- s > , ' 4,v■ < ..i v l*.’S * . f \ >,* ,'N _ • »- t r ,*• ".'V.- I\\’ - 1 • ■ " ,;V,V: • j ■'*’.’ v v *‘* ** ,\ ‘ t ’*> " .V, « I r * ‘- t - > -C.V ; \ :%*(■..( « V.‘ ’• :, '.i *-.s *r~ fo* ’***,*v>. ■*' f"'-:*>«■•,T*.V-. n* !».;.•;,•* . *?k»«J ’»• <*{ c . • O ■•S s>, vi4i *■■ J 1 •*- 1-• fe ' '■ 1 *■ I*\ l ■■ J'l ■ •■.»>.- -'.4 y..? ?. ->;■ • •, -'. y f‘V-'-rp#'-"-’-- - - v y^ r : t r ■<;■ s>yei .i, ‘XxsVv' ■ ;■; s r-vtf'J'V*! ;*■;'«•• hV/.v “y yy: v - ■ »>'}’• ,V" 4 r - ' - ' S *\"‘ T'-a «4 .*i t .-•A k »♦;“ “• « . • -■ -; >*'#&•*•?«!*-••»• i;*».<;•. •. i-: ‘ > •-' 1 ' ’ -* ‘ < “^‘V'• •’*. ■•■ ■ ‘ 'X xl-- : 'V.;> n *.■ j'v j i ti,' r , j-Vl X ;V. >'• -‘“t. ••''■ .'X' ■ V J »*-'■*•¥*** *< k «*■ f» it • V Y » # f*i • t ‘ Tl * • '* k i .v. *j: *, -- * * v ; ■■■.'•: V ■ • j "-■ 'f;i: C.,‘,f /' J 'jf,•" tT’r *~i'' 11 "i.' f’ 1 y :K'.s -„!‘;V'i *■ «• ,•! «i *-''o* •■ , ■- ■-. if-, - , •• ! i '1 f / V s "«w / *■ (»y! t* V.l'. *' M* j,; 'j i t* h *•.?,'* ’■ ‘V' I .’■ - 1 - '■VW-* i ! *ii '• >.■ ■; r-'r.y-’-y-' aMte^d % f ! gM St i : t ipM <*s„?*.*>* * Etm^» mat l€*S-iS5# «*w roach ud Carriage Kartorv I '3 ;> t'i ■ * k"'; JOHJfSTOH, BEOTHKEB & CO., ,’^>>-*‘ ! ;6fe'i-'y-'.r^ ; S| JJJM respectfully inform their frienlH 'J'» , ri ! 'i SV; ?>'*..«->!iVt; QSOT"®=s§£ ,h ' p “ b ’ lc gsuerally that they hare Wfe&?sr ™“>»«««»„tl** B»aaf. rtor .ofCeAe K .r. Cb fn°^ ! n ADiHh nnd pro^tin:: *’f J AU ordew wU! 1)0 executed with strict retfftrU to durabnt beauty of finish. Kepaln will io the taort reasonable terms. Usin K in all their work th« I'ifla^♦ sTf*3 1661 EMten l ShaflB » P® 1 **. Wheel fltufl, they feH ro„-|. that all who fa?or them with their patrouLe. will t.e satisfied on trial of their work. Parebasßrs requested to gire tu a call, before purrha *'>y^^J B*llB 8 * 118 eißeß ' bf ‘ rP - _octC 1 v •P l^^Sr , T • Joa«BrON...~ J>. T. JOOKSTON E. MAO»tt- Elcclllor Carriage Factory. »8 TOHJJSTOS, BROTHER 4 CO. PRACTICAL OOACU MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Relciont stroets, Ail >• l :b^tr ,! '' f '' ! i>’ v '^\ Ei ? 'Ctifebeny city, I’a., have on hand and are manufacturing &n \%ij% lVi 4, *?X5-V>V'c assortment of Carriages, Rookaweys, Buggiei*. s>74r r -4d »J* t Care. Ac., made in all their rnriona stylos, wuh Asi’ s trn- Rn •-V * - i..X • v* r 1 f'^ > i , £v n ' ,t to durability and beauty of finish, using in *!l >J'Jt' iJr»^i l ?V' 1 - AS£f> .X»; '.t JOf “h*t“r ir wort the best jQnlata Iron ana eastern hickory. )Uw Kttf>nd#,tJ t* on the most reasonable terms. They f- 1 tfant oil who may faror them witEtheir patrou r* J i?V 15 ?® BORS T 0 11 M. BIOEr.OIV, No 46 C fi.'.' pvf ? ; •■ ‘-t ~4V '; mRSmk d.„ Woo,l »lr«et, PltU jY’l‘‘iXy '-4‘-'„V ”• 11. &ndt^ h X Carrl »IFA, Phcatons, B.i :- a.-f'rf-fc.»{sr f v lioilt to order, ?nd flushed?!,' «*« temey iraibictes »v‘ 2 V/*W‘ > ~' ht ’ Xl ■*' v-I,f? w --rfV-h'•'f of design, elwaneftnf 2 t inuer unsurpassed for '•fi&Sity '}?- “- 1 - '^: s , .-. ‘ nll 4ar»M]lty of m?t e ri“ a f 6 l “ h ’ ' M » »f workmanship, All work warranted/ RODERT h. Fat °‘' LIVERY AN ° BALE t -A': STABLE, /feTs I’. Diamond .trcoi and Ch.r^^T x» '.^4^ «■«:,• . v /«-.' h«i y“-' i '* A l "' ' ’ 't : '-''-• ■' •»' 4" r l’'•f’fej -A *,’, .‘t r^tr ..* f .. c. ‘if-•'■-■-'- ./ ■ - ?r, . v - ■•■/il Tm w l h■ f - •■' V, -|a v - - ~ A ' ■ .',*!• 44 p'. - 1 ".‘ • ■?, * < ■>*' 'T\‘% ' 7 's ~ - ■■ :■'•-• .•••<- z.vvr '.• -.-. a..;. ~y -- ■ ' . ':, v.‘..,.. •- J J‘ .1 - o*J 'p;,-.* *■>■'*v ■ r \ ‘ •• ✓- « > h%V-**7* - • '• 1 r '.'. t eft^- 'M&mi \ " fvT* V* *Wv.-'V >■'- - - - ** , t . ,*;!' e£ A \ .v r —^ r "■ * S **£&*'- ';„, '> ■ ■• , y r fc^. T- r v*j>s.lt iii'JZprtit&jfcsjlur, *. B'H'g.lK- vr-r DAILY Prixttd and published tsxry morning {ihtndapi excepted,) BV OILLfIOEE A J9ONTQOM ERV, °!» TOI NORTH-WEST COftfftft Of WOOD END TIFTO BTRRBTB. iWßMa.— five Dollar* a year, payable strictly lo • 1 ranee. Bix Dollars will Invariably be required If not paid within the rearw 4&- Single copies ftrocans—for «ale at the counter 1 n the OSoc, and by the Vein Boys. tfiß SATTTBDiT MOBKIJJG POBI Published from the same offlee, on a large blanket irtin ea *et, at TWO DOLLAEB a year, In advance. Single copies riTtoa-trs. * No paper will be discontinued unless at the discr* oq of the Proprietors,) until all arrearages are No attention will be paid to any order undMsaeeom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference in this city. Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Post is oru of l\t largest Jli r' K '\ I ' A ' tV ' — N ’°- lra Y’orlh Pittsburgh, k' ,« fu h Joor b,!o » Mr R™iJ I'sttomm’B , Orlaaao Loomli, j\ 1 AT I,A W—Offlo*. PourU] Btreflt, ibi>v, Wood. , H. IS. Carnahan. A Tm? 1 * AT LA V V—Office ou i'fturtb between Grant j'j-y J- N. fil >i:io \t rv. - ~ A AM) COLWdELI/Oft \x t aw A Building,. o n Grant ,tri.t "2““ i>. h. u A™^tb A Q T e £ AW "~' N ' , " eF ° irthetr <‘ et -J!; to^“S AT n r d w t ’! U .t ,ck ■‘•Xinu, BM n N ° F TIIIB O WARD lm: 1.1 therm,-. P' „ ,n I’ufMiPW pertaiu »» promptly “ J J “ s!i “ lhp - - • lribl:dm r. / 'vmri’V U ’“ m Wil.on, Alrterman. l ~ I-mriMly rU.*d]hJ r 0 " iouc '' ,TJ 1 "-aul, tL,iri7Tri^fi.ir. '.u,- H# «••• >* smr.^ia F "' :V '' - p fiw-ns Kr.-.ra T.:m» A >1 r> rt .a.—- ' , )• business’ cards. a i - »:• u 7i:ki is., ~ * K.Ci p-tkT.oi. SCIEI I K.'l p,■ • Curling, Uobtrt.oii & Co., M M NT RP CL '• K * WKU A.^PtAl:, C...1HT,, front street, ! > U;-I'ur<’h ' «•' W .oa-ir .IM .. . hp 11 ;d 1 v i.nhstrwt, Pittsburgh, I**. -j 40* Re*p,s constantly oo band a laivc Mit-piff of *•■ tl- ■ T ,1. I.ntml, c.r Imperial ClffUM !Py 1 : ;,V*‘ Jobu Moorhcnd. Wrl'm I ,' and commission* jikr P-1,. 'if' i - ,P ° f Pi < Mp: * ; >° 1 DIOOtM, M.,1 I . uAlbvgrnrrblly, Ho. g, Weed «t w t, Pittsburzh. ,»p-J , in.: HiTHEK BIIO.T J ASUDUIM lieyiucr A Anderson, to Joshua a Co) d»a;«rs ID foreign Fruits S«W, fi T T . C ';:‘ : f,V X) ? iLr . v ; #«&»". Ac., No. W Wood .pr..' e,.c th* <-t. tbarlas lintel. Pittsburgh, Pn Henry H, Collins, * AND COMMISSION MRUCriAST, an-! J D*a!er SnCli**.,*, Butter, Seed*. Pt.sb anil i fJjra YVocJ street, Pittsburgh. -*iuai« BU T. c. Moreau, OoKSEIAER ANp STATIONKK—ba* «:.«ion b.„| n ETBDpr»l isjorlmpi: Sebool, lliwllu*.