,* ° ,U U . railv hat rev Uf t*«?*d the abor* ° Southwark. and ether loam- lsi,t»3 U ; BANKERS AM) EXCHANGE BBOBJUUS. JbtUuran:, Vhi.h b*e jurt b«a thoroughly ; gtocU ln ’ bants, railroad* and insurances mm- ] \EALKRa in Exchange, Coin, Ban £*J^*» asi re furnished, anJ m.w open. The D T'„ l W.uli 2u . 1/ Time Drafts. Ac. CoLiectrons carefully attended to, propn«tor' a bs P TB B [,arH-no u> mate lb* Kx- ; Qi f, a - !j 4 1 Bfl * r»vi‘, Cni ° n ' k , -rsn- frrtahH resort u«fll fvr :be epirxir* hb the , r . hand 1V :1 J J Mocas bought and Bold on commission. UuAnra* man. Tlis lanier wtli at ail tim-s h* «torlt*d with j the hands of Agents and jremlmus .... 1 No. 74 yourth fu, next door to Bank of PtttaVg. [seW th« vf j.he and up under the aa>jti- , on Marine Polic-ins rix'euti;' >u*d •••■ ..121,c'.‘. 6. • 2,i.a?iiic and JQ/rsitfn Exchange, Hank ffotcjy Qoid and SHv# ,-«! (if *ixut>r:enc«Hl cxv-Ab. Th-y ask tor tuu . g ub #criptU'D Notes 1 BwcM. SAd ana Jtschangai, at the natronag* of a generous pubUc. hfftll^l . u “.T: EXOO A N OK AND BANKING HODBB Of P * J. BCIIANDELMKRKR, S'”. < - 1 WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., G. R- t It ANCIA I S.IXCTCS4. WOOD BTEMT, PITTSBUBOa. “c-OKfl uedpi A Win. Martin, fv’ ® I nterert allowed on time deposits. AS-U YdTKR A«l> COFFEE HOUBE.*W , »“'• - < »r*» mu. .C.:.' -»i.awui. D. BASHAW). • THOMFSOH BELL 4 CO., ■Vo 40 F\fl\ S’.rtfl. iK-tu'rcu H’«xl aod Afarlrt Robert Bart’O, R*rau>*l K Flote*. BANKERS AND BROK ER 8 , ianii'ly ' l iTTxors JH 1 John R. Pmmt-a,, Ccrrnfr c/Thtrd ami Wood r> V/ f-N -r A r o"a 1 A r* p George Q. L«>pcr, Jaai-s 'THOMAS WOODS, CR.YS T A L• r A^ L. a o c., D.rim«u.ii, «'■>»• «s-commercial broker,-s» •io. lb Market »tr««t. ; HJon«Broote, L Pr.-e, v C. C. BELLY, . J.Q JohD«on, jKni*«T^nnrnt, hj»t»*4* ctncki B.e&l EQalStte* AC*t . , RESPECTFULLY ULnns bu friends and the . j amM c.Uand, Jahr. b S Ot# *, , mierfllSi fJaM /Aul.ll.l D C,nLT,;.tU: h, ha* JUBtatartrl lus Theopltus Paulding, Charlrv a.-baff*r, ‘ b If-rWttOwyvra. nnit I’t.i.Ad-i; UK-Jern styUoi l j kmeJ b MParland, J T Dv»n, Pittsburgh, CijvjKl.Vi >.' v J'TEiC' and tbini? rb»« in the w q b T C dc. . ' in t h- hh.m i * ?U*TT.Ki, tor i WM M A KTIN. President. T‘c '• •• f-srtDh tb. u-.; c! er.Tjt.hlug that - THUS. CH A VI». Vi-»PreeidfUt. ; h . ra '.„.l B— v Jm „ b^, 9 .c. 7 . ~ A MA[)KRIi . OviIKMAUHI* ANII UKSTaTuAMM «rl( M J»'». .tw- PltUhorsb. . , \v , J I J 11 STREET. Th. Prurnll, Pit. 1n..r.«. Ump.u,. , , V--UVH SAUhIS AM) 0/ Fkdaddphui, rmtuylvania 'I'HK .utv;;:'..'r i.ii :. w b.« '■ * ' • e ' 0 t T\IRECTORS--Charl«rw. Baocher, Thocia- Hart, T »».tas 1 EAIINT U.H,r. ;•*•:••** 'M »« * 1) WagnT. Samuel Grant lt. Ptnitfc.Gw W. lil-b. "izzrxrxivirx o, r cl.oVc... r.w,, M.L, t ~l.m.«.rr. j 1 ;* Bl ;;v[. ? J.'.,. L- It. * d*a.-rlptwo : f property, in town anti .-o-jntrr. at rabv ’• w rj„> iriUf .I. I.WJ.'I - - . PTIIL. a» are With e*-*urtty , „ w.-«J »ireet. The Company hare a large Contingent rue., .• ?! ius* T __ , J . . which, with lb*Mr capita! «Jid premium*. BafrW icr -ctri. k! bt. flair«r i» « * r Urtwir)'. fortl Jnpie lTot4--tton to th* assured. rl' I! t oui'-r«!ci;*i • r*p-*-tt'i. j ’-b* puimc *h»t -jj-rs As&eU of lb* Oompftey on January Ut, as pnb- I -n.-e !.-• ; u .*r i ; KHKKIL n lUb«i U- an Act of were a* f.sii.-tra, rlB - ::~rx Kc~T. —r:-::: SX b*r*m L.»««r Ue«r U»ll. ] > r c m \ iht lioujl- I ;v. Uj L^.n, ... - itl J f. -tt *•> ■> bRNITZ. fi'C3u .•v-* u licapoK At*. \X r V s.s„.B.C.- ,! .“VlTinl r-l-hr*:-l W . K...,.- -■ Mi 1 l ’' r" -:. ' . Jllneral Waur nu<l aM»»p»rllla \ir.M L- K'"». .Ml. I i> nu - ‘ 9 ruw y\ saeLura -.xirst-j a:; : t>. U Ill" •‘l'O** ' to .ttMx-.v* Hl' - Mb* t Duf-:ur»ri frocs lb- [ u.-vM u.-u»n»l» HOKKKK > i ‘ A I KN T PL A N K 'l'liK ;.* r *:*i U CAUfKNTItiUA, I CAUl.\fc:SiAhKu*. aol V- •Tl'f- »a V- .-1 A -u*rw. W;U. Tn.uaM- J A.I »l,p lilt- "!-l it. pn-m- 3 &•'*• TfhUo't. thu*. mu.: *-:• n c-* op r frr-a ;(■ ■*’ ,r ’• &.i~' IQ» ay itl'-eT* the !'’• t*■ i- •* ti 1 1 ? i'.ftDo «*!■'>»< » 1 • > •••- W(» Ler«Lv •'•r'ift, :!.*• tit" lv<t twrlte ai^nth hsM* u3i*J l’ao**, »u>i Ji' n.-l Lirnluie to K i*- Cul-n-; uod Onn” nt * ,T!> *" * u prrl”' f»ii) r.«t I'.aneiu u« a W«* i-onell-r it prouiiarlr t<- ptaoint? oa£. cticrrv, and ».i k rU <•! bwJ wood, iul I -r piuutu* fto'-ri, It ’* fur mpvrt.-r t«- , tbe 1 ;j in lit .1 6. r»pics, t»«*iiir* bem* & *trrat uuTlOji of | time. w D " man ',l --ins '.Ms l’i»ne, wlh plane more , Teu-'-r« thun &»*• <m i«> lr t i»o' . -ber [ lam- <>r ni'lh'*! lu u**. " 11- li Kias A Co. To F EiroU ling Ptar v tr l tiatf H«pp*r‘« Patoot Uiincb piano, au 1 l-'iloT* 1! in t-p a moot ri.*oll.-nl fi.-'lrie fi-r tb« 030 for Which :t H IMcoW. fca * ..mbmalK-o i-l pI»D- aoJ Bcr»r«r .... nit parU*ularlv a-laplM ♦* P-aning *-nm.T-. ao-l il •!<•*» Dot rwjul--000-foarth :> !iiqp or larv'r >-f W>« **M mollu«l. anil 1 have no 1- di»l, »*• Wo.-mo g«o«r»l!.r Known, hut thnt »1H i-nure!? ‘.be K-rm-r tr (Ik>U* fctlU UUl>"-» ’ U »*> Ul 1 ino‘l cheor..j!'y rr. 1 r. l:> all tcraon.- -Tuctuwl ;D ibcOaMuot biiainofia, a., !. mmy ! '.I-'-'- *• n.‘ti»Hix a* woll fl IoU ti- gif a fin.iK-lli an.l »»«•»., l.ful r.ulab to Tecr-ra tb« llopv-r Patent \\m~U Plano Ja.ul, \v Wiv^wnu, ft Thin] st , Pittsburgh FiUjl/uryh, >W'rva*y '27, 1556. j MQHttS P KATuN, i»( this city, Id my aol* Agent for Ui« j sale of I'Uuee. or of rights to manufacture ami w*U them j 8 WM. C. UOi'l’Hll. j Pittsburgh, Marrb 21, IS6&—-(tnh2l .tf) , IMKLD IhHjli yuitKAillKuA.l»K>UlMkfck?.--OonUJa- ! < lug furmuluj fur laying out curres, determining frt>< an- I *)«*, levelling, calculating eartb-worfc, etc., etc., together | vttti tables of radii, ordinal**, Je2ectiou*, iong chorda, niA ,, n*tu‘ variation, l f, gan»th)in>* uni unturel *i2uc tan rffo-M, «u. »{<•., by L» Ueuck, LitU Bngiueer I'ocket- U-ok f->nu « Tb* ulye< l i>l lb'* work id t<- "a; fly a want vary n»i: by Aieiinlant KiiginMira ou Railroad* B* k< ilc oTP!,if ii-. : ru I r u*-** In the field, motalnlng Ui- orjlinrv l vrapUmka.- Übiuaar*- mouh’d euoagh.bul a l-fk int .uiiig *uh thee* :nbie* ■•th- » peculiar to the lUnroad work, an>l **p<«-Ul I r lh« »rcw.nary Imtid aUo for laving t,• j :tr?, ' urn-out*, A • ,1a a Jedderatum w - h thin vrrrl i» '-*■ KUp:-;.» . I' ii i lit aa t ACVPIMI. Wr,l i'-iuit, Aprtl 18, 18M.— trtMUmsn l J.hVh 1.-oUrd or, r k'a PleU Book for Railroad Bouiow.” an I think if adapt.