The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 12, 1855, Image 1

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    ' •; Y'-v.
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r. * f . . < 1 ' - *-r —■*»«■■*
>*-Hav-;* 't t, .V' '«> */, •'• « * Printed atid fttblxihed tixrst morning (&mdays cxceptedy)
; r .‘ ?1 I‘V* ' >... /*•« 1' !•/. BY OILLBIOEB A montcomkrv,
4 J,* T ;•/•* * v I fJ ’ *» »‘ • j : ■ os to* wobth-wmt oobsbb oi woo® abb fifth stouts.
■° Jjov-*- ‘
*v.m .V* ♦ 1 v *’** ‘’'s, . i s T. ■ i **T flTe Dollars a year, Mjable etrlctlj in
t’i- •_■■}%.■•* it- u i ■»■• . ft .■, v•.. * klranc*. Six OoUbts will invariably be required If not paid
* *■:-.:■■> f.V < l*•'• " ■■ > V-tf *: •». ~' 1 within thayeaa
Li' , ■'■ •• ’ V v . r.'.'.u ,«#■ Single eoptaa two aam_to r •»), ,t theconnter In tin
»> *Y V , •;•* (\*\ oDo*, and by the Pots Boys.
'.Avv'tjd'*".* ; v 5 4 *'> ♦ r. *.f: v '. 4 ‘ * Published from the tame office, on a larir® blanket rise
!*>> ki, -**• ■• • . a r *J 1 .-J , r - /* *4 *«t, bt TWO DOLLAR# a jear, In advance, fitnglo coplaa
'•* t* * ’ ,l V 1 ** i*' *' ' ,*;'•* ' • ' t\ T« OIRZ9.
•jJ• \* -r..:*T r -. ** " 1 « ft 1 , j 45y yq paper yIU b* disco ntinned unices &t the disore*
\ «* <v ••. * s - ' /*i * i on of the Proprietors) until Bliarr»r»sw are pftkL
£ *■* .i.N * *■' .• •; *> < r ’ No attention wtil bo paid to any order nnW» n^.
k' "■»-.**&* • ''V'??* :*,V,t*H;ry . . , v; -. .• p^ a |«j by the money, Orsatia&ctery refrrenee in this dtr
's *y/'- •*»* V' * «•.**! •, • v n. •*; ; • j J&OormtaUdvMUuKstabUsSmeniqffhi MambuPul
. < *%.* <Mi. A '*{• ■■*• -« n r .'* f r .f C> • *•• ,j, k »* *♦ J ’'•> j u orfcf of ikt largut Job Printing Office* in (fa city, where aU
*?£r&\ -*'f ;lv. ««».
-•. <• ■ "■■• .. •„ mV- 1 jgu>m. o. o. amu,
( - A OOTOSIOUfiI AT £aw-oo«s k»
'-* ■l, * C -V- A - Ftmrth P,. XVly
'+ * r * *» j*<•< A* Itot^rte*
0 ; J .** <■•■' M-' f- '; ". - ATTORNEY AND “cOTNSELLOE AT LAW
f;• r; ;• -;■ / .
YT-* -f'jV: " * v -‘-' J J V'. -“ •V' .■“ A^Sm HST tl L ‘ w AI, ’ D IN OHAKCHBI.
jl ...'Vv>„ 4 •- * ‘.•*„,* Ay^,n.x tJ oortoLh,Po 6 tOa M , B t.u b . nrt u e ,Ohlo.
-t.\& 'i . <. . V - * j .S .! ■■ . > R. p, iToaaT
■*fc4 <c < £ !.■<:■> *■ - ■ ■ s A 2TORNEV AT LAW—No.U)9 Prurthatroet, Pittsburgh,
# k *V rs '- ; '■'* • w ,r ‘ v»'... «*>• . : <. . • ' ‘ijO; . a *» door below Mr. Rody Patterson's Ut«tt
s~\\ / f • ; ptH p j«*l
/ • » -€-'>■ ’** f;, ‘ •’* r * i)« Orlando Loomli, |
*■'i **' i '. Ej'-W t* . , ' •*' ' l A AT LAW—Office, Ponrth atrret, above Wood.
. fi . . , _ J R. B. Carnahan, i
• 'A > W f C*V /•'..' 4 •* 4 A TTOUNEY at LAW—Office on Fourth atmt, between
V 7i?, iVo, . , IJX ,
■'■-■?' ■’;•'■ !A T iXis.s»ss‘iS,;^, uw -°*t,“
r2!a l, V v V*' t . jalderman of tni rd ward
.J’flMtl'S js>o*yilSrtV k “ “ ' . *Werm,n Lewi,,) wbe r e atl baain«w pertalD
iV l" V ' «k' - ’• I"* toU “,‘ rfßw of AUorm»n anil Ju.nio« ol Lhe rut, will
B i!* ' ’ A- ' V, r P r °°>Pt»3' Aitendad t n, febl:3m
VV< { ' " V ' .* < S; “nok.m».ter, Alderman.
3 jt <S, *T' t VJ- '. 1 “• 1 , t s *( ) PI^ K, ‘i ram ,tr ' ,K ' b " aod Diamond
.VI t- - , «=*' ‘l ' < ' . uf- r'' all 'y CoOTe,-a o oio s ofallkiudj,donewUhlh« r reat-
L _ I , ' r 1 * ccur “)'' Tul « t 0 K-aI Estale etamia-
&*'• i : ' v "' i‘*r. s r A ‘ * < ‘] - J»3:3
V t>,*>..V '•-f ••''u.L,rp„,S' , i ,Mam Alderman.
r l^i <? <C' 7 -0 ,r * ( k 4 /' '. •'•:» .' F^V b Ko * 447 PRNN street, hotcifn the canal and
'J i' ■ P 1 * 5 ' t‘>' - t<;, t**' • ■ ; '• ' iyilara street, FjMi Ward. AU ba*inea!> appertaluini?
•d- fa Hr * r -'-• e ” I 'v,nf* {:,•■•. - • tho t filco of an Alderman or .1 ostlce of the Peace, will
r w < "V??/u ‘KW - f t V iWxt r «ti irotnpUy attended to.
4 ' ’,. f J < fi, Bonds Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with
«• AHL t bfKUEo.N DENTIST, (sue
%' 4?" ** *'T.‘ W a f'V. ce^or to 0. W. Biddle,) No. 144 Smlchtleld
Y v '-^- v * > *i' '*'■■ /f,j ! mm •> a hours, from Bto 1 o’clock, and
l r *"•n'vrr-‘iv 3 a .*r m ik_V'o'£ik
' : J SGOI-T. DKNTtST, Poorth .tm-t/hr/anon- j
t)- *; K U'?*'* oi Market,
c ...fL.'■ . " . Offici Uofhs From nine A. M. to Art,
if iV -. "mTsrNF^TTKiw"' - I
‘ _ CARDS. |
■s'd.iollll noun ooEUAif unmo,, [
\-\.i 1! o' 1 ' ' V ljwd mtuumi aisar i_ auoiFAir. i
r..VCV ifll-liV Curling, UDb.rtion dfc Co., !
''kTt rf (■'- )” "if ft? jVp Jr ►;; ItJL tLI N’T G LASSWAUJi, waxebouae No. 14 Wool street,
K f '^- 1 1'4yr‘\s> V' h JK“ '•• u {•T- prner of Front street, Pittsburgh.
P’t r i Y-" r* **- " Vw ■?•»>•'■-• •- . I A.l other Modi of Glassware and Window Gian, at
“i k tL?. r _
•urss\Sfs)L/r^i^»T4‘^-?’3' , '’rt*» ~’ *J ry~' * *4 ‘ v-v'-_'. Jacob bl’tJoillster,
V IITUOLE3ALB and r«ta.l Cigar manufacturer, and deal
:l ”\ w ‘ S'*3 C.'t :s-f . fUi? >■. • ,fY er in aU kinds of Tobacco, BnufT, and Cigars, No. 26
Jk’^*'V- L ' 5^f k r c.*Y *' iftb street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
‘ J *i > '4 Keeps consuntly on hand a large supply oi all the
»'[« r *- e l , \‘ ntt brands of Imperial Cigars _ j.B?
y" r>'- *•'. '■•■'- { <•' John dloorbeadiy
l^^&# T;^?2a£2Hp»flU* ,&, ‘ i f V a L - ,[XTHOLE3ALE OROGER, AND COMMISSION MKR
ihp tS)*? "v if!* t Y 1 * *** % v ' * p Y.-S* rW - 1 -* «> -«- •»•-• VY Oil ANT, for the sale of Pig Metal and Blooms, and 1
v 43 V' Y-. : ‘ • 1 i:to\ P- gonerally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. [ap24 j
? y l}‘ s ' V^r' at ur KXtMta - j Ajrniasok. 1
v v .; w n r wSd N ,^ t ?^.:
./• 1 v< n ,- f ■ :te the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. apd
’ a 1 „ 1 Henry HT
U 1’ iy' •-'.'h. i v - Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Butter, Beeda, Fish, and
iUl'r 4*‘ »-•»^■fn>-t I Hm,b^h_ im^ i
t T f’/ite-SV.■’»-l v B T c * Morgan,
■£ •irf-v'tyxA j r-i sj h „• • ~.L • . hOOK,KLLER AND STATION Kit—has> always on hand
t >-C> a general assortment School,MUcelUnewua an l Blank
0a) v j> v‘'< s .-' A-sn'L-d;..4 .>f Lfb.Yv -" : ' ' ' t ' : f >ofeB » Pri ntlng, Post and Cap Paper, Ac., wholesale and re
**■■* , w tp''#. /j V'tfr'’• f-^^ Sl-L J \ /r ' No. 104 Wood street, below Fitth, Hast Ride, Pittsburgh.
s<>* -k-'V'-'j.k't ]«- W.Dtel, Rtgß yd ftrorfferm. «pl6:lJ
.'v: I - MiLLta, Phila hWm. Pittsburgh.
,.cV.!.i *’"l Miller it Ulcketson,
>*> } JI IiraOLKSALKGR'JCKRS.Imp.rterHof Brandlrt.Wlnee
lt <f Q'S'-iter?’!#-"*? -■¥ » and Segars—Noa. 17’i ani 174, corner of Irwin and
-f b,,rt y *twet, Pittsbargh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Varna, Ac.,
( f. t^uyoF l i«a b«_
1 (Win - oart ’ of th « firm of J. Parker A Co.)
« W fh <C --ll ts.‘J " - iiriIOLKSALi: QR'XIKRS. and Dealernio Foreign Wine,
VhV'v.J‘fi • t'» r.h* r. IT and Braudirta, Old Mooongahela and Rectified Wb»e
-- - P. RTurtFO, ■ ■
*■' - ; * v ‘ 1 diamond, Pittsburgh, Pa.
> r ~ ' IS COUA-IHY PHODUCK, cm™ f r «1. .
»sy *a !.:•■■ 'i w : lv choice stock ofG rocerles, wlecte i for family use. Spires
-• j eTor J r wiety and the purest quality, ground at hi*
?%Wt • ‘"• tv p * • -«*am Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic.
a£v?fiU y Fl l 'W v V V ' lakeain exchange for merchant.
a full . W rtm™t of Landrrth'i
1 -'••■''.'iJXWtWH.-i ,tt* yrraotej Gu-Jen Seeje, anl inritea the attention of ail lo-
V&S-Pji* V <+'^t‘ - r 4>- 10MMB3IDN AND FORWARDING MRROSANXB, and
l - !■’t.Y tv'ie jrwfcv hdloual© iq P?ab, Bacon sod Oil,andProduca
*2 ct, ~ & lv * formerly c-.vurled ly Burbrtdge A
1 Jzb-aa N >. lit. Water and 160 First str«i, Pittsburgh,
-••> ~«H,
subsorib«-r- opened a boose for the aboro pur
“* ~Tpn««ngaiiela Hou.'ie. W»* wiJ purchase, or rucolee, on com-
b’'*<VVf I .* - -iL»bla/D, for sata. con-ignmintj of FloUr, Bacon, Obe<«-.
