„•* yiv.viv.*or,' 'Wisf-ii* - -*-. ' •v. 1 ' a , •• , » *,• v. i * >r sv* ** hvm *,, x s', v r >*vv;-:>i, \>y>‘ -■ •*, „ v:?:- v ; • •:/, ;»v&rrs* * ■ .v::. ; - ■;i, \ ■ i - w- • - *:« - -v" - - ■;• .-' f .< '•!' *O X (»' «vv 1 -a w v' C J»> *• .{•4u* *•■ * -»• • :| .y‘>rk^.Hfh. , r* 1 4 ' i‘ -. **vl?iv. v '' ' v " t ;.j ;„*»?. tv- ,• ■ '■*».**» -a : viX-A. >* :; ,;y:.;:;] ft ' v >r' v’./• •■ • '-v-Jrs ? v ','y-.y /r - ?f*V* 2 *'**!**•'33 ft A** *\ t Vt 4 •;« ♦ &•« t; ■ ,'t - •. a~. •■ y •■ z >■., '■■rfvc*•»; *<. ►< ,■;• -»/*> • : sf'Sl V-yAA ’ >%" -•k;.«• r.■ -, •“* s■*, > I C- '•. ’. | Since 1 *■ : v *•'**! : . h - /• 1 S‘ I *v * 'Cf., ‘ M 'c r i'-'.■;. -: i r; r ’-•/■ -. 0 .. ■ i'A l - tl^V** l * . -jN4i ■ A»' >\*M, ■> t .••’ *4 . I x: ‘? ■ ? " t li . a’ ■ V**’ ? * v fl * V* .***. +* i, *.*' *i* r jyp '-vli. , < f. ,- 2 M in» •• ft 3 y .-’ . v-*{ris»#i*^ir! , i4'f.» * <• i ,i' r , .> i t,'*- ><■ -.. -V: • iPfr : '‘Yiiy.d y'V-..-vr‘:‘ «'■ f p. e» r 4‘.*t i»,.v ! . ■•>. .i f^i.: t «?*< -« ‘ . f ,»8 >4 ,^>'Tti '- : i4^*?■ ptr v V r -‘ ft' &' r i i?# iffe -pj ••; v.’, sr. »«?«% : •SSlfSiSa pimmi V'! . - 1,,„.«1 P ...»M”''"‘ , '|" I, ™”I nidMsl. demonstration on the part of theK. N. », fcod aUreecomranr of \ r i..«.0..0c. .. t sSr f f f fer V L 1 l - c -v v v . c -n v * - ; ...Jtf-SsiA. _, y?rv ; iyfcpßSsKtSlS pl*li fS#st§f|4lAj ;i». *V ti-.« «>f}{ V v i - ’& . t^^\, j. < V’}r! ' 1 ’"/t. -o +*: «■ * «-§ ’ ■-’' ? 44^^v;>v?|;g%5l tewsssimw4 9f^^w'4Pm tfXf.Vs "<'£l* .•.sfeoVof’ i ‘ 4,-t ■ -1 C.p vr 4fv iSA.';'. r'f'r’rii, 1 ' A r .-- - .4^4 V* %’' ; :V.?v>^,g /i^r'-'-y A'f ;i''y-y «' ’•>V ' .V :»W /- A'/;. "-: s'-.-v- ,s^ i v 4’’if A . _»',KVi\ w c t* \>*Ji J •--t -*a . * »T r >* 'ft* A 4 'ffjs& , & ! 'A-« 'i-f/-.■/;,'; , .' " ' ' -' is. • ■' Kf ■ “Ml J; ft*’-.--*- dr.9* 1 4$ ■ <•>/*??£ ‘J^^t-- a fc ?■ j 1 f " * -v '•?’* rx * , v \ f a "OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY- PITTSB®®* I®' 1 ®' ■^nRHBQ^iOTW«I ” g TA .TE DEMOCRATIC UUKJS ATIOH. CANAL commissioner. arnou> plumer, AVA or YKSAUGO COU2?TT* COUNTy'dKMOGKATIC HOMIHATIOHB BIBATO&: WXLLIiJd WILKINS. P«M« township ASSEStBIt : JiMKB B. FULTON. Turoutum ; SAMUEL SMITH, Allegheny ; B. A. BAUSMA.N, South Pittsburgh a MAO EE, Pittsburgh ; U' B. PATTEEBON, Mifflin. shim** : ROPY PATTERSON, City. pbotbomotirt: JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio towrublp. Tf n.WUB : inOMAS BLAOKMORE, Upper St. CUir. COBOSXS : WILLIAM ALEXANDER, City. COHMXSSIOKD 1 : JACOB TOMER, Pittsburgh. ACDITORS: JOHN MURRAY. South Pittsburgh; A W. PENTLAND, Sewickley. DUVICTOE OT POOS : WM. BELTZHOOYER, Lower Et. Clslr. DemooraticCoun ty Committee of Cotre.pondenoe. “ti. - - rsr; the following gentlemen hive been eppot Oomml.teeof Correepondenee Hon. Charles ; JqTDOR Pfcllfl •WUtin* Township ; • IDdI R D a Township; burr. Birmingham ; T ‘‘°““ T f 11 . U Ja»b L. Kl.es.or Btew- Wllllam Jchnaton.„ L ?T””%ib'argh ; Jame. nerlmen. nrtutown; A- A- Jeflereon Township; John H. Pl’tebnr«h; Mioheel Jolm gulj VeraelllM Town- Phillip*. HobinßOn Township , Junes Bcott, Alp: John Xt4r .w Scott, irs'SX’Ss^-- ®r:rr:, Tr —• >t lh , st Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, on Sarnanit. p her 8, IB4S, 11 o’clock gLACR, Chapman. _ vl PETTING ILL A CO., .‘icwtpapa- Adxxrtuuig JTur. JC"or th. Pittsburgh DuHy Weekly %?:»* -e Authorise to A ° T “™” Z Sonsonn-nONS for us st th. sum. rstos *« J* X Their receipt. sr. rog.rd.d »s psytusuts. Their „ Nrw Tons, 123 Nassau slniir, oSicca era»» _ _ Bo»TOlt, 10 STiT* STMIT. ■annwiKK. POST JOB OFFICE' W. would cull th. attention of M ™cnANWJ;^ tI.BA sn ord.m will b. promptly AH.*. PCB D ° C9 h -:: 7 .l n o“coh^ B foh°i IMstriot, Pennsylreuia, for y&luable pabtio docu ments- Mr. Howe hue our thunk.^ OHIO IHPaora«ST.