*! n. th* cb jr<-- it* author propose*-, aud have no .jae.fltb'n but It will be found a very uselui and practical >dumo both for officeand fi*U work I). 11. Uaua*. Toot. April *l. ISM. .11. L. 9T»rHtSB. I am tnu.-h planed with Mr 11-ora's little manual, tb* “Field Ut-ikof lUiirr.Hd tuuioawre " With tbr prcwenu lion of -»<>ru" <•! u.e m..,.t pra'U'-al »ui um-ful of auicug railway engineers, he has *i*en others wijich. new at W-acl in their present f-'Un. appear to poaaMfl a mint of higher trlu* than that of more norelty—that of \*i\ ng in g«u*< •a) Huscvpabl** " f avK’liibU-, not to miy dealra b>, practical Ue.*. 1u« u *i n.-d-.-u. » bile I think the de*i*n o' Mr Uenok'h Ux-k. l- -mb as to adapt It eioeileuUy well h. prolreeh n«i tirtnls, i hav* pleura iu expressing my oordlal PKtirtacttoo with It- n-ucn.u, uhko with the per- Bpicultr <•( Arrauitem* r>! • ft- by author, aud the ex c.ll.«W/r», •>»••! >'> M» publtolwr.. |l KICANtUrt Urijlm, 0 K ail I l‘T*-U r < f it-usrtftm*: Polytechnic Institute. prr'gß.p,! • Wild,lAM P. UAVEN, ... in hnjhire-fl' ."‘thtlouery, Ma: K*-' . rr r nor t'f K*«-tid ■>»'*** At-, t r * « i • r ’* *•< A, * . • 1 •' •> -V» ' % v*‘ -• • -i- ■ t *.n *'* • tfV . 4: *?•;/• •Vt RESTAURANTS, *.rr < U i two UliOCtf t. <> i rr rs ibn t*TiA« Cictwrr Factchi, ) f«: -u»ry Xi, MtS. ) au3 MA'jA/;>r..‘ 1-• l Jv r*ri r **l hi-tt 'idUev’n Lady - i 1 <■* 11.-u.m-h-.!d N.-w York Journal, [V.erM.n's . Yankee Notions; Wlarfew.-ud's >1" for August NKW M'l'lT.Y t,*F NKW i;».K.)Kf Mar Papers, tiv iWrhrr. Memoir?' cr JamrM iL-ri -i. B.rr.n-U. My bondage an J Frun j- -m . •" tt”! Docrtick.-' New IU-r-k ; Cleve 1U !, By Miss NeVei: Light aud Larktii'.!- , Life of Pyduej fcinith, In - volt*. Received aod for Sale at iw>ceiveu w _ A (ULDHNFKNNEY A OO.’S, aug Fifth 9U, opposite the T heat re__ tS"LKABANT' FUK rALK—A dwelling r House with lot of ground, well improve!, 60 feet front on Fulton street hv C 3 d.-«*p The house contains a hall, parlor kitchen, dining room, three chambers and two small ’rooms. Portico and garden in front. Pri.-o $1,460. Cm,™*. ». CUIUbBRT 4 hO.N bUK j 0 63 Market street. fiTitk wINHULAiI ADAPTATION cf ingredients iu the I Hair Coloring Fluid alTasts tli« email vessels at the ti.ou n the hair, aud ibas stimulates the natural secretion of coloring matter, giving tone arid strength to its growth. It does not act as a dvr , but as a restorative Fifty cents per bottie. rold by «• L. OUTHBEKT, aU g7 63 Market street Ol. —6oh gal": * augTT Ci a RAW a T bKEJ>-400 lb# lor e*le by f B. A. FAHNKBTOCK * Co., aa g27 corner Pint and Wood its. INSURANCE COMPANIES. BANKERS AND BROKERS; AUSTIN LOOMIS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Office, Ho. 92 rouriA rl-, above Wood. NOTKB, Drafts, Bond*, Mortgages, Mid Loans on colla terals, negotiated. Blocks bought and sold on com mission. Land Warrants bought and Bold. Particular attention paid to the purchase and Bala.oi ranUni "„.#••• 850Dj000i j Copper Stocks. nm iZrnnTß ANNUAL STATEMENT of the i All communications attonted to prompUy. IXsU Of INBUEANCK COMPAN Y of Uart- ( ford, as furnished this agency on iho Ist of January, 1556, under oath. t ..t. Real Estate, unincumbered * 1 ‘ Serenty-two Mortgage Bonds, 6 and 7 cent., pay* Inorease of Cash. Capital TO HALF A MILLION DOLLARS! •ACTSA. WSCBANCB COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN.— CHARTERED 1819 PAID DP able semi-annually Debts due the Company, secured by mortgage... Bills Receivable, well secured. payable at Ban K... Railroad Stocks in Connecticut Bank Stocks in the city of Hartford Bank Btocks iu New York city ••• Cash on Bank, and in b&a-a of Agents and othtfTH - 5773,278 63 . The amount of liabilities due or not due to ilimkHOr other j auditors, —nothing. ; Losses adjusted and due, —none. i loesses adjusted and not doe, $149,018 j Loanee unadjusted and In suspense, waiting for turther proof, $01,267 60. .. ! All other claims against the Company are small, such only as printing, Ac. ... Agents instructed to take no risk ot*»t ft 1 The amount insured in any city, town ur rtUage upon the character, material and eoustru' Lion o j * I S i , the width of streets, the supply of water and coriuidou of the fire department, and other circumstances, ! The amount injured in block- rf buiM’.rz* J* rl;U * • 1 design is to limit the less by auy on- fin* J-* f.10.00u, or less, b TiiO. A. ALEXANDER. beervtary. ! Stiti or CoxsKTietiT, \ fiS LJar-.u-rJ, Jan. Ist, 18*6. Hartford couDty. t . , a . . Perncnally appeared Thomas A. Alexander sere ry the iEtaa Insurance Company, and madeua.h that the golng statement by him subscribed, 1b true, ucmruing to I Us best knowledge and belief .. : UKNUY FOWLRE, Justice r.f the IVao*. | Losses paid by this company tor the year 1164 ****«» ] 4760,000, while the premiums received f.*r the same tune | f»r exceed any other year, since the organiraticn c: the | PoHcive, covering nearly all dewriptionS of property, ia -1 pu*d at this agency, at remunerative rate*. 1 » Office, No. 87 Water street, I'Umbunjh, Pa. ;Tqll H. B. TEN KYCK. Agent. A THA IMSOIIAMK COMPANV, ! OF HARTFORD, CO.SN ! CuxatißAD, 1 B ftr* Slur* their incorporation. a p*r?oi ('f £r&re, tb<*T have paid ay wat 1 i -i ».’ti <* MHUon i•. o * Ii uudrs-1 Tn u •and Dollar*, icww by trr. thereby aflcolit.. • : -h* of liLSuratior. as aril as tha abDCf and tbif-sd tk-n to mM with promptness ail liabilities J. GARDIN KH O'KHN\ Af«t.’.. OGc*. north-***'. '-or W.«kl *od Third <*4 THE UNITED STATER LIFE .INSUBANCE, [»•.!*% u ImJ t» a ! y ANNUITY and TBL'dT COMPANY PUILADELPHIA. CHARTERED APRIL 2BTH, 18.10 UHARTKP. PEttrKTlo:. CAPITAL g'doU.OUU. Office, 3 E. Comer vf Third uiu C\*t Stretu , Philadelphia Cf the ZTowW A Hir'd lU* J’Ktl&delf’h*.} Stephen R Orawford. Paul B Goddard, Ainhroaa W Thompson, La* J..hiwic Benjamin W TlngJ<*T, G>*«. M'll'n— r, Jacob L. Florwnc*. June* Des*rMii, William M Godwin, William M'Rs*. Pntidmt —Stephen R. Crawford. Ftcr President —Ambrose W Thom peon Jtedu'al Ksamtner, Pittsburgh —Jamee LI. Willson, M l> Allegheny C\fy—R B. Mowtt, M. D. GKO. E. ARNOLD. A*wot, darn t No. 74 Fourth etr«et. PilUburch. ~ PEEHBYLVA.NIA lESUEAHCE'UOMPASY ruiuable lu .