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S gy;.' !•': ’: ■' -." ■• -;%'® - . - •, u -< * - •■; >- T j- ■s v, ‘■/v , ;> : -,- J ,-j. v •■ y., t- ‘- .i.j y% -vy ■: ‘ -:-r ' .*• -*»:5 r *>. •••• - v -v _f y -.- ? s n ? r J 4•; «• <3 «V.. ‘:-"4i-/;-v..-- ‘-’'i'''',", r .m* c. f sj -.f,v' - S\ [- • , x ... ... •.>*■' 6* v-f Ms-- ~ - ? >. v V<'-h v i- 1 iwbp^!^^h ■ --?V ’ ; 3.'“' c "'= ■*" l */. . ..;^,»' t ‘^ r v ■ ■ ■ -\ * • 4 .' * • V • ft* ' »'-•» f >***« ~i•'i* - •; . i »n r ;** . ' ■ V ’ :'t • k ’ ' ' r "'»i ... t*. 4. NTRALOHIO RAILROAD. - HUtt Summer Arrangement —Change of Time. THEBE DAILY TIUTNB RAOU WAV > ( BUNEATB KX ' Ami *»«t on. CUansj ” o ?.*‘ W *‘ n Van .ndSSr m“ a.y,Ju n s 18 u "^ ( f£ l n g T . Tt, o loan A M Erpree" Train, connects at Columboe • lT? Tn.lb -blob le.™ Clndmiatt at 0 A. M. Ind Jfth the West on the Columbus, Piqn. I ndiaua Railroad; at Newark with morning Train® to and from Sanduskv. Mansfield and ML \eroon, and with Train- on the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad; at Whaeima: with Kxpruss Train ou the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and East ern Cities. The 3:30 P. M. Train will connect at Oolumbus with the second Train from Cincinnati; at Newark with Sandusky. Mansfield and Newark Ilailroad; and at Wheeling with Night Train on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Passengers I earing Louisville and points below Cincinnati, and taking the 9 A. Jl.Train on Little Miami Railroad, will connect with this Train at Columbus. Passengers learing Indiana polis and Richmond by morning Train on Indiana Central Railroad will also connect with this Train at Columbus, * nd reach Wheeling at 9:16 F. M., and l«are by 10:30 P. M. Train on Baltimore and Ohio Rauroad, arriving in Balti more at 6 P. M., next day. ~ .. The 11:30 P. M. Train conneeU at Col ambus with the M all Train which leaves Cincinnati at SJo l\ arrives at BelUir at 0.16 A. Mk connecting with the Acyommoda- Uon Train on the Baltimore and Übio Railroad, passen gers learing Chicago by the Evening Trains can, by this route,r«a Michigan City, Lafayette. Indianapolis and Lay ton. reach Columbus in “rason to take this train; and at Wheeling will take the Accommodation Train for Cumber i and, slr-p there, and resume by Express Train to Balti more and Eastern Cities. GOING WEST. The 6:16 A. M. Mall Tram connects at Bellalr with Night Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ; at Newark with trains to and from Sandusky, Mansfield and ML Vernon, and Chicago rua Monroeville; at Columbus with the trains for Cincinnati, and with trains for Xenia, Dayton, Indiana polis, and Chicago, ria Dayton and nd Urbana. The 945 A. M. Kxpres* Train connects with the Express Train from Baltimore, and arrives In Oolumbus at 3:20 P. M., and connects with trains goiDg Sooth and West arriv ing In Cincinnati at T P. M. Tbs 8:00 P. M. Train connects with the Accommodation Train from Cumberland, and at Columbus with Mail Train at 2:16 A. M-, direct for Cincinnati, Xenia, Dayton, Indiana polis, Lafayette, Terre Haute. Baint Louis and Chicago. ISAAC H. SOUTIIWICR, Supt. Zanesville, June IS, 1555—: je2l] 0 LEVELAHD AHD PITTBBUBGH RAILROAD STEAMERS ECLIPSE AND ROSALIE, VIA WKLLSVILLK, AND Ohio aad Pennsylvania Railroad, VIA ALLIANCE. ri'UE shortest, quickest and most reliable route to Toledo, X Chicago, Rock Lsland, Galena, and 8L Louis, is VIA CLEVELAND. , , This route is One Hundred miles shorter and about nine hourri quicker than the circuitous one via Indianapolis. Three Dally Trains from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. Three Dally Trains from Cleveland to Chicago. Time to Cleveland six hours. Chicago .wen^f-three hours, and bL Loui6 thirty-seven hours. On and after Monday, September 3J, I*M, the train* on this road will run as lollows: The Train* cf the Ohio and Penna. Railroad learing Pitts burgh at 2.00, A. M. and S.OO. A. M.. and 3 00 P. M., con nect at Alliance at 6 9J A. M., 11.60 A. M , and 8 30 P. M-, Train* for Cleveland leave Alliance 8.00, A.M., 11.50 A. M-, and fi 36 PM. conD.cting at Hudson with Trains for Cuy ahoga falls ->nl Akron, and arriving In Cleveland at 10326 A. M.. 2 10 IV M , and 8 6> P. M. for Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis, Rock Uland, Galena, and the North-west, who wish to go through with out detention, will taae the train leaving Pittsburgh at K 00 A M . and in-mug in Cleveland at 2.20 P. M., as that i* the ODiy train by wl.ieh close connections are made through ibe asove poiut* Pa-Mseogere by this train reach Chicago at 7 "0 next morning, and Ft. Ix>uis at midnighL Tl.« *trfiro*rf Kllppe au ! Roanlie will leave th* Mononga* . h*>)R aba:! **rt*rv moro'Dg, excepted,) at 10 o'clock. for VvV!cVi!h-. roDusriing with the train leaving WeiLvllle at 4 hO P. M. Au Ac* ooiar-dßtl-n Train will l-*»Te Welhmllo dally.! i cuuda>> exempted,/ H*. 640 V M . connecting at Barard ] >* Ith Expn»f Train, arriving In Cleveland at i 10 P. M j Tr»in.s from W-llevnMe at Bayard for Carroll* toe. Waynesburg, Diver and New Philadelphia. A**“ Tickets tor Cleveland, Chicago and the North Went. I Tin \Ve!:-rj!le, ur« sold Ht $1 lers than via Alliance. j The Train* from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago, run as :—Leave Cleveland at d 10 A. M., 2 45 P. M., 7 .05 P. M Arrive at Chicago b 3.) p. M . 7.40 A-M , a I*-U. Train* leave Chi»wto for Hovk Lfland and St.Looli* as follow*: For Rock lslaod ai 900 A.M. and 1100 P. M. For 81. L/'ui*. '. J 15 A. M. und 11.45 P. M. Passenger* f.w Ft. l/>oip go over Rock Island Railroad to .Ir.n.-t, an i thence ever th«» Chicago and Mbtfhwippi Railroad lo Alton and bv »t«*i«mboat 127*. miles) U> 81. Louia. Pann.-n '•••« ! y th<* 9 15 A. M. Train arrive at M. Loui* U.a> „* ia .. -v. iiin.\ and ly the H> 05 P.M.Tiain at noon next RivggM*:- <• hacked through to Cleveland, and there re. rh.Tke.l f*>r Chicago and St. Lnui« FAUK VIA ALLIANCE AND CLEVELAND. M'd/ui. M cri. lrf cLtss. 2d cTt. To Allwin-e P3O To U 8n11«...4W W $l3 W .. 1 '>o " Rock Ifil'd, IS 00 14 25 *• Tolodo 650 ‘* Galena Ik 15 14 00 •• Chicago.. ,si:*>oO 110 50 “ FpringheU IS 70 1C 20 *• Hlonuiingt. Id 'JO 14 Ml M Darlington 19 00 - Ft Louis... .21 <*l Id 50 are r-.ueM-.-d to procure their tickets at tb# ottc* ©f thi.- O-cipany, in the Mom ng*b~U House, thin! door below th» ?c :ner Great American and U.B Express & Mail Route 7A MILES OF DISTANCE SAVED, And Txco Changes of Cars and Baggage Avoided. bSXWLXS CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS: |-, Ft. Lnui«, miles,) wilhyut landing. These boa:s, for speed, cr DTenience and elegance, are unsurpassed on the Western water*, b«-iog fitted up with Baths and spa cious Wash-rooms, affording to passengers the opportunity c.f removing the dust unavoidable in summer raiiroad t-ureliog, KDd reaching St. Louis refreshed from the effects of a long ride. To Kansas and Nebraska this is the most direct rente, and passengers destined for Bloomlngtpn, Springfield, Jactoonvlile,NaplBB, and all points on the Mississippi, Mis souri, Kansas, Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, will note the important saving in distance, being seventy-two miles less to St Louis, thirty-seven miles lew to Bloomington, and fifty-eight miles less U Springfield than by any other routs. . . . Through Tickets over this route can be procured at tbo various R. R. Ticket Offices in Now York, Boston, Phiiadel- Dbla, Baltimore, Albany, Buffalo, Ac , and at all Through Ticket Office throughout the States, and In Chicago at the Company’s Office, No. 46 Dearborn street, opposite ibe Trc* moat House—and ot the Depot of the Illinois Central Rail road, foot of Water street. Ref ponsible Baggage Men will always be at the Depots or the various Roads going imo Chicago, to Check Baggage througn to any point desired on the line. IL P MORGAN, Jr., Suoerintendent. II J D. BOHBRMKRUORN, eepT Good Passenger Agent THE HTTSBUHGH AND CONNELLBVILLK RAILROAD COMPANY HAVING made an armugemeut with the Dew and beaauful Kramer •• EOLIAN " to run in connection with their Road between West Newton and Connellsvllle. announre the toileting change of Schedule on and alter Wednesday, the fifth of‘September : The'Steamer EOLIAN will tAare the Pittsburgh and Connellhvilte LUiiroad Orapaov’* Wharf Boat, sieve Mo- DoDgah<:’a L’.i ,o;*i , ir r Wen New ton, rrery afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. pr«-i-r:y , returning, will leave West Newton at quarter before 6, A. M., arriving at Pittsburgh at noon. The trains will run as foliown. Leave Davidson * Mill, ODe mile below OonnellevUle: First Trsin, fi A M , c.