~W« oall attention to . letter of J. W. C.” in relation to Improvemen of the Ohio Ri*er. It is, as he says, the great eet improvement that can be made in the great valley of the Weet, and the means to do it can end will be fonnd. We have no donbt that Con eress trill make an appropriation in lande in aid of the undertaking. There are precedents for it; there are for it; and there are States “ongh interested , it to ensure the passage ef sneh a bill That done, the stock trill be sufficiently valuable and desirable to secure all other needed meana^ will only require «z millions to do it, lue.it ruUmnko the Ohio -er a h.ghwev o oommeroe tror.h three railroads of the Bam length ; and the Ohio isartousapd miles long. republican convention. The Bepublioan Convention which met id thle olty yesterday, was certainly the feature of e day. Several very fair men were in attendants bat the big guns reverberated only through .. beg to be excused” letters. It was u°ticeable early in the day that many delegates In atte dance who were perfectly sound on the colored question, were not so on the white, and trouble be outset was anticipated. Ju ge Jessup from Susquehanna, was a good selection for pre siding officer, and succeeded in preventing, a for midable demonstration on the part of theK. N. s, until the question for nominating a Canal Com mis,inner was brought forward, when the wire workers came near tripping the republican gen tleman by reoommending a Mr Peter Martin, Lancaster, who is, we understand, disputing With Jno. Snodgrass, of Westmoreland in the Know Nothing Lodge, for the in ,he Canal Board. The friends of both were on hand, and fought valiently for their favortte.^ A Mr Samuel Aaron, from Chester, forclosed the arrangement by presenting the nanit, of the martyr, Passmore Williamson, of Philadelphia, for the offioe of Canal Commissioner, which was received with applause and carried by aeclama tion Of the fitness of Mr. Williamson for the office we are not particularly informed, nor did the Convention appear to oare. His name was beard for the first time outside of Philadelphia in connection with a slave rescue, and he now pines in Moyamensing prison. We hope he may have a good time. The meeting in the evenmg was addressed by the Hon. Joshua K. Giddings, who delivered himself to his entire satisfaction on hi. favorite hobby. The Ohio orators, Messrs. Bingham, Campbell and Giddings may fairly claim the honor of inaugurating the now party, but we hope their responsibility of god fathers may not oblige them to visit us too often in the character of Abolition orators. A STATBSHAJ’S MISTAKE Gen. Houston has for a long time been con ildered a candidate for the Presidency, and was ready for the race when a nomination was of fered. Bat hie damn had been postponed or overlooked until be was getting quite old ; and he began to apprehend an •‘indefinite postpone meat ” Know Nothlngißm suddenly sprung up, and at first won astonishing The General resolved to play his last card for th wreat stake He went in and saw Bam. He 'as quite popular in Texas and it rtaseupposed that Know Nothlngism would sweep thatßtate like a whirlwind. To help out such a result he General came out openly in a letter, defending the new party, and advocating »s olaims to public confidence. And how has Texas respond ed t His letter appeared just on the eve o Important election in that State, and was doubt lees designed to influcnco Ihe result. An ow | did the State respond ? It elected a Democratic Governor, Demooratio members of Congress, a Democratic Legislature, and a Democratic every thing else. The majority is quite large; and Texas has thus prouounoed her final judgment against tho new party and its mistaken dieoiple» (Jen. Houston. Tho laet card is played, and the game Is lost. The White Houao fades from his viey, and all hope of reaohing that high place among men la at an end. He might never have ached it without this mistake; but the party he served with honor eo long would have held him In grateful remembrance. He deprives it that privilege by deserting it in his old age, I „d thns oanoels his olalm to its gratitude “,en Texas, that he ha, served long and well .. cainst him and his new found r D d D . Gen Hobston is not the oniy one whose bead ha. been turned by dream* of the White House; but none have made a greate mistake tban he has. Messrs Coleman & Stetson, of the Astor HotbVeheenheUtobaUin^^o latln* the recent enactment of the New York Legislature, for the prevention of intemperance pauperism and crime ; In other words, ■' ' ™[“upw th** *"ii l £in™rot ll Sh “JKJTr, NUNNS &> C LAR^i on Monday night. It originated in en extensive pubiio!jf ,i ftn coo. unt of a horr ibi, murder at IJ* e'tvc-' ™*«.