-«• Thf t.n CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMITIim.LD STREETS. Authorized Capital) 0300,000. rNSURK BUILDINGS aud other pn peril a/Mh*' l ai . r damage by Fire, and tiw P*rlLi of the Ae» '*od Inland and Transportation. Win Y. Jchoatoo, \V ftTClinlock. D M Lotig, iV J Jon**, Jfc.'f'b Paluter, 1 Ltnefl N«ultT, W»<Ja llutuptuU, II R Oo^jtuh&ii Hod. WM. F JOUNSTO'-', Pn-ii-ei< t RODY PATTERSON, Vuw I'r-fidrut. A A Ci*EJ*4. S*er*t»ry au-i Treasurer r S C* Assistant S««ii«ury Weitora Ininranoo Company, fituburph. B. MILLER, Jr., /Yendml & ' rtlar V "wi|TIL.L In aura gainst all kinds ofrl*k», FIRE acJ'lA YV BINS. All lomoB will be liberally adjusted md promptly paid. A liomalnatitution, miniged by Dirictoue »bc are wail known In Lha community,and who arc determined, by malnUintba charaour which »ay bare aMUtrred, a> offering thebeat protection to thoaa vbo ileair* to ba inanrod. ZXractari —U. Miller, Jr.,o. W. Rlokftaon.J W Bullar, N.Uolraea, Jr., W. li. Smith, C Ihcuan, (ieur** W. Jackaon, Wm.U Lyon, Jama* Lippenoott,GeOrKe thkraia. Jama* Me- Aalay, Alaxamler Nimlck.Thnma*Scott. M_Offlee, No. W Water atreet, (Warehouse rf Spang d 0«. . u FMttahonrh. opt j-l-1 r JOHN LITTLB, Jr., Agtnt, No 401 Übibtt Htmit. IT AS JUBT KKOKIVSD the lollowm* n*r'v -h 'Mr* «rti li Uel«*:— BRANDIES. Gama Brandy, (aery Ad*,) Otard Dupuy k Co. (super ) Marret; k 00. Bowrac. WINKS. Sandal Madeira, Bonnet, Howard, March A Co., Mud'ra London Cordial Kaat India Madeira, Schnapps. Table do SCNDIUKH Amontillado Sherry, Rutherford's Srotrh Ala, Maaaonlllo do Barclay's lVrter. Table d« Wild Cherry Brandy. Cooking to Alwlnthe, Beeawliii? Port, Anlselbe, Pure Juice do Curacoo, Ordinary do Sardines, St. Julien Claret, Mocha and Java, Malaga Dry, Do Bwcet, Cham jiK^aep, Anchor, tarioua brand** Varteney, Old Mooonjjahela VTMsky. of lioidnarck, all gradu. Tog* lh«r Ith all other articles connected with th« WIG MANUFACTORY. MRS. RENTER, Six doori from the +iqwduct i oppoale the OoiUclcr’t Office, ALL SQUINT OITT, 18 PREPARED TO PILL ORDER* FOR WIGS, and all kinds of The b*at quality of material Is furnished, and entire satisfaction guaranteM. raylfrdawly^ Alexander W. Potter. Attorney and counsellor at law, ajh> 8ou« tob i* Oqancsrt, Agent fbr procuring Bounty Lands and Pensions, and for the Collection of Claims In Great Britain and Ireland. made In this and adjoining Counties; Es tates of decedents settled; Real Estate bought, sold <r leased, and rents collected. Moneys Invested on Mortgage or other eecurity. Titles eiamined and title papers drawn. Office on FOURTH street, a few doors above Smlthfleld. Pittsburgh, March 28, 1854—{mh’iStdaw]. A. W. Foster, NOTARY PUBLIC, and Commissioner for the Btat*s of Tennessee, New Hampshire, Connecticut. Wisconsin, New York, Michigan, lowa, California and Virginia. 4®* Deeds drawn, and acknowledgments and nroofe taken for record or use in any of the above named States, Illinois, Mississippi and Rhode Island. Pittsburgh, March 28,18o>—f mh2B:A*w ! VARIETIES!— A Cottage House in Allegheny for sale. Price $7OO. A Brick House and Lot for $760. A «T>ftll Frame House and Lot on Mcunt Washington for $460. Small Farm! In Ohio and Virginia Ibr «ale on eaoy tarm!, by flgWl B.' ODTnBhST A BCM. HO Third «. land and for sale by PLUMING BROB. 7,313 17 ! 126,327 36 1 67,615 00 . 142,866 00 93,050 00 j 212,505 09 PAIL CP $500,000 .9273,273 4U-UTOS u oibi-rrvAS- OF PITTSBURGH. dmiicto&ju ItoJj Pattrr*on. K«no«d> T Pr;»D 4. J. U rh*r fy-puil. o«or.'«' U. W hst*, A A Carrier, W H H*«-V L> K I’dik, C A PIT AL , 83 0 0,0 00 . Jamaica, Santa Otoe. OIN Vouaft 11 jb. aud Hlacfc Tcafi. ttngliah Bronmn Importvd liflTan* Gigara, of Ornamental Hair Work - £ W«. 11. WIU.IAMB -JA B - ** Wm. n William* A Co., bankers and exchange brokers, N E. Oomer Wood and Third street i. All transactions made on liberal terms. Ooilrotions of Bills, Notes, Ac_ promptly attended to. jan26:lw iii’COSri&LLA WILIiOCK, BANKERS, ANT) Dealers In Exchange, Bank Notes, Gold and Silver Coin. Current and Par Funds received on deposit. Stock* bought and sold on commission. Collections made at any point in the United Btates. South hast corner of Market and Fifth streets, mvl l PITTSBURGH, PA. ARTHURS, RODGERS & CO, . BANKJERS AND BROKERS. CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMJTHFIELD STREETS) iui2.-6m Plttahargh, Pa, Removali PATRICKS ft FRIEND, BANKERS AND EXOUANGK BROKERS, 21av* Removed their Office to the Cbmer of Fifth and Wood R*. PITTSCCBOH, PA. PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, BUver anil Bank Notes. Exchanges "u the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. 9 _. .. . Collections made in all the cities throughout the United State*. Deporiu received In par funds or current paper, at the -niff of Fifth and Wood Street*. i f9ba H. HOLHES ft SONS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, airs rimovxd mxra baitxixg aito ixcxiakqb oftici to wo. 67 BARRET 3TBJUT, FOUR DOORS RXLOW OLD STAND, vr uoLMES A SONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, ]S • and Dealers in Notea, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, 8H- T er and Bifck Nolen. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Citi-e C!-nflUnt;y for Bale. „ . Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deponits received In par funds or current paper, No. 67 Marie’, street, between Third and Fourth sta. [ja3o:ly TiEREAriTCd., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 66 Wood Strut, earner of Diamond Alley, PITTSBCBCII, PA., BUY AND SELL Bank Notes and Ooin; Discount time exchange, and promissory notes; make collections In all the principal cities of the Union. Receive deposits on call end on interest, and give their prompt attention to all other matters appertaining to a Broker's business. Eastern Exchange constantly on hand. *naro JOHN WOODS, BANKER ANL> EXCHANGE BBOKEB, j IiIALKR 121 1 Exchange, Commercial and Bank Hotel. j ot*.*CK br-ught and sold on commlesion. Collect Joni ' O carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. ! dr So Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M. : Bank ’ declO HILL ft C0 M BiSKZKS A3D RXCIIAfiOK BBOKBBS, CORJixa or wood a«» rirrH sranro. ; LMuHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for j o sale. Tune Bills ol Exchange and Notes discounted. — • ,y ~i, Hhver and Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections ru-t-lr in Kli the principal cities of the United States. De- .i*4 r^. -i f wi of Par aud Current Funds. [marTTly Ctmmiotcl’o Loan Office, NO. lUO SMITUFLKLD STREET, NEAR FIFTH.