.....■.''V-rii'' ‘ " " - .... —."-i •1 -, , > ' v, ->vr- **».»-’« •..«•,<• ’ » ** - ■ .{/ 4-f" •»# I 4 V ;■ V- ■. - u ' "■' ■ ?r J ias#- < '■ A'>;VV:'{/'. \ ';'. v T^fZZfh fci-7* v r ! U • ? 4,'- a '• -i *, :< v ; C»o-', wr^w^ 15 :c ; ;» ’; •, - ■■ n ,- ; >i ? VVJ."“' S •'’*’*>»• s*' **' t/ - T -i-j j *• ir ,ti *.- 'j '*i v *» ; <•'•f'-I?-.* ■*'■ * N* *. *j •+. x? zis Sr r.*j J- - r i¥? *£sr "'^V'> ! Mti& ? •; y< t •**»<. U'i •Jr* • i*-; « * £ttt 9 VVr*«V’. v -*“'< , x >.~Vi J ■■"’I 1 ?S-.V'? Sf'Ov-.^* ■* *\sS' *y : ! ire a ;.« «‘a >i r! rfU b :! -nbKr %Bfc.i *» -*i ;V i.ivft »i. ■ • .■’.' .ley,” f-Vi: •* , - 1 ■ - wiy 'ij J ; f!.r' *** 4 f* 1 '•■] -v -:y,\ a «<• k y t- 4 !.'; »ivT.i'-'V , a : >■ 'VS I *''C;* »*>*■ 4 i,-. ’ -~ »' t'\ f l MM.I ‘ gaMM sr§is»w4».p wlWitel V>o ‘ V i-l ■y-<,- , K . S 'T.‘ ! ~x!-? < '-rj-y'/■>-< &: ■' -V4 - •’, t -’ j »r.. v»^ n Z‘ nt - f 4 « 1 e-TJ- -» s % 4 r r% O-it. C. O C V- -.%• / sr:i : f•'?',% '■’ **»J/if*f- f ;cr;> /o <■«„/>^^<9.^?^*?,v‘-X^4i“ ?-'%-?■ -■ ■-■jc ■ • ■■'•■ ■ s; •.<*!*< ».;•'' .-'("e ?\l,V'V’X %!?•,.«. .,.*.1!> '.' • . .... '•■-'• t i £/!; " ••' ■' '■ : •>.r-:^V.'.C ?X-V*x-- • 1 ni^ S -A «, ; xr C 1 i «iVn \ t >_v •m ■ ll n. v a „.^ (|! $ _. . - ,• - /;!'' f* ' 5 ' r ,r'* r (V'7'V*’■->•>>« / -i 4V ?* **ZJ*z‘f"-„ l s6? 6 * ‘t* *’t^' v X?- i'''.:- i\> ?.*< 4*>- -L <&s-,'■&■: &'< 3~>a-te it;?*-,' .»{• Hi.fi >&%'■''■ M",-.-. "« .* •*> , i'.-s.--, • ‘ •-. <-v « - > ' • •**- *-: • , •- . ’* e fin -\ - -*"•« »*• - ; J ■ - :::', ' •:; .f • .••: "‘V'- • .- i ‘ • 1 • ■ j. \ < •' . .. ; specie, $U.K02,000; circulation, $’,620 000; deposits, SSI,OOu,QOO lining a decrease of $267,000 in'lbs Lana, $473,000 iu epe cie, $221,000 In deposits, and an Increase of $36,100 in the clrcululiuu. Stocking Factory.— 0. DALY'S Stocking Factory, where everything la made in tbe HOBLKUYLINK is »t the corner of at. Clair and Penn streets. He fa con’ tinu&lly turning out every variety of Hosiery, well made and suitable to the season, which may be always obtained Wholesale and Retail at hfa Store, corner of Market alley and Fifth street Don’t forget the name—o. DALY and ap’26 Almost every paper lo the Union 1s commenting upon the good qualities and great benefits derived from the use of Dr. J. Honmts’s Stomach Bitters; and the Im mense sales which have been made by the agents In our Southern and Western cities, fa conclusive evidence of it* virtues, and convinces us that It fa jusi tbe thing lor this climate, and should be used in every &mUy, by old and youog, before meals, during this extreme warm weather, as a preventive against all stomach diseases, most preva* loot at this season, when not only tbs weather but the d : et has a controlling influence upon the system. For sale by Druggists, and by Hosvxrrea, Smith A Co.. 867 Penn street 8* pi Clark’s Stomach Bitters are acknowledged by all who have tried them to be the best family medieine of tbe age, for tho cure of Dyspepsia, Oostlvenesa, and a dis ordered state of the Liver and Stomach. They have no rival. Tbe proprietor* do not pretend to caution people from using other preparations that ore palmed upon the public under the name of Stomach Bitters, fer they have found that only one trial was needed to render such caution unocceisary. For sale, wholesale, by Cot* cm A Cla.be, No. 22 Market strwt; Ore. IL Karaia, 140 Wood street; and by Druggists generally. JT5* CITIZEH8 1 Insuranoa Oompany of U'vSr Pittsburgh.—WM. BAGALBY, President; SAMUEL L. MARSHALL, Secretary. Office: 04 Water StrutJxticeax Market and WoodttrceU . Insures HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis sippi Riveraand tributaries. Insures against Loes or Damage by Fire. ALSO—Against the Perilsofthe Sea, and I aland Naviga tion and Transportation. DiiEcrroas William Bagaley, Richard Floyd, James M. Cooper, Samuel M. Kler, Samnel Rea, William Bingham, Robert Dunlap,Jr., John S. Diiworth, Isaac M. Pennock, Francis Haifa rs, 8. Uarbaugh, J. Schoonmaaex, Walter Bryant, William B. Uaya John Hhlpton. d«e2l BV TUB PHIiCLAMATIGN OF THIS PRESIDENT Of TUB UNITED STATE**, No. C. 12, bearing date tbe 20tb day .)t July, 1566, Public Loud Saiea in the TERRI TORY OF MINNESOTA have been ordered to be bekl st thi* following Darned times and places, to wit USD oFFtCK COHHtftCIHO Oft At BROWNSVILLE Monday, 22d October, do Monday, 6tb November, " do Monday, IPtb November, “ WINONA Monday, 29th October,' *• do Monday, 12th November, “ Kill) WING Monday, 29th October, ** MINNEAPOLIS Monday, 22d October, SAUK RAPIDS Monday, 6th November, “ STILLWATER Monday, 12th November, •• l.inda appropriated by law for Schools, Military, and ol»ver purposes, will excluded from the tale *. Tbe fairs will each be kept op«n two weeks, If requisite. Private entries will not be permitted until after tbe expire lion of the two weeks; and pre-emption claimants are re qniml to establish their claims, by the proper proofs, aiul make payment therefor, a* soon as practicable, or fa-fore th* days appointed for the commencement of the public sale* respectively, otherwise tbelr claims will be forfeited. Given under my hand, at toe City of Washington, (bis 31st Jay of July, A. D. 1636. JNO. HOOD, Act lug Commissioner of the General Land Office. nug4.lawow MAGAZINES, Ao. Ac.— Putnam for August, Harper for August! Knickerbocker for August; IUo kind’s Half-Yearly Abstract. Just received and (or sale at W. A. GILDKNFENNKY A CO.'S Bookstore, a:u2 _ Fifth BL. opposite the Theatre. 'I'IVENTY-oNE Y£.Utd A SLaYe—airsarTMa Yaaas * J. Kasiman!— My Bondage and my Freedom; by Fred. U.ugljLf*. part 1. Life as a Slave. Part X Lite as o Free otn. With an la'reduction by Dr. James McCuno Smith. Steel portrait oJ the author, and other Illustrations. Due volume ; price $1,26. Fur sale by _ a t. a Morgan Boarding School, OR SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE.—The GLEN HOTEL and Grounds are offered for RENT for either the aU>re purposes. The site and arrangement of the house, the beauty, extent and variety of the grounds, and the angular advantage of the position, secluded from every thing objectionable, retul at this a moat desirable location i<>r either a Male or Female Seminary. For terms, apply U> mhXLtf _ J: W. BUTLER, Iff Front street. i/o U I* K K6K K V 1 N G—Loveriug's Pulverised sugar; coarse, pulverised, crushed and clarified, at aoitf F. fL DRAVO’S, No 1, Diamond. I'Lit lilDbfctt PaTH —By Marion Harland, author ol X "Alone.” Light and Darkness, or the Shadow of Fate; a story of hi-itiunable lile. The Escaped Nun, or Disclosures of Convent Life ; and the Confession of a Sister of Charily. My Bondage and my Freedom; by Frod. Douglas >. Sum Slick In Search of a Wife. Cieve Hall; by Ml.in gewelL Mary Lyndon : an autobiography. Tb« Jealous Wife; by Mlm pardoe. James Gordon Bennett, his Ufa and Times. Maud, and other Poems; by Alfred Tennyson. MAGAZINES FOR SEPTEMBER. UoJey’s Lady's Book, Household Words, Leslie's Journal, I'eDrsun’s Magaslne, Ballou's Magsxina, Yankee Notions, iUacfcwood’n Magaslne, Leslie's Gaiette. All the New Books published in the country for sale at the cbmp Bookstore of H. MINER A CO., No. 22 dmilhheld street. r l UIK PATH, by the author of ** Alone ” X Ttc Kocaptxi Nun. Memoirs of the He*. Sydney Smith, Iq 2 vcii Clere Hail; by ilias Sewell. Memoirs of llennett and bis Times. Kranfe Leslie’s Gazette of fashion. J ust rewired and for sale at W. A. GILDENFKNNKY A