*,' Bl.uk ’‘7 , ?S"*' 1 I> ° ,! “ n ‘ l Cop PlL P iir ' lc -. “holfaiile and rf ' V fV etre «'- MOh, Ea.l Aid., DittAburirh Go UuntwOlUeiaoJ Tanners' Soraps. ,iplf, :r w a aauK.l’bilA wi. uottfsoi, IMM.uial, Tirnin,, l !. ” r4Illrll " ,0 “: V\ JvH.ESAbu UltuCfi.R-,, Imp. : l.r- - I Bracdi.a, Wmi-s » T «nl S««,k.-a—No., i:j»na 174. c. roer of Irtiio add Ir °“- C**” »•«*« Wm. Carr dtTtTJ ~ - ' V f ami I»r«ta li.ta, Old MouuQtralietn and Reotified V/h'*- by, l.,b.riy »i.-.,.t, putrtonrb. K K. i)ravo, Pi 1 1 l 'Al.lili IX CjI'NTKY rKJDI CK p;*-r< / r ...... „ J 7 of Greene*. • for f*otlv us* or .--rr Tanetj ;h„ V ur-« /;ualitv. *■ fu, H.-i.-i .1:11*. A.n, I’ri.tl Fruita, Fom-a tta j l.'omrstsc 1 ‘ ' latceu Jd cxr;bnQ(jo j'or UKjrihau'ijaa. _ * a? P”»-*areJ a :j:! r.w rla.-ti o' L«drrtL- s , ‘ • ir Y' M rloed.-, an i iuviiea ihoaricntkn c-f *ui a ;n runu affair*. | j W ». t.VOUsn I. U , I ncvx R*r~r Engtuua Rifhßrdjon, rVMtfMaps ASD HUSWAKDINfI MBttC&iXTC, anil iVQflwaU. D^..T«ln*? t 6b. Du d an! Oil,atxl PrMu~ v " f, * rra 'Tiv tvund bv 4 I'J) F.rs; ctreec, Httabureh, f..i~ House. n\l.. tur? t hour.c for tv- X i> t, h; No 17 tfodtHuid four -j.-vcr» abor* p ” aj “» 3 '; - a Vi - a . j T.-wive, on'v-m I'.'' ■ '■ : uf Flour, Bvaa. C)r- ; -v rn «*• "Y.rut *nj. f:w_.l !Uv. A- . u, .. v> am iriifeH dut,' -s cr jmi.-ba.-*- ® Hr •. ' •* ,Jl ' u ' &eu OJamru HI ’l.auili II n , I.IS ['l'.OLl't'E. FL'JI. H, ii iCj , Va A-, hi, «.cumm4 Mid m* *n*4-, pm- J r. J-JIV.O W, A>'!* l Vj, v , T. tt, Young Jt Co. .V, Sjiit'ijuld fl f A.S UV AOTI'ItBRS OF CABINET FURNITURE AN‘- l»i C:l Mil?, -f prery description. Mortals and work n..i .» .p v-arrautt-.i, and sold a: rriurnj pnrta. CarAtr.fci-u 1 . i--._g_:og for land and acg^l \V uv Ulobr , Jr., / 11/ITIIIVO AVD FL'KXISHIXG SPJiiF., Minor ic Ha” v ~'/ . ftraut, PauliurgU. Clcthiug made u, crd«r. ;J t?" '' a O snd at moderate rates. nuf9-tf it* A A. c. Dnacau, l if UO!.iJ3ALE GROOKR3, and Jo i’r:>duio F * * _ Wine* and Wqurr* O'd ana' H ll "’ ! nwKT, No. 2,-1 nu*bur«h. P. £* iah. A Ttudle. r^SS&.T >TJ l ,>L t E? i' l ' E and ,u “ uH iiftrti k*s*WS£ J alliM * , * t ' l Clir Ba»r Bianufft.-tu. * .\.v U>o_W t H>J hi . {'HUburnh, Iv J. ! 1 flleilor, \k[ iIOLKS AT.Eand TCet&ll Dealer in Wttii-nlln*truiD*n' • 7 1 iatii'.Music, £>ofc ooi ! , a'ioop ,- v Nn t is i> . i (.tree*. ’ ' j John W. Butler A Co, L'' l '-" An.Di.'fU AND CUMMIrWJuX MERCIIANTS .B !• nil irlutifi n; i'ubtburgh manuZai lures Lt-n 1 l ..- 1 and Sheet Leal, «7 Front stnvt. jv fSnterxiriae Works. .\j IV) 7P I-rrst' V.ir.i m*n tn their Urge assortment of liuns, Rid/>« and Ka T...tio< Fiaiola, the largest aud best select'd ei c ; **ij" 1 * >• * hi* market, together with a i/.-rieriil h.-uoi ; m«u, • ot Uur.iedTH.Cuilery, Tiiolsand FirhiaK'iVkli*. all of » hi i, Wj , rh-r a. li.c possible price* tv purrhn-*"-*, • r ’ : “Fi rjr-a pap.-r. m *rU Copartnership Notice. 1 HAVI. TlflH DA\ (April Utb; associated with n,.. .1 Mwwrr t. STKBL TUKbKTT and SAUL. V. LT.ANbi. whom have been for many year* iu my raubiu.v iupoc, anJ are already extensively and favorably known to icy cu“tnw**ra and the public generally &a superior troru men, and cf correct business habits. We hope by this uuku of experience and artistic skill—especially in the watch de partment, by keeping a large and well selected stock . t good.-; by selling at moderate prices, and by close attend n t.> business, to merit a liberal share of pationage. To my o. l friends and the public in general, who have for many ywerfl past so liberally patronuca my business, I return my thinks, and solicit fjr the new hrm a continuance of etnii- Ur r.voj-s. W. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11, 1356. Wlloou, Tarbett * Clanev, W‘\?£ -^ JKWKLKRS au-.l srLYKKiiIITIIa, » V-j * *. ’ .‘ * *fv , » • t *»» * J ' . * . ._> • , ■ " T - POST PUB- : -sr, t.-=-- - . . VOLUME XIII. Joseph Fleming, C rivoonot TO L. WUOOX ft CO) OaNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, teens oonai&ntlv oq hand a fall assortment of Drucs Mndt. !'«t- “?*««»f P.rfamesj, S 3 Ml SrtSefp’.S^: Uig to his buslneap. r Phyßlcianß, compounded at )k9j Jon * **•“*»« cocaiua muM. Fleming Brothers, . i sPccißgoaa to j. moo * C o.l WHULt.3A LB DUGGI3TB, No. 60 Wood street, Plttfl vl?Lir*h P&- Proprietors of Dr. JTUoe’s Celebrated Vermifuge, Liter Pills, *c. j rlo John Ha.ft, Jr., ' " Wrr SDCOX43Oft TO JAUIB WocrnT. J HJLKSaLIS A.ND retail DRUGGIST, and denier In Palntß, Olin. Lye Htuffj, Ac, HI Wood street, three u "“ r * belolf Virgin Alley, PUtaborjth. eprtraAely W ... Allen, B I ?r^. KBALE IN FOB ETON WENEB, BRAN iKV *,° ? Al p’ M( JNO.VQAHELA AND RYE k EftCtlf3iDg No. 8 Wood rtnet, »‘? r " n :!l 0F ! 0m ’' Oordiale, Jamaica Spirits, St Croliami Ne» itn g land Eum,Clarma, ChimpaignM, Scotch ?? u rt ” Pn Btont ’ Irt£h ’ Scotch, Boorbon, 014 Monooitahela Bye and Rectified Whiahy, Apple, ftach. Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; Imported HaTena iSi C ls“ ra: Hal, s sSI Common to challenge competition Fancy Bar Kegs and labelled Bottles of every style and grST. o, r U a-“- J ™»P«tmil T lnvltfL,“Sri“^ p°“ n, r at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, ' apr3:ly James MeLilneer ( MONONQAHKLd PLANI.NU MILC.-Wonldrespectful ly inform hi* friends ami the public,‘that his new es tablishment in now In full operation, and that he l« nro i to furnish Boot Cabins, and fill all orders for PlaLd Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates K->r.rd and Plank, plane j on one or both sides, constantly order* 1 ' Wr ’ ul ' Jin t !i itescriptic-n.madfi to fcuiUora and Carpenters wjulJ find It to their adraotag* S Aii,a ' Le -*‘ a W Ju «l6h them With plan*! rrer ? desratr, Keiitnger A Graff K bn r rgb. N Ve Kll;N1 ' RY ’ IS ’ Wro '" Tre ' , ’ l ‘ ln »”<< Feudal-*. 1 nr or Sieves, Sad and Da* l r cn». Hel.-n Fortnble Fnrtw, Tea Hetties, ' 1/1,0 K*tt?es, Hox^s, U. .-WITH ■ W w. >UIB Smith, Mair A Hunter, SinUh & Sinclair ) \V PhODUCK ANT) OOMMIS Ph* l tod Dealere lu ell ilnda of P tv *»* 123 Second and 161 First itwet, “*• ... _ fetri “iABLIsaJIKKT, (late John- Wureb.A ’V" 1 * li ‘“ k k “ nJ »t»tlos«r »»ur*u>u,«, Ja pr»p«mi io exccuta «rorv nrrlo of 1-9 J mZ^Tiai^r,' 1 yi " a '' r ' U Jr,b Jj took " nJ ru ™ l " !l r J “ r r7 W«r»hon«i>. rriotlnc OOW .in ; l-Kife hmd-p., ajrnnrnr M.rket »nd Sooood «t, B icctl6 KNorth-WMierii Poiit, Ag.ui,. u. 5V WAdUINOTON' &TKKET, corn.” or d^rbom, . chicaGi), n.u.Noa Pinkerton A Co. TIiEIE iTTtKTM. TfMl’i! TiVKSACTIO* 01 A OiaiAAt T .V 0 K 1 KVTIN 15 Pvjl.ICE UUkiN'ESfl U CJ liUn,:,i * , Michigan and la.iiA o a T"? " r “ 1 direolr- A Iby the death of John F. on th» 27th Inst the m 01 “ U flrm wUI be p '' n S and Blister Steel, Plough Slab steel steel Plough Wings; Conch end Ehptle 1 i'u.nm 5 N “ ! , T *P' r . P»h>ut, Soreu, Mail and ! pr Pj>r, “‘ d Fir “' c S r ,”“- C tJAit' JOJTfct. .. -»• ■ M 1 XTr.