— Mouey loaned on Gold and Silver Watches, Silverware and other valuable article*. aol4:dly CLOTHING, CLOTHING STORE! JOHN M’OLOSKEY & CO.. of tbe celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty 1 etTfr, which haj: won an unbounded popularity under 1. -nisi:- o! the THREE BIG DOORS, haTe, for the pur p./r' } h’-jairing more space for thnr Immense buslne**, -#**.rvo<i to lh~ spacious building on tbeeorner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD BTBKET, Where they have now the most SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHBI Atm HEADY MADE CLOTHING, That has evnr be-n offered to the public. Th*lr f rinctpai rJyect for this reraoral, Is toffire them nj. -. t for cha WHOLESALE TRADE. (rf ' rapared to sell Good* el the L u WEST EASTERN PRICESI AaJ wi;l warrant them to be a* good as any mauu • u thw Union Cl STOH WORK, 15 rut OXST t-TILI, AHD CPOU TBI BHCSTISt BOTICI. Tii.-t huvr i n Land a full and beautiful assortment of i mi CvATINGB, for * ROCKS, l;atss, NESS COATS. • a:«* i l«nt3<*ttl with ;hos« of our customer®, 4u „ *i, wsurr public that our fidelity will not fall In L.; n: ■: i» r» w* may b* favored with. "Kg- 1 -.'Vi K. RUL'l' THE PLACE— :Uj. SS W««d Street, (EAST Him:,) OORSXR or DIA.MOHD AJ.LBT. N . U. —We Jufire cur patrons to understand th* twe h*T# C"nneotion with tlaes Clothing Business on L.u<r'.\ Oar attention Is derotod exciarirelj to the il<usr *' otc designated. IDkt ~ JOHN M'OLOSSKY A CO- Kali and Winter Good* I EDMOND WATTS. MERCHANT TAILOR, no. 186 LIBERTY STREET.— I bar« dl w on hand a large sleek of Fill and Winter Hoods Ovt-rcoaling*, of entirely n« w dt-signs; Ploah Vest ing*. r( tJi«f beauu/ul paturns; French and English u every e'.yle and shade in the market, all of «(:* ij I will make to order on the most reasonable terms, and warranted t<> suit. oct4 NKW SPRING GOODS. JUST RECEIVED AT JUUN MrCLOSKEY A GO’S Whole sale Warehouse, No. S 3 Wood street, and corner c: Diamond alley, the largest and most varied stock of that this celebrated boose has eTer had the pleasure cf inviting the attention of the public to. These goods have t*-t.u pur-baaed from flret bands and, consequently, no f» t.nd proot on them, which leave# us able to say that we .•*3 an I a. Sfll at as small profits a* any bouse la the east- Therefore. we respectfully invite tho attention . ' loealt dealer* «ud country merchants, in general, to um a rail, and < *.«miue our extensive assortment of kI.ALY MADE Cl> : 111NQ. It is almost impossible to +ouui.'rat>> thr* qnam \l l immense piles of garments that pren at this li : » establishment; it Is snfßcient to sty that It has never t tt equalled by tho house itself. m arl6 :U JOHN MeOLOSKKY k CO. Clothing! ClottUngl r I , IIK undersigned respectfully informsjhis friends and the J publio that he is now receiving at his store, No. 177 Lib erty street, a choice assortment of Cloths, Caasimeres and Vestings, of Ibe latest and most desirable styles, which he Is prepared to make to order in the most fashionable man u,-r, at short uotice, and ou the most rvusou&ble terms. We have also on hand a large and well manufactured stock cf ready wade Clothing, to which we invite the attention of buyers, either wholesale or retail. Person# who purchase goods for cash, will find it to their idranUge to call at 177 Liberty street,before making their purchases. [mart| 0. CONNER. New Clothing Store, NO 4, BIXTII STREET. OPPOSITE LIBERTY. fpilK subscriber has Just opened this new establishment, X whr re be haa al way# on hand a large and choice assort iu,.q; 0 f all articles of CLOTHING, which he warrants equal u any in the my, and will sell at the most reasonable pri ces. The public are requested to give him a call. B. OPPKNHEIMBB. To ilouiek.«p«ri. WE have now opeued ooe of the largest rtooks of CHINA, GLAHS and QUKJSNBWARE, an table for b in the city, and Intend selling at vsry low pri'-es. We will cell a handsome set of White Tea Ware, of forty-eight pieces, for the low price of Four DoUars. and all outer Goods In proportion. Our stock being large owing to the dull season just passed, we are deter mined to work it off at low prices. We hare just opened hoi eb-autiful shapes of White Stone Meat Dishes; Vege tal Ip do ; Covered Dishes for stewed ohioken, etc-etc. Also, some v«ry handsome new styles of Water Pitchers. Our stock of White Stone Gold Band, and assorted colore Toilet Ware, Is Urge—all of which vre have put down In price to suit Inc times. FRENCH CHINA. We hare some twenty different styles of Frenoh Ohlna Tea Mils, and some beautful Gold Band Dinner sets—all of which we are selling at least twenty-five per cent, below former prices. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Our stock of Knives and Forks, Spoons, Waiter,*, Britan um Ware. Girandoles, Solar Lamps, etc,, is large, and we will sell them at very low prices. fir.ASH WARE. On hand and receiving, a large mock of Boston and Pitts burgh Ginns tV are, which we will sell at manufacturer's I‘rU 1 ‘ rUe ’’ COMMON WARE. Our stock of common Teas, Plates, Bowls, Dishes, Pitch lire, and every article suitable for country or city trade, is large, to which we Invite the attention of alty and country merchants, as we will sell them very low for cash. Houtekee pers and others in want of CHaar China and Queens were' will Jo well by calling at the CHINA HALL, No. 03 Market, between 8d and 4th sta., Opposite Gex R Whit* HO.UBKS, BTORK-nOOMS, WAREHOUSES. Ac., TO LET '■ — LaioTcH&mllc —A comfortable Dwelling House or hall, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, four bed rcoma, A&; garden and g<w>d water. Allegheny City—A. Two Story Brick House, newly painted and papered, on Robinson street, near the canaL Rent $lO per month. iff. HosAm^ton —A Dwelling House of three rooms, on High street, with large yard, well, 40. Rent, $7 per month. IhlUburyh —A largo Three Story Brick, No. 28 Third stg rent $175 p«r year. For. 31 and 27 Duquesna street; eaoh house is two Btori«s, with basement, cellar, yard 4c. Two Warehouses ou Water street. A large Store-room on Fourth Htreot. Together wtth others. Apply to &. CCTHBERT A BON, jele> 140 Third street. JULY MAGAZINES— Godey’s Lady's Book, for July—2o cent*; Ballou's M&gaiine, “ " 1® “ Yankee Notions. “ “ 12 " Frank Leslie's N.Y. Journal, 18 “ North British, for May. The above just receired by Express. Also, a large lot of SCHOOL, CLABBIOAL and Miscilaneoua BOOKS and STA TIONERY for sale at COST, and no bdmboo. Call at LaUFFKB’B BOOK STORE 87 Wood Street, If yoo want to get * Cheap Library. }«2I STEAMBOAT DISASTERS 05 - I JB&w&TH&WRBTBRN WATERS. AND I JUMSuS dSSHsTEAV&eAi* DißicyrcSy^mfiOTfflra 0,l lgned have now in crane of preparation a new a WBOAT DIRECTORY, *b& h will.batasoed Id October next i the boo* will contain over two fiuridrtq pages, illua* trated in tie best style, and neatly bound in a durable manner. IT WILL BE OMB OP THEMOBIMNTKREST UJQ BOOKS EVER PUBLISHED, and will be a book that will be Interesting to all clasSftfl'Of people. Tbs STEAM* BOAT DIRECTORY trill contain a complete list and d Bcrintton of all the Steamboats now afloat on the Western and Bonthern waters. The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of each boat, where and by whom built, the 1 name of the boat, with the trade she teitt. Also, the names j of Captains and officers, her age, Ao*, Ac. The Directory I , will contain a history of Steamboats end Steamboating on the Western waters since the application of a sketch of the first boat built for the Ohio Hirer, with the I name of the builder, commander and owner* The RIVER DIRECTORY will contain a let and deecrip- Hnn of all the STEAMBOAT DISASTERS that hare occur* £J‘on *eWißTßßNuffi SOUTHERN WATERS, be*u£ SuJ a UST OP ALL THOSE WHO PERISHED BY THEIR BURNING. SINKpQ AND EXPLODING, on the Western and Southern waters. The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, White, Red, OoaddtVYMOo, and other Hirers, with the Towns and Cities laid down, with correct distances; also many other River and Commercial items of interest to the people at large. The book will contain the cards of the various U.S. Mail Boats, with the trade they are In, Ac., Ac. The Directory will aleucontain a complete list of all the responsible Steamboat Licensed Officers, their places of residence, Ac, the new Steam boat Law, Its recrements, with comments, showing wherein it btaffiU the incompetent officer, and the competent officer , Ao-, Ac, and oil the important O. B. Su preme Court Steamboat Decisions up to date; the Rates and important Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, im portant Decisions of the various U. 8- Courts in regard to Freights Lost and Damaged, things of interest. a The Directory wfil be illustrated In the best style and printed in the best manner. The author has for six years been gathering together all the facta and items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters on the Western and Southern waters, and now intends publishing them in book form. The price of the work will be put at the tew ram of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be issued for the boatmen; all others desirous of subscribing will bare to do so at once, as none will be printed unless ordered In adbance. This work is destined to have a circulation of over EIGHTY THOUSAND copies, as the publishers are receiving large numbers of subscribers, per mail, from all parts of the country, daily. Borne of the oldest boatmen, as well as most scientific men of the times, are contributors to the Steamboat Directory. The Directory will be issued in October, and will be ah ornament to the parlor as well as steamboat. By remitting One Dollar (post paid) you will receive a copy of the above All communications and letters should be addressed to JAMBS T. LLOYD A CO- Portofflce Building, Qndnnati, Ohio. SUPERIOR. Douglas County, 'Wisconsin. THIB PLACE 1b situated on the Bay of Superior and Left Hand Hirer, at the head of Lake Bap«nor, and posMM.B A BETTER SITE, A BETTER HARsOR, AED GREATER ADY AST AGES POE A COMMERCIAL CITY, than any other point In the Korth-west; and is equalled in prospective Importance by Chicago only. The Proprietors have a clear, undisputed and nnmcum bered title to the land upon which SUPERIOR Is laid out, and nil purchasers of lots receive warrantee deodafor the waa laid out during the past season, and already contains several hundred Inhabitants, a Large Hotel, a number of Stores, a Commodious Pier, with Warehouses, and Is in all respects the MOST FLOURISHING NEW TOWN In the West. The County Beat, the United States Land Office and Post Office are located here. The Mississippi and Lake Superior UNITED STATES MILITARY ROAD, WALKING AND BUSI- 100.000 COPTKSI now In court* of construction, connecting with Bi. Paul, terminates at this place. It la also the Lake termini of all the perfected railroads to the bead of Lake Superior. Tho “Boo” canal will be opened in June; after which, four \ lines of Lake Steamers will run to Supeiior—one from Chi cago. two from Cleveland, and one from Buffalo; all fine ▼essels, hating been built expressly for this trade. One Steam haw Mill is now in operation, and the machi nery for a second Is now oh th« way to Superior, which will be set to work immediately on its arrival. One-half of the lots hare been appropriated by the pro prietors to be sold by the undersigned to actual settlers on easy terms, to provide a fund for extensive public improve ments. Liberal appropriations have been made for public purpose*; parks, ehurchea, railroads, Ac. Ac. yy- in order u> correct the misapprehension arising from similarity of names, It is proper to state that M Superior City," aboat the title of whicn a legal controversy exists, is another and different place, and in a different township from BcPxaiOß. Maps of Scpduor are signed by Tbos. Clark, sur veyor, and William Q. Newton, agent and attorney for proprietors, and may be seen In the principal hotels of Bt. Paul, Galena, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, Buffalo, and other cities. ’ , All persons wbo wish to purchase lots, or obtain informa tion, are requested to apply to Wm. H. NxWTQS, Superior, Douglas county, Wisconsin WILLIAM H. NEWTOS, Agent and Attorney for Proprietors of Superior Jy 24:3m Board of Health Notice. INFORMATION has been made to. the Board of Health that cases of cholera occurring outside of the city have been brought within Its limits for relief. No doubt the friends of the sick are prompted by mottoes of humanity, yet it Is proper they should be informed that they