-cond Train 12 M Leave West Newton: First Train, i. 30 A. M.; Second Train, 6:16 P M .ft*-Fare from Pittsburgh in DavidK.n> Mill, $.1,75, in cluding Meal on Steamer. SS~ Stages for CuP-ntown and Cf-uncllvTill.* wilt connect witn the Trains at Davldron’? Mill. For freight or pafieH*e, enquire cf the Agents, at the Wharf Boats at W-.st Nuwtou and Pittsburgh. 0. W. BARNES, eepfetf PrefddQpt and BupentiteDdent. PKNNSVLVAJVIA RAILROAD. THREE DAILY THROUGH TRAINS, between Philadel phia and Pittsburgh. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at A. and Pitta foffpbiUlphi. at T, A M. THB FAST LINK to Philadelphia for .l 1 and PltU burgh for Philadelphia at MO, P. M. THE NIGffT EX PRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for PUtsburgh at 11, P. and PltUborgh for Philadelphia at 9:20, P.M. Blairsville Accommodation Train leaves Pittsburgh daily, except Sunday, at 4:30 o’clock, P. M. Brlnton s Accommo dation Train leaves Pittsburgh daily at 11 o clock A. M., 3:30 o’clock P M-, and 6dio P. M. The above lines connect at Pittsburgh with the Railroads io and from SL Louie, Me.; Alton, Galena and Chicago, HL; Frankfort. Lexington and Louisville, Ky 4 Terr* Haute, Madison, Lafayette and Indianapolis, IntL; Cincinnati, Day ton Bpringflcld, Iteliefontaiue, Sandusky, Toledo, Cleve land Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster, Ohio; also,’with the Steam Packet Boats from and to Nrw Osmans, g T . Lotus, LotusmL* and CntcmnAti. Through Tickets can be bad to or from either of the above P *For*fnrther particulars, see handbills at the different starting points. Paseengerflfrom the West will find this the shorten and most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Baltl mere, New York, or Boston. THOB MOoSe, Agent, Passenger Lino^Phl!adelj)hta. j fn Agent, Passongn Unoa, Ptttabnrgb. • - •*+ u‘ f. ; V .s.- -.*> &*+ r -,v- ~ &th. & . S;, .:* ! * tp- .»'. ,*....♦<*** • .; :\.v ' '• -Irl-t ■ .-■ ■■" V RAILROADS. GOING WEST. CORRECTING WITH VIA ALLIANCE. VIA WRLLSVILLK .! DURAND. Sup’t, Cleveland- J. A. CAUQIIKY,Ag’t, Pittsburgh AIU LINK ROUTE RAILROAD, ••s*, jv"' _ RAILROADS CENTRAL ROUTE, NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE OPENI C2&OQQQ northern 1 Illinoi» to the Kltiissippi River, lOWA MISSOURI* KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, AH Railroad to to* Ml«»t»*IPP l > Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RAIL ROAD And Train* run the entir. ditto-* B BvffilNOrON, QUINCY, irmut?K OQUAWKA, WAPELLO, PORT COUNCIL BLUFF, and tbe oult ALL ti from CHICAGO TO ST. LOUIS, BLOOM NGTON OISoN, DECATUR, CAIRO, SPRIiWID, IAOKRokvrLLK, NArLE&and intermediate Stations ou tbo Illinois Central, GreatWeetern, and Ohio and Missis ■‘ftSfzr the aboie line leave Chicago on the arrival ol Trains from the East—avoiding all laying over at any of the points. Stages leave Burlington dally for Southern and Central lowa and Northern Missouri—making the nulcfceat and most reliable route to reach all the Important points west of the Mississippi as far as Council Bind, with from forty to fifty miles leis staging than by any other route. Tbe Road, for a large portion of the way, is laid with tho n a the smoothest riding and best Railroad in tbe West well Blocked with the most modern Locomotives and **legaut new Cars. 41* By this route passengers are sure of mating connec tions, and arriving at 8t Louis on advertised time, avoiding the vexatious delay of fogs and ice, and dangers of naviga tion, as on the route by Alton. Baggage checked direct through from Chicago, and no charge for handling at any point. THROUGH TICKETS by this route can be purchased at all tho Railroad Offices In the Bast; at the Office of the Company, corner of Clark and Lake streets, in the Granite Buildina; at tbe Dopot of tho Galena R- R-, and at the Mich. Oent. R. R. Office, corner of Lake and Dearborn fits., opposite Tremont House. Chicago. aREIGHT rohrigued by thla route trill receira lmmedl dematch 0. 0. HAMMOND, Bup't. ate despatcn. „ g POLUSTT, Gen'l Ttofcet Ag*t, Ghicago. can be procured at the principal Railroad te country. mhl9 ifflow* of tht ILLINO CENTRAL RAILROAD! Carrying the Great U. State* Hail and Express. TWO PASSENGER TRAINS RON DAILY oa ltd entire length from DUBUQUE to CAIRO, IftD CHICAGO to CAIRO. Thlfl Road, In conjunction with Trains of the Ohio and Mississippi R. R- and Chicago and Galena Railroad, forms the most -direct and only continuous R. R. route from CHICAGO to St. LOUIB, CHICAGO to CAIRO, CHICAGO to DUBUQUE. Trains leave Chicago aa follows : 10 A- 6L and 10.20 P M.—St. Loots x.’U) Caiao Exraiss Passengers for 8L Louie by this train tako the «aro of the Ohio and Mias. R. R- at Sandoral, and are carried direct to 8L Louis. 9 36 A. M. and 4.10 P. M_— DcocQUi ann Ganna Ex ruse, connecting at Dunhelh (opposite Dubuque) with s Daily Line of Steam Packets for tit. Paul and the Upper MUebwlppl river citlea Trains leave Cairo for Chicago and Dubuque at 7.30 A. M. and 7.00 P. M. Passengers from the East and plares on the Ohio river destined for tit Louis, will save 190 mile? of tedious and un certain river navigation from Cairo to St- Louis, and orrlv* Ofteen hoars in advance of the river route, by taking the care at Cairo. , „ . Tickets to St. Louis, Cairo. Dubuque, St. Paul, and all Im portant place* by this route, ran be had at the office of the O. * P. and C. A P. Railroads in Plttaburgh, and Michigan Central Railroad In Chicago. jeO R. B. MASON , Bop’t. 3 THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lantic cittea with Western, North-western and South western States, by a continuous Railway direct This road also connects at Pittsburgh with dally line of steamers to all parts on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and San dusky with steamers to all ports on the North western Lakes; making the most dtrat, cheapeti and rtluiU* rouU by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the Qrtal ITeit RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA k PITTSBURGH FIRST CLASS.—Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, (:&«. lry Goods. (In balm,) Hardware, Lea- v6oe: per IOOEw. ther, Wool, Ac - ) THIRD CLASS. — Anvils, Digging. Bacon I loytt){ , and Perk, (In bulk.) Hemp, Ac J FOURTH CLASS —Onffee, Kish, Bacon and I lOOlha. Pork, (packed,) Lard and Lard Oil j In snipping Goods from any point Hast nt Philadel phia, be port teal or to nark package “ coa I‘mnsyivanui Rauroad. All Goods consigned to the Agent* of this RoaJ at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. will be forwarded without detention. PnHQHT AOI3T9 —Mosee Potter, Boston ; J L KliiotL N. E J. Bneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw A Koons, Bold more ; Geo.C. Franciscos, Pitteburgh, Shringman A Brown, 1 Cincinnati, Ohio; J. S. Moorhead, LouDnlle, RC. ; Meldrum, Madison. Indi Ratcliff A Co., St lx*ula. Mo.: J. I S Mitchell A Son, KTam-vUle, Indiana. | U. H. HOUSTuN, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia, j H. J LOMBAKRT, ; m yo Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. DUFF'S IBERCANTILE COLLEGE, fitt&buugh, i‘A INCuRPORATKD BY TUB LEUiiLATURE of Proo*>l with Perpetual Charter. FACULTY. p bUPff Prwi-ÜBt, Of th«* “North AoevunUot,’') professor i f Bovk Kwptng sod tX-mmerclal Science*. , ANDREW T. UoWDEN, Ansi-tant professor of book Keeping. CUAULK3 DUFF, Affiant Prwfetuor of fkvfc-Keeplug sod Penmanship. J. D. WILLIAMS, (the b«st oO hand penman la th.