*?; W. Gats, Barley, Flax B**<*d. G rus* ,W. Bu!e1 Ray. A- .
Wbb-b « will moie oim-H. cr p«rt,» at ,b» t.-.l
-S li t- <' VV> f- --k “«L _ „_!V ALUEn
a *'- *' l James M’Laughltn,
B^*o«, i ß, ,S^ '"w> Ai rvEtLKR IN FKOoGOB, FLOOR, BACON.
,- X-t' ;. lv Ar., t yo. lu, corner Sralthfield und First street?. Pit'.-
-• S .' F- b - P *- OOT«
r-' -. '4 *•> |n a. tv™.. ...jeoa. n. toi'va .„».... l. rocso.
D T ‘fr C - ? T. B. Vouug A Co.
*1 t. •: 6 J wVo. 88 .?/n«6faW -pp» t iU City Hotel.
■ tj4*l l t** **'' ’ ‘ '■• t '•*. fA Cil AIRS, of eaery description. Materials and work*
;^. n h v / v -,'»>ushlp warranted, and sold at reJueeJ prices. Caretak.n
FlY_ l’ fpaciiogf>rUndaodwat«rrurr»ag». aug3l
»'‘r.V- «'*' J ’> I Wm Utffby, Jr.,
jb4:.#J. *».Cs •<' r StLonnso avb pimsig&ijfo svoitß, Mowoie iuu.
ra*'i *-' <• •.. ■■& lifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, 13
«P» s > 'S ■ ■ - 4*l Style, and at moderate rates. aug9:tf
if’ RAA C. UnncauT
m'rlvr.\V V*i% i. J aROaBES, and Dealers in Produce, For*
JP-Vyl T -
V,«W* * ? T~* S " j- \ n - r --*4*l w hitky, No. 2»1 L» tmrUst Pittsburgh. Pa. 'JyVT v
WHOLBBAU and R.Ull Saddle, Harness
r w.‘ * '■■ YalUe and Carpal PBg manufarlur.".
c 7*l' .. n,. 100 w<m.i at, puut, u V e b, pi.
V;^-;•<;i I,'-- 1 >\ _ j u.m-vtut;
vl * o ■y.~ T £IOLE3ALEaod Retail Dealer inMueical Instrameou.
Ur > V -iIYYt" Pianos, Mario, School Bpoks tnd Stationery, No 122
& a C i Joh “ W ' UtttUr A Co '»
P. L ' «y'vi i-jV.*, , ' Dealers In all kinds of Pittsburgh manufo-'iares, L--u.i
v, Wfi;*:, ,-fii ", and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. aep2S
b<r ES;*,-;^’; J Jj.j' -J 1; «J SnterprlH Work*.
' v>- '**} 1 t * 5, '. eiv t* *. r 4 C-S Hi -Vo. 186 W.Kxi street, t'ird door b+hw Virgin
I^ l ‘ 5 'Y '■ &»% f- P T-« /rJOWN ATE TLEV would call the attention of Sportioit
'•' ■i { man to their large assortment of Guna, Ride* and Re*
ax Pistols, the largest and best selected stock eT»r
-nr'* 4 in this market, together with a general assortment
»j * 3r ' P ‘* "‘V < v * { i ( li-w. -h 4*.? 1 |Urdware. Cutlery, Toole and Fishing Tackle, all of whi* b
sV • *-'* •‘J'loffcr at the lowest possible priced to cash puxchoßerK. r 'r
S i apprOTrd papW. marls
7' fV '-S?~ *' JOKBBIOH, BEOTHEKS h CO.,
? 4v » rv “-^^l* 4 . Corner Ptbecca aud Belmont ttreeU, Allegheny C>ty,
r 1- V- SS|Q WOULD rtirpectfally Inform tbeltfriendj
i’i-. j, t sr - ; f * ■• W4sm£' “ d “* b.*,
If • +•> ' U ,i»*-’l-iN. »i. commenced the manufacture of Carriages,
wS&^^ra@^gSSf%l|!CFoßAfiwalS^e*U J, i si '« -» ?r Wa»Daronohea, Bookawara, Bnggiamgleigha and
.. f~~> • pou in all their Torioua atyles of finiab and proporUon.
(f s ’i’'-'t< ; t > 'i'-Hliyi Pi i' f: 'r‘ Oidl orders will bo exMratod with atriot regard to dnrat.ill.
td beauty of flniah. Repata »U 1 also be attended to
■S^'?' 0 di t>Jb» moat rensonablaterma. Habat In all their work lhe
-.w. ' -VI V , Kaatern Shafts Polea, and Wheel stuff, they fed non«:
2^^%aßSlKSawi' w VS «.!*’.<?«» &* «»1r t a aU vba &ror them with their patronage, will be
. e.»t ; “tbifled on trial of theirwork.
V f-3- V-■ d • a?C%o*3 j 11,-.,l 1 ,-., ~..a Crebasen are retjoarted lo giro ua a cadi, before parcha-
I&SJV, •: •
/-a ft ; t-«k,% ’-l '.
.5, j.Y -fiTf-'£T r >r a •».re<p _’-;r-5
: X-'vvY.vr:'; •; i -X- '•
I'n.^frfk |v" : r"- v -
:.vaY- ,C-;Xv..:
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’/r <? t> + * *♦?■*'■' • J h - *,' »’
s>«r,r.*y. v 4V.'’J ','.X:>.: t .-. -.:. ;- : - v-j ;.. *,: - 1 <; .v -.a r- •;.?> V’ 1 «..,'.
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L* / ” %*>,* ,1 V . V v ' <f.i« ;■"! v -'-T ! =“ ‘ r ,-'.5 \'r "‘.»' „ s’. •',' „
"■ -’ -i - >■*/.■* i ~ *, *-*-’?■ ,**»-,• —i* J r^' f - V\£ »■* 1“* I , *<»
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y-r. -yjv .V - '
r *
. rj **s •' P ’’ ■ ** -v, ♦ '«■:». «,_ ,
Copartnership Notice.
HAVE THIS DAT (April flth) associated with c.
Messrs. ¥. STEEL TuRBETT and SAML. C. CLANK?,
i of whom have been for many years in my establish
il, and ore already extensively and favorably known to
customers and the public generally as superior woix
u and of oorrect business habits. We hope by this anion
xperlence and artistic skill—especially in the watch <V
tment: by keeping a large and welt selected stock o!
[is: by selling at moderate prices, andbydoseattenti m
moiness, to merit a liberal share of patronage. To my
friends and the public in general, who have for many
rs past 90 liberally patronised my business, l return my
nks, and solicit for the new firm a continuance of elmi
pvors. W. 3 W. WILSON.
Ittsburgh, April 11, 1865.
Wilson, Turbett ft Claney,
‘ 67 Market street, corner Fourth. m? 6
yoarafSs j). t. johjcotob — a. uacts.
Klcelilor Carrlaga Faotory.
MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Ai le
ly city, P&., have on band and are manufacturing an
jnslre assortmont of Carriages. Rockatraya, Busies,
rage Oars, Ac., mode in all their various styles, with
t regard to durability and beauty of finish, using in all
* work the best Juniata Iron ana eastern hickory. R«-
i attended to on the most reasonable terms. They f»el
dent that sill who. may favor them with their patron
wlll be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work,
e Pittsburghrod Manchester Omnibuses pass every flf
minutea during the day. oct2My
.OUUTm L. 6 tit ere
Bigelow A Co.,
'Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pitts
burgh—Ooaches, Carriages, Phaatons, Bug*
i . '8“*» and erery description of fancy rehicles
f lO 411 , finished in a manner unsurpassed for
® n^l » aUH of Trortannnsblp,
&- AIL. vosk warranted,
f aoBKBT H. Pa
k n«r DtundaA atfMt »nd Oh«rry *u«v
r^ tf Pittsburgh, pa.
A DOT. LkMoW mtTP ;
'»3) •* tagaortad do lo store and for Bale by
BB Wood it., opposite the St. Qharles Hotel.
■- *** -V
-"" ’-X
Joupb Flemings
Cfwocesoß to l. wuoox a ca]
cotift*ntlv on hand a fail assortment of Drugß, Modi
dues, Medicine Cheats, Perfumery, and all articles pertain
ing to bis business.
Phyaidane’ Prewriptioas carefaliy compounded at
ail hours. je:(>y
Johs rLsvnio cocuiujt klxminq
Fleming Brothers,
WHOLESALE DUGGI6TS, No. 60 Wood street, Pitts
fcorgh, Pm. Proprietors of Dr. STLane’s Celebrated
Vermifuge, Liver Pilla, Ac. jalO
John Halt, Jr.,
(succxssoa to jak ta M’otrpir.)
In Paints, Oils. Dye Stuflk, l4l Wood street, three
doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. epr4:xnAely
R. L. Allen,
W HIRE Y. Ac., alec, Rectifying Distiller. No. 8 Wood street,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wines, Brandies. Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, Bt.
Croix and New England Rum, Clareta, Champaign es, Scotch
Ale, London Brown Stout, Irißh, Scotch, Bourbon. Old
Monongahala Bye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach.
Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana,
Regalia, and Principe Clears; Half-Spanish and Oommon
Cigace, all at such low prices as to challenge competition,
fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, and
Demijohns of all sues, I respectfully Invito aD eK&mlpa
t<on of my stock, at No. S WOOD street, Pittsburgh
P * np& - apr3:ly
Jamas fitellingar,
ly Inform his friends and the his tew es
tabitshment is now in lull operation, and that he is pre
pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed
Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest ratea.
Hoard and Plank, plane j od one or both sides, constantly
on hand.
SiLsh, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to
ordf r.
Builders and Carpenters would find itto their advantage
to give him a call, as he can now furnish them with planed
stnff suitable for every description of work.
w« a. nratos Janrs cmswtLL.
Herrou A Criswell,
HELL AND BRASS POUNDitRS, nnd Manufacturers cf
•II kinds of Bra«« Work, Locomotive Steam Kngioe
Plumber®, Ac. Almj, Cotton Batting Manufacturer!. ’
Foundry oo Rebocca street, Allegheny city,
frfilef * n d Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh.
Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work
or paJi. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be
promptly attended tu.
M - sairr asisisot* t . j üb7f7
GrnfT, Relslnger A Qraff,
WESTERN FOUNDRY, No 124 Wood street, Pitts
burgh, Pa. ’
Cook in* Store* Plain BQ j fancy Grates,
Coal and Wood Stores, Plain and Fancy Fender*
i anor Stores, »*il and D?g Irene,
Hollow Ware, Portable Forres,
Hafcar Kettles, T*a Kettle*
Store Kettles, Wagon Boxes.
w. h. smith
.W. W. 5LA.1t....» J. B. m.'STUI.
Smith, A Hunter,
(Late Bmftb ft Sinclair )
- » BION MERCHANT**. *nd I>ealerß in all tinds of
IKtabursh Manufactory, 122 Second and 161 First street,
W. jj. Haven.
A «*ton k Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationery
ttaretjouw!. is prepared to execute every style of Legal
Commercial, Canaland Steamboat Job Printing and Book
Binding, and furnish every article in the Blank Bock, Taper
and stationery line, at the shortest notice and on the most
ratonabie terms.
Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, Printing Office
and Book Btadery, corner of Market and Second sia | norlti
North-Western gency",
NO. Stf WASHINGTON STREET, corner of Dearborn
allxs viaxtaros
Pinkerton A Co.
orron ruaia ittikdor to tub TBAissAcno* or * ncifijui
In the States of Illinoia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana
THE late firm of JONES A QUIGO, having been dissolv
ed by the death of John P. Quigg, on the 27 th ln«t, the
bua.neM cf said lirm will he settled by the undersigned, at
their office, comer of Ro»# and First streets.
ISAAC JONBa, Surviving Partner.
Plttjborgb, September 30, ISsl—ioct2:y
Isaac Jones,
MANUFACTURER of Spring and Blister Steel, Plough !
Slab steeL bteel Plougb Wings; Ooach and Klipcl? 1
Springs, Ilrass Nut Taper, half patent, Screw, Mail and .
Hammered lrou Axles,-comer ol Bora and First streets,
Pittsburgh, Pa. j
ISAAC* JOBXS .. ti. a EOiOi.
D. C. Rogers A Co.,
\ T AN L F ACTUILER2 of K-Xi BUB' pate at improved Steel
•ITX Cultivator Tooth. Office corner Ross and First street. |
octlly 1
Pittsburgh RldingTohool. ' ,
j. Jh ROBERT H. PATTEKb«_>N, Proprietor, corner i
*T£3|L Diamond street and Cherry alley. The subscriber
/-V XJ respectfully announces to the Ladles and Gentle- '
m-n of Pittsburgh, that be has recently erected a RIDING
SCHOOL, which hi point olslse, cotnmodiouxopM and sdap> |
tation, undeniably excels any similar e*tabli*bm*nt in the
United States lte location Is accessible from oil parts of I
thecJty, while Its tign and airy eitoaiion renders It -.<{ ♦-
dally suited to the promotion of health, by thh m' st agree- 1
-able exercise. The Horses are docile and well trained, and
the proprietor pledges btmaalf that no pain* or es;en-*
*iil U spared to matt* this establishment the Cr»t in tc*
evofidenr e of the public tf
itiehard C, Dock tag, ~
Manufacturer of gilt, silver, brass,
bronzk, looking-glass, portrait and pjc- ,
I'IK FRAMES, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 St Clair j
itrvct Ail kinds c-f Composition Ornament*, fur Strata '
b.iat«, Ac. All kinds of Gilding onJ Re gilding, to !
Oilt Moulding lor Frames, wholesale and retail. Vornlub i
L r Oil Painting*, Engravings and Lithographs, for sale
AaF*lmpaired or defaced Oil Paintiogs restored in tt*
tv*.t mao a*
AI. Fmmr* and MoaMiog* manutaelured In this eftab
!i.«hm«nt may be cleaned without Injury, with soap and
and Bee. No 21 M Clair st_ PittabarsV
bln health »• e> tc reruine hie old business, tod h&e
opened hi. BLIND WAN UFaCTORY, at No 85 FL'Ut street,
n-rar ;bo post ofic**, betw«*m Wood and SmlthA'ild, nbrrr
L« has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and
fancy worsted and fiik trimmings, and 1* prepared to fli;
any ordnr In bis line, on the mo».; reasonable term*. Hi*
work Is warraDtod to give aatlsfartion or mcn r yiefuude<L
•filtfOd Blinds repaired.
Please give him a call, as he can't be beat in work
manchip mv7ly
TflAlE sold my Interest In the business cs Long, Miller
A Co., V B. A Long, who, with John Phillips, will con
itiiqp at the old aland. No. 109 Front street. 1 cordial!jrre
comoend the new firm to the patronage of my frjondt.
Pittsburgh. July », UM. P. fl. MILLER.
S. A. Long A Co.,
Bell and brass founders, and gar ftttejir,
Invite attention to tbtlr stock of Chandeliers, Brack
els, Pendants, and other fixtures. We fit op booses wiih
li as an<l Steam, make Brass Oastiuga of all kinds to order,
farubb Railroad Pumps and Taok Fittings, a&d kwep Acil-
Attrition Metal constantly on hand. jvlli
Ao. 20 Fifth street, first comer above Market street,
WHERE will be foond the largest and beat assorted
stock cf HOSIERY ever offered for sale in this city.
Purchasers will find It to their advantage to call at this
establishment and examine lor themselves; it is all I need
to Insure tbeir custom. 0. DALY.
N. B.—Remember the Ohjuf Stockist} Coaskit.
TebLy C. D.
THE subscriber having the exclusive right to manufac
CONSUMING FURNACE, is prepared to receive orders, and
contract for beating buildings with (be most economical
Fnruaoe now In use. be attention of those Interested is
solicited. Any Information can be had of A. BRADLEY.
Nos. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BA-RNDOLLAR,
dec24:tf 1 Iron City Rtove Warehouse, No. 134 Wood et.
JAMS* a. LtSLjt.
josips t. ru»,
Ledllo dfc Vl&m*
(Buocessors to Multan; A Ledlle.)
MANUFACTURERS of Cut, Moulded and Plain, Flint
and Pane; Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers la all
kinds or Windov Glass, Flasks. Vials and Bottles. Ware*
house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh
('I IHMSEN, Manufacturer of erery rarlety of Vials,
j m Bottles and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine and
Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Class
Id every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Second, and 133
First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2B
1* W, Chadwick.
AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth. Pitt
sburgh, Pa.
highest market price. in CABU, paid for
R AG 8. ap2Ch 1 y -
jobh irwaix.
Atwell, Lee At- Co.,
WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Commission
Merc hints, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures,
No. 8 Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitts
burgh- apis
Dissolution of Co-Fartnerihln.
THE CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore exlltfng between
Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business. Is this day
diseolred by mutual consent. The business ofctha firm will
be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who Is authorised to re
ceipt tor ail debts due said firm. JOSHUA RHODES.
March 27 th, 1866. PHI UP RKYMKR.
4®- The undersigned have this day formed a Partner
ship, under the name, firm and style of REYMI& A AH
DBBBON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and
Confectionary business, No. 39 Wood street
Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1566.
49* In retiring from the Confectionary business, 1 cheer*
folly recommend Messrs. ‘Seymer A Andarson to my friends
and customers. JOSHUA RHODES.
Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1563. >p2
' Removal. "
rtPHIHOEB HABBA UGH A 00- have removed to No.
U 293 Liberty street _
&PBXKGH juxzAKnsa ro&svra.
SprlafferßitrMhlli 800.,
<Saeosssbr* to B HarhaUgh,)
in Wool and PrcdUOe gtovrally, No. 295 Liberty
■t, Pittsburgh, Pa. apt
r —--■-■—-zz"- -- : _ ..- - .... .. . 0 * ‘ " J t ' ils - r -EiS. AT $’6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.
jjo rmu ii*a.
Consume the Smoke*
\ 1 c #kf l' r :i> II . 1. .
No. 139 Liberty rti-H-t, J it l a.
Efferent*—\Y. ATUintock A Hro-.; Kmu«r A Kahm,
Brown i KirkpstTich, Murphy, Tirrcun 1 U.
Pittsburgh Maj 24, ISAS —liu . 2 i Du,* ,
Hats and Caps. “
WE would inTitw the htteo i>u u* on* frt»-i, i-< aud
LIS the public to a spleodU rf HATS and
•SSSCAPri, wh'ch v« are now epom iur the Summer
traae, which for beauty of utile. ex-eris n .nythin< f-r.-.- of
fere-i in the citj, or of the tn.unt.ilui.
4*y Call and examine f.-r v >urHeli>«
*I« 91 Wroisrr-et, ritlebornh.
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
r PIIK PI KM OP UVINnS'IMV. A c J.. Proprir.
X Urn of the PlTTS ni’rlflH NOVeuY WORKS, waa
dissolved by the death cf Mr. Jon* J KoGfiXS, on the’l lid
of Ms’cJ'. iast.
The htislwHM of the NOVELTY WORKS will b« continued
in nil it* brr«n<'hm by the eutviflr-K purtoen, ii «ier th*»
name aud style of Li VINuHTON. OoPELAND h CO , who
will also nettle up th«* u !T,irj.,f the |a:<> hr*’.
L. H L’ VjNfigT ’N,
P.itslurgb, Pa., May 4. IsjO. ; W. li. CoI’KLAND
JOHN M'oiOffirr - coa»cues mcu>Bkst.
John Ul'CloDltey ft Co.,
* V OiIAN'TS, No AS Wood Htre. ;, Pi-oduirga, Pa.
pubecriberi* r*iKj<r< - ttally iniuim their iiJ ruKtnuier*
am 'he public in g-Oe.-ai, luul lU„y bare thh, day h.*s-. i»
l-d thfuj.ifWe- iu the hI ;>x .• t>u?!□•* c. un'.T c:
.H»B.S SI’CLOSKi VA f, ’jh-Tr.-r; a «.V.r*
of put>l)<' pntMnaco.
The pr«TiuUJ burian. s inch »i 1 i~ • -*t: bv theui
Help*-* rr.-'pv'.y'Tvr ' f r y*
Boots nut! Siloes.
JM’LAI'O III.l\. No 9;. Fourth '■•.n-t, nearly opnon te
• the >!»yo 'e uiiice, i.i ittVTiufi'turi- 'i«*-cieu’n first
Boon. L' wm. .■*-?. \ i ••• and M;tu. J . Cm./.-eK-si, i bait* n
edCaLer,. Ii • -t-, ILL: 1;... , Linds s.lp
pe:a. and Frr u b |.r «'h!n * L : si . f pV <*'Mvr nn-l
luncy iiid an J tint.n (Liters, »r tl.e S--: Uiit-nnh. l-i .-es
atij 0 .iidl-r’i Jti., o! . » irie! 1 .
N.B— All !:i «■
frontier*’ Uoimiy l.r'iui* nu«t Oa’iuie
n£f» Inti (•<> vet omen
1" ILL proaar • Houn’y Lhu ; Wariui.;-
uu J J>u, .<ii- ik
tb« ,- C<u-’. fC'.a : iu~,' r-
NX.MS i in; -tr. ,t, ,i
M*irri Mao— tmfcvu/
A«w h«e <1 .Store.
JAMIL* WARDKOI’ MT-r-. :•* , a; CA AUi ]!
'.he most ltnpr.'v<\l > r--*-L •• , i, ,r i- , a
stog-ra Btr’! fret-Jn—Ouruirv, H»nip. M i Ki.jw r . n-1 i:js
e<l i>>otiucts will : e /•:'tli-< in.-ft
FLOWKR?, vji.i aus.u-, , Li. 1.1 • , Hr,.
K\>rj;rwn* (In pot..-' f>- ('? r 1 -• rr ‘ :<
Horn -Jiltur») Slor-. No 4') Fiftli »f , -«r V* - I
Boawiy Lniuli
I'HB uua«rsl)fu/*U c (iticu-ri n jla;iV. nr
rant* i’t;- : U'l s •.... : a ,. M >. :...< t * .ra
miv »►: rv", r
!'LiK • n K"i h>.
Coal W'urli* for >n|c
QI\TV Tl.'Kl-K a l. v > j • «.
O iaJ )U' I r-.u t ,r,,.
fdl <'}>hPatlnn Huid Ki-rr. •>-vii i-t i.*.i . n:.-,.
34 milea afcor«; I'Ulcourj: . •.nd . • -u
Foi'm lluusr, lijiro. T>rL.«L ! I »mr i
hd ficflli-iit Lhi-L* r
The* tfiu i't Coal i- fir» 'annot tv«*
wl lu quaiKv For jihrU.-uUr ■t.