-““I" .»w and planing mill, at the northeaet corner of MM Oswego., N. Y A man, his wtfc M io struotive Joc#ont. It. •»«“'* j ... v«~ «*» H. & BRO . Broad and Olive streets, in the Fourteenth ar . ftoJ „ 0Q „„„ gibed by another eon. The testi- moots show >^ e #[ 9tB thi 7 B mo def city'to be SJ tot '»*• : si *r.KW£2«KS-t ssssssgiffl&ss :rr^““r iiUssssss number w “ 228 ~a d '° rß ”® °|_ 29 , eBB than the i hundreJ t f°’ la f a ' prMeJt mJ- U n" convenient sewer Into „in l£. „, y. mighty hieing, who l. . J £ w^tba^f™- Sr .SL; 11 T—a decrease J t hie father »• t hon ‘ ht "r^^ re:r BSSCSi'g;- teassggg SESSS£M|£ S.‘»ri“ “ )■" „, P „ rt ,» F .„ era nc:.»» ".""2 imireTnMfnHHT™®*® 1 ;;: <"• ,ei .?-he only railroad £=h:Ssr J sgx ta»tfSSKfK3& ... T .SSA- »»* «”*• M ’ ,bo . P VhVnToamttVtbKonM saw James, the|*«; P°{f T/t “I"",'",; as z “ ,“eb three quartern of an inch above in the tern- lh# money remains debatable. Who is reedy Ole- thought it done by an axe; eewed op the tbal uUV , , 0 s-tgo , MM ). wound.. Have examined the bodies of Mark, I ' Salarioß run up from h-dO.W* t* ‘ l3e nhe 'other ) Mary, (the mother) and James Fill- ; ,p b coB t 0 f living has occn«iono t K ( lr ads rndMarrF .zgeraids'neckUterallyaev ia nearly every Jept.. tment . M^he &&S&ZS& Fitrgeralds has four wounds, ono supet- abun dantly snppUcd from ., „“J e b ““ 0 been. !re J 'no W .°c U ut d on"X .holder pen- j “ft P the doubt a , lbo obeek, oud one on ! SlalB Mill Tax increases from iHa W James ba j tL R 0 810 . a m satisfied they , L 4G The arrearages of lb° 4 arc o-unt the temple, m .de with an , . lhU amoan t ', 3 reckoned id the ’Teaw a°u »xe m the door yard that had b’oid I 99t ' imat ;, 0 ('1555, and formed a part of the five k i.i in several places ; think, from rust dh e quar ter millions with which the U ) W-oST "i: father, what made me do this," or " -by j Ug 5209 000 B,roet ; (other J "U. d Oi‘ow.ng is the statement of Messrs AHe j ia put down at $1 3b7.M7 O’, a*J * Akom the Prisoner mads a con- .ear <^ fC9 .TbVF,'rgeraids confesses that be did kill ’ * goo d. foundation upon which to bu,.J its r . Z; on - r rning 4 cf • ' August JO That since ou , n t | The right Ume to sow Timothy seed has ar rar-r; Rite A."®. “.r,iv:pi.r- : ; from'tho sa b ml was found j K“M f S”gglug“?f ‘the teed is put in r l?Hr rssisryZz ! as? er ’ i u wi'l Bav 10 TOU th%t you nord not mi ! Bnd if we t, ditch it, aa«l then * ,f lht ’ T mQtbv ll ' o * • ‘ : u ~,,-V in v/u knowhow your ■ tQO U will give you a crop cf T.mo by Mher m’lher had brother received their ( mo9t P llk elj-pro.idcd always that you sow th. "sfc-1» •■*-•»- ! ”srs;r rjsr&txi Pri«n‘r--‘‘» »Town ■ mod, to poison | muoh better than ciover. f xther and mother about a week ago | of th. ground the fol i - si - k - a 1‘ 1» «r''’j*>C t TZ and mo°h' | . .U quarts or a peek ' get Pe> 80D w:lh InUDI : ' no t too much It is poor economy, tor h» j cr , .. ll9i VOU conversation with any , of lhrec ot four quarts of seed to lose tbe , °rsT:r 0 ,B ’ f i mother, hu, o, ,ct ,twii, V ; EUREKA IJJ STJRANC2 COMP All Y , f n,„g With wh-'en thi> room the P h “ a c?eator in Hi. great mercy has •'»< 'oMhe , OF PITrSBURGH. ' ’ a ift t been washed and laid out bene fit of sniftlr sa men, who cither uon , } (L SUOBSBEE a KB, Pxtsmxnr. Wn'TwMood gs':.»g at me lifeless forms a >o|r 9M a, or so w it in such quesuoon. .« .-’•? = «b*»wjT HS»«^^l'aoov. »! ght ..('eu.ng was made by i hose surrounding u won , grow D ... ILL ISSU RE AGAINST ALL KA*D» the ine at bis J 1 * d Lirplllid, upturned ■ “V./o- "s«d Jow».” or use a great amount MARIN IIIBIOTOM : “ J r “ tr J«t. but Timotby w.j. j*■ *’*%s;, jo^g^Bh.y, lbC f bJ rirHrge r or«»i mmM.'o'“u U.e i Bpr o o t.U WbeaTWood r». 5e.... ) ?sr I :? «r .“« «wW Pennsylvania losnranee Company ».. • . stilt 01 an V %V , I*l umt.T Mid * v * av pitTHBURQH, f-jt a- l "»■, era in Western New '° r • Tnnrih and Bmithfleld Blreeti. >— Cr - ““ W “ “ ; -SVoo, -The excessive we, weather .» 