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' OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. ITTBBCB6HI WEDNESDAY Mf>RNTNO::::i:BEPTEMBER 5 STATE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION. FOB canal commissioner, ARNOLD PLUMER, AJXri or YXXJMOO COUNTY. COCNTy'dEMOCBATIC NOMINATIONS. SCKATOR : WILLIAM WILKINB, Peebles township iSSUIM-t: JAMES B. PULTON, Terentum ; SAMUEL SMITH, Allegheny ; K. A. BADBMAN, South Pittsburgh ; C. MAGEE, Pittsburgh: L. B. PATTERSON, Mifflin. shikitt: body pattkrbon, aty. PBOTBOSOTAiT : JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio township. ypNAßtram: THOMAS BLACKMORK, Upper BL Clair. CORONER : WILLIAM ALEXANDER, City. COHXISSIOKEft JACOB TOMER, Pittsburgh. ACDITOtS ' JOHN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh; A. W. PENTLAND, Bewick.lty. dxmcto* or poob : WM. BELTZHOOVER, Lower St. Clair. Democratic County Committee of Correipondence. Under n resolution of the Into Domocratic Convention, the following gentlemen here been appoint* the Count; Commute* of Correspondence for one yen : Hon. Charles Bhaler, Plttabnrgh; Col. W. na»Un». Wilkins Township I D. R- ; Pittsburgh; Mlohael Bum. J " a . h “ v, 5 rM P |Ues Town- Phillips, Eobimion Township John ““'ool Soott, ship; John N. MoClowry. Pittsburgh Elisabeth; Joh “ when;* Morrison Poster, strict 1 A. B. MePar land! North Fayette Township. The Oommittre of Correspondence above named will meel ,t the Bt. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, on Ssroanal, Septem ber 8, 1865, at 11 o’clock A. M. BAML. W. BLACK, Ouurman^ - «- 8 M. PKTTINQILL A CO., Nmspapcr MoerUmg Aeeets, are the Agents for the Pittsburgh Dally and Weekly 7o«t and are authorise to recite ADTmTtSMrnT, and Boesoaimotra for us at the s»m.ratas J£{! o Aces are« r o dices are at bostoj, 10 Stsra mm. (J- Persons leotntt? fAs city during ““ rummer, “Ae d f [ sire OU daily or noddy Post fonoordtdto Niem, con dTemulorfp/oranyspee.&d itme. by foumn® tfv " irr, SdSdrrri oi fte <#ee, comer of T\fO> and Wood t'.retti- In the snit for libel instituted by Stephen Miller, of the Harrisburg Herald, against Mr. Crap, of the Item, the Grand Jury ignored the bill. . The venerable end universally esteemed Judge Wm. Crunoh, for to long a period connected with the judioiary of the Dietriot of Columbia, expired at hie residence in Washington, at an early hour on Saturday €Yemng. Wm. Fry, ao esteemed dtiien of Philadelphia, died in that oity last week, at tho age of 78. Mr. F., in oonneotion with Robert Waleh, Eeq , gome thirty yoare ago started the National Q»- xetto—a newspaper that for many years stood in the eery front rank of journals. A young fiend named John Fitigorald, aged 18, killed his father, mother, and his brother James, 14 years of age, at North Sterling, near Oswego, N. York, on last Wednesday night. It was done with an axe, and in revenge for some fanoied grievance. Ho had beforo attempted to poison his father aod mother by putting stryob nine in their sugar. A Mr. Brown, a member of the Stillwell M. E. Churob, in New York, was arrested and spent the night in the station house, for orcaling a disturbance) in the ohuroh during service. It seeme there is a disagreement among the members on temporal matters, and when the minister, Rev. Mr. Thompson, attomptod to read a notioe from the pulpit, calling a meeting of the Trustees, he was interrupted by Brown. For his temerity he was arrested by a polloeman- THE OHIO It is well known that IA Ohio three candidates are running for Governor. Medill is the Demo oratio candidate; Chase the Republican candi date ; and Trimble is “ Bam'a ” candidate. The fusion between Bam and the Abolitionists is all blown up. The Know Nothings will not swallow Chase. It is an unfortunate turn of affairs for him, for his eleoiion as Governor by the fusion party was designed to place him on high ground as the Republican er.i-J.dMe for the Presidency next year. If the K. N.'s of Ohio would join the Abolitionists to elect him Governor this year, it was supposed they would do the same all over the Northern States next year, and give him a ohanoe for the Presidency. This year's election in Ohio was to be the test of his availability on the wider field next year; and, alas for his vaulting ambition 1 the experiment is likely to ruin him. He oan neither be Governor nor can didate for Preeident. Hear what the Cincinnati Tima, the leading organ of the K. N.’s, says of Chase's ohanoes. Here it is : •< We have a cheering letter from Knox county in our oolumns to-dey. Bam is at his old trioks, playing possum. There were never brighter proepeots for putting Looofooolsm to the rout than now. ' Drop Chase and rally on Trimble,’ Is bolng passed through all tho Counoils over the whole State. Stand from under, Sam’s awake.” Bam'o organ admits, then, that Sam 11 plays poeeum,” and "is at hie old trioks.” A candid admission, that, for his organ to make. We thought Bam wee going to play fair this time, as far as previous habits would allow, and meet their enemies faoe to face. But in Ohio it seems not. He is “playing possum ” again. But how they are going to put “Locofocoism to the rout” by running two candidates against the Demooratio candidate, the learned and enthusi astic editor of the Tima is in too mnoh of a harry to explain. “Drop Chase and rally on Trimble !” Well, a large portion of tho K N.’o will do so. Bat the Abolitionists and another portion of the K. N.'e will stiok to Chase, and both will como ont behind. The Demoorata have a glorious chance in Ohio this year, and they evidently intend to make the most of it. We have the same ohanoe in Allegheny ooun ty. Pa., this fall, if the Democrats will wake up, and make “ one long pull, and strong pull, and pull &U together,” for ft victory- Extlosiof or the Boilers is a Paper Mill* —The boilers la the paper mill of Hanna & Sons, at Steubenville, exploded on Friday night. The ends of the two boilers were blown out, and the boilers themselves hurled through the north end of the mill, oarrylng all obstructions before them —thrown entirely out of the mill, upon the grounds adjoining- A German, a sort of ft sub engtneer, by the name of Frank Stambaugh, was the only person in that part of the mill at the tlme b e was not killed, but horribly scalded. The akin and flesh on his f&oe, breast and arms appeared to be literally oooked—eo muoh so, that the blood ran down off the injured parts. The damage to the mill is estimated at about 52,000, partly covered by insnrance. Utowaht, it Tara.