CO.’S, Fifth eL, opposite the Theatre. BKANDIKI 1 UIiKKiSiS—A superior article for Hotels, Bars, Restaurants, Eating Houses, Ac., this day ree’d l»y [aug27] HKhBYH. COLLINS. I IMS—I6O bbla Louisville Lime received and for sale by J aug27 lIKNKY H. OOLLINB. C\ ill iINKY TOPS—WO Golhlo Chimney Tops, of various ; pattero*, tor sale by lIKNHY H. COLLINS. IKOH CITY COttAIIBKCIAIi COLLEGE. An Jmtilutum far the Busina* Manl INSTRUCTION given day and evening. Lectures each d»y. Writing, Book-Keeping, Mathematics, Koglneer uig, and all Lhe varieties of Braving, taught by practical Tea chord. Is an Institution to educate the Farmer, Mechanic, Mer chant and Professional man in various arts that are not taught in any other institution of the West. 4E#* All persons who have at any time since the estab lishment of the institution made arrangements for tsatrno tion in this College, are still entitled to attend, free of further charge. Report* heed not, but call upon thß Principal, at the People’s College, now corner of Wood and Fourth streets— soon at College Hall, opposite the Post Office. (eepl KJsVoLVEKtf' REVOLVERS!! —Just waived, by Kx prees, direct from the manufao ifnftlfftßWlfVfiffliil turerr, a splendid assortment of Goi.f’g REPKATiNU PISTOLS, four, five and fITOJ six Inch barrels, all of which we will fin sell for cash at as low prices as they 'SF can be bought In the city of New York. Personu going to Australia and California will find that they can do belter by purchasing their equipage at home, they can among strangers— as we give persons a chance to try any of the above Pistols before Isavlng the city, and In case of a fail ure we refund the money. BUWN A TETLHY, fgpl _ _l3fl Wood street, Pittsburgh. WANTS— Fifty goc-d, stoat, sober men will find constant employment on a Railroad ; wages, $1 per day. Ap ply_at_BAßK’3 Intelligence Office, 4XO Liberty si. [augdl [) 10 MKTAL—2OO tone Co&l Blast Charcoal Metal In yard and for sale by [aug2J J. W. BUTLER A lio. .UININK—2Ou ounces for sale by \ sepl B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. G*" AKRKTT*S BOOTOH BNUFF—SOOibs for sole by *>pl B- A. FAHNESTOCK A 00. ARTI&T M A iKKIALS—OoLO&S asp Qasv*A tine twJ eortment just received uui tor sale by FILMING BEOS. ALUM —*i,OOO Iba on hand aod for sale by aug27 FLEMING BROS. ALOUDOL —J ust received and for aide by »ng27 ILRMINQ BEOS. POWDERED JALAP—2OO Iba Jnat rac'd and for sale by eug27 FLEMING BEOS. POWDERED BLUE —UOQ Iba on hand and for sale by augg? .Fleming bbos. CUiKOMK YELLOW—4OUJba on hand and for Bale by ) anggj FLEMING BROS. CIOFFHK 250 bags Llo Just received and for sale by / aog26 SMITH, MAIB A HUNTER SUGAR —100 bhds prime N. 0. for Bale by aug2& SMITH, MAIB A HPNTKE. POWDERED BAYBERBY—2OO lbs for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., eepl corner First and Wood sis. SPORTING MATERIAL, of all descriptions, for sale loir by faugftN BOWN A TETLEY. p ATKS— »IQ matß jORt r«oal?ed and for aaie by J* HBYMKB A AHDB&SON, Ho, 99 Wood otrevc. “Sjbyv - - • - »r «t /'*^rii-t«> ,T »r''/-i-'T Ji'iV 2.- •t?rt-' r , J rf t\i . - .•! VVA fk-jf' . ■ - ■*>. . • V *v n . I By the Union Line.] Legion. TUB PEOPLE’S OOLLEQE *>'.■’> V COMMERCIAL POST PITTSBURGH BOARD OP THAI) 1C AMO mhuibhasts* ExciunuK. OFFICERS. /Wrtimf—■JOHN BHIPTON. Arif Vice fV«dm{-ffß, H. Bairn Second “ “ Wm. K. Brow* Secretary —Wm. g. Have*. Treasurer —Jomr D. Sou lit Superintendent— B. T. Nortqam. Ju . Qmmutse 0/ Arbitration for August—Vi R. Brown, V. P.; 0. W. lUckitsos, B. Bakxvtzll, Joun S. Dilworth, Isaac M. Pxsnock. DAILY REVIEW OP PITTBBUROH MARKETS, Offio* or tub Dajlt Moairwo Post, 1 Tuesday, September 4, 1855. j FLOUR—Sales 110 bbls extra from wharf at $6,25; 26 bbls extra from store at $6,80; 16 bbls extra from wharf at $6,60; 16 bbls extra from wharf at $6,26; 16 bblv extra from wharf at $f1,37J4; 200 bbls extra from wharf at $6,60 ; 160 bblfl extra from wharf at s6,fu, 60 bbls extra from wharf at $6,60. GRAlN—Bales 200 bus C.iru f.cm wharf at 60c. WHISKY—SaIes 25 bbls reettdeJ nt 37* ,c: 3u bUe raw at 86 bents. METAL—6O tons JuuUtu at $3O. Fix m r BUDA—IOO bags ciL at four oior. LAUD —Salas 2 Uvrre.t No 1 at 12c, ca-4i. 4fc*r The imports of Dry Goods for t!. u week are Uiow those ol tbs corresponding week oJ U»t year, uamely: 1364. 1366 Total entered at the P.ort $2,412,711 $2,u2H,889 Total thrown upon the market... 2,311,616 2 Vl6 Ul2 TELEGRAPH MARKETS Nrw York, September B—P. M —Ffour, holders hare submitted to a decline of bbl, and In some cases has been fully 37 %t V bbl, demand not very acilre but the serious decline drought in buyers fur export; the borne trade will not vary s great deal mure than suQHeot to eupply their Immediate wants; sales 18,(KW bbls at $6 75 @s7 76 for common to straight and extra; State $7 76w) $S 60 for mixed to fancy and low grad-sol extra; Western $9 60@$IQ 75furnewaud old extra Geunrest-e; included In the sates are 6600 bbls cnmrncn to straight; State sod low gr»Jo extra Ohio for export at prices within the range; sales 760 bbls common 10 straight for Norruiber at $7- there Is some desire to sell for December and January, but buyers and sellers are rather wide In their views; Canadian dull and lower, very limited transactions reported. Oralu, a lair business done iu Wheal, but holders have been com pelled to lower prices Jq order to realize sales; sales 31 Ow bushels at $1 70f Maryland sold at $2, Kye scarce, and In request at better price?; sales 7,60 u t>itw at si,lo@l t l2, part ou the spot, and the remainder to ar- Jive suou. torn is dull; prices rule in favor of buyers sales 70,000 bu 3 Western urx-d at nearly $1 • for home dm 76<0>86‘ /v . and one cargo at ST, closing heavy; ehlppirs do not oiler over 85c. Oats steady at 48w-52 lor Slate ami Western. WhUky : Sales 4i>o Lbla Ohio and prieou provisions: Pork firm, with a inoJ«ratively ae'ive demand; sales 360 bble At $22 37 far new mesa, and sla 76 and $19.87 for prime. Beef: D-matul pretty good, and it maintains very buoyant; >alre 6l>o bbls at $U 75oklnx Glasrea, New and Second Hand Household »ud Kltrbec Kqx niture, Ac., AT 7 O'CLOCK, V. M , Books, Stationery, Paucv Articles. Mualcai Instruments, Hardware and Cutlery. Clothing. Variety Oc-ois, Gold and SPTer watches, Ac. P. M. PA VlS,_Auj-Uoooer ;ja3l:tf P. H. DAVIS, Auclip&oor. ORPHANB' COURT SALE — By tirlueof an e rder cl lb* Orphans' Court c r AUeghec) County, I win rxpom u r aaie, at Public Vendue, on TUESDAY, the 2Hh of Septem ber, inaL, on the premises, at 10 oVlovk, A. M , all thoee three curtain lots of urounb -itu.te « u the (southern side of Centre avenue, in Pitt towushlp. being Lots marked and numbered—Nt.a. 67, fcs and ty, lu .lames B. Irwin's plan of lota, which plan is recorded In «aid ooaoty, In the Recorder's Office, iu Book 4ih L». vol. 77 Raid Lola having each a froot of twenty four leet un said avenue, and extending back iog tits s*m- width) one handrej and twenty feel to a street fort) i.sd wide— sil l Lots being the property of the mtuor helrt i»t Thomas Llviugslou, drcM. TVrm*—Ooe-thirJ rash, and the balance in ooe and twn years, with Interest, to be rerured by la-hU and mortgage WM KKKD, Guardian of u.ioor b.-ire rf T. Living-ton, dwM .