1 been much grjhW « *■’£ harvest uu'x zz —•' -; r l, i r Sx : 3swsrar-t» I.IS-, P -°; C nd next to the Vaoifio Railroad the most ,m the firs, and with.equator of | - • 0 - J OI INBTON. jsi££ s. ■■ »• ;:-?r: P T, b ” »"* .a «-*■„ r P : & \ ssß=afjaa» «- * -S £ IK! SSt «• -Sri'S ’ f Consideration of it. The sum u made it. appearance, and new on * is large in itself, but small oompared lbe M blb liay , many of the spears sn. . wUh ,‘h'e importance of the improvement - ohes long, and as strong and vigorous 1 !nd my opinion is, that were the press and [ flaw yo „ ng Bhoolß of wheat. E ' ir T p nbbVfuUy°on^he : “ August ' f-’m^7w d o:.r h ;^d u %r: ? Inhia and Baltimore— independent of the Cen- i curtonl er,shows th. d.m.od which this t re f Penns ivanil and Baltimore and Ohio Rail- ; h „ cr.at«t .b.r.ver » ba. he.o tra i w/ onffiftlentlv interested to mate the bldmuciw. Tioj* Co., 1 a-, r w°h leVmprovfmenb 7 lf they expect to get the 1 u .„c made of Bi. Louis and lowa and the territories , youl .. Wfrm in tm» " - I-ouH t s of the Ohio; it has been owUir to ; for ,*niing, via Cordug, n . 1 * .. irn . he , [bo nnoertaia navigation thereof that Now York ; yoar bm , on tb. r«.ptioo ot which -u. . ha« ouifltripped them and that the freight of o • money- lr- 1- to ihis and population. & ftt interest ° on,r WM. M.MALLOBV, ta ASSdISJ t£^r D .ni± ?.vr | - > - 1 r:i Ob°io V r rnia Kentucfy. Indiana and Illinois,; ! „„ bow h. b.O at. t-,u- . t-r -k . ' VtTiihi be done this next wioter. Then, let , lU cwn. - ”ira il uTZ \ - -•" frn ' r 'nV,mo lUP-S. od*) half million, en y half Bacc>*«>ere 10 J lk - iIJ A m ’!! ioP; B^VTu r r o gh oor°mmion° ; a Whoeiing, m,11.00 , . [ llt8 .?. JJnnati Louisville and other Stoubenvi , C sa bscnbo liberally and it I ° W M s b r.i.ed wUh a rush. I hope yon will oontinue to agitato and agitate and agnate tho ,object until the company J. comp oharUr bU ?andor, Washington Co., Pa., 1866. « .2 moon 9 e«ry ot]eu‘ on its enrfaoe of 100 feet was a to be seen ; end he had no doubt, DO w disti J ble oircumstanoea, it would L? o" th ob acts bTfeet in heigh,. On its .ur be so wnn u j xtinot voloauoes, rooks and K ZZ “llmfsnnnnmerablo He had Hnnhi whatever that if such a budding as ho no doubt whatever i B nrfaoe of the moon, n^urdbeqetddisPnctiyv^ehythese instrnmonU Bat l “ e " ; ?e stigeB of arohiteo itations snoh as ours i 8 or ever tural remain, to Bhowthnt gl[niUr t 0 was inhabited by a ra annearances whioh ourselves It presented PP 00n tained could lead to the euppoeUlon hat anything like green fluid. «d Lively w&t this beautiful world of ° urß _ n the meaB er visible—not a sea or a n > of faolor j ; ure of a reservoir for supplying to all seemed desolate.” Post orf.ee Marrens -The Poetmaater Gem erf. has made at Pennsylvania :-Geo. 8. Christy, p g JaB New Derry, Weetmoreland coun y P . Conner, resigned ; John DieUerm p ?ioe ur at Evansville, Columbia county • Jos. Lilley, resigned; Samuel Walker y p ter at Shelooto, poitmaster at D. BilUok, resigned; John P TUomp- Knox, Clarion ooonty, Pa., vice F pjope, son; John Fohvell, postmaster at . de . Butler oounty, Pa , vice Henry c lined. Maroh 0 1863, there have been on this continent nine greet railroad massacres, which killed 190 persons, and wounded 292—total 488. By that at Norwalk, on the New Haven Rail road, March 6, 1868, forty-six persons were killed and twenty-fonr wounded. A large num ber of the viotims were medioal gentlemen re turning from a National Convention of Dootors at New York. On the Great Western Railway, Canada, Ootober 26, 1864, forty-seven persons were killed and forty one wounded, by an emi grant train ooming into oollision with a bur en train. The Metropolitan Theatre, in well filled but net orowded on Monday n g hear Mdlle. Rachel, the French tragediennc most of whom wore foreigners. If there is any truth in Iho reported we are afraid her brother, Mr Raphael Felix, will find ho has made a mistake in attempting to introduce the classical French drama of neille and Racine to the codfish aristocracy of New York. Bat we don't believe a word of $1 600 per night and expenses paid, nor do we believe the entire receipt, will