-We hear it reported in the streets that one of the chief features of the Republican Convention to-day will be Jane Wheeler, alias Johnson. She is expected to make a epeeoh. Passmore Williamson is a prominent oandldate for Canal Commissioner. H« will net be present, for obvious reasons. gTUKarsiiow, it is announced, will be a can didate for Governor of Missouri at the next .leaden He has been a candidate for the gal lows for a twelvemonth- an elevaid position he baa shown himself eminently fitted for. ■iw.t ’ •-■ ■ -<-,afr -■ THE NEWS. -.,. -. ■ rtf&MM&g!&& f-** 'A '• • ‘ 1 ‘ v '^v.rrf >r*".: ; -/' v': •: : • 4L" < , ■;... f '^'.: •••- v, ',:;--.' . - ■>4----" - . ; ,--^f.■ ■ ■ •’■/,"> ■■ ' ••:; »vjs4B? ; ,■' ■•■' v V l .-v— — - ■■. Penny Win and Pound Foollili. The Burlington massacre will bo likely 10 ma terially lessen the dividends of the Camden and Amboy Railroad for the present year. Nearly hkvogution in tiik cupitali thirty persons hare died or will die from the ;Fn- the K« erinuu Hrayumd reckless management on the occasion, and dou- n utTho VeadV Mo°o ble the number have been injured to a more or uaijer lhc prelext of q ae Uing the rovolu less extent—all of whom, either in their own tion 'j Q i b o States of Vera Crnx. Onarrivingat proper persons, or by their friendß, will demaud thB fortress of Perote ho threw off the mask „ a... a. ..... £ ■ ;■ of life at Norwich, on the New Haven and N , of Pavon ? Vc ga and Solas, and tm- Y'ork Railroad, it was pretty definitely fixed y , me( jjMely departed with all speed to Vera Cruz, the Courts that $6,000 was the mulct for cauß- 1 ) aat daj’a march was from Puonta, by cir ing the death of a passenger; and some of the i cuitous routes, say fourteenT’lhe H.lh wounded will demand and obtain double that j arrived at Vera Cruz on the nigh, of the sum This would bring the fines up to nearly , 1 0q th) , day afler bia arr ival, Santa Anna on half a million, independent of the expense of j q eftV ored to go on board the Mexioan war eteam lawyers’ fees, oourt costs, and other et coteras. ; er Iturbide, but being prevented by the stato or /hi. snug little sum would have built a double " U* tTack, thereby avoiding the catastrophe alto- ,O lJavaim . gethor. The propriety of building a double f Q meantime, all Santa Anna's Ministers track, it appears by a statement in a New York W. paper, was disoussed and negatived by Com. >ay B)!Ven hun a re d men, pro- Stookton, oue of the largest stockholders in the nounoe j f or the plan of Ayulta, naming Carrera road. He didn’t want any portion of his cnor- president pro tern, and Vega commander-in-chief mens dividends appropriated to such an un- of on the nirtt of ,he 18th, part profitable purpose as the Bafety of human life th(j Regiment of Tm Vi ~rjm pronounced and We are afraid the Commodore will find his billed one of the offioers, and then left the oily, eoonomv was “ penny wise and pound foolish." over the walla, to join La Llave, who was in the To show at whose door the fault of this dread- ™ iD^ gimea "‘ 3 “"ooVen! w'erT ma" he°d ful calamity lies, we will give an extract from city t) y order of Oen. Corona, to prevent the evidenoe elicited before the Corouer’s Jury : f urt her disturbance Ou the same day, Sunday, Joseph M. Amet, affirmed —I resido in Burling- the jy t b , the city of Vera Cruz and the troops ton • am a baker ; wns ou the ground after the pl . OUO unccd in favor of tbo plan of, accident occurred on Wednesday, heard aoonver- Qoy (jorona still retaining tbo oommand, wait eation with the engineer of the 10 o’olook train lnj , (or or d e rs from tho Provisional Government from Philadelphia ; Mr. Nostrand, the oonduc- 0a the 20th, all was quiet in Vera Crux, and tor was with us; the conversation took plaoe in B 0 turther disturbanoe wae looked for till the the'seoond framo house from tho river road ; the o-jj, t ho day La Llavo wua expeoted to enter the eneineer was in the yard ; after tho bodies were o j ty „i t h his yronunotodoi, to whioh serious cb taken out of the oars 1 went upon tho bank ; 1 j ecl i onß were raised, us his troops, it was feared, was then standing near the oonduotor, but not m j gkl cre&to disorder. Un tho night of the Zlet, in conversation with him; some one oamc up however, at half-past 7, a disturbance ocourred and said to tho conductor, “you had better go amoo g , he troops; the regiment of Guides and up and see tho engineer, for he is going to kill lhe were ordered out, and Bevoral shots wore himself-" tho oonduotor then turned round and g rc j The pronounood troops in Fort Oonoop said " Lot’s go up and see him ;" we started to- lion fire j the oannon loaded with grape, and gethor and as wo neared tho house, some ono aeTCra i 0 ( the Guides were killed. The Guides called tho oonduotor on one side; 1 wae then [h( , n took i ho fort by assault, after whioh all spoken to by a person whose name I oannot re- bco4mo quiet, and remained so until the sailing collect, who said, “do go in and see that man 0 r the Orixiba. I went io the yard, end found him lying on a Wo i earn that the departure of the Ouzaba bench at tho kitchen door, apparently in a great WBB expected in Vera Cruz with anxiety, as