* UnlUd States,) Professor of Commercial and OrnameoUi Penmanship N. B. lIATOU, Keq , of Iho Pittsburgh Bar, Professor of MorrnntU# Law and Political Economy. P. HAYDEN, Principal of the Mathematical Department, , Proh-aaor of Mathematics, Ac. F. L. APKL, Professor of the French and German Lau The Commercial department * f ’.his lD*tUutlon has h*J the unremitting attention ol the Principal for th* last flf teen yean*. Upwards of SOW students hare been prepared bT him for burlneaa. His “ young men" assistants hare all been trained for business by himself, and are experl enced Teachers and practical Accountants; being frequent \j employed by business men In adjusting deraugwl books. There are no readier* in this Institution who were In this city dismissed from thslr situations as booh-kwpers; none who made twenty blander* on a single page of a bUI-book. Cur writing teacher (Mr. Williams) has had something more than a few le&sons from a Philadelphia teacher to prepare hi™ for his business. No runners are employed by this Institution. When our cititens are importuned by those of another, they should refer to some of our city Bank offlrers or merchants—persona whose opinion ran be rolled npon—and not be decoyed Into one c.f those concerns which are beiDg sold out every few months, and their pupils left to seek Instruction where they Can fled It augl B FULTON CAR WORKS. FOUNDRY AND MAC I! IB B SHOP SAXDVSKY. OHIO. rtiHK subscriber haring moved into bU new Works, re- X cently erected, corner of Water, McDonough and Shelby streets is prepared to contract for and execute all orders for PASSENGER, BAGGAGE, POST-OFFICE, HOUSE FREIGHT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, HAND, and all other descriptions of CARR. Also, for BTEAM -ENGINES of all sites, GEARING, RAILROAD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. The Foremen of the different departments are scientific and practical men —mostly Irom Eastern manufactories— who keep themselves Informed and adupt all valoable mod ern improvements. W. W. WKTHKRBLL aug23:t! _ Notice to Contractors. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Post Office In Blainrville, until the Itfth of September next, and at Marshall's Hotel, to Baltsburg, on lbs '.soth, for the Gradua tion and Masonry of BEOTIONB NO. «6 AND 87, North Western Railroad—situated at New Castle. Plans end specifications can be seen at the Engineer's Office, in Blairavllle, on and after the 10th of September All proposals to be marked as such on the outside. aug2ft 1 w MALON PAINTER A GON DKR. W~ ANTB —Cooks and Girls to do housework are wanted in city and country, who can give good references; none else need apply- Situations wanted for a Gardener, a Carriage Driver, a Olerk or Salesman, Mechanics of differ ent branch**, a Porter, a Laborer, s boy to learn a trade, a boy to attend store. A middle-aged man, experienced In traveling South and West, wishes a situation as traveling agent or conductor of cars; can give good reference. Applv at BARK'S Intelligence Office, 410 Liberty st. aug29:tf DU»olutlon of Co-Partner»lxlp. rpilE Partnership boretofore exiting between the under- X signed, os BIGELOW A CO , has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, M. Bigelow retiring from the firm. The business of the late firm will be settled by tbs continu ing partners, at their old stand, No. 46 Diamond Alley. M. BIGELOW, M. L. STEPHENH, UJ2O. ALBEfiT. faug!3.oi Pittsburgh, July UB, 1866. UEOIUJB ALBIET. BIGELOW A CO., (SUCCESSORS TO K M. BIGKLuW.) .Vo. 46 Diamond AUry, war Wood ttrect, PITTSBURGH. ««m COACHKB, CARKLAUKB, PIIATTONB, and erary description of Fancy Vehicles built to order, and finished lh a ■SffilaMMißb»m&Q&ur □nßurpaaoeU for beauty of dotilgn, oleganoe of finish, skill of workmanahlp, and durability of materials. All work warranted. englB ly_ NEW ALE THE subscriber takes this method to inform hie friends and customers that bo commences Brewing for the season on the Tioentitih i'xatanl, and will be prepared to furnish his superior ALES. Ac., In any ouantlty desired. The highest market price in cash paid for good, sound, clean BARLEY. GRAINS and YEAST supplied on low terms. UJSO. W. SMITH, Pitt street, Pittsburgh, Pa. aagl4:lin(flkJ)^ lt 1 b the universal leulimony JH „( Railroad men, Bankers, and those In other pur- Site rsauiriog accurate time, that the “Obae. Frodeham Watch, manufactured at 81 Strand, London, In the moat reliable, and unequalled by any other maker. Many of thoee nhlch hare beon tested have been found to run with. In a minute In the year. 1 have obtataed the agency Tor the sale of these Watches in Pittsburgh and State of Penn eylrania, , , Alno, the V. B. Adams A gon’a, and other first claw Wairhefi for suits. Watch EepelriDc done In the befit manner. W. W. WILBON, aogl 67 Market at., corner or Fonrth. Du. OOMMINGB’ WORKS—A full supply just received ftt DAVIBON’B BOOKBTOUE, 66 Market street Family Prayers, a rols.; $1,60. Minor Works, 3 tolb. ; 76 cents each. Lectures on—Daniel—the Seven Churches—the Apooa lypse, 2 vole.—Parables and Miracles; 76 cents each. Scripture Readings, on Matthew, Mark, Lube, Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus ; 76 cents each. The Church Before the Flood; Benedictions, or the bless ed Life; The Tent and the Altar; Voices of the Day, Dead, and Night; Signs of the Times; The Daily Life; 76 cents each. Lectures on Homanism; $l. The Communion Table; S 8 cents, infant Salvation; 88 cents. mWENTY-ONE YEABB A BLAVB Bivsirrexa Ysam a I Fbiihahl—My Bondage and my Freedom; by Fred. Uoaglßsa. Part 1. Life ae a Blare. Part 2-IAIe ae aFree man. With an Introduction by Dr. Jams* MoOnne Smith. Steel portrait of the author, and other fllnetratione. One mlurrg, price»!,26. For«m.by q m OB QAN. - 1 I'-. C4..' 'j MANSION HOUSE. GEORGE ADRENTZ, Pbopbibtor, NO. 844 LIBERTY STREET, just beside the Passonger Depot of the Pennsylranla Railrord, which makes It the most conrenlent hnnse In the city for passengers orri riar by that road. The Proprietor haring, at considerable expensa, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of pnbllo patronage. There Is atteched a eplendld STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford log ample accommodation to travelers and teamßters. His Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can afford. lebl-y ST. CLAIU HOTiaii f Comer of Ptnn and 8L Clair streets, Pittsburgh, ft, THE undersigned, formerly of “Brown’s Hotel," having taken this large and commodious HOTEL, and having refitted It In magnificent style, would respectfully llnvtte his friends and the traveling public to give him s call. As* gured, with the convenience of the house and his long ex perience in the business, he, can give entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate, febft WM. 0. 