average much more for one hundred nightß. Tub Lost CaBLE or the Atlawtio Tbesobaph. _The loss of the telegraph cable, connect ng Nova Beotia with Newfoundland, from Capo Bre ton to Port &u Basque, will, it is Bald, postpone the enterprise till next year, after considerable outlay of money fruitlessly. The expenses of the excursion in the James Adger, it is stated, exceed $BO,OOO. Tbe cable has not Xi«a i oeV . only .. mislaid,” and arrangements wSU, n „ doubt, be made at once to recover it The wire, it would appear, had been paid out to distance of Borne forty mileß, when, bytomeiun toward accident, the nature of r-hich we lrave _et to learn, the connection on board the steam er broke, and the wire snapped and dropped into the eea. To recover the wire, and go-n w. h the work, thus temporarily tnterrnpted, it w. , benecesary tor-; - f.-klngU °P; « th ° 8 ‘ ■ John, end, and follow t-o lino „ H. other ex- A Poor Excuse Betteb thab Nose -The New York Churchman publish., a communion tion in defonoe of, or rather an apology for, Rev ' Mr. Markoe, an Episcopal clergyman, whoso renunciation of faith - favorofßome has lately exoited so much remark in oburob c el“ Among other incentives to ,bo steps taken b yM, Markoe, it ..stated that for the ,as. b-e year, he had not only received no remunera..on for hi. ministerial services, but was obliged «» poy the salary of his sexton and provide ments for the Holy Communion in h.s par Between the morning and communion service, i, added, he had often taken off his eorpl.c , thrown the wood in the cellar, and made the hro with his own hands : EBB or the Hbxteb Teem -One of tho sorest 1 tokens of the end of summer is the reopening of the Theatres and fashionable churches of Vw vork. The present week witnesses the - TD-nccment of the fall soaeon at Barton s, a Bowery and Metropolitan, lacks, Bantam a, the Bowery a ' OS well as the return from the Watcri. g ‘ - of a battalion of Reverend gentlemen His tonisblng what a close alliance there between amoßement and religion at lea,, in some com inanities. tilbtlton The special Paris correspondent of the V ' Tribune, siting cn the l«th of August, g'.ves an exceedingly interesting account of thearmrnp 0 f American Thrashing and Reaping Machines, in a recent grand trial under the eye of I none doeoribed: ?■> thre r f C l i , W m e en ,r were b tr.'o r:; 0 n r g “?h flails at the same moment that the machines commenced operations and the Mlow Tog were the results of half an b-ttwor^^ Six thrasher* wtttsflilla T4O Haw of Wheat PUf. American ' tlo mrn . of Wheat. Cl»j ton's English Thrasher |Ur>iJ o( wheat. Donoir's Trench Thrasher 1M |ar ,. of Wheat "Tn’regard” ™"£u's machine, the Honour machine has therefore gained the f th« day Tbifl machine literally Je = ■S;s,r t ;::rss: !ir^r.T,;v^"t.2,r.E ; £,e 'been to J those who never before saw a almost „.jj eively in Franoe, but already the detnaod for the Buffalo machine (Pitt'e Thrasher Is a Buffalo InßlUntSon) Is so great that without doubt will supersede all others. THE REAPERS. There were aeyen reapers on the three American, two English and two Frenoh but aU more or less modifications of McCormicks original Invention ; and the field had been divl ded into seven equal portions each portionoon tainlng, as well as my unprnctioed eye could ee timhtfl •Uffhtlv more than an acre of wheat. The wheat stood heavy on the ground and was at lelst one fourth fallen. At the Up of the drum the maebinee all etartod off together MeCor mlok’s rapidly taking the lead, a posit on which tbe b end, tusk in Itxuenminutes, and Wright (the Hussy machine) honMo e^ r o 8 ur VS and a hulf work we i A f Wr the three Ameri r ««»• msmi •“V.iS<:x^r.r.r=ir“- was as exci t ffr nund. The moohtne D f°MT,onolck a had ueverf within tho knowledge of M Conn ok naa n , oooa9ion . of M’Kenile, d b , w 0 large horses that Th 6 “TuLed th whole dUtsnoe at a«paoe, half aooomplishod the w wouid have done four walk, half trot, w honr M’Kemie was miles and a . task was finished, and uearly wheu deolared he oouW not g B „ ingiDg pound. To eee nts 10 g. maohine as he iu unison with he w of falling raked to one Bide the great