™r D,B,R °«® ri4 CO. t ANtFACTCIIEKSof K iQKttn' p,t,/ t Improved Steel Jii \y 1 T ~* b ' C,fllr ° Mrlior R °'‘’ aI " 1 I’,m 1 ’ ,m ; Plttntrnrgir KiiUng School, i ffrjfii* B'JSKRT U. PATTKftht-A', Proprietor, corner ' Vf W “ m '’“ il “” d Ch.-rr, alley. The tubecriber , t- 1 Xil rcspertfnlly atmouucM to the Lndlee and Grnlie : Ua h ** fxtcatly erected a RIDIKU W..UOOL, *hi'-h lo point t tEt.re, commodlousness and adsp- F-nfr i ““ drn,ml ; , J kuy fio.ilar establish me tit in the u U I °f R&on 15 aowwihle iroui all parte of Sln^\ 7 \7^ : a tli;h aDd wr > fitualion renders It esp*- riallr salted toj. promotion of health, by ihUmost sgree i f, in« Ilonas are docile bdJ well trained, and t..- proprietor piadgex himself that no palm or expense | ■!( ai- spared to jnaAe this establishment the first In tbo i t ' ( or_lbe pohllc. oot2sttf ■ M tticlinrd c. Backing,' ni C , T^J aIIJ . PlivKß. BRASS, u, KINU ’' jLAS8 ’ •'OBTJtAJT abb pic H r ”»n>»ntßl, No. II St Olair •“• All klncl'4 rr i. r>mi-Q Ornamanu, for r.r, t; .« AJI ku 4 ,of ana Aa-«Udlug, to nrd*r. . J . .:j! C p n k ' ?,* 8 !or * r, »»«;. «-ho!os*l» and mull. VartiNh - --u niailn*«, irDprariop, ecd Utbryraph*, for «tl« boft ->,ETIAN BLIND SUVUPACrUTtfiR, | IU r-e.wd \ , ►?*,*,, l ?his old and h«-t .; ancj l \t bund manufactory. *i n* o „i>*mh n ; sr :he Po*t office, between Wood und Smitbtieid, »he« h- ha* an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and tan. * and silk trimmings, and is prepared to fill •>t.) order in bis lin*, on the tnoet reasonable terms. Hla v ‘ : K In ' 1 w l a ™ lted to satisfaction or monsyrefondeij J Blinds repaired. F,rni ' e Wra & call, ae h« can't U beat in work n*l< 1 p mjr7:ly JI.VbJS UV NtNNH k CLARK. NKW VdRK fpllfi PUUUC * m.. 1 Ai'.'ei,, DV n-rp." ' J. folly Jnnt«*-l tr cUI a: th« Mu-i .v. { „ ‘ i of lh® tut»\V iJ Fimi ;-T injiUgfSSbSjfgl A’otlei : I main* a superb fi=*pg|aS3£} ' I HATH MlJmj Interest la me bujiaesa c 8 U,a« Miller 7 J ,rlo « SIOOO.V *&[}"'! I A A. Long, ffbo, wlUi John ItUlllpA wlllcon- V fV,or ? M NU?,; ' S * CLAAR, N.w Vo,k n.. ; ■ ibii? »t the r.W rnra.l, bV. log Front meet. -I JUdi»ll»ro- SiT?- 1 } J°f r “ mt ' nt m ‘ J ' i l ° “ KU.-.ABKTHIAti I •wci-n 1 the Ur* LI il t»> llie palroun*» i-f mi friend* * nTi l.ii, i be ornaments, Ironl bie,**# fca j I*** b.siutf Plabo- t nTl.burjh.Juijixi'aW- J rVtSlLuk. ™ y “"e* out o( SOLID HokIVOOD lf„ rail **,“ I I. U. MILLAR. ( Ib.U, S H a taim-a..i.-.0..« D d,, n i„,i Ilt ,.|,aw i , !«.»«, AfiJ (ATMIOWJ. Of I.M, Ir Wvl, OB'.J , * tether unsarpapaabln. I Tr.« subscribe™ w„l be liaj.py , "■ «••"«...ni.i,, a' ltm ’ u h’ ; tbrtr Li » *M. p 11. K I.Klifc'K & In;. I •■'VD • ! : > « h i :. n , I a • i 'V'i N. A. Loug ft Co., • )KLL AND BKAHH POUNDERS, AND UAS KITTKRB i J luvue* Mleni.ou U> ihur eUck of ClianaouerH, Brack’ - f hoJiintH. biiJ other fixture*. We 6l up Lou«,*b with «.w »nJ Meam, make Uriu« CaHtin gi of all kind* to order i • r 2i.-n lUilrciil Puirip* UiJ T»uk Kltilnga, a&i keep Aut.- a ttrr.ion 3itjui cou/itnuUy i.u bund- BOTICIi;. I' ALT’S STOCKIN'a MANUFACTORY. • v • - J stw.f,**: corner u t* r * fiUrW r street PITTSBURGH, }*A., WHPHE will be found the largest end btwt ahsoHM ei HOSIERY erer offered lar *,!« lu thin city • •arrtiHHrrf l sill find it to their fldvautag* to call at this • • Mbhshment and examine frr tbems*lyt*s; It la all I need u> injure their custom. (j DiLA T b —itdinumber the Oiiiap Sto'-eixo Coaxui" W,l l. C. D. Consume tlie Szuolte. THKicWntor hiring the exclurlre right to mtmuf.o- I tureind sill SWMSNISY'S JIOT AIK AND SMOKE cuNSUMINQ FURNACE, Is prepared ta retire oontract ror heating buildings with the moit economical Fantace now In nee. he attention or those Interested is •••(I'.lled. Any information can be bad of A. BILADLHY r»c*. 'i and 4 Wood street, orof J. BAKNDOLLAR Lf / Iron CltyStOTe Warehouse, No. ICI Wood at. tMi, a. umu*. ~ T^tiir Ledllfl A Biam, (Successors to Mulvany A Ledile.) PACTTURERS of Cut, Moulded and Plain Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers la all lmida of WlDdow Gloss, Floats, Vials and Bottles. Ware* house comer of Morket and Water streets, Pittsburgh mh3:dly * Removal, 4 nrMSKN, Manufacturer of every rarlety of Vials \J, Bottles and Window Gloss, Black Porter, Wine aatf Cloret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Glass Fir'll 5 ’ T^ri Sl; Nos ' Second, end 1.13 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2B D_ , W. Chadwlcki EALKR IN KENTUCKY LEAF TOBACCO RAQB U u, K -h A 'pa. !,AI ‘ ,iR ’ N °- 149 Woo '* - ‘ 3* * T x\. „ ' ' » *A. *o> * A H,, •Vii, ’ •UBHED DAILY, BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE 11 POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND ivmn UTKHETS, AT fii.OO PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. H Hl NT £&. w. s/h • f i: RX-.iv.i6t, ' mbSfrtf PHiLura. BUSINESS CARDS 1. L.. Blixrahail, v r c**i no r trs H , L e « ) 117'00L DEALKK AND Co>lMlS®.i.jn' ’•!EKCiIANT fj No. lily Lilt-rty street, I Pa £rf*rm&- W. M’ctintoclc A Bro-; Km-n.r a Rahat BtovrnA Kirkpatrick ; Murphy, TbroKti A cr. PlttHburyb, May 24, 1R55— (in>24 3m*’) flats anil Capa. ' WK would iorite the t ,i f . ar friends and Ida tbe pakdQ to a spimJU rf HATS a D d •“taCAl.'i. trh‘ch we &re now openk* tor tbo Summar trade, which btauty of ctrle, enylbing btit of. forod m the city, or w*»r‘ of th«* mountnh:?. Cnll aoJ txaraino for ynar^elrr^. J. WILSON a BON, _?.P° °\ Wnod_Rtr#»«t, J^ittsburgb. TDlnolntion of Co-Pertn*r«hln, HE FIRM OP LIVIXiISTON.-KOUOKN A Do . P proprle- | rr *, “ f ">• WTTPHCRfiU NOVRLTV WORKS, w„ uissolved by the death of Mr. Jom J. lioentx, on tbo llto ot Alar cn last. i„^r^ , “. mCM ? ! ’ t, ;“ :,^ VKLTV "ill to continued id all its branch,-B !,j cr,., purloin;, u ~l„r [hi* D*tn» DDd uty!« of LIVINGSTON, COI'KI.IND4 C:0 wbo trl,l slflo nettle op tha aflalrr of the Isle tir a. ’ L. It. LIVISitMTi.