00NNKLLY "uoou iSTicSTT house, CIORNRK OP I.TBKRTY AND QRANT BTRJSi?rS, near j the Railroad Depot jan!3ly WAVKELBT HOUSE, M South Eighth street, between Ghestnat sod Walnut, Philadelphia. [au29:y * llMlOai, ’ NO. 11l Arch street, Philadelphia. T. S.WKBB (late of the Eagle,) Proprietor. [au29:y t VRNEK OF MAIN AND SUUIII STS., WARREN , O rpnK Proprietor takes pleasure In announcing to ibe X public that this new and elegant Hotel has been opened ap a house of entertainment. Being commodious and roomy, and adjoining the office of the Ohio Stage Oompany, it offer* Inducements unsurpassed lo Warren for the accommoda tion of the traveling community. A share of public patronage Is respectfully solicited. aQ I7 M. QASKILL. FRANKLIN HOUSE. CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. PARKER A LAIRD, Proprietors. Jyl9:3mj TERMS PER DAY. _ OcHiLLAITHOIISE. JOHNSTOWN, PKNNA. riAUE undersigned haring taken charge of the above | named House, and refitted It ai a largo expense, in a comfortable as well as elegant stylo, is now prebored to re ceive guests, and give amplo satisfaction to all who may pa routae the House. |auB:tf J JASIBB DOWNEY. HARE’S HOTEL, l Late Parmer's Exchange, 1 NO 133 LIBERTY STREET, foot of fifth street, Pitts burgh. SAMUEL HARE, Proprietor. This Hotel is entirely new, having Just been completed and opened for tbe accommodation of the public. Jscpld FRANKLIN llOlSBi Claviland, Ohio. Cl PATRICK A SON, PnorauJoas.—This House has ns- J* tmpplied with the very but Liquors. Uame of wrenr dv senptlou, m lit e*a*>u. cun always be ** JJ™ 0 Ufcll. W. 0 UAIXAQCKK. IiA~NK kXCUANUIC, THIKD STRUKT, CBTW£KH WOOD AND MAUKJST TUIK Subscriber!) beg lean to Inform their friends and the public generally, that thoy b* T ® **»»* well known IteaUumnt, which baa just been thoroughly renovated, repaired and ro-farnlahed, and now open. Tb* proprietors hare spared no expense to make the Bank LX change a comfortable resort, as weU for the epicure os the busies man. The larder wIU at all Umee be stocked with the delicacies of th« season, and aenrwl up under the *“•?»' CM Ot «I p«irlencrd cc**-rlb*T ha* now hU OYSTER SALOON AND X LATINO HOOSK perfected in a man nor that Cfcunot b* br any dinilal ewlabUidimeut m ibe city. MKAI.H ML!. Mf SKRV&D Vf AT ALL UOVRSvt Tilt l> A i\ from the . „ . Cholc«at Bletlii Fowl*, Flili, Ac., ««» [IU Rill of Fare ran not be aurpaeeeJ, and he would raapael* It lutUe Ibe att.-oth'u id tie public to IL 5 OLI ARLES STILL, 10S Wood street. _ _ til. Clair Lager U««r Urtwirr r*U!K unJrr«ii«i»*J iut*ria* tii© puMk that l»a I la Dai fall* i»ri*p*r«J to wrr*prlT»Uf»cillM-anil tb« imbiic tfeueraliy, with Mi CfUltfiieJ LAtiKU BKKIi, In tK'Ulee All order* letl at l»la Office, NO 3V LHAMONL* A LI.K Y. (oaar Wood street,) will l«* punctually attended U»; *ud Ojp Boor d*lir®r«d to any part ol vbe clly or tlcinlty. t. li. UOliKNOlv. ilentla’ L»|. KNULISU, Uol« BoUUr t l tiMlTll'* # KflODMt Al«mJ liruwo tilnut. AltK\l>minvD Ale »uJ I‘urtcT, lu abd j-tnl tx ttlc**» TL* ol Uuilllc*, »uil U*e Ukd«, i* i n6p*cirullr «4U'lUxi. mil 7 niacml \\ al • r »ud Sareaj>»rllla WM D KNULISII, Pat street, »M»kow prun, is now manufacturing end bottlelng the above leverages an eiU-twiv- lib. articles ere of the best quality, and '■ nufaclured from the purest materials. ootlTily HOPPER'S PATENT PLANE riNUB undsnitgnrd Ist prepared to supply CAKPKNTKIUJ, X CAUINET-MAIiKKH, and Worker* IQ W\*,d generally, wilh liis I“a Looted auJ valuable PLANKS. Ait who have tried 11, pronounce .1 a most Valuable in r«atioD, that muui soon coma Into general use 'ibe fol Ijwian lottery practical workmen are hut two among many W-ltwre ihe P»L-:itise has rec-.UwJ rcuommeudiug this piaue above all uthali. In Uie ' We hereby certify, that daring the last twelve months wo hare used Hopper's Patent Plane, and do not haaltaU to recommend It to Cabinet Maker* ami Carpenter* as su perior u) any other Plane in use. Wwconsidur It peculiarly adapted to planing oak, cherry, walnut, and all torts of hard wood, and for planing lt ■* far superior to the old mi.d* c-f scraping, besides being a great saving of time. One man, by using this Plane, wLI plane more reapers than lire mm can do by any other plane or method In u **. 11. U. Hiaa A Co, To Mossa F. Ratoh, R»q.: Dear Sir l hare examined Iloppers Patent Bench Plane, and believe It to be a most excellent article for the use for which U \s intended, as a combination of plans and scraper , , , It is particularly adapted to planing veneers, and It does not require one-fourth the time or labor of the old method; and I hare no doubt, when Its properties become generally known, but that it will entirety upersede the former te dious and laborious custom. I most cheerfully recommend It to ail persons engaged In the Cabinet business, as from my knowledge of it, there Is nothing as well Cited to give * smooth and beautiful On lab to reneen as the Hopper Patent Bench Plane, Jajus W. Woodwill, Furniture Warerooms 97, 99 Third at., Pittsburgh. PifJsburpA, February 27, 1*66. MOUEa F. RATON, of this city, la my sole Arent for the sale of Planes, or of rights to manufacture and Ball them WM. 0. llOPPttll. Pittsburgh, March 21, 1666—{mh21 rtf) IjMKLD BOOKTyOH RAILROAD KNUlNKKßh.—Contain lug lormula tor laying out curves, determining frog an gles, l.relllng, calculating earth-work, etc., together with tables of radii, ordinates, deflections, long chorda, magnetic TarlaUou, logarathiins and natural algos tan mdlk, etc. etc.,by John B. Ilenck, Civil Engineer. Pocket book form. $1,76. , . , -•.The object ol the preaont work la to supply a want Ter) gitnerklly fall by AaalaUnt Kpmn«.r» 00 Eoilro-1». Book, of cooTHolnot furm for line lo Iho flobl, containing the ordinary lograrUhmatlc Lbl«a ore common 8 book combining with Uwa. tabltt. others peculiar to the Roll rood work, ond eapedally tb« neceeaary formula for laying out ourvew, turn-outs, crossings, Ac„is a desideratum which this work is designed to supply. R U. H. Miutabt Academy, West Point. April 18, 1864. Gentlemen: 1 have looked orer “ Ueuck s Field Book for Railroad Engineers,’" and thiuk it well adapted lo the ob ject Its author pn»po*«>, and have no «iuestlon but it will be found a very usstul aud practical volume both for office and A I I „rrlr D. Li. aIAHAg. ficlJ “ Trot, ApHl 21,1864. I am mor.h pleased with Mr. Uenck's little manual, ihs “ pir-ld Book of iUilroad Kuginearß." With the presenU lion of some of the most practical and useful of recognised processes among railway engineers, he has given otherfl which new at least lu their present form, appear to possess a mint of higher value than that of mere novelty—thAt of being in general suaceptlblo ol available, not to say desira ble praotical uso. In oondusloD, while 1 think the design of Mr Uenck’e book is such as to adapt it excellently Well to professional neods, I have pleasure In expressing my cordial satisfaction with its execution, alike with the per spicuity of arrangement effected by the author, and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by bis publishers. B. Fkankuh (J&XtNS, C B and Director of Benseolaer Polytechnic Institute. For sale by WILLIAM 8. HAVEN, Dealer in Engineers’ Stationery, au j Market street, corner of Second. .H. L. STKPUINB- M' AUAZ.INICB FOB BBPTKMBIiIi Uodey's Lady's Boo* : Household Words; Now York Journul; Peturßon’s Magazine, Yankee Notions; Blackwood's Magazine tor August. NEW SUPPLY OF NKW BOOKS Star Papers, by Beecher; Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett; My Bondage and Free lorn, by Fred. Douglass . Doeetickfl’ New Book ; Oleve Ball, by Mias Sewell; Light and Darkness; Life of Bydney Smith, in 'i Tula. Received and for sale at W. A. QILDSNFKNNKY A CO.’S, Fifth aL, opposite theTheatr^ LkASANT RKSiDKNOK FOR BAJJi. —A Dwelling Uoose with lot of ground, well Improved, 60 feet front on Fulton street by 83 deep. The house oontalna a ball, parlor k-ltoben, dining room, three chambers ami two small rooms. Portico and garden In front. Price $1,460. Terms easy. OUTHBH&T A SON, aU gl6 63 Market street. miiK SINGULAR aDAFTaTIuN of ingredients in tbe JL Hair Coloring Fluid affects the small vessels at the rcoie of the hair, and thus stimulates the natural secretion of coloring matter, giving tone and Strength to its growth. It does not act as a dye, but as a restorative. Fifty cents per bottle. Bold by ftUg? • . ~''**■** - .. ,r •*. * . • - !'