*>l* l'. M. DAVIS, Aurt'i.iuenr. . Br*lG N KIS'B SALK UK l‘A KTN KItSII l P INTKHEBT i\ IN A GREAT MANUFACTURING KBTABU.HH MBNT Tlie undersigned. Assignor of I». King, wilj expose lo sale at puhlh- Anrtiou, at tb* M-rrhant*’ Ex change. Fourth et, Id the citytf on THURS DAY, the tub day of Septeinbor, lsf»a, nt 7 1 -. o', lix-k P il all the right, tit le, lnter«~t and oinmt ul said Hugh D. Klug’ an equal c»» panner, of. In anJ t.. the lirm idU ri»l and personal e..1-, im pletnenU, Ac., Ac. The value of this interest ran be approximated by bp In • pecthm of the proper! , books, Ac , for » hl«’h e r m j UcilKV a 11) b«* adimled. A l, 23 sbarea North America tVppc: Ft. k . 6 do ('hartiers Valley K. It. Co BUs-k. $ 176 paM iu. 660 do Bluff Mmio* Copper Ft t .k. Jue . lo do Allegheny Valley R. KOr Stock, pan uf. . 115 do pacihe Otdd Guartt Mimug d... $lOOO Bond Candaigna and Niagara Falls Hniir. >.l C.«, juponv attached, patahle in New York sloo Bond Erie uanal Ut> , 1 INmna ) and C«*rtifir«t.*j, pay ble at Erie Terma at ■«3e. WM. T. BAUM. Aa*l£ih*«i of 11. D. Klug Pittsburgh, Au* Jo. HI.. p'M. DAYJB, Au.fr I'O LBT—Tbfpfl eli-ry brick Bior*. No. Icj pmil! l.«IJ «fwt. r. M DAWS, Auctioneer, aagU corner Wood and Fifth pU. Allegheny Comity, •«. • UuMMONWKALTII u* I'KN N M L\ AM A to Mrv Naso Mi. Ci-i usVLa, wtJow, er.J other heirs oi Tuoim j r .'j, at the l Delano* ni Jisac- Wi 11 i.v-k.*. Jr, Executor of J AllE* Wu t l»o.1, J, py his Attorney, C. li. M. bumh You ato hereby cited to bn and appear before n;e, J. 11. 8088, RegUlnr for the Probate of Will*, of administration, Ac , Ui and for &&U County, on i t l>eior»? MONDAY, the 17lh jay of September next, at iny otH>, ut Pittsburgh, then and there to take c*u( letter* i f aJtuiui* (ration ou the eat ale of cald TIIuMAA M«:CuLLlr>YfcU. deceased, or pbow o»u*«. If au<, why nal.l letim.-, nhoulj ru t too to said J AUK 3 Wl !.K INfkJN, Jr, A Juno i? trail, r. A or to some other fit person. Given under tuy hand and seal ol iQW, at this 2stb day cf August, A. D. 136 b. aui-dOd It* w3t HAHIt CIIAnUC. 11 K EAT INbUCEit E A' T A WANTED —Ao Agent lu every County in lb*- Cun.-l Htateji, In anil a great National Work. -olitled, The American Portrait Ualliry, (WLO OKLt BV ai-KATU.i Containing nearly ftOo pagea, and over 37 u Portrait.* oi eminent personages who figured iu our early history. Boand in morocco, (marbled edges.) emblematic /ill hn J ing, (gilt edges,/and plain. Descriptive cireniars cent free by addrntMDg Q. A. CKUFUT, 7d South fourth st., _ftUg26riteod Philadelphia. APPLE 1* A HERS— Pratt’* Patent, a speedy and complete Parer, for all sizes of fruit; for sale, wholesale and retail, bv rjr*fr*3t«| JAMKH WAKP&OP BIRD CADEk—2 dotT Mocliug’ Bird Ckgoa’i" 2 do Canary do do 4 do assorted cites , Just rec'J and fc>r by |jyMl_ JAMES WAKDUUP t RAIN OKI LLti—Moor*'- i'ateut Improved, the Uioet \JT simple and complete Drill for Parmer* In ior Cull and examine. For tale, at manufurtnrerV pruin, u i the Implement Warehouse, 47 Flab street jydOrwSt* JAMES War! KuP. PATENT Oli)KH~MlLLft—With Motnl "cydoders, tor band or horse power ; warranted. For sole by jy3orw3t* JAMES WARDRmP Magazines for September— Harper’s Magazine for September : Putnam's do do Ballou's do do Peterson’s do do Godey’s Lady’s Book do Leslie’s Oazotte of FaabJon do Leslie's New York Journal do Harper’s Btory Book, for September. All the New York and Philadelphia papers for this week. For Books, Magazines or Papers, call or eend to W. A. GILDENFKNNKY A 00.’8, Rdpl Fifth at., opposite the Theatre. ALPACAS —A. A. Mason A CO. have just received 60 pieces of Black Alpaiae, all grades, of Very superior quality and lustre. sepl TAB LAINEB—A. A. MASON AOO are just opeulog I " Rome very choice and desirable colors of all wool and Persian De Lalnee. B epl TENANTS for’ all tile Dwelling Houses put coder our care, we are now prepared to procure tenants for others. Owners of vacant houses will find it to their lutereat to give us a call, as we have dally applications for house*. Also, collection of rente, in.-uran cea and repaint attended to. Charges moderate. Mpl ri'OP UUdll V A' A I'CI i O.N —’l liir* inurulQg, I‘rklny -L Aujftt moU. nt U,« Cuumar' clal Baku Rooms, comer 01 Wood auJ Filth btreeti.—One raperio* new Top lioggy. augSl l*. M. DAtIR, Aimt-er BAYS'S SUPKiUCII WHITE UREASE,'for Carriage*. Wagons, Carts, Dr ys and Omnibusa**, received and for nale by |aug3l} HENRY 11. COLLINS. UOOGA NUTS—IOOO Coco Nu'ii just rec’d and ror unit* by _ aug3l RKYMER A ANDERSON. HEMP SEED-—lt) bags received on coueignuieut and lor ttleby |au«7j JAMES WAKDRoP. FULTON CAK WORKS. FOUNDRY AND MACUINU SHOP. SAJfDUSK Y, OHIO. 'ILK subscriber having moved into bin new Work*, re- X cently erected, corner of Water, McDonough and Shelby street*, is prepared to contract for and execute all order* for PABBKNGKR, BAGGAGE. POST-OFFICE IJuUtiK FREIGHT, PLATFORM, GRAVEL, HAND, and all other descriptions of CARS. Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all sues, GEARING RAILROAD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other work Appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. The Foremen of the different departments are scientific and practical men-—mostly from Eastern manufactories who keep themselves informed and adopt all valuable mod em imnaoremunt*. W. W. WKTfIKRELL. aagS&tf Notice to Contractors, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Post Office In Blairaville, until the l9tb of September next, ana at Marshall's Hotel, in Saltsburg, on the 20th, for the Gradua tion and Masonry of BECTIONB NO. 86 AND 87, North Western Railroad—situated at New Castle Plans and specifications can be seen at the Koglo er .- Office, in Blalreville, on and after the lOih of September. All proposals to be marked as eucb on the outside aug2o:lw ALONE, PAINTER & GONDKK WAN T 8 —Cooks and Girls to do housework are wanted in city and country, who can give good references ; none else need apply. Siluatlcns wanted for a Gardener, a Carriage Driver, a Clerk or Salesman, Mechanics of differ ant branches, a Porter, a Laborer, a boy to learn a trade, a boy to attend store. A middle-aged man, exterluu'ed in traveling South and West, wishes a situation as trawling agent or conductor of cars; can give good reference Apply at BARR'S Intelligence Office, 41u Liberty st. «ug-i9:tf '• • • ’V/. .' '.’ ' \ * c> „ , * \ - ‘ .£ •&- * .* ; ; v -.* •* J-- -»*•■ iii ■+} *' ' p , ** £'**v ~. f. ,v sf - ’ ;\i '-v, ’ A v ; *'*•.*s!* ■*■ [By the Union Line j J II ROUli. K»»rlitr: S. CUTIIRKBT A SON, bd Mnrki‘l Htrrrt ■ • + * •* <9 % r *•. ' ;v*v- w i' ’ ■* X , AJS»S FOR RAWER JttEA. Btaqb of WATta.—Thera were 4 feet 8 inch*a in the channel last evening, by the pier mark, and the Allegheny swelling. The weather yesterday was lowering, attend*! with considerable rain. BuMnexe on the wharf was brlak— there being upwards of four hundred tone of dry goods shipped alone. We also learn by passengenj from the East thut considerable ralabad fallen this Bide of the mountains, and we may therefore look for a further rise in the rivers. Thi “Jacob Poe,” being detained from leaving yeaietday ou account of the weather, will positively go tuday. Wo commend our friend, Cupt. Btewart, and his polite assistant, Mr. G. W. Bailsman, to tho business community, for their liberal support. Tat steamer “J. B. Carson,” Oapt. Brlckell, being well freighted, will positively leave for Louisville to-day. She is well provtded with < very thing that travelers may require* and her officers are experienced and obliging. Tub steamer “ Empire City,” Capt. J. M. Yandergrift, leaves to-day for Bt. Louis. A recommendation from us of tbe boat or her officers is unnecessary. Call on board, at the office, and see Mr. Barr- There is no doubt those who travel on the Empire City will be Weil cared for. Ton steamer “ Wenona ” will leave today for Cincinnati She brought up IBCU sacks of wheat, averaging 2% bushels besides other freight, amounting to about 300 ions. Tus regular packet “ Convoy,” IbrGalUpolia, leaves to-day at 3 o'clock, touching at all intermediate ports. Tuk steamer ‘‘Eclipse’' is the regular Wheeling packet to-day. Bhe leaves at 10 o’clock, A. M. Oapt, Moore and Mr. Mellon, late owners of the Kentucky Home, have purchased the Ulara Dean, on the Ohio, for $14,000, for the Pittsburgh and Oincinuat! trade.