}!, CALVIN ALAMd, J. K. MOOHHKAO, W. li. CcjI'EI.AMi Pittfiburgb, Pa., hlny 4, -JOS i! .-ly-EiT.... I‘dXEUpJ M’t.L'>SKrY •robii i?l’€loek«y A Co., WHOLESALE AMI lIKTIH. LI.uTHtS.I HPR. (.HANTS. No So WW| i'.K.huivh, i'» ™ mibwribm rwtiwrtfulljr Inform .fcrir . : 1 tm*,,. «Drt Ibu public in gHDiTHI, (but lli.'T burr the Ir.y tKI theuiswlvn-- in thu Kl><'T.- on. J.-r "h* fir-n r i JOHN JTCUiaKEV * fc. T!..-y r- ■ ■ i>u nr pubito ' ’ T{»* Uuin.vpcf L ri'! wires rewp^ctirely. T m , lioota ivuii fi hoc*. M I.A I t>n I.J S', No. 95 y.jurtQ Rtr.-v.[, i,e.irl v or.rk~, . 11... li* rCM.Utr.-- un: r 0.-nij»Mn««G A LWJ Wuou, W i W £Lr.d »uttc.ru.i, (Jon nnd ifnirnn M ; •, !!»?•■ ft Hal t hr,',. J,uor UnJsKlp. f 1 u,ihtn < it •men. oi .>T*rv ,>.lr, r *,rvl*hft.jr. luncy nll ah 1 ;.,a,n »■ uitcrr. r:' t>. •• 4 . OhjlJreQ'o cl.>., i.-i ptvry Vnrioty > B m'vjf to or.t.-r, oa s'-. r: n. j n -ilo Jsomior*' ‘b'wuniy Lana, inrt Claim* * T_.. r egaiuai (.'ovcrnmeiu. V ,r‘ L Bounty Uod Wa: rnr.u tor .-ol.li.tr;; th-ir w .oaMieor CMm™. , » t > a .i .0 i„ "f ; Llo ' u,s ' tec-ntljT i„h_| t,j Or.nsrrt. 1 111 '. , U-'lhtrj Rlrwt, on, 1., • :., n , lh ,|.M M “ rv,i N 1'... -;mli'ifi CU MILK - Ml 1,, ill Sor.l Mure. TANIKa WARbUOI* .5,,, «!■• t’ANAR. Hl\bi ot O t lk* mo« r #rt Ur-J. tto .i bu rtiiiK-rH. Bird feea* -Canary. Horop. Millet. Itoj’- *n l tr.l r *••**> Hoii.jor:- trill lt*fiiroUh**l . rai-.5.-l f-• , . , fUIWEEft, rr- H. -- i:,|. KTurxmns (in '..r Cl'totiai Ti>. , fn t : , i liorLioultnrH! Store, No 4;» Ki:th nt . u-nr \v--.| T Bounty LauUi. HL .xutina.* L> obuir. Ko.ir.lv Laa l Wt rum... Tb. |.n~i.t 1.. U «?#• 1. »ifc ~r r .', auy w*r s.cjr ;:*i, lnu a. rr-*. Ujll .j. : J l Kh C-jCKoiIcMT, ::: b.atu. i i mhliy toai \V o r Is. ■ foi »nl<. SI \TV Tlißb'E ACKt£ nr l. \M), >*- I>n .■ , u „ >itl attftvhnj, buJ uli ill* inJl.:<-T.Mnr-:i:t ;t:rr,- ... , fill .«hiJ > arm !► : u in.. M o.u'j, 4l.ru rlrer, til mile* nl»-r* futhhureh, anJ i- -j, a f*rm ilutue, Burn, lh.'nse-. Or. Li/J 'Kai' -mj' "ku 1 od •lenlleai b»rt to ~ NIOHOI.SON A I’ \Y .> K. _____ . _ No. L. .'> L.;..-r' V flrveL la: V II i B i Tl U V *kbo~ ill r« > il INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agency lor the Purchase and Bale of Pa’e"' Eights and Patented Articles MUaSS V , , 1. UosKS F kATuA, and t.a»- 0 no be*unu.-n ,n r-or.tn him, tr ki; -lw u»*v *iah u> etapicj J„. tlC » rt V ** <•! u^;.. u U«d mUvrUv «n j it*d.-uu*mbie Hv-- W.H B-aox. J t-n.lr.hwa, •'*“« ll.l'l.nj- * <,.. V. R Frijod f» (I * s-.o K rnm.-r £ ‘Lxbm Wiu. Philli,,,. |. i; 1.,, ;1 . Wilson M'C»n 1!. ■*•*, Wt« y ,i'.,V"t"l'> A W. I/K'mir, A LJr-T Vi:';t.>tl' FilUburtcb. ls..i llud”. C;„IL K «. M E Uon-J-meo , u d » nI Kv ,.„; I S Wntln LU(«s.is \ii;. -.iaiti.u-i'|->a Juriu,- .... Mr J I>. \\ liiiaia*. rnnouj* -m ■-,» li tl Wriric* u:.- uuiTrr.a!Jr adnuivj .\, f'l r*mmuubjp bat f.. -c , bf tb» Iter her ,o tho 10-tmiUoo. Tn- Hrioer^i r*• ;.«t.. t••r )r (. tl hl» lofftlteii'-ti rh ft rr.T-i i. i,„t, dQ Hi* In till' ( itj G«'nUntnrn an-: \ William*’ - 1 •» mfcnjtilp rx>s u-ej 'o 1 rj Tnu •■*««' lutrlliffrurr Ufflp'e. " HK rotscntrr tiv, j.i.l i is ,• r -j ; ~, y v ,.u omen, .. >o , V u-’i otfcct ot John a. j i . JCsplorta* Ajjeot lit S'* bar, ,-.. y ttn .i .u <.*,.!j., " *7“ ,‘if tl*s in furnislihi.' mu j ‘ . , lag place? bo) :i. K 'iru, auaali ...Lo . (l Ii " Tbo Tirana*.-of U- ..... " ,r. ' ,Ufl4 ' l •Tpry ffloit u*u u „,»c .hw.. “■ ’ ' ’ *’ J _ <> WR! f: 1 a; - A. flUllHeu & ( o. Cl A'E ON IiAMJ. Uf tlHlr ,•■•! 11 CHAIR MANUMCTjhV, Nr : j 7 . . liSJirjrttnpTit of fiiQ -y uji I f'> a .-j j- .. . , . I »' Ihpy WHI sell 16 p»r T«i in-—rahiiwuv ' ~ n j .. | fj\ W hi. K. Mt\ f Han n . i • VHt.ne CABIN hT '.V AU K >-f rr-ry ' IWi' ll bt-tlid, rorn.-r r I '■* -■ ? H r J M*, I’NUKRTAKI; t-n J-i to. tuv i i H <.'>'* r Jet liarnen, <.-K.»h MImKK A*• ! < SLACK’S-., ; !t nr* «u:i i* Q 3 i'rtK Mi..-, boJWffn IhirU mi ,l t’curlh to t’u &ii s .r» In In- i ,!]•• wliti iu- u:-a.'Vi bad lor--; »i*porl«Ticft m lhi» bu-lnr-r* } .. wc>lk:it-. ib* | btr. Cflif- Ol hjil {,; J . UKAS!) PJ \\(i Spring SlOrk or Hamburg H1u,,,,,/ KI.t'ME, \, ;l v W , and O/ lor,?. - - m .'. -.-, They have m-t OnJj r^r,.iT r ,i the hi.il.rßl uiaikjii r. rr hatlon from the best Rnroboao PlanUoa, eu-b a* ’ . , u LIST, thalberg, Aa-i others, who here them roxwuuiiy la ib*ir r.*r. u bui ai»n from our resHont IVi Tb I.'l v. , . ? extract from a letter of ' *• ‘ “ u I’P.OPKSSOK UK-NilV Ii(>IIBv»CK Artar JraerlUDj ibo parti,'ular ,l,;, two „• wbi.,h b , tmnU for ble own um—one Q ran j unJ t.umrr be l 0!" ° f «>Hr tj.-illent tunHtl.* ' Sly Itttte dao s bt«r, who playa eery wall, must wi,l, ”«rl , M h ”h"a , ar.tU B me Ura, ' I,t ’ SDJ fOUr " “* clastk touch and the tone of jours. “I remain, yours. respectfully, Js %nX^\yMiJEK?P ! B r i^- ert» cities are considered superior to v\ki»r ChiiS Jmw Nunns 4 Clark's, out which Jant la not-Vr..T i » l** or «« lh« hoy. bat lately bean totJodnoM bw" ) New Yon and Philadelphia Pianos or th« i . w fr prices from $226 to $BOO. ' of th ° b "" 1 »i Notice to Wliom It Btav r „ M , TH' sphi.no *AL*a“rL!r"£,“ rJ f ,rli h “ 8t “ r “ OW : lor " J ' “ DJ ,hl! Bmldins Snwn l,u fcurly Mmmmo.l Kvery citizen of Rochester hno „ ploy«I Rrcn 30 or 40 new famlUeo wtohaye ‘s* P rM ?“‘ Spring. Cod constant employment “C „ » fr » more will b B required u . “ tj oo the work ol the present **>a«on. r B t ui{ * n V >* now near romnlrt»..n and will be in lull operation in June. y, « rrhl Cur* uii •v ’ ready for dfillvery, by contract, the Ut of : a iv ],v -IVD 01 three DOW ahurebt*, in Hocb«*ster, \rill ba r-.n tr m t k J f ° r lmmwiLAle| y.MJiJ uum«nm* other improvement* m “^ ce f*" , l uirio »{‘ l i r ««tanouniofmech“ni^ and other labor independent of the Car XiflaKH-KrY, whlrh will probably employ lrom od. Co ™ ' A prominent brlckmakor from Pittsburgh bus mat chawd nine large lots, and contracted to Sake noon II ~ forthwith 600,0i0 bricks, Two gangs of hand,, T work tbo preßent week, besides the other v.ii. "““""'.re eatablished In the neighborhood, >Hrdj Our Sltmt QuarrUt are already Mire wi-h „. , the road leading to them lined with teams L 1 “ n ‘‘ Lumber la becoming almndaru and cVjr an 1 t,.,,..,., ~ will won spring up to relieve some ol J bou-X “V now haTe 6 families, 4 famine?, 3 r»uillie? I'T h , them 2 families each. “ ,,3 > * I,J ‘‘“‘'Us of AdJ who of Rochester; also tha beauM {«? *?.