deal of trouble ; I took hold of him gently, and Bome cf ,h e principal iffenders were supposed said to him, “my dear fellow, why do you be- la b e going out in her, and thus evading the have so ’ it's an aooident and you can't help Ten g e auce the people might be disposed to take it-" by this time the conductor came in ;ho also on t h e i r persons. Since the foregoing was writ spoke to him, but ho did not eeem to recognize , eD w 0 learn that Carrera waß appointed Pro tho oonduotor ; I took hold of one arm Bnd the Tiaion& | President for six months. A quarrel oonduotor the other, and took him to the back [or thc presidency, it is Baid, is likely to ensue part of the lot; he remarked to the conductor, Tho pleasure of AWortz and Comonfort Is not “0 if I had only blowcd that whistle, these knOWD , aD d they will have o soy in tbo matter persons would not have been killed;” the con- r o | ow we give au extract from a loiter rronned doctor then said, “you did blow it;" be p „ Orizaba, by a commercial firm io New Ur replied, “no I did'nt ;" we got the man out of i t . ana from one in Vera Cruz, with which we tho yard ; the oonduotor left and another man baTe bc en favored took his ploce ■ ik- ••-'fioeer insisted upon go- important changes io political affairs have ta ine past the piece whcr« tho cars were demob ken place since we last addressed you. Santa ished •we did not heed the request, and brought Anna haa fi e d the country, having embarked on him in over tho Bordontown road i some distance board of a Mexican war steamer with his family, down 1 met Mr. Kelley with his team, who con- ou tho y sth inst. Her destination was not made veved him to his house. It was my impression knOWDi t mt it is supposed bo has gone to Havana then and is now, that the man did not know for tbc present. A new Government 1$ about what ho was saying; he was greatly excited bein( , formed whose views ns to commeroo in e en and I wished to put him to bed, bat he would era , are Btalo j l 0 be , er y liberal, so that we may not listen to it. soon expect lo have a new tariff and the export Mr Ames’ “impression" should bo taken witb July lowered Mr. Ames impression W( find in our papers f rom the city of Mexico somo allowance, as the statement of the eng account , of , ho events which preoeded the neer (.hat he did not Wow the whistle is corrobo- reHU j l3 wo hate staled abofe. The condition of rated by the evidenoe of a dozen witnesses who f or sometime paßt has been suoh as to were Dresont and who declared they did not bear load to thc expectation of all that has taken plane, were presen i> c oplo began to speak very freely and private it, whioh they would have done had it ec mec , iD g B , 00 k place in the houses of members of blown. the liberal party. Since the Bth, indeed, these proceedings were commenced and tho probability of the departure of Santa Anna was discussed The Beusvtiou increased as hours passod, and reached the highest pitch when u decree under this authority made ns appearanoe nominating a triumvirate to act during his absenoo uutil be should arrive at V era L’ruz. Uo the 10th, the Heraldo and Siglo XIX news papiTß began to publish remarks on the actual condition of affairs, hrenkiug through the hoods in which Iho press had hitherto been held. Tbev bulb published the plan of Ayutla, and precipitated tho is6ue of a prouuDoiameuto in iho capital, which was at first proclaimed by a part of tbo garrison, and in tbo evening by the population, who adopted it. Un the night of the 1 Idtb. thc commission appointed by ffanta Anna pat at liberty the gontlemeu that bad been appoint! d by him, who wore some sixty in number, aud were tho principal agents in caus ing the general adoption of tbo plan of Ayutla. About tbo middle of tbo followiog day a meeting of tho populace took place in tho Ala meda, numberiog from 8,000 to 10,000. They finally confirmed tin* piau of Ayutla, with the addition of making a provision for tho organize inn of tbo Natiouai Guard From the Alameda they marched to the I’alace Squaro, and wanted to enter tho psUoc to destroy tho furniture of Santa Anna. Several shots were fired, and one man was killed. The populace thou went to the offioe or thc L'uiversal newspaper, and destroyed most of tne paper, type, fixtures aDd presses. Thence they went to tho bouse of the banker, Lizardi, burned all his furniture, inoluding a large quantity of valuable papors, bonds, Sic. Tho house of Senor Bonilla, late Minister of Finance, sharod a simi lar fate, including his very valuable library, worth somo $16,000. The whole damage done to his plaoe is estimated at $40,000. The house of Stnora Tosta, Banta Anna's mother-in-law, was next attacked and everything in it destroyed, iuolndiDg threo handsome carriages. These were first filled with various artioles, then set on fire, and so dragged through the city, like ohariots of fire. The house of the banker Esoandon was also entered, aud somo damage done to it—not more perhaps than $4OOO or s6ooo—before the mili tary arrived and fired on tho people, killing four and wounding ten. The other ministers and objeots of the popular vongeanoo had taken the precantloD to remove most of their property, and secreting it in some plaoe of safety. Be sides those above mentioned, some forty were killed and as many wounded by the military during the prooeediDgs. On tho following day the statuo of Bant Anna io tbo market plaoe, was thrown down from its lofty pedestal, and tho people wanted to drag it through the Btreeta, but were pre vented, and four pereous woro shot on this point. On the evening of the 15tb, the now govern ments sent, under Gen. Vega, expresses to the various Governors of the Departments or States, requesting them to prouounoe, and at the same time they Bent to the commanders of the liberal foroos to inform them that everything had been regulated