subject themselves to a severe penalty by so doing. The Legislature passed laws regulating this matter, in where the disease is malignant or contagious, in order that the densely populated c ty may be protected from any unnecessary scourge, which, when it has gained a tooting, scarcely rests so loog as there remains a subject for its re morseless attack. The Board of Health an determined to enforce the law. If patients seized with cholera, or any malignant or conta gious disease, outside the city, most be removed to any of the Hospitals, persons conveying them thither must have a permit from the Board of Health. The attention of all persons interested Is called to the following sections ojan act approved April 8, H 62: | fiio. 6. That any master, commander, or other person ! baring charge of any vessel or steamboat, violating any of ! the rules or regulations prescribed by the said Board of ! Health, under the provisions of thu act, shall, upon convic- I tion thereof, by indictment or prosecution In any court \ having jurisdiction, pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollare, to be recovered and paid into the treasury of said ■ Board of Health. Sac. 7. That whenever the Board of Health shall receive information that any malignant or contagious disease (measles excepted) prevails within any port or place within tht United States, they shall make diligent inquiry concern -1 tog the same; and If It shall appear that the disease prevails ’ os aforesaid, all communication with such infected port or i place shall be subject to each control and regulations as the * Board of Health may from time to time direct, and pnbhsh > in one or more newspapers published in the city of Pitts* ! burgh; and thereupon every person or persons, and all : goods, wares and merchandise, bedding and clothing from | such infected port or place, and haring entered, and been brought Into the city of Pittsburgh contrary to such regn lationfl, shall be subject to the some penalties as Is provided j for In the preceding section. * The penalties ©f the whole act will be strictly enforced. ! By order. A. C. MURDOCH, Thysician to the Board of Health. | GEORGE FORTUNE, i Health Office. PRACTICAL WORKS POR MKCUiNICti ANDOHUKS. Tb« American MUler, and Millwright’s Assistant; The Analytical Chemist's Assistant; Tbo Encyclopedia of Chemistry, practical and theoretical,' by Brooth and Morfit; The Complete Practical Brewer; The Builder's Pocket Companion; The Practical Metal Worker’s Assistant by Bytne: The Practical Model Calculator, by Byrne; The Cabinet Maker’s and Upholsterer 8 Companion; Chemistry Applied to Dyeing, by Jas. Napier; Oolborn on Looomotive Engines; Norr.a' Hand-book of Locomotives, Engineers and Ma chinists; <g The Complete Practical Distiller, by Byrne; The Dyer and Color Mater’s Companion, by Byrne : The Dyer's Instructor, by David Smylb { The Practical Dyer and Scourer; The Practical Assayer’s, Miner's and Engineer's Com panion ; The New and Improved Table, by Pat Lyon ; Perfumery: its Manufacture and Use, by Morfit; The Arts of Tanning and Currying, by Morflr; The Manual of Electro-Metallurgy, by Napier; The Palmer’s, Glider's and Varnisher’s Companion; The Paper Hangar’s Companion; The Practical Hurt oyer’s Guido, by Andrew Duncan . Overman on Manufacture of Iron ; ’ Rural Chemistry, by Solly ; TempDton on Steam and Steam Engines; The Turner’s Companion; A Treatise on Box of Instrument* sod Slide Role ; Walker on Electrotyping; And numerous others, for sale by B. T. C. MORGAN, tugg No. 104 Wood street, near Fifth. Law Books. I AM authorised to sell low some Tnlukble Law Books. 10 rola. Pa. Reports, by Bert; Bourier’s Institutes; Greenllef's ErideDce; Wharton’s Digest, last ®d^ And other Reports, Elementary Works, &o. GEO. 7., at the office of Uornltis Powt Rheumatism and neuralgia.—Dr. brown hereby Informs the afflicted that his remedy for the above mentioned diseases is one that will core. He will warrant a cure in any case of this kind. This remedy was never known to foil when properly persevered with. Many Buffer the tortnre of this complaint for months and years, when a few months wonld procure a certain, safe and speedy remedy. Offlce and Private Consulting Booms, No. 4kl DIAMOND alley. jeS6 I)’ R» BROWN continues to be consulted for the care of BKCRKT DISSASJ2S. Hh success in long standing oases is on equalled. The afflicted are In Tiled to call with* oat delay. Persons afflicted with Venereal Diseases, Rheumatism, Piles, or Seminal Debility, should not 'delay to get his advice. Letters containing a foe Immediately answered. Office and Private Rooms, No. 41 Diamond alley, Pitts* burgh. je%6 fpIUT LAND IUCOIfiTBE issued by Thotnaa Woods, aud X given away to all at 75 Fourth street, describes a great variety of Farms, Houses and Lots.. Those homes would do wall to gat a Register. On- It Is described a few Bn« ftniDtrv P«ata i Wat THOM AR WOODS BOOKB JUST RECEIVED, at DAVISON’S, W Market, new Fourth street- Evenings with the Romanists—Seymour; 75 cts. Hopkins* End of Controveray, 2 Tola ; $2. Prime’s Travels in the East, 2 vole; $2. Prise Essay—Theism; The Pastor’s Daughter; Plain Thoughts; Sermons to Children; Grace of Christ; Tracts by Dr. Plumer. Oid Redstone—nerr and cheap edition. M ‘▲GAZINS* AND WEEKLY PAP JIBS— . ladles’ Gasette of .Fashion tot August; Graham’s Magasino do Putnam’s do do ' Peterson’s do do « Godey’s Lady’s Book do Ballou’s Monthly do The Panorama of Lite and Literature; London Illustrated Netra, last arrival; All the Eastern Weeklies for thta week. For any new Book or Magazine, call ox send to W. A. G-fLDENPENNEY A OO.’S, Jy2B Fifth at n opposite the Theatre. LADIES’ FASHIONS— Lealio’e Ladies Gbuatte for August, 80 cents; Putnam 1 ! Magazine do 20 do Graham’s do do 20 do GodaVs Lady's Book, (second supply,) 20 cents; New York Journal for August, • 18 do Peterson's Magazine, do 17 do Ballou's do (second supply,) 10 do Female Life among the Mormons, 11: Star Papers. Harper’s Maxatins and Knickerbocker for August confi dently expected this day or Monday, and will be sold at the old price, 20 cents per copy, at Jy23 LAUFFBB'S BOOKSTORE, 80 Fifth ft LADIES' BIDING HATS—The largest and best efflar*- moot of Biding Hats ever oflared In the dty, Jost re ceived and for sale at No. 91 Wool street. anglS i r '\AflTH*K SOAP—6O boxes for axle by _ . V/ B. A. FAHNEBTOOK A 00., angT corner First and Wood sta. .