*i ra, > ballding, orchard, Ac., or F. Reno rla h bought through the subscriber at gro»t bargains and lh«r «<* iwpjd™ within a hundred mliA o S o « l |id l rS ßT | 4 . 80N baTe f™ lo ™ l ‘hair Real Kstnte MrSw Agency Olllcy to No, 63 MARKET BT,, B „f^T lVo of 60 feet by 140 at the loweat prices. Inquire of •d«l THOMAS Woods, 76 Fourth street e v ~ * , ■' -b i! ** ■*■ .* ■ • I , f 5 V « -> i. J t* ** * . ■ .• * f Sf, f * .?v f ¥ -1, PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1855. i; 51 ! y th« m folrt* T!„ -h.rKt»r Of Ih. , f ,|„ s . fU „ and rombinva Ifc* :ar a m>,j „ fau . ai | { ntjU .. * l", / flue ftu-J Life liiHutanoc - • • >• , ■>* (.V: * a:: «1;j 1. , ' ,:;j on.!:™.*, or t.nt In’..r-RIM a« ' TH,»MAB .1. riUNTISK. Asm* ;*,•> io* TM-d ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans pj]flji F, r^, mtasr ° hFrvvt< h;|!;| i i-matcf j, Jv., w|| j jij 1 |l j|| 6V N EB.H ETlf A L tCAUSJ. f l' 0 KM! CANS, »:« *r»IM by th- n.tn..-l-*.per l "i.O'-u: Jh*» Md <.f A Unti.-r, and r-f-mH **aMlr wl;bt-ut i»;urj l- l.„. r»„, .r, nu.li, lot.-, r.-rnl w . ».r ruttm* up fruit wnnronr tN. k:>J tha «•:k ik -o e«n!y i. tbs' h : r*><»!r pr- ri .anj-.y may hut.- irv’.h Fruit and ra "•* w a.! m sumiupr prWa I* KICK? —pint Cnn-. $•:, c,*a*r:, fC SO lU’: u a" d *’-y- Woart*. fl/'f.; tUn.-n, *1 prr .b-?- n Tb-' ilittar»ct ai:'M Host, in or J«-r to »«rcur« ironoray la par t ARTUUir* CAN. wh>h 1, Mtb » 1..1 .» , ““ 1 P- U:*l ft ben rp,. 0 it it:bt i lit- ""T T, *'* r! . h** beeu fullr apyrcrM br ‘hr Parmer# n.it t it.. Ar.drt.»u liislilul*. N.,, Voik. U u.,i, i„t nw I lit",'"; *y • ~' "r " ,r •»*•»< 111 tl„ It.,- K»,r lu MO too.!, ,0.1 ... I«,W , I lh „ ! lot 1,. -A 111- lh„ Smiths nl.n 1„.11,u,|. tV ,. h . ! u ” " 1 11 ; l.itui-i I.) u, b..i 1-. U .oih„ r j' l ' r " -ror»nl«-.1 !')• 11/a -..sli »|,j l.« prra; I ‘-T s-1k.m.5.,. 004 rsliu!, .1 lh. Chin, no. I u„,v. r „, ! •" :.r IUNRi HlOhv, , *“-•* _ __lM WoM , Plt’.bur-h j u * r K a,n * *■» Waloiioii, Clock, a Jc\.„i r) , ROBERTS & BROTHER. Pino WaLchea, Cioa&s, andi-nl , 4 , i aS. 4 mi'”’ lt! “ .“It*' -1 |rk», to mok, 1i..!, WTVffitlor an *otlr» new nro-*, whirb Mil be reMv-tJ M re t from th« EadUrn in M few p, r M* rail trade. deling t* buy the offlc. of the MORNINQ POBT. AQOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Oareon street by 100 feet in depth, In Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Kpqulre of 0150. F. (liLlmoHß J Tl 3 at office of Uie Morning Post, &BMI -ANNUXL3I INSURANCE COMPANY ’ OF HARTFORD, COSX. * Chartered - - isi9 Ca»ti Aaa«Ls, July 1, 1835, ® a 33,0 3 0 33 CONTINUE to maho insurance on ail ..•A.-npnoun it J property at equitable rates. Tbn mpuny hav-- maintained a position for honorable dealing for 'irt Tt-urs. and (g unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality t-y any c>iher similar Institution ia the United htatra. 8.1101- annual statement of the condition of this Company on tile In this office, rbr the examination of the public. U. B. TENEYCK, Agent. f'ffice, North-west corner Fifth and Woc-A Creels Pitts buivb. 3T n R. M. Lemon 4k. Co.'i Way Line. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. TliE undersigned hariug purchased part of D Leech A Oo.'h Canal Htoclt, r~" y— *- ■*' » y FHEIUHT BUBINEBH between this place and Columbia. All basin*** wntrupivd to our care will be promptly utUnded to by us, at tho Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech A Co ’ Canal Basin. LLOYD A LEMON. jy2s:dlm* JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA THER—The Magazine* for August: Peterson’s Magariue for August ; Ballou’s do do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August; The Heiress of Haugbtoo, or the Mother's Secrol; Mary Lyndon, or Rcrelatlonß of a Life , Peggy Woffington. For all the new Books or Magaiines, call or send to the cheap Bookstore-of W. A. GILDJJNFKNN.RY AOO Fifth sL, opposite the Theatre CIOAL PLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street Moncn- J gabeU riyer, for sale by ’ ■iyso J. W._BUTLEn 4 CO. SALMON— «7 0< j Lake Superior tialmon for sale by HENRY H. OOLLtNa. ■> \' ■■■ r~»-V ~. - * • W <1 -oflt-njjd will secure prompt «ti«ntion. W©«elect the following rofurenc.w from among ibo then eandfl of cases which have be*n suocaesfuliv ir©»*«-j Dr Henderson: ' vTm. J. Fryer, 32G—S Broadway, Albany, N V •Alfred South wick, Printer, iJ. Goodspeed, Glens Falla, N. T. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mr*. A. M. L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y. fMlftfl Mary Bellows, N. E. Station, Du-dieas oo N y •Edward G. 8olg«r, Bristol, Cenu. ♦John fluamen, Engineer, N. V. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B. Giles, office Oourier and Enn . N Y t James W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L, J. J arrD Itodgaw, “ •• A. H Reerefl, Telegraph Operator, Bt. NichuUs It. M. iorrlna, Organ Builder, Houston St K. B. Doolittle, il. I)., Hudson, N. V Mre Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.I M. J’. Collins. Teacher Penmnnthlu, Troy W y K J..Rmw, Albany, N. Y. ' A Dillunhach, Schonrctadr, N\ y. Capt. B 11. llavilanj, Athens, N. Y. John W. Hackett. Binghampton, N. Y. *rh»M pitionta wara blind, and bid to I, lri tn tba -6tr ( n| l puL o ilre l '" atiUn ‘’ f tW> '’***" 0011111 P ° * bnnl tb « ol; y • Tbaca raaoa of ware ra?l..rM to ci z bt n 0.,, Ibaf a .!-■ rfiun up a- InruttUa It u.a u.-nltr m l .■sn 'l'-a r.farr-l to br m; partun who inim i |„„ ;i tu , v . tbefla .\ba.H. l'Y_wrt;lrv to [Um, ’anf. Hu "burgh Unllir gai lng<‘n, , iTiiu o u”, .Yl>. ui }\urf I tt-- HEIT HOOR TO THE PITT^BrEiJfI f; VVK: Tfi .NuW oI’EN daliy from i> t.i J o', • a :-:o .-.n tT -! i oeMay aod HaUirdav ircu. : u v f .v lc <-t *“ = " ms " u ‘ l '*"h‘«Ou,WI S r 1 an I a c t the pr.*ftu dtMamd if.,, ; a j.,~„ a?.V „:- m T bs J ru ‘ l r K,t ,Lu wssr th <•"** ■• Hi. Clutter, Jly 1.,„. Hu,,, , nJ lUiO >M, lurtilsbed ffTftiU, r,n applu'aiiou at tn* ~.-n - Vi-.-xdmi— OKdlUtfcS AI.UKKi.. ' !< t f’RCMintXT" U-p-w.l! Il.i.l.urp. .1, , i: , SIIL , r( ‘- f/- K L'h*rlrs Knapp 1 J n'' N Man-Lr. Urwirv, Ijeerli V-nm-t " ""““i rfT, j Al „, 1 . T&CHT£i,. J-i.n U J.iii- li,Mm, o In,. ll.ir<».u, J, K„ e ~,| ~ Albrr: OulU::-.. i,. . ilu j m c y. r ( J Uardinor Gotttn, A l-'ii-u' A. Carrier, A >i J; I ",*- L 'W*.