aooording to their views, and to re quest them to oome to the oapital alone, leaving their foroes behind them, and for the purpose of electing offioers and arranging the govern ment The liberal party, however, wore not satisfied, and sent on to tbo oommanders, telling them to bring their foroes, and that they would then be able to carry out tbeir plans. The new govern ment was ia fact oomposed of a largo proportion of tbo members of tbo last one, and olosely uni ted witb the Churoh, for whioh reason the liberals oould not adopt it. D. Luis do la Rosa, late Mexioan Minister in Washington, has boen appointed Governor of Puebla, to tbo great satisfaction of the liberals. Sr. Lizardi bad olaimed $2,000,000 for bonds and valuable papers burned, and (aooording to a privato note) tho American Minister says ho has lost his rights, as ho aooopted the Cross of Guo dalnpo from Santa Anna. The press was free, and the Verdad , the Mon itor Eepublicano, tho Vatna and the Revolution had re-appeared. The Lohdos yoAKTEsi-T for July has been sent as by the pnblister. It contains the fol lowing nine artlcleß:-Archdeaeon Hire; The Circulation of the Blood; Sardinia and Rome. The Romans at Colchester ; Memoirs of Sydney Smith; The Peaßt of the Conception; Adver tisements; Tho supply of Paper; uhjecta of the War. There is a literary feast for a very small outlay: By the way. this number com mences a new volume, and it is therefore a pood time to subscribe. Miner & Co., od Smlthfield street, and Oildenfecriy, opposite tho Theater, are the Agents in this city. “Oh, what a fallisq off was, mi Cochtb’thkb : "—The Know Nothings, for more than a week after the Kentucky election, an nounced with all the imposing effects cf F loa type, and innumerable exclamation points, that Morehead’s majority was upwards of ten thou sand. But they submitted to a decline of a thousand per diem, dny after day, and now we have the official roturos from every county in the State. It shows the vote to be for Morehead. K. N., 69,816; for Clark, Dom., 0f>. 41 a. More head’s majority, 4,403 ! Sobdat is New Ohleabs.-A New Orleans editor, who informs us “there is always some thing novel and entertaining to be seen in the Crescent City of a Sunday," thus describes how he spent a portion of “a right pleasant after noon below Eeplanado streot:” Tho banquet of the Portuguese Benevolent Sooiety, at the Polar Star Lodge, of course olaimed our attention. It was very numerously attended—the tables groaned with good things, wino flowed like water, and enthusiasm like the wine. The lively bU2zing of the men and roll iog of the drums enlivened all the neighborhood round. Thb Dillob Afvaih Settled.— lt is Btatod that the difficulty between the Uoited States and Franoe, in relation to Mr. Dillon, the Frenoh oonsul at San Francisoo, has been settled. In stead of firing a salute when the flag is hoietod, the firßt Frenoh man-of-war whioh puts into the port of Ban Franoisco is to bo received with a sftlute. R «cklut Railroad lUc.-Smuh Up-Nar rovr Hiaeape of the Pa«»enger«. The following little inoident from the Albany Knickerbocker shows what a high estimato em ployees of railroad companies plaoe upon human life: Ono of the most inexcusable aots of rookless ness that we ever heard of took plaoe on the Albany and Boston Railroad, on Tuesday after noon. As the 4:80 train got within a fow miles of Chatham, a train on the Hudson and Berk- ■ ehiro Railroad was discovered going towards Chatham also. A challenging signal was im mediately given from the Albany engine to the Hudson to oatoh them if they oould. The train from Albany consisted of engine, one or two baggage oars, and three ooaches heavily loaded with passengers. The one from Hudson had two ooaches with a few passengers, consequently was light, and gained upon the other about five seoonds to the mile. Both engines were “wide open,” and doing their best. After running about throe miloo side by side—the Hudson and Berkshire traok takes a ourve round a rook end a stream, and orossos the Western Railroad traok nearly at right angles—the engineer of the Albany train oaloulated that the Hudson train would lose three seoonds in going round the rook, while the engineer of the Hudson train imagined ho could gain still more, as his train was now under full headway. Having gained fifteen seoonds, and got even with the Albany train the Hudson engineer thought he oould get over the orossing ahead. The oaloulations were very oloee, and would have done for horeo boat captains, but was oriminal in railroad en gineers Instead of gaining, the Albany engine lost two Beconds, and Btruok the other train in the centre of a passenger oar, outting it in two, and oarrying the entire Albany train through the oar. As the Albany truok struck the other, the engine wasßUSPlaoed, and struok sleo P- ! ore instead of tfofails, and just after passing through the oar, jumped around crosswise of the track, considerably wrepfced. Had the en gine of the Albany train gained a few seoonds i instead of loosing, the Hudson train would have struok the Albany oars in the oontre, and the loos of lifo and limb that would then have en sued, can be easily imagined. The oar from Hudson had but throe passengers, who escaped miraouiously—the conductor being the only one hurt, and he not very Berioualy. Whether the Western Railroad Company will reward the en gineers for their close calculations, or discharge them for their recklessness, we do not know. The matter is before the Board of Directors for investigation. _ Bv Pigeon Ezprett- 20 Mtnuta Later than l.auct y Newt. BASK BAJhBBB ! 