— St. Louis Denuxra'. Tbe above contains about as many errors as can be well crowded into a three lino paragraph. It was CapL Geo. W Heed and Mr. James Mellon, late of the Kentucky Home, wbo purchased the Clara Dean. Tus Bt. Louis Democrat, of the 31st August, says: Thu river at this point continues ta recede, with only about three feet more In the channel than when it was at Its lowest lost winter. Tweoty-slx inches continues the re ported depth on tbe Lower Rapids, and falling. The Min nesota Belle end the Regulator are fast on the Lower Rap ids, the latter boat being on her way to Ilook Island, where phe will lie up. Tbe upper river, as far es heard ftom, vis : Dubuque, la falling. Freights up ihere are Dot too plenti ful. The Missouri continues to be reported falling, and in a bad condition for navigation—threewnd a half fret Is all that can be found on the worst bars. The Btar of the West Is aground at New Independence. The Ktdolph had kuocked a bole in bur hull. POST OP PITTSBURGH. •4 r**rS isciiss WATiu ib vet ohawnii. ARRIVED. bteamer Jefferson, Woodward, Brownsville. '• Luterne, Bennett, Brownsville. '• Gen. Bayard, Peebles. Elisabeth. “ Claru Fisher, Uenderlckson, West Newton. Venture, Gordon, Steubenville. " Michigan No. 2, Beret, Wellsville. Yurktown, Poe, Cincinnati. ” Oliftoa, Ebbert, St. Louis. ** Brazil, Grace, Bt.Looio. Eclipse, Moore, Wheeling. ” Freighter, Davis, Zanesville. DEPARTED. Steamer Jefferson, Woodward, Brownsville. •' Luiorne, Bennett, Brownsville. “ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. “ Clara Fisher, Henderickson, West Newton. “ Venture, Gordon, Steubenville. “ Michigan No. 2, Uerat, Wellsvtlle. “ Rosalie, Shepherd, Wheeling. ” Gen. Larimer, Steubenville. STEAMBOATS. Pittsburgh, SUabenrille and Whssling r Packets. 1 JjS Jfr The ROSA LI K, Captain A. 8. SuxpaxßD, and tiSuSsSanthe ECLIPSE. Oaptain D. Mooaa, will run as regular DAILY PACKETS, between Pittsburgh, SUuWnrllle and Wheeling, stopping at all intermediate ports. The ROSALIE will leave Pittsburgh 00 Monday*, Wed- Deadays and Fridays, at IQ o’clock, A. M. —Returning she will leave wheeling on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o’clock, A. M. The ECLIPSE will also leave Pittsburgh on Tuesdays, Tburwlar* and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock. A. M.— Returning, she will leave Wheeling on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri davii, at 7 W o’clock, A. SL For freight or passage apply on board or to J. D. COLUNOWOOD, Agent, not2B No. 166 Front street. Regular Tuesday Packet for Wheeling, Marietta and Ualllopolla. m k The new and splendid steamer CONVOY, Ijji»gߣgX£JowN Wolf, Jr., Master, K. Dshhauu, Clerk. leave for tbe above and Intermediate ports every Tneaday, at 4 o clock, l*. U , positively. Fur {reight, or passage, apply on board to >1 23 G.AI. lIABTON, Or C. BARNES. Aient?. For 81. liOula, ny Tbe • taamer OLIFTON, Capt □. W. Fuustv: aaotaa F»m*u, a«rk; will leave tur the •MSHBBSBaabove and Intermediate ports on WEDNKS DA Y, September 6th, at 10 A. M. Fur freight or passage apply on board, ot to •n-* _ FLACK A BARNES, Agents. For Cincinnati. ; __ The steamer YORKTOWN, Oaptain ,Tuomas [ -ILygl-APoi; Clerk. Feaxs McOxOakti; will leave for above and Intermediate ports on TUKS DA Y, 4, at ll> o'clock A. M. B Fur freight or passage apply on board, or 10 N»pS FLACK A BARNES, Agents. For Cincinnati aud Louisville. m> Tb# Bt«4iaer J H. OAKSON, C*pUlo D. 'I LieHMndßlUt-uu-, *m l«»T« for Ihe ito v» ixtd iotrr lifßfflWllltffiSam.hdUte port* oo TI'KtiDAY, i at 10 A. M For freight or passage apply on board, or to ■«k3l FLACK a BA USES, A^dU For Hi. Louis. __ The shramer BRAZIL, OepL R. J. Uiuci: | C. laXAlt; will leave tor the above and mediate porta on Tt'EBDAY, BepWmber lor freight or passage apply oo board, or to «*pl JOHN FLACK. Ag*ut (For Clnctuoatl, m— The splendid steamer WKN<>NJ , Oapt J N . Cirrfc, UnBUCSOH ; Will leave ft..r the antt Intermediate pott» ou 4, at 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to «t?pl BARNK* A CULLiNGWOoD. A h vuu. For Cincinnati anti Louisville. ■j The steamer JACOB POK, Oapt. A Brow |JEKqJ|*&»; 0. W bAtnutxn, Clerk; win i*«v« for the £gj£BS&3B&t* bove sod Intermediate porta od TUESDAY, 3-ptember 4, at It) A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to eugdl FLACK A BARN Bel, Agent*. For fit. Lout*, The steamer KMFIKN CITY, Captain J. W. Clerk, 8. U*ax, will leave for ■Kffifrslg|gla»th«i above and intermediate ports uu ‘I l S - L)A A , brptetnber 4. at 10 o’clock A. M. lor freight or passage apply on board, or to augiki FLACK A UAKNK3, Agents J* K, Barbour, IKVKK CLKRK, Br. LOOTS, Wo., (at W. N. Newell’* J office.) J. K. UARBOOU haring long experience In JLvetviDg and Discharging Freight for Steamboats, offers superior inducements to Steamboats deslriug a DISCHARG ING CLKRK. mj 4 HUUSKKRKFKILB and nil others who are annoyed with Roaches, Rats or Alice, should procure a box of the hUixlsier hUtervunalor, It nerer foils to clear the premises of the above troublesome pests. 25 cents per box, at aog'-’j NO. 63 MARKET BT. FOLIhH—To glre your turulture a Uril- A/ Maul polish, use the Scotch Polah, sold by the subscri ber. piles 25 cents per bottle, with full directions for use. |aug29j CUTIIBURT, W Market st. EMBROIDERIES— We will open this morning a splendid iot of new Embroideries, comprising— Book and Cambric Collars; Book and Cambric Flouncing*; Book Mandarin Sleeves. Albu, Black Hi I k Lace; Black Bilk Net. Ladies’ and Gents' Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. »“**-* A. A. MASON A CO. t 25 Fifth at. IyUiiß GROUND HP 10 KB—-Mace, Nutmegs, Cassia, AH «plc*. Olovea/Whlte Pepper, Whit* Jamaica Ginger, Airlcan Pepper, White and Brown Mustard Seed _ „ F. It. PRAVO, No. 1 Diamond. IT'NGLISH HBKAKFABT TtEA—lO chests of this superior A Tea, at 60 cents, just received at ObiDa Tea Btore *ug29 F. R. PRAVO, No. t Diamond. Wanted. A SITUATION in a Mercantile or Manufacturing estab lishment, as Clerk or Accountant, by a man of experi ence; or would accept for the present of any situation where he could make himself useful and earn a living. Any communications addressed ** S. B. \V.,” at the office of the Daily Post, wIU meet with prompt attention. aug2B:dlw+ P iSHBY'B NO. 27 PtSN—A fresh supply of Perry's Hlotr tie Pans, a very superior article, just received and tor sale by W. 8. HAVKN, aag23 Market street, corner of Pecood. BLANK BOOKS—a superior atcck of every description of Diank Books for sale by Ij'N VELOPES—A great variety of sixes, styles and quail !i ties for sale by [aug£3] W. 8. HAVEN. WHlUara PiUSMIUM KATHARJON cools the'head, and removes all symptoms