mw» grain, waß an eroitlng spectacle to all who s ft, and one not soon to be|forgotten. At the end of the performance he was loudly cheered and the crowd, following Prinoe Napoleon, the 4, abs, the Jurymen, and the Amerloans, oro around the modest M’Keniie and oompltmen him warmlyfor the great feat which he had jnß performed, and the conduotor placing Frenoh and Amerloan flags on the maohine, it was escorted from the fields in the midst of a dense crowd of admiring people. The Amerloan Mowing Mnohines were also .notorious There are two Amerioan Pianos at the Frenoh Palaoe of Industry, and one of them SSSrt»SSJS»—v—■ — tact. , . r C r Curtis In hi* advertisement, throat. recommended by Dr. ia m . Btrft J ulM the true one. It In now generally admitted by onr tart phyelclana, that toco! difficultly can only bo sue cosaffijlytreated by local application.. Till. ' ,r ‘ ctic “ “ metioh and corrosion., and we see noi wuj Troafand lung, may not be treated in tbe .am- manner. b‘l“. they may. In .hi. variable climate ol ours, rirH-^rr:?rr,::,rrr. c-» ««“>* “ '“•■’‘“i".” 9 renuln# artlela. —— vV;— fy-Ague end o . Btandlng Mr. John bongden, now living at Standing asarw Richmond, had Ague Beaver Dun, Hanover county, n , . mrutt of the time he tind chills and Fever for three yoersj moei or me uu. ,uu * , i ih».n once" he wa« parched twice a day, and rarely lew than once, i > IWiCT *K«t.hlllleft him; and after trying with fever, a. son. a. the cW 1 UU DDj physicians, quinine, most ' * tbolll u, g iT » np ln ■ everything recommended to mm, **- 6 , despair, when Carter'. SpanUh MUtur. wa. spoken of. ha , got two bottles, but befbre he had u.ed more than a sing « 1 h. -a. perfectly carol, and has not had .chill o. ' " Mr ‘Stolen is only on. out of thonsand, who have been benefit* by this great tonic, alterative and blood pu ; rlfler. Bee advertisement. _ ■ o superior lot of Luton? Pongee and Gras. OOATB, which cr. b “ sold LOW ras . Liberty strict, heed rfjS® Y ,B kit of°P LANTKK'B,* HUNG A KIA N anil other c “ h as any house “0., 164 Wood sheet. angSf, next hoof, to the new Presbyterian Chur-h izz v .. rai<*lv«d from Uit* Ka?t a Canton, Brel, and Canada largo lot of Panama, below the usual price. BM winch we can cell omch beiow Bttaar Hate from 24 oente upwards. 4 HfiO. 164 wood street, myla ■■■— •' ~ uw to a« g" hl)! “ riig iD jchpmioftl prfpurod only by t. 880 , , BIrMM , PbUadel ! ;;;:,:;\,LIrT:;: r ban^ti r^ loApotLec. 1 oApotLec.tleMo 1 eMo *. ; Vull«d Slatas, and In PKt * b^*^ b / AHHE 3TCICK 4 CO., 800IAT ,4 00. »>■ !, r „ 1 . , ' 1 lift, sjtosts on tho Gf»<«r, dec ii, u»* l -trwta. fronting on Peon Bale. SOPHIA GRBBB. Administrators. «ep6 -VTKW MUBlo—onasdewyeveningfell*—Jno.J.Pr»»si- j\ They uk me If I thick of thee. X 1 set mi heart upon e flower—Alice Hawthorne. My early home—A. F. Marthbne. The love of one fond heart. The Rod Rover—Geo. Ltnley. Had 1 never, never known thee. Thore’s murio In the voloe we love, My early flredde —Alice Hawthorne. Mow sweet to roam. Flag of our Union—W. V. Walltee. The Baw-MDI, (Die Bage Muhle). 1b it any body's buslues*. • Sweetly o’er my ean*ea stealing- My sonl la dark. M rWnehalk Game Ring Scbottianfa— V H. Brown. Wellington’s M aroh. Gpsy Polka. Pallor Prince Polka. ; Angler’s Polka W. V ' W^, l ““ Crown of Itoses-grand weltn The Aop’lWata.MotlmmUk received bj Al,o a oollaotion of new Ot ‘ I “ AIJIX^,E BLDME. Krprrss, and for w ,t_ M door above Bfth rt.„ , UL'NTRriKiriruAKLAND AT L Poturday , a D°™oon, 9 wld^souf , by t order oflaaao o L f°r t ; wu«A -A * prop rty. r^* a in the same plan, being Noe.T, 8, Atso—Right other contain about half an W, 20, 21, 32, y 34 q moat beautiful ettea tor acre of ground each, ana mv e peimßylvania A?e , suburban the premlaefl every honx dally. one Line of Omnibuses pw t Auctioneer. _ f', \ ; I» i TYsBUtIQH NEW ADVERTISEMENT A n.t In Alleghany by p LEB a. BECKHAM, TTiSTSpairV'PA'TtliLaOAl) 00-STOOK erfiTt* 1 1 i ih» lt>tofm»>,.-.-.fr-gt.. 1 1. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. PIANOS! PIANOS! : or p a i j dry GOODs 1 A “r rTOP. BttOTtiEttd, _ street, eimßßßcn. -®a pj^Msss : ' i=; Extra Bap«t Bilks t S*"SSm£.