1 ! ! ! The Banks of the Blue MoseUe have suspend ed specie payment*— -Gg&tq mcMq* IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO FUOUT UF SANTA ANNA- cold snap last night startled the' fljeß and muequitoos, and moke the fences and nelda grey with a hoar frost. Winter clothing was very neoeaeary on beds daring the time of eleep, and everybody, liko politicians, os they came down town this morning refused to “show thotr bands,” eaoh having his pocket full of digits. Wol! let tho cold come. The harveat ia nearly in and the fruits arc yielding of their plenty m lasoioufl abundance. Oar granaries are burst ing with their wealth of grain, and the whole country resounds with tho shout of “plenty—- plenty!” So, let the cold come aa soon as it desires—tho poor are provided for. t ' * '• '.r *> M V • ....... i S&V* , <:■ ■■•r','t’ “v t.iv !? *• >'- ■ *4’ -‘g •' y! fr. Frost In Augnit. 1 From the Bufl&lo Republic, Ist j jtjr A Pennsylvania editor says : “Somebody bronghfone bottle of soared water in oar office, with the request to notice it as ' lemon beer.’ If Esau was green enough to sell his birthright for a mess of pottage, it does not prove that we will tell a four shilling lie for five cents.” Tu£Hton, N J., has now a total of 13,819 in habitants, being an increase of 3364 over the to tal of the year 1860, which was 10,446- Of the present total 3368 are of foreign birth. tv » v;r '; v '• 7' [OOUUUMCitTII) ] { [Juv«r Democratic Coaveatlon. ] Oa Monday, the Beaver County Democratic ; < Convention was held in the Court House. It had been predicted by our opponents that we , would havo a “ sUm” meeting—they aaid that there was not enough of life among us to bring ns together; and a great deal of other stuff. Early in the morning it began to rain, and it rained almoet incessantly throughout the greater 1 part of the day ; but notwithstanding this, the Democracy oamo out, and nearly every township in the oountv was represented in tho Conven tion. It was truly cheering to Beo that large assemblage of faithful men, whom the mad op position of proscription could uot deter, nor the pleadings of new-fangled isms sway from their adherenoo to the Democratic P*' 1 ?’!? av ? n S the comforts of home and braving the difficulties in cident to traveling on euoh a day. They felt that doty called, and they obeyed. The Convention was organised by electing the firm ohampion of Beaver county Democracy, Col Thomas Cunningham, President, Hon. Jo seph Irwin and John Graham-two worthy men, who have been long identified with he Demo cratic party in this county-Vine I residents; and Wm. L. Diokineon and L. B Dougherty, Secretaries. , ~, . . . .. Judge Irwin then offered the following Anti- Know Nothing test, whioh was signed by all the delegates present : , , . “The undersigned delegates hereby pledge themselves that they do not belong to any secret or other political sooioty or organization that makes either birth-place or religious belief a teat of citizenship or eligibility to office, other wise than the same is reoogmzod in the constitu tion of the United States. ' . The Convention was then addressed by the President in one of hie happy, extemporaneous etlorts. In this epceob, the eloquent speaker dwelt upon the notions and policy of tko politi cal parties of the day. He showed up in a clear light the difference betweon the noble, libera and benign policy of the party of Jiffereon and Jackson, and the contracted views and discord ant elements of the opposition. In his few but pointed remarks, the Colonel unmasked the op posing parties in a manner that was well calcu lated to show the superiority of Amerioan De mocracy over suoh contemptible isms. The following ticket was then placed in nomt nation by the CouvonLion : Assembly —John While. Treasurer —Hugh IS Anderson Commissioner —Philip Cooper. Poor House Director— Robert Potter Trustees 0/ Academy— Wm. Davidson, R 0 M'Qregor. Auditor —James W Pander. Resolutions Blrong in language, sound in De mooracy, republican in spirit, dignified in char aoter, and practical in tendenoy, were then unanimously passed. A County Committee was appointed. Among the other duties of that Committee, it was re solved that they should require tho candidates nominated to Bign a pledge similar to that al ready signed by the delegatee; and authority was given the Committeo to fill any vacancies that should ocour, in the event of any candidate refusing to sign the test. Whenevor the Democracy of the Stato wish to look upon a county whose Democracy are com posed of the right stuff, who are doing their whole duty, and doing it cfeciutsUy, let them turn to Beaver; for here we are determined to leave no honorable measure uniried—no proper effort unapplied. _ VILLAGER Beaver, BcpL 4, 13t>6 THE LATE lUILROAU ACCIDEST INCIDENTS, Ac. Burlington, on Saturday. had aesumod again its business appearance, bul few idlers being seen exoept about tho hotels, and in the room iu whioh the Jury of Inquest is holding its ses sions. The death of Mr. Oillespie, on Saturday afternoon, caused but little excitement, as the sad eront was anticipated before the amputation of bis leg. He losses property valaod at some $600,000. Tho brother of Mrs. Gillespie, was with him all tho time, and on Saturday several of his friends arrived in town. The body was placed in a metallio oeffin, and brought on to this I oiy, where it will remain in a receiving vault, | to await the death or recovery of Mrs. Gillespie, The body of Mr. Humphries, of Peoria, Illi nois and whioh was about being placed in the possession of Mr. Wright, was olaimeJ on Sat urday, by a woman named Mrs Drake, of Bjh ton, who exhibited a paper dated Boston, Au gus't 29th, authorising her to tike charge of the body and his eileots, among wbioh is $2,000, and to prosecute tho Railroad Company. At tached to this written authority, was a certificate from a witness, who testified to tho truth of the instructions, all of whioh was written in the Bame hand, and very badly. This woman, when doubts were expressed of tbo genuineness of tho paper, beoamo very indignant, and stated that she would writo