of headache. Persons using WaiOUT'B KATUABION A re never liable to Bun-stroke. WRIGUVS PREMIUM KATUAHION In the most valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining the Hair In any required form. For sale by Dr. GKO. 11. KETSKH and K. K. SELLERS A CO., at 26 cents par bottle. augld \T/ liiUlTT'B PREMIUM KATUAKION etops Tbe~U.Tr W from falling out, and produce* a luxuriant WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION Ur'inoves all dandruff aod disease deponKe. For eale, wholesale, by RB. SELLERS A 00. (euglti WKlUara PREMIUM KATHa&ION ls~ the "gTvaiest lleautifisr of the agu. weights premium katiiarion Reuders the Hair soft and glossy. For sale by KKYS&R, HAFT, SCOTT and SELLERS, at 26 cants. _ auglfl MYLKR'B CHOLERA REMEDY—This valuable article, so veil known for its many cures, can be obtained at aUjfVfi NO. 63 MARKET BT. Dr. COOK'S RKMKDY FOR INTEMPERANCE —Per- sons who wish to refrain from the use of Intoxicating liquors can now obtain this valuable remedy. It la sold at the low price of $1 per bottle. In some coses one bottle effects a cure. The directions are simple; and If desirable, it con be administered without the knowledge of the pa- UeuL hold only in the dty by & L. ODIUBKRT, aug24 63 Market street. i)LAOK BILKS—A. A. MASON A 00. have just rec’d ) per express several pieces of Plain Black Bilks, of very superior lustre and quality. aog24 A A. MASON A CO. Are continuing to close out the • balance of their stock of Lawns, Berages, Challls, Chintzes, and other kinds of Dress Goods, at still further reduction in prlwSj aug24 HAKPKR— 600 Harper's Magazine for September, and only 20 cents per copy—the best number ever issued. Putnam for September, 20 cents; Godtjy's Lady's Book for September, (second supply,) 20c; Frank Leslie's Ladies' Gazette, 20 cents; Leslie's New York Journal, (third supply,) 18 can's; Ballou’s Magazine, do 10 dj Yankee Notions, (fourth supply,) 12 cents. Peterson's Magazine, do 17 do The above just received by Express and for sale at LA UPPER'S BOOKSTORE, sepl No. 30 Fifth street. a\o KAILUOaD OONTKACTORfI—SOhbIa Pork Legs, the beet and cheapest substitute for Bacon that can be ob tained in market, for sale by aug27 HENRY H. COLLINB. a V i ♦ O-' f i', * v '■ r *f * - *** ih» « 1 '-V Jl-*. THEATRE— J. 0. Fo9TBtt, sole Lessee and U.na- C°r; Wm. U. Rato, Stage Manager; Cuaelu Fosrra, Acting Manager. Treasurer, J. V. Boeitte. Boxes and P»rqu«tte.. ..60c. I Private Boxas, Urge 4 8 »S BRANDY of JAMAIOA and ST. CROIX RUM, ABAC. CIDER and PEACH BRANDY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS and SCOTTISH WHISKY, are acknowledged by the New York manufacturers by the great demand after them. Di rections for use will invariably be given by DR. LEWIS FEUCHTWANGEH, 141 Malden Lane. New York. P. B.—lmporter ot Daguerreotype Chemicals, PloUoa, Bismuth, Manganese; Tborn'e Ext.Copalra, Sulphate Am monia. Ac. Delaware county carpet manufacturing ASSOCIATION, ou the Chester Plank Road, two miles below the city line, offer to buyers this season. AXMINIS* Tfiß, tAPKSTRY, BRUSSELS, 3-PLYINGRAIN, DAMASK and VENETIAN OAR P ETI NG, at very reduced prices tor caah or city acceptance.(lnterest added) The stock, comprising also IMPORTED FABRICS of ovary variety! can be examined at the Factory Warehouses, Darby, oral the Stores, Nos. 18 and 20 N; SECOND at, PHILADELPHIA Wool bought, Spun, Dyed or exchanged for Carpets. Jel4:3m:lg J. SIDNEY JONES. lrving’s Great Work, 'T'UK LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON.—Tha'first vol- X ume of the above work Is now ready for delivery—the second volume will be ready shortly. It la nwtlj gotten up—printed on fine paper, with three or more portraits and plana. Price |2,00 per volume. This edition la published exciutJveiy by subscription, and payable on tbe delivery of each volume _ T. J. KISNKR A CO. are sole Agents for the above work. Office, No. 28 Fifth street, opposite Mason's, In Dr. G. K. Shaw's Optician Store. All orders addressed to T. J. K. A Co. will be strictly attended to. Canvassers wanted. aug2.-dawlm Falmcr’a Celebrated Rplaurean i^aqp f , STANDS PREEMINENT fur flavoring Soupe, Gravies, Flab, Meat, Game, Ac. We advise all goodhoosevivei to try It. Price 26 cents per bottle,at all Grocery and Fruit Stores in tbe United States and Canadas. For sale by M’OLURG and G. H. KBYBER, PUUburgh. . , A . , , P. T- WRIGHT A 00., janlfedawly Is 341 Market street. Philadelphia. DO YOU WISH SOME AMUSING BoOKS to lake with you to the country ; or If about to remain in the city du you wish an entertainiog Book to enliven yoor dull hours this hot weather, call at VV. A. GILDENFBNNKY A CO.'S Cheap Book*tore- No. 46 Filth street, opposite the Theatre, where j ou will rind the following New Books, riz : riUr Papers, by Henry W. Beecher; The Escaped Nun; A Visit to the Camp Before Sebastopol; Walkna, or Adrentore* oo the Blusqoito Shore; Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and bis Timed ; ttoesticks* new book; My Cunlesslon; Marv Lyndon : an autobiography ; 150 '\U. ln . Wl ’; 1)006 0< “O English Oplam Eatti ; The Tinker Bpj . Barney O'Elerdoo _ Arrow of Qotd. aogl4 f |'U* MKMUIUS Of JAMBS UOKBoN‘IiKN.NBTT, Ya~ X bljj Timm; by a celebrated JooroaihtL Letters to the People oo Health and Hapolnem: by Cath arine K. Beecher. Tba most complete and varied assortment of book* la the city can be found ou our aheivee. Pereooa leaving for the country will find It to their advantage to call on ua, a* we always make a deductien when selling a number at a liaie to one person. Doeeticfca* Great Book, containing all hte letters. Qom plete In one volume, Illustrated—|l. Fourth supply. * r * rm * ,OUrto ; Sltr3 - Caroline U. Butler Lain* Tt><# Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs ;hy the author i>/ Wild Western Scenes. Bister Hose; by Charles Dickon*—l2% cents. Mothor and Btep-Mother; by Charles Dlck«u—l2% ots. Cali In and look over our counters anil shelves, end send for vha lever you want In the boob line to U. MINER A CO-, - No. 32 Hmtthtteldgtnret. NKVV BiaJ&ji—At DAVIaON'B Boob and Stationery Store, 06 Market, near Fourth street. Harper for August. Mornings with Jesus—Jay ; $1,26 lie Qulncey's Note Boob ; 76 ceum The Escaped Nun ; $l. Theism—the l*ri*e Kesay ;$1 l>r. Speucer'e Sermons ; s*2,t>o ltase's Church History ; $3. Long Look Ahead Uoe ; $1,26. The Patlih SUle ; 76 cents. Mrn. Jamieson's Commonplace Book ; $l. Library edition of Roilln; 4 vote, large type. PvcrolYfl Course of English Head log; 76 cents. The awed beautiful edition of the Bible for private use— In large typo, and with maos; -Oiford. Jy3l IjUßll—6o bbls Labe Superior Saimon , A 1 6y half bbls do do To do White Fish, tl do Trout; 40 do l*ickerel; Uu bbls No. o large Mackerel, n«w; 6u half do do do do 16 bbls Baltimore Herring, do For sale by I )yld| UENBY U COLLINS. H'liK IlAiit OOLOtUNU FLUID does nut color or stain X the skin in the least, but In every case it will restjre the natural color of the hair, where age or sickness has turned It gray. A trial will setter; those u of amoet <. uru>;i and singular phenomenon, time Is, gray hair restored to its natural color, with all the strength and healthy growth of youth. Price only 60 cents per bottle. Bold In nit*burgh by 8, L CUTHBERT. &3 Market street. tt. CUTUU4ST —..... L. CUTOXJEAT. 