=,‘.‘. w .U, v,,,u of M,UKNTSG oools of n .SomSmßO »'ni BOUSE JOBNISBINO II EPAET MEET U well ‘“ l “ d n ow i'’"” 1 ” 0 Oita greater W»m““ “lld'an wail-elk; . o ou. - ell «» « - * - g dallyln reeelptof new an J. | bla Qooda tbroogbont BEOTHKUS. I f formerly Young, Stsreflsou A Lo .* O I No. 73 Market Street, Pittsburgh- U. THK PITTSBURGH AHB COHNELLSVILLii 1 ( eMafflß aaaaa HSg& sSJD MBBjM IBHjyai EAILROAD COMPAQ Y MfftedW.« Won N6wtDn.ua ODDn.U«I I *'n„ao£ tSffbUowtag cbnn«««» MLI* WE«the PUtnbuTob £ «rl,lng at PltKbnrgb at noon. Conn^nU.: A- *, *— “gtSJi'iSi Pittiborgh to U.Tidson', UIU. *l.7*. '“ d “i£ tot DX'i-n and OouMltoTlU. wSU connect wlm tb» Tr*in» « D«Tid»n'6 MUL A U „ t u« rt “ w snftr^^ li;sWi ntf Pr.ntaeiit and Pop-n-' D'leot. Hotloe. . aJSSVjSS® v'^V.rLf 0» “W .tnnd, No. 48 Wood TlBS'*’-'N, MORRIS JOC*K9, Plttnborgh.Bept.Sd.WM. N. GRATTAN bWItt'UY. ftOaßtt JoN^ TteT SSijStw FBANCIS TIEBNAN. °LJ T/-.«jpa a TIEBNAN hare associated with them, lu a dnxco’ iJXPwJiT j. Kttsbarßb, September 4,1 W&.) iSEffiSSSSwSB cent* od to® capital aa^ J * **•*“ I ,> n •>._ ii.v. » n *» Urt «lx months; paymblo on and after * T ¥ FAOT, i“T? In «T>rir.lM in llwir Uo« on th« most prepared to {urniflb ail •xticl . Q i 8 UIT to oat reaaoptble t y™J' DI ?£ t S^“ S Q u A TS ud aU>VKB, »1» 7> unl>BlK3 —1(W bags Kio ; V 25 poiketfl Jars Cod^; bO hbds N.O. 8uv»; 26 bbls Refined Sugar*; 100 bblfl prime N. U , . TJ bait cheats Yoon*; U/soa, Imper.a. and Gunpowder Tea:!; 75 boxes favorite brand* Tobacco; 26 boxes Rapper» 25 boxes Pimento; 25 boxes Extract of Cofffa; 100 boxes Mould ami Dipped Cacd.es, 26 boxes Star Candles, 100 boxes Boiin Soap; */5 boxes Yariega'ed Soap; 25 doxen Backets; xAO doxen Tabs; iHw reams Wrapping Taper ; For §»le by . -»i noMfi—ltO toafl uLtmpUio; B “ J^“;f ° r^MOoM IK A-u. pirnsra™. m - Anthracite, h,». I«d , ‘ r E^“ U ' dry, r„r mJ._}T_ (-1 » i?ML»»KHM_i,_ TjmSATION IN post 1 hare used B. A ;,. E “^!f?S mtt , m » M brat catted to handreda of "f the meal - have oeter known ' itto a » eoQvlc , lon it t* | burgh * ftSfklo*-* Tale ft the Sea; »>y °ap«- »“• m. of Blarney; by “"nrr, Pima SjgSS**?* £S£ Harfand, w . Ice. Habits of Men; by Doran. Harper’s Story Book, No. 10. Harper’s Piotore Book, No. 1. Memoirs of Sydney Smith— t Tola The Escaped Non- s . D , Blll ber end all cller New All the Magaalnea fbr uINS J, 4 Book*. * pinl»h6**M r*t. wp6 T~AWrTGRiUiB BBKD. .nicuTlot f U Lm?™ zx&rTzgLii*** warur “ v luring purposes. Cull and aXM j AMEa ’ waRI R.'?. eep6 ■V. «| a BKfl Alt»— l hate just reoei™! » ei-leunM " ‘ II AVANA i ' T )j OS „ wlsbini « (H'-J JtL of (tnltioo «■«““*» jog. FLKMIXU-S, Bn»”“ o'"**" toriefof Market Bt. .nd Dt.moml. m»kea a ,f*fl rut-rate ftT eSci«i ot the k.iaJ, trouble. Tbo*e washing a flret-wte era |LBMINO “p 4 “* tr? * &>ro« ° f M(rtpor., uln rood oriel.end will beeold onferoreble ti-ruoo “ \ OOTHBERT A BOH. No 61 Merkel «t. C--.MAH vt)UB PBKiUfrlH Ut haxb. Minv. by Rceelrior&xt»ronQ»U>t, »blu> "gJT ot)UlDgl “ M W&SM&n. w ... CIHK QKR—Hankot ritteborgb;. j Aieiciunta and Manufacturers' Back; Exchange Bask; Farmers' Deposit Bank* . Pittsburgh Trust CrmpHny; QUisen’p Deposit u«' «; MechanW it* o a • | Many varieties of Checks on the above baufu < a ban-* Checks printed to order In any stole yj B. SAVES, Printer et»d • ution-r sep3 Market street,corner o. **oi»o : _ ~ ’ - UxcHAHics* Baits, 0* [ August 31, lw<»> I TIB STOCKHOLDERS of the Mechanic*.' lian a &i £ «f burgh are hereby notified that the third® , jO ner eharewill bedueon ihe XOtb ol October j*r f Sga&rfhZtl** Instalment nr |M*»£"7'“ the 20th Knrember following, psyable “ l '? ■ tr j if sr mOP BUQQY AC eial B*l*** Booms* corner of wooa »o« superior new Top Baggy »ug3l TJAYB’B BOPEBIUK r,c '‘’ •- '“ J o Wagonß) Carta, Dra J» aw l °SmfBY ti- OJ _‘ 1 ' far 1.1. 6t l»°gLl . iVr » »ogBl a-*_ t . WOOD WELL’S 'AMD CHAIR*. \v"yol. *Vf Kf AIL fc&IBRACING «Vgftlr AIJL& 0 X FUUNITUEUBy IN ROSEWOOD, MAUOtiANY AND WALNUT, suitable roti PARLORS, CHAMBERS, AMD DINING ROOMS. equal to an? in NEW YOBK OB PHILADELPHIA, AND AT LOWER PRIVM. Bt«7 «t.ola inede by head, mi wmrmUxi. Supplied with “ 4 ° UAI ‘ UI on ree»n»ble terns. , OM S^t. U At “on®. Hoi. 77 and j a. 4. s - OABstaa l A. A. CARRIER A BBO. r , Corner Fmcrtii and ftniihlUld ttrceU, JPiUiburght AQE H T S BTA.T& MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE GO 1 GIRARD FlS£ AND MARINE tHBTTBAHOA ComrANY INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA, nARTIOBD, OOSB. mlT‘ CAPITAL AND <4SSgra.