KX'HlHlTluS' KOjn
F‘ ; P» INYEN I p >SY .\NI» PATENT.* 3 .
And Agency for the Purchase and Saio of Patent
Kights and Patented Articles
moskp r UM<
iVc St) /V^r." i 'fi .rrs'i
r PIIK n v, \ Wl .»
X M«>ar.B } fAT N. i.i :.%<•• «■■ i s «~r»u. n r*
nuaJlc*’ bmi.u ;u»\ h,-:i u- '< L>
a y*o'..unti ■ : c•. .
duatry, ic wi.-i-*- •
Nevuie U
W. 11. u • i.ny,
Jann Wi <«i,
l’ ft FrjrtKl,
Kcip i M ajr,
Vi". M'C'ao-il*^!
W l/v ml-,
Piitw* .\inrni’- r .. lb. I'W
Vi ti II t»£ l lni»ca*- IJnIT « i/>ii r c e
qMIE.Wi-tu<c a:.! Ui.-, !•., A . , K. rU • ' VV-,
1 Claw «■ i.! HT,'l in- !•..-•• • ... . ,
Vr J. D W i wl;. T»rv-.’ii
Ladi«V Writing ar>* .» »,iu» i
of i’mman-t.;; v.~- >- ■ ; ; a
by the T**a<’hflr in tun I u»* ’• i' >
.n. n. bon,lßs
*' mi>no|»oi_v u-t }.»* * i" :
lit! 1 lUHti L.U' I L • !,o' Irf t • -0., . a'
Vr-n.* id 't,i • • . i
HTid I.a.lj'-* Vi- •
WiihaßJn’ UDt>«uaJ)cJ »•»»••. *;j >.ia i
»<:t -’uir: i r i**r
.>«»» InzeiUKence uttlir
rpUB »uWr ; v,
1 01'FI .K »t N- il
now of John . hfo; &-• n.
Kxpl >rlo< Ajrwot iir 'i.v \cuo
bargh n>r ri>t:!) >rar*.
kno* > • :ur i , .•
li-sln ;j. - _ - . k. ■■,
It'S p-acr-j rt* ; «ii. • .... » a-'
Th« j.ulr iiqc- ' ' if.- ;■».
A • ill I : i kf n &. <
Ha yr ON lIANn *: •„■ -
CUAIK M \NI. f\l ?T- •• ’ V N •
mr»e »rf Far;' •• 1 r -
tb-y wi ;a* [,- *
Trrmi---ash i n.r
Win. K. SUvniian
A !!: ■' K . A I'.c , ' ..
Ch ft r 1 11 iliriiti
H'.'RjK UHOKft A• i' i'.l. •‘.i
o.*w *:»i •mi. hr-
D'l» Third h>ur ;;
to n aj, w.-rK in l»-. * n -v.,.
Ilm- r.i; had iwiur oi}.*n-u - w. fi«
I- ■hr pul; - t.* i I-.--"
to a . k i< ,
NUNNR a CLARK, Nt: >v y,, : tK
IMIB I’l'Bir • r. :
ruitf IrtH*»i *.o -rI: :r iV : , m ' T ~
a tbf ►uby*rit><»rs, N-i ’. J" , p T. r ! J" .
fßsraU.o a *ur*r-
Pull Grand riano, prior S 1 ouo. J ** k y 1/
Kfvai lb* Factory r! M.V*-S .t ■ i •, K,
lostrutii'-Dt 1' in ;; «• ••’ i
U.VI.K,“ lb e -.Taajo*RL-,lrrr.: ;K-«,„n!
ruMv csfcm-j i*at <- f S'H 11< k- •«>.U'w -I) l: i- i
oetiTos, rf t h»» lßry*f' ■'■*•, hi, J i;-. • r,
f*jw*-r, ttu-j !( ;ir.l
i(fUiw u in>ur?a •
Tbc MuUc-lUr.* v-l! t
tlialr frjf*ri'l* an 1 th>* f.i‘.! •
tL: ou s l. »ir <■ *v« t i -\t .
Spring bcoik of Hamburg I'uutoi
CIiAKUOK !;. LMt , \ I
Tb«y hate uot only i
hatioo from tbe bout fc-.rc. • .n ■ i-i,:. ,
And other*, who barn tL*tu od'lhl'lv i» llrif.4-.
but *!*» from rnr r**rMent Pn 'ir.i- ’.i.'.i. k-.1.* i. »o
extract from u ®tr»;r or
After describing particular Kjie ;<i s . >.( wl.i.-i, h
wjint/i for his own b.v*— u/j«’ Grsnd uni „i>-' i—he
speak* ap follows or their rji. ••"rut qu'CCirt
“Mv little daaghter, who plnvn t--v wnl, mini., wp’,
myself, h»vo a good ln.-Tru:::>-ii*. \ -j;3 j.:\' .he cult
ones w birh caD hfttiEfy me.
“ Instruments era offered me cn fh-» uori
tetma. I, however, do not like (ii.-.ji, . Luvr u,.*. iiie
elastic touch ami the tone r; vour-.
“I remain, yocrs, respectfully,
" IltNiir Koimof K, ]’» "
Per atle by CUARI.OTTK lIUI.ML. k: •.!„•■ „,j
Imbed I taco Depot," lls W ot«l »tre.-t. JJ V r „L„y t' 'tit
Alko, 6o le Agent for Pt'tpourg!, i.trl Wek'. ru D«un«v r'a'r.
for Uallti, Davis t a,.; Dminn Mmas, (*b:-h in th.. *£,!
era dltl«3 are consklero 1 snj.erJ.-r to-ithe: C! i -
Nunns & Clark's, not which ia.u is not r t/„, ;; w :, v
»• ,he 7 *"Ut l»«rij been LnL-odu.'.ed ln r.- i s'uj „■ be/
New liori end Philadelphia Pianos, of the h.-rt iouk--» *•
prices from s'd2Mo “ r „ j’, •
Notice lo Whom U May Concern.
THK PUBLIC SPRING HlinKS cf 11-a! U ;a;o at Ho-
Chester are now closed, end t hr- HuiULng Aujim bai
lairly commenced. livery citizen of Rooh-si-r is ImM.v em
ployed. Kren 30 or 40 new families who have U*c.rr»* ri;j.
tens the present Ppring, tind eoDStHn; cmpl.•vaient; and la
a few days a hundred tamilie* more will be required tr -i r .
ryofc the work of the present season.
The tbr Building Ettabhihmmt 1? now amr completion,
and will be in full operation in June, PuTerai On-; be
ready for delivery, by contract, th- Ivt of July, lsf*s.
Two or three new rhurchn.A, In Koi-he-ter’ wiii l-e coo.
traded for immediately, and nmneroui. other improvement*
will be requiring a grent a mount of im*chi. ideal
and other labor independent <>l th« Car
which will protnbly employ from one to two huudred
A prominent brlckmakur from Pittsburgh has just pur
charwxi uine large lots, ami contracted to make upon them
forthwith 600,000 bricks Two pangs ( .f hands n mtaence
work the present wees, beside.* the other yards heretofore
established in the neighborhood.
Our Stone Quarries are already alive with workmen, ami
the road leading to thorn lined with teams.
Lumber b becoming abundant and eh*ap, and
wiU soon spring up to relieve some of our bouses, which
now have 6 families, 4 families, 3 families, and dozetiiof
them 2 families each
Any-wbo d d not bay cheap lots ai the four public sales
last season, or the four pubiic sales the present spring, <*an
etill secure good bargains Kl private siU by railing on che
subscriber in Rochester. Terms— l <, down, 1 1, in one rear
and 1q two years, M. T.'O. GOL'I,O.
P. S.—A few lots can yet be had at $6O to slou e,vh ; if
applied for before tbe 2u;h Way. Tbedc lota are twice a*
large as usual city lots, yU : 40 feet by 12b, and the price
°Qly from $1,50 to $2,60 per foot front. Thu preHent re«* rv
e-i homestead an 1 magnificent profit of Ovid Plnney, 4
| n tb* centre of tbe borough of Rochester; also, the beautl
ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac . of P. Reno, mu be
bought through theaubscriber at great bargains, and tnere
ftre not tttw jucA barpamj within a hundred miles. u
SOUTUBKKT A BON hare removed their RojU Estate
, andGeaera l Agency ODlc* to No. 63 MARKET ST.,
near Third. 6U^
F°~*?'f LB- ' ,IVo U: = of w fe«t TV 140 Hhcb, In East
PltUbargh, at the lowegt prices, lu-juire u f
fUOMAB W<X)DS, 71 Fourth itrest.
-! b s*. ■*' * '
I I = • -
-■■■■"*. J -*l. * -
7 •■ -.
.< &ii~s H. ,
# 'W'"-
F. L. 31 arihall,
r-i J i'T*, '.Le.r
i .j 1/iiSiLrf- tu
S.--1 ! >• O n;:*-.-
: v< : p.' f'. .*■ ni• th ’l**! J
CM \ i\ l.N « Y
-.l' -rij
i .:vrn Vt J
v- * F.
\v. IL.UU*. u. J
II ' !
v H .(tn
\ t *zc»r Jk *i. :i
- : tl..
»t» ; > . FLL KhSt. K
’.ln w- ku-.» f.
y.>'L » HiL>> , ..j j , }
■ U* t'.. r . IniO —;: tl.r,? •
- I ’■•.!>. i. hU,lt
:«**} & ti#l •*
* L.17..1 HETHIAN
i. h. -'.i n
cU ■ >
’•* ! >V •
■ -t •V, •- » V
omcs 468 uroadway, cor. grand ft., new yore.
Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 I*. M
ROUGH. GRANULATED LIDS, InßarnmnUon, Acuteor
Chronic Biindnens with films, Iritis. Amaurosis and
Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eye*, ary among
the diseases of the ©ye which an* treated by Dr. 11. wjth
perfect satUluction.
All diseases of tha Ear treated npon scientific principle*
Artificial Byes inserted without an operation.
All letters post-paid will secure prompt attention.
We select the following references from among the thou
sands of cases which have been successfully treated by Dr
Henderson: 1
W'm. J. fryer, 826-8 Broadway. Albany, N. Y.
•Alfred Southwick, Printer, >•
fJ. Goodspeed, Gleoa Falls, N. Y.
•Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich.
•Mrs. A. 5L L. Wilson, New York Ci:v. y
fMiss Mary Bellows, N. E. SuGon. Duchess ru , n. y
•Edward G. Solger, Bristol. Conn.
•John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y.
David Little, Engineer, N. Y.
Wm. F. B. Giles, office Courier and Kti■ - h y,
Uame* W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L I.
Jarvis Rodgera, ** J
A. K. Reevea, Telegraph Operator, St. Nicholas Ho! j
R. M. Porrisw, Organ Builder, at.
R. B. Doolittle, M. D-, Hudson, N. Y. !
Mm Knickerbocker, Y'onkers, N. Y. j
M I*. Celtina, T;*acher i’enmaaship, Trey, N y
R L Ross, Albany, N. Y.
A l-dllenbach. Fch»nect«dr, N Y. .
t'-pt. 11 I!. Hariland, Athena, N. Y. |
John W llackett, BinghmnptOD, N. Y. j
•These patients were Mind, and had tc U !*d to th**x.-J?..*e.
At the expiration oi two weeks they could go about the city
&; pleasure.