8. CUTHBKRT ft SOS, GENERAL OOMMIS&IUN AUEXTB tor ths Sale and Purchase of Real Kstata,(hlhcUo& of Renta, Borrow* log and leaning Moneys ob Bonds and Mortgaged; also, fur making Sals* of Produce, Manufactured Articles, Ac., lor Farmers, Mechanics and othefa. Office, No. 53 Market street. and* K'LLls' FLUIb KXTtIAOr utf IiUOULD—b do» of Uxia -Ti excellent rucdlcine receive*! by . J 7 l y HKRPKTIO BOA F—For removing Tad, Bailownesa and Uedncsa of ibo BklQ ; IttUj cent* par cake. Superior Lily White, or Peurf Powder; BO: mud 12U el a. per box. Rose blossom flesh Powder, for beautifying the com plexion. Bold by augy 8. L. CUTUPKRT. 63 Market at. HADKAbOLUAl —A certain cure for Piles. Jib cents per box. Bold at b 3 MAUKBT BT. au«9 JUBT ' KK-JKJ V KD—UITIT KKLj'sTUNP, cheap”edluou— only 7b cents. Old bedstone, or Historical Sketches of Western Presby teriaulsm, Us rorly ministers, Us perilous times, and It" drat records; by Joseph Brnith, D. D. It Is the cheapest book we ever handled, and Is now within the reach of ull. for sale, wholesale and retail, by Of fIOK FOB Ki£NT—A neatly fitted up Otfice in second story, front, of Warehouse No, 97 First street. Rent low. [auglffl] J. W. BUTLKK A CO. I^OONOtaY'OIiIKB— Borne pure Crab, in boxes, **vtry j choice," just received and for sale by auglO MILLS It A RIOKETBON 4 A OLKVBLANU GRINDSTONES—A superior arlkle, ‘iv' just received end for Bale by B>i|rt BOVVN A TKTI.EY W. 8. HAVEN. IbILANDS, BTAMPB ANI> EYKNOILS-*ut to order, at Jl short notice, by BOWN A TETLEY, _au«2 __ 130 Wood street. IMVE Oil TEN SIINUTE* eufflcea for a sitting (to those 1 in baf»te)at CABOO’B, 70 Fourth street. The picture may then be called for. Open to Tlsltore until P. M. _ajig4 Ij'GOS —3 bbld Freeh Eggs received by Kail road u7ia day !i and for sale by faugT| HENRY 11. CO I.LINB ("IORN MEAL—6O bushels Corn Meal, ground this day, _.>_by laugBl F. R. DKAVO. rpOBAOOO— ~~ X 20 bxa Russell & Robinson’s 6a ami Us Lump Tobacco ; 16 do Win. H. Grant's 5s do do 16 do Grant A Williams' 6s do do 20 do K. Robinson A 00-’s 6s and 8s do do 2 cases “ dwarf boxes ” Cabanlse’a ball pound lump Oarendlah Tobacco; 1 case ** Yankee IHkkllo ’* do do; U casus Thomas’" Perfection pound lump Tobacco In store and for sale by augl6 POTAtill —10 casks Potash In store aod for sale by aoglS MILLKtt A RIORBTSOV, OTAII CAUDLES—IOO whole and half boxes Cincinnati O Star Candles, 4s, 6a and ds, in store and for sale by MILLER A RICKETSON. NEW AND VALUABLE BOOKS—Just received at DAVIBOETS, 05 Market street, near Fourth : Glaucus, or the Wonders of the Shore, by Kingsley; 60c Memoir of Rev. Sydney Smith; 2 vole.: $2. Which r the Right or the Left; $1,25. Mv Bondage and Freedom, by Fred. Douglass; 41 25. Wayland’a Intelleotual Philosophy ; $1,25. Bridge on UBth Psalm ; Da on Proverbs, Ac. Ac. Bodenhamer's Great Work (second edition) on the Disea ses of the Rectum, Anus, and Contiguous Textures, giving their nature, seal, causes, symptoms, consequences, and prevention; especially addressed to the non-professional reader; with plates and numerous cases; $2. Modern Mysteries Explained and Exposed, by Dr. Ma hon ; 41. Old Redstone; cheap edition ; 75 rents. , AS- Books forwarded by mail at a moderate expense. aug24 WANT SITUATIONS—A Gardener, a Carriage Driver, and a Bar-heepeT, (all Germans.) A Boy wants to learn the Watchmaking business. Foundries, Bolling Mills, Railroad Contractors, Ac., can find their help at BARR'S intelligence Office, 410 Liberty tTveU aug24 WHISKER GROWER I —Rosemary is a perfect whisker grower. To force the beard and whiskers to grow, use It dally, rubbing it well into the roots of the beard. It also curls and thickens the hair. Price 25 cents per bottle, with full directions. Bold at NO. 53 MARKET BP. AMUSEMENTS. ptticKa or ADMisaioa, CAKPETINGS. JOS. FLEMING. J. 8. DAVISON, 65 Market street, near Fourth. 136 Wood f»t. MILLER A RICKETSON. •j J *->-■ ,y‘. J «';.*£s£;-v ->- • -’f -v* MEDICAL. The Graofenberg Dysentery SyruT-, a ap etitf anti lnfalllbla rematly iu Diarrhtaa, Dysentery> Wnwl; link, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and the AaiaMo Cholera, 1/ taken with the flret eymp toms, via: votalUng anU.aUrrhoea It uer.r fells to cure the woret possible cases of bowel complaints, generally In a few hours, seldom beyond • day. it is purely vegetable, and taken in almost any quantity u perfectly barrnl ess. Price 60 cents. The Graven berg Green Mountain Ointmont, Invaluable for Burns, Wounds, Sprains, CLilMnitu, Cums, Sores. Swellings of all kinds, UhrumatUaj, Kiy efpelas, Bronchitis, Bcrofu!a, Ulcers, I'aius In the Side or Back immediately relieved, Inflammation.' of the Bowels, and for all oases where there Is Inflamma don. Price Twenty five cents. Marshall’s Uterine Catholicon. A certain cure fur Prolapsus Uteri, and for most of the distressing complaints incident to Females. Pre pared by Dr. Tha/>. Pomeroy of Utica, solely for the Graefeuberg Com pany. Price SB,OU. The other Graefeaberg Medicines are Bye Lotion. Health Bitters. Cbnsumptive Balm. Children't Panacea. Jkwr and Ague JPiUs. Libby’s Pile Ointmmi. Sarsaparilla Compound. The Graefenberg Manual of Health, A complete haml-book of medicine for families—price 60 cte. Office, 414 Broadway, New York. CAUTION. The public is requested to besr in mind that everything prepared by the Graefenberg Company has their seal upon it. Bpurious articles have been issued closely resembling the genuine in every particular except the seal, and the utmost care should be observed before purchasing. Bold wholesale and retail at Dr. KKYSKE’S, 140 Wood street. iyl7:d»wta 49“ A Faot worthy of Hscord and Alton* tton —WEIGHT'S TONIO MIXTURE, a guaranteed and certain cure for FEVER AND AGUE. This preparation for the treatment of the above disease, and perfect eradica tion of the cause, is one of the most important Chemical Discoveries of the 19th century, lie neutralising effects on thapoisonous gases are Instantaneous, and acts like a charm upon the whole Nervous and Muscular System, re storing the tone'of the Stomach, and Invigorating the Con stitution. Unlike the general remedies resrrted to for its treatment, such as Quinine, Arsenic, Ac-, which leave the system worse than they found it, it improves the general health, purifies the blood, and stimulates the different organs to a regular and healthy action. Being prepared under the immediate supervision of an eminent Chemist, uniformity of strength may always l*e retied on. Its unprecedented demand, and the thousands of testimonials from eminent Physicians, and others who have been thoroughly cured, are a sufficient guarantee of its superiority over ail other preparations. We can only add, in conclusion, if you are suffering from Fever and Ague, fry il and be cured I PKXBB T. WRIGHT t 00, Ml Market ek, Philadelphia. And all respectable Druggists throughout the united States and n»n«ijp|t For sale by GEO. 1L KEYBER, No. 140 Wood street, and R. E. SELLERS, Pittsburgh. ap27RawBm is 49*Bald Haads and Hard’s Hair iieato rer—Poqukxabuocs, Or., Feb. 9,1966 This bto certify that 1 have used HURD'S HAIR RE STORER” three months, and where my head was bald is now covered with a long growth of new hair. Capt. Gao. Q. BcuAHUt, of Whale-Ship Montezuma, Chemical Manufaduring Ch.