to President Pierce and some other dignitaries, all of whom she knew, and go to Peoria and bring Mr. Humphries’ wife on, but that Bhe would get possession of tho body. Tho remains will bo kept in Burling ton until tho difficulty is settled. Tho lion. J- M. Mac Cloy is improving, but his injuries are such that ho will not bo aide to leave for his home for two or three weekß. John Kelly, of Pittsburgh, and all tho other wounded in town are doing well, and it is thought all of them will reoover. They are receiving every attention from the oitizens of Boriiugton and tho friends of the wounded, many of whom have arrived in town. The following is a correct list of thoso who havo beon killed by the accident: Mr. George W. Ridgeway, Philadelphia. Alexander Kelley, do Baron de St. Andre, Jj Wilson Kent, do Catharine Brown, (oolored, I do Mrs. C. M. Barolay, do Ed. C. Baoon, dj George Ingersoll, do Mrs Commodore Smith, do Thos. G. Meredith, Baltimore. J. Howard, Lebanon, Tonn. Henry Rußh, Georgetown, I). C Mrs. Margaret Presoott, Salem, N. ,1. Capt. Boyoo, Washington, D. C. Emily Boyoe, do do Wm. Humphries, Peoria, 111. John F. Gillespie, Natchez, Miss. Charles H. Bottom, Trenton. Hugh B. Jervis, Newark, Del. ' John Dallam, Baltimore. ’ Rev. J. M. Connell, Wilmington, Del. Miss Jane Linooln, Ellioott’a Mills, Md. ta ■——• Sl*L.&n«’a Worm Specific.— The following from u customer, shows the demand which this great meJi. cine has created wherever It had been Intrcdu**. J , BLoasBUM, Tioga Co., Pa., March 30, 1860. Qcntlcvun —In consequence of the great consumption of your u Worm Bpedflo” In this place and vicinity, we have entirely exhausted our stock. We should (eel obliged by your forwarding, via Corning, N. Y., twenty dcaen, with your bill, on the reception of which we will remit you the money. Prom the wonderful effects o! mid " rpooinc ' lu this neighborhood, there could be sold annually a large quan‘ llty.lf to be had, (wholesale and retail..* from some local agent. If you would compensate a peraeu for trouble and expense of vending, I think I could make It lo y-ui ad vantage to Jo a*. Youm respivlfulh, WM. M MALLoKY, Misses. J. Kidd A Co. *’ t ‘ r " K r "" Tltl *9- Purchasers will please be careful to Bek for fv I M’LanSt Ytrmtfugt, and take none eles. All other fugea, In comparison, are worthless. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine Vermlfuga, also hie celehralej Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Oansda. Also, for sals by the sole proprietors, FLEMING BROS., Successors to J. Kidd A Do., ' sapSidaw No- M Wood street, corner oMTourlb. Tuhsoitlon for Diseased tunga. The mode of Inhalation, In cases of diseased luDgs sud throat, recommended by Dr. Ourtls In his advertisement, strikes us as the true one. It Is now generally admitted b. our best physicians, that local difficulties can only be suc cessfully treated b, local application* This prac ice h M been pursned (torn the first with respect toeltemal In am m ation and corrosions, and wo fee not why of the throat and lungs may not be treated In the same believe they may. In this variable climate of ours, where lung and throat complaints have bacon..> so peer* lent and rife, w. earnestly recommend o the to lAc affirctci especially, to avail themselves of Dr. Curl remedy's— {One who has tried It 1 Bee advertisement In ‘ th COOT..’ HYGKANA is the ™ ljr *r m>p4'uJwu*w , n «r*ouio* ertiol*. 9 Agu, and FVvcr of Standing Cured.— Mr. John Longden, now vng a Beaver Dam, Hanover county, neat Richmond, had Ague and Fever for three years; most of the time e twice a day, and rarely less than once: he was parched with fevers as soon as the chill left him, an er physicians, quinine, most of the tonics advertised, and everything recommended to him, was about to Slve up In despair, when Carter’s Spanish Mixture was spo n got two bottles, but before be had used more an * one, he was perfectly cured, and has not bad . chill or f 0 Ter sloce. . Mr. Lonjden Is only one out of thousands w 0 eve been benefited by this great tonic, alterative and P u -Wertisement ■2s*}-“-- Emr HATS, ol latent style, which we will sell •» ror “h ““ 7 hou “ aug26 next hooetj to the new Presbyterian Cb ‘4V V- .. opinion, of the Pre...-Tbe '» rrD “ [obettoßOatSansoflberißhU : ' PIIOCLtMATIOIi. " 1116. All ed * l ?,7 £, k«e Ihem adTlsed, through their !■ -UT7-UKBBAB, In and by the lath section of the Art of of the I'Mple. aod b. ibelr talieflt . We *lll | W lhe Oeourel Asaimblj . f IVnosylranla, peased July column., of wbaterrr bd lh( , m lhst th , poet won- 2 J_ ls39i „ nt itl.d -Ad Acl relating to the Klecdons of thin live up to thirf . . , iclne f or tbelr general useever mmooWe *lth," it W enj»ln»d on the Sheiiff of every derful and val« vY’fi MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR- County to give notice of such elections to be held, and enu invfliitixi, in D mlghty'and eccentric, that often merato in 8-eh Doike what officers aie to be elected, in ItH urtuoß are JOTW, mi* 3 a#ll by science, Dur9ttftn ce thereof, l, WM. M - GILL, Sheriff of the County iht-y appear to wo k astounding are ita power# on the JJf Allegheny, do therefore matte known and rive this pub «° cffectl ! ’ though now It u daily fried hr thou- “ ihe elector* of said County of Altegheny, theft humaatxxly.that.tho g » ddigbted qkn REAL JSLECTIOIiwIUb® held in Raid County, on the 3 on no con- J KOO SD TlfflaDAY OPOCTOBER NEXT, at the several filderillon, will ever ta“wtaely kept the Secret “*{^,l,^™rfth?K«t Wert of th, rity of Pltteburgh The ioT.iitor, Ur. U DAIMT bus wtemy without -trlni ft« house of Mrs. Jane Litila, at'the corner of “«SsTta SSii!iss3SS!a »£>£&&&£& «th. cltyof Plttßburgh to perfection, oud ell from P [hedteorarer of lh, might, bl.selug, who Is . u uwUttto PubUc “* wlth the * Q ° tMb gggsaasag sfirlsrgr. slsifpis RUNNING WEST PROM PITTSBURGH. mMt at the house of widow Thompson, north-wesl coroe TO. Past Tea.