* Helirv 1. Kin'iWa., *. liHrlisi A. k,-,* *. t’ H. Iti.Yju, fnin-i. Ft.lij, Jennie Kti'DiUi, F. Juuiß.. BhiJi,. Iniiift. S. Httoo, B. S.,jrn VVlllmm S. U.Ttm, Alexander Tlndl. Aerr-larjianil Tr,j : ur,r-4JU AKLEB A Uu,TON jv W J 1 y KA H .11 KKH A.MJ M KCM Aft it *• LIFE. FIRE AM) MARINE Bn*>iu*aair«> Bom pant, uf pix*ui>f:i.rnu c*ir«*Lfai.... 8300.000 Amr-unt fteeureJj Infested. 8:400,000 r [ - 'HI.S COMPANY efT«*ln Fir** li>Fur»o<~c c-n A Ovr.l»ht. InlinJ In.lir.nr- or. Hoc,:, by tu,„7 L.k«, U»D»I«, luilrcmd,. ,ml L»uJ Cnrriar.. *. o fr«, v' A 1“. upoo IJr.i., II'.. mi".: (rt r "rsbi. DIRBCTOH.Ji Hon. Tbomw B. j* • i 4, II. ArmsTr.iDjC {'ba . Ed P Mld.lMoa, k. II H-n"*.;/ H«lmUul, fn*l. C i:Vrw«i f - Ib-uift* iUndfrtirl.l. Im»h- Lev. h THOMAS fl /L'HIPNfK Ei-warp H. Uu iiuei^.-rrtnn PITTyBI-ROB RCFEBES‘C£B Ji“- 1 ?! •«>•» JR- M-Ollntrw*. Hw'n. P. L. Phianon, u>i. 3 w Bltr s J?£L J : - A. U M Cslmhul. Ei; . ihoQ.. I K«,n.n. E»,. WIHm R. M. HiilK “ r “' J K l’ I T V H O T K 1j 40, 80, lOU ACilfi WARRANTS, by; Lot for Sale. PAID UP. i; ' jf. if i *:i *' f * '■> . •» s "V" > i'V’ % . , A# - ■■ 4 SUMMER RESORTS, mn. PBBBT t'OONTY WABM BPBINOB. I WATKIUKO PbAOE wIU be open J. KM- r,MU.T* ua and alter the FIFTH UF JUNE NEXT. m\\Ji V” ~ locale-100 Shitrraan’fl Orook, fourteon -r n r j J ,uu^aaoi h olJ auJ magnificent eccnory, of th " Plai. tlm™ “lor™ OAnRIJdtES can be had at all Of ih« Vf phipum »° T,,r 7 °n reasonable t#nna. !! ra,m ? 100 hr the h-«t ('homi».,i .‘u 7? , ater * anaiyiod w !1? ln are pronounced on: t niJoev- : rh„ B ‘ ,ltaQeoU3 diseases and affections of r. n „rf■ which leaf d7(f , ' r “ .T” aTS a P rln P J "> »U, "Tory W ,/ ■ V ,J ‘rrro.tni out to gallon, erwj been “ATOB ha/ filter With PUJNQK BATHd £ ™ ‘“ProTamaota, to ! JZIUSn&ftJtSS: for ‘o* »*"*>. u '‘^'' n * Billiard Boom,, and , ari oaj other raolll wm Jl 1 f 'a abundance. The aaummodatlona wiLl ba the beet, and the charges low. “^4auoiu cent^perlfyf 1 V * T ****' ° r 000 doU « ««* fifty 10 e ° m ' ™ aB ' addreae th. h.vi'n' 5 atlBllt j‘"' ' ? ‘il he paid to Tliltora. tho proprietor hutdan.-e iAiel th ' v ‘ ! w “rranto. Muaio allray. to at '“‘-'bd-il to reach tho Parry Ooooty ‘ Obout.) bo audroeoed Co Dun.annon P. o. •~ ) v-i.i .•nm.-.iiatily forwarded. 1 •2S. WMKI1 ’ tiiUfUKAT. K ; f''’" * ‘ l ' /rt ‘ L - HustisqdoxCo., Pra?u., one Awn* Zfc u. ;; •r'i •/ ruMx*th, «,* 1 u'eii ■ r«-' rt ia 1 .** i *- l?^ ol, i?bt/ui residence and place of “'• aU l* n lbe bank# cf the “ Bine Juniata/' Miista'' 'i'liiii -V' 1 , “ prU " r rwk - iu spring, trout inifP.'.r •’ r l 0 "' 'f’'' b.Arg«»? ItHplf, and mingles its MJ'. ,j ir "- vr *- th *)' rußtl tb* g-rgea of lbs ,■} 1 y .«?•*»< ; -“lttnn of thto Hotel art* It a featn ..* * ' „'j 'I/ . ar ? r V. r . a *>«***£» day*, for men of ‘ it,;r **»;•“•»-and enervated with the l •TnVrV.n""; 1 hp9 j p f Clt ? fttesitaated on the * , n ' j * t -‘‘ n f, 'i Kahroad, where tho great turnpifca J.IKMC •'"laav . hni otb * r ™ada concentrate— ? 1 * , r th*» trade. JAMM A. RHODES, Pro,Mwe, R [. KVIDESCK OP SAFETY in,,. m . . , , NtwUju.JuDell.lMfi, « •»•»*- u»a.l|- r : tcakl of •• iibodw’ F«. Te r 7, J A ; u ' tr - -'otldotfi to Malaria," and hare tested .. .or Arrenle. Mercury, demine and Strychnin., bnt have nr [ f Ln.l i par J:l« of either In It, nor have I found any -n ,rta„ lo lb: cotnpMilinn thsl would prove lajuriotu to J AMES R CIIILTi.'S, M P , Chemist ' * EVIDENCE OF MFP.TT v. r tV'* o '"!'' L ""'“ «■»•. May 2. 1566. . A. /hidufi-aw air. Th? tox Of medicine veu ~P; % r.V' ,': l J cn ; tL * lltb A,.ru. i h*M ‘j, •ir rM s? ' Rnil ~ f4r tbM l"*P u who hat* ft, ] ‘ ? r. L,w r ,, ' J ,V - 1 Jt G * lp '«revl then. It ban certain ,f ‘V t"" W'-P 0 * I ",?*’ *** *■** K and Hi, h» 1 it <>■ ** '• * o,ia .My Rioter, vrbo baa “*!" ! " T ! !r ’: r d ' l . T --“” bn.-*, and could n«ter get It wf.uii •!«* h ? } V l HH:1 lhhl l ' nl J "* lon g a 5 rhe ul i ,»t, ti, i.dv, I t b.ni i-n-ir-ly r Ur *d by your rem c K M.MIXLY.” j CAiTI-'V TO AGI K .sCFfF.nnW, I A-o.vP," nr"r^ T ";.' “ry.wiuolnr, Stryrbnint*, or ! | ,v - . ’ ' f,, " v l ' '-'t iota, ib« tirtue of : r..* .i n. I’tiiv’ t.-. Mi-h twin us Jru.*n Th« mcs=t th.--» | ran dee to" nrer, s Ihd -b.ll, ' for a .hart tltr... wbll. they I " ~ *. J , " r3l ‘’ ** vtl.'M! Ulicn.ll Cl 111 flii lot tha \ rtHis* oil IT I IV } , r.m!S!7- t « R n rVrf ttnd Aku- mm**- Khodea’ Fever aud Affne Care. I IgHN MTTOIIKI.I. and Drupslat, gen ! ‘ au,(U.davf (lIAnLOTTK ULUIE, \ " ,1H "■'<'[> STREET PITTSBURGH. is ,u»t tf ( ' ei " n '' « !»rp> •tofk .'l PIANOS, 14 ibt latest .H!e< • ■: -M l-f I’ 1 a.'H. \RL-TKN A ILEIXM, lUmlureb V\\l* a iv. ' 11AIMX fifing ± CUM MINOS N- w . A l ; . Kut:ilK.MJA('![ l i'hlU.lfllphia; o *A' ui rrr-m $Cv:. to . '’ v, ' rv Tart*-ty hdJ ntylr, tram the pl*iu .".t l r„„ train. Plano, to the net „le S uuliv -tn-k vl\ rttj K t.juarc an t ihfuid iMancs. Jji# hA\e 1 ,-eu mu j t . *,![, Ul- manufacturerr, m ln4n,r. nn:* arn f-oIJ loww bytMrpiU h *‘‘ nLs b ; r " in *»•« . ana mIV-ui the aj.h A. D-I. dr, 1 rA, a : irats.»s'«-Ttml.'o. Kve-ry I'mu k,„,i t»y it*. uubiicriboi is warranted Mruwt ID r**]-* ■(, anj a «ri:t-D -u&rantw wth bo Lfiv# n it i.-.ulrp.i. CHARLOTTE BLUMS, . nu * lu No. lit Wood street. , IKUW Cl'l X COEMBRCIAL COLLBOS, : ro»i«rr©^ 8 ; l^u^da * or ll,d »noaa Ham ! , Vro Vviv k-v -....A1'R1L, Ib.ift. ( ) , }ANI/K ‘ lC ' >tfXJ "iK-c«*N*ful operation, with a ;} 9 ™ rl f '' Tr:i-rest*. ao.t r*u«ht by rq efficient Faculty I •V7t’ , n rnl ao 1 u f‘ %arda b*™ matricoiat*d „♦ ir. r 'Si *' ) . T r ‘” ia, ‘ lu * M urgent demand of the It •'• !, i . *“* ut anJ I’j-Jtt'aajonal tuna, for an ' u-V M-" “ *' '•* tt^ Djar '- 1 . »n which rarloue art* with i ”* • ' nlJ ami that they should be of it- .. a * u '“*' 1 th.i oncaohatioii . r Z'l:. * r «'‘"H'orpa by persona „r knom, abllttr < m-.r , „ 1 ’ 11,,, «rm Sc'Alea 0 nulVic' h»r S w!“hi r nl U H,‘, U r abi r Ca 'Use ptumnilly. ru rc ! y f; e l o^,ur™i“t!;‘ 1 , S ?r l “'°' br soppiWnitha , uperl . lr Hn >, reuXartWs'^^S nDt nor o, «»»• - _amnr.jlu l BuccMsnre to Eturerr a^Aa^ii. ICleeilou I.i r;. i o. •• Tut Prr-rsEcaan 0»e OoMriKt;' I T'ir tookhoUe '’ of “ Tbo Pittsburgh cifl^Compeuy” A.f. r ! I ,‘” r "' ,y ,hlt “■> oloction, for the pnr^Jot i ! ! t'™"' “>- Trustops of ,ho P sail Q„s Sorfll- t- 1 I . hr r. ynra, will b, h.M at the 1 l ba tO'tnponv, ut the ft orbs, on the FIRST MO.V. of ’I a ini /‘oJ.vkVT™ 81 ' 11, befWo ' !tJ u, « houra wjtlP.dM_ jJAblfcS M. CHRISTA-, Traa»OMr. . VnluiaJule n'a rm for S' l41 I ‘‘' MS ' y V''’ N '' llU '' BUTI 'I£R COUNTY, tiratwn'. Tt„. ,r p , ~-tor «l”,■"a t r 'to°d' , - i l''' h t™ u !