•Tln-ie rases of Amaurosis w«re rentorM to sight after
they wer- given up incurable by thr fruity, m,.1 c.ui be
r-icrn-1 v- !-y nuy person who wlahc-j to learn the in
til•• »•«—. '•»' wißiug p. them. j H d 5
Pittsburgh Dollar Savlugi iiistltatlou,
.Vo, 68 iburtA strict,
[ j !i'u W uPi.N Jjslj I ruin vto u’ciuok ; a Jso, cu WM
J. naj'Jty aDiJ S»turJ»y *vouiDZ", " *
D-pOftks rewired id all r*uniH Dot Ims than Une Uo'lar
and * diviiuud ol the piofltj. declared twit* a jeer. In Jun
*n '• IW»‘mh**r The Triuteoa, f>r the puri>oser)i furtherln (
t !:•• lane roleot obje.-tB of the 1 nptitulU.n. iiavj pmere.l jo u
it bond, thereby siring addiu.-.Dal ee-ari'r t(
lv.;Re i-outfaloiDfC tha Charter, By-Lawn, Rule? and Ite«a
labonft, furnirhwd ?r»ti«, i.n ap’di-atit-n at tbe oflL>
l*rrjubmt—(i BORQiI ALBHKE.
vki PKtoictxia
Hopewell Hepburn, John 11. Ebowobe r*«r
(} -.r w 'H R. VTblte, Cbarlea Knapp,
Vrbiiam V. Jobiihton, Ji. 0 rattan Murphy,
Juin-* \\ , UaiwD'sQ, Thevlodd Uinbafa ►t! e;
Aletaoder Bradley, laaar M,
V> illiaro Phillip*. William J. Anderon
J .hn (1. BacltotwD. .Urne* Hardman,
111li Burgwin, U Kirkpatr. a
Albert John D. M'Crnl,
Ki.b<T* Chester, - Rj'bort Morrow.
J. OapJint-r Oilho Waiter P. Marshall,
Aiooz*. A. Carrier, A. M. polh-ck,
•l >/tn h Overate, Ueory L. Jtin.;*e. r
Char»e« A. Coitou, Robort Robb,
1- 'i fcdncirfti.u, IL ILi.idio,
Francis Prtu, jkOM TlhomJ-,
F. Oulmore, /amen ShiJX
•lames S. 11 100. George fc. SeJd-sD,
U iiliain H. HrtTPD, Alexander Tla-ile
j> lordly
Inaiiranrc (toinpam,
Amount tecurtdy
f j , !llrt COMPANY effort* Fire Insurance on PnMdmtp.
I t.v-.*l». Fumi ur**, Ac. Marine Insurance on
r, »vo end Freight Inland Insurance on UouLi, l>y Rivera,
Cana!*. Railroad*, and Latti Cam*** icrnor*!!)
Als . lajurano* upon Liv#tf, upon th* td >-•’ farura&J*
II in TbouiM B F'oi eqi'«, K N*-»vlj,
Unjr-i* H Di;ik>-,
Kd. V SUldleton. R R. Fl-lmbf !•!,
fri-'l. C Ilr<>v» »r,
i bi.iuai MMnWCrU. Le-eh
THOMAS II Fi.‘jßK.n> F V'~n*u‘.
r.: *KK 2 R tIM-jinr-io, H^cn-tarj
Hku. T. M Ilfwe. Hon J K v
Hko l‘. C. hhanncT, o*l f 4 W
I-1.-u J K. Gurhr:*-. a. 41 WkVaiutn. Yt ■ ,
Th-cma .! K.«-n*Q, K«{ . W,] s f.a M'CiaJ 1 .-, Kvj ,
J U« on Foaior, Gt-n J R M'-r»b«fc4
B >J R)dJlw,
T \«* ''l.anunv if th« aboT* Cemjnni L! .** Cr» , .6..-
nr)j • -tnbln** *h» far* nn-1 u!s*j<y:.i '!i
:iuf ho-i ! if*- 1 cj)u, kii'vi
G-nllftn-n :>f 6*fX-U:«*d in l<-
and inu»r.>*:isi •« Utrv.Abol-lwrv
THOiIAS .1 lIIWTRfI. AtfPiii
. > -• fit Ch»H*-. itullJlnf. No K* Thirl »f
Self-sealing Cans pjffi
£*r Frfwvwy Frisk Frui's, pj?jjl|||' •
I'viHaiot*, J j |]
in ii i, aw etil s i;ali ng IBIUiM
r 3'r) >..'F i:AVA *h.-h arr P-air-i l r tb- I’..**.
1 » i !>• ui tb* Mi i r a Honor, at J nit •(!; ni; *>''ol
mjt. > •- .IK- an. npiOy • •ir:iLa In. K-Dofa. it*-'
lui. Cit - :i. a- i r «.• * n-.< up fruit £.'»v-iapai.j :l« . an*,
and ' - - w- rk l.« ho omH v t-rrf'-rrcf-i. till!t t* tf.Kr tin*- pt«tv
:muu;. n;a* f.aip iro-t. Fruit uo-i TntuaU---!- --u tb-u tat-i
-»■ -a! *uia:u-tr
i'HH'K_> -
. M Tb--
•irt yn*r.. Ji.V. iU.r u..k-.o
s4,:* (/*i.> i i-r •••..-•i-o Th.
:i • r l'-r fvkoi'oiv !o Iran-
A. w!i i* •' i«: f li) a i.i "r.'* :
* *" - '• ;h«' h rt! !- f—r; !! ruf ! ■« ■•lriUl'W. 1 ;< fc«. u (| V
ptvT«- j ly t ho K*rmi>r» CliiD
: •!.« \ i»*-f m. 1 1.~-. :: \ <-t t cmw
‘ 1 ■ • ;l - •'■ ••' -n'l* h\ ih- It. ■ • K*;r lr,
o‘«r ii.n*] i. »tiO wsi* mu :••!•■! u at '(!•• M<> fcacW
!■ kjf L"i 1 ui- -p-t; i»x » f ' '•* rin;:b-mun In- ’IT ’]••*.
L . .i-i. l i; > . U v 1 ! U '“ln-llUt'-J l„' t*» *J)<» tau .c '.br
ai l a i:im '-'J pt<• cn j. *' > f '
/ r v b !-•<ai>- 10J at the Cl.if.a au-l i^'jrerir
»r- '• IIKNi.Y Hl.i.ii .
-u.-4 1 J-J «frw.. -imh
Unrtgnt 11 « In Walchca, C lock* 41 Jcwili y
AJ'.K n<.w 1 jn their .argu an o*rriu!.v t •
of Tint, Watrhe*,
Jewelry tit £re ally reduced prlr«n, to niakr room
SnT-UfcO for a;i eDUm lc* übi h wiii lm re-’elTed dv
r-s-t fr-ci tlx* Ka*t'-rc manufactories iu a lew re* l !/, for
thr Fai I Irnd*
JrthiriOE to buy ,cood at low pnrf»,
►•i. ji.! .- i.. ;iau«*«itat<iT acd titmice our atom, an nr ar*
;-!"ru...i,f-.l t. • i ,<ut without regard t<- .'ot-t or h>Tu»«r
W tr. (» o': f r/a*. ibr plan*
UvJUERTS a broth eh.
11 Kir.!, s'.rtw:. D-M-. do.A 1.. Wihvl
»nj J.\r t lt_v ri’i'Hin-j m ,l.f ' J(
ce~ W »* l.»n, o:-'< S*
H O T K I.
( LAT I 0 tfW.l'tJ, '
Cotia.r of Binithflclil and Third alreels,
JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor.
pit isbu it uh , pj
r l'llln lar/* anl rt'ranCKilnDH Larlm; un iirgi oe
1 tirufiitih repair and furnished with new equipment*
Hi i■» uow c*peo for tb<* reception oi the traveling
;’ili!l0 I'lllMH UOPUUIB. j«l
i*! B l>a»!i*r In Warrant*, Btoek*. An , tf’J Fourth
Co-P&r taerahlp.
WAI.TKK P MARSHALL osnociatM with him, on tha
'id Jay of July, JOS. R. H COOKS, la tbe Wall
l’K| tr buaineaa, uflder the name of
jyV W. P. MARBnA I.T. A 00.
lw. A good bargain can bo bad by applying noon «i
lbt.ofilr.enl the MORNING POST jylQ:t
Lot for 8al«
A GOOD BUILDrNQ LOT, 24 feet front on Cnreon rtrrrl
bv 100 feet Id depth, in Birmingham, will be sold
chrcip. Enquire of GKO. K. GiLLMOiUS,
at ofllc» of the Morning Post.
semiannual divimmTd,' FperCENT.,~JXLy 171^6
Chartered - * 1819.
c«»u Aaacla, July 1, 1 888, ~ *838,030 83.
(IoNTINUK to make Insurance on ell - eaoriptjotxa i>f
J property at equitable rates. Tbi*i Company bare
maintained a position for honorable dealing for dd yearn,
and unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by
any other similar institution In the United Etat«j. Semi
annual statement of the condition of this Company on bis
in this office, for the examination of the public.
11. D. TEN-JSYCK, Agent.
Office, North-west corner Fifth end Wood street, j*ltts
bargh. jyS4
it. M. LimoD dt Co.’i Way Llue,
ft— THE undersigned haring purchased
iffiTgf. vftsfrartflTn part of I) Leech 4 Co.’s Canal Stock,
SaSilgSjgSiSf are prvpared to do a WAY FB.KIGUT
BUSINESS between this place and Oolambia. All busiuwsa
entrufltad to our care wrtll be promptly attended to by uh,
at the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech 4 Co.,
Canal Basin. LLOYD 4 LEMON.
THEIt—The Magoiines for August
Peterson’s Magazine for August;
Ballou’s do do
N»w York Journal do
IhckHQH’ Household Words for August;
The Heiress of Haughton, ot the Mother’s
Mary Lyndon, or Berelationfl of a Lile;
Peggy Woffington.
For all the new Books or Magazines, call or e*n.l u the
cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDfiNPKNNEY A 00.,
Fifth BL. opposite the Theatre.
CIOAL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street Moooo
' gahsU rirsr, for sal* by
jy2o J. W, BUTLEB A CO.
L' AiAioft—l aorimdor Salmon tor sale by
I mb above celebrated WATERING PLACE will be open
X rot visitors on and after the FIFTH OF JUNE NEXT.
a **'£btful]y located on Sherman's Creek, fourteen
fta nonh*w«at of Duucunnon, (this place being fifteen
w 6 n- ° f £Y/“ bur £» on Central Railroad,) at the
nin». u fh " t! •’founUiHj which reaches au elevation of
h We bund rod t W L Bberman’B Creek afforde a
tbnee fond of bathing, fishing or
"UTTDUaJiI I? forests offer great attractions to
,o . u . r “ moolh “ 1 *»dy roads through
wir i|vfl/--ifvrh rpasflwl for 1,01(1 ancl m °guiflcent scenery,
l of the plow.
iIuRSK*., SADDLES and CARELAGES can be had at all
lu SJ"; h K Z r ?'n:n^! < 'J Ar ' rycß reaM “aW« terms.
Of the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of th« rprtms »«-
■“ h -« a
, l r m ,n the Unlon ’ a “<l “re pronounced uu:
TP S culan '»>'W diseases and affections of
t e kidneys. There are some five Spring in all «vArv
oi.u o. which is of different tcmpwat JL3L largest blw
Fftbreiih-it, an.l throwing out S 3 gaUms every
I L * J k S .!’ Di G » ntl «®®u , « baths hare
l/MD cuostriii.t-d. ai'b ud the modern improvement* to
getW with PLUNGE BATHS, Ac., Ac P ’ to
Each day a Coach loarw Duucaanon for tbs Springs the arrival of the earn. K 6 '
B wiing Alley a. Billiard Rooms, and various other facllt-
T, i or ia abundance. The accommodations
«riu b- the bent, and tb» charges low.