~.taoa l _ Hon. Win. [>. Killer, das. Megargtt « Co, Caleb Cope A Co** GKOHGB BENGHA3L Agent, )ol 96 Water rtleet, Httabur*b. WEBTKK.3 FA.BMEBS IHBUBAHCE COMPANY HEW LISBON, OHIO. TJ. UUN'TKS, Aaxar, BL Chailea Bull ing, No. lOj 4 Third street, Pittsburgh. l omo&u: P. A. BLOOKSOM, President. JAMES BURDICK, Yloe PreaidenU i m m artfh, Secretary and pirrsßtmaH Bfrssucza: James W. Woodweli, •Joseph Hammer, j.niin Wood. H «• Biddle, „ . Jno. V. berbangh, to. Jno. K. Pwk. JIOJ Wm. fninmny BinntnghsPi Daram, Newmeyer a British and Continental Exchange; BIGHT BILLS DRAWN BX { dcncajs, bhbehah A CO* j OX TBS UXIOX BANK, LOXDOX,{ la Sena or £1 ato Upwards. , . i niHESB DRAjfTS are available at all the I To™ of ENGLAND, BCOTLAND and IRELAND, »i < Ibe 00N1TNKNT. 5 W« also draw Bmht Bias on 01* A* Ornnebaiunt A BalllH| ’ FBJLFKPORT A MAIN, i Which serve a® a Remittance to all parts of G BESLAN j BWUZBRLAND and HOLLAND. ? pbrbooa Intending Co travel abroad may procore, throng; os, Letters of Creuit, on which Honey can be obtained, « needed. In any part of Europe. Cottxcnoaj of Bills, Notea, *»d other wcurlUea In i *“ "° £lT ' Pl °“ Pt iKwiLHAMS * CO. ! Wood, corner Third atreet.; WILLIAM HUNTER, f DEALER EXCLUSIVELY IN FLOUR AND GRAIN Ho. 298 Liberty BlreoC Pittiborgb, Pa. : : 33* CossTAimr ascnrnnj, the DBBT BRANDS L PENNSYLVANIA, 1 OHIO INDIANA and ;l. MIB3OURI, SUPERVISE and ! EXTRA FLOUtt Which will always beßold at the lowest Pash prices. ' fI P WI. B. HAYS & CO., DEALERS IN BACON, MUIDIS&SHOWI LABS, LARD OIL, DRIED BB£?, BDOAIVCDBED and OAMVABBSD HA MB; A luge etocfc always on band at 80. 3»7 Liberty etreet, , g, PmffiUKaß, Ptim'aj a J ouuuas...J. o. comnss—n. o. teats...w. a. wooewa AMERICAN PAPIER MACH I MABOTACTTJaiHQ COMPAHY, , HO. 7 8 SSaOHD STREET, PITTSBURQB, PA Manufacturers of pAJiBB^oraoBtfAMKT; Ibr Churches, Houses, Steamboats, Aw Mirror ; ticidre Frames, Wisdom end Door Hwdß, Brßcfce». TrQf Q orD^ea and. Centre Bettes ami Mendings 01 eVBI 7 description, Bi*« “*d d«e. more durable Hum anyotber er , a-itucej executed on tbs shortest notice. •; "UoUon of Steamboat BnUdem J>> i “‘ rtl *' o " , cm”’XBTcb, i ,«io. ?8 Second at, between Wood and Martetme . SEMIANNUAL SALE DKIT GOO A. A. MASON & CO. ANNOUNCE the opening of their Great Betni*en - gdle of their immense Stock- Every article thro out the establishment trill be marked down end out. ______ JOHN COCHRAN & BRO* MAMOTAOTDBBBB OB IRON RAILING, IRON VAUL'fi VAULT BO 011 9, Window Shutter*, Window Guard*, Sa i JO,, B 1 Beoond atreet and 80 Third ; (niwiil wood tan amnj 5 1 PITTSBURGH, P A., ; Hi VI on hand a variety of new patterns ancyi Plain, enltablo for all porpoeea. Particular attention; to encloelng Orate Lota. Jobhlngdone at ebon notice s. M’KEE & CO*. K&SUFAOTGBSK9 OF > NV'KEE'S PENNSYLVANIA GLAj WINDOW GLASS,| Extra. Doable Strength, Imitation Ctoto ana F; Vials, Flasks, Dickie and Preserve Jars; _ ?: Wine, Porter and Mineral Kelt Telegraphic & Lightning-Sod Insolat? SECUhD, BKIWEEM WOOD A MABKEI STS.-. mtSBOEOBd PUBA. , % Bui a abort distance from tbo Btcamboat from MonoogabelaHottse, St. Cbarles, and City Uotei- J. U. JOHBB JONES & DENNY, \ Forwarding and Conunissioii Mercns ap!9) 81 WATEB STREEP, pmBBPH9H. : EEia33Bßg««S > TEAM SPO'BX’A-TION . t 6 add FROM THSS.BAS®*®® VIA PENNA. CANAL AND D LEECH & CO. S LIN Bemsa 6 t jasasSfiSgsasE 'uon romptly atterrtel **■ D. ISKCH A 00,, AiJrOT " •"* *— •“•‘‘S&MSsoi h.mJiU« Depot No. 13 Booth Third at] E nJs?erlis Depot, Dook at, Philail “ VeSITH, Agent, { Ho. "6 Horth street, Baltic JHO. MCDONALD. Ap| No. J Battery Place, New,' ' MERRICK- : HOUSE, j w. A. BLOSSOM, PbopeieK ril J. RISNKB * X . ktfUi street, oppcrite c l«ull£t) offlw. WAi. nr.i..« J K.tpdan* *» “BS”* *“ 103, m»1 ottu* U««pulißo*»Ka» Ul BU£3 01 ...B. D. PE NSW BRIGHTOH. copjyry.