* leaves .TIT M. through to Cluctunaß lo \‘i hours and 10 minutes. *£ elector# of the Fourth Ward of tbemlty of Allegheny Man. Tbaih LiiVts at 8 A. M. to mwt at the boose of T. Smith, at the corner of Robinson - - Through Tickets sold 10 Cincinnati, Louisville 8L tools, ejector# of the borough of McKeesport to meet at the I DdiiumiKilim Chicago, Rock Island, Port Wayne, Cleveland, ln said borough. h . t ftt .od the principal Town, and CUb. in the WraL J^o^er"S’£*“”ud of The NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN wUI Mniinogahela Hrilge, in Hald Boroogb -1., PlUaburgb at 10 A. M. and 616 P. M., and New Brlgh- The „ loC Lors of the borough of West Pltteburgh to meat 1.. at 7 A. U and 1 P. M. “'iho tbiftatough of West Elizabeth to meet Pot Tickets and further Information, apply “ m th# Publlo School llouße lu Bald borough. J. Q. OUIIR *, jjjo oteemra of the borough of Tarontum to moot at the Al th. corner oOce, under the Uooougabcla toXb^? to meet at the Or, at the Federal Street Station, to Poblio School House. QEOEQE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. IhB dectora of the borough of KlUabeth to meet at the Pltteburgh, July 18, 1866. (»*> — Qraham, former,, occopoid by John WMker, 1 The elector, or Pitt townahip to meet et the bonee ot Jo zX Qindrod, on the M«Wca’ and Formers’ Turnpike Road, In Bald township, except the qnaUßedyotere residing i- saotloae No 4.7 and 14, of the eald dlßtrlct, who ehail general electione In the Ninth Ward cf the city of Peebles township to meet at the hours of John Baitier, in thevUlageof East Liberty. The electors of Collins township to meet et tho house of William McCall, jr- In the Tillage of East Liberty. TheTlectorsof Wilkins township to meet.tthebooßeOf John Shaffer, on the Qreensbnrg Turnpike Boad, in sold electors of Flam township to meet at the house of John Sommerrillo, In said town-hip. The electors ef Petton township to meet st the house of Abraham Taylor, on the Northern Turnpike, in eald town >hfee electors of Penn township to meet et the house of Robert Donaldson .on the Leechburg Road, hi said township. Th® el®.tors of Versailles township to meet at the Public School House, on th® farm of David Shaw, near the white house formerly occupied by Thomas Neal, now by Wm. A. electors of Elizabeth township to meet at the houce of George Webster, formerly oocupled by John Walker, In Elizabeth borough. . t . . The electors of Jefferson township to meet at the house of Michael Bnee, formerly occupied by John King, in said of Mifflin township to meet at the boose ct Samuel Wilson, formerly occupied by James H. Neel, in eald township. . . . .. The electors of Upper 8L Clair township to meet at the house of Jaa Conner, in sahl township. The elector# of Lower Bt CWr township to meet at the house lately kept by P. Helie, at the junction of the Bir mingham and Coal Hill roads. In said townehip. The electors of Cbsrtiers township to meet at the house of William Obey, on the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Turn- elector# of Robinson towmhip to meet at the house j of Sarah McFarland, formerly Audley McFarland, in said township. , , , The elector# of Findley township to meet at the house of McClelland A* Anna; formerly occupied by J. Charles, In the villa e of Clinton, In said township. The elector# of Moon township to meet at School House No. 4 In raid township. The electors of Ohio township to meet at the house of Henrf V- Thompson, In said township. The electors of Frattklin townahip to meet at lhe house oocupled by Jos. Boleman, in said township. The electors of Reserve township to meet at the School , House No. B,ln said township. The electors of Baldwin towuehip to meot at the house of John Cowan, In stld township. Tba electors of Snowden township to meet at the hous of Pet*T Boyer, in said towußhip. The electors of South Fayette townahip to meet at the homo of H. Hays, on the farm of G. Y. Coulter, in said township. •# The electors of North Fayette townahip to meet at tbe house now occupied by Francis Jami/00, at Rodgers’ Rill, tn said towosblp. .... Th® electors of Rom township to meet at the house of Jacob Oolbaogh, on the FTankJia Rond; io said towuehip. The electors of Pine township lo meet at the house of Hugh Crammy.ln *ald township. The electors of M’Oandless township to meet at tbe Louse of Daniel Phoup. in said township. The electors of West Deer township to moet at the house of Nathan said township. The electors of East Deer township to meet at the Public , Bchool House, in the borough of Tarentnm. ’ The electors of Neville township to meet at School House No. 1. (hereafter to be called Chaplin.) The electors of Bewicklex township to meet at the bous* of Bamnel Ritchie, in said township. Tb® electors of Indlsna towußiip to meet at the house formerly occupied by Alex. Turner, in said township. Th® electors of Shaler township to meet at John Shaw’s Mill, in eald township- ‘ The qualified voters of that part of Indiana township, lu Allegheny county, residing within th® following described boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a point on the Allegheny river a’ tbe npper line of tbe farm of John Cable, and run ning’a northerly course, between the farms of said Cablo aud John Boyd to the north-east corner ot Cable's farm— thence running a westerly course to the Shaler township line In such a manner as to embrace ail farms or lots j situated in Cunningham’s district, and known as the Myor tracts, within said boundary a, shall hereafter vote st the i general election In the borough of Sharpeburg, at the , election poll of said borough. At which time and place the qualified electors as afore said will by ballot vote for One person for State Benator, « Fite persons for members of Assembly of Pennsylvania, One