TSSM3.—Kig-it JoltArs per week, or one dollar and fifty
.'eots {.-er Jny * 3
Families wishing t" -ogag* rooms, should address th«
proprintor early.
Every attention will be paid to visitors, the proprietor
navjni; the beat of servants. Musio always in at*
tco-idhre. '
Al. comiuuni-ttiona intenJed to reach the Perry County
vt A.-m Spiscci should b- addressed to Dunvannon P. 0
iLw “t be unmi-diately forwarded.
IIj/TKL, llc.vruranoN Co., Peru., one hun-
J-V dre * and miles Etui of Pittsburgh, ami
unlj/ nx hour; md.:. This delightful residence and place of
puclic r***-r. ,s located eu the banks of th* M Bine Juniata ”
*• V'“ Of Spruce Creek.. Its clear spring, trout
futfoiioing waters, hore dbi-hftrgeg itself, nnd mingles its
10 ; '■ l ‘ c * rL> u * rUAii down the gorges of the
i h<* Ter? ' position of ibis Hotel makes it a desira-
Imp j.iu.e of s<jmru for a few weeks or days, for men of
J-’t.daersi and their (iiuulief—jaded and enervated with the
turmoil bust.f uui heat of the city. It is situated on the
1 nun.iylrac'a Cental Railroad, where the great turnpike
from the na and other roads concentrate
making VtTJ and .ugrese, several times a day, by
thu and etagAH, to Altoona, Tyrone, Huntingdon and
iho Mountains.
'tn : to v i/ciook
Tbe Uoafv id b new bri k on*, four stories high, spacious
»C'l ro-)ia/, newly pA»«r*d, painted ag<i furnished from
basmaeui to atti-*, with ail the modern improvements and
of Cold Baths, 4c. It is also finely ventilated,
Tjlt* nro superb view? of orery department of the Moun
the “ glorious mountains " the “eternal
nil s Td-gra; b Offi *is m the House, always ready for
work—an-1 the proprietor ready to receive visitors at mod*-
rn*-o .barge*. K. P. HAS LETT, Proprietor.
aarißiicaa tit PiTTsaeaou:
Carr 4 Co., 32J L'brrty street.
Jehu H ?hO(*nberger. John Anderson
William S. Campbell, Bt. CbArlea Hotel
R the lT**v«ntion *d-1 Cure of IsmxumOT and K*
fcUTTurr Ksviau, Fstm and Anns, Omixs and Fzvml,
LtMii Aorta, Gxwhul Dnuiirr, Night Swtits, and all other
fnrma rr disease which have a common origin in Malaria or
Tfcn ii a NATURAL ANTLDOTK, which will entirely
pf ifci aoy rt»*tld«sr)t or trnvel-r, t>Teo in tin* mod! sickly or
flnutnpy locaUtfej, from any Ague or Billon* dlseaM what
«r-r, nr any injury from cotmanUy Inhaling Malaria or
it will instantly cheek the Ague in persons who hare raf
frrvi for any length ct time, from one day to twenty years,
»° that they ne«-i never hare another chill , try continuing Its
o£e irccriing to The patient at once begins to
recover appetite and strength, and continue* until a permn*
Dent and r»>Jj.-a.l cure is effected.
Oo<-r!«o LMiiea will »«wer for ordinary cases; some
may require ra-tr* Directions printed in German, French
and Fr.aoUh, accompany each bottle. Pri«e One Dollar
UWnu hwxontd mad** to the trade.
James a. Rhodes, providence, it. i.
“ I harp maJ* q chemical examination of “ Rhodes' Fever
and Ague Cure.** r T “ Antidote to Malaria,” and hare tested
i: Cor Arsenic, Mercury, yutnlo« and Stryehnlne, but hare
i> * : und & j.urti -le uf erher in it, nor have I found any
“übstam.*** in it» comp-'-iMon that would prove irjurious to
t!»r oOBe(huU--»n.
" i.rwrjuCK L’ u 1 >n Couuty, Pa , May 2, 1865.
Mr. .) A. Rlfxifi —L>«*- Sir The hox of medicine you
r*'bt ui« vra* d.l j rrtvn wi iu the 11th c: April. I have
vAd r»K-ut ot<»- LaJ 1 1 u, and so far the peopl<> who have
u-»-l it «re that It bad earwd tb«m. It certain
!, - the A tf u» in rv<*ry one who ha» u‘*d it. and all
cl rjtwre were of long standing. My sister, who ba*
h«ol it for flr? or yv*r» bach, aud couid never get it
stopped. by tla'ulDe, auJ that only as long oa ►he
w;hi)>l take it, ij d >w, 1 t!J nk, entirely cured by your rein-
C. 11. McGINLY.”
*w ~..-re 0 ,.-, vuioiue. B:rvehnme. or
Ar.l.-i-.nxiK.i, -t iu-ik*io**3 ui anv kua. trm virtu** oi
Whi. .. *•■ *u .. urnjt* me mt»el they
enn u .jj*f . uu*« i-;r a *:i'*n ume. rrrtie :h;'j
ar>’ >. 1.- iv «0»i tvOnuiuwnßm uism | jit*a ihai r-*a*» only
w;:h 11 K**member that tnr oniv Fever and Arn.> T^-ne-
Jv that U harm'*-.-* w-:i *. -nr. ~
Of~ for Vllr by Jo II N MITUIKLU and Drupel.. MB-
N O 1 I M W-.A.1) .-TKKKT. PITTSBURGH. U Ju*t re
<-r>T;r.g a ii-.rge i-l PIANOS, o( the lateat Hyl-s,
fn-ui ll.r F-iclnriev of
BAGMtiARDTKN A 11KINS. Hamburgh.
ha*.u:t, dams a oh.,
A H RKiCHK.VHAriI. Philadeipbla:
T nr-! 1 .- r with thmv >i oth«-r makers, at from $220 to
'i"*', un.iudh.g i-'rry rartety and atyU, l-om the {lain
but ►uha’.auiUl hnu Irani** P.ano, to the moat elegantly
arv -• i l/iui-i V I V »t 5 !*>, art! Of and Pianos
t: ’•angvinec t» hate l-e*"D made with the manafecturarv,
(•v which th-'.r nifrua are mild I.iw-t by their i;sclu
►irr h-- than In :h- Ka-i. aud without the add!-
li'ioal ciMt ah 1 ri-k t-t trao?i»-irtaticn.
Er*ry Pmim aoiJ by the «übsorlber b warranted perfect
tn I'Vfrv ~nJ » written guarantee will be riven i!
•'*4l' No. US Wood street.
Aq Institution for tho Business Man.
('JIAHTKHt-0 APRIL, 1866.
/ \U«IAN!7.KT> and iu very duccostful operation, w ith a
\ / lk-rtrd ■ I Trj-U-*'9, an-t taught bv on efficient Faculty.
I »v bund', 1 --uil'-iita and upwards bare motrlenlated at
ihi* t'-.!-ge The rombtnod and urgent demand ot the
\ ■rtn« r M,-> tinn. , ileii'lmut and Pnif<>eidooal man, l,»r an
lii-(!i>. 1. n -r fi'Andiinl. in which rariouj art* with
• li-irnTi b-i >- ,| jt- Itied, atiU that they «hou)d l*e
iti*• rut tv • xperi,-tk-***l wt,o bare had bu.M»«!>><
| rm-'.li-- iu Ui.- • t. hae cuui-tnl the organisation
ft the I'enpV's Or-liege of Praetical Toa-'hcra. Peveral of the
lai'uity iv.-,- hiobfr* vf Ho-'k Krepim,, who provide, as re-
eet« -t •* form book*,” that conform toall the changes
aud lmprov, mer.tti of trequent occurrence la actual buai
Dally leivturert are d-livered by pisraiine <<f known ability,
fiotj-n't. B>x>k Keeping, its theory and laws; Arithmetic,
and its npdii "alion ; The Art of Writing; Commercial Law;
IH'lUk&l Ib'oromy; Geography ; History; and
Du-ilcees Kihii's
The success of thii* Institution is now certain. Citizens
rf the first < ii Res in society and business show their oont-
Jonce by cDUrr.tig thrir sons for a business education.
OF K\ KR\ DESCRIPTION, suitable for Railroads, Cn
nalH, Ac., for weighing Hay, Goal, Ore, and Merchan
dise generally. I'urchaserß may feel assured that they can
be supplied «Hth a superior aud reliable article, and run
Dv rirh.
Kai li Scale id guaranteed cornwt, and if (aßer trial) not
found ficKjof»etcry, can be rutnrned without charge.
Factory at the old stand, established fur thirty j oars, cor
ner of Ninth aud Melon streets, Philadelphia.
Otfici or “Tux Pittsudrgu Gas Compa..xt,’' i
rm , August 17. 1866. f
| 11 15 Stockholders of “The Pittsburgh Gas Company”
i are hereby notified that an election, for the purpose of
electing two persons to serve as Trustees of the sail Gas
Company for the term of three years, will be held at the
office of the Company, at the Works, ob the FIRST MON
DAY (3i day) OF SEPTEMBER, 1866, between the hours
of 2 and 6 o'clock I\ M.
augl&dtd JAMKB M. CHRISTY’. Treasurer.
Valuable Farm for gale,
O ('ontaiulug 141 acred ; 116 acre* of which are under cul
tivation. The pr p.-iftor, about to decline farming, will
dispose of all his Stork, Grain and Hay od hand, if desired.
sugll corner ofSeTantb and Scniihfleld ats.
CO ft 6
And Gentlemen's Furnishing Geode,
NO. PC MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth,
Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on hand, a large stocfc
of Cloth.*, Cassimeres and Ventings. Garmonts made to
order ru the shortest notice, and in the latent styles.
orders promptly attended to. faugl7:2m
W • P. Marshall it Co.,
IMPORTERS aDd Denlem io French and American PA
PER HANGINGS, S 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Sole Agents for the celebrated manufeoturea of
Mesara. Delicoun A 00., Paris. aug7
| MPuRTAhT.—At thta season ol tT.e year t when
A of the stomach and are »-> frequent, and/lf ne
glected, ore so apt to degejSfate Into cholera morbne, or
even Asiatic cholera, no family should be without a bottle
of the Concentrate! Essence of Jamaica Ginger, and a bottle
of Wichey'a celebrated Diarrhoea Medicine, which, If used
according to accompanying directions, will prove a speedv
sale and efficacious remedy. They can be had oulv at the
Drug Store of JOHN HAFT, Jr,
~Agg.l s m Wood street.
RASPBERRY BRANDY—6 aot pure Raspberry Btandy
a very superior home-made article. For Rale bv 1
OJ , *WO. LITTLE, Jr., Agent,
*Ug3:dlw No, Liberty street.
- • • **-V" ✓
J * At -
-' - • 'Vl*\
Proprietor Warm Bprings
Naw You a, Jane 11, 1*65.
J.OLBS R. CIHLTON, M. D., Chemist.’*
linonrr E>ev«r nntl Ague ( nr«
Platform Scales
Successor* to Klucoti A Abbott.
■A. * .
* •«•• ■.
IfkMBER 3004,
Hit of Unclaimed Paoltaffci'
“ CO,, 04 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, wbioh, If
n.Via 9,1 for ’ at Public Auction, by P. M.
? AV ?V°? r , ner of , rlfu > und Wood streets, on the stand
day of October next, to pay charges, and for account o;’
whom it may concern
® tI D - A11en........ Pittsburgh -.1 pkge.
Allen A Haughton do a hdls baw
R. Albright, care Frank Falk.. do i pkge/^
M. Banersachs do a boxes
J. W. Baker do l box.
Mm. E. Bretinger ... do 1 box.
: J. Beach do 1 box!