■ & ♦-'- fc. »V V v ■• «-* *'• ■• v .• T/- £X .* k.N-r.- , , - 4 ir , jz n- jj \ l&■ HOTELS JAMR3 SHANNON, Proprietor. OWSTOff’S* UABKIL.L. UOUBK, PROPRIJETO&. REST A U RAN To, AtunaU Ai«< Pitts miaou Brian Cabihst Kictcst, ) February '£l, ISW>. ) 8. L OUTBBRRT, 63 Market street **.»*■> • H 4 - INSURANCE COMPANIES Increase of Cash Capital TO HALF-af MILLION DOLLARS! SITKA ISSBBiKOB COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN—CHARTERED 1819. PAID DP. Cult Capital, ------- *500,000. THE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT of the Assets of the JSTN A INSURANCE COMPANY,of Hart ford, as famished this agency on the Ist of January, 1305, Real Estate, unincumbered— —— $ 16,672 0^ BeYenty-two Mortgage Bonds, 6 and 7 ceuL, pay- Debts due the Company, secured by mortgage... 7,313 17 Bills Receivable, well secured, payable at Hank... 126,327 Railroad Stocks in Connecticut........ -.I.VSiS !5 Bank Stocks In the city of Uartford U -,896 00 Bank Stocks In New York city 9a > oW) 00 Cash on hand,in Bank, and in hands of Agents and otbars. $773,778 (S 3 The amount of liabiiltiep du.- or not due to BanKsor-ther creditors,— oothlQg. Lowes adjusted and due, —none. Losses adjusted and not due, (143,613 22. Losses unadjusted and iu suspense, Trailing for further proof, $61,267 60. ~ Allother claims against the Company are small, such only as printing, Ac. Agents instructed to take no risk over $lO,OOO. The .mount ineuml In »ny city, town or village, Jonetida upon the character, material and construction o( buildings, the wkllh of streets, the supply of water and condition of the fire department, aod other circumstances. The amount Insured in blocks of buildings varies; the design Is to limit the loss by any on.< fir* to $lO,OOO, or lees. 6 TUO- A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. STiTI 0, ConitccTlCUT, I M llarUurJ, Jnu. Ist, 1846. Hartford county. j , , Personally appeared Thomas A. Alexander, Secretary of the i£tna Insurance Oompany, and made oath that the lore going statement by him subscribed, la true, according to his best knowledge and belief , ~ u&NRY FOWLKR, Justice of the Peace. Losses paid by this Company for the year 1064 exceed $760,000, while the premiums received f<»r the same time far exceed any other year, Bim*s the oTganlxalu'U of Ibe Oompany. , , _ , . Policies, covering nearly all descriptions ;>f property, ut sued at this agency, at remunerative rates. «> Offloe/No. ST Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. * H. B. TEN EYCK. Agent. Atm a las'UKANck com pam y, OF HAHTFORU, LVXX. CtuariaiD, lelW. PAID BP Cash Capital Caab. Barplß*, os Ist Janoari, 1366 O‘A7 3,47 3 rS\UIB Capital Stock and Surplus is securely iui>*ted for the benefit of all policy holders. As >u evidence of the claims we have to public confidence, an 1 of Us ability to pay Irenes promptly, we state a fart, that I - receipts vary from $1X6.000 lo SIU),IMJO per month lie business is large and well distribute, and iu our opiou-n no Company in the United States afionls better Indemnity '.*> poll, y holders thuo the Jttna. They conuoue to make on property in town and conutry, et rates o Wm. Martin, Jowph U- Seal, Edmond A Bonder, John C. Davis, Robert Burton, John R. Penroea, George G Leiper, Edward Darlington, U. Jones Brooke, J G. Johnson, James C. Ueoi, Theopllue Paulding, JameA B. ITFarlani, W 0 Ludwig, JoatTß W Oowib.&«c't. P A SJADKBTX, A?*nt, No 6(> Wuer xlrrH, PUt*tosi>t«*Qt with security. Tpe Company hate reserved a large Oouliugenl Fun-1, whiriL, with their capital eul premium*, nafrtj invested, af ftjjxl ample protection to the a>wurt*J The Assets of the Company cm January let, 1861, as pub lUfa«J agrweebly to an Act of Assembly, were a* follow*, rjs Mortgage tz Heal Estate. . . 7 3 Temporary l.oans -• E~S,vtaJ K Blocks Cl,Sttl) iK) Oaah, Ac fl-iJJdd 61 Total -fl.ltltt.TOH 44 their Incorporation, a peruM vf twenty <>ue years, they bare paid upward .■*/ One Million Four lluodrevl Thou aan-i Dollar*, kmci by 6ra,thereby affording evidence ~{ the advantages of Insurance, a* well an the abu>t/ aud du*i«»*l tlon to meet with promptueiw ail liabilities. J.UAKDINKH COFFIN, Agent, ap34 Office, north east cor Wood and Third «U TIIIC Bli'iTEU STATES LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY and TttUdT COMPANY, ruiLiDELnin. CHARTERED APBIL 26TH, IBSO. CUAKTKII I'KIiI'KTUAI. CAPITAL 8860,000. Office, 8. R. Comer of Third and Chritrnt Streeli, Philadelphia. .Offloeri of Ihe liomt iioard af /‘Aiiad/ly^id.- luasoVous. Stephen E Orawtord, Paul U.Goddard. Ambrose W Thompson, Lawrmee Johuauu, Benjamin W. Tlngley, Geo M’llenry, Jacob L. Florence, Juacn Uipreui, William M Godwin, William M'Eee. Prtnden! —Stephen K. Crawford. Tice Prtndeni —Ambrose W. Thompson. Jffdtcol Examiner, /NltobtcyA*—-Jam©* U. Willson, M D Allegheny City—R B Mowry, M. D. GBO. U. ABNuLL). Agent, marl Try No. 74 Fourth oLroet, Pittsburgh. PKNHBYLVAHIA INSURANCE COKPAKY OF PITTSBURGH, CORNER OF FOURTH AND B3HTUFIKI.D STREET?. Authorised Capital, 9300,000. INSURE BUILDINGS and other property I os* or damage by Fire, and the peril* of the See aud lulanJ Navigation and Transportation. luaiCToas. ffm. F. Johnston, Body Patterson, W M’Clintnck, Kennedy T. Prieud, D. Si. Long, I Grier Sprout. A J Jones, George H. While, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, famos S. Negley, W.B. Haven, Wade Uamplno, D E.l’aik. II ft. Coggahall Don. WM. P. JOHNSTON, President KODY PATTERSON, Vice I'rrtuJrut. A. A Casaisa, Secretary and Treasurer H. S. Qtaaiea., Assistant Secretary. We*tern ln*uranee Company, Fituburgh. R. MILLER, Jr- Pruident. I F. M. GORDON, Secretory CAPITAL, 9300,000, TTriLL Insure against all kinds of risks, FLKB and MA YY RINE. All losses will he liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by D macro as who are well known In the community,end who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character w hich they hare assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be Insured. Directors.—R.Miller, Jr.,O.W. Rlchetson, J W. Butler, N.Holmee, W. H.Smith,o. Ihmsen, George W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon,James Lippenoott,George Darsle, James Mr- Auley, Alexander Nlmlck, Thomas Scott. Office, No. M Water street, (Warehouse of Spang A Qo , op« talre.) Pittsburgh. y JOHN LITTLE, Jr., Agiui, No. 301 Uniarr Stairr, HAS JUST RECEIVED the following ter> ,-bouv Mil tides BRANDIES. ; Hook, Genie Brandy, (very fine,) , Lisbon. OUrd Dapuy ACo (.super) , Marred A 00. , Jamaica, Satoroc. \ Santa Crus UIN WINES. Sandal Madeira, Dogoet, lloward, March A Co., hlad'n' London Cordial Kaal loiila Madeira, 1 Schnapps. Table do ’ SUNDRIES. Amontillado Sherry, Rutherford's Sooleh Ale, Manianlllo do . Barclay's London Porter, Table do Wild Cherry Urandy Cooking Jv> Absinthe, Beeswing Port, Anieetbe, Pur® Juie-e do Curaeou, Ordinary do Sardine?, Bt. Jolien Claret, Mocha and Java,_ _ Malaga Dry, Yoons Hya. an\l Black Teas, Do Sweet, English Bronson Cheese, Champagnes, Imported Havana Olgara, of Anchor, j various brands, Veraeney, j old Monongnhela Whisky, c-f Hsldeeack, I all grades. Together [with all other artloles oonnected with Iho tiusionsA. my'.Efcdiw WIG MANUFACTORY. MRS. RENTER, Six dovrt from tht Aqueduct opposite the CUledor't (Jffice, ALLMHUn OITT. 18 PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS FOE WIGS, and all kinds of Ornamintai Hair Work, Tha best quality of material Is furnished, and entiro s&ilnfantloQ guaranteed. myl6:d*wly AUxandar W* Foal«r> A TTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Souei- A you Uf Otuacutr, Agent for procuring Bounty Lands and Pensions, and for tne Oolleotlon of Claims in Great Britain and Ireland. ln thlsand adjoining Counties; Es* tales of decedents settled; Real Estate bought, Hold ot leased, and rents collected. Moneys invested on Mortgage or °tp'Wßeourlty. Titles examined and title papera drawn. on FOURTH street, a few doors above Bmithtield. Plttsbnrgh, March 28, | R A, W. Foster, trTARY PUBLIC, and Commissioner for the States of Tennessee, Hampshire, Connecticut, Wisconsin, wewYork, Michigan, lowa, California and Virginia. . ‘*wyt» e «da drawn, and acknowledgments and proofs tatten ror record or use in any of the above named BUtea, IlUncds, Miffliasippi and Rhode Island. Pittsburgh, March 28. 