—Gents: Previous to using your Hair Restorer I was greatly troubled with my hair coming out. After using three bottles the remaining is strong and firm, and presents a rich, glossy and healthy appearance. Yours, truly, H. R. Woodwoeth. Poqorahnocs, Or., Feb. 16,1566. This Is to certify that 1 have been using “ Hobo's Ham Rasmus*’ about three months; and, now, where my head was bald, it Is covered with a new growth of hair, almost three inches long. 1 have been Laid over twenty years. Auai Adams. Sold, wholesale and retail at Da. GEO. H. KXYSER’3, J«l® No. 140 Wood street* 49»Slck Headache and Neuralgia or Emut YiAßfl StAKDma Cubxd or OAKELY'S DKPURATTVK BYBUP. —Mr. William Trimble, M , Kelvy*s Row, Bayards town, Fifth Ward, sayß he was cured of Sick Headache of eight years standing, by three bottles of Oakeley’e Depurm tire Syrup. He had tried various physicians without a cure. He is now entirely weiL Oakeley’s Depnrativels for Rheumatism, Scrofula, Tetter, and all eruptive diseases- For sale wholesale and retail, DR. KEYSBR'S, No. 140 Wood street, Bigo of the Golden Mortar. Price 76 cents per bottle. Adjourned Orphans* Court Sale of Real BY virtue of, and in pursuance of an order of the Or phan*’ Ooort of Allegheny Coon y, 1 will expo&e to aalo at PUBLIC AUOTION, on the premises, in end nrar the Borough of MoKKESPORT, on MONDAY, the 3d day of September cext,at 11 o’clock A. M., the following described REAL ESTATE, late or Dr. GEORGE HUEY, deceased, to Wit Let 87—On north side of Third street, west of Market. Lot IW—Cu the bank of Monutigahttla river, wesi of Mar ket street. Lot 167—0 n the east side of Market street, and two story Frame House thereon. Lot 168—On east side of Market street, and one aod a half story Frame House. Lots 222 and 233—0 n south side of Eighth street, east of Market. Lots 236, 237 and 23S—On north side of Ninth street. tfcJL Alt the above Lots are 60 by 140 feet. ado— 33 Lots, of various dimensions—principally, how ever, CO by 140 feet—being part of two out-lota, which were subdivided into building lots, a«d are now within the Bor ough limits. The Pittsburgh and Coonellsville Railroad runs in the centre of these Lots, and they are convenient to the place selected for ihe Station House. They are well located for manufacturing purposes, fronting on the Monong&hela river, convenient to coal, In a handsome and thriving town, and will have all the facilities or thw Railroads, East and West. Amo—A Farm, containing about 126 acres, known as the “CROOKKI) RUN FARM,” on which are a Brick and a Frame House, and other improvements. This Farm is about half a mile from McKeesport, and when the P.iC. Railroad is completed, will be about twutt auxorm* suns from Pittsburgh. It is a beautiful location Bar country residences, and a part of it well calculated for Gardening purposes. The Monongwheia river la lts northern bound ary ; the State Read runs through it, also the P. iC.RU, giving to the occupants a choice of conveyance* to Pitts burgh. TERMS—One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with interest; to be secured by bond and mortgage. ALEX. MILLAR, Adm. de bon. non cum test, auntuto, of the Estate of Dr. Ova Huey, deceased. aug2D O UPKiUoK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT AUCTION. O —On Thursday morning, September 6th, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of Wm. A. HUI, Esq . at Evergreen Ham* let, will be sold, (as he is removing,) his entire Household and Kitchen Furniture, which Is of superior quality, and kept in the bent order; among which will be found Piano Forte, Mirrors, Ualr and Plush Seat Sofas, Divans, Chain and Rockers, Card and Centre Tables, Parlor, Chamber, Hall and Stair Carpets, Paintings and Engravings,Lamp*, Mantle Clocks, Mahogany Secretary and Booh. Cave, Walnut and Mahogany Wardrobes, High and Low Postand French Bedsteads, Walnut and Mahogany Dressing Bureaus, Work and Wash Stands, Fancy and Common Chairs, Dining and Breafcfkst Tables, China, Glass and Queensware, and a fall assortment of Kitchen Furniture. Cooking Utensils, Ac. Also—One superior Barouche, for one or two horses; one Buggy, with top; Double aod Blngle Harness; Ae., Ac. 49* Omnibusses will leave the Hand street Bridge at 8 and 0 o'clock on morning of sale, to convey purchasers to the premises. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer, augothdlw ' Heal £•(■!« for S*l« or Uenl. THAT desirable property, the residence of WILLIAM A. HILL, situated at BYSKGRHKN HAMLET, Is offered for sale or rent. Possession giren immediately. Apply to either of the undersigned. ALFRED B. CURLING, comer of Second and Wood eta. ROBSRT ROBB, comer of fifth and Wylie ets. G. FOLLANBBEB, 106 Liberty etreat. angfflhfllw WaUbta, Silver Ware I A VERY SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT of Gold and Silver A. Watches now in store, from $lO to $276. Wo are the exclusive Agent for the sale of the celebrated (XFrodaham'd Improved Chronometer Timekeeper!; also, F. B. Adams A Bon, Stoddart, Cooper, Tailor, Johnson en-f other, approved Watches kept for sale at less than Eastern prices —owing to lighter expenses, and a desire to retain onr home trade as much as possible. Special attention U devoted to the repairing of Watches and Clocks, Jewelry, Ac. Silver Spoons and other geode manufactured in my own shop. Tea Ware, Jewelry, Military and Fancy Goods Id large variety. W. W. WILSON, aug23 corner Market and Fourth stu Dissolution of Partnership. THE Partnership formed by the undersigned and James O’Neal, in carrying on “ the Camden Coal Works,*’ under the name and style of JONES, O'NEAL A MILLER, is now dissolved. ISAAC JONES, July 7th. 1866. JOHN D. MILLER. BVU.DISQ LOT VOU HAL.iL. A LOT 21 feet fronton WYLIE street, and extending back 109 feet to Wide alloy. On the rook part of the Lot iaa Cellar Wall, built for two email Houses. This Lot is in a desirable location for A residence; and will be sold low, and on favorable terms. Title good, and clear from Incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. QILLMORB, JylS At Office of Morning Post. JULY MAUAttINKS Harper's, for July 20 cento. Putnam, “ 20 44 Graham, " ...20 44 Qodey,Bdeup., u .20 ** Knlclterboker, “ 20 ** Leslie's Qax’tu, u 20 “ Peterson's, “ - 17 “ Leslie's Jour*!, “ 18 u Blackwood, for Jane. v All who vent NEW BOOKS, and as soon as issued, lower tyn can be bad elsewhere, should cell at LAUFPEK'B BOOK STORE. Jy2 87 Wi ‘ JKANKTrjii— She la dressed in silks and satins, And her step Is fall of grace; She is loyely in appearance— Bat what a sallow face! H«r headsareniaaU, but 01 howronitr She Barely does not know ’ ThalHHßrimO SOAP In Just the thing, And then the price Is low. ~T t“ Herpetto Soap has been nsod with mat success fcr thepeat Are y«rs, fcr remoylng lan, Sallownese, end Bed trees ortho skin, healing &U Ohaps and Chafes. Ofcly ia^ l£ZS£*ldft 18 if BB 110 T>“*’ JUBT iiKOKrYKD, at Mo. 107 Market street, a l&rue a», aortment of Youths’Oairaad Patentlather Uongras Giitere. Prices Low jjfa SULPHURIC AOID TUsL—(Wordbaosenuu 'Vitriol 1 just received and for sale by VKnol,J * n « 3 ILEiUNQ JBBOBf K Vi'JORATING COEDIAL, ■A pUKNOMJSff ON J2t MKDICUfR, IltaJO ileatored and I>W«. fceßßthaoad Df . ' ’ • MORSE'S INVIGORATING BtlXia TT will replace weakness with fatrangth, Incapatlty wle ■*• efficiency, Irregularity with uniform and natural ac tivity, anj this not only without basard of reaction, but with a happy effect on the general organisation. n« r In mind that all mAladles. w her aver they bagln, finish with the nervous system, and that the paraUsatioo of the nerve of motion and Mnsutina la physical death. Bear In mindr also, that for every kind of nervous disease, the Elixir 0ot« dialia the only reliable preparative known. OUUM Of NERVOUS DISEASES. No oun couv.y kn , de> 0( lnuaf _ Jl.to .Dd miroeuious ch»„ s . wh loh It OMadon, In Whoth T ; ,) “ Wlll!,tod uittoua oyrtam, whathor brotoo do™ by „ CMJ , bj or Y lt . »I by «l-:Snr e —lhi uortronj aud rola le l brgaullatiau 1. ot *r,co braced, roTirlbed aod built up. Th. u..a..