Q. W. Baskin.... Mercer, Pa. l box.
J. G. Backofen Pittsburgh 1 pkge.
W. 8. Boyd Butler 1 pkge.
B. Bond ...East Liberty..—l pkge.
Mine E. Barns Mercer 1 pkge.
C. P Buckingham Warrentoo, Pa.~l pkge.
G. H. Barst Plttabargh- 1 pkge.
D. M. Curry do 1 box.
W. H. Ohapmao do 1 pkge.
J. A. Cafferday do 1 pkge.
A. Oombs . do 1 pkge;
John Cojle do 1 pkge,
il. Campbell Allegheny 1 box.
C. 0. Cooley Manchester 1 pkge,
J. Dletrick - Pittsburgh 1 pkge.
?-J- do 1 pkge.
T. hmerick... do 1 pkge.
llO lP*g«.
W. a. Ferguson jo 1 pkge.
A- P- Klaher OonneautTllle.--.! pkge.
rL 1 °®i? r Mercer, Pa....—l pkge.
Cbas. Fischer Pittsburgh 1 pkge.
J.A.10-ter do 1 pkge.
\fiTier Gretb do i box.
C. lleioold -... do 1 basket.
J , n H ?! z ;• Butler, Pa I pkge.
J. 0. Hartx Pittsburgh -1 pkge.
J. Huffman— Birmingham 1 pkge.
A- 0. Johnson —Allegheny lpkge.
w Pittsburgh ...1 box.
M.Kuhlme d o lpkge.
P. Kane... do lpkge.
D Kluxer, do 1 okae.
W.C. Lipecomb do 1 box.
C. Llnderman do 1 pkge.
n' Franklin, Pa I pkge.
J. 0. Mosher - Pittsburgh 1 box.
D. B. Morris do l buoket.
W. H. Middaugh do l p. box
Dr. Mathews, care H.O. Gray.. do 1 box.
G. S. McFadden....- do lpkge.
J. 8. McDonald do i pkge.
Mlm M. Nelson Birmingham 1 pkge
F. Nicholson Pittsburgh I box.
K Pollock do 1 cheat
J. 8. Perry, care P. Morris do l pkee.
Miw J. Pascal! do 1 pkge.
Rhodes 4 Nelson do \ pkge.
9' Zer - * dO ‘J DOXB3.
J. Helm do i pkge.
J- do 1 pkge.
C. Rlnrkall do l pkge.
F. Both - do 1 pkge.
Mary Rhodes .Franklin, Pa 1 box.
A. Bpraoger Pittsburgh lpkge.
J. Spenrrr - do 1 boa.
J. Schuster do 1 pkge.
J. P. Smith - -....Franklin, Pa 1 pkge.
J. Smith. -Independence—.l box.
A. Behwanks Allegheny- A pkge.
Troujb 4 Herd LawrencerlUe ...lpkge.
W. A. Torrey - .Jamestown...-... 1 pkge.
Johnson Williams Pittsburgh 1 nk«.
BUI* Wolf do lpkge.
J. H. Williams do 1 Dkjre.
W. Q. Wall ...... do lpkge.
Mrs. R. WUUnma Birmingham ...—1 pkga.
Mrs. 8. Williams Pittsburgh lpkge.
P. Bloomer--. do 1 bag.
K. Sumett do l box.
W. M. Derry do 1 tdle.
Frank Mayer, care W. Kuhn- do \ nkxe.
H- B. KUeey do 1 bof.
J. Blontg— do 1 pkge.
Iron oty Hotel do 1 carp, bag
G. Thompson do 1 pkge.
R. Gillespie - do lpkge.
J. B. Martin do 1 pkge.
D. Pembridge do H pkge.
(1 c*rp. bag.
A. H. Register do 1 trunk.
General Tom Thumb do 1 pkge,
M. Watson - New Castle, Pa.-1 pkge;
Watson A Btanton do 1 pkge.
J. Watts —Latrobe 1 box.
Agent of the AiUtq* Express Co.
PitUburgh. August 31. 1866.
great discovery:
AMPLE TKST3, both by able Practitioners sod Chemi
cal Analysis, hare demonstrated the great value of
PROP. DE G RATH'B beautiful combination, called “ELEC
TRIO OIL,” lor the relief usd core of Pain. Eat the people
themselves er« rendering their verdict in a manner both
anmistakeable and ntis&etory. More than 20,000 bottle*
have been sold in a very short time—a great proportion to
those who heard others recommend it, who tried it.
That it is a splendid discovery is everywhere acknowledged,
and nothing like it was ever t efore prepared. Why, for
(ferns alone, it is worth $lOO,OOO a year to the people, as It
afw*ye cores these painful tormentors »a Ivxnty-four hour:
Bot what is it not worth to the people if it entes gait
Rhenm. Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcers, Sores of all kinds, (fre
quently taking away alt the pain In twenty-four hours,)
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis,
PUes, Womb Complaints, Cramps, Sprains, Sore or Swelled
Breast, Felons, Wounds of all kinds, fte. ? Would $500,000
express its value to the people ? A r o. Because a man will
give freely for relief from pirn. Will this Oil relieve pain t
Certainly u iciXL Such man as we have often named, hon
orable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and
oihere bare re said, after from ten to fifty trials. They say
the £lrdnc Od is the finest medical combination ever pre
pared. neither offensive nor injorious, but effectual In all
the above and many other cases. Some honorable
b<-.a* v busiuMw firms have. It is true, sold some of the old
(turpentine, l-ttiiainoas, or coal tar, Ac. Ac.) external ap
plications, u o til tb-ir customers returned bottle after bot
tle, with tbs remark that ** the remedy was worse than the
pain;” y*t such men have never recommended nor given
countenance to them. Bui see some of our beet merchants
ordering more every reo days, and always giving additional
testimony to the ralue of this wonderful discovery. That
a great many ladies are using It as a medicinal toilet article
foe themselves and lheir children, is well known. It cures
all ptmjdes, blotches and eruptions on the face and neck in re
abort a time, you would scarcely credit It- It frequently
reduces a piiryfxu swelling in two hours; has done it in baf
an hour; cured many effeotaaily in six hour*. If ladles
knew the soothing* strengthening ton/ heeding virtues In
Oil, they would never be induced to use anything for
womb complaints or pains of any kind.
We now insert & letter Just received from Henry Wiley,
Esq., who went to England six weeks since, (to die )
Lofoos, July 12,1855.
Prof. Dr Grate, Phil*.—Dear fiir : ’When I left hone fbr
my health, (scrofulous eruptions, Ac,) 1 never expected to
return ogutts, believing that my complaint would soon
«arry me off. When you gave me three bottle* of your
Els&nc Oil to take with me, as merely a paUiatwe t I did
eot think I would » rery soon be called upon to thank you,
sa I now do, for my complete restoration.
1 cau only nay, before the departure of the steamer, that
you hare only to corns here with your Oil, to make a for
tune Id onevear. There is not another stmUar tpwdjrin*
England, if In the world. I will write by next steamer.
Yours, most truly, Hxtrar Wnsi.
It cannot be ihelr imaginations, who state that old Bores,
that hare discharged from six months to five years, hare
been cured by this Oil. It cannot be untrue, not a decep
tion, where pain Is relieved In one da*, often In half an
hour. No! common sense dictates no/—and GOO written
letters say no.' Come and see them. A regular Doctor in
attendance; and l adles can consult a Lady, privately, by
dropping a line to the office. Advice from a distance, mak
ing Inquiries that any physician can answer, will be
promptly attended to. Always enclose a stamp, as our ear
vices are freely given, and we are drawn upon too often In
this w»y All cases treated liberally, with or without the
Oil, us I bare two Physicians associated for this express
purpose. Prof 0. DE URATH,
No. 39 Booth Eighth street, Philo.
>' U —The largest bottles ten times the cheapest. Please
notify m» of any ease or failure to cure In from half as
hour to three *r treks, as 1 wish to cure all.
For sale by DR. KEYXEK, 140 Wood »t TanaSO
Manufactured by ohickeiung a sons'Boston,
and for sale by JOHN H. MEL LOR. ■
No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond allav|KSaßHßiwffl
and Fourth street Just received from thePjjjTSflrf?
manufactory or Chickerlng A Sons, Boston,« * S V »
uod fbr sale ijtvariably at Boston prices—
Two of their first oLasa Seven Octave Pianos, Louis XIV.
style, with carved cases, legs, lyre, music desk, Ac. Ac.; fin
ished back and front alike. This Is considered by persona
of taste to be the most beautllul pattern now made. Price
$6OO each.
Two first dare Seven Octave Planoa, with carved case,
lyre, new style of fluted legs, the lyre and ends of beautiful
cam d tracery work ; finished back and front alike. Price
$460 each.
Three elegant Rosewbod, plain doobla round corners,
Seveu Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and
with ChJckering-’B Patent Iren Frame. Price s4do each.
Two carved Rosewood fM ootave Pianos, with new style
fluted legs, carved case, maria descend the usual openings
filled with beautifully carved tracery work; finished back
and front alike. Prfoe $425 each.
Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners, GVf
octaves, finishtd back and front alike, and with Ohickering*B
Patent Iron Frame. Price $375 each.
Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Six Octave Pianos, all
made as well and with the same care as their first class Pi
anos, and with Ghisk*ring’s Patent Iron Frame.
One of Chiokering A Sons’ New Beale, fail Seven Octave
Grand Pianos, of Immense power, brilliancy, and sweetness
of tone, with their New Patent Action, which renders the
touch so light and elastlo that it can be played on by the
most delicate hand. Price $750.
Aleo, one of their new Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely
new Invention, and particularly adapted for PerloT use.
Price $660.
A new lot of Plano Stools just received.
For sale by JOHN H. Bl Wood st.,
' between Diamond allefremd Fourth street,
Sole Agent for CHICK ERIN G A SONS, for Pittsburgh end
Western Pennsylvania. ' aug2B
# «aS Fa,! Slyle for
C EL PAULSON will Introduce the New Style fbr Hats
• on SATURDAY, Augdst 26th.
0. H. PAULSON, 73 Wood street,
next door to corner of Fourth
AST Soft Hats and Caps of every description.
EDDOATtoif* r~
■p KN N INBTITUT EL corner of Penn and Hancock streets
otMO^r^ 8 £? D B^4 nflatUUOn WiU e “ UMa “
sSSE? Btationery, per session of Twenty-two
pJSTwr—•' V»—— 00
Ijppilrjnay enter at any time, and will U charged P™
ra T J Un , end of the tern,or till notice of withdrawals
a deduation being allowed for absence on account of pro*
tracted sickness. j, j£ 4 SMITH, Principal.
aug2s:d2w(ghj) ' ,
olxvbt kirx- _ wm. »• mo*b.
Co*Partnershlp Notts**
THE undersigned have day enteral into copartner
ship. and baring leased for a term of yeara the large
CiR FACTORY recently erected tt BOOBRSTER, Braxer
County, Pa. are no-, prepared to <***** *" the anutte
tu re of RAILROAD OARS ° f ertryießOlltiou.
Address, “ Rochester, Beaver Uoony', Pa.
August 17, KIRK A RHODES.
- Vi'
A - .
--■H'-i'. V .y V
aosud m-os bt tub but abo bob eaua
ran lots kostpabkil, oa Lass:
Ooa iqu*r®, one Intortlon f.