*” oul ' t^:[r ll --*• ' 01 JAMES BLAKELY * totner of Barentb ami grolibSuld ate. 66 fii. ARNOLD A SONS, tto WHOLESALH AMI) ItETAIL DEAL EBB IS FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. STREBT - Third and Fourth, i v.o p r, b^ m ,!^ p .n^iv:,iL y ,r iir * e f o ', 6 on th. shortest not)™, and in"the latest B £le“ a “ OS' AU orders promptly attended to. |au e i;.2m WILTBM P. M, wT£'-MaVihirri'r “• *'**“■ 1“ «!" r pn,h «* **,«*> pa. 1 ' UAMJINQB, 87 tt.xxj fltrertt, Pittsburgh. Sole lor the celebrated manufactures of Messrs DehcourtJfc Co., Paris auaT I •• u .’°J t ' l ' A ‘ NT — At eeaeon ui Ueyear, wheu (Uiram L of the stbmach and buir«ht are go frequent, and, If ne glected, are so apt to degenerate Into cholera morluß, or even Asiatic cholera, uo family should be without a bottle of the Concentrated lienee of Jamaica Ginger, and a bottle of Wlefcey a celebrated Diarrhoea Medicine, wixlch if uaed according to accompanying directions, will prove a apeedv sale and eflieacwu* remedy. They can be had only att& Drug Store of JOHN HAFT, Jr “? 16 138 Wood atxcet- 3 ABPBEKitY-DBASBT-e uo» [V o very superior home-made artiole. Fir ra ie "t T ’ JNO. LITTLE, Jr;, Agent. au ? 3 ' dlw Ho, 201 Liberty itruat Ripxi i Ullc * aimed Pack ages ’ *? THK OFrTCE Of TlltC ADAMS KJC- f C0 '' m / OQrth •treat, Pittsburgh, which, if nVv?fl W I,^ aoi ' 1 fct Pubilc Aurtfon, by P. M. daw cf'(iclnhrr n Wood on the acond ' hire "' “* for “»«> AiiTO^liMKhtoii. l ’ U! £* , * h i ftp-. R. Albright, cars i fifth Salk . do M. Baoeraachfl n P** 0 ' y r n fi '^ MttllgOT d ° 1 b«; n' JS* 808 do 1 l)ox ?• n 5“!?J Mercer, P» 1 box! Mlfla E. Duma Mercer 1 pkge O. P Buckingham Warrentoo, Pa...l pkge. 2- g-®«“ Pittsburgh 1 page. D.UOOITP'. do lSox. W. H. Ohapman _ On 1 pkge. J. A. Oafferdoj do I pkge. f- k °““ b * do 1 pkge: l 0 ** do j {,41 OP°SS! b#U Allegheny 1 box. it -r ■“> t pH*.. W. B. Ferguson do 1 nkis - P. Pishor Conneautvi]le....l pkge. “• *“'”••• Mercer, Pa 1 J*2,. ~‘ h — % >S2fc. i fe:z" :::;;::: sb 0 J ►P ta ‘ P. Kane'. £ J P*S*- U. Ktosar "• "• £ I ?kge. C. Llnderman l J O M*b 6 PrankllD. Pa 1 pk|^’ ii^SSS:::::::::::: Mtt r* h ibK, w-H Middaugh ::: £ X* J. 8. McDonald ... do j SrP' p l Nl ! hif , ° l “ n Birmingham 1 pkf*.' ««£»»•> }U. ttfjsir b P O. Rlwhall ; £ } Ji*»- *. Both £ } • pl,ts d b oUl"'b 0 UI "' b ft*'- j. n. wiuiamaZ::::; 1 Jsf**- w. a. wan :.._e£ - JS**- Mra' f* wSl! 80131 Birmingham 1 p,u t° r * h ,‘F 1 k, sumett £ i , b * K ?J£r ir,i=; s J. Blonlg £ ;>»*• :•■•: do } p^°; D. Pembridge do J.l pkgß. A. IL Register t jc.rp. ba* General Tom Thumb do ! nk Unk ' %ZT*\r, Newcastle, PaJ K; Wamon 4 Stautoo .... do l p k £. J ' Utrobe i £ox W. B. BARBOLL, Agent of the Adams .Express C'o PI 31. 1855. * H. H. ETTER, Proprietor Warm Bprinfj3 Pittsburgh, Atigui GREAT DISCO VERY! A n T * bl * Pr »pH'l°uers nod Chetnl- PHO» MoKfeSr r h rl> Pure iu from half an , w lBts>s > M 1 wish to cure all. ag- For aalo by DR, KBYBKR, 140 Wood st. faugSO JVT UJSD BY OHICKBMMQ 1 BOHS, Boston, for «»1* by JOHN H. MELLOR, .jJL- . ? txvit ’ brtWMD Diamond and loarth street. Just recelred from tbePnPTfTlnl manufactory of Ohlflkertni 4 Bono, Boston, 3 ® fi ff# urnlfor ealc imanatly af&tton prica clasß, s * Tfm <*»»« Louis nr. ,15 |"™ cosas lega, l„o, murio desk, 4c. 4a; tin- Of f. !“? “ d J ront uUku- ThU Is considarod by potions |iM e *ch “ U “"‘ t b ' aUtifal f» ltOTn ”™ made Price i J^* 0 fl ” 1 cIBM 86,811 Octave Pianos, with carved case ° f '.“I 8 ’ 018 ljrre 8011 PDdB “f beautifuf $ t&Ooach '' rt ' fluW *** 1,8811 *»d front alike. Pries S plain double round comers, P^ S ’ finiBhK l book and front alike, and T^,? h k P * lBn< Iron Frame. Price $4OO each dumd l^T£L 1 !S 8< ’ BOOi PlatlM . mi now style 6l“^wlS'S^rift,T , ’ mU "f'l!?' 81111 the UJi " Bl bfonlnge aodlront\uk\ UU ?^ r XsS , “ rT ' r ° rt; fln ' Bhgl ..™™“ lBf{B ” t Bo»»ood, plain double ronnd corn.rs, S, “ nd w,th °“ ck « rii ’ K,; mSj“ l a?i !iCk ' V ‘ ll,nt Bil 08(8,8 H«~, »ll anoe, and with From?”' C '*“ Pi ' 0l £ 8 Pl“^-’N™ lB , fall .“oven delay* of rone thh'thel* I T e “S R° Wer t brilliancy, andyweetnase I touch ? 7 P fu ent dotlon ' ohich renders ihe l B^e,lc.\ h^“ud', “ric, th t 7lo‘ °“ P '“ yed 0n th “ THR N ®W pARLOIt GRAND PIANOS, hd f “ 8 “, P8rI or Grand Pianos, an entirely PriM $O6O ' ,DJ P* rtlouJ «rly adarted for Parlor use * , PIANO STOOLS. A lot of Piano Stools Just received. For salt, by JOHN H. MKLLOK, 81 Wood sL e . . between Diamond alley and Fourth str«t * 80N8 . <* B.ubJSfSa J nt»g2B ® Pall Style for Hats. M 8 ‘Jl» for Hats °- H „L A f tI , LSON '. f 3 Wood atrwa h“ d PoBrt - PENN " X The ensuing Serafon of thU WwiS 1 H £sS ock 8tT «*s. on MONDAY, the 3d of September on commence TUi ' W«2. 4 .™ P”"**” of TwenLy-two a deduction being alloired notice of withdrawal; tracted sickness. or , ! ?? ce °n account of pro aug2fcd2w(cbj) J “• SMITH, Principal. outci sjai_ »..TTTr Co»Partni*^«K*‘VJ“«*'“—*• w»OD«. ssi^snssssSsK-r-ss manu l * o- iH EMBER OHO. MISCELLANEOUS. j. v* ' ■-., • i ./-.1., .. —l-n * '-4.i.n i» V.a RATES OF ADVERTISfitTO' tSRMiD upon hi me Pittsburgh press .'oaajjoare, one Insertion. | jq '* B*ohftdiiiUonjU ~ " * J - -On®- 'rWivnwr.r».ii«.tim«».».inHt»i« n *Tir -i J(' U “ two WWkfl».«u.4t.wi.«,wiy>a..»..ii.i.o.k,r 1 .. 800 “ “ three weeks , 400 * “ .one month,, ,*.,,, abo “ “ two montju...., To# “ ww & 0# ‘ four montha- ,- t>t Jo 00 M “ moath3...^»..« w 12 0® '* “ „ on# rs 00 Standing Oard, B l lUnMorie£Bt per annua .... 10 00 oaiaoiAatiu nua mi On. .quire, p* .mao, («d nßtT , «th. »00 ■■ ■ ' Q UNIiKIEJ* —lOO >K-Xt-a Rnainfioap; J'* ftlouij nod Dip Candlea: > Jo Star Candid* J.i dut ilucketn : it’ do Tub«; do H**d OorJa; •«d -Jo O»ro Hmoni'i; iu boiea blurclj, lt>o reams IV rapping Paper; JOHN MOORHEAD. ■» Jqdlf ¥or sat-- by ¥ur sale bv j Oi-ehii—lw oagH ttio ana Jura Coffee for sale by V _ u ' John moobehad. i v oj - 5 bca fa favorite brands Tobacco for sale by - r a . JOHN MOOBIfRAD. Q LUAic—fiu bhcbnair to prime for wUa by . hau y. JOHN MOOHHEAD. V AiL^— 2oo krgu M sole by JOHN MOOKH£AD. pui MJSXAL—jyy tnos Koci UiU~\Junlato:) t 60 do Monroe, do *' .2°° ,l 0 Nor. 1 and 2 Anthracite • F . 