| so , physical pyluptorua of tusrcou» diuaasa tug-ahtr un. der lu inilueuoo. Nor ia Ibo eloot temporary ; for tt» Qor’ dial proper Lies of Uro modidue reach the constitution lt»U and restore it to Its normal condition. * Confusion, giddiness, rush of blood to the hmti, melan choly, debility; hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of self destruction—fear of Insanity, dyspepsia, general prostra, tioo, irritability, nervousness, inability to sleep, 'llvniffftt incident to males, decay of the propagating functions, hys teria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation of the heart, impotaccy, constipation, etc-, from whatever causes arising It is, If them be any relhsnco to be placed on human teitl* mony, absolutely Infallible. A GREAT MEDICINE FOB FEMALES. The unpareilsled effects of this great restorative in all oomplaintsincldentto females, mark a new era In the annul* of medicine. Thousands of stimulants have been invented— thouwmds of invigoranla concoctoJ—all purporting-to he apeemed ip the various diseases and derangements towhlch the delicate formation of woman render her liable EVERY WOMAN OF-SENSE, Who suffers from weakness, derangemant, aervonsneM, tremors, pains In the back, or any other disorder, whsther peculiar to her sex, or common to both sexes—to atr* th* invigorating Cordial a trial. 169 MARRIED PERSONS, Orothers, will find this Oordlal otter they have used a bot tle or two, a thorough regenerator of the system, la eii directions are to be round the happy parents of healthy off spring, who woald not have been so but for this extraordi nary preparation. Audit is equally potemfor the many die eases for which It Is recommended. Thousands ot youDg men have been restored bousingJt,'and not in a single!:,- stance has it failed tc benefit them. PKIIBONB OF PALS COMPLETION.' or consumptive habits, ore restored bj the use of a bottle or two to bloom and vigor, changing the skin from a pale, yel» low, eictlj color, to a beautiful florid complexion. These are some of the ead end melancholy effects produ ced by early habits of youth, vis: weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of mus cular power, palpitation of the heart,“uyepepela, nervous Irritability, derangement of the digestive functions, general debility, symptoms of consumptions,etc. Mentally, tno fearful effects on the. mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil forebodings,aversion toeoc!ety,eel£dißtrust. love or solitude, timidity, etc., axeeomeot theevUsurodc cod. All thus afflicted BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most nt cessary requisites to promote connubial happiness; indeed* without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage—the prospect hourly darkens the vievr; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be • oomes blighted with your own. Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited by some unprincipled persons. In future, ail the genuine Cordial will have the proprie tor's fao-eimUe pasted over the cork of each bottle, and the following words blown in the glass: I Dr. Botn'a Invigorating Cordial, a H. Bnra.Pnqiil.tor, H. ¥] The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint ties—price three dollars per bottle, two for fire for twelve dollars. C. H. RING, Proprietor. 193 Broadway, & Y. Bold by Druggists throughout ths.United States, and the west Indies. New London, Cfc NoaWlCfl, Feb 8,1865. Pittsburgh Ds-QEO. H. KBYSEB, No. MO Wood ol Do. PUSHING, EBOB., No. 00 Wotd St. Do. R. E. SELLERS, Wood stroet. All«heny OIty...BECKHAM A M’KENNAN: Do. .... - JAMES T. SAMPLE A CO4 Do J. P. PLKMINQ. •Agent or 0M0...J. D. PARK, Clnckmoti. f apllidswly GERMANBXTTEES, PREPARED BY ’ DE. C. M. JACH6OH, Philadelphia, Pa., WILL arrEOTUALLV CUES LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Distaste of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Constipa tion, Inward Piles. Folnera, or Blood to the HeadtAddjtyof tbeStomaoh, Nausea;lleartburu, Disgust for Food,* Fulness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking, or Flattering at the Pit of the Stomach, Bwimming of the ff»nd t Harried andJHQlcult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Ghoak lng or Suffocating Sensation when inlying Posture, Dimnee t of Vision, Dots of Webs before the Bight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side. B&ak, Chest, Limbs, Ac~ Sudden Flushes of Heat Burning In the Flesh, Constant Imagin ings of Bril, and great; Depression of Spirits. The proprietor, In calling tho attention of the public to this preparation, Uoea so nit a feeling of the utmost confl* dance In Its virtues and ada) atlon to ths diseases for which it Is recommended. It is no new and untried article, but one that has stood the test of a tea years' trial before the American people, and iis reputation and enle is unrivalled by anv similar pn • parations extant The testimony In its favor given by the most prominent and well known Pbyuioians and Individu als, in all parts of the country is immense. Referring any who may doubt, to my “ Memorabilia,"or Practical Receipt Book, for Farmers and Families, 10 be bad gratis, of all th Agents for the German Bitters. Principal OtUoe and Manu&otory, 130 Arch street, Phila delphia, Fa. AS*Bold by Dr. Geo. 11. Keysor, U 0 Wood street; B. A Fahnestock A 00., No. tt Wood street; Fleming Brothers 60 Wood street; El. P. Swartxand J. P. Fleming, Allegheny decl&niawly ie fPR. BROWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, de- n votes hie entire attention to un ofltoe practice. Hla buhioees id mostly rvnnned to Private Mg Venereal Diseases, and anch paLniqi affections, brought on by Imprudence, youthful indulgence and excess. ByohilU*.SyphiliticEruptions,tiouorrbea, Gleet, Strioture, Orethrol Discharges, Impurity of the Blood, with ail Disea sed oi ih«* Venerea) organ. Skin Diseases, scorbutic Erup tions, Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Impotency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weak ness, Monthly Suppressions, Direaaes of the Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Paine in the Back Loins, Irritation of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated. Cure gusranUi-d. Twenty years' practice (ten in this city) enahlea Dr. Brown to oQer assurances of a apoody cure to all who may come under his care. Office and Privets Consultation Rooms, 41 Diamond alley, fi®* Charges moderate. nov&alawly RHEUMATISM.— Dr Brown's newly discovered remedy for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy for that painfui trouble. It never fail#. Ufilce and Private Consultation Rooms, No. 41 Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor Is always at borne, novfcdawly Joseph W bite's Carriage Jtteposltory* JOSEPH WHITE, now carrying ou basb ry*wrt m ne&s in bis spacious premises, (nowreffllMlßny* lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh andjgfgmraSSp- Oreonsburg turnpike, near the Two Mil