person for Sheriff, One person for Canal Commissioner, One person for Prothonotary, One person for Treasurer, One person for County Commissioner, One person for Coroner, One person for Director of Poor, One parson fer Auditor for 8 years. One person for Auditor for 2 years. l Given under my hand and seal at Pittsburgh, this 3d day of Seutember, A. D. 1855, and. of tbe Independence of the United States the eightieth. WILLIAM MAGILL, sep6:dawte Hheriff. OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD Continuation of the Ohio and Penna. B. B. TO FORT WAYNE, taitt uaupnm ssn tioHrua vnja raon pitrsßOßQa> as- Trains connect at Crestline, without detention* t otfh oil the Train* on the Ohw and Pmna. &oad, “d at Forest with Trains going North and South, on the Mad River and Lake Krle Railroad. _ _ . rt », For Tickets, apply at the Railroad Offices of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Pittsburgh, AJle ibeny City, or at any of the following points: Fou Wayne, Bellefontalne, Cincinnati, Dayton, Bpnngneld, Indianapolis, Richmond, Tiffin, Findlay. Persons desirtog Tickets will be particular to ask for a h, th, ohto .ud to | W oQgAS tfJatt Ileeelved, e superior lot of Lutong p.,ogrw and Qraes 00AT8, which are dedrsbie, and will ba cold LOW roa CASH, St QILIBBLK'S, JT j No. UO Liberty .treat. bead of Wood. v Board of Trade.— Th« annual election of Ls£V' Officer* of the Board of Trade and MerchanteT Ki •■bange will ba held at their Booms, on WEDHESDAY, 6.h ie,, between the hour, of 1 and 4 ■ Wo have Joat received from the But * large lot of Panama, Canton. Brail and ***** HATS, which we can sell nmch below the nwai prto. Straw lists from 26 cents upwards. £ato * i r y S** ,## - MO S&t Sheriffalty.—UEolUJß.—UE01UJB (jj? City of Allegheny, will be e candidate fbr the offiM , ( Sherifl or Allegheny Ooonty, at the ensuing eleo- Hon. JyteUwte _ Life, Fire and Harlne Insurance Company; coaxes of water axd market streets, Jas r>. M'Gill, Secretary. This Company make* every insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFK RISKS. . . , M , Alho, against Hull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis 6t-Mppi riTTB and tributaries, and Marine Blata Ranwa lj. Aid ai!»in«t Loss and Damage by Fire, and again. tLb. Perils of the 3«a and Inland Narration anil Policies issued at the lowest raws consistent with safety tc all parties. Dl&WTORB: Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley, J nines ii. lloon, John j.;' ; n M’Ainin. S»muel STClurkan, iUi>s 1-hlihpe, Jimra W. Utlluizn, J„ho tfcott, ChM. Arbutbnlt, P. U. D., Davbl tticbey, J»mca Marjhall, John M’QUI, Horatio N. Let KlttannllU- EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN 11. SnOENBEBGKR, PassiDUiT. ROBERT FINNEY, BECUTTART. c, W. BATCH KLOR, Oeirrai AaciY. WILL IBiSIUK AOAIMST ALL KINDS MARINE AND P FI RE RISKS. DIRECTORS: j tl. gho*nbtTtf«r, Q- W. C*es, C W. Batchelor, W.K. MmleS, I***.: M. T. B. Updike, W. \V. Martin. H- D. Oochraa,* }w. T. Ltreob, Jr., John A- Caughey, Ororgu ri. Seldwu, 8. B. Bryaa, Ijkflii McOandlesa. *5- All Lou'es sustained by par ties Insured under poll ■-i-f issued by this Company will be liberally adjusted and I rump 11 j P.M lit Its OUta, No. 90 WATKRmrect. [ jyll I Pennsylvania lnsnrance Company ; ' OP PITTSBURGH, Cornor of Fourth and Smithfield BtroeU. AUTUORIZ.KD CAPITAL, *300,000. tv -_T3» issuaji Buildings ami other Property against Loss Damage by Fire, and the Perils of the Sea and lutivud Navigation and Transportation. DIRECTORS: Win, P. Johnston, Kody Patterson, Jacob ftitater, A A Carrier, W. M’Ollntock, Kennedy T. Friend, JnmeaS Negley, W. 8. Haven. D. K. Park, l Grier Bproul, Wade Hampton, D. M. Umg. A J Jones, J.H. Jones, IL K. Coggshall, 0FFICBE8: j FrtsidenL Hon. WM. f. JOHNSTON. Vxce rnsUUnL, RODY PATTERSON. I Sx'y and Trcaxurcr-L. A. CARRIER. ! AtruianL B. CARRIER. {)e2B:ly August 30tb, by the Rev. 8, M. M’Clurg, Ur. FRKD’K KNuWLAND, of Pittsburgh, to Miss S. C. LOOAN, of Lognn’n Ferry, Allegneny county. On Monday evening, September 3d, JOHN McGUIRE, or Wylie street, in the 41st year of his age. Uls funeral will leave his late dwelling on WmSXSOAT u ia.Niso, at 10 o’clock. in Philadelphia, on the Ist inst., WM* JOHN BELL,eon oi widow Bell, in the 28th year of his age. v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Crnicta’ DrPoaiT Bank, \ Pittsburgh, September 4,1846. j rpuß PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS of this Bank have _l_ thjrt day declared a dividend at the rate of rooa per cvut. on the capital stock paid In, out of the profits of the last six month*: payable on and after the 14tb Inst. s *ps:id E. D. JONES, Cashier. j, Wilson A Son, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HAT AND CAP MANU FACTURERS, No. 01 Wood alreot, Pittsburgh, are prepared to furnish all articles in their line on the moat reasonable u>rms. Particular attention la invited[to our assortment of LADLES’ RIDING HATS and OLOVRS. abo our §4 SILK IIATS, which cannot be surpassed in the .-tiv o'UM)Hlfc;S—loo bags Rio coffee; JS *25 pooketa Ja»a Coffee; 50 hhda N. O. Sugar; *25 bbla Refined Sugure; 100 bbla prime N. O. Molaases; 75 half cheeta Young Ujeou, Imperial and Gunpowder Teas; 7 5 boxes fkTorlte brands Tobacco; *26 boxea Pepper; *26 boxea Pimento; 26 boxea Extract of Ooffeel 100 boxes Mould and Dipped Oandtee; 25 boxes Star Candles; 100 boxes Roaln Boap; 26 boxea Yarlega»od Boap , *26 doten Duckets; 10 doien Tuba; *2OO reams Wrapping Paper ; 20 doten ball ton Baga (eepfi) JOHN MOORHEAD. For aale by BLOOMS —leu tona Lake Champlain; iOo *• Juniata; for aaleby B „ p6 JOHN MOOBHBAD. "iSIQ 1 HuN— T6o"tonfl Juniata,(Hook IlUVFutd»«;) r to *< (Bough and Beady;) M 2UO - Anthracite, Nos.l and 2, tor Foun wp 3) JOHN MOORHEAD. dry. lor nale by Reputation innkw England— linn-mi., N. EL, June ®tn, lo 5». To B A fhhnistxk