100 do Blackllok. (CfharooaiO ' For sole by ( BU g3j JOHN HOOBHEAD. Ij'LAXBISEii 01 l—6oo gallons -..a handaiuTtbr a ala bv FLaanso bboja Aiur- "" _ AJI.DJd*»Ko—-A atid full ossomneiß os i hand und for rialo by [aQjr'/TJ PLEMINQ BROS. &Uj£7 I )Lool> hoof—ioiTibs fursilo^? .““K 2 !. .’’ B. A. .FAHNESTOCK A CO. Aoubb. bqkl:7 ‘ _ H&KIUNO c Lbi?ljuitjmi>r» Herring received and for* «o!e by jjyiTJ ATWBt.L, LR33 ft CO ' fors»l« by M. A. FAHNESTOCK 4 CO, corner First and Wood *t3, / IKuUM) 'it-s.vnAN—l£> l'b± u? Ml 9 by ‘ _ U. A. FAHNESTOCK 4 Oa I>UTA?H-&u casks tirst sorts for gale by " ~ _ augls B. A. FAUNKBTOCK ft CO. S"!y, U »'ui«CK-A »ur» ap ij pfbid. Pru*e & -vet,. Jier bottle, fold ot 1 F * ug ? . MARKET ST. -■ f I ‘lN—ibu pi*a Bauea Hu just r.-«k*lTt-a, io storri aad lor ! jv3n_ J. W. BUTLER ft CO fl'KAd—loo half chests Young Hy*on; X ‘ GO do Black; DO caddies Yottu* llviwn and Black Teas • iomale by _ iaus2Sj .SMITH, 3IAVR a HUNTRIt. JUNIATA BUAJMS— W toon E. 11. Lytle-, Janiata Uiup^; &0 tons Juniata Blooms; for sale by -“?5 2 J. W. MJTLERI CO. l’eklu Tea btoro. " M u^ 3 “ SI|,TII STKBBT one " Uo Uondiugg, 7(i fourth BtreoL R™/fe '-Tury Qu«u.” " ugl,l SPRJKOKit iURBAPAIT i CO. w bOif Just received Dy iteamboat - mis.** ab'd ; J. for sale by ' _ a °g~ t4 SPRINGER HARBADOtf & CO. Cl HOCuLATK lu boxes No. 1 Norfolk Chocolate Id alow / and for sale by MILLER * RICKISTSON, -I 0 .? _ n £ s - ,S2lMd 223 Liberty street. ALKHATUtW3y boxes “ MrParland’B" Salerattu To O store and lor e-Gu by aujzU AIR D- ;- k SALT*- (i f>bis Hacft Dairy Kalc'Just reo’d and for ** ie b y i®°£ l4 J AflLLfca * KICKIgEtiON. BKAiJIL oLOAji— l>o U-Sfn White Brazil eagw in aiora and lor rale by au * u MILUSU 4 IUOKKTBON. ClAKll- OK aulJA—lu k*£e Catt or aoda in store and for MILLEIt 4 IHCKmON. BUKUUMUY I'lTOll—l3tHi ibg for sale by li- A. FAHNESTOCK 4 CO., center First and Wood .its. augl* KKI'IK El> If-00 lbs lor Rale by i > augl-t B._A. FAHNESTOCK & 00. ALKX SENNA—: ibr for eair by ..“°K U B. A. FAIINESTOOK A CO. MUSOUIXo BAJth —A. A" MAsoN A CO. W« j M t op«n.a onoui-r Ur«» supply ol lluaqalto NdtUngn, nl colors, nn.l nt toryjow prior*. aug!3 I '■ AiN U FAT KM* IiHBEOH iH SUNS, r ™p *lO Bo ‘‘ upwftra.-. CaU at the Bulerprifie Quq Work*, ft 004 street. * aitg2T I luJForimem of Gaiters and F&ncj L oboes can bo bought at No. 107 Market street, cheap ’ PCHi,h - l&ngti W. £. BCHMEILTZ. EULM, bj the bi _ ausr3 / IA-ADLUi}—4O boxus fctar Candles for sole by V— ~n ' S>JiTU._Mjatt_4_nuNTEE. jjjUOAU— to LLvlm Sugar Hale by _i‘tig3 SMITH, M/UK &. HUNTER. M bbU U. Moiasfl.rfor aule by \ : * IIUNTKR. ( luFKKK—lihj KI.-i tv.ff«p tor paU."bT , SMITH, M AIK k lIUNTKR. kuy bui«« s>Hp tor Hale by"" ; - au?: V-. HMrrii, MAIR & HUNTER. ( i>blK Cruab*tl Sugar for sale by SMITH, MAI It k HUNTER. bA.\ 3 >’ln\ f, leming BROTHERS i TirtOUAMR.—A mary h unsurpasK-,1. Sold at 25 caota a botUe NO. 53 MARKET ST.' * UllJS ’ ' ;y u l“ a " yor w9-l! ’ ae ' 1,7 »OWS 4 TBTLByT Lin, ’ il f- n^ * omi ' Tur y superior quif. •' 1 •“«■ T > t " ClouS, ».p? - _ anjr*7 '2C j ni' 01 !; K UA ? KS "' pW.' f“’- r t-'"lor^i'csS^.r‘a^s - 00 Ginghams, Muslins, Checks, Tickings Ac op«n«l on Monday, August «th. by 8 ’ Ar -’ wlu “ -y-’ 7 i A. MABUM A CO , 2i Fifth st. K l^. 61 !? 8 r. A ' , A ', MAS! -' N 4 (-'O. will open In a fen Fi^£d Lliliiiiiilt— luu boxes prune W. iL Cueeaa thu '-JVL*y. Mn HENRVn.^LT^ 15 f I tOBAOtXt—■ 30 boxea Russell A Koblnso&’a; , 33 Jo W- H- Grant's, and ’various other by SMITIT. STAIR ± nCNTBI? UKliiS—loo boxes Ul&y I'ip^ tO do Herring; 100 bljiß No. 3 large Mackerel 25 do No. 1 HurriDg: 50 doN.O.Tnr; 60 boxe3 M. R. Raisine; tor Hale by SMITH, MAIR A UONTER, RKFINKD SUGARS—33 bbla Lcvering’e Crashed • do A Coffee; ::: do 13 Coffee^ 00 do Granulated: for Rale by .SMITH, MAIR ± HUNTER. Have you tkiku -'iiMiL WRIGHT'S i'KEMXUM KATHARION? “ not, try it, and yon »11l novar be withouTlt He aurw to a*k for * ouc K - Or you m aT'“d G "o^!lS e KAT[U W<>«. SSK “ “«■ rn Mfe. 4 CO., and JOHN IJAIT ’ Kl -' 3ER . 11. E. SELLERS BUglfl LOCUST GIROVJB SKItIINAHV, 01 'or circulars or admission, apply to 11EV, WM. n OLAHKB, PitMlmnth. Pa. H acre ® band in the town of Atwtou ZT , B ’ *natnbnll county, Ohio; oa which is a eeat dwelling. Tb« pro of the test kind, and th® ground la tastefully cultivated with shrubbery, gjaj»«a apples and peaches. The iuiprovemeute ctwt tzxorn than twenty thousand doUam Itiacthred fc-r mochleaatfcan roat, and part of the pay will bo taken In western lands. It is a tine place for a man to ljv» at home, lnciulre of suglO ATWOODS, 76 Fourth flt . AChoIUK UKSIDENOK roil SALETeitnated oiTlfr Washington, commanding a beautiful viaw or tt, clti-H ami the three rivers, anti within a few minutes’ wilt of the city. The improvements are all new, and th« and grounds m good order. The house contains with portico, porch and cellar. Over two aSS oftS 1 with every variety of iron trees, grape vines Ac * paling fence, cost over of good water. The above is a very pleasant rSdeSo for . person engaged in business in ttoclty; anJirES of location, One view, and convenience, cannot bo surpassed DOW o(Teret * or Baie - lor price and tor .ns call at onr office. 8. CUTUBBKT A SON, 63 Market street. fIARPKK , 8 1 PUTNAM’S, and all the Monthly Magazine* foe peptombeFj now ready and for sale by , n. MINSK & C 0 , No. 32 street. fI'KIMMINGS—A large assortment of tkahJonabi* InvSfr X and Mantilla Trimmings, in Moire-Antiquo and other desirable styles, jutsi recelred by express, by «**pl A. A. MASON A 00., 26 Fifth et. tv* 1 '- • taSIUJfTB ROW AMU, OB USB: 1 oilj LijJjjj. i» iio Oii. .S—'»u irriw JaDiata; 6u do i,aiT«* Champlain, (to arrive :) t»»g3) JOHN MOORHBAD. huii chests Urueu and biacS Teas for nolo by JOHN MOORHEAD. V7AJ BlitlD—4ool bs for imla by 01. A. FAIINEBTOOK A CO., ’• corner First aod-Wood sts. is i’LAtiTKii—soo ymdii for sale by B. A. PAfINESTOOiT* CO iflS —lO UUstiete rt«eJTt?d by ' 1 HKNRY B. COLLINS fjr sail# by HKKHY H. COLLINS. MILLER 4 SOWN & TETLEY store nod for 6ale by SMITH, MAIU A HUNTER. MtlM fiy *“ TH, MAIR A HUNTER. < •''••:•;»'.’tV.'.- \: i. .