*-?» -ft".'** * J. ' ' TfiET jftri-3 'SEBL 9 S& PlLjhf>. i im? *od efogsiirjt ijSj i ,o 4i ;ci r 1 ijqo 0/ All Blifou* V /u Dis< .ties, Uoitirenew,; ludigastioß^ 1 WWV JAundice, Dropsy, Bbeaatftuca, Ft* / vers, Gout, Humor*, Nerrou*ne«fl^ V Irritability, Inflammation* a k *d* prhft, Pam* in itbo Breas*, bub, Back and Limbs, BernalsOomplsJuto , fAJgrfa, TBBgfc to., to. Indeed, very Caw in tbs WSHBA diseosca in which a Purgative Hedl* aaaamSrnSSEmm' is not more or lees required,and much ttoXnfifts and suffering Blight be prevented, harmless bat effectual Cathartic were mow fcwJJJWM. No parson can feel well while a caustic-habit ofjsoayprt vaQs; besides, U *oon generates serious and often utu diseases, which might hare been avoided by the timely and Jadidouß use of a good purgative. This Is allka true or Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce, tho daefrgeatea and formidable distempers which load tho hearses all on* tba land. Bence a reliable family physio Is of the first iffl* portanoe to the public health, and this pill has been par* fected with consummate skill, to meot (bat demand. An extensive trial of Its virtues by PhyricUns, and Patients, fa&B shown results surpassing anything hitherto known of any medicine. Cores nave been effected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of such ex* ailed positions and character as tofbrbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention— Poet. A. A. HAYES, Analytical Chemist of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is indorsed by the Hod. EDWAB D EVERETT, Senator of the United States.' ROBERT a WINTHBOP, Ex Speaker of the House of Representatives. _ . ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Minister Plen. to England. fJOHN B. FITZPATRICK, Catholic Bishop of Boston * l pr. J. B. CHILTON, Practical Chemist of New York (Sty, endorsed by * Hon. W. L. HABOY, Secretary of State; WM. B. ABTOB, the richest man In America; B. LELAND A CO., Proprietors of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. , . , Did space permit, we could give many hundred certtO* cates from all parts where the Pula have been used, nut evl* dence even more convincing than the experience of exolnsnt public men, Is found in their effects upon trial These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and moot complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable Remedies extracted by Chemical process In a slate of purity, and combined to gether tn such a manner -as to insure the best results. The system of composition for medicines has been found In Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a mors efficient remedy than had hitherto been obtained by any process. The reason Is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or lea of acrimonious and injurious qualities, by this each Indl* vldual virtue only that la desired for the curative effect la present. All the inert and obnoxious qualities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence It Is self evident that the effects should prove as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the TUIa a more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. . As it is frequently expedient that many medicines should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, i*.,a as he could not properly judge of a remedy without Vnow* Ing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula by which both my Pectoral and Pills are ma^.« f to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British American Provinces. If, however, there should be anyone who has not received them, they will be forwarded by mall to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are .offered, how few would be taken l f their compodti'ju was' known! Their life consists in their mystery. 1 no mysteries. The composition of my ls laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsto merits. The Cherry Peotrral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderin'. medicine before Its effects were I known. Manyemiuer.t physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and ar» willing to certify \nat their anticipations were mote than realised by their effects upon trial. They operas by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to 'purify the blood and stimulate It into healthy action-remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, tod other organa of the body, restoring their irregn* lar totioß to health, and by correcting, wherever they ex* Ist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. Prepared by Dr. JAMES 0. AYER, Practical and Ana* lytic&l Chemist, Lowell, Maas. Price Sfi cents per box* Five boxeaforsl. Bold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., at wholesale and retail, by every Druggist In Httsbuxgb, and by all Dealert everywhere. Jeflttendtw ASTHMA AMD CGNSUMPTIOM n K tV AMD V* u l tpOMDBBPUr HSGJSANA BROUGHT HOMS TO Th, £ DOOB. OT THB AaXXIOB A WONDERFUL DIBCOVERY has recently been made by Dr. Curtis; of tLla dty, In the treatment of Con sumption, Asthma, and all disease* of the Lungs. We ro* fcr to “ Dr. Ccbtis*? HToxaaa, oa Ibbaiiko QtaZAB YIPGR asd fin curt StROP.” With thia new method. Dr. 0. haste stored many afflicted ones to health, as an evidence ofwhich he has innamerable certificates. Speaking of the treat ment a physician remarks, “ It is evident that Inhaling— constantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor—tho me dicinal properties must come in direct contact with the whole airial cavities of Ihe longs, and thus escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subject to the process of digestion.? The Hygeana is for sale at all the Druggists throughout the country.