1865—fmh28.-d*wi *~ A Qottage Mouse In Allegheny for sale. A Brick House and Lot for $7&O. JJST ** oUfle “»d Lot on M.<.unt Washington Small Parma In Ohio and Virginia lot sale on easy tenna, by t)yl4| a OUTHBHRT A BcN, Uo Tbltd et Offict t yo. 92 Fourth iL, qbovt.JVoosl. NOTES, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages# and loans on-colla terals, negotiated. Slocks bought and sold on 4om* mission. Land Warrants bought and sold. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of Oopper Stocks. All communications alien tad to WM. U. WILLIAMS. All transactions made on liberal terms. Collections of bills. Notes, &c-, promptly attended to. jan26:lw d’COaTRKTuT Wit.LOCH, BANKERS, 212,006 03 05 O U ,00 0 tar its W l>r. U M Uosion, Hugh Craig, Spencer U'llTOln, Obarlcfl Kelly, Samuel K Stoke*, Hen ry Sloan, Juttec Tn»' ( ukir, Wm Kyr«. Jr , Jo&hue l. Price, J atuuit Tennent, J,.Ln ll Snmple, Charles Schiller, J T Logan, Pittsburgh, B Met /an. do WM MARTIN, pTtwidaiil. TUoS C HAND, Vice President. % - , •afoc BANKERS AND BROKERS AUSTIN LOOMIS, stock and bill BB'OKEB, Wm. H. Williams A Co., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N. R. Comer J 7bod and Third streets. AND Dealers in Exchange, Bank Notea, Gold and Stiver Coin. Current and Par Funds received on deposit. Btockfi bought and sold on commission. Collections made at any point In the United Btatee. South Bast corner of Market and Fifth streets, mj \\ PITTSBURGH, PA. ARTHURS, RODGEBS & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. CVSNBJi c IP FOUBTB AND SMITBFISLD BTBKSTS, aulbflm PltUlmr|th Pa* Removal. PATRICKS ft 7BIBHD, bankers and exchange brokers, Bavt Removed Uuir Office to the Corner of Fifth and Wood tU. pmaiiUEOH, pa. PATRICKS 4 FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers In Notes, Drafta. Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchangee on the Eastern and Western OiUea wtwtantly for sale. Oollwtlonfl made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits reoeived in par funds or current paper, »t the corner of Fifth and Wood Btreete. ffeh3 N. HOLMES a SOUS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ilavi asMovxD raxia uakusq amd kxchaiiub offici fo bo. 67 Mtn.nr, st&ot, rotm doors bxlow old otaud. N HOLMES 4 SONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, • and'Dealen in Notes, Drafts. Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collection* made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or ourrent paper, No. OT Market street, between Third and Fourth eta. [jafflkly TIERNAIi ft CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. JNo «& Wood Street, comer of Diamond Alley, rirrsßoasa, pa., Buy AND SELL Bank Notes and Coin; Discount Use exchange, and promissory notes; make collections In all the principal cities of the Union. Receive droOdts on call and on interest, and give their prompt attention to all other matters appertaining to a Broker's business. Eastern Exchange constantly on hand. tuarfl JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, DCALEB IK Exchange, Commercial and Bank Hotel. STOCK bought and sold on commission. Collections i.-urrf ully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. ' ft#- No. 6b4 Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. H. Bank decl6 HILL A CO., BAN BEKS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, coairu or wood akd vtnn struts. SlUiir KXGHANGEon the Eastern Cities constantly for Hale Time Bills of Exchange and Notee discemnted.— G'dJ, surer aud Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections mad« in all the principal cities of the United States. De posit* r*»o«ivt*d of Par and Current Funds. fmar27ly ALL EH SHAMIIL, EDWARD BAUM, fLOBIHCI ERA HEX. KRAMER a RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKKRB, BUY AND SELL Gold, surer, and Bank Notes; negotiate Loans on IL*al Estate or Stock Securitise; purchkse i'roruhuiary Notes and Time Bills, on East and West; buy and e«ll Stocks on Commission. Oo!lections made on all point* in the Union. [myl O. E. ARNOLD ft CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, I v BALERS in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and J. / Time Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. Stocks bought and sold on commission. No. 74 Fourth at, next jloor to Bank of Pltteb’g. [eel3 and foreign Exchange, Bank Notes, Gold and Stiver Bought, Sold and Exchanged, at the EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE Of WILLIAH A. HILL ft CO., M wood sraxxr, rarsooßOß. BA-Interest allowed on time deposits. [ janli BALL. -JHO. A-QAUtifikl. THOMPSON BELL a CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, fVrwr 0/ Th.trJ and Wood ttntti, PittlbwrQK, Par TriofflAsTwobDS, COMMERCIAL BROKER, "®» A»D IIEALXB m 9oUi, Bonds, S toe Hu, Real Eatate, ft«*i No. 75 fourth tL, Pittsburgh, Pa. fjahg Clnimlotcl** Loan Office, NO. 100 SMITHTIELD STREET, NEAR FIFTH.-r- Money loaned on Gold and Silver Watches, Silverware p.r.it other valuable articles. aul4:«lly CLOTHING. CLOT H I TORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO., of the relebruted Clothing Depot on Liberty * otreet, which hu won an unbounded popularity under L.i aame of the THREE BiG DOORS, hmTe, for the pur pcor of ac-iuir-og tuorc spa.'* for their Immense business, r»i.iot ei to the Bpaciuu:i building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, W here they bare dost the meet SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS! AHD READY MADE CLOTHING, That hae over been offered to the public. Their principal object fur this removal, la to give them bi> le taciliciea for the W!J OLEB A L E TRADE. They are prepares! to Uoods at the 1.0 WEST EASTERN ESICESI Aad they will warrant them to be as good as any mann* f*;( ui e 4 In the Union. CUSTOM WORK, 19 Tut BIST STYIX, ASD UPOH THJ SUOETI3T BuTIC*. Thft h*Te on hand a (ail and beautiful assortment of L'TUS and COATINUB, tor HUJCKB, DREBB, WALKING AND BU9I- NESS COATS. > iar Interest# are identiral with ihoea of our customers, an.j we assure the public that our AdelUy will not fail 10 Dll-ti* nil orders we may be furorod with. bo.N’T PORO BT TUB PLACE— fto. 88 Wood Street, (EAST SIDB,) OOEHLB 01 DIAHOHD ALLEY. N U —Wt* our patrons (•> uademUnJ that we bare no li.n»ji*r any connection with the Clothing Buiinesa on Liberty strati. Our attention ia devoted excloßlvety to tha llMisr* ft bo re designated. war'J3 Fall anti Winter Uoodl i K I) i>l O N 1) W A TTS. MERCHANT TAILuK, NO. 156 LIBERTY STKKKT. — 1 havo uow oq hand & largo etock of Fall and Winter U.