" '* flssb additional insartion
“ " one
'* w*
.... 1 7*
two weeks.. g qq
“ throe weeks.. 400
“ “ one m0nth...... 4(g
" H two months 7Ot
“ three months...... ..... „ 900
" " four months 10 00
“ " ilx months- IS 0#
" “ one year- fioo
Standing Gard, riz line* or leas, per annum-—.— 10 00
na*nni«p; i pLMASUfLS:
One square, per annum, (exclusive oi the paper)-..,... SB 00
TETHERKAfI, in and bv the 13th section of the Act oi
fU the General Assjmbly of Pennsylvania, passed July
21,1559, entitled ,4 An Act relating to the Elections of this
Commonwealth,” it is enjoined on the Hheiiff of evm
County to give notice of eucheleoiiona tobe held, and can*
merate in ecch notice what officers are to be fllectad, fn
p.azshance thereof, I, WM. MuQILL, Sheriff of the County
of Allegheny, do therefore make known and give this pub.
lie notice to tne electors of said County of Allegheny, that
a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in said Connly. on the
Election Districts therein.
The electors of the First Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to meet at the house of Mrs. Jane Little, at comar of
Fourth and Ferry streets, in said Ward.
The electors of the Second Ward of the dty of Pittsburgh
a ' Public flehool House in said Ward.
The electors of the Talrd Ward of the diy of Pittsburgh
1 ee , al . h ° h , ou * ? f Andrew McMasters, Esq.
The electors of the Fourth Ward of the d!y of Pittsburgh
to meet at the Public School House In eaid Ward.
tei ?L! W 0 !! °n lhe Fi f th ?*** 01 018 city of Pittsburgh
to meet at the Pennsylvania House, occunied h* nnti-ii>
Seidel, late Alex. Stewird, in saJdWaid P ‘ M " 7 aotW *
Tr e eiectors.of the Sixth Ward of the city of
to meet at the PubUc School House limU
The electors of the Seventh Ward of tbeeity of
to meet at the Public School House in eahl Ward “ SDai **
The electors of the Eighth Ward of the city of Httihanrh
to meet ot the Public School Ho use In said Ward. ***
Thq electors of the Ninth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to mat at tho Public School House In «\id Ward.
The electors of the first Ward of the city of AHt.a4.gnj
to meet at the house of J. Woodhouee, in Robinson street.
The eleotbrs of the Second Word of the city of Allegheny
to meet at the house of widow Thompson, north-west cornar
of Ohio street and public square.
The electors of the Third Ward of the dty of AiUgfrypy
to meet at the Public School House In said Ward.
The electors of the Fourth Ward of the city of Allegheny
to meet at the house of T. Smith, at the corner of Robinson
and Anderson streets.
The factors of tho borough of Birmingham to meet at
the Town Hall oa Wilkins street in raid borough.
The electors of tto borough of East Birmingham to meet
at tho Railroad Office of Oliver H. Ormsby, in eald borough.
The electors of Duquesne bsrougb to meet at the Public
School Houcs of said borough.
TheeUotors of the borough of LawrencevlUe to maet at
the Public School House in paid borough.
The electors of the borough of Bharpsborgh to meet at
the house cf John Sharp, ln«aid borough.
The electors of the'boroughoflHoKeesport to meat at tha
Town nail in paid borough.
The electors of the borough of South Elizabeth to meet at
the house formerly occupied by E. Me ininch, at the end cf
the Monongohela Bridge, In said Borough.
The-eUrto .s of the borough of West Pittsburgh to meat
at the house of Bogers.
ThdteUictor- of the borough of West Elisabeth to meat
at the Public School House lu said borough.
The ©lectors of the borough of Tarentum to oust at the
Public School House in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Manchester to meet at tha
Public School House.
The electors of the borough of Elizabeth to meet at the
bouse of Graham, formerly occupied by John Walker.
io sold borough. 9
The electors of Pitt townahlp to meet at the house of Jo
seph Glndrod, on the Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Tumpth*
Road, in said 1 owneblp, except the qualified Totem realdta*
in sections No. 4, 7 and 14, of the said district, who-abati
vote at all general electiqns in the Ninth Ward rf the cltv
of Pittsburgh. - <*
The ©lectors of Peebles township to meet at the house of
John Beitler, in the village of Ease Liberty.
Tha electors of Collins township to meet at the hon»» trf
William McCall, the Tillage of East Liberty'
The electors of Wilkins township to meat afthe house of
John chaffer, on the Greenaburg Turnpike said
township. ; •
The electors of Plum township to meet at the house of
John Summerville, in said town hip.
The electors ef Patton township to meet at tJw house of
Abraham Taylor, on the Northern Turnpike, In toil towi
ship. -j
The electors of Peon township to meet at tto house of
Robert Donaldson on the Leechburg Koad,Jn said township,
Tb» electors of Versailles township to meet at tha Public
School House, on the form of David 3haw, n ea r the white
house formerly occupied by Thomas Neal, now by Win A
The electors of Elizabeth township to meet at tho home
of George Webster, formerlyw>ccopied by John Walker in
Elizabeth borough.
The electors of Jefferson township to meet at the house
of Michael Bnee, formerly occupied by John King, tn said
The ejectors of Mifflin township to meet at the hoose-o*
Sunuel Wilson, formerly occupied by James H. Neel* iu
said township.
The Hectors of Upper Si. Clair township to meet at tto
house pf Jaa. Conner, in said township.
The electors of Loser fct Clair township to meet at (be
house lately kepi by F. Helle, at tho junction of the B(r>
mlngham and Coal fini roads, In sahl township.
The electors of Ohartiers township to meet at the houM
of William Obey, on the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Turn
The electors of Robinson township to meet at the house
of garah McFarland, formerly Aadfey McFarland. In sold
The electors of Findley township to meet at ths house o (
McClelland A. Armsr, formerly occupied by J, Oharleo, in
the villa«e of Clinton, in said township.
The electors of Moon township to meet at School House
No. 4 in e&id township.
The electors of Ohio township to meet at the houso of
Henry Y. Tnompscn, in said township.
The electors of Franklin township to meet at the house
occupied by Jos. Holemaa, in said township.
The electors of Reserve township to meet at the School
House No. S, in said township.
The electors of Baldwin township to meet at the house of
John Cowan, In sold township.
The eieotora of Snowden township to meet at the boos*
of Peter Boyer, la said township.
The electors of Sooth Fayette township to mest at the
house of H. Hays, on the farm of a. Y. Coniter. In said
The electors of North Fayette township to meet at the
house now occupied by Francis Jamison, at Bodgere* HHL
In said'.township.
The electors of Rosa township to meet at the house of
Jaoob Oolbaugb, on tho Franklin Road, la said township.
The elector* of Pine township to meet at the house of
Hugh Crummy, In said township.
The electors cf *PCandless township to meet at the Lotus
of Daniel Ehoup, in said township.
Thfi electors of West Deer township to meet at the house
of Nathan Conley.ln said township.
The electors of £a? i Deer township to meet at the Public
Scheol Honse.ln the borough cf Tarentum.
The electors of Nevil# township to meet at School 2Zoo°a
No. 1, (hereof er to bo called Chaplin )
The electors of.gewiokley township to meet at the house
of Samuel Ritchie, in said township.
Ths electors of Indiana township to meet at the hduaa
formerly occupied by Alex. Turner, in raid township.
The electors of Shaler township to meet at John Shaw'n
Mill, la said township.
The qualified voters of that part of Indiana township la
Allegheny county, resiling within the following described
boucdsrfcw, to wit: beginning pt a point on the Allegheny
rivec, a* the upper line of the furflw>f John Cable, and run
ning & northerly course, between the farms of raid Cab's
and John Boyd to tho north east comer of Cable's farm—
thence fanning a westerly course to the Shater township
line, iq suih a manner os to embrace all farms or lota
situated in Cunningham’s district, and known as the Stiver
tracts, within said boundaries, shall hereafter vote at the
general election in the borough of Sbarpebure, at the
election poll of call borough.
At which time and place the qualified electors as afore*
said will by ballot vote for
One parson for State Senator,
Five persons for members of Assembly of PtUnsylTaule,.
One perron for Sheriff,
One person for Canal Commissioner,
One person for Prothonotary,
One person for Treasurer,
One jteraon for Oounty Commissioner,
Oqc person far Coroner,
One person for Director oi Poor,
One fer Auditor for ? year*
Ooe person fur Auditor far 2 years.
C iven under my hand and seal at Pittsburgh, this &i day
September, A. D. 186*, and of the Independence of the
United States the eightieth. WILLIAM MAQILL.
F\MSLI—6O bbl* Lake Superior Salm n .
X. 60 half bbis do do
70 do WnlteFiali;
61 do Trout;
40 do Pickerel;
30 bble No. 3 large Mackerel, now ;
60 half do do do do
16 bbls Baltimore Herring, do
For sale by fjy-191 HENRY U. COLLIN*
r I'EK ilAlti OOLOtUNd FLUU> uoea not color £TsuJa
JL thuskin Ln the leiat, but In every case it will restore
the natural color of the hair, where ago or eickHeas baa
turned it gray. A triid will satisfy those using it of a mn«
curxo.t and singular phenomenon, that is, gray hair restored
to Its natural color, with ail the strength and healthy
growth of youth. Price only 60 cents por bottle. Bold In
Pittsburgh by 8. l. CTJTHBBRT,
au « 7 63 Market street.
8. CUTBSX&T . -.a..,.......*. L. OPTHStt?.
r Purchase of Real Estate, CoUoction of Bents, Borrow-
Uig and Loaning Moneys on Bonds and Mortgages; nlwa.
for making fialra of Produce,-Manufactured AxtSolea A<s
for Farmers, Mechanics and otLers. Office, No. 63 Market
rtr “ t ' ' aug!
FLDII) EXTRACI' os BUUlllD—o h<7m.
2i excellent medicine received by
_jyW__ 408. FLEMINQ.
HRRPETIO SOAP—For remoring Tan, SaAlowneaiiaSS
or tho Skin ; 12% cent* per cake,
oujwrior Lily Wklta, or Pearl Powder; 6% and 12%
Ftaywsr, f, r beautifying the com.
CUniBKRT, 68 Market >t
in cure for tiles. Scoots;
chat ealttel -
Hta .'aP^ B,t,tch “ of WMtetn Pnaby
early minsters, its. .perilous times, sod ks
nwt by Joseph South, D. D. It is the cheapest
boo* wo erer eaj# Li now within the reach of all.
For sale, wholesale’ahtfretaii, by
j. 8. DAVISON,
65 Market street, near Fourth.
■ FFICB FOB KEBT—A nrailj fictw up ufllra In secoitt
' *lory, from, of Warc-houae 80. 07 First afreet. Root
[»up2oJ J. W. BPDLBB & Co.
Y/CONOM Y OIDKii —efcme pure CraD, In boxes, ‘•rw y
Pi choice ** iost received 4D« for Silo by
auglO 1 MrLLKa A BlOffKTaoy
I /-v UBINDSTONKS —A superior article,
£\\J received and for sale by
a Jgj SOWN t TRTLBY, 136 Wool *£
abort notice, by BOWJi A TETLEY,*
aug3 136 Wood street.
I~?lVa OB TKM MINUTE- suffices ruT'a elltioe (to t'bui
4 In ha*tiOat CARGO'S, 76 Fourth street. The pktni*
may than be called for. Open to visitors until 9U P W
fifrug4 1
EQGtt— 8 bbla Jfreah Kyga received by Railroad »hij ftj
anjforflaleby faug?] HBSBY H. CO LLIEiB
riOB4 MKAL—6O bushels Corn Meal, grtmafl this day.
fay ; laugff) h IL DItAVO.
W1UBK&B QHOWKB: —Rosemary >a a pwrfort
grower. To three the benitt and whiskers to crow,
use it daily, robbing it well Into ih» roots of the beard. It
also curls and thickens the hair. File- 29 cents per bottle
with full direction*. Sold at .No. M UaKKST o „
4 BO