— New York Dutchman of January 14. The Inhaler is worn on the breast, nnder the HtSen, with out the least. Inconvenience—the heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of oases of cores, ilka the following, might be named: One package of the Hygeana has cured me oT the Asthma of six years standing. J. F. Kxxsbusy, P. M. of Dnneacnon, Pm. I am cured of the Asthma of ten years’ standing by Dr. Curtis’s Hygeana. Margariz Eastor, Brooklyn, N. Y. Airs. Paul, of No. 6 Hammond street, »• Y., was cozed of a severe c&9e of Bronchitis by the Hygeana. My sister been cured of a distressing cough cf several years’ standing, and decided to be Incurable by the physi cians. She was cured In one month, by the Hygeana. J. IL Gaubirt, Richmond, Ida. The Bev. Dr. Chesver, of New York, testifies of our medi cine in the following language: „ New Yore, Not. lb, 1854. Diab Pm—T think highly of Dr. Curtis’s Hygeana as a remedy in diseases of the throat and lunge. Having had some opportunity to testify its efficacy. I am convinced that it is a most excellent medicine, both the Syrup and the inhaling application to the chest. N. B. —Dr. Curtis’s Hygeana is the ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE; all others are base imitations, or vile and INJURIOUS counterfeits. Shan them as you would POISON. , ___ , _ 49** For sale by Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, 140 Wood street; BL R.Bailers A Co.; Lee A. Beckham, Allegheny City; John Sargent, New Brighton; C. L. Kaiser, Rochester. (my!4daw6m Carter’s Spanish Mixture. THE GREAT PURIFIER OP THE BLOOD! Hot a Particle of Mercury in it. LET THE AFFLICTED REAP AND PONDERI—An Infalli r lUmedy for Scrofula, Kins f Fill, Bhenaa* h«w Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Puiolfr on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Ague and Fetor, Chronic Bore Byes, Bing Worm or Tetter, Bcald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, SyphlUuO Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and ell Diseases arising from an injudicious nee of Mercury, Imprudence in life, or Impurity of the Blood. _ _ , This great alterative medicine and Purifier of Blood is coir used by t ; usands of grateftil patients from all part of the United States, who testify dally to the temaixabi «ur« performed by the greatest of all medicines, “CAR* IBS’S SPANISH MIXTURE.” Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Sldn, Liver Disease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sons, -Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of tile Bones and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare with It. It cleanses the system ofTali Import* ties, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneysp strengthens the Digestion, rives tone to the Stomach* makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores.the Const!* tation, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, to Its pristine vigor end strength. For the it ia invariably better than all-the co*» axetica ever used. A few dimea of Carter’s Spanish Mixtom will remove all sallownesa of complexion, bring the rosea mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and im grove the general health lu a remarkable degree beyond all le medicines ever heard of. The large.number of certificates which we have received from persons from ail parts of the United Btates, is the best evidence that there Is no humbug about It The praejs hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public men, well known to the community, an add their testimony to the wonderful effects of this QREAT BLOOD PUIiHIsB. Cali on the Agent and get a Circular and Almanac, and | read wonderful cures this truly greatest of all Medicines ; has performed. _____ None genuine unless signed by BENNETT A i Proprietors, No. 8 Pearl street, Richmond, Vo; to whom all orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed. And for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK, JOSEPH FLEM NG, FLEMINQ BBOK, and by Druggists generally, ootffludawlv ' Qcsmto, February 7th, 1854. Musri. RA. Tahnatock cS Cb.—We had the pleaaur* 0 f receiving, thu morning, within certificate of your Ver mifuge, which will be yen gratifying to yon, aa It. was sent voluntarily. We are, Gentlemen, yoora^Tg^tnily, UaiLlana>—l!lj lit tie daughter, fi>ur years old* and mp* eon, older, were for a considerable time soflanng ftons» worms. 1 purchased two bottles of your Vermifuge, oft which I gave them three doses, according to directions, and strange to say, in less than three hoursthty passed no less thanfiTVE HUNDRED WORMS, some of the extract dinary length of ftocs twelve to fifteen inches. Having experienced so much of the beneficial effects oSs your Vermifuge, 1 feel it my doty to recommend it td thn. public, as, In my opinion, one of the most efficacious nS9» dies against worms ever offered to the public. Qentlamen, believe me to be Your much obliged and humbfoaopt’t, NATHANIEL UtAlSnlß. Prepared and cold by B. A. A. FAHNESTOCK.' A 00/ corner of First and Wood streets. rmjlS * BY VIRTUE of a precept under the hand* n /vm'n McClure, President of the Court of Oar in rad for tlu Fifth Judicial District of Justice of the Court of dryer rad let- Jail Delivery, iu rad for said Dlstrt .. and Gabriel Adams, Bags, Courts, iu and to the Grouty o' day of July, in the on |££rra? thousand eight flft /i ve ’ to medliensd, for holding • Court of Oyer ana Terr *___ _ nd m\ jtiLDeiivtfy* at ttB ° r Pittsburgh, on the drat Mmiday of October Eel , t , 10 o'clock A. M. „ „ Public notice i uereb? drsn to all Justices of tt« Peaoo, r -*nstablss of the county of they be th-j, tnJ , Dthe ir proper persons; trith their roils, regr jrd . jj-uijjttons, eiaminmtitnis rad other reraeia ‘"“W, to do those things which to ih tt'nir behalh appears to bo done—and aloo tnosp that will pr'oseoato tho prisoners that now are or may ho In the jell 'of said county of Allegheny, t° ** “* n ***“ there to proe> cute against them as shall be just. Given under my in Pmsbuigh.thtefifteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-five, and ofthffCommenwealth, the~7Btb auglQrtd WM.MAQILL, S tariff. Waeon. Hasten And Teamsters* Bounty t.*** dGESCY, «» Fourth itreetf 2FFICEBS, Soldiers, Musicians, Wagon Masters, Team, stars, Ac., who were regularly mustered into tha aar cf the United States, and every Officer, Beaman, ordi nary Seaman, Marine. Clerk and jjj 6 Haw * also. Militia or Volunteers, or EtateTroopa of any Btate or 1 ” 16 Act to • Tboeo who hare reoeired 40 or 80 Acres, an entitled to m W-n-h* to *“h gumtltj of trad u will moke, in ths who!*, 160 Aores. ’ J. WILSON A SON. hlsr.s» »■»“»>*«*» b "- All information tree of ohsrge. tetters promptly ra **2s; Address - ABSmi toasfia, Braaty Lend A*e»t,W Fourth «t, >r g*. at Mp. 01 Wood' J. WDLBQN A 808. MEDICAL. INHAJL.ATIO ro& mi ocas op II FBOM CANADA Proclamation. attention I ail -szmi