**ds now designs; Plash Vest ing*, of the most beautiful patterns; Preach and English of every style and shade In the market, all of which 1 will make to order on the moat reaso uable terms, aud warranted to salt. oct4 NKVV BPIUHU OOODSi JUrtT RECEIVED AT JOUN McOLOSREY A CO’S Whole sale Clothing Warehouse, No. 89 Wood street, and corner uf Diamond alley, the largest and most varied stoofe of goods that this celebrated house has ever had the pleasure of loTttlng the attention of the public to. These goods hare beea purchased from first hands, and, consequently, no second profit on them, which leaves us able to say that we can so l do sell at as small profits as any house In the east ern cdR-e. Therefore, we respectfully Invite the attention ,d wholesale Jralere and country merchants, In general, to j, Xt , u . and e\ amine our extensive assortment of ItKM-V MADK CL* ; HlftG. It is almost Impossible to ro u cur rat** the quant scf immense piles of garments that i. i*. »*en at this Is ; e establishment; It is sufficient to k»y that It has never t i n equalled by the house itself, uiarldrif JOHN McCLOSKEY A 00. Clothing! Clothing! riMIK undersigned respectfully tnfonnfl|hls friends anti the X publio that be Is now receiving at his store. No. 177 Lib erty street, a cboloe assortment of Oloths, Csßslmeres and Vestings, of the latest and most desirable styles, which he is prepared to make to order In the most fashionable man ner, at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. We havo also on hand a large and well manufactured stock of ready made Clothing, to which we Invite the attention of buyers, either wholesale or retail. Persons who purchase goods for cash, will find it to their idvantsge to call at 177 Liberty street, before making their purchases. [marOj C. CONNER. New Clothing Store, NO. 4, BIXTU STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY, f 1 'UK subscriber has just opened this new X where hw has always on hand a largeand choice asaort rnvuU'f all articles of CLOTH INQ, which he warrants equal to any In the city, and will sell at the most reasonable pri ces. The public are requested to give him a call. marStly B. OPPENHEIMER. To UoQiekeepcra. WB have now opened one of the largest stocks of CHINA, GLASS and QUEENBWAiIE, su Üble for huuvkeepurs in the city, and Intend selling at very low pn-vj* We will sell a handsome set of White Tea War*, v. iidMing of forty-eight pieces, for the low price of Four U'llwk, aud all other Goods in proportion. Our stock being large owing to the dull season just passed, we are deter mined to work It off at low prices. We have just opened so. ii or send to W. A. GILDENPfiNNKY A 00/8, Fifth st, opposite the Theatre. LADIES’ PASaiONB— Leslie’s Ladies Gazette for cents; Putnam’s Magazine do SO do Graham’s do do SO do Godey’B Lady’s book, (second supply,) SO cents; Ntfw Yoxk Journal &r August, 18 do Peterson’s Magazine, do IT do Ballou’s . .do (second supply.) 10 do Female Life among the Mormons, $1; Harpers Magazine and Knickerbocker for August confi dently expected this day or Monday, and will be sold at the old price, 20 cents per copy, at . jy2B LAOFFJKB’S BOOKSTORE, 80 Fifth si. LADIES’ RIDING HATS—The largest and beat ease ment of Riding Huts ever offered in the city* i°®* *** ceived and (or sale at No. 01 Wood street. auglß J. WILSON A BON- _ nASTILB BOAP-60 * CO., \ng7 ' acmef «afl Wood ata. F A »Sg« VLfl arLK “ irSrf *Vn.BONV«>H ‘ L ttk. WST *O3 H 8&. 9 && PILI . A VXW Md etagalttf* 4BSB* l**tT 1 1 ib ffi&aSSSwMi cine is notmorecr l^nqaired,tsl much sickness and ’’^SSSSIJj^L^SJPiSi^JLf harmless but effectual - Catbwtlo No person can feelwell while a taaagc habit of hodypra- TOifi: bontoesj it soon generates soltraauuJ ettm Jital diseases, might hare been woWed hr the Judicious asa of a good This Is.alua true m Golds, Feverish symptoms, acd DUlonfl. demng&Qents* They all tend'to beoome-cr prodneef tM.aeepwatsd ana formidable distempers which load the hearses ail owr Iba land. Hence a reliable family physic Is Of first Utt portance to the public health, and this PiUfcas been per fected with consummate skill, to meet that demand. An extensive trial of Its virtues by Physicians, ProfefflDTß, and Patients, has shown results surpassing anything hitherto known of any medicine. Cures nave been effected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of each ex alted positions and character as to forbid ths suspicion of untruth. Among tbs eminent gentlemen who hero testified la favor of these Pills, we may mention— Doct. A. A. HAYES, Analytical Chemist of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character la endorsed by. the Hon. KDWARD BVBRETT, Senator of the United States. ROBERT 0. WINTHEOP, Bx Speaker of the House of Representatives. ABBOTT LA WHENCE, Minister Plan, to England. fJOBN B. FITZPATRICK, Catholic Bishop of Boston also. Dr. J. R.OHILTON, Practical Chemist of New York City; endorsed by „ " . Hon. W. L. MABOY, Secretary of State* WH. B. ASTOR, the richest man in America; 8. LELAND A CO., Proprietors of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. , , ... Did space permit, we could give many hundred eertifi* rates from all parts where the Puls have been used, but evt* dance even more convincing th*n the ezperisneeof eminent public men, is found in their effects upon trial. Theee Pills, the result of long Investigation and study, are offered to the pnbiio as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs fhemsalVe% but of the medicinal vlrtuesonly of Vegetable Remedies extracted by Chemical process In a state of purity, and combined tfe gether in such a manner aB to Insure the best results. The system of composition for medicines has been found In Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy ihan had hitherto been obtained by any process. The reason is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine Is burdened with more or less of acrimonious and injurious qualities, by this each indl« vidual virtue only that Is desired for the curative effect Is present. All the Inert and obnoxious qualities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence It Is self evident that the effects should prove as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As It is frequently expedient that many medicines should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without blow* ing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made, to the whole body of Practitioners In the United States and British American Provinces. If, however, there should be anyone who has not received them, they will be forwarded by mall to bis request. > Of all the Patent Medicines that are .offered, how few would be taken it their composition was known 1 Their life consists in their mystery. 1 have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to-all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their Intrinsto merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before Its effects were known. Many eminent Physicians have declared the eamo , thing of my PiUs, and even more confidently, and are willing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate It into healthy action—remove tho obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their Irregu* lar action to health, and by correcting, wherever they ex* Ist. such derangements as are the first origin of dlsekse. Prepared by Dr. JAMES 0. AYER, Practical and Ana lytical Chemist. Lowell, Maas. Price 26 cents per box. Five boxesforjl. Bold by fi. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., at wholesale and letaii, by every Druggist in Pittsburgh, and by all Dealers everywhere. jefcjgndew IN H ALATIO roa thi ouub op ASTHMA AID CONSUMPTION SKWASDVE U 1 tVOSIDBIIfUI | EtYOfIANA BBODOHT DOMB TO Th £ DOOB 07 THB ld*4£loH. A WONDERFUL DIBOOVERY haa recently been made by Dr. Curtis, of this city, in the treatment of Con* sumption, Asthma, and all disease* of the Lungs. We re* for to “ Da. Coatis'B Hiquna. on iMTULrea Uiqeas Yapob itio Cherey Btbdp.” With this new me|hod.Dr. CLhasre stored many afflicted ones to health, as an evidence of which he has innumerable certificates. BpeflWug of the treat ment a physician remarks, “ It la evidenljtbat Inhaling— constantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor—the didnai properties must come .in direct contact with the whole serial cavities of the lungs, and thus escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when Introduced into the stomach, and subject to the process of digestion.'* The Hygeana Is for sale at all the Druggists throughout the country. —.AVio York Dutchman of January 14. The Inhaler is worn on the breast, under the linen, with* out the least Inconvenience—the heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of cases of cures, like the following, might be named: One package of the Hygeaua has cured me of the Asthma of six years standing. J. P. KkEnnjßT, P. M. of Dnncannon, Fa. 1 am cured of the Asthma of ten years* standing by Dr. Ourtia’s Hytreana. ManaaESf Easton, Brooklyn, N, Y. Mr* Paul' of No. 6 Hammond street, «• X., was cured of a severe case of Bronchitis by the Hygeana. My sister has been cured of a distressing cough cf several years' standing, and decided to be Incurable by life physi cians. She was cured in one month, by the Hygeana* J. U. Gaobiet, Richmond, Me. The Huv. Dr. Choever, of New York, testifies of oar modi* due iu the following language : • Nxw Yo&x* Not. 15, IBM* Hear Sib—l think highly of Dr. Ourtfs’s Hygeana as a remedy in diseases of the throat and lungs, llaving had some opportunity to testify Its efficacy,.l am convinced that it is a most excellent medicine, both the By nip and the iubaling application to the chest. N. IL-~Dr. Curtis’s Hygeaua is the ORIGINAL and ONLY GKNUINH ARTICLE; all others are baea imitations, or vile and INJURIOUS counterfeits. Shun them a a you would POISON. 4®-For sale by Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, 140 Wood street; it. fi. BeUara A lee A. Beckham, Allegheny City; John Sargent* New Brighton; C. L. Kaiser, Rochester. T fmyl4:dawflm Carter’s Spanish Mixture. THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD I Hot a Particle of Mercury in it. Let thh afflicted ekad and pondebi—ad rnfalli « Remedy for Scrofula, King t hill, Rheum** tlcm Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions. Pimples or Pastnle on tne Face, Blotches, Bolls, Ague anu Fever, Chrofllo Bore Byes, Ring Worm or (Fetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Fain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising-from an Injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence In life, or Imparity of the Blood. 49* This great alterative medicine and Purifier of Blood Is now used by l-.' usanda of grateful patients from all part of the United States, who testify daily to the remar&abi •urea performed by the greatest of all medicines, “CAB* TEB’B SPANISH MIXTURE.” Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sore& Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases Of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of th&Bones and Joints, aro speedily put to flight by using this great and Inestimable remedy* w For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare with it. It cleanses the system of all impure ties, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Const!* lution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by Iheezoessas of youth, to Its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies, it is invariably better than all the cos* metics ever used. A few doses of Carter'* Spanish Mixture will remove all b allown ess of complexion, bring the rosea mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and im* prove the general health In a remarkable degree beyond all the medicines ever heard of. The large number of certificates which we have received from persons from all ports of the United States, is tha best evidence that there is no humbug about it The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and pablio. men, well known to the community, aU add their testimony to the wonderful effects of this GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER* - ' Call on the Agent and get a Circular and Almanac, and read tha wonderful cures this truly greatest of all Medlonca has performed. None genuine unless signed by BENNETT A BESB& Proprietors, No. 3 Pearl street, Richmond, to whom all orders for supplies and agencies most be addressed. And for sale by B. aVFAHNESTOCK, JOSEPH FLEM* NQ, FLEMING BROS* and by Druggists generally. octSlaiawly STATEMENT FROM CANADA Quxbio, February 7th, 1864. Messrs. B. A. Tahneslock tS Cb. —we had the pleasure o f receiving, this morning, the within certificate of your Ver mifuge, which will be very gratifying to you, as it was sent voluntarily. We are, Gentlemen, yoara^ver^truly, Gta&men—My little daughter, four years old, and my son, older, were for a considerable time suffering from worm*. I purchased two bottles of your Vermifuge* at which I gave them three doses, according, to directions, and strange to say, In less than three hoots th»y, passed no lass than FIVE HUNDRED WORMS, some of the extract* dinary length of from twelve to fifteen Inches. ' Having experienced so much of the beneficial effects of your Vermifuge, I feel it my duty to recommend it to the public, as, In mj opinion, one of the most efficacious reme* dies against worms ever offered to the public. Gentlemen, believe me to be lour much obliged and humble ssrv*t, * . NATHANIEL ABATERS. < Prepared and sold by B. A. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO, oorner or First and Wood streets. v myl6 Proclamation. BY VIRTUE of a precept under the hand* of Wm.B. McClure, President or the Court of Oomhibn Pleas, in and for the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania,'*® l * Justice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, in and for said District, and William Boggs And Gabriel Adams, Associate Judges i of- the -same Courts, In and for the.Oonnty of Allegheny, dated the —• day of July, In the year of oar Lard one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer aim Terminer, and General Jail Delivery; at the Coart House in the City pi Pittsburgh on the fiat Monday of October next, at 10 o'clock A-M. ; , , / Public notice la hereby given to all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables of the county of that’ they be then a n d there, .in their proper persons^with them rolls, records, inquisitions, esaminationsandother buncos, to do those-thlbgs which to thelf respective offices, in their behalf, appears to be done—end also those that will / prosecute the prisoners that now are °r may be in the jail of said county of Allegheny, to be then and there to pros®, cute against them as shall be Jwt* • Gtvrausder my hand In Pittsburgh, this fifteenth day of Aucrust, in the year of our lord,one thousand'eight him* died and fifty-five, and of the Commonwealth, theTßUt i augl&td WM. iIAQILL, .Sheriff. ATTENTION! Wagon Maßt*Ka n ,d Teamatera’ Bounty Land AGENCY) DA Fourth street* OFFICERS, Soldier?, Musicians, Wagon Masters, Team* etera, Aa, who were regularly Mastered Into-tho aar viceof tha Cnitod States, and every Officer, Beaman* urdK* Aet ° f * • Ikw wto ha*o re°el*od 40 or 80 Acres, in entitled to • WMitmtfDt anch quantity of Land as will mike. In the wools, 180 Acres.. -w, .u. Persons entrUßttog their olaltas to mo cancel, upon ha*, log them attended to promptly. 1 u All InltonaUon fits, of charge. Lstken wotnotl* an. •wared Addnu AUSTIN LOOlUri nil* Boast, Land Agent, 03 JoutUr at. '■ -^®" r —^-tej sWffi i r --